Create A Flood Warning System Activity
Create A Flood Warning System Activity
Create A Flood Warning System Activity
This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit in Design and Technology lessons.
Flooding is becoming increasingly common in parts of the United Kingdom and causes a lot of damage to peoples’ homes.
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The sooner a potential flood can be detected, the more time homeowners have to prepare and to save their property.
In this unit of learning, learners will identify the design problems presented by flooding. They will then develop a working flood
warning system using the BBC micro:bit.
In this activity, learners will develop their programmable system using the BBC micro:bit using a moisture sensor to detect the
water level in the system.
This could be used as a main lesson activity with ‘Social Effects of Flooding’ as the starter. It is an ideal exercise for learners
to improve their understanding of basic electronics, develop programming skills, make use of programmable components and
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embed intelligence into a product design.
Go through the design criteria with learners: It is recommended that the moisture sensor is used in
a potential divider to complete the input stage. This
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It must be programmable using the BBC micro:bit. can be achieved by connecting/wiring a pull up or pull
It must use a suitable input device, such as a moisture down resistor, or by developing a PCB layout for the
sensor, to detect the level of the water around the house. input stage that includes the potential divider. If a
It must use a suitable output device, such as a flashing variable resistor is used this allows the sensitivity of
LED, to warn the homeowner that water levels are rising the sensor circuit to be altered. The sensor may still
to flood levels work if connected directly to the BBC micro:bit as an
Question learners as to what each of the criteria might mean in analogue sensor, but additional programming may be
practice in terms of producing their system. How might they meet required.
each of the criteria? Teachers are advised to refer the BBC micro:bit’s
specification when selecting external input and output
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4. Use of moisture sensor devices to use with it.
Discuss with learners options for detecting the water level in the Programming the BBC micro:bit and example
system and introduce moisture sensor options. These can be pre- When writing the program low ability learners or those
bought or made in school using strip board or a printed circuit who have not done programming before may benefit
board (show example layout via teacher PowerPoint). Able from writing, experimenting with and downloading the
learners can develop their own PCB layout using available example program shown on the Teacher PowerPoint.
software and manufacture this using either an etch tank or CAM They can use this as a base for their own program.
router. Less able learners can be provided with sensors that are This is provided as JavaScript Blocks Editor Powered
ready to attach directly to the BBC micro:bit. by Microsoft MakeCode (microbit-flood-jsb.hex) and
Basic Extension
The following websites can be used for additional technical information or to provide a wider context to the development of the
> IET TV – Flood Warning System: Supporting IET TV video - ideal for use as part of a starter or introductory activity to
support this resource.
> BBC micro:bit website: Website containing everything needed to get started with using the micro:bit!
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> YouTube Video - Channel 4 News Report 1: A news report showing the effects of flooding on people living in Berkshire,
England in 2014.
> YouTube Video – Channel 4 News Report 2: Similar to the above, a news report looking at the problems caused by
flooding in 2014 in the United Kingdom.
> YouTube Video – Thames Flood Barrier: A case study describing the features and function of the Thames Water Barrier,
designed to protect London from the possible effects of flooding of the River Thames.
Starters Plenary
> ACTIVITY: Design the casing for your flood warning
> ACTIVITY: Social effects of Flooding system
> IET TV VIDEO – Flood Warning System > Opportunities within activity for presentations,
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peer/self assessment
Main > Reflection on Objectives and PLTS skills used
> ACTIVITY: Create a Flood Warning System
This is an ideal topic for teaching about programmable components and embedded intelligence in products. These are key
Curriculum links
Edexcel D&T
Eduqas D&T
Regular questioning throughout the activity, review of progress at key intervals and formal assessment of finished program
and working system.