Icd 09 Codes PDF
Icd 09 Codes PDF
Icd 09 Codes PDF
Underlying and Multiple Cause of Death Codes
• If you decide to print this document, note that it is about 156 pages.
• The ICD-9 codes for External Causes of Death are actually codes E800 through
E999; however, for data processing purposes NCHS never includes the letter “E”
in data fields. The External Cause codes are listed at the very end of this
• Do not confuse the External Cause codes with the ICD-9 Nature of Injury codes
(800 through 999). The Nature of Injury Codes describe the medical effects of the
trauma from an external cause. The Nature of Injury codes are never used for the
underlying cause of death. The Nature of Injury codes are only used for multiple
cause of death coding and are included under the entity axis and the record axis
conditions in the multiple cause data fields. A Nature of Injury code can be
distinguished from an External Cause code because a Nature of Injury flag (the
number “1”) appears in the last position of that multiple cause data field.
• ICD-9 codes for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (*042-*044) are
only used for deaths beginning in 1987. The asterisks, however, don’t actually
appear on NDI Plus or NCHS files.
• To access the complete ICD-9 manual (about 620 pages), go to the following link:
All causes
Cholera (001)
Due to Vibrio cholerae (001.0)
Due to Vibrio cholerae el tor (001.1)
Unspecified (001.9)
Shigellosis (004)
Shigella dysenteriae (004.0)
Shigella flexneri (004.1)
Shigella boydii (004.2)
Shigella sonnei (004.3)
Other (004.8)
Unspecified (004.9)
Amebiasis (006)
Acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess (006.0)
Chronic intestinal amebiasis without mention of abscess (006.1)
Amebic nondysenteric colitis (006.2)
Amebic liver abscess (006.3)
Amebic lung abscess (006.4)
Amebic brain abscess (006.5)
Amebic skin ulceration (006.6)
Amebic infection of other sites (006.8)
Amebiasis, unspecified (006.9)
Tuberculosis (010-018)
Plague (020)
Bubonic (020.0)
Cellulocutaneous (020.1)
Septicemic (020.2)
Primary pneumonic (020.3)
Secondary pneumonic (020.4)
Pneumonic, unspecified (020.5)
Other (020.8)
Unspecified (020.9)
Tularemia (021)
Anthrax (022)
Cutaneous anthrax (022.0)
Pulmonary anthrax (022.1)
Gastrointestinal anthrax (022.2)
Anthrax septicemia (022.3)
Other manifestations (022.8)
Unspecified (022.9)
Brucellosis (023)
Brucella melitensis (023.0)
Brucella abortus (023.1)
Brucella suis (023.2)
Brucella canis (023.3)
Other (023.8)
Unspecified (023.9)
Glanders (024)
Melioidosis (025)
Leprosy (030)
Lepromatous (type L) (030.0)
Tuberculoid (type T) (030.1)
Indeterminate (group I) (030.2)
Borderline (group B) (030.3)
Other (030.8)
Unspecified (030.9)
Diseases due to other mycobacteria (031)
Pulmonary (031.0)
Cutaneous (031.1)
Other (031.8)
Unspecified (031.9)
Diphtheria (032)
Faucial diphtheria (032.0)
Nasopharyngeal diphtheria (032.1)
Anterior nasal diphtheria (032.2)
Laryngeal diphtheria (032.3)
Other (032.8)
Diphtheria, unspecified (032.9)
Erysipelas (035)
Tetanus (037)
Septicemia (038)
Streptococcal septicemia (038.0)
Staphylococcal septicemia (038.1)
Pneumococcal septicemia (038.2)
Septicemia due to anaerobes (038.3)
Septicemia due to other gram-negative organisms (038.4)
Other specified septicemias (038.8)
Unspecified septicemia (038.9)
Smallpox (050)
Variola major (050.0)
Alastrim (050.1)
Modified smallpox (050.2)
Smallpox, unspecified (050.9)
Chickenpox (052)
Measles (055)
Postmeasles encephalitis (055.0)
Postmeasles pneumonia (055.1)
Postmeasles otitis (055.2)
With other complications (055.7)
With unspecified complication (055.8)
Measles without mention of complication (055.9)
Rubella (056)
With neurological complications (056.0)
With other complications (056.7)
With unspecified complication (056.8)
Rubella without mention of complication (056.9)
Dengue (061)
Russian spring-summer (taiga) encephalitis (063.0)
Louping ill (063.1)
Central European encephalitis (063.2)
Other (063.8)
Unspecified (063.9)
Rabies (071)
Mumps (072)
Mumps orchitis (072.0)
Mumps meningitis (072.1)
Mumps encephalitis (072.2)
Mumps pancreatitis (072.3)
Mumps with other complications (072.7)
Mumps with unspecified complication (072.8)
Mumps without mention of complication (072.9)
Ornithosis (073)
Specific diseases due to Coxsackie virus (074)
Herpangina (074.0)
Epidemic pleurodynia (074.1)
Coxsackie carditis (074.2)
Hand, foot, and mouth disease (074.3)
Other (074.8)
Trachoma (076)
Initial stage (076.0)
Active stage (076.1)
Unspecified (076.9)
Unspecified (081.9)
Malaria (084)
Falciparum malaria (malignant tertian) (084.0)
Vivax malaria (benign tertian) (084.1)
Quartan malaria (084.2)
Ovale malaria (084.3)
Other malaria (084.4)
Mixed (084.5)
Unspecified (084.6)
Induced malaria (084.7)
Blackwater fever (084.8)
Other pernicious complications of malaria (084.9)
Leishmaniasis (085)
Visceral (kala-azar) (085.0)
Cutaneous, urban (085.1)
Cutaneous, Asian desert (085.2)
Cutaneous, Ethiopian (085.3)
Cutaneous, American (085.4)
Mucocutaneous, American (085.5)
Unspecified (085.9)
Trypanosomiasis (086)
Chagas' disease with heart involvement (086.0)
Chagas' disease with other organ involvement (086.1)
Chagas' disease without mention of organ involvement (086.2)
Gambian trypanosomiasis (086.3)
Rhodesian trypanosomiasis (086.4)
African trypanosomiasis, unspecified (086.5)
Unspecified (086.9)
Neurosyphilis (094)
Tabes dorsalis (094.0)
General paresis (094.1)
Syphilitic meningitis (094.2)
Other (094.8)
Unspecified (094.9)
Leptospirosis (100)
Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica (100.0)
Other (100.8)
Unspecified (100.9)
Yaws (102)
Initial lesions (102.0)
Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws (102.1)
Other early skin lesions (102.2)
Hyperkeratosis (102.3)
Gummata and ulcers (102.4)
Gangosa (102.5)
Bone and joint lesions (102.6)
Other manifestations (102.7)
Yaws, unspecified (102.9)
Pinta (103)
Primary lesions (103.0)
Intermediate lesions (103.1)
Late lesions (103.2)
Mixed lesions (103.3)
Unspecified (103.9)
Mycoses (110-118)
Dermatophytosis (110)
Of scalp and beard (110.0)
Of nail (110.1)
Of hand (110.2)
Of groin and perianal area (110.3)
Of foot (110.4)
Of the body (110.5)
Deep-seated dermatophytosis (110.6)
Of other sites (110.8)
Of unspecified site (110.9)
Candidiasis (112)
Of mouth (112.0)
Of vulva and vagina (112.1)
Of other urogenital sites (112.2)
Of skin and nails (112.3)
Of lung (112.4)
Disseminated (112.5)
Of other sites (112.8)
Of unspecified site (112.9)
Coccidioidomycosis (114)
Histoplasmosis (115)
Infection by Histoplasma capsulatum (115.0)
Infection by Histoplasma duboisii (115.1)
Unspecified (115.9)
Allescheriosis (Petriellidosis) (117.6)
Zygomycosis (Phycomycosis or Mucormycosis) (117.7)
Infection by dematiacious fungi (Phaeohyphomycosis) (117.8)
Other and unspecified (117.9)
Helminthiases (120-129)
Echinococcosis (122)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver (122.0)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung (122.1)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of thyroid (122.2)
Echinococcus granulosus infection, other (122.3)
Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified (122.4)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver (122.5)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other (122.6)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified (122.7)
Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver (122.8)
Echinococcosis, other and unspecified (122.9)
Trichinosis (124)
Toxoplasmosis (130)
Trichomoniasis (131)
Urogenital trichomoniasis (131.0)
Other sites (131.8)
Unspecified (131.9)
Pediculosis and phthirus infestation (132)
Pediculus capitis (head louse) (132.0)
Pediculus corporis (body louse) (132.1)
Phthirus pubis (pubic louse) (132.2)
Mixed (132.3)
Pediculosis, unspecified (132.9)
Acariasis (133)
Scabies (133.0)
Other (133.8)
Unspecified (133.9)
Sarcoidosis (135)
Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (149)
Pharynx, unspecified (149.0)
Waldeyer's ring (149.1)
Other (149.8)
Ill-defined (149.9)
Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum
Intestinal tract, part unspecified (159.0)
Spleen, not elsewhere classified (159.1)
Other (159.8)
Ill-defined (159.9)
Malignant neoplasms of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses (160)
Nasal cavities (160.0)
Auditory tube, middle ear, and mastoid air cells (160.1)
Maxillary sinus (160.2)
Ethmoidal sinus (160.3)
Frontal sinus (160.4)
Sphenoidal sinus (160.5)
Other (160.8)
Accessory sinus, unspecified (160.9)
Malignant neoplasms of thymus, heart, and mediastinum (164)
Thymus (164.0)
Heart (164.1)
Anterior mediastinum (164.2)
Posterior mediastinum (164.3)
Other (164.8)
Mediastinum, part unspecified (164.9)
Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the respiratory system and intrathoracic
organs (165)
Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified (165.0)
Other (165.8)
Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system (165.9)
Malignant neoplasms of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs (189)
Kidney, except pelvis (189.0)
Renal pelvis (189.1)
Ureter (189.2)
Urethra (189.3)
Paraurethral glands (189.4)
Other (189.8)
Site unspecified (189.9)
Malignant neoplasm of eye (190)
Eyeball, except conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid (190.0)
Orbit (190.1)
Lacrimal gland (190.2)
Conjunctiva (190.3)
Cornea (190.4)
Retina (190.5)
Choroid (190.6)
Lacrimal duct (190.7)
Other (190.8)
Part unspecified (190.9)
Chronic (205.1)
Subacute (205.2)
Myeloid sarcoma (205.3)
Other (205.8)
Unspecified (205.9)
Benign neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (212)
Nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses (212.0)
Larynx (212.1)
Trachea (212.2)
Bronchus and lung (212.3)
Pleura (212.4)
Mediastinum (212.5)
Thymus (212.6)
Heart (212.7)
Other specified sites (212.8)
Site unspecified (212.9)
Lipoma (214)
Eyelid, including canthus (232.1)
Ear and external auricular canal (232.2)
Skin of other and unspecified parts of face (232.3)
Scalp and skin of neck (232.4)
Skin of trunk, except scrotum (232.5)
Skin of upper limb, including shoulder (232.6)
Skin of lower limb, including hip (232.7)
Other specified sites (232.8)
Site unspecified (232.9)
Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of endocrine glands and nervous system (237)
Pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct (237.0)
Pineal gland (237.1)
Suprarenal gland (237.2)
Paraganglia (237.3)
Other and unspecified endocrine glands (237.4)
Brain and spinal cord (237.5)
Meninges (237.6)
Neurofibromatosis (237.7)
Other and unspecified parts of nervous system (237.9)
Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites and tissues (238)
Bone and articular cartilage (238.0)
Connective and other soft tissue (238.1)
Skin (238.2)
Breast (238.3)
Polycythemia vera (238.4)
Histiocytic and mast cells (238.5)
Plasma cells (238.6)
Other lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (238.7)
Other specified sites (238.8)
Site unspecified (238.9)
Thyroiditis (245)
Acute thyroiditis (245.0)
Subacute thyroiditis (245.1)
Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (245.2)
Chronic fibrous thyroiditis (245.3)
Iatrogenic thyroiditis (245.4)
Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis (245.8)
Unspecified (245.9)
