021 C 99 S 2 C 15
021 C 99 S 2 C 15
021 C 99 S 2 C 15
Sect 2 Chap 15
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
Appropriate personal protective equipment should be Appropriate personal protective equipment should be
worn when handling and using cleaning solutions. worn when handling and using cleaning solutions.
Preparation of Unplated Aluminium Alloy Busbars Preparation of Plated Aluminium and Copper
6. Clean unplated aluminium busbars by immersing
in MIL-PRF-680 (Stoddard's solvent) or by wiping with a 8. Clean plated aluminium and copper busbars
clean, soft cloth saturated with the solvent. Wipe dry with thoroughly by immersing in MIL-PRF-680 (Stoddard’s
a clean, soft cloth. solvent) or by wiping with a clean, soft cloth saturated
with the solvent. Wipe dry with a clean, soft cloth.
7. After cleaning, treat all electrical contact surfaces
as follows: Repairing Damaged Plating
a. Cover contact surfaces completely with an even 9. Examine contact surfaces of plated aluminium or
coating of petrolatum-zinc dust compound (50% copper busbars for damage to plating. Reject damaged
petrolatum, 50% fine zinc dust, by weight). aluminium busbars and return for rework. Repair slight
a. Scratch brush the coated areas, using a rotary damage to plated copper busbars by tinning with a
steel wire brush with a pilot as shown in Figure soldering iron. Thoroughly wash and dry repaired areas.
15–1. Brush through the compound. Do not attempt to repair plating on aluminium.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
If covers are bent during installation or repair,
straighten them before final attachment.
Deburr the inner surface of box connectors.
Insulation CAUTION
Do not drill holes in vapour-tight junction boxes.
15. The inside of metallic junction boxes is coated
with white glyptal or similar material to insulate wiring
from the metal, to improve visibility and to make Vapour Tight Boxes
inspection easier. Non-metallic junction boxes need not
be so insulated. If this coating is damaged during the 19. Vapour-tight junction boxes in aircraft are
installation procedure, repair the damaged parts with, identified as such on the covers. When doing work of
the same material as used in the original installation. any kind on vapour-tight boxes, carefully follow the
When a new metallic box is installed, make sure the instructions given in the aircraft manufacturer’s
insulating coating is present and undamaged. handbook of maintenance instructions for the specific
aircraft model.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
Circuit Breakers
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
26. When selecting a circuit breaker for a particular Mounting with Through Bolts or Screws
application all the variables should be considered. These
variables include time-current characteristics of the 32. When possible, attach protective devices to
circuit breaker, start-up surges of equipment, wire type, aircraft structure or other support with through bolts or
size and location (ambient temperature) and the screws. Install a plain washer under the head of the bolt
maximum altitude at which the equipment is likely to or screw, and a plain washer and a split lockwasher
operate. The current carrying capacity of a wire varies under the nut. (See Figure 15–6.)
considerably depending on the application and should
be determined using the graphs contained in SAE Mounting Into Tapped Hole or Nut Plate
33. When it is necessary to install a protective device
27. Both magnetic and thermal type circuit breakers with a screw into a tapped hole or a nut plate, install a
are available however circuit protection in aircraft is plain washer and a split lockwasher under the screw or
primarily provided by thermal circuit breakers which are bolt head. (See Figure 15–7.)
dependent on temperature rise in the sensing element
for actuation. Operation is achieved by deflection of a bi-
metal strip that will open the circuit at a pre-determined
temperature. Temperature rise in the sensing element is
caused principally by the load current however this is
affected by ambient temperature which can raise or
lower the actual current at which the circuit breaker will
Mounting Hardware
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
d. Adjust the switch up or down as required with Circuit Breaker Blanking Plugs
upper and lower jam nuts to obtain proper height
of the switch lever. 41. When a circuit breaker is removed a blanking plug
should be installed in the mounting hole. The following
e. When switch is adjusted to the proper height, it blanking plugs are suitable for this purpose: Metal Plug,
can be closed with switch guard and the guard will PN NAS451-43 or Rubber Plug, PN G34.
not interfere with switch operation (see Section 2,
Chapter 9, Figure 9–10).
Mounting Relays
42. Make sure that each protective device is identified
by a plate or decal, permanently attached to adjacent
37. Mount relays so that foreign particles cannot fall aircraft structure. If the location of a protective device is
between the terminals and so that liquid cannot changed, make sure that the identification marking is
accumulate inside the cover. also relocated and completely visible. Make sure the
new identification marking is exactly the same as the
Special Precautions for Bonding or Grounding original.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
If aluminium busbars are removed and are to be
reinstalled, examine the busbar for deformation
before reinstalling it. If there is any deformation,
discard it and install a new busbar.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 15
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