Assignment4 Solution
Assignment4 Solution
Assignment4 Solution
Solve the problem below by using membrane finite elements for E=200GPA, =0.3, L=3m, c=1m, t=1m
and q=1MN/m. Divide the applied load equally at the top nodes. Boundary conditions are such that it
allows rotation at the ends but prevents vertical deflection. Use two different meshes (1m x 1m and 0.5m
x 0.5m) and 5 different membrane elements. For each case, find the vertical deflection at the centre-line at
the mid-span and fill in the table below. By using the rectangle element with drilling D.O.F determine the
stress s x at the bottom point at the mid-span. Compare the results with the elasticity solution given
below. The mesh, node and element numbering are also given below.
Vertical deflection at the mid-span
0.14 CST
Triangle Drilling
0.12 Bilinear Rectangle
0.10 Rectangle Drilling
Quadratic Rectangle
0.08 Elasticity
0 50 100 150 200
Number of nodes
Finite Element Analysis Dr Emre Erkmen
Assignment #4 1