Testicular dysfunction (257)
Testicular hyperfunction (257.0)
Postablative testicular hypofunction (257.1)
Other testicular hypofunction (257.2)
Other (257.8)
Unspecified (257.9)
Kwashiorkor (260)
Thiamine and niacin deficiency states (265)
Beriberi (265.0)
Other and unspecified manifestations of thiamine deficiency (265.1)
Pellagra (265.2)
Disorders of lipoid metabolism (272)
Pure hypercholesterolemia (272.0)
Pure hyperglyceridemia (272.1)
Mixed hyperlipidemia (272.2)
Hyperchylomicronemia (272.3)
Other and unspecified hyperlipidemia (272.4)
Lipoprotein deficiencies (272.5)
Lipodystrophy (272.6)
Lipidoses (272.7)
Other disorders of lipoid metabolism (272.8)
Unspecified disorders of lipoid metabolism (272.9)
Gout (274)
Gouty arthropathy (274.0)
Gouty nephropathy (274.1)
Gout with other manifestations (274.8)
Unspecified (274.9)
Amyloidosis (277.3)
Disorders of bilirubin excretion (277.4)
Mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)
Other deficiencies of circulating enzymes (277.6)
Other (277.8)
Unspecified (277.9)
Hebephrenic type (295.1)
Catatonic type (295.2)
Paranoid type (295.3)
Acute schizophrenic episode (295.4)
Latent schizophrenia (295.5)
Residual schizophrenia (295.6)
Schizoaffective type (295.7)
Other (295.8)
Unspecified (295.9)
Barbiturates and tranquillizers (305.4)
Morphine type (305.5)
Cocaine type (305.6)
Amphetamine type (305.7)
Antidepressants (305.8)
Other, mixed or unspecified (305.9)
Postconcussional syndrome (310.2)
Other (310.8)
Unspecified (310.9)
Hemiplegia (342)
Flaccid hemiplegia (342.0)
Spastic hemiplegia (342.1)
Unspecified (342.9)
Epilepsy (345)
Generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy (345.0)
Generalized convulsive epilepsy (345.1)
Petit mal status (345.2)
Grand mal status (345.3)
Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness (345.4)
Partial epilepsy without mention of impairment of consciousness (345.5)
Infantile spasms (345.6)
Epilepsia partialis continua (345.7)
Other (345.8)
Unspecified (345.9)
Migraine (346)
Classical migraine (346.0)
Common migraine (346.1)
Variants of migraine (346.2)
Other (346.8)
Unspecified (346.9)
Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex (354)
Carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0)
Other lesion of median nerve (354.1)
Lesion of ulnar nerve (354.2)
Lesion of radial nerve (354.3)
Causalgia (354.4)
Mononeuritis multiplex (354.5)
Other (354.8)
Unspecified (354.9)
Other (359.8)
Unspecified (359.9)
Glaucoma (365)
Borderline glaucoma (365.0)
Open-angle glaucoma (365.1)
Primary angle-closure glaucoma (365.2)
Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma (365.3)
Glaucoma associated with congenital anomalies, with dystrophies, and with systemic syndromes (365.4)
Glaucoma associated with disorders of the lens (365.5)
Glaucoma associated with other ocular disorders (365.6)
Other glaucoma (365.8)
Unspecified (365.9)
Cataract (366)
Infantile, juvenile, and presenile cataract (366.0)
Senile cataract (366.1)
Traumatic cataract (366.2)
Cataract secondary to ocular disorders (366.3)
Cataract associated with other disorders (366.4)
After-cataract (366.5)
Other cataract (366.8)
Unspecified (366.9)
Blindness, both eyes (369.0)
Blindness, one eye, low vision, other eye (369.1)
Low vision, both eyes (369.2)
Unqualified visual loss, both eyes (369.3)
Blindness, one eye (369.6)
Low vision, one eye (369.7)
Unqualified visual loss, one eye (369.8)
Unspecified visual loss (369.9)
Keratitis (370)
Corneal ulcer (370.0)
Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis (370.2)
Certain types of keratoconjunctivitis (370.3)
Other and unspecified keratoconjunctivitis (370.4)
Interstitial and deep keratitis (370.5)
Corneal neovascularization (370.6)
Other forms of keratitis (370.8)
Unspecified (370.9)
Other disorders of eyelids (374)
Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid (374.0)
Ectropion (374.1)
Lagophthalmos (374.2)
Ptosis of eyelid (374.3)
Other disorders affecting eyelid function (374.4)
Degenerative disorders of eyelids and periocular area (374.5)
Other disorders of eyelid (374.8)
Unspecified (374.9)
Other disorders of tympanic membrane (384)
Acute myringitis without mention of otitis media (384.0)
Chronic myringitis without mention of otitis media (384.1)
Perforation of tympanic membrane (384.2)
Other (384.8)
Unspecified (384.9)
Otosclerosis (387)
Otosclerosis involving oval window, nonobliterative (387.0)
Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative (387.1)
Cochlear otosclerosis (387.2)
Other (387.8)
Unspecified (387.9)
Deafness (389)
Conductive deafness (389.0)
Sensorineural deafness (389.1)
Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness (389.2)
Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified (389.7)
Other specified forms of deafness (389.8)
Unspecified deafness (389.9)
VII. Diseases of the circulatory system (390-459)
Cardiomyopathy (425)
Endomyocardial fibrosis (425.0)
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (425.1)
Obscure cardiomyopathy of Africa (425.2)
Endocardial fibroelastosis (425.3)
Other primary cardiomyopathies (425.4)
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy (425.5)
Secondary cardiomyopathy, unspecified (425.9)
Cardiac dysrhythmias (427)
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (427.0)
Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (427.1)
Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified (427.2)
Atrial fibrillation and flutter (427.3)
Ventricular fibrillation and flutter (427.4)
Cardiac arrest (427.5)
Premature beats (427.6)
Other (427.8)
Unspecified (427.9)
Transient cerebral ischemia (435)
Atherosclerosis (440)
Of aorta (440.0)
