AnimationMentor TipsTricks EveryAnimator PDF
AnimationMentor TipsTricks EveryAnimator PDF
AnimationMentor TipsTricks EveryAnimator PDF
ERIK: The main take-away from all this is to be an animator first. Get as strong
base with all the fundamentals. The same ones really to apply to all types of
Your career path really is your own. It’s up to you to decide what makes you most
excited about doing this kind of work. Animation demands so much of your time
and energy, and you do need to find a sense of meaning in this work if you want
to do it long-term. It’s also important to remember that doing a specific kind of
animation may seem interesting or rewarding now, but may not feel that way in a
few years.
Remember to be yourself and have fun as well. If you are enjoying your work, the
audience is bound to enjoy it too. v
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 10
2D Goofy Master Study done by Felipe
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ANIMATION MENTOR: different. And also, I always had the
Where do you currently dream to become a Disney animator
work and what are some someday, and I thought that the
projects you’re currently Cartoony Workshop could help me
working on? gain a strong base to build my cartoony
workflow and in hopes of elevating my
FELIPE: I`m currently working in the skills as an animator. Additionally, my
Combo Estudio. I’m part of a super cool girlfriend who is currently in Advanced
project for YouTube called Any Malu, Acting (class 5) at Animation Mentor,
who is the first animated YouTuber in had recommended Animation Mentor
the world! to me.
Finally, what advice would
you give to students after
taking this workshop?
That’s not something that reads from all angles, as both the player character
can be done in games. and camera can be freely moved about. It’s also a
Instead game animators given that the player will be directly controlling the
have to constantly make character and interacting with the environment. This
sure their animation is where animators become an integral part of the
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 17
A nice example from Zootopia pushing the exaggeration
game design team to help shape those personal flair. In comparison the games
interactions. By animating from every animator can have much more impact
angle game animators become adept at on a character, typically following that
making the characters feel completely character through production and
integrated within the environment. It’s a greatly influencing the behaviors, quirks,
rewarding feeling when you can see your and overall personality.
animation in game and the characters
feel like a living breathing part of that The Game Engine and
world. Animation Workflow
Differences in Influence Animation is still done within a 3D
package such as Autodesk’s Maya, and is
One of the most exciting differences then exported and brought into a game
is the impact and influence the game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine
animator has on the final result. Within 4. Rather than animating a full shot as
feature and vfx animation, an animator you would on a feature, animators create
is heavily directed and looks for smaller a whole series of animation cycles that
moments where they can add their
Copyright 2018 © by Animation Mentor. All rights reserved. This ebook may not be reprinted or distributed in electronic, print, web, or
other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 18
are then pieced together in the game There are a couple reasons you should
engine. consider giving games animation a try.
For one, it’s important when learning
It’s not uncommon for an animator to animation that you explore all styles
be assigned to a specific character, and and career paths available to you. This
then to follow that character through will help you to have a well rounded
the entirety of game production. In that skill set, but will also allow you to find
way the games animator can have more where your passion within animation
influence on the final look and feel for a lies. We’ve heard from mentors and
character, than they might in features or alumni alike who have stumbled into
VFX. It’s a collaborative effort between games animation and found it to be an
the animators, game designers, concept incredibly fulfilling career path.
artists, and more, when bringing these
characters to life within a game. There’s something very satisfying when
you can take your animation from
The Industry Need and within Maya and then interact with it
in a game. Seeing how your animation
Benefits of Being a
choices directly influence the look and
Game Animator feel of the character is really inspiring.
It also allows for quick iteration as you
The games industry needs talented
can see your animation from a new
animators that are ready to bring their
and fresh perspective. We invite you to
voice and passion to the table. Explore
try it yourself and check out our Game
this style of animation and increase your
Animation Fundamentals workshop.
skills while also broadening your job
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 22
Shahbaaz had lots of great
feedback on my body mechanics
and good info on how game
animation works. I’d love to get
deeper into using breakers to
add more variety to cycles and
configuring a state machine
Connecting With
Your Audience
As an animator… well
everyone gushes about Working hard.
animation in feature
films—and, I know, it is feedback to know that it’s working.
