By Joseph A. Mohr
These bandits are hiding here in the Dark Dryads (3): AC 9; MV 12; HD 2; HP 10
Forest. The camp consists of 50 bandits led each; # AT 1; Dmg by weapon (dagger); SA
by Jamal Dhagar. He is wanted by charm; Magic Resistance 50%; AL N; MM
authorities in Zanzia as well as in the Jural page 35.
Green Dragon, Very Old
Jamal Dhagar: F9: AC -1; HP 75; chain
mail +4; shield +1; hammer-lucern +2/+3 This very old green dragon is out looking for
versus lawful creatures; AL NE; MM page food for it’s mate which is dying. It has a lair
66. within the forest but it is far away from
where it hunts. These elves will refuse to leave the woods or
help in combat with the Tarrasque.
Very Old Green Dragon (1): AC 2; MV However, if the encounter with these elves
9/24; HD 9; HP 63; # AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2- sufficiently impresses them with the good
20 or breath weapon (chlorine gas); AL LE; intentions of the adventurers then the
MM page 33. She cannot speak or use sorcerer will offer them the use of her
magic. She will not be found sleeping as she folding boat to aid their quest. This boat
is out hunting. might come in handy as some of the quest
components do involve water. They will
Green Hag take the adventurers to Remacle once they
discover the intentions of the party.
She has recently made her home in this
forest and is out looking for victims to These elves will not be pleased by any use of
tornment. magical fire in their forest.
1. Trail
Should you feel the need to make this Traveling to the desert will be uneventful.
encounter less difficult.....then your But once the desert is reached (after 14-16
adventurers are wimps....but you could days riding from Barrowmar) random
reduce the HD to that of a normal Kraken encounter rolls should be made. A roll of 1-3
or reduce the damage accordingly or both. out of 10 will indicate an encounter.
Encounter rolls should be made twice daily.
Should you feel the need to increase the After 2-4 days of searching the deepest parts
difficulty level of this encounter then in the of the desert one of the many entrances into
first round have the Kraken summon the tunnels may be found.
sharks. Instead of summoning common
ones summon 4-16 of the largest HD Random Encounters
variety (8 HD) or 2-5 Giant Sharks (15 HD
variety). It could do this at any time. 1. 1-2 Sand Worms
2. 1-2 Sand Worms
3. 4-40 Nomads
In addition to the ink bladder of the Kraken
4. 4-40 desert raiders
many other treasures may be found inside of
5. Patrol from the Jural Empire
the stomach of the beast. If cut open the
6. 3-12 Desert Giants
creature will reveal it’s horde: three large
locked chests filled with 5000 gold pieces
Desert Giant
each and a fourth filled with 5000 platinum
pieces (it swallowed these prizes when it ate
A breed of giants live in the deepest part of
a ship recently), a metal scroll tube with the
the deserts. These evil giants worship the
following magic user spells: symbol,
sun god Raal whose goal is to overrun the
reverse gravity, incendiary cloud, an iron
greenest parts of the land with desert.
flask, horseshoes of speed, the decorative
carved mast from a merchant ship made in
Desert Giant: AC 1; MV 15; HD 13; HP 55 This patrol of soldiers claims sovereignty
each; # AT 1; Dmg 2–12 +7 (gigantic over the desert. Of course, Zanzia, also
scimitars with giant strength); SA can hurl claims this territory. It is a frequent point of
great spears for 2-16 damage +7); SD camo dispute during their many wars over this
in desert gives them surprise on 1-4 out of border. These soldiers will be distrustful of
6); AL NE; MONM page 134 modified. strangers and will question the travelers that
they meet in the desert. They may be quite
Desert Raiders rude and insulting to people coming from
the Zanzian side of the border but generally
Some tribes in the desert are not so peaceful. they will not attack unless provoked to do
These bandits roam from oasis to oasis so.
looking for easy pickings. Strangers to the
desert are the preferred targets but nomads
are welcome targets as well. Horse Soldiers (3-30): F0: AC 7; HP 4
each; leather armor; shield; scimitar; short
Raiders: F0: AC 8; HP 3 each; scimitars; bow; 12 arrows; light war horse; AL NE;
leather armor; slings; 20 bullets; light war MM page 68 modified (dervish).
horses and camels; AL CE; MM page 66
modified (brigands). Leader: F3: AC 4; HP 25; chain mail;
shield; scimitar; short bow; 12 arrows;
Leader: F5: AC 8; scimitar +2; leather medium war horse; AL NE; MM page 68
armor; light war horse; AL CE; MM page modified (dervish).