Of renal artery (440.1)
Of arteries of the extremities (440.2)
Of other specified arteries (440.8)
Generalized and unspecified (440.9)
Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459)
Varicose veins of lower extremities (454)
With ulcer (454.0)
With inflammation (454.1)
With ulcer and inflammation (454.2)
Without mention of ulcer or inflammation (454.9)
Hemorrhoids (455)
Internal hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.0)
Internal thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.1)
Internal hemorrhoids with other complication (455.2)
External hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.3)
External thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.4)
External hemorrhoids with other complication (455.5)
Unspecified hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.6)
Unspecified thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.7)
Unspecified hemorrhoids with other complication (455.8)
Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags (455.9)
Hypotension (458)
Orthostatic hypotension (458.0)
Chronic hypotension (458.1)
Unspecified (458.9)
Acute sinusitis (461)
Maxillary (461.0)
Frontal (461.1)
Ethmoidal (461.2)
Sphenoidal (461.3)
Other (461.8)
Unspecified (461.9)
Other (473.8)
Unspecified (473.9)
Influenza (487)
With pneumonia (487.0)
With other respiratory manifestations (487.1)
With other manifestations (487.8)
Emphysema (492)
Asthma (493)
Extrinsic asthma (493.0)
Intrinsic asthma (493.1)
Asthma, unspecified (493.9)
Bronchiectasis (494)
Coalworkers' pneumoconiosis (500)
Asbestosis (501)
Empyema (510)
With fistula (510.0)
Without mention of fistula (510.9)
Pleurisy (511)
Without mention of effusion or current tuberculosis (511.0)
With effusion with mention of a bacterial cause other than tuberculosis (511.1)
Other specified forms of effusion, except tuberculous (511.8)
Unspecified pleural effusion (511.9)
Pneumothorax (512)
Abrasion (521.2)
Erosion (521.3)
Pathological resorption (521.4)
Hypercementosis (521.5)
Ankylosis of teeth (521.6)
Posteruptive color changes (521.7)
Other diseases of hard tissues of teeth (521.8)
Unspecified (521.9)
Other diseases and conditions of the teeth and supporting structures (525)
Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes (525.0)
Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or local periodontal disease (525.1)
Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge (525.2)
Retained dental root (525.3)
Other (525.8)
Unspecified (525.9)
Diseases of the jaws (526)
Developmental odontogenic cysts (526.0)
Fissural cysts of jaw (526.1)
Other cysts of jaws (526.2)
Central giant cell (reparative) granuloma (526.3)
Inflammatory conditions (526.4)
Alveolitis of jaw (526.5)
Other diseases of the jaws (526.8)
Unspecified (526.9)
Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue (528)
Stomatitis (528.0)
Cancrum oris (528.1)
Oral aphthae (528.2)
Cellulitis and abscess (528.3)
Cysts (528.4)
Diseases of lips (528.5)
Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue (528.6)
Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue (528.7)
Oral submucous fibrosis, including of tongue (528.8)
Other and unspecified (528.9)
Stricture and stenosis of esophagus (530.3)
Perforation of esophagus (530.4)
Dyskinesia of esophagus (530.5)
Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired (530.6)
Gastro-esophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome (530.7)
Other disorders of esophagus (530.8)
Unspecified (530.9)
Gastritis and duodenitis (535)
Acute gastritis (535.0)
Atrophic gastritis (535.1)
Gastric mucosal hypertrophy (535.2)
Alcoholic gastritis (535.3)
Other gastritis (535.4)
Unspecified gastritis and gastroduodenitis (535.5)
Duodenitis (535.6)
Appendicitis (540-543)
Umbilical with gangrene (551.1)
Ventral (incisional) with gangrene (551.2)
Diaphragmatic with gangrene (551.3)
Of other specified sites with gangrene (551.8)
Of unspecified site with gangrene (551.9)
Other hernia of abdominal cavity with obstruction, without mention of gangrene (552)
Femoral with obstruction (552.0)
Umbilical with obstruction (552.1)
Ventral (incisional) with obstruction (552.2)
Diaphragmatic with obstruction (552.3)
Of other specified sites with obstruction (552.8)
Of unspecified site with obstruction (552.9)
Peritonitis (567)
Pneumococcal peritonitis (567.1)
Other suppurative peritonitis (567.2)
Other peritonitis (567.8)
Unspecified (567.9)
Cholelithiasis (574)
Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis (574.0)
Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis (574.1)
Calculus of gallbladder without mention of cholecystitis (574.2)
Calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis (574.3)
Calculus of bile duct with other cholecystitis (574.4)
Calculus of bile duct without mention of cholecystitis (574.5)
With unspecified pathological lesion in kidney (583.9)
Hydronephrosis (591)
Hydroureter (593.5)
Postural proteinuria (593.6)
Vesicoureteric reflux (593.7)
Other (593.8)
Unspecified (593.9)
Cystitis (595)
Acute cystitis (595.0)
Chronic interstitial cystitis (595.1)
Other chronic cystitis (595.2)
Trigonitis (595.3)
Other (595.8)
Unspecified (595.9)
Hydrocele (603)
Encysted hydrocele (603.0)
Infected hydrocele (603.1)
Other (603.8)
Unspecified (603.9)
Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue, and peritoneum (614)
Acute salpingitis and oophoritis (614.0)
Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis (614.1)
Salpingitis and oophoritis, not specified as acute, subacute, or chronic (614.2)
Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis (614.3)
Chronic or unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis (614.4)
