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Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Autism Spectrum


David G. Amaral, PhD

Geraldine Dawson, PhD
Daniel H. Geschwind, MD, PhD

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Autism spectrum disorders / edited by David G. Amaral, Geraldine Dawson,

Daniel H. Geschwind.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-19-537182-6 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Autism spectrum disorders. I. Amaral, David, 1950- II. Dawson, Geraldine.
III. Geschwind, Daniel H.
[DNLM: 1. Autistic Disorder. WS 350.6]
RC553.A88A8743 2011
616.85’882—dc22 2010030248

ISBN: 978-0-19-5371826

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
I dedicate this book,
To the founding families of the M.I.N.D. Institute,
who have inspired me with their courage and
their determination to help their own children and others like them.
To my parents, Ernie and Claire,
who have always supported my life as a scientist.
To my wonderful wife Tammy,
who has brought new meaning into my life.
To my children David Joseph, Jennie, Keith and Sarah
who remind me every day of what we are striving to accomplish.

To my sister, Diana, for her constant love, support, and friendship, and to the many families of persons with
autism spectrum disorders whose devotion and love for their children are the inspiration for my life’s work.

For their love, patience, support, and not least of all, their sense of humor, I am deeply grateful to my family,
Sandy, Eli, Maya, and Jonah. I also thank my friends and colleagues, especially Portia Iversen and Jon Shestack,
who first made me aware of the problems faced by individuals and families touched by autism and challenged
me to do something about it.
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The disorder that we now know as autism was first formally a psychologist and father of a son with autism. His influential
described in 1943 by the Austrian born child psychiatrist, Leo book, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for
Kanner, in his seminal paper “Autistic Disturbances of Affective a Neural Theory of Behavior (which had a forward by Leo
Contact” (1943). For the next 20 years or more, “infantile Kanner), published in 1964, dismissed the myth that early
autism” was considered to be a rare disorder affecting fewer psychodynamic influences—the “refrigerator mother”—-
than 5 in 10,000 individuals (Lotter, 1966). However, over the caused autism. In short, Rimland reasoned that if many of the
last 20 years, autism has come into the awareness of individu- comorbid conditions of autism, such as epilepsy, were due to
als from all walks of life and most of the world’s countries. neural dysfunction, so should be the core features of autism.
Kanner’s autism has come to represent the classic form of a In retrospect, the chilling influence of psychoanalytic theory
spectrum of disorders that are often conceived of as having on biomedical research into autism’s etiology could be con-
core deficits in social functioning, communication, and repeti- sidered remarkable, given that in his original paper, Kanner
tive behaviors; taken together these are now typically referred clearly saw autism as a biological, likely genetically mediated
to as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Current estimates of disorder in many cases.
the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders is on the order of Initially, advocacy groups such as the Autism Society of
1 in 100 children (Rice, 2009), more frequent than many other America were founded to advocate for research and more
childhood disorders that are often considered common, such effective treatments of individuals with autism, but they did
as juvenile diabetes and childhood cancer. not focus their efforts on direct support of medical research-
One measure of the increased interest in autism research ers. This organization shared a common mission with the
can be seen in the number of times Kanner’s paper has been National Autistic Society (a name adopted in 1975, when the
referenced in the peer reviewed scientific press. Overall, the original Autistic Children’s Aid Society of North London,
paper has been cited nearly 2,300 times since its publication1. founded in 1962, was expanded to serve all of the United
But, from 1945 until 1954, the paper was only cited 34 times. Kingdom). Autism first received widespread public attention
As illustrated in Figure 1, citations for the paper remained at a through the Barry Levinson film Rainman. Dustin Hoffman,
relatively low level until the 1990s, when there was a substantial who portrayed a young man with autism and wanted his
increase in the rate at which this classic paper was referenced, depiction of the disorder to be as accurate as possible, mod-
paralleling an increase in biomedically based autism research. eled his performance after an unusual autistic savant. The
There are many reasons for what could be considered a Oscar-winning best picture portrayed many of the social and
modern renaissance in autism research. Much of the credit communicative impairments of autism and particularly high-
for the increased research is due to the dedicated advocacy lighted the circumscribed interests and the desire for routine
efforts of parents of children with autism throughout the and sameness in the environment.
world. One early example of this was Bernard Rimland, PhD, Major impetus for the expansion of autism research was
the founding in the mid-1990s of two parent advocacy organ-
izations, the National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR)
1 These numbers are based on information from the Institute for Scientific and Cure Autism Now (CAN) that promoted not only the
Information (ISI) Web of Knowledgesm. Numbers reflect times the paper is awareness of autism spectrum disorders, but also the need for
cited in peer-reviewed journals and does not include references in books or the research into the biological bases of autism. With the merger
popular press.
viii Preface

Citations in each year

Autism speaks

80 NAS

Figure 1 Citations of Kanner 1943. The graph displays the number of times the seminal paper by Kanner (1943) was referenced in the peer-
reviewed scientific press from the time of publication to the end of 2009. Various events in the evolution of autism advocacy are indicated on
the chart and are described in the text.

of these fund-raising and advocacy groups into Autism Speaks the field of autism research is moving rapidly forward and that
in 2005, a highly effective engine for worldwide autism research knowledge about autism spectrum disorders is greatly increas-
has been developed that has greatly expanded the scope and ing. In 2000, Medline listed 441 articles with the search terms
intensity of all levels of research concerning autism spectrum “autism” or “autism spectrum disorders,” whereas in 2009 the
disorders. More recently, the Simons Foundation, which is same terms identified 1,522 articles! Thus, from our perspec-
focused primarily on genetic and neurobiological investiga- tive, the time was right to bring together summaries of as
tions, has also had a significant impact on funding of basic much of this new knowledge as possible into one volume—
science research in autism. A 2009 study by Singh et al. found hence the genesis of this book. One now has the sense that this
that the number of autism research grants funded in the U.S. increase in research funding has finally created a critical mass
from 1997 to 2006 increased 15% each year, with the majority of researchers from many different disciplines in the field,
of grants focused on genetics and neuroscience. This is a sig- enabling true advances in understanding and treatment of
nificant trend, but it must be acknowledged that it started autism. Here, the role of research advocacy groups in creating
from a very low baseline. At the beginning of this period, the the proper permissive environment for the growth of the field
total spending by the National Institutes of Health directed via increasing governmental spending and by direct philan-
specifically at autism was estimated to be only about $6M dol- thropy cannot be overstated. Many of the advances described
lars. Further, if one considers that estimates of disease costs in this volume are a direct result of these efforts.
indicate that the actual economic impact in the United States There are currently many excellent books that deal with
is $35 billion per year (Gantz, 2007), such an increase was various aspects of autism spectrum disorders. The guiding
clearly warranted. So, in many ways the rapid growth in fund- vision for this book was a core emphasis on ASD as a biologi-
ing for autism research is considered by many in the advocacy cal condition, so as to frame autism first and foremost from a
and research communities as necessary to make up for what biomedical perspective. We wished to provide a broad per-
could reasonably be framed as decades of neglect. spective on our current understanding of ASD, ranging from
Fortunately, in addition to basic science funding, trends basic science to clinical symptomatology, to best clinical prac-
toward increased support in the areas of translational and tices and social policy. We sought out leading authorities with
clinical research have emerged in recent years, suggesting a diverse viewpoints and expertise, ranging from bench scien-
transition from basic research to applied research that seeks to tists to practitioners to parents and advocates. We encouraged
deliver real-world improvements for persons with autism. By authors to offer their own perspectives on the key themes
2008 the United States was spending over $222 million on guiding their field of study or interest, and provided
autism research with 35% of the funding coming from private commentary on the chapters from additional authors. Our
foundations. Given this brief history, it is not surprising that goal was to paint the landscape of autism science and practice
Preface ix

from a biomedical perspective, including what is currently known about brain chemistry, electrophysiology, imaging,
known and where the field is heading. and neuropathology, followed by a section on etiological fac-
Many books have provided detailed information and tors. Here, recent findings in genetics and genomics based on
descriptions of the behavioral features and development of many diverse approaches and models are presented; the
individuals with ASD. Although such information is also emerging role of environmental factors is also covered. These
included in this book, we encouraged authors focusing prima- etiological findings provide a solid foundation for translation
rily on behavior to consider biological constructs, such as how into animal models, which we expect to play a rapidly expand-
our current understanding of brain plasticity informs theories ing role in the biomedical research in ASD. Thus, this section
of behavioral development and intervention, and the role of is followed by a number of contributions on experimental
pharmacological or other biological modulators of brain plas- animal models in species ranging from zebrafish to primates,
ticity in facilitating conventional behavioral therapies in as well as contributions on theoretical models of autism. These
autism. Other authors considered how probes of brain func- include primarily biologically based theories, those rooted in
tion such as functional magnetic resonance imaging or mag- cognitive neuroscience, and those that bridge both areas. The
netoencephalography may ultimately be sensitive readouts of penultimate section of the book is directed at treatment, which
the efficacy of behavior therapy. is the target that we all hope our research will influence. These
Many of the most exciting recent advances have resulted chapters include several on a variety of behavioral and psycho-
from collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts at understand- social interventions and summaries of current and future
ing autism. It is this realization that initially prompted the medical interventions including complementary and alterna-
undertaking of this book project and provided a second guid- tive medicine. We conclude with a number of chapters on
ing principle, namely that topics should be inclusive of all “best practices” in diagnosis and treatment, as well as policy
levels of research that will now or in the future affect research statements and perspectives related to the future of autism
on ASD. Thus, every effort has been made to include topics research and advocacy. Given the rapid pace of autism
that range from basic discovery of genetic and environmental research, we fully expect that the content and complexion of
risk factors to translational studies involving animal models to the next edition of this book will be very different from the
best practices in the fields of diagnosis, behavioral interven- current one.
tion, and medicine. Our hope is that those readers whose We thank the many contributors to this volume and the
backgrounds are in the basic sciences will gain a better appre- staff at Oxford University Press for their help in bringing it to
ciation of challenges inherent in translating discoveries into fruition. We also want to express our gratitude to the parents
clinical practice. Conversely, we hope that those readers whose and other family members, as well as many individuals with
primary interest is in clinical practice will learn how the basic ASD themselves, who have fought hard for the resources that
sciences are pointing toward new directions for treatment and made much of the work discussed in this book possible. Their
diagnosis that are derived from an increased understanding of courage, tenacity, and dedication are an inspiration. We hope
the biology of ASD. Thus, this book is intended as much for that this book adds impetus to continuing autism research
the clinician, who is occupied primarily with diagnosis and efforts that ultimately improve the lives of persons with autism
treatment of individuals with autism, as for scientists who are spectrum disorders and their families.
studying selected biological features of autism spectrum disor-
ders. Since the book is comprehensive in scope, we hope that David G. Amaral,
it will be valuable to a wide audience, ranging from students The M.I.N.D. Institute, UC Davis
who are entering the field of autism research, to advanced sci-
Geraldine Dawson,
entists who may be moving into the investigation of autism
Autism Speaks and University of
from some other area of research, to interested caregivers and
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
educators. For most chapters, the authors have provided an
introductory list of key points that summarize the most impor- Daniel H. Geschwind,
tant ideas in their chapters, as well as future directions and The UCLA Center for Autism Research
challenges and suggested readings at the end, so as to provide and Treatment, UC Los Angeles
a broad perspective on each topic.
A final guiding principle of the book is that the content will
evolve over time. Currently, the book’s 81 chapters are organ-
ized into several sections, with initial chapters discussing the
history and phenomenology of autism spectrum disorders fol-
lowed by deeper analyses of the core features of autism spec-
trum disorders. The book then moves to important comorbid
psychiatric and medical conditions associated with autism and
several chapters discussing different aspects of the broader
autism phenotype. The next section delves into the neurobio-
logical facets of autism spectrum disorders including what is
x Preface

Á REFERENCES Rice, C. (2009). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders: Autism and

Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, United States,
Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous 2006. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 58, 1–20.
Child, 2, 217–250. Singh, J., Illes, J., Lazzeroni, L., & Hallmayer, J. (2009). Trends in US
Ganz, M. L. (2007). The lifetime distribution of the incremental autism research funding. Journal of Autism and Developmental
societal costs of autism, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Disorders, 39, 788–795.
Medicine, 161, 343–349.
Lotter, V. (1966). Epidemiology of autistic conditions in young
children I. Prevalence. Social Psychiatry, 1, 124–137.

When our grandson Christian was diagnosed with autism in percent of children in the United States, this kind of treatment
2004 we were shocked. As a family involved with producing by insurance companies is not only negligent, it is outright
and developing some of our nation’s most up-to-the-minute discriminatory. Autism Speaks has been lobbying lawmakers
media, we were incredibly surprised and dismayed that we around the clock, and at the time of this writing, 23 states have
knew so little about the disorder. We were even more stunned passed autism insurance laws, while an additional 25 have bills
to learn that the physicians and scientists to whom we reached in progress. President Obama has made health care a priority.
out for help had very little information about autism. Like so As part of this focus, he has allocated 85 million dollars in
many families around the United States we were left with more stimulus funds to autism research through the Recovery Act
questions than answers. It was this quest for knowledge that and is supporting language to end discrimination against
became the catalyst in creating Autism Speaks. autism in all insurance plans. Additionally, the Combating
Since the founding of Autism Speaks, we have moved closer Autism Act, which was passed in 2006, authorizes nearly one
to unlocking the mysteries of this often misunderstood billion dollars in expenditures over 5 years beginning in 2007,
disorder. The year 2010 marks the fifth anniversary of Autism to combat autism spectrum disorders, Asperger’s syndrome,
Speaks, and we are proud that the past five years have seen Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD-
accelerated scientific progress and a better understanding NOS through screening, education, early intervention, prompt
about autism. We have committed over $160 million dollars referrals for treatment and services, and research.
to autism scientific research, and we are aggressively examining On September 22, 2009, Autism Speaks hosted its second
a number of determinants, including genetic and environ- annual World Focus on Autism in New York City. There we
mental risk factors, biological systems and pathways, accom- announced our “Decade for Autism” challenge, a global call to
panying conditions, and most importantly, how to provide action for international leaders and stakeholders to raise a
the best care possible for children and families. combined $100 million dollars in their countries over the next
Autism Spectrum Disorders provides a scholarly, yet accessible 10 years for autism research, awareness, and service develop-
summary of the state of autism science, best practices, policy, ment. Our greatest wish is that 5 years from now—only half-
legislation, and future directions. From language development, way through the “Decade for Autism”—many of the questions
sleep disorders, and genetics to environmental toxicants, neu- raised here in this book will have been answered, and many of
roscience, and early intensive interventions, this book delivers the pressing needs of the autism community will have been
many of the answers that families like ours have been seeking. addressed. This book, hopefully, will inspire the scientific and
Autism Spectrum Disorders also exposes the knowledge gaps professional community to continue with a sense of urgency
and unmet needs that our families continue to face every day. in their efforts to find answers and use those answers to
What is clear now is that more has to be done for the autism discover ways to effectively treat and prevent autism.
community. Today, Autism Speaks is on the frontlines fighting
for autism insurance reform. Until very recently, most fami- Suzanne and Bob Wright
lies who received an autism diagnosis were denied insurance Co-founders, Autism Speaks
coverage for autism services—and for a disorder affecting one
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Contributors xix Ò Chapter 7

Introduction: Autism Turns 65: A Neurologist’s Bird’s Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on
Eye View 3 Prevalence and Recognition 112
Isabelle Rapin Roy Richard Grinker, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, and
Coleen Boyle
Section I: Historical perspective, diagnosis and
classification, and epidemiology 15 Ò Commentary: Issues in the Classification of Pervasive
Developmental Disorders 137
Ò Chapter 1 Patrick F. Bolton
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Looking Backward and
Looking Forward 17 Section II: Core features and developmental
Michael Rutter trajectories 147

Ò Chapter 2 Ò Chapter 8

Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 30 The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed
Katherine Gotham, Somer L. Bishop, and Catherine Lord Information Processing Perspective 149
Peter Mundy
Ò Chapter 3
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 44 Ò Chapter 9

Ami Klin Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum

Disorders 172
Ò Chapter 4 Helen Tager-Flusberg, Lisa Edelson, and
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 60 Rhiannon Luyster
Sally Ozonoff, Kelly Heung, and Meagan Thompson
Ò Chapter 10
Ò Chapter 5 Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Autism 186
Spectrum Disorders 75 Wouter B. Groen and Jan K. Buitelaar
Lonnie Zwaigenbaum
Ò Chapter 11
Ò Chapter 6 Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with
Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 90 Autism Spectrum Disorders 200
Eric Fombonne, Sara Quirke, and Arlene Hagen James W. Bodfish
xiv Contents

Ò Chapter 12 Ò Chapter 21
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Stereotypy and Self-Injury 339
Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 213 Lindsey Sterling, Annie McLaughlin, and Bryan H. King
Rebecca J. Landa
Ò Chapter 22
Ò Chapter 13 Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum
Development from Preschool Through School Age 229 Disorders 355
Tony Charman Matthew W. Mosconi, Yukari Takarae, and
John A. Sweeney
Ò Chapter 14
Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Ò Chapter 23
Disorders 241 Epilepsy and Electroencephalography in Autism Spectrum
Marsha Mailick Seltzer, Jan S. Greenberg, Disorders 381
Julie Lounds Taylor, Leann Smith, Gael I. Orsmond, Roberto Tuchman
Anna Esbensen, and Jinkuk Hong
Ò Chapter 24
Ò Commentary: Issues in Defining the Core Features of
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism
Autism through the Lifespan 253 Spectrum Disorders 395
Katherine A. Loveland Paula Goines, Andrew Zimmerman, Paul Ashwood, and
Judy Van de Water
Section III: Psychiatric and medical
comorbidities 261 Ò Chapter 25

Ò Chapter 15 Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals with Autism

Spectrum Disorders 420
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder:
A Cautionary Note 263 Timothy Buie
Elisabeth M. Dykens and Miriam Lense Ò Chapter 26

Ò Chapter 16 Sleep Problems 431

Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 270 Anne E. Porter and Daniel G. Glaze
Bonnie P. Taylor and Eric Hollander Ò Perspective Article: Autism as a Medical Disorder 445
Christopher Gillberg
Ò Chapter 17
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Section IV: Broader autism phenotype 455
Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors: A Genetic and
Developmental Perspective 285 Ò Chapter 27
Suma Jacob, Angeli Landeros-Weisenberger, and The Broad Autism Phenotype 457
James F. Leckman Molly Losh, Ralph Adolphs, and Joseph Piven
Ò Chapter 18 Ò Chapter 28
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 304 The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 477
Angela M. Reiersen and Richard D. Todd Janet E. Lainhart and Nicholas Lange
Ò Chapter 19 Ò Chapter 29
Specific Language Impairment 315 Autism as a Quantitative Trait 510
J. Bruce Tomblin, Karla McGregor, and Allison Bean John N. Constantino
Ò Chapter 20 Ò Commentary: The Broader Autism Phenotype:
Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Individuals with Autism Implications for Research and Clinical Practice 521
Spectrum Disorder 330 Jeremy R. Parr, Kerstin Wittemeyer, and Ann S. Le Couteur
Peter Szatmari and Beth McConnell
Contents xv

Section V: Neurobiology 525 Ò Chapter 39

Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 690
Ò Chapter 30
Rita M. Cantor
Developmental Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum
Disorders 527 Ò Chapter 40
John L. R. Rubenstein Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics
Perspective 705
Ò Chapter 31
Judith H. Miles
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Postmortem Studies 539 Ò Chapter 41
Cynthia M. Schumann, Steven C. Noctor, and Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum
David G. Amaral Disorders 722
Ò Chapter 32
Hande Kaymakçalan and Matthew W. State

Neurotransmitters 566 Ò Chapter 42

Diane C. Chugani Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 737
Ò Chapter 33
Richard Person, Xinna Zhang, Soeun Kim,
Marwan Shinawi, and Arthur L. Beaudet
Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 576
Stephen R. Dager, Neva M. Corrigan, Todd W. Richards, Ò Chapter 43
and Dennis Shaw Isolated Populations and Common Variants 756
Ò Chapter 34
Karola Rehnström and Leena Peltonen

Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications Ò Chapter 44

for Autism Spectrum Disorders 593
Isolate Populations and Rare Variation in Autism
Meera E. Modi and Larry J. Young Spectrum Disorders 766
Ò Chapter 35
Eric M. Morrow and Christopher A. Walsh

From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Ò Chapter 45

Brain in Autism 611
Rett Syndrome and MECP2-Related Disorders 776
Eric Courchesne, Sara Jane Webb, and
Jeffrey L. Neul
Cynthia M. Schumann
Ò Chapter 46
Ò Chapter 36
Fragile X: A Molecular and Treatment Model for Autism
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder:
Spectrum Disorders 801
New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 632
Randi J. Hagerman, Vivien Narcisa, and Paul J. Hagerman
Nancy J. Minshew, K. Suzanne Scherf, Marlene Behrmann,
and Katherine Humphreys Ò Commentary: Autism Genetics and Genomics: A Brief
Overview and Synthesis 812
Ò Chapter 37
Daniel H. Geschwind
Electrophysiological Research on Autism 651
Sara Jane Webb, Raphael Bernier, Karen Burner, and
Section VII: Etiology: Environmental Factors 825
Michael Murias
Ò Chapter 47
Ò Commentary: Toward a Neurobiology of Autism 664
Pat Levitt Environmental Risk Factors in Autism: Results from
Large-Scale Epidemiologic Studies 827
Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Section VI: Etiology: Genetics 667
Ò Chapter 48
Ò Chapter 38
Environmental Exposures That Increase the Risk of
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 669 Autism Spectrum Disorders 863
Janine A. Lamb Patricia M. Rodier
xvi Contents

Ò Chapter 49 Ò Chapter 59
Autism and Environmental Genomics: Synergistic Naturalistic Approaches to Early Behavioral
Systems Approaches to Autism Complexity 875 Intervention 1056
Mark A. Corrales and Martha R. Herbert Laura Schreibman and Brooke Ingersoll

Section VIII: Animal models and theoretical Ò Chapter 60

perspectives 893 Relationship-Based Early Intervention Approach to
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: The Developmental,
Ò Chapter 50
Individual Difference, Relationship-Based Model
Zebrafish as a Tool to Study Autism 895 (The DIR Model) 1068
Alicia Blaker-Lee, Gianluca De Rienzo, and Hazel Sive Stanley I. Greenspan and Serena Wieder
Ò Chapter 51
Ò Chapter 61
Behavioral Evaluation of Genetic Mouse Models of Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Autism
Autism 906 Spectrum Disorders 1081
Mu Yang, Maria Luisa Scattoni, Kathryn K. Chadman, Sally J. Rogers and Katherine S. Wallace
Jill L. Silverman, and Jacqueline N. Crawley
Ò Chapter 62
Ò Chapter 52
Relationships, Independence, and Communication in
Modeling Features of Autism in Rodents 935
Autism and Asperger’s Disorder 1095
Elaine Y. Hsiao, Catherine Bregere, Natalia Malkova, and
Lynn Kern Koegel, Rosy M. Fredeen, Robert L. Koegel, and
Paul H. Patterson
C. Enjey Lin
Ò Chapter 53 Ò Chapter 63
Nonhuman Primate Models of Autism 963 Occupational Therapy 1113
Melissa D. Bauman and David G. Amaral Linn Wakeford and Grace T. Baranek
Ò Chapter 54
Ò Chapter 64
Autism as a Disorder of Functional Brain Connectivity 981 Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Rajesh K. Kana and Marcel Adam Just Systems 1129
Ò Chapter 55 Marjorie H. Charlop, Alissa L. Greenberg, and
Gina T. Chang
The Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism: The Role of
Fetal Androgens 991 Ò Chapter 65
Simon Baron-Cohen, Bonnie Auyeung, Emma Ashwin, Positive Behavior Support and Problem Behavior 1144
and Rebecca Knickmeyer, Michael Lombardo, Edward G. Carr
Bhismadev Chakrabarti
Ò Chapter 66
Ò Chapter 56
Social Skills Interventions for Children with Autism
The Mirror Neuron System and Imitation 999 Spectrum Disorders 1156
Marco Iacoboni Connie Kasari and Jill Locke
Ò Chapter 57 Ò Chapter 67
Information Processing and Integration 1010 Adolescent Transition to Adulthood and Vocational
Keith J. Yoder and Matthew K. Belmonte Issues 1167
Ò Commentary: Translation Between Different Types of Robin L. Gabriels
Model 1028 Ò Chapter 68
Francesca Happé
Family Adaptive Functioning in Autism 1182
Section IX: Treatment approaches 1035 Annette Estes, Vanessa Hus, and Lauren Elder

Ò Chapter 58 Ò Chapter 69

Applied Behavior Analysis and Early Intensive Behavioral Psychopharmacological Treatment of Autism 1196
Intervention 1037 Kelly Blankenship, Craig A. Erickson, Kimberly A. Stigler,
Tristram Smith David J. Posey, and Christopher J. McDougle
Contents xvii

Ò Chapter 70 Ò Chapter 76
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification and Pharmacotherapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders 1309
Implications of Associated Medical Conditions 1215 James T. McCracken
Margaret L. Bauman
Ò Chapter 77
Ò Chapter 71 Best Practices: Pediatrics 1323
Dietary, Complementary, and Alternative Therapies 1225 Mary Catherine Aranda and Sarah J. Spence
Susan L. Hyman and Susan E. Levy
Ò Commentary: Bioethical Considerations in Autism
Ò Chapter 72 Research and Translation: Present and Future 1337
The mGluR Theory of Fragile X Syndrome 1239 Holly K. Tabor
Dilja D. Krueger and Mark F. Bear
Section XI: Public policy 1345
Ò Commentary: Future Directions in the Treatment of
Ò Chapter 78
Autism Spectrum Disorders 1259
Evdokia Anagnostou, Mark F. Bear, and The Economic Costs of Autism: A Review 1347
Geraldine Dawson Djesika Amendah, Scott D. Grosse, Georgina Peacock, and
David S. Mandell
Section X: Best practices in the diagnosis and
treatment of autism 1269 Ò Chapter 79
Future Directions: Setting Priorities to Guide the Federal
Ò Chapter 73
Research Effort 1361
Best Practices: Early Diagnosis and Psychological Thomas R. Insel and Susan A. Daniels
Assessment 1271
Zachary Warren and Wendy L. Stone Ò Chapter 80
To Petition the Government for a Redress of
Ò Chapter 74
Grievances 1369
Diagnosis and Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Craig Snyder and Peter H. Bell
A Medical Perspective 1283
Daniel L. Coury Ò Chapter 81
Top Priorities for Autism/Asperger’s Research:
Ò Chapter 75
Perspectives from a Person with Autism 1377
Best Practice, Policy, and Future Directions: Behavioral Temple Grandin
and Psychosocial Interventions 1295
Kara Hume and Samuel L. Odom Index 1386
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Ralph Adolphs, PhD Bonnie Auyeung, PhD

Division of Biology Autism Research Centre
California Institute of Technology Department of Psychiatry
Pasadena, CA, USA University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
David G. Amaral, PhD
The M.I.N.D. Institute Grace T. Baranek, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
University of California–Davis Division of Occupational Science
Sacramento, CA, USA Department of Allied Health Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Djesika Amendah, PhD
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Simon Baron-Cohen
Atlanta, GA, USA Autism Research Centre
Evdokia Anagnostou, MD Department of Psychiatry
Department of Pediatrics University of Cambridge
Bloorview Research Institute Cambridge, UK
University of Toronto Margaret L. Bauman, MD
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Harvard Medical School
Mary Catherine Aranda, MD Department of Pediatrics and Neurology
Maj, USAF, MC Massachusetts General Hospital
Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, USA Lurie Center/LADDERS
Boston, MA, USA
Emma Ashwin, PhD
Autism Research Centre Melissa D. Bauman, PhD
Department of Psychiatry The M.I.N.D. Institute
University of Cambridge University of California–Davis
Cambridge, UK Sacramento, CA, USA

Paul Ashwood, PhD Allison Bean

The M.I.N.D. Institute Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of California–Davis University of Iowa
Sacramento, CA, USA Iowa City, IA, USA
xx Contributors

Mark F. Bear, PhD Kings College

The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory London, UK
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Coleen Boyle, PhD
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Arthur L. Beaudet Atlanta, GA, USA
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Catherine Bregere, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
Biology Division
Houston, TX, USA
California Institute of Technology
Marlene Behrmann, PhD Pasadena, CA, USA
Department of Psychology
Timothy Buie, MD
Carnegie Mellon University
Pediatric GI and Nutrition Associates
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Peter H. Bell for Children
Executive Vice President Instructor in Pediatrics
Autism Speaks Harvard Medical School
Princeton, NJ, USA Boston, MA, USA

Matthew K. Belmonte Jan K. Buitelaar, MD, PhD

Department of Human Development Department of Cognitive Neuroscience
Cornell University Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition
Ithaca, NY, USA and Behavior
Karakter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Raphael Bernier University Centre
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Autism Center
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Center on Human Development and Disability
University of Washington Karen Burner
Seattle, WA, USA Autism Center
Center on Human Development and Disability
Somer L. Bishop, PhD Department of Psychology
Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
University of Washington
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Seattle, WA, USA
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Rita M. Cantor, PhD
Alicia Blaker-Lee, PhD Department of Human Genetics
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics
Cambridge, MA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral
Kelly Blankenship, DO Sciences
Department of Psychiatry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human
Indiana University School of Medicine Behavior
Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center David Geffen School of Medicine
James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children University of California–Los Angeles
Indianapolis, IN, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA

James W. Bodfish, PhD Edward G. Carr†, PhD

Departments of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Education Department of Psychology
Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities Stony Brook University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Stony Brook, NY, USA
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Kathryn K. Chadman
Patrick F. Bolton, PhD, FRCPsych Department of Developmental Neurobiology
Social Genetic and Development Psychiatry Centre New York State Institute for Basic Research in
Department of Child Psychiatry Developmental Disabilities
The Institute of Psychiatry Staten Island, NY, USA
Contributors xxi

Bhismadev Chakrabarti Susan A. Daniels, PhD

University of Reading Office of Autism Research Coordination
National Institute of Mental Health
Gina T. Chang, PhD
National Institutes of Health
The Claremont Autism Center
Bethesda, MD, USA
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA, USA Geraldine Dawson, PhD
Autism Speaks
Marjorie H. Charlop, PhD
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Department of Psychology
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, CA, USA Gianluca De Rienzo, PhD
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Tony Charman
Cambridge, MA, USA
Behavioural & Brain Sciences Unit
University College London Institute of Child Health Elisabeth M. Dykens, PhD
London, UK Departments of Psychology and Human Development,
Pediatrics, and Psychiatry
Diane C. Chugani, PhD
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Human Development
Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Vanderbilt University
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Nashville, TN, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Lisa R. Edelson, PhD
John N. Constantino, MD
Department of Psychology
Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Boston University
Washington University School of Medicine
Boston, MA, USA
St. Louis, MO, USA
Lauren M. Elder, PhD
Mark A. Corrales, MPP Department of Psychology
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
University of Washington
Washington, DC, USA
Seattle, WA, USA
Neva M. Corrigan, PhD Craig A. Erickson, MD
Department of Radiology
Department of Psychiatry
University of Washington
Indiana University School of Medicine
Seattle, WA, USA
Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center
Eric Courchesne, PhD James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children
Autism Center of Excellence Indianapolis, IN, USA
Department of Neurosciences Anna J. Esbensen, PhD
University of California–San Diego Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatics
San Diego, CA, USA Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Daniel L. Coury, MD
Department of Pediatrics Annette Estes, PhD
The Ohio State University Departments of Speech and Hearing
Columbus, OH, USA Sciences and Psychology
University of Washington
Jacqueline N. Crawley
Seattle, WA, USA
Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
Intramural Research Program Eric Fombonne, MD
National Institute of Mental Health Department of Psychiatry
National Institutes of Health Montreal Children’s Hospital
Bethesda, MD, USA McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Stephen R. Dager, MD
Departments of Radiology and Bioengineering Rosy M. Fredeen, PhD
University of Washington University of California–Santa Barbara
Seattle, WA, USA Santa Barbara, CA, USA
xxii Contributors

Robin L. Gabriels, PsyD Wouter B. Groen, MD, PhD

Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics Department of Psychiatry
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior
Center/The Children’s Hospital Neuropsychiatric Karakter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Centre
Special Care Program Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Denver, CO, USA Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Daniel Geschwind, MD, PhD Scott D. Grosse, PhD

David Geffen School of Medicine National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
University of California–Los Angeles Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Los Angeles, CA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA

Christopher Gillberg, MD, PhD Arlene Hagen, PhD, MD

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Montreal Children’s Hospital
University of Gothenburg McGill University
Child Neuropsychiatry Clinic Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital
Paul J. Hagerman, MD, PhD
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Gothenburg, Sweden
School of Medicine
Daniel G. Glaze, MD University of California–Davis School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics and Neurology Davis, CA, USA
Baylor College of Medicine Randi J. Hagerman, MD
Houston, TX, USA Medical Director, M.I.N.D. Institute and
Endowed Chair in Fragile X Research
Paula Goines, BS
Department of Pedaitrics
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California–Davis School of Medicine
University of California–Davis School of Medicine
Davis, CA, USA
Davis, CA, USA

Katherine Gotham, PhD Francesca Happé

University of Michigan Autism and Communication
Institute of Psychiatry
Disorders Center
King’s College London
University of Michigan
London, UK
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Martha R. Herbert, MD, PhD
Temple Grandin, PhD
Neurology and TRANSCEND Research Program
Department of Animal Sciences
Massachusetts General Hospital
Colorado State University
Harvard Medical School
Fort Collins, CO, USA
Charlestown, MA, USA
Alissa L. Greenberg, PhD
Irva Hertz-Picciotto, PhD, MPH
The Claremont Autism Center
Department of Public Health Sciences
Claremont Graduate University
School of Medicine
Claremont, CA, USA
University of California–Davis
Jan S. Greenberg, PhD Davis, CA, USA
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Kelly Heung, PhD
Madison, WI, USA
The M.I.N.D. Institute
Stanley I. Greenspan†, MD University of California–Davis
George Washington University Medical School Sacramento, CA, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Eric Hollander, MD
Roy Richard Grinker, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Anthropology Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore
The George Washington University Medical Center
Washington, DC, USA Bronx, NY, USA
Contributors xxiii

Jinkuk Hong, PhD Rajesh K. Kana, PhD

Waisman Center Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin–Madison University of Alabama–Birmingham
Madison, WI, USA Birmingham, AL, USA

Elaine Hsiao Connie Kasari, PhD

Biology Division Psychological Studies in Education
California Institute of Technology Center for Autism Research and Treatment
Pasadena, CA, USA Department of Psychiatry
University of California–Los Angeles
Kara Hume, PhD
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hande Kaymakçalan, MD
Chapel Hill, NC, USA Department of Genetics
Yale University School of Medicine
Katherine Humphreys, PhD
New Haven, CT, USA
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy
Institute of Neurology Soeun Kim
University College Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
London, UK Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, USA
Vanessa Hus, MSc
University of Michigan Autism and Communication Bryan H. King
Disorders Center Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development
Department of Psychology Seattle Children’s
University of Michigan Seattle, WA, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Ami Klin, PhD
Susan L. Hyman, MD Marcus Austim Center
Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong Emory University School of Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine Center for Translational Social Neuroscience
Rochester, NY, USA Atlanta, GA, USA

Marco Iacoboni, MD, PhD Rebecca Knickmeyer, PhD

Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry
Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Social Behavior University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Brain Research Institute Chapel Hill, NC, USA
David Geffen School of Medicine
Lynn Kern Koegel, PhD
University of California–Los Angeles
Koegel Autism Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA
University of California–Santa Barbara
Brooke Ingersoll, PhD Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Department of Psychology
Robert L. Koegel, PhD
Michigan State University
Department of Counseling, Clinical &
East Lansing, MI, USA
School Psychology
Thomas R. Insel, MD Koegel Autism Center
Office of the Director University of California–Santa Barbara
National Institute of Mental Health Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Bethesda, MD, USA
Dilja D. Krueger, PhD
Suma Jacob, MD, PhD The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
Institute of Juvenile Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Psychiatry Cambridge, MA, USA
University of Illinois–Chicago
Janet E. Lainhart, MD
Chicago, IL, USA
Departments of Psychiatry, Pediatrics and Psychology
Marcel Adam Just Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program
Department of Psychology The Brain Institute
Carnegie Mellon University University of Utah
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Salt Lake City, UT, USA
xxiv Contributors

Janine A. Lamb, PhD Michael Lombardo

Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research Autism Research Center
University of Manchester University of Cambridge
Manchester, UK Cambridge, UK

Rebecca J. Landa, PhD, CCC-SLP Catherine Lord, PhD, ABPP

The Kennedy Krieger Institute Urie Bronfenbrenner Collegiate Professor of Psychology,
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Pediatrics and Psychiatry
Baltimore, MD, USA University of Michigan Autism and Communication Disorders Center
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Angeli Landeros-Weisenberger, MD
Child Study Center Molly Losh, PhD
Yale University School of Medicine Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication
New Haven, CT, USA Sciences and Disorders
Northwestern University
Nicholas Lange, ScD
Evanston, IL, USA
Departments of Psychiatry and Biostatistics
Harvard University Schools of Medicine and Public Health Katherine A. Loveland, PhD
McLean Hospital Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Pediatrics
Belmont, MA, USA University of Texas Medical School
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
James F. Leckman, MD Houston, TX, USA
Child Study Center
Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Pediatrics Rhiannon Luyster, PhD
Yale University School of Medicine Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience
New Haven, CT, USA Division of Developmental Medicine
Children’s Hospital Boston
Ann S. Le Couteur, BSc, MBBS Harvard Medical School
Institute of Health and Society Boston, MA, USA
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Natalia Malkova, PhD
Biology Division
Miriam Lense, MS California Institute of Technology
Departments of Psychology and Human Development Pasadena, CA, USA
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development
Vanderbilt University David S. Mandell, ScD
Nashville, TN, USA Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Pat Levitt, PhD Center for Autism Research
Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Department of Cell and Neurobiology Philadelphia, PA, USA
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Beth McConnell, PhD
Offord Centre for Child Studies
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Susan E. Levy, MD McMaster University and McMaster Children’s Hospital
Henry Cecil Professor of Pediatrics Hamilton, ON, Canada
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
James T. McCracken, MD
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Center for Autism Research and Treatment
C. Enjey Lin, PhD UCLA Semel Institute
Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology David Geffen School of Medicine
Koegel Autism Center University of California–Los Angeles
University of California–Santa Barbara Los Angeles, CA, USA
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Christopher J. McDougle, MD
Jill Locke, PhD Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Indiana University School of Medicine
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center
Center for Autism Research James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children
Philadelphia, PA, USA Indianapolis, IN, USA
Contributors xxv

Karla K. McGregor, PhD Jeffrey L. Neul, MD, PhD

Communication Sciences and Disorders Blue Bird Circle Rett Center
University of Iowa Anthony and Cynthia Petrello Scholar
Iowa City, IA, USA Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological
Research Institute
Annie McLaughlin, PhD, BCBA-D
Texas Children’s Hospital
College of Education
Department of Pediatrics
University of Washington
Baylor College of Medicine
Seattle, WA, USA
Houston, TX, USA
Judith H. Miles, MD, PhD
Department of Child Health, Division of Medical Genetics
Steven C. Noctor, PhD
Department of Psychiatry and
Thompson Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Behavioral Sciences
University of Missouri
The M.I.N.D. Institute
Columbia, MO, USA
University of California–Davis
Nancy J. Minshew, MD Sacramento, CA, USA
Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Samuel L. Odom, PhD
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Director, FPG Child Development
Meera E. Modi University of North Carolina at
Center for Translational Social Neuroscience Chapel Hill
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Yerkes National Primate Research Center
Atlanta, GA, USA Gael I. Orsmond, PhD
Department of Occupational Therapy
Eric M. Morrow, MD, PhD Boston University
Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology,
Boston, MA, USA
and Biochemistry
Institute for Brain Science Sally Ozonoff, PhD
Brown University The M.I.N.D. Institute
Department of Psychiatry University of California–Davis
Brown University Medical School Sacramento, CA, USA
Providence, RI, USA
Jeremy R. Parr, MBChB, MD, MRCPCH
Matthew W. Mosconi, PhD Institute of Neuroscience
Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics Newcastle University
University of Texas Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX, USA
Paul H. Patterson, PhD
Biology Division
Peter Mundy, PhD California Institute of Technology
Schools of Education and Medicine Pasadena, CA, USA
Lisa Capps Chair in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Education
School of Education and the M.I.N.D. Institute Georgina Peacock, MD, MPH
University of California–Davis National Center on Birth Defects and
Davis, CA, USA Developmental Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Michael Murias, PhD Atlanta, GA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Autism Center Leena Peltonen†, MD, PhD
University of Washington Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
Seattle, WA, USA University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Vivien Narcisa, BS Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
The M.I.N.D. Institute Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
University of California–Davis The Broad Institute
Sacramento, CA, USA Cambridge, MA, USA
xxvi Contributors

Richard Person, PhD John L. R. Rubenstein, MD, PhD

Department of Molecular and Human Genetics Department of Psychiatry
Baylor College of Medicine University of California–San Francisco
Houston, TX, USA San Francisco, CA, USA

Joseph Piven, MD Michael Rutter, MD, FRS, FRCPsych, FBA, FMedSci

Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities MRC Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre
University of North Carolina Institute of Psychiatry
Chapel Hill, NC, USA King’s College London
London, UK
Anne E. Porter
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Maria L. Scattoni
San Antonio, TX, USA Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
David J. Posey, MD Intramural Research Program
Department of Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health
Indiana University School of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center Bethesda, MD, USA
James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children Suzanne Scherf, PhD
Indianapolis, IN, USA Department of Psychology
Sara Quirke, BSc Psychology Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Psychiatry Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Montreal Children’s Hospital
Laura Schreibman, PhD
McGill University
Autism Intervention Research Program
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
University of California–San Diego
Isabelle Rapin, MD San Diego, CA, USA
Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology Cynthia M. Schumann, PhD
Department of Pediatrics, and Rose F. Kennedy Center for Research
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities The M.I.N.D. Institute
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
University of California–Davis
Bronx, NY, USA Sacramento, CA, USA
Karola Rehnström, PhD Marsha Mailick Seltzer, PhD
Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
Vaughan Bascom and Elizabeth M. Boggs Professor
University of Helsinki
Director, Waisman Center
Helsinki, Finland
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Madison, WI, USA
Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Dennis Shaw, MD
Angela M. Reiersen, MD, MPE Department of Radiology
Department of Psychiatry University of Washington
Washington University School of Medicine Seattle, WA, USA
St. Louis, MO, USA
Marwan Shinawi
Todd Richards, PhD Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Department of Radiology Baylor College of Medicine
University of Washington Houston, TX, USA
Seattle, WA, USA
Jill L. Silverman
Patricia M. Rodier, PhD Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
University of Rochester Intramural Research Program
School of Medicine & Dentistry
National Institute of Mental Health
Rochester, NY, USA Bethesda, MD, USA
Sally J. Rogers, PhD Hazel Sive, PhD
The M.I.N.D. Institute
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
University of California–Davis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sacramento, CA, USA
Cambridge, MA, USA
Contributors xxvii

Leann Smith, PhD Helen Tager-Flusberg, PhD

Waisman Center Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin-Madison Boston University
Madison, WI, USA Boston, MA, USA

Tristram Smith, PhD Yukari Takarae, PhD

School of Medicine and Dentistry Center for Mind and Brain
University of Rochester University of California–Davis
Rochester, NY, USA Davis, CA, USA
Craig Snyder
Julie Lounds Taylor, PhD
Ikon Public Affairs
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Government Relations Chair
Department of Pediatrics and Special Education
Autism Speaks
Vanderbilt University
New York, NY, USA
Nashville, TN, USA
Sarah J. Spence, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology
Bonnie P. Taylor, PhD
Children’s Hospital Boston Department of Psychiatry and
Harvard Medical School Behavioral Sciences
Boston, MA, USA Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Montefiore Medical Center
Matthew W. State, MD, PhD Bronx, NY, USA
Departments of Child Psychiatry, Psychiatry, and Genetics
Yale University School of Medicine Meagan Thompson, MA
New Haven, CT, USA Department of Psychology
Boston University
Lindsey Sterling, PhD Boston, MA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
UCLA Semel Institute Richard D. Todd†, PhD, MD
University of California–LA Departments of Psychiatry and Genetics
Los Angeles, CA, USA Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO, USA
Kimberly A. Stigler, MD
Department of Psychiatry J. Bruce Tomblin, PhD
Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Communication Sciences
Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment Center and Disorders
James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children University of Iowa
Indianapolis, IN, USA Iowa City, IA, USA

Wendy L. Stone, PhD Roberto Tuchman, MD

Director, UW Autism Center Miami Children’s Hospital
Department of Psychology Director, Autism and Neurodevelopment Program
University of Washington Florida International University
Seattle, WA, USA College of Medicine
John A. Sweeney Miami, FL, USA
Center for Cognitive Medicine
Judy Van de Water, PhD
University of Illinois–Chicago
Department of Internal Medicine
Chicago, IL, USA
School of Medicine
Peter Szatmari, MD, MSc University of California–Davis
Offord Centre for Child Studies Davis, CA, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
McMaster University and McMaster Children’s Hospital Linn Wakeford, MS, OTR/L
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Department of Allied Health Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Holly K. Tabor, PhD Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Department of Pediatrics
University of Washington Katherine S. Wallace, MSW
Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics The M.I.N.D. Institute
Seattle Children’s Hospital University of California–Davis
Seattle, WA, USA Sacramento, CA, USA
xxviii Contributors

Christopher A. Walsh, MD, PhD Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, MD

Manton Center for Orphan Disease Research National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental
Children’s Hospital Boston Disabilities
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Boston, MA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA

Zachary Warren, PhD Keith J. Yoder

Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development Department of Psychology
Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry University of Chicago
Vanderbilt University Chicago, IL, USA
Nashville, TN, USA
Larry J. Young, PhD
Sara Jane Webb, PhD Center for Translational Social Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington Yerkes National Primate Research Center
Seattle, WA, USA Atlanta, GA, USA

Serena Wieder, PhD Xinna Zhang

Interdisciplinary Council for Developmental and Learning Disorders Department of Molecular and Human Genetics
Bethesda, MD, USA Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, USA
Kerstin Wittemeyer, BSc, MSc, PhD
Autism Centre for Education and Research Andrew Zimmerman, MD
School of Education Center for Autism and Related Disorders
University of Birmingham Kennedy Krieger Institute
Birmingham, UK Baltimore, MD, USA

Mu Yang Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, MD

Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience Autism Research Centre
Intramural Research Program Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
National Institute of Mental Health University of Alberta
Bethesda, MD, USA Edmonton, AB, Canada
Autism Spectrum Disorders
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Introduction Á Isabelle Rapin

Autism Turns 65: A Neurologist’s Bird’s Eye View

Asking a neurologist to write the introduction to a book on biographer Sanua (Sanua, 1990), at the 1969 national
the autism spectrum disorders (autism for short in this convention of parents of children with autism, Kanner said:
chapter) seems unexceptional in 2008 because it is now taken “Herewith, I officially acquit you people as parents.” His writ-
for granted that autism is the behavioral consequence of any ings continued to reflect ambivalence, however, as in the 1979
one of a multitude of developmental disorders of the imma- edition of his textbook, Child Psychiatry, he still states, accord-
ture brain. Not so when I was in training in the 1950s. What ing to Sanua, that childhood schizophrenia—a term routinely
has brought about such a profound change in perspective? used for autism until the 1970s, although allegedly not by
This introduction highlights a few of the changes I have wit- Kanner—was more strongly correlated with parental attitudes
nessed over a half-century, including ideas about causation, than with genetic or metabolic factors. Predictably, the
prevalence, language subtypes, epilepsy and language regres- widely publicized views of this father of American child psy-
sion, sensorimotor symptoms, neuropathology/imaging, chiatry and professor at a prestigious medical school were
genetics, and intervention. Whereas this book provides in promptly disseminated and almost universally adopted in this
depth discussion of each of these issues and others, this lim- country and abroad.
ited bird’s eye view makes no apology for the myopia of a Because of the tenor of the times and lack of ostensible
single person’s perspective. evidence for a neurologic basis for autism and other develop-
mental disorders, 30 years were to go by before enough evi-
dence had accumulated to refute the inadequate parenting
Á theory of autism. The 1952 discovery of chlorpromazine’s
Biology vs. Refrigerator Parents dramatic effectiveness in schizophrenia opened the door to
an avalanche of new evidence regarding the role of neuro-
As far as disorders of complex human behaviors are concerned, transmitters, neuromodulators, and neuropeptides in synap-
the first half of the twentieth century saw the ascendancy of tic transmission. Their discrete distributions in the brain,
the Freudian hypothesis that attributed to early psychic trau- together with progress in neuroendocrinology, ushered in
mas even such a life-long disorder as schizophrenia, despite its the era of biologic psychiatry. The contemporaneous birth in
fluctuating, deteriorating course. Kanner was an Austrian- the 1970s of neuroscience and expansion of the field of neu-
born, Berlin-educated child psychiatrist who spent much of ropsychology, coupled with the explosion of new technolo-
his professional life at the Harriet Lane Children’s Hospital of gies for studying the living brain, finally led to neurobiology’s
Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore. His astute and eclipsing Freudian psychiatry and theories of refrigerator
comprehensive 1943 description of autism in 11 children mothers.
(Kanner, 1943) remains valid to this day. He characterized Two factors pushed the neurobiologic view of autism to the
their disorder as “an inborn autistic disturbance of affective forefront and, perhaps prematurely, denied any causal rele-
contact,” yet emphasized their parents’ lack of warmth. By vance of deleterious early life experiences. The first factor was
1954 he had compiled his observations on 100 children the 1964 congenital rubella epidemic which left in its wake a
(Kanner, 1954) and expressed the view that highly educated number of children with autism. Stella Chess, a child psychia-
mothers’ (and fathers’) parenting inadequacies were largely trist who worked at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, eval-
responsible for their children’s autism. He must have swung uated many of these children (Chess et al., 1971). They
back to the hypothesis of innateness because, according to his reinforced her long-standing opinion of autism as a disorder

4 Autism Spectrum Disorders

of the brain. The second factor was the realization that some Á
third of the children with autism developed epilepsy (Deykin Controversies Regarding Prevalence
& MacMahon, 1979), to which I will come back later. Richard and Classification
Schain, a child neurologist at the University of California in
Los Angeles, had made the earlier seminal observation that Information on the prevalence of autism has changed
about one-third of children with autism have elevated levels of dramatically over the past half-century. At first only classic
serotonin in their platelets, but this report was overlooked Kanner-type children, whom the DSM and ICD systems
until research on neurotransmitters progressed sufficiently label Autistic Disorder, were counted, and their prevalence
(Schain & Freedman, 1961). was quoted as ~1/2,500 children (e.g., Lotter, 1966; Ritvo
The late Bernard Rimland, a psychologist whose son has et al., 1989). Lorna Wing, a London child psychiatrist, was
autism and is artistically gifted, wrote the first book defend- among early clinicians to recognize the wide spectrum of
ing the biologic basis of autism: Infantile Autism: The severity of the social and other impairments of autism and the
Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior triad of behavioral domains affected (Wing & Gould, 1979).
(Rimland, 1964). He was also the first and most influential The psychologist Uta Frith’s translation into English of
parent advocate and achieved tremendous influence, which Asperger’s 1944 paper (Frith, 1991) contributed to awareness
persists to this day. He collected thousands of questionnaires and acceptance of more mildly affected individuals as belong-
filled out by parents of children with autism from around the ing on the autism spectrum, which helped swell the statistics.
globe, a treasure trove of data waiting to be mined compre- Wing (Wing & Potter, 2002) and others (e.g., Fombonne,
hensively. Rimland disseminated promptly and widely any 2003) attribute the recent so-called epidemic of autism, i.e.,
new information with potential therapeutic implications, 1/110, largely to such changes in diagnostic criteria. I acknowl-
without waiting for empirical support. I assume he did so edge up front that I have contributed to the “epidemic” in
because of his burning desire to make sure parents had access New York, as my threshold for an autism spectrum diagnosis
to the newest potentially useful information, but this has dropped dramatically over the years. For example, I recently
resulted in the uncritical worldwide adoption of some reviewed the chart of an 18-year-old musician about to enter
unproven diets, other interventions, and theories about the college whose high functioning autism diagnosis was instantly
causation of autism. obvious to me from his father’s description over the phone. In
Mary Coleman, a child neurologist, atypically chose to the early nineties I had diagnosed this same child, then 4 years
limit her Washington DC practice to autism. Equally con- old, as having a “severe developmental language disorder with
vinced that autism had a neurobiologic basis, she evaluated serious behavioral problems.”
each child extensively for this possibility. Together with A factor strongly contributing to the increase in prevalence
Christopher Gillberg, a child psychiatrist from Göteborg, is availability, for the past 20 years or so, of standardized
Sweden, trained in pediatrics and epidemiology, she pub- autism-focused diagnostic and screening instruments like the
lished The Biology of the Autistic Syndromes in 1985 (Coleman Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) (Schopler et al.,
& Gillberg, 1985). Its 2000 third edition (Gillberg & Coleman, 1986); an autism-focused history, the Autistic Diagnostic
2000) details not only clinical and epidemiologic evidence Interview (ADI) (Le Couteur et al., 1989); the age-stratified
and management issues but also lists many of the rare genetic Autistic Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) (Lord
conditions occasionally associated with autism. The first et al., 1989); and the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
1987 edition of the encyclopedic Autism and Other (Baron-Cohen et al., 2000), to name some of the more widely
Developmental Disorders: A Handbook, edited by the late applied tests. A consequence of their use in the clinic, not just
Donald Cohen and colleagues (Cohen et al., 1987), is also in for the selection of research subjects, is that a diagnosis of
its third edition (Volkmar et al., 2005) and getting thicker autism spectrum disorder became applicable to hitherto
with each iteration. ignored individuals at both the very severe and mild ends of
I particularly want to draw attention to the French child the spectrum. Still another factor is that many parents, at least
psychiatrist and electrophysiologist Gilbert LeLord of Tours, in the United States, now push for an autism diagnosis because
who started biologic studies of autism in the early 1970s it brings with it access to more intensive services than a diag-
(LeLord et al., 1973), because he and his colleagues have nosis of other developmental disorders. Their hope is that,
been bucking the mainstream of French psychiatry which, to through early intervention, their child may eventually be
this day, is strongly invested in psychoanalysis. LeLord even- included in mainstream education. There is no exclusionary
tually attracted a large cadre of collaborators whose many criterion for a diagnosis of autism. Use of standardized diag-
lines of quality research parallel autism studies in Anglo- nostic instruments therefore resulted in many children with
Saxon, Scandinavian, and other countries. With the active rare disorders who already carried a medical diagnosis being
help of parent-advocates, the Tours group organized a day newly counted among those with autism, inasmuch as they
school to educate children with autism, described in their fulfilled the behavioral diagnostic triad of autism, namely
1995 book Infantile Autism: Exchange and Development impaired sociability and communication, and a narrow perse-
Therapy, which particularly emphasizes social skills training verative behavioral repertoire. Secondary autism is the term
(Barthélémy et al., 1995). widely used today for the minority—estimated at less than
Introduction 5

20%—of children on the autism spectrum with an identifiable pathology. She directed the Therapeutic Nursery of the
etiology (Rutter et al., 1994), be it genetic or unequivocally Einstein Division of Child Psychiatry, which, before she took
environmental, like congenital rubella. it over in the mid-seventies, was still run by a psychoanalyst.
Primary autism, the only group counted in early studies, Dr. Allen turned it around by addressing children’s communi-
encompasses the great majority of cases of autism without a cation deficiencies, social and play deficits. A parent or other
known cause or associated somatic deficit, a fraction expected caretaker had to accompany the child to school every day
to shrink with advancing etiologic research. Individuals cur- because one of her focuses was to teach “in the trenches” more
rently diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and high func- effective skills for managing the child’s difficult behaviors
tioning autistic disorder (HFA), and those with Pervasive (Allen & Mendelson, 2000).
Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD- Pooling our skills, Doris Allen and I developed an
NOS), i.e., more mildly affected individuals, some without observational classification of developmental language disor-
cognitive impairment, were not counted in early epidemio- ders suitable for clinicians’ use in their offices (Allen et al.,
logic studies. The “autistic traits” of these individuals would 1988; Rapin, 1996b). We discovered that the subtypes of lan-
not have made the diagnostic cut. It remains controversial guage disorders in unselected consecutive young children with
how to classify persons with epilepsy or with other behavioral autism evaluated clinically overlap those of children with
problems warranting an additional DSM/ICD psychiatric developmental language disorders who do not have autism,
diagnosis. For example, should autism with attention deficit except for major differences in subtype prevalence (Allen &
disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) (Landgren et al., 1996) Rapin, 1992; Tuchman et al., 1991a). Besides their signature
or bipolar disorder (Rzhetsky et al., 2007) be classified as pragmatic deficits, young children on the autism spectrum,
primary autism with comorbidity or as secondary autism? verbal or not, all have comprehension deficits for conversa-
The bottom line is that because autism is a behaviorally, tional speech, whereas a sizable proportion of language disor-
i.e., dimensionally defined, diagnosis, its classification is based dered children without autism do not. We were struck that, in
on agreed-upon cut-off criteria along a behavioral continuum, both groups, epilepsy is strongly linked to verbal auditory
not on dichotomous biologically based criteria. For all these agnosia (VAA), the most severe subtype of receptive/expres-
reasons, prevalence figures are and will continue to remain sive disorder for speech sound processing (phonology)
approximate and disputed. Regardless of the reasons for its (Tuchman et al., 1991b). VAA is characterized by dysfunction
cause, the prevalence of autism spectrum diagnoses has risen in auditory cortex, which jeopardizes the acquisition of verbal
dramatically over the past several decades. comprehension and expression at the language-learning age.
Until very recently (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001;
Tager-Flusberg & Joseph, 2003), studies of language in autism
Á focused mainly on its impaired pragmatics (conversational
Language Disorders, Language Regression, use), a correlate of autism’s social impairment, and on abnor-
and Epilepsy in Autism mal features like echolalia, pronominal reversal, perseverative
questioning, and aberrant vocabulary and prosody.
I will not attempt to cover here the vast neuropsychologic and The accepted tenet was that phonology (speech sound pro-
electrophysiologic advances of recent decades, nor will I focus duction) and grammar (syntax and morphologic markers),
on the core deficits in sociability and joint attention. My although often delayed, were unaffected in autism. When chil-
colleagues and I did carry out exhaustive evaluations of dren started to speak, often after a considerable delay, they did
anamnestic, neurologic, neuropsychologic, language, play, so competently and thus did not have “structural” language
and behavioral dimensions in preschool children with autism disorders. Our clinical observations in unselected preschoolers,
compared to cognitively matched developmentally impaired together with a recent study at school age using formal tests,
controls who did not have autism (Rapin, 1996a). The child indicate that this is not true of some third of children
neuropsychologist Deborah Fein and her students have pub- (Rapin et al., 2009). It is the case that the intellectually defi-
lished a number of studies of these same children followed at cient children on the autism spectrum are those who are most
school age, (e.g., Fein et al., 1999; Stevens et al., 2000). Here, likely to have impaired expressive and receptive language. Yet,
I confine myself to studies of language to which I have blaming global cognitive deficit for impaired expressive pho-
personally contributed. nology and grammar and for an impoverished vocabulary
begs the question of the neurologic basis of the deficient lan-
Language Disorder Subtypes in Autism guage. Having similar subtypes of language disorder in no way
implies that autism and developmental language disorder are
Delayed or absent language, together with impaired conversa- on a continuum or share a common etiology. It does suggest
tional use of language (pragmatics) constitute the second that they have in common dysfunction in a corresponding
criterion for an autism diagnosis. Impoverished imaginative language network, although not necessarily in the same node
play is also a component of this criterion. I was fortunate to of that network.
work with the late Doris A. Allen, a developmental psycholin- In more than three quarters of typically developing children
guist with a background in education, psychology, and speech and adults, even in the majority of those who are left-handed,
6 Autism Spectrum Disorders

it is well known that language depends strongly on the function language regression without autism well documented in older
of the left superior temporal (Wernicke’s) and inferior frontal children in the context of epilepsy or of an epileptiform EEG
(Broca’s) cortices and on the pathways that interconnect them without clinical seizures (acquired epileptic aphasia— Landau-
(Galaburda et al., 1990). On average these areas are typically Kleffner syndrome). A brief questionnaire brought out that
asymmetric, larger on the left than the right. Classically, lesions language regression in children under age 3 is highly predic-
affecting Wernicke’s area in adults compromise comprehen- tive of autism, whereas in older children it more often signals
sion of the meaning of language (semantics) but not the pro- clinical or subclinical epilepsy (Shinnar et al., 2001). Overnight
duction of phonology or syntax, and lesions affecting Broca’s EEGs are more likely to reveal epileptiform activity, and sei-
area interfere with language expression, specifically with pho- zures are more prevalent in older children with language
nology and syntax. Morphometric studies showed similarly regression than in the younger children, who are at much
reversed asymmetry, compared to normally developing con- higher risk for autism (McVicar et al., 2005). Language regres-
trols, in a sample of children with autism and with develop- sion per se is not a strong predictor of epilepsy in autism
mental language disorders without autism (Herbert et al., (Tuchman & Rapin, 1997). Thus, these studies indicate that
2002; Herbert et al., 2005), findings that support parallel the pathophysiologies of language regression in autism and in
involvement of language networks in both disorders. In an Landau-Kleffner syndrome differ and that epilepsy, be it overt
independent sample, De Fossé and colleagues (De Fossé et al., or subclinical, seems to play a minor role in the language
2004) detected reversed asymmetry of frontal language cortex regression of autism.
in children with developmental language disorders and among
those with autism, only in those whose expressive phonology
and grammar were impaired on formal testing; asymmetry Á
was not reversed in those who did not fulfill criteria for this Sensorimotor Deficits
subtype of language disorder. The study provides further
evidence for the existence of more than a single subtype of As long as autism was considered a psychogenic disorder,
language disorder in autism. sensorimotor symptoms were largely ignored, despite parents’
concerns about them and despite articulate adults’ descrip-
Epilepsy and Language/Autistic Regression tions of their own atypical sensory experiences (Grandin,
1995). Information regarding the sensory and motor symp-
We noted earlier that the occurrence of epilepsy (defined as at toms of autism is sparse, yet they are targets of many expensive
least two unprovoked seizures) in some one third of children therapeutic attempts to influence them, with little empirical
with autism by adolescence provided critical evidence against evidence of efficacy (Baranek, 2002).
the psychogenic etiology of autism (Deykin & MacMahon, Neurologic explanations are being sought for the frequent
1979; Olsson et al., 1988; Tuchman et al., 1991b; Volkmar & and puzzling co-occurrence in the same individual of hyper-
Nelson, 1990). Earlier evidence indicated that infantile spasms and hyposensitivity to sound and visual, somatosensory, and
(West syndrome), one of the malignant epileptic encephalopa- other less well studied sensory inputs (Rapin, 2006). A notable
thies of infancy, may leave autism in its wake (Taft & Cohen, change over the past decade is that researchers have started to
1971); in other words, infantile spasms (or the encephalopathy think of the autistic brain as different rather than damaged
responsible for the spasms) may damage permanently selective and have started to investigate the brain basis of enhanced per-
pathways required for sociability, communication, and behav- ception and talent of some individuals with autism (Mottron
ioral flexibility. Despite recent intensive work, it remains et al., 2006; Samson et al., 2006). This change was prompted,
controversial whether in these children autism and epilepsy in part, by early studies of savants, most of whom had autism
arise from a common underlying molecular mechanism, or and all of whom had severe impairments outside their
whether in some cases it is the seizures that, by damaging cer- extraordinary talents (Obler & Fein, 1988; Treffert, 2005).
tain critical networks, are responsible for the autism and the The main motor symptoms in autism are stereotypies,
intellectual impairment likely to accompany it (Tuchman difficulty imitating and mastering complex motor tasks, per-
et al., 2009). Parents’ reports of regression of language and sistent toe walking, and “hypotonia” (Akshoomoff et al.,
sociability around 15 to 30 months were greeted at first with 2007). Parents view stereotypies, purposeless rhythmic, repet-
skepticism. My doubting an identical story told to me by scores itive movements, as particularly troublesome because they are
of mothers would have been foolish, especially when Japanese stigmatizing (Goldman et al., 2009). Stereotypies are widely
mothers gave identical reports (Kurita, 1985). The reality of regarded as enjoyable bad habits to be squashed, rather than as
regression finally received empirical corroboration when home temporarily suppressible movement disorders in some ways
videos documented language/autistic regression in some third akin to tics (Berthier et al., 2003; Rapin, 2001). Despite a large
of toddlers (Werner & Dawson, 2005). Its cause remains animal literature (Saka et al., 2004), little is known about the
frustratingly elusive, however. neurologic basis of stereotypies in humans.
One possibility we and others explored was that covert Why is it that some individuals with autism do not imitate,
epilepsy might be responsible for autistic regression. This are clumsy, and have trouble learning the sequence of move-
hypothesis was based on awareness of the rare but dramatic ments required to tie their shoes or write (Fuentes et al., 2009)?
Introduction 7

Rather than signaling lack of motivation, these inadequacies the door to a flood of morphometric studies of the cerebellum
may signal inadequate procedural learning and inefficient and to reconsideration of its role not only in autism but in
cerebellar-basal ganglia-parietal circuitry (Mahone et al., 2006; other complex human behaviors like language, attention, and
Mostofsky et al., 2000). A characteristic of many children with affect, to name but a few (Schmahmann, 2004). Kemper &
autism is their impaired imitation of movements, for which Bauman also noted subtle differences in specific brain nuclei
lack of attention to the task does not seem to provide a con- of children and adults (Kemper & Bauman, 2002), suggesting
vincing explanation (Vivanti et al., 2008). In a study of senso- the possibility of an ongoing process in some individuals.
rimotor function comparing children with autism to children The aberrant early growth curve of the brain in autism
without autism but with either developmental language disor- (Courchesne et al., 2007) bolsters this contention.
ders or low IQ, we were unable to determine reliably whether As technologies for neuroimaging advanced, a more detailed
failure to carry out motor tasks was due to inability to perform understanding of the anatomy and function of the autistic brain
or impaired motivation (Mandelbaum et al., 2006). Functional began to emerge. Recent computer-assisted morphologic stud-
neuroimaging suggests that poor imitation may reflect absent ies of the neocortex revealed increased numbers of narrower
or dysfunctional mirror neurons, which play a crucial role in neuronal minicolumns (Casanova, 2006). These may account
imitation (Iacoboni & Mazziotta, 2007; Rizzolatti & Craighero, for enlargement of the radiate white matter fibers that inter-
2004; Rogers, 2007). connect neocortical areas described in some of the children we
A frequent motor characteristic of autism is toe-walking had studied behaviorally (Herbert et al., 2004). Overconnectivity
(Ming et al., 2007). No one knows why so many children with of some cortical circuitry, underconnectivity of others involv-
autism toe-walk in the absence of spasticity, bony or soft tissue ing subcortical relays such as the basal ganglia, amygdala and
structural abnormality. other limbic areas, and the cerebellum are at the forefront of
Physical therapists regularly comment on “hypotonia,” by current investigations (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; Minshew &
which they mean increased joint mobility without weakness. Williams, 2007). Studies range from behavioral to morphomet-
Neurologists gave a score for hypotonia to a quarter of pre- ric and functional imaging, and from electrophysiology down
schoolers with autism, but also, among those without autism, to the level of the synapse (Zoghbi, 2003) and of neurotrans-
to a third of those with low IQ and 13% of those with language mitters like dopamine, glutamate, and others (Yip et al., 2007).
disorders (Rapin, 1996c). In the absence of a standardized Subtle neuronal migration defects were observed in a hand-
metric for “hypotonia” in young children, the significance of ful of severely affected individuals (Bailey et al., 1998), and an
these observations, their specificity and functional importance unsuspected variant of neuroaxonal dystrophy in two others
are undetermined. The literature is replete with reports of (Weidenheim et al., 2001), not to mention the variety of other
“hypotonia” in a large variety of children with chromosome findings in individuals with defined etiologies like tuberous
anomalies and other developmental syndromes, but its basis is sclerosis (Asano et al., 2001), or fragile X, in which dendritic
essentially never specified. It remains to be seen whether spines are thin and immature-looking (Hagerman et al., 2005).
“hypotonia” in autism, when real, is a consequence of cerebel- Signs suggesting inflammation (Vargas et al., 2005) point to
lar or proprioceptive impairment, conceivably muscle mito- neuroimmunologic abnormalities, long suspected but not
chondrial dysfunction, or whether in some children cytogenetic demonstrated in children with a history of regression
or micro DNA rearrangements may have implicated a gene (Ashwood et al., 2006; Cabanlit et al., 2007; Wills et al., 2007).
for collagen or elastin. In any case, in view of physical and The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR), a parent-
occupational therapists’ huge expenditures of effort to initiated group now part of Autism Speaks, supports the
improve “hypotonia,” this is a symptom that cries for much Autism Tissue Program (Pickett, 2001), which has raised
more rigorous definition and metric, longitudinal assessment awareness of the urgent need for continued tissue donation
of its functional significance, and specification of its almost from affected individuals and nonaffected controls. Tissue
certainly disparate causes. enables investigators around the world to carry out studies of
the cellular and molecular biology of autism that are impossible
without this precious resource.
Neuropathologic/Imaging Evidence
Autism had no known neuropathology until 20 years ago Genetics and Epigenetics
when Margaret Bauman, a child neurologist, and Thomas
Kemper, a neuropathologist and anatomist, both from Awareness that genetics might be an important player in
Boston, described subtle stunting of the soma and dendrites autism grew in the 1970s and’80s following early reports of
of some limbic neurons and, surprisingly, no neocortical strong concordance of autism in identical twins (Folstein &
pathology (Bauman & Kemper, 1985). Their report of a Rutter, 1977; Steffenburg et al., 1986). Genetic studies gained
reduced number of Purkinje and granular cells in the cerebel- momentum in the mid-nineties after a parent advocacy group,
lum was a clap of thunder. This unexpected finding, ampli- Cure Autism Now (CAN), also currently part of Autism
fied in subsequent papers (Bauman & Kemper, 2003), opened Speaks, sponsored the systematic collection of detailed family
8 Autism Spectrum Disorders

and personal histories and DNA from families with more than Joubert syndrome. One of the twins had autism and was very
one rigorously diagnosed affected member. The resultant intellectually impaired, with a major motor handicap and
Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) has enrolled much more severe cerebellar malformation than her sister
many hundreds of families across the country and some (Raynes et al., 1999). Others have reported presumed epige-
abroad (Geschwind et al., 2001; Ylisaukko-oja et al., 2006). netic influences in phenotypically discordant monozygotic
The NIH and Autism Speaks now support this extraordinarily twins with tuberous sclerosis and autism (Humphrey et al.,
valuable resource. I learned when I first came to Einstein 50 2004). Epigenetic influences may be major or subtle. I cannot
years ago the power of interdisciplinary coalitions of basic sci- discount several parents who reported convincingly an abrupt
entists working hand-in-hand with clinicians to elucidate the autistic regression in their children following a stressful life
pathophysiology of obscure neurogenetic diseases, several of event like a separation, a move, or a brief hospitalization that
which generated novel biologic insights (Goldfischer et al., another child would have weathered without lasting
1973; Purpura & Suzuki, 1976). This same multidisciplinary consequence. Kurita and colleagues heard similar stories from
approach, yoked with spectacular technologic advances fol- several Japanese mothers (Kurita et al., 1992). These rare
lowing the 2001 completion of the human genome project, occurrences suggest the synergistic effect of a stressor in an
has uncovered unexpected complexities of autism genetics individual vulnerable because of an inherent (genetic?)
(O’Roak & State, 2008). Single mutations with strong effects predisposition.
seem to be the exception in “primary” autism, judging from There is evidence to suggest that at least some autistic
the small proportion of families with a typical Mendelian or symptoms may reflect functional rather than structural
mitochondrial pattern of inheritance. Multigenetic influence changes in the brain. We (Rapin, 1996d) and others reported
is likely in view of relatively weak linkages of the many newly that children’s behavior may improve when they have a fever,
discovered genes to “primary” autism and of the high preva- an effect that can persist for several days following deferves-
lence of unaffected family members with lesser developmental cence (Curran et al., 2007). A provocative suggestion is that
deficits (Dawson et al., 2007). Stunningly rapid progress in dysfunction of the locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system may
genetics makes it a challenge to keep clinicians up-to-date; account for these observations, with obvious potential impli-
two Einstein medical students, whose knowledge of genetics cations for intervention (Mehler, 2008, Mehhler & Purpura,
was much fresher than mine, attempted to do so for pedia- 2009).
tricians a few years ago (Muhle et al., 2004), and Roberto A very recent realization is that the number of noncoding
Tuchman and I more recently for neurologists (Rapin & RNAs increases exponentially from lower organisms to man,
Tuchman, 2008). The public needs to be reminded again in the face of fairly similar numbers of protein coding genes.
and again that the brain, not genes, causes or explains behav- These RNAs provide a plausible explanation for increasing
ior (Abrahams, B. S. and Geschwind, D. H., 2010). Any one brain complexity, as many are specific to the brain and espe-
gene is likely to accumulate many different mutations in dif- cially active during its development (Mattick & Mehler, 2008;
ferent families, resulting in potentially different phenotypes. Mehler, 2008). Epigenetics, that is postmitotic control of gene
The role of genes in autism will not be understood until it expression, plays a crucial and very specific role in neuronal
becomes clear what protein each codes for and what roles and neural network development and function. MicroRNAs
the protein plays in the brain and its different cell types. can turn on and off messenger RNAs and noncoding RNAs,
Hitherto unsuspected complexities in the inheritance of which control entire neural networks transiently or perma-
autism have important implications for genetic counseling. nently. They are highly sensitive to environmental influences
Prenatal diagnosis is not in the cards now and unlikely to and therefore are potent epigenetic modulators of genetic
become so, except for families with identified cytogenetic, developmental programs in response to random life events
Mendelian, or mitochondrial traits. Most cases of autism are (Mehler & Mattick, 2007; Persico & Bourgeron, 2006). They
sporadic, that is, neither parent carries a mutation identified may thus provide a partial explanation for the puzzling clini-
in their child. An as yet unknown proportion of de novo cal observations of sudden language/autistic regression. By the
mutations arise either in the gonad of one of the noncarrier same token they might play a role in the brain plasticity that
parents or possibly in the early embryo. Such couples are at underlies the behavioral amelioration that often results from
minimal risk of having another affected child, but that child’s intensive early education and competent parenting (Dawson,
descendents, especially males, will be at high risk of inherit- 2008; Helt et al., 2008).
ing the trait (Zhao et al., 2007). Some of these new traits are
micro DNA deletions, duplications, or other rearrangements
(Weiss et al., 2008), which may affect not only coding but Á
also noncoding regulatory parts of one or more genes. Intervention: Psychopharmacology
Postmitotic epigenetic effects, some of them environmen- and Education
tally mediated, may have direct biologic consequences or
influence brain development indirectly. I witnessed an extreme From my perspective, progress in the psychopharmacology of
example of a presumed epigenetic effect that caused a gross autism has been disappointing despite growing understanding
anatomic difference in a set of monozygotic twin girls with of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Risperidone is the
Introduction 9

only FDA medication approved specifically for autism, and, at The program I am most familiar with is a preschool for
that, only for irritability and aggression (McCracken et al., higher functioning children on the spectrum that focuses on
2002; Scahill et al., 2007). Yet it is prescribed extensively teaching sociability and communication to the child and on
off-label in small doses in attempts to control stereotypies and training of parents to achieve control of their child’s difficult
other undesirable behaviors. It is known to affect both serot- behaviors (Mendelson et al., 2007). Most recently, two of my
onin and dopamine receptors and has largely supplanted the colleagues have published a curriculum (Dunn, 2005) and
dopamine blockers that were prescribed in the fifties and sixties. practical guidance for teachers of children able to be educated
Stimulants, anticonvulsants, specific serotonin reuptake inhib- in regular classes (Fein & Dunn, 2007).
itors, and many other psychotropic drugs are widely prescribed It is now clear that intervention is most likely to be effective
to help modify specific behaviors, but their very multiplicity in very early childhood, when development is fastest and the
indicates that none is a magic bullet (Mintz et al., 2006). brain most plastic. Prospective study of the younger siblings of
I am impressed with potentially undesirable—especially long- probands is currently providing the opportunity to compare
term—side effects such as abnormal involuntary movements affected and nonaffected infants from birth (Landa & Garrett-
in susceptible children treated with dopamine reuptake inhibi- Mayer, 2006; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). The goal is to iden-
tors, and weight gain precipitated by risperidone. I believe that tify the earliest signs of autism so that intervention can start
medications should be limited to specific behavioral indications, forthwith. Diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder before
mostly in more severely affected children. age 3 years entitles children in the United States to intensive
Without doubt the major revolution in the management early intervention under the umbrella of federally mandated
of autism is early intervention and education. Ivar Lovaas’s state-delivered agencies. After age 3 years children fall under
report (Lovaas, 1987) that intensive systematic operant con- the jurisdiction of local school districts, which may provide as
ditioning had ameliorated the outcome of 9 of 19 preschool- much as full day, 11 months/year, specialized education and
ers to the point of their becoming educable in regular therapies. This educational revolution has turned around the
classrooms was the second thunderclap in the field. The management of children on the autism spectrum but is strain-
improvement was lasting, since 4 years after the training, 8 of ing the resources of educators and parents. Many parents
the 9 were described as indistinguishable from their normally insist on every possible therapy in school and pay out of pocket
developing peers (McEachin et al., 1993). This impressive for touted unconventional, unproven interventions they read
success was recently replicated in another small cohort about on the Internet (Levy & Hyman, 2005).
(Sallows & Graupner, 2005) and no doubt in others. Up to At this time in developed countries, many intensive inter-
the development of this strategy, prognosis for improvement ventions are recommended from toddlerhood to young adult-
in children with autistic disorder was dismal, professionals’ hood. Desperate parents, anxious for their children not to
attitudes defeatist, and intervention was viewed as largely miss out on any potentially helpful intervention, are often
futile. The news of an effective treatment that raised IQs and eager to try pharmacotherapy and, sadly, alternative and
suppressed bad behaviors in some children spread like wild- expensive treatments of dubious effectiveness. What is still
fire. The Lovaas Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach glaringly missing is empirical evaluation of these disparate
has become dominant, at least for preschoolers, with the medical and educational approaches. Equally inadequate are
caveat that it works best in children with a reasonable intel- programs for adults who may need ongoing more or less
lect and that it is not a “cure” but can make some previously intensive support in their every day lives. Worse of all is the
unreachable children available to less rigid educational inequality of what can be provided for the rich and vocal and
approaches. The field of applied behavior analysis has devel- for the poor, especially in developing countries. It is urgent
oped dramatically over the years, spawning a number of less that effective interventions that parents can provide at home
rigid early intervention curricula that incorporate naturalis- be devised, evaluated, and exported to needy children both
tic and developmental approaches to formal operant condi- here and abroad. There is no way teachers and therapists can
tioning. Two of the most widely accepted are those of Eric do it all.
Schopler (Schopler & Olley, 1982), which emphasizes struc-
tured teaching, and of Stanley Greenspan (Greenspan, 1992),
based on child-centered play-based methods. Today’s eclec- Á
tic programs may borrow features from the three programs Summary and Conclusion
and others (Schreibman & Ingersoll, 2005). They tend to
focus on pivotal social behaviors such as motivation, self- Autism has come full circle in a half-century, from an obscure
initiated interaction, responsiveness to cues, and others “psychiatric disease” to the symptom of a partially understood
shown to enhance learning of language and other skills deviance in brain development influenced by both genetics
(Koegel et al., 2001). For example, adding to an ABA-based and the environment. I highlighted what I believe to be the
preschool program 30 minutes per day for 6 weeks of training main reasons for dramatic changes in its prevalence. I empha-
in either joint attention or symbolic play yielded additional sized our complete lack of understanding of what triggers lan-
gains in language and sociability that were sustained for a guage/autistic regression and provided evidence against
year (Kasari et al., 2008). epilepsy as a major player in its occurrence. I presented my
10 Autism Spectrum Disorders

view of subtypes of language disorders in autism, pointing out young children with pervasive developmental disorders. Journal
that, besides their universally and persistently impaired use of of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(5), 887–893.
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GAD67 mRNA levels in cerebellar Purkinje cells in autism: Zoghbi, H. Y. (2003). Postnatal neurodevelopmental disorders: meet-
Pathophysiological implications. Acta Neuropathologica (Berl), ing at the synapse? Science, 302(5646), 826–830.
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ilies. Annals of Neurology, 59(1), 145–155.
Section I

Historical Perspective,
Diagnosis and Classification,
and Epidemiology
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1 Á Michael Rutter

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Looking Backward

and Looking Forward

Á were accompanied by a distinctive cognitive profile (Rutter,

Points of Interest Greenfeld, & Lockyer, 1967; Lockyer & Rutter, 1969; Lockyer
& Rutter, 1970). For a while, autism was regarded as an infan-
• Meaning of association with raised paternal age. tile psychosis, but numerous differences between autism and
• Meaning of copy number variations. schizophrenia indicated that it was a mistake to see autism
• Nature of nongenetic causal influences. as an early manifestation of schizophrenia (Kolvin, 1971;
• Nature of genetic liability at the molecular level. Rimland, 1964; Rutter, 1972). Equally, although many
• Transition from the broader phenotype to a handicap- individuals with autism also showed an intellectual disability,
ping disorder. autism differed from general intellectual disability in numerous
ways, including sex ratio, cognitive patterns, social class distri-
bution, head circumference, and neuropathological findings
Á (Rutter & Schopler, 1987).
Introduction Although Kanner had postulated that autism had a
“constitutional” origin, he had not specified a neurodevelop-
It is now well over half a century since Kanner (1943) first mental origin as such. This was first demonstrated decisively
postulated the syndrome of autism. He provided a remarkably by the finding that individuals with autism, who had shown
incisive, detailed description and conceptual outline that has no discernible neurological abnormality in early childhood,
stood the test of time in almost all respects. Nevertheless, there nevertheless showed a markedly increased rate of epileptic
have been huge changes in the understanding of autistic spec- seizures in adolescence or early adult life (Rutter, 1970). More
trum disorders (ASD), and research findings have clarified a recent research (Bolton et al., in press) has shown that, in the
range of crucial questions while, at the same time, presenting majority of cases, seizures began after age 10 years. Epilepsy
many further challenges. This chapter starts with a succinct in the proband was not associated with an increased risk of
summary of some of the main research accomplishments to epilepsy in relatives, but it was associated with the broader
date, then proceeds to outline a range of challenges that phenotype in other family members. Follow-up studies iden-
remain. Throughout, there is an emphasis on research find- tified low IQ and a lack of language by age 5 as the key predic-
ings and research challenges that have potentially important tors of outcome (Eisenberg, 1956; Kanner, 1973; Howlin,
clinical implications. Goode, Hutton, & Rutter, 2004).
Once the diagnostic criteria for autism became clarified, it
became both possible and necessary to develop reliable and
Á valid interview and observation measures. A range of assess-
Clinical Findings ment methods were developed but, over time, the autism diag-
nostic interview (Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994; Rutter, Le
The story starts with the validation of the differentiation Couteur, & Lord, 2003) and the autism diagnostic observation
between autism and a range of other child psychiatric dis- schedule (Lord et al., 1989; Lord, Rutter, DiLavore, &
orders. This was shown by the distinctiveness of the clinical Le Couteur, 2001) came to be accepted as the best diagnostic
pattern, after matching groups for mental age, together with methods available. Initially, most clinicians had assumed
the finding that these differences persisted over time and that children with autism were untestable by quantified

18 Autism Spectrum Disorders

psychometric approaches, and it was important that both the sclerosis became routine, as did the use of DNA methods to
follow-up studies and detailed experimental studies showed identify Fragile X. Although the meaning of chromosome
that this was not the case (Lockyer & Rutter, 1969; Hermelin & anomalies was not clear, it also became standard practice to
O’Connor, 1970). To the contrary, given appropriate skilled karyotype individuals. Interestingly, in his first report Kanner
testing, most individuals with autism are testable and moreover (an astute clinician) had noted the enlarged head size found
the psychometric findings proved stable over time. in a substantial minority of individuals with autism. More
As the concept of autism changed from a psychogenic recently, his findings have been amply confirmed initially by
variety of early-onset schizophrenia to an early-onset neu- head circumference measurement (Fombonne, Rogé, Claverie,
rodevelopmental disorder, methods of treatment switched in Courty, & Frémolle, 1999; Woodhouse et al., 1996), then later
parallel to developmentally oriented behavioral methods. It by structural brain imaging findings. During the last decade or
became clear from comparative studies that structure and so, systematic research has also been highly informative in
focus in special education were the key features (Schopler, showing that the enlarged brain size is not evident at birth
Brehm, Kinsbourne, & Reichler, 1971; Rutter & Bartak, 1973), but develops during the 1- to 3-year age period then tends
and psychological methods of treatment that involved devel- to stabilize and not increase further (Courchesne, Carper, &
opmental and behavioral principles and partnership with Akshoomoff, 2003; Redcay & Courchesne, 2005). It seems
parents were developed (Schopler & Reichler, 1971; Howlin highly likely that, although the mechanisms remain ill-
et al., 1987; Marcus, Kunce, & Schopler, 2005). Moreover, sys- understood, this is a neural feature that differentiates autism
tematic studies showed that these methods of intervention from other neurodevelopmental conditions.
brought worthwhile benefits (National Research Council, A key breakthrough with respect to cognitive patterns came
2001; Howlin, 1998). with Hermelin and O’Connor’s (1970) demonstration of a
As concepts of autism changed, attention turned to the basic mentalizing defect. This led the way to identification in
possibility of genetic influences on the liability to autism. the mid-1980s of an impaired Theory of Mind (ToM) associ-
Initially, most commentators had dismissed the possibility ated with the majority of cases of autism (Baron-Cohen,
on the grounds that the base-rate of autism in siblings was Leslie, & Frith, 1985). Attention came to be focused on the
so low—estimated at ~2% in the 1960s. The key question, possible role of specific cognitive deficits as the basis for the
however, was whether the rate of autism in families exceeded social abnormalities of autism (Rutter, 1983, 1987). The ToM
the base rate in the general population. Expressed in this finding has been amply confirmed as applying to the great
way, it became clear that there was a huge increase in relative majority of individuals with autism, although some 20% pass
risk of the order of 20- to 100-fold (Bolton et al., 1994). standard ToM tests (Frith, 2003a; Happé, 2003). One problem
Moreover, twin studies showed that the familial loading was with the Theory of Mind notion, however, is that the social
strongly genetically influenced (Bailey et al., 1995). Most deficits repeatedly found in autism are evident long before
psychiatric geneticists in the 1970s tended to think of genetic ToM, at least as established in relation to standard tests,
influences in relation to Mendelian transmission of an becomes apparent in normal children. This led the way to a
entirely determinative kind. The first systematic twin study study of key social cognitive deficits (especially joint attention)
(Folstein & Rutter, 1977a, 1977b) was important in demon- evident before the development of ToM (Mundy & Sigman,
strating that the genetic liability extended beyond the tradi- 1989; Sigman et al., 1999; Mundy & Burnette, 2005). In his ini-
tional diagnosis to include a broader phenotype (Le Couteur tial case report, Kanner had argued that individuals with
et al., 1996). This provided a key indication of the necessity autism had a basically normal level of general intelligence.
to broaden the concept of autism. That has not proved to be the case, but what has become
The altered concept of autism as a neurodevelopmental clearer is that savant skills (usually involving mathematics or
disorder meant that attention came to be paid to the possibil- memory, as evident in calendrical calculation or the ability to
ity that some cases might arise on the basis of a medical condi- draw in detail from memory or similarly play a piece of music
tion of some kind. Gillberg (1992) claimed that this applied to heard only once), or unusual specific cognitive skills (meaning
as many as 37% of cases, but an overall review of the evidence skills—often on visuospatial or memory tests—that are both
suggested that the proportion was probably nearer 10% above the individual’s own overall cognitive level and above
(Rutter, Bailey, Bolton, & Le Couteur, 1994). Nevertheless, general population norms) are common in autism—applying
10% was sufficiently high to mean that the clinical assessment to some 1 in 4 autistic individuals (Howlin, Goode, Hutton, &
of individuals with autism had to include a proper assessment Rutter, 2009). Moreover, systematic experimental studies have
of possible associated medical conditions. The evidence was shown that these skills are real and not just peculiar tricks
strongest in the case of the association with tuberous sclerosis (Hermelin, 2001). Accordingly, explanations of autism need to
(Smalley, 1998) and, to a lesser extent, the Fragile X anomaly account for both intellectual impairment and also marked
(Bailey et al., 1993), but it included a mixed bag of other med- intellectual skills (see also Happé & Frith, 2010).
ical conditions and it was also found that the 5–10% rate of About the same time as Kanner’s first report, there was a
chromosome anomalies (albeit not diagnostically specific) report by Asperger (1944) of a somewhat similar syndrome.
seemed to be substantially increased above base population His account does not compare with Kanner’s in terms of inci-
levels. The use of Wood’s light to pick up cases of tuberous siveness, but it highlighted that autistic-like patterns could and
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Looking Backward and Looking Forward 19

did develop in individuals who lacked the global language autistic-like pattern develops in a substantial minority of
delay that, at least up until that point, had been viewed as a individuals subjected to profound institutional deprivation
necessary characteristic of autism. Although there were a (Rutter et al., 1999, 2007). It is similar to autism with respect
number of reports of autistic psychopathy in the European lit- to impaired social reciprocity and awareness of social context,
erature in the years that followed (see van Krevelen, 1963), as well as in the presence of abnormal preoccupations and
the diagnostic concept only became established after a key circumscribed interests. It differs, however, in the greater pres-
report by Lorna Wing (1981) and a publication of the English ence of social approach and communicative flexibility, and
translation of Asperger’s paper (Frith, 1991). Numerous especially in the marked diminution in autistic features as the
epidemiological and clinical studies since then have amply individuals grow older (see also Rutter & Sonuga-Barke, 2010).
confirmed the reality of this pattern, although views differ The precise meaning of this pattern in relation to etiology
on the distinctiveness of the syndrome as different from remains unclear, but circumstantial evidence suggests that
autism in intellectually high functioning individuals (Klin, profound perceptual deprivation, arising from environmental
McPartland, & Volkmar, 2005; Szatmari et al., 2009). conditions, may give rise to a similar pattern that is more
Nevertheless, whatever the answer to that query may prove to ordinarily associated with autism. The same may apply to the
be, the descriptions played an important role in the acceptance autistic-like patterns found in some congenitally blind children
of a broader spectrum of autism disorders. The extension (Hobson, Lee, & Brown, 1999).
upward into syndromes in the individuals of normal levels of
overall intelligence was paralleled by the earlier demonstration
by Wing and Gould (1979), of the extension downward to Á
individuals with profound intellectual disability. Research Accomplishments Reflecting
Numerous reports over the years had indicated that a Technological Innovations
substantial minority (25–33%) showed a pronounced devel-
opmental regression usually occurring at the end of the Dawson and her colleagues (Dawson, Finley, Phillips, &
second year of life (Rutter, 2005a, 2008). Surprisingly, these Galpert, 1985; Dawson, 1994) pioneered the EEG use of
reports gave rise to remarkably little in the way of systematic evoked event-related potentials to examine brain functioning
research, but home videos (Werner & Dawson, 2005) and, in autism. The technique remains a useful one (Nelson &
more recently, follow-up of siblings of individuals with autism Luciana, 1998), especially as current studies focus on the earli-
(Bryson et al., 2007) have confirmed the reality of the pattern est patterns of brain function in infants and toddlers at risk for
of regression. Moreover, it seems that this pattern may be autism. To date, however, the two technologies that have been
particularly distinctive in autism, regression in other neu- most informative with respect to autism have been structural
rodevelopmental disorders being much less common (Baird and functional brain imaging (Frith, 2003b) and molecular
et al., 2008; Pickles et al., 2009). genetics (Bacchelli & Maestrini, 2006; Freitag, 2007). The
In 1966, there was a key discovery of a hitherto unrecog- former have been consistent in showing that autism is not due
nized syndrome involving characteristic loss of purposive hand to a localized brain abnormality. The findings have also shown
movements—usually in the second year of life—and accom- that the increased head size reflects an increased brain size
panied by a range of social and behavioral abnormalities (Rett, (Redcay & Courchesne, 2005). Although the details are not yet
1966). At first, it received little recognition, and its general entirely clear, it is generally accepted that the imaging data
acceptance was only established some years later by a key report indicate that autism is associated with some form of abnormal
by Hagberg, Aicardi, Dias, and Ramos (1983). Subsequently, it neural connectivity. The functional imaging findings have also
was found that in the great majority of cases, the disorder was been instructive in showing that individuals with autism solve
due to a pathological mutation on the X chromosome (Amir cognitive tasks using areas of the brain that differ from those
et al., 1999). Although, for convenience, Rett syndrome was used by typically developing individuals (Frith & Frith, 2008).
placed within ASD, it is clinically quite different with respect to Neurochemical findings have been, on the whole, rather unin-
diagnostic features, and particularly course and etiology formative, apart from the fact that it has been consistently
(Rutter, 2005b). It occurs almost exclusively in females (con- found that blood serotonin levels are raised in a substantial
trasting with the male preponderance in ASD), there is decel- minority of individuals with autism (although this does not
eration of head growth in the early years (the opposite of the show diagnostic specificity; Anderson & Hoshino, 2005).
patterns in ASD), there is a loss of purposive hand movements Molecular genetic evidence has pointed to several chromosomal
(not found in ASD), and there is a later deterioration in motor regions likely to contain susceptibility genes. On the other
function (Van Acker, Loncola, & Van Acker, 2005). hand, it has proved quite frustrating that specific genes under-
Although the claim that autism was a psychogenic disorder lying multifactorial autism have not, as yet, been identified.
associated with poor parenting had long since become The most recent findings, bringing together several large-scale
discredited (not because it was decisively disproven, but data sets, have shown the likely importance of copy number
because of a lack of supporting evidence coupled with grow- variations—meaning submicroscopic deletions and duplica-
ing evidence for the importance of genetically influenced neu- tions (Persico & Bourgeron, 2006; Sebat et al., 2007; Autism
rodevelopmental impairment), findings have shown that an Genome Project Consortium, 2007; Weiss et al., 2008).
20 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á removal and add-back of hypothesized mediators (at the

Overview of Research Accomplishments genetic, protein, physiological, behavioral, or social environ-
ment level), strong leverage on causal questions is possible. Of
Looking back on the successful research strategies, it is evi- course, these are crucially dependent on the validity of the
dent that good use has been made of longitudinal studies animal model—a particularly difficult challenge in the case of
with appropriate comparison groups, that the observation of autism (Crawley, 2007). Mentalizing skills and language fea-
the unexpected has been crucial, that the development of tures cannot be assessed in rodents. Nevertheless, ingenious
systematic standardized measures has greatly improved com- ways of measuring social interaction and communication in
parability across studies, and that knowledge on psychologi- mice have been developed. Once one or more susceptibility
cal processes associated with autism have greatly benefited genes have been identified, the possibilities could be trans-
from parallel studies in typically developing children. formed if a genetically modified mouse could be created, as
Quantitative genetics have been decisive in showing that the was done in the case of Rett syndrome.
heritability of liability to autism is very high—probably in Two main varieties of model have been employed. First,
the region of 90%. Creative experimental strategies have there are those that focus on embryological origins—such as
been crucial in delineating the cognitive features associated Rodier, Ingram, Tisdale, Nelson, and Romano’s (1996) use of
with autism and structural and functional imaging has been valproate to mimic the supposed prenatal effects of thalido-
invaluable in demonstrating the neural concomitants of mide on liability to autism. The thalidomide evidence is not
these cognitive features. Molecular genetic strategies are very convincing (because it focuses on cranial nerve lesions
likely to be highly informative, and there is replicated evi- that are not characteristic of autism), and the supposed vali-
dence of likely chromosomal regions that may be expected to dation through reproduction of cerebellar abnormalities
contain susceptibility genes, but the identification of these (Ingram, Peckham, Tisdale, & Rodier, 2000) has the limita-
genes remains a challenge for the future. tion of using a disputed human finding (see Bailey, Phillips, &
Rutter, 1996). Second, targeted gene mutations may be used
to examine gene effects—as has been done very successfully
Á in the case of Rett syndrome (Guy, Hendrich, Holmes,
Some Inconclusive Research Martin, & Bird, 2001; Shahbazian et al., 2002). Oxytocin
knockout mice were found to display deficits in social recog-
There is no convincing evidence that the basic deficits nition and social memory, but not in social approach (Crawley
associated with autism are regularly relieved by any form of et al., 2007), leaving the parallel with autism somewhat uncer-
psychotropic medication (Scahill & Martin, 2005). That is a tain. Cross-fostering can be used as an additional research
striking negative finding because pharmacological interven- tactic to check whether social differences between genetic
tions have proved of value in almost all other psychiatric dis- strains might be an artifact of the rearing environment (Yang,
orders. Equally, there is no convincing evidence of any Zhodzishsky, & Crawley, 2007). Because of the difficulties in
neurochemical abnormality specifically associated with autism the modeling of key features of autism in mice, the potential
(Anderson & Hoshino, 2005) and no convincing evidence of of mouse models is difficult to evaluate, but it would seem to
particular EEG patterns that are specifically associated with be an avenue worth further exploration. Primates are closer to
autism (Minshew, Sweeney, Baumann, & Webb, 2005). There humans. Study of amygdala lesions in developing and mature
are leads pointing to possible immune abnormalities associ- macaque monkeys was informative in showing that it was
ated with autism, but the evidence to date is inconclusive unlikely that the amygdala has a fundamental role in the core
(Medical Research Council MRC, 2001; Pardo, Vargas, & social impairments found in autism, although it did play
Zimmerman, 2005). Finally, there is no convincing evidence a role in fear responses that could be relevant (Prather
that the benefits of psychological intervention are contingent et al., 2001; Bauman, Lavenex, Mason, Capitanio, & Amaral,
on either very early or very intensive application. Authoritative 2004; Amaral & Corbett, 2003).
reviews (National Research Council, 2001) have suggested that
very early intensive intervention may be particularly effective,
but it has to be said that the evidence in support is relatively Á
scanty. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that com- Some Misleading Research Claims
prehensive early behavioral treatments result in substantial
worthwhile developmental gains (Rogers & Vismara, 2008). There have been many misleading therapeutic claims. These
The uncertainties concern both the claims that these gains only are too numerous to list but they include; fenfluramine
occur with highly intensive, very early treatment, and the (McDougle, 1997), secretin (Scahill & Martin, 2005), and
claims of full recovery. holding therapy (Howlin, 1998). Of course, it is inevitable
Animal models have proved immensely informative in that some promising interventions may not prove their worth,
medicine because of their value in testing causal mechanisms but what is regrettable is that some of these claims have been
(Hernandez & Blazer, 2005; Weatherall, 2006). They allow sys- in high-impact journals and accompanied by extremely
tematic study of the temporal sequence of events, and by the uncritical statements from leading scientists. There is also the
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Looking Backward and Looking Forward 21

misleading claim that facilitated communication reveals What is the meaning of the savant skills in autism (Howlin
normal functioning in autistic individuals. Early studies led et al., 2009), what brain mechanisms underlie their recurrence,
to the claim that autism was caused by urinary polypeptide and how often are they found in other neurodevelopmental
abnormalities, but when the research was undertaken with disorders? With respect to both regression and savant skills,
experimenters blinded to the diagnosis of the contributors of there is a need to question what leads to their occurrence and
the samples it could not confirm the findings (Le Couteur, also to question whether it is a categorical feature or rather a
Trygstad, Evered, Gillberg, & Rutter, 1988). In recent times, dimensional characteristic that may be found in greater or
there was the claim that MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella lesser degrees. What is the meaning of epilepsy in autism?
vaccine) had led to a massive epidemic of autism. Although What brain mechanisms underlie its occurrence, and why is
the claim was based on a very weak study, it too was published the peak age of onset in late adolescence (Minshew et al., 2005;
in a high-impact journal (Wakefield et al., 1998). Subsequent Bolton et al., in press) rather than in early childhood, which is
epidemiological research has been consistently negative with what is usually found in both the general population and in
respect to the claim that MMR has led to a rise in the rate of individuals with intellectual disability?
autism (see Honda, Shimizu, & Rutter, 2005; Rutter, 2005) It is well established that there is a broader phenotype of
and well-conducted studies have also shown that the measles autism, meaning a qualitatively similar pattern of social com-
virus in tissues claims were mistaken (Baird et al., 2008; municative and developmental impairments that is similar to
Hornig et al., 2008; D’Souza, Fombonne, & Ward, 2006; Afzal that found in autism “proper,” but that differs in not being
et al., 2006). associated with either intellectual disability or epilepsy (Bailey
Earlier, there was a claim that at least one quarter of cases of et al., 1995). Questions remain on how this is best identified
autism were caused by the Fragile X anomaly (Gillberg & and quantified (but see Dawson et al., 2007). What happens to
Wahlström, 1985), whereas better studies subsequently showed individuals with a broader phenotype as they grow older?
that the true proportion was probably below 5% (Bailey et al., What mechanisms are involved in the transition of the
1993). Another early claim was that autism was due to percep- broader phenotype to the more obviously handicapping dis-
tual inconstancy (Ornitz & Ritvo, 1968), or to vestibular order? Does this simply reflect a higher “dose” of the genetic
dysfunction (Ornitz, 1978). This claim was based on liability or is there some kind of “two hit” mechanism, in
comparisons that did not take account of mental age (see Yule, which some other factor (either intrinsic or extrinsic) is
1978, on the need to control for mental age), and the findings implicated?
have not stood the test of rigorous testing. The same applies to What are the origins of the intellectual disability found in
claims regarding overselectivity (Lovaas & Schreibman, 1971), so many individuals with autism? Some researchers who have
which proved to be a function of mental age (Schover & focused on higher functioning individuals have tended to
Newsom, 1976; Lovaas, Koegel, & Schreibman, 1979). dismiss the issue on the grounds that it is simply some inde-
pendent impairment having a different origin. This seems
rather unlikely, given both the strength of the association and
Á the fact that, within monozygotic twin pairs, one may show
Looking Ahead: Remaining Puzzles intellectual disability and the other not (Le Couteur et al.,
and Challenges 1996). Moreover, experimental cognitive studies have shown
substantial overlap in the pattern of impairments found in
Inevitably, as with any field of inquiry, numerous research individuals with autism who are and who are not intellectually
challenges remain. Here, attention is primarily drawn to those disabled.
that are likely to have important clinical implications. It is Traditionally, autism has been conceptualized as a mean-
appropriate to start with three well-demonstrated clinical fea- ingful syndrome, but recently that concept has been challenged
tures that, nevertheless, remain very poorly understood. First, by claims that the individual components of autism may not
there is the question of what is the meaning of the regression only be more separate than appreciated, but also that they may
that occurs in ASD (see Rutter, 2008). What brain mecha- reflect different genetic influences (Ronald, Happé, & Plomin,
nisms underlie its occurrence, and how often is it found in 2005). The question is a reasonable one, but it has to be said
other developmental disorders of language? Recent evidence that the evidence in support of the claim is somewhat contra-
(Baird et al., 2008; Pickles et al., 2009) indicates that a devel- dictory and inconclusive. What is needed (and not yet availa-
opmental regression is particularly characteristic of autism ble) is evidence on the general prevalence of the different
and is much less frequent with other developmental language components of autism, individually measured in a way that
disorders. Finding from multiplex families suggest that there does not necessitate the diagnostic concept. The key question
is no familial influence on regression other than that which then is to what extent the three main domains of impairment
concerns autism itself (Parr et al., in press). The likelihood is in autism co-occur.
that it reflects a developmental change in the neural mecha- A rather different question is why autism differs from most
nisms underlying language related skills, rather than any other psychiatric disorders in showing no substantial response
extrinsic environmental influence, but what are those neural to neuroleptics? There are minor benefits with respect to indi-
mechanisms? vidual behavioral features, but the evidence to date is that
22 Autism Spectrum Disorders

there is no substantial effect on the basic features of autism. reflect inadequate interventions in childhood, or does it reflect
Does that mean that research has focused on the wrong neu- inadequate services in adult life? Satisfactory answers to these
roleptics or does it mean that the abnormalities should not be questions have yet to be obtained.
conceptualized in neurotransmitter terms but, rather, in terms The genetic evidence suggests that autism is usually a
of some other underlying mechanism, such as immunological multifactorial disorder—meaning that multiple genetic influ-
abnormalities (Pardo, Vargas, & Zimmerman, 2005)? The sup- ences and multiple environmental factors are likely to be impli-
porting evidence on immune features is weak and inconclu- cated (Rutter, 2005b). But what are the nongenetic contributory
sive, but it constitutes a possibility worth investigating more causes of autism, and what mechanisms might be involved?
thoroughly. Attention has rightly shifted from the unlikely hypothesis that
A recent well conducted study showed a quite strong poor parenting is responsible, to the more likely expectation
association between high paternal age and an increased risk of that some prenatal or early postnatal factor might be impli-
ASD (Reichenberg et al., 2007). Two other studies (Cantor, cated. Large-scale prospective studies beginning during preg-
Yoon, Furr, & Lajonchere, 2007; Croen, Najjar, Fireman, & nancy, and involving good biological measures, are clearly
Grether, 2007) have shown something similar, so it may be indicated (Magnus et al., 2006; Rønningen et al., 2006;
that this is a reasonably robust finding. Nonetheless, further Stotltenberg et al., 2010). Insofar as there are prenatal or early
replication is desirable and the question remains on what this postnatal environmental causal effects, do they operate through
association means. Why is the association mostly with pater- toxicological, allergic, or immunological mechanisms? So far, it
nal age rather than maternal age (although there is some is unclear what the answers may be, but we must take seriously
evidence in support of both associations)? If confirmed, does the possibility that there are important environmental features
the association mean that the nongenetic factor in autism that play a role in the etiology of autism. Their elucidation is
should be conceptualized in terms of stochastic (random) likely to be facilitated by gains in our understanding of genetic
developmental perturbations, rather than the influence of vulnerability (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007).
some specific environmental factor? What is the neuropathology of autism (Amaral,
A somewhat similar question has to be posed with respect Schumann, & Nordahl, 2008; Bailey et al., 1998; Bauman &
to the association with copy number variations (CNV) and Kemper, 2005)? There is abundant evidence that some form of
with a high rate of chromosome abnormalities. The evidence neural underpinning is likely to be implicated in autism, but
to date suggests that it may not be the effect of a specific CNV what is it? Evidence to date suggests that, ordinarily, prenatal
(but see Eichler & Zimmerman, 2008; Weiss et al., 2008, with abnormalities are likely to be responsible, but the evidence
regard to CNVs on chromosome 16 and ASD unassociated base is decidedly slim. Moreover, the postmortem studies are
with regression), or a specific chromosomal anomaly (apart constrained by the fact that most deaths occur in individuals
from the association with interstitial duplications on chro- who have severe intellectual disability and epilepsy as well as
mosome 15 that are of maternal origin). Rather, the basic autism. The question remains as to how far the neuropatho-
questions concern why individuals with ASD are much more logical findings in this group generalize to the broader range
likely than other people to have a chromosomal anomaly or of ASD. It is undoubtedly good that brain-banks are being
microdeletions and microduplications, the nature of the established in the United States and Europe, but the findings
biological consequences of CNV (Cook & Scherer, 2008), and so far are not providing definitive answers. On the other hand,
the meaning of the indication that CNVs may be associ- the integration with imaging studies may constitute an impor-
ated with schizophrenia as well as with autism (International tant way forward (Munson et al., 2006; Schumann & Amaral,
Schizophrenia Consortium, 2008). 2006; Courchesne et al., 2007; Kennedy & Courchesne, 2008).
What mechanisms underlie the male preponderance in ASD? What neural processes underlie the increase in brain size in
Baron-Cohen (2002) has argued that autism constitutes an the early preschool years? Prospective high-risk sibling studies
extreme of “maleness,” but that ignores the important finding with appropriate measures would help, but it is also essential
that a male preponderance is common with most, but not all, that studies using animal models take on board the need to
early neurodevelopmental disorders (Rutter, Caspi, & Moffitt, examine this key feature of the ASD phenotype. The experi-
2003). Although there might be mechanisms that are specifically ence with Rett syndrome, again, shows that this can be achieved
associated with each neurodevelopmental disorder, it seems (Guy et al., 2001). Moreover, the Rett example shows that,
likely that there will be some commonality underlying the male against expectation, the brain changes may be potentially
preponderance. What mechanism might this reflect? Might it reversible (Guy, Gan, Selfridge, Cobb, & Bird, 2007).
reflect some influence on gene expression, for example? Claims have been made that dietary factors play a role in
It is already noted that major intellectual disability is a very either the genesis of autism or the severity of impairments of
important prognostic factor for poor outcome in autism, but autism. It has to be said that the evidence is, so far, rather
what is surprising from the systematic long-term follow-up unconvincing, but nevertheless it would be premature to rule
studies, is that a substantial proportion of individuals of out the possibility that dietary factors may play a role. For
normal intelligence nevertheless also have a poor adult out- example, they seemed rather unlikely to be operative in ADHD,
come (Howlin et al., 2004). Why is this the case? Does it reflect but good studies have indicated that they do play a role in a
some aspect of the underlying neural abnormality, or does it minority of cases (McCann et al., 2007). Although it seems
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Looking Backward and Looking Forward 23

unlikely that dietary factors play a primary role in the etiology findings are persuasive, but it remains quite unclear what
of autism, they could constitute a contributory factor, and the they mean in terms of what is going on in the brain. What are
possibility should be investigated. If they are shown to be the brain mechanisms involved in compensatory processes?
operative, the further question arises as to what mechanisms Up to now the greatest emphasis has been placed on impair-
might be involved. ments but, equally, it is clear that an important minority of
A somewhat different question is what can be achieved individuals make remarkable progress. What is different
through psychological interventions? There is good evidence in about them and their experiences? We need to focus on pro-
terms of their efficacy in reducing impairments and improving tective mechanisms as well as on risk mechanisms. One of
outcome. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain as to what extent the interesting basic science findings concerns the identifica-
efficacy depends on their early application at high intensity (Helt tion of mirror neurons—meaning neurons that respond
et al., 2008). Claims have been made that it does, but empirical both to an individual’s movements and to the observation of
evidence is thin. An important new randomized controlled trial similar movements in another individual (Rizzolatti &
of early intensive behavioral intervention (Dawson et al., 2009) Craighero, 2004). Clearly there is the potential that an abnor-
showed there was a significant increase in IQ (albeit of modest mality in such mirror neurons might underly autism (see
size) in the treated group and not in controls. However, what Dapretto, Lee, & Caplan, 2005), but do they actually underlie
this means is uncertain because there was no increase in social autism? How might that be tested in a rigorous systematic
functioning as measured by the Vineland scale after 12 months. fashion? Fan, Decety, Yang, Liu, & Cheng (2010) used mu
Also, the results showed there is no effect of the treatment on suppression on the EEG as an index of mirror neuron activ-
core features of autism assessed by the autism diagnostic obser- ity with findings casting doubt on the causal influence of
vation schedule. Consequently, the study certainly does not mirror neurons in autism.? Also, if they are causal, the
support the Lovaas claims (Lovaas, 1987; McEachin, Smith, & question remains as to why the psychological abnormalities
Lovaas, 1993) about the huge benefits of early treatment leading are not manifest earlier than seems to be the case.
to recovery. With respect to the genetic influences on liability to autism,
What is also very new is the introduction of methods of a host of different questions arise. Are different genes involved
treatment focussed on improving parental sensitivity and in each of the key domains of autistic symptomatology? Will
responsiveness. The randomized controlled trial undertaken progress on identified genes require a focus on subgroups such
by Green and his colleagues (2010) provides an excellent as shown by language impairment (Alarcón, Yonan, Gilliam,
model of how RCTs should be undertaken. The findings Cantor, & Geshwind, 2005; Alarcón et al., 2008), insistence on
were encouraging in showing substantial significant positive sameness (Shao et al., 2003), or macrocephaly (Sacco et al.,
changes in parental sensitivity/responsivity, but disappoint- 2007)? Also, does the genetic liability vary between males and
ing in that there was only a very small improvement (relative females? Will studies of gene expression help in establishing
to the control group) in the children’s autistic features. connections between genetic risk and specific brain structures
Moreover, we need to go on to ask what mechanisms medi- (Alarcón et al., 2008; Nishimura et al., 2007)? Does the genetic
ate the observed efficacy. Also, do the children, apparently liability operate dimensionally or categorically? What genetic
relieved of their major autistic handicaps, show a normaliza- factors and nongenetic factors operate in the transition from
tion of the social/cognitive deficits (Howlin, 2005)? The early the broader phenotype to autism? What is the role of stochas-
reports from McEachin et al. (1993) reported that normaliza- tic variation and developmental perturbations? Are these more
tion was achieved in nearly half the cases, but subsequent relevant in sporadic cases of ASD than in familial cases (Sebat
studies have indicated that the benefits may be much more et al., 2007)? Also, are the relevant genes ones that code for
modest (Howard, Sparkman, Cohen, Green, & Stanislaw, proteins, or are they noncoding genes that influence genetic
2005; Cohen, Amerine-Dickens, & Smith, 2006; Magiati, expression? To what extent is gene-environment interaction
Charman, & Howlin, 2007). Also, follow-up studies of groups involved (see D’Amelio et al., 2005, for a suggestion of genetic
not receiving intensive interventions have shown that a few vulnerability to organophosphates as used in pesticides)? To
individuals with autism in the early preschool years, and a what extent is the genetic liability for autism shared with other
rather larger proportion with ASDs other than autism, cease neurodevelopmental disorders.
to show autism by middle childhood. Do the findings indicate In recent years, evidence has emerged that a tiny minority
uncertainty over diagnosis at, say, 2 years, or has there been a of cases of autism are associated with single-gene pathological
true remission? Either way, the findings mean that caution mutations (Persico & Bourgeron, 2006). The key question is
should be exercised over therapeutic claims (Lord et al., 2006; whether the findings on these rare variants can be extrapolated
Sutera et al., 2007). to the broader range of multifactorial ASDs. On the one hand,
What early psychological abnormalities precede the onset it is clear that there are well-established examples in which rare
of the overt clinical manifestations? What is their meaning in Mendelian variants do seem to reflect the same pathophysiol-
terms of the abnormal psychology involved in autism and ogy as the much more common multifactorial disorders—as
what is the meaning of the abnormal interconnectivity as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, there are
found in imaging studies? How can the observations be trans- contrary examples (see below). In short, it would be wrong to
lated into meaningful neural mechanisms? The empirical dismiss the evidence derived from rare Mendelian variants but,
24 Autism Spectrum Disorders

equally, it would be wrong to assume that the findings extrapolate messages. First, it would appear that a greater focus is needed
to the more frequent multifactorial varieties of ASD. on neglected clinical issues. The examples of regression, savant
The problem is that many monogenic disorders can occa- skills, and epilepsy stand out in that connection.
sionally give rise to a clinical phenotype that is very much like Second, there is a need to use epidemiological methods
ASD. The Fragile X anomaly, Down syndrome, and tuberous in a more hypothesis-testing fashion. Two rather different
sclerosis all illustrate this point. In each case, the pathophysiol- examples may be provided. First, large-scale prospective
ogy (insofar as it is known) seems not to mimic that seen in epidemiological studies are required to look at the possibility
autism. The tubers of tuberous sclerosis are not found in ASD, that prenatal and early postnatal environmental risk factors
and neither is the microcephaly of Down syndrome. Although are involved in etiology. Second, epidemiological research is
it has been argued that the findings on correction of the Fragile needed to examine the possibility that autism does not consti-
X syndrome in mice has implications for autism (Dölen et al., tute a meaningful, cohesive syndrome but rather three dispa-
2007), that seems dubious. Why then should one suppose that rate domains of malfunction that happen to have been brought
the single-gene mutations (such as the X-linked neuroligins, together as a result of prevailing diagnostic concepts.
SHANK-3 or neurexin) that are associated with ASD in a tiny Third, there is a need to increase the more searching creative
handful of cases might involve mechanisms that could gener- use of the technologies such as imaging or molecular genetics.
alize more widely? The possible answer is that they affect There is no doubt that these technologies provide powerful
neural processes (such as synaptic function and circadian research tools, but progress will not come in throwing a tech-
rhythm or developmental disconnection) that might be appli- nological bag of tricks at the problem. Rather, the technologies
cable (Durand et al., 2007; Bourgeron, 2007; Geschwind & need to be used in hypothesis-testing fashion to examine
Levitt, 2007; Jamain et al., 2008). In addition, attention needs competing alternative hypotheses.
to be paid to the connection between neuronal activity and Fourth, why is it taking so long to identify susceptibility
gene expression (Flavell & Greenberg, 2008). Research into the genes for ASD? Larger and larger samples are unlikely to
neural underpinnings of autism needs to be informed by an provide a sufficient solution, and it will be essential to use inno-
understanding of normal brain function. The fact that each of vative strategies to focus on possibly meaningful subgroups, or
these genes seems to be associated with a wider range of phe- possible interplay with stochastic variations, and on possible
notypes than just ASD is not necessarily an objection. Genes gene by environment interactions (see Dodge & Rutter, in
do not code for DSM-IV or ICD-10 diagnostic categories! press, for a fuller discussion). In addition, there may be value in
Nevertheless, unless the neural abnormalities can be shown to focusing on the minority of cases of ASD born to children from
be specifically associated with ASD there must be doubts over consanguineous partnerships (Walsh et al., 2008).
the meaning of the finding. Finally, funding agencies need to recognize that research
Somewhat similar challenges arise with respect to CNV. advances usually derive from creative research that reflects
Undoubtedly, they constitute an important new focus for often iconoclastic approaches born out of new ways of looking
genetic studies. On the other hand, for the most part, because at old problems.
the de novo mutations appear to apply to phenotypes that are
quite varied (on the limited basis of the published data), it is
unclear whether they will be informative on what may be spe- Á SUGGESTED READING
cific for ASD. It remains uncertain what proportion of cases
they account for, but it certainly seems to be a small propor- Bock, G., & Goode, J. (Eds.). (2003). Autism: Neural basis and
treatment possibilities. Novartis Foundation Symposium 251.
tion and, insofar as they are de novo mutations, they do not
Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
account for the familiality of ASD. What is clear is that such
Frith, U. (2003). Autism: Explaining the enigma (2nd ed.). Oxford:
CNVs are much more common in a mixed range of neurode- Blackwell.
velopmental disorders than they are in the general population. Volkmar, F., Paul, R., Klin, A., & Cohen, D. (Eds). (2005). Handbook
That raises the question about what it is that has brought of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (3rd ed.).
about this increased proportion of CNV. Might this, for exam- New York: John Wiley & Sons.
ple, be a function of raised parental age in increasing the rate
of developmental anomalies or perturbations—the parallel is
the well-established association between maternal age and Á REFERENCES
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2 Á Katherine Gotham, Somer L. Bishop, Catherine Lord

Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á members of individuals with ASD continues to generate

Points of Interest interest as a potential window into the genetic transmission of
these disorders (Dawson et al., 2007). Though associations
• History of autism and ASD classification. have been shown between increased rates of ASD and genetic,
• Current criteria for and presentation of pervasive devel- chromosomal, and/or brain abnormalities, no biological
opmental disorders. marker adequately accounts for a significant minority of cases
• Potential revisions to ASD criteria and classification with reasonable specificity. Therefore diagnosis is currently
framework. based on behavioral phenotype alone.
• Participant characteristics that affect diagnosis. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the history of
• Instruments and methods for assessing ASD. autism and ASD classification, including criteria for and pres-
• Diagnostic issues often overlooked in research. entation of each of the PDDs, participant characteristics that
affect diagnosis, instruments and methods for assessing ASD,
innovative uses for the diagnostic measures, and diagnostic
issues often overlooked in research.
Since its original description by Leo Kanner in 1943, autism Epidemiology and Diagnosis
has come to be recognized as a neurodevelopmental disorder
that manifests in infancy or early childhood and encom- Whereas autism was previously thought to occur in approxi-
passes both delays and deviance in a “triad” of behavioral mately 4 children out of 10,000 based on epidemiological
domains (Wing & Gould, 1979): reciprocal social interac- studies published in the 1960s, the autism spectrum currently
tion, communication, and restricted and repetitive behav- is thought to have a combined prevalence rate of 50–60 out of
iors and interests. Autism is thought to be the cornerstone of 10,000 school-age children (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2005;
a spectrum of disorders, commonly referred to as autism CDC, 2007). Refinements to diagnostic criteria, addressed
spectrum disorders (ASD) or pervasive developmental disor- later in this chapter, surely have impacted these prevalence
ders (PDD). This spectrum includes Asperger’s syndrome rates (D. Bishop, Whitehouse, Watt, & Line, 2008). Growing
(AS), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise ASD prevalence and awareness of the disorders in turn
Specified (PDD-NOS, or atypical autism), as well as two very demand greater research attention to the boundaries of and
rare disorders, Rett’s disorder and Childhood Disintegrative within this spectrum. Indeed, one of the primary issues in
Disorder (CDD). ASD diagnosis today is a debate about the clinical and bio-
Studies of monozygotic twin concordance for autism, and logical validity of distinct categorical disorders within the
of families in which parents have multiple affected children, spectrum (see below).
have established that risk for ASD is influenced by genetic ASD is more prevalent among males, with an approximate
factors (Morrow et al., 2008; Constantino & Todd, 2008). gender ratio of 4:1. There seems to be a higher proportion of
A “broader phenotype” of social impairments in family severe cognitive impairment in females with ASD than in

Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 31

males (Fombonne, 2005a). It is speculated that gender may be Á

differently associated with various etiological subtypes in ASD Diagnostic Classification
(Miles et al., 2005). Though we may come to see subgroups
with different ASD severity levels and cognitive ranges in In 1943, Kanner used the term “infantile autism” to describe
which sex ratios differ from that in the overall population, at 11 children who exhibited limited interest in and impaired
this point there is no specific profile of ASD impairments that social response to others from infancy onward (Kanner, 1943).
distinguishes girls from boys (except for greater female These children were either nonverbal or had impaired com-
prevalence in Rett’s disorder). munication, as well as behavioral rigidity. Virtually simultane-
Factors such as race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic class are ously, Hans Asperger described a similar group of male
not thought to influence presentation of ASD. We mention children (Asperger, 1944), but the fact that Kanner published
them here, however, because they have been associated with in English and Asperger in German barred the comparison of
age of first diagnosis, and with over- or underdiagnosis of these findings. For decades, most mental health professionals
ASD, depending on the specific group. Kanner noted that the continued to think of children with this behavioral profile as
parents of his sample were well educated and high achieving, having “childhood schizophrenia” (Tidmarsh & Volkmar,
leading to a notion that autism was more prevalent among the 2003), until the work of Rutter and Kolvin in the 1970s distin-
higher socioeconomic classes. Later, more rigorous studies of guished the two conditions in terms of clinical characteristics
SES and ASD found that autism crosses social class (Schopler, and outcome (Rutter, 1970, 1972; Kolvin, 1971). Whereas
Andrews, & Strupp, 1980; Wing, 1980). However, early diag- childhood schizophrenia was characterized by disordered
nosis of children with lower SES is often impeded by less sensi- personality, thought, and mood and blunted affect, usually
tive referral sources, limited access to specialized clinics, and with normal intelligence and an onset after 11 years of age,
the cost of a diagnostic evaluation. Accurate diagnosis for a “infantile autism” was noted from infancy or shortly after in
complicated case of ASD may span a couple of years and children with a range of intellectual functioning, and was
require thousands of dollars (Shattuck & Grosse, 2007). One marked by speech delay, ritualistic behaviors, and deficits in
study found that children from poor or near-poor families social relationships and imaginative play.
receive an initial diagnosis up to 11 months later than children In 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
from wealthier families (Mandell, Novak, & Zubritsky, 2005). Disorders, 3rd edition (DSM-III; APA, 1980), first included
Age of identification was significantly higher for African “infantile autism” under a new diagnostic category of Pervasive
American and Latino children than for white children in Developmental Disorder, partly in recognition of Wing’s
another study in which the entire sample had low SES “triad of impairments” often associated with intellectual dis-
(Mandell, Listerud, & Levy, 2002), although this was not rep- abilities (Wing & Gould, 1979). With the 1987 revisions,
licated in two more recent studies (Mandell et al., 2005; DSM-III-R changed the diagnostic label to “autistic disorder.”
Wiggins, Baio, & Rice, 2006). In 2009 Mandell and his research Also, “Not Otherwise Specified” categories were added to this
team examined age of diagnosis by race and other factors in version of the DSM, thereby creating PDD-NOS. The World
over 76,000 Medicaid-enrolled children with new diagnoses of Health Organization’s International Statistical Classification of
an ASD. They found that African American children were Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10;
diagnosed with an ASD at a mean age of 70.8 months, WHO, 1990), which included Rett’s disorder and CDD in the
compared to the overall sample mean of 68.4, whereas Latino Pervasive Developmental Disorder category, came into wide-
and Asian children tended to receive diagnoses at younger spread use in 1994. The DSM-IV was published in the same
ages than did children in other ethnic groups, including year (APA, 1994), and had PDD criteria revised to correspond
Caucasian children (Mandell, Morales, et al., 2009). The to ICD-10 criteria for these disorders.
author postulates that the findings might be due to the amel- The DSM-IV PDD classifications and a brief overview of
ioration of ethnicity-related disparities in impoverished sam- their criteria are presented below (see also Tidmarsh &
ples, or perhaps a phenomenon in which the most severely Volkmar, 2003). Because ICD-10 categories and criteria are so
impaired children within some ethnic groups are the only similar to DSM-IV classification, the former system will not be
ones to be identified in early childhood, decreasing the reviewed in depth here. ICD-10 includes more subtypes of
observed age of diagnosis for a particular group. Indeed, PDD than does DSM-IV. Nonetheless, the similarity between
another study by the same team found that black and Hispanic these systems has already had a profound impact by enabling
children were less likely to have a documented ASD than were international merging of datasets and comparison of research
white children (Mandell, Wiggins, et al., 2009). Research is findings (e.g. International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism,
currently being done to determine the influence of cultural Gong et al., 2008; Autism Genome Project et al., 2007).
factors in observing and reporting autism behaviors, as well as
differences in ASD prevalence across racial/ethnic groups Autistic Disorder
(Mandell, Wiggins, et al., 2009; Bhasin & Schendel, 2007;
Overton, Fielding, & Garcia de Alba, 2007; Schieve, Rice, & In the DSM-IV, autistic disorder is diagnosed when six
Boyle, 2006). symptoms are present across the three domains of qualitative
32 Autism Spectrum Disorders

impairment in social interaction, communication, and I trouble you to answer some questions with regard to this new
restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, development?”), and diminished conversational reciprocity,
interests, and activities. At least two of the symptoms must be often associated with restricted topics of interest. According to
from the social domain, with at least one symptom present DSM-IV, autistic disorder must be ruled out before a diagnosis
from each of the other two domains. Social, language, or play of AS can be made. When this rule is observed, the prevalence
abnormalities or delays must be present before the age of 3, and of AS is very low, making it difficult to gather samples large
Rett’s disorder and CDD must first be ruled out before assign- enough to study potential differences between this disorder
ing a diagnosis of autistic disorder. and high functioning autism (HFA; or autism without intel-
Impairment in social reciprocity is believed to be the central lectual disability) (see Szatmari, 2000). The DSM-IV rule-out
defining characteristic of autism (Williams White, Koenig, & criterion is therefore often ignored, with many clinical and
Scahill, 2007; Carter, Davis, Klin, & Volkmar, 2005). Difficulties research facilities each tending to use their own AS criteria.
in social interaction present in various ways within and across Earlier studies suggested that children with AS differed
individuals, such as a toddler who does not direct eye contact from those with HFA with regard to impoverished motor
or a changed facial expression to her parent when something skills (Gillberg, 1989) and profiles of discrepantly high verbal
startles her, but looks up briefly in the direction of the noise IQ (Volkmar et al., 1994). However, the lack of standardiza-
and continues playing, an adolescent who interjects abruptly tion of diagnosis has made these findings difficult to corrobo-
during a group conversation to bring up his own interest in rate (Klin, Paul, Schultz, & Volkmar, 2005), and a number of
videogames, or an adult who makes no response to another’s more recent reviews have found little evidence of distinction
comment about having a terrible day. between AS and HFA (Macintosh & Dissanayake, 2004; Frith,
Delay, impairment in, or absence of communication strat- 2004; see also Howlin, 2003). For example, Bennett, Szatmari,
egies is also characteristic of autism. These difficulties are evi- and colleagues (2008) found that grouping 6- to 8-year-olds
dent in both verbal (e.g., late onset of phrase speech, pronoun by the presence or absence of structural language impairment
reversal, stereotyped speech) and nonverbal (e.g., minimal (deficits in grammar or syntax) explained more variance in
use of gestures) aspects of communication. Recent factor outcome through ages 15–17 on an array of dimensions,
analyses of standardized diagnostic measures, the Autism including adaptive behavior and scores on the Autism
Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; Lord et al., 2000) Behavior Checklist (Krug, Arick, & Almond, 1980), than did
and the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (ADI-R; Lord, grouping the sample by clinical diagnoses of AS and HFA.
Rutter, & LeCouteur, 1994), have shown that social and com- Similarly, Cuccaro and colleagues (2007) found no differences
munication domain items from these measures load onto a in repetitive behaviors between individuals with diagnoses of
single factor (Gotham et al., 2008; Georgiades et al., 2007; AS versus HFA. Based on widespread disagreement in the field
Lecavalier et al., 2006), and therefore it is possible that these about how to diagnose AS, as well as lack of evidence of differ-
two symptoms domains will be merged in DSM-V criteria for ences between AS and HFA, there are likely to be significant
autistic disorder. changes in how AS is conceptualized in future DSM and ICD
Restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests (RRBs) editions.
comprise the third domain of autism symptomatology. These
include repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand flapping), Pervasive Developmental Disorder,
unusual sensory interests (e.g., squinting one’s eyes to peer at Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD-NOS)
a wind-up toy), and restricted or unusual topics of interest
(e.g., collecting ticket stubs, learning and reciting everything PDD-NOS diagnoses are assigned to children who do not
there is to know about the Roman emperor Nero). Based on meet onset criteria for autistic disorder or whose pattern of
recent analyses of the factor structure and developmental impairments falls short of the required number of symptoms
course of behaviors in the RRB domain, some researchers in each domain. An individual with PDD-NOS may have
have suggested that this third domain of behavior be split into symptoms meeting criteria in the social and one other domain,
two separate categories: “repetitive sensory motor behaviors,” but exhibit no symptoms in the remaining domain, or alterna-
which include motor mannerisms, sensory interests, and tively, he/she may have a subthreshold number of symptoms
repetitive use of objects, and “insistence on sameness behav- in all three domains. Because this category does not have spe-
iors,” such as compulsions and rituals and overreliance on cific criteria of its own, it is often used as a “catch-all” diagno-
routines (Cuccaro et al., 2003; Bishop, Richler, & Lord, 2006; sis for individuals with a spectrum disorder difficult to specify,
Richler, Bishop, Kleinke, & Lord, 2007). or for young children to whom professionals do not yet feel
comfortable giving an autism diagnosis (Walker et al., 2004;
Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) Lord et al., 2006). In a study of interrater diagnostic reliability
using three expert raters, the agreement for PDD-NOS (versus
Like autism, AS is also marked by social impairment and autism or AS) was not better than chance (Mahoney et al.,
restricted interests and behaviors. Development of speech is 1998). Walker and colleagues (2004) suggested that the relia-
not delayed in AS, but communication abnormalities are often bility and utility of the category may be improved by creating
present, including flat intonation, pedantic speech (e.g., “Could a separate designation for individuals with significant social
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 33

and communication impairment without restricted, repetitive in non-CDD regression, the developed speech is often very
behaviors (RRBs). However, other studies have indicated that limited (i.e., 3–10 single words) and only present for a few
most individuals with PDD-NOS do have RRBs (Matson, weeks or months. Additionally, while loss of eye contact or
Dempsey, LoVullo, & Wilkins, 2008; Bishop et al., 2006), so other signs of social interest and engagement or play skills are
this revised definition would only account for a very small often reported in children with autism, regressions in autism,
proportion of PDD-NOS cases. unlike CDD regressions, are less frequently accompanied by
PDD-NOS and AS may have dimensional differences from losses in adaptive or motor skills.
autism in some cases, but their utility as distinct, reliable cat- It once seemed likely that CDD was etiologically distinct
egorical disorders will depend on evidence of their specific from autism. However researchers have recently questioned
value in determining etiology and treatment (Volkmar & whether this disorder represents an arbitrary distinction from
Lord, 2007). For future DSM and ICD versions, it will be autism on the basis of the timing of the regression, the level of
important to examine whether PDD-NOS should remain a the child’s skills before the regression, and the type of skills
“catch-all” diagnosis or whether the population currently lost. Studies about the validity of CDD as a distinct disorder
identified with this label could be divided into more definable have suggested that CDD may be accompanied by higher rates
subtypes, with the “NOS” label used less frequently for cases of epilepsy, increased fearfulness, and lower intellectual func-
that fall short of meeting criteria for any PDD subtype. tioning (or less discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal IQ)
than is seen in autism (Kurita, Osada, & Miyake, 2004;
Rett’s Disorder Malhotra & Gupta, 2002; Volkmar & Rutter, 1995). At this
time, it remains unclear whether CDD represents extremes on
This rare disorder appears primarily in girls. Development in all three dimensions of autism-like regression (e.g., lateness
infancy is not obviously abnormal initially, but soon head of regression, strength of prior skills, and amount of skills
growth slows and fine and gross motor skills may be lost. The affected by the regression) or a unique disorder.
loss may include language skills and social interest as well.
Social interaction usually improves by late childhood or adoles-
cence, though severe mental retardation and motor impairment Á
are persistent. Rett’s Disorder is characterized by stereotypical Factors That Affect the Presentation of ASD
motor behaviors, most prominently hand-wringing, and
breathing abnormalities, such as breathholding or hyperventi- ASDs are heterogeneous disorders, and individuals with these
lation; seizure activity is common. Mutations to X-linked gene diagnoses can look quite different from each other. A nonver-
MECP2 account for most cases (Amir et al., 1999). bal 16-year-old who avoids eye contact and spins in circles
Because Rett syndrome is associated with a identifiable might share a diagnosis of autism with a hyperactive, verbally
genetic mutation, it has been argued that it should not be fluent 4-year-old who seeks out others to talk at length about
considered within the autism spectrum. However, more his interest in maps and state capitals. Because ASDs are
recently, as various genetic associations become apparent developmental disorders, they both influence and are influ-
within this spectrum, the proposal has been made to give an enced by developmental levels of the individual (such as lan-
ASD diagnosis on the basis of behavioral characteristics guage level, “mental age,” and chronological age). Thus,
regardless of genetic findings, with genetic or chromosomal diagnosticians must be familiar with the range of factors that
abnormalities coded on a separate axis. Thus, children with can affect the presentation of ASD across individuals.
other identified disorders (e.g., genetic syndromes, fetal alco- Furthermore, although autism spectrum disorders are consid-
hol spectrum disorders) could receive an additional diag- ered some of the most reliably diagnosable psychiatric disorders
nosis of ASD if they meet behavioral criteria for social and of childhood (Volkmar & Lord, 2007), current classification
communication impairments. systems may be most useful in the diagnosis of somewhat verbal,
school-age children with mild-to-moderate intellectual disabil-
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder ity. Special considerations must be taken, therefore, when
assessing individuals on the “extremes” of the spectrum: very
Also rare, with prevalence estimated at 2 cases per 100,000 chil- young children and adults; individuals with severe intellectual
dren (Fombonne, 2005b), CDD is differentiated from autism disability and those with average to above-average intelligence;
by a marked regression between 2 and 10 years of age follow- and individuals with very limited or very strong verbal skills.
ing normal development in at least the first two years of life. In
CDD, skills are lost in two or more of the following areas: lan- Chronological Age
guage, social interaction, motor skills, play, or adaptive behav-
ior. Though regression occurs in other ASDs as well As with any developmental disorder, chronological age has a
(approximately 20–33% of children on the autism spectrum significant impact on the way in which ASD symptoms mani-
develop some single words in infancy and then lose them, usu- fest. Individuals behave differently at different phases in devel-
ally between the ages of 18 and 24 months; even more children opment, and these changes affect the presentation of their
“lose” other social or communication skills; Luyster et al., 2005), symptoms, as well as the contexts in which they should be
34 Autism Spectrum Disorders

evaluated. Most individuals with ASD continue to exhibit samples estimate that 29–60% of children with autism fall
social and communication difficulties and restricted or repeti- in the normal range of nonverbal IQ (Fombonne, 2005a;
tive behaviors across the lifespan, but the particular nature of Tidmarsh & Volkmar, 2003). Although there is a great deal of
these symptoms is likely to change dramatically with age. variability in developmental trajectories and outcomes for
In recent years, a great deal of attention has been given to children with ASD, nonverbal IQ has been found to be one
identifying symptoms of ASD in very young children. Early of the best prognostic indicators (Thurm, Lord, & Lee,
identification of autism has been emphasized in clinical 2007; Venter, Lord, & Schopler, 1992). Consequently, infor-
research and practice due to the reported benefits of early mation about a child’s cognitive abilities is important in
intervention. Current research suggests that autism can be programming and planning for the future.
diagnosed reliably by age 2 and nonautism ASD by age 3 Because skill expectations are different for children at
(Turner, Stone, Pozdol, & Coonrod, 2006; Chawarska, Klin, different developmental levels, knowledge about a child’s
Paul, & Volkmar, 2006). Some first signs in infants that are cognitive abilities is necessary in order to accurately assess his/
associated with later ASD diagnoses include failure to respond her social and communication skills. We would not expect, for
to one’s name, poor eye contact, and an array of unusual reac- example, the same level of social sophistication from a 14-year-
tions to sensory properties of objects (Dawson et al., 2004; old with mild intellectual disability as we would if his cogni-
Baranek, 1999). Although the field continues to make gains tive abilities were in the average range. Thus, as mentioned
in the area of early assessment and diagnosis (see Chapter 5 in previously, it is essential that clinicians familiarize themselves
this volume), many professionals are still not well versed in with typical social behaviors for individuals at different devel-
the range of social and communication abilities exhibited by opmental stages, taking into account both chronological and
typically developing infants and toddlers. Knowledge of mental age. This is necessary in order to “separate” the behav-
chronological age expectations in normal development is iors related to ASD from those related to intellectual disability.
therefore essential for all professionals working with this Studies comparing children with ASD to children with non-
population (see Bishop, Luyster, Richler, & Lord, 2008). spectrum developmental delays (e.g., Down syndrome, intel-
Unlike infants and toddlers, adolescents and adults with lectual disability of unknown etiology), have provided essential
ASD have received relatively little attention in the recent lit- information about behaviors that are more or less specific to
erature, particularly with regard to assessment and diagnosis. ASD, and have shown that even children with significant
Adolescents and adults with ASD often exhibit greater social delays (without ASD) exhibit social competencies, such as
interest than younger children, but have exaggerated, stilted, joint attention skills, that many children with ASD do not
or otherwise abnormal means of interacting, including poor (Dawson et al., 2004; Bishop, Gahagan, & Lord, 2007).
social reciprocity and difficulty sustaining interactions. Across It is more difficult to make diagnostic differentiations in
many studies, the use of communicative speech increases from children with profound levels of intellectual disability. These
childhood to adulthood, but aspects of communication individuals are very likely to meet criteria for ASD because
remain impaired in ASD into adulthood, particularly those their general level of functioning falls below a preschool level.
related to social functioning, such as gestures, perseveration, In these cases, it may not be possible to differentiate individuals
or overly literal interpretation of language (Seltzer, Shattuck, with profound mental retardation in whom the ASD is
& Abbeduto, 2004). Based on a more limited body of research, “primary” from those in whom the intellectual disability is the
the presence of RRBs seems to be relatively stable into adult- central cause of their difficulties. Furthermore, as discussed
hood, though the particular manifestation of these behaviors below, diagnostic instruments for ASD do not have the same
may change, for example, shifting from a toddler who seeks psychometric properties when applied to populations of
out only toys that have buttons, to an adolescent conversing individuals with very severe cognitive disabilities.
about her restricted interest in constellations (Seltzer et al.,
2004). Language
As a result of rising prevalence estimates and increased
public awareness of ASD, more and more adults are present- As is the case with nonverbal skills, language abilities vary
ing for initial evaluations with concerns about ASD. However, widely among children and adults with ASD. Whereas many
because ASD is normally diagnosed during childhood, most or most children with autism were once expected to be non-
empirically derived assessment tools were designed for and verbal or minimally verbal, these rates have changed dramati-
validated on samples of children with ASD. Future research cally with the recognition of milder cases, as well as greater
will need to dedicate more attention to developing best prac- access to early language intervention. In one study of children
tice guidelines for assessment and diagnosis of adults with with relatively severe ASD, about 40% of school-age children
suspected ASD. had complex fluent speech by age 9, and the proportion of
completely nonverbal children was less than 15% (Lord et al.,
Mental Retardation 2006), indicating that previous estimates of 50% of children
with ASD being nonverbal are no longer valid.
Intellectual disability was once thought to be present in Assessing social difficulties and communication impair-
most autism cases, but findings from more recently recruited ments across a range of language levels from nonverbal to
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 35

fluent requires expertise in various instruments (as discussed the factors described in this section—such as strong initial
later) but also an understanding of the range of behaviors language and cognitive abilities and younger chronological
associated with the autism spectrum. It is important to recog- age at identification (Helt et al., 2008).
nize that individuals with more limited language abilities who
do not have ASD still employ nonverbal forms of communica-
tion, such as gestures and eye contact, to initiate social interac- Á
tions. Therefore, understanding the numerous ways in which Assessment of ASD
humans communicate and what is expected for individuals at
different developmental stages is required in order to be able Diagnostic assessment of ASD is carried out by a number of
to distinguish ASD from other disorders. professionals, e.g., physicians, psychologists, and educators.
The type of professional or service system making the diagno-
Comorbid Disorders sis will often affect how that diagnosis will be used to obtain
services: distinct labels from different professionals are usually
Comorbidity of ASD with other psychiatric disorders occurs needed for eligibility of insurance or governmental funding,
frequently and may have great impact on the already heter- educational placement, or treatment planning (Shattuck &
ogeneous presentation of these disorders. Some of the most Grosse, 2007). Regardless of the assessment venue or the qual-
common comorbid disorders include anxiety, depression, ifications of the evaluator, it is vital that all professionals
hyperactivity, attention problems, obsessive-compulsive fea- undertaking ASD assessment have clinical experience, skill,
tures, oppositional-defiant disorder, tics, and epilepsy. Tuberous and familiarity with individuals with ASD and related disor-
sclerosis and Fragile X account for a relatively small proportion ders. Diagnosticians should be aware of best practices in the
of ASD cases (though conversely, a significant proportion of field and utilize standardized instruments. At the same time,
children with these disorders have autism or ASD) (Lord & clinical judgment has been found to contribute to the stability
Spence, 2006; see also Chapter 46, this volume). Schizophrenia of ASD diagnosis beyond the classification from common
has also been reported to co-occur with ASD, though infre- standardized measures (Lord et al., 2006). Thus, even when
quently. Adults with ASD may sometimes receive a schizophre- required training has been completed for use of a particular
nia diagnosis because of social isolation, flat affect, speaking diagnostic measure, a background of clinical experience with
their thoughts aloud, and/or endorsing the idea of “hearing individuals with ASD is integral to competent diagnostic prac-
voices” based on a literal interpretation, e.g., someone was tice. Frequent, active contact with individuals with ASD led to
speaking in the next room and could be heard despite not being excellent interrater reliability for clinical diagnosis in DSM-IV
immediately present (Fitzgerald, 1999). field trials, compared to fair reliability in less experienced pro-
Physical disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, or condi- fessionals (Volkmar et al., 1994). Beginning professionals
tions that impair or prohibit motor coordination, also impact must have access to adequate supervision, and “experts” must
ASD presentation and diagnosis. These disabilities can affect maintain a high rate of ongoing clinical involvement with the
social development; they also can render irrelevant certain ASD population.
behaviors that influence diagnosis, e.g., eye contact in blind
children, or response to name in deaf children. These condi- Components of a Diagnostic Assessment
tions may also prevent a referred individual’s participation in
standard forms of assessment (e.g., a child with cerebral palsy Before proceeding with a behavioral assessment for ASD, appro-
who cannot construct block designs for cognitive testing). priate steps should be taken to ensure that the referred individual
Many of these disorders have social implications, and some is physically healthy. These may include a physical exam to take
of them are associated with specific kinds of repetitive behav- growth measurements and rule out medical disorders that might
iors, especially motor mannerisms, which can make diagnosis obscure the presentation of ASD, as well as hearing, speech, and
of ASD and comorbid disorders challenging. Comorbidity is language assessments. In some cases, additional neurological or
more the rule than the exception in assessment today, due genetic testing may be indicated (see the American Academy of
to high rates of co-occurring conditions within individuals Pediatrics Council on Children with Disabilities guidelines for
on the autism spectrum (Sterling, Dawson, & Estes, 2008; autism evaluation, Johnson et al., 2007).
Matson & Nebel-Schwalm, 2007). A multidisciplinary assessment for ASD should include a
While ASDs are commonly thought to be life-long disor- caregiver-based developmental history that addresses mile-
ders, there has been a great deal of recent interest and research stones and noted abnormalities in the individual’s earliest
on “optimal outcome” children—those who come to func- years. A pregnancy and birth history should be taken, as well
tion in the normal range of cognitive, adaptive, and social as an overview of the referred individual’s general health,
skills, and thus no longer qualify for an ASD diagnosis. including sleeping and eating behaviors, and a family history
Though the accuracy and standardization of assessment and documenting relatives with ASD, genetic conditions, and
diagnosis may play a role in the observation of this phenom- mental health issues. Teachers or daycare providers can
enon, a subtype of children on the spectrum who “recover” also assist in providing additional information about the
would likely be associated with and influenced by many of individual’s behavior.
36 Autism Spectrum Disorders

In addition to obtaining information from parents and developmental level (Volkmar & Lord, 2007). Other diagnoses
teachers about an individual’s behavior, a diagnostic assess- that referred children may have received in error include right
ment should always include a direct observation of the referred hemisphere learning problems, hearing disabilities, obsessive
individual. The child or adult with ASD should be seen compulsive disorder (OCD), schizoid personality disorder,
personally by the diagnostician, and ideally, the observation attachment disorder, selective mutism, and Landau-Kleffner
should include the administration of a semistructured syndrome (characterized by language loss and seizure onset;
observational measure to assess the presence of symptoms Landau & Kleffner, 1998). While some differential diagnoses
associated with ASD (see below). The direct assessment should are more likely to be ruled out before an ASD diagnosis is
also include cognitive and language testing, as verbal and non- made (e.g., schizoid personality disorder or selective mutism),
verbal abilities directly affect how symptoms of ASD manifest. others may warrant consideration as comorbid disorders (e.g.,
Furthermore, a home or school visit may be useful for directly language disorders or intellectual disability).
observing behavior problems or peer relationships that occur
outside of the clinic setting.
When evaluating adolescents and adults who have the Á
cognitive and language abilities to report on their own symp- Diagnostic Measures
toms, it may also be appropriate to incorporate self-report
measures into the diagnostic assessment. Standardized self- Diagnosis of ASD has benefited from the development of
report questionnaires such as the Autism Spectrum Quotient standardized measures. This review will touch on the clinical
(AQ: Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, & Clubley, utility and psychometric properties of a few questionnaires,
2001—see below) have been developed to obtain symptom interviews, and observational measures that have historical
reports directly from the referred individual. These instruments importance or current relevance in ASD diagnosis. See Lord
hold promise as a means of gaining a better understanding and Corsello (2005) for a more detailed review of ASD
about the perspectives and internal experiences of individuals diagnostic instruments.
with ASD. However, given that lack of insight is one of the Though measures vary in their purpose and convenience
features of ASD, further work is required to understand the (thus clinical diagnosticians and research projects employ a
extent to which adolescents and adults with ASD are capable range of the measures described below, as well as others),
of providing valid reports about their own strengths and a number of instruments have come to be included in an
difficulties (see Bishop & Seltzer, submitted). internationally recognized “best practice” diagnostic assess-
Following the assessment, diagnostic feedback should be ment for ASD. These include the parent/caregiver interview,
provided to the parents or referred adult both in person the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord et al.,
and in a written report. The family should be provided with 1994), and the standardized clinical observation, the Autism
information about ASD, and the clinician may wish to discuss Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; Lord et al., 2000),
coping skills and support resources with the family (Lord & as well as the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ;
McGee, 2001). If the primary clinician is not a psychiatrist, Rutter, Bailey, & Lord, 2003) and the Social Responsiveness
parents should have the option of requesting a psychiatric Scale (SRS; Constantino, 2002). The ADI-R and ADOS exist in
consult to discuss the patient’s medication needs, if any. 20 authorized translations worldwide, the SCQ in 17, and the
Because of the time, expertise, number of professionals, SRS in 18. Due in part to the widespread use of these instru-
waiting lists, and costs, multidisciplinary assessments may ments, research findings can be more easily compared and
not be a reality for all families with children with ASD, nor is samples collapsed across data collection sites.
it necessary in all contexts (e.g., confirming a previous diag- Despite the strong predictive validity of some of the
nosis for research inclusion). However, clinicians should assessment tools described below, an individual’s diagnosis of
attempt to review information from as many of the above- ASD should never depend on the diagnostic classification
mentioned sources as possible when making a clinical diag- of a single measure or combination of measures. Be it for
nosis of ASD. Communication between professionals from access to early intervention, educational services, or inclusion
various disciplines promotes accurate and efficient diagnosis. in a research sample, the ability of an experienced clinician is
required to integrate information from standardized diagnostic
Differential Diagnosis instruments and other sources into a clinical diagnosis.

Many psychiatric disorders impact social communication, Questionnaires

thus differential diagnosis of ASD can be complicated. Some of
the most common non-ASD diagnoses given to children Questionnaires offer the advantage of being able to collect a
referred for ASD evaluations are language disorders, such as large amount of information in a relatively short amount of
receptive-expressive language disorder or pragmatic language time. As part of a diagnostic assessment, questionnaires can
impairment, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also be useful for gathering information from multiple
and intellectual disability. In each case, social and communica- informants, such as teachers, daycare workers, or, in the case
tion impairments should be assessed relative to the individual’s of adult clients, supervisors, siblings, or spouses. A number
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 37

of questionnaires have been designed to assess behaviors (.96) versus other disorders, but sensitivity is relatively low (.75)
characteristic of ASD. Whereas earlier questionnaires relied (Constantino et al., 2007). When only a parent rating is used,
on general and vague descriptions of behavior, such as “social specificity is still good (.84), though sensitivity is less clear
interest” or “emotional connection,” more recently developed (Constantino et al., 2007). In its current format, the SRS is only
instruments inquire about specific, empirically identified validated for children between the ages of 4 and 18 years, though
symptoms of ASD that are intended to differentiate children an adult research version of the instrument is currently being
with ASD from those who are typically developing or who developed (see Constantino & Todd, 2005). For adults with sus-
have nonspectrum disorders. Nevertheless, even recently pected ASD, the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is available as
developed questionnaires have limitations, including reliance a continuous measure of ASD traits. The AQ is a self-report
on the report of “lay observers” (e.g., parents), as well as inter- measure for adults with average or above average intelligence.
reporter differences in the way that questions are interpreted. Adapted versions of the instrument have been validated for use
Thus, whereas these tools can be useful for quickly gauging the with adolescents (Baron-Cohen, Hoekstra, Knickmeyer, &
types of behaviors that a child exhibits in different settings, Wheelwright, 2006) and children aged 4–11 (Auyeung, Baron-
questionnaires used as part of a diagnostic assessment should Cohen, Wheelwright, & Allison, 2008) with suspected ASD.
be combined with information from a parent interview and Parent-report versions of the AQ are also available to supple-
child observation. ment the self-report forms (see Baron-Cohen et al., 2001;
Questionnaires developed to assist in the diagnosis of ASD Baron-Cohen et al., 2006).
include the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC; Krug, Almond,
& Arick, 1993), the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS; Interviews
Gilliam, 1995), the Social Communication Questionnaire
(SCQ; Rutter, Bailey, & Lord, 2003), and the Autism Spectrum Like questionnaires, diagnostic interviews collect information
Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ: Ehlers, Gillberg, & Wing, from informants about an individual’s behaviors. An advan-
1999). The ABC may be filled out by parents or teachers and tage of the interview format is that the interviewer has some
inquires about behaviors related to sensory interests, body and control over the way in which questions are interpreted,
object use, language and social interaction, and self-help. because clarification can be provided when necessary.
Based on findings that the instrument does not always ade- Semistructured interviews that are scored by the interviewer
quately distinguish between individuals with autism and those are also advantageous, because, as opposed to more subjective
with nonspectrum disorders (Volkmar et al., 1988, Eaves, interpretations of behavior (e.g., a parent rating a behavior as
Campbell, & Chambers, 2000), the ABC may be more appro- normal/abnormal, mild/severe), scores are derived from a
priate for documenting change in response to treatment or trained interviewer’s objective assessment of a behavioral
education, rather than as a diagnostic measure (Lord & description. On the other hand, interviews are often lengthy
Corsello, 2005). Similarly, the GARS, which is also a parent- and thus time-consuming. Furthermore, unlike questionnaires,
rated questionnaire intended to indicate autism likelihood, which can be mailed and completed anywhere, interviews
has been shown to underidentify children as having autism require face-to-face contact between an informant and a
(sensitivity = .48) (South et al., 2002), suggesting that it should trained examiner.
not be used as a primary diagnostic tool. The SCQ is a parent The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord
checklist based on questions from the Autism Diagnostic et al., 1994) is a standardized, semistructured parent inter-
Interview (see below). Though the SCQ works relatively well view that is administered by a trained clinician in approxi-
for identifying children with ASD in certain populations mately 2–3 hours. Diagnostic algorithms, which yield a
(especially when used together with the Autism Diagnostic classification of “autism” or “nonspectrum,” are overinclusive
Observation Schedule—see below), cut-offs may need to be for individuals with nonverbal mental ages below 18 months
adjusted for younger children (see Corsello et al., 2007). The and those with severe to profound intellectual disability
ASSQ is another brief symptom checklist for use in a clinical (Lord, Storoschuk, Rutter, & Pickles, 1993; Nordin & Gillberg,
setting. It is specifically intended to identify characteristics of 1998). However, the measure has good to excellent predictive
Asperger’s syndrome and high functioning autism, and thus is validity for most other developmental groups, especially when
not appropriate for use with the full range of individuals used in combination with the Autism Diagnostic Observation
referred for ASD diagnostic assessment. Schedule (see Risi et al., 2006). Although some researchers
Questionnaires that have been designed as continuous meas- have used ADI-R scores to measure severity of autism symp-
ures of ASD symptoms or traits include the Social Responsiveness toms and improvement over time, the ADI-R was developed
Scale (SRS; Constantino, 2002) and the Autism Spectrum with the goal of distinguishing individuals with ASD from
Quotient (AQ: Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, & those without ASD. Thus, more research is required to deter-
Clubley, 2001). The SRS is a parent- or teacher-rated question- mine the extent to which higher scores on the ADI-R corre-
naire that consists of 65 items assessing communication, social spond to “more severe” autism, as well as whether current
interaction, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and inter- scores can be used to track changes over time.
ests. When parent and teacher ratings are combined, the meas- The Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication
ure has excellent specificity for indicating the presence of ASD Disorders (DISCO; Wing, Leekam, Libby, Gould, & Larcombe,
38 Autism Spectrum Disorders

2002) is another semistructured, standardized interview used With the recent interest in early diagnosis of ASD, several
in ASD assessment. It is primarily intended to assist in clinical observational measures have been developed for use in very
assessment of an individual rather than to yield a categorical young children at risk for ASD and other communication dis-
diagnosis, although diagnostic algorithms for research use orders. The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales
have been created (Leekam, Libby, Wing, Gould, & Taylor, (CSBS; Wetherby & Prizant, 2002) evaluates communication
2002). Unlike the ADI-R, the DISCO assesses a number of and symbolic abilities in babies and toddlers and can be useful
non-ASD-specific behaviors, including maladaptive behaviors in identifying children who may require further evaluation.
and those related to daily living skills. The Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers (STAT: Stone,
Coonrod, & Ousley, 2000) is an interactive screening measure
Observational Measures for children between 24 and 35 months. The STAT has been
shown to distinguish 2-year-old children with autism from
Observation by a trained clinician is a critical component of those with nonspectrum developmental delays, but it is less
any ASD diagnostic evaluation, and a diagnosis should never good at picking up children with milder ASD symptoms
be made without first directly observing and interacting with (e.g., children with PDD-NOS). More recently, the Autism
a referred individual. Use of a standardized observation Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI: Bryson, Zwaigenbaum,
instrument is also recommended, because the observational McDermott, Rombough, & Brian, 2004) was developed to
period can be structured to specifically elicit behaviors identify very young children (6 to 18 months) who may be
associated with an ASD diagnosis. For example, in the at risk for ASD. Finally, the ADOS has been adapted for use
absence of any particular demands, an individual who is with children aged 12 to 30 months; see Luyster et al., 2009,
allowed to talk at length about a particular topic may appear for description and psychometric analysis of this new toddler
socially skilled, but as soon as he is encouraged to talk about module.
something outside of his interests, his difficulties with con- Though direct observation is a crucial component of ASD
versation and social reciprocity will become more apparent. diagnostic assessment, children and adults do not always
Thus, employing some type of semistructured observation behave as they normally would when they are “under the
measure is preferable to simply watching an individual microscope,” being observed by professionals in an unfamiliar
referred for ASD. setting. Furthermore, it is not always possible to observe an
The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS; Schopler, individual’s full range of strengths and difficulties within a
Reichler, & Renner, 1986) is one of the most widely used relatively short clinical observation period. Questionnaires
autism diagnostic scales. Originally designed to be scored and interviews provide information about behaviors that
based on an examiner’s observations, the CARS is often used occur across various settings outside of a clinical context. As
now as a general rating of all information available (e.g., such, all three sources of information (questionnaires,
scores may be derived from parent report, as well as from interviews, and observations) are valuable components of a
direct observation). Created before the current diagnostic thorough ASD assessment.
classification systems, it is likely that the CARS overidentifies
certain children (e.g., young nonspectrum children with Complementary Assessment Measures
intellectual disability) as having autism, while underestimat-
ing the difficulties of high-functioning children with ASD In addition to ASD-specific diagnostic instruments, measures
(see Lord & Corsello, 2005; Van Bourgondien, Marcus, & of cognitive, adaptive, and language abilities should be included
Schopler, 1992). Consequently, whereas it may be useful in in an ASD diagnostic evaluation. Individuals with ASD often
some cases as a screening measure or a summary coding have significantly discrepant verbal and performance IQ
of all clinical information, care should be taken in using scores, so cognitive tests that yield separate verbal and nonver-
the CARS as the only observation measure in a diagnostic bal IQ scores should be selected. When working with individu-
assessment. als with less sophisticated language abilities, tests with lower
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; Lord language demands, such as the Mullen Scales of Early Learning
et al., 2000) is a semistructured, standardized observation of (Mullen, 1995) and the Differential Ability Scales (DAS; Elliot,
children and adults referred for ASD. Like the ADI-R, its com- 1990), are sometimes preferable to tests that rely more on
panion measure, the ADOS was created by operationalizing verbal instructions (e.g., the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
DSM-IV criteria for autism. Both original and revised diag- Children; Wechsler, 2003). Adaptive functioning is most com-
nostic algorithms (see Gotham, Risi, Pickles, & Lord, 2007) monly assessed with a parent interview, such as the Vineland
show strong predictive validity, with the revised set of algo- Adaptive Behavior Scales, 2nd edition (Vineland-II; Sparrow,
rithms showing better specificity in lower-functioning popula- Cicchetti, & Balla, 2005), which yields separate normalized
tions. Because of its strong discriminant validity, the ADOS is scores and age equivalents in the domains of communication,
widely used in international clinical and research efforts. It is daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. Language
useful in standardizing clinical observation, but must be testing is also an important component of an ASD assessment.
considered in conjunction with a developmental history and Tests should be selected such that receptive and expressive
clinical judgment of an experienced clinician. language skills are evaluated separately (see Paul, 2007).
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders 39

Supplementary assessment tools may be indicated current diagnostic standards, which are largely based on
depending on the particular behavioral profile, or on the observations of school-age children with ASD, apply to very
intervention, educational, or vocational needs of an individual young or older individuals. Do the same symptoms continue
referred for diagnostic assessment. Measures might be drawn to be diagnostically relevant as individuals grow older, or
from other areas of psychopathology to assess for comorbidi- should core symptoms of the disorder be defined relative to a
ties or to evaluate particular aspects of learning or achieve- person’s developmental stage?
ment. For example, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a Some researchers have proposed shifting from a categorical
parent/caregiver questionnaire that results in a total score, an approach in ASD diagnosis toward a more dimensional frame-
Internalizing and Externalizing Scale score, and Syndrome work. Continuous measures of social and communication
and DSM Oriented Scales, one of which is a Pervasive difficulties could be used to describe a child’s level of social
Developmental Disorder Problems scale (Achenbach & impairment/competence across different domains. Since
Rescorla, 2000). The CBCL is not intended to be diagnostic, many childhood disorders are characterized by social difficul-
but can be used to identify a range of behavioral issues (ASD- ties, this would aid in identifying areas of strength and diffi-
specific and otherwise) to target for intervention. The culty in children with various disorders (including ASD),
Repetitive Behavior Scale–Revised (RBS-R; Bodfish, Symons, which could then be used to guide intervention efforts for
Parker, & Lewis, 2000) evaluates a range of repetitive behav- these children.
iors seen in individuals with ASD and other developmental Another advantage of thinking dimensionally about ASD
disorders and may be useful both for diagnostic purposes and symptoms rather than relying primarily on categorical distinc-
for tracking changes in these behaviors over time. Other ques- tions is that we may be able to develop more meaningful
tionnaires that can be used to assess problematic behaviors in measures of severity. There is currently no well-defined bench-
ASD include the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (Aman & Singh, mark for “average autism,” so it is difficult to classify children
1994) and the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form (Tasse, as mild or severe, especially since a child may have very severe
Aman, Hammer, & Rojahn, 1996). The PDD Behavior symptoms in one domain of behavior and relatively mild symp-
Inventory (PDD-BI: Cohen, Schmidt-Lackner, Romanczyk, & toms in another. Quantitative approaches to measuring symp-
Sudhalter, 2003) includes questions about adaptive and mala- toms across domains could improve our ability to describe
daptive behaviors, and is designed to evaluate responsiveness different developmental trajectories and responses to treat-
to intervention in children with ASD. For educational or ment, which would in turn further efforts to identify subgroups
vocational planning for individuals with ASD, the of children with ASD and to isolate endophenotypes that may
Psychoeducational Profile, 3rd edition (PEP-3; Schopler, map onto specific genetic or neurobiological findings.
Lansing, Reichler, & Marcus, 2004) and the Adolescent and
Adult Psychoeducational Profile (AAPEP; Mesibov, Schopler,
& Carson, 1989) may be used. Á
Though this list is far from exhaustive, we have attempted Conclusions
to review some of the more widely used instruments in ASD
assessment. Evaluators should always keep in mind that certain Standardized diagnostic criteria and “best practice” assessment
accommodations may be necessary in order to obtain valid measures have been associated with more comparable research
assessments of individuals with ASD, such as supplementing findings and the ability to reliably describe younger and milder
verbal directions with visual supports (e.g., schedules or cases of autism spectrum disorders. Current research is under-
reward systems), or using tests outside of the standard age way to explore the relationship between participant character-
range (e.g., administering a preschool language test to an older istics such as gender, ethnicity, cognitive and language abilities,
child with limited verbal abilities). and comorbid disorders with specific ASD symptoms and
severity. Further advancements in ASD diagnostic practices
are needed to identify subtypes for neurobiological, genetic,
Á and treatment research, as well as to define boundaries or
Looking Ahead dimensional gradations within the spectrum for clinical and
research use.
The field has made great strides in designing and validating
instruments for use in ASD assessment and diagnosis, as well
as in revising diagnostic criteria to be more inclusive of indi- Á
viduals across the full autism spectrum. However, there are Challenges and Future Directions
many challenges that lie ahead in terms of further refining
classification criteria and diagnostic instruments to meet cur- • Achieving consistent early identification practices across
rent needs. As mentioned previously, more research is needed geographic regions and within socioeconomic and ethnic
in the area of assessment methods for very young and/or very groups
cognitively impaired individuals, and for adults across the • Revising international classification criteria to reflect
range of abilities. It will be necessary to examine how well data on symptom specificity and presentation
40 Autism Spectrum Disorders

• Identifying symptom profiles in historically overlooked scientists and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Develop-
populations, such as individuals with severe intellectual mental Disorders, 31, 5–17.
disability and adults with ASD Bennett, T., Szatmari, P., Bryson, S., Volden, J., Zwaigenbaum, L.,
• Measuring autism severity as a means to subtype groups Vaccarella, L., et al. (2008). Differentiating autism and Asperger
syndrome on the basis of language delay or impairment. Journal
within the spectrum
of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 616–625.
Bhasin, T. K., & Schendel, D. (2007). Sociodemographic risk factors
for autism in a US metropolitan area. Journal of Autism and
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3 Á Ami Klin

Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day

Á clinically significant delay in spoken or receptive language,

Points of Interest cognitive development, self-help skills, or curiosity about the
• The DSM-IV and ICD-10 definitions of Asperger’s Over 60 years after its initial description, the nosologic
syndrome reflect an unhelpful compromise based on validity of AS relative to autism without intellectual disabili-
seminal, historical descriptions but limited evidence ties (or higher functioning autism; HFA) and relative to the
or operationalization, which collectively render these residual PDD category or Pervasive Developmental Disorder
definitions virtually irrelevant. Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD-NOS), is still questionable. A
• The lack of consensual definitions has given rise to a wide large number of studies seeking to test its external validity on
range of usages of the term that reflect popularity among the basis of genetic, neurobiological, neurostructure and neu-
investigators and in the community rather than repli- rofunction, neuropsychological, treatment, and outcome
cable, empirical findings; this state of affairs renders the research have yielded conflicted data (Klin, McPartland, et al.,
literature on external validity uninterpretable. 2005). This research, however, is difficult to interpret because
• Forthcoming updates of DSM-IV and ICD-10 will take of fundamental ambiguities inherent in the formal definitions
place in suboptimal conditions of evidence, while the of the syndrome (i.e., definitions provided by the Diagnostic
stakes for clinical practice and advocacy could not be and Statistical Manual published by the American Psychiatric
higher given the increasingly larger numbers of indi- Association; DSM-IV-TR, APA, 2000; and by the International
viduals diagnosed and the proliferation of support agen- Classification of Diseases published by the World Health
cies coalescing around the term to provide sorely needed Organization; ICD-10, WHO, 1992). This state of affairs has
services. meant assignment of the diagnosis to participants in clinical
• Knowledge advancements of developmental factors and experimental research cannot be easily standardized for
mediating outcome, discovered through prospective and compliance with a consensual approach. This, in turn, makes
longitudinal studies, are likely to elucidate the utility of comparison of results across studies virtually impossible.
empirically derived categorical subtypes of the autism A failure in formal definitions to yield distinguishable
spectrum disorders. diagnostic groups has led to a multitude of usages of the term
AS in research, clinical practice, and advocacy. Some defini-
tions single out one variable defined rather simplistically as
Á delays in the acquisition of single words or phrase speech,
Introduction dichotomizing diagnostic assignment into autism and AS on
the basis of presence or absence of this criterion, respectively.
Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is one of the pervasive develop- Others consider all individuals with autism spectrum
mental disorders (PDD)—a group of neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD) with preserved intellectual skills as having
conditions of early onset characterized by impairments in AS. Others consider AS a diagnosis encompassing individuals
social interaction and communication, and by restricted who have milder symptoms or whose social presentation
interest and behaviors. The prototypical PDD is autism. is marked by some difficulties without necessarily leading
Unlike autism, however, AS is marked by a lack of any to functional impairment. In the research literature,

Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 45

a “conservative” approach has been to list autism with pre- Á

served intellectual skills, or HFA, and AS as equivalent terms, History and Nosology of
in this way circumventing the need to define either one. This is Asperger’s Syndrome (AS)
typically done despite the rule in formal nosology—the “prec-
edence rule,” according to which if an individual meets criteria Although AS was accorded formal diagnostic status only in
for autism he or she should not receive a diagnosis of AS. the 1990s (in DSM-IV; APA, 1994; and in ICD-10; WHO,
While the validity status of AS has generated a controversial 1992), the original description appeared in 1944 (Asperger,
and not very productive debate, the clinical and real-life 1944), only one year after Kanner’s seminal account of
challenges faced by the vast majority of individuals with this autism (Kanner, 1943). The first influential description of
condition are an incontrovertible reality regardless of which Asperger’s work appeared in English only in 1981 (Wing,
diagnostic construct is assigned to them. In fact, the 1981), the year after Hans Asperger’s death. But it was only
formalization of AS in official diagnostic manuals in the 1990s in the 1990s, and particularly after the publication of DSM-IV
has led to a great explosion in public awareness of “higher and ICD-10, that his work became better known. Since then,
functioning” individuals with ASD. As a result, a large number however, the clinical and research literature making use of
of support and advocacy groups and organizations were the term AS has grown exponentially. To exemplify this
formed around the world coalescing around the term AS. growth, publications including AS in their title in PsychINFO
Thousands of individuals who were until then almost invisible grew from a handful before 1981, to maybe a few more than
to their surrounding communities—in many ways, struggling 10 between 1981 and 1990, to 140 between 1991 and 2000, to
within the hidden environments of family and self-support 452 in since 2001. The numbers since 1991 still represent
only—were now “discovered” by the educational and mental only about 10% of the number of publications including the
health structures capable of fostering their growth. With this word “autism” in their title. Since 2001, the use of the term
new awareness came also fascination by the media, with both “autism spectrum disorder” (ASD) has also been growing
good and detrimental results. The portrayal of individuals exponentially. From fewer than 10 titles during the 1990s,
with AS as eccentric intellectuals—“the geek syndrome”— there have been close to 260 titles since 2001. And the term is
introduced stereotyped views that sensationalized intellec- now commonly used in grant applications and large research
tual prodigies while ignoring the majority’s life struggles. meetings, particularly as more and more investigators in a
Juxtaposed to this media portrayal came the advocacy for whole range of disciplines from molecular genetics to social
stopping the “medicalization” of the term “AS,” defining it policy are baffled by the heterogeneity of autism related dis-
instead as a “style of learning,” something to be contrasted to orders. It is possible that the increasingly more popular term
“neurotypical” learning, rather than a psychiatric diagnosis ASD will gradually replace the term AS in future clinical and
intended to entitle the person to comprehensive treatments, research work.
appropriate educational programs, and community supports.
While achieving political correctness and a semblance of inte- Hans Asperger’s Original Construct
gration, this movement also diluted the term, making it even
harder for advocates to secure sorely needed services without In 1944 Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician with
which these individuals are unlikely to fulfill the promise of interest in special education, described four children who had
independent, self-supporting, and productive adult lives. difficult integrating socially into groups (Asperger, 1944).
Against this clinical, research, and cultural backdrop, the These 4 children were 6 to 11 years of age, and all appeared
future nosologic status of AS continues to be discussed, now to have intact if not gifted intellectual functioning. This text
with greater urgency given the forthcoming update of formal was translated in 1991 by Uta Frith, who also added some
classification systems (i.e., DSM-V), and the uncertainty as to background on his professional training and clinical prac-
whether or not the term will be included within the PDDs. tice (Frith, 1991). Unaware of Kanner’s publication (1943),
This chapter provides an overview of the historical and Asperger termed the condition he described Autistischen
research background of AS leading to current debates, the Psychopathen im Kindesalter, or autistic psychopathy in child-
changing nature of this discussion given the transformative hood, echoing Bleuler’s (1916) use of the term “autism” in
changes in autism research in general in the past decade, the schizophrenia to signify extreme egocentrism. He contrasted
unchanging nature of these individuals’ needs whether or not this condition from schizophrenia, however, by emphasizing
the term survives new updates in psychiatric classification, the stable and enduring nature of the social impairments and
and suggestions for a future more likely to clarify old ques- by voicing the optimistic view that unlike in schizophrenia,
tions while raising new and more scientifically helpful ones. his patients were able to eventually develop some relation-
This future should avoid past sterile debates and focus more ships. His term is probably better translated into today’s psy-
intensively on the developmental nature of this and related chiatric nomenclature as a stable personality disorder marked
disorders of social and communicative functioning. To anchor by social isolation. His use of the term “autism” marked his
this discussion in clinical realities, an overview of clinical belief that difficulties in socialization represented the defining
features, treatment, and support services is also provided. feature of the condition.
46 Autism Spectrum Disorders

The four children had come to Asperger’s attention, to unusual and idiosyncratic patterns of interest. The main dif-
some extent, because of school failure and behavioral ferences related to Asperger’s observation that his patients’
problems displayed in social situations, including aggression, speech and language acquisition as well as intellectual func-
noncompliance, and negativism. He did not consider these tioning were less commonly delayed, motor deficits were
to be willful transgressions of social mores but reflections of more likely, onset was later in childhood, and all of his initial
a true inability to understand others, particularly their non- cases occurred in boys. More importantly, however, there
verbal signals and communications. He described a marked were significant differences in terms of aspects and severity of
reduction in the quantity and diversity of facial expressions symptomatology in the areas of social-emotional function-
and in the use of gesture, and profound difficulties in ing, communication and cognitive skills, motor mannerisms,
understanding nonverbal cues conveyed by others. They and circumscribed interests. In retrospect, however, some of
were verbose, and their own spontaneous communications these differences appear to have been a function of the pres-
were marked by correct formal language structures but highly entation of the specific children initially described by Kanner
idiosyncratic form. There were frequent circumstantial and Asperger rather than some fundamental markers denot-
utterances (e.g., failing to distinguish information about the ing two fully independent syndromes. Kanner’s patients
world from their own autobiographical narration); speech included preschoolers, were less verbal, and some were con-
typically involved long-winded and incoherent verbal siderably more cognitively disabled. Asperger’s patients were
sequences failing to convey a clear message or thought primarily school-age children, and were highly verbal and
(e.g., tangential speech triggered by a series of nonmeaning- cognitively intact if not gifted. Consequently, Kanner’s initial
ful associations); and conversation was profoundly one-sided description became associated with the “classically” cognitively
(e.g., failing to demarcate changes of topic or to introduce impaired or “lower functioning” child with autism, whereas
new materials, thus leading to other people’s confusion). The Asperger’s initial description became associated with the more
children also displayed unusual and highly circumscribed cognitively able and highly verbal older child with ASD.
interests which absorbed their attention and learning, often That the nature of patients originally described by Kanner
appeared to preclude the acquisition of practical and self- and Asperger was a more important factor in accounting
help skills, and dominated the content of their communica- for differences separating the two accounts is clear in some of
tions with others. Their emotional presentation was marked the work appearing subsequently. For example, Robinson
by poor empathy, the tendency to intellectualize feelings, and Vitale (1954) described three cases of children aged
and a profound lack of intuitive understanding of other 8 to 11 years who showed a pattern of circumscribed interests
people’s affective experiences and intentions. They were also reminiscent of Asperger’s patients. The children were interested
motorically clumsy, unable to participate in group sports, in developmentally precocious topics such as chemistry,
and often lagged in the acquisition of motor coordination nuclear fission, transportation systems, astronomy, and elec-
skills such as riding a bike or producing good penmanship. tricity, among others. They talked about these topics inces-
Other important features of Asperger’s description included santly in one-sided conversations with peers and adults. They
his belief that the condition could not be recognized in early were socially isolated, had little adherence to social niceties,
childhood because speech, language and intellectual curiosity and their play revolved almost exclusively around their inter-
in the environment appeared intact in the first few years of life. ests. Kanner (1954) was the invited discussant of this paper.
Also, he thought that there was a clear familial nature to his The descriptions reminded him of “infantile autism” (the term
syndrome, as similar traits in parents or close relatives could that had by then become the common clinical construct used
be found in almost every case. Almost always, both affected to denote autism). But he felt that these children were less
individuals and vulnerable family members were male. socially withdrawn and more affectively engaged with others
With the exception of one brief communication that than the children he had described in previous years. Still they
appeared in the year before his death (Asperger, 1979), lacked friends and did not participate in group activities. As
Asperger’s work was published in German, and remained the paper focused on circumscribed interests, Kanner sug-
largely unknown in the English-speaking world until Wing’s gested that the various topics dominated the lives of these
publication in the 1981. In contrast, Leo Kanner’s (1943) children, monopolizing their learning and interfering with
description of 11 children with “autistic disturbances of affec- their ability to engage others in reciprocal relationships. And
tive contact,” whom he had begun to see in the 1930s, was because these interests were so unusual, consisting of collec-
published in English by someone who was the founding figure tions of facts rather than conceptual inquiries or hobbies; they
of child psychiatry in the United States, and became an instant could not be shared with others and could not easily become a
classic. Although both men’s native language was German, springboard for vocational learning. It is of interest, therefore,
World War II and the lack of academic communication that Kanner’s incisive clinical observations greatly resembled
across languages signified that neither had knowledge of the those of Asperger when he was called to describe children sim-
other’s work, at least not in the 1940s and 1950s. And yet, ilar to those Asperger encountered in his original case studies.
there were clear commonalities in the syndromes they An equivalent example in Asperger’s writings—the des-
described. Their patients had profound difficulties in social cription of “lower functioning” children—cannot be found
interaction, affect, and communication, and displayed in the English literature, but it may be available in his
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 47

considerable body of work from 1944 to the time of his death. support to the position blaming autism on parents could be
But one important difference set Asperger’s and Kanner’s derived from this work), Wing chose the eponymous
accounts apart, and to some extent influenced their power to “Asperger’s Syndrome” instead of “autistic psychopathy.” She
generate research. While Asperger’s frame of reference was summarized Asperger’s original text and proposed some
special education on the one hand—his patients were not modifications for the syndrome on the basis of her case stud-
willful transgressors of rules but children who could not ies. Although Asperger thought that the condition was unrec-
process social information—and the prevailing concept of ognizable prior to age 3 years, Wing suggested that several
schizophrenia on the other hand—his patients had a stable, difficulties were present in the first 2 years of life, including
longstanding personality structure marked by social disabili- problems in socialization, speech, and communication;
ties—Kanner’s frame of reference was deeply developmental. pronounced narrow interests and restricted behaviors; and
Influenced by the work of Arnold Gesell, a developmentalist restrictive imaginative play. She also suggested that AS could
at the Yale Child Study Center, Kanner described autism as a be found in girls and in individuals with mild intellectual
congenital disorder partially because of his appreciation of disabilities.
the fact that his children failed to display social communica- While Wing’s publication set in motion a great surge of
tion, learning, and play skills that were effortlessly acquired interest in AS, it also blurred the distinctions made by Van
by much younger, typically developing children. While Krevelen, essentially bringing Asperger’s construct within
Asperger’s description was primarily clinical in nature, the triad of impairments involving social, communication,
Kanner ventured into learning structures (e.g., difficulty in and imaginative symptoms (Wing, 1986). There was palpa-
integrating information in learning) and other observations ble progress made in fostering awareness of the challenges of
(e.g., macrocephaly) that generated a wide array of cognitive higher functioning individuals, but also an unexpected con-
and other hypotheses that are still very much relevant to this solidation of the “same or different” preoccupation in the
day. It was probably not a coincidence that 2 years after Kanner’s field, which Wing subsequently thought of as a major and
description of autism, Scheerer and colleagues (1945) pub- unjustified distraction (Wing, 2000). And yet the two dec-
lished an exquisite set of neuropsychological experiments ades that followed Wing’s initial publication on AS were pri-
involving one of Kanner’s patients, which foreshadowed marily characterized by such attempts at separating autism
much of cognitive research that began to appear only in the from AS. Several definitions were derived from her account
1970s and 1980s. on the basis of the experience of influential clinical investiga-
tors (Gillberg & Gillberg, 1989; Szatmari et al., 1989; Tantam,
Evolving Conceptualization of as in the 1980s 1988), yielding results that fell on either side of the “same or
different” question. The use of different definitions yielded,
Although historically Kanner’s and Asperger’s clinical syn- not surprisingly, different groups for comparison (Klin,
dromes appeared more complementary than mutually exclu- Pauls, et al., 2005). This undermined any attempt to interpret
sive, the introduction of Asperger’s work to English-based this literature, and failed to shed light on developmental
psychiatry was inherently tied to the question of whether the mechanisms of interest that might account for differen-
diagnostic constructs they described were “the same or differ- tial outcomes, and which could be proven diagnostically
ent.” To some extent, this introduction was first made by Van meaningful (Klin, McPartland, et al., 2005).
Krevelen (1963), who made a deliberate attempt to distinguish
the concept of “autistic psychopathy” from Kanner’s autism Formalization of AS as a Diagnostic Category
(Van Krevelen, 1971) and concluded that they were sharply in DSM-IV and ICD-10
different. His discussion clearly separated onset patterns,
social and communicative functions, and intellectual and lan- As noted, AS was not officially recognized until the 10th
guage abilities that are characteristic of lower functioning chil- edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10;
dren with ASD from those that are more characteristic of WHO, 1992) and the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and
higher functioning children. Kanner never discussed this dis- Statistical Manual (DSM-IV; APA, 1994). The coordinated
tinction, whereas Asperger appeared to support it later in life and simultaneous inclusion in both systems followed limited
(Asperger, 1979; Hippler & Klicpera, 2003). evidence provided by a large, joint field trial that revealed that
As noted, awareness of Asperger’s syndrome did not AS could be differentiated from autism unaccompanied by
increase until Lorna Wing’s (1981) influential case series was intellectual disabilities or higher functioning autism (HFA) on
published. She described 34 individuals, aged 5 to 35 years, of the basis of some limited data (Volkmar et al., 1994). This
whom 19 had a clinical presentation similar to that described work was prompted by the recognition that autism is a clini-
by Asperger, whereas the remaining sample had a current cally heterogeneous disorder and that the characterization of
presentation similar to the syndrome but onset patterns and subtypes of PDD or ASD might help behavioral and biological
early history were different. Concerned that the term “psycho- research by allowing the identification of clinically more
pathy” might connote sociopathic behavior (rather than the homogeneous groups (Bailey et al., 1998; Rutter, 1999;
intended personality disorder), and hoping to ground the Volkmar et al., 1997). An awareness of the large number of
condition in developmental terms (thus ensuring that no individuals with serious social disability who did not meet
48 Autism Spectrum Disorders

strict criteria for autism was a further concern. For some dis- who defy this classification on the basis of a mixture of devel-
orders like Rett’s syndrome (Amir et al., 1999), this approach opmental features such as early language delays, or early cog-
facilitated neurobiological research. nitive delays (consistent with autism), and maybe adolescent
This hope, however, was not realized in the subtyping of presentation with no deficits in formal language skills or
the more commonly found PDDs, namely autism, AS, and learning (more consistent with AS).
PDD-NOS. To begin with, there was some ambivalence about The impracticality of this scheme led to attempts at system-
the inclusion of AS as a “new” category, impacting on the final atic modification, which, however, have not been followed up
definition adopted in DSM-IV and ICD-10, which has proven in subsequent research. They did, however, highlight pros and
highly problematic in many respects. Limitations of the cons of possible alternatives for the current DSM-IV scheme.
adopted formal definition of AS were pointed out almost One influential approach has been to divide children with an
immediately (Miller & Ozonoff, 1997). It has since been criti- early-emerging social disability but apparently normative cog-
cized as overly narrow (Eisenmajer et al., 1996; Szatmari et al., nitive development in terms of whether or not there were
1995), rendering the diagnostic assignment of AS improbable single words by age 2 years, and phrase speech (typically
or even “virtually impossible” (Mayes et al., 2001; Miller & defined as non-echolalic 3-word combinations used meaning-
Ozonoff, 2000). Equally concerning, criteria were modified by fully for communication) by the age of 3 years (i.e., AS is
investigators for a given study, or were disregarded altogether assigned if a child meets these criteria, and autism is assigned
in favor of the investigator’s own criteria (see Klin, McPartland, if the child does not (e.g., Gilchrist et al., 2001; Szatmari, 1995;
et al., 2005 for a discussion). Studies attempting to compare 2000). Although this approach allows for important research
different diagnostic schemes (e.g., Ghaziuddin et al., 1992; on developmental paths and outcome, it greatly narrows the
Leekam et al., 2000; Klin, Pauls, et al., 2005; Kopra et al., 2008; potential lines of distinction between autism and AS in that
Woodbury-Smith et al., 2005) invariably revealed, not sur- other aspects of onset as well as any unique features in the
prisingly, discordance in case assignment among the various child’s current presentation are disregarded (Volkmar & Klin,
schemes adopted. 2000). In essence, given that individuals with HFA may not
present with speech delays as defined, there is a potential for
The DSM-IV Definition of AS the resultant samples (of individuals with HFA and AS) to
overlap considerably in terms of other symptomatology, thus
The DSM-IV approach to the definition of AS was to adopt increasing the potential for type II errors (i.e., not finding dif-
the triad of symptom clusters used for the definition of ferences) in such studies. Other practical concerns include the
autism, namely qualitative impairments in social interaction fact that many individuals with AS are not diagnosed as young
and communication, and restricted repetitive and stereotyped children (McConachie et al., 2005; Mandell et al., 2005) and
patterns of behavior. And while the text accompanying the some are even diagnosed in adulthood (in fact, more frequently
definition of AS in the text revision of DSM-IV (DSM-IV-TR; now than before), making the attainment of reliable and valid,
APA, 2000) was modified, the formal criteria for the diagno- as well as detailed developmental history quite challenging.
sis were not (as these cannot be changed but in a new edition An additional factor contributing to the weakening of the
of the manual). In DSM-IV, symptom requirements in the AS construct is the fact that the benchmark diagnostic instru-
social and restrictive behaviors cluster are identical for AS ments in ASD—the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised or
and autism (or Autistic Disorder). In contrast to autism, ADI-R; reference; and the Autism Diagnostic Observation
there are no symptom requirements in the communication Schedule or ADOS; reference—which are keyed in to DSM-IV
cluster, despite the fact that communication difficulties are criteria and are virtually universally required in research of
universally reported in AS (Paul, in press). In essence, there- ASD, do not include any of the PDD subtypes, limiting the
fore, DSM-IV makes a distinction between autism and AS resulting classification to Autism (or Autistic Disorder), ASD
solely on the basis of the onset criteria. In autism, any con- (often equated with PDD-NOS), and non-ASD. While it is
cerns prior to the age of 3 years involving social interaction, clear that AS never achieved sufficient validity to be included
social communication, or symbolic/imaginative play are suf- in the instruments, the instruments were never adjusted by
ficient for the criteria to be met. In contrast, any concern any investigators to attempt a better operationalization of the
involving cognitive development (during childhood), self- construct.
help skills, or more broadly defined adaptive behavior (other The result of these enduring nosologic quandaries has been
than social interaction but including social communication) a virtual abandonment of DSM-IV criteria and rules for the
would rule out the diagnosis of AS. The overinclusive nature diagnostic assignment of AS. And yet, the construct survives
of onset criteria for autism and overexclusive nature of onset nevertheless, having acquired what can be termed as “usage
criteria for AS (and any ambiguities left in the definition, e.g., validity.” As noted, the vast majority of clinical and research
how to distinguish social interaction from social communica- publications equate AS with autism without intellectual disa-
tion) are resolved in terms of the “precedence rule,” accord- bilities, or expand its meaning to encompass borderland
ing to which if an individual meets criteria for autism, he or expressions of ASD. Invariably, however, the term is used for
she cannot be assigned the diagnosis of AS (Volkmar & Klin, school-age children, adolescents, and adults but not for young
2000). Moreover, the clinical literature is replete with cases children, negating, therefore, its neurodevelopmental nature
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 49

(and curiously perpetuating Asperger’s original assertion that of the PDDs typically focus primarily on the creation of
the condition cannot be identified in the first years of life). categorical subdivisions of ASDs, their validation, and utility
(Volkmar & Klin, 2005; Volkmar et al., 2009). There is a ubiq-
uitous expectation that subtyping solutions in one domain of
Á research or clinical practice should necessarily apply to other
Subtyping of the Autism Spectrum domains of clinical science (Klin, 2009). And yet, there is no
Disorders and the Diagnostic Status of AS reason to assume that factors underlying classification for one
purpose should necessarily apply in the case of other pur-
The need for subtyping of the autism spectrum disorders poses. For example, classification for clinical management
(ASD) is based on several different challenges in clinical and decisions on eligibility for educational services should be
practice and research. The ASDs are early-emerging neurode- inclusive, reflecting the consensus that programming for per-
velopmental disorders that impact on most domains of social sons with ASD should be determined on the basis of individ-
and communicative functioning, with associated impact on ualized profiles of strengths and deficits, and not on basis of
cognitive and adaptive functioning. They are vastly heteroge- the person’s specific PDD diagnosis (NRC, 2001). In contrast,
neous in genotype and phenotype, which in turn likely reflects classification for the purpose of brain research should focus
multiple etiologies and pathogenetic courses (Volkmar et al., on the mechanism of interest in a given study. For example,
2004). These multiple levels of variability are often viewed as several studies have suggested accelerated brain growth in the
one of the greatest obstacles blocking the advancement of infancy period of children with ASD (e.g., Courschene et al.,
research on causes and treatments of these disorders. The 2001). The full potential of this finding depends to some
advancement of meaningful clinical subtypes could yield more extent on quantified evaluation of the behavioral correlates of
homogeneous samples, with the hope that these in turn could accelerated brain growth, including, for example, a specific
translate into advances in research on etiology, treatment timetable for onset and course of the atypical patterns of
specificity, and outcome optimization. brain growth (Hazlett et al., 2005).
As noted, the separation between AS and autism was In this light, defining the purposes and expectations for
thought to provide a starting point for reducing heterogene- diagnostic subtyping is critical (Klin, 2009; Volkmar et al.,
ity, thus empowering research. However, the tentative inclu- 2009). While current data available do not support validation
sion of AS in DSM-IV and ICD-10 was not followed by of the PDD subcategory of AS (Frith, 2004; Klin et al., 2005b;
research substantiating clear-cut distinctions in regard to Witwer & Lecavalier, 2008), they do not necessarily refute the
traditional external validators such as etiology, developmen- premise that meaningful onset patterns may in fact delineate
tal course, learning profiles, differential treatment response, meaningful clinical entities. They only refute the simplis-
or differential outcome (see Klin, McPartland, et al., 2005 for tic notion that poorly defined and poorly operationalized
a review). Much of the validation work was thought to be behavioral statements are a sufficient basis to create distin-
confounded by the lack of a common nosologic framework guishable and meaningful diagnostic constructs, particularly if
and by circular reasoning, when validating factors were not these are dependent on ascertainment of onset patterns car-
clearly independent of the defining diagnostic criteria used to ried out for individuals who are already adolescents or adults.
assign participants to different groups in the first place (Frith, While it is important not to perseverate on the seminal descrip-
2004). This frustration intensified the use of the term “ASD,” tions of 15 children made by two influential clinicians over
which blurs the categorical boundaries among the most 60 years ago (Kanner, 1943; Asperger, 1944) with the hope that
common PDDs—autism, AS, and PDD-NOS—into a hypoth- research “by exegesis” might solve our current nosologic
esized continuum of affectedness (Wing, 1986; Wing & quandary, it is equally important not to prematurely foreclose
Gould, 1979). The term “spectrum” implies that a number of the possibility that the vastly heterogeneous social disabilities
meaningful dimensions could generate the full range of encompassed by the term “ASD” cannot gain from better,
syndrome expression (not unlike, for example, the spectrum developmental cognitive science research on mechanisms of
of light) (Klin, 2009). These dimensions, if validated, could socialization and their unfolding during the first years of a
be considered as factors mediating the relationship between child’s life (Johnson, 2001). For example, following from the
etiology(ies) and behavioral expressions. Several of such experience-expectant model of child development (Johnson &
dimensions—also called “endophenotypes”—have been pro- Karmiloff-Smith, 2004) in which the genetically determined
posed at multiple levels of causation, from gene(s) and gene schedule of neural maturation matches the timing of adaptive
combinations, neuroanatomic abnormalities and disease tasks, disruptions of socialization processes occurring at dif-
processes, to onset patterns, neurocognitive abnormalities, ferent times are likely to result in different outcomes (Jones &
combinations of symptom clusters, and levels of develop- Klin, 2009). Similarly, different outcomes are likely to result
mental skills such as language and intellectual endowment from a wide range of permutations of intact and impaired
(e.g., Dawson et al., 2002; DiCicco-Bloom et al., 2006). mechanisms of social cognition. What might be the conse-
These endophenotypes, however, are still a work in quences of these developmental processes to eventual out-
progress, but collectively, this work further reinforces the need comes, including any meaningful clusters of symptoms and
for subtyping research. And yet, discussions of subtyping abilities in individuals with ASD, is not known at present.
50 Autism Spectrum Disorders

The potential contribution of developmental cognitive Such studies are underway, and there is some hope that they
neuroscience is typically left unexplored in nosology research, will be available prior to DSM-V, the next update of the formal
which tends to go back to the classic clinical descriptions. diagnostic system used in the United States and several other
For example, while Kanner emphasized the congenital nature countries. In their absence, a new round of arbitrary decisions
of autism (Kanner, 1943), Asperger emphasized the later onset impacting on the definition of AS is likely, maybe yielding to
of the condition he described (1944). This incidental point of the concept of “usage validity” (i.e., the most popular patterns
departure in the two accounts subsequently led to the hypoth- of use), or, more likely, removing the construct in favor of a
esis that presence or absence of speech delays could lead to more encompassing construct such as ASD.
meaningfully different clinical entities. This scenario should
be considered hopelessly simplistic given current knowledge
of developmental psychopathology and development cogni- Á
tive science. The ASDs are quintessential neurodevelopmental Diagnosis and Clinical Features
disorders. By all accounts, diagnosis of vulnerabilities consist-
ent with this diagnosis can be made within the first 2 or 3 years The diagnosis of AS requires the demonstration of qualitative
of life (Chawarska et al., 2007) if not earlier (e.g., Klin et al., impairments in social interaction and restricted patterns of
2004). It would be naïve to disregard the fact that variability in interest, criteria that are identical to autism. In contrast to
developmental profiles early in life might not have consequences autism, there are no criteria in the cluster of language and
for phenotypic variability later in life. communication symptoms, and onset criteria differ in that
Two parallel sets of advancements bode well for this field: there should be no clinically significant delay in language
First, our knowledge of normative processes in child develop- acquisition, cognitive, and self-help skills. These symptoms
ment has increased dramatically in the past 10 years, although result in significant impairment in social and occupational
autism research has been slow in fully assimilating new inves- functioning (APA, 2000).
tigative paradigms, technologies, and concepts (Klin et al.,
2008). Second, the advent of prospective studies of large Social and Communication Functioning
cohorts of genetically at-risk infants, a proportion of whom
will develop autism, carries the promise of shedding light In some contrast to the social presentation in autism, indi-
on this critical period of pathogenesis hitherto confined to viduals with AS find themselves socially isolated but are not
knowledge based on retrospective accounts or less-than-ideal usually withdrawn in the presence of other people, typically
methods of infancy research (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2007). As approaching others but in an inappropriate or eccentric
knowledge accrues from these efforts, it is very likely that a fashion. For example, they may engage the interlocutor, usu-
great deal of what we know about ASD will have to updated if ally an adult, but also same-age peers, in one-sided conversa-
not fully modified. tion characterized by long-winded, pedantic speech about a
In this light, the future of nosologic research on AS needs favorite and often unusual and narrow topic. They may express
to rely on these advancements if the field is to move forward interest in friendships and in meeting people, but their wishes
beyond the sterile debates as to whether autism and AS repre- are invariably thwarted by their awkward approaches and
sent “same or different” diagnostic entities. Clearly, several of insensitivity to the other person’s feelings, intentions, and
the validation problems briefly described above could only be nonliteral and implied communications (e.g., signs of bore-
systematically tackled if there were some agreement as to a set dom, haste to leave, and need for privacy). They may also react
of criteria, comprehensively detailed and uniformly utilized inappropriately to or fail to interpret the valence of the context
according to standardized ascertainment procedures. But at of the affective interaction, often conveying insensitivity, for-
the root of this problem is the fact that the all-important onset mality, or general disregard for the other person’s emotional
criteria have been, universally, ascertained retrospectively, expressions. They may be able to describe correctly, in cogni-
often many years after the person’s early childhood. It is pos- tive and often formalistic fashion, other people’s emotions,
sible that the advent of prospective studies will answer some of expected intentions, and social conventions; however, they are
these questions more productively. For example, meaningful unable to act on this knowledge in an intuitive and spontane-
differential patters of onset or developmental mechanisms can ous fashion, thus losing the tempo of the interaction. Their
be used as independent variables, whereas diagnostic assign- poor intuition and lack of spontaneous adaptation are accom-
ment later on in life can be analyzed as dependent variables, panied by marked reliance on formalistic rules of behavior
thus exploring the full range of meaningful diagnostic out- and rigid social conventions. This presentation is largely
comes associated with clusters of well-quantified, early symp- responsible for the impression of social naïveté and behavioral
toms or developmental profiles (e.g., language, communication, rigidity that is so forcefully conveyed by these individuals.
social cognition). This effort might yield systematic mapping
of developmental factors on trajectories and eventual out- Circumscribed Interests
comes, thus avoiding circular reification of definitions, and
moving instead to a developmentally based and empirically Individuals with AS typically amass a large amount of factual
derived nosology of the higher functioning ASDs (Klin, 2009). information about a topic in an intense fashion (Klin,
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 51

Danovitch, et al., 2007). The actual topic may change from subject of conversation. Despite such forceful monologues,
time to time, but often dominates the content of social the individual with AS may never come to a point or conclu-
exchange. Frequently the entire family may be immersed in sion. And attempts by the interlocutor to elaborate on issues
the subject for long periods of time. This behavior is peculiar of content or logic, or to shift the conversation to related
in the sense that oftentimes extraordinary amounts of infor- topics, are often unsuccessful.
mation are learned about very circumscribed, and occasion-
ally unusual topics (e.g., snakes, names of stars, TV guides, Motor Difficulties
deep fat fryers, weather information, sports statistics, personal
information on politicians or celebrities) without a genuine Although Asperger noticed pronounced “motoric clumsiness”
understanding of the broader phenomena involved. This in his patients, attempts to use this symptom as a point of dif-
symptom may not always be easily recognized in childhood ferentiation between the diagnosis of AS (where motoric dys-
because strong interests in certain topics, such as dinosaurs or function is contrasted with preserved intellectual skills) and
fashionable fictional characters, are ubiquitous. In younger the diagnosis of autism (where presumably motor skills are at
and older children with AS, however, special interests typically a higher or at least commensurate level with intellectual skills)
interfere with learning in general because they absorb so much have yielded conflicted results. Comparisons of individuals
of the person’s attention and motivation, and also interfere with AS and autism at similar cognitive levels have generally
with the person’s ability to engage in more reciprocal forms of suggested that motor deficits are displayed by individuals with
conversation with others. both syndromes (Smith, 2000). Patterns of acquisition of
motor skills, or potential developmental factors underlying
Speech, Language, and Communication possible differences in motoric functioning later in life have
not been systematically studied.
Although significant abnormalities of speech and formal Practically, however, individuals with AS may have a his-
language skills are not typical of individuals with AS, there are tory of delayed acquisition of motor skills, such as pedaling a
at least three aspects of their communication patterns that are bike, catching a ball, opening jars, and climbing outdoor play
of clinical interest (Klin, McPartland, et al., 2005; Paul, equipment. They are often visibly awkward and poorly coor-
in press). First, speech may be marked by poor prosody, dinated and may exhibit stilted or bouncy gait patterns and
although inflection and intonation may not be as rigid and odd posture.
monotonic as in autism. There is often a constricted range of
intonation patterns that is used with little regard to the com- Comorbid Features
municative function of the utterance (e.g., assertions of fact,
humorous remarks). Rate of speech may be unusual (e.g., too The most common disorders co-occurring with AS are
fast) or may lack in fluency (e.g., jerky speech), and often there depression and anxiety. Estimates of comorbid anxiety and/or
is poor modulation of volume (e.g., voice is too loud despite depression in individuals with AS are as high as 65 percent,
physical proximity to conversational partner). The latter fea- and some researchers have suggested that these elevated rates
ture may be particularly noticeable in the context of a lack of represent a distinction between AS and higher functioning
adjustment to the given social setting (e.g., social contact autism (HFA) (Ellis et al., 1994; Fujikawa et al., 1987;
occurring in a library or at a funeral). These various oddities Ghaziuddin, 2002; Ghaziuddin et al., 1998; Green et al., 2000;
can be extremely stigmatizing given low tolerance for these Howlin & Goode, 1998). Other data suggest, however, that
oddities among members of the general community. individuals with AS and HFA are equally at increased risk for
A second important communication pattern of interest problems with anxiety and depression, with no differences
relates to the fact that speech may often be tangential and between the groups (Kim et al., 2000). Anxiety in AS has been
circumstantial, conveying a sense of looseness of associations observed to stem from several sources. Concern about possible
and incoherence. Even though in a very small number of cases violations of rigid routines or rituals can be anxiety-provoking
this symptom may be an indicator of a possible thought disor- for individuals with AS. They frequently rely on particular
der, the lack of contingency in speech is more typically a result schedule or methods of completing daily activities that, when
of the one-sided, egocentric conversational style (e.g., unre- violated, result in significant upset. Conversely, when placed in
lenting monologues about the names, codes, and attributes of a context in which no clear schedule or set of expectations is
innumerable TV stations in a country); failure to provide the known, anxiety may result. Also, devoid of an intuitive sense
background for comments and to clearly demarcate changes of other people’s intentions and unspoken rules of social
in topic of conversation; and failure to suppress vocal output engagement, and yet often painfully aware of previous experi-
accompanying internal thoughts. ences of social failure, there may be great anticipatory anxiety
A third noticeable symptom relates to a communication relative to social encounters, the outcomes of which are per-
style that is often characterized by marked verbosity. The ceived as situations these individuals have little control over.
child or adult may talk incessantly, usually about a favorite Equally common to anxiety and typically appearing in
subject, often in complete disregard to the listener’s interest, early adolescence, depressive symptoms represent the result
engagement, or attempt to interject a comment or change the of the unique pairing of social desire in the absence of
52 Autism Spectrum Disorders

social intuition or skill. Chronically frustrated by their clinicians have informally concurred with this statement,
repeated experiences of failure to engage others and form particularly in regard to gainful employment, independence,
friendships or romantic relationships, individuals with AS and establishing a family, no studies using consensual defini-
often become despondent, negativistic, and bitter, or even tions of the condition have to date addressed long-term out-
clinically depressed, which may require treatment, including come in longitudinal follow-ups. Clearly, since cognitive
psychopharmacological treatment. and language levels are probably the most important factors
Several other comorbid conditions have been reported. in predicting outcome (Howlin, 2005), the perception of dif-
Hyperactivity and inattention are common among children ferences between individuals with autism and those with AS
with AS (Eisenmajer et al., 1996; Schatz et al., 2002), and relative to prognosis in adulthood might be confounded by
many children with the disorder are often initially misdiag- perceptions of the definitions of these conditions (i.e., AS
nosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as mental being associated with higher level of cognitive and language
health providers or educational professionals fail to appre- skills).
ciate the neurodevelopmental nature of their social and
communication difficulties. Some studies have associated Medical and Neurobiological Factors
AS with Tourette’s syndrome (Kerbeshian & Burd, 1986;
Littlejohns et al., 1990; Marriage et al., 1993, obsessive- Several reports of medical abnormalities associated with AS
compulsive disorder (Thomsen, 1994), and psychotic condi- have appeared, but, due to nosological issues and the pre-
tions (Gillberg, 1985). Some studies have investigated the ponderance of case reports and or small studies, no factors
notion that the combination of preserved intellectual and have been reliably associated with AS across studies. Wing
linguistic capacities with limited empathy and social under- (1981) reported high frequency of perinatal problems (nearly
standing might predispose individuals with AS to violent or half of her original sample) among individuals with AS.
criminal behavior (Everall & Le Couteur, 1990; Scragg & Other reports have associated AS with medical conditions,
Shah, 1994), but this hypothesis is unsupported by other including aminoaciduria (Miles & Capelle, 1987) and liga-
studies (Ghaziuddin et al., 1991). Nevertheless, these indi- mentous laxity (Tantam et al., 1990). A case series by Gillberg
viduals’ lack of “common sense,” reduced intuition, and (1989) reported high frequencies of medical anomalies
extreme “gullibility” at times leads to unintentional trans- common to both AS and autism, but these results have not
gressions of rules that may have legal consequences which been consistently replicated (Rutter et al., 1994). Epilepsy
can be grave. For example, the combination of extreme social occurs more frequently in individuals with ASD than in the
isolation and technical competencies in operating computers general population (Tuchman & Rapin, 2002), and this
often result in unlimited, typically unsupervised Internet use increased rate has been detected in case series investigating
with the attending perils that this medium poses to naïve individuals with AS (Cederlund & Gillberg, 2004). Anomalies
users. Serious crimes can be committed through naïve, reck- have also been detected in eye movements and visual scan-
less, or otherwise unguided or unsupervised use of the ning in individuals with ASDs (Sweeney et al., 2004), partic-
Internet, including crimes for which there are mandatory ularly in natural viewing of social scenes (Klin et al., 2002)
sentences (e.g., downloading of illegal images). but these findings have not yet been shown to distinguish AS
from other ASDs. Neurochemical studies of autism spectrum
Course and Prognosis disorders have produced inconsistent results. The most
robust finding is elevated blood serotonin levels, but other
There are no systematic long-term follow-up studies of chil- studies have reported atypicalities in peptide excretion, neu-
dren with AS as of this writing, partially because of nosologic roendocrine/HPA function, amino acid levels, uric acid
issues. Many children are able to attend regular education excretion, and central cholinergic and gabaergic receptors.
classes with additional support services, although these chil- Some of these findings have been seriously challenged in
dren are especially vulnerable to being seen as eccentric and more recent studies (Cass et al., 2008). At any rate, none of
being teased or victimized; others require special education these findings seems to apply differentially to AS versus other
services, usually not because of academic deficits but because ASDs (Anderson & Hoshino, 2005).
of their social and behavioral difficulties. Asperger’s initial In recent years extensive neuroimaging research has been
description predicted a positive outcome for many of his conducted to investigate structural anomalies in the brains of
patients, who were often able to use their special talents for individuals with AS. However, no clear common pathology
the purpose of obtaining employment and leading self- has emerged in individuals with AS, both with respect to typi-
supporting lives. His observation of similar traits in family cal individuals and in terms of differentiation among other
members (e.g., fathers, grandfathers) may also have made ASDs. Berthier and colleagues (Berthier et al., 1990) reported
him more optimistic about the ultimate outcome. Although MRI results indicating left frontal macrogyria and bilateral
his account was tempered somewhat over time, Asperger opercular polymicrogyria in patients with AS. Other studies
continued to believe that a more positive outcome was a have reported gray tissue anomalies (McAlonan et al., 2002),
central criterion differentiating individuals with his syn- left temporal lobe damage (Jones & Kerwin, 1990), left occipi-
drome from those with Kanner’s autism. Although some tal hypoperfusion (Ozbayrak et al., 1991), and dysmorphology
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 53

superior to the ascending ramus of the Sylvian fissure proximal phenotype in parents and grandparents of probands with AS
to the intersection of the middle frontal gyrus and the that were triple the rate found for the same relatives of probands
precentral sulcus (Volkmar et al., 1996). The most robust neu- with HFA (17% vs. 5%). Though this finding suggests AS may
roanatomical findings (applying to ASDs in general) are of have an even stronger genetic component than autism, the
rapid brain growth in early childhood leading to increased preponderance of research suggests shared genetic mecha-
brain volume that normalizes in mid-childhood, and reduced nisms common to all ASDs (Frith, 2004; Rutter, 2005). Though
size of the corpus callosum (Minshew et al., 2005) although no clear genetic etiology has been established for the majority
once again, there have been no claims that such findings of ASDs in general, or AS in particular, a subgroup of individu-
differentiate AS from other ASD subtypes. als have identifiable genetic abnormalities (perhaps 10%)
Functional imaging has also provided information about which include translocations, balanced translocations, and de
ASDs, though, as is the case for structural findings, minimal novo translocations (chromosomes 1, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17;
evidence exists to indicate reliable differences among AS and Cederlund & Gillberg, 2004; Anneren et al., 1995; Tentler et al.,
other ASDs. FMRI and event-related potential studies of 2001; 2003), autosomal fragile site (Saliba & Griffiths, 1990),
hemodynamic and electrophysiological brain responses have Fragile X syndrome (Bartolucci & Szatmari, 1987), and 21p+
detected abnormalities in brain activity associated with face- (Cederlund & Gillberg, 2004), among others. As in other areas
processing mechanisms in inferotemporal cortex (Dawson of medical, neurobiological, and genetic research, however,
et al., 2005; Schultz, 2005), and some of these anomalies have none of these findings have been claimed to differentiate indi-
been specifically replicated in adults (but not children) with AS viduals with AS from those with other PDD subtypes.
(O’Connor et al., 2005). Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography (SPECT) imaging has suggested abnormal right-
hemisphere functioning in AS (McKelvey et al., 1995), which Á
is consistent with the hypothesis that neuropsychological pro- Treatment
files of individuals with AS, but not of those with autism, are
marked by strengths and deficits consistent with a nonverbal As in autism, treatment of AS is essentially supportive and
learning disability (Klin et al., 1995; Rourke et al., 1989). Other symptomatic and, to a great extent, overlaps with the treat-
research has found dysfunction in brain regions subserving ment guidelines applicable to individuals with autism unac-
social cognition (anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, companied by mental retardation, or higher functioning
temporoparietal junction, amygdala, and periamygdaloid autism (HFA) (Attwood, 2006; Klin & Volkmar, 2000; Ozonoff
cortex; Schultz & Robins, 2005). An emerging body of research et al., 2002; Powers & Poland, 2002). One initial difficulty
suggests problems with functional connectivity among sepa- encountered by families is proving eligibility for services.
rate brain regions in ASDs (Just et al., 2004) and, specifically, As these children are often very verbal and many of them do
in AS (Welchew et al., 2005). Though brain imaging technolo- well academically, educational authorities might judge that
gies have shed some light on the pathobiology of ASDs, cur- the deficits—primarily social and communicative—are not
rent research fails to present a clear picture of the specific within the scope of educational intervention. In fact, these two
neurobiological underpinnings of AS or factors that distin- aspects should be the core of any educational intervention and
guish it from other PDD subtypes. curriculum for individuals with this condition.
In regard to learning strategies, skills, concepts, appropriate
Genetics procedures, cognitive strategies, and behavioral norms may be
more effectively taught in an explicit and rote fashion, using a
Asperger’s (1944) original description of the disorder noted parts-to-whole verbal instruction approach, in which the
common symptoms in family members, especially fathers, verbal steps are in the correct sequence for the behavior to
and empirical research since that time has supported this be effective. Additional guidelines should be derived from the
observation. Overall, ASDs are among the most heritable of individual’s neuropsychological profile of assets and deficits.
psychiatric conditions, although genetic etiology and pat- Typically, however, individuals with AS have very poor organ-
tern of heritability is still poorly understood (Rutter, 2005). izational skills, which are more globally described as executive
Many case reports have reported AS, ASD, or autistic-like function deficits. They require specific and explicit help with
traits in family members, particularly among fathers (Bowman, planning ahead, breaking down problems into accomplishable
1988; DeLong & Dwyer, 1988; Ghaziuddin, 2005; Gillberg components, executing them in a stepwise fashion while keep-
et al., 1992; Gillberg & Cederlund, 2005; Volkmar et al., 1996; ing in mind the overall goal of the activity, among many other
Wolff & McGuire, 1995), and recurrence rate in siblings of challenges.
children with an ASD is considerably higher than the popula- The acquisition of self-sufficiency skills in all areas of adap-
tion base rate (Rutter, 2005). Some family history studies have tive functioning should be a priority (Klin, Saulnier, et al., 2007;
also indicated associations with other psychiatric disorders Saulnier & Klin, 2007). There should be a concerted effort to
including depression, schizophrenia, and schizoid personality prepare children for independent, self-supporting life. Areas
disorders (Ghaziuddin et al., 1993). Klin and colleagues (Klin, of proficiency in adulthood should include personal hygiene,
Pauls, et al., 2005) reported rates of ASDs or the broader autism grooming, and management of clothing; awareness of and
54 Autism Spectrum Disorders

capable management of health issues; an operationalized view Á

of what is private and what can be displayed or otherwise be Conclusions
spoken in public; sexuality; home management, including
budgeting, purchasing, cooking, cleaning, and disposing of The inclusion of the term “Asperger’s syndrome” (AS) as one
unnecessary items; budgeting, paying bills, and complying of the pervasive developmental disorders in the DSM-IV and
with financial and personal duties such as maintaining finan- ICD-10 has decisively contributed to greater awareness of
cial records and paying taxes; knowledge of how to deal with individuals with autism spectrum disorders with preserved
authority, including police, how to behave in situations of cognitive and language functioning. This in turn has generally
emergency, how to manage telemarketers, how to avoid falling translated into greater availability of services and supports to
prey to offers that are “too good to be true,” critical knowledge persons who previously had to fend for themselves in their
of perils associated with Internet use, management of “junk” daily challenges with only the support of their families and
electronic and paper mail, among many others critical aspects often with the disservice of misconceptions of the origins of
of real life. their behavioral difficulties. In this light, the term “Asperger’s
The tendency of individuals with AS to rely on rigid rules syndrome” has certainly had a beneficial impact on the com-
and routines can be used to foster positive habits and enhance munity of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and
the person’s quality of life and that of family members. their families (Wing, 2000).
Specific problem-solving strategies, usually following a In contrast to this positive outcome, research on the
verbal algorithm, may be taught for handling the require- external validity of the construct relative to other PDD sub-
ments of frequently occurring, troublesome situations (e.g., types has been undermined by the lack of operationalized and
involving novelty, intense social demands, or frustration). consensual definitions of the condition, the virtual irrelevance
Training is usually necessary for recognizing situations as of the DSM-IV and ICD-10 formal definitions, and the rather
troublesome and for selecting the best available learned arbitrary way in which the term has been used in clinical inves-
strategy to use in such situations. Social and communication tigations. As researched in the past, this issue is not likely to be
skills are best taught by a communication specialist with an clarified in the future without radical changes. The forth-
interest in pragmatics in speech in the context of both indi- coming update of formal nosology presents an opportunity
vidual and small-group therapy. Communication skills train- for such changes, but there is little definitive evidence to base
ing should include appropriate nonverbal behavior (e.g., the decisions on. The alternatives available are not appealing:
use of gaze for social interaction, monitoring and patterning (1) to maintain the tentative status of AS within formal PDD
of voice inflection, verbal decoding of nonverbal behaviors nosology and, in so doing, to possibly perpetuate for yet
of others, social awareness, perspective taking skills, and another decade the current situation; or (2) to remove the
correct interpretation of ambiguous communications such term from formal PDD nosology and, in so doing, to leave the
as nonliteral language. community without a term previously used as a coalescing
Often adults with AS fail to meet entry requirements for force for advocacy.
jobs in their area of training (e.g., college degree) or fail to At present, an empirically based decision is rather difficult
maintain a job because of their poor interview skills, social because while AS has not been shown to differ from other
disabilities, eccentricities, or anxiety attacks. It is important, PDD subtypes on a whole array of important variables, it has
therefore, that they be trained for and placed in jobs for which not been shown to be the same either because research on this
they are not neuropsychologically impaired and in which they issue has been uninterpretable. While one can state that the
will enjoy a certain degree of support and shelter. Therefore, it onus should be on disproving the nil hypothesis (i.e., that AS
is preferable that the job not involve intensive social demands, is meaningfully different from related PDD subtypes), the
time pressure, or the need to quickly improvise or generate construct of Asperger’s syndrome has taken a life of its own
solutions to novel situations. with many real-life consequences as alluded to before. A
The available experience with self-support groups suggests possible solution for this quandary will not help nosology in
that individuals with AS enjoy the opportunity to meet others the short term, but it can rephrase the question in a way that
with similar problems and may develop relationships around valuable insights may eventually follow. This solution involves
an activity or subject of shared interest. Special interests may deriving the more far-reaching implications of the fact that
be use as a way of creating social opportunities through hobby autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are the quintessential
groups. Supportive psychotherapy, as well as pharmacological neurodevelopmental disorders, and that a great many aspects
interventions, may be helpful in dealing with feelings of of interest in investigations and clinical practice should be
despondency, frustration, and anxiety, although a more direct, conceptualized in light of developmental psychopathology
problem-solving focus is thought to be more beneficial than processes (Klin et al., 2003). Thus fully quantifying key aspects
an insight-oriented approach. Recently, the use of especially of developmental skills and symptomatology in infants and
adapted forms of cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown toddlers with ASD and then following these children longitu-
to be effective and beneficial, particularly in regard to, but not dinally while casting the search for meaningful categorical
limited to, anxiety symptoms. subtypes as dependent, outcome variables might free this
Asperger’s Syndrome: From Asperger to Modern Day 55

debate from some sterile, past discussions. We still do not with Kanner’s original description, consensus on core
know what are important mediators of outcome beyond diagnostic features has remained relatively stable. Autism-
the obvious notion that IQ and language matter. In other specific diagnostic instruments have strong sensitivity and
words, we still do not know what are the dimensions that specificity by age 2 years, and among experienced clinicians,
generate the spectrum of autism conditions beginning in agreement in diagnostic assignment is typically high (Klin
early infancy. et al., 2000; Lord & Corsello, 2005). These factors highlight
Two parallel sets of advancements bode well for this field: homogeneity of basic features despite the wide range of
first, our knowledge of normative processes in child develop- genomic causes and varying outcomes.
ment has increased dramatically since the early 1990s, although But the interclinician reliability for the assignment of an
autism research has been slow in fully assimilating new investi- ASD diagnosis is high relative to the differentiation of children
gative paradigms, technologies, and concepts (Volkmar et al., with ASD vs. non-ASD. This is not so for the differentiation of
2004). Second, the advent of prospective studies of large cohorts ASD subtypes (i.e., autism, AS, and PDD-NOS). Thus it seems
of genetically at-risk infants, a proportion of which will develop that the balance is tilted toward the adoption of the
autism, carries the promise of shedding light on this critical all-encompassing ASD construct, a disregard of the other sub-
period of pathogenesis. Until recently, our knowledge of this types, with the addition of maybe a dimensional qualifier such
period of development was confined to retrospective accounts as level of cognitive or language functioning. This might be a
or less-than-ideal methods of infancy research (Zwaigenbaum palatable, interim solution until the subtyping enterprise can
et al., 2007). As knowledge accrues from these efforts, it is very be more solidly derived from prospective, longitudinal
likely that a great deal of what we know about ASD will have to research of early-emerging developmental pathways leading
be reappraised and updated, if not fully modified. to social communication disabilities.
In regard to nosology and classification of ASD, prospective
work singling out relevant patterns of onset and examining the
range of associated symptomatic expressions over time is likely Á
to systematize the search for empirically defined subtypes. Challenges and Future Directions
This should allow for an examination of their utility in terms
of response to treatment and outcomes. This process has • Prospective, longitudinal studies of well-characterized
begun with the identification of earlier- and later-onset autism infants and toddlers with ASD identifying meaningful
(Landa et al., 2007), and possibly the existence of regressive and quantified outcomes as dependent variables is likely
subtypes (Lord et al., 2004; Siperstein & Volkmar, 2004; to yield empirically derived subtyping schemes for the
Werner & Dawson, 2005). It is possible, however, that these pervasive developmental disorders;
distinctions are still too crude, and are going to be remediated • In the absence of well-operationalized and consensually
only by more detailed and quantified analyses of infancy data accepted definitions of AS, research on its external validity
than those performed to date (Jones & Klin, 2009). in the future is likely to fail. This will perpetuate the cur-
As new genes or genetic anomalies are found to be associated rent unsatisfactory situation, which includes a complete
with ASD, some have argued for an etiology-based nosology as disregard of the DSM-IV definition and the adoption of a
a viable approach to reduce the marked heterogeneity of whole array of other definitions in clinical research. The
phenotypic expressions of this family of conditions: there decision of whether or not to include AS in the forthcom-
would be many “autisms,” each corresponding to a “disease ing DSM-V will be made under less than optimal condi-
process.” However, genotypic variability seems to be as baffling tions and yet it is likely to have a far-reaching impact on
as phenotypic variability, if not more. For example, although the community; and
more and more susceptibility loci are being identified, each is • “AS” is a term around which many affected individu-
thought to account for only a small number of overall cases als, their families, and advocacy agencies coalesce to
(e.g., Weiss et al., 2008). Likewise, de novo mutations may advance factors beneficial to this community. In case AS
play a causal role in a relatively large percentage (~ 10%) of is excluded from DSM-V, it will be critically important
individuals with autism who do not have an affected to minimize the deleterious impact of this decision on
first-degree family relative (e.g., Zhao et al., 2007). Other dis- the entitlements of the individuals with this condition, or
orders, such as Rett syndrome, in which the genetic mutation on their advocates’ power to increase public awareness of
has been identified nevertheless retain the clinical diagnosis their needs and challenges.
based on clinical features, recognizing that not all cases that fit
the clinical diagnosis have the underlying mutation and that Á SUGGESTED READINGS
the clinical diagnosis has utility in terms of describing clinical
course and prognosis. Attwood, T. (2006). The complete guide to Asperger’s syndrome.
Given the multiplicity of possible causes, it is in fact sur- London: Kingsley.
prising that ASD are identified, reliably, as a fairly unitary, Klin, A., Volkmar, F. R., & Sparrow, S. S. (2000). Asperger syndrome.
though variable, syndrome (Jones & Klin, 2009). Beginning New York: Guilford.
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4 Á Sally Ozonoff, Kelly Heung, Meagan Thompson

Regression and Other Patterns of Onset

Á very early differences appear to be nonspecific (e.g., sleeping,

Points of Interest eating, temperament patterns) and do not differentiate chil-
dren with developmental delays from those with autism
• Dichotomous classification of onset (early onset, regres- (Werner et al., 2005). Group differences are more reliably
sion) is insufficient to describe the many ways that symp- present and consistently found across studies in the second
toms of autism emerge in early development. year of life (Palomo et al., 2006). This so-called early onset pat-
• Parent report methods for measuring regression may not tern is thought to occur in the majority of individuals with
be reliable. autism.
• Prospective investigations of high risk samples suggest In the second pattern of onset, regressive autism, children
that regression may be much more common in children appear to be developing typically for the first year or two of
with autism than previously thought. life. Between the first and second birthday, they lose skills that
they had previously acquired, accompanied by the onset of
• Symptoms of autism appear to emerge slowly during the
autistic symptoms. The earliest literature on autism made no
first year of life. Behavioral signs of autism are not pres-
mention of this onset pattern. Kanner (1943), for example,
ent at or shortly after birth in most children, as Kanner
did not report any loss of previously acquired skills in the 11
once suggested.
cases he described initially. The phenomenon was first
reported in the 1970s by researchers in Japan (as cited in
Kobayashi & Murata, 1998) and further described in the fol-
Á lowing decade (Hoshino et al., 1987; Kurita, 1985; Volkmar &
Introduction Cohen, 1989).

The onset of autism is usually described as occurring in one of Domains of Loss

two patterns. In one onset prototype, children show abnormal-
ities in social and communicative development in the first 12 The developmental areas most affected by regression are com-
months of life. The most common initial symptom recognized munication and social abilities. Much less frequently, adaptive
by parents is delayed speech development (De Giacomo & and motor losses are reported (Davidovitch et al., 2000;
Fombonne, 1998), but a growing body of literature suggests Ozonoff et al., 2005; Siperstein & Volkmar, 2004). Several
that social and nonverbal communicative delays predate the studies have found loss of language skills to be the most
language abnormalities that typically lead to diagnosis. common type of regression reported by parents (Goldberg
Behaviors that discriminate between young children with et al., 2003; Siperstein & Volkmar, 2004), possibly because
autism, developmental delays, and typical development are ori- speech is so eagerly awaited and salient to parents. Regression
enting to name, looking at the faces of others, joint attention, typically also involves loss of social interest and behaviors. As
affect sharing, and imitation (Baranek, 1999; Osterling & described by Rogers and DiLalla (1990), “the onset of their
Dawson, 1994; Stone et al., 1994, 1999; Werner, Dawson, children’s symptoms began with a change in or loss of the
Osterling, & Dinno, 2000; Wetherby et al., 2004). A few studies child’s previous apparently normal social behavior. A loss of
suggest that symptoms can be detected before the first birthday interest in others, the loss of eye contact, increasing isolation,
in some children (Baranek, 1999; Werner et al., 2000), but these the loss of interpersonal initiative including normal play were

Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 61

among the behaviors that the parents reported” (p. 866). had experienced a regression (Harper & Williams, 1975). In
Almost all parents who reported loss of words also described most studies, the results have been mixed. Richler et al. (2006)
loss of social skills (Goldberg et al., 2003; Lord et al., 2004). reported on a large (n = 351) multisite sample (mean age
Ozonoff and colleagues (2005) found loss of eye contact to be 9 years) and found that children with regressive autism dis-
the most frequently reported change in social behavior, with played significantly lower social reciprocity and verbal IQ than
90% of parents of children with regression reporting such a children with autism without regression, but found no differ-
loss. The second most frequently lost social behavior was a loss ences on twelve other measures of intelligence, autism severity,
of social interest, which was reported in 61% of children with and adaptive skills. Other studies (Brown & Prelock, 1995;
regressive autism (Ozonoff et al., 2005). Kobayashi & Murata, 1998; Meilleur & Fombonne, 2009;
Wiggins, Rice, & Baio, 2009) have reported similarly mixed
Timing of Loss results, with some skills lower in children who regressed, but
other skills no different from children with early onset autism.
Regression is most often observed between the first and second These studies assessed outcome at a variety of ages and many
birthday, with mean or median ages of regression reported were based on small samples. A recent study examined two
across different samples between 16 and 20 months (Goldberg different cohorts of children with autism (ages 6–9 years and
et al., 2003; Kurita, 1985; Ozonoff et al., 2005; Shinnar et al., 16–19 years at data collection) from a large community-based
2001). In a large epidemiological sample, parents of children sample, comparing functioning in children with and without
with regression first became concerned about development at regression. No differences were found between the onset
a mean age of 19.8 months (Fombonne & Chakrabarti, 2001), groups in autism severity, intellectual function, or social, com-
which is consistent with the smaller studies. municative, and adaptive outcomes. Similarly, no significant
differences were found between the onset groups in any of the
Prevalence of Regression potential etiological factors examined, such as rate of seizures,
MMR vaccination history, gastrointestinal symptoms, prena-
Fombonne and Chakrabarti (2001) reviewed six early studies tal or neonatal risk factors, and family history (Heung, 2008).
that reported regression rates in the range of 22% to 50%. Similar findings of virtually no group differences between chil-
Similar rates have been found in other studies. Rogers and dren with and without regression on a range of outcome meas-
DiLalla (1990) and Tuchman and Rapin (1997) reported ures have been reported by others (e.g., Hansen et al., 2008;
approximately 30% of their samples displayed a loss of skills. Werner, Dawson, Munson, & Osterling, 2005). Hansen et al.’s
Kurita (1985) reported that 37% of his sample showed speech investigation examined a large sample and had excellent statis-
loss. In these and other similar studies, which do not use epi- tical power to detect group differences, but nevertheless found
demiological or community-based samples, sample sizes are very few. Thus, while some earlier studies suggested otherwise,
typically small and cases may be ascertained in a manner that large-scale investigations, some of which followed children for
is biased toward greater severity (e.g., through clinics or hos- years after onset, indicate that regression histories are not
pitals). Samples from epidemiological studies provide better necessarily associated with poorer developmental outcomes.
estimates of prevalence. In one such study, Taylor et al. (2002)
reported a 25% rate of developmental regression in a large Potential Etiologies of Regression
cohort of children with autism born between 1979 and 1998
in London. Another epidemiological study undertaken in The mechanisms underlying autistic regression (or for that
California found that 34.7% of 277 children with autism matter, early onset autism) are unknown. Accelerated rates of
had histories of regression (Byrd et al., 2002). Thus, both head growth have been reported in several studies of young
epidemiological and individual sample studies indicate that children with autism, suggesting that processes of synaptic
regression in autism occurs in a substantial minority of cases growth and pruning may go awry and lead to autism. However,
and is not a rare form of onset. no differences in head circumference trajectories were found
between children with signs of autism early in life and those
Later Outcomes with regression in one recent study (Webb et al., 2007); head
growth was accelerated in both groups.
Several studies have compared the later outcomes of children The possibility that seizures or other electrophysiological
with regression to those of their peers with early onset autism, disruptions contribute to regression has also been suggested
with varying results. Hoshino et al. (1987) reported more (Mantovani, 2000), in part due to the apparent reversibility of
severe speech and behavioral problems, as well as lower adap- “autistic-like” features with anticonvulsant treatment found
tive levels, in children with regression. Rogers and DiLalla in a small subset of individuals with another regressive condi-
(1990) found that children with regression had significantly tion, Landau-Kleffner syndrome (Deonna, Ziegler, Maeder,
lower IQs than those who did not lose speech. However, Short Ansermet, & Roulet, 1995; Nass, Gross, Wisoff, & Devinsky,
and Schopler (1988) found no statistically significant differ- 1999; Neville et al., 1997). Kobayashi and Murata (1998)
ences in IQ between early onset and regression cases, and one found epilepsy to be twice as frequent in children with a his-
early study actually found a better prognosis for children who tory of regression than in children without such a history
62 Autism Spectrum Disorders

(31% versus 15%). Hoshino et al. (1987) also found a higher a specific regressive phenotype of autism that Wakefield (1998)
incidence of epileptic seizures and febrile convulsions in chil- termed “autistic enterocolitis.” One large study found more
dren who had experienced regression (23% versus 5%). GI symptoms in children with regression than those without
However, this finding is not universal. Among their sample of regression (Richler et al., 2006), but this has not been reported
children on the autism spectrum, Tuchman and Rapin (1997) in several other empirical studies. Fombonne and Chakrabarti
found no difference in the frequency of reported epilepsy (2001) analyzed one epidemiological sample and two clinical
between children with autistic regression and those without samples of children (total N = 262) and found no association
(12% and 11%, respectively). Similarly, Shinnar et al. (2001) between developmental regression and GI symptoms; only
found that regression was actually more common in children 2.1% of the samples experienced both problems, and this rate
with autism without seizures. Neither Hansen et al. (2008), did not exceed chance expectations. In addition, this study
Baird et al. (2008), or Heung (2008) found differences in rates compared children who were exposed to the MMR immuni-
of epilepsy between regression and no regression groups. zation with those who were not exposed and found no differ-
Past research has occasionally suggested that psychosocial ence in the reported rates of regression between the two
stressors might trigger regression in a vulnerable child. Kurita groups. These authors also found no evidence that children
(1985) found that events such as the birth of siblings, parental with regressive autism have symptom or severity profiles that
discord, and change of residence were occasionally reported are different from children with early onset autism (Fombonne
just before the regression. Rutter (1985) noted, however, that & Chakrabarti, 2001). Similar lack of association between GI
the specific life events that have been associated with develop- problems and regression has been reported by several other
mental regression are relatively minor and common to many groups (Baird et al., 2008; Hansen et al., 2008; Heung, 2008;
children, questioning their causal association. Clearly, the Taylor et al., 2002).
majority of children who experience such stressors do not Concerns about MMR extended to other combinations of
suffer from regression. vaccines, to the increasing number of vaccines, and then
to potentially toxic components of vaccines. One such com-
Immunizations ponent that attracted much attention was thimerosal, a
mercury-containing preservative found in vaccines. James
Wakefield et al. (1998) linked autism to MMR vaccination in and colleagues (2004) found that, compared to controls, some
their study of 12 autistic children with gastrointestinal (GI) children with autism have a severe deficiency of glutathione,
symptoms such as chronic constipation, pain, bloating, and which is required for heavy metal detoxification and excre-
esophageal reflux. The GI symptoms reportedly began around tion. Contrary to this hypothesis, however, increases (rather
the same time that the children’s autistic symptoms appeared. than decreases) in the incidence of autism following discon-
Endoscopy revealed lymphonodular hyperplasia and macro- tinuation of thimerosal-containing vaccines have been
scopic evidence of colitis. These findings led Wakefield and his reported in Denmark (Madsen et al., 2003) and California
colleagues to hypothesize that the children’s regressive autism (Schechter & Grether, 2008). Andrews et al. (2004) found
was induced by the MMR vaccinations through a series of no relationship between vaccine doses (and thus, levels of
events involving mucosal damage, increased permeability of thimerosal exposure) and subsequent neurodevelopmental
the intestines, and gastrointestinal absorption of toxic disorders including autism. Some have suggested that
neuropeptides, causing central nervous system dysfunction symptoms of autism are similar to those of mercury poisoning
and behavioral regression (Hansen & Ozonoff, 2003). (e.g., Bernard et al., 2001; Blaxill, Redwood, & Bernard, 2004),
Wakefield et al.’s (1998) paper was later retracted by 10 of but this was refuted by Nelson and Bauman (2003) who found
the study’s 13 authors (Murch et al., 2004), in part due to the no link between either the clinical manifestations or the neu-
paucity of epidemiological evidence supporting the theory ropathology of autism and mercury poisoning. Thus, there is
(e.g., Dales, Hammer, & Smith, 2001; Farrington, Miller, & no direct support for the hypothesis that immunizations con-
Taylor, 2001; Kaye, del Mar Melero-Montes, & Jick, 2001; tribute to autism and/or developmental regression. Recently,
Taylor et al., 2002; Uchiyama, Kurosawa, & Inaba, 2007). For research is focusing on whether certain medical conditions
example, Taylor et al. (1999) found no evidence of changes in that can be associated with autism, such as mitochondrial
incidence or age at diagnosis associated with the introduction disorders, may increase vulnerability to adverse effects of
of the MMR vaccine in the United Kingdom in 1988. A later vaccines (Poling, 2006; Weissman et al., 2008).
study by this group (Taylor et al., 2002) compared three
groups of children: (1) children who received the MMR vac- Genetics
cine before their parents became concerned about their devel-
opment, (2) children who received the vaccine after such It has been suggested that autism with regression may repre-
concern, and (3) children who had not received the vaccine at sent a different genetic subtype. One study (Xi et al., 2007)
all. Findings showed no significant differences in incidence of examined a group of 31 boys with autism and speech loss for
regression between these three groups. mutations in MeCP2, the gene that causes Rett syndrome,
In addition to the lack of epidemiological evidence for another condition involving developmental regression. Only
MMR influence, there is also little support in the literature for one sequence variant was found, leading the authors to
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 63

conclude that mutations in the coding region of the MeCP2 reliability on an objective coding system (Werner & Dawson,
gene are not common causes of regression in autism. 2005). Coded data was divided into four developmental
Both Schellenberg et al. (2006) and Molloy et al. (2005) periods, each 4 months long. To account for differences in the
conducted linkage analyses in large cohorts of siblings with amount of footage available in each period, raw duration and
autism and found different linkage signals for pairs with and frequency scores were converted to proportion and rate scores,
without regression, suggesting a possible genetic susceptibility respectively. Means for each period were calculated and graphs
to the regressive form of onset. The association found by of the developmental trajectories are presented in Figure 4-1.
Molloy et al.’s group was not replicated in the International The rates of key social-communicative behaviors are thus
Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC) objectively quantified during the window of development
cohort of affected siblings (Parr et al., 2006), however. The when autism symptoms emerge, illustrating the two proto-
methods of the two studies differed in that the Molloy et al. typical patterns of onset described in this chapter. Informed
study examined only siblings concordant for regression consent was obtained from parents prior to participation in
(n = 34 pairs), while the IMGSAC study included all pairs in the research project, as well as prior to the writing of these
which at least one sibling had experienced language loss descriptions (which use pseudonyms and disguise identifying
(n = 58), of which only 12 were concordant for regression. characteristics).
Therefore, these linkage findings require further investigation
and replication. The low rate of concordance for regression Case 1: Isaac, Early Onset Autism
(20.7%) in the IMGSAC sample is, in and of itself, an impor-
tant finding, suggesting that the regression phenotype is likely Isaac was the product of a full-term pregnancy with no reported
to be etiologically heterogeneous and multifactorial. complications. His medical history is unremarkable. He is the
The liability to autism includes not only the full autism first child born to parents with no family history of autism. He
syndrome but also qualitatively similar but milder deficits has two younger sisters who are typically developing.
(e.g., shyness, intense interests, speech delays, or other com- Birth to 5 months : On the ADI-R, Isaac’s parents reported
munication difficulties). This subclinical set of social and lan- that they had concerns about his development “from birth,
guage differences seen in nonautistic relatives of individuals coming home from the hospital” and said that they had
with autism is called the broader autism phenotype (BAP) and noticed “no eye contact around two weeks.” Corroborating
is found in 12 to 50% of relatives of those with autism (Lainhart these reports, family home video taken at three months of age
et al., 2002). The BAP is considered an index of genetic shows Isaac fixating on the ceiling fan while his grandfather
vulnerability to autism (Piven, 2001). attempts to engage him in a social game. Although his grand-
Lainhart et al. (2002) compared the BAP in relatives of father’s face is animated and just a few inches away, Isaac never
children with early onset and regressive autism. In a sample of looks at him. By three months of age, his parents had already
88 children, they found that parents of children with and become concerned specifically about the possibility that their
without regression showed similar rates of the BAP (27.8% son had autism, although they had little experience or knowl-
versus 32.9%, p = 0.33). Both groups had significantly higher edge of the condition.
rates of the BAP when compared to parents of children 6 to 10 months : During this time, Isaac continued to ignore
without autism (3.6%; p d 0.01). The authors argued that the social approaches of others and demonstrated multiple
these findings suggest that environmental factors are unlikely unusual visual and repetitive behaviors. At 10 months he is
to be the sole cause of regressive autism. That is, if regressive observed on video repetitively flipping and rolling a marker
autism were caused solely by nongenetic factors, such as across the floor. Coding of home videos shows that Isaac rarely
immunizations, one would instead expect to find similar rates oriented to his name, vocalized, or smiled at others during this
of the BAP in relatives of children with regressive autism and period. He also shows an elevated level of unusual visual
the general population, both of which would be significantly behavior, such as prolonged staring at objects (see Figure 4-1).
lower than relatives of children with early onset autism 11 to 15 months : In home video from this period, Isaac
(Lainhart et al., 2002). continues to be socially isolated. At 12 months, he can be observed
on camera failing to respond to his mother’s repeated attempts
Case Studies of Onset Types to engage him in a game of peek-a-boo. Instead, his attention
remains focused on a large hairbrush that he is spinning on the
We end this section with two case studies that illustrate the tiled bathroom floor. At 11 months of age, his parents refer him
traditionally defined patterns of onset described so far in this to the first author for an autism diagnostic evaluation. He is
chapter. These case descriptions were reconstructed from both diagnosed with Autistic Disorder at 13 months.
parent responses on the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised 16 to 20 months: During this period, Isaac begins receiving
(ADI-R; Lord et al., 1994; Rutter et al., 2003) and family videos intensive early behavioral intervention and speech therapy.
collected as part of an IRB-approved home movie study Home video footage at this time shows Isaac repeatedly
(Ozonoff et al., 2008). Unique to these case studies, family pushing a button on a musical toy and putting his face up
home movies were systematically analyzed by coders unaware close to the blinking lights that accompany the song. At
of the child’s diagnosis or the purposes of the study, trained to 16 months, he fails to make eye contact or respond to his
64 Autism Spectrum Disorders

0.5 ceiling and examining it from the corner of his eyes. Coded
Unusual data from this period show that he rarely responded to his
0.4 visual
behavior name, smiled at others, or vocalized. He continued to meet
full criteria for Autistic Disorder when retested as part of a
research study at 24 months of age.


0.1 Case 2: Kyle, Autistic Regression

Kyle is the only child of parents with no family history of
autism. He was born at full term; no complications were expe-
rienced during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. His medical his-
Smiles tory in the first year and a half of life revealed nothing
significant. Onset of GI problems around 18 months of age
was reported.

0 to 5 months: Parent report and observation of family
home videos from this time period indicate that Kyle was
socially well engaged, displaying frequent reciprocal smiles
and babbling often. At 5 months, for example, he is seen on
0.4 video playing peek-a-boo with his mother, laughing, and
0.2 babbling reciprocally to continue the game.
6 to 10 months: Kyle continues to demonstrate high rates of
Orienting to
name warm positive affect, eye contact, and vocalizations through-
out this period (see Figure 4-1). At 9 months he is observed on
Proportion of responses

video imitating his mother blowing raspberries, laughing, and
0.5 taking turns in this social game.
11 to 15 months: Both by parent report and as observed on
0.3 home video, Kyle’s behavior becomes more variable, partic-
ularly toward the end of this period. Home video at 11
months captures several word approximations (“nye-nye,”
“hi,” “yeah”), bright smiles toward others, and immediate
orientation when his name is called. Between 13 and 15
months he begins to appear more interested in objects than
people, displays less positive affect, and demonstrates a few
Rate of spontaneous expression

1 Vocalizations
repetitive behaviors, but these concerning behaviors are
0.8 interspersed with some typical social interactions, moments
of excellent eye contact, and clearly directed smiles on home
0.6 video. For example, at 13 months Kyle is filmed pushing
plastic balls around the edge of a table as he circles it multi-
0.4 ple times. Although his mother is sitting a few feet away, he
does not approach her or look in her direction, even when
0.2 accidentally backing into her, but later turns to his father,
who is filming, and gives a broad smile. Similarly, at 15
0 months, Kyle is seen running back and forth across the living
6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 24
room, flapping his hands and sporadically squealing in a
Developmental period (months)
high-pitched manner as he approaches people and smiles.
Isaac: Early onset Kyle: Regression Kyle’s parents reported on the ADI-R that they began to have
concerns about Kyle’s development at 15 months, when he
Figure 4–1. Developmental trajectories of key behaviors coded “lost interaction and connectedness and began to withdraw
from home video. socially.”
16 to 20 months : During this period, Kyle’s symptoms
become much more pronounced on video and by parent
father’s verbal prompts when they are looking through a report. At 20 months he is observed making repeated stereo-
picture book together. typed vocalizations and failing to orient to his mother, who is
21 to 24 months: Footage from just prior to his second just a few feet away. While playing outside, he is seen flapping
birthday shows Isaac repetitively waving a flashlight on the his hands and sifting repetitively through a pile of rocks.
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 65

He ignores others when they call or approach him. No word- be used with caution when examining hypotheses that demand
like vocalizations are coded on video. precision in estimating event dates and frequencies (Henry,
21 to 24 months : Home movies taken just before his second Moffitt, Caspi, Langley, & Silva, 1994). When people are asked
birthday show Kyle playing with a string of beads, repeatedly to recall particular episodes, they often report them as having
setting them on the edge of a table and closely watching as they occurred more recently than they did, an error called “forward
slide over the side. He does not respond to the social overtures telescoping” (Loftus & Marburger, 1983). This phenomenon
of others in any video clips. Kyle was diagnosed with Autistic has been described specifically in investigations using parent
Disorder at 27 months of age. report to study autism onset (Lord et al., 2004). Thus, it is crit-
ical to understand the degree of accuracy in parent reports of
regression, particularly since other methods (e.g., video
Á analysis) are labor intensive and require expert training.
Problems with Traditional Views of Onset One widely used instrument that collects detailed parent
recollections of early development is the ADI-R, a “gold
Despite the prototypicality of these two case descriptions, as standard” research interview used in diagnosis (Lord et al.,
well as the progress that has been made in the last half century 1994; Rutter et al., 2003). This instrument has a section of 18
in describing the regression phenotype, a number of difficulties questions that collect detailed information about potential
with traditionally held views about onset have become evident losses, including specific skills lost, duration of losses, and
with time. One problem is that definitions of regression and potential factors associated with the losses. It first asks about
methods of describing onset differ across studies and newer language losses (question 11, “Were you ever concerned that
research has shown that results can be quite influenced by these [your child] might have lost language skills during the first
measurement differences. A second issue is that recent research years of life?”). If the parent responds in the affirmative, the
has not always upheld previous views or clinical intuitions interviewer then probes for the number of words lost, how
about the central features of and differences between onset they were used prior to the loss, the duration of establish-
types. Finally, prospective studies provide new data that do not ment of the skill, and the duration of loss of the skill. To meet
fully support the findings of onset investigations that used ret- ADI-R criteria for loss of language, at least five words must
rospective methods (parent recall or home video analysis). have been used spontaneously, meaningfully, and communi-
Therefore, we may need to revise current conceptualizations of catively for at least three months before being lost for at least
how the symptoms of autism emerge in the first years of life. three months. If there are losses indicated by the parent that
It is to these topics that we move in the following sections. do not meet these criteria (e.g., words lost that fail to meet
the quantity or duration criteria or other communicative
Definition and Measurement Issues losses, like loss of babbling or gesture use), they can be
recorded on the form, but the child does not meet ADI-R
Until relatively recently, when prospective studies that follow criteria for word loss. There is no consensus in the field yet as
children from infancy through the window of autism suscepti- to how to handle parent-reported losses that are subthresh-
bility have been conducted, the only methodologies to investi- old. Parents can give very convincing descriptions of 4 word
gate the early autism phenotype and onset patterns were losses or of losses of 5+ words that had not consistently been
retrospective. One method is the analysis of home movies of in the child’s vocabulary for the three months required to
children later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. meet ADI-R criteria. In most studies, these children would
While this reduces potential reporting biases of parent not be included in a language regression group.
interviews, home movie methodology suffers from several A later ADI-R item asks parents about losses in other
biases (Palomo et al., 2006). There is tremendous variability domains (question 20, “Has there ever been a period when
across families in the amount, content, and quality of footage [your child] seemed to get markedly worse or dropped further
of early development that is captured on video. Many families behind in his/her development?”). If the parent indicates yes,
do not tape their children early in life, so home movie studies then possible losses in motor, self-help, play, and social abili-
are not representative of all children with autism. Many fami- ties are probed, in that order. If the parent does not endorse
lies turn off video cameras when children are not behaving as other losses, no querying is done nor examples given. This
expected or in a positive manner. Finally, home movie analysis may lead to underendorsement of losses, particularly in the
is a very time-intensive method of collecting information social domain. In our experience, parents do not as readily
about early development that is not practical for routine regard social behaviors as acquired skills or specific develop-
research use. Thus, most studies of the early autism phenotype mental achievements that can be lost. However, when examples
(and clinical practice) have employed parent report, a more are provided, such as asking whether the child got markedly
efficient method of collecting early history. However, parent worse in their eye contact or lost interest in interacting with
report can be biased by knowledge of the child’s eventual diag- them, parents occasionally recognize this pattern and change
nosis, poor recall, or lack of sensitivity to developmental differ- their report.
ences. Retrospective reports are subject to problems of memory The vast majority of children losing language also lose
and interpretation (Finney, 1981; Robbins, 1963) and need to behaviors indicative of social interest and engagement, such as
66 Autism Spectrum Disorders

direct gaze and response to name (Goldberg et al., 2003; Lord, telephone. The time lag between administration of these two
Shulman, & DiLavore, 2004; Ozonoff et al., 2005), but the con- instruments was not specified in the study, but ranged from
verse is not always true. Some children show marked changes several months to several years. Conflicting information
only in social development and do not lose spoken language. about word loss on the ADI-R and regression interview was
While it is very uncommon for children to retain acquired apparent for 18.9% of the sample, with 12.3% reporting no
speech when experiencing a clear loss of social interest and loss on the ADI-R, but loss on the phone interview and 6.6%
engagement, many children have not acquired language at the demonstrating the opposite pattern.
time of the regression and therefore have no language to lose In unpublished data from our lab, we administered the
(Goldberg et al., 2003; Kurita, 1985; Ozonoff et al., 2005). same instrument (ADI-R) on two occasions, an average of
Hansen et al. (2008) found that only 18% of a large (n = 138) 2 years apart. Four of 34 parents (11.8%) reported conflicting
sample of children with regression lost language skills alone, information on the ADI-R at times 1 and 2, with two feeling
while 46% exhibited social losses alone, and 36% had losses that their child had not regressed when asked at a mean age of
in both language and social behaviors. Goldberg et al. (2003) 34.4 months but reporting a definite regression when asked
found similar rates in a smaller sample, with language losses again at a mean age of 57.4 months, and two displaying the
reported to occur about 2 months after losses of direct gaze, opposite pattern (regression reported at time 1 but denied at
orientation to name, and social exchanges. time 2). This study also examined concurrent reliability of
There is debate about whether definitions of regression report of regression using two different parent report instru-
should require loss of language and how children who only ments. We used both the ADI-R and the Early Development
lose social milestones should be classified. Early studies tended Questionnaire (EDQ), a measure that asks 45 questions about
to characterize regression as speech loss (Brown & Prelock, social and communication development in the first 18 months
1995; Kurita, 1985; Rogers & DiLalla, 1990) without including of life, as well as 25 detailed questions about regression. We
loss of social milestones as part of the criteria. Requiring the found that 7 of 40 parents of children with autism (17.5%)
loss of language excludes from the regression group children gave inconsistent information about regression across the two
who only experience social losses without substantial language measures. In all cases, report on the ADI-R indicated no losses
loss. In many studies, such children were placed into the no- (either definite reports of no regression, 7.5%, or losses that
regression or early onset group (Kurita, 1985; Lainhart et al., fell short of the criteria, 10%), while report on the EDQ sug-
2002). However, recent studies suggest that there are very few gested some regression. Similarly, another investigation con-
differences between children who lose both words and social ducted at the M.I.N.D. Institute, the Childhood Autism Risk
skills and those who experience losses in social milestones from Genetics and Environment (CHARGE) study (Hansen
alone (Lord et al., 2004; Luyster et al., 2005). In a multisite et al., 2008), found that 23 of 245 parents (9.4%) from a largely
study of children with ASD, Luyster et al. (2005) compared independent sample gave inconsistent information about
125 children with word loss to 38 children with nonword loss regression on these two measures.
(regression in areas other than language). They found no dif- When reports of onset are inconsistent, it is quite difficult
ferences between the two regression groups. Children with to determine which is accurate. Two home movie studies
word loss and nonword loss regression lost the same skills, (Goldberg, Thorsen, Osann, & Spence, 2008; Werner &
including prespeech behaviors, games, and routines, and Dawson, 2005) have compared parent report with videotape
phrase comprehension, with almost exactly the same frequency footage and shown that parent report is generally valid, but
(Luyster et al., 2005). Therefore, more recent studies have poorer for reports of social than word loss and for reports of
expanded definitions of regression to include losses in domains regression than no regression. Specifically, the Goldberg et al.
other than language (Davidovitch et al., 2000; Fombonne & study found 85% concordance between parental reports and
Chakrabarti, 2001; Kobayashi & Murata, 1998). independent video coders’ ratings of loss or no loss of spoken
Not surprisingly, the prevalence of regression is dependent language, but only 49% concordance between parent and
on the definitions used. When a narrower definition that home video coders’ reports of social losses. Parents were more
required language loss was used, only 15% of a large epide- consistent when reporting no loss than when reporting loss
miological sample of children with ASD met criteria for across both language and social domains (Goldberg et al.,
regression, whereas when losses in either language or social 2008). Thus, neither parent report nor home video analysis
behaviors was used to classify onset patterns, 41% were found can be considered a gold standard method of documenting
to have experienced losses (Hansen et al., 2008). Thus, requir- whether a child displayed early signs of autism or experienced
ing loss of language appears to significantly underestimate the a regression in skills and the respective limitations of each
frequency of developmental regression. method need to be recognized by researchers.
There is one published study that reports the test-retest As we end this section, we provide a few recommendations
reliability of parent report of regression. Richler et al. (2006) that may improve the quality of future data acquisition using
reported data from the multisite Collaborative Programs of parent report, the more feasible of the retrospective methods
Excellence in Autism (CPEA) sample (n = 351). The ADI-R currently in use. First, interviewers need to be well trained to
was used initially to determine study eligibility and then later ask questions fully (with appropriate probes) without being
a detailed interview about regression was conducted by too leading. They should realize that parents not only may
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 67

have difficulty recalling specific behaviors and their exact Further evidence that traditional onset classifications are
timing, but also may not define or conceptualize behaviors in insufficient comes from the CHARGE study, a large epidemi-
the same way as interviewers. Examples and queries are per- ological investigation of genetic and environmental risks for
mitted on the ADI-R, a semistructured interview that encour- autism. Using an independent measure of regression, the EDQ
ages examiners to ask additional questions until they are (described above), Hansen and colleagues (2008) demon-
certain that the parents have understood the behavior being strated that even children whose parents reported no evidence
measured and have given a valid response. Parents often do of regression on the ADI-R occasionally reported subtle losses
not ask for clarification of questions and it is the interviewer’s of specific skills on the EDQ. Figure 4-2 displays the distribu-
job to anticipate when this is necessary. Parents may misinter- tion of scores on the EDQ as a function of onset subtype. This
pret failures to progress as regression and this is an additional finding is consistent with another report that some children
difficulty that examiners need to be aware of during their que- whose parents reported no losses indicative of regression on
ries. It is not uncommon for an initial positive response to the ADI-R nevertheless demonstrated subtle loss of skills on
questions about regression to change to a negative report of home video (Werner & Dawson, 2005).
losses after further probing, when it becomes clear that Some parents report neither early signs of autism nor
although the child failed to gain anticipated new skills, he did later regression. For example, in one sample, less than a third
not experience any actual losses of acquired skills. This kind of of parents of children who did not experience a regression
querying needs to be balanced by the recognition that subtle reported concerns before the first birthday and, in fewer than
losses of skills are indeed possible. half, were these concerns specifically social or autistic-like in
nature (De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998). In another sample,
Evidence for Other Patterns of Loss approximately one third of parents identified only nonspe-
cific temperament or physiological patterns (e.g., irritability,
A second problem with current definitions of onset is that passivity, eating or sleeping problems) before the first
dichotomous categorical conceptualizations do not capture birthday “which evolved into typical autistic features like
all the different ways that autism can emerge. The traditional stereotypical behavior, aloneness, and a lack of eye contact in
view of regression has been that development is typical prior the second year of life” (Rogers & DiLalla, 1990, p. 866). In
to the loss of skills. For example, Rogers and DiLalla (1990) our own data, we have found that many parents who do not
reported that parents of children with later onset autism report a regression also report several intact early social
“were emphatic about the normalcy of their children’s behav- behaviors. For example, 35% stated that their child often
ior in the first year of life. The onset of their children’s symp- looked at others during social interactions in the first 18
toms began with a change in or a loss of the child’s previous months of life, 50% smiled back when others smiled at them,
apparently normal social behavior” (p. 866). Data from and 28% enjoyed interactive games such as peek-a-boo
recent studies, however, have raised doubt regarding the uni- (Ozonoff et al., 2005).
versality of typical development prior to regression. Ozonoff Collectively, these findings suggest that there is an addi-
et al. (2005) identified a subset of children who presented tional pattern of symptom emergence that is characterized by
abnormalities prior to regression. Of 31 children with regres- intact early social development and/or nonspecific abnormal-
sion, 45% were reported by parents to have displayed social ities that are followed by a failure to progress and gain new
and communication delays prior to the onset of the losses. skills as expected. It has been hypothesized that this pattern
This subset of children were reported by their parents to have may be due to failures to use intact early dyadic social reci-
never displayed several typical early-developing social behav- procity skills to support the typical maturational processes of
iors, such as joint attention, showing, and social games speech acquisition, intentional communication, and triadic
(Ozonoff et al., 2005). Kurita (1985) also described a subset
of children who showed signs of abnormalities prior to
regression. Of the 97 autistic children with speech loss in his
study, 78.3% showed some developmental abnormalities 80
before the onset of the speech loss, including lack of stranger Early onset
% Children

anxiety and limited social responsiveness (Kurita, 1985).

