The Repeating Image
The Repeating Image
The Repeating Image
With contributions by
Stephen Bann
Simon Kelly
Richard Shiff
Charles Stuckey
Jeffrey Weiss
Distributed by
Yale University Press
New Haven and London
Presenting Sponsor
PNC Foundation
Lead Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte 6 Foreword Gary Vikan
Anonymous (2)
9 Lenders to the Exhibition
This publication accompanies the exhibition Déjà Vu? Published by the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore 83 The Predications and Implications of Monet’s Series Charles Stuckey
Revealing Repetition in French Masterpieces, organized by Copyright © 2007 The Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery,
the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, in association with Baltimore. All rights reserved. 127 Risible Cézanne Richard Shiff
the Phoenix Art Museum.
The Walters Art Museum
Exhibition dates: 600 North Charles Street 173 The Matisse Grid Jeffrey Weiss
7 October 2007– 1 January 2008 Baltimore, Maryland 21201
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland 194 Checklist of the Exhibition
6 7
Lenders to the Exhibition
the innovative interactive components distinguishing the exhibition
installation. Our thanks, as well, to Michel Draguet, director of the
Musées royaux de Belgique and its chief curator, Frederik Leen,
for their cooperation in the production of the Marat video project.
For their invaluable support of the exhibition and the publication,
we would also like to thank: Alexander Babin, Philip Brookman,
Alain Daguerre de Hureaux, Patrick Deron, Charlotte Eyerman, Jay
Fisher, David Franklin, Aprile Gallant, James Ganz, Gloria Groom,
Sarah Hall, Axel Hémery, Kelly Holbert, Colta Ives, Sophie Jugie,
Isabelle Julia, Ian Kennedy, Michelle Komie, Susan Higman Larsen,
Sylvain Lavaissière, Terry Lignelli, David Liot, Louise Lippincott,
Georges Matisse, Mary Morton, Alexandra Murphy, Lynne Federle
Orr, Peter Parshall, Nicholas Penny, Joachim Pissarro, Rebecca Rabi-
now, Richard Rand, Pierre-Lin Renié, Christopher Riopelle, Joseph
Rishel, Betsy Rosasco, Katy Rothkopf, Marie-Catherine Sahut, Xavier
Salmon, Polly Sartori, Scott Schaefer, George Shackelford, Cheryl
Snay, Gary Tinterow, Andrew Walker, John Weber, Jeffrey Weiss, Austin, Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin
Jean Woodward, John Zarobell, and Henry Zimet. Baltimore, The Baltimore Museum of Art
In closing, I would like to thank our partner and exclusive south- Baltimore, The Walters Art Museum
western venue for this traveling exhibition, the Phoenix Art Museum. Bordeaux, Musée Goupil
My colleague, James Ballinger, and Dr. Kahng’s counterpart, Thomas Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Loughman, have remained steadfast supporters of this challenging Cardiff, Amgueddfa Cymru–National Museum Wales
project from its earliest incarnation. They shared my conviction in Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago
the merits of this groundbreaking show and we hope this book will Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon
be enduring proof of their wisdom. Kansas City, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
London, The National Gallery
Gary Vikan Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum
Director New York, French & Company LLC
The Walters Art Museum New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Northampton, Massachusetts, Smith College Museum of Art
Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada
Paris, Musée du Louvre
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art
Pittsburgh, The Frick Art & Historical Center
Portland, Oregon, Portland Art Museum
Princeton, Princeton University Art Museum
Private collections
Reims, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Reims
Saint Louis Art Museum
Saint Petersburg, Russia, The State Hermitage Museum
San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Toulouse, Musée des Augustins
Versailles, Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon
Washington, The Corcoran Gallery of Art
Washington, National Gallery of Art
Williamstown, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
8 9
Repetition as Symbolic Form
12 of good design begins to have a wider market and reconstitution, no matter how much time 13 the moving image has imposed. The nine-
more intense competition, the manufacturers and space might separate their members. teenth and twentieth centuries also saw the
6, 7
Opposite: Fig. 4. Studio of Jacques- Fig. 5. François Gérard Fig. 6. Jacques-Louis Fig. 7. Studio of Jacques-
Fig. 3. Jacques-Louis Louis David, The Death or Jérome Langlois, after David and Studio, The Louis David, The Death of
David, The Death of of Marat, ca. 1793. Oil Jacques-Louis David, Death of Marat, ca. 1794. Marat, 1793–94. Oil on
Marat, 1793. Oil on on canvas, 92 × 73 cm. The Death of Marat, Oil on canvas. 111.3 × canvas, 162.5 × 130 cm.
canvas, 165 × 128 cm. Musée des Beaux-Arts 1793–94. Oil on canvas, 85.6 cm. Musée des Paris, Musée du Louvre;
Brussels, Musée d’art de Dijon (2306) 157.5 × 136 cm. Musée Beaux-Arts de la Ville legs du Baron Jeanin,
ancien, Musées royaux national des châteaux de de Reims; don Paul descendant de l’artiste,
des Beaux-Arts Versailles et de Trianon David, 1879 (879.8) 1945 (RF 1945-2)
(MV 5608)
24 Notes Copies, and Reproductions, Studies in the History of 14. David Lee, “Serial Rights,” ARTnews 66, no. 8 25 25. Ibid., 130.
I would like to thank Michael Fried and Peter Parshall Art 20/casva Symposium Papers 7 (Washington: (December 1967), 42–45, 68. 26. Erwin Panofsky, Studies in Iconology: Humanistic
Stephen Bann During the course of the nineteenth century, the conditions for pro-
ducing and disseminating visual works of art in the West changed
profoundly. This change was not simply a matter of marketing,
although the rise of a new type of art dealer with broad international
reach was a major factor in stimulating the new developments. New
techniques of reproduction, which diffused the fame of living artists,
grew at a truly exponential rate, as did the use of existing techniques
such as burin engraving and lithography. There was also a boom in
new institutions that featured contemporary art as well as the great
works of the past. The collection of William T. Walters, composed
initially of works acquired in Paris from the most prestigious French
artists and dealers of the day, but destined for the transatlantic city of
Baltimore, is emblematic of this turn of events. Paul Delaroche (1797–
1856) and his pupil Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904) were undoubt-
edly prime movers in galvanizing this novel artistic economy and
fully recognized as such at the time.1 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
(1780–1867), whose stock has risen while that of the other two has
fallen in relative terms, presents a different scenario. Nonetheless,
his defiantly individual practice throws the general picture into relief.
This momentous transformation has, however, received little close
attention until recently. The extensive circulation of images in repro-
duction that reached hitherto untouched sectors of the population
during the nineteenth century underpinned the creation of new
collections and the new public institutions that housed them. Yet in
the course of the following century such institutions began to operate
a kind of unofficial censorship over the so-called academic art of the
period. This led also to the obfuscation of the issue of the “repeating
image” in academic painting, and consequently to the neglect of the
medium of the reproductive print that had been so crucial in spread-
ing visual awareness. The concept of “repetition” in academic art has
indeed been a red flag to a bull, since it challenges the stable value
28 inherent in the “original” work. Still quite the same painter” and the “copy if painted artist’s hand],” but by studio assistants, 29 images that is now foreign to us—one in
exceptional is a display like that presented by another.”3 Such a publication might be or even copyists with no direct connection which the multiple practices of repetition
38 which the master insisted on retouching and had to be wrapped in wool by the porter studied with Delaroche in the mid-1830s and 39 in 1856, however, the anomalous situation of
himself.”22 This account, in Strahan’s con- because of the extreme winter temperatures in 1837 (the year of his first Salon exhibit) the work that had originally entered Goupil’s
Fig. 13. Jean-Léon Fig. 15. Jean-Léon Fig. 16. Achille Sirouy,
Gérôme, The Duel Gérôme, The Duel after Jean-Léon Gérôme,
after the Masquerade, after the Masquerade, The Duel after the
1857. Oil on canvas, 1857–59. Oil on canvas, Masquerade, 1859
50 × 72 cm. Chantilly, 39.1 × 56.3 cm. Balti- (1867 print). Lithograph,
Musée Condé (PE 533) more, The Walters Art impression on a tint-
Museum. Bequest of stone background, hand-
Fig. 14. Jean-Léon Henry Walters, 1931 colored with watercolor
Gérôme, The Duel (37.51) and gouache, with gum
after the Masquerade, arabic highlights, 37.7 ×
1857. Oil on canvas, 54.5 cm. Bordeaux,
68 × 99 cm. St. Peters- Musée Goupil: Direction
burg, Russia, The State des Établissements
Hermitage Museum culturels de Bordeaux
(GE 3872) (98.I.1.5)
46 that a majority of his important works were Fig. 17. Ferdinand Gaillard, Ingres’s death in a burin engraving by Ferdi- 47 note in Ingres’s hand alludes to the content
made available to a wider public in this way. after Jean-Auguste- nand Gaillard (1834–1887) for the Gazette des of the Sphinx’s riddle, which involves Oedi-
Simon Kelly Shortly after the deaths of Jean-François Millet (b. 1814) and Jean-
Baptiste-Camille Corot (b. 1796) within a five-week period in early
1875, the critic Henri Dumesnil offered one of the earliest compari-
sons of the two artists. He noted the differences in their paint han-
dling but observed that “fundamentally, they both shared the same
love and respect for nature; each saw it through his own tempera-
ment, in a different way, but each shared the same passion in search
of truth.”1 Dumesnil’s words underscored the intensity of the two
artists’ engagement with nature. Other early biographers also empha-
sized Millet’s and Corot’s exceptional desire to understand the com-
plexity of nature’s moods, developing a biographical discourse around
artistic “temperament.”2 Some highlighted Corot’s intimate, plein-air
study, reflected in his extensive travels throughout his career.3 Others
noted Millet’s intensely felt and personal renditions of the peasantry
and nature of “la belle France.”4 Such views are at the root of modern-
ist notions of mid-nineteenth-century landscape painting that stress
close engagement with nature as a sign of the artist’s “originality.”5
Yet such a focus has marginalized a fundamental aspect of the out-
put of both artists. Both Millet and Corot drew inspiration not only
from nature but also from art—specifically their own art. This essay
explores the importance of repetition and of the repeating image in
the studio practice of these two artists.
The involvement of nineteenth-century painters with the theme of
repetition has begun to attract increasing scholarly attention in recent
years, prompted by an environment in which the idea of repetition is
celebrated rather than denied.6 Previously, the modernist emphasis
on “originality”—the idea of the unique work in the unique hand of
the artist—had ensured that the full complexity of the practice of repe-
tition was overlooked. An overview of a nineteenth-century academic
dictionary, however, reveals a careful differentiation between different
kinds of repeating image or copie—from the autograph repetition to
54 the assistant’s replica, to the translation of Repetition as “Rehearsal” Uniquely among all the Sower compositions, 55 outstretched right arm here highlights
an image into another medium, such as an The trope of repetition as rehearsal can be the right arm is represented here with a sky- Millet’s especial concern for this area of
This page:
Fig. 10. Jean-Baptiste-
Camille Corot, The
Evening Star, 1864. Oil
on canvas, 71 × 90 cm.
Baltimore, Walters Art
Museum. Bequest of
Henry Walters, 1931
Charles Stuckey Claude Monet’s 4–16 May 1891 exhibition at the Galerie Durand-
Ruel in Paris, featuring fifteen closely related paintings of wheat-
stacks (meules), all but one painted within the past year and all sold
within days of the opening, was a turning point in the artist’s career.
Henceforth Monet’s near-exclusive concerns as a modern painter were
the production and exhibition of multiple variations on a few compo-
sitions featuring a single subject: Poplars (exhibited 1892); Rouen
Cathedral, Floe Ice on the Seine, View of the Seine at Port-Villez, The
Church at Vernon, The Village of Sandviken, and Mount Kolsaas (all
exhibited 1895); The Fiord near Christiana, The Cliffs at Pourville, Petit-
Ailly, and Dieppe, The Coast Guard Lookout House at Varengeville,
Morning on the Seine (all exhibited 1898); The Water Lily Pond (exhi-
bited 1900); Views of the Thames (exhibited 1904); Water Lilies (exhi-
bited 1909); and Views of Venice (exhibited 1912). Indeed, aside from
his leading role during the 1860s and 1870s in the development of
stenographic Impressionist brushwork as an idiom to record the capri-
cious flux of visual sensations, Monet’s dedication to making works
in series and presenting these works as ensembles was his most
important, influential, and abiding legacy to modern art. Even today,
more than a century after Monet’s historic 1891 exhibition, countless
visual artists (not just painters) still make multiple versions of a single
subject (representational or abstract) and present these together in
solo exhibitions, as if the display of variations on a single theme in
itself was inherently a modern mode of art expression. In an acclaimed
exhibition in 1968 at the Pasadena Art Museum John Coplans made
the case that Monet’s works in series, coincidentally related to the
development beginning in the 1870s of mathematical theories of
serial order, provided the foundation for the ubiquitous series art of
such heralded post–World War II innovators as Josef Albers (1888–
1976), Ad Reinhardt (1913–1967), Andy Warhol (1928–1987), Donald
Judd (1928–1994), and Frank Stella (b. 1936), to name but a few.1
84 Just what sorts of related works constitute That began to change in 1972 with the publi- The publication beginning in 1979 of the 85 1891–1892
series art is open to debate. Generally speak- cation of a catalogue raisonné of Monet’s last four (of five) volumes of Daniel Wilden- Reporting on the prospect of Monet’s 1891
5, 10
6, 11
7, 12
8, 13
Page 86: Page 87: Fig. 9. Stack of Wheat Opposite:
Figs. 1–13. Claude Monet, Fig. 4. Grainstack (Snow (Snow Effect, Overcast Fig. 14. Eugène Boudin,
Meules (Wheatstacks), Effect), 1891. 65.4 × Day), 1890–91. 66 × Sky, ca. 1854–60. Pastel
1890–91. Oil on canvas. 92.4 cm. Museum of 93 cm. The Art Institute on beige paper, 21.5 ×
Fine Arts, Boston, Gift of Chicago, Mr. and 28.6 cm. Paris, Musée
Fig. 1. Stacks of Wheat of Miss Aimée and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson d’Orsay, donation Claude
(Sunset, Snow Effect), Miss Rosamond Lamb Collection (1933.1155) Roger-Marx (RF 36795)
1890–91. 65.3 × in memory of Mr. and
100.4 cm. The Art Mrs. Horatio Appleton Fig. 10. Stack of Wheat, Fig. 15. Eugène Boudin,
Institute of Chicago, Lamb (1970.253) 1890–91. 65.6 × 92 cm. Cloudy Sky, ca. 1854–60.
Potter Palmer Collec- The Art Institute of Pastel on gray paper,
tion (1922.431). Fig. 5. Stack of Wheat Chicago, Restricted gift 21.5 × 29.6 cm. Paris,
(Thaw, Sunset), 1890/91. of the Searle Family Musée du Louvre
Fig. 2. Grainstack 64.9 × 92.3 cm. The Art Trust, Major Acquisitions (RF 16795)
(Sunset), 1891. 73.3 × Institute of Chicago, Gift Centennial Endowment;
92.7 cm. Museum of of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. through prior acquisi- Fig. 16. Eugène Boudin,
Fine Arts, Boston, Juliana Searle (1983.166) tions of the Mr. and Sky at Sunset, ca. 1854–
Cheney Edwards Collec- Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson 60. Pastel on beige
tion, 1925 (25.112) Fig. 6. Haystacks at and Potter Palmer col- paper, 21.5 × 29.1 cm.
Sunset, Frosty Weather, lections; through prior Paris, Musée du Louvre,
Fig. 3. Grainstack in 1891. 65 × 92 cm. Private bequest of Jerome donation Camondo
Winter, Misty Weather, collection Friedman (1983.29) (RF 36795)
1891. 65 × 92 cm.
Private collection, Fig. 7. Haystacks (Effect Fig. 11. Wheatstacks,
courtesy of Ivor Braka of Snow and Sun), 1891. Snow Effect, Morning,
65.4 × 92.1 cm. New 1891. 65 × 100 cm.
York, The Metropolitan Los Angeles, The J. Paul
Museum of Art, H. O. Getty Museum (95.PA.63)
Havemeyer Collection,
Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Fig. 12. Haystacks, Snow
Havemeyer, 1929 Effect, 1891. 65 × 92 cm.
(1929.100.109) Edinburgh, National
Gallery of Scotland
Fig. 8. Grainstacks, (NG 2283)
Snow Effect, 1891.
60 × 100 cm. Shelburne, Fig. 13. Grainstacks, Sun
Vermont, Shelburne in the Mist, 1891. 60 ×
Museum, Gift of Electra 100.3 cm. Minneapolis
Havemeyer Webb Fund, Institute of Arts, Gift of
Inc., 1972 (27.1.2-106) Ruth and Bruce Dayton,
The Putnam Dana McMil-
lan Fund, The John R. Van
Derlip Fund, The William
Hood Dunwoody Fund,
The Ethel Morrison Van
Derlip Fund, Alfred and
Ingrid Lenz Harrison, and
Mary Joann and James R.
Jundt (93.20)
90 sixteen pastels, watercolors, and drawings. century print artists as Edgar Degas (1834– 1849) great suite of broadsheet horizontal- 91 order to add Ratapoil, the controversial 1851
Given the dearth of studies devoted to 1917), Cassatt, and Pissarro often showed format woodblock prints, Thirty-six Views plaster sculpture by the late Honoré Daumier
in response to seeing art in series on public Monet was working in tandem with Renoir Fig. 28. Gustave Caille-
display, whether at Courbet exhibitions or at on the Seine at La Grenouillère, a leisure botte, Sky Study, Clouds,
the Boudin auction. In his remarkable 1993 establishment where Parisians came by 3, before 1879. Oil on
canvas, 24 × 32 cm.
exhibition catalogue, Degas Landscapes, Rich- train to boat and swim. Working side by side,
Private collection, cour-
ard Kendall stressed the surprising fact that each of the artists made three closely related tesy Comité Gustave
Degas (famously reluctant to release any of “sketches” of the same locale. While they Caillebotte, Paris
his works publicly), signed and dated eight of both intended to develop these into exhibi-
these pastels “69,” as if he had special plans tion pictures, it seems nevertheless worth
for them. Kendall speculated that Degas may noting how their efforts this summer were
have intended to put them on exhibition at carried out collaboratively in series fashion.
that early date, possibly in a commercial But Renoir and Monet’s incipient interest in
gallery. Indeed, one could speculate even series art was sidetracked, as were all con-
further that Degas hoped to collaborate with temporary art trends, by the outbreak of war
such colleagues as Boudin, Monet, and even in the summer of 1870.
Berthe Morisot (1841–1895) on some unreal- As is well known, Courbet initially took an
ized or unrecorded group exhibition or auc- active role in the Commune, the provisional
tion project featuring landscape pastels.40 government established in Paris in March
Whether or not there is any merit to such 1871, which soon splintered into extreme
a hypothesis, it is worth noting that while factions and collapsed when French national
seven of the signed Degas landscape pastels troops invaded the capital at the end of May.
of the late 1860s are identical in dimensions, Seriously implicated in the destruction of the
all but three show distinctly different compo- Vendôme Column on 16 May, Courbet was
sitions, suggesting that Degas was not as arrested in June and sentenced to spend six
yet prepared to display very many too simi- months at the prison of Sainte-Pélagie. But
lar works together. All such speculation by the end of 1871 he was paroled for health
aside, Degas’s relatively rare landscape ser- reasons to house arrest at a clinic in Neuilly.
ies campaign in the late 1860s has rather Unable to cope with ongoing persecution in
enormous implications considering how France, Courbet would soon flee to Switzer-
fundamental the series concept would be land, where he died in exile on the final day
throughout the remainder of the artist’s of 1877. Needless to say, Courbet immediately
astonishing career. lost his status as France’s leading contem-
Series activity was intense during the porary artist, and even today many of his
summer of 1869, when Courbet worked at achievements remain overlooked. Given his
a little fisherman’s house on the beach at pioneering role as a series artist, Courbet’s
Étretat, painting more than twenty versions sudden fall from favor seems, at least briefly,
104 to have put an end to the growing momen- a letter to a colleague that in order to enhance unfortunately no way to know what prompted 105 explained: “My different versions are filed
tum for art made as variations on a particular a pervasive harmony to this exhibition he Jules de Goncourt to express the following alphabetically at Cadart’s publishing house
to let him rearrange the twenty Rouen Cathe- but all orchestrated in tones of pink, red, and
dral variations (see figs. 51–53) more system- yellow, whether rendered in oils or pastels.
atically for the final ten days of their display These three artists—Degas, Pissarro, and
at the Durand-Ruel gallery.53 Cassatt—began already in May 1879 to col-
As if commenting on the excitement laborate on plans for Le jour et la nuit, a jour-
of documenting movement with mechani- nal with etchings to be issued the following
Figs. 33–42: Edgar 36. 11th state. Electric 40. 15th state. Drypoint
Degas, Leaving the Bath, crayon, etching, drypoint, and aquatint on wove
ten states, 1879–80. and aquatint. Austin, paper. New York, The
Approximate plate Blanton Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of
dimensions: 12.8 × The University of Texas at Art, Harris Brisbane Dick
12.8 cm. Austin, Archer M. Hun- Fund, Rogers Fund, The
tington Museum Fund, Elisha Whittelsey Collec-
33. 2nd state. Etching 1982 (1982.705) tion, The Elisha Whittel-
and drypoint with bur- sey Fund, 1972, by
nishing. Fine Arts Muse- 37. 12th state. Drypoint exchange (1972.659)
ums of San Francisco; and aquatint on laid
Museum purchase paper. New York, The 41. 16th state. Etching,
(1973.9.13) Metropolitan Museum of aquatint, and drypoint
Art, Rogers Fund 1921 on wove paper. Williams-
34. 7th state. Electric (21.39.1) town, Massachusetts, 36, 40
crayon, etching, drypoint, Sterling and Francine
and aquatint on laid 38. 13th state. Drypoint Clark Art Institute
paper. Ottawa, National and aquatint. Northhamp- (1971.39)
Gallery of Canada, ton, Massachusetts,
Purchased 1976 (18662) Smith College Museum 42. 20th state. Electric
of Art, Gift of Selma crayon, etching, drypoint,
35. 21st state. Electric Erving, class of 1927 and aquatint. Washington,
crayon, etching, drypoint, (SC 1972:50-19) National Gallery of Art,
and aquatint. Washington, Rosenwald Collection
National Gallery of Art, 39. 14th state. Etching (1950.16.48)
Rosenwald Collection and aquatint. Williams-
(1950.16.47) town, Massachusetts, 43. Impression from
Sterling and Francine canceled plate, printed
Clark Art Institute 1959. Etching, aquatint,
(1969.19) and drypoint. The Balti-
more Museum of Art, 37, 41
Blanche Adler Memorial
Fund (BMA 1960.128)
38, 42
35 39, 43
112 working on the same painting briefly day sell two versions, sometimes three, of his format works greatly appealed to some 113 in this timely survey of Boudin’s profoundly
after day, the orthodox Impressionist com- most recent motifs to the dealer. In other journalists and greatly upset others, none influential art. For his part, Monet evidently
42. See Robin Spencer, “Whistler’s First One-Man Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas,” in Judith Barter, ed., 75. “Tableaux: Exposition de M. Claude Monet, Paris,
Exhibition Reconstructed,” in Gabriel Weisberg and Mary Cassatt, Modern Woman, exh. cat., Art Institute Galerie Georges Petit, 8, rue de Séze, 5e Exposition de
Laurinda Dixon, eds., The Documented Image: Visions of Chicago (New York and Chicago: Thames and la Société des Artistes Indépendants, Paris, 84, rue de
in Art History (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Hudson/Art Institute of Chicago, 1998), 115–16. Grenelle,” in Fénéon, Oeuvres plus que complètes, ed.
Press, 1987), 28; and Deanna Marohn Bendix, Dia- 55. Sue Welsh Reed and Barbara Stern Shapiro, Edgar Halperin, 1:162. For other accounts of serial imagery
bolical Designs: Paintings, Interiors, and Exhibitions Degas, The Painter as Printmaker, exh. cat., Boston, and Monet’s 1889 show, see Levine, Monet and His
of James McNeill Whistler (Washington and London: Museum of Fine Arts (1984), 169 (no. 51). Critics, 109–10.
Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995), 212–13. 56. Catalogue des estampes anciennes et modernes . . . 76. For an illustrated reconstruction of this exhibition
43. Quoted in Andrew McLaren Young et al., The Paint- composant la collection Edgar Degas, Paris, Hôtel based on Wildenstein’s research, see Vilain, Claude
ings of James McNeill Whistler, 2 vols. (New Haven and Drouot, 6–7 November 1918, lot 54. Monet-Auguste Rodin, 73–105.
London: Yale University Press, 1980), 1:84 (no. 138). 57. Charles Stuckey, “Love, Money, and Monet’s 77. See “On Self: From the Notebooks and Diaries of
44. For the classic account of Whistler’s Nocturnes, Débâcle Paintings of 1880,” in Monet at Vétheuil: Susan Sontag, 1958–67,” New York Times Magazine,
see E. R. and J. Pennell, The Life of James McNeill The Turning Point, exh. cat., Ann Arbor, University 10 September 2006, 56.
Whistler, 2 vols. (London: Heinemann, 1909), 1:161–67. of Michigan Museum of Art (1998), 58–61. 78. For Monet’s 1897 comments, see Maurice Guille-
45. E. and J. de Goncourt, Journal, 10 (1871–75), 166. 58. Stuckey, Claude Monet, 1840–1926, 12–13. mot, “Claude Monet,” La revue illustrée 13, no. 7
(15 March 1898).
46. Michel Melot, The Impressionist Print, trans. 59. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue
Caroline Beamish (New Haven and London, Yale raisonné, 1: 1840–1881, peintures, 441 (letter 203). 79. See Félix Fénéon, “Les grands collectionneurs:
University Press, 1996), 123. Nine of sixteen versions I.—Isaac de Camondo,” Bulletin de la vie artistique,
60. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue
now belonging to the Baltimore Museum of Art are 1 April 1920, reprinted in Oeuvres plus que complètes,
raisonné, 2: 1882–1886, peintures, 217 (letter 260).
reproduced in The Painterly Print: Monotypes from ed. Halperin, 1:345–46. For some unknown reason,
61. Ibid., 218 (letters 264, 266, and 270).
the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, exh. cat.,
Risible Cézanne
Richard Shiff Paul Cézanne was the originator, the master of the [symbolist] movement
of 1890. [Although] his work involves no theory, it exercised considerable
influence on the evolution of painting. This great artist had a singular
weakness, being incapable of practicing an art of which he was not the
[sole] creator.