Sand Worms
This cousin to the purple worm lives in the
Many tribes of wandering nomads live in deepest parts of the desert. They are quite
movable tent villages in the desert between dangerous as they often appear out of
Zanzia and Jural. Often they just move to a nowhere and swallow desert travelers.
new oasis as water or food begins to run out.
Most of these tribes are peaceful but some Sand Worms: AC 6; MV 9; HD 15; HP 60
are very warlike and defend their oasis each; # AT 1 and 1; Dmg 2-24/2-8; SA
violently. poison stinger; SA sand colored camo gives
them chance to surprise on 1-3 of 6 in
Nomads: F0: AC 10; HP 3 each; white or desert; AL N; MM page 80 modified purple
light colored robes; scimitars; short bows; worm.
12 arrows; light war horses and camels; AL
N; MM page 68.
Leader: F5: AC 10; HP 35; white robe and Random Encounters in the tunnels should be
turban with a gold head band; scimitar +2; rolled at every pont marked 2 on the map.
short bow; 12 arrows +1; light war horse; Such an encounter will always be with 1-3
AL N; MM page 68 modified. sand worms. Cave ins are also frequent in
these tunnels. Roll for a cave in check at the
Patrol of Jural Empire points marked 2 as well. A cave in takes
place on a 1 in 10. A cave in will not be fatal ADJUSTING THE ENCOUNTER
but will require digging out of the tunnels
and finding another entrance. Adjusting this encounter is easy. How many
other worms in the royal court will change
1. Entrance to the Tunnels the difficulty of the battle. To make it easier
make few royal court members or even
There are many entrance to the tunnels. All none if needed. To make it difficult make it
are basically the same. They are just a deep the maximum number of extra worms to
hole in the sand which leads downward. fight.
These holes lead to tunnels beneath the
sands. Treasures to be found in this chamber
include: 2-5 gems of 1000 to 5000 gold
2. Worm Tunnels pieces of value inside of each of the royal
court members. Inside of the mate of the
The worms dig these tunnels constantly. At queen there is a 15000 gold piece blue
each of these points roll a random encounter sapphire, the skeleton of a Zanzian knight
check. wearing plate mail +3 and a bardiche
+4/+5 versus enchanted or magic using
3. Main Chamber creatures. Inside of the queen herself there
are five enormous black pearls worth 10000
This is the main chamber of the queen of the gold pieces each, a marble statue of the
worms. She and her mate are present here at Emperor of Jural worth 5000 gold pieces
all times with 2-7 other worms nearby. All and a gem of seeing.
will immediately rise to defend the queen.
Shriekers (12): AC 7; MV 1; HD 5; HP 25
each; # AT 0; Dmg none; SA shrieks bring
random encounters and alert others of
incoming explorers; AL N; MM page 87
Glyph of Enfeeblement
Glyph of Extension
This statue is larger than life. It stands nearly This ancient bloodstained altar has seen
ten feet tall and towers over the adventurers. many human sacrifices. A paladin or good
The statue holds a long staff in it’s right aligned cleric will feel the souls of the many
hand in which the head of the staff is shaped victims of this altar crying to be freed.
like the head of a horned devil. In it’s left Touching this altar is painful for a good
hand it holds a rod which has a jewel shaped aligned adventurer. They must save versus
tip and a sharp point at the other end. death magic or suffer 4-40 points of damage.
