Weinmann Medumat Standard Ventilator - Service Manual

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Servicing and

repair instructions

MEDUMAT Standard a

WM 22800
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6. Repair information and repair instructions . . 22
6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Symbols used on the ventilator. . . . . . . . 5 6.2 Replacing the sieve in the compressed
gas connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2. Description of ventilator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.3 Changing the foam insert in the pressure
2.1 Uses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 relief valve outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Ventilation function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.4 Opening the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3 Controlled ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.5 Closing the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4 Assisted ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.6 Changing the batteries . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Checking course of ventilation . . . . . . . . 8 6.7 Replacing the fuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Patient valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.8 Replacing the alarm signalling device . . 25
3. Final Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.9 Replacing the potentiometer
3.1 Test resources required . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (for setting pressure or frequency) . . . . .26
3.2 Preparations for final check . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.10 Calibration after removal of PCB or
Pot 28 (frequency) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
3.3 Entering device data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.11 Replacing the circuit board . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Testing for leaks and checking pressure
reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.12 Replacing the pressure gauge . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Device self-test after switching on . . . . . 10 6.13 Replacing the pneumatic block . . . . . . 32
3.6 Functional check on alarms . . . . . . . . . 11 6.14 Replacing the pneumatic block with
angled outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
3.7 Checking assisted ventilation . . . . . . . 12
6.15 Changing the Air Mix/
3.8 Functional check on frequency setting . . 12 No Air Mix switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
3.9 Functional check on tidal volume at 6.16 Replacing the upper housing section. . . 38
4.5 bar delivery pressure and 10 mbar
counterpressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.17 Replacing the housing base section . . . 43
3.10 Checking oxygen concentration. . . . . . 14 7. Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.11 Functional check on pressure limit . . . . 14 7.1 List of spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.12 Functional check on exhaust valve 7.2 Maintenance set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
without patient valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8. Tools and test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.13 Checking equipment and accessories 8.1 General tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
(system components) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.2 Special tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.14 Checking external condition . . . . . . . . 15
8.3 Test equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.15 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9. Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4. Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9.1 Pneumatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1 Intervals and Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.2 O2 content when using Air Mix . . . . . . 52
4.2 Batteries and fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
10. Technical Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3 Adjusting the pressure gauge . . . . . . . 17
4.4 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 11. Repair and inspection log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.5 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

© Copyright Weinmann GmbH & Co. KG.

The content and presentation are copyright protected and may only be used by authorised Weinmann Service Partners in the
course of their service operations. The content must not be reproduced or passed on to third parties. The complete documents
must be returned on termination of the cooperation with Weinmann.


For decades, Weinmann has developed, manu- have already received from Weinmann, you are
factured and distributed equipment for emergency now a "trained, qualified expert" and are able to
medicine, oxygen therapy and inhalation therapy. instruct your clients correctly, rectify faults yourself,
and perform the functional checks described in the
In 1972, Weinmann introduced the first instructions for use, as well as conduct any repairs
MEDUMAT emergency ventilator to the market. which may be necessary, as outlined in these ser-
MEDUMAT emergency ventilators are automatic vice and repair instructions.
resuscitators. They are used for controlled respirati- In the event of a guarantee claim, MEDUMAT should
on in emergency medicine, e.g. in the event of be returned to Weinmann.
acute ventilatory disorders, and for secondary ob-
structions. To enable us to process any guarantee or goodwill
claims, please return the consumer's proof of
The new generation of equipment, which was purchase (invoice) together with the device.
especially developed to meet the requirements of
users and launched on the market in 1997, offers Repairs and maintenance work must be carried out
users and patients an enhanced level of safety. An only by Weinmann or by knowledgeable experts.
intelligent alarm system monitors the patient's brea- You are responsible for all repairs performed by
thing and notifies the user of any malfunctions. yourself and the warranty thereof!
Hence, this technology offers even greater safety
and reliability during respiration. Only original Weinmann spare parts should be used
for repair purposes.
The aim of these service and repair instructions is
to familiarise you, as a knowledgeable expert, with Please remember:
the MEDUMAT in terms of function, technology Your customer trusts you and relies on your experti-
and repairs. In conjunction with the training you se, just as you rely on Weinmann.


The following information can be found in the description and operating instructions for MEDUMAT Standard a:
• Safety instructions:
See chapter 2.
• Mounting with the wall bracket STATION MEDUMAT,
Mounting of accessories:
See chapter 3.
• Operation of the MEDUMAT emergency ventilator:
See chapter 4.
• Hygienic preparation:
See chapter 5.
• Functional check:
See chapter 6.

Introduction 3
1. Overview

Control panel MEDUMAT Standard a

1 Ventilation pressure gauge 2 Alarm panel 3 Alarm acknowledgement


4 Air Mix/No Air Mix switch

5 Minute volume regulator

6 ON/OFF switch
assisted ventilation

7 Colour code

8 Ventilation frequency regulator

9 ON/OFF switch

10 Max. ventilation pressure regulator

MEDUMAT Standard a connections


wall mounting
11 Pressure gas connection

13 13 Connection for ventilation hose

14 Pressure gauge hose connection

15 Relief valve
O/I 14 O/I
16 Dust cover
17 Mixed air filter


wall mounting
up to appliance no. 1669 from appliance no. 1669

4 Overview
1.1 Symbols used on the ventilator

Inlet 2,7 - 6 bar O2.

MEDUMAT Standard a device information plate

SN Serial number of device

Year of manufacture

Do not dispose of device in domestic waste.

Safety check and servicing label

Servicing label: indicates when the next service is due.

Safety check label (in Germany only): marks when the next safety check as per §6 of the
German law relating to users of medical devices is required.

Overview 5
2. Description of ventilator

2.1 Uses

MEDUMAT Standard a is an automatic (short-term) ventilator.

You can use MEDUMAT Standard a: MEDUMAT Standard a:
• to revive patients at the site of an emergency • is used for controlled ventilation of persons
with a body weight of about 10 kg upward,
• on a longer term basis in more protracted
or for assisted ventilation from about 15 kg
emergencies, e.g. fires.
body weight;
You can use MEDUMAT Standard a whilst trans-
• is used to treat respiratory arrest;
porting patients:
• can be preset to parameters that ensure evenly
• between the various rooms and departments balanced ventilation provided that the selected
of a hospital; maximum ventilation pressure Pmax is not ex-
• between the hospital and other premises; ceeded;
• in emergencies; • can be supplied with additional modules for
aspiration and oxygen inhalation. (N.B.
• when transport over a considerable distance is
MEDUMAT Standard a cannot be used as a
ventilator simultaneously with these modules)

2.2 Ventilation function

MEDUMAT Standard a operates within a pressure

range of 2.7 to 6 bar and at a flow rate of not less
than 70 l/min O2. It has a built-in power pack.
The gas used for ventilation is highly compressed
medical oxygen, which is reduced to the required 11
operating pressure by a two-stage external pres-
sure reducer. The oxygen supply is fed in at input
valve 11.
The continuously variable ventilation frequency
and the inspiration/expiration ratio of 1:1.67 for
controlled ventilation are controlled by electronic
control routines within the device.
Regardless of the ventilation mode selected, the
patient is free to use the patient valve to take a
spontaneous breath between ventilation cycles. In
that case the patient draws the air for breathing
from the surroundings.
The gas for inspiration flows along the hose and
through the patient valve and either the mask or the
tracheal tube into the patient’s airways. The patient
valve is fitted with a lip membrane that enables ex-
pired gas to be conducted away through the expi-
ration tube.

6 Description of ventilator
At the normal Air Mix setting, atmospheric air is ad-
mixed to give an O2-concentration of between
55% and 85% at 10 mbar ventilation pressure Air Mix Air Mix

(see „9.2 O2 content when using Air Mix“ on

page 52).
In certain indications and in cases where the sur- O/I No Air Mix O/I
No Air Mix

rounding atmosphere is contaminated, you can

switch to No Air Mix and ventilate with pure oxy-
The injector unit is switched off when switching
from Air Mix to No Air Mix. This increases minute
volume which can result in the set pressure limit be-
ing exceeded and a stenosis alarm (Stenosis) being
triggered. In this case, set minute volume corre-
spondingly lower.
In the opposite instance, in other words when
switching from No Air Mix to Air Mix, the injector
unit is switched on. This reduces minute volume
which can lead to the set pressure limit being un-
dershot. In this case, set minute volume correspond-
ingly higher.

2.3 Controlled ventilation

After switching on, MEDUMAT Standard a is auto-

matically in the controlled ventilation mode. This
means that the intubated patient receives mandatory
ventilation cycles which depend on the ventilation
values set on the device.
Mandatory ventilation cycle: it is not the patient, but
the device which determines the time of the next

2.4 Assisted ventilation

In addition to the controlled ventilation mode the

MEDUMAT Standard a provides an assisted
ventilation mode.
Once you switch on the assisted ventilation mode
by pressing the Assist button, a green LED flashes
to indicate that this mode is operating.
Triggered ventilation cycle: the patient can trigger a
ventilation cycle by making an effort to breathe.

