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Underlying and Multiple Cause of Death Codes

For Deaths Occurring From 1979 - 1998


• If you decide to print this document, note that it is about 156 pages.

• The ICD-9 codes for External Causes of Death are actually codes E800 through
E999; however, for data processing purposes NCHS never includes the letter “E”
in data fields. The External Cause codes are listed at the very end of this

• Do not confuse the External Cause codes with the ICD-9 Nature of Injury codes
(800 through 999). The Nature of Injury Codes describe the medical effects of the
trauma from an external cause. The Nature of Injury codes are never used for the
underlying cause of death. The Nature of Injury codes are only used for multiple
cause of death coding and are included under the entity axis and the record axis
conditions in the multiple cause data fields. A Nature of Injury code can be
distinguished from an External Cause code because a Nature of Injury flag (the
number “1”) appears in the last position of that multiple cause data field.

• ICD-9 codes for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (*042-*044) are
only used for deaths beginning in 1987. The asterisks, however, don’t actually
appear on NDI Plus or NCHS files.

• To access the complete ICD-9 manual (about 620 pages), go to the following link:


* World Health Organization, Manual of the International Classification of

Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Ninth Revision. Geneva: World Health
Organization, 1977.

All causes

I. Infectious and parasitic diseases (001-139)

Intestinal infectious diseases (001-009)

Cholera (001)
Due to Vibrio cholerae (001.0)
Due to Vibrio cholerae el tor (001.1)
Unspecified (001.9)

Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers (002)

Typhoid fever (002.0)
Paratyphoid fever A (002.1)
Paratyphoid fever B (002.2)
Paratyphoid fever C (002.3)
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified (002.9)

Other salmonella infections (003)

Salmonella gastroenteritis (003.0)
Salmonella septicemia (003.1)
Localized salmonella infections (003.2)
Other (003.8)
Unspecified (003.9)

Shigellosis (004)
Shigella dysenteriae (004.0)
Shigella flexneri (004.1)
Shigella boydii (004.2)
Shigella sonnei (004.3)
Other (004.8)
Unspecified (004.9)

Other food poisoning (bacterial) (005)

Staphylococcal food poisoning (005.0)
Botulism (005.1)
Food poisoning due to Clostridium perfringens (Cl. welchii) (005.2)
Food poisoning due to other Clostridia (005.3)
Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahemolyticus (005.4)
Other bacterial food poisoning (005.8)
Food poisoning, unspecified (005.9)

Amebiasis (006)
Acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess (006.0)
Chronic intestinal amebiasis without mention of abscess (006.1)
Amebic nondysenteric colitis (006.2)
Amebic liver abscess (006.3)
Amebic lung abscess (006.4)
Amebic brain abscess (006.5)
Amebic skin ulceration (006.6)
Amebic infection of other sites (006.8)
Amebiasis, unspecified (006.9)

Other protozoal intestinal diseases (007)

Balantidiasis (007.0)
Giardiasis (007.1)
Coccidiosis (007.2)
Intestinal trichomoniasis (007.3)
Other protozoal intestinal diseases (007.8)
Unspecified (007.9)

Intestinal infections due to other organisms (008)

Escherichia coli (008.0)
Arizona (008.1)
Aerobacter aerogenes (008.2)
Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) (008.3)
Other specified bacteria (008.4)
Bacterial enteritis, unspecified (008.5)
Enteritis due to specified virus (008.6)
Other organism, not elsewhere classified (008.8)

Ill-defined intestinal infections (009)

Infectious colitis, enteritis, and gastroenteritis (009.0)
Infectious diarrhea (009.2)

Tuberculosis (010-018)

Primary tuberculous infection (010)

Primary tuberculous complex (010.0)
Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis (010.1)
Other primary progressive tuberculosis (010.8)
Unspecified (010.9)

Pulmonary tuberculosis (011)

Tuberculosis of lung, infiltrative (011.0)
Tuberculosis of lung, nodular (011.1)
Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation (011.2)
Tuberculosis of bronchus (011.3)
Tuberculous fibrosis of lung (011.4)
Tuberculous bronchiectasis (011.5)
Tuberculous pneumonia, any form (011.6)
Tuberculous pneumothorax (011.7)
Other pulmonary tuberculosis (011.8)
Unspecified (011.9)

Other respiratory tuberculosis (012)

Tuberculous pleurisy (012.0)
Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (012.1)
Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis (012.2)
Tuberculous laryngitis (012.3)
Other (012.8)

Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system (013)

Tuberculous meningitis (013.0)
Tuberculoma of meninges (013.1)
Other (013.8)
Unspecified (013.9)

Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum, and mesenteric glands (014)

Tuberculosis of bones and joints (015)

Vertebral column (015.0)
Hip (015.1)
Knee (015.2)
Other bone (015.7)
Other joint (015.8)
Unspecified (015.9)

Tuberculosis of genitourinary system (016)

Kidney (016.0)
Other urinary organs (016.1)
Epididymis (016.2)
Other male genital organs (016.3)
Female genital organs (016.4)
Unspecified (016.9)

Tuberculosis of other organs (017)

Skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue (017.0)
Erythema nodosum with hypersensitivity reaction in tuberculosis (017.1)
Peripheral lymph nodes (017.2)
Eye (017.3)
Ear (017.4)
Thyroid gland (017.5)
Adrenal glands (017.6)
Spleen (017.7)
Other (017.8)

Miliary tuberculosis (018)

Acute (018.0)
Other (018.8)
Unspecified (018.9)

Zoonotic bacterial diseases (020-027)

Plague (020)
Bubonic (020.0)
Cellulocutaneous (020.1)
Septicemic (020.2)

Primary pneumonic (020.3)
Secondary pneumonic (020.4)
Pneumonic, unspecified (020.5)
Other (020.8)
Unspecified (020.9)

Tularemia (021)

Anthrax (022)
Cutaneous anthrax (022.0)
Pulmonary anthrax (022.1)
Gastrointestinal anthrax (022.2)
Anthrax septicemia (022.3)
Other manifestations (022.8)
Unspecified (022.9)

Brucellosis (023)
Brucella melitensis (023.0)
Brucella abortus (023.1)
Brucella suis (023.2)
Brucella canis (023.3)
Other (023.8)
Unspecified (023.9)

Glanders (024)

Melioidosis (025)

Rat-bite fever (026)

Spirillary fever (026.0)
Streptobacillary fever (026.1)
Unspecified (026.9)

Other zoonotic bacterial diseases (027)

Listeriosis (027.0)
Erysipelothrix infection (027.1)
Pasteurellosis (027.2)
Other (027.8)
Unspecified (027.9)

Other bacterial diseases (030-041)

Leprosy (030)
Lepromatous (type L) (030.0)
Tuberculoid (type T) (030.1)
Indeterminate (group I) (030.2)
Borderline (group B) (030.3)
Other (030.8)
Unspecified (030.9)

Diseases due to other mycobacteria (031)
Pulmonary (031.0)
Cutaneous (031.1)
Other (031.8)
Unspecified (031.9)

Diphtheria (032)
Faucial diphtheria (032.0)
Nasopharyngeal diphtheria (032.1)
Anterior nasal diphtheria (032.2)
Laryngeal diphtheria (032.3)
Other (032.8)
Diphtheria, unspecified (032.9)

Whooping cough (033)

Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) (033.0)
Bordetella parapertussis (B. parapertussis) (033.1)
Other specified organism (033.8)
Whooping cough, unspecified organism (033.9)

Streptococcal sore throat and scarlatina (034)

Streptococcal sore throat (034.0)
Scarlatina (034.1)

Erysipelas (035)

Meningococcal infection (036)

Meningococcal meningitis (036.0)
Meningococcal encephalitis (036.1)
Meningococcemia (036.2)
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, meningococcal (036.3)
Meningococcal carditis (036.4)
Other (036.8)
Unspecified (036.9)

Tetanus (037)

Septicemia (038)
Streptococcal septicemia (038.0)
Staphylococcal septicemia (038.1)
Pneumococcal septicemia (038.2)
Septicemia due to anaerobes (038.3)
Septicemia due to other gram-negative organisms (038.4)
Other specified septicemias (038.8)
Unspecified septicemia (038.9)

Actinomycotic infections (039)

Cutaneous (039.0)
Pulmonary (039.1)
Abdominal (039.2)
Cervicofacial (039.3)
Madura foot (039.4)
Of other specified sites (039.8)
Of unspecified site (039.9)

Other bacterial diseases (040)

Gas gangrene (040.0)
Rhinoscleroma (040.1)
Whipple's disease (040.2)
Necrobacillosis (040.3)
Other bacterial diseases (040.8)

Bacterial infection of unspecified site (041)

Streptococcus (041.0)
Staphylococcus (041.1)
Pneumococcus (041.2)
Friedlander's bacillus (041.3)
Escherichia coli (041.4)
Hemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) (041.5)
Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) (041.6)
Pseudomonas (041.7)
Other (041.8)
Bacterial infection, unspecified (041.9)

Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)

Human immunodeficiency virus infection with specified conditions (*042)

With specified infections (*042.0)
Causing other specified infections (*042.1)
With specified malignant neoplasms (*042.2)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, unspecified (*042.9)

Human immunodeficiency virus infection causing other specified conditions (*043)

Causing lymphadenopathy (*043.0)
Causing specified diseases of the central nervous system (*043.1)
Causing other disorders involving the immune mechanism (*043.2)
Causing other specified conditions (*043.3)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex, unspecified (*043.9)

Other human immunodeficiency virus infection (*044)

Causing specified acute infections (*044.0)
Human immunodeficiency virus infection, unspecified (*044.9)

Poliomyelitis and other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system


Acute poliomyelitis (045)

Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar (045.0)
Acute poliomyelitis with other paralysis (045.1)
Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis (045.2)
Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified (045.9)

Slow virus infection of central nervous system (046)

Kuru (046.0)
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (046.1)
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (046.2)
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (046.3)
Other (046.8)
Unspecified (046.9)

Meningitis due to enterovirus (047)

Coxsackie virus (047.0)
ECHO virus (047.1)
Other (047.8)
Unspecified (047.9)

Other enterovirus diseases of central nervous system (048)

Other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system (049)

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (049.0)
Meningitis due to adenovirus (049.1)
Other (049.8)
Unspecified (049.9)

Viral diseases accompanied by exanthem (050-057)

Smallpox (050)
Variola major (050.0)
Alastrim (050.1)
Modified smallpox (050.2)
Smallpox, unspecified (050.9)

Cowpox and paravaccinia (051)

Cowpox (051.0)
Pseudocowpox (051.1)
Contagious pustular dermatitis (051.2)
Paravaccinia, unspecified (051.9)

Chickenpox (052)

Herpes zoster (053)

With meningitis (053.0)
With other nervous system complications (053.1)
With ophthalmic complications (053.2)
With other complications (053.7)
With unspecified complication (053.8)
Herpes zoster without mention of complication (053.9)

Herpes simplex (054)

Eczema herpeticum (054.0)
Genital herpes (054.1)
Herpetic gingivostomatitis (054.2)
Herpetic meningoencephalitis (054.3)
With ophthalmic complications (054.4)
Herpetic septicemia (054.5)
Herpetic whitlow (054.6)
With other complications (054.7)
With unspecified complication (054.8)
Herpes simplex without mention of complication (054.9)

Measles (055)
Postmeasles encephalitis (055.0)
Postmeasles pneumonia (055.1)
Postmeasles otitis (055.2)
With other complications (055.7)
With unspecified complication (055.8)
Measles without mention of complication (055.9)

Rubella (056)
With neurological complications (056.0)
With other complications (056.7)
With unspecified complication (056.8)
Rubella without mention of complication (056.9)

Other viral exanthemata (057)

Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) (057.0)
Other (057.8)
Unspecified (057.9)

Arthropod-borne viral diseases (060-066)

Yellow fever (060)

Sylvatic (060.0)
Urban (060.1)
Unspecified (060.9)

Dengue (061)

Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis (062)

Japanese encephalitis (062.0)
Western equine encephalitis (062.1)
Eastern equine encephalitis (062.2)
St. Louis encephalitis (062.3)
Australian encephalitis (062.4)
California virus encephalitis (062.5)
Other (062.8)
Unspecified (062.9)

Tick-borne viral encephalitis (063)

Russian spring-summer (taiga) encephalitis (063.0)
Louping ill (063.1)
Central European encephalitis (063.2)
Other (063.8)
Unspecified (063.9)

Viral encephalitis transmitted by other and unspecified arthropods (064)

Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever (065)

Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF Congo virus) (065.0)
Omsk hemorrhagic fever (065.1)
Kyasanur Forest disease (065.2)
Other tick-borne hemorrhagic fever (065.3)
Mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever (065.4)
Other (065.8)
Unspecified (065.9)

Other arthropod-borne viral diseases (066)

Phlebotomus fever (066.0)
Tick-borne fever (066.1)
Venezuelan equine fever (066.2)
Other mosquito-borne fever (066.3)
Other (066.8)
Unspecified (066.9)

Other diseases due to viruses and Chlamydiae (070-079)

Viral hepatitis (070)

Viral hepatitis A with hepatic coma (070.0)
Viral hepatitis A without mention of hepatic coma (070.1)
Viral hepatitis B with hepatic coma (070.2)
Viral hepatitis B without mention of hepatic coma (070.3)
Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (070.4)
Other specified viral hepatitis without mention of hepatic coma (070.5)
Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (070.6)
Unspecified viral hepatitis without mention of hepatic coma (070.9)

Rabies (071)

Mumps (072)
Mumps orchitis (072.0)
Mumps meningitis (072.1)
Mumps encephalitis (072.2)
Mumps pancreatitis (072.3)
Mumps with other complications (072.7)
Mumps with unspecified complication (072.8)
Mumps without mention of complication (072.9)

Ornithosis (073)

Specific diseases due to Coxsackie virus (074)
Herpangina (074.0)
Epidemic pleurodynia (074.1)
Coxsackie carditis (074.2)
Hand, foot, and mouth disease (074.3)
Other (074.8)

Infectious mononucleosis (075)

Trachoma (076)
Initial stage (076.0)
Active stage (076.1)
Unspecified (076.9)

Other diseases of conjunctiva due to viruses and Chlamydiae (077)

Inclusion conjunctivitis (077.0)
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (077.1)
Pharyngoconjunctival fever (077.2)
Other adenoviral conjunctivitis (077.3)
Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (077.4)
Other viral conjunctivitis (077.8)
Unspecified (077.9)

Other diseases due to viruses and Chlamydiae (078)

Molluscum contagiosum (078.0)
Viral warts (078.1)
Sweating fever (078.2)
Cat-scratch disease (078.3)
Foot and mouth disease (078.4)
Cytomegalic inclusion disease (078.5)
Hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis (078.6)
Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever (078.7)
Other (078.8)

Viral infection of unspecified site (079)

Adenovirus (079.0)
ECHO virus (079.1)
Coxsackie virus (079.2)
Rhinovirus (079.3)
Other (079.8)
Unspecified (079.9)

Rickettsioses and other arthropod-borne diseases (080-088)

Louse-borne (epidemic) typhus (080)

Other typhus (081)

Murine (endemic) typhus (081.0)
Brill's disease (081.1)
Scrub typhus (081.2)

Unspecified (081.9)

Tick-borne rickettsioses (082)

Spotted fevers (082.0)
Boutonneuse fever (082.1)
North Asian tick fever (082.2)
Queensland tick typhus (082.3)
Other (082.8)
Unspecified (082.9)

Other rickettsioses (083)

Q-fever (083.0)
Trench fever (083.1)
Rickettsialpox (083.2)
Other (083.8)
Unspecified (083.9)

Malaria (084)
Falciparum malaria (malignant tertian) (084.0)
Vivax malaria (benign tertian) (084.1)
Quartan malaria (084.2)
Ovale malaria (084.3)
Other malaria (084.4)
Mixed (084.5)
Unspecified (084.6)
Induced malaria (084.7)
Blackwater fever (084.8)
Other pernicious complications of malaria (084.9)

Leishmaniasis (085)
Visceral (kala-azar) (085.0)
Cutaneous, urban (085.1)
Cutaneous, Asian desert (085.2)
Cutaneous, Ethiopian (085.3)
Cutaneous, American (085.4)
Mucocutaneous, American (085.5)
Unspecified (085.9)

Trypanosomiasis (086)
Chagas' disease with heart involvement (086.0)
Chagas' disease with other organ involvement (086.1)
Chagas' disease without mention of organ involvement (086.2)
Gambian trypanosomiasis (086.3)
Rhodesian trypanosomiasis (086.4)
African trypanosomiasis, unspecified (086.5)
Unspecified (086.9)

Relapsing fever (087)

Louse-borne (087.0)
Tick-borne (087.1)
Unspecified (087.9)
Other arthropod-borne diseases (088)
Bartonellosis (088.0)
Other (088.8)
Unspecified (088.9)

Syphilis and other venereal diseases (090-099)

Congenital syphilis (090)

Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic (090.0)
Early congenital syphilis, unspecified (090.2)
Syphilitic interstitial keratitis (090.3)
Juvenile neurosyphilis (090.4)
Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic (090.5)
Late congenital syphilis, unspecified (090.7)
Congenital syphilis, unspecified (090.9)

Early syphilis, symptomatic (091)

Genital syphilis, primary (091.0)
Primary anal syphilis (091.1)
Other primary syphilis (091.2)
Secondary syphilis of skin or mucous membranes (091.3)
Adenopathy due to secondary syphilis (091.4)
Uveitis due to secondary syphilis (091.5)
Secondary syphilis of viscera and bone (091.6)
Secondary syphilis, relapse (091.7)
Other forms of secondary syphilis (091.8)
Unspecified secondary syphilis (091.9)

Cardiovascular syphilis (093)

Aneurysm of aorta, specified as syphilitic (093.0)
Syphilitic aortitis (093.1)
Syphilitic endocarditis (093.2)
Other (093.8)
Unspecified (093.9)

Neurosyphilis (094)
Tabes dorsalis (094.0)
General paresis (094.1)
Syphilitic meningitis (094.2)
Other (094.8)
Unspecified (094.9)

Other forms of late syphilis with symptoms (095)

Other and unspecified syphilis (097)

Late syphilis, unspecified (097.0)
Syphilis, unspecified (097.9)

Gonococcal infections (098)

Acute, of lower genitourinary tract (098.0)
Acute, of upper genitourinary tract (098.1)
Chronic, of lower genitourinary tract (098.2)
Chronic, of upper genitourinary tract (098.3)
Of eye (098.4)
Of joint (098.5)
Of pharynx (098.6)
Of anus and rectum (098.7)
Of other sites (098.8)

Other venereal diseases (099)

Chancroid (099.0)
Lymphogranuloma venereum (099.1)
Granuloma inguinale (099.2)
Reiter's disease (099.3)
Other nongonococcal urethritis (099.4)
Other (099.8)
Unspecified (099.9)

Other spirochetal diseases (100-104)

Leptospirosis (100)
Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica (100.0)
Other (100.8)
Unspecified (100.9)

Vincent's angina (101)

Yaws (102)
Initial lesions (102.0)
Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws (102.1)
Other early skin lesions (102.2)
Hyperkeratosis (102.3)
Gummata and ulcers (102.4)
Gangosa (102.5)
Bone and joint lesions (102.6)
Other manifestations (102.7)
Yaws, unspecified (102.9)

Pinta (103)
Primary lesions (103.0)
Intermediate lesions (103.1)
Late lesions (103.2)
Mixed lesions (103.3)
Unspecified (103.9)

Other spirochetal infection (104)

Nonvenereal endemic syphilis (104.0)
Other (104.8)
Unspecified (104.9)

Mycoses (110-118)

Dermatophytosis (110)
Of scalp and beard (110.0)
Of nail (110.1)
Of hand (110.2)
Of groin and perianal area (110.3)
Of foot (110.4)
Of the body (110.5)
Deep-seated dermatophytosis (110.6)
Of other sites (110.8)
Of unspecified site (110.9)

Dermatomycosis, other and unspecified (111)

Pityriasis versicolor (111.0)
Tinea nigra (111.1)
Tinea blanca (111.2)
Black piedra (111.3)
Other (111.8)
Unspecified (111.9)

Candidiasis (112)
Of mouth (112.0)
Of vulva and vagina (112.1)
Of other urogenital sites (112.2)
Of skin and nails (112.3)
Of lung (112.4)
Disseminated (112.5)
Of other sites (112.8)
Of unspecified site (112.9)

Coccidioidomycosis (114)

Histoplasmosis (115)
Infection by Histoplasma capsulatum (115.0)
Infection by Histoplasma duboisii (115.1)
Unspecified (115.9)

Blastomycotic infection (116)

Blastomycosis (116.0)
Paracoccidioidomycosis (116.1)
Lobomycosis (116.2)

Other mycoses (117)

Rhinosporidiosis (117.0)
Sporotrichosis (117.1)
Chromoblastomycosis (117.2)
Aspergillosis (117.3)
Mycotic mycetomas (117.4)
Cryptococcosis (117.5)

Allescheriosis (Petriellidosis) (117.6)
Zygomycosis (Phycomycosis or Mucormycosis) (117.7)
Infection by dematiacious fungi (Phaeohyphomycosis) (117.8)
Other and unspecified (117.9)

Opportunistic mycoses (118)

Helminthiases (120-129)

Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) (120)

Schistosoma hematobium (120.0)
Schistosoma mansoni (120.1)
Schistosoma japonicum (120.2)
Cutaneous (120.3)
Other (120.8)
Unspecified (120.9)

Other trematode infections (121)

Opisthorchiasis (121.0)
Clonorchiasis (121.1)
Paragonimiasis (121.2)
Fascioliasis (121.3)
Fasciolopsiasis (121.4)
Metagonimiasis (121.5)
Heterophyiasis (121.6)
Other (121.8)
Unspecified (121.9)

Echinococcosis (122)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver (122.0)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung (122.1)
Echinococcus granulosus infection of thyroid (122.2)
Echinococcus granulosus infection, other (122.3)
Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified (122.4)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver (122.5)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other (122.6)
Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified (122.7)
Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver (122.8)
Echinococcosis, other and unspecified (122.9)

Other cestode infection (123)

Tenia solium infection, intestinal form (123.0)
Cysticercosis (123.1)
Tenia saginata infection (123.2)
Teniasis, unspecified (123.3)
Diphyllobothriasis, intestinal (123.4)
Sparganosis (larval diphyllobothriasis) (123.5)
Hymenolepiasis (123.6)
Other (123.8)
Unspecified (123.9)

Trichinosis (124)

Filarial infection and dracontiasis (125)

Bancroftian filariasis (125.0)
Malayan filariasis (125.1)
Loiasis (125.2)
Onchocerciasis (125.3)
Dipetalonemiasis (125.4)
Mansonella ozzardi infection (125.5)
Other specified filariasis (125.6)
Dracontiasis (125.7)
Unspecified filariasis (125.9)

Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis (126)

Ancylostoma duodenale (126.0)
Necator americanus (126.1)
Ancylostoma braziliense (126.2)
Ancylostoma ceylanicum (126.3)
Other specified Ancylostoma (126.8)
Unspecified (126.9)

Other intestinal helminthiases (127)

Ascariasis (127.0)
Anisakiasis (127.1)
Strongyloidiasis (127.2)
Trichuriasis (127.3)
Enterobiasis (127.4)
Capillariasis (127.5)
Trichostrongyliasis (127.6)
Other intestinal helminthiasis (127.7)
Mixed intestinal helminthiasis (127.8)
Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified (127.9)

Other and unspecified helminthiases (128)

Toxocariasis (128.0)
Gnathostomiasis (128.1)
Other (128.8)
Unspecified (128.9)

Intestinal parasitism, unspecified (129)

Other infectious and parasitic diseases (130-136)

Toxoplasmosis (130)

Trichomoniasis (131)
Urogenital trichomoniasis (131.0)
Other sites (131.8)
Unspecified (131.9)

Pediculosis and phthirus infestation (132)
Pediculus capitis (head louse) (132.0)
Pediculus corporis (body louse) (132.1)
Phthirus pubis (pubic louse) (132.2)
Mixed (132.3)
Pediculosis, unspecified (132.9)

Acariasis (133)
Scabies (133.0)
Other (133.8)
Unspecified (133.9)

Other infestation (134)

Myiasis (134.0)
Other arthropod infestation (134.1)
Hirudiniasis (134.2)
Other (134.8)
Unspecified (134.9)

Sarcoidosis (135)

Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases (136)

Ainhum (136.0)
Behcet's syndrome (136.1)
Specific infections by free-living amoebas (136.2)
Pneumocystosis (136.3)
Psorospermiasis (136.4)
Sarcosporidiosis (136.5)
Other (136.8)
Unspecified (136.9)

Late effects of infectious and parasitic diseases (137-139)

Late effects of tuberculosis (137)

Late effects of respiratory or unspecified tuberculosis (137.0)
Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis (137.1)
Late effects of genitourinary tuberculosis (137.2)
Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints (137.3)
Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs (137.4)

Late effects of acute poliomyelitis (138)

Late effects of other infectious and parasitic diseases (139)

Late effects of viral encephalitis (139.0)
Late effects of trachoma (139.1)
Late effects of other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases (139.8)

II. Neoplasms (140-239)

Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (140-149)

Malignant neoplasm of lip (140)
Upper lip, vermilion border (140.0)
Lower lip, vermilion border (140.1)
Upper lip, inner aspect (140.3)
Lower lip, inner aspect (140.4)
Lip, unspecified, inner aspect (140.5)
Commissure of lip (140.6)
Other (140.8)
Lip, unspecified, vermilion border (140.9)

Malignant neoplasm of tongue (141)

Base of tongue (141.0)
Dorsal surface of tongue (141.1)
Tip and lateral border of tongue (141.2)
Ventral surface of tongue (141.3)
Anterior two-thirds of tongue, part unspecified (141.4)
Junctional zone (141.5)
Lingual tonsil (141.6)
Other (141.8)
Tongue, unspecified (141.9)

Malignant neoplasms of major salivary glands (142)

Parotid gland (142.0)
Submandibular gland (142.1)
Sublingual gland (142.2)
Other (142.8)
Site unspecified (142.9)

Malignant neoplasm of gum (143)

Upper gum (143.0)
Lower gum (143.1)
Other (143.8)
Gum, unspecified (143.9)

Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth (144)

Anterior portion (144.0)
Lateral portion (144.1)
Other (144.8)
Part unspecified (144.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of mouth (145)

Cheek mucosa (145.0)
Vestibule of mouth (145.1)
Hard palate (145.2)
Soft palate (145.3)
Uvula (145.4)
Palate, unspecified (145.5)
Retromolar area (145.6)
Other (145.8)
Mouth, unspecified (145.9)
Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx (146)
Tonsil (146.0)
Tonsillar fossa (146.1)
Tonsillar pillars (anterior) (posterior) (146.2)
Vallecula (146.3)
Anterior aspect of epiglottis (146.4)
Junctional region (146.5)
Lateral wall of oropharynx (146.6)
Posterior wall of oropharynx (146.7)
Other (146.8)
Oropharynx, unspecified (146.9)

Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx (147)

Superior wall (147.0)
Posterior wall (147.1)
Lateral wall (147.2)
Anterior wall (147.3)
Other (147.8)
Nasopharynx, unspecified (147.9)

Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx (148)

Postcricoid region (148.0)
Pyriform sinus (148.1)
Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect (148.2)
Posterior hypopharyngeal wall (148.3)
Other (148.8)
Hypopharynx, unspecified (148.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (149)
Pharynx, unspecified (149.0)
Waldeyer's ring (149.1)
Other (149.8)
Ill-defined (149.9)

Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum (150-159)

Malignant neoplasm of esophagus (150)

Cervical part (150.0)
Thoracic part (150.1)
Abdominal part (150.2)
Upper third (150.3)
Middle third (150.4)
Lower third (150.5)
Other (150.8)
Esophagus, unspecified (150.9)

Malignant neoplasm of stomach (151)

Cardia (151.0)
Pylorus (151.1)
Pyloric antrum (151.2)
Fundus of stomach (151.3)
Body of stomach (151.4)
Lesser curvature, unspecified (151.5)
Greater curvature, unspecified (151.6)
Other (151.8)
Stomach, unspecified (151.9)

Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum (152)

Duodenum (152.0)
Jejunum (152.1)
Ileum (152.2)
Meckel's diverticulum (152.3)
Other (152.8)
Small intestine, unspecified (152.9)

Malignant neoplasm of colon (153)

Hepatic flexure (153.0)
Transverse colon (153.1)
Descending colon (153.2)
Sigmoid colon (153.3)
Cecum (153.4)
Appendix (153.5)
Ascending colon (153.6)
Splenic flexure (153.7)
Other (153.8)
Colon, unspecified (153.9)

Malignant neoplasms of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and anus (154)

