IV Prestressed Concrete Unit 2
IV Prestressed Concrete Unit 2
IV Prestressed Concrete Unit 2
The effective prestress in concrete under goes a gradual reduction with time from the For Micro Notes by the
stage of transfer due to various causes. This is referred to as loss of prestress.
1. Elastic deformation concrete.
2. Relaxation of stress in steel.
3. Shrinkage of concrete.
4. Creep of concrete.
Post tensioning:
1. No loss due to elastic deformation if all the wires are simultaneously tensioned.
If the bars are successively tensioned, there will be loss of prestress due to
elastic deformation of concrete
2. Relaxation of stress in steel.
3. Shrinkage of concrete.
4. Creep of concrete.
5. Friction.
6. Anchorage slip.
In addition there may be losses due to sudden change in temperature especially in
steam curing of pretensioned units.
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
2 Prestressed Concrete Structures
= P + Pe ]eg
Use of high strength concrete with low water/cement ratios results in a reduction
in shrinkage and consequent loss of prestress. The primary cause of drying
shrinkage is the progressive loss of water from concrete.
In the case of pre-tensioned members, generally moist curing is resorted to in
order to prevent shrinkage until the time of transfer. Consequently the total
residual shrinkage strain will be larger in pretensioned members after transfer of
prestress in comparison with post tensioned member, where a portion of shrinkage
will have already taken place by the time of transfer of stress.
Loss of stress due to shrinkage = εcs х Es
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
3 Losses in Prestress
εcs = Total residual shrinkage strain having values of 3× 10 -4 for pre tensioned For Micro Notes by the
member Student
2 # 10 -4
log10 ]t + 2g
for post tensioning
t = age of concrete at transfer in days.
Es = modulus of elasticity of steel.
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
4 Prestressed Concrete Structures
Example: 2
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
5 Losses in Prestress
In most tensioning systems, when the cable is tensioned and the jack is released to
transfer prestress to concert, the friction wedges employed to grip the wires, slip
over a small distance before the wires are finally housed between the wedges. The
magnitude of slip depends upon the type of wedge.
∆σ = (Es./L). δ
δ = slip of anchorage, mm
Es = Mod. Elasticity of steel, N/mm2
L = length of cable, mm
% loss is higher for short members than for comparatively longer ones.
Example: 3
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
6 Prestressed Concrete Structures
01. Determine the percentage loss of stress due to friction when the cable is tensioned
from one end
(a) 3.18 (b) 4.30 (c) 5.28 (d) 6.46
02. Determine the percentage loss of stress due to friction when the cable is tensioned
from both the ends
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.15 (c) 3.48 (d)Zero
03. Determine the percentage loss of stress due to friction when the cable is straight
and tensioned from one end.
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.5 (c) 4.5 (d) 6
(Fixed) X Y (Movable)
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
7 Losses in Prestress
of 1200 MPa. All the three cables are straight and located 100 mm from the soffit
of the beam. If the modular ratio is 6, the loss of stress due to elastic shortening
in the beam
05. When simultaneous tension and anchoring of all the three cables is done will be
(a) 24.5 MPa (b) 12.5 MPa (c) 35MPa (d) zero
06. When successive tensioning of the three cables are done (one at a time)
(a) 48.06 MPa (b) 24.5 MPa
(c) 78.2MPa (d) zero
07. The percentage loss of prestress due to anchorage slip of 3 mm in a concrete beam
of length 30 m which is post tensioned by a tendon with an initial stress of 1200
MPa and modulus of elasticity equal to 2.1х105 MPa is
(a) 0.0175 (b) 0.175 (c) 1.75 (d) 17.5
08. A rectangular concrete beam of width 120 mm and depth 200mm is prestressed
by pretensioning to a force of 150 kN at an eccentricity of 20mm. The cross
sectional area of the prestressing steel is 187.5 mm2. Take modulus of elasticity of
steel and concrete as 2.1х105 MPa and 3.0х104 MPa respectively. The percentage
loss of stress in the prestressing steel due to elastic deformation of concrete
(a) 8.75 (b) 6.125 (c) 4.81 (d) 2.19
09. An ordinary mid steel bar has been prestressed to a working stress of 200MPa
Youngs modulus of steel is 200 GPa. Permanent negative strain due to shrinkage
and creep is 0.0008. How much is the effective stress left in steel?
(a) 184 MPa (b) 160 MPa (c) 40 MPa (d) 16 MPa
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
8 Prestressed Concrete Structures
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
9 Losses in Prestress
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)
10 Prestressed Concrete Structures
12. A simply supported post tensioned concrete beam of span 10m has section 200 x For Micro Notes by the
450mm is subjected to an initial prestressing force of 300kN applies at a constant Student
eccentricity of 75mm by tendons of 250mm2. Find the total loss of prestress in the
tendons using the following data: Es = 2*105 N/mm2, Ec = 35 kN/mm2, anchorage
slip= 3mm, creep coefficient of concrete = 1.5, shrinkage of concrete = 0.0002 and
relaxation of steel=2%. [May-2017]
13. Determine the total loss of prestress in a simply supported pre-tensioned concrete
beam of span 12m and cross-section 250 x 500mm. The beam is pre-stressed with
900kN at transfer. The steel cable has a cross-sectional area of 750mm2 and has a
straight profile with an eccentricity of 150mm. Use M40 grade of concrete and Es
= 2*105 N/mm2. [May-2017]
Losses in Pre-stress
Previous GATE and IES Questions
01. The loss of prestress due to elastic shortening of concrete is least in
(GATE - 92)
(a) One wire pretensioned beam
(b) One wire post-tensioned beam
(c) Multiple wire pretensioned beam with sequential cutting of wires
(d) Multiple wire post-tensioned beam subjected to sequential prestressing.
03. The percentage loss of prestress due to anchorage slip of 3 mm in a concrete beam
of length 30 m which is post-tensioned by a tendon with an initial stress of 1200
N/mm2 and modulus of elasticity equal to 2.1 × 105 N/mm2 is (GATE - 07)
(a) 0.0175 (b) 0.175 (c) 1.75 (d) 17.5
04. A beam with a rectangular cross section of size 250 mm wide and 350 mm deep is
prestressed by a force of 400 kN using 8 numbers 7 mm φ steel cables located at
an eccentricity of 75 mm. Determine the loss of prestress due to creep of concrete.
Grade of concrete is M40; Coefficient of creep is 2; stress at transfer is 80%,
Modulus of elasticity of steel(Es) is 2.0 × 105 MPa. (GATE - 99)
AACE Engineering College : Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, Telangana 501301 (EAMCET Code: ACEG)