Description of ventilator 7
Within a time window of 40 % of expiration, the
patient can now start a triggered ventilation cycle.
To do this the patient must create a flow of at least
5 l/min by making their own efforts to breathe.
If the patient’s efforts to breathe are not sufficient to
trigger a cycle, the patient automatically receives
a mandatory ventilation cycle at the end of the time
window, thereby ensuring compliance with the set
minute ventilation.
This function allows the device ventilation cycles to
be synchronised with the patient’s own efforts to
Between mandatory ventilation cycles the patient
has the opportunity to breathe ambient air via the
patient valve.
If the patient does not trigger the device, an alarm
is set off. The patient then receives controlled ven-
IPPV: Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation
(= controlled ventilation).

2.5 Checking course of ventilation

You can check the course of the ventilation on pres-

sure gauge 1.

2.6 Patient valve

The gas for inspiration is channelled into the pa-

tient’s airways through the patient valve.
The patient valve is designed so that even in the
event of failure of the MEDUMAT Standard a,
spontaneous breathing is possible regardless of
Lip membrane
which ventilation mode you selected.

Diaphragm for Diaphragm for

expiration arm spontaneous
breathing arm

8 Description of ventilator
3. Final Check

After any repair and maintenance work, the device We recommend you to keep the following parts in
must be subjected to the following final check in stock:
accordance with the Test Instructions WM 22805
• Replacement seals for device connections;
and Test Record.
• Replacement dust filter;
For a final check on the MEDUMAT Standard a • Lip diaphragm for patient valve;
you must connect the respiration tube and the pa- • Diaphragm for spontaneous breathing arm;
tient valve.
• Diaphragm for expiration arm;
If the final check reveals any faults or deviations
• O-ring 1145/118.
from the specified values, you must not use the
MEDUMAT Standard a.

3.1 Test resources required

• Oxygen concentration measuring device,Type Oxycontrol WM 13550

• Volumetric flowmeter, Type RT 200 (Timeter) or Type EKU VIP – Ventilator
• Functional check test set WM 15382
• Adjustable orifice, e.g. ball valve, internal diameter ≥ 10 mm
• Set: hose with injector WM 15359
• Pressure gauge 0 - 6.3 bar, class 1.6
• Pressure gauge 0 - 100 mbar, class 1.6
• Set, supply test Medumat / Modules WM 15440

3.2 Preparations for final check

1. Connect MEDUMAT Standard a to test equipment.

2. Set MEDUMAT Standard a with switch in position No Air Mix to Freq. = 40 min-1, MV = 5 l/min and
Pmax = 60 mbar.

3.3 Entering device data

• Enter the device type, device number and date of manufacture in the Test Record.

Final Check 9
3.4 Testing for leaks and checking pressure reading

3.4.1 Testing for leaks on the inlet side

• With device switched off, apply pressure of 6 bar to inlet side and shut off outlet pressure.
• Set lever to No Air Mix.
Requirement: The pressure drop must be less than 0.2 bar/min.

• Set lever to Air Mix.

Requirement: The pressure drop must be less than 0.2 bar/min.

3.4.2 Testing for leaks in pressure measurement segment

• Apply pressure of 60 mbar to pressure measurement segment of Medumat.
• During the measurement, a traction force of approx. 3 N must be applied manually to the elbow outlet.
Requirement: The pressure drop must be less than 2 mbar/min.

3.4.3 Checking pressure reading

1. Attach T-connector with injector (WM 15359)
Test pressure
to pressure measurement connection 14. gauge
2. Connect test pressure gauge 0 - 100 mbar or
Timeter to free end of T-connector (pressure
gauge/volumetric flowmeter not supplied with
device). O/I
3. Use injector to create a pressure of 55 mbar
as shown on the test pressure gauge. :

Requirement: Respiration pressure reading must not 14

deviate from set value by more than ≤ 1.5 mbar. Pressure gauge


3.5 Device self-test after switching on

1. Apply approx. 4.5 bar to the inlet.

2. Switch on MEDUMAT Standard a.
Requirement: The self-test is activated: all 6 LEDs light up together and a brief signal tone sounds.

10 Final Check
3.6 Functional check on alarms

3.6.1 Stenosis alarm check up to appliance no. 1799

• Set MEDUMAT Standard a to the Air Mix setting at f = 40/min, MV = 3 l/min and pmax = 60 mbar.
Close patient valve outlet.
Note: Over-response of needle is normal.
Requirement: The stenosis alarm must be activated after two respiration cycles.

• Set MEDUMAT Standard a to the No Air Mix setting at f = 40/min, MV = 3 l/min and pmax = 60 mbar.
Close patient valve outlet.
Note: Over-response of needle is normal.
Requirement: The stenosis alarm must be activated after two respiration cycles.

3.6.2 Stenosis alarm check from appliance no. 1800

• Set MEDUMAT Standard a to the Air Mix setting at f = 40/min, MV = 3 l/min and pmax = 60 mbar.
Close patient valve outlet.
Note: Over-response of needle is normal.
MEDUMAT Standard a briefly switches to expiration if the maximum ventilation pressure is exceeded,
but then tries to continue inspiration in the same inspiration phase.
If the maximum ventilation pressure is exceeded for a second time during the same inspiration phase,
the unit finally switches to expiration and vents the patient tube system completely. The next inspiration
begins with the following ventilation stroke according to the frequency selected.
Requirement: The stenosis alarm must be activated after two respiration cycles.

• Set MEDUMAT Standard a to the No Air Mix setting at f = 40/min, MV = 3 l/min and pmax = 60 mbar.
Close patient valve outlet.
Note: Over-response of needle is normal.
Requirement: The stenosis alarm must be activated after two respiration cycles.

3.6.3 Alarm acknowledgement check

• Immediately after first alarm tone sounds, press button 3 (alarm acknowledgement).
Requirement: The alarm tone must be suppressed immediately.

3.6.4 Disconnection alarm check

• Open patient valve outlet.
Requirement: The disconnection alarm must be activated after two respiration cycles.

3.6.5 Pressure alarm check

• Shut off pressurised gas connection of Medumat (2.7 - 6.0 bar).
Requirement: The pressure alarm must be activated.

Final Check 11
3.7 Checking assisted ventilation

Connect ventilation tube with patient valve to test bag.

1. Set MEDUMAT Standard a to MV 8 l/min, Air Mix, f = 8 /min and Pmax = 60 mbar.
2. Switch on Assist button 6, green LED in button flashes.
3. Wait for two inspiration phases.
Requirement: The visual alarm No Assist is actuated (flashing yellow light in alarm field 2).
The acoustic alarm does not cut in until one minute has elapsed.
4. Simulate inspiration impulses (negative pressure) by squeezing the test bag several times before the next
During simulation the pointer must swing into the negative sector and reach at least -0.8 mbar.
Requirement: The yellow No Assist LED must go out on inspiration.

3.8 Functional check on frequency setting

Connect respiration tube to 10 mbar orifice and to volumetric flowmeter, then set MEDUMAT Standard a to
MV = 11 l/min
1. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 5 min-1.
Requirement: The measured frequency must be 5 ± 1 min-1.

2. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 15 min-1.

Requirement: The measured frequency must be 15 ± 2 min-1.

3. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 25 min-1.

Requirement: The measured frequency must be 25 ± 2 min-1.

4. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 40 min-1.

Requirement: The measured frequency must be 40 ± 2 min.

Patient valve with
tube system

Volumetric flowmeter Orifice 10 mbar


12 Final Check
3.9 Functional check on tidal volume at 4.5 bar delivery pressure
and 10 mbar counterpressure

1. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 15 min-1 and MV = 20 l/min.
Requirement: Tidal volume must be 1300 ± 200 ml.
Switch MEDUMAT Standard a to position Air Mix.
Requirement: Tidal volume must be 1300 ± 200 ml.

2. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 15 min-1 and MV = 11 l/min.
Requirement: Tidal volume must be 730 ± 110 ml.

Switch MEDUMAT Standard a to position Air Mix.

Requirement: Tidal volume must be 730 ± 110 ml.

3. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position No Air Mix, Freq. = 40 min-1 and MV = 5 l/min.
Requirement: Tidal volume must be 125 ± 25 ml.

Switch MEDUMAT Standard a to position Air Mix.

Requirement: Tidal volume must be 125 ± 25 ml.

Patient valve with
tube system

Volumetric flowmeter Orifice set to

10 mbar

Final Check 13
3.10 Checking oxygen concentration

1. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position Freq. = 10 min-1 and MV = 11 l/min with 100 % O2.
2. Check O2 concentration in position No Air Mix.
Requirement: The O2 concentration must be greater than 98 %.

3. Check O2 concentration in position Air Mix.

Requirement: The O2 concentration must lie between 50 % and 65 %.

3.11 Functional check on pressure limit

1. Connect respiration tube to test bag.

2. Set MEDUMAT Standard a to No Air Mix, Freq. = 8 min-1 and MV = 9 l/min.
3. Set pressure limit to 20 mbar.
Requirement: The pressure limit must respond at 20 ± 5 mbar and trigger the stenosis alarm.

4. Set pressure limit to 60 mbar.

Requirement: The pressure limit must respond at 60 ± 5 mbar and trigger the stenosis alarm.