awesome. Sometimes I
think game animation If it looks cool and powerful, then the player will feel
flies under the radar. But cool and powerful. It’s potentially a lot more intimate.
think about it… if you’re If you’re sneaking around and an enemy reacts,
playing a game for hours you’re aware of that from the body language. That’s
and hours, you are going animation that someone had to create. It all works
to get really familiar
with the character’s If you’re interested in any
form of interaction with the
animations. Everything
needs to read clear and audience then this is a great
super-fast so the player introduction to the workflow
can react and make
— how to build pieces of
decisions and enjoy the
game—if you tell Link animation, how a game engine
to roll sideways to dodge blends them together.
an arrow, that rolling
animation gives you the
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Jumping, Falling, and Landing with State Machine
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 26
Horizon Zero Dawn is one of our communicate, and animation is our
favorite games! So, we were ecstatic means of doing so. The idea of being
when we heard that three Animation typecast or stylecast or genrecast sort of
Mentor alumni were nominated for bothers me, because I feel animation is
Annie Awards for working on the game! about being creative and about coming
We’d already caught up with rock star up with ideas. I feel the best way to stay
Guerrilla Games animator Niek fresh is to tackle lots of different styles
Neervens, so this time chatted with Peer and genres because each time it forces
Lemmers and Richard Oud to learn more me to rethink what I thought I already
about their experiences. Without further knew.
ado, meet some of the incredible Annie-
nominated animators behind Horizon My journey after AM shows that, I
Zero Dawn! think. I’ve worked in all corners of this
industry at this point—from lonely
Animation Mentor: Were remote freelancer to boutique shop
you both always interested to a giant corporate studio with 3,000
in game animation? Tell us a employees.
little bit about your journeys
Richard Oud: I got into this
after Animation Mentor.
industry graduating from art school
Peer Lemmers: I think overall I’ve with a mindset of wanting to work
always just wanted to be an animator. on feature films. I did my internship
I’ve never had a specific goal for the at DNA productions while they were
type of animation, because I feel that as working on The Ant Bully, and I knew
an animator our main goal is to create that was what I wanted to do as an
believable worlds and characters no animator.
matter the situation—or in this case
which genre. After graduating with my bachelor’s
degree in computer animation, I knew
I don’t think, “Hey, I’m animating a my skillset was not up to the standards
robot for a game.” I think, “What does for feature film, so I applied for
this robot think and how does it react in Animation Mentor to further develop
a way that’s relatable to human beings?” my skills as an animator. Of course to
What makes the player go, “Dang that be able to pay for the course I needed to
was intense!” or “That was really cool!”? have a job, but the industry was not that
I think our business is to entertain and big in the Netherlands, besides Guerrilla
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 28
Games being the only AAA studio in AM: Richard, as an animator,
my hometown of Amsterdam. I figured I what compels you about
would at least drop my demo reel that I video games vs. other
had from art school to see if they would
mediums like feature film or
be interested, never thinking I would
actually make a change. Crazy enough
they asked me in for a job interview Richard: I love the process of creating
since they were looking for a junior the interactive experiences you get
animator, and I got hired the week after. when playing games. I like the idea of
making something where people get to
My plan at that point was to get at least spend hours and hours in a world that
some industry experience while doing you helped create. There is such a nice
Animation Mentor in the evenings and satisfaction when making hundreds
weekends so I could make the switch to of animations for a character, and
feature film after 2 or 3 years. However, when you pick up a controller, you are
when I started working on games I actually able to play and walk around
instantly fell in love with the process and as that character or in my case fight the
ended up never leaving Guerrilla. characters.
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In addition, the process of actually Sometimes I run into animators where
making games is very compelling to they say they don’t want to work in
me. Instead of working on a shot for games or tv—they only want feature
a couple of days/weeks until you are film or vfx or they only ever want to
completely done, we get to work on a work in games etc. I think this is a bit
character for months or even years in of a simplistic look, to be honest. When
this case building it step-by-step. It is a I worked in TV, it totally kicked my
very iterative process where you focus butt and I had just come from 5 years
on basic animations, first trying to build of film. Then I had to be super quick in
systems around it, and then polishing my decision making and find a new skill
those animations on a much later stage set and workflow that gave me time to
when the game is much more balanced. still make it look decent. I had to juggle
It’s all about the gameplay, and we have 900 frames a week for myself plus lead a
to make sure the players have a fun team of upcoming animators who had to
experience while immersing themselves double that.
into a world that is filled with believable
characters. TV is hard work, but then to say that
film is easy because 200 frames per
AM: Peer, you’ve worked week must be easy? No. Film requires
on live action films, fully a more elaborate idea and such refined
animated feature films, TV performance and polish that it is
actually quite intense.
series, and video games.