Goldberg et al. (2003) reported that over two thirds of their 40
sample with regression were already delayed in their lan-
guage acquisition prior to the loss of skills. Similarly, Heung
(2008) found that two thirds of subjects with regression had 0
some indication of delayed language or social development 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

prior to the onset of their regression. These studies and Figure 4–2. Number of skills lost in children with and without
others (Meilleur & Fombonne, 2009; Richler et al., 2006; regression. Data from Hansen, R. L., Ozonoff, S., Krakowiak, P.,
Wiggins et al., 2009) suggest that mixed onset features, with Angkustsiri, K., Jones, C., Deprey, L. J., et al. (2008). Regression in
evidence of both early delays and later losses, are quite autism: Prevalence and associated factors in the CHARGE study.
common. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 8(1), 25–31.
68 Autism Spectrum Disorders

social interactions (Chawarska et al., 2007). In such cases, the Table 4–1.
intact early behaviors fade away because they are not rein- Data from Byrd et al., 2002
forced by the natural predisposition to seek and communi- Loss of Skills
cate with others. What might seem like a loss of skills is simply (ADI-R Q 11 or 25)
a failure to progress and transform the basic skills into their
No Yes
more developmentally advanced versions. Klin et al. (2004)
used the term “pseudo-regression” to describe this pattern Symptoms before Early Onset Mixed
and it has also been referred to as “developmental stagnation” 1st birthday N = 82 N = 34
(Siperstein & Volkmar, 2004) and “developmental plateau” (ADI-R Q 4) 28.7% 11.9%
(Hansen et al., 2008; Kalb, Law, Landa, & Law, 2010). Little Symptoms after Plateau Regression
empirical research has been conducted on this pattern, and 1st birthday N = 96 N = 74
little is known about whether it differs from other onset pat- (ADI-R Q 4) 33.6% 25.9%
terns in phenotypic features unrelated to symptom emer-
gence. A recent study suggests that the plateau onset pattern Notes : n = 286. Byrd, R., et al. (2002). Report to the legislature on the principal findings
from the epidemiology of autism in California: A comprehensive pilot study. Davis:
may be associated with better adaptive outcomes (Jones & M.I.N.D. Institute, University of California, Davis.
Campbell, 2010).
Data from two large population-based studies at the
M.I.N.D. Institute reinforce the notion of additional onset the respective studies) between children who are later diagnosed
patterns beyond the traditionally defined categories. Byrd et al. with autism and those who develop typically (Landa & Garrett-
(2002) recruited a random sample of children with autism Mayer, 2006; Nadig et al., 2007; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005; see
from California’s Regional Centers, which provide services for also Yirmiya & Ozonoff, 2007 for a summary of this work).
persons with developmental disabilities. Two cohorts were Bryson and colleagues (2007), in a consecutive case series of
studied, one born in 1983–1985 and the other in 1993–1995. infant siblings followed prospectively from 6 months of age,
The CHARGE study, described above, is a large epidemiologi- describe several children whose symptoms are not present at
cal sample also recruited from the Regional Center system, their 6 and 12 month visits, but emerge slowly during the
with the birth cohort extending from 1998 to 2004. The ADI-R second year of life. Not a single child who developed autism
was employed in both studies. Not only does it ask about (n = 9) displayed marked limitations in social reciprocity at
regression, as described above, but also it asks about “onset as 6 months. All nine infants were described as interested in social
perceived with hindsight” (Question 4). Examining the inter- interactions, responsive to others, demonstrating sustained eye
section of these questions is informative to onset typology. contact and social smiles. Most of the children did not experi-
Traditional definitions of onset suggest that most or all chil- ence an explicit loss of previously acquired skills that would
dren without regression displayed symptoms early in life, while meet established definitions of regression either. Two prospec-
most or all with regression had typical early development. tive case studies (Dawson et al., 2000; Klin et al., 2004) report
Thus, there should be very few, if any, subjects in the shaded on children who were noted to be symptomatic by the first
diagonals of Tables 4-1 and 4-2. As is evident, however, almost birthday, but who presented with mostly intact social behavior
half of both samples fell in these cells. at 6 months and did not experience a clear regression as
In summary, recent research suggests that there may be symptoms began to emerge.
several different patterns of symptom emergence. Whether
these are best characterized as additional onset types or
conceptualized in some other way is not yet clear. We will
return to this topic after finishing this section with insights
from recent prospective studies of autism onset. Table 4–2.
Data from Hansen et al., 2008

Onset as Measured in Loss of Skills

Prospective Investigations (ADI-R Q 11 or 25)

No Yes
Prospective investigations are a very helpful method of study-
ing onset, because they reduce errors due to parental recall and Symptoms before Early Onset Mixed
biases introduced by selective home videotaping, as well as 1st birthday N = 123 N = 58
provide the opportunity to test specific hypotheses through (ADI-R Q 4) 35% 17%
experimental methods. In the past decade, several research Symptoms after Plateau Regression
groups have instigated prospective investigations that study 1st birthday N = 94 N = 76
children at higher risk for autism because they have one or (ADI-R Q 4) 27% 22%
more siblings with the condition. Several infant sibling studies
Notes: n = 351. Hansen, R. L., Ozonoff, S., Krakowiak, P., Angkustsiri, K., Jones, C.,
have now been published and thus far all have failed to find dif- Deprey, L. J., et al. (2008). Regression in autism: Prevalence and associated factors in
ferences before the first birthday (at 4, 6, and 9 month visits of the CHARGE study. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 8(1), 25–31.
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 69

Data from the UC Davis Infant Sibling study (Ozonoff expressed concern about motor development, but social,
et al., 2010) are consistent with this published research. We communicative, and cognitive development were all in the
followed 90 infants with older siblings with autism from birth average range. At 12 months, concerns had been raised about 5
through age 3. At each visit, they were administered the Mullen of 11 children seen at this age, but over half the group contin-
Scales of Early Learning, among other measures, and parents ued to present relatively normally to both examiners and par-
completed detailed questionnaires eliciting concerns about ents and to score in the average range on standardized testing.
development and presence of autism symptoms. After each By 18 months, however, concerns had been raised about all
visit, the examiner made summary ratings of the infant’s eye children with eventual autism/ASD outcomes and 3 were
contact, social reciprocity, spontaneous engagement, initia- formally diagnosed.
tives, shared affect, and vocalizations. Interactions between On the ADI-R, none of these 13 children was rated as having
the examiner and infant were also recorded and coded later by significant regression in development by their parents. Two
research staff unaware of the infant’s group membership or parents noted loss of individual skills: loss of eye contact
outcome. The first 13 infants to be diagnosed with autism are between 12 and 18 months in Child 6 and loss of gestures and
included in Table 4-3, which depicts a reconstruction of the language comprehension between 18 and 24 months in Child
onset of developmental concerns and autism symptoms in 11. Concerns had already been raised about the development of
these children. both children prior to these losses (see Table 4-3). No parents
Data used to rate onset of concerns included, at all ages, reported that their child had acquired and then lost language.
Mullen scores, parent concerns elicited at the end of each The scarcity of children with symptoms before 12 months,
session, and examiner summary ratings of social engagement. combined with the lack of parent-reported regression, was
At 18 months and up, scores on the Autism Diagnostic initially unexpected but is consistent with the results of retro-
Observation Schedule (Lord et al., 2000), Social Communi- spective studies reported in the previous section. To further
cation Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003), and Modified- examine the validity of this phenomenon, we used growth
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Robins et al., 2001) were curve analyses to examine developmental trajectories of exam-
used as well. Table 4-3 demonstrates the rarity of children iner summary ratings of social engagement. Analyses revealed
with developmental concerns at 6 months and the gradual a significant group by time effect (F 3, 49.38) = 9.71, p < .001).
emergence of concerns over time. Four of the five infants seen As seen in Figure 4-3, the interaction effect was due to a sig-
at 6 months were in the average range on all developmental nificant decline in social engagement over time in the autism/
tests, had no concerns raised by parents, and were rated as ASD group. Post hoc tests revealed no group differences at
typical in social engagement by experienced examiners una- 6 months. At 12 months, the autism/ASD group scored signif-
ware of group status. The fifth infant (Child 5 in Table 4-3) icantly lower than a group with no family history of autism
scored low on motor testing, and both parents and examiners (Low-Risk Typical group; Beta = .604, t = 2.44, p < .05).

Table 4–3.
Onset of concerns and age of diagnosis in infants with autism/ASD outcomes

6 12 18 24 36
Months Months Months Months Months

1 No concerns No concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed

2 No concerns No concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed
3 No concerns Concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed
4 No concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed Diagnosed
5 Concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed Diagnosed
6 Concerns Concerns Concerns Diagnosed
7 Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed Diagnosed
8 No concerns Concerns Concerns Diagnosed
9 No concerns Concerns Concerns Diagnosed
10 No concerns Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed
11 No concerns Concerns Concerns Diagnosed
12 Concerns Diagnosed Diagnosed
13 Concerns Concerns Diagnosed

Notes: Data from the UC Davis Infant Sibling Study (Ozonoff et al., 2010). Blank entries indicate the child was not seen at that visit.
70 Autism Spectrum Disorders

5 Eye contact frequency



Social engagement ratings

6m 12 m 18 m 24 m 36 m

3 Autism n=29 Typical n=29

Figure 4–4. Frequency of eye contact with the examiner coded

during the session.

Low-Risk typical
High-Risk typical
Speech/Lang delay
Data from both retrospective and prospective studies are
Autism/ASD consistent in finding that two-category onset classification
systems do not fit the empirical data well. There is evidence
6 12 18 24 30 36 that the traditionally defined categories of early onset and
Age (in months) regressive autism are overly narrow prototypes that may not
in fact be very common. There is ample evidence of other ways
Figure 4–3. Developmental trajectories of social
engagement ratings. in which symptoms emerge that are not captured by these
prototypes. One possibility is that we need to expand the
number of categories used to describe onset. For example,
perhaps there are four rather than two categories of onset,
adding a plateau and a mixed group. We suggest another pos-
By 24 months and later, the autism/ASD group had significantly sibility, however. We hypothesize that symptom emergence
lower scores than a Speech Delay group, a group with a positive may better be considered as a continuum. The two extremes
family history of autism but who was developing typically of this continuum are anchored by the traditionally defined,
(High Risk Typical group), and the Low Risk Typical group prototypical early onset and regressive cases, such as those of
(Beta = .814, t = 3.22, p < .01). Coded data of the frequency of Isaac and Kyle described above, but many intermediate phe-
eye contact, vocalizations, and shared affect during the lab notypes containing mixed features and varying degrees of
visit were highly consistent with the picture revealed by the early deficits, subtle diminishments, failures to progress, and
examiner summary ratings, indicating again intact skills frank losses are also possible. We propose that variable combi-
during the first year of life, followed by diminishing rates of nations and timings of these processes across children lead to
social and communicative behaviors over time. See Figure 4-4. symptoms exceeding the threshold for diagnosis at different
Similar declining trajectories in the onset of autism in infant points in the first 24 months for different children, as also
siblings have also been reported by other research teams suggested by Landa et al. (2007).
(Dawson, Munson, Webb, Nalty, Abbott, & Toth, 2007; A second insight from the body of research summarized in
Landa, Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007). this chapter is that regression may be much more common
Thus, infant sibling studies are consistent with retrospec- than initially thought. If defined narrowly, in the traditional
tive studies in finding that for many, perhaps most, children manner (requiring loss of language, as in the ADI-R criteria),
with autism symptoms emerge gradually over the first regression is relatively rare. If defined more broadly, to include
18 months or so of life. diminishment in social engagement, regression may be the
rule rather than the exception. However, losses are subtle, are
usually preceded by some early concerns, and are followed by
Á failures to progress in other areas, rather than characterized by
Summary typical development followed by catastrophic losses, as
traditionally defined. Others have suggested that many, even
The research literature reviewed in this chapter suggests that most, children with autism undergo some regression during
onset of autism is a gradual process that involves both dimin- the course of symptom onset (Dawson et al., 2007). Along
ishment of certain key social behaviors and failure to progress these lines, we propose that symptom emergence may better
in other more advanced social-communicative processes over be conceptualized as a continuum characterized by the amount
time. Autism appears to emerge over the first year and a half of and timing of regression. In this conceptualization, at one end
life and is not present in most cases from shortly after birth, as of the continuum lie children who display loss of social inter-
once suggested by Kanner (1943). est so early that the regression is difficult to see and symptoms
Regression and Other Patterns of Onset 71

appear to have always been present. At the other end of the intervention at the point that there is a suspicion of autism
continuum lie children who experience losses of social interest and not wait for a definitive diagnosis. Finally, development of
and communication skills so late that the regression appears treatments appropriate for infants and young toddlers is an
quite dramatic. urgent priority.

Conclusions Challenges and Future Directions

Thus, it is clear that existing definitions of onset patterns will • Studies of larger, community-ascertained samples at high
need to undergo further development as new data emerges risk for autism must be conducted, ideally with enroll-
from future studies. Investigations using prospective samples ment during pregnancy or shortly after birth, prior to the
may be especially fruitful because they will be less affected by emergence of developmental concerns that may bias sub-
potential videotaping, reporting, and recall biases inherent in ject inclusion and study results
retrospective studies. Further research clarifying whether onset • Identification of risk markers prior to the onset of behav-
is better conceptualized categorically (dichotomously) or ioral signs of autism
dimensionally is urgently needed for etiologic studies, which • Development of diagnostic criteria appropriate for
have been hindered already by the tremendous heterogeneity infants and toddlers
of the autism phenotype. Finally, future research should strive • Development of screening guidelines that incorporate
to find early processing or biological markers that may predict results of recent research on infants at risk for autism
who will develop autism prior to the onset of behavioral symp- • Development of treatments appropriate for infants and
toms. It is possible that infants who are behaviorally asympto- toddlers
matic at 6 and 12 months may show differences in lower-level
underlying processes that can impact later development. For
example, differences in visual attention, such as prolonged Á SUGGESTED READINGS
visual fixations (Landry & Bryson, 2004), might lead to joint
attention deficits or behavioral rigidity a few months later. Goldberg, W. A., Thorsen, K. L., Osann, K., & Spence, A. M. (2008).
Deficits in the dorsal stream visual pathway, which is special- Use of home videotapes to confirm parental reports of regres-
ized for quick processing of global, low spatial-frequency sion in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
information, could create a cascade of functional differences 38, 1136–1146.
in brain regions downstream. Recently, McCleery et al. (2007) Werner, E., Dawson, G., Munson, J., & Osterling, J. (2005). Variation
found high luminance contrast sensitivity in a subgroup of in early developmental course in autism and its relation with
younger siblings of children with autism on a task measuring behavioral outcome at 3–4 years of age. Journal of Autism and
the integrity of the magnocellular visual pathway (part of the Developmental Disorders, 35, 337–350.
Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., Lord, C., Rogers, S., Carter, A., et al.
dorsal stream). Two of the infants developed autism, leading
(2009). Clinical assessment and management of toddlers with
the authors to speculate that early abnormalities in the mag-
suspected ASD: Insights from studies of high-risk infants.
nocellular pathway might be a risk marker for autism. Thus, Pediatrics, 123, 1383–1391.
research on lower level processes that may signal an affected
child prior to the onset of behavioral signs could permit inter-
ventions to be applied that might significantly lessen disability
or perhaps even prevent the disorder from developing.
Finally, this body of work has clinical implications for Andrews, N., Miller, E., Grant, A., Stowe, J., Osborne, V., & Taylor, B.
screening, diagnosis, and intervention. Universal screening (2004). Thimerosal exposure in infants and developmental dis-
has been recommended by the American Academy of orders: A retrospective cohort study in the United Kingdom does
Pediatrics at 18 and 24 months (Johnson et al., 2007), but not support a causal association. Pediatrics, 114(3), 584–591.
many have hoped that identification even earlier than this Baird, G., Charman, T., Pickles, A., Chandler, S., Loucas, T.,
might be possible. The research reviewed here suggests that Meldrum, D., et al. (2008). Regression, developmental trajectory,
identification of autism prior to the first birthday will be a and associated problems in disorders in the autism spectrum:
major challenge and may not possible in many children. In The SNAP study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
fact, for the large group of infants whose autism emerges 38(10), 1827–1836.
Baranek, G. T. (1999). Autism during infancy: A retrospective video
through diminishment in skills, they may be showing few or
analysis of sensory-motor and social behaviors at 9–12 months
no behavioral signs of the disorder at the first birthday.
of age. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29(3),
Therefore, screening twice, at both 18 and 24 months, is essen- 213–224.
tial, as many children will be missed at the earlier time point. Bernard, S., Enayati, A., Redwood, L., Roger, H., & Binstock, T.
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72 Autism Spectrum Disorders

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5 Á Lonnie Zwaigenbaum

Screening, Risk, and Early Identification

of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á see Fombonne in this volume for a detailed review). Earlier

Points of Interest diagnosis creates opportunities for children with ASD to ben-
efit more fully from intervention (e.g., Harris & Handleman,
• Retrospective studies and prospective studies of high- 2000). Gains through early intervention can reduce the
risk infants indicate that ASD symptoms are often burden-of-suffering and enhance the quality of life for affected
apparent by 12 months of age, and include atypicali- children and their families, and may ultimately reduce the
ties in social and communication development, play considerable family and societal costs related to ASD across
interests, and regulation of attention, emotions, and the lifespan (Jacobson & Mulick, 2000; Jarbrink & Knapp,
functions essential to physical well-being, such as eating 2001). Earlier diagnosis also allows parents to be better
and sleeping. informed about recurrence risk to later-born children, and
• Recent screening data suggest that both the Modified– better able to monitor for early signs of autism (Zwaigenbaum
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) and the et al., 2005) and other related concerns (Bailey, Palferman,
Infant Toddler Checklist (ITC) have the potential to effi- Heavey, & Le, 1998; Dawson et al., 2002). Overall, the frequency,
ciently identify very young children with ASD, including burden of suffering, long-term cumulative costs, and efficacy
some that may not be flagged by parental concerns or of early intervention provide a strong rationale for efforts
surveillance by community physicians. aimed at earlier identification and diagnosis of ASD.
• Future evaluation of ASD screening should adopt a There is considerable evidence to suggest that autism and
broader health systems perspective in order to more other ASDs could be diagnosed at an earlier age than is the
fully gauge the potential impacts of screening, and to current norm. Although there are published reports of ASD
gain further support among health care providers and diagnoses being established as early as 14–15 months
policy-makers. (Chawarska, Klin, Paul, & Volkmar, 2007; Landa, Holman, &
Garrett-Mayer, 2007), a recent report by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (Autism and Developmental
Á Disabilities Monitoring Network, 2007) indicated that the
Introduction median age of ASD diagnosis across 14 U.S. states ranged from
49 to 66 months. Howlin and Moore in their survey of 1300
The clinical heterogeneity and varying patterns of onset of the families in the UK, found that these parents typically became
autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as discussed by Lord, and by concerned around 18 months of age, and sought out medical
Ozonoff in this volume, highlight the complex challenges attention by age 2 (Howlin & Moore, 1997). Often parents
associated with developing a comprehensive early detection were offered reassurances without recognition of the serious-
strategy. However, it is essential to develop effective approaches ness of their concerns, followed eventually by a referral for a
to identify and diagnose children with ASD early in life. ASD is more specialized assessment, and then, further delays: many
one of the most prevalent forms of developmental disability, children were seen by at least 3 different consultants before
occurring in approximately 1 in 150 children (Bertrand et al., receiving a diagnosis of autism. The experience of parents in
2001; Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2001; Yeargin-Allsopp et al., North America has been similar (Mandell, Novak, & Zubritsky,
2003; Fombonne, Zakarian, Bennett, Meng, & McLean- 2005; Siegel, Pliner, Eschler, & Elliott, 1988). Studies in both
Heywood, 2006; Scott, Baron-Cohen, Bolton, & Brayne, 2002; the UK and North America have suggested that the delays in

76 Autism Spectrum Disorders

diagnosis experienced by families of children with Asperger’s by their first birthday or shortly afterward (Gray & Tonge,
syndrome are more extreme (Howlin & Asgharian, 1999; 2001). Social-communicative findings from home videos
Mandell et al., 2005). Consistent with the survey by Howlin include atypical patterns of social orienting, joint attention
and Moore (Howlin & Moore, 1997), several studies have (i.e., sharing attention with others), imitation, and affect reg-
found that 80–90% of parents of children with ASD recall ulation, as well as reduced use of gestures (Osterling & Dawson,
developmental concerns dating back to the first two years of 1994; Maestro et al., 2001; Maestro et al., 2002; Volkmar,
life (De Giacomo A. & Fombonne, 1998; Ohta, Nagai, Hara, & Chawarska, & Klin, 2005; Yirmiya, Gamliel, Shaked, & Sigman,
Sasaki, 1987; Rogers & DiLalla, 1990; Gillberg et al., 1990). 2007). Infants later diagnosed with ASD show decreased vari-
Analyses of home videos also demonstrate that many children ety and appropriateness of object-oriented play compared to
with autism show signs of impairment long before they are infants later diagnosed with mental retardation (Baranek et al.,
diagnosed (Adrien et al., 1992; Osterling & Dawson, 1994; 2005).
Osterling, Dawson, & Munson, 2002; Werner, Dawson, Emerging data from prospective studies of infants with an
Osterling, & Dinno, 2000). Prospective studies of high-risk older sibling with ASD also show that behavioral risk indica-
infants ascertained by a positive family history (older sibling tors can be identified early in life (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2007).
with ASD; discussed in detail below) have also identified These “infant siblings” have an increased risk of develop-
behavioral profiles specific to ASD as early as 12–18 months ing ASD, estimated at 5–8% (Ritvo et al., 1989; Sumi, Taniai,
(Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005; Landa et al., 2007; Brian et al., Miyachi, & Tanemura, 2006), or roughly 20-fold higher
2008). Clearly, there are opportunities to accelerate the process than the risk in the general population (Rice et al., 2007).
that occurs between the initial emergence of ASD symptoms Complementing this approach is research aimed at identifying
and confirmation of diagnosis. Fortunately, there have been features that differentiate ASDs from other developmental
advances in the development of measures and service models disorders and from typical development among 12- to 24-
aimed at early detection of ASD that could facilitate earlier month-olds who have failed a screen for communication
diagnosis, lessen the burden on families, and improve oppor- deficits (Wetherby et al., 2004; Wetherby, Watt, Morgan, &
tunities for children to benefit from intervention. Shumway, 2007). In both types of studies, participants are
To highlight advances in early identification of ASD and assessed systematically early in development, and then evalu-
priorities for future research, this chapter will focus on ated for ASD at 24–36 months, when reliable diagnoses are
current knowledge about early signs, strengths and limita- more possible. To date, findings from prospective research are
tions of current screening options, and implications for early highly consistent with risk markers identified in retrospective
diagnosis. studies. Impairments and/or delays associated with ASD are
observed by 12–18 months in one or more of the following
domains: (1) Social-communication: atypicalities in eye gaze,
Á orienting to name, social smiling, and social interest and affect,
Early Signs of ASD with reduced expression of positive emotion (Zwaigenbaum
et al., 2005; Landa et al., 2007; Bryson et al., 2007; Wetherby
ASD screening measures draw heavily from the literature on et al., 2004); (2) Language: delays in babbling (especially back-
parents’ retrospective descriptions of early concerns, as well and-forth social babbling), verbal comprehension and expres-
as data from analyses of early home videos. Concerns involv- sion, and in gesturing (Mitchell et al., 2006; Landa et al., 2007;
ing delayed speech and language development (and/or lack of Bryson et al., 2007; Wetherby et al., 2004; Brian et al., 2008);
responsiveness, e.g., when the child’s name is called) are (3) Play: delays in the development of motor imitation
among the most common (De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998; (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005) and functional use of toys (Landa
Coonrod & Stone, 2004). Other recollections include atypical et al., 2007; Wetherby et al., 2004), as well as unusually repetitive
reactivity (from passive and underreactive to irritable and actions with toys and other objects (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005;
difficult to console, with features of both extremes in some Bryson et al., 2007; Wetherby et al., 2004; Ozonoff et al., 2008);
children) and disruption in the social-communicative, play, (4) Visual: atypicalities in visual tracking and fixation, and
sensory, and motor domains of development (Hoshino et al., prolonged visual examination of toys and other objects
1987; Tuchman & Rapin, 1997). Concerns may also be (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005; Bryson et al., 2007; Loh et al., 2007;
expressed about medical or regulatory functions such as Wetherby et al., 2004; Ozonoff et al., 2008); (5) Motor: delayed
sleeping and eating (Young, Brewer, & Pattison, 2003). In fine and gross motor skills (Landa et al., 2007; Iverson &
20–50% of children with ASD, parents retrospectively describe Wozniak, 2007) and atypical motor mannerisms (Loh et al.,
a pattern of regression involving loss of speech and/or social- 2007; Wetherby et al., 2004).
emotional connectedness during the second year of life, most Overall, there is convergent evidence from both retrospec-
often around 18 months of age (see Chapter 4 in this volume tive and prospective studies that ASD symptoms emerge, in
for a detailed review) (Young et al., 2003; Baranek, 1999; the vast majority of cases, in the first two years of life, affecting
Adrien et al., 1991; Dawson et al., 2004; Rutter & Lord, 1987). multiple domains of development, including social, commu-
Analysis of early home videos also suggests that many children nication, and repetitive interests/behaviors (the so-called
later diagnosed with ASD show signs of atypical development “autistic triad”) as well as regulation of attention, behavioral
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders 77

reactivity, motor activity, and in some children, regulatory is the likelihood of having the diagnosis, given a positive
behavior such as eating and sleeping (for review, see screen. Negative predictive value (NPV) is the likelihood of
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2009). However, the application of knowl- not having the diagnosis, given a negative screen. Notably PPV
edge regarding behavioral signs of ASD toward the important and NPV vary with the base rate of ASD in the group being
goals of early detection and diagnosis is a complex process. screened. For a screening test of given sensitivity and specificity,
Clearly, a systematic population health strategy is required to the PPV will be higher when disorder is more prevalent within
effectively identify children with these early signs, and then to the population, and lower when the disorder is rarer. Sensitivity
ensure that these children receive specialized diagnostic assess- and specificity are often considered to be intrinsic properties
ments and intervention services in a timely manner. Continuing of a screening test; however there is evidence that these param-
education efforts aimed at physicians and other health/devel- eters can vary, based on the severity of symptoms in the group
opmental service providers working with young children have being screened. For example, children with severe symptoms
been an important part of this strategy (First Signs Inc., 2009; are more likely to be correctly identified than those with milder
see However, there is growing consensus or more equivocal symptoms. In general, the properties of
that formal ASD screening, integrated into a broader frame- the screening instrument should be evaluated in populations
work of developmental surveillance, is needed for meaningful similar to those in which they are to be implemented, and one
progress toward lowering the average age of diagnosis (see should be cautious about extrapolating from one context
Johnson & Myers, 2007; Greenspan et al., 2008 for detailed dis- to another, particularly if there are differences in base rates
cussion). The next section outlines recommended practice and/or symptom severity (for more detailed discussion, see
models aimed at surveillance and screening for ASD, and Sackett, Haynes, Guyatt, & Tugwell, 1991).
describes currently available ASD screening tools in detail. Over the past decade, several professional groups, including
the American Academy of Neurology (Filipek et al., 2000), the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Á (Volkmar, Cook, Jr., Pomeroy, Realmuto, & Tanguay, 1999),
Surveillance and Screening for ASD and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Johnson & Myers,
2007; AAP Committee on Children with Disabilities, 2001)
Surveillance and screening are different but complementary have issued practice parameters focused on the early identifi-
processes aimed at detecting individuals at increased risk of a cation and diagnosis of children with ASD. The way in which
disorder for further assessment, with the goal of reducing screening is incorporated varies somewhat among these state-
or preventing subsequent disability through earlier initiation ments. The AAP and other groups initially recommended an
of intervention. Surveillance consists of an ongoing and approach that combines developmental surveillance with
multifaceted evaluative process that includes inquiry about ASD-specific screening: screening is targeted to children who
parents’ concerns and observations of the child, and is aimed are flagged due to concerns regarding language development
at obtaining an overall picture of the child’s developmental or other early signs of ASD, or due to a positive family history
health over time (Dworkin, 1989). Decisions regarding the or other known biological risk factor. This approach is consid-
need for further evaluation are made based on clinical judg- ered second-stage or targeted screening, in that the screen is
ment. Screening involves administering and scoring a specific targeted to children who have been identified as being at
instrument (i.e., parent questionnaire, observational tool, or a increased risk. In contrast, subsequent practice parameters
combination) to identify at-risk individuals in need of further from Johnson, Myers, and the AAP Counsel on Children with
assessment. Developmental surveillance can also include the Disabilities (Johnson & Myers, 2007) recommend develop-
administration of standardized tools, but with the aim of gath- mental surveillance and monitoring for ASD-related concerns
ering additional information to help inform clinical decisions, as well as ASD screening for all children at ages 18 and 24
rather than using scoring cut-points as a basis for referral. months regardless of concerns; that is, first-stage, or universal
The following terms are used to describe the measurement screening.
properties of screening tools; i.e., classification accuracy. First-stage screening has the potential advantage of higher
“Sensitivity” refers to the proportion of children with ASD sensitivity but also potential disadvantages in terms of resource
who are correctly identified as “high-risk” by a screen; a child demands to support screening and necessary follow-up of chil-
with ASD who is not identified by the screen is considered to dren who are flagged by the screen, particularly those who do
be a “false negative.” “Specificity” is the proportion of children not truly have ASD (i.e., false positives). Second-stage screen-
who do not have ASD who are correctly classified by the screen ing also presents challenges. To be effective, general develop-
(a child who does not have ASD yet fails the screen is considered mental surveillance must identify children with ASD for further
to be a “false positive”). Children with and without ASD who assessment. However, there is evidence that general screeners
are correctly classified by the screen can be considered to be miss some children flagged by ASD-specific screens (Pinto-
“true positives” and “true negatives,” respectively. Thus, the Martin et al., 2008). Recent reports also indicate that first-level
“case positive rate” of a screen, relevant to allocating resource ASD screening identifies children with the diagnosis who
needed for follow-up assessments, is the total number of “true are not detected by experienced clinicians through routine
positives” and “false positives.” Positive predictive value (PPV) surveillance (Wetherby, Brosnan-Maddox, Peace, & Newton,
78 Autism Spectrum Disorders

2008; Robins, 2008). To date, first- and second-level screening group and almost the entire “normal” group at this stage.
approaches have not been directly compared. Sensitivity would be overestimated, to the extent that some
The next section will provide a review of instruments children in the untested group may have received a diagnosis
that have been evaluated as first- or second-level screens and of autism if they’d received the same follow-up evaluation as
have published psychometric information about the accuracy the screen-positive group. As well, specificity would be under-
of detecting children with ASD in children younger than estimated by excluding from the denominator the large
36 months of age. Recognizing that decisions about imple- number of children who passed the screen and truly did not
menting ASD screening requires more than a consideration have autism. However, sensitivity and specificity estimates
of sensitivity and specificity, a more general evaluation frame- have been reported for other measures (e.g., the M-CHAT; see
work focused on clinically meaningful endpoints and overall below) despite lack of diagnostic assessment of toddlers who
impacts on the health system will also be discussed. screen negative. For comparison, the sensitivity of the CHAT
at 18 months would be calculated as 100% (all 10 children
diagnosed with autism at 20 months had failed the screen) and
Á the specificity as 95% (only 2 of 40 children who were not
Review of Available Screening Tools diagnosed at this stage failed the screen).
Cox et al. (1999) reported a 2-year follow-up of the sample
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) of children assessed at 20 months. Of the 10 children initially
diagnosed with autism, each had the diagnosis confirmed at
Much of the recent progress in ASD screening can be traced age 42 months (although for one child, the diagnosis was
back to conceptual and methodological contributions from changed to PDD). Of the 40 children who were not diagnosed
the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers by Baron-Cohen and col- at 20 months, 9 received a diagnosis at age 42 months (7 with
leagues (Baron-Cohen, Allen, & Gillberg, 1992; Baron-Cohen PDD, and 2 with Asperger’s syndrome, all from the “develop-
et al., 1996; Baron-Cohen et al., 2000). This work was the first mental delay” risk group). In other words, both the CHAT and
to show that some children with ASD could be identified via a a comprehensive assessment by an expert clinician failed to
screening questionnaire as early as 18 months of age (Baron- identify an autism spectrum disorder at 20 months in almost
Cohen et al., 1992). The CHAT is also the only ASD-screening half of the children who were diagnosed at 42 months. The
tool that has been assessed in a true population sample with “developmental delay” criteria were redefined as “medium-
comprehensive follow-up to identify children who were risk criteria” for autism in the 6-year follow-up paper (Baird
initially misclassified. et al., 2000), with the original cutoff of all 5 key items failed
Initially, 41 infant siblings of children with ASD and 50 redefined as “high-risk criteria.”
low-risk control children were assessed with the CHAT at Additional children with ASDs were identified by surveil-
18 months, and subsequently evaluated at age 3½ years, blind lance methods at 42 months. The original sample of 16,235
to group status and CHAT scoring. Four children, all in the was rescreened using a “Checklist for Referral” by a health
sibling group, were diagnosed with autism, each of whom at practitioner or by a questionnaire mailed to parents (Baird
18 months had failed 3 key CHAT items: gaze monitoring, et al., 2000). Based on this checklist, 22 children in addition
protodeclarative pointing (i.e., pointing to show), and pretend to those in the subsample reported by Cox et al. (1999) were
play (Baron-Cohen et al., 1992). The CHAT was then expanded identified as possibly having ASD (Baird et al., 2000); these
to 5 key items: the original 3 based on direct observation, plus children were each seen for a diagnostic assessment. In total,
parents’ reports for pointing to show and pretend play. The the research team identified 24 children with autism at
screen was then administered by home visitors (mainly nurses) 42 months out of the original sample screened at 18 months
to a population-based sample (N = 16,235) of 18-month- (Charman et al., 2001). Of these 24 children, only 10 were con-
olds, and again at 20 months to children who had failed any sidered to have failed the CHAT at 18 months using the origi-
item. Children with severe developmental delays (including nal (“high-risk”) criteria (sensitivity = 41.7%), whereas 19 of
motor impairments) were excluded at the discretion of the 24 children with ASD at 42 months met threshold for
home visitor. Diagnostic assessments (including the Autism “medium-” or “high-risk” criteria on the 18-month CHAT
Diagnostic Interview–Revised; ADI-R) were completed within (sensitivity = 79.2%). Case ascertainment at 6-year follow-up
2 months on the 12 children who failed all 5 key CHAT items, was even more comprehensive. The investigators mailed a
on 22 of 44 children who passed “gaze monitoring” but failed second screening questionnaire to parents of children in the
at least one other key item (termed “developmental delay” risk original sample (of which 47.8% were completed and
group), and on 16 of the remaining 16,179 children (termed returned), and reviewed case records of children diagnosed
“normal”) who passed all key items. Ten of 12 children failing with ASD at regional centers and special education needs reg-
all key items were diagnosed with autism, compared to none of isters to identify members of the original sample (Baird et al.,
the 38 children in the two contrast groups. The authors did not 2000). Children identified by these procedures were assessed,
calculate sensitivity and specificity from these data, and rightly with diagnoses confirmed by consensus best-estimate review
so, given that these estimates would be biased by lack of diag- of case records, cognitive and language testing, and the ADI-R.
nostic information on half of the “developmental delay” risk In all, 50 children with autism and 44 children with other
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders 79

ASDs were identified, a total of 94 children with ASD. Nevertheless, Scambler et al.’s (2001; 2006) findings suggest
Sensitivity and specificity of the CHAT were estimated for that using broader screening thresholds and targeting older
autism and for “all PDDs” (equivalent to ASD) for both high- toddlers (i.e., 2 years rather than 18 months) may yield higher
and medium-risk criteria. Based on the original criteria (i.e., sensitivity while retaining high levels of specificity.
all 5 key items failed on two occasions), sensitivity of the Subsequent modifications to the CHAT have successfully
CHAT at 18 months for a later diagnosis of autism is only 18% used these strategies, most notably, the Modified Checklist for
(9 of 50), although the positive predictive value is high (75%). Autism in Toddlers (Robins, Fein, Barton, & Green, 2001),
The sensitivity for other forms of PDD is only 2.3% (1 of 44), discussed below. In addition, Baron-Cohen and colleagues
for an overall sensitivity for ASD of 11.7%. Using less stringent have developed the Quantitative–Checklist for Autism in
criteria (failing “medium-risk” criteria on a single occasion) Toddlers (Q-CHAT; Allison et al., 2008). In contrast to the
increases sensitivity for autism to 38% (19 of 50), but positive CHAT, the Q-CHAT is limited to parent-report, items are
predictive value drops to 4.7% (19 of 407). Similarly, the sen- scored on a 5-point Likert scale (rather than “ever” vs.
sitivity of these less stringent criteria for ASD as a whole at “never”), and cover a broader range of ASD symptoms.
6-year follow-up is 35.1% (33 of 94 cases correctly identified), Preliminary Q-CHAT data from 160 preschool children with
with a positive predictive value of 8.1% (33 of 407). ASD (including 41 younger than 36 months) and 2360 low-
Baird and colleagues (2000) suggested that the low sensi- risk 18- to 24-month-olds indicate large group differences in
tivity of the CHAT may be due to dichotomous scoring of total score, although no specific screening cutoffs have yet
critical items (i.e., ever vs. never), which would miss children been established (Allison et al., 2008).
that rarely, as opposed to never, demonstrate targeted skills.
Requiring that skills be absent based on both observation and Modified Checklist for Autism
parent report may also be overly stringent. The authors in Toddlers (M-CHAT)
acknowledged that the low sensitivity of the CHAT limits its
utility as a stand-alone screener. The M-CHAT, developed by Fein and colleagues (Robins
Although the CHAT was developed for first-stage screening, et al., 2001), differs from the CHAT in two main ways. The
a subsequent study assessed its sensitivity and specificity M-CHAT covers a broader range of developmental domains,
in a clinically referred sample. Scambler, Rogers, and Wehner including sensory and motor abnormalities, imitation, and
(2001) evaluated the CHAT in 26 children with established response to name, and is administered as a parent-completed
diagnoses of autism and in 18 children with other developmen- questionnaire, with no observational component. It includes
tal delays, including 6 with Down syndrome. Participants two questions covering critical CHAT items (pointing to show
ranged in age from 2 to 3 years (mean = 33 months). The and pretending, but not gaze monitoring). The M-CHAT was
purpose of the study was to assess whether expanding the initially assessed in 24 month-olds, although it has since been
“medium-risk” CHAT screening criteria to include children reported in toddlers aged 16 to 30 months.
who fail protodeclarative pointing or pretend play (rather Robins et al. (2001) evaluated the M-CHAT in toddlers
than just those who fail protodeclarative pointing) would being seen for routine checkups with their community physi-
improve overall classification rate. The original “medium-risk” cian (n = 1122 from 98 selected practices) and in toddlers
criteria correctly identified 17 of 26 children with autism (sen- referred to early intervention programs due to language delays
sitivity = 65%), whereas the modified criteria identified 22 or other developmental concerns (n = 171). Parents were con-
(sensitivity = 85%), without any change in false positive rate tacted if: (1) at least 3 of 23 items were endorsed, (2) 2 of 6
(no child with a diagnosis of developmental delay failed the critical items were endorsed (see below), or (3) the clinician
CHAT by either criteria). Two-year follow-up of the sample noted concerns. Critical items were selected by a discriminant
indicated that improved classification by the modified crite- function analysis (DFA) of the first 600 participants, and
ria was maintained (Scambler, Hepburn, & Rogers, 2006). included pointing to indicate interest, responding to name,
Although these data are encouraging, findings from a conven- showing interest in other children, bringing objects to show,
ience sample of children with established diagnoses will not looking where someone points, and imitating. In total, tele-
necessarily generalize to a community screening context. In phone interviews were conducted with parents of 132 toddlers,
particular, there may have been a selection bias toward children and 58 positive screens were confirmed. Subsequent ASD diag-
with more straightforward clinical presentations. Assessing noses were assigned by clinical judgment, using a semistruc-
agreement between screening and diagnostic measures in a tured DSM-IV-based interview and the Childhood Autism
cross-sectional study is very different from using a screen- Rating Scale (CARS), as well as standardized assessments of
ing tool to predict future diagnoses in a longitudinal study. language, cognitive, and adaptive skills. A total of 39 children
Ultimately, research with the CHAT (Baird et al., 2000; Baron- were diagnosed with ASD, at a mean age of 27.6 months,
Cohen et al., 1996; Cox et al., 1999) illustrates how estimates of including 3 of 1122 who were referred at well-child visits (i.e.,
the sensitivity and specificity may be influenced by several fac- first-level screening) and 36 of 171 from early intervention
tors other than characteristics of the test or criteria used services (i.e., a second-level screening context). Children who
to establish risk status, including sampling strategy, age at did not meet M-CHAT criteria or who were “OK on phone
screening, duration of follow-up, and case detection methods. interview” did not receive further assessment. The sensitivity
80 Autism Spectrum Disorders

and specificity of the M-CHAT for ASD, using 3 of 23 items as from the general community using the questionnaire, and
the screening cutoff, was initially estimated to be 97% and 95% then the number of potential referrals is reduced by further
respectively, and using the criteria of 2 of the 6 critical items, screening using the follow-up interview, reducing costs and
95% and 98% respectively. However, these estimates assume potentially improving feasibility. With further recruitment to
that there were no cases of ASD among the children who were not a total of 6776 screened toddlers, Fein and colleagues (Pandey
seen for clinical assessment, i.e., no cases among the 1235 “screen et al., 2008) has reported the positive predictive value of the
negative” children, including 74 who were flagged by the ques- M-CHAT by age (16–23 months versus 24 months and older)
tionnaire but whose risk status was not confirmed during the and risk group: 0.28 for younger, low-risk infants; 0.61 for
phone interview. A follow-up study by (Kleinman et al., 2008) older, low-risk infants; 0.79 for younger, high-risk infants; and
included 1416 toddlers drawn from the original sample and a 0.74 for older, high-risk infants. As in Robins et al.’s (2001)
second replication sample, each recruited from both low- and original report, more cases of ASD were found among the
high-risk settings (i.e., from community physicians and early high-risk group (155 of 726; 21.3%) than the low-risk group
intervention services). Participants were rescreened using the (29 of 6050; 0.5%), but the false positive rate even among the
M-CHAT, 2 years after the initial screen (follow-up rate = 57%; low-risk group was relatively low, particularly in toddlers
mean age = 58 month), and were assessed for ASD if screen 24 months or older. Moreover, over 90% of screen positive
positive on the parent questionnaire and telephone interview. children in both the older and younger high-risk groups and
Seven children with ASD were identified either by rescreening the older low-risk group, and 72% of the younger low-risk
or by clinical referral after the initial screen, although it was group, had atypical development when other diagnoses (e.g.,
not reported whether these cases came from the original or language delay, global developmental delay, as well as ASD)
replication samples. were considered. In an independent sample of 14- to 27-month-
Despite these follow-up data, the sensitivity and specificity old low-risk toddlers assessed in community pediatricians’
of the M-CHAT cannot truly be estimated in the initial cohort offices, Robins (2008) reported that 466 of 4797 (9.7%) met
(Robins et al., 2001) because toddlers below the screening screening criteria on the M-CHAT questionnaire. Of 362 tod-
cutoff received no further evaluation. With this constraint, the dlers from the group whose parents participated, 61 (1.3% of
proportion of toddlers diagnosed with ASD who exceeded the the total sample) screened positive on the follow-up interview.
M-CHAT cutoff simply reflects whether the procedures for Of 41 toddlers from this group who were subsequently seen
selecting participants for clinical assessment were followed for diagnostic evaluation, 21 were diagnosed with ASD, an
consistently. For example, there was one child who received a additional 17 were diagnosed with other developmental delays/
diagnosis but had 2 (rather than 3 or more) positive items; disorders, and 3 were typically developing. Thus, of the
presumably this child was one of the first 600 participants toddlers who were assessed, 57% were diagnosed with ASD
assessed prior to the change in cutoff criteria, or else had 2 of (21 cases, or 0.4% of the total sample of screened toddlers),
the 6 critical items. Because the sampling frame for the and of the nondiagnosed children 17 of 20 (85%) had other
M-CHAT was not geographically defined, even for the developmental delays. Only 4 of 21 toddlers with ASD were
low-risk sample, surveillance for subsequent ASD diagnoses in clinically flagged by their pediatricians, whereas no toddlers
screen negative toddlers depended on individual follow-up with ASD were identified by their pediatricians who weren’t
rather than review of community-wide medical and/or also identified by the M-CHAT questionnaire and interview
educational records. (Robins, 2008).
However, the positive predictive value (PPV) of the Overall, the M-CHAT shows considerable promise as a
M-CHAT can be accurately estimated, as this relies on diag- combined first- and second-stage screen for ASD. Recent
nostic information from the screen positive group only. Both studies (Kleinman et al., 2008; Pandey et al., 2008; Robins,
the case positive rate and PPV are relevant to resource plan- 2008) have addressed some of the limitations of the M-CHAT
ning, as these parameters describe the expected proportion of evaluation (Charman et al., 2001). First, a follow-up study
toddlers who will require further assessment, and within this consisting of rescreening the original screened cohort of
group, the expected rate of ASD. In the M-CHAT replication toddlers has been initiated (Kleinman et al., 2008), although a
study by Kleinman et al. (2008), 189 of 3309 of the low-risk more comprehensive follow-up of screen-negative toddlers is
sample were screen positive (case positive rate = 5.7%), of still needed. Second, whereas the screening properties of the
whom 19 were diagnosed with ASD (PPV = 0.11). It would be M-CHAT were first described in a combined sample from
difficult to justify comprehensive, ASD-specific assessments low- and high-risk settings, both Pandey et al. (2008) and
for 5.7% of all toddlers in the community, particularly when Robins (2008) have reported data specific to low-risk settings
only about 1 in 10 are expected to result in an ASD diagnosis. in a large number of toddlers (combined sample size over
In contrast, when the questionnaire is followed up by the 10,000). Third, in these recent reports, the follow-up proce-
structured telephone (or in-person) interview clarifying par- dures are described more explicitly, and evidence is provided
ents’ responses on endorsed items, the case positive rate drops that the screen positive rate drops substantially when
to 31 of 3309 (<1%), and the PPV increases accordingly (19 of questionnaire responses are clarified by the interview (e.g.,
31, or 0.65). This approach essentially combines first- and from 9.7% to 1.3% in Robins, 2008). Finally, recognizing that
second-stage screening. First, at-risk toddlers are identified sensitivity and specificity estimates are uncertain without
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders 81

follow-up of screen negative toddlers, psychometric (both with Down syndrome) were among the final DD group.
assessment of the M-CHAT has shifted to positive predictive A typically developing (TD) group was selected for compari-
value. Pandey et al. (2008) and Robins (2008) reported that son, including 18 nondelayed children who had completed
over 50% of screen positive children seen for assessment were the first three steps of the study. Seventeen of the 18 children
diagnosed with ASD, and in the latter study, most were not in the ASD group (94.4%) had a positive screen on the ITC, as
independently flagged by their community pediatrician as did 15 in the DD group (83.3%), and 2 in the TD group
being at increased risk. With a case positive rate of around (11.1%). The sensitivity of the ITC was 88.9% for the com-
1%, the M-CHAT appears to identify a substantial number of bined ASD and DD groups (i.e., 32 of 36), although nonran-
toddlers with ASD who might not otherwise be flagged at an dom selection and dropout may have inflated this estimate,
early age, without generating excessive burden on diagnostic given that screen negative children were underrepresented in
services. the assessed sample relative to the original screened sample.
Inclusion of participants with known DD at the outset also
Infant Toddler Checklist (ITC) reduces the interpretability of the summary statistics. That
being said, the study was one of the first to confirm that chil-
The Infant–Toddler Checklist (Wetherby et al., 2004) is a dren with ASD could be identified using a broadband screener
component of the Communication and Symbolic Behavior and thus referred for more specialized assessments. Additional
Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS DP), developed by insights were gained by comparison of toddlers in the ASD
Wetherby and Prizant (2002). In contrast to ASD-specific and DD groups using a videotape coding scheme developed
measures such as the CHAT and M-CHAT, the ITC is designed by Wetherby and Woods (2004). The “Systematic Observation
to be a broadband screener for communication delays. This of Red Flags” (SORF) consists of 29 items derived from
parent-completed questionnaire includes 24 items focused DSM-IV and studies of early signs of autism (e.g., home vide-
on social communication milestones that are rated on a 3- to otape studies; Osterling & Dawson, 1994), scored 0 (absent)
5-point scale, and an open-ended question about current to 2 (present at least 3 times), and is coded from videotapes of
concerns regarding the child’s development. A unique strength the Behavioral Sample. Significant differences between the
of the ITC is that it has been standardized in a normative ASD and DD groups were found for 9 items: (1) lack of
sample of over 2000 children, and thus in addition to screening appropriate gaze; (2) lack of warm, joyful expression with
cutoffs, results can be reported as standard scores for infants gaze; (3) lack of sharing enjoyment or interest; (4) lack of
and toddlers aged 6 to 24 months (Wetherby & Prizant, 2002). response to name; (5) lack of coordination of gaze, facial
Wetherby et al. (2004) reported a study of 3021 children expression, gesture, and sound; (6) lack of showing; (7) unu-
aged 12–24 months recruited from selected childcare and sual prosody; (8) repetitive movements or posturing of body,
health care agencies. An additional 5 children under arms, hands, or fingers; and (9) repetitive movements with
24 months with known developmental delay (DD) also objects (Wetherby et al., 2004).
participated. Children scoring below the 10th percentile on Wetherby, Brosnan-Madox, Peace, & Newton (Wetherby
the ITC (n = 377), a random sample of children scoring above et al., 2008) conducted a more definitive evaluation of the ASD
this cutoff (n = 230), and the 5 children with known delays screening properties of the ITC in a cumulative community
were invited for further assessment using an observational sample of 5385 6- to 24-month-olds recruited from health and
component of the CSBS-DP, the “Behavioral Sample.” childcare services (i.e., included the sample reported by
Assessments were completed in 490 children, excluding 122 Wetherby et al., 2004). Service providers were encouraged to
who were lost to follow-up. Children scoring below the 10th administer the ITC each time the child was seen, thus, some
percentile on the Behavioral Sample, a random sample scor- children who entered the study at the early end of the age
ing above this cutoff (n’s not reported separately), as well as range were assessed on multiple occasions. Children were
the 5 children with known DD were invited for additional assessed using the Behavioral Sample of the CSBS DP if they
cognitive and language assessment, which was completed in met criteria for a positive screen on the ITC, or if parents
298 children (i.e., 147 were lost to follow-up). Finally, chil- reported concerns. Screening data were linked to an ongoing
dren with communication delays (based on the Behavioral study of ASD prevalence in Florida, which identified potential
Sample) were selected for further assessment, including 71 ASD cases using 3 strategies: (1) SORF scoring from the
from the main sample and the 5 children with known DD. Behavioral Sample; (2) responses to a questionnaire asking
Based on parent-report from a related study, 10 of 71 were parents whether the child had received a clinical ASD diagno-
suspected of having ASD; these 10 children, as well as 21 other sis; and (3) information from state-funded ASD services.
randomly selected children with “communication delay” and Identified children were invited for confirmatory diagnostic
the 5 children with known DD formed a group of 36 children assessments by the research team. In total, 60 children were
who were evaluated for clinical diagnoses. Overall, 18 chil- diagnosed with ASD, 56 of whom were screen positive on at
dren were diagnosed with ASD (9 with autism, 9 with PDD least one ITC. Some ITCs were positive as early as 9–11 months,
NOS), and 18 children with DD. Among the 5 children who although in some cases, an initial screen was negative at 9–11
were originally recruited due to known DD, 3 were ultimately months, and did not become positive until a later administra-
diagnosed and included in the ASD group, and the other 2 tion. Some parents did not agree to have their child assessed
82 Autism Spectrum Disorders

until 2 or more ITC were failed, illustrating the potential added prescreen (1.2% of the total sample), 255 of whom participated
value of serial screening over time, as well as the challenges in the second stage. Of 100 who were screen positive on the
associated with evaluating screening outcomes, given that fol- 14-item ESAT, 73 were seen for a more comprehensive diag-
low-up is voluntary. Parental concerns were assessed inde- nostic assessment by a child psychiatrist on the study team,
pendent of ITC status over time. Most parents of children with with 18 receiving an ASD diagnosis, consistent with a positive
ASD expressed concern by age 24 months, but relying on predictive value of 25% and an ASD rate of 0.57 per 1000, well
parental concerns alone would have led to later identification below the expected prevalence rates. Of the remaining 55
than the ITC screen. Although the ITC is not specific for ASD screen-positive children who were seen for assessment, 13
(i.e., does not differentiate ASD from other communication were diagnosed with intellectual disability and 18 with lan-
disorders), its estimated sensitivity was very high, at 93% (i.e., guage delay; the rest were considered to have other mental
56 of 60). Notably, the SORF as coded from the CSBS DP health or developmental problems, none were considered to
Behavioral Sample appears to differentiate well between ASD be typically developing. Follow-up to age 42 months reclassi-
and other communication disorders, as reported by Wetherby fied 2 children initially diagnosed with ASD with non-ASD
et al. (2004). Hence, although additional research and replica- developmental disorders, but 2 children from the delayed
tion by other groups is needed, these two components of the group (one with intellectual disability, one with language
CSBS DP may constitute an effective combined first- and delay) were reclassified as ASD, so the total rate of ASD was
second-level screening strategy for ASD. unchanged (2 additional children diagnosed with ASD were
lost to follow-up; (van Daalen et al., 2009).
Early Screening of Autistic Traits Although the ESAT showed promise in differentiating ASD
Questionnaire (ESAT) from typical development (as well as ADHD) in pilot work
(Swinkels et al., 2006), the overall rate of 0.57 in 1000 is only
The ESAT (Swinkels et al., 2006) is a 14-item two-stage about 10% of the expected population prevalence of ASD.
screening instrument designed for use at 14–15 months of age. Consistent with findings from the CHAT (Baird et al., 2000),
Items were initially selected based on review of findings from screening children younger than 18 months (and perhaps lim-
parents’ retrospective reports and home video analyses. A iting the prescreen to only 4 items) may have contributed to
preliminary 19-item version of the ESAT was pretested with a low sensitivity of the ESAT. Establishing screening cut-points
community sample of parents and other caregivers of 8- to based on retrospective data from older pilot samples may have
20-month-olds to assess the frequency of item endorsement in also undermined the validity of the ESAT for prospective
a low-risk sample, and then with a sample of 478 parents of screening of younger children.
children aged 14–226 months previously diagnosed with ASD,
who were asked to retrospectively report on their children Screening Tool for Autism
based on behaviors recalled at age 14 months. A comparison in Two-Year-Olds (STAT)
group of parents of 76 children aged 34–201 months who were
diagnosed with ADHD also completed the ESAT retrospectively, The STAT was developed by Stone and Ousley (Stone,
based on 14-month behaviors. Fourteen items were selected Ousley, & Littleford, 1997) as a second-stage screen for autism
that best differentiated children with ASD from the ADHD for children between 24 and 35 months of age. Scoring is based
and low-risk groups based on retrospective report, which on behavior observed during a structured interactive assess-
constituted the long version of the ESAT, with a screening ment of motor imitation, play skills, requesting, and directing
cutoff of 3 or more items. A shorter, prescreening version of attention. Cutoff criteria were established in a “development
the ESAT was also established, consisting of 4 items that sample” of 7 children with autism and 33 children with other
identified 94% of the children with ASD but only 2% of the developmental disorders, and were then were evaluated in a
low-risk sample. Further pilot testing of the 14-item ESAT was “validation sample” of 12 children with autism and 21 chil-
conducted by parents of 34 preschool children with ASD (aged dren with other disorders. Both samples were recruited from
14–48 months), who also completed the screen retrospectively consecutive referrals to a university-based clinic. Screening
based on the child’s behavior at age 14 months. As in the first with the STAT and diagnostic assessment were completed
retrospective sample, most parents endorsed the 3 or more independently at the same clinic visit, and clinical diagnoses
items on the ESAT necessary to screen positive. were based on DSM-IV criteria, Childhood Autism Rating
The ESAT was then evaluated in a random population Scale (CARS) scores, and standard cognitive measures. Cutoff
sample of 31,724 toddlers at a mean age of 14.9 months (Dietz, criteria were selected that best distinguished children with
Swinkels, van Daalen, van Engeland, & Buitelaar, 2006). autism from clinical controls in the development sample. To
Screening was carried out in two stages. First, the entire sample pass each of the three domains (imitation, play, and directing
was screened at well-child visits by their health providers using attention) the child must receive credit on at least two items
the 4-item prescreen. Second, parents endorsed at least 1 item within that domain. These criteria were independently assessed
on the prescreen were asked to complete further screening in the validation sample: 10 of 12 children with autism failed
using the 14-item ESAT during a home visit by a study at least 2 domains (sensitivity = 83%), compared to 3 of 21 in
psychologist. A total of 370 children were positive on the the nonautism group (specificity = 86%).
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders 83

The STAT was further assessed in 26 children with autism planning for toddlers as young as 14 months at increased risk
(AUT) and 26 children with language impairment or other of ASD.
developmental delays (DD/LI; children with PDD-NOS were
excluded) (Stone, Coonrod, Turner, & Pozdol, 2004) matched Pervasive Developmental Disorders
on age and mental age. As in the initial study, the sample was Screening Test - II (PDDST-II)
divided into development and validation samples. The revised
STAT scoring weighted the 4 domains equally (maximum The PDDST-II is a parent-report questionnaire that includes
score of 1 for each domain), and was based on the total item components designed for first-stage and second-stage screen-
score rather than the number of domains passed. ROC curves ing. Its psychometric properties are described in a published
determined that a scoring cutoff of 2 was associated with max- manual (Siegel, 2004), but have not been reported in
imal sensitivity (100%) and specificity = 81% in the develop- peer-reviewed publications.
mental sample, and a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 85% The PDDST-II - Stage 1 was designed to be used in primary
in the validation sample. The STAT was then evaluated in a care settings, and includes 23 items based on behaviors
sample of 50 children with autism, 39 with DD/LI, and 15 with “emerging between 12 and 24 months.” The standardization
PDD-NOS. There was excellent interobserver and test-retest sample included 656 preschool children who had been referred
reliability for the STAT classification of high-risk versus low- due to suspected autism (not all of whom actually had an ASD,
risk (kappas = 1.0 and .90, respectively) and excellent agree- but all had “at least a few autistic symptoms”), and 256 ex-
ment between the STAT and ADOS (autism cutoff) when the preterm infants who were expected to show a high rate of early
sample was restricted to children with autism and DD/LI (only atypical development (but not autism). Sensitivity and spe-
2 of 52 children scoring in the STAT high-risk range failed to cificity estimates are based on agreement between item and
exceed ADOS threshold for autism). However, children with a group classification. For example, a true positive is recorded
clinical diagnosis of PDD-NOS were roughly equally divided when a child in the suspected autism group scores positive on
into the “high-risk” and “low-risk” categories by the STAT a PDDST-II item. Hence, although this instrument is intended
(Stone et al., 2004). to be used as a first-stage screen, its evaluation is based on clas-
Stone, McMahon and Henderson (2008) recently assessed sification into groups defined by clinical suspicion rather than
the screening properties of the STAT in a group of high- by individual diagnoses.
risk 12- to 23-month-olds, including 59 younger siblings of The PDDST-II - Stage 2 was designed for use in develop-
children with ASD, and 12 toddlers referred for suspected mental clinics where children are often first assessed for
ASD. A higher cutoff score than recommended for 2-year- possible developmental disorders. The index population was
olds was required for optimal classification of toddlers with patients with diagnoses of Autistic Disorder or PDD-NOS
and without ASD, as determined by follow-up diagnostic (N = 318). The comparison group was patients clinically
assessment after age 2. The STAT did not effectively discrimi- referred for an autism evaluation but who eventually received
nate 12- and 13-month-olds who later developed ASD from non–autistic spectrum disorder diagnoses such as mental
those do not; in contrast, a cutoff score of 2.75 was associated retardation or developmental language disorders (N = 62).
with a sensitivity of 0.93 and specificity of 0.83 for later diag- Estimates of sensitivity and specificity for the PDDST-II are
noses of ASD in 14- to 23-month-olds. These data should be not yet available.
considered preliminary, as validation in a second sample has
not yet been completed, and the majority of ASD cases were Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)
identified from the referred sample.
The STAT has a number of strengths as a second-level The SCQ (formerly, Autism Screening Questionnaire;
screen. It can discriminate children with autism from those Berument, Rutter, Lord, Pickles, & Bailey, 1999) is a 40-item
with DD/LI with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, parent questionnaire based on the Autism Diagnostic
and there is excellent agreement between the STAT high-risk Interview–Revised (ADI-R) (Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur,
category and an ADOS classification of autism. Its interac- 1994). Because of its close relationship to the ADI-R, the SCQ
tive format also allows for greater standardization, assess- was designed for use in individuals age 4 and older, although it
ment of relatively subtle differences between autism and DD/ has subsequently been evaluated in younger samples. Screening
LI that may be difficult to ascertain in a questionnaire, and criteria for the SCQ were initially established in a sample of 200
generates rich observational data. The potential limitations individuals aged 4–40 years (160 with ASD, and 40 with other
of the STAT are that it is less sensitive to PDD-NOS than developmental disorders, such as language disorders and intel-
to autism, and requires more training and expertise than lectual disability). A score of 15 was associated with a sensitivity
parent questionnaires. Screening using the STAT is more of .85 and specificity of .75 in this sample. There are relatively
resource intensive than a questionnaire such as the M-CHAT. little data on the screening properties of the SCQ in younger
However, in a clinical setting, the STAT provides an effective children, and research to date suggests that classification accu-
second-stage screen that is both sensitive and specific for racy is poorer than in children 4 and older. Corsello et al. (2007)
autism, and may yield clinically informative data that can reported on a consecutive referral sample of 590 children aged
help guide both additional assessment, and initial intervention 2–16 years, including 200 who were age 4 and younger
84 Autism Spectrum Disorders

(157 with ASD, and 43 with nonspectrum disorders). The orig- Developmental Status have been less effective at identifying
inal cutoff of 15 was associated with sensitivity = .68 and spe- toddlers with early signs of ASD (Pinto-Martin et al., 2008), so
cificity = .74 in this age group (data in children 36 months and there may be specific features of the ITC (e.g., a focus on com-
younger are not reported separately). Lowering the screening munication development) that are critical. The sensitivity of
cut-point to 11 increased sensitivity to .80, but reduced specifi- the M-CHAT cannot be directly estimated from available data,
city to .60; similarly, raising the cut-point to 17 increased spe- as follow-up assessments have mainly been limited to screen-
cificity to .80 but reduced sensitivity to .58 (Corsello et al., positive children. However, when the parent questionnaire
2007). At least 3 other groups have evaluated in the SCQ in was combined with a follow-up interview in two large com-
children younger than age 5 referred for a suspected diagnosis munity samples, the M-CHAT identified a high-risk group
of ASD (Lee, David, Rusyniak, Landa, & Newschaffer, 2007; from which over 50% were diagnosed with ASD (i.e., PPV
Allen, Silove, Williams, & Hutchins, 2007; Eaves, Wingert, Ho, >50%) (Pandey et al., 2008; Robins, 2008). Both the ITC and
& Mickelson, 2006), reporting sensitivity of .54–.71 using the M-CHAT identify toddlers at risk of autism who might not
original cutoff score of 15. Only two of these studies included otherwise be detected through routine developmental surveil-
children 36 months of age and younger (Lee et al., 2007; Allen lance using clinical judgment and/or parental concerns, yet do
et al., 2007), and neither of these reported data in this younger not appear to overidentify children who are typically develop-
subgroup separate from older preschoolers. As well, the sam- ing (Robins, 2008; Wetherby et al., 2008). Hence, the ITC and
ples in all 4 studies that have evaluated the SCQ in children M-CHAT could be effective first-stage screening options when
younger than 5 (Lee et al., 2007; Allen et al., 2007; Corsello part of a multistage early detection strategy for ASD. In con-
et al., 2007; Eaves et al., 2006) are drawn from children referred trast, the STAT is specifically designed to be used as a second-
for specialized assessments at tertiary care centers, the majority stage screener. In this context, the STAT has been reported to
of whom were ultimately diagnosed with ASD. In other words, have excellent sensitivity and specificity for autism in 24- to
these were highly select samples that may not easily generalize 35-month-olds (Stone et al., 2004), and based on preliminary
to other level 2 screening contexts. Hence, there are insufficient data in a high-risk sample, perhaps in children as young as
data to assess or recommend the SCQ as an early screening tool 14–23 months (Stone et al., 2008).
for ASD. Assessing the measurement properties of early detection
tools is only the first step toward understanding the potential
impacts of ASD screening programs. Evaluation of ASD
Á screening should adopt a broader health systems perspective
Summary and Recommendations in order to more fully gauge its potential impacts, and to gain
support among health care providers and policy-makers.
There are now a number of empirically supported screening Although ensuring that individual tools will accurately classify
measures that differentiate ASD from typical development children with and without ASD is an essential prerequisite for
(and to a lesser extent, from other developmental delays) in implementing a screening program, there are other important
children younger than 36 months. The CHAT remains the considerations related to how screening ultimately impacts
only screener that has been assessed in a general population children, families, and society as a whole. The positive benefits
sample, and with sufficiently comprehensive follow-up to of screening for children with ASD depend on timely access to
identify children with ASD who were missed by the initial specialized assessment and intervention services. Concerns
screen. Estimates of CHAT sensitivity are very low (18% for about lengthy waiting lists and/or overreferral of children who
the originally proposed “high-risk” criteria, 38% for “moder- meet screening criteria for reasons other than ASD (i.e., false
ate risk” criteria), although differences in sensitivity compared positives) may contribute to low uptake of ASD screening into
to newer tools are magnified by the follow-up duration. The pediatric practice (Dosreis, Weiner, Johnson, & Newschaffer,
ESAT has been assessed in a total population cohort of 2006) and delays in referral of children with identified con-
14-month-olds but its low case detection rate (which may cerns (Kennedy, Regehr, Rosenfield, Roberts, & Lingard,
have arisen from the brief “prescreening” component) raises 2004). Options for multistage screening that can take place in
questions about potential sensitivity. the community (e.g., the combined M-CHAT questionnaire
In contrast, both the M-CHAT and ITC have shown con- and interview; the ITC followed by a second-stage screener
siderable promise as ASD screens in community samples, such as the SORF or the STAT) could help limit the number of
although not “population samples” in the strictest sense— referrals for specialized assessment, without significantly sac-
only selected health and childcare agencies participated in rificing case detection rate. Screening programs also require
evaluation studies. The ITC has excellent sensitivity for ASD clinicians with the expertise to make relevant differential diag-
(93%, based on multimethod ascertainment of ASD cases noses in children referred for assessment, as children with
among the screened sample), although as a broadband screener other disorders who are identified through the process of
is not specific to ASD and thus must be combined with addi- screening will have service needs as well. Specialized training
tional levels of assessment to differentiate ASD from other may be needed to support clinicians faced with increasingly
communication disorders (Wetherby et al., 2008). Other complex diagnostic questions as children are referred due to
broadband screeners such as the Pediatric Evaluation of suspected ASD at younger ages: for example, differentiating
Screening, Risk, and Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders 85

ASD from the broader range of impairments in emotional manner. Further research assessing the utility of ASD screening
expression and referential communication that can be tools in a wide range of community-based therapeutic settings
observed in infants with an older sibling with ASD, and assess- is warranted.
ing whether early joint attention behaviors are consistent with
developmental level in toddlers with cognitive delays (see
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2009 for detailed discussion). As well,
screening is difficult to justify unless earlier initiation of treat-
ment leads to improvements in long-term outcomes. Although
Detailed knowledge about early signs of ASD from retrospec-
children participating in ASD treatment research have gener-
tive and prospective research has helped guide the develop-
ally been 3 years of age and older, consistent with the usual
ment of screening measures aimed at facilitating earlier
timing of diagnosis, recent studies suggest that substantial
diagnosis and entry into intervention programs. Although the
gains can be achieved by interventions initiated prior to
evidence-base for ASD screening is not yet fully established,
24 months (Vismara, Colombi, & Rogers, 2009; Dawson et al.,
recent data suggest community-wide screening can effectively
2010; see Chapter 61 in this volume for details). There are
augment general surveillance efforts to identify appropriate
theoretical advantages to treating ASD earlier in development
children for referral. Future research evaluating ASD screen-
due to increased neural plasticity and less severe interfering
ing should adopt a broader health systems perspective and
behaviors than are observed in older children (Dawson, 2008).
focus on outcomes meaningful to families, clinicians and
The degree to which child-related outcomes can be improved
health and policy decision-makers.
through earlier diagnosis and intervention is not yet known,
but there may be added benefits to families including reduced
parental stress and frustration associated with delays in diag- Á
nosis (Howlin & Asgharian, 1999) and increased sense of Challenges and Future Directions
empowerment and efficacy related to active participation in
intervention (Vismara et al., 2009). • Future research aimed at improving early detection of
The relative effects of implementing ASD screening, and ASD should consider whether biological differences such
enhancing the expertise and service capacity of specialized as accelerated head growth might add predictive power to
diagnostic and treatment programs remain to be assessed, but current approaches based on early behavioral markers.
it seems likely that a comprehensive strategy that includes all • Consistent with clinical heterogeneity in ASD, early
of these components will better address the needs of children developmental and behavioral trajectories can be vari-
and families than screening alone. Evaluation of ASD screen- able, making early detection and diagnosis of children
ing should focus on meaningful end-points such as age of across the spectrum more difficult using a single strategy.
initial referral and diagnosis of ASD, treatment outcomes of Children with milder symptoms and/or more advanced
children identified through positive screening, family experi- intellectual development may be more difficult to iden-
ence related to screening misclassification, and health service tify using existing screening methods.
costs/utilization related to additional referrals (both true • Early detection and diagnosis of ASD must be accom-
and false positives). Screening uptake might be improved if panied by timely access to effective, developmentally
stakeholders such as families, clinicians, and health and policy appropriate interventions that lead to improved outcomes.
decision-makers are engaged from the earliest stages of imple- However, the availability of specialized assessment and
mentation, in an effort to better understand community- treatment services for ASD varies considerably across
specific challenges (e.g., access to diagnostic services), and to communities (both nationally and internationally), and
ensure outcomes of greatest interest to each group are targeted there may be significant disparities related to factors
and measured. influencing access to health care.
Further research is clearly needed, but the availability of • Future research on early identification and screening of
measures with adequate sensitivity and specificity lends ASD should consider these “real-world” health systems
important support to current pediatric practice guidelines challenges, and engage key stakeholders to ensure that
recommending broader implementation of ASD screening findings lead to meaningful change in clinical practice
(Johnson & Myers, 2007). As well, although community phy- and policy.
sicians have a critical role in identifying early signs of ASD,
early intervention, daycare/preschool, and speech and language
services are the “point-of-entry” to developmental services for
many families. Providers in these settings are often the first to
observe the at-risk child’s development in sufficient depth to Ozonoff, S., Heung, K., Byrd, R., Hansen, R., & Hertz-Picciotto, I.
identify early markers of autism. The use of a standardized (2008). The onset of autism: Patterns of symptom emergence in
ASD screen may help ensure that children with ASD are the first years of life. Autism Research,1, 320–328.
detected earlier and more consistently, so that children can be Pandey, J., Verbalis, A., Robins, D., Boorstein, H., Klin, A., Babitz, T.,
referred for a specialized diagnostic assessment in a timely et al. (2008). Screening for autism in older and younger toddlers
86 Autism Spectrum Disorders

with the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers. Autism, Baron-Cohen, S., Allen, J., & Gillberg, C. (1992). Can autism be
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months of age. Autism,12, 487–511. tion of autism in infancy in a large population. British Journal of
Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., Rogers, T., Roberts, W., Rogers, T., Psychiatry, 168, 158–163.
Brian, J., et al. (2005, Apr.–May). Behavioral manifestations Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Cox, A., Baird, G., Charman, T.,
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6 Á Eric Fombonne, Sara Quirke, Arlene Hagen

Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Points of Interest Selection of Studies

• The best estimate of prevalence for all PDDs combined The studies were identified through systematic searches from the
is 0.7% (1 in 143 children is affected), and several recent major scientific literature databases (MEDLINE, PSYCINFO,
surveys even point at figures closer to 1%. EMBASE) and from prior reviews (Fombonne, 2003a, 2003b;
• The proportion of children with cognitive functioning Fombonne, 2005; Williams et al., 2006). Only studies published
within the normal range is 30% for autistic disorder and in the English language were included. Surveys that relied only
55% for all PDDs. on a questionnaire-based approach to define caseness (for exam-
• There is a consistent male overrepresentation for autistic ple, Ghanizadeh, 2008) were also excluded, as the validity of the
disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and all diagnosis is uncertain in these studies. Overall, 61 studies pub-
PDDs. lished between 1966 and 2009 were selected that surveyed PDDs
• Regression, or loss of skills in the developmental course, in clearly demarcated, nonoverlapping samples. Of these, 48
occurs in about 1 in 4 children with PDD. studies provided information on rates of autistic disorder, 13
• Upward trends in rates of prevalence cannot be directly studies on Asperger’s disorder (later referred to as Asperger’s
attributed to an increase in the incidence of the disorder syndrome; AS), and 12 studies on childhood disintegrative disor-
as changes in referral patterns and availability of services, der (CDD). A total of 27 studies provided estimates on all PDDs
heightened public awareness, decreasing age at diagnosis, combined, of which 14 provided rates for specific PDD subtypes
and changes over time in diagnostic concepts and prac- as well, and 13 only for the combined category of PDD.
tices confound the interpretation of data. Surveys were conducted in 18 countries, including 16 stud-
• Diagnostic substitution (the reclassification as PDD of a ies from the UK, 13 from the United States, and 7 from Japan.
child who had previously received a different diagnosis) The results of over half of the studies (N = 33) have been pub-
has been shown to contribute to the increase of preva- lished since 2001. The age range of the population included in
lence in several studies. the surveys is spread from birth to early adult life, but most
studies have relied on school-age samples. Similarly, there was
The aims of this chapter are to provide an up-to-date huge variation in the size of the population surveyed (range:
review of the methodological features and substantive results 826 to 4.9 million; mean: 267,000; median: 44,900), with some
of published epidemiological surveys of the prevalence of per- recent studies conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease
vasive developmental disorders (PDD). This chapter updates Control (CDC, 2007b; 2009) relying on very large samples of
previous reviews (Fombonne, 2003a; Fombonne, 2005) with several hundreds of thousands of individuals.
the inclusion of new studies made available since then. The
specific questions addressed in this chapter are: (1) what is the Á
range of prevalence estimates for autism and related pervasive Study Designs
developmental disorders, and what are the correlates of PDD
in epidemiological surveys?; and (2) what interpretation can In designing a prevalence study, two major features are critical
be given to time trends observed in prevalence rates of PDDs? for the planning and logistics of the study, as well as for the

Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 91

interpretation of its results: case definition, and case Broader autism phenotype: a pattern of mild developmental
ascertainment (or case identification methods) (Fombonne, deficits similar to, but less severe than, symptoms of autism
2007). seen in relatives of subjects affected with a pervasive
development disorder.
Case Definition
Case Identification
Over time, the definitions of autism have changed as illus-
trated by the numerous diagnostic criteria that were used in When an area or population have been identified for a survey,
both epidemiological and clinical settings (see Figure 6-1). different strategies have been employed to find subjects
Starting with the narrowly defined Kanner’s autism (1943), matching the case definition retained for the study. Some
definitions progressively broadened in the criteria proposed studies have relied solely on existing service providers data-
by Rutter (1970), and then ICD-9 (1977), DSM-III (1980) bases (Croen et al., 2002); on special educational databases
and DSM-III-R (1987), and more recently in the 2 major (Gurney et al., 2003; Fombonne et al., 2006; Lazoff et al.,
nosographies used worldwide, ICD-10 (1992) and DSM-IV 2010); or on national registers (Madsen et al., 2002) for case
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). The early identification. These studies have the limitation in common of
diagnostic criteria reflected the more qualitatively severe relying on a population group that happened to access the
forms of the phenotype of autism, usually associated with service provider or agencies rather than sampling from the
severe delays in language and cognitive skills. It is only in the population at large. As a result, subjects with the disorder who
1980s that less severe forms of autism were recognized, either are not in contact with these services are yet unidentified and
as a qualifier for autism occurring without mental retarda- not included as cases, leading to a underestimation of the
tion (so-called “high-functioning” autism), or as separate prevalence proportion.
diagnostic categories (Pervasive Developmental Disorders Other investigations have relied on a multistage approach
Not-Otherwise-Specified–PDD NOS) within a broader class to identify cases in underlying populations. The aim of the first
of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) denominated “perva- screening stage of these studies is to cast a wide net in order to
sive developmental disorders” (PDD, an equivalent to ASD) identify subjects possibly affected with a PDD, with the final
in current nosographies. While it had been described in the diagnostic status being determined at a next phase. The proc-
literature as early as 1944 (Asperger, 1944), one type of PDD, ess utilized by the researchers often consists of sending letters
Asperger’s disorder, appeared in official nosographies only or brief screening scales requesting school and health profes-
in the 1990s, and then with unclear validity, especially with sionals and/or other data sources to identify possible cases of
respect to its differentiation from “high-functioning” autism. autism. Few of these investigations relied on systematic sam-
Subtypes of PDD that existed in DSM-III subsequently dis- pling techniques that would ensure a near complete coverage
appeared (i.e., Autism–residual state). While there is gener- of the target population. Moreover, each investigation differed
ally high interrater reliability on the diagnosis of PDDs and in several key aspects of this screening stage. First, the thor-
commonality of concepts across experts, some differences oughness of the coverage of all relevant data sources varied
persist between nomenclatures about the terminology and enormously from one study to another. In addition, the sur-
precise operationalized criteria of PDDs. For example, veyed areas were not comparable in terms of service develop-
DSM-IV (1994) has a broad category of PDD NOS, some- ment, reflecting the specific educational or health care systems
times referred to loosely as “atypical autism,” whereas of each country and of the period of investigation. Second, the
ICD-10 (1992) has several corresponding diagnoses for clin- type of information sent out to professionals invited to iden-
ical presentations that fall short of autistic disorder, that tify children varied from simple letters, including a few clinical
include Atypical autism (F84.1, a diagnostic category that descriptors of autism-related symptoms or diagnostic check-
existed already in ICD-9), Other PDD (F84.8), and PDD-, lists rephrased in nontechnical terms, to more systematic
unspecified (F84.9). As a result, studies that refer to “atypical screening strategy based on questionnaires or rating scales of
autism” must be carefully interpreted, and no direct known reliability and validity. Third, variable participation
equivalence with the DSM-IV concept of PDD NOS should rates in the first screening stages provide another source of
be assumed. In recent years, the definitions of syndromes variation in the screening efficiency of surveys, although
falling on the autism spectrum have been expanded further refusal rates tended, on average, to be very low.
with reference to the broader autism phenotype, and, with Few studies provided an estimate of the reliability of the
an increasing reliance on a dimensionalization of the autism screening procedure. The sensitivity of the screening method-
phenotype. As no impairment or diagnostic criteria are avail- ology is also difficult to gauge in autism surveys and the
able for these milder forms, the resulting boundaries with proportion of children truly affected with the disorder but not
the spectrum of PDDs are left uncertain. Whether or not this identified in the screening stage (the “false negatives”) remains
plays a role in more recent epidemiological studies is diffi- generally unmeasured. The usual approach, which consists of
cult to know, but the possibility should be considered in sampling at random screened negative subjects in order to
assessing results for the new generation of surveys. estimate the proportion of false negatives and adjusting the
92 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Kanner (1943)
Described 11 cases of children presenting with a number of characteristics
forming a ‘unique’ syndrome
Inability to relate to people and situations, obsessiveness, stereotypy,
echolalia, & schizophrenic phenomena
Abnormalities from beginning of life

DSM-II (1968)
295.8 Category of Schizophrenia:Schizophrenia, childhood type.
Rutter (1970)
Autistic, atypical, withdrawn behavior, failure to develop identity separate
Review of follow-up studies that analyzed cases longitudinally from the mother’s, general uneveness, gross immaturity, inadequacy in
Failure to develop interpersonal relationships, delay in speech/language development
development, ritualistic & compulsive phenomena, pronomial reversal, Age of onset: Before puberty
echolalia, stereotyped movements/mannerisms
Age of onset: Before 30 months

ICD-9 (1977) DSM-III (1980)

299.x Official recognition within the category of childhood psychotic 299.x Distortions in development of basic psychological functions
conditions involved in the development of social skills and language, affected
simultaneously and to a severe degree
Subtypes: infantile autism, disintegrative psychosis, other, & unspecified
First multi-axial system in child mental health The category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders was created, and
described separately from the category of psychotic disorders
Age of onset: Birth to 30 months
Recognition of residual symptoms
Age of onset: During infancy or childhood

DSM-III-R (1987)
299.x Described three major domains of dysfunction. Expression and
severity vary. Contemporaneous examination
Individual must meet 8 of 16 criteria
Criteria were specified for autistic disorder, and applied for the
range of the syndrome
ICD-10 (1992) Infantile autism became autism. Child Onset PDD was abolished,
and PDD- Not Otherwise Specified was created
F84.x Recognition within the category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders:
Age of onset: Infancy (before 3 years) or childhood (after 3 years)
-Abnormal functioning in 3 areas: social interaction, communication and
restricted, repetitive behaviour
Included research diagnosis criteria and a separate set of clinical guidelines
Focus on history of individual
DSM-IV (1994)
Multiple diagnostic categories/subtypes
Age of onset: Before age 3 years 299.x Category: Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Meet 6 criteria (2 relating to social abnormalities, 1 relating to impaired
communication, 1 relating to impairment in range of interests and activities)
Clarification of issues in DSM-III concerning over-inclusiveness
Coordination with ICD-10
Age of onset: Before age 3 years

DSM-IV-TR (2000)
299.x Category: Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Specified a hierarchy for diagnonis of PDDs
Changes in the wording of criteria for PDD-NOS
Age of onset: Before age 3 years

Figure 6–1. Historical changes in diagnostic concepts and criteria.

Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 93

estimate accordingly, has not been used in these surveys for the the United States, and 6 in Japan), half of them published
obvious reason that, due to the low frequency of the disorder, it since 1999. The sample size varied from 826 to 4.95 millions,
would be both imprecise and very costly to undertake such with a median of 35,300 (mean: 212,500) subjects in the sur-
estimations. As a consequence, prevalence estimates must be veyed populations. The age ranged from 3 to 15 years, with a
understood as underestimates of “true” prevalence rates. The median age of 8.5 years. The number of subjects identified
magnitude of this underestimation is unknown in each survey. with autistic disorder ranged from 6 to 5,032 (median: 51).
When the screening phase is completed, subjects identified Males consistently outnumbered females in 40 studies where
as positive screens go through the next step involving a more gender differences were reported, with a male/female ratio
in-depth diagnostic evaluation to confirm their case status. ranging from 1.33:1 to 16.0:1 in 39 studies (1 small study had
Similar considerations about the methodological variability no girls at all), leading to an average male/female ratio of 4.4:1.
across studies apply to these more intensive assessment phases. Prevalence rates varied from 0.7/10,000 to 72.6/10,000 with a
In the studies reviewed, participation rates in second-stage median value of 12.9/10,000. Prevalence rates were negatively
assessments were generally high. The source of information correlated with sample size (Spearman’s r: -0.71; p < .001),
used to determine caseness usually involved a combination of with small-scale studies reporting higher prevalence rates. The
data coming from different informants (parents, teachers, correlation between prevalence rate and year of publication
pediatricians, other health professionals, etc.) and data sources was significant (Spearman’s r: 0.69; p < .001), indicative of
(medical records, educational sources), with an in-person higher rates in more recent surveys. Therefore, a current esti-
assessment of the person with autism being offered in some mate for the prevalence of autistic disorder must be derived
but not all studies. Obviously, surveys of very large populations from more recent surveys with an adequate sample size. In 23
as those conducted in the United States by the CDC (2007a, studies published since 2000, the median rate was 21.6/10,000
2007b, 2009) or in national registers (Madsen et al., 2002) did (mean rate: 21.9/10,000). After exclusion of the 2 studies with
not include a direct diagnostic assessment of all subjects by the the smallest and largest sample sizes, the results were very
research team. However, these investigators could generally similar (mean rate: 22.4/10,000). Thus, the best current esti-
confirm the accuracy of their final caseness determination mate for autistic disorder is 22/10,000. In 25 studies where the
by undertaking, on a randomly selected subsample, a more proportion of subjects with IQ within the normal range was
complete diagnostic workup. The CDC surveys have established reported, the median value was 30% (interquartile range:
a methodology for surveys of large populations that relies on 17.5%–50%). In these surveys, there was a significant correla-
screening of population using multiple data sources, a system- tion between a higher proportion of normal IQ subjects and
atic review and scoring system for the data gathered in the a higher male/female ratio (Spearman’s r: 0.53; p = .007), a
screening phase combined with, in the less obvious cases, result consistent with the known association between gender
input from experienced clinicians with known reliability and and IQ in autism. Over time, there were minor associations
validity. This methodology is adequate for large samples, and between the year of publication of the survey and the sample
is likely to be used in the future for surveillance efforts. male/female ratio (Spearman’s r: 0.36; p = 0.024) and the pro-
When subjects were directly examined, the assessments portion of subjects without mental retardation (Spearman’s r:
were conducted with various diagnostic instruments, ranging 0.32; p = 0.11). Taken in conjunction with the much stronger
from a typical unstructured examination by a clinical expert increase over time in prevalence rates, these results suggest
(but without demonstrated psychometric properties), to the that the increase in prevalence rates is not entirely accounted
use of batteries of standardized measures by trained research for by the inclusion of milder forms (i.e., less cognitively
staff. The Autism Diagnostic Interview (Le Couteur et al., impaired) of autistic disorder, albeit this might have contrib-
1989) and/or the Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule uted to it to some degree.
(Lord et al., 2000) have been increasingly used in the most
recent surveys. Asperger’s Syndrome

Epidemiological studies of Asperger’s syndrome (AS) are

Á sparse, due to the fact that it was acknowledged as a separate
Prevalence Estimations diagnostic category only in the early 1990s, in both ICD-10
and DSM-IV. Two epidemiological surveys have been
We now present the results of the 61 studies in several tables conducted which specifically investigated AS prevalence
that summarize results by type of PDD or for PDD as a spec- (Kadesjö et al., 1999; Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993). However, only
trum of disorders. Characteristics of samples surveyed in these a handful (N < 5) of cases were identified in these surveys,
studies are briefly summarized. with the resulting estimates being unacceptably imprecise. In
addition, since there was no separate report for children
Autistic Disorder meeting criteria for autistic disorder, it remains unclear if
these subjects would have also met criteria for autistic disor-
Prevalence estimates for autistic disorder are summarized in der and how prevalence rates would be affected if hierarchi-
Table 6-1. There were 48 studies (including 13 in the UK, 6 in cal rules were followed to diagnose both disorders. A recent
Table 6–1.
Prevalence surveys of autistic disorder

Number of % with
Year of Size of Target Diagnostic Gender ratio Prevalence
Authors Country Area Age Subjects normal 95% CI
Publication Population Criteria (M:F) Rate/10,000
with Autism |IQ

1966 Lotter UK Middlesex 78,000 8–10 32 Rating scale 15.6 2.6 4.1 2.7; 5.5
1970 Brask Denmark Aarhus County 46,500 2–14 20 Clinical – 1.4 4.3 2.4; 6.2
1970 Treffert USA Wisconsin 899,750 3–12 69 Kanner – 3.06 0.7 0.6; 0.9
1976 Wing et al. UK Camberwell 25,000 5–14 171 24 items rating 30 16 4.82 2.1; 7.5
scale of Lotter (16/1)
1982 Hoshino et al. Japan Fukushima-Ken 609,848 0–18 142 Kanner’s — 9.9 2.33 1.9; 2.7
criteria (129/13)
1983 Bohman et al. Sweden County of 69,000 0–20 39 Rutter criteria 20.5 1.6 5.6 3.9; 7.4
Västerbotten (24/15)
1984 McCarthy et al. Ireland East 65,000 8–10 28 Kanner — 1.33 4.3 2.7; 5.9
1986 Steinhausen et al. Germany West Berlin 279,616 0–14 52 Rutter 55.8 2.25 1.9 1.4; 2.4
1987 Burd et al. USA North Dakota 180,986 2–18 59 DSM-III — 2.7 3.26 2.4; 4.1
1987 Matsuishi et al. Japan Kurume City 32,834 4–12 51 DSM-III — 4.7 15.5 11.3; 19.8
1988 Tanoue et al. Japan Southern Ibaraki 95,394 7 132 DSM-III — 4.07 13.8 11.5; 16.2
1988 Bryson et al. Canada Part of Nova-Scotia 20,800 6–14 21 New RDC 23.8 2.5 10.1 5.8; 14.4
1989 Sugiyama & Japan Nagoya 12,263 3 16 DSM-III — — 13.0 6.7; 19.4
1989 Cialdella & France 1 département 135,180 3–9 61 DSM-III like — 2.3 4.5 3.4; 5.6
Mamelle (Rhône)
1989 Ritvo et al. USA Utah 769,620 3–27 241 DSM-III 34 3.73 2.47 2.1; 2.8
19914 Gillberg et al. Sweden South-West 78,106 4–13 74 DSM-III-R 18 2.7 9.5 7.3; 11.6
Gothenburg + (54/20)
Bohuslän County
1992 Fombonne & du France 4 régions 274,816 9& 154 Clinical-ICD-10 13.3 2.1 4.9 4.1; 5.7
Mazaubrun 14 départements 13 like (105/49)
1992 Wignyosumarto Indonesia Yogyakarita (SE of 5,120 4–7 6 CARS 0 2.0 11.7 2.3; 21.1
et al. Jakarta) (4/2)
1996 Honda et al. Japan Yokohama 8,537 5 18 ICD-10 50.0 2.6 21.08 11.4; 30.8
1997 Fombonne et al. France 3 départements 325,347 8–16 174 Clinical ICD- 12.1 1.81 5.35 4.6; 6.1
10-like (112/62)
1997 Webb et al. UK South Glamorgan, 73,301 3–15 53 DSM-III-R — 6.57 7.2 5.3; 9.3
Wales (46/7)
1997 Arvidsson et al. Sweden Mölnlycke 1,941 3–6 9 ICD-10 22.2 3.5 46.4 16.1; 76.6
(West coast) (7/2)
1998 Sponheim & Norway Akershus County 65,688 3–14 34 ICD-10 47.13 2.09 5.2 3.4; 6.9
Skjeldal (23/11)
1999 Taylor et al. UK North Thames 490,000 0–16 427 ICD-10 — — 8.7 7.9; 9.5

1999 Kadesjö et al. Sweden Karlstad 826 6.7– 6 DSM-III-R/ 50.0 5.0 72.6 14.7;
(Central) 7.7 ICD-10 (5/1) 130.6
2000 Baird et al. UK South-East Thames 16,235 7 50 ICD-10 60 15.7 30.8 22.9; 40.6
2000 Powell et al. UK West Midlands 25,377 1–5 62 Clinical/ — — 7.8 5.8; 10.5
2000 Kielinen et al. Finland North (Oulu et 27,572 5–7 57 DSM-IV 49.87 4.127 20.7 15.3; 26.0
Lapland) (156/50)
2001 Bertrand et al. USA Brick Township, 8,896 3–10 36 DSM-IV 36.7 2.2 40.5 28.0; 56.0
New Jersey (25/11)
2001 Fombonne et al. UK Angleterre et Pays 10,438 5–15 27 DSM-IV/ 55.5 8.0 26.1 16.2; 36.0
de Galles ICD-10 (24/3)
2001 Magnússon & Iceland Whole Island 43,153 5–14 57 Mostly ICD-10 15.8 4.2 13.2 9.8; 16.6
Saemundsen (46/11)
2001 Chakrabarti & UK (Midlands) Staffordshire 15,500 2.5– 26 ICD10/ 29.2 3.3 16.8 10.3; 23.2
Fombonne 6.5 DSM-IV (20/6)
2001 Davidovitch et al. Israel Haiffa 26,160 7–11 26 DSM-III-R/ — 4.2 10.0 6.6;14.4
DSM-IV (21/5)
2002 Croen et al. USA California DDS 4,950,333 5–12 5,038 CDER “Full 62.85 4.47 11.0 10.7;11.3
syndrome” (4116/921)
2002 Madsen et al. Denmark National Register 63,859 8 46 ICD-10 — — 7.2 5.0–10.0

Table 6–1. (Contd.)

Year of Authors Country Area Size of Target Age Number of Diagnostic % with Gender Prevalence 95% CI
Publication Population Subjects with Criteria Normal Ratio Rate/10,000
Autism IQ (M:F)
2004 Tebruegge et al. UK Kent 2,536 8–9 6 ICD-10 — 0.0 23.7 9.6; 49.1
2005 Chakrabarti & UK (Midlands) Staffordshire 10,903 4–7 24 ICD-10/DSM- 33.3 3.8 22.0 14.4; 32.2
Fombonne IV (19/5)
2005 Barbaresi et al. USA, Olmstead County 37,726 0–21 112 DSM-IV — — 29.7 24.0; 36.0
2005 Honda et al.6 Japan Yokohama 32,791 5 123 ICD-10 25.3 2.5 37.5 31.0; 45.0
2006 Fombonne et al. Canada Montreal Island 27,749 5–17 60 DSM-IV — 5.7 21.6 16.5; 27.8
(Quebec) (51/9)
2006 Gillberg et al. Sweden Göteborg 32,568 7–12 115 Gillberg’s — 3.6 35.3 29.2; 42.2
criteria (90/25)
2006 Baird et al. UK South Thames, 56,946 9–10 81 ICD-10 47 8.3 38.9 29.9; 47.8
London (≈ 72/9)
2007 Ellefsen et al. Denmark Faroe Islands 7,689 8–17 12 ICD-10 3.0 (9/3) 16.0 7.0; 25.0
Gillberg criteria
for AS
2007 Oliveira et al. Portugal Mainland and 67,795 6–9 115 DSM-IV 17 2.9 16.7 14.0; 20.0
2007 Latif & Williams UK Wales 39,220 0–17 50 Kanner — — 12.7 9.0;17.0
2008 Williams et al. UK South West (Avon) 14,062 11 30 ICD-10 86.7 5.0 21.6 13.9; 29.3
2009 van Balkom et al. Netherlands Aruba (Caribbean) 13,109 0–13 25 DSM-IV 36.0 7.3 (22/3) 19.1 12.3; 28.1

2010 Lazoff et al. Canada Montreal 23,635 5–17 60 DSM-IV — 5.0 (50/10) 25.4 19.0; 31.8

1This number corresponds to the sample described in Wing & Gould (1979).
2This rate corresponds to the first published paper on this survey and is based on 12 subjects among children aged 5 to 14 years.
3 In this study, mild mental retardation was combined with normal IQ, whereas moderate and severe mental retardation were grouped together.
4 For the Goteborg surveys by Gillberg et al. (Gillberg, 1984; Steffenburg & Gillberg, 1986; Gillberg et al., 1991) a detailed examination showed that there was overlap between the samples included in the 3 surveys; consequently only the last

survey has been included in this table.

5 This proportion is likely to be overestimated and to reflect an underreporting of mental retardation in the CDER evaluations.
6 This figure was calculated by the author and refers to prevalence data (not cumulative incidence) presented in the paper (the M:F ratio is based on a subsample).
7 These figures apply to the whole study sample of 206 subjects with an ASD.
Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 97

survey of high-functioning PDDs in Welsh mainstream Unspecified Autism Spectrum Disorders

primary schools has yielded a relatively high (uncorrected) in Earlier Surveys
prevalence estimate of 14.5/10,000, but no separate rate was
available for AS, specifically (Webb et al., 2003). In previous reviews, we documented that several studies
Other recent surveys have examined samples with respect performed in the 1960s and 1970s had provided useful infor-
to the presence of both autistic disorder and Asperger’s syn- mation on rates of syndromes similar to autism but not
drome. Thirteen studies (already listed in Table 6-1), pub- meeting of the strict diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder
lished since 1998, provided usable data (Table 6-2). The then in use (Fombonne, 2003a, 2003b; Fombonne, 2005). At
median population size was 16,200, and the median age 8.0 the time, different labels were used by authors to characterize
years. Numbers of children with AS varied from 6 to 427, these clinical pictures, such as the triad of impairments
with a median sample size of 32. There was a 160-fold varia- involving deficits in reciprocal social interaction, communi-
tion in estimated rates of AS (range: 0.3 to 48.4/10,000) that cation, and imagination (Wing & Gould 1979), autistic
demonstrates the lack of reliability of these estimates. The mental retardation (Hoshino et al., 1982), borderline child-
median value was 10.5/10,000. With the exception of one hood psychoses (Brask, 1970) or “autistic-like” syndromes
study (Latif & Williams, 2007), the number of children with (Burd et al., 1987). These syndromes would be falling within
autistic disorder was consistently higher than that of children our currently defined autistic spectrum, probably with diag-
with AS. The prevalence ratio (Table 6-2, right-hand column) nostic labels such as atypical autism and/or PDD NOS. In 8
exceeded 1, with a median value of 2.1, indicating that the of 12 surveys providing separate estimates of the prevalence
rate of AS was consistently lower than that for autism (Table of these developmental disorders, higher rates for the atypi-
6-2). The unusually high rate of AS relative to autistic disor- cal forms were actually found compared to those for more
der obtained in Latif and Williams’s study (2007) appeared to narrowly defined autistic disorder (see Fombonne, 2003a,
be inflated due to the inclusion of high-functioning autism in Table 3, p. 172). However, this group received little attention
the AS definition. The epidemiological data on AS are there- in previous epidemiological studies, and these subjects were
fore of dubious quality, reflecting the difficult nosological not defined as “cases” and therefore not included in the
issues that have surrounded the inclusion of AS in recent numerators of prevalence calculations, thereby underesti-
nosographies as well as the lack of proper measurement strat- mating systematically the prevalence of what would be
egies that ensure a reliable difference between AS and autistic defined today as the spectrum of autistic disorders. For exam-
disorder. ple, in the first survey by Lotter (1966), the prevalence would
rise from 4.1 to 7.8/10,000 if these atypical forms had been
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder included in the case definition. Similarly, in Wing et al.’s
study (1976), the prevalence was 4.9/10,000 for autistic dis-
Twelve surveys provided data on childhood disintegrative order, but, adding the figure of 16.3/10,000 (Wing & Gould,
disorder (CDD) (Table 6-3). In 5 of these, only 1 case was 1979) corresponding to the triad of impairments, the preva-
reported; no case of CDD was identified in 4 other studies. lence for the whole PDD spectrum was in fact 21.1/10,000.
Prevalence estimates ranged from 0 to 9.2/100,000, with a For the purpose of historical comparison, it is important to
median rate of 1.8/100,000. The pooled estimate, based on 11 be attentive to this earlier figure, bearing in mind that the
identified cases and a surveyed population of about 560,000 study was conducted in the early 1970s for the field work and
children, was 1.9/100,000. Gender was reported in 10 of the that autism occurring in subjects with an IQ within the
11 studies, and males appear to be overrepresented with a normal range was not yet being investigated. Progressive rec-
male/female ratio of 9:1. The upperbound limit of confidence ognition of the importance and relevance to autism of these
interval associated to the pooled prevalence estimate less typical clinical presentations has led to changes in the
(3.4/100,000) indicates that CDD is a quite rare condition, design of more recent epidemiological surveys (see below),
with about 1 case occurring for every 112 cases of autistic that are now using case definitions that incorporate upfront
disorder. these milder phenotypes.

Prevalence for Combined PDDs Newer Surveys of PDDs

A new objective of more recent epidemiological surveys was to The results of surveys that estimated the prevalence of the
estimate the prevalence of all disorders falling onto the autism whole spectrum of PDDs are summarized in Table 6-4. Of the
spectrum, thereby prompting important changes in the con- 27 studies listed, 14 also provided separate estimates for autis-
ceptualization and design of surveys. However, before review- tic disorder and other PDD subtypes; the other 13 studies pro-
ing the findings of these studies mostly conducted since 2000, vided only an estimate for the combined PDD rate. All these
we examine to which extent findings of the first generation of surveys were published since 2000, and the majority since
epidemiological surveys of a narrow definition of autism also 2006; the studies were performed in 8 countries (including 10
informed our understanding of the modern concept of autism in the UK and 8 in the United States). Sample sizes ranged
spectrum disorders. from 2,536 to 4,247,206 (median: 32,568; mean: 243,156).
Table 6–2.
Asperger’s syndrome (AS) in recent autism surveys

Assessment Autism Asperger Syndrome

Size of Age Informants Instruments Diagnostic Criteria N Rate/ N Rate/ Autism/

Population Group 10,000 10,000 AS Ratio
Sponheim & Skjeldal, 65,688 3–14 Parent Parental Interview + direct ICD-10 32 4.9 2 0.3 16.0
1998 Child observation, CARS, ABC
Taylor et al., 1999 490,000 0–16 Record Rating of all data available in ICD-10 427 8.7 71 1.4 6.0
child record
Kadesjö et al., 1999 826 6.7–7.7 Child ADI-R, Griffiths Scale or WISC, DSM-III-R/ICD-10 6 72.6 4 48.4 1.5
Parent Asperger Syndrome Screening Gillberg’s criteria
Professional Questionnaire (Asperger syndrome)
Powell et al., 2000 25,377 1–4.9 Records ADI-R DSM-III-R 54 — 16 — 3.4
Available data DSM-IV
Baird et al., 2000 16,235 7 Parents ADI-R ICD-10 45 27.7 5 3.1 9.0
Child Psychometry DSM-IV
Other data
Chakrabarti & 15,500 2.5–6.5 Child ADI-R, 2 wks multidisciplinary ICD-10 26 16.8 13 8.4 2.0
Fombonne, 2001 Parent assessment, Merrill-Palmer, DSM-IV
Professional WPPSI
Chakrabarti & 10,903 2.5–6.5 Child ADI-R, 2 wks multidisciplinary ICD-10 24 22.0 12 11.0 2.0
Fombonne, 2005 Parent assessment, Merrill-Palmer, DSM-IV
Professional WPPSI
Fombonne et al., 2006 27,749 5–17 School registry Clinical DSM-IV 60 21.6 28 10.1 2.1
Ellefsen et al., 2007 7,689 8–17 Parent DISCO, WISC-R, ICD-10 21 28.0 20 26.0 1.1
Child ASSQ Gillberg AS criteria
Latif & Williams, 2007 39,220 0–17 ? Clinical Kanner, 50 12.7 139 35.4 0.36
Gillberg AS criteria
William et al., 2008 14,062 11 Medical records and Clinical ICD-10 30 21.6 23 16.6 1.3
educational registry
van Balkom et al., 2009 13,109 0–13 Clinic series Review of medical records DSM-IV 25 19.1 2 1.5 12.5
Lazoff et al., 2010 23,635 5–17 School registry Review of educational records DSM-IV 60 25.4 23 9.7 2.6
Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 99

Table 6–3.
Surveys of childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)

Size of Prevalence
Country 95% CI
Study Target Age Group Assessment N M/F Estimate
(Region/State) (/100,000)
Population (/100,000)

Burd et al., 1987 USA 180,986 2–18 Structured parental 2 2/– 1.11 0.13–3.4
(North Dakota) interview and review of
all data available–DSM-
III criteria
Sponheim & Norway 65,688 3–14 Parental interview and 1 ? 1.52 0.04–8.5
Skjeldal, 1998 (Akershus County) direct observation
Magnusson et Iceland 85,556 5–14 ADI-R, CARS and 2 2/– 2.34 0.3–8.4
Saemundsen, (whole island) psychological tests–
2001 mostly ICD-10
Chakrabarti & UK 15,500 2.5–6.5 ADI-R, two weeks 1 1/– 6.45 0.16–
Fombonne, 2001 (Staffordshire, multidisciplinary 35.9
Midlands) assessment, Merrill-
Palmer, WPPSI–ICD-
Chakrabarti & UK 10,903 2.5–6.5 ADI-R, two weeks 1 1/– 9.17 0–58.6
Fombonne, 2005 (Staffordshire, multidisciplinary
Midlands) assessment, Merrill-
Palmer, WPPSI–ICD-
Fombonne et al., Montreal, Canada 27,749 5–17 DSM-IV, special needs 1 1/– 3.60 0–20.0
2006 school survey
Gillberg et al., Sweden, Götenborg 102,485 7–24 DSM-IV, review of 2 1/1 2.0 0.2–7.1
2006 medical records of local
diagnostic center
Ellefsen et al., Faroe Islands, 7,689 8–17 DISCO, Vineland, 0 — 0 —
2007 Denmark WISC-R, ICD-10/
Kawamura et al., Japan, Toyota 12,589 5–8 DSM-IV, population 0 — 0 —
2008 based screening at 18
and 36 mths
Williams et al., UK, Avon 14,062 11 ICD-10, educational 0 — 0 —
2008 and medical record
van Balkom et al., Netherlands, 13,109 0–13 Clinic medical record 0 — 0 —
2009 Aruba review
Lazoff et al., 2010 Canada, 23,635 5–17 DSM-IV, special needs 1 1/0 4.23 0.0–24.0
Montreal school survey
Pooled Estimates 559,951 11 9/1 1.96 1.1–3.4

The median age of samples ranged from 5.0 to 12.5, with 8.0 57.1%; mean: 56.1%), a proportion that is higher than that for
years being both the modal and median age. The diagnostic autistic disorder and reflects the lesser degree of association,
criteria used in the 25 studies where they were specified reflect or lack thereof, between intellectual impairment and milder
reliance on modern diagnostic schemes by all authors (10 forms of PDDs. Overrepresentation of males was the rule,
studies used ICD-10, 17 the DSM-IV or DSM-IV-TR, both with male/female ratio ranging from 2.7:1 to 15.7:1 (mean:
schemes being used simultaneously in 2 studies). In 14 studies 5.5; median: 4.9). There was a 6-fold variation in prevalence
where IQ data were reported, the proportion of subjects within proportions that ranged from a low 30.0/10,000 to a high of
the normal IQ range varied from 30% to 85.3% (median: 181.1/10,000. However, some degree of consistency is found
Table 6–4.
Newer epidemiological surveys of pervasive developmental disorders

% With Gender Ratio Prevalence/

References Country Area Size Age N Diagnostic Criteria Normal IQ (M:F) 10,000 95% CI

Baird et al., 2000 UK South East 16,235 7 94 ICD-10 60% 15.7 57.9 46.8–70.9
Thames (83 : 11)
Bertrand et al., 2001 USA New Jersey 8,896 3–10 60 DSM-IV 51% 2.7 67.4 51.5–86.7
(44 : 16) *
Chakrabarti & UK Stafford 15,500 4–7 96 ICD-10 74.2% 3.8 61.9 50.2–75.6
Fombonne, 2001 (77 : 20)
Madsen et al., 2002 Denmark National — 8 738 ICD-10 — — 30.0 —
Scott et al., 2002 UK Cambridge 33,598 5–11 196 ICD-10 — 4.0 58.3 * 50
(—) 67 *
Yeargin-Allsopp et al., USA Atlanta 289,456 3-10 987 DSM-IV 31.8% 4.0 34.0 32–36
2003 (787 : 197)
Gurney et al., 2003 USA Minnesota — 8–10 — — — — 52.0** —
66.0 —
Icasiano et al., 2004 Australia Barwon ≈ 54,000 2–17 177 DSM-IV 53.4% 8.3 39.2 —
(158 : 19)
Tebruegge et al., 2004 UK Kent 2,536 8–9 21 ICD-10 — 6.0 82.8 51.3–
(18:3) 126.3
Chakrabarti & UK Stafford 10,903 4–6 64 ICD-10 70.2% 6.1 58.7 45.2–74.9
Fombonne, 2005 (55 : 9)
Baird et al., 2006 UK South Thames 56,946 9–10 158 ICD-10 45% 3.3 116.1 90.4–
(121 : 37) 141.8
Fombonne et al., 2006 Canada Montreal 27,749 5–17 180 DSM-IV — 4.8 64.9 55.8–75.0
(149 : 31)
Harrison et al., 2006 UK Scotland 134,661 0–15 443‡ ICD-10, DSMIV — 7.0 44.2‡ 39.5–48.9
(369 : 53)
Gillberg et al., 2006 Sweden Göteborg 32,568 7 12 262 DSM-IV — 3.6 80.4 71.3–90.3
CDC, 2007a USA 6 states 187,761 8 1,252 DSM-IV-TR 38% to 60%§ 2.8 to 5.5 67.0 —§
CDC, 2007b USA 14 states 407,578 8 2,685 DSM-IV-TR 55.4%† 3.4 to 6.5 66.0 63–68
Ellefsen et al., 2007 Denmark Faroe Islands 7,689 8–17 41 DSM-IV, 68.3% 5.8 53.3 36–70
Gillberg’s criteria (35 : 6)
Latif & Williams, 2007 UK South Wales 39,220 0–17 240 ICD-10, DSM-IV, — 6.8 61.2 54–69*
Kanner’s & —
Gillberg’s criteria
Wong et al., 2008 China Hong Kong 4,247,206 0–14 682 DSM-IV 30% 6.6 16.1 (1986– —
(592 : 90) 2005) —
30.0 (2005)
Nicholas et al., 2008 USA South 47,726 8 295 DSM-IV-TR 39.6% 3.1 62.0 56–70
Carolina†† (224 : 71)
Kawamura et al., 2008 Japan Toyota 12,589 5–8 228 DSM-IV 66.4% 2.8 181.1 158.5–
(168 : 60) 205.9 *
Williams et al., 2008 UK Avon 14,062 11 86 ICD-10 85.3% 6.8 61.9 48.8–
(75:11) 74.9
Baron–Cohen et al., 2009 UK Cambridgeshire 8,824 5–9 83 ICD-10 — — 94‡‡ 75 - 116
Kogan et al., 2009 USA nationwide 77,911 3–17 913 — — 4.5 (746:167) 110 94 - 128
Van Balkom et al., 2009 Netherlands Aruba 13,109 0–13 69 DSM-IV 58.8% 6.7 (60:9) 52.6 41.0-66.6
CDC, 2009 USA 11 states 307,790 8 2,757 DSM-IV 59% 4.5 (–) 89.6 86 - 93
Lazoff et al., 2010 Canada Montreal 23,635 5–17 187 DSM-IV — 5.4 79.1 67.8–90.4

* calculated by the author.

§ specific values for % with normal IQ and confidence intervals are available for each state prevalence.
† average across 7 states.
‡ estimated using a capture-recapture analysis, the number of cases used to calculate prevalence was estimated to be 596.
** these are the highest prevalences reported in this study of time trends. The prevalence in 10-year-olds is for the 1991 birth cohort, and that for 8-year-olds for the 1993 birth cohort. Both prevalences were calculated in the 2001–2002

school year.
†† children aged 8, born either in 2000 and 2002, and included in the two CDC multisite reports.
‡‡ rate based on Special Education Needs register. A figure of 99/10,000 is provided from a parental and diagnostic survey. Other estimates in this study vary from 47 to 165/10,000 deriving from various assumptions made by the authors.
102 Autism Spectrum Disorders

in the center of this distribution, with a median rate of Regressive Autism in Population Surveys
62.0/10,000 and a mean rate of 69.2/10,000 (interquartile
range: 53.3–80.4/10,000). This mean rate coincides with the The studies of regression or loss of skills in the developmental
rate reported recently for PDDs in 14 sites (CDC, 2007b); the course of PDDs has gained much attention in recent years.
CDC value represents, however, an average, and that study As there is evidence that regression is associated with younger
conducted at 14 different sites utilizing the same methodology age at identification (Shattuck et al., 2009), and with slight
found a 3-fold variation of rate by state. Alabama had the increase in severity of autistic symptoms and cognitive deficits
lowest rate of 3.3/1,000 whereas New Jersey had the highest (Meilleur & Fombonne, 2009; Fombonne & Chakrabarti, 2001;
value with 10.6/1,000 (CDC, 2007b). As expected, a new CDC Parr et al., submitted), we examined how often regression was
report on 307,000 U.S. children aged 8 and born 4 years later reported and how it was measured in population based studies,
than children from the previous survey reported an average and, when available, the age at regression and the outcome
prevalence of 89.6/10,000 (CDC, 2009). Again, substantial (Table 6-5). Ten studies reported the frequency of regression in
variation across states was reported as prevalence ranged from the survey sample. Interestingly, Lotter (1966) documented in
4.2/1,000 in Florida to 12.1/1,000 in Arizona and Missouri. the first epidemiological survey of autism that a “set-back” had
One factor associated with the prevalence increase in the CDC occurred in almost one third of the children. There has been no
monitoring survey was improved quality and quantity of standardized way to evaluate regression, and the methods have
information available through records, indicative of greater relied on record abstraction or parents’ retrospective recall.
awareness about ASD among community professionals. As Regression has often focused on the loss of language skills, with
surveillance efforts continue, it is likely that awareness and or without the loss of other (social, play) skills. Regression
services will develop in states that were lagging behind, result- ranged from 12.5% (Sugiyama & Abe, 1989) to 38.6% (Baird
ing in a predictable increase in the average rate for the United et al., 2008), with a median rate of 23%. In the majority of
States as time elapses. These CDC findings apply to other studies, the age at regression is the 6 months preceding the 2nd
countries as well, and prevalence estimates from any study birthday or close to age 2, which differentiates this pattern of
should always be regarded in the context of the imperfect sen- loss from that seen in CDD. Symptoms of CDD are typically
sitivity of case ascertainment that results in downward biases observed at the end of the 3rd year of life and are characterized
in prevalence proportions in most surveys. by marked developmental and behavioral changes and deterio-
As an illustration, the 4 surveys in Table 6-4 with the ration that result in profound, lasting, autistic and cognitive
lowest rates probably underestimated the true population impairments. Two studies provided separate figures for a strict
rates. In the Danish investigation (Madsen et al., 2002), case definition of autism compared to atypical or milder forms. In
finding depended on notification to a National Registry, a one study (Taylor et al., 2002), regression occurs at comparable
method which is usually associated with lower sensitivity for frequency in typical and atypical autism, whereas in the other
case finding. The Hong Kong (Wong et al., 2008) and (Baird et al., 2008) there is a marked difference between the
Australian (Icasiano et al., 2004) surveys have relied on less 38.6% figure of regression (including both definite and lower
systematic ascertainment techniques. The Atlanta survey by level) in autism as opposed to a much lower corresponding
the CDC (Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2003) was based on a very figure of 10.6% in the broadly defined ASD group. Finally, in 3
large population and included younger age groups than sub- studies where some kind of outcome data were reported, all
sequent CDC surveys, and age specific rates were in fact in studies pointed at higher symptom severity in the regressive
the 40–45/10,000 range in some birth cohorts (Fombonne, group. Overall, these results do not differ from studies of
2003a, 2003b). Case finding techniques employed in the regression based on clinical samples and they confirm that a
other surveys were more proactive, relying on multiple and loss of skills in the development of PDD children is common,
repeated screening phases, involving both different inform- affecting about 1 in 4 children with ASD.
ants at each phase and surveying the same cohorts at differ- In conclusion, conducted in different regions and countries
ent ages, which certainly enhanced the sensitivity of case by different teams, the convergence of estimates around 70
identification (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2005; Baird et al., per 10,000 for all PDDs combined is striking especially when
2006). Assessments were often performed with standardized derived from studies with improved methodology. This esti-
diagnostic measures (i.e., ADI-R and ADOS) which match mate is now the best estimate for the prevalence of PDDs cur-
well the more dimensional approach retained for case rently available. However, this represents an average and
definition. conservative figure, and it is important to recognize the sub-
Overall, results of recent surveys agree that an average stantial variability that exists between studies, and within
figure of 70/10,000 can be used as the current estimate for the studies, across sites or areas. The prevalence figure of 70/10,000
spectrum of PDDs. (equivalent to 7/1,000 or 0.7%) translates into 1 child out of
143 suffering from a PDD. It should be noted, however, that
some studies have reported rates that are even two to three
Regression: a loss of skills including language (the child stops times higher (Baird et al., 2006; Kawamura et al., 2008), and
using 5 to 30 words that he had gained) often associated with that the most recent and reliable estimates point at a 0.9% to
contemporaneous changes in social and play skills. 1% prevalence.
Table 6–5.
“Regressive” autism in population-based studies
Proportion of Study
Measurement of
Authors Sample with Age at Regression Skills Lost Diagnosis Outcome
Lotter, 1966 “set-back” in 31.2% 18–27 months (N = 3) Loss of some ability (i.e., speech) or Kanner’s autism All but 2 of the children with a
development 27–36 months (N = 4) failure to progress after a set-back (80%) had a low (< 55)
3 to 4.5 years (N = 3)2 satisfactory beginning IQ, compared to 63.4% in the
group without set-back
Sugiyama & Abe, Developmental 12.5% 2 years Loss of a few words or of one-word DSM-III autism
1989 checkups from 18 sentences
months to age 3
Bertrand et al., 2001 Question to parents 24% 12–18 months Single words and social smiling All had autistic
during clinical disorder
Fombonne & ADI-R items on 15.6% 19.8 months Any language, social, play, or motor — Trend (p = .08) for children
Chakrabarti, 2001 regression before age 5 skill with regression to have lower IQ
scores (IQ < 70) than
nonregressive children (21.5%)
Taylor et al., 2002 Abstraction of medical 25% — Deterioration in any aspect of a Typical autism (23%);
records child’s development or reported atypical autism (27%)
loss of skills
Icasiano et al., 2004 Parental interview 27.1%3 Previously acquired language skills Autism spectrum
5.6%3 Previously acquired motor skills disorders
CDC, 2007a Abstraction of all 19.0%4 24 months (median Loss of previously acquired skills in Autism spectrum
records by an ASD age across 6 sites) social, communication, play, or disorders
clinician reviewer motor areas
CDC, 2007b Abstraction of all 19.7% 5 24 months (median Loss of previously acquired skills in Autism spectrum
records by an ASD age across 14 sites) social, communication, play, or disorders
clinician reviewer motor areas
Baird et al., 2008 ADI-R items (11–15, 30.2% (8%)7 25 months Definite language regression6 Narrow autism (broad Increase in severity of autistic
and 20) on regression 8.4% (2.6%)7 25 months Lower level regression6 ASD) symptoms in both regression
CDC, 2009 Abstraction of all 21.9%8 19 months (median Loss of previously acquired skills in Autism spectrum
records by an ASD age across 11 sites) social, communication, play, or disorders
clinician reviewer motor areas
1 “Did your child experience any loss of previously acquired skills?”
2 In the 3 children with an onset after age 3, the setback was “severe and fairly rapid” (Lotter, 1966, p. 130) (these cases would probably meet criteria for CDD).
3 Potential overlap between these 2 groups was not reported.
4 Weighted average computed by the authors (238 out of 1252; range: 12.5%–26.9%).
5 Weighted average computed by the authors (530 out of 2685; range: 13.8%–31.6%).
6 Definite regression: at least 5 words used before regression, and strict language regression with or without regression of other skills; Lower level regression: loss of fewer words than five words, or of babble, or regression of other skills than

language. The rates for definite and lower level regression can be summed up to derive a frequency of “any” regression.
7 The first rate is for narrow autism, the figure within brackets is for broad ASD.
8 Weighted average computed by the authors (603 out of 2757; range: 13.3%–29.6%).
104 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á CDDS, 2003). First, these reports applied to numbers rather

Time Trends in Prevalence than rates, and failure to relate these numbers to meaningful
and Their Interpretation denominators left the interpretation of an upward trend vul-
nerable to changes in the composition of the underlying pop-
The debate on the hypothesis of a secular increase in rates of ulation. For example, the population of California was
autism has been obscured by a lack of clarity in the measures 19,971,000 in 1970 and rose to 35,116,000 as of July 1, 2002,
of disease occurrence used by investigators, or rather in the a change of +75.8%. Second, the focus on the year-to-year
interpretation of their meaning. In particular, it is crucial to changes in absolute numbers of subjects known to California
differentiate prevalence from incidence. Prevalence is useful state-funded services detracts from more meaningful com-
to estimate needs and plan services; however, only incidence parisons. For example, as of December 2007, the total number
rates can be used for causal research. Both prevalence and of subjects with a PDD diagnosis was 31,332 in the 3–21 age
incidence estimates will increase when case definition is broad- group (including all CDER autism codes) (California
ened and case ascertainment is improved. Time trends in rates Department of Developmental Services, December 2007). The
can therefore only be gauged in investigations that hold these population of 3–21 year olds of California was 9,976,768 on
parameters under strict control over time. These methodo- July 1, 2007 (Census Bureau for the US, 2009). If one applies
logical requirements must be borne in mind while reviewing the 2007 average U.S. rate of 67/10,000 deriving from the CDC
the evidence for a secular increase in rates of PDDs, or testing (2007b), one would expect to have 66,844 subjects with a
for the “epidemic” hypothesis. The “epidemic” hypothesis PDD, within this age group, living in California. The expected
emerged in the 1990s when, in most countries, increasing number is twice as high as the number of subjects recorded in
numbers were diagnosed with PDDs leading to an upward the public service at the same time. The discrepancy would
trend in children registered in service providers databases that be more pronounced if the latest CDC figures of 9/1,000
was paralleled by higher prevalence rates in epidemiological (Table 6-4; CDC, 2009) were used to estimate the expected
surveys. These trends were interpreted by some observers as number of Californian residents with a PDD. Certainly, these
evidence that the actual population incidence of PDDs was calculations do not support the “epidemic” interpretation of
going up (what the term “epidemic” means); however, alter- the California DDS data, and confirm the selective nature of
native explanations to explain the rise in numbers of children the referred sample. Unfortunately, these data have been mis-
diagnosed with PDDs had to be ruled out first before attaining used in many ways to infer population trends and causes for
this conclusion. autism in California, for which they are simply not suited. The
upward trends in the DDS database simply suggest that chil-
dren identified in the California DDS database were only a
Prevalence: the proportion of individuals in a population
subset of the population prevalence pool and that the increas-
who suffer from a defined disorder at any point in time.
ing numbers reflect merely an increasing proportion of chil-
dren receiving services. Third, with one exception (see below),
Incidence: the number of new cases occurring in a popula- no attempt was made to adjust the trends for changes in diag-
tion over a period of time. nostic concepts and definitions. However, major nosographi-
cal modifications were introduced during the corresponding
Several approaches to assessing this question have been years with a general tendency in most classifications to broaden
used in the literature and these fall into 5 broad categories. the concept of autism (as embodied in the terms “autism spec-
trum” or “pervasive developmental disorder”). Fourth, age
1. Use of Inappropriate Referral Statistics characteristics of the subjects recorded in official statistics
were portrayed in a misleading manner where the preponder-
Increasing numbers of children referred to specialist services ance of young subjects was presented as evidence of increasing
or known to special education registers have been taken as rates in successive birth cohorts (Fombonne, 2001). The prob-
evidence for an increased incidence of autism-spectrum disor- lems associated with disentangling age from period and cohort
ders. Upward trends in national registries, medical, and edu- effects in such observational data are well known in the epide-
cational databases have been seen in many different countries miological literature and deserve better statistical handling.
(Taylor et al., 1999; Madsen et al., 2002; Shattuck, 2006; Fifth, the decreasing age at diagnosis leads in itself to increas-
Gurney et al., 2003), all occurring in the late 1980s and early ing numbers of young children being identified in official sta-
1990s. However, trends over time in referred samples are con- tistics (Wazana et al., 2007) or referred to specialist medical
founded by many factors such as referral patterns, availability and educational services. Earlier identification of children
of services, heightened public awareness, decreasing age at from the prevalence pool may therefore result in increased
diagnosis, and changes over time in diagnostic concepts service activity that may lead to a misperception by profes-
and practices, to name only a few. Failure to control for these sionals of an “epidemic”; however, an increase in referrals
confounding factors was obvious in some recent reports does not necessarily mean increased incidence. A more refined
(Fombonne, 2001), such as the widely quoted reports from analysis of the effect of a younger age at diagnosis using cumu-
California Developmental Database Services (CDDS, 1999; lative incidence data by age 5 years showed that 12% of the
Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 105

increase in incidence from the 1990 to the 1996 birth cohort (OR = 0.97). He further demonstrated that the growing
could be explained by this factor, and up to 24% with an prevalence of autism was directly associated with decreasing
extrapolation to the 2002 cohort (Hertz-Picciotto & Delwiche, prevalence of LD and MR within states, and that a significant
2009). Although younger age at diagnosis can explain only a downward deflection in the historical trajectories of LD and
small proportion of the increase in diagnoses in this analysis, MR occurred when autism became reported in the United
it does play a role in several published reports though its effect States as an independent category in 1993–94. Finally, this
would attenuate as the cohort becomes older. Hertz-Picciotto author showed that, from 1994 to 2003, the mean increase for
and Delwiche’s analysis (2009) of the California DDS data is the combined category of Autism + Other Health Impairments
also limited by their reliance on the DDS database that reflected +Trauma Brain Injury + Developmental Delay was 12/1000,
changes in regional referral patterns, especially during that whereas the mean decrease for MR and LD was 11/1000 during
period. the same period. One exception to that was California, for
Another study of this dataset was subsequently launched to which previous authors had debated the presence of diagnostic
demonstrate the validity of the “epidemic” hypothesis (MIND, substitution between MR and autism (Croen et al., 2002; Eagle,
2002). The authors relied on DDS data and aimed at ruling 2004). The previous investigations have largely relied on eco-
out changes in diagnostic practices and immigration into logical, aggregated data that have known limitations. Using
California as factors explaining the increased numbers. While individual level data, a new study has reexamined the hypoth-
immigration was reasonably ruled out, the study comparing esis of diagnostic substitution in the California DDS dataset
diagnoses of autism and mental retardation over time was (King & Bearman, 2009) and has shown that 24% of the
impossible to interpret in light of the extremely low (< 20%) increase in caseload was attributable to such diagnostic substi-
response rates. Furthermore, a study only based on cases tution (from the mental retardation to the autism category). It
registered for services cannot rule out that the proportion of is important to keep in mind that other types of diagnostic
cases within the general population who registered with serv- substitution are likely to have occurred as well for milder forms
ices has changed over time. For example, assuming a constant of the PDD phenotype, from various psychiatric disorders
incidence and prevalence at 2 different time points (i.e., (including childhood schizoid “personality” disorders; Wolff
hypothesizing no epidemic), the number of cases known to a & Barlow, 1979) that have not been studied yet (Fombonne,
public agency delivering services could well increase by 200% 2009). For example, children currently diagnosed with
if the proportion of cases from the community referred to Asperger’s disorder were previously diagnosed with other psy-
services rises from 25% to 75% in the same interval. In order chiatric diagnoses (i.e., obsessive-compulsive disorder, school
to eliminate this plausible (see above) explanation, data over “phobia,” social anxiety, etc.) in clinical settings before the
time are needed both on referred subjects and on nonreferred developmental nature of their condition was fully recognized.
(or referred to other services) subjects. Failure to address this
phenomenon precludes any inference to be drawn from a Diagnostic substitution occurs when an individual present-
study of the California DDS database population to the ing with a diagnosis at one point in time receives another
California population (Fombonne, 2003a). The conclusions diagnosis later and is “re-classified”.
of this report were therefore simply unfounded.
Evidence of diagnostic substitution within the class of
2. The Role of Diagnostic Substitution developmental disorders has also been provided in UK stud-
ies. Using the General Practitioner Research Database, Jick
One possible explanation for increased numbers of a diagnostic and Kaye (2003) have shown that the incidence of specific
category is that children presenting with the same develop- developmental disorders (including language disorders)
mental disability may receive one particular diagnosis at one decreased by about the same amount that the incidence of
time, and another diagnosis later. Such diagnostic substitution diagnoses of autism increased in boys born from 1990 to 1997.
(or switching) may occur when diagnostic categories become A more recent UK study (Bishop et al., 2008) has shown that
increasingly familiar to health professionals and/or when up to 66% of adults previously diagnosed as children with
access to better services is ensured by using a new diagnostic developmental language disorders would meet diagnostic cri-
category. The strongest evidence of “diagnostic switching” teria for a broad definition of PDD. This change was observed
contributing to the prevalence increase was produced in all for children initially diagnosed with specific language impair-
U.S. states in a complex analysis of Department of Education ments, but even more so for those with a pragmatic language
Data in 50 U.S. states (Shattuck, 2006), indicating that a rela- impairment.
tively high proportion of children previously diagnosed as
having mental retardation were subsequently identified as 3. Comparison of Cross-Sectional
having a PDD diagnosis. Shattuck showed that the odds of Epidemiological Surveys
being classified in autism category increased by 1.21 during
1994–2003. In the meantime, the odds decreased significantly As shown earlier, epidemiological surveys of autism each pos-
of being classified in the learning disability (LD) (odds ratio: sess unique design features that could account almost entirely
OR = 0.98) and the mental retardation (MR) categories for between-studies variation in rates; therefore, time trends
106 Autism Spectrum Disorders

in rates of autism are difficult to gauge from published 4. Repeat Surveys in Defined
prevalence rates. The significant correlation previously men- Geographical Areas
tioned between prevalence rate and year of publication for
autistic disorder could merely reflect increased efficiency over Repeated surveys, using the same methodology and conducted
time in case identification methods used in surveys as well as in the same geographical area at different points in time, can
changes in diagnostic concepts and practices (Kielinen et al., potentially yield useful information on time trends provided
2000; Webb et al., 1997; Magnusson et al., 2001; Shattuck, that methods are kept relatively constant. The Göteborg stud-
2006; Bishop et al., 2008). In studies using capture-recapture ies (Gillberg et al., 1991; Gillberg, 1984) provided three preva-
methods, it is apparent that up to a third of prevalent cases lence estimates that increased over a short period of time from
may be missed by an ascertainment source, even in recently 4.0 (1980) to 6.6 (1984) and 9.5/10,000 (1988), the gradient
conducted studies (Harrison et al., 2006). Evidence that being even steeper if rates for the urban area alone are consid-
method factors could account for most of the variability in ered (4.0, 7.5, and 11.6/10,000, respectively) (Gillberg et al.,
published prevalence estimates comes from a direct compari- 1991). However, comparison of these rates is not straightfor-
son of 8 recent surveys conducted in the UK and the United ward, as different age groups were included in each survey.
States (Fombonne, 2005). In each country, 4 surveys were Secondly, the increased prevalence in the second survey was
conducted around the same year and with similar age groups. explained by improved detection among the mentally retarded,
As there is no reason to expect huge between-area differences and that of the third survey by cases born to immigrant
in rates, prevalence estimates should therefore be comparable parents. That the majority of the latter group was born
within each country. However, there was a 6-fold variation in abroad suggests that migration into the area could be a key
rates for UK surveys, and a 14-fold variation in U.S. rates. In explanation. Taken in conjunction with a change in local
each set of studies, high rates derived from surveys where services and a progressive broadening of the definition of
intensive population-based screening techniques were autism over time that was acknowledged by the authors
employed whereas lower rates were obtained from studies (Gillberg et al., 1991), these findings do not provide evidence
relying on passive administrative methods for case finding. for an increased incidence in the rate of autism. Similarly,
Since no passage of time was involved, the magnitude of these studies conducted in Japan at different points in time in Toyota
gradients in rates can only be attributed to differences in case (Kawamura et al., 2008) and Yokohama (Honda et al., 1996
identification methods across surveys. Even more convincing and 2005) showed rises in prevalence rates that their authors
evidence comes from the large survey by the CDC on 408,000 interpreted as reflecting the effect of both improved pop-
U.S. children aged 8 and born in 1994 (CDC, 2007b) where an ulation screening of preschoolers and of a broadening of
average prevalence of 66/10,000 was reported for 14 U.S. diagnostic concepts and criteria.
states. One striking finding of this report is that there was Two separate surveys of children born 1992–1995 and
more than a 3-fold variation in state specific rates that ranged 1996–1998 in Staffordshire in the UK (Chakrabarti &
from a low 33/10,000 for Alabama to a high of 106/10,000 in Fombonne, 2001, 2005) were performed with rigorously iden-
New Jersey. It would be surprising if there were truly this tical methods for case definition and case identification. The
much variance in the number of children with autism in dif- prevalence for combined PDDs was comparable and not sta-
ferent states in the United States. These substantial differences tistically different in the 2 surveys (Chakrabarti & Fombonne,
most certainly reflected ascertainment variability across sites 2005), suggesting no upward trend in overall rates of PDDs, at
in a study that was otherwise performed with the same meth- least during the short time interval between studies. In two
ods and at the same time. In the more recent CDC 11 states recent CDC surveys (2007a, 2007b), the prevalence at six sites
study (CDC, 2009), the same variability is reported again. included in the 2000 and 2002 surveys remained constant at 4
Prevalence was significantly lower (7.5/1,000) in states that sites, and increased in 2 states (Georgia and West Virginia),
had access to health sources only compared to that (10.2/1,000) most likely due to improved quality of survey methods at these
of states where educational data was also available. The authors sites. In the 2009 CDC report, an average increase of 57% in
also reported that the quality and quantity of information prevalence was reported in 10 sites with 2002 and 2006 data,
available in abtracted records (the main method for case ascer- with a smaller increase in Colorado. Increases of different
tainment) had increased between the 2002 and 2006. Together magnitude and directions were reported in all subgroups,
with a reported average decrease of 5 months for the age at making it difficult to detect a particular explanation. The CDC
diagnosis and a larger increase in the non–mentally retarded researchers identified a number of factors associated with the
population, these factors suggest that improved sensitivity in change in prevalence but could not conclude on the hypothesis
case ascertainment in the CDC monitoring network has con- of a real change in the risk of ASD in the population.
tributed substantially to the increase in prevalence. Thus, no
inference on trends in the incidence of PDDs can be derived 5. Successive Birth Cohorts
from a simple comparison of prevalence rates over time, since
studies conducted at different periods are likely to differ even In large surveys encompassing a wide age range, increasing
more with respect to their methodologies. prevalence rates among most recent birth cohorts could be
Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 107

interpreted as indicating a secular increase in the incidence of are inadequate to properly test hypotheses on changes in the
the disorder, provided that alternative explanations can confi- incidence of autism in human populations. Moreover, due to
dently be eliminated. This analysis was used in two large the relatively low frequency of autism and PDDs, power is
French surveys (Fombonne & du Mazaubrun, 1992; Fombonne seriously limited in most investigations, and variations of
et al., 1997). The surveys included birth cohorts from 1972 to small magnitude in the incidence of the disorder are very likely
1985 (735,000 children, 389 of whom had autism), and, pool- to go undetected. Equally, the possibility that a true increase in
ing the data of both surveys, age-specific rates showed no the incidence of PDDs has also partially contributed to the
upward trend (Fombonne et al., 1997). upward trend in prevalence rates cannot, and should not, be
An analysis of special educational disability from Minnesota eliminated based on available data.
showed a 16-fold increase in the number of children identified
with a PDD from 1991–1992 to 2001–2002 (Gurney et al.,
2003). The increase was not specific to autism since, during Á
the same period, an increase of 50% was observed for all dis- Conclusion
ability categories (except severe mental handicap), especially
for the category including ADHD. The large sample size Epidemiological surveys of autism and PDDs have now been
allowed the authors to assess age, period, and cohort effects. conducted in many countries. Methodological differences in
Prevalence increased regularly in successive birth cohorts; for case definition and case finding procedures make between
example, among 7-year-olds, the prevalence rose from survey comparisons difficult to perform. However, from
18/10,000 in those born in 1989, to 29/10,000 in those born in recent studies, a best estimate of 70/10,000 (equivalences =
1991 and to 55/10,000 in those born in 1993, suggestive of 7/1,000; or 0.7%; or 1 child in about 143 children) can be
birth cohort effects. Within the same birth cohorts, age effects confidently derived for the prevalence of autism spectrum
were also apparent since for children born in 1989 the disorders. Current evidence does not strongly support the
prevalence rose with age from 13/10,000 at age 6, to 21/10,000 hypothesis of a secular increase in the incidence of autism, but
at age 9, and 33/10,000 at age 11. As argued by the authors, this power to detect time trends is seriously limited in existing
pattern is not consistent with what one would expect from a datasets. While it is clear that prevalence estimates have
chronic nonfatal condition diagnosed in the first years of life. increased over time, this increase most likely represents
Their analysis also showed a marked period effect that identi- changes in the concepts, definitions, service availability, and
fied the early 1990s as the period where rates started to increase awareness of autistic-spectrum disorders in both the lay and
in all ages and birth cohorts. Gurney et al. (2003) further professional public. To assess whether or not the incidence
argued that this phenomenon coincided closely with the inclu- has increased, methodological factors that account for an
sion of PDDs in the federal Individual with Disabilities important proportion of the variability in rates must be tightly
Educational Act (IDEA) funding and reporting mechanism in controlled. New survey methods have been developed to be
the United States. A similar interpretation of upward trends used in multinational comparisons; ongoing surveillance pro-
had been put forward by Croen et al. (2002) in their analysis of grams are currently under way and will soon provide more
the California DDS data, and by Shattuck (2006) in his well- meaningful data to evaluate this hypothesis. The possibility
executed analysis of trends in the Department of Education that a true change in the underlying incidence has contributed
data in all U.S. states. to higher prevalence figures remains to be adequately tested.
Meanwhile, the available prevalence figures carry straightfor-
Conclusion on Time Trends ward implications for current and future needs in services
and early educational intervention programs.
As it stands now, the recent upward trend in rates of prevalence
cannot be directly attributed to an increase in the incidence of
the disorder, or to an “epidemic” of autism. There is good Á
evidence that changes in diagnostic criteria, diagnostic substi- Challenges and Future Directions
tution, changes in the policies for special education, and the
increasing availability of services are responsible for the higher • The boundaries of the spectrum of PDDs with both
prevalence figures. It is also noteworthy that the rise in number severe developmental and neurogenetic disorders and
of children diagnosed occurred at the same time in many mild forms of atypical development remain uncertain
countries (in the early 1990s), when radical shifts occurred in and unreliable. Measures of impairment will need to be
the ideas, diagnostic approaches, and services for children added to symptom and developmental assessments in
with PDDs. Alternatively, this might, of course, reflect the order to refine case definitions for epidemiological stud-
effect of environmental influences operating simultaneously ies and other research endeavors.
in different parts of the world. However, there has been no • Future epidemiological surveys should estimate the pro-
proposed and legitimate risk mechanism to account for this portion of “false negatives” in order to estimate the sen-
worldwide effect. Most of the existing epidemiological data sitivity of case ascertainment methods and obtain more
108 Autism Spectrum Disorders

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7 Á Roy Richard Grinker, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Coleen Boyle

Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact

on Prevalence and Recognition

Points of Interest autism in the Caribbean, Central and South America, Eastern
Europe, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and the
• Autism exists throughout the world, even in societies entire continent of Africa (see Table 7-1; Figures 7-1 and 7-2).
that have no name for it. Mapping the prevalence of autism, as seen in Figure 7-2, can
• Understanding how culture influences the recognition, be misleading, as it does not reflect the history of autism
definition, and treatment of autism may lead to better research or the recent growth around the world in awareness
prevalence estimates. and expertise. For example, Hans Asperger, whose studies of
• Public and private funding agencies now support epide- ASD were foundational to the field today and whose descrip-
miological research in low and middle-income countries tions are, for the most part, still relevant today, was Austrian.
to explore how autism varies internationally in terms Leo Kanner, the psychiatrist who first described autism, was
of its clinical manifestation and the extent of disability Austrian-American and was deeply influenced by an Italian
associated with the disorder. scientist, de Sanctis, who in 1906 published case reports on
• Autism spectrum disorders and explanations of develop- early onset “dementia praecox” (probably autism) in a group
mental disorders (scientific or otherwise) are products of children with intellectual disability.
of the interplay between biological, psychological, and In addition, despite the absence of international epidemio-
cultural phenomena. logical studies, awareness, advocacy, and opportunities for
• Local factors affecting “administrative” prevalence treatment and education of children and adults with ASD are
estimates include poverty, access to services, racial dis- advancing rapidly throughout the world. Today, national
crimination, stigma, cultural beliefs about what kinds autism societies exist in more than 100 different countries, and
of behavior are “normal” and “abnormal,” and a nation’s scientific research on ASD is underway in eastern and south-
health and public health infrastructure. ern Africa, India, several Middle Eastern countries, Mexico,
Venezuela, and a host of other nations.
Awareness of the prevalence and phenotypes of autism For a number of reasons, continued growth of interna-
spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased significantly over the tional research on ASDs, and neurodevelopmental disorders
past decade, especially in North America and the United in general, should be expected. First, the number of child
Kingdom. Knowledge about ASD has also begun to spread mental health professionals in non-Western countries is rising.
internationally to countries such as India, South Korea, and Second, recent large-scale collaborations between UNICEF,
Kenya, where the fields of developmental psychology, devel- WHO, the World Bank, and university-based scientists, have
opmental pediatrics, and child psychiatry are less robust and led to improved recognition of developmental and intellectual
where clinicians and educators do not generally distinguish disabilities among children living in poverty in the developing
ASD from other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as intel- world, as evidenced by a high-profile series of articles on child
lectual disability or learning disorders. development in The Lancet in 2007. In war-torn countries,
A search of published ASD research activities across the some United Nations peacekeepers are now trained to provide
globe, however, might suggest that there is little knowledge services to individuals with autism.
about ASD outside of North America and Western Europe. Third, as low and middle-income countries advance
Indeed, there are insufficient data to estimate the prevalence of economically, and infectious diseases and child mortality

Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 113

Table 7–1.
Autism prevalence around the world (2000–2009)

Continent/Region Country Prevalence Reference

North America United States ~90/10,000 = 1/110 ADDM 2009

Canada ~65/10,000 = 1/154 Fombonne et al. 2006
Caribbean Dominican Republic, Aruba, other Insufficient Data
Central America Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, other Insufficient Data
South America Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, other Insufficient Data
Europe UK ~116/10,000 = 1/86 Baird et al., 2006
Sweden ~53/10,000 = 1/188 Gillberg et al., 2006
Finland ~12/10,000 = 1/833 Kielinen et al., 2000
Denmark ~12/10,000 = 1/833 Lauritsen et al., 2004
Iceland ~13/10,000 = 1/769 Magnusson & Saemundsen, 2001
France, Spain, Italy, Greece, other Insufficient Data
Eastern Europe Russia, Poland, others Insufficient Data
Middle East Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, other Insufficient Data
Africa All regions Insufficient Data
South-central Asia India, Bangladesh, others Insufficient Data
Eastern Asia Japan ~89/10,000 = 1/112 Honda et al., 2005
China Insufficient Data
Korea Insufficient Data
Southeast Asia Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, other Insufficient Data
Oceania Australia ~39/10,000 = 1/256 Icasiano et al., 2004
New Zealand Insufficient Data

1 Table based on data published 2000 or later.

2 Some findings may not be comparable across sites due to differences in study design, case ascertainment techniques, and among sample populations.

Figure 7–1. Map of autism societies around the world as of 2008 (Map courtesy of Tamara Daley).
114 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Figure 7–2. Map of autism prevalence studies around the world (2000–2008).

become less of a concern, disability and child development A few case reports and screenings have been published for
become more prominent as public health issues. other countries, such as Malaysia (Kasmini & Zasmani, 1995),
Nonetheless, researchers are just beginning to study the Taiwan (Chang et al., 2003), Zimbabwe (Khan & Hombarume,
extent to which ASD varies across cultures. Although most 1996), and the United Arab Emirates (Sartawi, 1999), with
researchers expect that the onset and core symptoms of ASD some studies reporting associated medical conditions such as
are consistent across cultures, this remains an assumption. mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders in Portugal (Oliveira
ASD experts to date know little about how genetic heterogene- et al., 2007) and Möbius sequence in Brazil (Bandim et al.,
ity and cultural differences interact to influence the kind and 2002). Research on possible clusters of autism among Euro-
range of impairments that are essential to or associated with peans and Americans of Somali origin is in the beginning
ASD, its prevalence, course, or familial patterns. stages (Barnevik-Olsson, Gillberg, & Fernell, 2008; Minnesota
The most robust body of literature on autism as a global Department of Public Health, 2009). Some studies, such as La
phenomenon is in the field of psychiatric epidemiology. Over Malfa’s epidemiological work in Italy, have examined the prev-
the past 40 years, prevalence studies of autism have been con- alence of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) in an
ducted in numerous countries, with one major review citing already identified pool of children with intellectual disabilities
English-language studies in 13 different countries, including (La Malfa et al., 2004). Others examine ASD as one of a group
France, Japan, Norway, Iceland, and Finland (Fombonne, of conditions in large-scale projects on challenging childhood
2003, 2009). Epidemiological findings are forthcoming from behaviors or developmental disorders in general (Holden &
East Asia and South America (Montiel-Nava & Peña, 2008) Gitleson, 2006; Morton et al., 2002). At least one British study
and ASD screening tools have been tested in a wide range of noted significantly higher prevalence of childhood cognitive
locations (see, for example, Lung et al., 2010 on Taiwan, and disabilities, including autism, among citizens of Pakistani
Eldin et al., 2008 on the Middle East). However, the vast origin, whose high rate of consanguineal marriage is believed to
majority of prevalence studies have been conducted in the be related to a rate of birth defects that is higher than the gen-
United Kingdom and North America. eral population in the United Kingdom (Morton et al., 2002).
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 115

DSM criteria for ASD have been tested in multiple countries, between British and American psychiatrists (whose scientific
and genetic research involves samples from populations cultures are not dramatically different), R. E. Kendell (1971)
throughout Western Europe. However, with the exception of and his colleagues showed a video of a socially awkward man,
Lotter’s brief, anecdotal survey of autism prevalence in six described as a 30-year-old bachelor, and asked British and
African countries (1978) and Probst’s exploratory survey of American psychiatrists to give a diagnosis based only on
the stresses and demands of parents of children with autism in the video. Sixty-nine percent of the American psychiatrists
Brazil, Germany, Greece, and Italy (1998), there are, to our diagnosed the man with schizophrenia; only 2% of British
knowledge, no published cross-national studies that address psychiatrists gave that diagnosis (a large number of the British
the impact of culture on ASD. There is also very little informa- clinicians gave a diagnosis of manic-depressive illness). Shifts
tion about how the genetics, biology, risk factors, treatment, in classification occur for many reasons—such as the need
and course of ASD differ across continents, countries, or to screen and treat soldiers in military conflicts, shifts in the
ethnic groups. This chapter focuses on the international prev- way the insurance industry conceptualizes appropriate reim-
alence and diagnosis of autism because these are the areas bursements, and public attitudes about the stigma of mental
in which international scientific publications exist. We con- illness—that have little to do with advances in science and
sider the effect of culture on the conceptualization and identi- much to do with social and historical context (Grinker, 2010a).
fication of ASD, with special attention to the question of The classifications of the most empirically verifiable disorders,
how studies of the sociocultural contexts of ASD, and such as bacterial or viral infections, evolve and are formed by
neuropsychiatric disorders in general, can help us frame future consensus. A disorder, even one with a clear cause or biomar-
international ASD research. ker, is only a disorder when a society construes it as such.
Given the fact that the majority of research on ASD has Thus, although Asperger’s disorder is scheduled for elimina-
been carried out within the mental health field, we situate the tion from the proposed DSM-5, this does not mean that
research within the larger framework of psychiatric and psy- Asperger’s once existed as a real disease and now has disap-
chological studies. However, we recognize that as research on peared. Asperger’s was useful when a non-stigmatizing term
ASD progresses, a greater number of studies will consider ASD was needed for people with the disorder, but clinicians now
from alternative, nonpsychiatric perspectives, such as within question it for both cultural and scientific reasons. From the
the context of a neurodevelopmental disorders framework. perspective of culture, Asperger’s is fast becoming obsolete as
a scientific category as the stigma of autism declines. Societies
throughout the world are beginning to appreciate the strengths
Á and capabilities of people with autism, and people with autism
Recognition and Epidemiology increasingly feel less self-stigma and may advocate for their
needs in public forums. From the perspective of science, clini-
Research to date has highlighted cross-national differences cians recognize that almost everyone with Asperger’s also fits
in the symptoms and course of psychiatric disorders. For the profile of the more classic autistic disorder. Indeed, in the
example, although the age of onset and prevalence of both current diagnostic manual, the DSM-IV, a child who has good
schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder are remark- language acquisition and intelligence qualifies as autistic if, in
ably consistent across the globe, sex ratios, comorbid condi- addition to having restricted interests and problems with
tions, symptom expression, severity, and prognosis vary social interactions, he has just one of the following symptoms,
significantly (Hopper et al., 2007; Horwath & Weissman, which are common among children with Asperger’s: difficulty
2000; Lemelson, 2003). Moreover, although researchers may conversing, an inability to engage in make-believe play or
use standardized assessments and criteria (at the very least, repetitive or unusual use of language. Even the best available
DSM and ICD criteria) to determine whether an individual diagnostic instruments, such as the ADOS and ADI-R, cannot
constitutes a “case” of autism, clinicians who are not inte- clearly identify distinct subtypes on the autism spectrum
grated into a research community—physicians and psycholo- (Grinker, 2010b).
gists who see patients in private or clinic settings—may The social construction of psychiatric classification can be
conform to folk categories of illness or rely on past training illustrated by the differences between ASD diagnostic classifi-
and personal clinical experience. Even with standardized cri- cation and research in the United States and France. In the
teria, considerable subjectivity and differences in clinical United States, the American Psychiatric Association removed
assessments exist, since the diagnosis depends on patient or autism from the category of “psychosis” in 1980, but the
caretaker narrative and behavioral observation rather than French child psychiatric establishment, which uses its own
laboratory tests. Indeed, variations in diagnosis within and indigenous manual of mental disorders, the Classification
between societies can sometimes be explained in terms of the Française des Troubles Mentaux de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent
differences between research and clinical practice. (CFTMEA), classified autism as a psychosis until November
Cross-cultural variations in psychiatric diagnoses can be 2004. French health professionals also conceptualize the
found, even between communities whose scientific traditions etiology of autism in a manner that is different from other
are often assumed to be similar, such as the United States and European countries and consider the American classifica-
the United Kingdom. In a landmark study of the differences tion of PDDs to be a product of Anglo-American culture.
116 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Since French health professionals generally view autism as a particular, there are few estimates of the prevalence of
problem that lies within family social relationships and with physical disabilities among children in low and middle-
the mother-child relationship in particular, there are only a income countries and even fewer of behavioral disorders
few psychiatric or medical centers with expertise on autism as (Yeargin-Allsopp & Boyle, 2002). Researchers have made sig-
a genetic or brain disorder. nificant progress internationally, studying some disorders in
In recent years, a battle has erupted between French parents, childhood that have a neurodevelopmental component, such
armed with scientific studies and classifications from the as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Among psychiatric disorders,
United States and the United Kingdom, and French child ADHD and conduct disorder have been studied extensively
psychiatrists. French health professionals generally retain a across the globe (Faraone et al., 2003; Polanczyk et al., 2007).
more restricted concept of autism and are openly hostile to However, epidemiological research on childhood onset dis-
behavioral interventions, such as the Treatment and Educa- orders lags behind the epidemiology of such disorders in
tion of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped adults. Even within the area of the epidemiology of child
Children (TEACCH) program or Applied Behavioral Analysis, mental disorders, more is known about psychiatric disorders
and to parent and parent association efforts to shift the locus in older children and adolescents than in younger children.
of autism treatment from the hospital to the school (Chamak, One area of progress in the diagnosis and epidemiology of
2008). Despite the efforts of parents, autism research and autism across cultures has been at the level of screening, in
treatment in France continues to be guided largely by psycho- particular the development of brief screening tools that can
analytic thought, in particular the idea that autism is a disor- be validated in numerous languages and dialects and admin-
der of object relations. Research on treatment emphasizes play istered with minimal training. For example, the Childhood
therapy and interactive techniques to facilitate the growth of Autism Rating Scale (CARS) (Schopler et al., 1988), a 15-item,
autonomy and a sense of self. behavioral rating scale has been shown to be both sensitive
A clinical trial is underway in Lille, France, on the contro- and specific for ASD; the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC)
versial therapy called “packing,” in which a child is wrapped (Krug et al., 1980) includes 57 items but nonetheless takes
tightly in wet, refrigerated sheets, for approximately sixty min- less than 20 minutes to complete; and the Autism Spectrum
utes while clinicians attempt to talk with them about their Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) (Ehlers et al., 1999), a
feelings. The therapy is based on an argument that a child’s 10-minute, 25-item rating scale appears to be particularly
ability to establish a proper relationship between his internal good at screening for high-functioning autism and Asperger’s
world and his external, social reality depends on his ability to disorder. These scales have been used successfully in interna-
merge his body and his body image (Spinney, 2007). tional research, have proved both reliable and specific, and are
One reason for the absence of a large number of cross- thus valuable in clinical and community-based settings. A
national studies in mental health is that, in addition to broader approach, especially applicable in low and middle-
being expensive and difficult to coordinate, the standardized income countries, is to screen children initially for an array of
assessments and classifications needed for such studies are of neurodevelopmental disabilities and then administer a condi-
somewhat recent origin. American psychiatrists and psychol- tion-specific assessment for children who screen positive.
ogists have become keenly interested in diagnostic classifica- This model was initially developed by Durkin et al. (1992)
tion only in the last 3 decades. As one result, psychiatric using a short questionnaire that includes only ten questions
epidemiological studies using comparable methods did not (known as the “ten questions screen”). More recently, the ten
begin in earnest until the 1970s, and there were few cross- questions screen has been adapted by Indian researchers as
national studies conducted until the 1990s. The World Health part of the International Clinical Epidemiology Network
Organization (WHO) international studies of schizophrenia (INCLEN) in India for a community-based screening study
began in 1968 and eventually included thirty research sites in of autism and other developmental disorders among children
nineteen countries and involved a 26-year follow-up period. ages 2–9 years.
These studies represent the most ambitious and lengthy cross- In research settings in which scientists trained in the
cultural explorations of the manifestations, course, and out- diagnosis of developmental disabilities are available, screen-
comes of a mental illness. Yet, as recently as 2004, only two ings are useful as a first-stage diagnostic tool. More lengthy
prevalence studies of mental disorders among European adults and substantial diagnostic assessments are then performed
had used comparable methods of ascertainment at the same with tools such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
time in more than one country (ESEMeD/MHEDEA, 2004). (ADOS) (Lord et al., 1999) and the Autism Diagnostic
However, if we accept Cohen and Volkmar’s assertion about Interview (ADI) (Rutter et al., 2003), both of which have been
autism, in relation to the DSM-IV and ICD-9 criteria that translated, validated, and are available for purchase in twelve
“There is no other developmental or psychiatric disorder of European languages and Korean. Numerous other translations
children (or perhaps of any age) for which such well-grounded are underway, but more are needed. As one researcher in
and internationally accepted diagnostic criteria exist,” cross- Thailand noted (where no translations of these tools have been
national studies should be feasible (Cohen & Volkmar, 1997). validated), even when researchers and clinicians can charac-
Although there is a rapidly growing literature on interna- terize ASD as conforming to DSM-IV criteria, they cannot
tional studies of neurodevelopmental disorders, and ASD in confirm the diagnoses in the absence of Thai-translated,
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 117

standardized investigator-based instruments and structured epidemiologists identify potential cases, especially when two
observational schedules (Chuthapisith et al., 2007). or more instruments with different sensitivities are used
together. However, in some countries, it may be impractical
to use parent self-administered screening tools for a variety
Á of reasons. For example, many parents in low and middle
Conducting Prevalence Studies income countries may have low literacy, especially mothers
in International Settings (since women often have more limited access to education
then men), and may thus be unable to complete the surveys.
In the United States and United Kingdom, investigators now Also, for political reasons, parents in some countries may be
ideally use a two-stage approach to estimate autism preva- afraid of having their child’s health condition codified in
lence, and this approach is capable of detecting more cases writing.
than ever before. In general, the approach involves a screening In the second stage—diagnostic confirmation—epidemi-
phase to identify a pool of children who may have an ASD, ologists ideally use trained diagnosticians to confirm case
followed by a diagnostic confirmation stage. The methods for status among those who screen positive. If the screening phase
both phases vary widely, and their validity is dependent on the was based on a record review, a standardized review process is
clinical and educational infrastructure in the country or set- established to determine case status (for examples, see
ting. The screening stage can range from a general population Barbaresi et al., 2005; Honda et al., 2005; Williams et al., 2005;
screen in a primary care setting, as done by Honda et al. (2005), Powell et al., 2000; Lauritsen et al., 2004; and Autism and
to a screening of children identified in high-risk settings, such Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network [ADDM],
as special education schools. High-risk screening can be based 2009). Because the study population is much smaller at the
on canvassing records in schools or health care settings that confirmation stage, assessments can be done in person with
target children with developmental delays or administering an each child, preferably with more than one structured, reliable
autism screening instrument to a knowledgeable informant, diagnostic assessment, such as the combination of the ADOS
such as a parent, guardian or teacher, or a combination of (a synchronic observation schedule over one 2- to 3-hour
these two. period of time) and the ADI (an extended parent/guardian
The targeted approach to case screening has become easier interview that provides a detailed history, or diachronic per-
in many countries in recent years due to better awareness of spective, on the child). Ideally, for both methods (record-
autism and, presumably, a combination of more accurate clin- based and in-person assessments) the confirmatory diagnoses
ical diagnosis and critical policy level changes that promote are then validated by outside consultants using a group of ran-
identification. For example, in the United States, beginning in domly selected cases (some with and some without an autism
the 1991–1992 school year, autism became a separate area of diagnosis). This second stage is especially important for vali-
“exceptionality,” meaning that children with autism could dating the less clear-cut cases, such as the ones on the border
receive special education services specifically designated for between two different diagnoses or between a diagnosis and
children with autism. The U.S. Department of Education none at all.
required schools to report, as part of an annual “child count,” We have entered a period in history in which autism
the number of children receiving these services under the awareness is at an all-time high and in which the diagnosis of
autism classification. The child count made it significantly autism has broadened to include a range of different people
easier to locate potential case children from school records. To along a wide spectrum. This is largely due to the current use of
add even more cases, the CDC studies examined records of the two-stage case-finding approach, which yields many more
children with educational classifications beyond autism, such cases of autism than the older studies. In addition, researchers
as behavior disorders and intellectual disabilities, since all ideally employ quality control measures, such as blinded
children with autism are not necessarily classified by schools reviewers, to establish interrater reliability. However, it must
as autistic. In low and middle-income countries, a records- be stressed that it is exceedingly difficult and expensive to use
based screening approach may not be feasible, because of the such thorough and rigorous methods. Implementation of the
absence of records or because the diagnosis of autism is either gold standard assessments for autism is particularly challenging
unknown or rarely used. In such situations, researchers will in low-income countries. Extensive training is necessary to
have to screen individuals rather than records. obtain test reliability. Considerable participant burden is
In the best of circumstances, a researcher can combine a associated with the length of time, often several hours, to
record review with individual screening. During the individ- administer the assessments. Furthermore, in countries in
ual screening, parents and teachers fill out standardized which little research has been conducted on child develop-
third-party questionnaires such as the Autism Screening ment, the validity of results from such protocols will be ham-
Questionnaire (ASQ) or the Autism Spectrum Syndrome pered by the absence of established, documented norms of
Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ). These questionnaires, child development for a given population. Epidemiological
which have been studied extensively for their reliability—i.e., studies in the low and middle-income country setting will
to make sure that independent researchers using them with therefore benefit from the development of more efficient and
the same case would come to the same conclusion—help affordable diagnostic assessments.
118 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Challenges to ASD Surveillance societies with low access to services. Illness categories are
beneficial only if there is something one can do with them.
The epidemiology of ASD should be understood in the context Thus, for many American adults with ASD who require public
of the many challenges inherent in applying diagnostic criteria assistance, it makes little sense to carry an autism diagnosis in
to growing and developing children in different cultural states where services for adults with autism are provided only
contexts. It is not feasible to produce a list of criteria for a dis- under the category of intellectual disability, or formerly
ability that will be relevant at all developmental levels, and “mental retardation.” In urban India, where there are few
what counts as normal or abnormal development will vary autism-related services, a clinician is unlikely to give a diag-
from culture to culture. There is the obvious problem that nosis of autism since the clinician may believe that it would
researchers who study school-age children face the difficult only confuse the family, the school system, and potential serv-
task of reliably defining cases on the basis of information pre- ice providers (Daley & Sigman, 2002; Daley, 2003). Indian
sented in teacher reports (which can be heavily influenced by pediatricians interviewed by Daley (2003) and Grinker (2007)
a multitude of factors, such as class size, teacher training, and use a much more well-known category—mental retardation,
the local, cultural attitudes toward discipline and about what popularly glossed as “madness”—even if it is sometimes inac-
kinds of behaviors are age appropriate) and parent reports curate, and they will justify it by arguing that the treatments
(which are influenced by the particularities of the parent who and educational services in India for someone with mental
completes the report). For some childhood onset psychiatric retardation are identical to those for someone with autism.
disorders, estimates may appear higher in a country with great For this reason, records-based approaches to the epidemiol-
awareness among parents, educators, and clinicians; access to ogy of autism in societies where “autism” is uncommonly
services; or in which the national government mandates the used as a diagnostic term are not feasible. Even in societies
use of “autism” as a diagnostic term. In contrast, estimates where the concept of autism does exist, people may not seek
may be lower in a country with little awareness, few services, care from the experts who are familiar with the term. Indeed,
and lack of research studies, especially of administrative prev- epidemiologists should not assume that the population being
alence. For example, school and clinic records of “autism” and studied shares the researchers’ understanding about the rela-
“traumatic brain injury” grew tremendously following the tionship between the symptoms being studied and the name
1991–1992 school year, when the U.S. Department of of the disease. In Korea, for example, despite dramatic changes
Education first introduced these terms to the American public in autism awareness, the word for autism (chap’ae) has quite
school system (Newschaffer et al., 2005). negative connotations because many people mistakenly
Previous studies confirm significant variations among believe that all individuals with the diagnosis are profoundly
locations, even within the same country, as the Centers for intellectually disabled and nonverbal. The Korean research
Disease Control and Prevention showed from their multisite team in the first author’s prevalence study of ASD worked
surveillance network. Recent prevalence estimates for Arizona hard to explain to teachers and parents the concept of an
and Missouri (12.1 per 1000) were higher than those from autism spectrum (Grinker, 2007). Toward this goal, research-
Florida (ADDM, 2009). Research in Australia has demonstrated ers asked the child psychiatrists who led the information
considerable variability in diagnostic rates across states and sessions at the “mainstream” elementary schools to remove
between state and national records. In Queensland, the number from their presentations a film about autism because it
of diagnoses of ASD exceeds that of other states, since depicted a quite impaired young man with autistic disorder.
Queensland requires a DSM-IV diagnosis for eligibility for serv- Furthermore, in some developing countries there may be
ices but other Australian states do not (Skellern et al., 2005). opposition to research on disorders that are not life threaten-
Moreover, clinicians will not make or record a particular ing. It has been suggested that research on developmental
diagnosis, and parents will not seek it, unless the diagnostic disabilities in general is a low priority in many low-income
term is meaningful and in current use. Thus, for example, the countries where there are more pressing issues such as diseases
Navajo Indians of the American Southwest tend to classify that cause infant and child mortality (Durkin, 2002, p. 206).
autism as “perpetual childhood” (Conners & Donnellan, Consequently, in many countries, due to the lack of adminis-
1995), and throughout most of India, clinicians call autism trative records on child health, researchers need to be referred
paagol, the Hindi word for “madness” (Daley, 2002, 2003). to potential cases by a wide range of individuals, such as priests
School and clinic records for a child with ASD, if there are any and ministers, pediatricians, community leaders, and teachers.
records kept, will not list the word “autism.” In rural South Researchers may need to conduct door-to-door household
Korea, the catch-all “brain disorder” can be used for children surveys and individual screenings of all children in a commu-
with disorders including traumatic brain injury, autism, nity (see, for example, Islam et al., 1993; Thorburn et al., 1992;
epilepsy, speech and language disorders, Down syndrome, Durkin, Hasan, & Hasan, 1998). Even then, parents and health
and other clearly genetic disorders. In this setting, record officials may strongly oppose the introduction of a diagnostic
reviews will yield few cases of autism. category that is new and thus confusing.
Researchers should expect to encounter additional obsta- Social stigma influences diagnosis. In South Korea, chil-
cles when attempting to do public health screening in general dren that American clinicians might diagnose with autism are
and ascertain and classify neurodevelopmental disorders in often diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder (RAD),
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 119

pejoratively referred to as “lack of love” (aejǒng kyǒlpip), a possible for children with autism to obtain appropriate
term that parallels the older American concept of the “refrig- educational placements and have their diagnoses recorded in
erator mother.” In Korea, RAD is thought to be a condition school records. As just one example, the well-known TEACCH
mimicking autism, caused by a mother’s absence of attach- program has been studied and subsequently adopted in numer-
ment to her child (Shin et al., 1999). Many parents prefer a ous countries and is currently under development in China,
RAD diagnosis to autism. India, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, and the Philippines, among
First, unlike autism, RAD or lack of love can be ameliorated other places.
by giving love and thus is not a permanent condition. Koreans Despite the progress in the epidemiology of ASD, there are
widely consider autism to be untreatable (Grinker, 2007). only a handful of studies that examined the incidence of
Second, RAD, unlike autism, is not a genetic condition. Thus, autism: the rate of occurrence of new cases in a population
while RAD may stigmatize the mother, autism would stigma- over a specified period of time (Fombonne, 2007; Rothman and
tize the whole family—past, present, and future. This fear of Greenland, 1998; Kleinbaum et al., 1982). This absence is under-
autism as a genetic disorder is found in many other countries standable due to the fact that the emergence of ASD in early
as well, where parents fear that a child’s diagnosis of autism childhood is insidious, and it is thus often difficult to determine
will marginalize the family from the social networks to which disease onset, which is necessary to examine incidence. Of the
they feel they are entitled, and harm other family members’ studies that have examined incidence, the date of first diagno-
marriage prospects (such as the autistic child’s siblings). sis is usually used as a proxy for onset of the disorder. Incidence
Third, and perhaps most importantly, the diagnosis makes studies are particularly challenging in a low or middle-income
sense. Korea has been undergoing dramatic social change for country setting where autism is not routinely diagnosed and
the last 50 years, emerging from the total devastation of the symptom onset is not well documented (Figure 7-3).
Korean War to becoming the twelfth largest economy in the Despite all of these challenges, there are ongoing efforts to
world, ahead of countries like Australia, Switzerland, and facilitate and standardize the epidemiologic approach to
Sweden. Noting the increase in working mothers and nuclear, autism research from an international perspective. However,
as opposed to extended, households, Korean sociologists and the approaches to autism epidemiology have to be based on
child health experts argue that children left with nannies or local capacity and other attributes in a country. A large-scale
in daycare cannot form appropriate or lasting attachments initiative sponsored by the parent advocacy organization
with their mothers, and that the failure of attachment leads Autism Speaks distinguishes three separate approaches: one
to RAD. exclusively using records for those settings where most chil-
Such attitudes are not unique to Korea. Hypotheses about dren with an ASD can be identified in schools and health care
the causative role of environmental factors, such as poor settings; another utilizing disease registry systems established
parenting and social stressors, in ASD, attachment disorders, in some countries as a mechanism to track the health of the
and other childhood onset problems, have considerable population; and a third approach, for those countries with an
traction in impoverished or rapidly changing societies. In undeveloped service system, which requires community can-
South Africa, for example, child psychiatrists argue that the vassing or more generalized screening. The intent is to facilitate
role of such stressors have been grossly underrepresented in research within each of these settings and to explore how
research on child development: young children are exposed to autism varies in terms of its clinical manifestation and the
many forms of violence, parental substance abuse is common, extent of disability associated with the disorder.
and many children are orphaned or raised by multiple
caretakers and with little continuity of care (Hugo et al., 2003). Effect of Social Organization, Culture, and
Despite such obstacles at the clinical level, improvements Language on Prevalence Studies and Services
in diagnostic specification with screening tools and “gold
standard” assessments have opened the possibility for rigor- Social Organization and Culture
ous and comparable studies of ASD across cultures. Regardless
of whether a society has a word for autism or maintains that The WHO studies of schizophrenia constituted the first large-
autism is a rare condition, epidemiologists can ascertain cases. scale effort to explore the role of social organization and cul-
Children with ASD in a range of different countries have been ture in influencing the prevalence and outcomes of a mental
identified in prevalence studies and can thus form cohorts for illness. However, the concept of “culture,” broadly defined as
studies of etiology and intervention (Vogel & Holford, 1999). the system of meanings through which people organize and
As more diagnoses are made and recorded in school and make sense of their lives, has long been a central feature of
clinic records, there will be greater opportunities for records- psychiatric description and should not be used only in refer-
based epidemiological studies. In addition, advances in disa- ence to non-Western societies. For example, researchers have
bility legislation and the growth of advocacy organizations in considered how poverty, occupation, social class, and mar-
a number of countries, such as Brazil, China, India, Malawi, riage systems affect mental illness in the United States.
South Africa, and Uganda (Braddock & Parish, 2001) as well Epidemiological studies of schizophrenia as early as the 1930s
as at the transnational level (for example, the United Nations, (Faris & Dunham, 1939) noted differences in the prevalence
UNICEF, PAHO, WHO, and the World Bank) have made it of schizophrenia in urban and rural areas in the United States.
120 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Figure 7–3. Hindi poster. Autism experts in India are promoting autism awareness through educational programs and posters, such as
this one, in Hindi, that depict and describe a range of symptoms. For example, the poster describes the symptom at the top left as “Aloof in
Manner”; the caption at the bottom right is “Unusual behavior of body movement such as flapping hands, rocking, or jumping.” Courtesy of
Merry Barua, Action for Autism (India).

Numerous studies highlight racial disparities in the diagnosis (Sanua, 1984). And for decades following Kanner’s original
of schizophrenia (Mishler, 1965; Ruiz, 1982), with most description of the parents of children with autistic disorder as
researchers agreeing that the disparities are the result not of highly educated, upper-middle-class workers, researchers
true differences in prevalence but rather racism, cultural mis- focused on social class as a possible risk factor for autism, one
understandings, misdiagnosis, and mismanagement (Whaley, result of which was the concept of the refrigerator mother
2001). Among the mentally ill, poor people are also overrep- (usually the educated, working, professional mother). Even
resented, perhaps a legacy to the day when insane asylums today, some scientists continue to argue that ASD occurs
also served as poorhouses. more often in the offspring of scientists, engineers, mathema-
As recently as 1984, Sanua, echoing Lotter (1978), argued ticians, and computer experts, and those with a sociobiologi-
that autism was not a universal phenomenon, but a culture- cal perspective have hypothesized that the increase in the
bound disorder, “an illness of Western Civilization” prevalence of higher-functioning autism and Asperger’s
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 121

disorder in the United States and the United Kingdom is the Hopper (2003) documents, psychiatrists in Madras, India,
result of intermarriage between highly educated parents note that individuals with schizophrenia have had surprising
(Baron-Cohen, 2004). The development of computer tech- success finding spouses. Thara, Padmavati, and Srinivasan
nologies, they argue, makes it possible for autistic adults to (2004) attribute this success to the importance of one aspect of
find gainful employment, marry, and reproduce. The delay in dharma, the duty to marry for the sake of the extended family
finding a suitable mate may lead to an increase in parental and the continuity of the lineage. The institution of marriage
age, which has been shown in some studies, but not all, to be “adapts and endures, accommodating even those whose nup-
a risk factor for ASD (Durkin et al., 2008; Croen et al., 2007; tial capital would seem to be seriously devalued, given the per-
Shelton et al., 2010; Grether et al., 2009). sistent stigma attached to mental illness in India” (Hopper,
The hypothesis of an association between autism and high 2003, p. 78). Hopper associates marriage of disabled persons
socioeconomic status (SES) stands in stark contrast to the with a measure of “social recovery” (2007). We need similar
large body of research consistently showing that low socioeco- information about ASD to know if certain cultural conditions
nomic status is the strongest predictor of childhood disabili- help people with ASD improve their ability to learn, commu-
ties (Durkin, 2002). It is important to point out that none of nicate, and participate in social and economic life. Comparisons
the claims associating autism or changing prevalence rates to to schizophrenia may be useful. For example, in comparison
computer technology or to higher SES has been proven. One to ASD, is there less stigma attached to the person with schizo-
research team (Cuccaro et al., 1996) did find that school-based phrenia in some cultures because the onset of the disorder is in
clinicians, pediatricians, and psychiatrists were biased in favor late adolescence, after a family and a community have had
of giving autism diagnoses to children of parents of high SES. nearly two decades to form an attachment to the person? Is
In a survey of pediatricians, Stone (1987) found that a major- there greater stigma attached to a person with autism because
ity believed there was a true association between autism and the onset is so early?
SES. It is possible that such a bias explains, at least in part, the Both developmental disorders and explanations of develop-
fact that African American children subsequently diagnosed mental disorders (scientific or otherwise) are products of the
with autism are at least 2.5 times less likely to receive a diagno- interplay between biological, psychological, and cultural phe-
sis at their first specialty visit than a white child with autism nomena. In part, as the result of the WHO studies, public health
(Mandell et al., 2002). With respect to diagnosis, Bearman and officials increasingly see disabilities as simultaneously both
colleagues (Liu, King and Bearman 2009; Fountain, King, and neurologically and culturally constructed. By including culture
Bearman 2010) correlate lower age of diagnosis and increased as a variable in medical research, scientists understand that an
diagnosis with higher socio-economic status, and social net- illness motivates behaviors in multiple areas of social life. A
works. All of these studies indicate that cultural attitudes about diagnosis of autism, for example, mobilizes kin groups toward
SES influence diagnostic practice, but SES does not appear to common action or conflict and influences financial planning,
determine whether or not someone actually has autism. choices about residence, reproduction, and employment. In the
Nevertheless, poverty, racial discrimination, and margin- research community, changes in epidemiological methods
alization have real effects on outcomes among children with produce different rates that can directly influence government
mental illnesses and disabilities (Brown & Rogers, 2003). policies and educational practices. Changes in educational
Researchers have paid special attention to the differences in practices also influence scientific research. Thus, in Italy,
prevalence and course of mental illnesses between rural and mandatory inclusion of children with disabilities, following
urban environments. Rutter’s comparison of the prevalence of national inclusion legislation in the 1970s, facilitated lively
psychiatric disorders among 10-year-olds showed significantly scholarly work on the course of ASD among children who are
higher prevalence of disorders (25.4%) in London than in the educated alongside unimpaired peers, as well as research on
Isle of Wight (12%). Rutter et al. (1975) concluded that higher early diagnosis of autism (Levi & Bernabei, 2005).
rates of family conflicts, parental psychopathology, and pov- Health services research is one area in which mental health
erty in London were positively associated with higher rates of professionals have shown that cultural differences within a
psychiatric disorders in the children (Rutter et al., 1975). single population, like the United States, can lead to dispari-
Similarly, in the Ontario Child Health Study, Offord et al. ties in recognition, diagnosis, and care. Availability of clinical
found higher rates of all psychiatric disorders in 4- to 16-year- services, access to and utilization of services, and cultural
olds in urban areas (Offord et al., 1987). appropriateness of services vary considerably among ethnic
The World Health Organization studies on schizophrenia, minorities in the United States. As a result of centuries of
conducted in the 1970s, showed that prevalence was consist- racism and discrimination, many African Americans, for
ent across rural and urban areas but that outcomes differed example, do not trust government health care institutions and
significantly depending on geographic location. Although so may not seek care. (Indeed, there is a long history of psychi-
schizophrenia occurs with similar frequency all over the world, atric misdiagnosis in African American patients.) Native
people with schizophrenia in the sites in developing countries, Americans, a largely rural population, not only live in areas
such as Agra, India, do better over time than those in industri- with low access to services, but often utilize traditional healers
alized countries. They need less care, fewer medicines, and rather than doctors in clinic settings; some do not see ASD as
have fewer traumatic, psychotic episodes. For example, as pathological and may not seek any care at all (Conners &
122 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Donnellan, 1995). Asian Americans underutilize the mental (which classifies disease status), can help experts predict
health care system in the United States because of the shame functional outcomes, the need for services, work potential,
and stigma associated with mental illness. Latinos underutilize and possibilities for successful integration into community life
the mental health care system because of language barriers (WHO, 2001).
(USDHHS, 1999), and Latino parents of autistic children are
more likely than the general population to use “nontraditional” Language
treatments (Levy & Hyman, 2003).
For ASD, David Mandell showed that, on average, white Researchers conducting international studies of developmen-
children in the United States receive an autism diagnosis tal disabilities should remain vigilant about preconceived
approximately 18 months earlier than African American notions of culture. First, at a time of unprecedented popula-
children (Mandell et al., 2002). In the United States, rural tion movements across national borders, “culture” is no
children with autism received a diagnosis approximately longer synonymous with place. The rich person in India and
5 months later than urban children, and near-poor children the rich person in England may be more culturally similar in
received a diagnosis approximately 1 year later than children terms of values associated with health and disease than the
whose families had an income >100% above the poverty rich and the poor person in either one of those countries
level (Mandell, Novak, & Zubritsky, 2005). Mandell and (Gupta & Ferguson, 1992). Thus, “culture” should not neces-
Novak (2005) urge researchers to conduct research on “the sarily be equated with race, class, ethnicity, or nationality only.
complex relationship between culture and treatment, focus- Second, culture cannot be easily measured and perhaps should
ing on cultural differences in the behavioral phenotype of not be. Each location demands different methods and types of
ASD, recognition of symptoms, interpretation of symp- description. An ethnographic study of help-seeking for ASD
toms, families’ decisions regarding medical and educational in the United States would likely focus primarily on the rela-
interventions, and interactions between families and the tionship between parents and health care providers, while the
healthcare system” (2005, p. 114). One implication of this same study in Kenya would likely focus on an extended-family
recommendation is that even as researchers begin to study disease management group and how the family negotiates a
autism in other cultures, Americans have not yet resolved plurality of coexisting medical and religious systems.
the questions that exist in our own society about when and Recognizing the particularities of each location leads to a third
how race, ethnicity, and class, among other cultural factors, point: autism may be universal, but the contexts in which it
influence diagnosis. occurs are distinctive. This claim can be illustrated with refer-
In most low and middle-income countries, where there are ence to children’s acquisition of language and use of language
few or no services for children with special needs, family in social situations.
management and treatment of children with developmental Language delay and the ability to use language for social
disabilities are influenced directly by socioeconomic and interaction are central features of the diagnostic criteria for
demographic changes. As societies rapidly urbanize (today, ASD, and the two are inextricably related. Indeed, though lan-
for example, one fourth of the population of South Korea lives guage acquisition is universal, the process and speed of lan-
in Seoul) nuclear families replace extended ones. Parents thus guage acquisition varies across cultures, in large part because
lose the primary source of social support for disabled persons of differences in socialization. Samoan children, for example,
and are compelled to seek help elsewhere, from charitable learn certain forms of language much later than one would
organizations and other associational communities (such as expect them to, not because they are developmentally delayed
churches and newly formed autism societies) and from local but because they are restricted from doing so (Duranti & Ochs,
and national governments. The demands become even greater 1996). In Samoa, some syntactic operations are restricted to
in households with two working parents. highly formalized occasions in Samoan society from which
Taken together, the impact of sociocultural factors on children are excluded, and so they do not learn them until
autism recognition, epidemiology, and services reveals an adulthood. However, Samoan children learn how to use
additional and important aspect of our contemporary under- emotion-marked particles (words, prefixes, or suffixes, that
standings of autism: the degree to which autism can be con- index internal states, such as “oops!” or “wow!”) very early in
ceptualized as a disability as well as a disorder. Disability is childhood—earlier than American children do—because
fundamentally about a person’s interaction with an environ- emotion-marked particles are considered part of “baby lan-
ment of discrimination, exclusion, and barriers to functioning. guage.” This Samoan example highlights the fact that language
The concept of “environment” comprises attitudes, natural or is not a single entity. Children learn different aspects of lan-
built physical barriers, and policies or systems that may limit guage at different times in different societies, depending on
an individual’s potential. Toward the goal of providing a the way a society organizes its verbal resources and exposes
common language for defining and comparing disabilities children to them.
across cultures, the WHO developed the International Another way of approaching the relationship between
Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). language and social behavior is to study how children are both
The ICF (which classifies health status), together with the ICD socialized through language and socialized to use language
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 123

(Ochs & Schieffelin, 1984; Ochs, 1998). Caregivers not only or a lingua franca in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g., Swahili in East
communicate to their children about the kinds of social Africa). There are other related issues. In communities that
behaviors that are acceptable, but they give children explicit are ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous, what language
instructions about how and when to speak in different social does one use to conduct the research, and in particular, the
situations. For example, the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea do assessments? When studying the role of culture, where does
not consider babbling or any form of vocalization other than one draw the line between cultural groups? In India, for
speech to be a mode of communication, and a Kaluli child example, a single community or school system may consist of
who does not use words is not expected to respond to the vocal families from more than a dozen cultural and language
communication of others (Schieffelin, 2005). In this area of groups. In that setting, what language should be chosen for
Papua New Guinea, a parent or teacher report on communi- the assessments?
cative skills in early childhood would no doubt be influenced Even when a translation has been validated, it is useful to
by these perspectives. do focus groups with parents and teachers prior to the begin-
Similarly, to return to the Samoan example, Samoan ning of the study to discuss language issues. For example, prior
children interact with caregivers in a way that restricts direct, to beginning a prevalence study of elementary school-aged
dyadic exchanges of meaning. Samoan society is highly strat- children in Korea, the first author conducted a focus group in
ified, with social interaction organized according to rank. A which several mothers objected to some of the vocabulary
child who wants something will make the request only of used by the Korean child psychiatrists who translated and
someone who is of higher rank, perhaps an adult. But this validated the protocols. The most objectionable word was
adult will not respond directly to the child. Instead he will isanghan, a word the Korean survey translators used to screen
pass on the request to a third person, someone of lower rank. for odd behaviors because it means “unusual” but which
It is not known what impact such triadic patterns of com- parents interpreted to mean “bizarre” or “freakish.” Thus,
munication might have on screening for abnormalities in even native health care practitioners may not be able to antici-
social behavior using measures of social responsiveness pate problems with translation, since the meaning of a con-
designed in the United States, but the mere existence of such cept in the medical community may differ significantly from
variations suggests that researchers should pay close atten- that in the general public (the classic American example being
tion to how communication can be shaped by society and “hypertension,” which Americans have long defined as exces-
culture. sive strain or nervousness, but which the medical community
In developing screening tools for autism, for example, has defined as high blood pressure).
items can be tailored to language impairment in particular
languages and cultures. It is well known, for example, that
English speakers with autism exhibit features such as echola- Á
lia, delayed echolalia, and monotonic speech. In addition, a Interventions from a Global Perspective
commonly reported impairment is pronominal reversal; in
fact, it was one of the diagnostic criteria for autism in the Numerous interventions have been developed for the treatment
DSM-III. But pronominal reversal would seldom be observed of ASD in North America and Western Europe—behavioral/
in Korea, since pronouns are rarely used. In Korea one would educational, medical, nutritional, and pharmacologic—
find other abnormalities. In Korea, as one example, people on although many are untested. However, there have been several
the autism spectrum commonly exhibit a particular language reviews of the benefits of behavioral/educational interventions
impairment: they generally cannot use language to distin- in children with ASD, and the results are encouraging (NRC,
guish social rank. The Korean language employs suffixes as 2001; Dawson & Osterling, 1997; Evans et al., 2003; Rogers
honorifics that denote levels of politeness and respect and and Vismara, 1998, 2008). Although the specifics of these edu-
which are used in nearly every sentence a person speaks. cational interventions vary, there is general consensus that the
However, a young person with autism may, for example, thank core components of a “successful” program include at least
an elderly man with the equivalent of “Thanks, Dude,” and the following: entry into intervention as soon as an ASD diag-
thank his younger sister as if she is an elderly woman, “Thank nosis is seriously considered; active engagement of the child in
you, Madame.” In Korea, and most likely in other societies intensive, daily instructional programs for a minimum of the
that employ grammatical forms to convey respect or mark equivalent of a full school day throughout the year; low, ade-
one’s place in a hierarchy, abnormalities in language and com- quate student-to-teacher ratios; and promotion of opportuni-
munication suggestive of an ASD can be identified in a screen- ties for interaction with typically developing peers. A recent
ing instrument that includes a question about the appropriate report of a randomized, controlled trial in the United States of
or inappropriate use of honorifics. an intervention with toddlers, the Early Start Denver Model,
Apart from screening, researchers face the problem of vali- shows tremendous promise (Dawson, 2010). Nonetheless,
dating assessments in the native language of the community some interventions in Western Europe, and South America,
being studied. Unfortunately, researchers all too often use an continue to focus on the treatment of maternal psychopathol-
assessment in a non-native language, such as English in India, ogy, since the refrigerator mother hypothesis persists in those
124 Autism Spectrum Disorders

areas where psychoanalytic theory still dominates child psy- South Africa there was an audit of referrals from primary care
chology and psychiatry. facilities (mostly managed by nurses) for a range of mental
In the Netherlands and in several Scandinavian countries, health services, many of which were for intellectual disability
there is extensive government support for both children and and scholastic problems in children under 19 years old.
adults with ASD, providing both groups with behavioral Following the audit, a recommendation was made that a pro-
treatment programs, even for mildly autistic individuals. In fessional “counselor” be responsible for providing psychologi-
the Netherlands, the government provides a residence cal assessment and intervention services at the primary care
(“Work Home”) for adults who are unable to live independ- level (Petersen, 2004). One would imagine that these “coun-
ently. Multidisciplinary teams located in the Regional selors” would be the first professionals to identify and diag-
Institutions for Outpatient Mental Health Care (RIAGG) nose children with autism as well as other developmental
provide diagnostic and treatment services, including in-home disabilities.
training, daycare programs, placement in special educational There are few estimates of the prevalence of autism in
centers, and residential placement. However, despite these China, although one recent study in Hong Kong suggests a
services, the waiting lists for assessment by the RIAGGs are comparatively low rate of 16.1 per 10,000 among children less
long, and educational programs are lacking. Moreover, as in than 15 years old (Wong & Hui, 2008). Given the Chinese
many countries, autism services in the Netherlands are tech- government’s March 2009 census, showing 251,660,000 per-
nically available under the Dutch disability laws only for sons ages 0–14 (approximately 19% of the total population),
people with a diagnosis of autistic disorder and not the other even such a low rate would mean there are at least 402,656
PDDs (van Engeland, 2005). In Sweden, the government has children in that age group with autism in China (National
focused largely on the establishment of treatment homes, in Population and Family Planning Commission, 2009).
the tradition of Rudolph Steiner’s concept of curative edu- Unfortunately, although the Ministry of Education in China
cation (or Heilpedagogie) (Rydelius, 2005), some of them has recently become concerned about services for children
arranged into villages. A similar model has been adopted with disabilities overall, there are not enough programs and
by organizations in other countries, such as the Camphill trained personnel to provide for children with disabilities,
communities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, the including autism.
United States, and Canada. There are few child psychiatrists in China, and these
However, while progress has been made in increasing the practice in the largest cities. Common diagnoses for Chinese
number and availability of treatments for ASD throughout the children with autism include intellectual disability, hyperac-
world, a search of the English language literature (Pub Med, tive syndrome, childhood schizophrenia, and sporadic
2000 to the present) yielded little information on interven- encephalitis (Tao & Yang, 2005). There is, nonetheless, a
tions for neurodevelopmental disorders (including autism) in Chinese classification of mental disorders adopted from the
low-income countries. Three articles discussed behavioral ICD-9 but which uses the term “childhood autism” instead of
modification, early intervention, and medication for children autistic disorder.
with autism in India (Daley, 2002, 2003; Kalra, 2005; Karande, Autism services in China, when available, include a mix
2006). Kalra (2005), in an evaluation of behavior modification of traditional treatments (i.e., herbs and acupuncture, which
and early intervention, found improvement in core symptoms are increasingly popular as treatments for autism in China,
of autism in some children. Karande (2006) recommended although there are no studies of their effectiveness) and more
the use of psychotropic drugs and counseling for parents and contemporary treatments (i.e., sensory integration and Applied
teachers in the treatment of autism in India. Daley (2002) Behavioral Analysis/ABA) (Clark & Zhou, 2005). Part of the
emphasized that the responsibility for interventions lies pri- reason for the paucity of services for autism lies in the fact that
marily with the parents since there are few special education it was not until the 1980s that special education of any type
services for autism and few psychologists and speech/language began in China, and when services are available, most of the
pathologists available for treating autism. resources have been put into services for children with physical
Because information on interventions for autism in disabilities. There is one exemplary private program, the “Stars
non-Western countries is scarce, we can use other neurodevel- and Rain” Education Institute for Children with Autism in
opmental disorders as a model for how a successful intervention Beijing. It is reported to have served nearly 500 children (ages
plan can be implemented. Olusanya (2007) described a 3–6) across China since 1993. The program uses an ABA
program in Nigeria to detect hearing loss in infants. A pilot approach to treatment along with a parent training model.
program for neonatal screening for hearing loss was developed However, at a cost of approximately $36 per week, it is not
with financial support from a local nongovernmental organi- feasible for most Chinese families. There are also limited pro-
zation (NGO). In the first year, more than 3,000 children grams in psychiatric facilities and no public school programs
were screened and fitted with hearing aids at no cost to the designed specifically for children with autism. There may,
parents. This public-private partnership for screening and however, be some children who receive special services because
intervention was noted as a model for other low and middle- they have an accompanying intellectual disability in addition
income countries. While not focusing on autism per se, in to autism.
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 125

Á the force behind the growth of research and advocacy has

Future Growth in Global Research come from funding through the telecommunications or
entertainment field: for example, Bob Wright, former presi-
Greater global awareness of both the characteristic features dent and CEO of NBC Universal, founder of Autism Speaks;
and prevalence of ASD has led to a range of new research the Fondation France Télécom in France, which supports
activities on ASD supported by public institutions in both the Autisme France; and Carlos Slim, the magnate who controls
United States (i.e., the Centers for Disease Control and the Mexican telecommunications company Teléfonos de
Prevention [CDC], the National Institute of Mental Health México.
[NIMH], and the National Institute for Child Health and
Development [NICHD]) and in other countries (i.e., the
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in
India [NIMHANS], the National Institute for Health and
Medical Research [INSERM] in France, and the National
Health Research Institutes [NHRI] in Taiwan). Biological and
This chapter described a significant number of obstacles to
genetic research on autism is expanding in Europe. In France,
conducting international research on ASD but also highlighted
for example, the Paris Autism Research International Sibpair
opportunities for advancing knowledge about how autism
genome study has been analyzing samples from Italy, Sweden,
varies across different settings. Even a preliminary cross-
France, Norway, the United States, Austria, and Belgium
cultural exploration of the epidemiology of autism and the
(Phillipe et al., 1999).
role that culture plays in diagnosis and treatment shows that
As reported prevalence estimates increased, funding
ASD exists throughout the world, even in societies that have
increased. Between 1997 and 2008, when government funding
no name for it. The study of the cultural variations in ASD is
for most medical research was unchanged, annual funding for
therefore not so much a matter of whether ASD exists, but
autism studies at the National Institutes of Health increased
rather the contexts in which it takes shape. The increased
from $22 million to $118 million (
funding for research by private and public institutions
portfolio-analysis/2008/index.shtml). Progress has also been
constitutes just one important step to meet the challenges
made through new laws: the Combating Autism Act (signed
of epidemiological research on autism across cultures. This
into law by President Bush in February 2007) was designed to
chapter also argued that ASD should be conceptualized as a
support autism research, and the French Chossy Act (December
cultural phenomenon and as a disability—not just as a phe-
1996) reclassified autism as a handicap rather than solely a
nomenon of Western civilization, and not just a disease.
psychiatric illness and thus ensured disability rights for autistic
Understanding how culture influences the recognition and
definition of autism spectrum disorders will facilitate cross-
Even more noticeable than these forms of public partici-
cultural adaptations of screening and diagnostic tools, and
pation, philanthropists and the families of autistic individuals
generate knowledge that can one day be translated into a better
have founded private foundations to support basic scientific
understanding of its etiology and improved treatments, serv-
research on ASD and improve the availability and quality of
ices, education, and community integration of people on the
services. Donors are contributing millions of dollars to parent
autism spectrum.
advocacy organizations, private schools, and foundations in
the United States (e.g., for example, the Autism Science
Foundation, Autism Speaks, and the Simons Foundation)
and in the United Kingdom (e.g., the National Autistic Society Á
or NAS). The NAS, founded in 1962, has grown considerably Challenges and Future Directions
over the past decade to include more than 17,000 members. It
has launched a telephone helpline that, according to their • Provide support to low and middle-income countries for
website, took 38,000 telephone calls in 2007. As a result, even community education and awareness.
scientists who never before had an interest in autism, but • Develop more efficient and affordable diagnostic
worked in a related area such as neuroscience or genetics, are assessments that are reliable and valid in multiple lan-
joining an increasingly long parade of autism researchers who guages and societies.
are able to secure funding through these private foundations. • In addition to ascertaining prevalence, epidemiological
Between 2003 and 2004 the number of grant applications to studies should develop low cost, appropriate services for
the National Alliance for Autism Research, then the leading children identified through screening, surveillance, and
private foundation for autism research (before its merger research efforts.
with Autism Speaks), doubled. In 2009 alone, the Simons • In order to develop culturally appropriate services,
Foundation and Autism Speaks awarded $51,526,058 and including educational programs, future epidemiological
$23,416,615 respectively for autism research projects (http:// studies should study the impact of autism on the child as Much of well as his/her family.
126 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á SUGGESTED READINGS Ochs, E., Kremer-Sadlik, T., Gainer Sirota, K., & Solomon, O. (2004).
Autism and the social world: An anthropological perspective.
Daley, T. (2002). The need for cross-cultural research on the perva- Discourse Studies, 6(2), 147–183.
sive developmental disorders. Transcultural Psychiatry, 39(4), Trostle, J. A. (2005). Epidemiology and culture. Cambridge: Cambridge
531–550. University Press.
Fombonne, E. (2009). Epidemiology of pervasive developmental
disorders. Pediatric Research, 65(6): 591–598.
Grinker, R. R. (2007). Unstrange minds: Remapping the world of Á APPENDIX
autism. New York: Basic Books.

Table 7–2.
Appendix: Selected epidemiological studies


Gillian Baird, F. R.C. The South UK (South Birth cohort study of 56,946 children (18 ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
Paed Thames Special Thames) the prevalence of month birth cohort subgroups
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Needs and ASD from 12 districts July 1990–Dec 1991) Diagnostic criteria: ICD-10
Hospital Autism Project in the South Thames screened at age 9 Source of cases: ongoing
London, UK (SNAP) area. years; in-depth assessments
Tony Charman, PhD assessment age 9 to
Behavioural & Brain 14 years.
Sciences Unit
Institute of Child
University College
London, UK
Jean Golding, PhD Avon UK (Avon) Prospective cohort Children born in ASD subgroup(s): All ASDs
Institute of Child Longitudinal starting in pregnancy 1991–1992 Diagnostic criteria: ICD-10
Health Study of Parents to identify the Source of cases:
University of Bristol, and Children environmental and Service provider records for
St Michael’s Hill, BS2 (ALSPAC) genetic antecedents ascertainment of ASD; traits
8BJ of the autistic identified from maternal
Bristol, UK spectrum disorders, completion of sets of
and of the traits that questions completed at
make up the autistic different ages
Eric Fombonne, MD, Staffordshire UK Successive prevalence 160 case children ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
FRCPsych(UK) Surveys (Staffordshire) studies of PDDs identified from subgroups
McGill University and among preschoolers, children born from Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV,
Montreal Children’s to examine temporal 1992 to 1998 ICD-10
Hospital trends and changes Source(s) of cases:
Montreal, Quebec in risk factors repeated screening of the
overtime. general population
Camilla Stoltenberg, The ASD Norway Pilot study to Children born in ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
MD, PhD, Healthcare and monitor the Norway 1999 or later subgroups
Norwegian Institute of Registry Project prevalence of ASD in who have been given Diagnostic criteria:
Public Health (NIPH), Norway, and possibly an ASD diagnosis in All ICD-10; F84.0–F84.9 will
Oslo, Norway providing the the Norwegian health be included.
Nydalen, 0403 Oslo, foundations for a care system Expected sample size:
Norway permanent national 1000–2000 cases.
ASD registry.

(Continued )

Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Christopher Gillberg, Bergen Child Norway (Bergen) Cross-sectional study Case children ASD subgroup(s):
MD, PhD Study: the to determine identified from 7- to All ASD subgroups
Gothenburg Autism prevalence rates of 9-year olds in 2003 in Diagnostic criteria:
University Spectrum Study ASD, test the ASSQ Bergen, Norway. DSM-IV (plus Gillberg
Gothenburg, Sweden as a screening device criteria for Asperger’s
for ASD, assess ASD syndrome)
risk factors using Source of cases:
screening devices and general population screen-
neuropsychological/ and clinic-referred cases
W. Ian Lipkin, MD Gene- Norway Nested case-control Children born in ASD subgroups:
Center for Infection Environment study focused on the 1999 through May All ASD subgroups
and Immunity Interactions in role of gene- 2008 and screened at Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Mailman School of an Autism Birth environment 36 months for ASD. Source of cases;
Public Health Cohort (ABC) interactions in the Screening of the MoBa cohort
Columbia University etiology of ASD. The of children at 36 months;
New York, NY 10032 ABC study builds on referrals (parents or provider-
the Norwegian based); search of health
Mother and Child registries
Cohort Study
Christopher Gillberg, Göteborg Sweden Cross-sectional Case children ASD subgroup(s):
MD, PhD Prevalence (Göteborg) prevalence study of identified from clinic All ASD subgroups included
Gothenburg studies of ASD. and population Diagnostic criteria:
University Autism screening of 7- to DSM-IV criteria (plus
Gothenburg, Sweden Spectrum 9-year-olds in Gillberg criteria for
Disorders. Goteborg, Sweden. Asperger’s syndrome)
Source of cases:
general population screen-
and clinic-referred cases
Paul Lichtenstein, PhD Child and Sweden Cohort study of All twins (n = 24,000) ASD Subgroup(s):
Department of Adolescent Twin liveborn twins to born in Sweden All ASD subgroups
Medical Epidemiology, Study in Sweden examine genetic and during 1994–2001. Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Karolinska Institute, (CATSS) environmental (Expected number of (plus Gillberg criteria for
Stockholm, Sweden influences for ASD twin pairs with Asperger’s syndrome).
and comorbid ASD = 800.) Source of cases:
conditions (e.g., general population screening
ADHD). with A-TAC and clinical
Christopher Gillberg, Faroe Islands Faroe Islands, Cross-sectional All children in the ADS subgroup(s):
MD, PhD ASD Genetic Denmark prevalence study to Faroe Islands, aged All ASD subgroups included
Gothenburg Epidemiology estimate the 7–15 years (n = 44 Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
University Study prevalence of ASD ASD cases). criteria (plus Gillberg criteria
Gothenburg, Sweden and examine the for Asperger’s syndrome)
genetic and Source of cases:
environmental school-based screening and
(mercury) risk clinic-referred cases
factors for ASD in a

(Continued )

Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Paul Thorsen, MD, Danish national Denmark Case-control study to 473 case children ASD subgroup(s):
PhD, case-control examine the born in Denmark Infantile autism diagnosed
Institute of Public study on infantile association between from 01/01/1990 before age 10 years
Health, autism genetic factors and to12/31/1999 and Diagnostic criteria: ICD-8
NANEA at the development of diagnosed before age and lCD-10
Department of infantile autism, and 10 years. Source(s) of cases:
Epidemiology, to develop the Danish Psychiatric Central
University of Aarhus methodological Registry and Danish National
Aarhus, Denmark expertise for studying Patient Registry
genetic markers for
Marko Kielinen, PhD Autism in Finland (Oulu Retrospective cohort 152, 732 children ADS subgroup(s):
and Marja-Leena Northern Finland and Lapland) study to estimate the born between 1979– Autistic disorder and
Mattila, MD prevalence of autism 1994 and age 3–18 in Asperger’s disorder
Department of in Oulu and Lapland, 1996–1997 (time Diagnostic criteria:
Paediatrics and to examine period for case DSM-IV, ICD-10 (Gillberg &
Clinic of Child secular changes in ascertainment) Szatmari, et al. criteria)
Psychiatry incidence. Sources of Cases:
University of Oulu Hospital records and the
Oulu, Finland records of the central
institutions of the
intellectually disabled
Marko Kielinen, PhD An Finland (Oulu Retrospective cohort 5484 children born in ADS subgroup(s):
and Marja-Leena Epidemiological and Lapland) study to evaluate the year 1992 and Autistic disorder and
Mattila, MD and Diagnostic diagnostic process screened in 2000– Asperger’s disorder
Department of Study of and prevalence rates 2001; 125 screened Diagnostic criteria:
Paediatrics Asperger´s of Asperger´s positive and 110 DSM-IV, ICD-10 (Gillberg
Clinic of Child disorder disorder. examined; 19 and Szatmari et al. criteria)
Psychiatry Asperger case Sources of Cases:
University of Oulu children and 13 Population screening
Oulu, Finland children with autistic followed by semistructured
disorder observation and testing
Evald Sæmundsen, Prevalence of Iceland Cross-sectional Children born 1994– ASD subgroup(s):
PhD autism spectrum survey too examine 1998 identified All ASD subgroups listed in
State Diagnostic and disorders in the prevalence of through medical and the ICD-10
Counseling Center Iceland in ASD in Iceland and other service system Diagnostic Criteria: ICD-10
Kopavogur, Iceland children born in to identify risk records through Source of cases:
1994–1998. factors associated January 2008 Service records of the referral
with ASD. center for autism and other
developmental disabilities
Manuel Posada, PhD, Spanish Autistic Spain (four Population-based Children 18–36 ASD subgroup(s):
MD, Spectrum regions) registry and a nested months of age in All ASD subgroups
Research Institute for Disorders case-control study to 2006 Diagnostic Criteria: DSM-IV-
Rare Diseases, Health Register (TEAR study the feasibility TR
Institute Carlos III in Spanish and and costs of a Source of cases: population-
28029. Madrid, Spain, SASDR in population screening based screening in the
English) program using the following venues: Public
M-CHAT and Health Care System-Well
analyze risk factors Child Care visits (WCC) and
for in incident cases. Compulsory Vaccination
Parent’s organizations, ASD
settlements and educational
and social services


Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Astrid Moura Vicente, Epidemiology of Portugal Cross-sectional study Children born in ASD subgroup(s):
PhD Autism in to estimate the 1990, 1991, and 1992, Autistic disorder
Instituto Nacional de Portugal prevalence of autism living in mainland Diagnostic criteria:
Saúde and to describe its Portugal or the DSM-IV
Av. Padre Cruz clinical Azores and attending Source(s) of cases:
1649-016 Lisboa, characterization and elementary school in School-based screening
Portugal associated medical the school year of followed by clinical
conditions. 1999/2000 assessment
The Americas

Eric Fombonne, MD, Prevalence of Canada Retrospective cohort 180 case children ASD subgroup(s):
FRCPsych(UK) Pervasive (Quebec) study to evaluate identified from All ASDs
McGill University and Developmental time trends in children born Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Montreal Children’s Disorders in relation to use of between 1997 and Sources of Cases:
Hospital Montreal, thimerosal- 1998 and ascertained special educational registers
Montreal, Quebec Quebec containing vaccines in 2003
and MMR.
CDC: Diana Schendel, The CADDRE USA Population-based Children born from ASD subgroup(s):
PhD Study: Child (6 sites: case-cohort study to September 2003 All ASDs subgroups
National Center on Development and California, investigate risk through August 2005; Diagnostic criteria: DSM IV
Birth Defects and Autism Colorado, factors for ASD and Eligible children must Source of cases:
Developmental Georgia, phenotypic be 30–60 months of intensive screening and case
Disabilities Maryland, North subgroups of ASD. age during data finding in clinics and special
Centers for Disease Carolina, and collection. programs for young children
Control and Pennsylvania) Expected sample size with developmental delays
Prevention is 650 children with
Atlanta, GA 30333 ASD across 6 sites.
California: Lisa Croen,
Colorado: Lisa Miller,
Maryland: Craig
Newschaffer, PhD
North Carolina: Julie
Daniels, PhD
Pennsylvania: Jennifer
Pinto-Martin, PhD,
Catherine Rice, PhD Autism and USA (Alabama, Ongoing population- Children who are 8 ASD subgroups included: All
National Center on Developmental Arizona, based surveillance of years old (selected ASDs
Birth Defects and Disabilities Colorado, ASD in 8-year-old states) beginning in Diagnostic criteria:
Developmental Monitoring Florida, Georgia, children in 11 sites in 2000 and monitored Systematic review of service
Disabilities, Network Maryland, the United States to biannually provider records—education
Centers for Disease (ADDM) Missouri, North determine prevalence (selected sites) and medical—
Control and Carolina, and trends. by expert clinicians using
Prevention Pennsylvania, DSM-IV criteria
1600 Clifton Road, South Carolina, Sources of case: school,
MS-E-86 Wisconsin) medical, and other service
Atlanta, GA 30333 provider records
Lisa Croen, PhD Childhood USA (Northern Case-control study to Children born 1995– ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
Kaiser Permanente Autism Perinatal California) investigate prenatal 1999 in a Kaiser subgroups
Northern California Study (CHAPS) and perinatal risk Permanente hospital Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Division of Research factors for autism in northern CA Source of cases:
Oakland, CA 94612 spectrum disorders. Kaiser Permanente electronic
medical records

(Continued )

Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Lisa Croen, PhD Early Autism USA (multisite Prospective, Women who have at ASD subgroup(s):
Kaiser Permanente Risks study—Northern longitudinal, cohort least one ASD- All ASD subgroups
Northern California Longitudinal California, study to identify affected child who Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Division of Research Investigations Pennsylvania, early autism risk have a subsequent Source of cases (proband
Oakland, CA 94612 (EARLI) and Maryland) factors and pregnancy. Women child)
biomarkers based on will be followed clinical care providers, service
an enriched-risk through their providers, educational
pregnancy cohort. pregnancies and the system, self-referrals.
infants will be
followed through
age 3.
Lisa Croen, PhD Early Markers for USA (Northern Case-control study to Children born July ASD: All ASD subgroups
Kaiser Permanente Autism Study California) identify early 2000–Sept. 2001 Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Northern California (EMA) (prenatal and Source of cases:
Division of Research neonatal) biomarkers Regional Center of Orange
Oakland, CA 94612 for autism spectrum County (review of service
disorders. provider records)
Michaeline Bresnahan, Aruba Autism Aruba Retrospective birth All children born in ASD subgroup(s) included:
PhD Project cohort study to Aruba in 1990–1999 Autistic Disorder, PDD-NOS,
Columbia University examine prevalence and followed through Asperger, Rett, disintegrative
School of Public and cumulative 2003. Diagnostic Criteria: DSM-IV
Health incidence of ASD in Source of Cases:
New York City Aruba. clinical/medical records
Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Epidemiological Venezuela Cross-sectional Children aged 3 to 7 ASD subgroup(s): All ASDs
PhD Findings of (Maracaibo survey to estimate years, and children Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
School of Education Autism Spectrum County) the prevalence of born in the 2003 (5 criteria
La Universidad del Disorders in autism spectrum years old). Source of cases:
Zulia. Maracaibo disorders (ASD) School-based screening and
Maracaibo, Estado County among children clinic-referred cases
Zulia, Venezuela between 3 and 7
years of age in
Maracaibo County.
Cristiane Silvestre de Prevalence of Brazil Cross-sectional 7- to 12-year-old ASD subgroup(s): All ASDs
Paula pervasive (Atibaia) survey to estimate children combined
Pervasive developmental the prevalence of Diagnostic Criteria: DSM IV
Developmental disorders in pervasive criteria
Disorders Program; southeast Brazil: developmental Source of cases:
Mackenzie A pilot study disorders in population based screening
Presbyterian southeast Brazil. study
University, Brazil
São Paulo, Brazil.
Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia

Shlomo (Sol) The Israeli Israel Population-based Expected sample size ASD subgroup(s) included:
Eaglstein, PhD Ministry of Social (Jerusalem) registry to estimate 4,000 case children Autism, Asperger’s
Department of Affairs (MOSA) the prevalence of (12/07) syndrome, and PDD-NOS.
Research, Planning Autism Registry. autism/ASD in Israel, Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
and Training by means of Source of cases: children
State of Israel Ministry detecting the number applying for services.
of Social Affairs and age of people
Jerusalem 93,420 diagnosed who apply
Israel. for services and
to track placement
(home, special
education, assisted
living, etc).


Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Hideo Honda, M.D. Cumulative Japan Cumulative Cumulative incidence “Childhood Autism:”
Ph.D. incidence and (Yokohama incidence study of up to age 5 years (ICD-10)
Yokohama prevalence of City) “childhood autism.” was calculated for Source of cases: Yokohama
Rehabilitation Centre childhood autism Attempt to replicate childhood autism City Routine Health Checkup
Yokohama, Japan in children in earlier among a birth cohort (18 months).
Japan epidemiological from four successive
Japan study using identical years (1988 to 1991).
(Yokohama) methods in a large
population with
screening beginning
at 18 months.
MKC Nair, MD, PhD Neuro- India Cross-sectional study 9,000 children aged ASD subgroup(s):
Professor of Pedi- developmental (5 regions) to examine the 2–9 years old will be All subgroups of ASD
atrics & Director, Disabilities prevalence of 10 screened with a Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Child Development among Children neurodevelopmental neurodevelopmental Source of cases:
Centre, Medical In India: An disabilities, including disability screening Community based household
College Campus, INCLEN Study ASDs, in children tool. Children with screening
Thiruvananthapuram, aged 2–9 years in autism will be
Kerala, India 695,011 India and gather determined based on
Dr. Narendra K. Arora information on a clinical examination
Executive Director- potentially applying agreed on
INCLEN modifiable risk study criteria for
The INCLEN Trust factors. ASDs
New Delhi, India
Richard Grinker, PhDStudy 1: The South Korea Study 1: Birth cohort Study 1: 36, 592 cases ASD subgroups: All ASD
George Washington Prevalence of (Ilsan) study to examine the screened 9/2005- subtypes
University, Autistic prevalence of ASD; 8/2006, confirmative Diagnostic criteria
Washington, DC Spectrum to establish a diagnoses completed DSM IV using ADOS and
20052 Disorder (ASD) population-based 2/2006-7/2009, ADI-R
in Korean cohort of children among children born Source of cases:
School-age with ASD for future 1995-2000. Study: community based
Children genetic and Study 2: 2001–2002 screening; family referrals;
Young Shin Kim, MD, Study 2: environmental birth cohort; screened and disability registry
MS, MPH, PhD Prospective studies, to investigate at age 6 years in
Yale Child Study Examination of public attitudes 2007–2008
Center 6-year about ASD; and to
New Haven, CT 06520 Cumulative examine patterns of
Incidence of service utilization in
ASDs: A Total Korean children with
Population Study ASD.
Study 2: Prospective
birth cohort study to
examine the
incidence proportion
of ASD in children
followed from birth
to age 6 years.

(Continued )
132 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 7–2. (Contd.)

Craig J. Newschaffer, Epidemiologic China Pilot study to 3- to 5-year-old ASD subgroup(s) included:
PhD Research on (Shandong examine methods for children residing in ADI-defined autism.
Associate Professor of Autism in China Province) population-based the Weicheng district Diagnostic criteria: ADI-R.
Epidemiology screening to estimate of Weifang Prefecture
Center for Autism and prevalence of Shandong
Developmental estimation toward Province.
Disabilities capacity-building for
Epidemiology conducting
Department of epidemiologic
Epidemiology research on ASD in

Joe Cubells, MD, PhD Genetic China (Wuiiang Pilot study to Children born in ASD subgroup(s):
Department of Human Epidemiology of County near develop, validate, 1994–1996 and All ASD subtypes
Genetics Autism in China: Beijing) and field test assessed in late Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Emory University Phase 1 culturally 2008–2009 Source of cases:
School of Medicine appropriate Local health centers where
Atlanta, GA 30322 screening methods original study participants
USA for identifying receive their health care.
potential ASD cases
in the offspring of
mothers who were
enrolled prior to
pregnancy in a large
longitudinal cohort
study assembled in
Virginia C. N. Wong, Epidemiological China (Hong Retrospective cohort Children aged under ASD subgroup(s):
MD Study of Autism Kong) study to investigate 15 years who had a All cases
Division of Child Spectrum the epidemiological diagnosis of ASD in Diagnostic Criteria:
Neurology, Disorder in Hong pattern of ASD in 1986 to 2005 DSM-III-R or DSM-IV
Developmental Kong Chinese children. Source of cases:
Paediatrics, and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Neurohabilitation Registry for Children in
Department of Hong Kong
Pediatrics &
Adolescent Medicine,
The University of
Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, China
Li-Ching Lee, PhD, Population-based Taiwan Pilot activities to Children in first and ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
ScM prevalence study support development second grades, aged subgroups
Department of of autism of epidemiology and 6–7, to be ascertained Diagnostic Criteria: DSM-IV
Epidemiology spectrum clinical capacity for a in 2009. Source of cases:
Bloomberg School of disorders in population-based Screening of children in first
Public Health Taiwan prevalence study. and second grades.
Johns Hopkins
Baltimore MD 21205
Glenys Dixon, PhD The West Western Ongoing population- 1500 case children ASD subgroup(s): All ASD
Telethon Institute for Australian Australia (WA) based registry of ASD ongoing starting in subtypes
Child Health Research Autism Register for WA to describe 1999 Diagnostic criteria: DSM-IV
Centre for Child the pattern of autism Source of Cases: case
Health Research diagnoses and reporting by diagnosing
University of Western prevalence rates of clinicians and WA service
Australia ASD in WA. system records
Perth, Australia
Culture and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Impact on Prevalence and Recognition 133

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Commentary Á Patrick F. Bolton

Issues in the Classification of Pervasive

Developmental Disorders

Introduction Unresolved Issues in ICD-10 and DSM-IV

The rationale for classifying childhood onset mental problems, The term Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) was
including neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, is coined in order to reflect the fact that autism, the prototypical
that it aids in communication and the nosological entities form of Pervasive Developmental Disorder, is characterized by
predict aspects of the natural history of the condition, its problems in development that pervade both social, language/
response to treatment as well as the causes of the phenomena. communication, play, and intellectual development. The need
By their nature, classification systems can never be complete for an umbrella term that encompassed a number of different
and perfect, as they continually need to be revised and updated possible conditions falling under the generic heading PDD,
as knowledge accrues (Taylor & Rutter, 2002; Angold & reflected the fact that there was some uncertainty as to whether
Costello, 2009). different subtypes or forms of presentation were meaningfully
Approaches to the classification of mental problems have associated with different causes, natural history, and response
evolved over the years and have moved from a system based to treatment. The conditions listed under the Pervasive
on psychoanalytic theory to more phenomenologically based Developmental Disorder category in DSM-IV and ICD-10 are
approaches. Modern schemes really began with the introduc- summarized in Table C1-1. Although the two classificatory
tion of DSM-III and ICD-9 in the 1970s, both of which are
based largely on descriptions of patterns of symptomatology.
One of the key developments in the nosology of childhood
psychopathology was the implementation of a multiaxial
diagnostic scheme. The need for a multiaxial scheme stemmed Table C1–1.
from the recognition that psychopathology is often multifaceted ICD-10 and DSM 1V classification of pervasive
in its presentation and that multiple factors, often occurring in developmental disorders
combination, may be etiologically relevant. For example, both DSM 1V ICD-10
the presence of a specific medical condition and certain psy-
chosocial stresses may be relevant in the development of a Autism Autism
child’s problems. Asperger’s Asperger’s
Although the advent of ICD-10 and DSM-IV represented a Atypical Autism
major step in nosological classification, several advances in PDD NOS PDD Other
knowledge have taken place over the last 15 years, and this has PDD Unspecified
led to a realization of the need to revise our diagnostic scheme
Rett Syndrome Rett Syndrome
and work toward the publication of new editions of the main
classificatory systems for psychopathology, ICD-11 and Childhood Disintegrative
DSM-V. Disorder
Within this context it is timely, therefore, to consider the Childhood Disintegrative Overactive disorder associated
classification of the pervasive developmental disorders and the Disorder with mental retardation and
areas in which revisions might need to be made. stereotyped movements

138 Autism Spectrum Disorders

schemes were similar in many respects, there were some and how to separately classify cases of Asperger’s syndrome
notable differences. and Rett’s syndrome and what to do with atypical presentations
First, The World Health Organization (WHO) published in terms of atypical symptom profiles and atypical ages of
two versions of ICD-10: a clinical diagnostic scheme as well onset. Asperger’s paper and description of the eponymous
as research diagnostic scheme (WHO, 1993). The clinical syndrome had only recently been translated from German into
diagnostic scheme provided prototypical descriptions of the English (Wing, 1981), and some differences from autism in the
specific disorder (e.g., autism), and the onus was on the clini- presenting and associated features raised the possibility that it
cian to determine whether or not the child’s presentation best might represent a different condition. The findings from stud-
fitted with one or other prototype. By contrast, the research ies of schizoid disorder of childhood (Wolff & Barlow, 1979;
diagnostic criteria followed a similar approach to that adopted Wolff & Chick, 1980; Wolff, 1991), fueled the speculation that
in DSM-IV by specifying a list of symptoms that had to be children presenting in these ways may constitute a separate
present in different domains of function: to meet diagnostic subgroup. Accordingly, Asperger’s syndrome was included as
criteria individuals had to manifest a specific number of a separate category in both schemes. Similarly, Rett’s syndrome
symptoms within each domain. The rational for adopting had also only relatively recently been characterized on the basis
these different approaches in ICD-10 was that it was consid- of symptomatology, regression, and course (Rett, 1986), but as
ered that the approach of pattern matching to a “gestalt” that the cause was unknown at that time, it was classified as a PDD
was exemplified in the clinical diagnostic scheme better rather than a genetic disorder, despite the fact that it was
reflected expert clinical practice, whereas the symptom count strongly suspected to be a single gene disorder.
approach was better suited for research, as more detailed The two classificatory systems took quite different
operationalization of the diagnostic criteria was likely to approaches to the classification of other atypical presentations.
increase the reliability of diagnosis. The drawback of the In DSM-IV they were all lumped together and classified as
symptom count approach was that the criteria were not exter- PDD Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD-NOS). There were no
nally validated and potentially led to premature conceptual operationalized criteria for PDD-NOS. By contrast, four
closure, with critics pointing out that diagnosis is not simply additional diagnostic categories were created in ICD-10.
an exercise in counting symptoms. Of course, the two
1. Atypical autism was used to classify cases that nearly met
approaches are not mutually exclusive and, in practice, it is
the full criteria for a diagnosis of autism, but there were
possible to adopt a combined approach by specifying that a
insufficient symptoms in one domain to meet criteria
case meets clinical and research diagnostic criteria.
for autism or the presentation was atypical in terms of
Second, ICD-10 and DSM-IV adopted different multiaxial
age of onset.
schemes. Although both systems place PDD on axis 1, DSM
2. PDD “other” was used to classify cases that were thought
1V classifies personality disorders and the degree of intellectual
to have a PDD but did not meet criteria for autism or
disability on axis 2, the presence of medical conditions on
atypical autism. There were no operationalized criteria
axis 3, associated psychosocial and environmental problems
for this diagnosis.
on axis 4, and the overall level of function on axis 5. By
3. The category of PDD unspecified was created for cases
contrast, in ICD-10, axis 2 is used to classify specific
where findings were conflicting, inconsistent, or incom-
developmental disorders, axis 3 the intellectual level, axis 4
plete. For example, if findings from observational assess-
medical conditions, axis 5 psychosocial influences, and axis 6
ments did not agree with parental reports of the child’s
the level of functioning. Personality disorders are classified
development, or if observational assessments suggested
on axis 1 in ICD-10.
the diagnosis, but there was no informant available to
At this stage there seems to be little reason to argue that
provide details of the early developmental history.
PDD should be moved from axis 1 to another axis. However,
4. ICD-10 also included a diagnostic category of uncertain
clear guidance on how associated features of PDD such as
nosological status termed “over active disorder with
language delays and impairments should be dealt with is
mental retardation and stereotyped movements.”
necessary, as speech and language delay is currently one of the
diagnostic criteria for autism, but is not a necessary feature. As The aim in ICD-10 was to attempt to split PDD into various
language level is a key predictor of outcome, it would arguably different putative subtypes.
make sense to separately classify the presence of language Fourth, the operational definition of Asperger’s syndrome
impairment on axis 2. has given rise to some confusion over how to differentiate it
Third, when the two classificatory systems were being from high functioning autism (i.e., cases where there was no
formulated, there was a good deal of uncertainty as to where significant speech/language delay and where the individual is
the boundaries should be drawn between autism and other of normal intelligence, yet speech and language development
pervasive developmental disorders and what other possible was deviant). The dilemma has been that these cases could
subtypes of PDD should be delineated. The main dilemmas meet criteria for both autism and Asperger’s syndrome
centered on the degree of possible heterogeneity and how to (Volkmar, Klin, et al., 1996; Volkmar, Klin, et al., 1998).
classify cases that did not meet all the criteria for a diagnosis of An additional concern was that PDD “other” and PDD
autism. At the time, the main questions focused on whether unspecified in ICD-10 and PDD-NOS in DSM-IV were not
Issues in the Classification of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 139

operationally defined, so there was a good deal of uncertainty difficulties and unusual patterns of interests and activities that
as to when these diagnoses should be made. extend well beyond the traditional concepts of a pervasive
Clearly one of the issues to address in future revisions of developmental disorder, to include impairments in just one
the nosological scheme concerns the approach to subtyping domain of function (Bolton, Macdonald, et al., 1994; Bailey,
and the number of subtypes to be included under the rubric of Le Couteur et al., 1995; Bailey, Palferman et al., 1998).
pervasive developmental disorders (see below). These findings have led to uncertainty over where the line
Fifth, the two classificatory systems took rather different should be drawn between autism spectrum disorder and
approaches to hierarchical rules within the schemes. In ICD-10 normal variation in personality, social behavior, and function.
the diagnosis of one condition often precluded the diagnosis Indeed, the lack of any clear demarcation between the broader
of other disorders, whereas in DSM-IV this was less frequently autism phenotype and normal variation in behavior has been
the case, although a hierarchical approach was sometimes used to argue that autism is the extreme of a normally
adopted. As a consequence in DSM-IV it was more often distributed set of traits, in much the same way that obesity can
possible to diagnose two conditions concurrently. The rationale be considered to be the extreme of normal variation in weight.
for including hierarchical rules was that the significance of Accordingly, researchers have developed and investigated
symptoms may be different when they occur in the presence dimensional models of the phenotype (Constantino &
of a major disorder (Matson & Nebel-Schwalm, 2007). Todd, 2003; Constantino, Gruber, et al., 2004). The findings
For example, high levels of activity were thought to be from these studies have provided interesting new insights, but
common features in individuals with autism and not neces- it should nevertheless be emphasized that the absence of a
sarily indicative of the presence of hyperkinesis/attention clear discontinuity in the distribution of trait questionnaire
deficit/hyperactivity. Accordingly, the diagnosis of ADHD/ scores does not unequivocally prove that autism is the extreme
hyperkinesis was precluded in individuals with a diagnosis of of normal variation in autistic traits for several reasons.
autism both in ICD-10 and DSM 1V. Here again, the findings First, the distribution of scores in siblings of individuals
over the last 15 years highlight the need to reconsider some of with autism has a long upper tail, raising the possibility that
these hierarchical rules and the best approach to adopt for there may be a discontinuity. Second, the autism phenotype is
classifying complex presentations that are characterized by associated with features that are not commonly found in the
admixtures of symptomatology of various kinds (Matson & general population, such as macrocephaly, epilepsy, and
Nebel-Schwalm, 2007). intellectual disability. The findings indicate that at some point
In addition to these extant issues, a number of new issues there is a discontinuity or threshold at which point there is a
have emerged as methods have developed and the evidence qualitative change in manifestation. The findings are poten-
base has advanced. These are outlined below. tially consistent with the liability threshold model. Alterna-
tively, they may reflect a second hit event or heterogeneity.
For example, it may be that, as for intellectual disability, a
Á mixed model applies, where individuals fall at the extreme of
Recent Advances and New Issues the distribution either because they have a specific genetic or
medical problem or because the factors responsible for varia-
The Concept of “Autism Spectrum Disorder” tion within the normal range have conspired together to place
individuals at the extreme of the normal distribution.
One of the most significant conceptual shifts has been the As such, although the development and construction of a
adoption of the notion that autism is part of a “spectrum of dimensional measure of the autistic traits has much to
disorder.” Lorna Wing was the first to put forward the idea commend it, there are a number of methodological challenges
that autism is a spectrum disorder and proposed a typology to overcome in developing a suitable measure, conceptual
based on the pattern of social impairment (Wing & Gould, issues to resolve, and uncertainties about when a dimensional
1979; Wing, 1997). Subsequent genetic epidemiological data or categorical model is most informative. Until these issues
has helped underpin the concept of autism as a spectrum dis- have been resolved, most effort has gone into the development
order. For example, findings from family and twin studies of measures of the severity of autism spectrum disorder.
have clearly shown that the liability to autism confers a risk
not just for autism, but for a range of manifestations that can Measuring the Severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder
include several PDD variants such as Asperger’s syndrome,
atypical autism and PDD other/PDD-NOS (Bolton, The reasons for developing a scale of the severity of autism
Macdonald, et al., 1994; Bailey, Le Couteur, et al., 1995; Bailey, spectrum disorder are in order to use the measure: (1) as an
Palferman, et al., 1998). The findings provide unequivocal index of liability to the condition, (2) to predict outcome,
support for the concept of a spectrum of manifestations, but (3) to assess response to treatment. The approach to construct-
the spectrum typology proposed by Wing has not been widely ing a measure will differ in each of these circumstances. For
adopted or extensively investigated. example, a measure to quantify response to treatment will need
The genetic epidemiological data also showed that the to be a measure of current severity and be sensitive to change.
liability to autism confers a risk for social and communication By contrast a measure for the purpose of predicting outcome
140 Autism Spectrum Disorders

will need to be designed to assess severity at a particular time type of symptoms develops and unfolds considerably. Focusing
point in development, when the scale is going to have good on a specific age period also leads to inherent problems in
predictive properties and be of maximal clinical use for accurately assessing symptom count in older individual or
planning future service provision and advising families. young adults, where recall bias is likely to be present.
For the purpose of classification, the primary goals are to
quantify liability and predict outcome. Typically severity is Sources of Information
estimated on the basis of symptomatology and symptom
severity can be quantified in a number of ways. These include Reports on symptomatology can be obtained from various
(1) counting the total number of symptoms, (2) measuring sources, including parents and teachers, but symptomatology
the intrusiveness or contextual sensitivity of symptomatology, can also be evaluated during observational assessments using
(3) determining the persistence and duration of symptoms instruments such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation
over time. Schedule-Generic (Lord, Rutter et al., 1989). The comparative
validity of measures derived from an observational assessment
Symptom Count lasting an hour compared with reports of behavior occurring
over the course of months or a year is unknown. It may be that
Up to now the majority of studies have chosen to examine the a combination of questionnaire, interview-based reports, and
number of symptoms as a metric of severity. However, the observational methods will be the most accurate way of
approach is not as simple as it might at first seem. For exam- quantifying symptom severity, but as yet the best approach to
ple, the list of symptoms has to be delineated and a decision combining information from various sources is still unclear.
made as to how to score them and whether to give each
symptom equal weight in computing the score. So far the Dimensions of Severity
choice of symptoms has been determined on the basis of the
instrument used to evaluate them and in part, therefore, on Another consideration concerns our conceptualization of
the instruments’ ability to discriminate between cases and autism spectrum disorder as a cohesive unitary phenomenon.
controls. Obviously selecting symptoms in this way can affect Recent findings have challenged this view and have raised
the properties of the distribution observed. Moreover each the possibility that autism spectrum disorder represents a
symptom has typically been given equal weight, yet the rating “compound phenotype” comprising several interrelated
scales tend to have more items covering some symptom dimensions relating to social, communication, and repetitive
domains than others, so again this has the potential to influence behaviors. These ideas have stemmed in part from twin study
the distributional properties of the scale. data that have suggested that there may be overlapping as well
A related challenge in deriving a severity score is to develop as distinct genetic and environmental determinants of each
a means of equating scores in individuals with no speech to dimension (Ronald, Happe, et al., 2005; Ronald, Happe, et al.,
scores in those with speech, where a higher score is potentially 2006; Happe & Ronald, 2008). If autism spectrum disorder
possible simply because individuals with speech can manifest were a compound phenotype, then this would have implications
phenomena such as neologism, pronominal reversal, and for assessing severity and indicate that it should be assessed on
stereotypic and repetitive speech. The limited investigation of a number of different dimensions. Currently, the notion that
this issue so far conducted suggests that language impairments autism spectrum disorder represents a compound phenotype
may not lead to long-lasting differences in severity (Loucas, has not been conclusively established (Constantino, Gruber,
Charman, et al., 2008). Similar considerations apply to the et al., 2004). For the time being therefore, it is best to focus on
estimation of symptom severity in individuals with an the development of a unitary measure of symptom severity.
associated intellectual disability, where again the repertoire of
symptoms will be modified by the presence of the intellectual Other Approaches to Measuring Severity
An alternative way of estimating the severity of a condition is
Developmental Changes to assess change in symptomatology over time, but although it
is known that autistic symptomatology can wax or wane, the
Another issue is that the type and number of symptoms will relationship to liability and outcome has not been systematically
change and vary with age and over time. To some degree the investigated. Similarly, the degree to which symptoms vary
problem can be circumvented by focusing on a particular age across situations (e.g., home or school) or intrude into other
and stage of development and evaluating the symptomatology activities or disrupt family life can be used as a metric of
at that time point. This is the approach taken for example by severity. But here again, the approach has not been evaluated.
the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (Lord, Pickles, et al., Yet another approach to measuring severity is to evaluate
1997; Lord, Rutter, et al., 1994), which focuses in part on the level of social role impairment associated with the symptoms
symptomatology that is exhibited between the ages of 4 to 5 and quantifying this, for example by using the Childhood
years. Clearly, this approach leaves open the issue of what to Global Assessment Scale (Bird, Yager, et al., 1990) or by meas-
do with children younger than 4 to 5, where the number and uring the level of adaptive function. Severity estimates using
Issues in the Classification of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 141

these approaches are likely to be influenced by intellectual level, symptomatology emerges within the first year or two, before
as well as the presence of any comorbid disorders and other the full syndrome has become manifest (Rogers, 2004;
features associated with autism (e.g., speech and language Elsabbagh & Johnson, 2007; Stefanatos, 2008). This is evident
impairment). Nevertheless, these approaches could potentially for example from the studies of infant siblings of individuals
capture severity more comprehensively, but whether such with autism spectrum disorders which have revealed that early
measures relate more closely to liability or better predict social and communication difficulties can be identified prior
outcome is uncertain, with variable findings with respect prog- to the manifestation of the full syndrome. At this stage, the
nosis (Nordin & Gillberg, 1998; Szatmari, Bryson, et al., 2003; specificity of these early manifestations is under investigation,
Howlin, Goode, et al., 2004; Baghdadli, Picot, et al., 2007). but the findings nevertheless highlight the need to develop a
The current published research on the utility of each of the system for classifying these phenomena. In the diagnostic
approaches to quantifying severity is extremely limited. Most scheme for children aged 0 to 3 (DC 0–3) (Zero-Three, 2005),
research has focused on estimating severity from symptom the only option at present is to diagnose a multisystem
count. Even here, the data are inconsistent with some, but not developmental disorder in children under the age of 2 and
all, studies suggesting that symptom count is associated with the pervasive developmental disorder for children aged 2+.
familial liability to autism spectrum disorder (Bolton, Macdonald, However, these diagnoses have not been fully operationalized.
et al., 1994; Szatmari, Jones, et al., 1996; Spiker, Lotspeich, et al., At present, we know too little about the specificity of the early
2002; Szatmari, Merette, et al., 2008). The evidence from studies signs to be able to classify them under the rubric of PDD.
of identical twins (one of whom has an autism spectrum disorder) However, there is no reason to refrain from diagnosing PDD
suggests however, that symptom severity is only weakly correlated in children under the age of 2 years if they meet diagnostic
with liability if at all (Le Couteur, Bailey, et al., 1996) or exhibits criteria. Otherwise, until we have a better understanding of
correlations in only some domains (Kolevzon, Smith, et al., the precursors of ASD, it would seem best to specify the type
2004). It remains uncertain, therefore, how closely symptom of developmental problem using the DC 0–3 scheme.
severity indexes liability. In addition to the question of classification of precursor
Similarly, it remains unclear how well symptom count symptomatology there is also the issue as to whether or not
predicts prognosis, after the presence of associated features the occurrence of regression in development is an important
such as speech/language and intellectual level has been taken feature to record in the classification scheme. Here again the
into consideration. Findings from some studies suggest that findings are inconsistent, with some reports suggesting that
symptom severity is associated with outcome, others do not the presence of regression may be associated with different
(Nordin & Gillberg, 1998; Szatmari, Bryson, et al., 2003; manifestations, course, and possibly etiology, but other
Howlin, Goode, et al., 2004; Baghdadli, Picot, et al., 2007; studies failing to identify any significant differences in those
Billstedt, Gillberg, et al., 2007). with and without regression (Rogers, 2004; Stefanatos, 2008).
In the absence of any data on the utility of other approaches, The picture has been further complicated by the recent sug-
the simplest way forward is to quantify severity using symptom gestion that regression may be an almost universal feature in
count anchored developmentally within a specific time period autism spectrum disorder albeit unobservable or unmeasur-
such as the 4- to 5-year period adopted by the ADI(R) able in the subset of cases where regression occurs very early
Interview, perhaps supplemented with measures derived from in development (Baird, Charman, et al., 2008; Pickles,
observational assessments. Simonoff, et al., 2009). It will also have to be decided whether
There still remains one important issue. This concerns the to subclassify the type of regression and stipulate the areas in
criteria to adopt for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder which regression is observed (e.g., language, social, motor,
and how broadly to define the concept. The dilemma here is intelligence, etc).
that very little is known about the development and outcome Another consideration concerns the fact that autism
of individuals with the broader autism phenotype (BAP), so it symptomatology also changes later on in development either
is unclear to what extent social role impairment is associated becoming significantly more or less marked with age. There
with the broader phenotype. Also, as the criteria for diagnosing has been a tendency to consider autism as a disorder that is
the BAP are not well developed, the sensitivity and specificity lifelong in manifestations, and certainly this is the case in
of the criteria for diagnosis are not known. For the time being many individuals (Howlin, Goode, et al. 2004). However,
it seems sensible, therefore to retain a category of PDD other there are also reports of individuals who largely if not com-
for diagnosing individuals with the BAP, but operationalized pletely outgrow their autism. These findings raise the question
criteria will have to be created. as to whether or not autism should be a permanent lifelong
diagnosis. It is perhaps worth emphasizing here that in the
current DSM classification scheme it is possible to stipulate
Á that the condition is in partial or full remission or the diagno-
Developmental Issues sis was based on prior history. It makes sense to retain this
Although autism spectrum has by definition an onset within Presentations in adulthood also raise issues about the
the first 3 years of life, it is evident that in some individuals differentiation of autism spectrum disorder and PDD other
142 Autism Spectrum Disorders

from schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder. This recorded on axis 4 in ICD-10 and axis 3 in DSM-IV, but there
question has been little studied, but potential differentiating is no way of indicating which of the medical disorders is prob-
features include the developmental history, pragmatics of ably causal. One solution is to include a subcategory on axis 1
communication, form of prosody, and pattern of interests for individuals with autism spectrum deriving from an associ-
and activities. ated, likely causal medical condition, recording the associated
medical disorder on axis 4. The list of currently accepted med-
ical cause of autism spectrum disorder includes Fragile x syn-
drome, tuberous sclerosis, and abnormalities of chromosome
Associated Features
15 involving 15q11-13, but the list is likely to grow in the near
Quite apart from the challenge of estimating symptom severity,
In addition to genetic and medical causes, it is now also
there is an additional need to provide a means for quantification
apparent that individuals who experienced severe early depri-
of the level of function in key features associated with autism,
vation may exhibit quasi-autistic-like manifestations that tend
including speech/language and intellectual level. That is
to resolve with time and nurturance (Rutter, Andersen-Wood,
because these associated features constitute some of the best
et al., 1999). Again, consideration needs to be given as to how
indices of prognosis (Nordin & Gillberg 1998; Szatmari,
to differentiate between these presentations and autism
Bryson, et al., 2003; Baghdadli, Picot, et al., 2007; Billstedt,
spectrum disorder and whether to classify the disturbance in
Gillberg, et al., 2007). One way of achieving this would be to
social and communication development observed after extreme
specify the level of speech and language attainment using some
deprivation as a PDD or a form of attachment disorder.
standardized measure of speech language skills and to record
Childhood disintegrative disorder, which currently is
this on axis 2, rather than simply the presence of speech
separately characterized on the basis of the prior period of
language impairment. Similarly, intellectual ability (e.g., full
normal development up until at least 2 years of age followed
scale IQ) can be recorded on axis 3, rather than simply
by a regression and loss of skills and the emergence of an
specifying the degree of intellectual disability.
autistic-like syndrome (Volkmar & Rutter, 1995; Mashiko,
With respect to the measurement of the degree of social
2003; Kurita, Koyama, et al. 2004; Rogers, 2004), should be
role impairment, both DSM and ICD-10 record the overall
retained as a subtype of PDD, but consideration should be
level of social impairment on axis 6 in ICD-10 and axis 5 on
given to renaming it, as the current label can give a rather mis-
DSM, but agreed methods for measuring the degree of
leading impression. The rational for subtyping this group of
impairment would be desirable.
children stems from the fact that rare neurological disorders
are more often identified in these individuals.
Á A further potential subtype includes the children who have
Heterogeneity early difficulties in peer and social relationships as well as
some language and communication difficulties and unusual
It is well established that autism spectrum disorder is etiologi- experiences, who are later prone to develop psychotic illness,
cally heterogeneous, with an identifiable, probably causal such as schizophrenia (Buitelaar & van der Gaag, 1998;
medical condition found in some 10% of cases (Rutter, Bailey, Remschmidt & Theisen, 2005; de Bruin, de Nijs, et al., 2007).
et al., 1994). For example individuals with tuberous sclerosis, Current research suggests that among the individuals with a
Fragile X syndrome, and abnormalities of chromosome 15 are diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise
at increased risk for developing an autism spectrum disorder, specified in DSM there are a subset of children who meet
although they are not necessarily destined to do so (Feinstein criteria for so called multiple complex developmental disorder,
& Reiss, 1998; Bolton, Dennis, et al., 2001; Bolton, Park, et al., and that this subgroup seems to be particularly at risk for
2002; Milner, Craig, et al., 2005). With the recent discovery of developing psychotic illnesses later in development. It remains
the association between autism spectrum disorder and copy unclear as to quite how best to distinguish these children from
number variants it is likely that other genetic and other children with autism spectrum disorders, but the limited
submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities will soon be available evidence indicates that some means of classifying
established as new causes of autism spectrum disorder (Sebat, these individuals is needed. Whether they should be classified
Lakshmi, et al., 2007; Christian, Brune, et al., 2008; Geschwind, under the rubric of pervasive developmental disorder or as a
2009; Kumar & Christian, 2009). There is some evidence to subtype of schizophrenia clearly needs to be decided.
suggest that the manifestations of autism spectrum disorder in
individual with these comorbid medical conditions may differ
in certain respects. For example, individuals with Fragile x Á
syndrome are said to be socially avoidant and anxious (Cohen, Comorbidity
Fisch, et al., 1988; Cohen, Vietze, et al., 1989). In many
circumstances, individuals with a comorbid genetic condition Although the diagnosis of some comorbid disorders has been
also have an associated intellectual disability and epilepsy. precluded in ICD and DSM, recent reports have suggested that
Accordingly, there is a need to make allowances for this within there are individuals who seem to meet criteria for autism
the classificatory scheme. At present, all medical disorders are and ADHD/hyperkinesis and that, at least in some cases,
Issues in the Classification of Pervasive Developmental Disorders 143

the associated hyperkinesis or ADHD can be treated reasona- disorders, and it is time for revisions to the current classificatory
bly successfully with the same medications used for ADHD. schemes. Equally it is evident that much remains to be deter-
However, in many children with PDD and concurrent mined and, in some areas, it is still uncertain as to what the
overactivity, restlessness, and impulsivity, medication is best approach to classification should be. This is inevitable,
ineffective or gives rise to very problematic side effects. This and classificatory schemes continually need to be developed
has led to increasing speculation over the extent and basis of and honed for their purpose. It is hoped that at least with
co-occurrence between autistic spectrum disorder symptoma- respect to the pervasive developmental disorders there will be
tology and ADHD/hyperkinetic symptomatology. There is an opportunity for closer integration of the ICD-10 and
some evidence to suggest that there are shared genetic risk DSM-IV approaches as a comprehensive and unified approach
factors for this symptomatic overlap (Ronald, Simonoff, et al. has much to offer.
2008; Mulligan, Anney, et al. 2009) but equally other evidence
to suggest that the risk factors for ADHD/hyperkinesis in
individuals with autism spectrum disorder may be rather Á REFERENCES
different from those that ordinarily underlie pure ADHD/
hyperkinesis (Simonoff, Pickles, et al., 2008). The issue clearly Angold, A., & Costello, E. J. (2009). Nosology and measurement in
requires further research to resolve; but it is evident the clas- child and adolescent psychiatry. Journal of Child Psychology and
sificatory systems in the future need in some way to be able to Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 50(1–2), 9–15.
Baghdadli, A., Picot, M. C., et al. (2007). What happens to children
accommodate the situation when two sets of problems are
with PDD when they grow up? Prospective follow-up of 219
present. There are various approaches that could be adopted
children from preschool age to mid-childhood. Acta Psychiatrica
to achieve this. For example, one approach is to set aside a Scandinavica, 115(5), 403–412.
diagnostic category for autistic hyperkinesis, just as there is a Bailey, A., Le Couteur, A., et al. (1995). Autism as a strongly genetic
category for hyperkinetic conduct disorder in ICD-10. The disorder: Evidence from a British twin study. Psychological
alternative approach is to abandon the hierarchical structure Medicine, 25(1), 63–77 issn: 0033–2917.
of the classificatory scheme so that dual diagnosis of autism Bailey, A., Palferman, S., et al. (1998). Autism: The phenotype in
spectrum disorder and ADHD/hyperkinesis can be made. At relatives. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28(5),
present it is not really clear which of these options is to be 369–392.
preferred. The potential drawback of the dual diagnosis Baird, G., Charman, T., et al. (2008). Regression, developmental tra-
approach is that the ADHD/hyperkinetic disorder may have jectory and associated problems in disorders in the autism spec-
trum: The SNAP study. Journal of Autism and Developmental
different origins, prognosis, and response to treatment when
Disorders, 38(10), 1827–1836.
in the presence of autism spectrum disorder. It is evident,
Billstedt, E., Gillberg, I. C., et al. (2007). Autism in adults: Symptom
however, that there has been no research to support the patterns and early childhood predictors: Use of the DISCO
retention of the category “overactive disorder with mental in a community sample followed from childhood. Journal of
retardation and stereotyped movements” in ICD-11. Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 48(11),
A review of the hierarchical rules relating to dual diagnosis 1102–1110.
with other disorder will also be required. Bird, H. R., Yager, T. J., et al. (1990). Impairment in the epidemi-
ological measurement of childhood psychopathology in the
Future Approaches to Diagnosis community. Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(5), 796–803.
and Classification
Bolton, P., Macdonald, H., et al. (1994). A case-control family history
study of autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and
Currently, diagnosis and classification is based entirely on
Allied Disciplines, 35, 877–900.
behavioral criteria, and this will be so for some time yet. In the
Bolton, P. F., Dennis, N. R., et al. (2001). The phenotypic manifes-
future, however, it may be possible to better parse heterogeneity tations of interstitial duplications of proximal 15q with special
and classify cases by incorporating information on associated reference to the autistic spectrum disorders. American Journal of
features, such as cognitive profile, structural and functional Medical Genetics, 105(8), 675–685.
brain imaging findings, gene expression profile (Nishimura, Bolton, P. F., Park, R. J., et al. (2002). Neuro-epileptic determinants
Martin, et al., 2007; Geschwind, 2008; Hu, Sarachana, et al., of autism spectrum disorders in tuberous sclerosis complex.
2009), other biomarker findings, and genotype. The multiaxial Brain, 125(Pt 6), 1247–1255.
classification system may need to be adapted to allow findings Buitelaar, J. K., & van der Gaag, R. J. (1998). Diagnostic rules for
from investigations in these domains to be included, perhaps children with PDD-NOS and multiple complex developmental
by broadening the scope of each axis or by creating new axes. disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied
Disciplines, 39(6), 911–919.
Christian, S. L., Brune, C. W., et al. (2008). Novel submicroscopic
chromosomal abnormalities detected in autism spectrum
Á disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 63(12), 1111–1117.
Conclusions Cohen, I. L., Fisch, G. S., et al. (1988). Social gaze, social avoidance,
and repetitive behavior in fragile X males: A controlled study.
It is evident that there have been a considerable number of American Journal of Mental Retardation, 92(5), 436–446 issn:
advances in our understanding of the pervasive developmental 0895–8017.
144 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cohen, I. L., Vietze, P. M., et al. (1989). Parent-child dyadic gaze pat- language impairment. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
terns in fragile X males and in non-fragile X males with *autistic and Allied Disciplines, 49(11), 1184–1192.
disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Mashiko, H. (2003). Heller’s syndrome (childhood disintegrative
Disciplines, 30, 845–856. disorder) [in Japanese]. Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu, (39),
Constantino, J. N., Gruber, C. P., et al. (2004). The factor structure 524–527.
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Section II

Core Features and

Developmental Trajectories
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8 Á Peter Mundy

The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and

Distributed Information Processing Perspective

Á to new perspectives about the development of social cognition,

Points of Interest the social brain in all people including those with autism
(Mundy, 2003). This new framework has emerged from the
• Joint attention impairments are a first-year onset interplay between cognitive neuroscience, developmental
symptom of autism, and a pivotal domain of develop- science, and the science of psychopathology in autism. As
ment for early intervention and diagnosis. such it provides a seminal illustration of a school of transla-
• Hypothetically, joint attention impairments in autism tional research that began more than two decades ago when a
are cardinal early behavioral symptoms of developmen- farsighted group outlined the new discipline of developmental
tal neural interconnectivity impairments. psychopathology (Cicchetti, 1984; Sroufe & Rutter, 1984).
• In infancy frequent practice with the social coordina- The chapter begins with a brief description of the history of
tion of attention to external object or events is inter- thought and research on autism. One message of that first
nalized and becomes the ability to socially coordinate section is that a lack of precise understanding of social behav-
mental attention with others to internal representations ioral development impeded the accurate diagnosis of autism
of object or events. Hence, reduced practice with joint until the early 1990s, which was fifty years after it was initially
attention among children with autism is a source of described by Asperger (1944) and Kanner (1943). The second
their subsequent social-cognitive, symbolic, and social section of the chapter illustrates how social developmental
learning impairments. research continues to be a vital source of information about
• Joint attention impairments in autism entail prob- the nature of autism. Indeed, research on autism has led to
lems in constructive self-referenced, self-regulated, and insights about the precise nature of joint attention develop-
self-motivated behaviors, as much they involve prob- ment in infants that have contributed to the framework for a
lems in perceiving and interpreting the social behaviors new model of human social-cognition development. As previ-
of others. ously noted this model adopts a parallel and distributed infor-
mation processing perspective on joint attention and social
Translational research has changed the way we think about,
cognition. An advantage of this model is that it explicitly
diagnose, and treat the social impairments of autism.
attempts to link developmental behavioral research on social
Application of basic science to autism has begun to encourage
pathology to a range of recent observations from research on
new ways of thinking about the phylogenetic and ontogenetic
neural connectivity, genetics, intervention, and ocular motor
development of human social-cognition. In particular, human
control in autism.
social-cognition may be viewed as the outgrowth a special
form of human information processing that we call joint
attention (Mundy & Newell, 2007). As this chapter will Á
describe, joint attention requires the parallel processing of A Brief History of Research on the Social
information about one’s own attention and the attention of Impairments of Autism
other people. This requires the activation and functions of a
distributed system of frontal and posterior cortical networks Autism is a biologically based disorder that is characterized by
in the brain. Recognizing and understanding the parallel and impaired social development, impaired language and/or prag-
distributed nature of joint attention impairment contributes matic communication skill acquisition, and the presence of

150 Autism Spectrum Disorders

repetitive behaviors and thoughts (Asperger, 1944; Bailey, e.g., resistance to change, peculiar interest in or attachments
Philips, & Rutter, 1996; Dawson, Osterling, Rinaldi, Carver, & to animate or inanimate objects; and (5) absence of delusions,
McPartland, 2001; Kanner, 1943). The symptoms of autism hallucinations, loosening of associations, and incoherence as
may be observable by 24 months of age or earlier (Stone, in schizophrenia.
Coonrod, & Ousley, 1997; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005), with Note that only one criterion was specific to the social deficits
children expressing at least four different paths of symptom of autism and this was the broad and vague descriptor of a
onset (Ozonoff, Heung, Byrd, Hansen, & Hertz-Picciotto, pervasive lack of responsiveness to other people. There had been
2008). Some children may display clear symptoms by the end so little research on defining the nature of the social deficits of
of the first year, some may display more typical development autism through 1980 that we simply had no idea what was
through the early part of the second year but reach a plateau. involved in this domain of autism, even though Kanner had
Still others may express mixed pictures of early delays, gains, argued that it was central to nature of the syndrome. Pat
and losses of developmental milestones. Howlin (1978) made this limit to our knowledge clear in an
Leo Kanner (1943) displayed impressive clinical acumen early review of research on the social deficits of autism. Howlin
when he was able to discern three common characteristics that was able to cogently summarize the field of social develop-
distinguished children with autism from those in a larger, mental research on autism with 7 pages of text and 39 cita-
varied clinical sample of children. He noted that children with tions. Only a handful of the latter involved peer reviewed
autism appeared to have: (1) a common biological impair- empirical research publications. Fortunately, in the interven-
ment, (2) of affective relatedness to others, which (3) resulted ing decade there was a virtual explosion of research on the
in a developmental disorder that primarily impaired the social deficits of autism. When Howlin published a second
capacity for typical social interactions. The recognition of the review of research on the social development of autism, eight
biological, affective, and social behavioral syndrome triumvi- years later, her review required 24 pages and 116 citations to
rate of autism was a remarkable achievement, and is as valid adequately cover the field (Howlin, 1986).
today as it was in 1944. Unfortunately, Kanner’s initial per- This welcome increase in information on the social nature
spective did not fit well with the psychodynamic zeitgeist of of autism occurred because of translational research. Several
the time. The psychodynamic perspective emphasized the groups in the United States, the United Kingdom and through-
primacy of environmental over biological factors in the out the world began to recognize that theory and methods
etiology of all psychopathology. Sufficient challenges were from the study of human infant and primate social develop-
brought to bear in this regard that Kanner (1949) recanted his ment could provide useful tools to examine and define the
initial biological view of autism. social deficits of autism (e.g., Dawson & McKissick, 1984;
In the ensuing thirty years the science of autism drifted Rogers & Pennington, 1991; Sigman & Ungerer, 1984). This
from conceptual model to conceptual model. Autism was new wave involved the translation of basic science on infant
characterized as a disorder caused by an aloof parenting style imitation, social learning, social cognition, preverbal commu-
in which the children grew up to be emotionless (Bettelheim, nication, attachment, and other domains of early social devel-
1959). Convincing evidence against the parenting style opment to autism. One fairly immediate and vital impact of
hypothesis was quickly marshaled (Rimland, 1964). However, this surge of translational research was the dawning awareness
the prototype of people with autism as emotionless and aloof that the description of the social impairments of autism sin-
remained for a long time. Little data were available to critically gularly as a “pervasive lack of responsiveness to others” was at
appraise this view because the social and emotional develop- best limited and, at worst, misguided. It established a narrow
ment of children with autism was rarely a focus of empirical categorical prototype that many individuals with autism did
inquiry through the 1970s. Rather, theory at that time sug- not resemble (Mundy & Sigman, 1989; Wing & Gould, 1979).
gested that sensory, perceptual or language impairments were Studies began to show that children with autism displayed
primary in the etiology of autism (Mundy & Sigman, 1989). a significant phenotypic range of social styles and social
Although this was a scientifically valid perspective at the time, behaviors. Some children, often also affected by severe or
it implicitly relegated the social-emotional impairments of moderate levels of mental retardation appeared to be aloof,
autism to the status of epiphenomenon. and came closest to the description of “a pervasive impair-
The relegation of social-emotional symptoms to secondary ments in responsiveness to others.” However, many other
status constrained the theory and methods used to establish children with mild mental retardation, or normal IQs were
the initial diagnostic criteria for autism. So, in the first not pervasively underresponsive. Instead, some were passive
attempts to establish a systematic diagnostic definition of but socially responsive in structured situations, and others
autism (e.g., American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1980) were even proactive in initiating interactions. However, these
only five criteria were proposed: (1) onset before 30 months “active but odd” children were atypical and maladaptive in
of age; (2) a pervasive lack of responsiveness to other people; conducting their interactions with other people (Wing &
(3) gross deficits in language development; if speech is present, Gould, 1979; Volkmar et al., 1989; Fein et al., 1999).
peculiar speech patterns such as immediate and delayed echo- By the end of the 1980s research had also shown that
lalia, metaphorical language, and pronominal reversal; many children with autism had social strengths as well as weak-
(4) bizarre responses to various aspects of the environment, nesses, rather than a pervasive lack of responsiveness to others.
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 151

They responded when others imitated them, some could learn and pragmatic communication skills are prominent in the lit-
from social modeling, many increased their social output in erature (Travis & Sigman, 1998), none of these is as central to
structured situations, and they varied greatly in their use the current social nosology of autism. Moreover, intervention
of gestures and eye contact to communicate (Curcio, 1978; and behavioral research indicate that the degree of early joint
Lewy & Dawson, 1992; Mundy & Sigman, 1989). Perhaps attention impairment is pivotal to the nature of autism because
most remarkably children with autism often displayed levels it is predictive of collateral social symptom, language, and
of attachment behaviors that were commensurate with their cognitive outcomes (e.g., Bruinsma et al., 2004; Dawson et al.,
mental development and not atypical relative to other groups 2004; Charman, 2004; Kasari et al., 2006; Mundy & Crowson,
of children with commensurate developmental delays (Shapiro, 1997; Sigman & Ruskin, 1999). The recognition of the central-
Sherman, Calamari, & Koch, 1987; Sigman & Ungerer, 1984; ity of this social deficit in autism followed from the translation
Sigman & Mundy, 1989). of basic research on how infants develop the ability to share
Consequently, by the early 1990s translational develop- experience with other people (Bruner, 1975).
mental research indicated that key elements of the nosology of
autism were incorrect. Children with autism, as a group, did
not display a pervasive lack of responsiveness to others. Not Á
only was this inaccurate, it promoted a constricted view of How Infants Share Experiences
autism that excluded many children with the syndrome who with Other People
frequently made eye contact, or displayed caregiver attach-
ment, or any of a number of other social abilities. The perse- Well before infants learn to use symbols and language they
verance of this inaccurate taxonomic prototype likely begin to spontaneously share information with other people.
contributed to a historic underestimation of the prevalence of They do so by coordinating their attention with another
autism (Wing & Potter, 2002). Indeed, only with the publica- person and by using eye contact and gestures to show objects
tion of the most recent nosology (e.g., American Psychiatric to others, or request aid obtaining and manipulating objects.
Association [APA], 1994) have we had had sufficiently well In 1975 Scaife and Bruner reported in Nature that between
defined guidelines to begin to capture something of the full 6 to 18 months of age infants increasingly displayed the ability
range of phenotypic variability expressed across individuals to follow the direction of gaze of a social partner. When a
with this syndrome. Prior to this we simply could not identify tester turned their head to the left or right many infants tracked
all the children with autism in the 1970s, 1980s, and early and followed the visual attention of the testers with their own
1990s because we limited ourselves to those that just met a line of regard. This observation was groundbreaking. It was
very limited and restrictive social criterion. inconsistent with the prevailing notion of egocentrism or the
The empirically based revisions of social diagnostic criteria idea that infants could not adopt dual perspectives, such as the
of autism culminated in the criteria now common to both the perspective of self and another person, until late in the second
systems used in the United States, Europe, and the world year (Piaget, 1952). Scaife and Bruner’s (1975) observations
(APA, 1994; 2000; World Health Organization, 1992). In both suggested that infants begin to discriminate and adapt their
systems the qualitative impairment in social interaction in own visual perspective relative to another person’s perspective
autism became defined as the expression of at least two of the much earlier in life than that.
following: (1) a marked impairment in the use of multiple Bruner (1975) adopted the general term “joint attention”
nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, for this domain of infant development. He recognized that this
body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction; (2) ability allowed infants and caregivers to adopt co-reference to
a failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to develop- the same object or event. One of Bruner’s goals was to under-
mental level; (3) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoy- stand how young children learn in order to improve early edu-
ment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a cational curriculums. Instead of studying only how knowledge
lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest); was acquired (learning), he studied how the ability to share
and (4) lack of social or emotional reciprocity. knowledge in “social learning” develops, because this is essen-
The criterion of a lack of appropriate peer skills is extremely tial to all forms of pedagogy. His work suggested that the
useful, but not until 3 or 4 years of age. As a result, the early development of the ability to participate in joint attention
identification and diagnosis of the social deficits of autism marked a critical turning point in some unknown set of early
relies on observation of the other three social symptoms. This cognitive processes that were foundational to human social
chapter attempts to provide a detailed consideration of why learning and education. More specifically, Bruner understood
the third symptom, a lack of spontaneous seeking to share expe- that co-reference was elementary to our human ability to per-
rience, enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, is ceive shared meanings and necessary for the development of
central to the description of the social pathology of autism. In symbolic thinking and language development.
the research literature we study the early development of In the early days of empirical research it became apparent
spontaneously seeking to share experience with others with that infants did not just develop one type of joint attention
measures of joint attention development. While other domains behavior. Rather they developed multiple forms of joint
of social behavior such as imitation, face processing, empathy, attention. The previously referred to type that involves infants’
152 Autism Spectrum Disorders

ability follow the direction of another person’s gaze (Scaife & Requests-IBR). In addition they learn to respond to the atten-
Bruner, 1975) is often called Responding to Joint Attention tion directing bids that adults use to request objects or actions
(RJA; Seibert, Hogan, & Mundy, 1982). It can be reliably from infants or Responding to Behavioral Requests (RBR;
assessed beginning at about 3 to 6 months of life by determin- Figure 8-1).
ing if infants correctly turn their head and/or eyes to follow the As the theory and measurement concerning infant joint
visual line of regard of another person (see Figure 8-1). Another attention was developing in the 1970s, the important practical
dimension called Initiating Joint Attention (IJA) arises some- issue of identifying valid markers of infant cognition came to
time in the first year, but no later than 8 to 9 months. It involves the fore. The types of sensory motor measures used to assess
the infant’s use of alternating eye contact or gestures (i.e., infant “intelligence” and cognitive “risk” at the time were not
pointing or showing) to spontaneously “declare” and direct sufficiently reliable or valid (Lewis & McGurk, 1972). Without
and coordinate attention to share an experience with a social valid measures it was challenging to identify many infants who
partner (Bates, Benigni, Bretherton, Camaioni, & Volterra, were at risk for developmental disorders. It was also difficult to
1979; Mundy et al., 2007; Figure 8-1). know what constituted valid targets for early cognitive
The declarative, social information sharing functions of intervention. This impasse began to clear as applications of
IJA and RJA can be juxtaposed with other early nonverbal basic research indicated that measures of infant visual atten-
behaviors that involve attention coordination for more instru- tion could be used as valid indicators of current and future
mental and imperative purposes. Young infants also learn to cognitive development in infancy (Bornstein & Sigman, 1986).
prelinguistically direct the attention of other people to request One laboratory for the translation of research on infant
aid in obtaining object or actions (Initiating Behavioral attention to clinical applications was created by Jeff Seibert

(a) (b)

(c1) (c2) (c3)

(d) (e)

Figure 8–1. Illustrations of different types of infant social attention coordination behaviors: (a) Responding to Joint Attention-RJA, involving
following an other person’s gaze and pointing gesture; (b) Initiating Joint Attention-IJA, involving a conventional gesture “pointing” to share
attention regarding a room poster; (c1,2,3) IJA involving alternating eye contact to share attention with respect to a toy; (d) Initiating Behavior
Request, involving pointing to elicit aid in obtaining an out-of-reach object; and (e) Responding to Behavior Requests, involving following an
adult’s open-palm “give it to me” gesture.
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 153

and Anne Hogan at the Debbie School of the University of interactions. However, an eye contact disturbance specific to
Miami. The Debbie School served preschoolers who had autism was clearly manifested in their diminished use of alter-
moderate to severe motor and developmental impairments. nating gaze to spontaneously initiate sharing of their experi-
Their motor impairments made the use of sensorimotor- ence of a mechanical toy with the tester. This type of behavior
based cognitive assessments and interventions extremely is illustrated in Figure 8-1.
problematic. So Seibert, Hogan, and their graduate students We cannot definitively know why a child does or does not
began to develop an early assessment and intervention cur- engage in IJA during a social interaction. Nevertheless, during
riculum that focused on joint attention and preverbal com- the administration of the ESCS adult testers often arrive at the
munication skill development. This resulted in the Early impression that IJA behaviors, such as alternating eye contact,
Social Communication Scales (ESCS), which organized pre- serve to share experience of an event or garner attention to the
cise observations of joint attention and social attention coor- child’s own experience of the event (Figure 8-1). Hence, it was
dination into a measurement instrument that could also be not too surprising to find that higher or lower frequencies of
used to guide to early intervention (Seibert et al., 1982). A alternating eye-contact in young children, with or without
lasting contribution of the ESCS, along with related measures autism, were significantly related to parents’ independent per-
(see Stone, Coonrod & Ousley, 1997; Wetherby, Allen, Cleary, ceptions of their child’s social relatedness (Mundy et al., 1994).
Kublin, & Goldstein, 2002) was that joint attention assess- Thus, it seemed reasonable to begin to consider to us the pos-
ment turned out to be a powerful instrument for the study of sibility that diminished IJA alternating eye-contact was crucial
the social pathology of autism. to what Kanner had characterized as impairments in related-
ness and positive affective contact with others in autism (e.g.,
Mundy & Sigman, 1989).
Á The idea that IJA was related to a disturbance in positive
Joint Attention and Defining social-affective contact in autism was subsequently supported
The Social Deficits of Autism by research that showed that about 60% of the IJA bids dis-
played by typical infants and children with mental retardation
To the best of my knowledge it was Frank Curcio (1978) who involved the conveyance of positive affect (Kasari, Sigman,
first noted that many children with autism capably initiated Mundy, & Yirmiya, 1990; Mundy, Kasari, & Sigman, 1992).
nonverbal requests but not joint attention bids in social inter- However, positive affect was much less frequently part of the
actions. Indeed, 50% of the elementary school–age children IJA behaviors of children with autism (Kasari et al., 1990). It
with autism he observed in classrooms systematically used eye was not the case, though, that children with autism displayed
contact and conventional gestures to express their requests. significantly lower positive affect in requesting or turn-taking
However, few if any children with autism displayed evidence interactions. Hence, it was unlikely that the diminished posi-
of the use of eye contact or gestures to initiate nonverbal tive affect in joint attention reflected a general aversion to
“declaratives” (i.e., display an IJA bid). Curcio concluded that social interactions. More recently we’ve come to suspect that
impairments in the capacity to initiate declarative communi- the onset of the systematic conveyance of positive affect as
cative functions, or what we now call initiating joint attention part of IJA bids begins to develop early in life at about 8 to 10
bids, could be central to the nature of the social impairments months of age (Venezia, Messinger, Thorp, & Mundy, 2004).
of autism. Numerous subsequent studies have indicated that Thus, joint attention impairments reflect what are likely to be
Curcio was correct (e.g., Charman, 2004; Dawson et al., 2004; early arising deficits in the tendency of children with autism to
Loveland & Landry, 1986; Mundy et al., 1986; Sigman & socially share positive affect. This in turn may involve a distur-
Ruskin, 1999; Wetherby & Prutting, 1984). bance in their early appreciation of the positive social value of
In work with Marian Sigman at UCLA we compared mental shared attention. That is to say motivation factors or sensitivity
age, chronological age, and IQ matched samples of 4- to to reward value of social gaze may play a role in joint attention
7-year-old children with autism or mental retardation as well disturbance in autism (Mundy, 1995).
as a mental-age matched sample of typically developing chil-
dren. We found the children with autism displayed deficits in
joint attention in interactions with unfamiliar testers as well Á
as their familiar parents relative to both comparison groups Joint Attention Impairments
(Mundy et al., 1986; Sigman et al., 1986). However, just as and The Social-Cognitive Hypothesis
Curcio had observed, our sample of children with autism dis-
played levels of requesting that were comparable to those During the time that joint attention impairments in autism
observed in the MR sample. Also similar to Curcio’s data were first being described another kind of social developmen-
from older children, we observed that young children with tal translational research was beginning to emerge. Premack
autism did not display pervasive differences in eye contact and Woodruff (1978) began to describe observational meth-
relative to children with mental retardation on the ESCS, but ods that enabled them to evaluate whether primates were
rather strengths and weaknesses. They displayed comparable aware of the thoughts or intention of conspecifics. That is,
levels of eye contact in requesting and turn-taking social they began to study if apes had a theory of mind (ToM). In the
154 Autism Spectrum Disorders

United Kingdom Wimmer and Perner (1983) further opera- different age group of children there is at best inconsistent
tionalized the construct of theory of mind with the develop- evidence of a robust syndrome-specific impairment in the
ment of the false belief task. With this paradigm they began to ability to process the direction of gaze or respond to joint
study the course of development of ToM and social cognition attention in people with autism (Nation & Penny, 2008). On
in young preschool and elementary school–age children. Very the other hand, IJA deficits are observed in children with
quickly thereafter, other research groups in London began to autism from preschool through adolescence, and IJA is a better
translate Wimmer and Perner’s basic “false belief” develop- discriminator of children with autism relative to children with
mental paradigms to the study of autism. This led to another other developmental disorders (e.g., Charman, 2004; Dawson
sequence of seminal observations regarding the defining fea- et al., 2004; Hobson & Hobson, 2007; Mundy et al., 1986;
tures of social impairments in autism. Children with autism Sigman & Ruskin, 1999). The correlates of IJA and RJA also
appeared to have more difficulty with the development of diverge as much as they converge in studies of autism. Both
social cognition than other aspects of cognitive development IJA and RJA are related to executive inhibition and language
(e.g., Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985; Leslie & Happe, development in autism (Bono et al., 2004; Dawson et al., 2002;
1989; Frith, 1989). Dawson et al., 2004; Griffith et al., 1999; Sigman & McGovern,
Theory had previously linked the development of joint 2005). However, to our knowledge, only IJA is significantly
attention to the emergence of social cognition (Bretherton, associated with individual differences in social and affective
1991). However, the parallel observations of deficits in joint symptom presentation (Charman, 2004; Kasari et al., 1990;
attention development and theory of mind development in Kasari et al., 2007; Lord et al., 2003; Mundy et al., 1994; Naber
autism during the mid-1980s provided the first empirical, et al., 2008; Sigman & Ruskin, 1999).
albeit indirect, link between these two domains of develop- This literature emphasizes that joint attention deficits
ment. Consequently, the social cognitive view of autism and are neither absolute nor uniform in autism, and the impair-
typical social development became so compelling in the litera- ment of IJA and RJA likely constitutes different developmental
ture that joint attention disturbance began to be interpreted as processes that are vital to symptom presentation in the
a manifestation of social cognitive impairment in autism syndrome. Moreover, of the two, deficits in initiating joint
(Baron-Cohen, 1989; Leslie & Happe, 1989). This was also attention behavior appears be the more pathognomonic
true for theory on typical development, where a prominent feature of autism (Mundy, 1995). Observations from interven-
view remains that joint attention is not possible without social tion research also emphasize that autism is a disturbance of
cognition (Tomasello & Call, 1997). the spontaneous generation of social behaviors, as much as or
So, some have argued that social cognition, or the knowl- more than a disturbance of perception and response to the
edge that other people’s behavior is guided by mental, goal- social behaviors of others (Koegel et al., 2003). A similar inter-
directed intentions precedes and gives rise to joint attention pretation is suggested by recent research with infant siblings of
(Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll, 2005). Therefore, children with autism (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). Indeed, the
impairments in social cognition may explain the cause of joint centrality of initiating deficits, especially IJA, is highlighted in
attention impairment in autism (Baron-Cohen, 1989). current nosology where it is “a lack of spontaneous seeking to
Alternatively, we have proposed that it may be inadvisable to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people,
use later arising knowledge base cognition (e.g., ToM) to (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of
explain what may be best viewed as a form of early developing interest to other people)” that is described as one of the
social information processing that provides an essential foun-
dation for subsequent social and cognitive development in
people (Mundy, 2003; Mundy & Newell, 2007; Mundy & 16
Sigman, 1989; Mundy, Sigman, & Kasari, 1993). This idea has Autism
14 Controls
emerged, in part, from considering the differences in IJA and
RJA in autism and typical development. 12 ∗∗
Á 6
The Dissociation of Joint Attention 4 ∗∗
Impairment in Autism

To interpret the nature of IJA and RJA impairments in autism 0

it is important to recognize that they dissociate in development.
Both RJA and IJA are useful in the early identification and LO MA = 8 to 22 months
diagnosis of autism (e.g., Lord et al., 2000; Stone, Coonrod, & HI MA = 23 to 39 months
Ousley, 1997). However, RJA impairments are less evident for Figure 8–2. Illustration data on the moderating affect of mental
children with more advanced levels of cognitive development age on diagnostic group differences on RJA versus IJA reported in
(Mundy et al., 1994, see Figure 8-2). Indeed, across studies of Mundy et al. (1994).
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 155

primary social symptoms of autism (APA, 1994). Furthermore, Dawson et al., 2004; Mundy et al., 1986; Williams, 2008). This
the “gold standard” diagnostic observation instrument, the reductionism has lead to a paradox where joint attention defi-
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), recognizes cits are viewed as pivotal to autism, but also as an outgrowth
the primacy of IJA symptoms. Measures of both IJA and RJA of more basic processes. Charman (2004) recognized this par-
are used in Module 1 diagnostic algorithms for the youngest adox in noting that we often think of joint attention not as “a
children. However, Module 2 for older children only includes starting point [for autism], but merely a staging post in early
IJA measures in its diagnostic criteria (Lord et al., 2000). social communicative development, and hence a ‘postcursor’
Evidence of a developmental dissociation between IJA and of earlier psychological and developmental processes… [which
RJA is also apparent in studies of typical infant development. may] underlie the impaired development of joint attention
Frequency measures of IJA and RJA are characterized by dif- skills in autism” (p. 321).
ferent growth patterns, and these domains display weak to There are at least three problems with this perspective.
nonsignificant correlations in infant development (e.g., First, stable individual differences in IJA alternating gaze
Meltzoff & Brooks, 2008; Mundy et al., 2007; Sheinkopf et al., are well established by 8 to 9 months in typical development
2004; Slaughter & McDonald, 2003). They also have different (Mundy et al., 2007; Venezia et al., 2004), and the onset of
patterns of correlations with childhood IQ (Ulvund & Smith, cortical control of alternating gaze likely begins between
1996), frontal brain activity (Caplan et al., 1993; Mundy et al., 4 to 6 months (Mundy, 2003; Striano, Reid, & Hoel, 2006).
2000); reward-based behavioral goal-inhibition and self- Joint attention precursors would need to be present prior to
monitoring behaviors (Nichols et al., 2005), attention related this time. Second, there is little evidence that the association of
self-regulation (Morales et al., 2005), and attachment (Claussen joint attention with the etiology or outcomes of autism is
et al., 2002). These observations imply that the nature of the mediated by more basic antecedent or successor processes.
differences, as well as commonalities between IJA and RJA Dawson et al. (2004) observed that neither social-orienting
may be a key to conceptualizations of the joint attention measures nor empathy measures could account for relations
impairments of autism. between IJA and language development in a large sample of
children with autism. Joint attention disturbance in autism
also cannot be explained in terms of affect regulation or social
Á relatedness measured with attachment measures (Capps,
Initiating Joint Attention Behaviors Sigman, & Mundy, 1994; Naber et al., 2008). Moreover, joint
and Autism attention accounts for significant portions of variance in the
language, symbolic play, and symptom development of chil-
It is essential to be precise about the nature of the behavioral dren with autism above and beyond variance associated with
expression of IJA impairments in autism, which are often executive functions, imitation, knowledge about others’ inten-
equated with problems with pointing and showing gestures. tions, or global measures of mental development (e.g.,
However, diminished alternating gaze behavior (Figure 8-1) is a Charman 2004; Royers et al., 1998; Kasari et al., 2007; Naber
more powerful measure of IJA impairment in autism. This type et al., 2008; Rutherford et al., 2008; Sigman & Ruskin, 1999;
of measure was superior to point and showing and correctly Smith et al., 2007; Thurm et al., 2007; Toth et al., 2006).
identified 94% of 54 preschool children with autism, mental A third issue is that precursor and successor process
retardation, and typical development (Mundy et al., 1986). hypotheses rarely account for the dissociation of IJA and RJA
Others have observed that IJA measured with the Early Social (Mundy et al., 2007). Social-cognitive hypotheses suggest that
Communication Scales (ESCS; Seibert, Hogan, & Mundy, 1982) RJA and IJA should be highly related because they are
had a sensitivity of 83% to 97% and a specificity of 63% to 67% precursors of a common “mentalizing” ability involved in
in discriminating fifty-three 3- to 4-year-olds with autism from perceiving the intentions of others (e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1995;
controls (Dawson et al., 2004). Recent research indicates that Tomasello, 1995). Executive attention or social-orienting
most of the variance in ESCS-IJA scores is carried by alternating hypotheses don’t explicitly account for why IJA deficits are
gaze behavior (Mundy et al., 2007). The IJA alternating gaze of more pervasive than RJA deficits, even though both osten-
2-year-olds also predicts 4-year-old symptom outcomes in chil- sively involve comparable attention inhibition and attention
dren with autism (Charman, 2004), as well as social cognition reorienting processes (e.g., Dawson et al., 1998; Mundy &
in typical 4-year-old children (Charman et al., 2000). Burnette, 2005). Imitation and mirror neuron theory empha-
These developmental and measurement details are impor- sizes the role of deficits in processing and responding to the
tant for models of joint attention disturbance in autism. behavior of other people in the development of autism (e.g.,
Often joint attention problems are viewed as growing out of Williams, 2008). Hypothetically, though, this should be more
developmental antecedent or successor processes that are con- related to responsive joint attention than the spontaneous ini-
sidered to be more fundamental. A nonexhaustive list here tiation of joint attention bids. Why then do IJA deficits appear
includes affective processes, reward-sensitivity, executive to be the more robust form of joint attention disturbance in
attention control, social-orienting, identification, imitation autism than RJA deficits? An answer may be perceived from a
and mirror neurons, intersubjectivity, and most prominently constructivists vantage point on joint attention and human
social cognition (e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1989; Charman, 2004; social-learning (e.g., Bruner, 1975, 1995).
156 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á is not facile with coordinating attention with the teacher.