—maurice denis, 19171
For most of Paul Cézanne’s life, history held him in reserve. In
November 1895, at the age of fifty‑six, he had his first comprehen-
sive exhibition, an event only indirectly his doing. Ambroise Vollard,
aided by the painter’s son, gathered as many as 150 works to be
shown at his Paris gallery.2 Cézanne accepted this initiative, despite
being leery of public exposure, which his antisocial attitude contin‑
ued to discourage. Inured to isolation and without financial worry,
he had been enjoying the good working conditions that accompany
public neglect. “An artist wishes to elevate himself intellectually as
much as possible, but”—he declared, shortly after his exhibition
closed—“the man should remain obscure. Gratification ought to
come [only] in working.”3 “He creates in solitude,” critic Gustave
Coquiot wrote retrospectively, “and he needs none of our admira‑
tion.”4 Granted, there are indications to the contrary; Cézanne often
welcomed visits from appreciative young painters and writers.5
But by and large, Coquiot’s judgment holds, for Cézanne’s practice
was self‑sustaining technically, intellectually, and psychologically.
Although he drew after sculptures and paintings in the Louvre, by
the norms of his era his art hardly followed their model. He was
creating himself: “I am the primitive of my own way”—this, sup-
posedly, was his self‑assessment.6
After 1895, Cézanne’s apparent indifference to his public presence
and to the standards set by others had little effect on the increasing
128 frequency of his exhibitions; nor did it slow in capturing the curious circumstances of or a blue abruptly confronted a yellow within 129
the spread of the fame that accompanied his Cézanne’s reception. He referred to the effect the torso of a nude. In addition, Cézanne’s
Risible Cézanne
notoriety. He had reason to be uneasy about of the painter at “two successive stages of painted surface tended to be irregular, some
his new situation, symptomatic of a general art,” meaning impressionism—during the sections thick and others thin or even bare.
problem. In 1902, he complained that the 1890s, still entirely credible as an advanced Certain critics regarded this pictorial coarse‑
expansion of museums and the increasing aesthetic position—and the symbolism of ness as the sign of a painter’s immediacy
number of commercial exhibitions had the following generation, led by Paul Gauguin of vision; others derived from it a commit‑
become a pernicious distraction for artists, (1848–1903). Gauguin was only a decade ment to naïveté and sincerity (just the neces‑
their vision transfixed not by earth and sky younger than Cézanne; Matisse, three decades sities, no embellishments, no rhetoric). By
but by constellations of stylish brushmarks: younger and the same age as many of the Lecomte’s clever reckoning, as far as the
“We no longer view nature; we keep seeing symbolists, represented a third generation, older generation of impressionists was con‑
paintings. We should be looking at the work Lecomte’s own. The critic had enough dis‑ cerned, the Cézanne syndrome indicated a
of God!”7 If painting had in fact devolved tance to realize that first in the eyes of heroic rejection of the conventions of aca‑
into a narrowing repetition of painting for impressionists like Pissarro, then in the demic art risked for the sake of observing
painting’s sake, with the forms of one exhib‑ eyes of symbolists like Gauguin, Cézanne’s nature directly, even if no final resolution
ited body of work responding to the forms style “met the strange fate of being lauded should come of the effort. To the symbolists,
of another, the irony was that Cézanne had less for its good qualities than for its faults.”9 the same constellation of features signaled a
been an unwitting catalyst. Before Lecomte, Geffroy and others had return to techniques of the European “primi‑
Throughout the twentieth century, the noted the “faults”; they were matters of tives” (the pre‑academic styles of late Gothic
majority of critics and historians perceived omission, neglect of the technical niceties. and early Renaissance masters) as well as to
Cézanne as a master of structured composi‑ A contour would turn too abruptly and spoil the “classical” tradition of a faded but grand
Fig. 1. Paul Cézanne,
tion, but this opinion solidified only gradu‑ Three Bathers, 1879– the anatomical coherence or the sense of Mediterranean culture. Beyond these associa‑ Fig. 2. Jean-Baptiste- deficient intellectually. This natural painter
ally after his death in 1906. Before that time, 82. Oil on canvas, 52 × volume. A passage of color would seem to tions, with or without links to naturalism, Camille Corot, The of nature was paint‑oriented, not Nature‑
54.5 cm. Paris, Musée du Evening Star (detail),
the interpretation of his controversial work lack its proper transitional elements, as in primitivism, and classicism, Cézanne’s 1864. Oil on canvas,
oriented; he lacked a concept of Nature. Corot,
Petit Palais, Don Mon-
varied considerably. Nearly all of the early sieur et Madame Henri situations where a stroke of red lay incongru‑ technique offered a fundamental advantage 71 × 90 cm. Baltimore, many believed, dealt with material appear‑
commentary nevertheless alluded to a single Matisse, 1936 (2099) ously beside a green within an area of foliage, to impressionists and symbolists alike: The Walters Art Museum. ances to the exclusion of ultimate meanings,
Bequest of Henry
physical feature: the peculiarly insistent way increased emotional force. Viewers of the as if he would prefer a viewer of The Evening
Walters, 1931 (37.154)
that Cézanne applied colored marks to can‑ 1890s perceived emotion in the brilliance Star (fig. 2) to pass over the starstruck figure
vas. Gustave Geffroy described a full range of his color and the directness of his paint for the sake of concentrating on the cascade
of the effect, from surfaces “executed over application—stroke by stroke by stroke— of paint in the upper sky—yellow, pink, gray-
an extended period, with thin layers, which with the marks lined up as if to record a ish blue. The depicted figure contemplates
in the end become compact, dense, and sequence of autonomous moments of visual Nature. Corot’s painting encourages a viewer
velvety,” to thicker, coarser finishes (perhaps sensation, each bearing its particular quan‑ to contemplate paint and its color, no matter
more typical), “coagulated and luminous.” tum of emotional energy. how much or how little it depicts.
At times “the forms grew awkward with the With its evident directness, Cézanne’s art During Corot’s lifetime, numerous critics
represented objects becoming confused”; caused the studied rendering of Nature’s complained that his thematic clichés, pre‑
in every instance, however, Cézanne’s vital traditional idylls to appear all the more artifi‑ sented with his characteristic range of color
intensity was evident.8 Those who noticed cial and obsolete, affecting even the reveries and light, were mindlessly repetitious even
were impressed even by works of small of the most “natural painter” of the previous when the scene varied: “It becomes quite
scale, such as the relatively late Group of generation, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot difficult to distinguish one of his [visual]
Bathers (see fig. 28) and the relatively early (1796–1875). The record of response to the melodies from the next. . . . He simply com‑
Three Bathers (fig. 1), which Henri Matisse two artists in their different eras establishes poses a scene, but has never composed more
(1869–1954), who certainly noticed, pur‑ certain parallels. Like Cézanne, for better than one.”11 The monotony of Corot’s typical
chased from Vollard in 1899. or worse, Corot had the reputation of being effect—a relatively even tonality across each
That same year, Georges Lecomte, a “content to arrange attractive colors on a canvas surface, similar from one painting
young critic close to the impressionist canvas.”10 Praise that began and ended with to the next—nullified the variation in his
Camille Pissarro (1830–1903), succeeded his visual merits implied that his art was mythological fantasies. Just as often, writers
130 nevertheless concluded that his homegrown readily associated with mistakes, misjudg‑ 131 either Cézanne’s or Gauguin’s, with this
technique resulted in a “poetic” and “emo‑ ments, and utter incapacity. Yet all was shift from three‑dimensional illusion to a
Risible Cézanne
tionally moving” art.12 “Don’t analyze Corot being excused in the name of feelings that rudimentary two‑dimensional planarity or
by dissecting his painting,” Alfred Sensier more polished techniques would never gen‑ flatness—from an imaginary, metaphorical
stated, “love him as you love a bountiful erate. Lecomte recognized that Cézanne, if vision to a literal materiality. For twentieth‑
tree.”13 (No one objects when apples from the not in practice then in his reputation, had century historians, what it all meant became
same tree look and taste alike.) This type of benefited from a heightened sensitivity to a vexed question. In the case of Cézanne,
appreciation came despite the fact that detrac- what counted as direct emotional expression interpreters usually associated the move
tors, or nearly anyone taking stock of Corot’s and what did not. During the decade preced‑ from illusion to materiality with a fundamen‑
technique, could “so complacently point out ing Vollard’s inaugural show, his art had tal reduction, a search for forms having an
its faults.”14 Although simplicity and spare‑ gained a special audience—a cult following essential presence.25 In the case of Gauguin,
ness might be faults, they held an obvious among painters and writers linked to or primitivist fantasy was the likely association.
advantage: “[Corot] reduces technique to its inspired by Gauguin and his emerging picto‑ The two artistic ends are clearly related; and
most elementary form and puts on the can‑ rial version of the symbolist literary program. the range of feelings linked to externals as during the 1890s and into the early twentieth
vas only just enough painting to say what he In many ways, Gauguin’s approach marked a well as to an artist’s self. Once committed century, the essential and the primitive were
feels.”15 As in Cézanne’s case, viewers had radical departure from impressionist natural‑ to extending emotional boundaries, an art- hardly distinguished by the many critics who
the initial impression that neither intellect ism. Not surprisingly, it never met Cézanne’s ist still had to decide how far to take repre‑ approved of both.
nor method sustained this art; rather, it was approval.18 He identified with the impres‑ sentational liberties for the sake of those When interpretation stagnates, look for
feeling—both sensation and emotion.16 The sionism of the 1870s and, in his opinion, had feelings, how insistently to mark the primacy an alternative, attend to whatever has been
concern for feeling among those involved been extending it.19 This did not prevent the of emotion in painting and in life.22 Allowed neglected. Believing that early twentieth-
with mid‑nineteenth‑century landscape paint- younger generation from running off with its due, emotion was likely to overwhelm century writers focused too rigidly on formal,
ing opened a door of acceptance not only to what they viewed as his inventions. “I had representational articulation. Its range was technical features, later critics and scholars
the technical antipodes of monotony and a little sensation, just a little, little sensation. greater than what any rule of representation delved into Cézanne’s subject matter, attempt-
irregularity but even to an execution that . . . But it was mine,” Cézanne said, probably accommodated. ing to identify the details and relate them to
bordered on incompetence. In 1847, Paul half joking, half serious: “One day this guy For the sake of emotion, an artist can specifics of his cultural environment. They
Mantz admitted his attraction to landscapists Gauguin, he took it from me.”20 attempt to adjust the balance between an also speculated on his personal psychology.
“less able in execution than most others, Symbolist images were more suggestive inherited order and what feels as if it were This orientation toward identifying the repre‑
barely initiated into the subtleties of their than representational, and more obviously free sensation. An intensification of color— sented people, objects, and locations, as well
craft.” He described one painter’s technique charged with emotion than was customary. bold in the view of some, crude as seen by as the various sources in earlier art, contin‑
as “simple to the point of awkwardness, fol- This is not to claim that emotion became the others—will often signify an unrestrained ues to yield remarkable results on several
lowing in Corot’s tracks”—that is, like Corot exclusive province of symbolists. Impression‑ intensification of emotion: “We find . . . fronts. But the method goes against the grain
in this potentially pejorative regard, but more ists, naturalists, and realists, as well as most the emotions of Cézanne in the interrela- of most of the record of early reception. The
so. Concerning an entire group of amateur‑ others, understood that painting of any kind tionship of colors,” the constructivist Theo more personal and local references made by
ish landscapists showing at the Salon, Mantz conveyed the emotion necessarily instilled in van Doesburg (1883–1931) stated in 1916.23 Cézanne’s paintings—and recovered, rightly
noted what truly mattered: “Their painstak‑ it as it was created. Awareness of this issue Gauguin had reasoned in 1885: “People or wrongly, by scholarship—went undetected
ing incapacity is not without a strange seduc‑ was ubiquitous. When reviewing the Impres‑ complain about our unblended colors, each by his critical audience at the time. Whatever
tiveness.”17 A strange seduction indeed: sionist exhibition of 1877, Mantz, by then one set against the other. . . . [Yet] a green such references were, they contributed little
rhetorical finesse and pictorial skill were eminently established as a writer, argued that beside a red does not yield a reddish brown, if anything to the actual effect that an ambi‑
not seducing Mantz; it was their absence. Corot—“poetic,” “emotionally moving”—was as in physical mixture, but rather two vibrant tious commentator like Lecomte had to con‑
Half a century later, Lecomte’s commen‑ himself “the foremost impressionist in the notes” (see Still Life with Peaches [fig. 3]).24 front, blind to what today’s art historians see.
tary of 1899 tacitly acknowledged the effect world,” superior to all those newcomers who, The practice of juxtaposing strokes of Fig. 3. Paul Gauguin, During the 1880s, Gauguin had responded
Still Life with Peaches,
of a cumulative mass seduction: Corot, like Pissarro and Cézanne, were claiming the abruptly contrasting hue, which Gauguin more directly to Cézanne’s mark than to
ca. 1889. Oil on cradled
Barbizon, Realism, Impressionism. Along name.21 Implicit in the conflict between older had come to admire in the work of Cézanne, panel, 16 × 31.8 cm. his thematics; and as he spoke freely of
with desirable qualities such as naturalness, naturalists and newer impressionists, and violated the conventional order of tonal varia‑ Cambridge, Massachu- this experience, it proved crucial to how the
setts, Harvard University
these shorthand references called forth eventually between impressionists and sym‑ tion, designed to convert planar images to Cézanne effect unfolded.26 This is the same
Art Museums. Gift of
visions of monotony, irregularity, awkward‑ bolists, was the question of whether to stress naturalistic illusions. Standard art‑historical Walter E. Sachs Gauguin otherwise so concerned with com‑
ness, and coarseness, technical features the emotionality that few if any doubted— accounts still identify early modernist art, (1958.291) plex allegories, narrative programs, and
132 arcane symbology; in Cézanne’s case, to 133
the contrary, it was the painter’s mark that
Risible Cézanne
became Gauguin’s issue. Between the early
twentieth‑century applications of formal
analysis and the late twentieth‑century meth‑
ods of cultural and social history, many
aspects of the position of a Gauguin or a
Lecomte go unrepresented. Interpretive paths
remain to be taken, alternatives that might
better capture the cultural shock Cézanne
produced around 1895, when history, in the
person of Vollard, unleashed his wildness.
Loss of Subject
The subject disappears, there is only a motif.
—paul sérusier, as quoted by Maurice Denis, 1907 27
Risible Cézanne
soning mind and his emotive, sensing body this was everyone’s problem. The painter contexts and recombined—hence, the “unre‑ Cézanne painted them, before he made them
may have been moving at cross-purposes. too eccentric to follow society’s lead, too alistic” or unnatural bearing of these repre‑ “his own” (fig. 6). The apples resembled each
Taking stock of Cézanne retrospectively, Pablo schizoid to have accepted his own tradition- sentational elements, even in terms of myth other but not the appearance of any other
Picasso (1881–1973) perceived the “anxiety” alist instincts, presented the most telling and fantasy (fantasy, too, has its regularity, apples, real or pictorial, despite the artist’s
his art reflected, while Maurice Merleau‑ example to his better-adjusted peers. its conventions). Problematically, Cézanne custom of making arrangements of fruit in
Ponty found evidence of a “schizoid tem- Prominent as a theorist among the young freed his motif from the normative restraints his studio before painting what he consid‑
perament.”30 As a painter, Cézanne was a symbolists, Denis offered a compromise of the subject. Because many of the physical ered their image. Cézanne’s theme of apples
traditionalist with a modernist sensibility. concerning Cézanne’s relation to tradition: aspects of his art failed to correspond to the became a repetitious imitation of itself: “He
If a resolution to his mind‑body divide ever he had reconstituted classical composition, existing classical paradigm, his supportive restricted his effort at painting for the love
arrived through his art—and perhaps, from but not as one would have expected, not as a critics were obliged to explain. They resorted of certain forms he had invented.”39
certain interpretive perspectives, it did— consequence of rigorous academic study. It to modifiers. Cézanne was a “modern” clas‑ Viewers encountered the “apples” as a set
he was in no psychological state to have was as if classical form were generated from sic, a “primitive” classic, a “spontaneous” of sensory qualities that existed only because
acknowledged it. within Cézanne’s body, soul, and psyche—a classic. His classicism was in the form, in Cézanne painted them: his particular reds,
While twentieth‑century notions of anxiety classicism identified with his unique “sen- the color, in the composition. The early crit‑ his rhythms of rounded contours—his apple
and even of schizophrenia may apply to sation” (the term he preferred) or with his ics applied any number of cultural categor- motif. Denis implied that any illusion of a
Cézanne’s case, his late nineteenth‑century instinctive emotional response to his cultural ies and technical terms to acknowledge real apple must be secondary, alluding again
interpreters, close to the scene, advanced a environment (a viable alternative). In 1907, the disjunction between subject and motif, to a statement by Sérusier: “He is the pure
less scandalous vocabulary. Gauguin’s aco- Denis eulogized Cézanne as having neither obvious enough to anyone who looked. painter. . . . Of an ordinary painter’s apple
lyte Paul Sérusier (1864–1927) epitomized model nor true counterpart within the tradi‑ you say, ‘I could take a bite out of it.’ Of
Cézanne’s situation, and Maurice Denis tion he joined: “so naturally a painter and so Wild Apples Cézanne’s apple you say, ‘How beautiful!’” 40
quoted him: “The subject disappears, there spontaneously classical.”35 A spontaneous Creator of work resembling nothing that could A conventional apple is suitable for nourish‑
is only a motif.”31 A motif does not equal a movement is a physical contradiction in that be seen before it. . . . [Cézanne] makes apples ment; Cézanne’s apple suits only the senses.
Fig. 6. Paul Cézanne,
subject.32 Conceptualized to a lesser degree, it reacts to nothing; it lacks an external cause. his own. . . . They are to him as an object is to Having read Denis’s commentary, Sérusier
Compotier, pommes
if at all, a motif lacks a subject’s stability. An Eccentric and even flawed, Cézanne’s spon- its creator. et miche de pain, added: “Cézanne can’t be described in words.
artist’s representational subject—preselected, taneous classicism did not result from his —thadée natanson, 189538 1879–80. Oil on canvas, He’s too pure a painter.”41 Both Sérusier and
55 × 74.5 cm. Winterthur,
fixed in place—ought to be paramount, a indoctrination, and he never adhered to the Denis suggested that the beauty Cézanne
Sammlung Oskar Rein-
guide to the process of rendering. But in Mediterranean tradition as strictly as he Responding to Vollard’s exhibition, Thadée hart “am Römerholz” created reflected a moral order, a paradigm
Cézanne’s art, the subject was diminished might have wished. It was in this sense that Natanson presented the paradox of Cézanne’s (1921.2) for living, an ethic of truth to oneself and
to an unusual extent, even suffering an his independence, safeguarded by his social one’s practice. This was consistent with a
“absence” (Sérusier’s term) in relation to isolation—in Denis’s words, his “being inca‑ romantic‑realist tradition that stressed the
the motif.33 Loss of the subject may have pable of practicing an art of which he was central importance of each person’s experi‑
been the most common understanding not himself the creator”—became a “weak‑ ence, their personal, observational perspec‑
of the troubled state of modern representa‑ ness,” potentially self‑defeating.36 tive (which could nevertheless be quite
tional practice, to which Gauguin and his Classical by inclination, spontaneously, anonymous). In a different context, the
associates directed their contemporaries. Cézanne fit a tradition yet followed his sin- scandal surrounding publication of Madame
They saw both the problem and its potential gular way. Though the subject might be Bovary in 1856, Gustave Flaubert had stated
solution in Cézanne. Honoring Gauguin classical and arcadian—bathers beside a the operative principle: “The morality of
upon his death in 1903, Denis wrote of stream, a distant mountain—the motif was art”—its moral value or social justification—
a special accomplishment: “He revealed the painter’s. The presumptive subject was “is found in its beauty itself.”42 Beauty can be
Cézanne’s work to us not as the product of no more than a “pretext,” Denis remarked, independent of the subject. Cézanne’s apple
an independent agent of genius . . . but as with the theme of bathers converted from ranked high on beauty. “Facing [a] Cézanne,
the conclusion to a long struggle, the neces‑ classical to what could only seem nonsensi‑ we think only of the [material] painting,”
sary result of a great crisis.”34 Loss of subject cal: “nude figures, unrealistically grouped in Denis wrote; “neither the object represented
was the crisis. By Denis’s account—or was a nonexistent landscape.”37 In fact, Cézanne’s nor the subjectivity of the artist holds our
it Gauguin’s?—Cézanne was the nodal point compositions of bathers were hybrids pieced attention.”43 Absence of subjectivity as well
136 as of the subject: this was the work of “too of an apple. To some, this beauty was a mate‑ as if he were wild and uncultivated.” The 137 ready to paint: “No theories! Works. Theories
pure a painter.” rial property, available primarily to sensation; writer’s precise words, fruste et comme sau‑ ruin people.”52 Yet the artist was no doubt at
Risible Cézanne
Absence of subjectivity in Cézanne’s case to others, an abstract essence. All the while, vage, connoted a lack of refined culture that home with words. His upbringing provided
meant absence of the familiar signs of sub‑ without making quite the same “symbolist” might have applied to the man as much as access to literary culture, and he had consid‑
jectivity, indications of a personal statement. claims, Cézanne’s initial impressionist to his art.47 But Cézanne’s wildness, even if ered becoming a writer.53 In later life he often
This did not imply that his painting lacked colleagues—Pissarro, Edgar Degas (1834– evident in his art, was questionable in view drew on his cultural privilege, sometimes with
personal feeling. In fact, to be a “spontane‑ 1917), Claude Monet (1840–1926), Pierre- of who he was to those who knew him—a complicated ironies, for he mixed crudeness
ous” classic was to be among those romantics Auguste Renoir (1841–1919)—remained wealthy, well‑educated bourgeois, religious, into his daily habits and speech. One of his
who insisted on following their natural incli‑ true to their early appreciation of his talents. and relatively conservative in his politics. young acquaintances became convinced that
nations as opposed to cultural precedents, On visiting the exhibition at Vollard’s gal- Despite a reputation for isolation, antisocial he acted strangely only to cause others to leave
to be among those who conceived of art as lery, Pissarro spoke of how deeply he and behavior, and even misanthropy, he was him alone—to paint.54 On the few occasions
the untutored realization of inner feelings, the others had been affected by this “refined hardly uncultivated. In conversation he when he was observed at work, he may never-
thoughts, and character. (There remains the savage [sauvage raffiné].” “All of us,” he won‑ cited Virgil and the Latin classics.48 Witness theless have appeared lost in contemplative
question whether the feelings a person expe‑ dered, “are we mistaken? . . . I don’t think accounts indicate that when intellectually thought rather than absorbed in visual sensa‑
riences as “inner” are inner, whether that so.”46 For two different groups of informed stimulated, he joined in speculation on mat‑ tion, not an easy distinction to make. Gasquet
person’s immersion in a culture eliminates viewers, then, the 1895 exhibition confirmed ters of current philosophical debate: Does a referred to him “sometimes remain[ing] still
this possibility, substituting social forms for existing beliefs and even strengthened them. sensitive person perceive feelings that belong for twenty minutes between two strokes of
personal ones. I will return to this.) To the contrary, for the newer public audi‑ to elements of nature, as if the trees them‑ the brush.”55 What was happening? Was he
Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863), hedging ence, the same body of work generated a selves were conscious? Or do we project our mentally plotting refinements to the image?
Romantic‑versus‑classic bets, claimed that savage shock; its forms appeared devoid of feelings onto the trees that surround us? This Or was he immobilized by the raw intensity
he had achieved an independent mastery; the mitigating refinement that both artists question motivates an exchange recorded by of the sensation, tantamount to his emotion?
because of this, others would copy him as like Pissarro and critics like Natanson could Joachim Gasquet, the son of one of Cézanne’s This was emotion that, for the moment, did
their classic model, but he would have no perceive because they were already seasoned boyhood friends. Little should be taken ver‑ not allow him to move.
need to imitate anything outside himself in Cézanne’s wildness. Concentrating on batim, yet Gasquet’s text captures issues of We have to assume that Cézanne experi‑
(figs. 7–12).44 In 1846, critic Théophile Thoré the beauty, they refrained from condemning plausible concern to the painter. It poeticizes enced intense sensation as well as the move‑
prefigured the Cézanne problem by arguing as utter mistakes the technical blemishes Cézanne’s thought, which becomes phenom‑ ment people feel as emotion. At times, he was
that true artists defy classification according that might appear in a painted apple and enological and pantheistic: “In a [vision of ] led to wild, passionate painting, at times to
to lineage; they exist as “the sons of no one elsewhere. And if Cézanne, like Delacroix green my brain flows along with the sap of doubt and immobility.56 In so many respects,
[and] go forth from their own innateness.”45 before him, was becoming recognized as the tree. Moments of conscious awareness he was a paradox. If he sacrificed much of his
The classical tradition had been marked an independent but classic master, then of the world live on in our paintings.”49 inherited aesthetic culture to his innovations,
by the repetition of both thematic and stylis‑ his “mistakes,” like Corot’s, would seduce Translation: Cézanne was painting his it seemed to Natanson that this happened for
tic forms. In what might be identified as a others to repeat them. motif. Coquiot invoked the same harmo- the sake of a competing aesthetic good—
modernist reorientation, the new romanti‑ Reviews of Vollard’s show, whether posi- niousness more succinctly: “Cézanne “bold coloring, astonishing in its crudeness
cism (Delacroix), realism (Flaubert, Gustave tive or negative, duly registered its contro- adds his soul to the soul of things.”50 . . . work that is exclusively painting, which
Courbet [1819–1877]), and impressionism versial nature. Among the more detailed If it was true (not merely Gasquet’s pro- can please only those totally enamored of
(Pissarro) reiterated only what belonged to accounts was Natanson’s, which, coinciden‑ jection) that Cézanne’s mind moved through painting.” Cézanne’s guiding intention cor‑
each artist alone: a personal style. Cézanne’s tally, adopted the terms of Pissarro’s judg‑ layers of philosophical speculation, this may responded to that of the most radical innova‑
apple, classical or not, belonged to no cate- ment, perhaps because the oppositional play have had little bearing on his immediate tors of past eras: “to create a number of new
gory other than his. of refinement and savagery was such a cliché, practice of painting. As if cognizant of his signs [quelques signes neufs].”57 To change the
Inadvertently, Cézanne inspired the sym‑ these contradictory terms having been fully mind-body problem, he distinguished clearly sign is to change the culture, to instill in it a
bolist school to depart from both academic assimilated into the prevailing critical dis‑ between verbal and visual modes, abstract new mentality. The representational sign for
and impressionist standards of representa‑ course. Natanson presented savagery—that thought and concrete sensation: “The literary an object, event, or psychic state is already
tion. Symbolists believed that impressionists is, wildness—as a feature of merit (not an type [the theorist] expresses himself with an interpretation imposed on the course of
and the academics who preceded them were unusual position then or now). Cézanne had abstractions, whereas the painter makes his living. When the interpretation is new, even
painting apples as a subject, whether real or rejected “any disingenuous seduction”; and sensations, his perceptions concrete.”51 Gas‑ its creator will have doubts. At one end of
imaginary, whereas Cézanne was painting if there was seduction, it was not intended. quet dutifully recorded Cézanne’s frustration the artistic spectrum of the 1890s was “disin‑
“beauty,” setting it arbitrarily into the form Natanson continued: “He dares to be coarse, over too much talk when out in the landscape genuous seduction,” skillful manipulation
Fig. 7. Ferdinand-Victor-
Eugène Delacroix, Christ
on Lake Genasareth,
1853(?). Oil on canvas,
45.1 × 54.9 cm. Port-
land, Oregon, Portland
Art Museum, Gift of
Mrs. William Mead Ladd
and children (31.4)
Fig. 8. Ferdinand-Victor-
Eugène Delacroix, Christ
on the Sea of Galilee,
ca. 1841. Oil on canvas,
45.7 × 54.6 cm. Kansas
City, Missouri, The
Nelson-Atkins Museum
of Art. Purchase:
Nelson Trust through
exchange of the gifts
of the Friends of Art,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Parker, and the Durand-
Ruel Galleries; and
9, 10
the bequest of John K.
