Guhya Purana PDF
Guhya Purana PDF
Guhya Purana PDF
The present paper is originally the fifth of a course of ten lectures entitled
in toto "The Thought of Early Buddhism and its Tantric Evolution"
delivered at the School of Oriental and African Studies ( SOAS), the
University of London, under the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Visiting
Professorship 1995. The titles of each lecture are as follows:
104 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
This process shows its completion at the last "critical" turn of the history
of tantric Buddhism which occures between the system of the Havajra-
tantra and that of the Sarhvara Tantrism and consequently presents to
us the following "proposition of the open system" which I call, half
jestingly, "the truth of six thousand years of mankind" :
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 105
106 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
"To dwell in the female organ" simply means that a man is in the state
of sexual union with a woman; and in this case, the word "female organ"
(yo?idbhaga) is given in the plural (yofiidbhagefiu). The expression evarh
maya srutam ekasmin samaye bhagavan (Thus have I heard at one time.
The Reverend Lord) shows, in usual siitras, the situation in which the
Reverend Lord Sakyamuni Tathagata is about to preach the truth to the
audience of sravakas or bodhisattvas; here in this Guhyasamaja- tantra
(abbrev. GS), however, "the Reverend Lord" is at the time in the state
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 107
108 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
( 1) Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha-tantra-raja ············
( 2) Sarvata thaga ta-guhyadhipa ti -yoga · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Akani~thadeva
(3) Sarvatantrasamgraha-yoga ··················the dharma-dhiitu palace
(4) Trailokyavijayavajra-yoga ·····················the top of Mt. Sumeru
(5) Lokalokottaravajra-yoga ············the "sky-sphere" of Varanasi
( 6) Mahasukhamoghasamayata ttva-yoga······ the palace of Paranir-
(7) Samantabhadra-yoga ···the palace of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
(8) Paramadya-yoga ···························the palace of Samantabhadra
(9) Sarvabuddhasamayogadakinijalasamvara-yoga······ the mantra -
(10) Mahasamaya-yoga ························the palace ofdharma- dhiitu
( 11) Mahayanabhisamaya-yoga · ·· · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · .. Akani~tha -deva
( 12) Samayaparama-yoga ······the bodhima-t;uja of the "sky-sphere"
(13) Mahasamayatattva-yoga ······ Vajradhiitu-marpjala-bodhimar;uja
( 14) Tathagatasamayatattva-yoga······
(15) Guhyasamaja-yoga ·········the so-called secret place, yosidbhaga
(16) Advayasamata-yoga ····················· the palace of dharma-dhiitu
(17) Khasama-yoga ·································the palace of bhuta-koti
( 18) Vajramukuta-yoga ···························the fourth dhyiina-heaven
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 109
110 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
We find the corresponding passage to this in the extant GS. In the fifth
chapter of GS (Samantacaryiigra-patala, the chapter of universal. highest
deeds). the Reverend Lord preaches the attainment (siddhi, ~:l:tf!. shitsu-
ji ) of the families of lust, wrath and stupidity (raga, dvesa and moha,
:liH.lfi ton-jin-chi), that is, the Tantric practeces for attaining the
Tantric ideals based on the three big anguishes (klesa , 1;j·t~ bon-no)
which are vices to be strictly prohibited or conquered in usual Buddhism
as follows:
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 111
112 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
Here, it is said that the obscene words of "the Reverend Lord " which
surprised people of a traditional, commonsense standpoint and caused
them to fall down to the earth, are, from the point of view of "all' the
tathiigatas" who are inside the assembly and are able to understand the
essence of the Tantric truth, really nothing other than "pure" words
.expressing the "pure essence" of the truths of buddhas of firm
understanding; and only the "pure words of buddhas " (of this kind)
expressing the "firm truth" • the firm. immovableessenceorthesubstance
of the truth, can be the basis of the right "deeds" which allow people
attain enlightenment.
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 113
The word vajrayo§id suggests that the women who made "the Reverend
Lord" attain the truth through union with them are a special kind of
women. How are these women special, then?