Learning and The Importance Similarly, children, adolescents and adults who cannot follow,
of Joint Attention initiate, or join with the rapid-fire exchanges of shared atten-
tion in social interactions may be impaired in any social learn-
Early language learning often takes place in unstructured, ing context, as well as in their very capacity for relatedness and
incidental situations where parents spontaneously refer to a relationships (Mundy & Sigman, 2006).
new object (Figure 8-3). How do infants know how to map their If joint attention helps self-organize social learning, then
parents’ vocal labels to the correct parts of the environment the more that children engage in joint attention, the more
amid a myriad of potential referents? Baldwin (1995) suggested optimal social-learning opportunities they help create for
that they use RJA and use the direction of gaze of their parent’s themselves. This may help to explain why the frequency with
to guide them to the correct area of the environment, thereby which infants engage in joint attention is positively related to
reducing “referential” mapping errors. Infants’ use of IJA also their language acquisition and childhood IQ status (e.g.,
reduces the chance of referential mapping errors. IJA serves to Mundy et al., 2007; Smith & Ulvund, 2003). More direct evi-
denote something of immediate interest to the child. This dence of the links between joint attention and early learning is
assists parents to follow their child’s attention to provide new provided by the observation that coordinated social attention
information in a context when the child’s interest and attention to pictures elicits electrophysiological evidence of enhanced
is optimal for learning (Tomasello & Farrar, 1986). Hence, joint neural activity (Striano, Reid, & Hoel, 2006) and recognition
attention may be conceived of as a self-organizing system that memory associated with greater depth of processing in
facilitates information processing in support of social learning 9-month-olds (Striano, Chen, Cleveland, & Bradshaw, 2006).
(Mundy, 2003). This “learning function” is fundamental to In light of the assumption that joint attention is basic to
joint attention (Bruner, 1975) and continues to operate early learning, reconsider the observation that IJA and RJA
throughout our lives (e.g., Bayliss et al., 2006; Nathan et al., dissociate in development. Theory and research suggest that
2007). Without the capacity for joint attention, success in many this occurs because these forms of joint attention involve func-
pedagogical contexts would be difficult. Imagine the school tions of two distinct neural networks (Mundy & Newell, 2007).
readiness problems of a 5-year-old who enters kindergarten but In conjunction with this idea note that parallel and distributed
cognitive theory suggests that learning occurs best in the con-
text of the simultaneous activation of multiple neural networks
during encoding (e.g., Munakata & McClelland, 2003; Otten
et al., 2001). Taken together, these ideas raise two hypotheses.
First, joint attention may involve the early development of a
What a cheeky form of social information processing across multiple distributed
rooster! neural networks. Second, impairments of joint attention may
reflect deficits in the development of this parallel and distributed
activation of cortical neural networks in autism.
Research has indicated that IJA is associated with frontal
cortical activity (Caplan et al., 1993; Henderson et al., 2002;
Mundy et al., 2000; Torkildsen et al., 2008), while RJA and
related gaze-following behaviors are more closely tied to pari-
etal and temporal cortical processes (e.g., Frieschen, Bayliss, &
Tipper, 2007; Materna, Dicke, & Thern, 2008; Mundy et al.,
2000). One interpretation of these data is that joint attention
involves developments of functions of both the anterior and
posterior cortical attention networks that have been described
by Michael Posner and others (Posner & Rothbart, 2007),
which is essential to typical human social learning. The basis
for the first hypothesis is outlined in the next section.

The Two Neural Systems of Joint Attention
and Social Cognition
Figure 8–3. Illustration from Baldwin (1995) depicting the
referential mapping problem encountered by infants in incidental
social word learning situations. Source: Baldwin, D. (1995). The functions of the posterior network are common to many
Understanding the link between joint attention and language. primates, but the anterior network is not well represented in
In C. Moore & P. Dunham (Eds.), Joint Attention: Its origins and role primates other than humans (Astafiev et al., 2003; Emery,
in development (pp. 131–158). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 2000; Gilbert & Burgess, 2008; Jellema, Baker, Wicker, &
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 157

Perrett, 2000). RJA appears to be most closely associated with order to respond to a second, more attractive stimulus
the posterior system, which regulates relatively involuntary (Johnson, 1995), and 6-month-olds’ ability to respond to a
attention, begins to develop in the first 3 months of life, and peripheral target when central, competing stimuli are present
prioritizes orienting to biologically meaningful stimuli. It is (Atkinson, Hood, Wattam-Bell, & Braddick, 1992). We assume
supported by neural networks of the parietal/precuneus and that the functions of this pathway also enable intentional gaze
superior temporal cortices (Figure 8-4). These neural networks alternation between interesting events and social partners
are active in the perception of the eye and head orientations of (Mundy, 2003). It is instructive to note at this juncture that
others, as well as the perception of spatial relations between research has long indicated that neonates and young infants at
self, other, and the environment. The posterior system is espe- risk for cognitive delays, but not necessarily autism, display
cially involved in control of orienting on a trial-by-trial basis, problems with visual disengagement from a visual stimulus
and the development of cognitive representations about the (Sigman, Cohen, & Beckwith, 1997). So it is not clear if this
world built from information acquired through external early phase of the development of intentional control of visual
senses (Dosenbach et al., 2007; Fuster, 2006; Cavanna & attention should be considered to be a prime candidate in
Trimble, 2006). developmental models specific to joint attention disturbance
Initiating joint attention is supported by the later developing in autism.
anterior attention network involved in the cognitive process- Differences in the functions and developmental timing of
ing, representation, and regulation of self-initiated goal- the anterior and posterior attention networks help to explain
directed action. This network includes the anterior cingulate, why IJA and RJA dissociate in development (Mundy et al.,
rostral medial superior frontal cortex, including the frontal eye 2000; Mundy et al., 2007). However, although IJA and RJA
fields, anterior prefrontal cortex, and orbital frontal cortex follow distinct biobehavioral paths of development, it is also
(e.g., Dosenbach et al., 2007; Fuster, 2006). The development likely that they integrate in development. Indeed, EEG data
of the intentional control of visual attention begins at about 3 indicates that activation of a distributed anterior and posterior
to 4 months of age, when a pathway from the frontal eye fields cortical system predicts IJA development in infants (Henderson
(BA 8/9) that releases the superior colliculus from inhibition et al., 2002), and fMRI data indicate that activation of a dis-
begins to be actively involved in the prospective control of sac- tributed anterior-posterior cortical network is associated with
cades and visual attention (Canfield & Kirkham, 2001; Johnson, the experience of joint attention in adults (Williams et al.,
1990). The function of this pathway may underlie 4-month- 2005). These observations, among others, have motivated the
old infants’ ability to suppress automatic visual saccades in description of a parallel and distribute information processing

31 2

0 45
46 43 19
4 1–4 18
11–45 71 37
41 17
and the Anterior 31 2 and the Posterior
Attention Attention
6 4
System System
8–9 7
23 31
10 32 33
29 26 30
27 17
11 34 18
39 35 37 19
38 36

Figure 8–4. Illustration from Mundy & Newell (2007) depicting the lateral (top) and medial (bottom) illustrations of Brodmann’s
cytoarchitectonic areas of the cerebral cortex associated with Initiating Joint Attention and the anterior attention system, as well as RJA and
the posterior attention systems. The former include areas 8 (frontal eye fields), 9 (prefrontal association cortex), 24 (anterior cingulate),
and 11 and 47 (orbital prefrontal and insula association cortices—not illustrated). The latter include areas 7 (precuneus, posterior parietal
association area), 22, 41, and 42 (superior temporal cortex), and 39 and 40 (parietal, temporal, occipital association cortex).
Source: Mundy, P., & Newell, L. (2007). Attention, joint attention, and social cognition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 269–274.
158 Autism Spectrum Disorders

model (PDPM). In this model the integrative processing primary role of joint attention in this synthesis is less well
internal self-referenced information about one’s own visual recognized.
attention, with the processing of external information about
the visual attention of other people is a defining feature of
joint attention (Figure 8-5; Mundy & Newell, 2007; Mundy, Á
Sullivan, & Mastergeorge, 2009). Indeed, neurocognitive Social Cognition, Joint Attention,
theory has begun to claim that an emergent function of the and The PDPM
human rostral medial frontal cortex is the capacity to switch
attention between self-generated and perceptual information Social-cognitive models often describe joint attention in terms
in support of social cognition (Gilbert & Burgess, 2008). The of incremental stages of knowledge about the intentionality of
PDPM suggests that this utility is “allocated” to the rostral other people. Baron-Cohen (1995) described a sequence of
medial frontal cortex with development in large part as a func- cognitive modules that included the intentionality detector
tion of the adequate biobehavioral exercise of joint attention (ID), a dedicated cognitive facility that attributes goal-directed
in infancy. behavior to objects or people; and the eye direction detector
According to the PDPM the joint attention, or the integra- (EDD), which senses and processes information about eyes.
tion of information about self-attention and the attention of These combine to form the shared attention mechanism (SAM),
others, is a form of parallel processing that occurs across a dis- a cognitive module that represents self and other as attending
tributed cortical network. It is first practiced in infancy and to the same referent and attributes volitional states (intention-
contributes to an information processing synthesis that plays ality) to direction of gaze of other people. As infancy ebbs the
a crucial role in human social cognition. The basic idea here is theory of mind mechanism replaces SAM and enables represen-
that human levels of self-awareness cannot develop without tation of the full range of mental states of others and enables
bidirectional interactive processing of information about self us to make sense of others behaviors.
and others (e.g., Piaget, 1952). The potential role of parallel Tomasello et al. (2005) more explicitly described joint
and distributed processing in synthesis in human social cogni- attention development in terms of three stages of what infants
tion has previously been recognized (Decety & Sommerville, know about other people. In understanding animate action,
2003; Keysers & Perrett, 2006). However, the developmentally 3- to 8-month-old infants can perceive contingencies between

IJA: Anterior attention and intentional control of attention

Representation Integrated
processing speed self-other
splitting attention attention
motivation processing

Joint attention
RJA: Posterior attention and reflexive attention control

3–6 months 7–9 months 10–18 months

Figure 8–5. An illustration of the development of the parallel and distributed information processing system of joint attention and social
cognition, from Mundy & Newell (2007). In this model, different types of lines depict the multiple paths of joint attention development.
The posterior attention system path associated with RJA development is illustrated with a dotted line and the anterior attention system path
associated with IJA development is illustrated with a dashed line. The central solid line in the figure depicts the developments of other processes
during infancy that influence joint attention development such as representational ability, speed of processing, motivation, and the executive
attention control, as well as each other during infancy. The diagonal arrows connect all paths throughout early development. This reflects the
dynamic and coactive nature of joint attention development whereby the maturation of attention, cognitive, and affective systems interact
in reciprocal cause-and-effect relations with experience, including the experiences children create for themselves through their own actions.
Finally, the development of integrated self- and other-attention processing is considered to be a social attention executive function of the
anterior system that emerges in the 4- to 9-months period. This is represented by the box. The capacity to integrate and share overt aspects
of attention provides a foundation for the ability to share covert aspects of attention, such as representations, and social cognition.
Source: Mundy, P., & Newell, L. (2007). Attention, joint attention, and social cognition. Current Directions in Psychological Science,
16, 269–274.
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 159

their own animate actions and emotions relative to the Consequently, the notion that true joint attention does not
animate actions and affect of others. However, they cannot emerge until requisite social-cognitive knowledge emerges at
represent the internal mental goals of others that are associ- 12–15 months (Tomasello et al., 2005) is not germane to the
ated with these actions. In the next understanding of pursuit PDPM. Rather, consistent with a growing empirical literature,
of goals stage, 9-month-olds become capable of shared action the PDPM holds that the true joint processing of atten-
and attention on objects (e.g., building a block tower with tion information begins to be practiced by infants by 3 to
parents). 4 months of age (D’Entremont, Hains, & Muir, 1997; Farroni,
Tomasello et al. (2005) suggest this stage involves joint per- Massuccessi, & Francesca, 2002; Hood, Willen, & Driver, 1998,
ception, rather than joint attention, because the social-cognitive Morales et al., 1998, Striano Reed, & Hoel, 2006; Striano &
capacity to represent others’ internal mental representations Stahl, 2005). Indeed, even the types of active alternating gaze
necessary for true joint attention is not yet available. However, behaviors thought to mark the onset of true joint attention at
this ability emerges between 12 and 15 months in the under- 12–15 months (Tomasello et al., 2005) develop no later than at
standing choice of plans stage. This stage is heralded when 8–9 months of life, and quite possibly earlier (Mundy et al.,
infants become truly active in initiating episodes of joint 2007; Venezia et al., 2004).
engagement by alternating their eye-contact between interest- Equally important, the PDPM assumes that joint attention
ing sights and caregivers (Tomasello et al., 2005). This shift to is not replaced by the subsequent development of social-
active alternating gaze indicates infants’ appreciation that cognitive processes. Instead, joint attention is thought to
others make mental choices about alternative actions that remain an active system of information processing that sup-
affect their attention. Infants also now know themselves as ports cognition through adulthood (Mundy & Newell, 2007;
agents that initiate collaborative activity based on their own Mundy et al., 2009). As an example, recall the hypothesis that
goals. Hence, the development of “true” joint attention at this linguistic symbols enable the social coordination of covert
stage is revealed in the capacity to adopt two perspectives attention to common mental representations across people
analogous to speaker-listener. (Tomasello et al., 2005). According to the PDPM symbolic
The capacity to adopt two perspectives is also assumed to thinking involves joint attention but does not replace joint
be an intrinsic characteristic of symbolic representations. In attention. Just as 12-month-olds can shift eye contact or use
this regard, Tomasello et al. (2005) raise a truly seminal pointing to establish a common visual point of reference with
hypothesis that symbolic thought is a developmental transfor- other people, 4-year-olds can use symbols to establish a
mation of joint attention. They argue that symbols themselves common reference to covert mental representations with other
serve to socially coordinate attention so that the intentions of people. Symbolic representations are often, if not always, ini-
the listener align with those of the speaker. In other words, tially encoded during the joint processing of information
linguistic symbols both lead to and are dependent on the efficient about the overt attention of self and of others directed toward
social coordination of covert mental attention to common abstract some third object or event (Adamson et al., 2004; Baldwin,
representations among people. This hypothesis fits well with 1995; Werner & Kaplan, 1963). The PDPM combines that
the parallel and distributed information processing model hypothesis with the connectionist notion that “representations
(PDPM) of joint attention, but the PDPM places it in a can take the form of patterns of activity distributed across
substantially different developmental framework. processing units” that occurred during encoding (Munakata &
The PDPM does not emphasize functional segregation of McClelland, 2003, p. 415). Together these two ideas lead to the
cognitive systems implicit to modular perspectives, but assumption of the PDPM that symbol acquisition incorporates
instead emphasizes the cortically multidetermined nature of the distributed activation of the joint self-attention and other-
human cognition because of the “massively parallel nature of attention neural processing units, which were engaged during
human brain networks and the fact that function also encoding, as part of their functional neural representational
emerges from the flow of information between brain areas” mappings. Hence, the distributed joint attention processing
(Ramnani et al., 2004, p. 613). Furthermore, cognitive devel- system may always be activated as a network encoding that
opment need not be construed only in terms of changes in contributes to the intersubjectivity (i.e., shared attention and
discontinuous stages of knowledge. It can also be modeled as meaning) of symbolic thought.
a continuous change in the speed, efficiency, and combina- In infancy the distributed joint attention processing system
tions of information processing that give rise to knowledge is initially effortful. However, thousands of episodes of prac-
(Hunt, 1999). Specifically, the PDPM envisions joint atten- tice allow the joint information processing of self-other atten-
tion development in terms of increased speed, efficiency, and tion to become efficient, less effortful, and even automatically
complexity of processing of: (1) internal information about activated in social engagement. As this occurs, joint attention
self-referenced visual attention, (2) external information becomes a social-executive “subroutine” that runs in support
about the visual attention of other people, and (3) the neural of symbolic thought, as well that capacity to maintain a shared
networks that integrate processing of self-generated visual focus in social interactions and in social-cognition (Mundy,
attention information with processing of information about 2003). The distributed neural activation patterns associated
the visual attention behavior of other people (Mundy & with joint attention are part of infants’ sense of developing
Newell, 2007; Mundy et al., 2009). sense of relatedness to others (Mundy & Hogan, 1994; Mundy,
160 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Kasari, & Sigman, 1993). Moreover, the distributed neural We have referred to this as the “inside-out” processing
activation associated with joint attention can be thought of as assumption of the PDPM (Mundy & Vaughan Van Hecke, 2008).
an enduring stratum of a more continuous spiral of human The general tenor of this constructivist assumption is
social-neurocognitive development that supports, if not ena- nothing new. Bates et al. (1979) suggested that a sense of self-
bles, later emerging human symbolic, linguistic, and social agency was basic to joint attention. More generally Piaget
cognitive facilities (see Figure 8-6). (1952) argued that infants do not learn through the passive
perception of objects [or others] in the world. Rather, infants
take action on objects and learn from their [causal] actions.
Á They then modify their actions, observe changes in causal
Inside-Out Processing and The PDPM relations, and learn new things about the physical world. Thus,
Piaget viewed the processing of self-initiated actions on objects
In addition to parallel and distributed processing, the PDPM as a singularly important fuel for the engines of cognitive
may be distinguished from other models by its constructivist development. The constructivist viewpoint is not only central
perspective on development. Rather than focusing on the to the PDPM, it is also a mainstay of contemporary connec-
development of knowledge about others, the PDPM gives tionist biological principles of typical and atypical neurocog-
equal footing to the significance of infants’ development of nitive development (e.g., Blakemore & Frith, 2003; Elman,
their own intentional visual behavior in joint attention and 2005; Mareschal et al., 2007; Meltzoff, 2007; Quartz, 1999).
social cognitive development (Mundy et al., 1993). The The vast number of functional neural connections that are
assumption here is that neonates and young infants receive made in early postnatal brain development are thought to be
greater quantities and fidelity of information about self- too numerous to be specified by genes alone. Instead, genes
intended actions (e.g., active looking) through propriocep- specify relatively wide channels of potential neurodevelop-
tion than they receive about other’s intended actions through mental architecture (e.g., Quartz, 1999). Within these pre-
exteroceptive information processing. Thus, infants have the scribed channels the specifics of important functional
opportunity to learn as much or more about intentionality connections in the developing nervous systems are sculpted
from their own actions as from observing the actions of by our experience. Since most of us experience relatively sim-
others. A corollary of this assumption of the PDPM is that ilar environments and experiences in early life developmen-
joint attention is an embodied form of cognition (Feldman & tal, brain organization displays significant similarities across
Narayanan, 2004). Its development is a constructivist process most people (Mareschal et al., 2007). Greenough, Wallace, &
that involves self-perception as a foundation for the attri- Black (1987) refer to this gene-by-environment interaction in
bution of meaning to the perception of others behaviors. the ontogeny of neural connections as “experience expectant”
neurodevelopment. Greenough et al. (1987) also explicitly
noted the that infants’ generation of actions, and observa-
tions of social reactions, likely play a role in experience
Flexible, cultural,
adaptive social- expectant processes specific to neurodevelopmental basis of
communication human social behavior. So, just as Piaget envisioned that
infants learn about the physical world from their self-gener-
ated actions on objects, it is reasonable to think that a signifi-
Social cognition cant portion of what infants learn about the social world
comes from their self-generated actions with people. One
Integrated joint type of self-generated action that may be developmentally key
in this regard is active vision.
Process self attention
Process others
attention Á
Active Vision and The PDPM
Figure 8–6. An illustration of the continuous nature of joint
attention development. Development is modeled as a spiral in One of the first and most vitally informative types of actions
which the initial acquisition of the capacity for integrated infants take involves the self-control of their looking behav-
processing of information about self and other attention (joint
iors, or active vision. The science of vision has moved away
attention) remains an active but deeper layer of cognitive activity
from the study of “seeing” or passive visual perception, to the
throughout life that supports symbolic thought, language, and
cultural social exchange. Numbers of the spiral bands represent
study of “looking” or intentional, active-vision and attention
changing phases of development. The letters on each side of deployment (Findlay & Gilchrist, 2003). Active vision in
the spiral bands represent change and continuity in multiple infancy begins to develop at 3–4 months (e.g., Canfield &
developmental factors that may impact joint attention development, Kirkham, 2001; Johnson, 1990, 1995). It involves the goal-
such as speed of information processing, representational directed selection of information to process, and can elicit
development, and memory. contingent social behavior responses from other people,
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 161

such as parental smiles, vocalizations, or gaze shifts. It also is control) is a consistent significant correlate of social cognition
one of the first types of volitional actions that infants use to in imaging studies (Mundy, 2003). This is because the
control stimulation to order to self-regulate arousal and affect volitional control of active vision, via the frontal eye fields,
(Posner & Rothbart, 2007). may be central to developing an integrated sense of the rela-
Vision and looking behavior have unique properties. tions between self-attention and other-attention, which is
Vision provides information regarding the relative spatial fundamental to joint attention and subsequent social cogni-
location of ourselves and other people. Moreover, direction tion. This hypothesis leads to the testable prediction that the
of gaze conveys the distal and proximal spatial direction of frontal eye fields should be less active in social-cognitive
our attention to others, and vice versa. Comparable informa- processing in older congenitally blind individuals than in
tion on the spatial direction of attention is not as clearly avail- sighted individuals (Mundy & Newell, 2007). If true, this
able from the other senses. This is especially true in the first 9 hypothesis may also help to explain some of the developmen-
months of life, and for distal information. The importance of tal commonalities observed for children with autism and blind
spatial visual information for the development of joint atten- infants (Bigelow, 2003; Hobson, Lee, & Brown, 1999).
tion was emphasized by Butterworth and Jarrett (1991) in
their influential article “What Minds Have in Common Is
Space.” Á
In some sense primate eyes are specialized for social spatial Dynamic Systems, Integrated Processing,
attention processing (e.g., Tomasello, Hare, Lehman, & Call, and The PDPM
2006). Frontal binocular eye positions allow for enhanced spa-
tial processing and depth of perception through parallax per- The PDPM emphasizes inside-out processing, constructiv-
ception. Intricate musculatures allow for rapid visual focus on ism, and the role of active vision in the development of joint
objects that are far or near. Equally important, precise infor- attention. However, it does not maintain that the inside-out
mation about the spatial direction of attention is available processing of self-attention is more important for social-
from human eyes because of the highlighted contrast between cognitive development than outside-in processing of other’s-
the dark coloration of the pupil and iris versus the light to attention. This is because the PDPM holds that social meaning,
white coloration of the sclera. These observations have led to and even conscious self-awareness, cannot be derived from
the suggestion that the ease of processing the direction of processing either self-attention or other’s-attention in isola-
attention of other peoples’ eyes contributed to the human phy- tion (cf. Decety & Sommerville, 2003; Keysers & Perrett, 2006;
logenetic and ontogenetic development of social cognition Vygotsky, 1962). Ontogeny may be best viewed as a dynamic
(e.g., Tomasello et al., 2006). system that, through interactions of multiple factors over
It is also the case, though, that these characteristics of the time and experience, coalesce into higher order integrations,
human eye allow the saccades of infants to be readily observed structures, and skills (e.g., Smith & Thelen, 2003). The devel-
by other people. Consequently, infant saccades can effectively opment of joint attention, or the joint processing of the
act as elicitors of contingent social feedback. When infants attention of self and other, is such a dynamic system. Indeed,
shift attention to an object, their parents may pick up and the pertinence of joint attention for human development
show them the object. When infants shift attention to their derives in no small part from the unique synthesis that arises
parents’ eyes they may also receive a vocal, affective, or physi- from of the rapid, parallel processing of self-attention
cal parental response. Thus, just as the characteristics of eyes and other-attention across distributed neural networks.
make it easier for infants to perceive the attention of others, Consequently, it is not possible to account for the role of joint
the signal value of eyes makes the active control of vision a attention in typical or atypical development with research or
likely nexus of infants’ developing sense of agency. A corollary theory that focuses on only one of its elements in isolation.
here is that a sense of visual self-agency may play a role in joint The dynamic system of joint attention begins to synergize
attention and social-cognitive development. as frontal executive functions increasingly enable attending to
The notion that active vision has primacy in social develop- multiple sources of information during infancy. According to
ment relates back to the time-honored observation that visual one definition, executive functions involve the transmission of
behavior is at least as important to human social development bias signals throughout the neural network to selectively
as physical contact (Rheingold, 1966; Robson, 1967). However, inhibit comparatively automatic behavioral responses in favor
the contemporary literature on social-cognitive development of more volitional, planned, and goal-directed ideation and
emphasizes only the importance of the information infants action in problem-solving contexts (Miller & Cohen, 2001).
gather from processing the visual attention of others (e.g., These bias signals act as regulators for the brain, affecting
Johnson et al., 2005). It neglects the potential importance of visual processes and attention as well as other sensory modali-
the information infants’ process about their own active vision, ties and systems responsible for task-relevant response execu-
and socially contingent responses. tion, memory retrieval, emotional evaluation, etc. The aggregate
Alternatively, the active vision assumption of the PDPM effect of these bias signals is to guide the flow of neural activity
offers one plausible explanation for why activation of the along pathways that establish the proper mappings between
frontal eye fields (a cortical area involved in volitional saccadic inputs, internal states, and outputs needed to perform a given
162 Autism Spectrum Disorders

task more efficiently (Miller & Cohen, 2001). According to this in reference to a common third object or event. Through
definition, joint attention development may be thought of as simulation (Gordon, 1986) infants may begin to impute that
reflecting the emergence of frontal bias signals that establish others have intentional control over their looking behavior
the proper mappings across: (1) outside-in posterior cortical that is similar to their own.
[temporal-precuneus] processing of inputs about the atten- The role of simulation in the learning-from phase of joint
tion behaviors of other people and, (2) rostral medial frontal attention development is well illustrated by a recent sequence
[BA 8-9, anterior cingulate] inside-out processing of internal of elegant experimental studies. Twelve-month-olds often
states and outputs related to active vision. This mapping results follow the “gaze direction” of testers, even if their eyes are
in the integrated development of a distributed anterior and closed. After 12 months, though, infants discriminate and
posterior cortical joint attention system. follow the gaze of testers whose eyes are open but not closed.
It is conceivable that the early establishment of this map- This suggests that infants’ understanding of the meaning of
ping of the joint processing of attention is formative with the eye gaze of others may improve in this period leading older
respect to the shared neural network of representations self- infants to inhibit looking in the “eyes closed” condition
other that Decety and Grezes (2006) suggest is essential to (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2002).
social cognition. It also may a play a role in what Keysers and To examine this interpretation Meltzoff and Brooks (2008)
Perrett (2006) have described as a Hebbian learning model conducted an experimental intervention. They provided
of social cognition. Neural networks that are repeatedly 12-month-olds with the experience of blindfolds that
active at the same time become associated, such that activity occluded their own looking behavior. After gaining that expe-
[e.g., representations] in one network triggers activity in the rience, 12-month-olds did not follow the head-turn of blind-
other (Hebb, 1949). Keysers and Perrett (2006)suggest that folded testers, but did follow the head-turn and gaze of
common activation of neural networks for processing self- non-blindfolded testers. Meltzoff and Brooks also provided
generated information and information about conspecifics is 18-month-olds with experience with blindfolds that looked
fundamental to understanding the actions of others. This opaque but were transparent when worn. After this condition
Hebbian learning process is fundamental to the hypothesized the 18-month-olds reverted to following the gaze of blind-
functions of simulation (Gordon, 1986) and mirror neurons folded social partners. These data strongly suggest that the
(i.e., Decety & Summerville, 2003; Williams, 2008) that are infants demonstrated inside-out learning and constructed
commonly invoked in current models of social-cognitive social-cognitive awareness about others’ gaze based on the
development. experience of effects of blindfolds on their own active vision.
The PDPM is consistent with these interrelated ideas and
suggests that Hebbian mapping in social cognition begins with
integrated rostral medial frontal processing of information Á
about self-produced visual attention and posterior processing The Distributed Information Processing
of the attention of others. Moreover, the PDPM specifically Model and Autism
operationalizes the study of development of this dynamic
mapping system in terms of psychometrically sound measures Assumptions of the PDPM bridge theory on the development
of early joint attention development (Mundy et al., 2007). of joint attention with phenomena observed in other disci-
Indeed, IJA assessments may be relatively powerful in research plines of research with autism. Several of these will be briefly
on social cognitive development and autism, because they considered in this final section of the chapter. The first of these
measure variance in the whole dynamic system, rather than involves links with theory and research on neural connectivity
any one of its parts alone. impairments in autism.
Once well practiced the joint processing of attention infor-
mation requires less mental effort. As the basic joint attention Neural Connectivity and Activity Dependent
process is mastered and its “effort to engage” goes down it can Genes in Autism
become integrated as an executive function that contributes to
the initial development and increasing efficiency of social- Over the last 10 years several research groups have suggested
cognitive problem-solving. Thus, joint attention development that problems in functional connectivity between brain regions
may be envisioned as shifting from “learning to do joint atten- contribute to autism (e.g., Courchesne & Pierce, 2005;
tion” at 6 to 9 months to “learning from joint attention” in the Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; Horowitz et al. 1998;Just et al.,
second year of life (Mundy & Vaughan Van Hecke, 2008; 2004; Lewis & Elman, 2008; Wickelgren, 2005). However,
Figure 8-7). In the learning-from phase the capacity to attend rather than specific to autism, impaired connectivity may be
to multiple sources of information in “triadic attention” central to many forms of mental retardation and developmen-
deployment becomes more common (Scaife & Bruner, 1975). tal disorders (Dierssen & Ramakers, 2006). So how do neu-
Triadic attention contexts provide infants with rich opportu- rodevelopmental connectivity impairments lead to the specific
nities to compare information gleaned through processing social symptom impairments of autism, and how are these
internal states associated with volitional visual attention different from the connectivity impairments that characterize
deployment and the processing of the visual attention of others other developmental disorders?
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 163

Multi-Process model of joint attention

Spatial processing Imitation Simulation



Joint attention Theory of

Motivation 3–12 months mind
social reward



“Learning to” period “Learning from”

0 to 18 months Social cognitive period
from 10 months

Figure 8–7. In the first year the development of joint attention involves the “learning to” integration of executive, motivation, and imitation
processes to support the routine, rapid, and efficient (error free) execution of patterns of behavior that enable infants to coordinate processing
of overt aspects of visual self attention with processing of the social attention of other people. In the latter part of the first year and the second
year infants can better monitor their own experiences and integrate it with information about the social partners during joint attention events.
This provides a critical multimodal source of information to the infants about the convergence and divergence of self and others’ experience
and behavior during sharing information in social interactions. Theoretically, this provides the stage for the “learning from” phase of joint
attention development. In this stage infants can control their attention to self-organize and optimize information processing in social learning
opportunities. The integration of anterior and posterior self-other attention processing (Figure 8-5) provides a neural network that enriches
encoding in social learning. The internalization of the overt joint processing of attention to the covert joint processing of attention
to representations is part of an executive system that facilitates symbolic development and the social cognition. Indeed both symbolic
thought and social cognition may be characterized by a transition from learning to socially coordinate overt attention to the capacity to
socially coordinate covert mental representations of the attention of self and others.

One possibility is that mental retardation may be associated with measures of synchrony or coherence in cortical activity.
with connectivity impairments within proximal brain net- There is some support for this, but currently available data
works, but that autism may be characterized by more distal are no more than suggestive in this regard (Mundy et al.,
connectivity problems (Courchesne & Pierce, 2005; Lewis & 2000; Mundy et al., 2003). Nevertheless, the PDPM offers a
Elman, 2008). Indeed, several studies suggest that distal con- conceptual framework that emphasizes the benefits of a
nectivity problems between frontal and temporal parietal net- multidisciplinary approach to neurodevelopment, attention,
works may be especially prominent in autism (Cherkassky, connectionist network models of development and autism.
Kana, Keller, & Just, 2006; Courchesne & Pierce, 2005; Murias, This emphasis is in line with the recent call for the multidisci-
Webb, Greenson, & Dawson, 2007; Wicker et al., 2008). The plinary examination of relations between EEG or imaging
PDPM offers a moderately explicit developmental account of coherence in developmental and intervention studies of
how the impairment of distal frontal-parietal pathways may autism (Dawson, 2008).
have an early and robust effect specific to a disturbance of joint It also may be that mental retardation is associated with
attention and related social symptom of autism, such as a lack impairments of prenatal neural connectivity that are less activ-
of spontaneously sharing experiences with other people. The ity dependent, but that autism involves a greater degree of
PDPM’s focus on the fundamental relations between the joint postnatal connectivity impairments that are more activity
processing of attention information, learning, and symbolic dependent (Morrow, Yoo, Flavell, Kim, & Lin, 2008). Morrow
development also provide a means for understanding why et al. have recently observed several genome deletions in fami-
variations in the strength of the disturbance of anterior-poste- lies of children with autism. The expression of three genes
rior connectivity could contribute to phenotypic variability in associated with the two largest deletions (c3orf58, NHE9, and
autism, such as the co-occurrence of mental retardation or PCDH10) is regulated by neuronal activity. From this obser-
specific language impairments. vation Morrow et al. (2008) reasoned that defects in activity-
The connectivity assumptions of PDPM also lead to the dependent gene expression may be a cause of cognitive deficits
prediction that differences in the development of joint in autism. They note that these genes likely have a defined
attention in typical and atypical children should be associated temporal course of greater or lesser vulnerability to atypical
164 Autism Spectrum Disorders

expression depending on the timing and quality of the young possibility that a delay in the developmental shift from
child’s postnatal activity and experience-dependent processes. the magnocellular to parvocellular visual systems could alter
The PDPM proposes that problems with initiating joint what children with autism choose to attend to early in life.
attention activity may be especially key to understanding Hypothetically, the maintenance of a magnocellular bias
activity-dependent alterations of gene expression associated may lead to a relatively long-standing visual preference
with autism. Some evidence consistent with this proposition for stimuli or objects characterized by movement or achro-
stems from the observation that the activity of children with matic contrasts, such as surface edges, power lines, spin-
autism may affect and modify the attempts of caregivers to ning objects, the outlines of faces, or mouth movement.
scaffold the development of joint attention in their children Reciprocally, the decreased influence of the parvocellular
(Adamson et al., 2001). If the PDPM is correct in this regard, system could lead to developmental delays in the emergence
it will be important to build a better understanding of genetic of a visual attention bias to targets that are socially informa-
influences on the typical range of expression individual differ- tive but involve differentiation based on high resolution of
ences in IJA in infant development. Little if any information shape and color information, such as distal processing of
currently exists on this topic. Fortunately, the recent observa- eyes and facial expressions. Thus, the alteration of visual
tion of a surprising degree of longitudinal stability of individ- preferences during early critical periods of development
ual differences in a sample of the 100 typical infants (Mundy could degrade the establishment of the dynamic system of
et al., 2007) suggests that behavioral or metabolic genetic internal information processing about active looking, rela-
methods may be brought to bear in large-scale studies of the tive to contingent social feedback, and information about
typical development of infant joint attention. the attention of other people (Mundy, 1995; Mundy &
Burnette, 2005). Moreover, if magnocelluar guidance bias
The PDPM, Visual Attention Control, and connectivity impairments are orthogonal processes,
and Autism combinations of varying levels of their effects could present
as phenotypic differences in joint attention processing and
The work of several research groups indicates that basic mech- social symptom expression in autism.
anism of visual control may play a role in autism (Brenner,
Turner, & Muller, 2007; Landry & Bryson, 2004; Johnson et al., Early Intervention, Learning, Motivation,
2005). Brenner et al. (2007) have noted that one of the essen- and the PDPM
tial issues for this line of research is to understand precisely,
“how an ocular-motor system that is over-specialized for cer- The assumptions of the PDPM may also help to explain why
tain tasks and under-specialized for others early in life might joint attention is a pivotal skill in early intervention for chil-
affect later development in [social] domains such as joint dren with autism (Bruinsma, Koegel, & Koegel, 2004;
attention” (p. 1302). The PDPM offers a guide in this regard. Charman, 2004; Mundy & Crowson, 1997). Improvements in
First, it encourages the research community to recognize the pivotal skills, by definition, lead to positive changes in a broad
possibility that joint attention may not be a “later” develop- array of other problematic behaviors. This appears to be the
ment, but one that begins as part of the development of voli- case with joint attention. It can be improved with early inter-
tional visual attention control by the 4th month of life. In vention (e.g., Kasari et al., 2006, 2007; Pierce & Schreibman,
addition, the PDPM provides means for understanding how 1995; Rocha et al., 2007; Yoder & Stone, 2006), and joint
significantly altered early visual preferences could have a cas- attention improvement has collateral benefits on language,
cading effect on the development of intentional joint attention cognitive, and social development (Kasari et al., 2007; Jones,
and autism (Mundy, 1995). In this regard, consider two recent Carr, & Feely, 2006; Whalen & Schreibman, 2006). Joint atten-
studies. tion also appears to mediate responsiveness to early interven-
McCleery et al. (2007) observed that magnocellular visual tion among children with autism (Bono et al., 2004; Yoder &
processing may be atypically enhanced in a sample of 6-month- Stone, 2006).
old infant siblings of children with autism. Similarly Karmel According to the PDPM, joint attention is a pivotal skill
et al. (2008) observed visual attention patterns that are con- in autism because its improvement has multiple effects on
sistent with a magnocellular bias in 6-month-olds in neonatal social learning. Recall that joint attention facilitates the self-
intensive care who later received the diagnosis of autism at 3 organization of information processing to optimize inciden-
years of age. The magnocellular visual system contributes to tal as well as structured social learning opportunities (Baldwin,
orienting based on movement and contrast-sensitivity related 1995). Hence, impairment in joint attention may be viewed as
to small achromatic differences in brightness. This system part of a broader social constructivist learning disturbance in
dominates early visual orienting. However, by 2- to 4-months autism. By the same token, effective intervention likely
visually orienting is increasingly influenced by the parvocel- improves social constructivist learning in autism.
lular system, which contributes to orienting based on high- Second, the PDPM proposes that joint attention serves as
resolution information about shape, or low-resolution a foundation for social cognitive development. Social cogni-
information about color and shades of grey. The studies of tive development is defined in terms of advances in the
Karmel et al. (2008) and McCleery et al. (2007) raise the processing of information about self and other, rather than
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 165

singularly in terms of changes in knowledge about intention- with joint attention has less immediate impact on symbolic
ality. Following connectionist cognitive theory (McClelland & play behavior (Kasari et al., 2006).
Rogers, 2003; Otten et al., 2001), the PDPM assumes that Fourth, the joint processing of attention information also
information encoded during learning is stored as a distrib- plays a fundamental role in social cognition defined in terms
uted neural network activation pattern that involves parallel of the development of knowledge about intentions in self and
activation of networks of related semantic information. other (Mundy & Newell, 2007). The assumption here is that
Additionally, whenever information is acquired during social when infants or primates practice monitoring others atten-
learning and joint attention it is also encoded in parallel with tion (RJA), statistical learning ultimately leads to the associa-
the activation of a frontal-temporal-parietal neural network tive rule where others’ eyes go, their behavior follows (Jellema,
that maps relations between representations of information Baker, Wicker, & Perrett, D., 2000). Similarly, anterior moni-
about self-directed attention and information about the toring or self-awareness of control of visual attention likely
attention of other people. Thus, every time we process infor- leads to awareness of the self-referenced associative rule that
mation in social learning we encode it as an activation pattern where my eyes go, my intended behavior follows (Mundy &
in a distributed semantic network in conjunction with an acti- Newell, 2007). An integration of the development of these
vation pattern of the anterior-posterior cortical joint atten- “concepts” leads to the logical cognitive output where others
tion network (see Figures 8-4 & 8-5). Recall that deeper eyes go à their intended behavior follows, which is a building
information processing and learning occurs best in the con- block of social cognitive development (Mundy & Newell,
text of the simultaneous activation of multiple neural net- 2007). Social cognition of this kind is thought to enable new
works during encoding (Otten et al., 2001). If so, joint and more efficient levels of social or cultural learning is
attention may lead to deeper processing because it adds acti- atypical in autism.
vation of the distributed social attention network (a form of Finally, the constructivist assumptions of the PDPM stress
episodic encoding) to the network activation associated more that motivation factors are part of a crucial fifth path of asso-
directly with semantic information. This conjecture provides ciation between joint attention and social learning. Initiating
one interpretation of the observation that joint attention joint attention requires “choosing” between behavior goals,
facilitates depth of processing in 9-month-olds (Striano, such as fixated looking at an event, or alternating looking at
Chen, et al., 2006; Striano, Reid, et al., 2006). It also suggests the event and another person. Choosing among behavior goals
that part of the learning disability of autism occurs because is thought to involve frontal and medial cortical processing of
children with this disorder do not reap the full benefits of the relative reward associated with different goals (Holroyd &
encoding semantic information in conjunction with episodic Coles, 2002). Therefore, IJA impairment in autism may be
memory encoded within the integrated processing of self- expected to be related to deficits in biobehavioral processes
and other-attention. This, in turn, may help to explain the associated with reward sensitivity and motivation (Dawson,
attenuation of self-referenced memory effects in autism 2008; Kasari et al., 1990; Mundy, 1995). Such a deficit,
(Henderson et al., 2009). however, could take several forms.
Third, the PDPM argues that overt joint attention becomes Social stimuli could be aversive in some way for children
increasingly internalized as a social executive function that with autism. However, the aversion hypothesis is complicated
supports the social coordination of covert mental attention to by observations of behaviors indicative of relatively intact car-
cognitive representations. The spontaneous coordination of egiver-attachment in many children with autism and a will-
mental attention cognitive representations is an essential ele- ingness to engage in playful physical interactions with strangers
ment of symbolic thought (Tomasello et al., 2005). The (e.g., Mundy et al., 1986; Sigman & Ungerer, 1984). On the
PDPM assumes that months of practice of the social coordi- other hand, social stimuli may not be aversive. Rather, they
nation of overt attention (i.e., joint attention) in the first may simply not be sufficiently positive to compel social-
years of life is required before this function can be internal- orienting and joint attention early in the life of children with
ized and transformed to an executive facility for the socially autism (Dawson et al., 1998; Mundy, 1995). Finally, social
coordinated covert mental attention and symbolic thought. stimuli could have a positive valence for children with autism,
Thus, symbolic thought processes incorporate, but do not but be overshadowed by an atypically strong visual preference
replace activation of the self-other joint attention system. that make objects, rather that social elements of the world
Joint attention however does not necessarily involve symbolic more “interesting” (Karmel et al., 2008; McCleery et al., 2006;
process (Mundy et al., 1987). Mundy & Crowson, 1997).
These assumptions of the PDPM are consistent with two The construction of effective empirical approaches to
recent observations. Joint attention is a unique predictor of address these alternatives is one of the outstanding challenges
pretend play development in children with autism relative to in the science of autism (Dawson, 2008; Koegel et al., 2003).
measures of imitation or executive functions (Rutherford Research on joint attention in relation to motivation and the
et al., 2008). Moreover, successful symbolic play interven- perceived valence of objects in adults (Bayliss et al., 2006)
tion, which according to the PDPM must involve effects on offers one potential route for developmental and functional
joint attention, is associated with parallel collateral improve- neurocognitive studies on this topic. For now, though, the
ments in joint attention in autism. However, intervention literature on early intervention may be the best source of
166 Autism Spectrum Disorders

information in this regard. Early interventions studies offer necessitate a shift away from a singular emphasis on the
some of the most systematic investigations to date of how to stages of acquisition of social cognitive “knowledge” in
structure social engagements with young children with autism the study of joint attention, to research on the develop-
to modify and increase their motivation to initiate episodes of ment of joint attention as an information processing
shared attention and shared experience with others (e.g., system associated with learning.
Kasari et al., 2006, 2007). • Recent research suggests that the etiology of autism is
associated with complex polygenetic processes. Studies
also suggest that the early development joint attention is
Á characterized by stable sources of individual differences
Conclusions by 9 months of age. One challenge for future research
is to determine if the behavioral and metabolic genetic
Only in its most expansive or grandiose interpretation can the study of typical joint attention development in large
PDPM be viewed as an explanatory model of joint attention, or samples of infants provides for identifying a subset of
autism. Nevertheless, the PDPM does serve a purpose. It genetic contributions to autism.
presents a new perspective on joint attention that suggests its • The constructivist hypothesis of the PDPM raises the
impairment in autism is more than an epiphenomenon associ- challenge of creating paradigms for the study of neu-
ated with other fundamental precursor or successor processes. rocognitive systems involved in the generation and self-
This alternative perspective can be summed up in terms of sev- regulation of social behavior, as well as the perception and
eral general principles. First, autism is as much about impair- interpretation of the social behaviors of others. Without
ments in self-generated activity as it is about problems in the former we will likely have a most incomplete picture
perceiving or responding to the behavior of others. Hence, we of the development of the “social brain.”
need to consider the neurodevelopmental processes and net- • Examination of parallel and distributed processing of
works involved in initiating behavior and attention control, as joint attention requires measurement that is sensitive
well as those involved in perceiving and responding to the to temporal, parallel nature of information processing
behaviors of others to understand this disorder (Mundy, 2003). and well as localized-functional activation of distributed
Second, joint attention is a form of information processing that neural networks. Hence, future informative research on
gives rise to social-cognitive knowledge. Third, joint attention joint attention may be effectively joined with diffusion
is a form of parallel and distributed processing that involves the tensor imaging technology, as well as advances in EEG
conjoint analysis of information from anterior cortical system and MEG coherence analysis.
for guidance of goal-directed attention and behavior, with pos- • The most direct tests of the PDPM of joint attention will
terior cortical processing external information about the atten- likely require an integration of advances in biometric mea-
tion related behavior of other people. Ultimately, joint attention surement (e.g., advances in EEG coherence methods) with
becomes a social executive process that supports all subsequent advances in behavioral and pharmacological interventions
cognition and learning that demands the rapid social coordi- that change the course of joint attention expression
nation of mental attention to internal representations of object and development in children with autism. Fortunately,
and events. Thus, neural network activation associated with research on the latter has begun to emerge, and now
joint attention is an enduring substrate that plays a role in the studies of this kind await integration with the former.
unique characteristics of human cognition throughout the
lifespan (Mundy & Newell, 2007). Indeed, it may be one exam-
ple of the type of “hot” executive functions that Zelazo, Qu, Á SUGGESTED READINGS
and Muller (2005) theorize are central to social cognition. Hot
executive functions are those that entail motivation processes Kasari, C., Paparella, T., Freeman, S., & Jahromi, L. (2008). Language
and affect-regulation specific to the support of successful outcomes in autism: Randomized comparison of joint atten-
goal-directed behavior in social engagements. It follows from tion and play interventions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
this notion that individual differences in the operation of the Psychology, 76, 125–137.
social-executive function of joint attention, including the Keysers, C., & Perrett, D. (2006). Demystifying social-cognition: A
extreme variation displayed by people with autism, may be an Hebbian perspective. Trends in Cognitive Science, 8, 501–507.
Mundy, P., Block, J., Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Delgado, C., Venezia
expression of variance in motivation process.
Parlade, M., & Pomares, Y. (2007). Individual differences and
the development of infant joint attention. Child Development,
78, 938–954.
Challenges and Future Directions
• To fully appreciate the significance of joint attention
impairments in autism requires a deeper appreciation The research and theory development reported in this paper were
of the typical development of joint attention. This may supported by NIH Grants HD 38052, and MH 071273, as well as the
The Social Behavior of Autism: A Parallel and Distributed Information Processing Perspective 167

generous support of Marc Friedman and Marjorie Solomon for the Bornstein, M., & Sigman, M. (1986). Continuity in mental
Lisa Capps Endowment to the UC Davis Department of Psychiatry development from infancy. Child Development, 57, 251–274.
and M.I.N.D. Institute. Brenner, L., Turner, K., & Muller, R. (2007). Eye movement and
visual search: Are there elementary abnormalities in autism?
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1289–1309.
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9 Á Helen Tager-Flusberg, Lisa Edelson, Rhiannon Luyster

Language and Communication

in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á highly verbal people with Asperger’s syndrome (Paul, Orlovski,

Points of Interest Marcinko, & Volkmar, 2009; Tager-Flusberg, 2003).
By the end of the first year of life, most children are bab-
• Unique clinical features of language in ASD include bling, using gesture and vocalization to communicate with
stereotyped speech patterns, pronoun reversal, echolalia, others, responding appropriately to words and simple phrases,
and idiosyncratic words and phrases. and even speaking a few words that at least their parents
• There are universal impairments in pragmatic aspects of understand. When these milestones are not met as expected,
language: the use of language in social contexts, which this can be an early warning sign that something may be awry.
are closely linked to deficits in theory of mind. Indeed, surveys of parents whose children were later diagnosed
• Language skills, including articulation, vocabulary, with autism indicated that the most common causes for initial
and grammar, are quite heterogeneous. Different sub- concern were delays in language and social-communicative
types have been identified within the ASD population abilities (Chawarska, Paul, Klin, Hannigen, Dichtel, & Volkmar,
that may be associated with differences in etiology and 2007; De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998; Siklos & Kerns, 2007).
neurobiological factors. Infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
• Brain areas associated with language are often reduced in show less joint attention behavior and produce fewer gestures
size in ASD. There are differences in brain organization, and consonants (Landa, Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007), all
with less reliance on the left hemisphere for processing of which are key precursors to the acquisition of language
language and reduced connectivity between different (Luyster, Kadlec, Carter, & Tager-Flusberg, 2008). Given the
brain regions that are critical for language perception critical role of language functioning in predicting outcomes in
and production. children with autism (Bennett et al., 2008; Billstedt, Gillberg,
• Atypical developmental trajectories within and across & Gillberg, 2007; Szatmari, Bryson, Boyle, Streiner, & Duku,
different domains of language are found. These may be 2003), there is now heightened interest in investigating this
grounded in infancy, and associated with impairments in domain, with particular focus on targeting language and com-
prelinguistic developments in social engagement, gesture, munication skills in early intervention programs (Dawson,
imitation, and vocal productions. 2008). In this chapter we provide an overview of the key
features of atypical language and communication in ASD from
When Leo Kanner (1943) first introduced his newly discovered a developmental perspective and then discuss some neuro-
syndrome, autistic disorder, impairments in language and cognitive models that have been proposed as explanations
communication were not listed among the core diagnostic fea- for these impairments in ASD.
tures. The same held for Hans Asperger’s (1944/1991) presen-
tation of what is now referred to as Asperger’s syndrome. Á
Nevertheless, the detailed descriptions of the children by these Defining the Language and Communication
pioneers included numerous examples of unusual speech and Impairment in ASD
communication patterns that were evident in all their cases,
and it is now recognized that, at least for autistic disorder, Description of Language
deficits in language and communication are defining criteria
for diagnosis. Furthermore, most clinicians and researchers Language is a multifaceted, hierarchically organized system
acknowledge the presence of aberrant communication among that can be analyzed into specific components, each of which
Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders 173

has expected patterns of development. The smallest linguistic speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sus-
unit is the phoneme, defined as a sound that can be discrimi- tain a conversation with others; stereotyped and repetitive
nated from others within a language. For example, by chang- use of language or idiosyncratic language; or lack of varied,
ing a /b/ to a /p/, English has two words with different spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appro-
meanings, bat and pat. Phonology describes the way phonemes priate to developmental level. These criteria are now viewed
can be combined and used. It also encompasses nonspeech as reflecting distinct underlying mechanisms. Delays and def-
suprasegmental aspects, defined as those vocal patterns that are icits in language are associated with nonuniversal comorbid
at a higher level than the phoneme, such as prosody, rhythm impairments in language processing (Bishop & Norbury,
and melody that serve linguistic functions. 2002; Rapin & Dunn, 2003, Tager-Flusberg, 2004); conversa-
The smallest meaningful units of speech are called morphemes. tional problems reflect difficulties in theory of mind (Paul,
These can be unbound, able to stand alone as lexical words (e.g., Orlowski, Marcinko, & Volkmar, 2009; Tager-Flusberg, 2000);
“walk”), or can be bound, requiring another morpheme for their stereotyped language is an example of repetitive behavior
usage, for example the past tense ending added to verbs -ed, or (Bodfish, Symons, Parker, & Lewis, 2000; Gabriels, Cuccaro,
the negative morpheme un- that can be added to nouns, verbs, Hill, Ivers, & Goldson, 2005); and the absence of play is a
and other parts of speech. Morphemes can be combined to form reflection of deficits in socialization and symbolic capacity
words with new meanings, which in turn can be linked together (Naber et al., 2008).
to form sentences following predictable patterns of combina- Certain features of the language spoken by children with
tions, referred to as syntax. Within linguistics, morphology and ASD are relatively unique and specific to this syndrome. One
syntax describe the rules governing each of these processes, and salient symptom of autism is the presence of odd or stereotyped
together form the grammar of a particular language. Sounds and speech patterns. Kanner (1943, 1946) noted several verbal
rules cover the basic structure of a language, but these are all in rituals in his early observations of children with autism.
service of expressing meaning, or semantics, in words and sen- Children with autism may quote scripts from favorite television
tences. The semantic level of language connects most closely to shows or movies, engage in verbal rituals, or echo the speech of
world knowledge. For words, this includes both intension, the others (Rydell & Mirenda, 1994). Other children might use
definition of a word, and extension, the range of exemplars to odd phrasing, perhaps incorporating vocabulary that is not
which that word refers. Sentential meaning is derived from the age-appropriate (Ghaziuddin & Gerstein, 1996). Another strik-
combination of words and grammatical rules. ing feature of autistic children’s use of language is their reversal
Together, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics of pronouns—referring to themselves as “you” and their con-
form our core linguistic knowledge. The domain of pragmatics versational partner as “I.” Although reversing personal pro-
refers to how context contributes to the interpretation of the nouns is not unique to autism, it does occur more frequently in
meaning of language as it is used in social situations. It includes this group than in any other population (Lee, Hobson, & Chiat,
the functions served by utterances, also called speech acts (e.g., 1994). Odd vocal patterns were noted in many early descrip-
statements, requests), the rules of effective communication in tions of autistic children’s language both in echolalic and non-
discourse (e.g., conversation, narrative), and inferences about echolalic speech (Pronovost, Wakstein, & Wakstein, 1966).
the intentions of the speaker, covering literal and nonliteral Kanner (1946) also commented on the autistic child’s tendency
expressions (e.g., lies, sarcasm). Interpreting language in social to use words with special or unique meanings, not shared by
contexts often goes beyond the spoken word, relying also on others. The use of idiosyncratic lexical terms, or “neologisms,”
nonverbal cues such as gesture, facial and vocal expressions of has been found even in higher functioning children and adults
affect, and body language. with autism (Volden & Lord, 1991).
Language is a highly complex system that is dependent on Across the ASD population, including people with
the interaction of multiple factors over the course of develop- Asperger’s syndrome, certain aspects of language are univer-
ment. These include the input provided to the child that may sally impaired. One example is the domain of pragmatics,
vary in both quantitative and qualitative ways, and child- as individuals with ASD have difficulty with the social
specific variables such as the motivation, cognitive, or neuro- aspects of language use, including turn-taking (Eales, 1993),
logical status of the individual. It is therefore not surprising conversational discourse (Paul et al., 2009; Tager-Flusberg &
that in ASD, core social and other neurocognitive impair- Anderson, 1991), processing contextually and socially appro-
ments contribute significantly to the delays and deficits that priate comments (Eales, 1993; Loukusa et al., 2007), and
are seen in the acquisition of language. understanding nonliteral language such as irony, sarcasm, and
metaphor (Happé, 1995; MacKay & Shaw, 2004; Martin &
Deficits in Language and Communication McDonald, 2004). Another problem area is the appropriate use
of prosody, or intonation patterns, when speaking. Individuals
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of with ASD can produce grammatically correct sentences, but
Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-IV-TR: American Psychiatric they may come across as sounding flat, robotic, or otherwise
Association, 2000) autistic disorder is defined on the basis of odd (Peppé, McCann, Gibbon, O’Hare, & Rutherford, 2007;
at least one qualitative impairment in the domain of commu- Shriberg, Paul, McSweeny, Klin, Cohen, & Volkmar, 2001).
nicative abilities. These include: delay in, or total lack of, the They may also have trouble decoding the meaning of an utter-
development of spoken language; in individuals with adequate ance based on its stress patterns (Peppé et al., 2007) or miss
174 Autism Spectrum Disorders

affective content encoded in the voice (Korpilahti et al., 2007; Parallel to these impairments in social communication
Rutherford, Baron-Cohen, & Wheelwright, 2002). during infancy, are early abnormalities in speech perception
In contrast to the universal nature of pragmatic deficits in and preference. Typically developing children, when given a
autism spectrum disorders, other language skills vary on a choice of listening to a nonspeech analog or infant-directed
broad continuum from intact linguistic abilities to failure to speech, consistently prefer to listen to the latter (Kuhl, 2004).
acquire any language (Diehl, Bennetto, Watson, Gunlogson, & This preference is viewed as instrumental in language develop-
McDonough, 2008; Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001; Lewis, ment, in that the child is motivated to “tune in” to the sounds
Murdoch, & Woodyatt, 2007). One study of 9-year-old chil- of their caregiver’s speech. Infant-directed speech, moreover, is
dren found that, while a quarter of the children were able to characterized by exaggerated phonetic and prosodic features
speak fluently using complex sentences, another quarter were that facilitate the emergence of early language. Young children
still effectively nonverbal (Anderson et al., 2007). Longitudinal identified with ASD do not show a preference for infant-
studies suggest that variability in language skills increases with directed speech, choosing instead to listen to the nonspeech
time, possibly due to mixed results of interventions (Charman, analog (Kuhl, Coffey-Corina, Padden, & Dawson, 2005) or to
Taylor, Drew, Cockerill, Brown, & Baird, 2005). other environmental sounds (Klin, 1991). There are important
early language implications for these observations in ASD: A
stronger preference for nonspeech sounds is associated with a
Á greater degree of impairment in early expressive language
Development of Language and (Kuhl et al., 2005).
Communication in ASD By late infancy, these early disturbances in communication
and speech development result in language differences for
Preverbal Period (0–12 Months) children later diagnosed with ASD. The majority show delays
in the attainment of early milestones, in the production of
From the moment they are born, infants come prepared to babbling and first words, gestural communication, as well as
acquire language with a suite of mechanisms that include in language comprehension (Colgan et al., 2006; Landa &
general learning systems, a bias toward attending to social Garrett-Mayer, 2006; Mitchell et al., 2006; Zwaigenbaum
stimuli in their environment including faces and voices, as et al., 2005).
well as domain-specific speech processing systems. Within a
few short years they have mastered one of the most complex
challenges they face, with seemingly little effort or explicit Á
tuition. For children with ASD, the developmental pathway is Early Language (12–30 Months)
affected, even before the acquisition of first words, and diffi-
culties continue throughout childhood. Early in life most The toddler years are characterized by language impairments
children communicate with their social partners. They begin for most children on the autism spectrum. Delays are evident
to smile reciprocally, vocalize in response to other people, in both receptive and expressive language. The receptive
and engage in simple social routines. These early-appearing language deficits are quite striking and not usually seen in
behaviors form an important foundation for the develop- children with other language disorders, but these show up
ment of language. Children later diagnosed with ASD have more on standardized testing than in parental reports of early
been shown to have deficits in these reciprocal social com- language in ASD (Luyster et al., 2008), and are most likely
munication skills within the first year of life. Early impairments related to the children’s overall lack of social responsiveness.
have been noted in eye contact, imitation, social interest, Other atypical patterns may also be observed in the
shared positive affect, play skills, and joint engagement trajectory of language development. A significant minority
(Baranek, 1999; Bryson et al., 2007; Landa, Holman, & (estimates usually ranging from about 15 to 40%) of children
Garrett-Mayer, 2007; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005). with ASD experience a loss (or regression) of verbal and
Toward the end of the first year, infants typically exhibit a nonverbal communication skills sometime in the second year
variety of communicative behaviors that are not usually seen of life (Goldberg et al., 2003; Hansen et al., 2008; Lord,
in autism. These nonverbal communicative gestures express Shulman, & DiLavore, 2004; Luyster et al., 2005). Several stud-
the same intentions for which words will be used in the coming ies have found that these children show undetected symptoms
months, such as requesting objects, rejecting offered actions, of ASD within their first year of life, but they also often attain
calling attention to objects or events, and commenting on important early milestones in social and communication
their appearance. Gestural ability has been shown to be a development. These early gains are followed by a loss of skill,
strong predictor of later language in typically developing chil- usually some time between 16 and 21 months of age (Goldberg
dren (Rowe, Özçalişkan, & Goldin-Meadow, 2008; Watt et al., et al., 2003; Lord, Shulman et al., 2004; Luyster et al., 2005;
2006) as well as children with developmental disabilities Meilleur & Fombonne, 2009). Historically, these losses were
(Brady, Marquis, Fleming, & McLean, 2004) and ASD defined strictly on the deterioration of language skills.
(Charman, Baron-Cohen, Swettenham, Baird, Drew, & Cox, Typically, children had mastered single words but not yet pro-
2003; Luyster, Kadlec, Carter, & Tager-Flusberg, 2008). gressed to phrases, and then lost a substantial number of words
Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders 175

during the regression. Recent conceptualizations of regression that signal the speaker’s intention, rather than simply a failure
have included documentation of social-communication losses to attend to their social partner (Parish-Morris et al., 2007).
as well, particularly in the realm of social interest and Caregivers also notice that their child’s pragmatic uses of
reciprocity (Goldberg et al., 2003; Hansen et al., 2008; Luyster language are quite restricted. Whereas children with ASD
et al., 2005). Importantly, children who experience a regression may proficiently use language to meet their needs and wants
generally do regain the lost skills, although the implications (e.g., “More cookies”), they are less likely to use language in
for later outcome remain unclear (Bernabei, Cerquiglini, prosocial ways—directing someone’s attention to an object
Cortesi, & D’Ardia, 2007; Hansen et al., 2008; Ozonoff, or event of interest (e.g., “A doggie!”), or to use language to
Williams, & Landa, 2005; Richler et al., 2006; Werner, engage in a reciprocal exchange of thoughts or experiences
Dawson, Munson, & Osterling, 2005). (e.g., “Baby went night-night”) (Loveland, Landry, Hughes,
The close connection between language and social- Hall, & McEvoy, 1988; Wetherby, Watt, Morgan, & Shumway,
communicative development is also evident when examin- 2007). The speech acts missing among young children with
ing early predictors of language development in ASD. Just ASD all involve social, rather than regulatory functions
as the two domains are linked in the loss of skills, they are (Wetherby, 1986).
also linked in the mastery of skills. Language emergence
is associated with a number of other symbolic and social-
communicative skills. Joint attention (Adamson, Bakeman, Á
Deckner, & Romski, 2009; Carpenter, Pennington, & Rogers, Later Language (30–48 Months)
2002; Charman et al., 2003; Dawson et al., 2004; Mundy,
Sigman, & Kasari, 1990; Mundy, Sigman, Ungerer, & Sherman, During the preschool years, children acquire the morphosyn-
1987; Sigman & McGovern, 2005), imitation (Carpenter et al., tax of their language, continue to add new words to their
2002; Charman et al., 2003; Stone, Ousley, & Littleford 1997; vocabulary, and develop basic conversation skills. There are
Stone & Yoder 2001), gesture (Luyster et al., 2008), and play few longitudinal studies of grammatical development in ASD.
(Mundy et al., 1987; Sigman & McGovern, 2005) have all been Tager-Flusberg and her colleagues recruited a small group of
found to be associated with language ability both concurrently preschoolers and found that they followed the same develop-
and longitudinally. In addition to social-communicative fac- mental path as typically developing children and children with
tors, other child factors including general cognitive skills are Down syndrome (Tager-Flusberg et al., 1990). The children
highly correlated with language outcomes in children with with autism and Down syndrome showed similar growth
ASD (Luyster et al., 2008; Thurm et al., 2007), and recent work curves in the length of their utterances (MLU - Mean Length
by Sigman and her colleagues has highlighted the significance of Utterance), which is usually taken as a hallmark measure of
of parental responsiveness to the child’s focus of attention and grammatical development. In a follow-up study using the
play as predictors of later language abilities, independent same language samples, Scarborough et al. (1991) compared
of the IQ or initial language skills of the child (Siller & the relationship between MLU and scores on a different index
Sigman, 2008). of grammatical development, which charts the emergence of a
During this period, children acquire a rich and varied wide range of grammatical constructions: The IPSyn (Index of
vocabulary. By the age of 18 months, typically developing Productive Syntax). The main findings were that at higher
children show an exponential growth curve, learning several MLU levels, MLU overestimated IPSyn scores for the children
words each day. They do so by “fast-mapping” meaning to with ASD, because they used a narrower range of construc-
new words using a number of cues present in the environ- tions and asked fewer questions, which accounts for a signifi-
ment. Several studies of children with ASD have found that cant portion of the IPSyn score. These findings have been
they are able to exploit some, but not all, of these cues for replicated in a cross-sectional study of preschoolers with ASD
learning the meanings of nouns, which may partially account (Eigsti, Bennetto, & Dadlani, 2007).
for the slower growth and in certain cases, idiosyncratic Several studies of English-speaking children with ASD
meanings attached to some words. One cue that children with investigated the acquisition of grammatical morphology,
ASD are capable of using involves the inference that different using data from spontaneous speech samples. For example,
objects are labeled with different words—the principle of Bartolucci, Pierce, & Streiner (1980) found that children with
“mutual exclusivity” (Preissler & Carey, 2005). In contrast, ASD were more likely to omit certain morphemes, particularly
children with ASD are less able to use some social cues, such articles (a, the), auxiliary and copula verbs, past tense, third-
as the direction of a speaker’s eye gaze (Baron-Cohen, person present tense, and present progressive. Tager-Flusberg
Baldwin, & Crowson, 1997; Preissler & Carey, 2005), though (1989) also found that children with ASD were significantly
if the objects are especially interesting and the speaker adds less likely to mark past tense than were matched controls
gestural or touch cues, children with ASD can rapidly learn with Down syndrome. Similar findings were obtained on elic-
the meanings of new words (McDuffie, Yoder, & Stone, 2006; ited production tasks of grammatical tense in children with
Parish-Morris, Hennon, Hirsh-Pasek, Golinkoff, & Tager- lower overall levels of language (e.g., Bartolucci & Albers,
Flusberg, 2007). At the heart of their difficulty is the use of 1974; Roberts, Rice, & Tager-Flusberg, 2004) as well as on
combinations of social cues (eye gaze, facial expressions, etc.) grammaticality judgment tasks (Eigsti & Bennetto, 2009).
176 Autism Spectrum Disorders

In comparison to grammatical development, lexical impaired in children with ASD, because they tend to interpret
knowledge is an area of strength for children with ASD words or utterances in a literal or concrete way, rather than
(Eigsti et al., 2007; Tager-Flusberg, Lord, & Paul, 2005). High- the intended meaning, which is often dependent on the con-
functioning children often score well on standardized vocabu- text or delivery of the language through a combination of
lary tests (Jarrold, Boucher, & Russell, 1997; Kjelgaard & verbal and nonverbal signals.
Tager-Flusberg, 2001), they extend or generalize words they This difficulty of interpreting intended meaning is espe-
know to a broad range of exemplars, and their lexicons are cially salient in conversational discourse (Mitchell, Saltmarsh,
organized in hierarchical semantic groups as in typically devel- & Russell, 1997) and reflects the fact that pragmatic deficits in
oping children (Boucher, 1988; Tager-Flusberg, 1985; Walenski, language are more often found in unstructured social contexts
Mostofsky, Gidley-Larson, & Ullman, 2008). At the same time, than in structured tasks. These deficits, which are found in
certain classes of words may be underrepresented in the vocab- both Asperger’s syndrome and high-functioning autism, take
ularies of children with ASD. Tager-Flusberg (1992) found that different forms including overly formal or pedantic speech,
children with ASD rarely used mental-state terms, particularly lack of reciprocal exchanges, problems with topic manage-
terms for cognitive states (e.g., know, think, remember) when ment, or handling breakdowns and repairs in conversation
conversing with their mothers. Other studies suggest that chil- (Paul et al., 2009). But not all aspects of social language usage
dren with ASD have particular difficulties understanding are impaired in ASD. For example, older children are quite
social-emotional terms as measured on vocabulary tests such able at judging and producing requests at different levels of
as the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (Eskes, Bryson, & politeness, depending on the status of their discourse partner
McCormick, 1990; Hobson & Lee, 1989; van Lancker, Cornelius, (Volden & Sorenson, 2009). Sparing of these kinds of skills
& Needleman, 1991). Thus, while overall lexical knowledge is a may be related to their intact knowledge of social stereotypes
relative strength in autism, acquiring words that map onto such as gender and race (Hirschfeld, Bartmess, White, &
mental-state concepts may be specifically impaired. Frith, 2007).
In contrast to their typically developing peers who are suc- Another area of deficit is in the production of narratives,
cessfully mastering early conversational skills, young children which has implications for their ability to perform well in lan-
with ASD show difficulties in reciprocal and flexible dialogue. guage arts and social studies classes in school. Children with
At a basic level, question-asking and question-answering may ASD generally produce less coherent and complex stories
be diminished. More complex abilities such as introducing (Diehl, Bennetto, & Young, 2006; Losh & Capps, 2003), they
new topics of discussion, offering additional information, or tend not to be able to flexibly use different referring expres-
providing clarification to ongoing discourse topics are also sions such as pronouns (Arnold, Bennetto, & Diehl, 2009),
significantly affected (Capps, Kehres, & Sigman, 1998; Tager- they are less likely to take the perspective of another person in
Flusberg & Anderson, 1991). These difficulties emerge in early a story (Garcia-Perez, Hobson, & Lee, 2008), and they often
childhood (Hale & Tager-Flusberg, 2005a; Lord, Rutter, ignore the motivations of characters or causal connections in a
DiLavore, & Risi, 1999) and persist throughout the lifespan plot line (Tager-Flusberg, 1995). Their personal narratives also
(de Villiers, Fine, Ginsberg, Vaccarella, & Szatmari, 2007; tend to focus more on facts than in providing a meaningful
Dobbinson, Perkins, & Boucher, 1998; Volden, 2004). interpretation of autobiographical events (Goldman, 2008).
Processing nonverbal aspects of communication continues
to be an area of significant impairment for children and adults
Á with ASD, which may partially explain their strong preference
Language in Older Children for communicating with others through the Internet. One
example is in the use of prosody. Difficulties arise both in
For many children with ASD, the school years are characterized using prosody to clarify linguistic ambiguity (Diehl, Bennetto,
by continued growth of core language skills (Anderson et al., Watson, Gunlogson, & McDonough, 2008) and in under-
2007). However, along with increased skills come new language standing its social significance (see McCann & Peppé, 2003,for
difficulties that have particular impact on their social interac- a review; McCann, Peppé, Gibbon, O’Hare, & Rutherford,
tions with peers and to their academic success. Even for chil- 2007), though these deficits in prosody are more apparent at
dren who have optimal outcomes, losing their diagnosis of the level of sentences rather than single words (Järvinen-
ASD and becoming fully integrated into academic settings, Pasley, Peppé, King-Smith, & Heaton, 2008). Other nonlin-
subtle impairments remain in the domains of semantics and guistic communicative cues, such as gestures, continue to
pragmatics (Kelley, Paul, Fein, & Naigles, 2006). show impairment through childhood into adolescence and
Complex aspects of language prove to be particularly beyond. For instance, individuals with ASD are less likely to
challenging for individuals with ASD. One example of this is use “beat gestures” while speaking (Lord et al., 1999), employ
language used in a nonliteral manner. Understanding irony nonverbal cues of reciprocity such as nodding their head when
(Kaland et al., 2005; Martin & McDonald, 2004), humor a conversational partner is speaking (Garcia-Perez, Lee, &
(Emerich, Creaghead, Grether, Murray, & Grasha, 2003; Lyons Hobson, 2007), respond to such cues in their conversational
& Fitzgerald, 2004), idioms (Kerbel & Grunwell, 1998; partner, or modulate eye contact (Paul et al., 2009). Thus, it is
Norbury, 2004), and metaphor (Happé, 1995) is often clear that even when structural aspects of language are
Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders 177

acquired, people with ASD continue to experience significant impairments are sufficient to meet criteria. Thus, the children
problems in communicating effectively and appropriately in who have linguistic deficits may be viewed as forming sub-
everyday social contexts. types within the spectrum. Several researchers have proposed
that children who are verbal but with impairments in pho-
nology and morphosyntax (in addition to pragmatics) have
Á a comorbid disorder of specific language impairment (SLI),
Neurocognitive Models of Language because of the parallel deficits that are seen in these chil-
and Communication in ASD dren (e.g., Bishop & Norbury, 2002; Tager-Flusberg, 2006).
Clinical characteristics of SLI include lower overall language
Variability in the Language Phenotypes scores on standardized tests, impaired phonological process-
ing as measured by repetition of nonsense words, and for
A hallmark feature of ASD is heterogeneity in etiology, English-speakers, morphosyntactic problems, particularly in
neurobiological substrate, behavioral characteristics, devel- the omission of tense markers and other grammatical fea-
opmental trajectory, and comorbidity. In an effort to distill tures (Tager-Flusberg & Cooper, 1999). Like ASD, SLI is a
some of the essential features that have both clinical and the- heterogeneous disorder. For example, some children with
oretical relevance, our review of the language characteristics SLI have articulation deficits, others do not; some have both
and their development in ASD glosses over the fundamental receptive and expressive impairments, others only expres-
variability that is seen in every study. Within language, heter- sive; some have comorbid dyslexia, others do not (Tomblin
ogeneity takes on particular significance, in part because lan- & Zhang, 1999). A range of similar language deficits are seen
guage itself is multifaceted, composed of intersecting systems in children with ASD (Rapin, Dunn, Allen, Stevens, & Fein,
of knowledge—sounds, words, morphosyntax, meaning— 2009; Tager-Flusberg, 2006; Tager-Flusberg et al. 2005;
serving a full range of social-communicative functions. In Whitehouse, Barry, & Bishop, 2008), though the added triad
ASD, any one or all of these systems can be affected. In recent of autism-specific impairments contributes to how these are
years, considerable effort has been made to explore this het- uniquely expressed in ASD on both structured tasks and in
erogeneity to advance understanding about the mechanisms everyday language use. There is very little language research
that may underlie the different phenotypes that are observed. on the children at the nonverbal end of the continuum.
At a superficial level, three primary subtypes can be distin- These children are likely to have more severe autism-specific
guished. At one end are the verbally fluent individuals who impairments, are more likely to be intellectually disabled
acquire a full and rich system of linguistic knowledge at the (Luyster et al., 2008), and there is evidence that oral-motor
structural level (phonology, morphosyntax, vocabulary) that impairments may explain why some children with ASD fail
is indistinguishable from nonautistic individuals. For this to acquire spoken language (Gernsbacher, Sauer, Geye,
group, language deficits are primarily limited to the domain of Schweigert, & Goldsmith, 2008). These children may have a
pragmatics. Interestingly, studies have shown that some pro- comorbid dyspraxia, though this is a poorly understood
portion of older children who fit within this group experi- developmental language disorder.
enced early delays in language, however once they reached Given these different subtypes (or comorbidities), it is clear
initial milestones, the rate of acquisition was normal or even that no single etiology, neurological deficit, or theoretical
accelerated and by the end of the preschool period they were framework can be developed to explain the language pheno-
indistinguishable from children who experienced no delays in types associated with ASD. Instead, in recent years, research-
the early timing of language development (Bennett et al., ers have attempted to exploit the variability in language to
2008). At the other end are nonverbal individuals who fail to parse the population for genetic (e.g., Alarcon, Cantor, Liu,
acquire the ability to speak (or communicate via other sys- Gilliam, & Geschwind, 2002; Alarcon et al., 2008; Bradford
tems) beyond a rudimentary level of single words or short et al., 2001), neurobiological (de Fossé et al., 2004), and cogni-
phrases. In general, the prognosis for acquiring useful speech tive (e.g., Norbury, Brock, Cragg, Einav, Griffiths, & Nation,
is very poor for children who have not done so by age 5, 2009) studies with considerable success.
however there are a number of cases in the literature of chil-
dren who do achieve some success after this age if they con-
tinue to receive highly intensive behavioral treatment programs Á
(Pickett, Pullara, O’Grady, & Gordon, 2009). The majority of Neurobiology of Language in ASD
children fall into a third group: They acquire language, albeit
later, at a slower rate, and without fully catching up to age The classic language network is composed of Broca’s area
expectations. As more children with ASD receive early diag- (regions in the inferior frontal gyrus) and Wernicke’s area
noses and interventions, the proportion of children who (regions in the posterior superior temporal gyrus and planum
acquire some degree of functional spoken language is temporale). These areas are connected by a series of dorsal
increasing (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2005). and ventral pathways, the most significant of which is the
A diagnosis of ASD, even classic autism, does not arcuate fasciculus, and they are supplemented by other
require that a child has impaired language; conversational cortical and subcortical regions, including the basal ganglia,
178 Autism Spectrum Disorders

thalamus, and cerebellum (for a recent review, see Friederici, processing tasks (Harris et al., 2006). However, this pattern
2009). Typically, portions of Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas was not found in adolescents with ASD, who demonstrated
(particularly in the pars triangularis and planum temporale) increased activation, relative to controls in both frontal and
are asymmetric, larger in the left hemisphere; and function- posterior language areas (Knaus et al., 2008). The most con-
ally, the left hemisphere assumes a primary role in process- sistent findings across studies is reduced asymmetry of lan-
ing phonological, semantic, and grammatical aspects of guage processing, especially in Broca’s area, and reduced
language, although findings across studies using different correlations in activation patterns across language regions
methods are not consistent, and there is greater variability (Just et al., 2004; Harris et al., 2006; Kleinhans et al., 2008;
among females and non–right handed individuals (Keller, Knaus et al., 2008; Muller et al., 1999), which is consistent
Crow, Foundas, Amunts, & Roberts, 2009; Wallentin, 2009). with other work suggesting impaired connectivity in the
Developmental studies have found that with age, there is brains of people with ASD (e.g., Courchesne & Pierce, 2005).
continued developmental growth in the structure and asym- A recent study found atypical activation to speech in toddlers
metry of language-related cortices into early adulthood with ASD (Redcay & Courchesne, 2008). In contrast to the
(Gogtay, et al., 2004; Sowell, Thompson, Leonard, Welcome, control children, who activated the left hemisphere language
Kan, & Toga, 2004). network, toddlers with ASD primarily activated correspond-
In children with developmental language disorders such as ing regions in the right hemisphere, confirming that these
SLI and dyslexia, both structural and functional differences atypical patterns begin early in development. It is not known,
have been found in studies using magnetic resonance imaging. however, the extent to which these differences in functional
In general, these children have reduced volumes in the primary organization of language in ASD are related to fundamental
cortical language areas, reduced asymmetry in the frontal differences in neuroanatomy that are present at birth, to
areas, and are functionally less left-lateralized (Tager-Flusberg, behavioral language skills, or to compensatory mechanisms.
Lindgren, & Mody, 2008). In ASD, similar atypical structural Finally, it is surprising to note that, to date, there are no pub-
patterns have been found, although findings across different lished studies of the neural processing of pragmatic aspects of
studies vary, depending on the methods used (e.g., manual or language in individuals with ASD.
automatic) and the age and characteristics of the participants.
The majority of studies, which primarily have included only
boys with ASD, report reduced volume of the pars triangularis Á
and posterior language regions (e.g., McAlonan et al., 2005; Mechanisms Associated with Language
Rojas, Camou, Reite, & Rogers, 2005; but see also, Knaus et al., and Communication Impairments in ASD
2009). Interestingly, a recent study suggested that reduced vol-
umes in these regions may be associated with later onset of Most researchers argue that more than one set of mechanisms
language (McAlonan et al., 2008). Reductions in left hemi- is needed to explain the full range of language impairments
sphere asymmetry of frontal language regions has also been that is seen across the different language phenotypes in ASD.
found in several studies and is associated with greater impair- Given the complexity of the language system itself, as well as
ment in language abilities, or comorbid SLI (Herbert et al., its interactions with perceptual (visual, auditory), motor
2002; Herbert et al., 2005; de Fossé et al., 2004). Several studies (articulation), memory, social, executive, and general cogni-
have found exaggerated left hemisphere asymmetry in the tive capacities we are still many years from having anything
planum temporale, again associated with comorbid SLI close to a complete theoretical account that is grounded in a
(Herbert et al., 2002; de Fossé et al., 2004; but for different dynamic, developmental framework. Still, some progress has
findings see Knaus et al., 2009; Rojas et al., 2005). Only one been made in specifying the neurocognitive mechanisms asso-
MRI study, conducted by Munson and his colleagues (Munson ciated with the universal pragmatic impairments as well as
et al., 2006) included very young children with ASD to explore with the linguistic deficits that characterize some portion of
the relationship between brain structure and developmental the population.
trajectories in communication development, as measured by Pragmatic aspects of language typically entail an apprecia-
the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Sparrow, Balla, & tion of the intentions, knowledge, and other mental states of a
Cicchetti, 1984). Interestingly, they found a significant inverse discourse partner (Sperber & Wilson, 1986). Such mental state
relationship between the size of the right amygdala and growth understanding, or “theory of mind” skills, are important for
in communication scores, which may be taken as evidence for the interpretation of intended meaning, nonliteral language,
the role of atypical development of subcortical structures asso- and conversational and narrative skills, all of which are
ciated with social functioning in the acquisition of language impaired in individuals with ASD. According to this view, the
use in young children with ASD. pragmatic deficits in ASD are explained on the basis of deficits
Functional imaging studies of language have found atypi- in theory of mind, and thus, are closely linked to aspects of the
cal patterns of activation in children and adults with ASD. core social symptoms (Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg, &
Several studies have found reduced activation in frontal areas Cohen, 2000). Studies have found significant relationships
in adults with ASD, but increased activation in posterior between performance on theory of mind tasks and conversa-
regions, on both syntactic (Just et al., 2004) and semantic tional impairments (Hale & Tager-Flusberg, 2005b) as well as
Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders 179

in understanding nonliteral meaning (Happé, 1993, 1994) characteristics of the profile of language development involve
that are independent of general cognitive and language skills. dissociations in the developmental trajectory for different
Thus, according to this model, impairments in theory of mind components of language. One example is the dissociation seen
mechanisms underlie the pragmatic language problems that between form and function—or between structural and prag-
are found across most individuals with ASD (Paul et al., 2009; matic aspects of language development (Tager-Flusberg,
Tager-Flusberg, 2000). 1994). Other examples include relative dissociations between
There is less agreement on what might underlie the deficits expressive and receptive processing systems and between
in other language skills. At a neurobiological level, the evi- lexical and phonological development (see Paul, Chawarska,
dence suggests that these deficits are associated with altered Cicchetti, & Volkmar, 2008). These dissociations reveal differ-
asymmetry, structural and functional impairments in inferior ences in developmental timing that influence the interactions
frontal regions in the left hemisphere, and reduced connectivity among language components, and between these components
between frontal and temporal language regions. and other aspects of cognition.
These atypical neuroanatomical and functional patterns Atypical developmental trajectories within and across
are also found in individuals with other developmental and domains of language and social cognition are grounded in
acquired language disorders, and one theory that has been pro- atypical patterns of brain organization for language and asso-
posed as a unifying explanation for phonological and gram- ciated functions, particularly hemispheric specializations that
matical impairments across a range of disorders, including are typically present early in development (Flagg, Cardy,
ASD, is the procedural deficit hypothesis, which claims that Roberts, & Roberts, 2005; Kuhl et al., 2005; Redcay &
these impairments are related to neurocognitive abnormalities Courchesne, 2008). Infants are born biased to attend to
in the procedural memory system (Ullman, 2001; Walenski, human speech. Toward the end of the first year, infants’
Tager-Flusberg, & Ullman, 2006). The procedural memory speech processing skills are rapidly changing as they are
system is involved in the learning and maintenance of cogni- molded to their native language, resulting in an increase in
tive and motor skills, particularly those that involve sequences, cortical specialization for language (Kuhl, 2007). All experi-
such as rule-governed combinations in phonology and gram- ence is now deeply embedded in a social and cultural environ-
mar. This system is based on networks of interconnected brain ment; infants no longer discriminate speech sounds that are
regions, particularly in the left hemisphere, including frontal- not part of their everyday world. These developmental
basal ganglia, and frontal-cerebellar circuits (Ullman, 2001). changes, which reflect advances in linguistic development, are
The procedural deficit hypothesis proposes that the lan- crucially dependent on socially grounded experience (Kuhl,
guage impairments in ASD (and related disorders such as SLI; 2007). Indeed, change in speech perception and early lan-
Ullman & Pierpont, 2005) are rooted in this neurocognitive guage development are dependent on interactions with
system, and are thus associated with impairments in other people, referred to as the “social gating” model (Kuhl, 2007).
functions (e.g., temporal processing, motor skills) that also One possibility is that these early stages of development,
depend on this network of structures. Because of the complex- between 6 and 12 months, mark the beginning of the atypical
ity of the neural bases of the procedural memory system, it is developmental pathways that can lead to ASD, including core
predicted that there will be significant individual variation in language and communicative impairments. Failures to attend
the specific nature and extent of the language (and other) fully to socially mediated learning opportunities for language
impairments, that reflect the specific structures and connec- acquisition may have profound developmental consequences
tions that have been affected, as well as the compensatory sys- (Meltzoff, Kuhl, Movellan, & Sejnowski, 2009). This view is
tems that may be activated, such as the declarative memory consistent with the developmental timing of changes in head
system (Walenski et al., 2006). The nature of the deficits found size in some infants with ASD as reported in retrospective
among language-impaired individuals with ASD is consistent studies (e.g., Redcay & Courchesne, 2005) as well as in the
with this theoretical model, however, no studies have yet genetic mechanisms relating to synaptic plasticity that have
related language deficits to structural or functional abnormal- been implicated in recent studies (cf. Morrow et al., 2008).
ities in the basal ganglia or cerebellum, both of which are Even during this early period, there is likely to be heterogene-
central components of the procedural memory system. ity, both in the mechanisms crucial for responding to the
social environment, and in the mechanisms crucial for
linguistic development (including perceptual, motor, and
Á learning systems). Future research will investigate these very
Conclusions early developmental patterns using prospective longitudinal
approaches (cf. Zwaigenbaum et al., 2007). In turn, these
Considerable progress has been made in advancing knowledge studies may shed light on the mechanisms that underlie the
about the development and neurobiological bases of language profound impairments seen in some children with ASD who
and communication in ASD. For the majority of children fail to acquire any spoken language.
with ASD, impairments in this domain involve fundamental This review of the research on language and communica-
alterations in the onset and rate of acquisition of major tive impairments in ASD has a number of important clinical
language milestones (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2005). Hallmark implications. First, it is now clear based on several studies that
180 Autism Spectrum Disorders

a history of delay in early language is not nearly as important autism and Down syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental
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of current language skills (e.g., Bennett et al., 2008). Second, Alarcon, M., Abrahams, B. S., Stone, J. L., Duvall, J. A., Perederiy, J. V.,
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expression analyses identify CNTNAP2 as an autism-susceptibility
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children with ASD (Dawson, 2008). Finally, we should also be
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Á ties among children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of
Challenges and Future Directions Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75, 594–604.
Arnold, J., Bennetto, L., & Diehl, J. (2009). Reference production in
• Little is known about the neurocognitive mechanisms young speakers with and without autism: Effects of discourse
associated with the failure to acquire language in some status and processing constraints. Cognition, 110, 131–146.
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these important issues. analysis of sensory-motor and social behaviors at 9–12 months
• Given the pervasive and lifelong impairments in prag- of age. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29,
matic aspects of language that are universally found in 213–224.
individuals with ASD, an important priority for future Baron-Cohen, S., Baldwin, D., & Crowson, M. (1997). Do children
research will be advancing our understanding of the neu- with autism use the speaker’s direction of gaze strategy to crack
robiology of these deficits. the code of language? Child Development, 68, 48–57.
• Evidence-based treatments for older children and adults Baron-Cohen, S., Tager-Flusberg, H., & Cohen, D. J. (2000).
with ASD, including interventions for pragmatic aspects Understanding other minds: Perspectives from developmental cog-
nitive neuroscience (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
of language and nonverbal communication skills need to
Bartolucci, G., & Albers, R. J. (1974). Deictic categories in the lan-
be developed and implemented in the community.
guage of autistic children. Journal of Autism and Childhood
Schizophrenia, 4, 131–141.
Á SUGGESTED READINGS Bartolucci, G., Pierce, S. J., & Streiner, D. (1980). Cross–sectional
studies of grammatical morphemes in autistic and men-
tally retarded children. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Bishop, D. V. M. (2009). Genes, cognition, and communication:
Disorders, 10, 39–50.
Insights from neurodevelopmental disorders. Annals of the New
Bennett, T., Szatmari, P., Bryson, S., Volden, J., Zwaigenbaum, L.,
York Academy of Sciences, 1156, 1–18.
Vaccarella, L., et al. (2008). Differentiating autism and Asperger
Kuhl, P. (2004). Early language acquisition: Cracking the speech
syndrome on the basis of language delay or impairment. Journal
code. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 5, 831–843.
of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 616–625.
Tager-Flusberg, H. (2000). Language and understanding minds:
Bernabei, P., Cerquiglini, A., Cortesi, F., & D’Ardia, C. (2007).
Connections in autism. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-
Regression versus no regression in the autistic disorder:
Flusberg, & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Understanding other minds:
Developmental trajectories. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Perspectives from developmental cognitive neuroscience (2nd ed.,
Disorders, 37, 580–588.
pp. 124–149). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Billstedt, E., Gillberg, I. C., & Gillberg, C. (2007). Autism in adults:
symptom patterns and early childhood predictors; Use of the
Á ACKNOWLEDGMENTS DISCO in a community sample followed from childhood.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48, 1102–1110.
Preparation of this chapter was supported by grants from Autism Bishop, D. V. M., & Norbury, C. (2002). Exploring the borderlands
Speaks and the National Institute on Deafness and Other of autistic disorder and specific language impairment: A study
Communication Disorders (R21 DC 08637; RO1 DC 10290). using standardized diagnostic instruments. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 43, 917–929.
Bodfish, J., Symons, F., Parker, D., & Lewis, M. (2000). Varieties of
Á REFERENCES repetitive behavior in autism: Comparisons to mental retardation.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, 237–243.
Adamson, L., Bakeman, R., Deckner, D., & Romski, M. (2009). Joint Boucher, J. (1988). Word fluency in high-functioning autistic children.
engagement and the emergence of language in children with Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 18, 637–645.
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10 Á Wouter B. Groen, Jan K. Buitelaar

Cognitive and Neural Correlates

of Language in Autism

Á correlates are therefore difficult to investigate. Nevertheless,

Points of Interest there have been converging efforts from different disciplines
to document the neural correlates underlying language in
• The language impairments in autism are much more autism. In this chapter we aim to discuss recent evidence from
extensive than captured by the current diagnostic cri- structural, electrophysiological, and functional studies on the
teria, and even in relatively able subjects with autism, neural correlates of linguistic abnormalities in autism. We
include phonological, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic will argue that the linguistic features in autism cover a wider
deficits. range of impairments than described in the DSM-IV criteria
• The language impairments in autism are linked to the for autistic disorder and are more linked to the neural archi-
neural architecture in autism. tecture in autism than earlier behavioral studies have sug-
• There is not only symptomatic overlap between autism gested. Functional brain-imaging data show aberrant neural
and specific language impairment (SLI) but likely also activation in semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic tasks of high-
shared neural substrates and shared genes. er-order language functions, as well as in low-level sensory
• Future research into language impairments in autism processes. Furthermore, we will argue that the abnormalities
should integrate studies in emotion understanding and of low-level sensory processing of linguistic stimuli can be
in manipulating emotional context with that of language interpreted in the light of connectivity models in autism.
issues. Finally, we will discuss the relationship between language
• Future research into language impairments in autism impairments and the other functional impairments in autism
should combine a neural systems and a neurogenetic (social interaction and stereotyped and rigid behavior pat-
approach and integrate the still mostly separate research terns), as well as the relationship between autism and specific
fields of autism and SLI. language impairment (SLI). First of all, however, some back-
ground will be given on the current views of the typical cog-
To communicate with other people and to describe our nitive architecture underlying language production and
thoughts and feelings, we use the faculty of language. This comprehension and discuss the anatomy of language. We will
faculty relies on a complex set of cognitive processes and rep- also briefly discuss the development of language in typically
resentations carried out by an intricate network of neural developing children.
regions distributed across cortical and subcortical structures
(Hillis, 2007). Since autism is a disorder in which the develop-
ment of cortical (Courchesne & Pierce, 2005) and subcortical Á
(Herbert et al., 2003) structures is affected, it is not surprising Neural Architecture of Language
that the faculty of language is affected in autism as well. There
is not only an impairment in verbal and nonverbal communi- Linguists commonly describe language and language disorders
cation as described by formal DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnos- in terms of phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics.
tic criteria, the ability to use and understand language is Whereas phonology deals with the perception and production
affected as well. The linguistic deficits are, however, much of sound units whose concatenation produces words, semantics
more variable than the universal deficits in communica- deals with the meaning of lexical items, syntax with the
tion (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001), and their neural structure of words in sentences, and pragmatics with the

Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in Autism 187

conventions and rules governing the use of language for semantic representation, access to its syntactic role, access to
communication. From a neuroscientific perspective, however, its phonologic representation, and finally motor planning for
there is no clear-cut relation between linguistic categories and articulating the word. However, overlapping networks of
cortical function. brain regions are essential for these tasks. Damage to the same
Recent functional imaging studies have furthered the idea regions, for example, can disrupt naming, written word, and
that the language system is organized in a large number of spoken word comprehension. Yet, some areas are more likely
small but tightly clustered modules in both the left and right to disrupt each of these tasks. In this model, Wernicke’s area
hemispheres with unique contributions to language processing. might be critical for linking the widespread representations to
There is also increasing evidence that cortical language regions specific words. Broca’s area might be critical for selecting cer-
are not specific to language, but involve more reductionist tain types of semantic information to accomplish specific
processes that give rise to language as well as nonlinguistic tasks (Hillis, 2007).
functions (Bookheimer, 2002). The areas involved in language
processing include the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, premo-
tor cortex, middle and inferior temporal cortices, anterior cin- Á
gulate gyrus, supplementary motor area, supramarginal, and Development of Language
angular gyri in the posterior-inferior parietal cortex. The cer- in Typical Populations
ebellum and the thalamus also play a role (Price et al., 1999).
Among the regions already recognized in the nineteenth Typically, infants show communicative behaviors such as eye
century are the left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area), which gaze, facial expression, and vocal turn-taking from the first
includes Brodmann area 44 and 45, and the posterior auditory months of life. At 12 to 15 months of age, infants are able to
association cortex (Wernicke’s area) on the superior temporal understand and express a number of words. Combined with
gyrus (Brodmann area 22). Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, nonverbal communication, infants use their vocabulary to
along with the arcuate fasciculus that connects the two, play a produce 1-word sentences with which they request objects,
key role in the traditional language model. This model essen- reject offered actions, or call attention to objects or events
tially states that Wernicke’s area controls language compre- (Bates, 1976). In the second year of life, there is a gradual
hension, and Broca’s area language production (Dronkers, increase in receptive and expressive vocabulary, until at an
2000). The model was mainly derived from lesion studies, in average age of 18 months, children combine words into
which damage to Wernicke’s area typically results in impaired 2-word sentences with basic semantic relations. It is in that
comprehension with less impairment in producing fluent, time that the word “explosion” begins, as children begin to
well-articulated speech. Damage to Broca’s area results in rela- understand the referential nature of words (Nazzi & Bertoncini,
tively intact comprehension but poor speech fluency, which 2003). At the age of 2, children understand around 900 words
makes speakers with such lesions unable to create grammati- and actively use around 300 words in 2-word sentences. At the
cally complex sentences. Yet, with the onset of neuroimaging age of 3, the average mean length of utterance is 3 (Tager-
techniques, researchers consistently found that not all patients Flusberg et al., 2005). Using nonverbal clues such as eye gaze,
with Broca’s aphasia (relatively intact comprehension but children are then able to make fine distinctions between an
poor speech fluency) have lesions in Broca’s area and vice object that an adult is naming and other objects. At the age of
versa. The same applies to Wernicke’s aphasia. Thus, speech 4, almost all sounds are produced correctly. At the age of 6,
perception is not always normal in patients with Broca’s apha- children understand and use thousands of words, and are able
sia, and articulation of speech sounds is not always normal in to use them in complex syntactic forms.
patients with Wernicke’s aphasia (Dronkers, 2000).
Growing insight in the cognitive processes underlying
language has led to a refinement of the traditional twentieth- Á
century language model. Current cognitive language models Language and Cognitive Theories in Autism
assume that language tasks are decomposable into discrete
representations and, furthermore, assume that these repre- Several psychological theories, such as the Weak Central
sentations are composites of features distributed across Coherence (WCC) theory (Frith, 1996) and the impaired
regions of the brain (Hillis, 2007). For example, the semantic theory of mind (ToM) (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985), have
representation of “train” includes features on how it moves, attempted to explain the high-order language deficits in
represented in cortical areas such as the middle temporal autism. The weak central coherence theory predicts that, since
visual area dedicated to motion recognition. Features on how people with autism are biased toward local versus global
people get on trains may be represented closer to motor sys- processing, their ability to integrate contextual information
tems, so that semantic representations might be distributed into a composite whole is diminished. The high-order core
across the temporal, parietal, and frontal cortex. So, for deficit in central processing supposedly results in altered low-
naming a picture of a train, a number of processing steps level processing. Several studies have indeed demonstrated a
must be performed. These include abstracting the features reduced ability to infer word-meaning from sentence context
that allow recognition of something familiar, access to its (Happe, 1997) or to infer global meaning from sentences
188 Autism Spectrum Disorders

(Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, 2000), yielding empirical evidence autism such as echolalia, pronoun reversal, utterances not
for the WCC account for at least the semantic and pragmatic related to the conversational context, and a lack of drive to
language deficits in autism. However, WCC would also pre- engage in communication (Asperger, 1991; Kanner, 1943).
dict a superior performance on single-word tasks, as is the case
in hyperlexia. Yet, hyperlexia is only rarely seen in autism. The Articulation
majority of people with autism have difficulties with the
meaning of isolated words as well as whole sentences. It has been a widely held belief that the development of
ToM refers to the specific cognitive ability to infer other phonology progresses at a slower rate, but is not impaired in
people’s mental states and to understand that others have autism since phonologically correct echolalia is commonly
beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from our own. found in low-functioning autism, suggesting that phono-
It has been argued that early stages of ToM are necessary for logical perception and production is intact even in severely
the ability to use symbols such as words (Tager-Flusberg, affected individuals (Tager-Flusberg, 1996). However, there is
2000), and that impairment in ToM in autism therefore causes converging evidence for an articulation deficit in a subgroup
an inability to comprehend the meaning of words. Furthermore, of autistic children. A delayed developmental trajectory of
acquisition of language may be mediated by shared or joined phonology has been reported (Bartolucci et al., 1976), as well
attention, which, in case of an impaired ToM, would be as a greater number of articulation distortion errors in people
impaired as well (Kuhl et al., 2003). Semantic ability and false with HFA and the Asperger group than in typically develop-
belief have indeed been found to correlate in children with ing speakers (Shriberg et al., 2001). Recently, Kjelgaard and
autism (Tager-Flusberg, 2000). colleagues found phonological processing deficits (as meas-
The psychological framework provided by these top-down ured by repeating nonsense words) in autistic children,
theories assumes that an impaired high-level cognitive func- although only in those with concurrent impaired vocabulary
tion is causing the impairments in autism. This assumption and higher-order semantic and syntax deficits (Kjelgaard &
has been criticized for several reasons. First, converging evi- Tager-Flusberg, 2001). This language profile was also found
dence suggests that abnormalities of the processing of low- by another group in half of the children with poor communi-
level sensory information may lead to impairments in cative abilities (Rapin & Dunn, 2003). It thus seems that, in a
higher-order cognitive functions, rather than the other way subgroup of autistic children, phonology is impaired along
around (Happe & Frith, 2006; Bertone et al., 2005). That is to with language comprehension and production. This cluster-
say, altered low-level perceptual processing in autism should ing of symptoms may suggest that common causes underlie
not be considered a by-product of weak central coherence. phonology and syntactic abilities in autism and also in other
Quite on the contrary, perceptual abnormalities may give rise disorders such as specific language impairment.
to weak central coherence. Second, these neuropsychological
top-down theories are descriptive rather than explanatory, Word Use
and finding the neural correlates of these theories has proven
difficult, since their predictions of cortical functioning are too Difficulties in both understanding and expressing lexicon are
general to be falsifiable. the most widely recognized linguistic impairments in autism.
Semantic impairments are most severe in people with low-
functioning autism (LFA) and least severe in those with HFA
Á and AS (Boucher, 2003). Delay in speech acquisition is one of
The Phenotype of Language Disorders the primary diagnostic characteristics, and the degree of
in Autism language impairment is a key prognostic factor (Lord & Paul,
1997; Venter et al., 1992). Yet, the course and development of
Impaired language function is frequently observed in people semantic difficulties is an underresearched area in autism.
with autism, often in combination with mental retarda- One comprehensive study revealed marked difficulties in
tion. Language dysfunction in autism is, however, much more lexical comprehension and expressive vocabulary in the
variable than the universal deficits in communication majority of children with autism (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg,
(Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001). At one end of the autism 2001). Furthermore, a strong correlation was found between
spectrum there are children whose verbal abilities are within full-scale IQ and performance on tests for comprehension
the normal range of functioning, and at the other there are (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) and expression (Expressive
some who never start to speak (Lord & Paul, 1997). In those Vocabulary Test) (Dunn & Dunn, 1997; Williams, 1997). This
with sufficient language and cognitive abilities, i.e., people correlation suggests that semantic comprehension and expres-
with high functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger’s syndrome, sion are unimpaired in the most able people with autism, and
social communicative abilities remain impaired. Language especially in those with Asperger syndrome. Subtle semantic
tends to be used one-sidedly, nonreciprocally, and instrumen- impairments are however also present in HFA and AS. Howlin
tally rather than for social purposes (Fine et al., 1994). In their and colleagues found a poor performance on tests for
original descriptions of ASD, Kanner and Asperger both gave productive (British Picture Vocabulary Scale) and receptive
account of the typical language anomalies encountered in (Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test) semantic
Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in Autism 189

abilities for both AS and HFA (Gardner, 1982; Howlin, 2003; vocabulary and the production of syntactically complex
Dunn et al., 1997). While there was no significant difference utterances, favoring the children with receptive language
for language comprehension between HFA and AS, ratings for disorder (Bartak et al., 1975; Cox et al., 1975; Cantwell et al.,
language expression revealed a small but significant difference 1978). It was therefore argued that syntactic comprehension
favoring the AS group. Thus, in accordance with clinical was more affected than production. However, in contrast with
experience and anecdotal evidence, language abilities in people the above finding for syntax, a more recent study did not
with HFA and AS differ mainly with respect to expressive replicate a difference between semantic comprehension and
abilities. expression (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001). A language
It has been suggested that the semantic difficulties in autism profile in autism with better production than comprehension
are a consequence of deficits in advanced conceptualization, could thus not be replicated. Nevertheless, evidence was found
since simple concepts referred to by lexical items are not for two distinct language profiles in autism. The language
affected in autism (Tager-Flusberg, 1981) and comprehension profile in one subgroup entailed worse performance on tests
of terms referring to emotional states (Tager-Flusberg & of grammatical ability than vocabulary (Kjelgaard & Tager-
Sullivan, 1995; Hobson & Lee, 1989) or abstract terms (Frith & Flusberg, 2001), possibly clustering with phonological impair-
Snowling, 1983) is more affected than comprehension of con- ments (Rapin & Dunn, 2003) (see also the “Phonology”
crete words. Other studies, however, do not support this find- section). The language profile in the other subgroup entailed
ing. Interference during a reading task was not different for impaired semantics and pragmatics (Rapin & Dunn, 2003).
concrete and abstract words (Eskes et al., 1990), and abstract These subtypes suggest that syntactic and phonological deficits
terms that exist through human agency such as “war” and have a common cause, as have semantic and pragmatic deficits
“peace” were not found to be used anomalously in autism in autism. However, the distinction of subtypes was based on
(Perkins et al., 2006). Thus, the exact nature of the semantic a number of studies with an autistic sample that was prese-
deficits in autism remains to be established. lected for the presence of difficulties in language comprehension,
so the extent to which these findings can be generalized to the
Syntax broad autism spectrum remains to be established.
In summary, syntactic abilities in autism are characterized
As with the phonological properties of language in autism, by sparse expressive language with immature syntax in a major-
syntactic impairments have not been well researched. Recent ity of children. There is some evidence for a clustering of syn-
findings, however, do provide evidence for distinct and spe- tactic/phonological deficits in a subgroup of children and a
cific syntactic deficits in autistic children who acquire spoken clustering of semantic/pragmatic deficits in a subgroup, but this
language, and more noteworthy, they also show that, in those will require confirmation in an unselected autistic population.
who do not acquire speech, the ability to acquire the grammar
(and vocabulary) of signed language is impaired as well Pragmatics and Prosody
(Boucher, 2003). The distinct syntactic deficits in autism entail
reduced expressive and receptive syntactic abilities, which Pragmatics entails both the linguistic and nonlinguistic items
have been found using the Clinical Evaluation of Language that are covered by the defining criteria of autism. Linguistic
Fundamentals (CELF) (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001) pragmatics implies difficulties in the ability to disambiguate
and mean utterance length in free play sessions (Eigsti et al., meaning, to structure coherent discourse, and to understand
2007). Contrary to the consistent findings on the length of irony and implied meaning. The ability to understand other
syntactically complex utterances, the findings on grammatical people’s intentions, social rules of conduct, and nonverbal
morphemes such as verb tense markers and articles are incon- communication gestures is regarded as nonlinguistic prag-
sistent. Whereas earlier studies found more grammatical matics. Deficits in pragmatic functioning are evident at all
errors (Bartolucci & Albers, 1974; Bartolucci et al., 1980), a developmental stages, even in highly verbal adults with autism
more recent well-matched study found no such errors in (Lord & Paul, 1997; Tantam et al., 1993; Happe, 1993;
spontaneous autistic speech (Eigsti et al., 2007). Yet, Roberts Martin & McDonald, 2004; Baron-Cohen, 1997).
and colleagues did find high rates of omissions of tense mark- It should be noted that most research in autism on nonlin-
ing in a subgroup of children who were language impaired guistic pragmatic abilities, such as the ability to understand
(Roberts et al., 2004). The inconsistency of findings on gram- other people’s intentions, as measured by ToM tests, involve
matical morphemes probably reflects the fact that subgroups language. Data on whether the deficit in ToM extends to
are affected rather than all autistic people, so that sufficiently people with autism with little or no language is sparse, making
large subject groups are needed. it difficult to disentangle the relative contributions of linguistic
It has been a long-held belief that people with autism are and nonlinguistic deficits in the sociocommunicative deficits
better at language production than at language comprehension. in autism. Moreover, it has been argued that the syntactic
The main reason for this assumption was a series of studies ability to build subordinate clauses allows children to reason
conducted in the seventies that compared autistic children about mental states that are at odds with reality (e.g., “Jane
with children with severe receptive language disorder. These thinks the cookies are in the cabinet”) (De Villiers & De
studies revealed significant differences in comprehension of Villiers, 1995). Syntax mastery has indeed been found to
190 Autism Spectrum Disorders

correlate with performance on ToM tasks. However, using a processing contribute to the hypothesis of a bottom-up
nonverbal ToM test, Colle et al. found that children with etiology in which, for example, an alteration of auditory
autism selectively failed false-belief tasks, whereas children cortical processing leads to abnormal language development
with SLI or typically developing children did not (Colle et al., in early childhood.
2007), indicating dissociation between verbal and pragmatic
abilities. Structural Abnormalities
A pragmatic ability closely related to language comprehen-
sion is the ability to perceive and use intonation, rhythm, tone After a long period of inconsistent findings in structural
of voice, and stress, referred to as prosody. The use of aberrant neuroimaging studies, data of recent studies converge to eluci-
prosody is mentioned in the DSM-IV description of autism, date the underlying abnormalities in autism (see Palmen &
and the perception of prosody in autism has been investigated van Engeland, 2004, for a review, as well as the chapters on
by several authors. Rutherford and colleagues, for example, Neurobiology of Autism in this book). The cortical areas that
compared the ability of adults with ASD to attribute emotions are most consistently affected in autism (the frontal, temporal,
to sentences spoken with an emotional tone of voice, and and cerebellar structures) all subserve language functions,
found that individuals with HFA or Asperger’s syndrome have although the cerebellum is only considered to play a facilitat-
difficulties extracting mental-state information from vocaliza- ing role (Allen et al., 2004). Consequently, morphometric
tions (Rutherford et al., 2002). Researchers found deficits in findings on the frontal and temporal language areas have been
the perception and production of stress, intonation, and associated with language impairments in autism. Asymmetry
phrasing (Paul et al., 2005), as well as a preference for nonverbal reversal of the frontal language-related cortex was found
sounds and an indifference to the mother’s voice in children (DeFosse et al., 2004; Herbert et al., 2002; Abell et al., 1999), as
with autism (Dawson et al., 1998; Klin, 1991). The latter find- well as anterior and superior shifting of the left inferior frontal
ing seems to indicate that deficits in the perception of prosody sulcus and superior temporal sulcus bilaterally (Levitt et al.,
do not reflect an innate inability, but arise as a consequence of 2003) and decreases of grey matter concentration bilaterally in
nonsocial orientation. However, the direction of causality may the superior temporal sulcus (Boddaert, Chabane, Gervais,
also be the other way around, or even be bidirectional. Finally, et al., 2004). Although cognitive functions are difficult to relate
the relation between prosodic and verbal abilities in autism is to morphometric findings in a one-to-one manner, the main
not clear. Although using a relatively small study sample, conclusion of these studies is that the cortical development of
Heaton et al. did not find a relation between the ability to language-related areas follows a different trajectory in autism,
perceive pitch in speech and nonspeech sounds and verbal possibly in the context of a reduced left-lateralized hemi-
ability (Heaton et al., 2008). This suggests that the WCC spheric dominance. Whether these findings of aberrant devel-
account does not adequately explain the relation between local opment and collaboration between cortical areas are specific
auditory processing and global language ability. for autism is, however, not clear. As a consequence, there is a
In summary, linguistic and nonlinguistic pragmatic deficits need to directly compare the neurobiological development
and prosodic deficits are part of the most commonly affected and functioning in autism with other disorders of language
domains of functioning measured across the spectrum of such as SLI and dyslexia (see also Herbert et al., 2007 and the
autism disorders. It appears that linguistic abilities facilitate chapters on Neurobiology of Autism in this book).
pragmatic abilities, although they are not necessary per se for
pragmatic competence. Auditory Perception and Lower-Level
Language Paradigms

Á Several authors have focused on clarifying two main questions

The Neural Correlates of Language in the field of language in autism: whether or not early sensory
Disorders in Autism processes are deficient in autism and whether or not these
early sensory processes are speech-specific. These questions
Although autism is a heterogeneous disorder that includes are highly relevant to better understand the nature of language
many contradictory neurophysiological findings, several deficits in autism, since they allow inferences on the contribu-
neural correlates underlying the linguistic deficits of autism tion of top-down versus bottom-up processes in the functional
have been reproduced in different investigative modalities. impairments in autism. Basically, bottom-up theories assume
Some researchers focused on structural abnormalities (Herbert that early sensory deficits give rise to deficient high-level oper-
et al., 2002), while others addressed the perception of simple ations such as language and social behavior (e.g., the inability
linguistic stimuli (Boddaert et al., 2003; Ceponiene et al., to speak in deaf people). Alternatively, top-down theories
2003) and higher-level linguistic functions (Harris et al., 2006; assume that the ability to perceive stimuli is not impaired. Yet,
Kana et al., 2006). The results indicate that individuals with deficits in high-level processes such as social behavior could
autism activate alternative and possibly less flexible networks give rise to undirected attention, or attention directed to non–
during phonetic, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic language socially relevant clues, so that word-object associations do not
processing. Abnormalities at an early level of information develop efficiently in autistic children. In healthy children,
Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in Autism 191

joint attention has indeed been shown to be a prerequisite for Chabane, Belin, et al., 2004). The study reported a reversed
acquiring language (Kuhl et al., 2003), suggesting a role for hemispheric dominance in the autism group and, compared
top-down influences in autism. Yet, it is still possible that sen- with controls, less left-temporal activation and greater right
sory deficits give rise to deficits in joint attention. To shed light middle frontal gyrus activation. The elegance of the study
on this chicken-and-egg problem, much data has been col- design was that top-down processing of language was less
lected using neurophysiological experiments that measure likely because the sounds were not perceived as language but
neural responses to stimuli at a millisecond scale. rather as strange electronic tones. The acoustic structure was
Čeponienè et al. used an ERP oddball paradigm to examine made to resemble speech sounds, such that any cortical
the sensory and early attentional processing of speech and non- processing differences reflected bottom-up linguistic abnor-
speech sounds in children with HFA (Ceponiene et al., 2003). malities. The authors therefore speculated that the observed
They found no differences in mismatch negativity (MMN, an abnormal auditory processing led to an abnormal early stage
index of automatic sound change detection, situated in time of language development rather than that it reflects the
after the N1c wave and before the P3a wave), which suggests consequences of abnormal language development.
intact early perceptual abilities in autism. However, involun- The above-mentioned studies converge to the idea that
tary orienting (P3a) was different for speech sounds but not for impairments of information processing may lead to an abnor-
nonspeech sounds in the HFA group. This finding supports the mal developmental trajectory of language in autism. Studies
hypothesis of a speech-specific postsensory auditory impair- of the maturational path of cortical language processing do
ment, suggesting that people with autism may perceive but not indeed indicate an abnormal developmental trajectory in the
attend to linguistic stimuli. Contrary to Čeponienè’s findings, form of reversed hemispheric dominance. Dawson et al.
Kasai et al. did find a delayed magnetic mismatch field for reported a strong relationship between language ability and
vowels (but not for tones) by using magnetoencephalography hemispheric asymmetry in ERP, on the one hand, and vowel
(Kasai et al., 2005). Thus, early perceptual processing in autism stimuli in autism, on the other (Dawson et al., 1989).
appeared to be deficient and speech-specific. Furthermore, in a MEG study using simple vowel stimuli,
Others studies have confirmed the early perceptual process- Flagg et al. found rightward instead of typical leftward hemi-
ing deficits, but the speech specificity was not replicated: They spheric lateralization (Flagg et al., 2005). Reduced leftward
reported smaller N1c waves in children with autism in an hemispheric activation was also found in nonlinguistic neu-
event-related paradigm with simple tones (Bruneau et al., roimaging studies (Gendry-Meresse et al., 2005; Chiron et al.,
1999) and delayed MMN for both speech and nonspeech 1995). Yet, the association of cortical processing impairments
sounds (Oram Cardy et al., 2005). Whether or not cortical and impaired language in autism does not per se imply cau-
sound processing impairments are speech-specific, sound sality. That is, cortical sound processing impairments may
processing impairments may be fundamentally associated cause language deficits, but language deficits may also cause
with language impairments. In a behavioral study, Groen et al. cortical sound processing impairments. Alternatively, another
found no differences between children with and without factor such as a genetically programmed maldevelopment of
autism in the ability to distinguish the parametrically morphed neuroarchitecture in autism may give rise to both cortical
gender of speakers, but the response times differed between sound processing impairments and language deficits.
the groups (Groen et al., 2008). The authors argued that focus In short, impaired cortical sound processing is reproduced
on different features in the voices, as a consequence of a differ- reliably in autism. Whether or not the auditory processing
ence in salience, caused the differences in response time. The abnormalities are speech-specific is still unclear, but early
results suggest that focus on different features in auditory sensory impairments and their interplay with the maturational
objects may lead to a different development of higher-order path of the cerebral cortex are likely to play a part in the
cognitive systems such as language or pragmatics. abnormal language acquisition in autism.
In an fMRI study that contrasted voices with environmental
sounds, no differential activation between the two conditions Higher-Level Language Paradigms
was found in the autism group, suggesting that speech was not
processed by a speech-specific cortical region (Gervais et al., Given the neuroimaging data found so far, it is unlikely that a
2004). The control group, on the other hand, showed greater deficit in a single cortical area can account for the phenotypic
activation for voices along the upper bank of the superior tem- language deficits in autism, as is the case in poststroke aphasia.
poral sulcus bilaterally. The abnormal pattern of cortical acti- In the autistic brain, cortical regions seem to collaborate in a
vation in the autism group might reflect a bottom-up sensory different fashion, and cortical areas that show hypoactivation
impairment, or alternatively, it may be caused by an attention or hyperactivation for one task may show normal activation
bias toward nonvocal sounds, which in turn may lead to the for another task.
development of linguistic deficits in autistic children. This The first functional imaging study of higher-level language
problem was tackled by a positron emission tomography perception and generation in autism was a small exploratory
(PET) study that investigated the auditory cortical processing PET study conducted in 1999 (Muller et al., 1999). In five
of prelinguistic speech-like sounds that have an acoustic struc- autistic participants, sentence perception was associated with
ture similar to speech (Boddaert et al., 2003; Boddaert, the reversal of normal left-hemisphere dominance, while
192 Autism Spectrum Disorders

sentence generation showed normal left inferior frontal abnormally activated during the processing of single words
activation. In a re-analysis of the data on the same subjects, when no syntactic demands are made (Harris et al., 2006).
which focused on three regions of interest, participants with The findings on underconnectivity were elaborated in an
autism had a reduced Broca’s area (Broca’s area is situated in fMRI study in which autistic participants processed sentences
the opercular and triangular sections of the inferior frontal with a high-imagery or low-imagery content (Kana et al.,
gyrus) activation during language perception and production 2006). Measures of functional connectivity showed a reduced
(Muller et al., 1998). A more recent fMRI study, using a read- functional synchronization between the frontal and parietal
ing paradigm that required the attribution of complex mental areas. Again, the controls had greater Broca’s area and adjacent
states contrasted with rest states, demonstrated more right area activation. In contrast to the control group, there were
frontal activation in the autism group, also indicating a reversal little activation differences between the two conditions in the
of hemisphere dominance (Takeuchi et al., 2004). These stud- autism group: The autism group seemed to process high- and
ies should, however, be considered exploratory because of low-imagery sentences similarly.
their small sample sizes and multiple comparisons. Thus, the neuroimaging data give rise to four main conclu-
In an fMRI study by Harris et al., the semantic and percep- sions. First, the data indicate that people with autism tend to
tual processing of single words was assessed (Harris et al., rely more on Wernicke’s area (temporal region) and less on
2006). Semantic processing (evaluating words as positive or Broca’s area (frontal region) for processing sentences and
negative) and perceptual processing (evaluating words as single words. Since Broca’s area subserves integration proc-
lower or UPPER case) were contrasted as well as processing of esses (Hagoort et al., 2004) and Wernicke’s area is more asso-
concrete and abstract words. The participants with autism had ciated with semantic retrieval, the neuroimaging data present
weaker left and right frontal activation, but greater temporal an intriguing parallel between the WCC’s piecemeal process-
activation for semantic processing, relative to perceptual task ing style and the greater reliance on Wernicke’s area neurally.
conditions. More importantly, compared with the control It might thus well be that early sensory processes that highlight
group, there was little differential activation between semantic individual components in a composite whole give rise to the
and perceptual processing in the autism group. The concrete greater Wernicke’s area activation rather than that Wernicke’s
versus abstract contrast also demonstrated less activation area itself is malfunctioning.
differences between the two conditions in the autism group. Second, the neuroimaging data suggest that, during high-
Groen et al. investigated pragmatic and semantic language level processing in autism, cortical areas are used in a differ-
in adolescents with autism using fMRI. They hypothesized ent manner and in reaction to other stimuli rather than that
that the left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area), which has an certain cortical areas are malfunctioning per se. An elegant
integrating role, would be less activated during tasks that example of this are two studies by the same group that assessed
demand integration of social-pragmatic information such as the neural basis of irony comprehension in autism. One study
speaker’s age or gender with the content of the speaker’s utter- found hypoactivation of prefrontal and temporal regions
ance. In the semantic-knowledge condition, activation of the during judgment of scenarios that involved irony (Wang
LIF region did not differ between groups. In sentences that et al., 2007). However, the other study, in which also scenar-
required integration of speaker information, the autism group ios that involved irony were presented, used a paradigm that
showed abnormally reduced activation of the LIF region. The demanded explicit attention to socially relevant clues, and
results suggest that people with autism may recruit the LIF found greater activation of the prefrontal and temporal
region in a different manner in tasks that demand integration regions (Wang et al., 2006).
of social information. Third, the task indifferent pattern of activation during
In another fMRI study, abnormal Broca’s and Wernicke’s language tasks in autism supports the idea that the neural
area (Wernicke’s area is situated in the posterior section of the networks that are temporarily recruited for a cognitive task
superior temporal gyrus and the Sylvian fissure) activation in cannot be reset as easily as in controls when the task is
autism was also demonstrated using a sentence comprehen- changed. There is theoretical evidence that suggests that less
sion task with syntactically demanding probes (Just et al., flexible network regrouping could be the result of abnormali-
2004). The autism group had less activation of Broca’s area ties in low-level sensory processing (Gustafsson, 1997) in the
and adjacent areas and more Wernicke’s area activation. sense that high-level processes are flooded with irrelevant
Furthermore, the study showed a reduced synchronization of information from low-level centers and the extra processing
neural activation across the large-scale cortical network for demand impedes the flexibility required for neural assemblies
language processing. The greater Wernicke’s area activation to form (Belmonte, Cook, et al., 2004). As such, less flexible
was interpreted as a tendency for more extensive processing of network regrouping has been associated with models of aber-
the meanings of the individual words that make up a sentence rant connectivity in autism. This matter will be further
in autism. The authors hypothesized that the reduced Broca’s discussed below. Interestingly, less flexible network regroup-
area activation may reflect a reduced ability to integrate the ing might also be involved in the part of the triad of symp-
meaning of individual words into a coherent conceptual toms that involves rigidness and repetitive/restricted behavior.
and syntactic structure. This may still hold, but Harris’s study The correspondence between the triad of symptoms in rela-
showed that Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area are also tion to their putative causes will be also addressed below.
Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in Autism 193

Fourth, autism is a heterogeneous disorder, and the same may result in a failure to delimit activation in perceptual
can be said about the neuroimaging results on language in processing centers, forcing higher processing mechanisms to
autism. Some of the conflicting findings can be explained by actively suppress irrelevant sensory information at a later, less
the wide range of phenotypic variation with different intel- efficient stage. These compensatory mechanisms can presum-
lectual levels and age groups studied. As a consequence of the ably not be reset as quickly as the normal mechanisms of selec-
difficulty to obtain large enough sample sizes, only a minority tive attention. Empirically, the allocation of neural resources
of the neuroimaging studies have evaluated the results at a during higher-order language tasks does indeed seem to be
search volume correct p-value and have used a random effects more task-indifferent in autistic individuals than in controls.
analysis and a direct group comparison. The observation of less flexible network regrouping in autism
during different language task conditions (see also “Higher-
Level Language Paradigms,” above) can possibly be explained
Á by the high neural demands that active filtering of relevant
Neural Architecture, Cortical Connectivity, stimuli imposes (Belmonte, Cook, et al., 2004).
and Language More direct evidence suggesting reduced cortico-cortico
connectivity during language tasks in collaborating cortical
Over two decades of research have shown that linguistic areas has been provided as well (Just et al., 2004; Kana et al.,
deficits are present in the majority of individuals with autism. 2006). Intraregional underconnectivity during a simple audi-
Neurophysiological studies that sought the neural basis of tory task has also been reported (Wilson et al., 2006). The
these deficits have shown abnormalities at a basic, early level of high-level processing deficits of linguistic stimuli might arise
sensory information processing in autism (Boddaert et al., when an unfiltered flood of linguistic information reaches
2003; Ceponiene et al., 2003). Quite likely, these findings reflect higher information processing units that have to evaluate and
developmental abnormalities, and as such, they are in accord- actively suppress irrelevant sensory inputs. The greater reliance
ance with hypotheses on impaired integration of cortical on Wernicke’s area for linguistic processing in autism (Just
information in autism. Basically, these theories state that corti- et al., 2004) might thus result from compensatory develop-
cal regions do not operate in synchrony, but show disorgan- mental processes that lead to a more self-reliant Wernicke’s
ized and inadequately selective development of connectivity area. In a MEG study on contextual integration, semantic vio-
(Rippon et al., 2007; Just et al., 2004; Belmonte, Allen, et al., lations induced greater gamma-oscillations in the autism
2004). Especially impaired connectivity between the frontal group (Braeutigam et al., 2008). Gamma oscillations reflect an
lobe and other systems has been implicated in autism increase in local collaboration, or local binding (Tallon-
(Courchesne, & Pierce, 2005). A growing body of evidence Baudry & Bertrand, 2006). Thus, this finding may reflect a
lends support for aberrant connectivity in autism, including failure to delimit activation in perceptual processing centers.
deficits in physical connectivity, such as histopathology There is a certain charm to this model of local over- and
findings of neuroinflammatory microglial activation (Vargas interregional underconnectivity in autism, since it elegantly
et al., 2005), the abnormal developmental trajectory of brain explains behavioral findings of reduced integration of
size (Redcay & Courchesne, 2005), decreases in white matter information in autism. Smith et al. found that individuals with
structure integrity measured with DTI (Keller et al., 2007; autism benefited less from the addition of visual information
Barnea-Goraly et al., 2004; Alexander et al., 2007), and deficits (lipreading) in audiovisual speech perception (Smith &
in computative connectivity measured as the synchrony of Bennetto, 2007). The integration of the two information
time series of activation of cortical regions (Kana et al., 2006; streams was uniquely affected in the autism group. Data by
Wilson et al., 2006). Although it is tempting to ascribe a Groen et al. demonstrated that children with autism were less
unidirectional causal relation to deficits in connectivity and able to integrate speech fragments so that they could be per-
impairments in autism such as abnormal language develop- ceived as words (Groen et al., 2009). However, interpreting
ment, a bidirectional relation between connectivity and func- these behavioral data as evidence for impaired cortical syn-
tional impairments in autism is more likely. In healthy adults, chronization in autism would be circular reasoning. More
white matter integrity changes over time (Snook et al., 2005), direct evidence of abnormal cortical synchrony in autism is
suggesting that experiences influence neural connectivity. needed to add strength to this model.
The sociocommunicative deficits in autism could likewise give
rise to abnormal connectivity.
Yet, it has been argued that, in autism, genetic factors in Á
interaction with environmental influences lead to an abnor- The Relationship Between Linguistic
mal neural architecture that causes either increased or reduced Impairments and Social and Restricted/
neural connectivity, or both (Belmonte, Cook, et al., 2004). Repetitive Impairments in Autism
Both conditions could cause an abnormally low signal-
to-noise ratio in developing neural assemblies, given the fact It should be noted that linguistic and communicative impair-
that there is excess noise in hyperconnected systems and the ments comprise only one third of the triad of impairments in
signal gets lost in the noise in hypoconnected systems. This autism. Whether or not abnormal connectivity and the genetic
194 Autism Spectrum Disorders

constellation associated with communicative abilities contrib- SLI involve a shared neural substrate and one or more shared
ute to the other behavioral domains in autism (social interac- genes (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001). Family members of
tion and restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests) is probands with autism have a higher than chance rate of lan-
unclear. This issue will be further discussed below. guage impairments, and family members of probands with
The core deficits in autism are traditionally viewed as inher- SLI are at risk for autism (Piven & Palmer, 1997; Tomblin
ently intertwined, i.e., communicative, social and restricted/ et al., 2003). However, parents of children with autism and
repetitive difficulties influence each other and are highly inter- parents of typically developing children did not differ in their
dependent. Indeed, the acquisition of language is one of the language abilities, while parents of children with SLI per-
strongest predictors of long-term positive academic and social formed less well on language tasks (Whitehouse et al., 2007).
outcome in children with autism (Gillberg, 1991). Conversely, This may indicate that there are additional genes involved in
joint attention and immediate imitation predict language SLI that are not present in families with autism. Interestingly,
ability at ages 3–4, and toy play and deferred imitation predict phenotypic similarity at a neural level has been found between
communication development at ages 4–6 (Toth et al., 2006). language impaired boys with autism and boys with SLI
However, recent behavioral-genetic data from a large general (DeFosse et al., 2004). Segmented MRI scans showed larger
population-based twin-pair study indicate that phenotypic right than left frontal language association cortexes in both
correlations between traits usually associated with autism groups. Since the inversed asymmetry was not present in the
(social interaction, repetitive-restrictive behaviors, and com- autism group that was linguistically unimpaired, these results
munication) are low (Ronald et al., 2006). Even social interac- also suggest that there is a common underlying (genetic) cause
tion and communicative abilities were only modestly clustered for the language impairments in autism and SLI. The
with correlations of 0.2 to 0.4 (Happe et al., 2006). Furthermore, CNTNAP2 gene on 7q32, involved in nerve cell communica-
although each aspect of the triad of impairments was found to tion, is associated with autism and SLI (Alarcon et al., 2008),
be highly heritable, cross-trait, cross-twin correlations were which suggests that this genetic pathway could bridge the
low, suggesting that most genetic effects are specific to one of common elements of both disorders.
the core symptoms. One might argue that these behavioral-
genetic findings suggest that the neural underpinning of the
separate parts of the triad of symptoms is trait-specific as well. Á
However, a different pattern of genetic and environmental Conclusion
causal factors for each of the symptom domains of autism
does not preclude the possibility of a common neural deficit. Parents often start being concerned about the development of
In fact, each of these causal patterns may lead to a common their child when they notice delays in the development of
neural deficit that further compromises other neural functions speech, and a delay or lack of speech is one of the defining
and give rise to the triad of symptoms in various degrees. criteria in autism. Yet, linguistic functioning is highly variable
among people with this disorder. At one end of the autism
Genetic, Endophenotypical, and Behavioral spectrum there are children whose verbal abilities are within
Correspondence Between Autism and the normal range of functioning, and at the other there are
Language Impairments some who never start to speak. In those with sufficient lan-
guage and cognitive abilities, social communicative abilities
In the DSM-IV, there is an explicit contrast between autism remain impaired. Language tends to be used one-sidedly,
and specific language impairment. Children with SLI have a nonreciprocally, and instrumentally rather than for social
specific disability to acquire age-appropriate language, while purposes. When examined systematically, semantic, syntactic,
development in all other domains is normal (American and pragmatic deficits can be seen in most people with autism.
Psychiatric Association, 1994). Children with autism, by con- A smaller number are known to have deficits in articulation.
trast, may not only have a delay in language development, Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a complex,
other developmental domains are affected as well, and there probably polygenic origin (Fisch, 2008), and the development
are also linguistic deviations that are not normal for any stage of the brain is a dynamic process that is constantly evolving
of development (Bishop, 2002). Nevertheless, the linguistic and changing in concert with the environment. It is therefore
deficits observed in specific language impairment resemble not surprising that research on the neural correlates of lan-
the language impairment in autism. Children with SLI usually guage deficits in autism has produced many different results
have limited vocabularies, produce immature speech sounds, that are hard to cover under one umbrella-model. However, a
and use basic grammatical structures (Newbury et al., 2005). growing number of findings converge to the idea that early
The profile of language performance among a subgroup of sensory impairments and atypical neural connectivity are
children with autism mirrors the profile of SLI: Poorer per- likely to play a part in abnormal language acquisition in
formance on tests of grammatical ability than vocabulary, and autism. That is, abnormal processing of low-level linguistic
difficulties with nonword repetition (Tomblin & Zhang, 1999; information points to perceptual difficulties, and impairments
Dollaghan & Campbell, 1998; Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, of information processing may lead to an abnormal develop-
2001). The overlap in both disorders suggests that autism and mental trajectory of language in autism. Abnormal high-level
Cognitive and Neural Correlates of Language in Autism 195

Table 10–1.
Phenotype, brain structure, brain function, and genetics in autism and specific language impairment

Autism Spectrum Disorders Specific Language Impairment

Phenotype • School age: Deficits in higher order language skills • School age: Deficits in phonology and syntax are
(comprehension and production of discourse and more severe than deficits in higher order lexical or
pragmatic language skills) are more severe than deficits pragmatic language skills, both in expressive and
in and syntax and semantics. Phonology is least affected. receptive language.
• Preschool age: All levels of language, both in expressive • Preschool age: All levels of language, both in
and receptive language. In the majority of children the expressive and receptive language. The phonologic
phonologic and most of the syntactic impairments and syntactic typically do not resolve.
resolve over time. • Note: Different subtypes are reported: Expressive
• Note: Some authors report subtypes with affected phonological impairment, mixed receptive
syntax-phonology and affected semantics pragmatics. phonologic and syntactic impairment, lexical
• Echolalic and idiosyncratic utterances and pronoun syntactic impairment, semantic-pragmatic
reversal are common. impairment.
• Language function is highly variable. Some individuals • Echolalic and idiosyncratic utterances and pronoun
have superior language skills, sometimes present at a reversal are rare.
very young age.
Brain structure • Larger head size in majority of children. • Larger head size in fraction of children.
• Reduced left-right hemispheric asymmetry. • Reduced left-right hemispheric asymmetry.
Brain function • Increased activation of Wernicke’s area and decreased • Decreased activation of both Wernicke’s and Broca’s
activation of Broca’s area. area. (not replicated, as a sufficient number of
• Reduced left-right hemispheric asymmetry. studies on this subject is lacking)
• Task indifferent pattern of activation during language
tasks (possibly reflecting less flexible network
Genetics • Linkage to 13q21 is involved in (language impairments • 13q21 involved in literacy impairment but not in
in) autism. SLI.
• Linkage to 7q is related to autism, but FOXP2 on 7q31 • The FOXP2 gene on 7q31 is related to a language
was found to be unrelated to autism (despite previous disorder with orofacial dyspraxia, but it is not related
reports). to common forms of SLI.
• CNTNAP2 on 7q35 is associated with autism and is • CNTNAP2 is associated with SLI.
thought to be involved in nerve cell communication.

linguistic processing of the frontal and temporal language • the context-dependency of semantic, syntactic, and
association cortices suggests that neural subsystems may be pragmatic language skills in autism, and the influ-
more self-reliant and less connected. In addition to these proc- ence of implicit versus explicit learning processes to
esses, the development of the brain in autism also relies on the extract meaningful information from ongoing verbal
environment that children with autism create for themselves. discourse and communication.
The double handicap of linguistic and pragmatic-social • It is unclear how the emotional context impacts lin-
impairments prevents individuals with autism to fall back on guistic understanding and production of subjects with
adequate compensation strategies. Future interventions and autism. So far, research in emotion understanding
investigations will need to carefully consider how the biological, and responding in autism has been focused almost
environmental, and developmental features of language in exclusively on processing of visual stimuli, such as
autism are intertwined, and perhaps differently so for different facial expressions of emotions. Much psycholinguistic
individuals. research has been done on processing emotion words.
An important finding is that valence and arousal of
emotion words are processed separately by different
Á brain areas. The amygdala, dorsomedial prefrontal
Challenges and Future Directions cortex (PFC), and ventromedial PFC have been found
to be associated with the arousal value of stimuli (Lewis
• Future research should attempt to increase our under- et al., 2007; Kensinger et al., 2006), while valence is
standing of the language problems in autism at various correlated with differential activity in the orbitofron-
levels. Issues that ask for further exploration are: tal cortex (Lewis et al., 2006) and the lateral regions
196 Autism Spectrum Disorders

of prefrontal cortex (Kensinger et al.2006), although Allen, G., Muller, R. A., & Courchesne, E. (2004). Cerebellar func-
some studies have found amygdala response to valence tion in autism: Functional magnetic resonance image activation
as well (Anders et al., 2008). These two separate strings during a simple motor task. Biological Psychiatry, 56, 269–278.
of research, i.e., research in emotion understanding American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC: Author.
and research in language abnormalities, should be
Anders, S., Eippert, F., Weiskopf, N., & Veit R. (2008). The human
brought more closely together.
amygdala is sensitive to the valence of pictures and sounds irre-
• Another challenge is to integrate research in autism spective of arousal: An fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective
with that in SLI. This would include not only aggregat- Neuroscience, 3, 233–243.
ing molecular-genetic data of samples with autism and Asperger, H. (1991). Autistic psychopathy (translation of the original
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developing standardized neural system approaches to drome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
produce structural and functional maps of key language Barnea-Goraly, N., Kwon, H., Menon, V., Eliez, S., Lotspeich, L., &
functions. For example, activations to the inferior fron- Reiss, A. L. (2004). White matter structure in autism: Preliminary
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ate phenotypes to define more homogeneous samples for
Baron-Cohen, S. (1997). Hey! It was just a joke! Understanding pro-
molecular genetic studies. This will all converge in sig- positions and propositional attitudes by normally developing
nificant advances in our understanding of the molecu- children and children with autism. Israel Journal of Psychiatry
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disorder. I. The children. British Journal of Psychiatry, 126,
Bartolucci, G., & Albers, R. J. (1974). Deictic categories in the lan-
Á SUGGESTED READINGS guage of autistic children. Journal of Autism and Childhood
Schizophrenia, 131–141.
Herbert, M. R., & Kenet, T. (2007). Brain abnormalities in language Bartolucci, G., Pierce, S. J., & Streiner, D. (1980). Cross-sectional stud-
disorders and in autism. Pediatric Clinics of North America, ies of grammatical morphemes in autistic and mentally retarded
54, 563–583. children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10,
Williams, D., Botting, N., & Boucher, J. (2008). Language in autism 39–50.
and specific language impairment: Where are the links? Bartolucci, G., Pierce, S., Streiner, D., & Eppel, P. T. (1976). Phono-
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Carper, R. A., & Webb, S. J. (2004). Autism and abnormal
development of brain connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 24,
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11 Á James W. Bodfish

Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals

with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á responsible for the clear heterogeneity of phenotypic

Points of Interest expression in autism. In addition, isolation and understanding
of specific discrete subtypes may help direct the development
• A wide variety of discrete types of repetitive behav- of novel forms of intervention.
iors occurs in persons with autism spectrum disorders,
including stereotyped movements, rituals and elaborate
routines, insistence on sameness, and circumscribed Á
interests, preoccupations, and attachments. Phenomenology
• Repetitive behaviors can be among the earliest recog-
nized signs of autism in infants who go on to receive an Varieties of Repetitive Behavior in Autism
ASD diagnosis and they tend to persist into adulthood in
individuals with ASD. The term “repetitive behavior” is an umbrella term used to
• Repetitive behaviors can be associated with significant refer to a broad class of actions linked by repetition, rigidity,
functional impairments; in at least a subset of cases repet- and inappropriateness. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
itive behaviors and interests can significantly interfere of Mental Disorders–4th Edition (DSM-IV; APA, 1994), criteria
with learning and socialization, and can be associated for repetitive behavior can be met by a person exhibiting at
with mood and behavior problems that drive the need least one of the following: “(a) encompassing preoccupation
for intervention. with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of inter-
est that is abnormal either in intensity or focus; (b) apparently
Repetitive behavior is one of three core features of autism inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rit-
(ICD-10, World Health Organization, 1990; DSM-IV, uals; (c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g.,
American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Repetitive behaviors hand or finger flapping or twisting or complex whole-body
frequently dominate the daily activity of children with autism, movements); or (d) persistent preoccupation with parts of
can significantly interfere with opportunities to develop func- objects.” What becomes clear on examination of these criteria
tional behaviors, and are frequently the target of intervention is that they are very broad, ranging from repetitive movements
and treatment. This is a rapidly growing area of research in of the body to more cognitively mediated symptoms such as
autism, and much is now known about the clinical phenome- intense interests or hobbies. Although no single type of repeti-
nology, developmental course, neurobiology, and treatment tive behavior may be specific to autism, previous studies have
of repetitive behaviors. Further, gaps in the current knowledge found that it is a pattern of multiple types of repetitive behav-
base on repetitive behaviors represent critical new areas for ior that can best distinguish autism from other disorders
research in the pathogenesis and treatment of autism. (Bodfish et al., 2000; Bartak & Rutter, 1976).
A central theme in the recent research findings in repetitive
behavior is that while all cases by definition have expressed Stereotyped Movements
repetitive behaviors, several distinct subtypes of repetitive
behavior appear to exist across persons with autism spectrum Repetitive motor movements (e.g., hand flapping, body
disorders. These subtypes may represent a viable strategy for rocking, arm waving, hand and finger movements, repetitive
uncovering at least some of the multiple pathogenic factors postures) are commonly observed in normally developing

Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 201

infants and young children (e.g., Evans et al., 1997; Thelen, comparison of the routines and rituals of autistic and
1979), and are also commonly observed in other developmen- nonautistic individuals. However, the limited evidence avail-
tal and psychiatric conditions such as Tourette’s syndrome, able indicates that these behaviors are significantly more prev-
Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and alent and marked in individuals with autism relative to age
schizophrenia (Frith & Done, 1990; Turner, 1996). Although and ability matched control subjects (Bartak & Rutter, 1976;
few studies have sought to compare the nature of repetitive Lord & Pickles, 1996). The extreme distress and catastrophic
motor behavior across clinical groups, there is evidence to reaction shown by many autistic people in response to changes
suggest that there are important differences in the display of at in routine is rarely described in nonautistic individuals.
least some forms of this behavior in autistic and nonautistic Similarly, rituals in autism are likely to be highly elaborate and
populations. In persons with mental retardation, the occur- extend to many areas of daily living (e.g., routines around self-
rence of stereotyped movements appears to be related to care and dressing, eating routines, travel routines), whereas
mental age (Smith & Van Houten, 1996). In contrast, indi- rituals in nonautistic individuals are largely restricted to per-
viduals with autism engage in more frequent, severe, and sonal activity (Turner, 1996). In support of these differences,
longer bouts of stereotyped movements compared to age and Wing and Gould (1979) reported that the presence of elabo-
ability matched controls (Freeman et al., 1981; Hermelin & rate routines differentiated those children and adolescents
O’Connor, 1963; Lord, 1995; Lord & Pickles, 1996; Szatmari, with a history of autism from those without (94% vs. 2%). To
Bartolucci, & Bremner, 1989). Szatmari et al. (1989) showed date, two studies have directly compared repetitive behavior
that motor stereotypies were significantly more common in presentation in autism and OCD (McDougle et al., 1995;
high-functioning adults with autism than in age and ability Zandt, Prior, & Kyrios, 2006). Both studies found evidence for
matched control subjects referred to outpatient psychiatry significant differences in repetitive behavior phenomenology;
services for problems with social relationships (86% vs. 14%). however, both focused primarily on compulsive/ritualistic
Lord (1995), in her 12-month follow-up study of 2-year-olds kinds of repetitive behavior and consequently neither included
referred for possible autism, reported that those who met a specific examination of the types of discrete repetitive
diagnostic criteria for autism at age 3 showed significantly behaviors frequently seen in autism (e.g., stereotyped move-
higher rates of stereotyped movements at ages 2 and 3 than ments, insistence on sameness, circumscribed interests).
those children failing to meet diagnostic criteria, despite the
fact there was no difference between the groups in age of Sameness and Resistance to Change
Although “insistence on sameness” is often considered to be
Repetitive Self-Injurious Behavior specific to autism, only one study has explored the relative fre-
quency of this class of behavior. Szatmari et al. (1989) reported
There is evidence that certain forms of lower-order repetitive such behavior to be significantly more common in high-
behavior such as repetitive self-injurious behavior (e.g., head functioning individuals with autism and Asperger’s syndrome
hitting or banging, hand or arm biting) are not unique to than in socially odd psychiatric control subjects, although spe-
autism. The self-injurious behavior described in autism is sim- cific prevalence rates were not given. The results of a study by
ilar in prevalence to those described for individuals with non- Evans et al. (1997) indicate that this type of behavior is also
specific mental retardation (Freeman et al., 1981; McKenna, characteristic of normally developing children between 2 and
Thornton, & Turner, 1998). Furthermore, in autism, as in 4 years of age.
mental retardation, self-injury is negatively associated with IQ
and positively correlated with severity of illness (Bartak & Interests, Preoccupations, and Attachments
Rutter, 1976; Campbell et al., 1990; Freeman et al., 1981).
Thus, it appears that repetitive self-injurious behavior in per- Circumscribed interests in autism were originally described by
sons with autism is related to more nonspecific factors such as Leo Kanner in his seminal paper in 1943 (Kanner, 1943). One
level of intellectual ability, or other associated developmental case, Alfred L., was described in the following way:
He has gradually shown a marked tendency toward
Rituals and Routines developing one special interest which will completely
dominate his day’s activities. He talks of little else while
It can be difficult to distinguish the rigid and invariant rou- the interest exists, he frets when he is not able to indulge
tines that are described in autism (e.g., ordering, arranging, in it (by seeing it, coming in contact with it, drawing
touching/tapping, hoarding), and the routines and rituals that pictures of it), and it is difficult to get his attention
are commonplace in individuals with obsessive compulsive because of his preoccupation.
disorder (e.g., de Silva, 1994), mental retardation (Lewis,
Bodfish, Powell, & Golden, 1994), Tourette’s syndrome Circumscribed interests (also known as restricted behavior)
(Swedo, Rapoport, Leonard, Lenane, & Cheslow, 1989), and range from preoccupations with highly unusual aspects of
many normal individuals. There has been little systematic the environment (such as the serial numbers of electrical
202 Autism Spectrum Disorders

appliances) to intense and all-absorbing interests in more images reduced overall visual exploration and especially
common hobbies (such as trains or computers). Szatmari et al. exploration of social images. This latter finding suggests one
(1989) reported that 86% of a normally intelligent sample of way in which circumscribed interests could be associated with
individuals with autism had circumscribed interests in com- functional impairment in ASD: the presence of strong non-
parison to 37% of individuals diagnosed with Asperger’s syn- social interests could potentially diminish the types of social
drome and 9% of outpatient control subjects. In contrast, experiences that are important for experience-dependent
Kerbeshian, Burd, and Fisher (1990) noted rates of 31% brain and behavioral development.
for high-functioning individuals with autism and 92% for
individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. It is sometimes assumed Subtypes of Repetitive Behavior in Autism
that circumscribed interests are more common in high-func-
tioning individuals because they demand a higher level of abil- As commonly conceptualized in autism, repetitive behaviors
ity. Although it is true that certain sophisticated circumscribed are assumed to represent a unitary domain of behavioral
interests may be beyond the ability of some autistic individu- expression (e.g., DSM IV category 3 criteria for autism; ADI-R
als, it is likely for even severely disabled individuals with and ADOS repetitive behavior subdomain). However, there is
autism to demonstrate insistence on sameness or show very growing evidence that there is considerable structure within
restricted patterns of interest and activity. The only study to the overall domain of repetitive behavior.
compare levels of repetitive behavior in high and low ability Several research groups have taken the concept of repeti-
individuals with autism reported that insistence on sameness tive behavior variety an important step further by exploring
was more commonly observed in mentally retarded, relative whether the various discrete forms of repetitive behavior can
to normally intelligent, individuals with autism (82% vs. be reliably and validly grouped into discrete subtypes. More
42%), and both groups showed similar levels of circumscribed than a psychometric exercise, a subtyping approach may
interests (71% vs. 84%) (Bartak & Rutter, 1976). DeLoache, have heuristic value in genetic, neurobiologic, and treatment
Simcock, and Macari (2007) examined circumscribed inter- response studies. For example, neuroimaging studies of OCD
ests in typically developing children and found that “extremely have demonstrated that distinct OC symptom subtypes
intense interests” (e.g., interest in tea sets, interest in brushes, are associated with dysregulation of separate but partially
interest in pouring liquids) occurred in 29% of their sample of overlapping neural systems (Mataix-Cols, Rosario-Campos, &
1 to 6 year olds. However, no clinical comparison group was Leckman, 2005). To date, several studies have examined
included, and no screening or assessment of potential autism subtyping of repetitive behaviors (Cuccaro et al., 2003; Shao
features/diagnoses was reported. Thus, while it is clear that et al., 2003; Szatmari et al., 2006; Hus et al., 2007). These
focused interests and even perhaps unusual or circumscribed studies have typically identified two factors: a “lower-order”
interests can occur in typically developing children, it is not category called “Repetitive Sensory and Motor Behaviors”
clear if these persist in the same way that they do in autism or (RSMB), and a “higher-order” category labeled “Insistence on
if they are associated with the same degree of functional Sameness” (IS). Based on the findings of these studies, the
impairment as appears to be the case in at least a subset of 2-factor (lower-order, higher-order) has become the assumed
children and adults with autism. model for the structure of repetitive behaviors. However, it is
While circumscribed interests (CI) per se are not indicative important to recognize that other subtyping studies of
of autism, the results of previous studies of such interests repetitive behaviors in autism have yielded more than 2 factors
in ASD provide information about the ways that interests in (Lam & Aman, 2007). In a study by Honey et al. (2006) of
autism differ from interests seen in the course of typical 2–4 year old children with autism, a third factor that included
development. Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright (1999) reported circumscribed interests was isolated, suggesting that
that persons with ASD were more likely to have interests that circumscribed interest may be an independent subtype of
could be characterized within the knowledge domain of “folk repetitive behavior. In addition, closer examination of the
physics,” which involved knowledge about mechanical aspects items excluded in the earlier 2-factor studies suggests that
of the world, as opposed to the domain of “folk psychology,” there may be more structure present. In particular, in the solu-
which involves knowledge about social aspects of the world. tions provided by Cuccaro et al. (2003) and Szatmari et al.
Consistent with this finding, South et al. (2005) reported some (2006), the ADI-R items “Unusual Preoccupations,” “Unusual
common forms of circumscribed interests that were mani- Attachments,” and “Circumscribed Interests” do not load on
fested by persons with ASD including an interest in vehicles, either factor and were therefore excluded. These types of
electronics, dinosaurs, particular animals, schedules, or num- repetitive behavior may be of particular interest in autism,
bers (South et al., 2005). Sasson et al. (2008) reported that because unlike motor stereotypies and compulsions (which
images representing the types of objects commonly involved are found in other disorders such as OCD, Tourette’s
in circumscribed interests elicited a unique pattern of visual syndrome, and mental retardation), these behaviors may be
attention in children with ASD that was characterized by a particularly characteristic of autistic disorder. In addition, the
more perseverative and repetitive attentional style relative to 2-factor solutions have accounted for a small amount of
noncircumscribed interest images. Further, for children with variance in each study (between 32 and 36%), suggesting the
ASD but not typically developing children the presence of CI presence of other factors.
Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 203

Lam, Bodfish, and Piven (2008) completed a large scale autism such as Fragile X syndrome, Williams syndrome, and
(n = 316) study of the structure of repetitive behaviors in Angelman syndrome (Moss, Oliver, Arron, Burbridge, & Berg,
autism in an attempt to systematically extend previous 2-factor 2009), indicating that specific genetic factors in persons with
studies by specifically including analysis of circumscribed autism may moderate the expression of specific subtypes of
interest items. They found evidence for a distinct interest/pre- repetitive behavior. These various factors (e.g., age, cognitive
occupation/attachment factor and were able to account for ability, family factors, genetic factors) most likely interact in
significantly more variance in phenotypic expression than ways that are poorly understood at present to influence the
previous 2-factor models (Lam, Bodfish, & Piven, 2008). Also, specific pattern of repetitive behaviors seen clinically in
88% of the sample exhibited circumscribed interests as defined persons with autism.
by this third factor, and, in contrast to the RSMB and the IS
factors, only the circumscribed interest factor was unrelated to Developmental Course
either IQ or severity of social-communication symptoms.
These findings suggest that circumscribed interests are preva- The findings of early research in autism suggested that
lent in autism, and their independence from co-occurring repetitive behaviors may not be clinically significant primarily
autism features indicates that circumscribed interests may be because they did not appear to be early features of the disorder
associated with unique pathogenic factors relative to the other and they were presumed to be related to comorbid mental
symptoms of autism. retardation and, thus, not an autism-specific core feature.
Recent research findings call these early assumptions into
Factors That Moderate the Type and Severity question and more clearly establish the clinical significance of
of Expressed Repetitive Behaviors repetitive behaviors in autism. Recent developmental studies
of autism have now shown that repetitive behaviors are among
Existing research findings suggest that several factors can the earliest signs of the disorder during infancy (Landa,
influence the severity of repetitive behavior expression. Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007; Ozonoff et al., 2008; Watt,
Chronological age is likely to be one such moderating factor Wetherby, Barber, & Morgan, 2008), and the degree of sever-
for the expression and severity of repetitive behaviors. It is ity of early repetitive behaviors (RBs) uniquely predicts the
now clear that both lower- and higher-order forms of repetitive overall severity of autism in adolescence (Lord et al., 2006).
behavior are present in many cases of autism by 2 to 3 years of Recent research has demonstrated that RBs can be identified
age (Bishop, Richler, & Lord, 2006; Mooney, Gray, & Tonge, as early as 12–18 months in infants who go on to develop
2006; Militerni et al., 2002; Honey et al., 2006) and manifest autism (Morgan, Wetherby, & Barber, 2008; Ozonoff et al.,
with sufficient severity to warrant intervention (Bishop et al., 2008; Watt et al., 2008).
2006). Further, lifespan studies have indicated that repetitive Retrospective developmental studies have found that there
behavior symptoms and associated impairment (behavio- is some improvement in repetitive behavior severity with age
ral rigidity) persists into adolescence and adulthood in most but that age-related improvements are less pronounced on
cases (Rumsey, Rappoport, & Sceery, 1985; Piven, Harper, average than that seen for other core features of autism (Piven
Palmer, & Arndt, 1996). In the largest study of moderator var- et al., 1996; Fecteau et al., 2003). In the longitudinal cohort
iables to date (Bishop, Richler, & Lord, 2006; N = 830), non- study described by Rutter et al. (1967), some improvements in
verbal IQ was found to be more related to the presence of repetitive behavior severity were noted; however, all subjects
repetitive behavior in older (6–11 years) than younger (2–5 with RBs in childhood continued to report difficulties in this
years) children with autism. Family factors, including parent/ domain 10 years later, and there was a tendency for increase in
family accommodation of repetitive behaviors can also mod- the frequency and complexity of these behaviors with age.
erate the expression of repetitive behaviors (Lenane et al., Approximately 90% of adolescents and adults with autism
1990; Reaven & Hepburn, 2003; Boyd, Woodard, Storch, & report difficulties with repetitive behaviors (Seltzer et al., 2003;
Bodfish, 2007). Parents and siblings often become involved in Howlin et al., 2004).
a child’s repetitive behaviors in efforts to reduce associated In support of the concept that repetitive behaviors in
impairment such as the behavior problems or “meltdowns” autism may not be a unitary phenomenon, there appear to be
that can occur when rituals, sameness behaviors, or circum- different developmental trajectories for discrete subtypes of
scribed interests are not accommodated. Although such efforts repetitive behavior. For example, in a large scale (N = 320)
are often well intentioned, they typically result in greater study of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders
impairment and symptom severity by virtue of impacting (3–48 years of age) stereotyped movements were less frequent
family life and reinforcing symptom engagement. Thus, indi- among older individuals, self-injurious behaviors and com-
rectly, mood and behavior problems (e.g., irritability, agita- pulsive behaviors were comparable across age groups, and
tion, aggression, self-injury, screaming, disruptive behavior) ritualistic/sameness were found to be more frequent among
may also moderate the expression of repetitive behaviors in older individuals (Lam & Aman, 2007). In a comparison of
children with autism (Bodfish et al., 2000; Gabriels et al., younger and older children with ASD, younger children were
2005). There is evidence that unique profiles of repetitive more likely to exhibit motor and sensory repetitive behaviors,
behaviors occur in specific genetic disorders associated with and older children were more likely to exhibit more complex
204 Autism Spectrum Disorders

repetitive behaviors (Militerni, Bravaccio, Falco, Fico, & increases in arousal (Hutt & Hutt, 1970) or reductions in
Palermo, 2002). In another study of children with ASD who stress. The functional consequences and maintaining factors
ranged in age from toddlers to 12-year-olds, most RBs, includ- of RB are far from firmly established however.
ing self-injury, desire for sameness, restricted interests, and Given the evidence in support of the existence of discrete
compulsions, were more frequent among the older than the subtypes of repetitive behavior in autism, it is plausible that
younger children (Bishop, Richler, & Lord, 2006). However, distinct subtypes may be associated with distinct psychological/
when taking into account nonverbal IQ, the pattern of find- motivational factors and thus distinct underlying psychobio-
ings changed. Some repetitive behaviors did not show age- logy. If this is true, then heterogeneity in the expression of
related patterns (such as restricted interests), whereas others these underlying factors may contribute to the marked hetero-
(such as self-injury, desire for sameness, and compulsions) geneity in both clinical expression and treatment response
were less frequent among older children. Although there are seen in autism. OCD can be conceptualized as an avoidance
discrepancies, there is some convergence in the findings relat- phenomenon (compulsions serve to neutralize or avoid obses-
ing to age and repetitive behaviors. A trend is observed of spe- sive or fearful thoughts). Further, OCD is presumed to be ego-
cific subtypes appearing to become less frequent with age (e.g., dystonic with affected persons actively wanting to not engage
stereotyped movements), while other subtypes appear to in either compulsions or obsessions. These functional features
increase in prevalence during middle and late childhood and do not seem to apply as easily to all forms of repetitive behav-
often persist into adulthood (e.g., circumscribed interests). ior in autism. While comorbid autism and OCD (i.e., an OCD
While the pattern of findings across studies is not strong overlay on top of autism) has been reported in the literature
enough to define the age-related pattern of this aspect of the (Cath et al., 2008; Storch et al., 2007) this is not the typical
behavioral phenotype of ASD, and there is a need to examine presentation of repetitive behaviors in autism. A larger ques-
in more detail the age-related patterns across the lifespan, the tion is how much of the repetitive behavior symptomatology
results of these developmental studies do clearly support the in autism is mediated by underlying anxiety, as is the case in
concept that repetitive behaviors are a heterogeneous group of OCD. Often in the case of autism, behaviors like stereotyped
behaviors and that discrete subtypes likely exist. movements (e.g., hand-flapping) seem to be motivationally
neutral or affectively linked to excitement/pleasure as much as
Functional Significance anxiety or fear (Schultz & Berkson, 1995). This also seems true
for behaviors like circumscribed or restricted interests (e.g.,
Disorders such as Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive compul- intense interest in trains) in persons with autism (Sasson et al.,
sive disorder (OCD) are characterized by repetitive behaviors, 2008). In these situations the distress/anxiety appears to come
however the need to perform them is aversive and distressing. as a consequence of not having access to the behavior or interest
In part due to the communication deficits that are diagnostic (Powell et al., 1996) much like the case of frustrative nonreward.
of autism, it is not known whether repetitive behaviors in Thus repetitive behaviors in autism may involve functional
autism are aversive and distressing, or, whether repetitive manifestations similar to OCD (e.g., avoidance phenomenon
behaviors represent an appetitive motivation to approach cer- like compulsions, rituals, or insistence on sameness) as well as
tain stimuli. Many functions have been hypothesized for those dissimilar to OCD (e.g., approach phenomenon like
repetitive behaviors in autism, including stress reduction, sen- preoccupations, attachments, and circumscribed interests)
sory stimulation, and reward (Lewis & Bodfish, 1998). For (Lam, Bodfish, & Piven, 2008). One potential overarching
example the persistence of repetitive behaviors even in the face commonality however is that in both OCD and autism,
of aversive consequences has been taken by some as evidence repetitive behavior can be mediated by its reward properties—
of the rewarding nature of the behaviors. Several theorists have presumably negative reinforcement in the case of OCD and
emphasized the apparently “self-stimulatory” nature of stere- some forms of repetitive behaviors in autism, and presumably
otyped movements and behaviors (Berkson & Davenport, positive reinforcement in the case of other forms of repetitive
1962). This sensation/perception perspective has taken two behavior in autism. If so, then the anticipatory-reward nature
theoretical forms. The perceptual reinforcement hypothesis of the circumscribed interest subtype of repetitive behavior in
(Lovaas et al., 1987) holds that repetitive behaviors are learned, autism may distinguish autism from other psychiatric disor-
operant self-stimulatory behavior for which the reinforcers are ders characterized by repetitive behaviors (e.g., OCD or OC
the perceptual stimuli automatically produced by the behav- spectrum disorders) that involve purely anxiety-reduction.
ior. The sensorimotor integration hypothesis (Ornitz, 1971)
holds that sensory deficits leave the individual reliant on kines- Repetitive Behaviors and Cognitive
thetic (sensorimotor) feedback derived from the behavior. A or Attentional Style in Autism
functional analysis perspective (Iwata et al., 1982) emphasizes
social consequences (e.g., social attention, escape from instruc- Part of the functional significance of repetitive behaviors may
tion/demands/interaction, tangible reinforcement), but also relate to the way in which repetitive behaviors are associated
invokes “automatic” reinforcement which is similar to both with particular cognitive features in autism. Baron-Cohen
the notion of sensory/perceptual reinforcement and also inter- (1989) proposed that repetitive behavior develops in autism to
nal (biological) reward. Such internal factors could include combat a specific cognitive impairment, and that this behavior
Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 205

may develop as a coping strategy that allows the autistic specific executive functions may map onto specific types of
individual to reduce the high level of anxiety resulting from a repetitive behavior.
primary impairment in this ability to understand and infer the In line with the notion of separable executive subprocesses,
mental states of others. Similarly, Carruthers (1996) suggests Turner (1997) proposed two distinct and dissociable hypoth-
that repetitive behavior functions to withdraw persons with eses: (1) an impaired capacity to regulate behavior via the
autism from social contexts that are unpredictable and perhaps inhibition of ongoing but inappropriate behavior may lead to
frightening. These cognitive accounts predict that levels of repetition as the individual, unable to control attention and
repetitive behavior will be highest when in novel and unpre- action in the usual manner, becomes “locked into” one line of
dictable social contexts. However, a number of studies have thought or behavior; and (2) an inability spontaneously to
compared the frequency of repetitive behaviors during periods generate novel behavior without prompting may lead to a lack
of social interaction and periods in which limited or no of variety in responding, manifest as the repeated display of a
interpersonal demands are made, and have shown that rates restricted set of behaviors. In support of this model, perform-
of repetitive behavior are lowest during periods of social inter- ance on tasks designed to tap each of these key abilities has
action and highest during periods devoid of interaction been shown to be related to the display of specific classes of
(Charlop, Schreibman, Mason, & Vesey, 1983; Clark & Rutter, repetitive behavior (Turner, 1996, 1997). However, results in
1981; Dadds, Schwartz, Adams, & Rose, 1988; Donnellan, this area are not entirely consistent. Barnard and colleagues
Anderson & Mesaros 1984; Runco, Charlop, & Schreibman, (2008) examined word and design fluency and found no dif-
1986). In addition, studies that have examined the correla- ferences in the autism group relative to learning disabled con-
tion of the severity of the repetitive behavior and social- trols. Additionally, phonological fluency has been found to be
communicative aspects of autism have found that these both intact (Minshew, Goldstein, & Siegel, 1997; Kleinhans,
domains vary largely independent of one another (Bodfish Akshoomoff, & Delis, 2005) and impaired (Rumsey &
et al., 2000; Happe, Ronald, & Plomin, 2006; Lam, Bodfish, & Hamburger, 1988, 1990) in high-functioning autism relative
Piven, 2008) Thus, the model of repetitive behaviors occurring to both adult controls and adults with severe dyslexia. Further,
as a secondary consequence of core social-cognitive deficits in two studies that attempted to replicate the association between
autism does not seem to be a viable model of repetitive repetitive behavior and generativity both failed to find such a
behaviors in autism. relationship and instead both found generative ability to be
The executive dysfunction account of autism conceptual- correlated with severity of communication impairment in
izes symptoms of restricted and repetitive behaviors to reflect autism (Bishop & Norbury, 2005; Dichter et al., 2009).
the impaired ability to adapt flexibly to changing environ- Frith and Happe (1994) have suggested that the expression
mental contingencies (Russell, 1997; Turner, 1999). Executive of repetitive behavior may be explained by the notion that
functions refer to a range of abilities, including behavioral individuals with autism do not show the drive for “central
inhibition, planning, working memory, and mental flexibility coherence” that characterizes normal information processing.
(Lezak, 1995). These abilities require the integration of a The cognitive style of individuals with autism is characterized
variety of basic abilities (e.g., language and working memory) by preferential processing of local rather than global features
to achieve the higher-order processing of information, goal of the environment and this may lead to a focus on seemingly
attainment, and appropriate emotional responses (Christ, insignificant details. This theory is particularly intriguing in
Holt, White, & Green, 2007). Difficulties with cognitive light of certain subtypes of repetitive behavior such as
flexibility are consistent with the clinical phenomenon of insistence on sameness and circumscribed interests. To date,
the repetitiveness and rigidity that characterizes autism: cog- evidence in support of weak central coherence in autism has
nitive inflexibility is manifest as repetitive motor behaviors, been mixed, and significant associations with specific forms of
perseverative responding, and difficulty with modulating repetitive behavior have not been examined.
ongoing cognitive and motor behavior (Lopez, Lincoln, Atypical attentional processing has also been posited to be
Ozonoff, & Lai, 2005). Numerous studies have documented a mechanism associated with both downstream cognitive and
impaired executive function abilities in autism spectrum behavioral deficits in autism (Burack, 1994; Casey et al., 1993;
disorders (Ozonoff et al., 2004; Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996; Courchesne et al., 1994; Dawson et al., 1998; Sasson et al.,
Sergeant, Geurts, & Oosterlaan, 2002), and some have found 2008; Wainwright-Sharp & Bryson, 1993). Perseverative
that executive function deficits correlate with clinical ratings attention, or an inability to disengage could also account for
of repetitive behavior severity (Lopez, Lincoln, Ozonoff, & variance within the rigid and repetitive behaviors domain
Lai, 2005). However, clearly not all studies of executive func- associated with the autism phenotype, especially higher order
tioning indicate deficits in autism (e.g., Minshew, Goldstein, repetitive behaviors (Lewis & Bodfish, 1998; Turner, 1999).
Muenz, & Payton, 1992). These seemingly contradictory Recent evidence has linked circumscribed patterns of
results may reflect the fact that executive function is not a uni- attentional orienting to specific aspects of clinical behavior in
tary construct, but may be subdivided into more elemental children and adolescents with autism (Sasson et al., 2008). Of
components (see Kenworthy, Black, Wallace, Ahluvalia, particular relevance, significant correlations between perse-
Wagner, & Sirian, 2005, for a review). Conceptually, this may verative attention (average duration of fixation during a pas-
map onto the notion of repetitive behavior subtypes such that sive viewing visual exploration task) and composite scores
206 Autism Spectrum Disorders

from the Repetitive Behavior Scales-Revised (RBS-R) in a recent large-scale studies of family and parent functioning in
sample of children and adolescents with autism. Circumscribed the context of a child with autism have reported that repetitive
attentional patterns also have been shown to differentiate and related problem behaviors are associated with elevated
12- to 24-month-olds who go on to receive a diagnosis of parent stress (Orsmond, Lin, & Seltzer, 2007), engender nega-
autism, reflected through the repetitive and stereotyped tive parenting styles (Smith et al., 2007; Orsmond & Seltzer,
manipulation of objects (Morgan et al., 2008; Ozonoff et al., 2007; Lounds et al., 2007), and are among the most difficult
2008; Watt et al., 2008). aspects of autism that parents must deal with on a daily basis
(South et al., 2005; Mercier et al., 2000). Thus repetitive
Functional Impairment Associated behaviors and interests have the potential for interfering with
with Repetitive Behaviors experience-dependent brain and behavioral development and
family well-being, and treatment can be seen as necessary
Repetitive behaviors can cause significant impairment in when viewed as an approach to expand the child’s behavioral
individuals with autism and their families. In more severe repertoire rather than simply thwarting or punishing the
cases these behaviors may consume the majority of waking child’s repetitive behaviors and interests.
hours of an individual and interfere with daily family activi-
ties. Moreover, children and adults with autism tend to
become agitated, disruptive, or even aggressive when repeti- Á
tive behaviors are interrupted. The presence of circumscribed Pathogenesis
interests, preoccupations, or unusual attachments may be
particularly clinically significant because the presence of strong Deficits and Disorders Associated
unusual interests or preoccupations may diminish the saliency with Basal Ganglia Pathology
of and response to more natural or typical rewards and sources
of information and experience. As a result, experience- There is a confluence of evidence that implicates altered basal
dependent learning and development may be constrained in a ganglia function in the mediation of repetitive behavior disor-
more direct way by persistent circumscribed interests as com- ders. Historically, examinations of the functions of the basal
pared to other forms of repetitive behavior (e.g., stereotyped ganglia have been limited to its role in motor control and
movements) which may not alter the saliency or reward value movement disorders. Currently, the functions of the basal
of ambient environmental events. ganglia are grouped into circuits that include motor, cogni-
Despite clear indicators of functional impairment associ- tive, and behavioral/personality divisions (Visser, Bar, &
ated with repetitive behaviors, parents and clinicians Jinnah, 2000; Alexander, Delong, & Strick, 1986). Of interest
sometimes debate whether or not to make repetitive behaviors is the fact that animal lesion studies and human neuropsycho-
the target of intervention. Some parents are struck by how logical studies of neurosurgery patients with well-defined
“proficient” their child is in certain areas (e.g., memorizing lesions have demonstrated that abnormality of these basal
facts, reciting movie scripts) and how this stands in contrast ganglia circuits produces both the types of restricted repeti-
with all the other things their child is not able to do (e.g., tive behaviors seen in autism and the types of cognitive
socialize with peers, communicate clearly, adapt to preschool, flexibility deficits presumed to be related to the expression
etc.). In these situations parents sometimes express a fear to of repetitive behaviors (Cummings, 1993; Masterman &
tread on these “islands of ability” (Mercier, Mottron, & Cummings, 1997).
Belleville, 2000). Another common scenario involves parents A large number of studies using chemical lesioning and
who have seen the “meltdowns” and negative side effects on site-specific drug administration support the importance
their child’s behavior that are related to preventing these of basal ganglia structures in the mediation of drug-induced
repetitive behaviors and interests (Gabriel et al., 2005; Mercier stereotypies (Lewis et al., 1994). In addition, there is growing
et al., 2000). From a clinical perspective it is apparent that in at evidence that OCD is associated with perturbations in basal
least a subset of cases repetitive behaviors and interests can ganglia function. For example, there is a significant degree of
significantly interfere with learning and socialization, and can comorbid OCD in a variety of diseases of the basal ganglia,
become a motivating factor underneath the development of including Sydenham’s Chorea, postencephalitic Parkinson’s,
mood and behavior problems. toxic lesions of the striatum, and Tourette’s syndrome
Phenomenologic and behavioral studies of autism have (Rapoport, 1988). The ritualistic-repetitive behaviors that are
shown that repetitive behaviors persist into adulthood and a defining feature of autism are also observed in (OCD) and
can be the “residual symptom” of autism once social-commu- Tourette’s syndrome (TS) (APA, 1994). Individuals with
nicative deficits improve (Shattuck et al., 2007; Piven et al., autism and OCD both exhibit compulsive rituals and rigi-
1996). Thus, treatment directed at reducing the severity of dity while individuals with autism and TS share repetitive
repetitive behaviors carries the potential to increase the child’s stereotyped motor behaviors (Eapen et al., 1997). Further,
overall degree of flexibility and adaptability and thereby abnormalities in the basal ganglia have been implicated in all
improve the overall trajectory of adaptive behavior develop- three of these disorders on the basis of multiple converging
ment and functioning. In support of this clinical perspective, findings from structural and functional neuroimaging studies
Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 207

(Rosenberg et al., 1998; Peterson & Kline, 1997; Peterson et al., anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in autism during a standard
1993; Swedo et al., 1989; Scarone et al., 1992). visual target detection (i.e., oddball) task. Furthermore, the
magnitude of ACC activation inversely correlated with repet-
MRI Studies of Basal Ganglia in Autism itive behaviors in the autism sample. The anterior cingulate
circuit is one of five parallel circuits that link the frontal lobes
To date, seven studies have used MRI to investigate the neuro- with subcortical structures. The anterior cingulate circuit
biology of repetitive behavior in autism. Two of these have projects to the ventral striatum, then to the ventral and rost-
reported enlarged basal ganglia volumes proportional to an rolateral globus pallidus and rostrodorsal substantia nigra,
increase in total brain volume (Herbert et al., 2003; study 1 in which, in turn, project to the medial dorsal nucleus of the
Sears et al., 1999), and five reported a disproportional increase thalamus, and then the circuit is completed via projections to
in caudate nucleus volume (study 2 in Sears et al., 1999; the anterior cingulate (for a review, see Cummings, 1993).
Hollander et al., 2005; Langen et al., 2007; Rojas et al., 2006; Injury to this circuit produces deficits on response inhibition
Langen et al., 2009). McAlonan et al. (2002) reported no dif- tasks (Drewe, 1975), and other repetitive behavior disorders,
ferences in caudate size between autism and typical control such as Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive compulsive disor-
groups but did report that autism subjects had significantly der, are characterized by dysfunction within this circuit
decreased gray matter density in striatal areas. In several of (Singer, Hahn, & Moran, 1991; Baxter, Phelps, Mazziotta,
these studies a correlation between repetitive behavior sever- Guze, Schwartz, & Selin, 1987). To date, no fMRI studies have
ity and caudate size was found (Langen et al., 2007; Rojas examined potential links between specific neurocognitive
et al., 2006; Langen et al., 2009), however in some the magni- functions and discrete subtypes of repetitive behavior, and
tude of the correlation differed as a function of discrete type thus critical extensions of the neurobiologic study of specific
of RB (Sears et al., 1999; Hollander et al., 2005). types of repetitive behavior in autism remain to be explored.

fMRI Studies of Fronto-Striatal Circuitry

in Autism Á
The “frontostriatal hypothesis” of autism implicates the basal
ganglia and its afferents to the frontal cortex (Robbins, 1997) Behavioral and Psychosocial Intervention
and is supported by both neuropsychological and animal
studies (Visser, Bar, & Jinnah, 2000; Masterman & Cummings, An important distinction that can be made in the autism
1997; Lewis, Gluck, Beauchamp, Keresztury, & Mailman, 1990; intervention literature is the differentiation of comprehensive
Robbins, Mittleman, O’Brien, & Winn, 1990; Insel, 1992). treatment models (CTMs) from focused intervention prac-
There is a host of neuroimaging evidence indicating anoma- tices (FIPs) (Odom, Boyd, Hall, & Hume, 2009). CTMs (e.g.,
lous activation of prefrontal brain areas in individuals with Denver Model, LEAP, Lovaas Institute, TEACCH) are con-
autism during so-called cognitive control or executive tasks. ceptually organized treatment packages to address a broad
The specific prefrontal regions affected and the direction of array of skills for children with autism. FIPs (e.g., prompting,
changes are heterogeneous across studies and related to the reinforcement, PEC, visual supports, response interruption/
specific cognitive tasks utilized, supporting the widely held redirection) are individual instructional practices that are used
view that executive functions include a number of distinct to address specific targeted skills or presenting symptoms.
cognitive processes. Hyperactivation in the left middle Seminal work by Odom, Rogers, and colleagues has involved
and inferior frontal gyri and orbitofrontal cortex has been the examination of both CTMs (Odom et al., 2009; Rogers &
reported during a go/no-go (i.e., motor inhibition) task, Vismara, 2008) and FIPs (Odom, Klingenberg, & Rogers, in
whereas hyperactivation of the left insula was observed in the press) in relation to accepted evidentiary criteria. As a result of
same participants during a spatial Stroop (i.e., interference this work, subsets of both CTMs and FIPs can be designated as
inhibition) task (Schmitz et al., 2006). Hyperactivation in the “evidenced-based practices” for autism intervention. In this
right superior, middle and inferior prefrontal cortex and the context, an important question is: what is the evidence base
left inferior parietal cortex has been reported during an for CTMs and FIPs with respect to the treatment of repetitive
auditory novelty detection task (Gomot et al., 2008). Rostral behaviors in autism?
anterior cingulate cortex hyperactivation during an antisac- Although definitive evidence (e.g., multiple, independent,
cade that predicted the magnitude of repetitive behaviors was methodologically sound RCTs) for the efficacy of both CTMs
reported by Thakkar and colleagues (2008). Finally, hypoacti- and FIPs in autism is lacking, it is now clear that (1) specific
vation bilaterally in middle frontal, right superior frontal, and evidenced-based practices for autism intervention can be
left inferior frontal regions has been reported during a Tower identified, and (2) the development of young children with
of London (i.e., problem solving) task (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, autism can be significantly improved by the delivery of these
Kana, & Minshew, 2007). evidenced based CTMs and FIPs. While the bulk of this evi-
Shafritz et al. (2008) reported hypoactivation in the stria- dence for efficacy for specific CTMs and FIPs is in the area of
tum, as well as in the middle and inferior frontal gyri and specific targeted instruction in the areas of communication,
208 Autism Spectrum Disorders

social skills, play, cognition, and independence, there is evi- the intervention was used to treat comorbid OCD symptoms
dence that specific FIPs (e.g., behavioral teaching strategies (e.g., contamination thoughts or hand-washing rituals). To
such as prompting, differential reinforcement, interruption/ date, no studies have addressed the modification of ERP
redirection; functional analysis based strategies such as the for the treatment of more autism-typical subtypes of repeti-
Positive Behavior Supports approach) can effectively reduce tive behavior (e.g., insistence on sameness, complex rituals/
the occurrence of some types of repetitive behavior and the routines, unusual and intense interests and preoccupations).
types of problem behaviors that can be associated with repeti-
tive behaviors in autism such as aggression, noncompliance, Medication Intervention
and self-injury (Odom, et al., in press; Horner, Carr, Strain,
Todd, & Reed, 2002). For persons with autism, symptoms of repetitive behaviors
Two gaps do exist however in this literature on evidenced- are common, and frequently form a source of significant inter-
based behavioral and psychosocial intervention practices for ference in adapting to educational and social settings. These
repetitive behaviors in autism. First, given that there are a repetitive behaviors are commonly associated with emotional
variety of discrete types of repetitive behaviors, virtually all of distress, tension, or dysphoria. While such behaviors can be
the behavioral/psychosocial intervention research has focused responsive to behavioral treatments, in their severe forms of
on the lower-order forms of repetitive behavior (stereotyped expression they are often difficult to manage by psychosocial
movements, self-injury) and as a result there are no established efforts alone, and lead clinicians to attempt trials of treatment
evidenced-based practices for treating the quintessential autis- with medications.
tic repetitive behaviors like rituals, insistence on sameness/dif- Given the evidence linking dopamine functioning and the
ficulty with change, and intense preoccupations, attachments, expression of repetitive behaviors, dopamine-blockade
and interests (Bodfish, 2004). Second, existing studies and medications have been used for a long time clinically to target
their resultant intervention practices have focused entirely on interfering repetitive behaviors and their associated mood and
the frequency of occurrence of repetitive behaviors as out- behavior problems. The older, high-potency neuroleptic
comes and as a result fail to address the underlying aspect of haloperidol was studied extensively in autism in the 1970s and
behavioral inflexibility that is so characteristic of autism. This 1980s, and several controlled studies showed evidence of
trait is evident perhaps most clearly in the “higher-order” or efficacy over placebo among young children treated with
cognitive aspects of repetitive behaviors such as sameness relatively low doses (e.g., 1–2 mg/day) (Campbell et al., 1978;
behaviors, and restricted interests, which as noted have not Perry et al., 1989). However, the frequent emergence of
been the focus of intervention research to date. harmful extrapyramidal symptoms (e.g., dyskinesia, akathisia)
Evidenced-based forms of treatment for other neuropsy- significantly limited the use of haloperidol. Older neuroleptics
chiatric disorders characterized by repetitive behaviors may be have now been replaced with atypical antipsychotics that
worthy of consideration in the search for novel forms of combine dopamine and serotonin receptor antagonism.
intervention to treat the higher-order types of repetitive Considerable evidence now exists for the efficacy of these
behaviors and overarching behavioral inflexibility in autism. atypical neuroleptics in the treatment of mood and behavior
There is a consensus that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) problems in autism (Bryson, Rogers, & Fombonne, 2003),
is an effective treatment for child, adolescent, and adult neu- including a large multicenter randomized controlled trial
ropsychiatric disorders characterized by prominent repetitive comparing risperidone to placebo in 1010 children with
behavior symptoms such as OCD (Abramowitz et al., 2005; autism aged 5–17 years presenting with clinically significant
March et al., 1997; Piacentini et al., 2002; POTS, 2004), levels of irritability, tantrums, aggression, and self-injury
Tourette’s syndrome (Piacentini & Chang, 2005; Carr & (McCracken et al., 2002). In this trial, improvements were also
Chong, 2005), stereotyped movement disorder (Miller, Singer, found for stereotyped and ritualistic behaviors. While atypical
Bridges, & Waranch, 2006; Teng, Woods, & Twohig, 2006), neuroleptics are now established as viable interventions for at
and a variety of other repetitive behavior disorders (Woods & least some of the repetitive behaviors associated with autism
Miltenberger, 2001; Deckersbasch, Wilhelm, Keuthen, Baer, & and their clinical sequelae, they produce adverse effects such
Jenike, 2002; Byrd, Richards, Hove, & Friman, 2002; Wilner, as tachycardia, sedation, and weight gain with metabolic
2006; Wilner & Goodey, 2006). Although a variety of CBT symptoms in a significant minority of patients treated.
protocols exist (e.g., Exposure Response-Prevention, Habit Because of the success of drug treatment for the manage-
Reversal Therapy [HRT]), each consists of three similar com- ment of repetitive behaviors in obsessive compulsive disorder
ponents: exposure (placing the patient in situations that elicit (OCD), and evidence supporting abnormalities in the serot-
repetitive behavior symptoms); response prevention (deter- onin system in autism, there has been considerable interest in
ring the stereotyped, ritualistic, or compulsive behaviors); and exploring the possible benefits of serotonergic-acting medica-
cognitive or behavioral therapy (training the patient or his tions for the control of these repetitive movements associated
family to identify and redirect to an alternative/competing with autism and other PDDs. Interest in serotonergic mecha-
response). In two previously reported case studies of an ERP- nisms in the manifestation of symptoms in autism has led to
based intervention for children with autism (Lehmkuhl, several prior clinical drug trials, with mixed results. Extant
Storch, Bodfish, & Geffen, in press; Reaven & Hepburn, 2003), data suggest that adolescents and adults with autism may
Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 209

experience improvements in repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and • The functional significance of the different forms of
other related symptoms (Bryson, Rogers, & Fombonne, 2003; repetitive behavior in autism has not been established and
Lewis & Bodfish, 2000; McDougle et al., 1997). A large-scale, this is an important step for guiding treatment decisions
multisite double-blind randomized controlled trial (n = 149) in other neurodevelopmental disorders characterized
of children with autism spectrum disorders (age range 5 to 17 by repetitive behaviors (e.g., OCD, TS). Comparative
years) with clinical levels of repetitive behaviors found that the studies of repetitive behaviors across conditions (ASD,
serotonergic antidepressant citalopram did not differ from OCD, TS, etc.) are needed to begin to determine the
placebo in terms of efficacy for repetitive behaviors but did functional significance of the variety of repetitive
produce significantly more adverse events (e.g., activation, behaviors in ASD.
impulsiveness) (King et al., 2009). Thus, while serotonergic • There are currently no evidenced-based focused treat-
antidepressants may be effective in adults with autism, in spite ments for repetitive behaviors in ASD despite the fact that
of their widespread use in children with autism, the existing in at least a significant subset of cases repetitive behaviors
evidence base on the efficacy and safety of serotonergic medi- are associated with considerable functional impairment.
cations for children with autism is poor. Research is overdue on both psychosocial and psychop-
harmacological treatment development focusing on
clinically significant repetitive behaviors in ASD.
Understanding autism requires an appreciation of the various
types of repetitive behaviors displayed by children and adults Graybiel, A. M. (2008). Habits, rituals, and the evaluative brain.
with autism, understanding how this variety of repetitive behav- Annual Review of Neuroscience, 31, 359–387.
iors can affect the course of the disorder, and understanding Lam, K. S., Bodfish, J. W., & Piven, J. (2008). Evidence for three sub-
how the putative neurobiology of repetitive behaviors can be types of repetitive behaviors in autism that differ in familiarity
conceptualized in a way that can inform treatment decisions. and association with other symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 49, 1193–1200.
Although repetitive behaviors in autism are frequently concep-
Lord, C., Risi, S., DiLavore, P. S., Shulman, C., Thurm, A., &
tualized as being a single, unitary symptom domain in autism,
Pickles, A. (2006). Autism from 2 to 9 years of age. Archives of
it is now clear that this aspect of the autism phenotype involves General Psychiatry, 63(6), 694–701.
multiple, distinct subtypes of repetitive behavior. This concep- Morgan, L., Wetherby, A. M., & Barber, A. (2008). Repetitive and
tualization of repetitive behavior subtypes is consistent with the stereotyped movements in children with autism disorders late in
reigning notion that autism is not a unitary entity in itself and the second year of life. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
that efforts to disaggregate the autism phenotype are needed to 49, 826–837.
help identify the multiple pathogenic factors involved in the
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12 Á Rebecca J. Landa

Developmental Features and Trajectories

Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders
in Infants and Toddlers

Children with Disabilities, 2007; Glascoe, 2005). All too often,
Points of Interest
parents are given inaccurate information about their child’s
well-being early in the child’s life, which may lead to frustra-
• Developmental trajectory in the first 2 years of life may
tion and long-lasting mistrust of professionals. The reduction
vary across different children with ASD, and across
in familial stress (Goin & Meyers, 2004) and improved child
different aspects of development.
outcomes that result from earlier detection of ASD lead to
• The earlier that a parent becomes concerned about a
improved quality of life within families, and quite possibly
child with autism, the more likely that the child will have
reduced educational and long-term-care costs. Thus, efforts to
more severe autism symptoms later.
detect ASD earlier in life have inestimable benefit for children
• By the time children with autism reach the second birth-
with ASD, their families, and the community at large.
day, 80% of parents have become concerned about the
In the absence of a medical test for autism, research aimed at
child’s development.
early detection of ASD has focused on behavioral signs of ASD.
• Some children with autism exhibit developmental
Both retrospective and prospective research approaches have
regression, usually affecting social and/or language
been employed. Retrospective approaches involve obtaining
development, in the first two years of life.
past data about a child who has been diagnosed with ASD. Such
• Early diagnosis of autism is quite stable, especially when
data may come from medical records, interviewing or survey-
made by a professional with expertise in early diagnosis
ing parents about their memories of the child’s earlier devel-
of this disorder.
opment (often many years in the past), and/or coding (e.g.,
Over the course of the last decade, there has been a major counting frequency of occurrence and number of different
emphasis on earlier detection of autism spectrum disorders types) behaviors exhibited by a child from home videos recorded
(ASD) by researchers (e.g., Landa, 2008; Zwaigenbaum et al., earlier in the child’s life. Prospective research may involve stud-
2007), public health agencies (Centers for Disease Control ies of community-based samples of children who received early
and Prevention; 2008), professional health care organizations developmental screening, studies of infants or toddlers who
(American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP]; Johnson et al., 2007), received assessment within a clinical setting, or studies of infants
advocacy groups (Autism Speaks, 2007), and clinical providers. at high risk for ASD, as is the case for infants who have an older
The primary reason for this emphasis on earlier detection is to sibling with ASD (Landa, Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007).
permit earlier access to intervention, which is expected to Both retrospective and prospective studies have provided
improve outcomes for children with ASD (Harris & Handleman, insights into the earliest signs of ASD and about the process of
2000; Howard, Sparkman, Cohen, Green, & Stanislaw, 2005; early development in infants and toddlers who will later obtain
Sallows & Graupner, 2005). Another reason for earlier detec- a diagnosis of ASD. For example, studies employing both types
tion is parents’ need for accurate information about their chil- of research strategies have indicated that development may be
dren. Parents of children with ASD often recognize disruptions disrupted during the first year of life in some infants later
in their child’s behavior or development well before the diag- diagnosed with ASD, and that the nature of the earliest signs
nosis of ASD is given. Recent studies have indicated that par- of developmental disruption may be subtle or nonspecific to
ents wish to be informed as early as possible about the presence ASD. However, by the time of the first birthday, the social and
of ASD in their young child (Johnson, Myers, & the Council on communication characteristics that define autism in older

214 Autism Spectrum Disorders

children are observable in some children with ASD and dif- (Fombonne, Simmons, Ford, Meltzer, & Goodman, 2001;
ferentiate those children from age peers with non-ASD devel- Gray, Tonge & Brereton, 2006; Howlin & Asgharian, 1999;
opmental delay and typical development. The specific nature Mandell et al., 2002; Shattuck, Durkin, Maenner, Newschaffer,
of the symptoms and the timing of their onset may differ from Mandell, Wiggins, et al., 2009; Wiggins, Baio, & Rice, 2006;
child to child. Longitudinal prospective studies indicate that Williams & Brayne, 2006).
trajectory of development over the first years of life may differ
across children having an ASD diagnosis. These issues will be
addressed within this chapter as the literature is reviewed Á
on developmental features, diagnosis, and developmental What is Known about Signs of ASD in the
trajectory associated with ASD in the first 3 years of life. First Year of Life?

Very little is known about ASD in the first year of life. Most
Á information about developmental features of infants with
Parents’ Early Concerns About Children ASD comes from retrospective studies. Prospective studies
Diagnosed with ASD have provided only preliminary insights into the developmen-
tal features of infants later diagnosed with autism. This is
Parents of children with ASD are often the first to observe the because most studies have not yet followed these infants
signs of developmental disruption. These concerns may arise through the third birthday, the time when diagnosis becomes
early, even in the first year of a child’s life (Howlin & Asgharian, reliable (Ventola et al., 2006). Information about differences
1999). When concerns do arise so early, the later diagnosis is in infants (under 12 months of age) later diagnosed with ASD
more likely to be autism than Pervasive Developmental is reviewed below, with reference made to retrospective and
Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified (Chawarska et al., 2007a). prospective findings.
Similarly, when parents recognized developmental disruption
prior to 18 months of age, the child with autism was more Attention
likely to have more severe autism symptoms and greater
speech delay, lower level of developmental functioning, lower Evidence is accumulating that the attention system may be
adaptive skills, and a specific neurological disorder (e.g., epi- disrupted by 6–12 months of age in infants later diagnosed
lepsy, cerebral palsy, meningitis) (Baghdadli, Picot, Pascal, with ASD. In infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months, the
Pry, & Aussilloux, 2003). literature describes two types of disruption in attention: diffi-
Parents of children later diagnosed with ASD first become culty with attention disengagement (Adrien et al., 1992;
concerned about their child at mean age 18 months (Howlin Maestro et al., 2002; Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005) and diminished
& Asgharian, 1999), with increasing numbers of parents attention to faces relative to objects (Baranek, 1999; Maestro
expressing concerns as children approach their second birth- et al., 2002; Osterling et al., 2002; Chawarska, Volkmar, &
day (Wetherby, Bronson-Maddox, Peace, & Newton, 2008). Klin, 2010; Pierce, Conant, Hazin, Stoner, & Desmond,
Less than half of the parents of children with ASD younger 2011). The latter feature was noted to distinguish infants later
than 15 months of age expressed concerns about communica- diagnosed with ASD from those with non-ASD developmen-
tion development on a communication checklist (Wetherby, tal delay as well as from those with typical development
Bronson-Maddox, Peace, & Newton, 2008). By the time of the (Baranek, 1999; Maestro et al., 2002). The ability to direct
second birthday, 80% of parents of children later diagnosed attention to objects or to sustain the focus of attention
with ASD recall having been concerned about their child’s on objects does not appear to be impaired in infants later
development (De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998). Parents’ diagnosed with ASD (Maestro et al., 2002).
concerns most often focus on speech and language delays
(De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998; Hess & Landa, in press), Sensory and Motor Systems
and less often, concerns involved social, play, sensory, motor
(Charman et al., 2000; Hess & Landa, in press) or medical Evidence for disruption in the sensory and motor systems in
or regulatory problems related to sleep, eating, and attention infants with ASD has emerged from retrospective and pro-
(De Giacomo & Fombonne, 1998). Parent concerns, as elicited spective studies. Sensory features may include hyposensitivity
by a structured questionnaire, have not been found to distin- or hypersensitivity to sound and touch (Adrien et al., 1992;
guish infants and toddlers later diagnosed with ASD from Baranek 1999) and excessive mouthing (Baranek, 1999;
those later diagnosed with other developmental delay (Wetherby Maestro et al., 2002), which, in combination with other vari-
et al., 2008). These concerns are typically reported to a profes- ables, distinguished infants with ASD from those with non-
sional when the child is between 18 and 24 months of age ASD developmental delay and those with typical development.
(Rogers & DiLalla, 1990; Young, Brewer, & Pattison, 2003). Some of the motor abnormalities observed in this author’s
Yet a diagnosis of ASD occurs considerably later, usually not study of infant siblings of children with autism, such as head
until 4 years of age. The age at first diagnosis tends to be even lag in older infants, may be related to an abnormality within
later for urban, low SES (socioeconomic status) children the sensory system, including proprioception and feed-forward
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 215

systems (Flanagan & Landa, 2007). Motor system disruption that was previously unclear. The nature of the developmental
may involve gross or fine motor delays (Flanagan & Landa, disruptions in 1-year-olds with ASD will vary from child to
2007; Ozonoff et al., 2008a), atypical movements (including child in number, severity, and nature, as well as in the timing
tremulousness, posturing, or persistent repetition of an age- of onset and pattern of developmental trajectory. Nevertheless,
appropriate behavior such as raspberries; Flanagan & Landa, the guiding principle that social impairment must be present
2007; Sparling, 1991), or hypotonicity or rigidity of limbs for a diagnosis of ASD holds true even for children at this
(Flanagan & Landa, 2007; Sparling, 1991). Diminished range young age.
of facial expressions and abnormalities related to vocalization
or babbling (Maestro et al., 2002) could also be related to dis- Retrospective Studies: 12 to 24 Months
ruption in the motor system. It should be noted that motor of Age
system abnormalities are not likely to be specific to ASD
(Ozonoff et al., 2008a), but may be predictive of social and Retrospective studies indicate that at around the time of the
communication impairments, including autism (Flanagan & first birthday, some children later diagnosed with ASD can be
Landa, 2007). distinguished from their typically developing peers as well as
from age peers with other types of developmental delays. In a
Social and Communication Systems retrospective study involving analysis of first birthday video-
tapes, Osterling and colleagues (2002) reported that 12-month-
The two most frequently reported aspects of developmental olds later diagnosed with ASD differed from those with
disruption involving the social and/or communication systems intellectual disability and typical development in the frequency
involve decreased attention to faces (in infants as young as 6 and duration of orienting to name and looking at people.
months of age) and diminished response to name (beginning There were other behaviors that failed to distinguish children
at 8 months of age; Baranek, 1999; Werner et al., 2000). In with ASD from those with intellectual disability, but that dis-
Baranek’s (1999) study of 9- to 12-month-olds, response to tinguished both groups of impaired children from typically
name reliably distinguished infants with autism from those developing age peers. Such behaviors involved the use of ges-
with mental retardation or typical development. Diminished tures, looking at objects held by others, and the presence of
affective responsiveness has also been reported in a repetitive actions. This supported findings from Osterling and
retrospective study involving analysis of videotapes of infants Dawson’s (1994) earlier retrospective study that children with
(6 months and younger) who had outcomes of ASD versus ASD differed from 1-year-olds with typical development in
typical development (Maestro et al., 2002). Social and com- the frequency with which they looked at others, showed or
munication initiation may also be diminished in infants with pointed to objects, and responded to their name. In addition
ASD (Adrien et al., 1993; Flanagan & Landa, 2007; Maestro to the social, communication, and play abnormalities, atypical
et al., 2005; Maestro et al., 2002). There is conflicting evidence patterns of sensory responsivity have also been identified in
regarding abnormality of eye contact in infants with ASD (not retrospective studies that reviewed home videos taken at about
different from typically developing age peers in a study of 8- to the time of the first birthday (Adrien et al., 1993; Baranek,
10-month-olds; versus limited eye contact in case reports by 1999). Disruption in self-regulation has also been identified in
Dawson, Osterling, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 2000; Klin et al., 2004, 1-year-olds with ASD (Gomez & Baird, 2005). This finding
and Sparling, 1991). Further evidence for social abnormalities emerged from a study in which parents completed a standard-
in the first year of life comes from parents’ report that their ized temperament questionnaire (the Temperament and
preschoolers with autism had never performed certain social Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) (Bagnato, Neisworth, Salvia,
behaviors that typically emerge in the first year of life, including & Hunt, 1999). Based on TABS norms, parents’ responses
showing anticipation of being lifted, showing affection toward would have resulted in 86% of the children meeting criteria
others, showing interest in children other than siblings, reach- for regulatory disorder (Gomez & Baird, 2005).
ing for a familiar person, and playing simple interaction games In the latter half of the first year of life, multiple retrospective
with others (Klin, Volkmar, & Sparrow, 1992). studies indicate that development of children with ASD
diverges to a greater degree from typical patterns of develop-
ment, qualitatively and/or quantitatively. For example, in a
Á small longitudinal, retrospective study, Losche (1990)
What is Known about Signs of ASD in the examined play behavior of children with ASD and typical
Second Year of Life? development using videotapes taken between 4 and 42 months
of age. No differences in presymbolic play behavior were noted
The literature provides more substantial information about between the groups until 22 months of age. At that age,
predictors of ASD for children in the 1- to 2-year age range. however, the children with ASD exhibited a plateau in the
The developmental features associated with ASD become frequency of goal-oriented object exploration. In contrast,
increasingly clear with increasing chronological age (Landa, children with typical development at that age displayed growth
Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007). Even the passage of a few in play development, exhibiting greater diversity of play acts
months may permit recognition of an ASD clinical picture with objects and an increase in the frequency of those acts.
216 Autism Spectrum Disorders

This timing of the plateau in children with ASD parallels the of behavior and interests are also represented. Repetitive
mean age at which parents become concerned about their behavior and sensory preoccupation were reported in some
children with ASD (Howlin & Asgharian, 1999), the mean age 12-month-olds later diagnosed with ASD (Loh et al., 2007;
at which regression occurs (Luyster et al., 2005), and the Ozonoff et al., 2008b), especially involving the use of the arms
timing of developmental slowing identified in prospective, compared to children with other developmental delays and
longitudinal studies (Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006; Landa typical development (Loh et al., 2007).
et al., 2007). Prior to this time (18 to 22 months of age), symp-
toms of ASD may be absent or too subtle to raise parents’ Prospective Studies: 18–24 Months of Age
concern. Support for this notion comes from Baird and col-
leagues’ (2000) study of parents’ responses on an autism The studies reviewed below focused on 18- to 24-month-olds
screening questionnaire. Parents of 18-month-olds later diag- with ASD and included a comparison group involving chil-
nosed with ASD did not report that their children showed dren with non-ASD delays.
abnormality in protodeclarative pointing or gaze monitoring An increased number of studies are available to shed light
(Baird et al., 2000). on behavioral abnormalities associated with ASD in 18-
to 24-month-olds with ASD. As discussed in the review of
Prospective Studies: 12 to 18 Months of Age retrospective studies above, ASD symptoms become more
prominent or persistent in this timeframe, and thus become
Like retrospective studies, prospective studies suggest that, at clearer indicators for concern about the presence of ASD. One
around the time of the first birthday, some behavioral features illustration of this comes from Cox and colleagues’ (1999)
are predictive of later developmental disruption, including a follow-up of children with ASD who were originally assessed
later diagnosis of ASD. The behavioral features represent all at 20 months of age. At both the original assessment at 20
three of the diagnostic symptom domains for pervasive devel- months and the follow-up assessment at 42 months of age,
opmental disorders as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord,
Manual-IV (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994): Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994) was conducted to systematically
qualitative impairment in social behavior, qualitative impair- elicit parents’ memories and report of past and current
ment in communication behavior, and repetitive and stereo- autism-related behavior. Two ADI-R items, “Point for Interest”
typed patterns of behavior and interest. Qualitative and and “Use of Conventional Gestures” differentiated the ASD
quantitative differences in social development are character- group at 20 and 42 months of age from children with lan-
ized by decreased social responsivity, social initiation, and guage delay and typical development. But with increasing age,
affective expression. Examples of disruption in social respon- an increased number of ADI-R items differentiated children
sivity include poor response to name (Nadig et al., 2007), with ASD from other children. At 42 months of age, the items
poor monitoring of others’ gaze (Landa et al., 2007), and poor newly endorsed by parents of children with ASD included:
response to others’ bids for joint attention (Sullivan et al., “Seeking to Share Enjoyment,” “Offering Comfort,” “Nodding
2007). Difficulty with social initiation involves infrequent ini- and Imaginative Play.” As with Losche’s (1990) report about
tiation of joint attention through pointing or showing (Landa play development, children with ASD are failing to exhibit the
et al., 2007), infrequent directing of play acts toward others more complex and sophisticated social and play behavior that
(Landa et al., 2007), and infrequent initiation of social com- is expected at more advanced chronological ages. Cox and col-
munication bids (Landa et al., 2007). Response to others’ joint leagues (1999) did not find any variables from the Repetitive
attention cues (shifts in gaze, head turn, pointing gesture) Behaviors and Stereotyped Interests section of the ADI-R
occurs less frequently and has a longer period of instability in to differentiate the groups at either age. However, the ADI-R
1-year-olds with ASD than in age peers without ASD (Sullivan is based on parent report. Studies involving direct measure-
et al., 2007). Young children with ASD also share positive ment of children’s repetitive behaviors have yielded different
affect with others less often than their non-ASD age peers results (see references to Wetherby’s work below).
(Landa et al., 2007). Qualitative and quantitative differences Studies involving direct assessment of 18- to 24-month-
in communication are represented by receptive and expres- olds contribute additional insights into the early characteris-
sive language delay (Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006) and tics of ASD. One of the first such studies focused on children
decreased frequency of communicative bids directed toward who had failed an autism screening (CHAT; Baron-Cohen,
others. Communication is characterized by a restricted reper- Allen, & Gillberg, 1992) at 18 months of age, and were thus
toire of communicative forms, affecting gesture use and pro- considered at high risk for autism or other developmental
duction of consonants compared to age peers with typical delay. This sample of children was assessed extensively at
development or language delays (Landa et al., 2007). Play 20 months of age (reviewed below). The children who were
behavior in children with an early diagnosis of ASD was dis- later diagnosed with ASD differed in multiple ways from those
tinguished from children with typical development and lan- later diagnosed with a language delay. The children with ASD
guage or social delays; action schema on toys was less diverse looked less at adults during play (Swettenham et al., 1998),
and fewer sequences of play acts on toys were exhibited (Landa exhibited decreased frequency of gaze shifts between objects
et al., 2007). In addition, repetitive and stereotyped patterns and people (Charman et al., 1997; Swettenham et al., 1998),
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 217

were less likely to look at the face of an adult expressing distress people, response to pointing gestures, rate of communicating,
(Charman et al., 1997), and imitated less often (Charman frequency of initiation of joint attention, and variety of con-
et al., 1997). As noted above, Cox and colleagues (1999) found ventional gestures used communicatively. This parallels Landa
that, per concurrent parent report, 20-month-olds with ASD and colleague’s finding in early diagnosed 14-month-olds with
less often used conventional gestures, including the use of ASD, but does not entirely parallel the findings involving later
pointing for sharing interest, compared to language delayed diagnosed 24-month-olds with ASD. In Landa and colleagues’
and typically developing age peers. Thus, prior to the second (2007) study, the later diagnosed group of children with ASD
birthday, children with ASD displayed abnormality in did not differ from the language and/or social delayed group
interpersonal synchrony. They provided few cues to their on the communication or play variables, nor on frequency of
interaction partner to indicate their interest in being engaged. triadic gaze. Likewise, they did not differ from nondelayed
Using a similar screening strategy to identify children at controls in play behavior.
high risk for ASD, Wetherby and colleagues (2004) compared Early predictors of later ASD severity were examined by
50 children with ASD to 25 children with non-ASD develop- Wetherby and colleagues (2007). The following behaviors
mental delay and 50 children with typical development at age were predictive of later severity: frequency of behavior regu-
18 to 24 months. The children with ASD differed from the latory acts and rate of communicating; variety of conven-
non-ASD group in that they less frequently displayed eye tional gestures and consonants; and variety of conventional
contact, coordinated gaze with nonverbal communicative actions on objects during play as well as variety of pretend
behaviors (e.g., gestures), initiated joint attention, and play acts. Interestingly, frequency of shared positive affect and
responded to their name. In addition, the children with ASD gaze shifts did not differentiate the DD and ASD groups, nor
exhibited unusual prosody, and more repetitive body move- did these variables predict ASD severity. One explanation for
ments and repetitive use of objects. The authors then rated this may be the coding protocol used by Wetherby’s group.
videotaped lab-based behavior samples of the children using For shared positive affect and gaze shifts, the coding protocol
the Systematic Observation of Red Flags (SORF) for ASD required scorers to indicate whether or not the child exhibited
(Wetherby & Woods, 2002). The ASD group differed from the that particular behavior within each of the six sampling
Developmental Delay and Typically Developing groups on conditions rather than coding frequency of occurrence of
nine items, representing impaired social interaction, impaired these behaviors. Since young children with ASD do produce
communication, and repetitive behavior and restricted inter- some such behaviors (Landa et al., 2007; Charman et al.,
ests. These included lack of appropriate gaze; lack of warm, 1998), a more continuous variable involving frequency of
joyful expressions; lack of sharing interest or enjoyment; lack occurrence of such events may be necessary to capture differ-
of response to name; lack of showing; lack of coordination ences between toddlers with ASD and those with other types
of nonverbal communication; unusual prosody; repetitive of developmental delays.
movements with objects; and repetitive movements or pos- Another important finding emerged from Wetherby and
turing of body. Four behaviors differentiated the ASD and colleagues’ (2007) report: response to others’ pointing ges-
developmentally delayed (DD) groups from the typically tures (response to joint attention cues) and initiation of joint
developing (TD) group, but did not differentiate the ASD and attention were highly correlated with language comprehen-
DD groups from each other. These behaviors fall within the sion. Wetherby and colleagues (2007) suggested that joint
domain of communication, and could be considered early attention behavior in 18- to 24-month-olds may reflect repre-
signs of nonspecific delay. They include: lack of pointing; lack sentational skills rather than just social cognition. This is an
of playing with a variety of toys; lack of response to contex- interesting notion. Although one prospective, longitudinal
tual cues; and lack of communicative vocalizations with study reported that the developmental trajectory of joint
consonants. In later work, Wetherby and colleagues reported attention in the second year of life does not parallel that of
finding higher rates and a larger inventory of repetitive and word inventory, word combinations, or representational play
stereotyped body movements and movements with objects in (Landa et al., 2007; Sullivan et al., 2007), there appears to be a
children with ASD than in age peers with developmental delay relationship between the developmental trajectories of initia-
or typical development (Morgan, Wetherby, & Barber, 2008; tion of joint attention and diversity of gestures produced
Watt, Wetherby, Barber, & Morgan, 2008). between 14 and 24 months of age. Landa and colleagues (2007)
Wetherby, Watt, Morgan, and Shumway (2007) examined reported that frequency of initiating joint attention through
children who were first assessed between the ages of 18 and the use of showing or pointing gesture declines or plateaus
24 months, and at 30 months of age received an “outcome” between 14 and 24 months of age, much like that of gesture
diagnosis of ASD, Developmental Delay, or Typically inventory. More research is needed to reveal the relationships
Developing. Based on data obtained via the Communication between different types of communicative intents, responses
and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile to others’ communicative bids, gestures, and other forms of
(Wetherby & Prizant, 2002) at the first assessment, the ASD communication. Understanding such relationships would
and TD groups were found to differ on all social, have implications for intervention, where treatment focused
communication, and play variables. The ASD and DD groups on some of these aspects of development may result in
differed on frequency of gaze shifts between objects and collateral changes in other aspects.
218 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á ASD. Furthermore, standardized test scores may fall well

Implications of the Presence within normal limits (Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006). Despite
of Early Signs of ASD such quantitative scores, qualitative behavioral abnormali-
ties or extremes may be present (Landa & Garrett-Mayer,
The retrospective and prospective literatures indicate that 2006). During infancy, behavioral signs of disrupted devel-
there are a number of different systems in which develop- opment vary in number, nature, and severity (or intensity)
mental processes may be disrupted in some younger siblings from child to child. In addition, identifying infants who will
of children with ASD, even if they are not ultimately diag- later receive a diagnosis of developmental delay is compli-
nosed with ASD. The same is true for children later diagnosed cated by the variation that characterizes typical development.
with ASD, whether or not they have a known family history of Thus, there is a “gray zone” in which the boundaries between
ASD. Affected aspects of development may involve motor “typical” and “atypical” development are unclear. To address
(including muscle tone), attention, motivation and initiative, this challenge guidelines have been published for primary
arousal and self-regulation, expression of emotion, social rec- health providers (Johnson, Myers, & the Council on Children
iprocity, patterns of social orienting, and coordination and with Disabilities, 2007) for use beginning at age 9 months.
integration of movement/affect/vocalization/gaze. In some These guidelines call for developmental surveillance at well
infants and toddlers, repetitive body movements and actions visits conducted at 9, 18, and 24 months of age. During these
on objects are also observed. The behavioral features described visits, health care professionals are advised to: (1) elicit and
above in infants and toddlers with ASD culminate in an attend to parents’ concerns about their child’s development;
abnormal ability to engage in flexible, adaptive, appropriate (2) document and maintain a developmental history; (3) make
and well-synchronized social and communicative engage- accurate observations of the child; (4) identify risk and protec-
ment with others. Although early disruption in these aspects tive factors; and (5) maintain an accurate record of document-
of development does not always predict ASD, they signal the ing the process and findings. Since parents of children with
need for monitoring development, at least through the pre- developmental delays may not have initial concerns about
school years. Each of the systems mentioned above (attention, their child (Hess & Landa, in press; King et al., 2005; Wetherby,
motor, affective, self-regulatory, social orienting, etc.) con- Brosnan-Maddox, Peace, & Newton, 2008), the role of the
tribute substantially to children’s ability to detect relevant health care provider is considerable in the early detection
saliency, orient to and anticipate social and communicative of developmental disorders, including ASD. Alternatively,
events, respond contingently and synchronously to the parents’ concerns may be more sensitive than developmental
dynamic changes in others’ facial and vocal behaviors, and measures in some cases (Hess & Landa, in press).
initiate engagement with others in “readable” and predictable Since guidelines for primary health care providers do not
ways. For these children, adaptations to environmental input, address infants younger than 9 months of age, providers may
particularly social input, may be beneficial. Such adaptations feel poorly equipped to recognize the earliest signs of devel-
in input may include, for example, simplifying the move- opmental disruption or to know when to refer infants for
ments required to successfully grasp toys, providing toys that developmental assessment. Since early signs of developmental
provide rewarding sensory input to the child and that can be disruption may be subtle, and there are no clear predictors of
easily grasped and held, making social stimuli more salient ASD from infancy, a prudent guideline for referring younger
and consistent in form, introducing highly predictable rou- infants for a developmental assessment may be as follows:
tines that are presented slowly and with the amount of sen- (1) refer if there is mild concern (expressed by parent or pro-
sory input that is satisfying to the child, and so forth. The next fessional) and one or more risk factors exist (e.g., family
section of this chapter focuses on guidelines that may facili- history of language impairment or ASD, preterm birth, low
tate the early identification of children who may be in need of birth weight); or (2) refer if there is at least moderate concern,
such adapted input, or who may be at high risk for a develop- regardless of presence of risk factors. Of course, regardless of
mental disorder such as ASD. risk factors, parents must always make the final decision about
seeking a nonmedical developmental assessment. A develop-
mental checklist is provided below (Table 12-1) to assist health
Á care providers and other clinicians to systematically consider
Implications for Detecting ASD Prior aspects of development that may be disrupted in infants at
to the First Birthday risk for ASD. When possible indicators of risk for ASD are
observed or reported, the professional should inquire about
As indicated above, the literature is populated with few stud- the frequency, duration, and intensity of the display of the
ies, all involving small numbers of children, on which to base concerning behaviors. Determining the age at which the con-
guidance for clinicians and parents in their efforts to identify cerning behavior began to be exhibited is also important.
infants who will later manifest the full complex of autism Referral to an expert in infant development will clarify level
symptoms. The early signs of developmental disruption in of risk, and yield recommendations about how parents may
infants with ASD are subtle, and may not involve the expected stimulate, regulate, and engage their infants in ways that opti-
social impairments that are so clear in older children with mize the infant’s development. Obtaining a medical evaluation
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 219

Table 12–1.
Developmental features to consider in infant developmental screening for 6- to 9-month-olds

Features to Observe or About

Developmental Domain Indicators of Possible Risk for ASD
Which to Query the Parent

Communication __ Babbling (frequency, variety of sounds) • Absent or rare occurrence of babbling

__Infant watches the face of the person talking • Reduced variety of sounds in babbling
to him/her • No attention to face of speaker
__Vocal turn-taking during engagement • Absence of vocal response to caregiver vocalization
with parent • Unusual high pitched squeals
__Quality of vocal tone
Social Responsivity, __Eye contact • Gaze aversion, infrequent or brief duration eye contact
Duration of Engagement, __Reciprocal smiling • Absence of reciprocal smiling, or smiling occurs only
and Active Participation __Orients to name being called when infant is touched, or a robust stimulus is needed to
During Engagement __Exhibits a range of facial expressions elicit a smile; infrequent social smiles
__Sustains attention to social input • No response to name being called
__ Initiative with toys and people • Neutral affect
__Social anticipation • Brief duration of gaze during caregiver engagement
with infant
• Passivity, rarely reaches for objects without extra
assistance from caregiver
• Poor anticipation of being picked up or of social games
(as in peek-a-boo)
Motor and Sensory __Muscle tone • Hypotonicity
__Coordinated movements • Poor coordination of hands together
__Motor milestones (sitting, crawling, rolling, • Delay in milestone acquisition; head lag when pulled to
supporting self on arms when prone) sit from supine position
__Response to touch or other sensory • Hyper- or hyposensitive to touch or other sensory
experience experience
__Feeding • Feeding difficulties (e.g., refusing categories of foods)
__Quality of body movements • Unusual posturing or excessive repetition of movements
Play __Variety of ways of exploring toys • Atypically intense focus on specific objects or parts of
__ Variety of toys explored objects (e.g., wheels on a car)
__Nature of object exploration • Repetitive action on a particular object or class of objects
(e.g., trying to make lids wobble)
• Absence of object exploration or atypical patterns or
intensity of exploration (e.g., holding toy close to eyes or
in peripheral vision, excessive mouthing)
Self-regulatory __Temperament • Extreme temperament (including passivity, high
__Soothe-ability reactivity, underresponsive)
• Not easily soothed when upset; may be inconsolable

also may be appropriate to rule out known etiologies for the 2007b; Cox et al., 1999). Chawarska and colleagues (2007b)
behavioral indicators of developmental disruption (Filipek studied short-term stability (from just under 24 months of
et al., 1999). age to 3 years of age) of the diagnosis of autism and Pervasive
Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD-
NOS) in 31 children referred to a clinic for evaluation to rule
Á out ASD. All children initially diagnosed with ASD remained
Stability of Early Diagnosis of ASD on the spectrum, however two children shifted diagnosis from
autism to PDD-NOS. In another study, Cox and colleagues
The age at which a diagnosis of ASD is made will depend on a (1999) reported high levels of stability of ASD diagnosis from
variety of factors. There is consensus among autism clinical 20 months of age to 42–46 months of age in children who had
researchers that by the age of 3 years, a diagnosis of ASD can be screened positive at 18 months of age an autism screening
made reliably, and that the stability of the diagnosis after this instrument (CHAT, Baron-Cohen, Allen, & Gillberg, 1992).
age is high. Two studies have focused on stability of ASD diag- Several studies have examined stability of diagnosis of ASD
nosis in children younger than 2 years of age (Chawarska et al., in 2-year-olds. In studies where 2-year-olds diagnosed with
220 Autism Spectrum Disorders

autism or PDD-NOS were followed for at least 5 years, the change in developmental trajectory (e.g., slowing, plateauing,
stability of diagnosis ranged from 85 to 89% (Charman et al., or regression in development; see “Progression of ASD,”
2005; Lord et al., 2006; Turner, Stone, Pozdol, & Coonrod, below). Indeed, 9 children evaluated at 42 months of age had
2006). However, one study examining short-term stability of been judged to have typical development or language delay at
ASD diagnosis in 2-year-olds suggests that, under certain cir- 20 months of age (Cox et al., 1999), but were later diagnosed
cumstances, early diagnosis of ASD may be unstable (Turner with ASD. In a prospective study of infant siblings of children
& Stone, 2007). One factor related to diagnostic instability was with autism, Landa and colleagues (2007) reported that nearly
being younger than 30 months at the time of diagnosis. half of the children diagnosed with ASD at 3 years of age had
Stability of ASD diagnosis was 52% in children younger than not been judged by an expert clinician to have ASD at
30 months of age compared to 87% in children 30 months 14 months of age, though all had been noted to have disrup-
or older. Two other factors related to diagnostic instability tions in one or more aspects of development. The possibility of
involved milder symptoms, especially social functioning, and “false negatives” may be heightened for toddlers having a posi-
higher cognitive test scores (Turner & Stone, 2007). These fac- tive family history of ASD, or in other high risk populations
tors are similar to the predictors of improvement in 2-year- (e.g., preterm infants), but this author advises professionals to
olds with ASD as reported by others (Charman et al., 2003; monitor development of toddlers when parents have early
Lord, 1995). In general, stability of diagnosis in 2-year-olds is developmental concerns, regardless of the medical risk status
associated with experience of the diagnostician (Stone et al., of the child. The 8-step surveillance guidelines proposed by
1999) and severity or pervasiveness of symptoms (Eaves & Ho, members of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on
2004; Lord et al., 2006; Moore & Goodson, 2003; Stone et al., Children with Disabilities (Johnson et al., 2007) for early detec-
1999; Turner et al., 2006). Stability of diagnosis is greatest tion of ASD within pediatric offices, and the associated deci-
when the diagnostic “gold standard” is clinical judgment as sion tree are supported by prospective and retrospective studies.
opposed to diagnostic classification based on the scores of an As children approach their third birthday, the likelihood of
autism diagnostic measure, such as the ADI-R (Chawarska false negatives diminishes and becomes less of a concern. The
et al., 2007b; Kleinman et al., 2008). For children whose likely exception here is children with ASD who have no cogni-
diagnostic status shifts from ASD to non-ASD, lingering tive or language delays. These children tend to be identified
developmental delays often persist (Fein, Dixon, Paul, & once they are in school and begin to show difficulty in peer
Levin, 2005; Kleinman et al., 2008; Landa, Holman, & Garrett- interactions.
Mayer, 2007; Turner & Stone, 2007). At present, predicting
the children who will improve substantially and, thus, lose the Issues Related to Threshold for Diagnosing
ASD diagnosis is quite difficult. Sutera and colleagues (2007) ASD in Children Younger Than 30 Months
found only one variable, motor functioning at age 2 years, was of Age
associated with optimal outcome (defined as losing the ASD
diagnosis). With increasing age, diagnosis becomes more Determining the degree to which a young child must vary
stable (Charman et al., 2005). The findings summarized above from typical development, qualitatively and quantitatively, in
have implications for clinical practice. First, diagnosis of order to qualify for a diagnosis of ASD is a complex matter. It
children younger than 3 years of age should be made only by involves defining the boundaries between “typical” and disor-
clinicians with expertise in autism and in early child develop- dered development, particularly in communication and social
ment. Second, when a diagnosis of ASD is made, parents behavior. For children younger than 3 years of age, defining
should be informed that their child’s diagnostic status or these boundaries can be quite difficult. In this author’s longi-
severity of symptoms could possibly change when assessed at tudinal study of infant siblings of children with ASD, where
an older age. Third, follow-up assessments are advised when children are tested at 6, 14, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months of age,
risk for ASD is considered high, or when an ASD diagnosis is expert clinicians indicate, at each assessment from 14 to
made, in a child younger than 3 years of age. 36 months of age, whether a child displays the signs of ASD,
A word about false negatives is worthwhile. With the exten- and if so, whether a clinical impression of ASD is warranted.
sive media coverage about early signs of ASD, some parents For some children, this is quite difficult because the younger
begin to suspect that their child is showing signs of ASD and siblings of children with ASD present with a continuum of
seek expert advice. Many times the expert who sees the child is “typical” to abnormal or delayed functioning in one or more
a physician. If the physician conducts a screening (e.g., using aspects of development, and positive symptoms may not be
the M-CHAT, a brief behavioral screening questionnaire, or present or robust in early development (e.g., there can be no
some combination of formal or informal screening question- echolalia before spoken language begins to emerge). Thus, the
naire and observation) and does not see clear signs of ASD, research setting mimics community-based health centers,
parents may be informed that their child is “normal.” This is where professionals are faced with difficult decisions about
probably an accurate conclusion for many children. However, whether to refer a child for developmental assessment, or
studies (Cox et al., 1999; Landa et al., 2007; Werner & Dawson, for children who have received such assessment, whether to
2005) are showing that some children with ASD may exhibit diagnose the child with ASD. In this author’s lab, the concept
few signs of early developmental disruption, with subsequent of a continuum of risk for ASD is integrated into the process of
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 221

establishing clinical impressions. We think of this continuum studies of infant siblings of children with autism. As
as beginning with typical development, where expected lan- discussed above, most such studies are revealing that infants
guage, social, motor, cognitive, and behavioral milestones are later diagnosed with ASD show only subtle, if any, signs of
met and displayed in contextually appropriate ways, with developmental disruption (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005; Landa &
appropriate levels of flexibility and consistency. At the other Garrett-Mayer, 2006). The aspects of development that are
end of the continuum is clear delay or impairment, where chil- disrupted may involve non-ASD specific domains, such as
dren fail to meet expected milestones, score abnormally on motor development (Bryson et al., 2007; Flanagan & Landa,
multiple standardized measures of different domains of devel- 2007; Ozonoff et al., 2008a). Near the time of the first birthday,
opment, and where clinical judgment of experts from different some children with ASD manifest sufficiently robust signs of
professional disciplines agree on the diagnosis of ASD. In impairment that ASD can be diagnosed by an expert (Landa,
Figure 12-1 below, this continuum is illustrated. Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007). Other children with ASD,
A behavior sampling guide is provided in Table 12-2. With however, do not exhibit clear symptomatology until some-
little extra time or effort, this sample may be collected in a time closer to the third birthday (Landa et al., 2007). This
primary health care setting, as well as in a developmental suggests that ASD has a progressive nature during the first
screening center. It is entirely possible that a young child with few years of life in some, perhaps many, children affected
ASD may perform “normally” in assessment contexts that with this disorder. Progression is conceptualized here as a
involve familiar routines and tasks, especially if these do not “worsening,” involving a shift from rather typical to atypical
require the child to integrate multiple aspects of develop- quality of behavior, a slowing of developmental trajectory or
ment, as in a peek-a-boo task. Thus, parent report of behavior even a plateau in development, or intensification of behaviors
in different contexts and their sense of the level of “impair- that previously were considered subclinical (e.g., increase in
ment” caused by their child’s behavior or responsivity is repetitive behavior, poor eye contact), and/or there is a loss
important to elicit. or attenuation in frequency of occurrence or diversity of pre-
viously exhibited behaviors or skills. Using this definition,
toddlers with early diagnosis (as in the Landa et al., 2007,
Á paper) may “worsen,” as do toddlers with later onset ASD.
Progression of ASD In the past, the nuances of trajectory in children with ASD
were not easily defined because of the necessary reliance on
New insights into developmental trajectories associated retrospective research designs. Retrospective studies, prima-
with autism are emerging from the prospective, longitudinal rily involving parents’ recall of their now older child’s early

The arrow, going from left to right, represents increasing risk

for ASD, as an increasing number of developmental domains
are targeted with clinical concerns and an increasing intensity
of concern is present within each domain.

