Foam Roller Exercise Guide

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About Us

Niel Asher Healthcare is an independent British publisher, established in 1997, and

specialising in trigger point therapy books, health & fitness books, and digital publishing
products. Our books, apps, and websites are characterised by their clarity, ease of use,
innovative design and detailed anatomical illustrations.

Our audience includes massage therapists, sports injury specialists and those working
within the holistic, sports or healthcare industry, along with self-help and sports &
fitness enthusiasts.

What makes us different from other health and wellness publishers?

We've been therapists for a lot longer than we've been publishers. Our publishing
business is built around our three busy clinics where we continue to treat thousands of
patients each year. All of our books and guides are based on treatment techniques used
and developed in our clinics, and are regularly updated to reflect new findings and
current best practice.

Our Team

Our senior team members include osteopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists,

massage therapists, deep tissue specialists, and athletic trainers. Many of our key staff
are involved full or part time in treating patients, writing, and teaching manual therapy.
These include therapists from diverse backgrounds, with 100's of years of combined

NAT® and Trigger Point Therapy

It has been estimated that trigger points are implicated in over 90% of musculoskeletal
pain issues. For this reason, NAT® treatment programs are always based on the very
latest evidence and research surrounding trigger points.  

Simeon Niel Asher, who co-founded Niel Asher Healthcare in 1997, is one of the worlds
leading authorities on trigger points and trigger point therapy, and is the author of
numerous publications including the best selling "Concise Book of Trigger Points" which
has been in print since 2004.

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This NAT Pocket Guide is intended to be used for information purposes only and is not
intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or to substitute for a medical
diagnosis and/or treatment rendered or prescribed by a physician or competent
healthcare professional.

This information is designed as educational material, but should not be taken as a

recommendation for treatment of any particular person or patient. Always consult your
physician or healthcare professional if you think you need treatment. Your use of this
information does not mean that a doctor - patient relationship has been established
between you and the authors of this guide.

The authors represent that this information is formulated with a reasonable standard of
accuracy. Except for this representation, the authors make no representations or
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This NAT Pocket Guide may be retained for personal or educational use. Information
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The content provided by Niel Asher Healthcare is for information purposes only and is in
no way intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified
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guarantee nor take responsibility for the medical accuracy of documents we publish.

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Why Foam Roll?

Self-myofascial release (SMR), also known as “foam rolling,” has transformed

from a once mysterious technique used only by professional athletes, coaches,
and therapists to a familiar everyday practice for people at all levels of fitness.
Foam roller is uniquely effective for warming up ‘cold’ muscles before stretching
and loosening knots or ‘trigger points’ in muscles that may otherwise be
difficult to access. You don’t always have to roll over the knots, sometimes it’s
sufficient just to pause on them with the roller, breathe and let the tension melt

Trigger Points

We first heard the term trigger point used in 1942 by a woman called Dr. Janet
Travell. She came up with the phrase to describe the painful lumps, or nodules,
felt within tight bands of muscle. Since then, we've learnt a lot more about
trigger points and the features they have in common:

- Pain, often exquisite, at the specific point 

- A nodule set deep within a tight/taut band of muscle

- When pressed, pain radiates out in a specific way that can be reproduced
(referred pain map)

- Pain that us felt often remotely from where the trigger point manifests

- The pain felt, often cannot be explained by a neurological examination

One thing to remember about trigger points is that where you feel pain, may not
be the same place as where the trigger point is embedded. This is partly the
reason that some therapies fail to help because a therapist or doctor will tend
to concentrate on the place that hurts, rather than locating the source of the

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General Instructions

While rolling out you must keep your muscles as relaxed as possible and keep
your breathing steady throughout the entire exercises.

We strongly recommend avoiding using the foam roller on your knees and
elbows; it could cause pain and injuries.We would advise you initially to use the
foam roller under guidance.

Whenever rolling on the foam roller, hold at any trigger points for 10-20 seconds
or until you feel the pain diminishing. Always stay on the muscle and don’t roll
onto the tendons or bones. Build up the pressure slowly and sensitively on
those sore spots. Remain on the sweet spot until it releases but NOT longer than
1-2 minutes.