3.12 Functional check on exhaust valve without patient valve

1. Run MEDUMAT Standard a in position f = 8 min-1 and MV = 7 l/min.

2. Connect patient valve to device outlet with expiration outlet closed, without lip diaphragm and with test
Requirement: The test bag is completely inflated in one inspiration stroke. The respiration device can then
be heard to exhaust.

14 Final Check
3.13 Checking equipment and accessories (system components)

• Respiration tube with patient valve undamaged and in working order

• Functional check test set in working order
• Pressure reducer in working order
• O2 cylinder within test deadline; valve in working order
• Support plate complete and in working order
• Medical products book present
• Operating instructions present

3.14 Checking external condition

• Check external condition of device.

Requirement: No mechanical damage to housing.
Device labels with operating information are legible.
Sealing sleeves are properly seated.
Pressure gauge zero reading is correct.
Connecting thread G3/8 is undamaged and functions smoothly.
All rotary knobs are self-locking against inadvertent readjustment.

3.15 Documentation

• Document points 4 to 14 in the Test Record, along with test date and tester number.

Final Check 15
4. Servicing

Always remember to carry out a technical safety check of the ventilator after every repair.
MEDUMAT Standard a must be serviced regularly.
We recommend having all maintenance work, servicing and repairs carried out either by the manufacturer
Weinmann or by a qualified agent expressly authorised by that company.

4.1 Intervals and Scope

Every 2 years:
Every 2 years, you must subject the device (including patient valve and tube system) to a technical safety check
in accordance with §6 of the Regulations for Users.
The servicing and inspection may also be carried out by the manufacturer Weinmann.
The following points should be observed:
• Check that the equipment is complete • Check test bag.
• Visual check for: • Repeat testing of aluminium oxygen bottles
WM 1821 and WM 3621 by the Technical
– physical or mechanical damage
Testing Association. The specified testing date
– correct markings on controls
is stamped on the shoulder of the bottle;
– damage to all external hoses;
• Final check in accordance with Test Instructions/
• Replacement of worn components/
Test Report STK WM 22805
compulsory change parts (see “7.2 Mainte- (see “3. Final Check” on page 9 and see “11. Re-
nance set” on page 46); pair and inspection log” on page 53.
• Check of system components: transport plat-
forms, oxygen supply fittings, secretion suction
system, hose connections etc.

Every 4 years:
• Servicing of the fittings in the oxygen supply system (e.g. pressure reducer) either by the manufacturer or
by a qualified agent expressly authorised by him.

Every 10 years:
• Repeat testing of the conventional steel or aluminium oxygen bottles by the Technical Testing Association.
The specified testing date is stamped on the shoulder of the bottle.

16 Servicing
4.2 Batteries and fuses

MEDUMAT Standard a is fitted with two batteries

which must always be changed together:
A button cell CR2430 18 supplies the electronics
with auxiliary power if the capacity of the main 18
battery 20 is exhausted. This means that an alarm
can still be activated in the event of sudden failure
of the main battery. The device switches to expira-
As a general rule, the capacities of the batteries
are designed in such a way that under normal us-
age conditions, they do not need to be changed
during the 2-year servicing intervals. Within the
context of the prescribed 2-year servicing, the bat-
teries are replaced completely. 18: Button cell for auxiliary power
19: Fuse to prevent internal short-circuiting
We recommend that the batteries be changed
20: Lithium battery 3.6 V for main power to
only by the manufacturer Weinmann or by authori-
MEDUMAT Standard a
sed specialists explicity authorised by them, since
special precautions must be taken to protect the
electronics (see “6.6 Changing the batteries” on
page 24).

4.3 Adjusting the pressure gauge

In the idle state, with MEDUMAT Standard a deactivated and the oxygen cylinder closed, the needle of the
pressure gauge must point precisely to “0”.
To adjust the needle, proceed as follows:
1. Carefully lever out the plastic cover of the ad-
justing screw.
2. Adjust the needle with the adjusting screw
using a small screwdriver (e.g. watchmaker’s Adjusting screw
3. Re-insert the plastic cover.

4.4 Storage

If you are not intending to use MEDUMAT Standard a for a long period, we recommend the following storage
1. Clean and disinfect the ventilator (see Important note!
“5. Hygienic preparation” of the description Remember that the ventilator still requires servicing
and operating instructions for MEDUMAT). at the stipulated intervals even when in storage,
otherwise it cannot be used when removed from
2. Store MEDUMAT Standard a in a dry place.

Servicing 17
4.5 Disposal

Do not dispose of the unit with domestic waste. For proper waste disposal of the equipment, please
contact an approved and certified waste disposal site for electronic goods. Ask your Environmental
Officer or town council for the address.

18 Servicing
5. Troubleshooting

Defect Cause of defect Elimination

Perform a functional check
MEDUMAT Standard a defective
MEDUMAT Standard a (chap. 3., page 9)
cannot be switched on Replace both batteries
Battery failure
(chap. 6.6, page 24)
Obstruction of airways
Tube incorrectly positioned
Stenosis alarm Pmax set too low Arrange for repair
(excessive airway resistance)
Obstruction in tube/mask
Perform a functional check
MEDUMAT Standard a defective
(chap. 3., page 9)
Check that valve membrane is
No stenosis alarm Valve unit membrane leaking
properly seated
Ventilation hose leaking/slipped out
Tube/mask incorrectly positioned
Disconnection alarm Check connections
(interruption of breathing Pressure gauge hose leaking/
system) slipped out
Perform a functional check
MEDUMAT Standard a defective
(chap. 3., page 9)
Oxygen cylinder nearly empty Change O2 cylinder
< 2,7 bar alarm (oxygen Oxygen valve closed Open oxygen valve
pressure too low) Pressure reducer defective Replace pressure reducer
Kink or blockage in oxygen hose Take action to correct
Replace both batteries
Alarm + – Battery failing
(chap. 6.6, page 24)
Visual alarms flashing but no
acoustic alarm.
Switch off and on again. If error
Acoustic alarm but no visual Short-term electronic disruption or
recurs, perform a functional check
alarm electronic failure
(chap. 3., page 9)
Acoustic alarm and all visual
alarms flashing
Pressure gauge hose on
MEDUMAT Standard a is MEDUMAT Standard a or on
functioning but without any patient valve slipped off Check pressure gauge hose
Kink in pressure gauge hose
Measured without 10 mbar
MV too high Set to 10 mbar counterpressure

Troubleshooting 19
Defect Cause of defect Elimination
Measuring device not calibrated Calibrate measuring device
Inlet pressure > 6 bar Adjust system to below 6 bar
Check diaphragms and O-ring,
Patient valve not in order replace if necessary (Chapter 6.7,
page 37 of Operating Instructions)
MV not correct Reset adjustment knob
Adjustment knob incorrectly set
(chap. 6.9, page 26)
Replace pneumatic block (chap.
6.13, page 32) or replace
Leak in pneumatic block
pneumatic block with angled outlet
(chap. 6.14, page 34)
Seek and eliminate leak (Chap.
Unusually high oxygen
Leak in oxygen supply 6.2, page 34 of Operating
MEDUMAT Standard a Keep switch depressed for at least
User error
cannot be switched off 2 seconds
Manometer needle not Manometer needle needs
Adjust (chap. 4.3, page 17)
standing at “0“ adjustment
Patient does not trigger device within Adapt ventilation frequency to suit
time window patient
Continue ventilating in Controlled
Patient does not trigger device at all
Alarm No Assist Ventilation mode
Insert new valve membrane
Valve membrane in spontaneous
(Chap. 7.4, page 46 of Operating
breathing arm defective or missing
Make correct setting (Chapter 6.5,
Incorrect setting selected on device
page 35 of Operating Instructions)
Adjust (chap. 4.3, page 17) or
check (chap. 3.4.3, page 10)
Pressure gauge not reading “0”, or pressure gauge
Replace pressure gauge (chap.
6.12, page 31)
Check diaphragms and O-ring, if
Patient valve not in working order necessary replace (Chapter 6.7,
page 37 of Operating Instructions)
Pressure limit (Pmax) incorrect Patient valve or test bag incorrectly
Check tube connections and bag
MV not correct See defect “MV not correct”
Check tubes and replace if
Tube connections in device faulty
necessary (chap. 6.13, page 32)
Pressure sensor on circuit board Replace circuit board
faulty (chap. 6.11, page 29)
Replace adjustment knob
Respiration adjustment knob faulty
(chap. 6.9, page 26)
Pressure measurement connection
Replace (chap. 6.8, page 25)