Typical agreed upon
Development by two or

Parents and Parent Scores fall within normal Scores on one or more
professionals concern, but limits on most or all standardized measures fall in
have no scores fall standardized tests but the significantly delayed
concerns, within normal clinician identifies range or there are clearly
child passes limits on all concerns in language, multiple atypical behaviors
development- standardized behavior, motor, consistent with ASD and
al and autism tests* attention, social, or clinician identifies concerns
screenings temperament or other in language, behavior, motor,
aspects of development* attention, social, or
temperament or other aspects
of development.

Figure 12–1. ASD risk continuum based on developmental features and parent concern for young children. * Increased weighting is given if
the child is “at risk” based on medical or environmental factors (e.g., family history, preterm birth, low birth weight, health history, history of
neglect, etc.).
Table 12–2.
Brief procedure for sampling ASD symptoms for children aged 9 to 30 months

Behavior to be Sampled* Brief Sampling Procedure Red Flag for ASD

Shared positive affect (looking at a person and smiling) After playing with the child with some toys for a few • The child does not smile back at you, and the
minutes as a “warm up,” comment on the child’s parent reports that the child does not do so at
activity or something else about the child and smile. home except within familiar routines or when
Ask the parents how they elicit a smile from the child at anticipating a “tickle” or other physical contact.
Eye contact (looking directly into the eyes of another person) Throughout the time you are with the child, note • The child rarely or never gives eye contact to the
whether the child exhibits eye contact with you or their parent or to you when you speak to him or her,
parent. and the parent confirms that this pattern of
behavior is characteristic of the child at home.
Initiation of joint attention (pointing something out for the purpose Have a remote control toy set up in the room. Without • The child does not attempt to direct others’
of sharing, not to ask for something) drawing the child’s attention to the toy, activate the toy. attention to the toy by pointing to it and the
Remain quiet for a moment or so, watching to see parents report that the child does not (or rarely
whether the child will look back and forth from the toy will) point to show objects or events of interest
to the parent or you, and whether the child will point to him or her.
the toy out to his or her parent.
Sustained engagement (at an early developmental level, this would involve Ask the parent to engage the child in a familiar routine. • The child is difficult to engage, shows only brief
remaining attentive to the other person, but taking a passive role; at a more Observe the child’s reaction. or no interest in the routine and the parents
mature developmental level, it would involve taking an active role in the Ask the parent if the child’s engagement may also be report that they are only successful at getting
interaction) sustained during less familiar activities or in activities brief moments of engagement with their child.
that are not “favorites” of the child. • The parent reports that the child only responds
and stays engaged during favorite or familiar
routines or activities, or in high affect activities.
Spontaneous imitation of others’ actions Present the parent with two sets of toys. For example, • The child does not attempt to imitate the
you may have two plastic toy drumsticks, two plastic parent’s action and the parent reports that the
plates, two forks, and a baby doll. Give one set to the child does not imitate without being asked to
parent and the other set to the child. Ask the parent to (or at all) at home.
tap on the plate gently with the drumstick and to smile
at their child as they do it, without telling their child
what to do. They should pause, smiling at their child,
and then repeat the action. Do this several times.
Response to others’ joint attention bids Place a colorful appliqué on the wall at the child’s eye • The child does not look in the direction of your
level, 90o to the child’s right or left. Place yourself pointing gesture and the parents report that the
directly opposite the child and point to the appliqué, child does not look where others point, unless
keeping your finger close to your body (otherwise the they are pointing to an object immediately in
child will simply track the movement of your arm front of the child.
movement and look in the direction of the appliqué).
As you do this, say “Look child’s name.”
Behavior to be Sampled* Brief Sampling Procedure Red Flag for ASD

Response to name Standing 45o to 90o from the child’s midline, call the • The child does not respond to their name by
child’s name in normal tone of voice. If the child does looking directly at you when you call the child,
not respond immediately, pause briefly and repeat two and the parents confirm that the child
more times. If the child does not respond, ask the inconsistently responds to their name (or does
parent if this is typical for the child and, if so, what the not respond to their name at all) at home.
parents do at home to get the child’s attention.
Variety of consonants used communicatively Create a situation in which the child is likely to be • The child produces fewer than 5 consonants and
highly motivated to communicate. For example, show the parent reports that the child’s consonant
the child a bottle of bubbles and then blow a few repertoire (when communicating) is limited to
bubbles. Wait and watch to see whether the child five or fewer consonants at home. (This
requests more bubbles by vocalizing (and what criterion is applied only to children age 12
consonants are produced). Throughout the time spent months and older.)
with the child, observe whether the child attempts to
communicate, and note number of different
consonants used during these communicative bids (e.g.,
b, p, t, d, m, n, k).
A typical behaviors**

Posturing of hand, arm, or mouth Throughout the time spent with the child, note the • The child holds arm, hand, fingers, mouth, or
child’s body movements. head in an unusual position. If there is tension
in the muscles of the body part being positioned
oddly, this is additional basis for concern. If the
parent reports that the child shows such
behaviors in the home, there is more evidence
for concern.
Repetitive or unusual play with toys Give the child the following toys and allow him or her • Intense focus on the wheels of the car, flicking
to play with each one for a brief period: the doll’s eyes for more than 5 seconds,
• Toy car attempting to make the lid wobble or roll, visual
• Doll with eyes that open and close, plate, fork, cup inspection of the letters on the blocks, lining up
• Tin can and lid with wooden alphabet blocks (be sure the blocks.
the child is placed on a hard surface).
Motor Throughout the time spent with the child, note the • Low muscle tone, poor motor coordination,
child’s body movements. motor delays.
Unusual squealing Observe the tonal quality of the child’s vocalizations. • Unusual tonal quality or squealing.
Echoing Observe the child’s verbalizations. • Repeating segments of movies or television
programs, echoing back part of all of what is
said to him or her.

* Absence of these behaviors may be red flags for ASD; ** Presence of these behaviors are red flags for ASD.
224 Autism Spectrum Disorders

development, revealed an important phenomenon involving could be observed. Since the children diagnosed with ASD in
“worsening” in children with ASD, which was conceptualized this study (Landa et al., 2007) had an older sibling with
as regression. The precise definition of regression has been dif- autism, they were by definition from multiplex families. It is
ficult to bring to consensus among experts beyond the general possible that the nature of regression in children from multiplex
agreement that the loss of skills occurs mainly in the domains families is different from that observed within children from
of language and/or social development. Definitions of lan- families having only one member with autism, where the genetic
guage regression have focused mainly on the loss of spoken mechanism may be different (Sebat, Lakshmi, Malhotra, Troge,
words, since regression usually occurs before children progress Lese-Martin, Walsh, Yamrom, et al., 2007). Despite this possi-
to more complex levels of language development (Kurita, bility, the phenomenon of progressive worsening was illustrated
1996; Kurita, Kita, & Miyake, 1992; Kurita, 1985). Regression in Cox et al.’s (1999) prospective study of ASD as described
of social skills has been more difficult to quantify, especially above (see “False Negatives,” above). Additional evidence for an
when relying on parent memory of behavior that occurred increase in severity of ASD symptoms is provided by Stone and
many years ago. colleagues’ (1999) study of diagnostic stability of ASD. In that
The challenge of coming to consensus on the definition of study, 37 children diagnosed with ASD were assessed at mean
regression in ASD is complicated by the variation in the age 31.4 months and again at mean age 45 months. Half of the
nature of regression as reported by parents. Regression may 12 children initially diagnosed with PDD-NOS were judged by a
occur in children whose parents reported previously typical secondary clinician to have a diagnosis of autism at the follow-up
development (constituting 49% of regression cases, per assessment. One longitudinal retrospective study involving vid-
Wilson et al., [2003]). Alternatively, regression may occur in eotape analysis of children with ASD at three age periods (10–12
children whose development was previously recognized as months, 16–18 months, 24–26 months) highlighted what the
delayed. In contrast to Wilson and colleagues (2003), a large prospective studies are showing: deficits in interaction and imi-
collaborative database involving children with parental report tation become more prominent with increasing age (Receveur
of regression indicated that this is the more common phe- et al., 2005). Outcomes, as measured using standardized tests of
nomenon (Luyster et al., 2005). Some children lost only lan- verbal and nonverbal IQ and observational measures of severity
guage skills, some lost only social skills, and others lost skills of autism, were not significantly different for children with ASD
across multiple aspects of development (Luyster et al., 2005). whose parents did and did not report a history of regression
Most children with regression (77%), however, reportedly (Werner, Dawson, Munson, & Osterling, 2005).
lost skills in multiple aspects of development (Luyster et al.,
2005). Age of regression varies from child to child, occurring
at the mean age of 19 months (Luyster et al., 2005). Regardless Á
of the nuances, however, regression of language and/or social Conclusions
skills rarely occurs in children with typical development or in
children with non-ASD developmental delays (Burack & This chapter reviewed the literature on developmental fea-
Volkmar, 1992; Lord, Shulman, & DiLavore, 2004; Luyster tures observed in children with ASD in the first 2 years of life.
et al., 2005). Regression is estimated to occur in 20 to 33 per- The matter of recognizing early signs of developmental dis-
cent of children with ASD (Goldberg et al., 2003; Rapin & ruption is a critical one, as it opens the door to early interven-
Katzman, 1998; Rutter & Lord, 1987). Regression appears to tion. Parents and professionals contribute important insights
occur with similar likelihood in children with or without a to the early detection process. Early detection of ASD is usu-
history of epilepsy (Luyster et al., 2005). ally a process, involving suspicion that something is amiss
Prospective, longitudinal studies indicate that the onset of with the child’s development, obtaining validation about
ASD symptoms may occur gradually, often without an accom- concern, and discerning whether the diagnosis of ASD is
panying parental report of regression. Our group (Landa, appropriate. Given that the trajectory of development, such
Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007) identified this developmen- as slowing, plateau, or regression, may be a key factor in deter-
tal pattern in about half of the children with ASD. These chil- mining whether development is truly divergent from the typ-
dren were classified as “not ASD” at 14 months of age, with ical path, a single point-in-time assessment for a very young
gradual emergence of autism symptoms culminating in a child may not conclusively determine whether a diagnosis
diagnosis of ASD at age 3 years. This group of children with of ASD is appropriate. For some children, development will
“later ASD onset” had subtle developmental disruption, noted be sufficiently divergent from typical, and the signs of ASD
by an expert clinician at 14 months of age, but their social, may be clearly present at an early age. In such cases, a diag-
communication, and play behavior at 14 months of age nosis of ASD may be made with some degree of confidence
did not differ significantly from children without ASD. By some time after the first birthday. Professionals are encour-
24 months of age, their social, communication, and play aged to become familiar with the early signs of ASD as well as
behavior paralleled that of the children with early onset ASD, common trajectories associated with this set of developmen-
and they were clearly distinguishable from the non-ASD tal disorders. In addition, they are encouraged to seek a clear
groups. In some of the children with early ASD onset, and in understanding of parents’ concerns and insights into their
all the children with later ASD onset, progressive worsening children throughout childhood, and especially during the
Developmental Features and Trajectories Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers 225

first 3 years of life. Screening for developmental disorders, American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical
including an autism-specific screening, is a critical compo- manual of mental disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV). Washington,
nent of well-child visits to pediatricians. Once a diagnosis has DC: APA.
been made, the early intervention community of profession- Autism Speaks. (2007). ASD video glossary. Retrieved December 17,
2008, from
als may join together with families to develop an individual-
Baghdadli, A., Picot, M. C., Pascal, C., Pry, R., & Aussilloux, C.
ized intervention program that draws from the empirical
(2003). Relationship between age of recognition of first distur-
literature of instructional strategies and addresses develop- bances and severity in young children with autism. European
mentally appropriate goals, strategically targeting core deficits Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 12(3), 122–127.
of ASD within the comprehensive program. Baird, G., Charman, T., Baron-Cohen, S., Cox, A., Swettenham, J.,
Wheelwright, S., et al. (2000). A screening instrument for
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Á the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(6),
Challenges and Future Directions 694–702.
Baird, S., & Gomez, C. R. (2005). Identifying early indicators for
• Research is needed to define biomarkers of autism that autism in self-regulation difficulties. Focus on Autism and Other
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Baron-Cohen, S., Allen, J., & Gillberg, C. (1992). Can autism be
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Á SUGGESTED READINGS British Journal of Psychiatry, 161(6), 839–843.
Bryson, S. E., Zwaigenbaum, L., Brian, J., Roberts, W., Szatmari, P.,
Johnson, C. P., Myers, S. M., and the Council on Children With Rombough, V., et al. (2007). A prospective case series of
Disabilities. (2007). Identification and evaluation of children high-risk infants who developed autism. Journal of Autism and
with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics, 120(5), 1183–1215. Developmental Disorders, 37(1), 12–24.
Landa, R. (2008). Autism spectrum disorders in the first 3 years of life. In Burack, J. A., & Volkmar, F. R. (1992). Development of low- and
B. K. Shapiro & P. J. Accardo (Eds.) Autism frontiers: Clinical issues high-functioning autistic children. Journal of Child Psychology
and innovations (pp. 97–123). Baltimore, MD: H. Brookes. and Psychiatry, 33(3), 607–616.
Landa, R. (2008). Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in the first Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004). Learn the signs:
three years of life. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, 4, 138–147. Act early. Retrieved December 17, 2008, from http://www.cdc.
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Á ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Cox, A. (2003). Predicting language outcome in infants with autism
and pervasive developmental disorder. International Journal of
Support for the preparation of this chapter was provided through by Language and Communication Disorders, 38(3), 265–285.
grants R01 MH 59630-06A2 and U54MH066417 (Studies to Advance Charman, T., Swettenham, J., Baron-Cohen, S., Cox, A., Baird, G., &
Autism Research and Treatment) from the National Institute of Drew, A. (1997). Infants with autism: An investigation of empa-
Mental Health, and Autism Speaks, awarded to Rebecca Landa (PI). thy, pretend play, joint attention, and imitation. Developmental
Psychology, 33(5), 781–789.
Charman, T., Swettenham, J., Baron-Cohen, S., Cox, A., Baird, G., &
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13 Á Tony Charman

Development from Preschool Through School Age

Á stable the diagnosis is over the course of the preschool years as

Points of Interest well as the ability to predict (at least at a group level) outcomes
many years later—they have also raised considerable chal-
• Do we know if diagnosis from age 2 is reliable and stable? lenges. Among the most notable challenges are the substantial
• What features are associated with better social and variability in early development trajectory in children with
communication outcomes? autism and our difficulty in disentangling the extent to which
these variable trajectories for individual children are due to
• When do associated features such as mental health
intrinsic versus extrinsic factors. This chapter will summarize
problems begin to emerge?
the state of our current knowledge of these issues and identify
Over the past decade there has been remarkable progress in challenges for future research and clinical studies.
our understanding of the early development of children with
autism spectrum disorders. Until the 1990s it was rare for
children to receive a diagnosis of autism until the age of 3 or Á
4 years. Therefore, much of the historical literature in both the Diagnosis and Developmental Trajectory
clinical and research fields starts with descriptions of children Through the Preschool Years
with autism at age 4 to 5 years or older. Several factors have
driven this change, including efforts to improve earlier There is a degree of irony that while both psychiatric classifica-
identification with the recognition that earlier-delivered inter- tion systems are clear that, at least to meet criteria for the core
vention may improve outcomes and prevent “secondary” neu- disorder of childhood autism (ICD-10; World Health
rodevelopmental disturbances (Dawson, 2008; Mundy, 2003), Organization, 1993) or autistic disorder (DSM-IV-TR; American
the development of prospective screening instruments to Psychiatric Association, 2000), symptoms of autism are usually
indentify possible cases of autism from the first few years of present in the first 3 years of life as evidenced by abnormalities
life (Charman & Baron-Cohen, 2006; Zwaigenbaum & Stone, in social interaction, language as used in social communication,
2006), and the use of the genetic high-risk research design of and early play skills, until the 1990s few studies had been con-
prospectively studying younger siblings of children with a ducted with samples under the age of 3 years. This is not to
diagnosis of autism from the first year of life (Yirmiya & challenge the notion that in many if not most cases of autism
Ozonoff, 2007). This decade of work has uncovered important spectrum disorder, excepting perhaps those with very high IQ
evidence regarding the developmental trajectory of autism or those who meet criteria for Asperger’s syndrome, there is
spectrum disorder from toddlerhood, through the preschool some developmental anomaly within the first 3 years. Some
years into school age and beyond. An even more recent devel- recent evidence suggests that, at least in the case of childhood
opment has been the application of modern neuroimaging autism, early developmental perturbation that in some but not
and neuroscientific experimental approaches to infants, tod- all cases meets recognized criteria for regression might occur
dlers, and young preschool children with autism spectrum for the majority as opposed to the minority of cases (Landa
disorders (Courchesne et al., 2007). While many of the insights et al., 2007; Pickles et al., 2009). It may well be that parents do
gained from these clinical and experimental studies have not always notice or pick up on more subtle changes in their
proved clinically useful—in particular with respect to ques- children’s social and communicative development from infancy
tions about when autism can be diagnosed reliably and how to toddlerhood unless there is frank regression, most typically

230 Autism Spectrum Disorders

evidenced in a loss of expressive language skills. Rather, it is to Stone et al., 1999). The samples in these early studies differ in a
point out that apart from rare exceptions (Gillberg et al., 1990) number of characteristics, including how and for what pur-
until the mid-1990s the majority of information about devel- poses they were ascertained (for example, prospectively using
opment from toddlerhood through the preschool years came the CHAT screening instrument in the Cox et al. study vs. fol-
from retrospectively reported information from parents. The lowing clinical referral for possible autism in the Lord, Moore
growth in our knowledge base regarding the presentation of and Goodson, and Stone et al. studies), IQ, language ability,
autism in the preschool years over the past decade is demon- and the different use and implementation both of standard
strated by a simple experiment. In August 2008 entering the diagnostic instruments but also of DSM-IV and ICD-10 diag-
search terms “autism” and “toddlers” into PudMed identified nostic criteria, and these differences might account for the
88 articles. Seventy-seven of these were published after 2000, differences found.
57 of which were dated from 2005. The more recent studies differ from the earlier ones in a
One of the most significant challenges and concerns of this number of features, most notably considerably larger sample
new era of prospectively studying children with autism sizes (N = 172, Lord et al., 2006; N = 77, Kleinman et al.,
spectrum disorders from the age of 2 and 3 years concerned 2008) and follow-up periods that extend to age 7 years in the
diagnosis. Given the relative lack of experience of applying the Charman et al. (2005) study and age 9 years in the Lord et al.
diagnostic criteria to children of this age, even among the (2006) and Turner et al. (2006) studies. Broadly, the lessons
relatively expert clinical teams conducting such studies, one learned are the same—that the diagnosis of autism is highly
critical question quickly arose: Was the diagnosis accurate and stable in these samples but that of broader ASD is less so.
stable when applied at this age? Fortunately, many research Lord et al. (2006) found that age 2 scores on measures of
teams were studying cohorts of toddlers by the mid-1990s, repetitive and restricted behaviors and activities predicted an
and evidence regarding the issues of diagnostic accuracy and autism diagnosis at age 9 years. In some of these more recent
stability began to emerge as the cohorts were followed into studies there was greater movement from having an ASD
preschool and in the mid-2000s into the school-age years. diagnosis at age 2 years to a nonspectrum diagnosis at
What emerged from these programs of work were some clear age 4 (Kleinman et al., 2008; Turner & Stone, 2007). While
messages (autism can be accurately diagnosed in 2-year-olds) the authors report the factors associated with these “good
but also some areas of uncertainty that will take continued outcomes”—mainly higher IQ and better language
study to resolve (in some cases diagnosis appears less stable). competency—it is important to remain cautious regarding
This research will be reviewed next. predictors of poorer or better outcomes. However, the general
Table 13-1 summarizes the diagnostic outcome studies that pattern is of high stability of diagnosis for autism, replicating
have followed cohorts of children from initial diagnostic assess- the earlier pioneering longitudinal work of Sigman and
ments around the age of 2 years into the preschool years and, in colleagues, who found high stability of diagnosis of children
several of the more recent studies (Charman et al., 2005; Lord from 4 years of age through to mid-childhood (13 years) and
et al., 2006; Turner et al., 2006), into the school-age years. The young adulthood (19 years) (McGovern & Sigman, 2005;
first series of studies (Cox et al., 1999; Lord, 1995; Moore & Sigman & Ruskin, 1999).
Goodson, 2003; Stone et al., 1999) all showed high stability of For clinicians the lesson is to accept that autism is a devel-
diagnosis in particular for “core” autism, with somewhat lower opmental disorder and at a very young age there may be less
stability for broader autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and certainty regarding the pattern of behavior that a child is
Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified showing and the likelihood of their continuing to meet diag-
(PDD-NOS). The movement across the ASD/PDD-NOS diag- nostic criteria into the future. Charman and Baird (2002) dis-
nostic category boundary was somewhat different in the differ- cuss the importance of understanding the diagnostic process
ent studies, with Stone et al. (1999) finding that 4 out of 12 as an iterative process to be worked out between clinician
children who met broader ASD criteria at the initial assessment teams and parents over time and that concepts such as a
did not meet criteria for an autism spectrum disorder at fol- “working diagnosis” can be helpful. However, at the same
low-up, whereas Cox et al. (1999) found that 7 from 31 chil- time, clinical teams need to be aware of the need to provide
dren who did not receive an autism spectrum diagnosis at the sufficient certainty regarding the child’s condition that they
initial assessment met criteria for broader ASD at follow-up. are not refused appropriate services following assessment.
Several of the studies (Cox et al., 1999; Lord, 1995; Stone et al., One other important clinical reminder is that while the
1999) concluded that, for 2-year-olds, expert clinical judgment trajectory of early emerging impairments in social and
is more reliable than the standard diagnostic instruments—the communication development accompanied by rigid and
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord et al., repetitive behaviors and interests characterizes many children
1994) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule- on the autism spectrum, there is a subgroup of particularly
Generic (ADOS-G; Lord et al., 2000). Several studies also found verbal and able children who go onto to receive a diagnosis of
that behaviors from the third symptom cluster that autism (sometimes called “high functioning autism”) or
defines autism—restricted and repetitive behaviors and Asperger’s syndrome who may not receive a diagnosis in the
activities—were less evident at 2 years of age than at 3 to 5 preschool years. There is also another group who might meet
years of age (Cox et al., 1999; Moore & Goodson, 2003; diagnostic criteria for an autism spectrum disorder who do
Development from Preschool Through School Age 231

Table 13–1.
Studies of diagnostic stability from preschool into the school-age years

Reference Age Time 1 Age Time 2 Diagnoses at Time 1 Findings

Lord (1995) 31 months 50 months 16 CA, 14 NS Diagnosis largely stable; Clinical

judgment more reliable than ADI-R
Stone et al. (1999) 31 months 45 months 25 CA, 12 ASD, 8 NS CA diagnosis largely stable; ASD less so (4
out of 12 moved to NS at Time 2); Fewer
repetitive symptoms at Time 1
Cox et al. (1999) 21 months 45 months 9 CA, 3 ASD, 31 NS CA diagnosis largely stable; NS less so
(7 out of 31 moved to ASD at Time 2);
Fewer repetitive symptoms at Time 1;
Clinical judgment more reliable than
Moore & Goodwin (2003) 34 months 53 months 16 CA, 3 ASD, 1 NS Diagnosis stable (slight movement
between CA and ASD only)
Charman et al. (2005) 25 months 85 months 26 CA Diagnosis largely stable (3 moved to ASD
and 1 to NS at Time 2)
Turner et al. (2006) 31 months 109 months 18 CA, 7 ASD Diagnosis largely stable (2 CA moved to
NS and 1 ASD moved to NS at Time 2)
Lord et al. (2006) 29 months 112 months 84 CA, 46 ASD, 42 NS Diagnosis of CA largely stable (12 from
84 moved to ASD and 1 to NS at Time 2);
ASD less so (27 of 46 moved to CA and 5
to NS at Time 2); NS less so (2 from 42
moved to CA and 9 to ASD at Time 2)
Chawarska et al. (2007) 22 months 36 months 19 CA, 9 ASD Diagnosis of ASD stable (2 of 19 CA cases
moved to ASD at Time 2); Clinical
judgment more reliable than ADI-R and
Turner & Stone (2007) 29 months 53 months 38 CA, 10 ASD Diagnosis stability moderate only (6 of 38
CA cases moved to ASD and 13 moved to
NS at Time 2; 6 of 10 cases of ASD moved
to NS at Time 2)
Kleinman et al. (2008) 27 months 53 months 46 CA, 15 ASD, 16 NS Diagnosis stability moderate only (15 of
61 ASD cases moved to NS at Time 2)

CA = ICD-10 childhood autism/DSM-IV autistic disorder; ASD = PDD-NOS, atypical autism; NS = nonspectrum.

not receive an explicit diagnosis—those individuals with One final feature that emerges from these longitudinal
moderate to severe intellectual disability or those with an studies is that, aside from the issue of diagnostic or categori-
already identified preexisting associated medical condition, cal stability, the developmental trajectory of symptoms meas-
such as Fragile X or Down syndrome. In a recent epidemio- ured using a continuous or dimensional (as opposed to a
logical study Baird et al. (2006) found that, for cases meeting categorical) metric changes over time (see also Honey et al.,
research diagnostic criteria for an autism spectrum disorder 2008). For example, Charman et al. (2005) described how the
following in-depth assessment, low IQ predicted those who trajectories of the social, communication, and repetitive
had not received a clinical diagnosis by local clinical services domain scores on the ADI-R had different developmental tra-
by age 10 years. One final caveat is that the studies summa- jectories over time, consistent with the notion that the vari-
rized in Table 13-1 largely come from expert research clinical ous aspects that make up the autism phenotype might not be
centers specifically studying young cohorts of children. In tied together as closely as suggested by the current classifica-
community settings in many countries there is evidence tion systems. This notion has also received support from a
including from recent studies that for many children and twin study demonstrating that, while each component of the
their families a diagnosis is not confirmed until children are autism phenotype is highly heritable, there is only very modest
well into the school-age years (Howlin & Asgharian, 1999; commonality in the heritability of the three components
Wiggins et al., 2006). (Ronald et al., 2006). The recognition that autism is a complex
232 Autism Spectrum Disorders

neurodevelopmental condition and that the presentation PDD-NOS or a nonspectrum developmental disorder.
changes (in different ways in different individuals) over time However, within each diagnostic group language growth and
presents considerable challenges to genetic and neuroscientific outcomes were very variable—and this variability increased
investigations (Happé et al., 2006). Longitudinal studies trac- over time—with some children in each group making such
ing the behavioral autism phenotype will therefore be impor- good progress that their language abilities were at the expected
tant not only for informing clinicians regarding diagnostic level at age 9 years, whereas other children in each group, in
practice but also for answering basic science questions regard- particular a subset of the children with “core” autism, made
ing influences on the etiology and course of the disorder. very little progress at all (see Figure 13-1). Age 2 symptom
severity, nonverbal cognitive abilities, and joint attention
skills were significant predictors of language outcomes at age
Á 9 years. Anderson et al. (2007) conclude that their study “offers
Language and Communication messages of both hope and realism” (p. 602) regarding the lan-
Development from Toddlerhood guage outcomes of children receiving an early diagnosis of
to the School-Age Years autism spectrum disorder.
There is also increasing recognition that while expressive
Delayed language milestones are common in many preschool language competencies might be the most evident delay for
children with autism spectrum disorders, and the diagnostic some preschool children with autism spectrum disorders,
criteria include both a delay in the emergence of language and receptive abilities can be relatively more delayed (Charman,
the atypical use of nonverbal social-communication abilities Drew, et al., 2003; Hudry et al., 2008; Luyster et al., 2007). This
including joint attention behaviors, social imitation, and is clinically important but requires sensitive handling to
pretend play abilities. However, while it is not uncommon for explain that what parents sometimes take as “understanding”
2- and 3-year-olds with core autism (as opposed to those with is often understanding of familiar routines and contextual
Asperger’s syndrome) to be nonverbal, language and nonverbal cues rather than language comprehension per se. However,
communication abilities typically do begin to develop through- this finding is important as it is related to the appropriate
out the preschool period as children enter kindergarten and focus of development, psycholinguistic approaches to com-
school (Charman, Drew, et al., 2003; Luyster et al., 2007). munication intervention for preschool children with autism
Previously, the prognosis in terms of the proportion of chil- (see below).
dren with autism who go on to develop functional language Over the past 20 years there has been increasing interest in
was considered poor, with papers from the 1970s and 1980s delineating the emergence of language competencies in chil-
suggesting that perhaps only 50% of children develop func- dren with autism spectrum disorder from toddlerhood
tional speech (DeMyer et al., 1973; Freeman et al., 1985)—a through the preschool years. In part, this is to aid the clinical
reflection of the severely autistic and intellectually delayed ability to determine likely prognosis—clinicians will recog-
cohorts who were first studied longitudinally. However, more nize how parents understandably desire to be told if their
recently it has become clear that language onset and outcomes child will talk and when. However, it has also helped develop
are very variable, but generally more positive, for children our theoretical understanding of how (albeit sometimes
with the spectrum of autism disorders. For example, in the delayed) language develops in autism. This is important both
large clinical cohort recently described by Hus and colleagues to understand if the mechanisms underpinning (delayed)
(N = 983; mean age 8 years, SD 5 years, range 4 to 52 years; language development are the same as or different from those
Hus et al., 2007) only 9.8% had no single words (using the in typically developing infants—about which a great deal is
ADI-R criteria of 5 or more words used on a daily basis known (Bloom, 2000)—and to inform communication-based
excluding “mama,” “papa,” etc.), 41.0% had delay in single approaches to early intervention (see below).
word onset (> 24 months) but had single words when assessed, Many studies over the past 20 years have demonstrated the
and half were not delayed in single word onset (49.2%; data perhaps unsurprising fact that over time individual variability
from Hus et al., 2007, Table 5, p. 443). For phrase speech, the is relatively stable in cohorts of preschoolers with autism—
comparable figures were 24.0% of individuals with no phrase that is, early language competence predicts later language
speech when assessed, 51.3% with delayed phrase speech onset competence—including in some studies that followed chil-
(>33 months) but with phrased speech when assessed, and dren into the school-age period (e.g. Charman et al., 2005;
one quarter were not delayed in phrase speech (24.7%; data Lord & Schopler, 1989; Mundy et al., 1990; Sigman & Ruskin,
from Hus et al., 2007, Table 5, p. 443). A longitudinal study 1999; Venter et al., 1992). However, theoretically more inter-
with a subgroup (N = 206) of the same cohort measured esting has been the question of whether earlier-emerging social
language ability at age 2, 3, 5, and 9 years (Anderson et al., communication abilities predict later language development.
2007). This allowed sophisticated statistical modeling using A strong psycholinguistic tradition from the study of norma-
growth curves to plot the trajectory of language development tive language development has shown that this is the case for
through the preschool years into school age. At a group level, typically developing infants and toddlers (Bates et al., 1989;
the trajectory of growth in language abilities was slower for the Carpenter et al., 1998; Morales et al., 2000; Mundy & Gomes,
children with a diagnosis of autism than for the children with 1998). Given that many preschoolers with autism spectrum
Development from Preschool Through School Age 233


210 210 210
180 180 180

150 150 150

Verbal AE in months

Verbal AE in months

Verbal AE in months
120 120 120

90 90 90

60 60 60

30 30 30

0 0 0
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Age in months Age in months Age in months

Figure 13–1. Language growth curves from 2 to 9 years. Copyright © 2007 by the American Psychological Association. Reproduced with
permission from Anderson, D. K., Lord, C., Risi, S., Shulman, C., Welch, K., DiLavore, P. S., et al. (2007). Patterns of growth in verbal abilities
among children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75, 594–604.

disorders are impaired in their development of language characteristics of the child, they may also suggest routes to
ability and of early social communication abilities, the question intervention. Evidence consistent with this proposition was
of whether such associations also hold for toddlers and pre- provided by Siller and Sigman (2002), who demonstrated that
schoolers with autism is both of clinical but also of theoretical individual differences in maternal synchronicity (sometimes
interest. Demonstrating that the same association holds called “sensitivity”) measured in joint play interactions was
between early social communication abilities and later lan- associated with later language outcomes even over many years.
guage development might suggest that similar developmental The circle is squared, so to speak, by several recent randomized
mechanisms are operating—albeit at a slower rate than in the controlled intervention trials. These have used a variety of
typical case. Mundy et al. (1990) were the first to provide social-communication strategies, including the promotion of
evidence to support this position, finding that joint attention joint attention, imitation, and joint social engagement skills
behaviors (alternating gaze, pointing, showing, and gaze both directly delivered by therapists (Kasari et al., 2006, 2008;
following) measured at 45 months were associated with lan- Yoder & Stone, 2006) and delivered by training parents in
guage outcomes 13 months later. Sigman and Ruskin (1999) these methods (Aldred et al., 2004; Drew et al., 2002), and
extended this finding by demonstrating associations from the found that language outcomes (and in the case of the Aldred
preschool years to later language ability at 12 years of age. et al. study social outcomes) can be improved. For develop-
Stone and colleagues have also demonstrated longitudinal mentalists, this convergence of evidence that for preschool
associations between various aspects of imitation and play as children with autism spectrum disorders there are both
well as joint attention abilities at 2 years of age and language naturalistic associations over time between early social
abilities measured at 4 years of age. This pattern has now been communication skills and later language outcomes and that
replicated in several other studies (e.g. Toth et al., 2006), these can be altered by targeted intervention in controlled
including one that followed children with autism spectrum studies is as close to evidence for a development mechanism as
disorders from toddlerhood (20 months) into the preschool it is possible to get (Bradley & Bryant, 1983).
years (42 months; Charman, Baron-Cohen, et al., 2003).
These findings are both of theoretical and practical impor-
tance. Theoretically they suggest that since some of the Á
associations seen in preschoolers with autism spectrum disor- Social Development and Adaptive Behavior
ders are similar to that seen in typical development it might be Development into the School-Age Years
the case that the mechanisms that operate are similar too. This
is relevant to informing approaches to communication-based While the development of language and communication
approaches to intervention. Although individual stability of abilities has understandably been the focus of much research
skills (language to language) or of one “precursor” skill to interest in delineating the developmental trajectory of children
another later emerging skill (joint attention to language; with autism spectrum disorders from preschool to the school-
Charman et al., 2000) may tell us something about intrinsic age years, it is also of considerable importance to measure and
234 Autism Spectrum Disorders

understand the influences on social development. This reflects on the VABS in adolescence compared to childhood. As
not only the central place that social development—both the summarized above, in their diagnostic outcome study
characteristic social impairments that are the primary feature Charman et al. (2005) also reported ADI-R symptom domain
of the diagnostic criteria but also the continuing emergence of scores and found that from 2 to 7 years of age social and
positive social interests and competencies—has in our under- communication symptoms diminished (while those in the
standing of autism but also the changing social environment repetitive behavior domain initially increased and then
that children encounter as they emerge from the preschool decreased. One striking finding from this study was the increas-
period. When children enter kindergarten or preschool and ing variability of the level of social symptoms over time and
then school their social milieu and the challenges they face in also among the general trends to diminished social impairment
terms of forming friendships and social relationships changes different children made progress across different timepoints as
considerably. Several studies have looked at the trajectory of measured at age 2, 3, 4, to 5 (this timepoint only was retrospec-
social development in autism—both in terms of symptom tive) and 7 years. What this study does not answer is the under-
measures but also in terms of everyday socially adaptive lying explanation for why some children, for example, make
behavior, as measured by instrument such as the Vineland considerable progress between age 3 and age 4–5 years, while
Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS; Sparrow et al., 1984, 2006). for others the most gains are made between 5 and 7 years. This
Initial studies used retrospective designs to document the pattern of individual variability is illustrated in Figure 13-2.
changes in autism symptoms, including social behaviors, While longitudinal studies are valuable, only randomized trials
comparing current to past symptoms by parent report on the have the power to indicate likely causative effects of extrinsic
ADI-R. Piven et al. (1996) studied 38 adolescents and adults factors, and only larger cohort studies (such as the Anderson
and found reductions on all 3 symptom domains compared to et al. (2007) language study described above) the power to
retrospective report at age 4 to 5 years. Fecteau et al. (2003) model different subgroup trajectories. Moss et al. (2008)
compared parent current report of symptoms at a mean age of reported ADI-R scores in a cohort of 35 children assessed at
13 years with retrospective report at age 4 to 5 years in a sample age 4 years and again at age 11 years and found that social and
of 28 children and adolescents and found significant reduction nonverbal communication domain scores were significantly
in symptoms on each of the 3 ADI-R domain scores, with reduced over time but repetitive behavior domain scores did
most improvement shown in social symptoms. Interestingly, not change. Lord et al. (2006) also presented ADI-R and ADOS
both studies reported fewest improvements in the repetitive scores at age 2 and age 9 years but found a somewhat different
behaviors and restricted interests domains. Piven et al. (1996) pattern. On the ADI-R, scores increased in each of the 3
caution against the reliability of retrospective parental report domains (Lord et al., 2006, Table 2). On the ADOS-G the pat-
that can be subject to biases in both directions (remembering tern was somewhat different, with a reduction in social domain
things as “much worse” than they were in the light more recent scores and repetitive behavior domain scores for both children
improved behaviors and skills; and underreporting current with an age-2 diagnosis of autism and PDD-NOS but little
symptoms as they are an improvement on the past) and also change in communication domain scores. Comparing find-
that the particular items included in the ADI-R algorithm that ings across these different studies is not possible due to differ-
was developed to capture a lifetime diagnosis with age 4 to ences in the child characteristics, measures used and timepoints
5 years being considered the prototypical age at which autism of the assessments, as well as extrinsic factors (such as inter-
symptoms are fully emerged and the presence at any point in ventions; likely differing etiologies) that were not controlled
a child’s past (ADI-R “ever” ratings) might underestimate and often not measured. However, in line with our current
current social and communication difficulties in school-age conception of autism spectrum disorders as developmental
children, adolescents, and adults. disorders there is change in social symptoms as children enter
A prospective longitudinal study by Szatmari and colleagues the school-age years, and at a group level the most consistent
(Starr et al., 2003; Szatmari et al., 2003) has followed a group finding is that social symptoms diminish. However, what is
of high-IQ children and adolescents with autism (N = 41) and notable in line with the data presented on language above is
Asperger’s syndrome (N = 17) from their initial diagnostic that variability increases over time. At a clinical level this can
assessment at age 4 to 6 years over two years to age 6 to 8 years be frustrating for clinicians and for parents alike—what par-
(Starr et al., 2003) and then to young adolescence (10 to 13 ents want to know is what the future holds for their own child.
years; Szatmari et al., 2003). They found somewhat different From the clinician’s perspective extrapolating from group data
patterns for the diagnostic groups with slight increases in social to an individual child is not possible. This high-lights the need
and communication symptoms on the ADI-R for the Asperger’s for continuing longitudinal and controlled intervention trials
group but reductions in social symptoms, but not communi- in order to better inform prognosis and also to identify those
cation symptoms, for the “high functioning” autism group individuals most in need of the most intensive interventions.
(Starr et al., 2003). For neither group did scores on the repeti- The above studies examined the trajectories of social
tive and rigid behaviors change over time. The Szatmari et al. impairments as measured by the diagnostic instruments the
(2003) report focused on predictors of later outcomes and ADI-R and ADOS, but there are other facets of social devel-
found that early language and nonverbal abilities were the opment that are not always well captured by such instruments,
strongest predictors but also reported lower adaptive behavior in particular everyday social, communication, and daily living
Development from Preschool Through School Age 235

ADI Social scores (cut off = 10)







2 yrs 3 yrs 4 to 5 yrs 7 yrs

Figure 13–2. ADI-R Reciprocal Social Interaction Domain scores from Charman, T., Taylor, E., Drew, A., Cockerill, H., Brown, J. A., &
Baird, G. (2005). Outcome at 7 years of children diagnosed with autism at age 2: Predictive validity of assessments conducted at 2 and 3 years
of age and pattern of symptom change over time. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 500–513.

adaptive skills. Several studies have shown that early social standard scores) decreased with age, suggesting that the “lag”
communication behaviors such as joint attention, imitation, between measured intelligence and everyday coping widened
and play are predictive of later language and social outcomes between the early school years and late adolescence (see
(Charman et al., 2003; Toth et al., 2006). Recent, more exper- Szatmari et al, 2003; summarized above). Note however, that
imental studies have indicated that individual differences in other studies have found no association between age and
key brain regions such as the amygdala are also associated adaptive ability (e.g. Schatz & Hamden-Allen, 1995), and one
with behavioral outcomes, reflecting the fact that autism is a study even found a positive association (Freeman et al., 1999).
neurobiobehavioral disorder (Munson et al., 2006; Mosconi Further longitudinal studies are required to understand which
et al., 2009). developmental pattern is most representative. Both Klin et al.
Several cross-sectional studies have used the VABS and Szatmari et al. found only marginal associations between
(Sparrow et al., 1984) with samples of school-age children autistic social and communication impairments and adaptive
with an autism spectrum disorder. At least 2 findings have a skills, suggesting that everyday adaptive behavior needs to be
high degree of consistency across samples. The first is that the target of intervention studies, alongside social understanding
overall adaptive outcome is significantly lower than IQ, and and skills and language and communication skills.
the second is that, perhaps unsurprisingly, socialization skills Alongside the discrepancy between a child’s intellectual
are most delayed in comparison to communication and espe- ability and his/her adaptive functioning, many children with
cially daily living skills (Carpentieri & Morgan, 1996; Freeman autism spectrum disorders, including those with average or
et al., 1999; Klin et al., 2007; Liss et al., 2001; Saulnier & Klin, above average IQ, have significant difficulties with self-help
2007; although see Klin et al, 2007, Figure 1, for a example in and self-organization. This is related to their problems with
the Michigan sample where daily livings skills are as depressed the components of executive function, including set-shifting,
compared to IQ as socialization skills). generating ideas, and planning (Russo et al., 2007). Instruments
These findings are clinically important for several reasons. such as the Behavioural Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome
First, even for individuals who perform at or above age expec- for Children (BADS-C; Emslie et al., 2003) can be helpful
tations within the adult-directed and relatively contained and when used in conjunction with a structured parents and
predictable psychometric test situation their everyday “street teacher rating scale, (e.g. the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment
smarts” (Klin et al., 2007) coping behavior can be significantly System-Second Edition [ABAS-II; Harrison & Oakland, 2003]
impaired. Indeed, the discrepancy between IQ scores and or the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale-II [Sparrow et al.,
adaptive functioning is often most notable in individuals with 2006]) for determining whether executive functioning diffi-
high IQs, and Klin and colleagues found that socialization culties are affecting daily functioning (Bolte & Poustka, 2002).
and daily living skills standard scores were 2 to 3 standard Gilotty et al. (2002) found negative associations between exec-
deviations below Full Scale IQ scores in 2 independent utive dysfunctions, including the ability to initiate behaviors
samples. This study also found that adaptive skills (in terms of and working memory, as measured by the Behavior Rating
236 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia et al., 2000) A number of recently developed standardized instruments
and adaptive skills as measured by the VABS. One clinical exist that test a range of cognitive abilities that make up the
lesson from these findings is that in particular as the social and executive system (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System
organizational challenges of the school environment increase [D–KEFS]; Delis et al., 2001; NEPSY; Korkman et al., 1997).
as children enter high school and teaching moves from a one- Alongside routine psychometric assessment of IQ and lan-
teacher, one-classroom environment to a many-teachers, guage and communication skills, psychometric assessment of
many-classrooms environment, children with autism may executive abilities, as well as attention and memory abilities
need support to manage this more challenging environment (e.g. Working Memory Test Battery for Children (WMTB-C;
(see Ozonoff, 1998; for examples of everyday strategies to Pickering & Gathercole, 2001); Test of Everyday Attention in
overcome executive difficulties). Executive difficulties also Children (TEA-Ch; Manly et al., 1998)) can be helpful in iden-
impact on a child’s ability to learn in the classroom environ- tifying why a seemingly bright child is struggling either with
ment, and a detailed psychometric assessment can identify learning or with managing the complex school environment.
specific executive difficulties that can inform approaches to Based on a detailed psychometric assessment of executive,
remediation (see Box 13-1). memory and attention difficulties bespoke approaches to
intervention to bootstrap executive or memory difficulties can
then be implemented to help a child fulfill their learning
potential within the school environment and at home.
Box 13–1
Case description of a girl with specific
executive difficulties. The Emergence of Comorbid Psychiatric
Disorders in the School Age-Years
Reprinted with permission from Charman, et al. (2008).
It is common for preschool children with an autism spectrum
Case description disorder to manifest behavior problems, and advice on man-
Lucy is an 8-year-old girl. Observed behavior in class: Lucy agement should form part of the postdiagnostic support
is distractible, daydreams, misunderstands the teacher’s provided by clinical services (Herring et al., 2006). However,
instructions, loses her possessions, and is always in the wrong
several recent studies using questionnaire measures have
place; her math and literacy skills are very weak. Her teacher
believes she has poor attention and that her behavior is attention-
reported high rates of psychiatric problems in school-age
seeking as, when an adult works with her, she is able to perform children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
much better. Initial observations, using time-sampling, indicate (Steinhausen & Metzke, 2004; Sukhodolsky et al., 2008). Two
that Lucy is off-task 70% of the time. An age matched peer is recent studies have used structured parental interviews that
only off-task 22% of the time in the same lesson. assess psychiatric disorder “caseness” and also found high
rates. Leyfer et al. (2006) described rates of lifetime psychiatric
Assessment results
disorder in 5- to 17-year-old children with autism, using a new
Assessments show that Lucy has average intellectual ability (Full
interview, the Autism Comorbidity Interview-Parent and
Scale IQ: 90) but very poor executive skills (e.g. D-KEFS Colour-
Word Interference, Scaled score: 3, Tower, Scaled Score: 3.
Lifetime Version (ACI-PL), modified from the KSADS
BADS-C, Standard Score: 55). She finds it hard to plan her work (Chambers et al., 1985). Just less than three quarters met
although she can follow individually given instructions well; criteria for one or more DSM-IV disorders, with the most
she does nothing when given open-ended tasks; cannot organize commonly reported disorders being specific phobia (44%),
herself unless following a repetitive and learned routine; cannot obsessive compulsive disorder (36%), and ADHD (30%).
hold instructions in her head or generate an understanding of Studying a population-derived sample of 10- to 14-year-olds
what the instructions mean in practical terms, and does not with autism or a broader autism spectrum disorder, Simonoff
know when to apply rules. et al. (2008) found that 70% of participants had at least one
comorbid disorder and 41% had 2 or more. The most common
Interventions need to focus on providing a model or framework diagnoses were social anxiety disorder (29%), attention-deficit/
within which Lucy can operate. At the beginning of every task hyperactivity disorder (28%) and oppositional-defiant disorder
she should be shown each step that she will need to take; she (28%). Simonoff and colleagues systematically examined
should be shown the end-point of what she is trying to achieve, whether the presence of psychiatric disorders was systematically
and she should be taken through the steps needed to achieve this associated with child (e.g., low IQ), parental (e.g., parent
goal. By following this process and achieving success on several mental health difficulties), or contextual (e.g., deprivation)
occasions, she will be able to learn how to apply the same series factors, but found few associations. Simonoff et al. (2008) sug-
of steps to similar situations—i.e., she will develop a template to gest that the presence of an autism spectrum disorder “trumps”
use in the future. When faced with changes to the task, she will
other risk factors that are commonly associated with childhood
need support to adapt her learned system. She should be pro-
psychiatric disorders. They conclude that “Psychiatric disor-
vided with a visual timetable of the day’s events and the things
she needs for each session so that she can begin to learn to orga-
ders are common and frequently multiple in children with
nize herself and see the sequence of events ahead of her. autism spectrum disorders. They may provide targets for
intervention and should be routinely evaluated in the clinical
Development from Preschool Through School Age 237

assessment of this group” (Simonoff et al., 2008, p. 921). There great focus on toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum
are issues regarding the extent to which these disorders should disorders, with great advances in knowledge and clinical prac-
be considered truly “comorbid”—an independently occurring tice about early risk signs and early detection and diagnosis.
disorder unrelated to the primary symptoms of autism itself— The challenges faced by school-age children with autism spec-
or whether psychiatric symptom scales are endorsed by parents trum disorders differ from those of the toddler, whose parents
on the basis of autistic symptoms (see also Pine et al., 2008). or caregivers structure much of their everyday world. An
While further research including direct assessments of mental increasing emphasis on social group activities, self-organized
state in school-age children is warranted to help determine the behavior, and formal learning as children enter school can be
answer to this conundrum, the challenges of interviewing a very challenging change for many children with autism
children with low IQ and the veracity and representativeness of spectrum disorders and much work remains to be done for us
self-report in children (and indeed adults) with autism to understand how to help children with autism, their families,
spectrum disorders are considerable. It might be that in the and educators to meet these challenges.
future advances in genetics or neuroimaging experimental
methods will help disentangle these issues, although for now
clinicians, educators, and parents need to be aware that cogni- Á
tive and behavioral manifestations that resemble those seen in Challenges and Future Directions
children and adolescents without autism but with psychiatric
disorders are common in autism spectrum disorders. • We need to integrate information on behavioral develop-
mental trajectories with emerging developmental neuro-
biological accounts.
Á • The developmental trajectory of individual children dif-
Conclusions fers significantly, and we do not know how much indi-
vidual trajectories are influenced by intrinsic versus
It is now widely recognized that there is very large heterogeneity extrinsic factors.
in the children for whom a clinical diagnosis of “autism spectrum • Better-controlled studies on the effects of intervention
disorder” is clinically appropriate and that etiology will differ and schooling are needed.
from case to case, moving some researchers from the biological
fields of science to coin the term “the autisms” (Geschwind & Á SUGGESTED READINGS
Levitt, 2007). However, autism remains quintessentially a devel-
opmental disorder and heterogeneity in many, if not most, Anderson, D. K., Lord, C., Risi, S., Shulman, C., Welch, K., DiLavore,
domains of functioning increases with age. Thus, predicting P. S., et al. (2007). Patterns of growth in verbal abilities among
outcomes into the school years for children seen as toddlers and children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Consulting
preschoolers can be very difficult. Determining the influence of and Clinical Psychology, 75, 594–604.
intrinsic and extrinsic factors—and the interplay between the Charman, T., Taylor, E., Drew, A., Cockerill, H., Brown, J. A., &
two (see Dawson, 2008)—remains a significant challenge but Baird, G. (2005). Outcome at 7 years of children diagnosed with
one in which the pace of research is at last beginning to catch up autism at age 2: Predictive validity of assessments conducted at
with the questions that parents understandably ask of clinicians 2 and 3 years of age and pattern of symptom change over time.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 500–513.
(“How will my child do in school?”; “Will they go to college and
Charman, T., & Baird, G. (2002). Practitioner review: Diagnosis of
be able to live independently?”) (see Howlin et al., 2009; Rogers
autism spectrum disorder in 2-and 3-year-old children. Journal
& Visnara, 2008; for reviews). The evidence base for interven- of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 43,
tions for preschool and school-age children has, until recent 289–305.
years, been woefully inadequate (see chapters by Green; Kasari; Lord, C., Risi, S., DiLavore, P. S., Shulman, C., Thurm, A., &
Rogers; Schreibman and Smith; for reviews). However, there Pickles, A. (2006). Autism from 2 to 9 years of age. Archives of
are an increasing number of published studies including rand- General Psychiatry, 63, 694–701.
omized controlled trials that provide evidence for the benefit of
interventions, including those that focus on areas of core deficit
such as communication (Aldred et al., 2004; Howlin et al., 2007; Á REFERENCES
Kasari et al., 2008; Yoder & Stone, 2006).
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cation intervention for children with autism: pilot randomised
and those of intervention trials offer both hope but also
controlled treatment study suggesting effectiveness. Journal of
caution. Hope because some children with autism make
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14 Á Marsha Mailick Seltzer, Jan S. Greenberg, Julie Lounds Taylor, Leann Smith,
Gael I. Orsmond, Anna Esbensen, Jinkuk Hong

Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Spectrum Disorders

Á knowledge is focused on early identification of ASD, the

Points of Interest early years after the diagnosis, and the response to early
• Improvement in autism symptoms and behavior prob- In this chapter, we focus on autism during adolescence and
lems is evident during adolescence and adulthood, adulthood. We summarize the available research and provide
although the majority of individuals with ASD remain an in-depth report of the findings from our ongoing
significantly affected and dependent at least partially on longitudinal study, “Adolescents and Adults with Autism
the support of others. (AAA).” Our focus in this chapter is on (1) the developmental
• Comorbid psychiatric disorders affect approximately course of autism symptoms and behavior problems during
half of adolescents and adults with ASD. The majority adolescence and adulthood, (2) physical and psychiatric
is prescribed psychotropic medications; and once begin- comorbidities during these life stages, (3) the transition from
ning medications the probability of discontinuing such school to adult life, and (4) family relations. Our goal is
medications is very low. to present a multidimensional description of ASD during
• Almost one quarter of adults continue in some type of adolescence and adulthood.
postsecondary education once leaving high school, and
about 20% achieve competitive or supported employment
in the community. However, nearly half of adults attend Á
day activity centers or sheltered workshops, and fewer Overview of the AAA Study
than 10% have no structured day activity.
• Relationships between adolescents and adults with Our longitudinal study began in 1998 and it will extend
ASD and their parents and siblings are largely positive, through 2012, encompassing 12 years in the lives of each
although behavior problems interfere with close family participating family during the 14-year study period. The
relationships at these stages of life. inclusion criteria were as follows: the son or daughter was
• High levels of maternal warmth and low levels of age 10 or older when the study began, had received an ASD
maternal criticism are longitudinally predictive of diagnosis (autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or PDD-
reduced behavior problems and autism symptoms in NOS) from an independent health or educational profes-
adolescents and adults, suggesting possible avenues for sional, and had a research-administered Autism Diagnostic
intervention. Interview-Revised (ADI-R, Lord et al., 1994) profile consist-
ent with the specific ASD diagnosis. Nearly all (94.6%) of the
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are often conceptual- 406 sample members met ADI-R lifetime criteria for a diag-
ized as disorders of childhood. However, for most affected nosis of autistic disorder. Case-by-case review of the other
individuals, autism lasts throughout the life course, although sample members (5.4%) determined that their ADI-R pro-
the severity of symptoms often declines with advancing age file was consistent with their autism spectrum diagnosis
(for a review, see Seltzer, Shattuck, Abbeduto, & Greenberg, (either Asperger’s or PDD-NOS). Many sample members
2004). As most individuals with ASD live a full lifespan, many (44.2%) had been given multiple diagnoses on the autism
more years are spent in adolescence and adulthood than in spectrum; 37.2% have received two diagnoses (most com-
childhood. Nevertheless, the bulk of research and clinical monly autistic disorder and PDD-NOS in 28.3% of the

242 Autism Spectrum Disorders

sample), and 5.3% received all three diagnoses on the autism Greenberg, Seltzer, & Shattuck, 2007; Orsmond & Seltzer,
spectrum. For this reason, we refer to our sample members 2009; Shattuck et al., 2007; and Seltzer et al., 2003).
as having ASD, even though nearly all qualify for a diagnosis
of autistic disorder.
Half of the families were from Wisconsin (n = 202), and Á
half from Massachusetts (n = 204). We used identical recruit- Developmental Course of Autism
ment (distributing information through service agencies, Symptoms and Behavior Problems
schools, clinics) and data collection methods in both states.
When the study began, two thirds of the probands (65.1%) Only a few studies have examined the developmental course of
were living in the parental home. Currently (in 2009), the autism during adolescence and adulthood, and these studies
proportion who are coresiding is lower (41.6%), reflecting agree that although there is a gradual pattern of improvement,
out-of-home placement during the past decade. Additionally, residual levels of impairment remain clinically significant
some sample members made educational transitions into and continue to limit quality of life (Billstedt et al., 2005;
(n = 61) and out of (n = 92) high school during the study Fombonne, 2003; Howlin et al., 2000, 2004; Kobayashi &
period. Murata, 1998; Mawhood et al., 2000; Nordin & Gillberg, 1998;
At Time 1, the probands ranged in age from 10 to 52 Piven et al., 1996; Rutter et al., 1967). Furthermore, develop-
(mean = 21.91, SD = 9.41). Two thirds (63.8%) were under ment may be “splintered,” with improvement evident in only
age 22. Their characteristics are consistent with what we some of behaviors and symptoms and with different timing
would expect based on epidemiological studies of autism of improvements across behaviors (Seltzer et al., 2003).
(Fombonne, 2003). Three fourths (73.2%) were male. One Additionally, there can be plateaus, and for some individuals,
quarter (24.4%) had a seizure disorder, and a similar number symptoms may even worsen (Gillberg & Steffenberg, 1987).
(25.6%) were nonverbal or only spoke in single words. Behavior problems are often exhibited by people with ASD
The majority (70.2%) had intellectual disability (ID). (Aman et al., 2003; Hollander et al., 2003; Lecavalier, 2005;
We chose to include a wide age range of individuals with Shea et al., 2004; Tonge & Enfield, 2003). However,
ASD for two reasons. First, the behavioral manifestations of our research (Shattuck et al., 2007) was the first prospective
developmental disabilities often change with age (Hodapp, study to have examined change in behavior problems among
2004). Age-related change in the behavioral phenotype has adolescents and adults with ASD.
been examined in adults with Down syndrome, Fragile X syn- Our retrospective and prospective analyses indicated that
drome, Williams syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome improvement in symptoms and behavior problems is evident
(Dykens, 2004; Hodapp & Ricci, 2002; Jerrold et al., 2001; during adolescence and adulthood. Although 95% of our
Wright-Talamante et al., 1996), but less is known about the sample qualified for a diagnosis of autistic disorder during
life course trajectory of ASD. By examining behavioral change childhood (using the ADI-R), by the time our study began,
longitudinally across a broad range of ages, it is possible to only about half (54.8%) currently showed symptoms severe
describe the life course trajectory of autism symptoms and enough to qualify for this diagnosis (Seltzer et al., 2003).
related behavior problems. Building on this pattern of improvement, our prospective
Our second rationale for including a broad age range is to analyses (Shattuck et al., 2007) indicated that between Times 1
be able to examine a number of age-related transitions. As and 4 of our study (spanning a 4.5-year period), the sample
noted above, our study includes adolescents and adults who members improved significantly on 57% of the ADI-R
transitioned into and out of high school, and moved out of the algorithm items that rated current functioning, most promi-
family home (and sometimes back). Once our study is com- nently in the domain of restricted, repetitive behaviors and
pleted, we will have collected pre- and posttransition meas- interests.1 No item assessing current functioning worsened
ures on individuals who experience each of these transitions, significantly, on average, over this 4.5-year period. These pro-
and we will thus be able to examine their impacts on the spective analyses also revealed that internalizing, externaliz-
unfolding lives of individuals with ASD in adolescence and ing, and asocial behavior problems were significantly less
adulthood. frequent at Time 4 than Time 1. The subgroup who did not
We collect data from the families every 18 months. Thus have ID and who had better language ability at Time 1
far (between 1998 and 2009), we have conducted six repeated improved the most (Shattuck et al., 2007).
in-depth interviews with mothers, conducted a Daily Diary A similar pattern of improvement was evident in a life
Study with the mothers, collected saliva from mothers to course analysis of restricted repetitive behaviors (RRBs) in
measure cortisol as a biomarker of daily stress, administered individuals with ASD ranging from 2 to 62 years of age, com-
questionnaires to fathers and both adolescent and adult sib- bining data from seven studies including ours (Esbensen,
lings, and administered cognitive assessments and interviews Seltzer, Lam, & Bodfish, 2009). Over 700 individuals with ASD
with the adolescents and adults with ASD. were rated on the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (Bodfish,
More detailed descriptions of our methodology and Symons, Parker & Lewis, 2000; Lam & Aman, 2007). In cross-
findings can be found in publications from our research group sectional cohort comparisons, RRBs were found to be less fre-
(e.g., Greenberg, Seltzer, Hong, & Orsmond, 2006; Lounds, quent and less severe among older than younger individuals,
Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders 243

corroborating that autism symptoms abate with age. Further, sleep was frequent (70% of adolescents and adults had dis-
we found that discrete types of RRBs had unique age-related rupted sleep, with 35% having disrupted sleep once a week or
patterns. For example, restricted interests were the most more often). Also, many reported that their son or daughter
prevalent RRB across most ages, although they were markedly had gastrointestinal (GI) problems (58%, with 22% having GI
less prevalent among older individuals with ASD than younger problems once a week or more often). One quarter (25%) had
individuals in these cohort comparisons and showed the steep- seizures. Of those who had seizures, most reported tonic-
est slope of age-related differences. Self-injurious repetitive clonic (63%), absence (31%), or complex partial (26%) sei-
behaviors were the least prevalent RRB across all ages. zures, and some had multiple types of seizures. Fully 12% of
Stereotyped movements were common among young children the sample had at least one emergency room visit in the past
with ASD, more so than rituals and compulsions, but became year, with some reporting more than 50 visits.
less prevalent than these other RRBs in adulthood. These Studies of children with ASD find consistently high rates of
unique patterns of age-related differences suggest that RRBs comorbid psychiatric disorders. Studies have shown that
are a heterogeneous group of behaviors, and further confirm approximately three fourths of children with autism, PDD,
the findings reported in Lam and Aman (2007) that RRBs are and Asperger’s syndrome met symptom criteria for at least
not uniform in their age-related patterns. one other comorbid psychiatric disorder (de Bruin, 2007;
On a less optimistic note, our sample members with ASD Ghaziuddin et al., 1998, Leyfer et al., 2006). Other studies
continued to struggle with social isolation in adolescence and report that children with ASD have higher rates of a variety of
adulthood. Overall, we found that fewer than 10% had reciprocal psychiatric disorders than typically developing children,
friendships with age peers, and nearly half had no peer relation- including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and oppositional
ships (Orsmond, Krauss, & Seltzer, 2004). Those who had peer defiant disorder (Gadow, Devincent, Pomeroy & Azizian,
relationships were more likely to be adolescents than adults, 2004, 2005; Kim et al., 2000).
and had less impairment in reciprocal social interaction, as Rates of comorbid psychiatric disorders remain high as
measured by current ratings on the ADI-R, than those who did individuals with ASD enter adolescence and adulthood.
not have friends. Although friendships were rare, the sample Ghaziuddin et al. (1998) reported that about 50% of adoles-
members more frequently engaged in recreational activities, cents and adults with Asperger’s syndrome met diagnostic
including exercise (74.5% exercised at least once a week), work- criteria for a comorbid psychiatric disorder. Bradley et al.
ing on a hobby (41.3% at least weekly), participating in group (2004) found that 67% of adolescents and adults diagnosed
recreational activities (35.3% at least weekly), attending reli- with both autism and severe intellectual disability met at least
gious services (30.6% at least weekly), and socializing with rela- one clinical cutoff for a psychiatric disorder. Tsakanikos and
tives, neighbors, or people they knew from school or work colleagues (2006) reported somewhat lower rates in their
(22.6%, 20.9%, and 13.2%, respectively, at least once a week). large community-based study of adults who had both autism
In summary, past research suggests, and our findings con- and intellectual disability, with 36% of the sample having a
firm that, unlike some other developmental disabilities (e.g., psychiatric disorder.
Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome) that evidence flat or We examined this issue in our sample of adolescents and
declining patterns of functioning during adulthood, ASD adults with ASD (Kring, Greenberg, & Seltzer, 2008) and
shows a gradually improving pattern with respect to autism found that approximately half (52%) of the sample members
symptoms and behavior problems, on average. Nevertheless, had at least one comorbid psychiatric diagnosis, according to
the majority of the adolescents and adults in our sample maternal report. Anxiety disorders were the most prevalent,
remain significantly impaired and, as described below, at least with over 40% of the individuals with ASD in our sample
partially dependent on the assistance of others. having received an anxiety disorder diagnosis, of which a large
subgroup had obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depression also
was quite prevalent among these adolescents and adults
Á (23.9%). We do not have data about whether the probability
Physical and Psychiatric Comorbidities of receiving diagnoses of anxiety and depression increases for
children with ASD during adolescence, whether anxiety and
Fully 25–50% of individuals with ASD have comorbid health depressive symptoms increase in severity, or whether these
problems (Billstedt et al., 2005; Bryson & Smith, 1998). Up to comorbid conditions increase in individuals with ASD at any
12% have disorders of known or suspected genetic origin greater rate than in the general population during adolescence.
(Kielinen et al., 2004). Lifetime rates of epilepsy are high (up These all remain important questions for future research.
to 40%), especially among those with ID, with seizures There remains considerable debate about the prevalence
often developing during adolescence (Billstedt et al., 2005; of psychotic disorders among individuals with ASD. Some
Fombonne, 2003). Disrupted sleep is reported in 40–80% of reports indicate higher rates of schizophrenia and bipolar dis-
children with ASD (Richdale, 1999). order in individuals with ASD (e.g., Billstedt et al., 2005), but
In our sample of adolescents and adults, health problems other investigations have shown rates comparable to individu-
were common. Only 29% were rated by their mothers as being als with other types of DDs (Tsakinikos et al., 2006) and to the
in excellent health. According to maternal report, disrupted general population (Kobayashi & Murata, 1998; Lainhart &
244 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Folstein, 1994; Morgan et al., 2003). In our study, 5.9% of the To summarize, our data confirm past research that
adolescents and adults with ASD had a diagnosis of bipolar adolescents and adults with ASD have a high rate of comor-
disorder and 2.6% had a diagnosis of schizophrenia (Kring bidities at these stages of life, particularly psychiatric diag-
et al., 2008), which is substantially higher than in the general noses. Not surprisingly, this is a highly medicated population.
population (estimated at 0.4%–1.6% for bipolar disorder and Juxtaposed against this pattern of multiple diagnoses and high
0.5%–1.5% for schizophrenia; APA, 2000). rates of psychotropic medications is the pattern of improve-
Relatively little is known about the extent to which ment in autism symptoms and behavior problems, reported
individuals with ASD and comorbid psychiatric disorders above. An unanswered question is whether the increasing use
have more severe symptoms of autism, elevated behavior of psychotropic medication may account for some of the
problems, and more physical health problems than those with behavioral and symptomatic improvements evident in our
autism and no comorbid psychiatric disorders. Kim et al. sample members, or whether the trajectory of improvement
(2000) found evidence that children with ASD who also had reflects the natural course of ASD in adolescence and adult-
anxiety or depression had elevated levels of behavior problems hood.
(Kim et al., 2000). In our study of adolescents and adults,
those with ASD and a comorbid psychiatric diagnosis had sig-
nificantly more repetitive behaviors, higher levels of asocial Á
behaviors, poorer overall health, more frequent GI problems, The Transition from School to Adult Life
and more difficulty sleeping than those with ASD only (Kring
et al., 2008). Change is often extremely stressful for individuals with ASD,
Adolescents and adults with ASD are frequently prescribed but they must face many age-related transitions. The transi-
medications for psychiatric and health problems. There is tion out of high school signifies the end of the entitlement to
some evidence supporting the efficacy of psychotropic medi- educational services mandated by federal law. Moving to one’s
cations in reducing behavior problems (Anderson et al., 1989; own home is a daunting challenge for many individuals with
Gordon et al., 1993; Hellings et al., 2006; McDougle et al., ASD, and lack of independence results in continued family
1996; Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology caregiving. Residence in a group home or supported living
Autism Network, 2002). However, these medications carry the also continues to challenge parents who must provide over-
risk of side effects (Aman, Lam & Von Bourgondien, 2005; sight in a service system marked by very high staff turnover
Tsai, 1999), which may adversely affect health (Law, 2007). and questionable quality of services. Over time, there is an
We conducted a longitudinal analysis of medications increasing risk of parental marital disruption, health decline,
taken by the adolescents and adults with ASD in our sample, and death, which in turn may have consequences for the
spanning the 4.5 years between Times 1 and Time 4 of our timing of other transitions for individuals with ASD. Each
study (Esbensen, Greenberg, Seltzer & Aman, 2009). We transition has its own ecology, but the timing, antecedents,
found that a total of 57% of our sample members were taking and consequences are poorly understood.
at least one prescription psychotropic medication, and 37% In 2006, there were nearly 224,000 children and adolescents
were taking at least one prescription nonpsychotropic medi- in the primary and secondary school systems with an ASD
cation at the beginning of the study (with 70% taking at least diagnosis; the number of students served with an ASD diagno-
one prescription medication of either type at Time 1). The sis increased 650% between 1996 and 2006, and 34% between
proportion of individuals taking these medications increased 2004 and 2006 (IDEA, 2008). The number of children diag-
significantly over time, with 81% taking at least one medica- nosed with ASD began rising rapidly in the early 1990s (Gurney
tion 4.5 years later (64% taking at least one psychotropic et al., 2003), and children from that generation are now exit-
medication and 50% taking at least one nonpsychotropic ing the school system, putting an extreme burden on an
medication at Time 4). We calculated the conditional prob- already overtaxed adult service system (Howlin, Alcock, &
abilities of continuing or altering medication status over the Burkin, 2005). Although this increase in the prevalence of
4.5-year study period, and the findings were highly informa- ASD may be due in part to diagnostic substitution (Shattuck,
tive about medication practices over time. Our data showed 2006), nevertheless many of these adolescents and young
that once adolescents and adults with ASD are prescribed adults are in need of formal and informal supports during and
medications, they are highly likely to stay medicated. This after transition.
pattern was more pronounced for psychotropic medications There is considerable variability in the age when indivi-
(approximately 11 times more likely to remain on psycho- duals with ASD exit the educational system. Some higher-
tropic medications than to stop taking them) than for functioning individuals graduate from high school with
nonpsychotropic medications (nearly five times more likely their similarly aged peers. Others take advantage of IDEA and
to stay on nonpsychotropic medications than to stop during continue in school until age 22. Once they leave school and
the 4.5 year study period). Thus, a considerable number of lose entitlement to services, there is an increase in parental
individuals with ASD are being prescribed psychotropic responsibility. Leaving high school does not necessarily imply
medications, and once prescribed it is likely that they will the receipt of a diploma. Howlin et al. (2004) reported that
remain on these medications for many years. 78% of their sample left high school without a formal diploma,
Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders 245

fewer than one third were working, and the majority of jobs (2004) British sample, with younger adults more likely to live
did not require a skill and were poorly paid (Howlin et al., with family than older adults.
2005), all of which are stressful for the individual and the In another analysis, we profiled adult lives of individuals
family. with ASD and contrasted them with another well-defined
We conducted preliminary analyses examining the post- group of adults with ID, namely adults with Down syndrome
secondary educational and employment activities in which (DS; Esbensen, Bishop, Seltzer, Greenberg, & Taylor, 2010).
individuals with ASD participated during their first 18 months Using data from a linked longitudinal study of adults with DS
after exiting the secondary school system. Nearly one quarter (Krauss & Seltzer, 1999), analyses included 70 adults with
of our sample members (23%) went on to some type of post- ASD, and 70 adults with DS who were matched on age and ID
secondary education; the majority of these (70%) were in (all had ID). Dependent variables included residential arrange-
school more than 10 hours a week. Another 22% did not ments, social contact with friends, vocational activities, and an
pursue postsecondary education, but obtained a competitive overall composite of adult success that combined these three
or supported job in the community. However, the most prev- domains.
alent activity for our sample members after exiting high school Our analyses revealed significant differences between the
was participation in day activity centers or sheltered workshops adults with ASD and the adults with DS in residential inde-
(46%). The remaining 9% had no employment activities. pendence and social contact with friends. On average, adults
Although the proportion of adults with ASD who had no reg- with ASD lived in less independent residential settings than
ular daytime activities is cause for concern, our data suggest did adults with DS. Furthermore, only 8% of these adults with
that most are able to find some type of regular day activity ASD visited with friends several times a week, compared to
after leaving high school. Nevertheless, the fact that approxi- 25% of adults with DS. Given these differences, it was not sur-
mately half of the sample members were in segregated day prising that adults with ASD scored lower on the composite
programs or workshops for individuals with developmental measure of adult success than did adults with DS. Our find-
disabilities points to the challenge of finding community ings suggest that the difficulties in attaining adult independ-
employment for these adults. ence that have been reported in other studies of individuals
An increasing number of adults with ASD live apart with ASD (Ballaban-Gil, Rapin, Tuchman, & Shinnar, 1996;
from their parents. Rumsey et al. (1985) reported that 36% of Eaves & Ho, 2008; Howlin et al., 2004; Kobayashi, Murata, &
the adults in their sample lived away from their parents. Yoshinaga, 1992) cannot be accounted for only by impair-
Gillberg and Steffenberg (1987), reporting on the birth cohort ments in cognitive abilities, as ID was controlled in our study.
with autism born in Goteburg, Sweden, between 1961 and Instead, there are characteristics or behaviors associated with
1968, found an even split between those who lived with their the ASD phenotype that place adults with ASD at an elevated
parents and those in nonfamily settings. In other studies, the risk for poorer adult outcomes.
proportion of adults living away from parents was about two We also examined the role of adult services (occupational
thirds (Howlin et al., 2004; Wolf & Goldberg, 1986). Therefore, therapy, psychiatric services, or transportation services) in
although some adults with ASD continue to live with their promoting adult success, and found that the number of serv-
parents, a substantial number move into nonfamily settings. ices received was related to greater adult success for adults
No recent study has described the living arrangements of with DS, but was unrelated to adult success for those who
adults with ASD, with the exception of Howlin et al. (2004), had ASD (Esbensen et al., 2010). This finding points to the
which reported on a British sample. need to develop new, more effective methods of service deliv-
We examined the percentage of adults with ASD who were ery targeted specifically to meet the needs of adults with
living with their families at our most recent wave of data col- ASD.
lection. Results were similar to what was found by Gillberg In summary, the transition from adolescence to adulthood
and Steffenberg (1987); fewer than half of the individuals with brings many changes to the lives of individuals with ASD.
ASD were living with parents or other relatives (41.6%). Of About one quarter pursue some type of postsecondary educa-
those who were not living with family, 62% were living in a tion after leaving high school, and about one fifth had obtained
community residence or foster home, and 34% were living in supported or independent jobs in the community. However,
semi-independent or independent housing. Narrowing the nearly half were in segregated vocational settings and a few
sample to those who were between the ages of 10 and 22 years had no day activity, which is cause for concern. Regarding
at the start of the study, we found that over 82% were residing residential transitions, it is common for individuals to move
with parents at the first time point (in 1998). At the most out of the family home once they reach adulthood, and about
recent time point, 10 years later, the percentage living with half of those who move away from home live either independ-
family dropped to 61%. Just over one half of those who moved ently or in semi-independent settings. Their lifestyles are
out of the family home went to live in semi-independent or considerably more restricted than counterparts with Down
independent settings, while the other half lived in community syndrome. Finally, the receipt of formal services is associated
residences, foster homes, or institutionalized settings. In sum, with greater adult success for those with DS but not for those
the percentage of adolescents and adults with ASD living with with ASD, suggesting a need for the development of more
family in our sample was slightly higher than Howlin et al.’s effective services for persons with ASD in adulthood.
246 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á level of reciprocated feelings of fairness (27.7%) and under-

Family Relationships standing (29.2%) from their son or daughter. However, three
fourths (74.3%) felt that their adolescent or adult child with
Although adulthood signifies a time of increasing independ- ASD trusted them at the highest levels.
ence from the family, for individuals with disabilities, the role We also rated mothers’ expression of warmth toward their
of the family remains predominant throughout the life course adolescent or adult son or daughter with ASD, using standard-
and critical to maintaining a high quality of life (Seltzer, ized and independent ratings of the Five Minute Speech Sample
Krauss, Orsmond, & Vestal, 2000). Our study provided the (Magana, Goldstein, Karno, Miklowitz, Jenkins, & Falloon,
opportunity to assess parent-child relationships during ado- 1986). Consistent with the data on positive affect, over one
lescence and adulthood and also the relationships between third (35.6%) of mothers were rated as expressing moderately
the individual with ASD and his or her unaffected siblings. high to high degrees of warmth when describing their child
These are reported in this section, along with findings about with ASD, half (50.5%) expressed some to moderate degrees of
how the family environment is associated with changes in the warmth, and only 10.4% were rated as expressing no or very
symptoms of autism and behavior problems during these little warmth in the relationship (Orsmond et al., 2006).
stages of life. Thus, the descriptive data suggest that relationships
between mothers and their adolescent or adult child with ASD
Parent-Child Relationships are positive during these stages of life, with the most posi-
in Adolescence and Adulthood tive aspects being the exchange of affection between the mother
and her adolescent or adult child. Contrary to historical char-
Research on young children with ASD has shown that, despite acterizations of mothers of individuals with autism (Bettelheim,
the communication and social challenges associated with this 1967), the majority of mothers in our sample had warm and
disorder, strong bonds of attachment are formed, and interac- positive relationships with their adolescent son or daughter.
tions between parents and the child are positive (see Rutgers,
Bakermans-Kranenburg, van Ijendoorn, & van Berckelaer- Sibling Relationships in Adolescence
Onnes, 2004, for a review). Nevertheless, mothers may experi- and Adulthood
ence the relationship as quite different from their relationships
with their other (unaffected) children. The sibling relationship is one of the most important family
These patterns characterizing the mother-child relation- relationships, as it typically lasts the longest. Siblings of
ship tend to persist into adolescence and adulthood. In our individuals with an ASD often become the guardians when
study, we assessed the degree of positive affect felt by mothers their parents are no longer able to provide care, due to illness
toward their son or daughter with ASD and the mother’s or death. Thus, maintaining a positive sibling relationship and
perception of reciprocated positive affect from the adult child sibling psychological well-being is crucial to the long-term
to her (Orsmond, Seltzer, Greenberg, & Krauss, 2006). The quality of life of individuals with an ASD. Moreover, sibling
Positive Affect Index (Bengtson & Roberts, 1991) assessed the well-being has the potential to impact maternal well-being.
dimensions of affection, respect, fairness, understanding, and We have found that mothers who have a child with an ASD
trust in the parent-child relationship, each rated on a 6-point and another child with a diagnosed disability report higher
scale, with scores of 5 or 6 signifying a high degree of positive levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety and lower levels of
affect with respect to the particular dimension. We found a family adaptability and cohesion, compared to mothers whose
strong pattern of positive affect felt by the mother for the son only child with a disability has an ASD (Orsmond, Lin, &
or daughter. Fully 90.1% of the mothers gave ratings of either Seltzer, 2007). These differences were observed when the chil-
a 5 or a 6 for the degree of affection she felt toward her son or dren were adolescents and adults, suggesting that the effects of
daughter with ASD and more than three fourths of the moth- such caregiving experiences continue beyond childhood.
ers (78.2%) gave rates of either 5 or 6 with respect to the degree Our research has been among the first to examine sibling
to which she respects her son or daughter with ASD. About well-being and sibling relationships specifically during the life
half of the mothers rated their feelings of fairness toward stages of adolescence and adulthood. Prior research has
(57.9%) and understanding of (53.0%) their son or daughter focused on childhood (e.g., Knott et al., 1995; Rivers &
with ASD at the high end of the scale (i.e., a rating of 5 or 6), Stoneman, 2003) or included siblings in broad age ranges that
but only about one third (38.1%) of the mothers felt that they span childhood through adolescence and young adulthood
trusted their adolescent or adult child to this degree. (e.g. Bägenholm & Gillberg, 1991; Kaminsky & Dewey, 2001;
There were lower ratings of reciprocated positive affect Ross & Cuskelly, 2006). Taking a developmental perspective
from the adolescent or adult with ASD, as perceived by the will help us understand the unique challenges to siblings and
mother. Just under two thirds of the mothers perceived the the family at different life stages (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2007).
highest levels (i.e., a rating of 5 or 6) of affection from their As siblings during adulthood are establishing their inde-
son or daughter, and about two fifths (39.6%) felt that their pendent lives, we observed fewer shared activities between
adolescent or adult child had the highest levels of respect for adult siblings than was reported for adolescent siblings
them. Only about one quarter of the mothers perceived a high (Orsmond, Kuo, & Seltzer, 2009). However, feelings of
Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders 247

closeness in the sibling relationship did not differ between the The Family Environment
samples of adolescent and adult siblings, suggesting fewer and Expressed Emotion
changes in the quality of sibling relationships across these life
stages. For both age groups, behavior problems manifested by One aspect of the family environment that has been receiving
the brother or sister with an ASD were associated with fewer increasing attention for families of individuals with disabilities
shared sibling activities and a more distant sibling relation- is expressed emotion (EE). EE is a measure of emotional inten-
ship. Interestingly, support from parents was particularly sity in the family and specifically refers to criticism or emo-
important to adult siblings, wherein adult siblings who tional overinvolvement of one family member toward another.
reported greater support from their parents reported a closer In individuals with mental health problems such as schizophre-
sibling relationship (Orsmond et al., 2009). nia and bipolar disorder, EE has been a strong predictor of out-
We also examined the extent to which sibling relationships comes including relapse (Butzlaff & Hooley, 1998; Lopez et al.,
in adulthood, when one sibling has an ASD, are distinct from 2004). Concomitantly, in studies of families of individuals with
sibling relationships in adulthood when one sibling has Down developmental disabilities, EE, particularly criticism, has con-
syndrome (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2007). Using data from the sistently be related to elevated behavior problems in both chil-
same linked longitudinal study on adults with DS as mentioned dren and adults (Chadwick, Kusel, & Cuddy, 2008; Hastings,
above (Krauss & Seltzer, 1999), we found that siblings of adults Daley, Burns, & Beck, 2006; Hastings & Lloyd, 2007). When
with an ASD have less contact with their brother or sister, and considering the association between EE and the behavioral
report lower levels of closeness in the sibling relationship and functioning of individuals with developmental disabilities, it is
more pessimism about their brother or sister’s future, than do important to consider that these relationships are likely bidi-
siblings of adults with DS (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2007). rectional. Behavior problems have been repeatedly documented
Comparing sibling well-being among adolescent and adult as a significant source of stress for parents (Hastings et al., 2005;
siblings of individuals with ASD, we did not find a significant Herring et al., 2006; Lounds et al., 2007), which may in turn
age-related difference in their report of depressive symptoms relate to elevated levels of EE in the home. Conversely, high
(Orsmond et al., 2009), suggesting stability in the risk of levels of EE may serve to maintain or even exacerbate children’s
depression among siblings of individuals with ASD from ado- behavior problems (Hastings & Lloyd, 2007).
lescence to adulthood. Focusing on the adolescent sample, we
found that one third reported depressive symptoms on the Expressed Emotion is a qualitative measure of the amount or
Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) degree of emotion displayed. The measure is usually applied
above the clinical cutoff score of 16. Compared to community to caretakers or to family members in a home setting.
samples of adolescents, this rate is not elevated, but there was
considerable variability within our sample, and sisters reported In our research, we have examined the bidirectional asso-
significantly higher rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms ciations between aspects of the family environment and the
than brothers (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2009). Realizing that sib- behavior problems and autism symptoms in adolescents and
lings are at risk of negative outcomes both because of family adults with ASD. Before discussing our findings, it is particu-
stress (such as maternal distress or behavior problems mani- larly important to note that although the family environ-
fested by the brother or sister with an ASD) and because of ment may have an impact on the behavioral functioning of
genetic vulnerabilities, we have examined the variability in the individuals with ASD, this does not imply that the child’s
depressive symptoms in these siblings from a diathesis-stress ASD is caused by the family. In the past, mothers of children
perspective (e.g., Bauminger & Yirmiya, 2001). We found sup- with ASD were wrongly accused of causing their child’s
port for this model, in that the siblings with the highest level of autism by being emotionally cold and distant. In contrast
depressive symptoms were those who experienced a greater with this inaccurate and stigmatizing early belief, research
number of stressful life events in the past year and also were subsequently has shown that parents of children with ASD
rated by their mothers as showing more subclinical symptoms interact with their children in ways that are just as sensitive
of the autism phenotype (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2009). and responsive as parents of children with other develop-
Taken together, our research findings on siblings suggest mental disabilities and parents of typically developing chil-
an altered path of sibling relationships that may put indi- dren (Siller & Sigman, 2002; van IJzendoorn et al., 2007).
viduals with an ASD at risk of limited support after their Furthermore, there is clear consensus that ASD is a complex
parents are deceased. At the same time, we have identified neurodevelopmental disorder that is strongly genetic in
some factors that might put siblings themselves at risk of origin (Folstein & Rosen-Sheidley, 2001). Despite the genetic
adverse outcomes (e.g., the experience of stressful life etiology of ASD, however, it is still possible to explore ways in
events), and these could serve as screening factors to identify which the phenotypic expression of ASD may be influenced
siblings who might need additional individual supports to by family factors. This has been our focus in several studies.
help promote their well-being into adulthood. Nevertheless, In one set of analyses, we explored the bidirectional effects
the majority of siblings remain involved with their adult of maternal EE, specifically criticism and emotional overin-
brother or sister with ASD and function in the nonclinical volvement, on the behavior problems and autism symptoms
range psychologically. of adolescents and adults with ASD. Using a subsample of
248 Autism Spectrum Disorders

coresiding mothers and children at Time 2 and Time 3 of our system. As such, a family psychoeducation intervention may
study, cross-lagged panel analyses revealed that high levels of be one potentially promising model that could be effectively
EE were associated with increases in internalizing, externaliz- adapted for families of individuals with ASD during adoles-
ing, and asocial behavior in the adolescents and adults with cence and adulthood.
ASD over an 18-month period. A high level of EE was also
related to increasingly severe autism symptoms (Greenberg
et al., 2006). Of note, most families in our study did not have Á
abnormally elevated levels of EE, perhaps reflecting successful Conclusion
coping and adaptation by these families (Greenberg et al.,
2006). These findings also underscore that, even in the absence Much remains to be learned about individuals with ASD
of extreme levels of EE, the family environment is still an during adolescence and adulthood. Studies of those who
important influence on development in adolescents and adults become symptom-free and who lead normative adult lives will
with ASD. have great importance for informing our understanding of
In a separate set of analyses (Smith, Greenberg, Seltzer, & ASD across the life course. In addition, it will be profitable to
Hong, 2008), we examined the bidirectional impact of proso- examine the cohort of individuals with ASD who remain sup-
cial family processes such as warmth, praise, and relationship ported by their families or by the formal service system in
quality on behavior problems and autism symptoms, using order to identify the constellation of services, employment
the same longitudinal design. We found that high levels of opportunities, and living arrangements that promote a high
warmth and praise were associated with the abatement of quality of life. In particular, the identification of factors that
repetitive behaviors over time. Additionally, a positive mother- ease the transition out of high school will be valuable.
child relationship quality was associated with reductions in
internalizing and externalizing problems, repetitive behaviors,
and impairments in social reciprocity 18 months later in our
Challenges and Future Directions
sample of adolescents and adults with ASD.
Interestingly, in these analyses, the majority of effects
• Other research is needed to reveal more about the health
flowed from parent to child, although we did find some evi-
of individuals with ASD, especially as they reach midlife
dence of reciprocal child-to-mother effects in a few instances.
and old age. The many comorbid physical and psychiatric
Overall, we found that the majority of mothers in our sample
conditions that characterize this population, and their
expressed low levels of criticism and high levels of warmth
heavy prescription medication use, make it important to
toward their son or daughter with ASD and that positive
determine the long-range consequences of health problems
aspects of the family emotional climate were associated with
and medication practices that often begin in childhood.
improvements in behavior problems and autism symptoms
• Behavior problems continue during adolescence and
during adolescence and adulthood. These findings highlight
adulthood in individuals with ASD and remain major
how a positive family environment can act as a mechanism for
risk factors for disrupted family relationships and a lim-
improving the quality of life for individuals with ASD.
ited quality of life. Therefore, more research is needed
Taken together, the findings from our investigations of EE
to develop and evaluate interventions aimed at reducing
and warmth in families of adolescents and adults with ASD
behavior problems during adolescence and adulthood,
suggest that some aspects of the family environment may be
as they represent risk factors throughout the life course.
useful targets for future interventions. Specifically, reducing
• The young children who receive an ASD diagnosis today
criticism and increasing warmth, praise, and relationship
may have a very different life course than the cohort
quality may serve not only to improve the family emotional
that has been followed in the AAA study. Changing
climate but also to reduce behavior problems and alleviate
diagnostic patterns, improved early detection and diag-
autism symptoms during adolescence and adulthood. In fam-
nosis, more widespread early intervention, and more
ilies of individuals with mental health problems, family psych-
supportive societal attitudes might signal a more prom-
oeducation programs have been shown to be very effective for
ising life course for those who reach adolescence and
reducing levels of EE, leading to reductions in family burden
adulthood in the future. Yet it is only by studying this
and better outcomes for the individuals with a mental health
population longitudinally, extending into the adoles-
condition (Hogarty et al., 1991; Klaus & Fristad, 2005; Lopez,
cent and adult years, that we will be able to disentangle
Toprac, Crismon, Boemer, & Baumgartner, 2005; Miklowitz
cohort differences from the true developmental course
et al., 2004). These interventions typically involve weekly
of the behavioral phenotype of autism and related
group sessions wherein multiple family members are provided
with education on the nature, course, and management of
the condition as well as activities to practice problem-solving.
Although the challenges associated with parenting an adoles- Á SUGGESTED READINGS
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tual disability: The Australian Child to Adult Longitudinal
Commentary Á Katherine A. Loveland

Issues in Defining the Core Features

of Autism Through the Lifespan

The quest to define autism in terms of its central characteristics referring to “Autism Spectrum Disorders,” a term that
has evolved greatly over the past fifty years, as evidenced both embraces all forms of the disorder and suggests the image of a
by changing descriptions of the syndrome in the Diagnostic vector along which individuals can be located according to
and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric their severity.
Association, and by changes in the topics most researched by Although the concept of the spectrum is in many ways an
investigators in the field. In this commentary I discuss some of improvement over a model that does not recognize degrees of
the outstanding issues that must be confronted if we are to severity, it too is incomplete as a characterization of a devel-
attain a better understanding and definition of autism opmental disorder such as ASD, since the spectrum concept
(hereafter referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD, does not necessarily encompass the idea of change with devel-
for simplicity) and move beyond the limitations of present opment. The task of specifying the core characteristics of ASD
diagnostic models. is further complicated when we consider the implications of a
Since the syndrome was first identified, the core character- lifespan perspective. For example, Lord et al. (2006) and
istics of ASD have been a source of controversy (see Mundy, others have found that a consequence of the move to greater
chapter 8, this volume). Much ink has been expended in the inclusiveness in the definition of ASD is that children on the
battle to secure the high ground in this controversy, with margins of the definition, i.e., those with less classical presen-
adherents to various positions claiming to have identified the tations, are less likely to exhibit stability of diagnosis with
“real” underlying deficit in ASD, from which all else proceeds. increasing age. Charman (chapter 13, this volume) also
As in the ancient Indian parable of the blind men and the ele- emphasizes that heterogeneity among individuals with ASD
phant, however, scholars have naturally tended to interpret actually increases as they become older, with various “core
ASD according to the conceptual and methodological lenses characteristics” progressing and skills developing at different
through which they have viewed it. Thus, for example, over rates. Thus, the fact that ASD is developmental in nature
the decades psychodynamic models gave way to those involv- becomes critical to our consideration of the autism spectrum
ing language, perception and cognition, emotion, social cog- and the question of core characteristics: ASD must be concep-
nition, or neuropsychological differences, reflecting the tualized not as a discrete and static disorder presenting at a
models and approaches current in the behavioral and medical particular point in time, but as a complex developmental proc-
sciences at the time. Why should ASD pose such problems to ess or pathway that differs from the typical and that extends
our attempts to define its essential characteristics? across the lifespan of the individual. An implication of this
Clinicians and researchers have long recognized that diffi- view is that over the life of the individual, ASD will present
culties and disagreements in specifying the core characteristics differently at different chronological ages, as a function of a
of ASD stem in part from the wide heterogeneity among indi- complex combination of influences both within and outside
viduals with this type of disorder. Individuals vary not only in the person. Among these are the genotype of the individual,
the severity of autistic behaviors, but also in other characteris- maturational stage, family resources and functioning, social
tics such as intellectual ability, level of language development, experiences with peers, the individual’s own actions, chang-
motor skills and behaviors, sensory differences, early social ing social expectations of the individual as he or she matures,
communication as well as emotional behavior and responsiv- and many others. Current efforts to specify the earliest
ity (see Loveland & Tunali, 2005, for review). This wide range observable behavioral markers for high risk of ASD in infants
of presentations has led to the currently accepted practice of (e.g., Brian et al., 2008; see also chapter 12, this volume)

254 Autism Spectrum Disorders

demonstrate that many of the characteristics we regard as maturation and will suggest mechanisms by means of which
essential to the syndrome of ASD emerge over time rather these influences lead to particular outcomes.
than being fully manifested when development first departs We can illustrate in a simplified way, using the metaphor of
from a typical pathway. Thus, we can expect that ASD, far a snowball that grows larger as it rolls downhill, how second-
from being a discrete constellation of clinical signs that once ary psychopathologies comorbid with ASD might arise, and
it arrives remains fixed in its manifestations over time, is worsen, over the life of an individual. If ASD is considered as
instead a moving target—a target moreover that moves with a developmental pathway, then factors affecting development
the child, developing as she or he develops, being constantly either supportively or adversely have their effects not only at a
shaped by factors both within the individual and originating single time point but continuously and cumulatively over
in the environment. time. Just as the snowball grows larger as it rolls downhill
It is no wonder then, that there remains controversy about accumulating more snow, an individual’s developmental
what unifies this disorder, with its changing manifestations pathway will tend to depart from the typical to a greater and
over the lifespan of the individual. In the face of such frustrat- greater degree over time if the supportive influences are not
ing complexity one might reasonably look for a way to charac- sufficient to mitigate the effects of those that are adverse.
terize ASD that does not depend on behavioral characteristics A key feature of this model is that influences are not one-way,
of the phenotype to unify our concept of ASD across the but transactional, such that a child’s actions on the environ-
lifespan. The tremendous growth in basic biomedical research ment help to determine the feedback that the child receives,
on ASD that has occurred in the past 15 years represents in shaping not only future behaviors but ultimately the child
part a search for a way to find order amid chaos. him- or herself. If unusual or maladaptive behaviors are met
At the present time scientific and methodological advances with negative feedback from the child’s environment (chiefly,
in the biomedical sciences, particularly in imaging and genet- the social environment), the child with ASD will be very likely
ics, have led to a widely accepted goal of characterizing ASD to experience stress and anxiety. The result is that the child
according to its basis in biological differences. This goal has with ASD is exposed to frequent episodes of negative, highly
been adopted in part because of the overwhelming evidence stressful experiences.
that biological differences from the typical population are The cumulative effects of negative experiences throughout
present, and also because their discovery has the potential to life can have a profound effect on the well-being of the indi-
lead to medical treatments or even prevention. Therefore, the vidual with ASD. These experiences, whether minor (e.g., frus-
search for the essentials of the syndrome has moved conceptu- tration at being made to change activities) or major in nature
ally from the behavioral to the biological level. In recent years (e.g., a lengthy and very upsetting experience with a large
the study of the autism phenotype has become less a focus of crowd of noisy people; being socially rejected for acting differ-
the attempt to pin down the true nature of the syndrome, and ently) might arguably affect individuals with ASD more severely
more an adjunct to studies of genetics, neurobiology, and than would be typical, in part because of the difficulty in emo-
other biomedical approaches that fit within the reductionist tional self-regulation associated with ASD, which renders them
program and that have the potential to lead to specific medical less able to regain equilibrium after an upset (see Loveland, 2005,
treatments. Although a detailed discussion of such research for further discussion), and because of underlying genetic
efforts is beyond the scope of this chapter, it is safe to say that susceptibilities. Consequently, as families, educators, and
as interesting and promising as such studies are, they have as clinicians well know, periods of emotional upset may be lengthy
yet not resulted in an improved specification of the core char- and exhausting for both the individual and others. Such epi-
acteristics of autism. Numerous genetic discoveries have sodes may constitute repeated stressors to the developing brain
pointed to the involvement of a variety of genes, but it has that have as their longer-term outcome psychiatric comorbidi-
become clear that the phenotype of ASD is multiply deter- ties such as anxiety disorders, depression, and other mood dis-
mined and that the genetic picture is likely to remain complex orders, as well as other behavioral problems. A number of
(see for review Geschwind, 2009; also see Section VI, this studies have documented the developmental pathway toward
chapter). Similarly, some exciting findings resulting from anxiety disorders in children who are by temperament highly
neuroimaging of children and adults with ASD, for example reactive, showing that such a mechanism is not limited to ASD
evidence of differences in functional connectivity among brain but is generally applicable to human neurodevelopment
regions (e.g., Just, Cherkassky, Keller, Kana, & Minshew, (see Bradley, 2000, for an excellent discussion of this topic;
2007), have opened new vistas in the ways we think about the see also Schore, 1996, 1997). Given that verbal persons
brain and how it develops in ASD. However, rather than with ASD frequently struggle painfully with social relation-
pointing to clear and specific markers that could simplify the ships and learning to behave appropriately, it is not surprising
early diagnosis of autism, the findings of biomedical studies that in adulthood many of them are more troubled by
have continued instead to reveal the great complexity of the accumulated psychiatric disorders than by the symptoms of
disorder. As a consequence of this inherent complexity, a ASD itself.
model of ASD across the lifespan of the individual that is both Even if we accept the complexity that comes with a truly
comprehensive and realistic will by necessity include the developmental way of viewing ASD, we are still left with the
effects of many influences beyond those of genotype and brain question of heterogeneity among individuals on the spectrum,
Issues in Defining the Core Features of Autism Through the Lifespan 255

and the consequent difficulties in both clinical diagnosis and complex genotype and phenotype (see DeGeus & Boomsma,
research. If the heterogeneity of phenotype in the autism 2001; Gottesman & Gould, 2003; and Viding & Blakemore,
spectrum is as great as research suggests; if the neurobiological 2007, for reviews and discussion of this topic). Endophenotypes
and biomedical correlates of ASD, including genetics, are not may be behavioral or biological in nature. Ideally, a behavioral
only exceedingly complex but also highly variable among or biological marker should meet the following criteria to be
individuals; if the characteristics of individuals with ASD become selected as an endophenotype (Viding & Blakemore, 2007):
more, not less, heterogeneous with development; if linking (1) It should be reliably measurable; (2) It should be to some
genotypes to the categorical phenotype of ASD has proven extent heritable; (3) Some association between the behavioral
increasingly complex; then can we in fact expect to define core or cognitive phenotype and the proposed endophenotype
characteristics that are common to all persons with ASD regardless should be demonstrated; (4) There should be evidence that
of age, sex, developmental level, severity, genotype, etc.? the proposed endophenotype and the behavioral or cognitive
Perhaps we have been asking the wrong question. phenotype have some shared genetic basis; (5) There should
Perhaps it is time to move away from the traditional scheme be evidence of a causal relationship such that the phenotype
of psychiatric classification that depends on identifying a would not be realized without the presence of the endopheno-
number of specific symptoms in order to determine whether type. Some possible behavioral/cognitive endophenotypes rel-
an individual does or does not meet the criteria for a particular evant to developmental psychopathology are self-regulation
diagnostic category. The dichotomous (yes or no) approach to of emotions, behaviors, and choices; inhibition; ability to sus-
clinical classification has utility from a practical standpoint, of tain attention; ability to manage attention flexibly and appro-
course, in that it is easier to determine a patient’s eligibility priately (e.g., to switch attention as needed, to selectively
for treatments, services, insurance coverage, educational pro- attend, etc.); motivational differences (e.g., readiness to initi-
grams, etc., if he or she can be said to fall within a particular ate, response to rewards); temperament of the individual;
category. On the other hand, for reasons discussed above, the motor skills; executive functions (e.g., planning and organiz-
dichotomous, categorical approach is a poor model to use as a ing), and others. Endophenotypes may also be biological, as in
basis for understanding a developmental disorder such as specific neuroanatomical or neurofunctional, physiological or
ASD. In the clinical realm, it encourages the clinician, the edu- biochemical characteristics of the individual. Because they are
cator, and the family to think of ASD as a distinct and reified simpler components of complex disorders, endophenotypes
entity, that one either has or does not have. In the realm of presumably have much greater potential for being linked to a
research, the dichotomous classification scheme encourages specific genetic or neurobiological basis. Because they do not
investigators to classify together under the same diagnostic constitute in themselves whole syndromes, but rather ele-
umbrella, as it were, individuals who though technically meet- ments, it is also possible to imagine that different complex
ing the same diagnostic criteria, are nonetheless widely syndromes may share certain endophenotypes. If so, compar-
different in numerous ways. ative studies of disorders that apparently share certain endo-
A number of authors have in the past few years argued in phenotypes (e.g., Craddock et al., 2009) may shed light on the
favor of adopting a new approach to psychiatric classification, processes that lead to expression of these endophenotypes as
not only of ASD but of other psychiatric disorders as well (e.g., well as of broad phenotypes such as ASD.
Craddock, O’Donovan, & Owen, 2009; Geschwind, 2009; In fact, there is growing evidence from both clinical obser-
O’Donovan, Craddock, & Owen, 2009). In addition to the vation and scientific investigations that ASD has many over-
increasingly obvious shortcomings of the dichotomous clas- laps with other disorders, not only in behavioral symptoms
sification scheme as noted above, there are other reasons to but in definable brain abnormalities and in its genetic basis.
revise the approach we use to guide our clinical practice and Increasingly, investigators have begun to identify these areas
research. We now know that psychopathologies long concep- of overlap, and to consider possible relationships among the
tualized as separate and discrete are in fact overlapping in both syndromes as they are currently defined. Clinical experience as
behavioral and biological characteristics. For example, well as a growing literature suggests that there is an unusually
Craddock et al. (2009) in their recent discussion of relation- high prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders with ASD
ships among schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and mixed (although cf. Melville et al., 2008, who found that the rate of
psychoses argued that current genetic findings are not com- such disorders was not greater than that in a general sample of
patible with dichotomous methods of classification. They comparable persons with intellectual disability). For example
further suggested that we must use methods of classification it is very common for individuals with ASD, particularly those
that capture phenotypic variability within and among with greater intellectual ability and language skills, to show
individuals of the same diagnostic category and must link this prominent symptoms of anxiety (Groden, Cautela, Prince, &
variability to its biological substrates. Berryman, 1994; Kim, Szatmari, Bryson, Streiner, & Wilson,
An approach that holds much promise for overcoming 2000; Leyfer et al., 2006; Loveland, 2005; Mazefsky, Folstein, &
some of the limitations of the current diagnostic scheme grows Lainhart, 2008; Russell & Sofronoff, 2005) as well as major
out of the search for genotype/phenotype relationships in mood disorders including depression and bipolar disorder
behavioral genetics. The concept of the endophenotype refers (Ghaziuddin & Zafar, 2008). Also commonly found in individ-
to quantifiable component characteristics that lie between a uals with ASD are symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
256 Autism Spectrum Disorders

disorder (ADHD; Pearson et al., 2006; Ryden & Bejerot, 2008) BPD, ASD, and depression, as well as some nonpsychiatric
and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD; Rossi, 2006). diseases (Tabarés-Seisdedos & Rubenstein, 2009). Deletion of
Some investigators have also found evidence that these 15q13.3 has been found to be associated with risks of both ASD
psychopathologies are more common among parents of and BPD (Ben-Shachar et al., 2009). Findings such as these
individuals with ASD than in the typical population (e.g., lend weight to the argument that ASD shares endophenotypes
Mazefsky, Folstein & Lainhart, 2008), suggesting that there with other disorders, and that further research to specify these
may be a heritable risk factor involved. These findings support endophenotypes will lead to a better understanding of how
the idea that the relationship between ASD and other psycho- such disorders develop, and how development leads to expres-
pathologies is a fertile ground in which to seek potential endo- sion of different clinical outcomes in different individuals.
phenotypes. A wide variety of possible endophenotypes relevant to ASD
As an example, the possible overlap of obsessive-compul- and related disorders have been proposed. If borne out by
sive disorder (OCD) and ASD has been explored in a number subsequent research, these candidate endophenotypes may be
of recent studies. The question of overlap between OCD and used to reduce the heterogeneity that results from using clini-
ASD has long been the subject of controversy, since both dis- cal classifications to form study samples. Among these are
orders involve repetitive behaviors (see chapter 17, this response monitoring (linked to abnormalities of anterior cin-
volume). Although there are qualitative differences between gulate cortex) (Thakkar et al., 2008); inattention and hyperac-
the compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts that typically tivity (Tani et al., 2006); problems in executive functioning
occur in OCD and repetitive, stereotyped behaviors typically and motor skills (Rommelse et al., 2009); style of face-process-
observed in ASD, it is nonetheless possible that there is under- ing (Adolphs, Spezio, Parlier, & Piven, 2008); response varia-
lying commonality. Russell, Mataix-Cols, Anson, and Murphy bility (shared with ADHD and Tourette’s syndrome; Geurts
(2005), studying adults with a primary diagnosis of OCD and et al., 2008); a local bias in visual information processing
those with a diagnosis of ASD, concluded that up to 50% of (Wang, Mottron, Peng, Berthiaume, & Dawson, 2007); dimin-
their sample with ASD had obsessions and compulsions that ishment of a cingulate cortex “self” response when deciding
were similar to those of the patients with OCD and were not what to do next or imagining oneself doing so (Chiu et al.,
accounted for by stereotyped and repetitive behaviors charac- 2008); a quantitative measure of ASD symptomatology par-
teristic of ASD. Bejerot and Mortberg (2009) found that adults ticularly social relatedness (Social Responsiveness Scale)
with OCD were much more likely (50% of the sample) to have linked to loci on chromosomes 11 and 17 (Duvall et al., 2007);
been bullied at school as children than were those with social a metabolic endophenotype related to oxidative stress and
phobia (20%) or a reference group (27%). The investigators linked to a genetic basis (James et al., 2006); and language
argued that this finding was due to overlap between the char- delay (Spence et al., 2006). In addition some studies have
acteristics of OCD and ASD, since their sample with OCD also begun to rule out potential endophenotypes for ASD, such as
had more signs of low social skills. Obsessive-compulsive visual motor reconstruction (Block Design task) (de Jonge,
symptoms in parents have also been found to be positively Kemner, Naber, & van Engeland, 2009); and TPH2 alleles and
associated with measures of restricted interests and repetitive haplotypes and GLO1 alleles (Sacco et al., 2007). Thus, the
behavior in their child with ASD (Abramson et al., 2005; tools are beginning to be available to develop a way of classify-
Hollander, King, Delaney, Smith, & Silverman, 2003; Kano, ing the characteristics of individuals with ASD (and other dis-
Ohta, Nagai, Pauls, & Leckman, 2004), suggesting that an orders) according to endophenotypes, which are measurable,
endophenotype for repetitive behaviors may exist as a herita- linked to both genotype and phenotype, and can be assorted
ble trait that could be linked to a genetic basis. In fact, a differently for different individuals. Such an approach would
number of studies have identified genes that are associated not dispel the heterogeneity present in ASD; rather, it would
with the risk of both OCD and ASD (e.g., McDougle, Epperson, acknowledge variation among individuals while providing a
Price, & Gelernter, 1998; Wendland et al., 2008). Executive more potentially useful way to characterize them.
dysfunction has also been found in the first-degree relatives of
individuals with OCD as well as the relatives of individuals
with ASD (Delorme et al., 2007) and has been suggested as an Á
endophenotype common to both disorders. The Core Characteristics
Behavioral or biological evidence of possible endopheno- of ASD Reconsidered
types has been gathered from comparisons of ASD with other
disorders as well. Recent evidence that schizophrenia, like I have argued that despite many years of productive research
ASD, is a disorder of neurodevelopment has led to reopening on ASD, we have continued to try to classify individuals using
the question of overlap between the two disorders (Nylander, a method that does not reflect what we have learned about this
Lugnegard, & Hallerback, 2008). Genetic studies of schizo- complex disorder. Neither the developmental nature of ASD
phrenia and bipolar disorder (BPD) indicate that some loci nor the heterogeneity of expression it finds in different indi-
confer risk of both disorders and risk of ASD as well (see viduals is captured by the current categorical classification
Craddock et al., 2009, for review). Genes in the chromosomal system. Not surprisingly, the current system has proven to be a
8p region may confer risk of disorders including schizophrenia, poor basis for forming samples for research, particularly genetic
Issues in Defining the Core Features of Autism Through the Lifespan 257

research, and it has failed to shed much light on the ways The constellation of endophenotypes we call ASD is not so
individuals with ASD change over the course of their lives. The distinct from other disorders as was once thought (ADHD,
question of core characteristics reflects the current diagnostic OCD, schizophrenia, BPD, etc.). Not only do such disorders
system, and thus it too may need to be reconsidered. seem to co-occur frequently, but there is evidence that they
Devising a way to characterize ASD that will address the overlap in both phenotypes and genotypes. It should be pos-
issues I have discussed is neither simple nor straightforward. sible, then, to use comparisons among these disorders to help
At this time we have few established endophenotypes for ASD clarify the relationship of genotype to endophenotype, and
that meet the criteria mentioned above (see Viding & endophenotype to phenotype. Indeed studies of this nature
Blakemore, 2007). Moreover there is much we do not know are already taking place at an accelerating rate, and it seems
about development in ASD, particularly in those individuals likely that this type of research will play a very important role
who may be described as within the “Broader Autism in advancing our knowledge of how and why ASD occurs.
Phenotype.” With this in mind, I offer the following suggested Researchers should work toward creating a “lexicon” of endo-
directions for future investigation. phenotypes that is not applicable only to a single disorder, but to
Researchers should embrace the study of individual differ- multiple disorders, and that may become the basis for a new clin-
ences in the ASD phenotype. The great majority of studies on ical classification system. Under such a system the emphasis
ASD have been nomothetic in approach, seeking to find com- might be on specifying the endophenotypes expressed in that
monalities among persons with ASD in order to determine individual, their severity, and their implications for treatment,
standards for diagnosis, education, treatment, neural basis, rather than classifying the individual as a whole. Ultimately, a
etc. However, variations among individuals may be informa- more fine-grained and precise description of an individual
tive in ways that cannot be achieved using a nomothetic with ASD might resemble not a point along a single spectrum
approach, in which variations are typically regarded as “noise” (vector) for ASD severity, but a cloud of points in an n-dimen-
to be controlled or eliminated through matching. Towgood, sional space where n represents the number of relevant quan-
Meuwese, Gilbert, Turner, and Burgess (2009) recommended tifiable endophenotypes considered. Such a hypothetical
that investigators consider using the multiple case series system of classification would offer the advantage of avoiding
approach often used in neuropsychology, because it permits the necessity of using categories labeled “Not Otherwise
the investigator to identify variability that may be lost in a Specified,” which as currently used are by nature heterogene-
typical group comparisons approach and that may be impor- ous and vague. It would also provide more specific and quan-
tant to understanding the disorder(s) under study. Such stud- tifiable ways of dealing with the heterogeneity of the “Broader
ies may add to our ability to isolate relationships between Autism Phenotype” (BAP) in research.
genotype and phenotypes in ASD and establish whether they Finally, the approach I have sketched in this commentary,
do or do not meet the criteria for an endophenotype. though as yet far from being realized, offers both the researcher
More research should be focused on adults with ASD, including and the clinician one further advantage over the present cate-
the ways the manifestations of the disorder have changed over gorical method. By removing the necessity of dichotomous
time. At present we know much less about adults with ASD than classification for psychopathologies, it serves to emphasize
we do about children. In particular the factors that lead to more- that in the human population there is no clear, sharp line
and less-desirable outcomes is deserving of study. Fortunately between the normal and the abnormal but instead, the concept
in Western countries many individuals with ASD do receive of the spectrum applies to everyone.
services and supports that lead to improvements in their func-
tioning over time, at least in some areas. As the large prospective
study by Seltzer et al. (chapter 14, this volume) demonstrates, Á REFERENCES
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Section III

Psychiatric and Medical

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15 Á Elisabeth M. Dykens, Miriam Lense

Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum

Disorder: A Cautionary Note

Á disorders. The DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) notes that up to

Points of Interest 75% of children with ASD have co-occurring intellectual dis-
abilities, but for many reasons, this estimate may no longer
• Approximately two thirds of children with autism be accurate. This chapter provides a brief review of the prev-
spectrum disorders have co-occurring intellectual dis- alence of intellectual disabilities in ASD, and although not
abilities, and autism is also associated with several genetic exhaustive, the review highlights the co-occurrence of ASD
syndromes that involve intellectual disabilities. and intellectual disabilities, and factors that complicate these
• Persons with intellectual disabilities, including those with prevalence studies.
specific genetic etiologies, are underrepresented in autism Beyond intellectual disabilities per se, autism is also
research, often due to specific exclusionary criteria. associated with specific genetic etiologies, and many of
• Research findings from studies of individuals with autism these syndromes also involve intellectual disabilities. A grow-
and high IQ may not necessarily extend to lower func- ing body of literature now describes how autism spectrum
tioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders. disorder (ASD) is manifest in people with such diagnoses as
• Researchers must more explicitly justify their reasoning tuberous sclerosis, Fragile X, Prader-Willi, Angelman, and
for excluding individuals with low IQ from their research other syndromes. Syndromes that involve both ASD and
programs. intellectual disabilities provide unique windows into genetic
• Many research designs could be adapted to also include and neurobiological factors associated with autism (Dykens,
people with intellectual disabilities, as exemplified in Sutcliffe, & Levitt, 2004). Even so, having a known etiology is
phenotypic studies of persons with genetic syndromes typically an exclusionary criterion for most autism studies.
with or without intellectual disabilities. Indeed, despite the robust associations between intellectual
• Individuals with autism and low IQ or with specific disabilities and ASD, persons with low IQ or with genetic syn-
genetic syndromes need to be included in research to fur- dromes are increasingly excluded from research in ASD. We
ther our understanding of the causes and mechanisms provide data in support of this disquieting research trend, as
associated with autism. reflected in a review we conducted of published, peer-reviewed
studies. Why are children or adults with ASD and intellectual
This chapter presents a cautionary tale about the impact of the disabilities, with or without a co-occurring genetic syndrome,
broader definition of autism on how investigators are con- increasingly excluded from published ASD research?
ducting their research. Diagnostically, the autism spectrum Decades ago, studies in autism relied primarily on those
has expanded to include milder types of autism that are not with intellectual disabilities, as this reflected the conceptual
necessarily associated with intellectual disabilities. At the same framework of autism at that time. The pendulum now
time, the inclusionary criteria for autism studies have nar- appears to have swung in the opposite direction, whereby
rowed to primarily include persons with high IQs, to the exclu- persons with intellectual disabilities are routinely excluded
sion of those with autism and low IQs or with co-occurring from study protocols. The chapter discusses several possible
syndromes or neurological disorders. reasons for this trend, including arguments both for and
In considering this broader diagnostic scope and more against including those with low IQs in autism research. The
narrow focus on higher IQ individuals, it is important to chapter concludes with recommendations that facilitate the
note that intellectual disabilities (previously termed mental inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities into future
retardation) have long been associated with autism spectrum research in ASD.
264 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Table 15–1.
Prevalence of Intellectual Disabilities in ASD ASD prevalence studies from 2000 to 2008 that included
DSM-IV or ICD-10 ASD diagnostic criteria and IQ data
Intellectual disabilities affects from 1.5% to 3% of the popula- Lead Dx N with % ASD with
tion, and although the term “mental retardation” was previ- Study N
Author Criteria ASD ID
ously used in the United States, a name change to “intellectual
disabilities” occurred across the major disability research and Baird et al., 2000 ICD-10 16,235 50 40%
service organizations approximately 3 years ago. Beyond a Baird et al., 2006 ICD-10 56,946 81 53%
change in terms, there is general agreement across several Bertrand, 2001 DSM-IV 8,896 36 63%
diagnostic systems that intellectual disabilities consist of: Chakrabarti & ICD-10, 15,500 26 71%
(1) an IQ score of 70 or less as determined on standardized Fombonne, 2001 DSM-IV
testing; (2) co-occurring deficits in adaptive functioning (in 3 Chakrabarti & ICD-10, 10,903 24 67%
or more areas); and (3) an onset that begins in the develop- Fombonne, 2005 DSM-IV
mental years, before age 18 (APA, 2000). Fombonne, 2001 DSM-IV, 10,438 27 44%
Beyond these general similarities, the major diagnostic ICD-10
schemas differ somewhat in their approaches. The DSM-IV-TR
Honda, 2005 ICD-10 32,791 123 75%
and ICD-10 require standardized IQ and adaptive behavior
testing in order to classify persons into traditional levels of Icasiano, 2004 DSM-IV 54,000 177 47%
delay (mild, moderate, severe, profound). The American Kawamura, 2008 DSM-IV 12,589 288 34%
Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Kielinen et al., ICD-10 152,732 187 50%
(AAIDD) rejects these classifications, as they suggest inherent 2000
deficits within people. Instead, the AAIDD adopts an approach Magnússon ICD-10 43,153 57 84%
based on the intensity of environmental supports that people et al., 2001
need to function their best (Luckasson et al., 2002). While there Oliveira, 2007 DSM-IV 67,795 115 83%
is considerable merit to this perspective, the AAIDD system Wong, 2008 DSM-IV 4,247,206 682 70%
has not been widely adopted, and the majority of researchers
Yeargin-Allsopp, DSM-IV 289,456 987 68%
continue to use traditional diagnostic systems.
Given such definitions of intellectual disabilities, how often
do intellectual disabilities occur in ASDs? Based on findings to Note: ID = Intellectual disabilities (formerly mental retardation).
date, no one knows for certain, and estimates vary widely.
Table 15-1 summarizes selected prevalence studies on ASD
that included IQ data. These epidemiological studies were source of variance relates to different methods used to identify
international in scope, based in the UK, United States, China, mental retardation or intellectual disabilities across studies.
Australia, Japan, Portugal, Finland, and Iceland. For these reasons, Table 15-1 only includes studies that: were
As Table 15-1 reveals, the prevalence estimates of intellec- published after 2000; used well-accepted diagnostic criteria
tual disabilities in ASD range from a low of 34% to a high of for autism; and included participants’ IQ scores as opposed to
84%, with a median of 65% across the 14 studies. This esti- their levels of delay (e.g., mild intellectual disabilities).
mate of intellectual disabilities in ASD is lower than the 75% IQ levels do, however, differ substantially across diagnoses
noted in DSM-IV-TR, but remains impressively high. Indeed, included under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders. By
based on these studies, the majority of children with ASD have definition, those with Asperger’s disorder do not have clini-
co-occurring intellectual disabilities. cally significant delays in language or cognitive development,
Even so, several caveats are in order, as the same challenges but share the qualitative impairments in social interaction and
for epidemiological studies of ASD in general hold true for restricted stereotypes or repetitive interests and activities that
studies that report intellectual disabilities as a co-occurring characterize autism in general. In pervasive developmental
or secondary condition of ASD. These methodological con- disorder not-otherwise-specified (PDD-NOS), intellectual
cerns include: variable sample sizes and age ranges of partici- disabilities may or may not be present, as this term is used to
pants across studies, with low sample sizes having less reliable describe children with social impairments along with the
estimates; and different diagnostic criteria for ASD across presence of either restricted interests or impairment in cogni-
studies and over time. tive or communicative skills. PDD-NOS is often a default
Diagnostic criteria for autism ranges from rating scales or diagnosis used to describe children who have mild or absent
checklists, typically seen in earlier work, to more rigorous and symptoms in one of the three core domains of autism. Children
contemporary diagnoses based on DSM or ICD criteria, or with autistic disorder have impairments in all three core
such diagnostic interviews as the ADOS and ADI-R. Comparing domains of autism, and are more likely to have co-occurring
rates over time is also complicated by the broadening of the intellectual disabilities. Even so, the term “high-functioning
autism diagnostic criteria to include milder forms of ASD, as autism” is often used to describe persons with relatively high
reflected in the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000). An additional IQs, or those in the average range or higher.
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cautionary Note 265

Examining subtypes of ASD, Witwer and Lecavalier (2008) Given the heterogeneity of ASD, these genetic syndromes
reviewed 22 studies that compared clinical differences between provide important perspectives that can fast-track candidate
two of more groups of children with reliably-established gene discoveries in ASD (see Muhle et al., 2004 for a thought-
diagnoses of autism, Asperger’s disorder, or PDD-NOS. For ful review). Examining two syndromes with high rates of
studies in this review that reported IQ scores, we calculated co-occurring ASD, for example, Nishimura et al. (2007) iden-
the mean IQ for each subtype of ASD. As expected, the average tified several common genes that were dysregulated in subjects
IQ of persons with Asperger’s disorder was 103.1, based on 12 with autism and Fragile X syndrome, and autism due to 15q11-
studies that included a group with this disorder. Eleven stud- q13 duplications. Beyond their promising findings of shared
ies in the Witwer and LeCavalier (2008) review included a molecular pathways in ASD, this study demonstrates the
group with PDD-NOS, and their average IQ was 86.1. utility of syndromic-based research in autism.
Surprisingly, however, the average IQ of children with autistic Our purpose here is not to justify the scientific merit of
disorder was 82.3, with just two of the 13 studies that included examining “syndromic autism,” but to highlight a research
a group with autism reporting an average IQ of less than 70. practice that may not serve the field well. On the one hand, for
Many of the studies stipulated low IQ as an exclusionary researchers who examine behavior in people with syndromes,
criteria, and we return to this trend later in the chapter. the syndrome is the focus of study, and phenotypic studies
may or may not include assessments of ASD along with other
syndrome characteristics. Thus, one might assess autism in
Á Prader-Willi syndrome (Veltman et al., 2005), along with
Genetic Syndromes Associated with ASD other salient characteristics of this syndrome such as hyper-
and Intellectual Disabilities phagia (Dykens et al., 2007), jigsaw puzzle skills (Verdine
et al., 2008), or associations between the behavioral phenotype
A second, related issue concerns genetic syndromes. Recent and genetic subtypes and age (Dykens et al., 2008). Phenotypic
estimates suggest that approximately 10% or less of the popu- studies are not rooted in the autism field, but will include ASD
lation of persons with ASD have a known co-occurring genetic assessments to the extent needed to accurately depict the
syndrome (Herman et al., 2007; Muhle, Trentascoste, & Rapin, syndrome’s phenotypic expression.
2004; see also the chapters by State, Lamb, and Geschwind in In contrast, researchers rooted in the autism field, who
this book). So called “syndromic autism” varies in prevalence focus exclusively on ASD, generally exclude participants with
and core autism features across different syndromes, but known etiologies or intellectual disabilities. Instead, these
collectively are not believed to represent a major proportion researchers examine individuals with what some refer to as
of the population of persons with ASD. Table 15-2 summarizes “pure autism,” or idiopathic, primary, or nonsyndromic
the estimated occurrence rates of ASD in selected genetic autism. While these studies are essential, such syndromic
syndromes. While this review is not exhaustive, it aptly versus nonsyndromic research practices have led to a grow-
demonstrates that autism is reasonably prevalent in certain ing separation of research and disability communities. Such
genetic syndromes. separation is reflected in different professional conferences
and journals that cater to each of these groups, as well as in
separate, national efforts to develop ASD versus syndrome-
Table 15–2. based databanks, biobanks, or patient registries. Thus,
Selected genetic intellectual disability syndromes persons with Fragile X, Down, Prader-Willi, or other syn-
associated with ASD dromes are either excluded from or not well represented in
databases connected to the Autism Treatment Network or
Lead Author Syndrome % Estimate ASD
Simons Simplex or Sibling Studies. Though the Autism
Chahrour, 2007 Rett, MCEP2 mutations 80–100% Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) includes representative
Cook, 2001 15q11-q13 duplications 80–100% proportions of individuals with genetic syndromes and
Moss, 2008 Cornelia de Lange 62%
autism, the overall numbers of these individuals are too low
syndrome for meaningful analyses.
At the same time, many syndrome-specific advocacy or
Peters, 2004 Angelman syndrome 42% (primarily
class I deletions)
parent groups are now developing their own data repositories,
biobanks, or research registries. On the one hand, this
Rogers, 2001 Fragile X syndrome 30%
separation seems logical, as not all parents or researchers who
Sikora, 2006 Smith-Lemi-Opitz 75% study syndromes need be concerned with autism, especially in
Smalley, 1998 Tuberous sclerosis 25% syndromes where autism is relatively infrequent. But to the
Veltman, 2005 Prader-Willi syndrome 25% (38% UPD; extent that persons with genetic syndromes also have ASD or
18% deletions) brush up against issues related to ASD, then sharing data, reg-
Vorstman, 2006 22q11.2 deletion (VCFS) 50% istries, and resources would accelerate the pace of discoveries
and of more effective treatments for persons with (or without)
Note: UPD = uniparental disomy; VCFS = Velocardiofacial syndrome. syndromic autism.
266 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Table 15–3.
A Year in the Life of an Autism Journal Data on low versus high IQ in children and adults with
ASD as published in the 2008 volume of JADD
What are the current practices regarding intellectual disabili- Number Number of Mean IQ,
ties for researchers who publish studies pertaining to ASD? of Studies Participants other IQ data
Are the IQs of participants routinely reported? How many
studies include or exclude those with low IQs? To address these Low-IQ 14 380 M IQ = 58.21 (based on
Children 9 studies)
questions, we selected a long-standing and highly regarded
autism journal, the Journal of Autism and Developmental 2 studies noted
Disorders (JADD), and reviewed all studies published in 2008. “profound or severe” ID
Although not an exhaustive review of ASD work, we reasoned 3 studies stipulated IQ
that studies published in 2008 would likely be representative of < 70
other recent years, and that a leading journal in autism would High-IQ 46 1,861 M IQ = 102.10 (based on
pull for quality submissions that included such methodological Children 35 studies)
details as IQ scores. For the journal review we identified how 6 studies stipulated IQ >
IQ was reported (as an average, range, or not at all) in child 70 or 75
versus adult participants, and when possible, we tallied or 4 studies stipulated IQ >
extracted mean IQ scores from each study. 80 or 90
As shown in Table 15-3, the vast majority of publications 1 study noted IQ range
for both children and adults with ASD included participants (85–115)
with high IQs. Regarding children, 60 studies used either high Low- & 19 690 M IQ = 72.73 (based on
IQ or low IQ children, with 77% of articles including children High-IQ 16 studies)
with high IQs only. Typically these studies had a required IQ Children
score of greater than 75, 80, or 90 as an inclusionary criterion. 2 studies noted IQ range
In contrast, 23% of articles included children with low IQs (53–124; 52–85)
only. Examining the actual numbers of participants enrolled 1 study noted % no ID,
in these 60 articles, 83% of research subjects had high IQs, and mild, moderate, severe ID
17% low IQs.
Low-IQ 3 210 % noted for mild,
Some studies of children with ASD included those with Adults moderate, severe,
both low and high IQs: 19 studies included children with IQs profound ID
less than 70 along with children with higher IQs. Of the 16
High-IQ 27 572 M IQ = 106.4 (based on
studies using low and high IQ children that reported actual IQ Adults 22 studies)
data, 10 reported a mean IQ greater than 70, and the mean IQ
4 studies stipulated IQ >
across these 10 studies was 77.80. Six studies reported mean
70, 80, or 90
IQs less than 70, with an overall average IQ of 66. Thus, while
these 16 studies included some low IQ participants, on aver- 1 study noted IQ range
(73 to 129)
age most had IQs greater than 70, suggesting that the majority
of participants were relatively high functioning.
Our review of 2008 JADD articles also indicates that adults
are less often studied than children, and that the vast majority surveys; 21% were case studies or single-subject interventions
of adult studies only include high-functioning individuals. Of that may or may not have included formal developmental test-
the 30 studies on adults with ASD, just 3 included persons ing; 19% were genetic, medical, or physiological studies; 17%
with low IQs, and 27 with high IQs—the average IQ of these used large-scale or population-based datasets; and 15% sam-
adults was 106.4. Thus, 9 times as many studies were published pled teachers or educators about their students with ASD.
on high IQ adults than low IQ adults with ASD. While there is room for improvement, the majority of articles
Examining the actual numbers of adult participants, 73% that focused on children or adults with ASD included some
had high IQs, and surprisingly, the three studies of lower IQ index of intellectual functioning.
adults represented over one quarter (27%) of adult subjects. In summary, this “year in the life of an autism journal”
This relatively high percentage is due to the fact that 2 of the 3 confirms that published studies in ASD primarily include chil-
studies were based in large institutions for persons with intel- dren and adults with relatively high IQs. While one could
lectual disabilities. While such settings offer increased num- argue that 2008 may not be representative, there are no glaring
bers of participants, they may not be representative of persons or obvious cohort differences to suggest that 2008 differs dra-
with ASD growing into adulthood today. matically from 2007 or 2009. As well, relative to other journals
A final observation stemming from our 2008 JADD review focused on autism, there is no reason to suspect that JADD is
is that the majority of studies (70%) included IQ data of some more or less likely to pull for submissions on high versus low
sort. Of the 47 articles that did not do so, 28% were parent functioning autism.
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cautionary Note 267

Based on studies summarized in Table 15-1, approximately methodologies or tasks gleaned from the 2008 JADD review
65% of persons with ASD also have an intellectual disability. that were limited to high-functioning persons but could easily
Yet our journal review suggests that only 10% to 23% of pub- be used across the IQ spectrum include: wearing actigraphy
lished articles are focused on persons with ASD and intellectual watches; playing cards with a peer; deciding if a speaker was
disabilities. In contrast, from 77% to 90% of studies we sam- male or female; taking a hearing test; providing saliva sam-
pled in 2008 were restricted to persons with high IQs. Assuming ples for cortisol assays; and identifying moods on feeling
that studies on all persons on the autism spectrum are criti- thermometers. The inclusion of those with low IQs may not
cally important steps toward discovery, why are those with necessarily be methodologically challenging for these or other
lower IQs not well represented in today’s research landscape? ASD studies.
A second issue, however, is that some researchers are
understandably striving to recruit a homogeneous sample
Á of high-functioning persons with ASD. Presumably, their
Reasons for Excluding Those with hypotheses and research questions demand that they focus
Intellectual Disabilities from ASD Research exclusively on this high-IQ subgroup. Surprisingly few inves-
tigators, however, specify why their questions pertain only to
Researchers present several explanations about why those with high-functioning individuals, nor do their publications neces-
intellectual disabilities are often excluded from contemporary sarily explain the scientific rationale for excluding those with
autism work. Some suggest that with the broadening of the lower IQs. Without a well-articulated rationale for using IQ
autism diagnostic criteria, the field is now “catching up” or cutoffs, excluding those with intellectual disabilities seems
balancing out work based on a previous conceptual model of arbitrary; over the long term, this practice may not reflect well
autism that primarily included lower functioning individuals. on the broader ASD field.
If this is indeed the case, we would expect to see an eventual A third point is that because autism is a spectrum disorder,
shift toward a middle ground, with approximately equal num- some investigators assume that findings from high IQ indi-
bers of studies that focus on low or high IQ participants, or viduals will automatically apply to those with lower IQs. By
that include a wider range of IQ in the same study. definition, findings from ASD in its more “pure” form must
A common explanation for excluding those with intellec- apply to those with ASD and intellectual disabilities. Given the
tual disabilities is that the demands of a particular research heterogeneity of ASDs, however, it seems shaky at best to
task or protocol are too difficult for those with low IQ. Tasks assume that processes in high IQ individuals will simply extend
that require, for example, a high cognitive load, higher-order to those with ASD and intellectual disabilities. Actually, this is
or abstract reasoning, or insight into one’s thoughts or emo- an empirical question, and data are needed from both low-
tions are all better suited for those with higher IQs. In addi- and high-IQ persons with ASD to determine if findings from
tion, some methodologies, such as functional neuroimaging, individuals with high IQ are applicable to those with intellec-
require that participants comply, remain still, and respond to tual disabilities. Of concern, however, is that most researchers
various button presses or stimuli while in the scanner, and do not seem to be tackling this question, and are increasingly
these are more challenging for those with lower IQs. By virtue shying away from studies that include individuals with both
of their better-developed cognitive and communicative skills, low and high IQ.
higher-functioning persons with ASD have provided novel
insights into the phenomenology of ASD, as well as on neural
functioning and basic mechanisms associated with the wider Á
autism spectrum. Ideas for ASD Research That Includes
Even so, generations of biobehavioral scientists have Intellectual Disabilities
specialized in the field of intellectual disabilities, and used a
variety of methodologies that assess cognitive, neural, social, Table 15-1 suggests that approximately 65% or more of
emotional, and adaptive functioning. Further, functional and persons with ASD also have an intellectual disability, yet
structural neuroimaging studies have now been conducted in these individuals are not well represented in national ASD
persons with intellectual disabilities and with Fragile X, research networks, data repositories, or in published articles
Prader-Willi, Williams, and other syndromes. Techniques to on ASD. Although far from comprehensive, our journal
enhance valid imaging data from persons with intellectual dis- review suggests that a minority of published articles (from
abilities include behavioral interventions to decrease move- 10% to 23%) focus on persons with ASD and intellectual dis-
ment in the scanner and increase compliance, the use of mock abilities. A further concern applies to IQ across autism spec-
scanners, and new methods of acquiring imaging data. These trum diagnoses. Calculating means IQs from Witwer and
approaches hold much promise for imaging work in persons Lecavalier’s (2008) review of ASD diagnoses, we found the
with intellectual disabilities and ASD. expected high IQ in those with Asperger’s disorder (M =
Some experimental tasks can also be adapted to those with 103.1), a lower IQ in those with PDD-NOS (M = 86.1), and
low IQ, while other experimental tasks can simply be used “as a surprisingly high average IQ in participants with autistic
is” in persons with intellectual disabilities. Examples of specific disorder (M = 82.3). Although autistic disorder often
268 Autism Spectrum Disorders

includes those with intellectual disabilities, the reliably high rates of ASD. Even so, persons with ASD and intellectual
diagnosed participants in this review were relatively high disabilities or with specific genetic etiologies, are not well rep-
functioning. Although further work is needed to explore resented in today’s ASD research landscape. The exclusion, or
these trends, it appears that those with lower IQs are not well relatively poor representation, of those with low IQs or genetic
represented in published research. As this imbalance may syndromes is reflected in large-scale databases, biobanks, and
impede new insights into ASD, how can we increase the participant registries, as well as in published, peer-reviewed
inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities into current articles. Our admittedly limited sampling of “a year in the life
ASD research? of an autism journal” revealed that only 23% of articles on
A first step is for investigators to ask if their study hypotheses children, and 10% on adults, included persons with intellec-
only apply to those with ASD and high IQs. Do investigators tual disabilities. Examining the numbers of children enrolled
know for certain that their data will be compromised by in these studies, 83% were high functioning, and 17% had
adding those with intellectual disabilities to their study? Or are intellectual disabilities.
preliminary data needed on how those with low IQs might The current research practice of truncating IQ and focusing
perform on a given task in order to make an informed decision primarily on those with high IQs does not represent the full
about IQ inclusionary criteria and data integrity? scope of autism as a spectrum disorder, limits generalizability
Perhaps intellectual disabilities should be a human subject of findings, and does not represent the majority of persons
characteristic that investigators are required to address in IRB who have autism spectrum disorder. This chapter describes
and grant applications. Just as investigators must specify their several ideas for increasing the representation of those with
rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of children, women, intellectual disabilities into future ASD research.
and ethnic/minority participants, maybe they should also This chapter sounds a strong cautionary note about
specify the scientific rationale for excluding those with low research practices. It does not aim to detract from the critical
IQs. Although this idea is not likely to be formally adopted, importance of studies of “pure” autism, or those with high
being asked to justify the exclusion of those with intellectual IQs, idiopathic autism, or no known genetic etiology. These
disabilities could sharpen investigators thinking about the role samples are essential for ongoing, multisite efforts aimed at
of IQ in their design. candidate gene discovery, or linking ASD candidate genes to
Assuming that study hypotheses could be extended to those specific aspects of the ASD phenotype. Similarly, the caution-
with low IQs, a second step is for investigators to think creatively ary note does not aim to promote research focused exclusively
about their methodology. How could tasks or experimental on those with low IQs or with syndromic autism. Rather, a
manipulations be adapted in order to glean meaningful data more equitable or balanced inclusion of individuals with low
from participants with ASD and intellectual disabilities? Are and high IQs is essential for future discoveries about the
extra supports, costs, or accommodations needed in order to etiologies, mechanisms, and treatments of ASD.
include those with intellectual disabilities? Specific ways of
examining persons with a broad range of IQs may be extracted Á
from research on the behavioral phenotypes of persons with Future Directions and Challenges
genetic etiologies of intellectual disabilities. In this work, IQ is
rarely used to truncate samples, and all persons with a given • Researchers should aim to increase numbers of indi-
genetic syndrome are included in research, regardless of their viduals with lower IQ or syndromic autism in autism
IQ. IQ effects are assessed in phenotypic data, which then research programs and large-scale databases and
inform links between underlying molecular genetics of syn- biobanks. Studies of individuals with differing types of
dromes, neurological functioning, and behavioral phenotypes. syndromic autism may provide information on common
Recent recommendations for dimensional assessments of genetic or molecular pathways.
cognitive, linguistic, adaptive, and social functioning in ASDs • Instead of setting IQ cutpoints, researchers should exam-
(Volkmar, State, & Klin, 2009) are similar to approaches taken ine IQ as a continuous variable that can affect other areas
in most phenotypic studies, and hint at the idea of moving of the phenotype.
away from low IQ as an exclusionary criterion in ASD research. • If researchers choose to exclude individuals with intellec-
Instead, IQ could be cast as a continuous variable that informs tual disability or syndromic autism, they should provide
the broad autism phenotype. rationalizations for why these exclusions are necessary for
their research question and should address whether or not
their findings would extend to the broader phenotype.
Á • Researchers will need to think creatively about how
Conclusion to adapt research paradigms (if necessary) to include
lower functioning individuals, which may include spe-
Intellectual disabilities remain a highly prevalent co-occurrence cific supports, accommodations, or additional costs.
with ASD. Our review of recent, well-conducted ASD epidemi- Researchers in the field of autism can look to the field
ology studies suggests that approximately 65% of those with of behavioral phenotypes in genetic syndromes for how
an ASD have intellectual disabilities. As well, certain genetic these adaptations have been put into practice to success-
intellectual disability syndromes are characterized by relatively fully include lower functioning individuals in research.
Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cautionary Note 269

Á ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Kielinen, M., Linna, S. L., & Moilanen, I. (2000). Autism in Northern
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P30HD15052NICHD, and R01 R01HD135681. The authors thank Snell, M. E., et al. (2002). Mental retardation: Definition, clas-
Robert Hodapp for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this sification, and systems of supports. Washington, DC: American
manuscript. Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical Cornish, K. (2008). Prevalence of autism spectrum phenom-
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16 Á Bonnie P. Taylor, Eric Hollander

Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Á Agenda for the DSM-V Work Group on Obsessive-Compulsive

Points of Interest Disorders and Related Disorders (OCDRD), which proposed a
putative Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (OCSDs)
• Converging research suggests substantial overlap in grouping.
phenomenology, comorbidity, course, family and genetic A variety of disparate disorders have been conceptualized
findings, neurobiology, cognitive functioning, and as being a part of the OCSDs category (Hollander, Kim, Braun,
treatment response, across ASD and putative OCSDs. Simeon, & Zohar, 2009; Hollander, Wang, Braun, & Marsh,
These data support the existence of a valid repetitive 2009). While autism might fit into such a category, given the
behavior domain that cuts across traditional diagnostic importance of childhood specialists (e.g., pediatricians,
boundaries. pediatric neurologists) and childhood history in the diagnosis
• The overlap in repetitive behaviors across nosological and ongoing treatment of ASD, it is unlikely that autism will
categories can also be conceptualized as a symptom-based be a part of the final consideration (Hollander, Kim, Braun,
dimension, or continuum, that encompasses “normal” Simeon, & Zohar, 2009). The other disorders being considered
behavior and extends beyond in degree and/or severity. as part of the OCSDs span across various traditional DSM-IV
• Grouping the diverse repetitive behaviors into homo- diagnostic categories, potentially including anxiety disorders
geneous, independent subfactors (i.e., dimensions) (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD]), impulse control
will allow future research to reveal unique neurobio- disorders (e.g., trichotillomania [TTM]), personality disorders
logical underpinnings associated with each, which will (e.g., obsessive-compulsive personality disorder [OCPD]),
provide insight into the development of new treatment somatoform disorders (e.g., body dysmorphic disorder
approaches. [BDD]), Tourette’s and other tic disorders, stereotyped move-
• Accumulating empirical research across academic disci- ment disorders, and Sydenham’s and other Pediatric
plines is supporting the conceptualization of higher-and Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with
lower-order dimensions of repetitive behaviors across Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) (Hollander, Kim, et al.,
OCD spectrum diagnostic categories. 2009). Converging data is emerging that suggests that, in addi-
• Recent findings are emerging that suggest a familial link tion to sharing the core symptom of repetitive thoughts and
and genetic vulnerability for the higher-order repetitive behaviors, these seemingly distinct disorders may also exhibit
behaviors in autism and OCD, which may represent an a similar course, comorbidity, familial and genetic features,
underlying endophenotype. Neuroimaging data supports brain circuitry, and treatment response profile (Hollander,
these findings. Kim, et al., 2009; Hollander, Wang, Braun, & Marsh, 2009).
An alternative way to conceptualize repetitive behaviors
Restricted and repetitive behavior is a core symptom domain across disorders is to identify and examine “symptom dimen-
of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Behaviors categorized sions” that are empirically derived from factor analytic studies.
within this symptom domain range, however, both in form These dimensions encompass “normal behavior” and extend
and severity. Moreover, repetitive behaviors are not unique to beyond in degree and/or severity. As will be discussed later in
ASD, and in fact, they are recognized across various DSM-IV the chapter, such factors may each be related to a distinct
diagnostic categories. This overlap of repetitive behaviors genetic contribution, neurobiological underpinnings, comor-
across various disorders was studied by the Research Planning bidity, treatment response profile, and course of illness.

Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 271

Regardless of whether this overlap is conceptualized from pulling, skin-picking, nail biting), hoarding, Pica, dyskinesias,
a “spectrum” or “dimensional” standpoint, the relevance is of and unusual sensory interests such as repetitive sniffing and/or
interest both heuristically and clinically. Heuristically, these mouthing objects.
commonalities may suggest a common underlying neu- Traditionally, the repetitive behaviors in autism have been
ropathological mechanism for this core symptom domain conceptualized as a single, unitary symptom domain. More
across autism and other putative OCD spectrum disorders. recently, however, research findings are supporting the exist-
This knowledge, in turn, can provide insight into the devel- ence of multiple, distinct subtypes of repetitive behavior, which
opment of new treatment approaches. have been subcategorized into higher- and lower-order behav-
Chapter 11 of this book details more fully the types and iors (Hollander et al., 1998). Briefly, higher-order behaviors,
the range of repetitive behaviors that are specific to ASD. which are cognitively mediated, include complex behaviors
The relationship between ASD and other OCSDs, including such as circumscribed interests, repetitive language, and object
autoimmune disorders, stereotyped movement disorders, and attachments. Lower-order behaviors are thought to involve
Tourette’s and other tic disorders will be detailed elsewhere in the more primitive brain, and include repetitive sensory and
this book. This chapter will therefore focus primarily on the motor behaviors such as stereotyped movements, repetitive
overlap of repetitive, restricted, and/or stereotyped patterns of manipulations of objects, body rocking, finger flicking, and
behavior, interests, and/or activities that characterize both repetitive touching. As will be discusses later in this chapter,
ASD and related OCD spectrum disorders including OCD, growing empirical research supports the existence of higher-
OCPD, BDD, and TTM. This chapter will be organized into and lower-order subtypes of repetitive behaviors not only in
the following sections: First, the symptomatic commonalities ASD, but also across diagnostic categories within the putative
in repetitive behaviors between ASD and other OCSDs will be OCSDs.
outlined. Next, research findings related to the frequent
comorbidity, similar course, and potentially overlapping Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
genetic, neurobiological, and neuropsychological correlates
across these disorders will be summarized. Finally, different OCD is classified in the DSM-IV as an anxiety disorder;
approaches to subtyping the diverse symptoms that comprise however, it is primarily characterized by repetitive thoughts
the repetitive behavior domain will be presented. This is and behaviors, and irresistible impulses and urges, not by anx-
important because the identification of homogeneous iety per se. In fact, the International Statistical Classification of
subgroups will arm investigators with more power to uncover Diseases and Related Health Problems-10th Revision (ICD-10;
the unique pathogenesis that underlies each repetitive World Health Organization, 2003), which is the classification
phenotype. of diseases by the World Health Organization, does not classify
OCD as an anxiety disorder. Rather, the ICD-10 categorizes
OCD under the umbrella “Neurotic, stress-related and
Á somatoform disorders.” Although anxiety is mentioned as
Commonalities in Repetitive Behaviors regularly being present, it is not the defining feature of OCD
in Autism and Other OCSDs in the ICD-10. Along these lines, a redefining of the OCSDs as
being a separate chapter within the anxiety disorders, or a
Autism separate category altogether, is currently being discussed for
DSM-V (Bartz & Hollander, 2006).
The term “repetitive behavior” in autism encompasses a Repetitive behaviors in OCD are manifested as obsessions
wide range of heterogeneous symptoms and activities, each and compulsions. The DSM-IV describes an obsession as a
characterized by nonfunctional repetition, rigidity, and/or repetitive thought or impulse that is subjectively experienced
inflexibility. The DSM-IV describes repetitive behaviors in as intrusive and/or inappropriate, and thereby causes anxiety
autistic disorders as an abnormally circumscribed interest or and distress. A compulsion is characterized as the engagement
preoccupation (e.g., focus on subway maps), an unreasonable in a repetitive action, aimed at avoiding or relieving the anxi-
insistence on sameness, inflexible persistence in following non- ety that is caused by the obsession. These symptoms parallel
functional routines or rituals (e.g., eating the same food for the complex higher-order repetitive behaviors displayed in
lunch, everyday, at exactly 12:00 noon), and/or stereotyped ASD, such as ritualistic behaviors, preoccupations, and a
and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand flapping and desire to maintain sameness.
body rocking). Individuals with ASD may also engage
in repetitive behaviors such as lining up objects, ensuring Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
symmetry, ritualistic behavior, and repetitive language. Disorder (OCPD)
Clinically, other repetitive behaviors are commonly observed
in individuals with ASD, but are either not mentioned in the Since its conception, the distinction between OCPD and OCD
DSM-IV, or are referred to as “associated symptoms.” These has been controversial. Adding to the confusion, the sympto-
include repetitive self-injurious behaviors (e.g., head banging matic profile of OCPD has changed over the past few decades.
and wrist biting), pathological repetitive grooming (e.g., hair For example, DSM-II characterized “obsessive-compulsive
272 Autism Spectrum Disorders

personality” as an inflexible adherence to standards, severe It is readily apparent from the descriptions above that there
introversion, and rigidity. DSM-III (American Psychiatric is substantial overlap in the repetitive thoughts and behaviors
Association [APA], 1980) added affective constriction, perfec- that manifest in ASD, OCD, and other OCD spectrum disor-
tionism, and a lack of awareness of how one’s behavior affects ders such as OCPD, TTM, and BDD. Additional support for
others. In 1987, the DSM-III-R (APA, 1987) minimized focus the existence of a valid repetitive behavior domain, which cuts
on affective restriction and added excessive preoccupation across traditional diagnostic boundaries, is rapidly accumulat-
and hoarding. Today, OCPD is classified in DSM-IV (APA, ing from diverse disciplines. These findings will be discussed
2000) as a Cluster C Personality Disorder, and is characterized below, highlighting similarities in the comorbidity, course,
by a pervasive preoccupation with organization (e.g., details, family and genetic research, neurobiology, neuropsychology,
rules, lists, order, schedules), perfectionism, excessive devo- and treatment response profile across OCSDs.
tion to work, inflexible morality, insistence that other’s follow
their rules, hoarding, miserly spending, and/or rigidity and
stubbornness. Á
It is at once apparent that many of these symptoms Comorbidity
substantially overlap with both the obsessions and compul-
sions in OCD, and the repetitive behaviors exhibited in ASD. The co-occurrence of two disorders, referred to as
Furthermore, written descriptions of OCPD in the DSM-IV, comorbidity, is one piece of evidence that suggests a common
including language such as “prone to repetition,” “inflexible,” underlying pathophysiology between the co-existing diseases.
“rigid,” and “difficulty acknowledging the viewpoints of Several obstacles hamper investigations of disorders that
others,” further highlight the observable commonalities may be comorbid with ASD. First, to date, there are no
between OCPD, ASD and OCD. standard, reliable measures of assessing comorbidity in ASD
Importantly, hoarding, a compulsion to excessively collect (Ghaziuddin, Ghaziuddin, & Greden, 2002; Matson, Smiroldo,
things without discarding, traverses ASD, OCD, and OCPD. & Hastings, 1998). Further, individuals with ASD frequently
For example, hoarding is included as part of the diagnostic present with intellectual disability (Matson et al., 1998), which
criteria of OCPD; it is considered a compulsion in OCD; and in itself is associated with the stereotypies and other repetitive
it not uncommonly co-occurs with ASD (McDougle, Kresch, behaviors displayed in idiopathic autism (Matson et al., 1997).
et al., 1995; Russell, Mataix-Cols, Anson, & Murphy, 2005). As such, it is sometimes difficult to disentangle the origin of
these repetitive behaviors.
Trichotillomania (TTM) In spite of the aforementioned assessment difficulties,
recent studies have attempted to estimate comorbidity with
Trichotillomania (TTM) is characterized by the recurrent ASD. For example, a 2.7% lifetime prevalence of Asperger’s
pulling out of one’s hair in the scalp, eyelashes, face, nose, syndrome was found in individuals diagnosed with OCD
pubic area, eyebrow, etc., often resulting in noticeable bald (LaSalle et al., 2004). This is well above current estimates of
patches. In the DSM-IV, TTM is classified as an impulse disor- Asperger’s disorder in the general population (Fombonne &
der, although, it has an indisputable compulsive quality to it. Tidmarsh, 2003). Conversely, approximately 25% of adults
Moreover, similar to the function of compulsions in OCD, with Asperger’s syndrome were found to have comorbid OCD
hair pulling is thought to reduce anxiety in individuals with (Russell et al., 2005).
TTM (Woods et al., 2006). A preoccupation with symmetry, The occurrence of other OCD spectrum disorders with
which is also exhibited in autism and OCD, has also been each other has frequently been reported. For example, patients
suggested to trigger TTM. with BDD have a 30% lifetime prevalence of OCD (Gunstad &
Phillips, 2003). Further, a high incidence of OCD has been
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) reported in patients with TTM (Ferrao, Miguel, & Stein, 2009)
and OCPD (Gunderson et al., 2000; Skodol et al., 1995)
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is classified as a somatoform Similarly, patients with a current diagnosis of OCD have a
disorder in the DSM-IV, and is characterized by a recurrent higher lifetime prevalence rate for BDD and pathological
and intense preoccupation with imagined ugliness and/or a grooming conditions compared to controls (i.e., 16% vs. 3%,
physical defect. In order to mitigate these obsessions, individ- and 41% vs. 17%, respectively) (Bienvenu et al., 2000).
uals with BDD engage in repetitive mirror-checking, camou- Recent studies have estimated that hoarding and saving
flaging, frequent requests for reassurance, and/or skin-picking compulsions occur in 15–40% of OCD patients (Hanna, 1995;
(Frare, Perugi, Ruffolo, & Toni, 2004; Hollander, Neville, Mataix-Cols, Nakatani, Micali, & Heyman, 2008; Rasmussen &
Frenkel, Josephson, & Liebowitz, 1992; Phillips, 1996). These Eisen, 1992). Hoarding has also been reported in up to 30% of
repetitive behaviors clearly resemble compulsions in OCD. individuals with autism (McDougle, Kresch, et al., 1995;
The focus of the obsession, however, may differ between BDD Russell et al., 2005). Hoarding, in turn, has been associated
and OCD: in BDD the preoccupation is centered on a perceived with other OCSDs, including pathological repetitive groom-
physical defect, whereas in OCD, the preoccupation may ing such as TTM (9%), skin picking (39%), and nail biting
encompass a broad range of content. (39%) (Samuels et al., 2002).
Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 273

In summary, comorbidity has been reported among OCD, With specific regard to the developmental course of
ASD, and hoarding, as well as between TTM, BDD, and OCD. repetitive behaviors, recent findings suggest that they are one
This co-occurrence is one piece of evidence in favor of a of the earliest signs to appear in autism, occurring during the
common etiology across the disorders. first and second year of life (Ozonoff et al., 2008; Watt,
Wetherby, Barber, & Morgan, 2008). Significant repetitive
behaviors continue to be reported by adolescents and adults
Á with ASD (Esbensen, Seltzer, Lam, & Bodfish, 2009; Fecteau
Course et al., 2003). Some studies suggest that the developmental tra-
jectory differs for different repetitive behaviors in ASD. For
In addition to the similarities in symptoms and comorbidity example, motor and sensory repetitive behaviors have been
discussed above, autism and OCD spectrum disorders have found to occur more frequently in younger children (aged 2–4),
parallels relating to the course of illness (see Figure 16-1). With with the repetitive behaviors becoming more complex by
regard to the course of ASD, abnormalities are thought to be age 7–11 (Bishop, Richler, & Lord, 2006; Militerni, Bravaccio,
present from birth, but must be present prior to the age of Falco, Fico, & Palermo, 2002). Similarly, a recent study by
three to meet formal DSM-IV criteria. Autism is a chronic and Esbensen et al. (2009) found that stereotyped movements
lifelong illness, though some improvement may be seen in were more frequent in young children than in adults. Some
symptom domains over time (Fecteau, Mottron, Berthiaume, studies have reported that whereas restricted interests, unu-
& Burack, 2003; Piven, Harper, Palmer, & Arndt, 1996). In sual preoccupations, and complex stereotypy may decrease
terms of gender, males are affected with autism significantly with age (Esbensen et al., 2009; Seltzer et al., 2003), ritualistic
more often than females, as evidenced by the approximately behavior and a need for sameness appear to be frequent in
4 to 1 male to female ratio (Fombonne, 2005). older individuals with autism (Esbensen et al., 2009).
OCD, in contrast, has a bimodal age of onset, with peaks Retrospective data have also suggested some improvement in
during puberty, and then again during early adulthood repetitive behavior with age, but not as pronounced as
(Zohar, 1999). It has been suggested that early-onset OCD is improvements in the social and language domains (Fecteau
most similar to the course of autism, as it is also more prevalent et al., 2003; Piven et al., 1996) that together define autism.
in males than females (Tukel et al., 2005), and follows a chronic In terms of the course of repetitive behaviors across the
course (Fontenelle, Mendlowicz, Marques, & Versiani, 2003; OCD spectrum, Hollander theorized that over time, the lower-
Sobin, Blundell, & Karayiorgou, 2000). When hoarding is order symptom dimension of repetitive behaviors, which serve
accompanied with symptoms of OCD, the hoarding symptoms to mediate arousal, progress into higher order, cognitively
appear to have an earlier age of onset (Pertusa et al., 2008). mediated repetitive behaviors (Hollander, personal commu-
Less is known regarding the course of BDD, TTM, and nication). For example, as previously mentioned, young chil-
OCDPD. Demographic data, and illness duration of BDD dren with autism often engage in perseverative, self-stimulatory
appears to be similar to that of OCD (Phillips et al., 2007). behaviors including hand flapping, rocking, lining objects up,
TTM has a mean age of onset between 9 and 13 years of age, and opening and closing doors. Similarly, young children with
and is widely viewed to have a persistent course. Males may other OCD spectrum disorders may engage in comorbid, self-
have a later age of onset than females. (Lochner, Seedat, & stimulatory trichotillomania. In older children with autism,
Stein, 2009). According to the DSM-IV (APA, 2000), OCPD is these lower-order behaviors may be supplemented and/or
typically diagnosed in late adolescence or young adulthood, substituted by higher order OCD spectrum behaviors such
and it occurs almost twice as frequently in males than as checking, washing, counting, repetitive requesting, and
females. repetitive asking for reassurance. Comorbid OCD spectrum

13 years
OCD (1st peak)
16–25 years MID 20’s Early 30’s
1–3 years 9–13 years 11–20 years OCD Hoarding Hoarding
Autism TTM BDD OCPD with OCD without OCD


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 16–1. Timeline of average age of onset of disorders with a core repetitive behavior domain. Horizontal gray bands represent the
approximate age range of onset for each corresponding disorder, with the bolder, middle color signifying the average. Vertical gray lines
each represent one year.
274 Autism Spectrum Disorders

disorders at this age might include BDD, as well as grooming Studies that examined sibling-pair correlations similarly
and checking rituals. found a significant familial relationship for the “Insistence on
Taken together, there is some overlap in the course of ASD Sameness,” as well as for the “Circumscribed Interest” factor,
and OCD spectrum disorders. Most notably, there is a greater on the ADI (Lam, Bodfish, & Piven, 2008; Szatmari et al.,
male to female ratio in ASD, OCD, OCDPD, and hoarding, 2006). Interestingly, neither of these studies found a familial
and the course is similar as well. Developmental research is relationship for the lower-order “Repetitive Sensory and
beginning to depict a possible age-related trend for repetitive Motor” factor. Along these lines, a multiplex family study also
behaviors, with the earlier years being characterized by motor reported a familial pattern for higher-, but not lower-, order
and sensory-related repetitive behaviors (e.g., stereotypy, repetitive behaviors in first-degree relatives of individuals with
TTM) that are later accompanied and/or replaced with higher- ASD (Silverman et al., 2002). Higher-order repetitive behav-
order repetitive thoughts and behaviors (e.g., obsessions, ior in idiopathic OCD has also been linked to a family history
rituals). This is interesting given the earlier average age of of OCD spectrum disorders. More specifically, OCD probands
onset for disorders characterized by motor-sensory related whose obsessions and compulsions included ordering and
repetitive behaviors (e.g., autism and TTM) compared to the symmetry were more likely to have a relative with OCD
later onset for the more cognitively mediated repetitive behav- (Alsobrook, Leckman, Goodman, Rasmussen, & Pauls, 1999;
iors (see Figure 16-1.) Clearly, more research is needed to Hanna, Fischer, Chadha, Himle, & Van Etten, 2005).
determine the validity of this age-related trajectory. In summary, family studies typically show that relatives of
probands with OCD spectrum disorders have an increased
risk of also having an OCD spectrum disorder. Further,
Á research is emerging that is making a strong case for a familial
Family Studies link for higher-order repetitive behaviors in autism and OCD,
which may represent an underlying endophenotype.
Family studies, which demonstrate a high occurrence of
OCD spectrum disorders in relatives of probands with OCD
spectrum disorders, suggest a possible genetic link across Á
them. For example, OCD has been found to be more preva- Genetics
lent in relatives of autistic probands compared to relatives of
Down syndrome probands (Bolton, Pickles, Murphy, & Genetic linkage and association studies have reported genetic
Rutter, 1998) and control probands (Micali, Chakrabarti, & relationships between OCD and some OCD spectrum disor-
Fombonne, 2004). ders. For example, linkage analysis has revealed that individuals
In terms of other OCSDs, compared to first-degree with more severe OCD displayed an autism susceptibility gene
relatives of control probands, first-degree relatives of on chromosomes 1, 6, and 19 (Buxbaum et al., 2004). The
probands with OCD have been reported to have a greater fre- chromosome 15q11-q13, in particular, has been implicated in
quency of OCPD (5.8% vs.11.5%, respectively) and patho- repetitive behaviors in autism. Moreover, families sharing
logical grooming symptoms (10% vs.17%, respectively) high scores on the “Insistence on Sameness” factor of the ADI
(Samuels et al., 2000). Relatives of probands with early-onset showed increased linkage at the GABRB3 locus in 15q11- q13
OCD have a particularly high prevalence of OCD compared (Shao et al., 2003).
to control relatives (22.7% vs. 0.9%) (do Rosario-Campos As with OCD, the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) is
et al., 2005), which is of particular interest given the observa- considered to be a candidate gene for autism. Investigations
tion that early-onset OCD is similar in course and gender have isolated a genetic linkage of autism to the chromo-
ratio to that of autism. A familial link has similarly been some 17q11.2 region that harbors the serotonin transporter
reported in TTM, with relatives of probands with TTM gene (SLC6A4) (Cantor et al., 2005; McCauley et al., 2004;
approximately 20% more likely to exhibit OCD and TTM Risch et al., 1999). Moreover, Brune, et al. (2006) reported an
compared to control probands (Christenson, Mackenzie, & association between 5HTTLPR long/long genotype of the
Reeve, 1992; Lenane et al., 1992). SLC6A4 and repetitive sensory-motor behaviors. Similarly, a
With regard to a family history related to repetitive link has been reported between novel variants at the serotonin
behaviors per se, Hollander et al. (2003) found that autistic transporter locus and rigid compulsive behavior (Sutcliffe
probands who engaged in high levels of repetitive behaviors et al., 2005). Associations with the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism,
were more likely to have parents with OCD compared to have, however, been mixed (Conroy et al., 2004; Devlin et al.,
autistic probands who exhibited few repetitive behaviors 2005; Kim et al., 2002; Yirmiya et al., 2001). Nevertheless,
(15% vs. 4%, respectively). More recent studies have utilized a link between the 5-HT transporter and repetitive behaviors
quantitative symptoms dimensions to examine familial link- is consistent with the abundance of 5-HT receptors housed in
age. For example, Abramson et al. (2005) reported a positive the basal ganglia, which, as will be discussed in the following
correlation between the “Insistence on Sameness” factor on section, has been implicated in the expression of repetitive
the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) in subjects behaviors (Di Giovanni, Di Matteo, Pierucci, Benigno, &
with autism and obsessive-compulsive behaviors in parents. Esposito, 2006).
Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 275

Other genes have also been implicated in repetitive (Saxena et al., 2004). More specifically, OCD patients who also
behaviors. More specifically, studies show that dopamine exhibit hoarding symptoms displayed reduced metabolism in
transporter knockout mice exhibit a greater insistence on the posterior cingulate gyrus compared to controls, and in the
fixed patterns of action (Berridge, Aldridge, Houchard, & dorsal anterior cingulate compared to nonhoarding OCD
Zhuang, 2005). Other studies have found that a mitochondrial patients. These data, together with findings of an earlier age of
aspartate/glutamate carrier polymorphism on chromosome 2 onset for hoarding with OCD versus hoarding without OCD,
was associated with routines and rituals in individuals with distinct susceptibility genes for hoarding, as well as, as will be
autism (Silverman et al., 2006). In addition, a significant allele discussed later in the chapter, an empirically derived hoarding
sharing for hoarding phenotypes has been found for markers at factor in OCD, suggest that compulsive hoarding may be an
4q34–35, 5q35.2–35.3, and 17q2 (Zhang et al., 2002). independent subtype of repetitive behaviors.
Few studies have specifically investigated the neural struc-
tures involved in repetitive behaviors. Hollander et al. (2005)
Á found a positive correlation between the severity of repetitive
Neuroimaging behaviors and right caudate and putamen volumes in patients
with autism. This association was particularly strong for the
Current neuroimaging and cognitive findings across OCD higher-order OCD spectrum repetitive behaviors, such as
spectrum disorders provides further evidence of a common insistence on sameness/resistance to change. Sears et al.
underlying pathophysiology. More specifically, neuroimaging (1999) similarly reported that enlarged caudate volume in
research has tended to show dysfunction in the cortico-striatal- autism was correlated with difficulties with minor change
thalamo-cortical circuit (sometimes referred to as the “OCD in routine, compulsions and rituals, and complex motor
circuit”), which includes the basal ganglia, anterior cingulate, mannerisms.
dorsolateral and orbitofrontal cortex, and the thalamus. As Taken together, replicated neuroimaging findings have
will be discussed in the next section, abnormalities in this revealed a link between higher-order repetitive behaviors and
pathway are supported by reduced performance on cognitive structures in the basal ganglia, and the anterior cingulate
tasks that are mediated by these brain regions. cortex. This finding suggests that dysfunction in this circuitry
In terms of aberrant functioning within structures of the may lead to the expression of higher-order repetitive behaviors
basal ganglia, recent MRI studies have revealed enlarged across OCD spectrum disorders. Alternatively, subtle structural
bilateral (Herbert et al., 2003; Sears et al., 1999) and right and/or functional alterations along the corticostriatal pathway
(Hollander, Anagnostou, et al., 2005) caudate volume in may be associated with different symptom presentations of
patients with autism compared to controls. The variability in repetitive behavior. More research is needed linking brain
findings may be a result of the positive correlation between imaging findings to distinct repetitive behaviors.
right caudate volumes and higher order repetitive behaviors
(Hollander, Anagnostou, et al., 2005). This hypothesis is
consistent with increased right caudate volume reported in Á
patients with OCD (Scarone et al., 1992), who also exhibit Neuropsychology
higher order repetitive behaviors. These data suggest a possible
common underlying neural pathway associated with the Structures within the corticostriatal neural pathway, which as
higher order, cognitive mediated repetitive behaviors across discussed above, have been found abnormal in neuroimaging
both ASD and OCD. studies of OCSDs, play a prominent role in the mediation of
In subjects with trichotillomania, smaller left putamen executive functions. As such, one would expect executive dys-
volume and increased grey matter density in the left stratum function to be significant in the neuropsychological literature
has been reported relative to normal controls (Chamberlain of OCD spectrum disorders.
et al., 2008; O’Sullivan et al., 1997). Furthermore, a negative Executive function is an umbrella term used to describe
correlation has found between TTM severity and striatal cognitive functions involved in planning and executing com-
activity, in that, more severe hair pulling was associated with a plex behavior such as organization, inhibition, initiation of
greater reduction in striatal activity (Stein et al., 2002). action, self-monitoring, cognitive flexibility and set-shifting.
Abnormalities in the anterior cingulate cortex have also Many of these functions are characteristic of ASD and OCD
been frequently reported across OCD-related disorders. For spectrum disorders. For example, in autism, difficulty inhibit-
example, reduced metabolism and volume in the anterior ing behavior may lead to repetitive verbalizations and/or
cingulate have been observed in individuals with ASD relative actions, and in OCSDs, it may manifest as difficulty repressing
to healthy controls (Haznedar et al., 1997; Haznedar et al., unwanted obsessions, and/or controlling compulsions such as
2000; Ohnishi et al., 2000). Further, white matter disruption hair pulling.
in the anterior cingulate has been reported in autism (Barnea- Neuropsychological studies have in fact demonstrated
Goraly et al., 2004), as well as in OCD (Szeszko et al., 2005). deficits in response inhibition in individuals with OCSDs,
A differential pattern of cingulate activity has been shown albeit with variable results. Bohne et al. (2008) reported poor
for OCD patients with and without hoarding symptoms motor inhibition in patients with TTM, but not in patients
276 Autism Spectrum Disorders

with OCD. In contrast, Chamberlain et al. (2006) found that Á

both patients with TTM and patients with OCD showed Pharmacology/Treatment Response
impaired motor inhibition, though the impairment was more
significant in patients with TTM. Variable findings have also Common neurotransmitter systems, and a similar response
been reported regarding inhibition in autistic samples profile to psychopharmacological treatments, have been found
(Ozonoff, Strayer, McMahon, & Filloux, 1994; Shafritz, across some OCD spectrum disorders. For example, treatment
Dichter, Baranek, & Belger, 2008). However, it is of consider- with clomipramine has been reported to be more effective
able interest that during a response inhibition task, functional than desipramine for patients with OCD (Hollander & Kahn,
brain imaging studies have correlated reduced inhibitory 2003; Leonard et al., 1989), ASD (Gordon, State, Nelson,
control with hypometabolism in the anterior cingulate in Hamburger, & Rapoport, 1993), BDD (Hollander et al., 1999),
individuals with ASD (Anagnostou, 2006; Kana, Keller, and TTM (Swedo et al., 1989). In addition, selective serotonin
Minshew, & Just, 2007). This is consistent with dysfunction reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the first-line treatment for
in the anterior cingulate, which, as previously discussed, has OCD and BDD.
frequently been reported across OCD spectrum disorders. Treatment with SSRIs has similarly been efficacious in
Another executive function that is often impaired in reducing repetitive behaviors in ASD in some but not all
individuals with OCDRS is cognitive flexibility. Poor flexi- studies. For example, in randomized controlled clinical trials
bility can manifest in preservative, stereotyped behavior, of children, adolescents, and adults treated with fluoxetine
rigidity, and inflexibility. A recent study compared cognitive (Buchsbaum et al., 2001; Hollander, Phillips, et al., 2005) and
set shifting between subjects with TTM, OCD, and controls. fluvoxamine (McDougle, et al., 1996), significant improve-
Deficits in cognitive flexibility were demonstrated only in ments in repetitive symptoms were demonstrated compared
patients with OCD relative to controls (Chamberlain et al., to placebo. A recent study, however, that compared citalo-
2006). In contrast other studies have found impaired cogni- pram to placebo, found no difference in outcome between the
tive set-shifting in subjects with TTM compared to controls treatment conditions (King et al., 2009). The discrepancy in
(Stanley, Hannay, & Breckenridge, 1997). In samples of findings may be the result of differences in methodology
autistic individuals, executive deficits have been found in between studies (e.g., dosing, age of sample, etc.), as well as
set-shifting (Ozonoff et al., 2004) as well as in an increased individual variability. Alternatively, since SSRIs effectively
rate of perseverative responding compared to controls reduce anxiety in samples with autism (Buchsbaum et al.,
(Turner, 1999). 2001; Hollander, Phillips, et al., 2005) (Steingard, Zimnitzky,
Few studies have explored the relationship between per- DeMaso, Bauman, & Bucci, 1997), which is likely to be associ-
formance on tests of executive functioning and repetitive ated with reduced rigidity in adherence to routines and rituals
behavior. Turner (1999) reported that poorer performance on (Soorya, Kiarashi, & Hollander, 2008), SSRIs may exert their
tasks that measure initiation and inhibition of response were effect on the higher-order repetitive behaviors. Future out-
associated with higher levels of repetitive behavior, in both come studies with SSRIs may benefit by examining the rela-
high- and low-functioning patients with autism. In contrast, tionship between treatment response, higher- vs. lower-order
Ozonoff et al. (2004) reported no relationship between repetitive behaviors, and anxiety.
performance on tasks of executive functioning and repetitive Nevertheless, there is strong evidence that implicates
behavior. More recently, Lopez et al. (2005) found that serotonin in playing a role in the expression of repetitive
repetitive behaviors are associated with some, but not other symptoms. For example, Hollander et al. (2000) found that
executive functions. More specifically, in adults with autistic the sensitivity of the 5HT1d receptor was associated with the
disorder, repetitive behavior was correlated with cognitive severity of repetitive behaviors in adults with autism. Further,
flexibility, response inhibition, and working memory, but not as previously reported, the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) has
with planning or fluency. been studied as a possible candidate gene for autism.
In summary, executive dysfunction in response inhibi- Dopaminergic abnormalities have also been implicated in
tion, cognitive flexibility, and perseveration has been dem- both ASD and OCD (Denys, Zohar, & Westenberg, 2004;
onstrated in OCSDs, albeit with some inconsistency. Variable Hollander, Baldini Rossi, Sood, & Pallanti, 2003; McCracken
findings in studies of executive function are not surprising, et al., 2002). For instance, children treated with the
however, as these functions each comprise of a range of inde- antipsychotic risperidone showed reductions in stereotypy,
pendent processes, and different research measures tap into hyperactivity, and aggressive symptoms compared to those on
different functional components. It is interesting, however, placebo. Significant improvement in repetitive behaviors in
that an fMRI study that examined neural activity during an children with ASD has also been associated with divalproex
executive task demonstrated a relationship between execu- treatment (Hollander et al., 2006). Other support for
tive function impairment, repetitive behavior, and fronto- dopamine’s role in OCD spectrum disorders is the common
striatal circuitry. Similar interdisciplinary research will help use of dopamine blockers as augmentative treatment in
to relate executive functioning to the expression of repetitive individuals with treatment-resistant OCD (Pallanti, Bernardi,
behaviors and the integrity of brain structures in OCD Antonini, Singh, & Hollander, 2009). Moreover, dopaminergic
related disorders. neurotransmission plays a significant role in mediating the
Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 277

function of structures in the basal ganglia, which as previously In contrast to egodystonicity, poor insight in OCD has been
discussed are associated with the expression of repetitive associated with treatment outcome, as well as with specific
behaviors, and are aberrant in many OCD spectrum disorders. types of obsessions. For example, Tolin, Abramowitz, Kozak,
and Foa (2001) found that poor insight was associated with
religious obsessions, fears of making mistakes, and unwanted
Á obsessional impulses to act aggressively. Other studies have
Phenotypes of ASD and OCSDs found that poor insight was found more often in individuals
with somatic obsessions (e.g., physical appearance, fears of
As discussed throughout this chapter, the repetitive behaviors illness), compared to other OCD symptoms (Abramowitz,
that are displayed in ASD and other OCD spectrum disorders Franklin, Schwartz, & Furr, 2003; McKay, Neziroglu, &
lie across a broad spectrum that ranges from repetitive body Yaryura-Tobias, 1997; Neziroglu, Pinto, Yaryura-Tobias, &
movements to more cognitively mediated symptoms, such as McKay, 2004). This is consistent with a finding in BDD, which
circumscribed interests and obsessions. Several approaches also involves somatic symptoms, which reported a negative
have attempted to reduce the heterogeneity of repetitive correlation between insight and symptoms severity (Eisen,
behaviors into meaningful categories. The traditional method Phillips, Coles, & Rasmussen, 2004). Poor insight in OCD has
has been to consider whether or not the symptoms are egodys- also been associated with poor psychopharmacological and
tonic, that is, whether the individual perceives them as irra- behavioral treatment outcome (Raffin, Guimaraes Fachel,
tional and/or unreasonable. Importantly, when symptoms are Ferrao, Pasquoto de Souza, & Cordioli, 2009; Shetti et al., 2005)
egodystonic, they provoke significant mental distress (e.g., and an earlier age of onset (Catapano et al., 2009).
anxiety). In attempt to diminish that stress and anxiety, With advances in theory and research, greater specificity of
compulsions and rituals are performed, for example in OCD the structure of the repetitive behavior domain of OCD spec-
and BDD. With regard to TTM, tension is thought to mount trum disorders has been conceptualized. In particular, various
immediately before, or during, attempts to avoid hair-pulling, research groups have utilized factor analytic methods to math-
followed by a sense of relief and pleasure during hair-pulling. ematically derive independent underlying dimensions (also
In contrast, repetitive behaviors exhibited in ASD and called factors or subtypes) of repetitive symptoms. Importantly,
OCPD are not subjectively recognized as excessive or senseless, each of these homogeneous subtypes may be associated with a
and do not provoke anxiety. Thus, they are egosyntonic. unique etiology and treatment response profile.
For example, many individuals with Asperger’s disorder derive Using this technique, the most established factors that have
satisfaction and comfort from their preoccupations. emerged in the autism literature are the “lower order” and the
Assessment of perceived rationality in ASD, however, is diffi- “higher order” subtypes of repetitive behaviors. More recently,
cult due to impaired introspection that is inherent in the dis- however, the structure of the repetitive behaviors has become
order. For patients with OCPD, obsessions and compulsions even more specific, as additional distinct factors have been
are also viewed as enjoyable, and, in fact, these patients will identified. In the earlier research (Cuccaro et al., 2003; Szatmari
readily explain why their behaviors are rational. et al., 2006) factor analyses were performed on the symptoms
One drawback of the egodystonic, egosyntonic classification items of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R),
of repetitive behaviors is that the same behavior may be sub- a clinical assessment that focuses on the three main autism
jectively experienced differently. As such, it becomes unclear symptom domains (i.e., reciprocal social interaction; commu-
as to whether the behavior is functioning as an anxiolytic in nication and language; and restricted and repetitive, stereo-
one individual relative to another. For example, one patient typed interests and behaviors). The results of these factor
may engage in excessive list-making to reduce the significant analyses yielded “lower-” and “higher-” order factors, in both
subjective distress created by an egodystonic obsession. children and adults. As previously mentioned, the lower-order
Alternatively, list making may be related to a preoccupation factor, also referred to as “Repetitive Sensory and Motor
with detail, as in OCPD, and in this case, it is likely to be enjoy- Behaviors,” includes symptoms such as hand and finger man-
able, not resisted, and therefore, egosyntonic. Another short- nerisms, repetitive use of objects or parts of objects, unusual
coming of this distinction stems from the discovery that there sensory interests, stereotyped body movements, and rocking.
is a continuum of insight (i.e., degree of understanding of the These repetitive behaviors are thought to be self-stimulatory
problematic or irrational nature of the symptoms) into a and serve to modulate the level of arousal. The higher-order
patient’s OCD-like symptoms. For example, Foa et al. (1995) repetitive domain, called “Insistence on Sameness,” comprises
conducted a field study for the DSM-IV and found that of 432 symptoms such as resistance to trivial changes in routine and
individuals with OCD, only 8% currently lacked insight, environment, compulsions, and rituals. These repetitive
and 5% reported that they never had insight. This study pro- thoughts and behaviors are thought to be mediated by higher
pelled the DSM-IV to replace the egodystonic attribute of cognitive processes.
repetitive behaviors in OCD, and add a “poor insight” specifier. Several groups have, in fact, demonstrated that the higher-
Poor insight is characterized as not realizing that obsessions and lower-order repetitive domains are correlated with level
and actions are excessive and unreasonable, and significantly of cognitive functioning. More specifically, whereas higher-
interfere with daily life. order repetitive symptoms have been associated with higher
278 Autism Spectrum Disorders

intellectual functioning (Militerni et al., 2002), lower-order “Compulsive Behavior” (repetitive behavior performed
repetitive behaviors have been linked with intellectual disability according to a rule, or until its “just right”), and “Restricted
(Bishop et al., 2006; Militerni et al., 2002). Consistent with Interests” (limited range of interest, focus or activity). In
this, symptoms that comprise the lower-order domain, such contrast, Anagnostou et al. investigated the structure of the
as stereotyped motor movements, have also been linked to Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) in indi-
neurological dysfunction (Peterson et al., 2003; Sears et al., viduals with autism (unpublished data). Results yielded four
1999), and as such, are also manifested in neurological-based empirically derived distinct factors, which comprised higher-
OCSDs such as Tourette’s syndrome (TS), Sydenham’s chorea, order repetitive behaviors (e.g., ordering, washing, repeating,
as well as ASD. checking, ritualistic eating and rituals), lower-order repetitive
More recently, a distinct third repetitive behavior factor in behaviors (self-injurious behaviors, touching, rubbing),
autism has been identified, also derived from the items on the hoarding, and obsessions.
ADI-R (Lam et al., 2008). This factor materialized because, in If the overlap of symptoms between ASD and other OCD
contrast to the earlier research, ADI-R items that did not load spectrum disorders is meaningful, then repetitive symptoms
on either the “Repetitive Sensory and Motor Behaviors” or within disorders should share a similar underlying factor
“Insistence on Sameness” factor were not excluded from the structure, or should overlap with one or more established
analysis. This third factor, described as “Circumscribed repetitive factor domains. Bloch et al. (2008) recently conducted
Interests” includes circumscribed interests, unusual preoccu- a large-scale meta-analysis to validate the factor structure of
pations, and unusual attachment to objects. the Y-BOCS in OCD. This study yielded 4 factors, including
In attempt to provide even more definition and structure “Forbidden Thoughts” (obsessions involving aggression, sexual,
to the repetitive domain, recent investigations have utilized religious, and somatic content, as well as checking compul-
instruments that more explicitly delineate repetitive behaviors. sions), “Symmetry” (symmetry obsessions, and repeating,
For example, a factor analysis using the items on the Repetitive ordering, and counting compulsions), “Cleaning” (cleaning
Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R), conducted by Lam and Anon and contamination), and “Hoarding” (hoarding obsessions
(2007), derived 5 subscales in children and adults with ASD. and compulsions).
They included “Ritualistic/Sameness Behavior” (repetitive Examination of the factor structure of repetitive behaviors
performance of activities of daily living, resistance to change, on the Y-BOCS between ASD and OCD samples is notable for
need for sameness), “Stereotypic Behavior” (repeated, pur- interesting similarities and differences (see Figure 16-2). For
poseless body movements), “Self-injurious Behavior,” example, the repetitive symptoms intrinsic to each disorder

Distinct Overlapping

Lower-Order Higher-Order Hoarding

Sameness Circumscribed Cleaning Forbidden Symmetry Hoarding
Factor sensory and
interest thoughts
Touching Need for Restricted Cleaning Aggression: Symmetry Hoarding
sameness interests obsession and
Rubbing Contamination Sexual Repeating compulsions
Resistance Unusual
Stereotyped to change preoccupa- Religious Ordering
body movements tions
Repetitive Somatic Counting
Symptoms Repetitive use performance Unusual
of objects of activities attachments to Checking
of daily living objects
Unusual sensory Rituals


Figure 16–2. Summary of distinct and overlapping repetitive factors in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD). Distinct repetitive factors found only in ASD include the lower order “Repetitive Sensory and Motor” factor and the higher order
“Sameness” and “Circumscribed Interest” factors. Distinct factors found in OCD include the higher order repetitive factors of “Cleaning”
and “Forbidden Thoughts.” Overlapping factors, which have been derived in both samples of ASD and OCD, include the higher order
“Symmetry” factor, and a “Hoarding” factor.
Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders 279

loaded similarly to yield 2 analogous factors. The first, may fit in. For example, as the content of obsessions in BDD
characterized as a distinct hoarding subtype, was derived in are somatic in nature, they would seemingly load with the
both the ASD and OCD samples. The validity of hoarding as a “Forbidden Thoughts” factor that also includes somatic pre-
discrete subtype is supported by previous research, which sug- occupations. Similarly, the repetitive behaviors exhibited in
gests that hoarding is associated with a distinct biological and TTM, stereotypic movement disorder, skin picking, and
genetic profile, poor insight, and resistance to psychological Tourette’s syndrome should effectively superimpose on the
and pharmacological treatments (Abramowitz et al., 2003; lower-order repetitive cluster found in ASD.
Lochner et al., 2005). As can be seen, the heterogeneous repetitive behaviors
The second repetitive dimension uncovered in both sam- across OCD spectrum disorders can be reduced and more
ples involves repeating, ordering, symmetry, counting, and specifically categorized into discrete repetitive domains.
rituals. This is referred to as the “Symmetry” factor in OCD, Individuals with these disorders, in turn, could be subgrouped
and the “Higher-order” repetitive factor in ASD. Strong sup- accordingly. For example, one individual diagnosed with ASD
port for a distinct higher-order, cognitively mediated repeti- may predominately engage in self-stimulatory behavior
tive factor comes from family and genetic studies. As previously whereas another may primarily experience extreme resistance
discussed, family studies have demonstrated a familial link for to trivial changes. The former patient in this example could be
the “Insistence on Sameness” and “Circumscribed Interests” reclassified into the lower-order repetitive behaviors subtype,
factors of the RRBS, as well as the “Insistence on Sameness” and the latter could be categorized within the higher-order
factor of ADI-R (Abramson et al., 2005; Lam et al., 2008; domain. Alternatively, another individual with autism may
Silverman et al., 2002; Szatmari et al., 2006). Furthermore display symptoms within both dimensions, or may even have
families sharing high scores on the “Insistence on Sameness” a combination of symptoms across dimensions. This is also
factor of the ADI showed increased linkage at the GABRB3 the case for individuals with other OCD spectrum disorders,
locus in 15q11-q13 (Shao et al., 2003). In contrast, no familial who would be classified within the same repetitive clusters.
or genetic link has been reported for the lower-order sensory Grouping the diverse repetitive behaviors into homogeneous
motor repetitive behaviors. Neuroimaging findings, which domains will provide future research with more statistical
suggest a positive correlation between higher-order repetitive power to reveal the unique neurobiological underpinnings
behaviors and caudate and putamen volumes (Hollander, associated with each dimension. This will, in turn, inform the
Anagnostou, et al., 2005; Sears et al., 1999), also point in the development of new treatment approaches, with the ultimate
direction of a unique etiology for this repetitive domain. goal of offering patients personalized treatment that will
A distinction in the underling factor structure of repetitive match their unique pattern of symptom dimensions to
behaviors between the ASD and OCD sample is that the lower- specific and targeted treatments.
order repetitive factor, which is consistently yielded in studies
of ASD, was not reported in the OCD sample. This lack of
finding supports previous research that suggests lower-order Á
repetitive behavior is in fact a homogeneous neurologically Conclusions
based factor (Peterson et al., 2003; Sears et al., 1999), associ-
ated with intellectual disability (Bishop et al., 2006; Militerni Evidence is converging across multiple disciplines to support
et al., 2002) but not common in OCD (McDougle, Kresch, the conceptualization of discrete dimensions of repetitive
et al., 1995). In contrast, a subtype of “Forbidden Thoughts” behaviors across OCD spectrum disorders. Importantly, this
was identified in OCD, but not ASD, samples. This concurs subtyping appears to reduce heterogeneity in research studies
with a study that directly compared the Y-BOCS in adults with to allow for the identification of OCD spectrum endopheno-
OCD and ASD, and found that patients with OCD were sig- types. For example, recent findings have demonstrated that
nificantly more likely to experience aggressive, sexual, reli- higher-order repetitive behaviors across disorders have familial
gious, and somatic obsessions compared to patients with ASD and genetic linkage, as well as similar neurobiological findings.
(McDougle, Krystal, Price, Heninger, & Charney, 1995). It is In contrast, lower-order repetitive behaviors appear not to be
also of interest to note that aggressive, religious, and somatic influenced by genetics, but rather by neurological insult,
obsessions have been associated with an unfavorable treat- including intellectual disability. Hoarding has also manifested
ment response (Erzegovesi et al., 2001; Ferrao et al., 2006; as a distinct repetitive dimension across OCD spectrum
Mataix-Cols, Marks, Greist, Kobak, & Baer, 2002) and with disorders, with a unique underlying neuropathophysiology.
poor insight (Catapano et al., 2009; Erzegovesi et al., 2001;
Raffin et al., 2009), thus mounting further support to the
validity of this subtype. Á
To the authors’ knowledge, no studies have been per- Challenges and Future Directions
formed looking at the structure of repetitive symptoms in
BDD, OCPD, or TTM. Within the framework of the empiri- • Future studies that examine repetitive behaviors in OCD
cally validated repetitive symptom dimensions described spectrum disorders would benefit by using measures that
above, however, it is not difficult to conceptualize where they assess the full range of thoughts, actions, and behaviors
280 Autism Spectrum Disorders

within this domain. This would allow for a more the Berridge, K. C., Aldridge, J. W., Houchard, K. R., & Zhuang, X. (2005).
precise identification of homogeneous dimensions Sequential super-stereotypy of an instinctive fixed action pat-
within the core repetitive behavior domain. tern in hyper-dopaminergic mutant mice: a model of obsessive
• More interdisciplinary studies are needed to delineate compulsive disorder and Tourette’s. BMC Biology, 3, 4.
Bienvenu, O. J., Samuels, J. F., Riddle, M. A., Hoehn-Saric, R.,
the unique neurobiological underpinnings associated
Liang, K. Y., Cullen, B. A., et al. (2000). The relationship of obses-
with each repetitive symptom dimension.
sive-compulsive disorder to possible spectrum disorders: results
• Studies are needed to examine the possibility of a differ- from a family study. Biological Psychiatry, 48(4), 287–293.
ential treatment response between patients with symp- Bishop, S. L., Richler, J., & Lord, C. (2006). Association between
toms that load primarily on one repetitive symptom restricted and repetitive behaviors and nonverbal IQ in chil-
dimension versus another. dren with autism spectrum disorders. Child Neuropsychology,
12(4–5), 247–267.
Bloch, M. H., Landeros-Weisenberger, A., Rosario, M. C.,
Pittenger, C., & Leckman, J. F. (2008). Meta-analysis of the
Á SUGGESTED READINGS symptom structure of obsessive-compulsive disorder. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 165(12), 1532–1542.
Hollander, E., Kim, S., Braun, A., Simeon, D., & Zohar, J. (2009). Bohne, A., Savage, C. R., Deckersbach, T., Keuthen, N. J., & Wilhelm, S.
Cross-cutting issues and future directions for the OCD spectrum. (2008). Motor inhibition in trichotillomania and obsessive-
Psychiatry Research, 170(1), 3–6. compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(2),
Hollander, E., Cartwright, C., & Wong, C. M. (1998). A dimensional 141–150.
approach to the autism spectrum. CNS Spectrums, 3(3), 22–39. Bolton, P. F., Pickles, A., Murphy, M., & Rutter, M. (1998). Autism,
Stein, D. J., Denys, D., Gloster, A. T., Hollander, E., Leckman, J. F., affective, and other psychiatric disorders: patterns of familial
Rauch, S. L., et al. (2009). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: aggregation. Psychological Medicine, 28(2), 385–395.
Diagnostic and treatment issues. Psychiatric Clinics of North Brune, C. W., Kim, S. J., Salt, J., Leventhal, B. L., Lord, C., &
America, 32(3), 665–685. Cook, E. H., Jr. (2006). 5-HTTLPR genotype-specific pheno-
type in children and adolescents with autism. American Journal
of Psychiatry, 163(12), 2148–2156.
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17 Á Suma Jacob, Angeli Landeros-Weisenberger, James F. Leckman

Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders

and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors: A Genetic
and Developmental Perspective

communication and social interactions, accompanied by
Points of Interest
restricted interests and/or stereotyped patterns of behaviors
(Lord, Cook, et al., 2000; Lord, Leventhal, et al., 2001). The
• Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) include obsessive-
prevalence of ASD is currently estimated to be at least 6 per
compulsive behaviors (OCB) that partially overlap with
1000 children (Yeargin-Allsopp, Rice, et al., 2003; Fombonne,
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
2005). Family and twin studies indicate that ASD have a strong
• The symptoms that most closely resemble the repetitive
genetic component (Folstein & Rutter, 1977; Bailey, Le
behaviors seen in ASD include:
Couteur, et al., 1995; Folstein & Rosen-Sheidley, 2001;
• Ordering and arranging, counting, doing and redoing
Veenstra-VanderWeele & Cook, 2004; Gupta & State, 2007).
often prompted by sensory phenomena urges, or a
It is also clear that ASD are etiologically heterogeneous. This
need to have things feel, look, or sound “just right”;
heterogeneity can markedly reduce the power of gene-locali-
• Rituals associated with sleep-wake transitions, separa-
zation methods, including linkage analysis (Zhang & Risch,
tion from attachment figures, as well as habits associated
1996; Gu, Province, et al., 1998; Alcais & Abel, 1999). Some of
with dressing and grooming; and
the core features of ASD (e.g. phrase speech delay and repeti-
• Collecting or hoarding.
tive behaviors) may themselves be familial traits (Silverman,
• OCB associated with ASD are partially independent of
Smith, et al., 2002; Kolevzon, Smith, et al., 2004; Ronald,
genetic associations with the social disabilities of ASD,
Happe, et al., 2006a; Ronald, Viding, et al., 2006b; Freitag,
suggesting that a different set of genes influence OCB
2007; Yrigollen, Han, et al., 2008) and may thus be useful
versus social behavioral deficits.
phenotypes for identifying ASD-related genes.
• Several family-genetic studies have indicated that OCD
Obsessive-compulsive behaviors (OCB) are one of the
itself may be part of a broader autism disorder pheno-
behavioral phenotypes that have shown the greatest promise
type, because there is increased risk of OCD or traits in
for identifying different ASD-related phenotypes based on
close family relatives of individuals with autism.
cross-sectional and family-genetic, linkage, and association
• Many typically developing children display OCB as toddlers
studies (Bolton, Pickles, et al., 1998; Bejerot, Nylander, et al.,
and in the preschool age range. These behaviors are also
2001; Buxbaum, Silverman, et al., 2004; Bejerot, 2007; Cath,
frequently persistent in individuals with genetically deter-
Ran, et al., 2008; Cullen, Samuels, et al., 2008; Ivarsson &
mined intellectual disabilities including Fragile X syndrome,
Melin, 2008). At the surface, this would naturally lead to
Prader-Willi syndrome, and Smith-Magenis syndrome.
questions concerning the heritability of obsessive-compulsive
• Specific vulnerability genes associated with OCB in ASD
disorder (OCD) and the possibility that some of these behav-
have not been identified. Like ASD, OCB are likely to
iors might be shared in common across OCD and ASD. It is
prove to be multidimensional and polygenic. Some of
clear that twin and family-genetic studies suggest that genetic
the vulnerability genes may prove to be generalist genes
factors play a role in the transmission and expression of OCD
influencing the phenotypic expression of both ASD and
(Pauls, 2008). Although earlier studies have indicated that the
OCD, while others will be specific to subcomponents of
vertical transmission of OCD in families is consistent with
the ASD phenotype.
the effects of a single major autosomal gene (Cavallini,
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are severe neurodevelop- Pasquale, et al., 1999), it is likely that there are a number
mental disorders characterized by impairments in reciprocal of vulnerability genes involved. Similar to ASD, etiologic
286 Autism Spectrum Disorders

heterogeneity may be reflected in phenotypic variability, et al., 2000; Wetherby, Watt, et al., 2007). At present, the most
making it highly desirable to dissect the OCD, at the level of detailed of these scales is the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised,
the phenotype, into valid quantitative heritable components. which includes 43 items divided into 5 domains (Table 17-1).
Questions are increasingly being raised concerning the Of interest, scores in each of these domains are sensitive to
degree to which the OCB seen in many individuals with ASD both chronological and mental age. The scores in each domain
are related to their social difficulties (Mandy & Skuse, 2008). decrease with advancing chronological age and are higher in
Nevertheless major questions remain concerning the precise the presence of intellectual disability (Esbensen, Seltzer, et al.,
nature of the OCB seen in ASD and whether and how closely 2009). The slope of the decline with chronological age was
these behaviors resemble those seen in OCD. We undertake steepest for the stereotyped repetitive behaviors and the ritual-
this review with the firm belief that identifying genetic risk istic/sameness repetitive behaviors domains.
factors for ASD, OCB, and related phenotypes and character- However, typically developing young children beginning
izing their role in early brain development will be important around the second year of life develop a variety of rituals,
in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of ASD, as well habits, routines, and preferences, some of which resemble the
as for defining methods for better diagnostics, and developing behaviors associated with ASD and OCD (Evans, Leckman,
therapeutic approaches (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008). In et al., 1997; Zohar & Felz, 2001). The idea that compulsive
order to achieve this goal, common phenotypic measure- ritualistic behaviors may be normative in young children is
ments are needed. Consequently, the question of “what phe- not new. Gesell and his colleagues (Gesell, 1928; Gesell & Llg,
notype is being evaluated” will be a key focus as we review the 1943) were among the first to recognize that young children—
available data concerning the broader autism phenotype particularly those around the age of two and a half—begin to
(Piven, Palmer, et al., 1997; Bolton, Pickles, et al., 1998; Cath, establish rigid routines that Gesell termed the “ritualisms of
Ran, et al., 2008). the ritualist.” Rather than addressing emotional needs, Gesell
believed children engage in rituals to master the tasks of a spe-
cific developmental epoch, for instance, matters of feeding,
Á toileting, and dressing. More than 80% of parents report the
Clinical Phenotypes presence of a bedtime ritual for children by the age of three
years. It is less well known that these compulsive ritualistic
A major issue in considering the phenotypic overlap between behaviors manifest in most typically developing children in a
ASD and OCD concerns the degree to which the behav- regular sequence. After the emergence of a bedtime ritual, the
iors and mental states described as “compulsive” or “obses- need to arrange things “just right” or in a symmetrical pattern
sional” are really the same across the two sets of disorders. appears, followed by the child’s being very concerned with dirt
Terms used to describe the OCB seen in ASD include repetitive and germs, and finally, the need to collect and store objects.
interests, behaviors, and activities (RIBAs) (Bodfish, Symons, With the exception of hoarding, each of these behaviors peaks
et al., 2000; Charman & Swettenham, 2001; Mandy & Skuse, at the age of three years. (Evans, Leckman, et al., 1997)
2008). Questionnaire, interview, and direct observation data Hoarding, in contrast, shows a monotonic increase, at least
all point to the presence of a range of OCB in ASD that, to until the age of six years, when more than 60% of normal chil-
some extent, are dependent on the individual’s mental age dren display this trait (Evans, Leckman, et al., 1997; Zohar &
(Table 17-1; Esbensen, Seltzer, et al., 2009). While there are a Felz, 2001). The earlier the age at which these compulsive
few overlapping items such as ordering/arranging, collecting, behaviors appear, the more advanced the child’s developmen-
and the need for things to be “just right,” it is also clear that the tal level. It is also striking that children with severe intellectual
range of repetitive behaviors include some seen in young typi- disabilities, including many children with ASD whose mental
cally developing children that may persist for a longer period age remains in the low range, show a persistence of many of
of time in individuals with ASD and OCD. these obsessive-compulsive behaviors (Evans & Gray, 2000;
From the ASD perspective, information collected during Greaves, Prince, et al., 2006). From this perspective, one could
formal evaluations using the Autism Diagnostic Interview, ask whether the repetitive behaviors seen in some children
Revised (ADI-R), (Lord, Rutter, et al., 1994) provides a sense with ASD are little more than the persistence or increase in
of what behaviors are typical of some individuals with ASD. severity or frequency of these “normal” repetitive behaviors.
For example, Frazier and colleagues (Frazier, Youngstrom, The complex clinical presentation of OCD can be summa-
et al., 2008) recently reported the results of both exploratory rized using a few consistent and temporally stable symptom
and confirmatory factor analysis of the ADI-R and confirmed dimensions (Mataix-Cols, Rosario-Campos, et al., 2005).
the existence of a Stereotyped Behavior and Restricted Interests These can be understood as a spectrum of potentially overlap-
factor that includes each of the ratings on the repetitive behav- ping features that are likely to be continuous with “normal”
ior domain of the ADI-R (R1: circumscribed interests; R2: worries and extend beyond the traditional nosological bound-
compulsive routines; R3: stereotyped motor mannerisms; and aries of OCD. Although the understanding of the dimensional
R4 preoccupation with objects; Table 17-1). A number of other structure of obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms is still
questionnaires and direct observation measures contain simi- imperfect, recent large-scale meta-analysis of data from more
lar constructs (Berument, Rutter, et al., 1999; Bodfish, Symons, than 5,000 individuals provides the clearest picture of the
Table 17–1.
Overlapping phenotypes and assessment tools

Class Description Measurement

DSM-IV-TR criteria #3 for Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (Lord et al., 1994)
Autistic Disorder interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the R1. Encompassing preoccupation or circumscribed pattern of interest: circumscribed interests
following: and unusual preoccupations
- Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped R2. Apparently compulsive adherences to nonfunctional routines or rituals including verbal
and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in rituals and compulsions/rituals
intensity or focus R3: Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms including hand and finger mannerisms as
- Apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional well as other complex mannerisms
routines or rituals R4: Preoccupations with part-objects or nonfunctional elements of materials including the
- Stereotyped and repetitive motor manners (e.g., hand or repetitive use of objects and unusual sensory interests
finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body Autism Screening Questionnaire (Berument et al., 1999): Eight items loaded on a single factor:
movements) Repetitive used objects; Unusual sensory interests; Compulsions and rituals; Unusual
Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects preoccupations; Use of other’s body to communicate; Complex body mannerisms; Unusual
attachment to objects; and Circumscribed interests.
Repetitive and Stereotyped Movement (RSM) Scales (Wetherby & Morgan, 2007) Direct
RSM with Body: Flaps; Rubs body; Pats body; and/or Stiffens body parts and postures;
RSM with Objects; Restricted preoccupation in intensity or focus with restricted interest;
Swipes; Rubs/Squeezes; Rolls/Knocks Over; Rocks/Flips; Spins/Wobbles; insists on sameness or
difficulty with change in activity; Collects; Moves/Places; Lines up/Stacks and/or Clutches
Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R, Bodfish et al., 2000) Questionnaire completed by
parent, teacher, or caregiver, five empirical derived subscales: Stereotyped behavior; Self-
injurious behavior; Compulsive “just-right” behavior; Ritualistic/sameness; and Restricted
Obsessive-Compulsive Beginning from an obsessive-compulsive symptom Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Behaviors Within Pervasive perspective, investigators have adapted the “compulsions” (CY-BOCS-PDD, Scahill et al., 2006) 9 classes of compulsions are included in the CY-BOCS-
Developmental Disorders portion of the Y-BOCS symptom checklist. The symptoms PDD checklist. The same nine categories are present in the CY-BOCS symptom checklist:
that most closely resemble the repetitive behaviors seen in Washing/cleaning; Checking; Repeating rituals; Counting compulsions; Ordering/arranging;
ASD include ordering and arranging, counting, doing and Hoarding/saving compulsions; Excessive games/superstitious behaviors; Rituals involving other
redoing often prompted by sensory phenomena urges, and persons; and Miscellaneous compulsions. The content of only two of the CY-BOCS categories
rituals associated with sleep-wake transitions, separation were modified for this scale: repeating rituals for the CY-BOCS-PDD includes: “touching in
from attachment figures, as well as habits associated with patterns; rocking; Spinning, twirling, pacing; spinning objects; and Echolalia.” Likewise, the
dressing and grooming, ordering and arranging, and Miscellaneous Compulsions category for the CY-BOCS-PDD includes: “Repetitive sexual
collecting behavior (masturbation, grabbing at crotch).”
Table 17–1. (Contd.)

Class Description Measurement

Classic Obsessive- Obsessive-compulsive disorder is clinically heterogeneous. Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Compulsive Disorder There are a variety of obsessive-compulsive dimensions that (CY-BOCS-PDD, Scahill1 et al., 1997): This scale is modeled on the original Yale-Brown
Behaviors are usually prompted by anxious intrusive thoughts or Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS, Goodman et al., 1989) with 8 categories of obsessions
images or sensory phenomena. (Contamination obsessions; Aggressive obsessions; Sexual obsessions; Hoarding/saving
obsessions; Magical thoughts/superstitious obsessions; Somatic obsessions; Religious obsessions;
and Miscellaneous obsessions) and 9 categories of compulsions (see above).
Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS, Rosario-Campos et al., 2006):
This scale specifically rates the severity of obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms within multiple
symptom dimensions. Although the understanding of the dimensional structure of (OC)
symptoms is still imperfect, recent large-scale meta-analysis of data from more than 5,000
individuals provides the clearest picture of data of the interrelationship of these symptom
dimensions (Bloch3 et al., in press). The four factors validated by this meta-analysis are
included in the DY-BOCS: (Factor I) FORBIDDEN THOUGHTS—Aggressive, sexual, religious,
and somatic obsessions and checking compulsions; (Factor II) SYMMETRY—Symmetry
obsessions and repeating, ordering, and counting compulsions; (Factor III) CLEANING—
Cleaning and contamination; and (Factor IV); HOARDING—Hoarding obsessions and
compulsions. The Miscellaneous obsessions and compulsions were not included in these
Normative Repetitive Mental age–dependent multidimensional rituals associated Childhood Routine Inventory: (CRI, Evans et al., 1997): 19 items, parental report: Prefer to have
Behaviors with sleep-wake transitions, separation from attachment things done in a particular order or in a certain way (i.e., is he/she a “perfectionist”?); Very
figures, as well as habits associated with dressing and attached to one favorite object? Very concerned with dirt, cleanliness, or nearness? Arrange
grooming,; ordering and arranging, and collecting. The objects, or perform certain behaviors until they seem “just right” to him/her? Have persistent
content of many of these items resembles the symptom habits? Line up objects in straight lines or symmetrical patterns? Prefer the same household
dimensions that are commonplace in pediatric-onset as well schedule or routine every day? Act out the same thing over and over in pretend play? Insist on
as adult-onset OCD: worries about harm and separation; having certain belongings around the house “in their place”? Repeat certain actions over and
ordering and arranging; contamination worries and over? Have strong preferences for certain foods? Like to eat food in a particular way? Seem very
collecting. aware of, or sensitive to how certain clothes feel? Has a strong preference for wearing (or not
wearing) certain articles of clothing? Collect or store objects? Seem very aware of certain details
at home (such as flecks of dirt on the floor, imperfections in toys and clothes)? Strongly prefer
to stick to one game or activity rather than change to a new one? Make requests or excuses that
would enable him/her to postpone going to bed? Prepare for bedtime by engaging in a special
activity or routine, or by doing or saying things in a certain order or certain way?
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors 289

interrelationship of these symptom dimensions (Bloch, comorbid group compared to the SAD and the normal control
Landeros-Weisenberger, Rosario, et al., 2008). The four factors groups. While this study needs to be replicated with a larger
that emerged from this systematic analysis were: (Factor I) number of subjects in each group and with the addition of a
Forbidden thoughts—Aggression, sexual, religious, and pure ASD contrast group, these findings bring to mind a recent
somatic obsessions and checking compulsions; (Factor II) report by Pine and colleagues (Pine, Guyer, et al., 2008) that
Symmetry—Symmetry obsessions and repeating, ordering, found that pediatric patients with mood disorders exhibit
and counting compulsions; (Factor III) Cleaning—Cleaning higher scores on ASD symptom scales than healthy children or
and contamination; and (Factor IV) Hoarding—Hoarding children with non-OCD anxiety disorders.
obsessions and compulsions. While any of these may be There has also been an effort to adjust the available OCD
present in individuals with ASD, Factor II is particularly severity rating scales such as the Children’s Yale-Brown
common. This symptom dimension is also one where various Obsessive Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS) for use in children
sensory phenomena are commonplace. These sensory ele- with ASD (Scahill, McDougle, et al., 2006). This has led to the
ments often occur prior to the repetitive movement and creation of CY-BOCS modified for pervasive developmental
include localized tactile and muscle-skeletal sensations that disorders (CY-BOCS-PDD; Table 17-1). Scores on the
are associated with an urge to perform certain repetitive CYBOCS-PDD only modestly correlated with the repetitive
behaviors; “just-right” perceptions associated with sensory behavior domain of the ADI-R and they also failed to discrim-
stimuli such as visual, tactile, or auditory; as well as a feeling of inate between measures of repetitive behavior and maladaptive
incompleteness, which refers to an inner sense of discomfort behavior (Scahill, McDougle, et al., 2006). This suggests that
that can only be relieved by performing the repetitive behaviors these two scales may be measuring partially distinctive traits.
(Prado, Rosario, et al., 2008). Another approach would be to use the Dimensional Yale-
Efforts to use the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS; Rosario-
(Y-BOCS) in assessing the OCB in ASD began with the work Campos, Miguel, et al., 2006). The DY-BOCS separately
of McDougle and colleagues (McDougle, Kresch, et al., 1995). assesses the clinical severity associated with each OC symptom
They recruited 50 ASD subjects (with or without significant dimension. The use of this scale in family-genetic, twin, link-
intellectual disability) and compared them to 50 age- and sex- age, and association studies would allow investigators to better
matched individuals with OCD. They reported that compared characterize the nature of the OC traits seen in the relatives of
to the OCD group, the ASD patients were significantly less ASD probands.
likely to experience thoughts with aggressive, contamination,
sexual, religious, or somatic content. With regard to compul-
sions, cleaning behaviors were less common in the ASD group. Á
However, other compulsions including repetitive order- Neuropsychological Endophenotypes
ing; hoarding; touching, tapping, or rubbing; as well as self-
damaging or self-mutilating behavior occurred significantly Yet another approach is to identify potentially informative
more frequently in the ASD patients. endophenotypes based on neuropsychological test perform-
More recently, Russell and colleagues (Russell, Mataix-Cols, ance or on brain imaging findings. Ideally, traits identified in
et al., 2005) studied 40 individuals with high-functioning ASD this manner would be evident in unaffected family members
and compared them to a matched group of individuals with as well as the probands. One example of this approach is
OCD. Although the OCD group had higher OC symptom reported by Delorme and his colleagues (Delorme, Gousse,
severity ratings, up to 50% of the ASD group reported at least et al., 2007). They administered five tests assessing executive
moderate levels of interference with daily functioning from functions (Tower of London, verbal fluency, design fluency,
their OC symptoms. Some of the most frequent OC symptoms trail making, and association fluency) to 58 unaffected first-
reported from the Y-BOCS symptom checklist in the high- degree relatives (parents and siblings) of probands with ASD
functioning ASD group included: obsessions of contamination and 64 unaffected first-degree relatives of individuals with
(60%), symmetry (55%), aggressive content (50%), and hoard- OCD. Only the Tower of London results showed similarities
ing (43%); as well as compulsions of checking (60%), cleaning between the ASD relatives and the OCD relatives, suggesting
(55%), and repeating (43%). In addition, Cath and colleagues shared executive dysfunction in this domain. There are several
(Cath, Ran, et al., 2008) also used the Y-BOCS to compare a endophenotypes of this sort that have recently emerged in
group of individuals with high-functioning ASD with either OCD. For example, Chamberlain and colleagues (Chamberlain,
comorbid OCD or comorbid social anxiety disorder (SAD) to Menzies, et al., 2008) identified reduced activation of several
individuals with either OCD or SAD alone and to a group of cortical regions, including the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, in
normal controls. Twelve subjects were in each of the four both OCD patients and a matched group of unaffected first-
groups of comorbid ASD, OCD, SAD or control. The factor degree relatives, during a reversal learning task. It would be
scores for the four OC symptom dimensions were then com- useful to know if a similar result would be seen in the first-
pared across the four groups. Although few significant differ- degree relatives of ASD probands.
ences were observed, the mean values for all of the OC symptom Recently, Bloch and colleagues (Bloch, Landeros-
dimensions were higher in the OCD group and in the ASD Weisenbergerm, et al., 2008) discovered that as many as half of
290 Autism Spectrum Disorders

the pediatric OCD cases have a marked discrepancy between Á

verbal and performance IQ scores. This association of verbal- Twin and Family Studies
performance IQ discrepancy and OCD was still significant
after adjusting for full-scale IQ, age, and gender and excluding In 1977, Folstein and Rutter found that while many of the
OCD subjects with comorbid ADHD or a tic disorder. This nonautistic co-twins in their ASD twin study did not meet the
finding is of potential interest given that Williams, Goldstein, criteria for autism, they showed ASD traits which in turn
et al. (2008) also found a similar profile of lower performance sparked a renewed interest in identifying heritable “lesser var-
IQ scores relative to verbal IQ scores in 18% to 32% of children iants.” This finding led, in part, to the initiation of two large
with high-functioning ASD. studies done more or less in parallel (Bolton, Macdonald,
et al., 1994; Piven, Palmer, et al., 1997). The results taken
together indicate that the first-degree relatives of individuals
Á with ASD have an increased tendency to show social reticence
Evidence for a Familial Relationship and communication difficulties as well as an insistence on
Between Autism Spectrum Disorders sameness.
and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors Subsequently, there have been at least three family-genetic
studies that have indicated that OCD itself may be part of the
The advantages and disadvantages to specific approaches to “broader autism phenotype.” There are data to suggest that
studying the role of genetic factors in ASD are presented in the association between ASD and OCD may be strongest in
Table 17-2. Figure 17-1 presents the range of genetic and envi- families of individuals on the more severe end of the autism
ronmental factors that interact over the course of brain devel- spectrum disorder (i.e., those with autistic disorder), espe-
opment that lead to the emergence of autistic disorder and cially those with prominent repetitive behaviors (Bolton,
related OCB phenotypes. Pickles, et al., 1998; Hollander, King, et al., 2003; Wilcox,

Table 17–2.
Overview of approaches in studying genetics of obsessive-compulsive behaviors and autism spectrum disorders

Study Design & Methods Advantages Disadvantages

Family-Twin Study role of genetic effects (concordance of Rare disorders are harder because more efforts to access large
identical vs. fraternal twin pairs) as well as the sample sizes
shared vs. unique environmental effects
Family-Trio Reduces genotyping errors because parents of More laborious for ascertainment; difficult to obtain specimens
probands are included, so that maternal vs. from parents, especially for later onset disorders
paternal transmission can be studied
Case-Control Easy and less expensive to perform with access Matching for many variables is challenging, especially ethnic
to larger sample sizes variation in large or combined samples
Quantitative May be used for polygenetic disorders and to Limited by assumptions underlying specific modes of
estimate heritability or strength of genetic inheritance and analytic methods for evaluating multiple genes
influences on particular traits with small effect sizes
Linkage Linkage recombination maps allow For complex traits, poor reproducibility (improves with larger
researchers to locate novel regions or genes by samples and a larger number of studies); often there are broad
testing for genetic linkage of the already peaks with low resolution (never improves)
known markers
Candidate Gene Testing direct hypotheses for specific genes; Limited by known pathophysiologic differences or candidates
focused, less expensive based on treatment responses. Difficult to find novel genes
(given many unknown genes in multigenetic disorders)
Array technology Can provide information on thousands of Large numbers of targets relate to computational and statistical
targets in a single experiment (e.g., genes, challenges
mRNA, CNV, etc.) The possibility of inducing
neural pluripotent stem cells from individuals
with ASD is particularly exciting
Epigenetic May provide insight into heritable traits with Many nongenetic factors may cause the organism’s genes to
limited or unclear evidence for DNA sequence behave differently; limited by studying one of many mechanisms
variation at a time (e.g., methylation)
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors 291

on R1 and R2 subscales of the ADI-R (Table 17-1). They found

that children who had high total scores on the repetitive
Genetic Factors behavior domain of the ADI-R were significantly more likely,
Autosomal and sex Developmental Factors by a factor greater than 3, to have one or both parents with OC
chromosomes: variations in Prenatal and postnatal
structure due to environment; Nutrition, Immune traits or OCD compared with children who had low total
recombination, deletions
insertions, varying repeats,
responses; Neuronal scores in this domain (x2 = 4.70, p = 0.03). This was especially
differentiation, replication or
dosage effects including rare pruning; Metabolic, anatomical, true of the fathers, 27% of whom met criteria for OCD as
and not so rare copy number
variations; Variations in
physiological changes in brain opposed to just 7% of the mothers. In future studies, it will be
development; Impoverished social
allelic frequencies across environmental leading to delays in of interest to examine the OC symptom dimensions that are
human populations;
MicroRNA effects on gene
typical or atypical behavioral the most prominent in these fathers. Our prediction is that
expression; Gene-gene OC symptoms associated with ordering, symmetry, counting,
interactions doing and redoing, and the need for things to be “just right”
would be particularly common. It will also be important to
Figure 17–1. Developmental and genetic variables and their determine if this association was more common among the
interaction influence the emergence of obsessive-compulsive fathers of children with autism compared to the fathers of
behaviors in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Both children with a development disorder that is not autism.
genes and events affecting the course of brain development can
influence the emergence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
and obsessive-compulsive behaviors (OCB). Some genes may Á
also influence an individual’s exposure to risk (and protective) Quantitative Genetics
environments. There is also a growing body of evidence on the
importance of gene–environment interactions (G × E) in relation
Quantitative genetic studies are designed to evaluate the
to ASD and obsessive-compulsive disorder such that even adverse
experiences might have a negligible effect in the absence of relevant
relative strength of genetic and environmental influences on
susceptibility genes and yet have a very large effect in the presence variations of particular traits within a population. In human
of such genes. research, this is most commonly studied using twin and adop-
tee designs. They are highly dependent on the assumptions
underlying the models being used to evaluate the available
data and as such, cannot “prove” that a particular model is
Tsuang, et al., 2003). Specifically, Bolton and colleagues true. The most that can be said is that a particular model is
(Bolton, Pickles, et al., 1998) studied the pattern of familial “consistent with the available data.” Another challenge for
aggregation of psychiatric disorders in relatives of 99 autistic quantitative genetic studies in autism is that analytic methods
and 36 Down syndrome probands and found that motor tics, for evaluating multiple genes of small effect size, as found in
OCD, and affective disorders were significantly more common autism, are still in their early stages of development.
in relatives of autistic probands. Those relatives with OCD In relation to ASD, several quantitative genetic studies have
were also more likely to exhibit autistic-like social and com- sought to estimate the heritability of ASD-related OCB. Using
munication impairments. Subsequently, Wilcox, Tsuang, et al. items from the ADI-R, in a large sample (N = 457) of indi-
(2003) interviewed 300 family members of autistic probands viduals within 212 multiple affected sibships, Silverman and
(120 first-degree, 150 second-degree, and 30 third-degree rela- colleagues (Silverman, Smith, et al., 2002) found evidence that
tives). In addition, they interviewed 290 family members of the severity of an autistic person’s ASD-related OCB were
probands with more broadly defined pervasive developmental largely unrelated to their level of social-communication
disorders (PDD; 121 first-degree, 139 second-degree, and 30 impairment. This finding was supported by a subsequent
third-degree relatives) and 310 family members of a healthy study from the same group (Kolevzon, Smith, et al., 2004),
control group (123 first-degree, 149 second-degree, and 38 which compared intrafamilial to interfamilial trait variability
third-degree relatives). They found a significant concentration to estimate familiality. In a sample of 15 pairs of identical
of psychiatric disorders, primarily OCD and other anxiety twins and one set of quadruplets, they found no evidence sup-
disorders, in just the relatives of the autistic probands. The porting the view that ASD-related OCB were related to their
degree of mental illness in the families of autistic probands level of social-communication impairment.
was more than five times higher than in either the PDD con- Subsequently, investigators (Ronald, Happe, et al., 2005;
trast group (x2 = 8.45, p < 0.001) or the healthy control group Ronald, Happe, et al., 2006a) completed two twin studies that
(x2 = 9.58, p < 0.001). yielded a similar conclusion. First, they gave a questionnaire
The finding that OCD was largely seen in the families of to parents and teachers of over 3,000 twins, who were part of
probands with autistic disorder is striking and requires repli- the Twins Early Development Study, a cohort of twins born
cation, particularly in light of the following findings reported in the UK between 1994 and 1996. This questionnaire had 10
by Hollander and colleagues (Hollander, King, et al., 2003). items designed to measure possible “social impairments”
They evaluated the parents of autistic disorder probands with (social and communication deficits typical of ASD) and six
high vs. low rates of repetitive behaviors as measured by scores items addressing “nonsocial behaviors relevant to autism.”
292 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Only modest correlations between these two scales were high scores on the IS factor increased the probability for
found using either the parent data or the teacher data linkage evidence in the 15q11-q13 region from a logarithm
(n = 3,090). In the formal twin analyses looking at additive of odds (LOD) score of 1.45 to a LOD score of 4.71. While
genetic variance vs. shared and unshared environmental fac- their results support the hypothesis that the analysis of
tors, they reported that both traits were highly heritable (62% phenotypicly homogeneous subtypes may be a powerful tool
to 76%), but that the genetic correlation between social in mapping the disease-susceptibility genes of complex traits,
impairments and nonsocial behaviors relevant to autism was it is notable that this chromosomal region was not one of the
quite low. This led the authors to predict that “over half of chromosomal regions identified in the Buxbaum et al. (2004)
the genes found to be associated with quantitative variation study. This is probably explained by the fact that Buxbaum’s
in social behaviors will not be found to be associated with group used very severe OCB to define a homogeneous subset
nonsocial behaviors associated with autism.” In sum, the of families; and Shao focused on subjects with IS to create
available quantitative genetic literature is consistent with homogeneity.
the view that the OCB associated with ASD are partially Several autism linkage studies have pointed to the 17q
genetically independent of those associated with the social region near the serotonin transporter gene (SERT; Stone et al.,
disabilities of ASD. 2004; Sutcliffe et al., 2005). The highest LOD score for a linkage
peak in the 17q11.2 region (where SERT is located) was found
when all male affected sibling pairs were considered (Stone
Á et al., 2004), but no similar peak in this region was present
Linkage Analyses when sibling pairs had at least one affected female (Sutcliffe
et al., 2005). This suggests that sex differences also need to
Although there is considerable evidence for a strong genetic be considered in studying genetic risk for OCB-related
component to the intergenerational vulnerability to develop subphenotype.
ASD, several genome-wide screens for susceptibility genes
have been carried out with limited success in consistently
identifying specific loci. This is likely to reflect the presence of Á
a multiplicity of genes of modest effect as well as phenotypic, Candidate Gene Studies
genetic, and population diversity. Among the available
genome-wide studies, Alarcon and colleagues (2002) were the Serotonin Genes
first to explore the OCB subphenotype. In addition to finding
strong quantitative trait locus evidence for age-of-first-word Serotonergic pathways have been consistently implicated in
on chromosome 7q, they also reported a smaller broad peak the pathobiology of both ASD and OCD (Pardo & Eberhart,
on 7q for restrictive-repetitive behavior phenotype that is 2007; Goddard, Shekhar, et al., 2008). Several serotonergic
considered a distinct locus. genes have been evaluated as candidate genes in both ASD and
Subsequently, Buxbaum and colleagues (Buxbaum, OCD including SERT (SLC6A4), tryphophan hydroxylase
Silverman, et al., 2004) systematically assessed the value of (TH2), and SLC6A4, the serotonin 5-HT(2B) receptor gene.
severe OCB in order to define a more homogeneous subset of
individuals with autism. OCB were assessed using the ADI-R SERT, SLC6A4
(Table 17-1). In the sample with more severe OCB, the
strongest evidence for linkage was at the marker D1S1656 The SERT gene is located on 17q11.1–q12 and is called SLC6A4
(Chromosome 1: 245.1cM) where the multipoint nonpara- because it belongs to the monoamine transporter family. SERT
metric linkage (NPL) score was just above 3.00. The authors has 13-14 exons with alternate splicing of exon 1B. It also has
concluded that their data supported the presence of an ASD a well-characterized functional polymorphism upstream of
susceptibility gene associated with OCB on chromosome 1 the coding sequence. The promoter region of SERT contains a
and provided modest support for the presence of OCB-related polymorphism with “short” and “long” repeats that leads to
ASD susceptibility genes on chromosomes 6 and 19. variation in the levels of gene transcription (McDougle,
Another study that explicitly sought to identify genetic loci Epperson, et al., 1998). The long (L) allele consists of 16 copies
associated with the OCB of ASD was reported by Shao and of a 20-23 base pair repeat unit and the short (S) allele contains
colleagues (Shao, Cuccaro, et al., 2003). They limited their 14 copies. In addition to these length variants, there is a single
focus to a specific region on chromosome 15q11-13 and uti- nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs25531, A→G) that
lized a novel technique called ordered subset analysis (OSA) to changes the functional status of the L allele (Hu, Frank, et al.,
ensure a greater degree of sample homogeneity with regard to 2006). Another SNP (rs25532, C→T) also affects gene
the OCB associated with ASD (“insistence on sameness” = IS). expression suggesting further categorization of functional
Individual IS scores were computed by summing a subset of variants (Wendland, DeGuzman, et al., 2008). Unrecognized
the total items in the “restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped SNP variability related to functional expression may explain
behaviors and interests” domain of the ADI-R items designed some of the contradictory results with combined subgroups
to measure this type of OCB. Their analysis of families sharing when examining disorder association.
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors 293

Initially, OCD studies reported a family-based association et al., 2008). The total frequency of SERT Ileu425Val in all
with the L allele in European-American families (McDougle populations that have been genotyped (3155 individuals) is
et al., 1998) and that OCD probands were more likely to carry 0.61%. It is a hypermorphic mutation, which produces a gain
two copies of the long allele or L/L (48% vs. 32%; Bengel, of SERT function (Prasad, Zhu, et al., 2005). SERT Ileu425Val
Greenberg, et al., 1999). However, L allele associations were was reported in a male sibling pair, both of whom had ASD
not found with OCD patients of Afrikaner, Mexican, Jewish, (Sutcliffe, Delahanty, et al., 2005). Because it was also present in
German, French, or other descent (Frisch, Michaelovsky, et al., the probands’ unaffected mother and three sisters but not their
2000; Camarena, Rinetti, et al., 2001; Di Bella, Erzegovesi, unaffected brother, Sutcliffe and colleagues suggested that this
et al., 2002; Chabane, Millet, et al., 2004; Walitza, Wewetzer, might be due to a male-biased genetic risk for ASD. This group
et al., 2004; Bloch, Landeros-Weisenberger, Sen, et al., 2008). also reported 19 other SERT variants (four coding, and 15 in 50
There was no overall association in a Korean sample, but there and intronic regions) and examined their association with
was a very low percentage of L/L genotypes, and the L/L group rigid-compulsive traits in their ASD sample (Sutcliffe et al.,
combined with the S/L group had higher scores for religious/ 2005). Wendland and colleagues summarized that Ileu425Val
somatic-related symptoms on the Y-BOCS (Kim, Lee, et al., has been identified in 15 clinically evaluated individuals,
2005). Population differences of polymorphism frequencies, including nine with OCD and one with obsessive compulsive
SNP variability, how polymorphisms are grouped or com- personality disorder from five families out of a total OCD
bined, and sample ascertainment or phenotype variability sample of 530 probands/families (Wendland, DeGuzman, et al.,
contribute to the complexity of the possible association of 2008). Of the 14 cases where SERT was also genotyped, it is
SERT polymorphisms and OCD. important to note that Ileu425Val occurred together with the L
SERT polymorphism studies in ASD have also yielded com- allele or LL (or LALA) genotype. Looking over all diagnoses in
plex and mixed results that are likely due to phenotypic and this rare variant sample, social dysfunction disorders such as
ethnic heterogeneity. There have been reports of increased ASD and social phobia were present in 5/8 men but only 1/6
occurrence of the S allele variant in an American ASD sample women, suggesting sex differences of clinical phenotype.
(Cook, Courchesne, et al., 1997) and the tendency for the L
variant in a German sample (Klauck, Poustka, et al., 1997). Tryptophan Hydroxylase (TPH2)
Although there are some population specific replications
(Devlin et al., 2005), the range of mixed results reported in the The TPH2 gene has been studied in ASD and OCD because it
literature likely reflects methodological and sample differences. is the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-HT synthesis in
A few studies have focused on subphenotypes of ASD that the brain. Coon and colleagues reported a possible association
include OCB. For example, a Dutch group found that the between the TPH2 gene and two SNP variants (rs4341581
12/12 long allele genotype of Intron 2 VNTR had the highest in intron 1 and rs11179000 in intron 4) in ASD, especially in
severity of OCB (Mulder, Anderson, et al., 2005). They did not patients reported to have more severe repetitive and stereo-
find significant differences between L or S SERT polymor- typed behaviors (Coon, Dunn, et al., 2005). Similarly, Mössner
phisms. In an independent American sample (Brune, Kim, and colleagues studied TPH2 and found two common SNPs in
et al., 2006), there were no significant subphenotype relation- a different region of the gene (rs4570625 and rs4565946 in
ships with the Intron 2 VNTR genotypes but there was an L/L intron 2) to be associated with childhood onset OCD in a fam-
genotype association with the stereotyped and repetitive ily-based sample of 71 trios (Mossner, Walitza, et al., 2006).
motor mannerisms subdomain of the ADI-R. Sutcliffe and More recent studies have failed to replicate these initial studies
collaborators reported that the presence of novel SERT vari- of TPH2 and OCD association. When rs4341581, rs11179000,
ants, including Gly56Ala, Ile425Leu, and Leu550Val, was cor- and a different set of eight SNPs were selected to cover the 95
related with high scores on OCB items of the ADI-R scale kb region of the TPH2 gene and tested in a large cohort of 352
(Sutcliffe, Delahanty, et al., 2005). This study illustrates the families with ASD, no significant associations in the overall
importance of looking for rare versus common variants. group or in any clinically defined subsets of families with
Indeed, it has been suggested that rare gene variants associ- either severe OCB or self-stimulatory behaviors were found
ated with OCD phenotypes may be found in up to 2% of OCD (Ramoz, Cai, et al., 2006). On a larger, independent sample of
cases (Wendland, DeGuzman, et al., 2008) and as many as 10% Italian and American probands with ASD, TPH2 alleles and
of cases of ASD (Freitag, 2007). Examining rare variants is an haplotypes were not significantly associated with the overall
alternative method to the broader scale genome-wide evalua- sample, with repetitive and stereotyped behavior measures,
tions which seek to find common variants accounting for and with endophenotypic analyses for 5-HT blood levels, cra-
common diseases. In both ASD and OCD it seems possible that nial circumference, and urinary peptide excretion rates (Sacco,
uncommon, relatively highly penetrant functional variants may Papaleo, et al., 2007).
more directly contribute to these relatively common diseases.
For example, the SERT Ileu425Val was originally found in 5-HT(2B) Receptor Gene
six individuals with OCD (two of whom also had Asperger’s
disorder) within two unrelated families among 112 OCD Given that atypical antipsychotics are sometimes successful in
probands (Ozaki, Goldman, et al., 2003; Wendland, DeGuzman, augmenting OCD treatment with SSRIs, the 5HT(2B) receptor
294 Autism Spectrum Disorders

is a potential candidate for involvement in the neurobiology populations (Dutta, Das, et al., 2007). In a study of GRIK2
of OCD. 5HT(2B) is located on chromosome 2q36-37.1, and with 156 OCD probands of European descent, the I867 allele
the 2q region was implicated in a genome scan with 56 indi- on exon 16 was transmitted less often than expected (Delorme,
viduals from seven families with multiplex pediatric probands Krebs, et al., 2004). Future research needs to examine sub-
(Hanna, Veenstra-VanderWeele, et al., 2002). DNA from groups of ASD with more severe OCB as well as to examine
probands from these seven families, along with 10 unrelated the genetics of other genes within the glutaminergic pathway.
control subjects and 10 unrelated ASD probands, were stud- For example, mRNA levels of several genes in the glutamate
ied, but no evidence for a functional mutation was found. system (including SLC1A3, glutamate receptor AMPA1, and
glutamate receptor binding proteins) were abnormal in brain
Glutamate Genes samples of 10 individuals with ASD as compared with 23
matched controls (Purcell, Jeon, et al., 2001).
The glutamatergic system has been implicated in the neurobiol-
ogy of both ASD and OCD (Bhattacharyya & Chakraborty, GABA Receptor Genes
2007; Pardo & Eberhart, 2007; Pittenger, Kelmendi, et al., 2008).
A majority of studies have examined the role of a high affinity GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human
glutamate transporter and several of the glutamate receptors. brain and it binds to two distinct receptor types: the iono-
trophic GABAA and GABAC receptors with Cl– channels and
SLC1A1 fast synaptic transmission, or the metabotrophic GABA type B
(GABAB) G-coupled protein for prolonged inhibitory signals.
The SLC1A1 gene is located on chromosome 9p24 and belongs Three GABAA receptor genes (GABRB3, GABRA5, and
to the monoamine transporter family as a neuronal glutamate GABRG3) are located in the 15q11-q13 chromosomal region.
transporter expressed in the brain. Similar to SERT, the gluta- Several studies have shown linkage to markers near or within
mate transporter is important for the excitatory actions of GABRB3 to be associated ASD (Cook, Courchesne, et al., 1997;
glutamate and for maintaining extracellular concentrations Philippe, Martinez, et al., 1999; Martin, Menold, et al., 2000;
within a normal range. The chromosomal region of SLC1A1 Buxbaum, Silverman, et al., 2002; Shao, Cuccaro, et al., 2003;
showed suggestive linkage in a genome-wide scan of seven, McCauley, Olson, et al., 2004; Curran, Roberts, et al., 2005;
large extended pedigrees of probands with early onset OCD Kim, Kim, et al., 2007), although other studies have failed to
(Hanna, Veenstra-VanderWeele, et al., 2002) and linkage in replicate this association (Maestrini, Lai, et al., 1999; Salmon,
42 pedigrees with early onset OCD (Willour, Yao Shugart, Hallmayer, et al., 1999; Tochigi, Kato, et al., 2007). Recently,
et al., 2004). In addition, three studies have reported an asso- Kim and colleagues examined SNPs within the 15q11-q13 for
ciation between markers at SLC1A1 and independent OCD association with specific restrictive-repetitive behavior pheno-
samples (Arnold, Sicard, et al., 2006; Dickel, Veenstra- types measured on the ADI-R and ADOS (Kim, Kim, et al.,
VanderWeele, et al., 2007; Stewart, Fagerness, et al., 2007). In 2007). Among 93 SNPs, 5 SNPs showed nominally significant
a collaborative autism genome-wide linkage project, SLC1A1 association, three of five were close in proximity to GABAA,
was identified as a candidate gene because it fell close to the and two of the five near GABAA showed genotype-phenotype
linkage peak at 9p24.1 that occurred in families with female interactions with an ADI-R subdomain related to inflexible
probands with ASD (Szatmari, Paterson, et al., 2007). language behavior. Only one study has examined GABAA
Brune and colleagues tested three SNPS (rs301430, rs301979, receptor genes in individuals with OCD (Zai, Arnold, et al.,
rs301434) previously associated with OCD and looked for 2005). They reported nominally significant trends toward
haplotype associations in 86 strictly defined trios with ASD biased transmission of the -7265A allele and associations with
(Brune, Kim, et al., 2006). In males only, Family-Based elevated Y-BOCS severity.
Association Tests showed nominally significant associations
between ASD and rs301979 as well as the rs301430–rs301979
haplotype under a recessive model. Á
Chromosomal Abnormalities Associated
Glutamate Receptor Genes with Both ASD and OCB

The glutamate receptor 6 gene (GRIK2 or GLUR6) plays a role Prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities in individuals with
in synaptic transmission related to learning a memory. It ASD is estimated between 5% to 10% (Zhao, Leotta, et al.,
became a candidate gene after studies indicated chromosome 2007). Here we focus on those chromosomal alterations that
6q21 as a region linked to ASD (Philippe, Martinez, et al., have been associated with the presence of OCB.
1999; Jamain, Betancur, et al., 2002). GRIK2 is a member of
the ionotropic kainate receptor family that is expressed during Fragile X and Other X-linked Syndromes
brain development. Although some studies have reported that
markers within GRIK2 are associated with ASD (Jamain, The most prevalent chromosomal abnormality associated
Betancur, et al., 2002; Shuang, Liu, et al., 2004; Kim, Kim, with ASD is Fragile X syndrome (FXS). Molecular testing for
et al., 2007), these same markers do not replicate in all ethnic the FMR-1 gene is recommended in individuals diagnosed
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors 295

with ASD and probands identified with FXS are excluded from subphenotype of Turner’s syndrome with a small, active, early
most genetics studies of ASD. The behavioral phenotype of replicating, ring X chromosome and inactive specific transcript
FXS includes OC behaviors as well as stereotypic behavior, (XIST) locus confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization.
gaze aversion, inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, hypera- There have been at least eight other cases with similar karyo-
rousal, social anxiety, withdrawal, social deficits with peers, types and behavioral-cognitive phenotypes that included
abnormalities in communication, and unusual responses to intellectual disabilities and developmental delays (El Abd,
sensory stimuli. The full mutation is described as having more Patton, et al., 1999). In another case report, a patient with
than 200 CGG repeats in the 5’ untranslated region of the Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, and major depression was
FMR1 located at Xq27.3 and typically involves an altered pat- discovered to have 45X/46XY mosaicism (Fontenelle,
tern of methylation. There is transcriptional silencing of the Mendlowicz, et al., 2004). An earlier study (Telvi, Lebbar,
FMR1 gene and lack of the FMR1 protein called FMRP. Recent et al., 1999) reported that two (7%) patients were diagnosed
studies suggest that some males with the premutation also with ASD in a sample of 27 patients with 45X/46XY mosai-
have social, emotional, and cognitive deficits, although sample cism, but the nature and severity of OCB was not assessed.
sizes are small or clinically referred (Dorn, Mazzocco, et al.,
1994; Tassone, Hagerman, et al., 2000; Hagerman & Hagerman, Prader-Willi Syndrome and Other Disorders
2002; Aziz, Stathopulu, et al., 2003; Goodlin-Jones, Tassone, Associated with Chromosomal Alterations
et al., 2004; Moore, Daly, et al., 2004). in the 15q11–q13 Region
A study of men and women with the premutation, but
without age-related Fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia syn- Duplications and deletions of genes within this chromosomal
drome (FXTAS), reported higher levels of OC symptoms on region have been associated with both ASD and OCB. Inherited
the Symptom Checklist-90-R (Hessl, Tassone et al., 2005). In duplications of 15q11-q13 (mostly maternal) have been
men only, elevated FMR1 mRNA, rather than CGG repeat size observed in 1% to 3% of cases of ASD, either as interstitial
or percent of FMRP expression (peripheral lymphocyte immu- duplications or supernumerary isodicentric marker chromo-
nocytochemistry), was significantly associated with increased somes containing one or two extra copies of this region
OC symptoms and psychotic episodes with and without (Veenstra-VanderWeele & Cook, 2004). If the paternal copy
FXTAS symptoms. An association with elevated FMR1 mRNA of this region is deleted, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) occurs.
and anxiety in women, but only in women with skewed X acti- In contrast, the loss of the maternal copy of this region is asso-
vation ratio toward active premutation alleles, was also found. ciated with Angelman’s syndrome. PWS is of interest because
Previous studies have shown elevated levels of anxiety and the clinical presentation of these individuals frequently
OCB in some females with FXS (Lachiewicz, 1992). includes mild to moderate intellectual disability and social
In a recent cytogenetic analysis of 26 patients with OCD, deficits as well as OCB. The OCB include: hoarding of non-
21% of the peripheral cells of one male patient with OCD were food items; ordering/arranging things; requiring symmetry
found to have a fragile site at Xq27-q28 (Wang & Kuo, 2003). and exactness; preference for daily routines; verbal persevera-
This was determined to be in the region of FRAXE mutation, tion or talking too much; the need to know, ask, tell, or rewrite;
a hyperexpansion of the CCG repeat in the 5’ untranslated and repeating rituals with grooming, toileting, or showering
region of the FMR2 gene (Wang & Kuo, 2003). Typically (Dykens & Cohen, 1996; Dykens & Roof, 2008). The majority
FRAXE is associated with mild or borderline mental retarda- of individuals with PWS have a paternally derived interstitial
tion (50 < IQ < 85; Gecz, 2000). In this patient’s family, expan- deletion of 15q11-13, but 25% have maternal uniparental
sion of FRAXE CCG repeats and methylation cosegregated disomy 15 (UPD), and 2% to 5% have imprinting defects
with OCD in the proband and a speech impairment in a (Dykens & Roof, 2008). Recent studies suggest that those with
maternal uncle. Unfortunately, the specific OCD symptom maternal UPD are at greater risk for ASD symptomatology
presentation in this individual was not reported. than those with paternal deletions of 15q11-q13 (Milner,
Hendriksen and Vles (2008) also recently reported on the Craig, et al., 2005; Dimitropoulos & Schultz, 2007). Although
results of a questionnaire study of 351 males with Duchenne Milner et al. (2005) found no clear differences in OC symp-
muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is characterized by pro- tom severity comparing PWS cases due to paternal deletions
gressive proximal muscular dystrophy and is the result of vs. maternal UPD, Zarcone, Napolitano, et al. (2007) more
mutations in a very large gene that encodes dystrophin and is recently reported that PWS individuals with the long type TI
located at Xp21.2. In this study, 11 of the subjects were deletion had more compulsions regarding personal cleanli-
reported to have ASD and of this number three (27%) also ness (i.e., excessive bathing/grooming) while those with the
had OCD. Unfortunately, no details were provided concern- short type TII deletion were more likely to have OC symptoms
ing either the nature of the ASD or OCD symptomatology. in the symmetry and ordering domain.
Finally, several other studies involving individuals with
other X-chromosome abnormalities have suggested a link Smith-Magenis Syndrome and Alterations
between ASD and OCB. For example, El Abd and colleagues in the Region of 17p11.2
(1999) identified five women with deteriorating social skills
as well as attentional problems, impulsive and aggressive Behavioral issues with patients with duplications of
behaviors, and prominent OCB. All of these women had a 17(p11.2p11.2) are notable for variable symptoms including
296 Autism Spectrum Disorders

expressive language delay, attention problems, hyperactivity, for repetitive sensory behaviors when 33 pairs of sex-, IQ-, and
and intellectual disability. A subset of these patients also dis- age-matched children with Asperger’s or high-functioning
plays OCB (Potocki, Chen, et al., 2000; Nakamine, Ouchanov, autism were compared (Cuccaro et al., 2007). In addition to
et al., 2008). For example, Nakamine, Ouchanov, et al. (2008) questionnaire and interview data, future studies need to col-
recently described an individual who inherited a 17p(11.2p11.2) lect data acquired by direct observation. Performance on
duplication de novo on a paternal chromosome and whose standardized neuropsychological tasks (and perhaps on the
clinical presentation included an expressive language delay, associated patterns of brain activation) may also provide valu-
ASD, and OCB, whereas another patient inherited the dupli- able endophenotypes for future studies, but this will require
cation on a maternal chromosome and presented with hyper- testing unaffected (or less affected) family members
activity and OCB (Potocki, Chen, et al., 2000). (Chamberlain, Menzies, et al., 2008).

Gene Array Studies

Future Directions for OCB Given the sequencing of the human genome, it is now
and the Broader Phenotype of ASD possible to monitor expression levels of thousands of genes
simultaneously using DNA microarrays. Gene expression
In this final section, we point to the need for greater specifica- profiling of peripheral blood of a small number of ASD
tion of component ASD and OCB phenotypes over the course patients has led to the preliminary identification of a subset
of development, and then briefly consider a few of the emerg- of genes relating to glutamatergic neurotransmission
ing areas of research including the expanded use of genome- (Purcell, Jeon, et al., 2001). Nishimura and colleagues used
wide association studies, the availability of DNA microarrays, microarray analyses to study males with autism with known
the importance of noncoding RNAs, copy number variation, Fragile X mutation (FMR1-FM) or duplication of 15q11-13
and epigenetic programming. (dup-15q) (Nishimura, Martin, et al., 2007). By comparing
mRNA expression profiles in lympoblastoid cells, they iden-
Greater Specification of Relevant Phenotypes tified 68 genes dysregulated in both groups with genetically
Over the Course of Development known causes related to autism phenotype. In search of
common molecular pathways, they discovered that the cyto-
Currently available data suggest that, with rare exceptions, plasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) was upregu-
ASD is typically a multidimensional, polygenic disorder in lated in dup-15q individuals. Using animal neural tissue
which the effects of individual genes are much smaller than models, they also showed common regulation of down-
previously thought. It is likely that certain genes will stream genes JAKMIP1 and GRP155. In addition, they dem-
differentially influence the emergence of specific domains of onstrated that lympoblastoid expression in humans can
ASD-related behaviors. At the moment, a number of scales mirror these animal neural expressions by showing differen-
have been developed to measure restricted repetitive and tial expression of JAKMIP1 and GRP155 in male sibling pairs
stereotyped patterns of behavior. One additional scale, the discordant for idiopathic ASD. Thus far, only one of these
DY-BOCS, has been developed for use in studies of individuals gene expression studies (Hu, Sarachana, et al., 2009) has
with OCD. The value of this scale for ASD has not been incorporated the OCB associated with ASD as a subtype to
evaluated. Rating the severity of each of the OC or symptom study (Baron, Tepper, et al., 2006; Hu, Frank, et al., 2006;
categories, including the symmetry dimension, in ASD family- Gregg, Frank, et al., 2008; Hu, Sarachana, et al., 2009).
genetic, twin, linkage, and association studies would allow Work using DNA microarrays in ASD has begun, but in the
investigators to determine whether or not this set of OC symp- future it will permit investigators to use hundreds, or perhaps
toms predominates in ASD probands and their relatives. thousands of genes to assess an individual’s genetic vulnerability
In any case, additional research is needed to sort out which and to use these sets of genes in research that explores develop-
of the available scales provides the best coverage and how these mental change and continuity, comorbidity with other disor-
behaviors correlate, or not, with (1) the social and communi- ders, as well as gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
cative deficits seen in ASD and/or (2) repetitive behaviors seen We also anticipate that the use of gene expression data will
in other disorders such as OCD as well as with the repetitive increase as sample sizes grow, and that gene expression infor-
behaviors that are normally seen in typically developing chil- mation will be better integrated with a greater specification of
dren; as well as to what extent these phenotypes change with the relevant phenotypes including OCB associated with ASD.
advancing chronological age and are influenced by the indi- Perhaps the most exciting development is the capacity to
vidual’s mental age. When examining subgroupings of OCB induce pluripotent “stem” cells by reprogramming somatic
in ASD, it has recently been reported that circumscribed inter- cells from patients with ASD. This will permit investigators
ests or insistence on sameness may have a stronger familial to recapitulate neuronal development in vitro by differenti-
relationship whereas stereotypies/repetitive motor behaviors ating neuronal progenitors of various CNS lineages and
may be related to severity or intellectual disability (Lam et al., compare patterns of expression in ASD cell lines vs. those
2008). It is important to note that that there were no signifi- seen in typically developing individuals as well as OCD
cant differences in OCB overall and in subgroupings except patients (Gurdon & Melton, 2008).
Interface Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors 297

Noncoding RNAs susceptible to early environmental influences and that these

influences powerfully shape an individual’s responsivity to
Another discovery with far-reaching implications for future psychosocial stressors and their capacity to parent the next
genetic research is the importance of noncoding RNAs. generation (Kaffman & Meaney, 2007). These early environ-
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short, 20-22 bases, noncoding mental influences have been shown to alter the pattern of
RNAs that typically suppress translation and destabilize mes- methylation of the promoter region of the glucocortoid recep-
senger RNAs that bear complementary target sequences. Many tor gene in the hippocampus. This epigenetic change stably
miRNAs are expressed in a tissue-specific manner and may alters the level of glucocortoid receptor gene expression and
contribute to the maintenance of cellular identity. Remarkably, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress. Imprinted
recent studies suggest that tissue-specific miRNAs may func- genes expressed in the brain are numerous, and it is clear that
tion at multiple hierarchical stages within gene regulatory net- they play an important role in nervous system development
works, from targeting hundreds of effector genes to controlling and function. Epigenetic modulations, mediated in part by
the levels of key transcription factors (Makeyev & Maniatis, DNA methylation, RNA-associated silencing, and histone
2008). This multilevel regulation may permit individual modification, can transform dynamic environmental experi-
miRNAs to profoundly affect the gene expression program of ences into altered genomic function and the emergence of
differentiated cells. It is also possible that specific miRNAs stable alterations in phenotypic outcome. Behavioral analyses
could alter cellular identities. of rare imprinted disorders, such as Rett syndrome, FXS, PWS,
and Angelman’s syndrome, will continue to provide insight
Copy Number Variation regarding the phenotypic impact of imprinted genes in the
brain, and can be used to guide the study of normal behavior
Genomic microduplications and microdeletions, also known as well as more common, but genetically complex, disorders
as copy number variants (CNVs) refer to differences in such as ASD (Zhao, Pak, et al., 2007; Goos & Ragsdale, 2008).
the number of copies of a particular region of DNA within the
genome of an individual. Recent reports have suggested the
possibility that CNVs play a role in the development of complex Á
disorders including ASD and schizophrenia (Sebat, Lakshmi, Conclusion
et al., 2007). Genomic structural variation is not entirely new
to the field of ASD genetics, as chromosomal disorders were The last three decades of research have demonstrated that
among the earliest identified genetic abnormalities associated ASD is more genetically heterogeneous than initially thought.
with ASD phenotypes. The increased resolution of array-based Important progress toward the understanding of genetic influ-
approaches suggests that the proportion of cases attributable ences in ASD has been made by the combination of family and
to structural variants will be considerably higher than the 6% twin studies, segregation analyses, parametric and nonpara-
to 7% identified by standard cytogenetic techniques. CNVs metric linkage analyses, and association studies, as well as the
with a potentially large impact on ASD susceptibility include study of rare genetic variants. The currently available data sug-
maternal duplication(15)q11-q13, deletion(22)q13-SHANK3, gest that, with few exceptions, ASD is typically a multidimen-
deletion(16)p.11.2, deletion(X)p22-NLGN4, deletion(X)q13- sional, polygenic disorder in which the effects of individual
NLGN3, homodeletion(4)q28.3, and PCDH10, and there are genes are much smaller than previously thought. This implies
more than a dozen CNVs with moderate or mild effects that that in a majority of cases, ASD vulnerability is determined by
probably require other genetic (or nongenetic) factors to take a multiplicity of genes interacting with specific environmental
the phenotype across the ASD threshold (Cook & Scherer, risk factors over the course of development. One of the rele-
2008). Again, it will be critical for investigators to consider the vant phenotypes within the broader ASD phenotype is OCB.
relevant ASD subphenotypes including OCBs as they analyze Like ASD itself, the etiologies of OCB are likely to prove to be
these formidable data sets. multidimensional and polygenic, and significant progress is
being made in assessing the relevant symptom domains (and
neuropsychological endophenotypes) and their interrelation-
Epigenetic Programming
ship with the family of vulnerability genes that underlie OCD
Epigenetics is another emerging field of potential promise for and related disorders.
understanding the origins of ASD. Epigenetics is a fundamental
part of eukaryotic biology. Epigenetic programming involves Á
the modification of DNA and the chromatin proteins that Challenges and Future Directions
associate with it during key periods of development. Frequently
these modifications have enduring effects on gene expression • Challenges include the marked clinical heterogeneity of
in key brain regions. In addition, some epigenetic alterations the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the frequent
can be passed from one generation to the next. For example, occurrence of obsessive compulsive behaviors (OCB) in
there is now compelling data for the presence of developmental very young (2–6 years) typically developing individuals.
windows during which the genetically determined microcir- • OCB may be an important clinical phenotype within the
cuitry of key limbic–hypothalamic–midbrain structures are broader ASD nosological categorization. Like ASD, OCB
298 Autism Spectrum Disorders

may be related to a broad set of disorders and have its “Evidence for a language quantitative trait locus on chromo-
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18 Á Angela M. Reiersen, Richard D. Todd†

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This chapter is dedicated to Dr. Richard Todd, who died prior to the publication of this book (for further comment,
see acknowledgment at end of chapter).