Rectosigmoid junction (154.0)
Rectum (154.1)
Anal canal (154.2)
Anus, unspecified (154.3)
Other (154.8)

Malignant neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (155)

Liver, primary (155.0)
Intrahepatic bile ducts (155.1)
Liver, not specified as primary or secondary (155.2)

Malignant neoplasms of gall bladder and extrahepatic bile ducts (156)

Gallbladder (156.0)
Extrahepatic bile ducts (156.1)
Ampulla of Vater (156.2)
Other (156.8)
Biliary tract, part unspecified (156.9)

Malignant neoplasm of pancreas (157)

Head of pancreas (157.0)
Body of pancreas (157.1)
Tail of pancreas (157.2)
Pancreatic duct (157.3)
Islets of Langerhans (157.4)
Other (157.8)
Part unspecified (157.9)

Malignant neoplasms of retroperitoneum and peritoneum (158)

Retroperitoneum (158.0)
Specified parts of peritoneum (158.8)
Peritoneum, unspecified (158.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the digestive organs and peritoneum
Intestinal tract, part unspecified (159.0)
Spleen, not elsewhere classified (159.1)
Other (159.8)
Ill-defined (159.9)

Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (160-165)

Malignant neoplasms of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses (160)
Nasal cavities (160.0)
Auditory tube, middle ear, and mastoid air cells (160.1)
Maxillary sinus (160.2)
Ethmoidal sinus (160.3)
Frontal sinus (160.4)
Sphenoidal sinus (160.5)
Other (160.8)
Accessory sinus, unspecified (160.9)

Malignant neoplasm of larynx (161)

Glottis (161.0)
Supraglottis (161.1)
Subglottis (161.2)
Laryngeal cartilages (161.3)
Other (161.8)
Larynx, unspecified (161.9)

Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus, and lung (162)

Trachea (162.0)
Main bronchus (162.2)
Upper lobe, bronchus or lung (162.3)
Middle lobe, bronchus or lung (162.4)
Lower lobe, bronchus or lung (162.5)
Other (162.8)
Bronchus and lung, unspecified (162.9)

Malignant neoplasm of pleura (163)

Parietal (163.0)
Visceral (163.1)
Other (163.8)
Pleura, unspecified (163.9)

Malignant neoplasms of thymus, heart, and mediastinum (164)
Thymus (164.0)
Heart (164.1)
Anterior mediastinum (164.2)
Posterior mediastinum (164.3)
Other (164.8)
Mediastinum, part unspecified (164.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites within the respiratory system and intrathoracic
organs (165)
Upper respiratory tract, part unspecified (165.0)
Other (165.8)
Ill-defined sites within the respiratory system (165.9)

Malignant neoplasms of bone, connective tissue, skin, and breast (170-175)

Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage (170)

Bones of skull and face (170.0)
Lower jaw bone (170.1)
Vertebral column, excluding sacrum and coccyx (170.2)
Ribs, sternum, and clavicle (170.3)
Long bones of upper limb and scapula (170.4)
Upper limb, short bones (170.5)
Pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx (170.6)
Lower limb, long bones (170.7)
Lower limb, short bones (170.8)
Site unspecified (170.9)

Malignant neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (171)

Head, face, and neck (171.0)
Upper limb, including shoulder (171.2)
Lower limb, including hip (171.3)
Thorax (171.4)
Abdomen (171.5)
Pelvis (171.6)
Trunk, unspecified (171.7)
Other (171.8)
Site unspecified (171.9)

Malignant melanoma of skin (172)

Lip (172.0)
Eyelid, including canthus (172.1)
Ear and external auricular canal (172.2)
Other and unspecified parts of face (172.3)
Scalp and neck (172.4)
Trunk, except scrotum (172.5)
Upper limb, including shoulder (172.6)
Lower limb, including hip (172.7)
Other (172.8)
Site unspecified (172.9)
Other malignant neoplasms of skin (173)
Skin of lip (173.0)
Eyelid, including canthus (173.1)
Ear and external auricular canal (173.2)
Skin of other and unspecified parts of face (173.3)
Scalp and skin of neck (173.4)
Skin of trunk, except scrotum (173.5)
Skin of upper limb, including shoulder (173.6)
Skin of lower limb, including hip (173.7)
Other (173.8)
Site unspecified (173.9)

Malignant neoplasm of female breast (174)

Nipple and areola (174.0)
Central portion (174.1)
Upper-inner quadrant (174.2)
Lower-inner quadrant (174.3)
Upper-outer quadrant (174.4)
Lower-outer quadrant (174.5)
Axillary tail (174.6)
Other (174.8)
Breast, unspecified (174.9)

Malignant neoplasm of male breast (175)

Malignant neoplasms of genitourinary organs (179-189)

Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified (179)

Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (180)

Endocervix (180.0)
Exocervix (180.1)
Other (180.8)
Cervix uteri, unspecified (180.9)

Malignant neoplasm of placenta (181)

Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus (182)

Corpus uteri, except isthmus (182.0)
Isthmus (182.1)
Other (182.8)

Malignant neoplasms of ovary and other uterine adnexa (183)

Ovary (183.0)
Fallopian tube (183.2)
Broad ligament (183.3)
Parametrium (183.4)
Round ligament (183.5)
Other (183.8)
Uterine adnexa, unspecified (183.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified female genital organs (184)

Vagina (184.0)
Labia majora (184.1)
Labia minora (184.2)
Clitoris (184.3)
Vulva, unspecified (184.4)
Other (184.8)
Site unspecified (184.9)

Malignant neoplasm of prostate (185)

Malignant neoplasm of testis (186)

Undescended (186.0)
Other and unspecified (186.9)

Malignant neoplasms of penis and other male genital organs (187)

Prepuce (187.1)
Glans penis (187.2)
Body of penis (187.3)
Penis, part unspecified (187.4)
Epididymis (187.5)
Spermatic cord (187.6)
Scrotum (187.7)
Other (187.8)
Site unspecified (187.9)

Malignant neoplasm of bladder (188)

Trigone (188.0)
Dome (188.1)
Lateral wall (188.2)
Anterior wall (188.3)
Posterior wall (188.4)
Bladder neck (188.5)
Ureteric orifice (188.6)
Urachus (188.7)
Other (188.8)
Part unspecified (188.9)

Malignant neoplasms of kidney and other and unspecified urinary organs (189)
Kidney, except pelvis (189.0)
Renal pelvis (189.1)
Ureter (189.2)
Urethra (189.3)
Paraurethral glands (189.4)
Other (189.8)
Site unspecified (189.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified sites (190-199)

Malignant neoplasm of eye (190)
Eyeball, except conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid (190.0)
Orbit (190.1)
Lacrimal gland (190.2)
Conjunctiva (190.3)
Cornea (190.4)
Retina (190.5)
Choroid (190.6)
Lacrimal duct (190.7)
Other (190.8)
Part unspecified (190.9)

Malignant neoplasm of brain (191)

Cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles (191.0)
Frontal lobe (191.1)
Temporal lobe (191.2)
Parietal lobe (191.3)
Occipital lobe (191.4)
Ventricle (191.5)
Cerebellum (191.6)
Brain stem (191.7)
Other (191.8)
Brain, unspecified (191.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified parts of nervous system (192)

Cranial nerves (192.0)
Cerebral meninges (192.1)
Spinal cord (192.2)
Spinal meninges (192.3)
Other (192.8)
Part unspecified (192.9)

Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland (193)

Malignant neoplasms of other endocrine glands and related structures (194)

Suprarenal gland (194.0)
Parathyroid gland (194.1)
Pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct (194.3)
Pineal gland (194.4)
Carotid body (194.5)
Aortic body and other paraganglia (194.6)
Other (194.8)
Site unspecified (194.9)

Malignant neoplasms of other and ill-defined sites (195)

Head, face, and neck (195.0)
Thorax (195.1)
Abdomen (195.2)
Pelvis (195.3)
Upper limb (195.4)
Lower limb (195.5)
Other specified sites (195.8)

Malignant neoplasms without specification of site (199)

Disseminated (199.0)
Other (199.1)

Malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue (200-208)

Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma (200)

Reticulosarcoma (200.0)
Lymphosarcoma (200.1)
Burkitt's tumor (200.2)
Other named variants (200.8)

Hodgkin's disease (201)

Hodgkin's paragranuloma (201.0)
Hodgkin's granuloma (201.1)
Hodgkin's sarcoma (201.2)
Lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance (201.4)
Nodular sclerosis (201.5)
Mixed cellularity (201.6)
Lymphocytic depletion (201.7)
Unspecified (201.9)

Other malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue (202)

Nodular lymphoma (202.0)
Mycosis fungoides (202.1)
Sezary's disease (202.2)
Malignant histiocytosis (202.3)
Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis (202.4)
Letterer-Siwe disease (202.5)
Malignant mast-cell tumor (202.6)
Other lymphomas (202.8)
Other and unspecified (202.9)

Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms (203)

Multiple myeloma (203.0)
Plasma cell leukemia (203.1)
Other immunoproliferative neoplasms (203.8)

Lymphoid leukemia (204)

Acute (204.0)
Chronic (204.1)
Subacute (204.2)
Other (204.8)
Unspecified (204.9)

Myeloid leukemia (205)

Acute (205.0)

Chronic (205.1)
Subacute (205.2)
Myeloid sarcoma (205.3)
Other (205.8)
Unspecified (205.9)

Monocytic leukemia (206)

Acute (206.0)
Chronic (206.1)
Subacute (206.2)
Other (206.8)
Unspecified (206.9)

Other specified leukemia (207)

Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia (207.0)
Chronic erythremia (207.1)
Megakaryocytic leukemia (207.2)
Other (207.8)

Leukemia of unspecified cell type (208)

Acute (208.0)
Chronic (208.1)
Subacute (208.2)
Other (208.8)
Unspecified (208.9)

Benign neoplasms (210-229)

Benign neoplasms of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (210)

Lip (210.0)
Tongue (210.1)
Major salivary glands (210.2)
Floor of mouth (210.3)
Other and unspecified parts of mouth (210.4)
Tonsil (210.5)
Other parts of oropharynx (210.6)
Nasopharynx (210.7)
Hypopharynx (210.8)
Pharynx, unspecified (210.9)

Benign neoplasms of other parts of digestive system (211)

Esophagus (211.0)
Stomach (211.1)
Small intestine, including duodenum (211.2)
Colon (211.3)
Rectum and anal canal (211.4)
Liver and biliary passages (211.5)
Pancreas, except islets of Langerhans (211.6)
Islets of Langerhans (211.7)
Retroperitoneum and peritoneum (211.8)
Other and unspecified site (211.9)

Benign neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (212)
Nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinuses (212.0)
Larynx (212.1)
Trachea (212.2)
Bronchus and lung (212.3)
Pleura (212.4)
Mediastinum (212.5)
Thymus (212.6)
Heart (212.7)
Other specified sites (212.8)
Site unspecified (212.9)

Benign neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage (213)

Bones of skull and face (213.0)
Lower jaw bone (213.1)
Vertebral column, excluding sacrum and coccyx (213.2)
Ribs, sternum, and clavicle (213.3)
Long bones of upper limb and scapula (213.4)
Upper limb, short bones (213.5)
Pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx (213.6)
Lower limb, long bones (213.7)
Lower limb, short bones (213.8)
Site unspecified (213.9)

Lipoma (214)

Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (215)

Head, face, and neck (215.0)
Upper limb, including shoulder (215.2)
Lower limb, including hip (215.3)
Thorax (215.4)
Abdomen (215.5)
Pelvis (215.6)
Trunk, unspecified (215.7)
Other specified sites (215.8)
Site unspecified (215.9)

Benign neoplasms of skin (216)

Skin of lip (216.0)
Eyelid, including canthus (216.1)
Ear and external auricular canal (216.2)
Skin of other and unspecified parts of face (216.3)
Scalp and skin of neck (216.4)
Skin of trunk, except scrotum (216.5)
Skin of upper limb, including shoulder (216.6)
Skin of lower limb, including hip (216.7)
Other (216.8)
Site unspecified (216.9)

Benign neoplasm of breast (217)

Uterine leiomyoma (218)

Other benign neoplasm of uterus (219)

Cervix uteri (219.0)
Corpus uteri (219.1)
Other specified parts (219.8)
Part unspecified (219.9)

Benign neoplasm of ovary (220)

Benign neoplasms of other female genital organs (221)

Uterine tube and ligaments (221.0)
Vagina (221.1)
Vulva (221.2)
Other specified sites (221.8)
Site unspecified (221.9)

Benign neoplasms of male genital organs (222)

Testis (222.0)
Penis (222.1)
Prostate (222.2)
Epididymis (222.3)
Scrotum (222.4)
Other specified sites (222.8)
Site unspecified (222.9)

Benign neoplasms of kidney and other urinary organs (223)

Kidney, except pelvis (223.0)
Renal pelvis (223.1)
Ureter (223.2)
Bladder (223.3)
Other specified sites (223.8)
Site unspecified (223.9)

Benign neoplasm of eye (224)

Eyeball, except conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid (224.0)
Orbit (224.1)
Lacrimal gland (224.2)
Conjunctiva (224.3)
Cornea (224.4)
Retina (224.5)
Choroid (224.6)
Lacrimal duct (224.7)
Other specified parts (224.8)
Part unspecified (224.9)

Benign neoplasms of brain and other parts of nervous system (225)

Brain (225.0)
Cranial nerves (225.1)
Cerebral meninges (225.2)
Spinal cord (225.3)
Spinal meninges (225.4)
Other (225.8)
Part unspecified (225.9)

Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland (226)

Benign neoplasms of other endocrine glands and related structures (227)

Suprarenal gland (227.0)
Parathyroid gland (227.1)
Pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct (227.3)
Pineal gland (227.4)
Carotid body (227.5)
Aortic body and other paraganglia (227.6)
Other (227.8)
Site unspecified (227.9)

Hemangioma and lymphangioma, any site (228)

Hemangioma, any site (228.0)
Lymphangioma, any site (228.1)

Benign neoplasms of other and unspecified sites (229)

Lymph nodes (229.0)
Other specified sites (229.8)
Site unspecified (229.9)

Carcinoma in situ (230-234)

Carcinoma in situ of digestive organs (230)

Lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (230.0)
Esophagus (230.1)
Stomach (230.2)
Colon (230.3)
Rectum (230.4)
Anal canal (230.5)
Anus, unspecified (230.6)
Other and unspecified parts of intestine (230.7)
Liver and biliary system (230.8)
Other and unspecified digestive organs (230.9)

Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system (231)

Larynx (231.0)
Trachea (231.1)
Bronchus and lung (231.2)
Other specified parts (231.8)
Part unspecified (231.9)

Carcinoma in situ of skin (232)

Skin of lip (232.0)

Eyelid, including canthus (232.1)
Ear and external auricular canal (232.2)
Skin of other and unspecified parts of face (232.3)
Scalp and skin of neck (232.4)
Skin of trunk, except scrotum (232.5)
Skin of upper limb, including shoulder (232.6)
Skin of lower limb, including hip (232.7)
Other specified sites (232.8)
Site unspecified (232.9)

Carcinoma in situ of breast and genitourinary system (233)

Breast (233.0)
Cervix uteri (233.1)
Other and unspecified parts of uterus (233.2)
Other and unspecified female genital organs (233.3)
Prostate (233.4)
Penis (233.5)
Other and unspecified male genital organs (233.6)
Bladder (233.7)
Other and unspecified urinary organs (233.9)

Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sites (234)

Eye (234.0)
Other specified sites (234.8)
Site unspecified (234.9)

Neoplasms of uncertain behavior (235-238)

Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of digestive and respiratory systems (235)

Major salivary glands (235.0)
Lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (235.1)
Stomach, intestines, and rectum (235.2)
Liver and biliary passages (235.3)
Retroperitoneum and peritoneum (235.4)
Other and unspecified digestive organs (235.5)
Larynx (235.6)
Trachea, bronchus, and lung (235.7)
Pleura, thymus, and mediastinum (235.8)
Other and unspecified respiratory organs (235.9)

Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of genitourinary organs (236)

Uterus (236.0)
Placenta (236.1)
Ovary (236.2)
Other and unspecified female genital organs (236.3)
Testis (236.4)
Prostate (236.5)
Other and unspecified male genital organs (236.6)
Bladder (236.7)
Other and unspecified urinary organs (236.9)

Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of endocrine glands and nervous system (237)
Pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct (237.0)
Pineal gland (237.1)
Suprarenal gland (237.2)
Paraganglia (237.3)
Other and unspecified endocrine glands (237.4)
Brain and spinal cord (237.5)
Meninges (237.6)
Neurofibromatosis (237.7)
Other and unspecified parts of nervous system (237.9)

Neoplasms of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites and tissues (238)
Bone and articular cartilage (238.0)
Connective and other soft tissue (238.1)
Skin (238.2)
Breast (238.3)
Polycythemia vera (238.4)
Histiocytic and mast cells (238.5)
Plasma cells (238.6)
Other lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (238.7)
Other specified sites (238.8)
Site unspecified (238.9)

Neoplasms of unspecified nature (239)

Neoplasms of unspecified nature (239)

Digestive system (239.0)
Respiratory system (239.1)
Bone, soft tissue, and skin (239.2)
Breast (239.3)
Bladder (239.4)
Other genitourinary organs (239.5)
Brain (239.6)
Endocrine glands, and other parts of nervous system (239.7)
Other specified sites (239.8)
Site unspecified (239.9)

III. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders


Disorders of thyroid gland (240-246)

Simple and unspecified goiter (240)

Goiter, specified as simple (240.0)
Goiter, unspecified (240.9)

Nontoxic nodular goiter (241)

Nontoxic uninodular goiter (241.0)
Nontoxic multinodular goiter (241.1)
Unspecified (241.9)
Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter (242)
Toxic diffuse goiter (242.0)
Toxic uninodular goiter (242.1)
Toxic multinodular goiter (242.2)
Toxic nodular goiter, unspecified (242.3)
Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule (242.4)
Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin (242.8)
Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goiter or other cause (242.9)

Congenital hypothyroidism (243)

Acquired hypothyroidism (244)

Other postablative hypothyroidism (244.1)
Iodine hypothyroidism (244.2)
Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism (244.3)
Other (244.8)
Unspecified hypothyroidism (244.9)

Thyroiditis (245)
Acute thyroiditis (245.0)
Subacute thyroiditis (245.1)
Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (245.2)
Chronic fibrous thyroiditis (245.3)
Iatrogenic thyroiditis (245.4)
Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis (245.8)
Unspecified (245.9)

Other disorders of thyroid (246)

Disorders of thyrocalcitonin secretion (246.0)
Dyshormonogenic goiter (246.1)
Cyst of thyroid (246.2)
Hemorrhage and infarction of thyroid (246.3)
Other (246.8)
Unspecified (246.9)

Diseases of other endocrine glands (250-259)

Diabetes mellitus (250)

Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication (250.0)
Diabetes with ketoacidosis (250.1)
Diabetes with coma (250.2)
Diabetes with renal manifestations (250.3)
Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations (250.4)
Diabetes with neurological manifestations (250.5)
Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders (250.6)
Diabetes with other specified manifestations (250.7)
Diabetes with unspecified complications (250.9)

Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion (251)

Hypoglycemic coma (251.0)
Other hyperinsulinism (251.1)
Hypoglycemia, unspecified (251.2)
Abnormality of secretion of glucagon (251.4)
Abnormality of secretion of gastrin (251.5)
Other (251.8)
Unspecified (251.9)

Disorders of parathyroid gland (252)

Hyperparathyroidism (252.0)
Hypoparathyroidism (252.1)
Other (252.8)
Unspecified (252.9)

Disorders of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control (253)

Acromegaly and gigantism (253.0)
Other anterior pituitary hyperfunction (253.1)
Panhypopituitarism (253.2)
Pituitary dwarfism (253.3)
Other anterior pituitary disorders (253.4)
Diabetes insipidus (253.5)
Other disorders of neurohypophysis (253.6)
Iatrogenic pituitary disorders (253.7)
Other disorders of the pituitary and other syndromes of diencephalohypophyseal origin (253.8)
Unspecified (253.9)

Diseases of thymus gland (254)

Persistent hyperplasia of thymus (254.0)
Abscess of thymus (254.1)
Other (254.8)
Unspecified (254.9)

Disorders of adrenal glands (255)

Cushing's syndrome (255.0)
Hyperaldosteronism (255.1)
Adrenogenital disorders (255.2)
Other corticoadrenal overactivity (255.3)
Corticoadrenal insufficiency (255.4)
Other adrenal hypofunction (255.5)
Medulloadrenal hyperfunction (255.6)
Other (255.8)
Unspecified (255.9)

Ovarian dysfunction (256)

Hyperestrogenism (256.0)
Other ovarian hyperfunction (256.1)
Postablative ovarian failure (256.2)
Other ovarian failure (256.3)
Polycystic ovaries (256.4)
Other (256.8)
Unspecified (256.9)

Testicular dysfunction (257)
Testicular hyperfunction (257.0)
Postablative testicular hypofunction (257.1)
Other testicular hypofunction (257.2)
Other (257.8)
Unspecified (257.9)

Polyglandular dysfunction and related disorders (258)

Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis (258.0)
Other combinations of endocrine dysfunction (258.1)
Other (258.8)
Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified (258.9)

Other endocrine disorders (259)

Delay in sexual development and puberty, not elsewhere classified (259.0)
Precocious sexual development and puberty, not elsewhere classified (259.1)
Carcinoid syndrome (259.2)
Ectopic hormone secretion, not elsewhere classified (259.3)
Dwarfism, not elsewhere classified (259.4)
Other (259.8)
Unspecified (259.9)

Nutritional deficiencies (260-269)

Kwashiorkor (260)

Nutritional marasmus (261)

Other severe protein-calorie malnutrition (262)

Other and unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition (263)

Malnutrition of moderate degree (263.0)
Malnutrition of mild degree (263.1)
Arrested development following protein-calorie malnutrition (263.2)
Other protein-calorie malnutrition (263.8)
Unspecified (263.9)

Vitamin A deficiency (264)

With conjunctival xerosis (264.0)
With Bitot's spot and conjunctival xerosis (264.1)
With corneal xerosis (264.2)
With corneal ulceration and xerosis (264.3)
With keratomalacia (264.4)
With night blindness (264.5)
With xerophthalmic scars of cornea (264.6)
Other ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency (264.7)
Other manifestations of vitamin A deficiency (264.8)
Unspecified (264.9)

Thiamine and niacin deficiency states (265)
Beriberi (265.0)
Other and unspecified manifestations of thiamine deficiency (265.1)
Pellagra (265.2)

Deficiency of B-complex components (266)

Ariboflavinosis (266.0)
Vitamin B6 deficiency (266.1)
Other B-complex deficiencies (266.2)
Unspecified vitamin B deficiency (266.9)

Ascorbic acid deficiency (267)

Vitamin D deficiency (268)

Rickets, active (268.0)
Rickets, late effect (268.1)
Osteomalacia (268.2)
Unspecified (268.9)

Other nutritional deficiencies (269)

Deficiency of vitamin K (269.0)
Deficiency of other vitamins (269.1)
Unspecified vitamin deficiency (269.2)
Mineral deficiency, not elsewhere classified (269.3)
Other nutritional deficiency (269.8)
Unspecified (269.9)

Other metabolic disorders and immunity disorders (270-279)

Disorders of amino-acid transport and metabolism (270)

Disturbances of amino-acid transport (270.0)
Phenylketonuria (270.1)
Other disturbances of aromatic amino-acid metabolism (270.2)
Disturbances of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism (270.3)
Disturbances of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism (270.4)
Disturbances of histidine metabolism (270.5)
Disorders of urea cycle metabolism (270.6)
Other disturbances of straight-chain amino-acid metabolism (270.7)
Other (270.8)
Unspecified (270.9)

Disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism (271)

Glycogenosis (271.0)
Galactosemia (271.1)
Hereditary fructose intolerance (271.2)
Intestinal disaccharidase deficiencies and disaccharide malabsorption (271.3)
Renal glycosuria (271.4)
Other (271.8)
Unspecified (271.9)

Disorders of lipoid metabolism (272)
Pure hypercholesterolemia (272.0)
Pure hyperglyceridemia (272.1)
Mixed hyperlipidemia (272.2)
Hyperchylomicronemia (272.3)
Other and unspecified hyperlipidemia (272.4)
Lipoprotein deficiencies (272.5)
Lipodystrophy (272.6)
Lipidoses (272.7)
Other disorders of lipoid metabolism (272.8)
Unspecified disorders of lipoid metabolism (272.9)

Disorders of plasma protein metabolism (273)

Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (273.0)
Monoclonal paraproteinemia (273.1)
Other paraproteinemias (273.2)
Macroglobulinemia (273.3)
Other (273.8)
Unspecified (273.9)

Gout (274)
Gouty arthropathy (274.0)
Gouty nephropathy (274.1)
Gout with other manifestations (274.8)
Unspecified (274.9)

Disorders of mineral metabolism (275)

Disorders of iron metabolism (275.0)
Disorders of copper metabolism (275.1)
Disorders of magnesium metabolism (275.2)
Disorders of phosphorus metabolism (275.3)
Disorders of calcium metabolism (275.4)
Other (275.8)
Unspecified (275.9)

Disorders of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance (276)

Hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia (276.0)
Hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia (276.1)
Acidosis (276.2)
Alkalosis (276.3)
Mixed acid-base balance disorder (276.4)
Volume depletion (276.5)
Fluid overload (276.6)
Hyperpotassemia (276.7)
Hypopotassemia (276.8)
Electrolyte and fluid disorders, not elsewhere classified (276.9)

Other and unspecified disorders of metabolism (277)

Cystic fibrosis (277.0)
Disorders of porphyrin metabolism (277.1)
Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism (277.2)

Amyloidosis (277.3)
Disorders of bilirubin excretion (277.4)
Mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)
Other deficiencies of circulating enzymes (277.6)
Other (277.8)
Unspecified (277.9)

Obesity and other hyperalimentation (278)

Obesity (278.0)
Localized adiposity (278.1)
Hypervitaminosis A (278.2)
Hypercarotinemia (278.3)
Hypervitaminosis D (278.4)
Other (278.8)

Disorders involving the immune mechanism (279)

Deficiency of humoral immunity (279.0)
Deficiency of cell-mediated immunity (279.1)
Combined immunity deficiency (279.2)
Unspecified immunity deficiency (279.3)
Autoimmune disease, not elsewhere classified (279.4)
Other (279.8)
Unspecified (279.9)

IV. Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs (280-289)

Iron deficiency anemias (280)

Other deficiency anemias (281)

Pernicious anemia (281.0)
Other vitamin-B12-deficiency anemia (281.1)
Folate-deficiency anemia (281.2)
Other specified megaloblastic anemias, not elsewhere classified (281.3)
Protein-deficiency anemia (281.4)
Anemia associated with other specified nutritional deficiency (281.8)
Unspecified (281.9)

Hereditary hemolytic anemias (282)

Hereditary spherocytosis (282.0)
Hereditary elliptocytosis (282.1)
Anemia due to disorders of glutathione metabolism (282.2)
Other hemolytic anemias due to enzyme deficiency (282.3)
Thalassemias (282.4)
Sickle-cell trait (282.5)
Sickle-cell anemia (282.6)
Other hemoglobinopathies (282.7)
Other (282.8)
Unspecified (282.9)

Acquired hemolytic anemias (283)

Autoimmune hemolytic anemias (283.0)
Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias (283.1)
Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from external causes (283.2)
Unspecified (283.9)

Aplastic anemia (284)

Constitutional aplastic anemia (284.0)
Other (284.8)
Unspecified (284.9)

Other and unspecified anemias (285)

Sideroblastic anemia (285.0)
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia (285.1)
Other specified anemias (285.8)
Anemia, unspecified (285.9)

Coagulation defects (286)

Congenital factor VIII disorder (286.0)
Congenital factor IX disorder (286.1)
Congenital factor XI deficiency (286.2)
Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors (286.3)
von Willebrand's disease (286.4)
Hemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants (286.5)
Defibrination syndrome (286.6)
Acquired coagulation factor deficiency (286.7)
Other and unspecified coagulation defects (286.9)

Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions (287)

Allergic purpura (287.0)
Qualitative platelet defects (287.1)
Other nonthrombocytopenic purpuras (287.2)
Primary thrombocytopenia (287.3)
Secondary thrombocytopenia (287.4)
Thrombocytopenia, unspecified (287.5)
Other specified hemorrhagic conditions (287.8)
Unspecified hemorrhagic conditions (287.9)

Diseases of white blood cells (288)

Agranulocytosis (288.0)
Functional disorders of neutrophil polymorphonuclears (288.1)
Genetic anomalies of leucocytes (288.2)
Eosinophilia (288.3)
Other (288.8)
Unspecified (288.9)

Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs (289)

Secondary polycythemia (289.0)
Chronic lymphadenitis (289.1)
Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis (289.2)
Lymphadenitis, unspecified, except mesenteric (289.3)
Hypersplenism (289.4)
Other diseases of spleen (289.5)
Familial polycythemia (289.6)
Methemoglobinemia (289.7)
Other (289.8)
Unspecified (289.9)

V. Mental disorders (290-319)

Organic psychotic conditions (290-294)

Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions (290)

Senile dementia, simple type (290.0)
Presenile dementia (290.1)
Senile dementia, depressed or paranoid type (290.2)
Senile dementia with acute confusional state (290.3)
Arteriosclerotic dementia (290.4)
Other (290.8)
Unspecified (290.9)

Alcoholic psychoses (291)

Delirium tremens (291.0)
Korsakov's psychosis, alcoholic (291.1)
Other alcoholic dementia (291.2)
Other alcoholic hallucinosis (291.3)
Pathological drunkenness (291.4)
Alcoholic jealousy (291.5)
Other (291.8)
Unspecified (291.9)

Drug psychoses (292)

Drug withdrawal syndrome (292.0)
Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states induced by drugs (292.1)
Pathological drug intoxication (292.2)
Other (292.8)
Unspecified (292.9)

Transient organic psychotic conditions (293)

Acute confusional state (293.0)
Subacute confusional state (293.1)
Other (293.8)
Unspecified (293.9)

Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic) (294)

Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome (nonalcoholic) (294.0)
Other (294.8)
Unspecified (294.9)

Other psychoses (295-299)

Schizophrenic psychoses (295)

Simple type (295.0)

Hebephrenic type (295.1)
Catatonic type (295.2)
Paranoid type (295.3)
Acute schizophrenic episode (295.4)
Latent schizophrenia (295.5)
Residual schizophrenia (295.6)
Schizoaffective type (295.7)
Other (295.8)
Unspecified (295.9)

Affective psychoses (296)

Manic-depressive psychosis, manic type (296.0)
Manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.1)
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic (296.2)
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed (296.3)
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed (296.4)
Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, current condition not specified (296.5)
Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified (296.6)
Other (296.8)
Unspecified (296.9)

Paranoid states (297)

Paranoid state, simple (297.0)
Paranoia (297.1)
Paraphrenia (297.2)
Induced psychosis (297.3)
Other (297.8)
Unspecified (297.9)

Other nonorganic psychoses (298)

Depressive type (298.0)
Excitative type (298.1)
Reactive confusion (298.2)
Acute paranoid reaction (298.3)
Psychogenic paranoid psychosis (298.4)
Other and unspecified reactive psychosis (298.8)
Unspecified psychosis (298.9)

Psychoses with origin specific to childhood (299)

Infantile autism (299.0)
Disintegrative psychosis (299.1)
Other (299.8)
Unspecified (299.9)

Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders


Neurotic disorders (300)

Anxiety states (300.0)
Hysteria (300.1)
Phobic state (300.2)
Obsessive-compulsive disorders (300.3)
Neurotic depression (300.4)
Neurasthenia (300.5)
Depersonalization syndrome (300.6)
Hypochondriasis (300.7)
Other neurotic disorders (300.8)
Unspecified (300.9)

Personality disorders (301)

Paranoid personality disorder (301.0)
Affective personality disorder (301.1)
Schizoid personality disorder (301.2)
Explosive personality disorder (301.3)
Anankastic personality disorder (301.4)
Hysterical personality disorder (301.5)
Asthenic personality disorder (301.6)
Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation (301.7)
Other personality disorders (301.8)
Unspecified (301.9)

Sexual deviations and disorders (302)

Homosexuality (302.0)
Bestiality (302.1)
Pedophilia (302.2)
Transvestism (302.3)
Exhibitionism (302.4)
Trans-sexualism (302.5)
Disorders of psychosexual identity (302.6)
Frigidity and impotence (302.7)
Other (302.8)
Unspecified (302.9)

Alcohol dependence syndrome (303)

Drug dependence (304)

Morphine type (304.0)
Barbiturate type (304.1)
Cocaine (304.2)
Cannabis (304.3)
Amphetamine type and other psychostimulants (304.4)
Hallucinogens (304.5)
Other (304.6)
Combinations of morphine type drug with any other (304.7)
Combinations excluding morphine type drug (304.8)
Unspecified (304.9)

Nondependent abuse of drugs (305)

Alcohol (305.0)
Tobacco (305.1)
Cannabis (305.2)
Hallucinogens (305.3)

Barbiturates and tranquillizers (305.4)
Morphine type (305.5)
Cocaine type (305.6)
Amphetamine type (305.7)
Antidepressants (305.8)
Other, mixed or unspecified (305.9)

Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors (306)

Musculoskeletal (306.0)
Respiratory (306.1)
Cardiovascular (306.2)
Skin (306.3)
Gastrointestinal (306.4)
Genitourinary (306.5)
Endocrine (306.6)
Organs of special sense (306.7)
Other (306.8)
Unspecified (306.9)

Special symptoms or syndromes not elsewhere classified (307)

Stammering and stuttering (307.0)
Anorexia nervosa (307.1)
Tics (307.2)
Stereotyped repetitive movements (307.3)
Specific disorders of sleep (307.4)
Other and unspecified disorders of eating (307.5)
Enuresis (307.6)
Encopresis (307.7)
Psychalgia (307.8)
Other and unspecified (307.9)

Acute reaction to stress (308)

Predominant disturbance of emotions (308.0)
Predominant disturbance of consciousness (308.1)
Predominant psychomotor disturbance (308.2)
Other (308.3)
Mixed (308.4)
Unspecified (308.9)

Adjustment reaction (309)

Brief depressive reaction (309.0)
Prolonged depressive reaction (309.1)
With predominant disturbance of other emotions (309.2)
With predominant disturbance of conduct (309.3)
With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct (309.4)
Other (309.8)
Unspecified (309.9)

Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310)

Frontal lobe syndrome (310.0)
Cognitive or personality change of other type (310.1)

Postconcussional syndrome (310.2)
Other (310.8)
Unspecified (310.9)

Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified (311)

Disturbance of conduct not elsewhere classified (312)

Unsocialized disturbance of conduct (312.0)
Socialized disturbance of conduct (312.1)
Compulsive conduct disorder (312.2)
Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotions (312.3)
Other (312.8)
Unspecified (312.9)

Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence (313)

With anxiety and fearfulness (313.0)
With misery and unhappiness (313.1)
With sensitivity, shyness, and social withdrawal (313.2)
Relationship problems (313.3)
Other or mixed (313.8)
Unspecified (313.9)

Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood (314)

Simple disturbance of activity and attention (314.0)
Hyperkinesis with developmental delay (314.1)
Hyperkinetic conduct disorder (314.2)
Other (314.8)
Unspecified (314.9)

Specific delays in development (315)

Specific reading retardation (315.0)
Specific arithmetical retardation (315.1)
Other specific learning difficulties (315.2)
Developmental speech or language disorder (315.3)
Specific motor retardation (315.4)
Mixed development disorder (315.5)
Other (315.8)
Unspecified (315.9)

Psychic factors associated with diseases classified elsewhere (316)

Mental retardation (317-319)

Mild mental retardation (317)

Other specified mental retardation (318)

Moderate mental retardation (318.0)
Severe mental retardation (318.1)
Profound mental retardation (318.2)
Unspecified mental retardation (319)

VI. Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs (320-389)

Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (320-326)

Bacterial meningitis (320)

Hemophilus meningitis (320.0)
Pneumococcal meningitis (320.1)
Streptococcal meningitis (320.2)
Staphylococcal meningitis (320.3)
Meningitis due to other specified bacteria (320.8)
Meningitis due to unspecified bacterium (320.9)

Meningitis of unspecified cause (322)

Nonpyogenic meningitis (322.0)
Eosinophilic meningitis (322.1)
Chronic meningitis (322.2)
Meningitis, unspecified (322.9)

Encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis (323)

Encephalitis following immunization procedures (323.5)
Other (323.8)
Unspecified cause (323.9)

Intracranial and intraspinal abscess (324)

Intracranial abscess (324.0)
Intraspinal abscess (324.1)
Of unspecified site (324.9)

Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial venous sinuses (325)

Late effects of intracranial abscess or pyogenic infection (326)

Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system (330-337)

Cerebral degenerations usually manifest in childhood (330)

Leucodystrophy (330.0)
Cerebral lipidoses (330.1)
Other cerebral degenerations in childhood (330.8)
Unspecified (330.9)

Other cerebral degenerations (331)

Alzheimer's disease (331.0)
Pick's disease (331.1)
Senile degeneration of brain (331.2)
Communicating hydrocephalus (331.3)
Obstructive hydrocephalus (331.4)
Other cerebral degeneration (331.8)
Unspecified (331.9)

Parkinson's disease (332)

Paralysis agitans (332.0)
Secondary Parkinsonism (332.1)

Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders (333)

Other degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia (333.0)
Essential and other specified forms of tremor (333.1)
Myoclonus (333.2)
Tics of organic origin (333.3)
Huntington's chorea (333.4)
Other choreas (333.5)
Idiopathic torsion dystonia (333.6)
Symptomatic torsion dystonia (333.7)
Fragments of torsion dystonia (333.8)
Other and unspecified (333.9)

Spinocerebellar disease (334)

Friedreich's ataxia (334.0)
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (334.1)
Primary cerebellar degeneration (334.2)
Other cerebellar ataxia (334.3)
Other (334.8)
Unspecified (334.9)

Anterior horn cell disease (335)

Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (335.0)
Spinal muscular atrophy (335.1)
Motor neurone disease (335.2)
Other (335.8)
Unspecified (335.9)

Other diseases of spinal cord (336)

Syringomyelia and syringobulbia (336.0)
Vascular myelopathies (336.1)
Other myelopathy (336.8)
Unspecified diseases of spinal cord (336.9)

Disorders of the autonomic nervous system (337)

Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy (337.0)
Unspecified (337.9)

Other disorders of the central nervous system (340-349)

Multiple sclerosis (340)

Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system (341)

Neuromyelitis optica (341.0)
Schilder's disease (341.1)
Other (341.8)
Unspecified (341.9)

Hemiplegia (342)
Flaccid hemiplegia (342.0)
Spastic hemiplegia (342.1)
Unspecified (342.9)

Infantile cerebral palsy (343)

Diplegic (343.0)
Hemiplegic (343.1)
Quadriplegic (343.2)
Monoplegic (343.3)
Infantile hemiplegia (343.4)
Other (343.8)
Unspecified (343.9)

Other paralytic syndromes (344)

Quadriplegia (344.0)
Paraplegia (344.1)
Diplegia of upper limbs (344.2)
Monoplegia of lower limb (344.3)
Monoplegia of upper limb (344.4)
Unspecified monoplegia (344.5)
Cauda equina syndrome (344.6)
Other (344.8)
Unspecified (344.9)

Epilepsy (345)
Generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy (345.0)
Generalized convulsive epilepsy (345.1)
Petit mal status (345.2)
Grand mal status (345.3)
Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness (345.4)
Partial epilepsy without mention of impairment of consciousness (345.5)
Infantile spasms (345.6)
Epilepsia partialis continua (345.7)
Other (345.8)
Unspecified (345.9)

Migraine (346)
Classical migraine (346.0)
Common migraine (346.1)
Variants of migraine (346.2)
Other (346.8)
Unspecified (346.9)

Cataplexy and narcolepsy (347)

Other conditions of brain (348)

Cerebral cysts (348.0)
Anoxic brain damage (348.1)
Benign intracranial hypertension (348.2)
Encephalopathy, unspecified (348.3)
Compression of brain (348.4)
Cerebral edema (348.5)
Other (348.8)
Unspecified (348.9)

Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system (349)

Reaction to spinal or lumbar puncture (349.0)
Nervous system complications from surgically implanted device (349.1)
Disorders of meninges, not elsewhere classified (349.2)
Other (349.8)
Unspecified (349.9)

Disorder of the peripheral nervous system (350-359)

Trigeminal nerve disorders (350)

Other trigeminal neuralgia (350.1)
Atypical face pain (350.2)
Other (350.8)
Unspecified (350.9)

Facial nerve disorders (351)

Bell's palsy (351.0)
Geniculate ganglionitis (351.1)
Other (351.8)
Unspecified (351.9)

Disorders of other cranial nerves (352)

Disorders of olfactory (1st) nerve (352.0)
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (352.1)
Other disorders of glossopharyngeal (9th) nerve (352.2)
Disorders of pneumogastric (10th) nerve (352.3)
Disorders of accessory (11th) nerve (352.4)
Disorders of hypoglossal (12th) nerve (352.5)
Multiple cranial nerve palsies (352.6)
Unspecified (352.9)

Nerve root and plexus disorders (353)

Brachial plexus lesions (353.0)
Lumbosacral plexus lesions (353.1)
Cervical root lesions, not elsewhere classified (353.2)
Thoracic root lesions, not elsewhere classified (353.3)
Lumbosacral root lesions, not elsewhere classified (353.4)
Neuralgic amyotrophy (353.5)
Phantom limb syndrome (353.6)
Other (353.8)
Unspecified (353.9)

Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex (354)
Carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0)
Other lesion of median nerve (354.1)
Lesion of ulnar nerve (354.2)
Lesion of radial nerve (354.3)
Causalgia (354.4)
Mononeuritis multiplex (354.5)
Other (354.8)
Unspecified (354.9)

Mononeuritis of lower limb (355)

Lesion of sciatic nerve (355.0)
Meralgia paraesthetica (355.1)
Lesion of femoral nerve (355.2)
Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve (355.3)
Lesion of medial popliteal nerve (355.4)
Tarsal tunnel syndrome (355.5)
Lesion of plantar nerve (355.6)
Other (355.7)
Unspecified mononeuritis of lower limb (355.8)
Mononeuritis of unspecified site (355.9)

Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy (356)

Hereditary peripheral neuropathy (356.0)
Peroneal muscular atrophy (356.1)
Hereditary sensory neuropathy (356.2)
Refsum's disease (356.3)
Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy (356.4)
Other (356.8)
Unspecified (356.9)

Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy (357)

Acute infective polyneuritis (357.0)
Alcoholic polyneuropathy (357.5)
Polyneuropathy due to drugs (357.6)
Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents (357.7)
Other (357.8)
Unspecified (357.9)

Myoneural disorders (358)

Myasthenia gravis (358.0)
Toxic myoneural disorders (358.2)
Other (358.8)
Unspecified (358.9)

Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies (359)

Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy (359.0)
Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy (359.1)
Myotonic disorders (359.2)
Familial periodic paralysis (359.3)
Toxic myopathy (359.4)

Other (359.8)
Unspecified (359.9)

Disorders of the eye and adnexa (360-379)

Disorders of the globe (360)

Purulent endophthalmitis (360.0)
Other endophthalmitis (360.1)
Degenerative disorders of globe (360.2)
Hypotony of eye (360.3)
Degenerated conditions of globe (360.4)
Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic (360.5)
Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic (360.6)
Other disorders of globe (360.8)
Unspecified (360.9)

Retinal detachments and defects (361)

Retinal detachment with retinal defect (361.0)
Retinoschisis and retinal cysts (361.1)
Serous retinal detachment (361.2)
Retinal defects without detachment (361.3)
Other forms of retinal detachment (361.8)
Unspecified (361.9)

Other retinal disorders (362)

Other background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes (362.1)
Other proliferative retinopathy (362.2)
Retinal vascular occlusion (362.3)
Separation of retinal layers (362.4)
Degeneration of macula and posterior pole (362.5)
Peripheral retinal degenerations (362.6)
Hereditary retinal dystrophies (362.7)
Other retinal disorders (362.8)
Unspecified (362.9)

Chorioretinal inflammations and scars and other disorders of choroid (363)

Focal chorioretinitis and focal retinochoroiditis (363.0)
Disseminated chorioretinitis and disseminated retinochoroiditis (363.1)
Other and unspecified forms of chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis (363.2)
Chorioretinal scars (363.3)
Choroidal degenerations (363.4)
Hereditary choroidal dystrophies (363.5)
Choroidal hemorrhage and rupture (363.6)
Choroidal detachment (363.7)
Other disorders of choroid (363.8)
Unspecified (363.9)

Disorders of iris and ciliary body (364)

Acute and subacute iridocyclitis (364.0)
Chronic iridocyclitis (364.1)
Certain types of iridocyclitis (364.2)
Unspecified iridocyclitis (364.3)
Vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body (364.4)
Degenerations of iris and ciliary body (364.5)
Cysts of iris, ciliary body, and anterior chamber (364.6)
Adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body (364.7)
Other disorders of iris and ciliary body (364.8)
Unspecified (364.9)

Glaucoma (365)
Borderline glaucoma (365.0)
Open-angle glaucoma (365.1)
Primary angle-closure glaucoma (365.2)
Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma (365.3)
Glaucoma associated with congenital anomalies, with dystrophies, and with systemic syndromes (365.4)
Glaucoma associated with disorders of the lens (365.5)
Glaucoma associated with other ocular disorders (365.6)
Other glaucoma (365.8)
Unspecified (365.9)

Cataract (366)
Infantile, juvenile, and presenile cataract (366.0)
Senile cataract (366.1)
Traumatic cataract (366.2)
Cataract secondary to ocular disorders (366.3)
Cataract associated with other disorders (366.4)
After-cataract (366.5)
Other cataract (366.8)
Unspecified (366.9)

Disorders of refraction and accommodation (367)

Hypermetropia (367.0)
Myopia (367.1)
Astigmatism (367.2)
Anisometropia and aniseikonia (367.3)
Presbyopia (367.4)
Disorders of accommodation (367.5)
Other (367.8)
Unspecified (367.9)

Visual disturbances (368)

Amblyopia ex anopsia (368.0)
Subjective visual disturbances (368.1)
Diplopia (368.2)
Other disorders of binocular vision (368.3)
Visual field defects (368.4)
Color vision deficiencies (368.5)
Night blindness (368.6)
Other visual disturbances (368.8)
Unspecified (368.9)

Blindness and low vision (369)

Blindness, both eyes (369.0)
Blindness, one eye, low vision, other eye (369.1)
Low vision, both eyes (369.2)
Unqualified visual loss, both eyes (369.3)
Blindness, one eye (369.6)
Low vision, one eye (369.7)
Unqualified visual loss, one eye (369.8)
Unspecified visual loss (369.9)

Keratitis (370)
Corneal ulcer (370.0)
Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis (370.2)
Certain types of keratoconjunctivitis (370.3)
Other and unspecified keratoconjunctivitis (370.4)
Interstitial and deep keratitis (370.5)
Corneal neovascularization (370.6)
Other forms of keratitis (370.8)
Unspecified (370.9)

Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea (371)

Corneal scars and opacities (371.0)
Corneal pigmentations and deposits (371.1)
Corneal edema (371.2)
Changes of corneal membranes (371.3)
Corneal degenerations (371.4)
Hereditary corneal dystrophies (371.5)
Keratoconus (371.6)
Other corneal deformities (371.7)
Other corneal disorders (371.8)
Unspecified (371.9)

Disorders of conjunctiva (372)

Acute conjunctivitis (372.0)
Chronic conjunctivitis (372.1)
Blepharoconjunctivitis (372.2)
Other and unspecified conjunctivitis (372.3)
Pterygium (372.4)
Conjunctival degenerations and deposits (372.5)
Conjunctival scars (372.6)
Conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts (372.7)
Other disorders of conjunctiva (372.8)
Unspecified (372.9)

Inflammation of eyelids (373)

Blepharitis (373.0)
Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid (373.1)
Chalazion (373.2)
Noninfectious dermatoses of eyelid (373.3)
Other (373.8)
Unspecified (373.9)

Other disorders of eyelids (374)
Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid (374.0)
Ectropion (374.1)
Lagophthalmos (374.2)
Ptosis of eyelid (374.3)
Other disorders affecting eyelid function (374.4)
Degenerative disorders of eyelids and periocular area (374.5)
Other disorders of eyelid (374.8)
Unspecified (374.9)

Disorders of lacrimal system (375)

Dacryoadenitis (375.0)
Other disorders of lacrimal gland (375.1)
Epiphora (375.2)
Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages (375.3)
Chronic inflammation of lacrimal passages (375.4)
Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages (375.5)
Other changes of lacrimal passages (375.6)
Other disorders of lacrimal system (375.8)
Unspecified (375.9)

Disorders of the orbit (376)

Acute inflammation of orbit (376.0)
Chronic inflammatory disorders of orbit (376.1)
Other exophthalmic conditions (376.3)
Deformity of orbit (376.4)
Enophthalmos (376.5)
Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit (376.6)
Other disorders of orbit (376.8)
Unspecified (376.9)

Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways (377)

Papilledema (377.0)
Optic atrophy (377.1)
Other disorders of optic disc (377.2)
Optic neuritis (377.3)
Other disorders of optic nerve (377.4)
Disorders of optic chiasm (377.5)
Disorders of other visual pathways (377.6)
Disorders of visual cortex (377.7)
Unspecified (377.9)

Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements (378)

Convergent concomitant strabismus (378.0)
Divergent concomitant strabismus (378.1)
Intermittent heterotropia (378.2)
Other and unspecified heterotropia (378.3)
Heterophoria (378.4)
Paralytic strabismus (378.5)
Mechanical strabismus (378.6)
Other strabismus (378.7)
Other disorders of binocular eye movements (378.8)
Unspecified (378.9)

Other disorders of eye (379)

Scleritis and episcleritis (379.0)
Other disorders of sclera (379.1)
Disorders of vitreous body (379.2)
Aphakia and other disorders of lens (379.3)
Anomalies of pupillary function (379.4)
Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements (379.5)
Other disorders of eye and adnexa (379.8)
Unspecified (379.9)

Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (380-389)

Disorders of external ear (380)

Perichondritis of pinna (380.0)
Infective otitis externa (380.1)
Other otitis externa (380.2)
Noninfective disorders of pinna (380.3)
Impacted cerumen (380.4)
Acquired stenosis of external ear canal (380.5)
Other disorders of external ear (380.8)
Unspecified (380.9)

Nonsuppurative otitis media and Eustachian tube disorders (381)

Acute nonsuppurative otitis media (381.0)
Chronic serous otitis media (381.1)
Chronic mucoid otitis media (381.2)
Other and unspecified chronic nonsuppurative otitis media (381.3)
Nonsuppurative otitis media, not specified as acute or chronic (381.4)
Eustachian salpingitis (381.5)
Obstruction of Eustachian tube (381.6)
Patulous Eustachian tube (381.7)
Other disorders of Eustachian tube (381.8)
Unspecified Eustachian tube disorder (381.9)

Suppurative and unspecified otitis media (382)

Acute suppurative otitis media (382.0)
Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media (382.1)
Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media (382.2)
Unspecified chronic suppurative otitis media (382.3)
Unspecified suppurative otitis media (382.4)
Unspecified otitis media (382.9)

Mastoiditis and related conditions (383)

Acute mastoiditis (383.0)
Chronic mastoiditis (383.1)
Petrositis (383.2)
Other (383.8)
Unspecified mastoiditis (383.9)

Other disorders of tympanic membrane (384)
Acute myringitis without mention of otitis media (384.0)
Chronic myringitis without mention of otitis media (384.1)
Perforation of tympanic membrane (384.2)
Other (384.8)
Unspecified (384.9)

Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid (385)

Tympanosclerosis (385.0)
Adhesive middle ear disease (385.1)
Other acquired abnormality of ear ossicles (385.2)
Cholesteatoma of middle ear and mastoid (385.3)
Other (385.8)
Unspecified (385.9)

Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system (386)

Meniere's disease (386.0)
Other and unspecified peripheral vertigo (386.1)
Vertigo of central origin (386.2)
Labyrinthitis (386.3)
Labyrinthine fistula (386.4)
Labyrinthine dysfunction (386.5)
Other disorders of labyrinth (386.8)
Unspecified vertiginous syndromes and labyrinthine disorders (386.9)

Otosclerosis (387)
Otosclerosis involving oval window, nonobliterative (387.0)
Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative (387.1)
Cochlear otosclerosis (387.2)
Other (387.8)
Unspecified (387.9)

Other disorders of ear (388)

Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear (388.0)
Noise effects on inner ear (388.1)
Sudden hearing loss, unspecified (388.2)
Tinnitus (388.3)
Other abnormal auditory perception (388.4)
Disorders of acoustic nerve (388.5)
Otorrhea (388.6)
Otalgia (388.7)
Other (388.8)
Unspecified (388.9)

Deafness (389)
Conductive deafness (389.0)
Sensorineural deafness (389.1)
Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness (389.2)
Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified (389.7)
Other specified forms of deafness (389.8)
Unspecified deafness (389.9)

VII. Diseases of the circulatory system (390-459)

Acute rheumatic fever (390-392)

Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement (390)

Rheumatic fever with heart involvement (391)

Acute rheumatic pericarditis (391.0)
Acute rheumatic endocarditis (391.1)
Acute rheumatic myocarditis (391.2)
Other acute rheumatic heart disease (391.8)
Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified (391.9)

Rheumatic chorea (392)

With heart involvement (392.0)
Without mention of heart involvement (392.9)

Chronic rheumatic heart disease (393-398)

Chronic rheumatic pericarditis (393)

Diseases of mitral valve (394)

Mitral stenosis (394.0)
Rheumatic mitral insufficiency (394.1)
Mitral stenosis with insufficiency (394.2)
Other and unspecified (394.9)

Diseases of aortic valve (395)

Rheumatic aortic stenosis (395.0)
Rheumatic aortic insufficiency (395.1)
Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency (395.2)
Other and unspecified (395.9)

Diseases of mitral and aortic valves (396)

Diseases of other endocardial structures (397)

Diseases of tricuspid valve (397.0)
Rheumatic diseases of pulmonary valve (397.1)
Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified (397.9)

Other rheumatic heart disease (398)

Rheumatic myocarditis (398.0)
Other and unspecified (398.9)

Hypertensive disease (401-404)

Essential hypertension (401)

Specified as malignant (401.0)
Specified as benign (401.1)
Not specified as malignant or benign (401.9)

Hypertensive heart disease (402)

Specified as malignant (402.0)
Specified as benign (402.1)
Not specified as malignant or benign (402.9)

Hypertensive renal disease (403)

Specified as malignant (403.0)
Specified as benign (403.1)
Not specified as malignant or benign (403.9)

Hypertensive heart and renal disease (404)

Specified as malignant (404.0)
Specified as benign (404.1)
Not specified as malignant or benign (404.9)

Ischemic heart disease (410-414)

Acute myocardial 410)

Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic heart disease (411)

Old myocardial infarction (412)

Angina pectoris (413)

Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease (414)

Coronary atherosclerosis (414.0)
Aneurysm of heart (414.1)
Other (414.8)
Unspecified (414.9)

Diseases of pulmonary circulation (415-417)

Acute pulmonary heart disease (415)

Acute cor pulmonale (415.0)
Pulmonary embolism (415.1)

Chronic pulmonary heart disease (416)

Primary pulmonary hypertension (416.0)
Kyphoscoliotic heart disease (416.1)
Other (416.8)
Pulmonary heart disease, unspecified (416.9)

Other diseases of pulmonary circulation (417)

Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels (417.0)
Aneurysm of pulmonary artery (417.1)
Other (417.8)
Unspecified (417.9)

Other forms of heart disease (420-429)

Acute pericarditis (420)

Acute and subacute endocarditis (421)

Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis (421.0)
Acute endocarditis, unspecified (421.9)

Acute myocarditis (422)

Other diseases of pericardium (423)

Hemopericardium (423.0)
Adhesive pericarditis (423.1)
Constrictive pericarditis (423.2)
Other (423.8)
Unspecified (423.9)

Other diseases of endocardium (424)

Mitral valve disorders (424.0)
Aortic valve disorders (424.1)
Tricuspid valve disorders, specified as nonrheumatic (424.2)
Pulmonary valve disorders (424.3)
Endocarditis, valve unspecified (424.9)

Cardiomyopathy (425)
Endomyocardial fibrosis (425.0)
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (425.1)
Obscure cardiomyopathy of Africa (425.2)
Endocardial fibroelastosis (425.3)
Other primary cardiomyopathies (425.4)
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy (425.5)
Secondary cardiomyopathy, unspecified (425.9)

Conduction disorders (426)

Atrioventricular block, complete (426.0)
Atrioventricular block, other and unspecified (426.1)
Left bundle branch hemiblock (426.2)
Other left bundle branch block (426.3)
Right bundle branch block (426.4)
Bundle branch block, unspecified (426.5)
Other heart block (426.6)
Anomalous atrioventricular excitation (426.7)
Other (426.8)
Unspecified (426.9)