20 Troubleshooting
Defect Cause of defect Elimination
Replace top of housing
LEDs do not light up
(chap. 6.16, page 38)
Alarms (visual and acoustic) Check settings, check tube
faulty Incorrect indication connection to patient valve
(Stenosis/Disconnection) (Chapter 6.7, page 37 of
Operating Instructions)
Replace circuit board
No alarm (visual + acoustic) Circuit board faulty
(chap. 6.11, page 29)
Alarm acknowledgement pressed Wait for 30 – 120 s
No acoustic alarm Replace alarm sensor
Alarm sensor faulty
(chap. 6.8, page 25)
Replace circuit board
Pressure sensor faulty
Alarm < 2,7 bar despite (chap. 6.11, page 29)
existence of pressure Check tubes and replace if
Tube connections in device faulty
necessary (chap. 6.13, page 32)
Elbow connector in device loose or
Leak at pressure inlet Check (chap. 6.17, page 43)
Check tubes and replace if
Leaks in tubes in device
necessary (chap. 6.12, page 31)
Leak in pressure sensor on Replace circuit board
circuit board (chap. 6.11, page 29)
Air Mix/No Air Mix switch Replace switch 4
faulty (chap. 6.15, page 37)
Replace pneumatic block
(chap. 6.13, page 32) or replace
Leak in pneumatic block
pneumatic block with angled outlet
(chap. 6.14, page 34)
Measuring device not calibrated Calibrate measuring device
Incorrect measurement sequence Check No Air Mix first, then Air Mix
Replace switch 4
Air Mix/No Air Mix switch faulty
(chap. 6.15, page 37)
O2 concentration not correct
Replace pneumatic block
(chap. 6.13, page 32) or
Pneumatic block faulty replace pneumatic block with
angled outlet (chap. 6.14,
page 34)
Calibrate potentiometer
(chap. 6.9, page 26)
Frequencies incorrect
Replace potentiometer
Potentiometer faulty
(chap. 6.9, page 26)
Ventilation parameters wrongly
Correct ventilation parameters
Test bag is not sufficiently selected
inflated during functional
Patient valve not working properly Check lip membrane
check, disconnection alarm
Pressure gauge hose not fitted Fit pressure gauge hose
No stenosis alarm when
patient valve is closed during
Patient valve not working properly Check lip membrane
functional check (chap. 3.9,
page 13)

Troubleshooting 21
6. Repair information and repair instructions

6.1 General

Repairs to MEDUMAT Standard a should be carried out only at an ESD workstation!

• Please follow the safety instructions for • Please ensure that your hands and workplace
MEDUMAT Standard a on page 9 of the are clean when carrying out repairs.
description and operating instructions.
• After each repair, please perform a functional
• All handling of the device pre-supposes a check (see “3. Final Check” on page 9).
precise knowledge of and compliance with
the description and operating instructions and • When you replace components or individual
the service and repair instructions. parts, please use original Weinmann parts only.

• Please carry out only the repairs described in • When ordering the housing base section 30
these service and repair instructions. Other- please specify the device model, year of con-
wise, perfect functioning of the struction and device number.
MEDUMAT Standard a cannot be guaran- • Note:
teed. The item numbers used in the following text
match the item numbers in the spare parts list
on page 44 and the overview on page 4.

6.2 Replacing the sieve in the compressed gas connection

Tools required:
• Slotted screwdriver,
• Tweezers.

1. Unscrew the slotted screw at the compressed

gas connection 11.
2. Using the tweezers, remove the sieve set 64.
3. Carefully insert a new sieve set 64 into the
compressed gas connection.
4. Screw the slotted screw back into the com- 64
pressed gas connection.

22 Repair information and repair instructions

6.3 Changing the foam insert in the pressure relief valve outlet

Tools required:
• Tweezers.

1. Use tweezers to remove foam insert 15.

2. Place a new foam insert 15 in the outlet.


6.4 Opening the device

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2.

1. Carefully place the device on a non-slip sur- 30 30

face and unscrew the 6 screw 42 from the rear
panel of the device.
2. Pull off the housing base section 30 and fold it

42 42
up to appliance no. 1669 from appliance no. 1670

3. Next, loosen the connecting tube 48 from the

oxygen inlet by pushed back the sleeve on the
angular bush 31 and pulling out the tube.



Repair information and repair instructions 23

6.5 Closing the device

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2.

1. Push the connecting hose 48 into the angular

bush 31 as far as it will go. 30
2. Place the housing base section 30 onto the up-
per housing section.
Make sure that none of the lines are pinched, and
that the twistlock 12, the grommet 41 and the an-
gled outlet with pressure measurement connec-
tion 14 are correctly seated.

3. Next, secure the housing base section using 41 12 angled outlet 12

the 6 screws 42.
4. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

14 42 42
up to appliance no. 1669 from appliance no. 1670

6.6 Changing the batteries

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the device” on page 23).
2. The main battery 20 can be removed by lifting
the battery out of its holder and then pulling
connector X1 from the circuit board.
3. To remove the button cell 18 , gently lift up the
plus contact and pull the button cell out side-
ways with your other hand.
4. Insert the new batteries by proceeding in the
reverse order.
Make sure that the wires for the main battery are X1
not pinched and that the button cell is inserted
with correct polarity! 20

5. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the

device” on page 24).
6. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).
Remember that used batteries must not be disposed of with your domestic waste. Used batteries should be taken
to a collection point in your area, or to a specialist dealer.

24 Repair information and repair instructions

6.7 Replacing the fuse

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the device” on page 23).
2. Pull out the defective fuse 19 upwards.
3. Carefully press a new fuse 19 into the holder.
4. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
5. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

6.8 Replacing the alarm signalling device

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 1.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the device” on page 23).
2. Up to appliance no. 1669:
Pull the pressure measurement connection 14
upwards out of the housing wall.
3. Pull the connector X5 from the circuit board. 44
4. Unscrew both screws 44.
5. Remove the defective alarm signalling
device 24.
6. Insert the new alarm signalling device 24.
7. Secure the alarm signalling device using the
two screws 44. up to appliance no. 1669 14 X5
8. Push the connector X5 onto the contacts on the
circuit board.
9. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the X5
device” on page 24).
10. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final 44
Check” on page 9).

from appliance no. 1670

Repair information and repair instructions 25

6.9 Replacing the potentiometer
(for setting pressure or frequency)

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm,
• Special tool WM 22829 from special tool set WM 15349.
• Calibration device WM 22836

1. Lift off the lid 36.

2. Using the special tool, hold the control knob 37
steady and loosen the nuts with an L-handled
socket wrench (10 mm).
Just loosen – do not remove, otherwise the knob 37 36
will be dismantled into its component parts.
3. Pull off the control knob 37.
4. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the
device” on page 23).
If you wish to replace the potentiometer 28 for respiratory frequency:
5. Remove the battery 20, by lifting it out of its
holder and then pulling connector X1 from the
circuit board.
Pull on the connector only, not on the lead!
6. Pull the connector X3 from the circuit board. X1

7. Unscrew both the screws 43 and remove the

potentiometer 28.
8. Insert a new potentiometer 28 and secure it us-
ing the screws 43.
9. Push the connector X3 onto the contacts on the
circuit board.
10. Connect the connector X1 of the battery to the
circuit board and insert the battery into the 43 28 20

11. Secure the control knob 37:

– Push the control knob onto the spindle al-
most to the limit.
– Hold the knob steady with the special tool
and screw it down. 37 36

26 Repair information and repair instructions

12. Check the display on the control knob: At the
left limit, the white line must indicate the lowest
If this is not the case, loosen the nuts and align
the control knob.
13. Perform calibration (see “6.10 Calibration after
removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)” on
page 28).
14. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
15. Turn the MEDUMAT Standard a round.
16. Place the lid 36 on the control knob 37.
17. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

If you wish to replace potentiometer 29 for respiratory pressure:

5. Pull the connector X4 from the circuit board.

6. Press both tubes 46 towards the circuit board
and hold them there.
7. Unscrew both the screws 43 and remove the X4
potentiometer 29.
8. Insert a new potentiometer 29 and secure it us-
ing the screws 43.
9. Push the connector X4 onto the contacts on the 46 57 29 43
circuit board.
10. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
11. Turn the MEDUMAT Standard a round.
12. Secure the control knob:
– Push the control knob onto the spindle al-
most to the limit.
– Hold the knob steady using the special tool
and screw it on. 37 36

13. Check the display on the control knob: At the

left limit, the white line must indicate the lowest
If this is not the case, loosen the nuts and align
the control knob.
14. Place the lid 36 on the control knob 37.
15. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

Repair information and repair instructions 27

6.10 Calibration after removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)

The control knob 8 controls an EPROM on the printed circuit board of the MEDUMAT Standard a. To ensure
correct setting of the minute ventilation, the EPROM must be calibrated after every removal of the PCB or of
potentiometer 28.
Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Calibration device WM 22836.

1. Remove the back of the housing. To do so:

– Place the device on a non-slip surface and
unscrew the 6 screws 42 from the back of the
device. 42
– Pull off the lower part of the housing 30 and
swing it out of the way. 30

2. Now detach the connecting tube 48 from the

oxygen inlet by pushing back the angular
bush 31 and pulling out the tube.


3. Switch the calibration device off at the toggle
switch. The Status LED is not on.
4. Connect the power cord of the calibration
device to connector X6 on the circuit board of
the MEDUMAT Standard a.

5. Switch on the MEDUMAT Standard a. You

must hear the valve switch.
6. Switch on the calibration device at the toggle
switch. The Status LED lights up.
7. Press the bottom button Start/Stop on the cal-
ibration device. When it is pressed, all the
LEDs on the calibration device light up.
5 c/p
B t
0 du

1 dar ed

ta M



8. As soon as you release the Start/Stop button,

communication between the devices is auto-
matically established. While this is happening,
the LEDs 10, 30 and Start/Stop flash.
Once the Start/Stop LED stay on continuously
and LEDs 10 and 30 have gone out, commu-
nication is established. The solenoid valve of
the MEDUMAT Standard a does not switch
any more.