Take note of these rules before you start:

Know the muscle that needs treating. There is a high probability that the trigger
points are not in the same location as the pain! There are commonly known
“referred pain patterns” that indicate the likely location of trigger points. Do
your homework; use a guide; or ask your therapist before you start self treating!

Do not apply pressure tools (or anything else!) to the spaces between joints.
Avoid any form of pressure contact especially with the back of the knee, inside
of the elbow, armpit, and the front and sides of the neck. Take special care to
seek professional advice before applying any pressure to any area of the head
or neck, especially if you have neck pain.

Whether you are sitting, standing, or laying down, make sure that you are
relaxed, and that the muscle to be treated is relaxed (do not tense the muscle
during treatment).

Stretch the muscles after treatment. Always start slowly.

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Which type of foam roller is best?

Self massage to treat trigger points can be effective using a wide variety of
pressure tools and foam rollers. There are an infinite number of foam rollers
available with new designs and materials continuously coming on to the

Although there might well be some advantage to certain specific designs,

shapes, and materials, this guide is suitable for whatever type of commonly
available foam roller that you are using.

If you are intending to buy a foam roller, we recommend doing plenty of

research before you make your purchasing decision, paying especial attention
to reviews and bona fide expert bloggers. Some foam rollers can be extremely
expensive, and while some may well be worth the additional expense, many
simply aren’t!

The Pressure Positive Company and NAT have teamed up to offer an affordable
and portable 13"x5" foam roller for either the beginner or advanced user.
Available in purple with a black solid core, our foam roller is made of durable
EVA and has two surfaces, one for more aggressive rolling over thicker muscles
and one for moderate use over thinner muscles. This User Guide is offered as a
free download with purchase and is available exclusively from: or or

Shoulders (Rotator Cuff Release) 7

Shoulders (Front Side) 8

Shoulder Flexors and Extensors 9

Lower Back 10

Thoracic Extension #1 11

Thoracic Extension #2 12

Latissimus Dorsi Release (Lats) 13

Upper Back 14

Quadriceps (Quads) 15

Illiotibial (IT) Band/Abductors 16

Hamstrings 17

Glutes/Piriformis 18

Calves 19

Adductors/Hip Flexor 20

Biceps (Outer) 21

Biceps (Inner) 22

Triceps 23

Abdominals 24

Shins 25

Feet 26

Chest 27

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Shoulders (Rotator Cuff Release)

Step 1: Place the foam roller under your shoulder blade (Rotator Cuff).

Step 2: Using your legs, slowly move your body forwards and backwards. The foam roller
will massage the shoulder blade area and the back of the shoulder.

Step 3: Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.

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Shoulders (Front Side)

Step 1: Lie on your stomach with one arm outstretched overhead.

Step 2: Place the foam roller on the floor between your chest and shoulder.

Step 3: Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.

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Shoulder Flexors and Extensors

Step 1: Lie on your back with the foam roller underneath your back and supporting your
head and spine.

Step 2: Extend one arm over your head and keep it parallel to the ground. Place the
other arm on the ground by the side of your body.

Step 3: Hold that position for 45-60 seconds.

Step 4: Switch arm positions and repeat.

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Lower Back

Step 1: Sit on the floor; place the foam roller underneath your lower back

Step 2: Position your arms across your chest.

Step 3: Raise your hips off the ground and lean back, keeping your weight on your lower

Step 4: Shift your weight to one side of your lower back. Put pressure only on the
muscles of the back and NOT on the spine.

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.


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Thoracic Extension #1

Step 1: Lie on your back and place the foam roller underneath your upper back.

Step 2: Position your arms across your chest.

Step 3: Keep your back and neck relaxed, and hold for 45-90 seconds.

Note: You may move the foam roller slightly up or down, and hold in different positions
along your back.


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Thoracic Extension #2

Step 1: Lie on your back and place foam roller underneath your upper back.

Step 2: Stretch your arms out overhead.

Step 3: Roll backwards and forwards along the length of your upper back.

Complete 10-12 rollouts.


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Latissimus Dorsi Release (Lats)

Step 1: Lie on your side and place the foam roller underneath the outer aspect of your
back (Lats).

Step 2: Bend the leg that is closer to the floor.

Step 3: Using your legs, move your body forwards and backwards.

Step 4: Change sides and repeat

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.


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Upper Back

Step 1: Lie on your back

Step 2: Place the foam roller underneath your upper back.