Havermeyer (89-16)
11, 12
Fig. 9. Ferdinand-Victor- Fig. 10. Ferdinand-Victor- Fig. 11. Ferdinand-Victor- Fig. 12. After Ferdinand-
Eugène Delacroix, Eugène Delacroix, Christ Eugène Delacroix, Christ Victor-Eugène Delacroix,
Christ Asleep during the on the Sea of Galilee, on the Sea of Galilee, Christ on the Lake of
Tempest, 1853. Oil on 1853. Oil on composition 1854. Oil on canvas, Gennesaret, 1854. Oil
canvas, 50.8 × 61 cm. board, 47.6 × 58.1 cm. 59.8 × 73.3 cm. Baltimore, on paper mounted on
New York, The Metropoli- Philadelphia Museum of The Walters Art Museum, Masonite, 25.1 × 31.4 cm.
tan Museum of Art, Art, Gift of R. Sturgis and Bequest of Henry Museum of Fine Arts,
H. O. Havemeyer Marion B. F. Ingersoll, Walters, 1931 (37.186) Boston, Bequest of
Collection, Bequest of 1950 (1950-6-1) Josiah Bradlee, 1903
Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, (03.741)
1929 (29.100.131)
140 of the viewer by means of conventional signs. is to lead people where they would otherwise constitute a human figure or an object (see 141 attitude toward prevailing social forms and
At the other end was its ethical antidote: be disinclined to go—from one mental frame The Bathers [Baigneurs], fig. 14). their media rhetoric, seeking to separate the
Risible Cézanne
crudeness, coarseness, wildness (with or to another, one moral state to another. Rhetorical eloquence enables a communi‑ “genuinely” natural from whatever the cul‑
without Cézanne’s tenuous anchor in Virgil Despite his surrealist orientation, Bataille cative medium, whether a picture in colors ture has merely naturalized: its rhetorical
and the ancients, a safeguard against his took an interest in impressionist painters or a description in words, to appear not only “seductions.” Natanson’s account of Cézanne
doubt).58 Trying to accommodate the one— of the late nineteenth century, Cézanne authoritative and comprehensible but also— implied that the painter had returned to natu-
classical pictorial rhetoric—while being included. In 1955, he published a short book paradoxically—natural, that is, without need ral forms of visual expression through his
drawn to the other—“nothing that could be on the impressionism of Cézanne’s some‑ of rhetorical eloquence. The representation aesthetic wildness. His art was distinguished
seen before”—sometimes brought Cézanne’s what older contemporary Édouard Manet passes through the cultural environment not for its culturally approved thematics
sensation and emotion, as well as the associ‑ (1832–1883). He offered this characterization, fluidly, effortlessly. Culturally sanctioned, a (bathers, apples, and so on) but for “all the
ated movements of his brush, to a standstill. ironic in relation to Manet’s refined manners “natural” sign affirms itself in repeating its remainder, which is nothing but painting
No wonder that he believed, very late in life, and speech: “Every element of rhetorical allusions to an established constellation of itself.”64 Easy enough to announce in con‑
that he had achieved only “slow progress.”59 eloquence, true or false, is eliminated. There values. When social life is agreeable and cept, in practice this shift was momentous
remain the strokes of different colors [liter‑ individuals are in easy command of their and troubling even to those who brought it
Manet /Cézanne ally: spots, taches]. . . . This is the negation discourse, no need arises to question the about. Natanson’s “remainder,” “painting
[Manet] had nothing that would have been of painting that expresses, as language does, collective cultural order; it feels “natural” itself,” corresponded to Sérusier’s and Denis’s
needed to tame a “savage.” His elegance, worldly a specific feeling.”62 According to Bataille, despite the artificiality and arbitrariness of “motif”—a complex of felt emotion, physical
manners, the urbane wit of his conversation, Manet’s art abandoned eloquent articulation its coding. movement, and natural form (form suited
all this worked to distance Cézanne. and with it the possibility of expressing a For whatever reason—matters of political to the material medium). At a distance of
—georges rivière, 192360 fully defined “specific feeling,” feeling sub‑ resistance, aversion to authority, personal sixty years, Bataille would reach Natanson’s,
ject to classification. A specific feeling is a conflict—an individual artist may decide on Sérusier’s, and Denis’s shared conclusion,
I don’t offer my hand, Monsieur Manet; familiar emotion, already bearing a name, or merely drift along a countercultural path. still problematic. He framed the question
I haven’t washed in a week. easily discussed and managed. Feelings of He or she assumes an open, incredulous in terms of a void rather than a remainder.
—cézanne, upon meeting Manet in 186661 this type neither overwhelm nor threaten. Manet’s art filled him with “the strange
In Bataille’s estimation, feelings to be derived impression of an absence.”65 Sérusier and
The purpose of culture is to bring moral from Manet’s art would be otherwise: just Denis had also spoken of a loss, a subject dis-
order to the physical world, regulating the as specific yet unattached to language and its appearing, replaced by a motif. Analogously,
body and mind, setting standards for behav‑ usual rhetorical forms—uncultivated, wild. Bataille invoked “the destruction of the sub‑
ior and even thought. Culture tames wildness Lacking eloquence, Manet’s sign, his ject.”66 But did anything replace the subject
in both people and their world of things. Like picture in its bare material manifestation, when it was gone?
an ideology, a cultural order relies on the would have to locate its beauty elsewhere Converting disorderly human sensation
“rhetorical eloquence” of its representational than in rhetoric. It risked the appearance into moral order, culture reduces selective
signs, which constitute projections of author‑ of crudeness and even ugliness. Worse than aspects of experience to intellectual abstrac‑
ity. Eloquence—proper, effective discourse— that, Manet’s manner of rendering seemed tions, mental constructions suited to the
ensures that the message of the sign is con- incomplete and malformed, as if he had memory. Bataille was one of those t wentieth‑
vincing with respect to both its logic and its abandoned any pretence to an accomplished century critics who perceived n ineteenth‑
sincerity. Because we fully expect rhetoric to naturalism and realism. His crudeness was century art in terms of what it had lost, that
be eloquent, the phrase “rhetorical eloquence” quantitative: in the context of an essay on is, failed to remember. Among other things,
is pleonastic. Here I quote it from Georges Cézanne, Denis noted that Manet’s Fifer of it lost its capacity for generalized conceptual
Bataille, a twentieth‑century critic and theo‑ 1866 (fig. 13) displayed a mere “four shades” abstraction—the “subject.” If nineteenth‑
rist associated primarily with the surrealist of gray, whereas a typical impressionist century painting had been moving toward
generation of French artists. In Bataille’s painting would introduce a full palette to the kind of twentieth‑century abstract art
reasoning, as with the ancients who debated take advantage of every nuance of every that lacked a subject, then its “abstraction”
the use and abuse of rhetoric, “rhetorical hue in the spectrum.63 Cézanne might have Fig. 13. Édouard Manet, was more sensory than intellectual, address‑
The Fifer, 1866. Oil on
eloquence” shades into what Natanson called seemed like a full‑palette Manet, using a ing the body rather than the mind. Accord-
canvas, 1,610 × 970 cm.
“disingenuous seduction.” Rhetoric is value‑ relatively small number of discrete strokes Paris, Musee d’Orsay ing to Bataille, Manet’s “absence” contributed
neutral but inherently seductive. Its purpose or juxtaposed patches of saturated color to (RF 1992) to an aesthetic, sensory withdrawal from
142 to the senses, an arbitrary repetition of r. 143 door: painting for itself.”70 Natanson repeated
The conventional perception of a rose (red, the claim in 1895. And in 1899, Félicien Fagus
Risible Cézanne
not blue), together with its standard meta‑ (pseudonym of Georges Faillet) wrote simi‑
phoric meanings, constitutes the moral larly of Cézanne’s love of “color for its own
content of this physical thing. Morality is sake. . . . Through color he composes, [dis‑
cultural. Inessential aspects of the verbal daining] every aspect of theory, every [estab‑
or visual representation of a rose, such as lished] technique, every method.” To this use
its full range of color, inhabit a physical of color, Fagus linked a challenging practice
realm outside the established moral order. then becoming known as “pure painting”:
To turn away from the representational “Cézanne sometimes copies onto his can‑
meaning of a sign, drawing attention to its vases scenes from popular prints and alma‑
physical, sensory character—in our example, nacs . . . faithful to them at least in terms of
to dwell on the alliterative r in an aural the moral content,” that is, the thematics.71
description or on variations of hue in the The critic’s phrasing was tenir vrai . . . morale‑
visual image—is to foster cultural anarchy. ment, to hold true to the source morally.
Modern critics have accepted the conse‑ The painter’s copy would faithfully preserve
quences, stressing the value of physicality the subject matter and its familiar cultural
and materiality for the very reason that the connotations—the moral factor—even as he
physical realm promises release from hier- converted black‑and‑white graphic sources to
archies of conceptual abstraction grown too brilliant color, which then became the salient
rigid within a cultural structure.68 Culture feature of the image, and rather striking:
ideologically organized systems of reason; Fig. 14. Paul Cézanne, because this is our customary abstraction can deaden as well as enliven. In a fully con- “color for its own sake,” “painting for itself,”
and for its destruction of the rational sub- The Bathers (Baigneurs), of a rose. “Roses are red” is a thought more structed world, certain modes of art presume the physical element rendered paramount.
1898–1900. Oil on
ject, Manet’s painting was to be valued. The canvas, 27 × 46 cm. The
than an observation, a lasting concept (moral) to offer an unconstructed anti‑world. Do By this reasoning, Cézanne’s art preserved
loss was welcome. For Natanson, Cézanne’s Baltimore Museum of rather than a transient sensation (physical). they? Artists often believe so. Perhaps this the moral thematics of a generalized classical
wildness—fruste et comme sauvage—had Art: The Cone Collection, Any reversal or inversion in the system of is no more than my fantasy (our collective tradition and specific (often popular) sources,
formed by Dr. Claribel
had much the same effect. Both Manet and generalized signification presents a danger, fantasy?), a beneficial fiction I would like to but in an etiolated form, merely as a hollow
Cone and Miss Etta Cone
Cézanne contributed to (or merely reflected) of Baltimore, Maryland for regression from the abstraction of events believe despite suspicions to the contrary. shell. In contradistinction, color and its
the loss of a secure sense of morality and its (BMA 1950.195) and phenomena to raw sensation threatens When the intellectual abstractions of a culture materiality, now liberated from the image,
abstract concepts. Manet’s and Cézanne’s to undermine the intellectualized cultural prove restrictive, an individual can test out forged an aggressively autonomous way.72
“strokes of different colors” belonged with order, even when the ensuing complications an escape through the realm of the physical. As the moral abstraction weakened, the
all that was physical in art, a physicality out‑ are slight. Mere sensation makes no sense in Gauguin did so, leaving Parisian civilization physical abstraction strengthened. Paul
side ideological control on the far side of itself, and a society can tolerate only so many for the fantasia he would fashion from Tahiti. Signac’s (1863–1935) description of Cézanne’s
any steady moral line. nonsensical appendages to its streamlined What about Cézanne, far less revealing technique, also from 1899, captured much
forms of communication. Speakers intend than Gauguin in his personal statements? the same sense of its s ignificance—“strokes
Painting for Itself more than the pleasing alliteration of “red Laying down his little marks of color, he rectilinear and pure, concerned with neither
With impressionism, painting attained auton‑ rose,” an aural sensation that may seem arrived at his own countercultural position. mimeticism nor artfulness.”73
omy, but Cézanne alone made forceful use of the free of context. Beyond the aesthetics of the How radical he intended to be, if at all, may In 1904, Bernard had the good fortune
freedom it offered. . . . [He paints] what we see, sound, we equate such words with accepted be impossible to know. Artists sometimes sur- to observe Cézanne directly at his studio
without reflecting on it intellectually, without notions, believing in the case of roses that prise themselves. Gauguin during the 1880s in Aix‑en‑Provence, conversing with him
assimilating it to linguistic formulations. they actually are red and ought to be. Beyond took the lead in appreciating Cézanne’s art over a period of several weeks. “To my great
—georges bataille, 195667 the color lie the connotative meanings: love, for the cultural liberation it seemed to offer.69 astonishment,” he wrote subsequently,
sex, death. Although the poetic sound of Many others followed. In 1891, Gauguin’s “Cézanne had no objection to a painter’s
What we remember may be no more than the verbal sign aids in our remembering the erstwhile colleague Émile Bernard (1868– use of photography; but in his case, it was
a fraction of what we sense. In passing, we redness and these social facts, it would be 1941) included a bold claim in the first publi‑ necessary to interpret this exact reproduc-
glimpse a rose that displays both red and destabilizing for the concept and meaning cation devoted exclusively to the enigma of tion just as he would interpret nature itself ”
blue hues; we remember it as red, not blue, of the rose to depend on a capricious appeal Cézanne: “He opened to art this amazing (see Melting Snow, Fontainebleau [fig. 15]).74
144 To Manet, who sacrificed meaning, and Bataille then added to the anecdote an obser‑ 145 represented, even if not a standard mean-
Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890), who sac- vation more his own: Monet’s vision accepted ing. Manet, however, did something else,
Risible Cézanne
rificed himself, the surrealist‑inspired “the incongruity of things as they are.”80 Real‑ “substitut[ing] for the conventional view
Bataille added Cézanne as a paradigmatic ity was not merely a truth, but an unwelcome, of things an unforeseen aspect that has no
modernist artist, one who may have sacri‑ unruly, unaccommodating truth, inconsistent meaning.”84 Manet’s art would result in a
ficed both.77 Bataille’s thoughts on the shock with any conceivable order of logical truth. sensory flow amounting to nonsense, a non‑
value of nineteenth‑century painting draw The reality of nature included, and perhaps meaning that dominates the given iconic
on the distinction between morality and featured, physical deformations of “a striking subject, which as a result loses contact with
physicality, applicable in all three cases: incongruity, somewhat comical but all the any meaning that might be derived from
Manet, van Gogh, Cézanne. He warned more discomforting, mysteriously linked to its cultural origin.
of an indoctrinated public’s tendency to a profound seductiveness.”81 No construc‑ Bataille knew that the public had often
deny, disregard, or discredit the value of tion, no resolution, would contain reality’s greeted Manet’s paintings with a shrug accom-
physical and material aspects of experience formlessness, attractive in its repulsiveness. panied by laughter.85 This was not the same
that fail to relate to immediate, conscious In 1929, long before his accounts of laugh that had been directed at Delacroix and
needs. In a work of art, a material factor Manet, Cézanne, and impressionism, Bataille Courbet, whose innovations could be analyzed
lacking obvious representational function had been writing for the surrealist‑oriented as a comedy of pictorial errors (analogous
This statement confirms what Fagus had Fig. 15. Paul Cézanne, might generate this type of useless sen- journal Documents; there, in a more overtly to the response to Corot’s technique, where
surmised from seeing an array of exhibited Melting Snow, Fontaine- sation. An excessive physical or material theoretical mode, he presented the release of viewers would “so complacently point out
bleau, 1879–80. Oil on
works: Cézanne converted black‑and‑white canvas, 73.5 × 100.7 cm.
presence would be likely to provoke a the sensing eye from the reasoning intellect its faults”). Manet’s public laughed instead as
images to his chosen range of color, just as New York, The Museum fit of anxious laughter in dismissal, and as tantamount to absolute liberty, a terrifying they encountered a truth “not to be reached
he converted a natural scene to colors suited of Modern Art. Gift of perhaps indignation: What is that smear, prospect: “The substitution of natural forms by conscious knowledge”—an abrupt, con‑
André Meyer (373.61)
for painting on canvas. The colors were of his that daub, supposed to be doing? for today’s philosophical abstractions . . . founding shock to reason. Pondering Manet
painting but not necessarily derived from the In 1956, Bataille reviewed several his- would risk going much too far: in the first in 1955, Bataille may have hit on the source of
concept of the subject matter, nor from the torical studies of impressionism, includ- place, it would result in a feeling of utter the laughter Georges Rivière observed during
chemistry of photography, nor even from what- ing the newly translated French edition freedom, the availability of the self to itself showings of Cézanne eighty years previously—
ever objects he may have observed in nature. of John Rewald’s History of Impressionism in every respect, which for most people the “forced laughter,” the laughter in “bad
Both the color and the thematic content as well as Maurice Raynal’s Cézanne. He would be intolerable.”82 Through his con- faith” that greeted Bathers at Rest (fig. 16).86
would affect the emotions, but their affirming stressed what had by then become com- cern for such an “intolerable,” perhaps According to Bataille, Manet’s public realized
coordination—a moral factor normally estab‑ mon interpretive points both in France intoxicating sensation of boundless free- that “superficial appearances [can] hide a
lished by rhetorical eloquence—appeared and in America: dom, we readily associate Bataille with complete absence of what one expects [in a
diminished or entirely absent. Cézanne’s art radical social theory in general and, more particular object of art]. . . . The laughter . . .
reduced its culture to an awkward stutter. Or At first the [nineteenth‑century] public showed an specifically, surrealism in the art and litera‑ is unleashed in the void of thought created
perhaps a snigger: reflecting on Cézanne’s aptitude for laughing at whatever seemed new. . . . ture produced between two catastrophic in the mind by the object.”87
initial public, a twentieth‑century advocate Painting should imitate, it should copy the real European wars. Yet there should be no fixed An unregulated encounter of mind and
of modernist practice recalled that during world.78 No doubt. But [only] as convention would division between the culture of Cézanne’s art object, perceiver and perceived, becomes
the nineteenth century, “smiling at a painting see it, entirely opposed to what the eye sees, if the nineteenth century and Bataille’s twentieth. itself the source of the laughter. The object
meant one disliked it.”75 eye—instead of seeing what the cultivated mind, Bataille’s sensitivity to extremes of physicality occupies the mind, totally—like an unassimi‑
the intellect, represents to it—should suddenly was spurred by the late romanticism of fig‑ lated foreign body. Despite its overt represen‑
Laughing at Painting reveal the world.79 ures like Friedrich Nietzsche and Charles tational subject, it assumes the paradoxical
In his works, Cézanne is a Greek of the golden Baudelaire.83 And he was well aware of the form of a semantic void, a no‑name, a noth‑
age . . . and the ignorant souls who laugh in Bataille repeated the well‑known story of challenge posed by Delacroix’s romanticism ing. Its force remains unaffected by any
front of his Baigneurs [Bathers at Rest, fig. 16] Monet’s encounter with his aggrieved teacher and Courbet’s realism. He argued that their logical line of thinking. Thought and feeling,
look to me like barbarians criticizing the Parthe‑ Charles Gleyre (1808–1874), who criticized art nevertheless had its self‑imposed limita‑ intellect and emotion, descend from their
non. . . . These laughs and these cries stem from his pupil for stupidly representing the big tions, for Delacroix’s flights of imagination hierarchical order of conceptualization into
a bad faith that people don’t even try to hide. . . . feet of a model whose feet unfortunately and Courbet’s earthiness paralleled the work‑ a formlessness that grants to feeling and
This is forced laughter. were big. Monet’s mistake was to render the ing of language; in their different ways, these emotion an unaccustomed plenitude. The
—georges rivière, 187776 figure in its true proportion, a disproportion. painters gave meaning to the objects they laughter responds to a condition that has
146 moment possesses the person: “Only by
eliminating, or at least neutralizing in our‑
selves every operation of rational under-
standing, are we in the moment, without it
slipping away. This can happen under the
force of intense emotions that shatter, inter‑
rupt, or cast aside the continuous flow of
Like other artists of his generation,
Cézanne referred to sensations as if they
were tantamount to his personal identity:
“I paint as I see, as I feel, and I have very
strong sensations.”92 Yet we wonder whether
this way of putting it does not simply repre‑
sent a failing of the language of Cézanne’s
day. He made this statement in 1870, not
long after Manet created his greatest scan‑
become not comical but . . . risible. Here, Fig. 16. Paul Cézanne, dals, exhibiting Le déjeuner sur l’herbe in 1863
like Bataille, with no logic to invoke, no Bathers at Rest, 1876– and Olympia in 1865. The feeling of “very
77. Oil on canvas, 82 ×
analysis to follow to conclusion, I resort 101.2 cm. The Barnes
strong sensations” that Cézanne described
to tautology. A person laughs at what is Foundation, Merion, Pa. cannot have been personal and specific to
“risible,” a category outside the purview (BF 906) him alone. It was his version of what in
of literary theories of the comic.88 Associat- Manet was risible. Cézanne’s “strong sensa‑
ing laughter with the risible is as empty an Fig. 17. Paul Cézanne, The tions” were wild, ridiculous, too strong even
analytical gesture as linking the behavior Small Bathers, 1896–97. for him to control with a moral thematics,
Brush and tusche and
of cows to a bovine temperament. despite his allusions to Poussin, classicism,
crayon color lithograph,
The engulfing plenitude of laughter is 22.3 × 27.3 cm. The arcadian themes, childhood memories, the
simultaneously an empty “effacement.” Baltimore Museum of Provençal landscape, and so on. People laugh
Positive becomes negative, negative becomes Art: The Cone Collection, at what overwhelms their habitual sense of
formed by Dr. Claribel
positive, and calculated logic loses its form— Cone and Miss Etta Cone
order, their sense of self. Like the catastrophe
like “spit,” as Bataille would say.89 Regarding of Baltimore, Maryland of war, sensation overwhelms. Cézanne’s
Manet’s works of the 1860s, he wrote: “The (BMA 1950.12.605) sensation was catastrophic.
text”—the cultural meaning, the theme ordi‑ For Bataille, as for most art historians
Fig. 18. Paul Cézanne,
narily pondered and interpreted—“is effaced The Large Bathers, 1896– before and after, Manet’s innovation was not
by the painting. And what the painting signi‑ 97. Brush and tusche only chronologically but logically Cézanne’s
transfer and crayon
fies is not the text, but the effacement.”90 As precedent. However eccentric his account
color lithograph, 48 ×
if it were involved in a familiar play of mod‑ 56.5 cm. The Baltimore of the various nineteenth‑century painters
ernist reform, Manet’s painting eliminates Museum of Art: The Cone is in its details, Bataille committed his inter‑
accumulated culture and empties the mind Collection, formed by pretation to the existing, canonical outline
Dr. Claribel Cone and
of its accustomed thought—all thought. Yet Miss Etta Cone of Balti-
of the history of modernist art. Ironically, he
it does not deactivate the mind; sensing the more, Maryland (BMA is best known (certainly in America) for his
effacement of the subject, the mind is free to 1950.12.681.1) immersion in the utter baseness and base‑
go elsewhere. Something alien occupies it: a lessness of “formless” matter: think again
feeling, a sensation (as Cézanne might say)— of the elusive qualities of spit. Art historians
feeling so strong that neither painter nor have had difficulty in adjusting to Bataille’s
viewer nor any other agent of culture would out‑of‑character references to Manet’s “pure
think to claim possession of it. Instead, the painting,” a term favored by the likes of
148 Bernard, Natanson, and Denis, which the the method with a phrase drawn from the Cézanne in his last years stressed emotive 149 from his cultural codes even more violently
surrealist‑inspired critic accepted as he found painter himself: “the logic of organized sen‑ as opposed to structural qualities, redressing and scandalously than Manet had.107 From
Risible Cézanne
it.93 How “pure” is the formlessness of spit? sations.”98 The dominant critical approach a proper balance.101 Bataille himself took a the start, he had recognized, or perhaps
We have inherited the notion that “pure that evolved through much of the twentieth simpler tack, eliminating the question of fantasized, his difference, his supersession:
painting” must possess form rather than lack century, from Denis to Gowing, found evi‑ geometrical order from his interpretive equa‑ “I don’t offer my hand, Monsieur Manet. . . .”
it, an arbitrary generalization that tends to dence of “classical” order and organization tion.102 Instead, he shared with Raynal the Bataille’s view of Cézanne was not as
go unquestioned.94 Accordingly, recent writ‑ within Cézanne’s art of visual sensation. At belief—originally Gauguin’s and Bernard’s eccentric as it may seem from paraphrases.