Cardiac dysrhythmias (427)
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (427.0)
Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (427.1)
Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified (427.2)
Atrial fibrillation and flutter (427.3)
Ventricular fibrillation and flutter (427.4)
Cardiac arrest (427.5)
Premature beats (427.6)
Other (427.8)
Unspecified (427.9)

Heart failure (428)

Congestive heart failure (428.0)
Left heart failure (428.1)
Unspecified (428.9)

Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease (429)

Myocarditis, unspecified (429.0)
Myocardial degeneration (429.1)
Cardiovascular disease, unspecified (429.2)
Cardiomegaly (429.3)
Rupture of chordae tendinae (429.5)
Rupture of papillary muscle (429.6)
Other (429.8)
Unspecified (429.9)

Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (430)

Intracerebral hemorrhage (431)

Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage (432)

Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage (432.0)
Subdural hemorrhage (432.1)
Unspecified intracranial hemorrhage (432.9)

Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries (433)

Basilar artery (433.0)
Carotid artery (433.1)
Vertebral artery (433.2)
Multiple and bilateral (433.3)
Other (433.8)
Unspecified (433.9)

Occlusion of cerebral arteries (434)

Cerebral thrombosis (434.0)
Cerebral embolism (434.1)
Unspecified (434.9)

Transient cerebral ischemia (435)

Acute but ill-defined cerebrovascular disease (436)

Other and ill-defined cerebrovascular diseases (437)

Cerebral atherosclerosis (437.0)
Other generalized ischemic cerebrovascular disease (437.1)
Hypertensive encephalopathy (437.2)
Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured (437.3)
Cerebral arteritis (437.4)
Moyamoya disease (437.5)
Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus (437.6)
Other (437.8)
Unspecified (437.9)

Late effects of cerebrovascular diseases (438)

Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (440-448)

Atherosclerosis (440)
Of aorta (440.0)
Of renal artery (440.1)
Of arteries of the extremities (440.2)
Of other specified arteries (440.8)
Generalized and unspecified (440.9)

Aortic aneurysm (441)

Dissecting aneurysm, any part (441.0)
Thoracic aneurysm, ruptured (441.1)
Thoracic aneurysm without mention of rupture (441.2)
Abdominal aneurysm, ruptured (441.3)
Abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture (441.4)
Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured (441.5)
Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture (441.6)

Other aneurysm (442)

Of artery of upper extremity (442.0)
Of renal artery (442.1)
Of iliac artery (442.2)
Of artery of lower extremity (442.3)
Of other specified artery (442.8)
Of unspecified site (442.9)

Other peripheral vascular disease (443)

Raynaud's syndrome (443.0)
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) (443.1)
Other (443.8)
Unspecified (443.9)

Arterial embolism and thrombosis (444)

Of abdominal aorta (444.0)
Of other aorta (444.1)
Of arteries of the extremities (444.2)
Of other specified artery (444.8)
Of unspecified artery (444.9)

Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions (446)

Polyarteritis nodosa (446.0)
Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome (MCLS) (446.1)
Hypersensitivity angiitis (446.2)
Lethal midline granuloma (446.3)
Wegener's granulomatosis (446.4)
Giant cell arteritis (446.5)
Thrombotic microangiopathy (446.6)
Takayasu disease (446.7)

Other disorders of arteries and arterioles (447)

Arteriovenous fistula, acquired (447.0)
Stricture of artery (447.1)
Rupture of artery (447.2)
Hyperplasia of renal artery (447.3)
Celiac artery compression syndrome (447.4)
Necrosis of artery (447.5)
Arteritis, unspecified (447.6)
Other (447.8)
Unspecified (447.9)

Diseases of capillaries (448)

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (448.0)
Nevus, non-neoplastic (448.1)
Other and unspecified (448.9)

Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and other diseases of circulatory system (451-459)

Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (451)

Of superficial vessels of lower extremities (451.0)
Of deep vessels of lower extremities (451.1)
Of lower extremities, unspecified (451.2)
Of other sites (451.8)
Of unspecified site (451.9)

Portal vein thrombosis (452)

Other venous embolism and thrombosis (453)

Budd-Chiari syndrome (453.0)
Thrombophlebitis migrans (453.1)
Of vena cava (453.2)
Of renal vein (453.3)
Of other specified veins (453.8)
Of unspecified site (453.9)

Varicose veins of lower extremities (454)
With ulcer (454.0)
With inflammation (454.1)
With ulcer and inflammation (454.2)
Without mention of ulcer or inflammation (454.9)

Hemorrhoids (455)
Internal hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.0)
Internal thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.1)
Internal hemorrhoids with other complication (455.2)
External hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.3)
External thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.4)
External hemorrhoids with other complication (455.5)
Unspecified hemorrhoids without mention of complication (455.6)
Unspecified thrombosed hemorrhoids (455.7)
Unspecified hemorrhoids with other complication (455.8)
Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags (455.9)

Varicose veins of other sites (456)

Esophageal varices with bleeding (456.0)
Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding (456.1)
Sublingual varices (456.3)
Scrotal varices (456.4)
Pelvic varices (456.5)
Vulval varices (456.6)
Other (456.8)

Noninfective disorders of lymphatic channels (457)

Other lymphedema (457.1)
Lymphangitis (457.2)
Other noninfective disorders of lymphatic channels (457.8)
Unspecified (457.9)

Hypotension (458)
Orthostatic hypotension (458.0)
Chronic hypotension (458.1)
Unspecified (458.9)

Other disorders of circulatory system (459)

Hemorrhage, unspecified (459.0)
Post-phlebitic syndrome (459.1)
Compression of vein (459.2)
Other (459.8)
Unspecified (459.9)

VIII. Diseases of the respiratory system (460-519)

Acute respiratory infections (460-466)

Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold) (460)

Acute sinusitis (461)
Maxillary (461.0)
Frontal (461.1)
Ethmoidal (461.2)
Sphenoidal (461.3)
Other (461.8)
Unspecified (461.9)

Acute pharyngitis (462)

Acute tonsillitis (463)

Acute laryngitis and tracheitis (464)

Acute laryngitis (464.0)
Acute tracheitis (464.1)
Acute laryngotracheitis (464.2)
Acute epiglottitis (464.3)
Croup (464.4)

Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple or unspecified sites (465)

Acute laryngopharyngitis (465.0)
Other multiple sites (465.8)
Unspecified site (465.9)

Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (466)

Acute bronchitis (466.0)
Acute bronchiolitis (466.1)

Other diseases of upper respiratory tract (470-478)

Deflected nasal septum (470)

Nasal polyps (471)

Polyp of nasal cavity (471.0)
Polypoid sinus degeneration (471.1)
Other polyp of sinus (471.8)
Unspecified (471.9)

Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis (472)

Chronic rhinitis (472.0)
Chronic pharyngitis (472.1)
Chronic nasopharyngitis (472.2)

Chronic sinusitis (473)

Maxillary (473.0)
Frontal (473.1)
Ethmoidal (473.2)
Sphenoidal (473.3)

Other (473.8)
Unspecified (473.9)

Chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids (474)

Chronic tonsillitis (474.0)
Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids (474.1)
Adenoid vegetations (474.2)
Other chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids (474.8)
Unspecified (474.9)

Peritonsillar abscess (475)

Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis (476)

Chronic laryngitis (476.0)
Chronic laryngotracheitis (476.1)

Allergic rhinitis (477)

Due to pollen (477.0)
Due to other allergen (477.8)
Cause unspecified (477.9)

Other diseases of upper respiratory tract (478)

Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates (478.0)
Other diseases of nasal cavity and sinuses (478.1)
Other diseases of pharynx, not elsewhere classified (478.2)
Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx (478.3)
Polyp of vocal cord or larynx (478.4)
Other diseases of vocal cords (478.5)
Edema of larynx (478.6)
Other diseases of larynx, not elsewhere classified (478.7)
Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified (478.8)
Other and unspecified diseases of upper respiratory tract (478.9)

Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)

Viral pneumonia (480)

Pneumonia due to adenovirus (480.0)
Pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus (480.1)
Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus (480.2)
Pneumonia due to other virus, not elsewhere classified (480.8)
Viral pneumonia, unspecified (480.9)

Pneumococcal pneumonia (481)

Other bacterial pneumonia (482)

Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae (482.0)
Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas (482.1)
Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) (482.2)
Pneumonia due to Streptococcus (482.3)
Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus (482.4)
Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria (482.8)
Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified (482.9)

Pneumonia due to other specified organism (483)

Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified (485)

Pneumonia, organism unspecified (486)

Influenza (487)
With pneumonia (487.0)
With other respiratory manifestations (487.1)
With other manifestations (487.8)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)

Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic (490)

Chronic bronchitis (491)

Simple chronic bronchitis (491.0)
Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (491.1)
Obstructive chronic bronchitis (491.2)
Other chronic bronchitis (491.8)
Unspecified (491.9)

Emphysema (492)

Asthma (493)
Extrinsic asthma (493.0)
Intrinsic asthma (493.1)
Asthma, unspecified (493.9)

Bronchiectasis (494)

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (495)

Farmers' lung (495.0)
Bagassosis (495.1)
Bird fanciers' lung (495.2)
Suberosis (495.3)
Maltworkers' lung (495.4)
Mushroom-workers' lung (495.5)
Maple-bark-strippers' lung (495.6)
"Ventilation" pneumonitis (495.7)
Other allergic pneumonitis (495.8)
Unspecified allergic alveolitis (495.9)

Chronic airways obstruction, not elsewhere classified (496)

Pneumoconioses and other lung diseases due to external agents (500-508)

Coalworkers' pneumoconiosis (500)

Asbestosis (501)

Pneumoconiosis due to other silica or silicates (502)

Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic dust (503)

Pneumopathy due to inhalation of other dust (504)

Pneumoconiosis, unspecified (505)

Respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes and vapors (506)

Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to fumes and vapors (506.0)
Acute pulmonary edema due to fumes and vapors (506.1)
Upper respiratory inflammation due to fumes and vapors (506.2)
Other acute and subacute respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors (506.3)
Chronic respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors (506.4)
Unspecified (506.9)

Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids (507)

Due to inhalation of food or vomit (507.0)
Due to inhalation of oils and essences (507.1)
Other (507.8)

Respiratory conditions due to other and unspecified external agents (508)

Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation (508.0)
Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation (508.1)
Other (508.8)
Unspecified (508.9)

Other diseases of respiratory system (510-519)

Empyema (510)
With fistula (510.0)
Without mention of fistula (510.9)

Pleurisy (511)
Without mention of effusion or current tuberculosis (511.0)
With effusion with mention of a bacterial cause other than tuberculosis (511.1)
Other specified forms of effusion, except tuberculous (511.8)
Unspecified pleural effusion (511.9)

Pneumothorax (512)

Abscess of lung and mediastinum (513)

Abscess of lung (513.0)
Abscess of mediastinum (513.1)

Pulmonary congestion and hypostasis (514)

Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis (515)

Other alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumopathy (516)

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (516.0)
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (516.2)
Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (516.3)
Other (516.8)
Unspecified (516.9)

Other diseases of lung (518)

Pulmonary collapse (518.0)
Interstitial emphysema (518.1)
Compensatory emphysema (518.2)
Pulmonary eosinophilia (518.3)
Acute edema of lung, unspecified (518.4)
Pulmonary insufficiency following trauma and surgery (518.5)
Other diseases of lung, not elsewhere classified (518.8)

Other diseases of respiratory system (519)

Tracheostomy malfunction (519.0)
Other diseases of trachea and bronchus, not elsewhere classified (519.1)
Mediastinitis (519.2)
Other diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified (519.3)
Disorders of diaphragm (519.4)
Other diseases of respiratory system, not elsewhere classified (519.8)
Unspecified (519.9)

IX. Diseases of the digestive system (520-579)

Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands, and jaws (520-529)

Disorders of tooth development and eruption (520)

Anodontia (520.0)
Supernumerary teeth (520.1)
Abnormalities of size and form (520.2)
Mottled teeth (520.3)
Disturbances of tooth formation (520.4)
Hereditary disturbances in tooth structure, not elsewhere classified (520.5)
Disturbances in tooth eruption (520.6)
Teething syndrome (520.7)
Other disorders of tooth development (520.8)
Unspecified (520.9)

Diseases of hard tissues of teeth (521)

Dental caries (521.0)
Excessive attrition (521.1)

Abrasion (521.2)
Erosion (521.3)
Pathological resorption (521.4)
Hypercementosis (521.5)
Ankylosis of teeth (521.6)
Posteruptive color changes (521.7)
Other diseases of hard tissues of teeth (521.8)
Unspecified (521.9)

Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues (522)

Pulpitis (522.0)
Necrosis of the pulp (522.1)
Pulp degeneration (522.2)
Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp (522.3)
Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin (522.4)
Periapical abscess without sinus (522.5)
Chronic apical periodontitis (522.6)
Periapical abscess with sinus (522.7)
Radicular cyst (522.8)
Other and unspecified (522.9)

Gingival and periodontal diseases (523)

Acute gingivitis (523.0)
Chronic gingivitis (523.1)
Gingival recession (523.2)
Acute periodontitis (523.3)
Chronic periodontitis (523.4)
Periodontosis (523.5)
Accretions on teeth (523.6)
Other periodontal diseases (523.8)
Unspecified (523.9)

Dentofacial anomalies, including malocclusion (524)

Major anomalies of jaw size (524.0)
Anomalies of relationship of jaw to cranial base (524.1)
Anomalies of dental arch relationship (524.2)
Anomalies of tooth position (524.3)
Malocclusion, unspecified (524.4)
Dentofacial functional abnormalities (524.5)
Temporomandibular joint disorders (524.6)
Other dentofacial anomalies (524.8)
Unspecified (524.9)

Other diseases and conditions of the teeth and supporting structures (525)
Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes (525.0)
Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or local periodontal disease (525.1)
Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge (525.2)
Retained dental root (525.3)
Other (525.8)
Unspecified (525.9)

Diseases of the jaws (526)
Developmental odontogenic cysts (526.0)
Fissural cysts of jaw (526.1)
Other cysts of jaws (526.2)
Central giant cell (reparative) granuloma (526.3)
Inflammatory conditions (526.4)
Alveolitis of jaw (526.5)
Other diseases of the jaws (526.8)
Unspecified (526.9)

Diseases of the salivary glands (527)

Atrophy (527.0)
Hypertrophy (527.1)
Sialoadenitis (527.2)
Abscess (527.3)
Fistula (527.4)
Sialolithiasis (527.5)
Mucocele (527.6)
Disturbance of salivary secretion (527.7)
Other (527.8)
Unspecified (527.9)

Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue (528)
Stomatitis (528.0)
Cancrum oris (528.1)
Oral aphthae (528.2)
Cellulitis and abscess (528.3)
Cysts (528.4)
Diseases of lips (528.5)
Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue (528.6)
Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue (528.7)
Oral submucous fibrosis, including of tongue (528.8)
Other and unspecified (528.9)

Diseases and other conditions of the tongue (529)

Glossitis (529.0)
Geographic tongue (529.1)
Median rhomboid glossitis (529.2)
Hypertrophy of tongue papillae (529.3)
Atrophy of tongue papillae (529.4)
Plicated tongue (529.5)
Glossodynia (529.6)
Other conditions of the tongue (529.8)
Unspecified (529.9)

Diseases of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (530-537)

Diseases of esophagus (530)

Achalasia and cardiospasm (530.0)
Esophagitis (530.1)
Ulcer of esophagus (530.2)

Stricture and stenosis of esophagus (530.3)
Perforation of esophagus (530.4)
Dyskinesia of esophagus (530.5)
Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired (530.6)
Gastro-esophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome (530.7)
Other disorders of esophagus (530.8)
Unspecified (530.9)

Gastric ulcer (531)

Acute with hemorrhage (531.0)
Acute with perforation (531.1)
Acute with hemorrhage and perforation (531.2)
Acute without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (531.3)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage (531.4)
Chronic or unspecified with perforation (531.5)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage and perforation (531.6)
Chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (531.7)
Unspecified as acute or chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (531.9)

Duodenal ulcer (532)

Acute with hemorrhage (532.0)
Acute with perforation (532.1)
Acute with hemorrhage and perforation (532.2)
Acute without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (532.3)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage (532.4)
Chronic or unspecified with perforation (532.5)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage and perforation (532.6)
Chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (532.7)
Unspecified as acute or chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (532.9)

Peptic ulcer, site unspecified (533)

Acute with hemorrhage (533.0)
Acute with perforation (533.1)
Acute with hemorrhage and perforation (533.2)
Acute without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (533.3)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage (533.4)
Chronic or unspecified with perforation (533.5)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage and perforation (533.6)
Chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (533.7)
Unspecified as acute or chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (533.9)

Gastrojejunal ulcer (534)

Acute with hemorrhage (534.0)
Acute with perforation (534.1)
Acute with hemorrhage and perforation (534.2)
Acute without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (534.3)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage (534.4)
Chronic or unspecified with perforation (534.5)
Chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage and perforation (534.6)
Chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (534.7)
Unspecified as acute or chronic without mention of hemorrhage or perforation (534.9)

Gastritis and duodenitis (535)
Acute gastritis (535.0)
Atrophic gastritis (535.1)
Gastric mucosal hypertrophy (535.2)
Alcoholic gastritis (535.3)
Other gastritis (535.4)
Unspecified gastritis and gastroduodenitis (535.5)
Duodenitis (535.6)

Disorders of function of stomach (536)

Achlorhydria (536.0)
Acute dilatation of stomach (536.1)
Habit vomiting (536.2)
Dyspepsia and other disorders of function of stomach (536.8)
Unspecified (536.9)

Other disorders of stomach and duodenum (537)

Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (537.0)
Gastric diverticulum (537.1)
Chronic duodenal ileus (537.2)
Other obstruction of duodenum (537.3)
Fistula of stomach or duodenum (537.4)
Gastroptosis (537.5)
Hourglass stricture or stenosis of stomach (537.6)
Other (537.8)
Unspecified (537.9)

Appendicitis (540-543)

Acute appendicitis (540)

With generalized peritonitis (540.0)
With peritoneal abscess (540.1)
Without mention of peritonitis (540.9)

Appendicitis, unqualified (541)

Other appendicitis (542)

Other diseases of appendix (543)

Hernia of abdominal cavity (550-553)

Inguinal hernia (550)

Inguinal hernia with gangrene (550.0)
Inguinal hernia with obstruction without mention of gangrene (550.1)
Inguinal hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene (550.9)

Other hernia of abdominal cavity, with gangrene (551)

Femoral with gangrene (551.0)

Umbilical with gangrene (551.1)
Ventral (incisional) with gangrene (551.2)
Diaphragmatic with gangrene (551.3)
Of other specified sites with gangrene (551.8)
Of unspecified site with gangrene (551.9)

Other hernia of abdominal cavity with obstruction, without mention of gangrene (552)
Femoral with obstruction (552.0)
Umbilical with obstruction (552.1)
Ventral (incisional) with obstruction (552.2)
Diaphragmatic with obstruction (552.3)
Of other specified sites with obstruction (552.8)
Of unspecified site with obstruction (552.9)

Other hernia of abdominal cavity without mention of obstruction or gangrene (553)

Femoral (553.0)
Umbilical (553.1)
Ventral (incisional) (553.2)
Diaphragmatic (553.3)
Of other specified sites (553.8)
Of unspecified site (553.9)

Noninfective enteritis and colitis (555-558)

Regional enteritis (555)

Small intestine (555.0)
Large intestine (555.1)
Small intestine with large intestine (555.2)
Unspecified site (555.9)

Idiopathic proctocolitis (556)

Vascular insufficiency of intestine (557)

Acute (557.0)
Chronic (557.1)
Unspecified (557.9)

Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis (558)

Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum (560-569)

Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia (560)

Intussusception (560.0)
Paralytic ileus (560.1)
Volvulus (560.2)
Impaction of intestine (560.3)
Other intestinal obstruction (560.8)
Unspecified intestinal obstruction (560.9)

Diverticula of intestine (562)

Small intestine (562.0)
Colon (562.1)

Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified (564)

Constipation (564.0)
Irritable colon (564.1)
Other postoperative functional disorders (564.4)
Functional diarrhea (564.5)
Anal spasm (564.6)
Megacolon, other than Hirschsprung's (564.7)
Other functional disorders of intestine (564.8)
Unspecified (564.9)

Anal fissure and fistula (565)

Anal fissure (565.0)
Anal fistula (565.1)

Abscess of anal and rectal regions (566)

Peritonitis (567)
Pneumococcal peritonitis (567.1)
Other suppurative peritonitis (567.2)
Other peritonitis (567.8)
Unspecified (567.9)

Other disorders of peritoneum (568)

Peritoneal adhesions (568.0)
Other (568.8)
Unspecified (568.9)

Other disorders of intestine (569)

Anal and rectal polyp (569.0)
Rectal prolapse (569.1)
Stenosis of rectum and anus (569.2)
Hemorrhage of rectum and anus (569.3)
Other disorders of rectum and anus (569.4)
Abscess of intestine (569.5)
Other (569.8)
Unspecified (569.9)

Other diseases of digestive system (570-579)

Acute and subacute necrosis of liver (570)

Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)

Alcoholic fatty liver (571.0)
Acute alcoholic hepatitis (571.1)
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver (571.2)
Alcoholic liver damage, unspecified (571.3)
Chronic hepatitis (571.4)
Cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol (571.5)
Biliary cirrhosis (571.6)
Other chronic nonalcoholic liver disease (571.8)
Unspecified chronic liver disease without mention of alcohol (571.9)

Liver abscess and sequelae of chronic liver disease (572)

Abscess of liver (572.0)
Portal pyemia (572.1)
Hepatic coma (572.2)
Portal hypertension (572.3)
Hepatorenal syndrome (572.4)
Other sequelae of chronic liver disease (572.8)

Other disorders of liver (573)

Chronic passive congestion of liver (573.0)
Hepatitis unspecified (573.3)
Hepatic infarction (573.4)
Other (573.8)
Unspecified (573.9)

Cholelithiasis (574)
Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis (574.0)
Calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis (574.1)
Calculus of gallbladder without mention of cholecystitis (574.2)
Calculus of bile duct with acute cholecystitis (574.3)
Calculus of bile duct with other cholecystitis (574.4)
Calculus of bile duct without mention of cholecystitis (574.5)

Other disorders of gallbladder (575)

Acute cholecystitis (575.0)
Other cholecystitis (575.1)
Obstruction of gallbladder (575.2)
Hydrops of gallbladder (575.3)
Perforation of gallbladder (575.4)
Fistula of gallbladder (575.5)
Cholesterolosis of gallbladder (575.6)
Other (575.8)
Unspecified (575.9)

Other disorders of biliary tract (576)

Cholangitis (576.1)
Obstruction of bile duct (576.2)
Perforation of bile duct (576.3)
Fistula of bile duct (576.4)
Spasm of sphincter of Oddi (576.5)
Other (576.8)
Unspecified (576.9)

Diseases of pancreas (577)

Acute pancreatitis (577.0)
Chronic pancreatitis (577.1)
Cyst and pseudocyst of pancreas (577.2)
Other diseases of pancreas (577.8)
Unspecified (577.9)

Gastrointestinal hemorrhage (578)

Hematemesis (578.0)
Melena (578.1)
Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified (578.9)

Intestinal malabsorption (579)

Celiac disease (579.0)
Tropical sprue (579.1)
Pancreatic steatorrhea (579.4)
Other (579.8)
Unspecified (579.9)

X. Diseases of the genitourinary system (580-629)

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580-589)

Acute glomerulonephritis (580)

With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis (580.0)
With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (580.4)
With other specified pathological lesion in kidney (580.8)
Unspecified (580.9)

Nephrotic syndrome (581)

With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis (581.0)
With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis (581.1)
With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (581.2)
With lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritis (581.3)
With other specified pathological lesion in kidney (581.8)
Unspecified (581.9)

Chronic glomerulonephritis (582)

With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis (582.0)
With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis (582.1)
With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (582.2)
With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (582.4)
With other specified pathological lesion in kidney (582.8)
Unspecified (582.9)

Nephritis and nephropathy, not specified as acute or chronic (583)

With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis (583.0)
With lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis (583.1)
With lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (583.2)
With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (583.4)
With lesion of renal cortical necrosis (583.6)
With lesion of renal medullary necrosis (583.7)
With other specified pathological lesion in kidney (583.8)

With unspecified pathological lesion in kidney (583.9)

Acute renal failure (584)

With lesion of tubular necrosis (584.5)
With lesion of renal cortical necrosis (584.6)
With lesion of renal medullary (papillary) necrosis (584.7)
With other specified pathological lesion in kidney (584.8)
Unspecified (584.9)

Chronic renal failure (585)

Renal failure, unspecified (586)

Renal sclerosis, unspecified (587)

Disorders resulting from impaired renal function (588)

Renal osteodystrophy (588.0)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (588.1)
Other (588.8)
Unspecified (588.9)

Small kidney of unknown cause (589)

Unilateral (589.0)
Bilateral (589.1)
Unspecified (589.9)

Other diseases of urinary system (590-599)

Infections of kidney (590)

Chronic pyelonephritis and chronic pyonephrosis (590.0)
Acute pyelonephritis and acute pyonephrosis (590.1)
Renal and perinephric abscess (590.2)
Pyeloureteritis cystica (590.3)
Pyelonephritis or pyonephrosis, not specified as acute or chronic (590.8)
Infection of kidney, unspecified (590.9)

Hydronephrosis (591)

Calculus of kidney and ureter (592)

Calculus of kidney (592.0)
Calculus of ureter (592.1)
Urinary calculus, unspecified (592.9)

Other disorders of kidney and ureter (593)

Nephroptosis (593.0)
Hypertrophy of kidney (593.1)
Cyst of kidney, acquired (593.2)
Stricture or kinking of ureter (593.3)
Other ureteric obstruction (593.4)

Hydroureter (593.5)
Postural proteinuria (593.6)
Vesicoureteric reflux (593.7)
Other (593.8)
Unspecified (593.9)

Calculus of lower urinary tract (594)

Calculus in diverticulum of bladder (594.0)
Other calculus in bladder (594.1)
Calculus in urethra (594.2)
Other lower urinary tract calculus (594.8)
Unspecified (594.9)

Cystitis (595)
Acute cystitis (595.0)
Chronic interstitial cystitis (595.1)
Other chronic cystitis (595.2)
Trigonitis (595.3)
Other (595.8)
Unspecified (595.9)

Other disorders of bladder (596)

Bladder-neck obstruction (596.0)
Intestinovesical fistula (596.1)
Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified (596.2)
Diverticulum of bladder (596.3)
Atony of bladder (596.4)
Other functional disorders of bladder (596.5)
Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic (596.6)
Hemorrhage into bladder wall (596.7)
Other (596.8)
Unspecified (596.9)

Urethritis, not sexually transmitted, and urethral syndrome (597)

Urethral abscess (597.0)
Other urethritis (597.8)

Urethral stricture (598)

Infective (598.0)
Traumatic (598.1)
Postoperative (598.2)
Other (598.8)
Unspecified (598.9)

Other disorders of urethra and urinary tract (599)

Urinary tract infection, site not specified (599.0)
Urethral fistula (599.1)
Urethral diverticulum (599.2)
Urethral caruncle (599.3)
Urethral false passage (599.4)
Prolapsed urethral mucosa (599.5)
Urinary obstruction, unspecified (599.6)
Hematuria (599.7)
Other (599.8)
Unspecified (599.9)

Diseases of male genital organs (600-608)

Hyperplasia of prostate (600)

Inflammatory diseases of prostate (601)

Acute prostatitis (601.0)
Chronic prostatitis (601.1)
Abscess of prostate (601.2)
Prostatocystitis (601.3)
Other (601.8)
Unspecified (601.9)

Other disorders of prostate (602)

Calculus of prostate (602.0)
Congestion or hemorrhage of prostate (602.1)
Atrophy of prostate (602.2)
Other (602.8)
Unspecified (602.9)

Hydrocele (603)
Encysted hydrocele (603.0)
Infected hydrocele (603.1)
Other (603.8)
Unspecified (603.9)

Orchitis and epididymitis (604)

Orchitis, epididymitis, and epididymo-orchitis, with abscess (604.0)
Orchitis, epididymitis, and epididymo-orchitis, without mention of abscess (604.9)

Redundant prepuce and phimosis (605)

Infertility, male (606)

Disorders of penis (607)

Leukoplakia of penis (607.0)
Balanoposthitis (607.1)
Other inflammatory disorders of penis (607.2)
Priapism (607.3)
Other (607.8)
Unspecified (607.9)

Other disorders of male genital organs (608)

Seminal vesiculitis (608.0)
Spermatocele (608.1)
Torsion of testis (608.2)
Atrophy of testis (608.3)
Other inflammatory disorders of male genital organs (608.4)
Other (608.8)
Unspecified (608.9)

Disorders of breast (610-611)