Acute or unspecified pelvic peritonitis, female (614.5)
Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female (614.6)
Other chronic pelvic peritonitis, female (614.7)
Other specified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues (614.8)
Unspecified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues (614.9)
Endometriosis (617)
Uterus (617.0)
Ovary (617.1)
Fallopian tube (617.2)
Pelvic peritoneum (617.3)
Rectovaginal septum and vagina (617.4)
Intestine (617.5)
Endometriosis in scar or skin (617.6)
Other specified sites (617.8)
Site unspecified (617.9)
Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs (625)
Dyspareunia (625.0)
Vaginismus (625.1)
Mittelschmerz (625.2)
Dysmenorrhea (625.3)
Premenstrual tension syndromes (625.4)
Pelvic congestion syndrome (625.5)
Stress incontinence, female (625.6)
Other (625.8)
Unspecified (625.9)
Disorders of menstruation and other abnormal bleeding from female genital tract (626)
Absence of menstruation (626.0)
Scanty or infrequent menstruation (626.1)
Excessive or frequent menstruation (626.2)
Puberty bleeding (626.3)
Irregular menstrual cycle (626.4)
Ovulation bleeding (626.5)
Metrorrhagia (626.6)
Postcoital bleeding (626.7)
Other (626.8)
Unspecified (626.9)
Ectopic pregnancy (633)
Abdominal pregnancy (633.0)
Tubal pregnancy (633.1)
Ovarian pregnancy (633.2)
Other ectopic pregnancy (633.8)
Unspecified (633.9)
Infective and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating
pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (647)
Syphilis (647.0)
Gonorrhea (647.1)
Other venereal diseases (647.2)
Tuberculosis (647.3)
Malaria (647.4)
Rubella (647.5)
Other viral diseases (647.6)
Other specified infective and parasitic diseases (647.8)
Unspecified infection or infestation (647.9)
Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium (648)
Diabetes mellitus (648.0)
Thyroid dysfunction (648.1)
Anemia (648.2)
Drug dependence (648.3)
Mental disorders (648.4)
Congenital cardiovascular disorders (648.5)
Other cardiovascular diseases (648.6)
Bone and joint disorders of back, pelvis, and lower limbs (648.7)
Abnormal glucose tolerance (648.8)
Other (648.9)
Normal delivery, and other indications for care in pregnancy, labor, and delivery
Disproportion (653)
Polyhydramnios (657)
Other indications for care or intervention related to labor and delivery and not elsewhere
classified (659)
Complications of the administration of anesthetic or other sedation in labor and delivery (668)
Other and unspecified complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified (674)
Other disorders of the breast associated with childbirth and disorders of lactation (676)
Carbuncle and furuncle (680)
Face (680.0)
Neck (680.1)
Trunk (680.2)
Upper arm and forearm (680.3)
Hand (680.4)
Buttock (680.5)
Leg, except foot (680.6)
Foot (680.7)
Other specified site (680.8)
Unspecified site (680.9)
Contact dermatitis and other eczema (692)
Due to detergents (692.0)
Due to oils and greases (692.1)
Due to solvents (692.2)
Due to drugs and medicaments in contact with skin (692.3)
Due to other chemical products (692.4)
Due to food in contact with skin (692.5)
Due to plants (except food) (692.6)
Due to solar radiation (692.7)
Due to other specified agents (692.8)
Unspecified cause (692.9)
Lichen (697)
Lichen planus (697.0)
Lichen nitidus (697.1)
Other lichen, not elsewhere classified (697.8)
Unspecified (697.9)
Urticaria (708)
Allergic urticaria (708.0)
Idiopathic urticaria (708.1)
Urticaria due to cold and heat (708.2)
Dermatographic urticaria (708.3)
Vibratory urticaria (708.4)
Cholinergic urticaria (708.5)
Other specified urticaria (708.8)
Unspecified (708.9)
Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies (714)
Rheumatoid arthritis (714.0)
Felty's syndrome (714.1)
Other rheumatoid arthritis with visceral or systemic involvement (714.2)
Juvenile chronic polyarthritis (714.3)
Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy (714.4)
Other (714.8)
Unspecified (714.9)
Other and unspecified disorder of joint (719)
Effusion of joint (719.0)
Hemarthrosis (719.1)
Villonodular synovitis (719.2)
Palindromic rheumatism (719.3)
Pain in joint (719.4)
Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified (719.5)
Other symptoms referable to joint (719.6)
Difficulty in walking (719.7)
Other (719.8)
Unspecified (719.9)
Dorsopathies (720-724)
Torticollis, unspecified (723.5)
Panniculitis specified as affecting neck (723.6)
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region (723.7)
Other syndromes affecting cervical region (723.8)
Unspecified disorders and symptoms referable to neck (723.9)
Hypermobility syndrome (728.5)
Contracture of palmar fascia (728.6)
Other fibromatoses (728.7)
Other disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia (728.8)
Unspecified (728.9)
Osteitis deformans and osteopathies associated with other disorders classified elsewhere (731)
Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor (731.0)
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (731.2)
Osteochondropathies (732)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine (732.0)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis (732.1)
Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis (732.2)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity (732.3)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot (732.4)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot (732.5)
Other juvenile osteochondrosis (732.6)
Osteochondritis dissecans (732.7)
Other specified forms of osteochondropathy (732.8)
Unspecified osteochondropathy (732.9)
Malunion and nonunion of fracture (733.8)
Other and unspecified (733.9)
Tongue tie (750.0)
