Extra-Jucial Settlement With Absolute Deed of Sale
Extra-Jucial Settlement With Absolute Deed of Sale
Extra-Jucial Settlement With Absolute Deed of Sale
This Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate with Absolute Deed of Sale made and entered into
this ____ day of ______________ 2020, in ___________________, Philippines, by and between:
MA. MARCI CASTILLO-CRUZ, married to Enrique B. Cruz, of legal age, Filipino, and
a resident of 913 Old Cagayan Valley Road, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan;
- and –
Spouses FRANCIS NOEL R. CAPILI and JENNIFER C. CAPILI, both Filipino and of legal
age, with residence address at 11 Ligaya St., Serrano Subd., Valenzuela City.
WHEREAS, the HEIRS are the and legitimate children and compulsory heirs of the
deceased, MARTE N. CASTILLO, who died on the 22nd day of August 2011 at the Philippine Heart
Center in East Avenue, Quezon City;
WHEREAS, said deceased died intestate, without will or testament and without any
outstanding debts in favor of any person or entity;
WHEREAS, the HEIRS executed the Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate dated 06
June 2012 at Quezon City, notarized before Notary Public Jasmin R. Fiel, per Doc No. 54; page No.
1; Book No. 1; Series of 2012, a copy of which is hereto attached;
“A parcel of land (Lot 24, Blk. 1of the cons. subd. plan, Pcs-031410-005320, being
a portion of the cons. of Lot 3128, 3132, 3137, 3141, 3144, Malolos Cad. Lot3146-
A of Longos, Mun. of Malolos, Prov. of Bulacan. Bounded on the SW. along line 1-
2 by Road Lot 1-B; on the NW. along 2-3 by Lot 23, Blk. 1, both of the cons. subd.
plan; on the NE. along line 3-4 by Lot 3088, Malolos Cad. And on the SE. along line
4-1 by Lot 25, Blk. 1 of the cons. subd. plan. Beginning at a point marked “1” on
plan, being S. 34 deg. 09’W/. 796.74 m. from MBM 4, Malolos Cad. S. 34 deg. 31’N
11.51 m. to pt. 2; N. 61 deg. 5’W., 19.75 m. to pt. 3; N. 48 deg. 4’E., 11.52 m. to pt.
4; S. 62 deg. 59’E ., 17.11 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of TWO
HUNDRED FIVE (205) SQUARE METERS, more or less….”
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, and
the parties herein being all of age, and with full capacity to contract, we do hereby adjudicate
unto ourselves the parcel of land described above, pursuant to the terms agreed upon in the
Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate dated 06 June 2012;
FURTHER, for and in consideration of the amount of THREE HUNDRED SEVEN THOUSAND
FIVE HUNDRED (Php307,500.00), the receipt hereof is hereby acknowledge in full from the
the BUYER, his heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators and successors-in-interest, the above
described parcel of land free from any lien and encumbrance whatsoever except the Deed of
Restrictions imposed thereon as provided herein:
That the other terms and conditions of this Deed of Absolute Sale are as follows:
1. RESTRICTIONS: - That the lot covered by this Deed shall be subject to the restrictions
provided in "Annex A" hereof, a copy of which restriction is attached hereto and made an integral
part hereof. and shall be annotated on the Transfer Certificate of Title of the above property.
2. TAXES AND ASSESSMENT: - Real Estate taxes and other government assessments due
on the property subsequent to the full payment of the purchase price shall be paid by the BUYER.
3. INVESTIGATION OF THE PREMISES: - That the BUYER hereby makes manifest and
represents that he has investigated the premises, subject matter of this contract and that he has
found the same to be satisfactory and further that he has found no squatter whatsoever therein.
We hereby affirm that we have executed the foregoing instruments out of our own
voluntary free will, without any force, intimidation or violence made upon our person;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signature at the place and on the
date first above-written.
TIN: 206-564-452
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public for and in the City of
___________________, this ______ day of ____________, by the above-named persons who
exhibited to me the following competent evidence of identification, as follows:
Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument entitled
to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
The foregoing instrument which relates to the Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate with
Absolute Sale consisting of three (3) pages including this page on which this acknowledgement is
written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page by the parties and the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on the
date and at the place first-above written.