Benign mammary dysplasias (610)

Solitary cyst of breast (610.0)
Diffuse cystic mastopathy (610.1)
Fibroadenosis of breast (610.2)
Fibrosclerosis of breast (610.3)
Mammary duct ectasia (610.4)
Other (610.8)
Mammary dysplasia, unspecified (610.9)

Other disorders of breast (611)

Inflammatory disease of breast (611.0)
Hypertrophy of breast (611.1)
Fissure of nipple (611.2)
Fat necrosis of breast (611.3)
Atrophy of breast (611.4)
Galactocele (611.5)
Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth (611.6)
Signs and symptoms in breast (611.7)
Other (611.8)
Unspecified (611.9)

Inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs (614-616)

Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue, and peritoneum (614)
Acute salpingitis and oophoritis (614.0)
Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis (614.1)
Salpingitis and oophoritis, not specified as acute, subacute, or chronic (614.2)
Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis (614.3)
Chronic or unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis (614.4)
Acute or unspecified pelvic peritonitis, female (614.5)
Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female (614.6)
Other chronic pelvic peritonitis, female (614.7)
Other specified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues (614.8)
Unspecified inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs and tissues (614.9)

Inflammatory diseases of uterus, except cervix (615)

Acute (615.0)
Chronic (615.1)
Unspecified (615.9)

Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina, and vulva (616)

Cervicitis and endocervicitis (616.0)
Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis (616.1)
Cyst of Bartholin's gland (616.2)
Abscess of Bartholin's gland (616.3)
Other abscess of vulva (616.4)
Ulceration of vulva (616.5)
Other (616.8)
Unspecified (616.9)

Other disorders of female genital tract (617-629)

Endometriosis (617)
Uterus (617.0)
Ovary (617.1)
Fallopian tube (617.2)
Pelvic peritoneum (617.3)
Rectovaginal septum and vagina (617.4)
Intestine (617.5)
Endometriosis in scar or skin (617.6)
Other specified sites (617.8)
Site unspecified (617.9)

Genital prolapse (618)

Prolapse of vaginal walls without mention of uterine prolapse (618.0)
Uterine prolapse without mention of vaginal wall prolapse (618.1)
Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete (618.2)
Uterovaginal prolapse, complete (618.3)
Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified (618.4)
Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy (618.5)
Vaginal enterocele, congenital or acquired (618.6)
Old laceration of muscles of pelvic floor (618.7)
Other (618.8)
Unspecified (618.9)

Fistulae involving female genital tract (619)

Urinary-genital tract fistulae, female (619.0)
Digestive - genital tract fistulae, female (619.1)
Genital tract - skin fistulae, female (619.2)
Other (619.8)
Unspecified fistula involving female genital tract (619.9)

Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube, and broad ligament (620)

Follicular cyst of ovary (620.0)
Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma (620.1)
Other and unspecified ovarian cyst (620.2)
Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube (620.3)
Prolapse or hernia of ovary and fallopian tube (620.4)
Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube (620.5)
Broad ligament laceration syndrome (620.6)
Hematoma of broad ligament (620.7)
Other (620.8)
Unspecified (620.9)

Disorders of uterus, not elsewhere classified (621)

Polyp of corpus uteri (621.0)
Chronic subinvolution of uterus (621.1)
Hypertrophy of uterus (621.2)
Endometrial cystic hyperplasia (621.3)
Hematometra (621.4)
Intrauterine synechiae (621.5)
Malposition of uterus (621.6)
Chronic inversion of uterus (621.7)
Other (621.8)
Unspecified disorders of uterus (621.9)

Noninflammatory disorders of cervix (622)

Erosion and ectropion of cervix (622.0)
Dysplasia of cervix (uteri) (622.1)
Leukoplakia of cervix (uteri) (622.2)
Old laceration of cervix (622.3)
Stricture and stenosis of cervix (622.4)
Incompetence of cervix (622.5)
Hypertrophic elongation of cervix (622.6)
Mucous polyp of cervix (622.7)
Other (622.8)
Unspecified (622.9)

Noninflammatory disorders of vagina (623)

Dysplasia of vagina (623.0)
Leukoplakia of vagina (623.1)
Stricture or atresia of vagina (623.2)
Tight hymenal ring (623.3)
Old vaginal laceration (623.4)
Leukorrhea, not specified as infective (623.5)
Vaginal hematoma (623.6)
Polyp of vagina (623.7)
Other (623.8)
Unspecified (623.9)

Noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum (624)

Dystrophy of vulva (624.0)
Atrophy of vulva (624.1)
Hypertrophy of clitoris (624.2)
Hypertrophy of labia (624.3)
Old laceration or scarring of vulva (624.4)
Hematoma of vulva (624.5)
Polyp of labia and vulva (624.6)
Other (624.8)
Unspecified (624.9)

Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs (625)
Dyspareunia (625.0)
Vaginismus (625.1)
Mittelschmerz (625.2)
Dysmenorrhea (625.3)
Premenstrual tension syndromes (625.4)
Pelvic congestion syndrome (625.5)
Stress incontinence, female (625.6)
Other (625.8)
Unspecified (625.9)

Disorders of menstruation and other abnormal bleeding from female genital tract (626)
Absence of menstruation (626.0)
Scanty or infrequent menstruation (626.1)
Excessive or frequent menstruation (626.2)
Puberty bleeding (626.3)
Irregular menstrual cycle (626.4)
Ovulation bleeding (626.5)
Metrorrhagia (626.6)
Postcoital bleeding (626.7)
Other (626.8)
Unspecified (626.9)

Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders (627)

Premenopausal menorrhagia (627.0)
Postmenopausal bleeding (627.1)
Menopausal or female climacteric states (627.2)
Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis (627.3)
States associated with artificial menopause (627.4)
Other (627.8)
Unspecified (627.9)

Infertility, female (628)

Associated with anovulation (628.0)
Of tubal origin (628.2)
Of uterine origin (628.3)
Of cervical or vaginal origin (628.4)
Of other specified origin (628.8)
Of unspecified origin (628.9)

Other disorders of female genital organs (629)

Hematocele, female (629.0)
Hydrocele, canal of Nuck (629.1)
Other (629.8)
Unspecified (629.9)

XI. Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (630-676)

Pregnancy with abortive outcome (630-638)

Hydatidiform mole (630)

Other abnormal product of conception (631)

Missed abortion (632)

Ectopic pregnancy (633)
Abdominal pregnancy (633.0)
Tubal pregnancy (633.1)
Ovarian pregnancy (633.2)
Other ectopic pregnancy (633.8)
Unspecified (633.9)

Spontaneous abortion (634)

Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (634.0)
Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage (634.1)
Complicated by damage to pelvic organs and tissues (634.2)
Complicated by renal failure (634.3)
Complicated by metabolic disorder (634.4)
Complicated by shock (634.5)
Complicated by embolism (634.6)
With other specified complications (634.7)
With unspecified complications (634.8)
Without mention of complication (634.9)

Legally induced abortion (635)

Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (635.0)
Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage (635.1)
Complicated by damage to pelvic organs and tissues (635.2)
Complicated by renal failure (635.3)
Complicated by metabolic disorder (635.4)
Complicated by shock (635.5)
Complicated by embolism (635.6)
With other specified complications (635.7)
With unspecified complications (635.8)
Without mention of complication (635.9)

Illegally induced abortion (636)

Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (636.0)
Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage (636.1)
Complicated by damage to pelvic organs and tissues (636.2)
Complicated by renal failure (636.3)
Complicated by metabolic disorder (636.4)
Complicated by shock (636.5)
Complicated by embolism (636.6)
With other specified complications (636.7)
With unspecified complications (636.8)
Without mention of complication (636.9)

Unspecified abortion (637)

Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (637.0)
Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage (637.1)
Complicated by damage to pelvic organs and tissues (637.2)
Complicated by renal failure (637.3)
Complicated by metabolic disorder (637.4)
Complicated by shock (637.5)
Complicated by embolism (637.6)
With other specified complications (637.7)
With unspecified complications (637.8)
Without mention of complication (637.9)

Failed attempted abortion (638)

Complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection (638.0)
Complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage (638.1)
Complicated by damage to pelvic organs and tissues (638.2)
Complicated by renal failure (638.3)
Complicated by metabolic disorder (638.4)
Complicated by shock (638.5)
Complicated by embolism (638.6)
With other specified complications (638.7)
With unspecified complications (638.8)
Without mention of complication (638.9)

Complications mainly related to pregnancy (640-648)

Hemorrhage in early pregnancy (640)

Antepartum hemorrhage, abruptio placentae, and placenta praevia (641)

Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (642)

Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (642.0)
Hypertension secondary to renal disease, complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (642.1)
Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (642.2)
Transient hypertension of pregnancy (642.3)
Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia (642.4)
Severe pre-eclampsia (642.5)
Eclampsia (642.6)
Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia superimposed on pre-existing hypertension (642.7)
Unspecified hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (642.9)

Excessive vomiting in pregnancy (643)

Early or threatened labor (644)

Prolonged pregnancy (645)

Other complications of pregnancy, not elsewhere classified (646)

Papyraceous fetus (646.0)
Edema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy without mention of hypertension (646.1)
Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy without mention of hypertension (646.2)
Habitual aborter (646.3)
Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy (646.4)
Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy (646.5)
Infections of genitourinary tract in pregnancy (646.6)
Liver disorders in pregnancy (646.7)
Other specified complications of pregnancy (646.8)
Unspecified complication of pregnancy (646.9)

Infective and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating
pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (647)
Syphilis (647.0)
Gonorrhea (647.1)
Other venereal diseases (647.2)
Tuberculosis (647.3)
Malaria (647.4)
Rubella (647.5)
Other viral diseases (647.6)
Other specified infective and parasitic diseases (647.8)
Unspecified infection or infestation (647.9)

Other current conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium (648)
Diabetes mellitus (648.0)
Thyroid dysfunction (648.1)
Anemia (648.2)
Drug dependence (648.3)
Mental disorders (648.4)
Congenital cardiovascular disorders (648.5)
Other cardiovascular diseases (648.6)
Bone and joint disorders of back, pelvis, and lower limbs (648.7)
Abnormal glucose tolerance (648.8)
Other (648.9)

Normal delivery, and other indications for care in pregnancy, labor, and delivery

Delivery in a completely normal case (650)

Multiple gestation (651)

Malposition and malpresentation of fetus (652)

Disproportion (653)

Abnormality of organs and soft tissues of pelvis (654)

Known or suspected fetal abnormality affecting management of mother (655)

Other fetal and placental problems affecting management of mother (656)

Polyhydramnios (657)

Other problems associated with amniotic cavity and membranes (658)

Other indications for care or intervention related to labor and delivery and not elsewhere

classified (659)

Complications occurring mainly in the course of labor and delivery (660-669)

Obstructed labor (660)

Abnormality of forces of labor (661)

Long labor (662)

Umbilical cord complications (663)

Trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery (664)

Other obstetrical trauma (665)

Postpartum hemorrhage (666)

Retained placenta or membranes without hemorrhage (667)

Complications of the administration of anesthetic or other sedation in labor and delivery (668)

Other complications of labor and delivery, not elsewhere classified (669)

Complications of the puerperium (670-676)

Major puerperal infection (670)

Venous complications in pregnancy and the puerperium (671)

Pyrexia of unknown origin during the puerperium (672)

Obstetrical pulmonary embolism (673)

Other and unspecified complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified (674)

Infections of the breast and nipple associated with childbirth (675)

Other disorders of the breast associated with childbirth and disorders of lactation (676)

XII. Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (680-709)

Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue (680-686)

Carbuncle and furuncle (680)
Face (680.0)
Neck (680.1)
Trunk (680.2)
Upper arm and forearm (680.3)
Hand (680.4)
Buttock (680.5)
Leg, except foot (680.6)
Foot (680.7)
Other specified site (680.8)
Unspecified site (680.9)

Cellulitis and abscess of finger and toe (681)

Finger (681.0)
Toe (681.1)
Unspecified digit (681.9)

Other cellulitis and abscess (682)

Face (682.0)
Neck (682.1)
Trunk (682.2)
Upper arm and forearm (682.3)
Hand, except fingers (682.4)
Buttock (682.5)
Leg, except foot (682.6)
Foot, except toes (682.7)
Other specified site (682.8)
Unspecified site (682.9)

Acute lymphadenitis (683)

Impetigo (684)

Pilonidal cyst (685)

With abscess (685.0)
Without mention of abscess (685.1)

Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue (686)

Pyoderma (686.0)
Pyogenic granuloma (686.1)
Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue (686.8)
Unspecified local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue (686.9)

Other inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissue (690-698)

Erythematosquamous dermatosis (690)

Atopic dermatitis and related conditions (691)

Diaper or napkin rash (691.0)
Other (691.8)

Contact dermatitis and other eczema (692)
Due to detergents (692.0)
Due to oils and greases (692.1)
Due to solvents (692.2)
Due to drugs and medicaments in contact with skin (692.3)
Due to other chemical products (692.4)
Due to food in contact with skin (692.5)
Due to plants (except food) (692.6)
Due to solar radiation (692.7)
Due to other specified agents (692.8)
Unspecified cause (692.9)

Dermatitis due to substances taken internally (693)

Due to drugs and medicaments (693.0)
Due to food (693.1)
Due to other specified substance (693.8)
Due to unspecified substance (693.9)

Bullous dermatoses (694)

Dermatitis herpetiformis (694.0)
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (694.1)
Juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis (694.2)
Impetigo herpetiformis (694.3)
Pemphigus (694.4)
Pemphigoid (694.5)
Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid (694.6)
Other bullous dermatoses (694.8)
Unspecified (694.9)

Erythematous conditions (695)

Toxic erythema (695.0)
Erythema multiforme (695.1)
Erythema nodosum (695.2)
Rosacea (695.3)
Lupus erythematosus (695.4)
Other erythematous conditions (695.8)
Unspecified (695.9)

Psoriasis and similar disorders (696)

Psoriatic arthropathy (696.0)
Other psoriasis (696.1)
Parapsoriasis (696.2)
Pityriasis rosea (696.3)
Pityriasis rubra pilaris (696.4)
Other and unspecified pityriasis (696.5)
Other (696.8)

Lichen (697)
Lichen planus (697.0)
Lichen nitidus (697.1)
Other lichen, not elsewhere classified (697.8)

Unspecified (697.9)

Pruritus and related conditions (698)

Pruritis ani (698.0)
Pruritis of genital organs (698.1)
Prurigo (698.2)
Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus (698.3)
Dermatitis factitia (artefacta) (698.4)
Other pruritic conditions (698.8)
Unspecified (698.9)

Other diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue (700-709)

Corns and callosities (700)

Other hypertrophic and atrophic conditions of skin (701)

Circumscribed scleroderma (701.0)
Keratoderma, acquired (701.1)
Acquired acanthosis nigricans (701.2)
Striae atrophicae (701.3)
Keloid scar (701.4)
Other abnormal granulation tissue (701.5)
Other hypertrophic and atrophic conditions of skin (701.8)
Unspecified (701.9)

Other dermatoses (702)

Diseases of nail (703)

Ingrowing nail (703.0)
Other diseases of nail (703.8)
Unspecified (703.9)

Diseases of hair and hair follicles (704)

Alopecia (704.0)
Hirsutism (704.1)
Abnormalities of the hair (704.2)
Variations in hair color (704.3)
Other diseases of hair and hair follicles (704.8)
Unspecified (704.9)

Disorders of sweat glands (705)

Anhidrosis (705.0)
Prickly heat (705.1)
Other disorders of sweat glands (705.8)
Unspecified (705.9)

Diseases of sebaceous glands (706)

Acne varioliformis (706.0)
Other acne (706.1)
Sebaceous cyst (706.2)
Seborrhea (706.3)
Other disorders of sebaceous glands (706.8)
Unspecified (706.9)

Chronic ulcer of skin (707)

Decubitus ulcer (707.0)
Ulcer of lower limbs, except decubitus (707.1)
Chronic ulcer of other specified sites (707.8)
Chronic ulcer of unspecified site (707.9)

Urticaria (708)
Allergic urticaria (708.0)
Idiopathic urticaria (708.1)
Urticaria due to cold and heat (708.2)
Dermatographic urticaria (708.3)
Vibratory urticaria (708.4)
Cholinergic urticaria (708.5)
Other specified urticaria (708.8)
Unspecified (708.9)

Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue (709)

Dyschromia (709.0)
Vascular disorders of skin (709.1)
Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin (709.2)
Degenerative skin disorders (709.3)
Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue (709.4)
Other diseases of skin (709.8)
Unspecified (709.9)

XIII. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (710-739)

Arthropathies and related disorders (710-719)

Diffuse diseases of connective tissue (710)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (710.0)
Systemic sclerosis (710.1)
Sicca syndrome (710.2)
Dermatomyositis (710.3)
Polymyositis (710.4)
Other (710.8)
Unspecified (710.9)

Arthropathy associated with infections (711)

Pyogenic arthritis (711.0)
Unspecified infective arthritis (711.9)

Crystal arthropathies (712)

Other crystal arthropathies (712.8)
Unspecified crystal arthropathy (712.9)

Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies (714)
Rheumatoid arthritis (714.0)
Felty's syndrome (714.1)
Other rheumatoid arthritis with visceral or systemic involvement (714.2)
Juvenile chronic polyarthritis (714.3)
Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy (714.4)
Other (714.8)
Unspecified (714.9)

Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders (715)

Generalized (715.0)
Localized, primary (715.1)
Localized, secondary (715.2)
Localized, not specified whether primary or secondary (715.3)
Involving or with mention of more than one site but not specified as generalized (715.8)
Unspecified whether generalized or localized (715.9)

Other and unspecified arthropathies (716)

Kaschin-Beck disease (716.0)
Traumatic arthropathy (716.1)
Allergic arthritis (716.2)
Climacteric arthritis (716.3)
Transient arthropathy (716.4)
Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis (716.5)
Unspecified monoarthritis (716.6)
Other specified arthropathy (716.8)
Unspecified (716.9)

Internal derangement of knee (717)

Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus (717.0)
Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus (717.1)
Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus (717.2)
Other and unspecified derangement of medial meniscus (717.3)
Derangement of lateral meniscus (717.4)
Derangement of meniscus, not elsewhere classified (717.5)
Loose body in knee (717.6)
Chondromalacia patellae (717.7)
Other (717.8)
Unspecified (717.9)

Other derangement of joint (718)

Articular cartilage disorder (718.0)
Loose body in joint (718.1)
Pathological dislocation (718.2)
Recurrent dislocation of joint (718.3)
Contracture of joint (718.4)
Ankylosis of joint (718.5)
Unspecified protrusio acetabuli (718.6)
Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified (718.8)
Unspecified (718.9)

Other and unspecified disorder of joint (719)
Effusion of joint (719.0)
Hemarthrosis (719.1)
Villonodular synovitis (719.2)
Palindromic rheumatism (719.3)
Pain in joint (719.4)
Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified (719.5)
Other symptoms referable to joint (719.6)
Difficulty in walking (719.7)
Other (719.8)
Unspecified (719.9)

Dorsopathies (720-724)

Ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory spondylopathies (720)

Ankylosing spondylitis (720.0)
Spinal enthesopathy (720.1)
Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified (720.2)
Other inflammatory spondylopathies (720.8)
Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy (720.9)

Spondylosis and allied disorders (721)

Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy (721.0)
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy (721.1)
Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy (721.2)
Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy (721.3)
Thoracic or lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy (721.4)
Kissing spine (721.5)
Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis (721.6)
Traumatic spondylopathy (721.7)
Other (721.8)
Spondylosis of unspecified site (721.9)

Intervertebral disc disorders (722)

Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy (722.0)
Displacement of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy (722.1)
Displacement of intervertebral disc, site unspecified, without myelopathy (722.2)
Schmorl's nodes (722.3)
Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc (722.4)
Degeneration of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc (722.5)
Degeneration of intervertebral disc, site unspecified (722.6)
Intervertebral disc disorder with myelopathy (722.7)
Postlaminectomy syndrome (722.8)
Other and unspecified disc disorder (722.9)

Other disorders of cervical region (723)

Spinal stenosis in cervical region (723.0)
Cervicalgia (723.1)
Cervicocranial syndrome (723.2)
Cervicobrachial syndrome (diffuse) (723.3)
Brachial neuritis or radiculitis, not otherwise specified (723.4)

Torticollis, unspecified (723.5)
Panniculitis specified as affecting neck (723.6)
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region (723.7)
Other syndromes affecting cervical region (723.8)
Unspecified disorders and symptoms referable to neck (723.9)

Other and unspecified disorders of back (724)

Spinal stenosis, other than cervical (724.0)
Pain in thoracic spine (724.1)
Lumbago (724.2)
Sciatica (724.3)
Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or radiculitis, not otherwise specified (724.4)
Backache, unspecified (724.5)
Disorders of sacrum (724.6)
Disorders of coccyx (724.7)
Other symptoms referable to back (724.8)
Unspecified back disorders (724.9)

Rheumatism, excluding the back (725-729)

Polymyalgia rheumatica (725)

Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes (726)

Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder (726.0)
Rotator cuff syndrome of shoulder and allied disorders (726.1)
Other affections of shoulder region, not elsewhere classified (726.2)
Enthesopathy of elbow region (726.3)
Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus (726.4)
Enthesopathy of hip region (726.5)
Enthesopathy of knee (726.6)
Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus (726.7)
Other peripheral enthesopathies (726.8)
Unspecified enthesopathy (726.9)

Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa (727)

Synovitis and tenosynovitis (727.0)
Bunion (727.1)
Specific bursitides often of occupational origin (727.2)
Other bursitis (727.3)
Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon, and bursa (727.4)
Rupture of synovium (727.5)
Rupture of tendon, nontraumatic (727.6)
Other (727.8)
Unspecified (727.9)

Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia (728)

Infective myositis (728.0)
Muscular calcification and ossification (728.1)
Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy, not elsewhere classified (728.2)
Other specific muscle disorders (728.3)
Laxity of ligament (728.4)

Hypermobility syndrome (728.5)
Contracture of palmar fascia (728.6)
Other fibromatoses (728.7)
Other disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia (728.8)
Unspecified (728.9)

Other disorders of soft tissues (729)

Rheumatism, unspecified, and fibrositis (729.0)
Myalgia and myositis, unspecified (729.1)
Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis, unspecified (729.2)
Panniculitis, unspecified (729.3)
Fasciitis, unspecified (729.4)
Pain in limb (729.5)
Residual foreign body in soft tissue (729.6)
Other symptoms referable to limbs (729.8)
Other and unspecified disorders of soft tissue (729.9)

Osteophathies, chondropathies, and acquired musculoskeletal deformities (730-739)

Osteomyelitis, periostitis, and other infections involving bone (730)

Acute osteomyelitis (730.0)
Chronic osteomyelitis (730.1)
Unspecified osteomyelitis (730.2)
Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis (730.3)
Unspecified infection of bone (730.9)

Osteitis deformans and osteopathies associated with other disorders classified elsewhere (731)
Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor (731.0)
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (731.2)

Osteochondropathies (732)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine (732.0)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis (732.1)
Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis (732.2)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity (732.3)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot (732.4)
Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot (732.5)
Other juvenile osteochondrosis (732.6)
Osteochondritis dissecans (732.7)
Other specified forms of osteochondropathy (732.8)
Unspecified osteochondropathy (732.9)

Other disorders of bone and cartilage (733)

Osteoporosis (733.0)
Pathological fracture (733.1)
Cyst of bone (733.2)
Hyperostosis of skull (733.3)
Aseptic necrosis of bone (733.4)
Osteitis condensans (733.5)
Tietze's disease (733.6)
Algoneurodystrophy (733.7)

Malunion and nonunion of fracture (733.8)
Other and unspecified (733.9)

Flat foot (734)

Acquired deformities of toe (735)

Hallux valgus, acquired (735.0)
Hallux varus, acquired (735.1)
Hallux rigidus (735.2)
Hallux malleus (735.3)
Other hammer toe, acquired (735.4)
Clawtoe, acquired (735.5)
Other (735.8)
Unspecified (735.9)

Other acquired deformities of limbs (736)

Acquired deformities of forearm, excluding fingers (736.0)
Mallet finger (736.1)
Other acquired deformities of finger (736.2)
Acquired deformities of hip (736.3)
Genu valgum or varum, acquired (736.4)
Genu recurvatum, acquired (736.5)
Other acquired deformities of knee (736.6)
Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot (736.7)
Acquired deformities of other parts of limbs (736.8)
Acquired deformity of limb, site unspecified (736.9)

Curvature of spine (737)

Adolescent postural kyphosis (737.0)
Kyphosis, acquired (737.1)
Lordosis, acquired (postural) (737.2)
Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis (737.3)
Other (737.8)
Unspecified (737.9)

Other acquired deformity (738)

Acquired deformity of nose (738.0)
Other acquired deformity of head (738.1)
Acquired deformity of neck (738.2)
Acquired deformity of chest and rib (738.3)
Acquired spondylolisthesis (738.4)
Other acquired deformity of back or spine (738.5)
Acquired deformity of pelvis (738.6)
Cauliflower ear (738.7)
Acquired deformity of other specified site (738.8)
Acquired deformity of unspecified site (738.9)

Nonallopathic lesions, not elsewhere classified (739)

Head region (739.0)
Cervical region (739.1)
Thoracic region (739.2)
Lumbar region (739.3)
Sacral region (739.4)
Pelvic region (739.5)
Lower extremities (739.6)
Upper extremities (739.7)
Rib cage (739.8)
Abdomen and other (739.9)

XIV. Congenital anomalies (740-759)

Anencephalus and similar anomalies (740)

Anencephalus (740.0)
Craniorachischisis (740.1)
Iniencephaly (740.2)

Spina bifida (741)

With hydrocephalus (741.0)
Without mention of hydrocephalus (741.9)

Other congenital anomalies of nervous system (742)

Encephalocele (742.0)
Microcephalus (742.1)
Reduction deformities of brain (742.2)
Congenital hydrocephalus (742.3)
Other specified anomalies of brain (742.4)
Other specified anomalies of spinal cord (742.5)
Other specified anomalies of nervous system (742.8)
Unspecified anomalies of brain, spinal cord, and nervous system (742.9)

Congenital anomalies of eye (743)

Anophthalmos (743.0)
Microphthalmos (743.1)
Buphthalmos (743.2)
Congenital cataract and lens anomalies (743.3)
Coloboma and other anomalies of anterior segments (743.4)
Congenital anomalies of posterior segment (743.5)
Congenital anomalies of eyelids, lacrimal system, and orbit (743.6)
Other specified anomalies of eye (743.8)
Unspecified anomalies of eye (743.9)

Congenital anomalies of ear, face, and neck (744)

Anomalies of ear causing impairment of hearing (744.0)
Accessory auricle (744.1)
Other specified anomalies of ear (744.2)
Unspecified anomalies of ear (744.3)
Branchial cleft, cyst or fistula; preauricular sinus (744.4)
Webbing of neck (744.5)
Other specified anomalies of face and neck (744.8)
Unspecified anomalies of face and neck (744.9)

Bulbus cordis anomalies and anomalies of cardiac septal closure (745)

Common truncus (745.0)
Transposition of great vessels (745.1)
Tetralogy of Fallot (745.2)
Common ventricle (745.3)
Ventricular septal defect (745.4)
Ostium secundum type atrial septal defect (745.5)
Endocardial cushion defects (745.6)
Cor biloculare (745.7)
Other (745.8)
Unspecified defect of septal closure (745.9)

Other congenital anomalies of heart (746)

Anomalies of pulmonary valve (746.0)
Tricuspid atresia and stenosis, congenital (746.1)
Ebstein's anomaly (746.2)
Congenital stenosis of aortic valve (746.3)
Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve (746.4)
Congenital mitral stenosis (746.5)
Congenital mitral insufficiency (746.6)
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (746.7)
Other specified anomalies of heart (746.8)
Unspecified anomalies of heart (746.9)

Other congenital anomalies of circulatory system (747)

Patent ductus arteriosus (747.0)
Coarctation of aorta (747.1)
Other anomalies of aorta (747.2)
Anomalies of pulmonary artery (747.3)
Anomalies of great veins (747.4)
Absence or hypoplasia of umbilical artery (747.5)
Other anomalies of peripheral vascular system (747.6)
Other specified anomalies of circulatory system (747.8)
Unspecified anomalies of circulatory system (747.9)

Congenital anomalies of respiratory system (748)

Choanal atresia (748.0)
Other anomalies of nose (748.1)
Web of larynx (748.2)
Other anomalies of larynx, trachea, and bronchus (748.3)
Congenital cystic lung (748.4)
Agenesis, hypoplasia, and dysplasia of lung (748.5)
Other anomalies of lung (748.6)
Other specified anomalies of respiratory system (748.8)
Unspecified anomalies of respiratory system (748.9)

Cleft palate and cleft lip (749)