Á have an entirely different underlying mechanism when they

Points of Interest occur in ASD. For example, an individual with autism may
exhibit the DSM-IV ADHD inattentive symptom of not lis-
• ADHD symptoms are common in ASD, yet DSM-IV-TR tening, but this may be due to specific deficits in the areas of
does not allow codiagnosis of ADHD and ASD. communication and joint attention rather than general diffi-
• Among individuals with ASD, the presence of ADHD is culty in paying attention. Also, some individuals with autism
associated with more severe impairment and higher like- may have excessive motor activity due to frequent repetitive/
lihood of additional comorbid psychopathogy. stereotyped movements, but this may have a different quality
• Recent evidence suggests some of the same genetic than the restlessness and excessive movement that is typical of
influences affect the development of both ASD and hyperactivity in ADHD. Social anxiety may lead to fidgeting in
ADHD. social situations, which could also be misinterpreted as a
• ADHD symptoms in ASD often respond to standard hyperactive symptom of ADHD. If one considers DSM diag-
ADHD medications such as stimulants, atomoxetine, noses in terms of a diagnostic hierarchy, then it can be argued
and alpha adrenergic agents. Neuroleptics can also that ADHD-like symptoms (particularly those that could be
reduce ADHD symptoms in ASD. explained by decreased social attention) are always present in
• Distinguishing between ASD-related and ADHD-related severe forms of ASD, and an additional diagnosis of ADHD
social impairments may be helpful when planning may seem redundant. However, if ADHD symptoms in ASD
nonpharmacologic interventions such as social skills are associated with more severe impairment or altered response
training. to treatment, then it may be important to diagnose and treat
• Revision of diagnostic criteria to allow a diagnosis of ADHD when it co-occurs with an ASD. This chapter reviews
ADHD for individuals with ASD may facilitate identifi- the existing literature on co-occurrence of ASD and ADHD in
cation and treatment of ADHD symptoms. clinical and epidemiological samples, discusses genetic and
other biological mechanisms that may contribute to the co-
occurrence of these symptoms, briefly discusses the treatment
Á of ADHD symptoms in ASD, and provides some general com-
Introduction ments on diagnostic nosology and areas in need of further
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the
most common childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disor-
ders. The DSM-IV ADHD symptom criterion lists nine inat- Á
tentive and nine hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. ADHD ADHD in ASD: Prevalence
subtypes are defined as predominantly inattentive, predomi- and Clinical Significance
nantly hyperactive-impulsive, or combined type, depending
on whether there are at least six symptoms in one or both of DSM-IV-TR prohibits the diagnosis of both ADHD and ASD
the two symptom categories. Some of the symptoms and in the same individual (APA, 2000). In part due to this
behaviors commonly seen in autism spectrum disorders exclusion criterion, many studies of ASD or ADHD exclude
(ASD) could fit the description of ADHD symptoms, but may individuals who show signs of the other diagnosis. However,

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 305

ADHD symptoms are very common in ASD, and in some ignored, about 40–80% of clinically ascertained individuals
cases these ADHD symptoms may be of very high clinical and with ASD meet criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. Some investi-
etiological relevance. gators of the relationship between ADHD and ASD suggest
Several studies have investigated the prevalence of ADHD these two disorders may actually belong in the same diagnostic
symptoms and diagnoses among individuals with ASD spectrum (Hattori et al., 2006). Others describe evidence that
(DeVincent, Gadow, Delosh, & Geller, 2007; Gadow & the presence of ADHD symptoms in a subset of children with
DeVincent, 2005; Gadow, DeVincent, & Pomeroy, 2006; ASD represents a co-occurring psychiatric syndrome that
Gadow, DeVincent, Pomeroy, & Azizian, 2004, 2005; presents very similarly in children with ASD as it does in those
Goldstein & Schwebach, 2004; Hattori et al., 2006; Lecavalier, without ASD (Gadow et al., 2006; Lecavalier et al., 2009).
Gadow, Devincent, & Edwards, 2009; Ogino et al., 2005; Through a small retrospective chart review of 27 children
Sturm, Fernell, & Gillberg, 2004; Yoshida & Uchiyama, 2004). with autism or Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not-
Results of clinic-based studies are described in Table 18-1. In Otherwise-Specified (PDD-NOS), Goldstein and Schwebach
summary, these studies indicate that if the DSM exclusion found that 26% of these children met symptom criteria for
criterion prohibiting co-diagnosis of ASD and ADHD is combined type ADHD, 33% met criteria for the inattentive

Table 18–1.
Studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in patients with autism spectrum disorders

Percent of ASD Subjects

Study Authors, Year Number of Subjects, Diagnoses Other Key Findings
Meeting Criteria for ADHD

Goldstein & Schwebach, 2004 N = 27, autism or PDD-NOS 59% of all ASD subjects 26% had combined type ADHD
33% had inattentive ADHD
Yoshida & Uchiyama, 2004 N = 53, high functioning ASD 68% of all ASD subjects 23% had combined type ADHD
38% had inattentive ADHD
8% had hyperactive-impulsive ADHD
Sturm, Fernell, & Gillberg, N = 101, 75% of all ASD subjects 95% had attention problems
2004 90% Asperger’s, 56% had hyperactivity
9% PDD-NOS, 50% had impulsivity
1% high-functioning autism
Hattori et al., 2006 N = 15 ASD subjects Following the DSM-IV ASD and ADHD groups both had higher
N = 20 ADHD subjects exclusion criterion, ASD and ADHD symptom ratings than
N = 40 controls Subjects with PDD were controls. ADHD symptom ratings were
excluded from the ADHD similar between ASD and ADHD groups.
group in this study. The authors questioned whether ASD and
ADHD are distinct disorders.
Gadow et al., 2006 N = 449 with parent ADHD 53% of all 3–12 year old ASD subjects with combined type ADHD
ratings, ASD subjects had ADHD had more oppositional, aggressive, and
N = 441 with teacher ADHD (same overall percentage autistic symptoms than those with
ratings. whether by parent or inattentive ADHD. Inattentive subtype was
35% Autism, teacher rating). the most common. ADHD subtypes and
22% Asperger’s, associated comorbidity patterns were
43% PDD-NOS similar in ASD subjects and non-ASD
control subjects.
Some analyses were first reported separately
for preschool and elementary school age
groups (Gadow et al., 2004, 2005).
Lee & Ousley, 2006 N = 58 autistic disorder, 78% of all ASD subjects Combined type ADHD was the most
N = 12 Asperger’s, 83% of autism subjects common subtype in autistic disorder, but
N = 13 PDD-NOS 58% of Asperger’s disorder inattentive type was the most common in
subjects Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS.
77% of PDD-NOS subjects
Holtmann, Bolte, & Poustka, N = 182 ASD subjects, split ASD subjects with ADHD had higher
2007 into high and low ADHD internalizing and externalizing symptoms.
groups for comparison on They also had higher impairment on the
CBCL measures. social interaction subscale of the ADI-R.
306 Autism Spectrum Disorders

type, and 41% did not meet symptom criteria for ADHD ADHD was associated with particularly high rates of
(Goldstein & Schwebach, 2004). Sturm, Fernell, and Gillberg medication use, co-occurring psychiatric symptoms, and
performed a larger chart review of 101 Swedish children with adverse environmental factors indicative of disadvantage
pervasive developmental disorders (90% Asperger’s disorder, (Gadow, Devincent, & Drabick, 2008). In one of their most
9% PDD-NOS, 1% high-functioning autism), and found that recent papers, this group of investigators concludes that
95% had “attentional problems,” 56% had “hyperactivity,” ADHD and several other DSM psychiatric diagnoses are valid
and 50% had “impulsiveness.” They also reported that 75% constructs in children with ASD (Lecavalier et al., 2009).
had symptoms consistent with an ADHD diagnosis (Sturm Holtmann, Bolte, and Poustka also explored the association
et al., 2004). Yoshida and Uchiyama evaluated 53 Japanese of ADHD symptoms with autistic behavior domains and co-
children with high-functioning pervasive developmental dis- occurring psychopathology. In children with ASD, they found
orders, and found that 68% met criteria for ADHD: 38% had that ADHD symptoms were associated with more impairment
the inattentive type, 23% had combined type, and about 8% on the social interaction subscale of the Autism Diagnostic
had the hyperactive-impulsive type (Yoshida & Uchiyama, Interview-Revised (ADI-R) as well as higher levels of internal-
2004). Hattori and colleagues compared ratings of ADHD and izing and externalizing symptoms measured using the Child
ASD symptoms in 20 children with ADHD, 15 children with Behavior Checklist (Holtmann, Bolte, & Poustka, 2007).
ASD, and 40 normal controls. They found that the ASD and Population-based studies are also important in determining
ADHD groups both had higher ratings of ASD and ADHD the prevalence of ADHD among individuals with ASD.
symptoms than controls. Based on their findings, they ques- Simonoff and colleagues have reported the presence of ADHD
tioned whether ADHD and autism spectrum disorders are in 28% of 112 10- to 14-year-old children with ASD from a
truly distinct (Hattori et al., 2006). population-derived cohort. They also found that those with
Lee and Ousley also investigated ADHD symptoms in a ADHD had very high rates of additional comorbidity, with a
clinical sample of 83 children and adolescents with ASD, and second comorbid psychiatric diagnosis in 84% of ASD subjects
found that 78% had symptoms consistent with an ADHD who had ADHD (Simonoff et al., 2008). Of note, the prevalence
diagnosis (Lee & Ousley, 2006). They found that while the of ADHD among ASD subjects from this population-based
combined subtype was most common in autistic disorder, the sample is somewhat lower than reported in the clinic-based
inattentive subtype was the most common subtype in studies shown in Table 18-1, and this difference may be due to
Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS. referral bias. Since individuals with the combination of ASD
Kenneth Gadow and colleagues have published a number plus ADHD have higher rates of additional comorbidity and
of studies investigating the validity of ADHD diagnoses in impairment, the ASD subjects with ADHD (and higher
ASD (DeVincent et al., 2007; Gadow, Devincent, & Schneider, comorbidity) may be more likely to present to clinics for
2008; Gadow & DeVincent, 2005; Gadow, Devincent, & treatment.
Drabick, 2008; Gadow et al., 2006; Gadow et al., 2004, 2005;
Lecavalier et al., 2009). In a group of 6- to 12-year-old clinic-
referred patients with ASD (38% with autism), they found Á
that 59% of ASD males and 67% of ASD females had ADHD. Social Impairment in ADHD
In this study, the inattentive subtype was the most common
form of ADHD among children with ASD, just as it was among There are also a few studies of autistic symptoms in children
non-ASD clinical and nonreferred community comparison and adolescents whose primary diagnosis is ADHD. In order
groups (Gadow et al., 2005). Findings were similar in a study to distinguish this from social impairment that may be due
of preschoolers (Gadow et al., 2004). The same research group to ADHD itself, it is helpful to have an awareness of the
reported that children with the combination of ASD and com- typical social deficits that are very common in ADHD. It has
bined type ADHD had more oppositional, aggressive, and long been recognized that children with ADHD are often
autistic symptoms than those with the combination of ASD socially impaired, and many published papers have described
plus inattentive type ADHD (Gadow et al., 2006). Another the phenomenology and treatment of social difficulties that
analysis found that children with ASD who have the combina- are frequently present in ADHD (de Boo & Prins, 2007;
tion of ADHD and tics have particularly high levels of psycho- Reiersen & Todd, 2008). Sociometric studies requiring chil-
pathology, suggesting that the combination of ADHD and tics dren within a group to comment on their relationships with
may be an indicator of a more complex psychiatric disorder specific peers indicate that children with ADHD are often
(Gadow & DeVincent, 2005). This group also reported an rejected by their peers (Blachman & Hinshaw, 2002; Hoza,
association between sleep problems and increased ADHD Gerdes, et al., 2005; Hoza, Mrug, et al., 2005). Some of the
symptoms among children with ASD (DeVincent et al., 2007). social impairment can be attributed to the direct effects of
Another study found that ADHD symptom severity was asso- ADHD symptoms on social behaviors. For example, impul-
ciated with higher rates of medication treatment and current sive and intrusive behaviors may lead to difficulties in making
use of special education services among children with ASD and keeping friends if peers are annoyed by such behaviors.
(Gadow, Devincent, & Schneider, 2008). In ASD children, the Co-occurring psychopathology such as social anxiety and
combination of oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD) plus oppositional behaviors (Jensen et al., 2001), and cognitive
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 307

impairments such as working memory and executive deficits mild ASD symptoms or diagnoses (Clark, Feehan, Tinline, &
(Diamantopoulou, Rydell, Thorell, & Bohlin, 2007) may also Vostanis, 1999; Hattori et al., 2006; Reiersen, Constantino, &
contribute to the social deficits seen in ADHD. A conceptual Todd, 2008; Reiersen, Constantino, Volk, & Todd, 2007;
framework for social deficits in ADHD is presented in Santosh & Mijovic, 2004; Mulligan et al., 2009; Nijmeijer et al.,
Table 18-2. The extent of overlap between mechanisms of 2009; Grzadzinski et al., 2010).
social impairment in ADHD and autism remains unclear. Clark and colleagues studied autistic symptoms using the
In addition to some of the social difficulties that have been Autism Criteria Checklist in a clinical sample of 49 children
classically described in ADHD, several recent clinic- and pop- with ADHD and estimated that 65–85% had difficulties in
ulation-based studies indicate that children with a primary social interaction and communication (Clark et al., 1999).
diagnosis of ADHD often have additional deficits in the areas Santosh and Mijovic examined evidence of autistic-like
of social reciprocity, communication impairment, and symptoms through a chart review of 309 child and adoles-
repetitive/stereotyped behaviors that suggest the presence of cent patients with ICD-10 Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD),

Table 18–2.
A conceptual framework for social deficits in ADHD

Specific Behaviors/Problems/Perceptions that may Lead to Social Impairment/

Social Deficit Category
Relationship Difficulties/Rejection by Peers

Social Deficits Directly Resulting from ADHD Symptoms:

1. Inattention -Fails to notice/attend to social cues.
-Forgets social plans/promises.
-Loses others’ things.
-Appears disorganized.
-Fails to focus on conversations.
-Unable to persist in prolonged games.
-Unable to attend to and learn appropriate social protocols.
2. Hyperactivity -Moves quickly between peer activities.
-Has increased energy that tires others out.
-Talks too much/monopolizes the conversation.
-Unable to sit still for a game or conversation with peers.
3. Impulsivity -Rapidly/unexpectedly changes plans based on impulses.
-Shows impulsive aggressive behaviors.
-Impulsively makes comments that offend others.
-Impulsively intrudes on others’ space.
-Insists on being first.
-Poor at taking turns.
Social Deficits Resulting from Co-Occurring Problems:
1. Poor emotional regulation -Has emotional outbursts that disrupt activities and annoy others.
-Unpleasant mood makes social interactions unpleasant for peers.
-Social anxiety leads to social avoidance.
2. Oppositional Behavior -Unwilling to go with others’ plans or consider others’ opinions.
-Argumentative with peers.
3. Autistic symptoms -Decreased desire for close friendships leads to social avoidance.
-Decreased ability to read/understand social cues.
-Decreased empathy with failure to respond appropriately to peer emotions.
-Odd/repetitive behaviors that annoy peers.
-Poor reciprocal communication/conversation skills.
-Insistence on playing games related to own unusual or hyperfocused interests.
-Rigid/stereotyped play behaviors.
-Few shared interests with peers.
Social Deficits Resulting from Specific Cognitive or Language Deficits:
1. Low overall IQ -Perceived by others as “not smart.”
-Unable to logically solve social problems.
-Failure to notice when being taken advantage of by peers.
-Difficulty learning social skills
308 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 18–2. (Contd.)

Specific Behaviors/Problems/Perceptions that may Lead to Social Impairment/

Social Deficit Category
Relationship Difficulties/Rejection by Peers

2. Poor executive function -Difficulty planning social responses.

-Difficulty adjusting behavior appropriately for social context.
-Difficulty distinguishing between appropriate vs. inappropriate social
-Difficulty deciding when to use specific social skills.
3. Poor working memory -Unable to process complex social situations.
-Difficulty holding in mind social context information.
-Trouble keeping in mind topic of game/conversation.
-Difficulty remembering steps necessary to play a game.
-Difficulty remembering promises to peers.
-Difficulty interacting/conversing with more than one peer at a time.
4. Language impairment -Has odd speech patterns that peers find strange or difficult to understand.
-Difficulty communicating leads to decreased ability to confide in peers,
converse, or develop meaningful friendships.

a diagnosis similar to DSM-IV combined type ADHD. domains of communication impairment and stereotyped/
Compared to 2048 psychiatric controls without HKD, ASD, repetitive behaviors (Constantino & Gruber, 2005; Constantino,
or obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnoses, the patients Przybeck, Friesen, & Todd, 2000). Elevated SRS scores corre-
with HKD were more likely to exhibit the “autistic symptom late highly with Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)
triad” of impaired social interaction, impaired commu- algorithm scores (Constantino et al., 2003). In a population-
nication, and repetitive/stereotyped behaviors. Santosh and based sample of Missouri twins, we found statistically signifi-
Mijovic found evidence of two types of social impairment in cant SRS score elevations in children and adolescents with
their HKD subjects, which they named relationship difficulty DSM-IV ADHD. SRS scores were highest in children with
and social communication difficulty. Those with evidence of DSM-IV combined type ADHD or a severe combined subtype
social communication difficulty had more developmental of ADHD defined using latent class analysis of DSM-IV ADHD
delays and autistic-like symptoms such as repetitive/stereo- symptoms (Reiersen et al., 2007). We also found that among
typed behaviors and language problems. On the other hand, children with ADHD, those with parent-reported motor coor-
those with relationship difficulty had more conduct problems, dination problems on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)
mood symptoms, and environmental stressors. The authors were more likely to have elevated autistic symptoms than those
suggested children with relationship difficulty may benefit without parent-reported motor problems (Reiersen,
from more family interventions, while those with social com- Constantino, et al., 2008). This is consistent with a Scandinavian
munication difficulty may require more social skills training concept of Deficits in Attention, Motor Control, and Perception
(Santosh & Mijovic, 2004). (DAMP), a syndrome that has recently been redefined as a
Grzadzinski and colleagues (2010) recently found evidence combination of ADHD plus Developmental Coordination
of autistic traits in a clinical sample of 75 children with DSM- Disorder (DCD). Children with DAMP frequently show evi-
IV-TR ADHD who did not have any history of an ASD dence of ASD in addition to their ADHD and DCD symptoms
diagnosis. They found that 32% of these children had elevated (Gillberg, 2003).
autistic traits based on a Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) Examination of the ADHD-enriched International Multi-
T-score ≥ 60. Those with elevated SRS scores showed evidence center ADHD Genetics (IMAGE) study sample has also
of non-structural language abnormalities on the Children’s revealed evidence of elevated ASD symptoms in subjects with
Communication Checklist-2 and greater oppositional behav- ADHD. The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)
iors, but did not show greater anxiety or ADHD symptoms. and Children’s Social Behavior Questionnaire (CSBQ) were
Because clinic-based studies are prone to referral bias, it is used as measures of autistic traits in this study. Analyses using
also important to examine the relationship between ADHD the SCQ suggested autistic symptoms in ADHD are familial
and autistic symptoms in subjects ascertained through popula- and associated with neurodevelopmental and oppositional-
tion-based samples. In our own population-based studies of defiant disorders (Mulligan et al., 2009). Additional analyses
ADHD, we have used the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) as using the CSBQ in Dutch participants within the IMAGE
a measure of autistic traits. This 65-item parent- or teacher- sample also showed elevated levels of autistic traits in ADHD
rated scale focuses on deficits in reciprocal social behavior, but probands and their siblings compared to controls, but
also includes items assessing the other two autism symptom weak and nonsignificant cross-sibling cross-trait correlations
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 309

suggested the familiality of ASD symptoms may be largely contribute to ASD. Perhaps even where the same genetic
independent from ADHD familiality (Nijmeijer et al., 2009). predispositions toward psychopathology are present, the
timing or type of environmental insults may result in different
forms of psychopathology. Gene-gene interactions may also
Á influence the specific type of symptoms that develop.
Underlying Biology and Genetics So far, there are few reported examples of specific genetic
variations associated with both ADHD and autistic symptoms.
Evidence for Genetic Overlap In our own Missouri twin sample, we found that among chil-
dren with severe combined type ADHD, those with the DRD4
Based on studies described above, it is apparent that ASD and 7-repeat allele were more likely to have clinically elevated
ADHD symptoms frequently co-occur. The biological mecha- autistic traits as measured by the SRS (Reiersen, Neuman,
nisms underlying the co-occurrence of these two types of et al., 2008). Although there was evidence of an interaction
symptoms remains to be elucidated. Some recent studies sug- between prenatal nicotine exposure and the DRD4 7-repeat
gest that some of the same genetic influences may affect both allele in producing risk for severe combined type ADHD
ASD and ADHD symptoms. Smalley and colleagues found (Neuman et al., 2007), no main or interaction effects of
statistically significant overlap between genetic linkage peaks smoking were found for SRS score (Reiersen, Neuman, et al.,
on review of autism and ADHD linkage studies (Smalley, Loo, 2008). This may be one example where a gene can influence
Yang, & Cantor, 2005). Nijmeijer, Arias-Vasquez, and col- both ADHD and autism symptoms, but environmental inter-
leagues (2010) performed a QTL linkage analysis of autistic actions with this gene may be different for autism and ADHD
symptoms in the ADHD-enriched IMAGE sample, and symptoms. Another recent study found an association between
hypothesized that one of their suggestive linkage peaks (at a Monoamine Oxidase A gene promoter polymorphism and
15q24) may be pleiotropic for ADHD and ASD since the ADHD symptoms in children with ASD (Roohi, DeVincent,
height of this peak was reduced when a measure of ADHD Hatchwell, & Gadow, 2009). Children with the 4-repeat allele
symptoms was included as a covariate. In a recent study of had higher parent-rated ADHD symptoms than those with the
12,206 8-year-old twins, Ronald and colleagues found evi- 3-repeat allele. The same research group found lower levels of
dence for substantial overlap of genetic influences on autistic ADHD symptoms and language deficits but higher levels of
and ADHD symptoms (Ronald, Simonoff, Kuntsi, Asherson, tics and social anxiety in ASD subjects homozygous for the
& Plomin, 2008). They estimated genetic correlation (rg) for DAT1 10-repeat allele (Gadow, Roohi, DeVincent, &
ASD and ADHD traits in the range of 0.54–0.57 and non- Hatchwell, 2008). Using the IMAGE and Tracking Adolescents’
shared environmental correlation (re) in the range of 0.15– Individual Lives (TRAILS) samples, Nijmeijer, Hartman, and
0.35, depending on rater (parent vs. teacher) and sex. Similarly, colleagues (2010) found evidence that interaction of perinatal
a study of 674 young adult Australian twins suggested overlap- risk factors with catechol O-methyltransferase gene (COMT)
ping genetic influences on self-reported autistic and ADHD and the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) may influence
symptoms (Reiersen et al., 2008), with rg estimated at 0.72 and ASD symptoms in children with ADHD. These association
re estimated at 0.26. While there is evidence of substantial studies should be considered preliminary, and require
genetic overlap from the above twin studies, both studies replication.
estimated that only a small proportion of environmental There are also some well-known complex genetic syndromes
influences were shared between the two disorders. So, while that can produce both ASD and ADHD. Two examples are
common genetic factors may underlie both ADHD and ASD, 22q11 deletion syndrome (also known as velocardiofacial
environmental influences may predispose individuals to one syndrome or DiGeorge syndrome) (Antshel et al., 2007;
disorder or the other. The degree of overlap of genetic and Fine et al., 2005; Gothelf et al., 2004; Niklasson, Rasmussen,
environmental influences on the two disorders may vary Oskarsdottir, & Gillberg, 2002; Ousley, Rockers, Dell,
depending upon the age of ADHD and ASD symptom assess- Coleman, & Cubells, 2007; Vorstman et al., 2006) and Fragile
ment. Ronald, Edelson, Asherson, and Saudino (2010) recently X premutation (Farzin et al., 2006). In the case of 22q11
reported a study of autistic-like traits and ADHD behaviors in deletion syndrome, the proportion of these individuals having
2-year-old twins which suggested a smaller degree of genetic ADHD and ASD diagnoses varies by study, and appears
overlap (rg = 0.26), complete overlap of common environ- affected by whether formal evaluation for ASD was done and
mental influences (rc = 1.00), and the possibility that non- whether the researchers adhered to the DSM-IV exclusion
shared environmental influences tend to increase one of the prohibiting codiagnosis of ADHD and ASD (Reiersen, 2007).
two symptom domains while decreasing the other (re = −0.17). The 22q11 deletion is also associated with increased risk of
Additional types of neurodevelopmental disorders may also psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia (Murphy, 2005;
show genetic overlap with ASD and ADHD. For example, Ousley et al., 2007). In addition to the above example,
another twin study by Lichtenstein, Carlstrom, Rastrom, copy number variation (insertions/deletions) in other gene
Gillberg, and Ankarsater (2010) suggested that ADHD, tic regions have shown evidence of association with autism
disorders, and developmental coordination disorders are all (Glessner et al., 2009; Hogart, Wu, Lasalle, & Schanen, 2010;
influenced by genetic and environmental factors that also Kakinuma & Sato, 2008; Kusenda & Sebat, 2008) and/or
310 Autism Spectrum Disorders

ADHD (Elia et al., 2009), and frequently the regions of dupli- prenatal exposure to nicotine on ADHD versus ASD suggests
cation/deletion include genes that are thought to be involved some differences in the underlying mechanisms that produce
in neurodevelopment. As in the example of 22q11 deletion ADHD versus ASD.
syndrome, some of the same copy number variants that
increase risk for ADHD and/or autism may also increase the
risk for other psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia Á
(Cook & Scherer, 2008; Williams, Owen, & O’Donovan, 2009). Treatment of ADHD Symptoms in ASD
In a recent review of the shared heritability of ADHD and
ASD, Rommelse, Franke, Geurts, Hartman, and Buitelaar A number of studies have evaluated the effects of medication
(2010) suggest future studies should include family-based treatment on ADHD-like symptoms in autistic disorder
designs which obtain data on ADHD symptoms, ASD symp- (Hazell, 2007). In his review of this treatment literature, Hazell
toms, endophenotypic measures, and environmental meas- concluded that methylphenidate, atomoxetine, some anticon-
ures from all family members. They also discuss several vulsants, guanfacine, and donepezil showed evidence of
potential candidate pleiotropic genes based on existing studies moderate benefit. Atypical neuroleptics such as risperidone
of both disorders. and quetiapine also improved ADHD symptoms in autism, but
commonly had side effects of weight gain and sedation. Often
Potential Biological Mechanisms medication studies for treatment of autism have included out-
come measures related to ADHD symptoms, but only a few
A vast number of genes involved in neurodevelopment and/or studies have specifically targeted individuals with the combina-
neurotransmission might theoretically affect both ASD and tion of ASD and ADHD symptoms. The use of methylpheni-
ADHD symptoms, but genes relevant to the brain’s dopamin- date for treatment of ADHD symptoms in ASD is supported by
ergic system may be of particular relevance. Stimulant two placebo-controlled trials and a retrospective and prospec-
medications used to treat ADHD increase dopaminergic neu- tive effectiveness study (Handen, Johnson, & Lubetsky, 2000;
rotransmission, and many ADHD candidate genes are related RUPP, 2005; Santosh, Baird, Pityaratstian, Tavare, & Gringras,
to the dopamine system (Faraone et al., 2005; McGough, 2005; 2006). The effectiveness of guanfacine is supported by a chart
Neuman et al., 2007; Todd et al., 2005; Todd & Neuman, review, a small open-label trial, and a small double-blind, pla-
2007). Dopaminergic neurons innervate both the frontal cor- cebo-controlled, cross-over trial (Handen, Sahl, & Hardan,
tical attention regions and midbrain motor control regions 2008; Posey, Puntney, Sasher, Kem, & McDougle, 2004; Scahill
(Todd & Botteron, 2001), and dysfunction of the dopaminer- et al., 2006). The use of atomoxetine is supported by small
gic system has been implicated in motor dysfunction, ADHD, open-label and placebo-controlled trials (Arnold et al., 2006;
and autism (Nieoullon, 2002). Also of note, motor abnormal- Posey et al., 2006; Troost et al., 2006).
ities have been described in both ADHD and ASD (Mahone One retrospective and prospective effectiveness study by
et al., 2006; Mostofsky, Burgess, & Gidley Larson, 2007), and Santosh and colleagues compared treatment responses of
the syndrome described as Deficits in Attention, Motor children with ADHD only to those with comorbid ADHD and
Control, and Perception (DAMP) typically includes autistic ASD (Santosh et al., 2006). They concluded that stimulants
features along with ADHD and motor coordination deficits were as effective in children with ASD plus ADHD as they
(Gillberg, 2003). Certain aberrant cognitive processes may be were in children with ADHD alone, but also acknowledged
relevant to both ASD and ADHD, and these may also be that randomized, controlled trials are needed to further inves-
affected by dysfunction in the dopaminergic system. For tigate the efficacy of stimulants for treating ADHD symptoms
example, executive function deficits have been found in in ASD. They did not find a significant difference in side effects
ADHD, ASD, and in motor coordination disorders (Geurts, between groups, but they noted a trend toward increased
Verte, Oosterlaan, Roeyers, & Sergeant, 2004; Goldberg et al., dysphoria and obsessionality in the ASD group (Santosh et al.,
2005; Livesey, Keen, Rouse, & White, 2006; Pennington & 2006), so they recommended caution with stimulant dosing
Ozonoff, 1996; Piek, Dyck, Francis, & Conwell, 2007; Piek and close monitoring for side effects in patients with ASD.
et al., 2004; Sergeant, Geurts, & Oosterlaan, 2002). Our own Double-blind, randomized trials directly comparing stimulant
research group has proposed a dopaminergic synapse-based response between a pure ADHD group and a group presenting
model in which interaction between dopamine system gene with the combination of ASD and ADHD symptoms are
polymorphisms and prenatal nicotine exposure influences the needed to further investigate any difference in response rates
development of ADHD and/or autistic symptoms (Reiersen, and side effects.
Constantino, et al., 2008; Reiersen, Neuman, et al., 2008; As mentioned earlier, 22q11 deletion syndrome is a special
Todd & Neuman, 2007). If individuals with a combination of case of a genetic disorder associated with both ADHD and
ASD and ADHD respond to typical stimulant treatments, this ASD. Though some experts have been concerned about use
would support the hypothesis that the mechanism of ADHD of stimulants in these individuals due to their risk for psy-
symptoms is similar, whether or not ASD is present. And in chotic symptoms, results of an open-label study suggested
fact, individuals with ASD often do respond to typical ADHD that stimulants are safe and effective for treating ADHD in
treatments as described below. However, different effects of 22q11 deletion syndrome (Gothelf et al., 2003).
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 311

Nonpharmacological treatments may also be very important plus social skills interventions that target classic ADHD-type
in reducing ADHD symptoms in ASD. Educational accommo- social impairment in addition to ASD-type social impairment).
dations for individuals with ASD should take into account the Revision of DSM diagnostic criteria to allow codiagnosis of
presence of any ADHD-like symptoms. For example, children ASD and ADHD may encourage clinicians to assess and treat
who have ADHD symptoms may need more help organizing ADHD symptoms in patients with ASD. Future studies may
tasks and assignments, may pay attention better if sitting near the address the issues of disentangling ASD from ADHD symptoms
front of the classroom, may require instructions to be repeated and tailoring treatment according to symptom variations,
more than once or written down for the student, and may ben- strengths, and weaknesses of individual patients.
efit from extended time for completion of examinations.
Social skills therapies may be helpful for children with ASD
and for children with ADHD. However, the type of therapy Á
may be different depending on the nature of the social deficits Challenges and Future Directions
that are present. Children who mainly have social reciprocity
deficits typical of autism spectrum disorders may need more • Detailed phenotypic studies aimed at disentangling the
training in the areas of appropriate social communication measurement of ADHD and ASD symptoms may con-
(pragmatics, etc.) as well as education regarding situationally tribute to better diagnostic classification as well as the
appropriate behaviors in various contexts. They may also need development of new treatments to specifically target
encouragement to initiate and maintain social interactions. different types of social impairment that are present in
Children with high levels of ADHD symptoms may benefit ASD and/or ADHD.
more from social skills therapies geared toward reducing inap- • Studies including neurocognitive testing and func-
propriate social behaviors that result directly from ADHD tional neuroimaging may help to clarify similarities and
symptoms (for example, difficulty waiting turn, intrusiveness, differences in brain function between ASD and ADHD.
and poor self-control due to impulsivity). • Further genetic studies considering gene-gene interaction,
gene-environment interaction, and timing of environ-
mental insults may further elucidate the mechanisms
of abnormal brain development that can lead to ASD,
Box 18–1 ADHD, or both.
Optimizing diagnostic nosologies • Future treatment studies should include randomized,
double-blind clinical trials directly comparing treat-
• Co-occurrence of multiple neurodevelopmental disorders is ment response between ASD+ADHD and ADHD-only
common, but current diagnostic criteria do not fully take this groups.
into account.
• Revision of DSM to allow diagnosis of ASD and ADHD in the
same individual may encourage clinicians to assess and treat Á SUGGESTED READINGS
ADHD symptoms when they occur along with ASD.
• Future studies aimed at disentangling ASD from ADHD sym-
de Boo, G. M., & Prins, P. J. (2007). Social incompetence in children
ptoms may lead to improved tailoring of treatment according
with ADHD: possible moderators and mediators in social-skills
to the symptom variations, strengths, and weaknesses of
training. Clinical Psychology Review, 27(1), 78–97.
individual patients.
Gillberg, C. (2003). Deficits in attention, motor control, and percep-
tion: a brief review. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 88(10),
Hazell, P. (2007). Drug therapy for attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
order-like symptoms in autistic disorder. Journal of Paediatrics
Á and Child Health, 43(1–2), 19–24.
Conclusions Reiersen, A. M., & Todd, R. D. (2008). Co-occurrence of ADHD and
autism spectrum disorders: phenomenology and treatment.
Given the studies showing frequent co-occurrence of ADHD Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 8(4), 657–669.
and autistic symptoms and the evidence that ADHD symp- Rommelse, N. N. J., Franke, B., Geurts, H. M., Hartman, C. A., &
toms in ASD are associated with higher levels of co-occurring Buitelaar, J. K (2010). Shared heritability of attention-deficit/
psychopathology and impairment, it appears important to hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder. European
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(3), 281–295.
assess for ADHD symptoms in ASD. Individuals with the
combination of ASD and ADHD may have a more complex
neurodevelopmental disorder than those with ASD alone. Á ACKNOWLEDGMENT
They may have different comorbidity profiles and a different
long-term prognosis. Also, individuals with the combination Dr. Todd was involved in the early planning of this work, but died
of ASD and ADHD may benefit from specific treatment of due to complications of leukemia on August 22, 2008, prior to com-
ADHD symptoms (for example, standard ADHD medications pletion of this chapter. Much of his recent research focused on the
312 Autism Spectrum Disorders

genetic epidemiology of childhood onset psychiatric disorders, Farzin, F., Perry, H., Hessl, D., Loesch, D., Cohen, J., Bacalman, S.,
including ADHD and autism. He was a caring physician with a special et al. (2006). Autism spectrum disorders and attention-deficit/
talent for working with patients affected by autism spectrum disor- hyperactivity disorder in boys with the fragile X premutation.
ders and their families. He was also an excellent mentor and a valued Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 27(2 Suppl),
colleague. This chapter is dedicated to his memory. S137–144.
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19 Á J. Bruce Tomblin, Karla McGregor, Allison Bean

Specific Language Impairment

Á (Catts, 1993). Some children do seem to “outgrow” SLI early

Points of Interest in life, but once children enter school, the severity of their
deficits remains relatively stable (Tomblin, Zhang, Buckwalter,
• The deficits in specific language impairment (SLI) extend & O’Brien, 2003). Older children and young adults present
beyond language. with a broad range of academic difficulties (Young et al.,
• The language deficits that are common in SLI involve the 2002). Follow-ups beyond the late teens are rare, but one study
meaning (semantics) system and the structural (gram- of seventeen 30-year-olds who had severe receptive and
matical) system. Speech sound disorders (phonology) and expressive SLI as children revealed persistent problems with
disorders of language use (pragmatics) are less common. spoken and written language as well as deficits in phonological
• The range of severity of language deficits in children processing, verbal short-term memory, and theory of mind
with SLI is more limited than that found in children with (Clegg, Hollis, Mawhood, & Rutter, 2005). Even among adults
ASD. who seem to have compensated for their SLI, weaknesses
• The nature of the overlap of SLI and ASD within affected emerge in formal assessments that stress the linguistic system
children, as well as near family members remains a topic (Tomblin, Freese, & Records, 1992).
of debate. As the name implies, the clinical manifestations of SLI are
• CNTNAP2 appears to be a liability gene for ASD limited to language. By definition, there are no broader, clini-
and SLI. cally significant deficits in cognition or delays in motor, social,
or emotional development (American Psychiatric Association,
SLI, also called developmental aphasia, dysphasia, develop- 1994, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders).
mental language disorder, or language delay, is a developmen- Nevertheless, it is common for children with SLI to struggle in
tal disorder characterized by limitations in language learning. academic and social settings and to have difficulty with peer
Children with SLI are less capable than their unaffected same- relationships (Young et al., 2002; Clegg et al., 2005).
age peers at understanding or expressing language. Any or all This chapter will summarize the status of research on the
domains of language—syntax, morphology, phonology, nature and etiology of SLI. Because late emergence of language
semantics, and pragmatics—may be affected and, in any given and, in many cases, subsequent limitations in language learn-
child, one domain of language may be more severely affected ing also characterize children with autism spectrum disorders
than another. The extent to which they are behind their peers (ASD), we will pay particular attention to similarities and dif-
varies from mild to severe. The hallmarks of SLI vary with age: ferences that may exist between SLI and autism with regard to
toddlers with SLI typically present with late onset of first words symptoms and etiology. At the end of the chapter we will
(Trauner, Wulfeck, Tallal, & Hesselink, 2000); preschoolers examine models of the relationships between ASD and SLI.
are often late to acquire grammatical inflections and function
words (Leonard, 1998; Rice & Wexler, 1996); school children
frequently have difficulty with sentence repetition (Conti- Á
Ramsden, Botting, & Faragher, 2001), word finding (Lahey & Prevalence
Edwards, 1999; McGregor, Newman, Reilly, & Capone, 2002),
and narrative formulation (Johnston, 2008; Liles, 1985). SLI is a common developmental disorder. In the United
Learning to read and write is often problematic as well States, prevalence is estimated at 7.4% (Tomblin, Records,

316 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Buckwalter, et al., 1997). Of course, prevalence estimates are these is also found in other populations of children with
a rather direct function of the test cutoffs used for identifica- developmental disorders (see, for instance, Eadie et al., 2002;
tion. In the study conducted by Tomblin and colleagues Grant et al., 1997). Tests that are well standardized and
(1997), children randomly sampled from the states of Iowa appropriately normed for the test-taker and that include meas-
and Illinois were identified as having SLI if they scored at least ures of comprehension and production in all language domains
1.25 standard deviations below the mean on at least two of six would be considered best practice (Bishop, 1997). Depending
measures of language. If the distributions of these scores had on the age of the test-taker, tests that measure written as well as
matched perfectly the distribution of the scores collected spoken language may be included. Guidelines set forth in the
from children nationwide during the norming of these tests, International Classification of Diseases (World Health
one would expect 10% of the children to fall at or below 1.25 Organization, 1993) specify that children diagnosed with SLI
standard deviations of the mean (a score of -1.25 standard score at least 2 standard deviations below age level on standard-
deviations is equivalent to the 10th percentile). Therefore, it ized measures of language. Bishop and Edmundson (1987)
is quite sensible that the prevalence estimate obtained by associated severe SLI with scores of at least 2 standard devia-
Tomblin and colleagues was close to 10%. A cutoff of -1 would tions below the mean on any measure and moderate SLI with
have yielded a higher estimate of prevalence; -2 a lower one. scores of at least 1.5 standard deviations below the mean on two
The logical relationship between rather arbitrary test cutoffs or more measures. Specific cutoffs vary from lab to lab, clinic to
and prevalence does not diminish the validity of the diagnosis. clinic, and school to school (Aram, Morris, & Hall, 1993).
In societies that place high value on articulate language, being
among the least articulate 3%, 10%, or even 15%, of the
society is nearly certain to limit success and well-being. Á
Diagnosis of SLI and ASD Compared

Á Current standards for the diagnosis of autism require a delay

Diagnosis in the development of language and persistent qualitative
abnormalities in the social use of language. Subsequent to the
The diagnosis of SLI is based solely on certain patterns of delay in language onset, a substantial variation in the use of
strength and weakness rather than etiology. In this respect, it is language form (syntax, morphology, and phonology) and
similar to many developmental disorders such as autism. A cli- content can been seen among children with ASD. SLI is
nician may diagnose SLI in children who have poor language primarily characterized by deficits in the development of the
achievement and yet the common causes of slow language form and content of language. Thus, whereas children with
development such as mental retardation, autism, or limitations ASD may or may not have form and content deficits, all chil-
in motor control and hearing acuity can be excluded (Stark & dren with SLI will have such deficits and these are likely to be
Tallal, 1981). Frank neurological problems are also excluded in persistent through much if not all of childhood. Children with
cases of SLI; however as we will note later, subtle differences in ASD are also required to have impairments in social interac-
brain structure are likely. SLI is typically diagnosed in the pre- tions and the presence of repetitive stereotyped behaviors for
school or early school years (Stanton-Chapman, Chapman, diagnosis. In contrast, children with such social and behavioral
Bainbridge, & Scott, 2002), although diagnoses are possible at deficits would be excluded from a diagnosis of SLI (Leonard,
both earlier and later points in development. The clinician 1998). As such, SLI and autism by definition are exclusive of
commonly documents poor performance on a battery of stand- each other because of this exclusionary condition within the
ardized language tests as well as some detriment to the function construct of SLI. This exclusionary requirement was established
of the child in familial, social, academic, or professional set- to highlight the fact that often language impairment can be
tings. For example, interviews with the teacher, observations of found in the absence of other conditions; however, the require-
the child in classroom situations, and curriculum-based assess- ment that SLI be independent of autism must be recognized
ments may reveal the functional impact on academics (Westby, for what it is—a diagnostic criterion established purely by fiat.
2006). Clinicians may also supplement standardized tests and We therefore acknowledge that there is certainly a reasonable
functional assessments with dynamic assessments, tasks that chance that the developmental conditions that contribute to
measure the ability to learn aspects of language over time rather SLI could also contribute to autism. Therefore, overlap in
than extant knowledge of the language at a single point in time behavioral characteristics and etiology should be considered
(Pena, Iglesias, & Lidz, 2001). as viable and requires empirical consideration.
There is no universally agreed on test battery nor a particular One way that SLI and ASD might overlap is that SLI could
test score that defines SLI. In recent years, tasks that involve developmentally progress into autism. Two studies recently
repetition of nonwords (1996), sentence repetition (Conti- reported data showing that some children initially diagnosed
Ramsden et al., 2001), and marking of tense and agreement in as language impaired and perhaps SLI as young children
English speakers (Rice & Wexler, 1996) have been proposed were later found to meet diagnostic qualifications for ASD.
as sensitive indicators of SLI; however these markers have Conti-Ramsden et al. (2006) reported that approximately
not been shown to be specific to SLI, as poor performance on 4 percent of adolescents with a history of SLI demonstrated
Specific Language Impairment 317

characteristics necessary for a diagnosis of ASD, as considered 2001; Shriberg, Tomblin, & McSweeny, 1999). Shriberg and
by the ADOS and ADI-R; a rate nearly 10 times what would be colleagues (1999) reported the comorbidity of speech sound
expected for the general population. These authors concluded deficits and SLI to be less than 2%. Despite this sparing of
that this was due to the developmental progression of SLI into speech sound production abilities, children with SLI have
ASD. Bishop et al. (2008) also reported that 21% of adults who often been shown to be poorer than typically developing age
had earlier been identified as having specific speech and mates in tasks that place demands on phonological skills such
language impairments in early childhood met criteria for ASD as those requiring repetition of lengthy unfamiliar phonological
using the ADOS-G and ADI-R. These authors interpreted sequences (nonword repetition) (Bishop et al., 1996; Conti-
their data and those of Conti-Ramsden et al. (2006) as indica- Ramsden & Botting, 2000), the conscious identification and
tive of diagnostic substitution in childhood. This substitution manipulation of sound units of words (deletion or blending of
of language impairment for autism was considered to be the syllables or phonemes) (Kamhi et al., 1988), and perceptual
result of narrower criteria for autism at the time of the initial discriminations of synthetic speech or syllabic words (Coady
diagnosis. With changes in diagnostic criteria over time, chil- et al., 2007; Montgomery, 2003).
dren who earlier were not viewed as presenting ASD came to Pragmatics and the social use of language is generally
meet the criteria for ASD as the criteria shifted. considered a relative strength for children with SLI: 85% score
higher on measures of pragmatic communication than
semantics and syntax (Tomblin, Zhang, Weiss, Catts, & Ellis
Á Weismer, 2004). That said, children with SLI present with a
Behavioral Profile variety of pragmatic difficulties including attributing emotions
to others and understanding utterances that are not literally
An early sign of SLI is the late emergence of spoken words true (Botting & Conti-Ramsden, 2008; Farmer, 2000), even
during the second year of life (Trauner et al., 1995). (Charman, after controlling for overall language ability (Botting &
Drew, Baird, & Baird, 2003; Ellis Weismer, et al., 2008; Luyster, Conti-Ramsden, 2008). These children also demonstrate dif-
Lopez, & Lord, 2007) Even after the child with SLI has begun ficulty with basic social tasks. They interact differently than
to use words, subsequent word learning remains slow relative their normally developing peers in classroom contexts, are less
to same-age peers. For example, preschoolers with SLI require preferred by their peers, and experience significantly fewer
twice the numbers of exposures to new words before they can peer contacts (Bishop & Baird, 2001; Botting & Conti-Ramsden,
learn them (Gray, 2003). Once a word has been learned, 2008; Craig, 1993; Fujiki, Brinton, & Todd, 1996). These dif-
semantic representation of the word is typically fragile as char- ficulties may, in part, be attributed to the difficulty that chil-
acterized by word-finding problems in preschoolers and dren with SLI demonstrate in their conversational exchanges.
school-age children with SLI, as well as sparse lexical semantic Because they have difficulty taking the perspective of their
representations and semantic category knowledge (Kail & conversational partner (Farrant, Fletcher, & Mayberry, 2006),
Leonard, 1986; McGregor et al., 2002). As compared to expres- children with SLI tend to contribute too little or too much
sion, comprehension of words is an area of relative strength information, make irrelevant comments, and/or ask inap-
(Thal & Tobias, 1992). propriate questions (Adams & Bishop, 1989; Marton,
In general, the grammatical development of children with Abramoff, & Rosenzweig, 2005). These are long-term prob-
SLI is even more limited than their word learning. In the lems that increase with age, leading to an increased risk of vic-
preschool years, they tend to produce short sentences that lack timization by 11 years of age (Conti-Ramsden & Botting,
nonobligatory arguments and grammatical inflections (van 2004). Thus, although pragmatics is not a prominent area of
der Lely, 1998). Inflections that mark finite tense and agree- difficulty for them, children with SLI are not unscathed in
ment on verbs (e.g, he plays, he played) are particularly prone social communication.
to omission (Rice & Wexler, 1996). Children with SLI continue A subgroup of children with SLI with pragmatic difficulties
to lag behind their same-age peers in grammatical development that overshadow their grammatical deficits but do not meet the
once they have entered school. For example, they rarely use criteria for a diagnosis of ASD have been described (Bishop &
sentences that involve noncanonical word order (e.g., the dog Norbury, 2002; Botting & Conti-Ramsden, 1999). This profile
was kissed by the cat), auxiliary inversion (e.g., is he going to the has been referred to as semantic-pragmatic language impair-
store?), conjoined clauses (e.g., he is happy but she is sad), or ment or more recently pragmatic language impairment (PLI;
embedded clauses (e.g, we knew he could swim) (Johnston & Bishop, 2000; Brook & Bowler, 1992). These children do not
Kamhi, 1984; Leonard, 1995). Careful testing reveals that represent misdiagnosed cases of ASD, but rather are a group of
comprehension of these advanced sentence structures is often children who have some features of both autism and SLI.
problematic as well (Bishop, 1997; van der Lely, 1994). Though Children with PLI have been described as sociable, talkative
no longer frequent in their spoken language, omissions of children who produce stereotyped language with abnormal
grammatical inflections characterize their written language prosody, focusing conversation on topics of their own particu-
(Scott & Windsor, 2000). lar interest. However, these same children have good recipro-
For many children with SLI, speech sound production is cal interactions and do not show nonverbal repetitive behaviors
an area of relative strength (Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, that are characteristic of ASD (Bishop & Norbury, 2002).
318 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á focused on whether there are differences in relative brain

Behavioral Profiles of SLI volumes across different brain regions. In particular, interest
and ASD Compared has focused on the cortical regions of the inferior frontal
cortex including Broca’s area and the temporal parietal region
To summarize, children with SLI have widespread deficits in often defined as the perisylvian region including Wernicke’s
communication development, but with particular difficulties area. Within individuals with typical language development
with grammar and phonological working memory along with these regions are usually larger in the left hemisphere (leftward
relative strengths in speech sound production and pragmatics. asymmetry) than the right. Likewise, measures of functional
The language and communication profiles of children with brain activity using fMRI or an intracarodid amobarbitol
ASD are more completely described in Chapters 9 and 27 in (Wada) test during language tasks have shown a common left
this volume. In those chapters we find that the skills of children hemispheric dominance for language tasks. This convergence
with ASD with regard to form and content can vary widely. of anatomical and functional asymmetry has supported the
With regard to those aspects of language most often viewed as viewpoint that anatomical differences in these language areas
“markers of SLI,” there are data that show that some, but not could contribute to functional outcomes (for a cautionary
all, of the children with ASD show poor grammatical skills viewpoint, see Eckert et al., 2006).
(Botting & Conti-Ramsden, 2003; Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, Early autopsy findings by Galaburda et al. (1985) suggested
2001; Roberts et al., 2004) and also poorer phonological short- that developmental dyslexia and other developmental lan-
term memory as shown in their nonword repetition (Botting & guage disorders such as SLI might be associated with the
Conti-Ramsden, 2003; Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001; absence of expected asymmetry of the perisylvian region. Soon
Whitehouse et al., 2007). These data have provided the basis after this, a neuropathological study of a deceased child with a
for an active debate over the presence or nature of an overlap diagnosis of developmental dysphasia was reported to have
of SLI and ASD, as will be discuss further at the end of this abnormal symmetry of the perisylvian region (Cohen et al.,
chapter. 1989). These findings generated considerable interest in this
As noted earlier in the diagnostic contrast of SLI and ASD, region as MRI imaging became available. Jernigan et al. (1991)
impaired reciprocal social interactions are grounds for ruling reported that children with SLI had smaller-than-expected left
out SLI, whereas such impairments are required of children perisylvian volumes, and at the same time Plante and colleagues
with ASD. Additionally, the use of language for socially (Plante et al., 1989; Plante et al., 1991) reported reduced left
adapted appropriate communication has been well docu- asymmetry of the perisylvian region. Similar results regarding
mented to be a prominent feature of ASD. Therefore, an reduced rates of leftward asymmetry of the perisylvian region
overlap in the full range of pragmatics deficits between SLI in children with SLI were reported by Gauger et al. (1997).
and ASD has been essentially prohibited by this exclusionary Preis et al. however, did not find abnormal symmetry in the
condition. Also as noted above, children with SLI have been perisylvian region (Preis et al., 1998). Gauger et al. also
shown to have difficulties with pragmatics, but these deficits extended the regions of interest for SLI to the inferior frontal
are generally less prominent than those seen in ASD. cortex, where they also found the volume of the left pars trian-
Furthermore, there is some question as to whether the prag- gularis to be smaller in children with SLI than controls.
matic difficulties in SLI are a primary part of the communication Evidence that abnormal asymmetries in the perisylvian region
problems of children with SLI or secondary to the form and were further supported by Leonard and colleagues who found
content difficulties they experience (Redmond & Rice, 1998). reduced asymmetry in this region differentiated children with
Thus, pragmatics and social communication skills are clearly SLI from children with dyslexia and normal readers (Leonard
the developmental domain where there is little overlap between et al., 2002). More recently De Fosse et al. (2004) also found a
SLI and ASD. It remains unclear, however, as to whether this rightward asymmetry in the inferior frontal cortex of children
is evidence that these are naturally different developmental with SLI. Surprisingly, the planum temporale was found to
disorders or whether a naturally occurring relationship has have more leftward asymmetry in the children with SLI than
been severed by the imposition of exclusionary standards for among typically developing children in this study. Herbert
SLI. Studies concerned with underlying neurological function et al. (2005) performed a nested hierarchical analysis ranging
could shed light on this. from whole brain through major anatomical lobes to smaller
regions defined as parcellation units with images from chil-
dren with SLI. Similar to De Fosse et al., they found more
Á rightward asymmetry in the frontal language areas and more
Neurological Findings and SLI leftward asymmetry in the perisylvian language areas.
Most of the research concerning brain structure and SLI
Questions concerning brain function among children with has concentrated on the study of brain regions that have long
SLI have been informed by theory but limited by the technology been associated with language functions. Such an approach
that is available. Thus, in concert with research concerned assumes that there are language-specific brain regions and
with other developmental disorders such as autism and dys- that language can be viewed as a special cognitive faculty.
lexia, most of the search for neural anatomical bases of SLI has Under the alternate view that language arises from a widely
Specific Language Impairment 319

distributed nonmodular neural system, Herbert and colleagues Herbert et al. (2005) used children with ASD who were
(Herbert et al., 2003; Herbert et al., 2005) examined larger- described as being high functioning and therefore would be
scale brain regions including subcortical structures. From this likely to have had normal structural language abilities and
larger perspective they found little evidence of abnormal may have been similar to De Fosse’s normal language ASD
asymmetry at these whole brain–level analyses, despite having group. Despite this, they also found patterns of asymmetry
found such asymmetries at the more local parcellation units. similar to those of the De Fosse study for both anterior and
At this larger-scale analysis they did find that children with SLI posterior parcellation units involved with language. Thus,
(and children with ASD) presented larger cortical volume due they also found the unexpected abnormal exaggerated L > R in
to greater amounts of white matter, in other words, greater both groups. Also, as we noted earlier, this study found larger
amounts of connectivity via myelinated fiber tracts. Although overall cortical size in both groups. Herbert and Kenet (2007)
connectivity is generally considered important for neural net- have concluded from these findings that autism and SLI share
works, excessive connectivity could result in inefficient and many, although not all, neurological features and thus could
noisy processing. be viewed as overlapping conditions.
These findings are beginning to reveal replicable differ-
ences between brain structure of typically developing children
and those with SLI. Those studies concerned with patterns of Á
asymmetry in the two principal language regions support the Familial Aggregation of SLI
notion that variations in basic neurodevelopmental processes
involving these language regions contribute to the liability for If SLI and ASD are overlapping conditions, we would expect
SLI. It seems that this vulnerability is more consistently found that they share, in part, etiological origins. One clue to the
in the inferior frontal region than in the perisylvian region, origins of SLI is that it tends to aggregate in families (Beitchman
and some evidence of more general abnormalities involving et al., 1992; Neils & Aram, 1986; Tallal et al., 1989; Tomblin,
general brain size can be found. Of course these conclusions 1989). Familial aggregation is one piece of evidence in support
assume that these differences in asymmetry and volume are of a genetic contribution to the etiology of SLI. Of course, as in
laid down during early development and are not themselves all cases of complex developmental disorders, the behavioral
the product of poor language learning (Locke, 1994). manifestations of SLI are multidetermined: both genes and
Furthermore, it is clear that although there appear to be ana- the environment participate. Certainly, genes are not the
tomical effects that are robust enough for group differences, whole story. Three well-documented environmental risks
there are often cases of either abnormal asymmetry accompa- for SLI are low maternal education (Stanton-Chapman
nied by normal language or normal patterns of asymmetry et al., 2002; Tomblin, Smith, & Zhang, 1997), higher birth
accompanied by abnormal language. Thus, as Herbert et al. order (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1998; Stanton-Chapman et al., 2002;
(2003) note, these anatomic findings do not point to a simple Tomblin, 1990), and single-parent homes (Stanton-Chapman
deterministic relationship with language development. et al., 2002). These risks pertain to the care-giving environment.
Mothers with limited formal education are less knowledgeable
about childcare and development than more educated mothers
Á (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, & Chase-Lansdale, 1989). If these
Neurological Findings in SLI mothers are the sole head of household or have many children,
and ASD Compared the time they can devote to any one child is limited. More
siblings and fewer parents obviously make for less opportunity
There have been substantially more structural imaging studies for dyadic interactions between child and adult, interactions
of individuals with autism (see Section II of this book) than known to facilitate language development (Tomasello &
SLI. Far more brain regions and brain features have been Farrar, 1986). Whereas none of these factors alone would
examined in autism than in SLI, where the focus has largely cause SLI, a child with a vulnerable genotype faced with these
been on language regions. Among these is a small set of studies environmental factors is at greater risk.
that has directly contrasted children with SLI and children In any study of familial aggregation, results will vary
with ASD. In addition to reporting on findings concerned depending on the phenotype, or behavioral profile, examined.
with SLI, the De Fosse et al. (2004) study described earlier Some studies of familial aggregation of SLI employ a broader
compared children with SLI with children with ASD who phenotype; they include speech, language, and reading prob-
either presented with poor language or had normal language lems; whereas others employ a narrower phenotype. In the
abilities. Patterns of abnormal asymmetry in the inferior Tomblin (1989) study the phenotype was limited to specific
frontal cortex were found for the children with SLI and the language and speech sound disorders. Tomblin and Buckwalter
children with ASD who were also language impaired. Likewise (1994) have also found that SLI diagnosed on the basis of
both the SLI and children with ASD and language impairment direct assessment occurs in 21% of the first-degree relatives of
showed the unexpected exaggerated L > R asymmetry SLI probands and at a rate of 28% in the male relatives of these
described earlier. The children with normal language but with probands. Rice and colleagues (1998) reported very similar
ASD did not show these abnormal asymmetric relationships. rates of speech/language impairment in the nuclear family
320 Autism Spectrum Disorders

members of probands who were identified by their failure to nonverbal IQ were confounded. DeThorne and colleagues
mark tense in obligatory contexts. More recently, Tallal and examined this question further by controlling for this
colleagues (Tallal et al., 2001) also tested family members of confound and demonstrated that heritability of language
SLI probands and probands with normal language status. impairment was independent of the child’s nonverbal IQ.
They reported a rate of 31% SLI in the families of the SLI Consequently, these findings support the contention that poor
probands and 7.1% in the control families. Thus, across a large language is genetically influenced regardless of nonverbal IQ.
number of studies using a range of methods of ascertainment Collectively, these studies would also seem to be in agreement
and measurement of the language phenotype, support for the with Bishop, North, and Donlan (1995), who had earlier con-
familiality of SLI can be found. cluded that the genetic studies of SLI should dispense with a
Twin studies of specific language impairment have provided nonverbal IQ criterion as a part of the phenotype.
evidence that this familial feature to SLI is at least partially In most of the twin studies on SLI, phonological deficits in
genetically influenced. Lewis and Thompson (1992) reported the form of speech sound disorders were considered as a part
concordance rates of 86% for monozygotic (MZ) and 48% for of the general specific speech and language disorder phenotype.
dizygotic (DZ) twins with speech and language problems. Bishop and Hayiou-Thomas (2008) reexamined the Hayiou-
Bishop, North, and Donlan (1995) reported a concordance of Thomas et al. (2005) data and reported low heritability of SLI
.46 and .70 for the DZ and MZ twins, respectively, for twins in children with nonverbal IQs above 85, but high heritabilities
ascertained for specific speech and language impairments. of speech sound ability in children with similar nonverbal IQs.
Later, Tomblin and Buckwalter (1998) looked at twins with a Likewise, heritability of clinically identified SLI was higher
language-impaired proband and found a concordance for the than SLI identified via population sampling. This latter differ-
MZ pairs of .96 and .69 for the DZ pairs and obtained a group ence was attributed to greater rates of children with SLI and
difference heritability of .45. Dale and colleagues (1998) also comorbid speech sound disorder in the clinically identified
have reported group differences heritability in a large-scale group. These authors argue that the prior reports of substantial
twin study. Using delays in vocabulary development of heritability of SLI may be due to the confounding of speech
2-year-olds as a phenotype, these investigators found herita- sound disorder in several of these studies. This conjecture is
bility rates of .73. In the study by Dale and colleagues (1998) given further support by studies showing substantial heritabil-
heritability was lower, as the cutoff score for language delay ity estimates for speech sound disorder (Bishop et al., 1995;
was shifted from the 5th percentile upward toward the 16th DeThorne et al., 2006; Lewis & Thompson, 1992) and phono-
percentile, suggesting that there may be unique genetic contri- logical memory (Bishop et al., 1996). These results would
butions to particularly low language abilities. This research suggest that phonological abilities including speech sounds
group (Spinath et al., 2004) has reported similar results for a production skills may be, in their own right heritable, and that
phenotype that included grammar as well as vocabulary. In characterization of these aspects of the broader language phe-
this study, group differences heritability for children with low notype should be employed in genetic studies of children with
language was higher than individual differences heritability SLI. Whether all of the heritability of SLI can be attributed to
(h2) for a sample of children that included typically developing speech sound abilities will require additional research.
children. Thus heritability increased with severity; however
variation in severity involved both verbal and nonverbal
abilities. Á
In most of the studies up to this point, the phenotype was Familial Aggregation of SLI and ASD
often one that allowed language, nonverbal IQ, and speech
sound status to covary. During the last few years, research has Earlier we reviewed evidence suggesting that SLI may be
come to focus on the question of which of these aspects of the comorbid with autism and this comorbid condition may
phenotype are most likely to be genetically influenced. Initially account for a substantial subgroup of individuals with autism.
the question focused on the covariance of language and Alternatively, SLI has also been considered to be a milder vari-
nonverbal IQ. Hayiou-Thomas and colleagues (2005) reported ant of autism. Each of these accounts implies that autism spec-
that heritability of poor language accompanied by low trum disorders and SLI may share a common liability factor.
nonverbal IQ (nonspecific language impairment; NLI) was This sharing could be either in a subgroup of children with
much higher than was found for children who had discrepan- ASD or it could span all individuals and differ with respect to
cies between language and nonverbal IQ (SLI). These findings the strength of the effect. The later view allows the traits that
suggested that the heritability of poor language was only found comprise autism and SLI to be dimensional, and thus the
when it occurred with poor nonverbal skills, suggesting that familial liability may be expressed in subclinical behavioral
the genetic influence was not limited to language, but perhaps levels of some or all of these behavioral dimensions in the near
“generalist” genes. DeThorne and colleagues (DeThorne et al., relatives of children with autism or SLI. Thus, a very reasonable
2005) pointed out that the children with SLI in the Hayiou- place to look for this shared liability is within families. If autism
Thomas et al. study had less severe language impairment as and SLI are related due to a common familial etiology, we
well as better nonverbal IQ, and the NLI children had more should expect to see a co-occurrence of SLI and autism features
severe language impairment. Thus language severity and among near relatives of children with SLI or autism.
Specific Language Impairment 321

The first investigation of this sort can be seen in Folstein the parents of the two groups were similar in nonverbal IQ
and Rutter (1977), who found increased rates of language and education. In fact, the parents in this study were well
problems in nonautistic co-twins of autistic probands. More above average on nonverbal IQ. Despite this matching, the
recently, Le Couteur and colleagues (1996) reported addi- parents of the SLI probands were found to have poorer pho-
tional support for these results in a follow-up of the Folstein nological and language skills than the parents of ASD probands.
and Rutter twin study with a new sample of twins. Similar In contrast, the parents of ASD probands had poorer social
findings of familial loading of communication deficits in communication skills than the parents of SLI probands. These
nonautistic family members of probands with autism have data support the view that SLI and ASD do not share common
been found in studies of the Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP) liability factors so long as a distinction is made between the
hypothesis (Bishop et al., 2006; Plumet et al., 1995; structural aspects of language and the social functional aspects
Cox et al., 1975; Boutin et al., 1997; Bolton et al., 1994; Le of communication. Thus, currently, the extent to which there
Couteur et al., 1996; Landa et al., 1992; Folstein et al., 1999; is a shared etiology or liability between ASD and SLI remains
Szatmari et al., 2000). In all these studies, near relatives of unclear.
probands with ASD were evaluated with respect to language
related disorders. One study (Tomblin et al., 2003) examined
this relationship between ASD and SLI by obtaining evidence Á
for ASD in siblings of probands with SLI. A comparison of the Molecular Genetic Evidence
sibling scores from SLI and the ASD probands on the Autism
Behavior Checklist (ABC; Krug et al., 1980) did not show a Linkage Studies
significant difference, however all siblings with scores on the
ABC indicative of risk were sibs of probands with low lan- In the past 9 years there have been reports of two genome-
guage. Furthermore the rate of diagnosed autism in the sib- wide scans for developmental language disorders. Bartlett and
lings of probands with SLI was significantly higher than colleagues (Bartlett et al., 2002) reported suggestive linkage of
population estimates for the prevalence of autism at that time. phenotype of receptive language impairment to a locus on 2p
Thus, these data provided partial support for a reciprocal in family members from 5 families originally ascertained for
familial relationship between ASD and SLI. Although the schizophrenia. A linkage of reading to 13q (SLI3) was also
studies above found that near relatives of probands with reported in this study. The SLI consortium in England
autism were liable for communication deficits, it should be (Newbury, Ishikawa-Brush, et al., 2002) performed a sib-pair
recognized that several studies have not found such evidence genome-wide scan with SLI probands that resulted in linkage
(Szatmari et al., 1993; Fombonne & Du Mazaubrun, 1992; to loci at chromosomes 16q (SLI1) and 19q. The language trait
Gillberg et al., 1992; Fombonne et al., 1997; Pilowsky et al., linked to chromosome 19q (SLI2) was one that represented
2003; Bishop et al., 2004). Bishop et al. (2006) observed that the children’s ability to express words and sentences. The
many of the studies showing a relationship used measures chromosome 16q locus was linked to a measure of phonological
based on history or report from family members regarding working memory (PM) requiring remembering and repeating
communication status, whereas those that did not find an nonsense words. A subsequent study by this same research
elevated rate of language impairment in family members of group was able to replicate the linkage of PM to SLI1 and SLI2
probands with autism employed language tests. These lan- in a new sample, but when the samples were combined PM
guage tests were typically focused on language form and mean- was only linked to SLI1 (Newbury et al., 2004). Two additional
ing rather than communication function; whereas the analyses of these data provided further support for the linkage
historical reports could reflect poor communication function. of PM to the SLI1 locus and sentence usage including grammar
Bishop et al. (2006) predicted that if both communication and vocabulary for SLI2 (Monaco, 2007; Falcaro et al., 2008).
function and structure were systematically measured in the Previous work has shown that phonological memory is a
siblings of children with ASD, it would be likely that the excess sensitive indicator of SLI and may be an important cognitive
deficits would be concentrated in social communication. skill for language development (Dollaghan & Campbell, 1998;
Bishop et al. (2006) explored this using a structured question- Ellis Weismer et al., 1999; Conti-Ramsden & Hesketh, 2003).
naire that spanned communication function and structure. To date, no fine mapping results have been published pointing
Elevated rates of poor communication were found in the rela- to the possible causal locus for SLI1, and it will be important
tives of the autism probands; however, this elevated rate was to further replicate these findings in independent samples.
not concentrated in the domain of communication function.
These results provided support for a more generalized lan- Candidate Gene Studies
guage impairment to be a part of the BAP, and thus could be
considered to suggest that SLI may overlap with ASD. More To date one gene (FOXP2) has been found to be strongly
recently however, Whitehouse, Barry, and Bishop (Whitehouse implicated in language development (Lai et al., 2001). These
et al., 2007) tested the language structure and social commu- results came from the study of one family with a point muta-
nication abilities among parents of children with ASD and tion of FOXP2 and high rates of speech and language impair-
parents of children with SLI. It is noteworthy in this study that ment. However, several studies have not found evidence of
322 Autism Spectrum Disorders

this gene contributing to SLI in the general population Thus, so far, common genetic variation within FOXP2 has
(Newbury, Bonora, et al., 2002; Meaburn et al., 2002; O’Brien not been shown to be associated with either SLI or ASD.
et al., 2003). Thus, although FOXP2 appears to affect neural Recently however, the 7q region has yielded rather robust
systems important for normal speech and language develop- findings with regard to another gene, CNTNAP2. This gene is
ment, it does not appear to be a very common basis for lan- in the 7q35 region and also lies under the linkage peak found
guage impairment. This failure to find association or linkage in the earlier linkage studies on autism cited above. The
of language impairment to FOXP2 in population samples is CNTNAP2 protein is a member of the neurexin superfamily
consistent with other studies (Bartlett et al., 2002; SLI that is concerned with cell adhesion and is expressed in brain.
Consortium, 2004). Our group (O’Brien et al., 2003) did find Bakkalouglu et al. (2008), Alarcon et al. (2008), and Arking
an association of language impairment to two markers flanking et al. (2008) simultaneously published papers showing that
FOXP2 in the region of WNT2, suggesting that a language- common and rare genetic polymorphisms within CNTNAP2
related locus other than FOXP2 may reside nearby. One sig- were associated with autism. Bakkalouglu et al. reported a
nificant association was to a marker within the CFTR gene, case with mental retardation and ASD who had a chromo-
and these findings have been replicated by Bartlett (2004). somal inversion that disrupted CNTNAP2. Furthermore, these
Recently, Tyson and colleagues (2004) reported a microdele- authors resequenced CNTNAP2 in 635 individuals with
tion at 7q31.3 in a child with a complex balanced translocation autism and 942 controls and found an elevated but nonsig-
involving chromosomes 5, 6, and 7. This child presented with nificant rate of rare variants that yielded changes in the amino
language impairment and also cleft palate. These authors con- acid sequence of CNTNAP2. In both the Bakkalouglu et al. and
cluded that their results supported the O’Brien et al. (2003) the Arking et al. studies the phenotype was based on autism
results that suggest that a gene concerned with language diagnosis. In the Alarcon et al. study, the phenotype most
disorders lies in the 7q31.2-31.3 region. strongly associated with CNTNAP2 was a quantitative trait
Bartlett et al. (2004) reported candidate region studies for concerned with the age at which the parents reported the child
two additional regions that had been found promising on an with ASD acquiring the first word, and therefore these findings
initial genome linkage study (Bartlett et al., 2002). In this study implicated CNTNAP2 as a possible genetic cause of language
significant linkage was again found for a reading phenotype at problems with or without autism. Soon after these reports of
chromosome 13q (SLI3). CNTNAP2 association, Vernes et al. (2008) reported that
CNTNAP2 was a downstream regulatory target of FOXP2 and
that the same genetic polymorphism reported to be associated
Á with autism by Alarcon et al. (2008) was also associated with
Overlaps in Genetic Bases of SLI and ASD phonological short-term memory in a sample of children with
SLI. These findings have provided the first strong evidence
If ASD and SLI co-occur in families, a reasonable hypothesis supporting a shared etiology between autism and SLI.
might be that there is a shared genetic liability for SLI and ASD. Two other regions that have been reported to be linked to
Previously, we reviewed the current molecular genetics research SLI lie at 13q and 2q. Both these regions were found to be
on SLI. Far more research has been conducted on the genetics linked to phenotypes associated with SLI by Bartlett and
of ASD. There have been at least 18 reported genome-wide link- colleagues (Bartlett et al., 2002, Bartlett et al., 2004). The
age scans and now two genome-wide association scans (see, for region of linkage on chromosome 13q has also been linked to
instance, Freitag, 2007). Strikingly, none of these studies have autism in two studies (Barrett et al., 2001; Bradford et al.,
reported linkage or association to the SLI1 or SLI2 regions. The 2001). Likewise the region on 2q linked to SLI was found to be
most widely replicated linkage findings have involved a region linked to autism in one study also by Barrett and colleagues
on chromosome 7q and 2q. The studies concerning the 7q locus (Barrett et al., 2001).
in autism has been particularly interesting to those studying the Thus, out of the 5 regions (SLI1, SLI2, SLI3, 2q, and 7q35),
genetics of SLI, because in many cases, these linkage signals three of these fall into regions that have also been implicated
have been improved when the phenotype was narrowed to in autism. Thus, although the molecular genetics findings are
focus on language (Alarcon et al., 2005; Alarcon et al., 2002; by no means conclusive that there is genetic overlap, these
Wassink et al., 2001; Alarcon et al., 2005). One gene in this molecular data are consistent with the quantitative genetic
region is FOXP2, which as we noted earlier has been implicated findings showing some evidence of shared familial/genetic
in speech and language. The fact that FOXP2 was in the region liability between autism and SLI.
where these linkages were found led some research groups to
examine FOXP2 in ASD samples to determine if FOXP2 might
be the source of the linkage. In the majority of these studies no Á
association was found between FOXP2 and ASD (Newbury, Hypotheses on the Relationship
Bonora, et al., 2002; Gauthier et al., 2003; Wassink et al., 2002); of SLI and Autism
however, Gong and colleagues have reported an association
of markers within FOXP2 to autism in a sample of Chinese Throughout this chapter we have described the behavioral
individuals of Han descent (Gong et al., 2004). and etiologic findings concerning SLI and have provided
Specific Language Impairment 323

comparisons and contrasts of these features with ASD. As they are considered as distinct, since children could present
noted earlier, there has been a long-standing interest in pos- with ASD and not SLI and obviously SLI but not ASD. As
sible ties between autism and SLI. This has resulted in several such, SLI and ASD would be viewed as comorbid and therefore
different hypotheses being proposed. likely to have related if not shared etiologies.
The first account associating SLI and autism was that of Recently, Whitehouse and colleagues (Whitehouse et al.,
Bartak, Rutter, and Cox (Bartak et al., 1975; Bartak et al., 2007; Whitehouse et al., 2008) have argued against this notion
1977), where it was hypothesized that these conditions of an overlap between SLI and ASD, claiming that SLI and
represented different points on a single dimension of severity ASD, although similar in some surface manifestations of lan-
of language impairment (Figure 19-1). At this time, these guage deficits, differ with regard to the underlying bases of
authors considered the possibility that the social and behavioral these deficits. They suggest that the apparent signs of SLI
features of autism resulted from the language impairment. among children with ASD do not hold on closer inspection
Therefore this model assumed that ASD and SLI would have and that the overlap in familial risk is likewise weak and not
common etiologies and the difference was in the severity of well founded. These authors have concluded that there is no
expression and the development of secondary abnormal social basis for claiming that SLI and ASD are related at the behavioral
responses to communication difficulties. Their research, symptom or etiologic level. They concluded that children with
however, provided evidence that clear qualitative differences SLI present with a disorder that involves deficits in phonological
existed between these two conditions, and thus the model of working memory and grammatical development whereas
SLI and autism lying on a single continuum was rejected. children with autism have impairments in language use and
Soon, Rutter (1978) introduced a model of autism wherein social interactions as well as restricted interests and behaviors.
ASD was formed from deficits in three domains of development Even in cases where there appears to be symptom overlap,
(language, social interest, rigidity). Within this conceptualiza- such as with nonword repetition, the underlying reasons for
tion, ASD was a mixture of these three domains. As a part of poor repetition differs between the two groups. Thus, within
this model, some researchers began to report that the nonau- this viewpoint we should expect that these are independent
tistic relatives of autistic individuals were likely to demonstrate
milder forms of one or more of the particular components of
the full syndrome of autism, and this led to the notion of a Autism as a mixture of broader phenotype
broader autism phenotype (BAP: Piven, 1999). This provided components
a means for SLI to overlap with autism with regard to the Broader phenotypes
language dimension while contrasting with autism on the
other two dimensions, as depicted in Figure 19-2. SLI Rigidity
A feature of the mixture model would be that all children
with ASD would present with SLI-like language problems. As
we noted earlier, children with SLI often have particular diffi- difficulty
culties with the development of grammatical morphology and
with the accurate repetition of novel words. Tager-Flusberg
(Tager-Flusberg, 2004; Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001)
found that indeed a subgroup of children with autism pre-
sented a similar profile of deficits. Additionally, they found
some children with autism who had normal language ability Figure 19–2. Autism as a composite disorder containing SLI.
albeit poor social communication. Thus, Tager-Flusberg pro-
posed that many but not all children with autism presented
with comorbid SLI (see Figure 19-3). Thus, like the mixture SLI with Autism as an Autism subtype
model, SLI and autism overlap, but unlike the mixture model,

Autism as an outgrowth of severe SLI SLI

Social difficulties

Autism Autism/SLI


Figure 19–1. Autism as a result of severe specific language

impairment. As the severity of SLI increases, the odds of social
difficulties increase. Figure 19–3. SLI and autism as comorbid conditions.
324 Autism Spectrum Disorders

SLI and Autism as independent conditions These findings of overlap between SLI and autism suggest
that we need to rethink our basic assumptions about SLI, and
this rethinking may also have an impact on views of the lan-
guage impairments in autism. An alternative perspective may
be that that cutting across ability levels (poor, average, or high)
and across various disability groups will be a common set of
causal factors that account for an important fraction of the
individual differences in children’s development of language
content and structure. This viewpoint was voiced by Leonard
(1987), when he concluded that SLI is likely to represent the
tail end of the normal distribution of language ability and is
fully consistent with the quantitative trait locus model that
Plomin (1994) described as an alternative. In this regard, it is
Figure 19–4. SLI and autism as independent conditions where quite possible to expect that etiologic factors such as risk vari-
overlap is no greater than expected by chance. ants of CNTNAP2 will be found in excess in other populations
with developmental language problems and indeed even will
disorders and that would only co-occur at levels expected by be found in typically developing children. These etiologies
chance (see Figure 19-4). alone are most likely probabilistic rather than deterministic
It should be noted that these conclusions by Whitehouse and it is only as they work in concert with other risk factors
and Bishop were reached prior to the publication of the data that different symptom complexes emerge.
on CNTNAP2. As noted earlier, allelic variation in CNTNAP2 Karmiloff-Smith (1992) has emphasized that development
is associated with autism and in particular age of first-word is complex and dynamic. Within this view developmental
production in these children and it is also associated with pho- processes are clearly shared across children who are then
nological memory measured by nonword repetition in chil- growing up in diverse circumstances (biologically and cultur-
dren with SLI. If CNTNAP2 does confer liability for both ally), thus there are likely to be shared and unique features
autism and SLI, it would provide for quite strong support for across all children, and these may vary over development. It
these two conditions being comorbid. What remains unclear may be more important to focus on understanding these
is whether CNTNAP2 is a gene that influences a wide range of developmental processes as they generate differences and
neural developmental phenotypes, or whether it impacts on similarities across children throughout development. Such
brain systems that are particularly important for language. reconceptualization will hopefully lead to deeper insights into
autism and SLI.

Conclusion Á
Challenges and Future Directions
For nearly three decades SLI has served as a model of
developmental language disorder that can be examined with- • In order to directly test whether there is a subgroup of
out the influence of other developmental disorders. As children with autism who also have SLI, research meth-
researchers have approached SLI, we can find that some seem ods that have been developed to test for continuities
to make the assumption that SLI represents a unique form of or discontinuities in individual differences should be
poor language and thus the etiologic systems that underlie SLI applied to this problem (see, for instance, Lenzenweger,
are also unique to SLI and distinct from those that cause poor 2004; Markon & Krueger, 2006; Ruscio et al., 2006).
language development in children with other developmental • Parallel genetic studies of children with autism and
disorders. Within this vein of thinking a full account of SLI children with SLI using high density SNP platforms for
will consist of a set of unique language features (markers) that GWAS or nextgen sequencing for rare variants and care-
map onto a unique etiologic system. Plomin once described fully selected language phenotype and endophenotypes
this type of model for developmental disorders when applied should provide a means to test for shared versus unique
to genetics as One Gene One Disorder (OGOD). In such a case risk genetic variants.
we would also not expect overlap between SLI and other • Parallel structural and functional imaging studies using
developmental disorders to exceed chance levels. If it does, we children with autism and children with SLI.
would need to consider that this is due to something analogous
to phenocopy. The specificity of SLI in this model would also
extend to its distinctiveness from individual differences within Á SUGGESTED READINGS
the normal population. The recent findings of an etiologic
overlap in the form of similar risk alleles being shared between Leonard, L. (1998). Children with specific language impairment.
autism and SLI challenges this model of SLI. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Specific Language Impairment 325

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20 Á Peter Szatmari, Beth McConnell

Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Individuals

with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Á to be part of the ASD phenotype or could not be assessed

Points of Interest properly in individuals with ASD. This has had the unfortunate
effect of not recognizing this type of comorbidity and the
• To establish comorbidity, assessment measures must attendant impairment that it entails. Since treatment of anxiety
establish that anxiety/mood symptoms are independent and mood disorders has progressed remarkably in the last
of the core symptoms of ASD and are causing additional 10 years with now good evidence of effective treatments, it
distress or impairment. would be important to screen for and diagnose these condi-
• Anxiety and mood disorders are more common in indi- tions. Fortunately, many clinicians and researchers now rec-
viduals with ASD than in the general population. ognize that comorbid psychiatric symptoms are a significant
• Prevalence estimates for anxiety disorders range from 10 and often disabling issue for this population. The present
to 50%. chapter highlights a number of issues and questions that
• Prevalence estimates for mood disorders range from 25 research is beginning to address:
to 50%.
1. How common are anxiety and affective disorders in the
• When an individual with ASD presents with a significant
ASD population?
change in behavior (e.g., increase in aggressive behavior;
2. How do we assess and treat psychiatric comorbidity in
intensification of restricted interests), clinicians should
this group?
be aware that anxiety and/or mood symptoms may be a
3. What are the causes and correlates of anxiety and mood
contributing factor.
disorders for individuals with ASD?
• Cognitive behavior therapy can be used successfully with
4. What should clinicians and researchers do next to
individuals with ASD for the treatment of anxiety.
further our understanding of these issues?
The social and communication deficits and restricted behavior 5. What are the clinical implications of comorbidity for
that characterize autism spectrum disorders (ASD) make it this population?
challenging for affected individuals to navigate a complex
social world. Too often individuals with ASD have the added
stress of managing anxiety and mood problems. Considering Á
how anxiety and depression can affect behavior in a typically What Does Comorbidity Mean?
developing person, it is easy to appreciate how the added
burden of an internalizing disorder can impact the day to day Before beginning a review of the literature, it is worth consid-
functioning of individuals with ASD. ering what comorbidity actually means. The term was origi-
The study of anxiety and mood disorders is a relatively new nally coined by Feinstein (1970) to describe the co-occurrence
area in the field of ASDs. For many years, it was thought that of two diseases either by chance, by shared vulnerability, or by
people with ASD could not express anxious or depressive some common etiologic mechanism. There are two types of
symptoms, given that early estimates suggested more than comorbidity: sequential and simultaneous. Simultaneous
50% were nonverbal. More recently, DSM-IV has stipulated comorbidity refers to the co-occurrence of two disorders that
that comorbid anxiety and mood disorders could not be diag- arise at the same time. Sequential comorbidity refers to the
nosed in individuals with ASD. Such disorders were thought situation when one disorder precedes another disorder. In this

Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder 331

circumstance, it is possible that one disorder is a true risk their age- and sex-matched counterparts (Kim, Szatmari,
factor for the other disorder. However, it is also possible that Bryson, Streiner, & Wilson, 2000). Several studies have shown
the two disorders share a third, common, risk factor that gives that anxiety symptoms are also more common among the
rise to both. The distinction between simultaneous and ASD population than other clinical groups (e.g., non-ASD
sequential comorbidity is an important one, since the mean- clinical controls, language impaired controls, IQ- and age-
ing of the comorbidity and its mechanism may be different in matched controls; Bradley et al., 2004; Gillott, Furniss, &
these two circumstances. Walter, 2001; Gillot & Standen, 2007; Weisbrot, Gadow,
The determination of comorbidity can be confusing when DeVincent, & Pomeroy, 2005).
this involves two psychiatric disorders. For example, individu- The most reliable prevalence estimates of anxiety and
als with autism often have symptoms of “sensory defensiveness”; affective disorders (as opposed to symptoms) are from studies
that is, they put their hands over their ears, or get upset at the using semistructured diagnostic interviews. Unlike self-report
feel of certain clothes, or smells. These are not part of the diag- questionnaires, diagnostic interviews allow clinicians to probe
nostic criteria for ASD or of any other disorder yet they may for additional details to determine whether endorsed symp-
occur in other conditions as well. These might be considered toms are sufficiently impairing and persistent to warrant a
associated symptoms or behaviors, but are not an example of clinical diagnosis of a mood or anxiety disorder. The problem
comorbidity. Similarly, an individual with ASD may present is that it is unclear whether the instruments that have been
with sadness, poor sleep, lack of motivation, and being a picky traditionally used to measure psychiatric disorder in typically
eater. The assessment of comorbidity must make a determina- developing children are appropriate for those with ASD. To
tion as to which of these symptoms is part of ASD, and which date, two measures have been developed to assess psychiatric
is part of a possible comorbid mood disorder. Poor sleep, lack comorbidity specifically in the ASD population: The Schedule
of motivation, and being a picky eater are behaviors seen in for the Assessment of Psychiatric Problems with Autism (and
both ASD and depression. How does one decide? The key is to Other Developmental Disorders) (SAPPA; Bolton & Rutter,
determine whether there was a change over time in symptom 1988) and the Autism Comorbidity Interview-Present and
presentation. If depression were a true diagnosis, then the Lifetime Versions (ACI-PL; Leyfer, 2006).
symptoms of sadness, poor sleep, etc., would have to occur in The SAPPA is a semistructured interview used to assess
a constellation, represent a change in behavior, and not be psychiatric disturbances in individuals with an ASD. The
present from early in development. SAPPA corresponds to the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC;
In addition to observing a change in adaptive functioning, Spitzer, Endicott, & Robins, 1978) with respect to major psy-
it is important to determine whether the symptoms are associ- chiatric disorders. The SAPPA is still under development but
ated with added impairment over and above the primary diag- has been used in three follow-up studies (Bradley & Bolton,
nosis. An individual with ASD may develop new symptoms of 2006; Hutton, 1998; McConnell et al., 2011). The primary
depression and poor sleep, but unless those symptoms cause, purpose of the SAPPA is to identify an episode of new behaviors
or are associated with, extra impairment it is not possible to and/or symptoms that are independent of ASD-related
make another, comorbid diagnosis. ASD itself is associated symptoms exhibited since early development. The interviewer
with considerable impairment in terms of adaptive functioning must first establish a baseline of behaviors to which any change
and performance in certain roles. While a child with an ASD in behavior or symptoms (an “episode” of change) is compared.
might have comorbid anxiety or mood symptoms, it can be In order for an “episode” of a psychiatric disorder to be
difficult to establish whether or not the impairment associated deemed clinically significant, it must meet one of the following
with those symptoms is over and above the impairment due to criteria: psychiatric symptoms (anxiety, mood, delusions,
autism itself. To meet criteria for a comorbid disorder, it is hallucinations, catatonia, etc.) that are present for at least
important that there be impairment specifically due to that 3 days, OR a change in behavior that is outside the range of
comorbidity. Again, there must be a deterioration in adaptive normal variation for an individual, present for at least 1 week
functioning if a comorbid disorder occurs. This can often be AND definite decline in level of social functioning as indicated
hard to demonstrate if a person with ASD is already profoundly by at least two of the following: loss of interest in “play,” loss
impaired due to his or her autism or intellectual disability. of self-care, loss of social participation, loss of initiative, need
for change in supervision/placement.
The ACI-PL is a modified version of the Kiddie Schedule for
Á Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (KSADS; Chambers
Measurement et al., 1985), an instrument used to assess for the presence of
psychiatric disorders in typically developing children and
Quantitative research using questionnaire data has repeatedly adolescents. The ACI-PL has been piloted in one study (Leyfer
shown that anxiety symptoms are more common in individuals et al., 2006). The major modifications made to the KSADS to
with ASD than in the general population or controls with develop the ACI-PL include an introductory section to ascertain
other developmental disabilities. When compared to the gen- a baseline of emotional and behavioral functioning against
eral population, anxiety symptoms are 3 to 4 times more which to evaluate psychiatric symptomatology. The adminis-
common among high-functioning children with ASD than tration of this instrument also includes descriptions of how
332 Autism Spectrum Disorders

specific disorders typically present in children with ASD. The problems (e.g., impulsivity, hyperactivity) were associated
ACI-PL also attempts to assess whether certain symptoms are with these fears, whereas fears were “less symptomatic” in
applicable to a particular child. For instance, if a child has not the other groups. Leyfer et al. (2006) also found discord
demonstrated an understanding of guilt in the past then asking between the types of fears endorsed by typically developing
questions about feelings of guilt in the context of depression is children and those with ASD. Such data suggest that certain
not appropriate (Leyfer et al., 2006). fears may be part of the syndrome of ASD and not simply a
Both the SAPPA and ACI-PL highlight the need to assess developmental phase that the children will outgrow.
whether or not psychiatric symptoms are a departure from an
individual’s baseline level of functioning. There is also an OCD
emphasis on ensuring that the symptoms are causing significant
and persistent impairment in functioning beyond the impair- Estimates for OCD range from less than 10% to as high as 37%
ment caused by the ASD alone. Both can elicit information (Klin et al., 2005; Leyfer et al., 2006; McConnell et al., 2011).
from the parent (or guardian) and the individual with ASD. When assessing for the presence of obsessions and compulsions
A common problem is that many people with ASD are in individuals with ASD it can be difficult to ascertain if the
nonverbal and cannot be interviewed. In that situation, a reli- symptoms have the required ego-dystonic quality. One must
ance on behavioral manifestations of anxiety and depression also be certain that obsessions do not merely reflect intense
as observed by a parent is warranted (Matson & Nebel- interests. Adherence to routines and rituals are also character-
Schwalm, 2007; Matson et al., 1997). The approach used by istic of ASD and needs to be distinguished from the anxiety-
the SAPPA and ACI-PL is theoretically appropriate and repre- reducing compulsive behaviors seen in OCD. See Chapter 16 for
sents a movement toward establishing a gold standard for the a comprehensive discussion of OCD in the ASD population.
assessment of comorbidity in the ASD population.
Social Phobia

Á Fear and avoidance of social situations and social awkward-

Prevalence ness are extremely common in ASD. Prevalence estimates for
social phobia range from 7 to 23% (Klin et al., 2005; Leyfer
We carried out a systematic review to identify all the studies et al., 2006). Determining whether anxiety is attributable to
that reported on the comorbidity of anxiety and mood disor- the social (e.g., fear of negative evaluation or looking stupid)
ders in ASD (also see Wood et al., 2009, for a useful review). versus nonsocial (e.g., unfamiliar people, noise, change in
We specifically focused on papers that used diagnostic routine) aspects of a situation is a critical distinction when
interviews to assess comorbidity. We also wished to provide a making a diagnosis of social anxiety. On the other hand, it has
systematic review of studies discussing potential causes and been argued that poor social skills and increased awareness of
correlates of comorbidity and treatment studies of the social deficits in high-functioning individuals with ASD make
accompanying disorder. We were able to identify 8 studies them especially vulnerable to social anxiety (Meyer, Mundy,
that used a structured or semistructured approach to making Van Hecke, & Durocher, 2006; Wing, 1981). Understanding
a diagnosis. The prevalence estimates from these studies for the source of anxiety in social situations is, therefore, critical
specific disorders are summarized in Table 20-1 and described to making an appropriate diagnosis.
in more detail below.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Specific Phobias
In the first study of comorbidity in autism, Rumsey et al.
In a sample of 44 children and adolescents with ASD, Muris (1985) reported symptoms of chronic generalized worry in
et al. (1998) identified specific phobias in 63% of the sample, half of an adult sample of men with autism. However, the
the highest estimate to date for any anxiety disorder. Other worry symptoms were judged to be part of the autism symp-
studies report prevalence estimates ranging from less than tomatology, and an additional diagnosis of GAD was not
10% to as high as 43% (Rumsey et al., 1985; Green et al., 2000; assigned. While subsequent studies report prevalence rates
Klin et al., 2005). between 20 and 35% for GAD, a recent study reported GAD in
It has been argued that fears and phobias are part of the only 2.4% of the study sample (Leyfer et al., 2006; see Table 20-1).
ASD phenotype (Evans, Canavera, Kleinpeter, Maccubbin, & Leyfer et al. described the anxiety exhibited by children in
Taga, 2005). Using mental age–matched children, chronologi- their sample as being more trait-like and less variable in con-
cally age-matched children, and children with Down syndrome tent than one would expect from GAD. McConnell et al.
as comparisons, Evans et al. (2005) explored what types of reported much higher rates of GAD in a population of
fears children with ASD exhibit and whether these fears are adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism
normative given their developmental level. They found that and Asperger’s syndrome (AS). Further clinical research is
ASD children had more situational fears and more fears needed to clarify the nature, chronicity, and variability of worry
of medical situations. They also found that externalizing symptoms and how they manifest in the ASD population.
Table 20–1.
Summary of prevalence data on comorbid psychiatric disorders among individuals with autism spectrum disorders

Study Age Measure Disorders Percent

McConnell, Vaccarella, Tuff, n = 70 13–22 KSADS & GAD 25.7

Bryson, & Szatmari x = 19 SAPPA OCD 7.1
Panic Disorder 7.1
Separation Anxiety N/A
Social Phobia 8.6
Specific Phobia N/A
Major Depressive Disorder 31
Dysthymia 0
Bipolar Disorder
Leyfer, Folstein, Bacalman, n = 109 5–17 ACI-PL GAD 2.4
Davis, Dinh, & Morgan x = 9.2 OCD 37.2
Panic Disorder 0
Separation Anxiety 11.9
Social Phobia 7.5
Specific Phobia 44.3
Major Depressive Disorder 10.1
Bipolar 1 Disorder 1.9
Bipolar 2 Disorder Cyclothymia 0.9
Bradley & Bolton (2006) n = 36 14–20 SAPPA Depressive disorder 22.2
x = 16.5 Bipolar Disorders 5.5
Klin, Pauls, Schultz, & Volkmar n = 47 8–32 KSADS or GAD 19.1
(2005) x = 16.8 SCID OCD 23.4
Panic Disorder 23.4
Separation Anxiety 29.8
Social Phobia
Specific Phobia
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar 1 Disorder
Bipolar 2 Disorder
Green, Gilchrist, Burton, & Cox n = 20 11–19 IOW(1) and GAD 35
(2000) (diagnoses based on x = 13.8 IOW(S)* OCD 25
ICD-10 criteria) Panic Disorder 10
Separation Anxiety 5
Social Phobia 25
Phobia Anxiety Disorder
Major Depression
Muris & Steerneman (1998) n = 44 2–18 DISC (anxiety Agoraphobia 45.5
x = 9.7 section) Avoidant Disorder 18.2
GAD 11.4
OCD 22.7
Overanxious Disorder 9.1
Panic Disorder 27.3
Separation Anxiety 20.5
Social Phobia 63.6
Specific Phobia
Szatmari, Bartoucci, & Bremner n = 28 8–18 DICA OCD 29
(1989) n = 25 x = 14.3 DICA Overanxious disorder 32
Asperger’s syndrome group 7–32 Separation Anxiety 4
High-functioning autism group x = 23.3 OCD 17
Overanxious Disorder 17
Separation Anxiety 0
Rumsey, Rapoport, & Sceery n = 14 18–39 DIS & DICA Chronic Generalized Anxiety 50
(1985) x = 28 Separation Anxiety 14
Simple Phobia 7
* IOW: Isle of Wight Semistructured Informant and Subject Interviews
334 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Panic Disorder Among the ASD population with a diagnosed Axis-I

disorder, rates of multiple disorders are not uncommon. For
Reported rates for panic disorder are consistently below 10% example, in the McConnell et al. study (2011), 41% had more
(Leyfer et al., 2006; McConnell et al., 2011; Muris & than one such diagnosis. Anxiety and mood disorders had the
Steerneman, 1998; Rumsey et al., 1985). Although some stud- highest rate of co-occurrence, with 21% of the sample meeting
ies report discrete episodes of panic attacks among individuals criteria for both. In addition, nearly half the cases with comor-
with ASD, it appears that few evolve into full-blown panic dis- bid anxiety and mood disorders had an additional diagnosis of
order. A relatively high rate of agoraphobia (45%) was reported an externalizing disorder (i.e., ADHD, conduct disorder, or
in the Muris and Steerneman sample, but no details regarding oppositional disorder). By comparison, only one third of the
the nature of the anxiety were provided. Individuals with ASD cases diagnosed with an externalizing disorder did not have a
may feel anxious in a variety of situations for a variety of comorbid diagnosis of an anxiety and/or mood disorder.
reasons. Establishing whether anxiety is related to having Thus, behavioral problems occurred predominantly in the
panic symptoms is critical for establishing a diagnosis of ago- presence of clinically significant persistent anxiety and/or
raphobia. Clinically, a diagnosis of specific phobia may be affective symptoms.
more appropriate if the avoidance occurs in response to only a Research with typically developing teens presenting with
few specific situations. depression has also shown a high rate of comorbidity between
depression and aggressive behavior (Knox, King, Hanna,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Logan, & Ghaziuddin, 2000). Given the frequency with which
children and adolescents with ASDs are treated for behavioral
Few studies have looked at the rates of PTSD in the ASD problems, it is important to consider that anxiety and/or
population. Our study identified a single case triggered by mood symptoms may be important factors in the development
severe bullying at school (McConnell et al., 2011). of aggressive behavior in adolescence and young adulthood.
Otherwise, interventions may be misguided by failing to also
Mood Disorders target the underlying internalizing disorders.
This pattern of comorbidity is commonly seen in psychiatric
The rates for mood disorders are also high in the ASD popula- clinics among adolescents without ASDs. But it is interesting
tion. In a sample of adolescents with Asperger’s syndrome, to speculate on how the clinical manifestations of anxiety and
25% were found to have chronically low mood or dysthymia mood disorders are modified by the ASD. It is unfortunate
(Green et al., 2000). Klin et al. (2005) diagnosed depression in that few studies have reported on the manifestations of anxi-
34% of a sample of adolescents and young adults with ASD. In ety and mood disorders in the ASD population and how the
a population-based study comparing the rate of psychiatric ASD phenotype is modified by the comorbid disorder.
disturbances between individuals with mental retardation Anecdotally, McConnell et al. (2011) saw that children with
with and without autism, 50% of the autism group was diag- anxiety and mood disorders tended to demonstrate an increase
nosed with depression (Bradley, Summers, Wood, & Bryson, in their restricted interests and preoccupations. This led to
2004). The rate of mood disorders in the McConnell sample more social withdrawal and apparent apathy. Anxiety was also
was 31% (n = 22/70). Depression was the most common mood associated with more repetitive questioning and ruminating
disorder diagnosed in the sample (n = 20), but dysthymia was over worries, concerns, and past events. Both the anxiety and
also reported (n = 6). No episodes of mania or hypomania mood disorders were frequently associated with pacing, inap-
were identified. propriate laughter and sleep disturbance. Aggressive behavior
of a reactive nature, often in response to teasing and bullying
Summary at school or to limitations imposed at home, were frequent in
those who had anxiety and depression.
As seen in Table 20-1, there is significant variability in preva-
lence estimates for anxiety and affective disorders in the ASD
population. Depending on the specific disorder, estimates Á
range from approximately 10% to 63% (Bradley & Bolton, Causes and Correlates
2006; Green, Gilchrist, Burton, & Cox, 2000; Klin, Pauls,
Schultz, & Volkmar, 2005; Leyfer, et al, 2006; Muris & Finally, it is not known whether risk factors for anxiety and
Steerneman, 1998; Szatmari, Bartolucci, & Bremner, 1989). mood disorders are specific to ASD or similar to those reported
The range in prevalence estimates is due, in part, to variability in other adolescents with similar disorders. Very little is known
in the criteria for judging whether or not a symptom is inde- about the correlates of mood disorders in ASD children,
pendent of the ASD diagnosis. In addition, the lack of a truly and only a few studies report on correlates for comorbid
valid and reliable instrument to assess for psychiatric disorders anxiety disorder. It has been reported that adolescents with
in the ASD population makes the data difficult to summarize ASDs who are depressed have a higher frequency of a family
and interpret in a meaningful way, even when diagnostic history of depression and more negative life events than ASD
interviews are used by experienced clinicians. adolescents without mood disorder (Ghaziuddin, Alessi, &
Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder 335

Greden, 1995; Ghaziuddin & Greden, 1998). While it may be situations or their own limitations. On the contrary, research
true that a family history of depression and negative life events suggests that many children with ASD are capable of self-
might be associated with depression in this population, these reporting social difficulties and are sensitive to the reactions of
correlates do not explain why such comorbid disorders are others (Meyer et al., 2006; Wing, 1981). Furthermore, it may be
more common in this group than in the general population that increased social awareness in high functioning individuals
(unless the mood problems are indeed more common in their with ASD makes such individuals especially vulnerable to anxi-
parents and are genetically transmitted). To understand spe- ety and mood problems (Sterling, Dawson, Estes, & Greenson,
cifically why such comorbid disorders might be particularly 2007; Wing, 1981). An emerging area of research attempts to
prevalent one needs to think of characteristics of ASD children identify the types of social information processing deficits that
that could be associated with increased risk. may contribute to this vulnerability (Hedley & Young, 2006;
Meyer, Mundy, Van Heckem, & Durocher, 2006). Hedley and
IQ Young (2006) found an association between depressive symp-
toms and a measure of social comparison. Specifically, adoles-
Several studies have found that higher IQ is associated with cents with AS who rated themselves as “more different” than
greater levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms in children others also reported greater depressive symptomatology. Other
and adults with ASD (Gadow et al., 2008; Lecavalier et al., research suggests an association between the social information
2006; Sterling, Dawson, Estes, & Greenson, 2007; Sukhodolsky processing patterns of adolescents with AS and anxiety and
et al., 2008; Weisbrot et al., 2005). This does not imply that mood symptoms (Meyer et al., 2006). For example, a tendency
lower functioning individuals are unaffected but does suggest toward social encoding errors and hostile intent attributions
a degree of heterogeneity within the ASD population. Such was associated with greater comorbidity.
heterogeneity may be mediated by a number of additional
factors. For example, Sukhodolsky et al. (2008) found that
anxiety was not only associated with higher IQ but with the Á
presence of functional language and more stereotyped Treatment
behavior. The same study also found that higher IQ combined
with greater impairment in social reciprocity led to more Psychological Intervention
severe anxiety. Interestingly, social phobia and specific phobia
occurred with equal frequency in the lower and higher IQ Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is recognized as an effective
groups. One implication of this finding, as suggested by treatment for anxiety and mood disorders in both adults and
Sukhodolsky et al., is that these two disorders are more a part children without ASD. Adapting CBT for use with the ASD
of the core phenotype of ASD compared to other disorders. population has been attempted in several case studies with
positive results (Cardaciotto & Herbert, 2004; Hare, 1997;
Stressors Reaven & Hepburn, 2003).
Using a CBT protocol developed for use with adults with
Gillot and Standen (2007) found high levels of anxiety to be social phobia, Cardaciotto and Herbert (2004) describe only
associated with certain types of stressors, including sensory minor modifications to the treatment plan for a 23-year-old
stimuli, anticipation, coping with change, and unpleasant male with Asperger’s syndrome. In addition to exposure exer-
events. Individuals with higher levels of anxiety were less cises and cognitive therapy, the social skill deficits of the par-
capable of coping with these stressors. During the diagnostic ticipant were identified and targeted in treatment. Appropriate
interview, McConnell et al. (2011) made notes regarding verbal and nonverbal social skills were explained and rehearsed
precipitating events, if any, of depressive episodes. Participants in session. Following treatment, the participant continued to
reported a variety of events, including moving, death of a report fear in social situations but experienced a reduction in
family member, loss of significant relationships, and bullying. anxiety symptoms. The participant also reported less impair-
Their findings are consistent with previous research indicating ment and avoidance in response to his fears.
that life stressors contribute to the onset of depression in Reaven and Hepburn (2003) reported successfully treating
individuals with ASD (Ghaziuddin, Alessi, & Greden, 1995), a 7-year-old female with AS for OCD. A comprehensive
just as they do in typically developing individuals (Kendler, assessment distinguished obsessions and compulsions (e.g.,
Karkowski, & Prescott, 1999). Anecdotal evidence suggests contamination obsessions, “need to know”) from the child’s
that teasing and bullying experienced at school were particu- intense interests and preoccupations. The CBT protocol was
larly important background factors in the precipitation of the adapted principally from March and Mulle (1998) and is out-
anxiety and mood disorders. lined in the article. Reaven and Hepburn (2003) also discuss
the types of modifications that may be necessary when under-
Social Information Processing taking CBT with children with ASD. These include the liberal
use of visual supports to reinforce intervention strategies and
Although social impairments are characteristic of ASD, that the involvement of parents to maximize the generalization of
does not mean that affected individuals lack awareness of social strategies learned in treatment.
336 Autism Spectrum Disorders

While case reports are useful preliminary steps toward be alert for episodes of depression, especially in those who
identifying potentially effective treatment for anxiety and present with significant anxiety symptoms, increased aggressive
mood difficulties in individuals with ASD, more rigorous behavior, and/or intensifying restricted interests and preoccu-
methods are required to assess efficacy. To date, the literature pations. Anecdotal evidence suggests the importance of ensur-
includes two randomized controlled trials of CBT in a group of ing that the social context for these adolescents and young
children with Asperger’s syndrome or ASD (Sofronoff, adults remains supportive and encouraging. To prevent the
Attwood, & Hinton, 2005; Wood et al., 2009). Children in the development of a comorbid disorder, it may now be time to
first study were identified with anxiety through questionnaires focus on changing the social context of the adolescent with ASD
and assigned to one of two treatment groups (Sofronoff et al., rather than attempting to “treat” the ASD, as service providers
2005); a child-only treatment group and a child and parent did during childhood. If a comorbid anxiety or mood disorder
treatment group in which the parent was trained as a cotherapist. does occur, there is now some evidence for the usefulness of
A waitlist control group was also included in the study. The medication as well as cognitive behavior therapy (Sofronoff
treatment protocol included a variety of CBT techniques that et al.; Cardaciotto & Herbert, 2004; Wood et al., 2009). Health
have shown effectiveness with typically developing children care professionals working in the field of developmental disa-
with anxiety. Relative to a waitlist control group, both inter- bilities will need to develop skills in this form of treatment. In
vention groups showed significant reductions in anxiety levels. addition, mental health professionals can no longer justify
In the study by Wood et al. (2009), 47 children with ASD were excluding ASD youth and adults from the benefits of their serv-
randomized to receive a modified form of CBT or waitlist ices. Finally, perhaps it is ironic to point out that while those
control condition. The experimental group received 16 ses- with good language and nonverbal problem-solving skills have
sions consisting of behavioral experimentation, parent train- a better outcome when it comes to autistic symptoms and
ing, and school consultation. At the end of treatment, 78.5% of overall adaptation they appear to be at higher risk for often
the experimental group had made a clinically significant debilitating anxiety and mood disorder. It’s as if this particu-
improvement compared to 8.7% in the control group (number larly vulnerable population of high-functioning adolescents
needed to treat = 2). These results are consistent with research with ASD cannot win in their developmental struggles!
evaluating interventions with typically developing children,
which has shown that including both the child and parent in
the treatment process leads to greater improvements. Á
Challenges and Future Directions

Á • Ensuring that we have reliable ways to assess for psychiat-

Pharmacological Intervention ric comorbidity in this vulnerable population should be
a primary goal for future research. Both the SAPPA and
The issue of medication efficacy is complex. There is now rea- ACI-PL are promising measures but the development of
sonably good evidence that antidepressants such as selective consensus guidelines detailing how anxiety and mood
serotonin reuptake inhibitors are effective among typical chil- disorders present in the ASD population are essential
dren and youth with anxiety disorders and major depression and outstanding.
(Hetrick, Merry, McKenzie, Sindahl, & Proctor, 2007). There • We also need consensus guidelines to address two
is a concern about increased suicidal thinking (Olfson & questions paramount to making a valid and reliable
Shaffer, 2007) but no evidence of more suicide attempts on clinical diagnosis: (1) Is the anxiety/mood symptom
SSRIs than placebos. Whether or not medications are more independent of the core symptoms of ASD? (2) Is the
effective than CBT is somewhat unclear. There are no control- anxiety/mood symptom causing significant distress or
led clinical trials of SSRIs to treat depression or anxiety when impairment above and beyond that caused by the ASD
it is comorbid with ASD. Kolevzon et al. (2006) recently pub- diagnosis? The majority of studies have relied on mea-
lished a comprehensive systematic review of SSRIs in ASD and sures validated on the typically developing population.
concluded that although the quality of the evidence is poor The problem with relying exclusively on such measures
and more rigorous studies are required, there is some evidence is the lack of consideration for how anxiety presents in
that SSRIs can reduce significant anxiety symptoms in ASD. individuals with ASD and how some core features of
ASD can be mistakenly attributed to other disorders
(e.g., distinguishing between preoccupations and obses-
Á sions). Only once guidelines are established and reliable
Conclusions measures become available can we compare studies in a
meaningful manner.
The prevalence data presented in this review highlight the • As seen in Table 20-1, there is great variability in prevalence
importance of doing a systematic assessment for comorbid estimates and only eight studies from which to draw con-
anxiety and mood disorders in children and adolescents with clusions. There is clearly a need for more clinical research
ASD who present with a change in behavior. Clinicians must using diagnostic interviews and comparison groups.
Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder 337

As much as possible, researchers need to provide clinical with developmentally and chronologically age matched children.
details to convey how critical distinctions are made in the Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 36, 3–26.
diagnostic process (e.g., distinguishing obsessions from Feinstein, A. R. (1970). The pre-therapeutic classification of
preoccupations; judging whether symptoms cause signif- co-morbidity in chronic disease. Journal of Chronic Disease, 23,
icant distress/impairment). As assessment methods and
Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C., & Schneider, J. (2008). Predictors of
measures are refined, consistency between prevalence
psychiatric symptoms in children with an autism spectrum
estimates will no doubt emerge. disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
• Another important area of research is studying the Ghaziuddin, M., Alessi, N., & Greden, J. F. (1995). Life events and
development of comorbid anxiety and mood symptoms depression in children with pervasive developmental disorders.
over time. We were not able to identify any longitudinal Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 25, 495–502.
studies that investigate the developmental trajectories of Ghaziuddin, M., & Greden, J. (1998). Depression in children with
these symptoms from early childhood to adolescence. autism/pervasive developmental disorders: A case-control
This is critical in understanding the earliest manifes- family history study. Journal of Autism and Developmental
tations of the comorbidity and in developing early Disorders, 28, 111–115.
interventions to reduce further morbidity. Gillot, A., Furniss, F., & Walter, A. (2001). Anxiety in high-
functioning children with autism. Autism, 5, 277–286.
Gillott, A., & Standen, P. J. (2007). Levels of anxiety and sources of
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White, S. W., Oswald, D., Ollendick, T., & Scahill, L. (2009). Anxiety psychiatric functioning in adolescents with Asperger syn-
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children as adults: Psychiatric, social, and behavioral out- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 224–234.
comes. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 24, Wing, L. (1981). Asperger’s syndrome: A clinical account. Psycho-
465–473. logical Medicine, 11, 115–129.
21 Á Lindsey Sterling, Annie McLaughlin, Bryan H. King

Stereotypy and Self-Injury

Points of Interest hands would be hurt and bruised. Along with motor restless-
ness there was often a strange indifference to pain.” From
• Stereotypy and self-injury are behaviors commonly asso- Ireland, 1898.
ciated with a number of developmental disorders, includ-
ing autism spectrum disorders. Some stereotyped behaviors are associated with tissue
• A variety of neurological systems have been implicated damage; for example, repetitive licking can cause dry, cracked
in the expression of stereotypy and self-injury, particu- skin. Other behaviors appear to be quite specifically designed
larly the dopaminergic, opioidergic, and glutamatergic to cause injury—like head banging and face slapping and have
systems. been described in case reports dating back over a century (e.g.,
• Animal models provide insight into putative neurological Ireland, 1898). These behaviors pose a serious risk of bodily
mechanisms and social/emotional factors that may con- tissue damage and increase the risk of hospitalization. They
tribute to the development and maintenance of stereotypy can also lead to intensive and possibly restrictive special edu-
and self-injury. cation programming, reduced opportunities for social inter-
• It has been demonstrated that impoverished environments actions, and physical restraint. Significant medical problems
and sensory deprivation can impact the development of can also arise as a result of self-injurious behaviors such as
stereotypy and self-injury in a variety of animal species, cataracts, retinal detachment, permanent scars, contusions,
including humans. soft tissue lacerations, and even death. Among families affected
• Pharmacological and behavioral treatments have been by autism, higher repetitive behaviors increase perceived stress
somewhat efficacious in ameliorating stereotypy and on families (Bishop et al., 2007). The effect of self-injurious
self-injury, though much work still needs to be done to behaviors on families and care providers can be absolutely
successfully target these symptoms. overwhelming.
For all of these behaviors, the fact that they are repetitive
Stereotypy is a core feature of autistic disorder and refers to and seem so compelling perhaps begs the question of
behavior(s) that are typically repetitive and nonfunctional or how they can be truly “non–goal directed.” Indeed, stereo-
non–goal directed (Berkson, 1967). A child might cock her typed behaviors are typically discriminated from involuntary
head and look out of the corner of her eyes at her hand while movements like tics because they are more rhythmic
she waves it side to side in front of a ceiling light. Another may and under some measure of voluntary control (e.g., Crosland
hold a string between his thumb and index finger and appear to et al., 2005).
become lost in its dance as he wiggles it rapidly up and down Additional confusion about the nonfunctional nature of
or from side to side. He may turn a toy car upside down and these behaviors might also derive from the fact that stereotypy
incessantly spin its wheels rather than play with it as intended. exists on a continuum and within a context. The child who
incessantly bounces a ball on the pavement despite the com-
plaints of neighbors may be internally motivated to hone his
“A low grade… child [with profound intellectual disability basketball skills, or reinforced by the sight or sound or feel of
who] would rush about, leaping over or knocking against the activity, or even by the psychological impact he is having
articles of furniture, or dashing her head against the walls or on the neighborhood. It is thus perhaps more accurate to sug-
floor, so that, if left alone for a minute or two her face and gest for stereotypy that the goals of the behavior are not always

340 Autism Spectrum Disorders

immediately apparent or that they are atypical or uniquely and complex whole-body movements in the diagnostic criteria
held. However, it is also the case that certain environmental for autism as well as a variety of other examples in the criteria
and physiological factors are likely to increase the probability for stereotypic movement disorder (Table 21-1). Although
for expression of stereotypy that is regarded as pathological some behaviors, for instance, amphetamine-induced stereotyp-
because of its intensity and interference. In this chapter we will ies in the rat (Fowler et al., 2003), and body rocking in humans
review the biology and treatment of stereotypy with a focus on (Ross, Yu, & Kropla, 1998) are highly rhythmic, not all stereo-
stereotyped self-injury as an extreme manifestation of this typed acts are consistently so. Repetitive hitting may occur at
behavior. different rates and even involve different targets. Although a
potentially helpful discrimination between perseveration and
stereotypy has been suggested as a function of whether the
Á behavior involves excessive activity (Ridley, 1994), this distinc-
Definitions of Stereotypy and SIB tion is complicated. In practice, stereotypy invariably reduces
other, typically more adaptive behaviors because of their
As noted earlier, over the past several decades, definitions of mutual incompatibility. Thus, stereotypy is virtually always
stereotypy have incorporated both a description of the perseverative, but a perseveration may not be stereotyped.
behavior—as repetitive, topographically invariant, and often DSM-IV-TR incorporates all of the above features in the
rhythmical—as well as purposeless (Baumeister & Rollings, diagnostic criteria for stereotypic movement disorder
1976; LaGrow & Repp, 1984). (Table 21-1). In this definition, the fact that stereotyped move-
ments can occur in the context of intellectual disability, or in
conditions other than an autism spectrum disorder, is high-
Stereotypy: behavior that is repetitive, topographically lighted by exclusions. For example, criterion C allows for con-
invariant, often rhythmical, and seemingly without purpose. current diagnoses of mental retardation and stereotypic
movement disorder only when the latter behavior becomes a
This latter qualifier allows one to discriminate stereotyped focus of treatment. And criterion D essentially allows for the
basketball bouncing from basketball practice; to discriminate diagnosis of a pervasive developmental disorder to absorb the
stereotyped hair twirling from grooming; string wiggling from presence of stereotypic movement disorder. However, because
untangling; pacing from ambulating. The Diagnostic and self-injurious behavior, and even intense stereotypy that may
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4th Edition-Text Revision be a focus of treatment, is not necessarily clear from the diag-
(DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000) highlights hand or finger flapping nosis of autism alone, it is best to utilize this diagnosis in
autism when all other criteria are met (e.g., “stereotypic move-
ment disorder with self-injurious behavior” should be included
Table 21–1.
as a diagnosis in addition to an ASD if the stereotypic behavior
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic criteria for stereotypic
is a focus of treatment).
movement disorder

A. Repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor

behavior (e.g., hand shaking or waving, body rocking, head Á
banging, mouthing of objects, self-biting, picking at skin or bodily Relationship Between Stereotypy and SIB
orifices, hitting own body).
B. The behavior markedly interferes with normal activities or Self-injurious behavior (SIB) has long been viewed as occur-
results in self-inflicted bodily injury that requires medical ring on a continuum of other stereotyped behaviors. Some
treatment (or would result in an injury if preventive measures early stereotypy scoring conventions in animal models place
were not used). self-injurious behavior at the extreme end of the scale. In
C. If mental retardation is present, the stereotypic or self-injurious humans, stereotypy is regarded as a precursor of SIB (Schroeder
behavior is of sufficient severity to become a focus of treatment. et al., 1990; Richman & Lindauer, 2005), and SIB is viewed
D. The behavior is not better accounted for by a compulsion (as in as an extreme manifestation of stereotypy (Gal, Dyck, &
obsessive-compulsive disorder), a tic (as in tic disorder), a Passmore, 2009).
stereotypy that is part of a pervasive developmental disorder, or
hair pulling (as in trichotillomania).
E. The behavior is not due to the direct physiological effects of a Á
substance or a general medical condition. Prevalence of Stereotypy and SIB
F. The behavior persists for 4 weeks or longer.
Specify if: Studies that have examined the prevalence of stereotypy are
influenced by sampling strategies, but rates can be upward of
With self-injurious behavior: if the behavior results in bodily
damage that requires specific treatment (or that would result in 30% in institutional settings (Dura, Mulick, & Rasnake,
bodily damage if protective measures were not used). 1987). The prevalence of self-injury in people with inte-
llectual disabilities also varies, and estimates between 4%
Stereotypy and Self-Injury 341



20% Totals

15% 7–9
10% 4–6


(N = 40) Severe
(N = 122) Profound
(N = 196) Combined
(N = 358)
Severity of intellectual disability

Figure 21–1. Relationship between severity of intellectual disability

and severity of self-injurious behavior (SIB) as assessed by total
score on the SIB items of the Aberrant Behavior Scale in an Figure 21–2. Lesion on the dorsum of the paw from self-biting
institutional setting. in a rat treated with pemoline. (See Color Plate Section for a color
version of this figure.)

(Oliver, Hall, Hales, Murphy, & Watts, 1998) and 16% underpinnings. Experience from the use of pharmacological
(Schroeder, Rojahn, & Oldenquist, 1991) have been reported. agents, animal models, and patients in clinical settings exhibit-
Several years ago, King and colleagues surveyed a large insti- ing stereotypy and self-injurious behavior (SIB) advances our
tutional setting of adults with mostly severe to profound understanding of potential underlying neurobiological proc-
intellectual disability in the context of a study looking at the esses involved in its expression.
relationship between whole blood serotonin and behavior.
Caretakers completed the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC)
on 358 residents. The total scores on the three items of the Á
ABC provide a sense of the distribution of SIB as it relates to Neuropharmacology of Stereotypy and SIB
severity of intellectual disability.
Thelen’s (1981) seminal work demonstrated that stereo- In the 1960s, stereotypic behaviors were reported in people
typed behaviors are part of typical development, and may help abusing amphetamine (e.g., Ellinwood, 1967), prompting
infants to gain motor mastery. Students taking exams com- researchers to explore the role of agents that stimulate the
monly exhibit stereotyped mannerisms presumed to reflect or central nervous system (CNS) in the expression of repetitive
to allay anxiety (Rafaeli-Mor, Foster, & Berkson, 1999). motor behavior (Lewis, Gluck, Bodfish, Beauchamp, &
In genetic syndromes such as Lesch-Nyhan, Prader-Willi, Mailman, 1996). Because amphetamines increase the concen-
Cornelia de Lange, Cri du Chat, and Smith-Magenis, self-injury tration of dopamine at the synapse, understanding dopamine
is common (and in some cases so frequent as to be considered function in the production of stereotypy became a logical
part of the clinical manifestations of the disorder itself), while focus of research. As reviewed by King (2002), a number of
in people with other disabilities such as Down syndrome, SIB such dopaminergic manipulations have been explored.
appears to be more associated with severity of intellectual dis- Experimenter-induced dopaminergic lesions, for example,
ability than with trisomy 21 per se. Both visual and auditory through administration of neurotoxins such as 6-hydroxy-
sensory impairment increase the likelihood of stereotypy and dopamine (6-OHDA), have been conducted in attempts to
self-injury (Troster, Brambring, & Beelman, 1991; Bachara & isolate brain regions or systems related to the etiology or
Phelan, 1980; Murdoch, 1996; McHugh & Pyfer, 1999; Gal, expression of stereotypy and self-injury.
Dyck, & Passmore, 2009), as discussed in more detail below. In one of the earliest such studies, 6-OHDA was injected
bilaterally into the substantia nigra of young adult male rats
(Ungerstedt, 1968). Subsequent injection of a single dose of
Á the dopamine agonist apormorphine 3 days later resulted in
Predisposing Factors and Biology of SIB stereotypy and SIB—including violent self-biting and com-
pulsive gnawing. Similar behaviors, then characterized as self-
As suggested above, many conditions have been associated aggressiveness, were observed in mice and rats administered
with stereotyped SIB, including specific genetic disorders, high doses of the stimulant 5-phenyl-2-imino-4oxo-oxazoli-
intellectual disability more broadly, sensory impairment, and dine, or pemoline (Genovese, Napoli, & Bolego-Zonta, 1969).
severe deprivation and neglect. There are also more purely psy- Pemoline has subsequently been used in a number of studies
chological constructs for repetitive self-injury, but all invoke a to investigate drug-induced repetitive behavior in animal
failure of self-regulation with attendant neurophysiological models (King, 2002; Muehlmann, Brown, & Devine, 2008).
342 Autism Spectrum Disorders

These behavioral effects were first described in detail in rats antagonist risperidone has an FDA approved indication for
by Mueller and Hsiao (1980). Injection of high doses of pemo- the treatment of behaviors including self-injury in autism.
line resulted in persistent self-biting (primarily of the medial At the same time, pharmacologically induced stereotyped
foreleg) and stereotypy, as well as other behaviors including behavior also responds to manipulations of other neurotrans-
hyperactivity, abnormal social and sensorimotor behavior, mitters, calling into question the specificity of the role of
and unresponsiveness or avoidance of moderate levels of sen- dopamine. In both the pemoline and 6-OHDA models of self-
sory stimuli. These behaviors appeared in as few as 3 hours or biting behavior, glutamatergic antagonists have been shown
as many as 2 days, and persisted despite a variety of efforts to to exert important effects to prevent the emergence of self-
interrupt the behavior including prodding with a cotton swab, injury (King et al., 1998; Muehlmann & Devine, 2008).
presentation of highly palatable food, the introduction of a Evidence suggests dopaminergic and glutamatergic interac-
nondrugged cagemate, banging on the cage with a metal can, tions in the neostriatum play a role in the development and
or even dousing with water. Mueller and Hsiao (1980) noted expression of self-biting in the pemoline model (King et al.,
that the pemoline-induced biting response was similar to cer- 1998). The potential utility of glutamate antagonists in treating
tain aspects of the normal grooming sequence exhibited by SIB and related behaviors remains a focus of research, but
rodents. Specifically, areas groomed initially in a typical while clinical case reports of successes with drugs like dex-
sequence were the areas of most likely injury. Therefore, the tromethorphan and lamotrigine (Welch & Sovner, 1992;
authors posited that the pemoline-induced self-biting behav- Davanzo & King, 1996) have been described, no controlled
ior was a fragmented grooming response. Because pemoline- trials with these or related agents have been undertaken.
induced behaviors, including hyperactivity, stereotypy, The opiate system has long been implicated in the
abnormal social behavior, avoidance of physical contact, and expression of stereotypy with early observations of morphine-
grooming-associated self-mutilation, are similar to those induced behavior (Ayhan & Randrup, 1972; Charness, Amit,
observed in the de Lange (Mueller & Hsiao, 1980) or Lesch- & Taylor, 1975). Subsequent studies linked opiate-induced
Nyhan syndromes (Mueller & Nyhan, 1982), pemoline was an stereotypy with both dopaminergic and glutamatergic effects
early rodent model utilized to elucidate self-injury in individ- (Feigenbaum & Yanai, 1984; Capone et al., 2008). However,
uals with mental retardation. given the role of the endogenous opioid system in pain respon-
In a more recent study examining the relation between sivity and brain reward mechanisms (reviewed in Harris,
stereotypy and the dopaminergic system in humans, Bodfish 1992), it has been posited that repeated SIB could be associated
and colleagues (1995) measured blink rates in individuals with with increased release of endogenous opioid peptides that
intellectual disability and repetitive behavior disorders versus inhibit pain, leading to opioid-mediated reward (e.g.,
control subjects. Previous evidence has implicated the Sandman, 1988). Self-injurious behavior might thus be a
dopamine system in the regulation of spontaneous eye blinks means of self-administering opioid peptides. In clinical obser-
in humans, as documented in individuals with dopamine- vations made over a century ago (Ireland, 1898) and subse-
related pathologies. For example, persons with Parkinsonism quently (Symons, 2002) it has also been suggested that
have decreased dopamine levels, and have lower blink rates individuals with developmental disabilities such as autism
(Karson, 1983; Karson et al., 1984), while patients with schizo- have altered pain sensitivity or responsivity that may be related
phrenia, and presumably increased dopamine levels, demon- to the opioid system (Gillberg, 1995). However, reports are
strate higher blink rates (Mackert et al., 1991). Using eye blink inconsistent, with some findings indicating normal response
rate as a dependent variable of dopaminergic function, Bodfish to pain in individuals with autism (e.g., Nader, Oberlander,
and colleagues (1995) found that individuals with stereotypy Chambers, & Craig, 2004). Further, the ability to discriminate
exhibited lower blink rates than the control group, providing atypical pain perception from an atypical pain response
further evidence for the role of the dopaminergic system in (including an atypical affective response) is a significant
stereotypic behavior in humans. challenge in autism.
Taken together, the directionality of impaired dopaminergic If endogenous opioid release reinforces or maintains SIB,
function (e.g., enhanced or diminished), and its relationship then blocking the effects of opioids with antagonists could
to stereotypy, is perplexing. Stereotypy appears to be associated interrupt this cycle. Many clinical studies have examined
both with increased synaptic concentrations of dopamine naltrexone in this regard. A literature review of 27 research
(e.g., amphetamine abuse) and also decreased synaptic con- articles (Symons, Thompson, & Rodriguez, 2004) revealed
centrations of dopamine and consequent increased sensitivity that treatment with naltrexone improved symptoms relative
of dopamine receptors. Thus, dopamine-induced stereotypy to baseline in 80 percent of subjects. Fifty-three percent of
can be attenuated using dopamine antagonists, such as subjects showing improvement in SIB had a diagnosis of
haloperidol, in primates (Ridley, Baker, & Scraggs, 1979). autism. An additional review of 3 case reports, 8 case series,
Many clinical reports demonstrate successes with the use of and 14 clinical studies suggests naltrexone treatment is gener-
dopamine antagonists for stereotyped behavior and/or self- ally efficacious in treating SIB in autism (Elchaar, Maisch,
injurious behaviors (King, 2000). Largely as a result of the Augusto, & Wehring, 2006). Other reviews (e.g., King, 2000)
Research Units on Pediatric Pharmacology (RUPP) trial have indicated mixed results for the efficacy of naltrexone in
(RUPP, 2002), the atypical antipsychotic and dopamine treating SIB, including the results of larger controlled trials;
Stereotypy and Self-Injury 343

heterogeneous findings may reflect inconsistencies in study housed in impoverished conditions (Meehan, Garner, &
design and symptoms measured. Mench, 2004); horses housed in a confined stable or barn
Self-injurious behavior and stereotypy have also been asso- exhibit stereotypic behavior, including crib-biting, weaving,
ciated with serotonin function in human and nonhuman and box walking (Bachmann, Audigé, & Stauffacher, 2003;
primates. As reviewed by King and colleagues (1998), hypoth- Waters, Nicol, & French, 2002); nonhuman primates demon-
eses regarding the role of serotonin in SIB developed in the strate stereotypic and self-injurious behavior when housed in
1970s were based on animal studies demonstrating that the captivity (Lutz, Well, & Novak, 2003; Tarou, Bloomsmith, &
administration of serotonin agonists attenuate aggressive Maple, 2005). Self-injury in nonhuman primates usually con-
behavior. More recently, it has been shown that in small sists of self-biting, where rips and slashes of the skin or muscle
rodents called bank voles, administration of citalopram, a may occur (Novak et al., 1998).
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), prevents the Nonhuman primates also exhibit stereotyped and self-
increase of stereotypy after stress (Schoenecker & Heller, injurious behaviors as a consequence of social deprivation
2001). However, reports have failed to show evidence of (e.g., Harlow, Dodsworth, & Harlow, 1965). In his classic early
altered serotonin system function in rhesus monkeys with SIB experiments, Harlow and his colleagues (1965) described the
(Tiefenbacher, Davenport, Novak, Pouliot, & Meyer, 2003; emergence of “autistic self-clutching and rocking” behavior
Weld et al., 1998). A number of studies have reported reduced when monkeys were housed in total social isolation. Others
serotonin function in human patients with psychiatric illness have observed similar phenomena. For example, increased
(e.g., personality disorder, depression, bulimia nervosa) and amount of time spent in individual cages was associated with
with history of self-injurious behavior (New et al., 1997; self-injury, self-biting, hair-pulling, body-flipping, and swing-
Herpertz, Steinmeyer, Marx, Oidtmann, & Sass, 1995; Rinne, ing in rhesus monkeys (Lutz et al., 2003); greater amount of
Westenberg, den Boer, & van den Brink, 2000; Steiger et al., time spent singly housed (separate from their mothers) during
2001). Case reports and open label trials of treatment with infant and juvenile periods was significantly related to devel-
the SSRIs, including sertraline (Hellings, Kelley, Gabrielli, opment of abnormal behaviors, including locomotor stereo-
Kilgore, & Shah, 1996) and fluoxetine (Cook, Rowlett, typies and self-injury (Bellanca & Crockett, 2002). Similarly,
Jaselskis, & Leventhal, 1992; King, 1991; Markowitz, 1992) rhesus monkeys reared by artificial surrogates were signifi-
have been moderately effective in improving self-injury in cantly more likely to self-bite than monkeys reared by peers or
adults with autism and mental retardation. Notably, dysregu- mothers (Lutz, Davis, Ruggiero, & Suomi, 2007).
lation of the serotonin system has long been reported in autism Evidence suggests that humans are also susceptible to the
(see Chapter 32, this volume, for review). A review of the lit- development of stereotypy as a result of social deprivation.
erature, including 2 controlled trials and 10 open-label trials Children reared in orphanages with a paucity of caregiver
or chart reviews revealed SSRIs have been somewhat effica- social-emotional interactions and limited opportunity to
cious in improving global functioning in individuals with develop relationships with their caregiver exhibit a variety of
autism (Kolevzon, Mathewson, & Hollander, 2006), but a developmental delays. Drawing on theories of infant-mother
recent large study was negative (King et al., 2009). Interestingly, attachment (e.g., Ainsworth, 1979), it has been proposed
it has been proposed that serotonin levels are more specifically that early experience devoid of warm, nurturing, and socially-
related to SIB and aggression, which are common features of emotionally responsive adults is related to problem behavior
autism, rather than to the core features comprising the full and delayed development of appropriate social-emotional
syndrome of autism (Schroeder et al., 2001). behavior. As summarized by the St. Petersburg-USA Orphan-
age Research Team (2008), research compiled over six decades
across a number of countries has demonstrated that children
Á reared in severely deficient institutional environments demon-
Impoverished Environments and Social/ strate delays in physical growth and general behavior develop-
Sensory Deprivation on the Development ment, and engage in atypical behavior, including stereotyped
of Stereotypy and SIB self-stimulation. While conditions vary across orphanages,
according to Rutter (1999), the institutionalized children
A variety of animal species demonstrate stereotypic or self- typically “remained in cots all day, had few if any toys or
injurious behavior when housed in confined environments, playthings, and were fed gruel through bottles with large teats
including zoo enclosures and standard laboratory cages (e.g., (often left propped up for self-feeding); there was no personal-
Harris, 1992; Hosey & Skyner, 2007; Marriner & Drickamer, ised caregiving and very little talk or interaction with caregiv-
1994; Wolfer et al., 2004; Würbel, 2001), perhaps because cap- ers” (p. 538). A number of reports have suggested that a subset
tivity hinders ability to appropriately adjust to the environ- of children reared in such conditions display behaviors consist-
ment by engaging in species-specific behaviors. For example, ent with an autism spectrum disorder, including difficulty
a variety of rodents caged as research models engage in bar- establishing friendships, developing empathy, using eye contact
mouthing (Cooper, Odberg, & Nicol, 1996; Garner & Mason, and gestures appropriately, and lack of proper language devel-
2002; Nevison, Hurst, & Barnard, 1999; Powell, et al., 1999); opment and ability to engage in reciprocal conversation (e.g.,
parrots demonstrate oral and locomotor stereotypies when Hoksbergen, ter Laak, Rijk, van Dijkum, & Stoutjesdijk, 2005;
344 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Rutter et al., 1999). Rutter (1999) termed this constellation of monkeys deprived of social contact with their mother or peers
behaviors, observed in 6% of a sample of 111 children adopted for the first 6–9 months of life. Socially isolated monkeys
from Romanian orphanages, “quasi-autistic patterns.” Though exhibiting stereotyped behavior failed to exhibit a component
children described in Rutter’s sample demonstrated circum- of associative conditioned learning that requires inattention to
scribed interests, they did not engage in stereotypic behavior irrelevant or redundant information, which is mediated in
such as rocking. However, Hoksbergen and colleagues (2005) part by central dopamine function. Further, deprived mon-
reported that 13 of 80 (16%) Romanian adoptees showed keys showed potentiated response (i.e., increased stereotyped
symptoms of autism; eleven of the children exhibiting symp- behaviors) to apomorphine, compared to control monkeys,
toms of autism engaged in stereotypic behavior, including suggesting long-term or permanent alterations in dopamine
rocking, and four of the children engaged in other stereotypic receptor sensitivity (Lewis et al., 1996). Examination of brain
behavior. tissue in the group of socially isolated monkeys confirmed
A number of reports have indicated that sensory deprivation alterations in dopamine function, characterized by reduced
produces similar “autistic-like” behaviors in children, specifi- dopamine innervation of the corpus striatum. These findings
cally as a result of congenital blindness (Brown, Hobson, Lee, & suggest a disrupted dopaminergic system is a consequence of
Stevenson, 1997). Sensory deprivation may limit the capacity social deprivation and directly related to the expression of
to explore one’s surroundings, as well as impede the ability to stereotypic behaviors.
communicate effectively and develop the skills necessary to Thus, stereotypy appears to emerge as a result of being
engage reciprocally and socially with others. In 1969, Wing reared in environments lacking certain features essential for
compared children aged 4 to 16 years with perceptual impair- proper development. Impoverished environments and
ments (e.g., congenital receptive aphasia, congenital executive perceptual/sensory impairments inhibit one’s ability to explore
aphasia, congenital partial blindness combined with partial his or her surroundings, observe social behavior, interact with
deafness) to groups of children with autism, Down syndrome, others, and at times, develop the social-emotional relationships
and typical development with respect to behaviors characteris- necessary to facilitate a safe and secure attachment. A subset of
tic of autism. In addition to exhibiting social difficulties, the young animals and children who are reared in such conditions
group with partial blindness/deafness showed similar patterns appear to develop social and communication deficits, as well as
of abnormal body movements, defined as jumping, spinning, repetitive behavior and stereotypy, which are common features
toe-walking, and flapping arms or legs, as the group with of autism spectrum disorders. Given observations of analogous
autism. Since that time, a number of studies have reported behavioral patterns exhibited by children as a result of these
similar behaviors in children with sensory impairments. Brown distinct conditions (impoverished environments, perceptual/
and colleagues (1997) compared congenitally blind children to sensory deprivation, and autism), one might consider the
age- and IQ-matched children using measures of autism- common elements inherent in each. Children in each condi-
related behaviors. The blind group demonstrated significantly tion experience barriers to developing social communication,
more communication difficulties than the sighted children, as rendering it difficult to achieve connections and establish rela-
well as more postural oddities and motor stereotypies. In a tionships with other people. The impedances to developing
sample of 25 congenitally blind children, 19 (73%) demon- these skills may differ in each situation; for example, an impov-
strated stereotyped behaviors, including body rocking, repeti- erished environment would limit opportunities to interact
tive handling of objects, hand and finger mannerisms, eye with a caregiver during a crucial period in the formation of
pressing and eye poking, and jumping (Fazzi et al., 1999). Fazzi attachment relationships, perceptual/sensory deprivation
and colleagues suggested that repetitive body movements might pose challenges to interpreting social cues and responses
(hand mannerisms, jumping) might be interpreted as self- such as facial expression, and a child with ASD may have
comforting behaviors, performed as a means of controlling diminished attention to faces and limited perspective taking. In
anxiety or reducing tension in stressful situations; conversely, each case, social-communication deficits and stereotypy
eye pressing, typically observed when the child was alone or emerge. These commonalities may have implications for pos-
bored, may increase levels of stimulation. These observations sible shared mechanisms of intervention. For example, the
are consistent with previous reports of young blind infants and St. Petersburg-USA Orphanage Research Team (2008) employed
preschoolers who demonstrate stereotypies such as rocking interventions that successfully altered the social-emotional-
and hand and finger mannerisms when aroused, and eye relationship experience of children from impoverished envi-
poking during more monotonous situations (e.g., Tröster, ronments by providing training to caregivers to increase
Brambring, & Beelmann, 1991). Taken together, these findings social-emotional responsiveness and support, and changing
suggest stereotypies may represent a process of achieving an structural organization of orphanages in St. Petersburg, Russian
optimal state of arousal (Fazzi et al., 1999). Federation. Results of the intervention indicated substantial
Inasmuch as sensory impairments may also compromise improvements in typically developing children and children
important social interactions, it is noteworthy that a number with disabilities, in terms of physical growth, general behavio-
of studies have shown that reduced social contact may be a ral development, social-emotional-relationship behaviors, and
significant contributor to the development of stereotypy. various measures of attachment. These findings provide sup-
Lewis and colleagues (1996) followed a group of rhesus port for the potential utility of behavioral interventions and
Stereotypy and Self-Injury 345

environmental enrichment in treating children with atypical particular relevance to understanding autism. It has been
behavior, regardless of its etiology. proposed that initial damage to anatomical structures and sys-
In sum, impoverished environments and social deprivation tems supporting social function in autism (e.g., the amygdala),
appear to impact the development and maintenance of results in failure to assign social stimuli as salient, reducing
stereotyped behaviors and SIB in primates and other species. inherent reward value of social stimuli, thereby hindering
Dopamine function is clearly altered as a result of stressful experience with such stimuli and specialization of cortical
environments in some cases. While environmental enrichment brain regions involved in social perception (Dawson et al.,
may enhance brain development and attenuate atypical 2005; Schultz, 2005). Recent experiments by Bauman and col-
behavior in mice (Lewis, 2004) and rats (see Sackett, Novak, & leagues (2008) are particularly salient in this regard. Juvenile
Kroeker, 1999, for a review), little work has been done to rhesus monkeys received bilateral amygdala or hippocampal
examine effects of enrichment on primate brain morphology. lesions and were assessed for later development of repetitive
The neurological and behavioral changes resulting from and stereotyped behaviors. Interestingly, these neonatal lesions
environmental enrichment reported using rodent models resulted in distinctly different stereotypies depending on the
support the notion that the behavioral treatment (e.g., brain structure involved, and did not develop until fully a year
enhanced socialization) can impact brain plasticity in addition after the initial brain lesions. While a direct connection
to modifying behavior. This is particularly relevant given between nonhuman and human primates is a conceptual leap,
recent advances in the use of behavioral interventions to treat these studies are consistent with the suggestion that a child’s
humans exhibiting stereotypy and SIB. lack of social experience may contribute to and exacerbate
more complex social perceptual deficits later in life. As such,
animal models of social deprivation (including lesions that
Á interfere with social communication) and consequential
Animal Models Pertinent to Autism behavioral abnormalities may shed light on developmental
processes associated with the emergence of symptoms associ-
It has been hypothesized that early risk factors for the develop- ated with autism.
ment of autism are those that may alter a child’s responses to Using animal models to understand physiological responses
and perception of his or her environmental surroundings to changes in the environment can also inform our under-
(Dawson, Sterling, & Faja, 2008). Distorted interactions standing of the physiological aspects of SIB in humans. Many
between child and environment may disturb critical input individuals with autism are characterized by insistence on
supporting proper brain development. As such, the study of sameness and experience difficulty with changes in routine. In
animals experiencing environmental challenges, including a study of adult rhesus monkeys with SIB, exposure to the
impoverished housing conditions or deprivation, provide stress of housing relocation was associated with increase in
models of experience-dependent changes in behavior and self-biting behavior, sleep disturbance, and elevated levels of
associated neuropathology. cortisol (Davenport, Lutz, Tiefenbacher, Novak, & Meyer,
Lewis, Tanimura, Lee, and Bodfish (2007) reviewed and 2008). These findings lend support to the notion that life
expanded on studies of deer mice exhibiting repetitive behav- stresses, particularly change in environment, may exacerbate
iors associated with environmental restriction. Findings SIB in individuals with autism.
suggest that repetitive behaviors are the most common conse-
quence of physical confinement, and enriching environmental
conditions reduces the presence of these behaviors. Moreover, Á
stereotypy was associated with alterations in cortical-basal Evaluation and Treatment of Stereotypy
ganglia circuitry, elucidating possible etiology and underlying and Self-Injury
neuropathology in individuals with autism exhibiting such
behavior (see also Cromwell & King, 2004). Perhaps the best way to treat stereotypy and self-injury is to
In a study of Orange-Wing Amazon parrots, Garner, prevent it. Specific attention should be paid to those with
Meehan, and Mench (2003) demonstrated that increased ster- autism who are at particularly increased risk for the develop-
eotypy was associated with poor performance (i.e., persevera- ment of the behavior such as those with sensory impairments
tion) on a gambling task measuring executive function. or severe intellectual disability. The effectiveness of functional
Deficits in executive function are consistently reported in communication training is well established as a means to
autism (e.g., Hill & Frith, 2003; Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996). impact maladaptive self-injurious and other behaviors (see
Based on previous evidence (Norman & Shallice, 1986), the Carr & Durand, 1985).
authors suggested that repetition of responses made by par- Based on consensus development (AAMR, 2000) the first
rots during the gambling task is indicative of disinhibition of line of assessment methods for psychiatric and behavior
the behavioral control mechanisms of the dorsal basal ganglia, problems in the context of intellectual disability include an
which parallels neural circuitry of stereotypy in humans. interview with family/caregiver, direct observation of behav-
Animal models of stereotypy developing as a conse- ior, medical history and physical examination, functional
quence of social deprivation (e.g., Lutz et al., 2003) are also of behavior assessment, medication and side-effects evaluation,
346 Autism Spectrum Disorders

and unstructured psychiatric diagnostic interview. From a isolate potential variables that impact the behavior (Iwata
behavioral intervention standpoint, first line treatments for et al., 1982/1994).
challenging behaviors, and SIB in particular, include client During a functional analysis, potential antecedents and
and family education, functional behavior assessment, and consequences are systematically manipulated so that their
managing the environment. Educating the family and the effects on the problem behavior can be observed and meas-
client about behavior problems and how to manage them can ured. Such functional analyses usually consist of three test
decrease stress and address situations that predispose to the conditions: (1) contingent attention, (2) contingent escape,
expression of the behavior. A comprehensive assessment of (3) alone. A control condition (sometimes called the play con-
stereotypy and/or self-injury will include a variety of assess- dition) where there are no demands on the individual and
ments and examine the whole person. For a review of positive reinforcement is continuously available is also assessed. Each
behavior support strategies, see Chapter 65 (this volume). of the conditions is repeated over multiple sessions in order to
Current best practices in the field of applied behavior determine if the behavior occurs more often under particular
analysis for the assessment of stereotypy and self-injury focus circumstances.
on a function based model (Rapp & Vollmer, 2005a). Applied When analyzing the data from a functional analysis, the
behavior analysis determines the functional relationships problem behavior is expected to be elevated in the conditions
between the environment and behavior (Skinner, 1953). that maintain the behavior. For example, if the frequency of
Procedures using these principles have been used to assess and the problem behavior is high in the contingent attention con-
treat a variety of behaviors including stereotypy and self- dition, it suggests that the behavior is maintained by social
injury. Indeed, some 400 papers have been written since 1964 positive reinforcement. If the problem behavior is high during
that specifically described behavioral intervention for SIB the contingent escape condition, the behavior is maintained
(Kahng, Iwata, & Lewin, 2002). by negative reinforcement. If the problem behavior is high in
The standard of care for the treatment of stereotypy and the alone condition, the behavior is maintained by automatic
self-injury has developed significantly over the past three dec- or sensory reinforcement. It is of course possible for the prob-
ades primarily due to advances in behavior analysis. Research lem behavior to serve multiple functions.
has consistently focused on decreasing the stereotypy and/or Due to the potential harm that could be caused, particular
self-injury while increasing adaptive behaviors. However, precautions during a functional analysis need to be addressed.
early attempts at reducing stereotypy and self-injury were In order to assess self-injury, the behavior needs to occur and
based on punishment. Current approaches have developed thus there is the potential to cause harm. However, allowing
with advances in an assessment methodology that incorpo- the behavior to occur during specific functional analysis con-
rates reinforcers that are specifically linked to the putative ditions with the appropriate professional supervision could
function of the challenging behavior. While these strategies lead to an intervention that could potentially lower the behav-
have brought about significant change to the methodology of ior in the future. Another risk of conducting a functional anal-
assessment and treatment, the use of restraint, seclusion, and ysis is the potential that the challenging behavior could come
even punishment may still be necessary to prevent immediate under control of contingencies that previously did not control
harm to some individuals with self-injury (Brown, Genel, & the behavior. Because of the risks, it is extremely important
Riggs, 2000). Clinicians who employ restraint in the manage- that whoever conducts the functional analysis has specific
ment of self-injury, do so in the context of a comprehensive training in the methodology.
behavior plan with specific procedures to decrease the use A number of tools are routinely used in the service of
of restraint (Fisher, Piazza, Bowman, Hanley, & Adelinis, assessing or monitoring treatment response in persons with
1997). SIB and stereotypy. The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC;
With the behavioral approach, it is believed that stereotypy Aman, Singh, Stewart, & Field, 1985) and the Repetitive
is an operant behavior that is maintained or reinforced by its Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R; Bodfish et al., 2000; Lam &
consequences (Rapp & Vollmer, 2005). When determining Aman, 2007) are each used widely as general assessment tools
the function of the behavior, information is gathered to iden- for problem behavior and for self-injury in particular. These
tify the challenging behavior and possible replacement behav- scales may be sensitive to pharmacological or other
iors. There are two basic approaches to determining the interventions and are being utilized as outcome measures in
function of the behavior: a functional assessment and/or a clinical trials (RUPP, 2002; Aman, 2003; King et al., 2009).
functional analysis. A functional assessment usually is based The Challenging Behavior Interview (Oliver, McClintock,
on observations that are conducted in the natural environ- Hall, Smith, Dagnan, & Stenfert-Kroese, 2003) can be used to
ment and do not require environmental manipulation during capture problem behaviors including self-injury as well as its
the initial data collection. Indirect assessments include rating severity. The Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS; Durand &
scales that can be filled out by teachers, parents, and occasion- Crimmins, 1988) can be helpful in suggesting the possible
ally even the affected individual. The indirect assessments function of the behavior. Joosten and colleagues recently
require no direct observations but can help determine the modified this scale and administered it to a population of chil-
function of the challenging behavior. A functional analysis dren with intellectual disability and stereotyped and repetitive
involves more systematic manipulation of environments to behaviors. They observed that both intrinsic and extrinsic
Stereotypy and Self-Injury 347

motivators are commonly associated with these behaviors. setting (Schwartz & Baer, 1991). Symons, Koppekin, & Wehby
The Self-Injurious Behavior Trauma Scale (SIT; Iwata, Pace, (1999) have reviewed studies that assessed social validity and
Kissel, Nau, & Farber, 1990) has also been used in some stud- quality of life following the treatment of people with self-
ies to classify the type of injury, number of wounds, severity of injurious behaviors. They observed that reducing self-injury is
wounds, and injuries based on location. a necessary component to an intervention, but it may not be
Interventions for stereotypy and self-injury need to be enough to result in important life changes. Of the 138 studies
matched with the function of the behavior so that the problem they reviewed, only about a third included a quality of life
behavior becomes ineffective and irrelevant. Interventions can measurement, and most of these were anecdotal with poorly
be based on positive reinforcement (extinction, differential defined terms. Objective and reliable quality of life measure-
reinforcement of other behavior, differential reinforcement of ments should be considered among the outcomes for inter-
alternative behavior, differential reinforcement of incompati- ventions with this population.
ble behavior, and noncontingent reinforcement), negative Indeed, whether the interventions focus on behavioral or
reinforcement (extinction, noncontingent negative reinforce- medical strategies, it is critical that a variety of outcomes be
ment, differential negative reinforcement, and response chain monitored. Typically data collected as a plan unfolds will
interruption), and/or automatic reinforcement (noncontin- inform appropriate fine-tuning, or the exploration of new
gent competing reinforcers, sensory extinction, and differen- directions in search of the best outcomes.
tial reinforcement).
Treatment of non–socially mediated (automatically rein-
forced) stereotypy or self-injurious behavior is difficult, since Á
the exact mechanism that maintains the behavior is difficult to Conclusions
identify. King (1995) has suggested that some forms of stere-
otypy associated with self-restraining behavior may be com- Between 4% and 16% of individuals with intellectual
pulsive or driven, and might be more likely to yield to disabilities engage in stereotypy and self-injurious behavior.
treatments that are commonly utilized for obsessive-compulsive Stereotypy and self-injury are commonly observed in individ-
disorder. uals with autism spectrum disorders, and/or significant intel-
While the use of punishment is controversial, it is impor- lectual disability, and can have a substantial impact on level of
tant to discuss the behavioral aspects and ethical considera- functioning. Research examining underlying biological factors
tions for its use. “Punishment” is a behavioral term that and neurological processes has facilitated the development of
describes a response that immediately follows a stimulus that improved pharmacological and behavioral treatments for
decreases the future frequency of a similar response (Azrin & individuals struggling with these behaviors. Animal models
Holz, 1966). For example, the use of a disapproving look to have also provided insight into putative mechanisms contrib-
decrease whining, a stern “no” to stop a child from hitting, uting to stereotypy and self-injury in humans. Studies exam-
a manual restraint to stop a person from self-injury are all ining the detrimental impact of impoverished environments
classified as punishment simply because they decrease the like- and social/emotional deprivation underscore the role of one’s
lihood that the similar behavior will occur again. Ethical surroundings and the importance of social interaction in
considerations include that the least restrictive alternative development. Understanding the interaction between neuro-
interventions have been tried and found unsuccessful, the type logical processes and social/emotional functioning may facili-
of punishment is consistent with local laws, the appropriate tate development of more effective treatment strategies.
training has been conducted for all involved prior to the use of Much progress has been made in recent years concerning
punishment, and a risk-benefit analysis confirms a greater risk the conceptualization and measurement of stereotypy and
without the use of punishment. For a comprehensive review SIB. However, much work remains to better understand the
of ethical guidelines of punishment see Bailey and Burch factors that lead to the development and maintenance of these
(2005). behaviors. That these behaviors form part of the core autism
It is common that challenging behavior serves more than phenotoype highlights the potential for greater exploration of
one function. When this happens it is important to develop the links between stereotypy and developmental and social
multicomponent treatments. As noted above, medications are function.
commonly utilized in the treatment of stereotypy and SIB, and The field has yet to produce a definition that fully encom-
optimal approaches will address medical issues and behavioral passes the essence of stereotypy. In particular, the assertion
issues concurrently. that such behaviors are produced with a lack of goal or pur-
Beyond behavior change, the measurement of quality of pose contradicts much of our understanding regarding the
life and social validity are receiving increasing attention. nature of stereotypy. Given that stereotypic behavior arises as
Quality of life captures the broad range of social issues relating a result of impoverished environments, sensory deprivation,
to the person’s sense of self and patterns of daily living with increased stress or discomfort, and other circumstances, it has
respect to family, community, and society (Schalock, 1990). been suggested that such behaviors are expressed to self-calm,
Social validity assessments are designed to gather the perspec- self-regulate, experience sensations, or even explore oneself
tive of a given treatment’s social acceptability in a particular and one’s surroundings. Stereotypy occurs as part of the
348 Autism Spectrum Disorders

normal developmental process, suggesting there is a purpose Á SUGGESTED READINGS

to the behaviors in infancy; the fact that they persist in
individuals with a variety of developmental disabilities might Iwata, B. A., Dorsey, M. R., Slifer, K. J., Bauman, K. E., & Richman,
indicate the continued need or reliance on the behaviors in G. S. (1994). Toward a functional analysis of self-injury. Journal
persons with altered developmental trajectories. of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 197–209. (Reprinted from
Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 2, 3–20,
In moving toward a better understanding of stereotypy,
more work needs to be done in a number of areas. Various
King, B. H. (2002). Pemoline and other dopamine models of self-
neurotransmitter and brain systems have been implicated in biting behavior. In S. R. Schroeder, M. L. Oster-Granite, &
the development and maintenance of stereotypy, particularly T. Thompson (Eds.), Self-injurious behavior (pp. 181–189).
dopamine. However, the directionality of disrupted neuro- Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
transmitter function remains unclear. Further, given that Lewis, M. H., Gluck, J. P., Bodfish, J. W., Beauchamp, A. J., & Mailman,
pharmacologically induced stereotyped behavior responds to R. B. (1996). Neurological basis of stereotyped movement dis-
manipulations of a number of neurotransmitters, the specifi- order. In R. L. Sprague & K. M. Newell (Eds.), Stereotypy: Brain
city for the role of any particular neurotransmitter system is behavior relationships (pp. 37–67).
still under debate. Elucidating the pathways of these systems
will in turn lead to more targeted pharmacological treatment
Research has indicated that children who have been reared
This work was supported in part by grant no. NICHD P50 HD055782
in impoverished environments, children with perceptual
to B.H.K.
impairments, and children with autism engage in stereotypy,
suggesting commonalities across these conditions. Perhaps
consistent among them are barriers to developing appropriate
communication skills, and lack of opportunity to form social- Á REFERENCES
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22 Á Matthew W. Mosconi, Yukari Takarae, John A. Sweeney

Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia

in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á in ASD. These observations highlight the need for systematic

Points of Interest investigation of the developmental trajectory and causes of
atypical motor function and dyspraxia (i.e., difficulty in plan-
• Motor impairments are present in the majority of ning and executing sequences of movements) in these disorders.
individuals with ASD and may include deficits in vestib-
ular functions, fine and gross motor abilities, eye move- Histology: The study of microscopic anatomy of brain cells
ments, motor learning, and complex motor sequencing. performed by examining slices of tissue under a light
• Motor systems lend themselves to translational studies microscope or electron microscope.
in ASD because their neurophysiological substrates are
well defined via animal and human lesion studies, they Dyspraxia: The partial loss of the ability to coordinate and per-
have quantifiable spatial and temporal characteristics, form purposeful movements and gestures that is not accounted
and they can be administered to individuals across the for by other primary motor or sensory impairments.
autism spectrum with a range of cognitive disability.
• Neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and histological Neurobehavioral studies of ASD have more recently devoted
studies have identified alterations in ASD in multiple increased attention to dyspraxia, postulating that impairments
brain regions involved in motor functions, including in learning complex motor sequences may relate to social com-
sensorimotor cortices, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and munication deficits such as impaired imitation (Dapretto
brainstem nuclei. et al., 2006; Martineau, Cochin, Magne, & Barthelemy, 2008;
• Motor disturbances appear to be among the first mani- Williams et al., 2006b). While there is evidence for impairment
festations of developmental abnormalities in ASD and in learning complex motor behaviors in the context of social
thus could serve as biomarkers of disease detectable in interaction, these impairments also include more basic motor
the first years of life. functions that are not specific to social learning. Converging
• New family data on eye movement impairments suggests evidence from behavioral and neurophysiological research (see
similar profiles in unaffected first-degree relatives and below) indicate that individuals with ASD demonstrate deficits
probands, indicating that these deficits may be familial in vestibular control, gross and fine motor movements, and
and could serve as viable intermediate phenotypes for eye movements, and they are dyspraxic when performing both
family-genetic research. social and nonsocial behaviors.
Kanner (1943) and Asperger (1944, as translated by Frith,
Investigation of neurobehavioral aspects of autism spectrum 1991) each noted a diverse set of motor atypicalities in their
disorders (ASD; including autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and original case studies, including hand and finger stereotypies,
Pervasive Developmental Disorder-NOS) primarily has lack of appropriate posturing in response to being held among
focused on an analysis of abnormalities in complex cognitive young children, awkward motility, slow reflexes, delays in
operations including social cognition, communication, and walking and an absence of crawling, and overall clumsiness.
executive functioning, which represent the defining clinical Motor abnormalities consistent with these observations have
characteristics of the disorder. However, recent behavioral, since been documented in more systematic analyses. These
neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and histological evidence studies have identified impairments in vestibular functions
suggests that motor system development is also abnormal (Baranek, 1999; Bryson et al., 2007; Gepner, Mestre, Masson, &

356 Autism Spectrum Disorders

de Schonen, 1995; Kohen-Raz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 1992; studying motor disturbances in ASD for understanding
Minshew, Sung, Jones, & Furman, 2004; Molloy, Dietrich, & etiological pathways (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2010). Taken
Bhattacharya, 2003; Teitelbaum, Teitelbaum, Nye, Fryman, & together, these observations indicate that motor impairments
Maurer, 1998), gross (e.g., Jansiewicz et al., 2006; Rinehart, are related to alterations in widely distributed neural networks,
Tonge, Bradshaw, Iansek, Enticott, & McGinley, 2006b; including those involved in vestibular control, gross motor
Vernazza-Martin et al., 2005) and fine motor skills (e.g., movements such as walking, fine motor skill movements,
Freitag, Kleser, Schneider, & von Gontard, 2007; Green et al., oculomotor processes, and motor praxis.
2002; Williams, Goldstein, & Minshew, 2006a), eye movements
(e.g., Takarae, Minshew, Luna, Krisky, & Sweeney, 2004a; Hypotonia: Disorder that causes low muscle tone (the
Takarae, Minshew, Luna, & Sweeney, 2004b; Thakkar et al., amount of tension or resistance to movement in a muscle),
2008), complex motor sequences (e.g., Dziuk et al., 2007; often involving reduced muscle strength.
Rogers, Bennetto, McEvoy, & Pennington, 1996), and motor
learning (e.g., Haswell, Izawa, Dowell, Mostofsky, & Shadmehr, Multiple factors unique to motor impairments make them
2009; D’Cruz et al., 2009). Still, current classification systems ideally suited for studies of atypical brain maturation in ASD
devote minimal attention to this area of impairment. The (see Table 22-1). First, neural system correlates of motor
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual–Fourth Edition includes
motor stereotypies within the restricted, repetitive behavior
domain. It also notes that nonspecific neurological symptoms Table 22–1.
may be present, including primitive reflexes and delayed devel- Factors supporting increased research focus on motor
opment of hand dominance (American Psychiatric Association development in ASD
[APA], 2000). Further, abnormalities of posture are noted to
• Current neurobehavioral studies suggest that motor
be characteristic of autism, and “motor clumsiness” is described
impairments are present in the majority of individuals with
as a feature of Asperger’s disorder. The potential utility of dis- ASD. These deficits affect multiple motor systems, including
turbances of motor systems and dyspraxia to diagnostic prac- those involved in vestibular functions, fine and gross motor
tice remains largely unexplored, however, as does the potential abilities, eye movements, motor learning, and motor
of investigations of disturbances in these domains to clarify sequencing.
ASD pathophysiology. • Neural systems underlying motor behavior are well mapped
via animal and human studies, making studies of motor
Stereotypies: Nonpurposeful repetitive, ritualistic movements, development directly translational.
postures, or utterances.
• Neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and histological studies
implicate brain regions involved in motor functions,
Motor system dysfunction affects a myriad of behaviors including sensorimotor cortices, basal ganglia, cerebellum,
and thus may have critical implications for the development and brain stem nuclei.
of core social and cognitive deficits in ASD. For example, early • Motor disturbances appear to be among the first
emerging dyspraxia and motor imitation deficits reported in manifestations of developmental abnormalities in ASD and
children with ASD (see Williams, Whiten, & Singh, 2004, for a thus could serve as biomarkers of this disorder detectable in
review) are known to affect oromotor skill development and the first years of life. These deficits also may contribute to a
concomitant maturation of language ability (Mandelbaum cascade of social-communication and cognitive deficits.
et al., 2006; Rogers, Hepburn, Stackhouse, & Wehner, 2003). • Approximately 80% of genetic syndromes currently known
Similarly, impaired visual pursuit ability, as demonstrated to be associated with ASD are characterized by motor
previously in ASD (Takarae et al., 2004a), may limit children’s impairments, suggesting several candidate genetic
ability to visually follow shifts in eye gaze and attention that mechanisms.
are inherent in social referencing and joint attention. Delays in • Family studies of motor deficits suggest similar profiles in
basic motor operations and vestibular control also have been unaffected first-degree relatives and probands. These findings
noted in individuals with ASD, including abnormal postural indicate that motor impairments may be familial and could
stability (Minshew et al., 2004). Similarly, gross and fine motor serve as viable intermediate phenotypes for genetic studies.
deficits are observed clinically and consistently have been • Minimal task demands relative to higher-order cognitive/
identified in comprehensive neuropsychological investiga- behavioral paradigms make motor tasks more suitable for
tions of children (Williams et al., 2006a) and adolescents and young children and individuals with cognitive impairment.
adults with ASD (Freitag et al., 2007; Ming, Brimacombe, & • Practice effects for motor tasks are relatively modest
Wagner, 2007; Minshew, Goldstein, & Siegel, 1997). Hypotonia compared to cognitive paradigms, making motor tasks more
and dyspraxia are common in ASD, with estimated prevalence suitable for longitudinal studies.
rates of 25% to 51% and 34% to 75% respectively (Ming • Precise quantitative measurements of temporal and spatial
et al., 2007; Rapin, 1996). Motor deficits also are observed in components of motor behaviors are available, enabling
approximately 80% of genetic syndromes currently known detailed models of neural system dysfunction.
to be associated with ASD, suggesting clear advantages in
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 357

behavior are well understood via studies of neurological Cerebellar vermis: Narrow central structure within the
conditions involving focal brain lesions, unit recording cerebellum between the two hemispheres.
studies with behaving nonhuman primates, and functional
neuroimaging studies. These studies have laid a foundation
for translational research to develop better models of the Purkinje cells: GABAergic neurons located in the cerebellar
links between brain and behavioral abnormalities in ASD. As cortex and vermis that are the sole output of the cerebellar
an example, studies of patients with cerebellar damage includ- cortex to deep cerebellar nuclei.
ing the vermis reveal failures to modulate the amplitude of
eye movements when fatigued or during adaptation para- Phenotype: Observable characteristics or traits of an organ-
digms (Golla et al., 2008; Xu-Wilson, Chen-Harris, Zee, & ism, including morphology, development, or physiological
Shadmehr, 2009). In contrast, patients with cerebellar lesions properties, that result from the expression of an organism’s
that do not extend to the vermis do not show deficits on these genes as well as the influence of environmental factors.
paradigms. These findings are compelling in the context of
studies documenting Purkinje cellular abnormalities within Despite the multiple advantages of motor system research
the vermis in ASD (Bailey et al., 1998; Kemper & Bauman, for resolving important questions about the pathophysiology
2002) and hypoplasia of oculomotor vermal lobules VI–VII of ASD, progress in understanding these disturbances has
(see Stanfield et al., 2008, for a meta-analysis). Second, in been modest. The generalizability of many studies of motor
contrast to studies of higher-order cognition that rely on impairments in ASD has been limited by small sample sizes
tasks that cannot be readily applied to animal models, motor that cannot adequately account for biological and behavioral
system studies are directly translational, since identical heterogeneity, reliance on clinical ratings rather than objective
behaviors can be studied in human and animal models under measurements of motor system function, a lack of longitudinal
identical task conditions. Third, the understanding of data that is necessary for understanding changes in motor
complex task instructions that is required for many higher deficits over the course of development, and failures to
cognitive tasks is not relevant for motor system studies, so compare patients to suitable control samples (e.g., IQ-matched
motor system studies using identical task conditions can be controls).
conducted across a wide range of age and general cognitive
abilities. Fourth, practice effects are relatively modest with
motor system studies compared to higher-order cognitive Á
tasks (Kida, Oda, & Matsumura, 2005), so that they are par- Motor System Neurophysiology
ticularly suitable for longitudinal studies of developmental and Its Dysfunction in ASD
processes. Fifth, precise quantitative measurements of motor
behaviors are available, making it possible to study temporal Several distinct but highly interacting sensorimotor systems
and spatial dynamics of relevant neural operations in detail. exist within the human central nervous system, reflecting the
Sixth, motor impairments are among the first manifestations diversity of our motor capabilities. Cortico-cortical, cortico-
of developmental abnormalities in ASD. They are present in striatal, and cortico-thalamo-cerebellar loops each innervate
infants later diagnosed with ASD (Teitelbaum et al., 1998) lower motor neurons indirectly through the brain stem
and predict the severity of clinical symptoms that emerge (Dum & Strick, 1992; He, Dum, & Strick, 1993, 1995). Histo-
later in life (Dziuk et al., 2007; Gernsbacher, Sauer, Geye, logical and single-cell recording studies of nonhuman pri-
Schweigert, & Hill, 2008). Additionally, although motor mates indicate that efferent cortical pathways related to motor
impairments alone are not sufficient for early identification control predominantly derive from frontal cortex (Dum &
of ASD (Provost, Lopez, & Heimerl, 2007), distinct patterns Strick, 1991), including the primary motor cortex (Brodmann’s
of motor impairments might be associated with unique area 4) and the lateral and medial zones of premotor cortex
patterns of development in ASD, such as early emergent or (Brodmann’s area 6), as well as from the intraparietal sulcus
regressive courses (Ozonoff et al., 2008). Hence, assessment and inferior parietal lobule (Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7;
of motor skills might be useful for predicting developmental Leichnetz, 2001; Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1989). While the
pathways for particular individuals and thus applying more primary motor and premotor areas of the frontal lobe are
individualized treatments and interventions. Finally, motor essential for the execution of basic and complex motor acts,
impairments might provide viable quantitative familial supplementary motor areas, prefrontal cortex (PFC) and
phenotypes associated with particular subtypes within ASD. parietal cortex have been shown to be involved in the plan-
For instance, unaffected parents of children with ASD have ning of complex motor sequences (Catalan, Honda, Weeks,
oculomotor impairments that are similar to those in affected Cohen, & Hallett, 1998; Grafton, Hazeltine, & Ivry, 2002;
individuals (Koczat, Rogers, Pennington, & Ross, 2002; Honda et al., 1998). Frontoparietal integrity is therefore criti-
Mosconi, Kay, D’Cruz, Guter, Kapur, et al., 2010) suggesting cal for efficiently executing everyday motor sequences and
that certain eye movement impairments and associated neu- gestures, likely because integrating motor planning with spa-
rophysiological alterations might be useful phenotypes for tial perceptual processes is necessary in order to optimize
genetic research. motor plans and actions. Disturbances in frontoparietal
358 Autism Spectrum Disorders

function are associated with dyspraxia, and thus are motor learning and oculomotor control in nonhuman and
implicated by demonstrations of dyspraxia and imitation human primates (Catz & Thier, 2007; Soetedjo, Kojima, &
impairments in individuals with ASD (Dowell, Mahone, & Fuchs, 2008; Takagi, Tamargo, & Zee, 2003; Takagi, Zee, &
Mostofsky, 2009; Dziuk et al., 2007; Jansiewicz et al., 2006; Tamargo, 1998; 2000; Thier, Dicke, Haas, Thielert, & Catz,
Rogers et al., 1996). 2002). Gait abnormalities (Damasio et al., 1978; Esposito &
In addition to frontoparietal systems, frontostriatal loops Venuti, 2008; Hallett et al., 1993; Rinehart et al., 2006b;
contribute to the execution and inhibition of motor output Rinehart, Tonge, Iansek, et al., 2006c; Teitelbaum et al., 1998;
(DeLong & Strick, 1974). The basal ganglia is a network of Vernazza-Martin et al., 2005) and alterations in oculomotor
subcortical gray matter structures, including the caudate control (Takarae et al., 2004a; Takarae et al., 2004b) in indi-
nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra, that viduals with ASD have parallels with movement abnormalities
are involved in the planning, initiation, and inhibition of of patients with cerebellar lesions implicating cerebellar
motor commands (DeLong, 1990; Kaji, 2001). Frontal corti- dysfunction in ASD.
cal inputs into the basal ganglia are excitatory and involve
glutamatergic innervations that synapse with neurons in the Ataxia: Gross lack of coordination of muscle movements
caudate nucleus and putamen (Pollack, 2001), two structures often implicating cerebellar dysfunction.
collectively referred to as the “corpus striatum.” Dopaminergic
neurons in the substantia nigra also provide input to the
striatum (Khan et al., 2000; Yung et al., 1995). Direct and Á
indirect pathways project to the globus pallidus and modu- Vestibular Modulation
late ventral thalamic nuclei output to primary motor and of Motor Control in ASD
premotor cortices, thus completing frontostriatal loops that
are crucial for initiating and inhibiting goal-directed move- Both the vestibular nuclei and the reticular formation help
ments (Alexander, Crutcher, & DeLong, 1990; Rolls, 1994). control posture in response to perturbations of the body in
Dysfunction within the basal ganglia can cause failures in space (Keshner & Cohen, 1989). The vestibular nuclei make
motor inhibition, manifesting as repetitive motor move- adjustments according to information from the inner ear,
ments or stereotypies similar to those observed in people while the reticular formation controls postural stability based
with ASD (Ames, Cummings, Wirshing, Quinn, & Mahler, on an integration of inputs from motor centers in the cortex,
1994; Canales & Graybiel, 2000). Additionally, some indi- basal ganglia, and brain stem (Drew, Prentice, & Schepens,
viduals with ASD show slowed walking patterns similar to 2004; Fitzpatrick & Day, 2004). These movements often are
patients with Parkinson’s disease (Damasio & Maurer, 1978; anticipatory, such as the excitation of lower limb muscles
Mari, Castiello, Marks, Marraffa, & Prior, 2003; Vernazza- prior to lifting a heavy object. The reticular formation,
Martin et al., 2005; Vilensky, Damasio, & Maurer, 1981), therefore, is part of a feedforward motor planning process that
a disorder involving reduced dopaminergic input to the initially stabilizes the body by altering posture and then, via its
striatum (Dauer & Przedborski, 2003). connections with the cerebellum, readjusts body position to
Motor commands generated through frontoparietal and maintain stability during the performance of motor actions
frontostriatal loops are subsequently adjusted by the cerebellum (Kennedy, Ross, & Brooks, 1982).
(Houk & Wise, 1995; Ito, 1984; Stein & Glickstein, 1992). The Abnormalities in postural control have been reported in
cerebellum detects deviations between an intended movement individuals with ASD, but these abnormalities have not been
and actual movement to correct motor output in real time. observed consistently when individuals were compared with
Through its projections to primary and premotor cortices, the IQ-matched control subjects, or beyond the first years of life.
cerebellum reduces these deviations in future planned action Baranek (1999) observed abnormal postural behaviors in 9- to
(Ohyama, Nores, Murphy, & Mauk, 2003). The cerebellum 12-month-old children later diagnosed with ASD relative to
thus acts to continuously modulate motor behavior on line typically developing children, but the children later diagnosed
and enable more precise performance. These functions prima- with ASD did not differ in their rate of abnormal posturing
rily are performed via the coordination of signals from motor relative to age- and IQ-matched infants. Bryson and colleagues
cortices relayed to the cerebellum via pontine nuclei, where (2007) reported poor motor stability at age 6 months in three
motor intentions and consequences of motor acts are compared out of nine infants later diagnosed with ASD. Teitelbaum and
(Brodal, 1978). Efferent pathways exiting deep cerebellar colleagues (1998) reported that a small (3/3) subset of infants
nuclei, including the dentate nuclei, interpositus nuclei, and later diagnosed with ASD demonstrated abnormalities in early
fastigial nuclei, through the superior cerebellar peduncle, con- postural control, including sitting upright and righting from
tinuously modulate motor output via thalamic and brain stem supine to prone position. These results are difficult to interpret
projections (Middleton & Strick, 1997; 2001). Disturbances to because quantitative data regarding either behavior are not
cortico-cerebellar systems thus lead to ataxia or failures to provided, and because only three children were observed.
accurately coordinate planned motor behavior (Timmann In contrast, more consistent deficits were observed for behav-
et al., 2008). In addition, the cerebellar vermis is involved in iors involving the coordination of complex motor move-
motor learning and adaptation. The vermis mediates implicit ments of the arms, such as crawling. Kanner (1943) observed
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 359

inconsistent postural control disturbances among his patients development of postural stability evident exclusively in social
with ASD. He noted that multiple children did not demon- contexts as suggested by observations that infants with ASD
strate changes in their posture in response to being held. do not conform to physical gestures of caregivers? and (4) Is
Failures to alter posture in response to being held could reflect postural dyscontrol, if present, stable over time or does it
disturbances in vestibular control or could be attributable reflect delayed maturation of brain stem circuitries that
to poor social awareness in developing infants with ASD. eventually “catch up” to normative trajectories? Further
Follow-up examination of the constituent components under- research is needed to address these questions.
lying abnormal postural responses in young infants identified
with ASD now may be more clearly teased apart with the
advent of infant sibling studies and retrospective videotape Á
analyses that allow children later diagnosed with ASD to have Gross Motor Impairments
their behavior within the first year of life retrospectively in Individuals with ASD
Studies of postural control in children beyond the first Gross motor deficits observed in individuals with ASD suggest
years of life and adults with ASD have been inconsistent, that both corticostriatal and corticocerebellar circuits are
possibly due to differences in patient and control sample affected. Kanner (1943) originally reported that some children
characteristics. The first quantitative study of postural control with autism walk late, walk clumsily, and/or never crawl prior
in ASD examined a large sample (N = 91) of cognitively to walking. Similarly, Asperger (1944, as translated by Frith,
impaired children and adults with ASD who were not age- 1991) noted consistent clumsiness among the patients that he
matched with their non-ASD cognitively impaired subjects studied, suggesting that a broad range of motor abilities are
(Kohen-Raz et al., 1992). The ASD and non-ASD cognitively impacted and that these disturbances persist throughout
impaired subjects had underdeveloped postural stability rela- development. Disentangling the role of frontostriatal and cor-
tive to the typically developing controls, but only the subjects ticocerebellar systems in the gross motor disturbances charac-
with ASD showed paradoxically superior stability when vision teristic of autism and Asperger’s disorder has been difficult.
was occluded or somatosensory input was obstructed. These Some researchers have suggested that the “autistic gait” is
observations have not been replicated by subsequent studies similar to that of individuals with Parkinson’s disease, charac-
that have noted decreased postural stability in children with terized by bradykinesia, longer movement duration and decel-
ASD, but increased postural stability with visually perceptible eration, and lower peak velocity (Damasio et al., 1978; Mari
external motion and more profound deficits when vision was et al., 2003; Vernazza-Martin et al., 2005; Vilensky et al., 1981),
occluded (Gepner & Mestre, 2002; Molloy et al., 2003). It is indicating that patterns of impaired motor preparation and
not clear why the original Kohen-Raz et al. paradoxical vision inhibition evidenced in ASD may reflect frontostriatal pathol-
occlusion findings for postural stability have not been repli- ogy. Still, findings from several studies of early gait character-
cated, but these results may point to significant heterogeneity istics have been more consistent with patterns of cerebellar,
along the autism spectrum in motor dysfunction that may be rather than basal ganglia dysfunction. Rinehart and colleagues
unique to individuals with cognitive impairment. A more (Rinehart et al., 2006b) reported that, subsequent to learning
recent dynamic posturography study of a large sample of to walk, children with ASD show persistent atypical gait with
children and adults with ASD (N = 79) indicated that non– increased variation in overall stride length similar to patients
mentally retarded individuals with ASD have underdeveloped with cerebellar ataxia. Their qualitative ratings of gait param-
postural stability that is disproportionate under conditions in eters revealed that both individuals with autism and individu-
which somatosensory input is disrupted (Minshew et al., als with Asperger’s disorder were less coordinated, smooth,
2004). Examining cross-sectional data, the authors also sug- and consistent. Individuals with autism showed abnormal
gested that the development of postural stability was delayed arm postures likely reflecting poor balance, and individuals
in children with ASD and that it does not achieve healthy adult with Asperger’s disorder evidenced head and trunk postural
levels in adulthood. The deficits observed across these studies atypicalities that may reflect interference of the frontostriatal
suggest that postural instability is evident in at least a subset of motor preparation network. Esposito and Venuti (Esposito
individuals with ASD and not unique to those individuals with et al., 2008) found that, relative to developmentally delayed
cognitive impairment. children without ASD and typically developing children, chil-
Currently, several questions remain unanswered regarding dren diagnosed with ASD who were within their first six
postural stability mechanisms in ASD: (1) Do observed deficits months of walking had problems performing typical heel-
in postural control affect only a minor subset of individuals to-toe transfers of weight while walking, showed asymmetric
with ASD (e.g., those with cognitive impairment) and under postures of their arms while walking, and exhibited increased
specific conditions (e.g., when sensory input is eliminated), or rates of a “waddling” walking style, again similar to patterns
do a greater proportion of affected individuals show subtle evidenced by some patients with cerebellar abnormalities. The
alterations when laboratory-based analyses of behavior are picture is not entirely clear, however, as these same individu-
performed? (2) Are these abnormalities more prominent als further showed stereotyped movements while walking,
within the first year of life? (3) Are abnormalities in the implicating frontostriatal systems. Gait disturbances thus are
360 Autism Spectrum Disorders

documented in both individuals with autism and individuals through diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional
with Asperger’s disorder, and each subgroup demonstrates activation and connectivity with fMRI, ERP, and PET, now
early emerging atypicalities that include poor balance and make it possible to simultaneously study the anatomic and
postural stability. While these behavioral disturbances reflect, neurophysiological substrates of motor dysfunction.
at least in part, basal ganglia dysfunction, they are not identical MRI studies of the basal ganglia in ASD have suggested
to the pronounced bradykinesia and motor initiation/inhibition that the caudate nucleus is enlarged (Haznedar et al., 2006;
deficits characteristic of Parkinson’s disease patients. Similarly, Hollander et al., 2005; Langen, Durston, Staal, Palmen, & van
overlap with patients experiencing cerebellar ataxia is consid- Engeland, 2007; Langen et al., 2009; Rojas et al., 2006; Sears
erable but not complete. et al., 1999; Stanfield et al., 2008, but see Hardan, Kilpatrick,
Keshavan, & Minshew, 2003; McAlonan et al., 2008, for
Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement due to dysfunction of discrepant results), although it is unclear whether this enlarge-
the basal ganglia and related structures. ment is disproportionate to overall brain enlargement (Herbert
et al., 2003), consistent across affected individuals (Hardan
Disturbances in these circuits emerge early and thus may et al., 2003; McAlonan et al., 2008), and/or specific to the cau-
be useful as screening indices early in development. In a study date nuclei as opposed to other striatal gray matter (McAlonan
of parents’ first concerns regarding their developing children et al., 2008). Still, an association between caudate volume and
with ASD, Chawarska and colleagues (2007) indicated that, repetitive motor behaviors in ASD has been reported (Hazlett,
next to reduced rates of sharing enjoyment, the primary indi- Poe, Smith, Gerig, & Piven, 2005; Hollander et al., 2005; Rojas
cator was delay in walking. Teitelbaum and colleagues also et al., 2006; Sears et al., 1999) suggesting that the caudate
observed gross motor and sequential motor movement abnor- nucleus is involved in some motor abnormalities in ASD.
malities by age 3 to 6 months in infants later diagnosed with Studies of the cerebellum in ASD also have yielded
autism (1998) and those later diagnosed with Asperger’s dis- inconsistent findings. Studies of selective hypoplasia of
order (2004). The most consistent abnormalities observed vermal lobules VI–VII (Courchesne, Yeung-Courchesne,
were lateralized asymmetries in crawling and walking as well Press, Hesselink, & Jernigan, 1988; Hashimoto et al., 1995;
as poor sequencing of component behaviors implicating cor- Kaufmann et al., 2003; Schaefer et al., 1996) have not always
ticostriatal circuitry and cerebellar feedback loops. Gross been replicated (Holttum, Minshew, Sanders, & Phillips,
motor disturbances have been reported for children with ASD 1992; Kleiman, Neff, & Rosman, 1992; Manes et al., 1999;
beyond the first years of life as well. Ahsgren and colleagues Piven, Saliba, Bailey, & Arndt, 1997), owing perhaps to the
(2005) reported that 31/32 children and adolescents with ASD fact that confounding factors (i.e., comparability of IQ in
demonstrated some form of ataxia consistent with cerebellar cases and controls) are not consistently taken into account. In
pathology. Williams and colleagues (2006a) indicated that contrast, histopathological studies provide strong and con-
8-year-old children with ASD without cognitive impairments sistent evidence for cerebellar pathology in ASD. Reduced
show deficits in manual motor strength relative to age- and density of GABAergic Purkinje cells of the cerebellar vermis
IQ- matched healthy controls. Hallett and colleagues (1993) (50% to 60% cell loss) and hemispheres (42% cell loss) along
reported that 4/5 adults with autism showed mild clumsiness with reduced granule cell number are the most consistent and
and upper limb posturing during gait. Finally, Vernazza- frequently reported neuropathological findings in ASD
Martin and colleagues (2005) reported that children with (Bailey et al., 1998; Bauman, 1991; Bauman & Kemper, 1985,
ASD walk with smaller steps and more irregular oscillation of 2005; Ritvo et al., 1986). In one study, reduced Purkinje cell
upper limbs, head, and trunk than age-matched non-ASD number and size in vermian lobules VI–VII and VIII–X was
children. Taken together, these findings indicate that the noted in all ASD cases examined (Arin, Bauman, & Kemper,
sequential processing of complex motor movements involv- 1991). This pathology may be related to comorbid seizure
ing corticostriatal circuitry as well as the calibration of these disorders (Crooks, Mitchell, & Thom, 2000) as subsequent
movements modulated by corticocerebellar circuits are dis- analyses have indicated that only about half of postmortem
rupted in ASD, and that these deficits present as delays within cases show reduced Purkinje cell density (Whitney, Kemper,
the first year of life and continue to manifest throughout Bauman, Rosene, & Blatt, 2008). Further evidence for cere-
childhood and later years as subtle deviations in gross motor bellar pathology is found in studies of glutamate decarboxy-
coordination. lase (GAD) 65 and 67, isoform tracers that catalyze glutamate
Neuroimaging studies aiming to define the neural pathways to GABA within the cerebellum. Studies of GAD 65 and 67
associated with motor disturbances in ASD have yielded reveal reduced isoforms in Purkinje cells (Yip, Soghomonian,
inconsistent results likely due to limitations in early MRI & Blatt, 2007, 2009), and increased GAD67 production within
capabilities (e.g., reduced resolution), small sample sizes in basket and stellate cells (Yip, Soghomonian, & Blatt, 2008).
the context of biological and behavioral heterogeneity, More recent investigations of white matter integrity within
and failures to assess widely distributed networks involving the cerebellum indicate that intrahemispheric and efferent
long-distance connective white matter fiber tracts and their white matter tracts show decreased fractional anisotropy
terminal fields. The ability to investigate grey and white matter (an index of white matter integrity) in individuals with
volumes with standard MR sequences, white matter tracts Asperger’s disorder (Catani et al., 2008). Although the precise
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 361

mechanisms contributing to reduced fractional anisotropy increasingly sensitive assessment tools have documented
within the cerebellum are not known, these findings suggest consistent patterns of deficit in children and adolescents with
that connective pathways within the cerebellum and path- ASD (Freitag et al., 2007; Ghaziuddin, 2008; Green et al., 2002;
ways projecting from the cerebellum to brain stem and thala- Mostofsky, Burgess, & Gidley Larson, 2007; Vanvuchelen,
mus are abnormal in ASD. The functional significance of Roeyers, & De Weerdt, 2007). Comprehensive neuropsycho-
cerebellar pathology remains unclear, and likely is diverse. logical studies of large samples of children (N = 56, Williams
However, the consistency of cerebellar pathology findings in et al., 2006a) and adults (N = 33, Minshew et al., 1997) have
ASD, the central role for the cerebellum in motor control, indicated that performance on measures of motor strength,
and the consistency of findings of disrupted motor control in fine motor planning and motor speed is impaired in patients
ASD together highlight the importance of corticocerebellar with ASD. These results suggest that both simple and complex
circuitry in motor control dysfunction in patients with ASD. motor behaviors are impacted, and that deficits are detectable
with standardized neuropsychological measures across a large
proportion of affected children and adults.
Hypoplasia: Underdevelopment of an organ reflecting a Consistent with large-scale neuropsychological studies,
decreased number of cells. assessments of smaller samples of individuals with ASD have
revealed fine motor abnormalities. Green and colleagues
Granule cells: Tiny cells found within the innermost granular (2002) reported that 9 of 11 children with Asperger’s syndrome
layer of the cerebellum and other brain regions, including ages 6.5 to 11.5 showed fine motor dexterity scores within the
the hippocampus and olfactory bulbs. 5th percentile or lower relative to other children their age.
Fourteen of 16 adolescent males with high-functioning autism
or Asperger’s syndrome studied by Freitag and colleagues
Basket and stellate cells: GABAergic interneurons that (2007) demonstrated slowed alternation between prone and
synapse with Purkinje cells within the molecular layer of the supine hand positions, as well as poor dynamic balance (i.e.,
cerebellum. jumping forward or side-to-side), each of which were associ-
ated with level of autistic symptomatology. Studies of grapho-
motor skills also suggest fine motor abnormalities, including
Fractional anisotropy: A scalar value between 0 and 1 used to
demonstrations of macrographia (Beversdorf et al., 2001)
describe the degree of anisotropy of a diffusion process. This
and poor fine motor control (Mayes & Calhoun, 2003) in
value is often extracted from diffusion tensor images (DTI) to
large samples of average-IQ and cognitively impaired children
index the integrity of white matter within the brain because
with ASD.
water typically diffuses parallel to white matter tracts.
Impaired performance across gross and fine motor skills
suggests that disturbances likely involve abnormalities of the
upper motor neuron systems above the brain stem. Tracts
Á involved in gross and fine motor skills diverge below the brain
Fine Motor Impairments stem (Dawnay et al., 1986), so evidence that each set of abili-
in Individuals with ASD ties is affected in ASD to a relatively similar degree suggests a
common supratentorial origin of motor impairments. Freitag
The neural control of fine motor manipulations involves and colleagues’ (2007) finding that both gross and fine motor
neural systems that overlap considerably with those underly- impairments are associated with the severity of autistic
ing gross motor movements, but these systems also require symptoms suggests that motor disturbances may contribute to
greater precision and rely on axons to more distal limbs. the core traits of the disorder, or have pathophysiological
Premotor areas of the frontal lobe play a major role in the mechanisms that relate to the causes of those traits.
planning and control of complex and sequential voluntary Functional MRI studies of fine motor behavior in indi-
movements (Kornhuber, 1978; Petrides, 2005). Distal and viduals with ASD directly implicate the basal ganglia and cer-
local motor pathways are dissociated at their origin, within the ebellum. Mostofsky and colleagues (2009) reported that
somatotopically organized motor cortex, and again diverge children with ASD ages 8 to 12 years demonstrated reduced
within the spinal cord (Dawnay & Glees, 1986). ipsilateral anterior cerebellar activation and increased supple-
mentary motor area activation relative to age- and IQ-matched
Somatotopy: The correspondence of receptors in regions of controls during a finger tapping task. The authors also docu-
the body via respective nerve fibers to specific functional mented reduced coherence of activation between cortical and
areas of the cerebral cortex. cerebellar regions of interest in ASD. Allen and Courchesne
(2003) observed more diffuse cerebellar activation across lob-
Although some early findings suggested that individuals ules VI–VII among average-IQ patients with ASD performing
with ASD show relatively superior (Jones & Prior, 1985) or a finger tapping task in which they received verbal cues to press
intact (Ozonoff, Pennington, & Rogers, 1991; Rumsey & a button as many times as possible within a fixed duration.
Hamburger, 1988) dexterity, subsequent studies utilizing Using an identical paradigm, Muller and colleagues (Muller,
362 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Pierce, Ambrose, Allen, & Courchesne, 2001) identified suggest that conjugate eye movements are abnormal in ASD
decreased frontostriatal activation within eight participants (see below), including both saccades and smooth pursuit, and
with ASD suggesting that, despite the relative simplicity of that these deficits may be familial (Koczat et al., 2002; Mosconi
these motor tasks and individuals’ ability to perform the motor et al., 2010).
behaviors comparable to age-matched controls, robust altera-
tions in frontostriatal and frontocerebellar networks in indi- Saccade Impairments in Individuals with ASD
viduals with ASD are evident. Interestingly, Muller et al.’s
results also highlighted increased activation in patients with Saccades are rapid ballistic eye movements that are typically
ASD within areas typically not recruited for simple motor made to focus gaze on objects of interest. Studies of saccadic
behaviors. These areas included precuneus, inferior parietal eye movements provide opportunities to examine relevant
lobule, superior temporal gyrus, and PFC. Allen, Muller, and motor circuitry as well as higher-level cognitive processes that
Courchesne (2004) suggest that disturbances of motor systems modulate the use of saccades in a context appropriate manner.
in ASD may show characteristics consistent with the “crowd- Peak velocity of saccades is determined primarily by the brain
ing effect” in which spared tissue performs the function of stem, while accuracy of saccades heavily depends on the cere-
typically specialized brain regions that are dysfunctional bellum, especially the cerebellar vermis. Latency of saccades is
(Teuber, 1974). It has been proposed that the functions nor- primarily determined by a balance between input from corti-
mally subserved by more primitive systems, such as motor cal eye fields and basal ganglia to the superior colliculus. The
skills mediated by the paleocerebellum, are disrupted by aber- PFC provides top-down modulation of saccade planning and
rant Purkinje cell development, and that functions are subse- execution using context-relevant information and behavioral
quently carried out by more recently evolved systems within plans that continue over time (see Figure 22-1).
the neocerebellum and neocortex (Allen et al., 2004). The
higher level neural system’s ongoing need to compensate for Exogenous Saccades
disturbances in lower level systems in ASD may result in their
being limited in their capacity to support the ontogenesis of Findings from early studies suggested that brain circuitry
higher-order cognitive operations such as executive functions supporting the planning and execution of saccades is intact in
and language. Evidence that areas not typically involved in fine individuals with ASD when saccades are guided by exogenous
motor manipulations are recruited for simple finger tapping
tasks in ASD suggest that motor impairments could contribute
to a cascade of effects disrupting developments in higher level
systems that typically support complex cognitive operations.

Paleocerebellum: The anterior lobe of the cerebellum, which FEF

was one of the phylogenetically earliest parts of the hindbrain
to develop in mammals.

Neocerebellum: The phylogenetically youngest part of the Visual

cerebellum comprising most of the cerebellar cortex and Cortex


Á Vermis
& FN
Oculomotor Impairments in ASD Pons

Oculomotor paradigms, which typically require sensory Eye muscles

analysis, sensorimotor transformation, and motor control
with varying levels of cognitive planning, are heavily depend-
ent on effective integration of multiple neural systems. Brain Figure 22–1. Lateral view of human cerebral cortex and projections
regions that are involved in the control of eye movements to superior colliculus (SC) involved in saccade generation. Cortical
include the PFC; frontal, parietal, and supplementary eye and subcortical areas involved in oculomotor control, with
fields; basal ganglia; thalamus; superior colliculus; cerebellum; excitatory and inhibitory pathways depicted in solid and broken
lines, respectively. Direct excitatory pathways to the SC shown are
and brain stem. Structural magnetic resonance imaging and
from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), frontal eye fields
histological studies have documented that many of these brain (FEF), parietal eye fields (PEF), and supplementary eye fields (SEF).
areas are affected in ASD (Carper & Courchesne, 2005; Cody, Indirect cortical input from the DLPFC and FEF are through the
Pelphrey, & Piven, 2002; Courchesne et al., 1988; Courchesne, caudate nucleus (CN), which inhibits the SC. Cerebellar connections
Press, & Yeung-Courchesne, 1993; Sears et al., 1999; Tsatsanis (vermis and fastigial nuclei [FN]) and pontine connections to the
et al., 2003). Consistent with these findings, several studies SC are also shown.
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 363

sensory information, such as the sudden appearance of visual increased activation in the dorsolateral PFC, caudate, thala-
targets (these saccades are often called prosaccades or visually mus, and dentate nucleus, all of which are more typically
guided saccades). Minshew, Luna, and Sweeney (1999) involved in endogenous or cognitive control of saccadic eye
observed no abnormalities in average peak velocity, duration, movements and much less so during exogenous saccades
latency, or accuracy of exogenous saccades in 26 adolescents in typically developing individuals. These observations paral-
and adults with ASD when they were compared to age-and lel findings of compensatory neurocircuitry alterations in
IQ-matched typically developing subjects, suggesting brain manual motor control studies discussed above (Mostofsky
circuitry supporting basic saccade planning and execution is et al., 2009; Muller et al., 2001), and indicate that frontostri-
intact. A more recent study that used higher resolution atal systems might be providing compensatory input to the
measures (Takarae et al., 2004b), however, reported greater sensorimotor circuitry during exogenous saccadic eye move-
trial-to-trial variability in saccade accuracy in a larger sample ments in individuals with ASD. This would suggest that PFC is
(n = 46) of individuals with ASD compared to age- and called on to perform computational functions other than
IQ-matched typically developing individuals. Increased trial- those for which it is specialized, which over the course of
to-trial variations in saccade accuracy with lack of consistent development might reduce its ability to perform its typical
alteration in average saccade accuracy in subjects with ASD is a functions.
pattern similar to effects seen after chronic lesions in lobules VI Some studies of exogenous saccades in ASD have used a
and VII in the cerebellar vermis, which are critical for achieving temporal gap or an overlap between offset of central cue and
saccade accuracy (Thier, Dicke, Haas, & Barash, 2000). presentation of peripheral targets to vary the level of atten-
A potential link to the cerebellar vermis is also suggested by tional investment in the central cue location at the time a new
histological and MRI studies documenting abnormalities of peripheral target elicits a saccade. There have been reports,
the cerebellar vermis in ASD (Bailey et al., 1998; Cody et al., though inconsistent, of abnormal saccade latencies using
2002; Courchesne et al., 1988; Kemper & Bauman, 1998; Ritvo exogenous saccade tasks with this type of manipulation. Van
et al., 1986). der Geest and colleagues (2001) reported no abnormalities of
Takarae and colleagues (2004b) compared the accuracy saccade latency in gap and overlap trials in 16 children with
of exogenous saccades of subjects with ASD who had delays ASD and 15 age- and IQ-matched typically developing sub-
in early language acquisition with those who did not. While jects. However, they did report a reduced difference between
both ASD groups had increased trial-to-trial variability in latencies in gap and overlap conditions that primarily resulted
saccade accuracy, the group who did not have early lan- from shorter latencies among individuals with ASD in the
guage delays also had saccadic hypometria (tendency to overlap condition. Kawakubo and colleagues (2007) examined
undershoot saccades relative to target locations). Thus, it is saccade latencies using a gap-overlap paradigm in 7 adults
possible that some individuals with ASD without language with PDD with mental retardation and 9 typically developing
delays have a different pattern of neural system dysfunction control subjects. They found shorter saccade latencies and
that involves more severe cerebellar impairments. Perhaps increased rates of express saccades in overlap trials in subjects
more importantly, these findings suggest that development of with ASD compared to controls. In contrast, Goldberg and
basic motor circuitry supporting exogenous saccades may be colleagues (2002) reported longer saccade latencies in gap and
associated with a specific pattern of early cognitive develop- overlap trials as well as trials with synchronous central cue
ment. A cross-sectional study by Luna and colleagues (2007) offset and peripheral target onset in a sample of 11 adolescents
has shown that reduced average saccade accuracy is present in with ASD compared to 11 age- and IQ-matched control sub-
children with ASD, but not in adolescents or adults. Thus, jects. Kawakubo and colleagues (2007) showed significantly
reductions in saccade accuracy might be resolved by adoles- longer saccade latencies during overlap trials in 17 adults with
cence, possibly by compensatory mechanisms or delayed brain ASD and cognitive impairment when they were compared to
maturation. chronological age–matched typically developing adults.
A functional MRI study by Takarae and colleagues (2007) These studies, though not all using IQ- and age-matched
reported altered patterns of brain activation in individuals comparison groups, demonstrated abnormalities in saccade
with ASD during execution of exogenous or visually guided latency in individuals with ASD when the task had higher
saccades. They examined brain activation in 13 individuals demand for attention disengagement, suggesting dysregula-
with ASD and 14 age- and IQ-matched typically developing tion of visual spatial attention in ASD. Kawakubo and col-
controls during performance of a visually guided saccade task. leagues (2007) examined presaccadic event related potentials
The ASD group had reduced activation relative to the control during a gap-overlap task in 17 adults with ASD and cognitive
group in brain areas that are typically involved in executing impairment. They found that presaccadic positive potentials
exogenous saccades, including the frontal, supplementary, that are related to disengagement of attention (Csibra, Johnson,
and parietal eye fields, and cerebellar hemispheres. This is & Tucker, 1997) were greater in participants with ASD com-
consistent with the observed behavioral deficits, since these pared to the IQ-matched control group with mental retarda-
regions receive and utilize experience related to error in previ- tion or chronological age–matched control groups. These
ous saccades from the cerebellum to reduce error in future results suggest that deficits in attentional disengagement in
saccades. More strikingly, the ASD group also demonstrated ASD and underlying physiological abnormalities are specific
364 Autism Spectrum Disorders

to ASD and are not exclusively a generalized manifestation of subjects with ASD, although they did report a prolonged
cognitive impairment. latency of saccades to remembered targets. In the previously
mentioned developmental study, Luna and colleagues (2007)
Endogenous Saccades also reported that latencies of memory-guided saccades were
longer in subjects with ASD than typically developing controls.
In contrast to findings regarding exogenous saccades, deficits Further, the ASD group’s age-related improvements were
during tasks that evaluate the intentional or endogenous con- limited to childhood and adolescence, while no improvement
trol of saccades have been consistently reported in individuals was observed from adolescence to adulthood. In contrast, the
with ASD. Endogenous control of saccades involves making control group showed progressive reductions in response
saccades based on a cognitive plan rather than as a relatively latency through childhood to adulthood. As with antisaccades,
automatic response to sensory input. These have been examined the accuracy of memory-guided saccades improved with age
to evaluate capacities for voluntary response inhibition and only in the control group, and no age-related improvement
working memory that are primarily supported by PFC, anterior was observed in the ASD group. This suggests an alteration in
cingulate cortex (ACC), and striatal systems. The ability to maturational processes that leads to a persistent reduction in
execute endogenous goal-directed saccades develops through- the ability to quickly make and initiate behavioral plans.
out adolescence into early adulthood, and thus has a prolonged Goldberg and colleagues (2002) examined a different type
period for neural plasticity (Luna, Garver, Urban, Lazar, & of endogenous saccades, predictive saccades, using a task where
Sweeney, 2004). Endogenous saccades have been examined targets alternated between two positions at a fixed time interval.
using antisaccade paradigms where subjects are required to Because of the predictability of the target sequence, subjects
voluntarily inhibit a saccade toward a target and instead make typically begin to make anticipatory saccades to the expected
a saccade away from the new target, and using oculomotor target appearance after only a few target presentations.
delayed response (or memory-guided saccade) tasks, where Switching to use learned target timing to execute saccades
subjects are required to make saccades to remembered target depends on function of the frontostriato-thalamocortical loop
locations. In both paradigms, subjects are required to make (Simo, Krisky, & Sweeney, 2005). High-functioning individuals
saccades based on an internal plan rather than to the locations with ASD had fewer anticipatory saccades and more variable
of unpredictably appearing sensory stimuli. response latencies than age- and IQ-matched control individu-
Increased rates of saccade inhibition errors during als, suggesting that individuals with ASD are less able to take
antisaccade tasks have been reported in ASD when compared advantage of the predictable timing and location of targets.
to age- and IQ-matched typically developing control subjects, Using a similar paradigm, D’Cruz and colleagues (2009)
reflecting a reduced ability to voluntarily suppress the natural reported that individuals with ASD show abnormalities in the
response tendency to look toward suddenly appearing targets timing of predictive rightward, but not leftward saccades. These
(Luna et al., 2007; Goldberg et al., 2002; Minshew, Luna, & findings suggest abnormalities in response timing systems
Sweeney, 1999). A cross-sectional study by Luna and colleagues within the left basal ganglia.
(2007) examined developmental changes in endogenous sac- To investigate neural substrates of impairments in endog-
cades in 19 children (8–12 years of age), 21 adolescents (13–17 enous saccades, Luna and colleagues (2002) conducted an
years), and 21 adults (18–33 years) with ASD and age- and fMRI study of individuals with ASD performing an oculomo-
IQ-matched typically developing control groups. They reported tor delayed-response task. Eleven individuals with ASD dem-
that saccade inhibition errors during an antisaccade task onstrated reduced activation in the dorsolateral PFC and the
decreased with age in both ASD and control groups, but error posterior cingulate cortex when performing the task. Other
rates in the ASD group were higher overall and did not reach circuitry involved in performing the task, including cortical
the error rates observed in the control group even in adult- eye fields, ACC, basal ganglia, thalamus, and lateral cerebel-
hood. Latencies of antisaccades, the time needed to initiate a lum, had similar levels of activation in ASD and age- and
volitional saccade away from a target, gradually reduced with IQ-matched control groups. Thakkar and colleagues (Thakkar
age in the control group but not in the ASD group. Mosconi, et al., 2008) used fMRI to investigate the neural substrates of
Kay, D’Cruz, Seidenfeld, et al. (2009) also found increased antisaccade performance in 12 subjects with ASD. During the
antisaccade error rates, and reported that error rates were asso- study, rostral ACC (rACC) activation during incorrect trials
ciated with higher-order repetitive behaviors in ASD. The was greater than that for correct trials in healthy controls but
implications of these findings point to frontostriatal system not for subjects with ASD. Individuals with ASD showed
disturbances as a cause of repetitive behaviors in ASD. increased rACC activation during correct trials compared to
Studies of oculomotor delayed-response tasks have also controls and reduced fractional anisotropy within white
documented poor performance in subjects with ASD. Minshew matter tracts underlying ACC. Both increased rACC activation
and colleagues (1999) demonstrated that adolescents and on correct trials and decreased fractional anisotropy in rACC
young adults with ASD had difficulty shifting their eyes white matter were associated with more severe repetitive
accurately to remembered locations. This finding was not rep- behavior. Taken together, these fMRI findings of endogenous
licated by Goldberg and colleagues (2002), who reported no saccade performance in ASD are consistent with the idea that
abnormalities in the accuracy of memory-guided saccades in dysfunction in the PFC and ACC may not only contribute to
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 365

deficits in the generation of endogenous saccades, but be a subjects and reported an approximate 10% reduction in
marker for alterations in prefrontal systems that cause higher- pursuit accuracy.
order cognitive deficits that are widely observed in individuals A study with a large sample performed by Takarae and
with ASD (Hill, 2004). colleagues (2004a) used three different pursuit tasks to charac-
terize both open- and closed-loop pursuit in 60 high-function-
Smooth Pursuit ing subjects with ASD and 94 age- and IQ-matched typically
developing control subjects. They reported reduced pursuit
Whereas saccades are used to acquire target objects that are accuracy in 3 different tasks during the closed-loop stage. This
located in the visual periphery, smooth pursuit is used to follow group difference in closed-loop pursuit was specific to older
an object in motion that is already foveated. Neural systems subjects with ASD, suggesting age-related improvement in
that support smooth pursuit largely overlap with those that visual pursuit performance in controls that was reduced in
support saccades, though there are dissociable subdivisions in ASD. Closed-loop pursuit depends on internal representations
each relevant brain area for saccades and smooth pursuit and, of target movement and feedback about performance, and this
thus, each type of eye movement could be selectively impaired pattern of developmental curtailment of closed-loop pursuit is
(Rosano et al., 2002). Relevant brain circuitry includes extras- similar to maturational failures for endogenous saccades that
triate areas of visual cortex such as Area MT (also called V5), also depend on memory about targets and internally set goals.
which is devoted to the processing of visual motion informa- Takarae and colleagues also found lateralized reduction in
tion; cortical eye fields and cerebellum, which are involved in accuracy of smooth pursuit and primary catch-up saccades in
translating sensory information to motor commands; and the the ASD group during rightward open-loop pursuit. This
basal ganglia, which are involved in initiating motor com- hemifield-specific impairment could be related to disturbances
mands and perhaps predictive aspects of pursuit (Lencer & in the left extrastriate areas that extract visual motion informa-
Trillenberg, 2008; Sharpe, 2008). Visual pursuit requires rapid, tion, or in the feedforward projections from the left extrastriate
temporally precise integration of activity within these brain areas to oculomotor areas that transform visual information
areas in order to visually track moving targets through space. into appropriate motor commands. In a follow-up study with
Visual pursuit is typically described using a two-stage model. an independent sample, Takarae, Luna, Minshew, and Sweeney
During the initiation or “open-loop” stage (first 100 ms after (2008) observed significant associations between visual motion
pursuit onset), control of pursuit is almost exclusively depend- perception in psychophysical studies with pursuit latency in
ent on sensory analysis of visual motion that is performed individuals with ASD, suggesting contributions of visual
primarily by contralateral area MT (Carl & Gellman, 1987; motion processing disturbances to problems in pursuit initia-
Lisberger & Movshon, 1999; Newsome, Wurtz, Dursteler, & tion in this population. Of note, slower pursuit initiation was
Mikami, 1985). Analysis of visual motion information is passed only observed in participants with ASD who did not have early
from MT to the parietal and frontal eye fields, each of which language delays. In contrast, pursuit latency and open-loop
project through the pons and the cerebellum to deep brain- pursuit gain were correlated with manual motor skills only in
stem oculomotor areas to generate smooth pursuit eye move- the ASD group with language delays. Thus, the observed
ments (Yamada, Suzuki, & Yee, 1996). After the initial impairment of open-loop pursuit is likely part of more general
open-loop period of pursuit, the subsequent “closed-loop” sensorimotor alterations in individuals with language delays as
stage of sustained pursuit relies primarily on memory for target well as being related to alteration in visual input or functional
velocity, predictions about target movement, and feedback connectivity between extrastriate and sensorimotor areas.
about performance rather than an analysis of actual visual In order to examine the neural substrates of pursuit impair-
motion. The cortical eye fields, prefrontal cortex, striatum, and ments in ASD, Takarae and colleagues (2007) examined brain
cerebellum play a crucial role during closed-loop pursuit to activation during visual pursuit of predictable target move-
drive predictive pursuit using extraretinal information (Lencer ment in 13 participants with ASD and 14 age- and IQ-matched
et al., 2008; O’Driscoll et al., 2000). typically developing control participants. They reported
Several studies have reported visual pursuit impair- reduced activation in brain areas that mediate sensorimotor
ments in ASD. Scharre and Creedon (1992) and Rosenhall, transformations, including cortical eye fields, and areas that
Johansson, and Gillberg (1988) each noted difficulty eliciting are involved in acquisition of skilled motor responses, such as
pursuit responses in ASD. However, the latter study reported dorsolateral PFC, cingulate motor areas, and the presupple-
that pursuit accuracy was in the normal range in a small mentary motor area. These findings suggest that abnormalities
subset of participants with ASD who were able to initiate pur- in brain circuitry that are involved in motor learning might be
suit. It is important to note, however, that the time that these a contributing factor for pursuit impairments in ASD.
studies were conducted did not allow for the use of current
criteria for diagnosing ASD. Perhaps more importantly, age- Visual Fixation and Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes
and IQ-matched control groups were not included in either
study. A more recent report by Kemner, van der Geest, Several studies have demonstrated, albeit inconsistently, that
Verbaten, and van Engeland (2004) compared visual pursuit individuals with ASD have unusual visual scanning patterns
in subjects with PDD and age- and IQ-matched control when they examine human faces and social scenes (Klin, Jones,
366 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Schultz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002; Pelphrey et al., 2002; van cerebellar oculomotor system integrity in ASD. VOR stabilizes
der Geest, Kemner, Verbaten, & van Engeland, 2002; van der visual images of stationary objects on the retina during
Geest, Kemner, Camfferman, Verbaten, & van Engeland, 2002) transient head rotation by compensating for the movement of
and make fewer visual fixations during visual search (Kemner, orbits with eye rotation. The VOR system is particularly
van Ewijk, van Engeland, & Hooge, 2008). While these studies sensitive to effects of cerebellar nodulus and uvula lesions
are designed to evaluate how individuals with ASD extract (Waespe, Cohen, & Raphan, 1985; Wiest, Deecke, Trattnig, &
visual information from their social environments, few studies Mueller, 1999). Early studies comparing children with ASD
have investigated brain systems supporting sustained visual and typically developing children reported similar duration
fixation. Stability of visual fixation depends on the integrity of (Ritvo et al., 1969) but a statistically longer time constant for
cerebellar–brain stem systems, more specifically a balance VOR in darkness (Ornitz, 1985; Ornitz, Atwell, Kaplan, &
between activity of burst neurons in the paramedian pontine Westlake, 1985) and shorter duration in lighted conditions for
reticular formation that drive eye movements and omnipause children with ASD (Ornitz, 1985; Ornitz et al., 1985; Ornitz,
neurons in the raphe interpositus nucleus that inhibit burst Brown, Mason, & Putnam, 1974; Ritvo et al., 1969). These
neurons and receive input from the cerebellar vermis (Fuchs, studies, however, did not match patient and control groups by
Kaneko, & Scudder, 1985). IQ, and examinations of individual data suggest that the group
Nowinski, Minshew, Luna, Takarae, and Sweeney (2005) differences might have been driven by a few subjects with
examined rates of square-wave jerks during central and eccen- extreme performance abnormalities while the majority of
tric fixation and ocular drift during eccentric fixation in 52 children with ASD performed at levels similar to the control
individuals with ASD and 52 age- and IQ-matched typically group. A more recent study by Goldberg and colleagues (2000)
developing control subjects. Square-wave jerks are intrusive examined VOR in darkness in 13 children with ASD and 10
eye movements that consist of two saccades: the first saccade, age- and IQ-matched typically developing children and found
which results from reduced inhibitory input to the brain stem, no differences in time constant of VOR between groups.
takes the eyes off the target object and is followed by a second Findings from studies of VOR thus suggest that cerebellar–
saccade that corrects eye position to return to the target. Rates brain stem systems supporting these oculomotor processes are
and size of square-wave jerks increase when inhibitory input is largely preserved in ASD.
disrupted (Dell’Osso, Abel, & Daroff, 1977; Zee, Yee, Cogan, In summary, eye movement studies indicate that subcortical
Robinson, & Engel, 1976). Speed of ocular drift during eccen- circuitry supporting visual fixation, VOR, and exogenous
tric gaze increases after lesions in the flocculus and parafloc- saccades are largely preserved in ASD, although modest
culus of the cerebellum (Zee, Leigh, & Mathieu-Millaire, disturbances in sensorimotor transformations implicating
1980), and thus depends on cerebellar integrity. Nowinski and cerebellar dysfunction are present when subjects make visually
colleagues (2005) found no alterations in rates of square wave guided saccades to sensory targets and when they fixate
jerks and speed of ocular drift in ASD suggesting that this remembered target locations in darkness. When tasks place
system is largely preserved in ASD. They did find that the greater demands on higher cognitive processes of behavioral
amplitude of square-wave jerks was larger in individuals with inhibition, planning, working memory, and motor learning,
ASD while fixating peripheral targets and when the partici- deficits in individuals with ASD are more consistently
pant was asked to maintain central fixation without a visual observed. This pattern of findings has been observed in
target. Further, the second corrective saccade to refoveate the impairments in antisaccade and oculomotor delayed response
target (the second saccade of square wave jerks) was executed tasks, closed-loop pursuit, and predictive saccade tasks.
more quickly in individuals with ASD when they were asked to Developmental trajectories that are observed in these tasks
maintain central fixation without visual stimuli. These findings suggest that maturation in brain systems that support
suggest a subtle imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory endogenous eye movements may reach a developmental
processes in the brain stem, which was sufficient to alter plateau earlier in ASD and not reach the same level of ability/
amplitude and timing of square-wave jerks. The cerebellar performance as typically developing individuals.
vermis is considered critical in using proprioceptive informa-
tion about extraocular muscles to maintain fixation with the Eye Movement Abnormalities in Unaffected Family
absence of visual stimuli and sends input to the brain stem Members of Individuals with ASD
(Zee et al., 1980). Because the metrics of square-wave jerks
were most affected in the condition without visual stimuli, it is Recent data indicate that unaffected parents and siblings of
possible that disturbances in vermal input are the source of individuals with ASD show saccade and smooth pursuit abnor-
reduced inhibitory control of relevant brain stem neurons. malities that are similar to those observed in individuals with
This is consistent with the previously described observation of ASD (Mosconi et al., 2010). Studying 57 first-degree relatives
saccadic dysmetria in ASD (Takarae et al., 2004b) that also (42 parents and 15 siblings) of individuals with autistic disor-
suggests abnormalities of the cerebellar vermis. der, Mosconi and colleagues found that family members dem-
While the study of visual fixation indicates subtle onstrated saccade hypometria, reduced closed-loop pursuit
abnormalities in the cerebellar–brain stem system, studies of gain, reduced rightward open-loop pursuit gain, impaired
the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) have not indicated reduced response timing mechanisms for rightward predictive saccades,
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 367

and increased rates of response suppression errors on an Hamilton (2007) noted that the anterior intraparietal sulcus
antisaccade task. These findings indicate that pontocerebellar also is involved in goal representation for motor actions, while
circuitry alterations implicated in ASD by studies of saccade activity in the inferior frontal gyrus is sensitive to the local kin-
inaccuracy, increased trial-wise saccade amplitude variability, ematic features of how an object is acted upon. In addition,
and reduced closed-loop pursuit gain may be familial. these frontoparietal systems engage dorsolateral PFC that is
Similarly, rightward lateralized deficits in open-loop smooth known to store previously learned information in short-term
pursuit and predictive saccade timing suggest left-hemisphere or working memory and to organize complex behavioral
dysfunction affecting temporoparietal and basal ganglia plans. Utilizing this widely distributed neural system, fron-
systems, respectively. Last, impaired antisaccade performance toparietal motor planning and execution systems rely on pre-
is consistent with PFC abnormalities that also were implicated viously learned motor behaviors to initiate sequences of
in the one previous study of eye movements in unaffected actions that together allow rapid and adaptive management of
family members that identified inhibitory control deficits on a complex environmental demands.
memory guided saccade task (Koczat et al., 2002). This profile Numerous neurobiological and behavioral studies suggest
of impairments has direct implications for shared neurocir- that at least a portion of individuals with ASD are dyspraxic,
cuitry dysfunction in individuals with ASD and their first- demonstrating a reduced ability to organize or initiate motor
degree relatives. Future studies are needed to examine sequences despite intact performance of constituent move-
relationships between eye movement performance in probands ments (Hughes, 1996; Jones et al., 1985; Leary & Hill, 1996;
and family members (these studies did not examine family Minshew et al., 1997; Rogers et al., 1996). Dyspraxia is typically
trios), identify whether these impairments are heritable, and considered as a deficit that occurs in the context of spared
investigate gene variants in ASD that are associated with neu- basic motor skills, so that considering behavioral manifestations
rophysiological developments underlying saccade and smooth of dyspraxia in ASD is complicated, requiring demonstration
pursuit abnormalities. Still, these recent data indicating paral- that the dyspraxia is either more severe than can be accounted
lel eye movement alterations in independent sets of probands for by basic motor system deficits or occurs in contexts where
and family members support the viability of eye movement basic motor deficits do not influence behavioral performance.
alterations as intermediate phenotypes for future genetic and Available evidence indicates that a subset of individuals with
neurobiological studies of ASD. ASD show impairments in complex purposeful behavior that
are disproportionate to their deficits in basic motor skills.
Dziuk and colleagues (2007) reported that, although basic
Á motor skills predicted a significant proportion of variance
Coordination of Complex Motor Sequences: in overall praxis scores, differences in praxis performance
Evidence of Dsypraxia in ASD exceeded deficits expected based on impairment in basic motor
abilities. Additional research is needed to clarify the extent to
The neurophysiology of planning and executing motor which deficits in complex motor sequences are attributable to
sequences is less well understood than that regulating the more fundamental motor impairments, but current evidence
initiation and precision of motor acts. Single-cell recording indicates that individuals with ASD show impairments in plan-
studies of behaving primates and human functional neuroim- ning and implementing sequential motor responses that can
aging studies indicate that performing response sequences not be explained fully by deficits in basic motor abilities.
engages premotor cortex and basal ganglia to a significantly Evidence of dyspraxia in ASD suggests that alterations
greater degree than the performance of single responses (Chan, in frontoparietal circuitry involving premotor cortex, SMA,
Rao, Chen, Ye, & Zhang, 2006; Lecas, Requin, Anger, & Vitton, pre-SMA, posterior parietal cortices, and the inferior parietal
1986; Requin, Riehle, & Seal, 1988; Rosenbaum, 1980; Tanji & lobule negatively impact motor behavior in ASD. Frontoparietal
Kurata, 1985; Wise, 1985), while also integrating unique con- connections have not been adequately investigated with func-
nections with PFC, presupplementary motor area and parietal tional neuroimaging during tasks evaluating motor praxis, but
cortex (Grafton & Hamilton, 2007; Hamilton & Grafton, 2008; enlargement of inter-cortical white matter (indexed by MRI
Seal & Commenges, 1985). Sequence learning and voluntary segmentation of cerebral white matter; Herbert et al., 2003;
execution of motor sequences are organized at the neocortical Herbert et al., 2004) and minicolumnar abnormalities in ASD
level within the supplementary (SMA) and presupplemen- (including increased minicolumnar width and number, smaller
tary motor areas and the inferior parietal lobule (Bapi, neurons and nucleolar cross sections, and increased neuron
Miyapuram, Graydon, & Doya, 2006; Bischoff-Grethe, density; Casanova, 2004; Casanova, Buxhoeveden, Switala, &
Goedert, Willingham, & Grafton, 2004; Grafton et al., 2002). Roy, 2002; Casanova, van Kooten, Switala, van Engeland,
Premotor and posterior parietal cortex are engaged during the Heinsen, et al., 2006) suggest that corticocortical pathways
planning phase of complex action sequences (Johnson-Frey, necessary for complex cognitive processing (e.g., coordinated
Newman-Norlund, & Grafton, 2005; Kawashima et al., 1996; motor movements) are altered during development. Mostofsky,
Tunik, Rice, Hamilton, & Grafton, 2007) while the SMA is a Burgess, and Gidley Larson (2007) indicated that increased left
vital node for the final assembly of action elements into a motor and premotor cortical white matter volume was related
sequential motor plan (Gentilucci et al., 2000). Grafton and to soft neurological signs (including incoordination, immature
368 Autism Spectrum Disorders

reflexes, and poor perceptual or sensorimotor integration) in Postmovement cortical activity was largely intact for both
patients with ASD. Schmitz, Daly, and Murphy (2007) reported groups in this study. Hypotheses regarding a similarity between
reduced prefrontal parenchymal volumes associated with patients with Parkinson’s disease (who show characteristic
increased motor reaction time in patients with ASD. Examining pre- and postmovement cortical abnormalities; Cunnington,
neural circuits involved in praxis in individuals with ASD Iansek, Bradshaw, & Phillips, 1995) and ASD (Damasio et al.,
with functional neuroimaging is one critical next step for 1978; Vilensky et al., 1981) are thus informative but also
understanding neurophysiological mechanisms of dyspraxia limiting in that the pattern of frontostriatal dysfunction has
in this population. both similarities and differences in these disorders.

