How To Build ASmoked House
How To Build ASmoked House
How To Build ASmoked House
Table of contents
3 How To Build A Smoke House
Refrigeration changed the way we did a lot of things, but one thing it
did not change was our taste for the flavor of smoked meat.
Consequently, smokers are readily available today and recipes
abound, including those for smoking your meat in your backyard
Cold smoking and hot smoking are two different methods for
handling meat after it has been butchered. The big difference
between cold smoking and hot smoking is that one method involves
heat, while the other does not.
Both will impart flavor to the meat, but hot smoking also cures it,
creating a shelf-stable meat which can be stored in more varied
conditions than cold smoked meat. In addition to cold smoking and
hot smoking, meats can also be cured through brining, salting, wind
drying, and combinations of these techniques.
4 How To Build A Smoke House
The cold smoking process can take days or weeks, as the smoke
slowly penetrates the meat without heat. Since cold smoking does
not cure meats, they are usually salted or brined before being cold
smoked. The salt cure ensures that the meat will stay bacteria free.
Cold smoked meats tend to taste very salty, and their texture varies,
depending on how long the meats are smoked. Lightly smoked
meats such as lox will have an almost raw, meaty texture, for
5 How To Build A Smoke House
6 How To Build A Smoke House
List of materials
Building instructions
7 How To Build A Smoke House
Next, you’ll need to use a level to keep each corner post plumb as
you tamp the dirt solidly back in place around them. Then measure
down exactly 8 feet from the top of the tallest posts, and again use
your level to keep everything “true” as you install the floor joists and
¾-inch plywood flooring.
8 How To Build A Smoke House
Now, nail the wall studs and roof rafters in place, then cover the
exterior of the walls and roof with the 3/8-inch plywood, making
certain to provide a doorway.
Use the 1"x2" lumber to fashion braces for the section of plywood
removed for the doorway. Use the hinges to hang this in place as a
door. A lock and hasp, a simple barrel bolt, a large hook and eye, or
anything similar can be used to keep the door shut.
9 How To Build A Smoke House
When you’re ready to use this stove to provide smoke for the food in
your smokehouse, you’ll need to build up a hot fire of hardwood,
such as hickory, oak, or ash, and allow this fire to burn down until
the bottom of the barrel is filled with hot glowing coals.
Many other foods, especially fatty meats like pork, most fish, and
many sorts of fowl, require some type of curing (usually employing
10 How To Build A Smoke House
Dry cures
Every six or seven days, the barrel should be unpacked, the pieces of
meat rubbed again with the salt/sugar spice mixture, and then
repacked using the same salt.
Using the largest piece of meat as a guide, leave the meat packed in
the pickling salt for three days per pound.
At the end of the curing time, wash the meat thoroughly and hang it
to dry inside the smokehouse (without using any fire or smoke) for
24 hours. Then build up the fire, and keep the smoke- house filled
with dense smoke for 12 days. After smoking, wrap the meat in a
11 How To Build A Smoke House
Cover the meat with this mixture, then sprinkle on black pepper and
garlic powder liber- ally. Add another layer of meat, treating it in the
same manner. Keep alternating layers until the barrel is full, or all of
the meat has been used up. After 24 hours, weigh the meat down
with a wooden lid with a couple of scrubbed, heavy rocks on top.
After 60 days, remove the meat and dry each piece separately. Rub
each piece heavily with a mixture of 6 parts black pepper, 5 parts
coriander, 3 parts allspice, 1 part white or red pep- per, and 1 part
garlic powder. Refrigerate overnight.
Hang the meat inside of the “unlit” smokehouse to dry—and “set up”
a little—for 24 hours before smoking. Then keep the smokehouse
filled with very dense smoke for 12 days. Wrap with a double layer
of cheesecloth, then a layer of butcher’s paper, and hang to “age” for
a couple of months before using. Once aged, roasted, and thinly
12 How To Build A Smoke House
Many other foods aside from meats can have their flavors enhanced
by leaving them inside of your smoke- house for a few days. Most
cheeses, especially cheddar, can be placed inside of bags made up of
cheesecloth and hung inside the smokehouse for from 2 to 4 days.
For a real taste treat, pecans, almonds, cashews, hickory nuts, and
many other nuts can be roasted in vegetable oil, then hung in the
smokehouse to absorb the extra flavor for a day or two.
Building Instructions
13 How To Build A Smoke House
Fit and clamp together 5 boards, with the edge groove facing front
and the tongue (removed) facing the back. Measure the front height
to be 6', and the back 5'9". Snap a chalk line between measurements
to make an angled top line. Cut with a circular saw. Repeat in mirror
image for the other side.
14 How To Build A Smoke House
Step 5: Square it up
15 How To Build A Smoke House
16 How To Build A Smoke House
17 How To Build A Smoke House
gravel pad, drill two 2"-diameter holes near the base of each side. To
further control draft, you can install galvanized steel electric
junction box covers to cover the holes and act as dampers, adjusting
accordingly. Screen ventilation holes in the inside to keep pests from
entering the smokehouse. If desired, drill small holes into the sides
to accommodate stem thermometers.
Delicious recipes
Smoked Bacon
Rub down a slab of fresh bacon (pork belly) with a liberal quantity
of the Tender Quick. You can't really use too much but a cup or so
should do. Then follow with a thorough rub of brown sugar (again,
18 How To Build A Smoke House
start with a cup or so). Then place the meat in heavy plastic and
allow to cure for 7 days at 38F. I use a small refrigerator for this. I
run a remote temperature probe inside and monitor the
temperature, tweaking the thermostat when necessary.
The temperature is important; too low (below 36F) and the curing
action will cease, too high (above 40F) and the meat will begin to
spoil. I also cut the pork belly in two and cure it with the meat
surfaces face to face and the skin on the outside. It helps it fit in the
fridge and improves the curing action.
If you are using Prague Powder #1, mix 2 oz with 1 lb of salt and use
like the Tender Quick.
Other sugars can be used instead of brown sugar. Try honey or even
some maple syrup.
Smoked pastrami
19 How To Build A Smoke House
Andouille sausage
20 How To Build A Smoke House
even distribution. Mix all ingredients, except casings, well. Stuff into
casings and twist at 12 inch intervals to form links.
Hang sausages in front of a fan in a cool place overnight to dry.
Smoke at less than 140F for 6 to 8 hours. Refrigerate until
firm. Freezes well.
Smoked salmon
Dredge the sides in the mixture and rub it into the flesh lightly. Pack
the sides into a tub with as much curing mixture as will cling to
them. Cover loosely and apply weight. Leave fish for 8 to 12 hours
then remove and scrub and rinse to remove excess salting mixture.