What compels you the most
And games? Games are pretty humbling,
about each? Do you have a because most of your work is creating
favorite to work within? smaller transition animations such as
turning left, turning right, or jumps,
Peer: This is tough to decide because
etc. The fancy combat moves are not
I think each of these requires a certain
the largest part of the work. Games are
skill set all on its own. I do know that
sort of special as everything has to be
by having done all of them has greatly
created, more so than in feature film. In
influenced my workflow and my
games your animation becomes part of
appreciation for lots of—in this case—
an interactive system with AI. So when
unknown artists who simply have a
you have an idea for a new animation,
passion to create and keep pushing no
it ripples across to many other people
matter where they are.
and other departments that you cannot
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simply add or change things at random, did you get to do a bit of
which leads me to VFX .VFX, I feel, everything?
is a combination of all three of the
previous—it’s hard work, it’s humbling, Peer: I came in a bit later and most of
shots get changed all the time so you the creatures had already been blocked
must have a flexible mindset. VFX in, so the game was already up and
requires exceptional body mechanics running. My job was mainly to polish
but also an understanding of characters up existing animations or to create new
and performance. versions within that template that the
blocking stage had already provided. So
Your blocking needs to be much more I pretty much touched every robot in the
refined in VFX vs. feature animation, game with exception of two or three.
as you’re working with live background
plates with real spacing and timing— There was really only one robot that
and usually live action directors who do had not been done yet, which was the
not necessarily know how to interpret Deathbringer, or old school war robot,
stepped mode blocking. So there’s a on six legs. It went through heaps of
necessity for speed as well. changes even as I was working on it
and took up quite a bit of my time,
I think overall for all of these, the bar is especially with it being omni directional
being raised in production quality and and having six legs. In the end, it mostly
animators now have to have a better walks around and shoots stuff at players
skill set than what I had 10 years ago. but there were lots of attempts to have
So if you don’t land your dream studio him do more crazy things—they simply
or genre job right away—and if you never felt true to the character, so most
want to be a good strong animator with of it didn’t make it into the game.
the ability to last for the long run—just
animate as much as you can on whatever The other character I really enjoyed was
you can. There’s fun to be had in all the croc, Snapmaw! I had a lot of fun
genres. In the end my fondest memories animating that one, as his build and
are of the people I’ve worked with. silhouette with the long tail and long
beak allowed for some fun animation
AM: What kinds of shots/ stuff.
characters/creatures did
you guys focus on for Richard: After finishing Killzone
3, I was part of a small group within
Horizon: Zero Dawn? Or
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Deathbringer © Guerrilla Games
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AM: Is it fun to play the games you’ve worked on, or do
you just find yourselves thinking too much about all the
behind-the-scenes stuff?
Peer: Well in this case I’m not skilled enough to play Horizon Zero Dawn. Haha.
I’m too much of a strategy, turn-based game player, I guess. I tend to run and hack
my way through, which only lets you get so far. The best part for me is always when I
can share my work with my family and watch them play and watch how they react to
it. If they smile and enjoy it, it makes me happy.
Richard: The weird thing is that you’re so busy developing your part of the game
(in my case the robot creatures) that you don’t see a lot of things of the entire world
being created until the game actually ships.