28 Repair information and repair instructions

9. Turn the control knob 8 on the
MEDUMAT Standard a to the setting
10. Press the top button on the calibration device.
The corresponding LED 10 must light up.
11. Turn the control knob 8 on the
MEDUMAT Standard a to the setting frequen-
12. Press the middle button on the calibration
device. The corresponding LED 30 must light
13. Press the bottom button Start/Stop on the cal-
ibration device. All LEDs except Status go out.
You must hear the solenoid valve of the
MEDUMAT Standard a switching.
14. Switch off the calibration device at the toggle
15. Disconnect the calibration device from the
MEDUMAT Standard a.
16. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
17. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).
18. Turn MEDUMAT Standard a off.

6.11 Replacing the circuit board

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Side nippers,
• Cable tie,
• Calibration device WM 22836.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the device” on page 23).
2. Remove the battery 20, by lifting it out of its
holder and then pulling connector X1 from the
circuit board. X7 54
Only pull on the connector, not on the lead!
X2 X1
3. Pull connectors X3, X4 and X5 from the circuit
board. 20
4. Release the flat cable from the locking
device X7: To do so, pull the upper part of the
locking device upwards. You can then pull out
the cable. X4 X3

Repair information and repair instructions 29

5. Carefully pull the tube 47 from the sensor B2. 54
6. Using side nippers, cut through the cable
tie 55 at the tube 49.
7. Carefully pull the tube 49 from the sensor B1.
If the tube cannot be pulled off, you may cut
through it (e.g. using a scalpel).
In such cases, the tube must be replaced (as
explained in step 10.).
47 B2 49 55 B1

8. Carefully pull the tube 54 from the sensor B3.

If the tube cannot be pulled off, you may cut
through it (e.g. using a scalpel).
9. Unscrew the two screws 43 and remove the
defective circuit board 23.


10. If you have cut through the tube 49 under
point 7. , please replace it as follows:
– Using side nippers, cut through the cable 55
tie 55 at the distributor.
– Pull off the tube.
– Slide a new tube 49 onto the distributor and
secure with a cable tie. 49

11. Replace the alarm signalling device (see “6.8

Replacing the alarm signalling device” on
page 25).
12. Replace the potentiometer (see “6.8 Recplac-
ing the potentiometer”, page 26).
13. Place the new circuit board 23 onto the spacer
brackets. The points of the spacer brackets
snap into the circuit board.
Make sure that no leads are beneath the circuit
board, where they may be pinched.
14. Secure the circuit board with the two short
screws 43.
15. Slide the tube 47 onto the sensor B2.
16. Slide the tube 49 onto the sensor B2 and secure
it there with a cable tie.
17. Slide the tube 54 onto the lower connection of the
X7 54
sensor B3.
X2 X1
If you have cut through the tube 54 under
point 8., please replace it. 20
18. Push the connectors X2, X3, X4 and X5 onto X5
the contacts of the circuit board.

47 B2 X4 49 B1 X3 B3

30 Repair information and repair instructions

19. Connect the connector X1 of the battery to the
circuit board and insert the battery into the
20. Place the flat cable into the locking device X7:
To do so, pull the upper part of the locking
mechanism upwards, slide the cable into it,
and press the upper part down again.
21. Perform a calibration (see “6.10 Calibration after
removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)” on
page 28).
22. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
23. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

6.12 Replacing the pressure gauge

Note: The pressure gauge is identical to the respiratory pressure meter described in the instructions for use.

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Open-ended spanner SW 7,
• If necessary, side nippers,
• If necessary, cable tie.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the

device” on page 23).
2. Unscrew the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 2. to 10.).
The tubes 47 and 49 may be left on the circuit
3. Release the pressure gauge tube 53 by
pushing back the sleeve of the swivel screw 53
connection 35 and pulling out the tube. 35


Repair information and repair instructions 31

4. Using an open-ended spanner (SW 7),
unscrew the swivel screw connection 35 from
the pressure gauge 1.
5. Using your fingers, press the pressure gauge 1
out of its holder.
You will find the pressure gauge easier to remove
if you dribble a small amount of spirit between
the pressure gauge and the holder.
6. Wet a new pressure gauge 1 with a small 47
amount of spirit and press it into the holder.
Take care to install the gauge in the right position,
so that it is easy to read.
7. Screw the swivel screw connection 35 onto the
pressure gauge.
8. Push the pressure gauge tube 53 into the swiv-
el screw connection as far as it will go.
9. Secure the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 13. to
10. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
11. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

6.13 Replacing the pneumatic block

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm,
• Special tool WM 22829 from special tool set WM 15349,
• If necessary, side nippers,
• If necessary, cable tie,
• Calibration device WM 22836.
1. Lift off the lid 36 from the control knob for
minute volume 37.
2. Using the special tool, hold the control knob 36
37 steady and loosen the nuts with an L-han-
dled socket wrench (10 mm).
3. Pull off the control knob.

4. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the

device” on page 23).
5. Unscrew the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 2. to 10.).
You can leave the pressure measurement tube 49
attached to the circuit board.

32 Repair information and repair instructions

6. Pull the tube 47 off the sensor B2.
7. Pull the ventilation tube 46 with the spring 57
from the pneumatic block 25.
8. Pull the suction connector 45 from the pneumat-
ic block 25. 50
9. Release the pressure tube 50 by pushing back
the sleeve of the inlet and pulling out the tube.
10. Carefully pull the defective pneumatic block 49
upwards out of the housing.
11. Pull off the two grommets 41.
45 46+57 47

12. Take a new pneumatic block 25 push the

grommets written side first onto the connection 13
and the valve 15.


13. Insert the new pneumatic block into the

Make sure,
– That you push the rocker and the spindle
through the corresponding holes in the hous-
– That no tubes or leads are underneath the
pneumatic block where they may be
– That the grommets are positioned correctly
in the housing wall (the housing wall must
be in the groove)
– That the pneumatic block is resting on the
four rubber buffers.
14. Slide the suction connector 45 and the ventila- 50
tion tube 46 with the spring 57 onto the corre-
sponding connections on the pneumatic
block 25 as far as they will go.
15. Slide the pressure tube 50 into the inlet of the
pneumatic block as far as it will go.

45 46+57
16. Secure the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 13. to
17. Push tube 47 onto sensor B2.
18. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
19. Turn the MEDUMAT Standard a round.

Repair information and repair instructions 33

20. Secure the control knob 37:
– Slide the control knob onto the spindle as 37
far as it will go. 36
– Hold the knob steady with the special tool
and screw it down.
21. Check the display on the control knob: At the
left limit, the white line must indicate the
value 3.
If this is not the case, loosen the nuts and align
the control knob.
22. Perform a calibration (see “6.10 Calibration after
removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)” on
page 28).
23. Place the lid 36 on the control knob 37.
24. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

6.14 Replacing the pneumatic block with angled outlet

The pneumatic block with angled outlet is fitted as standard to MEDUMAT Standard a from appliance
No. 1670 onward. Old appliances should be converted not later than the 6-year service.
Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm,
• Special tool WM 22829 from special tool set WM 15349,
• If necessary, side nippers,
• If necessary, cable tie,
• Calibration device WM 22836,
• Special pliers WM 22928.

1. Lift off the lid 36 from the control knob for

minute volume 37.
2. Using the special tool, hold the control knob 36
37 steady and loosen the nuts with an L-han-
dled socket wrench (10 mm).
3. Pull off the control knob 37.

4. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the

device” on page 23).
5. Pull the tube 47 off the sensor B2.
6. Unscrew the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 2. to 10.).
You can leave the pressure measurement tube 49
attached to the circuit board.

34 Repair information and repair instructions

7. Pull the ventilation tube 46 with the spring 57
from the pneumatic block 25.
8. Pull the suction connector 45 from the pneumat-
ic block 25. 50
9. Release the pressure tube 50 by pushing back
the sleeve of the inlet and pulling out the tube.
10. Carefully pull the defective/old pneumatic 49
block upwards out of the housing.
11. Pull off the grommet 41 from the pneumatic
block 25. 45 46+57 47

For conversion of appliances up to No. 1669: go

to step 12..
For replacement in appliances from No. 1670
onward: go to step 14..
12. Pull tube 51 off the T-piece and replace it with
the new tube 52 (use WM 22967).
13. Route the tube so that it is below the valve in-
sert locator and the alarm unit 24 and run it
along the inside wall of the housing.

14. Take a new or replacement pneumatic

block 25 and push the grommet written side first
onto valve 15.
15. Insert the new pneumatic block into the
housing and push tube 52 onto the pneumatic
block. 15

16. Now take the swivelling angled connector

and push it onto the connector of the pneumat-
ic block. To fit the swivelling angled connector
properly into the upper housing section, lift the
pneumatic block slightly and push it over the
outer wall of the housing.
Make sure,
– That you push the rocker and the spindle
through the corresponding holes in the hous-
– That no tubes or leads are underneath the
pneumatic block where they may be
– That the grommet is positioned correctly in
the housing wall (the housing wall must be
in the groove)
– That the pneumatic block is resting on the
four rubber buffers.
For conversion: go to step 17..
For replacement: go to step 19..