How and what kind of truth was the truth attained by "the Reverend
Lord" ?
Once attained and preached, how did the truth restrict the practice of
the followers of OS ?
The text shown below was extracted from the critical edition of Yukei
Matsunaga (Osaka, 1978) which is far more reliable than the editions
of B. Bhattacharyya (Gaekwad's Oriental Series, No. 55, Baroda, 1931)
114 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 115
116 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
ahuJ.:t I
bha~asva bhagavan tattvarh vajrasarasamuccayam I
sarvatathagatarh guhyarh samajarh guhyasambhavam I
iti 113 II
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 117
·· ·uttare · · · · · ·
dve9amohas tatha ragas cintamal)isamayas tatha I
kula hy ete tu vai panca kamamok9aprasadhakal] I i ti I I 4
( 19) atha bhagavan sarvatathagatavajradharanuragal)asamayarh
nama samadhirh samapadya sarvavajradharagramahisl.m
svakayavakcittebhyo ni§carayamasa I
dvel?arati I
athasyarh vihil]srtamatrayarh sa eva bhagavan sarvata-
thagatakayavakcittavidyapuru9al] strl.rupadharo bhutva
pilrvakol)e ni9idayamasa I
(20) ··· sarvatathagatanuragal)avajrarh ······
moharati I
· · · dak9ii).akoi).e· · .. · ·
(21) ···sarvatathagataragadharanuragai).avajrarh ······
ragarati I
· · · pa§cimakone· · · · · ·
(22) ··· sarvatathagatakayavakcittavisarhvadanavajrarh
vajrarati I
· ·· uttarakoi).e · · · ·· ·
(23) ··· vairocanavajrarh······
yamantakrt I
. . ..
(27) sarvatathagatakayavakcittasarhbhasanamandalasamayasat-
tval.). I
118 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
(2) (At that time,) the whole sphere of the empty sky, being filled with
bodhisattua-mahasattvas to be counted by the number of particles
of dust of all Mt. Surerus of the inexpressible-inexpressible buddha-
lands, such as the great bodhisattva Samayavajra, ······
(3) (and so many) tathagatas (as are) swelling up like a sesame husk
the (whole) sphere of the empty sky, being headed by Ak~obhya
vajra, Va irocana-vajra, Ratnaketu-vajra, Am ita-vajra and Amogha-
vajra appeared together with (these) all the tathagatas.
(4) Then, the Reverend Lord Mahavairocana, (first) entered into the
meditation named Sarvatathagatamaharagavajra (the universal
lust of the Sarvatathagata as firm as adamant) and made the whole
of these tathagata-ornaments enter into his own adamant-firm
(existence being complete with) body, speech and mind.
( 5) At that time, a II these tathagatas, so as to make the Reverend Lord
Sarvatathagatakayavakcittavajradhipati (the Lord of adamant-
firm aggregate of bodies, speech and minds of all the tathagatas)
rejoiced, tranforming their own figures into figures of ladies, came
out of the body of the Reverend Lord Mahavairocana. In that case,
some (tathagatas) sppeared with the figure of Buddhalocana, some
with the figure of Mamaki, some with the figure of P81J9aravasini
and some with the figure of Samayatara. In that case, some
( tathagatas ) appeared with the figure of Rupasvabhava, some
with the figure of Sabdasvabhava , some with the figure of
Gandhasvabhava and some with the figure of Sparsasvabhava.
( 6) Then, the tathagata Ak~obhya put on the female organs of the
adamantine ladies who are the hearts of the bodies, speech and minds
of all the tathiigatas the grand samaya-mwp.jala, which is
square and free from dirt, very transparent and of the essence
of "it". assuming variour figures and (has entrances) on all
its sides, surrounded by buddha-clouds, scattering sparks and
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 119
120 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaj a (Tsuda) 121
122 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 123
mal}gala (on the assembly of the group of all the tathagatas) through
his meditations, it reflects the formation of the original "secret
124 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 125
into the mar;ujala and attain enlightenment while in their actual physical
bodies ( !!P ~ n.iH& sokushin- i obutsu ) .
