Steel Framed Domes
Steel Framed Domes
Steel Framed Domes
MANY ENGINEERS when first confronted with the design of a about its vertical axis, the framing of the spherical surface
steel framed dome are dismayed by the complexity of these generated thereby should be economical of materials. The
often highly indeterminate, three dimensional space frames. resulting circular floor plan, generated in the horizontal
Furthermore, on locating references in the literature, many plane, is also economical of space. These two factors tend to
are further confused to find that there is no unanimity of make the domical-roofed, circular building efficient. There
opinion among the various investigators as to proper methods are other factors. A tension ring can be used around the
of analysis and design. Despite the fact that domes are one of periphery to resist the horizontal arch thrust, leaving vertical
the oldest structural forms in existence and that recent years loads alone to be transferred to the foundations. Intermediate
have seen a revival of this form and a growth of its circumferential rings can be added which reduce the
popularity, few scientific investigations have been made. unbraced length of the ribs and provide a means of uniformly
Opinions vary widely from those who advocate rigorous distributing the live and dead loads. The upper rings are in
methods of analysis based on deformations or simultaneous compression and their shorter length results in lower
displacements to those who advocate analysis by simple slenderness ratios, hence higher allowable stresses. The
statics. lower ring usually carries the largest forces in the structure,
Many steel framed domes have been designed and built taken in tension with no reduction in allowable stresses
in recent years. However, despite the increasing popularity of because of buckling considerations.
this type of structure, little new design information has been The resulting building encloses a large column free area.
published. For this reason, engineers who wish to investigate It is especially popular for public assembly buildings for
the steel framed dome for the first time can find little several different reasons:
guidance based on the practical experience of others.
(1) It is economical.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical
discussion of the analysis and design of the Schwedler dome, (2) The circle places the greatest number of seats close
one of the more popular types of steel framed domes. to the stage or the arena floor.
Included are a design example and a list of references. The (3) There are no columns to interfere with vision.
opinions expressed herein are those of the authors, based on (4) Radial aisles permit maximum efficiency of ingress
both field and office experience over the past fifteen years and egress.
and upon a study and evaluation of those publications listed (5) Minimum circulation through the building to the
in the bibliography at the end of this paper. various seating sections is necessary.
GENERAL In addition, the arch and the circle are among the most
pleasing of architectural forms. Far from being an aesthetic
The circle will enclose more space with less perimeter than liability, the dome is usually the salient architectural feature
will any other geometric form. The circular arch rib has long of the building. It has an inherent dignity of character and
been recognized as one of the most efficient and economical stateliness when viewed both from within and without. Solid
methods for achieving long spans in structures. It follows that rib domes present an especially neat appearance from
when such an arch rib is revolved underneath and the structural members are often left exposed
David E. Stevens is Senior Regional Engineer, American Institute of to enhance the appearance and to serve as acoustical baffles.
Steel Construction, Atlanta, Ga. To insure architectural and structural compatability, as well
Gerald S. Odom is Regional Engineer, American Institute of Steel as economy, the structural design must be an integral part of
Construction, Birmingham, Ala. the project from the formative stages.
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The early history of dome structures has been well The discussion in this paper will be restricted to spherical
documented and will not be dealt with extensively in this domes of the Schwedler type, primarily because this type is
discussion. Use of the dome as an architectural feature dates the most popular. Little has been done to adapt the thin-shell
back at least two thousand years. Earlier applications were steel dome to building construction, perhaps because of
largely for religious structures and included such famous acoustical or insulation problems or because the very
buildings as the Church of Santa Sophia, built in thinness of steel suggests buckling and discourages
Constantinople in 537, St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, St. investigation. Lamella, lattice and geodesic domes were
Paul's in London, and hundreds of other equally famous relatively unknown until the 1950's. None of these have so
churches. The dome was also used extensively by the far achieved much popularity with consulting engineers for
Moslems who modified it into the bulbar or onion shape two reasons: first, they are highly complex, statically
which has become synonomous with the mosques of Islam. indeterminate space frames and their design is still dependent
For hundreds of years domes remained the symbol of to some degree upon model analysis; secondly, their design
religious architecture and their construction was the and construction can only be achieved under proprietary
exclusive province of the stone or brick mason. Both rights. As these interesting and economical framing systems
concepts were changed in 1865 with the construction of the grow in popularity, it is hoped that more information will be
cast-iron dome for the United States Capitol in Washington. made available to the design profession. The bibliography
Many state capitols built thereafter featured a similar central references contain project descriptions of several such domes
dome and the use of a dome came to be associated with constructed in recent years along with outstanding examples
governmental buildings. of Schwedler dome construction.