Other anomalies of tongue (750.1)
Other specified anomalies of mouth and pharynx (750.2)
Tracheo-esophageal fistula, esophageal atresia and stenosis (750.3)
Other specified anomalies of esophagus (750.4)
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (750.5)
Congenital hiatus hernia (750.6)
Other specified anomalies of stomach (750.7)
Other specified anomalies of upper alimentary tract (750.8)
Unspecified anomalies of upper alimentary tract (750.9)
Other and unspecified congenital anomalies (759)
Anomalies of spleen (759.0)
Anomalies of adrenal gland (759.1)
Anomalies of other endocrine glands (759.2)
Situs inversus (759.3)
Conjoined twins (759.4)
Tuberous sclerosis (759.5)
Other hamartoses, not elsewhere classified (759.6)
Multiple congenital anomalies, so described (759.7)
Other specified anomalies (759.8)
Congenital anomaly, unspecified (759.9)
Newborn affected by maternal conditions which may be unrelated to present pregnancy (760)
Maternal hypertensive disorders (760.0)
Maternal renal and urinary tract diseases (760.1)
Maternal infections (760.2)
Other chronic maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases (760.3)
Maternal nutritional disorders (760.4)
Maternal injury (760.5)
Surgical operation on mother (760.6)
Noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk (760.7)
Other (760.8)
Unspecified (760.9)
Breech delivery and extraction (763.0)
Other malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during labor and delivery (763.1)
Forceps delivery (763.2)
Delivery by vacuum extractor (763.3)
Cesarean delivery (763.4)
Maternal anesthesia and analgesia (763.5)
Precipitate delivery (763.6)
Abnormal uterine contractions (763.7)
Other complications of labor and delivery (763.8)
Unspecified (763.9)
Neonatal myasthenia gravis (775.2)
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis (775.3)
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia of newborn (775.4)
Other transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbances (775.5)
Neonatal hypoglycemia (775.6)
Late metabolic acidosis of newborn (775.7)
Other transitory neonatal endocrine and metabolic disturbances (775.8)
Unspecified (775.9)
Symptoms (780-789)
Symptoms involving head and neck (784)
Headache (784.0)
Throat pain (784.1)
Swelling, mass, or lump in head and neck (784.2)
Aphasia (784.3)
Voice disturbance (784.4)
Other speech disturbance (784.5)
Other symbolic dysfunction (784.6)
Epistaxis (784.7)
Hemorrhage from throat (784.8)
Other (784.9)
Nonspecific abnormal findings on radiological and other examination of body structure (793)
Skull and head (793.0)
Lung field (793.1)
Other intrathoracic organ (793.2)
Biliary tract (793.3)
Gastrointestinal tract (793.4)
Genitourinary organs (793.5)
Abdominal area, including retroperitoneum (793.6)
Musculoskeletal system (793.7)
Breast (793.8)
Other (793.9)
Note: Do not confuse these Nature of Injury Codes with the External Cause Codes (E800-
E999) which are listed at the very end of this document. NCHS, however, never includes
the letter “E” in data fields. Consequently, the only way to distinguish a Nature of Injury
Code from an External Cause Code is by looking for the Nature of Injury flag (the number
“1”) that appears in the last position of that multiple cause data field. Also note that Nature
of Injury Codes are never used for the underlying cause of death and thus only appear in the
multiple cause data fields.
Fractures (800-829)
Multiple fractures involving both upper limbs, and upper limb with rib(s) and sternum (819)
Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, and lower limb(s) with
rib(s) and sternum (828)
Dislocation (830-839)
Dislocation of shoulder (831)
Concussion (850)
Subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury (852)
Open wound of back (876)
Injury to blood vessels (900-904)
Late effects of injuries, poisonings, toxic effects, and other external causes (905-909)
Late effect of internal injury to intra-abdominal organs (908.1)
Late effect of internal injury to other internal organs (908.2)
Late effect of injury to blood vessel of head, neck, and extremities (908.3)
Late effect of injury to blood vessel of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (908.4)
Late effect of foreign body in orifice (908.5)
Late effect of certain complications of trauma (908.6)
Late effect of unspecified injury (908.9)
Contusion of upper limb (923)
Burns (940-949)
Injury to other nerve(s) of trunk excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles (954)
Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (963.1)
Acidifying agents (963.2)
Alkalizing agents (963.3)
Enzymes, not elsewhere classified (963.4)
Vitamins, not elsewhere classified (963.5)
Other (963.8)
Unspecified (963.9)
Emetics (973.6)
Other (973.8)
Unspecified (973.9)
Poisoning by agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system
Oxytocic agents (975.0)
Smooth muscle relaxants (975.1)
Skeletal muscle relaxants (975.2)
Other and unspecified drugs acting on muscles (975.3)
Antitussives (975.4)
Expectorants (975.5)
Anti-common cold drugs (975.6)
Antiasthmatics (975.7)
Other and unspecified respiratory drugs (975.8)
Toxic effect of other metals (985)
Mercury and its compounds (985.0)
Arsenic and its compounds (985.1)
Manganese and its compounds (985.2)
Beryllium and its compounds (985.3)
Antimony and its compounds (985.4)
Cadmium and its compounds (985.5)
Chromium (985.6)
Other (985.8)
Unspecified (985.9)
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (996-999)
Note: Do not confuse the following list of External Cause Codes (E800-E999) with the
Nature of Injury Codes (800-999) which appear above in the 800-999 range of codes.