Repair information and repair instructions 35

17. Where present: If you have a device that you
have converted to a swivelling angled connec-
tor, you must insert sealing plug WM 22809
with O-ring 5-1.2 WM 1145/90 into the up-
per part of the housing where the pressure sen-
sor tube was previously fitted.
18. Remove the “Sensor” plate from the housing.
19. Slide the suction connector 45 and the ventila- 50
tion tube 46 with the spring 57 onto the corre-
sponding connections on the pneumatic
block 25 as far as they will go.
20. Slide the pressure tube 50 into the inlet of the
pneumatic block as far as it will go.
21. Secure the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 13. to
22. Push tube 47 onto sensor B2. 45 46+57

23. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the

device” on page 24).
24. Turn the MEDUMAT Standard a round.
25. Secure the control knob 37:
– Slide the control knob onto the spindle as 37
far as it will go. 36
– Hold the knob steady with the special tool
and screw it down.
26. Check the display on the control knob: At the
left limit, the white line must indicate the
value 3.
If this is not the case, loosen the nuts and align
the control knob.
27. Perform a calibration (see “6.10 Calibration after
removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)” on
page 28).
28. Place the lid 36 on the control knob.
29. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

36 Repair information and repair instructions

6.15 Changing the Air Mix/No Air Mix switch

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm,
• Open-ended spanner SW 17,
• Special tool WM 22829 from special tool set WM 15349,
• If necessary, side nippers,
• If necessary, cable tie,
• Vice with protective jaws,
• Calibration device WM 22836.

1. Up to appliance no. 1669:

Remove the pneumatic block from the housing
(see „6.13 Replacing the pneumatic block“ on
page 32, steps 1. to 10.),
From appliance no. 1670:
Remove the pneumatic block from the housing
(see „6.14 Replacing the pneumatic block
with angled outlet“ on page 34, steps 1. to
2. Clamp the pneumatic block in a vice with pro-
tective jaws.
3. Unscrew the rocker using an open-ended
spanner (SW 17).
4. Screw in a new rocker 27 with the seal.
Take care to ensure the correct installation 27
The rocker must drop automatically into its end
position. It must not become stuck in an interme-
diate position.
The rocker will tend to drop into the lower
5. Up to appliance no. 1669:
Re-install the pneumatic block (see „6.13 Re-
placing the pneumatic block“ on page 32,
steps 13. to 23.).
From appliance no. 1670:
Re-install the pneumatic block (see „6.14 Re-
placing the pneumatic block with
angled outlet“ on page 34, steps 15. to 28.).
6. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

Repair information and repair instructions 37

6.16 Replacing the upper housing section

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 1,
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm,
• Special tool WM 22829 from special tool set WM 15349,
• Flat nose pliers,
• Side nippers,
• Cable tie,
• Calibration device WM 22836.
1. Remove the three control knob 5, 8 and 10.
Please proceed as follows for each knob:
– Twist the control knob 37 to the left limit so 5
that you have a reference point when you
come to re-assemble it.
– Lift off the lid 36.
– Using the special tool, hold the control knob 37
steady and loosen the nuts with an L-handled 36
socket wrench (10 mm).
– Pull off the control knob 37.
2. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the
device” on page 23).
3. Remove the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 2. to 10.).
The pressure measuring tube 49 may be left on
the circuit board.
4. Pull the tube 47 from sensor B2.
5. Pull the ventilation tube 46 with the spring 57 up to appliance no. 1669
from the pneumatic block 25/26 and the filter
6. Pull the suction connector 45 from the pneumat- 50
ic block 25/26 and the filter holder.
7. Release the pressure tube 50 by pushing back
the sleeve of the inlet and pulling out the tube. 49
8. Carefully pull the pneumatic block upwards
out of the housing.
Filter holder 45 46+57 47

9. Detach pressure measurement tube 52 from the from appliance no. 1670
tube connector on pneumatic block 25/26.
26 50


Filter holder 45 46+57

38 Repair information and repair instructions

10. Release the pressure gauge tube 53 by 12
pushing back the sleeve of the swivel screw
connection 35 and pulling out the tube.
11. Using your fingers, press the pressure gauge 1 35
out of the pressure gauge holder. 54
You will find the pressure gauge easier to remove 1
if you dribble a small amount of spirit between
the pressure gauge and the holder.
12. Press the pressure gauge holder out of the
13. Pull the latch 12 out of the housing wall.
14. Unscrew the four screws 43 and remove the
two potentiometers 28 and 29. 28
15. For conversion up to appliance No. 1669:
Pull the pressure measurement connection 14 29
upwards out of the housing wall.
16. Unscrew both the screws 44 and remove the 14 44 24
alarm signalling device 24.

17. For conversion up to appliance No. 1669: up to appliance no. 1669

The pressure measuring tube 51 is secured to
the housing with a cable tie. Cut through the
cable tie with side nippers and remove careful-
ly the tube or pull the tube with the cable tie.

from appliance no. 1670


18. Remove the filter insert:

– Pull the filter cap 56 out of the housing wall. 63
– Using a screwdriver, press out the pin 63.


– Take the valve insert 59 out of the recepta-

cle in the housing e.g. by tilting it with a
small screwdriver then pulling it out with flat
nose pliers.
19. Finally, remove the four rubber buffers 40.

Repair information and repair instructions 39

You have now removed all the components. Now
start assembly.
20. If your MEDUMAT Standard a is not to be up-
dated (straight connection on pneumatic
block), you will first have to file away a semi-
circle for the pressure measurement
connection 14.
21. Push the pressure gauge mounting 22 into the
new upper housing section 21.
22. Wet the rubber buffers 40 with a little spirit and 22
insert them.


23. Install the filter insert:

– Insert O-ring 62 in the corresponding
groove in the valve insert.
– Check that the membrane 61 is lying flush
and smooth against the valve insert 59.
– Press the valve insert, membrane first, into
the filter holder.
After installing, make sure that the valve insert 63
is lying straight in the holder. 61
– Take the pin 63 in your hand. The pin has a 59
notched side and a smooth side. Press the 62
pin with the smooth side forwards into the 60
small hole on the top of the filter holder until 56
it is flush with the holder. The pin holds the
valve insert in position.
– Push the filter cap into the housing wall.
24. Wet the pressure gauge 1 with a small amount from appliance 12
of spirit and press it into the holder. no. 1670
Observe the installation position so that the dis-
play remains clearly legible. 53
25. Push the pressure gauge tube 53 into the swiv- 35
el screw connection 35 as far as it will go.
26. Place the pressure gauge tube 53 and the
pressure measuring tube 51/52 into the hous- 1
ing as illustrated.
27. For conversion up to appliance No. 1669:
Secure the pressure measuring tube to the mid-
dle spacer with a cable tie.
52 Middle spacer

40 Repair information and repair instructions

28. Push the latch 12 into the housing wall. up to appliance 12
Remember that the slanted surface needs to be no. 1669
pointing towards the device base later.


51 Middle spacer

29. Install both potentiometers 28 and 29: from appliance no. 1670
– Grease the spindles with oxygen lubricant.
– Push the spindle of the potentiometer 28
through the rubberised opening.
– Secure the potentiometer using the screws 43. 43
30. Insert the alarm signalling device 24 and se-
44 24 43
cure it with the screws 44.
31. For conversion up to appliance No. 7253: up to appliance no. 1669
Push the connection 14 into the housing wall.

14 44 24 43
32. Insert the new pneumatic block into the
Make sure
– That you push the rocker and the spindle
through the corresponding holes in the
– That no tubes or leads are underneath the
pneumatic block where they may be
– That the grommet is positioned correctly in
the housing wall (the housing wall must be
in the groove)
– That the pneumatic block is resting on the
four rubber buffers.
33. Make the tube connections:
– Push the suction connector 45 onto the rear 25
nozzle of the filter holder and onto the con-
nection on the pneumatic block 25. 50
– Using the ventilation tube 46 with the
spring 57, connect the front nozzle of the fil-
ter holder to the pneumatic block 25.
– Make sure that all the tube ends are pushed
on to the limits.

Filter holder 45 46+57 47

Repair information and repair instructions 41

34. For conversion from appliance No. 1670 from appliance no. 1670
Slide pressure measurement tube 52 onto the
tube connection of the angled outlet.
35. Slide the pressure tube 50 into the inlet of the 52
pneumatic block as far as it will go.
36. Push tube 47 onto sensor B2.
37. Secure the circuit board (see „6.11 Replacing
the circuit board“ on page 29, steps 13. to
38. Secure the three control knobs 5, 8 and 10.
Please proceed as follows for each knob:
– Push the control knob 37 onto the spindle 5
just short of the limit.
– Twist the knob until the white line is pointing
to the lowest value.
– Hold the knob steady with the special tool 37
and screw it down. 36

39. Check the display on the control knobs: At the
left limit, the white line must indicate the lowest
If this is not the case, loosen the nuts and align
the control knob.
40. Place the lid 36 on the control knob.
41. Perform a calibration (see “6.10 Calibration after
removal of PCB or Pot 28 (frequency)” on
page 28).
42. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
device” on page 24).
43. Turn the MEDUMAT Standard a round.
44. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

42 Repair information and repair instructions

6.17 Replacing the housing base section

Tools required:
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2,
• Open-ended spanner SW 13,
• Open-ended spanner SW 22,
• Special locknut tool G 3/8 WM 22827 and special spanner SW 17 WM 22828 from the special
tool set WM 15349,
• Vice with protective jaws.