Should the statue be touched be someone of The altar could be destroyed. Doing so
good alignment they will need to make a would free the many souls trapped within it.
saving throw versus death magic or be In it’s current form it is indestructible. But if
stunned for 3-30 rounds. A loud screeching holy water is poured onto it it will become
sound will be heard and footsteps shuffling vulnerable to attack. It will have AC 10 and
in the hallway can be heard immediately as 300 hit points. Once destroyed it will
the door busts inward and twelve bone crumble into pieces and an intense wind will
devils arrive to defend the statue. blow in the room as the souls escape the
altar. Once destruction of the altar has begun
Bone Devils (12): AC -1; MV 15; HD 9; HP the twelve bone devils will arrive as
45 each; # AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA ultravision described above. Those twelve bone devils
60'; SA bone hook impales and holds onto a will arrive in this room only one time. So
victim struck by it 50% of the time; SA ignore this part if the statue has been
anyone stuck to the bone hook is also struck touched already by a good aligned person.
by the tail of the devil for 2-8 damage and a
loss of 1-4 points of strength (save versus
poison) for 10 rounds; SA at will the
6. Ceiling Trap 8. Death Magic Trap
This chamber seems to be empty except for This dusty room has some kind of large
a small stone pedestal in the center with a rune painted on the floor of it. This rune is
gleaming gold crown with many jewels covered in dust.
resting upon it. A small wall of force
protects this crown from being taken. What is on the floor of this chamber is a
Symbol of Death. The large amount of dust
Should anyone enter the room a large stone that has settled over this symbol prevents it
block will fall out of the ceiling and crush from going off immediately.
anyone in the room for 10-200 points of
damage (10D20). The crown is just a gold Should anyone choose to sweep away any of
coated piece of lead and the jewels are paste. the dust they will take the full force of the
spell effect and must make a save versus
7. Fake Skull of Cruneth magic or die .
Bone Devils (12): AC -1; MV 15; HD 9; HP Each of the fiery braziers suddenly flare up
45 each; # AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA ultravision and out of the flames three ice devils arrive
60'; SA bone hook impales and holds onto a to defend Dispater’s ally. Shortly after the
victim struck by it 50% of the time; SA battle commences bone devils will arrive
anyone stuck to the bone hook is also struck from the hallway.
by the tail of the devil for 2-8 damage and a
loss of 1-4 points of strength (save versus Devils, Ice Devils (3): AC -4; MV 6; HD
poison) for 10 rounds; SA at will the 11; HP 50 each; # AT 4; Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-8/3-
creature can use the following spell like 12; SA each of these carry the great spear
abilities: generate fear in a 5' radius, create that upon hitting an enemy will slow the
illusion, fly, invisibility, detect invisibility, victim 50% (save versus paralysis avoids);
fear, summon another bone devil (40% SA at will each of these devils can use the
chance); SA once per day it can create a wall following spell like abilities: fly, wall of ice,
of ice; Magic Resistance 40%; AL LE; MM detect magic, detect invisible, polymorph
page 21. self, gate in two bone devils (70%) or
another ice devil (30%) with a 60% Some important notes on this creature:
chance of success; SA once per day can
create an ice storm; SD ultravision; SD The creature will at first manifest itself in
regenerate 1 hp per round; SA radiate fear in the form of a cloud of dust. It has the
a 10' radius (save versus wand); SA STR for powers of a wraith but cannot be turned.
grappling is 18/76; AL LE; MM page 22-23.
While it is in this form every physical attack
Cruneth, Demi-Lich (1): It is nearly against it will appear to be working. But
impossible to make a normal stat block for they will not. The creature will collect 1
this creature. It is quite complex and has point of energy for each point of physical
many different abilities, defenses and damage which it appears to take. It will also
powers. See MM2 page 32-33 for a gain one point of energy for each spell level
complete description of this creature and cast against it.
read it in detail before the encounter. Like
all Demi-Lich the skull itself has 50 hit Once 50 energy points are collected the
points (to begin with) and can only be creature will shift to the appearance and
damaged by the means listed on page 33. abilities of a ghost. It still cannot be turned
by a cleric. Again it will appear to take
damage but does not. It continues to gather
energy points.