Practically all the earlier domes were ornamental. Their THE ARCH RIB AND THE SCHWEDLER DOME
functional potential was largely ignored until comparatively As is the arch, the dome is primarily a direct thrust structure.
recent years. In the steel industry, tank and plate fabricators In other words, its individual members are designed as
were the first to take advantage of the economic potential columns or ties subject to compression or tension.* A dome
inherent in the geometry of such forms. Early in the twentieth may be imagined to consist of a number of horizontal rings of
century, thin plate domical and conical roofs began to appear decreasing diameter, each one placed on top of the other. The
over water and oil storage tanks. A column free span of 200 upper rings tend to move downward and thrust outward
ft is not considered unusual today for such structures, and against the adjacent lower rings. The latter have a tendency
this can be achieved with a plate thickness of only 5/8 in. to expand while the former tend to contract. The steel framed
It has been during the years following World War II that dome substitutes structural steel members for the principal
the full structural potential of the dome has been realized. stress trajectories of the concentric rings and keeps these
Structural efficiency has now become a full partner with separated by structural steel ribs.
majestic architectural beauty. The dome continues to be used Fig. 1a shows a schematic diagram for an arch rib dome
in a variety of applications and with many variations of its and Fig. 1b shows a section cut through this dome on a
basic geometry and construction. There has been a revival of diametrical plane. The individual ribs are usually designed as
its use to span church sanctuaries and governmental three-hinged arches subjected to triangular loading and are
buildings, and its use has also become frequent in supported at the top by a compression or lantern ring, and at
commercial and industrial structures. The most popular use of the base by either the foundation, or, as in the case shown, a
all continues to be in public assembly buildings such as tension ring which may be supported by vertical columns.
gymnasiums, field houses, auditoriums and coliseums. Many This structure is statically determinate and its solution under
such buildings built since 1950 have been circular in shape loads which have polar symmetry can be handled quite easily
and most of these have been roofed with a steel framed dome. through the resolution of forces. Under an asymmetric
loading condition
A variety of shapes have been employed—spherical,
elliptical, conical and parabolic, with variations often added
to break the roof lines, such as folded plates and barrel * The authors emphasize that due attention must also be given in
design to all moments, both primary and secondary, which are
arches. A variety of construction systems have been
introduced into the structure. At the same time it is suggested that
employed—smooth shells, arch ribs, Schwedler domes, every attempt be made to reduce such moments as far as possible
lattices, lamellas, and geodesics. All have one common in the primary members (ribs and rings) by the arrangement of
denominator—economy of materials. If extensive shoring and purlins and other secondary members and by considering an area
form work can be avoided, there is yet another common increase of the rings in some cases to reduce the secondary effect
denominator—economy of cost. of rib deflections due to ring elongation or shortening.
Figure 1
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the corresponding segment of the other ribs in the structure.
The stresses can be found in the ring members by further
resolution of forces and symmetry as indicated by Fig. 2c.
Prof. F. Dischinger15 and W. Schwedler2 have derived
general formulas for domes based on the simple resolution of
forces which give a direct solution to the problem. The
method used by the authors is practically identical with these
except the designer has a means of visualizing the structure
at all times. This method will be described in detail later.
In addition to the modification usually made at the pole,
which was discussed previously, certain other modifications
are often made in actual practice. First of all, auxiliary
members such as purlins are added, and frequently diagonal
bracing is used between the ribs and rings in the plane of the Figure 3
roof surface. For many years it was held that such diagonal
such additional loads as would be needed for polar symmetry.
bracing was essential for the stability of the structure under
The most important unsymmetrical loading to which a
asymmetrical loading. Theoretically, this is true, but
dome is subjected is wind pressure. Timoshenko6 has
research9 has shown that such bracing serves no useful
suggested a distribution of pressure on the windward side and
purpose in the completed structure. Most designers prefer to
of equal suction on the leeward side based upon a sine law.
retain it, at least in alternate bays, as an aid in erection.