1. Open the device (see “6.4 Opening the

device” on page 23).
2. Screw the special locknut tool onto the com-
pressed gas connection 11. 11

3. Clamp the special locknut tool in a vice.

4. Tighten the nuts of the special locknut tool
against the pressure connection using an
open-ended spanner (SW 22).
5. Unscrew the angular bush 31 using an open- from appliance no. 1670
ended spanner (SW 13).
11 30 33 32 31 39
6. Using the special spanner (SW 17), loosen the
nut 32 and unscrew it.
7. Pull out the plate 33 upwards.
8. Remove the housing base section 30.
9. Remove rubber buffer 39 from the old device.
10. Place a new housing base section 30 on the 39
compressed gas connection 11.
11. Slide the plate 33 on the inside of the housing
onto the connection.
12. Tighten the nut 32 on the inside of the connection.

13. Secure the angular bush 31 to the connection.

14. Loosen the nuts of the special locknut tool using
the open-ended spanner (SW 22).
15. Open the vice.
16. Unscrew the special locknut tool from the com-
pressed gas connection 11.
17. If your MEDUMAT Standard a is not to be up- up to appliance no. 1669
dated (straight connection on pneumatic block),
you will first have to file away a semi-circle for
the pressure measurement connection 14.
18. Moisten the rubber buffers 39 of the defective
housing with a little spirit and insert them in the
new housing.
Semi-circle for
19. Close the device (see “6.5 Closing the
pressure measurement
device” on page 24). connection 14
20. Perform a functional check (see “3. Final
Check” on page 9).

Repair information and repair instructions 43

7. Spare parts

7.1 List of spare parts

The item numbers in the following table match the numbers in the text of these service and repair instructions
and the operating instructions.

Item no. Designation Order No.

1 Pressure gauge WM 22539
Pressurised gas connection (threaded connection), pre-
11 WM 22685
12 Latch (twistlock) for wall bracket WM 22642
Pressure measuring connection, pre-assembled
14 WM 22527
(up to appliance no. 1669)
15 Dust protector (foam insert) for pressure relief valve WM 22585
Battery set, consisting of: WM 15186
18 – Button cell CR 2430 WM 22652
20 – Battery 3.6 V WM 22615
19 Fuse insert F 0,5 L 250 V WM 22651
Upper housing section, complete, new WM 22814
Upper housing section, complete, replacement WM 22815
22 Pressure gauge mounting WM 22504
23 Printed circuit board, MEDUMAT Standard a WM 15452
24 Alarm signalling device WM 22553
Pneumatic block, complete, new WM 22639
Pneumatic block, complete, replacement WM 22687
Pneumatic block with angled outlet, complete, new WM 22640
Pneumatic block with angled outlet, complete, replacement WM 22848
27 Set of rockers WM 15193
28 Potentiometer, pre-assembled WM 22522
29 Potentiometer, pre-assembled WM 22522
Housing base section*, consisting of:
30 – Housing WM 22853
– Notice
31 Angular bush 4/6 WM 22552
32 Nut M 14 x 1.5 WM 22586
33 Torque plate WM 22509
34 Screw-in connection WM 22596
35 Swivel screw connection 2/4 WM 22588
Lid, blue WM 4896
Lid, white WM 22941
37 Short button WM 4891

44 Spare parts
Set of rubber parts,
consisting of:
38 – Grommet for potentiometer
39 – Rubber buffer for housing base section WM 15190
40 – Rubber buffer for upper housing section
41 – Grommet for connections 13 (up to appliance no. 1669) and
Set of screws, consisting of: WM 15191
42 – Fillister-head screw KB 30 x 20
43 – Fillister-head screw KB 30 x 8
44 – Fillister-head screw 18 x 7,5
45 Suction connector WM 22598
Set of tubes for MEDUMAT Standard a, consisting of:
46 – Tube, silicon 4/7, 65 long
47 – Tube, silicon 4/7, 85 long
48 – Tube, PU 4/6, 95 long
49 – Tube, PU 4/6, 82 long
50 – Tube, PU 4/6, 25 long
WM 15383
51 – Tube, PU 2/4, 105 long
52 – Tube, PU 1.6/1.6, 220 long (for angled connector)
53 – Tube, PU 2/4, 75 long
54 – Tube, PU 2/4, 80 long = 2x
55 – Cable tie
– T-Connector
56 Cover cap, drilled WM 4954
57 Spring WM 22804
58 Filter insert set, consisting of:
59 – Valve insert, complete
60 – Dust filter
WM 15185
61 – Valve membrane
62 – O-ring 13 x 1.25
63 – Split taper pin 1,5 x 8
64 Sieve set, consisting of:
– Sieve WM 15284
– Seal 3,5 x 6 x 0,5
Service label**
– for 2008 WM 0498
– for 2009 WM 0499
65 – for 2010 WM 0300
– for 2011 WM 0609
– for 2012 WM 0610
– for 2013 WM 0366
Instructions for use WM 16676
T-Connector WM 22594
T-Connector WM 7527
T-Connector WM 22613

* When ordering, please specify the model, device number and year of construction
** When ordering, please specify year of next maintenance

Spare parts 45
7.2 Maintenance set

Sets for devices already serviced with Set WM 15552 (pneumatic block replacement)
Years 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Maintenance set WM 15242 WM 15242 WM 15552 WM 15242 WM 15242 WM 15553 WM 15708

Sets for devices not yet serviced with Set WM 15552 (pneumatic block replacement)
Years 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Maintenance set WM 15242 WM 15242 WM 15242 WM 15552 WM 15242 WM 15553 WM 15242 WM 15708

Maintenance set 2 years

Set, WM 15242
consisting of:
• Battery • Seal 3.5 x 6 x 0.5
• Button cell • Sieve
• Dust filter • Membrane for expiration arm
• Foam insert for pressure relief valve • O-ring 15 x 1.5
• Lip membranes • Valve membrane
• Membrane for spontaneous breathing arm

Maintenance set 8 years

Set, WM 15552
consisting of:
• Set WM 15242 • Pneumatic block, replacement
• Rubber buffer pad • Suction connector
• Rubber buffer receptacle • O-ring 13 x 1.25
• Set of tubes • Sealing plug
• Potentiometer • O-ring 5 x 1.2

Maintenance set 12 years

Set, WM 15553
consisting of:
• Set WM 15242 • Alarm signalling device
• Printed circuit board / PCB • Cable tie
MEDUMAT Standard a

46 Spare parts
Maintenance set (14) 16 years
Set, WM 15708
consisting of:
• Set WM 15242 • Pneumatic block
• Rubber buffer pad • Suction connector
• Rubber buffer receptacle • O-ring 13 x 1.25
• Set of tubes • Sealing plug
• Potentiometer • O-ring 5 x 1,2

Spare parts 47
8. Tools and test equipment

Below is a list of all tools and test equipment used in these service and repair instructions.
The particular tools and test equipment required are outlined in the respective chapter.
Special tools can be purchased from the manufacturer Weinmann.

8.1 General tools

• Slotted screwdriver size 0.5 x 3 x 100; • Open-ended spanner SW 22

for special locknut tool;
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 1;
• L-handled socket wrench 10 mm
• Crosstip screwdriver, size 2;
for control knob;
• Open-ended spanner SW 7
• Tweezers
for tube connection of pressure gauge;
for sieve set;
• Open-ended spanner SW 13,
• Side nippers;
for elbow connector at O2 inlet;
• Flat nose pliers.
• Open-ended spanner SW 17
for rocker valves;

8.2 Special tools

The following tools are available from the manufacturers Weinmann:

• Special tool set, consisting of: WM 15349
– Special locknut tool G 3/8 WM 22827
for unlocking the threaded connection
on the O2 inlet
– Special spanner SW 17 WM 22828
for lock nut on O2 inlet
– Special tool WM 22829
for holding the control knob
– Set: hose with injector WM 15359
– Special pliers WM 22928
• Set, supply test Medumat / Modules WM 15440
• Set, test set respiration and pressure reducer flow WM 15443
• Calibration device WM 22836

48 Tools and test equipment

8.3 Test equipment

• Oxygen concentration measuring device,Type Miniox WM 91810, or Oxycontrol WM 13550

• Volumetric flowmeter
Type RT 200 (Timeter)
obtainable from:
Allied Healthcare Products Inc.
1720 Sublette Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri, MO 63110
Tel.: 001-800-444-3954
Fax: 001-314-771-5183
Type EKU VIP-Ventilatortester
obtainable from:
EKU Elektronik GmbH
Feldstrasse 9a
56291 Leiningen
Tel.: 06746-1018
Fax: 06746-8484
• Test set for final check WM 15382
• Adjustable orifice, e.g. ball valve,
internal diameter ≥ 10 mm
• Pressure gauge 0 to 6.3 bar, class 1.6;
• Pressure gauge 0 – 100 mbar, class 1.6
obtainable from:
Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co.
Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30
63911 Klingenberg am Main
Tel. 09372/1320