ers insist on distancing Bataille from the the base of Cézanne’s style, supposedly, one notion—that Cézanne instilled painting with He derived it in the process of reviewing
deceptively anodyne statements he repeats. would discover a logic, a structure, a formal “autonomy.”103 Both writers noted the physi‑ four books that were offering rather standard
T. J. Clark, 1985: “Whatever else one might geometry. In 1910, Guillaume Apollinaire cal appropriation of moral order in acts of histories of the impressionist movement—
wish to say of this criticism [Bataille on referred to this argument as if it were already “pure painting.” Raynal wrote that Cézanne better documented and better illustrated
Manet’s Olympia], it has little to do with the common knowledge: “They say that Cézanne “was removing from his art all the worldly, than ever before, but hardly revisionist. We
simpler narratives of modernist art history.”95 made himself primitive to prepare a new referential factors that the approach of death can profit from the canonical elements in
Rosalind Krauss, 1986: “Is it really Bataille classicism. . . . While painting from nature, rendered alien to him, attending only to a Bataille’s understanding, especially when
who is telling us—once again—that Manet’s he concentrated the effort of his genius on supreme exaltation of the specific reason filtered through the critic’s corporeal meta‑
achievement was the destruction of subject raising impressionism to an art of reason for his living: painting itself.”104 phors, which recuperate the moral force
matter so that in its place . . . should arise and culture.”99 Apollinaire put all the pieces Raynal may have caused the “reason of the physical tensions in Cézanne’s art.
pure painting—‘painting,’ as he writes, ‘for together: a commitment to nature, a primi‑ for [Cézanne’s] living” to appear all too rea‑ Bataille’s manner of interpretation bears on
its own sake’?”96 Put off by Bataille’s approach tive wildness, a new (rather than renewed) sonable. Here I think of one of Bataille’s the issue of pictorial repetition: repetition
to Manet, Clark and Krauss nevertheless classicism, “an art of reason and culture.” touchstones, Nietzsche, who referred to can be conceptual; but, even more so, it is
treat him as a figure of heroic proportion This combination is consistent with Denis’s “those who suffer from the over‑fullness physical. Fundamental to Bataille’s reasoning
who would never accept the standard inter‑ belief that Cézanne’s art led the younger of life.”105 For Bataille, mindlessness, empty- is the traditional distinction between the
pretation. But it seems that he did, and this generation out of its cultural confusion, headedness, thought reduced to nothing, moral, intellectualized side of human experi‑
confounds them.97 If not for his stature, even as the painter remained withdrawn assumed a certain literal value, inconsistent ence and the unorganized excesses of physi‑
today’s critics would laugh at Bataille’s text and thoroughly idiosyncratic. with any claim that artistic creation should cal sensation: the moral and the physical.
or snicker discreetly: What naïve art history! By the 1950s, the classical‑order thesis be logical, organized, and constructive. In Along with other early twentieth‑century
Yet something more subversive than gener‑ had become all the more entrenched as the his view, reason and logic were intellectual figures now associated with cultural resis‑
ally acknowledged may hide within the lingua franca of Cézanne criticism. Denis’s accoutrements of language and of codified tance, Bataille understood this distinction
late‑nineteenth‑century argument that paint‑ account and that of his British translator academic art, factors of moderation and just as painters and critics of Cézanne’s
ing had become “pure.” Purity need not act Roger Fry are early twentieth‑century ver‑ standardization that would only inhibit generation did, though he developed it more
as culture’s cleansing agent. Closer to early sions; Gowing’s is a late twentieth‑century those committed to what might be called explicitly. He shared this opposition (moral
modernism than we are, Bataille was better version.100 Elements of the thesis were evi‑ the “over‑fullness” of modernist painting. versus physical) with those who wished
positioned to sense the transgression in dent in the four mid‑century books Bataille As Bataille put it, Cézanne had been over‑ not only to justify the nature of Cézanne’s
things rendered pure. reviewed for his 1956 article on impression‑ whelmed by his “attraction to the excessive practice, but also to explain the complicated
As a solution to the dilemma we can ism, including Raynal’s Cézanne, which and the prodigious [and was] aware of the public reaction. The public laughed at
explore the canonical account with Bataille’s appeared in the same series from the Skira impossibility of communicating the grandi‑ Cézanne’s art; they felt threatened; and yet
degree of conviction. Since we take Bataille publishing house as Bataille’s own contribu‑ ose emotion that persisted in agitating him, they experienced an emotional frisson. This
seriously, why not take his attitude toward tion, Manet. Raynal wrote: “Cézanne saw in which he experienced as a sovereign emo‑ response seemed illicit. Why?108
pure painting and the “destruction of sub‑ geometrical features only an expression of tion.” A “sovereign” emotion so rules over Bataille stated what many earlier writers
ject” just as seriously? He must have had the essence of the form.” The form was the a person as to reduce him to it—the semi- were reluctant to admit: when experienced in
his reasons. It turns out that he followed the content, a kind of idealist abstraction. It otic void, the “nothing” (Bataille’s term) that its fullness, physicality presents an unbear‑
standard view only so far. When he spoke of inspired the cubist painters at an early stage; fully occupies a person.106 “Nothing” is the able freedom. Ironically, it was Cézanne’s fate
Cézanne, a particular element of the canoni‑ but in the hands of certain others who took pure form—the formless form, the chance to be labeled a classical master of composi‑
cal interpretation went missing. I refer to Cézanne’s inventions “more by the letter movement—of something. Of what? It would tional order by more members of Bataille’s
the rational, systematic use of color that than the spirit,” it reduced them to “quite have to be something without a name, cate- generation than of earlier ones. This may well
Lawrence Gowing ascribed to Cézanne in a conventional signs.” According to Raynal— gory, or definition. Caught up in his sovereign have been the most expedient way to accul‑
frequently cited essay of 1977, characterizing but this was hardly a unique opinion— autonomy‑without‑reason, Cézanne broke turate or domesticate the physical wildness
150 of Cézanne’s art, especially for those political [Cézanne] can’t put two strokes of color on a thematic element (as opposed to repetitive‑ 151 (who had been close to Manet) referred to
and social conservatives among the earlier canvas without it [already] being very good. ness in technique) would normally increase Cézanne’s large‑scale paintings of female
Risible Cézanne
voices, such as Denis. He admired Cézanne’s —pierre‑auguste renoir, 1906, as reported by its significance, with or without aspects of bathers “where figures are placed side by
paintings aesthetically but had political cause Denis113 material form joining the effort. In Cézanne’s side, without being given distinctive gestures,
to want to defuse their effect.109 He credited case, for example, a critic might infer that the above all put there to be painted.”118 Put
Gauguin as the first to recognize an autono‑ Cézanne died on 23 October 1906. Charles theme of bathers in a landscape was para‑ where? It seemed that any one position on
mous beauty in Cézanne’s material tech- Morice, formerly Gauguin’s literary collab- mount because it appeared so often within the surface—left, right, up, down, front,
nique and to understand its “primitive” orator and eventually his biographer, had the oeuvre. But still‑life pictures of apples back—counted much the same as any other.
implications. Eventually, he linked Gau- a substantial record of commenting on appeared with equal frequency. Traditionally, Cézanne’s compositional positions, like his
guin’s sense of Cézanne to the vogue for Cézanne but was not among the first to the theme of bathers, with its mythological points of thematic focus, were exchangeable.
German Romanticism—a “taste for whatever report the sad news. Because he wrote for connotations, was grand, whereas still‑life As Fagus and other early reviewers indi‑
is simple, primitive, wild.” Denis implied that the biweekly Mercure de France, critics for themes were decorative and slight: hence, cated, Cézanne’s accentuated marking and
this variety of Romanticism was as French the dailies preceded him. This positioned Meyer Schapiro’s effort to reveal an allegori‑ coloring of figures was distinctive enough to
as it was German, at least as personified in Morice to allude not only to Cézanne’s cal pattern of deep cultural and psychological give these quasi‑independent characteristics
Gauguin. But it had been taken too far: “The achievement but also to the ambivalence of meaning centered on apples, as if to redeem the sense that they had reached their proper
influence of these [Romantic] ideas reached its summary assessment. His own announce‑ Cézanne’s disproportionate investment in a end with no higher, synthetic order destined
its maximum in France in Gauguin’s era ment, dated 1 November, began with the sug- trivial subject.117 Studies like Schapiro’s are a to appear. From Cézanne’s material specifics,
[the symbolist decade of the 1890s]. Assum‑ gestion that rival commentators had glossed rearguard scholarly action. Cézanne’s art had critics derived neither intellectual abstraction
ing an almost animal meaning, the notion over their dilemma: “They report that the already done its cultural damage (the loss of nor expressive generality.119 Duret wrote that
of instinct replaced that of genius, and every‑ painter Paul Cézanne passed away in his subject). Repetitiveness in his practice leveled the “expression of abstract feelings [senti‑
thing that was not rude, infantile, coarse, sixty‑sixth year ‘full of glory.’ They don’t dare traditional hierarchies of value, as opposed ments abstraits] and states of mind always
and even uncouth seemed to merit our dis‑ write: full of controversy.”114 In the course to articulating the meaning of the repeated remained outside [Cézanne’s] ken.”120 For
dain.”110 Through his evolving interpretation, of reviewing new work by Matisse in 1904, elements by setting them into ranked order. better or worse, depending on the attitude
Denis reformed Cézanne by substituting Morice himself had identified Cézanne’s By restoring the “subject” to articulate cul‑ of the critic, with the painter’s technique so
rational order for his wildness. To a Cézanne example as exercising a “beneficial tyranny tural significance, scholars have undermined evenhandedly applied, the effect of the most
who had lost too much of the “subject,” a over the younger painters.”115 Essentially this the radical effect of Cézanne’s art within its humble themes equaled that of the most
Cézanne whose “motif ” teetered at the edge was praise, but with phrasing that cut both original social context. They have been mak‑ exalted: “A still life—some apples and a
of control, Denis restored the rule of art. But ways depending on whether a critic approved ing familiar kinds of sense out of an art that napkin on a table—acquired a certain gran‑
Bataille did the opposite. We are left with two of the current level of accomplishment of was significant for the very fact that it made deur, to the same degree as a human head or
competing characterizations of Cézanne’s Matisse and others of his generation. Regard‑ no sense (Cézanne the proto‑dadaist, the a landscape by the sea.”121 Opinion divided
practice: one leading to moral coherence and ing this, Morice wavered. His contemporary proto‑surrealist, the Cézanne of Bataille). on this issue, which had appeared in Manet’s
intellectual order, the other leading to physi‑ Raymond Bouyer was more decisive, vilify- There must have been something odd case before Cézanne’s. Thoré wrote in 1868:
cal instability and sensual excess. ing Matisse for being “more Cézannean than about Cézanne’s repetitions, because other “[Manet’s] present vice is a kind of pantheism
Cézanne,” whom he had already classed painters of his era also reduced thematic that values a human head no more than a
Moral, physical . . . among the “feeble‑minded [and] infirm.”116 differences, yet never became so controver‑ slipper [and] paints everything almost uni‑
[The author] is fine to read when he deals with Morice was candid enough to acknowledge sial. On his part, Morice neither elevated formly.”122 As it happened, Bataille said much
the moral value of the artist’s work [ la valeur the continuing divergence of evaluative opin‑ Cézanne’s art above aesthetic law, nor balked the same but without echoing Thoré’s dis‑
morale: the thematics] . . . but he dodges the ion at the time of Cézanne’s death. What was at its peculiarities, including the repetitions tress. In The Execution of Maximilian (fig. 19),
question whenever the difficulty pertains to art its cause? It was not the subjects Cézanne of compositional form and scale that would Manet “painted the death of the condemned
itself [its materiality and physicality]. represented, however bizarre they sometimes cause one work to resemble another in sig‑ man with the same indifference that he
—paul mantz, reviewing a new book on Poussin in appeared. The lasting problem was instead nificance, even when the subjects differed. would have felt had his chosen subject been
1858111 the physical character of the material surface Cézanne’s art frustrated critics, who failed to a flower or a fish.”123
of Cézanne’s images—a certain insistence derive any moral meaning from his portrayal Assume that Duret in 1906 correctly identi-
I see. By strokes of color [taches]. . . . One touch and repetitiveness that seemed to establish of a range of themes. The root of this frustra‑ fied the trouble caused by coarsely composed,
[touche] after the other. . . . Sensation before all his physicality as a feature apart from his tion was evident enough to early observers. hyper‑physical art: the loss of subject, the
else. thematics. This point requires further expla‑ In a text of 1906, quoted appreciatively by leveling of values. It follows that Cézanne’s
—Cézanne’s words, as reported by Gasquet and Denis112 nation, if only because the repetition of a Morice the following year, Théodore Duret painting, as much as Manet’s, laid the ground
152 for a general statement with which Bataille the physical arrangement of color appeared the picture.”130 When “abstraction” became 153 effects Geffroy noticed in his review of 1894,
began one of his early theoretical essays: to have eliminated the moral value, the moral the issue, it sometimes meant that concep- dismissing such confusions as by-products
Risible Cézanne
“It is vain to see in the appearance of things side of his life. To put it another way: his tualization was displacing a natural empir- of the painter’s aggressive technique.133 Still
only those intelligible signs that allow vari- physicality, his sensation, became the only ical order. But use of this word could also Life with Plaster Cupid (fig. 21) exemplifies
ous elements to be differentiated one from moral basis that remained to him. indicate the contrary situation, when the the problem. Its array of studio props—a
another. What strikes human eyes deter‑ mute materiality of lines and colors, lacking plaster statuette, apples, onions, a serving
mines not only knowledge of the relations . . . comical: Laughing with Painting clear referential function, interfered with dish, a decorative cloth, some canvases in
between various objects, but just as much a A situation is comical if it calls our attention to every conceivable intellectual classification. progress—has been composed so that it
specific, inexplicable state of mind.”124 This a person’s physical state when the moral state is Anarchic physicality, a kind of abstraction, undermines the normal logic of the represen‑
“state of mind” belonged to the viewer, not at cause. disrupts the moral, cultural order. tational process.134 Cézanne positioned the
the artist. It was not something fixed in —henri bergson, 1899126 Some years later, in 1914, the writer Octave patterned cloth as if he were determined to
advance of painting and set up for repre- Mirbeau imagined how Cézanne might have break the illusion of a coherent volume of
sentation like a model in a studio, already When Cézanne repeated representational explained his artistic achievement: “I know space. The cloth extends from a table in the
a kind of intellectual abstraction. It was themes such as his bathers, the sequence how to put greens, blues, and reds on a can‑ depicted studio foreground to a table within
instead an unstable psychic condition com‑ of works did not lead to a culminating mas‑ vas.”131 However evasive, a statement of this a still‑life canvas situated against a rear wall.
ing in response to the unfathomable com‑ terwork, nor were different versions of a type connects with Bernard’s reduction to This picture‑within‑the‑picture becomes the
plexity of material and sensory relations at theme produced to meet market demands material “abstraction.” Mirbeau always looked pictorial background plane, overlapped by the
a given moment. In 1905, Morice captured or to complement each other in display. favorably on Cézanne’s art, probably because foreground table and its objects. The distinc‑
the problem in a sentence, aided by a clever The individual paintings remained no more his good friends Pissarro and Monet did. By tive blue cloth is forced to occupy two spaces
pun: “Cézanne takes no more interest in a than variations of one another. Even his reducing its essence to the composition of that cannot be one, passing from a fictive
human face than in an apple, and in his eyes late, large‑scale compositions appeared as color, he was not demeaning but merely char- reality (the depicted table with its objects)
neither has any [moral] value beyond being if each might yet resume its progress. In to a fictive fiction (the depicted painting of
[color] ‘values.’” Still more succinctly, he this sense, all of Cézanne’s works were a similar table with its own objects).
provided a variant of his formulation: “The “studies”; none was definitive. He referred Fig. 20. Paul Cézanne in The central element of the foreground
Fig. 19. Édouard Manet,
humanity in [Cézanne’s] paintings has only to his paintings as études: studies, exercises, his studio at Les Lauves, composition, a plaster cupid, replays similar
The Execution of Emperor
in front of the Large
the [moral] value of a [color] value”—la valeur Maximilian of Mexico, attempts.127 Attempts at what? Bernard Bathers. Photograph
relationships. Pictorially, Cézanne set it
19 June 1867, 1868/69.
d’une valeur.125 Each stroke of paint with its observed one of the grand compositions by Émile Bernard, 1904. against a stretched canvas shown lying
Oil on canvas, 252 ×
specific color was a “value,” a physical ele‑ of female bathers unfinished in Cézanne’s John Rewald Papers, behind it. This canvas centers and frames
302 cm. Städtische
National Gallery of Art,
ment. Cézanne’s extreme concentration on Kunsthalle, Mannheim studio in March 1904 (fig. 20) and again, the cupid’s torso, yet does not fully contain
Washington, Gallery
still unfinished, about a year later on a sec‑ Archives it. Unlike the depicted painting accommo-
ond visit to Aix. According to his account, dating the blue cloth, this background
the picture was “hardly more advanced, canvas appears blank, devoid of an image.
despite obstinate effort; several of the fig- Apparently, the cupid itself fills it, as if this
ures had changed position, the color having otherwise unarticulated canvas surface had
been thickened by successive layers.”128 been awaiting its proper image—any image.
Like Morice (in the obituary notice of acterizing. Cézanne used color; he painted. How suited is this image, the plaster cupid,
November 1906), Bernard acknowledged His significance would have to be found to the surface behind it? A reflective painter
that the case of Cézanne lacked resolution: there—in the color and the paint.132 knows how easy it is to confuse what lies
“He takes his secret to the grave.”129 Privi‑ Yet certain of Cézanne’s compositions behind in space (according to the moral, con-
leged in having had direct contact, even Ber- hardly seem consistent with Mirbeau’s sense ceptual order of pictorial illusion) with what
nard was uncertain that he comprehended of color or Bernard’s sense of “abstraction.” lies underneath on the material plane (accord-
Cézanne’s methods and motivation. In 1904, He was not always so removed from thematic ing to the physical order or layering of actual
he may nevertheless have captured the organization and manipulation. At times his substances). The cupid extends beyond its
essence of the problem with an allusion work seems to plot out a scene with deliberate surrounding pictorial frame; its fit is hardly
to “abstraction”: “The more he works, the visual wit, verging on the absurd or the comi‑ perfect. A visual logic of likeness neverthe‑
more his work removes itself from the cal. What should be distanced comes near; less confirms the strange relationship, for
external view [and] the more he abstracts things that should remain apart converge— the background canvas leans at an angle
154 has the same material base—the surface that [back] on the materiality of a metaphorical figure, 155 into a mechanism, stiffly inanimate. The
the painter physically touched, his “greens, the idea expressed becomes comical.135 effect is comical.139 Repetition imposes con‑
Risible Cézanne
blues, and reds.” sciousness of materiality in situations where
Once Cézanne set his studio objects in It seems that when Cézanne resorted to it would normally be ignored or suppressed.
place as a compositional “model” to be primitive materiality, it gave a classic come‑ In the case of “red rose,” the physicality of
represented—arranging his plaster cast, his dic structure to his operation. In 1877, Rivière the phrase—its sound, whether grating or
apples, his onions, perhaps even the unfin‑ had observed people laughing at Bathers at mellifluous—should have only a secondary,
ished canvases in the background—his hand Rest (see fig. 16)—as wrongheaded as laugh‑ connotative bearing on its moral, rational
struck only the flat plane of his painting. His ing at the Parthenon, he claimed.136 Perhaps meaning. But an insistent repetition of the
cupid retained its volume and weight in a something quite specific struck those viewers physical element inverts the hierarchy, with
figurative, not a literal sense; depicted, it con- as comical, such as a confusion of gender the sound first dominating, then obliterating
sisted only of paint, a material normally of identities, since Cézanne’s four bathers have the meaning, perhaps to the point of ridicu‑
negligible volume and weight when applied awkwardly ambiguous body types.137 Even lousness because the listener remains aware
to cover a surface. Here, the figurative sense so, the public may have sensed something of the inappropriateness of the inversion. We
grows twofold, for the depicted cupid and risible beyond anything comical—an exces‑ understand what the moral meaning ought
the depicted canvas behind it occupy the same sive physicality in the rendering of the bath‑ to be, simultaneously realizing that under
area of a single painting in progress. A logi‑ ers, masses of pigment that neither a science the immediate physical conditions, we can‑
cal response is to imagine that the sculpture nor a mythology of trans‑gendering would not take its sense seriously. Every artist of
could be a painting of a sculpture. But this is explain.138 the nineteenth century who, like Cézanne,
precisely what the “sculpture” is. We view it Bergson noted that the base, material prop- abutted one discrete stroke of paint against
as if it had been painted twice: on the one erties of phenomena become evident through another, risked creating a condition in which
hand, illusionistically; on the other hand, as repetition. No matter how animated in them‑ the juxtaposition of similars, intended as
a composition in the flat. To create his visual selves, movements when repeated degenerate nuance, was transformed by its inherent
pun with its comedic effect, Cézanne took
advantage of a confusion of the figurative and
sympathetic to the dynamic tilt of the statu‑ Fig. 21. Paul Cézanne, literal senses of any painted representation.
ette. This provides the cupid with composi‑ Still Life with Plaster The image is figurative; the material is literal.
Cupid, ca. 1894. Oil
tional support and, moreover, a sense that on paper, mounted
The “sculpture” within Cézanne’s painting
it makes contact with the surface it overlaps. on panel, 70.6 × 57.3 cm. becomes a “painting”—materially flat like
In addition to likeness (a metaphoric ele‑ London, Courtauld the surface that supports it. Its existence as
Institute of Art Gallery
ment), the relationship of cupid to canvas illusion moves one step closer to material
depends on contact (a metonymic element). reality, still without reaching it.
The two represented objects, statuette and Still Life with Plaster Cupid sacrifices
blank canvas, adhere in tactile intimacy. Once moral coherence and resolution for the
we notice how they relate, we can imagine sake of an increase in literal physicality.
the fictive space of Cézanne’s painting as if In this respect, philosopher Henri Bergson,
it were compressed or compacted to a single, Cézanne’s contemporary (but younger by
energized plane—a plane of sensory color, twenty years), becomes his theorist:
of formal “abstraction.” The foreground
image projects onto the background area; Most words have a physical meaning [un sens
the background becomes equivalent to the physique] and a mental or moral meaning [un
foreground. Perhaps what Cézanne discov‑ sens moral], depending on whether we take them
ered in composing his cupid reflects on literally or figuratively. Every word originates, in Fig. 22. Paul Cézanne,
what he learned from positioning his pat‑ effect, by designating a concrete object or material Pichet de grès, 1893–
94. Oil on canvas, 38 ×
terned cloth: a depicted object can be situ- action; gradually, however, the meaning of the
46 cm. Riehen/Basel,
ated in two different kinds of fictive space word dematerializes, becoming an abstract rela- Fondation Bayeler
because each of its articulated elements tion or a pure idea. . . . When attention focuses (inv. 99.7)
156 structure into material repetition. To those to gauge whether they convey meaning. Mean- as Cupid’s moral equivalent? If so, Cézanne 157 the cultural thematics of sexuality. Thematics
who perceived mere repetition rather than a ing fulfills the critical impulse, advanced by was indulging in a double sublimation: depos- of any kind hardly mattered. In cases where
Risible Cézanne
set of unique variations, the painter’s marks formalized methods: beyond the composi‑ iting his sexual desire in the painted figure Cézanne reworked a heavily painted canvas
were a distraction or an outright annoyance. tional analysis of pictorial orders, a critic of Eros, then embalming Eros within the jug. or imposed one configuration on another,
Viewers either sloughed off the encounter might apply semiotic analysis or rhetorical Inured to Cézanne’s material innovations his artistic act exchanged one charged set of
with a laugh or demanded from criticism a analysis, or even (as psychoanalysis) the and physical assertiveness, late twentieth‑ marks for the next, the two equally eroticized,
deeper understanding. Pondering his experi‑ geometric and linguistic structuralism of century writers have freely interpreted his equally invested with somatic and psychic
ence with the risible, Bataille eventually Lacanian mimicry and mirroring.143 What‑ thematic elements according to a variety of energy. His early critics surmised that his
provided one. ever the mode of analysis, a salient parallel, theoretical and cultural orders, an option his images became “abstract” as a consequence
a kind of repetition, defines Cézanne’s two early critics were not at ease to take, given of his having immersed himself in the mate‑
Risible Repetition paintings structurally: like the statuette in their degree of agitation. Struck by his tactile rial compulsions of painting. This was a
Art reduced to technique ceases to be art and Still Life with Plaster Cupid, the large jug in mark, they experienced interpretive paralysis, physical and emotional abstraction, to be
becomes a science—a new kind of science, Pichet de grès converges with and is framed whether staring in wonder or laughing in distinguished from the intellectual, allegori‑
useless. by a studio canvas behind it; it functions nervous stupefaction. They were hardly dis- cal abstraction of Cupid‑Eros. Mentally pre-
—charles morice, 1905140 simultaneously as foreground and back‑ posed to entertain elaborate, sublimatory occupied by the physical intensity of his act,
ground.144 Other pictorial contradictions— hypotheses to explain away the disturbance Cézanne, so his initial viewers believed, was
Witticism changes character on the second or better, incompossibles (but it is a strange they sensed; they invented no psychological blind to complex cultural and social values.