Minicolumn: A vertical column through the cortex com- Movement related potentials: Electrophysiological changes
prising 80–120 neurons (except in visual cortex) that is the in cortex leading up to voluntary muscle movement that
most basic organizational structure of neocortex. reflect the cortical contribution to the premotor planning of
Considerable variability in praxis ability exists among Studies of motor planning also indicate that dyspraxia is
individuals with ASD, both between individuals and within linked to core features of ASD. Dziuk and colleagues (2007)
individuals over time. Rinehart and colleagues (Rinehart, found that the level of dyspraxia in children with ASD was
Tonge, Bradshaw, Iansek, Enticott, & Johnson, 2006a) associated with their overall level of impairment in social,
reported that individuals with autism show greater variability communication, and repetitive behavior domains measured
in reaction time on a motor planning task relative to both an with the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS; Lord
Asperger’s group and a group of age-matched typically devel- et al., 2000). Similarly, Rogers and colleagues (2003) reported
oping controls. The authors further demonstrated that move- that children with ASD who were “weak imitators” (defined as
ment related potentials (MRP) thought to be associated with those performing below the mean level for age- and IQ-matched
SMA and motor cortical activity were less robust for patients developmentally delayed children on tasks of imitation of
with autism relative to healthy controls during premovement sequential motor actions) had greater overall symptomatology,
phases. Individuals with Asperger’s disorder showed less poorer social responsiveness, and weaknesses in fine motor
robust peak activity during movement planning, but none of skill relative to “strong imitators” with ASD. These studies
the comparisons between the Asperger’s group and controls suggest that either the core features of ASD result from a
reached statistical significance. In a related study, Rinehart shared neurological basis with dyspraxia (e.g., similar neural
and colleagues (Rinehart, Bradshaw, Brereton, & Tonge, 2002) alterations across different brain systems), or that impaired
observed protracted motor preparation times for individuals coordination of motor actions may contribute to the social
with autism as well as a failure to benefit from the predictability and communicative deficits observed in ASD as well as patterns
of stimulus sequences as reflected by an absence of differences of repetitive behavior. Clearly dyspraxia is not a stand-alone
between their reaction time to predictable versus unpredicta- cause of core features of ASD, as the majority of children with
ble cues. These patterns of abnormality were not observed for dyspraxia do not develop an ASD. However, evidence that
individuals with Asperger’s disorder (although it should be dyspraxia contributes to delayed development in oromotor
noted that the Asperger’s disorder group did show increased and imitation skills integral to language and social development
movement times that did not reach statistical significance). (Crary, Landess, & Towne, 1984; Dewey, Roy, Square-Storer,
These studies highlight two major insights: First, significant & Hayden, 1988; Stone, Ousley, & Littleford, 1997) and that
variability both among individuals with autism and between motor impairments precede or at least coincide with the
individuals with autism and Asperger’s disorder can be large emergence of core social and communication impairments in
with some measures, and this may explain some of the incon- ASD (Baranek, 1999; Bryson et al., 2007; Teitelbaum et al.,
sistencies in the literature on motor impairments in autism 1998) together suggest that dyspraxia may be one contributing
(e.g., Rogers et al., 2003 reported oromotor and action on factor to impairments that are core to the disorder (DeMyer,
object imitation impairments, but no differences between Hingtgen, & Jackson, 1981). Considerable development of the
children with autism and typically developing controls on neurobiological systems associated with motor coordination
manual gesture imitation tasks). Also, if the variability reduc- and complex motor behavior precede the development of
ing functions of corticocerebellar networks fail to effectively social and communication systems (Lawrence & Hopkins,
regulate motor output in ASD, it too may explain some differ- 1976; Simonds & Scheibel, 1989), consistent with the
ences within subjects in terms of the consistency of deficits hypothesis that early motor system dysfunction may have
observed on motor tasks. Second, evidence of dyspraxia in a downstream effects for developing social and communication
subset of individuals with autism likely reflects motor planning systems in ASD. Nonmotor brain systems have been shown to
dysfunction that typically relies on SMA connections with take on motor functions during childhood and adolescence in
PFC and the striatum. Individuals with Asperger’s disorder individuals with ASD (Muller et al., 2001; Takarae et al., 2007),
also showed reduced peak amplitude of movement related indicating that these regions may be developmentally compro-
potentials during the motor preparation phase, but this diff- mised in part because they are called on to provide ongoing
erence is not as robust as found for individuals with autism. compensation for deficits in motor skill and sequencing.
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 369

This is a novel and exciting hypothesis that may be important observation as well as the performance of motor acts—were
for understanding the sequential pattern of brain development first identified in studies of nonhuman primates (Di Pellegrino,
in individuals with ASD. Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, & Rizzolatti, 1992; Gallese, Fadiga,
Recent data on motor learning suggest that alternative Fogassi, & Rizzolatti, 1996; Rizzolatti et al., 1988). Subsequent
mechanisms may be used to adapt motor behavior to consistent human functional neuroimaging studies have indicated that
changes in external demands. Assessment of motor adaptation rostroventral motor cortex (Area F5) activation increases both
provides a useful clinical approach for evaluating the functional during the execution as well as the observation of hand and
integrity of the cerebellum (Werner, Bock, Gizewski, Schoch, mouth movements (Arbib, Billard, Iacoboni, & Oztop, 2000;
& Timmann, 2009; Xu-Wilson et al., 2009) and thus has been Fogassi et al., 2005; Grezes, Armony, Rowe, & Passingham,
investigated in several studies of ASD. Gidley-Larson and col- 2003; Kaplan & Iacoboni, 2006; Molnar-Szakacs, Kaplan,
leagues (2008) and Mostofsky and colleagues (2004) each Greenfield, & Iacoboni, 2006). Discrete clusters of mirror neu-
reported intact motor adaptation in ASD when either visual rons within the dorsal convexity and adjacent posterior bank
(Gidley-Larson study only) or proprioceptive feedback (both of the arcuate sulcus in the macaque monkey have been found
studies) was altered. In contrast, D’Cruz and colleagues (2008) to selectively respond during the voluntary production of
administered an intrasaccadic target displacement task known meaningful hand gestures as well as when these gestures are
to elicit saccade adaptation and found that individuals with observed while being performed by others (Fogassi et al.,
ASD demonstrated reduced adaptation relative to controls for 2005). However, the mirror quality of these neurons was evi-
rightward saccades, and increased adaptation for leftward dent only for meaningful movements with objects and not for
saccades compared to controls. Haswell and colleagues (2009) meaningful social or communicative gestures (Arbib et al.,
also reported disrupted motor generalization when subjects 2000; Buccino et al., 2004), suggesting that it is the observation
with ASD were required to rely on visual, as opposed to of intentional action related to manipulating objects rather
proprioceptive feedback. The authors examined the trajectories than the intentions or communicative meaning of the actor’s
of reaching movements while children with ASD and age- movements that is tied to the engagement of these neurons.
matched healthy controls moved a robotic arm toward a visual Mirror neuron characteristics also are observed within cell
target. During task trials, a perpendicular force was applied to clusters located in the lateral bank of the inferior parietal lobule
the robotic arm causing subjects to modify the trajectories of and in the superior temporal sulcus (Fogassi et al., 2005; Sakata,
their responses. Working in the left workspace, both groups of Taira, Murata, & Mine, 1995). Visual systems within the
subjects learned to make more direct paths toward the visual inferior parietal lobule and superior temporal sulcus show
target over trials. Two generalization conditions then were increased neuronal firing rates in the presence of an object
administered in the right workspace: (1) subjects made identi- even when an individual is instructed or cued not to act on the
cal joint rotations as compared to the learning trials; and object (Grafton et al., 2007). This mirror neuron system
(2) subjects made identical hand motions as the learning trials. activates in response to others’ meaningful actions on objects,
Therefore, condition 1 examined the generalization of learned putatively reflecting the learning and storage of motor actions
proprioceptive feedback in a different workspace, and condi- that guide response planning and execution regarding that
tion 2 examined the generalization of learned visual feedback class of objects (Jeannerod, Arbib, Rizzolatti, & Sakata, 1995;
in a different workspace. Children with ASD generalized learn- Jeannerod & Decety, 1995). This system allows an individual to
ing to the proprioceptive feedback condition, but not to the understand that an action sequence is taking place, differentiate
visual feedback condition. Children with ASD therefore may this action sequence from other actions, and use this informa-
show intact abilities to apply proprioceptive feedback during tion to guide subsequent motor behavior. Mirror neurons thus
motor learning, but they appear to be impaired when having may contribute to complex motor learning, planning, and
to rely on visual feedback to guide learned motor responses. execution. Because of their social features, interest in this
Interestingly, performance during the generalization of visual neuron population has been intense in the ASD community.
feedback was associated with social dysfunction in ASD, Deficits in the performance of overlearned motor sequences
suggesting that reduced skill in integrating visual feedback have been observed in ASD (Dziuk et al., 2007; Mostofsky
regarding motor performance may impact social development et al., 2006; Rogers et al., 1996; Vernazza-Martin et al., 2005),
in ASD. and hypoactivation in brain regions believed to have some
cells with mirror neuron properties has been documented in
functional MRI studies of individuals with ASD (Dapretto
Á et al., 2006; Martineau et al., 2008; Williams et al., 2006b).
Are Mirror Neurons Involved Findings from these studies suggest that imitation impair-
in Dyspraxia in ASD? ments in ASD may be related to alterations of mirror neuron
systems, and that mirror neuron disturbances may contribute
Additional insights into complex motor learning and planning to social interaction deficits and dyspraxia in ASD (Williams
can be gained by examining “mirror neuron systems,” the et al., 2004). However, research on skilled motor gestures
consideration of which recently has been popular in the ASD indicates that the errors made by individuals with ASD are not
literature. Mirror neurons—neurons responsive during the confined to social imitation but also are evident in response to
370 Autism Spectrum Disorders

explicit instructions and with tool-use (Mostofsky et al., 2006). prior to age 12 months in children later diagnosed with ASD,
Thus, despite the intuitive appeal of the idea, there is signifi- an emerging and consistent literature regarding motor abnor-
cant risk of overinterpreting available evidence to infer a direct malities within the first year of life suggests that this domain of
and pivotal role of mirror neuron disturbances in the social impairment may be detectable earlier. In two independent
features of ASD. studies of early development of infants later diagnosed with
ASD, Teitelbaum and colleagues (1998) and Bryson and
colleagues (2007) collectively identified motor dysfunction
Á prior to age 12 months in 24/26 infants studied. Teitelbaum
Motor Development in Infants and Young and colleagues (2004) reported similar findings for a sample of
Children with ASD infants later diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. While
Teitelbaum’s studies did not examine social or communica-
Examining the early development of motor systems in ASD may tion behaviors, Bryson and colleagues (2007) reported that
facilitate not only an earlier diagnosis, but also an understanding hallmark characteristics of ASD, including deficits in social
of behavioral and neurobiological phenotypes that will be reciprocity, eye contact, and social referencing, were largely
useful in genetic research. Studies of the infant siblings of absent at age 6 months despite motor impairment in 7 out of
children with ASD are providing exciting new clues into the 9 infants studied. Motor impairments included poor visual
early development of these disorders. Results suggest that, tracking, limited motor control when grasping or reaching for
overall, motor impairments are robust and prevalent across objects, and difficulty sitting independently. Additional motor
the majority of infants who go on to develop an ASD. Further, disturbances were observed at 12 and 18 months, including
evidence indicates that not only do motor symptoms appear abnormal, repetitive motor behaviors and odd posturing.
early, but they precede the onset of social and communication Interestingly, the two infants identified with ASD at age 3 years
features of ASD. who did not show motor abnormalities by age 6 months did,
Retrospective parent reports (Chawarska et al., 2007) and in fact, demonstrate motor impairments by age 12 months.
histological findings of pathology likely originating within the These infants also were the only two observed that were identi-
second trimester (Bauman et al., 1985) each have indicated fied as having ASD but who did not meet criteria on both the
that ASDs typically have a prenatal or early postnatal onset. Autism Diagnostic Inventory (Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur,
Still, ASDs seldom are diagnosed prior to age three years 1994) and ADOS. Although these studies collectively examined
(Mandell, Novak, & Zubritsky, 2005) suggesting that the only a small sample of children with ASD, results do suggest
emergence of symptoms often is not discernible until ages at that motor impairments are associated with ASD and may
which children typically achieve social and communication precede aberrant development in more complex cognitive
milestones and actively are engaged in peer interactions. The functions, including executive impairment, deficits in sociali-
discrepancy between presumed onset and identification of zation, and atypical communication development.
ASD is likely related to multiple factors, not the least of which These reports have significant implications for the early
is an absence of knowledge regarding infantile developmental identification of infants with ASD and for understanding
trajectories of affected individuals. There is an overarching pathophysiological mechanisms. In addition, this research
assumption that symptoms of ASD are present early in ontog- points to the importance of future studies examining the rela-
eny and that delays in obtaining formal diagnoses reflect a tionship between early emerging motor impairments and the
failure to recognize behavioral indicators or a failure to obtain altered development of complex cognitive processes involving
adequate resources to aid in the detection of these indicators. both social and communication skills in children with ASD.
However, this assumption has only inconsistently been sup- Elucidating the neurobiological basis of motor control deficits
ported by empirical evidence, and there may be variability in may help resolve several controversies about the timing of alter-
the onset of the pathophysiological and clinical presentation ation and specific pathophysiological mechanisms associated
that will prove informative. with the earliest manifestations of ASD.
Recent studies of infant siblings later identified with ASD
challenge the assumption that behavioral indicators are present
within the first 6 months of life. Studies of ASD infants’ Á
development within the first year of life have failed to detect Factors Associated
behavioral features of ASD prior to age 9–12 months (Landa, with Motor Deficits in ASD
Holman, & Garrett-Mayer, 2007; Osterling & Dawson, 1994;
Zwaigenbaum et al., 2005) suggesting that: (1) the core symp- Initial reports of motor abnormalities in ASD relied largely on
toms are not present early in ontogeny, (2) current methodology retrospective accounts of major developmental milestones,
is not sensitive enough to reliably measure core features, or (3) and suggested that motor impairments in ASD were confined
the early behavioral development of infants with ASD does not to early childhood gross motor abilities. Deviations in vestibu-
map cleanly onto the behavioral phenotype evident after the lar control, gross and fine motor skill, oculomotor processes,
first year of life. In contrast to the absence of consistent and complex motor learning and adaptation across develop-
evidence for social and nonverbal communication deficits ment are not yet well understood. The severity of disturbances
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 371

among individuals with ASD in gross motor and fine motor strategies for acquiring anatomical data, including morpho-
systems may diminish over the lifespan, but oculomotor metric and diffusion weighted imaging, may provide a basis
impairment and dyspraxia appear to persist throughout devel- for useful studies of brain-behavior linkages across the autism
opment (Freitag et al., 2007). Further, developmental failures spectrum and spectrum of cognitive ability. Additionally,
may cause some abnormalities of motor control, such as the studies of familial motor phenotypes may provide insights
neocortical/cognitive control of planned actions, to deviate into pathophysiological mechanisms relevant to severely
from normative trajectories so that greater differences can be impaired and less impaired individuals.
seen later rather than earlier in life. These observations have Demarcation of ASD subgroups has been attempted with
critical implications for understanding the developmental analysis of motor performance patterns. Initial reports
pathophysiology of ASD. provided inconsistent evidence for disproportionate motor
Currently available evidence suggests that dysfunction in impairments in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome relative
basic motor and sensorimotor circuits may be compensated to individuals with autism (Gillberg, 1989; Manjiviona & Prior,
for by the recruitment of alternative neural networks as 1995; Szatmari, Tuff, Finlayson, & Bartolucci, 1990). Motor
demonstrated in functional imaging studies of manual (Muller impairments in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome have
et al., 2001) and oculomotor (Takarae et al., 2007) systems in been documented for a range of motor skills (Lopata, Hamm,
patients with ASD. These compensations may mitigate basic Volker, & Sowinski, 2007; Sahlander, Mattsson, & Bejerot,
motor impairments, but consequently adversely affect devel- 2008), but few studies have found evidence for a dissociation
opments in more complex processes that rely on the between Asperger’s syndrome and autism on the basis of motor
“borrowed” higher-order systems. Elucidating the develop- functioning. Rinehart and colleagues (2002) reported that
mental neurobiology of ASD thus will require a mechanistic individuals with autism show lateralized delays in performing
approach in which the neural system characteristics of com- motor responses to visual-spatial cues presented to the right
ponent motor processes are investigated with longitudinal visual field consistent with left hemisphere underdevelopment.
functional and anatomical imaging studies. In contrast, individuals with Asperger’s syndrome did not
While there appear to be high rates of motor system show this pattern of motor delay but did show impaired motor
dysfunction in ASD, alterations of motor systems are of course preparation abilities as demonstrated by increased response
not specific to ASD and therefore are not specific diagnostic latencies to predictable targets. Studies have rarely compared
indicators. Thus, many of the motor problems in ASD may be Asperger’s syndrome and autism directly, but a few have found
sensitive but not specific markers for ASD—similar to other significant group differences (Ghaziuddin, Butler, Tsai, &
domains of deficit associated with the disorder when consid- Ghaziuddin, 1994; Manjiviona et al., 1995; Miller & Ozonoff,
ered in isolation. For example, Provost, Lopez, and Heimerl 2000) or disproportionate impairment in individuals with
(2007) reported gross and fine motor delays in children with autism (Gepner et al., 2002; Ghaziuddin & Butler, 1998).
ASD ages 21–41 months but also indicated that these deficits Gepner and Mestre (2002) reported poor postural stability and
were not disproportionate in children with ASD relative to postural adaptation to environmental motion in individuals
children with specific motor delays. Studies of oculomotor with autism relative to individuals with Asperger’s syndrome.
and praxis performance comparing individuals with ASD and Comparisons between these groups are difficult owing to the
cognitive impairment with age- and IQ-matched individuals inconsistency of Asperger’s syndrome diagnostic criteria
have not been performed, but are necessary for clarifying the applied across studies (Volkmar, 1999) and the tendency of
specificity of motor impairments to ASD phenotypes relative many studies to include small samples of each diagnostic group
to the cognitive delays often associated with these disorders. and consequently combine these samples. Studies directly
Impairments that are specific to the disorder are of especial comparing these subpopulations will need to utilize consist-
interest, especially those that have not been reported for other ent diagnostic classification criteria along with comprehen-
developmental or neuropsychiatric disorders studied. In this sive and more sensitive motor measures to thoroughly parse
regard, the observation of left-lateralized abnormalities on neurobehavioral profiles.
eye movement testing, for example reduced rightward open-
loop pursuit gain (Takarae et al., 2004a), has not been identi-
fied in other neuropsychiatric disorders with smooth pursuit Á
impairments, and this is a potentially important observation. Summary and Conclusions
Overreliance on proprioceptive relative to visual feedback
during motor adaptation also may be specific to ASD (Haswell The analysis of motor system deficits presents a unique
et al., 2009). Further, most neuroimaging studies of motor opportunity to study alterations in brain systems that cause
functions performed to date have not typically included cog- neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD. Motor abnor-
nitively impaired individuals with ASD, making it difficult to malities in ASD have their onset early in ontogeny and involve
generalize findings regarding the integrity of motor systems multiple widely distributed neurophysiological systems.
to a broader population of affected individuals. While the Several features unique to motor systems make them ideally
requirements of functional imaging studies often preclude the suited for the translational studies needed to link genetic
inclusion of severely cognitively impaired individuals, novel mechanisms to neurophysiological and cognitive substrates
372 Autism Spectrum Disorders

of ASD. Motor systems can be more reliably assessed than motor impairments may be among the earliest indicators of
many complex cognitive operations, and can be examined behavioral pathology, and thus they may be useful for identi-
from the first moments of postnatal life. This aspect allows fying high risk individuals for early intervention. Motor dis-
researchers to reliably detect early emerging motor impair- turbances also can be assessed across wide levels of cognitive
ments in infants with ASD and track these impairments over ability enabling the examination both of higher-functioning
time using quantitative objective laboratory procedures. individuals with ASD and individuals with ASD whose cogni-
Studies of infants later diagnosed with ASD indicate that tive abilities are in the impaired range. Finally, recent evidence

Table 22–2.
Motor system deficits and brain regions most directly implicated in neuroimaging
and neurobehavioral studies of ASD*

Temporoparietal Brain Stem

Frontal Lobe Basal Ganglia Cerebellum
Lobes Nuclei

Vestibular functions — Somatosensory — Spinocerebellum; Reticular

Poor balance cortex interposed nuclei formation
Poor postural control
Walking movements Primary motor — Substantia nigra; Spinocerebellum; —
Bradykinesia cortex striatum interposed nuclei
Variable stride rates
Poor balance
Writing and finger Dorsal premotor, Superior Striatum Anterior cerebellum —
movements supplementary temporal gyrus; (lobules V–VI); lateral
Dysgraphia motor and primary precuneus; cerebellum; inferior
Impaired grooved pegboard motor cortex inferior parietal vermis (lobule VIII);
performance lobule dentate nuclei
Saccades Frontal eye field; Parietal Caudate nucleus Vermis (lobules VI– PPRF; superior
Dysmetria supplementary eye eye field; Substantia nigra pars VII); fastigial nuclei colliculus
Increased amplitude field; DLPFC; inferior reticulata
variability anterior cingulate parietal lobule
Increased latencies cortex
Increased response
inhibition error rate
Memory guided saccade
Smooth pursuit Frontal, MT/V5 — Vermis (lobules VI– PPRF
Reduced rightward open- supplementary and VII); fastigial nuclei
loop gain parietal eye fields
Reduced closed-loop gain
Fixation — — — Vestibulocerebellum; Superior
Large amplitude square- vestibular nuclei colliculus
wave jerks Vermis
Reduced latency of (lobules VI-VII)
corrective saccades
Motor sequences/learning Inferior frontal Inferior parietal Striatum Lateral hemispheres; —
Dyspraxia gyrus; DLPFC; lobule; dentate nuclei; vermis
Impaired saccadic premotor, intraparietal (lobules VI–VII);
adaptation presupplementary sulcus; superior fastigial nuclei
Impaired manual motor, temporal sulcus
adaptation with visual supplementary
feedback motor and primary
motor cortices

* This is not an exhaustive list of brain regions involved in each aspect of motor behavior. Brain regions were included if they were identified in previous neuroimaging studies of
ASD or are directly implicated by neurobehavioral findings.
MT/V5: middle temporal area/visual cortical area 5; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; PPRF: paramedian pontine reticular formation.
Motor Functioning and Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders 373

indicates that motor disturbances are evident in the majority Á

of individuals with ASD and that these disturbances involve Challenges and Future Directions
multiple neurophysiological systems. Impairments in gross
motor, fine motor, oculomotor, and coordinated motor • Integrating converging findings on the profound and
sequencing skills implicating corticocortical, frontostriatal, diverse motor deficits and dyspraxia in ASD into the
and corticocerebellar circuitry dysfunction in individuals definitions of the disorder(s) that currently are under
with ASD all have been observed and they parallel findings of revision will be important for fully elucidating these
neuroanatomical and neurofunctional abnormalities. The disorders and parsing heterogeneity.
extent to which these neural systems are affected in parallel, • Longitudinal neurobehavioral and imaging studies of
or differentially in different individuals, remains to be fully the development of motor skills are needed. Existing evi-
clarified (Table 22-2). dence suggests that motor impairments are among the
Higher level cognitive functioning impairments are often earliest abnormalities to emerge in ASD development.
emphasized in the examination of ASD development, includ- Further, neuroimaging studies indicate that higher order
ing language skills, executive functions, and social processes, neural systems may compensate for motor neurocir-
but these are particularly difficult to characterize with the cuitry dysfunction in a way that may alter the maturation
mechanistic, neurobiologically informed approaches that are of those systems and contribute to higher-level cognitive
provided by motor and sensorimotor studies. For example, and social communication deficits.
although deficits in imitating observed gestures are robust and • Motor profiles may distinguish individuals with
consistently noted in individuals with ASD (see Williams et al., Asperger’s syndrome and individuals with autism, and
2004, for a review), the neural systems that enable individuals individuals with autism with and without language delay,
to implicitly learn, integrate, and execute the complex motor and thus may offer a focus for studies aimed at teasing
sequences inherent in motor praxis seldom have been system- apart subgroups of individuals with ASD in a neurobio-
atically assessed in studies of ASD. However, by studying dis- logically informed manner.
crete motor processes and their underlying neurobiology, • Identifying shared motor impairments in individu-
a clearer picture of the developmental neurophysiology of als with ASD and their unaffected first-degree relatives
ASD may be drawn and insights into brain-behavior could offer clues to pathophysiological mechanisms,
mechanisms that can be more closely linked to candidate indicate disrupted neural systems that cosegregate
genes are possible. A potential contributory role of motor within families, and provide direction for future genetic
system disturbances to the later emergence of social, language, research.
and cognitive deficits also can be evaluated. • Cerebellar pathology has been consistently reported in
ASDs are characterized by complex and diverse sets of ASD, but the functional impairments associated with
impairments. It is now recognized that single-factor models these abnormalities are poorly understood. In addition,
focusing on only one cognitive/behavioral process or brain the extent to which this pathology is attributed to a his-
region can not sufficiently account for the full constellation of tory of seizures has been questioned (Crooks, Mitchell, &
clinical disturbances in ASD that involve pathology across Thom, 2000; Whitney et al., 2008), suggesting that exam-
multiple levels of the neuroaxis. Motor disturbances tradition- ination of motor skills in individuals with ASD with a
ally have not been included in these unitary frameworks history of seizures should be investigated relative to those
because they are much less disabling features of the disorder without a history of seizures.
than communication and social deficits. However, motor
system research lends itself to translational studies, some of
which have been initiated and offer preliminary evidence con-
verging around gene-brain-behavior associations that provide Á SUGGESTED READINGS
a suitable model for investigating the neurobiology of motor
impairments in ASD. Evidence also exists suggesting that Blatt, G. J. (2005). GABAergic cerebellar system in autism: a neu-
motor profiles may distinguish individuals with Asperger’s ropathological and developmental perspective. International
syndrome and individuals with autism, and individuals with Review of Neurobiology, 71, 167–178.
autism with and without language delay, and thus may offer a Grafton, S. T., Hamilton, A. F., Gowen, E., & Miall, R. C. (2007).
focus for studies aimed at teasing apart subgroups of individu- Evidence for a distributed hierarchy of action representation in
the brain. Human Movement Science, 26, 590–616.
als with ASD in a neurobiologically informed manner that will
Nayate, A., Bradshaw, J. L., & Rinehart, N. J. (2005). Autism and
be useful as quantitative phenotypes for genetic research.
Asperger’s disorder: are they movement disorders involving the
Motor disturbances in ASD, therefore, require increased cerebellum and/or basal ganglia? Brain Research Bulletin, 67,
behavioral, neurobiological, and genetic research attention, 327–334.
and should be included in models characterizing the perva- Sweeney, J. A., Takarae, Y., Macmillan, C., Luna, B., & Minshew, N. J.
sive and complex behavioral impairments that characterize (2004). Eye movements in neurodevelopmental disorders. Current
ASD and related neurodevelopmental disorders. Opinion in Neurology, 17, 37–42.
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PICA territory. Experimental Brain Research, 201, 429–439.
23 Á Roberto Tuchman

Epilepsy and Electroencephalography

in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á of as the autisms (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007) and the

Points of Interest epilepsies (Reynolds & Rodin, 2009).
Throughout this chapter the term “autism spectrum disor-
• Epilepsy is approximately 10 to 30 times more prevalent ders” (ASD) is used to include children with autistic disorder,
in individuals with ASD than in the general population. Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not-Otherwise-Specified
• The prevalence of seizures and epileptiform activity is (PDD-NOS) and Asperger’s syndrome. In this chapter chil-
highest in children with ASD with moderate to severe dren with disintegrative disorder (DD) or Rett syndrome (RS)
intellectual disability. are discussed separately from those with autism. In DD and
• Frequent seizures and epileptiform activity in the first RS rates of seizures are significantly higher than in autism, and
3 years of life are a risk factor for developing ASD with both are associated with regression of skills.
intellectual disability.
• Children with both ASD and epilepsy have poor devel- Seizures are clinical events characterized by paroxysmal,
opmental outcomes, and epilepsy is a risk factor for early stereotyped, relatively brief interruptions of ongoing behavior,
mortality in ASD. associated with electrographic seizure patterns, and epilepsy
• ASD and epilepsy do not reflect singular entities with is operationally defined as two unprovoked seizures of any
uniform etiologies; there is no one single treatment or type (ILAE, 1981). Seizures are the most dramatic aspect of
treatment protocol for children with ASD and epilepsy; epilepsy, although recent definitions of epilepsy have empha-
rational pharmacotherapy requires an understanding of sized the neurologic, cognitive, psychological, and social
the shared neuronal networks, genetic and molecular consequences of this group of disorders (Fisher et al., 2005).
biological mechanisms that account for both ASD and
the epilepsies.
The term “subclinical” or “nonconvulsive” seizure is used to
• The best hope for improving developmental outcomes in
refer to electrographic patterns, without clinically recognizable
children with ASD and epilepsy is early recognition and
cognitive, behavioral, or motor functions or apparent
comprehensive treatment of both the ASD and epilepsy.
impairment of consciousness, and requires a concurrent EEG,
with behavioral testing for identification; however there is
significant controversy to what constitutes a seizure or an
Á interictal event, and this differentiation becomes increasingly
Autism Spectrum Disorders—Epilepsy: challenging in a child with complex behavioral manifestations
Definitions as occurs in ASD (Besag, 1995). “Interictal epileptiform
discharges” and “epileptiform activity” (both terms are used
Standardized classification systems for autism and epilepsy interchangeably) describe abnormal electroencephalogram
are essential, as both autism and epilepsy are heterogeneous (EEG) activity, specifically referring to spikes alone or
disorders with multiple etiologies (Tuchman, Cuccaro, & accompanied by a slow wave, occurring either singly or in
Alessandri, 2010a). An understanding of the terminology for bursts, and lasting at most 1 or 2 seconds (Chatrian et al., 1974).
both autism and epilepsy is crucial in the interpretation of This term is used to describe interictal paroxysmal activity,
research studies on the relationship of what are now conceived is not used to refer to seizure patterns, and the association of

382 Autism Spectrum Disorders

epileptiform activity with an epileptic disorder is variable on the specific risk factors for development of epilepsy in
(Worrell, Lagerlund, & Buchhalter, 2002). The terminology children with ASD (Tuchman, Rapin, & Shinnar, 1991) and
and standards used to determine epileptic activity, seizures, or explored the relationship of epilepsy and EEG findings to
epileptiform activity, in children with ASD has varied widely autistic regression (Tuchman & Rapin, 1997).
among studies (Kelley & Moshe, 2006). Recently studies have found that individuals with ASD and
epilepsy have poorer cognitive (lower IQ), adaptive, behavioral,
and social outcomes than those with ASD without epilepsy
Á (Hara, 2007; Turk et al., 2009). There is emerging evidence
Historical Perspective that the mortality in ASD may be twice as high as in the general
population with a significant percentage of the deaths being
Epilepsy has been associated with ASD since the initial associated or secondary to coexisting epilepsy (Billstedt &
description of the disorder by Leo Kanner in 1943 (Kanner, Gillberg, 2005; Gillberg, Billstedt, Sundh, & Gillberg, 2010;
1971). In the 1960s the first studies on the relationship of ASD Mouridsen, Bronnum-Hansen, Rich, & Isager, 2008). There
to epilepsy and to EEG abnormalities emerged (Creak & has also been recent interest in the effects of chronic seizure
Pampiglione, 1969; Hutt, Hutt, Lee, & Ounsted, 1965; Schain & disorders such as mesial temporal lobe epilepsy on deficits in
Yannet, 1960; White, Demyer, & Demyer, 1964). These studies higher-order social cognitive tasks in adults (Schacher et al.,
were among the first neurobiological studies to suggest that 2006; Walpole, Isaac, & Reynders, 2008). One study suggested
the behaviors of children with ASD were secondary to a that epilepsy is not part of the broader autism phenotype
disorder of brain function. (Mouridsen, Rich, & Isager, 2008), but how often ASD is part
In the early1970s a relationship between infantile spasms, of the broader epilepsy phenotype is not known. There is a
hypsarrhythmia, and ASD (Taft & Cohen, 1971) was first renewed interest in the relationship of ASD to epilepsy with a
described. A Finnish study in 1981 (Riikonen & Amnell, 1981) shift in focus to the molecular biology mechanisms common
confirmed the relationship between infantile spasms and ASD. to both ASD (Bourgeron, 2009) and the epilepsies (Rakhade &
Recent studies have found that up to 35% of children diagnosed Jensen, 2009).
with infantile spasms in the first year of life go on to develop
the ASD phenotype with associated intellectual disability (ID)
(Saemundsen, Ludvigsson, & Rafnsson, 2007). At the present Á
time we are just beginning to appreciate the high number of Epidemiology
children with epileptic encephalopathies who later go on to
develop the ASD phenotype and how often ASD coexists in Neither ASD nor epilepsy is a singular entity with uniform
children with epilepsy (Clarke et al., 2005). etiologies (Guerrini, 2006; Happe, Ronald, & Plomin, 2006).
In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was an interest in In children with ASD, cognitive and motor impairments, age
specific aspects of the relationship of ASD to epilepsy and of of epilepsy onset, severity of receptive language deficits, and
epilepsy and EEG abnormalities to language disorders. During genetic and molecular abnormalities are associated with an
this period the increased risk of seizures in autism at puberty increased prevalence of epilepsy (Tuchman, Moshe, & Rapin,
was highlighted (Deykin & MacMahon, 1979), the relationship 2009). In children with epilepsy, younger age at seizure onset,
of autism to tuberous sclerosis was recognized (Mansheim, cognitive impairment, temporal or frontal lobe onset of sei-
1979), and clinical researchers began to investigate the zures, and intractable epilepsy are associated with an increased
relationship of epilepsy and the EEG to language disorders likelihood of coexisting social-communication and behavioral
(Deonna, Beaumanoir, Gaillard, & Assal, 1977; Holmes, disorders (Hamiwka & Wirrell, 2009).
McKeever, & Saunders, 1981). At the present time, the neuro- The recognition of clinical seizures and the classification of
biological basis of the secondary peak of seizures during seizure type are difficult in the general population (Camfield &
adolescence in ASD is still not clear, tuberous sclerosis has Camfield, 2003), and in children with ASD the challenge of
become an important model to explore the neurobiological diagnosing and classifying seizures is even greater, secondary to
underpinnings of the association between ASD and epilepsy, their diverse behavioral manifestations (Tuchman & Rapin,
and the relationship of language regression, epilepsy, and EEG 2002). Studies on individuals with ASD have reported that all
abnormalities to ASD remains controversial. seizure types may be associated with autism (Tuchman & Rapin,
In the 1980s studies on autism-epilepsy investigated the 2002). In a group of 98 children with ASD, ages 6 to 13 years, all
differences in rates of epilepsy in different groups of children with intellectual disability, the predominant seizure types in
with ASD (Olsson, Steffenburg, & Gillberg, 1988). During this order of frequency were generalized tonic-clonic, myoclonic,
time standardized criteria for ASD (Lord et al., 1989) and atypical absences, and partial complex seizures (Steffenburg,
advances in the classification of the epilepsies (ILAE, 1981) Hagberg, & Kyllerman, 1996). In addition this found that
emerged; both of these advances had a positive scientific children who only had partial complex seizure types were less
impact on the study of ASD-epilepsy. By the 1990s the rela- likely to have other evidence of brain damage such as severe
tionship between ASD and epilepsy had been established intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, or visual impairments as
(Volkmar & Nelson, 1990). During the 1990s studies focused contrasted to those with generalized epilepsies.
Epilepsy and Electroencephalography in Autism Spectrum Disorders 383

Epilepsy moderate intellectual disability (Danielsson, Gillberg, Billstedt,

Gillberg, & Olsson, 2005). This latter study did not find the
The prevalence of epilepsy in ASD is highly variable and secondary peak of epilepsy and found the highest risk of epi-
depends on the cohort studied, with rates ranging from 5% to lepsy in the first year of life. They did find that greater than
46% (Spence & Schneider, 2009). The reported rates of epilepsy 10% of individuals in their study developed epilepsy after age
in ASD are several-fold higher than the 0.5% to 1% prevalence 18 years. They also pointed out that in their study they included
of epilepsy in the general population (Hauser, Annegers, & individuals with ASD and epilepsy with congenital or acquired
Kurland, 1993). However, the prevalence of epilepsy in ASD is disorders, such as individuals with tuberous sclerosis and Rett
similar to prevalence of epilepsy in a population of children syndrome. This would bias their study to finding a younger
with intellectual disability, with the highest rates of seizures in age of seizures, as this is a different population than that in
those with severe cognitive impairments (Goulden, Shinnar, other studies that have found a secondary peak (Giovanardi
Koller, Katz, & Richardson, 1991; Murphy, Trevathan, & Rossi et al., 2000). The suggestion here is that the secondary
Yeargin-Allsopp, 1995; Steffenburg et al., 1996; Steffenburg, peak is found among those with ASD and intellectual disability
Hagberg, Viggedal, & Kyllerman, 1995). There is a paucity of without a known etiology.
information on how often ASD is found in children with epi- One intriguing study has found that during the decades of
lepsy, although in a study conducted in a tertiary epilepsy clinic, adulthood the prevalence of epilepsy in mental retardation
approximately 30% of children with epilepsy screened positive and in cerebral palsy declines, while the prevalence of epilepsy
for ASD (Clarke et al., 2005) and approximately 7% of children in individuals with Down syndrome and ASD increases during
with seizures in the first year of life develop ASD (Saemundsen, this same period of time (McDermott et al., 2005). In contrast,
Ludvigsson, Hilmarsdottir, & Rafnsson, 2007). in Rett syndrome the severity of epilepsy tends to decrease
Studies suggest that there are two peaks of seizure onset in with age with lower seizure frequency and less severe seizures
autism—one in early childhood and one in adolescence as these girls approach adulthood (Steffenburg, Hagberg, &
(Volkmar & Nelson, 1990). Studies that include younger chil- Hagberg, 2001). These findings suggest that the observed
dren with autism, that is, prior to adolescence, have in general second peak of seizure onset in adolescence and increasing
a prevalence rate of less than 10% (Fattal-Valevski et al., 1999; prevalence of epilepsy into adulthood is secondary to an ongo-
Hoshino et al., 1987; Voigt et al., 2000). In studies that include ing pathological process in individuals with ASD (Deykin &
a high number of adolescents and adults with autism, the rates MacMahon, 1979; Hara, 2007), although clearly more research
of seizures reported are higher than 30% (Giovanardi Rossi, in this area is needed.
Posar, & Parmeggiani, 2000; Kawasaki, Yokota, Shinomiya, One of the most consistent findings on the coexistence of
Shimizu, & Niwa, 1997). In those that include a mixture of ASD and epilepsy is that intellectual disability is a significant
infants, children, adolescents, and adults the prevalence of risk factor for the development of epilepsy in ASD (Amiet
epilepsy is 10% to 20% (Kobayashi & Murata, 1998; Tuchman & et al., 2008) and that the highest rates of seizures are observed
Rapin, 1997; Tuchman et al., 1991). in those with the most severe intellectual disability (Pavone
It is not uncommon for children who go on to develop ASD et al., 2004). The role of intellectual disability as a primary risk
to have seizures in the first year of life, with one study of 246 factor for the development of epilepsy in children with ASD
children with ASD ages 4 to 15 years reporting that 80% had was highlighted in the early 1990s in a study of a cohort of 314
their seizure onset in the first year of life (Wong, 1993). Studies children with ASD and 237 children with language disorder
suggest that the prevalence of autism is highest among children without ASD, evaluated over a 30-year period (Tuchman
whose seizures started around age 2 years or earlier and those et al., 1991). The major risk factor for epilepsy identified in
with low cognitive level (Clarke et al., 2005) and that approxi- this study was severe intellectual disability, and this risk was
mately 7% of children with epilepsy whose seizure onset is in heightened in the presence of severe intellectual disability with
the first year of life go on to develop ASD with intellectual dis- a motor deficit. In contrast, epilepsy occurred in 6% of chil-
ability (Saemundsen, Ludvigsson, Hilmarsdottir, et al., 2007). dren in the ASD group that was negative for severe intellectual
Children with autism who have a history of epilepsy at an early disability, motor deficit, associated perinatal or medical disor-
age likely reflect a subgroup that is associated with more sig- der, or a positive family history of epilepsy. The prevalence of
nificant insults to the developing brain. Seizures in the first year epilepsy in this group was similar to the 8% of language-impaired
of life are a risk factor for ASD, and may reflect the role of early non-ASD children with the highest risk of epilepsy, regardless
insults to the developing brain, genetic or environmental. of whether they had ASD, or language impairment without
The secondary peak in seizure onset during adolescence ASD in those with the most severe receptive language disorder
and adulthood, although possibly unique to children with (Tuchman, et al., 1991). This study also found a statistically
ASD as compared to other developmental disabilities, is not significant higher percentage of epilepsy in girls with ASD
well understood. In a prospective population-based study (24%) compared to boys with ASD (11%), which was attrib-
of adolescents and adults with epilepsy and ASD ages 18 to uted to the increased prevalence of cognitive and motor deficit
38 years, all with moderate to severe mental retardation, in girls. In addition, this found a high risk for developing sei-
almost 50% of those with severe intellectual disability had epi- zures in the first 5 years of life and that infantile spasms were
lepsy by early adult life as compared to 20% of those with overrepresented in ASD. A follow-up of this cohort of children
384 Autism Spectrum Disorders

into adulthood confirmed previous finding of a secondary All of the reports on EEG findings in children with ASD are
peak of seizure onset during adolescence (Ballaban-Gil, Rapin, retrospective reviews of clinical populations and are flawed
Tuchman, Freeman, & Shinnar, 1991). secondary to selection bias. The studies with the highest rates
In summary, best estimate of the prevalence on epilepsy in of epileptiform activity are those from child neurologists who
ASD is 8% in ASD without intellectual disability and 20% in are being referred children with ASD for the evaluation of sei-
ASD with intellectual disability (Amiet et al., 2008). Sample zures. In addition, the technology used, such as ambulatory
ascertainment and associated medical disorders contribute to EEG, may be prone to artifacts that may be falsely interpreted
the wide range of prevalence rates found in studies on epilepsy as epileptiform (Jayakar, Patrick, Sill, Shwedyk, & Seshia,
in ASD (Spence & Schneider, 2009; Tuchman et al., 2009). 1985). Furthermore an overnight sleep EEG study of healthy
Variables such as early brain pathology and degree of intellec- adults found that 13% had epileptiform activity (Beun, van
tual disability are strong contributors to the risk of developing Emde Boas, & Dekker, 1998), and how often epileptiform
epilepsy in ASD. There are two peaks of seizure onset one occur- activity is present in overnight sleep EEG of infants, children,
ring prior to age 5 years and one occurring into adolescence and and adolescents is not known. Therefore the practical impact
adulthood. Studies on the prevalence of epilepsy in ASD clearly and relative value of epileptiform activity in children with
indicate that the highest prevalence of epilepsy, regardless of age ASD both from a prognostic and treatment perspective is not
or gender, is in individuals with ASD and ID (Elia, Musumeci, known (Baird, Robinson, Boyd, & Charman, 2006).
Ferri, & Bergonzi, 1995; Mouridsen, Rich, & Isager, 2000; Rossi, In summary, the prevalence of epileptiform activity in ASD
Parmeggiani, Bach, Santucci, & Visconti, 1995). without seizures is dependent on the type of EEG study done,
the length of the EEG recording, methodology specific to col-
EEG Abnormalities lecting and interpretation of EEGs, and the specific popula-
tion of children with ASD being studied. The significance of
Studies on the prevalence of epileptiform activity in individuals epileptiform activity in children with ASD without epilepsy
with ASD and no clinical history of seizures range from 6% to and with or without regression is not known. There is much to
31% (Kagan-Kushnir, Roberts, & Snead, 2005), although rates be learned regarding the relationship of epilepsy and epilepti-
as high as 60% have been reported (Chez et al., 2006). Despite form activity to ASD. There is emerging evidence that seizures
documentation of the higher prevalence of epileptiform activity and frequent epileptiform activity can negatively impact the
in ASD compared to the 1.5 to 4% rate of epileptiform activity developmental trajectory and life of individuals with ASD. In
in the general population (Capdevila, Dayyat, Kheirandish- addition, in rare instances an epileptic process could be caus-
Gozal, & Gozal, 2008; Cavazzuti, Cappella, & Nalin, 1980), ally related to communication deficits or sociocognitive dys-
there is significant controversy regarding the specificity of these function manifesting as behaviors that overlap with the ASD
findings to the ASD phenotype. For example in ADHD without phenotype (Deonna & Roulet, 2006).
epilepsy, epileptiform activity occurs in 6% to 30% of children
(Hughes, DeLeo, & Melyn, 2000; Kaufmann, Goldberg-Stern, &
Shuper, 2009; Richer, Shevell, & Rosenblatt, 2002), which is Á
remarkably similar to the prevalence of epileptiform activity in Autistic Regression
children with ASD without seizures. The suggestion is that the and Epileptic Encephalopathy
high prevalence of epileptiform activity is secondary to the
neuropathological processes common to neurodevelopmental Autistic Regression
disorders. However, there is emerging evidence that epilepti-
form activity can, independently of seizures or the underlying Regression associated with ASD is usually related to the loss of
brain pathology, contribute to specific cognitive dysfunction only a few words but is accompanied by the loss of nonverbal
(Sengoku, Kanazawa, Kawai, & Yamaguchi, 1990; Shewmon & communication skills and occurs in approximately 30% of
Erwin, 1988) and, when it occurs early in brain development, children with autism (Goldberg et al., 2003; Lord, Shulman, &
can cause acute and long-lasting impairment of brain function DiLavore, 2004; Luyster et al., 2005; Werner & Dawson, 2005).
and neurodevelopment (Galanopoulou & Moshe, 2009; The language and social regression that occurs in a subgroup
Holmes & Lenck-Santini, 2006). of children with ASD has been termed “autistic regression.”
The term “transient cognitive impairment” is used to Autistic regression may be superimposed on prior abnormal
describe individuals with epileptiform EEG discharges in development and occurs prior to age 3 years and in most
association with a momentary disruption of adaptive cerebral instances prior to age 2 years (Baird et al., 2008).
function (Aarts, Binnie, Smit, & Wilkins, 1984; Binnie, 2003). Children with ASD and late-onset autistic and cognitive
The controversy is whether treating this group of children in regression that can include motor regression and loss of bowel
the absence of seizures is justifiable (Binnie, 2003; Pressler, and bladder use, usually occurring after age 3, are classified
Robinson, Wilson, & Binnie, 2005). Despite the higher under the subgroup of childhood disintegrative disorder
prevalence of epileptic activity in ASD, there is a lack of evidence (Burd, Fisher, & Kerbeshian, 1989; Mouridsen, Rich, & Isager,
that treatment of the interictal epileptiform discharges has a 1999; Rapin, 1995; Rogers, 2004; Volkmar, 1992). The
positive impact on language, social, cognitive, or behavioral prevalence of epilepsy in childhood disintegrative disorder has
outcomes (Tharp, 2004; Tuchman, 2004). been reported to be as high as 77% (Mouridsen et al., 2000),
Epilepsy and Electroencephalography in Autism Spectrum Disorders 385

and EEG abnormalities are significantly more common in the syndrome, and Landau-Kleffner syndrome–continuous spike-
histories of those with disintegrative disorder than those with waves during slow-wave sleep (Engel, 2001).
infantile autism (Kurita, Kita, & Miyake, 1992). Children with As a group the epileptic encephalopathies are commonly
childhood disintegrative disorder regress at a later age than associated with poor developmental outcomes and many of
children with ASD, have loss of more than just language and the children affected develop an ASD phenotype (Tuchman
social skills, have significant cognitive impairment, and have a et al., 2009). A common epileptic encephalopathy that has
higher rate of seizures than children with ASD, including those been associated with ASD is infantile spasms, an age-specific
with mental retardation and regression. epilepsy syndrome with a peak age of presentation between
The other disorder under the ASD umbrella with a rate of 4 to 8 months of age (Zupanc, 2009). The prevalence of autism
seizures compatible with disintegrative disorder is Rett syn- spectrum disorders is as high as 35% depending on the sever-
drome (Steffenburg et al., 2001). Rett and disintegrative disor- ity of intellectual disability (Saemundsen, Ludvigsson, &
der are both associated with regression and severe mental Rafnsson, 2007), with a heightened risk of ASD in the pres-
retardation. To what extent the high rate of seizures in this ence of identifiable structural lesions of the brain (Saemundsen,
group is secondary to the severe degree of cognitive impair- Ludvigsson, & Rafnsson, 2008).
ment present in both Rett and disintegrative disorder or what A controversial example of an epileptic encephalopathy
influence other specific variables such as metabolic or molecu- that can overlap and sometimes be confused with other condi-
lar factors, i.e., the role of MECP2, have in the development of tions, as in children with language regression and an epilepti-
seizures, remains unknown. form EEG, is Landau-Kleffner syndrome, an acquired aphasia
Since the early descriptions of regression in ASD, there has in association with an epileptiform EEG with spikes, sharp
been a suggestion that the subgroup of children with autistic waves, or spike and wave discharges that are usually bilateral
regression have a higher rate of epilepsy (Hoshino et al., 1987; and occur predominantly over the temporal regions (Landau &
Kurita, 1985). Some studies have found no differences in his- Kleffner, 1998). On a continuum with Landau- Kleffner syn-
tory of autistic regression in ASD children with epileptiform drome is continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep, an
EEGs and epilepsy versus ASD children with a normal EEG epileptic encephalopathy associated with the EEG pattern of
and no epilepsy (Canitano, Luchetti, & Zappella, 2005; Hara, electrical status epileptics during slow-wave sleep, various sei-
2007). Contrary to results showing no relationship of regres- zure types, and with cognitive, motor, and behavioral distur-
sion to epilepsy in autism, one study found that autistic bances (Tassinari, Cantalupo, Rios-Pohl, Giustina, & Rubboli,
regression was more frequent in children with ASD and epi- 2009). Continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep and
lepsy versus those with ASD and no epilepsy (Hrdlicka et al., Landau-Kleffner syndrome are sleep-related epileptic enceph-
2004). Giannotti et al. (2008) also found that epilepsy was alopathies with common clinical features including seizures,
more likely to occur in children with autistic regression. This
latter study also found that children with autistic regression
had more disrupted sleep than those with ASD without
regression. Box 23–1

Dravet syndrome is a genetically determined infantile epileptic

Epileptic Encephalopathy
encephalopathy mainly caused by de novo mutations in the
SCN1A gene (Scheffer, Zhang, Jansen, & Dibbens, 2009).
The relationship of regression of language and epileptiform
Progressive decline or plateau in development occurs by
EEG abnormalities that occurs in a subgroup of children with
1 to 4 years of age, with intellectual disability and an autism
ASD has been compared to children who have an epileptic phenotype commonly present especially in those with greater
encephalopathy. than five seizures per month (Wolff, Casse-Perrot, & Dravet,
2006). There is emerging evidence that vaccine encephalopathy,
“Epileptic encephalopathy” is a conceptual term that captures characterized by the appearance of seizures and regression in
infants following vaccination, may be secondary to SCNA1 gene
the emerging evidence that epileptic activity, seizures, or
mutations, suggesting that vaccine encephalopathy could in fact
interictal epileptiform discharges, can lead to cognitive and be a genetically determined epileptic encephalopathy (Berkovic
behavioral impairment above and beyond what might be et al., 2006). Whether these findings have relevance to the
expected from the underlying pathology (Berg et al., 2009). controversy of vaccine encephalopathy and ASD (Berg, 2007),
especially in those children with autistic regression and seizures
Approximately 40% of all epilepsies that start in the first 3 years or an epileptiform EEG, is not known. A susceptibility locus for
ASD has been reported on chromosome 2 in the vicinity of the
of life are characterized as epileptic encephalopathies (Guerrini,
epilepsy-involved genes SCN1A and SCN2A (Weiss et al., 2003);
2006), and the most common and recognized epilepsy how often SCNA1 mutations are present in children with
syndromes associated with developmental stagnation or autistic regression and epilepsy may be an instructive research
regression in cognitive and behavioral skills include: severe question with implications to the larger vaccine and ASD
myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome, see Box debate.
23-1), infantile spasms (West syndrome), Lennox-Gastaut
386 Autism Spectrum Disorders

regression, and epileptiform abnormalities that are activated children with ASD or epilepsy. An understanding of the shared
by sleep (Nickels & Wirrell, 2008). In continuous spike-waves neuronal networks, genetic and molecular biological mecha-
during slow-wave sleep there is a regression in global skills, nisms that account for both ASD and the epilepsies is emerging
while in Landau-Kleffner syndrome the primary clinical and essential to rational pharmacotherapy, but our knowledge is
manifestation is a regression of language. far from complete (Tuchman et al., 2009). The heterogeneity of
Landau-Kleffner syndrome can be differentiated from clinical symptoms in children with ASD highlights the impor-
children with autistic regression and an epileptiform EEG or tance of a comprehensive assessment that includes investigation
seizures based on variables such as age of onset of regression of underlying biological etiologies as well assessment of cogni-
(age less than 3 years for autistic regression versus greater that 3 tive, language, affective, social, and behavioral function prior to
years of age for Landau-Kleffner syndrome), type of regression initiating treatment and throughout the intervention process.
(primarily language in Landau-Kleffner syndrome), and sleep- Conditions common to both epilepsy and ASD as separate
related EEG findings, with more frequent epileptiform activity disorders challenge both diagnostic and therapeutic strategies,
on the EEG, activated in sleep in Landau-Kleffner (McVicar, when both disorders co-occur in the same child. Of importance
Ballaban-Gil, Rapin, Moshe, & Shinnar, 2005; Shinnar et al., is not missing treatable causes such as metabolic disorders,
2001; Tuchman, 2009). The clinical differences between which may account for both the epilepsy and ASD (Zecavati &
Landau-Kleffner syndrome and autistic regression with epi- Spence, 2009). In addition, disorders of mitochondrial func-
lepsy or an epileptiform EEG suggests that they are overlapping tion, which may be more common than appreciated among
but distinct phenotypes with potentially different etiologies children with childhood epilepsies, including a number of the
and pathophysiology, as well as developmental outcomes. epileptic syndromes associated with ASD, should be considered
In summary, there are many unanswered questions as potential etiologies (Lee et al., 2008).
regarding autistic regression and its relationship to epilepsy The view of pharmacotherapy in epilepsy has evolved from
and epileptiform activity on the EEG. Clinical reports suggest the treatment of seizures to include targeting improvement in
that children with epileptic encephalopathies are at high risk cognitive symptoms, mood, and psychiatric disorders
for developing ASD (Tuchman, 2006). There are also reports (Devinsky, 2003). The psychotropic mechanism of action of
of children with early-onset seizures and autistic regression several antiepileptic drugs is now well established, and there are
(Deonna, Roulet-Perez, Chappuis, & Ziegler, 2007; Deonna, several reviews that attempt to place this within the context of
Ziegler, Moura-Serra, & Innocenti, 1993; Humphrey, Neville, treating children with ASD and epilepsy (Di Martino &
Clarke, & Bolton, 2006; Neville et al., 1997), however the Tuchman, 2001; Ettinger, 2006; Ettinger & Argoff, 2007).
contribution that epileptiform activity has in the development Nevertheless, at the present time there are no randomized con-
of autistic regression is not presently understood. Nevertheless, trolled trials or large clinical studies that have looked closely at
the epileptic encephalopathy model suggests that in the the effects of these anticonvulsants in well-defined populations
absence of seizures, an EEG needs to be considered when there of children with ASD and epilepsy to guide a clinician in the
is clinically significant loss of social and communicative func- treatment of a child with ASD and epilepsy. As such, the stand-
tions and there is a clinical suspicion that epilepsy or that epi- ard of care in children with both ASD and epilepsy is no differ-
leptiform activity may be contributing to the regression ent from treatment of seizures in other children with epilepsy
(Filipek et al., 2000). If abnormal electrical activity is found in without autism (Gillberg, 1991; Tuchman & Rapin, 2002).
a child with ASD with or without seizures, the interpretation Antiepileptic drugs are administered widely to children
and potential treatment needs to be based on the type, location, with ASD with and without epilepsy (Aman, Lam, & Collier-
and frequency of the epileptiform activity within the clinical Crespin, 2003), and one of the most commonly reported med-
context of that individual child (Trevathan, 2005). There will ications used in the treatment of ASD and epilepsy is valproic
be rare children with ASD and markedly abnormal sleep EEG acid. Several clinical reports of the use of valproic acid in
suggestive of a sleep-related epileptic encephalopathy (Scheffer, children with ASD with or without clinical seizures but with
Parry-Fielder, Mullen, & Saunders, 2006). However there is a epileptiform abnormalities on the EEG report overall behav-
lack of clinical signs and biomarkers that can presently guide a ioral improvement (Childs & Blair, 1997; Nass & Petrucha,
clinician to provide evidence-based guidelines for performing 1990; Plioplys, 1994). An open trial in 14 individuals using
an EEG in children with ASD with or without regression divalproex sodium found improvement in core symptoms
(Kagan-Kushnir, Roberts, & Snead, 2005). Finally, in the child of ASD and the associated affective instability, impulsivity,
with autistic regression with epilepsy or frequent epileptiform and aggression, only in those children with autism and an
activity, a work-up for metabolic and mitochondrial disorders abnormal EEG or seizure history (Hollander, Dolgoff-Kaspar,
should be strongly considered (Shoffner et al., 2009). Cartwright, Rawitt, & Novotny, 2001). Hollander and col-
leagues reported the use of valproic acid in repetitive behav-
Treatments of Epilepsy and the EEG in ASD iors in repetitive compulsive behaviors and found improvement
(Hollander et al., 2006), suggesting that valproic acid has a
ASD and epilepsy do not reflect singular entities with uniform wide effect on numerous behaviors, as do other anticonvulsants,
etiologies (Guerrini, 2006; Happe et al., 2006), and it follows and highlighting the limitations on our knowledge of the
that there is no one single treatment or treatment protocol for mechanisms and specificity of this group of medications.
Epilepsy and Electroencephalography in Autism Spectrum Disorders 387

A study of 50 children with intractable epilepsy measured Seyfried, 2009; Park, 2003; Warwick, Griffith, Reyes, Legesse, &
the effects of lamotrigine, an antiepileptic drug with a benefi- Evans, 2007). In children with ASD with and without intracta-
cial psychotropic profile, on 13 children with autism. Eight of ble seizures that have undergone epilepsy surgery, there are
these children showed a decrease in “autism symptoms” with- reports of transient behavioral improvements; however core
out a concomitant decrease in seizures, suggesting a specific deficits in social communication functioning remain, as do
benefit of lamotrigine in ASD (Uvebrant & Bauziene, 1994). other affective and social emotional issues, despite improve-
In a subsequent double-blind placebo control trial of lamot- ment in seizure control (Lewine et al., 1999; Nass, Gross,
rigine in 28 children with autism without seizures, no signifi- Wisoff, & Devinsky, 1999; Neville et al., 1997; Szabo et al.,
cant benefit was found on the Autism Behavior Checklist, the 1999; Taylor, Neville, & Cross, 1999). In addition, intellectual
Aberrant Behavior Checklist, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior capacity influences response to intervention in children with
scales, the PL-ADOS, or the CARS; nevertheless, parents ASD and epilepsy, and current medical and surgical interven-
reported a beneficial effect of lamotrigine (Belsito, Law, Kirk, tions do not appear to dramatically alter intellectual ability
Landa, & Zimmerman, 2001). Clinical experience suggests (Danielsson et al., 2009).
that picking anticonvulsants with favorable psychotropic At present we are just beginning to understand the
effects in children with autism and epilepsy is important. The mechanisms of epileptogenesis (Rakhade & Jensen, 2009) and
problem is that generally small numbers of children limit the the risks, risk processes, symptom emergence, and adaptation
power of the studies, and these samples cannot be considered leading to impairments in the normal trajectory of sociocom-
representative of all children with ASD and epilepsy (Garcia- municative development and to ASD (Dawson, 2008). There
Penas, 2005; Pellock, 2004). The findings of whether antiepi- is some emerging evidence that early and successful treatment
leptic drugs have positive psychotropic effects on children of seizures and interictal epileptiform activity may be crucial
with ASD with or without epilepsy are equivocal. For example, to positive neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with
in an open-label study of levetiracetam in 10 children with epileptic encephalopathies (Arts & Geerts, 2009; Bombardieri,
ASD without epilepsy, positive effects were noted on measures Pinci, Moavero, Cerminara, & Curatolo, 2010; Freitag &
of hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood instability, and aggression Tuxhorn, 2005; Jonas et al., 2005; Lux et al., 2005) and that
(Rugino & Samsock, 2002). However, a second study of leveti- early treatment of children at risk for ASD may prevent the
racetam in 20 children with ASD and no seizures found no full-blown syndrome from developing (Dawson, 2008).
positive effects on behavior (Wasserman et al., 2006). However there is still significant controversy and uncertainty
Some clinicians have used the strategies recommended for regarding treatment approaches for children with ASD and
the management of children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome in epilepsy or those with autistic regression and an epileptiform
children with autistic regression and an epileptiform EEG with EEG (Deonna & Roulet, 2006).
or without clinical seizures. Therapy in Landau-Kleffner syn- An emerging approach to the development of therapeutic
drome has been the subject of numerous case reports or short agents specific to the ASD-epilepsy phenotype is based on our
series that have reported poorly documented improvements in understanding of common mechanisms for ASD and epilepsy
language in response to anticonvulsants, especially valproate, such as abnormalities of synaptic structure in ASD (Garber,
ethosuximide, and the benzodiazepines (Marescaux et al., 2007) and epilepsy (Caleo, 2009; Lado & Moshe, 2008). For
1990). There are other positive reports of improvement with example, in Rett syndrome abnormalities in synapse formation
ACTH, steroids, or immunoglobulins (Lagae, Silberstein, and modulation contribute to a higher rate of seizures,
Gillis, & Casaer, 1998; Mikati, Lepejian, & Holmes, 2002; Prasad, epileptiform activity, and to the ASD phenotype (Glaze, 2004;
Stafstrom, & Holmes, 1996, Tsuru, 2000). Despite these reports, Zoghbi, 2003). Other mechanisms that can lead to both ASD
and because of the limited data documenting the specifics of and epilepsy are abnormalities in the genetic calcium channel
language improvement, the role that these therapies have in signals, which are also involved in regulatory pathways and in
autistic regression with an epileptiform EEG but without fre- energy metabolism (Gargus, 2009). In addition, genetic disor-
quent seizures is controversial. In addition, as emphasized ear- ders such as Angelman’s syndrome, where epilepsy and ASD
lier, the clinical phenotype of autistic regression is not the same commonly coexist (Dan, 2009), and animal models such as
as that of Landau-Kleffner syndrome, and recommendations Pten mouse, where conditional deletion of Pten is associated
for treatments in children with autistic regression and epilepti- with abnormalities in circadian rhythms, seizures, and social
form EEGs without epilepsy should not be extrapolated from interaction deficits (Ogawa et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2009), allow
treatments used in an epileptic encephalopathy. Furthermore in for the investigation of common mechanisms and potential
children with ASD it is rare to find the same frequency of epilep- targets for therapeutic drugs for individuals with ASD and epi-
tiform activity or intractability of epilepsy as is found in lepsy. A prototype clinical disorder that allows for investigation
children with an epileptic encephalopathy. of the complex interrelationship between genetics, seizures,
Other potential interventions that have been used in brain pathology, and the development of cognitive impair-
epilepsy, such as vagal nerve stimulation and the ketogenic ments and ASD is the tuberous sclerosis complex (Box 23-2).
diet, have been tried in children with both epilepsy and ASD In summary, the clinical heterogeneity, numerous coexist-
with mixed results (Danielsson, Viggedal, Gillberg, & Olsson, ing conditions found in both ASD and epilepsy, and our limited
2008; Evangeliou et al., 2003; Mantis, Fritz, Marsh, Heinrichs, & understanding of the pathophysiology of the ASD-epilepsy
388 Autism Spectrum Disorders

behavioral, educational, medical, and surgical interventions

Box 23–2 (Tuchman, Cuccaro, & Alessandri, 2010b). Treatment of the
Tuberous sclerosis complex and ASD-epilepsy seizures follows the standards of epilepsy management and is
phenotypes: common mechanisms and treatment clearly indicated in all children with ASD with epilepsy, but
when and how to treat epileptiform activity in the absence of
Tuberous sclerosis complex is a neurological disorder commonly
seizures is not known.
associated with ASD, epilepsy, and cognitive impairments
(Napolioni, Moavero, & Curatolo, 2009). Tuberous sclerosis,
which occurs in about 1 in 6000 live births, is an autosomal
dominant disorder, although up to 60% of affected children Á
carry spontaneous mutations of one of two different genes Conclusion
causing the disorder, TSC2 and TSC1 (Curatolo, 2003). In
tuberous sclerosis temporal lobe epileptiform discharges, a
The wide range of co-occurrence of seizures and epileptic
history of infantile spasms, and onset of seizures in the first 3
activity is dependent on multiple variables that include age,
years of life appear to be risk factors for development of ASD
(Bolton, 2004). There is also a suggestion that the proportion of presence of genetic syndrome or underlying brain pathology,
the total brain volume occupied by tubers and age at seizure and degree of intellectual disability. The best estimate of the
onset are the best predictors of cognitive function in individuals prevalence on epilepsy in ASD is 8% in ASD without
with tuberous sclerosis (Jansen et al., 2008), and that prolonged significant intellectual disability and 20% in ASD with intel-
duration of infantile spasms, longer delays prior to initiation of lectual disability. The prevalence of epileptiform activity in
treatment of the infantile spasms, and poor seizure control after individuals with ASD and no clinical history of seizures is
cessation of infantile spasms are risk factors for development of approximately 6% to 30% and is dependent on the type of
intellectual disability in tuberous sclerosis complex (Goh, EEG study done, the length of the EEG recording, methodol-
Kwiatkowski, Dorer, & Thiele, 2005). In addition, seizures ogy specific to collecting and interpretation of EEGs, and the
unresponsive to treatment and tuberous sclerosis complex 2
specific population of children with ASD being studied. The
mutations are associated with poor cognitive outcomes
prevalence of epilepsy and of epileptiform activity is signifi-
(Winterkorn, Pulsifer, & Thiele, 2007). Tuberous sclerosis
complex has become an informative model to investigate cantly higher, greater than 50%, in those with severe intel-
molecular mechanisms and potential treatments for the lectual disability, genetic syndromes, and other associated
ASD-epilepsy phenotype (Crino, 2008). In the mouse model brain pathology.
of tuberous sclerosis, treatment with the mTor inhibitor An emerging consensus is that shared genetic and molecu-
rapamycin has been reported to prevent epilepsy and reverse lar mechanisms account for the common co-occurrence of
learning deficits (Ehninger et al., 2008; Meikle et al., 2008; Zeng, ASD and epilepsy. In the overwhelming majority of children
Xu, Gutmann, & Wong, 2008). A recent report of rapamycin with ASD neither the epilepsy nor the epileptiform activity is
reducing seizures in a child with tuberous sclerosis complex frequent or intractable. ASD is a common developmental out-
raises the intriguing question of the clinical use of rapamycin come of the early-onset epilepsies, such as the epileptic
for epilepsy, especially in children with an epileptic
encephalopathies. The contribution of epileptic activity to
encephalopathy that are at high risk of developing ASD (Muncy,
Butler, & Koenig, 2009).
brain development, and specifically to the language and socio-
cognitive dysfunction characteristic of ASD, remains inade-
quately studied and poorly understood. In children with
epileptic encephalopathies the contribution of the seizures
and epileptiform activity to brain development may in and of
phenotypes have challenged our ability to find effective
itself account for lower intellectual ability, adaptive function,
treatments for individuals with epilepsy and ASD. In addition,
and an ASD phenotype. This has important implications for
a lack of clear clinical and biological markers to measure
treatment, as early and successful treatment of seizures and
effectiveness, particularly developmental outcomes, hinders
epileptiform activity is more likely to be associated with good
study design. The few studies that have been conducted have
neurodevelopmental outcomes.
included small numbers of children, are based on short periods
of observation, rely on incomplete diagnostic measures of either
ASD or epilepsy, and measure efficacy in a limited fashion.
The importance of a comprehensive approach to treatment, Á
especially in the early-onset epilepsies, is that if the epileptic Challenges and Future Directions
activity interfering with the normal trajectory of development
is eliminated, then intensive, frequent, and structured inter- • Defining the clinical and biological determinants that
vention may allow for the plasticity of the brain, now unbur- account for the phenotypic convergence of ASD and epi-
dened of the epileptic activity, to overcome the language, lepsy with lowered cognitive profiles, motor impairments,
social, and cognitive deficits associated with ASD. There attention difficulties, hyperactivity, and mood problems.
are no studies in individuals with ASD and epilepsy that • Identification of ASD-epilepsy phenotypes, defined by
use a comprehensive approach to treatment, incorporating common clinical and biological criteria, such as those
Epilepsy and Electroencephalography in Autism Spectrum Disorders 389

with early- versus late-onset seizures, facilitating the Ballaban-Gil, K., Rapin, I., Tuchman, R., Freeman, K., & Shinnar, S.
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(2001). Lamotrigine therapy for autistic disorder: a random-
those at high risk for development outcomes associated
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Autism
with the ASD phenotype by characterizing subgroups
and Developmental Disorders, 31(2), 175–181.
based on etiology and brain pathology, as well as by Berg, A. (2007). Vaccines, encephalopathies, and mutations. Epilepsy
seizure type, frequency, and EEG characteristics. Currents, 7(2), 40–42.
• Investigating the biological significance of interictal Berg, A., Berkovic, S., Brodie, M. J., Buchhalter, J. R., Cross, H.,
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with shared clinical features of ASD-epilepsy pheno- Zuberi, S. M., Wirrell, E. C., et al. (2006). De-novo mutations
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types, allowing for identification of common molecular
opathy: a retrospective study. Lancet Neurology, 5(6), 488–492.
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24 Á Paula Goines, Andrew Zimmerman, Paul Ashwood, Judy Van de Water

The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy,

and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á populations (Ashwood & Van de Water, 2004; Silva, Correia,

Points of Interest et al., 2004; Croen, Grether, et al., 2005; Ashwood, Wills, et al.,
2006; Cabanlit, Wills, et al., 2007). The nature of the connection
• The immune system is complex and dynamic. It bal- between behavior and the immune system in autism is the
ances between defending the body from invaders and current focus of several exciting new studies. While the clinical
minimizing harmful overreactions to self-tissues and significance of immune related findings in autism is unclear, it
innocuous agents. provides a valuable opportunity to understand the underlying
• Extensive reciprocal interactions exist between the biology of the disorder, and may lead to future therapies. The
immune and nervous systems. Activity in one system is following is a discussion of the complex relationship between
capable of modifying the activity of the other. immune dysfunction and ASD. An overview of this relationship
• Several genes that have been linked to autism spectrum is depicted in Figure 24-1.
disorders have immunological significance.
• Individuals with autism and their family members have
an increased incidence of immune system anomalies Á
compared to the general population. Immunity, Autoimmunity, and Allergy
• Gestational exposure to brain-directed antibodies or var-
ious immune stimulants may be involved in some cases Immune System 101
of autism.
• The exact mechanisms underlying the immunological The immune system is intricately linked to every organ system
observations in autism remain ambiguous, and are an in the body, where it demonstrates great versatility and spe-
active area of investigation. cialization in different locations. For example, immune activ-
ity in the bacteria-filled gastrointestinal tract is very different
from that found in the sterile blood stream. The lymphatic
system is the major conduit for immune components.
Á Reminiscent of the circulatory system, the lymphatics consist
Introduction of a clear fluid called “lymph” mixed with an array of immune
cells. Lymph and cells drain from tissues throughout the body,
For three decades, immune anomalies have been described in and filter through local lymph nodes, where more selective
subjects with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their immune responses are initiated.
family members. Examples include signs of inflammation in The immune system is made up of “innate” and “adaptive”
the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (Vargas, Nascimbene, et al., branches. The innate branch is the first line of bodily defense. It
2005) and gastrointestinal tract (Ashwood, Anthony, et al., responds rapidly and nonspecifically to injury or infection by
2004), as well as differences in both the humoral and cellular recognizing the telltale signs of danger. Cells such as neutrophils
immune systems, (reviewed in Pardo, Vargas, et al., 2005; and macrophages engulf pathogens, and secrete immune-stim-
Ashwood, Wills, et al., 2006). In addition, autoimmune and ulating species like cytokines, chemokines, and reactive oxygen
allergy-associated disorders appear more frequently in ASD species. Dendritic cells are antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that
subjects and their families compared to “neurotypical” control serve as the link between the innate and adaptive systems by

396 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Spectrum autoimmunity inflammation
Disorders infection allergy

Disrupted Disrupted Immune

Neurodevelopment Development/Function
disease, antigen
exposure, toxin, IL-1
etc) IL-12

ASD Subject Factors

Antibodies to Altered Peripheral
Fetal Brain Cytokine Profiles
Maternal Immune
autoimmunity allergy

inflammation Environment infection

disease, antigen
exposure, toxin,

Figure 24–1. An overview of the relationship between immune dysfunction and autism spectrum disorders.

stimulating B and T cells under specific conditions. Natural

killer (NK) cells are specialized members of the innate immune Autoimmunity
system that respond rapidly to viral infections and tumors by
In order for the immune system to identify and destroy unwanted
secreting cytokines and cytolytic molecules. These cells have
assailants, it must be able to distinguish between self-tissues and
additional importance in stimulating the adaptive immune
foreign invaders. The innate immune system achieves this by
system, maintaining pregnancy, and regulating autoimmune targeting features that are common among various pathogens,
reactions (Perricone, Perricone, et al., 2008). Additional innate but are absent in host tissues. The adaptive immune system
immune cells include mast cells, eosinophils, and basophils. recognizes more specific features, and depends on a complex
Under normal conditions, such cells are important in defense signaling network to discriminate between appropriate targets,
against parasites, though they are more often associated with self-tissues, and innocuous agents. Under normal circumstances,
allergy/asthma in developed countries. adaptive immune cells directed toward self-tissues are eliminated
When the innate branch of the immune system cannot or regulated to prevent harmful immune reactions. However, if
resolve the threat, the adaptive branch is called into action. The these cells persist and the identification or regulatory systems
adaptive immune system is dominated by highly specialized B break down, the adaptive immune system may become activated
to target the body’s own tissues. This phenomenon is called
and T cells that focus the response on specific components of
“autoimmunity,” and is observed in diseases like systemic lupus
the invading agents, known as “antigens.” When activated, B
erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
cells make targeted, antigen-specific antibodies, while T cells A major weapon used by the immune system to protect the
carry out antigen-specific helper and cytotoxic functions. With body is a group of proteins called “antibodies.” Produced by
the continuing aid of the innate immune system, B and T cells highly specialized “B cells,” antibodies protect the body by flagging
orchestrate the elimination of the foreign antigens. unwanted invaders for destruction and removal. In autoimmune
disorders, antibodies are directed toward the body itself. Self-
Autoimmunity and Allergy-Misfiring directed antibodies are called “autoantibodies.” T cells are
of Adaptive Immunity additional members of the adaptive immune system that become
involved in autoimmunity. They help to facilitate immune
A healthy immune system must be poised for attack against reactions by activating B cells and directing various innate cells to
carry out specific immune-related tasks. Autoreactive T cells
harmful pathogens. Simultaneously, it must be tolerant of
encourage destructive immune reactions against self-tissues, and
harmless agents, since unnecessary immune responses can
are key players in autoimmune processes.
be destructive and energy depleting. Immune tolerance is
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 397

Third, the bony cranium limits space for expansion of the

Allergy brain due to the edema (swelling) that accompanies inflam-
mation. Finally, neurons (nerve cells) were thought to lack
Each day the body is exposed to far more harmless agents than
expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mol-
pathogens. The immune system is therefore poised to distinguish
ecules, which are required for recognition by T cells. Despite
between innocuous and harmful environmental entities that
are inhaled or ingested. Occasionally, the immune system these issues, it has become clear that the immune system does
mistakenly targets harmless environmental species, which are in fact interface with the CNS in many ways (Carson, Doose,
known as allergens. Some common allergens include dust mite et al., 2006). Overly exuberant systemic immune responses are
antigen, pet dander, pollen, and peanuts. Adaptive immune restricted from the CNS through a combination of limited
cells can become activated to respond when the body encounters access and local immune suppression. The former is accom-
these allergens, and mount increasingly exuberant responses plished through an intact “blood-brain barrier,” which under
upon subsequent exposures. Symptoms of allergic reactions normal circumstances prevents the passage of most immune
vary, ranging from mild irritation to severe anaphylactic shock components. Local immune suppression and activation are
and death. achieved through the actions of local CNS cells such as astro-
Allergic responses usually include a specific subset of
cytes and microglia. These cells have immune functions
antibodies known as Immunoglobulin E, or IgE. Levels of IgE
including phagocytosis, cytokine secretion, and T cell activat-
are often elevated among highly allergic individuals. IgE
molecules target specific allergens, and help stimulate effector ing capacity (Nelson, Soma, et al., 2002; Raivich, 2005; Bailey,
cells including mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. Upon Carpentier, et al., 2006). They are additionally far more immu-
activation, these cells rapidly secrete immune stimulating nosuppressive than their counterparts in the body periphery
factors, including histamine, which increase vasodilation and a (Nelson, Soma, et al., 2002).
rapid propagation of the immune response.
Neuroimmune Networks

The old dogma of CNS immune privilege has faded further as

enabled by deletion and/or suppression of B and T cells that growing evidence suggests that the immune and nervous sys-
target self-tissues or innocuous environmental antigens. tems are actually highly interconnected. Complex interactions
Autoimmune disease occurs when self-antigen specific B and T between the CNS and immune system begin early in develop-
cells are activated to attack host tissues. For example, multi- ment and continue throughout life (Haddad, Saade, et al., 2002;
ple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition where spe- Steinman, 2004; Wrona, 2006; Bauer, Kerr, et al., 2007). Immune
cific B and T cells destroy the myelin sheaths that insulate system factors such as MHC I, cytokines, and chemokines are
nerve axons. In contrast, allergy describes the activation of B important during several stages of neurodevelopment.
and T cells that target harmless environmental agents like Additionally, they are involved in CNS plasticity, functioning,
pollen, peanuts, or pet dander. The resulting hypersensitivity and maintenance. Likewise, several proteins associated with the
ranges from annoying, as is the case of allergic rhinitis, to nervous system, such as neuropeptides, have a broad range of
potentially fatal in the case of severe asthma or anaphylaxis. suppressive and activating effects on the development and
Autoimmune and allergic diseases are each examples of a function of the immune system, including the innervation of
misdirected immune response with potentially severe patho- immune organs such as the lymph nodes and spleen (Rothwell,
logical consequences for the host. Luheshi, et al., 1996; Mehler & Kessler, 1998; Huh, Boulanger,
et al., 2000; Biber, Zuurman, et al., 2002; Mignini, Streccioni,
et al., 2003; Marques-Deak, Cizza, et al., 2005). A carefully
Á established equilibrium and timing of immune and neural
Immunity, Behavior, and the Central parameters is vital for normal development and functioning of
Nervous System each system. An insult to either system during a critical devel-
opmental stage may have life-long effects, such as changes in
Central Nervous System (CNS) receptor distribution and/or number, as well as modifications
Immune Privilege in neuropeptide, cytokine, hormone, and neurotransmitter
release (Merlot, Couret, et al., 2008) (Figure 24-2).
Historically, the central nervous system (CNS, brain and spinal The adaptive immune system also has an important role in
cord) was thought to be sequestered from the body’s peripheral several CNS processes. T cell trafficking into the CNS is well
immune system (Bailey, Carpentier, et al., 2006; Carson, Doose, characterized (Engelhardt & Ransohoff, 2005). Once in the
et al., 2006). This was accepted for several reasons. First, the brain, T cells aid in the repair of CNS injuries, (Hammarberg,
CNS lacks obvious lymphatic drainage. It was therefore Lidman, et al., 2000; Kipnis, Yoles, et al., 2001; Kerschensteiner,
thought that immune cells did not come into contact with Stadelmann, et al., 2003), and are required for neurogenesis in
components from the brain or spinal cord. Second, neurons the adult brain (Kipnis, Cohen, et al., 2004; Ziv, Ron, et al.,
have extremely low regenerative capacity, so damaging immune 2006). Studies using immunodeficient mice have demon-
reactions within the CNS can destroy vital neural networks. strated the importance of adaptive immunity in learning
398 Autism Spectrum Disorders

GABA(A)-R receptors

receptor 5-HT T-Cell
ACTH receptor
IL-10, and IL-15 receptor receptor receptor
ACTH Glutamate
Serotonin receptor Monocyte/
Cytokine ACh Macrophage
receptors ACh
Opioid receptor
Glutamate receptor
receptor IL-1, IL-6
and TNF-α


Dendritic Cell

Figure 24–2. Cross-talk between the immune and central nervous systems. Intercommunication between the cells of the immune and
nervous systems is possible on several levels. Neurons, microglia, and astrocytes can produce various cytokines and express cytokine receptors.
This enables them to direct immune cells as well as respond to various immunological stimuli. In turn, cells of the immune system are able
to secrete various neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, and express receptors for many of these molecules. This allows immune cells to
impact neural processes and respond to neural stimuli. These mechanisms permit extensive cross-talk between the immune system and neural
systems. Illustration by Milo Careaga. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

(Kipnis, Cohen, et al., 2004; Brynskikh, Warren, et al., 2008). SLE, recipient mice demonstrated cognitive impairments.
SCID mice (severe combined immuno deficient, having no B Further, brain histopathology revealed that the transferred
or T cells) have reduced cognitive function compared to human antibodies caused apoptotic neuronal death in the hip-
immunocompetent controls. Immunodeficient mice have dif- pocampus (Kowal, DeGiorgio, et al., 2004). Elevated
ficulties with learning a new task, and take longer than control levels of circulating autoantibodies to nervous system compo-
mice to adjust to changes in previously acquired tasks. It is nents have been reported in a number of psychiatric disorders
currently unclear whether T cells interact with neurons directly including ASD (discussed in detail below), schizophrenia,
or indirectly through soluble immune mediators called obsessive-compulsive disorder, pediatric autoimmune neu-
cytokines, or whether similar phenomena occur in humans. ropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection
(PANDAS), and Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome (TS) (Pandey,
Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Behavior Gupta, et al., 1981; Kiessling, Marcotte, et al., 1994;
Rothermundt, Arolt, et al., 2001; Perrin, Murphy, et al., 2004;
There is evidence that certain autoimmune disorders can have Jones, Mowry, et al., 2005; Huerta, Kowal, et al., 2006; Yeh, Wu,
behavioral and psychological consequences. This has been et al., 2006). While brain-directed antibodies are clearly
explored in recent studies of patients with systemic lupus observed in many CNS disorders, their clinical relevance
erythematosus (SLE) accompanied by neuropsychiatric is uncertain because they are also found in some unaffected
symptoms (Diamond, Kowal, et al., 2006). Antibodies toward control subjects.
double stranded DNA isolated from the serum of In addition to the capability of the immune system to affect
neuropsychiatric SLE patients were found to cross-react with brain function through autoimmune mechanisms, there is
the NMDA receptor for the neurotransmitter glutamate evidence that the CNS directly affects the inflammatory
(Diamond, Kowal, et al., 2006; Huerta, Kowal, et al., 2006). The response. This has been observed in the autoimmune disorder
neuropathogenic significance of these autoantibodies was rheumatoid arthritis. For example, Boyle et al. demonstrated
established in a murine model. Following lipopolysaccharide that selective inhibition of spinal cord p38 MAP kinase in rats
(LPS) administration (to breach the integrity of the blood- with adjuvant arthritis markedly decreased paw swelling, syn-
brain barrier) and passive transfer of serum from patients with ovial inflammation, and joint destruction (Boyle, Jones, et al.,
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 399

2006). The data from this study suggest that peripheral inflam- 25
mation is “sensed” by the CNS, which subsequently activates
stress-induced kinases in the spinal cord via a mechanism 20

Total IgG mg/mL

involving the inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Intracellular
p38 MAP kinase signaling processes this information and 15
profoundly modulates the somatic inflammatory response.
While the pathophysiology of allergic and immune 10
mediated–disorders such as asthma is fairly well understood,
little is known about the influence of such disorders on brain 5
activity and behavior. Costa-Pinto et al. (2005) described the
neurobehavioral correlates of food allergy using an experi- 0
mental murine model with high levels of IgE. They demon- Autism ASD Typical Delayed
N=105 N=24 N=96 N=32
strated that mice allergic to ovalbumin (OVA) have increased
activity in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
(PVN) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). Both of Figure 24–3. Relationship between ASD diagnosis and
these CNS areas are commonly associated with emotionality- immunoglobulin levels.
related behavioral responses following a single intra-nasal
challenge with OVA. Further, using a classical passive avoid-
ance test, with OVA aerosol as the aversive stimulus, the
authors noted that allergic mice avoided entering the dark Lymphocytes and antibody (IgG) were absent from the brain
compartment of the apparatus that had been previously asso- tissue, and accumulation of perivascular macrophages and
ciated with an aerosol spray of the allergen, in contrast to the monocytes was noted, which may be indicative of innate (as
nonallergic controls (Costa-Pinto, Basso, et al., 2005). These opposed to adaptive) immune activation. The sample size
data suggest that through activation of specific brain regions, (n = 11) in this study was limited by the availability of post-
there is a modification of behavior after only one challenge mortem tissue and may not be representative of the entire
with an allergen in a highly sensitized mouse model. ASD spectrum, but did include patients over a wide range of
ages and clinical symptoms. The studies by Vargas et al.
(2005) have not yet been replicated, and additional CNS
Á immunopathologies may exist. Two animal models have
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Immunity demonstrated similar immune activation (“neuroinflamma-
tion”) in brain, along with behavioral changes in the off-
Immune Dysregulation in Subjects with ASD spring, following: (1) administration of terbutaline (a beta-2
adrenergic agonist) to neonatal rat pups (Zerrate, Pletnikov,
Emerging evidence suggests that the immune system may play et al., 2007); and (2) gestational administration in mice of
a role in the etiology of behavioral disorders like autism antibodies to fetal brain from mothers of children with ASD
(reviewed in Ashwood, Wills, et al., 2006). Subjects with ASD (Singer et al., 2008).
demonstrate skewed immune activity compared to neurotypi-
cal populations. Some irregularities include decreased num- Cytokines and ASD
bers of B and T cells, reduced lymphocyte responses to
stimulation (Stubbs & Crawford, 1977; Warren, Cole, et al., Recent evidence suggests a correlation between the pluripo-
1990; Plioplys, Greaves, et al., 1994), increased numbers of tent cytokine TGF-β and ASD (Okada, Hashimoto, et al.,
monocytes (Sweeten, Posey, et al., 2003), skewed cytokine 2007; Ashwood, Enstrom, et al., 2008). TGF-β has diverse
profiles (Sweeten, Posey, et al., 2003; Molloy, Morrow, et al., roles in development, cell migration, apoptosis, and immune
2006), and abnormal immunoglobulin levels (Croonenberghs, regulation (Letterio & Roberts, 1998). Additionally, this
Wauters, et al., 2002; Trajkovski, Ajdinski, et al., 2004; Heuer, cytokine may play a role in CNS development, protection,
2008; Table 24-1; Figure 24-3). and function (Gomes, Sousa Vde, et al., 2005). Two inde-
Vargas et al. reported findings of an ongoing immune pendent studies demonstrated low serum levels of TGF-β in
response in the postmortem brain of patients with ASD individuals with ASD. Okada et al. reported their findings
(Vargas, Nascimbene, et al., 2005). Brain regions especially using ELISA among a group of adults with ASD compared to
affected included the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. age-matched controls (Okada, Hashimoto, et al., 2007).
Microglial and astroglial cells were found to be immunologi- Similar data were reported by Ashwood et al. in an extensively
cally activated based on cell appearance and morphology. characterized group of 143 2- to 4-year-old children with
Additionally, altered glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) ASD. Decreased TGF-β was found in ASD subjects compared
staining and cytokine profiles were found in brain tissue to both neurotypical and non-ASD developmentally delayed
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from subjects with ASD. controls (Ashwood, Enstrom, et al., 2008). Further, TGF-β
Table 24–1.
Evidence of altered immune function in subjects with autism
Study Description Reference

Altered Immunoglobulin Levels in Autism Serum IgG, IgG2, and IgG4 levels were higher in autism subjects than in normal controls. There was a (Croonenberghs,
Subjects correlation found between behavioral problems, total serum protein, and serum gamma globulin. Wauters, et al., 2002)
Increased plasma IgG1, IgG4, and IgM in 35 autistic subjects compared to their siblings. No unrelated healthy (Trajkovski, Ajdinski,
controls were included. et al., 2004)
Decreased total plasma IgG and IgM in a large group of ASD subjects compared to age matched (Heuer, 2008)
developmentally delayed and healthy controls. Ig levels correlated with behavior, such that subjects with the most
severe behavioral scores had the lowest Ig levels.
Young children with autism were found to have significantly higher levels of IgG4 compared with age-matched (Enstrom, Krakowiak,
typically developing and developmentally delayed control subjects. et al., 2008)
Altered Cytokine Circulatory Cytokine Profiles Plasma levels of several cytokines were measured in small group of autistic patients and age-matched normal (Singh, 1996)
and Inflammatory controls ranging in age. The levels of IL-12 and IFN-gamma were significantly higher in autism subjects.
Profiles in Autism Increased neopterin in peripheral blood of autism subjects compared to age and (Sweeten, Posey, et al.,
Subjects gender matched controls. 2003)
Decreased serum TGF-B in small groups of ASD subjects compared to matched (Okada, Hashimoto,
healthy controls. et al., 2007)
Decreased plasma TGF-B in large group of ASD children compared to matched (Ashwood, Enstrom,
typically developing controls. et al., 2008)
Increased plasma Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in large group of ASD subjects compared to (Grigorenko, Han,
controls. Lower MIF correlated with worse behavior, MIF gene polymorphisms also associated with ASD. et al., 2008)
Large group of ASD subjects, especially those with the regressive version of the disorder had increased levels of (Ashwood, Kwong,
plasma leptin compared to age-matched typically developing, mentally retarded, and sibling controls et al., 2008)
Tissue/Cellular Cytokine Intracellular cytokines were measured by FACS in blood from ASD subjects compared to healthy controls. (Gupta, Aggarwal,
Expression Proportions Th1 and IFN-g+ cytotoxic cells were lower in autistic children, while Th2 and IL-4+ cytotoxic T et al., 1998)
cells were increased in autism compared to healthy controls.
Mucosal lymphocyte cytokine phenotypes in ASD subjects and neurotypical controls with and without (Ashwood, Anthony,
gastrointestinal symptoms. ASD subjects had more lymphocyte infiltration and pro-inflammatory T cells et al., 2004)
(IFN-g+ or TNF-a+), and fewer regulatory (IL-10+) T cells than controls.
Postmortem brain inflammation in ASD subjects demonstrated by increased MCP-1, TGF-B, and activated (Vargas, Nascimbene,
microglia/astroglia. Increased MCP-1 in cerebrospinal fluid from live ASD subjects compared to controls. et al., 2005)
Cytokine Expression in Cell Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a large group of ASD subjects produced more TNF-a, IL-1B, and IL-6 (Jyonouchi, Sun, et al.,
Culture in the absence of stimulation, and after stimulation with LPS, PHA, tetanus, IL-12, and IL-18 compared to cells 2001)
from normal siblings and healthy controls.
Unstimulated whole blood cultures from a small group of ASD subjects showed increased production of IFN-g (Croonenberghs,
and IL-1RA compared to healthy controls. A trend towards higher IL-6 and TNF-a was also observed. Bosmans, et al., 2002)
Cytokine production by PBMCs stimulated with LPS or dietary proteins in a group of ASD subjects compared to (Jyonouchi, Sun, et al.,
siblings and healthy controls. ASD cells produced high levels of IFN-g and TNF-a compared to controls. 2002)
Cytokine production by PBMCs stimulated with dietary proteins was compared between a large group of ASD (Jyonouchi, Geng,
subjects with and without GI symptoms and healthy controls. ASD subjects with GI symptoms made more et al., 2005)
TNF-a and IL-12 after stimulation with milk proteins.
Increased production of both Th1 and Th2 cytokines by PBMCs from 20 ASD children compared to matched (Molloy, Morrow,
controls. et al., 2006)
Altered Cellular Functional NK cell Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 31 autism subjects and no controls were tested for cytotoxic (Warren, Foster,
Immunity in Differences Activity potential. Cells from 12 subjects had reduced cytotoxicity, which was not due to lower NK cell numbers. et al., 1987)
Autism Subjects NK cells from a large group of ASD subjects and healthy controls were compared. RNA expression of NK cell (Enstrom, Lit, et al.,
receptors and effector molecules was increased in ASD, as was production of perforin, granzyme B, and IFN- 2008)
gamma under resting conditions. Functional characterization showed reduced NK cell cytotoxicity, and
production of perforin, granzyme B, and IFN-gamma after stimulation compared to controls.
NK cell activity in peripheral blood was compared between a large group of ASD subjects and healthy controls. (Vojdani, Mumper,
ASD subjects demonstrated reduced NK cell activity compared to controls. Authors suggest that low et al., 2008)
intracellular glutathione levels may be in part responsible.
PBMC Decreased lymphocyte proliferation with PHA stimulation in 12 ASD children compared to (Stubbs and
Activity normal controls. Crawford, 1977)
Cellular response to human myelin basic protein in blood from a small group of autistic subjects and mentally (Weizman, Weizman,
disabled controls was analyzed using a macrophage migration inhibition factor test. Several autism subjects and et al., 1982)
no controls had a cell-mediated immune response to brain tissue.
Phenotypic Monocytes Increased numbers of monocytes in peripheral blood of ASD subjects compared to age- and sex-matched (Sweeten, Posey,
or controls. et al., 2003)
Quantitative Peripheral 36 autism subjects were shown to have reduced numbers of peripheral blood lymphocytes, CD2+ T cells, CD4+ (Warren, Yonk, et al.,
Differences Blood T cells, and CD4+CD45RA+ lymphocytes in circulation compared to healthy age-matched subjects. 1990)
Lymphocytes Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 25 autistic subjects were characterized by FACS. Autistic subjects had fewer (Yonk, Warren, et al.,
total lymphocytes, CD4+, and CD20+ cells compared to siblings and healthy control subjects. 1990)
Characterization of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 17 autism subjects, 8 Rett syndrome subjects, and no (Plioplys, Greaves,
healthy controls. All had normal B and T cell numbers. Some autism subjects had abnormal CD4:CD8 ratios, et al., 1994)
and more incompletely activated T cells (IL-2R negative non-naïve cells). Results were not seen in the Rett
syndrome subjects.
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were characterized in 10 autistic subjects and 10 age- and sex-matched healthy (Denney, Frei, et al.,
controls. Autism subjects had a lower percentage of helper-inducer cells, a lower ratio of helper: suppressor 1996)
cells, and a lower percentage of interleukin-2receptor+ lymphocytes following stimulation. All findings
correlated with behavioral severity.
Mucosal Mucosal biopsies were compared using immunohistochemistry and histology between autism subjects and (Furlano, Anthony,
Immune developmentally normal subjects with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Autism subjects had inflammation et al., 2001)
Populations that was less severe than IBD controls, though basement membrane thickness, gamma-delta T cell, CD8+ cell,
and intraepithelial lymphocyte density was increased in autism compared to IBD controls.
FACS and histological analysis of cell infiltrate in mucosal biopsies from a large group of autism children and (Ashwood, Anthony,
normal controls with and without gut inflammation. ASD subjects had more intraepithelial and lamina et al., 2003)
propria lymphocytes compared to healthy noninflamed controls, which neared levels in inflamed healthy
controls. Eosinophil infiltration was seen in ASD subjects, and was less severe in those on elimination diets.
402 Autism Spectrum Disorders

levels correlated with behavioral measures, such that lower Immunogenetics of ASD
levels predicted worse behavior. In contrast, increased levels
of TGF-β were found in brain tissue from postmortem brain, Interestingly, several genes associated with autism are relevant
and CSF from living ASD subjects (Vargas, Nascimbene, to both the nervous and immune systems. Immunogenetic
et al., 2005). In addition, these authors described increased associations include PTEN (a negative regulator of the PI3K/
levels of the inflammatory chemokine MCP-1. It is unclear AKT pathway) (Goffin, Hoefsloot, et al., 2001; Butler, Dasouki,
how these findings within the CNS relate to peripheral et al., 2005; Boccone, Dessi, et al., 2006; Kwon, Luikart, et al.,
cytokine levels, specifically TGF-β. Collectively, these studies 2006), MET (a receptor tyrosine kinase; Campbell, Sutcliffe,
suggest that aberrant levels of TGF-β and other cytokines may et al., 2006; Campbell, D’Oronzio, et al., 2007), and Ca(V)1.2
have a lifelong role in various aspects of ASD. It is unknown (an L-type calcium channel; Splawski, Timothy, et al., 2004).
whether the immune activation present is harmful or benefi- Each of these genes is involved in regulation of the innate
cial, or if immune treatments will be indicated for patients immune system, and alterations in these genes have the poten-
with ASD. Another point of view is that this immune activa- tial to affect development and function in both the immune
tion may reflect persistence or reactivation of a fetal pattern, and neural systems. Thus, it is highly possible that the genetic
since similar phenomena occur normally in brain develop- associations of these genes to ASD also contribute to both
ment with the appearance of MHC II on microglia during neural and immune dysfunction in ASD subjects.
midgestation (Wierzba-Bobrowicz, Kosno-Kruszewska, et al., In addition to genetic polymorphisms and protein levels,
2000). differential gene expression may also play a role in ASD. Local
The innate immune regulator macrophage inhibitory expression levels of several immunologically relevant genes
factor (MIF) has also been linked to ASD (Grigorenko, Han, have been characterized in ASD. There are increased transcript
et al., 2008). MIF is a unique proinflammatory regulator of levels of many immune system–related genes in neocortical
many acute and chronic inflammatory diseases through acti- regions of ASD postmortem brain tissue (Garbett, Ebert, et al.,
vation of the innate immune system (Calandra & Roger, 2008). Using microarray analysis, Garbett et al. demonstrated
2003). Furthermore, certain genetic polymorphisms in the differential gene expression in the superior temporal gyrus
MIF locus have been associated with autoimmune and inflam- between ASD and control tissues (Garbett, Ebert, et al., 2008).
matory conditions (Gregersen & Bucala, 2003). Genotyping Several of the differentially expressed genes were immunologi-
of two large populations found 2 polymorphisms in the pro- cally relevant, and included heat shock proteins, chemokines,
moter region of MIF that were associated with ASD. costimulatory molecules, and leptin receptors. Differences
Additionally, plasma levels of MIF were higher in subjects were also detected within immune pathways including NF-κB,
with ASD, suggesting the possibility that the polymorphisms TOLL, TNFR, P38MAPK, 4-1BB, IL-6, MET, and IL-2R, among
have functional significance (Grigorenko, Han, et al., 2008). others. Altered expression of many of the aforementioned
Finally, it was found that higher levels of MIF correlated with genes can result in a susceptibility toward the development of
more severe behavior (Grigorenko, Han, et al., 2008). The autoimmune and immune-mediated sequelae.
neurological significance of MIF is currently unknown, In addition to cortical brain tissue, several other tissues
though this correlative evidence may represent another link have been used for gene expression analysis relating to ASD.
between genetics and the immune system in neurologic This includes analysis of NK cells (Enstrom, Lit, et al., 2008;
disorders such as ASD. Gregg, Lit, et al., 2008), peripheral blood (Nishimura, Martin,
An additional cytokine/hormone that has recently been et al., 2007), and cerebellar tissue (Fatemi, Halt, et al., 2001;
linked to ASD is leptin (Ashwood, Kwong, et al., 2008), which Fatemi, Stary, et al., 2001; Yip, Soghomonian, et al., 2007).
is produced primarily by adipocytes, though it is also pro- Many of these studies reported differences in genes associated
duced by lymphocytes (Sanna, Di Giacomo, et al., 2003). with immune activity. In a recent study, gene expression
Leptin shares functional similarities with inflammatory profiles of peripheral blood were compared between well-
cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-12 (Zhang, Proenca, et al., 1994) characterized groups of ASD children and typically developing
and has been implicated in various autoimmune diseases controls. This study revealed differential expression of several
(Sanna, Di Giacomo, et al., 2003). Leptin is also capable of genes related to natural killer (NK) and cytotoxic (CD8+) T
crossing the blood-brain barrier (Banks, 2001) to regulate cell function (Gregg, Lit, et al., 2008). Further analyses uncov-
food intake, and promotes the formation of CNS lesions in an ered several differences in NK cells derived from the ASD
animal model of multiple sclerosis (Matarese, Procaccini, group when compared to the typically developing controls
et al., 2008). Ashwood et al. recently demonstrated that plasma (Enstrom, Lit, et al., 2008). Increased expression of various
leptin levels were elevated in a population of children with NK cell receptors and effector molecules was found in resting
ASD compared to typically developing controls (Ashwood, cells from ASD children. Functional analysis also demon-
Kwong, et al., 2008). This was especially dramatic among chil- strated that NK cells from ASD subjects had diminished cyto-
dren with early-onset autism as opposed to those with clinical toxic ability, suggesting dysregulation on several levels among
regression. Increased levels of leptin were also noted by Vargas ASD children. Similar expression profiles were observed in a
et al to be present in postmortem brain tissue of persons with study of NK cells stimulated with IL-2 (Dybkaer, Iqbal, et al.,
autism (Vargas, Nascimbene, et al., 2005). 2007). The link between NK cells and ASD is not yet clear,
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 403

however, NK cells produce cytokines and cytotoxic substances The largest study to date, from the Danish National Registry,
that could impact the CNS (Lambertsen, Gregersen, et al., found increased rates of ulcerative colitis in mothers and type
2004; Czlonkowska, Ciesielska, et al., 2005; Gilmore, Jarskog, 1 diabetes in fathers of children with autism (Mouridsen, Rich,
et al., 2005). Interestingly, NK cells have various roles in both et al., 2007). Additional studies are needed to determine the
controlling and exacerbating autoimmunity (Perricone, nature and relevance of autoimmune disorders in families
Perricone, et al., 2008). As discussed below, autoimmune with autism.
conditions have also been linked to ASD in several studies. Many independent studies have described circulating
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC, types I and antibodies that are specific to various components in the cen-
II) is a group of highly polymorphic genes on chromosome 6p tral nervous system (CNS) in persons with autism (Wills,
known as human lymphocyte antigens (HLA). These genes Cabanlit, et al., 2007). As early as 1982, Weizman et al. demon-
are well known for their central role in the adaptive immune strated that 13 of 17 patients with ASD had a cell-mediated
system, as they encode proteins that present self- and non- response to brain tissues using a macrophage migration inhi-
self-peptides to T cells for immune surveillance. They also bition factor test (Weizman, Weizman, et al., 1982). Other
have specific associations with autoimmune disorders, such as putative CNS targets include myelin basic protein (Singh,
rheumatoid arthritis. Genes coding for TNF-α and comple- Warren, et al., 1993), brain serotonin receptors (Todd &
ment are also located within the MHC and have been impli- Ciaranello, 1985; Singh, Singh, et al., 1997), neurofilament
cated in autism (Warren, Burger, et al., 1994; Jyonouchi, Geng, proteins (Singh, Warren, et al., 1997), brain endothelial cell
et al., 2005). In addition, MHC I is essential for cellular devel- proteins (Connolly, Chez, et al., 1999), brain derived neuro-
opment of the visual system, demonstrating that immune fac- trophic factor (Connolly, Chez, et al., 2005), heat shock pro-
tors are important for CNS plasticity during early brain tein (Evers, Cunningham-Rundles, et al., 2002), and caudate
development (Huh, Boulanger, et al., 2000; Boulanger, 2004). nucleus (Singh & Rivas, 2004). A recent study by Singer et al.
Association of particular HLA types, especially DR4, has been identified a variety of brain-specific autoantibodies in the
reported in children with autism (Warren, Odell, et al., 1996; serum of subjects with autism spectrum disorders (Singer,
Torres, Maciulis, et al., 2002; Lee, Zachary, et al., 2006), while Morris, et al., 2006). Interestingly, both subjects with autism
another study showed no such link (Rogers, Kalaydjieva, et al., and their nonautistic siblings had antibody reactivity to the
1999). Lee et al. found a significant association with HLA DR4 cerebellum and cingulate gyrus that was different in intensity
in families with autism in East Tennessee and suggested that from controls (Singer, Morris, et al., 2006). A 2004 study sug-
geographical factors may play a role in immune susceptibility gested an increased prevalence of antibodies to cerebellar pro-
(Lee, Zachary, et al., 2006). These same families also reported teins found in Purkinje cells. These antibodies were also
high rates of rheumatoid arthritis in first-degree relatives, a thought to cross react with the dietary protein gliadin (Vojdani,
disorder that is typically associated with DR4. Recently O’Bryan, et al., 2004). More recently, Zimmerman and col-
Johnson et al. have demonstrated linkage disequilibrium for leagues reported antibody reactivity to fetal rat brain in plasma
HLA DR4 from the maternal grandparents to the mothers from subjects with autism and their mothers (Zimmerman,
of children with autism, thereby supporting a theory of prena- Connors, et al., 2007). It was further demonstrated that chil-
tal immunogenetic susceptibility to autism (Johnson et al., dren with ASD had a different pattern than their siblings and
2009). typically developing control children. However, there was no
clear delineation of patterns between children with ASD and
Autoimmunity in ASD children with other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Autoantibodies to proteins in human hypothalamus and
Various autoimmune phenomena have been described in sub- thalamus, which appear to be specific for a subpopulation of
jects with ASD, although clinical autoimmune disorders are children with ASD, were recently described by Cabanlit et al.
uncommon (Table 24-2). Exploration of autoimmunity in (Cabanlit, Wills, et al., 2007). To further explore the possibil-
ASD began with several studies that demonstrated increased ity of autoantibodies directed toward proteins in their native
rates of autoimmune disorders among family members state, or toward a protein of low abundance in the brain,
(especially mothers), including rheumatoid arthritis, psoria- immunohistochemical studies were performed using brain
sis, type I diabetes, thyroid disease, and asthma (Comi, sections from the nonhuman primate macaque monkey
Zimmerman, et al., 1999; Sweeten, Bowyer, et al., 2003; Croen, (Macca fascicularis). Observations thus far have been restricted
Grether, et al., 2005; Molloy, Morrow, et al., 2006; Mouridsen, to the cerebellum and demonstrate that 21% of patients with
Rich, et al., 2007). In contrast, a study based on medical record ASD have intense staining of cerebellar Golgi cells, compared
review showed no increased rates of autoimmune diseases with 0% of controls (Wills, Cabanlit, et al., 2008). Moreover,
(Micali, Chakrabarti, et al., 2004). Differences in the occur- there appeared to be a correlation between the cerebellar stain-
rence of autoimmune disorders in families from different geo- ing and the presence of an approximately 52 kDa band in
graphical areas may reflect local environmental factors and cerebellum using Western blot analysis.
represent sampling biases (Lee, Zachary, et al., 2006). Another Autoantibodies such as those described herein have the
complicating factor may be that the onset of autoimmune dis- potential to exert their effects through several different mech-
orders in family members may arise after the time of inquiry. anisms. For example, some may act as ligands for a target
Table 24–2.
Autoantibodies and allergy in subjects with autism
Study Description Reference

Circulating Myelin Basic Protein and Serum antibodies to Myelin Basic Protein more prevalent in ASD subjects compared to control groups (Singh, Warren, et al., 1993)
Autoantibodies Other Identified antigens (typically developing children, children with mental retardation or Down syndrome, normal adults)
and ASD Serum antibodies to Myelin Basic protein and neuron axon filament protein found more often in ASD (Singh, Lin, et al., 1998)
Subjects children than in non-age-matched controls.
Serum antibodies to Myelin Basic Protein, endothelial cells, BDNF more prevalent in ASD subjects than (Connolly, Chez, et al., 2005)
healthy controls and controls without neurological illness.
Subjects with ASD (wide age range) had serum antibodies against dietary antigens like gliadin more often (Vojdani, Campbell, et al.,
than healthy age- and sex-matched controls. These antibodies cross-reacted with cerebellar peptides, 2002), (Vojdani, O’Bryan,
myelin basic protein, myelin-associated glycoprotein, gandlioside, sulfatide, and other neural antigens. et al., 2004)
Nonneural Antigen Occurrence of serum antibodies against Heat shock protein 90 higher in autism group compared to (Evers, Cunningham-Rundles,
normal controls and a group with autoimmune diseases et al., 2002)
Identified Neural Antigens ASD subjects have serum antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein and neuron-axon filament protein (Singh, Warren, et al., 1997)
more often than mentally retarded and healthy controls. Subjects vary greatly in age.
ASD subjects have serum antibodies to human serotonin receptors. ASD serum blocks serotonin receptor (Todd & Ciaranello, 1985),
binding more heavily than healthy control serum. (Singh, Singh, et al., 1997)
Antibodies Directed toward Increased incidence/staining density of serum IgG specific to brain protein homogenate in ASD subjects (Silva, Correia, et al., 2004)
Unidentified Neural compared to their parents and healthy control subjects. Antibodies not specific to MBP as determined by
Antigen(s) inhibition assay.
ASD subjects had antibodies to temporal cortex endothelial cells and nuclei more frequently than healthy (Connolly, Chez, et al., 1999)
controls and controls with nonneurological illness
ASD subjects had serum antibodies to rat caudate nucleus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum more frequently (Singh & Rivas, 2004)
than healthy controls.
ASD subjects had serum antibodies to human caudate nucleus, putamen, and prefrontal cortex more (Singer, Morris, et al., 2006)
frequently than siblings and non-age-matched healthy controls.
Increased serum antibodies against protein homogenates from fetal rat brain (gestational day 18) in small (Zimmerman, Connors, et al.,
group of ASD subjects, their mothers, and subjects with other neurological illnesses compared to healthy 2007)
IgG reactive to human hypothalamus and thalamus homogenates was found in plasma from ASD subjects (Cabanlit, Wills, et al., 2007)
more frequently than age-matched controls.
Immunohistochemistry showed a higher prevalence of plasma IgG antibodies to rat cerebellum golgi cells (Wills, Cabanlit, et al., 2008)
in ASD subjects compared to plasma from age-matched healthy and mentally retarded control subjects.
Allergy and Peripheral No Allergy Small group of ASD subjects had serum IgE levels within the normal range for their ages. No control (Menage, Thibault, et al.,
ASD Subjects Allergic Link Found group was included. 1992)
Sensitization ASD subjects showed no difference in serum IgE, frequency of allergic disorders, or positive skin prick (Bakkaloglu, Anlar, et al.,
tests compared to an age-matched healthy control group. 2008)
No diff in plasma IgE between ASD subjects and age-matched controls, even when considering location (Heuer, 2008)
and season of birth.
Possible ASD subjects had more blood eosinophils than a group of sex and age matched mentally retarded (Renzoni, Beltrami, et al.,
Allergy Link controls, but there was no difference in serum total and allergen-specific IgE levels. 1995)
Found Increased blood basophil sensitization and positive skin prick tests in a small group ASD subjects (Bidet, Leboyer, et al., 1993)
compared to small groups of healthy and neurological illness controls.
Allergy and 36 ASD subjects were given specific allergen–free diets (allergen for which they had a positive skin prick (Lucarelli, Frediani, et al.,
Diet test). Subjects demonstrated improved behavior after 8 weeks, though no control group was present. 1995)
Comparison of cytokine production by PBMCs in response to stimulation by various dietary proteins (Jyonouchi, Sun, et al., 2002)
(cows milk protein, Gliadin, and soy) in a group of ASD subjects, siblings, and healthy controls. ASD
PBMCs were found to produce more IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha with stimulation at a higher rate than
Increased cytokine production by blood mononuclear cells in response to dietary antigens in ASD subjects (Jyonouchi, Geng, et al., 2005)
(especially those with gastrointestinal symptoms) compared to healthy controls.
As mentioned above, antibodies were found in serum of ASD subjects that were specific to dietary many (Vojdani, Campbell, et al.,
antigens. These antibodies also cross-reacted with many neural antigens. 2002), (Vojdani, O’Bryan,
et al., 2004)
No Allergy This study of current evidence shows that the link between elimination diets, autism, and improved (Millward, Ferriter, et al.,
Link behavior is weak. It calls for future well-controlled clinical studies to further explore any association. 2008)
406 Autism Spectrum Disorders

receptor. Such autoantibody-receptor interactions have the neural-protein-specific autoantibodies that cross-reacted with
potential to induce excitotoxic death through excessive signal- dietary antigens like milk butyrophilin (Vojdani, Campbell,
ing (Portales-Perez, Alarcon-Segovia, et al., 1998; Sisto, Lisi, et al., 2002) and gliadin (Vojdani, O’Bryan, et al., 2004).
et al., 2006). Alternatively, autoantibodies to neural antigens However, these studies have not been confirmed. A large 2005
can act antagonistically, and block an essential pathway. Such study explored the cellular response to various food allergens
interference may lead to abnormal neural development and/ in ASD subjects versus controls (Jyonouchi, Geng, et al., 2005).
or function. Finally, autoantibodies can mediate tissue destruc- This study found an association between cytokine production
tion through complement fixation and cell-mediated cytotox- against dietary proteins and GI symptoms in ASD. A large
icity. If any of the above scenarios were to occur during a proportion of ASD subjects with GI symptoms were included
critical developmental window, consequences might include in the study (75 out of 109), so it is possible that food allergy is
impaired neuronal function, altered receptor density and/or most relevant among this subset of ASD subjects. One should
distribution, or improper release of neurotransmitters and/or also note that there is a difference between food allergy that is
cytokines. However, it is currently premature to speculate IgE mediated, and a food sensitivity that is not directly medi-
whether antibodies found in ASD subjects are pathogenically ated by the immune system, such as lactose intolerance due to
significant or merely an epiphenomenon. Thus, additional an enzyme deficiency.
studies are under way to characterize any possible deleterious In comparison to the literature linking autoimmunity and
effects in animal models. other immune dysfunctions to ASD, there is a dearth of
evidence concerning associations of allergic diseases. Future
Allergy in Subjects with ASD studies that utilize large, well-described patient groups
and well-matched controls will help to resolve lingering
Some researchers have postulated that allergic disease may be ambiguity.
associated with ASD, despite a number of studies suggesting
no relationship. In 1992, six children with ASD were found Infections, Immunizations and Responses
to be within normal ranges for levels of total IgE and hista- to Fever in Subjects with ASD
mine (Menage, Thibault, et al., 1992). However, the small
sample size and lack of control group require that these Although anecdotal evidence suggests that children with
results be interpreted with caution (Menage, Thibault, et al., ASD appear to have frequent infections, available data show
1992). A larger study, including 43 ASD patients and age-/ the overall infection rate to be similar to controls (Comi,
sex-matched, developmentally disabled non-ASD controls, Zimmerman, et al., 1999; Rosen, Yoshida, et al., 2007).
showed no differences in total or allergen-specific IgE, though Children with ASD have been shown to have fewer upper res-
eosinophilia was more prevalent in the ASD group (Renzoni, piratory infections, more frequent genitourinary infections,
Beltrami, et al., 1995). A neurotypical control group was not and more total infections during the first 30 days of life when
included in this study. A more recent study of over 116 sub- compared to neurotypical controls (Rosen, Yoshida, et al.,
jects with autism and 96 neurotypical controls demonstrated 2007).
that there was no difference in plasma IgE levels when the Childhood immunizations frequently have been perceived
subjects were controlled for age, season, and geographic loca- by families as causing autism due to the temporal relationship
tion (Heuer, 2008). There are additional reports of increased with regression, or loss of skills, and the emergence of autistic
basophil sensitization and positive skin prick tests among symptoms (Woo, Ball, et al., 2007). However, multiple epide-
ASD subjects compared to controls (Bidet, Leboyer, et al., miological studies have negated a causative relationship
1993), though independent studies have contradicted these (Taylor, Miller, et al., 1999; DeStefano & Chen, 2000). With
findings (Bakkaloglu, Anlar, et al., 2008). respect to measles vaccine, a recent study found no evidence of
The relationship between food allergy and ASD is highly RNA measles virus transcripts in bowel tissue from autism
controversial (Cormier & Elder, 2007). Over a decade ago, a subjects (Hornig, Briese, et al., 2008). Furthermore, antibody
study of 36 ASD patients suggested that a specific allergen-free responses to measles vaccine are similar in children with
diet was associated with improved behavior (Lucarelli, autism and controls (Baird, Pickles, et al., 2008). This is in
Frediani, et al., 1995). Whether these behavioral improve- contrast to previous studies (Singh & Jensen, 2003). Despite
ments were due to neurological phenomena, or simply many reassuring studies, individual cases of regression follow-
increased comfort and disposition in the absence of allergic ing immunizations may occur due to underlying mitochon-
activity is unclear. There is little additional nonanecdotal evi- drial dysfunction on a genetic and cellular basis, which may
dence supporting any behavioral benefits of allergen-free diets also be exacerbated by the stress of fever and infection (Poling,
(Cormier & Elder, 2007). Furthermore, several subsequent Frye, et al., 2006). Further, one cannot rule out the possibility
studies have reported negligible behavioral changes after that a subset of children with autism react differentially to
elimination diets (Millward, Ferriter, et al., 2008). immunization due to underlying immune dysfunction.
Vojdani et al. have published a series of studies linking However, systematic evaluation of the immune response
food hypersensitivity and CNS-specific autoantibodies. ASD immediately following vaccination needs to be performed to
subjects were observed to have an increased incidence of examine this hypothesis.
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 407

Behaviors in children with autism frequently improve rapidly cross the placenta (in the case of IL-6; Zaretsky, Alexander,
during fever, including reduced stereotypy, hyperactivity, irrita- et al., 2004; Aaltonen, Heikkinen, et al., 2005; Ashdown,
bility, and inappropriate speech (Curran, Newschaffer, et al., Dumont, et al., 2006; Samuelsson, Jennische, et al., 2006), or
2007). Although this “fever effect” can be difficult to separate act on placental cells to stimulate the downstream production
from sickness behavior, up to 80% of families observe some of mediators in the fetal compartment (Hauguel-de Mouzon
degree of improvement, and anecdotal reports of marked & Guerre-Millo, 2006). Cytokines are involved in many diverse
changes occur frequently. There are many hypothetical reasons aspects of normal brain development including proliferation
for these changes, including immune-mediated effects from and differentiation of neural and glial cells (Mehler & Kessler,
cytokines, changes in synaptic membrane properties, and intra- 1998). Fluctuations in levels of these molecules may alter neu-
cellular signaling. Further studies are needed to verify this rodevelopment. Therefore, changes in maternal immune
intriguing, and potentially enlightening phenomenon. homeostasis can impact the fetus in many ways.
The effect of maternal immunity on the developing immune
and central nervous systems has been studied extensively using
Á both epidemiological studies and animal models (Holladay &
Maternal Immunity and Autism Smialowicz, 2000; Meyer, Yee, et al., 2007) (Table 24-3).
Spectrum Disorders Findings from these studies may be relevant to psychiatric dis-
orders such as autism and schizophrenia. Independent studies
Mothers of children with ASD have been shown to have carried out in mice have shown that pregnant dams injected
various immune system abnormalities compared to mothers with immune-stimulating agents, including IL-6, IL-2, influ-
of neurotypical children (Ashwood, Wills, et al., 2006; Wills, enza, LPS, Poly I:C, and turpentine, gave birth to pups with
Cabanlit, et al., 2007). This might be explained by genetic fac- behavioral differences, some of which are thought to be remi-
tors that relate to both ASD susceptibility and immune func- niscent of autism (Shi, Fatemi, et al., 2003; Samuelsson,
tion. Given that several genes are linked to both ASD and the Jennische, et al., 2006; Ponzio, Servatius, et al., 2007; Smith,
immune system (discussed above), it is likely that mothers of Li, et al., 2007). A study by Meyer et al. showed that immune
ASD children may possess similar genetic and immune pro- challenges during two critical periods of fetal development
files. Additionally, aberrant maternal immune activation resulted in differential effects on future behavioral modifica-
during pregnancy can have a profound impact on fetal brain tions, neuropathology, and fetal brain cytokine responses
development. (Meyer, Yee, et al., 2007). These experiments suggest that the
gestational environment may contribute to abnormalities in
Maternal Immunity offspring born to mothers with excessive immune activation.
and the Gestational Environment The effects of such agents on the developing immune and
nervous systems are likely dependent on the period of expo-
Maternal immune responses (including infection, autoimmu- sure and genetic susceptibility (Holladay & Smialowicz, 2000).
nity, and allergy) generate factors that have a direct impact on This research supports the hypothesis that early immune/
the gestational environment. Factors like cytokines, chemok- nervous system disturbances are capable of permanently
ines, and antibodies produced during pregnancy may carry altering either or both systems.
various developmental consequences for the fetus. Increased
rates of infection and other environmental factors may account Maternal Autoantibodies
for increased autism rates among children born in the spring
months (Lee, Newschaffer, et al., 2008). This is consistent with Cytokines are not the only link between maternal immune
early observations that autism can be associated with congeni- activity and fetal development. Maternal antibodies (IgG) are
tal rubella (Chess, 1977) as well cytomegalovirus (Stubbs, passed to the fetus to provide passive immunity throughout
1978; Markowitz, 1983), which were some of the earliest pregnancy (Simister, 2003). These antibodies serve this protec-
indicators of the neurobiological basis of autism. tive role until the child’s immune system matures, and can be
found in a child’s circulation up to 6 months after birth
Maternal Inflammation and Cytokines (Heininger, Desgrandchamps, et al., 2006). Maternal antibod-
ies are passed without regard to their specificity, meaning that
Under normal conditions, the maternal immune system is both protective and autoantibodies have equal access. Therefore,
uniquely regulated during pregnancy to maintain a pathogen- maternal autoantibodies produced during pregnancy can target
free yet noninflammatory environment for the developing tissues in the developing fetus. In the case of autoimmune con-
fetus (Wegmann, Lin, et al., 1993; Chaouat, 2007). Robust ditions like myasthenia gravis, the neonate may display tran-
maternal immune activation is associated with obstetrical, sient signs of the disorder, which usually resolve soon after
developmental, and/or behavioral complications (Jenkins, birth (Djelmis, Sostarko, et al., 2002). Alternatively, with sys-
Roberts, et al., 2000; Shi, Fatemi, et al., 2003; Samuelsson, temic lupus erythematosus (SLE), maternal autoantibodies can
Jennische, et al., 2006; Smith, Li, et al., 2007; Raghupathy & cause long-term irreparable harm to developing organ systems
Kalinka, 2008). During pregnancy, maternal cytokines may (Motta, Rodriguez-Perez, et al., 2007).
Table 24–3.
Gestational exposure and offspring behavior
Prenatal Exposure

LPS Poly IC Cytokines

Demonstration of Disrupted sensorimotor gating (Prepulse inhibition, PPI), reversed by Disrupted PPI w/acoustic startle, deficient Macrophage IL-10 overexpression
behavioral antipsychotics (Borrell, Vela, et al., 2002) open field exploration, novel object test and REDUCES behavioral problems in mice
phenotypes among social interaction (Shi, Fatemi, et al., 2003) exposed in utero to Poly I:C (exploratory
offspring exposed in (Smith, Li, et al., 2007) behavior, PPI, LI (Meyer, Murray, et al.,
utero 2008)
Lower locomotive activity in elevated plus maze and more skips on beam Decreased exploratory behavior, PPI, Pups exposed prenatally to IL-2 had
walking (Bakos, Duncko, et al., 2004) selective associative learning (LI, US-pre- increased open-field activity, grooming
exposure effect), spatial working memory, and rearing behavior, abnormal motor
enhanced locomotor response to learning (acquisition of classically
amphetamine, reversal learning. (Meyer, conditioned eyeblink response) (Ponzio,
Feldon, et al., 2005), (Meyer, Feldon, et al., Servatius, et al., 2007)
Altered object recognition, passive avoidance, social interaction lower Deficient reversal learning, disrupted latent Adults exposed prenatally to IL-6:
locomotive activity in elevated plus maze, water maze, and open field inhibition, both alleviated w/antipsychotics, impaired working memory (Morris water
exploration (Golan, Lev, et al., 2005; Golan, Stilman, et al., 2006) enhanced locomotor response to maze: increased escape latency and time
amphetamine (Zuckerman, Rehavi, et al., spent near the pool wall) (Samuelsson,
2003) (Zuckerman & Weiner, 2005) Jennische, et al., 2006)
enhanced amphetamine-induced locomotor response and startle reflex disrupted sensorimotor gating (PPI) (Wolff IL-6 deficient mice, or mice
(Fortier, Joober, et al., 2004) & Bilkey, 2008), (Meyer, Nyffeler, et al., coadministered anti-IL-6 lack behavioral
2008) problems of WT mice exposed prenatally
Disrupted PPI, open field, amphetamine- to Poly I:C alone (Smith, Li, et al., 2007)
induced locomotion, cognitive impairment
(Ozawa, Hashimoto, et al., 2006)

Demonstrations of Increased tyrosine hydroxylase in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and Increased responses to antipsychotic Adult rats exposed prenatally to IL-6 had
Neurobiological shell nucleus acumbens, activated microglia and astroglia (increased (clozapine and chlorpromazine) and -neuronal loss and astrogliosis, with some
Differences among MHCII), increased GFAP-in adult offspring psychomimetic (ketamine) drugs (Shi, sex differences.
Offspring exposed in (Borrell, Vela, et al., 2002) 2003) -Increased expression of GABA (Aalpha5),
utero NR1, and GFAP mRNA.
-Increased levels of the apoptosis marker
caspase-3 (Samuelsson, Jennische, et al.,
Less myelin basic protein (MBP), more GFAP, altered microglial staining Cerebellar pathology: Purkinje cell deficit,
(Cai, Pan, et al., 2000) delayed granule cell migration
Decreased dopamine in nucleus accumbens (Bakos, Duncko, et al., 2004) (Shi, Smith, et al., 2009)
Less tyrosine hydroxylase in mesencephalon, reduced striatal dopamine, GABAA receptor increase
increased microglia (Ling, Chang, et al., 2004) (Meyer, Feldon, et al., 2005), (Nyffeler,
Meyer, et al., 2006), (Meyer, Feldon, et al.,
Less oligodendrocyte-protein staining (Proteolipo Protein (PLP), MBP, 2’, Large adult brain, Purkinje cell deficit
3’-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CNP)) (Fatemi, Earle, et al., 2002), (Smith, Li, et al.,
(Bell & Hallenbeck, 2002), (Poggi, Park, et al., 2005, (Paintlia, 2004) 2007)
Increased numbers and packing density of hippocampal pyramidal neurons Increased dopamine turnover, decreased
and granular cells-(Golan, Lev, et al., 2005; Golan, Stilman, et al., 2006) receptor binding (Ozawa, Hashimoto, et al.,
Cell death in striatum, white matter, ventricular zone, increase GFAP, Hippocampal necrosis, altered hippocampal
decreased MBP, astrogliosis, enlarged ventricles, gray matter lesions morphology, increased dopamine release
(Rousset, Chalon, et al., 2006), (Wang, Hagberg, et al., 2007) (Zuckerman, Rehavi, et al., 2003),
(Zuckerman & Weiner, 2005)
Increased GFAP, fewer oligodendrocytes, increased cell death in fetal brain Delayed myelination, less MBP, smaller
(Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006) axon diameters (Makinodan, Tatsumi, et al.,
Increased microglial activation and axonal injury, fewer oligodendrocytes 2008)
(Nitsos, Rees, et al., 2006)
Demonstrations of Amniotic fluid Increased IL-1a TNF-a (Gilmore, Jarskog, et al., 2005) Radio labeled IL-2 administered to
Immunological (Fidel, Romero, et al., 1994) pregnant dam was found in amniotic fluid
Differences in (Ponzio, Servatius, et al., 2007)
Offspring exposed in
utero (measured in Increased IL-8 (Nitsos, Rees, et al.,
stated compartments) 2006),(Kramer, Moss, et al., 2001)
Increased IL-1B (Gayle, Beloosesky, et al., 2004)
Increased IL-6 (Fidel, Romero, et al., 1994),
(Urakubo, Jarskog, et al., 2001), (Nitsos, Rees,
et al., 2006),(Kramer, Moss, et al., 2001),
(Gayle, Beloosesky, et al., 2004)
Increased TNF-a (Urakubo, Jarskog, et al.,
2001), (Gayle, Beloosesky, et al., 2004), (Xu,
Chen, et al., 2006)
Fetal Brain Increased IL-1B (Cai, 2000), (Paintlia, Paintlia, Increased IL-1B (Meyer, Nyffeler, et al., Overexpression of IL-10 reduces
et al., 2004), (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006), 2006), (Meyer, Feldon, et al., 2005) expression of inflammatory cytokines in
(Liverman, Kaftan, et al., 2006) animals exposed to Poly I:C (Meyer,
Increased TNF-a (Cai, Pan, et al., 2000), (Bell & Increased TNF-a (Meyer, Nyffeler, et al., Murray, et al., 2008)
Hallenbeck, 2002), (Paintlia, 2004), (Elovitz, 2006)
Mrinalini, et al., 2006)
Increased IFN-g (Bell and Hallenbeck 2002), Altered IL-10 (Meyer, Nyffeler, et al., 2006) Pups prenatally exposed to IL-6 had
(Elovitz, 2006) increased IL-6 levels in the hippocampus
(Samuelsson, Jennische, et al., 2006)
BDNF (Golan, Lev, et al., 2005)

Table 24–3. (Contd.)

Prenatal Exposure

LPS Poly IC Cytokines

Increased IL-6 (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006), Increased IL-6 (Meyer, Nyffeler, et al., 2006)
(Liverman, Kaftan, et al., 2006), (Golan, Lev,
et al., 2005)
Placenta Increased IL-1a (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al., Increased TNF-a (Gilmore, Jarskog, et al.,
2003), (Urakubo, Jarskog, et al., 2001),(Gayle, 2005)
Beloosesky, et al., 2004)
Increased IL-1B (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al.,
2003),(Nitsos, Rees, et al., 2006), (Kramer,
Moss, et al., 2001), (Ashdown, Dumont, et al.,
2006), (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006)
IL-6 (Urakubo, Jarskog, et al., 2001), (Gayle,
Beloosesky, et al., 2004), (Nitsos, Rees, et al.,
2006), (Kramer, Moss, et al., 2001), (Bell &
Hallenbeck, 2002), (Ashdown, Dumont, et al.,
2006), (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006), (Xu, Chen,
et al., 2006), (Beloosesky, Gayle, et al., 2006)
TNF-a (Urakubo, Jarskog, et al., 2001), (Gayle,
Beloosesky, et al., 2004), (Nitsos, Rees, et al.,
2006), (Kramer, Moss, et al., 2001), (Bell &
Hallenbeck, 2002), (Ashdown, Dumont, et al.,
2006), (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006), (Xu, Chen,
et al., 2006), (Beloosesky, Gayle, et al., 2006)
IL-8 (Nitsos, Rees, et al., 2006), (Kramer, Moss,
et al., 2001)
IL-10 (Bell & Hallenbeck, 2002)
IFN-g (Elovitz, Mrinalini, et al., 2006)
Nonneural Fetal/Offspring IL-1a (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al., 2003) Radio labeled IL-2 administered to
Samples pregnant dams was found in embryonic
tissue (Ponzio, Servatius, et al., 2007)
IL-6 (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al., 2003),
(Beloosesky, Gayle, et al., 2006)
serum IL-6 (Borrell, Vela, et al., 2002)
IL-1B, (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al., 2003), Pups prenatally exposed to IL-6 had
(Ashdown, Dumont, et al., 2006) increased IL-6 serum levels (Samuelsson,
Jennische, et al., 2006)
TNF-a (Rounioja, Rasanen, et al., 2003) Pups exposed prenatally to IL-2 had
increased serum IL-2 (Borrell, Vela, et al., 2002) accelerated T cell development, TH1
Reduction in offspring body weight (Bakos, skewed differentiation, increased
Duncko, et al., 2004) proliferative and cytotoxic responses to
syngeneic B lymphoma cells or allogeneic
splenocytes. (Ponzio, Servatius, et al., 2007)
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 411

Interesting murine models have demonstrated a link during pregnancy. Serum from a mother of three children
between the gestational immune environment and offspring (a typically developing child, a child with autism, and a child
behavior. NZB and BSXB are mouse strains that spontane- with severe language impairment) was introduced by intra-
ously develop autoimmune diseases, and often demonstrate peritoneal injection into gestating mice (Dalton, Deacon,
behavioral abnormalities that are linked to cortical ectopias et al., 2003). The offspring of the injected mice demonstrated
(Sakic, Szechtman, et al., 1997). It is unclear whether the ecto- behavioral changes and antibody deposition on Purkinje cells
pias are related to the autoimmune disease, or if they are the and other neurons. This was in contrast to the offspring of
consequence of an unfavorable gestational environment due gestating mice injected with sera from mothers of typically
to maternal autoimmune disease. Denenberg et al. designed developing children. This study suggested that a factor(s)
an elegant embryo transfer study to delineate the relationship present in the sera of mothers of children with ASD, possibly
between maternal autoimmunity, fetal brain development, immunoglobulin, led to altered neurodevelopment behavioral
and cortical ectopias. They demonstrated that mouse strains changes in the offspring.
transferred to the uterus of an autoimmune mother demon- More recently, a primate model was used to assess behavio-
strate deficits in learning and increased autoimmune activity ral consequences of prenatal exposure to the maternal anti-
(Denenberg, Mobraaten, et al., 1991; Denenberg, Sherman, bodies described by Braunschweig et al. (Braunschweig,
et al., 1996). The reverse situation, in which an autoimmune- Ashwood, et al., 2007); (Martin, Ashwood, et al., 2008). IgG
prone strain was transferred to a nonautoimmune mother, was isolated from mothers of children with ASD and typically
resulted in offspring with improved learning and decreased developing controls, and injected into pregnant rhesus mon-
autoimmunity compared to those that developed in a syn- keys. The resulting offspring were assessed from birth until 15
geneic autoimmune uterus (Denenberg, Mobraaten, et al., months of age by trained observers. Significant increases in
1991; Denenberg, Sherman, et al., 1996). stereotypic behavior were observed in 3 of 4 offspring who
received IgG from mothers of children with autism. In con-
Autoimmunity in Mothers of ASD Subjects trast, behavioral anomalies were not observed in the monkeys
from control IgG-treated pregnancies. The stereotypic behav-
Autoimmune factors have been demonstrated in both subjects iors surfaced after weaning, and were more prevalent in unfa-
with ASD and their family members (Wills, Cabanlit, et al., miliar situations. Stereotypic behaviors are one characteristic
2007) (Table 24-4). As discussed above, primary relatives of of ASD, suggesting a potential link between maternal anti–
subjects with ASD have a higher incidence of autoimmune fetal brain IgG and changes in offspring behavior. An analo-
disease than those of typically developing children (Money, gous study by Singer et al. demonstrated the transfer of serum
Bobrow, et al., 1971; Sweeten, Bowyer, et al., 2003; Croen, antibodies from mothers of children with autism to gestating
Grether, et al., 2005). In 1990, Warren et al. observed that 6 of mice, led to behavioral changes in the offspring, including
11 mothers of children with autism had antibodies that were hyperactivity and decreased sociability (Singer et al., 2008).
reactive to lymphocytes of their autistic child (Warren, Cole, Immunohistochemical studies in this model showed immune
et al., 1990). Additionally, a growing body of evidence suggests activation of astrocytes and microglia in the offspring, similar
that some mothers of ASD children produce antibodies that to that observed in humans with autism by Vargas et al.
target brain proteins. Recently, it was noted by Braunschweig (Vargas, Nascimbene, et al., 2005).
et al. that a subset of mothers whose children have autism
demonstrate antibodies that recognized human fetal brain Maternal Allergy and ASD
proteins in a disease-specific pattern of reactivity when
compared to mothers of typically developing controls There is very limited evidence linking the presence of maternal
(Braunschweig, Ashwood, et al., 2007). Similarly, Zimmerman allergies to ASD. However a recent study suggested that midg-
and colleagues observed specific patterns of plasma reactivity estational allergic/asthmatic immune profiles may relate to the
to fetal rat brain protein by immunoblotting in mothers of development of ASD. Croen et al. reported that mothers diag-
ASD children. These antibodies differentially recognized fetal nosed during their second trimester with asthma or allergy are
rat brain proteins when compared with plasma from mothers twice as likely to have a child with ASD than mothers without
of typically developing children (Zimmerman, Connors, et al., asthma or allergy (Croen, Grether, et al., 2005). A retrospec-
2007). Similar fetal brain–specific reactivity was also noted in tive analysis of blood collected during the second trimester is
samples taken during the second trimester of pregnancy currently underway to confirm these epidemiological findings
(Croen, Braunschweig, et al., 2008). Subsequent studies by with clinical evidence. It is possible that a subset of ASD may
another group have confirmed that a subset of mothers with involve exposure to allergic/asthmatic immune activation
ASD children produce circulating antibodies reactive to during gestation. The development of ASD is likely dependent
human fetal brain proteins (Singer, Morris, et al., 2008). on the duration of the exposure, and whether it occurred
While the role of these antibodies in ASD is currently during a critical neurodevelopmental window. Future, well-
unknown, in an early model, Dalton et al. utilized a murine controlled epidemiological studies and animal modeling will
model to test the pathogenicity of maternal serum to the fetus be necessary to lend further credence to these findings.
Table 24–4.
Familial autoimmune and other noninfectious pathology related to autism

Study Description Reference(s)

Epidemiological Associations for Case study describing a family of ASD subject with high incidence of autoimmune disorders. (Money, Bobrow, et al., 1971)
Familial Non Infectious Diseases More autoimmune disorders among primary family members of ASD subjects than typical controls. (Comi, Zimmerman, et al., 1999)
Increased familial autoimmunity among primary family members of ASD subjects. (Sweeten, Bowyer, et al., 2003)
Familial familial anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder among ASD subjects, no autoimmune (Micali, Chakrabarti, et al., 2004)
Greater risk of ASD with maternal diagnosis of allergy/asthma during second trimester. No strong (Croen, Grether, et al., 2005)
autoimmune association during pregnancy, however, there was a trend toward increased Type I
diabetes and psoriasis.
Regressive ASD associated w/familial autoimmunity. (Molloy, Morrow, et al., 2006)
Increased Type 1 diabetes in fathers of ASD subjects, and ulcerative colitis among mothers of ASD (Mouridsen, Rich, et al., 2007)
Antibodies to fetal PBMC antigen Mothers of ASD subjects demonstrated increased antibody reactivity against the lymphocytes of (Warren, Cole, et al., 1990)
tissue in mothers of their ASD children.
ASD Subjects Rat Brain Mothers of ASD subjects were shown to have IgG reactivity to rat fetal brain proteins. (Zimmerman, Connors, et al., 2007)
Human Brain Plasma from mothers of ASD subjects showed IgG reactivity to human fetal brain proteins at 37 and (Braunschweig, Ashwood, et al., 2007)
Antigen 73kd unlike mothers of controls
Mothers of ASD subjects were confirmed to have IgG reactivity to human fetal brain proteins. (Singer, Morris, et al., 2008)
Serum collected during the second trimester from mothers of ASD subjects showed increased IgG (Croen, Braunschweig, et al., 2008)
reactivity to human fetal brain proteins compared to serum from control pregnancies.
Animal Models: gestational exposure to Conventionally reared mice from autoimmune-prone/behaviorally impaired strain of mice were (Denenberg, Sherman, et al., 1996)
maternal antibodies and offspring compared to same strain transferred as embryos into mothers of alternative, non–autoimmune/
behavior behaviorally impaired strain. Behavioral improvements were observed in transferred offspring based
on several measures.
Serum from mother of ASD subject injected into pregnant rats. Offspring had altered exploration, (Dalton, Deacon, et al., 2003)
motor coordination, and cerebellar magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Ig deposition was observed on
offspring purkinje cells. Results not observed in rats exposed in utero to serum from control
Stereotypic behavior observed in monkeys exposed prenatally to IgG from mothers of ASD subjects (Martin, Ashwood, et al., 2008) building on
who had previously demonstrated IgG reactivity to fetal brain. This was not observed in monkeys (Braunschweig, Ashwood, et al., 2007)
exposed to IgG from control mothers.
Offspring from pregnant SLE mice producing DNA-specific, NMDAR-specific autoantibodies (Lee, Huerta, et al., 2009)
throughout gestation were observed. Histological abnormalities were observed in the fetal brain of
exposed offspring, and adult offspring demonstrated cognitive impairments.
The Immune System, Autoimmunity, Allergy, and Autism Spectrum Disorders 413

Á measured in various biological specimens collected throughout

Conclusions relevant windows of development would be ideal. Current stud-
ies are attempting this study design by following the subsequent
At this time, an overarching question with respect to the pregnancies of mothers who have an existing child with autism.
immune system in autism is whether it contributes to the Younger siblings of ASD children have an increased chance of
pathogenesis of the disorder. Evidence of significant “immune developing the disorder compared to the general population
anomalies” in autism has accumulated over the past 30 years, (Ritvo, Jorde, et al., 1989), and are thus ideal subjects for a well-
raising serious questions as to their origin and role in the targeted prospective study. Clinically relevant immune profiles
development of the disorder. Many findings regarding the could then be obtained during pregnancy and postnatally, and
immune system in ASD have been inconsistent due to numer- analyzed for a link between early immunity and the manifesta-
ous methodologic factors, the most notable of which are the tion of ASD (Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006). Given the impor-
use of inappropriate and non–age matched control groups, as tance of the intrauterine milieu and the possibility that ASD
well as heterogeneous, ill-defined subject populations. results from an early insult, prospective maternal-fetal immune
However, more recent studies are gaining credibility through studies hold considerable promise.
the use of age-matched controls and well-characterized sub- Finally, one must ask the question: Do these immune
ject populations. Additionally, promising animal models are anomalies occur as epiphenomena with the varied genotypes
under development that mirror characteristics of ASD and phenotypes of autism, or are they in fact responsible for
(Crawley, 2007; Tordjman, Drapier, et al., 2007). Such models initiating, maintaining, or exacerbating the disorder, at least
will expand our understanding of the disorder, and pave the in some patients? An attractive hypothesis is that in some chil-
way for more focused clinical studies. They will be especially dren with ASD, immune dysregulation is indicative of distur-
useful for determining the effects of human antibodies from bances in cellular or signaling pathways that are common to
children with ASD, their mothers and other family members, both the immune and neural systems. As evidence of detectable
on brain development and behavior. immune differences in autism subjects accumulates, the pos-
The presence of autoantibodies in subjects with ASD and sibility of identifying biological markers of the disorder nears.
their mothers is intriguing, and suggests a previous exposure Continued research may eventually allow for further clinical
of CNS antigens to the immune system. This may be the result differentiation of the disorder with concomitant development
of injury or abnormal development that led to an immune of meaningful medical treatments, and an overall better
response to brain antigens in some subjects with ASD. understanding of pathogenic mechanisms in ASD.
However, it must be emphasized that these autoantibodies
have not as yet been firmly associated with pathology. In some
cases, similar antibodies are found in diseases other than ASD, Á
and they are not present in all subjects with ASD. It is not Challenges and Future Directions
abnormal to detect autoantibodies in normal healthy con-
trols, although elevated titers have usually been associated There remain many additional unexplored questions with
with CNS disorders. Increased prevalence of such antibodies respect to the immune system in autism. Among others, these
among ASD subjects is possibly representative of ongoing include:
immune activation. It is also possible that subjects with ASD
• The basic correlation of laboratory immune profiles to
are more prone to form these and other antibodies, even if
varying phenotypes of autism.
they do not cause or maintain the disorder.
• A detailed analysis of the responses to immunization in
To date, there is extensive data suggesting that some mothers
children with and without autism.
of ASD children have immune-related abnormalities. Maternal
• The characterization of antigenic proteins that are tar-
immune activity can influence the gestational environment, and
geted by autoantibodies in both mothers and children
impact fetal neurodevelopment. Accordingly, behavioral issues
with autism.
have been noted in offspring from pregnancies exposed to vari-
• Analysis of the cellular mechanisms of the “fever effect.”
ous insults that affect immune function. Currently, the majority
• The relationship between immune anomalies observed
of data correlating maternal immunity to ASD in human popu-
in mothers of ASD children and those observed in the
lations comes from analysis of a single blood sample collected
ASD subjects themselves.
years after the birth of an ASD child. This approach is only par-
tially revealing for several reasons. First, cross-sectional retro-
spective analysis does not account for the dynamic nature of Á SUGGESTED READINGS
immune activity and fetal neurodevelopment, and fails to iden-
tify critical windows of susceptibility to exposure. Second, Ashwood, P., Wills, S., et al. (2006). The immune response in autism:
immune profiles in maternal plasma do not necessarily reflect a new frontier for autism research. Journal of Leukocyte Biology,
the immune activity at the maternal-fetal interface. In order 80(1), 1–15.
to lend strength to the mid- and postpregnancy findings, pro- Pardo, C. A., & Eberhart, C. G. (2007, October). The neurobiology of
spective longitudinal studies of maternal immune function autism. Brain Pathology, 17(4), 434–447.
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25 Á Timothy Buie

Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals

with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Medical providers often hear from families that some

Points of Interest children improve with dietary alterations or vitamin supple-
ments, yet when these interventions are applied under study
• Gastrointestinal problems appear to be relatively conditions, the response is often not seen. Perhaps an unrec-
common in children with autism. ognized subset of individuals with autism would respond to
• Speculation on a gastrointestinal cause of autism has not such treatments, but the research has provided no evidence
been supported by findings. of this.
• The clinical presentation of gastrointestinal symp- Discussion of gastrointestinal issues in individuals with
toms in children with autism may include behavioral autism is important for several reasons:
problems including self-injury, aggression, and sleep 1. A variety of studies support a high frequency of gastro-
disorder. intestinal complaints in this patient population.
• Dietary restriction trials have not shown a benefit for the 2. Although the gastrointestinal complaints may or may
treatment of autism. not be related to the cause of autism, underlying gas-
• The use of nutritional supplementation such as vitamin trointestinal problems may exacerbate behaviors in chil-
therapy is discussed. dren with autism.
• Inflammation in the GI tract and the potential neuro- 3. There may become evident a phenotypical subgroup of
logical impact is reviewed. individuals with autism who have characteristic gastro-
intestinal problems.
Leo Kanner (1943) coined the term “autism.” In his seminal
4. Ongoing genetic and environment studies may help
paper, 11 children were described as having unusual neurobe-
to explain linkage of gastrointestinal problems and the
havioral presentations but were otherwise reported to be
neurobehavioral problems in autism.
healthy. Interestingly, eating disorders were identified in 6 of
these children. Kanner believed these symptoms to be This chapter will discuss the prevalence of gastrointestinal
behavioral in nature rather than having a medical etiology. symptoms in individuals with autism. Some of the unusual
One child required a gastrostomy for nutrition support, and clinical presentations of pain will be characterized. Speculated
eventually the GI issues were reported to have resolved dietary and nutritional issues in children will be addressed.
spontaneously. Inflammation in the GI tract will be discussed. Finally, some
We currently understand autism to be a condition with reflection on research pathways involving the GI problems in
manifold presentations, complex genetic and potential children with autism will be offered.
environmental associations, and likely therefore no single
cause or pathway. When training medical professionals, we
point to conditions like Down’s syndrome or William’s Á
syndrome with well-characterized medical presentations. Overview of GI Problems in Children
These conditions have, through consistency of outcomes, with ASD
taught us to be aware of a variety of medical complications
seen as a result of the genetic condition. In autism, we lack this Gastrointestinal function is profoundly complex, involving
characteristic or phenotypical pattern. the gut (esophagus, stomach, the small and large intestines)

Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 421

and the central nervous system, which are impacted by exterior GI complaints, compared with 42% of the children with other
factors such as food intake, psychological influences, and the neurological conditions and 28% of the nonneurologically
environment. In his book The Second Brain (1998), Gershon impaired children. This not only suggests a higher frequency
discusses the concept “neuro-gastroenterology.” He describes of GI issues in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders
the interaction between the big brain in the head and the nerv- but also suggests the problem is not simply related to nonspe-
ous system of the GI tract (the second brain). We know little cific neurological dysfunction. The consistent pattern in most
about the messages the gut sends to the brain and how that studies showing a higher-than-“baseline” frequency of GI
information is processed. issues continues to fuel discussion about possible autism/GI
etiological relationships. Might we find reasons for a higher
Prevalence frequency of GI disease in this community of individuals?

The prevalence of GI problems in individuals with autism Clinical Presentation

must be understood relative to the prevalence of GI problems
in the general population. Gastroesophageal reflux disease may Children with autism have impaired or at least atypical
be experience by 1 in 4 children at some time during childhood communication. Because of this, families report difficulty
(Rudolph et al., 2001). Constipation accounts for 2% of all recognizing when their child is sick. Certainly some children
visits to the pediatrician (North American Society for Pediatric have obvious GI symptoms. Horvath (2002) described diarrhea
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition [NASPGHAN], (3 or more loose, watery stools per day) in 27% of 112 children
2006). Food allergy has been reported to be on the rise in the with autism compared to 44 unaffected siblings who had no
last few decades. All food allergies are currently reported at a chronic diarrhea. This survey also reported constipation in
prevalence of 5–8% (Sampson, 1999a) in pediatric patients. 9.5% of children with autism (no greater frequency than
Peanut and nut allergy reports have doubled in the last 20 years unaffected comparisons), and that gaseousness, bloating,
to a prevalence of 2% of the population (Skripak, 2008). At a abdominal pain, and GE reflux were more frequent in children
minimum, comorbidity of these GI conditions should be with autism than comparison. Afzal (2003) studied children
expected with similar frequency in individuals with autism. with autism and unaffected children presenting to the gastro-
Earlier papers evaluating gastrointestinal symptoms or enterologist with abdominal pain; 36% of the children with
problems in individuals with autism suggested a relatively low autism had evidence of constipation by radiograph compared
frequency. In a retrospective study presented by Fombonne & to 10% of the unaffected children. Both groups showed
Chakrabarti (2001), a medical record review of 261 autistic a higher frequency of constipation than reported in the gen-
children found a history of gastrointestinal symptoms in eral pediatric population. This study suggested that an abdom-
18.8%. Taylor (2002) reported that 17% of individuals with inal x-ray may be useful in evaluating for constipation in
autism had associated bowel problems, including 9% with children with autism. This may be valuable for two reasons:
constipation, 1.4% with constipation and diarrhea, 4% with history of stool frequency may not be easily obtained from
diarrhea, 1.5% with food allergy, and 0.04% reporting non- communication-impaired children, and even if regular stools
specific colitis with ileal lymphoid hyperplasia. Constipation are seen, it is not possible to assess for incomplete evacuation
and food allergy actually have a higher reported frequency in symptoms in many children with autism.
the general pediatric population (Bernheisel-Broadbent, 2001; The Horvath study also described many non-GI presenta-
Yong, 1998), which might suggest that the medical data were tions of GI pain or distress including sleep disturbance:
not complete in this study or that ascertainment of GI symp- “Children with ASD and GI symptoms had a higher prevalence
toms in these groups were difficult. of sleep disturbances (55%) compared with those who did not
More recent papers show a wide range of prevalence of GI have GI symptoms (14%).” In this study of 36 children with
problems in individuals with autism. Malloy et al. (2003) autistic spectrum disorder, 61% of those with ASD and reflux
reported a prevalence of GI problems in 24% of a general esophagitis had nighttime wakings compared with 13% of
autism population, based on medical history intake informa- those without reflux esophagitis. It is well known that sleep
tion. Horvath and Perman (2002) reported a prevalence of GI disturbance occurs frequently in this population (Honomichl
disturbance in 76% of children in a survey study of a general et al., 2002). Many studies speak of difficulties with sleep induc-
autism population in the Baltimore area. This broad prevalence tion as well as night awakening and early awakening (Patzold,
discrepancy could be due to differences in the groups evaluated 1998). GE reflux may be one of several potential factors in sleep
or differences in the interpretation of GI problems assessed. disturbance, but should be considered. A trial of treatment for
Perhaps the most compelling study that suggests a high reflux may be warranted if this symptom is present.
prevalence of GI problems among individuals with autism was The Horvath study also describes sudden irritability,
conducted by Valicenti-McDermott (2006). In this study, unexplained crying, or aggressiveness as manifestations of
three groups of children were evaluated: children with autism, pain. We have observed tapping or rubbing areas of the body
children with other neurological conditions (e.g., cerebral where pain has occurred. Self-injurious behavior such as
palsy or mental retardation), and children without neurologi- head-banging or self-biting may be a way of communicating
cal problems. Seventy percent of the children with autism had distress in nonverbal individuals. Posturing behaviors as seen
422 Autism Spectrum Disorders

in Sandifer’s syndrome have occurred in our practice. One digestion (e.g., lactose intolerance), which could
nonverbal child went to the freezer and put an ice cube on her be a cause of symptoms (abdominal pain, gas, and
chest. She responded well to antiacid therapy for GE reflux. diarrhea).
Another clinical observation suggested by several GI profes- 3. Deficiency of vitamins or building block substances
sionals is that children with autism and abdominal distress affecting normal neurotransmission.
will seek pressure on the abdomen. This may include asking a
parent to rub or press the abdomen or leaning over furniture
to exert pressure. Food Allergy and Celiac Disease
The idea that children with autism merit consideration of
medical treatment for GI disturbance seems to be common Food allergy and inflammation of the gut for other reasons
sense. However, because of communication impairment, could account for problems and symptoms in children with
many of the presentations are behaviors such as sleep disorder, autism by several mechanisms. The GI symptoms of allergy
aggression, and sudden irritability among others. Caregivers could include pain, constipation, diarrhea, rash, and sleep
are taught to take a behavioral approach, prompting the child disturbance. Determining food allergy is difficult, and vari-
to calm down, have quiet hands or redirect the behaviors. In ous types of testing for allergy have pitfalls. Food elimination
verbal children who may be able to explain their behaviors, we trials are fairly reliable at defining food intolerance, but do
would ask What’s wrong? or Why did you do that? It seems not lead to an exact diagnosis of food allergy, which by defini-
important to ask the same from children who are not able to tion is an immune-mediated response (Sampson et al., 1999).
explain. We should consider the possibility that some children Allergy can be evaluated by skin testing such as IgE RAST
acting out may have pain or distress in addition to other testing or IgG RAST testing among others. All tests risk iden-
reasons for acting out. tifying a clinically nonrelevant result and probably best serve
Burd (1995) describes children with ASD who exhibit food as a guide to consider certain foods that could be an allergy
selectivity or textural selectivity. Feeding difficulties are culprit.
common (>30%) in children with developmental delays Studies concluding that children with ASD have a dietary
(Gouge, 1975), but reports of mealtime or feeding problems allergy are often debated. Lucarelli (1995) evaluated 36 chil-
in unaffected children are common as well (18). Ahearn (2001) dren with autism. These patients were evaluated by allergy
evaluated 30 ASD children with difficult eating behaviors and skin testing for IgE levels, along with serum levels of IgG, IgA,
found food type or texture selectivity in 17 of 30 children. and IgM specific antibodies for cow milk and egg proteins.
Palmer (1975) used applied behavioral analysis to broaden The findings included: positive skin testing in 36% of children
food acceptance in a child with food selectivity. Using a behav- with autism compared to 5% in a control group of unaffected
ioral treatment plan, acceptance of a normal variety was children. IgE level elevation was noted in 33% of the children
achieved and maintained. Palmer makes the point that medi- with autism. In a separate study, Reichelt (1990) found IgA
cal reasons should be considered when there is prolonged sub- specific antibodies for gluten, gliadin, B-lactoglobulin, and
sistence on pureed foods, delay or difficulty in sucking, casein in individuals with autism. Gluten proteins, which are
swallowing, or chewing, and delay in self-feeding. present in wheat, rye, barley, and malt, have been suggested to
Toilet training is often delayed in ASD as in other develop- contribute to autism and behavioral problems. In addition
mental disorders. Dalrymple (1992) described problems of to the possibility of specific allergy to these foods, celiac dis-
toilet training in autism. Of his surveyed patients with a mean ease or gluten enteropathy may occur. Celiac disease is an
age of 19.5 years, 22% did not have full success with toileting. immune sensitivity to gluten proteins, which requires lifelong
Underlying medical issues such as constipation may present a elimination of these foods.
barrier to successful toilet training. Pursuing the question of the gut permeability and the
potential for food sensitivity, D’Eufemia et al. (1996) evaluated
21 children with autism and 42 unaffected control children.
The purpose of the study was to determine if increased passage
of larger molecular sized substances across the gut barrier was
Dietary and Nutritional Factors That
present in children with autism, as increased permeability of
May Be Seen in Children with ASD
larger molecular substances from the gut into the bloodstream
might explain the potential for an increased sensitivity to cer-
Perhaps the greatest interest among researchers and families
tain peptides or proteins. The study found that 43% of the
alike considering GI issues in autism focuses on the possibility
children with autism had increased permeability compared to
that diet and nutrition play a role in autism causation and
unaffected control children, who showed no increased perme-
ability, and suggested that with increased permeability, food-
When considering this relationship, several food-related
based or like-sized peptides that enter the bloodstream might
factors need to be considered:
induce allergic sensitization or cause “pharmacological”
1. Allergy. effects. This study attempted to address a theory known as
2. Food intolerance, as might be seen with inadequate opioid-excess theory (Panksepp, 1981).
Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 423

Endogenous opioids may control developmental processes Elder (2006) evaluated 15 children who were placed on a
(Zagon, 1978). Self-stimulatory and self-injurious behavior 12-week treatment cycle of a casein-free and gluten-free diet.
has been linked to B-endorphin levels (Barron, 1983). Altered This study was a blinded study, where the children received a
pain sensitivity has also been reported, and opioid antagonists diet that was free of casein and gluten for 12 weeks or a diet
such as naloxone and naltrexone have been used extensively in spiked with casein and gluten, and then the children were
children with autism in attempts to modulate opioid associ- crossed over for 12 weeks to the alternative diet. Caregivers
ated symptoms (Panksepp, 1981). Sandyk (1986) briefly and observers were not aware what the child was receiving. No
focuses on specific symptoms of autism that can be caused by differences in developmental markers or behaviors were seen.
abnormal endogenous opioid regulation. Sahley and Panksepp This was a group of children with autism, unselected by any
(1987) delineated the idea that abnormal brain opioid activity markers suggesting food intolerance. Interestingly, urinary
could play a role in the genesis of many autistic symptoms. peptides were evaluated for milk and gluten peptides during
Maldigestion of dietary peptides forms the basis of the the diets and no differences were identified in children’s
opioid peptide theory of autism. Several investigators have pro- urinary peptides while on or off milk or gluten.
posed that maldigestion of dietary proteins, particularly foods At this time, the studies attempting to treat autistic symp-
containing casein and gluten, produces small peptide molecules toms with diet have not been sufficient to support the general
that may function as exogenous opioids. Peptides described as institution of a diet for autism. Symptoms suggesting food
casomorphin (derived from milk) and gliadomorphin (derived allergy or dietary intolerance may prompt institution of a diet
from gluten foods) were identified in the urine of patients with for these symptoms.
schizophrenia and autism by Reichelt (1991). These peptides As we move forward, we need to consider the heterogeneity
were shown, in vitro, to bind to opioid receptors and therefore of the autism population. It seems unlikely that any diet, sup-
are speculated to cause CNS effects by modulating opioid plement, medicine, or even educational modality will work for
levels in the brain. Shattock (1990) supported this theory. every individual. Especially for dietary interventions, identify-
Opioid peptide theory could provide a possible explanation for ing a subgroup with characteristic presentation may allow a
reports of clinical improvement when some autistic children better prediction of response.
are placed on restrictive diets without proof of allergic sensitiv-
ity. One criticism of the theory is the observation that these Celiac Disease
urinary peptides are also present in asymptomatic children and
therefore may not exhibit a physiological effect. There is research that argues against a link between celiac
Knivsberg (1990) placed a selected group of autistic chil- disease and autism. Pavone (1997) evaluated a limited number
dren in a residential school on a gluten-free diet and reported of autistic children (11) for markers of celiac disease and found
improvement. He had screened these children prior to the diet no correlation. He also conducted evaluations on 120 children
and found evidence of the peptide gliadomorphin in their documented with identifiable celiac disease for any indication
urine. He suggested this finding identified children who may of behavioral abnormalities. He found that none of the chil-
have a problem with gluten. The gluten-free diet prescribed in dren exhibited autistic-like behaviors, concluding there was
this study would have potentially been helpful for children no connection between celiac disease and autism. This study is
with celiac disease, food allergy to gluten products, or maldi- too small to conclude that celiac disease is no more frequent in
gestion of these food products. The conclusions may support autism, however with the high prevalence of both conditions
the notion that at least a subgroup of patients could benefit in the general population (ASD seen in 1/166 individuals or
from dietary change. Sponheim (1991) offered a limited study even greater; Yeargin-Allsopp, 2003; and celiac disease seen in
evaluating autistic children placed on a gluten-free diet and 1/133 individuals; Fasano, 2003), there will be an expected
observed no behavioral improvement. He did not qualify the coincidence of these conditions. With such a common preva-
participants by identifying a gluten sensitivity marker. Several lence of celiac disease in the general population, celiac screen-
studies attempting to evaluate dietary reductions have been ing may be prudent in children with autism and any issues
put forward since (Lucarelli, 1995; Whiteley 1999; Cade, with GI disturbance or growth issues.
1999). These studies suggest that some participants do show There is often disagreement between parent and profes-
behavioral response to dietary restriction. sional (Ho, 1994) on the management of children with
A more recent trial by Knivsberg (2002), which addressed autism and what constitutes therapeutic benefit. Many par-
earlier limitations to tracking progress, suggested develop- ents institute dietary restrictions and report anecdotally that
mental progress was seen in individuals who had elevated various benefits have occurred. Validated tracking tools are
urinary peptides to milk and gluten. Patients were divided lacking to assess progress from therapeutic or nutritional
into 2 groups, a casein-free, gluten-free group and a group trials. In her paper, Elder et al. (2006) reported that although
that continued on milk and gluten. Ten children per group measurable changes were not identified in children on a
were monitored for a year by a blinded tester, and the dietary casein-free, gluten-free diet, some parents did notice subtle
restricted group showed beneficial progress over unrestricted differences in their children when the diet was restricted.
comparisons. This may represent a clear subset of proper Perhaps alternate assays will allow recognition of currently
candidates for dietary withdrawal. subtle changes with intervention.
424 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dietary Intolerance identified in patients with depression (Young, 1989), schizo-

phrenia (Godfrey, 1990), and affective disorders (Coppen,
Beyond allergy or immune-mediated food problems that may 1986). Vitamin B-12 deficiency has been considered a potential
account for dietary contribution to behavioral problems, food factor contributing to neurological dysfunction perhaps
intolerance or nonimmune reaction to foods could result from because it aids protein synthesis and myelination (Herbert,
inadequate digestion of food (e.g. lactose intolerance). Horvath 1975). Lowe (1981) could not identify deficiency of either folic
(1999) described diminished lactase activity, measured via acid or vitamin B-12 in autistic patients. More recent discus-
intestinal biopsy of autistic children with diarrhea who under- sion of vitamin B-12 supplementation, particularly methyl
went endoscopies, 58% of the time. The reported prevalence of B-12, focuses on the potential of methylation processing
lactose intolerance in the general pediatric population falls well defects (James, 2009).
below the frequency reported in the Horvath study (Kretchmer, Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) supplementation was noted to
1981). Possible reasons for lactase enzyme deficiency might improve behavior in autism (Rimland, 1974). A subsequent
include intestinal injury or diminished genetic expression of double blind, placebo-controlled trial supported the earlier
these enzymes. In the same study, Horvath measured pancreatic report (Rimland, 1978). Discussing the metabolic approaches
enzyme activity by performing secretin stimulation studies to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders, Page (2000)
during endoscopy. He did not identify pancreatic enzyme suggests that several well-designed studies including Coleman
deficiency when a limited number of children were evaluated. (1989), Kleijnen and Knipschild (1991), and Lelord (1988)
Alberti (1999) suggests that poor breakdown of some food support the idea that pyridoxine improves some symptoms of
products could allow them to have a neurotransmitter effect, autism. Although the potential value is discussed, a Cochrane
potentially accounting for altered behavior. He tested sulfation review (2005) of 14 studies evaluating B-6 supplementation
by dosing Paracetamol (acetaminophen) in children with did not find adequate data to support supplementation.
autism and measuring metabolites in the urine compared to Several studies looking for nutritional deficiencies raise
an age-matched unaffected control group. The sulfated metab- preliminary red flags. Hediger et al. (2008) reported decreased
olite of acetaminophen was lower in autistic children, raising cortical bone thickness in a group of 75 children with ASD.
the question whether consumption of certain foods requiring This finding was present despite normal growth and unre-
sulfation processing might exacerbate a metabolic dysfunc- stricted diet. Of the children studied, 12% had been in a milk-
tion. Murch et al. (1993) discussed disruption of sulfation in free diet, and this group had a significantly greater loss of
intestinal inflammation (colitis). McFadden (1996) suggests cortical thickness. The long-term implications are not clear,
that impaired sulfation has been found with increased fre- but those children on calcium supplementation in their study
quency in individuals with several degenerative neurological were not spared. More work investigating malabsorption or
and immunological conditions and might account for chemical required supplementation may be needed. Arnold et al. (2003)
and diet sensitivities in some children with autism. reported that children with autism had plasma amino acid
profiles showing more essential amino acid deficiencies than
Nutritional Deficiency age-matched controls and a trend for children on restricted
diets to show greater deficiency. These studies do suggest there
Model research regarding vitamin supplementation and may be potential negative outcomes from restrictive diets and
neurological functioning is seen with the condition tryp- the need to continue a diet should be supported.
tophan deficiency. Young (1991) looked at the effects of die- Many children with autism spectrum disorders receive
tary components including amino acids, carbohydrates, and vitamin and mineral supplements and other products every
folic acid supplementation on behavior. He reported that day on the basis of limited data. This limited information
tryptophan depletion decreased serotonin levels and affected underscores the need for well-constructed clinical trials to
mood. Other studies suggest that tryptophan depletion alters evaluate these nutrients and better clarify if supplementation
pain perception. Some types of pain may improve with sup- is a value and for whom it provides a benefit.
plementation of tryptophan; others, including postoperative
pain, actually worsened when supplemented with tryptophan.
McDougle et al. (1996) found that autism symptoms wors- Á
ened with tryptophan depletion. Mucosal Inflammatory Conditions
Considering the model of tryptophan deficiency, debate Described in ASD
has ensued regarding the use of specific vitamin supplementa-
tion as a potential treatment for autistic symptoms. Researchers There are a number of reports discussing the findings of
have reported that various supplements may bring clinical inflammation at endoscopy in children with autism. It is
improvement, including Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, folic important to begin by saying that inflammation is going to be
acid, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. identified only in children who have presented with symptoms
One theoretical reason that folate, B-6, and B-12 may have justifying an endoscopic procedure. This is true for all of the
value is that they are necessary for serotonin production. It is reports. Therefore discussion of GI findings cannot imply any
also possible that these agents may alter metabolic pathways known prevalence in the autism population, and at best
or modulate gene expression. Folic acid deficiency has been describes abnormalities in a subset of individuals.
Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 425

In his study of 36 children with GI symptoms and ASD Taylor (2002) saw no change in the frequency of regres-
brought to endoscopy, Horvath (1999) described esophagitis sion before and after the institution of MMR vaccination
in 69.4%, gastritis in 42%, and duodenitis in 67% of these in England. He did note a possible association between
children. The high frequency of esophagitis was especially nonspecific bowel problems and regression, but did not
noteworthy because the children were primarily under find that this related to MMR vaccination. Fombonne
evaluation for diarrhea. and Chakrabarti (2001) evaluated patient groups before
Wakefield (1998) was the first to discuss inflammation in and after the institution of MMR vaccination. He found
the lower GI tract among children with developmental no difference in the age of parent concern, the rate of
disorders. This study evaluated 12 children with “regressive developmental regression did not differ before and after
developmental disorder.” Eleven of the patients were reported MMR vaccine, and the intervals from MMR vaccine to
to have colitis by histology, and all had the endoscopic finding parental recognition of autistic symptoms were compa-
of prominent lymphoid nodules in the ileum (lymphoid nod- rable in autistic children with or without regression.
ular hyperplasia or LNH), colon, or both. He suggested that
measles virus from vaccine potentially caused these intestinal In 2008, Hornig et al. reported that in 25 children with
changes, which led to GI symptoms and increased intestinal autism and 13 unaffected controls, measles RNA was identi-
permeability and the subsequent development of autistic fied in only one affected and one unaffected child on intestinal
regression. In a larger study (Wakefield, 2000), he evaluated a biopsy. Although the presenting perception of most parents of
group of 60 children with “regressive” autism. This study also children with autism was that they regressed following vacci-
evaluated a control group of unaffected children undergoing nation with MMR (regression was identified in 88% of the
colonoscopy. In the affected group, 93% had ileal LNH; 14.3% children with autism), the sequence of symptoms that would
of the unaffected children had these changes. Histologic colitis support Wakefield’s theory was not present. Eighty percent of
was seen in 88% of the affected but only 4.5% of the unaffected the children with autism did not present with a sequence of
children. vaccination -> onset of GI symptoms -> autistic regression.
Several contentious questions were raised by these reports: The discussion about vaccination as a cause of autism
profoundly overshadowed the GI findings. If the children
1. The frequency of inflammation found was quite high. studied had significant GI pathology, regardless of suspected
This may have reflected the severity of the patients etiology, symptoms of pain, GI dysfunction, and perhaps
being evaluated. As was seen in Horvath’s study, there behavioral issues would benefit from treatment of these noted
was a notable frequency of inflammation in endoscopy GI disturbances.
testing. Furlano (2001) reported that, although the histologic find-
2. The finding of lymphoid nodular hyperplasia (LNH) ings of colitis described in the autistic children were less severe
was interpreted as an abnormality. Pediatric gastroenter- than classical inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), immunohis-
ologists have reported this finding as a developmentally tochemical testing showed increased basement membrane
normal or prominent following allergy or constipation thickness and mucosal gamma delta cell density compared to
(Turunen, 2004; MacDonald, 2007).The finding of lym- IBD. The significance of these findings is unclear.
phoid nodular hyperplasia has been noted in other con- Torrente (2002) described duodenal biopsy findings in
ditions (Sabra, 1998). Allergy has been associated with 25 children with “regressive” autism. The biopsy findings were
LNH. Kokkonen (2002) reported that LNH was seen in compared to 11 celiac patients, 5 patients with cerebral palsy
the colon in 46 of 140 children undergoing colonoscopy and mental retardation, and 18 control patients with normal
for persistent and severe gastrointestinal symptoms. histology. Twenty-three of 25 autistic children had normal
These children were not noted to have autism or other histology or nonspecific increased cellularity. Immunohisto-
developmental issues. In this same study, ileal LNH was chemical studies showed an overall marked increase in mucosal
seen in 53 of 74 children tested, suggesting that LNH lymphocyte density in autistic children compared to controls
is common in children and not specific to the ASD and MR-CP patients. The density of CD8 T-cells was also
population. He suggests LNH may be an expression of greater in the autistic patients than controls and MR-CP
immune response. Wakefield et al. (2005) supports the patients. IgG deposition in the basolateral enterocyte membrane
contention that LNH is more prominent in autism and and subepithelial basement membrane was seen in 23 of 25
seems independent of allergy or constipation. This topic autistic children but was not seen in the control or MR-CP
is one of ongoing discussion in the literature. patients. The significance of these findings remains unclear, as
3. Wakefield suggested that the potential reason for colitis this specialized testing is not usually done on all patients
and LNH was measles virus infection from the measles, undergoing intestinal biopsy. Evaluating the group of children
mumps, and rubella vaccination (MMR) accounting Wakefield studied, Ashwood (2006) reported, “There is a
for the lesion. Alarge number of papers refute the idea unique pattern of peripheral blood and mucosal CD3+
that MMR administration is associated with the devel- lymphocytes intracellular cytokines, which is consistent with
opment of autism (Chen, 2004; Dales, 2001; DeStefano, significant immune dysregulation, in this ASD cohort.”
2004; Fombonne & Chakrabarti, 2001; Honda, 2005; We may need to reconsider what we consider normal
Madsen, 2002; Afzal, 2006; D’Souza, 2006; among others). biopsies. We also need to consider the significance of
426 Autism Spectrum Disorders

microscopic inflammation. It may be that these findings are functional variant of the MET gene (chromosome 7) in ASD
important in children with autism because these are a source patients in families with affected individuals who are reported
of inflammation. Because children with autism have sensory to have co-occurring gastrointestinal conditions. A functional
processing abnormalities, perhaps low-grade inflammation variant in the promoter of the gene encoding the MET receptor
can cause significant dysfunction in this population. It may be tyrosine kinase is associated with autism spectrum disorder,
that the findings are not always clinically relevant. This is a and MET protein expression is decreased in the temporal
primary focus of ongoing research. cortex of subjects with autism spectrum disorder. MET is a
Other considerations of impaired bowel health include an pleiotropic receptor that functions in both brain development
unhealthy bowel flora. Sandler et al. (2000) suggests that dis- and gastrointestinal repair. On the basis of these functions, the
ruption of indigenous gut flora might promote colonization authors hypothesized that association of the autism spectrum
with bacteria that produce neurotoxins. He treated autistic disorder–associated MET promoter variant may be enriched
children with oral Vancomycin, and 8 of 10 showed transient in a subset of individuals with co-occurring autism spectrum
behavioral improvements. Brudnak (2002) and Linday (2001) disorder and gastrointestinal conditions. The sample consisted
describe the potential use of probiotic (nonpathogenic bacte- of 992 individuals from 214 families. Because the C allele dis-
ria and yeast) agents such as Lactobacillus species and rupts transcription of the MET gene, the biological translation
Saccharomyces Boulardii. The value of these organisms may of these genetic findings is consistent with a hypothesis that
be to normalize intestinal flora, provide digestive enzymes reduced MET signaling may contribute to a syndrome that
aiding nutrient absorption, minimizing allergen exposure, includes ASD with co-occurring gastrointestinal conditions.
and to stimulate local immune responses in the intestine. This finding may be one “biomarker” that if present may sug-
Evaluating children with ASD and GI symptoms, Horvath gest a subgroup of individuals vulnerable to autism and
(1998) performed endoscopy and pancreatic function testing comorbid gastrointestinal issues.
by administering secretin. Secretin is a neurotransmitter pro- Another topic that may be relevant to GI issues and autism
duced in the duodenum and stimulates the washout of pancre- is the description of a higher frequency of children with
atic enzymes into the intestine. Following the procedure, he mitochondrial dysfunction exhibiting autism (Oliviera et al.,
reported improvements in social behaviors including better eye 2007). Children with mitochondrial dysfunction often have gen-
contact, increased social awareness, and improved expressive eralized motor dysfunction of the GI tract causing GER or con-
language in 3 children. A flurry of studies followed, in effort to stipation symptoms (Chitkara, 2003). The subgroup of children
assess if secretin had a therapeutic benefit to treat the greater with autism and GI issues may suggest a subgroup of children
community of autistic children. Sandler (1999), Lightdale meriting additional work-up for mitochondrial dysfunction.
(2001), Roberts (2001) and others reported no sustained gas- Berney (2000) stated, “In the absence of a cure, the imple-
trointestinal or neurological benefit of secretin over placebo. mentation of ideas will continue to outstrip factual evidence.”
Functional GI issues include gastroesophageal reflux, Medical providers need to recognize that families of children
recurrent abdominal pain, and irritable bowel syndrome. with autism are not only looking for a cause or cure for autism,
Population-based survey studies remain sorely lacking to fully they are trying to assure that their child is as healthy as possi-
determine how often children with ASD have gastrointestinal ble to prevent barriers to progress. As part of this, many chil-
function problems. We cannot speculate on how frequently dren will be on diets or supplements. The use of complementary
this will be seen in ASD, but should not assume that these con- approaches to care is common in this population. Families
ditions happen less frequently in the nonverbal child than in have reported that 31.7% to 52% of children with autism have
the verbal child. been treated with complementary approaches (Levy, 2003;
Conditions such as recurrent abdominal pain, abdominal Wong, 2006). Diets and complementary treatments are not
migraine, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have no defin- unique to autism. Pediatric patients with chronic diseases
ing test to clarify the diagnosis. Symptom history is the best often receive supplements to traditional treatments. Forty
current method to identify these disorders and therefore may percent of pediatric patients with chronic disease report using
be difficult to ascertain in this population. Many children with CAM as part of their management (McCann, 2006). As we
ASD exhibit significant sensory processing dysfunction. provide more definitive data about pathology and expecta-
Symptoms seen in sensory integration disorder such as altered tions in this population, one may expect speculative care to be
pain perception are a primary component of IBS as well and reduced.
may be a reason to consider this diagnosis in children with GI As a result of research to date, GI practitioners are now
issues and ASD. being asked to participate in the evaluation of children with
ASD and GI symptoms. Pediatricians, family physicians, and
gastroenterologists, first and foremost, need to be willing to
Á consider that children with autism have a right to comorbid
Speculations and Conclusions GI issues. The conditions of reflux, food sensitivity or allergy,
constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel conditions
In 2009, Campbell described the results of an exploratory, are common in general pediatrics and should be expected to
retrospective study indicating a genetic association of a be identified in children with autism. As more prevalence
Gastrointestinal Problems in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 427

data are available, we may find that some of these issues are blood of autistic children who have had their MMR vaccination
more common in children with autism and may even be during the routine childhood immunization schedule of UK.
related to the phenotype of a subgroup. Until then, thought- Journal of Medical Virology, 78, 623–630.
ful care and evaluation should be offered to children with Ahearn, W. H., Castine, T., & Green, G. (2001). An assessment of
food acceptance in children with autism or pervasive develop-
autism presenting for evaluation is needed.
mental disorder-not otherwise specified. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 31(5), 505–511.
Conclusions Alberti, A., Pirrone, P., Elia, M., Waring, R., & Romano, C. (1999).
Sulphation deficit in low-functioning autistic children: A pilot
Gastrointestinal conditions are common in children with study. Biological Psychiatry, 46(3), 420–424.
autism. They may represent a comorbidity, but their presence Arnold, G. L., Hyman, S. L., Mooney, R. A., & Kirby, R. S.
may well exacerbate behaviors of autism. There remains debate (2003). Plasma amino acids profiles in children with autism:
Potential risk of nutritional deficiency. Journal of Autism and
about whether an underlying inflammatory condition of the
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26 Á Anne E. Porter, Daniel G. Glaze

Sleep Problems

Á and the BEARS. Objective measures of disturbed sleep

Points of Interest include at home use of a physical activity monitor, or
actigraph, and clinical polysomnography.
• Sleep disorders affect approximately 20 to 30% of the • Sleep problems should be treated first with behavioral
general pediatric population. In the ASD population the therapy. If problems persist, consideration can be give to
prevalence is much higher and is estimated at between use of pharmacologic sleep aids.
44 and 86%. The most commonly reported problem is
insomnia, which can include inability to initiate sleep
and difficulty maintaining sleep. Á
• Children with ASD are at risk for other medical problems Introduction
and frequently receive psychotropic medications, both of
which can impact sleep. The etiology of sleep problems Sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorders
in children with ASD is likely multifactorial, including (ASD) are a significant issue and warrant a place in routine
genetic and environmental factors as well as medical and clinical evaluation. Evidence consistently indicates that
behavioral issues. children with an autism spectrum disorder are more likely to
• The most common parasomnia reported in children have a sleep disorder than typically developing children. A
with ASD is bruxism (18%). Other reported parasomnias wide range of sleep disorders are reported in this population,
include sleepwalking and night wakings associated with with the most common being insomnia, including difficulty
either inconsolable screaming or a frightening dream. falling asleep and staying asleep. Furthermore, sleep disorders
• Sleep problems experienced by children are frequently negatively impact the daytime functioning of both the child
associated with disturbances in neurocognition and and family members, as well as exacerbate coexisting medical,
behavior. In children, common consequences of poor psychiatric, psychosocial, and developmental problems.
sleep include difficulty with mood regulation and Progress has been made in understanding pediatric sleep
impulse control, hyperactivity or daytime sleepiness, disorders that will contribute to better care for children with
poor concentration and impaired memory. The impact ASD and sleep problems. Reliable and valid methods for
of impaired sleep on daytime functioning may be even identifying and characterizing sleep problems in children
more severe in children with poor self-regulation, a defi- exist, including short screening questionnaires that can be
cit common in children with ASD. Poor sleep may exac- easily administered at any point of contact. When sleep prob-
erbate existing behavioral problems. lems are identified, effective treatments are available. In this
• Parent report measures are a quick and easy way for chapter we will consider an overview for the clinician of the
clinicians to screen for sleep problems. The two most clinical presentations of sleep disorders in children with
commonly used measures in the pediatric population autism spectrum disorders, as well as discuss the evaluation
are the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and treatment of these disorders.

432 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Table 26–1.
Epidemiology Commonly reported sleep problems
in autism spectrum disorders
Prevalence and Correlates Sleep Problem Reported Prevalence

Sleep disorders affect approximately 20 to 30% of the general Insomnia 40–80%; General Pediatric
pediatric population (Owens, Spirito, et al., 2000b; Sadeh, Population 10–30%
Raviv, et al., 2000). In the ASD population the prevalence is Circadian Rhythm 4–35%; General Pediatric
much higher and is estimated at between 44 and 86% Disorder Population 1%
(Richdale & Prior 1995; Wiggs & Stores, 1996; Patzold, Delayed Sleep Phase
Richdale, et al., 1998; Allik, Larsson, et al., 2006). This high Irregular Sleep Schedule
prevalence cannot be explained by level of cognitive func- Parasomnias Not known; in a small case
tioning alone. A study of parent-reported sleep problems in report study RBD occurred in
children with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) and 45%
normal intelligence found that 78% of parents reported sleep Bruxism
problems in these children, compared to 26% of parents of an
NREM Parasomnias (Sleep
age- and gender-matched group of typically developing chil-
walking; Night Terrors)
dren (Couturier, Speechley, et al., 2005). Further, a large
study comparing children with ASD (n = 303; ADI and ADOS REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
confirmed) to children with developmental delays, but no
Note: Sleep Disordered Breathing (Obstructive sleep apnea) and Sleep Related
ASD (n = 63) and typically developing children (n = 163) found Movement Disorders not listed; prevalence not known, but may be similar to the
that children with ASD had a higher prevalence of parent- general pediatric population.
reported sleep problems than either of the two comparison
groups. Fifty-three percent of children in the ASD group had
at least one frequent sleep problem, compared to 46% and sleep problems are more likely to be reported in children
32%, respectively, of the developmentally delayed and typi- younger than 5 years and are more severe in children with
cally developing groups (Schreck, Mulick, et al., 2004). It intellectual disability (Richdale & Prior, 1995).
appears ASD may be a risk factor for sleep problems inde-
pendent of level of cognitive functioning. Typical Sleep Architecture
The most commonly reported problems include inability
to initiate sleep and difficulty maintaining sleep (Table 26-1). Children with autism are subject to the same general sleep
Parents have reported that their children with ASD have trouble expectations as typically developing children, and deviation
going to bed on time, wake frequently during the night, and from these norms is significant even when the child “doesn’t
wake early (Richdale & Prior, 1995; Johnson et al., 2008; seem to need much sleep.” It is therefore important to under-
Krakowiak et al., 2008; Richdale et al., 2009). Also reported are stand the sleep patterns that typically developing children
irregular sleep-wake patterns and poor sleep routines (Hoshino, manifest at different ages.
Watanabe, et al., 1984; Clements, Wing, et al., 1986; Quine 1991;
Patzold, Richdale, et al., 1998; Owens, Spirito, et al., 2000b; Toddler: Ages 0 to 2 Years
Schreck & Mulick, 2000; Honomichl, Goodlin-Jones, et al., 2002;
Meltzer, 2008). During objective evaluations using actigraphy, Just after birth, infants lack a circadian rhythm, and their
children with ASD exhibited less total sleep time in 24 hours sleep/wake cycle varies without regard to dark and light cycles.
than children with developmental delay without ASD and During the first few months of life they develop a diurnal sleep
typically developing children (Goodlin-Jones et al., 2008). The cycle and by 9 months 70% of infants are sleeping primarily in
children with developmental delay exhibited more and longer the evening with one to two naps during the day. By age 1 year,
awakenings after sleep onset than the ASD or typically devel- toddlers typically require 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night and
oping children. The presentation of sleep problems in children may take one or two naps of 2 to 3 hours duration during the
with ASD is discussed in more detail later in this chapter. day (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). The most common problems
As with other aspects of the ASD phenotype, sleep problems at this age are night wakings, which may be as common as
are a complex and variable phenomenon in this group. The 42% of toddlers, and bedtime resistance (Glaze, 2004).
high number of children who experience at least one sleep Behavioral patterns that are established at this time can impact
problem warrants screening for sleep problems in all children the child later in life, including cosleeping and developing a
with ASD. There are some subgroups that are at increased risk. bedtime ritual (Glaze, 2004).
A 2008 study using the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire
found that children with developmental regression were sig- Preschool: Age 3 to 5 Years
nificantly more likely to experience sleep problems than chil-
dren who did not have a regressive-onset of autism (Giannotti, During this period children’s sleep needs typically decrease
Cortesi, et al., 2008). Similarly to typically developing children, from 13 hours to 11 hours by 5 years of age (Glaze, 2004).
Sleep Problems 433

Napping also decreases, and children may take only one nap symptoms, and other sleep disorders. Each of these classes is
and for a shorter time. Night wakings become less common, further subdivided based on etiology or presentation. Children
with somewhere between 15 to 30% affected (Mindell & with ASD most commonly present with a subset of these sleep
Owens, 2003). Further reinforcement of a bedtime routine is disorders, and this chapter will focus on this subset.
important at this age, as some children will continue to dem-
onstrate their increasing independence through bedtime Insomnia
resistance. Cosleeping is a common cause of sleep disturbance
at this age (Mindell & Owens, 2003). The most common sleep problem experienced by children
with ASD is insomnia. Over half of 167 parents surveyed with
School-age: Age 6 to 12 Years a modified Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (see section
on screening) reported that their child with ASD experienced
Children of this age require approximately 10 to 11 hours of insomnia 5 to 7 nights per week (Liu, Hubbard, et al., 2006).
sleep and no longer require a nap. Daytime sleep may be In practice, insomnia is an umbrella term that includes prob-
present, although it may be a symptom of abnormal sleep pat- lems that contribute to difficulty initiating sleep or difficulty
terns (Mindell & Owens, 2003; Glaze, 2004). Common issues maintaining sleep. Diagnostically, the American Academy of
at this age include sleepwalking, nightmares, bruxism, and Sleep Medicine defines insomnia as persistent difficulty with
sleep disordered breathing. This period is also associated with sleep initiation, maintenance, or quality that occurs despite
changes in circadian rhythm, and children may shift from an opportunities for sufficient sleep and that results in daytime
externally enforced sleep schedule to intrinsic preferences, impairment (The American Academy of Sleep Medicine). In
e.g., morning versus evening alertness (Mindell & Owens, many cases the diagnosis may come from parent report rather
2003). Children should be allowed to direct their own bedtime than directly from the child. A child with insomnia may
to some degree in order to establish a routine that fits the present with difficult behavior surrounding bedtime routines,
child’s circadian rhythm and maintains a full night of sleep impaired daytime functioning, or daytime sleepiness.
(i.e., staying up later by 30 minutes is only appropriate if the Two major contributors to insomnia are difficulty falling
child is able to alter his or her morning routine. asleep once in bed and waking during the night. This same
previously mentioned study found that the average sleep
Adolescents: Age 12 to 18 Years latency, or the time that it takes for a child to fall asleep once in
bed, was 33 minutes, although it was reported to be as long as
Sleep requirements drop further in this period. Most teens 150 minutes in some cases (Liu, Hubbard, et al., 2006). This
require approximately 9 hours of sleep per night, although the large variation is supported by another study that compared
average teen gets 7 hours of sleep per night. Approximately 11 parent assessment of sleep problems to objective laboratory
to 30% of adolescents and teenagers experience a sleep disor- assessment (Malow, Marzec, et al., 2006). Children who were
der at this age (Glaze, 2004). The increasing independence assessed by their parents as having moderate or severe sleep
during these years, as well as increased responsibility at home problems were found to have an average sleep latency of
and at school can contributed to compromised sleep. 97 minutes. This was significantly longer than the average
Environmental factors, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or 30-minute sleep latency in children with ASD but mild or no
drugs may reduce the quantity or quality of a child’s sleep, sleep problems. This suggests that when sleep problems are
while resulting daytime sleepiness may increase the use of present, difficulty initiating sleep is a common occurrence.
these substances. Further, the onset of puberty may cause Difficulty falling asleep is also reported as a primary concern
changes in circadian rhythm, shifting sleep phase later by among parents (Malow, Marzec, et al., 2006). Bedtime resist-
approximately 2 hours. Children in this age group in the ance may be a behavioral issue, related to hypersensitivity, or
United States are frequently getting less sleep than is needed, other problem behaviors, or it may indicate an underlying
and insufficient sleep is a primary problem in this group. abnormality in circadian rhythm.
Another symptom of insomnia is awakening during the
Sleep Problems in ASD night. Night wakings are normal and benign in children less
than six months of age, but persist in approximately 25 to
The term “sleep problems” encompasses a variety of pheno- 50% of children after this age (Mindell & Owens, 2003).
types, including several well-characterized sleep disorders. Waking during the night is frequently a result of negative
Although there is no official system for classifying pediatric sleep associations. Children who share a bed, or who require
sleep disorders, common systems have developed around the a specific stimulus to fall asleep are more likely to wake during
adult literature and clinical practice. the night. If the stimulus, such as parent’s presence, is not
The most widely used system is the International Classi- available during the might then returning to sleep can be dif-
fication of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual ficult. Parents may not be aware that their child wakes during
(American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005), which defines the night if the child stays in his or her own room. Actigraphy
the following classes of sleep disorders: insomnia, sleep related can be used to assess sleep/wake patterns. A 1995 study of 39
breathing disorders, hypersomnias, circadian rhythm disor- children with autism found that night wakings were
ders, parasomnias, sleep related movement disorders, isolated common, occurring as often as 3.2 nights per 2-week period.
434 Autism Spectrum Disorders

In nearly half of these cases the child was awake for longer fall asleep in the parents bed are all examples of behaviors that
than 30 minutes (Richdale & Prior, 1995). will impair sleep by failing to set appropriate limits. Data pub-
Insomnia can be caused by a variety of different factors. lished in 2006 from a survey of parents regarding their chil-
The ICSD-2 divides insomnias by causative factor including dren with ASD reported that over half of the 167 participating
adjustment insomnia, psychophysiological insomnia, para- children expressed resistance to bedtime and 16% shared a
doxical insomnia, idiopathic insomnia, insomnia due to bed with parents (Liu, Hubbard, et al., 2006). This rate of cos-
mental disorder, inadequate sleep hygiene, behavioral insom- leeping in a study with an average participant age of 8.8 years
nia of childhood, insomnia due to drug or substance, insom- is considerably higher than a typically developing population
nia due to medical condition, and insomnia not otherwise at the same age. Limit-setting insomnia should be ruled out or
specified (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005). While identified and addressed through behavioral means in any
insomnia is usually considered to be a disorder experienced by investigation of pediatric insomnia. Particularly with cosleep-
adults, many of these factors may be relevant to children with ing, parents may feel that falling asleep in mom or dad’s bed is
ASD and will be discussed. acceptable if it helps a child who will not fall asleep alone.
However, accommodating a child’s difficulty with bedtime
Adjustment Insomnia either masks a potentially treatable intrinsic insomnia or
causes primary insomnia. Parents should be queried about
Adjustment insomnia is marked by the occurrence of a their bedtime routine with the child.
specific stressor and is transient. The stressor may be a new
environment but may also be a recent change in the child’s Behavioral Insomnia of Childhood,
life that is not clearly associated with bedtime. Children with Sleep-Onset Association Type
ASD may be predisposed to adjustment insomnia due to dif-
ficulties in transitions that are inherent to the disorder. Sleep-onset association type insomnia refers to a situation in
Parents who mention a recent onset of insomnia should be which a child cannot fall asleep without a particular stimulus
queried about the duration and about any changes that may present (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). Commonly reported neg-
have taken place in the child’s life at that time. In many cases ative stimuli include needing a parent present to fall asleep or
this type of insomnia will resolve on its own once the child needing to be driven around in the car. These behavioral
has adjusted to a new environment. accommodations are typically not sustainable and negatively
impact parents’ lives to a significant degree. When the
Inadequate Sleep Hygiene required stimulus is not present, bedtime resistance and
insomnia develops. As with limit-setting insomnia, the stim-
Sleep hygiene refers to the physical and behavioral environment ulus becomes either a mask for other etiology, or it becomes
surrounding sleep. Good sleep hygiene, or positive sleep an obstacle to consistent healthy sleep patterns. This behavio-
habits, promote healthy sleep and eliminate factors that might ral disorder typically occurs in toddlers or young children,
disturb sleep. Good sleep hygiene practices include: maintain- but may be present at older ages in children with develop-
ing regular and developmentally appropriate bedtimes and mental disorders. When identified in parent-interview, sleep-
out-of-bedtimes; making the bedroom a media-free zone (no onset association disorder can be addressed with behavioral
television, computers, video games, etc.); establishing a regu- changes called extinction that will gradually wean the child
lar bedtime routine that is conducive to sleep (e.g., nightly off the stimulus.
bath, story, etc.); avoidance of caffeine and stimulation activ-
ity in close proximity to bedtime, and appropriate parent/ Insomnia Due to Other Medical Problems
caretaker expectations. Poor sleep hygiene may contribute or
exacerbate sleep problems. Children with ASD are at risk for other medical problems and
frequently receive psychotropic medications, both of which
Behavioral Insomnia of Childhood, Limit-Setting Type can impact sleep. Medical problems can include gastrointes-
tinal problems such as gastroesophageal reflux and be par-
Limit-setting sleep disorder is an inability to go to sleep due to ticularly bothersome in relation to sleep. Epilepsy, which is
insufficient enforcement of good bedtime behaviors by parents resent in approximately one third of children with ASD
(Mindell & Owens, 2003). In some cases parents are (Giovanardi Rossi, Posar, et al., 2000), may also impact sleep.
inconsistent with bedtime. In the absence of consistent struc- Partial seizures of temporal lobe origin have been found to
ture, children are more likely to resist or completely refuse reduce REM sleep in adults, even when the seizures occur
bedtime on any given night. This results in delayed sleep onset during the day (Bazil, Castro, et al., 2000). REM sleep has
and shorter total sleep time, although sleep quality after onset been implicated in memory consolidation and learning. The
is usual normal (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). Children may also possibility that sleep problems may be secondary to an exist-
experience symptoms of insomnia if parents do not teach ing medical condition, as well as a review of the medications
them good sleep hygiene. Allowing children to fall asleep with a child is receiving, deserve consideration when children with
the television on, have access to video games after bedtime, or ASD are experiencing sleep problems.
Sleep Problems 435

Sleep Related Breathing Disorders reported 1% of typically developing controls with DSPS.
Diagnosis was based on parent report questionnaire and sleep
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a respiratory sleep diary. Other studies support the presence and significance of
disorder that involves some degree of obstruction to upper this problem in children with autism. Wiggs and Stores col-
airways. SDB ranges from primary snoring to severe obstruc- lected sleep data from parent report, sleep diary, and actigraphy
tive sleep apnea (OSA). Primary snoring does occur and can on 69 families with an ASD child (Wiggs & Stores, 1996). Of the
be benign, but snoring is more often a sign that OSA is 44 children who reported disturbed sleep, 4 experienced symp-
present. OSA is a severe form of SDB and occurs when air- toms of DSPS. This same study found that a second circadian
flow ceases completely due to upper-airway obstruction. rhythm abnormality, irregular sleep phase syndrome, was
Signs of OSA include a repeated sequence of a snore, silence reported in 2 of the 44 children. Additional objective studies
(breathing stops), and a gasp or snort as breathing resumes are needed to accurately assess the prevalence of DSPS in chil-
(Mindell & Owens, 2003). This sequence can cause small dis- dren with ASD, but it does appear to be a prevalent complaint.
ruptions in sleep. These disruptions may be imperceptible to
the patient but nonetheless fragment sleep and may result in
daytime sleepiness and daytime cognitive/behavior problems
including inattention and hyperactivity. Risk factors for OSA Parasomnias refer to problems that disturb sleep after it has
include tonsilar hypertrophy, obesity, hypotonia, family his- been initiated. These include bruxism, nightmares, night ter-
tory, and ethnicity (higher in African American children; rors, sleepwalking, and REM sleep behavior disorder. Bruxism
Mindell & Owens, 2003). OSA can be treated with weight- is the term used for repetitive teeth grinding during sleep.
loss (when obesity is present), tonsillectomy and/or adenoid- Approximately 14 to 20% of children in the general pediatric
ectomy, or continuous airway pressure (CPAP) when not population grind their teeth during sleep, but this prevalence
otherwise resolved (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). Children with is likely higher in children with developmental or cognitive
ASD may have difficulty tolerating CPAP and may need a delays. Children are rarely aware of the condition, and parents
period of desensitization. Sleep disordered breathing has who hear the grinding most often identify it. Bruxism can
been reported by parents to occur in nearly 25% of surveyed cause dental damage and may also cause muscle pain and
children with ASD, although more data regarding the exact headaches. Nightmares or frightening dreams may affect as
prevalence is needed (Liu, Hubbard, et al., 2006). many as 50% of young children, with decreasing prevalence as
children age (Mindell & Owens, 2003). Removing negative or
Circadian Rhythm Abnormalities overstimulating images from the bedroom or practicing
relaxation techniques prior to bedtime may help alleviate
Circadian rhythm abnormalities include disruptions in the nightmares. Night terrors are episodes of waking during the
sleep-wake cycle that prohibit normal sleep. The most night and expressing symptoms of intense fear. Night terrors
common type of circadian rhythm abnormality is delayed differ from nightmares in that they occur during slow-wave
sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). This is an abnormality in sleep rather then REM sleep, generally occur earlier in the
circadian rhythm that results in sleep onset more than 2 hours evening, and are rarely recalled by children.
after normal sleep time (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). As the Sleepwalking occurs in as many as 40% of children, and 3 to
name implies, the child’s internal circadian rhythm is active 4% experience episodes either monthly or weekly (Mindell &
but latent. Children with DSPS do not respond to typical cues Owens, 2003). Sleepwalking has a strong genetic component,
for sleep onset, such as low light or regular bedtime, but do and a family history may be present in as many as 90% of cases.
experience appropriate sleep duration and quality after sleep Although sleepwalking is benign, parents are able to protect
onset at a later time. The two signs of DSPS are (1) a child who the child from secondary injury by locking doors and windows,
falls asleep easily and consistently at a delayed hour, or (2) a gating stairs, and removing obstructions or dangerous objects
child who is predictably difficult to wake the next morning, from the child’s environment. If episodes occur at predictable
but who will wake on their own if allowed to sleep in (Meltzer times, scheduled awakenings can be planned to avoid the epi-
& Mindell, 2006). DSPS is most often addressed with behavio- sode. Waking the child every night 15 to 20 minutes prior to
ral changes to the sleep-wake schedule. Specifically, the child is the episode for 1 to 2 weeks may resolve the problem.
slowly (over a period of several weeks or months) retrained to REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a less commonly
a more appropriate sleep cycle by using the natural sleep time observed parasomnia, but may be more common in children
as a starting point and gradually moving bedtime forward. with ASD than typically developing children. During healthy
It is unclear exactly how common DSPS is in children with REM sleep there is muscular paralysis. RBD is characterized
ASD but it appears to occur with at an elevated prevalence from by loss of this atonia, resulting in patients acting out dreams.
the general pediatric population. A 2008 study of regression Patients may kick or punch the air, run from bed, or demon-
and disturbed sleep in children with autism found that 16% of strate other complex muscle movements (American Academy
children with nonregressive autism and 35% of children with of Sleep Medicine, 2005). Daytime sleepiness may be
regressive onset autism had DSPS (Giannotti, Cortesi, et al., observed if sleep is fragmented as a result of RBD. In the gen-
2008). Both of these rates were significantly different from the eral population RBD most often occurs in adult males and
436 Autism Spectrum Disorders

is associated with neurodegenerative disease such as produce sleep problems, most commonly difficulty initiating
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s dementia, and multiple sclerosis. and maintaining sleep. The circadian clock is located in the
Evidence suggests that RBD may also occur at an increased suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus and, among
incidence in children with ASD. A polysomnographic study other things, determines the release of sleep-related hor-
of 11 children with a DSM-IV diagnosis of autism, ages 3 to mones such as melatonin. The circadian clock, in combina-
9 years, found that 5 met criteria for RBD (Thirumalai, tion with changes in light, determines the production of
Shubin, et al., 2002). RBD should be diagnosed by polysom- melatonin from the pineal gland. Bright light suppresses
nography, but is suggested if parents report observing any of melatonin production, but in dim-light conditions the level
the symptoms above. RBD may occur in combination with of endogenous melatonin can be measured using saliva, and
other sleep disorders. the time of melatonin increase, referred to as dim-light mela-
As a group, parasomnias are reported to occur in tonin onset (DMLO), can be used as a marker for circadian
approximately 53% of children with ASD. The most common rhythm. Typically the DMLO should occur just prior to aver-
parasomnia reported in this group is bruxism (18%). A age time of sleep onset. Studies indicate that melatonin regu-
reported 4% of children with ASD sleepwalk, 5% awaken lation in children with ASD may be abnormal compared to
during the night with inconsolable screaming, and 4% awaken controls. Specifically, children with ASD may have elevated
from a frightening dream. Questions that may trigger melatonin levels during the day and decreased levels of mela-
identification of parasomnias are available in the CSHQ (see tonin at night (Ritvo, Ritvo, et al., 1993; Nir, Meir, et al., 1995;
section on evaluation below). Kulman, Lissoni, et al., 2000). This pattern is the opposite
from that seen in typically developing children. A 2005 study
Sleep Related Movement Disorders assessed 6-sulphatoxymelatonin, a primary melatonin metab-
olite that is excreted in urine, and found that children with
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is characterized by unpleasant ASD showed significantly lower concentrations of 6-SM
sensations that are associated with a desire to move, and relief relative to age- and gender-matched controls (Tordjman,
with such movement. These sensations occur more frequently Anderson, et al., 2005). These studies together suggest that
at rest or lying down and during the evening (ICSD-2). RLS is circadian rhythm abnormalities may more common in chil-
usually considered in adults, but can have its onset in child- dren with ASD and likely contribute to disturbed sleep in
hood. RLS is often, although not always, associated with peri- children with ASD.
odic leg movement disorder (PLMD). PLMD is characterized
by brief (second) jerks during non-REM sleep. These rapid
movements may be accompanied by short arousals. Although Á
the etiology of these disorders is unknown, RLS may include a Impact
history of iron-deficient anemia. Further, there appears to be
a genetic component, and a family history of RLS is associated Daytime Functioning
with increased risk. RLS is also associated with a diagnosis of
ADHD (Mindell & Owens, 2003). RLS may be difficult to Sleep problems experienced by children are frequently
diagnosis in children with autism without polysomnography associated with disturbances in neurocognition and behavior.
due to core deficits in communication. RLS may present as In children, common consequences of poor sleep include
difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying in bed at bedtime. difficulty with mood regulation and impulse control,
While the diagnosis of RLS is based on clinical criteria, the hyperactivity or daytime sleepiness, poor concentration, and
diagnosis of PLMD is based on the findings of overnight poly- impaired memory. The impact of impaired sleep on daytime
somnography (“sleep study”), which may suggest or support functioning may be even more severe in children with poor
the diagnosis of RLS in those children unable to provide self-regulation, a deficit common in children with ASD. Poor
sufficient clinical information. sleep may exacerbate existing behavioral problems.
Data collected by the Autism Treatment Network (ATN)
in 2006 found quantitative impairments in daytime function-
Á ing in children with ASD and sleep problems. Participants
Etiology were 54 parents of children with a diagnosis on the autism
spectrum, confirmed by ADI and ADOS. Parents reported
The etiology of sleep problems in children with ASD is likely their child’s sleep using the Children’s Sleep Habits
multifactorial, including genetic and environmental factors Questionnaire (CSHQ) and completed behavioral question-
as well as medical and behavioral issues. Disturbances in the naires, including the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC), the
sleep-wake cycle may contribute to the occurrence of sleep Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Pervasive Developmental
problems in these children. The sleep-wake cycle is regulated Disorder Behavior Index (PDDBI), and the Behavior Rating
by many factors but the primary driving force is the circadian Inventory for Executive Functioning (BRIEF). Parents who
rhythm, which is the cycle of sleep-related hormones and reported sleep problems on the CSHQ also reported signifi-
internal signals. Disorders of the circadian rhythm can cantly increased scores in several behavioral subdomains.
Sleep Problems 437

Children were reported to have increased irritability, It is possible that the relationship between child’s sleep
stereotypy, and hyperactivity, as well as deficits in executive problems and parental stress is bidirectional.
function, including planning and organization.
These observations are consistent with reports from other
studies indicating that poor nighttime sleep negatively impacts Á
daytime functioning. In a study of children with an ADOS Screening and Identification
confirmed diagnosis of ASD and who underwent polysom-
nography, children with poor sleep were scored significantly Parent Report
higher by their caregivers on the affective problems scale of the
Child’s Behavior Checklist (CBCL) than children with good Parent report measures are a quick and easy way for clinicians
sleep (Malow, Marzec, et al., 2006). A study of questionnaire to screen for sleep problems. The two most commonly used
data from 55 parents who self-identified as having a child with measures in the pediatric population are the Children’s Sleep
ASD (ages 5–12 years) found that children with sleep prob- Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)(Owens, Spirito, et al., 2000a)
lems also had more severe autism symptoms, as assessed using and the BEARS. However, other instruments are available,
the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (Schreck, Mulick, et al., 2004). including screening guidelines for obstructive sleep apnea
Parent-report data from a study of 32 children with Asperger’s (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2002). Due to the over-
syndrome (AS) or high functioning autism (HFA) indicates whelming evidence that sleep problems occur frequently in
that children with AS/HFA and insomnia have more severe children with autism, significantly impact cognition and
autism behaviors, as measured by the Autism Spectrum behavior, contribute to family stress, and may be treatable, it
Screening Questionnaire, and worsened social behaviors, as is imperative that all children with a diagnosis of autism spec-
assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Allik, trum disorder be assessed for the presence of comorbid sleep
Larsson, et al., 2006). problems, either at the time of first diagnosis or during
The majority of studies of sleep and behavior have found a follow-up care.
statistical association, but do not provide support for a clear The BEARS is a clinician-administered questionnaire that
causal relationship, However, there is evidence that improving consists of five items and allows parents to report the presence
sleep problems improves behavior. A case study a 5-year-old of bedtime issues. These include problems with bedtime and
female with pervasive developmental disorder not-otherwise- initiating sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, night awaken-
specified, and sleep disordered breathing found improved ings, regularity and duration of sleep, and snoring. See below
socialization and reduced stereotypy (Malow, McGrew, et al., for a list of BEARS items and sample questions. These ques-
2006). Studies in typically developing children have also found tions may be modified to best query for the child’s age and
improved behavior with successful treatment of sleep prob- developmental level.
lems, although these results have not yet been replicated in
large number in children with ASD. A study of children ages
five to 13 years who underwent adenenotonsillectomy as treat- BEARS (Owens & Dalzell, 2005)
ment for sleep-disordered breathing found that hyperactivity
1. Bedtime: Does your child have any problems going to
was reduced in these children, and that attention improved
Bed or any problems falling asleep?
(Chervin, Ruzicka, et al., 2006).
2. Excessive daytime sleepiness: Does your child seem
Sleep problems in children can also impact parents’ sleep
Excessively sleepy during the day and/or have difficulty
and cause significant stress for the family. Parents of children
waking up in the morning?
with sleep problems are more likely to have difficulty sleeping
3. Awakenings: Does your child Awaken during the night
themselves, in part due to demands placed on them by the
or have any unusual behaviors during the night?
child’s nighttime arousal. A study of 32 children with ASD and
4. Regularity and Duration of Sleep: Does your child have
their parents found that not only did children have poorer sleep
a Regular sleep schedule and get enough sleep each
quality than a control group of 25 typically developing children,
but parents of the ASD group reported significantly earlier wake
5. Snoring: Does your child Snore or have any problems
times, shorter time in bed, and shorter actual sleep time than
breathing during the night?
parents of the typically developing group (Meltzer, 2008).
Parents of children with ASD also report higher levels of day- If parents answer yes to any of the five questions then the
time stress, particularly if the child’s daytime behavior was wors- clinician is prompted to ask about the specifics of the prob-
ened due to poor sleep. It is not clear whether there is a causal lem. This instrument allows clinicians to inquire about sleep
relationship between poor sleep and parental daytime stress. problems during a routine clinic visit, and, without being
However, a 2001 study found that when the child’s sleep prob- overly burdensome, will provide the clinician with some
lems were successfully treated, the level of maternal stress was indication of need for further evaluation or for referral for
reduced. Paternal stress was not affected by improved sleep in formal sleep evaluation. The BEARS was developed by Judith
the child, although father’s satisfaction with their own sleep Owens and has been used clinically since 2005 (Owens &
was improved in the treatment group (Wiggs & Stores, 2001). Dalzell, 2005).
438 Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) is a and all naps. When combined with information regarding
parent-report questionnaire developed by Judith Owens for bedtime and out-of-bed time, this data can be used to calculate
use in children ages 4–12 years (Owens, Spirito, et al., 2000a). sleep latency, total sleep time, and sleep efficiency (the percent
Parents are asked to rate each of 33 sleep-disturbance items of time in bed that is spent asleep). Caregivers should be asked
based on their frequency during a “typical” recent week. to complete a concurrent daily sleep diary to provide a context
Behaviors are rated on a 3-point scale: “usually” if the behavior for the data and aid in interpretation. The most informative
occurred 5 to 7 times per week; “sometimes” for 2 to 4 times actigraphy data relies on compliance from both the parents
per week; and “rarely” for 1 or fewer times per week. The CSHQ and the child. Children with sensory issues may have difficulty
asks parents to report how often their child has experienced wearing a novel object, although undergoing a period of
each of a list of specific sleep behaviors during the past 7 days, desensitization prior to beginning data collection may help
e.g., snoring. Parents are also asked to separately report address this difficulty.
whether or not the behavior was a problem. Parent responses Polysomnography (PSG) is the “gold standard” for assessing
are numerically coded and classified into eight domain scores: sleep (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006) and provides information
(1) Bedtime Resistance; (2) Sleep Onset Delay; (3) Sleep regarding sleep architecture and disruption. PSG combines
Duration; (4) Sleep Anxiety; (5) Nightwakings; (6) Parasomnias; electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), and
(7) Sleep Disordered Breathing; and (8) Daytime Sleepiness. electro-oculogram (EOG), with additional assessment of respi-
All items contribute to a composite score, which has been ratory activity to quantitatively describe all aspects of the child’s
shown to be clinically significant. Children who have a com- sleep over the course of a given night. Although PSG is widely
posite sleep score greater than 41 are considered to have sleep acknowledged as the best tool for diagnosing and characteriz-
problems and should be considered for further evaluation. The ing the sleep, and specifically sleep disorders such as PLMD
CSHQ is designed based on common clinical presentations of and sleep disordered breathing, it has several drawbacks.
the sleep disorders most often seen in children, and specific Chiefly, PSG only provides data from a single or short series of
answers will provide some characterization of problems that nights rather than an assessment over a larger time period. The
are present. children are evaluated in the unfamiliar environment of a clin-
Information about the child’s sleep-wake cycle over a ical sleep laboratory. Many children with ASD may experience
period of days can be collected using a sleep diary. The clinician difficulty tolerating the placement of the sensors and the novel
can choose the duration of a sleep diary, but a typical period is environment of the sleep laboratory. Careful planning and
1 to 2 weeks. An informative sleep diary should allow parents preparation of the child and the parents are necessary for the
to complete a continuous measure of their child’s sleep over successful completion of the polysomnographic study (Mindell,
the period, clearly delineating sleep and wake periods. Each Emslie, et al., 2006).
24-hour period should be recorded as fully as possible, includ-
ing naps and nighttime waking (if observed by parents).
Parents should also be asked to provide a daily log of their Á
child’s routine and diet, including bedtime, consumption of Treatment
caffeinated beverages, medications that might affect sleep, or
any deviation from the typical routine. An example of a sleep It is critical that sleep problems be reliably identified because
diary is included in Figure 26-1. The sleep diary differs from there are interventions available that can alleviate or cure the
other parent-report measures in that it is a structured free problems and possibly improve the consequent adverse
report rather than guided response, and because it provides behavioral and cognitive effects. Parents are frequently under
more comprehensive child’s sleep over a period of days. If the misconception that the sleep problems are “part of the
parents are encouraged to complete the diary diligently, it autism” and that they cannot be treated. Both behavioral and
may be possible to identify variation in sleep patterns from pharmacological treatments exist and can be used in this
night to night as well as provide a better understanding of the population. Figure 26-2 presents an algorithm for screening
home environment and some assessment of sleep latency (if children for sleep problems and referral for sleep evaluation or
the child is put to bed at 8:00 PM but sleep does not begin other subspecialty evaluation.
until 9:00 PM). Treatment of sleep problems in children with ASD can be
complicated by the many other medications and therapies
Objective Assessment that are used to treat these children. However, it is import to
first manage medical and behavior problems that may con-
Nighttime sleep can be assessed objectively at home by using a tribute or exacerbate sleep problems. Specific sleep disorders
physical activity monitor called an actigraph. Children can such as obstructive sleep apnea should be appropriately evalu-
wear the watch-sized actigraph on their wrist or, if necessary, ated and managed. In general, guidelines published by the
on their ankle. The actigraph contains a motion sensor that American Academy of Pediatrics mandate that sleep problems
records activity over a period of time, often 1 or more weeks. should be treated first with behavioral therapy (Mindell,
Data from actigraphy provides a measure of all waking and Emslie, et al., 2006). If problems persist, consideration can be
sleep time, including exact times that the child went to sleep given to use of pharmacologic sleep aids.
Sleep Problems 439


Please shade times during which the child was asleep. If the child is wearing an activity monitor, please indicate time when the watch
was taken off and put back on with two vertical bars connected by a line.

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM

10:00 PM

11:00 PM

12:00 AM

1:00 AM

2:00 AM

3:00 AM

4:00 PM

5:00 AM

6:00 AM

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM


1. Who completed this diary? (e.g., Mother, Father, caregiver, etc.)


2. What time did your child go to bed last night? __ __:__ __AM/AM

3. What time did your child get up this morning? __ __:__ __AM/AM

4. Did your child go to school yesterday? Yes or No (circle one)

5. Was your child sick yesterday? Yes or No (circle one)

6. Did your child start any new medications yesterday? (circle one)

Yes or No

If so, list medications: ________________________________

7. Did your child stop any old medications yesterday? Yes or No (circle one)
If so, list medications:

8. How many 8 oz. beverages containing caffeine did your child drink yesterday? _______

9. How would rate your child’s sleep last night overall? (circle one)

Very good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

8. Please add any comments you think may be relevant to your child’s sleep,
e.g. travel, specials events, etc: __________________________________


Figure 26–1. Sleep diary.

Behavioral Therapy promote sleep onset, and bright light and warmer temperatures
will help promote wakefulness. Exposure to early morning
Sleep hygiene refers to bedtime practices, and particularly bright light helps advance the sleep phase, while evening bright
those that promote sleep onset and healthy sleep. Good sleep light may delay sleep onset. An appropriate sleep hygiene
hygiene habits include setting a consistent and developmen- plan should be developed in discussion with the family to
tally appropriate bedtime, removing electronics from the bed- meet their needs and ensure appropriate expectations. Sleep
room, avoiding caffeine, developing a step-down routine for hygiene may not resolve sleep problems completely, but can
bedtime and an appropriate bedtime ritual, and adjusting the contribute to improvement of the child’s sleep and may be
environmental conditions to help entrain the circadian rhythm used in concert with other behavioral and pharmacological
cycle. Low light and cool temperatures in the evening will help therapies.
440 Autism Spectrum Disorders

All patients
screened with
BEARS or CSHQ If behavioral therapy fails to address the child’s sleep problems,
Positive Negative treatment with a pharmacologic agent may be indicated. Many
screen screen parents treat the symptoms of their child’s sleep problem with
secondary pharmacologic agents, often without a physician’s
Does patient have Screen regularly
medical problems? for sleep problems
oversight. Regardless of whether the treatment is prescription
(e.g. GERD, seizures) or over-the-counter, a physician should work with parents to
develop and oversee a good plan for pharmacologic manage-
Yes No
ment. However, the lack of evidence supporting most phar-
Treat medical problem or Treat with 30 days macological treatments has left parents and physicians without
refer to sub-specialist. sleep hygiene a reliable roadmap.
Re-screen at next visit
Re-screen The lack of attention to pharmacologic management of
sleep problems in children with autism may be due to the lack
of treatment studies children in general. In response to this
Problems resolved? dearth of published evidence, the AAP has identified children
Yes No with ASD as a high priority population for clinical trials of
pharmacologic sleep therapies (Mindell, Emslie, et al., 2006).
Re-screen Sleep apnea or
at next visit parasomnias
However, several studies have been released that build on
present? existing literature to provide evidence for several different
Yes No
pharmacologic treatments of sleep problems in these children.
Additionally, a consensus paper was published in 2005 that
Overnight sleep Refer to sleep reviewed commonly used pharmacologic treatments for
study specialist insomnia (Owens, Babcock, et al., 2005). This statement sets
Obstructive Sleep
Apnea (OSA) forth recommendations for treatment and dosing that are
Seizures Inconclusive
based primarily on clinical experience rather than evidence
ENT evaluation Refer to Refer to sleep based on well-designed and controlled clinical trials.
neurologist specialist This consensus statement and other published reviews
discuss prescription and nonprescription medications that are
commonly used to treat insomnia. Typically these are in the
Treatment options for OSA: class of sedatives or hypnotics, although some psychotropic
Tonsillectomy medications provide secondary benefits to sleep. As yet there
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) are no pediatric guidelines for pharmacologic management of
Nasal steroids sleep problems, and the FDA has not approved any medications
Weight Management
labeled for treatment of pediatric sleep problems. We present
here a summary of the most frequently used medications. In
Figure 26–2. Decision tree for screening and assessment of sleep
particular, more evidence is needed to fully assess the use of
problems in children with autism spectrum disorder.
these medications in children with ASD (Mindell, Emslie,
et al., 2006). Pharmacologic intervention should be initiated
after a thorough sleep evaluation and should be paired with
Specific behavioral interventions can be developed to behavioral interventions.
address sleep-onset association and limit-setting type insomnia.
Extinction involves putting the child to bed at a particular Melatonin
bedtime and then ignoring the child’s inappropriate behaviors
until the following morning. This technique forces children to Melatonin is an endogenous neuropetide that is secreted by
resolve their need for a particular stimulus on their own, the pineal gland in response to signals from the circadian
although it may be unpalatable to parents. Graduated extinc- clock. Typically, endogenous melatonin levels are low during
tion allows parents to check on the child, but with increasing the day and peak prior to nighttime sleep onset, although evi-
delay over a period of 1 to 2 weeks. As with extinction, the goal dence (discussed previously in this chapter) indicates that this
is to wean children off sleep associations that are unsustaina- rhythm may be disrupted in some children with ASD. This
ble and teach children to “self-soothe”(Mindell & Owens, explanation of sleep problems in this population theoretically
2003). Other step-down rituals can be devised based on the supports treatment with exogenous melatonin, although as yet
child’s ability to tolerate bedtime changes and the parents the literature has not connected a response to treatment with
desire to institute good bedtime habits. High-functioning melatonin to an underlying melatonin abnormality. Regardless,
children may respond to incentive-based interventions. In this exogenous melatonin is a commonly used over-the-counter
case it is important to select incentives that are desired and sleep aid. Melatonin has been studied in children with ASD
that can be immediately awarded. and found to be a safe and effective treatment for insomnia.
Sleep Problems 441

A 2006 double-blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over trial in Benzodiazapines

11 children found that 5 mg of melatonin daily for 4 weeks
significantly reduced both sleep latency and number of night Benzodiazepines have historically been used to treat adult
wakings (Garstang & Wallis, 2006). These results have been anxiety disorders and as sedatives and anticonvulsants
supported by two open-label trials in children with ASD. An in pediatric patients. Medications in this class function as
open-label study of the long-term safety and efficacy of mela- gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonists to decrease neu-
tonin was conducted in a group of 25 children with autism. ronal excitability across the central nervous system. A variety
Children were given 3 mg of controlled release melatonin at of structurally variant benzodiazepines are now used to help
the start of the study, but were titrated up to as much as 6 mg children fall asleep and stay asleep for the course of the night.
per day if necessary. The study found that after 24 weeks In particular these medications may be used to suppress night
patients had improved sleep, as evidenced by sleep diary and terrors or other partial-arousal parasomnias, as well as to treat
CSHQ. Further, children who discontinued melatonin at 16 circadian rhythm disorders (Reed & Findling, 2002; Mindell &
weeks returned to disturbed sleep patterns but showed Owens, 2003). The most commonly used of this class are
improvement after treatment resumed (Giannotti, Cortesi, clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), flurazeam
et al., 2006). A large-scale clinical trial of melatonin in 107 (Dalmane), quazepam (Doral), temazepam (Restoril), esta-
children ages 2–18 showed that melatonin effectively resolved zolam (ProSam), and triazolam (Halcion) (Reed & Findling,
sleep problems in 25% of patients at doses of melatonin start- 2002). These medications differ primarily on time of onset,
ing at 0.75 mg per day and titrated up to 6 mg as necessary. which ranges from 15 minutes to an hour, and half life, which
An additional 60% of patients reported improved sleep, can be 3 to 120 hours (Reed & Findling, 2002). Side effects of
although sleep problems were still present. Only three patients benzodiazepines include daytime drowsiness, a worsening of
in this study reported experiencing side effects including insomnia with withdrawal of the drug (rebound insomnia),
morning sleepiness and increased enuresis, which resolved other withdrawal symptoms such as phonophobia, photo-
when the dose was lowered (Andersen, Kaczmarska, et al., phobia, and seizures, as well as anterograde amnesia (Reed &
2008). Other studies have found that patients did not Findling, 2002). Short-acting benzodiazapines are generally
experience any side effects as a result of the melatonin. These associated with the withdrawal effects and amnesia, while
studies support the use of melatonin to treat insomnia in longer-acting variants are more likely to produce daytime
children with ASD. Possible side effects of melatonin include residual effects. Clinical trials have been limited to adults and
hypotension, bradycardia, nausea, and headache. Melatonin no studies exist in an ASD population. No medications in this
may also exacerbate comorbid autoimmune diseases (Owens, class are FDA approved for treatment of pediatric sleep
Babcock, et al., 2005). problems, and guidelines for pediatric dosing do not exist.

Clonidine Zolipidem (Ambien) and Zaleplon (Sonata)

Catapres, known by the trade name of Clonidine, is an alpha- Both Zolipidem and Zaleplon are both used clinically to treat
adrenergic receptor agonist that was originally developed as a adults and adolescents with primary insomnia (Mindell &
nasal decongestant for adults. During initial clinical trials Owens, 2003). Similar to benzodiazapines, these medicines
investigators observed that Clonidine had bradycardic and act as GABA-agonists to inhibit the central nervous system.
hypotensive effects, and it has since become a treatment for Unlike the previous class of medications, zolipidem and
hypertension (Reed & Findling, 2002). Although Clonidine zaleplon are associated with limited daytime effects and
may cause insomnia in adults, it is soporific in children and is reduced tolerance. Side effects do include daytime sleepiness,
commonly prescribed to treat sleep problems in children with confusion, anterograde amnesia, and rebound insomnia
neurological disorders as well as ADHD (Reed & Findling, (Mindell & Owens, 2003). Results from studies in children in
2002). Clonidine may also be used to treat problems with general are lacking, and no studies have been conducted in
impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. Clonidine is not children with ASD.
labeled to treat pediatric sleep problems, although studies
have shown that it can improve insomnia in some children. A Chloral Hydrate
1996 study found that Clonidine improved sleep problems in
85% of 62 children with ADHD, ages 4 to 17 years (Prince, Chloral hydrate is one of the oldest treatments for sleep
Wilens, et al., 1996). Data from a 2008 open-label study of problems, although its use has declined since it was introduced
Clonidine in 19 children with ASD showed that parent report in the 1870s (Reed & Findling, 2002). Today chloral hydrate is
of sleep initiation improved, and that side effects were tolera- used to treat sleep-onset delay and circadian rhythm abnor-
ble. Reported side effects from this study included lethargy, malities, particularly in children with neurologic abnormalities
tachycardia, daytime sedation, and hypotension (Ming, or blindness. Adult studies have not shown chloral hydrate to
Gordon, et al., 2008). These side effects were rare, and in only have a benefit over placebo in treating insomnia. Side effects
one case was the child withdrawn from the study due to side include gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting, liver toxic-
effects. Bradycardia, dry mouth, and depressed consciousness ity, dizziness, light-headedness, and respirator depression
have also been reported (Reed & Findling, 2002). (Mindell & Owens, 2003). Discontinuation after prolonged
442 Autism Spectrum Disorders

use can cause withdrawal, including seizures and delirium. prevailing understanding at one time was that poor sleep was
Use of chloral hydrate has also been associated with adverse “part of the autism” and did not warrant further clinical
events, including cardiac arrhythmias and central nervous attention. In fact, children with ASD and sleep problems may
system depression in children (Reed & Findling, 2002). have more impaired neurocognitive functioning and worse
behavior than children with ASD and normal sleep (Schreck,
Antidepressants Mulick, et al., 2004; Malow, Marzec, et al., 2006).
In response to the high prevalence and clinical severity,
Tricyclic and newer serotonergic antidepressants have been sleep problems are diagnosable, often in the pediatrician’s
used with increasing frequency to treat partial arousals and office. Expedient screening questionnaires are available, and
nocturnal enuresis (Reed & Findling, 2002). Trazadone, these can be both administered and assessed by most physi-
nefazodone, and aroxetine are commonly used to treat the cians who see children with ASD (Owens, Spirito, et al., 2000a;
former, while imipramine hydrochloride is the most common Owens & Dalzell, 2005). Referral to a sleep specialist may be
antidepressant to treat the latter. These medications work necessary, but even in this case screening questionnaires are
by suppressing deep sleep and decreasing arousals during an efficient and effective way to identify children for further
sleep-stage transitions. Side effects of antidepressants include evaluation. Assessment for sleep problems should be a routine
daytime sleepiness and dry mouth. There is also concern for part of clinical care for children with ASD.
cardiac arrhythmias (Reed & Findling, 2002). Available and effective treatments further justify attention
to sleep problems in this population. A 2005 consensus state-
Antihistamines ment provides guidelines the use of behavioral and pharmaco-
therapy by community-based pediatricians (Owens, Babcock,
Antihistamines are the most commonly recommended non- et al., 2005). Behavioral therapy should be tried first, followed
prescription medication for sleep problems. Data published by pharmacotherapy if necessary and supervised by a pediatric
from a survey of community based pediatricians found that sleep specialist when possible. Future advancements in this
68% of physicians who have recommended a nonprescription field require data from well-designed clinical trials of sleep
medication recommended antihistamine at least once (Owens, medications in children with ASD.
Rosen, et al., 2003). Nonprescription antihistamines are also
commonly chosen by parents of children with sleep problems
without a physician’s recommendation. H1 receptor agonists Á
such as diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, and chlorpheniramine Conclusion
act by crossing the blood-brain barrier to depress the central
nervous system. Decreased alertness and slowed reaction are This review supports the opinion that sleep problems in children
typically achieved 2 to 3 hours after administration, and half- with ASD are a significant issue that should be part of the rou-
life ranges from 3 to 9 hours. Side effects include impaired tine clinical evaluation of these children. Sleep problems occur
daytime functioning and poor sleep quality (Reed & Findling, frequently in ASD and negatively impact on the child’s sleep, as
2002). Second- and third-generation antihistamines, such as well as the sleep of parents and caretakers. Additionally, sleep
terfenadine and loraditine, may have fewer residual daytime problems negatively impact on daytime cognition and behavior
effects (Mindell & Owens, 2003). of these children, and the quality of life of their families. There
is a need for further characterization of specific sleep problems
in ASD and comparison of differences and prevalences to
Á children with other developmental problems and typically
Prognosis (for the Field) developing children. Effective treatment has the potential to
reverse the nighttime and daytime impact of sleep problems in
Sleep problems are a frequent and serious concern in children these children. We are challenged to develop reliable screening
with ASD. Numerous studies have been conducted on the paradigms for the primary care physician and the ASD specialists.
prevalence of sleep problems, and the percent of children with To develop effective treatment protocols for the sleep problems
ASD who experience difficulty sleeping ranges from between of children with ASD we need to better understand the patho-
44 and 86% (Richdale & Prior, 1995; Wiggs & Stores, 1996; physiology and the relationship of other medical problems and
Patzold, Richdale, et al., 1998; Allik, Larsson, et al., 2006). medications. Well-designed clinical trials of behavioral and
Sleep problems in this group have been consistently found to pharmacological therapies are necessary to establish an evidence
be more common than in either typically developing or basis for the management of sleep problems.
developmentally delayed children. This increased risk and,
even at the lowest prevalence estimates, high comorbid occur-
rence, put sleep problems near the top of the list of medical Á
conditions affecting children with ASD. Challenges and Future Directions
Although evidence that children with autism are much
more likely than typically developing children to experience • Sleep problems should be part of the routine clinical
disturbed sleep has accumulated over the past decade, the evaluation of children with an autism spectrum disorder.
Sleep Problems 443

• Reliable screening paradigms are needed to aid primary Goodlin-Jones, B. L., Tang, K., et al. (2008). Sleep patterns in pre-
care physicians and specialists in evaluating children school-age children with autism, developmental delay, and typi-
with ASD. cal development. Journal of the American Academy of Child and
• Well-designed clinical trials of behavioral and pharma- Adolescent Psychiatry, 47, 930–938.
Honomichl, R. D., Goodlin-B. L., Jones, et al. (2002). Sleep patterns
cological therapies are needed to establish an evidence
of children with pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of
base for management of sleep problems.
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32(6), 553–561.
• Effective management requires better understanding of Hoshino, Y., Watanabe, H., et al. (1984). An investigation on sleep
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ASD, including relationship to other medical problems Japonica, 38(1), 45–51.
and treatments. Johnson, K. P., Malow, B. A. (2008). Assessment and pharmacologic
• Better understanding of the epidemiology of sleep prob- treatment of sleep disturbance in autism. Child and Adolescent
lems in children with ASD will aid identification and Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17, 773–785.
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Perspective Article Á Christopher Gillberg

Autism as a Medical Disorder

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)—including autistic of the stance on the part of the pediatrician or neurologist
disorder, atypical autism (also referred to as autistic-like that the diagnosis—tuberous sclerosis—has already been
condition and pervasive developmental disorder not-otherwise made) and referral to the child psychiatric clinic will not
-specified/PDD-NOS), Asperger’s disorder, and childhood happen, leading to underrepresentation of autism with tuber-
disintegrative disorder—are often lifelong conditions that ous sclerosis in the latter setting. On the other hand, in the
are, rightly, considered to be the territory of psychiatrists, specialized epilepsy clinic, where the child neurologist may be
psychologists, special education teachers, speech and lan- well aware of the very common co-occurrence of autism, epi-
guage pathology therapists (SLPs), geneticists, neurophysiol- lepsy, and intellectual disability, the diagnosis of autistic dis-
ogists, neuroradiologists, and neurochemists. In everyday order may be made in more than half of the clientele,
practice, special education teachers, psychologists, and SLPs depending on the number of severely mentally retarded indi-
are probably the specialists who interact the most with chil- viduals seen in that clinic. This subgroup of children with
dren, adolescents, and adults with ASD and their families. autism, epilepsy, and severe intellectual disability is likely to
Almost by tradition, ASD has come to be regarded as a set of have a very high rate of “underlying” or otherwise associated
functional disabilities that are best contained within the realm medical disorders.
of “psychoeducation.” Only rarely, if at all, is autism looked Conversely, there are a number of conditions, be they
at from the point of view of general clinical medicine, which “neurological,” “neurodevelopmental,” or “medical” syn-
is quite surprising, given the great amount of data that exist dromes, that have a high rate (more than expected by chance,
to suggest that autism is a collection of medical disorders i.e., more than a few percent) or a very high rate (more than
rather than a specific disorder in its own right (Gillberg & twenty percent) of several autism symptoms associated with
Coleman, 2000, 2009). them, and for which the diagnosis of autistic disorder or ASD
In population-based studies, children with autistic disor- is very often appropriate (Gillberg & Coleman, 2000). In the
der have an identifiable medical disorder—such as tuberous diagnostic category of autistic disorder, each one of these
sclerosis or the Fragile X syndrome—in about 25% of all cases conditions contributes only a small fraction (up to a few per-
(Gillberg & Coleman, 1996). In males with Asperger’s disor- cent) of the variance, but, taken together, they account for a
der, a similar medical condition may currently be identified very large minority of all cases with autistic disorder.
in about 15% of all cases (Cederlund & Gillberg, 2005). These
figures do not include epilepsy—which occurs in 5% to 40%
of individuals with ASD, depending on age, gender, and ASD Á
diagnostic subgroup (highest in autistic disorder, lowest in Conditions that have a More than
Asperger’s disorder)—as a “medical disorder.” In children Coincidental Chance of being Associated
with autistic disorder seen in specialized clinics, these rates of with ASD
medical disorders can be either higher or lower, depending
on the “niche” of the clinic. In child psychiatric clinics, the Several of the “conditions associated with autism” (CAA) are
rate is likely to be low as a consequence of diagnostic over- listed in Table PA-1. Some of them, including Down syn-
shadowing. For instance, when tuberous sclerosis is diag- drome, have a very much lower rate of autism symptoms than
nosed in a pediatric or neurologic clinic, there is a high risk the remainder of these syndromes, but, nonetheless, much
that the autistic disorder diagnosis will not be made (because higher than expected in the general population. Every medical

446 Autism Spectrum Disorders

doctor working with individuals with ASD needs to be aware Metabolic disorders
of the existence of these conditions so that a correct diagnosis
Ehlers Danlos syndrome Fehlow et al., 1993
can be made as early as possible. The list is not exhaustive, and
“new” autism-associated disorders will be discovered over the Galactosemia
next several years, illustrating the need for autism doctors to Marfan syndrome Tantam et al., 1990
keep abreast of progress in the field of so called behavioral Mucopolysaccharidosis, Colville & Bax, 1996
phenotype syndromes, including genetic and toxic disorders. including Sanfilippo
Some of the CAA have a rather specific link with autism Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Tierney et al., 2000
(e.g., tuberous sclerosis, Moebius syndrome, thalidomide
Movement disorders/neuromuscular disorders
embryopathy, and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome), some
increase the risk for a whole host of neurodevelopmental prob- Cerebral palsy Goodman, 2002
lems, including autism, and others probably co-occur with Developmental coordination Kadesjö & Gillberg, 1999
autism, not because they themselves contribute to the risk of disorder (DCD)
Catatonia Wing & Shah, 2000
Table PA–1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy Komoto et al., 1984
Conditions associated with autism spectrum disorders Steinert myotrophic dystrophy† Ekström et al., 2008
(i.e., conditions with a high rate of associated autistic
Peroxisomal disorders
Leber congenital amaurosis Curless et al., 1991
Condition Reference(s)
Mitochondrial disorders
Genetic/neurodevelopmental/neurocutaneous syndromes/disorders* HEADD (Hypotonia, epilepsy, Fillano et al., 2002
Angelman Steffenburg et al., 1996 autism, developmental delay)
CHARGE association Johansson et al., 2006 Other mitochondrial disorders Oliveira et al., 2005
Cohen Howlin, 2001 Amino acid disorders
Cornelia De Lange Bhuyian et al., 2006 PKU separate chapter
Di George (22q11del) Niklasson, 2009 Cystathionine beta-symthetase separate chapter
Down Howlin et al., 1995 deficiency
Fragile X Gillberg, 1983 Homocysteine separate chapter
Fragile X premutation Aziz et al., 2003 Urea cycle disorders Görker & Tüzün 2005
Hypomelanosis of Ito Akefeldt & Gillberg 1991 Endocrine disorders
Joubert Holroyd et al., 1991 Hypothyroidism separate chapter
Klinefelter Kielinen et al., 2004
Congenital/perinatal infections
Kleine Levin Berthier et al., 1992
Rubella Chess, 1977
Landau Kleffner Neville et al., 1997
Herpes Gillberg 1986
Lujan-Fryns Stathopulu et al., 2003
CMV Stubbs et al., 1984
Moebius sequence Johansson et al., 2001
Neurofibromatosis Gillberg & Forsell 1984
Teratogenic syndromes/toxins
Noonan Ghaziuddin et al., 1994
Fetal alcohol spectrum Aronson et al., 1997
Oculoauriculovertebral Johansson et al., 2007 disorder†
spectrum (including Goldenhar)
Fetal cocaine syndrome Davis et al., 1992
Smith Magenis Hicks et al., 2008
Thalidomide syndrome Strömland et al., 1994
Smith Lemli Opitz Tierney et al., 2001
Valproic syndrome Williams et al., 2001
Sotos Zappella et al., 1992
Disorders affecting the visual system
Tuberous sclerosis Hunt & Dennis 1987
Retinopathy of Prematurity/ Ek et al., 1998
Williams Gillberg & Rasmussen 1994
Psychiatric disorders
Other conditions
ADHD Gillberg, 1983a
Consequences of being born Limperopoulos et al., 2005
Anorexia nervosa Gillberg, 1983b prematurely
Selective mutism Kopp & Gillberg, 1997 Effects of perinatal asphyxia and Badawi et al., 2006
Tourette syndrome Kadesjö & Gillberg, 2000 Hypoxic Ischemic
Personality disorders Anckarsäter et al., 2006 Encephalopathyy (HIE)
Autism as a Medical Disorder 447

autism, but, just like autism, reflect underlying brain problems Screening
that may have identifiable or nonidentifiable underlying causes
(e.g., ADHD, DCD, prematurity, and HIE). Screening for autism can, theoretically, be done in well-baby
clinics, schools, and in connection with health checks in adults.
These settings represent general population screens, and have
Á been used in a number of epidemiological studies. However, it
Genetic Aspects is still debatable whether general screening for autism should
be universally recommended. Screening for autism among
Autistic features are highly heritable. The heritability of 18-month-old babies is successful in identifying severe cases
autistic disorder in cases where there is no diagnosed CAA is and very few false positives (if false positive is defined as being
on the order of 90%. However, there is no evidence, as yet, “normal”). However, a majority of the moderately and mildly
that any small number of genes account for most of the vari- affected children with ASD are often missed in such screening
ance of this heritability. Instead, a number of different genes efforts (Fernell & Gillberg, 2010). If screening for ASD of
have been identified (so far mostly neurodevelopmental, young children is done, it appears that 30 months could be a
including neuroligin and SHANK-3 genes) that each account much better age, at which time the majority of cases with
for a small proportion of all cases (Lamb, chapter 38, this autistic disorder and some degree of intellectual disability
volume), and it does not seem unreasonable that when they would probably be picked up (Pandey et al., 2008, Fernell
are all taken together, they will explain more than half of the et al., 2010). Nevertheless, it would be important to continue
total variance. to be on the look-out for ASD at older ages even if thorough
screening of 2- to 3-year-olds has been performed. Cases of
Asperger’s syndrome and atypical autism will continue to
Á cause diagnostic problems well into school age, and it is still
Pre-, peri-, neo-, and Postnatal common for children with these ASDs to be correctly diag-
Brain Damage nosed only around age ten years or later.
Screening in clinics is an altogether different issue and is, in
A number of potentially pre- and perinatal brain damaging the author’s opinion, to be recommended. ASD screening
factors—including extreme prematurity, postmaturity, and would be particularly important in highly specialized clinics
perinatal asphyxia—are known to be statistically associated (such as learning disability, ADHD, and Tourette clinics)
with a risk of being diagnosed with ASD (Badawi et al., 2006; where many children have ASD “comorbidity.”
Limperopolus, 2009; Gillberg & Cederlund, 2005). There are several useful screening instruments, including
the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT; Baron-Cohen
et al., 1992), the Modified CHAT (M-CHAT; Robin et al.,
Á 2001), and the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ;
What Is the Appropriate Level Berument et al., 1999) for 2- to 4-year-olds; the Five to Fifteen
of Work-up in Individuals Presenting Questionnaire (FTF; Kadesjö et al., 2004) for school-age chil-
with Autistic Symptomatology? dren; Autism, Tics, ADHD, and other comorbidities (A-TAC;
Hansson et al., 2005), which can also be used as a telephone
There is now often animated discussion concerning the need interview, and the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
for a “full” medical work-up in ASD. Mental retardation, or (ASSQ; Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993) for school age children and
learning disability, is present in a large minority of all indi- adolescents; and the Autism Quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen,
viduals with ASD, and in the majority of those with autistic 2001) for adults. All these instruments have proven good psy-
disorder (Fernell & Gillberg, 2010). Most clinicians would not chometric properties. The ASSQ has been used in studies of
question the need for an in-depth medical appraisal of all chil- altogether more than ten thousand children and has good to
dren diagnosed as suffering from a learning disability. To see excellent validity for ASD, at least in preadolescent school
colleagues who advocate for a “full” medical work-up for chil- children.
dren with mental retardation, regardless of presumed cause,
but then argue against the need to go into some depth when it Diagnosis
comes to trying to unravel the pathogenetic chain of events in
autistic disorder, is conceptually pathetic and scientifically For the diagnosis of ASD, a baseline of five different types of
unsound. Children with autistic disorder are more—not instruments should be used in all cases: (1) a parent/caregiver
less—in need of a full medical evaluation than children with diagnostic interview for ASD, which—depending on age of the
mental retardation without autistic symptomatology. The individual assessed, need for in-depth overall assessment, and
medical work-up of children with ASD needs to be considered type of ASD diagnosis suspected—could be the Diagnosis of
at various levels, including screening, behavioral diagnosis, Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO; Wing et al.,
physical and neuromotor examination, and laboratory 2002), the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord
investigations of varying kinds. et al., 1994), the 3-di (Skuse et al., 2004), the Autism Spectrum
448 Autism Spectrum Disorders

or Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Interview (ASDI; Gillberg syndrome. Scoliosis is often present in variants of the Rett
et al., 2001), or another investigator-based interview that the syndrome complex. Pitting of the nails is typical of tuberous
clinician is well acquainted with; (2) questionnaires to parents sclerosis. Unexpected tallness could be a sign of XXY, XYY, or
and teachers, such as the FTF (see above) for coexisting prob- XXX syndrome. Minor physical anomalies are overrepre-
lems, an extremely important part of the diagnostic process sented in ASD and could be either a sign of a specific well-
given the extremely high rate of coexisting problems, such as established genetic disorder or an indication that it might be
learning problems, ADHD, and tics (almost 100%) in ASD appropriate to consult with a clinical geneticist. Many of these
(the DISCO, unlike the other investigator-based diagnostic disorders above will now be picked up using modern molecu-
interviews has quite a large portion on such coexisting prob- lar genetic screening. Low-seated ears are particularly common
lems); (3) an ASD observation of the child, which could be the in autism. This physical anomaly could contribute to the vari-
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; DiLavore ance of increased rates of otitis media found in ASD (Rosenhall
et al., 1995) or another structured observation scheme; (4) a et al., 2003, Skuse et al., 2009). Hypertelorism (increased dis-
neuropsychological assessment, which must include a measure tance between the eyes) is another common anomaly found in
to cover overall intellectual and adaptive level—if possible, one ASD. Occasionally this sign may signal underlying callosal
of the Wechsler scales, portions of the Vineland (Sparrow et al., dysgenesis.
1984), and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale The neuromotor examination should have a focus on
(APA, 2000); and last, but not least, (5) a thorough medical functional capacity in the fields of gross and fine motor skills
assessment by a physician well educated in child neuropsychia- (often moderately impaired in Asperger’s syndrome, some-
try or child neurology, or both. times in other ASD variants), and coordination skills includ-
ing diadochokinesis (one of the more consistent areas of motor
The Basic Medical Examination of a Child with ASD dysfunctions in ASD, sometimes indicating underlying cere-
bellar pathology; Teitelbaum et al., 1998, Rogers, 2009, Gillberg
All children with a diagnosis of an ASD—regardless of diag- & Kadesjo, 2003). It is interesting to note that 90%+ of syn-
nostic subgroup within that category—should have all of the dromes associated with ASD have significant motor problems
following: thorough physical examination (including specifi- associated. Many children with ASD meet full criteria for
cally for minor physical anomalies and skin lesions), a brief developmental coordination disorder (DCD), and the motor
motor screening test, tests of hearing and vision, a chromo- problems may need targeted interventions in their own right.
somal analysis now including array CGH and a test for the The medical motor examination suggested by Kadesjö and
FMR-1 (Fragile X) gene. In addition, the physician must Gillberg (1999), or the very brief six-item screen published by
survey the child’s medical and developmental history, family Gillberg et al. (1983), is usually sufficient when it comes to
history, and pre-, peri-, and postnatal events in interview with establishing this type of problem. Muscle tone is important to
the parent/caregiver. If the DISCO is used, much of this part assess; many children with ASD have moderate to marked
of the medical assessment will already have been covered. This hypotonia, and this may seriously affect their daily life skills. If
is the minimum level of medical work-up. Most children with unrecognized, this problem might lead to reduced quality of
ASD will need further tests, as detailed below. life throughout the life span in ASD. Conversely, hypertonus,
Apart from blood pressure, heart rate, height, and weight which could be a sign of mild cerebral palsy, is also often
(which may all be important from the perspective of possible missed. Loss of hand skills or “refusal” to use hands for
medication and need for physical training), and head circum- purposeful activities may be an indicator of Rett syndrome.
ference (which can suggest micro- or macrocephalus, both of Actually, in the United States, the actual data is < 1/500 for
which are overrepresented in ASD), the physical examination chromosomal karyotype abnormalities, but 10% to 20% with
should focus on finding any signs of CAA. For instance, skin The chromosomal analysis should include an array CGH
lesions could provide important indications that the child (because 10% of all individuals with ASD have chromosomal
might be suffering from tuberous sclerosis (chagrin patches, abnormalities that can be demonstrated by this technique),
ash-leaf and confetti hypopigmentations, perinasal rash), and, possibly, depending on developments in the field over the
hypomelanosis of Ito (hypopigmented loops, whirls), or NF1 next few years, assessment for presence of unusual copy
(café au lait spots, fibromas, axillar freckles). Some such lesions number variants (CNVs), which are more common in ASD
are best observed under a Wood’s lamp (which should be compared to other populations.
available in the specialist autism clinic). Hypogonadism (espe- The FMR-1 gene should be screened for in all individuals
cially if combined with obesity) could suggest Prader-Willi with a diagnosis in the autism spectrum. This is both because
syndrome, whereas hypertrophy of the testicles could be a sign the Fragile X syndrome is a disorder in the CAA group (in
of Fragile X syndrome. A characteristic facial morphology is which it accounts, relatively speaking, for a large proportion
seen in Williams syndrome, 22q11 deletion syndrome, of cases, and because the clinical examination findings and
CHARGE association, Moebius sequence, and many other family history, although quite often very typical and almost
rare disorders. Submucous cleft soft palate and (operated) diagnostic, may sometimes be very uncharacteristic of the
cardiac abnormalities are encountered in 22q11 deletion syndrome.
Autism as a Medical Disorder 449

More In-Depth Medical Investigation for Some Follow-up, Reappraisal,

Children with ASD and Coexisting Problems

All preadolescent children with ASD and concomitant moder- The making of the diagnosis of ASD can never be seen as an
ate, severe, or profound intellectual disability; all children with end point in itself. Follow-up and reappraisal are always
ASD and epilepsy or a clinical history suggestive of seizures; needed. Also, ASD is virtually always an indicator that the
and all children with ASD and clear-cut regression (including individual affected has other problems that need diagnosis
those diagnosed as having childhood disintegrative disorder) and intervention. For instance, intellectual disability, nonver-
are in need of more extensive medical investigations. Boys and bal learning disability, epilepsy, hearing and visual problems,
girls with any of the characteristics described should be DCD, ADHD, tics, anxiety, and depression are all very com-
screened for the Angelman syndrome gene, and for other monly encountered in ASD, not to mention the already dis-
abnormalities (monosomy, trisomy, or partial tetrasomy) at cussed very high rate of CAA. Also, it is not uncommon for a
chromosome 15q11-13. All girls in any of these groups should toddler to present with extreme degrees of hyperactivity, to be
be screened for the MecP2 gene abnormality, even when the diagnosed with ADHD and put on stimulant medication, only
clinical picture is not consistent with classic Rett syndrome. to reveal an “underlying” ASD (sometimes erroneously attrib-
Again, when in doubt, the physician should refer for evalua- uted to the medication). Some children with a core ASD prob-
tion by a clinical geneticist. EEGs should be performed and lem presenting with extreme hyperactivity will actually calm
include registration during slow sleep. Depending on the clin- down in a structured education setting to the extent that a
ical history and presentation, an MRI (sometimes SPECT) stimulant is never considered. Conversely, the diagnosis of
should be performed. The possibility of neurometabolic dis- ASD may overshadow the diagnosis of ADHD (and the cur-
orders, amino-acidopathies, and mitochondrial disease should rent diagnostic manuals actually support not making dual
be carefully considered on an individual basis. diagnoses of ASD and ADHD, which will hopefully be recti-
Children with ASD and a suggested X-linked pattern of fied in upcoming versions of the DSM and ICD), which may
inheritance—regardless of IQ—should have testing for neu- lead to a situation in which appropriate ADHD interventions
roligin mutations (Toro et al., 2010). If there is any indication for the child may be withheld for many years.
of tuberous sclerosis in the family (poliosis or “white lock syn- ASDs are often part of a spectrum of difficulties that involve
drome,” confetti pigmentations, enamel or nail pitting), a full social, communication, activity, attentional, language, and
evaluation for this syndrome may be called for. overall developmental problems. Quite a number of children
actually meet criteria for ASD, ADHD, speech-language
The Medical Examination of an Adult with ASD impairment, learning disability, and disability. Many of these
have been diagnosed in Scandinavia as suffering from DAMP
If a person is diagnosed with ASD for the first time as an adult, (Deficits in Attention, Motor Control, and Perception) with
the need for an extensive medical investigation may or may autistic features. When they first come to specialist attention
not be different from that outlined for children. On the one (be it to a pediatrician, child psychiatrist, child psychologist,
hand, it is unlikely that a severe disorder such as tuberous scle- audiologist, speech language therapist, or a physiotherapist) at
rosis could have been completely missed (not least because of the age of 2–4 years, it may be impossible to say exactly which
the severity of the signs and symptoms of tuberous sclerosis in of the neurodevelopmental diagnoses mentioned apply. It is
cases associated with autism) for 20 years or more (but there clear that the child has an Early Symptomatic Syndrome
are always exceptions, and the present author has seen a few Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examination
cases with autism where the tuberous sclerosis diagnosed was (“ESSENCE”; Gillberg, 2009), and equally clear that there will
missed for 10, 13, and 25 years in spite of glaring clinical signs). very likely be persistent problems over many years, but unclear
Generally speaking, the need for a full medical work-up in whether the most appropriate diagnosis in the longer term is
adults with ASD is probably somewhat less acute than in chil- ASD, ADHD, DCD, tic disorder, learning disability, speech-
dren. On the other hand, some of the risk factors for ASD that language impairment, or a combination of some or all of these.
were relatively common in the past (e.g., rubella embryopa- This means that preschool children presenting with ASD
thy), and which are not considered likely causes of ASD in symptomatology need to be followed up and reappraised over
young children in the Western world today, need to be looked a long period of time, usually many years to come. The clini-
for specifically. It is perhaps important to mention that tha- cian is faced with a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder
lidomide embryopathy, although very rare, produced a very presenting at varying ages with slightly or markedly different
high proportion of autistic syndromes in affected individuals. symptomatology. In the author’s practice, it is quite common
Adults with a diagnosis of ASD, whether given in child- for a 3-year-old to be diagnosed with autistic disorder, fol-
hood or later, who develop clear psychotic symptoms in early lowed by ADHD at age 6 years, and Tourette syndrome at 9
adult age, should be considered from the point of view of years. At about 10 years, the clinical presentation of the ASD is
possible 22q11deletion syndrome, even when the physical no longer that of autistic disorder, but, strikingly, of Asperger’s
phenotype is not characteristic of that syndrome. syndrome. At age 20 years, the severe ADHD problems are at
450 Autism Spectrum Disorders

the clinical forefront of the ESSENCE syndrome, precluding it is understood that epilepsy is often difficult to treat in ASD,
academic and vocational success. and several other drugs may have to enter into the equation.
Epilepsy can develop at any time in the life of the child, Generally speaking, benzodiazepines, especially clonazepam,
adolescent, or young adult with an ASD (Danielsson et al., can have very negative behavioral effects in ASD, and the
2005). Signs of an underlying CAA can arise throughout child- author has seen many cases who have deteriorated in their
hood. Minor to moderate motor coordination, hearing, and autistic symptomatology during treatment with this type of
visual problems may not present in a sufficiently clear manner drug (and prompt amelioration when the drug was withdrawn
leading to diagnoses of DCD, hearing loss or impairment and or changed to another class of antiepileptic medication). Also,
severe refractory errors being missed at the time of original even though carbamazepine is probably the drug with the
diagnosis. Again, careful medical follow-up is required. most clinical “experience” in this field, it can have some rather
negative effects, including increase in repetitive behaviors,
Medicines/Pharmacological Interventions obsessive questioning, and compulsive rituals of various
The majority of children with ASD should currently not In the case of ADHD, both stimulants and atomoxetine can
be given any medication, at least not medication for their have some very beneficial effects on hyperactivity, attention
ASD. It is very important for the physician to keep abreast of deficit, and impulsivity in ASD. However, in the group with
developments in the field of biomedical therapies—including moderate or severe levels of intellectual disability, one must
psychopharmacotherapy—so that he/she can provide well- not expect dramatic improvements, even though, occasion-
founded guidance in the almost nightmarish jungle of sug- ally, even in this extremely severely disabled group with
gested biomedical cures for autism that exist and which autism, severe learning disability and autism, unexpected
parents and others will grasp for, sometimes in desperation major positive development is produced. It is a possibility that
because psychoeducation and developmental interventions when ASD, ADHD, and tics occur together in the same indi-
do not always lead to significant improvement. vidual, atomoxetine may be the preferred first-line drug for
Even though there is good evidence (see Canitano & the treatment of inattention and hyperactivity, given the indi-
Candurra, 2008) that risperidone is moderately effective for cations that it usually has no negative effects on tics. However,
treating behavior problems associated with autism, the risk of in the experience of the author, stimulants do not generally
substantial or even dramatic weight gain is very considerable, increase tic severity in individuals with this combination of
and no studies have demonstrated any really overwhelmingly symptoms.
positive results over a longer period of time. There is also good It is not rare for a child to have autism, ADHD, and epilepsy.
evidence that haloperidol has similar positive effects, includ- In such cases, stimulants and atomoxetine can be combined
ing over a period of 6 months (Perry et al., 1989). One study with antiepileptic drug treatment, usually with no adverse
has suggested that risperidone might be a bit more effective effects on seizure activity.
than haloperidol (Miral et al., 2008) in reducing behavioral Children with ASD very often react in unexpected ways to
abnormalities in autistic disorder. These classes of drugs “normal” doses of commonly used medications. This ranges
(atypical and typical neuroleptics) are the only pharmacother- from overreaction to very small doses all the way through to
apies for ASD than can be said to have a relatively stable scien- only minor effects of doses that are considered well above the
tific foundation. They should be seriously considered in recommended dose range. One has to strike a balance here,
cases with the combination of violent behaviors, self-injury, start with very low doses and then increase over a period of
hyperactivity, impulsivity, and sleep problems (see below for several weeks, sometimes even months in order to be able to
treatment of sleep disorder). arrive at the best possible dosage.
Two of the most commonly associated conditions in ASD, Sleep problems are important quality-of-life reducers both
epilepsy and ADHD, are very often, if not always, treated with for many people with ASD, and, not least, for their caregivers.
various kinds of medications. When they are present in ASD, Before any drug treatment is considered for such problems,
they should be treated along similar guidelines as those that there is a need to establish whether or not the child (or adult)
are employed for children without ASD. However, there are actually suffers from a “real” sleep problem or whether diur-
some caveats. In the case of epilepsy, there is particular nal rhythms and other people’s needs have produced the expe-
concern that the antiepileptic drugs used not lead to further rienced need for help. However, sleep problems in ASD are
negative behavioral effects. very often severe, and need to be addressed not just with
In the experience of the present author, the two antiepilep- psychoeducation but also with other interventions, including
tic drugs that have the least behavioral toxicity in a majority of pharmacological treatment. Melatonin appears to be a very
ASD cases are lamotrigine and valproic acid. If possible, these effective and safe medication at least in relatively low-
drugs should be preferred in the initial stages of medical treat- functioning individuals with autism and sleep onset problems.
ment for epilepsy in ASD. Both appear to have some positive Such therapy will be effective only if adequate sleep hygiene
effects on mood, and may contribute toward stabilizing mood measures (including sleeping in a dark, not semi-lit or well-lit,
in the—not infrequent—cases where there are bipolar swings room) are taken in combination with the medication. Physical
both as regards mood and autistic features. Equally, however, exercise to the limit of exhaustion during the daytime will also
Autism as a Medical Disorder 451

alleviate sleep problems (and sometimes hyperactivity, violent Berument, S. K., Rutter, M., Lord, C., Pickles, A., & Bailey, A. (1999).
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Section IV

Broader Autism Phenotype

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27 Á Molly Losh, Ralph Adolphs, Joseph Piven

The Broad Autism Phenotype

Á and importantly, that genetic liability to autism can be expressed

Points of Interest through subtle behavioral and language features among rela-
tives. Initially however, these early observations were misinter-
• The broad autism phenotype (BAP) represents a constel- preted in the context of psychodynamic theory, prominent at
lation of subtle personality and language characteristics the time, in which parents were typically branded responsible
that may reflect genetic liability to autism. for the development of children’s psychopathology (Freud, 1923;
• The BAP is not typically associated with any functional Jung, 1921). Central in propagating the myth that parental
impairment. behavior was causal in the etiology of autism was Bruno
• The BAP may be associated with specific neurocognitive Bettelheim’s Empty Fortress (1967), which developed the notion
features also implicated in autism. of “refrigerator mothers” and helped to launch a harmful legacy
• Studying features of the BAP could aid genetic and of doubt, blame, and misunderstanding of autism and its
biological studies of the etiologic basis of autism, by etiology. Although Kanner’s observations of parental charac-
targeting features that are more amenable to genetic teristics were oft recruited to bolster evidence for this damaging
and neurobiological investigation than the full clinical concept, careful review of Kanner’s early writings makes clear
syndrome of autism. his strong conviction that the root cause of autism was biological
(see excerpt from Kanner’s original observations of autism,
Box 27-1). It was not for several decades, though, that empiri-
Á cal evidence would demonstrate definitively the biological basis
The BAP: Historical Perspective and Overview of autism, first through observations that autism frequently
co-occurred with epilepsy (Rutter, 1970), and then in the twin
More than 60 years have passed since Leo Kanner published study of Folstein and Rutter (1977). This landmark study would
his detailed clinical descriptions of 11 children sharing what also serve to ignite interest in and study of the broad autism
he described as an “extreme autistic aloneness.” That landmark phenotype, or BAP. Indeed, this study not only detected mark-
study served as the first formal documentation of autism. Less edly higher concordance rates of autism among monozygotic
well recognized, however, is that Kanner’s insightful case (MZ) than dizygotic twins (evidence for a genetic etiology), but
studies also described a potential forme fruste of autism that also found even higher MZ concordance for a more broadly
he observed among relatives. Kanner documented among defined phenotype including subclinical language and cognitive
some parents and relatives of his patients mild characteristics features that would propel a series of family-genetic studies
that mirrored in quality many of the core features of autism, aimed at studying and characterizing features that could index
noting a preoccupation with “abstractions of a scientific, liter- genetic liability to autism among unaffected relatives.
ary, or artistic nature, and limited in genuine interest in This broad autism phenotype now figures prominently in
people.” (1943, p. 250). A decade later, Leon Eisenberg further contemporary research as a promising avenue for identifying
described relatives, and fathers in particular as “perfectionistic genetically meaningful features and neurobiological sub-
to an extreme … pre-occupied with detailed minutiae to the strates involved in autism. To date, however, the BAP remains
exclusion of concern for over-all meanings” (1957, p. 721). a poorly understood construct. There currently exists no
These insightful clinical observations would portend consensus regarding those key features that comprise the
empirical evidence that autism is largely genetic in etiology, BAP, and measurement tools vary widely across studies and

458 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Observational Schedule are now widely used, there exists no

Box 27–1 gold standard measure of the BAP that is applied consistently
across groups. Among the earliest developed and most
The children’s aloneness from the beginning of life makes it
commonly used is the clinically structured family history
difficult to attribute the whole picture exclusively to … early
interview, and the Autism Family History Interview (AFHI) in
parental relations with our patients. We must, then, assume
that these children have come into the world with innate particular (Bolton et al., 1994). In the AFHI, an informant is
inability to form the usual, biologically provided affective asked detailed questions concerning their own behavior and
contact with people, just as other children come into the dispositions as well as those of their first- and second-degree
world with innate physical or intellectual handicaps. If this relatives across domains that parallel the defining features of
assumption is correct, a further study of our children may autism (i.e., social, communication, and rigid/repetitive
help to furnish concrete criteria regarding the still diffuse interests and behaviors). Both child and adult functioning are
notions about the constitutional components of emotional queried, and features are typically rated as absent, probably/
reactivity. For here we seem to have pure-culture examples of mildly present, or definitely present, based either on ratings of
inborn autistic disturbances of affective contact. Leo Kanner. interviews or blinded interview vignettes (Bolton et al., 1994;
Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact The Nervous Child.,
Piven et al., 1997; Szatmari et al., 1993). Using a related
Vol II, No. 3, 1943
approach, the Broad Phenotype Autism Symptom Scale
(BPASS; Dawson et al., 2007) assesses similar domains, but
measures each trait on a continuous 5-point scale aimed at
research groups. These factors have contributed in no small capturing behaviors ranging from impairment to above
measure to difficulties implementing BAP features in genetic average skill in each domain. Like the AFHI, the BPASS
and neurobiological studies. includes probes about early development as well as current
The goal of this chapter is to consider in depth the clinical functioning and was developed specifically to assess features
phenomenon of the BAP, as well as to synthesize existing findings of the BAP among relatives. These informant-based methods
and recent developments in the study of the BAP in order to have the advantage of efficiently assessing multiple family
produce a consistent definition of the BAP, and to identify gaps members. Yet, because they are based on an informant’s
in knowledge and methodological challenges currently inhibiting impression, they may lack the sensitivity and specificity of
effective implementation of characteristics of the BAP in gene- direct clinical assessment.
finding and neurobiological studies. To this end, we begin by Structured subject and informant personality interviews
describing methodological considerations in assessment of the have also been applied to the study of the BAP. Piven et al. (1994)
BAP and then delve into research describing the clinical picture used the Modified Personality Assessment Schedule (MPAS;
of the BAP and principal domains of functioning that comprise Tyrer, 1988) to examine traits conceptually related to autism
this phenomenon, as well as the cognitive and neuropsychologi- (Piven et al., 1997; Murphy et al., 2000; Losh et al., 2008). In
cal features associated with the BAP. Discussion of clinical and this method, interviewers begin by soliciting autobiographical
empirical significance of the BAP concludes the chapter. accounts of dispositions throughout development (e.g., ques-
tions about childhood friendships, experiences in school, jobs,
spousal relationships). Subjects are then guided through a
number of questions to probe personality characteristics rele-
Assessment of the BAP
vant to autism and the BAP, namely, rigid or perfectionistic per-
sonality, and socially aloof disposition/behavior. These traits
Since Folstein and Rutter’s (1977) twin study findings cast
correspond to the ritualistic/repetitive and social symptom
explanatory light on Kanner’s original observations of person-
domains of autism, respectively. Informants are then sepa-
ality styles among parents of autistic individuals, the BAP has
rately interviewed and asked these same questions. Concrete
been studied using a wide array of measurement tools, ranging
behavioral examples are solicited through interviews to sub-
from informant questionnaires to direct clinical interview
stantiate trait endorsement. Ratings are assigned by combining
assessments with both subjects and informants. Additionally,
both subject and informant interviews. As an extension of a
studies have differed greatly in subject ascertainment and
clinical interview and based on a “life story” of an individual as
matching strategies, resulting in a methodological din that
seen through the eyes of both the subject and informant, the
complicates synthesis of findings across studies. Therefore,
MPAS has face validity, but is time intensive and requires
before describing the components of the BAP, we first review
considerable training for reliable administration and rating.
the various tools employed for measuring the BAP, and discuss
Other direct assessment measures have focused on more
methodological inconsistencies across studies.
specific characteristics of the BAP, namely, the Pragmatic
Methodological Differences Rating Scale (PRS; Landa et al., 1992) and the Friendship
Interview (FI; Santangelo & Folstein, 1995). The PRS is a scale
Measurement Tools for rating conversational ability that taps pragmatic skills
that correspond roughly to Gricean Maxims of conversation
Unlike autism, where standard diagnostic instruments such as (i.e., quantity, relation/relevance, and manner). Ratings are
the Autism Diagnostic Interview and Autism Diagnostic based on a conversational sample, and rated by coders blind to
The Broad Autism Phenotype 459

group status. The Friendship Interview was developed to yields three subscales providing quantitative indices relevant
provide a reliable and relatively easy-to-administer measure of to the three DSM-IV domains of autism (American Psychiatric
one aspect of social behavior—the quality and number of an Association, 1994): social deficits, stereotyped-repetitive
individual’s friendships. It involves a series of questions aimed behaviors and pragmatic language impairments. While
at measuring the degree to which an individual possesses originally developed as a tool to screen for the BAP, the BAPQ
emotionally reciprocal friendships. appears to identify features of the BAP with adequate sensitivity
Adequate reliability has been shown for the MPAS (Tyrer and specificity when compared to ratings derived from gold
et al., 1984), the PRS and FI (Landa et al., 1992; Piven et al., 1997), standard clinical interviews (Hurley et al., 2007). Case-control
as well as the family history method and the BPASS (Bolton differences in a large sample of parents of autistic individuals
et al., 1994; Dawson et al., 2007), and these instruments (~ N = 750) compared to a large population sample of parents
provide a face valid index of features that have been hypoth- unrelated to an autistic individual (~ N = 750; Piven, personal
esized to comprise the BAP. However, the interviews involved communication), have continued to support the validity of
can be lengthy and require considerable training for reliable this instrument.
administration and rating. As such, several groups have used
questionnaires to study the BAP. Study Design Considerations
Several questionnaire measures used in studies of the BAP
were originally developed to study or screen for autism. A variety of methods exist for studying the BAP, and
The Autism Spectrum Quotient (ASQ; Baron-Cohen, interpretation of findings across these varying approaches
Wheelwright, Skinner et al., 2001) is a self-administered can be fettered by such methodological differences. Other
questionnaire that was developed initially to identify indi- complicating factors important to consider include differ-
viduals with high-functioning autism, and has since been ences across studies in diagnostic criteria, and ascertainment
applied in studies of relatives at risk for displaying the BAP as and matching procedures. For instance, not all studies have
well as the general population. Another tool initially used been limited to individuals with idiopathic autism (e.g., many
with autistic individuals, but applied to studies of the BAP did not screen for fragile X syndrome or other monogenic
among siblings, is the Children’s Communication Checklist conditions related to autism), and different diagnostic defini-
(Bishop, 1998), a parent/care-giver questionnaire designed to tions have been employed over time with various iterations
assess language and communication deficits in children. This of the DSM, thereby introducing sample heterogeneity that
instrument has been shown to discriminate relatives (sib- could influence findings. Studies have also varied in the
lings) of individuals with autism from controls on specific inclusion and definition of control groups. Some have
language features (Bishop et al., 2006). included no controls, others have examined relatives of indi-
The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) is a brief instrument viduals with Down syndrome to control for the stress of
completed by parents or teachers that assesses autism features, parenting a child with a disability, and still others have
and social reciprocity in particular, on a single dimension, included relatives of individuals with genetically based con-
ranging from typical functioning to autistic. Twin studies have ditions that could also result in subtle phenotypic manifesta-
shown high heritability for SRS scores (Constantino et al., tions among family members (e.g., schizophrenia, specific
2003), and an adult version has been developed to study mild language impairment).
traits among parents (Constantino et al., 2005). Because the Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvan-
SRS is measured on a quantitative scale, it is ideal for genetic tages, but when considered together, studies using various
studies, where quantitative measures typically wield greater control groups have offered complementary perspectives and
power to detect linkage and association in complex disorders methods for understanding the BAP. For instance, early
such as autism (e.g., van den Oord, 1999). Duvall et al. (2007) studies without control groups provided detailed case study
have in fact employed this tool in a genomewide linkage study descriptions that highlighted phenotypes for subsequent
including individuals with autism and their relatives, finding investigation in systematic case-control studies. The inclusion
several suggestive linkage signals. The development and imple- of control groups is of course necessary for determining
mentation of such quantitative measures certainly represents whether observed features occur at elevated rates in autism
a promising avenue for genetic research. This issue is consid- families and for teasing out effects of environmental stressors
ered later in greater depth. related to parenting a child with a disability. Studies using
One questionnaire instrument specifically developed to comparison groups have therefore been critical in defining the
study the BAP is the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire BAP. Important to consider from this work is how best to
(BAPQ; Hurley et al., 2007). This measure was designed to interpret findings from studies including different control
efficiently, validly, and reliably measure particular personality groups, such as those including relatives of individuals with
and language characteristics that have been hypothesized to developmental delay caused by noninherited conditions
define the BAP, including social personality, rigid personality, (e.g., nondisjunction Down syndrome) versus those inves-
and pragmatic language deficits (Piven et al., 1997), in nonau- tigations including disorders conferring genetic risk among
tistic parents of autistic individuals. The BAPQ was derived unaffected relatives.
from prior work with the direct assessment measures of Examining other inherited conditions can offer a means of
personality and pragmatic language, the MPAS and PRS, and examining autism-specific features that aggregate in families.
460 Autism Spectrum Disorders

However, this strategy could also obscure detection of mean- Based on family history informant interviews, as well as direct
ingful phenotypes associated with liability to autism and assessments, this carefully conducted work documented a
other disorders. That is, given evidence of phenotypic, neuro- constellation of personality, language, and cognitive features
biological, and genetic overlap of autism with disorders such that while very subtly expressed, mirrored in quality the core
as specific language impairment and fragile X syndrome features of autism. Below are those chief domains that have
(e.g., Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001; deFosse et al., 2004; been described as comprising the BAP.
Belmonte & Bourgeron, 2006), it would follow that relatives of
individuals who are carriers of the genes involved in these con- Personality Features of the BAP
ditions may show phenotypes overlapping with the broad
autism phenotype. In this case, associated phenotypes could be In an early study by Wolff et al. (1988) and follow-up work with
missed unless a control group without genetic liability is stud- the same sample (Narayan et al., 1990), personality features
ied as well. Recent research is bearing out this scenario, show- were assessed among parents of individuals with autism and
ing, for example, that whereas parents of individuals with control parents of individuals with intellectual disabilities using
autism show elevated rates of pragmatic language violations a structured clinical interview for evaluating personality
when compared to parents of individuals with Down syndrome, disorders. This pair of studies found that autism parents, and
their pragmatic language use is highly similar to parents of fathers in particular, were more often rated as “schizoid” (16/35
individuals with specific language impairment (Ruser et al., parents rated as such vs. 0/39 control parents of individuals with
2008). This in no way diminishes the validity of the concept intellectual disability of unspecified etiology). In these studies
of the BAP, but rather, adds important information about schizoid personality was defined by limited empathic respon-
the continuum of liability to autism and its overlap with siveness, emotional detachment, and rigidity and restricted
other conditions, and highlights an important methodological interests, features which were characterized by the authors as
consideration for studies of the BAP. real and observable, but at the same time “quite subtle.”
An additional factor affecting family-study findings Subsequent research with the Autism Family History
concerns the ascertainment strategies employed, as these have Interview indicated the presence of similar social features
varied in important ways over time. Epidemiological sampling among family members and nonautistic co-twins (Bolton et al.,
has been employed in a few studies (e.g., Ritvo et al., 1989; 1994; Bailey et al., 1995; Le Couteur et al., 1996). In the first
Piven et al., 1997), but more commonly cases have been large-scale systematic study of relatives, Bolton et al. (1994)
recruited from existing clinical samples, through advocacy described among parents and siblings social characteristics
organizations, or other means that could introduce selection including lack of affection, limited friendships, and lack of
biases. The types of relatives examined have also varied— typical social play among children. Repetitive behaviors and
parents and siblings are commonly studied, but larger-scale traits akin to the “rigid” personality features observed by
family studies have also examined other collaterals (e.g., Narayan et al. (1990) were also observed among unaffected
grandparents, aunts, uncles). Again, these different approaches relatives (Bolton et al., 1994), but were found to be less
all add valuable information that in aggregate provides com- common than social characteristics. It was in this initial family
pelling evidence for the existence of a BAP, but which may history study that such traits (along with language characteris-
also introduce variation that could affect findings (e.g., traits tics, to be discussed shortly) were first formally described as
of the BAP might be expected to express more profoundly constituting a broad autism phenotype.
among first-degree relatives than among more distant collat- After Bolton’s important work, which was confirmed in an
erals). Brief mention here of these important concerns serves expanded twin sample studied by Bailey et al. (1995), several
to highlight these issues in interpreting the discussion of studies followed that were aimed at further investigating and
features believed to comprise the BAP, to follow. refining measurement of the BAP (see Table 27-1). Employing
direct assessment interviews of personality features using the
MPAS, described previously, Piven et al. (1994) studied 87
Á parents of autistic individuals and 38 parents of Down syn-
Domains of the BAP drome probands. Comparisons of blind ratings derived from
subject and informant interviews indicated that parents of
As touched on already, Kanner’s original observations of autistic individuals displayed significantly higher rates of
autism included descriptions of socially reserved and single- three social characteristics—aloof, untactful, and undemon-
minded personality characteristics among parents. With strative. In a later study of parents from multiplex families
evidence in hand of a biological basis for autism from Folstein using the MPAS, Piven, Palmer, Landa, et al. (1997) confirmed
and Rutter’s (1977) twin study, and encouraged by the poten- these patterns, finding that relatives of individuals with
tial of studying these fundamental, genetically meaningful autism more commonly displayed social reticence or aloof-
traits, a series of family studies were launched in the 1980s and ness, and in the Friendship Interview reported fewer recipro-
1990s in an effort to further define the features that comprise cal friendships than controls. Additionally, the autism parent
the BAP (e.g., Bolton et al., 1994; Bailey et al., 1995; Le Couteur group was more likely than controls to display “rigid” or
et al., 1996; Piven et al., 1994; Piven Palmer, Jacobi, et al., 1997). inflexible and perfectionistic personalities, showing relatively
The Broad Autism Phenotype 461

Table 27–1.
Family studies of relatives of individuals with autism
Study Sample n Method Findings

August et al., 1981 Siblings 71 Informant and direct Elevated rates of MR or language delays
Baird & August, 1985 Siblings 51 Informant Elevated rates of MR
DeLong & Dwyer, 1988 1st- and 2nd- 929 Informant Elevated rates of depression
degree relatives
Piven et al., 1990 Siblings 67 Informant High rates of social dysfunction and
cognitive disorder
Minton et al., 1982 Siblings 50 Direct assessment Elevated rates of MR
Wolff et al., 1988 Parents 35 Direct assessment High rates of “schizoid” personality
(defined by limited empathy, emotional
detachment, rigidity and restricted
interests, and “unusual” communication)
Freeman et al., 1989 Parents and sibs 280 Direct assessment No group differences in cognitive or
language ability
Narayan et al., 1990 Parents and sibs 53 (including 35 Direct assessment and Higher vocabulary scores in fathers. No
parents studied educational records educational differences in siblings
in Wolff et al.,
Smalley & Asarnow, 1990 Parents and sibs 25 Direct assessment No differences in cognition or language
Landa et al., 1991 Parents 41 Direct assessment Less coherent narratives
Gillberg et al., 1992 Parents and sibs 101 No differences in learning disorders or
language problems
Piven et al., 1990 Siblings 67 Informant Elevated rates of psychiatric disorders
Landa et al., 1992 Parents 43 Direct assessment Increased rates of pragmatic language
Ozonoff et al., 1993 Parents and sibs 118 Neuropsych No significant differences in executive
Szatmari et al., 1993 Parents and sibs 181 Informant and direct No significant differences in cognition or
social adaptation
Piven et al., 1994 Parents 87 Direct Assessment Higher rates of social features (aloof,
untactful, undemonstrative)
Bolton et al., 1994 Parents and sibs 332 Informant Social, communication, and repetitive
features more common
DeLong & Nohria, 1994 1st- and 2nd- 420 Informant Higher rates of affective disorder
degree relatives
Szatmari et al., 1995 Parents 103 Informant Social isolation more common
Smalley et al., 1995 Parents and sibs 96 Direct assessment Elevated rates of depression and social
Plumet et al., 1995 Parents and sibs 47 Direct assessment No differences in language skills of parents,
difference in sibs
Leboyer et al., 1995 Parents and sibs 48 Direct assessment No difference in verbal or visuospatial skills
in parents. Lower verbal in sibs
Boutin et al., 1997 Parents and sibs 156 Informant and direct Higher rates of cognitive delays
Hughes et al., 1997 Parents and sibs 97 Neuropsych Impaired executive functioning
Baron-Cohen & Hammer, Siblings 30 Neuropsych Bias toward local processing and impaired
1997 theory of mind
Piven, Palmer, Landa, 1st- and 2nd- 133 Informant Higher rates of social, communication, and
et al., 1997 degree relatives repetitive features

462 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 27–1. (Contd.)