Cleft palate (749.0)
Cleft lip (749.1)
Cleft palate with cleft lip (749.2)

Other congenital anomalies of upper alimentary tract (750)

Tongue tie (750.0)
Other anomalies of tongue (750.1)
Other specified anomalies of mouth and pharynx (750.2)
Tracheo-esophageal fistula, esophageal atresia and stenosis (750.3)
Other specified anomalies of esophagus (750.4)
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (750.5)
Congenital hiatus hernia (750.6)
Other specified anomalies of stomach (750.7)
Other specified anomalies of upper alimentary tract (750.8)
Unspecified anomalies of upper alimentary tract (750.9)

Other congenital anomalies of digestive system (751)

Meckel's diverticulum (751.0)
Atresia and stenosis of small intestine (751.1)
Atresia and stenosis of large intestine, rectum, and anal canal (751.2)
Hirschsprung's disease and other congenital functional disorders of colon (751.3)
Anomalies of intestinal fixation (751.4)
Other anomalies of intestine (751.5)
Anomalies of gall bladder, bile ducts, and liver (751.6)
Anomalies of pancreas (751.7)
Other specified anomalies of digestive system (751.8)
Unspecified anomalies of digestive system (751.9)

Congenital anomalies of genital organs (752)

Anomalies of ovaries (752.0)
Anomalies of fallopian tubes and broad ligaments (752.1)
Doubling of uterus (752.2)
Other anomalies of uterus (752.3)
Anomalies of cervix, vagina, and external female genitalia (752.4)
Undescended testicle (752.5)
Hypospadias and epispadias (752.6)
Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism (752.7)
Other specified anomalies of genital organs (752.8)
Unspecified anomalies of genital organs (752.9)

Congenital anomalies of urinary system (753)

Renal agenesis and dysgenesis (753.0)
Cystic kidney disease (753.1)
Obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter (753.2)
Other specified anomalies of kidney (753.3)
Other specified anomalies of ureter (753.4)
Exstrophy of urinary bladder (753.5)
Atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck (753.6)
Anomalies of urachus (753.7)
Other specified anomalies of bladder and urethra (753.8)
Unspecified anomalies of urinary system (753.9)

Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities (754)

Of skull, face, and jaw (754.0)
Of sternocleidomastoid muscle (754.1)
Of spine (754.2)
Congenital dislocation of hip (754.3)
Congenital genu recurvatum and bowing of long bones of leg (754.4)
Varus deformities of feet (754.5)
Valgus deformities of feet (754.6)
Other deformities of feet (754.7)
Other (754.8)

Other congenital anomalies of limbs (755)

Polydactyly (755.0)
Syndactyly (755.1)
Reduction deformities of upper limb (755.2)
Reduction deformities of lower limb (755.3)
Reduction deformities, unspecified limb (755.4)
Other anomalies of upper limb, including shoulder girdle (755.5)
Other anomalies of lower limb, including pelvic girdle (755.6)
Other specified anomalies of unspecified limb (755.8)
Unspecified anomalies of unspecified limb (755.9)

Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies (756)

Anomalies of skull and face bones (756.0)
Anomalies of spine (756.1)
Cervical rib (756.2)
Other anomalies of ribs and sternum (756.3)
Chondrodystrophy (756.4)
Osteodystrophies (756.5)
Anomalies of diaphragm (756.6)
Anomalies of abdominal wall (756.7)
Other specified anomalies of muscle, tendon, fascia, and connective tissue (756.8)
Unspecified anomalies of musculoskeletal system (756.9)

Congenital anomalies of the integument (757)

Hereditary edema of legs (757.0)
Ichthyosis congenita (757.1)
Dermatoglyphic anomalies (757.2)
Other specified anomalies of skin (757.3)
Specified anomalies of hair (757.4)
Specified anomalies of nails (757.5)
Specified anomalies of breast (757.6)
Other specified anomalies of the integument (757.8)
Unspecified anomalies of the integument (757.9)

Chromosomal anomalies (758)

Down's syndrome (758.0)
Patau's syndrome (758.1)
Edwards' syndrome (758.2)
Autosomal deletion syndromes (758.3)
Balanced autosomal translocation in normal individual (758.4)
Other conditions due to autosomal anomalies (758.5)
Gonadal dysgenesis (758.6)
Klinefelter's syndrome (758.7)
Other conditions due to sex chromosome anomalies (758.8)
Conditions due to anomaly of unspecified chromosome (758.9)

Other and unspecified congenital anomalies (759)
Anomalies of spleen (759.0)
Anomalies of adrenal gland (759.1)
Anomalies of other endocrine glands (759.2)
Situs inversus (759.3)
Conjoined twins (759.4)
Tuberous sclerosis (759.5)
Other hamartoses, not elsewhere classified (759.6)
Multiple congenital anomalies, so described (759.7)
Other specified anomalies (759.8)
Congenital anomaly, unspecified (759.9)

XV. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (760-779)

Newborn affected by maternal conditions which may be unrelated to present pregnancy (760)
Maternal hypertensive disorders (760.0)
Maternal renal and urinary tract diseases (760.1)
Maternal infections (760.2)
Other chronic maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases (760.3)
Maternal nutritional disorders (760.4)
Maternal injury (760.5)
Surgical operation on mother (760.6)
Noxious influences transmitted via placenta or breast milk (760.7)
Other (760.8)
Unspecified (760.9)

Newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy (761)

Incompetent cervix (761.0)
Premature rupture of membranes (761.1)
Oligohydramnios (761.2)
Polyhydramnios (761.3)
Ectopic pregnancy (761.4)
Multiple pregnancy (761.5)
Maternal death (761.6)
Malpresentation before labor (761.7)
Other (761.8)
Unspecified (761.9)

Newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes (762)

Placenta previa (762.0)
Other forms of placental separation and hemorrhage (762.1)
Other and unspecified morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta (762.2)
Placental transfusion syndromes (762.3)
Prolapsed cord (762.4)
Other compression of umbilical cord (762.5)
Other and unspecified conditions of umbilical cord (762.6)
Chorioamnionitis (762.7)
Other abnormalities of chorion and amnion (762.8)
Unspecified abnormality of chorion and amnion (762.9)

Newborn affected by other complications of labor and delivery (763)

Breech delivery and extraction (763.0)
Other malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during labor and delivery (763.1)
Forceps delivery (763.2)
Delivery by vacuum extractor (763.3)
Cesarean delivery (763.4)
Maternal anesthesia and analgesia (763.5)
Precipitate delivery (763.6)
Abnormal uterine contractions (763.7)
Other complications of labor and delivery (763.8)
Unspecified (763.9)

Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition (764)

"Light-for-dates" without mention of fetal malnutrition (764.0)
"Light-for-dates" with signs of fetal malnutrition (764.1)
Fetal malnutrition without mention of "light-for-dates" (764.2)
Fetal growth retardation, unspecified (764.9)

Disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birthweight (765)

Extreme immaturity (765.0)
Other preterm infants (765.1)

Disorders relating to long gestation and high birthweight (766)

Exceptionally large baby (766.0)
Other "heavy-for-dates" infants (766.1)
Post-term infant, not "heavy-for-dates" (766.2)

Birth trauma (767)

Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage (767.0)
Injuries to scalp (767.1)
Fracture of clavicle (767.2)
Other injuries to skeleton (767.3)
Injury to spine and spinal cord (767.4)
Facial nerve injury (767.5)
Injury to brachial plexus (767.6)
Other cranial and peripheral nerve injuries (767.7)
Other (767.8)
Unspecified (767.9)

Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia (768)

Fetal distress before onset of labor, in liveborn infant (768.2)
Fetal distress first noted during labor, in liveborn infant (768.3)
Fetal distress, unspecified, in liveborn infant (768.4)
Severe birth asphyxia (768.5)
Mild or moderate birth asphyxia (768.6)
Unspecified birth asphyxia in liveborn infant (768.9)

Respiratory distress syndrome (769)

Other respiratory conditions of newborn (770)

Congenital pneumonia (770.0)
Massive aspiration syndrome (770.1)
Interstitial emphysema and related conditions (770.2)
Pulmonary hemorrhage (770.3)
Primary atelectasis (770.4)
Other and unspecified atelectasis (770.5)
Transitory tachypnea of newborn (770.6)
Chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period (770.7)
Other respiratory problems after birth (770.8)
Unspecified (770.9)

Infections specific to the perinatal period (771)

Congenital rubella (771.0)
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (771.1)
Other congenital infections (771.2)
Tetanus neonatorum (771.3)
Omphalitis of newborn (771.4)
Neonatal infective mastitis (771.5)
Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis (771.6)
Neonatal Candida infection (771.7)
Other infection specific to the perinatal period (771.8)

Neonatal hemorrhage (772)

Fetal blood loss (772.0)
Intraventricular hemorrhage (772.1)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (772.2)
Umbilical hemorrhage after birth (772.3)
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage (772.4)
Adrenal hemorrhage (772.5)
Cutaneous hemorrhage (772.6)
Other (772.8)
Unspecified (772.9)

Hemolytic disease of newborn, due to isoimmunization (773)

Hemolytic disease due to Rh isoimmunization (773.0)
Hemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmunization (773.1)
Hemolytic disease due to other and unspecified isoimmunization (773.2)
Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization (773.3)
Kernicterus due to isoimmunization (773.4)
Late anemia due to isoimmunization (773.5)

Other perinatal jaundice (774)

Perinatal jaundice from other excessive hemolysis (774.1)
Neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery (774.2)
Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation from other causes (774.3)
Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage (774.4)
Perinatal jaundice from other causes (774.5)
Unspecified fetal and neonatal jaundice (774.6)
Kernicterus not due to isoimmunization (774.7)

Endocrine and metabolic disturbances specific to the newborn (775)

Syndrome of "infant of a diabetic mother" (775.0)
Neonatal diabetes mellitus (775.1)

Neonatal myasthenia gravis (775.2)
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis (775.3)
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia of newborn (775.4)
Other transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbances (775.5)
Neonatal hypoglycemia (775.6)
Late metabolic acidosis of newborn (775.7)
Other transitory neonatal endocrine and metabolic disturbances (775.8)
Unspecified (775.9)

Hematological disorders of newborn (776)

Hemorrhagic disease of newborn (776.0)
Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia (776.1)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn (776.2)
Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation (776.3)
Polycythemia neonatorum (776.4)
Congenital anemia (776.5)
Anemia of prematurity (776.6)
Transient neonatal neutropenia (776.7)
Other specified transient hematological disorders (776.8)
Unspecified (776.9)

Perinatal disorders of digestive system (777)

Meconium obstruction (777.1)
Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk (777.2)
Hematemesis and melena due to swallowed maternal blood (777.3)
Transitory ileus of newborn (777.4)
Necrotizing enterocolitis in fetus or newborn (777.5)
Perinatal intestinal perforation (777.6)
Other (777.8)
Unspecified (777.9)

Conditions involving the integument and temperature regulation of newborn (778)

Hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmunization (778.0)
Sclerema neonatorum (778.1)
Cold injury syndrome of newborn (778.2)
Other hypothermia of newborn (778.3)
Other disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn (778.4)
Other and unspecified edema of newborn (778.5)
Congenital hydrocele (778.6)
Breast engorgement in newborn (778.7)
Other (778.8)
Unspecified (778.9)

Other and ill-defined conditions originating in the perinatal period (779)

Convulsions in newborn (779.0)
Other and unspecified cerebral irritability in newborn (779.1)
Cerebral depression, coma, and other abnormal cerebral signs (779.2)
Feeding problems in newborn (779.3)
Drug reactions and intoxications specific to newborn (779.4)
Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (779.5)
Termination of pregnancy (779.6)
Other (779.8)
Unspecified (779.9)

XVI. Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions (780-799)

Symptoms (780-789)

General symptoms (780)

Coma and stupor (780.0)
Hallucinations (780.1)
Syncope and collapse (780.2)
Convulsions (780.3)
Dizziness and giddiness (780.4)
Sleep disturbances (780.5)
Pyrexia of unknown origin (780.6)
Malaise and fatigue (780.7)
Hyperhidrosis (780.8)
Other (780.9)

Symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems (781)

Abnormal involuntary movements (781.0)
Disturbances of sensation of smell and taste (781.1)
Abnormality of gait (781.2)
Lack of coordination (781.3)
Transient paralysis of limb (781.4)
Clubbing of fingers (781.5)
Meningismus (781.6)
Tetany (781.7)
Other (781.9)

Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue (782)

Disturbance of skin sensation (782.0)
Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption (782.1)
Localized superficial swelling, mass, or lump (782.2)
Edema (782.3)
Jaundice unspecified, not of newborn (782.4)
Cyanosis (782.5)
Pallor and flushing (782.6)
Spontaneous ecchymoses (782.7)
Changes in skin texture (782.8)
Other (782.9)

Symptoms concerning nutrition, metabolism, and development (783)

Anorexia (783.0)
Abnormal weight gain (783.1)
Abnormal loss of weight (783.2)
Feeding difficulties and mismanagement (783.3)
Lack of expected normal physiological development (783.4)
Polydipsia (783.5)
Polyphagia (783.6)
Other (783.9)

Symptoms involving head and neck (784)
Headache (784.0)
Throat pain (784.1)
Swelling, mass, or lump in head and neck (784.2)
Aphasia (784.3)
Voice disturbance (784.4)
Other speech disturbance (784.5)
Other symbolic dysfunction (784.6)
Epistaxis (784.7)
Hemorrhage from throat (784.8)
Other (784.9)

Symptoms involving cardiovascular system (785)

Tachycardia, unspecified (785.0)
Palpitations (785.1)
Functional and undiagnosed cardiac murmurs (785.2)
Other abnormal heart sounds (785.3)
Gangrene (785.4)
Shock without mention of trauma (785.5)
Enlargement of lymph nodes (785.6)
Other (785.9)

Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms (786)

Dyspnea and respiratory abnormalities (786.0)
Stridor (786.1)
Cough (786.2)
Hemoptysis (786.3)
Abnormal sputum (786.4)
Chest pain (786.5)
Swelling, mass, or lump in chest (786.6)
Abnormal chest sounds (786.7)
Hiccough (786.8)
Other (786.9)

Symptoms involving digestive system (787)

Nausea and vomiting (787.0)
Heartburn (787.1)
Dysphagia (787.2)
Flatulence, eructation, and gas pain (787.3)
Visible peristalsis (787.4)
Abnormal bowel sounds (787.5)
Incontinence of feces (787.6)
Abnormal feces (787.7)
Other (787.9)

Symptoms involving urinary system (788)

Renal colic (788.0)
Dysuria (788.1)
Retention of urine (788.2)
Incontinence of urine (788.3)
Frequency of urination and polyuria (788.4)
Oliguria and anuria (788.5)
Other abnormality of urination (788.6)
Urethral discharge (788.7)
Extravasation of urine (788.8)
Other (788.9)

Other symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis (789)

Abdominal pain (789.0)
Hepatomegaly (789.1)
Splenomegaly (789.2)
Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, or lump (789.3)
Abdominal rigidity (789.4)
Ascites (789.5)
Other (789.9)

Nonspecific abnormal findings (790-796)

Nonspecific findings on examination of blood (790)

Abnormality of red blood cells (790.0)
Elevated sedimentation rate (790.1)
Abnormal glucose tolerance test (790.2)
Excessive blood level of alcohol (790.3)
Nonspecific elevation of levels of transaminase or lactic acid dehydrogenase (790.4)
Other nonspecific abnormal serum enzyme levels (790.5)
Other abnormal blood chemistry (790.6)
Bacteremia, unspecified (790.7)
Viremia, unspecified (790.8)
Other (790.9)

Nonspecific findings on examination of urine (791)

Proteinuria (791.0)
Chyluria (791.1)
Hemoglobinuria (791.2)
Myoglobinuria (791.3)
Biliuria (791.4)
Glycosuria (791.5)
Acetonuria (791.6)
Other cells and casts in urine (791.7)
Other (791.9)

Nonspecific abnormal findings in other body substances (792)

Cerebrospinal fluid (792.0)
Stool contents (792.1)
Semen (792.2)
Amniotic fluid (792.3)
Saliva (792.4)
Other (792.9)

Nonspecific abnormal findings on radiological and other examination of body structure (793)
Skull and head (793.0)
Lung field (793.1)
Other intrathoracic organ (793.2)

Biliary tract (793.3)
Gastrointestinal tract (793.4)
Genitourinary organs (793.5)
Abdominal area, including retroperitoneum (793.6)
Musculoskeletal system (793.7)
Breast (793.8)
Other (793.9)

Nonspecific abnormal results of function studies (794)

Brain and central nervous system (794.0)
Peripheral nervous system and special senses (794.1)
Pulmonary (794.2)
Cardiovascular (794.3)
Kidney (794.4)
Thyroid (794.5)
Other endocrine function study (794.6)
Basal metabolism (794.7)
Liver (794.8)
Other (794.9)

Nonspecific abnormal histological and immunological findings (795)

Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix (795.0)
Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of other origin (795.1)
Nonspecific abnormal findings on chromosomal analysis (795.2)
Nonspecific positive culture findings (795.3)
Other nonspecific abnormal histological findings (795.4)
Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin test (795.5)
False positive serological test for syphilis (795.6)
Other nonspecific immunological findings (795.7)

Other nonspecific abnormal findings (796)

Nonspecific abnormal toxicological findings (796.0)
Abnormal reflex (796.1)
Elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension (796.2)
Nonspecific low blood pressure reading (796.3)
Other abnormal clinical findings (796.4)
Other (796.9)

Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality (797-799)

Senility without mention of psychosis (797)

Sudden death, cause unknown (798)

Sudden infant death syndrome (798.0)
Instantaneous death (798.1)
Death occurring in less than 24 h ours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained (798.2)
Unattended death (798.9)

Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality (799)

Asphyxia (799.0)
Respiratory failure (799.1)
Nervousness (799.2)
Debility, unspecified (799.3)
Cachexia (799.4)
Other ill-defined conditions (799.8)
Other unknown and unspecified cause (799.9)

XVII. Injury and poisoning -- Nature of Injury Codes (800-999)

Note: Do not confuse these Nature of Injury Codes with the External Cause Codes (E800-
E999) which are listed at the very end of this document. NCHS, however, never includes
the letter “E” in data fields. Consequently, the only way to distinguish a Nature of Injury
Code from an External Cause Code is by looking for the Nature of Injury flag (the number
“1”) that appears in the last position of that multiple cause data field. Also note that Nature
of Injury Codes are never used for the underlying cause of death and thus only appear in the
multiple cause data fields.

Fractures (800-829)

Fracture of skull (800-804)

Fracture of vault of skull (800)

Fracture of base of skull (801)

Fracture of face bones (802)

Other and unqualified skull fractures (803)

Fracture of neck and trunk (805-809)

Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord lesion (805)

Fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord lesion (806)

Fracture of rib(s), sternum, larynx, and trachea (807)

Fracture of pelvis (808)

Ill-defined fractures of bones of trunk (809)

Fracture of upper limb (810-819)

Fracture of clavicle (810)

Fracture of scapula (811)

Fracture of humerus (812)

Fracture of radius and ulna (813)

Fracture of carpal bone(s) (814)

Fracture of metacarpal bone(s) (815)

Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand (816)

Multiple fractures of hand bones (817)

Ill-defined fractures of upper limb (818)

Multiple fractures involving both upper limbs, and upper limb with rib(s) and sternum (819)

Fracture of lower limb (820-829)

Fracture of neck of femur (820)

Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur (821)

Fracture of patella (822)

Fracture of tibia and fibula (823)

Fracture of ankle (824)

Fracture of one or more tarsal and metatarsal bones (825)

Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot (826)

Other, multiple and ill-defined fractures of lower limb (827)

Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, and lower limb(s) with
rib(s) and sternum (828)

Fracture of unspecified bones (829)

Dislocation (830-839)

Dislocation of jaw (830)

Dislocation of shoulder (831)

Dislocation of elbow (832)

Dislocation of wrist (833)

Dislocation of finger (834)

Dislocation of hip (835)

Dislocation of knee (836)

Dislocation of ankle (837)

Dislocation of foot (838)

Other, multiple, and ill-defined dislocations (839)

Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles (840-848)

Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm (840)

Sprains and strains of elbow and forearm (841)

Sprains and strains of wrist and hand (842)

Sprains and strains of hip and thigh (843)

Sprains and strains of knee and leg (844)

Sprains and strains of ankle and foot (845)

Sprains and strains of sacroiliac region (846)

Sprains and strains of other and unspecified parts of back (847)

Other and ill-defined sprains and strains (848)

Intracranial injury, excluding those with skull fracture (850-854)

Concussion (850)

Cerebral laceration and contusion (851)

Subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury (852)

Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury (853)

Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature (854)

Internal injury of chest, abdomen, and pelvis (860-869)

Traumatic pneumothorax and Hemothorax (860)

Injury to heart and lung (861)

Injury to other and unspecified intrathoracic organs (862)

Injury to gastrointestinal tract (863)

Injury to liver (864)

Injury to spleen (865)

Injury to kidney (866)

Injury to pelvic organs (867)

Injury to other intra-abdominal organs (868)

Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined organs (869)

Open wound (870-897)

Open wound of head, neck, and trunk (870-879)

Open wound of ocular adnexa (870)

Open wound of eyeball (871)

Open wound of ear (872)

Other open wound of head (873)

Open wound of neck (874)

Open wound of chest (wall) (875)

Open wound of back (876)

Open wound of buttock (877)

Open wound of genital organs (external), including traumatic amputation (878)

Open wound of other and unspecified sites, except limbs (879)

Open wound of upper limb (880-887)

Open wound of shoulder and upper arm (880)

Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist (881)

Open wound of hand except finger(s) alone (882)

Open wound of finger(s) (883)

Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb (884)

Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete) (partial) (885)

Traumatic amputation of other finger(s) (complete) (partial) (886)

Traumatic amputation of arm and hand (complete) (partial) (887)

Open wound of lower limb (890-897)

Open wound of hip and thigh (890)

Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh] and ankle (891)

Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone (892)

Open wound of toe(s) (893)

Multiple and unspecified open wound of lower limb (894)

Traumatic amputation of toe(s) (complete) (partial) (895)

Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial) (896)

Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial) (897)

Injury to blood vessels (900-904)

Injury to blood vessels of head and neck (900)

Injury to blood vessels of thorax (901)

Injury to blood vessels of abdomen and pelvis (902)

Injury to blood vessels of upper extremity (903)

Injury to blood vessels of lower extremity and unspecified sites (904)

Late effects of injuries, poisonings, toxic effects, and other external causes (905-909)

Late effects of musculoskeletal and connective tissue injuries (905)

Late effect of fracture of skull and face bones (905.0)
Late effect of fracture of spine and trunk without mention of spinal cord lesion (905.1)
Late effect of fracture of upper extremities (905.2)
Late effect of fracture of neck of femur (905.3)
Late effect of fracture of lower extremities (905.4)
Late effect of fracture of multiple and unspecified bones (905.5)
Late effect of dislocation (905.6)
Late effect of sprain and strain without mention of tendon injury (905.7)
Late effect of tendon injury (905.8)
Late effect of traumatic amputation (905.9)

Late effects of injuries to skin and subcutaneous tissues (906)

Late effect of open wound of head, neck, and trunk (906.0)
Late effect of open wound of extremities without mention of tendon injury (906.1)
Late effect of superficial injury (906.2)
Late effect of contusion (906.3)
Late effect of crushing (906.4)
Late effect of burn of eye, face, head, and neck (906.5)
Late effect of burn of wrist and hand (906.6)
Late effect of burn of other extremities (906.7)
Late effect of burns of other specified sites (906.8)
Late effect of burn of unspecified site (906.9)

Late effects of injuries to the nervous system (907)

Late effect of intracranial injury without mention of skull fracture (907.0)
Late effect of injury to cranial nerve (907.1)
Late effect of spinal cord injury (907.2)
Late effect of injury to nerve root(s), spinal plexus(es), and other nerves of trunk (907.3)
Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of shoulder girdle and upper limb (907.4)
Late effect of injury to peripheral nerve of pelvic girdle and lower limb (907.5)
Late effect of injury to other and unspecified nerve (907.9)

Late effects of other and unspecified injuries (908)

Late effect of internal injury to chest (908.0)

Late effect of internal injury to intra-abdominal organs (908.1)
Late effect of internal injury to other internal organs (908.2)
Late effect of injury to blood vessel of head, neck, and extremities (908.3)
Late effect of injury to blood vessel of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (908.4)
Late effect of foreign body in orifice (908.5)
Late effect of certain complications of trauma (908.6)
Late effect of unspecified injury (908.9)

Late effects of other and unspecified external causes (909)

Late effect of poisoning due to drug, medicament or biological substance (909.0)
Late effect of toxic effects of nonmedical substances (909.1)
Late effect of radiation (909.2)
Late effect of complications of surgical and medical care (909.3)
Late effect of certain other external causes (909.4)
Late effect of other and unspecified external causes (909.9)

Superficial injury (910-919)

Superficial injury of face, neck, and scalp except eye (910)

Superficial injury of trunk (911)

Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm (912)

Superficial injury of elbow, forearm, and wrist (913)

Superficial injury of hand(s) except finger(s) alone (914)

Superficial injury of finger(s) (915)

Superficial injury of hip, thigh, leg, and ankle (916)

Superficial injury of foot and toe(s) (917)

Superficial injury of eye and adnexa (918)

Superficial injury of other, multiple, and unspecified sites (919)

Contusion with intact skin surface (920-924)

Contusion of face, scalp, and neck except eye(s) (920)

Contusion of eye and adnexa (921)

Contusion of trunk (922)

Contusion of upper limb (923)

Contusion of lower limb and of other and unspecified sites (924)

Crushing injury (925-929)

Crushing injury of face, scalp, and neck (925)

Crushing injury of trunk (926)

Crushing injury of upper limb (927)

Crushing injury of lower limb (928)

Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites (929)

Effects of foreign body entering through orifice (930-939)

Foreign body on external eye (930)

Foreign body in ear (931)

Foreign body in nose (932)

Foreign body in pharynx and larynx (933)

Foreign body in trachea, bronchus, and lung (934)

Foreign body in mouth, esophagus, and stomach (935)

Foreign body in intestine and colon (936)

Foreign body in anus and rectum (937)

Foreign body in digestive system, unspecified (938)

Foreign body in genitourinary tract (939)

Burns (940-949)

Burn confined to eye and adnexa (940)

Chemical burn of eyelids and periocular area (940.0)
Other burns of eyelids and periocular area (940.1)
Alkaline chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac (940.2)
Acid chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac (940.3)
Other burn of cornea and conjunctival sac (940.4)
Burn with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball (940.5)
Unspecified burn of eye and adnexa (940.9)

Burn of face, head, and neck (941)

Unspecified degree (941.0)
Erythema [first degree] (941.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (941.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (941.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (941.4)

Burn of trunk (942)

Unspecified degree (942.0)
Erythema [first degree] (942.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (942.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (942.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (942.4)

Burn of upper limb, except wrist and hand (943)

Unspecified degree (943.0)
Erythema [first degree] (943.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (943.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (943.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (943.4)

Burn of wrist(s) and hand(s) (944)

Unspecified degree (944.0)
Erythema [first degree] (944.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (944.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (944.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (944.4)

Burn of lower limb(s) (945)

Unspecified degree (945.0)
Erythema [first degree] (945.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (945.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (945.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (945.4)

Burn of internal organs (947)

Mouth and pharynx (947.0)
Larynx, trachea, and lung (947.1)
Esophagus (947.2)
Gastrointestinal tract (947.3)
Vagina and uterus (947.4)
Other (947.8)
Unspecified (947.9)

Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved (948)

Less than 10 percent of body surface (948.0)
10-19% (948.1)
20-29% (948.2)
30-39% (948.3)
40-49% (948.4)
50-59% (948.5)
60-69% (948.6)
70-79% (948.7)
80-89% (948.8)
90% or more (948.9)

Burn, unspecified (949)

Unspecified degree (949.0)
Erythema [first degree] (949.1)
Blisters, epidermal loss [second degree] (949.2)
Full-thickness skin loss [third degree NOS] (949.3)
Deep necrosis of underlying tissues [deep third degree] (949.4)

Injury to nerves and spinal cord (950-957)

Injury to optic nerve and pathways (950)

Injury to other cranial nerve(s) (951)

Spinal cord lesion without evidence of spinal bone injury (952)

Injury to nerve roots and spinal plexus (953)

Injury to other nerve(s) of trunk excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles (954)

Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of shoulder girdle and upper limb (955)

Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of pelvic girdle and lower limb (956)

Injury to other and unspecified nerves (957)

Certain traumatic complications and unspecified injuries (958-959)

Certain early complications of trauma (958)