appearance. A joke told repeatedly becomes word)—exist among the relationships that narratives as background for the painter’s This accounted for the abstract or abstracted
a demonstration of a principle or a formal Pichet de grès establishes. To grasp Cézanne’s nudes.146 In their experience of the works, a look of his work as well as its primitivism, all
exercise in timing. Useless as information absurd joke, more risible than comical, we physical shock preceded any moral shock; it contributing to its loss of subject. Many of
(we already know what direction it takes), it need only notice the mutually metaphoric was the paint that had received the painter’s his paintings, especially the densely marked
may still provoke a psychophysical response. semblance of the two central “figures”: one, erotic investment, not the culturally con‑ landscapes, appeared to contain little more
Repeated, the comic effect retains its struc‑ a statuette, convex with a dimpled belly; the structed image. This eroticism went beyond than repetitive strokes of color, the famous
ture while losing what remains compelling other, a jug, convex with a dimpled emboss‑ “little sensations,” which Gauguin once
about its ironic logic (this is another way of ment. Improbably, these objects look alike: threatened to “steal.”147
referring to the “loss of subject”).141 As the improbably, because the resemblance is Sensation is distracting. Absorbed in it,
logic fades, it becomes appropriate to won- relational as much as morphological, and Cézanne developed a procedural tic, which
der whether the words or pictures had ever its force depends on the structuring of each left its traces nearly everywhere. It shows
revealed any serious meaning. Do we laugh picture as a whole. All the more improbably, most blatantly in his modest sketchbook draw-
anxiously, suspecting that the forms and an apple mediates the crucial likeness, for ings, never intended for public viewing. He
structures we perceive do not, and never in each composition the figural convexities had a habit of linking disparate images by
did, have a moral reason to be?142 echo the form of an apple shown lying on their happenstance form, as well as exchang‑
Cézanne created some curious repeti- Cézanne’s studio floor (large and yellow‑ ing pictorial positions, with no apparent con-
tions, not always recognized for what they green, it must be a hedge apple).145 The rela‑ cern for thematic consistency. (Consistency
are. His Pichet de grès (fig. 22) proves to be tionship of the statuette to the jug is surely can nevertheless be private and inapparent,
a companion piece to Still Life with Plaster metaphoric—yet also metonymic. Resem‑ but this contributes nothing to what the crit-
Cupid; it plays out the same joke. Although blance in form is the metaphoric factor; an ical viewer sees unless provided with access
neither work should be regarded as a study analogous structural and compositional func- to privileged information.) In his sketch‑
for the other, the doubling suggests that tion, exchangeable from one pictorial environ- books, it seems that Cézanne let moral iden‑
Cézanne deliberately constructed this set ment to the other, is the metonymic factor. tities go unacknowledged; only physical
of pictorial relationships (at least the sec- The implied exchange of the two objects, placement counted. In a multifigured draw‑
ond time around), as if he were involved statuette and jug, drains whatever moral, ing sheet of the early 1880s (fig. 23), he com‑
Fig. 23. Paul Cézanne,
in a studio exercise, practicing his comic thematic specificity the plaster cupid or fig- Head of Paul Cézanne, bined a horizontally oriented head of Ceres
timing. His activity may have been more ure of Eros may have connoted on its own, fils; Bather; Head after (derived from Peter Paul Rubens [1577–1640])
Rubens: Ceres, early
physical and sensory than intellectual, but independent of the repetitive structural with a vertically oriented striding female
1880s. Graphite pencil on
any repetition‑with‑variation calls for an motif. Does the jug, as the cupid’s sem‑ wove paper, 22 × 12.5 cm. bather, and juxtaposed this hybrid to a por‑
analysis of the physical, material differences blance, nevertheless receive erotic energy Private collection trait head of his young son, also oriented
158 of the leaning tree as it passes into the bathers, complements the hand of the figure 159 devise a cultural link between Atlas and the
extended hand of the leftmost standing to its left. It becomes difficult to dissociate bathers and their own sources in the art of
Risible Cézanne
bather. The semblances seem to develop the curves and angles of the swan from those Cézanne’s past, but it would be speculative
of their own accord, as if the artist were of either bather because they fulfill each invention, not the type of “meaning” poten‑
powerless to resist the thematically confus- other’s implied graphic intentions. Yet we tial viewers would have perceived. Only the
ing but graphically compelling force of each would hardly think to integrate these forms physical positioning, the motif, introduces
motif. In the multifigured drawing just dis‑ thematically, as, say, “Leda and the Swan.”150 sense; but this is limited to a formal, struc‑
cussed, even the diagonal stroking of the A similar situation, thematically noncom‑ tural type of sense. Instead of directing his
background, to the right of the boy’s head, municative but formally satisfying: a frag‑ composition at its traditional end, enhanc-
may represent a response to the diagonal ment after Pierre Puget’s (1620–1694) Opposite below: ing and clarifying the thematic message,
thrust and background stroking of the sculpture of Atlas closes off the leftward end Fig. 25a. Paul Cézanne, Cézanne either engaged his technique in a
Standing Male Bather,
bather below. And nothing guarantees that of a double spread from the sketchbook that Puget’s Atlas, 1885–1900
confusing, subversive play with thematics, or
Cézanne would not have returned from a contains the page of striding bathers with a (Sketchbook II, page L he kept form, color, and movement indepen‑
vertically, but inverted.148 By all appearances, Fig. 24. Paul Cézanne, later drawing on his page to an earlier one, swan (figs. 25a, b) The double page shows recto). Graphite pencil dent of his nominal subject—in either case,
Female Bathers and and graphite offset from
the three figural elements resulted from compulsively rendering the morally unlike studies for a composition of male bathers a situation that frustrates analysis.
a Swan, 1885–1900 page XLIX verso on wove
three different directional uses of the sketch‑ (Sketchbook II, page
alike—a countercultural travesty. that Cézanne often repeated (compare figs. 5 paper, 12.9 × 21.6 cm. Exchange of position or place is an extreme
book. The images, unlikely to have been XXXVI recto). Graphite Another drawing (fig. 24)—comical? and 28). Logically, we would have to assume Philadelphia Museum case of the mutual exchange that Cézanne’s
pencil on wove paper, of Art: Gift of Mr. and
drawn at a single sitting or intended to be risible?—converts the buttocks of a striding that the Atlas fragment preceded the images analogies of form produce. Returning to
11.6 × 18.2 cm. Philadel- Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg,
thematically coordinated, form a single female bather into a motif of rhythmically of bathers, for why begin a figure in a space 1987 (1987-53-79a) Eros: one of Cézanne’s sketchbook drawings
phia Museum of Art: Gift
composition, with the first two elements of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. spaced, bowed verticals, which double as the insufficient to complete it? Yet the position of copies an antique “Aphrodite and Eros” sculp-
thoroughly interlocking and the third held Annenberg, 1987 legs of a swan. On the same sheet, Cézanne this fragment, especially its curving bottom Below: ture from the Louvre; Eros forms a short
(1987-53-65a) Fig. 25b. Paul Cézanne,
in subtle tension by the near conjunction drew a more developed version of the strid‑ edge, extends the implied recession suggested Male Bathers, 1885–1900
vertical to the right of Aphrodite’s long verti‑
of the boy’s collar and the bather’s lower ing bather, inserting a plane of diagonal by the shift in scale of the two variants of a (Sketchbook II, page cal (fig. 26). On the facing page, Cézanne
leg. Collar and leg break off in the same way, pencil strokes that fill the background space single figure to its right. It even echoes the XLIX verso). Graphite repeated this proportional relation by com‑
pencil and graphite offset
so that one is a vertical variant of an open between the figure’s legs. He continued this curving, angled legs of the seated bather on bining an image of a dog with an unrelated
from page L recto on
convex form and the other is its horizontal diagonal stroking throughout the body and the facing page, whose left‑hand position it wove paper, 12.9 × standing male bather (fig. 27). Either draw‑
counterpart. Many more graphic analogies beneath an extended hand, giving the entire occupies in exchange. Coincidence? As an 21.6 cm. Philadelphia ing could have preceded the other. Cézanne
Museum of Art: Gift of
can be discerned within this drawing sheet. figure a sense of vectored movement: physi‑ art historian, this drawing makes me laugh set the dog into a position (“condition” might
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.
Thematically laughable, the combinations are cally assertive, morally mute.149 The position nervously. I fail to understand its moral or Annenberg, 1987 be a better term) analogous to the one Eros
formally—that is, physically, even sensually— of the swan’s tail, inverted in relation to the rational stance. One way or another, I could (1987-53-79b) holds on the Aphrodite page. He had to rotate
moving (“I have very strong sensations,” the placement ninety degrees. The naturalis‑
Cézanne said). The sensual aspects of the tic horizontality of the dog becomes arbitrar-
marks in this casual composition page, ily vertical, so long as we allow the standing
released from standard thematic controls, bather to determine the orientation of this
become risible and “sovereign” in a Batail‑ compound image. Here the dog assumes the
lean sense. pictorial position not only of Eros but also of
In Cézanne’s works on canvas, a similar numerous male bathers reduced in vertical
effect comes about through the juxtaposi- stature because they sit on a river bank or
tion of diverse thematic elements caused to stand partly immersed in the stream, beside
resemble each other by their contiguity and the full vertical of a standing figure. Cézanne
common motif: see the sequence of tree developed this motif—long vertical, short
trunk, bifurcated towel, and leg of a strid- vertical, long vertical, short vertical—in
ing bather at the left of Three Bathers (fig. 1), Group of Bathers (fig. 28), where the stand-
or the sequence of tree trunk, arm, and ing figure toward the right corresponds to
bather’s torso at the left of Bathers (fig. 5), the bather of the drawing, and the immersed
or, in the same painting, the sequence of bather at the extreme right of this painting
parallel strokes that articulates the foliage corresponds to (the position or condition of )
160 Fig. 26. Paul Cézanne, 161
Antique Aphrodite
Risible Cézanne
and Eros, 1885–1900
(Sketchbook II, page
XXXVII verso). Graphite
pencil on wove paper,
18.2 × 11.6 cm. Philadel-
phia Museum of Art: Gift
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H.
Annenberg, 1987
‘values’”; “The humanity in his paintings Fig. 28. Paul Cézanne, ever much this kind of “abstraction” might
has only the value of a value.”152 Morice Group of Bathers, appeal to the intellect or the imagination,
ca. 1895. Oil on canvas,
did not intend this remark, potentially hu- 20.6 × 30.8 cm. Phila-
it was crucial for it to retain a distinct mate‑
the dog. The “values” of both drawing and the physical. He may have been suffering morous, as a sanguine observation on the delphia Museum of Art: rial component located in a purified form
painting are physical not moral, at least in the schizoid tension he attributed to his advanced state of modern culture; to the The Louise and Walter and a straightforward procedure. This was
Arensberg Collection,
the sense that Bergson and Bataille brought depressed and desiccated society (his contrary, Cézanne seemed to be reflecting what Denis meant by speaking of “simple
1950 (1950-134-34)
to this distinction. Bergson might have argued characterization)—separation of sensation contemporary society’s misfortune. Morice decoration”—form from which viewers could
that Cézanne’s arbitrary exchanges of posi‑ from reason, the physical from the moral. appreciated the painter’s intensity, but the take simple pleasure. Cézanne was exemplary
tion gave his images a mechanistic quality, In his opinion, Cézanne suffered from the results disturbed him. because his marks of color and even his
hence comical. Noting how far from discur‑ same cultural disorder. Denis was more of a committed advocate arbitrarily positioned figures appeared inde‑
sive language Cézanne pushed his physical Morice’s realization, already noted, came (or apologist) for Cézanne than Morice was. pendent of complex thematic and theoreti-
paintings, Bataille considered them risible. in the guise of a pun. It depended on the He argued that artists of his generation were cal motivations; it was all so very physical,
happenstance capacity of a single word, valeur being dehumanized by the leveling effects of representing a material, not a conceptual,
Value, Value (value), to refer to distinct realms of experi‑ their modern urban existence—its mechani‑ abstraction of the painting process. Denis
[Contemporary life] not only separates each one ence that had become—like Cézanne’s bath‑ zation, its commodification, its standardiza‑ nevertheless soon decided that “abstraction”
of us from others but also divides us internally, ers, swans, and dogs—fluidly exchangeable. tion, its social regulation—all factors leading and “form” were being pushed so far that
divorcing our feelings [sensibilité] from our What is moral assumes the form of estab‑ to impoverishment of intellectual and spiri‑ neither sensible reason nor human feeling,
intellect. lished cultural values. What is physical tual life, the moral life. Denis claimed that but only misguided theorization, could jus‑
—charles morice, 1905151 assumes the form of color values or tonali‑ the remedy could be found in what, for a tify such practices. After Cézanne died, Denis
ties, both a source and a reflection of sen- brief moment in 1905, he was willing to call decided to salvage the painter’s reputation
To Bergson and Bataille, we can add Morice: sory and emotional feeling (and also of “an abstract ideal . . . the expression of inner from such associations, insisting that he had
he perceived an increasingly fraught separa‑ science and technical skill). So—here I [mental] life or a simple decoration for the never “compromised” his pictorial synthesis
tion of feeling (both sensation and emotion) repeat—Morice wrote of la valeur d’une pleasure of the eyes.”153 Under the circum‑ “with any abstraction”; his art of pure paint‑
from the intellectual, cultural order that valeur: “Cézanne takes no more interest in stances, the representational arts should strive ing had remained rooted in nature.155
would regulate it. Unlike Bataille, he resisted a human face than in an apple, and in his to mask out dull environmental realities Morice, too, linked the emerging problem
casting his moral lot entirely on the side of eyes neither has any value beyond being and “evolv[e] toward abstraction.”154 How- of abstraction to social and cultural modernity.
162 For him, there were two “abstractions” visible Morice added: “Was [his action] fully con‑ of whoever encountered it, purging people 163 The aesthetics of art is a science of feeling
at the beginning of the twentieth century: scious? I don’t know.”159 of their normative culture, the ideological as much as of representing (mimesis is both).
Risible Cézanne
the abstract marks of the neo-impressionist This was the essential mystery of Cézanne, values that directed them. In 1889, the aesthetician Paul Souriau, a
followers of Georges Seurat (1859–1891), who not only resisted the culture around Cézanne sought to represent sensation near‑contemporary of Cézanne, published
derived (Morice believed) from a mistaken him by concentrating so resolutely on the (how the object or the atmosphere looked a statement that seems remarkably germane
faith in science and what it could do for physicality of his painting, but also resisted and felt—to him) while expressing emotion but appears only as a footnote. Perhaps
technique; and Cézanne’s abstract marks, revealing his moral motivations—if he actu‑ (how he felt). As categories of feeling, the Souriau believed that the issue did not merit
which, significantly, were more of a product ally knew them, which cannot be assumed. two phenomena may have been differentiable being addressed centrally, or that he himself
of withdrawal and isolation.156 With science Morice’s central observation, that Cézanne by the terms of logical analysis but not by lacked a sufficiently specialized understand‑
or without, the cultural impact was the substituted painting for living, seems prog‑ lived experience. Through painting, Cézanne ing of painting to pursue it. Whatever the
same—a loss of humanistic content. After nostic, given the number of major twentieth‑ realized that separating one of the two sides case, he observed that French academic art-
Cézanne’s death, Morice summarized the century artists who appear to have lost their of representational practice from the other ists were often criticized for the artificiality
situation: “We hardly dare say that Cézanne social selves in concentrated studio practice, would misrepresent or even nullify both. Per- of their figures’ gestures; he found the com‑
lived; no, he painted. . . . [His is] painting often highly technical and experimental. haps he developed his tendency to exchange plaint justifiable because the academics
estranged from the course of life, painting Morice feared that artists of this type, Seurat the positions of thematically unrelated relied on preconceived models and standard‑
with the [sole] aim of painting. . . . [His art first among them, would do little more than objects—I called it a mere tic—because he ized compositions, depicting only “those
constitutes] a tacit protest, a reaction [to produce “a new kind of science, useless.”160 intuited the need to overcome categorical postures we adopt to express our feelings to
society]. . . . He put everything in ques‑ Those young artists who drew from Cézanne’s distinctions. He understood that he and his show them on the outside.” Souriau’s inter‑
tion.”157 How does a painting—of apples, “pure painting” while failing to see that its objects were exchanged in his acts of repre‑ est was feeling from the inside: “Truly expres‑
say, or a repetitive grouping of bathers— seductions had something to do with his, as sentation, that sensing was tantamount to sive postures are those that do not set about
“put everything in question”? well as their own, anxiety over the cultural expressing, that objects occupied the con‑ to express anything, but are unconsciously
Like Denis, Morice believed that a collec‑ surroundings, rendered his art morally sciousness of subjects and subjects occupied determined by a deeply felt emotion.”163
tive culture of scientism and technocratic inconsequential. the consciousness of objects. Yet something This conclusion—if uttered today, it would
efficiency was deadening all spiritual life. Two or three decades later, Bataille and his is amiss: objects do not have a consciousness seem vaguely Freudian—suggests that subtle
One could either join this new society or colleagues were accustomed to associating to be occupied. Do they? It had been said movements accurately reflecting a person’s
withdraw into personal sensory experience. art with alienation and useless excess. To put repeatedly that Cézanne painted people as emotional state will appear to represent
For a painter, it would mean withdrawing their situation another way, they understood if they were apples. It might just as well have nothing in particular. Following no stock
into pure painting. The fact that Cézanne that the most challenging art would strike been said that he painted apples as if they thematic structures, their expressive lan‑
disapproved of electric street lighting— the public and even themselves as risible— were people (an explanation, in fact, for the guage becomes a non‑language. Bataille
it spoiled the twilight in Marseille—may meaningful in being meaningless. Morice impulse to allegorize his still lifes and other said of Manet that he “substituted for the
be symptomatic of his actual position.158 and Denis had struggled to channel Cézanne’s images of inanimate things). His living conventional view of things an unforeseen
Acting in opposition to his new society, art toward a beneficial moral lesson about presence and active attention animated the aspect that has no meaning,” and of Cézanne
Cézanne (it seemed to Morice) purged modern life. Their interpretation prefigured world that his senses engaged, as if things, that he painted “without assimilating it to
his life of all moral values, for which he Bataille’s, though he inverted its primary like people, might be sentient. Speculation linguistic formulations.”164
substituted his color values. This did not features. He, too, sought an exemplary les‑ on the possibility of sentience in inanimate A “deeply felt emotion,” the correlative
mean that Cézanne abandoned his politi- son, but unlike his predecessors, found his things and substances was a relatively famil‑ of a specific sensation, would appear only
cal, religious, and philosophical beliefs; in moral redemption in a physicality that oblit‑ iar notion during Cézanne’s lifetime.161 between the lines of whatever expressive
fact, the conversations that Gasquet recon‑ erated all ordinary sense of the moral. He When Gasquet attributed to him a kind of cliché an artist chose to represent the situ-
structed would be full of such “moral” issues. made no apologies about the excesses of pantheistic vision—“In a green my brain ation “on the outside.” The majority of
Rather, the problem was that theoretical modern painting, all those cases in which flows along with the sap of the tree. Moments Cézanne’s subjects were ordinary enough
and ideological concerns could no longer the physical marking system and the artis- of conscious awareness of the world live on to be described as thematic clichés in this
guide Cézanne’s practice, nor any artist’s tic gesture became more rewarding for the in our paintings”—the writer may have been respect—moral clichés. Traditional cultural
practice. It was left to the technique of paint‑ viewer than the subject of the picture. As drawing from a prominent current of theory identities and mythologies might transfer
ing, not the worldly subject matter it repre‑ much as it might be expressing something as much as imaginatively rephrasing what readily from the masters in the museums
sented, to become the means, as Morice coming from inside the artist, this physicality he thought the painter had attempted to to the figures that Cézanne copied; but the
wrote, of a “tacit protest.” Acknowledging (Bataille would argue) was significant for the communicate.162 The concept of “motif” emotional content would be something else,
the obscurity of Cézanne’s inner feelings, fact that it penetrated and occupied the inside actually covered it all. located in fragments of meaningless excess
164 between one conventional, repeatable ele‑ Fig. 29. Paul Cézanne, Notes 6. Cézanne, statement reported by Joachim Gasquet, 165 15 April 1904 and 23 October 1905, in Paul Cézanne,
ment of expression and another. The motif Standing Bather Seen 1. Maurice Denis, “L’impressionnisme et la France” Cézanne (Paris: Bernheim‑Jeune, 1926 [1921]), 70. correspondance, 300, 315. See also Cézanne’s words
Risible Cézanne
from Behind, 1879–82. (1917), in Nouvelles théories: Sur l’art moderne, sur l’art On Cézanne as “primitive,” see Richard Shiff, “The as reported in Émile Bernard, “Souvenirs sur Paul
of a painting encompasses this excess. Like Oil on canvas, 27 × sacré 1914–1921 (Paris: Rouart et Watelin, Paris, 1922), Primitive of Everyone Else’s Way,” in Guillermo Cézanne et lettres inédites,” Mercure de France 69
Bataille’s “sovereign emotion,” a motif 17.1 cm. The Henry and
67–68. Pursuing his argument, Denis added that Solana, ed., Gauguin and the Origins of Symbolism (1, 16 October 1907): 400. Bernard was a willing
extends beyond the nominal subject to occupy Rose Pearlman Founda-
Cézanne drew Latin culture “from the rich depths (Madrid: Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza, receiver of Cézanne’s complaints and may have
tion; on long-term loan to
all the physical space within the materialized of his psyche,” whereas others depended on labored 2004), 63–79. solicited them; he had long before distanced him-
Princeton University Art
image; its extremes of physicality affect the Museum (L.1988.62.1) study of the ancient monuments. All translations 7. Cézanne, statement recorded in 1902 (not necessar‑ self from Gauguin’s methods.
moral, psychological space of reception. With are mine unless otherwise indicated. I thank Caitlin ily verbatim), in Jules Borély, “Cézanne à Aix,” L’art 19. On aspects of Cézanne’s impressionism, see
Haskell for essential aid in research and Terence vivant 2 (1 July 1926): 493. Richard Shiff, Cézanne and the End of Impressionism
unusual directness, Cézanne’s technique
Maloon and Cord Bynum for acute reading. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).
revealed this modernist principle, at once 8. Gustave Geffroy, “Paul Cézanne” (1894), La vie
2. For Vollard’s account of the circumstances, see artistique, 8 vols. (Paris, Dentu [vols. 1–4], Floury 20. Cézanne’s remark came in conversation at a
pure and transgressive: painting left to its Ambroise Vollard, Paul Cézanne (Paris: Georges Crès, [vols. 5–8], 1892–1903), 3:257–59. luncheon hosted by Monet in November 1894; see
own devices is all motif, all excess. To those 1919 [1914]), 75–79. Vollard’s narrative is now disputed, Octave Mirbeau, “Préface du catalogue du Salon
9. Georges Lecomte, “Paul Cézanne,” Revue d’art 1
early viewers who noticed what Cézanne’s interestingly but willfully, by Robert Jensen, “Vollard
(9 December 1899): 86. d’automne 1909,” Combats esthétiques, ed. Pierre
art made happen, the effect was either won‑ and Cézanne: An Anatomy of a Relationship,” in Michel and Jean‑François Nivet, 2 vols. (Paris:
10. Gustave Kahn, “Seurat,” L’art moderne (Brussels) 11
Rebecca A. Rabinow, ed., Cézanne to Picasso: Ambroise Séguier, 1993), 2:485.
drous or risible and just as likely, both. (5 April 1891): 108. Kahn was contrasting Corot’s
Vollard, Patron of the Avant‑Garde (New York: Metro‑
naturalness with Georges Seurat’s artificiality. On the 21. Paul Mantz, “L’exposition des peintres impres-
politan Museum of Art, 2006), 29–47. This new study
significance of Corot, see also Richard Shiff, “Natural, sionnistes” (1877), reprinted in Ruth Berson, ed., The
glosses over the crucial, yet perhaps indeterminate,
Personal, Pictorial: Corot and the Painter’s Mark,” New Painting, Impressionism 1874–1886: Documenta‑
role played by Cézanne’s son (in effect, the artist’s
in Andreas Burmester, Christoph Heilmann, and tion, 2 vols. (San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of
agent), as well as the degree to which Cézanne may
Michael F. Zimmermann, eds., Barbizon: Malerei San Francisco, 1996), 1:166.
have neglected or mistreated his paintings (compare
der Natur—Natur der Malerei (Munich: Klinkhardt & 22. As an early twentieth‑century champion of
the memories of one of Cézanne’s country lessors,
Biermann, 1999), 120–38. Cézanne, Clive Bell gave a succinct statement of the
Eugène Couton, in Erle Loran Johnson, “Cézanne’s
11. Paul de Saint‑Victor, La presse, 10 June 1866; Félix problem: “People had grown so familiar with the
Country,” The Arts 16 [April 1930]: 532–35). Jensen
Jahyer, Deuxième étude sur les beaux‑arts: Salon de idea of a cup, with that purely intellectual label ‘cup,’
draws a number of unambiguous conclusions from
1866 (Paris: Librairie centrale, 1866), quoted in Pierre that they never looked at a particular cup and felt its
ambiguous documentation. One example: he supports
Miquel, Le paysage français au XIXe siècle, 1824–1874, emotional significance. Also, professional painters . . .
his statement, “We know that Cézanne had been
3 vols. (Maurs‑la‑Jolie: Martinelle, 1975), 2:48. neither felt things nor expressed their feelings. . . .
looking for a dealer before he was contacted by Vol‑
A determination to free artists from utilitarian vision
lard,” by a crossed-out line to this effect in an incom‑ 12. Paul Mantz, Salon de 1847 (Paris: Sartorius, 1847),
and the disastrous science of representation was
plete draft of a letter to the writer Octave Mirbeau, 98–99.
the theoretic basis of that movement which is associ‑
published in John Rewald, ed., Paul Cézanne, corre‑ 13. Alfred Sensier, “Conférence sur le paysage” (1870),
ated with the name of Cézanne” (Clive Bell, Since
spondance (Paris: Grasset, 1978), 241–42. Rewald’s Souvenirs sur Théodore Rousseau (Paris: Léon Techener,
Cézanne [New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1922], 49–50).
editorial notes speculate plausibly regarding the 1872), xiv.
Art‑historical writing of recent years tends to obscure
circumstances—Cézanne’s having recently encoun‑ 14. Mantz, Salon de 1847, 98–99. the crux of the matter—emotion and the expression of
tered Mirbeau, Mirbeau’s having mentioned him
15. Charles Clément, “Les paysagistes français con‑ emotion. Early twentieth‑century changes in the form
favorably in print, the death earlier that year of
temporains” (1853), Études sur les beaux‑arts en France of representational art were motivated by perceived
Cézanne’s Paris “dealer,” the paint merchant Julien
(Paris: Michel Lévey frères, 1869), 336. On Corot’s emotional needs, not form for the sake of form; see
Tanguy—none of which Jensen mentions, all of
taking care not to introduce more painting than Richard Shiff, “From Primitivist Phylogeny to Formal‑
which complicates an omniscient “we know” (see
needed, see also Charles Baudelaire, “Salon de 1845,” ist Ontogeny: Roger Fry and Children’s Drawings,” in
Jensen, “Vollard and Cézanne,” 42, 46 n.82). Might
Oeuvres complètes, ed. Claude Pichois, 2 vols. (Paris: Jonathan Fineberg, ed., Discovering Child Art: Essays
a less tendentious alternative be developed along
Gallimard, 1975–76), 2:389–90. on Childhood, Primitivism, and Modernism (Princeton:
Jensen’s lines? I don’t know.
16. Thoré‑Bürger (Théophile Thoré), “Salon de 1844,” Princeton University Press, 1998), 157–200.
3. Cézanne, letter to Joachim Gasquet, 30 April 1896,
Les Salons, 3 vols. (Brussels: Lamertin, 1893), 1:35. 23. Theo van Doesburg, “De Nieuwe Beweging in de
in Rewald, Paul Cézanne, correspondance, 249.