Study Sample n Method Findings

Piven, Palmer, Landa, Parents 48 Direct assessment, Higher rates of aloof, rigid,
et al., 1997 questionnaire, NEO-PI hypersensitivity, pragmatic language
violations, and less reciprocal friendships
Piven & Palmer, 1997 Parents 48 Direct assessment Lower performance on executive function,
performance IQ, and reading measures
Bolton et al., 1998 1st-, 2nd-, and 1238 Informant and direct Higher rates of depression and OCD
Piven & Palmer, 1999 Parents and 2nd- 48 Informant and direct Higher rates of depression and social
degree relatives phobia
Folstein et al., 1999 Parents and sibs 253 Informant and direct Higher rates of language related difficulties
in parents
Hollander et al., 2003 Parents 114 Informant and direct Higher rates of OCD in parents whose
children showed more severe repetitive
Micali et al., 2004 Parents 152 Informant Higher rates of depression and anxiety in
Bishop et al., 2004 Parents and sibs 233 Direct assessment No significant differences in phonological
Bishop et al., 2004 Parents 69 Informant Social and communication features more
Kano et al., 2004 Parents 28 Direct assessment OCD symptoms higher in fathers
Bishop et al., 2006 Siblings 42 Informant Delays in language related skills
Shaked et al., 2006 Siblings 24 Neuropsych No significant differences on theory of mind
Wong et al., 2006 Parents and sibs 211 Neuropsych No differences in executive skill of
planning or cognitive flexibility.
Weaknesses in generativity
Bolte et al., 2006 Parents 125 Informant Higher rates of reserved and depressive
Dalton et al., 2007 Siblings 12 Neuropsych Decreased gaze fixation, diminished
fusiform gyrus activation, and reduced
amygdala volume
Schmidt et al., 2008 Parents 22 Informant and direct Lower PIQ and phonological processing.
No differences in receptive/expressive
language or family history of language
Hurley et al., 2007 Parents 86 Informant Higher rates of aloof, rigid, and pragmatic
language violations
Losh & Piven, 2007 Parents 48 Neuropsych Impairments on theory of mind task
Losh et al., 2008 Parents 65 Direct Elevated rates of social, communication,
and rigid features
Daniels et al., 2008 Parents 1,227 Medical records Higher rates of schizophrenia, depression,
and personality disorder among mothers
Adolphs et al., 2008 Parents 42 Neuropsych Atypical face processing

little interest in seeking novelty or change in their environ- (NEO-PI) was administered to parents (Costa & McCrae,
ment and activities and increased attention to detail. Finally, 1985). The NEO-PI is a standardized questionnaire based on
this study found higher rates of anxiety-related traits of hyper- the Five-Factor model of personality, and was developed to
sensitivity and anxious/worrying personality. To validate assess quantitative dimensions of normal personality traits.
these clinical observations, the NEO Personality Inventory In nearly all cases, features assessed through the MPAS were
The Broad Autism Phenotype 463

found to correlate significantly with conceptually related 10

(Higher scores indicate fewer

domains on the NEO-PI. Social features (e.g., aloof) corre- 9

reciprocal friendships)
lated negatively with components of the Extraversion factor 8

Friendship score
(warmth and gregariousness) measured by the NEO-PI, and 7
the “Rigid” personality feature measured by the MPAS was 6
negatively correlated with the Openness dimension and 5
agreeableness. The former identifies individuals with a pref- 4
erence for routine and familiar experiences, an unwillingness
to try new activities and avoidance of novelty. The combina-
tion describes individuals (negative openness and negative
agreeableness) who are more than just closed to changes in DWNS parents SIAF parents MIAF parents
experience but in addition display what has been referred to
as “interpersonal rigidity” (Paul Costa, personal communica- Figure 27–1. Quality of friendships across family types varying in
tion; Costa & McCrae, 1985), and thus suggests an additional genetic liability to autism. Higher scores represent fewer and/or less
social aspect of this characteristic that is consistent with an emotionally reciprocal friendships.
overall conceptualization of the BAP as involving both social
deficits and rigidity. Further, the MPAS-measured anxiety
features (Anxious/worrying and Hypersensitivity) were sig-
nificantly correlated with several facets of neuroticism on the results from the Friendship Interview, also administered to
NEO-PI. Such associations between clinically derived per- parents, where an identical pattern was observed with
sonality ratings and objective standardized instruments sup- multiplex parents reporting the fewest friendships, DWNS
ported the validity of the personality traits measured by the the most, and simplex parents falling intermediate between
MPAS and which were hypothesized to constitute features of the two groups. Figure 27-1 depicts these findings, show-
the BAP. ing the mean quality of friendships, with higher scores
The MPAS was subsequently employed in two additional corresponding to fewer and lower quality (i.e., less emotion-
studies, both yielding similar findings. Murphy et al. (2000) ally reciprocal) friendships. Similarly, the rigid feature was
used an informant-only version of the MPAS and the AFHI present in 48% of MIAF parents, 23% of SIAF parents, and
with parents and adult siblings of 99 families of autistic 10% of parents in the DWNS groups.
individuals originally studied by Bolton and colleagues Szatmari et al. (2000) previously found a similar “dosage”
(Bolton et al., 1994; Bolton et al., 1998) as well as 36 families effect in BAP expression across families differing in genetic
of individuals with Down syndrome. They again found among liability to autism. Szatmari’s findings were particularly
parents of individuals with autism a higher incidence of aloof compelling in that they included not only multiple- and
or shy dispositions, as well as elevated rates of hypersensitiv- single-incidence families, but also nonbiological relatives of
ity and anxious/worrying personality style. Factor analysis of adopted individuals with autism. As predicted, adoptive par-
MPAS traits indicated three broad factors. Two factors were ents showed no evidence of the BAP, whereas single- and
described as social in nature (“withdrawn” and “difficult”), multiple-incidence families showed increasing expression.
and the third factor, dubbed “tense,” appeared to capture Together, these converging findings suggest that particu-
anxiety-related traits. In a later investigation Losh et al. (2008) lar personality features are sensitive markers of genetic lia-
examined features assessed in the MPAS among parents from bility to autism. Important to note, however, is that the traits
families differing in genetic liability to autism—multiple-in- of the BAP were not observed among all parents. Furthermore,
cidence families (MIAF) with two or more children with evidence suggests that when present, such traits were
autism, single-incidence autism families (SIAF), and control expressed quite subtly (as noted early on by Wolff et al.,
families of individuals with Down syndrome (DWNS). 1988; and Narayan et al., 1990). To illustrate, we present a
Because families with multiple incidences of autism are likely vignette of a parent participating in this study, who was rated
to represent cases of higher genetic loading than single-inci- as BAP (+) for displaying both traits of rigid and aloof
dence cases (Piven & Folstein, 1994), it was hypothesized that (Box 27-2). As is apparent from this brief account, this indi-
“dosage” effects would be observed for the principal charac- vidual’s preference for routine is relatively subtle, with the
teristics conferring genetic susceptibility to autism, in which only hint that this trait may interfere with daily life coming
such features would express most profoundly among MIAF from his spouse. And socially, this individual displays no
parents, less strongly among SIAF parents, and least of all evidence of autistic impairment, but instead simply a more
among comparison parents from DWNS families, who should reticent social disposition. As such, it may be that the fea-
display population base rates. tures of the BAP are most aptly described as personality
Results confirmed this prediction for both the social styles, rather than functional impairment within any partic-
(aloof) and rigid features of the BAP. Aloof was present ular domain. Studies of psychiatric disorders among relatives
among 29% of MIAF parents, 17% of SIAF parents, and 3% of individuals with autism have addressed this question, and
of the DWNS parent group. This finding was bolstered by are described below.
464 Autism Spectrum Disorders

BAP and who have a spouse with the BAP, suggesting that high
Box 27–2 rates of affective disorder in parents of autistic individuals
Parent of an autistic individual rated as having may result from assortative mating of an individual with major
the broad autism phenotype (rigid and aloof affective disorder to an individual with the BAP.
personality) Finally, the observation that particular personality
characteristics are common in relatives of autistic individuals
Mr A., a 41 year old college professor, describes himself as very
raises the question of whether these characteristics are associ-
organized and a planner. He gives as an example the fact that he
always writes out his lectures verbatim before class. He is most
ated with impairment and warrant diagnosis as a personality
comfortable in life with routine and says he is happiest with no disorder. Piven (2002) examined the parents from 25 multiple-
surprises. He requests that all his courses be scheduled at the incidence autism families and 30 Down syndrome (DS) fami-
same time each semester and feels out of sorts when his routine lies using the Structured Interview for DSM-III-R Personality
is interrupted. His wife notes that he protests when asked to drop Disorder (SIDP-R) (Pfohl, 1989). While four autism and none
off a letter on the way to work because it disrupts his routine. of the control parents were found to have an avoidant
He has always been uncomfortable socially and describes personality disorder (Fischer’s Exact, p = .045) for the most
himself as a loner with no interest in having friends. As a child part, the majority of autism parents did not have evidence of
he spent more time with books than people. He doesn’t see the personality disorder or impairment related to the presence of
point of “chit chat”. He prefers there be a purpose to conver-
particular personality characteristics such as aloof or rigid per-
sations and avoids unstructured social gatherings (e.g., having
sonality. On the whole, then, while psychiatric disorders may
coffee with colleagues at work).
occur more commonly in parents of individuals with autism,
whether or not they are to be considered a component of the
BAP is still unclear.
Psychiatric Disorder and the BAP
Language and Academic Profiles Associated
A number of studies have observed elevated rates of axis with the BAP
I psychiatric disorders in first-degree relatives of autistic indi-
viduals, including affective disorder in adult siblings (Piven Severe language impairment is a defining feature of autism
et al., 1991), and major affective disorder, and anxiety disorder (APA, 1994) and among the most debilitating among the con-
in parents (including social phobia and generalized anxiety dis- stellation of features that characterize this serious disorder.
orders; Bolton et al., 1998; Daniels et al., 2008; Hollander et al., Twin and family studies have repeatedly documented qualita-
2003; Micali et al., 2004; Piven & Palmer, 1999; Smalley et al., tively similar, but generally more subtly expressed language
1995). Elevated rates of obsessive-compulsive disorder in rela- profiles among relatives, in the key domains that most robustly
tives have been reported in some studies (Bolton et al., 1998; define the autism language phenotype—delayed language
Hollander et al., 2003; Micali et al., 2004) but not in others acquisition and pragmatic language abilities (Table 27-2).
(Piven et al., 1991; Piven & Palmer, 1999). A growing body of literature has documented delays in early
Given the familiality of these conditions, it is possible that language milestones among siblings of individuals with autism,
these behavioral manifestations may be expressions of the including delayed lexical (i.e., word acquisition) and morpho-
underlying genetic liability for autism. The overlap in the syntactic (i.e., grammatical) development (Gamliel et al., 2007;
phenomenology of generalized anxiety, social phobia, and Shaked et al., 2006; Yirmiya et al., 2001, Yirmiya et al., 2006,
obsessive-compulsive symptoms could be construed as reflect- Yirmiya et al., 2007). Additionally, elevated rates of delayed first
ing aspects of the autistic phenotype, while the phenomenol- words and phrase speech have been reported retrospectively
ogy of major affective disorder is qualitatively distinct from
the defining features of autism. Bolton et al. (1998) using the
family history method, and Piven and Palmer (1999) using Table 27–2.
direct assessment of both the BAP and psychiatric disorder, Key language phenotypes associated with autism
explored whether high rates of psychiatric disorder were and the BAP
occurring in parents with the BAP. Neither study found ele-
Key Language Phenotypes in Autism and the BAP
vated rates of affective disorder occurring disproportionately
in those individuals with the BAP. The number of parents with Autism/PDD Relatives
anxiety disorder was insufficient to examine this relationship Language Delays + +
in the study by Piven and Palmer. However, Bolton et al. (1998) • lexicon + +
reported that a high rate of OCD in parents occurred in asso- • morphosyntax + +
ciation with social and communication manifestations of the Pragmatic impairments + +
BAP, suggesting that it may be a variable manifestation of the • Prosody + +
same genetic liability leading to the BAP. Piven and Palmer
• Conversation + +
(1999) found suggestive evidence that affective disorders may
occur at higher rates in those parents who do not display the • Narrative + +
The Broad Autism Phenotype 465

among parents of individuals with autism (Bolton et al., 1994; exist in relatives at increased liability to autism and SLI. Using
Folstein et al., 1999; Murphy et al., 2000; Pickles et al., 2000; a modified version of the PRS, in which several items were
Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, et al., 1997). Indeed, delayed language was combined and emotional expression and grammatical errors
among the characteristics observed among nonautistic co-twins were also assessed, both parents of individuals with autism
in Folstein and Rutter’s twin study (1977). Using the AFHI, sub- and parents of individuals with SLI scored higher on the mod-
sequent studies noted delayed language milestones, articulation ified PRS (i.e., committed more pragmatic language violations)
problems, and delays in reading and spelling among relatives than parents of individuals with Down syndrome. These
(Bolton et al., 1994; Bailey et al., 1995; Piven et al., 1990). results provide intriguing evidence that pragmatic language
The most consistently observed language feature among use may provide a marker of the genes involved in autism, and
relatives was pragmatic language use. Pragmatic language skills potentially in a related language disorder (SLI).
include connected speech in specific social-communicative Findings from the Losh et al. (2008) study of multiple- and
contexts (conversation, narrative, etc.) and is the facet of lan- single-incidence autism families further suggest that pragmatic
guage most closely tied to interpersonal interaction (Tager- language profiles provide a sensitive marker of genetic liability
Flusberg, 2000). Impaired pragmatic language use is universally to autism. Using the PRS to compare multiple- and single-
observed across the autistic spectrum (Capps et al., 1998; incidence families, investigators found that as with the
Capps et al., 2000; Losh & Capps, 2003, 2006; Loveland & personality features, rigid and aloof, pragmatic language
Tunali, 1993; Tager-Flusberg, 1995, 2000), even in those very violations were most common among MIAF parents, who
high functioning individuals who do not show delayed lan- averaged ~4 pragmatic language violations during semistruc-
guage acquisition. Evidence of impaired pragmatic language tured conversation, less so among SIAF parents, averaging
skills among parents appeared in Leo Kanner’s original clinical ~2.5 errors, and the least frequent among DWNS parents,
descriptions, in which he noted among parents a disdain who committed on average fewer than one pragmatic language
for conversational interaction and a pedantic communicative violation during conversation (Figure 27-2).
style (1943). Wolff and colleagues (Wolff & Morris, 1971; In addition to language delays and particular pragmatic
Wolff et al., 1988) further described both over- and under language styles, early twin studies and family studies using
communicativeness and verbal disinhibition among parents. family history methods reported cognitive delays, intellectual
More systematic characterization of such pragmatic lan- disability, and difficulties with early reading and spelling
guage styles was reported in two influential studies conducted among siblings and family members (Folstein & Rutter, 1977;
by Landa and colleagues (Landa et al., 1991; Landa et al., August et al., 1981; Baird & August, 1985; Folstein et al., 1999;
1992). In the first, parents were provided with story stems and Minton et al., 1982; Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, et al., 1997), raising
asked to produce a complete narrative based on the initial the possibility that genetic liability to autism could manifest as
prompt. Analyses revealed among autism parents a tendency a pervasive cognitive deficit, rather than more specific and
to produce more tangential, fragmented accounts (i.e., non- subtle personality and language features. Later studies did not
contingent discourse), and stories that were rated on a global find evidence for intellectual disability among relatives that
scale (by raters blind to group status) as significantly lower in was not associated with autism (Fombonne et al., 1997;
quality than those from controls. In a second investigation, Piven & Palmer, 1997; Szatmari et al., 1993; Bailey et al., 1995),
focusing on pragmatic language abilities of parents, Landa although developmental problems in reading and spelling
et al. (1992) employed the Pragmatic Rating Scale (PRS, have been reported repeatedly (Folstein et al., 1999; Piven &
described earlier). Applying the PRS to language samples from Palmer, 1997).
a semistructured conversation with parents of individuals
with autism and controls, Landa et al. found the language
samples from autism parents to be most notably characterized 4.5
by topic preoccupation, overly talkativeness, detailed and DWNS parents
4 SIAF parents
confusing accounts marked by multiple tangents and abrupt
3.5 MIAF parents
topic changes with insufficient causal links and background
information. Importantly, such features are qualitatively simi- 3
lar to the pragmatic language profiles noted among autistic 2.5
individuals (Capps et al., 1998; Tager-Flusberg, 1991). 2
These findings were replicated in a later study of multiple-
incidence families (Piven, Palmer, Landa, et al., 1997). Ruser
et al. (2008) also confirmed this pattern in a study comparing
parents of individuals with autism, parents of individuals with 0.5
specific language impairment (SLI), and parents of individuals 0
with Down syndrome. Some evidence exists to suggest that Pragmatics
SLI and autism may overlap in etiology and phenotypes Figure 27–2. Mean number of pragmatic language violations
(e.g., Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001), and this study aimed measured by the PRS, across families differing in genetic liability
to determine whether shared pragmatic language profiles may to autism.
466 Autism Spectrum Disorders

To further investigate whether cognitive and language themselves in the ordinary way to people and situations from
disability may comprise part of the manifestation of genetic the beginning of life,” along with impaired social communica-
liability to autism, relatives’ performance on standardized tive behaviors marked by “monotonously repetitious” language,
cognitive and language tests has been examined. This body of and restricted and repetitive interests and behaviors accompa-
work has yielded equivocal results. On standardized intelli- nied by “an anxiously obsessive desire for the maintenance of
gence tests, a discrepancy in verbal and performance abilities sameness.” These clinical observations focused foremost on
has been described in several separate case-control studies. functional impairment associated with the features Kanner
Minton et al. (1982) found lower verbal IQ than performance observed.
IQ among siblings of individuals with autism. LeBoyer et al. Applying this paradigm to findings from studies of the
(1995) also found a verbal-performance split, with performance relatives of individuals with autism, the picture emerging is
IQ significantly higher among siblings, but this was specific to one of a subtle constellation of personality and language
brothers of female autistic individuals. Investigating, parents’ features among nonautistic relatives that parallel the defining
IQ profiles, several groups have reported lower performance features of autism, and which are distinct from a pervasive
IQs than controls (Folstein, Santangelo, Gilman, Piven, et al., developmental disorder or autism spectrum disorder by virtue
1999; Piven & Palmer, 1997; Schmidt, Kimel, Winterrowd, of a lack of functional impairment—i.e., particular social
et al., 2008), and higher verbal IQs were observed in another dispositions (social reticence or aloof personalities), particular
study of parents and siblings (Fombonne et al., 1997). Other profiles of communication that are similar in quality to those
studies, however, have failed to detect differences in IQ observed in autism [literal language, some problems with the
(e.g., Bishop, et al., 2004; Pilowsky, et al., 2003; Szatmari et al., social use of language (pragmatics)], and rigid or perfectionistic
1993; Szatmari et al., 1995). personality style. (Further study will determine whether
Not unlike the picture in autism, conflicting findings language and cognitive delays reported retrospectively, and
present a somewhat muddled picture of the cognitive profiles now being observed in the infant-sibling literature, may be
of relatives, and studies employing standardized language developmental precursors to such features.) Thus, whereas the
tests of language have yielded similarly inconsistent results. BAP has at times been characterized broadly as an autism
Examining parents’ performance on standardized tests of spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder (and
language, and phonological processing, Folstein et al. (1999) often captured by cutoff scores on scales also intended to assess
and Piven and Palmer (1997) reported deficits among the autism, e.g., Bishop et al., 2004), most family-study research
autism parent group on nonsense word reading, which taps has described a much more subtle phenotype that would not
phonological awareness. A later study also reported problems qualify as an autism spectrum disorder by virtue of a lack of
in nonword repetition among parents (Schmidt et al., 2008), associated functional impairment (this issue is considered in
a deficit that has also been observed in autism (Kjelgaard & greater depth in a later section). And whereas psychiatric dis-
Tager-Flusberg, 2001). These findings bolstered arguments orders and cognitive measures (e.g., IQ profiles or intellectual
favoring a shared etiology of autism and specific language disability) have in some studies shown familial aggregation or
impairment, where such phonological processing deficits are a heritability among families of individuals with autism, findings
hallmark (see Williams et al., 2008 for review), and could indi- are somewhat inconsistent, and these features are not
cate overlapping pathophysiology and potential shared targets qualitatively similar to the core characteristics of autism. They
for intervention particular to specific symptom domains in may therefore be most fruitfully considered as associated but
autism. Yet studies have failed to replicate these findings con- not constitutional features of the BAP.
sistently (e.g., Bishop et al., 2004), and therefore the findings How then should we conceptualize other associated features
require further study before their relevance to autism and the that do not correspond to the clinical features of autism, and
BAP can be evaluated. yet show robust segregation within families of individuals with
autism, such as the neurocognitive abilities described in
the section to follow (e.g., social cognition)? Are they part of
Á the BAP? Defined in this way, such features are not part of the
What is the BAP? Clinical Phenotype BAP per se, but instead, associated characteristics that may
and Associated Endophenotypes throw into sharper relief understanding of the pathogenesis
of the BAP (and autism). This important distinction may
Evaluating the array of findings across personality, psychiatric, also help to clarify the often fuzzy boundary separating
language, and cognitive domains, the key question is, What subthreshold clinical variant from endophenotype (or inter-
actually is the BAP? To begin to address this question, and offer mediate phenotype) which may or may not be present in
a nomenclature that may assist in structuring theoretical affected individuals. The endophenotype concept was originally
and empirical work on the BAP, returning to Kanner’s introduced by John and Lewis (1966), who in their studies of
original case studies of autism may be instructive. Among his insect biology argued the merits of an empirical approach
original 11 patients, Kanner described clinical features and focused not on “obvious and external” exophenotypes, but
functional impairment in three key domains. These children instead on endophenotypes, which are “microscopic and
displayed functional impairments in their ability “to relate internal” (p. 152). Later applied to psychiatry by Gottesman
The Broad Autism Phenotype 467

and Shields (1967, 1972), the endophenotype concept has since the brain, and which reflected stages of brain development
been used to decompose complex psychiatric disorders into (Denckla, 1972). In particular, subsequent research has shown
more fundamental components that are more proximal to that response speed measured by the RAN is linked to myelin
underlying biology, are assessed by experimentally based deposition over the course of development, and resulting
methods rather than clinical observation, and which hold the advances in language related skills (Mabbott et al., 2006).
possibility of more direct genotype-phenotype associations Deficits in rapid naming have also been associated with
than the complex clinical phenomena that comprise clinical decreased connectivity (Deutsch et al., 2005), establishing fur-
diagnoses (Allen et al., 2009). In the case of autism and related ther a link to neurocognitive underpinnings of this language
disorders, then, the “microscopic and internal” endopheno- related skill.
type can therefore offer a foothold between complex clinical Piven and Palmer (1997) first reported slower RAN among
phenotype and genetic mechanisms. Presented below are parents of children with autism in contrast to controls, and in an
findings from a handful of studies that point toward specific expanded study involving over 300 parents of children with
neurocognitive features associated with the BAP, which may autism Losh et al. (2010) again found slower times and more
serve as promising endophenotype candidates. errors among parents, as well as among a smaller group (n = 38)
of high-functioning individuals with autism (see Figure 27-3).
Further, significant parent-child correlations were detected for
Á time and number of errors, supporting a genetic influence.
The Neurocognitive Underpinnings Associations were also detected with features of the BAP. Both
of the BAP: Identifying Endophenotypes aloof personality style and language features of the BAP were
associated with longer times to complete the task, a finding that
The validity of the BAP as a clinical phenomenon is apparent could implicate limited verbal fluency in the language and associ-
from the numerous case-control studies that have documented ated social features of the BAP. Results further indicated that par-
repeatedly a constellation of personality and language features ents who were rated positive for the rigid personality trait were
among relatives, paralleling in quality the core features of more likely to commit errors, or to become momentarily “stuck”
autism. However, like autism, this construct is still considera- on a prior color. This latter finding could reflect underlying dif-
bly removed from underlying mechanisms that could give rise ficulties in cognitive flexibility among parents showing the rigid
to these profiles, and which are mediated by those genes and trait of the BAP, as limitations therein could conceivably relate to
neural circuits underlying autism. The BAP is also difficult to this personality style. Because this task has been linked with par-
measure in a way that can be efficiently and reliably applied to ticular neural circuitry, the RAN and similar tasks may provide
genetic studies, where phenotypes reflecting specific biological neurocognitive markers of genetic liability to autism. Such links
substrates are ideal. have begun to be addressed more directly through studies of
neuropsychological abilities among relatives, as well as more
Language Processing direct research into brain activity, described below.

Whereas profiles from omnibus tests of cognition and lan- Social Cognition, Executive Function,
guage have produced inconsistent results, more specific tests and Central Coherence
of language processing have shown some promise in the way
of defining particular cognitive-linguistic systems related to In an effort to understand the underpinnings of the personality
the BAP. In particular, robust patterns of difference have been features of the BAP, Losh et al. (2009) conducted a neuropsycho-
documented on tests of rapid automatized naming (RAN). logical assessment of high-functioning individuals with autism
RAN is a sensitive index of reading ability (Wolf & Bowers,
2000), and is known to tap such fundamental language skills
as phonological processing and memory, articulation, and lin-
guistic processing speed (Denckla & Cutting, 1999; Denckla & 3 90
Rudel, 1972, 1974, 1976; Holland, McIntosh, & Huffman, 2004). 80 Cases
2.5 Cases
The rapid automatized naming (RAN) task first appeared in 70
Number of errors

Time in seconds

The Mental Examiner’s Handbook as a bedside measure of 2 60

recovery from brain injury in the mid-1900s. Patients were 50
shown a series of randomly repeating squares printed in pri- 40
mary colors and instructed to name the colors as quickly as 1 30
possible, with speed and accuracy serving as measures of 20
recovery. The RAN was soon used experimentally in patients 10
with focal brain lesions to study brain-behavior relation- 0 0
Parents Children Parents Children
ships (Geschwind & Fusillo, 1966). These early studies
revealed that the RAN taps a number of important language Figure 27–3. RAN performance in individuals with autism and
processing skills that could be localized to specific regions of parents.
468 Autism Spectrum Disorders

and parents of autistic individuals (both with and without the or global based on their interpretation within the context of
BAP, defined by personality characteristics of aloof and rigid), the whole sentence [e.g., the sea tastes of salt and pepper (local)
across the three principal neurocognitive domains that have vs. water (global)]; and finally (3) a block design task that taps
each been proposed as key cognitive abilities in which impair- the relative salience of parts over wholes through presentation
ments may explain the autistic phenotype—social cognition, of unsegmented designs followed by segmented designs in
central coherence, and executive function. The study’s aims which the participant’s task is to construct a design using
were threefold: (1) to provide an in-depth characterization of blocks based on a model that is either presented complete or
the neuropsychological profile of the BAP; (2) to identify presegmented. The latter condition (segmented) breaks the
patterns of performance within and across neuropsychological gestalt for typically developing subjects and renders processing
domains that were common to both autistic individuals and of figure-parts easier.
parents with and without the BAP; and (3) to identify cosegre- Findings revealed that individuals with autism displayed
gation between clinical phenotype (aloof, rigid, pragmatic impairment on all of the social cognitive measures, but
language) and neuropsychological functioning that might performed comparably to controls on measures of executive
serve to carve out specific phenotypic subtypes and that could function, and 2/3 measures of central coherence (showing
form the basis for stronger genotype-phenotype associations. a tendency to complete sentences with local responses).
The study assessed performance using a battery of tasks Findings within the parent groups indicated that those autism
selected to assess processing comprehensively within a given parents who did not display features of the BAP performed
domain and which could provide links to studies of subjects comparably to controls on all measures, yet parents with
with circumscribed neurological lesions and fMRI studies that the social features of the BAP (aloof) showed marked differ-
could shed light on specific neural structures that are involved ences from controls on measures of social cognition (see
in autism, and potentially the BAP. In particular, measures of Figure 27-4 for examples of tasks). As illustrated in Table 27-3,
social cognition, executive function, and central coherence in all social cognitive measures, differences were observed in
were selected based on (1) their ties to the neuropsychological both individuals with autism and parents with the social BAP.
domains of interest, both theoretically and from their usage in By contrast, parents (with and without the BAP) performed
prior neuropsychological investigations; (2) psychometric similarly to controls on tasks of executive function and central
properties, including reliability and indication that each was coherence.
appropriate for administration to all participants (i.e., suitable Others have reported differences between autism relatives
for both individuals with autism, parents, and controls) and controls on social cognitive measures (e.g., Baron-Cohen &
without danger of floor or ceiling effects; and (3) additional Hammer, 1997; Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill, et al., 2001;
empirical evidence from fMRI and/or lesion studies suggest- Gokcen et al., 2009), yet the present findings suggest that such
ing associations with particular structures or regions of the differences may cosegregate specifically with the clinically
brain thought to be important for the three domains and expressed social features of the BAP. Further, these data sug-
putatively implicated also in autism. gest that specific social cognitive profiles shared by individuals
In brief, measures of social cognition tapped the ability to with autism and a subgroup of parents (i.e., those with the
infer social-emotional information from various channels— BAP) may involve a number of different social cognitive
the eye region of the face (via the Reading the Mind from the skills—making complex social judgments of trustworthiness
Eyes Task (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill et al., 2001), facial from facial information (trustworthiness of faces), interpreting
information in general (through the Movie Stills and the emotional content of complex scenes with and without
Trustworthiness of Faces tasks, Adolphs et al., 1998), and affective facial information (movie stills), inferring emotions
biological motion (through pointlight stimuli in which an from very subtle variations in facial expression (morphed
actor was adorned with light emitting diodes and instructed to faces), and interpreting complex emotional content from
move across a stage in ways that conveyed different emo- biological motion (point light).
tions—e.g., trudging slowly, dancing, lively strutting, etc.). Importantly, patterns of performance were in some
Images were presented with only the points of light visible, instances qualitatively different in the autistic and parent
such that no facial or contextual information was available. groups, perhaps suggesting a pathoplasticity in these features,
Measures of executive function included the commonly used where common underlying mechanisms manifest variably in
Tower of Hanoi, which involves planning a sequence of moves autism and the BAP. In the trustworthiness of faces task, for
that transfer an initial configuration of rings onto a particular instance, individuals with autism judged negative faces as sig-
peg, abiding by certain rules; and the trail making test, which nificantly “more positive” than controls (i.e., they were overly
is a measure of set shifting and cognitive control of interference trusting), whereas BAP (+) parents judged positively valenced
in which sequences of numbers and letters must be alternately faces as “more negative” than controls and BAP (-) parents
used to trace to an end point as quickly as possible. Central (illustrated in Figure 27-5). Such a divergence in performance
coherence was tapped through three measures used in prior demonstrates how the underlying forme fruste of the disorder
work—(1) the embedded figures test, which involves detec- (trouble characterizing social stimuli) may manifest variably
tion of simple geometric figures obscured within a more based on experience, and level of functioning (i.e., autism vs.
complex design; (2) sentence completion, in which subjects clinically unaffected parents). The BAP may therefore provide
must complete sentence stems and responses are rated as local a mechanism for investigating the role of experience in autism
The Broad Autism Phenotype 469

Figure 27–4. Measures of social cognition defining autism and the broad autism phenotype. Morphed Faces involve interpretation of faintly
expressed emotions. Point Light stimuli tap the ability to read emotions from biological motion. The Movie Stills task indexes reliance on
facial expressions when making emotional judgments. The Eyes Test requires interpretation of complex thoughts and emotions from only the
eye region of the face. Finally, the Trustworthiness of Faces task measures complex social judgments based on facial stimuli varying gender,
facial expression, and positioning.

Table 27–3. (as will the emergent literature on infant siblings of individuals
Summary of findings (* denotes predicted difference with autism).
detected at p < .05) Executive function and central coherence measures did not
Autism BAP+ Parents discriminate parents with or without the BAP in this study.
Several prior studies have demonstrated among relatives exec-
Social Cognition utive control deficits and a local processing bias as well as lim-
Eyes Task * * ited drive for central coherence (Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, 1997;
Morphed Faces * * Bolte & Poustka, 2006; Happe et al., 2001; Hughes, Leboyer, &
Trustworthiness of Faces * * Bouvard, 1997; Hughes, Plumet, & Leboyer, 1999; Piven &
Movie Stills * * Palmer, 1997). However, some other studies have also failed to
Point Light * * detect differences in these domains (Szatmari et al., 1993;
Ozonoff et al., 1993; de Jonge et al., 2009), raising the possibil-
Executive Function
ity that effects within these domains are more subtle and/or
Tower of Hanoi - -
heterogeneous. Also, the net cast by the executive function
Trailmaking Test - - task battery in the study by Losh et al. (2009) was not as broad
Central Coherence as some other studies’ and this may have reduced the ability to
Embedded Figures - - capture group differences. A related issue concerns the neuro-
Sentence Completion * - cognitive correlates of the rigid/perfectionistic features of the
Block Design - - BAP. It is possible that this feature may not constitute as valid
a construct as the social features of the BAP, or alternatively,
470 Autism Spectrum Disorders

1.4 Adolphs et al. (2008) studied face processing among parents

1.2 BAP+ BAP− Controls with the BAP using the “bubbles” method (Gosselin et al.,
2001). In this procedure, subjects were presented with
obscured facial expressions containing randomly revealed
0.4 “bubbles” of clarity of an underlying whole face and asked to
0.2 determine whether each stimulus represented happiness or
0 anger. That is, in some trials portions of the eye region were
−0.2 visible, whereas segments of the mouth, nose, and other
−0.4 regions were randomly revealed on other trials. Analyses
examined those regions of the face that were present when
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
accurate judgments were made, thereby providing a direct
measure of perceptual processing strategies while judging
emotional information. The number of bubbles (i.e., size of
the region revealed) was adjusted on a trial-by-trial basis in
1.2 Autism
Controls order to maintain a relatively stable performance accuracy of
1 ~80%. Whereas neurotypical control parents were found to
0.8 rely heavily on the eye region, parents of individuals with
0.6 autism who displayed social personality features measured by
0.4 the MPAS (aloof and/or untactful) showed significantly
reduced reliance on the eye regions (see Figure 27-6), and
enhanced focus on the mouth region. Prior work by Spezio
et al. (2007) showed an identical pattern among high-function-
ing individuals with autism on this task. These findings are
−0.4 consistent with those of Klin et al. (2002) and Pelphrey et al.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(2002), suggesting a specific pattern of face processing that
Figure 27–5. Judgments of the trustworthiness of faces by high may constitute a sensitive marker of genetic liability to autism.
functioning adults with autism, parents with and without the BAP,
and respective control groups. Brain Activity and Structure

Moving beyond behavioral data, neurocognitive features have

may relate to additional cognitive mechanisms not consid- been studied among relatives using more direct indices of brain
ered in this study (e.g., sensorimotor processing, which has activity. Using ERP, Dawson et al. (2005) showed that when
been associated with repetitive behaviors in autism, Perry, viewing faces and nonsocial stimuli, parents of individuals with
Minassian, Lopez, et al., 2007). Nevertheless, the consistency autism exhibited atypical neural responses. As has been
of differences in social cognition, detected both in autism and observed in autism, parents of children with autism failed to
parents with social features of the BAP point toward this show the typical shorter latency N170 to faces than nonface
domain as an important focus for future work teasing out the stimuli. Furthermore, they did not exhibit the typical right
brain, and ultimately gene basis of autism and the BAP. hemisphere lateralization when viewing faces. Abnormal brain
Further evidence that social cognition may be important activation has also been noted among siblings of individuals
to study in the BAP comes from an eye tracking study of with autism. In a study of face processing ability in unaffected
face processing in parents of individuals with autism. siblings, Dalton et al. (2007) found that siblings showed

Figure 27–6. (A) shows facial regions used by controls when making accurate judgments; (B) depicts those regions used more often by
control parents than BAP (+); and (C) depicts the difference between controls vs. BAP (−) parents.
The Broad Autism Phenotype 471

reduced gaze fixation to eye regions of still faces, and fMRI conceptualized as both a categorical entity (DSM-IV) and as
conducted during the face viewing task revealed reduced acti- constituting one end of a continuum of continuously distributed
vation in the fusiform gyrus, a brain structure largely devoted traits in the population (e.g., Constantino, 2009). The former
to face processing. Taken together, these findings are notable in characterization makes sense in the clinical arena, where autism
their similarity to what has been observed in autism, suggesting is a syndrome associated with functional impairment and
they may serve as neural trait markers of genetic liability. warranting treatment. The latter conceptualization has had
Just as studies of the BAP have trailed behind those of increasing relevance in research studies aimed at understanding
autism, cognitive neuroscience studies of the BAP have underlying pathogenesis. Clinical and research fields have
emerged only relatively recently. To date these studies have wrestled with the interface of these overlapping domains in
reported similarities between what has been found in prior developing a nomenclature applicable to their purpose. This
studies with autism. Established findings on the neurobiologi- issue is evident in the gradual evolution from the terms “autism”
cal basis of autism may therefore provide a logical guide for and “pervasive developmental disorder” to the increasingly
pursuing this investigation—i.e., given what is known from common use of the term “autism spectrum disorders” for
neurobiological studies of autism, one can formulate hypoth- identifying this group of related clinical conditions.
eses about what one might expect to find in the BAP. These A question then arises about the boundary between the
first-order hypotheses would include the amygdala and visual BAP and “autism spectrum disorders” and the usefulness of
cortices in the temporal lobe as key brain structures that making this distinction. As reviewed earlier, Piven and Palmer
mediate abnormal processing of faces and eye gaze (Pelphrey (1999) examined parents with the BAP using a structured
et al., 2005). They would include structural connectivity, interview for personality disorder and for the most part found
specifically the idea that there may be altered white matter and that these individuals did not have evidence of a personality
reduced long-range connectivity in the brain. And they would disorder (i.e., they had no evidence of significant clinical
include functional connectivity, such as the prediction that the impairment). While understanding the characteristics of the
“default network” of the brain would not be normally acti- BAP may be useful in understanding families, and parents in
vated during rest. Evidence briefly reviewed here supports particular, of individuals with autism and in providing opti-
these hypotheses. Further work using magnetic resonance mal care, the BAP does not appear to be an indication for
imaging (structural, BOLD-based, and diffusion-imaging) treatment. Therefore conceptualizing the BAP as part of an
as well as complementary careful postmortem studies of underlying continuum of distributed traits in the population
brains will be required to delineate the neurocognitive basis that are genetically related to but not equivalent to autism or
of the BAP. an autism spectrum disorder may be a useful distinction to
It will also be critical eventually to test hypotheses about make in the clinical arena. Given the increasing demands on
how the brains of people with the BAP might differ from those the health care system for services for autism spectrum
with autism. Rather than assuming that, like the full syndrome, disorders, defining this upper boundary of autism (as opposed
all biological measures in the BAP will look qualitatively similar to a lower boundary between individuals with so-called low-
to those in autism, only milder, it may be that there are other functioning autism and those with mental retardation without
patterns. For instance, it might be that only certain brain autism) between individuals with an autism spectrum disorder
regions in the BAP share features with autism. Alternatively, it (i.e., high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome) and
may be that the endophenotype that mediates between genetic those with the BAP may be an important distinction for
liability and phenotype looks rather different in the BAP and in clinicians to keep in mind when they see characteristics in
autism (as observed in findings of differing patterns of trust- family members that are qualitatively similar to autism, and
worthiness judgments among parents with the BAP and high- that may have a determining role in lifestyle preferences, but
functioning individuals with autism; Losh et al., 2009). are not associated with significant functional impairment.
Attention to such complexities will be important for establishing In a related vein, studies of the BAP may also inform
not only the biological basis of autism, but also the range of studies of the underlying nature of personality traits in the
phenotypic expression arising from such biological substrates. general population. For instance, do features of the BAP actu-
ally differ in etiology from these personality and language
traits that can occur (though at much lower rates) in the
Á general population? In other words, is social reticence in one
Summary: The Significance who has no family history of autism etiologically distinct from
of the Concept of a BAP the aloof dispositions described as comprising the BAP among
relatives of individuals with autism? And how do environ-
Defining Boundaries Between Autism, mental factors contribute, potentially differentially, in these
the BAP, and Typical Development different cases? Implicit in Kanner’s original writings, and
generally explicit in current empirical treatment of the BAP is
The BAP can provide a useful tool for defining the varied clini- the notion that features of the BAP are due to shared genetic
cal expressions of genetic liability to autism, and demarcating variance associated with autism and thus distinct in etiology
the clinical boundaries of autism in particular. Autism has been from personality traits observed in the general population.
472 Autism Spectrum Disorders

A definitive answer to this question will require systematic The promise of the BAP for guiding genetic studies is
studies of neurobiology and genetic variation related to such supported by recent molecular genetic studies implementing
traits in populations varying in genetic liability to autism. phenotypic subgrouping in affected individuals and their
parents (e.g., Alarcon et al., 2005; Duvall et al., 2007; Buxbaum
Genetic Significance of the BAP et al., 2004; Autism Genome Project Consortium, 2008).
Though still in its incipience, this approach of more precise
Progress in understanding the etiology of autism may be phenotyping using features of the BAP and, eventually, endo-
hastened by parallel studies of the BAP. Whereas autism by phenotypes, has already proven to be a method that strengthens
definition involves all three symptom domains, in the BAP, power to detect linkage and association. When implemented
features disaggregate and may occur independently, consistent into the large-scale collaborative efforts currently underway,
with twin studies indicating that although the component such techniques may afford increased power and sensitivity for
features of autism all have strong genetic effects, they seem defining different etiologic pathways and, ultimately, leading
largely independent in patterns of transmission, with relatively to important new knowledge of the pathogenetics of autism.
little phenotypic or genetic overlap (Ronald et al., 2005, 2006).
As a distilled expression of latent liability, the BAP can there- Conclusions
fore provide a glimpse at the forme fruste of the disorder of
autism, and its often complex and variable phenotypic mani- As reviewed in this chapter, considerable evidence now exists
festation. For example, in findings discussed earlier, Losh et al. to suggest that genetic liability to autism may be expressed
(2009) identified impairments among individuals with autism through subtle behavioral and language features among
and parents with the BAP, who shared differences in reading relatives. Such features are similar in quality to the defining
social cues across various social cognition tasks relative to features of autism, but much milder in expression and do not
controls. However, they were at times expressed in different appear to be associated with any functional impairment.
ways (e.g., varying profiles judging trustworthiness). In this Furthermore, the features of the BAP appear more common
way, the BAP may prove critical in focusing on core behavioral among relatives from families with multiple incidences of
and neuropsychological features and helping to narrow the autism, providing further support for the idea that such
empirical target from an otherwise highly complex and features index genetic liability. Research is beginning to
heterogeneous phenotype (i.e., a diagnosis of autism), to document the neuropsychological basis of the BAP, and such
more specific component features that are likely to be more findings will be critical in moving forward in defining the
amenable to genetic and neurobiological study. brain and gene basis of autism.
Whereas the clinically observable features of the BAP (aloof
and rigid personality, pragmatic language profiles) are hypoth-
Challenges and Future Directions
esized to arise from a smaller constellation of genes (and/or
gene-environment interactions) than autism, they do not • Findings reviewed in this chapter support further study
seem to constitute endophenotypes in the strict sense of this of the component features of the BAP and the neuropsy-
term, at least in the same way as associated neurocognitive chological characteristics that underlie the components
features, given the latter category’s greater proximity to of this construct.
underlying biology (e.g., social cognition, brain activation, • Evidence suggests that as a distilled expression of genetic
shorter N170 latency to facial stimuli; Allen et al., 2009). liability, the BAP may offer a useful guide in studies of
However, the BAP may prove critical in the detection of such the brain and gene basis of autism.
endophenotypes. Because not all parents show the clinical • An important direction for future work will be to
features of the BAP, endophenotypes would be hypothesized identify and/or develop efficient and standardized meth-
to be present among the subgroup of parents who do. Support ods for measurement of the BAP that may be helpful for
for this hypothesis comes from studies previously reviewed large-scale population and genetic studies.
showing that language processing (RAN) and social cognitive
profiles segregate with features of the clinically defined BAP
(Adolphs et al., 2008; Losh & Piven, 2007; Losh et al., 2009; Suggested Readings
Losh et al., 2010). Thus, while the distinction between clinical
phenotype (e.g., the BAP) and endophenotype (e.g., brain Eisenberg, L. (1957). The fathers of autistic children. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 27, 715–724.
structure) is important to consider, these constructs are likely
Folstein, S., & Rutter, M. (1977). Infantile autism: A genetic study
to be studied most profitably when considered jointly.
of 21 twin pairs. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 18,
The BAP may therefore help to guide genetic studies by 297–321.
offering, as an alternative to the search for “autism genes,” Losh, M., Adolphs, R., Poe, M., Penn, D., Couture, S., Baranek, G.,
a more focused detection effort involving specific endopheno- et al. (2009). The Neuropsychological profile of autism and the
types underlying components of the BAP, and that are linked in broad autism phenotype. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66,
a more straightforward way to underlying susceptibility genes. 518–526.
The Broad Autism Phenotype 473

Á ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bishop, D. V., Maybery, M., Wong, D., Maley, A., & Hallmayer, J.
(2006). Characteristics of the broader phenotype in autism:
The authors wish to thank Morgan Parlier for her important A study of siblings using the children’s communication check-
contributions to many of the studies reviewed in this chapter. list-2. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 141, 117–122.
Bolte, S., & Poustka, F. (2006). The broader cognitive phenotype of
autism in parents: How specific is the tendency for local pro-
cessing and executive dysfunction? Journal of Child Psychology
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28 Á Janet E. Lainhart, Nicholas Lange

The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype

Á Phenotype: an observable physical, biological, or behavioral

Points of Interest characteristic influenced by genetic factors and the interac-
tion between genes and environment.
• To be a member of the Biological Broader Autism
Phenotype, the rates of a biological alteration must be
elevated above that of the general population in individ-
uals with autism, in unaffected relatives generally, and in Box 28–1
autism families specifically.
• No biological feature is currently required for the diag- Intermediate phenotype (IP, in autism): a behavioral, cogni-
nosis of autism. Macrocephaly and increased rate of head tive, or biological trait found more commonly in affected
and unaffected autism family members than in the general
and brain growth during early childhood are not included
population. In the causal chain of developmental events, these
in the diagnostic criteria for autism. The absence of any phenotypes are in an intermediate position between the cause
biological feature does not exclude a diagnosis of autism and the full diagnosis. As a result, the strength of the statistical
at present. association may be significantly stronger between a cause and
• Hyperserotonemia is the only biological feature that an intermediate phenotype than between a cause and the full
has been shown to meet all criteria for inclusion in the diagnosis. Components of the BAP are sometimes referred to
Broader Autism Phenotype. as intermediate phenotypes. Gottesman and Shields (1972)
• Most intermediate phenotypes of the Biological Broader introduced the term “endophenotype” during the course of
Autism Phenotype have yet to be discovered. their twin study in schizophrenia. As originally described by
these pioneers, intermediate phenotypes and endophenotypes
are conceptually identical (Gottesman & Gould, 2003; Szatmari
et al., 2007). The first twin study of the genetic influences
Á in autism suggested an inherited clinical phenotype broader
Introduction than autism itself (Folstein & Rutter, 1972). The notion that
a measurable trait, present in individuals with severe dis-
At present, the Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP) is comprised orders such as schizophrenia or autism, could be present in
some unaffected family members revolutionized thinking in
of milder and partial cognitive, behavioral, and biological
characteristics that are qualitatively the same as or conceptu-
ally similar in nature to the individual characteristics associ-
ated with autism. The biological subset of the present-day BAP
is its smallest and most vital subdivision. The Biological It has been nearly 70 years since the clinical evidence that
Broader Autism Phenotype (BBAP) is the group of alterations characteristics broader than autism may be inherited in fami-
in the development, structure, or function of the brain, other lies first emerged. Dr. Leo Kanner, in his eloquent clinical
bodily systems, and their components that are inherited with description of 11 children with autism, described particu-
autism in families. The key candidate members of the BBAP lar traits and tendencies in unaffected family members,
are the primary foci of this chapter. many of whom were gifted and outstanding individuals

478 Autism Spectrum Disorders

(Kanner, 1943). Research evidence for an inherited phenotype BBAP? It is self-evident that biological phenotypes are more
broader than autism was derived over 30 years ago from the proximal to the genetic mechanisms and the causal chain of
first twin study of autism (Folstein & Rutter, 1977). In this events leading to autism than are cognitive and behavioral
landmark study, co-twins of their sibling with autism were phenotypes. The biological and neurobiological determinants
found to have increased rates of the disorder. Equally impor- of autism and their potential genetic liabilities, however,
tant, co-twins who did not have autism were found to have remain in large part unknown. The present thinness of bio-
increased rates of cognitive difficulties, especially those involv- logical knowledge is somewhat surprising since autism has
ing language acquisition and socioemotional difficulties. long been known to have the highest heritability of any neu-
These results led Folstein and Rutter to hypothesize the BAP, ropsychiatric disorder, of 0.7 for the narrow phenotype
namely that autism is linked genetically to a range of difficul- restricted to autism, and as high as 0.9 for the combined
ties broader than the disorder itself, with autism as the most narrow and broader autism phenotypes (Geschwind, 2009).
severe form. Subsequent twin and family studies have con- In addition, most features of the cognitive-behavioral BAP, as
firmed that an inherited phenotype broader than autism exists currently understood, are too variable and nonspecific to aid
(Bailey et al., 1995; Bolton et al., 1994; Folstein et al., 1999; effective identification of the genes and neurobiological
Le Couteur et al., 1996; Piven et al., 1997). Nonautistic family mechanisms involved in autism. Features of the cognitive-
members were found to have increased rates of delayed onset behavioral BAP, such as impairments in language, reading,
of spoken language, articulation problems, reading and spell- and social functioning, can be due to many different genetic,
ing difficulties, specific social difficulties, occasionally repeti- biological, and nonbiological causes. The history of medicine
tive interests and behaviors, and other features, alone or in has shown recurrently that the most pivotal advances in the
combination. Twenty percent (20%) of members of families differentiation of disorders with overlapping signs and symp-
having one child with idiopathic autism have communication toms and the discovery of different disease subtypes of clinical
or social, cognitive, or behavioral features of the BAP (Bolton syndromes such as autism, have been biological. The biology
et al., 1994). The prevalence rate of the BAP has been esti- of a disorder can be measured objectively, accurately, and reli-
mated to be 30% or higher in families that have two or more ably and include specific alterations in development, structure,
children with idiopathic autism (Piven et al., 1997). These and function of systems of the body such as the central nervous
studies also confirmed that intellectual subnormality (mental system and its most important component, the brain.
retardation) found in many children with autism was not Biological dimensions of autism and the BAP bring autism
present in unaffected family members any more than in the research into twenty-first century medicine. Further insights in
general population. the biology of autism during development will increase under-
standing of pathological mechanisms and risk genes involved
Familial resemblance: a phenotype or phenotypes that show across the lifespan; identify nongenetic risk and protective fac-
greater similarity in family members than in unrelated pairs tors, gene-environment interactions, and the earliest possible
of individuals (Rice, 2008). Exchangeable terms for familial signs of the disorder; hasten development of effective and safe
resemblance are “familiality” and “familial aggregation.” biology-based medical treatments of the disorder at all stages
Familial resemblance provides essential evidence that a phe- of life; and quantify the risk of recurrence specific to individual
notype may be inherited in families, but resemblance within families. More detailed biological knowledge of unaffected car-
families can also be due to shared environments. riers of autism liability will help answer major questions and
concerns of scientist-clinicians and family members, such as
why some children in families have autism while some of their
Idiopathic autism: autism without a known and specific siblings and other relatives have only the milder and more iso-
medical cause. Roughly 90% of all known cases of autism are lated difficulties of the BAP. A critical need in autism research
idiopathic; the remaining 10% arise from medical causes. today is to understand the alterations in development, struc-
Current evidence suggests that multiple genes and gene-en- ture, and function of the brain and other biological systems in
vironment interactions are involved in idiopathic autism but the human body that are linked to the disorder.
the majority of these are not yet known. Medical causes of Figure 28-1 is a description of the causal chain leading to
autism include Fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder in autism. Genes that increase autism risk are believed to inter-
which there are long and abnormally repeated copies of DNA act with each other and with environmental factors to alter
on the X chromosome, and tuberous sclerosis, a genetic dis- the normal course of brain development and result in patho-
order of the nervous system and the skin. Congenital rubella, logical processes and mechanisms. Abnormal brain develop-
an in utero rubella virus infection, is now known to be a rare ment results in pathological alterations of brain structure,
medical cause of a form of autism. microstructure, function, and chemistry that have yet to be
described comprehensively. According to current theory, all
If social, communication, and behavioral aspects of the such pathologies result in autism when, as a whole, they
BAP are known, and related neuropsychological aspects are reach a critical but unknown severity threshold. It is likely
being clarified (Losh et al., 2009), why is it important that that the variable phenotypic expression within the BAP seen
research also focus on biological aspects of the BAP, the clinically results from isolated or combined subthreshold
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 479

deviations of brain structure, microstructure, and function. Three key questions drive BBAP research, and these three
Although the recognition and description of autism as a questions must be answered precisely to determine if a bio-
distinct clinical syndrome was a major advance in child psy- logical feature is a member of the BAP. First, is the rate of the
chiatry and medicine, it is evident from Figure 28-1 that biological characteristic increased in individuals with autism
present-day research falls far short of the required under- when compared to that of the general population? Second, is
standing of its biological basis. this rate also increased in nonautistic family members:
monozygotic co-twins, siblings, or parents? Third, and very
important, does the biological feature show resemblance
Box 28–2 within families? When familial resemblance is present, family
members of an individual with autism who has the biological
The present-day Broader Autism Phenotype feature are, by definition, more likely to have the feature them-
At present, the working BAP is a set of observable behaviors selves when compared to family members of individuals with
and cognitive tendencies that occur at increased rates in family autism in whom it is not present.
members of children and adults with autism. These appear to
be inherited in families in addition to the “narrow phenotype,” Example
the phenotype restricted to autism (and also Asperger’s syn-
drome and PDD-NOS). The behaviors appear identical or The general strategy for answering the three key questions
conceptually similar to some of the behaviors observed in when identifying new intermediate phenotype (IP) members
autism but occur in more isolated form and tend to be milder.
of the BBAP, and some of the complexities involved, are
New characteristics of the BAP are being discovered in infant
described using the volume of amygdala as an example.
siblings of autism probands (Elsabbagh et al. 2009a; Elsabbagh
et al., 2009b). In an example family, the many behaviors of the
Biostatistical terms have been included in the following
child with autism may include lack of interest in and response description; their definitions and further examples in the
to other children, no spoken language, hand-flapping, and BBAP can be found in Appendix A. References for the studies
intellectual subnormality. Family members without autism mentioned below are cited in the amygdala and hippocampus
(or PDD-NOS) are all of average or above average intelligence part of Section 2.
but some have single or multiple isolated tendencies concep- First, there must be sufficient evidence that a particular
tually similar to some of the behaviors seen in the affected alteration of amygdalar volume is associated with autism.
child. For instance, the child’s father may be an expert in com- Case-control studies provide this evidence and suggest that
puter programming and have difficulty conversing with others mean amygdala volume is increased in young children with
and behaviors indicative of a tendency toward social aloof-
autism and decreased in older children and adolescents with
ness. The child’s mother, a physician, may have a history of
autism relative to that of healthy control subjects. Some stud-
reading and spelling problems as a child. One sibling may have
had articulation problems, delayed onset of spoken language
ies report no case-control differences. When the findings
during early childhood, and mild impairments in eye contact. across studies are not consistent, meta-analysis is often per-
Three other siblings may exhibit typical development in these formed to determine the standardized overall effect size of all
and other areas. In this example family, the father, mother and of the studies combined. In a meta-analysis, the overall effect
one sibling have had manifestations of the BAP. size of the autism-control difference in amygdala volume was
insignificant, as indicated by its 95% confidence interval.

Progressively clearer biological understanding of a disorder

More differentiated Less differentiated

Causal chain of events leading to autism

and other Pathological processes Alterations in bodily Specific disorders
Clinical syndromes
etiological and mechanisms structure and function and diseases

Biological Broader Autism Phenotype B&C BAP Autism

Objectively measured biological signs of specific autism subtypes

Behavioral and Cognitive Broader Autism Phenotype

Intermediate Phenotypes

Figure 28–1. Description of the causal chain leading to autism.

480 Autism Spectrum Disorders

In the case of amygdala volume, high variation was found mixed effects models. A simple mixed-effects model combines
between reported group differences in mean volume and their and separates odds ratios by treating them as repeated measures
standard errors. When the heterogeneity of study results does of a common association. If amygdala volumes in affected
not arise from the disorder itself, it can limit the statistical power individuals and their unaffected relatives remain significantly
to detect true volumetric differences and in some cases annul the correlated, then these volumetric deviations would meet the
meta-analytic findings altogether. Controlling the false discovery three necessary criteria for a potentially genetically informative
rate is an alternative way to assess the veracity of multistudy member of the BBAP.
findings, especially when the number of studies is large. The fourth step is to determine how useful the IP is in
An initial, small, and insignificant overall effect size may identifying individuals with autism and unaffected family
suggest that amygdala volume is not associated with autism. members. This step requires a shift from the comparison of
Amygdala volume appeared, however, to decrease with age in case-control means to phenotypic classifications of individuals.
the autism but not the control groups, a significant age by The classification ability of a variety of amygdala size alterations
group interaction. This finding raises the possibility that is tested by balancing sensitivity and specificity depending on
amygdala volume, as a potential IP, may vary with age, or that the purpose of the classification. For family genetic studies,
a pattern of age-related changes in amygdala volume, as could specificity is often maximized to minimize false positives. In
be ascertained by a longitudinal study, may be more addition, the classification strategy must have high predictive
significantly associated with autism than a single volume values for the presence and absence of autism family member-
measurement at any age. If additional studies of volumetric ship and be highly reliable. To be a useful IP, the relative risk
changes in the amygdala in older children replicate the asso- and the odds ratio should be high; the phenotype of decreased
ciation with autism, and relationships between amygdala amygdala volume should occur in probands and their unaf-
volume and specific symptoms of autism continue to be found, fected relatives at a much higher rate than in the general popu-
such would suggest that amygdala volume may mediate the lation. Because autism is a heterogeneous disorder, it is possible
effect of causative mechanisms on some signs of the disorder. that a particular IP may be helpful in only a subgroup of autism
Proband: the first individual in a family who comes to clini- The final step is to further refine the amygdala volume
cal attention and is diagnosed with a particular disease or phenotype for use in molecular genetic studies. This refine-
disorder. In this chapter, proband refers to the index case of ment requires additional research to describe in the finest
autism in a family. detail possible the alteration in amygdala development that is
most specific to affected and unaffected autism family mem-
The next step in identifying the potential IP examines bers. Such refinement will increase the sensitivity (more
amygdala volume in unaffected family members: members of power), specificity (fewer false positives) and predictive value
twin pairs without autism, and unaffected parents and sib- of the phenotype to help identify new autism risk genes and
lings. Two exploratory studies found decreased mean volumes biological mechanisms involved in the disorder.
in unaffected older siblings but not in parents. Due to their As autism research moves into the era of personalized and
small sample sizes, these studies are not sufficient to rigor- genomic medicine in the twenty-first century, the preceding
ously test amygdala volume as a potential IP. Sample size is an example raises another important issue: reliability. Proper
important consideration since autism is a heterogeneous dis- assessment of the reliability and validity of imaging measure-
order clinically and genetically. In addition, mutations in ments, for instance the reliability of measurement of amy-
autism risk genes identified to date are sometimes inherited gdala volume in vivo across time and across different sites, is
but often occur de novo (spontaneously, not inherited) in more complex than many clinicians and researchers currently
affected individuals. There may be inherited and noninherited realize (Lange et al., 2010; Brain Development Cooperative
(sporadic) forms of idiopathic autism (Zhao et al., 2007). Group, corresponding author: Nicholas Lange, 2011).
Large sample sizes and elegant statistical modeling are needed
to account for these factors properly. Additional replication
studies may confirm that overall mean amygdala volume is Á
decreased in unaffected older siblings and parents. Section 1. Craniofacial Features
The third step is to determine if alterations in amygdala
volume in autism are familial. Are unaffected relatives of chil- Macrocephaly
dren with autism who have alterations of amygdala volume
more likely to have decreased amygdala volume compared to Macrocephaly, a head circumference greater than the 97th per-
unaffected relatives of autism probands who have normal centile equivalent to 1.88 standard deviations (SDs) above the
amygdala volumes? At a simple level, familial resemblance can mean specific to age and sex, is one of the most common phys-
be tested quantitatively with correlation statistics and categor- ical features associated with autism. Macrocephaly in autism is
ically using the odds ratio. The participants for analysis need usually due to megalencephaly, abnormal enlargement of the
to be probands with autism and their unaffected relatives. brain, at some time during development (Bailey et al., 1993;
Familial resemblance is tested more rigorously with multilevel Courchesne et al., 1999; Kemper & Bauman, 2002).
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 481

Affected Individuals Macrocephaly and megalencephaly develop in some but

not all children with autism during the first few years of life,
On average, macrocephaly is present in 20% of affected the period in which postnatal brain growth is the most rapid
individuals (Fombonne et al., 1999). There is an increased rate and when signs and symptoms of autism become apparent
of macrocephaly in twins with autism (Bailey et al., 1995), an (Courchesne et al., 2003; Hazlett et al., 2005; Lainhart et al.,
intriguing finding because head circumference tends to be 1997; Sparks et al., 2002). During the final, slower period of
smaller in typically developing twins than in singletons brain growth, from roughly 5–12 years of age, rates of macro-
(Buckler & Green, 2008). The significant association between cephaly remain increased (Lainhart et al., 2006) but brain
autism and macrocephaly has been replicated in multiple growth may be less in children with autism compared to that
independent samples, in singletons and twins, simplex and in typical development although the head continues to grow at
multiplex families, children and adults, cognitively high- and a normal rate (Aylward et al., 2002). By late adolescence and
low-functioning affected individuals, and in epidemiological early adulthood, mean brain volume is no different from that
and clinical samples (Lainhart et al., 2006). Published rates of of typical controls even though the rate of macrocephaly is still
macrocephaly range from 14% to 42% of cases (Bailey et al., elevated. Evidence supporting the latter hypothesis, however,
1995; Bolton et al., 1994; Courchesne et al., 2003; Davidovitch comes solely from combining the results of cross-sectional
et al., 1996; Dementieva et al., 2005; Deutsch & Joseph, 2003; studies of head circumference and brain volume performed at
Fidler et al., 2000; Fombonne et al., 1999; Gillberg & de Souza, different stages of late development (Lainhart et al., 2005).
2002; Lainhart et al., 1997; Lainhart et al., 2006; Miles et al., The trajectory of brain growth during late neurodevelopment
2000; Sacco et al., 2007; Stevenson et al., 1997; Woodhouse in autism is only now being studied longitudinally in the same
et al., 1996). individuals over time (Bigler et al., 2010; Lange et al., 2010).
Megalencephaly is found occasionally in postmortem exami-
Simplex, multiplex: the type of family as determined by nation of older individuals with autism, indicating that brain
number of its members with an autism spectrum disorder enlargement is still present in some people with autism later in
(ASD). If only one individual in a family is affected with an life (Bailey et al., 1998).
ASD, it is a simplex family. Families are termed multiplex if Macrocephaly appears to be a component of a more general
two or more of its members are so affected. tendency toward larger head size in autism. The distribution
of standardized head circumferences in autism appears uni-
modal with larger mean and greater variance when compared
to that found in typical development (Lainhart et al., 2006).
Taller children and adults with autism tend to have larger
Box 28–3
heads (Lainhart et al., 2006; Sacco et al., 2007) as in typical
development. Increased height, however, does not explain all
Associated Features. Biological features that occur at higher rates cases of macrocephaly in twins or singletons with autism
in individuals with autism are termed “associated features” at (Bailey et al., 1995; Lainhart et al., 1997; Lainhart et al., 2006;
present, as they are found in some but not all children and adults Miles et al., 2000). Differences between standardized head cir-
with the disorder. For example, some infants and young children cumference and height in autism also appear unimodal and
who develop autism have an increased rate of head and brain symmetric with larger mean and greater variance relative to
growth during early childhood but some do not. Some older indi- typical individuals, as in standardized head circumference
viduals with autism have macrocephaly but most do not. Because (Lainhart et al., 2006). Rates of macrocephaly are also increased
associated features occur in some but not all children with autism,
in other ASDs, such as PDD-NOS (Woodhouse et al., 1996).
they are not required for a diagnosis of autism. Similarly, the
absence of any associated feature does not exclude a diagnosis of
Macrocephaly may identify unique subgroups of individu-
autism. For example, a normal rate of head and brain growth als with autism who have clinical features and risk genes that
during infancy or early childhood does not mean that a child does are different from the majority of individuals with autism who
not have autism. The diagnosis of autism is currently based on are normocephalic (i.e., have normal sized heads). There are
clusters of significantly impairing characteristic behaviors in the no significant differences between macrocephalic and normo-
three areas of development in every affected child (reciprocal cephalic autism with respect to sex ratio, age at onset, history
social interaction, communication, and range and flexibility of of early regression, verbal and performance IQ and their dis-
interests, behaviors, and tendencies) and clinical onset before crepancy, total ADI-R algorithm score, verbal versus nonver-
three years of age. Biological features that occur in unaffected bal language, incidence of seizures, minor/major congenital
individuals with the BAP are also associated features. They occur anomalies, sibling recurrence risk, maternal education, or
at higher rates in unaffected family members but are not all pres-
parental socioeconomic status (SES; Lainhart et al., 2006;
ent in every family member who carries risk genes for autism.
Research efforts are underway to discover biological features that
Miles et al., 2000). Evidence suggests that macrocephaly in
are present in all children with autism or at least all children with autism is associated with an increased rate of delay in the onset
a biological subtype of autism. As such biological features are dis- of spoken words (Lainhart et al., 2006), a positive history of
covered, validated and found reliable, it will become increasingly allergic/immune disorders in the affected child and first-
likely that medical tests will be developed to diagnose autism. degree relatives (Sacco et al., 2007), and greater cognitive
482 Autism Spectrum Disorders

processing difficulty when switching from local contextual inherited from a parent or may occur de novo (i.e., occurring
detail to global processing (White et al., 2009). The latter neu- spontaneously in the child). When inherited, the recurrence
ropsychological finding appears to be specific to macrocephaly risk for PTEN-related hamartoma tumor syndromes, a
in autism; it is not found in healthy children with benign mac- spectrum of disorders in which multiple benign tumor-like
rocephaly or in children with autism who are not macro- malformations termed hamartomas that occur in the skin
cephalic. Recent genetic findings, described in the next section, and other parts of the body may be as high as 50% and
indicate that macrocephaly, particularly extreme macroceph- possibly associated with autism.
aly, appears to be a genetically informative covariate in autism.
Extreme Macrocephaly
Microcephaly, a head circumference roughly two standard
Some children with autism have extreme macrocephaly, a deviations below average for an individual of a particular age
head circumference that is three or more standard deviations and height, occurs in 3–7% of individuals with autism
above the mean for their age and sex. It is well known in med- (Fombonne et al., 1999; Lainhart et al., 1997; Lainhart et al.,
icine that distributional extremes may arise from develop- 2006; Miles et al., 2000). In most studies, the microcephaly
mental mechanisms separate from those affecting central rate is identical to that of the general population.
distributional tendencies (Szatmari et al., 2007). Extreme
macrocephaly is sometimes associated with a mutation in the
Unaffected Family Members
PTEN gene on chromosome 10q23.3 (Buxbaum et al., 2007).
The mutation may be inherited from a parent or it may occur In a twin study of autism, macrocephaly was only found in
de novo. When the PTEN mutation is inherited, the transmit- twins and co-twins who had autism (Bailey et al., 1995). No
ting parent often has extreme macrocephaly, and siblings monozygotic (MZ, identical) or dizygotic (DZ, nonidentical)
without autism may have macrocephaly and developmental co-twins who did not have autism, including nonautistic co-
delays. The rate of a mutation in the PTEN gene in children twins who had signs of the cognitive-behavioral BAP, were
with autism accompanied by extreme macrocephaly is not yet macrocephalic (Bailey et al., 1995). When unaffected parents
known. When children with autism and any degree of macro- and siblings are compared to the general population, the rate
cephaly (extreme or not extreme) are examined, the mutation of macrocephaly appears to be increased significantly in par-
is present in about one in 88 cases (1.2%) (Buxbaum et al., ents but not siblings (Fidler et al., 2000; Lainhart et al., 2006;
2007). The rate in epidemiological samples of macrocephalic Miles et al., 2000; Stevenson et al., 1997).
children with nonautistic idiopathic developmental is not yet
known. A mutation in the PTEN gene is found more fre-
Familial Resemblance
quently in clinical samples of referred individuals. In children
with macrocephaly whose families were referred for genetic For singletons with autism, resemblance between head cir-
counseling, a PTEN mutation was found in 10.5% of 19 chil- cumference in parents and their children with autism is simi-
dren with ASD and 5% of 20 children with idiopathic nonau- lar to parent-child resemblance in the general population
tistic developmental delay (Orrico et al., 2008). A mutation in (Fidler et al., 2000; Lainhart et al., 2006). In MZ twins con-
the PTEN gene was found in 18.6% of 59 macrocephalic indi- cordant for autism, the within-twin pair variance for head
viduals who had a neurodevelopmental disorder and had been circumference is no less than the between-twin variance
referred for mutation testing; about half of the individuals (Le Couteur et al., 1996), indicating that head size is equally
with a PTEN mutation had an ASD and half had nonspecific similar in members of identical twin pairs and in twins from
developmental delay (Varga et al., 2009). The rate of a PTEN different families. Macrocephaly, in general, does not appear
mutation increased with increasing head circumference: to cluster in child-parent pairs within families; recall, how-
11.6% of referred individuals whose head circumferences ever, the previous exception for extreme macrocephaly. The
ranged from two to 3.9 standard deviations above the mean rate of macrocephaly in at least one parent appears to be iden-
and 23.1% in individuals whose head circumferences were tical for macrocephalic and nonmacrocephalic individuals
four or more standard deviations above the mean for age and with autism (Lainhart et al., 2006; Miles et al., 2000).
sex (Varga et al., 2009).
Increased Rate of Head Growth
PTEN gene: the phosphatase and tensin homolog gene.
During Infancy
PTEN encodes a protein involved in tumor suppression and
in brain development and brain function, including neuronal
Affected Individuals
survival and growth, synaptic plasticity, memory, and
learning (Butler et al., 2005; Buxbaum et al., 2007; Delatycki An atypical rate of head and brain growth during infancy is
et al., 2003; Goffin et al., 2001; Greer & Wynshaw-Boris, found in some but not all children with autism. The percent of
2006; Herman et al., 2007; Kwon et al., 2006; Parisi et al., children with autism who have an abnormal rate of head and
2001; Zori et al., 1998). A mutation in the PTEN gene may be brain growth during infancy varies widely from study to study,
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 483

from almost 0 to over 70% (Courchesne et al., 2003; Dawson objective measurement in a large sample of boys with multiplex
et al., 2007; Dementieva et al., 2005; Hazlett et al., 2005; Mraz autism, with case-control differences in facial depth in the
et al., 2007; Torrey et al., 2004; van Daalen et al., 2007). Some supra- and periorbital region overlying the right hemisphere
studies suggest that the increased rate of growth occurs in frontal pole of the brain (Hammond et al., 2008).
early childhood but only after the first year (Dissanayake et al.,
2006). One study, which analyzed growth curves for individ- Unaffected Family Members
ual children with autism, suggests that an abnormally increased
rate of head growth during the first year is followed by a decel- Right-dominant facial asymmetry, similar to that found in
eration to a more normal rate of growth from 12 to 36 months the boys with autism described above, has also been found in
of age (Dawson et al., 2007). If the findings are replicated, they unaffected mothers but not fathers in multiplex autism
would suggest that, for individuals with autism, abnormally families (Hammond et al., 2008). The pattern of facial
increased rate of head and brain growth occurs during the asymmetry correctly classified two thirds of the unaffected
appearance of subtle subclinical manifestations of autism and siblings (sight unseen) in the multiplex families as having
that a normative deceleration of growth commences as severity facial features closer in similarity to the average facial features
of clinical symptoms increase and the full disorder unfolds. of the autism group than those of the typically developing
Similar to decreases in brain volume with age during later neuro- control group.
development in autism, an atypical normalization of head and
brain growth rates during early childhood may be pathologic. Summary of Potential Craniofacial Features
of the Biological BAP
Unaffected Family Members
Table 28B-1 is a summary of present-day research findings on
Rate of head growth during infancy appears to be increased in head circumference, macrocephaly, and early childhood head
some very young siblings of children with autism. Increased growth rate in relatives of individuals with idiopathic autism
head and brain growth have been found both in infant sib- (see Appendix B).
lings who have high symptom levels and are therefore at high- Lack of familial resemblance between affected individuals
est risk of a future autism diagnosis, and in young siblings and unaffected co-twins, parents, and siblings nullifies the
who have few symptoms and are most likely to be unaffected hypothesis that macrocephaly is usually inherited with autism
(Elder et al., 2008). A dose-response effect may exist, in which in families. In MZ twins and nuclear families, macrocephaly
“dose” refers to the level of autistic symptoms observed by associated with idiopathic autism is increased in affected indi-
parents. Young siblings who showed the highest level of autis- viduals but not in unaffected twins or siblings. Macrocephaly
tic symptoms on the Modified Checklist for Autism in does not appear to cluster in families. Findings to date suggest
Toddlers and the Early Developmental Interview (Werner that affected macrocephalic individuals are no more likely to
et al., 2005) had the largest head circumferences at 12 months have a parent with macrocephaly than are affected normo-
of age. Children who had the largest head circumferences at cephalic individuals. The biological underpinnings of these
12 months of age had the greatest observed deceleration in phenomena are yet to be understood. Extreme macrocephaly
rate of head growth thereafter. may provide an important exception and a reliable, genetically
informative covariate in autism that may identify a subgroup
of affected individuals and families with a distinct set of risk
Facial Features genes. Macrocephaly may be genetically linked to autism in
these uncommon families.
Facial features are of interest in autism as potential intermedi- Current findings also suggest that an atypical pattern of
ate phenotypes or covariates that may identify genetic and head and brain growth during very early childhood and pos-
other etiological subtypes of the disorder (Miles et al., 2005). sibly into adolescence may prove to have a stronger associa-
Prenatal craniofacial development is related to prenatal brain tion with autism in general than macrocephaly itself. A more
development, and many risk genes involved in abnormal refined understanding of macrocephaly associated with autism
craniofacial development have been discovered (Kjaer, 1995; is needed, including associated neuropsychological features
Wilkie & Morriss-Kay, 2001). and changes in brain structure, white matter microstructure,
and functional connectivity. In addition, segregation of spe-
Affected Individuals cific atypical patterns of head growth during early and later
childhood within autism families needs to be tested.
Craniofacial anomalies, usually minor but sometimes major, A pattern of rightward facial asymmetry has been identified
are known to occur in about one third of individuals with idi- as a potential intermediate phenotype in at least a subgroup of
opathic autism (Miles et al., 2000), and a recent meta-analysis multiplex autism families. Craniofacial features can now be
showed a high overall effect size for an increased minor anom- easily, objectively, and reliably measured using 3D digital
aly score (Cohen’s D = 0.84; Ozgen et al., 2010). Significant photogrammetry (Wong et al., 2008) and other developing
facial asymmetry has been found using modern methods of technologies.
484 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á many individuals with autism. Large increases in GM volume

Section 2. Brain Structure, Function, have also been seen in the mirror neuron system, regions
and Connectivity important in the development of social cognition and
implicated in autism. Decreased GM volume has been observed
Total and Regional Brain Volume, Gray Matter in vermal lobules XIII and IX of the left cerebellum (Peterson
Volume, and White Matter Volume et al., 2006). Cortical thickness has not yet been examined in
unaffected family members.
Although there is a multitude of structural neuroimaging stud- No differences between unaffected parents and controls
ies of children and adults with autism, there are very few cor- have been found for TBV, TICV, total GM volume, total WM
responding studies of unaffected twins, parents, and siblings. volume, lobar volumes, or the lateral and third ventricles (Rojas
This section describes only the strongest replicated results to et al., 2004; Palmen et al., 2005b; Peterson et al., 2006). The
date in affected individuals and on regions of the brain that absence of increased TICV in parents differs from the results of
have been examined in unaffected relatives. For twin studies, head circumference studies that report increased macrocephaly
data are not yet available on brain structure alteration rates in parents of children with autism. This discrepancy does
frequencies in nonautistic co-twins compared to the co-twins not appear to be due to changes in skull thickness that could
in the general population; only comparisons to singletons and increase head circumference but not TICV (Tate et al., 2007)
familial resemblance within twin pairs have been reported. but may be due in part to a detection problem caused by the
generally smaller sample sizes of parents in imaging studies
Affected Individuals compared to those in head circumference studies.

According to the combined findings of cross-sectional imaging Familial Resemblance

studies, total brain volume (TBV) in singletons is statistically
increased in young children but not older individuals with Familial resemblance of TBV in autism has not yet been exam-
autism (reviewed in Lainhart et al., 2005; Rojas et al., 2004). ined in parent-affected child or unaffected-affected sibling
Nevertheless, a meta-analysis of imaging studies published pairs. A brain volume study of MZ twin pairs with autism and
between 1984 and 2006 (Stanfield et al., 2008) showed signifi- twins discordant for autism (most of the discordant twins
cantly larger brain volumes in autism without any significant have PDD-NOS or cognitive/behavioral characteristics of the
age-related effect (mean age of 3.9 to 30.3 years across studies) BAP) shows twin resemblance on TICV, TBV, and cerebral
or IQ, with overall effect sizes of 0.32 for TBV, 0.51 for total and lobar WM volumes (Kates et al., 2004). The intraclass cor-
intracranial volume (TICV) and 0.62 for the cerebrum. relation coefficients for pairs concordant and discordant for
Generalized increases in total gray matter (GM) and white autism do not significantly differ, and the correlations are
matter (WM) volumes have been found in very young children similar to those reported in typically developing twins (Wallace
with autism (Hazlett et. al., 2005). Volumetric differences in et al., 2006). Patterns of cerebral cortical folding, assessed
older affected individuals vary greatly from study to study but with a gyrification index, are highly discordant across MZ
appear to be more striking in GM than in WM (Lainhart et al., twin pairs that included twins concordant and discordant for
2006), appearing as complex patterns of localized increases autism (Kates et al., 2009).
and decreases in left temporal lobe GM, parietal lobe GM bilat-
erally, and, in some studies, the occipital and frontal lobe GM Amygdala and Hippocampus
(Brun et al., 2009; Hardan et al., 2006; Hyde et al., 2009). A
cross-sectional study of cortical thickness suggests an age by Affected Individuals
group interaction; cortical thickness decreased between 10 and
60 years of age in typically developing but not in ASD groups Replicated recent findings in volumetric studies of the amy-
(Raznahan et al., 2009). Cortical thickness was decreased in gdala show increased mean volume in preschool-age children
children and increased in adults with ASD in most but not all with autism (Mosconi et al., 2009; Schumann et al., 2009) and
studies (Raznahan et al., 2009; Jiao et al., 2009, Hyde et al., decreased volume in older individuals (Nacewicz et al., 2006;
2009; Hadjikhani et al., 2006, Hardan et al., 2006). Rojas et al., 2004; Salmond et al., 2003). Potential functional
implications of abnormal volumetric development of the
Unaffected Family Members amygdala are found in a study of preschool-age children with
autism, where increased size of the amygdala was correlated
A voxel-based analysis comparing parents of children with with severity of social-communication impairment at 5–6
autism and control parents found widespread local increases years of age (Munson et al., 2006; Schumann et al., 2009).
in GM volume in frontal, occipital, parietal, and temporal Some studies of children and young adults with autism have
lobes (Peterson et al., 2006). Increased GM volume in the found no differences from typically developing controls
parents of children with autism included areas involved in (Corbett, 2009; Palmen et al., 2006; Zeegers et al., 2009). The
“mentalizing,” i.e., considering the mental state of others, recent meta-analysis of very heterogeneous studies of amy-
important in empathy, which is known to be impaired in gdala volume in autism published up to the year 2006 found
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 485

no significant group effect and an age-related decrease in IQ; increasing age and IQ were associated with smaller vermal
autism relative to controls (Stanfield et al., 2008). area (Peterson et al., 2006; Stanfield et al., 2008).
A significant degree of heterogeneity is also present in stud-
ies of hippocampal volume in autism. Although hippocampal Unaffected Family Members
volume appears stable with age and unaffected in autism in a
recent meta-analysis (Stanfield et al., 2008), several other stud- The small number of parents of children with autism studied to
ies have reported increased volume of the left hippocampus in date show no differences in total cerebellar volume relative to
older children and adults with autism (Rojas et al., 2004; Rojas control adults (Palmen et al., 2005b), but increased GM volume
et al., 2006; Salmond et al., 2005). Subtle shape differences have in the left cerebellum and decreased GM volume in verbal
also been observed (Dager et al., 2007; Nicolson et al., 2006). lobules XIII and IX has been suggested (Peterson et al., 2006).

Unaffected Family Members Brain Stem

Mean amygdala volume appears to be decreased in unaffected Affected Individuals

siblings (Dalton et al., 2007), while parents of children with
autism appear unaffected (Rojas et al., 2004). Mean left hip- Reduced midbrain volume has been observed in autism (effect
pocampal volume, by manual tracing, was larger in parents of size, -0.77), while the medulla and pons appear unaffected
simplex children with autism compared with control adults (Stanfield et al., 2008). The reliability of these findings, how-
(Rojas et al., 2004) but this finding was not replicated in a ever, is compromised by large observed between-study heter-
voxel-based comparison of parents (Peterson et al., 2006). ogeneity. The brain stem has not been examined in unaffected
relatives of autism probands.
Familial Resemblance
Brain Function and Brain Connectivity
In MZ autism twins pairs (five co-twins with autism, four with
PDD-NOS, and five with no diagnosis), the intra-twin correla- In other neuropsychiatric disorders, neurophysiological
tion coefficients for amygdala and hippocampal volumes were measures of brain function are among the strongest candi-
0.66 and 0.91 respectively (Mitchell et al., 2009). Resemblance dates for genetically informative IPs. In autism, these meas-
has not yet been examined within families. ures include eye movements (“eye-tracking”), neural activity
measured on the scalp with electroencephalography (EEG)
Corpus Callosum and Caudate Nucleus and magnetoencephalography (MEG), and in vivo neuroim-
aging of neural activity using positron emission tomography
Affected Individuals (PET), single-photon computed tomography (SPECT), and
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). PET and
Decreased size of the corpus callosum in autism is a highly SPECT studies of the serotonin system in the brain are
replicated finding (reviewed in Lainhart et al., 2005), including reviewed in Section 3.
a small yet significant effect size (-0.28) found in a recent
meta-analysis (Stanfield et al., 2008). Increased caudate Affected Individuals
volume has also been observed, with a moderate effect size
(0.41) in studies published before 2007 (Stanfield et al., 2008). Though not yet reported in unaffected family members, sev-
More recent studies are in agreement and show that caudate eral MEG findings in individuals with autism are particularly
volume is associated with repetitive behaviors in autism noteworthy as potential intermediate phenotypes (reviewed
(Langen et al., 2007; Langen et al., 2009; Rojas et al., 2006). in Roberts et al., 2008). In typically developing children and
Cross-sectional data suggest aberrant volumetric changes in adults, peak magnetic responses evoked by auditory stimuli
the caudate between childhood and young adulthood (Langen presented at 50 and 100 milliseconds earlier (M50, M100)
et al., 2009). The corpus callosum and caudate have not yet measured in time windows of short duration (roughly 40 mil-
been examined in unaffected family members. liseconds) indicate very early rapid temporal signal processing
in the auditory cortex. In addition, the expected M100 in the
Cerebellum right hemisphere is greater than that in the left hemisphere of
the brain (termed “rightward asymmetry”). Children with
Affected Individuals autism, however, exhibit M100s that are equal on the right and
left (hemispheric symmetry). This lack of typical asymmetry
Increased cerebellar volume (effect size 0.72) and small to may be related to language impairment in the disorder (Schmidt
moderate effect sizes for reduced volumes of vermal lobules et al., 2009). The delay (“latency”) of right-hemisphere M50 in
VI–VII and VIII–X (-0.27 and -0.43, respectively) have been childhood appears to account for a substantial amount of vari-
reported (Stanfield et al., 2008). Studies of vermal lobules ance in overall language ability in specific language impair-
VI–VII produced heterogeneous results affected by age and ments and in autism. A delay time of 84.6 milliseconds between
486 Autism Spectrum Disorders

stimulus presentation and the initial evoked response (“latency volume in unaffected siblings have yet to be replicated.
cutoff”) has been found to indicate receptive language impair- Inconsistent differences in the left hippocampal volumes of
ment in children with 70% sensitivity and 92% specificity parents may be due to heterogeneity of the BBAP, but the small
(Oram Cardy et al., 2008). sample sizes and the variety of image analysis methods used to
A variety of neurophysiological measures have shown date contribute to this ambiguity.
significant case-control differences in samples of individuals Structural imaging studies of unaffected family members
with autism and have been used to test family members. are severely lacking, and testing for familiality nonexistent.
Differences in individuals with autism include abnormalities Decreased size of the corpus callosum and midbrain, increased
of eye-gaze fixation, evoked response, local oscillatory activity, caudate volume, and emergent findings of regional alterations
localization of brain areas activated and rapid temporal aspects in cortical thickness have been found and replicated in chil-
of brain activation in response to a variety of stimuli. dren and adults with autism, but have yet to be evaluated in
A preliminary family study using SPECT reports a variety unaffected relatives. Twin studies have the potential to help
of patterns of hypoperfusion in frontal, parietal, and temporal understand how variations in brain structure and function
cortex as well as the caudate nucleus in 8 affected children mediate genetic and environmental effects on cognitive,
(Degirmenci et al., 2008). behavioral, and emotional characteristics of autism and the
BAP. Imaging studies comparing autistic and nonautistic
Unaffected Family Members members of twin pairs are in very early stages of development
(Belmonte & Carper, 2006; Kates et al., 1998; Kates et al., 2004;
Parents and unaffected siblings have shown decreased Mitchell et al., 2009), have extremely small sample sizes, and
perfusion in frontal and parietal regions, and siblings have thus have very limited statistical power to detect any differ-
shown additional hypoperfusion in the caudate nucleus ences if they exist. Also, it is not clear if these preliminary find-
(Degirmenci et al., 2008). Eye-tracking studies have indicated ings are due to autism or confounding factors related to
that unaffected siblings of children with autism have decreased twinning. To date, neuroimaging studies of twins with autism
fixation on eyes when looking at faces, similar to the decreased have not considered the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal
fixation found in individuals with autism (Dalton et al., factors known to differ in twins and singletons or perinatal
2007). This study also found that in individuals with autism, factors such as birth order effects in twinning that may also
unaffected siblings, and typically developing controls (to a differ and influence brain development. Carefully designed
lesser extent), variation in the duration of eye fixation is studies that enable the direct comparison of MZ and DZ twins
strongly related to variation in the extent of right and left with autism and control twins are needed to evaluate these
fusiform gyri activation measured by fMRI. No significant potentially separable effects.
association was found between eye fixation duration and The many mixed, inconsistent, and negative volumetric
amygdala activation in individuals with autism in unaffected findings in children and adults with autism may suggest that
siblings or controls (Dalton et al., 2007). Parents of children the future yield of studies examining alterations in regional
with autism have exhibited atypical evoked responses when brain volumes as possible components of the BBAP is low
looking at faces (Dawson et al., 2005), atypical patterns of except in a few brain regions. Recent studies showing complex
fMRI brain activation during visual search and empathy tasks patterns of increased and decreased GM volume within brain
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2006), and decreased synchronization of structures suggest that newer methods allowing more detailed
oscillatory brain activity as recorded by MEG (Rojas et al., examination of anatomy may be much more powerful than
2008). Taken together, these atypical responses may indicate older methods that yielded only volumetric measures of whole
deficits in the binding of perceptual stimuli and abnormalities structures. Almost all volumetric brain imaging studies in
in neuronal connectivity and function in specific cortical autism have been cross-sectional in design, and many
areas. age-related changes that have driven research in the field are
based on cross-sectional data combined across studies.
Summary of Brain Structure, Function, Limited conclusions about developmental processes can be
and Connectivity in the Biological BAP drawn from cross-sectional data, and more longitudinal stud-
ies are needed (Kraemer et al., 2002). Longitudinal growth
Table 28B-2 is a summary of structural brain imaging studies trajectories may be more informative phenotypic measures in
of unaffected twins, parents, and siblings to date. Table 28B-3 affected and unaffected individuals than cross-sectional vol-
is a summary of brain function and brain connectivity studies umes at any given age. Many neuropathological changes due
to date. (See Appendix B for both tables.) to autism may be detectable only at higher resolutions than
Structural imaging data contributed by unaffected rela- usually used. Methods that bridge the gap between in vivo
tives of children with autism are far too limited to draw any (during life) imaging studies of children and adults with
preliminary conclusions about whether or not particular alter- autism at currently available resolutions and in vivo nonhuman
ations in brain volume may be part of the BBAP. Regional studies at the very high resolutions provided by bright field,
increases in GM volume in localized areas in all lobes of the immunofluoresence, and electron microscopy are critically
brain and in the cerebellum in parents and decreased amygdala needed.
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 487

The identification of specific measures of neural function children with mental retardation have hyperserotonemia, they
as potential IPs in autism research is severely lacking when do not have increased mean levels of serotonin, suggesting
compared, for instance, to corresponding research in schizo- some specificity to autism. Hyperserotonemia has also been
phrenia and bipolar disorder (Ivleva et al., 2009; Jeste & found in children with PDD-NOS (Mulder et al., 2004).
Nelson, 2009). Structural and functional brain connectivity
studies of unaffected relatives are lacking, as are tests of Hyperserotonemia: elevated levels of serotonin in whole
connectivity pattern aggregation within families. Normal blood or platelet-rich plasma—a measurable biological trait
short-range and intra- and interhemispheric long-range con- possibly linked genetically to autism.
nectivity is essential between cortical areas whose functions Several abnormalities of the serotonin system in the brain
must be tightly synchronized within very brief and rapidly in autism are noteworthy. There is evidence of autism-related
evolving temporal windows to enable efficient and effective altered functioning of serotonin receptors in the brain from at
information processing. The paucity of studies of long-range least the late 1980s (McBride et al., 1989). A number of PET
underconnectivity between cortical areas in autism seems at studies show alteration of brain serotonin synthesis and atypi-
odds with this major, replicated finding that is currently cal neurodevelopmental trajectories in children with autism
driving much interdisciplinary research in the field. (Chugani et al., 1997; Chugani et al., 1999). In children with
autism 2–4 years of age, increases in total and frontal lobe
cortical GM volume of 10% and 16% respectively are reported
to be associated with a particular form (allele) of one of the
Section 3. Other Biomedical Features
serotonin transporter genes (the 5HTTLRP short polymor-
phism of the SLC6A4 gene), a relationship that is absent in
Serotonin adults with the disorder (Raznahan et al., 2009; Wassink et al.,
2007). The association between brain anatomy and serotonin
In children with autism, elevated levels of serotonin in the
transporter genotype in children but not adults with autism
blood, a measurable biological trait, was first reported in 1961.
suggests that the effects of serotonin transporter genes on
This finding remains one of the oldest and most robust bio-
brain morphometry may be age-dependent.
logical findings in autism research (Anderson, 2002).
By employing SPECT, a preliminary but important study
of adults with Asperger’s syndrome has provided evidence of
decreased cortical density of 5-HT2A serotonin receptors, as
Box 28–4
indexed by decreased receptor binding, relative to that of typi-
Serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an essential cal control adults (Murphy et al., 2006). Decreased binding is
role in sleep, appetite, mood, anxiety, social affiliation, impulsiv- found in the anterior and posterior cingulate, bilateral frontal,
ity, arousal, aggression, and reaction to stress (Anderson, 2002). and superior temporal lobes and in the left parietal lobe.
Brain serotonin was discovered in 1953. Serotonin, often abbrevi- Decreased receptor binding in the cingulate and frontal corti-
ated as 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine), is synthesized from the ces is related to increased severity of impairment in reciprocal
dietary amino acid precursor tryptophan and found in the brain, social interaction as measured by the Autism Diagnostic
intestines, blood platelets (regulating blood clotting), blood ves- Interview-Revised (ADI-R). Decreased serotonin transporter
sels, and in the muscle of some organs. Serotonin plays critical binding is also found in individuals with autism. Adults with
roles in both fetal brain development and postnatal brain func- autism show highly significant decreases in serotonin trans-
tion throughout life, is present in the oocyte (egg cell), and is
porter binding in widespread areas throughout the brain,
involved in very early embryonic patterning (Levin et al., 2006),
including in all four lobes, limbic and subcortical regions, and
in embryonic thalamocortical axonal guidance, in the formation
of cortical sensory maps (Bonnin et al., 2007), and in craniofacial the cerebellum (Nakamura et al., 2010). Children and adoles-
development (Moiseiwitsch, 2000). cents with autism appear to have a decrease in cortical serot-
onin transporter binding, particularly in the medial frontal
cortex, which is more pronounced with increasing age
Affected Individuals (Makkonen et al., 2008).
Hyperserotonemia has been found repeatedly in individuals Unaffected Family Members
with autism. Mean levels of blood serotonin are 25–50% higher
in autism than in typical control samples. A recent study shows The observation that hyperserotonemia is also present in a
a bimodal distribution with roughly 50% of affected children sizable proportion of unaffected relatives is an important and
and young adults having blood serotonin levels greater than complex finding that is not yet fully understood. A recent
one standard deviation above that of typically developing con- PET study of unaffected parents of children with autism and
trols; 20% have levels greater that two standard deviations control adults has shown that mean cortical serotonin recep-
above this normal level compared to 0% typically developing tor binding potential in unaffected parents is decreased in all
controls (Mulder et al., 2004). The same study showed that four lobes of the brain (effect sizes ~0.9), its standard devia-
although a small proportion of the nonautistic comparison tion is reduced by 50%, and it is negatively correlated with
488 Autism Spectrum Disorders

blood platelet serotonin levels but not in controls (Goldberg

Box 28–5
et al., 2009).
Biological marker (biomarker): a characteristic that is measured
Familial Resemblance objectively and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological
processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a
Hyperserotonemia in autism is familial and appears to be therapeutic intervention (Biomarker Definitions Working Group,
related to the degree of genetic liability to autism and recur- 2001). One may refer to a characteristic or phenotype as a
rence risk (Abramson et al., 1989; Cook et al., 1990; Leboyer biomarker if it is minimally affected by the will, behavior, and
et al., 1999; Leventhal et al., 1990). Serotonin levels are ele- attitudes of subjects or the evaluator or by transient environmental
vated in multiplex individuals compared to simplex individuals influences (Kraemer et al., 2002). If such a characteristic or
phenotype is a statistic derived from an image, it must also be
with autism (Abramson et al., 1989; Cook & Leventhal, 1996;
shown to be on a causal pathway of a clinical endpoint to fulfill
Piven et al., 1991). Serotonin levels are also elevated in chil-
the additional requirement for an imaging biomarker. The
dren with autism compared to their first-degree relatives and potential to identify useful biomarkers of autism will be greatly
are correlated positively with those of their unaffected parents expanded by the further understanding of its pathogenesis. At
and siblings (Leventhal et al., 1990). First-degree relatives are present, however, without useful theory or models of its
2.4 times more likely to be hyperserotonemic if the child with pathogenic underpinnings, biomarker research in autism is and
autism is hyperserotonemic. Further research on molecular needs to be conducted in the opposite direction.
genetic differences in the serotonin system of unaffected rela-
tives who are hyperserotonemic compared to relatives who are
not is underway (Cross et al., 2008).
of immune system differences in unaffected family members
was soon introduced. Dr. Warren was very careful in his earli-
Summary of Serotonin Components
est autism research to focus his immune hypotheses and their
of the Biological BAP
specificity on some but not all children with autism and their
Table 28B-4 is an up-to-date summary of brain and blood families, positing the existence and identifiability of familial
serotonin system studies in autism and unaffected relatives subgroups in which immune factors were somehow linked to
and siblings (see Appendix B). the disorder. He also acknowledged that if immune system
Hyperserotonemia meets criteria for a potential genetically abnormalities were involved in some cases of autism, then
informative IP, thus a possible component of the BBAP. It is they may be related directly or indirectly to its pathogenesis,
increased in affected individuals and in unaffected parents and and hence that their presence may contribute to autism risk or
siblings and also tends to cluster in the families of be a consequence of the risk or atypical brain development.
hyperserotonemic individuals with autism. Although hypers- Recent studies employing advanced immunologic and molec-
erotonemia in autism has been known for many years, its ular genetic technology have provided convergent evidence
genetic and molecular mechanisms remain unknown. supporting Dr. Warren’s original hypotheses.
Emerging biostatistical evidence of associations between brain
and blood platelet levels of serotonin and brain structure and Affected Individuals
function may provide further clues. To our knowledge,
serotonin transporter and serotonin receptor densities have In autism, studies have found abnormalities of cell-mediated
not yet been studied in the same individuals to help discern and antibody-mediated components of the adaptive immune
their functional relationship in autism. Further integrative system that responds to new health threats throughout
research advances in molecular genetics, animal models, the lifespan. A preliminary comprehensive examination of
neuroimaging, and biostatistics are needed for a thorough immune components in individuals with autism and their
understanding of this oldest candidate biomarker in autism. unaffected siblings suggests subtle but important impairment
of the cell-mediated part of the immune system in some chil-
Immune Factors dren with autism (Saresella et al., 2009). Alterations are found
in the levels of a number of different types of cells in different
Normal functioning of the immune system requires finely stages of immune function maturation and in levels of the
balanced, complex interactions of its many components, substances they secrete (cytokines) that are important in cel-
including a wide variety of immune cell types, proteins, and lular communication. Decreases in mean levels of fully differ-
other biochemicals, tissues, and organs of the body. A number entiated cell subtypes that direct other immune cells (CD4+ T
of studies have investigated the potential dysfunction of the lymphocytes, also known as “helper” cells) have been observed.
immune system in individuals with autism and their relatives. Mean levels of subtypes of “killer cells” (CD8+ T lymphocytes)
The work of the late Dr. Reed Warren in Utah during the that kill cells dangerous to the body, such as cells infected with
1980s and early 1990s first brought the potential role of immu- viruses, are altered. Levels of “naive killer cells” (cells that have
nologic factors and the genes that control them to the fore- not yet been exposed to antigens such as viruses) are increased
front of autism research (Warren et al., 1986). The plausibility and levels of “effector memory cells” (cells that remember and
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 489

quickly recognize infectious agents long after the original infec- had a parent or sibling with a diagnosed autoimmune disease
tion) are decreased (Saresella et al., 2009). A decrease in mean prior to their diagnosis of autism. This study confirmed an
levels of immunoglobulins, specifically IgG and IgM, has been increased risk of autism in children born to parents who have
observed recently in a sample of individuals with autism com- type-1 diabetes and an increased risk of an ASD when mothers
pared to typically developing controls (Heuer et al., 2008). have rheumatoid arthritis or celiac disease (Atladóttir et al.,
A minority of children with autism appear to have antibodies 2009). It is important to note, however, that the majority of
to fetal and adult brain proteins and to brain proteins from the children with autism are born to parents who do not have
basal ganglia, frontal lobe, cingulate gyrus, and cerebellum these autoimmune disorders. Unaffected children in autism
(Silva et al., 2004; Singer et al., 2006; Zimmerman et al., 2007; families show signs of immune dysregulation similar to the
Wills et al., 2009). Finally, an association of a functional variant affected children with autism in a preliminary study (Saresella
of the gene for the macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) with et al., 2009). If confirmed by replication and familial resem-
autism and increased mean levels of plasma MIF indicates blance is demonstrated, the findings described here would
abnormality of the innate immune system that provides natural indicate that a particular pattern of immune dysregulation is
defenses against invading microorganisms (Grigorenko et al., an IP of an immune-related subtype of autism.
2008). The variant of the MIF gene appears to be associated
with stereotyped repetitive behaviors in autism. Familial Resemblance

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF): a cytokine It appears that only one study to date has investigated the
protein encoded by a gene on chromosome 22q11.2. MIF is intrafamilial resemblance of immune findings, specifically
part of the innate immune system, the body’s first-line those protein bands reactive to human brain tissue, in chil-
defense system against infection, and is produced by a wide dren with autism and their parents (Silva et al., 2004). No
variety of immune cells including macrophages and by cells significant correlations were found.
and tissues of the body that are in direct contact with the
natural environment such as the lungs, the skin, and the gas- Summary of Potential Immune Factors
trointestinal and genitourinary tracts. MIF is also produced of the Biological BAP
by endocrine tissues involved in the body’s response to stress:
Table 28B-5 is an up-to-date summary of studies of the
the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands (Calandra
immune system in children and adults with autism and their
& Roger, 2003). MIF activates macrophages and T cells, pro-
affected and unaffected siblings and first-degree relatives (see
moting the function of both innate and adaptive immune
Appendix B).
responses. Although it is an important general defense
Preliminary studies point to candidate intermediate
against pathogens that cause infections, abnormally high
phenotypes that may be found in patterns of immune system
levels during infections or at the wrong time could poten-
imbalance in some autism families. The association between
tially affect early brain development.
autism and specific types of autoimmune diseases in fathers
and mothers suggests the involvement of various a number of
Unaffected Family Members complex mechanisms. There appear to be at least two
potentially separable mechanisms operating independently or
The finding that antibodies to brain proteins are found in
in tandem: (1) a common genetic background may increase
some children with autism led to studies that tested the
risk of autoimmune disease in a parent and autism in an off-
hypothesis that in some cases of autism maternal antibodies to
spring, and (2) the effects of maternal autoimmune disease
brain tissue may cross the placenta during pregnancy and
during pregnancy may alter the intrauterine environment of
affect the brain of the developing child. These studies yielded
the developing child in a way that increases autism risk. It
tantalizing preliminary evidence in mice and rhesus monkeys
appears certain that parental history of specific autoimmune
showing that offspring had behavioral deficits including
diseases identifies a potential and very important etiological
hyperactivity and stereotypic behaviors (Dalton et al., 2003;
and clinical subtype of autism. Twin studies and carefully
Martin et al., 2008). A number of human studies find antibod-
designed family studies are needed to further clarify what
ies to brain tissue in unaffected mothers of children with
immunological characteristics are genetically informative bio-
autism and increased rates of autoimmune diseases in moth-
logical phenotypes, which are not, and how immunological
ers and other relatives (Braunschweig et al., 2008; Comi et al.,
factors are related to alterations in brain development.
1999; Croen 2005; Croen et al., 2008; Molloy et al., 2006;
Singer et al., 2008; Sweeten et al., 2003). Several studies have
measured the rates of autoimmune diseases in relatives of
individuals with autism but not yet in these individuals them- Á
selves. A very large epidemiological study of autoimmune dis- Section 4. Classification Research
orders in parents and siblings of children with autism, using
the Denmark Medical Registry, found that of the 3325 chil- The utility of any modern scientific method can be measured
dren studied who had ASD, including 1089 with autism, 6.8% in large part by its context-specific predictive performance.
490 Autism Spectrum Disorders

One important goal of scientific research of the BBAP is to unaffected (specificity). Also included is a biological measure
employ routine medical tests, such as blood tests, eye-tracking that may identify children with receptive language impairment
measures, and brain scans, to phenotype individuals with associated with autism and other disorders.
autism or identify those at risk for autism objectively. Biological Classification research in autism is producing many exciting
phenotypes are needed to correctly identify babies who carry preliminary results. Brain imaging analysis, electrophysiologi-
autism risk genes and are therefore at increased risk of devel- cal methods, and 3D measures of craniofacial features now
oping the disorder. If they become available, such biological provide some ways to find patterns of alteration that are asso-
phenotypes could be used to diagnose individuals with spe- ciated with autism and that perform well in discriminating
cific subtypes of autism, to identify unaffected family mem- individuals with autism from typically developing individuals.
bers who carry risk genes for autism, to help predict long-term Among these are alterations in brain structure sizes, gyral
outcome, and to determine what interventions are most likely morphometry, regional cortical thicknesses, spatial distribu-
to be effective for individuals at different stages of the disor- tions of GM and WM density, white matter microstructure,
der. Biological phenotypes have the potential to bring the reconstructed WM tract shapes, ocular function, and facial
practice of personalized medicine to autism, to make preven- asymmetry. Studies are now needed that determine if the find-
tive interventions tailored specifically to the needs of individu- ings can be replicated in independent samples. To our knowl-
als across the lifespan and improve the lives of people with edge, none have been replicated to date, except for Lange et al.
autism or at risk for autism. (2010). Also required are performance-based comparisons of
Classification research in autism seeks to discover biologi- classification methods, testing discriminating ability for
cal methods that identify individuals with the disorder and autism subgroups, including group comparisons of individu-
discriminate them from individuals who are typically develop- als with other developmental and neuropsychiatric disorders,
ing and individuals who have other developmental and neu- and extensions to unaffected relatives.
ropsychiatric disorders. Classification methods must have
very high sensitivity, specificity, reliability, and predictive per-
formance to be clinically useful. Table 28B-6 is a summary of Á
current published findings (see Appendix B). Intensive Conclusion
research is currently underway to develop and test additional
novel classification methods not summarized in Table 28B-6 How far has autism research progressed in identifying altera-
in autism and their extensions to the BAP. Diffusion tensor tions in development, structure, and function of the brain and
imaging (DTI) technology is being developed to identify valid, other body systems that indicate liability to autism in families,
accurate, and reliable autism versus control differences in not only in individuals with the disorder but also in unaffected
white matter microstructure in key regions of the brain (Lange relatives? This chapter concludes with a critical appraisal of
et al., 2010 and to locate differences in the shape and diffusion progress in identifying components of the biological BAP and
properties of white matter fiber bundles (Chung et al., 2010; suggested guidelines for future research.
Fletcher et al., 2009). Functional MRI is being used to measure Most biological alterations hypothesized to be members of
functional brain connectivity in the default mode network the BAP do not meet genetic epidemiology criteria for poten-
and during performance of specific tasks (Anderson et al., tial genetically informative intermediate phenotypes. Biological
2010). If biological phenotypes with high classification ability findings associated with autism result from small-sample and
for autism are discovered, it will be important to determine if very heterogeneous case-control studies lacking probative
they can correctly classify a large proportion of unaffected power. Many relevant published reports include only signifi-
individuals who are related to persons with autism (BAP sen- cant differences between group means. Typically, individuals
sitivity), and individuals who do not have any relatives with in these groups are not phenotyped on the trait or characteris-
ASDs (BAP specificity). Only one study that objectively meas- tic of interest. The ability of the biological finding to classify
ured right-dominant facial asymmetry (Hammond et al., individuals is rarely tested. Even when a biological feature
2008) tested the sensitivity of this measure in unaffected family is used to phenotype individuals, the performance of the clas-
members (67% in siblings) and none, to our knowledge, have sification method has yet to be tested in an independent
tested specificity or replicated these findings in independent sample, a major omission which can in some cases yield mis-
samples. leading and spurious results perhaps due to circular analysis
(Kriegeskorte et al., 2009) and other analytic traps. In addi-
Summary of Classification Research tion, most of the biological findings associated with autism
in the Biological BAP have yet to be investigated in unaffected relatives. Some bio-
logical features studied in unaffected parents or siblings have
Table B6 is a summary of autism classification methods pub- not yet been measured in individuals with autism. When
lished to date, providing the proportion of individuals with affected and unaffected relatives have been examined, they are
autism who were identified correctly by the method as indeed usually not related, and thus familial aggregation cannot be
having autism (sensitivity) and the proportion of nonautistic determined. Finally, the relative performance of biological
individuals who were identified correctly by the method as features that are increased in affected and unaffected relatives
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 491

have yet to be compared to that of ASDs per se in identifying able to separate individuals with other developmental and
individuals who are likely to carry autism risk genes. In order neuropsychiatric disorders? Over three decades since the
to be more useful than ASDs per se, the intermediate biologi- Broader Phenotype of Autism was first described, autism
cal phenotype should be at least 50 to 100 times more common research now has the collaborative methods and technology
in members of autism families than in general population to determine exactly what is inherited with autism in
(Szatmari et al., 2007). Biological alterations will be most help- families.
ful in identifying unaffected relatives who may have liability to
autism when the alterations have high sensitivity and high
specificity. Á
Biological Broader Autism Phenotype findings to date are Challenges and Future Directions
consistent with biological subtypes of autism and risk genes
being inherited or occurring de novo. Although macrocephaly • Biological autism research needs to progress from a pre-
does not appear to show familiality, extreme macrocephaly dominant focus on case-control mean differences to
may cluster in a subset of autism families. Approximately examination of distributions, classification and pheno-
4.8% of individuals with autism have extreme macrocephaly typing of individuals, and testing for sensitivity, specific-
(Lainhart et al., 2006), and these individuals appear to be at ity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive value.
increased risk of having inherited or de novo mutations in the • Large-scale biological studies of individuals with autism,
PTEN gene. Case series studies suggest that when the muta- their families, and control families, with replication in
tion is inherited, macrocephaly and developmental delay may independent samples, are needed. The most effective
be inherited along with autism in these families. Similarly, studies will combine epidemiological and advanced sta-
hyperserotonemia, which occurs in approximately 20% of tistical methods with reliable neuroimaging and other
individuals with autism, may identify a biological subtype of sophisticated biological phenotyping.
autism and autism families. Present-day findings suggest that • Etiological heterogeneity, de novo as well as inherited
the biological broader phenotype of autism is heterogeneous, mutations, phenotypic complexity, and individual het-
as is autism itself (Geschwind, 2009). Alterations of bodily erogeneity are major research challenges in the search for
structure and function that are linked genetically to autism the Biological Broader Autism Phenotype.
may not be identical in all families.
Major advances in Biological Broader Autism Phenotype
research require innovative cross-disciplinary combinations Á RECOMMENDED READING
of the scientific methods of autism clinical research, neuro-
science, genetic epidemiology, neurostatistics, immunology, Allen, A. J., Griss, M. E., Folley, B. S., Hawkins, K. A., & Pearlson,
and other areas of medicine, in addition to novel ideas con- G.D. (2009). Endophenotypes in schizophrenia: A selective
cerning developmental neuropsychiatric phenotypes. Recent review. Schizophrenia Research, 109, 24–37.
genotype-phenotype relation discoveries in neuropsychiatry Carroll, L. S., & Owen, M. J. (2009). Genetic overlap between
have shown strikingly complex and heterogeneous phenotypes autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Genome Medicine,
1(10), 102.
associated with specific genetic loci (see Suggested Reading).
Fernandez, B. A., Roberts, W., Chung, B., Weksberg, R., Meyn, S.,
Neuroimaging and neurophysiologic research are being rap-
Szatmari, P., et al. (2010). Phenotypic spectrum associated with
idly transformed by powerful new ways of examining brain de novo and inherited deletions and duplications at 16p11.2 in
developmental, microstructure, function, local and global individuals ascertained for diagnosis of autism spectrum disor-
neural networks, connectivity, and biochemistry. As described der. Journal of Medical Genetics, 47(3), 195–203.
in the Classification Research section of this chapter, autism Szatmari. P., Maziade, M., Zwaigenbaum, L., Merette, C., Roy, M.-A.,
research is on the brink of an explosion of individual biologi- Joober, R., et al. (2007). Informative phenotypes for genetic
cal characteristics as potential biomarkers and intermediate studies of psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Medical
phenotypes of autism and the broader autism phenotype. Genetics Part B (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 144B, 581–588.
Which of these will meet the criteria for a potentially informa-
tive intermediate phenotype, if any? Which combinations of
biological phenotypes suggested by classification methods Á ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
have the best diagnostic and subtyping ability for affected
individuals and for identifying unaffected relatives who may We most gratefully acknowledge the help of Molly DuBray, MA,
Alyson Froehlich, PhD, Anna Cariello, and Jason Cooperrider in the
have autism risk genes? How are the various phenotypes
preparation of this chapter. Our autism research is supported by
related within and across affected individuals and their fami-
Grant Numbers RO1 MH080826 (JEL, NL), RO1 MH084795 (JEL,
lies? What is the molecular biological and microstructural NL), and P50 MH060450 (J. Coyle, NL) from the National Institute
basis of the phenotypes? How do these phenotypes develop in of Mental Health. The content of this chapter is solely the responsi-
autism families, and why? Do the phenotypes only discriminate bility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
individuals with autism and their relatives from typically views of the National Institute of Mental Health or the National
developing individuals and their relatives, or are they also Institutes of Health.
492 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á APPENDIX A. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS for instance, then researchers not only have an opportunity to design
OF BIOSTATISTICAL TERMS AND CONCEPTS and conduct better studies and meta-analyses but also to identify
possible biological sources of autism heterogeneity. Effect size is best
Accuracy: the percentage of correct test results, whether positive or not used, however, as the sole criterion to formulate study objectives
negative, if the test is unbiased. For example, suppose that in a popu- because it is but a single-number summary of several other useful
lation of N = 100 individuals, 9 have autism and 91 do not. If the results from a study, such as the mean, standard deviation, and cor-
entire population is tested and it is found that 7 individuals with relation, that are useful in their own right (van Belle, 2002).
autism were identified as such (true positives, TP = 7) and 76 of those False discovery rate (FDR, its realized value): the percentage of
without autism were also identified correctly (true negatives, TN = incorrect positive test results (“false positives,” FP) among a large
76), then the accuracy of the test for autism is (7 + 76)/100 or 83%. number of positive test results that is designed to properly interpret
Formula: Accuracy = (TP + TN)/N. See Bias, Precision. the multitude of results. Examples of its use include crosswalks
Bias: the amount by which a measurement, test or any statistic misses through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for differentially
its “bulls-eye,” its expected accurate value. See Accuracy, Precision. expressed genes and in vivo imaging studies that involve a large
Case-control study: a study of a select number of participants with number of images or image elements. For example, suppose that the
autism (cases) and selected typically developing or nonautistic sub- test described in the previous examples for sensitivity and specificity
jects, perhaps with dyslexia, OCD or ADHD (healthy or psychiatric has been replaced by a genetic test that has much greater specificity but
controls) with respect to one more characteristics. If the cases and con- identically poor sensitivity, and further that it has been administered
trols have similar characteristics other than the characteristic of pri- to an entire high-risk population of 100,000 in which 9000 individuals
mary interest, either by group or in case-control pairs, then the study have autism (see Sensitivity, Specificity). Suppose that the number of
is a matched case-control study. Case-control studies can be retrospec- individuals identified incorrectly as having autism is 1 (FP = 1) and
tive (looking back in time after the cases are already known) and pro- that the number of individuals identified correctly as having autism is
spective (looking forward in time when the cases are not yet known). 7000 (TP = 7000). (The test indeed has poor sensitivity, missing 2,000
Coefficient of variation: the standard deviation expressed as a per- autism cases in this hypothetical example.) The realized FDR of the
centage of the mean; see Mean, Standard deviation. The coefficient of test is 1/(1 + 7000) or 0.00014, a possibly acceptable low rate for this
variation is preferred to standard deviation as a measure of variability test. Controlling the false discovery rate is a wiser although less strin-
when comparing an ensemble of measurements having different gent approach to assessing the veracity of a scientific discovery than is
means and standard deviations and when mean and standard devia- the p-value concept and its variations for interpreting a multiplicity of
tion are correlated (van Belle et al., 2004). Since the coefficient of research findings and their comparisons; see P-value. Principled con-
variation normalizes standard deviation with respect to the mean, trol of the FDR requires the choice of an acceptable rate akin to the a
standard deviations can be compared on the same scale across brain priori significance level of 5% below which a single p-value is inter-
regions or other measurements in health and in autism (Caviness preted by convention as significant. The FDR method yields a value
et al., 1999; Kennedy et al. 1998; Lange et al., 1997). Formula: that is in between the potentially overconservative Bonferroni correc-
Coefficient of variation = Standard deviation/Mean. tion for multiple comparisons and an uncorrected p-value.
Correlation (linear, Pearson): a number between -1 and 1 (inclu- Intraclass correlation coefficient: See Reliability.
sive) that represents the strength of the linear association between Longitudinal: a study or set of data that contains measurements
two sets of measurements. An association is linear if it can be charac- of a subject or subjects at one or more points in time, space, or space-
terized completely by a straight line on a plot of one set of measure- time for one or more subjects. For instance, a study of fractional
ments against the other; see Regression (linear). Any association that anisotropy in the genu of the corpus callosum in autism in which one
appears curved or otherwise nonlinear is not accounted for in this or more subjects have been scanned two or more times is a longitudi-
definition of correlation. Other definitions of correlation exist to nal study and the data collected constitute a longitudinal data set.
acknowledge these types of association, such as those based on the Some but not all subjects may have only one data point or a varying
ranks of the observations (Kendall and Spearman correlations) and number of repeated measurements. Autism studies with repeated
not the observations themselves. measures per subject are often more powerful than those having
Covariate: a characteristic, such as extreme macrocephaly, that is only one measurement per subject to detect group differences
able to subtype autism families, given the characteristic’s presence or when they exist (Lange, 2003). Also see Mean, Standard Deviation,
absence. When present, the characteristic may show familial aggrega- Cross-sectional.
tion and be more strongly linked to potential risk genes. Mean (arithmétic mean): the simple average, the sum of measure-
Cross-sectional: a study or set of data that contain information on a ments divided by their number. For instance, in autism research, a
subject or subjects collected at only one point in time, space, or space- comparison of mean fractional anisotropy (FA), one measure of local
time for all subjects. For instance, a study of fractional anisotropy in directional flow coherence along axons showed that FA is lower in
the genu of the corpus callosum in autism in which each subject has the autism group in the genu of the corpus callosum (Alexander et al.,
been scanned only once is a cross-sectional study, and the data col- 2007) when only one measurement per subject was available; these
lected constitute a cross-sectional data set. Also see Mean, Standard are cross-sectional means; see Cross-sectional. If more than one
Deviation, Longitudinal. measurement is available for some or all subjects, over time for
Effect size: a research result that has been standardized for use in example, then there are two sets of means, one for each individual
meta-analysis or hypothesized during the design of a research study and one for each of the groups; these are longitudinal means; see
or experiment; see Meta-analysis. For example, a standardized differ- Longitudinal. Although the group means remain equal to the average
ence between the average brain size in a sample of subjects with in each group, the standard deviation of the group means and of their
autism and that of a comparison group, such as a two-sample difference are often significantly lower because standard deviations
t statistic, is an effect size. When effect sizes differ significantly across of the individual means can be taken into account. See Standard
autism studies having the same goal, in an attempted meta-analysis deviation.
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 493

Meta-analysis: a systematic method for analyzing and synthesizing the test incorrectly identifies as not having autism is 5 (false negatives,
results from independent autism research studies, taking into account FN = 2), then the negative predictive value of the test is 76/(76 + 2) or
all pertinent information (van Belle et al., 2004). Meta-analyses 97%. The test to predict if an individual does not have autism is valu-
attempt to mimic multicenter studies (such as multicenter controlled able. Formula: Negative predictive value = TN/(TN + FN).
clinical trials) to increase statistical power; see Sensitivity. The aggre- Predictive value, positive: the percentage of correct positive test
gation of many small and heterogeneous autism studies, however, results among all positive test results, whether correct or not. For
does not guarantee an increase in power; in fact, power can decrease. example, if 9 individuals in a high-risk population of 100 have autism,
The validity of an increase in meta-analysis depends strongly on deci- the number of times the test correctly identifies the individuals with
sions of experts in autism research on which data or study results to autism is 7 (TP = 7), and the number of individuals the test incor-
combine and how to combine them, and depends on two conditions rectly identifies as having autism is 15 (FP = 15), then the positive
applied impartially: the quality of each study must be ascertained predictive value of the test is 7/(7 + 15) or 58%, slightly greater than
prior to combination, and the studies to be combined must be homo- a chance coin flip. The test to predict if an individual has autism is not
geneous. The first condition is met by expert review, and there are valuable. Formula: Positive predictive value = TP/(TP + FP).
methods to assess the magnitude of possible inhomogeneity across P-value: the probability of observing an event at least as extreme as an
studies of autism (DerSimonian & Laird, 1986). Also see Effect size. event that could be observed under a null hypothesis. The p-value
Odds ratio: the ratio of the odds of having autism when a (biological) will be small if an alternative hypothesis provides a better description
factor associated with the disorder is either present or absent. The odds of the observed event, as in courtroom logic: innocent (the null
of an event (having autism) is defined as the chance that the event hypothesis) until proven guilty (an alternative hypothesis) beyond a
occurs divided by the chance it does not occur. Case-control studies reasonable doubt (the p-value). A well-designed research study
are most often best analyzed using the odds ratio rather than the rela- defines and applies a careful procedure to collect evidence (data) in
tive risk; see Case-control study, Relative risk. The odds ratio and rela- an attempt to demonstrate that an alternate state of nature may be
tive risk are nearly equal when the estimated prevalence of autism more likely than the default state. Accepted statistical principles are
barely differs when the factor is present or absent. The odds ratio can then applied to the data to yield a p-value. If small enough, for
be very different from the relative risk, which considers the effect of the instance less than 5%, the p-value is then an indication that the study
factor on the chances of having the disorder and not on the chances of has yielded a statistically significant finding suggesting that the actual
not having the disorder. The difference between the odds ratio and state of nature is different from the state presumed by the null hypoth-
relative risk is important when, for instance, the rates of the disorder esis. For instance, suppose a researcher believes that there are less
with and without the factor may be small but differ greatly. For exam- than 10 individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including
ple, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger’s syndrome Asperger’s syndrome and PDD-NOS, in a specific population of 1500
and PDD-NOS, was estimated by the CDC in 2010 to affect as many as individuals. The null hypothesis is that there are exactly 10 individu-
1 out of 150 individuals in the United States. This rate may be much als with autism in this population according to the 2010 CDC esti-
higher when a high-risk gene for autism (currently unidentified) is mate. A test for autism is applied to this population and identifies
either present or absent, and the odds ratio will be greater than the 2 individuals with autism, an extreme finding according to the null
relative risk. The odds ratio is always greater than the relative risk when hypothesis. The p-value associated with this finding is 0.0103, the
autism is more prevalent (as can be determined from cross-sectional probability that the event would be observed in this population when
or longitudinal data) or incident (as can be determined from longitu- 10 are present (under the null hypothesis). This p-value may be is an
dinal data) when the factor is present (Holland, 1989; Schmidt & acceptably low value to reject the null hypothesis since it is less than
Kohlman, 2008). Although an individual may be rightfully concerned the conventional significance level of 0.05 adopted for a single
about the risk of autism when the gene is present, another and perhaps hypothesis test. In general, a study finding becomes more significant
more relevant concern may be knowing the chances of autism with or statistically, but not necessarily scientifically, as its p-value decreases.
without the gene compared to those of not having autism when the Also see False Discovery Rate.
gene is either present or absent. The first type of odds, in the numera- Regression (linear): a principle or method that quantifies the asso-
tor of the odds ratio, is defined as the chance of having the disorder ciation of an uncertain measurement with one or more measure-
divided by the chance of not having the disorder when the gene is ments that are considered to be certain. For instance, when the ages
present. The second type of odds, in the denominator of the odds ratio, of subjects with autism are known (that is, considered to be certain)
is defined again as the chance of having the disorder divided by the the hemispheric asymmetry of diffusivity along localized regional
chance of not having the disorder, but when the gene is absent. brain circuitry in all directions (mean diffusivity, an uncertain meas-
Precision: the reciprocal of the variance of a measurement, test, or urement) has been shown by an application of linear regression to
any statistic. For example, if the variance of measurements of the increase with age. This regression effect of age on mean diffusivity is
volume of Heschl’s gyrus, a small brain region important in language not equivalent to the correlation between mean diffusivity and age,
development, obtained by manual tracing performed on each of 100 which is obtained by treating both measurements, symmetrically, as
MR images from different individuals is 11, then the precision of uncertain; see Correlation (linear). The magnitude of age-related
these measurements is 1/11 = 0.091. It is important to note that increases in mean diffusivity can, however be easily obtained from
greater precision does not necessarily imply greater accuracy; it is this correlation by multiplying it by the standard deviations of age
possible that some or all measurements taken in a study of autism are and dividing it by the standard deviation of mean diffusivity; see
precise yet inaccurate . See Bias. Standard deviation. Whereas a correlation treats both measurements
Predictive value, negative: the percentage of correct negative test as uncertain, regression methods break this symmetry and treat one
results among all negative test results, whether correct or not. For set of measurements as being certain. Analysis of variance (ANOVA),
example, if 9 individuals in a high-risk population of 100 have autism, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and many other statistical meth-
the number of individuals the test correctly identifies as not having ods are special cases of linear regression. As a historical note, the term
autism is 76 (true negatives, TN = 76), and the number of individuals “regression” in this context was used by the inventor of this approach,
494 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Sir Francis Galton, first cousin of Charles Darwin, who studied how specificity of the test is 76/(76 + 15) or 84%, an unacceptably low
the heights of sons “regressed” toward the heights of their fathers and fraction. The significance level of a test is equal to one minus its
coined the term “regression toward the mean” which is a central idea specificity, which by current scientific convention should be no
behind the technique. greater than 5%. Formula: Specificity = TN/(TN + FP).
Relative risk: the chance that an individual having a certain (biologi- Standard Deviation (SD): a measure of spread around a mean of
cal) characteristic has autism divided by the chance that a similar measurements; see Mean. The SD is the square root of the variance;
individual without this characteristic has autism. Suppose, for see Variance. It is in the same units (for instance cm3) as the measure-
instance, that a hypothetical study has found a significant and posi- ments themselves and of their mean. It is often true that roughly 68%
tive correlation between autism and hyperserotonemia (see Section 3. of the measurements lie within 1 SD of their mean and 95% within
Serotonin) and estimates that the chance an individual with an ele- two SDs when most the data are spread symmetrically on either side
vated blood serotonin level (hyperserotonemia) greater than two of the mean. The SD is a measure of uncertainty in the value of a
standard deviations above the normal level has a 4.7% chance of having single measurement and not of the uncertainty in the value of their
autism. The hypothetical study has also found that an individual with mean. The standard deviation of the mean is termed the standard
hyperserotonemia that is only 0.2 standard deviations above the error (SE) or standard error of the mean (SEM) to make the distinction
normal level has a 1.3% chance of having autism. The hypothetical clear. The standard error of the mean is equal to the SD divided by
relative risk of autism for the individual with extreme hyperserotone- the square root of the number of measurements. Formula: SEM =
mia is 4.7%/1.3% = 0.047/0.013 = 3.6. In this hypothetical example, SD/√n. For instance, research suggests that fractional anisotropy
the individual with extreme hyperserotonemia is 3.6 times more (FA), one measure of local directional flow along brain circuits, is low
likely to have autism than is the individual having a blood serotonin for individuals with autism in the genu of the corpus callosum, a
level that is only slightly elevated. Obtaining the relative risk is feasi- major “information superhighway” between the brain hemispheres
ble only when autism prevalence (from cross-sectional or longitudi- (Alexander et al., 2007). The SD of an FA measurement for each of
nal data) or incidence (from longitudinal data) is available. A benefit the 43 individuals in the study with autism was 0.042, and the mean
of using the relative risk to quantify autism risk is that it is a single- FA in the autism group was 0.663. The SD and mean FA for the 34
number summary that is easy to calculate and begin to understand, a healthy control individuals were 0.037 and 0.692 when taking per-
benefit that may also be its major detriment. A considerable disad- formance IQ into account for all subjects. Is FA in the genu of a sub-
vantage of using the relative risk in autism research is that many dif- ject with autism different from that of a healthy individual, on
ferent autism-biology relationships can give rise to the same relative average, or are the observed differences due only to chance fluctua-
risk because information about serotonin levels and potentially tions? Critical in answering this question are the SEs of the mean in
important autism features is missing, making it difficult to generalize the autism and control groups and, more importantly, of their differ-
a relative risk finding to heterogeneous populations (van Belle, 2002; ence. The SEM in the autism group was 0.0010 (= 0.042/43) and that
Schmidt & Kohlman, 2008). Also see Odds Ratio. of the control group was 0.0011 (= 0.037/34), not significantly differ-
Reliability: the ratio of measurement variance between individuals ent from each other. The SE of the mean group difference was roughly
to the total variance of the measurements. Total variance includes 0.0046 when taking performance IQ into account since it is corre-
measurement variance between individuals and the variance of lated with a diagnosis of autism. (This SEM was obtained from the
repeated measurements for each individual. For instance, suppose published data by a common albeit seemingly complex formula
one needs to know the reliability of volume measurements of found in many textbooks.) The standardized difference in FA means
Heschl’s gyrus, and a researcher has measured the volume of Heschl’s was -2.97 = (0.663 - 0.692)/0.00976, a difference that is unlikely if FA
gyrus manually three times for each subject in a sample of subjects is identical in the two groups, having a p-value of 0.002, which is
with autism. If the volumetric variance between subjects in this significant statistically; see P-value.
sample is 11 and the average variance of repeated measurements for Variance: the sum of squared differences between a group of
each subject is three, then the reliability of the manual tracing measurements and their mean, divided by their number less 1 (for an
method (performed by this researcher) is 11/(11 + 3) or 79%, an unbiased measure if the mean is unknown prior to data collection);
acceptably high fraction for research and some clinical purposes. see Mean, Standard Deviation.
This definition of reliability is equivalent to the definition of the
intraclass correlation coefficient, which is in turn equivalent to
Cohen’s κ (Fleiss & Cohen, 1973). Á APPENDIX B. TABULAR SUMMARY
Sensitivity: the percentage of correct positive test results (“true posi- OF LITERATURE REVIEW
tives,” TP) for the presence of a condition among all test results from
a population having the condition, both correct (TP) and incorrect
(“false negatives,” FN). For example, if nine individuals in a popula-
tion of 100 have autism and the number of correct results for a test Table 28B–1.
of autism is 7 (TP = 7 and FN = 2), then the sensitivity of the test is Macrocephaly
7/(7 + 2) or 78%, an unacceptably low fraction. The sensitivity
Family Study Design: Twin Study
of a test is equivalent to its statistical power, which by current scien-
tific convention should be at least 80%. Formula: Sensitivity = Measurement: Head circumference was compared.
TP/(TP + FN).
Autism sample: An epidemiological sample of N = 25 same-sex
Specificity: the percentage of correct negative test results (“true
pairs of monozygotic (MZ) and N = 20 same-sex pairs of dizygotic
negatives,” TN) for the presence of a condition among all test results
(DZ) twins were examined.
over a population not having the condition, both correct (TN) and
incorrect (“false positives,” FP). For example, if 91 individuals in a Control sample: Typical twins reference data were used.
population of 100 do not have autism, and the number of correct
results of a test for autism is 76 (TN = 76 and FP = 15), then the (Continued)
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 495

Table 28B–1. (Contd.) Association in autism: Macrocephaly was present in 23.3% of

Association in autism: For male twins less than 16 years of age, autism probands.
macrocephaly was present in 38.9% of twins with autism versus Association with non-autistic relative: Macrocephaly was present
9% of typically developing (TD) twins. in 39% of parents of the combined sample of macrocephalic and
Association with nonautistic relative: There was no increased rate normocephalic probands.
of macrocephaly in nonautistic co-twins. Familial resemblance: None was observed. Forty-five percent
Familial resemblance: The within-twin pair variance for head (45%) of 20 macrocephalic autism probands and 37% of 59
circumference was not significantly less than the between-twin normocephalic autism probands had at least one parent with
variance in MZ twins concordant for autism. macrocephaly (p > 0.6, binomial proportions test).

Reference: Bailey et al., 1995; Le Couteur et al., 1996 Reference: Miles et al., 2000

Family Study Design: Autism Probands and their Parents Family Study Design: Autism Probands, Parents, and Siblings

Measurement: Head circumference was compared. Measurement: Head circumference was compared.

Autism sample: N = 100 autism probands were examined. The Autism sample: Collaborative Programs of Excellence in Autism
number of parents included in the study is not reported. (CPEA) Network Study data were used. N = 208 autism probands
and N = 71 affected siblings were examined. Unaffected relatives
Control sample: Reference data were used.
examined included N = 76 mothers, N = 71 fathers, and N = 78
Association in autism: Twenty-four percent (24%) of autism siblings.
probands were macrocephalic.
Control sample: Typical controls and reference data were used.
Association with nonautistic relative: The rate of macrocephaly for
Association in autism: Macrocephaly was present in 17.3% of
parents is not provided.
autism probands versus 4.3% of controls. Macrocephaly was also
Familial resemblance: The resemblance was uncertain. Sixty-two present in 20.8% of autism probands having parental data and in
percent (62%) of autism macrocephalic probands had at least one 14.1% of their affected siblings.
parent with macrocephaly. Data for parents of nonmacrocephalic
probands were not provided. Association with nonautistic relative: Macrocephaly was present
for parents but not unaffected siblings. Macrocephaly was present
Reference: Stevenson et al., 1997 in 19.7% of mothers, 16.9% of fathers, 2.9% of both parents,
33.3% of either parent, and 5.1% of unaffected siblings.
Family Study Design: Autism Probands, Parents,
and Unaffected Siblings Familial resemblance: Thirty-five point seven percent (35.7%) of
macrocephalic autism probands had at least one parent with
Measurement: Head circumference was compared. macrocephaly, and 32.7% of autism probands without
Autism sample: N = 41 autism probands, N = 23 fathers, N = 30 macrocephaly had at least one parent with macrocephaly. For head
mothers, and N = 44 unaffected siblings were examined. circumference, parent-proband child resemblance was similar to
Control sample: N = 21 children with nonautistic tuberous the resemblance between the parents and their TD children in the
sclerosis or seizure disorder, N = 5 fathers, N = 12 mothers, general population.
and N = 19 siblings were examined. Reference: Lainhart et al., 2006
Association in autism: Macrocephaly was present in 12.2% of
Family Study Design: ASD Probands and Younger Siblings
autism probands versus 9.5% of comparison children, a
statistically negligible difference. Measurement: Head circumference was compared.
Association with nonautistic relative: Macrocephaly was not Autism sample: N = 28 male children with autism or PDD-NOS
specific to autism families. It was present in 18.9% of parents and were examined. In a separate study, N = 77 infant siblings, male
11.4% of siblings in autism families versus 17.6% of parents and and female, of children with ASD were examined.
0% siblings in comparison families, again a statistically negligible
Control sample: CDC reference data were used.
Association in autism: For the ASD children, mean rate of head
Familial resemblance: A father-proband correlation of 0.52 was
growth during the first year of life and mean head circumference
observed (p < 0.001), and the mother-proband correlation of 0.38
at 1 year of age were greater than those of the reference data.
was also significant (p < 0.02). The estimated heritability in autism
Individual growth curves had been estimated.
families was 47%, indistinguishable from that observed in the
control families. Association with nonautistic relative: An abnormal rate of head
circumference growth during the first year of life was also
Reference: Fidler et al., 2000
observed. Quantitatively similar findings to those observed in the
ASD children were observed in their infant siblings, including
Family Study Design: Autism Probands and their Parents
infants who had high levels of signs indicating risk for autism and
Measurement: Head circumference was compared. siblings who had low levels of the signs.
Autism sample: N = 137 autism probands and N = 121 parents References: Dawson et al., 2007; Elder et al., 2008
were examined.
Control sample: Existing reference data were used.
496 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 28B–2.
Family Study Design: Twin Study
Total brain volume and regional brain volume
Measurement: Total and regional brain volumes were compared.
Family Study Design: Twin Study
Autism sample: N = 1 pair of MZ male twins discordant for
Measurement: Total and regional brain volumes were compared. autism (13 yrs old) was examined. The twin with autism had a
Autism sample: N = 1 pair of MZ male twins discordant for autism VIQ= 106 and PIQ= 88, the nonautistic twin was a BAP and had a
(7.5 years of age) was examined. The twin with autism also had VIQ= 108 and PIQ= 96. N = 13 age-matched singletons were also
ADHD (verbal IQ (VIQ) 73, performance IQ (PIQ) 91) and the examined.
non-autistic twin was had signs of the BAP and also mild ADHD Control sample: N = 25 age-matched TD controls were
(VIQ 97, PIQ 95). examined. Association in autism: Smaller total brain volume
Control sample: N = 5 age-matched male TD singletons (mean (TBV) was found in the autism twin compared to the singleton
full-scale IQ (FSIQ 119) were examined. autism and typical controls. Regional brain volume differences (as
percent of TBV) as well as greater left frontal lobe and smaller
Association in autism: Compared to the nonautistic MZ twin, the
right cerebellum were also found. No cerebrum differences were
autism twin had smaller total intracranial volume (TICV), and
when adjusting for TICV the following were smaller in autism:
caudate, amygdala, hippocampus (by 34–55%), cerebellar lobules Association with nonautistic relative: Smaller TBV was found in
VI–VII (by 26%). Compared to the singleton controls, the autism the BAP twin compared to the singleton autism and typical
twin had smaller TICV (z score difference: -2.35). The following controls. No regional brain volume differences were found.
regional volumes were disproportionately smaller than TICV Familial resemblance: TBV was smaller in autism and BAP twins.
(z-score difference): frontal lobe (Lt -5.78, Rt -3.13), superior Reference: Belmonte & Carper, 2006
temporal gyrus (STG) (Lt -3.22, Rt -2.12), amygdala (Lt -4.22, Rt
-3.19), hippocampus (Lt -4.09, Rt -5.20). Family Study Design: Twin Study
Association with nonautistic relative: Compared to the singleton
Measurement: Total and regional brain volumes were studied.
controls, the nonautistic twin had smaller TICV (z score
difference: -1.02) and disproportionately smaller frontal lobe than Autism sample: N = 14 pair of MZ twins (ages 5–14 yrs old) with
TICV (z score difference: Lt -3.48, Rt -1.97). at least one twin with an autism diagnosis were examined (36%
concordant for autism, 28% co-twin PDD-NOS, 36% co-twin no
Familial resemblance: The frontal lobe was disproportionately
smaller than expected for TICV in the twin with autism and the
co-twin with the BAP. Control sample: N = 14 singleton age- and gender-matched TD
comparison subjects were examined.
Reference: Kates et al., 1998
Association in autism: ICC for TBV was 0.93 in MZ twins. Right
Family Study Design: Twin Study (but not left) dorsolateral prefrontal cortical volumes for autism
were significantly larger than those of comparison subjects but not
Measurement: Total and regional brain volume were compared. co-twins. The genu and anterior of the corpus callosum were
Autism sample: N = 16 pairs of MZ twins (N = 7 concordant for smaller for children with autism relative to comparison subjects
autism; N = 9 discordant for autism) were examined. but not to co-twins. Relative to comparison subjects cerebellar
Control sample: N = 16 age- and gender-matched unrelated lobules VI and VII were significantly smaller in co-twins and
singletons were examined. tended to be smaller in children with autism.
Association in autism: Compared to the nonautistic MZ twin, the Association with nonautistic relative: Differences in those
autism twin had decreased cerebral white matter (WM) volume concordant for autism versus not concordant for autism were not
(due to frontal, temporal, and occipital regions) and increased tested.
ventricular total volume. No differences were found in TICV, Reference: Mitchell et al., 2009
cerebral gray matter (GM) volume, and cerebellar GM or WM
volume. Family Study Design: Nuclear Families (Parents)

Association with nonautistic relative: Compared to the singleton Measurement: Total and regional brain volumes were compared.
controls, the nonautistic twin had decreased cerebral WM volume Autism sample: N = 19 parent couples of autistic probands were
(due to frontal, temporal, and occipital regions). No differences examined.
were found in TICV, cerebral GM volume, cerebellar WM or GM
volume, and ventricular volume. Control sample: N = 20 matched healthy control parent couples
were examined.
Familial resemblance: The MZ twins concordant for autism had
high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for volumes of Association in autism: From the researchers’ prior work, TBV was
cerebral GM and WM, cerebellar GM and WM, and ventricles. increased above the control mean in 17 of the 19 autism probands
The MZ twins discordant for autism also had high ICCs for (Palmen et al., 2004; Palmen et al., 2005a).
cerebral GM and WM and ventricular volumes but had Association with nonautistic relative: No significant differences
significantly decreased ICC for volumes of cerebellar GM were found in TICV, TBV, or regional brain volumes between the
and WM. autistic proband parents and the control parents.
Reference: Kates et al., 2004 Reference: Palmen et al., 2005b

The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 497

Table 28B–2. (Contd.) Autism sample: The following participants were examined: Study
Family Study Design: Nuclear Families (Parents and Unrelated Adults I: N = 14 males with autism (11 verbally fluent); Study II: N = 16
with Autism) males with autism (14 verbally fluent); Study III: N = 12 children
with autism, N = 10 unaffected siblings (ages 8–25yr old).
Measurement: TBV, hippocampus, and amygdala volumes were
compared. Control sample: The following control participants were studied:
Study I: N = 12 TD males; Study II: N = 16 typical males; Study III:
Autism sample: N = 17 parents of autism proband children and N N = 12 matched typical children.
= 15 adults with autism were examined.
Association in autism: In Studies I & II, the autism group spent
Control sample: N = 17 control adults were examined. Association less time fixating on eyes, but there was marked variability within
in autism: In the autism adults, left hippocampal volume was the group. In the autism but not control group, brain activation in
increased and left amygdala volume was decreased. the amygdala and right anterior fusiform gyrus was strongly
Association with nonautistic relative: Left hippocampal volume positively related to the amount of time spent fixating on eyes.
was increased in parents. No amygdala differences in parents were Association with nonautistic relative: Similar to the children with
found. autism, unaffected siblings spent less time fixating on eyes than
Reference: Rojas et al., 2004 controls (Study III). There was no significant difference between
the autism group and the unaffected sibling group on time spent
Family Study Design: Nuclear Families (Parents)
fixating on eyes. The eye fixation time was strongly positively
Measurement: Regional GM volumes were compared. related to right and left fusiform gyrus but not amygdala activation
Autism sample: N = 23 parents of autistic probands (N = 18 in unaffected siblings.
families, N = 15 mothers, N = 8 fathers) were examined. Reference: Dalton et al., 2005; Dalton et al., 2007
Control sample: N = 23 control participants (8 males) were
examined. Association in autism: Not tested. Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents)

Association with nonautistic relative: GM was altered in ASD Measurement: event-related potential (ERP) response to face and
parents compared to controls. No TBV or hippocampal differences nonface stimuli was compared.
were found.
Autism sample: N = 21 parents of autistic children were examined.
Reference: Peterson et al., 2006
Control sample: N = 21 parents of TD children were examined.
Association in autism: Previous studies had shown that children
and adults with autism have atypical ERPs to faces. These studies
had failed to show a negative component (N170) latency advantage
to face compared to nonface stimuli, and a bilateral, rather than
Table 28B–3.
the normal right-lateralized, pattern of N170 distribution.
Brain function and brain connectivity
Association with nonautistic relative: Parents of children with
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Twin) autism had atypical ERP response to faces that mirrored the
response seen in affected individuals.
Measurement: Functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) activation
in response to a frequent congruent visual condition versus a rare Reference: Dawson et al., 2005
incongruent condition was examined. The functionally demanding
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents)
task required simultaneous attending to location, color, and
orientation. Measurement: fMRI brain activation was recorded during a visual
Autism sample: One pair of MZ male twins discordant for autism, search task (Embedded Figures Task) and an empathy task
age 13 years (Twin L autism: VIQ 106, PIQ 88; Twin M BAP: VIQ (Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task).
108, PIQ 96), was examined. Autism sample: N = 12 parents of children with Asperger’s
Association in autism: In the autistic twin, there was a significant syndrome were examined.
differential activation only in the left superior temporal gyrus Control sample: N = 12 matched parents of TD controls were
(STG) (Broadmann Area [BA] 22) and similar network activated examined.
in the two conditions.
Association in autism: Not reported.
Association with nonautistic relative: In the BAP twin there was
Association with nonautistic relative: Both mothers and fathers of
activation in two separate networks for the two different
children with Asperger’s syndrome showed atypical brain
conditions where easy and accurate performance of the cognitively
functioning compared to control parents on both tasks—they had
high-demand task occurred.
less activation in visual cortex bilaterally (BA 19) and more
Familial resemblance: No resemblance. activation in left medial temporal gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal
Reference: Belmonte & Carper, 2006 cortex (PFC).
Reference: Baron-Cohen et al., 2006
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Siblings)

Measurement: Eye movements, facial recognition and emotion (Continued)

discrimination, and fMRI brain activation were examined.
498 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 28B–3. (Contd.)

Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Children with Autism, Parents
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents) and Siblings)

Measurement: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) transient evoked Measurement: Plasma serotonin levels were compared.
and induced gamma-band power and inter-trial phase-locking Autism sample: N = 17 children with autism and their mothers
consistency were recorded. (N = 17) and fathers (N = 12) were examined. All parents were
Autism sample: N = 11 adults with autism and N = 16 parents of nonautistic.
children with autism, not related to the adults with autism, were Control sample: Control mothers were examined.
examined. Association in autism: No comparison sample was examined.
Control sample: N = 16 control adults were examined. Association with nonautistic relative: Plasma serotonin levels in
Association in autism: In adults with autism, higher induced and autism mothers were significantly different than in mothers of
lower evoked gamma-band power (40 Hz) and lower phase- TD children (P = 0.002).
locking factor measure of phase consistency of neuronal response Familial resemblance: Plasma serotonin levels correlated between
to external stimuli was found. The potential endophenotypes in autism mothers and their children, but differed between autistic
autism are MEG gamma-band phase consistency and changes in children and their fathers and siblings.
evoked verse induced power.
Reference: Anderson, 2007; Connors et al., 2006
Association with nonautistic relative: The parents of children with
autism had the same results as the adults with autism. Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (First-Degree Relatives)
Familial resemblance: The adults with autism and the parents were
Measurement: Whole blood serotonin was compared.
not related.
Autism sample: N = 62 autism subjects and N = 122 of their first-
Reference: Rojas et al., 2008; Wilson et al., 2007
degree relatives were examined.
Control sample: Age- and sex-matched controls were examined.
Association in autism: Increased rate of hyperserotonemia was
Table 28B–4. Association with nonautistic relative: Hyperserotonemia was
Serotonin found in 51% of mothers, 45% of fathers, 87% of siblings of
autism probands.
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents)
Reference: Leboyer et al., 1999
Measurement: Serotonin (5-HT2) receptor cortical binding
potential (BP) density was measured by positron emission Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents and Siblings)
tomography (PET, [18F]setoperone PET in this case) with 12
Measurement: Quantity of platelet 5-HT2 serotonin binding sites
cortical regions of interest and cortex-to-cerebellum ratio. Left and
was compared.
right cortical areas examined: frontal, inferior frontal, parietal,
inferior parietal, lateral temporal, occipital. Autism sample: N = 12 autism probands, N = 6 of their siblings,
and N = 22 of their parents were examined.
Autism sample: N = 19 parents (8 females, 11 males) from 11
autism multiplex families, with no neurological or psychiatric Control sample: Adult and child controls were examined.
disorders during 6 months prior to study and no medicine or Association in autism: No case-control differences in platelet
substance use, were examined. serotonin receptor binding sites, whole blood serotonin, or plasma
Control sample: N = 17 typical control adults (9 females, 8 males) norepinephrine (noradrenaline) were found.
were examined. Age and sex were covariates in all analyses. Association with nonautistic relative: No autism relative-controls
Association in autism: There are no data concerning the affected differences were found.
children. Familial resemblance: Significant correlation of total number of
Association with nonautistic relative: Mean whole blood platelet platelet serotonin binding sites in 11 autism probands and their
serotonin showed no difference. The mean composite cortical fathers was found.
5-HT2 receptor BP was significantly lower in parents (effect size Reference: Perry et al., 1991
0.9). The mean 5-HT2 BP was significantly lower in parents in
every left and right cortical area examined (range: means 77–88% Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents and Siblings)
lower in parents versus controls). Also, variance of 5-HT BP was
Measurement: Levels of whole blood serotonin and plasma
less in parents. There was significant negative correlation of mean
norepinephrine (noradrenaline) were compared.
platelet 5-HT with cortical 5-HT2 BP in parents but not in the
controls (composite BP r = -0.59; 8 of 12 cortical regions of Autism sample: N = 47 autism probands and their siblings,
interest (ROIs), r = -0.52 to -0.65). mothers, and fathers were examined.
Familial resemblance: Not examined. Control sample: Not reported.
Reference: Goldberg et al., 2009 Association in autism: The mean whole blood 5-HT level was
higher in autistic probands than parents and siblings.

The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 499

Table 28B–4. (Contd.) Association with nonautistic relatives: None of the unaffected
Association with nonautistic relative: Twenty-three of 47 families siblings had antibody to human or monkey cerebellar proteins.
had at least one member with hyperserotonemia and 10 had two Intense immunoreactivity to cerebellar Golgi cells was found in 1
or more members with hyperserotonemia; in five families every (4%) of the siblings.
member had hyperserotonemia. Familial Resemblance: Not reported.
Familial resemblance: Familiality of hyperserotonemia. If the Reference: Wills et al., 2009
autistic child of a family was hyperserotonemic, the first-degree
relatives were 2.4 times more likely to be hyperserotonemic than if Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Siblings)
the autistic child was not hyperserotonemic.
Measurement: Multiple immune parameters were compared.
Reference: Leventhal et al., 1990
Autism sample: N = 20 children with autism ages 5–17 years and
N = 15 of their unaffected siblings age 3–16 years were examined.
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Parents and Siblings)
Control sample: N = 20 healthy control children ages 3–15 years
Measurement: Whole blood serotonin and plasma norepinephrine were examined.
(noradrenaline) were compared.
Association in autism: Mean numbers of subpopulations of CD4+
Autism sample: N = 16 children with autism, N = 21 of their and CD8+ T lymphocytes, including naive and post-thymic
siblings, and N = 53 of their parents were examined. differentiated cells, and mean levels of some cytokines were found
Control sample: Not reported. to be altered in autistic children, suggesting dysregulation of the
Association in autism: Not reported. cell-mediated immune system.
Association with nonautistic relative: Rate of hyperserotonemia Association with nonautistic relative: There was a similar pattern
increased. of immune dysregulation in healthy unaffected siblings as found in
the children with autism.
Familial resemblance: Seven of 10 families with one
hyperserotonemic member had two or more hyperserotonemic Familial Resemblance: Not reported.
members. Reference: Saresella et al., 2009
Reference: Cook et al., 1990
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Mothers)

Measurement: Tissue protein medleys from human fetal and adult

brain, duodenum (small intestine), and kidney were examined in
Table 28B–5. mothers of children with autism.
Immune factors
Autism sample: N = 61 mothers of autism probands (AU) (36
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Siblings) regressive onset, 25 early onset) were examined.
Control sample: N = 62 mothers of TD children and N = 40
Measurement: Antibodies reactive to human adult cerebellar
mothers of non-ASD children with developmental disabilities
extract, adult monkey cerebellar extract, and adult monkey brain
(DD) were examined. The case-control mothers were matched on
maternal age, parity, and age of offspring (average age 3.5 years,
Autism sample: N = 63 children with ASD and N = 25 of their range 2–5 years).
unaffected siblings were examined.
Association with nonautistic relative: Rate of plasma antibodies
Control sample: N = 63 age-matched healthy control children and tested against human fetal (but not human adult) brain proteins
N = 21 children with nonspecific developmental delay were was increased in some of the autism mothers. No association was
examined. found between maternal reactivity to human fetal proteins and
Association in autism: 21% of the children with ASD had antibody history of current maternal autoimmune disorder. Reactivity to
to a 52kDa band protein from human adult cerebellum, compared 37kDa and 73kDa protein bands from human fetal brain was
to 2% of healthy control children and 5% of children with significantly more common in the autism mothers including: a)
nonspecific developmental delay. Only antibodies from the ASD reactivity to 37kDa fetal brain protein (found in 25–26% of Au
children reacted with a 52kDa protein band from adult monkey mothers; 2–5% of DD mothers; 8.1% of TD mothers; odds ratio
cerebellum. Antibodies from children with ASD showed specific (OR) = 5.96 AP versus TD mothers; b) reactivity to both 37kDa
immunohistochemical staining of slices of adult monkey brain and 73dDa fetal brain proteins: 11.5% (7 of 61) AP mothers; 0% of
cerebellum. Staining of cerebellar white matter was infrequently DD and TD mothers. The autism children of six of these seven
observed in the ASD children but was more common than in mothers (86%) had a regressive onset.
controls. Twenty-one percent of the ASD children, but none of the Reference: Braunschweig et al., 2008
healthy children or developmentally delayed children, showed
intense staining of cerebellar Golgi cells, large granule cell layer Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Mother)
interneurons. The correlation between immunoreactivity to the
Golgi cells and reactivity to the 52kDa band was strong in the ASD Measurement: Maternal blood drawn at midpregnancy was tested
children (r = 0.76, p = 0.0001). There was no significant for maternal autoantibody to fetal brain protein.
correlation in control children. No immunoreactivity to cerebellar Autism sample: N = 84 mothers of children with autism, where
Purkinje cells was observed. 19% of the autism offspring had a regressive onset, were examined.

500 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 28B–5. (Contd.) Association in autism: Multiple bands of autoreactivity were

Control sample: N = 49 mothers (TD) of children with mental observed: 52kDa band for the thalamus and 46 and 42kDa bands
retardation (MR) or DD and N = 160 mothers of children not for thalamus and hypothalamus. Autoreactivity for the thalamus
requiring DD services were examined. in plasma from children with autism was significantly greater than
TD children, unaffected siblings, and DD controls. Circulating
Association with nonautistic relative: Reactivity to fetal brain
autoantibodies against thalamus and hypothalamus in children
39kDa protein band was found in 7% of Au mothers versus 0% of
with autism but not their unaffected siblings suggest potential
MR mothers and 2% of TD mothers (p = 0.09 and 0.07); 1.2% (1
autoimmune sequelae specific to the disorder. The autoantibodies
of 84) of autism mothers versus 0% of MR mothers and 2.6% of
could be pathogenic or an epiphenomenon suggesting damage/
TD mothers had autoantibody reactivity to both 37kDa and 73kDa.
injury to these areas of the brain.
Reference: Croen et al., 2008
Association with nonautistic relative: Autoreactivity for thalamus
or hypothalamus was not increased in plasma from unaffected
Family Study Design: Mothers Only
siblings; their levels were similar to TD and DD children.
Measurement: The antibody source was serum. The tissue source Reference: Cabanlit et al., 2007
was homogenated rodent fetal and adult brain and human fetal
and adult brain of the following regions: BA9, caudate, cerebellum, Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Mothers and their Children
and cingulate gyrus. with Autism; Unrelated Unaffected Siblings)
Autism sample: N = 100 mothers of children with autism, where Measurement: The antibody source was serum. The tissue sources
48 of the autism children had a history of social and language were fresh rat brain protein homogenates (fetal, postnatal, and
regression, were examined. (Some analyses had N = 20–25 autism adult rats) and tissue slices, and human GFAP and MBP.
Autism sample: N = 11 mothers of autism children (Au) 2–18
Control sample: N = 100 age-matched control mothers (TD) were years after the birth of the autism proband and N = 12 male
examined. Some analyses had n = 20–25 TDs. children with autism (7 regressive onset; 2 seizures) were
Association in autism: Children with autism were not tested for examined.
the antibodies; only their mothers were tested. Control sample: N = 10 mothers of TD children, 14 male children
Association with nonautistic relative: A personal history of with other neurodevelopmental disorders (DD), 10 TD siblings (5
autoimmune disease was present in 24 of 100 autism mothers and female, 5 male) of autism children (unrelated to probands and
12 of 100 TD mothers (OR = 2.32, p = 0.028). mothers in the study) and 4 TD children (2 female, 2 male) were
There was little overlap in the antibodies autism mothers had to fetal examined.
and adult tissue in both rodent and human brain. Autism and TD Association in autism: Multiple varied reactive bands to postnatal
mothers did not differ in antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein and adult rat brain protein homogenates did not differentiate the
(GFAP) or myelin basic protein (MBP). No autism versus TD groups. The pattern of reactivity to fetal rat brain proteins did
mother difference was found in serum levels of a brain-derived differentiate Au mothers, their autism children, and DD children,
neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Mean serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) from TD mothers, TD children, and TD siblings of autism
concentration was not different in Au and TD mothers. Sera from probands unrelated to ones in the study. Reactivity to human
autism mothers contained antibodies that differed from TD mothers GFAP and MBP did not differentiate Au verses TD mothers. No
against prenatally expressed brain proteins. Antibodies to human correlation of reactivity to regression, epilepsy, birth order in
fetal brain proteins were found in 10% of Au mothers (36kDa band) autism children, or to age, history of autoimmune disease, or
and 2% of TD mothers. Mean levels of human adult brain parity in Au mothers was found. Antibodies from children with
antibodies, against the caudate (155kDa) and frontal lobe (BA9, autism also recognized/reacted against different fetal rat brain
63kDa), were significantly different in the mothers. It is not known proteins than TD controls and unrelated autism siblings; DD
if the antibodies in Au mothers have pathological consequences. children reacted similarly to autism children (therefore, no
Reference: Singer et al., 2008 specificity to autism).
Association with nonautistic relative: Autism mothers had
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Children with Autism different patterns of serum immunoreactivity to fetal rat brain
and Siblings) protein, but not postnatal or adult rat brain proteins, than control
Measurement: IgG antibody source was plasma. Tissue source was mothers. Maternal reactivity persisted up to 18 years postdelivery.
protein extracts from thalamus and hypothalamus of the adult Familial resemblance: Not reported.
human brain. Reference: Zimmerman et al., 2007
Autism sample: N = 63 children with autism were examined.
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (ASD Children and Some of
Control sample: N = 25 unaffected siblings, N = 63 TD children
their Unaffected Siblings)
and N = 21 children with other DD controls were examined.
Measurement: The antibody source was serum. The tissue source
was fresh human brain of the following regions: PFC (BA10),
caudate, putamen, cerebellum, deep cerebellar nuclei, and
cingulate gyrus.

The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 501

Table 28B–5. (Contd.) Autism sample: One mother had three children: a 9-year-old
Autism sample: N = 29 children with ASD (3–12 yrs old) were unaffected boy, a high-functioning girl 8 years of age with autism
examined: 22 low-functioning autism and 2 high-functioning without a history of regression, and a boy 6 years of age with
autism, 1 Asperger’s, 3 syndromal autism, 1 childhood severe specific language disorder with onset after a regression at 18
disintegrative disorder. N = 9 nonautistic siblings (4–8 yrs old) of months. Only the mother was examined.
8 of the children with autism. Control Sample: N = 4 control mothers who each had one to four
Control sample: N = 13 unrelated typical controls (9–17 yrs old) children.
were examined. Association with nonautistic relative: The autism mother had IgG
Association in autism: More autism and ASD children had 100 that reacted to adult rat brain, specifically to the cytoplasm of
kDa bands than TD children (caudate: autism 100%, ASD 97%, cerebellar Purkinje cells, some large brain stem neurons, and to the
TD 77% [p = 0.017]; putamen: autism 100%, ASD 100%, TD Purkinje cell layer in developing mouse cerebellum. When serum
69%; [p < 0.0001]; PFC [BA 10]: autism 95%, ASD 97%, TD 69% from the mother was injected into a pregnant mouse, the mice
[p = .012]). Band density was measured as peak height and/or area offspring pups had behavioral deficits (less exploratory behavior
under the curve. The autism children had increased density in the and impaired performance on rods, but no impairment in memory
73 kDa band in cerebellum and cingulate, the 160 kDa band in acquisition). Immune staining and metabolism (studied with
PFC (BA10), and the 36 kDa band in cerebellum. To date, the magnetic resonance spectroscopy) of the mice offspring cerebella
precise structural proteins involved are not known. Antibody was altered. There was no reaction from control mothers’ serum.
repertoires may be pathological factors or secondary immune Reference: Dalton et al., 2003
responses to previously damaged tissue. More autism than TD
children had autoimmune complexes in the basal ganglia and Family Study Design: Children with Autism, their Parents,
frontal lobe and greater intensity of antigen-antibody complexes in and Unaffected Siblings
the cingulate gyrus and cerebellum. Autism children had higher Measurement: Presence of plasma antibodies to serotonin
73kDa density bands in cerebellum and cingulum. receptors in human hippocampal membranes was measured.
Association with nonautistic relative: As mentioned above, mean Autism sample: N = 15 children with autism, N = 42 of their
levels of antibrain antibodies against cingulated gyrus and parents, and N = 17 of autistic unaffected siblings were examined.
cerebellum were increased in a small number of unaffected siblings
(N = 9), similar to their siblings with autism (N = 8), in Control sample: N = 12 unrelated TD controls were examined.
comparison to TD children (N = 13). It is not clear if the latter Association in autism: No evidence was found of plasma
represents an inherited tendency for a genetically determined antibodies from children with autism binding to serotonin
defect or if it is an irrelevant trait. receptors 5HT1A or 5HT2. There was no evidence of autoantibodies
Reference: Singer et al., 2006 to serotonin receptors in autism probands or their relatives.
Association with nonautistic relative: There was no evidence of
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Children with Autism plasma antibodies from parents or unaffected siblings of autism
and their Parents) probands binding to serotonin receptors.
Measurement: The tissue source was frozen human brain tissue. Reference: Cook et al., 1993
Reactivity to adult human brain extracted from a male 39 years of
age, containing many different protein antigens, was measured. Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Mothers)

Autism sample: N = 171 autism children 2–14 years of age and N Measurement: Frequency of maternal immunologic disorders was
= 171 parents of the autism children were examined. compared.
Control Sample: N = 54 otherwise healthy children who were Autism sample: Mothers of N = 407 children with autism were
surgical patients were examined. Parent controls were the parents examined.
of 100 nonautistic patients. Control sample: Mothers of N = 2095 control children were
Association in autism: The presence of numerous bands on examined.
immunoblot against human tissue was found in both autism and Association with nonautistic relative: Mothers of autism probands
controls. Reactivity to protein 20kDa occurred in affected children showed no increased rate of autoimmune diseases in the 4–year
but not their parents. The protein was not MBP. period surrounding the pregnancy with the child who developed
Association with nonautistic relative: No reactivity to protein autism.
20kDa in autism parents was observed. Reference: Croen et al., 2005
Familial resemblance: No parent-autism child correlations for
Section 32 (the 20kDa protein) were observed, and very low Family Study Design: Nuclear Family
heritability estimates were found.
Measurement: Frequency of autoimmune disorders.
Reference: Silva et al., 2004
Autism sample: Parents of N = 101 autism probands were
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (Mother)
Control sample: Parents of N = 101 children with an autoimmune
Measurement: Maternal serum antibodies to rodent Purkinje cells
disorder and N = 101 control children were examined.
and neurons were used.
502 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 28B–5. (Contd.) Table 28B–6.

Association with nonautistic relative: There was an increased rate
of autoimmune disorders in families of PDD-NOS children, Method: Shape Representations of WM Fibers Passing Through the
especially in parents. Hypothyroid disease and rheumatic fever Splenium of the Corpus Callosum Extracted from Diffusion Tensor
were more common in autism families. Images (DTI).
Reference: Sweeten et al., 2003 Sample: N = 41 males with high-functioning autism and N = 32
TD controls, matched for age, handedness, IQ, and head size, were
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family
Measurement: Frequency of autoimmune disorders was Autism sensitivity: 72%
Autism specificity: 72%
Autism sample: N = 61 families of patients with autism were
Reference: Adluru et al., 2009
Control sample: N = 46 healthy controls were examined. Method: A Combination of Cerebellar and Cerebral WM and GM
Association with nonautistic relative: There was an increased rate Volumes, and Areas of Anterior Vermis and Posterior Vermis in the
of autoimmune disorders in mothers and first-degree relatives in Medial Lobe of the Cerebellum.
general. Sample: N = 30 low-functioning autism, N = 12 high-functioning
Familial resemblance: As the number of family members with autism, and N = 13 normal controls (all boys, 1.7–5.2yrs of age)
autoimmune disorders increased, the risk of autism in the family were examined.
was greater. Autism sensitivity: 94.7%
Reference: Comi et al., 1999 Autism specificity: 92.3%
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family Reference: Akshoomoff et al., 2004

Measurement: Frequencies of null alleles at the C4A and C4B loci Method: White Matter Cumulative Distribution Related to Size of
was compared. Gyral Window.

Autism sample: N = 19 individuals with autism and unaffected Sample: N = 14 males with autism (8–38yrs of age, IQs 65–107)
family members were examined. and N = 28 TD control males, matched for age and handedness,
Control sample: TD controls were examined. were examined.
Association in autism: The rate of the C4A null allele was Autism sensitivity: 67%
increased. Autism specificity: 89%
Association with nonautistic relative: Mothers of autism probands Reference: Casanova et al., 2009
had significantly increased frequencies of C4A null allele (58% in
mothers, 27% controls). Unaffected siblings also had increased Method: A Whole-Brain Structural MRI Pattern Classification
C4A null alleles, although it was nonsignificant from controls. Approach in a Spatially Distributed Neural Network (Limbic, Frontal-
Striatal, Frontotemporal, Frontoparietal, and Cerebellar Systems).
Reference: Warren et al., 1991
Sample: N = 22 ASD and N = 22 healthy controls (all adult males,
Family Study Design: Nuclear Family (First-Degree Relatives matched for age, IQ, and GM, WM, and TBV) were examined.
of Children with ASD)
Autism sensitivity: 77% for GM images (predictive power 81%);
Measurement: Frequency of familial autoimmune disorders was 73% for WM images (predictive power 68%).
measured. Autism specificity: 86% for GM images; 64% for WM images.
Autism sample: Medical records of children born in Denmark Reference: Ecker et al., 2009
from 1993 to 2004 with an ASD diagnosis (N = 3325, of which
1089 had an infantile autism diagnosis) were examined. Method: Computerized Binocular Infrared Pupillography, with
Control sample: Unaffected family members (siblings and parents) Transient Papillary Light Reflex Latency and Constriction Amplitude.
of children with autism and families of children born during the
Sample: N = 24 males with ASD and N = 43 TD males (6–16 yrs of
same time without an autism diagnosis (N = 685,871) were
age) were examined.
included in the study.
Autism sensitivity: 91.7%
Association with nonautistic relative: Maternal history of celiac
disease and rheumatoid arthritis were associated with increased Autism specificity: 93%
risk of ASD. Type-1 diabetes in fathers and mothers was associated Reference: Fan et al., 2009
with an increased risk for autism. Maternal and familial
thyrotoxicosis was related to lower risk for ASD. (Continued)
Reference: Atladottir et al., 2009
The Biological Broader Autism Phenotype 503

Table 28B–6. (Contd.) Á REFERENCES

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29 Á John N. Constantino

Autism as a Quantitative Trait

Á neural mechanisms underlying behavior, the enhancement of

Points of Interest statistical power in molecular genetic studies, the monitoring
of effects of intervention, and helping parents understand (and
• Across several different measurement methods, the accept) the nature of a psychiatric condition in a child. In
symptoms and traits that uniquely characterize autism recent years, the conceptualization of autistic syndromes as the
spectrum conditions have been found to be continuously severe end of a quantitative distribution of social impairment
distributed in the general population. Thus, it may be in nature has garnered considerable attention in science.
arbitrary where cutoffs are drawn for the categorical
designation of affected versus unaffected status, when
those designations are made exclusively on the basis of Á
behavioral symptoms. Genetic Mechanisms Underlying
• Variation in subclinical autistic traits is highly heritable, Quantitative Traits
and subclinical autistic traits aggregate in the first-
degree male relatives of individuals with familial autistic The fact that a variety of rare single-gene disorders now
syndromes. account for some 10–15% of autistic syndromes (at the time
• Quantitative characterization of autistic severity can be of this writing) might seem to reinforce a categorical concept
conducted rapidly and feasibly, such that clinical course of autism; that the “autisms” actually represent a collection of
and response to intervention can be reliably ascertained such discrete disorders of social cognition. It is indeed possible
by repeated measures over time. that quantitative variation in autistic severity might be
• Quantitative autistic symptomatology may constitute accounted for by variation in the severity of each rare-
an autism endophenotype in multiple-incidence autism but-discrete disorder, or by variable penetrance within each
families. condition. There are now documented examples of both phe-
nomena occurring in autism, however it is still not known
Research in child development over the past several decades whether rare, as-yet-undiscovered causes comprise the bulk of
has revealed that clinical neuropsychiatric syndromes often the remaining 85% of autism cases, or whether multigenic
represent the severe ends of continuous distributions of core mechanisms, strongly suspected in familial cases of autism,
competencies and/or deficiencies that occur in nature. This are predominantly at play. Multigenic mechanisms of causa-
concept was seminally applied to child psychopathology by tion have been identified for other complex conditions (diabe-
Achenbach and colleagues (see Achenbach & Ruffle, 2000), tes, obesity, hypertension) and specific diseases (see below), in
who developed and validated an empirically based dimensional which common susceptibility alleles of relatively minor effect
system of measurement; the implementation of that system in exert joint or interactive effects on the condition of interest. It
studies involving hundreds of thousands of children has revo- is furthermore possible that some autistic syndromes arise
lutionized the way in which disorders of behavior and develop- from deleterious epistatic interactions involving both common
ment are understood. Although on the surface, the difference and rare genetic factors.
between categorical (“all-or-nothing”) and dimensional clas- When considering the manner in which disparate genetic
sification systems may appear trivial, a paradigm shift between mechanisms map to autistic syndromes, it is helpful to con-
the two can have profound implications for the exploration of sider whether genetic variations are rare or common, operate

Autism as a Quantitative Trait 511

singly or in combination with other genes, whether they are in the development of autistic syndromes, the conceptualization
inherited or arise “de novo” in a given generation and whether of autism as a quantitative trait has potentially far-reaching
they produce autism alone or autism accompanied by other implications for understanding how autistic syndromes change
major developmental disorders or anomalies. These factors in severity over the course of development or in response to
have known associations with the likelihood of recurrence in intervention.
families, such that approaches to gene-finding may be opti-
mized by hypothesizing specific mechanisms of transmission
within specific subsets of families in which autistic syndromes Á
arise. For example, common inherited susceptibility alleles Quantitative Variation in Autistic
may be more likely to be identifiable in families in which mul- Symptomatology in Affected Families
tiple members are affected to varying degrees, whereas rare de
novo (germline) mutations of large effect are more likely to be Numerous studies, using various methods of measurement,
responsible for sporadic cases of ASD. have documented the aggregation of autistic syndromes,
Advances in the elucidation of the genetic structure of symptoms, or traits in the close relatives of children with
other complex diseases have revealed ways in which specific autism. Such observations of familial aggregation have ranged
genetic mechanisms can result in quantitative distributions from a full diagnosis of autistic disorder (for which siblings of
that bear striking similarities to those observed in autism spec- children with autism have a relative risk of 20 or higher; see
trum conditions. For example, in the short-segment variety of Lauritsen, Pedersen, & Mortensen, 2005), to milder autistic
Hirschsprung’s disease—a disorder of neuronal migration to syndromes (Asperger’s syndrome, Pervasive Developmental
the large intestine affecting boys 5 times more commonly than Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified; see Pickles et al., 2000), to
girls—the length of the gut that is affected (a straightforward subclinical behavioral features of the autistic syndrome
quantitative index measured in centimeters) is associated with (Constantino et al., 2006; Sung et al., 2005; Szatmari et al.,
the number of recessive susceptibility alleles possessed by the 2000; Virkud Todd, Abbacchi, Zhang, & Constantino, 2009;
patient, and is predictive of sibling recurrence risk (Amiel et al., Constantino et al., 2010b), to personality traits that are akin to
2008). This multifactorial genetic mechanism contrasts with autistic symptoms (Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, Childress, & Arndt,
the rarer and more severe long-segment Hirschsprung’s dis- 1997). Lauritsen and colleagues (Lauritsen et al., 2005) addi-
ease, which follows a dominant pattern of autosomal transmis- tionally observed that the siblings of children with Asperger’s
sion of single gene mutations of major effect. In schizophrenia, syndrome in the Danish National Register had a 13 times
a neurodevelopmental disorder in which the normal process of higher-than-general-population risk for the development of
synaptic pruning in adolescence is believed to be dramatically full-blown autism, which constitutes some of the strongest
accelerated (in contrast to the disruption in synapse formation evidence to date that the two disorders share common
that is believed to occur in autism), sporadic cases have been underlying genetic susceptibility factors. In addition to this
associated with an elevated occurrence of de novo copy aggregation of behavioral traits in family members, it has
number variations (CNVs), some of which are the same as recently been suggested that electrophysiologic abnormalities
those observed in excess among sporadic cases of autism. (Dawson et al., 2005) and functional magnetic resonance
Understanding how specific inherited susceptibilities affect the imaging (fMRI) variations (Dalton, Nacewicz, Alexander, &
time course of the development of functional connections in Davidson, 2007) similar to those associated with autism are
the brain will no doubt bring us closer to understanding how appreciable in the unaffected first-degree relatives of some
phenotypic overlap in mental disorders such as autism, ADHD, children with autism.
schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder might occur. Most recently, studies that have carefully differentiated
Whatever the cause, what is observed in nature is a very simplex autism (single family member affected, also referred
wide, and in essence, continuous distribution of autistic to as sporadic autism) from multiplex autism (two or more
symptoms and traits (Constantino & Todd, 2003; Ronald, family members affected, also referred to as familial autism)
Happe, Price, Baron-Cohen & Plomin, 2006; Skuse et al. 2009) have suggested that familial aggregation of subclinical autistic
comprising the so-called autism spectrum. Existing taxo- traits may occur only in multiplex autism (Losh, Childress,
nomies attempt to subdivide this spectrum into discrete clini- Lam, & Piven, 2008; Virkud et al., 2009; Constantino et al.,
cal syndromes (Asperger’s syndrome, PDD-NOS, autistic 2010b), providing further evidence for differentiation of
disorder) but to date there is no evidence that these conditions mechanisms of genetic transmission for sporadic versus famil-
breed true in families or are caused by their own specific genetic ial forms of the disorder. Furthermore, differences in patterns
or neural mechanisms. It is possible that such syndromes rep- of aggregation of quantitative autistic traits between male
resent the phenotypic result of interactions between specific and female family members of multiplex autism families—as
quantitative abilities (e.g., intelligence) and disabilities depicted below (Virkud et al., 2009)—suggest that the gender
(e.g., autistic social impairment), in which there are threshold disparities that have been observed for nearly all familial
effects for the phenotypic expression of such parameters as autistic syndromes are reflected also in raw scores for subclin-
language and stereotypic motor behavior (see below). In addi- ical traits among unaffected first-degree relatives (Constantino
tion to its implications for understanding causal mechanisms & Todd, 2003; Skuse et al., 2009), see Figure 29-1.
512 Autism Spectrum Disorders

All girls in MULTIPLEX families (n=126) All boys in MULTIPLEX families (n=291)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10


0 0
5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165
15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155

Teacher report SRS raw score

“affected”: ADI-r + ASD “unaffected”: screen NEG
and/or ADI-r NEG

Figure 29–1. Distribution of RAW teacher-report Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) scores for ALL assessed children in each family type (all
of the boys in the simplex families, all of the boys in the multiplex families, all of the girls in the same set of multiplex families). A teacher-
report SRS T-score of 60, the quantitative threshold used for comparison of less-affected/unaffected male siblings in multiplex versus simplex
families (see text) is denoted by the hatched line in the right hand panel. Each bin is shaded to depict the respective numbers of children
categorically-designated as affected or unaffected.

Á autistic syndrome. Constantino and colleagues (Constantino

The Factoral Structure of Quantitative et al., 2004; Constantino et al., 2007; Constantino & Todd,
Autistic Traits 2000) applied factor, cluster, and latent class analysis to diag-
nostic interview and quantitative trait data from families
A key aspect of quantitative variation in autistic symptomatology affected by autism and consistently observed a unitary factor
involves the extent to which the three components of the structure across data sources and methods of analysis, rein-
autistic syndrome (social deficits, communicative deficits, and forcing a unitary, syndromic structure for autistic impairment
stereotypic behavior/restricted interests) covary. Although (whether clinical or subclinical in severity) in families affected
some methodologic approaches have yielded data suggesting by autism. A recent principal components factor analysis of an
that symptoms comprising the three respective criterion sets accumulated Washington University sample of 1,799 boys
for a DSM-IV diagnosis of autism might arise independently from 1,799 separate families, representing the full range of
of one another (Happe & Ronald, 2008), factor, cluster, and variation in autistic severity from unaffected to severely
latent class analyses of autistic symptomatology in large affected (by full-blown autistic disorder), yielded the factor
samples of clinically affected families have revealed substantial structure depicted in the Scree Plot below (Figure 29-2),
overlap in these symptom sets. For example, Spiker and indicating that a primary factor accounted for over one third
colleagues (Spiker, Lotspeich, Dimiceli, Myers, & Risch, 2002) of the variance with all other possible factors contributing
studied affected sibling pairs with autism, and found that only minor components of variance (Constantino et al., man-
empirically derived clusters of symptoms within families uscript in preparation). It is noteworthy that in this observa-
differed not by specific symptom sets, but by the degree of tion and in previous studies, the symptoms that loaded most
impairment that existed (mild, moderate, or severe) across all strongly onto the principal factor represented all three of the
three DSM-IV criterion domains for autism. Their findings DSM-IV criterion domains for autism. Subsequent to the
were most consistent with a model of autistic symptomatology original reports summarized above, Gotham, Lord, and col-
arising from a single, heritable, continuously distributed leagues (Gotham, Risi, Pickles, & Lord, 2007; Lord et al., 2006)
deficit that might influence dysfunction in all three symptom factor analyzed data from thousands of structured diagnostic
domains. observations of children with autism and concluded that the
Similarly, Sung and colleagues (Sung et al., 2005) examined symptoms comprising social deficiency and the communica-
features of the broader autism phenotype in the relatives tive deficiency loaded onto a single factor.
of autistic probands and found evidence for the primary Even at face value, a review of typical autistic traits reveals
aggregation of highly heritable social deficits that explained aspects of overlap across symptom domains that provide
variation in symptomatology across other domains of the insight into key unifying constructs. The tendency for the
Autism as a Quantitative Trait 513

Scree plot intellectual functioning), can be viewed as an autistic syndrome

that is compensated by a level of intellectual functioning that
is adequate to sustain normal language development, even in
the presence of a level of social impairment that is otherwise
30 typically associated with language impairment. In that sense it
may be the preservation of a relatively high level of general
cognition—not the existence of a separate pervasive develop-
20 mental disorder entity—that uncouples the usual association
between social and communicative impairment observed in
autistic syndromes.
Molecular genetic studies are now just beginning to add
to our knowledge of the factoral structure of autistic syn-
dromes. While many disparate mutations have been associ-
ated with the same triad of symptoms observed in autism,
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 quantitative trail loci (QTL) analyses have indicated that
Factor number common autism susceptibility alleles may preferentially confer
risk for joint phenotypes comprised of subclinical symptoms
Figure 29–2. Scree plot of principal components analysis of SRS
in all 3 criterion domains for autism (St. Pourcain et al., 2010)
sample of 1,799 boys from 1,799 separate families, representing the
or among specific subsets of autistic patients, for example
full range of variation in autistic severity from unaffected to severely
affected by clinical autistic syndromes.
those with versus without severe language delays (Alarcon,
Yonan, Gilliam, Cantor, & Geschwind, 2005) or those with
versus without gastrointestinal symptoms (Campbell et al.,
2010). It has also been observed that a given large chromo-
social ability of individuals with ASD to be compromised by somal rearrangement or allelic variation associated with
an over focus on the details of a social context (“missing autism (i.e., occurring more commonly in ASD than in the
the forest for the trees”) is highly reminiscent of the over general population) might have highly variable phenotypic
focus on details that characterizes young affected children’s expression, as observed for 16p11 deletions that are found in
unusual (stereotypic) play with toys and older children’s patients with autism, patients with mental retardation without
restricted range of interests. Thus, it is conceivable that an autism, and in normal individuals within autism-affected
underlying deficit in the assignment of salience (Klin, Jones, families (Bijlsma et al., 2009). Finally, it is well recognized that
Schultz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002) and the consequent absorp- syndromes of specific language impairment (SLI) can be
tion with details could underlie the social, stereotypic/behav- inherited independently from autism, however a number of
ioral, and even the communicative deficits (e.g., sentence studies have observed that language disorders with distinct
comprehension compromised in the context of preserved autistic qualities (pronoun reversal, socially inappropriate
decoding of individual words) that characterize autistic syn- phrases) and/or accompanied by very mild levels of social
dromes. Such unifying neuropsychological deficits in autism deficiency aggregate in the unaffected siblings of autistic
are beginning to be supported by neuroimaging studies that probands (Constantino et al., 2010b). Ultimately molecular
suggest an overabundance of short-range rather than long- genetic studies are poised to make major contributions to our
range functional neural connections (reviewed elsewhere in understanding of how (and in what combinations) the various
this volume). clinical manifestations of autism arise, and this in turn will
These observations provide a new framework for under- inform strategies for intervention for specific subgroups. It is
standing quantitative variation in autistic symptomatology highly conceivable that the severity distribution that consti-
and challenge the 3-criterion taxonomy for differentiating tutes familial autism is fully continuous with the distribution
specific pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) in of subclinical autistic symptomatology that is appreciable in
DSM-IV, by raising the possibility that each of the common the general population (described below). It has recently
disorders (autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, Pervasive been demonstrated for other complex diseases such as hyper-
Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified) lie along a tension that variation within the normal phenotypic range
continuous distribution of impairment with a more parsimo- can be caused by variation in the same genes that are respon-
nious underlying factor structure. In such a reconceptualiza- sible for clinical disease states (Ji et al., 2008) and this has
tion, variation in autistic severity interacts with variation in been preliminarily observed for autism (St. Pourcain et al.,
other domains of development (general cognition, tempera- 2010). From an evolutionary standpoint, it is possible that
ment, proneness to anxiety) to produce specific profiles of inherited factors that are actually adaptive when phenotypic
individual adaptation. For example, Asperger’s syndrome, expression is mild may be highly preserved in the popula-
which is described in DSM-IV as a separate disorder (defined tion and may result in clinical disease states only when severely
as autistic impairment without substantive language delay, expressed or in interaction with other genetic or environmen-
and generally characterized by average to above average tal factors.
514 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Table 29–1.
Quantitative Variation in Autistic Mean Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) scores as a function of
gender, ASD-affectation status, and family type
Symptomatology in the General Population
Simplex Autism Multiplex Autism p Student’s
Several large general population studies involving symptom Families Families t-test
counts (Ronald et al., 2006; Skuse et al., 2009), or quantitative Affected Boys 87.8 104.7 .0001
measurements of the severity of autistic social impairment (raw teacher- (SD = 28.3) (SD = 33.8)
(Constantino & Todd, 2003) have revealed that the distribu- report SRS) n = 80 n = 262
tion of autistic symptoms is continuous in nature; this is Unaffected 30.7 40.3 .035*
shown for a general population twin sample in the histogram Boys (SD = 23.5) (SD = 28.8)
below (Figure 29-3). Thus it may be highly arbitrary where (raw teacher- n = 89 n = 29
distinctions are drawn between the designation of affected report SRS)
versus unaffected status as suggested above, ASD can be viewed Affected Girls 97.5
as the extreme end of a normative distribution for reciprocal (raw teacher- (SD = 36.0)
social behavior (and its associated traits) that occurs in nature. report SRS) n = 81
The average male with a current designation of PDD-NOS Unaffected 23.0
scores at about the 1st percentile of this distribution for sever- Girls (SD = 16.3)
ity of autistic social impairment. Females who score at the 1st (raw teacher- n = 45
percentile of the distribution for girls are less than half as likely report SRS)
to be clinically diagnosed as boys at this percentile cutoff Fathers 23.8 34.3 .01
(Constantino et al., 2010b) which may in part explain the (spouse-report (SD = 17.5) (SD = 23.3)
gender ratio reported for clinical autistic syndromes as they SRS) n = 41 n = 58
are currently defined (see below). Mothers 23.9 27.0 ns
It is important to note that variation in the general popula- (spouse-report (SD = 20.1) (SD = 17.8)
tion is highly heritable, at the same level of genetic influence SRS) n = 41 n = 58
that autism itself is believed to be inherited (Constantino &
Todd, 2003; 2005; Ronald, Happe, Price, Baron-Cohen, &
Plomin, 2006).This appears to be true throughout the distri-
bution, i.e., both for social competency and social deficiency. scores for boys are slightly but significantly shifted toward the
This does not necessarily imply that social competency and pathological end, in comparison to scores for girls. In order to
social deficiency are controlled by the same genetic factors, ascertain whether gender-specific genetic effects account for
but that possibility exists, and is being actively explored. What this shift, Constantino & Todd (2003) studied opposite sex
is known about genetic influences on “subthreshold” autistic dizygotic twins. Opposite-sex twin pairs represent a gender-
traits is that they overlap at least partially with those that comparison condition in which common environmental
influence some forms of autism, because, as discussed above, influences can be modeled and controlled for. The results of
they preferentially aggregate in the unaffected family mem- structural equation modeling applied to these data indicated
bers of many children with ASD (Constantino et al., 2006; that the genes influencing autistic traits appeared to be the
Virkud et al., 2009), particularly those for whom other mem- same for males and females in the general population. Lower
bers of the family are also fully affected by ASD (so-called prevalence (and severity) of autistic traits in females was found
multiple-incidence or “multiplex” ASD; see Table 29-1). not to be a function of sex-linked genetic influences, but rather
A consistent feature of autistic traits throughout the general the possible result of increased sensitivity to early environ-
population distribution is sexual dimorphism; raw severity mental influences (in females), which operate to reduce the
phenotypic expression of genetic susceptibility factors and
promote social competency (Constantino & Todd, 2003). If
the same genetic structure holds true for autistic traits in the
Proportion of sample

clinical range of severity, it would indicate that given similar

(gender specific)

0.2 males levels of genetic susceptibility, girls are relatively protected (com-
females pared to boys) from phenotypic expression of this liability.
The question also arises whether inherited influences or
quantitative autistic traits are the same as or different from
0.05 those influences involved in other dimensional domains of
0 psychopathology. Twin designs are capable of answering such
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
questions about genetic overlap, as long as the various traits of
Bin: SRS score
interest are all measured in the subjects in a given genetically
Figure 29–3. Distribution of Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) scores informative sample. A series of studies in the general popula-
as a function of sex (n = 1576) in a general population twin sample. tion have indicated that (1) scores for internalizing behavior
Autism as a Quantitative Trait 515

and externalizing behavior explained only a minority of the Á

variance in quantitative autistic trait scores (Constantino & The Clinical Ascertainment
Todd, 2003); (2) there is moderate phenotypic and/or genetic of Autistic Severity
overlap between attention problem syndromes and quantita-
tive autistic traits (Constantino & Todd, 2003; Lichtenstein A variety of established and emerging rating scales for social
et al., 2010); (3) elevation in quantitative autistic trait scores impairment in autism are capable of reliably quantifying its
may exacerbate co-occurring psychopathologic syndromes severity—these include checklists or questionnaires of current
(Constantino & Todd, 2000); and (4) youths with severe mood functioning completed by adult informants (usually parents,
or anxiety disorders exhibit substantially higher autistic trait teachers, or both) who have observed a child routinely in
scores than healthy controls (Pine, Guyer, Goldwin, Towbin, his/her naturalistic social contexts, assessments of develop-
& Leibenluft, 2008) and the level of impairment incurred by mental history as provided by parents, or direct observations
these and other variations in personality and behavior may be of social behavior in response to structured or semistructured
predicted in part by co-occurrence of subclinical autistic social prompts. Each domain of observation can provide a
symptomatology (Kanne, Christ, & Reiersen, 2009). Recently unique and valuable vantage point for assessing the severity of
Lichtenstein et al., (2010) analyzed data from one of the larg- autistic social impairment (as well as its relationship to other
est twin studies (n= 10,895 – twin pairs) ever to ascertain data domains of development and psychopathology) in a given
on symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders in children. child. There are many ways in which multi-informant
It revealed that while about 80% of the variation in liability characterization of a developing child can help avoid
for autism spectrum disorders was due to genetic effects, misclassification that would otherwise arise from single-in-
bivariate analyses suggested that a substantial share of the formant or single-context assessment (Kanne, Abbacchi, &
genetic variance was shared respectively with ADHD, devel- Constantino, 2009). Young children with milder forms of
opmental coordination disorder, tic disorders and learning ASD who might be rapidly identified by an experienced day-
disorder. Taken together, these results indicate that autistic care teacher could go unrecognized if observed exclusively at
traits represent an inherited component of developmental home, since young parents are often inexperienced with
abnormality that is largely independent of some domains of respect to normative trajectories of social development.
child psychopathology, but overlapping with a number of Moreover, such children can be reasonably competent in one-
other neurodevelopmental syndromes. When subclinical on-one social interactions with caring adults who can support
autistic traits co-occur with other (nonautistic) child psychi- and scaffold their interpersonal behavior, but have a great deal
atric syndromes, they operate to exacerbate the latter, and can of difficulty in less structured social contexts in the company
compound functional impairment. of larger numbers of close-aged peers. This extends into
childhood and adolescence as well—there are many children
who respond reasonably appropriately to a clinician-examiner
Á in the context of a structured diagnostic assessment, but
Intergenerational Transmission may be observed by teachers to display floridly inappropriate
of Quantitative Autistic Traits social behavior when in an unstructured context at school
(lunch, gym, recess, bathroom breaks between classes). For
As would be expected for any inherited trait, general popula- these reasons it is useful to acquire information from multiple
tions studies have revealed that correlations for quantitative sources (ideally direct clinical observation, parent-report, and
indices of social impairment are moderate between first-degree teacher-report, see Constantino et al. (2007)) in the clinical
relatives (intraclass correlations on the order of 0.30–0.40)— evaluation of social impairment in a child suspected of having
this is true within and across generations, i.e., for correlations an ASD.
between siblings, and for correlations between parents and
their children (Constantino & Todd, 2005). There is also
substantial correlation for quantitative autistic traits between Á
spouses in both the general population (Constantino & Todd, Other Implications of a Quantitative
2005) and in clinically affected families (Virkud et al., 2009), Structure for Autism
consistent with the phenomenon of preferential mating. In
the general population, when both parents score in the upper The quantitative distributions depicted in this chapter suggest
quartile for quantitative autistic trait characteristics, mean trait that it may be arbitrary where a line is drawn between the
scores of their offspring are significantly shifted toward the condition of being affected versus unaffected by autism; the
pathologic end of the distribution (effect size 1.5). In clinically place where that line is drawn (a percentile cutoff versus a
affected multiplex families enrolled in research studies, how- cutoff that correlates with clinical or other psychometric des-
ever, it has not yet been apparent (at the time of this writing) ignations) has serious implications for epidemiologic, genetic,
that there exists gross overrepresentation of such concordantly and neurobiologic studies that might be confounded by
elevated couples among autism-affected families, in compari- misclassification. For example the seemingly straightforward
son to what would be expected by chance (Virkud et al., 2009). calculation of recurrence risk becomes complicated by the
516 Autism Spectrum Disorders

possibility that subtle degrees of affectedness may be appropri- Á

ate to include as episodes of recurrence (Constantino et al., Quantitative Autistic Traits
2010b). A new generation of clinical epidemiologic research and Endophenotypes
will need to explore the extent to which quantitative “recur-
rence” relates to patterns of aggregation in families and In addition, a quantitative conceptualization of autism moti-
extended pedigrees as potential moderating variables such as vates the search for endophenotypes, which are inherited,
twin versus singleton gestation. quantitative phenotypic components of a syndrome. Endo-
Recognizing that a wide range of quantitative autistic traits phenotypes, if they exist for autism, should be appreciable in
may be present in the siblings of children with autism, it is some or many of the unaffected family members of clinically
possible to explore whether the association between phenotype affected individuals, and might more closely map to specific
and underlying genetic or neurobiologic mechanisms might genetic, neurobiologic, or psychologic factors that contribute
be more appreciable when considering quantitative autistic to (but are not by themselves sufficient to cause) the phenotypic
trait information from all siblings in affected families rather expression of the syndrome itself. Endophenotypes are not the
than restricting analysis to the transmission of categorical same as associated symptoms of a condition (e.g., self-injurious
disease states. A quantitative molecular genetic analysis behavior in Lesch-Nyan syndrome), but rather core compo-
utilizing quantitative trait information from all children of nents of the syndrome that appear in subclinical forms in unaf-
participating families (not just the fully affected subjects) has fected relatives. Subclinical autistic traits exhibiting a unitary
indicated that linkage signals in a multiplex family registry factor structure (as described earlier in this chapter) appear to
were substantially enhanced when adopting this approach as constitute a social endophenotype for males in multiple-
depicted below in Figure 29-4 (Duvall et al., 2007). The incidence (multiplex) autistic families (Virkud et al., 2009;
principal linkage signal derived from this approach has now Constantino et al., 2010b), and the search for more precise
been replicated in an independent sample (Coon et al., 2010) endophenotypic components of the autistic syndrome is under
and overlaps with a strong linkage signal declined from the way. The findings from sibling and family studies that explore
autism genome project (Autism Genome Project Consortium candidate endophenotypes can generally be interpreted on the
et al., 2007). basis of the matrix of possible results depicted in Table 29-2.

Qualitative scan — All 99 families with teacher-reported on social responsiveness scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22

z score

Qualitative scan — Subset of 62 families with only male affected children

Qualitative scan based on autism diagnosis — All 99 families
linkage sore

0 500 500 1500 2000 2500 3000
Position (cM)

Figure 29–4. Linkage analysis of 99 AGRE families comparing results from Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis (top and middle)
incorporating unchanged analysis of 99 AGRE families, showing contrasting results of a quantitative approach in which phenotypic
information and genotypes of all siblings in each family were incorporated (top and middle panels, illustrating accentuation of a number of
linkage scan across the genome) versus a qualitative scales in which only the information from affected sibling pairs was incorporated.
Autism as a Quantitative Trait 517

Table 29–2.
Matrix of interpretation of results from family studies of candidate autism endophenotypes

Unaffected 1st Unaffected 1st Degree

ASD-Affected Unrelated
Autistic Proband Degree Relatives in Relatives in Simplex Interpretation
Degree Relatives Controls
multiplex Families Families

Test Result + - - - - Poss. Severity

Test Result + + - - - ASD Phenotype
Test Result + + + - ASD
Test Result + + + + - Inherited Trait*

*Possibly not Specific to autism, OR an endophenotype associated with genes shared by simplex and multiplex ASD.

As an example of the way in which two candidate endo- candidates (in addition to subclinical behavioral autistic traits,
phenotypes might interact to confer susceptibility to autistic see above) include head circumference trajectory in infancy
social impairment, Reiersen, Constantino, and Todd (2008) (Constantino et al., 2010a), laterality (handedness), electro-
analyzed data on inattention and motor coordination deficits physiologic and brain activation responses to socially-relevant
(separately inherited domains of quantitative neurodevelop- auditory and visual stimuli, sensory dysfunction, EEG/ERP
mental deficiency) in over 800 children in the general popula- abnormality, neuroimaging phenotypes (Di Martino et al.,
tion and showed how their co-occurrence is associated with 2009; Scott-Van Zeeland et al., 2010; Kaiser et al., 2011), an
the development of autistic social impairment, as shown array of neuropsychologic deficits (theory of mind, self-other
below. These associations are reminiscent of a syndrome of representation, social motivation, capacity for shared
Deficits in Attention, Motor Coordination, and Perception intentionality, abnormalities in gaze cueing and/or joint atten-
(DAMP) that has been observed and described in the child tion), a variety of language endophenotypes (prosodic deficits,
psychiatric literature in Figure 29-5 (Landgren, Pettersson, sentence comprehension abnormalities, timing of develop-
Kjellman, & Gillberg, 1996). mental milestones such as age of first word or first phrase),
The current list of proposed candidate endophenotypes for motor coordination problems, involuntary/repetitive motor
autism is long, but the series of investigations required to movements, obsessionality, and inattention. Each of these
establish them as true endophenotypes (through studies might be uniquely influenced by specific brain networks
confirming heritability, patterns of familial aggregation, that could become targets of preventive or therapeutic
trait-like stability, and specific association with autism) is interventions.
long as well. Some of the more promising endophenotypic

“DAMP-like” syndromes (ADHD + motor problems) The Interface Between Social Impairment
and General Cognition
CBCL motor
90 problems: Finally, it is important to consider the implications of the
Percent 80 no motor
29 interaction between quantitative distributions of social defi-
70 problems
SRS ciency (accompanied by relative deficiency in communication
threshold 60 16
and the presence of stereotypic behaviors and/or restricted
(modified 50
SRS score 40
interests as occurs in the autistic syndrome) and quantitative
≥70) 27 variation in general cognition, which are orthogonal develop-
61 57 accident- mental constructs that can be differentiated from one another
70 57 prone & within the normal distribution of IQ in the population. Autism
10 clumsy
can occur in the context of low IQ (narrowly-defined, severe
No DSM-IV ADHD Any DSM-IV ADHD autistic disorders were once believed to be accompanied by
intellectual disability in some 70 per cent of cases), high IQ, or
Figure 29–5. Percentage of subjects with clinically significant
autistic traits, stratified by presence or absence of DSM-IV attention- anything in between, and it is often difficult to know whether
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and by endorsement of Child syndromes of combined social and cognitive impairment
Behavior Checklist (CBCL) motor problem items. N = 851. Number represent a cognitive disorder with secondary social impair-
of subjects in each group is shown above each bar. DAMP = deficits ment, the reverse, or some combination of two independent
in attention, motor control, and perception. conditions. And even if largely uncorrelated within the general
518 Autism Spectrum Disorders

population, clinical syndromes of severe deficiency in any findings have varied as a function of different measure-
developmental domain can exert expectable consequences on ment methods. Clarification of the factor structure—
other developmental domains. specifically whether autism is truly syndromic or rather
Co-occurrence of deficiencies across multiple domains a function of the convergence of separable components
can make it difficult (but crucial) to disentangle the relative con- of dysfunction—will have significant implications for
tributions of impairments in each respective domain to the clin- studies of the causes and early development of ASD, as
ical syndrome of an individual child. A common example is the well as for approaches to intervention.
clinical scenario of a toddler who presents with language delay; it • The question of whether a high degree of social com-
is perplexing (yet potentially relevant to the choice of interven- petence represents simply the absence of deficiency in
tion strategy) to determine whether that delay is most attributa- reciprocal social behavior, or subsumes other abilities
ble to a primary cognitive deficit, an autistic syndrome, a specific and developmental competencies remains unanswered.
language impairment, or some combination of dimensional Future research on the roots of social competence may
variants of these conditions. If each domain is fundamentally reveal key characteristics inherent in resiliency as well
quantitative in nature, it will ultimately require established maps as contribute to better understanding of the genetic
of the expectable relations between the variables (analogous to architecture of social development.
the height versus weight norms used in pediatric practice) to • It is hoped that a next generation of genetic-epidemiologic
accurately ascertain their relative contributions in a given case of studies will map the ways in which quantitative variations
developmental delay. We eagerly await a next generation of in various developmental competencies interact with each
developmental-epidemiologic studies (some of which are cur- other over time (see chapter by Cantor). Thus, rather
rently under way) that will map the ways in which quantitative than characterizing children on the basis of presence
variations in such fundamental domains of development (espe- or absence of deficiency of one kind or another, a more
cially cognition, capacity for reciprocal social behavior, language, comprehensive approach to assessment that simultane-
emotional regulation, sensorimotor function and interpersonal ously assimilates the contributions of quantitative varia-
experience) interact with one another over the course of devel- tion in all major developmental domains (e.g. cognition,
opment from infancy to adulthood. It is possible that such stud- language, reciprocal social behavior, attention, affect
ies will pave the way for a new system of characterizing all regulation, life events) will allow for a more precise
syndromes of developmental delay, along measurable quantita- understanding of the contributing factors (and there-
tive axes, each of which might allow more precise associations fore potential targets of intervention) in children with
with contributing neural mechanisms (Constantino, 2009). syndromes of developmental delay. Such assessment will
also help clarify the boundaries and interactions between
such conditions as autism, specific language impairment,
and intellectual disability.

The deficits that characterize autistic syndromes–including Á SUGGESTED READINGS

those in the current diagnostic criterion domains of reciprocal
social behavior, social communication and repetitive behavior/ Constantino, J. N. (2009). How continua converge in nature: cogni-
restricted interests–are continuously distributed in nature and tion, social competence, and autistic syndromes. Journal of the
may share common underlying genetic and neural mechanisms. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(2),
Integrating quantitative approaches to characterization of 97–98.
neurodevelopmental syndromes will help advance the search Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Autism: many genes, common pathways?
for genetic, psychologic neurobiologic and endophenotypic Cell, 135(3), 391–395.
components of their underlying cause(s), and provides a basis Kendler, S. K. (2010). Advances in our understanding of genetic
for repeated-measurement strategies that can track develop- risk factors for autism spectrum disorders. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 167, 1291–1293
mental course and response to intervention. Given what is
currently known, the designation of autism affectation status
(in a categorical sense) for any given individual a) should be Á REFERENCES
contextualized with respect to published distributions in clini-
cal and non-clinical populations; and b) is best informed by Achenbach, T. M., & Ruffle, T. M. (2000). The Child Behavior
data from multiple social contexts. Checklist and related forms for assessing behavioral/emotional
problems and competencies. Pediatric Review, 21(8), 265–271.
Alarcon, M., Yonan, A. L., Gilliam, T. C., Cantor, R. M., &
Á Geschwind, D. H. (2005). Quantitative genome scan and
Challenges and Future Directions ordered-subsets analysis of autism endophenotypes support
language QTLs. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(8), 747–757.
• The fundamental factor structure of quantitative autistic Amiel, J., Sproat-Emison, E., Garcia-Barcelo, M., Lantieri, F.,
traits is a subject of ongoing controversy and some of the Burzynski, G., Borrego, S., et al. (2008). Hirschsprung disease,
Autism as a Quantitative Trait 519

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Commentary Á Jeremy R. Parr, Kerstin Wittemeyer,
Ann S. Le Couteur

The Broader Autism Phenotype: Implications

for Research and Clinical Practice

Over the last two decades, the broader autism phenotype we now have a better understanding of the behaviors and
(BAP) has become a focus for researchers and clinicians alike; traits associated with BAP. Core characteristics include social
this is in part due to its central role in the conceptualization of communication difficulties and behavioral rigidity (see
autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and its importance for Chapter 27, and Parr et al. and the International Molecular
identifying ASD susceptibility genes. Studies of very young Genetic Study of Autism Consortium [IMGSAC] (in prepara-
children with ASD, and prospective studies of siblings of tion)). A broad range of social (see Chapters 27 and 29), and
children with ASD (at-risk, or high risk sibling studies) have communication impairments (in particular reciprocal com-
provided important insights about “typical” development, munication impairments, and pragmatic difficulties) (reviewed
our understanding of early ASD characteristics and subsequent by Groen & Buitelaar, Chapter 10) are frequently reported. In
developmental trajectories, and the range of possible outcomes common with ASD, qualitatively similar elements of rigidity,
for affected individuals (which includes BAP). For clinicians perfectionism, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are also
and researchers, who await the publication of the DSM-V and present (see Jacob et al., Chapter 17). Delineation of these
ICD-11 clinical conceptualizations of ASD phenotypes, the repetitive BAP traits has been particularly difficult (Bailey et al.,
need to have a better understanding of what constitutes the 1998). Furthermore, disentangling these repetitive traits from
BAP is a priority. Using the context of the findings reported in other psychiatric disorders (for example obsessive-compulsive
this series of chapters, this commentary will summarize some disorder per se) remains challenging, and progress has been
of the important challenges and opportunities for BAP slow (Jacob et al., Chapter 17). Finally, as discussed by Losh
research and the implications for clinicians who diagnose and et al. (Chapter 27), the relationship between mood disorders
provide services for children with ASD, and their families. (particularly affective disorder) and the BAP remains poorly
understood. Depression and/or anxiety may be related to the
BAP itself, rather than a consequence of having a child (or chil-
Á dren) with ASD (see Losh et al., Chapter 27). For both BAP and
Research Aspects ASD, further research is needed to ascertain whether affective
disorder is integral to the phenotypes, or present as a conse-
In Chapter 27, Losh et al. provide a welcome overview of the quence of the impact of their behavioral characteristics.
historical context of BAP research. The parental phenotype was Historically, in contrast with other areas of ASD research, a
once considered an etiological factor in the development of small number of groups have investigated the BAP, and overall
ASD in their children (see Bettelheim, 1967); during this period research capacity has been limited. However, understanding
joint working between parents (who were understandably the BAP has become of critical importance to our conceptu-
distressed by these erroneous theories) and researchers was a alization of ASD, and its etiology. As a consequence, the BAP
challenge. Perhaps inevitably, research then focused on core will continue to receive increased attention during the next
autism to identify the biological underpinning of this severe decade. As with other complex neurodevelopmental disorders
organic neurodevelopmental disorder (Rutter, 1970). As (for example attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]
discussed in several of the Chapters in this section, the 1990s and schizophrenia), careful characterization of the whole
saw a surge in interest in the BAP. Following twin and family phenotypic spectrum, rather than a focus on the more severe
studies published in the mid-late 1990s and more recent research phenotypes is necessary in order to fully investigate their
over the last decade (reviewed by Losh et al., Chapter 27), neurobiological basis (Bailey & Parr, 2003).

522 Autism Spectrum Disorders

In ASD research, the BAP was first identified in families but when to classify relatives of individuals with ASD as being
with twins, or affected relative pairs (“multiplex families”) “affected” with the BAP remains uncertain. The extent to
with ASD (see Losh et al., Chapter 27). More recently, research- which BAP status can confidently be assigned according to
ers have described BAP characteristics in the context of nor- behavioral thresholds based on an interview or questionnaire
mative trait variation in general population samples (reviewed scale is not yet known. Considering the utility of relatives’ BAP
by Constantino, Chapter 29, and Losh et al., Chapter 27). This status for genetic studies, as genetic influences may be differ-
approach investigates common social communication diffi- ent in singleton and multiplex families, as highlighted by our
culties and rigidity traits in the population and proposes that recent appreciation of the etiological role of de novo copy
these lie on a dimension with ASD itself (see Constantino, number variants (CNVs) in ASD, including parents in genetic
Chapter 29). As discussed by Losh et al. in Chapter 27, differ- studies is not likely to be a useful strategy in all families. This
ent approaches to investigating the BAP have resulted in the is further complicated by stoppage effects on reproduction,
development of different methods of BAP assessment (for which results in families who might have had multiple children
example structured interviews and observation measures vs. with a disability, deciding not to have further children
parent and self-report questionnaires), undertaken on differ- following the diagnosis of one child (see Jones et al., 1988).
ent populations (ASD families vs. the general population; Considering the genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity of
see Losh et al., Chapter 27). Similar variability exists in the ASD, how best can relatives’ BAP data be utilized in the search
approaches taken in biological BAP research (Lainhart & for susceptibility genes? While biological testing in individuals
Lange, Chapter 28). Losh et al. also highlight that few studies with ASD and those with the BAP is at an early stage, having a
have controlled for the effect of having a child with a neurode- better understanding of brain structure, function, and neuro-
velopmental disorder (although see De Jonge et al. & IMGSAC, nal connectivity, and potentially biological markers will help
in preparation). There has been little opportunity to compare us understand the phenotypic spectrum (Bailey & Parr, 2003,
the validity of these different methodologies and potentially and Lainhart & Lange, Chapter 28). Lainhart and Lange high-
contrasting or complementary approaches. light the limited evidence supporting biological aspects of the
The lack of comparative data from studies using different BAP; the amount of research in this area is in stark contrast to
methods in the same population severely limits our concep- that undertaken of the core ASD phenotypes. However, both
tual understanding of the BAP (see Lainhart & Lange, Chapter fields suffer from a lack of replicated neurobiological findings.
28; and Losh, Chapter 27). In the future, investigating general However, as the genetic liability to autism is likely to be
population samples, and samples of relatives from ASD fami- expressed at a brain level, psychological (social cognition,
lies using the same BAP measures, for example the revised executive functioning, face processing), neuroimaging (for
Family History Interviews (Parr et al. & IMGSAC, in prepara- example functional MRI or magnetoencephalography), and
tion) and questionnaires such as the Social Responsiveness neurophysiological testing in combination may help us under-
Scale (Constantino et al., 2003) will assist us in refining our stand differences and similarities between the BAP and ASD,
behavioral measures and methods, and identifying how best their genetics, and eventually the extent of environmental
to conceptualize ASD/BAP. It is possible that a combination influences. Relatives (with and without the BAP) should be
of questionnaire screening, more in-depth interviewing, and encouraged to donate brain tissue to repositories (such as the
hypothesis driven neurocognitive and functional imaging/ Autism Tissue Program) so that neuropathological studies can
biological investigations of individuals across the behavioral explore the cellular and molecular differences in the brains of
spectrum might advance our understanding of the extent and individuals from across the behavioral spectrum.
impact of the phenotype (Losh et al., Chapter 27; Lainhart & Finally, translational research using BAP data has not been
Lange, Chapter 28). a priority to date, partly because the focus has been on charac-
Despite progress in better characterizing the BAP and terization and methods. Researchers are starting to think about
utilizing relatives’ data, many aspects remain poorly under- how relatives’ BAP status might directly influence clinical
stood: More is known about the BAP in relatives from multi- practice, and here, we cite two examples: First, researchers
plex ASD families than singleton families. The relationship could explore the use of parents’ and other relatives’ BAP data
between the quality and severity of ASD in affected individu- in genetic counseling for families who request information
als, and BAP traits in their parents or other relatives requires about the recurrence risk of ASD in their family. If parents
further study; as discussed by Losh et al. (Chapter 27), under- with BAP were found to be at greater risk of having a second
standing familiality (the extent to which traits in parents relate child with ASD, parental BAP status would allow us to give a
to their children’s ASD) has methodological implications for revised (if still generic) recurrence risk of having another child
researchers attempting to reduce genetic heterogeneity, by uti- with ASD. Such data could be used by parents to make better
lizing phenotypic information in the search for autism suscep- informed family planning decisions. Second, there are also
tibility genes (Bailey & Parr, 2003). In molecular genetic nonmedical translational uses of BAP status. Parents
studies, relatives’ BAP data could be used dimensionally or are increasingly encouraged to deliver social communication
categorically (for example QTL methods, or haplotype, or and play-based intervention for their children; however,
parent of origin analysis). Dimensionalization of the BAP has researchers are starting to explore whether parental BAP could
been relatively straightforward (see Constantino, Chapter 29), potentially affect the delivery of parent-mediated intervention.
The Broader Autism Phenotype: Implications for Research and Clinical Practice 523

One hypothesis is that parents with BAP, who may find it tools (see Losh et al., Chapter 27, and Constantino, Chapter 29).
difficult to vary their own social communication style, may For instance the Family History Interview was revised with the
find delivering effective intervention more challenging than structure and scoring system of the ADI-R in mind, in order
parents without the BAP. Research evaluating the quality of to allow true dimensionalization of the full ASD continuum
intervention delivery will be necessary to ensure equal access (Parr et al. & the IMGSAC, in preparation). Whether these
to potentially effective intervention for all children. measures (or their subsequent revisions) are useful in clinical
practice remains to be seen.
One striking aspect of the BAP chapters is the lack of
Á research evidence about the clinical impact of the BAP across
Clinical Aspects the lifespan. In our experience, BAP behaviors and traits may
be associated with a certain set of relative strengths, but can
Clinicians in the 1980s and 1990s learned to diagnose autism; also lead to significant functional impairments, including dif-
in the last decade, diagnosing children with Asperger’s syn- ficulties with social and marital relationships, and problems in
drome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise- the school or workplace. If ASD is indeed a continuum, func-
Specified (PDD-NOS), has been a challenge. During the next tional impairment must be associated with the BAP, other-
decade, deciding who reaches ASD threshold according to wise, by inference, all individuals with BAP characteristics and
DSM-V and ICD-11 will further challenge pediatricians, child functional impairments would be classified as having ASD
psychiatrists, and their multidisciplinary teams. The majority itself. For clinicians using future classification systems, the
of clinicians come across the BAP in the context of diagnostic critical question will be whether individuals who present with
assessments for children, adolescents, and adults. Since subthreshold behaviors (BAP) and functional impairment
Kanner’s first description of autism, there has been a shift in should receive an ASD diagnosis. In our current clinical prac-
clinicians’ and researchers’ judgment about the threshold of tice, using DSM-IV criteria, this is not the case, and when a
the ASD behavioral phenotype, where that ends, and where clinical diagnosis is not possible due to subthreshold charac-
the BAP begins. Over recent decades the use of diagnostic teristics, clinicians are left to find a “form of words” to sum-
terminology has changed from an emphasis on a narrow defi- marize the individual’s ASD related impairment and potential
nition of “core” autism to an acceptance of a broader concept support that might be beneficial (Parr & Le Couteur, clinical
of autism spectrum disorders. The increased awareness among observations). One form of words used in our practice is:
families and professionals of autism, and a preparedness to “John has social communication difficulties and behavioural
accept a broader spectrum has contributed to the increase in rigidity, which are similar to, but less severe than those seen in
the detected prevalence of ASD (see Chapter 6 by Fombonne children with ASD. Nevertheless, support would be beneficial
et al.). Correspondingly, what we understand to be “BAP” is in various settings, such as (to be specified by clinician).” For
likely to change as research and clinical practice evolves fur- children who have a sibling with ASD, this wording is more
ther. For example, parents of children with ASD give descrip- acceptable to parents and service providers, as it can be placed
tions of behavior from their own childhood that are compatible in the context of ASD within the family. A greater challenge is
with a diagnosis of ASD using current classification. Some of faced by families in which there is no family history of ASD.
these parents continue to have significant difficulties in adult The term “BAP” is mostly used in relation to families in which
life and may have developed adaptive strategies to manage there is an index ASD case, is rarely understood outside clini-
some of their difficulties. In some circumstances, it may be cal services, and is not useful to families who need to access
appropriate to discuss the merits of referral to adult diagnostic support from education or social care services. We suggest
services. also using the above descriptive wording and terminology
The revisions that result in the DSM-V and ICD-11 clas- when there is no ASD family history; however, in our experi-
sifications may lead to a further widening of the autism spec- ence accessing appropriate support is likely to be even more
trum; the implications for clinical and research practice are difficult in this context.
considerable. In that context, assessment tools such as ADI-R Evidence about whether we should provide “intervention”
and ADOS were originally constructed for studies of children (for example support with social skills) to children and adults
with autism. They can be used to evaluate clinical presenta- with BAP traits in order to ameliorate difficulties in their daily
tions across the differential diagnosis of PDD/ASD for indi- life is very limited. For very young children, intervention stud-
viduals whose difficulties impair their functioning. However ies would be possible through identification of children with
ADI-R and ADOS were not designed to evaluate individuals the BAP from at-risk study cohorts; such studies will increase
with qualitatively similar behavioral traits, but not ASD; such our knowledge of whether the developmental trajectories of
individuals who may have the BAP, are unlikely to reach children with BAP can be altered by early intervention.
threshold on either “gold standard” diagnostic measure. The Effective early intervention might reduce the risk of children
challenge for clinicians and researchers alike is how best to developing additional behavior problems and comorbidities
identify and characterize this broader spectrum. Existing BAP such as anxiety and mood disorder. Such evidence could be
measures have been developed to capture those qualitatively used to make a compelling case for intervention for young
similar characteristics not identified by existing diagnostic individuals with the BAP; however, as capacity to provide
524 Autism Spectrum Disorders

intervention to children with full-blown ASD remains limited the chapters from this section during the next few years. As
in some countries this might not be prioritized. For older sib- BAP research capacity continues to build, critical questions
lings of children with ASD, increased developmental surveil- about genetics, developmental trajectories for infant siblings,
lance may be appropriate, and intervention commenced when and the impact of the BAP will become known. Whether the
necessary; however, such a strategy would have considerable BAP holds the key to understanding the complex spectrum of
resource implications for families and local services. For adults ASD phenotypes remains to be seen.
with the BAP, social support in the workplace, including men-
torship about effectively managing colleagues, may be helpful
for some individuals (Parr & Le Couteur, clinical experience).
Systematic evaluations of such workplace-based support are
Bailey, A., Palferman, S., Heavey, L., & Le Couteur, A. (1998).
currently underway for adults with Asperger’s syndrome
Autism: The phenotype in relatives. Journal of Child Psychology
(Howlin et al., 2005); whether such data are applicable to and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 28, 369–392.
adults with BAP will require further evaluation. For young Bailey A., & Parr J. (2003). Implications of the broader phenotype
people and adults with ASD, bullying is encountered fre- for concepts of autism. Novartis Foundation Symposium, 251,
quently, and is associated with low self-esteem and impacts on 26–35.
patient well-being. Individuals with the BAP may also be at Bettelheim, B. (1967). The empty fortress: Infantile autism and the
increased risk of being bullied, thus awareness programs birth of the self. New York: Free Press.
within educational settings should focus on a broader Constantino, J. N., & Todd, R. D. (2003). Autistic traits in the general
spectrum of children, rather than ASD alone. population: A twin study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60,
Howlin, P., Alcock, J., & Burkin, C. (2005). An 8-year follow-up of a
specialist supported employment service for high-ability adults
with autism or Asperger syndrome. Autism, 9, 533–549.
Conclusions Jones, M. B., & Szatmari, P. (1988). Stoppage rules and genetic
studies of autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
Further understanding the BAP will have benefits to all. 18, 31–40.
Clinicians, researchers, and families of individuals with ASD Rutter, M. (1970). Autistic children: infancy to adulthood. Seminars
keenly await the findings of BAP research studies described in in Psychiatry, 2, 435–450.
Section V

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30 Á John L. R. Rubenstein

Developmental Neurobiology
of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á chapter in this volume; here I highlight a few points based on

Points of Interest the reviews listed above.
1. Brain volume measurements show evidence for a modest
• Many ASD susceptibility genes encode proteins that
increase in cerebrum growth (~10%; affecting both the
regulate synapse development and activity-dependent
white and grey matter) during early childhood (years 1–3),
neural responses.
with the largest effect in the frontal lobes (dorsolateral and
• Postulation of three additional mechanisms that may
medial, but not orbital); the growth rate then decreases.
contribute to ASD:
2. Cerebellar defects: cerebellar size increases (~7%) in
l Evolutionary-driven expansion of cerebrum and cer-
children under age 5, but decreases in older patients;
ebellar size through signaling systems such as those
there are reduced numbers (~30% decrease) of Purkinje
activated by fibroblast growth factors.
neurons in patients age 4–67 years.
l Imbalance in the excitatory/inhibitory ratio in local
3. Reduced cell size and increased density in the “limbic”
and extended circuits.
areas (amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex,
l The hormonal effects of the male genotype.
medial septal nucleus, mammillary body, and anterior
Autism Spectrum Disorders are extremely heterogeneous. cingulated; the increased density in the amygdala was
While genetic etiologies are unquestionably involved (see not replicated by Amaral et al., 2008). There appears to
below), one can’t ignore epigenetic and environmental mecha- be decreased dendrite complexity in the hippocampus.
nisms, although the magnitude of their roles is uncertain. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex also shows increased
Since ASD have their onset in early childhood, all etiologies cell density, because of reduced space between cortical
must interfere with brain development. In this perspective, I “minicolumns” in layer III (Casanova, 2006). There are
have addressed some of the neurodevelopmental mechanisms decreased numbers of neurons in the amygdala and in the
whose derailment may lead to ASD. In the introduction, I fusiform gyrus based on unbiased stereological studies in
briefly review the neuroanatomical and genetic features of subjects without epilepsy. The earlier density findings
ASD, because they provide a context for the developmental were based on anatomical techniques open to bias and in
models that I discuss later. brains of subjects most of whom also had epilepsy.
4. Increased amygdala size (15%) in 8- to 12-year-old ASD
boys, followed by reduced postadolescent neuronal
Á number (Amaral et al., 2008).
Neuroanatomical Landscape of ASD

ASD show no simple or single neuroanatomical phenotype Á

that points to obvious neurodevelopment mechanisms. Genetic Landscape of Autism Spectrum
However, structural neuroimaging and histological studies Disorders (ASD)
(reviewed in Amaral et al., 2008; Bauman, et al., 2006; Carper
et al., 2006) provide evidence for anatomical defects, at least in The genetic landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has
some individuals. These defects are the subject of another several salient features that provide the boundary conditions

528 Autism Spectrum Disorders

for considering the breadth of its etiological mechanisms Neural system lesions can be localized or distributed
(Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008; Bonora et al., 2006; Sutcliffe, (Rubenstein, 2006). A localized lesion that weakens or disables
2008; Walsh, Morrow, & Rubenstein, 2008): one component of a circuit can impede the function of the
1. ASD are heritable—concordance rates in monozygotic entire circuit, generating a behavioral phenotype. This pheno-
twins (~60–90%) are roughly 10-fold higher than in type can likewise be generated by defects in another compo-
dizygotic twins and siblings, and first-degree relatives nent of the same circuit. Thus, related behavioral syndromes
show a ~50-fold increased risk for autism compared to can be generated by a variety of anatomical defects.
the population prevalence (1/150) (Bailey et al., 1995; Distributed lesions can be caused by defects that are
Smalley et al., 1988). common to many regions of a given neural system, or to mul-
2. ASD affect four times as many boys as girls. The tiple neural systems. For instance, mutation of genes that are
mechanism(s) for this remains elusive; its elucidation broadly expressed, such as those that cause Fragile X mental
could be fundamental to understanding the factors that retardation (FRAXA; FMR1), Rett syndrome (MeCP2), or
predispose to ASD. tuberous sclerosis (TSC1 & 2), will disrupt neural function
3. ASD are genetically heterogeneous. Defined mutations, throughout the nervous system.
genetic syndromes, and de novo copy number variation Developmental defects can alter the connectivity between
probably account for about 10–20% of cases; none of brain regions; these can be distributed or localized. Distributed
these causes individually accounts for more than 1–2% defects include general abnormalities in axon or dendrite
(Walsh, Morrow, & Rubenstein, 2008). growth, synaptogenesis, action potential initiation/propagation,
4. The genes currently linked to the ASD do not appear to or myelination. It is not known whether these types of abnor-
selectively cause ASD. For instance, mutations of many malities are found in autism, although there is evidence for con-
genes cause mental retardation without ASD, and alleles nectivity defects from functional imaging studies (Kana et al.,
of Neurexin1 and AHI1 are associated with ASD and 2006; Geschwind & Levitt, 2007) and from mutations in or near
schizophrenia (Ingason et al., 2007; Walsh et al., 2008). genes that encode proteins implicated in the development of
5. Many cases of ASD may result from more complex axon tracts: PCDH10 (protocadherin 10; Morrow et al., 2008),
genetic mechanisms, including co-inheritance of mul- neurexins/neuroligins (Jamain et al., 2003; The Autism Genome
tiple alleles and/or epigenetic modifications (Freitag, Project Consortium, 2007), and Ig superfamily contactin pro-
2007; Gupta & State, 2007). teins (Alarcón et al., 2008; Fernandez et al., 2008; Morrow et al.,
6. Approximately 10% of sporadic cases of ASD are asso- 2008; Roohi et al., 2008).
ciated with de novo copy number variations in either Currently, it is unclear whether or not there are localized
single genes or sets of genes (Sebat et al., 2007). connectivity defects in ASD. However, based on analyses of
7. Analysis of families of shared ancestry has identified mouse mutants, there are many examples for genetic lesions that
recessive alleles of several genes that previously were selectively alter development of specific brain connections, such
unknown to cause ASD (Morrow et al., 2008). as the corpus callosum (Paul et al., 2007), or connectivity of axons
that comprise the internal capsule (Garel & Rubenstein, 2004;
Therefore, ASD, or at least risk for ASD, may be caused by a Molyneaux et al., 2007; Price et al., 2006; Uemura et al., 2007).
very large number of genes and alleles of those genes; the mag- Localized lesions are exemplified by mutation of genes that are
nitude of that number is unknown. Gene variants that weaken expressed in neurons that share common features, such as the
the development and/or function of critical components of Dlx1&2 homeobox transcription factors, which regulate the
cognitive and emotional processing can alone, or in combina- development of most forebrain GABAergic neurons, or TBR1, a
tion with other genes or environmental variables, increase the T-box transcription factor that regulates the development of
probability of ASD. While this poses a huge problem for most early-born cortical glutamatergic neurons (Hevner et al.,
understanding and treating ASD, it does suggest a paradigm for 2001). Likewise, localized lesions can be generated by mutations
their conceptualization. The paradigm is to elucidate the devel- of genes that regulate the development of particular parts of the
opmental and neural pathways (anatomical, cellular and brain, such as Fgf17, which controls the size and character of the
molecular) which tie together the known molecular/genetic frontal cortex and cerebellum (Cholfin & Rubenstein, 2007), or
defects causing ASD, and that cause neural systems defects that Emx2, which controls the size and character of the occipital
are postulated to contribute to ASD. Herein, I attempt to lay cortex (O’Leary et al., 2007). I will discuss some of these examples
a foundation for this paradigm, by examining some of the below, and speculate as to their relevance to some forms of ASD.
pathways that appear to be disrupted by known causes of ASD.

Neural System Dysfunction: Localized FGF Genes–Core Regulators That Pattern
Versus Distributed Developmental Defects the Growth and Nature of the Frontal
Cortex and Cerebellum
ASD are probably caused by alterations in the structural
organization and/or function of neural systems that process During evolution of the mammalian brain, perhaps the most
social information, language, and sensorimotor integration. salient morphological change has been the increased surface
Developmental Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders 529

area of the neocortex with the concomitant increased laminar understanding of the mechanism(s) for this, the En2 transcrip-
complexity of the late-born superficial layers (layers II, III, tion factor, which lies downstream of FGF-signaling, may con-
and IV) (Hill & Walsh, 2005; Bystron et al., 2008). The human tribute to some forms of ASD (Benayed et al., 2005).
brain is roughly three times larger than chimpanzee brain. In The behavior of Fgf17-/- mice shed light on the phenotype
addition, the prefrontal cortex of humans and greater apes is of individuals with prefrontal cortex, tectal, and cerebellar
disproportionately large compared to the rest of the neocortex defects. They show deficiencies in assays of social recognition
of lesser apes, monkeys, and less complex mammals (Ongür & and interaction, as well as reductions in neonatal vocalizations
Price, 2000; Semendeferi et al., 2002). The prefrontal cortex is (Scearce-Levie et al., 2008). At this point, we can’t directly
the center of cognition and decision-making. ascribe these phenotypes to specific neuroanatomical lesions,
Evolutionarily advantageous innovations can also come although is seems very likely that the dorsomedial prefrontal
with liabilities, particularly if selective pressures have not hypoplasia strongly contributes to the social deficits. However,
reduced the frequency of design flaws. Thus, perhaps the ben- given prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar connectivity (Dum &
efits of the prefrontal cortex enlargement in humans have Strick, 2006), one can not dismiss the behavioral importance
come with imperfections that underlie some of the etiologies of the cerebellar deficit. Furthermore, the hypoplasia of the
of neuropsychiatric disorders including ASD. Therefore, inferior colliculus could contribute to the vocalization deficits.
insights into some forms of ASD may come from understand- In any case, the key point is that lesion of a signal gene (Fgf17)
ing the mechanisms that underlie prefrontal cortex develop- disrupts functions of neural systems required for behaviors
ment, including mechanisms that control the size, nature, and that are similar to those that are abnormal in ASD.
connections of its subdivisions. The analysis of mutations that reduce expression from Fgf8
The brain of ASD patients shows a trend for increased and Fgf17 show that these genes promote growth of the cortex,
brain volume (and head circumference) apparently due to and particularly of the dorsomedial frontal cortex—the region
precocious growth during early postnatal life, followed by a that shows the largest increase in size in ASD (Amaral et al.,
deceleration at later stages (Piven et al., 1995; Carper et al., 2008). Thus, perhaps, there is overactivity of the FGF-signaling
2006; Amaral et al., 2008). Enlargements are greatest in the pathway in some forms of ASD. This could be due to several
frontal lobes, although increases are also found in the tempo- mechanisms, including increased expression of FGF ligands
ral and parietal lobes. Within the frontal lobe, increases are and/or increased signaling through the receptors and down-
seen in the dorsolateral and medial regions, but not the orbit- stream transduction pathway. In this regard, mutation of sev-
ofrontal cortex. Currently, prenatal and neonatal retrospec- eral components that repress this pathway, including the PTEN
tive studies of ASD head circumference do not report phosphatase and TSC1/TSC2, are linked to ASD (see below).
enlargement (Hobbs et al., 2007). Of note, PTEN and TSC1/TSC2 regulate many steps in neural
The mechanisms for the postnatal brain enlargement are development and function, including synaptic signaling.
unknown, although insights may come from understand-
ing the basic mechanisms that regulate cortical growth and
patterning. Á
Over the last decade, fibroblast growth factor (FGF)– Dlx Genes—Gateway to Forebrain
signaling has been shown to play a central role in regulating Inhibitory Neuron Development
cortical regional properties and growth (Grove & Fukuchi- and Function
Shimogori, 2003; Sur & Rubenstein, 2005), and in particular
promoting development of the frontal cortex (Garel et al., 2003; The Dlx homeobox transcription factors are broadly expressed
Storm et al, 2006; Cholfin & Rubenstein, 2007, 2008). These prenatally in progenitors of forebrain GABAergic neurons, as
secreted proteins are produced by patterning centers embedded well as postnatally in subsets of mature GABAergic neurons,
within the embryonic brain, including at the rostral end of the such as in cortical interneurons (Cobos, Calcagnotto et al.,
neural tube (Storm et al., 2006; Cholfin & Rubenstein, 2007, 2005; Cobos et al., 2006). Mutations that simultaneously block
2008). While Fgf8 has the major role in this process (Garel et al., the function of pairs of mouse Dlx genes disrupt development
2003; Storm et al., 2006), other Fgf genes have smaller but per- (particularly migration and differentiation) of most forebrain
haps more interesting roles. For instance Fgf17-/- null mutant GABAergic neurons (including cortical interneurons, and
mice are viable, but have a subtle reduction in their prefrontal projection neurons of the striatum, pallidum, central nucleus
cortex. The defect is selective to the dorsomedial prefrontal of the amygdala, and the reticular nucleus of the thalamus;
cortex, including the anterior cingulate cortex, while apparently Anderson, Eisenstat, Shi, & Rubenstein, 1997; Anderson, Qiu,
not affecting the orbitofrontal cortex (Cholfin & Rubenstein, et al., 1997; Long et al., 2008). Such mutations have the poten-
2007; Cholfin & Rubenstein, 2008). Like Fgf8, Fgf17 also pat- tial to disrupt function within these regions in addition to the
terns the regions flanking the midbrain/hindbrain patterning communication between the neocortex, basal ganglia, and
center—including the tectum and the cerebellum (Xu et al., thalamus with obvious detrimental affects on cognitive and
2000). Thus, Fgf17–/– mice have defects in the prefrontal cortex, emotional functions (Fanselow & Poulos, 2005; Yin &
inferior colliculus, and cerebellum. In this regard, it is notewor- Knowlton, 2006; LeDoux, 2007).
thy that alterations in cerebellar vermis size are seen in ASD Whereas mice lacking pairs of Dlx genes die neonatally,
(Amaral et al., 2008; Bauman et al., 2006). While there is little mice lacking Dlx1 are viable. However, after ~1 month, there
530 Autism Spectrum Disorders

is a selective degeneration of a subset of cortical interneurons In sum, the Dlx genes can regulate the development and
that results in epilepsy (Cobos, Calcagnotto et al., 2005). Thus, function of a single generic class of neurons: forebrain inhibi-
Dlx1–/– mutants have an age-dependent onset of seizures anal- tory neurons (e.g., interneurons in the cortex, and projection
ogous to a subset of ASD patients who have late onset of epi- neurons in the basal ganglia). As such, alterations in the func-
lepsy (Levisohn, 2007). Furthermore, Dlx genes regulate tion of the Dlx genes, or of genes downstream of them, can
craniofacial morphogenesis, including the ossicles (Qiu et al., weaken forebrain inhibitory tone, and thereby impact neural
1995; Jeong et al., 2008). As a result, Dlx1 mutants have systems that underlie cognition. The future will determine to
reduced hearing acuity (Polley et al., 2006), which has obvious what extent alterations in the Dlx-regulated genetic network
implications for auditory comprehension, but also suggests contribute to ASD susceptibility.
that analysis of craniofacial morphology may provide impor-
tant insights into the etiologies of ASD.
While mutations in the Dlx2 and Dlx5 genes have been Á
detected in some autistic individuals, it is unknown whether Detection of Salient Synaptic Information:
these contribute to the development of ASD (Hamilton et al., Signal/Noise Processing
2005), or comorbid symptoms such as epilepsy. Despite the
lack of firm evidence implicating Dlx mutations genes in ASD Molecular lesions that alter the development and/or function
susceptibility, I suggest that examining the function of the Dlx of excitatory, inhibitory, and neuromodulatory synapses can
genes is illustrative of a genetic pathway whose dysfunction disrupt neural systems that process cognition and social
could predispose to ASD through defects in forebrain inhibi- behaviors. For instance, mutations that alter the balance of
tory neurons (Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003). This could be excitatory and inhibitory synaptic function may impede the
through Dlx function in the neocortex and/or basal ganglia ability to detect salient sensory signals above ambient noise,
(including the amygdala). For instance, in the cortex, reduced affect maturation of cortical regions (Hensch, 2005), and
Dlx dosage (function) would weaken inhibitory tone in the have been postulated to contribute to some forms of ASD
cortex, thereby increasing the ratio of excitation/inhibition, (Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003). For instance, selective
which would decrease the signal-to-noise ratio, altering neural interneuron apoptosis leads to epilepsy in Dlx1–/– mutants
processing and predisposing to epilepsy. In the basal ganglia, (Cobos, Calcagnotto et al., 2005).
Dlx mutations could alter development of the striatum and The high prevalence of epilepsy in ASD (compared with its
pallidum—key components of the cortico–basal ganglia– general-population prevalence) suggests an increase in the
thalamic circuit that is important in controlling Pavlovian excitatory/inhibitory balance in ASD. However, current evi-
(appetitve) learning, habit learning, and goal directed behav- dence from some mouse models of ASD provides evidence for
iors (Yin & Knowlton, 2006). Thus, understanding the genetic decreased excitatory/inhibitory balance. For instance, female
circuits downstream of the Dlx genes will identify genes mice lacking one copy of MeCP2 (the gene responsible for
required for forebrain inhibitory neuronal function—perhaps Rett syndrome) show reduced synaptic excitation (Dani et al.,
many of these, alone or in combination with other genes—are 2005). Likewise, mice expressing a human allele of neuroligin3
susceptibility factors for ASD. found in an autistic individual, showed increased synaptic
Currently, the Dlx genes are known to (directly or indirectly) inhibition (Tabuchi et al., 2007). Nevertheless, one would
regulate the expression of large numbers of genes that are impli- expect a decreased signal-to-noise ratio (reduced signal sali-
cated in GABAergic neuronal development. For example, there ence) in the cortical/hippocampal circuits of these mutants.
is evidence that the Arx transcription factor is downstream of Therefore, there is good reason to continue exploring the
Dlx (Cobos, Broccoli, & Rubenstein, 2005b; Colasante et al., model that disruption of excitatory/inhibitory balance,
2008; Long et al., 2009). Mutation of human Arx can cause epi- through multiple molecular/cellular mechanisms, contributes
lepsy and autism, and in mice results in defects in cortical to ASD. Whether or not reduced synaptic excitation can evolve
interneuron development (Colombo et al., 2007). Dlx genes into epilepsy remains to be seen.
also promote the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase and
vesicular GABA transporter (Stuhmer et al., 2002; Long et al., in
press), and thereby will have profound functions in regulating Á
inhibitory tone. Indeed, reduced Dlx dosage is associated with Male/Female Ratio
reduced synapse formation and reduced expression of neu-
rexin3, a neuroligin ligand (Cobos, Long, & Rubenstein, One of the great mysteries of ASD, and other neuropsychiatric
unpublished). Dlx repression of the Pak3 kinase is implicated in disorders of childhood, such as attention deficit disorder, is
regulating neurite growth (Cobos et al., 2007); and human Pak3 the roughly 4:1 ratio of affected boys to girls. This could arise
mutants have mental retardation (van Galen & Ramakers, because maleness may bias cognitive style, emotional response,
2005). Finally, Dlx genes promote the balance of neuronal vs. and instinctual behavior (Baron-Cohen et al., 2005; see Chapter
oligodendrocyte production, and thereby reduced Dlx function 18 this book). It is this author’s unsubstantiated opinion that
can reduce the number of GABAergic neurons, while perhaps some males are more likely to have a highly focused cognitive
altering the extent of myelination (Petryniak et al., 2007). style that is less subject to emotional influences, and that males
Developmental Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders 531

are less interested in verbal communication. This idea is akin retardation (Wiznitzer, 2004). TSC1 (hamartin, 9q34) and
to the Extreme Male Brain Model of Autism (Baron-Cohen TSC2 (tuberin, 16p13) encode GTPase-activating proteins
et al., 2005). This bias may sensitize the male brain toward that inhibit the activity of the small G-protein Rheb. TSC1/
ASD, to the effects of certain alleles, or to environmental TSC2 are tumor suppressors, because they repress growth
factors. responses through reducing activity of mTOR kinase (Inoki
If this conception were correct, how would this male et al., 2005). mTOR promotes protein synthesis and other
cognitive and behavioral style arise? While there are several processes that increase cell growth.
ASD-susceptibility genes on the X chromosome (e.g., Arx, TSC1/TSC2 are integral regulators of signal-transduction
Fmr1, MeCP2, Neuroligin3 and 4), this far from accounts for cascades downstream of signaling pathways for signals that
the increased male prevalence of ASD. Thus, other models activate receptor tyrosine kinases such as EGFs, FGFs, IGFs,
should be considered. Perhaps the simplest model is that and neurotrophins (Inoki et al., 2005). These signals activate a
male:female hormonal differences, such as brain concentra- family of phosphatidylinositol lipid kinases (phosphatidyli-
tions of androgens and estrogens, account for bias (androgens nositol-3 kinases, PI3K) that in turn activate the serine-threo-
are converted to estrogens in the brain via aromatase; males nine kinase AKT, which then represses TSC1/TSC2 (Inoki
have higher estrogen concentrations). These hormones are et al., 2005). TSC1/TSC2 are also regulated by intracellular
potent regulators of behavior. Furthermore, exposure to them amino acid concentration and by the ATP/AMP ratio—the
during various stages of brain development has multiple end product of this regulation is to promote appropriate levels
effects, including regulating cell survival (which modulates the of protein synthesis and cell size (Inoki et al., 2005).
number of neurons in particular nuclei: sexually dimorphic While TSC patients develop focal CNS lesions (tubers), it is
nucleus of the preoptic area, and the anteroventral periven- likely that the general function of TSC1&2 in most/all neurons
tricular nucleus), and regulating neuronal connectivity and underlies the ASD symptoms. For example, reduced TSC
function (McCarthy, 2008). For instance, estrogens can regu- dosage in hippocampal pyramidal neurons results in increased
late synapse numbers through controlling the numbers of size of the cell body and dendritic spines (Tavazoie et al.,
dendritic spines in some hypothalamic nuclei (ventromedial 2005)—this is intriguing given the increased size of the brain
nucleus and the arcuate nucleus). In addition, estrogens appear in some children with autism.
to regulate the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase in Further clues that implicate this signaling cascade in ASD
the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, and thus can modu- come from the observation that some patients with mutations
late GABA signaling (McCarthy, 2008). Estrogens also can in the phosphatidylinositol phosphatase (PTEN; 10q23.31)
modulate whether GABA is excitatory or inhibitory, via have ASD with macrocephaly (Butler et al., 2005). PTEN
expression of the potassium-chloride cotransporter KCC2 reduces activity of the PI3K pathway through dephosphoryla-
(Galanopoulou, 2005). Finally, androgens can predispose tion of phosphatidylinositol-tris-phosphate. Mice lacking
males to GABA-mediated excitoxicity (Nunez & McCarthy, CNS function of PTEN have increased signaling through the
2008). Therefore, sex steroids could modulate excitatory/ AKT, TSC, and mTOR pathway (Kwon et al., 2006). These
inhibitory balance, which could sensitive the male brain to mutants have enlarged brains that are associated with increased
ASD. Perhaps one should consider attempting to devise a ther- dendritic and axonal arbors and increased dendritic spines
apy for ASD that modulates sex-steroid signaling in males. and synapses. PTEN mutant mice also exhibit abnormal social
behavior, further implicating this signaling pathway in autism
(Kwon et al., 2006).
Genetic Susceptibility Factors Neurofibromatosis Type I (NF1)

In the following sections I discuss specific genetic lesions that Neurofibromin, encoded by the Neurofibromatosis type I
predispose to ASD, and consider, when feasible, how their (NF1) gene (chr17: 26470278–26670503), regulates many
functions fit within the developmental models of ASD dis- signaling pathways, including those downstream of adenylate
cussed above. Many of these lesions alter synaptic function cyclase, AKT-mTOR, and Ras-GTPase. As a result, patients
and signaling (Zoghbi, 2003; Hong et al., 2005; Walsh, can have learning deficits and ASD (Marui et al., 2004). Mouse
Morrow, & Rubenstein, 2008). mutants recapitulate many of these features, and have
developmental defects including abnormal patterning of the
Molecular Pathways Linking Synaptic and somatosensory cortex (Lush et al., 2008).
Nonsynaptic Signals with Changes in Gene
Expression and Protein Synthesis MET

Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC1&2) and PTEN MET encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase (7q31), which is an
oncogene that mediates hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/
Children with TSC (autosomal dominant) have greatly scatter factor signaling. MET has an important role in neuro-
increased rates of autism (25–50%), epilepsy, and mental nal migration in the forebrain and cerebellum, as well as
532 Autism Spectrum Disorders

immune and gastrointestinal function. Mouse mutants have Mice with a loss-of-function mutation in the murine
reduced cortical interneurons and a hypoplastic cerebellum. NLGN4 ortholog Nlgn4, exhibit deficits in reciprocal social
Campbell et al. (2006) identified a common functional allele interactions and communication (Jamain et al., 2008).
in the promoter region of the MET gene that is associated Furthermore, mice engineered to express a neuroligin-3 muta-
with ASD. tion implicated in ASD have increased inhibitory synaptic
transmission (Tabuchi et al., 2007).
Control of Translation and Protein Stability
Protocadherin 10 (PCDH10)
Fragile X (FRAXA; FMR1)
Protocadherin 10 (OL-Protocadherin) (4q28) encodes a cad-
Mutations that reduce expression (usually through CGG herin superfamily protein that is essential for pathfinding of
triplet-expansion) of this X-linked gene (Xq27.3) cause mental striatal, thalamocortical, and corticothalamic axons through
retardation, and these boys often have ASD (Belmonte & the ventral telencephalon (Uemura et al., 2007). There is a
Bourgeron, 2006). Dendrites in FMR1 mutant humans and >300 kb deletion near PCDH10 in an individual with ASD
mice have an immature morphology (too long and thin). This from a consanguinous family—the deletion is postulated to
phenotype may result from the observation that FMR1 encodes alter its expression (Morrow et al., 2008).
an RNA-binding protein whose functions includes translation
regulation in dendrites. There is evidence that activation of
Ig-Superfamily Cell Adhesion Proteins: Contactin
metabotropic glutamate receptors leads to FMR1-regulated
3 & 4 (CNTN3 & 4) and CNTNAP2
protein synthesis in dendrites—including production of pro-
teins, such as PSD-95, that participate in excitatory synaptic Genetic variations, including deletions, have been mapped
transmission (Todd et al., 2003; Bear et al., 2004). Thus, FMR1 near to the CNTN members of the Immunoglobulin super-
may function in part through transducing excitatory synaptic family: CNTN3 (BIG-1; chr3: 74394412–74653033), CNTN4
signals into changes in the protein constituents that modify (chr3: 2908921–3073040), and CNTNAP2 (chr7: 147667553–
synaptic function and structure. Indeed, reducing mGluR5 147745775) (Alarcón et al., 2008; Fernandez et al., 2008;
dosage partially rescues the phenotype of FMR1 mouse Morrow et al., 2008; Roohi et al., 2008). The encoded axonal
mutants (Dölen et al., 2007). plasma membrane proteins are part of a family known to
engage in cell adhesion (Yoshihara et al., 1995), and are
UBE3A implicated in axon pathfinding (Kaneko-Goto et al., 2008).

UBE3A (chr15: 23133489–23204888) is an imprinted gene

that encodes an E6-associated protein (E6-AP) that contains SHANK3 (ProSAP2)
an E3 ubiquitin ligase possessing two independent functions:
SHANK3 (22q13.3) encodes a protein associated with the
a transcriptional coactivation and an ubiquitin-protein ligase
postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses, and can promote
activity, that can regulate the degradation of the transcriptional
dendritic spine maturation. Rare mis-sense mutations in
complexes (Ramamoorthy & Nawaz, 2008). Loss of UBE3A
SHANK3 have been identified in autistic individuals (Moessner
function causes Angelman’s syndrome, often characterized by
et al., 2007). Furthermore this region of chromosome 22 is a
autistic features (Peters et al., 2004). UBE3A is also found
site of recurrent deletions in ASD (Sebat et al., 2007).
at synapses, and maternal deficiency results in abnormal
Bourgeron and colleagues propose that a protein complex that
dendritic morphology (Dindot et al., 2008).
includes SHANK3 and Neuroligins3&4 participates in the
assembly of postsynaptic structures.
Axon and Synapse Formation/Function

Neuroligins (NLGN3 and NLGN4) Neurotransmitters/Neuromodulators

Neuroligins encode plasma membrane proteins that are Oxytocin and Vasopressin Receptors (OXTR; AVPR1a)
implicated in regulating synapse development through bind-
ing neurexin proteins (Varoqueaux et al., 2006). There is Oxytocin and vasopressin peptides are neuromodulators
evidence that specific combinations and splice forms of neu- expressed by neurons in the hypothalamus and the amygdala.
roligin/neurexin proteins can specify whether an excitatory or Axons from these neurons selectively ramify within circuits
an inhibitory synapse will form (Chih et al., 2006). Mutations that are implicated in regulating social behaviors; these neu-
in two X-linked neuroligins (NLGN3 and NLGN4; Xq13 and ropeptides have demonstrated functions in mediating social
Xp22.33, respectively) have been found in rare cases of autism behaviors (Young et al., 2005). There is growing evidence that
(Jamain et al., 2003). Furthermore, a de novo deletion in neu- the receptors for oxytocin (OXTR; 3p25–p26) and arginine
rexin1 (NRX1) has been identified in a pair of affected siblings vasopressin 1a (AVPR1a; 12q14–15) are associated with ASD
(Autism Genome Project Consortium, 2007). (Wu et al., 2005; Yirmiya et al., 2006).
Developmental Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders 533

Serotonin Transporter (SLC6A4) accumulation of D7-dehydrocholesterol. This recessive

disorder has broad developmental affects, including ASD in a
Serotonin has potent effects on multiple behavioral dimen- high proportion of patients (Sikora et al., 2006). While SLO is
sions and developmental processes. Serum serotonin levels are a rare cause of autism, it demonstrates that disruption of
increased in a subset of autistic individuals. Although this is cholesterol metabolism, and related pathways, need to be
not a specific diagnostic finding, it increases the potential considered as etiologic mechanisms.
importance that some alleles of the serotonin transporter gene
(SLC6A4, SERT; 17q11.2) are associated with ASD (Sutcliffe Regulation of Gene Expression
et al., 2005; Brune et al., 2007).
Rett Syndrome (MeCP2)
Ion Channels
Girls with Rett syndrome commonly exhibit ASD symptoms;
Calcium Channels (CACNA1C; CACNA1H; SCN1A; SCN2A) males generally die prenatally. This syndrome is due to loss-
of-function mutations of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2
Mis-sense mutations in the L-type (CACNA1C, Cav1.2; 12p13.3) (MeCP2; Xq28) (Moretti & Zoghbi, 2006). Some mutations
and the T-type (CACNA1H, Cav3.2) calcium channels have result in milder symptoms that include ASD in both boys and
been identified in rare cases of ASD (Splawski et al., 2004, 2006). girls. MeCP2 is a nuclear protein that binds to methylated CpG
dinucleotides. It recruits a corepressor complex that is impli-
Sodium Channels (SCN1A; SCN2A) cated in transcriptional repression. The brain of mouse MeCP2
mutants shows subtle increases and decreases in the expression
Rare mis-sense mutations have been identified in two voltage- of large numbers of genes; there is now evidence that MeCP2 is
gated sodium channel genes (SCN1A: 2q24;SCN2A; 2q23– both a transcriptional activator and repressor (Chahrour et al.,
q24.3) (Weiss et al., 2003). A deletion near SCN7A (chr2: 2008). Among the genes that show altered expression include
166969785–167051724) has also been identified in a recessive ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) and b3 GABA A receptor
form of ASD (Morrow et al., 2008). (Gabrb3) (LaSalle, 2007); these are imprinted genes in the
Angelman’s disease locus—inheritance of a maternal duplica-
Sodium/Hydrogen Exchanger (NHE9) tion of this region (15q11.2–q13) is the most commonly associ-
ated chromosomal abnormality found in ASD (Schanen, 2006).
NHE9 (also known as SLC9A9; chr3: 144466754–145049979) There is evidence that MeCP2 mutants also showed increased
encodes a (Na+, K+)/H+ exchanger disrupted in a pedigree Dlx5 expression (Horike et al., 2005; Miyano et al., 2008);
with a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder and mild however, this finding was not replicated by Schüle et al. (2007).
mental retardation (de Silva et al., 2003). Likewise, a deletion MeCP2’s association with ASD alludes to the possibility
near NHE9 has been identified in a recessive form of ASD that epigenetic modifications of chromatin (e.g., cytosine
(Morrow et al., 2008). Of note, mutations of NHE6, a related methylation and histone methylation/acetylation) and parent
transporter, cause X-linked mental retardation and a pheno- of origin effects (imprinting) may have broader roles in
type mimicking Angelman’s syndrome (Gilfillan et al., 2008). contributing to ASD (Schanen, 2006).