NCHS, however, never includes the letter “E” in data fields. Consequently, the only way to
distinguish a Nature of Injury Code from an External Cause Code is by looking for the
Nature of Injury flag (the number “1”) that appears in the last position of that multiple
cause data field. Also note that Nature of Injury Codes are never used for the underlying
cause of death and thus only appear in the multiple cause data fields.
Pedestrian (E804.2)
Pedal cyclist (E804.3)
Other specified person (E804.8)
Unspecified person (E804.9)
Motor vehicle traffic accident involving re-entrant collision with another motor vehicle (E811)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E811.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E811.1)
Motorcyclist (E811.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E811.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E811.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E811.5)
Pedal cyclist (E811.6)
Pedestrian (E811.7)
Other specified person (E811.8)
Unspecified person (E811.9)
Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with another motor vehicle (E812)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E812.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E812.1)
Motorcyclist (E812.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E812.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E812.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E812.5)
Pedal cyclist (E812.6)
Pedestrian (E812.7)
Other specified person (E812.8)
Unspecified person (E812.9)
Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle (E813)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E813.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E813.1)
Motorcyclist (E813.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E813.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E813.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E813.5)
Pedal cyclist (E813.6)
Pedestrian (E813.7)
Other specified person (E813.8)
Unspecified person (E813.9)
Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision on the highway (E815)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E815.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E815.1)
Motorcyclist (E815.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E815.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E815.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E815.5)
Pedal cyclist (E815.6)
Pedestrian (E815.7)
Other specified person (E815.8)
Unspecified person (E815.9)
Motor vehicle traffic accident due to loss of control without collision on the highway (E816)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E816.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E816.1)
Motorcyclist (E816.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E816.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E816.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E816.5)
Pedal cyclist (E816.6)
Pedestrian (E816.7)
Other specified person (E816.8)
Unspecified person (E816.9)
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with moving object (E822)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E822.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E822.1)
Motorcyclist (E822.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E822.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E822.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E822.5)
Pedal cyclist (E822.6)
Pedestrian (E822.7)
Other specified person (E822.8)
Unspecified person (E822.9)
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object (E823)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E823.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E823.1)
Motorcyclist (E823.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E823.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E823.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E823.5)
Pedal cyclist (E823.6)
Pedestrian (E823.7)
Other specified person (E823.8)
Unspecified person (E823.9)
Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident of other and unspecified nature (E825)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E825.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E825.1)
Motorcyclist (E825.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E825.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E825.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E825.5)
Pedal cyclist (E825.6)
Pedestrian (E825.7)
Other specified person (E825.8)
Unspecified person (E825.9)
Other fall from one level to another in water transport (E834)
Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E834.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E834.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E834.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E834.3)
Water skier (E834.4)
Swimmer (E834.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E834.6)
Other specified person (E834.8)
Unspecified person (E834.9)
Swimmer (E838.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E838.6)
Other specified person (E838.8)
Unspecified person (E838.9)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E843.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E843.8)
Other person (E843.9)
Accidents involving powered vehicles used solely within the buildings and premises of an
industrial or commercial establishment (E846)
Accidental poisoning by other drugs acting on central and autonomic nervous systems (E855)
Anticonvulsant and anti-Parkinsonism drugs (E855.0)
Other central nervous system depressants (E855.1)
Local anesthetics (E855.2)
Parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (E855.3)
Parasympatholytics (anticholinergics and antimuscarinics) and spasmolytics (E855.4)
Sympathomimetics (adrenergics) (E855.5)
Sympatholytics (antiadrenergics) (E855.6)
Other (E855.8)
Unspecified (E855.9)
Accidental poisoning by cleansing and polishing agents, disinfectants, paints, and varnishes
Synthetic detergents and shampoos (E861.0)
Soap products (E861.1)
Polishes (E861.2)
Other cleansing and polishing agents (E861.3)
Disinfectants (E861.4)
Lead paints (E861.5)
Other paints and varnishes (E861.6)
Unspecified (E861.9)
Accidental poisoning by petroleum products, other solvents, and their vapors, not elsewhere
classified (E862)
Petroleum solvents (E862.0)
Petroleum fuels and cleaners (E862.1)
Lubricating oils (E862.2)
Petroleum solids (E862.3)
Other solvents (E862.4)
Unspecified (E862.9)
Other (E864.3)
Unspecified (E864.4)
Accidental poisoning by other and unspecified solid and liquid substances (E866)
Lead and its compounds and fumes (E866.0)
Mercury and its compounds and fumes (E866.1)
Antimony and its compounds and fumes (E866.2)
Arsenic and its compounds and fumes (E866.3)
Other metals and their compounds and fumes (E866.4)
Plant foods and fertilizers (E866.5)
Glues and adhesives (E866.6)