The intensity of wind pressure is assumed to act normal to
Another simplification usually made in actual practice is
the surface of the dome and is expressed in a mathematically
in connection with the rib members. Here again, this can be
convenient manner. This method is said to be used widely in
considered a concession to the economics of erection. Insofar
European practice.
as design is concerned, direct stresses are usually computed
Other authorities feel that the variation in wind pressure
in accordance with the assumption that the juncture between
on a surface having curvature in two directions is a highly
the rib segments and ring elements is articulated as shown in
conjectural matter. Further, it should be recognized that little
Figs. 2a and 2b. Although many domes have been constructed
is known at the present time with regard to the modifying
in this manner, usual practice is to make the rib continuous in
effects of rib continuity and connection restraint, particularly
order to eliminate all construction falsework except a central
under unsymmetrical loading. Such being the case, these
erection tower. A modification of this type naturally requires
authorities feel that exact design refinements are not
that any primary moments at supports (rings) and secondary
indicated and recommend that the structure be designed to
moments due to changes in ring diameter be considered along
resist an equivalent vertical load. This is usually a
with the principal stresses.
conservative procedure and the authors' observation is that it
Finally, the geometry of the dome itself is usually altered
is the method most frequently used in design offices. In the
so that only the panel points lie on the true spherical surface.
southeastern United States, from 10 to 15 psf is usually
All members between these points are made straight,
added to the vertical live loading to compensate for wind
resulting in considerable fabrication savings. If a sufficient
number of ribs and rings are used, the fact that the structure
The structure shown in Fig. 3 is shown in isometric form
is now polygonal instead of spherical usually escapes the
in Figs. 4a through 4c in order that distribution of live load
casual observer.
can be considered. The shaded portion indicates live load
With the foregoing modifications, the Schwedler dome
distribution, and for Fig. 4a, the live load covers the entire
takes on the appearance of the umbrella shaped structure
roof. This is the maximum stress condition for all ribs, for
shown in Fig. 3a. Possible load conditions and the actual
tension ring A, and for compression ring B. The following
design of such a structure will now be considered.
discussion of design stresses refers only to the intermediate
rings C, D and E. These may be either in tension or
compression, depending on the rise-to-span ratio of the roof,
In practice, most domes are designed for polarly symmetrical the live load and the location or distribution of the live load.
load conditions only. Even if the dome is to be subjected to Any given intermediate ring is in maximum tension when all
unsymmetrical loads, the recommended procedure is to of the dome above the ring is fully loaded, and in maximum
evaluate this load in combination with compression when all of the dome below the ring and the
Figure 4
ring itself is fully loaded. Fig. 4b shows the maximum It is recognized that this rather stringent load condition
tension condition for ring D; Fig. 4c shows the maximum would seldom be met under actual conditions although it
compression condition for the same ring. The design stress could be approached by a band of snow or ice building up on
which should be used seems to be a point of disagreement the structure. There are several reasons for advocating such a
between designers. Many simply assume the condition shown design procedure:
in Fig. 4a and use the net difference in tension caused by the (1) Should premature failure occur in the bottom tension
live and dead load above the ring and compression caused by ring because of faulty workmanship, the next
full live and dead load below the ring. intermediate ring would tend to take over its
Others employ the system based on assumptions used in function. Added strength in this ring would probably
the derivation of the Schwedler formula. For maximum allow it to do so, at least temporarily. Otherwise,
compression, the ring under consideration is loaded with full there would be an unbuttoning effect as each
live and dead load; dead load only exists on the balance of successive ring picked up the load and elongated
the structure. This load condition is illustrated in Fig. 4d. excessively or failed in tension.
The authors prefer a more conservative approach. (2) The secondary moments in continuous ribs caused by
Maximum tension is computed based on full live load and the deformations of the ribs and rings will often be
dead load above the ring and dead load only below the ring. large. Such moments can be minimized by the larger
Maximum compression is computed based on dead load only areas and lower stresses (under uniform live load)
above the ring and full live and dead load below the ring. characteristic of rings designed by this method.
These are the same conditions depicted in Figs. 4b and 4c. (3) The amount of increased ring material resulting from
The more critical of these stress values is used in design. use of this method is usually modest.
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vertical equilibrium by the elements of the cone below.
Taking moments about point E, HB equals P cot α.