Since the world of Horizon Zero Dawn is so big, it’s almost impossible to keep
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playing the game while having to Peer: Without AM I would really
animate all the creatures at the same never have done any of these things.
time. So getting to play Horizon after it In Holland there is nothing that can
shipped was kind of like my first time prepare you for working in character-
fully exploring the world as well, which and performance-driven animation.
was really nice to see everything come I remember starting AM and just
together after you’ve been working on it wanting to soak it all up as much as I
for so long. could. I watched every lecture two or
three times and spend as much time as
Of course I always see animation on the I could trying to learn this craft. I feel
robots where I think, “That could be a the mentors and community it provided
whole lot better,” but I don’t think there’s me back then were invaluable, and I’ve
an animator out there that doesn’t feel actually ended up working with a lot of
like that about their own work. them and still have contact with quite a
AM: How did Animation
Mentor help prepare you for Richard: The character course
your careers? really helped me to shape up in terms
of foundations. It’s one of the things
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we’re pretty focused on in within the times that you have to fall back on your
animation department, making sure the knowledge of the fundamentals, both
right timing/spacing/rhythm and weight in the animation principles and body
is on each animation. It really helped me mechanics.
develop my eye for good animation.
Also try to stay away from the obvious
The Creature Animation Workshops solutions or references and approach
came at the right time as well. I had your work from a fresh new angle. This
never animated a quadruped in my life helps your work stand out and trains
when I started to work on Horizon, and you in your workflow to keep doing
at the same time Animation Mentor something original.
started the Creatures Workshops, which
were a perfect fit and helped me get Last but not least, keep learning and
those fundamentals needed to animated stay inspired. Whether it be with a good
the robots. book, a documentary, a great movie or
just by going outside and taking a walk
AM: What advice do you watching the world around you. It’s so
have for students interested important to stay fresh and motivated,
in going into video game so figure out what works for you and
remind yourself to stay inspired.
Peer: Animate as much as you can Be sure to check out our Q&A with Niek
and keep an open mind. We all go Neervens, another Annie-nominated AM
through the same learning struggles as alumnus who worked on Horizon Zero
animators, it’s the people who stick with Dawn! v
it that you end up reading about and
working with later on.
I would say, from a separate good animation from bad. One element
supervisor’s point of view, is shoulder movement. Bad animators will not
that a good animator is one use the shoulders very much in their animation,
who shows great attention when in reality, shoulders have a huge amount
to detail and won’t hand in of articulation and really connect the arm
work that is clearly mediocre movement into the torso movement. I’ve seen lots
or worse, accompanied by of stiff or non-existent shoulder movement in bad
a myriad of excuses. They animation.
are aware of the thought
processes of the characters Good hand poses are another element that take
they are animating, and are good animation to the next level. Hands are
conscious of communicating incredibly emotive and communicative, but it
that to the audience. is also painstaking to animate all those digits. A
good animator will put the work in, not only to
A good animator creates make the movement work, but to make the poses
interesting rhythm in their interesting, visually appealing, and to connect
shot, and isn’t afraid of using those poses to the character’s acting and emotion.
moments of stillness to accent
both the rhythm and the Other than those particular things, it’s just a
communication. mastery of the principals of animation—paying
attention to all of the elements that make a great
There are also some elements shot! Great posing, great timing, body mechanics,
of detail that I find really great character acting (and this is something
Copyright 2018 © by Animation Mentor. All rights reserved. This ebook may not be reprinted or distributed in electronic, print, web, or
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I’ve seen lots of stiff or non-existent shoulder
movement in bad animation.
If they don’t have that illusion of life, that makes it very difficult for the audience to
empathize with them, and it will be much much harder to draw the audience into
the story and maintain the suspension of disbelief. v
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Animation is a time-consuming art quality animation?
form—there’s just no way around it.
Something that many people don’t Below I’ll list some ideas and tips that
understand when they first get into I’ve personally found incredibly helpful.
animation is that the quality of a shot
is directly related to available time. So Creating Focus, or
what do you do when time is limited? Flow
How do you squeeze the most productive
time out of your week? Learn top time The psychological state of “focus”, or
management tips from David Tart, “flow”, is a time where you are incredibly
animator for Toy Story, Monster’s Inc., focused on your tasks and able to get a
and Finding Nemo! maximum amount of great work done.