There are limited ways to actually damage Shortly after the battle begins the shuffling
the skull of the Demi-Lich (which is the only of feet can be heard in the hallway as twelve
way to destroy it and complete this quest): bone devils arrive to help the master. This
will not occur if two groups of bone devils
- Forget spell causes skull to sink have already been met and destroyed
down to the dust without howling or previously in the tomb.
taking a soul
- Shatter spell causes it 3-18 damage Bone Devils (12): AC -1; MV 15; HD 9; HP
- Power word kill cast by an astral or 45 each; # AT 1; Dmg 3-12; SA ultravision
ethereal magic user kills it 60'; SA bone hook impales and holds onto a
- A fighter or range with a vorpal victim struck by it 50% of the time; SA
blade, sword of sharpness, sword +5 anyone stuck to the bone hook is also struck
or a paladin with a +4 or better by the tail of the devil for 2-8 damage and a
weapon or a vorpal weapon inflict loss of 1-4 points of strength (save versus
normal damage on the skull poison) for 10 rounds; SA at will the
- Exorcism causes it to sink creature can use the following spell like
- Dispel evil causes it 5-8 points of abilities: generate fear in a 5' radius, create
damage illusion, fly, invisibility, detect invisibility,
- Holy word causes it 5-30 damage fear, summon another bone devil (40%
- Any character with a +4 or better chance); SA once per day it can create a wall
weapon or a mace of disruption can of ice; Magic Resistance 40%; AL LE; MM
do 1 point of damage per hit page 21.
The Braziers
The braziers magically burn but give off no
heat. The coals in the braziers are still black Making this encounter less difficult can be
and do not seem to be burnt. Should anyone accomplished by eliminating the bone devil
search these braziers they will find a arrival or the ice devils arrival or both.
necklace of strangulation in one of them Making it more difficult can be
and a decanter of endless water in another. accomplished by increasing the number of
ice devils arriving or doubling the number
Secret Doors of bone devils arriving or both.
4. Fire Trap
Should the wrong answer be given the This oddly shaped room has walls that are
central eye of the statue and it’s various eye made of metal. A strange buzzing sound can
stalks will all begin glowing. And then the be heard once the door to the room is
fun begins as various rays shoot randomly at opened. Floating in the center of this room is
a shiny metal ball about two feet in 9. Illusion
diameter. What causes this ball to float is a
mystery. As the adventurers approach this room a
programmed illusion will begin. An
Should anyone approach the ball they may enormous hive mother floats before the
notice that it seems to have a small crack adventurer and asks a riddle:
which circumvents the sphere. Perhaps this
sphere has something inside of it. “What fire nor water can kill
But wind can easily blow away uncountable
The room and the sphere are, of course, a But still not a copper worth to pay”
trap. Should the sphere be touched a
lightning bolt will fire from it and strike the Answer: Sand (a grain of)
person doing so. This bolt of lightning,
however, will not stop there. It will keep Should the correct answer be given the
bouncing of the walls in random directions. illusion will end revealing a metal scroll
Anyone in the room has a 25% chance of tube lying on the floor. Inside the tube is a
being struck by the bouncing bolt of scroll with illusionist spells: vision, mass
lightning each round they are in the room. If suggestion, demi-shadow monsters.
the door to this room is still open there is a
25% chance that the bolt will bounce out of Should an incorrect answer be given the
the room and down the hallway each round. central eye and eye stalks of the illusion will
fire off rays as listed previously in area 7.
Anyone stuck by the lightning bolt takes The central eye will have no effect but the
10D6 damage (save versus spell for half other eyes will have the same effects unless
damage). The same person can be struck the adventurer makes a successful roll to
multiple times by this bolt until it goes down disbelieve the illusion.
the hallway.
10. Pedestal and Force Field
If the bolt of lightning does go down the
hallway the sound of it brings a random In this octagonal chamber rests a black
encounter within 1-2 rounds. pedestal made of obsidian. Sitting upon the
pedestal is a strange misshapen looking
Inside of the sphere is a wand of wonder crown made of shimmering gold and
with 50 charges and a very large black opal sparking jewels. This crown looks like it
worth 12500 gold pieces. might fit an enormous eye tyrant. Protecting
the crown is a prismatic sphere which covers
What keeps the sphere floating is constant the crown on all sides.
electrical current running through the walls
of this place and electromagnetic force. The crown is real. It is worth 35000 gold
Should the electricity be shut off in some pieces. Since she became undead she no
manner (removing the trap) the sphere will longer feels the need to wear it as all
drop and crack open on the floor ruining the beholder kind know her authority. Her
black opal but not the wand. The opal will authority is power and she has plenty of it.
be shattered by the impact.