Considering equilibrium at joint B, the compressive force in
rib EB must equal H/cos α or P/sin α. Referring to Fig. 5c,
by symmetry, each ring segment must take half of the
computed H force. It may be seen from the figure then that
the ring force must equal H/2 sin θ where 2θ is the angle
between the horizontal projection of ribs EB. Written in
another manner, ring force equals P cot α/2 sin θ .
Since HB = HE in the above example, the ring forces
would be equal and opposite in rings B and E. However, this
would be true only for a single isolated conical element. To
obtain a proper solution, the designer must also consider the
cone immediately below, that which consists of top ring E,
bottom ring D, with ribs DE. The forces thus obtained for
ring E must then be added algebraically to the force obtained
by the solution of the upper cone. The sample calculations
shown in Fig. 6 illustrate this procedure under "ring
Fig. 6. Sample calculations
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displacements seem to explain the more reliable results
obtained through rational analysis.
There is little doubt that additional investigation is
needed in the case of domes under unsymmetrical loads
which would enable designers to consider the effect of
resistance offered by various types of joints and to obtain a
true picture of stresses. Fortunately the proper selection of a
substitute symmetrical vertical load, as previously discussed,
provides a method whereby economical and safe designs may
be produced. The authors agree with Professor Paul
Anderson9—"... in the meantime we should go right ahead
building more steel-framed domes."
Most designers, fabricators and erectors who have had
experience with the Schwedler dome are convinced that it has
a reserve of strength far greater than calculations indicate.
Some attribute this to the resistance of the hundreds of
connections which is usually ignored in design. Others feel it
is due to the dome slightly changing its geometry to meet new
load situations. As one point deflects more than its
neighboring points, stresses are developed to transmit load
away from the loaded point. Many designers feel that the
membrane or shell action of the roof deck adds considerable
strength. Others feel that the plastic strength is significant (as
a higher stress is reached in the lower members they refuse to
accept further load and hence transfer it to the less-stressed Figure 7
upper members). Perhaps this reserve of strength is due to a
combination of all the foregoing. fairly constant which permitted the preparation of a chart of
steel weight versus span which has proven to be sufficiently
DISCUSSION OF DOME ECONOMICS accurate for use in estimating the structural steel weight for
proposed Schwedler domes. This chart is shown in Fig. 7.
It has been stated previously that the engineer should Since it is based on domes designed prior to the advent of
participate in the design of a building incorporating a dome A36 steel and the new AISC Specification, steel weights
from the beginning of the project. It is the planning stage shown thereon are slightly on the high side.
which has more effect on dome economics than any other.
Every dome structure has a point of optimum economy which CONCLUSION
depends primarily upon the rise-to-span ratio selected and the
number of ribs and rings to be employed. For maximum It is hoped that the future will see additional research in this
economy the total roof surface area and the unit cost of the important field, not only for the Schwedler domes discussed,
roof material must be taken into account along with the but also for the other types mentioned earlier in this paper.
tonnage of structural steel and its unit cost. In other words, Work is especially needed for nonsymmetric loading and
the lower the rise-to-span ratio, the smaller the roof surface, investigation into the modifying effects of continuity of ribs
but the steel tonnage increases because of the higher thrusts and resistance of connections. Weld shrinkage seems
associated with the flatter roof. significant also in some cases. The authors have attempted to
The authors believe that maximum structural economy is present practical design information for the Schwedler dome
approached when the spherical radius is made approximately based upon their own experience and study. It is hoped that
equal to the diameter of the dome. This results in a rise-to- this paper will encourage others who have had experience in
span ratio of 0.13. The geometrics are also simplified since the design of these structures to offer their comments.
the subtended angle is exactly 60 degrees. A study of many The bibliography which follows lists those references
domes built in this country since 1953 reveals that this used by the authors in their work with steel framed domes
relationship of R = D is closely adhered to. The rise-to-span and in the preparation of this paper. It is not intended to be a
ratio of 25 domes surveyed varied from 0.12 to 0.18 with complete listing of available literature on the subject of
most falling around 0.14. Live and dead loading for these domes, but should prove helpful to designers who seek
domes was reference sources in this field.
BIBLIOGRAPHY ON STEEL FRAMED DOMES 17. Domes, Acier, office Techniqur pour L'utilisation de L'acier,
Paris, France, April, 1959.
18. Welded Lamella Roof Domes with 270-Foot Span Circular
Books Arena, Studies in Structural Are Welding No. 1302.153, Lincoln
Electric Company.