When you achieve this level of focus,
The level of detail, the amount of time is no longer relevant. You may
planning, and the implementation in have experienced this state yourself – it’s
a complex program like Maya all take when you’re working on a specific task.
time, especially if you want to create You look up at the clock and an hour
great-looking work. or two has passed, but it felt like only
10 or 15 minutes. Psychologists have
Something that many people don’t researched this state of mind thoroughly
understand when they first get into and identified it as one where we are
animation is that the quality of an at our peak level of productivity. Our
animated shot is directly related to ability to create, to problem-solve, and
available time. For instance, an animator crank out good work is at it’s maximum
who’s responsible for finishing 4 seconds potential.
of animation per 50 hour week is going
to create much better looking animation Research shows that it can take between
than an animator who’s responsible for 10 and 15 minutes to achieve the flow-
finishing 40 seconds per week, even if state, while it can take only a minute
they have essentially the same level of to end it. This means that you want to
skill. plan your work time so that you have
minimal interruptions, because these
So time, and how you use that time, will interruptions terminate flow.
be directly related to the quality of your
finished shots. So how can you squeeze For instance, if you set aside 3 hours
more time out of a week to create better to work on your animation but stop
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 41
working to check your email, Mentor requires anywhere from 10 to 40
make a facebook post, shop hours per week. Take a good hard look at that
online, talk to a friend, get some calendar, then block out sustained chunks
coffee, etc. eight times during of no less that two-hours each. Let friends
that 180-minute period, you will and family know that you won’t be available
have spent 80 to 120 minutes during those periods.
of potential flow-state in less-
than-productive conditions.
Sure, you’ll still get stuff done
but nowhere near as much you
would have without those breaks.
Creating Work
Spaces on
Organizing your desktop
display is super important.
I can’t tell you how many
times I’ve seen new
animators clicking away
on their screen—resizing
windows, opening and
closing windows, bringing
windows to the front,
minimizing, maximizing,
or just endlessly rotating a
perspective camera. Make
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Sooner or later—usually
sooner—someone is going
to come along and blow you
out of the water. But that’s a
GOOD thing! If you’re in that
situation, I sure hope you use
it as an opportunity to refocus
and learn what you can from
your new peer in order to push
your animation game to a
whole new level.
But I’ll be in there to LEARN. I’m not I have no doubt, that if I truly applied
in there to compete with them. I’m not myself, I could someday be as good as
going to let myself feel too embarrassed the teacher in that figure drawing class.
about having to hang my lumpy uneven It just might take me a lot more years to
shrunken-headed poor anatomy get there than that girl who was sitting
slightly-alien-looking figure drawing on next to me whipping out masterpiece
the wall next to the masterpiece drawn after masterpiece.
in two minutes by the girl sitting next
to me. I’m there to learn, and any time But that’s OK! It’s normal. It’s expected.
you’re learning ANY art, one of the most And regardless of what you think, no
important things to get over is the fear one is giggling behind your back at your
of looking silly. The fear that people are work…
pointing at your work and giggling.
They’re all too busy worrying about
The fear that you just don’t measure up, everyone else’s reactions to THEIR
and won’t ever be as good as so-and-so. work! icon smile I’ll never be as good an
animator as so and so...
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So, will you ever be as good as the field. But I really believe that “what it
best animator in your class? Maybe. takes” has a whole lot less to do with
Maybe not. Everyone is born with natural God-given talent, and a whole
different skills, different dreams, etc. lot more to do with tenacity, patience,
Animation is a competitive field. dedication, and retaining a constant
You’re kidding yourself if you think hunger to learn.
otherwise. School can feel very
competitive if you let it, and it only If that describes you, then someday
gets worse when you graduate. Jobs are YOU’RE going to be the one everyone
very cyclical, sometimes everyone is complains about being so untouchable,
hiring, sometimes hardly anyone is. I no matter where you are at in your path
understand the fear. I understand the right now.
For more of Shawn’s wisdom, be sure to
The hard truth is that not everyone check out his post: Is Your Demo Reel
who reads this will have what it takes to Ready for a Major Studio? v
sustain a career in such a competitive
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Copyright 2018 © by Animation Mentor. All rights reserved. This ebook may not be reprinted or distributed in electronic, print, web, or
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The Twelve Basic Principles of Animation are essential “guidelines” created by
Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas for their 1981 book The Illusion
of Life: Disney Animation. We put guidelines in quotes because, in a way, all rules
are made to be broken, but in order to break those rules you first have to master
We asked our mentors to share the ins and outs of each principle—complete with
examples and advice on how to best approach it to become a better animator. So
read up all at once, or space them out over a few weeks so you’re sure to absorb each
principle. Most of all, take notes!
