Continuous Compounding and Annualization: Philip A. Viton January 11, 2006
Continuous Compounding and Annualization: Philip A. Viton January 11, 2006
Continuous Compounding and Annualization: Philip A. Viton January 11, 2006
Philip A. Viton
1 Introduction 1
2 Continuous Compounding 2
4 Annualization 5
5 A Special Problem 6
1 Introduction
The solution is to consider time as varying continuously, and this note dis-
cusses the analytics of continuous-time discounting. A related problem is that we
want to consider a single representative year of the maintenance policy, and this
requires that we “annualize” the relevant present value — that is, convert it to an
equivalent once-a-year quantity. A nal problem is that the particular sequence of
maintenance costs we shall be concerned with is special: it consists of costs which
are incurred periodically, once every so-many years (that is, the yerars in which we
actually perform the maintenance). The nal section considers this special prob-
2 Continuous Compounding
Suppose you deposit P.0/ today (at time 0) in a bank. At the end of 1 year the
bank pays you interest, calculating it at an annual rate of r . Then at the end of one
year, your P.0/ has become
P.0/.1 C r /
Now suppose that the bank pays you interest twice a year, a six-month intervals. If
r is the annual rate, then it will compute each payment based on a rate of r=2; and
there will be two payments. So at the end of year 1 P.0/ will become
h r i r
S.1; 2/ D P.0/ 1 C 1C
2 2
r 2
D P.0/ 1 C
where in S.1; 2/ the rst argument (1) indicates that this is at the end of 1 year, and
the second (2) indicates that compounding is done twice a year.
What about three times a year? The effective interest rate is r=3; and there are
three compounding periods, so at the end of the year P.0/ becomes
r r r
S.1; 3/ D P.0/ 1 C 1C 1C
3 3 3
r 3
D P.0/ 1 C :
We can see where this is going. If payments are compounded k times a year,
then at the end of 1 year P.0/ becomes
r k
S.1; k/ D P.0/ 1 C :
If you leave your money on deposit for t years with compounding k times a
year there will be kt separate compoundings, so at the end of t years you will have
r kt
S.t; k/ D P.0/ 1 C
Note that S.t; k/ is a period-t quantity.
(since .1 C x/1=x D .1 C x/r t=x D .1 C x/r t=.r=k/ D .1 C x/kt /: Since x D r=k
then k ! 1 means that x ! 0: Note that the outer exponent doesn't depend on
k, so we can write this as
lim .1 C x/1=x
S.t; 1/ D P.0/er t
3 Present Value with Continuous Compounding
Suppose that someone offers you S.t/ to be received in year t. To nd the present
value of this we need to nd a quantity P.0/ such that you will be indifferent
between receiving P.0/ now and S.t/ in year t. If your market opportunities are
given by a banking system which compounds continuously at annual rate r; then at
the end of t years your P.0/ will compound to
P.0/er t
In order for you to be indifferent between S.t/ in period t — note that since we
are now assuming continuous compounding, this is the same as what we wrote as
S.t; 1/ in the last section — and receiving P.0/ now and leaving it on deposit
until period t we must have
S.t/ D P.0/er t
or, solving for the year-0 quantity, the present value:
P.0/ D S.t/e :
In other words, with continuous compounding, the present value of S.t/ received
in year t is
S.t/e r t
r t e rt .1Cr /t
:03 10 :7408 :7441
20 :5488 :5537
30 :4066 :4120
:05 10 :6065 :6139
20 :3679 :3769
30 :2231 :2314
:08 10 :4492 :4632
20 :2019 :2145
30 :0967 :0994
As we can see, the results are generally quite close.
4 Annualization
Consider a project which has a single up-front (time-0) cost and a bene ts ex-
tending through time. One way to evaluate the project is to convert the stream of
bene ts to its present value; then we can directly compare the two. But we some-
times want to think about what happens at each year of the project, and in this case
we need to compare the annual bene t to some portion of the cost. To handle this,
it is logical to think about reversing the idea of present value: that is, to construct
a stream of costs which is equivalent to the original (time-0) cost. Since there are
an in nite number of ways to do this, we shall also require that each of the costs in
the constructed stream be the same: in other words we construct an annuity which
is equivalent to the original time-0 cost. This process is known as annualization: it
converts a single quantity to an equivalent annuity.
Suppose you invest P.O/ now in some (public) project that is projected to last
T years. We seek an (annual) annuity amount A that is equivalent in present value
to P.0/ now. With continuous compounding, we will need to add up the present
value at each possible time between 0 and T: With continuous time, this means that
the present value of our T -period annuity is an integral:
A e r t dt
e 1
e rT
To nd the annuity amount A which is equivalent to a project expenditure of P.0/
now, we must solve
1 e rT
P.0/ D A
for A; and the solution is
r P.0/
1 e rT
D P.0/ rT
1 e
in each of years 0 to T: This is the annualized cost over a T year project life. If the
project lasts forever, we need to see what happens as T ! 1: By inspection, the
term e r T tends to zero and the annualized cost over an in nite project lifetime is
5 A Special Problem
First, what is the present value of the stream? The rst cost comes in year T I its
present value is Ce r T : The second comes in year 2T I its present value is Ce 2r T :
So we're looking at a series of present value terms like
rT 2r T 3r T
Ce C Ce C Ce C :::
rT 2r T 3r T
D C.e Ce Ce C :::/
where the series extends forever. We handle this as follows: we rst compute the
value of the series when it extends out for J terms, and then we take the limit as J
tends to in nity.
Now, what happens as J tends to in nity? The second term in the numerator
vanishes (tends to zero), and we have
1 e
We can make this look a bit neater by multiplying top and bottom by er T : the
result is
U D rT
e 1
and our conclusion is that the present value of in in nite stream of costs C incurred
every T years is:
er T 1
Finally we annualize this present value. Since the stream of costs continues
inde nitely, the annualization is the one shown at the end of the last section, and
we see that the annualized present value is
er T 1