Step 3: Cross your arms across your chest.

Step 4: Raise your hips off the ground, shift your weight to one side of your back and roll
your middle and upper back.

Repeat 10-12 rollouts on each side.


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Quadriceps (Quads)

Step 1: Lie face down on the floor with your weight supported by your hands or

Step 2: Place the foam roller underneath the quadriceps.

Step 3: Roll from above the knee to below the hip.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Note: You can increase pressure by doing this exercise one leg at a time. Start with one
leg in the air or supporting on the ground, and then switch.


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Illiotibial (IT) Band/Abductors

Step 1: Lie down on your side and hold yourself up with one elbow.

Step 2: Place the foam roller just below your hip, and use the leg that has no contact
with the foam roller to support you on the ground.

Step 3: Roll forward and backwards along the outside of your outer thigh (stop before
your knee).

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.

You can increase pressure by doing this exercise with both legs off the ground.


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Step 1: Sit on the foam roller with your legs outstretched

Step 2: Support yourself by placing your hands on the floor behind you. Make sure the
foam roller is directly under your hamstrings.

Step 3: Roll forwards and backwards from your glutes to the back of your knee.

Complete 10-12 rollouts.

Try this with your feet turned out, and with your feet turned in.

You can increase pressure by stacking one leg over the other.


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Back pain, sciatica,

Step 1: Sit with your buttocks on top of the foam roller, bend your knees, and stack one
leg on top of the other.

Step 2: Shift your weight to the side of the crossed leg and roll over your buttocks.

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.


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Step 1: Place the roller under your Achilles heel.

Step 2: Place your hands on the floor behind you for support.

Step 3: Roll along the calves until you reach the back of the knee.

Complete 10-12 rollouts.

You can increase pressure by crossing one leg over the other.


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Adductors/Hip Flexor

Step 1: Lie on your stomach and place one leg on the foam roller. Make sure the foam
roller is directly underneath your inner thigh.

Step 2: Shift your weight onto the foam roller.

Step 3: Keep the inner thigh muscles (Adductors) relaxed.

Complete 10-12 rollouts (from your hip to your knee) on each leg.


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Biceps (Outer)

Step 1: Lie on your side with your upper arm against the foam roller. Keep your upper
arm aligned with your body so that the outside of the bicep is pressed against the foam

Step 2: Raise your hips off the floor, applying most of your weight onto the outer bicep.

Step 3: Hold for 45-90 seconds on each arm.


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Biceps (Inner)

Step 1: Lie on your stomach with one arm spread out to the side and place the foam
roller underneath your inner bicep.

Step 2: Using your arms and legs, move your body side to side allowing the foam roller to
rollout your bicep.

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each arm.


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Step 1: Lie on your side with one arm outstretched overhead

Step 2: Place the foam roller underneath your triceps.

Step 3: Use your body to roll forwards and backwards. Roll from your elbow to your

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each arm.


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Step 1: Lie on your stomach and place the foam roller underneath your lower abs.

Step 2: Support yourself by extending your legs and placing your hands on the floor in
front of you.

Step 3: Using your arms, push backwards and pull forwards to rollout your abdominals.

Complete 10-12 rollouts.


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Step 1: Get on your hands and knees on the floor.

Step 2: Place the foam roller under one of your shins and extend the other leg out for
support. Your hands should be positioned just in front of your shoulders on the floor.

Step 3: Point the heel of the working leg slightly outwards.

Step 4: Rollout from just above your ankles to just below your knee by shifting your
weight forward and bringing your shoulders in front of your hands, and shifting your
weight backwards for the reverse action.

Step 3: Complete 10-12 rollouts on each leg.

You can increase the pressure by placing both shins on the foam roller.


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Step 1: Stand with one foot on the foam roller (withy the foam roller placed under the
arch of your foot).

Step 2: Apply pressure to the arch by leaning your weight forward and slowly roll your
foot back and forth.

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each foot.


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Step 1: Lie on your stomach.

Step 2: Stretch one arm sideways.

Step 3: Place the foam roller underneath your chest muscle, just below your shoulder.

Step 4: Move the foam roller around to cover all the chest area.

Complete 10-12 rollouts on each side.


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128 Oberholtzer Rd.

Gilbertsville, PA 19525
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