Cosmetics (E866.7)
Other (E866.8)
Unspecified (E866.9)
Accidental poisoning by other utility gas and other carbon monoxide (E868)
Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers (E868.0)
Other and unspecified utility gas (E868.1)
Motor vehicle exhaust gas (E868.2)
Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels (E868.3)
Carbon monoxide from other sources (E868.8)
Unspecified carbon monoxide (E868.9)
Contaminated substance transfused or infused (E875.0)
Contaminated substance injected or used for vaccination (E875.1)
Contaminated drug or biological substance administered by other means (E875.2)
Other (E875.8)
Unspecified (E875.9)
Surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient or later
complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of procedure (E878-E879)
Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or
of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of operation (E878)
Surgical operation with transplant of whole organ (E878.0)
Surgical operation with implant of artificial internal device (E878.1)
Surgical operation with anastomosis, bypass, or graft with natural or artifical tissues used as implant (E878.2)
Surgical operation with formation of external stoma (E878.3)
Other restorative surgery (E878.4)
Amputation of limb(s) (E878.5)
Removal of other organ (partial) (total) (E878.6)
Other (E878.8)
Unspecified (E878.9)
Other procedures, without mention of misadventure at the time of procedure, as the cause of
abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication (E879)
Cardiac catheterization (E879.0)
Kidney dialysis (E879.1)
Radiological procedure and radiotherapy (E879.2)
Shock therapy (E879.3)
Aspiration of fluid (E879.4)
Insertion of gastric or duodenal sound (E879.5)
Urinary catheterization (E879.6)
Blood sampling (E879.7)
Other (E879.8)
Unspecified (E879.9)
Fall on or from ladders or scaffolding (E881)
Fall from ladder (E881.0)
Fall from scaffolding (E881.1)
Fall on same level from collision, pushing, or shoving, by or with other person (E886)
In sports (E886.0)
Other and unspecified (E886.9)
Accident caused by ignition of clothing (E893)
From controlled fire in private dwelling (E893.0)
From controlled fire in other building or structure (E893.1)
From controlled fire not in building or structure (E893.2)
From other sources (E893.8)
Unspecified (E893.9)
Accident caused by controlled fire in other and unspecified building or structure (E896)
High and low air pressure and changes in air pressure (E902)
Residence or prolonged visit at high altitude (E902.0)
In aircraft (E902.1)
Due to diving (E902.2)
Due to other specified causes (E902.8)
Unspecified (E902.9)
Privation, unqualified (E904.9)
Venomous animals and plants as the cause of poisoning and toxic reactions (E905)
Venomous snakes and lizards (E905.0)
Venomous spiders (E905.1)
Scorpion (E905.2)
Hornets, wasps, and bees (E905.3)
Centipede and venomous millipede (tropical) (E905.4)
Other venomous arthropods (E905.5)
Venomous marine animals and plants (E905.6)
Poisoning and toxic reactions caused by other plants (E905.7)
Other specified (E905.8)
Unspecified (E905.9)
Lightning (E907)
Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction of respiratory tract or suffocation (E911)
Inhalation and ingestion of other object causing obstruction of respiratory tract or suffocation
By falling earth or other substance (E913.3)
Other specified means (E913.8)
Unspecified (E913.9)
Shotgun (automatic) (E922.1)
Hunting rifle (E922.2)
Military firearms (E922.3)
Other (E922.8)
Unspecified (E922.9)
Accident caused by hot substance or object, caustic or corrosive material, and steam (E924)
Hot liquids and vapors, including steam (E924.0)
Caustic and corrosive substances (E924.1)
Other (E924.8)
Unspecified (E924.9)
Late effects of accidental poisoning (E929.2)
Late effects of accidental fall (E929.3)
Late effects of accident caused by fire (E929.4)
Late effects of accident due to natural and environmental factors (E929.5)
Late effects of other accidents (E929.8)
Late effects of unspecified accident (E929.9)
Drugs, medicaments, and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
Antibiotics (E930)
Penicillins (E930.0)
Antifungal antibiotics (E930.1)
Chloramphenicol group (E930.2)
Erythromycin and other macrolides (E930.3)
Tetracycline group (E930.4)
Cefalosporin group (E930.5)
Antimycobacterial antibiotics (E930.6)
Antineoplastic antibiotics (E930.7)
Other specified antibiotics (E930.8)
Unspecified (E930.9)
Enzymes, not elsewhere classified (E933.4)
Vitamins, not elsewhere classified (E933.5)
Other systemic agents, not elsewhere classified (E933.8)
Unspecified (E933.9)
Surface and infiltration anesthetics (E938.5)
Peripheral nerve- and plexus-blocking anesthetics (E938.6)
Spinal anesthetics (E938.7)
Other and unspecified local anesthetics (E938.9)
Unspecified (E943.9)
Agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system (E945)
Oxytocic agents (E945.0)
Smooth muscle relaxants (E945.1)
Skeletal muscle relaxants (E945.2)
Other and unspecified drugs acting on muscles (E945.3)
Antitussives (E945.4)
Expectorants (E945.5)
Anti-common-cold drugs (E945.6)
Antiasthmatics (E945.7)
Other and unspecified respiratory drugs (E945.8)
Diphtheria (E948.5)
Pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component (E948.6)
Other and unspecified bacterial vaccines (E948.8)
Mixed bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component (E948.9)
Suicide (E950-E959)
Suicide by firearms and explosives (E955)
Handgun (E955.0)
Shotgun (E955.1)
Hunting rifle (E955.2)
Military firearms (E955.3)
Other and unspecified firearms (E955.4)
Explosives (E955.5)
Unspecified (E955.9)
Homicide (E960-E969)
Assault by firearms and explosives (E965)
Handgun (E965.0)
Shotgun (E965.1)
Hunting rifle (E965.2)
Military firearms (E965.3)
Other and unspecified firearms (E965.4)
Antipersonnel bomb (E965.5)
Petrol bomb (E965.6)
Letter bomb (E965.7)
Other specified explosive (E965.8)
Unspecified explosive (E965.9)
Legal execution (E978)
Falling from high place, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E987)
Residential premises (E987.0)
Other man-made structures (E987.1)
Natural sites (E987.2)
Unspecified (E987.9)
Injury by other and unspecified means, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
Jumping or lying before moving object (E988.0)
Burns, fire (E988.1)
Scald (E988.2)
Extremes of cold (E988.3)
Electrocution (E988.4)
Crashing of motor vehicle (E988.5)
Crashing of aircraft (E988.6)
Caustic substances, except poisoning (E988.7)
Other specified means (E988.8)
Unspecified means (E988.9)
Injury due to war operations by other and unspecified forms of conventional warfare (E995)
Biological warfare (E997.1)
Gases, fumes, and chemicals (E997.2)
Other (E997.8)
Unspecified (E997.9)
Injury due to war operations but occurring after cessation of hostilities (E998)