Besides the formative principle of the ma7Jrjala, the OS also owes the
structure of the ma7Jrjala to that of STTS in its fundamental ele-
ments of five tathiigatas, four piiramitii -ladies and the four inner
"worshipping" ladies (J*J!m~~ nai-no-shi -kuyo). However, in recreating
the actual performance of the "original secret assembly" which was
to be performed on the basis of the ma7Jrjala, it is necessary for us to
notice two more factors existing behind the static structure of the
ma7Jrjala of STTS , that is, the phenomenon of an "exchange of
consorts" and the existence of the. "visiting leader" .
126 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The four sarvatathiigatas who each shoulder a quarter of the whole sub-
stance or existentiality of the Vajradhatu ("adamantine realm of realty",
~lMJIJJi!. Kongo -kai) offer to Vairocana, the new leader or architect of
their world, their own "four paramita-ladies" ( lllHlt*f~tflii shi -
haramitsu-bosatsu), who are nothing other than the four quaters of the
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 127
First, the Reverend Lord, for the sake of putting (the state of) the
"assembly" (samaja) on the group of "all the tathagatas", snaps his
finger and pronounces the hrdaya- spell Vajrasamaja! ( "adamantine
assembly!" ) . At the moment, "all the tathagatas" who are suggested
by the snap of the fingers of the Sarvatathagata (= Vairocana), together
with bodhisattvas who are the followers of them, assemble and come
near to the Reverend Lord Vairocana, aslute and praise Vairocana, and
then, they, all the tathtigatas solicit, with "one hundred and eight
names" (sJ\~tiJ~ hyakuhachi-myo -kanjo), "the Reverend Lord, the
Lord of all the tathagatas (Sarvatathagattidhipati), the Vajrasattva
himself, the Mahavajradhara without beginning or end" . According to
the solicitation, "the Reverend Lord, the Vajradhara" preaches the
"drawn-ma7J¢ald' which is "similar to the Vajradhatu. and (therefore,)
is thought to be the Vajradhatu itself" , and teaches tathagatas the
ritual of initiation (abhi§eka, ?li.TJ! kanjo) to be performed in the mar;rj,ala
into which the "Vajracarya" ( "adamantine master" ) enters and
initiates the disciple.
128 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
Given the structure of the mar;ujala of the STTS and the ritual performed
on it, the structure of the "original secret assembly" of the GS can be
recreated as in figure i.
. : Aksobhya
. ( 14)
Ratna : Ratnaketu ( 16)
8 Ras : Rasavajra (??-18)
Spa: Sparsavajra (??-14)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 129
8 (131)
Mam : Mamaki (Dvesarati)
( 135)
8 . 8
Tar : Tara (Vajrarati )( 143)
Rup: Rupavajra(???-147)
Sab : Sabdavajra(???-148)
Gan: Gandhavajra (???-150)
Ras: Rasavajra (???-151)
Spa : Sparsavajra (???-152)
The main reason which led him to his misunderstanding was that he
didn't recognize the existence of the phenomenon of the "exchange of
consorts" behind the text of the GS. Mention of this first appears in
his positionning of the goddess Mamaki ( = Dvesarati) and Locana
(= Moharati).
In the "original" GS text, Mamaki ( = Dve§arati) is located in the
(south-) east "corner" (purva-kona) and Locana ( = Moharati) in the
south (-west) "corner" (dak§ir;La-kor;La) as is shown in the critical edition
130 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The fact that he located these goddesses, ignoring the meaning of the
word "corner" (ko1Ja), in the intermediate quarters of the inner circle,
which correspond to the locations of "the four inner worshipping
ladies" ( I*J 1m {!t~) of STTS, implies that Nagarjuna thought that
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 131
they were still in relation with the four tathiigatas, who are their
husbands in usual life, in the unusual situation of the secret assembly.
132 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
. .
In the pindikrama-sadhana (edit. by de la Vallee Poussin), Nagarjuna
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 133
134 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 135
These are reasons we cannot rely on the form of the martcJala of the
GS recreated by Nagarjuna in restoring the actual state of the
"original secret assembly".