Air embolism (958.0)
Fat embolism (958.1)
Secondary and recurrent hemorrhage (958.2)
Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified (958.3)
Traumatic shock (958.4)
Traumatic anuria (958.5)
Volkmann's ischemic contracture (958.6)
Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema (958.7)
Other early complications of trauma (958.8)

Injury, other and unspecified (959)

Face and neck (959.0)
Trunk (959.1)
Shoulder and upper arm (959.2)
Elbow, forearm, and wrist (959.3)
Hand, except finger (959.4)
Finger (959.5)
Hip and thigh (959.6)
Knee, leg, ankle, and foot (959.7)
Other specified sites, including multiple (959.8)
Unspecified site (959.9)

Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances (960-979)

Poisoning by antibiotics (960)

Penicillins (960.0)
Antifungal antibiotics (960.1)
Chloramphenicol group (960.2)
Erythromycin and other macrolides (960.3)
Tetracycline group (960.4)
Cephalosporin group (960.5)
Antimycobacterial antibiotics (960.6)
Antineoplastic antibiotics (960.7)
Other (960.8)
Unspecified (960.9)

Poisoning by other anti-infectives (961)

Sulfonamides (961.0)
Arsenical anti-infectives (961.1)
Heavy metal anti-infectives (961.2)
Quinoline and hydroxyquinoline derivatives (961.3)
Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa (961.4)
Other antiprotozoal drugs (961.5)
Anthelmintics (961.6)
Antiviral drugs (961.7)
Other antimycobacterial drugs (961.8)
Other and unspecified anti-infectives (961.9)

Poisoning by hormones and synthetic substitutes (962)

Adrenal cortical steroids (962.0)
Androgens and anabolic congeners (962.1)
Ovarian hormones and synthetic substitutes (962.2)
Insulins and antidiabetic agents (952.3)
Anterior pituitary hormones (962.4)
Posterior pituitary hormones (962.5)
Parathyroid and parathyroid derivatives (962.6)
Thyroid and thyroid derivatives (962.7)
Antithyroid agents (962.8)
Other and unspecified hormones and synthetic substitutes (962.9)

Poisoning by primarily systemic agents (963)

Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs (963.0)

Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (963.1)
Acidifying agents (963.2)
Alkalizing agents (963.3)
Enzymes, not elsewhere classified (963.4)
Vitamins, not elsewhere classified (963.5)
Other (963.8)
Unspecified (963.9)

Poisoning by agents primarily affecting blood constituents (964)

Iron and its compounds (964.0)
Liver preparations and other antianemic agents (964.1)
Anticoagulants (964.2)
Vitamin K [Phytomenadione] (964.3)
Fibrinolysis-affecting drugs (964.4)
Anticoagulant antagonists and other coagulants (964.5)
Gamma globulin (964.6)
Natural blood and blood products (964.7)
Other (964.8)
Unspecified (964.9)

Poisoning by analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics (965)

Opiates and related narcotics (965.0)
Salicylates (965.1)
Aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified (965.4)
Pyrazole derivatives (965.5)
Antirheumatics [antiphlogistics] (965.6)
Other non-narcotic analgesics (965.7)
Other (965.8)
Unspecified (965.9)

Poisoning by anticonvulsants and anti-Parkinsonism drugs (966)

Oxazolidine derivatives (966.0)
Hydantoin derivatives (966.1)
Succinimides (966.2)
Other and unspecified anticonvulsants (966.3)
Anti-Parkinsonism drugs (966.4)

Poisoning by sedatives and hypnotics (967)

Barbiturates (967.0)
Chloral hydrate group (967.1)
Paraldehyde (967.2)
Bromine compounds (967.3)
Methaqualone compounds (967.4)
Glutethimide group (967.5)
Mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified (967.6)
Other (967.8)
Unspecified (967.9)

Poisoning by other central nervous system depressants (968)

Central nervous system muscle-tone depressants (968.0)
Halothane (968.1)
Other gaseous anesthetics (968.2)
Intravenous anesthetics (968.3)
Other and unspecified general anesthetics (968.4)
Surface [topical] and infiltration anesthetics (968.5)
Peripheral nerve- and plexus-blocking anesthetics (968.6)
Spinal anesthetics (968.7)
Other and unspecified local anesthetics (968.9)

Poisoning by psychotropic agents (969)

Antidepressants (969.0)
Phenothiazine-based tranquillizers (969.1)
Butyrophenone-based tranquillizers (969.2)
Other antipsychotics, neuroleptics, and major tranquilizers (969.3)
Benzodiazepine-based tranquillizers (969.4)
Other tranquillizers (969.5)
Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] (969.6)
Psychostimulants (969.7)
Other psychotropic agents (969.8)
Unspecified (969.9)

Poisoning by central nervous system stimulants (970)

Analeptics (970.0)
Opiate antagonists (970.1)
Other (970.8)
Unspecified (970.9)

Poisoning by drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system (971)

Parasympathomimetics [cholinergics] (971.0)
Parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics (971.1)
Sympathomimetics [adrenergics] (971.2)
Sympatholytics [antiadrenergics] (971.3)
Unspecified (971.9)

Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system (972)

Cardiac rhythm regulators (972.0)
Cardiotonic glycosides and drugs of similar action (972.1)
Antilipemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs (972.2)
Ganglion-blocking agents (972.3)
Coronary vasodilators (972.4)
Other vasodilators (972.5)
Other antihypertensive agents (972.6)
Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents (972.7)
Capillary-active drugs (972.8)
Other and unspecified (972.9)

Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system (973)

Antacids and antigastric secretion drugs (973.0)
Irritant cathartics (973.1)
Emollient cathartics (973.2)
Other cathartics, including intestinal atonia drugs (973.3)
Digestants (973.4)
Antidiarrheal drugs (973.5)

Emetics (973.6)
Other (973.8)
Unspecified (973.9)

Poisoning by water, mineral, and uric acid metabolism drugs (974)

Mercurial diuretics (974.0)
Purine derivative diuretics (974.1)
Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors (974.2)
Saluretics (974.3)
Other diuretics (974.4)
Electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents (974.5)
Other mineral salts, not elsewhere classified (974.6)
Uric acid metabolism drugs (974.7)

Poisoning by agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system
Oxytocic agents (975.0)
Smooth muscle relaxants (975.1)
Skeletal muscle relaxants (975.2)
Other and unspecified drugs acting on muscles (975.3)
Antitussives (975.4)
Expectorants (975.5)
Anti-common cold drugs (975.6)
Antiasthmatics (975.7)
Other and unspecified respiratory drugs (975.8)

Poisoning by agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane, ophthalmological,

otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs (976)
Local anti-infectives and anti-inflammatory drugs (976.0)
Antipruritics (976.1)
Local astringents and local detergents (976.2)
Emollients, demulcents and protectants (976.3)
Keratolytics, keratoplastics, other hair treatment drugs and preparations (976.4)
Eye anti-infectives and other eye drugs (976.5)
Anti-infectives and other drugs and preparations for ear, nose and throat (976.6)
Dental drugs topically applied (976.7)
Other (976.8)
Unspecified (976.9)

Poisoning by other and unspecified drugs and medicaments (977)

Dietetics (977.0)
Lipotropic drugs (977.1)
Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified (977.2)
Alcohol deterrents (977.3)
Pharmaceutical excipients (977.4)
Other drugs and medicaments (977.8)
Unspecified drug or medicament (977.9)

Poisoning by bacterial vaccines (978)

BCG (978.0)
Typhoid and paratyphoid (978.1)
Cholera (978.2)
Plague (978.3)
Tetanus (978.4)
Diphtheria (978.5)
Pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component (978.6)
Other and unspecified bacterial vaccines (978.8)
Mixed bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component (978.9)

Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances (979)

Smallpox vaccine (979.0)
Rabies vaccine (979.1)
Typhus vaccine (979.2)
Yellow fever vaccine (979.3)
Measles vaccine (979.4)
Poliomyelitis vaccine (979.5)
Other and unspecified viral and rickettsial vaccines (979.6)
Mixed viral-rickettsial and bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component (979.7)
Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances (979.9)

Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (980-989)

Toxic effect of alcohol (980)

Ethyl alcohol (980.0)
Methyl alcohol (980.1)
Isopropyl alcohol (980.2)
Fusel oil (980.3)
Other (980.8)
Unspecified (980.9)

Toxic effect of petroleum products (981)

Toxic effect of solvents other than petroleum-based (982)

Benzene and homologues (982.0)
Carbon tetrachloride (982.1)
Carbon disulfide (982.2)
Other chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents (982.3)
Nitroglycol (982.4)
Other (982.8)

Toxic effect of corrosive aromatics, acids and caustic alkalis (983)

Corrosive aromatics (983.0)
Acids (983.1)
Caustic alkalis (983.2)
Caustic, unspecified (983.9)

Toxic effect of lead and its compounds (including fumes) (984)

Inorganic lead compounds (984.0)
Organic lead compounds (984.1)
Other (984.8)
Unspecified (984.9)

Toxic effect of other metals (985)
Mercury and its compounds (985.0)
Arsenic and its compounds (985.1)
Manganese and its compounds (985.2)
Beryllium and its compounds (985.3)
Antimony and its compounds (985.4)
Cadmium and its compounds (985.5)
Chromium (985.6)
Other (985.8)
Unspecified (985.9)

Toxic effect of carbon monoxide (986)

Toxic effect of other gases, fumes, or vapors (987)

Liquefied petroleum gases (987.0)
Other hydrocarbon gas (987.1)
Nitrogen oxides (987.2)
Sulfur dioxide (987.3)
Freon (987.4)
Lacrimogenic gas (987.5)
Chlorine gas (987.6)
Hydrocyanic acid gas (987.7)
Other (987.8)
Unspecified (987.9)

Toxic effect of noxious substances eaten as food (988)

Fish and shellfish (988.0)
Mushrooms (988.1)
Berries and other plants (988.2)
Other (988.8)
Unspecified (988.9)

Toxic effect of other substances, chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (989)

Hydrocyanic acid and cyanides (989.0)
Strychnine and salts (989.1)
Chlorinated hydrocarbons (989.2)
Organophosphate and carbamate (989.3)
Other pesticides, not elsewhere classified (989.4)
Venom (989.5)
Soaps and detergents (989.6)
Aflatoxin and other mycotoxin [food contaminants] (989.7)
Other (989.8)
Unspecified (989.9)

Other and unspecified effects of external causes (990-995)

Effects of radiation, unspecified (990)

Effects of reduced temperature (991)

Frostbite of face (991.0)
Frostbite of hand (991.1)
Frostbite of foot (991.2)
Frostbite of other and unspecified sites (991.3)
Immersion foot (991.4)
Chilblains (991.5)
Hypothermia (991.6)
Other (991.8)
Unspecified (991.9)

Effects of heat and light (992)

Heat stroke and sunstroke (992.0)
Heat syncope (992.1)
Heat cramps (992.2)
Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic (992.3)
Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion (992.4)
Heat exhaustion, unspecified (992.5)
Heat fatigue, transient (992.6)
Heat edema (992.7)
Other heat effects (992.8)
Unspecified (992.9)

Effects of air pressure (993)

Barotrauma, otitic (993.0)
Barotrauma, sinus (993.1)
Other and unspecified effects of high altitude (993.2)
Caisson disease (993.3)
Effects of air pressure caused by explosion (993.4)
Other (993.8)
Unspecified (993.9)

Effects of other external causes (994)

Effects of lightning (994.0)
Drowning and nonfatal submersion (994.1)
Effects of hunger (994.2)
Effects of thirst (994.3)
Exhaustion due to exposure (994.4)
Exhaustion due to excessive exertion (994.5)
Motion sickness (994.6)
Asphyxiation and strangulation (994.7)
Electrocution and nonfatal effects of electric current (994.8)
Other (994.9)

Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified (995)

Other anaphylactic shock (995.0)
Angioneurotic edema (995.1)
Unspecified adverse effect of drug, medicament and biological (995.2)
Allergy, unspecified (995.3)
Shock due to anesthesia (995.4)
Child maltreatment syndrome (995.5)
Other specified adverse effects not elsewhere classified (995.8)

Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (996-999)

Complications peculiar to certain specified procedures (996)

Mechanical complication of cardiac device, implant, and graft (996.0)
Mechanical complication of other vascular device, implant, and graft (996.1)
Mechanical complication of nervous system device, implant, and graft (996.2)
Mechanical complication of genitourinary device, implant, and graft (996.3)
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant, and graft (996.4)
Mechanical complication of other specified prosthetic device, implant, and graft (996.5)
Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft (996.6)
Other complications of internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft (996.7)
Complications of transplanted organ (996.8)
Complications of reattached extremity (996.9)

Complications affecting specified body systems, not elsewhere classified (997)

Central nervous system complications (997.0)
Cardiac complications (997.1)
Peripheral vascular complications (997.2)
Respiratory complications (997.3)
Gastrointestinal complications (997.4)
Urinary complications (997.5)
Late amputation stump complication (997.6)
Complications affecting other specified body systems, not elsewhere classified (997.9)

Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified (998)

Postoperative shock (998.0)
Hemorrhage or hematoma complicating a procedure (998.1)
Accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure (998.2)
Disruption of operation wound (998.3)
Foreign body accidentally left during a procedure (998.4)
Postoperative infection (998.5)
Persistent postoperative fistula (998.6)
Acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure (998.7)
Other specified complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified (998.8)
Unspecified complication of procedure, not elsewhere classified (998.9)

Complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified (999)

Generalized vaccinia (999.0)
Air embolism (999.1)
Other vascular complications (999.2)
Other infection (999.3)
Anaphylactic shock due to serum (999.4)
Other serum reaction (999.5)
ABO incompatibility reaction (999.6)
Rh incompatibility reaction (999.7)
Other transfusion reaction (999.8)
Other and unspecified complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified (999.9)



Note: Do not confuse the following list of External Cause Codes (E800-E999) with the
Nature of Injury Codes (800-999) which appear above in the 800-999 range of codes.
NCHS, however, never includes the letter “E” in data fields. Consequently, the only way to
distinguish a Nature of Injury Code from an External Cause Code is by looking for the
Nature of Injury flag (the number “1”) that appears in the last position of that multiple
cause data field. Also note that Nature of Injury Codes are never used for the underlying
cause of death and thus only appear in the multiple cause data fields.

Railway accidents (E800-E807)

Railway accident involving collision with rolling stock (E800)

Railway employee (E800.0)
Passenger on railway (E800.1)
Pedestrian (E800.2)
Pedal cyclist (E800.3)
Other specified person (E800.8)
Unspecified person (E800.9)

Railway accident involving collision with other object (E801)

Railway employee (E801.0)
Passenger on railway (E801.1)
Pedestrian (E801.2)
Pedal cyclist (E801.3)
Other specified person (E801.8)
Unspecified person (E801.9)

Railway accident involving derailment without antecedent collision (E802)

Railway employee (E802.0)
Passenger on railway (E802.1)
Pedestrian (E802.2)
Pedal cyclist (E802.3)
Other specified person (E802.8)
Unspecified person (E802.9)

Railway accident involving explosion, fire, or burning (E803)

Railway employee (E803.0)
Passenger on railway (E803.1)
Pedestrian (E803.2)
Pedal cyclist (E803.3)
Other specified person (E803.8)
Unspecified person (E803.9)

Fall in, on, or from railway train (E804)

Railway employee (E804.0)
Passenger on railway (E804.1)

Pedestrian (E804.2)
Pedal cyclist (E804.3)
Other specified person (E804.8)
Unspecified person (E804.9)

Hit by rolling stock (E805)

Railway employee (E805.0)
Passenger on railway (E805.1)
Pedestrian (E805.2)
Pedal cyclist (E805.3)
Other specified person (E805.8)
Unspecified person (E805.9)

Other specified railway accident (E806)

Railway employee (E806.0)
Passenger on railway (E806.1)
Pedestrian (E806.2)
Pedal cyclist (E806.3)
Other specified person (E806.8)
Unspecified person (E806.9)

Railway accident of unspecified nature (E807)

Railway employee (E807.0)
Passenger on railway (E807.1)
Pedestrian (E807.2)
Pedal cyclist (E807.3)
Other specified person (E807.8)
Unspecified person (E807.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accidents (E810-E819)

Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with train (E810)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E810.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E810.1)
Motorcyclist (E810.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E810.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E810.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E810.5)
Pedal cyclist (E810.6)
Pedestrian (E810.7)
Other specified person (E810.8)
Unspecified person (E810.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accident involving re-entrant collision with another motor vehicle (E811)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E811.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E811.1)
Motorcyclist (E811.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E811.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E811.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E811.5)
Pedal cyclist (E811.6)

Pedestrian (E811.7)
Other specified person (E811.8)
Unspecified person (E811.9)

Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with another motor vehicle (E812)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E812.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E812.1)
Motorcyclist (E812.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E812.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E812.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E812.5)
Pedal cyclist (E812.6)
Pedestrian (E812.7)
Other specified person (E812.8)
Unspecified person (E812.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle (E813)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E813.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E813.1)
Motorcyclist (E813.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E813.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E813.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E813.5)
Pedal cyclist (E813.6)
Pedestrian (E813.7)
Other specified person (E813.8)
Unspecified person (E813.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian (E814)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E814.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E814.1)
Motorcyclist (E814.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E814.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E814.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E814.5)
Pedal cyclist (E814.6)
Pedestrian (E814.7)
Other specified person (E814.8)
Unspecified person (E814.9)

Other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision on the highway (E815)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E815.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E815.1)
Motorcyclist (E815.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E815.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E815.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E815.5)
Pedal cyclist (E815.6)
Pedestrian (E815.7)
Other specified person (E815.8)
Unspecified person (E815.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accident due to loss of control without collision on the highway (E816)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E816.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E816.1)
Motorcyclist (E816.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E816.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E816.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E816.5)
Pedal cyclist (E816.6)
Pedestrian (E816.7)
Other specified person (E816.8)
Unspecified person (E816.9)

Noncollision motor vehicle traffic accident while boarding or alighting (E817)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E817.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E817.1)
Motorcyclist (E817.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E817.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E817.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E817.5)
Pedal cyclist (E817.6)
Pedestrian (E817.7)
Other specified person (E817.8)
Unspecified person (E817.9)

Other noncollision motor vehicle traffic accident (E818)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E818.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E818.1)
Motorcyclist (E818.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E818.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E818.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E818.5)
Pedal cyclist (E818.6)
Pedestrian (E818.7)
Other specified person (E818.8)
Unspecified person (E818.9)

Motor vehicle traffic accident of unspecified nature (E819)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E819.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E819.1)
Motorcyclist (E819.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E819.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E819.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E819.5)
Pedal cyclist (E819.6)
Pedestrian (E819.7)
Other specified person (E819.8)
Unspecified person (E819.9)

Motor vehicle nontraffic accidents (E820-E825)

Nontraffic accident involving motor-driven snow vehicle (E820)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E820.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E820.1)
Motorcyclist (E820.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E820.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E820.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E820.5)
Pedal cyclist (E820.6)
Pedestrian (E820.7)
Other specified person (E820.8)
Unspecified person (E820.9)

Nontraffic accident involving other off-road motor vehicle (E821)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E821.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E821.1)
Motorcyclist (E821.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E821.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E821.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E821.5)
Pedal cyclist (E821.6)
Pedestrian (E821.7)
Other specified person (E821.8)
Unspecified person (E821.9)

Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with moving object (E822)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E822.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E822.1)
Motorcyclist (E822.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E822.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E822.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E822.5)
Pedal cyclist (E822.6)
Pedestrian (E822.7)
Other specified person (E822.8)
Unspecified person (E822.9)

Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident involving collision with stationary object (E823)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E823.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E823.1)
Motorcyclist (E823.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E823.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E823.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E823.5)
Pedal cyclist (E823.6)
Pedestrian (E823.7)
Other specified person (E823.8)
Unspecified person (E823.9)

Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident while boarding or alighting (E824)

Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E824.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E824.1)
Motorcyclist (E824.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E824.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E824.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E824.5)
Pedal cyclist (E824.6)
Pedestrian (E824.7)
Other specified person (E824.8)
Unspecified person (E824.9)

Other motor vehicle nontraffic accident of other and unspecified nature (E825)
Driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E825.0)
Passenger in motor vehicle other than motorcycle (E825.1)
Motorcyclist (E825.2)
Passenger on motorcycle (E825.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E825.4)
Rider of animal; occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E825.5)
Pedal cyclist (E825.6)
Pedestrian (E825.7)
Other specified person (E825.8)
Unspecified person (E825.9)

Other road vehicle accidents (E826-E829)

Pedal cycle accident (E826)

Pedestrian (E826.0)
Pedal cyclist (E826.1)
Rider of animal (E826.2)
Occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E826.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E826.4)
Other specified person (E826.8)
Unspecified person (E826.9)

Animal-drawn vehicle accident (E827)

Pedestrian (E827.0)
Pedal cyclist (E827.1)
Rider of animal (E827.2)
Occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E827.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E827.4)
Other specified person (E827.8)
Unspecified person (E827.9)

Accident involving animal being ridden (E828)

Pedestrian (E828.0)
Pedal cyclist (E828.1)
Rider of animal (E828.2)
Occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E828.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E828.4)
Other specified person (E828.8)
Unspecified person (E828.9)

Other road vehicle accidents (E829)

Pedestrian (E829.0)
Pedal cyclist (E829.1)
Rider of animal (E829.2)
Occupant of animal-drawn vehicle (E829.3)
Occupant of streetcar (E829.4)
Other specified person (E829.8)
Unspecified person (E829.9)

Water transport accidents (E830-E838)

Accident to watercraft causing submersion (E830)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E830.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E830.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E830.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E830.3)
Water skier (E830.4)
Swimmer (E830.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E830.6)
Other specified person (E830.8)
Unspecified person (E830.9)

Accident to watercraft causing other injury (E831)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E831.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E831.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E831.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E831.3)
Water skier (E831.4)
Swimmer (E831.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E831.6)
Other specified person (E831.8)
Unspecified person (E831.9)

Other accidental submersion or drowning in water transport accident (E832)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E832.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E832.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E832.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E832.3)
Water skier (E832.4)
Swimmer (E832.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E832.6)
Other specified person (E832.8)
Unspecified person (E832.9)

Fall on stairs or ladders in water transport (E833)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E833.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E833.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E833.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E833.3)
Water skier (E833.4)
Swimmer (E833.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E833.6)
Other specified person (E833.8)
Unspecified person (E833.9)

Other fall from one level to another in water transport (E834)
Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E834.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E834.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E834.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E834.3)
Water skier (E834.4)
Swimmer (E834.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E834.6)
Other specified person (E834.8)
Unspecified person (E834.9)

Other and unspecified fall in water transport (E835)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E835.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E835.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E835.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E835.3)
Water skier (E835.4)
Swimmer (E835.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E835.6)
Other specified person (E835.8)
Unspecified person (E835.9)

Machinery accident in water transport (E836)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E836.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E836.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E836.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E836.3)
Water skier (E836.4)
Swimmer (E836.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E836.6)
Other specified person (E836.8)
Unspecified person (E836.9)

Explosion, fire, or burning in watercraft (E837)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E837.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E837.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E837.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E837.3)
Water skier (E837.4)
Swimmer (E837.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E837.6)
Other specified person (E837.8)
Unspecified person (E837.9)

Other and unspecified water transport accident (E838)

Occupant of small boat, unpowered (E838.0)
Occupant of small boat, powered (E838.1)
Occupant of other watercraft, crew (E838.2)
Occupant of other watercraft, other than crew (E838.3)
Water skier (E838.4)

Swimmer (E838.5)
Dockers, stevedores (E838.6)
Other specified person (E838.8)
Unspecified person (E838.9)

Air and space transport accidents (E840-E845)

Accident to powered aircraft at takeoff or landing (E840)

Occupant of spacecraft (E840.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E840.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E840.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E840.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E840.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E840.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E840.6)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E840.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E840.8)
Other person (E840.9)

Accident to powered aircraft, other and unspecified (E841)

Occupant of spacecraft (E841.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E841.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E841.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E841.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E841.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E841.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E841.6)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E841.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E841.8)
Other person (E841.9)

Accident to unpowered aircraft (E842)

Occupant of spacecraft (E842.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E842.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E842.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E842.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E842.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E842.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E842.6)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E842.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E842.8)
Other person (E842.9)

Fall in, on, or from aircraft (E843)

Occupant of spacecraft (E843.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E843.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E843.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E843.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E843.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E843.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E843.6)

Parachutist (military) (other) (E843.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E843.8)
Other person (E843.9)

Other specified air transport accidents (E844)

Occupant of spacecraft (E844.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E844.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E844.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E844.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E844.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E844.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E844.6)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E844.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E844.8)
Other person (E844.9)

Accident involving spacecraft (E845)

Occupant of spacecraft (E845.0)
Occupant of military aircraft, any (E845.1)
Crew of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E845.2)
Other occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to surface transport (E845.3)
Occupant of commercial aircraft (powered) in surface to air transport (E845.4)
Occupant of other powered aircraft (E845.5)
Occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist (E845.6)
Parachutist (military) (other) (E845.7)
Ground crew, airline employee (E845.8)
Other person (E845.9)

Vehicle accidents not elsewhere classifiable (E846-E848)

Accidents involving powered vehicles used solely within the buildings and premises of an
industrial or commercial establishment (E846)

Accidents involving cable cars not running on rails (E847)

Accidents involving other vehicles not elsewhere classified (E848)

Accidental poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biologicals (E850-E858)

Accidental poisoning by analgesics, antipyretics, antirheumatics (E850)

Opiates and related narcotics (E850.0)
Salicylates (E850.1)
Aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified (E850.2)
Pyrazole derivatives (E850.3)
Antirheumatics (antiphlogistics) (E850.4)
Other non-narcotic analgesics (E850.5)
Other (E850.8)
Unspecified (E850.9)

Accidental poisoning by barbiturates (E851)

Accidental poisoning by other sedatives and hypnotics (E852)
Chloral hydrate group (E852.0)
Paraldehyde (E852.1)
Bromine compounds (E852.2)
Methaqualone compounds (E852.3)
Glutethimide group (E852.4)
Mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified (E852.5)
Other (E852.8)
Unspecified (E852.9)

Accidental poisoning by tranquilizers (E853)

Phenothiazine-based tranquilizers (E853.0)
Butyrophenone-based tranquilizers (E853.1)
Benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers (E853.2)
Other (E853.8)
Unspecified (E853.9)

Accidental poisoning by other psychotropic agents (E854)

Antidepressants (E854.0)
Psychodysleptics (hallucinogens) (E854.1)
Psychostimulants (E854.2)
Central nervous system stimulants (E854.3)

Accidental poisoning by other drugs acting on central and autonomic nervous systems (E855)
Anticonvulsant and anti-Parkinsonism drugs (E855.0)
Other central nervous system depressants (E855.1)
Local anesthetics (E855.2)
Parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (E855.3)
Parasympatholytics (anticholinergics and antimuscarinics) and spasmolytics (E855.4)
Sympathomimetics (adrenergics) (E855.5)
Sympatholytics (antiadrenergics) (E855.6)
Other (E855.8)
Unspecified (E855.9)

Accidental poisoning by antibiotics (E856)

Accidental poisoning by anti-infectives (E857)

Accidental poisoning by other drugs (E858)

Hormones and synthetic substitutes (E858.0)
Primarily systemic agents (E858.1)
Agents primarily affecting blood constituents (E858.2)
Agents primarily affecting cardiovascular system (E858.3)
Agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system (E858.4)
Water, mineral, and uric acid metabolism drugs (E858.5)
Agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system (E858.6)
Agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological, and dental drugs
Other (E858.8)
Unspecified (E858.9)
Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances, gases, and vapors

Accidental poisoning by alcohol, not elsewhere classified (E860)

Alcoholic beverages (E860.0)
Other and unspecified ethyl alcohol and its products (E860.1)
Methyl alcohol (E860.2)
Isopropyl alcohol (E860.3)
Fusel oil (E860.4)
Other (E860.8)
Unspecified (E860.9)

Accidental poisoning by cleansing and polishing agents, disinfectants, paints, and varnishes
Synthetic detergents and shampoos (E861.0)
Soap products (E861.1)
Polishes (E861.2)
Other cleansing and polishing agents (E861.3)
Disinfectants (E861.4)
Lead paints (E861.5)
Other paints and varnishes (E861.6)
Unspecified (E861.9)

Accidental poisoning by petroleum products, other solvents, and their vapors, not elsewhere
classified (E862)
Petroleum solvents (E862.0)
Petroleum fuels and cleaners (E862.1)
Lubricating oils (E862.2)
Petroleum solids (E862.3)
Other solvents (E862.4)
Unspecified (E862.9)