The prismatic sphere can be reduced by the 16; Dmg each eye stalk or the central eye
normal means as described in the PHB on has a power associated with it; SA magical
page 93. powers from it’s many eyes; SD +3 or better
weapons to hit; SD immune to cold, hold,
But the crown, is trapped, of course. Should charm, sleep, poison, death magic; SD
anyone lift the weight of the crown off of the regenerates 5 HP per round; SA she can
pedestal the pedestal itself will sink quickly telepathically summon her royal guards from
into the floor and then a ten tone ceiling areas 12 and 13 in two rounds; AL LE;
block will drop into the room doing 30-300 Magic Resistance: 50%; MONM pages 25-
points of crushing damage to anyone and 26 and pages 23- 24 modified. See a full
anything in it’s way. The trap could be description of her and her many powers at
detected and removed once the prismatic the end of this adventure.
sphere is removed. Until this is
accomplished, however, no one can see
closely enough inside the sphere to detect a
trap. If, you feel the need to do so, you may
allow a saving throw versus Dexterity (4D6)
to avoid the trap by diving for cover into the
The piles of treasure on the floor include: In a secret compartment in the pedestal is a
bone scroll tube with a clerical scroll with
32452 copper pieces the following spells: regenerate, holy word
23542 silver pieces and speak with monsters. There is also a
14233 gold pieces wooden scroll tube with druid spells: fire
4233 electrum pieces storm, turn wood and fire seeds.
7435 platinum pieces
15 moonstones worth 50 gold pieces each 12. Guard Room
20 aquamarines worth 100 gold pieces each
5 peridots worth 500 gold pieces each Awaiting a summons from “Mother” are 2-5
1 fire opal worth 12500 gold pieces eye tyrants floating in a circular domed room
1 large pearl worth 1000 gold pieces with no decoration.
4 ivory figurines of dwarven heroes in
combat worth 200 gold pieces each
A painting of an ancient king of Zanzia 2-5 Beholders: AC 0/2/7; MV 3; HD 45-75
worth 2500 gold pieces to a collector of hp; HP 60 each; # AT 1; Dmg 2-8 (bite); SA
historical art eye stalks have various magical abilities as
1 electrum candlestick worth 100 gold does the central eye; SD anti magic ray; AL
pieces LE; MM page 10.
A marble bust of the Emperor of Jural worth
500 gold pieces 13. Guard Room
1 golden statuette of a unicorn worth 250
gold pieces Awaiting a summons from “Mother” are 2-5
3 bolts of fine Juralian silk in different eye tyrants floating in a circular domed room
colors worth 200 gold pieces each with no decoration.
5 sticks of fine Incense worth 30 gold pieces
2-5 Beholders: AC 0/2/7; MV 3; HD 45-75 still do huge amounts of damage in every
hp; HP 60 each; # AT 1; Dmg 2-8 (bite); SA round. And it still has 300 hit points.
eye stalks have various magical abilities as
does the central eye; SD anti magic ray; AL
The Tarrasque: AC -3; MV 9 (+6 rush); The creature collects no treasure, of it’s
HD 70; HP 300; # AT 6; Dmg 1-12 own, per se. But the carapace of the creature
(claw)/1-12(claw)/2-24(tail)/5-50(bite/1- itself is a valuable treasure if the adventurers
10(horn)/1-10(horn); SA creatures below 3 realize it and make use of it. If the upper
HD will be paralyzed with terror; SA portion of the carapace is treated with acid
creatures from 3 to 6 HD flee in panic; SA and heated in a furnace it will yield 10-100
all creatures of 7HD or more who save diamonds of 1000 gold piece base value.
versus paralyzation can avoid this effect; The underbelly can be molded by a dwarven
SA bite is treated as a sword of sharpness in blacksmith into 1-4 shields +5.