17. Mantz, Salon de 1847, 102–3. In response to the Schilderkunst, II,” De Beweging 12 (June 1916): 222;
4. Gustave Coquiot, Les Indépendants 1884–1920
same Salon, Théophile Thoré (to some extent, Mantz’s translation by Mette Gieskes.
(Paris: Ollendorff, 1920), 36.
mentor) had similar thoughts about the expressive 24. Paul Gauguin, “Notes synthétiques” (1885), Oviri:
5. Prominent among Cézanne’s admirers was potential of a naïve attitude toward representing Écrits d’un sauvage, ed. Daniel Guérin (Paris: Galli‑
Maurice Denis, to whom he wrote a polite note of nature; Thoré‑Bürger, “Salon de 1847,” Les Salons, mard, 1974), 24.
gratitude upon learning that Denis had painted a 1:477–79, 538. 25. And through this reduction to essence, Cézanne
scene of homage to him, shown at the Salon of 1901:
18. Cézanne disapproved of the linear “abstraction” became for many critics the source of cubist practice:
Cézanne, letter to Denis, 5 June 1901, in Rewald,
and unmodulated color apparent in the style Gauguin “Cubism appears as the final outcome of the work of
Paul Cézanne, correspondance, 274.
derived from him; see his letters to Émile Bernard, simplification undertaken by Cézanne. . . . The cubists
166 have cast out from their domain all those characters 36. Denis, “L’impressionnisme et la France,” Nouvelles and intellectual abstraction (as opposed to physical 167 67. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:380, 376.
that the painters habitually took from fables, mythol‑ théories, 67–68. abstraction) were common in Cézanne’s day. See, for 68. In the course of this essay, I may at times verge
Risible Cézanne
ogy, history[;] they aspire to the essence, to the pure 37. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 252. example, Louis Vauxcelles, “Le Salon des ‘Indépen‑ on equating materiality and physicality, but there is
idea” (Michel Puy, “Les indépendants,” Les marges, dants,’” Gil blas, 20 March 1906, reprinted in Philippe a difference: materiality refers to an artist’s manipula‑
38. Thadée Natanson, “Paul Cézanne,” La revue
July 1911, reprinted in Edward Fry, Le cubisme [Brussels: Dagen, ed., Le fauvisme (Paris: Somogy, 1994), 74: tion of a physical medium as material substance;
blanche 9 (1 December 1895): 500.
La Connaissance, 1968], 65). “In art, it’s necessary to ward off the plague of theo‑ physicality refers to the experience of a medium or a
39. Natanson, “Paul Cézanne,” 500.
26. When Gauguin described Cézanne’s Allée d’arbres ries, system, and abstraction.” representation in relation to one’s sense of one’s own
40. For Sérusier’s statement, see Denis, “Cézanne,”
(ca. 1879) as having “trees set in rank like soldiers, 53. See Rivière, Le maître Paul Cézanne, 2–6. body. For elaboration, see Richard Shiff, “Breath of
Théories, 252.
with cast shadows in tiers like a staircase,” he was 54. Edmond Jaloux, Les saisons littéraires, 2 vols. Modernism (Metonymic Drift),” in Terry Smith, ed.,
making a statement about the distribution of the 41. Paul Sérusier, letter to Maurice Denis, 27 Novem‑ In Visible Touch: Modernism and Masculinity (Chicago:
(Fribourg: Éditions de la librairie de l’Université,
separate, repeating strokes rather than attributing ber 1907, in Paul Sérusier, A B C de la peinture (Paris: University of Chicago Press, 1997), 184–213.
1942), 1:75.
significance to the represented scene; see Gauguin, Floury, 1950), 131.
55. Gasquet, Cézanne, 152. 69. See Gauguin, letter to Camille Pissarro, ca. 10 July
letter to Camille Pissarro, between 25 and 29 July 1883, 42. Gustave Flaubert, letter to Louis Bonenfant, 1884, and letter to Émile Schuffenecker, 14 January
56. An account from Renoir, recorded by Geffroy,
in Victor Merlhès, ed., Correspondance de Paul Gauguin 12 December 1856, in Jean Bruneau, ed., Flaubert, 1885, in Merlhès, Correspondance de Paul Gauguin
conveys Cézanne’s intensity: “It was an unforgettable
(1873–1888) (Paris: Fondation Singer‑Polignac, 1984), correspondance, 4 vols. (Paris: Gallimard, 1973–1998), (1873–1888), 65, 87–89.
sight, Cézanne standing at his easel, painting, looking
51. 2:652.
at the countryside: he was truly alone to the world, 70. Émile Bernard, “Paul Cézanne,” Les hommes
27. Maurice Denis, “Cézanne” (1907), Théories, 1890– 43. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 247. d’aujourd’hui 8, no. 387 (February–March 1891), n.p.
ardent, focused, attentive, respectful” (Geffroy, “Paul
1910: Du symbolisme et de Gauguin vers un nouvel ordre 44. See Alexandre Dumas, “L’École des beaux‑arts,” Cézanne,” La vie artistique, 3:256). 71. Félicien Fagus, “Quarante tableaux de Cézanne,”
classique (Paris: Rouart et Watelin, 1920), 252. Paris Guide, 2 vols. (Brussels: Librairie internationale,
57. Natanson, “Paul Cézanne,” 498–99. La revue blanche 20 (15 December 1899): 627. On
28. For a reproduction, see plate 122 in Philip Conis‑ 1867), 1:858. Fagus, see André Salmon, Souvenirs sans fin: Première
58. Gauguin referred to the two poles by opposing
bee and Denis Coutagne, eds., Cézanne in Provence 45. Thoré‑Bürger, “Salon de 1846,” Les Salons, 1:290. époque (1903–1908) (Paris: Gallimard, 1955), 73–77.
himself to Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824–1898),
(Washington: National Gallery of Art, 2006), 250. 46. Camille Pissarro, letter to Lucien Pissarro, whom many of the young symbolist-oriented painters 72. Here, “autonomous” refers to techniques of
29. On Cézanne’s composing bathers without a 21 November 1895, in Janine Bailly‑Herzberg, ed., painting developing apart from any system in which
(Gauguin included) lionized: “He is Greek [civilized]
model, see Francis Jourdain, Cézanne (Paris: Braun, Correspondance de Camille Pissarro, 5 vols. (Paris: the “abstract” conceptualized theme would determine
whereas I am a savage [or wild animal], a wolf in
1950), 11; Jourdain visited Cézanne in January 1905. Presses Universitaires de France [vol. 1]; Valhermeil or limit the character of its “abstract” material repre‑
the forest without a collar”; Paul Gauguin, letter to
30. See Christian Zervos, “Conversation avec Picasso” [vols. 2–5], 1980–91), 4:119. Charles Morice, July 1901, in Maurice Malingue, ed., sentation. Critical commentary referring to such
(1935), in Marie‑Laure Bernadac and Androula 47. Natanson, “Paul Cézanne,” 499. Developing the Lettres de Gauguin à sa femme et à ses amis (Paris: autonomy around 1900—an autonomy itself not
Michael, eds., Picasso: Propos sur l’art (Paris: Galli- notion favorably, Joris‑Karl Huysmans had invoked Bernard Grasset, 1946), 300. absolute, but a condition to be assessed relative to
mard, 1998): 36; Maurice Merleau‑Ponty, “Le doute a similar image of the artist, who painted “pears and prevailing standards—has often been read as a much
59. Cézanne, letter to Émile Bernard, 21 September
de Cézanne” (1945), Sens et non‑sens (Paris: Nagel, apples that are brutal, coarse [ frustes], plastered as stronger claim to an “autonomous” aesthetic prac-
1906, in Rewald, Paul Cézanne, correspondance, 327.
1966), 35. if with a trowel”; J.‑K. Huysmans, “Trois peintres,” tice independent of forces of a more general nature,
Given the pretentiousness that Cézanne perceived
31. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 252. La cravache parisienne, no. 389 (4 August 1888), n.p. such as the economics determining the market for
in Bernard, his reference to “slow progress” might
48. For evidence of Cézanne’s invocation of Virgil, art. This extreme of historical autonomy is an intel-
32. Cézanne appears to distinguish between subject contain an element of false modesty.
see, for example, Paul Gauguin, letter to Émile lectual leap attributed to critics who did not take it.
matter (sujet) and motif (motif ) in a letter to his son 60. Rivière, Le maître Paul Cézanne, 20.
Schuffenecker, 14 January 1885, in Merlhès, Corre- By no means does an autonomy of the painter’s
Paul, 8 September 1906, in Rewald, Paul Cézanne,
61. Cézanne’s statement, according to an anecdote mark entail it.
correspondance, 324.On the general concept of “motif,” spondance de Paul Gauguin (1873–1888), 88. See also
transmitted through Monet; see Marc Elder (Marcel
including Cézanne’s use of the term, see Georges Paul Smith, “Joachim Gasquet, Virgil and Cézanne’s 73. Paul Signac, D’Eugène Delacroix au néo‑
Tendron), A Giverny, chez Claude Monet (Paris:
Roque, “Au lieu du sujet, le motif: la quête des pein‑ Landscape: ‘My Beloved Golden Age,’” Apollo 148 impressionnisme, ed. Françoise Cachin (Paris:
Bernheim‑Jeune, 1924), 48. Elder’s book consists
tres depuis l’impressionnisme,” Ethnologie française (October 1998): 11–23; “Cézanne’s Late Landscapes, Hermann, 1978 [1899]), 117.
of a series of interviews with Monet, apparently con-
25/2 (1995): 196–204; Richard Shiff, “Sensation, or the Prospect of Death,” Cézanne in Provence, 58–74. 74. Bernard, “Souvenirs sur Paul Cézanne,” 609. For
ducted around 1920–22. An account of the same inci-
Movement, Cézanne,” in Terence Maloon, ed., Classic 49. Gasquet, Cézanne, 150, 153. For aspects of the Cézanne’s photographic source, see John Rewald, Paul
dent, probably also stemming from Monet, appears
Cézanne (Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, context of this anecdotal account of Cézanne’s philo‑ Cézanne, a Biography (New York, Schocken, 1968), 94.
earlier in Octave Maus, “L’art au Salon d’automne,”
1998), 13–27; Richard Shiff, “Mark, Motif, Materiality: sophical speculations, see Nina Maria Athanassoglou‑ 75. Thomas B. Hess, “Introduction to Abstract,” Art
Mercure de France 65 (1 January 1907): 66–67.
The Cézanne Effect in the Twentieth Century,” in Felix Kallmyer, Cézanne and Provence: The Painter in His News Annual 20 (1951 [November 1950]): 146.
62. Georges Bataille, Manet (Geneva: Skira, 1955),
Baumann, Evelyn Benesch, Walter Feilchenfeldt, and Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003),
52, 55 (order of phrases reversed). On Manet’s 76. Georges Rivière, “L’exposition des Impression‑
Klaus Albrecht Schröder, eds., Cézanne: Finished— 176–81.
evasion of language, see also Georges Bataille, nistes,” L’Impressionniste, journal d’art, 14 April 1877,
Unfinished (Ostfildern‑Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000), 50. Coquiot, Les indépendants 1884–1920, 36. “L’impressionnisme” (1956), Oeuvres complètes, reprinted in Lionello Venturi, Les archives de
51. Cézanne, letter to Émile Bernard, 26 May 1904, ed. Michel Foucault, 12 vols. (Paris: Gallimard, l’impressionnisme, 2 vols. (Paris: Durand‑Ruel, 1939),
33. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 253. in Rewald, Paul Cézanne, correspondance, 303. 2:315 (order of sentences reversed).
1970–88), 12:373–74.
34. Denis, “L’influence de Paul Gauguin” (1903), 52. Gasquet, Cézanne, 132. See also Georges Rivière, 77. On van Gogh, see Bataille, “La mutilation sacrifi-
63. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 250.
Théories, 168. Le maître Paul Cézanne (Paris: Floury, 1923), 41: cielle et l’oreille coupée de Vincent Van Gogh” (1930),
64. Natanson, “Paul Cézanne,” 498.
35. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 251. “Cézanne forgot [his theories] whenever he had a “Van Gogh Prométhée” (1937), Oeuvres complètes,
65. Bataille, Manet, 55.
brush in hand.” Statements against the use of theory 1:258–70, 497–500.
66. Ibid., Manet, 61.
168 78. Here Bataille virtually equates imitating and 92. “Je peins comme je vois, comme je sens, et j’ai les 105. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, trans. 169 117. Meyer Schapiro, “The Apples of Cézanne: An
copying, which is characteristic of twentieth‑century sensations très fortes”: Cézanne’s words as quoted by Walter Kaufmann (New York: Vintage, 1974 [1887]), Essay on the Meaning of Still‑life,” ARTnews Annual
Risible Cézanne
writers and certain earlier theorists who abandoned the journalist “Stock,” Le Salon, 20 March 1870; see 328. 34 (1968): 34–53. As another example of an interpret‑
the old academic distinction between the two prac‑ John Rewald, Histoire de l’impressionnisme (Paris: Albin 106. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:379. On er’s allegorization of Cézanne’s imagery—intelligent
tices. On this issue, which bears on the question Michel, 1986), 163. “sovereignty,” see Bataille, La part maudite: La and plausible, yet necessarily inconclusive because of
of repetition, see Richard Shiff, “The Original, the 93. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:380. souveraineté, Oeuvres complètes, 8:247–61. its tendentiousness—see Mary Louise Krumrine, Paul
Imitation, the Copy, and the Spontaneous Classic: Cézanne: The Bathers (Basel: Öffentliche Kunstsamm-
94. “Pure” visual art stimulates feeling as opposed 107. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:380.
Theory and Painting in Nineteenth-Century France,” lung Basel, 1989), 239–42.
to providing the intellect with referential links. The 108. Compare thinking related to Bataille’s from a
Yale French Studies 66 (1984): 27–54; “Original Copy,” 118. Théodore Duret, Histoire des peintres impression‑
feeling is just as likely to be disorderly and discomfit‑ parallel critique of modern, bourgeois culture: “For
Common Knowledge 3 (Spring 1994): 88–107. nistes (Paris: H. Floury, 1906), 173. For Morice’s use
ing as orderly and assuring: “The [pure] picture or civilization, pure natural existence, animal and vegeta‑
79. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:372–73. statue exhausts itself in the visual sensation it pro‑ of this passage, see Charles Morice, “Paul Cézanne,”
tive, was the absolute danger. . . . Any reversion to [a
80. Ibid., 12:372, 374 (emphasis added). Bataille also duces. There is nothing to identify, connect or think Mercure de France 65 (15 February 1907): 592.
superseded state of development] was to be feared as
described the nude body of Manet’s Olympia in terms about, but everything to feel” (Clement Greenberg, implying a reversion of the self to that mere state of 119. In semiotic terms, the character of the signifier
of its “incongruity” (Manet, 67). “Towards a Newer Laocoon” [1940], in John O’Brian, [physical] nature from which it had estranged itself was dominating both the representational referent and
81. Bataille, “Les écarts de la nature” (1930), Oeuvres ed., Clement Greenberg: The Collected Essays and Criti‑ with so huge an effort, and which therefore struck the expressive, interpretive signified. If critics were to
complètes, 1:229. cism, 4 vols. [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, such terror into the self ”; Max Horkheimer and derive a meaning from a painting by Cézanne, they
1986–1993], 1:34). Theodor W. Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, trans. would have to associate this sense directly with the
82. Bataille, “Le langage des fleurs” (1929), Oeuvres
95. T. J. Clark, The Painting of Modern Life (New York: John Cumming (New York: Seabury, 1977 [1944]), 31. materiality of the signifier (the painted surface).
complètes, 1:178.
Knopf, 1985), 139, note. It was not only Cézanne’s art that was unnervingly 120. Duret, Histoire des peintres impressionnistes, 173.
83. See, for example, Bataille, “Baudelaire” (1946),
96. Rosalind Krauss, “Antivision,” October 36 (Spring risible, but also the man. Two decades after his death, 121. Duret, Histoire des peintres impressionnistes, 180.
Oeuvres complètes, 9:202, where the author, as on
1986): 147. his old neighbors “would begin snickering” at the
many other occasions, finds cause to cite Nietzsche. 122. Thoré‑Bürger, “Salon de 1868,” Les Salons, 3:532.
mere mention of his name (Johnson, “Cézanne’s
84. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:373–74 (empha‑ 97. Yve‑Alain Bois explains the later critics’ sympa‑ 123. Bataille, Manet, 52. We might also recall Flau‑
Country,” 544–45).
sis added). thetic questioning of Bataille, without considering that bert’s divergence of subject and style (the “beauty” of
they might just as well have accepted his position at 109. On the political and religious beliefs factored
85. With regard to Manet’s Olympia, Bataille cites his writing) in this regard.
face value, no rationalization required; Yve‑Alain Bois, into Denis’s aesthetic theory, see Jean‑Paul Bouillon,
the observation of Théophile Gautier to this effect; 124. Bataille, “Le langage des fleurs” (1929), Oeuvres
“The Use Value of ‘Formless,’” in Yve‑Alain Bois and “The Politics of Maurice Denis,” in Guy Cogeval, ed.,
Bataille, Manet, 62. complètes, 1:173.
Rosalind E. Krauss, Formless: A User’s Guide (New Maurice Denis 1870–1843 (Ghent: Snoeck‑Ducaju &
86. Rivière, “L’exposition des Impressionnistes,” Zoon, 1994), 95–109; and Jean‑Paul Bouillon, “Le 125. Charles Morice, “Le XXIe Salon des Indépen‑
York: Zone Books, 1997), 14–15.
2:315. modèle cézannien de Maurice Denis,” in Françoise dants,” Mercure de France 54 (15 April 1905): 552:
98. Émile Bernard attributed this phrase to Cézanne,
87. Bataille, “Non‑savoir, rire et larmes” (1953), La Cachin, ed., Cézanne aujourd’hui (Paris: Réunion des “Cézanne ne s’intéresse pas plus à un visage qu’à
presumably having heard it when he visited the artist
part maudite: La souveraineté (1954), Oeuvres complètes, musées nationaux, 1997), 145–64. une pomme, et celui–là comme celui–ci n’ont d’autre
in 1904: Cézanne stated that an artist should develop
8:216, 254. valeur à ses yeux que d’être des ‘valeurs.’” Charles
his eye in terms of the vision of nature, and his brain 110. Maurice Denis, Journal, 3 vols. (Paris: La
Morice, “Le Salon d’automne,” Mercure de France 58
88. Compare Bataille, “Non‑savoir, rire et larmes,” in terms of “la logique des sensations organisées” Colombe, 1957–59), 2:172 (entry for autumn 1914).
(1 December 1905): 390: “Il est inquiet, mais unique‑
Oeuvres complètes, 8:214. Risible is a general term that (Émile Bernard, “Paul Cézanne,” L’Occident 6 [July The timing of Denis’s remark is significant in relation
ment de savoir si ses valeurs sont justes, et l’humanité
operates, like laughter itself, in metonymic reciprocity. 1904]: 23). See Lawrence Gowing, “The Logic of to political tensions between France and Germany.
dans ses tableaux n’a que la valeur d’une valeur.” The
It signifies both the capacity to laugh and the capacity Organized Sensations” (1977), in Michael Doran, ed., 111. Paul Mantz, “Un nouveau livre sur le Poussin,”
pun on valeurs/values works in both French and
to induce laughter. When we laugh anxiously at some- Conversations with Cézanne (Berkeley: University of L’artiste 4 (30 May 1858): 56.
thing unexpected or disturbing, our laughter causes California Press, 2001), 194. Here the emphasis is 112. Taches, touche: Gasquet, Cézanne, 136, 196. Sen-
others to laugh, though they may or may not be experi- 126. Henri Bergson, Le rire: Essai sur la signification du
on the form, not the formlessness of a sovereign sation: Cézanne’s statement as recorded in Denis,
encing the same anxiety. comique (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1981
sensation. Journal, 2:29 (entry for 26 January 1906).
[1899]), 39 (emphasis eliminated).
89. Bataille, “Informe” (1929), Oeuvres complètes, 1:217. 99. Guillaume Apollinaire, “Figures de Cézanne 113. Statement reported by Denis, who visited Renoir
127. See Jean-Claude Lebensztejn, “Études cézanni‑
90. Bataille, Manet, 67. chez Vollard” (1910), Chroniques d’art (1902–1918), just after seeing Cézanne in 1906: Denis, “Cézanne,”
ennes” (2004), Études cézanniennes (Paris: Flamma-
91. Bataille, La part maudite (1954): La souveraineté, ed. L.-C. Breunig (Paris: Gallimard, 1960), 116–17. Théories, 252. For a variant of the statement, referring
rion, 2006), 61–78.
Oeuvres complètes, 8:254. These various passages from 100. Roger Fry, Cézanne: A Study of His Development to only one stroke, see Georges Rivière, Cézanne, le
128. Bernard, “Souvenirs sur Paul Cézanne,” 621.
Bataille have parallels in writings of his friend in Paris (Chicago, 1989 [1927]). peintre solitaire (Paris: Floury, 1936), 19.
during the 1930s, Walter Benjamin: “By means of its 129. Émile Bernard, letter to Mme Bernard, 25 Octo‑
101. Maurice Raynal, Cézanne (Geneva: Skira, 1954), 114. Charles Morice, “Mort de Paul Cézanne,” Mercure
technical structure, the film has taken the physical ber 1906, “Lettres inédites du peintre Émile Bernard
114, 118, 120. de France 64 (1 November 1906): 154.
shock effect out of the wrappers in which Dadaism à sa femme à propos de la mort de son ami,” Art‑
102. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:371, note. 115. Charles Morice, “Exposition Henri Matisse,”
had, as it were, kept it inside the moral shock effect” Documents (Geneva), no. 33 (June 1953), 13. For details
103. Raynal, Cézanne, 30. On autonomy, see above, Mercure de France 51 (August 1904): 534.
(Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of of Bernard’s involvement with Cézanne, see Rodolphe
note 72. 116. Raymond Bouyer, “Le procès de l’art moderne au Rapetti, “L’inquiétude cézannienne: Émile Bernard
Mechanical Reproduction” [1936–39], Illuminations,
104. Raynal, Cézanne, 105. Salon d’automne,” Revue politique et littéraire [Revue et Cézanne au début du XXe siècle,” Revue de l’art,
ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry Zohn [New York:
bleue] 2 (5 November 1904): 604–5. no. 144 (June 2004): 35–50; Shiff, Cézanne and the End
Schocken, 1969], 238).
of Impressionism, 125–32.
170 130. Bernard, “Paul Cézanne” (1904), 21. Walter Feilchenfeldt and Jayne Warman, The Paintings Like Still Life with Plaster Cupid, Pichet et fruits sur une 171 153. Denis, “A propos de l’exposition de Charles
131. Octave Mirbeau, Cézanne (Paris: Bernheim‑ of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné, 2 vols. (New table is an oil work on paper; this unusual support is Guérin” (1905), Théories, 143–44. Elsewhere Denis
Risible Cézanne
Jeune, 1914), 10. Mirbeau dedicated little of his writing York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996), 1:177–80, entries for an indirect indication that these works were produced argued that Cézanne’s decorative form, beautiful by
directly to Cézanne; but when the critic mentioned cat. nos. 259, 261. I am inclined to agree with Rewald at about the same time. any standard, would express “inner life” by conveying
him, it was with approval. In 1891, he associated that the work illustrated here (Rewald 261) is the 145. Imported into Europe from North America in the “emotions or states of mind” induced by nature,
Cézanne with Chardin and referred to him as an correct choice. eighteenth century, the hedge apple or Osage‑orange “without the need of furnishing [its illusionistic]
“unrecognized genius” (Mirbeau, “Rengaines” [1891], 137. Edgar Degas manipulated (perhaps caricatured) (Maclura pomifera) could reach six inches in diameter. copy,” that is, without specificity of subject matter
Des artistes, 2 vols. [Paris: Flammarion, 1922–24], this ambiguity in sketches after the central standing It was used to repel cockroaches and other pests; (“De Gauguin et de Van Gogh au classicisme” [1909],
1:140). In 1894, he included him as an equal within figure in Bathers at Rest; see the illustration in Fran‑ hence its placement on the floor of Cézanne’s studio. Théories, 267–68, 271 [original emphasis]).
a group of better-known impressionists (Mirbeau, çoise Cachin and Joseph J. Rishel, Cézanne (Philadel‑ 146. It could be argued that Cézanne’s tactile stroke 154. Denis, statement in Charles Morice, “Enquête sur
“Le legs Caillebotte et l’État” [1894], Combats esthé‑ phia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1996), 540. displaces another kind of reciprocal touching‑and‑ les tendances actuelles des arts plastiques,” Mercure de
tiques, 2:70). 138. In 1888, Joris-Karl Huysmans referred to a canvas being‑touched, namely, the masturbatory touching of France 56 (1 August 1905), 356.
132. Of course, this emphasis on color inverts the “weighed down [with paint] to the point that it bowed one’s own body, often linked with a voyeuristic vision 155. Denis, “Cézanne,” Théories, 260.
usual moral order. Traditionalists expected linear outward.” His description would fit Bathers at Rest, that has its origin in autoeroticism (see Sigmund 156. Morice, “Paul Cézanne,” 577.
design to dominate decorative color. Charles Blanc except for the fact that he identified the figures as Freud, “Instincts and Their Vicissitudes” [1915], Stan‑
157. Morice, “Paul Cézanne,” 593.
took up the issue, explaining it in terms of gender, women (Cézanne’s title explicitly signifies the male dard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of
158. See Cézanne, letter to Paule Conil, 1 September
with feminine color properly subordinate to mascu- gender: Baigneurs). He may have confused the bathers’ Sigmund Freud, ed. and trans. James Strachey, 24 vols.
1902, in Rewald, Paul Cézanne, correspondance, 290.
line line: Charles Blanc, Grammaire des arts du dessin sex, or been thinking of a different painting, or con‑ [London: Hogarth Press, 1953–74], 14:127–133). Theo‑
(Paris: Henri Laurens, 1880 [1867]), 22. flated two different works, for he wrote his brief article dore Reff developed the theme of masturbation in 159. Morice, “Paul Cézanne,” 593–94.
133. See Geffroy, “Paul Cézanne,” La vie artistique, only to lend support to Cézanne’s cause, having no Cézanne’s visual imagery, regarding the repetitive 160. Morice, “Le XXIe Salon des Indépendants,” 553.