Tools and test equipment 49

9. Technical data

MEDUMAT Standard a MEDUMAT Standard a

Device dimensions 190 x 110 x 90 High-pressure gas

External thread G 3/8
D x W x H in mm inc. connections connection
Weight incl. Connection to External diameter
approx. 1.1 kg ventilation hose 13 mm
Product category 15 mm socket
Patient valve
according to II b 22 mm plug
– inspiration tube
93/42/EEC ISO 5356-1
Operating parameters Patient valve 30 mm socket
– temperature range –18 °C to +60 °C – expiration tube ISO 5356-1
– humidity 15 % to 95 % Power supply maintenance-free lithium
– air pressure 70 kPa to 110 kPa battery 3.6 V; 5.2 Ah
Storage –40 °C to +70 °C life expectation > 2 years
max. storage: 10 years after delivery
compatibility (EMC) in Auxiliary energy for Button cell CR2430
accordance with alarm system
EN 60601-1-2 and max. storage: 10 years after delivery
EN 794-3: Fuse F1 T 500 L 250 V
– interference EN 55011
suppression Ventilation hose Spiral silicone NW 10
– interference immunity EN 61000-4-2 to 3 Degree of protection
Timing pulse, constant against water
volume EN 794–3;
Standard complied
Gas input Medicinal oxygen EN 60601–1;
prEN 1789
Operating pressure 2.7 to 6.0 bar
Alarm sound pressure 54 dB (A)
Minimal gas volume
70 l/min O2 Manometer accuracy Class 1,6
Insp.-exp. ratio 1:1.67 Patient valve resistance
assistierte Beatmung 1:1 to 1:2.33 variable (complied with
EN 794-3):
infinitely variable – Inspiration <6 mbar at 60 l/min
Ventilation frequency
from 5 to 40 min-1 – expiration <6 mbar at 60 l/min
infinitely variable – spontaneous <1.5 mbar at 30 l/min
Minute volume (MV) breathing
from 3 to 20 l/min
Trigger sensitivity Elasticity of breathing
Flow ≥ 6 l/min Negligible
assisted ventilation system
MV tolerances: Patient valve dead
12.8 ml
room temp (20 °C) for 3 l/min = ±20% space
for >3 l/min = ±15%
-18 °C to +60 °C for 3 l/min = ±35%
for >3 l/min = ±20%
max. ventilation infinitely variable
pressure from 20 to 60 mbar
– Air Mix see page 52
– No Air Mix 100% O2

50 Technical data
9.1 Pneumatics

V2 V3
p amplifier valve

input pressure
2.7 - 6 bar V4
pressure regulator V5
frequency regulator
exhaust valve
manometer regulator valve

P/E converter injector unit V9


non-return valve

P/E converter relief valve

A/D converter
V6 air mix valve
evaluation electronics
valve rocker air inlet

The input pressure at p is max. 6 bar. This is reduced by V1 to 2.7 bar dyn. This is the input pressure at V6,
V2 and V3.

Inspiration/No Air Mix

Valve rocker V6 is opened and switches over V7. An electrical impulse to V2 opens V3 and closes V4. Ox-
ygen flows through V5 into injector unit V9 and onwards to the patient valve. If the ventilation pressure in the
patient valve rises above 100 mbar, the relief valve V8 will open.

Inspiration/Air Mix
Valve rocker V6 is closed. This closes V7. O2 flows into injector unit V9 through V5 and sucks in air through
V7. The air-oxygen mixture flows to the patient valve.

Expiration/Air Mix or No Air Mix

Another electrical impulse closes V2. Exhaust valve V4 opens and exhausts injector unit V9. The patient breathes
out through the patient valve.

Patient valve
The respiratory gas flows into the patient’s airways during in-
spiration. The expiratory pressure then switches the valve over
and enables the patient to breathe out.

Inspiration Expiration


Technical data 51
9.2 O2 content when using Air Mix

The following diagram shows the oxygen concentration prevailing at various counter-pressures and minute
volumes when Air Mix is switched on.

10 mbar counter-pressure
95 15 mbar counter-pressure
30 mbar counter-pressure

O2 (%)







3 5 7 9 11 14 17 20
Minute volume (l/min)

In isolated cases the minute volume (MV) deviations may be higher at ventilation pressures in excess of
30 mbar.

10. Technical Changes

Technical change From Device No. Date

Angled outlet 1670 04.08.03
Software modification for cardiac massage and stenosis
1800 04.12.03
Housing parts, reinforced 1860 12.04.04

52 Technical Changes
Device master data Inspections and repairs carried out in accordance with the service instructions

Service performed in accordance

Measures / Comments
Manufacturer: Weinmann MEDUMAT service instructions

Device model: MEDUMAT

________ ____________
❏ WM 22500 MEDUMAT Standard

❏ WM 22800 MEDUMAT Standard a Date Signature

❏ WM 22600 MEDUMAT Basic

❏ WM 22650 MEDUMAT Basic-p

________ ____________

Serial no. _________________________ _____ Date Signature

Date of manufacture ______________________


________ ____________
11. Repair and inspection log

Functional check:
Date Signature
Safety check-2 years____________________


Safety check-4 years____________________

________ ____________

Date Signature
Safety check-6 years____________________


Safety check-8 years____________________

________ ____________

Repair and inspection log

Date Signature
Safety check-10 years___________________

Inspection log – safety check in accordance with EEC - Directive WM 22805
Device: MEDUMAT Standard a WM-No.: 28000 Device-No.: .......………....... Date of manufacture: ……..............
1. Test equipment
• Test pressure 6 ± 0.15 bar, pressure gauge 0 – 6.3 bar, class 1,6
• Volumetric flow measuring device RT 200; adjustable diaphragm 10 mbar; test set WM 15382
• Oxygen measuring device
2. Preparation for testing
• Connect MEDUMAT to the test unit.
• Set MEDUMAT to the “No Air Mix” setting at f = 40/min, MV = 5 l/min and pmax = 60 mbar.
3. Input the device data
• Enter the above device data Measurement OK not OK
4. Leak tests at 6 bar
• Pressure drop, inlet side with lever set to “No Air Mix” ≤ 0.2 bar/min
• Pressure drop, inlet side with lever set to “Air Mix” ≤ 0.2 bar/min
• Pressure drop in pressure measuring segment ≤ 2.0 mbar/min
• Pressure reading deviation less than ±1.5 mbar
5. Self-test after switching on the device
• All 6 LEDs are illuminated simultaneously and the alarm sounds
6. Functional check and alarms
• With lever set to “Air Mix”, Stenosis alarm is triggered
• With lever set to “No Air Mix”, Stenosis alarm is triggered
• Alarm acknowledgement function
• Disconnection alarm is triggered
• Pressure alarm is triggered
7. Functional check assisted ventilation (Assist function)
• Green LED flashes after activation of Assist function
• "No Assist" alarm is actuated
• Assist function correct (triggering / no triggering)
8. Frequency check – frequency setting
• Frequency 5 / min ± 2
• Frequency 15 / min ± 2
• Frequency 25 / min ± 2
• Frequency 40 / min ± 2
9. Tidal volume check at 4.5 bar admission pressure and 10 mbar counterpressure Air Mix No Air Mix
• f = 15 / min , MV = 20 l/min: AV = 1300 ± 200 ml ml
• f = 15 / min , MV = 11 l/min: AV = 730 ± 110 ml ml
• f = 40 / min , MV = 5 l/min: AV = 125 ± 25 ml ml
10.Check O2 concentration at f = 10 / min and MV = 11 l/min
• O2 concentration with “No Air Mix” > 98 Vol.%
• O2 concentration with “Air Mix“” > 50 – 65 Vol.%
11.Functional check – pressure limit with No Air Mix
• Pressure limit responds at 20 ± 5 mbar, f = 8/min and MV = 9l/min mbar
• Pressure limit responds at 60 ± 5 mbar, f = 8/min and MV = 7l/min mbar
12.Functional check – ventilation valve without patient valve at f = 8/min and MV = 7 l/min
• Test bag is inflated completely, respirator is then vented audibly.
13.Check the equipment and accessories (system components) present yes no
• Respiration tube with patient valve undamaged and fully functional
• Test set for functional check fully functional
• Pressure-reducer fully functional
• O2 cylinder within the inspection limits; valve fully functional
• Support plate complete and fully functional
• Medcal products book
• Instructions for use
14.Check external condition
• Zero setting of manometer
• Connection thread and knobs fully functional
Servicing carried out: yes no Final inspection carried out:______ _______ __________________
date inspector no. signature

54 Repair and inspection log

For decades Weinmann has been

developing, producing and marketing

medical devices for markets around

the world. In cooperation with our

partners we design economic health

systems for diagnosis and therapy in

Sleep Medicine, Home Mechanical

Ventilation, Oxygen Medicine

and Emergency Medicine.

WM 16681d · 12/07

Geräte für Medizin GmbH + Co. KG
P.O. Box 540268 · D-22502 Hamburg
Phone +49/40/5 47 02-0
Fax +49/40/5 47 02-461
E-mail int.sales@weinmann.de
Internet www.weinmann.de

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