136 The OriginalFormation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
In this assembly, sexual yoga takes place twice in two sessions: firstly,
between the "visiting leader" and the nine "adam an tine ladies"
(vajrayo?ids), and secondly, between the five tathiigatas (*Ak~obhya
etc.) and the five mahiimudra-girls (*ROpavajra , etc.), and between.
the "visiting leader" and the four wives ( Mamaki, etc).
The "visiting leader " subsequently gives a secret teaching and grants
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 137
The efficacy of this "secret- abhisekd' granted to *Aksobhya
. isargued,
in chapter seventeen of the text, between "all the tathagatas" who
are in assembly and the bodhisattva Maitreya who is watching it
from outside; we find a profound meaning in the fact that the questioner
is none other than the bodhisattva Maitreya who was a hero of the
Ga7J¢avyuha-sutra. The passage goes:
138 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja. (Tsuda) 139
This tantric truth of the GS, however, cannot but make the bodhisattva
140 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
Maitreya, who had been the preacher of the Mahayanic truth of the
bodhi-mind in the Garpjavyiiha-siitra, which is a remote ancestor of
the GS, terrified. The Tantric bodhi-mind of the GS and the Mahayanic
bodhi-mind of the GV are truly "critical" (incompatible with each
other) as the "author" of the GS rightly noticed.
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 141
142 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
The actual state of the second stage of the sexual yogic practice to
be performed at the "original secret assembly" can be assumed retro-
gressively from the prajiiiijiiiina-abhi?eka (~*Wi:ITJ! hannya - chi -
kanjo) of the Hevajra-tantra (HV).
*Ak~obhya who had been "seeded" with the bodhi-mind from the
"visiting leader " , united himself, in his turn, with the mahiimudrii
of the "visiting leader " , i.e., * Sparsavajra ; the four tathiigatas
( *Vairocana, etc.) united with the four mahiimudra-girls ( *Rupavajra,
etc. ) . This situation is reflected in an expression found in chapter
seventeen, which corresponds with the "strange " expression at the
beginning of chapter one:
The four ladies ( Mamaki etc.) who are deprived of their original
consorts ( *Vairocana, etc.) ask the "visiting leader " who is now
withdrawn from the yoga with *Sparsavajra, to perform sexual union
with themselves. The "visiting leader" of course accepts the solicitation
of *Mamaki etc. and unites himself with whem.
Thus all the members of the "original secret assembly" obtain happily
their own partners and practise sexual yogic practices simultaneously;
this situation is mentioned in the passage following the verses of
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 143
Then, the whole sphere of the empty sky, being filled with semen
which is the samaya of bodies, speech and minds of all the
tathiigatas, became like a water- pot filled with "adamantine
water'' . Accordingly, all of these living beings who have originated
from the samayas of three (kinds of) bodies in this whole sphere
of the empty sky, being touched by the splendour of three (kinds
of) vajras, become tathiigatas, arhats, samyaksarp,buddhas and
holders of three (kinds of) adamantine wisdoms.
After that, all the living beings have become initiated with
adamantine bodies, speech and minds of all the tathiigatas, being
called by the (abhi?eka-) names 'Samantabhadras! Samantabhadras!'
Then, the Tathiigata Vajrapaoi said to all these tathiigatas :
144 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)
Was the scheme really successful then? Or, more particularly, was
the secret teaching to replace the notion . of the Mahayanic bodhi-
mind with the Tantric notion of the bodhi-mind as a "drop" (bindu,
7~) really testified to be true?
The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda) 145
It is true that the GS was really a cog in the wheel of the necessary
process of the evolution of the history of Tantric Buddhism; however,
once we look over it again from the eye-level of the "open system" ,
we notice the fact that it was truly an epoch-making stage of the
" self- notification " of the " God of the open system " as the
"teleological reason " .
When does the "God of the open system" uncover the veil of the
symbolistic expression and show us directly the real mechanism of his
own becoming actual then?
146 The Original Formation of Guhyasamaja (Tsuda)