3:257–59. particular exhibition in mind (Huysmans, “Trois brushstroke as a device to control the visualization The prevalence of studio themes (still lifes, images
Peintres,” La cravache parisienne, n.p.). of fantasies, more a sublimated looking than subli‑ of models, views from windows) in early t wentieth‑
134. Cézanne painted Still Life with Plaster Cupid on
139. Bergson, Le rire, 68–71. mated touching (Theodore Reff, “Cézanne’s Bather century painting resulted, at least in part, from iso-
paper, mounted on panel, an unusual support for
with Outstretched Arms,” Gazette des beaux‑arts 59 lation being regarded as a suitable response to
him; but the properties of this painting do not differ 140. Morice, “Le XXIe Salon des Indépendants,” 553.
[March 1962]: 173–90). Reff’s argument as applied to conditions of modernity. The studio, like the bour‑
appreciably from works on canvas. The painting 141. I allude to the traditional Enlightenment associa‑
Cézanne’s male bathers with outstretched arms (see geois home, could be a place of withdrawal. Artists
has been extensively discussed: see Richard Shiff, tion of morality with reason: “Morality is the same in
fig. 4) is significantly complicated by the identification represented the nude—traditionally, much more than
“Cézanne’s Physicality: The Politics of Touch,” in all humans who make use of their reason”; Voltaire,
of a source image and subsequent analysis in Wayne a studio object—“as if they were making a [mere] still
Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell, eds., The Language of Dictionnaire philosophique, ed. Julien Benda and
Andersen, Cézanne and the Eternal Feminine (Cam‑ life, interested only in [abstract] relations of line and
Art History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Raymond Naves, 2 vols. (Paris: Garnier frères, 1935
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 115–35, color [and turning the model into] a decorative acces‑
1991), 129–80; and other scholarly works cited there. [1767]), 2:162.
237 n.8. sory” (Charles Morice, “Art moderne: Nus,” Mercure
135. Here Bergson makes a distinction basic to tradi‑ 142. Cézanne’s complicated sense of humor sup-
147. See Gauguin, letter to Camille Pissarro, July 1881, de France 85 [1 June 1910]: 546).
tional French philosophy, commonly introduced into ports this line of questioning: “Many of the naive
in Merlhès, Correspondance de Paul Gauguin (1873– 161. Theorists speculated that mineral and vegetable
commentary on art—“sens physique” as opposed to statements attributed to him should be understood
1888), 21. forms (rocks, trees) merely “felt” sensation in a less
“sens moral”: Bergson, Le rire, 87–88 (emphasis in the sense of a subtle mockery of which the listener
148. For the identification of Ceres and similar mat‑ acute, less intense way than animal forms: “What we
eliminated). The notion that the physical, material would have been the unwitting target. . . . With people
ters of iconography to follow, see Gertrude Berthold, call matter is not completely dead, but is merely mind
meaning must precede the moral, intellectual one is [like Cézanne] from Provence, you never know who’s
Cézanne und die Alten Meister (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, hidebound with habits. It still retains the element of
disputed by Jacques Derrida, “Signature Event Con‑ joking and who’s fallen for it” (Edmond Jaloux, “Sou‑
1958); and Theodore Reff and Innis Howe Shoemaker, diversification; and in that diversification there is life”;
text,” Margins of Philosophy, trans. Alan Bass (Chicago: venirs sur Paul Cézanne,” L’amour de l’art 1 [December
Paul Cézanne: Two Sketchbooks (Philadelphia: Phila- Charles Sanders Peirce, “The Law of Mind” (1892),
University of Chicago Press, 1982 [1972]), 307–30. 1920]: 285–86; Les saisons littéraires, 1:104). See also
delphia Museum of Art, 1989). Collected Papers, ed. Charles Hartshorne, Paul Weiss,
On Bataille’s attitude toward Bergson, see his autobio‑ Gasquet, Cézanne, 28. Pissarro’s son Lucien recalled
and Arthur W. Burks, 8 vols. (Cambridge, Mass.:
graphical note (1958?) in Bataille, “Notes Conférences, some early instances of “Cézanne’s malicious humor”: 149. For the same type of effect in a painting, see the
Harvard University Press, 1958–60), 6:111. See also
1951–53,” Oeuvres complètes, 8:562. see W. S. Meadmore, Lucien Pissarro, un coeur simple legs and the space between of the seated figure at the
Ian Hacking, The Taming of Chance (Cambridge:
136. Rivière, “L’exposition des Impressionnistes,” in (New York: Knopf, 1963), 26. left of Group of Bathers (fig. 28).
Cambridge University Press, 1990), 213–14.
Venturi, Les archives de l’impressionnisme, 2:315. Bathers 143. See Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Con‑ 150. The drawing makes no apparent allusion to
162. Gasquet, Cézanne, 150, 153.
at Rest generated controversy again in 1894 when it cepts of Psycho‑Analysis, ed. Jacques‑Alain Miller, trans. “Leda and the Swan.” Nevertheless, a recent study
was included in Gustave Caillebotte’s (1848–1894) of Cézanne’s involvement with this theme should be 163. Paul Souriau, L’esthétique du mouvement (Paris:
Alan Sheridan (New York: W. W. Norton, 1978), 105–19,
bequest to the French nation; along with a number consulted for additional examples of the same strange Alcan, 1889), 211 n.1.
which briefly invokes Cézanne’s separate little marks
of works by other impressionists, the state refused of color. graphic conflation of subjects: see Lebensztejn, “Une 164. Bataille, “L’impressionnisme,” 12:373–74, 376.
this part of the gift. Between 1896 and 1898, Cézanne source oubliée de Cézanne,” Etudes cézanniennes,
144. To confirm that the stoneware jug (pichet de grès)
reworked the composition for a lithograph to be sold 46–59.
actually is part of the foreground still‑life arrangement
by Vollard (see fig. 17). There remains some disagree‑ 151. Morice, “Le Salon d’automne,” 381.
on Cézanne’s studio table, it helps to compare Pichet
ment among scholars as to which of two versions of
de grès to Pichet et fruits sur une table: see cat. nos. 742 152. Morice, “Le XXIe Salon des Indépendants,” 552;
this composition was included in the 1877 Impression‑
and 743 in Rewald, Paintings of Paul Cézanne, 2:255. “Le Salon d’automne,” 390.
ist exhibition; see John Rewald, in collaboration with
The Matisse Grid
174 take, photographs in anticipation of a paint‑ a close vantage about Matisse’s late period, 175
ing; in his easel painting he always worked Clement Greenberg was well positioned to
4, 5
6, 7
8 9
178 of what appears to be exposed canvas. The white photographs of Pierre Bonnard’s (1867– anticipate a proliferating body of work that 179 Zervos project—is central to our consider‑
artist signed the penultimate version (fig. 7), 1947) paintings, which, he observed, prove did not yet exist. Far from being a transpar‑ ation of Matisse’s états because of the shared
24, 25, 26
Figs. 21–29. Nine states of Henri Matisse’s Woman Fig. 30. Henri Matisse, Woman in Blue, 1937. Oil on
in Blue, 26 February 1936–2 April 1937. Courtesy canvas, 92.7 × 73.7 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art:
27, 28, 29 Archives Matisse, Paris Gift of Mrs. John Wintersteen, 1956 (1956-23-1)
Checklist of the Exhibition
Data herein are those given by the 7 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 13 Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène 19 Achille Sirouy, 1834–1904, after 25 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 32 Eadweard Muybridge, 38 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
lending institutions. Dates, attribu- 1780–1867 Delacroix, 1798–1863 Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1824–1904 The Sower, 1850 1830–1904 Before the Race, 1882/ 84
tions, and titles in some instances Oedipus and the Sphinx, ca. 1826 Christ on the Sea of Galilee, 1854 Un duel après le bal, 1859 Oil on canvas, 105.4 × 85.7 cm Animal Locomotion, plate 621: Oil on panel, 26.4 × 34.9 cm
may diverge from those given by Oil on canvas, 17.5 × 13.7 cm Oil on canvas, 59.8 × 73.3 cm Lithograph, impression on a tint- Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum Annie G. cantering, saddled, Baltimore, The Walters Art
the essay authors. London, The National Gallery, Baltimore, The Walters Art stone background, hand-colored of Art. Purchase: gift of Mr. and 1872–85; published 1887 Museum. Bequest of Henry
bought 1918 (NG 3290) Museum. Bequest of Henry with watercolor and gouache, Mrs. Samuel B. Casey and Mr. and Collotype, 48 × 60.4 cm (sheet) Walters, 1931 (37.850)
1 Italian, 1550–1600, after Illustrated p. 48, fig. 19 Walters, 1931 (37.186) with gum arabic highlights, Mrs. George L. Craig, Jr. (63.7) Washington, The Corcoran Gallery Illustrated p. 115, fig. 46
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452–1519 Illustrated p. 139, fig. 11 37.7 × 54.5 cm Illustrated p. 57, fig. 5 of Art. Museum purchase (87.7.567)
Mona Lisa 8 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Bordeaux, Musée Goupil: Direction Not illustrated 39 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
Oil on canvas, 79.3 × 63.5 cm 1780–1867 14 After Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène des Établissements culturels de 26 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 Leaving the Bath (La sortie du
Baltimore, The Walters Art Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1864 Delacroix, 1798–1863 Bordeaux (98.I.1.5) The Sower, 1865 33 Eadweard Muybridge, bain), 2nd state, 1879–80
Museum. Bequest of Henry Oil on canvas, 105.5 × 87 cm Christ on the Lake of Gennesaret, Illustrated p. 45, fig. 16 Pastel and crayon or pastel on 1830–1904 Etching and drypoint with burnish-
Walters, 1931 (37.1158) Baltimore, The Walters Art 1854 cream buff paper, 43.5 × 53.5 cm Animal Locomotion, plate 652, ing on laid paper, 12.8 × 12.8 cm
Not illustrated Museum. Bequest of Henry Oil on paper mounted on Masonite, 20 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Baltimore, The Walters Art Horses rearing, etc., 1872–85; (plate)
Walters, 1931 (37.9) 25.1 × 31.4 cm 1796–1875 Museum. Bequest of Henry published 1887 Fine Arts Museums of San Fran-
2 Jacques-Louis David, 1748–1825, Illustrated p. 48, fig. 20 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. L’étoile du matin, signed 1864 Walters, 1931 (37.905) Collotype, 47.6 × 60.4 cm (sheet) cisco. Museum purchase (1973.9.13)
and Studio Bequest of Josiah Bradlee, 1903 Oil on canvas, 129 × 160 cm Baltimore only Washington, The Corcoran Gallery Illustrated p. 110, fig. 33
La mort de Marat, ca. 1794 9 Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène (03.741) Toulouse, Musée des Augustins Illustrated: p. 68, fig. 16 of Art. Museum purchase (87.7.598)
Oil on canvas, 111.3 × 85.6 cm Delacroix, 1798–1863 Illustrated p. 139, fig. 12 (Ro 60) Not illustrated 40 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
Reims, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Christ on the Sea of Galilee, Illustrated p. 62, fig. 9 27 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 Leaving the Bath (La sortie du
la Ville de Reims. Don Paul David, ca. 1841 15 Paul Delaroche, 1797–1856, The Sower, ca. 1865 34 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 bain), 7th state, ca. 1879–80
1879 (879.8) Oil on canvas, 45.7 × 54.6 cm with Charles Béranger, 1816–1853 21 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Pastel on tan paper, 29.8 × 24.1 cm Horse Walking, model early 1870s; Electric crayon, etching, drypoint,
Illustrated p. 23, fig. 6 Kansas City, The Nelson-Atkins Hémicycle des Beaux-Arts, 1796–1875 Pittsburgh, The Frick Art & Histori- cast ca. 1920/25 and aquatint on laid paper, 12.8 ×
Museum of Art. Purchase: Nelson ca. 1841; repainted and signed 1853 The Evening Star (L’étoile du cal Center (1984.9) Bronze, 21 × 26.6 × 9.8 cm 12.8 cm (plate)
3 Studio of Jacques-Louis David, Trust through exchange of the Oil on canvas, 41.6 × 257.3 cm berger), 1864 Illustrated p. 69, fig. 18 Washington, National Gallery of Art. Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada.
1748–1825 gifts of the Friends of Art, Mr. and Baltimore, The Walters Art Oil on canvas, 71 × 90 cm Gift of Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald Purchased 1976 (18662)
Marat assassiné, 1793–94 Mrs. Gerald Parker, and the Durand- Museum. Bequest of Henry Baltimore, The Walters Art 28 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 (1989.28.2) Illustrated p. 110, fig. 34
Oil on canvas, 162.5 × 130 cm Ruel Galleries; and the bequest of Walters, 1931 (37.83) Museum. Bequest of Henry The Sower Illustrated p. 118, fig. 49
Paris, Musée du Louvre. Legs John K. Havemeyer (89-16) Illustrated p. 36, fig. 8 Walters, 1931 (37.154) Pastel on black crayon and pale 41 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
du Baron Jeanin, descendant Illustrated p. 138, fig. 8 Illustrated p. 63, fig. 10 brown paper, 36 × 43 cm 35 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 Leaving the Bath (La sortie du
de l’artiste, 1945 (RF 1945-2) 16 Louis Pierre Henriquel-Dupont, French & Company LLC, New York Rearing Horse, model 1880s; cast bain), 11th state, ca. 1879-80
Illustrated p. 23, fig. 7 10 Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène 1797–1892, after Paul Delaroche, 22 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Baltimore only 1919/21 Electric crayon, etching, drypoint,
Delacroix, 1798–1863 1797–1856 1796–1875 Illustrated p. 69, fig. 19 Bronze, 31 × 25.5 × 20.2 cm (with and aquatint, 12.8 × 12.8 cm (plate)
4 Studio of Jacques-Louis David, Christ on the Lake of Genesareth, Hémicycle des Beaux-Arts, 1853 The Evening Star, signed 1863 base) Austin, Blanton Museum of Art,
1748–1825 1853 (?) Engraving in three parts: Left panel [1864?] 29 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 Washington, National Gallery of The University of Texas at Austin.
La mort de Marat, ca. 1793 Oil on canvas, 45.1 × 54.9 cm of three: 53 × 112.5 cm; center Oil on canvas, 112.4 × 145.4 cm The Sower, n.d. Art. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Archer M. Huntington Museum
Oil on canvas, 92 × 73 cm Portland, Oregon, Portland Art panel: 53 × 65.5 cm; right panel: Private collection, on deposit at Lithograph on paper, 19.1 × 15.6 cm Mellon (1999.79.38) Fund, 1982 (1982.705)
Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Museum. Gift of Mrs. William Mead 53 × 112.5 cm the Saint Louis Art Museum (plate) Illustrated p. 118, fig. 50 Illustrated p. 111, fig. 36
Dijon (2306) Ladd and children (31.4) Baltimore, The Walters Art Illustrated p. 63, fig. 12 Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum
Illustrated p. 23, fig. 4 Illustrated p. 138, fig. 7 Museum. Gift of C. Morgan of Art. Gift of Andrew Carnegie 36 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 42 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
Marshall, 1944 (93.113a–c) 23 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 (16.18.1) Trotting Horse, the Feet Not Leaving the Bath (La sortie du
5 Studio of Jacques-Louis David, 11 Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Illustrated p. 36, fig. 9 The Sower, 1847–48 Illustrated p. 70, fig. 20 Touching the Ground, ca. 1881 bain), 12th state, ca. 1879–80
1748–1825 Delacroix, 1798–1863 Oil on canvas, 95.2 × 61.3 cm Bronze, 23.2 × 27 × 12.4 cm Drypoint and aquatint on laid
Marat assassiné, 1793 Christ Asleep during the Tempest, 17 Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1824–1904 Cardiff, Amgueddfa Cymru– 30 Eadweard Muybridge, Fine Arts Museums of San Fran- paper, 12.7 × 12.7 cm (plate)
Oil on canvas, 157.5 × 136 cm 1853 Duel after a Masked Ball (Duel National Museum Wales 1830–1904 cisco. Museum purchase, Gift New York, The Metropolitan
Versailles, Musée national des Oil on canvas, 50.8 × 61 cm après un bal masqué), 1857 (NMW A 2474) Animal Locomotion, plate 580: of Jay D. McEvoy in memory of Museum of Art. Rogers Fund,
châteaux de Versailles et de New York, The Metropolitan Oil on canvas, 68 × 99 cm Baltimore only Annie G, walking, saddled, Clare C. McEvoy and Partial Gift 1921 (21.39.1)
Trianon (MV 5608) Museum of Art. H. O. Havemeyer St. Petersburg, Russia, The State Illustrated p. 56, fig. 2 1872–85; published 1887 of the Djerassi Art Trust (1989.16) Illustrated p. 111, fig. 37
Baltimore only Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Hermitage Museum (GE 3872) Collotype, 48.5 × 61.3 cm (sheet) Illustrated p. 118, fig. 48
Illustrated p. 23, fig. 5 Havemeyer (29.100.131) Illustrated p. 44, fig. 14 24 Jean-François Millet, 1814–1875 Washington, The Corcoran Gallery 43 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917
Baltimore only The Sower, 1850 of Art. Museum purchase (87.7.526) 37 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 Leaving the Bath (La sortie du
6 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Illustrated p. 139, fig. 9 18 Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1824–1904 Oil on canvas, 101.6 × 82.6 cm Not illustrated Before the Race, ca. 1882 bain), 13th state, ca. 1879–80
1780–1867 The Duel after the Masquerade, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Gift Oil on panel, 26.5 × 34.9 cm Drypoint and aquatint, 21 × 17.5 cm
Edipe explique l’énigme du sphinx, 12 Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène 1857–59 of Quincy Adams Shaw through 31 Eadweard Muybridge, Williamstown, Massachusetts, (sheet)
1808 Delacroix, 1798–1863 Oil on canvas, 39.1 × 56.3 cm Quincy Adams Shaw, Jr. and 1830–1904 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Northhampton, Massachusetts,
Oil on canvas, 189 × 144 cm Christ on the Sea of Galilee, 1853 Baltimore, The Walters Art Mrs. Marian Shaw Haughton Animal Locomotion, plate 620: Institute (1955.557) Smith College Museum of Art.
Paris, Musée du Louvre. Legs Oil on composition board, 47.6 × Museum. Bequest of Henry (17.1485) Annie G. cantering, saddled, Illustrated p. 115, fig. 45 Gift of Selma Erving, class of 1927
de la Comtesse Duchâtel, 1878 58.1 cm Walters, 1931 (37.51) Illustrated p. 56, fig. 3 1872–85; published 1887 (SC 1972:50-19)
(RF 218) Philadelphia Museum of Art: Gift of Illustrated p. 45, fig. 15 Collotype, 48 × 60.5 cm (sheet) Illustrated p. 111, fig. 38
Illustrated p. 48, fig. 18 R. Sturgis and Marion B. F. Ingersoll, Washington, The Corcoran Gallery
1950 (1950-6-1) of Art. Museum purchase (87.7.566)
Illustrated p. 139, fig. 10 Not illustrated
194 195
44 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 50 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 56 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 Index
Leaving the Bath (La sortie du Standing Bather Seen from Standing Male Bather; Puget’s 63 Henri Matisse, 1869–1954
bain), 14th state, ca. 1878–80 Behind (Baigneur debout Atlas Woman Seated in an Armchair,
Etching and aquatint, 12.7 × vu de dos), 1879–82 Page L recto from Sketchbook II, 1940
12.7 cm (plate) Oil on canvas, 27 × 17.1 cm 1885–1900 Oil on canvas, 54 × 65.1 cm
Page references in italics Bouguereau, William-Adolphe, Pichet et fruits sur une table,
Williamstown, Massachusetts, The Henry and Rose Pearlman Graphite pencil and graphite offset Washington, National Gallery of Art.