that an 18 or better indicates something is
severed; SD +1 or better weapons to hit; SA Experience Point Value
once per turn it can use a “rush” attack in
which horn attacks are double damage and The MONM rates the Tarrasque as being
anyone in front of it is trampled under foot worth 107000 experience points. I would
for 4-40 damage; SD reflective carapace of suggest that this amount would be
the Tarrasque gives it immunity to lightning appropriate for killing such a legendary
bolts, cones of cold, magic missiles and ray monster even in 1st Edition AD&D.
type spells. In fact there is a 1 in 6 chance But you might consider reducing this
that such spells will be reflected back at the number if the adventurers do use the special
caster; SD immune to fire; SD regenerates 1 weapon of Remacle and it weakens the
HP per round; SD creature is only destroyed creature substantially.
Once the Tarrasque has been defeated it
must be brought to -30 hit points and a wish
must be employed in order to permanently
destroy it. If any part of the creature exists
and no wish has been used then the creature
will regenerate back to full health again and
continue on it’s rampage. If the adventurers
have no access to a wish spell then you
might consider allowing them an adviser
from the king of Zanzia that can cast this
wish once the creature is destroyed.
Hit Dice
Defender 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35
-10 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
-9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
-8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
-7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
-6 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
-5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
-4 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
-3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-2 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1
0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
2 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
3 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
5 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
6 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
7 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9
8 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
9 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
10 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9- 10 -11 -12
Hit Dice
-10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-8 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1
-7 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
-6 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
-5 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
-4 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
-3 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
-2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
0 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9
1 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
2 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
3 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12
4 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13
5 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14
6 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15
7 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16
8 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
9 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18
10 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19
The Undead Hive Mother
Armor Class -4
Movement Rate 0 (she rarely chooses to fly) 3 (on rare occasions)
Hit Dice 30
# AT up to 16 (central eye and eye stalks)
Damage/Attack see below
Special Attack each eye has magical effects
Special Defense undead resistances, +3 or better weapons to hit
Alignment Lawful Evil
Magic Resistance 50%
Size G
Like all beholder kind the Undead Hive Mother has many eye stalks and one central eye. In any
given round she can use some or all of these eyes in combat. Typically 4-16 eyes can come into
play in any given round. In all rounds the central eye will be one of those eyes used unless there
is no one in front of her to use it on.
Xavanax is her name and she is, perhaps, unique. Like, powerful wizards and priests have been
known to do, she has taken steps to preserve her power even after death. This process is similar
to that of a Lich.
Although she cannot easily move any more, due to her size, she rests comfortably on a pillow
atop a large wooden pedestal. And she can easily turn to face her opponents. She is capable of
flying but will rarely choose to do so. If she does, for some reason, choose to fly then she can bite
at an opponent or even swallow one whole on a natural 20. Anyone swallowed whole in this
manner takes 3-30 damage per round from the constant contact with the foul undead creature.
Her central eye is a fearsome weapon. Every round it can fire off a prismatic spray. Any
opponent in her chamber with her will be struck by one or more colors of the spray as per the 7 th
level illusionist spell.
Her other 15 eye stalks have different powers. Roll 2D8 to determine which ones are used. These
powers are:
Individual eye stalks have 25 hit points each that do not count against the total for the whole
body of the creature. The central eye has 50 hit points and does not count against the total body
of the creature.
While she does not move her skin is very tough and leathery. In undead her skin has hardened
and it is difficult to cut through it. Like many powerful undead creatures only weapons of a
magical nature may affect her. Weapons of +3 or greater are needed in order to harm her. She
also has many of the innate resistances that other undead enjoy. She is immune to sleep, hold,
poison, death magic, cold or hold type spells. The creature also regenerates 5 hit points per round
until it is reduced to 0 hit points. The eye stalks and central eye will regenerate in less than one
week if destroyed.
Like all hive mothers she has many beholders under her control. And she can telepathically
summon others to her aid. This makes her a very dangerous adversary.
She will not hesitate to use all of her abilities despite the damage that might happen to it’s own
allies if necessary to defend itself.