Accidental poisoning by agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations

other than plant foods and fertilizers (E863)
Insecticides of organochlorine compounds (E863.0)
Insecticides of organophosphorus compounds (E863.1)
Carbamates (E863.2)
Mixtures of insecticides (E863.3)
Other and unspecified insecticides (E863.4)
Herbicides (E863.5)
Fungicides (E863.6)
Rodenticides (E863.7)
Fumigants (E863.8)
Other and unspecified (E863.9)

Accidental poisoning by corrosives and caustics, not elsewhere classified (E864)

Corrosive aromatics (E864.0)
Acids (E864.1)
Caustic alkalis (E864.2)

Other (E864.3)
Unspecified (E864.4)

Accidental poisoning from foodstuffs and poisonous plants (E865)

Meat (E865.0)
Shellfish (E865.1)
Other fish (E865.2)
Berries and seeds (E865.3)
Other plants (E865.4)
Mushrooms and other fungi (E865.5)
Other food (E865.8)
Unspecified (E865.9)

Accidental poisoning by other and unspecified solid and liquid substances (E866)
Lead and its compounds and fumes (E866.0)
Mercury and its compounds and fumes (E866.1)
Antimony and its compounds and fumes (E866.2)
Arsenic and its compounds and fumes (E866.3)
Other metals and their compounds and fumes (E866.4)
Plant foods and fertilizers (E866.5)
Glues and adhesives (E866.6)
Cosmetics (E866.7)
Other (E866.8)
Unspecified (E866.9)

Accidental poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline (E867)

Accidental poisoning by other utility gas and other carbon monoxide (E868)
Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers (E868.0)
Other and unspecified utility gas (E868.1)
Motor vehicle exhaust gas (E868.2)
Carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels (E868.3)
Carbon monoxide from other sources (E868.8)
Unspecified carbon monoxide (E868.9)

Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapors (E869)

Nitrogen oxides (E869.0)
Sulphur dioxide (E869.1)
Freon (E869.2)
Lacrimogenic gas (tear gas) (E869.3)
Other specified gases and vapors (E869.8)
Unspecified gases and vapors (E869.9)

Misadventures to patients during surgical and medical care (E870-E876)

Accidental cut, puncture, perforation, or hemorrhage during medical care (E870)

Surgical operation (E870.0)
Infusion or transfusion (E870.1)
Kidney dialysis or other perfusion (E870.2)
Injection or vaccination (E870.3)
Endoscopic examination (E870.4)
Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization (any except heart catheterization) (E870.5)
Heart catheterization (E870.6)
Administration of enema (E870.7)
Other (E870.8)
Unspecified (E870.9)

Foreign object left in body during procedure (E871)

Surgical operation (E871.0)
Infusion or transfusion (E871.1)
Kidney dialysis or other perfusion (E871.2)
Injection or vaccination (E871.3)
Endoscopic examination (E871.4)
Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization (any except heart catheterization) (E871.5)
Heart catheterization (E871.6)
Removal of catheter or packing (E871.7)
Other (E871.8)
Unspecified (E871.9)

Failure of sterile precautions during procedure (E872)

Surgical operation (E872.0)
Infusion or transfusion (E872.1)
Kidney dialysis and other perfusion (E872.2)
Injection or vaccination (E872.3)
Endoscopic examination (E872.4)
Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization (any except heart catheterization) (E872.5)
Heart catheterization (E872.6)
Other (E872.8)
Unspecified (E872.9)

Failure in dosage (E873)

Excessive amount of blood or other fluid during transfusion or infusion (E873.0)
Incorrect dilution of fluid during infusion (E873.1)
Overdose of radiation in therapy (E873.2)
Inadvertent exposure of patient to radiation during medical care (E873.3)
Failure in dosage in electroshock or insulin-shock therapy (E873.4)
Inappropriate (too hot or too cold) temperature in local application and packing (E873.5)
Nonadministration of necessary drug or medicament (E873.6)
Other (E873.8)
Unspecified (E873.9)

Mechanical failure of instrument or apparatus during procedure (E874)

Surgical operation (E874.0)
Infusion and transfusion (E874.1)
Kidney dialysis and other perfusion (E874.2)
Endoscopic examination (E874.3)
Aspiration of fluid or tissue, puncture, and catheterization (any except heart catheterization) (E874.4)
Heart catheterization (E874.5)
Other (E874.8)
Unspecified (E874.9)

Contaminated or infected blood, other fluid, drug, or biological substance (E875)

Contaminated substance transfused or infused (E875.0)
Contaminated substance injected or used for vaccination (E875.1)
Contaminated drug or biological substance administered by other means (E875.2)
Other (E875.8)
Unspecified (E875.9)

Other and unspecified misadventures during medical care (E876)

Mismatched blood in transfusion (E876.0)
Wrong fluid in infusion (E876.1)
Failure in suture and ligature during surgical operation (E876.2)
Endotracheal tube wrongly placed during anesthetic procedure (E876.3)
Failure to introduce or to remove other tube or instrument (E876.4)
Performance of inappropriate operation (E876.5)
Other specified misadventures (E876.8)
Unspecified misadventure (E876.9)

Surgical and medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient or later
complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of procedure (E878-E879)

Surgical operation and other surgical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or
of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of operation (E878)
Surgical operation with transplant of whole organ (E878.0)
Surgical operation with implant of artificial internal device (E878.1)
Surgical operation with anastomosis, bypass, or graft with natural or artifical tissues used as implant (E878.2)
Surgical operation with formation of external stoma (E878.3)
Other restorative surgery (E878.4)
Amputation of limb(s) (E878.5)
Removal of other organ (partial) (total) (E878.6)
Other (E878.8)
Unspecified (E878.9)

Other procedures, without mention of misadventure at the time of procedure, as the cause of
abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication (E879)
Cardiac catheterization (E879.0)
Kidney dialysis (E879.1)
Radiological procedure and radiotherapy (E879.2)
Shock therapy (E879.3)
Aspiration of fluid (E879.4)
Insertion of gastric or duodenal sound (E879.5)
Urinary catheterization (E879.6)
Blood sampling (E879.7)
Other (E879.8)
Unspecified (E879.9)

Accidental falls (E880-E888)

Fall on or from stairs or steps (E880)

Escalator (E880.0)
Other stairs or steps (E880.9)

Fall on or from ladders or scaffolding (E881)
Fall from ladder (E881.0)
Fall from scaffolding (E881.1)

Fall from or out of building or other structure (E882)

Fall into hole or other opening in surface (E883)

Accident from diving or jumping into water (swimming pool) (E883.0)
Accidental fall into well (E883.1)
Accidental fall into storm drain or manhole (E883.2)
Fall into other hole or other opening in surface (E883.9)

Other falls from one level to another (E884)

Fall from playground equipment (E884.0)
Fall from cliff (E884.1)
Fall from chair or bed (E884.2)
Other falls from one level to another (E884.9)

Fall on same level from slipping, tripping, or stumbling (E885)

Fall on same level from collision, pushing, or shoving, by or with other person (E886)
In sports (E886.0)
Other and unspecified (E886.9)

Fracture, cause unspecified (E887)

Other and unspecified falls (E888)

Accidents caused by fire and flames (E890-E899)

Conflagration in private dwelling (E890)

Explosion caused by conflagration (E890.0)
Fumes from combustion of polyvinylchloride (PVC) and similar material in conflagration (E890.1)
Other smoke and fumes from conflagration (E890.2)
Burning caused by conflagration (E890.3)
Other accident resulting from conflagration (E890.8)
Unspecified (E890.9)

Conflagration in other and unspecified building or structure (E891)

Explosion caused by conflagration (E891.0)
Fumes from combustion of polyvinylchloride (PVC) and similar material in conflagration (E891.1)
Other smoke and fumes from conflagration (E891.2)
Burning caused by conflagration (E891.3)
Other accident resulting from conflagration (E891.8)
Unspecified (E891.9)

Conflagration not in building or structure (E892)

Accident caused by ignition of clothing (E893)
From controlled fire in private dwelling (E893.0)
From controlled fire in other building or structure (E893.1)
From controlled fire not in building or structure (E893.2)
From other sources (E893.8)
Unspecified (E893.9)

Ignition of highly inflammable material (E894)

Accident caused by controlled fire in private dwelling (E895)

Accident caused by controlled fire in other and unspecified building or structure (E896)

Accident caused by controlled fire not in building or structure (E897)

Accident caused by other specified fire and flames (E898)

Burning bedclothes (E898.0)
Other (E898.1)

Accident caused by unspecified fire (E899)

Accidents due to natural and environmental factors (E900-E909)

Excessive heat (E900)

Due to weather conditions (E900.0)
Of manmade origin (E900.1)
Of unspecified origin (E900.9)

Excessive cold (E901)

Due to weather conditions (E901.0)
Of manmade origin (E901.1)
Other (E901.8)
Of unspecified origin (E901.9)

High and low air pressure and changes in air pressure (E902)
Residence or prolonged visit at high altitude (E902.0)
In aircraft (E902.1)
Due to diving (E902.2)
Due to other specified causes (E902.8)
Unspecified (E902.9)

Travel and motion (E903)

Hunger, thirst, exposure, neglect (E904)

Abandonment or neglect of infants and helpless persons (E904.0)
Lack of food (E904.1)
Lack of water (E904.2)
Exposure (to weather conditions), not elsewhere classified (E904.3)

Privation, unqualified (E904.9)

Venomous animals and plants as the cause of poisoning and toxic reactions (E905)
Venomous snakes and lizards (E905.0)
Venomous spiders (E905.1)
Scorpion (E905.2)
Hornets, wasps, and bees (E905.3)
Centipede and venomous millipede (tropical) (E905.4)
Other venomous arthropods (E905.5)
Venomous marine animals and plants (E905.6)
Poisoning and toxic reactions caused by other plants (E905.7)
Other specified (E905.8)
Unspecified (E905.9)

Other injury caused by animals (E906)

Dog bite (E906.0)
Rat bite (E906.1)
Bite of nonvenomous snakes and lizards (E906.2)
Bite of other animal except arthropod (E906.3)
Bite of nonvenomous arthropod (E906.4)
Other specified injury caused by animal (E906.8)
Unspecified (E906.9)

Lightning (E907)

Cataclysmic storms and floods resulting from storms (E908)

Cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions (E909)

Accidents caused by submersion, suffocation, and foreign bodies (E910-E915)

Accidental drowning and submersion (E910)

While water skiing (E910.0)
While engaged in other sport or recreational activity with diving equipment (E910.1)
While engaged in other sport or recreational activity without diving equipment (E910.2)
While swimming or diving for purposes other than recreation or sport (E910.3)
In bathtub (E910.4)
Other (E910.8)
Unspecified (E910.9)

Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction of respiratory tract or suffocation (E911)

Inhalation and ingestion of other object causing obstruction of respiratory tract or suffocation

Accidental mechanical suffocation (E913)

In bed or cradle (E913.0)
By plastic bag (E913.1)
Due to lack of air (in closed place) (E913.2)

By falling earth or other substance (E913.3)
Other specified means (E913.8)
Unspecified (E913.9)

Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa (E914)

Foreign body accidentally entering other orifice (E915)

Other accidents (E916-E929)

Struck accidentally by falling object (E916)

Striking against or struck accidentally by objects or persons (E917)

In sports (E917.0)
Caused by a crowd, by collective fear or panic (E917.1)
In running water (E917.2)
Other (E917.9)

Caught accidentally in or between objects (E918)

Accidents caused by machinery (E919)

Agricultural machines (E919.0)
Mining and earth-drilling machinery (E919.1)
Lifting machines and appliances (E919.2)
Metalworking machines (E919.3)
Woodworking and forming machines (E919.4)
Prime movers, except electrical motors (E919.5)
Transmission machinery (E919.6)
Earth moving, scraping, and other excavating machines (E919.7)
Other (E919.8)
Unspecified (E919.9)

Accidents caused by cutting and piercing instruments or objects (E920)

Powered lawn mower (E920.0)
Other powered hand tools (E920.1)
Powered household appliances and implements (E920.2)
Knives, swords, and daggers (E920.3)
Other hand tools and implements (E920.4)
Other (E920.8)
Unspecified (E920.9)

Accident caused by explosion of pressure vessel (E921)

Boilers (E921.0)
Gas cylinders (E921.1)
Other (E921.8)
Unspecified (E921.9)

Accident caused by firearm missile (E922)

Handgun (E922.0)

Shotgun (automatic) (E922.1)
Hunting rifle (E922.2)
Military firearms (E922.3)
Other (E922.8)
Unspecified (E922.9)

Accident caused by explosive material (E923)

Fireworks (E923.0)
Blasting materials (E923.1)
Explosive gases (E923.2)
Other (E923.8)
Unspecified (E923.9)

Accident caused by hot substance or object, caustic or corrosive material, and steam (E924)
Hot liquids and vapors, including steam (E924.0)
Caustic and corrosive substances (E924.1)
Other (E924.8)
Unspecified (E924.9)

Accident caused by electric current (E925)

Domestic wiring and apppliances (E925.0)
Electric power generating plants, distribution stations, transmission lines (E925.1)
Industrial wiring, appliances, and electrical machinery (E925.2)
Other (E925.8)
Unspecified (E925.9)

Exposure to radiation (E926)

Radiofrequency radiation (E926.0)
Infrared heaters and lamps (E926.1)
Visible and ultraviolet light sources (E926.2)
X-rays and other electromagnetic ionizing radiation (E926.3)
Lasers (E926.4)
Radioactive isotopes (E926.5)
Other specified (E926.8)
Unspecified (E926.9)

Overexertion and strenuous movements (E927)

Other and unspecified environmental and accidental causes (E928)

Prolonged stay in weightless environment (E928.0)
Exposure to noise (E928.1)
Vibration (E928.2)
Other (E928.8)
Unspecified accidents (E928.9)

Late effects of accidental injury (E929)

Late effects of accidental injury (E929)

Late effects of motor vehicle accident (E929.0)
Late effects of other transport accident (E929.1)

Late effects of accidental poisoning (E929.2)
Late effects of accidental fall (E929.3)
Late effects of accident caused by fire (E929.4)
Late effects of accident due to natural and environmental factors (E929.5)
Late effects of other accidents (E929.8)
Late effects of unspecified accident (E929.9)

Drugs, medicaments, and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use

Antibiotics (E930)
Penicillins (E930.0)
Antifungal antibiotics (E930.1)
Chloramphenicol group (E930.2)
Erythromycin and other macrolides (E930.3)
Tetracycline group (E930.4)
Cefalosporin group (E930.5)
Antimycobacterial antibiotics (E930.6)
Antineoplastic antibiotics (E930.7)
Other specified antibiotics (E930.8)
Unspecified (E930.9)

Other anti-infectives (E931)

Sulfonamides (E931.0)
Arsenical anti-infectives (E931.1)
Heavy metal anti-infectives (E931.2)
Quinoline and hydroxyquinoline derivatives (E931.3)
Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa (E931.4)
Other antiprotozoal drugs (E931.5)
Anthelminthics (E931.6)
Antiviral drugs (E931.7)
Other antimycobacterial drugs (E931.8)
Other and unspecified anti-infectives (E931.9)

Hormones and synthetic substitutes (E932)

Adrenal cortical steroids (E932.0)
Androgens and anabolic congeners (E932.1)
Ovarian hormones and synthetic substitutes (E932.2)
Insulins and antidiabetic agents (E932.3)
Anterior pituitary hormones (E932.4)
Posterior pituitary hormones (E932.5)
Parathyroid and parathyroid derivatives (E932.6)
Thyroid and thyroid derivatives (E932.7)
Antithyroid agents (E932.8)
Other and unspecified hormones and synthetic substitutes (E932.9)

Primarily systemic agents (E933)

Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs (E933.0)
Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs (E933.1)
Acidifying agents (E933.2)
Alkalizing agents (E933.3)

Enzymes, not elsewhere classified (E933.4)
Vitamins, not elsewhere classified (E933.5)
Other systemic agents, not elsewhere classified (E933.8)
Unspecified (E933.9)

Agents primarily affecting blood constituents (E934)

Iron and its compounds (E934.0)
Liver preparations and other antianemic agents (E934.1)
Anticoagulants (E934.2)
Vitamin K (phytomenadione) (E934.3)
Fibrinolysis-affecting drugs (E934.4)
Anticoagulant antagonists and other coagulants (E934.5)
Gamma globulin (E934.6)
Natural blood and blood products (E934.7)
Other (E934.8)
Unspecified (E934.9)

Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics (E935)

Opiates and related narcotics (E935.0)
Salicylates (E935.1)
Aromatic analgesics, not elsewhere classified (E935.2)
Pyrazole derivatives (E935.3)
Antirheumatics (antiphlogistics) (E935.4)
Other non-narcotic analgesics (E935.5)
Other (E935.8)
Unspecified (E935.9)

Anticonvulsants and anti-Parkinsonism drugs (E936)

Oxazolidine derivatives (E936.0)
Hydantoin derivatives (E936.1)
Succinimides (E936.2)
Other and unspecified anticonvulsants (E936.3)
Anti-Parkinsonism drugs (E936.4)

Sedatives and hypnotics (E937)

Barbiturates (E937.0)
Chloral hydrate group (E937.1)
Paraldehyde (E937.2)
Bromine compounds (E937.3)
Methaqualone compounds (E937.4)
Glutethimide group (E937.5)
Mixed sedatives, not elsewhere classified (E937.6)
Other (E937.8)
Unspecified (E937.9)

Other central nervous system depressants (E938)

Central nervous system muscle-tone depressants (E938.0)
Halothane (E938.1)
Other gaseous anesthetics (E938.2)
Intravenous anesthetics (E938.3)
Other and unspecified general anesthetics (E938.4)

Surface and infiltration anesthetics (E938.5)
Peripheral nerve- and plexus-blocking anesthetics (E938.6)
Spinal anesthetics (E938.7)
Other and unspecified local anesthetics (E938.9)

Psychotropic agents (E939)

Antidepressants (E939.0)
Phenothiazine-based tranquilizers (E939.1)
Butyrophenone-based tranquilizers (E939.2)
Other antipsychotics, neuroleptics, and major tranquilizers (E939.3)
Benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers (E939.4)
Other tranquilizers (E939.5)
Psychodysleptics (hallucinogens) (E939.6)
Psychostimulants (E939.7)
Other psychotropic agents (E939.8)
Unspecified (E939.9)

Central nervous system stimulants (E940)

Analeptics (E940.0)
Opiate antagonists (E940.1)
Other (E940.8)
Unspecified (E940.9)

Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system (E941)

Parasympathomimetics (cholinergics) (E941.0)
Parasympatholytics (anticholinergics and antimuscarinics) and spasmolytics (E941.1)
Sympathomimetics (adrenergics) (E941.2)
Sympatholytics (antiadrenergics) (E941.3)
Unspecified (E941.9)

Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system (E942)

Cardiac rhythm regulators (E942.0)
Cardiotonic glycosides and drugs of similar action (E942.1)
Antilipemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs (E942.2)
Ganglion-blocking agents (E942.3)
Coronary vasodilators (E942.4)
Other vasodilators (E942.5)
Other antihypertensive agents (E942.6)
Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents (E942.7)
Capillary-active drugs (E942.8)
Other and unspecified (E942.9)

Agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system (E943)

Antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs (E943.0)
Irritant cathartics (E943.1)
Emollient cathartics (E943.2)
Other cathartics, including intestinal atonia drugs (E943.3)
Digestants (E943.4)
Antidiarrheal drugs (E943.5)
Emetics (E943.6)
Other (E943.8)

Unspecified (E943.9)

Water, mineral, and uric acid metabolism drugs (E944)

Mercurial diuretics (E944.0)
Purine derivative diuretics (E944.1)
Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors (E944.2)
Saluretics (E944.3)
Other diuretics (E944.4)
Electrolytic, caloric, and water-balance agents (E944.5)
Other mineral salts, not elsewhere classified (E944.6)
Uric acid metabolism drugs (E944.7)

Agents primarily acting on the smooth and skeletal muscles and respiratory system (E945)
Oxytocic agents (E945.0)
Smooth muscle relaxants (E945.1)
Skeletal muscle relaxants (E945.2)
Other and unspecified drugs acting on muscles (E945.3)
Antitussives (E945.4)
Expectorants (E945.5)
Anti-common-cold drugs (E945.6)
Antiasthmatics (E945.7)
Other and unspecified respiratory drugs (E945.8)

Agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane, ophthalmological,

otorhinolaryngological, and dental drugs (E946)
Local anti-infectives and anti-inflammatory drugs (E946.0)
Antipruritics (E946.1)
Local astringents and local detergents (E946.2)
Emollients, demulcents, and protectants (E946.3)
Keratolytics, keratoplastics, other hair treatment drugs and preparations (E946.4)
Eye anti-infectives and other eye drugs (E946.5)
Anti-infective and other drugs and preparations for ear, nose, and throat (E946.6)
Dental drugs topically applied (E946.7)
Other (E946.8)
Unspecified (E946.9)

Other and unspecified drugs and medicaments (E947)

Dietetics (E947.0)
Lipotropic drugs (E947.1)
Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified (E947.2)
Alcohol deterrents (E947.3)
Pharmaceutical excipients (E947.4)
Other drugs and medicaments (E947.8)
Unspecified drug or medicament (E947.9)

Bacterial vaccines (E948)

BCG vaccine (E948.0)
Typhoid and paratyphoid (E948.1)
Cholera (E948.2)
Plague (E948.3)
Tetanus (E948.4)

Diphtheria (E948.5)
Pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component (E948.6)
Other and unspecified bacterial vaccines (E948.8)
Mixed bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component (E948.9)

Other vaccines and biological substances (E949)

Smallpox vaccine (E949.0)
Rabies vaccine (E949.1)
Typhus vaccine (E949.2)
Yellow fever vaccine (E949.3)
Measles vaccine (E949.4)
Poliomyelitis vaccine (E949.5)
Other and unspecified viral and rickettsial vaccines (E949.6)
Mixed viral-rickettsial and bacterial vaccines, except combinations with a pertussis component (E949.7)
Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances (E949.9)

Suicide (E950-E959)

Suicide by solid or liquid substances (E950)

Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics (E950.0)
Barbiturates (E950.1)
Other sedatives and hypnotics (E950.2)
Tranquilizers and other psychotropic agents (E950.3)
Other specified drugs and medicaments (E950.4)
Unspecified drug or medicament (E950.5)
Agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations other than plant foods and fertilizers
Corrosive and caustic substances (E950.7)
Arsenic and its compounds (E950.8)
Other and unspecified solid and liquid substances (E950.9)

Suicide by gases in domestic use (E951)

Gas distributed by pipeline (E951.0)
Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers (E951.1)
Other utility gas (E951.8)

Suicide by other gases and vapors (E952)

Motor vehicle exhaust gas (E952.0)
Other carbon monoxide (E952.1)
Other specified gases and vapors (E952.8)
Unspecified gases and vapors (E952.9)

Suicide by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation (E953)

Hanging (E953.0)
Suffocation by plastic bag (E953.1)
Other specified means (E953.8)
Unspecified means (E953.9)

Suicide by submersion (drowning) (E954)

Suicide by firearms and explosives (E955)
Handgun (E955.0)
Shotgun (E955.1)
Hunting rifle (E955.2)
Military firearms (E955.3)
Other and unspecified firearms (E955.4)
Explosives (E955.5)
Unspecified (E955.9)

Suicide by cutting and piercing instruments (E956)

Suicide by jumping from high place (E957)

Residential premises (E957.0)
Other manmade structures (E957.1)
Natural sites (E957.2)
Unspecified (E957.9)

Suicide by other and unspecified means (E958)

Jumping or lying before moving object (E958.0)
Burns, fire (E958.1)
Scald (E958.2)
Extremes of cold (E958.3)
Electrocution (E958.4)
Crashing of motor vehicle (E958.5)
Crashing of aircraft (E958.6)
Caustic substances, except poisoning (E958.7)
Other specified means (E958.8)
Unspecified means (E958.9)

Late effects of self-inflicted injury (E959)

Homicide (E960-E969)

Fight, brawl, rape (E960)

Unarmed fight or brawl (E960.0)
Rape (E960.1)

Assault by corrosive or caustic substance, except poisoning (E961)

Assault by poisoning (E962)

Drugs and medicaments (E962.0)
Other solid and liquid substances (E962.1)
Other gases and vapors (E962.2)
Unspecified poisoning (E962.9)

Assault by hanging and strangulation (E963)

Assault by submersion (drowning) (E964)

Assault by firearms and explosives (E965)
Handgun (E965.0)
Shotgun (E965.1)
Hunting rifle (E965.2)
Military firearms (E965.3)
Other and unspecified firearms (E965.4)
Antipersonnel bomb (E965.5)
Petrol bomb (E965.6)
Letter bomb (E965.7)
Other specified explosive (E965.8)
Unspecified explosive (E965.9)

Assault by cutting and piercing instrument (E966)

Child battering and other maltreatment (E967)

By parent (E967.0)
By other specified person (E967.1)
By unspecified person (E967.9)

Assault by other and unspecified means (E968)

Fire (E968.0)
Pushing from high place (E968.1)
Striking by blunt or thrown object (E968.2)
Hot liquid (E968.3)
Criminal neglect (E968.4)
Other specified means (E968.8)
Unspecified means (E968.9)

Late effects of injury purposely inflicted by other person (E969)

Legal intervention (E970-E978)

Injury due to legal intervention by firearms (E970)

Injury due to legal intervention by explosives (E971)

Injury due to legal intervention by gas (E972)

Injury due to legal intervention by blunt object (E973)

Injury due to legal intervention by cutting and piercing instruments (E974)

Injury due to legal intervention by other specified means (E975)

Injury due to legal intervention by unspecified means (E976)

Late effects of injuries due to legal intervention (E977)

Legal execution (E978)

Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E980-E989)

Poisoning by solid or liquid substances, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted

Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics (E980.0)
Barbiturates (E980.1)
Other sedatives and hypnotics (E980.2)
Tranquilizers and other psychotropic agents (E980.3)
Other specified drugs and medicaments (E980.4)
Unspecified drug or medicament (E980.5)
Corrosive and caustic substances (E980.6)
Agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations other than plant foods and fertilizers
Arsenic and its compounds (E980.8)
Other and unspecified solid and liquid substances (E980.9)

Poisoning by gases in domestic use, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted

Gas distributed by pipeline (E981.0)
Liquefied petroleum gas distributed in mobile containers (E981.1)
Other utility gas (E981.8)

Poisoning by other gases, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E982)

Motor vehicle exhaust gas (E982.0)
Other carbon monoxide (E982.1)
Other specified gases and vapors (E982.8)
Unspecified gases and vapors (E982.9)

Hanging, strangulation, or suffocation, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted

Hanging (E983.0)
Suffocation by plastic bag (E983.1)
Other specified means (E983.8)
Unspecified means (E983.9)

Submersion (drowning), undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E984)

Injury by firearms and explosives, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted

Handgun (E985.0)
Shotgun (E985.1)
Hunting rifle (E985.2)
Military firearms (E985.3)
Other and unspecified firearms (E985.4)
Explosives (E985.5)

Injury by cutting and piercing instruments, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely

inflicted (E986)

Falling from high place, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E987)
Residential premises (E987.0)
Other man-made structures (E987.1)
Natural sites (E987.2)
Unspecified (E987.9)

Injury by other and unspecified means, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
Jumping or lying before moving object (E988.0)
Burns, fire (E988.1)
Scald (E988.2)
Extremes of cold (E988.3)
Electrocution (E988.4)
Crashing of motor vehicle (E988.5)
Crashing of aircraft (E988.6)
Caustic substances, except poisoning (E988.7)
Other specified means (E988.8)
Unspecified means (E988.9)

Late effects of injury, undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E989)

Injury resulting from operations of war (E990-E999)

Injury due to war operations by fires and conflagrations (E990)

From petrol bomb (E990.0)
From other and unspecified sources (E990.9)

Injury due to war operations by bullets and fragments (E991)

Rubber bullets (rifle) (E991.0)
Pellets (rifle) (E991.1)
Other bullets (E991.2)
Antipersonnel bomb (fragments) (E991.3)
Other and unspecified fragments (E991.9)

Injury due to war operations by explosion of marine weapons (E992)

Injury due to war operations by other explosion (E993)

Injury due to war operations by destruction of aircraft (E994)

Injury due to war operations by other and unspecified forms of conventional warfare (E995)

Injury due to war operations by nuclear weapons (E996)

Injury due to war operations by other forms of unconventional warfare (E997)

Lasers (E997.0)

Biological warfare (E997.1)
Gases, fumes, and chemicals (E997.2)
Other (E997.8)
Unspecified (E997.9)

Injury due to war operations but occurring after cessation of hostilities (E998)

Late effects of injury due to war operations (E999)


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