Health History
Health History
Health History
Database Sources:
1. Health History
2. Physical Assessment
3. Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
4. Materials Contributed by Other Health Personnel
o Patterns of Health and Illness
o Risks Factors for Health Problems
o Deviations from Normal
o Available Resources for Adaptation
Focus of Interview
1. Establishing rapport and trusting relationship with the client
2. Gathering information on the client’s developmental, psychological, physiologic, socio-cultural and
spiritual statuses.
Phases of the Health Assessment Interview
1. Pre-interaction
Collection of data from medical record, previous health risk appraisal, health screenings,
therapists and other health care professionals.
Information obtained during the phase plan and guide the direction of initial interview
Nurse reflects on his or her own strengths and limitations
2. Initial Interview
Gathering information from the patient
Use of Health History Form
Establishing NPR
Explaining the importance of the interview, telling what to expect
3. Focused Interview
Clarify previously obtained assessment data
Gather missing information about a specific health concern
Update and identify new diagnostic cues as they occur
Guide the direction of physical assessment
Identify or validate probable nursing diagnosis
Approaches to Interview
1. Directive (Closed)
Highly structured
Elicits specific information
Nurse controls subject matter
Used when time is limited
2. Non-Directive (Open-Ended)
Nurse allow the patient to control the purpose, subject matter and pacing of the interview