denote illustrations. Refer- 28, 40 170–71 n 144
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Foundation; on long-term loan from page XLIX verso on wove Given in loving memory of her
Institute (1969.19) to the Princeton University Art paper, 12.9 × 21.6 cm husband, Taft Schreiber, by Rita ences to works not easily Bourgeois, Louise, 18 The Small Bathers (BMA,
Illustrated p. 111, fig. 39 Museum (L.1988.62.1) Philadelphia Museum of Art: Gift of Schreiber (1989.31.1) distinguishable are anno- Boussod et Valadon, 117, 118 litho.), 147
Illustrated p. 164, fig. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg, Illustrated p. 177, fig. 9 tated with the medium and Bouyer, Raymond, 150 Standing Male Bather, Puget’s
45 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 1987 (1987-53-79a) abbreviated name of the Brame, Hector, 60 Atlas, 158, 159
Leaving the Bath (La sortie 51 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 Illustrated p. 159, fig. 25a 64 Henri Matisse, 1869–1954 institutional owner (BMA: Brancusi, Constantin, 119 Standing Male Bather, Seen
du bain), 15th state, 1879–80 Bathers, 1890–92 Still Life with Sleeping Woman, The Baltimore Museum Breck, John Leslie, Studies of from Behind, 164
Drypoint and aquatint on wove Oil on canvas, 54.3 × 66 cm 57 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 1940 of Art; PMA: Philadelphia an Autumn Day, 92, 93 Standing Male Bather and
paper, 12.7 × 12.8 cm (plate) Saint Louis Art Museum. Funds Male Bathers Oil on canvas, 82.5 × 100.7 cm
Museum of Art; SLAM: Bruyas, Alfred, 100 Dog, 159, 160
New York, The Metropolitan given by Mrs. Mark C. Steinberg Page XLIX verso from Sketch- Washington, National Gallery of
Saint Louis Art Museum). Bulletin of the American Art- Still Life with Plaster Cupid,
Museum of Art. Harris Brisbane (2:1956) book II, 1885–1900 Art. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Dick Fund, Rogers Fund, The Baltimore only Graphite pencil and graphite offset Mellon (1985.64.26) Union, 29, 31, 32 153, 154, 156–57
Elisha Whittelsey Collection, Illustrated p. 133, fig. 5 from page L recto on wove paper, Illustrated p. 189, fig. 15 Albers, Josef, 83, 84 Bürger, Willem. See Thoré, still lifes, 104, 151
The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1972, 12.9 × 21.6 cm Albertini, Édouard, 123 n 28 Théophile Three Bathers (Petit Palais),
by exchange (1972.659) 52 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 Philadelphia Museum of Art: Gift of 65 Henri Matisse, 1869–1954 Alexandre, Arsène, 94 Burty, Philippe, 71, 77 n 61 128, 158
Illustrated p. 111, fig. 40 Group of Bathers, ca. 1895 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg, Woman in Blue, 1937 American Sculpture of the Chang, Briankle, 20
Oil on canvas, 20.6 × 30.8 cm 1987 (1987-53-78b) Oil on canvas, 92.7 × 73.7 cm Sixties (exhibition), 14, 16 Cadart, Alfred, 78 n 74, 78 n 76 Chase Gallery, Boston, 93
46 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 Philadelphia Museum of Art: The Illustrated p. 158, fig. 25b Philadelphia Museum of Art: Andre, Carl, 14, 16 Caillebotte, Gustave, 94, 107–8 Chennevières, Philippe de, 71
Leaving the Bath (La sortie du Louise and Walter Arensberg Gift of Mrs. John Wintersteen, 1956
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 148 Cloud Studies, 103, 107 Chevreul, Eugène, 116, 117
bain), 16th state, ca. 1878–80 Collection, 1950 (1950-134-34) 58 Claude Monet, 1840–1926 (1956-23-1)
Aragon, Louis, 182 Calamatta, Luigi, 25 n 22, 46, Chirico, Giorgio de, 185–87
Etching, aquatint, and drypoint on Illustrated p. 161, fig. 28 Stacks of Wheat (Sunset, Snow Phoenix only
wove paper, 12.7 × 12.7 cm (plate) Effect), 1890–91 Illustrated p. 193, fig. 30 Art in Series (exhibition), 16 47 Clark, T. J., 148
Williamstown, Massachusetts, 53 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 Oil on canvas, 65.3 × 100.4 cm L’Artiste, 70, 81 n 123 Voeu de Louis XIII, 43 Clemenceau, George, 108,
Sterling and Francine Clark Art The Small Bathers, 1896–97 The Art Institute of Chicago, Potter Photographic Documentation Les artistes anciens et modernes, Cambon, Armand, 51 n 53 119–20
Institute (1971.39) Brush and tusche and crayon Palmer Collection (1922.431) Henri Matisse, 1869–1954 71, 81 n 122 Camondo, Isaac de, 119 Cleophas (dealer), 60
Illustrated p. 111, fig. 41 color lithograph, 22.3 × 27.3 cm Illustrated p. 86, fig. 1 Nine states of Woman in Blue, Athenaeum, 28, 29 cartes de visite, 42, 96 Cock, César de, 51 n 29
The Baltimore Museum of Art: 1937 (no. 65 above) Cassatt, Mary, 90, 91, 108 Constable, John, 123 n 23
47 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 The Cone Collection, formed by 59 Claude Monet, 1840–1926 26 February 1937; 3, 12, 13, 22, 23, Bann, Stephen, 14, 18 Interior Scene, 109 Coplans, John, 15–16, 17, 19, 83
Leaving the Bath (La sortie du Dr. Claribel Cone and Miss Etta Grainstack (Snow Effect), 1891 24 and 25 March 1937; 2 April 1937
Bardenet (dealer), 101 Cézanne, Paul, 127–71 Coquiot, Gustave, 127, 137
bain), 20th state, 1879–80 Cone of Baltimore, Maryland Oil on canvas, 65.4 × 92.4 cm Courtesy Archives Matisse, Paris
Bartholomé, Albert, 116 Allée d’arbres, 166 n 26 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille,
Electric crayon, etching, drypoint, (BMA 1950.12.605) Gift of Miss Aimée and Miss Illustrated 192, figs. 21–29
and aquatint, 12.7 × 12.7 cm (plate) Illustrated p. 147, fig. 17 Rosamond Lamb in memory of Barye, Antoine-Louis, 74 n 18, Antique Aphrodite (Aphrodite 53, 60–64, 67, 71–72,
Washington, National Gallery of Art. Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Appleton Henri Matisse, 1869–1954 77 n 71 and Eros), 159, 160 129–30, 145
Rosenwald Collection (1950.16.48) 54 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 Lamb (1970.253) Five states of Pink Nude (Nu rose Bataille, Georges, 140, 141, 142, The Bathers (Baigneurs) Bathers of the Borromean
Illustrated p. 111, fig. 42 The Large Bathers, 1896–98 Illustrated p. 87, fig. 4 crevette), discarded and destroyed 144–46, 148–50, 152, 156, (BMA), 140–41, 142 Isles, 76 n 51
Brush and tusche transfer and 16, 17, 20 March 1935; undated 160, 162–64 Bathers (SLAM), 132, 133 Crépuscule, 77 n 61
48 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 crayon color lithograph, 48 × 60 Claude Monet, 1840–1926 [March or April 1935], 25 April 1935 Baudelaire, Charles, 95, 96, Bathers at Rest (Barnes), 144, Dante and Virgil, 64
Leaving the Bath (La sortie du 56.5 cm Grainstack in Winter, Misty Courtesy Archives Matisse, Paris 97, 105, 116, 145 145, 146, 155, 170 n 137, Democritus, 81 n 123
bain), 21st state, 1879–80 The Baltimore Museum of Art: Weather, 1891 Illustrated pp. 190–91, figs. 16–20
Bell, Clive, 165 n 22 170 n 138 The Evening Star, 60–61,
Electric crayon, etching, drypoint, The Cone Collection, formed by Oil on canvas, 65 × 92 cm
Bell, Larry, 15 Bather with Outstretched 62–63, 64, 129
and aquatint, 12.7 × 12.7 cm (plate) Dr. Claribel Cone and Miss Etta Private collection, courtesy of Henri Matisse, 1869–1954
Washington, National Gallery of Art. Cone of Baltimore, Maryland Ivor Braka Two states of Still Life with Sleep- Bellio, Georges de, 122 n 5 Arms, 132, 171 n 146 Les Gaulois, 76 n 51
Rosenwald Collection (1950.16.47) (BMA 1950.12.681.1) Baltimore only ing Woman, 1940 (no. 63 above) Benjamin, Walter, 18, 168 n 91, Compotier, pommes, et miche Hagar and the Angel, 76 n 50
Illustrated p. 110, fig. 35 Illustrated p. 147, fig. 18 Illustrated p. 86, fig. 3 22 December 1939 and 2 January 191 n 18 de pain, 135 Une matinée (Dance of the
1940 Béranger, Charles, 38–39 Female Bathers (Beigneuses), Nymphs), 60, 71, 72
49 Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 55 Paul Cézanne, 1839–1906 61 Claude Monet, 1840–1926 Courtesy Archives Matisse, Paris Bergson, Henri, 152, 154, 155, series, 151, 152 Orphée, 77 n 64
Leaving the Bath (La sortie du The Bathers (Baigneurs), Rouen Cathedral, Façade, 1894 Illustrated p. 188, figs. 13, 14 160 Female Bathers and a Swan, Le petit berger, 81 n 121,
bain), impression from canceled 1898–1900 Oil on canvas, 100.6 × 66 cm Bernard, Émile, 143, 149, 153, 158, 159 81 n 123
plate, 1879–80, printed 1959 Oil on canvas, 27 × 46 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Henri Matisse, 1869–1954
165 n 18, 168 n 98 Group of Bathers (PMA, oil), Solitude, Souvenir of Vigen,
Etching, aquatint, and drypoint, The Baltimore Museum of Art: Juliana Cheney Edwards Collection Five states of Woman Seated in
Beugniet, Adolphe, 76 n 53 128, 159–60, 161, 171 n 149 61
12.8 × 13 cm (plate) The Cone Collection, formed by (39.671) an Armchair, 1940 (no. 64 above)
The Baltimore Museum of Art: Dr. Claribel Cone and Miss Etta Illustrated p. 121, fig. 52 3, 4, 8, 9, and 17 January 1940 Bingham, Robert Jefferson, 41 Head of Paul Cézanne, fils, Souvenir of Riva, 60
Blanche Adler Memorial Fund Cone of Baltimore, Maryland Courtesy Archives Matisse, Paris Blanc, Charles, 170 n 132 157, 158 Courbet, Gustave, 95, 97, 102,
(BMA 1960.128) (BMA 1950.195) 62 Claude Monet, 1840–1926 Illustrated p. 176, figs. 4–8 Bochner, Mel, 14–15 The Large Bathers (BMA, 104, 136, 145
Illustrated p. 111, fig. 43 Illustrated p. 142, fig. 14 The Portal of Rouen Cathedral Bonnard, Pierre, 178 litho.), 136 n 17, 147 1882 retrospective, 113
in Morning Light, 1894 Boudin, Eugène, 85–86, 95, Male Bathers (PMA, Low Tide at Trouville, 98–99
Oil on canvas, 100 × 64.9 cm 101, 104, 105, 113 graphite), 159 Seascapes (Marines), 98–99,
Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Cloud Studies (pastel), 89, Melting Snow, Fontainebleau, 100
Museum (2001.33)
96, 97, 119 143, 144 Snow Scenes, 101
Illustrated p. 121, fig. 53
Le pardon de Sainte Anne Pichet de grès, 155, 156 Source of the Loue, 97, 107
Palud, 95
196 197
Courbet, Gustave (continued) Disdéri, André-Adolphe- Goncourt, Edmond and Jules, Lee, David, 16 Men Digging (Les becheurs), Nadar (Félix Tournachon), Royal Academy (London), 29 Sukenobu, 91
still lifes, 104 Eugène, 96 de, 90, 101, 105 Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 75 n 38, 79 n 90, 81 n 114 96–97, 116, 117 Rubin, William, 185 Sutton, James F., 92
Wave (Étretat), 102, 116, 118 Documents (journal), 145 Goupil, Adolphe (dealer and 24 n 22 Quarriers, 74 n 23 Natanson, Thadée, 135, 136–37,
Criscuolo, Giovan Filippo, Doesburg, Theo van, 131 gallery), 28, 31, 32, 39, 40, Lepic, Ludovic-Napoléon, 105 Sheepfold, Moonlight, 65, 67 140, 141, 143, 148 Sabatier-Ungher, François, 58 Tanguy, Julien, 164 n 2
51 n 28 Duchamp, Marcel, 15, 119, 187 41, 42, 43, 50 n 1, 60 LeWitt, Sol, 14 Shepherdess, 80 n 105 La Nature, 108 Saintin, Jules-Émile, 51 n 45 Tedesco (dealer), 60, 78 n 74
Cuénot, Urbain, 100 Dumesnil, Henri, 53, 60, Gowing, Lawrence, 148 Lichtenstein, Roy, 19 Shepherdess and Her Flock, Naylor, James, 31, 32, 39 Salon des Indépendants, 90 Thoré, Théophile (Willem
76 n 61, 81 n 120 Greenberg, Clement, 175, 178 Los Angeles County Museum, 65, 66 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 145 Salon exhibitions: 1831, 32; Bürger), 16–17, 100, 136,
Daubigny, Charles, 76 n 47, Durand-Ruel, Paul (dealer Griffith, Thomas, 123 n 23 14 Shepherdess Watching a Noland, Kenneth, 15, 17, 18 1833, 30; 1835, 76 n 53; 151, 165 n 17
123 n 27 and gallery), 18, 75 n 41, Louis, Morris, 15 Flight of Geese, 80 n 107 1836, 73 n 10; 1837, 39, Three American Painters
Daumier, Honoré, 77 n 71, 91 75–76 n 43, 76 n 45, 83, Heade, Martin Johnston, 96 Lucas, George, 40, 61, 76 n 56, The Sower (etching), 58 Olitski, Jules, 17 43; 1838, 73 n 10; 1840, (exhibition), 17
David, Jacques-Louis 84, 90, 92, 94, 95, 104, Herbert, Robert, 59 79 n 94 The Sower (lithograph) 67, Onslow, Earl of, 31, 32, 33 81 n 121, 81 n 123; 1841, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de,
The Death of Marat, 12, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, Heffernan, Jo, 97 Luquet, Jules, 78 n 74, 78 n 76, 70 Orangerie (Paris), 119 81 n 123; 1847, 42, 165 n 16; 90, 118
20–21, 22–23 122 n 5 Henriquel-Dupont, 97, 100–101 The Sower (oil), 54–59, Orleans, duchesse d’, 1853 sale, 1850, 58, 60, 76 n 53; Tournachon, Felix. See Nadar
Zénaïde and Charlotte Duret, Théodore, 73 n 12, 112, Pierre-Louis 79 n 90 51 n 26 1851, 75 n 41; 1853, 76 n 53; Turner, J. M. W., 123 n 23
Bonaparte, 28 151 Cromwell and Charles I, after Maeght Gallery (Paris), 173, The Sower (pastels), 65–67, Oudinot, Achille-François, 64 1855, 78 n 74; 1857, 42,
De Thomas (collector), 66, Dutocq (framemaker), 40 Delaroche, 29, 30 180, 183 68–69 97; 1859, 64, 95; 1861, Une image sur le mur
79 nn 97–99 Hémicycle des Beaux-Arts, Malibran, Maria, 77 n 57 Woman Feeding Her Child Palmer, Berthe and Potter, 77 n 64; 1863, 78 n 75; (exhibition), 51 n 45
Degas, Edgar, 65, 90, 96, 97, École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, after Delaroche, 34–35, Mallarmé, Stéphane, 93 (La bouillie), 70–71 92–93 1864, 65, 78 n 75; 1866, L’Union, 58
102, 106–9, 116–17, 136, 34, 38, 40, 41, 46, 91 36–37, 39, 42, 46 Mame, Adolphe, 80 n 107 minimalist (ABC) art, 16 Panofsky, Erwin, 14, 19, 20 100; 1870, 73 n 12, 75 n 42; Utamaro, 91
170 n 137 Ernst, Max, 185 Hesse, Eva, 16, 17 Manet, Édouard, 16–17, 40, 113, Mirbeau, Octave, 153, 164 n 2, Pasadena Art Museum, 15, 83, 1872, 124 n 41; 1881, 28;
Before the Race, 114, 115 Hill, Henry, 105 140–42, 144, 145, 148, 151, 170 n 131 84 1901, 164 n 5 Van Gogh, Theo, 117
Dancers, 105 Fagus, Félicien (Georges Hokusai 163, 175 Mirecourt, Eugène, 35 Pereire, Émile, 47 San Donato collection, sale, Van Gogh, Vincent, 59, 67, 117,
Horses (bronze), 118 Faillet), 143, 144, 151 Thirty-six Views of Mount Le dejeuner (à l’atelier), 40 Mondrian, Piet, 15 Petit, Georges (dealer and 51 n 26 118, 144
Laundresses, 105 Fénéon, Félix, 118 Fuji, 90–91 Le déjeuner sur l’herbe, 146 Monet, Claude, 83–125 gallery), 40, 91, 113, 114, Schapiro, Meyer, 151 Sower, after Millet, 59
Leaving the Bath, 110–11 Fer, Briony, 20 Hoschedé, Alice, 93, 112, 117 The Execution of Maximil- Fécamp series, 112–13 116, 117, 118 Scheffer, Ary, 28, 50 n 1 Vaux, Marc, 173
Little Milliners (pastel), 114 Feydeau, Ernest, 80 n 112 Hoschedé, Ernest, 107 ian, 151, 152 Gare Saint-Lazare, 106–7, Picasso, Pablo, 134, 178–180, Sensier, Alfred, 58, 59, 67, Vernet, Horace, 30, 50 n 1
Mary Cassatt at the Louvre, Finch College Museum of Art, Huet, Paul, 123 n 37 The Fifer, 140, 141 112 181–82 70, 73 n 16, 74 n 31, Vertov, Dziga
The Etruscan Gallery, 109 16 Hunt, William Morris, Olympia, 146, 148 pastels, 101–2, 105 Guernica, 182, 185 75 n 33, 75 n 36, 75 n 40, The Man with the Movie
Delaborde, Henri, 46 Flaubert, Gustave, 135 74–75 n 31 Mantz, Paul, 130 Petit Ailly, 113 still lifes, 180 75 n 41, 75–76 n 43, Camera, 21
Delacroix, Eugene, 123 n 28, Flavin, Dan, 14 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 114, Marden, Brice, 100 Rouen Cathedral, 12, 15, 19, Pissarro, Camille, 65, 85, 90, 79 n 97, 79 n 98, Viardot, Pauline, 76–77 n 57
136, 145 Foucart-Walter, Elisabeth, 31 166 n 47, 170 n 138 Marx, Roger, 93 85, 108, 119–20, 121 106, 108, 109, 117, 128, 79 n 99, 80 n 106, Vollard, Ambroise, 127, 128,
Christ on the Sea of Galilee, Français, François-Louis, 71–72 Matisse, Henri, 13, 128, 150, Water Lilies (Nymphéas), 19, 130, 136 80 n 112, 80 n 130, 130 132, 135, 136
138–39 Frankenstein, Alfred, 18 Ingres, Jean-Auguste- 173–83 83, 84, 93, 101, 119 Pissarro, Lucien, 85, 117 Serangeli, Gioacchino
pastels, 97, 102 Fried, Michael, 16–17 Dominique, 27, 30, 43, Barnes mural project, 182 Wheatstacks (Meules), 15, Pollock, Jackson, 175 Guiseppe, 21 Walters, William T., 27, 34, 38,
Delaroche, Paul, 27, 29–42, 46 Fry, Roger, 148, 173 46–47 The Dream, 173, 181 16, 83, 85, 86–87, 90, 92, Pope, Alfred Atmore, 92 Serial Imagery (exhibition), 15, 39, 41, 43, 51 n 26, 61,
The Assassination of the Duc Fuller, Loie, 118–19 Apotheosis of Homer, 46 Large Reclining Nude (BMA), 112, 118 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 16, 17, 18, 19, 83–84 78 n 94
de Guise, 42, 51 n 26 Oedipus and the Sphinx, 13, 173, 174, 175, 178 Moore, Henry, 18 167 n 58 Sérusier, Paul, 134, 135, 141 Warhol, Andy, 15, 16, 17, 83, 187
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps, Gaillard, Eugène, 39, 40 46–47, 48–49 Music, 182, 184, 185 Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne, 55, Seurat, Georges, 90, 162, Wheelwright, Edward, 80 n 104
31, 32, 33, 34, 46 Gaillard, Ferdinand, Oedipus “Notes of a Painter,” 182 66, 74 n 31, 79 n 91, Randon, Gilbert, 100 165 n 10, 187 Whistler, James, 97, 100, 104,
The Cock Fight, 42 (after Ingres), 46, 47 Jalabert, Charles-François, 34, Pink Nude (Nu Rose 79 n 96 Raynal, Maurice, 144, 148–49 Un dimanche à la Grande 105, 116–18
Cromwell and Charles I, 29, Gambart, Ernest, 43 50 n 5 Crevette), 190–91 Morice, Charles, 150, 151, 152, Reff, Theodore, 171 n 146 Jatte, 116 Harmony in Blue and Silver,
30, 31, 32, 35 Gasquet, Joachim, 137, 163 Japanese prints, 90, 91, 101, Sleeping Woman, 186–87 160–62 Reinhardt, Ad, 83 Signac, Paul, 143 114
The Execution of Lady Jane Gauguin, Paul, 128, 130–32, 104 Still Life with a Magnolia, Morisot, Berthe, 78 n 75, 102, Renoir, Jean, 94 Silvestre, Théophile, 61 Nocturnes, 104, 113–14
Gray, 51 n 26 134, 143, 149, 150, 157 Johns, Jasper, 16, 119 173, 181 105, 117, 124 n 40 Renoir, Pierre, Auguste, 93, Sirouy, Achille, 42, 43, 44 Whitmore, Harrison, 92
Hémicycle des Beaux-Arts, Still Life with Peaches, 131 Le jour et la nuit, 90, 108, 109 Woman in Blue, 175, 192–93 Isle of Wight paintings, 105, 94, 102, 122–23 n 22, 136, Sisley, Alfred, 118 Wildenstein, Daniel, 85
34–41, 46, 34, 35, 36–37, Gautier, Théophile, 58 Judd, Donald, 15, 16, 17, 83 Woman Seated in an 106 167 n 56 Smith, Tony, 16 Wilson, William, 17–18
41 Gavet, Émile, 65, 67, 79 n 90, La Justice, 119 Armchair, 175, 176–77, 178 Morris, Robert, 16 Young Girls at the Piano, 93, Société des Dix, 79 n 94 Wounded Amazon (Musée du
Princes in the Tower (Les 79 n 91, 80 n 103, 80 n 107 The Romanian Blouse, 173 Mouilleron, Adolphe, 81 n 123 94 Société française de photog- Louvre), 60
enfants d’Édouard), 32 Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 47, 70 Kelly, Ellsworth, 15, 16 Maupassant, Guy de, 116 Moureaux (dealer), 65, 79 n 97 Rewald, John, 144 raphie, 95
Napoleon at Fontainebleau, Geffroy, Gustave, 128, 153 Kendall, Richard, 102 Meissonier, Ernest, 24 n 9 Mulvey, Laura, 21 Rey, Jean-Dominique, 84 Société nationale des Beaux- Zervos, Christian, 178–80,
32 Gérard, François, 21 Klein, John, 18–19 Mercure de France, 150 Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, Richmond, Walter, 75 n 39 Arts, Paris, 61 181–82, 183
Delectorskaya, Lydia, 173, 174, Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 27, 41–46 Kooning, Willem de, 16 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 134 91, 94, 107 Rivière, Georges, 145, 155 Sontag, Susan, 119 Zola, Émile, 107, 114
183 The Duel after the Masquer- Kubler, George, The Shape of Millet, François, 59 Musée Goupil, Bordeaux, 42 Rodin, Auguste, 18, 91, 117, 118 Souriau, Paul, 163
Deleuze, Gilles, 19, 20 ade, 42–43, 44–45, 97 Time, 11–12, 18 Millet, Jean-François, 53, Museum of Modern Art, New Three Shades, 91 Stammann, Friedrich, 30, 39
Denis, Maurice, 134–35, 140, Gérome et Goupil: Art et 54–59, 65–72 York, 185 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 29 Stella, Frank, 15, 83
141, 148, 161–62 enterprise (exhibition), 42 Langdon, Woodbury, 31, 32 Couturières de village, 81 n 123 Musset, Alfred de, 60 Rothko, Mark, 100 Stevens, Arthur, 97
Derain, André, 18 Gigoux, Jean, 47, 81 n 122 Langlois, Jérome-Martin, 21 The Gleaners, 59, 81 n 114 Muybridge, Eadweard Rouart, Denis, 84 Stieglitz, Alfred, 119, 182
Deschamps, Charles, 105 Gleyre, Charles, 144 Le Gray, Gustave, 95 Man Standing after Work, Animal Locomotion, 108, Rouart, Henri, sale, 78 n 72 Strahan, Edward (Earl Shinn),
Desplaces, Auguste, 58 Goetschy, Gustave, 114 Le Rat, Paul-Edmé, 58, 59 79 n 90 109, 116 Roujon, Henry, 93–94 34, 35, 38, 40–41
Détrimont, Paul, 75 n 39 Gombrich, Ernest, 14 Lecomte, Georges, 128, 129, Man with a Hoe, 59 Rousseau, Théodore, 73 n 10, Sudre, Jean-Pierre, 46
Deutsches Kunstblatt, 30 130, 131 75 n 43
198 199
Photography Credits
Title page: Jean-Léon Gérôme, The Duel after the Masquerade, left panel: Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 70 fig. 21: © Copyright the Trustees
Musée Condé, Chantilly (44 fig. 13), detail; center panel: Walters Art of The British Museum; 71 fig. 22: The New York Public Library / Art
Museum (45 fig. 15), detail; right panel: The State Hermitage Museum Resource, NY; 71 fig. 23: The Bridgeman Art Library; 72 fig. 24: © Copy-
(44 fig. 14), detail right the Trustees of The British Museum; 72 fig. 25: © Réunion des
Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY
Page 5: Jean-Léon Gérôme, The Duel after the Masquerade, The State
Hermitage Museum (44 fig. 14), detail
Charles Stuckey, The Predications and Implications of Monet’s Series
Page 10: left panel: Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, Musée d’art 86 fig. 1: Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago; 86 fig. 2: Photo-
ancien, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts (22 fig. 3), detail; center panel: graph © 2007 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; 87 fig. 4: Photograph ©
Studio of Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, Musée du Louvre, 2007 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; 87 figs. 5, 9, and 10: Photography
Paris (23 fig. 7), detail; right panel: Jacques-Louis David and Studio, The © The Art Institute of Chicago; 86 fig. 6: The Bridgeman Art Library;
Death of Marat, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Reims (23 fig. 6), 87 fig. 7: Photograph © 1996 The Metropolitan Museum of Art; 89
detail figs. 14–16: © Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY (Hervé
Lewandowski [14], C. Jean [15], Gérard Blot [16]); 91 fig. 17: © Musée
Page 26: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Oedipus and the Sphinx,
Rodin, Paris; 92 figs. 18–20: Terra Foundation for American Art,
left panel: The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore (48 fig. 20), detail;
Chicago / Art Resource, NY; 98 fig. 23: © Rheinisches Bildarchiv; 110
right panel: Musée du Louvre, Paris (48 fig. 18), detail
fig. 34: Photo © National Gallery of Canada; 110 fig. 35: Image © 2007
Page 52: Jean-François Millet, The Sower, left panel: French & Company Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington; 111 fig. 36: Photo
LLC, New York (69 fig. 19), detail; right panel: The Frick Art & Rick Hall; 111 figs. 37, 40: Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art;
Historical Center (69 fig. 18), detail 111 figs. 39, 41: © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown,
Massachusetts; 111 fig. 42: Image © 2007 Board of Trustees, National
Page 82: Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral, Façade, left panel: Museum
Gallery of Art, Washington; 114 fig. 41: Photograph by Jameson Miller;
Folkwang, Essen (121 fig. 51), detail; center panel: Museum of Fine Arts,
115 fig. 42: © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown,
Boston (121 fig. 52), detail; right panel: The J. Paul Getty Museum,
Massachusetts; 115 fig. 43: Photograph by Susan Tobin; 118 figs. 46, 47:
Los Angeles (121 fig. 53), detail
Image © 2006 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington;
Page 126: Paul Cézanne, left panel: Bathers, Saint Louis Art Museum (133 121 fig. 49: © Museum Folkwang, Essen; 121 fig. 50: Photograph © 2007
fig. 5), detail; center panel: Group of Bathers, Philadelphia Museum of Art Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
(161 fig. 28), detail; right panel: The Bathers (Baigneurs), The Baltimore
Museum of Art (142 fig. 14), detail Richard Shiff, Risible Cézanne
128 fig. 1: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY; 131 fig. 3: Photo Katya Kallsen
Front cover: Details, left to right: 1. Scala / Art Resource; 2. © Musée © President and Fellows of Harvard College; 132 fig. 4: Photograph by
des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Reims, C. Devleeschauwer; 3. © Musée Dorothy Zeidman; 138 fig. 7: © Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon;
des Beaux-Arts de Dijon; 4. Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art 138 fig. 8: Photograph by Robert Newcombe; 139 fig. 9: Photograph ©
Resource, NY 1984 The Metropolitan Museum of Art; 139 fig. 10: Photograph by Gray-
Back cover: Courtesy Archives Matisse, Paris; © 2007 Succession don Wood; 139 fig. 11: Photograph by Susan Tobin; 139 fig. 12: Photograph
H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York © 2007 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; 141 fig. 13: Scala / Art Resource,
NY; 144 fig. 15: Digital Image © The Museum of Modern Art / Licensed by
Eik Kahng, Repetition as Symbolic Form Scala / Art Resource, NY; 146 fig. 16: Photograph © Reproduced with the
12 fig. 1: © 1962, Yale University Press, New Haven and London; Permission of The Barnes Foundation™. All Rights Reserved; 152 fig. 19:
15 fig. 2: © Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, Calif.; 22 fig. 3: Scala / Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY; 153 fig. 20: Image © 2007 Board of
Art Resource, NY; 23 fig. 4: © Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon; Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington; 154 fig. 21: Erich Less-
23 figs. 5–7: © Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY ing / Art Resource, NY; 158 fig. 24: Photograph by Graydon Wood; 160
(Gérard Blot / C. Jean); 23 fig. 6: © Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville fig. 28: Photograph by Graydon Wood; 164 fig. 29: Photo Bruce White
de Reims, C. Devleeschauwer © Trustees of Princeton University
Stephen Bann, Reassessing Repetition in Nineteenth-Century Academic Jeffrey Weiss, The Matisse Grid
Painting: Delaroche, Gérôme, Ingres 172 figs. 1a–c: Bibliothèque Kandinsky—Centre de documentation et de
30 fig. 1: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / Art Resource, NY (photo recherche du Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industri-
Elke Walford); 32 fig. 2: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, elle (Centre Georges Pompidou). Paris; 174 fig. 2: © Annabel Cole; 175
NY (Gérard Blot); 33 fig. 4: © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, fig. 3: © Adrien Maeght Éditeur, Paris; 176 figs. 4–8: © 2007 Succession
Williamstown, Massachusetts; 42 fig. 12: © Mairie de Bordeaux; 44 fig. 13: H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; 177 fig. 9:
Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY (Gérard Blot); 44 © 2007 Succession H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS),
fig. 14: © The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 45 New York; image © 2007 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art,
fig. 15: Photograph by Susan Tobin; 45 fig. 16: © Mairie de Bordeaux, Washington; 180 fig. 10: © Éditions Cahiers d’art, Paris / Yves Sicre
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Resource, NY (R. G. Ojeda); 48 fig. 20: Photograph by Susan Tobin Libraries, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; 184 fig. 11:
© 1941, ARTnews LLC, September 1–30; Reprinted courtesy of the pub-
Simon Kelly, Strategies of Repetition: Millet / Corot lisher; 187 fig. 12: Courtesy Università internazionale dell’arte—Firenze;
57 fig. 2: © Amgueddfa Cymru–National Museum Wales; 57 fig. 3: 188 figs. 13, 14: © 2007 Succession H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights
Photograph © 2007 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; 59 fig. 8: Erich Society (ARS), New York; 189 fig. 15: © 2007 Succession H. Matisse,
Lessing / Art Resource, NY; 62 fig. 9: Photograph by Daniel Martin; Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; image © 2007 Board
63 fig. 18: Photograph by Susan Tobin; 64 fig. 13: Photo Jean-Louis Bellec, of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington; 190–91 figs. 16–20:
Courtesy Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, © 2007 Succession H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS),
Toulouse; 66 fig. 14: Photograph by Susan Tobin; 66 fig. 15: Erich New York
Lessing / Art Resource, NY; 68 fig. 16: Photograph by Susan Tobin;
68 fig. 17: © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown,
Massachusetts; 68 fig. 18: © The Collection of The Frick Art & Historical