1. Anderson, Paul and Nordby, Gene M. Introduction to Structural 19. New Lamella Design, Circular 52, Oklahoma Institute of
Mechanics, The Ronald Press Company, 1960. Technology, Stillwater, Okla.
2. Grinter, Linton E. Theory of Modern Steel Structures, Vol. II, 20. El-Schasly, El-Sayed Berechnung der Biegungsspannungen und
The MacMillan Company, 1949. Stabkrafte in Schwedlerkuppeln nach Theorie und
3. Kidder, Frank E. and Parker, Harry Architects' and Builders' Modellversuch (Calculation of Bending Stresses and Forces in
Handbook, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1946. the Members of Schwedler Domes According to Theory and
4. Korn, Martin P. Steel Rigid Frames Manual Design and Model Tests), Edigenössischen Technischen Hochschule in
Construction, J. W. Edwards, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1953. Zurich, 1942.
5. Spofford, Charles M. The Theory of Structures, McGraw-Hill Periodicals
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1939.
6. Timoshenko, S. Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill Book 21. Hanks, Edmund E. Steel in the Round, Steel Construction
Company, Inc., New York, 1940. Digest Vol. II, No. 4, Fourth Quarter, 1954.
22. Circular Steel Fabrication Shop in Austria,Building with Steel,
Technical Papers, Reports and Bulletins Vol. 2, No. 7, August 1963. (Journal of British Constructional
Steelwork Assn.)
7. Anderson, Paul Stress Study of a Steel Framed Dome R ( eport of 23. Dome Structures, Consulting Engineer, December, 1959.
project conducted at the University of Minnesota for AISC), 24. Stevens, David E. Spherical Lamella Dome Built in Wichita,
October 1958. Civil Engineering, February, 1956.
8. Anderson, Paul Analysis of a Steel Framed Dome (Report of 25. Sports Arena, Progressive Architecture, August, 1957.
study conducted at The University of Minnesota for AISC), 26. Nylon Balloon Lifts Big Steel Dome,Engineering News-Record,
February, 1957. January 7, 1960.
9. Anderson, Paul Steel Framed Domes—Design and Research, 27. Two Stage Job: Erect Crane, Then Auditorium, Engineering
1959 Proceedings AISC National Engineering Conference. News-Record, August 9, 1962.
10. Kaiser Aluminum Dome (Bulletin published by Kaiser Aluminum 28. Steel-Framed Dome Overhangs Supports, Engineering News-
Company, September 1, 1958). Record, October 16, 1958.
11. Li, Shu-Tien Metallic Dome—Structure Systems, ASCE 29. Ulm, Reign C. and Heathcote, Ralph L. Dome Built from Top
Structural Journal, Vol. 88, Part 1 (December, 1962). Down, Civil Engineering, December, 1959.
12. Makowski, Z. S. and Pippard, A. J. S. Experimental Analysis of 30. Modern Methods in an Ancient Design, Engineering News-
Space Structures, with Particular Reference to Braced Domes; Record, July 14, 1960.
with a Note on Stresses in Supporting Ring Girders, I.C.E. 31. Steel Frames for Circular Fieldhouse, Steel Construction Digest,
Proceedings, paper No. 5887. Vol. XII, No. 4, 4th Qtr., 1955.
13. Odom, Gerald S. The Steel Framed Dome, 1963 Proceedings 32. Tilt-up Ribs Speed Dome Erection, Steel Construction Digest,
AISC National Engineering Conference. Vol. XIII, No. 3, 3rd Qtr., 1956.
14. Popov, E. P. Earthquake Stresses in Spherical Domes and 33. Dome Roof Erected without Falsework, Steel Construction
Cones, ASCE Structural Journal, Vol. 82 (May, 1956). Digest, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 2nd Qtr., 1957.
15. Shih, Tsze-Sheng Analysis of Ribbed Domes with Polygonal 34. Dewdney, Harold S. Huge Steel Dome Erected in Nevada,Steel
Rings, ASCE Structural Journal, Vol. 82 (November, 1956). Construction Digest, Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1st Qtr., 1959.
16. Stevens, David E. The Dome Structure (Unpublished paper 35. Miller, Calvin G. World's Largest Free-Span Dome, Echo, Vol.
presented to AISC Annual Staff Meeting, April, 1959). 15, No. 1, 1959 (Graver Tank & Mfg. Co.).
JULY / 1964