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other format without express written permission. For education purposes only. 55
Courses and
Animation Mentor offers 12-week courses
and 6-week workshops on a wide variety
of animation disciplines. Whether you’re
looking to focus your skill set, build out your
generalist skills, or just try something new—
we’ve got you covered. If you’re a beginner,
our core Character Animation Courses will get
you started on your journey to becoming a
professional animator.
Character Animation Courses
12 Week Courses
Creature Animation:
Learn the essence of animal and creature
locomotion—how a creature runs, walks, senses,
stops, and turns. Challenge yourself to animate
believable creatures with the help of top creature
animators who’ve worked on Guardians of the
Galaxy, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and
Creature Animation:
Fight or Flight
Learn how to train your own dragon and
animate fight scenes like the pros! This
advanced workshop takes your skills to the
next level by teaching you how to integrate
believable creature animation with live-
action background plates. Learn what
makes a good action sequence, with tips
on planning and pacing physical animation
— and learn how to work effectively with
live-action footage.
6 Week Courses WMAYA01
Maya Workshop:
Animation Basics
This is where it all starts! This workshop
is designed especially for beginners. Get
comfortable with the Autodesk® Maya® user
interface and the basic software tools for
animators and set yourself up for success in our
Character Animation Courses!
Cartoony Animation
for 3D Animators
Push your 3D skills by drawing simple 2D
animation sketches and learning to exaggerate
your animation! You’ll start with hand-drawn
master studies of great animation to start
learning effective cartoony techniques. You’ll end
up creating a simple cartoony animation following
the traditional workflow and then re-creating that
animation and workflow on a 3D character.
Round out your animation skills by learning the
foundation for staging, clarity, and emotion for
visual storytelling! Learn why “Story is King” in
Storyboarding Fundamentals with Mike Kunkel,
who has pitched stories for Walt Disney Studios
and Nickelodeon. Create your own simple short
story and board it to completion.
Game Animation
Want to know how to break into the game
industry? Now’s your chance to learn from
pro game animators who will help you learn
the essential techniques, workflow, and tools
necessary to get your animation skills ready for
the game industry. Learn the Maya to Unreal
Engine 4 workflow and use your game controller
or keyboard and watch your animation come to
life in real gameplay!
Game Animation
Combat Attacks
Animate and watch your gameplay come to life!
Tailored for animators with an understanding
of body mechanics, Game Animation: Combat
Attacks gives you the opportunity to work with
pro game animators. You’ll learn the unique
techniques and processes required in the gaming
industry and use the Maya to Unreal Engine 4
workflow to animate two characters within a pre-
made game level. Get ready for battle!
Visual Development:
Principles of Design
Vis Dev Artists—also called Concept Artists—
determine the tone and mood for all the
characters and environments in a film, TV show,
or game. Visual Development Artists have a huge
impact across the entire entertainment industry,
from animation, to live-action films, to video
games, and beyond! In this workshop you’ll get
started with the basics.
Introduction to
Digital Painting
The character, creature, environment, and
background designs that determine the look
and feel of your favorite movies, TV shows,
and games all started with a painting! Learn the
basics of what makes a successful painting and
how to apply these skills to your own career path.
Storytelling is essential in any visual medium,
and you’ll learn to use your digital paint brush to
share your own characters and stories.
Previsualizaton Basics
for Animators
Previs Artist starts with rough building blocks—
just the storyboards or script—which they
interpret into a 3D space. In this workshop, you’ll
learn how animation and camera work are used
to help take a project all the way from script to
screen! You’ll also end up with 15–30 seconds of
animation for your demo reel.
Your Destiny.
Character Animation Workshops and
Courses Creatures
Start your epic animation journey Focus or round out your animation
with Character Animation Courses knowledge and learn new skills in less
and learn from the pros at Pixar, time with our 6 week workshops.
DreamWorks Animation, and Industrial
Light & Magic.