Metabolic Genes
Arx encodes a homeobox transcription factor (chrX:
Phenylalanine Hydroxylase (PAH)
24931732–24943986); it is expressed in cortical progenitors
and subcortical differentiating GABAergic neurons, including
Historically, the elucidation that autism can be caused by
those that become cortical interneurons. Mice lacking this
phenylketonuria (hyperphenylalaninemia), was one of the
gene have defects in several aspects of telencephalic develop-
turning points in establishing the biological etiology of autism
ment, including differentiation of cortical interneurons
(Cohen et al., 2005). There are several hundred alleles of phe-
(Kitamura et al., 2002; Colombo et al., 2007). The Dlx genes
nylalanine hydroxylase (12q23.2) (,
promote their expression (Cobos et al., 2005). Affected chil-
many of which, in the homozygous phenotype, can cause phe-
dren often have severe epilepsy (infantile spasms) and severe
nylketonuria. The rarity of ASD caused by phenylketonuria,
mental retardation, but mild cases have been identified with
may be attributed to the fact that neonatal screening and
ASD (Wallerstein et al., 2008), although Arx mutations are
dietary treatment are now commonplace.
very rare in ASD (Chaste et al., 2007).

D7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase RNF8, Encoding a RING Finger Protein

Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO)
RNF8 (chr6: 37429726–37470492) encodes a RING finger
The SLO gene encodes D7-dehydrocholesterol reductase ubiquitin ligase and transcriptional coactivator of RXR-alpha
(DHCR7; 11q12–q13); loss-of-function mutations cause (Takano et al., 2004). Thus, like UBE3A, it can regulate the
534 Autism Spectrum Disorders

activity of nuclear steroid receptors (see above). Furthermore, and particularly of the prefrontal cortex, including those
RNF8 can transduce DNA-damage signals via histone ubiq- mechanisms that underlie the evolution of the human
uitylation and checkpoint protein assembly (Huen et al., prefrontal cortex.
2007). Morrow et al. (2008) discovered a deletion near RNF8 • Identify the mechanisms that regulate excitatory/inhibi-
in a recessive form of ASD. tory balance within local cortical circuits, as well as within
extended circuited such as the cortical-striatal-thalamic
Engrailed2 (EN2) loop.
• Identify mechanisms that underlie the increased ASD
Alleles of the En2 homeobox transcription factor (7q36), susceptibility of males.
which regulates cerebellum development, has been associated
with ASD (Benayed et al., 2005). Mouse mutants exhibit social
deficits (Cheh et al., 2006). EN2 is downstream of FGF- Á SUGGESTED READINGS
signaling from the midbrain/hindbrain patterning center
(Liu & Joyner, 2001). Cholfin, J. A., & Rubenstein, J. L. (2007). Patterning of frontal
cortex subdivisions by Fgf17. Proceedings of the National
Distal-less 2 and 5 (Dlx2 and Dlx5) Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(18),
Mis-sense mutations of the Dlx2 (2q31.1) and Dlx5 (7q21.3) Rubenstein, J. L. R., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Model of autism:
homeobox transcription factors have been identified in indi- Increased ratio of excitation/inhibition in key neural systems.
viduals with ASD (Hamilton et al., 2005). As discussed above, Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 2, 255–267.
these genes regulate development of forebrain GABAergic neu- Walsh C. A., Morrow E. M., & Rubenstein J. L. R. (2008). Autism and
rons and may be dysregulated in Rett syndrome (see above). brain development. Cell, 135(3), 396–400.

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31 Á Cynthia M. Schumann, Steven C. Noctor, David G. Amaral

Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum

Disorders: Postmortem Studies

Á the inferior frontal gyrus and portions of the supplementary

Points of Interest motor cortex. Wernicke’s area is essential for receptive lan-
guage function, and the superior temporal sulcus plays a role
• Compared to disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, in both language processing and social attention (Redcay,
relatively few autistic brains have been neuropathologi- 2008). Finally, the repetitive or stereotyped behaviors of autism
cally investigated, and even fewer have been subjected to share many similarities with the abnormal of obsessive-
quantitative analysis. compulsive disorder that implicate regions such as the
• Lower numbers of neurons have been reported in the orbitofrontal cortex and caudate nucleus.
amygdala, the fusiform gyrus of the temporal lobe, and Autism is increasingly considered to be a heterogeneous dis-
the cerebellum. order with multiple causes and courses. Because there is a
• One current line of research emphasizes alterations in great range in the severity of symptoms associated with autism,
the basic columnar organization of the neocortex. it is described as a spectrum disorder. Mental retardation is a
• Provocative data signs of ongoing inflammation are common correlate of autism representing the “low” end of the
observed in the autistic brain. spectrum, and there are a number of comorbid symptoms,
such as epilepsy, that have neurological underpinnings and
Considerable progress in understanding the behavioral impair- affect some, but not all, individuals with autism. The comor-
ments of autism has been made over the last 65 years since bid symptoms of autism must be taken into consideration for
Kanner (1943) first described a group of children with autistic- the interpretation of the neuropathology of autism. Epilepsy,
like disturbances, though the underlying neuropathology of for example, is associated with pathology of the cerebral
the disorder remains elusive. Autism is a clinically defined dis- cortex, amygdala, cerebellum, and hippocampal formation, all
order marked by impairments in reciprocal social interaction, of which have also been implicated in autism. Thus, if one
abnormal development and use of language, and repetitive and analyzes the brain of an individual who has autism as well as
ritualized behaviors, and a narrow range of interests that man- epilepsy, it is not clear whether the observed pathology is
ifest by 3 years of age. These behavioral disturbances suggest related to the core features of autism, to the cause, effects or
that certain parts of the brain may be more pathological than treatment of epilepsy, or perhaps to some peculiar conver-
others. Regions that constitute the “social brain” for example, gence of the two disorders. Unfortunately, the majority of
might be preferentially impacted by autism. We recently com- cases evaluated in earlier postmortem studies of the autistic
piled a list of neural systems involved in the functions that brain (Table 31-1) involved brains from individuals who had
could be most affected by the core behavioral features of autism comorbid seizure disorders and mental retardation.
(Figure 31-1) to suggest where one might expect to find neu- There is also substantial heterogeneity in the onset of
ropathology (Amaral et al., 2008). Several brain regions have autism. Some children have signs of developmental delays
been implicated in social behavior through experimental within the first 18 months of life. However, 25–40% of chil-
animal studies, lesion studies in human patients, or functional dren with autism initially demonstrate near-normal develop-
imaging studies (Adolphs, 2001). These include regions of the ment until 18–24 months, when they regress into an autism
frontal lobe, the cingulate cortex, the superior temporal cortex, that is generally indistinguishable from early onset autism
the parietal cortex, and the amygdala. Language function is (Werner & Dawson, 2005; Hansen et al., 2008; Ozonoff et al.,
distributed throughout several cortical and subcortical regions. 2008). The possibility that there is early-onset versus regres-
Foremost for expressive language function is Broca’s area in sive phenotypes of autism might have important implications

540 Autism Spectrum Disorders


Social impairment Communication deficits Repetitive behaviors

OFC – Orbitofrontal cortex IFG – Inferior frontal gyrus OFC – Orbitofrontal cortex
ACC – Anterior cingulate cortex (Broca’s area) ACC – Anterior cingulate cortex
FG – Fusiform gyrus STS –Superior temporal sulcus BG – Basal ganglia
STS – Superior temporal sulcus SMA – Supplementary motor area Th – Thalamus
A – Amygdala BG – Basal ganglia
IFG – Inferior frontal gyrus SN – Substantia nigra
PPC – Posterior parietal cortex Th – Thalamus
PN – Pontine nuclei

Figure 31–1. Brain areas that have been implicated in the mediation of the three core behaviors that are impaired in autism: social behavior,
language and communication, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Adapted from Amaral, D. G., Schumann, C. M., & Nordahl, C. W.
(2008). Neuroanatomy of autism. Trends in Neuroscience, 31, 137–145, with permission from Trends in Neurosciences. (See Color Plate Section
for a color version of this figure.)

Table 31–1.
Neuropathological studies of autism using postmortem brain from 1980–2010

Sample Size and Approach and Region

Author Year Major Findings
Characteristics of Interest

Williams et al. 1980 4A (3M, 1F; ages 4, qualitative observation— Nerve cell loss and replacement gliosis in atrophic
14, 27, 33; 2S; whole brain orbitofrontal and temporal regions in 2 cases; smaller
4MR); no C neurons in CA4; ↓ Purkinje cell density in 1 case
Bauman & Kemper 1985 1A (1M; age 29; no qualitative observation— ↑ cell density and ↓ cell size in hippocampus,
S; 1MR); 1C (1M; whole brain subiculum, entorhinal cortex, septal nuclei,
age 25) mammillary body and amygdala. ↓ density of Purkinje
cells, neurons small and pale
Coleman et al. 1985 1A (1F; age 21; no 2D cell counts auditory No differences, except for ↓ glia in left auditory cortex
S; 1MR); 2C (2F; cortex and Broca’s area and ↓ density of pyramidal neurons in right auditory
ages 18, 25) association cortex

Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 541

Table 31–1. (Contd.)

Sample Size and Approach and Region

Author Year Major Findings
Characteristics of Interest

Ritvo et al. 1986 4A (4M; ages 10, 2D cell counts in cerebellum ↓ Purkinje cell density in cerebellar hemisphere and
19, 19, 22; no S; vermis
3MR); 3C (3M;
ages 3, 10, 13)
Bauman & 1987 1A (1F; age 11; no qualitative observation— ↑ cell density in amygdala & hippocampus
Kemper S; ?MR); 2C amygdala & hippocampus
(?M; ?F; age-
Bauman & 1990 1A (1M; age 12; no qualitative observation— ↑ cell density of smaller neurons in limbic
Kemper S; no MR); 2C amygdala, hippocampus & system; ↓ density of Purkinje cells; enlarged neurons
(2M; age- cerebellum in deep cerebellar nuclei and inferior olive
Bauman 1991 5A (4M, 1F; ages review of earlier findings ↑ cell density in limbic system (4/5) and ↓ Purkinje
9–29; 4S; 4MR) cell density in cerebellum (5/5)
Hof et al. 1991 1A (1F; age 24; no qualitative observation— Microcephaly (773 g); neurofibrillary tangles,
S; 1MR) cerebral cortex and limbic especially in layer II and III of temporal cortex,
system probably due to severe head banging
Kemper & 1993 6A (5M, 1F; ages qualitative/density Small and densely packed neurons in limbic system
Bauman 9–29; 4S; 5MR); measures—limbic system and (6/6); anterior cingulate coarse and poorly laminated
6C (6M; age- and cerebellum in 5/6; ↓ Purkinje cell #s in cerebellum (6/6)
Guerin et al. 1996 1A (1F; age 16; 1S qualitative observations— Microcephaly, ↑ ventricular dilation, thin corpus
1MR) whole brain callosum
Raymond et al. 1996 2A (1M; ages 7, 9; Golgi analysis in Smaller neurons in CA4; less dendritic branching in
no S; 2MR); 2C hippocampus CA1 and CA4
(?M, ?F; ages 8, 13)
Rodier et al. 1996 1A (1F; age 21; 1S; qualitative observation— Near-complete absence of facial nucleus and superior
1MR); 1C (1M; pons, medulla and olive and shortening of the brainstem
age 80) cerebellum
Bailey et al. 1998 6A (6M; ages 4, qualitative/density Megalencephaly (4/6); abnormalities in inferior olives
20–27 years; 3S; measures—whole brain (4/6); ↓ Purkinje cells in all adults; cortical dysgenesis
6MR); 7C (5M, 2F; in at least 50%
Blatt et al. 2001 4A (4M; ages GABAergic, serotonergic, ↓ GABA(A) receptor binding
19–22; 2S; 4MR); cholinergic, glutamatergic
3C (3M; ages 16, autoradiography in
19, 24) hippocampus
Perry et al. 2001 7A (6M, 1F; ages cholinergic 30% ↓ M1 receptor binding in parietal cortex; 65–
~24; ~4S; ~7MR); immunohistochemistry in 73% ↓ α4 nicotinic receptor binding in frontal and
10C (8M, 2F; ages frontal and parietal cortex parietal cortex; ↑ BDNF in forebrain
~32); 9MR (5M, and basal forebrain
4F; ages ~32)
Casanova et al. 2002 2AS (2M; ages 22 minicolumn analyses Layer Cell columns were more numerous, smaller, and less
and 79 years; ?S; III of prefrontal and temporal compact in prefrontal layer III
no MR); 18C cortex
(18M; ages 9–98)
Casanova et al. 2002 9A (7M, 1F; ages minicolumn analyses Layer Cell columns more numerous, smaller and less
~12; 5S; 7MR); 9C III of prefrontal and temporal compact in prefrontal layer III
(?M, ?F; ages ~15) cortex
Fatemi et al. 2002 5A (5M; ages ~25; density and size measure of 24% smaller Purkinje cells in cerebellum; no
?S; ?MR); 5C Purkinje cells in cerebellum differences in density
(≥ 4M; ages ~24)
542 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 31–1. (Contd.)

Sample Size and Approach and Region
Author Year Major Findings
Characteristics of Interest

Mukaetova- 2004 2A (2M; ages 29, MAP2 “Ill defined neurocortical layers” & ↓ MAP2
Ladinska et al. 31; ?S; ?MR); 2C immunohistochemistry & immunoreactive neurons
(1M, 1F; ages Nissl in dorsolateral
19, 34) prefrontal cortex
Ray et al. 2005 3A (3M; ages 29, nAchR ↓ α7 and β2 immunoreactive neurons in
31, 32; ?S; ?MR); immunohistochemistry in paraventricular nucleus & nucleus reuniens
3C (2M, 1F; ages thalamus
12, 29, 72)
Vargas et al. 2005 15A (12M, 3F; ages neuroinflammation in ↑ activated microglia and astroglia and qualitative loss
5–44; 6S; 12MR); cerebellum, mid frontal, & of Purkinje cells in cerebellum
12C (9M, 3F; ages cingulate (immunostained
5–46) for HLA-DR, etc.)
Buxhoeveden 2006 2A (2M; ages 3, minicolumnar width in layer ↓ minicolumnar width in dorsal and orbital frontal
41; ≥1S, ≥MR); 5C III in frontal cortex cortex
(5M; ages 2, 21, 34,
44, 75)
Casanova 2006 6A (4M, 2F; ages minicolumnar width in layer ↓ minicolumnar width; smaller neurons; 23% ↑ in
4–24; 2S; ?MR); 6C III of S1, BA4,9, 17 neuron density in layer III of BA9
(4M, 2F; ages
Hutsler et al. 2006 8A (8M; ages 15– cortical thickness on no difference in cortical thickness
45, no S; ?MR); 8C postmortem MRI
(8M; ages 14–45)
Martchek et al. 2006 5A (?M, ?F; ages stereological neuron # in no difference in neuron # in locus coeruleus
19–54; ≥ 1S; ?MR); locus coeruleus
4C (?M, ?F; ages
Schumann & 2006 9A (9M; ages 11– stereological neuron # and ↓ neuron # in whole amygdala and lateral nucleus
Amaral 44; no S; ?MR); size in amygdala
10C (10M; ages
Kennedy 2007 4A (4M; ages 3, 15, stereological spindle neuron no difference in spindle neuron #
34, 41; 1S; 3MR); # in frontal insula
5C (5M; ages 2, 16,
21, 44, 75)
Guptill et al. 2007 4A (4M; ages 19– multiple-concentration Non-significant 20% ↓ in # of benzodiazepine
22; 3S; 3MR); 3C GABAergic autoradiography binding sites
(3M; ages 16–24) in the hipppocampus
Yip et al. 2007 8A (6M, 2F; ages in situ GAD67 mRNA in 40% reduction in GAD67 mRNA in Purkinje cells
16–30); 8C (8M; cerebellum
ages 16–30)
Kulesza & 2008 5A (5M; ages morphology of neurons in ↓ cell body size; abnormal shape and orientation
Mangunay 8–32); 2C (2M; the medial superior olive
ages 26, 29)
Van Kooten et al. 2008 7A(4M, 3F; ages stereological neuron # in ↓ neuron densities in layer III, total neuron # in layers
4–23; 4S; ?MR); fusiform gyrus, V1 & cortical III,V, and VI, and mean perikaryal volumes in layers
10C (8M, 2F; ages gray V/VI in fusiform. No differences in V1 or total
4–65) cortical gray
Whitney et al. 2008 6A (5M, 1F; ages calbindin-D28k No difference in density of Purkinje cells
13–54; ≥1S; ?MR); immunohistochemistry in
4C (3M, 1F; ages cerebellum

Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 543

Table 31–1. (Contd.)

Sample Size and Approach and Region

Author Year Major Findings
Characteristics of Interest

Yip et al. 2008 same as Yip et al., in situ hybridization for 28% upregulated GAD67 in basket cells of cerebellum
2007 GAD67 mRNA in cerebellum
Yip et al. 2009 same as Yip et al., in situ hybridization for ↓ GAD65 mRNA levels in cerebellar dentate nuclei
2007 GAD65 mRNA in cerebellum
Whitney et al. 2009 same as Whitney parvalbumin No difference in basket or stellate cells
et al., 2008 immunohistochemistry in
Simms et al. 2009 9A (9M; ages density and size of neurons in ↓ cell size in layers I–III and layers V–VI of area 24b
15–54; ≥5S; anterior cingulate and cell packing density in layers V–VI of area 24c
≥4MR); 4C (4M;
ages 20–53)
Oblak et al. 2009 7A (6M, 1F; ages multiple-concentration ↓ GABA(A) receptors and benzodiazepine binding
19–30; 4S; 9MR); ligand-binding study of sites in anterior cingulate cortex
9C (9M; ages 19– GABA(A) in anterior
43) cingulate
Lawrence et al. 2010 5A (5M; ages 13– density of GABAergic ↑ immunoreactive interneuron density for calbindin
54; ≥2S; ?MR); 5C interneurons immunostained in dentate gyrus, ↑ calretinin in CA1, ↑ parvalbumin
(5M; ages 14–63) with Ca+ binding proteins in in CA1 and CA3
Avino et al. 2010 8A (8M; ages 10– Spatial extent of gray-white “indistinct” boundary of layer VI and underlying
45; ≥2S; ≥7MR); transition in BA 7, 9, 21 white matter
8C (8M; ages
Casanova et al. 2010 7A (5M, 2F; ages minicolumnar width in BA 4, ↓ minicolumnar width in supra- and infragranular
4–67; ?S; ?MR); 7C 9, 10, 11, 17, 24, 43, 44 layers, most notable in BA 44.
(5M; 2F; ages
Hutsler & Zhang 2010 10A (10M; ages Golgi analysis of spine ↑ apical dendrite spine density in layer II of BA 7, 9, 21
10–44; 4S; ≥6MR); density of pyramidal neurons and Layer V of BA 21
15C (15M; ages in BA 7, 9, 21
Kulesza et al 2010 9A (8M, 1F; ages neuronal morphology and ↓ neuron density in superior olive; ↓ cell size in medial
2–36; ≥1S; ?MR); density in superior olivary superior olive
4C (1M, 3F; ages complex
Morgan et al. 2010 13A (13M; ages microglia activation in BA ↑ microglial density in BA 9/46 and ↑ cell size in
3–41; ≥6S; ≥2MR); 9/46 (immunostained for underlying white matter
9C (13M; ages iba-1)
Oblak et al. 2010a ∗16A (15M, 1F; density of GABA(A) ↓ GABA(B) receptor density
ages receptors in anterior and
3–30; 7S; ?MR); posterior cingulate and
19C (18M, 1F; ages fusiform gyrus
Oblak et al. 2010b ∗15A (13M, 2F; ligand-binding ↓ GABA(A) receptors and benzodiazepine binding
ages 14– autoradiography of GABA(B) sites and ↑ binding affinity
37; 7S; ?MR); 17C posterior cingulate and
(16M, 1F; ages fusiform
Santos et al. 2010 4A (2M, 2F; ages stereological von Economo ↑ ratio of von Economo to pyramidal neurons
4–11; ≥1S; ?MR); and pyramidal neuron # in
3C (2M, 1F; ages frontal insula layer V

544 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 31–1. (Contd.)

Sample Size and Approach and Region

Author Year Major Findings
Characteristics of Interest

Wegiel et al. 2010 13A (9M, 4F; ages qualitative neuropathological multiregional heteropias (4/13) and flocculonodular,
4–62; ≥6S; ≥8MR); exam subependymal, or multifocal cerebral dysplasia (12/13)
14C (9M, 5F; ages
Zikopoulos & 2010 5A (4M, 1F; ages Light and electron ↓ # large axons, ↑ GAP-43 expression, ↑ # of thin
Barbas 30–44; ≥1S; ?MR); microscopy of myelinated axons below BA 32; ↓ myelin thickness below BA 11.
4C (2M, 2F; ages axons in frontal white matter

∗regions analyzed varied by case (mean n = 8 per group per region)

A, autism spectrum disorder; C, control; M, male; F, female; S, seizure disorder; MR, mental retardation.

for the types and time courses of neuropathology that one type of autism, comorbid symptoms, and individualized expo-
might expect to encounter. Increasingly, researchers refer to sure to environmental factors. Well-designed postmortem
“the autisms” rather than a single autism phenotype studies must control for confounding factors such as age and
(Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; Amaral et al., 2008). There is no gender, and excluding or segregating comorbid conditions
consistent genetic etiology of autism even though estimates of such as epilepsy. The use of postmortem techniques as a tool
heritability are as high as 90% (Levitt & Campbell, 2009). The for studying the neuropathology of autism is still very much in
autism spectrum disorders are likely to involve multiple genes its infancy. Efforts have historically been hindered by poor
and complex interactions between genetic risk and environ- tissue quality and small sample sizes, with fewer than 100
mental factors. When one takes all of these into consideration, autism cases studied to date and a mean sample size of 6 autism
it would be surprising if the neuropathology of autism were cases per study (Table 31-1). In addition, nearly all of the brains
identical across all affected individuals. Whether there is a studied have been from adults with autism, which is well after
core neuropathology that is common to all, or at least most, the time of peak aberrant neurological growth highlighted by
individuals with autism remains to be determined. MRI studies. Despite these limitations, with the availability of
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have provided more abundant, high-quality postmortem tissue and by
the greatest contribution to our understanding of how the employing modern neuroanatomical techniques such as stere-
brains in people with autism deviate from typical development ological methods for counting neurons and in situ hybridiza-
and function. As discussed elsewhere in this book, there is sub- tion for evaluating expression levels of genes, providing a more
stantial evidence indicating that the brain is undergoing an complete picture of the neuropathology of the autism spec-
abnormal developmental time course that appears to include a trum disorders may be possible in the near future.
period of early overgrowth in some individuals with autism, In this chapter, we first review the studies of the last
particularly noted in the frontal, temporal, and cingulate corti- 30 years that have utilized postmortem tissue and contributed
ces and the amygdala (Courchesne et al., 2007; Amaral et al., to our current understanding of the neuropathology of autism
2008). Structural MRI is well equipped to deal with the pheno- (Table 31-1). Since autism, at its core, is a disorder of early
typically diverse nature of autism spectrum disorders by pro- development, we then review the pre- and postnatal stages of
viding a reliable method for studying brain growth and function brain development. During this brief review of ontogenesis we
in large numbers of subjects over time. However, if brain size is speculate about how disruptions in the progressive and regres-
an indication of aberrant neurological development, what does sive events of brain development might result in the known
this really tell us about the neuropathology of autism? If the pathology of autism. We next review data indicating that
brain is larger in young children with autism, are there too autism may involve ongoing inflammatory processes in the
many neurons, glia, synapses, and so forth? Does the underly- central nervous system. Finally, we discuss our ideas about the
ing neuropathology differ between brain regions and tissue future direction of postmortem neuropathological studies,
types? If the difference in brain size does not persist into adult- the need for better preparation of brain tissue to maximize the
hood, what neuropathological underpinnings account for this use of each precious case, and how best to serve the needs of
phenomenon of an abnormal growth trajectory? multiple research specialties that must accommodate both
Studies analyzing postmortem brain tissue acquired from classical histology and modern molecular approaches.
individuals with autism provide an approach for understand-
ing the underlying neuropathology. But, due to the limited
number of cases and documentation available, these studies are Á
currently not well positioned to deal with the heterogeneity of Historical Perspective
autism spectrum disorders. It may be obvious, but critical to
point out, that postmortem studies are limited to observing the Margaret Bauman and Tom Kemper carried out the initial
end result of each case’s neuropathology due to their particular groundbreaking studies during the mid-1980s to early 1990s to
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 545

systematically describe pathology in a sample of postmortem matter of the inferior cerebellar peduncle and/or frontal cortex
brains from people with autism during life. Before that time, in three of the autism cases. Olivary dysplasia was present in
most reports were case studies in which autism was not clearly three autism cases, as well as olivary ectopic neurons in two
identified, and in most cases, comorbid pathology such as sei- other cases. As described by both Kemper and Bauman (1993)
zure disorder, environmental insult (e.g., thalidomide exposure), and Ritvo (1986), Bailey et al. (1998) also reported lower
severe mental retardation, self-injurious behavior, or another numbers of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum in all five of the
known neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., phenylketonuria) adult cases with autism, but not in the 4-year-old child with
was also present (Williams et al., 1980; Bauman & Kemper, 1985, autism and mental retardation.
1990; Coleman et al., 1985; Hof et al., 1991; Guerin et al., 1996; At the turn of the century, three major factors changed the
Raymond et al., 1996; Rodier et al., 1996). Concurrently, during way postmortem studies of autism were conducted. The first
the early 1990s, a more consistent clinical definition of autism was the widespread adoption of the Autism Diagnostic
was beginning to emerge (DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord et al., 1994) as a tool to con-
Association, 1994) which enabled Kemper and Bauman (Kemper firm autism in a postmortem case by interviewing the parents
& Bauman, 1993) to collect and describe six cases of idiopathic or caregivers. Autism became more clearly defined as a clinical
autism, five of which had mental retardation and four of which disorder in which cases were categorized as autistic disorder
had epilepsy. In a side-by-side comparison of each autism case or autism spectrum disorder, which includes Pervasive
with an age- and sex-matched control (see Box 31-1), the most Developmental Disorder Not-Otherwise-Specified (PDD-
consistent finding Kemper and Bauman reported was in the cer- NOS) and the more loosely defined diagnosis of Asperger’s
ebellum. In all six autism cases they examined, there were fewer syndrome. Another important change was the establishment
Purkinje cells in the cerebellar hemispheres. This observation of the Autism Tissue Program (ATP) by the National Alliance
had also been reported by Ritvo and colleagues (Ritvo et al., for Autism Research (NAAR) (now under the direction of
1986) in a study in which they examined the brains from four Autism Speaks), which supports the collection and distribu-
males with autism, three of whom also had mental retardation, tion of autism brain tissue. The ATP has defined cases of
compared to three male controls; they found a lower Purkinje autism by the ADI-R diagnosis thus facilitating modern stud-
cell density in the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis in the ies utilizing postmortem autism brain tissue.
autism group. In all six of the cases they studied, Kemper and The second factor that altered the course of neuropatho-
Bauman (1993) also observed that olivary neurons tended to logical studies of autism was that analytic tools, such as modern
cluster at the periphery of the nuclear complex. In three of the three-dimensional stereological quantitative techniques,
young autism cases, the neurons in the inferior olive were large, replaced the use of density measures to become the standard
whereas the neurons were small and pale in the adult autism for evaluating cellular pathology in postmortem brain tissue.
cases. A near absence of the facial nucleus and superior olive was Prior to 2006, reports on the neuropathology of autism
also reported in a female autism case study (Rodier et al., 1996). (Table 31-1, Box 31-1) were based on two-dimensional obser-
In addition to the cerebellum, Kemper and Bauman (1993) also vations to describe alterations in neuronal density, or neurons
observed that neurons in the amygdala and hippocampus of per unit volume, in a given region of brain tissue. However, it
most autism cases appeared unusually small and more densely had become abundantly clear that density measurements were
packed than in age-matched controls. The only area of consist- prone to a number of methodological artifacts, leading to
ent abnormality in the cerebral cortex of their cases was the ante- interpretive problems. Haug et al. (1984), for example, found
rior cingulate cortex, which appeared unusually coarse and that the process of tissue fixation results in differential shrink-
poorly laminated. age of brains at different ages; shrinkage was found to be
In the late 1990s, Anthony Bailey and colleagues (1998) inversely proportional to age. The implication of this finding
carried out a similar comprehensive qualitative and semi- is that differences in the density of neurons may reflect changes
quantitative study of six cases of autism with mental retarda- in the volume of the tissue rather than changes in total cell
tion, four of which had seizures, compared to seven controls. number. Many investigators concluded that the only way to
In four of the six autism brains, the brain weights were approx- unambiguously interpret pathological changes in neuron
imately 20% greater than normal for their age; two of the cases number was to actually count a representative sample of
also had indications of macrocephaly in childhood clinical neurons in a defined volume (West et al., 1991). This led to
records. Cortical dysgenesis, which is a general term to describe the genesis of modern “unbiased” stereological techniques
malformation of cortical development, was observed in four that have now become standard practice for studies to describe
of the six autism cases, particularly in the cerebellum and cytoarchitectural abnormalities in human brain tissue
frontal cortex. These observations included increased cortical (Box 31-1). These techniques require larger samples of brain
thickness in the frontal, cingulate, temporal, and parietal cor- tissue to obtain reliable measures and consequently, with
tices; high neuronal density in the hippocampus and frontal better clinical definition, the sample sizes reported by post-
and cingulate cortices; neurons present in the molecular layer mortem autism studies are beginning to increase.
of the frontal cortex; irregular laminar patterns in the superior The third major factor influencing the course of neu-
frontal gyrus; and poor gray-white matter boundaries in the ropathological studies of autism over the last ten years was the
frontal cortex. Ectopic (misplaced) gray matter and an dramatic increase in MRI studies reported in the literature
increased number of neurons were observed in the white that helped to guide postmortem studies on where and when
546 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Box 31–1
Quantitative neuropathological methods then and now

The cellular alterations underlying aberrant brain growth and techniques have therefore increasingly become standard practice
function in autism have been a focus of study for more than in postmortem cytoarchitectural studies. Stereological studies are
25 years. However, over time the experimental approaches often carried out on a microscope fitted with a camera and motor-
employed have changed dramatically. Bauman and Kemper (1985; ized stage controlled via software on a computer (Figure 31-B with
Kemper & Bauman, 1993) carried out the first, groundbreaking permission from MBF Bioscience). In this approach, a representa-
systematic postmortem studies of autism, in which histological tive number of evenly spaced histological sections covering the
sections from age-matched autism and control brains, stained for entirety of the brain region of interest are selected (Figure 31-C,
cell bodies, were viewed side-by-side under a dual-headed micro- See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure), the
scope (Figure 31-A). Increases in neuronal density were observed appropriate cellular staining is applied and the region of interest is
in the subjects with autism, primarily in the amygdala and hip- manually defined on each section. The cell population of interest
pocampus. However, several studies have raised methodological is then three-dimensionally sampled across the region. An
concerns about the interpretation of density measurements as an observer, blinded to the condition of the subject from which the
accurate representation of neuron number. Concerns have focused tissue was obtained, counts cells at each location in an evenly-
on the observation of differential tissue shrinkage during post- spaced grid of “disector counting frames” randomly oriented on
mortem processing in subjects of different ages (Haug et al., 1984). each section to produce an estimate of the total number of cells for
The potential impact of these confounds on observed cellular den- that brain region. A few experiments employing stereological
sity has led many investigators to conclude that the only way to methodology have now been carried out in subjects with autism,
unambiguously interpret pathological changes in neuron number including those by Schumann and Amaral (2006) and Van Kooten
is to actually count a representative sample of neurons in a defined et al. (2008), which found decreased neuron numbers in the
volume (West et al., 1991). Such “unbiased” stereological amygdala and fusiform gyrus, respectively.


Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 547

in the brain pathology might be present. MRI studies have using unbiased stereological methods. They measured the
consistently found increases in brain size in younger children number and size of neurons in the entire amygdaloid complex
with autism, particularly in frontal and temporal cortices and in individual nuclei in nine male postmortem cases of
as well as the amygdala and cerebellum, followed by an autism, without seizure disorder, compared to ten typically
abnormal growth pattern through adolescence and adult- developing age-matched male controls ranging in age from
hood (Courchesne et al., 2007; Amaral et al., 2008). Below we 10 to 44 years at death. They found that the autism group had
discuss the postmortem quantitative studies of the last ten significantly fewer neurons in the total amygdala and in the
years by the major areas of interest: amygdala, cerebellum, lateral nucleus than the controls (Figure 31-2). Whereas the
and the frontal, cingulate, and temporal cortices. average number of neurons in the control amygdala was
about 12.2 million, the average in the amygdala in the autistic
Amygdala brains was about 10.8 million or about 85% of the total in the
control brains. They did not find increased neuronal density
Schumann and Amaral (2006) were the first to carry out a or decreased size of neurons as Kemper and Bauman (1993)
neuropathology study of the brain in individuals with autism had initially reported. These findings have yet to be replicated

A B 5.0


4.0 ∗

Neuron number (×106)







0.0 Lateral Basal Acc. Basal Central Remaining

Amygdala nuclei subdivisions


Total amygdalaoid neuron # (×106)





8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Age (years)

Figure 31–2. (A) Brightfield photomicrograph of Nissl-stained coronal sections through rostral (a), midrostrocaudal (b), and caudal (c) levels
of the amygdala. AAA, Anterior amygdaloid area; AB, accessory basal nucleus; AHA, amygdalohippocampal area; B, basal nucleus; C, central
nucleus; COa, anterior cortical nucleus; COp, posterior cortical nucleus; EC, entorhinal cortex; H, hippocampus; I, intercalated nuclei; L, lateral
nucleus; M, medial nucleus; NLOT, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract; OT, optic tract; PAC, periamygdaloid cortex; PL, paralaminar nucleus;
PU, putamen; SAS, semiannular sulcus; VC, ventral claustrum. Scale bar, 2 mm. (B) Number of neurons in five subdivisions of the amygdala
of autism (filled circle) and control (open circle) brains. The asterisk indicates significant difference (p < 0.03) in neuron number between
autism and control lateral nuclei. (C) Bivariate scattergram of the number of neurons in the total amygdala of autism (solid black line)
and control (dotted black line) brains by age. Adapted from Schumann & Amaral (2006), with permission from Journal of Neuroscience.
548 Autism Spectrum Disorders

in an independent sample of brains, which is an important 7

step in confirming decreased neuron numbers in the amy- A 5.8
6 5.4 5.3
gdala as a characteristic feature of autism. It is important to
emphasize that this is a population difference with both the 4.3 4.3
4.0 4.0
control brains and the autistic brains demonstrating a wide 4
range of neuronal numbers. 3 2.0
Taken together with the findings from previous magnetic
resonance imaging studies, the autistic amygdala shows multi-
ple signs of pathology. It appears to undergo an abnormal 1 0.5
pattern of postnatal development that includes precocious
enlargement and ultimately a lower number of neurons. It will Dake-495 4104 4004 BCH-13 4414 3045 4000 2431 4259 2611
Control Autistic
be important to determine in future studies whether decreased
neuronal numbers in the amygdala is a unique characteristic B C
of autism or whether cell loss occurs in other brain regions as
well. If the lower number of neurons in the amygdala is found
to be a reliable characteristic of autism, what might account
for this finding? Two possible hypotheses are: (1) fewer neu-
rons were generated during early development, or (2) a normal
or even excessive number of neurons was generated initially,
which would be consistent with MRI findings of a larger amy-
gdala in early childhood (Schumann et al., 2004; Schumann,
Barnes, Lord, & Courchesne, 2009), but some of these neu-
rons have subsequently been eliminated during adulthood. Figure 31–3. (A) Number of Purkinje neurons per millimeter
Unfortunately, there is currently no evidence to support or in control (light gray bars) and autistic (black bars) cases from
reject either of these possibilities, and systematic stereological calbindin-D28k-immunostained series. Photographs illustrate the
studies on younger autism and control cases are needed. variability in Purkinje cell density within autism group in (B) 4414
with reduced Purkinje cell density and (C) 3611 with Purkinje cell
density in the normal range. Adapted from Whitney et al., 2008,
with kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media.
(See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
Of the 32 postmortem cases of autism reported in the litera-
ture in which the cerebellum was studied, 21 (or 66%) showed
lower density of Purkinje cells, particularly in the more lateral
parts or hemispheres of the structure (Ritvo et al., 1986; The observation of decreased Purkinje cell density appears
Kemper & Bauman, 1993; Bailey et al., 1998, Palmen et al., to be in stark contrast to some reports from MRI studies of an
2004; Whitney et al., 2008). Even though this is one of the enlarged cerebellum in autism (Courchesne et al., 2007)
most striking and consistent descriptive findings in neu- implying potentially a higher number of neurons. Several fac-
ropathological analyses in the autistic brain, a comprehensive tors, however, make it impossible to compare findings from
stereological study of the actual number of Purkinje neurons the two methods. At least 20 of the 32 brains examined in
in the whole cerebellum has yet to be carried out. postmortem studies came from individuals who also had
Recent studies from Blatt and colleagues have found that mental retardation (Ritvo et al., 1986; Kemper & Bauman,
some, but not all, cases of autism show a reduction in the den- 1993; Bailey et al., 1998; Palmen et al., 2004; Whitney et al.,
sity of Purkinje neurons (using immunostaining for calbind- 2008). Almost half of the brains were from individuals with
in-D28k rather than standard Nissl staining), as well as a epilepsy, and some were from individuals who were taking
decrease in basket and stellate cell densities (Whitney et al., anticonvulsive medications that might themselves damage
2008; Whitney et al., 2009) (Figure 31-3). Fatemi and col- Purkinje cells. By contrast, most of the MRI studies were con-
leagues (2002) reported no differences in the density of ducted with high-functioning autistic individuals and typi-
Purkinje cells in the cerebellum in five adult cases of autism cally excluded subjects with seizure disorders. So, two very
compared to five adult controls, but found a 24% decrease in different cohorts of subjects are being studied with these dif-
the size of Purkinje neurons in the autism group. Blatt and ferent techniques.
colleagues have also reported substantial alterations in the Whether the observations of lower Purkinje cell density
GABAergic system of the cerebellum, including a 40% reduc- actually reflect fewer Purkinje cell numbers in the autistic
tion in GAD67 mRNA in Purkinje cells, 28% upregulation of brain awaits confirmation with unbiased stereological neuron-
GAD67 in basket cells, and decreased levels of GAD65 mRNA counting methods. As discussed in detail later in this chapter,
in cerebellar dentate nuclei of eight individuals with autism an interesting hypothesis has emerged that neuroinflamma-
compared to eight controls (Yip, Soghomonian, & Blatt, 2007, tion in the brain of individuals with autism, indicated by the
2008, 2009). presence of an increased number of activated microglia, may
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 549

be associated with the loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum been reported by Blatt and colleagues, including decreases in
(Vargas et al., 2005). cell size in layers I–III and layers V–VI of area 24b and in cell
packing density in layers V–VI of area 24c (Simms et al., 2009).
Frontal Cortex The authors also observed irregular lamination in three of
nine autism brains and increased density of neurons in the
Although the frontal cortex is one of the most prominent subcortical white matter in the remaining cases. A preliminary
areas of study in the search for potential neuropathology in study of von Economo (a.k.a. spindle) neuron density was also
autism, very little work has been conducted with postmortem carried out, but no significant differences in the autism cases
brain tissue in this region. Structural MRI studies suggest that were detected (Simms et al., 2009). Instead, the study appeared
the frontal lobe, and in particular, the prefrontal cortex, may to uncover two subsets of autism cases, one that displayed an
show the greatest degree of aberrant development in the increase in von Economo neuron density and another with
brains of children with autism (Carper et al., 2002; Carper & reduced density compared to controls. In another study by the
Courchesne, 2005). Yet, no systematic postmortem study to same group, decreases in the mean density of GABA(A) and
date has explored the underlying neurobiology of the identi- GABA(B) receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites were
fied aberrant growth in the frontal cortex. Seven recent stud- found in the ACC (Oblak et al., 2009; 2010), suggesting an
ies (Table 31-1) have utilized frontocortical tissue; findings alteration in GABAergic innervation of the ACC; this could
include an increased spine density on the apical dendrite of potentially lead to a disturbance of the delicate balance
pyramidal neurons in layer II (Hutsler & Zhang, 2010), the between excitation and inhibition in this cortical area.
presence of ill-defined cortical layers (Mukaetova-Ladinska Another prominent theory, postulated by Herbert et al.
et al., 2004), and an indistinct boundary between gray and (2004) and Courchesne & Pierce (2005), suggests excessive
white matter (Avino & Hutsler, 2010) in the dorsolateral pre- short-range and diminished long-range connectivity in the
frontal region. An electron microscopy study of the white white matter underlying the frontal and anterior cingulate
matter underlying the orbitofrontal cortex found decreased cortices. Herbert et al. (2004) reported that increased white
myelin thickness in 5 autism cases relative to 4 controls matter volume in children with autism is restricted to super-
(Zikopoulos & Barbas, 2010). ficial radiate white matter (i.e., corona radiata and “U” fibers),
Von Economo (a.k.a. spindle) neurons have been recent with no difference reported in deep and bridging white matter
focus of interest in autism, although clear evidence of pathol- (e.g., corpus callosum, internal capsule, etc.). A recent post-
ogy has yet to be found. Von Economo neurons are unique, mortem study of single axons in white matter underlying the
large cells localized to the anterior cingulate and frontal insu- anterior cingulate cortex of autism cases found an excessive
lar region of great apes and man, and are suspected to play a number of thin axons, which link neighboring areas together,
role in higher order cognitive function and emotional behav- and a decreased number of large axons, that communicate
ior (Allman et al., 2001; Allman et al., 2005). Two recent stud- over long distances (Zikopoulos & Barbas, 2010). Interest-
ies with small sample sizes have failed to find a difference in ingly, this study also found an over expression of growth-
the number of von Economo neurons in the frontal insular associated protein (GAP-43 kDa), which is expressed at high
region in autism cases relative to controls (Kennedy et al., levels during rapid axon growth (Benowitz & Routtenberg,
2007; Santos et al., 2010) However, a recent stereological study 1997), in the white matter underlying the ACC in the autism
found a higher ratio of von Economo neurons to pyramidal cases relative to controls. Although this study was carried out
neurons in layer V of the frontal insula in four autism cases in a small sample and included cases with other neurological
relative to three controls (Santos et al., 2010), suggesting that conditions (i.e. schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression), the find-
von Economo neuron pathology may become evident in ings have important implications for understanding the
autism with larger sample sizes. underlying neurobiology of aberrant connectivity in autism
The frontal cortex has also been the focus of studies of as reported by structural MRI and diffusion tensor imaging
minicolumnar organization of neurons, finding reduced (DTI) studies.
intercolumnar width and increased cell density in dorsola-
teral prefrontal cortex (Casanova et al., 2002; Buxhoeveden Temporal Cortex
et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2010).
These findings are discussed in greater detail later in this In a recent longitudinal MRI study of young children, the
chapter. temporal cortex was found to undergo an abnormal growth
trajectory in children with autism as well as display the great-
Anterior Cingulate Cortex est degree of aberrant enlargement among the cortical lobes
(Schumann et al., 2010). Postmortem studies designed to
As described above, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was examine the underlying pathology of this abnormal growth
the only region of neocortex noted by Kemper and Bauman have yet to be carried out. The only study of temporal cortex,
(1993) to show abnormalities; they observed the cortex of and the only other study of stereological neuron number in
autism cases to be unusually coarse and poorly laminated the autism brain (besides Schumann & Amaral, 2006, on the
compared to controls. Abnormalities in the ACC have since amygdala) was carried out by Van Kooten, Schmitz, and
550 Autism Spectrum Disorders

colleagues (2008) on the fusiform gyrus, a visual area impli- tions for the cellular basis of abnormalities of face perception
cated in processing faces and located midrostrocaudal on the in people with autism. Pathology may originate from events in
inferior surface of the temporal lobe. In seven postmortem the fusiform directly, or from pathology in other brain regions
brains from patients with autism compared to ten controls, with which the fusiform connects, such as the amygdala, which
they found that the autism group showed significantly lower has also been shown to have a reduction in neuron number in
neuronal densities within layer III; lower total neuron num- autism patients (Schumann & Amaral, 2006). It will be impor-
bers in layers III, V, and VI; and smaller mean perikaryal vol- tant to determine in future studies whether decreased neuro-
umes of neurons in layers V and VI (Figure 31-4). Although nal numbers in both the fusiform gyrus and amygdala result in
the findings of this study were based on a relatively small the functional impairments associated with autism or, alter-
sample size, and require replication, the results have implica- natively, are caused by hypoactivation or underuse during
early development.
Blatt and colleagues have proposed widespread abnormali-
ties in the GABAergic system of the brain in individuals with
autism, including the fusiform gyrus and hippocampus.
Reductions in the mean density of GABA(A) and GABA(B)
receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites were recently
reported in the fusiform gyrus (Oblak et al., 2010a; 2010b).
Decreased GABA(A) receptor binding has also been reported
in the hippocampus (Blatt et al., 2001); the decreased binding
is likely due to a decrease in the density of binding sites rather
than an altered affinity (Guptill et al., 2007). In a recent study,
a subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons immunoreactive
to calcium binding proteins were found to be decreased in the
hippocampus of autism cases relative to controls (Lawrence
et al., 2010). However, alterations in the GABAergic system in
autism are not specific to the temporal cortex, as Blatt and col-
leagues have reported similar pathology in the cerebellum and
cingulate cortices (Oblak et al., 2009, 2010a, 2010b; Yip et al.,
2007, 2008, 2009), but instead appear to be a common feature
that may disrupt global inhibitory control in the autistic

Alterations of the Columnar Structure of the

Neocortex: The Minicolumn Hypothesis

Increasing interest has been placed on the notion, advanced by

Casanova and colleagues (Casanova et al., 2002; Buxhoeveden
et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2010), that
there are an abnormal number and width of minicolumns
(Figure 31-5) in the cortex of individuals with autism. As
described in further detail below, minicolumn formation has
been associated with early stages of cortical development when
postmitotic neurons ascend in linear arrays along a radial glial
scaffolding (Rakic, 1988). Within the first year of life, there is
a dramatic increase in dendritic growth. By 2 years of age, the
minicolumns are spaced further apart with a lower cell density
in a given region of cortex. Dendritic bundles and axonal fas-
cicles that extend throughout several layers of the cortex
occupy the space between minicolumns (Jones, 2000; Rockland
& Ichinohe, 2004). Casanova and colleagues (Casanova et al.,
Figure 31–4. Photomicrographs of 200 μm thick coronal sections
2002; Buxhoeveden et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006) have
of the brain hemispheres through the level of the fusiform gyrus
from a control (A, C, E) and a patient with autism (B, D, F), a cross- posed the reasonable question of whether there is perturba-
section of cortex from the fusiform gyrus (C, D; scale bar = 400μm), tion in the fundamental organization of minicolumns in the
and layer III of the fusiform gyrus from each subject at high autistic brain.
magnification (E, F; scale bar = 50 μm). Adapted with permission Sixteen cases of autism (at least 9 with seizures and
from van Kooten et al., 2008. at least 10 with mental retardation) have been examined for
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 551

A Minicolumn Typical




VI 5 year old control (layer III)

B Autism




VI 4 year old autism (layer III)

Figure 31–5. Model of the minicolumnar hypothesis proposed by Casanova et al. (2002, 2006) that there are an abnormal number and
width of minicolumns in the cortex of individuals with autism. Each so-called minicolumn contains approximately 80–100 neurons
(see schematic of minicolumn formation in Figure 31-8). (A) Model depicts a decreased intercolumnar width in the autism case relative
to controls. (B) Nissl images were adapted with permission from Casanova et al. (2006), in which the distance between cell-body defined
minicolumns was found to be reduced in layer III of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 9) in a 4-year-old autism case relative to a 5-year-old
control. Given the narrower neuropil area between columns, one would also predict a decrease in the dendritic arborization of BA 9 Neurons
(as depicted in the model, A). (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

minicolumnar pathology in cortical layer III in three inde- prefrontal cortical neurons. These neuropathological ques-
pendent studies using varying techniques (Casanova et al., tions are ripe for analysis using systematic stereological
2002; Buxhoeveden et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006). methods. One would predict an increased number of neu-
The most consistent finding in these studies is reduced rons in the prefrontal cortex in autism cases, given evidence
intercolumnar width of the minicolumns in dorsolateral of increased volume at young ages and reduction of mini-
prefrontal cortex (BA 9/46). In a recent follow-up study, columnar spacing; however such a study has yet to be
Casanova and colleagues (2010) determined that diminished carried out.
minicolumnar width is not limited to layer III, but instead
is present across supra- and infragranular cell layers, most Neuroinflammation in Autism
notably in BA 44 (pars opercularis) in the frontal cortex
of autism cases. These findings, coupled with increases in There is emerging evidence that an anomalous immune
neuronal density on the order of 23% noted by Casanova response during vulnerable periods of brain development
et al. (2006), imply that there should be a greater number could contribute to the neuropathology associated with autism
of neurons in BA 9 of the autistic cortex. Given the narrower (Ashwood & Van de Water, 2004; Pardo et al., 2005; Ashwood
neuropil area between columns, one would also predict et al., 2006). Interactions between the immune and nervous
a decrease in the dendritic arborization of dorsolateral systems begin early in embryogenesis and persist throughout
552 Autism Spectrum Disorders

an individual’s lifetime, with successful neurodevelopment developing brain across life span for constant surveillance of
contingent on a normal and balanced immune response the local environment to detect inflammatory signals
(Boulanger & Shatz, 2004; Wrona, 2006). Two cell popula- (Nimmerjahn et al., 2005). When infection is presented,
tions act as directors and effectors of the immune response. microglia may be “activated” by a variety of factors, includ-
Microglia primarily act as the resident phagocytes, constantly ing pro-inflammatory cytokines, necrotic factors, glutamate
eliminating damaged neurons, accumulated debris, and infec- receptor agonists, and changes in extracellular potassium
tious agents. Astroglia, meanwhile, are classically considered concentration. Once the microglial cell is activated, the proc-
to act as directors of the immune response via detection and esses thicken and retract to move rapidly to the site of the
release of a wide array of cytokines and chemokines. Both insult. The cell body has the appearance of swelling with the
microglia and astroglia participate in several additional func- uptake of MHC class II proteins and secretes cytotoxic and
tions during development, including histogenesis, synap- pro-inflammatory signaling molecules including cytokines
togenesis, neuronal dendritic arborization, and regulation of and chemokines. These activated microglia interact with
neuron numbers (Marin-Teva et al., 2004; Schmitz & Rezaie, neurons to fight off infection, typically with minimal damage
2008). In adulthood, microglia play a dual role; in addition to to healthy brain cells. “Ameboid” microglia in the activated
cytotoxic, phagocytic, and antigen-presenting capabilities, state are commonly observed in the typically developing
they also demonstrate cytoprotective and neurotrophic func- brain in high concentrations during the prenatal period
tions (for review see Pardo et al., 2005). responding to large amounts of extracellular debris and
Microglia undergo morphological changes based on the apoptotic cells that is a consequence of programmed death
current state of the immune response. “Resting” ramified (Rezaie & Male, 1999).
microglia (Figure 31-6), with small cell bodies and long thin Although microglial and astroglial activation is often a
processes, are commonly found throughout the typically beneficial response, dysfunction of the immune system

Figure 31–6. (A) Normal appearance of the cerebellum in a control patient; (B–C) Atrophic folia and marked loss of Purkinje and granular
cells in the cerebellum of an autistic patient (H&E Stain); (D) Microglia activation seen with anti-MHC class II immunostaining. Adapted
with permission from Vargas et al., 2005. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 553

resulting in a chronic state of neuroinflammation could have now ask the reverse question, if a particular stage of
detrimental effects on the developing brain and potentially development did go awry, what would the resulting pathology
lead to neuronal cell death and alterations in neuronal con- look like? Below we describe the normal stages of brain
nectivity (Streit et al., 2005). Ongoing neuroinflammatory development and speculate, based on the current findings of
processes, as evidenced by the presence of activated microglia autistic neuropathology, about the particular stage at which
and astroglia in cases of autism, was first described by Vargas brain development may deviate from normal, leading to
et al. (2005). They observed excessive microglial activation in autism. However, we would like to reiterate that it is unlikely
the cerebellum and frontal cortex in postmortem brain tissue that a single neuropathological event will account for all
in a subset of 11 autistic patients (age range 5–44 years) using autism; future studies will need to be powered and designed to
immunocytochemical staining for MHC class II markers detect various patterns that underlie the “autisms.”
(HLA-DR). The excessive microglial activation was particu-
larly prominent in the granular cell layer of the cerebellum.
Vargas and colleagues speculated that the presence of acti- Á
vated microglia near Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum may Fundamentals of Brain Development
be related to the commonly noted reduction of Purkinje
cells in autism patients, given the regulatory role that micro- The human central nervous system (CNS) is the most com-
glia play in normal Purkinje neuron death (Marin-Teva plex organ system in vertebrates and contains a greater variety
et al., 2004) (Figure 31-6). Recently, Morgan and colleagues of cell types than is found in any other organ system. The
reported increases in activated microglia number and size in mature brain is comprised of approximately 100 billion neu-
some, but not all, cases of autism in dorsolateral prefrontal rons, and perhaps 10 times as many glial cells. Remarkably,
cortex and amygdala using an antibody to ionized calcium the generation of nearly one trillion diverse, complex cell types
binding adaptor molecule-1 (Iba-1); a marker that visualizes is accomplished during a brief span of intense proliferation
both resting and activated microglia (Morgan et al., 2010; that encompasses approximately 3 months during gestation.
Morgan et al., personal communication). Not surprisingly, this period of development is sensitive to
At present, the role of microglial activation in autism genetic abnormalities and/or environmental interference. In
remains unclear. It is possible that aberrant microglial activity fact, it is not surprising that there are occasionally errors
directly contributes to abnormal neurodevelopment, with of development leading to disorders such as autism; what is
activation triggered by genetic or environmental factors that surprising given the complexity of the enterprise, is that
otherwise would not be significantly disruptive. Alternately, it neurodevelopment is generally successful and results in an
may be a largely healthy response to an exogenous insult such individual that is “typically developing.”
as viral infection, or a genetic alteration that, for example, pro- CNS cells are generated in two proliferative zones that line
duces an excessively large population of neurons that must be the ventricular system of the developing brain. Each prolifera-
reduced. Interestingly, elevations in pro-inflammatory tive zone is home to a distinct class of precursor cell. The pri-
cytokine and chemokine levels have also been reported in the mary proliferative zone, the ventricular zone (VZ) is directly
brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with autism adjacent to the lumen of the ventricle. Radial glial cells are the
(Vargas et al., 2005, Li et al., 2009). An emerging hypothesis is principle precursor cell type in the VZ. The secondary prolif-
that cytokine levels may be impacted by prenatal maternal erative zone, the subventricular zone (SVZ), appears at the
infection (see Patterson, 2009, for review). Further evaluation onset of neurogenesis in many CNS regions (Boulder
is necessary to define the precise role of the immune response Committee, 1970). SVZ precursor cells are generated by radial
and microglial activation in the pathogenesis of autism. If glial glial cells in the VZ, and then migrate radially to establish the
activation in autism is demonstrated to be deleterious, anti- SVZ compartment superficial to the VZ (see Figure 31-7).
inflammatory agents represent a highly promising future Both VZ and SVZ precursor cells produce neurons in the
avenue for biotheraputic research. embryonic forebrain (Noctor et al., 2007). The VZ prolifera-
tive zone becomes depleted during development and is not
Future Perspective present in the adult brain, but the SVZ remains as a neuro-
genic compartment in the mature and a similar structure is
Autism is clearly a pathological disorder of neural develop- present in the adult dentate gyrus (Ihrie & Alvarez-Buylla,
ment, but when and how the pathology occurs remains elu- 2008).
sive. Typical brain development is comprised of several stages,
including the proliferation and migration of neurons, synaptic Proliferation in the Developing Brain
growth, and eventually cell death and dendritic pruning. Any
deviation at one or more of these stages could produce cata- Advances in the field of molecular biology have provided
strophic downstream effects. As evident from the previous exciting new tools that can be applied to investigations of the
section, the field of postmortem human brain research in developing CNS. New molecular tools allow researchers to
autism is still young and we have few clues to point to a control the expression of specific genes both regionally and
particular stage in which development goes awry. We therefore temporally in the CNS. For example, the gene sequence for
554 Autism Spectrum Disorders

A Distribution of mitotic precursor cell types in the developing forebrain B C

pial surface
Neuroepithelial cells
rs CP
Radial glial cells rtical laye SVZ
Upper co
Intermediate progenitor cells layers
Lower cortical
Gliogenic precursor cells



Neural tube Surface of the

closure lateral ventricle

Figure 31–7. (A) Scheme depicting precursor cell types in the embryonic brain. After neural tube closure, the embryonic proliferative zone is
composed of a single population of neuroepithelial cells which transition into radial glial cells at the onset of neurogenesis in the ventricular
zone (VZ). They undergo division at the surface of the lateral ventricle and possess a long thin pial fiber that reaches the pial surface. Radial
glial cell divisions produce neurons and intermediate progenitor cells. Intermediate progenitor cell bodies are primarily located in the
subventricular zone (SVZ); Divisions occur away from the surface of the lateral ventricle and produce multiple neurons. At the conclusion of
neurogenesis radial glial cells begin producing astrocytes, and Translocate to the SVZ, where gliogenesis continues after birth. (B) Micrograph
showing an example of a radial glial cell labeled with fluorescent reporter gene. Radial glia are bipolar cells with a single process that contacts
the ventricular surface (dotted line) and a single pial process that ascends toward the pial surface (small arrowheads). The cell body (arrow)
is located in the VZ. (C) Micrograph showing a radial glial cell (arrow) and a daughter intermediate progenitor cell (large arrowhead) labeled
with fluorescent reporter gene. The intermediate progenitor cell maintains contact with the radial glial cell pial fiber (small arrowheads).
(See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

fluorescent reporter proteins has proven invaluable for early stages of development, and to a degree dictates organiza-
detailed characterization of specific cell types, such as neural tion of the mature CNS. Radial glial cells are the principle neu-
precursor cells in the developing brain. Fluorescent reporter ronal precursor cell type in the embryonic CNS (Malatesta
proteins have allowed researchers to visualize neural precur- et al., 2000; Miyata et al., 2001; Noctor et al., 2001; Noctor
sor cells in living tissue. This capability has been used to et al., 2002; Anthony et al., 2004). Radial glia generate neurons
identify neuronal and glial precursor cells in the developing through one of two mechanisms: directly through an asym-
brain, to characterize their patterns of cell division, cell pro- metric division that produces a single neuron, or indirectly
duction potential, and finally to characterize the daughter cells through a division that produces an SVZ intermediate pro-
produced by precursor cells. genitor cell that subsequently divides symmetrically to pro-
Glial cells and neurons had long been considered distinct duce two neurons (Martínez-Cerdeño et al., 2006b). Most
cell types that were produced by separate precursor cell types SVZ intermediate progenitor cells appear to undergo a single
in the developing brain. However, recent studies have demon- symmetric division to produce two neurons. But, in some
strated that glial functions are much broader, and that astro- cases they undergo multiple divisions that produce four or
cytes in particular have much closer functional and lineal more neurons (Haubensak et al., 2004; Miyata et al., 2004;
relationships with neurons than previously realized. Not only Noctor et al., 2004). A given radial glial cell division can there-
are astrocytes crucial partners with neurons in synaptic com- fore produce either a single neuron or multiple neurons. The
munication in the mature brain (Stevens, 2008), but they also exact number of radial glial cells in the embryonic brain has
generate neurons in several regions of the adult brain includ- not been determined, nor has the total number of radial glial
ing the cortical SVZ (Doetsch et al., 1999), and the dentate or intermediate progenitor divisions, but it is likely that bil-
gyrus (Seri et al., 2001). Astrocytes are lineally descended from lions of cell divisions are required to produce the 20 billion
embryonic radial glial cells (Noctor et al., 2004); the two cell cortical neurons that populate the human cerebral cortex.
types can be considered as representing different generations Most regions of the adult CNS are organized into discrete
in the same immediate family. Radial glia are a specialized functional units. The cerebral cortex is a laminated sheet of
astroglial cell that is transiently present in the developing brain tissue that is 2 to 4 mm thick, and organized into six horizon-
(Misson et al., 1988). Radial glia are bipolar cells that have a tally arranged layers. This elaborate organization is further
soma in the proliferative ventricular zone, a short descending broken down into functional units that are arranged as radial
process that contacts the ventricular lumen, and an ascending columns, or cortical columns, that span across the six cortical
process that spans the wall of the developing brain to contact layers (Mountcastle, 1997) (Figure 31-8). Each cortical column
the pial membrane (Figure 31-7). Radial glial pial processes comprises multiple “minicolumns” in which a narrow column
radiate outward from the ventricle to the surface of the brain, of approximately 80–100 radially arranged neurons span the
a pattern that dominates the appearance of the brain during cortical layers (Mountcastle, 1997). Neurons in each cortical
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 555

Mini-column are organized into discrete proliferative units that provide a

I proto-map of cortical columns in the adult cerebral cortex
II (Rakic, 1988). The Radial Unit Hypothesis predicts that each
proliferative unit in the VZ produces the cortical neurons that
populate a cortical column; each proliferative radial glial cell
IV produces the cortical neurons that populate a single minicol-
umn (Figure 31-8). More recent data that shows substantial
V neurogenesis in the embryonic SVZ (Haubensak et al., 2004;
Miyata et al., 2004; Noctor et al., 2004), has lead to modifica-
VI tions of the Radial Unit Hypothesis to account for the contri-
bution of additional proliferative precursor cells in the SVZ
(Kriegstein et al., 2006; see Figure 31-8). Subtle changes in the
pattern of radial glial division and/or SVZ precursor cell divi-
sion could produce measurable changes in the total number
Basal VZ
forebrain of neurons in the adult brain. Thus, aberrant regulation of cell
(inhibitory neurons) helium
neuro ns)
proliferation within the VZ or SVZ may contribute to changes
l fore tory neuro in cell number (Schumann et al., 2006; van Kooten et al.,
Dorsa it a
2008), cell density and minicolumnar width (Casanova
et al., 2002; Buxhoeveden et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006)
(Figure 31-5), and ultimately increased brain size (Courchesne
et al., 2007; Schumann et al., 2010) as reported in some cases
of autism.

Regulation of Precursor Cell Proliferation
Figure 31–8. Scheme depicting the formation of minicolumn
and cortical column functional units in the cerebral cortex. Each
minicolumn contains approximately 80–100 neurons. Multiple Proliferation is tightly regulated during brain development.
minicolumns together form a single cortical column. As proposed Precursor cells follow a specific program that generates the
by Rakic (1988), proliferative units in the ventricular zone (VZ) proper number of neurons and glia. A wide variety of factors,
of the dorsal forebrain produce neurons that are destined for a including neurotransmitter substances, growth factors, and
single mini-column functional unit (dark column) in the cortical hormones, bind with receptors expressed by embryonic pre-
plate (CP). Each proliferative unit in the VZ may comprise 5–10 cursor cells and regulate cell division in the developing brain.
radial glial cells. Each radial glial cell possesses a single pial fiber For example, the classical neurotransmitters GABA and gluta-
that stretches across the cortical wall to the pial surface of the brain. mate differentially regulate proliferation in the ventricular
The pial fiber guides the migration of newborn neurons from
and subventricular zones during neocortical development
the proliferative zones to their respective minicolumn functional
(LoTurco et al., 1995; Haydar et al., 2000). Neurosteroids,
units in the CP. Neighboring proliferative units in the VZ produce
neurons that are destined for different minicolumns in the CP such as estradiol, are also present in the embryonic prolifera-
(grey columns). Radial glial cells produce both neurons and tive zones and induce proliferation of precursor cells in the
intermediate progenitor cells, which migrate away from the ventricle embryonic and adult brain (Martínez-Cerdeño et al., 2006a).
along their parental pial fiber. recent work shows that intermediate Radial glial cells are coupled to one another through connexin
progenitor cells undergo additional rounds of division in the gap junction channels that transmit electrical signals (LoTurco
subventricular zone (SVZ) to produce multiple neurons. Excitatory & Kriegstein, 1991). New evidence indicates that waves of cal-
projection neurons are derived from the VZ of the dorsal forebrain, cium activity are also transmitted through gap junction chan-
and migrate radially along radial glial cell fibers. Inhibitory nels and regulate radial glial cell proliferation (Weissman
interneurons are derived from the VZ of the medial ganglionic et al., 2004). Proteins such as beta-catenin promote prolifera-
eminence (MGE) in the basal forebrain, and migrate tangentially
tion versus differentiation of progenitor cells during cortical
into the overlying cerebral cortex. Mechanisms that guide migrating
development (Chenn & Walsh, 2002). Blood vessels also
interneurons to specific minicolumns remain to be determined.
(See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.) appear to play an important role in proliferation. Precursor
cells are often located in niches along the border of blood ves-
sels in neurogenic regions of the adult brain (Palmer et al.,
column respond to similar stimuli and perform similar func- 2000; Seri et al., 2004), as well as in the embryonic brain
tions. The columnar, or radial organization of the cerebral (Javaherian & Kriegstein, 2009; Stubbs et al., 2009).
cortex, is thought to derive from the organization of precursor Furthermore, Temple and colleagues have found that endo-
cells in the embryonic ventricular zone. Rakic’s Radial Unit thelial cells release soluble factors that stimulate self-renewal
Hypothesis proposes that precursor cells in the VZ (radial glia) of embryonic and adult precursor cells (Shen et al., 2004).
556 Autism Spectrum Disorders

These findings indicate that endothelial cells, and perhaps subtypes. Indeed, new evidence indicates that subregions of
factors circulating in the blood, regulate cell genesis during the ganglionic eminences express different transcription fac-
brain development. tors and give rise to interneuron subtypes (Nery et al., 2002).
Mutations in specific genes that regulate precursor cell Local environmental factors also play a role in determining
behavior have been identified in Autism Spectrum Disorders. the fate of neurons in the developing cortex. Transplantation
The genes MCPH1 and ASPM are required for proper levels of studies demonstrate that the laminar fate of cortical neurons
proliferation during brain growth, and mutations in these can be altered when transplantation of cortical precursor cells
genes produce microcephalic brains (Shen et al., 2005). Gene occurs during specific phases of the cell cycle (McConnell &
mutations that produce macrocephalic brains have also been Kaznowski, 1991). Furthermore, expression of transcription
identified. For example, mutations in the phosphatase and factors is crucial for the normal differentiation of cortical neu-
tensin homologue deleted on the chromosome 10 (PTEN) rons. For example, the absence of the transcription factor
gene have been associated with large head size and autism Foxg1 during cortical neurogenesis induces deep layer cortical
(Zori et al., 1998; Goffin et al., 2001). PTEN is a tumor sup- neurons to adopt the phenotype of Cajal-Retzius neurons that
pressor gene that controls cell size and number (Kwon et al., are normally found in the superficial layer 1 of the neocortex
2006). PTEN instructs cells to stop dividing, prevents cells (Hanashima et al., 2004).
from growing too rapidly, and in some cases instructs cells to The generation of sufficient numbers of the diverse cell
undergo programmed cell death (Chu & Tarnawski, 2004). types in the nervous system is accomplished through two basic
Together these functions prevent the formation of tumors and types of progenitor cell divisions, symmetric and asymmetric
regulate the size of organs during development. Mice in which (Gotz & Huttner, 2005). Symmetric divisions generate two
the PTEN gene has been deleted present with larger brains and daughter cells that are similar, while asymmetric divisions
hypertrophied neurons with abnormal cellular processes generate two daughter cells that differ from one another.
(Kwon et al., 2006). As described above, larger brain size has Recent evidence indicates that these types of divisions might
been reported in autism (Amaral et al., 2008). A recent study occur in different proliferative zones, asymmetric divisions
identified PTEN mutations in autism spectrum disorders, occur more frequently at the surface of the ventricular lumen,
mentral retardation and developmental delays (Varga et al., while symmetric divisions occur more frequently in the SVZ
2009; McBride et al., 2010). Additional studies have reported (Noctor et al., 2004). Radial glial cells divide asymmetrically at
that PTEN mutations are associated with some cases of the ventricular lumen to generate either a single neuron, or a
autism spectrum disorders (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008; subventricular zone progenitor cell that subsequently gener-
see Chapters by State and colleagues, Lamb, and Morrow & ates two neurons. Therefore, each radial glial cell division can
Walsh in this volume). The cause of larger brain size observed generate either one neuron directly, or two neurons indirectly.
in individuals with PTEN mutations has not been determined Thus, determination of daughter cell fate after radial glial divi-
but may result from dysregulated precursor cell proliferation sions impacts the total number of neurons generated at a given
during development, hypertrophied neurons, decreased cell time during development. A shift toward production of single
death, or a combination of the three. neurons would decrease the total numbers of neurons being
generated, while a shift toward the production of SVZ pro-
Determination of Cell Fate genitor cells would double the neuronal output at a given
time. Therefore, regulation of daughter cell fate during neuro-
The determination of cell fate occurs at regional, local, and genesis impacts the neuronal density for a given neocortical
cellular levels. The regional expression patterns of different layer or structure. Invertebrate studies have revealed a number
transcription factors along the rostrocaudal axis of the devel- of molecules that are differentially segregated in nascent
oping nervous system reveals one mechanism by which corti- daughter cells during progenitor cell divisions. Some of these
cal cells acquire specific identities (Schuurmans & Guillemot, fate-determining molecules, such as Notch and Numb, are
2002). While all radial glial cells share characteristic morpho- also expressed in mammalian proliferative zones and research
logical features, they nonetheless constitute a heterogeneous into their role in determining daughter cell fate continues
population based on protein expression patterns (Kriegstein (Pearson & Doe, 2004; Bultje et al., 2009).
& Gotz, 2003). This may explain how different regions of the
developing telencephalon generate different classes of cortical Migration in the Developing Brain
cells. For example, excitatory pyramidal cells and astrocytes
are generated by Pax6 expressing cells in the dorsal telen- Neurons in the adult brain are organized into complex, intri-
cephalon, while inhibitory interneurons are generated by Dlx- cately interconnected groups of nuclei and laminae. One of
1/2 expressing cells in the ganglionic eminences of the the remarkable aspects of brain development is that neurons
embryonic ventral telencephalon (Anderson et al., 1997; are not born in their adult location, but instead must migrate
Figure 31-8). The expression of transcription factors such as distances of 7000 μm or more, from the proliferative zones to
Dlx-1/2 is likely an early step in the commitment of telen- reach their final destination (Rakic, 1988). To put this into
cephalic cells to a specific fate. The expression of these factors perspective, this is comparable to a person scaling a wall
may even correlate with the phenotype of specific neuronal greater in height than Yosemite’s 3,000 foot high El Capitan.
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 557

Despite the complexity of the task, this feat is achieved with 1990s discovered that inhibitory cortical neurons are gener-
such regularity and precision that there is little variation in the ated in the ventral forebrain and migrate tangentially into the
architectonic pattern of brain structures from one person to overlying dorsal neocortex (De Carlos et al., 1996; Anderson
the next. In the developing neocortex, excitatory cortical neu- et al., 1997; Tamamaki et al., 1997; Wichterle et al., 1999).
rons are generated in an inside-out sequence such that the Interneurons do not appear to migrate along radial glial fibers
deepest layers of the cerebral cortex are generated and migrate during their journey from the ventral into the dorsal cortex. In
into the cortical mantle before the superficial layers. Thus, as fact, they appear to travel perpendicular to the radial glial
development proceeds neurons must migrate progressively matrix. It has yet to be determined whether they rely on cel-
longer distances and through an increasing number of cortical lular guides such as developing axonal pathways, or rather are
cells. The radial glial cells that generate neurons play an impor- guided solely along gradients of chemoattractive and repulsive
tant role in the migration of newborn cortical neurons. Radial factors (Marin & Rubenstein, 2003). Some syndromic forms
glia are bipolar cells that have a long pial process that ascends of autism, for example mutations of CNTNAP2 in an Amish
from the cell body in the proliferative VZ, to the pial surface of family with epilepsy, MR, and autism, appear to involve dis-
the developing brain. Newborn excitatory neurons attach ruption of neuronal migration (Strauss et al., 2006), which
themselves to the pial process and migrate toward the cortical likely occurs focally in the anterior frontal and temporal lobes
plate using the pial process as a directional guide (Rakic, 1971). (Alarcon et al., 2008). Thus, regional specificity may arise
In fact, many neurons piggy-back along the pial process of from either differences in protomap related genes, or regional
their parental radial glial cell (Noctor et al., 2001; Noctor et al., cell adhesion molecules involved in migration.
2004; Noctor et al., 2008), demonstrating the importance of Recent work in rodents shows that excitatory neurons
lineage relationships in the developing brain. Newborn corti- undergo four distinct stages of migration that can be identi-
cal neurons extend a leading process toward the overlying cor- fied based on the morphology and position of the neurons.
tical plate and migrate radially along the pial fiber of the parent After being generated, cortical neurons enter stage one of
radial glial cell until they reach their destination in the cortical migration, leaving the ventricular surface and rapidly ascend-
plate, at which point they detach from the pial fiber. This form ing to the SVZ. During stage two, cortical neurons acquire a
of migration relies on cell-cell adhesion molecules that inter- multipolar morphology and remain stationary in the SVZ for
act between radial glial fibers and migrating neurons (Hatten, one day or longer. After sojourning in the SVZ (Bayer &
1990). Recent data demonstrates that gap junctions play an Altman, 1991), many cortical neurons enter stage three, and
important role in mediating the adhesion between migrating make a retrograde movement back toward the ventricular
neurons and radial glial processes (Elias et al., 2007). Neuronal lumen. Finally neurons enter stage four, during which they
migration is also regulated by a number of extracellular signal- reverse polarity back toward the cortical plate and commence
ing molecules such as neurotransmitter substances acting radial migration along the pial fiber (Noctor et al., 2004).
through the NMDA receptor (Komuro & Rakic, 1993). Similar ventricular directed movements have been reported
Migrating neurons depend on additional signaling molecules for GABAergic interneurons after they have migrated into the
to reach the correct location in the developing brain. For dorsal cortex (Nadarajah & Parnavelas, 2002). The ventricle
example, the reelin protein acts through its constituent recep- directed movements exhibited by these distinct cell types sug-
tor molecules to guide migrating neurons to the cortical plate, gests that both excitatory and inhibitory neurons can respond
and arrest migration once the neurons have reached their to some of the same cues during their cortical migrations,
proper location (Tissir & Goffinet, 2003). Reelin may play a and also hints at a potential source of important migration
distinct role in neuronal functioning in the mature brain. guidance molecules located near the ventricular lumen of the
Reductions in reelin protein have been reported in a few select developing brain. Yet another form of migration, termed
regions of the cerebral cortex and in the cerebellum (Fatemi chain migration, has been identified for olfactory bulb
et al., 2005). Given current understanding of reelin function interneurons as they migrate from their birthplace in the
in the developing mammalian brain, a reduction in reelin cortical subventricular zone along the rostral migratory
protein could be predicted to alter the trajectory of migratory stream into the olfactory bulb (Lois et al., 1996). Despite dif-
neurons, resulting in the ectopic location of neurons in the ferences in the identified forms of migration, all neurons
forebrain. Examination of the reelin gene (RELN) has detected appear to rely on a shared set of intracellular molecules that
missense mutations in some cases of autism, but at a very low are involved in extension of the leading process and trans-
frequency, leading some to suggest that reelin may not play a port of cellular structures such as the nucleus (Feng & Walsh,
major role in the etiology of autism (Bonora et al., 2003). 2001; Schaar et al., 2004).
Future studies on the regulation of reelin protein expression
may shed light on the role that reelin protein plays in the Abnormal Cell Migration
autistic brain.
Recent experiments employing time-lapse imaging of fluo- Neuronal migration is thus a complex interplay between the
rescently labeled cells in cultured brain tissue have revealed migrating cell and its environment that relies on intracellular
that the patterns of neuronal migration in the neocortex are machinery as well as extrinsic signaling factors. Given the
more complex than originally thought. Experiments in the complexity of this task, it is not surprising that a number of
558 Autism Spectrum Disorders

nervous system malformations have been identified that specific purposes during development but are not retained by
result from defects in neuronal migration (Feng & Walsh, the neurons as they differentiate to assume their adult mor-
2001). Neurons depend on different molecules for the suc- phology. However, neurons do elaborate some processes
cessful progression from one stage of migration to the next. during development that are retained as the cells mature, and
For example, deletion or mutation in the doublecortin gene these processes can determine with which cells a given neuron
prevents neurons from transitioning from stage two to stage will communicate. Work in the embryonic cortex shows that
three. Doublecortin is an X-linked gene, and males with a sister neurons develop and maintain multiple contacts with
deletion or mutation in this gene are affected with lissen- one another during migration (Noctor et al., 2001; Noctor
cephaly, i.e., a greatly reduced and smooth cortical surface. et al., 2004; Noctor et al., 2008), and that these contacts pres-
Heterozygous females present with a milder form of neu- age adults patterns of connectivity (Yu et al., 2009). In the cer-
ropathology called “double cortex.” In this condition, a ebral cortex, most excitatory neurons elaborate an axonal
second band of grey matter is located below the normal loca- process before initiating radial migration to the cortical plate
tion of the cortical laminae (des Portes et al., 1998; Gleeson (Noctor et al., 2004), and these processes can grow substantial
et al., 1998). This secondary band of tissue consists of neu- distances across the cerebral hemispheres during gestation
rons that did not progress beyond stage two of migration (Schwartz & Goldman-Rakic, 1991). While migrating cells
(LoTurco, 2004). These neurons can fire action potentials, express and rely on functional neurotransmitter receptors
but they do not appear to elaborate the initial axonal process (Komuro & Rakic, 1993; Flint et al., 1998; Komuro & Rakic,
that precedes stage three of migration in the embryonic neo- 1998), they do not appear to form synaptic connections until
cortex (Bai et al., 2003). Another molecule that has been asso- after they have reached their destination. Migrating neurons
ciated with migration failure, Filamin A, is required for do not have synapses, which precludes the synaptic release of
leading process extension that precedes transition to stage neurotransmitter on these cells, but nonsynaptic release of
four of migration. Individuals with a mutation in this gene transmitters before synapse development has been described
present with a form of neuropathology termed “periventricu- in the developing brain, including the hippocampus
lar nodular heterotopia,” in which large clusters or nodules of (Demarque et al., 2002). Axon outgrowth can be summarized
cortical neurons are found along the surface of the lateral as occurring in four distinct stages: initial axonal outgrowth,
ventricles. Periventricular nodular heterotopias have also axon pathfinding, pruning, and stabilization (Hedin-Pereira
been identified in subjects with fragile X syndrome (Moro et al., 1999). Numerous molecules that regulate these proc-
et al., 2006), which results from CGG repeat expansion in the esses have been identified and are well characterized, includ-
FMR1 gene. The range of neuropathology associated with ing those that guide axon pathfinding such as slit/robo
migration failure varies from severe brain malformations (Dickson & Gilestro, 2006).
found in lissencephaly, to small ectopic clusters of neurons. A number of MRI studies suggest that there are alterations
In each case, varying proportions of neurons fail to migrate to in connectivity in the autistic brain. Herbert et al. (2003) pos-
their proper destination. Afflicted individuals present with tulated that the abnormal brain enlargement observed in chil-
mental retardation in severe cases, but even mild malforma- dren with autism is disproportionately accounted for by
tions are often associated with epilepsy. It is of interest that increased white matter based on their findings of large
Bailey and colleagues reported a number of instances of increases in white matter, but no difference in gray matter, in
ectopic cortical neuronal clusters in their survey of neuropa- 7- to 11-year-old boys. Of six studies investigating cerebral
thology in the autistic brain (Bailey et al., 1998). Recent work gray and white matter volumes in autism, three in very young
identifying alterations in cortical column structure in some children (1.5–4 years) have reported findings that are consist-
autistic brains may also be related (Casanova et al., 2002; ent with Herbert’s suggestion (Courchesne et al., 2001; Hazlett
Buxhoeveden et al., 2006; Casanova et al., 2006). The etiology et al., 2005; Schumann et al., 2010). However, studies carried
of altered minicolumn structure has not been determined, out with subjects who are in later childhood and adolescence
but may result from altered dendritic arborization, increased are less consistent with Herbert’s hypothesis. Two studies
numbers of proliferative units in the VZ. found no difference in white matter in later childhood and
adolescence (7–18 years; Lotspeich et al., 2004; Palmen et al.,
Axonal Outgrowth 2005), and one found no difference in adolescence and early
adulthood (13–29 years; Hazlett et al., 2006). Herbert et al.
Neurons are polarized cells that possess a single axon and, examined a narrower age range restricted to preadolescent
typically, multiple dendrites. The proper development of children (7–11 years) and reported a 13% increase in white
axons and dendrites is crucial for normal functioning, since a matter (Herbert et al., 2003), which is restricted to superficial
single neuron in the adult brain can make thousands of con- radiate white matter, with no difference reported in deep and
nections with neighboring and distant cells. Neurons begin bridging white matter Herbert et al. (2004). As discussed ear-
elaborating processes immediately after being generated. lier, a recent study of post-mortem human tissue found a
During migration neurons extend and retract multiple leading decreased number of large axons that project long distances
processes as they migrate through the developing brain tissue beneath the anterior cingulate cortex, an increased number of
toward their destination. These temporary processes serve thin local projection axons, and increased expression of
Neuropathology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Postmortem Studies 559

GAP-43 (Zikopoulos & Barbas, 2010). While provocative, innervate them (Raff et al., 1993). The neurotrophic theory
these observations should be confirmed and extended in stud- predicts that the developing nervous system can “correct”
ies that include a larger sample size. for some errors in proliferation or migration by eliminating
Synaptogenesis is initiated at points of axodendritic con- those cells that do not succeed in making proper connec-
tact between neurons. Functional synapses can form relatively tions. Furthermore, the embryonic proliferative zones pro-
quickly, in some cases within minutes after required pre- and duce a greater number of cells than is generally required to
postsynaptic proteins and material have been transported to ensure a higher degree of success during formation of CNS
the site (McAllister, 2007). Synapse development requires the structures. Newborn neurons must therefore compete with
presence of postsynaptic density, receptors, active zone pro- one another for access to trophic support from target tissues
teins, synaptic vesicles, and transsynaptic adhesion molecules. in much the same way that neighboring trees compete with
Transsynaptic molecules in particular are thought to regulate one another for access to sunlight. Additional signaling path-
early stages of synapse formation. Two classes of transsynaptic ways also play a role in the programmed cell death of young
proteins, neuroligins and β-neurexins, have received consid- neurons, such as the caspase family of cysteine proteases
erable attention after the discovery that mutated forms of (Kuan et al., 2000).
these proteins are found in some autistic patients (Jamain As mentioned above and described in further detail else-
et al., 2003; Comoletti et al., 2004; Szatmari et al., 2007). where in this book, MRI studies have reported increased
Neuroligins are postsynaptic proteins that bind with high brain volume in some regions of the frontal lobes in young
affinity to members of the presynaptic β-neurexin family of autistic children, but decreased brain volume in the same
proteins. The formation of the neuroligin–β-neurexin com- areas later in adolescence (for review see Courchesne et al.,
plex is thought to be sufficient and necessary for synapse for- 2007). Additional groups have weighed in on this issue and
mation (McAllister, 2007). Multiple isoforms of neuroligin generally concur that there is an enlargement of cortical brain
and neurexin have been identified, and each is associated with volume in young autistic children, but it is not yet clear
different types of synapses. The neuroligin-3 and neuroligin-4 whether these changes are retained beyond childhood (Amaral
isoforms garnered attention after the discovery that mutations et al., 2008). Although the etiology underlying these changes
in the genes that code these proteins were identified in some in cortical neuroanatomy has not been determined, the early
patients with autism (Jamain et al., 2003; Comoletti et al., overgrowth of brain tissue followed by possible degeneration
2004). The mutated forms of the protein can still induce syn- is reminiscent of the neurotrophic theory. This suggests that
apse formation, but bind with their transsynaptic partners at a an alteration in two distinct developmental processes could
lower affinity (Jamain et al., 2003), which suggests the possi- be associated with some forms of autism. An initial phase of
bility that some synapses may be altered in these autistic increased proliferation in the ventricular and/or subventricu-
patients. Mutated genes that code for proteins in the lar zone would increase cell numbers and could explain
β-neuroexin family have also been identified and are linked to increased volume of grey cortical matter. Failure of these cells
some cases of autism (Szatmari et al., 2007). Furthermore, to form proper synaptic connections, and thus failure to
mutated genes that code for additional proteins required for receive sufficient trophic support, would then reduce cell
synaptogenesis, such as shank3 (Durand et al., 2007), and pro- numbers in affected structures and could explain the reduced
tocadherin 10 (Morrow et al., 2008), have been identified in brain volume reported for older children and adolescents.
families with autistic children. These data highlight the impor- Furthermore, some cells in the brain appear to undergo pro-
tance of proper synaptic formation and point toward the grammed cell death, or apoptosis. Factors that promote and
potential etiology of some types of autism. inhibit apoptosis have been identified. Interestingly, expres-
sion of the anti-apoptotic factor bcl2 is reduced in some cor-
The Role of Cell Death tical regions of individuals with autism, while the
pro-apoptotic factor p53 may be overexpressed in the autistic
Some reports indicate that as many as 50% of all neurons brain (Fatemi & Halt, 2001). These patterns of expression
that are generated during the development of the CNS die would both lead to an increase in cell death, which could
soon after the formation of synapses. The discovery that explain the smaller brain volumes that have been reported in
neuron–target cell interactions are crucial for cell survival some studies. Neurotrophins can regulate the activity of
suggested that young neurons receive trophic support from apoptotic factors such as p53, pointing to specific intracellu-
their target cells with which they connect (Levi-Montalcini & lar signaling pathways that might be activated in the autistic
Booker, 1960a, 1960b). The subsequent isolation and char- brain.
acterization of nerve growth factor led to the discovery of a
large family of survival factors, called neurotrophins, which Establishment and Maintenance
are secreted by target tissues. Most immature neurons of Dendritic and Axonal Arbors
depend on access to neurotrophins for survival; neurons that
fail to make proper synaptic connections do not receive suf- Just as the developing brain produces a greater number of
ficient trophic support and do not survive. In addition, some cells than is needed, many neurons initially make an exces-
neurons also depend on trophic support from cells that sive number of synaptic connections (Scheiffele, 2003).
560 Autism Spectrum Disorders

The changes in grey matter volume reported in autistic Á

children discussed above could also result from an exuberant Challenges and Future Directions
production of neuronal processes and cell-cell interactions,
followed by excessive pruning of these processes and synapse • Progress into the neuropathology of autism will require
retraction. The assembly of mature neural networks relies on an international collaborative effort to acquire an ade-
tightly controlled cell-cell interactions, and candidate mole- quate number of brain specimens for analysis.
cules that play crucial roles in these processes have been • Fundamental studies of neuronal organization using
identified. For example, the α1-chimaerin family of proteins, modern quantitative, stereological techniques as well as
which are expressed in neurons during differentiation and classical methods (e.g., Golgi) will need to be carried out
synaptogenesis (Lim et al., 1992), regulate process growth to understand whether the autistic brain is characterized
and pruning along dendritic arbors during brain develop- by abnormal cell proliferation and/or cell loss and if there
ment (Buttery et al., 2006; Beg et al., 2007). These molecules are fundamental differences in the structure of neurons
are crucial for normal development. Neurons, in which in the autism brain.
expression of α1-chimaerin protein has been decreased, • Sophisticated clinical phenotyping of donors will be
sprout overabundant dendritic processes (Buttery et al., essential to account for neuropathology associated with
2006). In contrast neurons in which α1-chimaerin protein is comorbid syndromes and the heterogeneity of the autisms
overexpressed have longer dendrites with a greater number in the neuropathological findings that are obtained from
of processes. Genes that code for proteins such as α1- postmortem studies.
chimaerin are candidates for consideration in neurodevelop-
mental disorders, such as autism, that may result from
abnormal patterns of connectivity in the CNS. Indeed, a Á SUGGESTED READINGS
genomewide screen for linkage with autism conducted in
2001 identified α1-chimaerin as a potential gene of interest Amaral, D. G., Schumann, C. M., & Nordahl, C. W. (2008)
(IMGSAC, 2001), which, although speculative, may contrib- Neuroanatomy of autism. Trends in Neurosciences, 31, 137–145.
ute to diminished long-range connectivity (Courchesne & American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statisti-
cal manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC:
Pierce, 2005; Geschwind & Levitt, 2007).
Bailey, A. (2008). Postmortem studies of autism. Autism Research,
1(5), 265.
Á Schmitz, C., & Rezaie, P. (2008). The neuropathology of autism:
Conclusions Where do we stand? Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology,
34(1), 4–11.
Research into the neuropathology of autism is still in its
infancy. Progress has been hindered, in part, by the lack of
availability of a large number of postmortem brains, particu- Á ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
larly from early postnatal periods. Given the inherent hetero-
geneity in the etiologies and trajectories of the autisms, it is Original research described in this chapter by the authors was
likely that various patterns of neuropathology will be observed supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health
if an adequate number of brains become available for analyses. (R01 MH41479-18) and by the M.I.N.D. Institute. As always, we are
It is fair to say that the technology for sophisticated neu- grateful to the individuals and their families who contribute autism
ropathological analyses is available once the brains have been research.
obtained. Indications that there are fewer neurons in the fusi-
form gyrus and amygdala beg the question of whether there
were always fewer neurons or whether a neurodegenerative Á REFERENCES
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32 Á Diane C. Chugani


Á precursor tryptophan (Hamon et al., 1981). Tryptophan is an

Points of Interest essential amino acid that must be derived from the diet, and
constitutes only 1% of the total amino acid pool. In the blood,
the majority of tryptophan is bound to plasma protein. It is
• There is evidence for alterations in many neurotransmit-
the free plasma tryptophan that is available to be transported
ters in autism; the most compelling evidence at this time is
into the brain. Tryptophan is transported into the brain via
for alterations in serotonin and GABA neurotransmission.
the large neutral amino acid carrier (LAT1), where it com-
• The relationship between neurotransmitters measured
petes for transport with the other large neutral amino acids
in blood and the levels of the transmitter in the central
(Pardridge et al., 1977; Smith et al., 1987). The first, and rate
nervous system is not well understood.
limiting step, of serotonin synthesis is the formation of
• Neurotransmitter changes occur in genetic disorders asso-
5-hydroxytryptophan catalyzed by the enzyme tryptophan
ciated with autism in which the gene mutation does not
hydroxylase (TPH) (Figure 32-1). Tryptophan hydroxylase is
directly affect a neurotransmitter-related gene (synthetic
only 50% saturated with tryptophan, resulting in the depend-
or degradative enzymes, receptor, transporter, etc.).
ence of brain serotonin levels on the plasma concentration of
• Altered neurotransmitter function during brain devel-
free tryptophan as well as the plasma levels of the other large
opment may play a role in altered brain development in
neutral amino acids (Fernstrom & Wurtman, 1971).
autism and provide a mechanism for pharmacological
There are 2 genes encoding tryptophan hydroxylase, TPH1
and TPH2 (Sakowski et al., 2006). TPH1 is localized to the pineal
Neurotransmitters have been the focus of numerous studies gland and throughout the periphery. TPH2 is found in the brain
aimed at understanding autism, beginning nearly 50 years ago and in the gastrointestinal nervous system (Zhang et al., 2004).
when Schain and Freedman (1961) first reported elevated sero- The current dogma is that the majority of the serotonin synthe-
tonin in the blood of autistic subjects. Serotonin still remains sized in the body is generated by the enterochromaffin cells in
the neurotransmitter that has been most studied in autism. the gastrointestinal tract (Gershon & Tack, 2007). However,
There is some evidence for alterations in many transmitters, tryptophan hydroxylase is located at many peripheral sites, and
including GABA, glutamate, dopamine, norepinephrine, ace- the assertion that the majority of serotonin in the body is syn-
tylcholine, and opioid peptides. This literature has been sum- thesized in the gastrointestinal tract is not well documented.
marized in great detail recently (Lam et al., 2006). This review There is much evidence that serotonin synthetic enzymes are
will focus on the evidence for two neurotransmitters for which ubiquitously distributed and that serotonin is involved in many
there is the strongest link to autism, serotonin and GABA. For different functions throughout the body. Many of these func-
each of these neurotransmitters, the evidence for alterations in tions might be related to aspects of autism, and its causes. In
autism and the significance for altered neurotransmission on addition to the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous
brain development and behavior are discussed. system, serotonin is synthesized in bronchial epithelium, taste
papillae, thyroid parafollicular cells, ovaries, thymus, pancreas,
breast, skin, and arteries (Eddahibi et al., 2006; Ortiz-Alvarado
Á et al, 2006; Matsuda et al., 2004; Stull et al., 2007; Slominski
Serotonin et al., 2002; Ni et al., 2008). TPH and aromatic amino acid
decarboxylase (AADC) mRNAs are expressed in the heart, and
Serotonin Synthesis and Degradation serotonin is produced and released in cardiomyocytes (Ikeda
et al., 2005). TPH-1 mRNA and TPH protein is expressed in
Serotonin content in different parts of the body is determined trigeminal neurons and is regulated during the estrous cycle
by a vast number of factors. Serotonin is synthesized from the (Berman et al., 2006). Serotonin plays an important role in


TPH mammary gland function. TPH mRNA is elevated during preg-

5-Hydroxytryptophan nancy and lactation, and serotonin is present in mammary epi-
thelium and in milk (Matsuda et al., 2004). Elevated plasma
serotonin in autism might also be affected by changes in storage
and degradation. Plasma serotonin is taken up by platelets
through serotonin transporters (Ni & Watts, 2006), and is
MAO cleared by liver and lung endothelium (Nocito et al., 2007).
Serotonin Serotonin is metabolized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase
to produce its major metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
(5HIAA) (for review see Bortolato et al., 2008).

Serotonin Serotonin
Serotonin Transporter and Receptors

The serotonin transporter (SERT or 5HTT) mediates uptake

of serotonin following release at the synapse and at other sites
such as the platelet. The gene for the serotonin transporter has
5HT1A 5HT2 5HT4 5HT7 RTK
two forms, the short and the long form, that are common in
the general population. The short variant of the SERT gene
Giβγ PI3K has 30–40% lower mRNA expression leading to 50% lower
PTEN serotonin uptake than transporters produced by the long form
(Lesch et al., 1996). To date, 15 receptors for serotonin have
GSK3β AKT been identified, and these are expressed in the brain and
throughout the body where they regulate numerous processes
AMPK TSC1 TSC2 (for review see Berger et al., 2009).

Rheb Altered Blood Serotonin in Autism

Current evidence now suggests that autism is likely to be

caused by dysfunction of many genes (Zhao et al., 2007).
Given that many different genes can cause autism, it is striking
that 30–50% of autistic individuals show elevated serotonin in
the blood (Schain & Freedman, 1961). This result has been
Figure 32–1. Model demonstrating interaction of serotonergic replicated by several groups (Hoshino et al., 1984; Anderson
pathway with the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) mediated et al., 1987; Cook et al., 1990), and extended with the recogni-
phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase/Akt (PI3K) pathway. The tion that blood serotonin is also elevated in the first-degree
synthesis of serotonin from tryptophan catalyzed by tryptophan relatives of autistic individuals (Leventhal et al., 1990; Piven
hydroxylase (TPH) and aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC). et al., 1999; Cook et al., 1994; Leboyer et al., 1999).
Serotonin is stored in synaptic vesicles mediated by the vesicular
monoamine transporter (VMAT). Following release from the
terminal, serotonin diffuses to both synaptic and extrasynaptic Altered Brain Serotonin in Autism
serotonin receptors. Several classes of serotonin receptors have been
linked to modulation of the PI3K pathway, including 5HT1A, 5HT2, In light of the robust changes observed in blood serotonin, a
5HT4, and 5HT7. Serotonin is taken back up into the terminal by number of investigators asked whether serotonin in brain was
the serotonin transporter (SERT) and metabolized by monamine altered by measuring the serotonin metabolite 5HIAA in
oxidase (MAO) to 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5HIAA). Growth cerebrospinal fluid. Several studies spanning 20 years of inves-
factors such as brain-derived growth factor (BDNF) and insulin- tigation found no difference between autistic and nonautistic
like growth factor (IGF) stimulate cell growth by binding to the control groups in cerebrospinal fluid levels of 5HIAA (for
receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) which results in changing the activity details, see Lam et al., 2006). We used a molecular imaging
of enzymes, causing activation of subsequent components of the approach with the tracer alpha[11C]methyl-tryptophan (AMT)
pathway. Components of the pathway include phosphatidyl inositol imaged with positron emission tomography (PET) (Chugani
3-kinase (PI3K), Akt (also known as protein kinase B), tuberous
et al., 1997; Chugani et al., 1999, Chandana et al., 2005). Two
sclerosis complex 1 (TSC1), tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2),
fundamentally different types of serotonergic abnormality
Ras homologue enriched in brain (Rheb), mammalian target of
rapamycin complex 1 (mTOR), and PTEN (phosphatase and were found in children with autism. The first is a difference in
tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10). There is evidence whole brain serotonin synthesis capacity in autistic children
that activation of serotonin receptors can change the activity of compared to age-matched nonautistic children. Serotonin
component of this pathway in part mediated by the G-protein Giβγ synthesis capacity was greater than 200% of adult values until
and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β). the age of 5 years and then declined toward adult values in

568 Autism Spectrum Disorders

nonautistic children. In contrast, serotonin synthesis capacity Devlin et al., 2005). More recently, the short allele of the 5HTT
in autistic children increased gradually between the ages of receptor was associated with higher gray matter volume in
2 years and 15 years to values 1.5 times the adult normal values young boys with autism (Wassink et al., 2007). Furthermore,
(Chugani et al., 1999). These data suggested that humans cortical enlargement in autism was reported to be associated
undergo a period of high brain serotonin synthesis capacity with the “low activity” allele of the monamine oxidase A gene
during early childhood, and that this developmental process is (Davis et al., 2008).
disrupted in autistic children. We also found focal abnormali- Single nucleotide polymorphisms in intron 1 and 4 of TPH2,
ties in brain serotonin synthesis. Asymmetries of AMT uptake the brain-specific form of tryptophan hydroxylase, showed an
in frontal cortex, thalamus, and cerebellum were visualized in association with autism (Coon et al., 2005). Several recent stud-
children with autism (Chugani et al., 1997). These results lead ies report association of genes that may impact serotonin metab-
to the hypothesis that the dentate-thalamo-cortical pathway olism in autism. One such study reports the presence of a
may be disrupted in some children with autism. Subsequently, susceptibility mutation in a promoter variant of the tryptophan
we measured brain serotonin synthesis in a large group of 2,3-dioxygenase gene (Nabi et al., 2004). Tryptophan 2,3-dioxy-
autistic children with AMT PET and related these data to genase is a rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of trypto-
handedness and language function (Chandana et al., 2005). phan (by the kynurenine pathway), the precursor of serotonin.
Autistic children demonstrated several patterns of abnormal A mutation that results in decreased activity of this enzyme could
cortical involvement, including right cortical, left cortical, and decrease the metabolism of tryptophan by this pathway and
absence of abnormal asymmetry. Groups of autistic children increase the level of whole body serotonin content. Furthermore,
defined by presence or absence and side of cortical asymmetry, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase, as well as indoleamine 2,3-dioxy-
differed on a measure of language as well as handedness. genase (which also catalyses tryptophan metabolism by the
Autistic children with left cortical AMT decreases showed a kynurenine pathway), are expressed in the placenta and have a
higher prevalence of severe language impairment, whereas role in the prevention of allogeneic rejection of the fetus (Munn
those with right cortical decreases showed a higher prevalence et al., 1998; Suzuki et al., 2001). Another recent study investi-
of left and mixed handedness. gated the effect of maternal genotypes for monoamine oxidase-A
There are several possible explanations for the asymmetries (MAO-A) on the risk of autism in their offspring. Jones et al.
of cortical serotonin synthesis observed in children with autism. (2004) reported that maternal genotypes containing specific
First, cortical asymmetry of serotonin synthesis may be normal polymorphisms at the MAO-A locus show significant negative
during early brain development. The presence of abnormal effects on the intelligence quotient (IQ) in children with autism.
cortical asymmetry in serotonin synthesis observed in approxi- These results are consistent with those of a study which found
mately one half of the autistic children might represent another that a low activity MAO-A allele, due to an upstream variable-
manifestation of the abnormality in the developmental regula- number tandem repeat region, is associated with both lower IQ
tion of serotonin synthesis. Second, early damage to the domi- and more severe autistic behavior in children, as compared to
nant left hemisphere leads to compensatory changes in the the high-activity allele (Cohen et al., 2003). The serotonin trans-
right hemisphere to support language based on the recognition porter is highly expressed in the brush border membrane of the
that damage to the dominant left hemisphere leads to compen- human placenta and may mediate transport of serotonin from
satory changes to the right hemisphere to support language the maternal circulation to the developing fetus (Balkovetz et al.,
(Rasmussen & Milner, 1977; Muller et al., 1999; Curtiss & de 1989). Given that there is expression of the serotonin transporter
Bode, 2003). Evidence for a compensatory change to facilitate in the placenta, a maternal modifier effect of the serotonin trans-
language function on the right in autism comes from a study porter might be a risk factor for autism.
using structural imaging by Herbert et al. (2002), which showed
abnormal structural asymmetry in language association cortex Altered Serotonin in Autism Caused by Genes
in autistic boys. They reported that language-related inferior Not Related to Serotonin
frontal cortex was 27% larger on the right in the autistic group
compared to 17% larger on the left in control subjects. There are several studies showing alterations in serotonergic
neurotransmission in Rett syndrome, as well as in the MECP2-
Genetic Evidence Linking Serotonin to Autism null mouse model of Rett syndrome. Decreased levels of the
serotonin metabolite 5HIAA were reported in the CSF from
Blood serotonin levels have been linked to an interaction of 32 patients with Rett syndrome compared to age matched
the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) and integrin beta3 control subjects (Zoghbi et al., 1989). Serotonin concentra-
(ITGB3) (Weiss et al., 2006a,b). This finding was recently rep- tions in whole brain from MECP2-null mice showed no dif-
licated and additional interactions between these 2 genes were ference at birth, but were significantly lower at 42 days of age
found, including an additive effect of the HTR5A gene, an compared to wild-type mice (Ide et al., 2005). However, these
interaction of TPH1 and SLC6A4, and an interaction between changes were not specific to serotonin, and changes in other
HTR1D and SLC6A4 for blood serotonin level (Coutinho transmitters were also reported. Further evidence that the
et al., 2007). As mentioned above, the serotonin transporter serotonergic system is involved in MECP2, is the report that
has 2 forms. There have been conflicting reports regarding the the selective serotonin uptake inhibitor fluoxetine induced
relative roles of the short and long form in autism (reviewed in upregulation of MECP2_e1 and MECP2_e2 transcripts in
Neurotransmitters 569

adult rat brain (Cassel et al., 2005). Conversely, significantly The serotonin transporter is transiently expressed by glutama-
increased brain serotonin content has been reported in a tergic thalamocortical afferents (Bennett-Clarke et al., 1996,
Drosophila FraX model (Zhang et al., 2005). Finally, there is Lebrand et al., 1996) during the first 2 postnatal weeks in rats.
evidence for interaction of the 5HT2C receptor with PTEN During this period, these thalamocortical neurons take up and
(Ji et al., 2006; Muller & Carey, 2006). store serotonin, although they do not synthesize serotonin.
While the role of serotonin in glutamatergic neurons whose cell
Serotonin as a Neurotrophin bodies are located in sensory nuclei of the thalamus is not yet
known, there is evidence that the serotonin concentration must
Serotonin displays both fast actions as a neurotransmitter be neither too high nor too low during this period. Thus, deple-
and longer-term actions as a neurotrophin. This neurotrophic tion of serotonin delays the development of the barrel fields of
action may be in part through serotonin regulation of growth the rat somatosensory cortex (Blue et al., 1991; Osterheld-Haas
factors. For example, serotonin has been reported to stimu- & Hornung, 1996) and decreases the size of the barrel fields
late the release of IGF1 and S100b (Lauder, 1993; Lambert & (Bennett-Clarke et al., 1994). Conve-rsely, increased serotonin
Lauder, 1999). S100b is a trophic factor released from astro- during this critical period, as in the MAO-A knockout mouse,
cytes by a 5HT1A-mediated mechanism (Whitaker-Azmitia results in increased tangential arborization of these axons, result-
et al., 1996; Azmitia et al., 1996; Ahlemeyer et al., 2000; ing in blurring of the boundaries of the cortical barrels (Cases
Eriksen & Druse, 2001). Treatment with selective serotonin et al., 1996). Decreased or increased brain serotonin during this
reuptake inhibitors has been shown to increase mRNA for period of development results in disruption of synaptic connec-
BDNF and its receptor trkB (Nibuya et al., 1996; Chen et al., tivity in sensory cortices (Cases et al., 1995; Bennett-Clarke et al.,
2001), levels of IGF1 (Khawaja et al., 2004), and FGF2 1994; Cases et al., 1996). Furthermore, disruption of serotonin
(Maragnoli et al., 2004) in hippocampus. transporter functions impairs the cerebral glucose metabolism
Many of these trophic factors are receptor tyrosine kinases response to whisker stimulation (Esaki et al., 2005). The effect of
that signal through the phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase/Akt serotonin on synaptogenesis and synaptic function is not limited
(PI3K) pathway (Figure 32-1). The phosphinositide products to the sensory cortices. For example, Yan et al. (1997)have
of the PI3K recruit Akt and PDK to the membrane resulting in reported that depletion of serotonin with PCA or5,7-dihydroxy-
phosphorylation of Akt. There is evidence that serotonin may tryptamine in neonatal rat pups resulted in large decreases in
directly couple to the PI3K pathway. For example, 5HT1A ago- the numbers of dendritic spines in hippocampus. Finally, altera-
nists lead to activation of Akt in cultured hippocampal neu- tions of serotonergic function during development have lasting
rons, an action blocked by the 5HT1A antagonist WAY100635 functional changes into adulthood (Ansorge et al., 2004; Gross
(Cowen et al., 2005; Hsuing et al., 2005). In vivo treatment with et al., 2002).
agents that increase serotonin resulted in an increase in phos-
phorylation of GSK-3β, a substrate for Akt (Li et al., 2004). The
same results were obtained with the 5HT agonist 8-OH-DPAT Á
and the phosphorylation was inhibited by WAY100635. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
Alterations in brain growth have long been recognized in
autism. Macrocephaly was early recognized in a subset of per- Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is synthesized from gluta-
sons with autism. Recently, mutations in PTEN, a regulator of mate catalyzed by the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase
the PI3K pathway, were shown in cases of autism with extreme (GAD), of which there are two forms identified: GAD65 and
macrocephaly (Butler et al., 2005; Varga et al., 2009). Both GAD67 (Kaufman et al., 1991). There are three types of GABA
Akt1 and Akt3 are involved in the attainment of normal brain receptors, GABAA and GABAC are ligand-gated ion channels,
size (Easton et al., 2005). Thus, serotonin might play a role in and GABAB is a G protein coupled receptor (Bowery, 1993).
brain growth and brain size through PI3K signaling. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) induces fast inhibition by
acting on GABAA receptors in the mature brain, while activa-
Role of Serotonin in Brain Development tion of GABAA receptors in neonatal brain produces depolari-
zation due to the high intracellular chloride concentration in
Evidence from both pharmacological and gene knockout immature neurons (Yuste & Katz, 1991; Owens et al., 1996;
experiments demonstrates that serotonin plays a role in mod- Rivera et al., 1999). The GABAA receptor complex is composed
ulation of synaptogenesis. Immunocytochemistry for serot- of 5 polypeptide subunits to form a chloride channel (Nayeem
onin and [3H]citalopram binding to serotonin uptake sites et al., 1994). These polypeptide subunits have been classified
both have demonstrated a transient serotonergic innervation based on sequence, and subunit classes have been designated
of primary sensory cortex between postnatal days 2 and 14 a, b, g, d, e, p, r (Barnard et al., 1998), and q (Whiting, 1999).
during the period of synaptogenesis in rat cortex (D’Amato The GABAA receptor complex incorporates binding sites not
et al., 1987, Cases et al., 1995). Two early studies (Bennett- only for GABA, but also for benzodiazepines, barbiturates, ster-
Clarke et al., 1996, Lebrand et al., 1996) reported that this oid anesthetics (Olsen et al., 1991; MacDonald & Olsen, 1994;
transient innervation actually represented transient expression Olsen & Sapp, 1995), volatile general anesthetics (Olsen et al.,
of the high-affinity serotonin transporter and vesicular mono- 1991; Harrison et al., 1993), and possibly alcohols (Mahmoudi
amine transporter by glutamatergic thalamocortical neurons. et al., 1997).
570 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Pathological Evidence for Altered GABA Based on investigations of a GABRB3 gene knockout mouse
Neurotransmission in Autism (Homanics, 1997; DeLorey, 1998), it was suggested that the
lack of GABRB3 gene could contribute to most of the clinical
A number of studies have addressed GAD and GABA symptoms in Angelman’s syndrome. Interestingly, Angelman’s
receptors in postmortem autism brain and body fluids, by bio- patients with a maternal deletion of 15q11-13 leading to the
chemical, receptor binding, western blotting, and mRNA loss of β3 subunit of GABA receptor showed significantly
expression methods. Abnormalities of GABA have been detected decreased binding of [11C]flumazenil in frontal, parietal, hip-
in blood and platelets of subjects with autism (Rolf et al., 1993). pocampal, and cerebellar regions in a PET study (Holopainen
Fatemi et al. (2002) reported reduced GAD65 and GAD67 pro- et al., 2001). Lucignani et al. (2004) studied 6 adults with
tein expression using western blotting in parietal and cerebellar Prader-Willi syndrome and found decreased [11C]flumazenil
cortices in 9 specimens from autistic adults aged 19–30 years binding in insula and cingulate, frontal, and temporal neocor-
compared to 7 age-matched controls. Blatt and colleagues have tices compared to normal control subjects. These studies dem-
studied expression of GAD65 and GAD67 expression in different onstrate the utility of PET in elucidating the functional
cerebellar cell groups. This group has reported decreased GAD67 consequence of specific genetic abnormalities. Similarly,
mRNA levels in cerebellar Purkinje cells in autistic subjects GABAA receptor binding, measured with GABAA receptor
(Yip et al., 2007), whereas GAD67 was increased in cerebellar channel ligand ([(35)S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate) and
interneurons (Yip et al., 2008). Finally, Yip et al. (2009) found benzodiazepine ligand ([(3)H]Ro 15-4513), was decreased in
decreased GAD65 mRNA levels in a subpopulation of cells in a GABAB3 knockout mouse but not in a UBE3A knockout
cerebellar dentate nuclei. Oblak et al. (2009) measured GABA mouse (Sinkkonen et al., 2003). The same 15q11-13 region
receptor binding with [3H]muscimol and benzodiazepine bind- has been implicated in autism based on several observations
ing site with [3H]flunitrazepam in anterior cingulate cortex in showing chromosomal duplications in autistic individuals and
specimens from 7 autism subjects aged 19–30 years, compared evidence of linkage disequilibrium in autistic families (Cook,
with control subjects aged 16–43. They found large decreases in 1997; Bass, 2000). Specifically, linkage disequilibrium was
the maximum number of binding sites in both ligands in supra- identified in GABRB3 and GABRA5, as well as at the
granular and infragranular layers of the anterior cingulate Angelman’s syndrome gene UBE3A in autism families (Cook,
cortex. Fatemi, Reutiman, Folsom, and Thuras (2009) exam- 1998; Martin, 2000; Nurmi, 2001). Expression of nonim-
ined expression of four GABAA receptor subunits in using west- printed 15q11-13 GABA receptor subunit genes was signifi-
ern blotting and found significantly decreased GABRA1, cantly reduced specifically in the female 15q11-13 duplication
GABRA2, GABRA3, and GABAB3 subunit expression in pari- (Hogart et al., 2008).
etal cortex, GABRA1 and GABRB3 in cerebellum and GABRA1
in superior frontal cortex in specimens from autistic subjects Role of GABA in Brain Development
compared to controls. The same group also found decreased
GABAB subunit expression in the same three brain regions It is well demonstrated that GABA mechanisms are involved
(Fatemi, Folsom, Reutiman, and Thuras, 2009). These studies in the refinement of ocular dominance columns. Treatment
suggest widespread decreases in expression of the GABA syn- with GABAergic drugs during a critical period alters the
thetic enzymes as well as GABAA and GABAB receptors. time course of this development (Hensch et al., 1998). There
is abundant evidence that developmental changes in
Genetic and Imaging Evidence for a Role GABA neurotransmission are related to critical periods of
of GABA in Autism activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in response to sensory
experience in animals (Wolf et al., 1986; Ramoa et al., 1988,
Cytogenetic studies have reported abnormalities in chromo- Reiter & Stryker, 1988). Furthermore, there are dramatic
some 15 in autism, specifically 15q11-13, the region that changes in GABAA receptor subunit composition in develop-
encodes several GABAA receptor subunit genes (GABRB3, ing brain, for example in visual cortex (Huntsman et al., 1994;
GABRA5, and GABRG3; Silva et al., 2002; Menold et al., 2001; Huang et al., 1999), somatosensory cortex (Golshani et al.,
Buxbaum et al., 2002). Menold et al. (2001) reported two 1997; Huntsman et al., 1995), and cerebellum (Carlson et al.,
single nucleotide polymorphisms located within the GABRB3 1998). A specific role for benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA
gene in autism. Moreover, symptoms of autism can be associ- receptors in the critical period for establishing ocular
ated with both Prader̃-Willi and Angelman’s syndromes, both dominance has been suggested by investigators, who have
of which involve alterations in the chromosome 15q11-13 demonstrated that infusion of diazepam can restore visual
region (for a review, Nicholls & Knepper, 2001). Although cortex plasticity in mice with gene-targeted disruption of the
autism and Angelman’s syndrome are distinct disorders, there 65-kD isoform of the GABA synthetic enzyme glutamic acid
is considerable overlap among them, with both conditions decarboxylase (GAD65) (Hensch et al., 1998). GAD65 knock-
characterized by language deficit, seizures, mental impair- out mice showed no shift in ocular dominance with eye clo-
ment, behavioral abnormalities, and sleep disturbances. The sure during the critical period. However, ocular dominance
region 15q11-13 contains the disease loci for Angelman’s shift in response to eye closure did occur in these mice if
syndrome (UBE3A) resulting from deletion or mutation diazepam was infused in the visual cortex during the critical
within maternal chromosome 15q11-13 (Kishino et al., 1997). period.
Neurotransmitters 571

Á Chugani, D. C. (2005). Pharmacological intervention in autism:

Conclusion Targeting critical periods of brain development. Clinical
Neuropsychiatry, 2(6), 346–353.
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role of serotonin: news from mouse molecular genetics. Nature
autism. These changes in some cases might be directly caused
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by changes in genes directly relevant to the transmitter, such as
Lam, K. S. L., Aman, M. G., & Arnold, L. E. (2006). Neurochemical
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ter might result from altered brain development due to muta- Pardo, C. A., & Eberhart, C. G. (2007). The neurobiology of autism.
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33 Á Stephen R. Dager, Neva M. Corrigan, Todd L. Richards, Dennis W. Shaw

Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Á reliable clinical diagnosis of ASD has been progressively

Points of Interest pushed back to the range of 18 to 36 months of age (Dawson
et al., 2002; Dawson et al., 2004; Lord et al., 2006; Zwaigenbaum
et al., 2005; Watson et al., 2006; Bryson, McDermott,
• MRS is FDA-approved and uses the same equipment
Rombough, & Zwaigenbaum, 2008; Landa & Garrett-Mayer,
as MRI to noninvasively measure hydrogen-containing
2006). During this time frame, the brain reaches 80–90% of its
brain chemicals.
adult volume, with the overall adult pattern of myelination,
• The areas under the curve of individual peaks in a
1H MRS spectrum used to calculate chemical concentra-
and elaboration of new synapses, well underway (Pfefferbaum
et al, 1994; Sampaio & Truwit, 2001; Huttenlocher & Dabholkar,
tions also are influenced by pulse sequence and acqui-
1997). Concurrent with this period of rapid brain development
sition parameters (e.g., echo time) used to acquire the
is the development of a wide range of cognitive, social, and lan-
guage abilities (Kagan, Herschkowitz, & Herschkowitz, 2005).
• The concurrent measurement of multiple chemicals by
1H MRS provides relational information that can reveal
The pathogenesis of ASD remains little understood but is
generally thought to reflect an alteration in the underlying
patterns of chemical alterations associated with a spe-
complex interaction of genetic and environmental influences
cific pathophysiology.
1H MRS can assess interactions between glutamate and
on normal brain development during the postnatal period

(DiCicco-Bloom et al., 2006). Earlier imaging studies seeking
GABA levels, the most abundant excitatory and inhibi-
to identify specific anatomical correlates to ASD have reported
tory neurotransmitters, respectively, as well as other
a wide array of structural findings that have been often incon-
chemicals, such as choline, creatine, myoinositol and
sistently replicated, as reviewed elsewhere (Lyon & Rumsey,
N-acetyl-aspartate, that provide information on the
1996; Williams & Minshew, 2007). Often reflecting pragmatic
functionality or “health” of neuronal and glial cells.
considerations of clinical feasibility, imaging studies of ASD
• Among the more consistently observed chemical altera-
typically have concentrated on small samples of older, high-
tions associated with ASD, particularly in younger
functioning individuals who can cooperate with the imaging
children, are reduced levels of chemicals, such as
procedure. One limitation with this approach of studying
N-acetyl-aspartate and choline, that are consistent with
only cooperative individuals is that those with mental retar-
emerging theories of decreased brain packing density
dation and seizures, a clinically important and very prevalent
or inflammatory processes early in the developmental
subgroup of individuals with ASD, have often gone unstud-
course of ASD.
ied. Additionally, a particular difficulty with interpreting
brain imaging findings from studies of ASD, beyond such
considerations as imaging or analytic techniques used and the
Á sample power, is that a broad range of subject ages are fre-
Background quently grouped together in individual studies. Wide age
ranges within a sample can inadvertently obscure brain devel-
The diagnosis of ASD, typically made in early childhood, is opmental alterations that may be present only at distinct age
based on rigorous behavioral assessment (APA, 1994). With points in ASD, making interpretation of the imaging literature
improvements in diagnostic instruments, the earliest age for difficult.

Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 577

More recently, there have been several MRI studies of some other process such as inflammation at earlier stages of
young children with ASD having samples that comprise a rela- brain development, has been suggested though not yet estab-
tively narrow age range of between 2 and 4 years of age. These lished (Petropoulos et al., 2006).
studies have consistently found on average 10–15% cerebral Research applications of highly resolved 2-D and 3-D struc-
enlargement after exclusion of cerebrospinal fluid (Courchesne tural MRI have demonstrated intriguing clinical relationships
et al., 2001; Sparks et al., 2002; Hazlett et al., 2005). Retros- between brain anatomical alterations and ASD. For example,
pective and prospective studies of the trajectory of head cir- an inverse relationship between amygdalar volume at 3 years
cumference growth in infants subsequently diagnosed with of age and the trajectory for social skills development between
ASD also suggest normal head size at birth but more rapid 3 and 6 years of age in children with ASD has been reported
increases in size than for typically developing children between (Munson et al., 2006). These structural observations can
6 and 12 to 18 months of age (Courchesne et al., 2001; Hazlett help to focus research efforts, but do not directly address
et al., 2005; Davidovitch, Patterson, & Gartside, 1996; Lainhart pathological mechanisms underlying those relationships.
et al., 1997; Dawson et al., 2007). Clinically defining features The factors that influence image intensity in conventional
of ASD, such as social deficits, are generally not observed at 6 MRI are complex, and image intensity changes alone do
months of age in children subsequently diagnosed with ASD. not allow underlying pathological processes to be identified.
Rather, symptom onset occurs sometime after the second half Furthermore, although MRI is sensitive to changes in tissue
of the first year. Although there are variable patterns of symp- water characteristics used to define anatomy at a macroscopic
tom onset, most children diagnosed with an ASD demonstrate level, it is less sensitive to what is occurring at a cellular level
symptoms between 12 and 24 months (Dawson et al., 2002; (Petropoulos et al., 2006). In this regard, magnetic resonance
Dawson et al., 2004; Lord et al., 2006; Zwaigenbaum et al., spectroscopy (MRS), a complementary imaging technique,
2005; Watson et al., 2006; Bryson et al., 2008; Landa et al., can provide useful insights into mechanisms that may account
2006). Thus, the onset of cerebral enlargement in ASD appears for brain structural alternations in ASD (Dager, Friedman,
to be a postnatal phenomenon that has an initial time course Petropoulos, & Shaw, 2008; Dager, Corrigan, Richards, &
that converges with the time course for symptom onset Posse, 2008).
(Hazlett et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 2007).
Whether or not cerebral enlargement has a primary role in
the pathogenesis of ASD, characterizing the nature of this phe- Á
nomenon has the potential to provide important insights Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
toward understanding the pathogenesis of ASD. In this regard,
it has been proposed that mechanisms underlying cerebral MRS was first described in the 1940s and thereafter rapidly
enlargement may also alter brain cytoarchitecture in ASD, applied to characterize chemical samples, in vitro (Purcell,
with secondary disturbances of white matter tract develop- Torrey, & Pound, 1946; Bloch, Hansen, & Packard, 1946;
ment and resultant abnormalities of connectivity (Casanova & Proctor & Yu, 1950). There are comprehensive reference works
Tillquist, 2008). Specific components of the white matter cir- available that describe the basic principles of MRS (Gadian,
cuitry, which predominantly involves short- and medium-range 1982; De Graaf, 2007). As a brief overview, certain atomic
intrahemispheric association fibers rather than longer-range nuclei, which include hydrogen (1H), lithium (7Li), carbon
white matter tracts, may be differentially impacted by early (13C), fluorine (19F), sodium (23Na), and phosphorus (31P),
overgrowth of the cerebrum (Herbert et al., 2004). In keeping have magnetic properties due to the presence of unpaired
with this consideration, MRI investigations of the corpus cal- nucleons (protons or neutrons) that result in a dipole or mag-
losum in ASD, which connects the right and left cerebral hem- netic orientation to the nuclei. These nuclei are not radioactive
ispheres, variably find decreases in absolute size but, more and are naturally occurring, although often in small physio-
consistently, demonstrate a disproportionate reduction in logic concentrations. Innovative adaptation of existing in vitro
corpus callosum size when total cerebral volume is taken into MRS technology, primarily in vivo detection of the spatial dis-
account (Piven, Bailey, Ranson, & Arndt, 1997; Boger- tribution of hydrogen atoms (protons) incorporated into the
Megiddo et al., 2006). If optimalization of synaptic organiza- structure of water and lipid, is what made MRI clinically feasi-
tion during the early postnatal period fails to occur, this could ble long before MRS was first applied to living systems
result in disruption of vulnerable neural structures and cir- (Lauterbur, 1973; Mansfield & Grannell, 1973).
cuits implicated in ASD (Sampaio et al., 2001; Huttenlocher
et al., 1997; Belmonte et al., 2004). It has been further sug-
gested that other neurodevelopmental disorders that also Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): At one time
manifest during this period, and may have phenotypic overlap referred to as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging,
with ASD (e.g., Rett syndrome, Fragile X syndrome [FXS]), this imaging technique is now called MRI in recognition of
could also involve alterations of synaptic maturation in its noninvasive and nonionizing (nonradioactive) properties.
common with ASD (Zoghbi, 2003; Bagni & Greenough, 2005). As with MRI, MRS data is produced by perturbing hydro-
That white matter alterations might be secondary to altera- gen nuclei that are aligned with the scanner magnetic field
tions of gray matter development, which are in turn due to by transmission of a radiofrequency (RF) pulse, which causes
578 Autism Spectrum Disorders

them to absorb and reemit energy. The hydrogen nuclei The chemical shift for a given chemical is directly propor-
change orientation (“flip”) during the absorption process tional to the magnitude of the magnetic field strength used for
and subsequently realign with the magnetic field. The signal data acquisition. Frequency measurements for a given chemical
emitted during realignment is termed the free-induction are expressed as a dimensionless quantity, by convention given
decay (FID), and is detected up by a receiver coil, digitized, in units of parts per million (PPM), to allow standardization
and Fourier transformed to produce a frequency domain between scanners having different field strengths. This chemi-
MRS spectrum. cal shift measure allows for identification and quantification of
specific chemicals that are further described below, In addition,
MRS can be used in vivo to noninvasively measure brain the rate at which spins realign with the static magnetic field fol-
chemical composition, characterize certain cellular features, lowing perturbation by the RF pulse, termed T1 relaxation, and
and characterize tissue metabolic processes (for a recent review the rate by which the spins lose coherence, termed T2 relaxa-
of psychiatric clinical applications, see Dager, Corrigan et al., tion, can also be measured. These measurements, typically of
2008). Detection of tissue-based abnormalities in brain regions water but also other brain chemicals, can help to characterize
that appear normal by MRI, as well as elucidation of pathol- features of the microenvironment, or cytoarchitecture, which
ogy underlying MRI-visible abnormalities, is possible with has been found to be altered in ASD (Dager, Friedman, et al.,
MRS (Friedman et al., 1999). Although numerous studies have 2008; Petropoulos et al., 2006; Friedman et al., 2003).
utilized MRI to detect brain structural abnormalities associ-
ated with ASD, there have been relatively few studies using T1 and T2 Relaxation: T1 relaxation (longitudinal or spin-
MRS to investigate ASD. Several MRS studies of ASD have lattice relaxation) is the rate at which hydrogen nuclei realign
used nuclei other than 1H, such as 31P to investigate cell with the static magnetic field after perturbation by an RF
membrane turnover (Minshew, Goldstein, Dombrowski, pulse. For a given chemical, the T1 relaxation rate is governed
Panchalingam, & Pettegrew, 1993) or 19F MRS to study the by the magnetic field strength and the composition of the
brain uptake, steady-state concentration, and elimination half- surrounding cellular matrix. T2 relaxation (transverse or
life of fluorine-containing psychotropic drugs (e.g., fluoxetine spin-spin relaxation) reflects the loss of signal following the
and fluvoxamine) used clinically to treat children with ASD RF pulse that is caused by interactions with hydrogen nuclei
(Strauss, Unis, Cowan, Dawson, & Dager, 2002). However, as from nearby tissues, The T1 and T2 relaxation rates of tissues
most MRS research investigating ASD has employed 1H MRS, can provide information on many tissue properties, including
this is the focus of the chapter. neuronal maturation and myelination in the brain.
1H MRS utilizes the same scanner equipment as MRI and

can noninvasively detect and quantify low-molecular-weight

brain chemicals other than water that also contain hydrogen as MRS chemical levels are determined by measuring the area
part of their molecular structure. To obtain a usable 1H MRS under each spectral peak using commercially available MRS
signal, suppression of the water signal, which otherwise would software fitting packages (e.g., Provencher, 1993; Provencher,
overwhelm the signal from these other hydrogen-containing 2009). Often, these chemical peak areas are referenced, or nor-
chemicals, is required first. The 1H spins of chemicals at equi- malized, by the computation of ratios between peak areas from
librium in the scanner’s static magnetic field (typically 1.5 Tesla two chemical peaks simultaneously acquired. Reporting chem-
or 3 Tesla) are perturbed by transmitting a radiofrequency ical ratios for 1H MRS findings (e.g., NAA/Cre) can reduce the
(RF) pulse at a specific frequency. This causes the 1H spins to effect of individual acquisition differences on chemical meas-
absorb energy by putting more of the spins into a higher energy urements across studies. This approach also has the advantage
state and then reemit energy (resonate) as those spins drop back of compensating for partial volume differences in individual
into the parallel state. This reemission of energy varies in strength voxels. Partial volume primarily reflects the variable inclusion
depending on the properties of the particular electron cloud of CSF in the voxel, as well as differences in gray-white tissue
shielding each chemical bond. Since the electron cloud that composition, as this also can influence the relative chemical
shields each nuclei is different due to unique molecular bond proportions. A substantial drawback to using chemical ratios
configurations of the chemical, each proton experiences a slightly is the requirement that the denominator (often Cre but other
different local magnetic field and, as a result, resonates at a chemicals, such as NAA or Cho, may instead be used) not be
slightly different frequency, referred to as its “chemical shift.” affected by the pathological process under investigation. This
requirement is often not met.
Chemical Shift: The shift in resonance frequency of the More recent quantification approaches have utilized meas-
hydrogen nucleus of a given chemical as compared to the urements from a separate water scan, using the unsuppressed
resonance frequency of a hydrogen nucleus in a water water peak as an internal reference standard to control for SNR
molecule. The chemical shift of the hydrogen nucleus in a differences across studies. “Absolute” quantification approaches
chemical dictates the location of the peaks for that chemical reference the chemical of interest to an internal reference (e.g.,
on an MRS spectrum and is what makes 1H MRS a useful brain water measured from a separately acquired 1H MRS scan)
investigative tool, as specific chemicals can be identified and or external phantom (e.g., test-tube placed next to the head)
measured. in order to follow or compare chemical levels within and
Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 579

between individuals. However, if this quantification approach Bzdega, & Wroblewska, 2000). For example, a 1H MRS study of
requires the acquisition of an additional scan, there can be traumatic brain injury found that NAA brain levels were reduced
problems when scanning under time constraints, as occurs in in relation to severity of head trauma and higher NAA levels
the study of sleeping children. Quantification techniques also were predictive of improved clinical outcome (Friedman et al.,
are more difficult to implement and entail many assumptions, 1999). NAA alterations characterized by 1H MRS also have been
such as the stability or full visibility of brain water, but are gen- reported to be useful for predicting clinical outcome in pediatric
erally the preferred approach for reporting MRS data. Using studies of developmental disorders. As shown in a study of neu-
the water peak as an internal standard does necessitate a cor- rologically at-risk children, those who subsequently manifested
rection for partial volume effects, frequently not performed in developmental disorders (DD) clinically had reduced NAA
published studies. measures, reported as NAA/Cho or NAA/Cre ratios (Kimura,
Reliability for brain chemical measurements using 1H Fujii, & Itoh, 1995). These chemical alterations also were found
MRS has been clearly established, but due diligence is critical to be a better outcome predictor than structural MRI features.
when applying this methodology, as numerous potential pit-
falls exist, both in data acquisition and analysis (Dager &
Chemical Ratios: Meaningful comparison of chemical dif-
Steen, 1992; Brooks, Friedman, & Stidley, 1999). In practical
ferences using a ratio (e.g. NAA/Cho in the example of at-
terms, there are limitations in detecting chemicals at low con-
risk DD children) requires that the concentration of the
centrations, generally in the millimolar range, for in vivo 1H
chemical in the denominator be equivalent across diagnostic
MRS (Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2008; De Graaf, 2007; Ross &
groups. As Cho might be expected to be altered in a direction
Michaelis, 1994; Gadian, 1982). Chemicals in the brain that
opposite that of NAA in DD children, its use as the denomi-
can be detected and quantified by 1H MRS include N-acetyl
nator in assessing NAA could amplify any NAA differences
aspartate (NAA), most often measured as the total of
between groups. Because neurodevelopmental disorders,
NAA + N-acetyl aspartyl glutamate (NAAG); creatine (Cre),
such as ASD, are likely to affect the concentrations of multi-
composed of creatine and phosphocreatine; choline (Cho),
ple brain chemicals, the use of ratios may obscure specific
which has multiple resonances reflecting signal from four
chemical abnormalities.
membrane/myelin related chemicals: phosphorylethanolamine
(PE), phosphorylcholine (PC), glycerophosphorylethanolamine
(GPE), and glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC); myoinositol The Cho spectral peak reflects only the mobile fraction of
(mI); and lactate, which is difficult to detect at rest in the choline-containing compounds present in tissue, with the
normal brain. Glutamate (Glu), gamma-aminobutyric acid larger fraction of Cho being incorporated into molecules in
(GABA), and glutamine (Gln) have complicated peak shapes cell membranes and myelin, rendering them MR-invisible
and resonate at overlapping spectral locations, resulting in (Gadian, 1982; Ross et al., 1994). In contrast to NAA, Cho
the use of the term GLX as a common description of the com- levels decrease rapidly over the first year of life, also paralleling
bined peaks, although at higher field strength individual myelination, and reflect decreases in the PE and PC compo-
peaks can be resolved and quantified, as described further nents of the Cho peak; in contrast, smaller magnitude increases
below (Dager, Corrigan et al., 2008; Posse et al., 2007; Lin of GPE and GPC also occur (Kreis et al., 1993; van der Knaap
et al., 2007; Schubert, Gallinat, Seifert, & Rinneberg, 2004; et al., 1990). In many individuals with traumatic brain injury,
Hurd, Gurr, & Sailasuta, 1998; Behar & Ogino, 1991; Ryner, Cho is increased in relation to severity of neuronal injury as a
Sorenson, & Thomas, 1995). result of the addition of membrane and myelin breakdown
Turning to some of the specific chemicals that have been products to the 1H MRS signal (Friedman et al., 1999).
studied in ASD, NAA is an amino acid that is found only in the Furthermore, in contrast to NAA reductions, 1H MRS visible
nervous system, and primarily in neurons and axons (Tallan, Cho is elevated, at least acutely, in most pathological CNS dis-
Moore, & Stein, 1956). A complex NAA shuttle between neu- ease states with cellular disruption.
rons and oligodendrocytes suggests important roles for NAA in Bulk Cre in the 1H spectrum provides some indication of
regulating synaptogenesis and synaptic maintenance, as well energy metabolism and high energy phosphate storage,
as myelination, cellular osmolarity, and neuronal metabolism although 31P MRS provides an unambiguous measure of phos-
(Coyle et al., 2000; Neale et al., 2000; Tsacopoulos & Magistretti, phocreatine, a more straightforward measure of high-energy
1996; Baslow, 2000). During normal development, NAA levels phosphate levels (Gadian, 1982; Ross et al., 1994). Cre levels
increase dramatically over the first year of life, then variably also change during normal brain development, with 1H MRS
increases across different brain regions, gradually plateauing in measures of Cre increasing from birth until around 2 years of
early adulthood (Kreis & Ross, 1993; van der Knaap et al., 1990; age, in a direction opposite that of Cho (Kreis et al., 1993; van
Huppi et al., 1991). Increases in NAA parallel myelination, and der Knaap et al., 1990; Huppi et al., 1991). Similarly to NAA,
are thought to reflect neuronal maturation as a result of increas- Cre is decreased in response to traumatic brain injury or in the
ing synaptic complexity, as well as increased axonal projections. setting of neuronal injury associated with many CNS disease
Available data further support a role for NAA as a sensitive states (Friedman, 1999).
marker of both neuronal integrity and neuronal-glial homeosta- An important regulator of brain osmotic balance, mI is also
sis (Birken & Oldendorf, 1989; Coyle & Schwarcz, 2000; Neale, a putative marker for glial cells, in particular astrocytes, and a
580 Autism Spectrum Disorders

precursor for the phosphoinositides that are involved in the number of acquisitions, but the improvement is proportional
cell membrane second messenger system (Moore et al., 1999). only to the square root of the number of acquisitions (i.e., in
In the setting of inflammatory processes, or acute stroke with order to double the SNR ratio, there must be 4-times the signal
associated cytotoxic edema, mI levels may be acutely altered as averaging). Although in practical terms, there are technical
a measure of glial swelling (Rumpel, Lim, Chang, et al., 2003). problems that mount as magnetic field strength increases, the
Lactate, at one time thought to be solely a by-product of SNR of singlet resonances increases linearly with increases with
cellular metabolism, has been found to have an important role field strength (Vaughan et al., 2006; Otazo et al., 2006).
in brain bioenergetics, including as an energy substrate for Improvements in SNR also can be achieved with the use of a
neuronal metabolism (Schurr, West, & Rigor, 1988). Elevated shorter echo time (TE) (Posse, Schuknecht, Smith, van Zijl, &
resting brain Lactate levels, often in conjunction with other Herschkowitz, 1993) and with improved head coil designs
chemical alterations such as elevated GLX or reduced NAA, (Wald, Moyher, Day, Nelson, & Vigneron, 1995).
may also reflect alterations of brain energy metabolism, such Initial MRS studies were limited to measuring chemicals
as a shift in redox state from oxidative metabolism toward gly- within a single large volume of tissue, referred to as single-voxel
colysis, and provide a potential marker for mitochondrial techniques. With earlier 1H MRS single-voxel techniques per-
compromise, as has been observed in medication-free subjects formed at 1.5 Tesla, in order to acquire a scan in a relatively
with bipolar disorder (Dager et al., 2004) or individuals with short duration of time (e.g., 5 minutes) while at the same time
mitochondrial genetic diseases (Dinopoulos et al., 2005; allowing for measurement of chemicals at low natural abun-
Kaufmann et al., 2004). However, it is important to recognize dance, such as lactate, voxel sizes as large as 27cc were required
that moderate reductions in cerebral blood flow and/or to achieve adequate SNR (Dager et al., 1995). Most 1H MRS
increased brain metabolism, as occurs with hyperventilation studies of ASD populations have employed single-voxel tech-
(Dager et al., 1995) or caffeine ingestion (Dager et al., 1999), niques that provide chemical information for only a single brain
also can acutely increase brain lactate levels. area and, due to large voxel sizes, there can be quite variable
Brain levels of Glu and GABA, the major excitatory and anatomical placement of the voxel. With technical advances,
inhibitory neurotransmitter, respectively, are of substantial particularly in scanner and head coil hardware, voxel sizes can
interest in many neuropsychiatric conditions, including ASD. be substantially reduced. Thus, 1H MRS with a voxel size of 0.18
It is now quite feasible to separate and accurately measure cc (3.4 x 3.4 x 15 mm3), or smaller, can be acquired at 3 Tesla
these chemicals at scanner field strengths of 3 Tesla and higher. field strength, albeit with a lower SNR that requires more signal
Whereas Glu can be accurately identified and measured at 3 averaging (Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2007).
Tesla using standard pulse sequences with specific acquisition A substantial advance in 1H MRS research applications has
parameters (Schubert, Gallinat, Seifert, et al., 2004), measure- been the implementation of rapid 2-D and 3-D 1H MRS imag-
ment of GABA requires the use of newer, specialized 1H MRS ing techniques (1H MRSI). 1H MRSI allows for the mapping of
acquisition and analytic techniques, as briefly described anatomical distributions of chemical concentrations, similar
below. to the mapping of anatomical distributions of 1H water signal
obtainable with MRI (Posse et al., 1997). In contrast to the
substantial time required for performing repeated single-voxel
Á 1H MRS acquisitions to sample multiple individual regions,

Advances in Magnetic Resonance 1H MRSI techniques, such as proton echo-planar spectro-

Spectroscopy scopic imaging (PEPSI), use very rapid spectral-spatial encod-

ing techniques for simultaneous spectral acquisitions across
Recent technical advances in 1H MRS have led to substantial many anatomical voxels. For example, instead of a single 27cc
improvements in spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution. voxel, a 32 x 32 spatial matrix [1024 voxels, individual voxel
Spectral resolution, the degree of separation or isolation of resolution = 1cc] can be acquired in the same 4–5 minute time
individual chemical peaks, improves as scanner field strength frame across a single tissue slice at 1.5 Tesla (Posse et al., 1997).
increases (Vaughan, et al., 2006; Otazo, Mueller, Ugurbil, Wald, In Figure 33-1, a representative MRI axial slice (20 mm thick)
Posse, et al., 2006). Better acquisition methods (pulse sequences) is shown overlaid with a 32 x 32 2-D PEPSI voxel matrix (voxel
and analytic approaches, to be further discussed below, also can resolution =1.0 cc). A subset of acquired spectra and the fit-
further enhance spectral resolution. There is generally a trade- ting of an individual spectrum are illustrated in Figure 33-2.
off between spatial and temporal resolution, with increased More recently developed 3-D 1H MRSI techniques can allow
spatial resolution achieved at the expense of temporal resolu- the simultaneous acquisition of multiple contiguous anatomi-
tion, or vice versa. Spatial resolution and temporal resolution cal slices (e.g., 8192 voxels over 8 slices with 0.3 cc voxel resolu-
are both functions of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is tion) within the same 4- to 5-minute time frame using a 3
also a function of scanner field strength and coil sensitivity, Tesla scanner (Lin et al., 2007; Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2008).
chemical concentration, acquisition parameters (e.g., echo In Figure 33-3, example 3-D PEPSI acquisitions from a standard
time), and magnetic resonance characteristics of the chemicals 3 Tesla clinical scanner are shown for a sleeping 6-month-old
of interest. Pragmatically, the most practical approach for without a family history of ASD and for a 12-month-old at
enhancing SNR is through increasing signal averaging or high risk for an ASD due to an older affected sibling.

Figure 33–1. A 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (1H MRSI) axial slab location (20 mm thick) overlaid with a 32 x 32 2-D MRSI
voxel matrix. A subset of the acquired MRSI voxels is shown on the upper right-hand corner. An individual voxel with identified chemical
peaks is shown in the lower right-hand corner.

Figure 33–2. LC Model fitting results for an individual spectrum acquired from the left frontal lobe. Shown are the raw absorption mode
spectrum (lighter line) and corresponding LC Model fit based on a priori knowledge (darker line). The residuals, calculated as a subtraction of
the fit from the spectrum, are plotted at the top. The table of chemical concentrations calculated from the fit is to the right. Cramer-Rao lower
bound (%SD) also is shown on the right-hand side for each chemical concentration map. Cramer-Rao lower bounds provide information on
the “goodness of fit” and can be used as an objective method for filtering out poor quality spectra.
582 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Figure 33–3. Example 3-D PEPSI spectra, acquired over 4.5 minutes on a clinical 3 Tesla scanner, showing the 3-D anatomical volume,
individual voxel placement (blue box) and outer volume sat band positioning for a 6m infant without a family history of ASD and for a 12m
infant at high risk for an ASD due to an older affected sibling. Each example shows one 0.3 cc voxel out of the 8,192 collected concurrently.
(See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI): MRSI Shimming: Magnetic resonance data acquisition requires a
represents an important advancement in MRS technology by uniform static magnetic field, which is provided by the main
acquiring spectra from multiple voxels simultaneously. This scanner magnet. Imperfections in scanner electronics and
dramatically increases the number of brain regions that can the introduction of a person’s head inside the scanner can
be sampled in a single scan and allows for the creation of cause alterations in the static magnetic field. Shimming
spatial maps of chemical distributions across brain regions is a method by which scanner hardware is used to detect
or for gray/white matter. and compensate for magnetic field variations to make the
static magnetic field as uniform as possible during data
1H MRSI approaches have obvious clinical advantages
for the study of populations that are difficult to image, such
as agitated or sleeping subjects (such as young children), or
for measuring anatomical relationship to changing meta- The use of the pulse sequences utilizing the most up-to-date
bolic states, such as in response to brain metabolic chall- technology, or optimization of existing product pulse
enges (Dager et al., 1999). Coupled with volumetric MRI sequences by using improved acquisition parameters (e.g.,
using regression analysis, one also can take advantage of the short echo times that maximize signal by reducing the effects
large number of voxel samples obtained with 1H MRSI to of T2 decay), can substantially improve data quality. For
calculate estimates of “pure” gray or white matter neuro- example, very short echo times (e.g., 11 ms) can be used for
chemistry in studies of ASD (Friedman et al., 2006; DeVito some 1H MRSI acquisitions to increase SNR and improve
et al., 2007). One substantial challenge associated with using detection of chemicals with short T2s, such as mI or GLX, as
1H MRSI techniques, however, is the necessity of an ade- well as alleviate some of the confounds associated with chemi-
quately uniform magnetic field over the anatomical volume cal quantification (Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2008; Friedman
scanned. This requirement of field uniformity, which can be et al., 2003; Posse et al., 1993). Furthermore, acquisition of
partially compensated for with higher-order shimming, is both short and long echo time chemical measurements can
much more stringent than that required for acquisition of allow for estimation of chemical T2 relaxation, shown to be
structural MRI. abnormal in ASD (Friedman et al., 2003).
Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 583

Echo Time: The echo time, or TE, is the time following the Imaging research centers are increasingly utilizing higher
RF pulse when acquisition of the FID signal is initiated. field scanners (up to 9.4 Tesla), although scanner strengths
beyond 3 Tesla are not yet approved for clinical use by the Food
Although 1H MRS can detect a number of chemical signals, and Drug Administration. The use of high field scanners
the spectra also contain a “forest” of multiple overlapping res- (3 Tesla and higher), in conjunction with advancing RF coil
onances that can substantially hinder the quantification of array technology, allows substantially improved measurement
many of these chemicals (Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2008). sensitivity and enhanced ability to resolve specific brain chemi-
Spectral editing techniques are increasingly being used to pro- cals of particular importance in ASD investigations. By combin-
vide more specific information about chemical bond structure ing MRSI approaches with recent advances in parallel imaging,
1H MRSI data acquisition times can be drastically reduced to
and to individually measure some chemicals that are not oth-
erwise separable, such as Gln and GABA (Lin et al., 2007; under a minute for some applications, depending on the scan-
Jensen, Frederick, & Renshaw, 2005; Jensen, Frederick, Wang, ner field strength, to obtain single-average images of chemicals
Brown, & Renshaw, 2005; Behar & Ogino, 1991; Ryner such as Cho, Cre, and NAA, as well as Glu, with acceptable spec-
et al., 1995; Hurd et al., 1998; Hurd et al., 2004; Mescher, tral quality and localization (Lin et al., 2007; Posse, Otazo, Tsai,
Merkle, Kirsch, Garwood, & Gruetter, 1998). An example Yoshimoto, & Lin, 2008; Otazo, Tsai, Lin, & Posse, 2007; Tsai
two-dimensional spectral plot from a typical adult male et al., 2008; Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2009). A further area of tech-
acquired using J-resolved spectral editing is shown in Figure nical advancement, the development of 1H MRS approaches for
33-4. Identification of chemical spectra that were acquired acquiring spectra from brain areas typically difficult to study
simultaneously demonstrates the separation of the coupled due to susceptibility artifacts, will be useful for investigating
resonances of brain glutamine and glutamate, in addition to brain regions important for understanding ASD, such as the
other typically measured chemicals. In Figure 33-5, results are amygdala (Josey, Al Sayyari, Buckley, & Coulthard, 2009).
shown using a MEGA-PRESS acquisition to isolate and iden-
tify the GABA resonance that would otherwise be obscured by
the overlapping spectral peaks of other chemicals.
MRS Findings in ASD

Spectral Editing Techniques: Spectral editing techniques are A substantial proportion of the available literature using 1H
acquisition methods that vary the timing of specific data MRS to investigate ASD must be considered descriptive since
acquisition parameters to allow for measurement of chemicals findings are based on only a limited number of cases. Also, as
that are difficult to distinguish due to overlapping peaks. MEGA- described above, the manner by which methodological factors
PRESS is a 1H MRS spectral editing technique designed to have been handled, such as patient and control group selection
measure chemicals such as GABA, glutamate, and glutamine. criteria, including differences in diagnostic criteria, age ranges,
This technique requires separate acquisitions for measurement autistic subtypes, and IQ inclusion parameters, has varied
of each chemical of interest. Two-dimensional J-resolved 1HMRS widely across studies. Comparison between studies can also be
spectral editing techniques are designed to measure multiple difficult due to differences in 1H MRS data acquisition proto-
chemicals during a single acquisition, allowing for simultaneous cols, particularly since the field is continuously developing
measurement of multiple chemicals, although separating some newer acquisition techniques and more powerful scanners
chemicals, such as GABA, can be analytically challenging. are becoming increasingly available. 1H MRS studies of ASD

Figure 33–4. A 2-D J-resolved spectral image acquired over 20 minutes from a 64 cc volume at 3 Tesla. Spectral resonances for glutamine,
glutamate, Glu/Gln complex, lactate, as well as myoinositol, choline, creatine, and NAA are shown. Data were acquired as a function of echo
time, using progressively increasing echo times to record signal change that can differentiate between chemicals. (See Color Plate Section for a
color version of this figure.)
584 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Creatine before subtraction et al., 2008). Although findings have been more variable, per-
haps reflecting greater regional specificity, reduced Cho found
in some studies may reflect decreased membrane turnover, in a
direction opposite to what would be expected due to neuronal
injury from membrane or myelin breakdown. There is also
Choline before
some suggestion of age-related effects on 1H MRS differences.
subtraction For example, evidence for reduced NAA levels tend to be more
consistently found in younger populations with ASD, although
one study of adults with ASD also reports regional reductions of
after MEGAPRESS NAA (Kleinhans et al., 2007). A summary of published single-
subtraction voxel 1H MRS findings (Hashimoto et al., 1997; Chugani et al.,
1999; Otsuka et al., 1999; Hisaoka et al., 2001; Murphy et al., 2002;
Page et al., 2006; Kleinhans et al., 2007; Endo et al., 2007; Zeegers
et al., 2006; Vasconcelos et al., 2008; Gabis et al., 2008) is shown
in Table 33-1.
As illustrated in Table 33-2, there have been only a few
published 1H MRSI investigations of ASD (Friedman et al.,
3.2 3.0 2.8 ppm 2003; Friedman et al., 2006; DeVito et al., 2007; Levitt et al.,
Figure 33–5. Separation and identification of the GABA 2003; Oner et al., 2007; Hardan et al., 2008). Findings from
resonance from the overlapping resonances of other chemicals these studies are generally consistent with 1H MRS single-
using MEGAPRESS. These data were acquired over 13 minutes voxel evidence for widespread alterations of tissue chemical
from a 18 cc voxel at 3 Tesla, using the interaction of neighboring composition. Importantly, the integration of 1H MRSI meas-
1H within the GABA molecule to subtract out signal from other
urements and MRI anatomical findings can lead to a better
overlapping chemicals. A specific RF pulse is required for GABA understanding of mechanisms underlying specific brain
signal acquisition with MEGAPRESS. structural alterations associated with ASD. For example, to
explain the approximately 10% cerebral enlargement observed
from structural MRI studies of ASD children at 3 to 4 years
generally have been conducted using single-voxel techniques of age, we tested an exploratory hypothesis of regionally
that typically involve the acquisition of data from only a few increased NAA concentrations posited to reflect increased
anatomical regions of relatively large volume (on the order of numbers of neurons or more dense connections arising from
2 x 2 x 2 = 8 cm3). Importantly, the regions of interest chosen a disturbance of normal neuronal apoptosis or synaptic prun-
for study, and anatomical specificity, often vary substantially ing processes during early development in children with
between studies. The analytic approaches used for quantifica- autism (Friedman et al., 2003). In this model, regional chem-
tion of chemical measures also are not well standardized and ical concentrations were predicted to be increased, and chem-
can substantially influence results. Moreover, MRS and MRSI ical T2 relaxation times, estimated from acquisition of 1H
are intrinsically low-resolution techniques that rely heavily on MRSI using two TE (20 ms and 272 ms), were predicted to be
MRI-based partial volume correction of the different tissue shortened as a result of densely packed molecules having
types and relaxation time constants of water and chemicals increased interaction over time following excitation by the RF
with any propagation of small errors producing significant pulse. Results from this study instead revealed a pattern of
downstream effects on chemical quantification (Friedman widely distributed regional reductions in NAA, Cre, and mI
et al., 2003). concentrations (and Cho in gray matter), and prolonged
Comparison of 1H MRS findings in ASD across published chemical T2 relaxation, all in a direction opposite to what was
studies, despite the challenges in summarizing these varied initially predicted. Overall, these 1H MRSI findings were not
data, does reveal interesting patterns of chemical alterations. consistent with increased cellular packing density among the
Abnormal 1H MRS chemical patterns, most consistently reduc- 3- to 4-year-old children with ASD and, thus, do not support
tions in NAA, found in many, though not all, studies of ASD models of abnormally reduced apoptosis and/or delayed syn-
suggest differences in tissue chemical composition or neuronal aptic pruning, nor provide evidence for neuronal “overgrowth”
integrity (Dager, Friedman, et al., 2008; Friedman et al., 2003; during the preschool years (Dager, Friedman, et al., 2008;
Friedman et al., 2006; DeVito et al., 2007; Hashimoto et al., Friedman et al., 2003). In further analyses of these data, MRSI
1997; Chugani, Sundram, Behen, Lee, & Moore, 1999; Otsuka, images were coregistered to segmented tissue maps produced
Harada, Mori, Hisaoka, & Nishitani, 1999; Hisaoka, Harada, & from MRI acquired at the same session, and regression ana-
Nishitani, 2001; Murphy et al., 2002; Page et al., 2006; lytic techniques were used to characterize the compartmental
Kleinhans, Schweinsburg, Cohen, Muller, & Courchesne, distribution of chemical alterations between white and gray
2007; Endo et al., 2007; Zeegers, van der Grond, van Daalen, matter (Friedman et al., 2006). Chemical abnormalities were
Buitelaar, & van Engeland, 2006; Vasconcelos et al., 2008; predominantly observed in gray matter, supporting an altered
Gabis et al., 2008; Levitt et al., 2003; Oner et al., 2007; Hardan gray matter cytoarchitecture for the 3- to 4-year-old ASD
Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 585

Table 33–1.
Single voxel 1H spectroscopy studies of autism spectrum disorders

Age in years Echo Time

Investigator N Population Brain Region Finding
(mean±SD) (ms)

Hashimoto, 28 2–12 AD 270 Right parietal lobe No differences in NAA/Cho,

1997 (20M,8F) (5.6±2.2) NAA/Cre, Cho/Cre
Chugani, 9 3–12 AD 30 Frontal and temporal lobes, Reduced cerebellar NAA
1999 (8M,1F) (5.7±2.5) cerebellum Increased frontal lobe lactate in 1
Otsuka, 1999 27 2–18 AD 18 Right hippocampus/amygdala, Reduced hippocampus/amygdala
(21M,6F) left cerebellum and left cerebellar NAA
Hisaoka, 2001 55 2–21 AD 135 Bilateral frontal, parietal, and Reduced bilateral temporal lobe
(47M,8F) (5.8) temporal lobes, cingulate, brain NAA
Murphy, 2002 14 (30±9) ASP 136 Right medial prefrontal and Increased right medial prefrontal
(all M) parietal lobes NAA, Cho and Cre
Page, 2006 25 (35.6±11.5) ASD 35 Right hippocampus/amygdala, Increased right hippocampus/
(20 M,5F) right parietal lobe amygdala Glu+Gln and Cre
Kleinhans, 13 15–44 ASD 35 Left middle frontal and superior Reduced left middle frontal cortex
2007 (all M) (24.5±9.5) parietal cortex, occipital cortex NAA
at calcarine fissure, cerebellum Reduced NAA in combined brain
Endo, 2007 38 6–20 ASD 35 Right medial temporal and Reduced right medial temporal
(32M,6F) (12.9±3.8) prefrontal lobes, cerebellar NAA/Cre
Zeegers, 2006 25 AD: ASD 144 Left frontal subcortical white No differences in NAA, Cho, Cre,
(all M) (3.6±0.6) matter, left hippocampus/ NAA/Cre, NAA/Cho between
PDD-NOS: amygdala children with ASD and
(3.8±1.3) developmentally delayed children
without ASD
Vasconcelos, 10 median age AD 30 Bilateral anterior cingulate, left Increased anterior cingulate mI
2008 (all M) 9.53±1.8 striatum, cerebellum and frontal and Cho
lobe Increased anterior cingulate
and left striatum mI/Cre
Gabis, 2008 13 7–16 ASD 40 Bilateral hippocampus/ Reduced bilateral hippocampus/
(10M,3F) (10±2.5) amygdala and cerebellum amygdala NAA/Cre
Increased bilateral hippocampus/
amygdala and cerebellar mI/Cre
Increased left hippocampus/
amygdala and cerebellar Cho/Cre

children compared to age-matched typically developing and (Friedman et al., 2003). Furthermore, evidence from quantita-
developmentally delayed children. A subsequent 1H MRSI tive T2 relaxation measures of brain water, used as a temporal
study of preadolescent children with ASD, which used differ- marker for brain maturational stage, does not support acceler-
ent acquisition techniques but similar regression analytic ated “normal” brain growth early in the developmental course
approaches, also observed reduced NAA in gray matter, but of ASD (Petropoulos et al., 2006). Instead, evidence to date
not white matter, compared to typically developing controls suggests a revised model characterized most simply as altered
(DeVito et al., 2007). gray matter cytoarchitecture having a reduced unit density,
Overall, the direction and widespread anatomical distri- at least at the 3- to 4-year-old age range in ASD (Dager,
bution of chemical alterations observed from these 1H MRSI Friedman, et al., 2008).
studies, which primarily demonstrate reduced brain chemi- In the postnatal developing brain, increased levels of whole
cal concentrations per unit brain tissue volume, were not blood and platelet serotonin, reported in an estimated 30% of
consistent with our a priori theoretical model of diffusely affected individuals with ASD, may lead to abnormal devel-
increased neuronal packing density in the children with ASD opment of serotonergic fibers with decreased numbers of
586 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 33–2.
2-D 1H spectroscopic imaging studies of ASD

Age in years Echo Time

Investigator N Population Brain Region Finding
(mean±SD) (ms)

Friedman, 45 3–4 ASD 20/272 21 brain regions Widespread regional reductions of

2003 (38M,7F) (4.0±0.4) NAA, Cre and mI
Prolonged NAA T2 relaxation
Levitt, 2003 22 5–16 ASD 272 22 brain regions Reduced left anterior cingulate Cho
(18M,4F) (10.4±3.4) Reduced left caudate and right
occipital cortex Cre
Increased right caudate Cho and Cre
Friedman, 45 3–4 ASD 20/272 21 brain regions Gray matter reductions predominate
2006 (38M,7F) (4.0±0.4) over white matter reductions of
[same NAA, Cho, Cre, and mI
sample as Prolonged gray matter Cho T2
Friedman, relaxation
DeVito, 2007 26 6–17 AD 135 Frontal, temporal, and occipital Widespread reductions of NAA and
(all M) (9.8±3.2) gray matter, cerebral white Glx in cerebral gray matter and
matter, cerebellum cerebellum
Oner, 2007 14 17–38 ASP 270 Right dorsolateral prefrontal Increased right anterior cingulate
(all M) (24.3±7.1) cortex, right anterior cingulate NAA/Cho
[data from additional regions not
Hardan, 2008 18 (11.9±2.2) AD 20 Bilateral thalamus [data from Reduced left thalamus NAA, Cre,
(all M) additional regions not reported] and Cho

serotonin terminals, decreased synaptogenesis, and reduced potentially could address MRI and 1H MRS findings at this
synaptic density (Whitaker-Azmitia, 2005). This mechanism time remain speculative (Dager, Friedman, et al., 2008).
also has been implicated in aberrations in cortical columnar 1H MRS studies of ASD at lower magnetic field strength

development and connectivity (Casanova et al., 2008; Chugani, scanners (1.5 Tesla) have not been able to satisfactorily resolve
2004). As a possible mediator or alternative consideration, the Glx complex to separately quantify Glu, Gln, and GABA.
there is emerging evidence to suggest the possibility of early The capability to individually measure these chemicals, now
inflammatory processes in autism that, if present, might also feasible with the availability of advanced spectral editing tech-
contribute to findings of reduced tissue density. For example, niques at higher field strength, provides new opportunities to
microglial activity and elevated cytokines in various brain address specific hypothesis-driven theories such as competing
regions have been reported across a broad age range of theories of hypoglutamatergic (Carlsson, 1998) or reduced
individuals with autism (Vargas, Nascimbene, Krishnan, inhibitory balance (Belmonte et al., 2004) mechanisms in
Zimmerman, & Pardo, 2005). Additionally, increased glial ASD. These theories could support alterations of either
fibrillary acidic protein found in postmortem samples of fron- decreased or elevated Glu, Gln, and GABA, conceivably for
tal and parietal cerebral cortex and cerebellum from older (> 18 different brain regions concurrently (Polleux & Lauder, 2004).
years old) individuals with autism also suggests abnormal Although 1H MRS studies of children with ASD have found
CNS immune activity persisting from an earlier age-point either no differences or lower levels of Glx, the possibility
(Laurence & Fatemi, 2005). These findings are intriguing, but remains that diagnostic differences in individual constituent
any related model that might account for abnormal cortical chemicals are lost in the overall GLX measurement, regional
development in ASD, perhaps reflecting altered serotonergic differences exist, or there are age-related differences. Keeping
function and/or early inflammatory processes, awaits system- in mind the inherent difficulties in accurately measuring the
atic investigation. Thus, 1H MRSI findings for altered brain large and broad Glx peak that comprises the overlapping reso-
tissue cytoarchitecture point toward a substantially different nances of Glu, Gln, and GABA at 1.5 Tesla, a single-voxel
explanatory model than cerebral overgrowth or abnormal 1H MRS study of a small sample of medication-naïve adults

apoptotic or synaptic pruning regulatory mechanisms for with ASD found regional elevations of GLX in the right amy-
structural MRI findings of cerebral enlargement in very young gdala-hippocampal region compared to a control brain region
children with ASD. However, newer explanatory models that in the parietal lobe (Page et al., 2006). In consideration of this
Brain Chemistry: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 587

finding, a 13C MRS study that evaluated glutamate-glutamine 1H MRS investigations of subtle evidence for brain
cycling in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy mitochondrial abnormalities in other psychiatric disease
found significant slowing of the cycle and elevated hippocampal processes, such as bipolar disorder, have sought to evaluate
Glu levels (Petroff, Errante, Rothman, Kim, & Spencer, 2002). brain lactate elevations in conjunction with other brain
As proposed by those authors and others (During & Spencer, chemical alterations, such as NAA reductions or GLX eleva-
1993; Maragakis & Rothstein, 2001), regionally increased Glu tions (Dager et al., 2004). To date, there has been only a single
release, or impaired clearance, could contribute to an ongoing 1H MRS report of regional brain lactate elevations associated

state of increased cerebral excitability/excitotoxicity that could with ASD, for one individual within a case series of older chil-
potentially create conditions suitable for seizure generation. dren with ASD, who also had elevated blood lactate levels
This model is of potential clinical relevance to ASD, as there is (Chugani et al., 1999). Furthermore, although a number of
a substantial risk of seizures that has a bimodal pattern of 1H MRS studies of ASD have found reduced NAA, only one

onset either in the first 2 years of life or, more typically, as the study has reported regionally elevated GLX in adults with
child enters adolescence, with estimates of prevalence rates ASD (Page et al., 2006). In contrast, a 1H MRSI study of 3- to
ranging between 15 and 38% (Volkmar & Nelson, 1990; 4-year-old children with ASD (N = 45), that used acquisition
Giovanardi, Posar, & Parmeggiani, 2000; Tuchman & Rapin, parameters and a 1.5T scanner platform identical to that
2002). Although the finding of elevated GLX in older individ- employed for a study that detected a generalized pattern of
uals with ASD remains to be replicated, in conjunction with a gray matter lactate and GLX elevations in medication-free
recent report that GLX levels in preadolescents with ASD were bipolar subjects (Dager et al., 2004), found no such evidence
lower (DeVito et al., 2007), the possibility of GLX levels for either lactate or GLX regional or gray matter elevations
increasing as these children grow older has potential implica- (Friedman et al., 2003; Friedman et al., 2006). For this later
tions for seizure onset in adolescents with ASD and for new work, confounding effects of anxiety or hyperventilation that
targeted treatment approaches as well (Niederhofer, 2007). could have artificially elevated brain lactate were eliminated
More recently, speculation has focused on the possible role through the use of propofol anesthesia to conduct the study.
of mitochondrial compromise in ASD (NIH, 2008). This inter- It is conceivable that use of propofol in the ASD group could
est, in part, has been stimulated by recent clinical reports of have obscured possible lactate differences between diagnostic
adverse reactions temporally related to vaccination that impli- groups, as the typically developing control group were not
cated mitochondrial deficits as the mediating factor. There sedated but instead scanned late at night during natural sleep.
also are important treatment considerations if evidence for a The alternative consideration, that use of propofol might
mitochondrial contribution to vulnerability or symptom produce regional lactate elevations in conjunction with any
expression in ASD were to be established. For example, thera- compromise of cerebral blood flow, was evaluated for but not
peutic properties of lithium carbonate are hypothesized to be found (Amundsen et al., 2005).
mediated via elevations of bcl-2, a neuroprotective protein Brain lactate can be difficult to detect or accurately measure
that also has mitochondrial membrane-stabilizing effects under basal conditions. Increasing scanner magnetic field
(Manji et al., 2003). strength and improved spectral analytic methods offer the
To date, a standardized approach for medical assessment of possibility of enhanced sensitivity for detecting subtle meta-
mitochondrial abnormalities and objective criteria for diagno- bolic alterations (Dager, Corrigan, et al., 2010). It is also pos-
sis of mild mitochondrial dysfunction have yet to be estab- sible that physiological challenge approaches designed to
lished (NIH, 2008). As mitochondrial DNA is distinct from “unmask” subtle metabolic alterations, as has been demon-
nuclear DNA, much less stable and with substantially different strated for panic disorder subjects in response to regulated
patterns of heritability, different genetic models are required to hyperventilation (Dager et al., 1995), could more fully address
test for relationships to ASD (Pons et al., 2004). The wide vari- the potential occurrence of subtle mitochondrial dysfunction
ability of clinical and metabolic manifestations of mitochon- in ASD.
drial dysfunction could reflect variable loading of mitochondrial It is important to recognize that 1H MRS or 1H MRSI find-
DNA polymorphisms, and across tissue types, that exhibit dif- ings most frequently reported in association with ASD (e.g.,
fering threshold response to oxidative stress (Calabrese et al., reduced NAA) are not diagnostic of ASD or specific to symp-
2001). Elevated brain lactate determined by 1H MRS is consid- tom expression. Other disorders that have overlapping pheno-
ered to be a sensitive biomarker, and substantially more spe- typic expression as ASD, such as Rett syndrome, may also
cific than blood lactate elevations, for establishing the presence exhibit a similar 1H MRS pattern of altered brain chemistry.
of mitochondrial dysfunction (Dinopoulos et al., 2005; For example, the majority of published 1H MRS studies of
Kaufmann et al., 2004; NIH, 2008). However, the substantial Rett syndrome, albeit usually with very small sample sizes,
brain lactate elevations that occur in healthy subjects in also find reduced NAA or NAA/Cre (Nielsen et al., 1993;
response to mild, event-dependent physiological alterations, Hanefeld et al., 1995; Hashimoto et al., 1998; Pan, Lane,
such as hyperventilation or caffeine ingestion, illustrate the dif- Hetherington, & Percy, 1999; Gokcay, Kitis, Ekmekci, Karasoy,
ficulties attributing specificity to increased brain lactate as a & Sener, 2002; Khong, Lam, Ooi, Ko, & Wong, 2002; Horska
biomarker for mitochondrial compromise (Dager et al., 1995; et al., 2000). Also, reduced NAA is one of the more consistent
Dager et al., 1999). 1H MRS alterations associated with idiopathic developmental
588 Autism Spectrum Disorders

delay (Kimura et al., 1995). Other psychiatric disorders also • relationships between chemical alterations, clinical
may exhibit overlapping patterns of brain tissue chemical prognosis, and treatment response
alterations as ASD. For example, the most robust 1H MRS • Advances in the field are improving:
findings in adults with schizophrenia are substantial NAA • isolation and quantification of chemicals of particular
reductions in frontal lobe, parietal lobe, and medial temporal interest to ASD.
lobe gray and white matter, along with a similar magnitude of • temporal resolution for better evaluation of active
reduced NAA in the cerebellum (Steen, Hamer, & Lieberman, metabolic processes
2005). As NAA increases are observed following both • spatial resolution and magnetic field homogeneity
short-term and longer duration antipsychotic treatment of to allow for more precise interrogation of particular
schizophrenia (Bertolino, Callicott, Mattay, Weidenhammer, brain regions of interest in ASD, such as the amygdala,
Rakow, et al., 2001), it is unlikely that reduced baseline NAA and even amygdalar subregions.
levels in schizophrenia primarily reflects reduced neuronal • Current methodological limitations include:
density. These observations may instead reflect the effects of • difficulties with between-site standardization of MRS
medication on NAA’s role in synaptic maintenance, myelina- measurements
tion, regulation of cellular osmolarity, and neuronal metabo- • lack of a standardized analytic methodology that
lism (Birken et al., 1989; Coyle et al., 2000; Neale et al., 2000). avoids common pitfalls and yields accurate and repro-
ducible MRS measurements.


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34 Á Meera E. Modi, Larry J. Young

Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior:

Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á Variations in the OT and AVP systems have been linked with

Points of Interest both interspecies and individual variation of sociality in
animal models, which has inspired researchers to look for
• Oxytocin and vasopressin are highly evolutionarily con- parallel relationships in human populations. Despite the
served modulators of reproductive and social behavior. complexity of human social behavior, OT and AVP have also
• Oxytocin and vasopressin modulate social motivation, been linked to trust, altruism, emotional expression and
social information processing, and social bonding in a perception, and social bonding.
variety of rodent species. Due to their involvement in social behavior, it has been
• Individual variation in the neuropeptide receptor systems suggested that disregulation of these systems may contribute
has been associated with variation in social behavior in to the disruptions in the social domain in autism spectrum
rodents. disorder (ASD) and other psychiatric disorders characterized
• Oxytocin has been shown to modulate a variety of com- by social impairment (Hammock & Young, 2006). Even if
plex social behaviors in humans, such as trust, emotional alterations in the OT and AVP systems are not involved in the
perception, and face processing. etiology of ASD, pharmacological manipulation of these
• Disregulation of peripheral peptide levels and polymor- systems may be a viable strategy for enhancing social cognition
phisms in oxytocin, vasopressin, and their receptor genes and interpersonal relationships in this disorder (Bartz &
have been associated with ASD. Hollander, 2006). Social impairments are the most defining
characteristic of ASD. In clinical populations, social impair-
Elucidation of the basic neurobiological mechanisms ments are seen as gaze aversion, limited affective expression,
underlying social cognition and social behavior is pivotal for improper coordination of gestures with speech and impairment
understanding the biology mediating normal human social in interpreting these nonverbal cues in others (Bartz &
behavior and may also provide valuable insights into the Hollander, 2006). Animal models have shown that inhibition
pathophysiology and potential treatment of disorders of social of the OT and AVP systems, either through genetic or phar-
behavior. An extensive literature has implicated the neuropep- macological manipulation, results in impairments of social
tides oxytocin and vasopressin as being key modulators of investigation, recognition, and motivation that are analogous
species-typical social behavior. This chapter will review the to the deficits seen in individuals with autism. To understand
evidence from animal and human research demonstrating the nature of the complex relationship between these
that these neuropeptides modulate several aspects of social neuropeptides and social behaviors, numerous studies have
cognition and behavior, including social motivation, social looked at their effect on three facets of affiliative behavior:
information processing, and social attachment. social motivation, social information processing, and social
Oxytocin (OT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are attachment.
evolutionarily conserved molecular modulators of complex This chapter will examine the role that OT, AVP, and their
social behavior (Donaldson & Young, 2008). These nine– related systems play in mediating the core components of
amino acid peptides have been implicated in the regulation of social behavior. Their involvement in both normal social
many different aspects of affiliative behavior including social behavior and how their disregulation leads to disturbances in
recognition and social memory in rodents, communication, behavior will be discussed. Parallels will be drawn between the
parental care, and social bonding (Insel & Young, 2001). neurobiological findings in animal models and the genetic and

594 Autism Spectrum Disorders

imaging studies done in both typical and clinical human

populations. Finally, the direct evidence implicating a role for
these neuropeptide systems in autism spectrum disorders will
be presented with a discussion of how these findings may PFC
shape the development of novel pharmacological therapies for OB Hipp
treating social impairment. LS

Á VP Amy
Oxytocin and Vasopressin: The Social Vasopressin BST
Peptides Oxytocin
Oxytocin Figure 34–1. Localization of the oxytocin and vasopressin systems.
In the prairie vole (Microtus orchogaster), oxytocin and vasopressin
OT is a nine–amino acid peptide (nonapeptide) that is are synthesized in the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei
synthesized in the magnocellular neurons of the paraven- (SON) of the hypothalamus. These neurons project directly to
tricular nucleus (PVN) and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of the pituitary gland for storage and release into the blood stream.
the hypothalamus and transported to the posterior pituitary, In addition, the hypothalamic neurons also project both axonally
where it is stored and secreted into systemic circulation and dendritically to discrete regions throughout the brain for
(Gimpl & Fahrenholz, 2001). Peripherally, OT acts as a repro- local release. Oxytocin projections from the PVN and SON target
ductive hormone to facilitate uterine contractions during OT receptors in a number of brain regions including the nucleus
parturition and milk letdown during lactation. OT is released accumbens (NAcc), hippocampus (Hipp), and amygdala (Amy).
during orgasm and ejaculation in humans (Carmichael et al., Vasopressin from the PVN, the superchiasmatic nucleus of the
hypothalamus, Amy, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
1987). OT functions centrally as a neuromodulator, acting at
(BST) is released throughout the brain, primarily targeting V1a and
discrete receptor sites throughout the brain on a relatively
V1b receptors.
slow time scale, mediating sociosexual behaviors (Landgraf &
Neumann, 2004). In the brain, oxytocin is released both
axonally and dendritically from the hypothalamic oxytocin-
ergic neurons targeting a number of distant regions, includ-
ing the septal region, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus,
amygdala, medio-basal hypothalamus, and even the brain AVP plays an important role in maintaining fluid homeostasis
stem and spinal cord in rodents (see Figure 34-1) (Ross & and blood pressure. AVP acts at three different receptor subtypes:
Young, 2009) While the innervation of oxytocin fibers is vasopressin receptor 1a (V1aR), vasopressin receptor 1b (V1bR),
conserved among species, OT receptor (OTR) distribution is and vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R). While all three receptors
highly species-specific, with significant inter- and intraspecies types are expressed in varying densities in both the brain and the
variation that may contribute to the variation in social periphery, V1aR is the most widely distributed AVP receptor in
behavior (Ross et al., 2009). the brain and is thought to be the most behaviorally relevant.
The V1b receptor is expressed primarily in the pituitary and
Vasopressin some restricted brain regions, and the V2 receptor is expressed
primarily in the kidney, where it regulates water balance
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is an evolutionarily homologous (Caldwell, Wersinger, & Young, 2008). The similarity in
molecule that differs from the structure of OT at only two structure of the AVP and OT molecules enables each to bind
amino acid positions (See Figure 34-2). Like OT, AVP is also a and activate the other’s receptor, creating a degree of redun-
neurohypophyseal peptide that is synthesized in the magno- dancy in these systems, which complicates the interpretation of
cellular neurons of the PVN and SON and is released from the experiments using these peptides (Figure 34-2).
posterior pituitary into peripheral circulation. Vasopressin is
also released within the brain from neuronal projections aris-
ing from the parvocellular neurons of the PVN, the superchi- Á
asmatic nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), Evolutionary Conservation of Neuropeptide
and the medial amygdala (MeA; see Figure 34-1; De Vries & Structure and Social Function
Miller, 1998). The vasopressinergic neurons in the BNST and
MeA are regulated by androgens, making the AVP system one The OT and AVP family of neuropeptides have been
of the most sexually dimorphic neurotransmitter systems inextricably linked with social behaviors throughout evolu-
(De Vries & Miller, 1998). Within specific brain regions, like tionary history. Homologues of these peptides have been
the BNST and MeA, males have significantly more AVP than identified in animals as diverse as hydra, worms, insects, fish,
do females (Van Leeuwn, Caffe, & De Vries, 1985). Peripherally, amphibians, birds, and mammals and have been shown to
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 595

OT: Cys-Tyr-Ile-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2
AVP: Cys-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly-NH2


V1aR O NH2 NH2



Figure 34–2. Oxytocin and Vasopressin. OT (oxytocin) and AVP (vasopressin) are closely related nine–amino acid peptides. OT has only one
known receptor, while AVP binds to three known receptors: AVP-R1a, AVP-R1b, and AVP-R2. However, as the peptides differ at only two
amino acids, there is some binding of each peptide at the other’s receptor(s). Thus there is some degree of cross-reactivity of both endogenous
peptides and in pharmacological studies.

regulate social and reproductive behaviors (Donaldson & Á

Young, 2008). The genes encoding these two molecules are Neuropeptides and Their Role
thought to be originally derived from a single common in Mammalian Social Behavior
ancestral gene through a gene duplication event early in
vertebrate evolution. Arginine vasotocin (AVT), an evolution- “Social behavior” is a complex term encompassing several
ary antecedent of AVP, is present in all nonmammalian different aspects of interaction between conspecifics. To better
vertebrates examined to date, and may have been modulating understand the complexities of social behavior, the social
social and reproductive behaviors as early as the Precambrian domain can be parsed into discrete, identifiable, and most
era, almost 600 million years ago (Acher, 1995). It is thought importantly, analytical components. To be useful for scientific
that the gene encoding AVT underwent duplication in the research, each of these components must consist of a specific
evolution of early fish approximately 450 million years ago, behavioral phenotype that can be measured in a controlled
resulting in a second oxytocin-like peptide, isotocin, that is laboratory setting, and must provide a reflection of the organ-
still present in bony fish. In male goldfish (Carassius auratus), ism’s total social repertoire. In both animals and humans,
both isotocin and vasotocin modulate social approach, and social motivation, social information processing, and social
levels of these peptides have been associated with levels of attachment have been indentified as subdomains contributing
sociality (Thompson & Walton, 2004). Isotocin was replaced to the complexity of social behavior (Figure 34-3). The study
by mesotocin during the water-to-land transition and is cur- of each of these components independently simplifies the
rently present in amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Mesotocin examination of the biological underpinning of complex social
has been shown to regulate aggression differentially in song- behavior. Here we will examine each of these subdomains
birds, based on the social organization of the species (Goodson, separately.
1998). OT is present in all utherian and protherian mammals
and, despite the evolutionary divergence, still only differs from Social Motivation
AVT by one amino acid. AVP also arose from a single peptide
substitution in AVT in placental mammals. The conservation The motivation to interact with conspecifics is the first step
of the structure and function of these neuropeptides through- needed to engage in a successful social relationship. Inherent
out evolution is quite remarkable, and the conservation of in every social encounter is the possibility of a negative
regulation of sociosexual behaviors in animals from goldfish outcome, such as indifference or aggression. Thus, there are
to rodents suggests that OT and AVP may also play a role in strong pressures limiting engagement in social interactions.
regulating human social behavior. Social motivation is a measure of desire to overcome these
596 Autism Spectrum Disorders

not the mothers, wild type mice quickly learn to cross through
holes to reunite with their mothers while the OTKO mice do
not. As both the mutant strain and the wild type strain are able
to emit normal vocalizations and show similar locomotor
activity, the data suggest that the knockout pups may not find
social isolation as distressing or may lack the social motivation
to engage in these behaviors.
Complex Initiation of parental behavior, though, represents one of
behavior the most dramatic shifts in social motivation, as in many rodent
Social species the female shifts from an aversion to an attraction to
attachment infants. Thus, maternal nurturing behavior may be a useful
assay for understanding the neurobiology of social motivation.
Maternal behavior, which for rodents includes nest building,
licking and grooming of pups, and crouching over pups, is
induced at the time of labor and parturition (see Figure 34-4).
Figure 34–3. A conceptual model of complex social behavior.
“Social behavior” is a broad term that encompasses any interaction
Virgin female rats find pups highly aversive and will avoid or
between two conspecifics. To be able to study the biological attack them if encountered. Only after the birth of a female’s
mechanisms governing this behavior, it must be broken down into first litter will she be motivated to interact with pups. Though
discrete subgroups of behavior that can be measured in a laboratory. after that moment, for the rest of her life, regardless of repro-
Affiliative social behavior is comprised of three subdomains: social ductive status, she will find all pups highly rewarding and can
motivation, social information processing, and social attachment. even be trained to lever press for access to the pups in the same
Each of these domains contributes to the complexity of social way rats can be trained to work for drugs of abuse (Fleming &
behavior through separate but converging systems. The study of Anderson, 1987; Lee, Clancy, & Fleming, 1999). The switch
each of these components independently allows for the design and from indifferent to nurturing behavior toward pups is thought
implementation of experiments that can more directly address the
to be mediated in part by OT. Lesions of the hypothalamic
mechanisms. Social motivation can be studied through experiments
PVN prior to parturition, which effectively eliminates the brain
of maternal motivation, social information processing through social
recognition paradigms, and social attachment through pair bonding
oxytocin system, prevents the initiation of maternal behavior
or maternal bonding. (Insel & Harbaugh, 1989). Correspondingly, infusion of OTR
antagonists into the ventricles of psuedopregnant female rats,
attenuates the expression of maternal behavior (Fahrbach,
negative factors to actively engage in a social interaction. OT is Morrell, & Pfaff, 1985). Specific infusions of the antagonist
thought to play a role in enhancing social motivation. One directly into the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and ventral teg-
potential mechanism for this is related to its anxiolytic actions. mental area (VTA) also inhibit maternal behavior, indicating
OT has been shown to reduce the behavioral and neuroendo- that OT in these regions is necessary for the normal expression
crine responses to social stress enabling an animal to approach of maternal behavior (Pedersen, Caldwell, Walkder, Ayers, &
and interact with conspecifics. Alternatively, OT may alter the Mason, 1994). It was also shown that not only is OT necessary
valence of social interactions, making them more rewarding to promote maternal behavior in virgin rodents, but it is suffi-
and ultimately promoting social interaction. cient for inducing it. Ventricular injections of OT stimulates
maternal behavior in females rats and mice independent of
In Rodents their sexual experience or hormonal state (McCarthy, 1990;
Pedersen, Ascher, Monroe, & Prange, 1982).
In animal models, social motivation can be assessed by The hormones of pregnancy are thought to prime the
measuring behaviors that promote social contact, the latency brain’s ability to respond to the OT surge experienced at
of the subject to approach another individual and the amount parturition, thus enabling OT to initiate the onset of maternal
of time spent in social contact with the individual. Social moti- behavior. OTR expression is increased by changes in estrogen,
vation can be measured in adult conspecific, offspring-parent, such that during pregnancy when estrogen levels increase,
and parent-offspring interactions. For example, rodent pups OTR expression increases in the hypothalamus and preoptic
emit ultrasonic vocalizations when separated from their nest area (Meddle, Bishop, Gkoumassi, Van Leeuwen, & Douglas,
or mother to protest social isolation. The role of OT in social 2007). Individual variation in levels of OTR expression in
motivation was examined using this offspring-parent para- brain regions such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis,
digm through the comparison of vocalizations produced by the amygdala, and the MPOA have been correlated with
wild type mice and OT knockout (OTKO) mice after separation. variation in maternal care (Champagne, Diorio, Sharma, &
OTKO mice emit significantly fewer distress vocalizations than Meaney, 2001; Francis, Champagne, & Meaney, 2000; Francis,
their wild type litter mates (Winslow et al., 2000). In a similar Young, Meaney, & Insel, 2002).
reunion task, where pups are separated from their mothers by While the switch to maternal care is based on the horm-
a divider with small holes that allow the pups cross though but onal changes associated with pregnancy in mice and rats,
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 597

Figure 34–4. Maternal Behavior as a Model for Social Motivation. Maternal behavior for rodents, including rats, consists of nest-building
(upper left panel), pup retrieval (upper right panel), crouched nursing (lower left panel), and licking and grooming (lower right panel).
Female rats only express maternal behavior after giving birth to their first litter of pups; prior to this experience female rats are indifferent
toward pups. This switch in behavior demonstrates the extremes of social motivation.

spontaneous parental behavior exists in other species like the as opposed to simply receptor number in adulthood, may
prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster). Prairie voles are highly regulate this behavior.
social, monogamous rodents that display both biparental and As a biparental species, male prairie voles are also highly
alloparental behavior. Female prairie voles display spontaneous motivated to care for pups, unlike mice, rats, and nonmonog-
juvenile parental behavior in which nonreproductively active amous meadow voles. In males, it is thought that parental
adolescent voles provide care for successive sibling litters behavior is mediated by the AVP system. Injection of a V1aR
(Solomon, 1991). This parental behavior recedes in approxi- antagonist prevents the expression of paternal care. Infusions
mately 50% of females once they reach sexual maturity. of AVP into the lateral septum of male prairie voles increases
Spontaneous alloparental behavior is also thought to be OT time spent crouching over and licking and grooming pups
dependent, as injections of OTR antagonist directly into the (Wang, Ferris, & De Vries, 1994). Similar to the relationship
nucleus accumbens, an area of the brain that mediates reward between OTR levels in females and maternal behavior pat-
and reinforcement, blocks the expression in adult nulliparious terns, expression patterns of the V1aR corresponds to paternal
females (Olazabal & Young, 2006a). The expression of sponta- behavior, in the form of licking and grooming of pups
neous alloparental behavior in both juvenile and adult prairie (Hammock & Young, 2006).
voles is positively correlated with the density of OTR binding
in the nucleus accumbens (See Figure 34-5) (Olazabal & In Humans
Young, 2006a, 2006b). Juvenile females with high levels of
OTR binding show more time spent crouching over pups than Reduced social motivation is one of the defining and most
those with low levels (Olazabal & Young, 2006b). Viral vector debilitating features of ASD. The expression of social with-
upregulation of OTR in the nucleus accumbens of adult female drawal is a dimension of diagnostic instruments, like the
prairie voles, though, is not sufficient to increase the expres- Aberrant Behavior Checklist. This makes characterization of
sion of spontaneous care, however it is sufficient to accelerate the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this behavior
social bond formation (Ross et al., 2009). This suggests that central to developing novel treatment strategies for autism.
the developmental influence of OTR in the nucleus accumbens, Normal social motivation in humans, like in rodents, has been
598 Autism Spectrum Disorders

referred to as social recognition, has been used to examine the

Attack pups neural mechanisms underlying social memory and social
Ignore pups information processing.
In Rodents

Humans and other nonhuman primates primarily depend on

visual and auditory cues to recognize conspecifics. Rodents,
24% however, while employing similar mechanisms for discrimi-
nation, use an alternative modality; relying on olfactory and
59.5% pheromonal cues to detect and recognize familiar individuals.
16.5% Research into this field has shown that both OT and AVP are
involved in the encoding and recall of olfactory-cued social
memories. Social recognition can be modeled experimentally
in rodents by utilizing their natural interest in novelty. Rats
and mice will generally spend more time investigating a novel
Figure 34–5. Variation in Maternal Behavior in Prairie Voles.
object or animal than a familiar one. To experimentally assay
Unlike mice or rats, about half of all virgin female prairie voles social recognition, an animal is allowed to investigate a con-
show spontaneous alloparental behavior. The expression of this specific for a period of time, thus becoming familiar with the
behavior is positively correlated with the density of OTR in the animal. The animal is then reexposed to either the same
nucleus accumbens (NA). Autoradiographic binding of brain familiar animal or a novel animal, and the amount of time the
sections shows high levels of receptors in maternal animals test animal spends sniffing the stimulus animal is measured
(lower panel). Adapted with permission from Olazabal, D. E., & (Ferguson, Young, Hearn, Insel, & Winslow, 2000). Typically,
Young, L. J. (2006a). Oxytocin receptors in the nucleus accumbens over multiple exposures to the same animal the amount of
facilitate “spontaneous” maternal behavior in adult female prairie investigatory time will decrease and this is interpreted as
voles. Neuroscience, 141(2), 559–568.
recognition of the stimulus animal. If a novel animal is then
introduced, the test animal should return to their original
levels of investigation. Manipulations that disrupt social rec-
studied in mother-infant interactions. It has been suggested, ognition will be reflected in a constant investigation time over
though not directly shown, that OT influences some aspects of multiple trials. OT enhances social recognition. OT infused
human maternal behavior. OT is released peripherally during into the olfactory bulbs (OB), lateral septum (LS) and medial
the initiation of labor, the early postpartum period, and preoptic area (MPOA) of male rats prolongs the duration of
breastfeeding in human mothers (Carmichael et al., 1987; the social recognition response (Dluzen, Muraoka, Engelmann,
McNeilly, Robinson, Houston, & Howie, 1983; Nissen, Lilja, & Landgraf, 1998). The generation of oxytocin knockout
Widstrom, & Unvas-Moberg, 1995; Vasicka, Kumaresan, (OTKO) mice has provided an eloquent model for assessing
Han, & Kumaresan, 1978). About one third of women also see the role of OT in social memory. Male OTKO mice are unable
a spike in peripheral OT levels late in their third trimester of to recognize familiar conspecifics following a prolonged
pregnancy, which interestingly has been correlated with higher encounter (Ferguson et al., 2000). In OTKO mice, a novel
ratings of maternal-infant bonding (Levine, Zagoory-Sharon, female stimulus mouse elicits the same amount of olfactory
Feldman, & Weller, 2007). Maternal behavior in humans, investigatory behavior, as does a familiar mouse after multiple
though, is not entirely mediated by hormonal changes, as exposures, whereas control mice show a decrease in olfactory
spontaneous parental behavior can be seen in families with investigation of familiar individuals (See Figure 34-6). This
adopted children. Despite this correlational evidence, precise deficit does not represent an impairment in either nonsocial
role of OT in modulating maternal responsiveness in humans sensory or memory processes, as the OTKO mice are able to
remains unknown. discriminate between nonsocial scents. This suggests that the
impairments of OTKO mice are specific to the recognition of
Social Information Processing socially important cues (Ferguson et al., 2000). Anatomical
studies of c-Fos expression, a marker of neuronal activity,
After the initiation of interaction, social recognition and social show that OTKO mice have decreased activation in the medial
memory are critical for stable functioning in social groups. amygdala following a social encounter (see Figure 34-7).
Social memory, which enables an individual to distinguish Furthermore, OT injection into the medial amygdala (MeA),
between family, friends, and foes, and behave accordingly, is but not into the olfactory bulb of OTKO mice restores social
dependent on the processing of social information. The social recognition. Complementarily, application of an OTR antago-
impairments of autism are associated with deficits in face nist only to the MeA inhibits social recognition in wild type
identity recognition and facial expression perception (Schultz, mice (Ferguson, Aldagm, Insel, & Young, 2001). The rescue
2005). The ability to recognize individuals in animal models, effect of OT in OTKO mice is only effective if it is injected
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 599

prior to initial encounter. This suggests OT may function in Social stimuli Non-social stimuli
the processing of social information or memory acquisition 60
40 OT knockout
rather than in social memory recall. 50 Wildtype

Duration (sec)
The AVP system has also been shown to play a significant 40 30
role in mediating social recognition. Intracerebroventricular 30
injection of AVP prolongs social recognition by activating 20
the V1aR in the LS and in the OB. Site-specific injection of 10 10
AVP into the LS enhances social recognition, while V1aR 0 0
antagonist administration inhibits social recognition (Dantzer, 1 2 3 New
4 female 1 2 3 4 new scent
Koob, Bluthe, & Moal, 1988). Downregulation of the V1aR
through the use of antisense oligonucleotides reduces social Figure 34–6. Social Amnesia in OTKO Mice. In Wild-Type
recognition in normal rats (Landgraf et al., 1995). Conversely, Mice, Repeated Exposure to the Same Stimulus Animal Results in
upregulation of the V1aR using viral vector gene transfer Decreased Duration of Olfactory Investigation. When Presented
enhances the duration of the animals’ social recognition with a Novel Stimulus Animal, the Amount of Olfactory
Investigation Returns to the Same Levels as Seen During the First
memory. Recently, the V1b receptors have also been impli-
Trial of Investigation of the Original Animal. In the OTKO Mice
cated in mediating social recognition. Both V1aR and V1bR
there is No Decrease in Investigation of the Stimulus Animal Over
knockout mice show impairments in social memory. Multiple Trials. In Olfactory Investigation of a Nonsocial, Citrus
Characterization of the deficits in social recognition of Scent, though, both the Wild-Type and the OTKO Mice Both Show
V1bRKO mice, though, suggests they are more mild than in Decreased Investigation of the Odor, Indicating that the Deficits
the V1aRKO and may be primarily due to deficits of social of the OTKO Mice are Specific to the Processing of Social Stimuli.
motivation. The mice can differentiate between male and Reprinted with Permission from Ferguson, J. N., Young, L. J.,
female urine, but do not spend more time investigating the Hearn, E. F., Insel, T. R., & Winslow, J. T. (2000). Social Amnesia in
scent of the opposite sexed animal, thus behaving in a highly Mice Lacking the Oxytocin Gene. Nature Genetics, 25, 284–288.

Figure 34–7. Social Information Processing in Humans and Rodents. Individuals with autism show reductions in the activation of the
fusiform face area, a structure regulated by amygdala activation, as measured by fMRI, when viewing human faces compared to controls
(Left Panel). Analogously, OTKO mice show reduced activity of the medial amygdala in response to olfactory investigation, as evidenced
by the expression of c-Fos (a neuronal marker of activity), compared with wild-type mice (Right Panel). Adapted with permission from
Schultz, R. T. (2005). Developmental deficits in social perception in autism: The role of the amygdala and the fusiform face area. International
Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 23(2–3), 125–141, and Ferguson, J. N., Aldagm, J. M., Insel, T. R., & Young, L. J. (2001). Oxytocin in
the medial amygdala is essential for social recognition in the mouse. Journal of Neuroscience , 21, 8278–8285. (See Color Plate Section for
a color version of this figure.)
600 Autism Spectrum Disorders

species atypical fashion. Thus, they can discriminate the odors perception as seen in a test of “mind reading,” a paradigm that
but are not motivated to further investigate scents of sociosexual requires individuals to infer the emotion of stimulus faces, by
importance (Caldwell et al., 2008). viewing images of only the eye regions (Domes et al., 2007).
These findings are likely due to OT’s ability to enhance facial
In Humans and emotional recognition by increasing the amount of time an
individual spends looking at the eye region of a conspecific
The significant body of evidence linking OT with social (Guastella, Mitchell, & Mathews, 2008). OT also regulates social
recognition in rodents has spurred a number of studies looking stimuli perception by modulating amygdala function in
at the effects of OT on face-processing in humans. A number humans. Functional imaging studies have shown that strong
of caveats exist in translating research on social behavior in amygdala activation is induced by fear-inducing visual stimuli.
rodents to humans, primarily related to how social information Administration of intranasal OT potently reduces the activa-
is differentially processed between the species. Social cognition tion of the amygdala in response to these stimuli (Kirsch et al.,
in humans involves far more cortical processes than in rodents. 2005). Interestingly, fMRI studies have shown that application
Human social behavior is based on an integration of the visual of intranasal OT specifically decreases the activation of the right
and auditory systems with executive cortical regions, while in amygdala typically associated with emotional facial recognition
rodents the sensory systems are primarily connected to the (Domes et al., 2007).
limbic system. It is possible that the neuropeptides play a Individuals with ASD appear to have deficits in social
strong modulatory role in mediating olfactory or limbic recognition that are reminiscent of those seen in OTKO mice.
responses and consequently may have less of an effect on Individuals with autism can identify faces in relation to basic
human social behavior (Hammock & Young, 2006). However, objects; however, they do show impairments when asked to
it is likely that OT and AVP modulate the circuitry involved in match unfamiliar faces on tests like the Benton Face
processing of visual and auditory social information in humans Recognition Test (Barton, 2003; Davies, Bishop, Manstead, &
analogously to its role in rodents (Domes, Heinrichs, Michel, Tantam, 1994). They also show deficits in perceiving facial
Berger, & Herpertz, 2007; Guastella, Mitchell, & Dadds, 2008; expression, age, and sex (Hobson, 1987; Tantam, Monaghan,
Meyer-Lindenberg, 2008). Nicholson, & Stirling, 1989). Patients with Turner’s syndrome,
Research into the function of OT and AVP in the brains of which has a high comorbidity with autism, also show deficits
humans is in its infancy and is limited in the types of experi- in recognizing faces and facial expressions (Lawrence et al.,
ments that can be undertaken. As a result, scientists are just 2003). This deficit may, in part, be attributed to decreased
coming to understand the role of neuropeptides in human activation in the amygdala and the fusiform face area, the
social cognition. Currently, the most effective technique for areas typically involved in face recognition, and increased
studying the direct functional effects of the neuropeptides in activation of cortical regions when viewing images of human
the brain is through intranasal administration of the peptides. faces compared to normal subjects (Critchley et al., 2000;
OT and AVP have low penetrance across the blood-brain Pierce, Müller, Ambrose, Allen, & Courchesne, 2001; Schultz
barrier and consequently have limited efficacy when adminis- et al., 2000). Individuals with autism also fail to show amygdala
tered peripherally. However, it is thought that intranasally activation typically seen in control subjects, when asked to
administered peptides are transported directly across the nasal interpret the expressions of face stimuli while viewing human
mucosa to the cerebrospinal fluid, into the brain parenchyma eye regions (Baron-Cohen et al., 1999). Interestingly, OTKO
thus allowing them to have central effects (Bartz & Hollander, mice show a similar pattern of decreased amygdala activation
2008). To date, only one study has physiologically demon- and increased cortical recruitment in social recognition tasks
strated the efficacy of this route of administration. In humans, (Ferguson et al., 2001).
AVP was shown to increase in CSF within 10 minutes after Currently only a limited number of studies have looked at
intranasal administration and remain elevated for at least 80 the effects of AVP on human social information processing.
minutes (Born et al., 2002). Thus far, the equivalent study has Intranasal AVP modulates the perception of facial expression
not been done for OT. in a sexually dimorphic fashion. In animals, AVP modulates
Several recent studies have linked the functional effects of social communication, particularly the production of social
the neuropeptides with cognitive processes associated with signals involved in courtship and aggression. In human males,
social recognition and social information processing. Intranasal intranasal AVP modulates facial expressions in response to
OT has been shown to enhance face recognition and interpre- social stimuli. AVP administration in men decreases the per-
tation of facial expression (Domes et al., 2007; Rimmele, ception of friendliness in unfamiliar male faces and stimulates
Hediger, Heinrichs, & Klaver, 2009). OT administration pref- the production of antagonistic facial expressions. However in
erentially enhanced memory of faces over memory of nonsocial females, the opposite effect is observed; AVP increases the per-
stimuli (Rimmele et al., 2009). OT may also play a role in social ception of friendliness in female faces and stimulates affiliative
memory consolidation as it has been shown to enhance memory facial motor patterns in response to those faces (Thompson,
for previously seen faces when administered after viewing the George, Walton, Orr, & Benson, 2006). It is possible that this
faces (Savaskan, Ernhardt, Schulz, Walter, & Schachinger, dimorphic effect is due to the opposing strategies adopted by
2008). OT has even been shown to enhance emotional men and women to handle stressful social situations.
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 601

Social Attachment voles) species. Prairie and pine voles are highly social,
monogamous animals that form long-lasting social bonds with
Social bonding is a complex social behavior that requires social a specific partner. In contrast, meadow and montane voles are
motivation and social information processing to develop an asocial and polygamous, with males and females coming
enduring attachment. A social bond is apparent when together only to mate. One difference between these species
individuals demonstrate a preference for interaction with a that contributes to their highly divergent social systems is the
specific conspecific. Impairments in social motivation and organization of their OT and AVP systems.
social information processing in individuals with autism likely Because of the important role that OT plays in mother-infant
contribute to difficulty in forming normal social relationships. relationships, the peptide was hypothesized to mediate pair
The study of social attachment in animal models allows for the bonding in prairie voles. OT infusions into the brains of
investigation of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying female prairie voles induce pair bonds as measured by the
the attachment process and may be relevant to many types of development of a partner preference (See Figure 34-8) under
social relationships. Two animal models have contributed conditions nonconducive to bond formation (Williams,
significantly to our understanding of the neurobiological Harbough, & Carter, 1994). Complementarily, application of
mechanisms underlying attachment, pair bonding in the an OTR antagonist intracerebroventricularly prevents the
prairie vole and maternal-infant bonding in sheep. Each of formation of social bonds even after long cohabitation periods
these models is discussed in detail below. with mating (Williams et al., 1994). Central OT receptor
manipulation was able to directionally modulate social bond
In Voles formation without having any impact on sexual behavior.
These data suggest that the species differences in the ability to
The genus Microtus (voles) is an ideal model for the comparative form a social bond between mates may be attributed to
study of social attachment as it contains both monogamous differences in the OT system. The distribution of OT fibers
(prairie and pine voles) and polygamous (meadow and montane throughout the brain is well conserved throughout mammalian

120 Neutral

Time spent in chamber (min)






Prairie Montane

Figure 34–8. Partner Preference Test. Social attachment in prairie voles is measured using the partner preference test. In this behavioral
test a male is paired with an unfamiliar female vole and allowed to cohabitate for a period of time (Upper Panel). The pair is then separated,
and the partner female is tethered in the partner preference apparatus along with a stranger female. The male is then placed in the apparatus
and allowed to wander freely for 3 hours (Middle Panel). The amount of time the male spends with either the partner female or the stranger
female is recorded and analyzed using behavior analysis software (Lower Panel). If the male is shown to have spent twice as much time with
the partner female than with the stranger female, he is said to have formed a partner preference. Partner preference is a marker of social
attachment. Prairie voles easily form a partner preference after about 24 hours of cohabitation. Montane voles, however, fail to show a
preference for their partner after as much as 2 weeks of cohabitation. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
602 Autism Spectrum Disorders

species and both prairie and meadow voles have similar voles is mirrored in other closely related species that have
patterns of OT in the brain. There is, however, striking similar social organizations of other species of rodents and
variation in the distribution of the OTR between the prairie even in some nonhuman primates. For example, the monoga-
and the meadow vole. Prairie voles have a significantly higher mous marmoset has higher densities of V1aR in the ventral
density of OTR in the caudate putamen and the nucleus forebrain reward areas than do nonmonogamous rhesus
accumbens than do the polygamous species. Application of macaques (see Figure 34-9) (Young, 1999). Despite the variation
OTR antagonists directly to the nucleus accumbens inhibits in receptor densities between the two microtine species, there
mating induced partner preference, implicating the accumbens are no species differences in the functional mechanics of the
particularly as a site necessary for pair bonding (Young, Lim, V1aR between the montane and prairie voles, and the protein
Gingrich, & Insel, 2001). coding region of the V1aR gene (avpr1a) is 99% genetically
In males, OT plays a lesser role in pair bond formation identical (Insel, Wang, & Ferris, 1994; Young, Nilsen,
(Liu, Curtis, & Wang, 2001). Instead AVP has primarily been Waymire, MacGregor, & Insel, 1999). This implicated the
implicated in mediating pair bonding. AVP’s effect on male promoter region of the gene encoding the V1aR (avpr1a) in
pair bonding parallels the role of OT in females, in that cen- the differential expression of the receptor and the subsequent
trally infused AVP facilitates partner preference (without differences in both paternal care and social bonding.
mating) while a V1aR antagonist inhibits mating-induced Transgenic mice containing the regulatory region of prairie
partner preference (Winslow, Hastings, Carter, Harbaugh, & vole avpr1 gene show a receptor expression profile very similar
Insel, 1993). Like OT, vasopressin innervation is consistent to that of prairie voles (Young et al., 1999). Furthermore, if
across mammalian species with dramatic differences in these mice are given an injection of AVP they showed an
receptor densities apparently mediating inter and intraspecies increase in affiliative behavior. This led to comparison of the
variation (Wang, Zhou, Hulihan, & Insel, 1996). Considerable regulatory regions between prairie voles and montane voles.
variation in the distribution of V1aR in the brain is seen The prairie vole promoter region at the avpr1a locus contains
between prairie and meadow voles, with higher densities of a microsatellite element that consists of a repetitive sequence
the receptor in the ventral pallidum in the monogamous voles. upstream of the transcriptional start site that is largely absent
The ventral pallidum is a major efferent of the nucleus from the meadow vole. The differences in the microsatellite
accumbens, and like the accumbens, mediates reward and region, therefore, may in part regulate the species differences
reinforcement. Interestingly, the difference in receptor distri- in receptor expression. Within prairie voles there is also great
bution between monogamous and polygamous species of degree of variation in the density of V1aR expression in specific

Figure 34–9. Distribution of V1aR in Monogamous and Nonmonogamous Species. The pattern of higher V1aR expression in the ventral
pallidum of the prairie vole than in the montane vole is mirrored in several other species, including the monogamous California mouse and
the closely related promiscuous white-footed mouse. This pattern is even seen in some primate species, with the monogamous marmoset
showing higher levels of V1aR in the ventral forebrain than the nonmonogamous rhesus macaque. Reprinted with permission from Young,
L. J. (1999). Frank A. Beach Award. Oxytocin and vasopressin receptors and species typical social behaviors. Hormones and Behavior, 36(3),
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 603

brains regions, including the olfactory bulb, extended specific brain regions and prosocial behavior was further
amygdala, thalamus, cingulate cortex, and the ventral palli- tested by overexpressing the V1aR in the ventral pallidum of
dum. Furthermore, there is significant variation in the length nonmonogamous meadow voles. Upregulation of the V1aR in
of the repetitive microsatellite among individual prairie voles. the ventral pallidum enhances partner preference in prairie
To determine whether variation in the length of the microsat- voles and can even induce partner preferences in nonmonoga-
ellite contributed to variation in V1aR expression and social mous meadow voles (see Figure 34-10; Lim et al., 2004). Thus
behavior, two lines of prairie voles were generated, one with a demonstrating that simply by increasing the density of recep-
long microsatellite repeat and one with the short repeat tors in a single brain region, social behavior can be radically
(Hammock & Young, 2005). The resulting animals had robust changed.
differences in V1aR expression in the brain, with the
long-alleled animals showing greater expression in olfactory In Sheep
bulb and the lateral septum but with lower levels in the amy-
gdala and the hippocampus than the short-alleled animals. Maternal-infant bonding in sheep has been used as a model to
Long-alleled male prairie voles also displayed a shorter latency identify the mechanisms involved in social attachment as well.
to approach and investigate a novel juvenile male and devel- Unlike rodents, which are typically promiscuously maternal,
oped partner preferences more quickly than short-alleled ani- ewes form a strong selective bond for their own lamb. Sheep
mals (Hammock & Young, 2005). These data suggest that the live in large social groups and are constantly moving while
microsatellite polymorphism in the 5’ regulatory region of the they graze. They are synchronous breeders, which means
avpr1a gene alters the expression of the receptor throughout many young are born in the herd at the same time, and they
the brain and that the distribution of the receptor influences birth precocial young who are able to stand and run shortly
social behavior. The relationship between receptor density in after birth. These features require that ewes form a strong

Prairie vole Meadow LacZ-VP

Meadow V1aR-VP Partner ∗
Time spent huddling (minutes)

50 Stranger





Ctrl-vp Ctrl-other V1aR-vp

Figure 34–10. V1aR Gene Transfer in Meadow Voles. The monogamous male prairie vole shows high expression of the V1aR in the ventral
pallidum (Upper Left Panel), which corresponds to high levels of partner preference. To induce the ability to form social attachments in the
polygamous male meadow vole the V1aR was upregulated by the injection of a viral vector containing the avpr1a gene. When injected into
a specific brain region the viral vector induces the production of its gene product, in this case causing the increased expression of the V1aR
(Lower Left Panel). Upregulation of the V1aR but not a control molecule, LacZ (Upper Right Panel), induced partner preference in the male
meadow vole (Lower Right Panel). Reprinted with permission from Lim, M. M., Wang, Z., Olazabal, D. E., Ren, X., Terwilliger, E. F.,
& Young, L. J. (2004). Enhanced partner preference in a promiscuous species by manipulating the expression of a single gene. Nature,
429(6993), 754–757.
604 Autism Spectrum Disorders

selective bond shortly after birth to prevent the lamb from GABA and glutamate (Kendrick et al., 1997). In humans,
being lost (see Figure 34-11; Kendrick et al., 1997). Bond selective kin recognition is primarily mediated by visual input,
formation, like maternal behavior, in ewes is induced by the but remarkably it has also been reported that women are able
hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and the physio- to recognize the smell of their infant within hours of giving
logical feedback associated with labor and delivery. Ewes birth, suggesting a potentially conserved mechanism (Porter,
become maternal immediately after birth, and within a couple Cernock, & McLaughlin, 1983).
of hours postpartum they become selectively maternal toward
one lamb and will allow only their own lamb to nurse. In Humans
Vagino-cervical stimulation (VCS) can induce a ewe to accept
an unfamiliar lamb even after she has bonded with her own Preliminary research in humans is consistent with the animal
lamb. Epidural anesthesia prevents VCS from inducing mater- studies mentioned above and suggests that the OT and AVP
nal bonding (Levy, Kendrick, Keverne, Piketty, & Poindron, systems may also be involved in human social attachments.
1992). OT infusion alone induces acceptance of an unfamiliar Functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown there is a
lamb even in a nonpregnant ewe (Kendrick, Keverne, & high degree of overlap between the distribution of OT recep-
Baldwin, 1987). It is thought that in sheep VCS, which occurs tors in the human brain and the regions of brain activation
naturally during parturition, sends sensory signals through when viewing images of romantic partners or mothers viewing
the spinal cord to the PVN, which then releases large amounts images of their infants (Bartels & Zeki, 2004). Plasma levels of
of OT into the circulation and throughout the brain. OT OT have also been shown to increase in both males and females
release in limbic structures facilitates the onset of maternal during sexual activity and intercourse (Blaicher et al., 1999;
nurturing behavior, while OT infusion in the olfactory bulb Carmichael et al., 1987; Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). As the most
induces a reorganization resulting in selective responsiveness intense form of social contact, sexual intercourse is also likely
to their own lamb’s odor. The specific odor of the lamb is to be the stimulus for OT release in the brain (Neumann,
encoded through plastic changes in the olfactory bulb that are 2008). Women with high levels of OT report the occurrence of
permitted by OT and mediated by the neurotransmitters nonsexual tactile interaction between partners, like massage
or hugging, at greater frequency than those with lower levels
(Light, Grewen, & Amico, 2005). Perceived partner support
has also been associated with higher levels of OT in both men
and women (Grewen, Girdler, Amico, & Light, 2005).
Conversely, negative social experiences, like early life abuse or
neglect, result in decreased levels of OT in the CSF. OT levels
are negatively correlated with the number and duration of
abuses (Heim et al., 2008).
The opposite relationship was seen though, in associations
between reports on relationship quality and levels of OT. Basal
plasma levels of OT were negatively correlated with living
situations, marriage quality, physical affection, and communi-
cation (Taylor et al., 2006; Turner, Altemus, Enos, Cooper, &
McGuinness, 1999). However, it should be noted that plasma
levels of neuropeptide should be interpreted with caution
since peptides are released into the periphery and into the
brain independently, and circulating peptides do not cross the
blood-brain barrier.
A recent study demonstrated an association between a
microsatellite element in the 5’ flanking region of the human
avpr1a gene, similar to the microsatellite seen in prairie voles,
and several traits indicative of pair bonding behavior in men.
One particular allele was associated with marital status, per-
ceived marital problems, and even marital quality as perceived
by their spouses. As would be predicted by the animal research,
Figure 34–11. Maternal Infant Bonding in Sheep. Maternal
no association was found between women and this locus
bonding in sheep is a model of social attachment. Ewes form
(Walum et al., 2008). This study provides remarkable evidence
a strong selective bond specific for their own lamb soon after
parturition. It is particularly important that the ewe learn to of a conserved mechanism regulating social cognition in
recognize their lamb, as sheep are synchronous breeders that give rodents and man.
birth to precocial young, which prevents kin identification by In humans, both neuropeptides may also promote inter-
proximity. The formation of this selective bond is dependent personal relationships by increasing perceptions of trust and
on OT. Photo courtesy of Keith Kendricks. altruism. The aforementioned microsatellite polymorphism of
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 605

the human avpr1a gene has also been linked to prosocial Single-subject cases have also implicated the OTR gene in
behavior. Individuals with the short allele (308–325bp) are less the etiology of autism. A unique case study of a 9-year-old boy
generous in the Dictator game, an economic game of altruistic with pervasive developmental disorder was found to have a
decision making, than those with the long allele (Knafo et al., duplication of the chromosome region containing the OTR
2008). In a similar game, intranasal OT was found to promote gene resulting in a 2- to 3-fold increase of OTR expression
trust behavior, in that subjects that had received the peptide compared to control subjects (Bittel, Kibiryeva, Dasouki,
shared more money with their social partner than those that Knoll, & Butler, 2006). The oxytocin gene has also been impli-
had not, even after being cheated by their social partner cated in autism in a case study in which a child with Asperger’s
(Kosfeld, Heinrichs, Zak, Fischbacher, & Fehr, 2005). syndrome was found to have a 1.1Mb deletion of 20p13 a
region with involves ∼27 genes including the OT peptide gene
(Bittel et al., 2006; Sebat et al., 2007).
Á Associations have also been made between the avpr1a gene
Evidence for Disregulation of and autism. In humans, the avpr1a gene located on chromo-
Neuropeptides Systems in Autism some 12q14-15, contains three microsatellite regions in the 5’
Spectrum Disorders flanking and one in the single intron, analogous to but differ-
ent from the vole polymorphisms. Two microsatellites, RS1
Genetic Evidence and RS3, have been the focus of much investigation due to
their highly polymorphic number of repeats. Three independ-
It is clear that OT and AVP play a central role in the regulation ent groups have found a possible link between polymorphisms
of complex social behaviors. This, coupled with the high in the avpr1a gene and autism. Studies have shown linkage
heritability of autism, has led many researchers to look at the disequilibrium between autism and the RS3 microsatellite in
possible link between mutations of the neuropeptides systems the avpr1a gene (Kim, 2001; Wassink et al., 2004; Yirmiya
and ASD. To date several genetic association studies have et al., 2006). The microsatellites in humans, as in voles, have
implicated the OTR and V1aR in the etiology of autism. The been shown to have functional consequences. The number of
human OTR is encoded by a 19 kbp gene located on chromo- microsatellite repeats in both the RS1 and RS3 sites is shown
some 3p25 containing three introns and four exons (Inoue to have an effect on amygdala activity in response to fear stim-
et al., 1994). Two genomewide scans have highlighted the uli. The long allele of the RS3 site is associated with extremely
3p25 region as a linkage site for ASD (Lauritsen et al., 2006; high levels of amygdala activation in response to the stimuli
McCauley et al., 2005). Four studies to date have found a pos- (Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2008), which is particularly interest-
itive association of the OTR gene with autism in three distinct ing as autistic individuals have been shown to have abnormal
populations. A study of the Chinese Han trios demonstrated amygdala activation in fMRI studies (Dalton et al., 2005). The
an association between ASD and two single nucleotide poly- long RS3 allele has also been associated with higher levels of
morphisms (rs2254298 and rs53576) and several haplotypes the avpr1a mRNA in human postmortem hippocampal tissue
involving one of the sites (Wu et al., 2005). A second study by than the short RS3 allele, similar to what is seen in the vole
Jacob et al. (2007) looked at whether these associations repli- literature (Knafo et al., 2008). Despite these numerous studies,
cated in a Caucasian population and verified the association at there is no evidence that genetic variation in the OTR or V1aR
the rs2254298 site. The two studies found overtransmission of genes are a major contributor to ASD. Rather, they suggest
opposing alleles in the affected population, the G allele in the that variation in these genes may be one of many contributing
Caucasian population and the A allele in the Chinese popula- factors in some small fraction of ASD cases.
tion. A third comprehensive association study was undertaken
by Israel et al. (2008) of an Israeli population looking at all of Peripheral Evidence
the known labeled SNPs across the OTR gene region and
found a strong association between a five locus haplotype Children with autism have been observed to have lower levels
block including the site found in both previous studies and of peripheral OT in plasma than age-matched controls. Within
ASD. This group also showed an association with IQ and daily the control group, levels of OT were found to be positively
living skills with SNPs in the OTR gene, suggesting this gene correlated with measures of social behavior including sociali-
may play a role in other disorders and nonclinical populations zation, social coping, and interpersonal relationships.
(Israel et al., 2008). These findings reinforced the work done Unexpectedly, in the autistic group the lower baseline levels of
by Lerer et al. (2008), which showed similar association of OT were negatively correlated with these same measures of
ASD with specific loci in the OXTR gene in the Israeli popula- social behavior (Modahl et al., 1998). This difference could be
tion, as well as associations with IQ and the Vineland Adaptive the result of differential processing of OT in the brains of chil-
Behavior Scales, a clinical measure of personal and social skills. dren with autism, as plasma samples of autistic children were
The association of the OXTR gene with ASD found in the also found to have higher levels of OT precursors as well as a
aforementioned targeted studies was also seen by Yrigollen higher ratio of OT precursor to OT (Green et al., 2001). These
et al. in a study of genes associated with affiliative behavior as findings were replicated in a second independent study that
candidate genes for autism (Yrigollen et al., 2008). also found autistic children to have lower peripheral levels of
606 Autism Spectrum Disorders

vasopressin (Al-Ayadhi, 2005). In adults the findings appear components of social interaction: social motivation, social
to be reversed, as individuals with ASD have higher plasma information processing, and social attachment. Individuals
levels of OT compared to controls (Jansen et al., 2006). There with ASD show impairments in each of these three subdomains,
is no apparent reason to account for the discrepancy in find- with reduced social interest, reduced perception of nonverbal
ings between the groups, suggesting there may be a develop- social cues and reduced ability to form reciprocal social
mental compensatory mechanism. However, it is important to relationships. Social motivation to care for infants in many
note that peripheral levels of oxytocin and vasopressin do not species is dependent on central release of OT. The proper
necessarily reflect central levels (Bartz & Hollander, 2006). processing of social information necessary for social
recognition requires OT and AVP neurotransmission. Social
attachment in monogamous species and the mother-infant
Á bond are modulated by these neuropeptides. Even in humans
Implications for Developing it appears that OT systems may play some role in complex
Pharmacological Therapies social behaviors such as attachment and interpersonal trust.
Regardless of whether disregulation of these neuropeptide sys-
Given the role of OT and AVP in modulating social motivation, tems contributes to the etiology of social deficits in ASD, the
social information processing, and social attachment, these OT and AVP systems may prove to be viable targets for novel
systems may be viable targets for treating the social deficits pharmacotherapies to enhance social cognition in psychiatric
associated with ASD. Indeed, some very preliminary studies disorders characterized by social deficits.
have suggested that OT infusion may have positive effects in
ASD patients, but more work is needed to draw any conclusions.
Hollander et al. (2003) investigated the role of intravenous OT Á
administration on the inhibition of repetitive behavior, one of Challenges and Future Directions
the other core symptoms of ASD. A continuous 4-hour treat-
ment with the Pitocin, a synthetic oxytocin, was found to • Animal models have already provided a great deal of
significantly decrease repetitive behaviors over time as compared insights into the role of OT and AVP in the regulation of
to placebo. A similar procedure was then used to look at the social behavior and social cognition. A major challenge is
effect of OT on social cognition as assayed by a test of affective to develop behavioral paradigms in animal models with
speech comprehension. Subjects who received the peptide prior face, construct, and predictive validity relevant to ASD
to the first trial were shown to have enhanced retention of to facilitate further studies on the potential of drugs that
speech comprehension 2 weeks later compared to those who modulate the OT and AVP systems as therapies to treat
received it prior to the second trial. The study did, however, fail the social cognitive deficits in ASD.
to observe a direct effect of OT on performance. Collectively • Several studies have reported genetic associations between
these studies suggest that OT may have a therapeutic value for ASD phenotypes and polymorphisms in the OT and
treating two of the three primary deficits of autism. One point of AVP systems. However, it will be important to explore in
concern, though, is the issue of peripheral administration and more detail the impact of early social experience on OT
brain penetration. Endogenous plasma OT is unable to efficiently and AVP systems. For example, can social enrichment
cross the blood brain barrier (Landgraf & Neumann, 2004), enhance these peptide systems?
which calls into question how intravenously administered OT • Animal studies have revealed relationships between OTR
can have a direct effect on behavior. It is hypothesized that high and V1aR densities in particular brain regions and social
levels of exogenous administration allows for low levels of OT to behavior. However, the examination of these recep-
be transported across the blood-brain barrier. As an alternative, tor systems has been difficult in human tissue. It will
intranasal OT has been proposed as a route of administration, be important to develop technologies, such as positron
as it has been used in many of the human behavioral studies. emission tomography (PET), that will allow visualization
However, due to the relative inefficiency in the transmission of of these peptide receptors in living individuals to deter-
peripherally administered OT and the unknown efficacy of mine whether alterations in receptor systems in the brain
intranasally delivered OT, the development of small molecule are associated with social deficits in ASD.
OTR agonists that more easily cross the blood brain barrier is • ASD is a multigenic disorder, and disruptions in OT and
needed to explore the viability of peripherally administered OT AVP related genes are clearly not a major risk factor for
drugs for the treatment of social deficits in autism. the disorder. However, it will be important to consider
whether diverse etiologies may have a common impact
on social cognition through disregulation of some aspect
Á of the OT and AVP system. Regardless as to whether
Conclusion disregulation of OT and AVP are involved in the social
deficits in ASD, these systems should be considered
OT and AVP are important regulators of complex social when developing pharmacotherapies to enhance social
behaviors. These neuropeptides modulate three major function in ASD.
Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorders 607

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Hammock, E. A. D., & Young, L. J. (2006). Oxytocin, vasopres- Gernbacher, M. A., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2005). Gaze fixation
sin, and pair bonding: implications for autism. Philosophical and the neural circuitry of face processing in autism. Nature
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Heinrichs, M., von Dawans, B., & Domes, G. (2009). Oxytocin, vasopressin modulates social memory in male rats. Brain
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Neuroendocrinology, 30(4), 548–557. Davies, S., Bishop, D., Manstead, A. S., & Tantam, D. (1994). Face
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35 Á Eric Courchesne, Sara Jane Webb, Cynthia M. Schumann

From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape

of the Brain in Autism

Á capacity of any age period in human life. Therefore, abnormal

Points of Interest development of processes in these systems during this age
period almost certainly underlies the emergence of autistic
• Autism is due to abnormal brain development beginning behavioral signs and symptoms in infants and toddlers.
early in life. The signature(s) of this early neural malde- However, a major unknown is whether such maldevelopment
velopment is far more likely to be detectable at the devel- began before this period or, instead, occurs for the very first
opmental time when behavioral symptoms first appear. time during this period. This gap in knowledge exists because
• Autism involves early brain overgrowth prior to 3 years of these higher-order neural systems are not developed sufficiently
age followed by arrested growth and degeneration. This before this period, even in the completely neurotypical infant,
atypical neural development is pronounced in key struc- and so, behavioral indices of deviation from normal capacity
tures such as the frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and amygdala; in these systems can only be readily behaviorally detected after
hypoplasia of subregions of cerebellar vermis also occurs the age when these functions typically develop. Behavioral
during this early period of life in individuals with autism. methodologies alone, therefore, cannot address this key gap in
• Abnormal neural connectivity is hypothesized to be a knowledge in the biological time of onset of autism. From the
downstream consequence of an earlier neural defect. perspective of elucidating the causes of autism, identifying
early markers will allow effective interventions to begin earlier
The behavioral signs and symptoms of autistic disorder and or even the identification of plausible paths to preventing
pervasive developmental disorder begin during later infancy autism. There are few questions in the field of autism that are
and the toddler period in the majority of cases. Before 6–12 more important to answer.
months of age, such signs are typically absent or, at most, very Since autism is undeniably due to abnormal brain
subtle, according to recent prospective studies (Wetherby, development beginning in early life, knowledge of this early
et al., 2004; Zwaigenbaum, et al., 2005; Ozonoff, Heung, et al., brain abnormality is paramount. Clearly, the signature of this
2008; Pierce, Glatt, et al., 2009). The first red flags in older early maldevelopment is far more likely to be detectable, per-
infants and toddlers include deficits in the development of haps even vivid, at the developmental time when behavioral
higher-order social, language, communication, and emotion symptoms first appear. However, there is a lack of a clear
functions. Ritualistic and/or repetitive behaviors and cognitive developmental perspective in the literature. As highlighted in
deficits are not as consistently present but do occur in some a recent review, more than 90% of all studies of neuroanatomy
individuals even at an early age. These behavioral deficits must in autism have been on 10-, 20-, or 40-year-olds with autism,
necessarily be due to abnormal development of the brain at or not on 1- to 3-year-olds (Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007).
before this early age period. In the past, most but not all (Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007;
In humans, this very period from roughly 6–12 months to Amaral et al., 2008) reviews of the neuroanatomy of autism
3 years is a time of major cell growth, synaptogenesis, and have not considered age-related effects when seeking a
circuit formation for the neural systems that mediate these coherent picture of the neuroanatomic defects that underlie
higher-order functions. No other period in human develop- the emergence of autism.
ment is its equal: Circuit formation and functional organiza- In the recent research of a few laboratories, however, early
tion in these systems at this time create the single most brain development in autism has been a focus of investigations
astonishing expansion of human higher-order processing (Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001; Courchesne, Carper, et al., 2003;

612 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hazlett, Poe, et al., 2005; Dawson, Munson, et al., 2007; Mosconi, A Three phases of growth pathology in autism
Cody-Hazlett, et al., 2009; Schumann, Barnes, et al., 2009;
Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010). Findings led to the theory that Arrested Possible decline/
Overgrowth growth degeneration
autism involves early brain overgrowth followed by arrested
growth and potential degeneration (Courchesne & Pierce, 2005;
Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007; see Figure 35-1), Support for ASD
this theory of an unusual brain growth trajectory across the Normal
lifespan in autism comes from a new longitudinal and cross-

sectional MRI study of 586 autistic and typically subjects 1 to 50
years of age (Courchesne Campbell, 2010). This theory
(Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007) argues that early brain growth
pathology begins before the first detected signs of autism. If the
early brain overgrowth theory of autism is valid, then it would Age
provide a central organizing principle for a host of research into
genetic and nongenetic causes, avenues for treatment, animal
models, and early identification. In this chapter, we review the
head circumference and MRI evidence relevant to this theory
and highlight areas of evidence that remain to be gathered to
refine or refute it. In addition, new information from functional
neuroimaging and postmortem studies that speak to this theory
are also discussed. Future directions in research into the early
developmental neuroanatomical bases of autism are suggested,
including research that aims to define relationships between
brain growth abnormality in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) Figure 35–1. Three phases of growth pathology in ASD.
and clinical, treatment, and etiological factors. (A) Model of early brain overgrowth that is followed by arrest of
growth. Red line represents ASD, while blue line represents age-
matched typically developing individuals. In some regions and
individuals, the arrest of growth may be followed by degeneration,
indicated by the red dashes that slope slightly downward. (B) Sites of
Discovery of Early Brain Overgrowth in
regional overgrowth in ASD include frontal and temporal cortices,
Autism and Replication Studies and amygdala. From Courchesne, E., Pierce, K., et al. (2007).
Mapping early brain development in autism. Neuron, 56(2), 399–413.
Head Circumference Evidence of Early (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
Overgrowth in Autism

Abnormal brain enlargement in 2- to 3-year-old toddlers (by World Health Organization norms) or slightly below
diagnosed with autism was first discovered using quantitative normal average (by Centers for Disease Control norms) with a
MRI a number of years ago (Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001). mean of 34.6 cm; only about 6% of these newborns had exces-
Since autism begins before that age, the question remained as sively enlarged HC at birth (Figure 35-2A including Webb,
to whether this enlargement preceded or followed the onset of Nalty, et al., 2007; Figure 35-2B Dementieva et al., 2005).
the first signs of autism. However, this same study also reported However, by 6–14 months of age, HC had become enlarged,
that autistic children with brain enlargement had normal to with 76% of infants across different studies (Courchesne et al.,
slightly smaller than normal head circumference (HC) at birth. 2003; Dementieva et al., 2005; Webb et al., 2007) exceeding +1
That suggested the hypothesis that early brain overgrowth in standard deviation above normal average (Figure 35-2C). This
autism begins sometime during the first 2 years of life. finding of early overgrowth during the first years of life in
To test that possibility, Courchesne et al. (2003) analyzed autism based on HC has now been replicated by several inde-
cross-sectional and longitudinal HC data using retrospective pendent research groups (Dementieva, Vance, et al., 2005;
records from birth to 2 years of age in patients with autism Hazlett, Poe, et al., 2005; Dissanayake, Bui, et al., 2005; Dawson
from the Courchesne et al. (2001) study. To determine whether et al., 2007; Webb et al., 2007). Further, Elder et al. (Elder,
HC is a good retrospective index of brain size, Courchesne Dawson, et al., 2008) found that toddler siblings of children
and colleagues additionally conducted a separate MRI-HC with ASD who had more rapid growth from birth to 12 months
correlation study in autistic and typically developing toddlers and showed a deceleration in head circumference growth from
and children (Bartholomeusz, Courchesne, et al., 2002). They 12 to 24 months had more parent reported difficulties in social
found that HC at that early age (but not in adolescents or and communication behaviors.
adults) is an excellent predictor of overall brain volume. In addition to these longitudinal and cross-sectional studies
Courchesne et al. (2003) found that at birth, HC in infants of HC across the first 2 years of life in autism, several older stud-
who later went on to develop autism was typically near normal ies reported only on birth HC. Figure 35-3 showed that in every
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 613

A 3
B C Autism
group ∗
50 ∗
Head circumference Z score

Head circumference in cm.

∗ CDC norm
1 70 45 50th percentile

Roche percentile
0 50

−1 30 ∗
−2 10
Birth 6 to 14 mos. Birth 6 to 12 mos. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Age in mos.

Figure 35–2. Abnormal growth of head circumference during infancy and the toddler years in autism. (A) Z scores from Courchesne et al. (2003)
(in black circles) and Webb et al. (2007) (in gray circles) showing individual data points at birth and a second point between 6 and 14 months.
Means represented by black lines. (B) Percentiles from Dementieva et al. (2005) showing mean and individual data points at birth and a second
point between 6 and 12 months. Means represented by black lines. (C) Longitudinal data from N=14 babies who developed autism (black circles)
and growth curve based on their data (darker top line) from Courchesne et al. (2003) and mean data from Webb et al. (2007) (in gray asterisks).

report of HC at birth in newborns who later go on to develop below. Similarly, MRI will eventually become the measure of
autism, it is typically near normal or slightly below normal aver- choice for even infants and toddlers at-risk for autism because
age. What is remarkable about this evidence is the consistency of of its greater accuracy and unparalleled resolution of living
the absolute HC at birth in autism across studies and decades. human brain anatomy.
Some previous reviews of the HC literature have failed to note Nonetheless, important gaps and ambiguity in informa-
this consistency; “differences” between studies have been due to tion remain. While CDC or WHO norms remain the largest
the norms used and not to the actual size of the HC and there- normative database against which to compare autism HC in
fore the brain at birth. Importantly, among the studies that pro- early life, it is important to be able to additionally show effects
vided individual subject HC data (Courchesne, Carper, et al., in large samples of comparably recruited autistic and healthy,
2003; Dementieva, Vance, et al., 2005), only about 5–10% had typically developing (nonpediatric patient) infants and tod-
excessively large HC at birth (Figure 35-2A and 35-2B). dlers. By doing so, it will be possible to test more complex and
Other major questions are whether HC growth patterns
differ between domains of the autism spectrum (e.g., autistic
disorder, PDD-NOS, and Asperger’s syndrome) or vary in
some other way in relation to symptom severity. Courchesne Head circumference at birth
et al. (2003) reported that more abnormally accelerated HC in ASD
growth at young ages was associated with more severe stereo-
typed and repetitive behaviors, later onset of first words, and 36 CDC, 50th
greater likelihood of an autistic disorder rather than PDD-NOS 7 Roche, 50th
35 8
diagnosis. In contrast, accelerated HC growth in early life in 2 5 6
1 4 9 10 1. Mason-Brothers n=129
autism has been associated with higher levels of adaptive func- 3 2. Hazlett 2005 n=113
34 3. Lainhart 1997 n=47
tioning (Dementieva, Vance, et al., 2005). Webb et al. (2007) 4. Gilberg 2002 n=43
did not find any association between a diagnosis of PDD-NOS 5. Courchesne 2003 n=33

6. Dissanayake 2006 n=28

versus autistic disorder or with history of regression. In one 7. Webb 2007 n=22
0 8. Stevenson 1997 n=18
study, small and nonsignificant differences between autistic 9. Dementieva 2005 n=15
disorder and Asperger’s groups in HC growth rates in the first 10. Courchesne 2001 n=15
years of life were detected, but sample sizes may have been too
Figure 35–3. Summary of 10 reports of birth head circumference
small to detect differences (Dissanayake, Bui, et al., 2006).
in neonates who were later diagnosed as having autism. Graph
Perhaps less valuable are HC studies of older children,
adapted from Courchesne, E., Pierce, K., et al. (2007). Mapping early
adolescents, and adults with ASD because with increasing age, brain development in autism. Neuron, 56(2), 399–413, and includes
HC becomes a progressively poorer index of the size of the data means from Mason-Brothers et al., 1990; Lainhart et al., 1997;
brain (Aylward, Minshew, et al., 2002; Bartholomeusz, Stevenson et al., 1997; Courchesne et al., 2001; Gillberg & De Souza,
Courchesne, et al., 2002). MRI would clearly be the measure of 2002; Courchesne et al., 2003; Dementieva et al., 2005; Hazlett et al.,
choice at those ages, and results from such studies are reviewed 2005; Dissanayake et al., 2006; Webb et al., 2007.
614 Autism Spectrum Disorders

clinically useful relations between growth rates of HC in early telangiectatica congenita (M-CMTC). Also presenting with
life and a variety of important biological and behavioral meas- HC enlargement at birth is familial macrocephaly (defined as
ures including genotype, diagnostic, prognostic, in vivo MRI absence of a clinical syndrome, normal radiographic brain
and fMRI, blood biomarkers, treatment responsiveness, and development, parent or sibling with macrocephaly and/or
so forth. To this end, a new study has developed a procedure macrocephaly traced through several generations; DeMyer,
that identifies in the general population (not just in younger 1986). There are 164 conditions that are associated with mac-
siblings of autistic children) infants and toddlers who are at rocephaly (Williams, Dagli, & Battaglia, 2008). Most are
risk for ASD and then obtains at that early stage diagnostic, extremely rare, with some having as few as 30 total cases world-
psychometric, biomarker, DNA, blood-based RNA, MRI, and wide. Thus, ASD, which occurs in 1 in 150 individuals, is the
fMRI measures along with HC (Pierce, Glatt et al., 2009). single most common condition associated with excessive head
The results raise the possibility that early brain overgrowth and brain size at young ages. On the other hand, unlike these
could be common across the autism spectrum, and as such other conditions—including familial macrocephaly, brain
may point to a common set of biological pathways that cause enlargement in the great majority of ASD individuals is devel-
an ASD. Courchesne et al. (Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007) opmentally restricted to the first several years of life, and, as
concluded that there was evidence that brain overgrowth discussed below, eventually most ASD individuals do not have
occurs in the first 2-3 years of life in autism and that in many excessive brain size by adolescent and adult years. Studies that
cases this growth pathology precedes the first clinical signs of have compared rates of macrocephaly in ASD to other types of
the disorder (also see Courchesne, Carper, et al., 2003; mild developmental disorder (e.g., ADHD; see e.g., Rodier,
Dementieva, Vance, et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 2007; Webb Bryson, et al., 1997; Ghaziuddin, Zaccagnini, et al., 1999;
et al., 2007). This suggests that the neural defects that cause Fidler, Bailey, et al., 2000) or to relatives of ASD individuals
autism are present before the critical peak period of circuit (Fidler, Bailey, et al., 2000; Miles, Hadden, et al., 2000) and
formation and functional organization in higher-order social, have not found large differences, have not taken into account
communication, emotion, and language systems and as such the latter fact that brain enlargement in autism is unusual in
cause circuit formation and function to proceed abnormally. being relatively restricted to younger developmental age
Thus, abnormal connectivity and function was theorized to be periods. This is reviewed further below.
the downstream consequence of an earlier neural defect.
Finally, the authors pointed out that while a number of MRI Evidence of Early Brain Overgrowth,
different cellular and molecular factors could underlie early Arrest, and Decline in Autism
brain overgrowth, the most obvious and likely candidates
include excess neuron numbers due to dysregulation of neu- As noted above, abnormal early brain overgrowth in autism
rogenesis and/or naturally occurring cell death and excess glial was initially discovered in 2- to 3-year-olds with quantitative
numbers (see Courchesne, Carper, et al., 2003; Courchesne & MRI nearly a decade ago (Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001);
Pierce, 2005; Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007). The discovery overall brain size in the autistic toddlers was 10% larger than
of the common underlying neuropathology could be key to in typically developing toddlers (see Figure 35-4). In that
identification of the upstream causes of ASD. Equally study, abnormal enlargement in these very young autistic tod-
important then, would be the question of whether clinical dlers was also present for whole cerebral volume, cerebral gray
outcome differences along the spectrum (from low functioning matter volume, and cerebral white matter volume. This new
to high) might reflect individual genetic or experiential phenomenon of pathological early brain and cerebrum over-
differences that modify the impact of a common triggering growth in autism has since been replicated in a number of
neuropathology. While interesting, these possibilities remain other studies. First, in 3- to 4-year-olds, Sparks et al. (Sparks,
largely conjectural, and much additional information is Friedman, et al., 2002) reported a 9% larger cerebrum volume
needed from future studies. For instance, are there clinical in autistic as compared to typically developing and develop-
and/or biological differences related to age of onset, rate, mentally delayed children. Then, in 2-year-olds, Hazlett et al.
duration, and magnitude of early brain overgrowth? (Hazlett, Poe, et al., 2005) reported a significantly larger cere-
There is additional interest in how the accelerated postnatal brum, including cerebral gray and white matter in autism as
HC growth in autism compares to other disorders that involve compared to typically developing and developmentally delayed
head and brain enlargement. Table 1 in Courchesne and Pierce children. In the first MRI study of very young autistic girls,
(2005) summarizes a variety of neuroanatomical, physical, Bloss and Courchesne (2007) found abnormal enlargement of
metabolic, behavioral, and/or other clinical characteristics that the brain and cerebrum volume in 2- to 5-year-old autistic
distinguish other disorders from autism. For example, autism girls compared to typical girls. Interestingly, this abnormal
does not typically involve pronounced ventricular enlargement, increase in brain and cerebrum size in the autistic girls was
craniofacial abnormalities, or excessive head enlargement in somewhat greater than that seen in age-, IQ-, and autism
utero and/or at birth, but one or another of these are common severity–matched autistic 2- to 5-year-old boys. Most recently,
features of several other disorders presenting with excessive we have also found enlargement of cerebral, cerebral gray, and
head size at birth as well as during infancy, such as Sotos syn- cerebral white volumes in 2- to 5-year-old autistic boys and
drome, hydrocephaly, and macrocephaly-Cutis marmorata girls (Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010). As discussed below, Bloss
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 615

Brain or cerebral overgrowth Autism

in autism by 2 to 4 years of age 1500

Brain volume (ml)

Courchesne et al., 2001
Sparks et al., 2002 1300
Carper et al., 2002
Carper & Courchesne, 2005
Hazlett et al., 2005 1100
Bloss & Courchesne, 2007
Schumann, Bloss, et al., Normal mean
2010 1179 ml
2 3 4 5
Age (years)

Figure 35–4. Studies showing abnormal brain or cerebral overgrowth in autism by age 2 to 4 years. Data plot shows individual MRI-based
brain volumes in autistic 2- to 4-year-old males (black dots) as compared to the average volume of 1179 ml in typical 2- to 4-year-old males
(from Courchesne et al., 2001). On the right, 3D reconstructions shown of a 3-year-old autistic boy with a brain volume of 1810 cc as compared
to the brain of a typically developing 3-year-old boy with an average brain size. Adapted from Courchesne, E., Karns, C., et al. (2001). Unusual
brain growth patterns in early life in patients with autistic disorder: An MRI study. Neurology, 57, 245–254.

Brain growth in autism through 16 years



Brain volume (ml)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Age (years)

Figure 35–5. Unusual brain growth trajectory from early life to 16 years of age in autism. Data plotted from the only MRI study of age-
related changes in brain size in autism from toddler years through to adolescent years. Each data point is the MRI-based brain volume from
different autistic (open circles) or typically developing (closed circles) boys. Adapted from Courchesne, E., Karns, C., et al. (2001). Unusual
brain growth patterns in early life in patients with autistic disorder: An MRI study. Neurology, 57, 245–254.

and Courchesne (2007) concluded that while abnormal early was abnormally slow development or arrested growth: Between
brain enlargement appears to be common to both girls and roughly 3–5 years and 8–9 years of age accelerated brain
boys with autism, autistic girls may have more severe and growth stops in most autistic children, and further growth is
possibly slightly different patterns of anatomic abnormality. either abnormally slow or arrested. Finally, a third phase of
By quantifying MRI at all ages from 2 to 16 years, Courchesne pathology, less clear-cut and distinct than the first two,
et al. (2001) identified three different phases of pathological appeared to be premature decline, possibly due to degenera-
brain growth (see Figure 35-5). The first phase of pathology tion. As discussed by Courchesne and Pierce (2005), this unu-
was accelerated brain overgrowth: Between the first year of life sual and pathological pattern of age-related changes, which has
and 2–3 years of age, the autistic brain becomes abnormally also been found in a new lifespan study of 586 autistic and typi-
enlarged. After that early period, a second phase of pathology cal subjects (Courchesne, Campbell, et al., 2010), distinguishes
616 Autism Spectrum Disorders

autism from a large number of other developmental disorders MRI studies of cerebral growth, there have been a large number
that display enlarged brain size. While overgrowth of the brain of MRI studies of adolescent and adult autism subjects. At
as well as frontal and temporal cortices, cerebral white matter, these older ages, effects have been variable, with some studies
and the amygdala in large samples of young children with reporting slightly larger cerebral gray matter volumes
autism has now been reported by several independent labora- (Lotspeich, Kwon, et al., 2004; Palmen, Hulshoff Pol, et al.,
tories (see below), studies show the degree of abnormality 2005; Hazlett, Poe, et al., 2006), but most reporting either
varies across autistic children from a subset of individuals that slightly reduced volumes (Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001) or
differ little from normal average to the majority with signifi- no difference from normal (Herbert, Ziegler, et al., 2003; Rojas,
cant enlargement including some with as much as a 50% Peterson, et al., 2006). Nonetheless, the pattern across these
increase in size (see Figure 35-5). several studies is consistent with an overall decline in the dif-
This first developmental MRI study of 2- to 16-year-olds as ference between autism and normal with age. Further, one
well as a recent study of 1 to 50 year olds (Courchesne, study of the distribution of cortical thickness shows wide-
Campbell, et al., 2010) make clear one major and fundamental spread but patchy thinning or atrophy in autistic adults in
point about autism: The underlying neural pathological proc- regions involved in social cognition and emotion processing,
esses and structural abnormalities in autism change with age: including frontal, temporal, and parietal areas (Hadjikhani,
That is, they are not the same at all ages, and so neural, func- Joseph, et al., 2006); cortical thinning was also correlated with
tional, behavioral, and genetic study of the older autistic brain autism symptom severity.
reflects outcome, not the original upstream events and defects Because the Courchesne, Karns, et al. (2001) and
that started the disorder. Consider that a host of evidence on Courchesne, Campbell, et al. (2010) MRI studies are the only
the adolescent and adult autistic brain (review: Courchesne, ones to quantitatively and statistically analyze age-related
Campbell, et al., 2010) shows reduced size and/or volume loss anatomical changes in brain size from early toddler years to
in cerebral, amygdala, callosum and cerebellar structures (see adolescence and adulthood, the best objective method for test-
below), neuron loss in the amygdala, cerebellum and fusiform ing their results and conclusions at the present time is via a
cortex (Bailey, Luthert, et al., 1998; Schumann & Amaral, 2006; formal, statistical meta-analysis of all brain size data that has
van Kooten, Palmen, et al., 2008), decreased dendritic arbors been reported in other more age-limited studies of autism
and minicolumn size (Casanova, Buxhoeveden, et al., 2002; (Redcay & Courchesne, 2005; Stanfield, McIntosh, et al., 2008).
Mukaetova-Ladinska, Arnold, et al., 2004; Buxhoeveden,
Semendeferi, et al., 2006; Casanova, van Kooten, et al., 2006; Statistical Meta-Analyses of the Autism MRI
Morgan et al., submitted), the presence of proapoptotic mole- and Postmortem Literature: Evidence of
cules (Araghi-Niknam & Fatemi, 2003), and possible Purkinje Overgrowth, Arrest, and Decline
cell degeneration with neuroinflammation (Vargas et al.,
2005), none of which can account for early brain enlargement. To test this theory and the generality of age-related changes in
Furthermore, these three separate phases of pathology indicate MRI-based brain size observed from ages 2 to 16 years in autism,
that autism almost certainly must involve multiple different Redcay and Courchesne (2005) analyzed all brain size data
underlying neural defects and processes and therefore genetic available from the autism literature and showed the entire devel-
and nongenetic factors associated with each one (Courchesne opmental course of brain size in autism. Data from 12 MRI
& Pierce, 2005; Courchesne, Pierce, et al., 2007). studies on autism were included covering ages 2–46 years, head
Three new longitudinal studies provide evidence consistent circumference data from three studies on autism in the first
with this theory of three different phases of pathological brain years of life, brain weight data from 55 postmortem autistic
growth in autism. One found significant cerebral enlargement cases covering ages 3–65 years, and brain weight data from more
and abnormal cerebral growth trajectories across the ages of than 8,000 postmortem cases from 10 studies covering ages
2–5 years in autism (Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010), while from birth to 70 years. The strength of their meta-analysis was
another found evidence of a slightly accelerated rate of loss of in its large autism subject sample size (n = 531) allowing for the
cerebral gray matter in several regions including the frontal power to detect age-related changes in brain size in autism and
cortex in older autistic children and preadolescents (Hardan, to concurrently examine the consistency of findings across
Libove, et al., 2009). The third found evidence of brain over- measurement type (head circumference, MRI brain volume,
growth in the first years of life but an accelerated rate of loss postmortem brain weight) and research study.
of brain volume from preadolescence to 50 years of age Their analyses showed that early postnatal brain overgrowth
(Courchesne, Campbell, et al., 2010). Interestingly, in the first is a phenomenon in autism that is detectable across multiple
quantitative study of age-related changes in the postmortem study samples and measurement methods (Figure 35-6).
brain in autism, Morgan et al. (Morgan, Buxhoeveden, et al., These findings suggest that “conflicting” reports of brain size
submitted) found evidence of enlargement of neuropil space may be largely an effect of age. Despite the method of acquisi-
in cerebral gray matter in very young autistic cases but reduc- tion, when brain size findings were organized according to
tion in adolescent and adult cases, which parallels the develop- age, a clear pattern of early brain overgrowth followed by
mental pattern of early cerebral enlargement and later decline normal brain size in adulthood emerged. Thus, this study
seen via MRI. While there have been only two longitudinal confirmed that abnormal brain enlargement in autism is
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 617

15 1. Gilberg 2002
2. Courchesne 2003
2 % Difference
2 45 3. Lainhart 1997
10 6 4. Courchesne 2001

% Difference from normal

15 5. Piven 2004 IMFAR
2 8 6. Sparks 2002
5 9 13 7. Kates 2004
12 14 17 8. Herbert 2003
16 19
9. Aylward 2002
10 9 9
0 10. McAlonan 2004
5 4 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 11. Rojas 2005
3 4 18 12. Shultz 2005 IMFAR
7 Age (years)
−5 11 13. Palmen 2004
14. Hardan 2003
15. Piven 1995
16. Tsatsanis 2002
−10 17. Aylward 1999
1 18. Carper. in prep
2 19. Haznedar 200
−15 20. Rojas 2002

B Brain weight curve

N = 7 N = 11 Autism N = 26
Brain weight (g)

1300 Control
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age (years)

Figure 35–6. In autism the difference in brain size from normal diminishes with age. (A) Plot of a meta-analysis of 20 studies depicting
brain size changes with age in ASD. Adapted with permission from Redcay, E. & Courchesne, E. (2005). When is the brain enlarged in autism?
A meta-analysis of all brain size reports. Biol Psychiatry, 58(1), 1–9. (B) Autism and control mean brain weight by age. Means of postmortem
brain weight values from individual autistic males and mean normative data were calculated for three age groups (3–5, 7–12, 13–70).
Comparison of the two lines illustrates that while the normal brain continues to grow into adolescence, the autistic brain has already reached
its near maximal weight by 3–5 years of age.

time-delimited to the first 2 to 3 years of life and is followed by an outcome, rather than process, of pathology for study and
arrested or abnormally slow growth, as shown in Figure 35-5. treatment intervention.
It is especially important to see that the two main but very dif- Stanfield and colleagues (Stanfield, McIntosh, et al., 2008)
ferent methods of measuring brain size—volume from MRI conducted another major meta-analyses of the entire autism
and weight from postmortem analyses—portray the very same MRI literature. Their results are consistent with those of Redcay
picture of early overgrowth in the first years of life followed by and Courchesne (Redcay & Courchesne, 2005) and extend
arrested growth (compare panels A and B in Figure 35-6). them in many important ways including the addition of 4 new
Moreover, by the end of this first phase of growth pathology, MRI brain volume studies (for a total of N = 16 MRI studies)
the 3- to 5-year-old autistic brain has already reached a size and the inclusion of calculations of effect sizes and age-effects
not very different from a normal adult or adolescent (see panel for many other major regions of interest. Many key findings
B of Figure 35-6). So, in autism, full brain size is achieved 8 to result from their work: First, they showed age-related changes
10 years prematurely, but unlike many other disorders involv- in brain overgrowth with maximum abnormality at the young-
ing macroencephaly, this excess size does not persist in most est ages and then steadily decreasing differences thereafter with
cases into the preadolescent, adolescent, and adult years. This negligible differences by adulthood, a pattern that confirms the
demonstrates an important aspect of the unusual brain growth original cross-sectional findings of Courchesne, et al. (2001)
profile in autism. In addition, these analyses indicate that at the and the Redcay and Courchesne (2005) brain development
age of typical clinical diagnosis of the disorder (i.e., 3–4 years), meta-analyses. In short, the abnormal brain size findings
the critical early period of pathological growth and arrest has change with age in autism. Second, in the first formal meta-
likely already passed, leaving clinicians and researchers with analyses of other brain regions in autism, Stanfield et al. also
618 Autism Spectrum Disorders

demonstrated that for many other structures, effects also Gray matter overgrowth in autism
change with age in autism. Like overall brain volume, amygdala
volume is enlarged in 3- to 4-year-old autistic children, as first
discovered by Dawson and colleagues (Sparks et al., 2002), but ∗
2 ∗ ∗
this difference declines with age so that by adulthood, the amy- ∗

Standard deviations
gdala is reduced in size (see further discussion below). Third, in 1.5 ∗

from normal
some regions that are significantly smaller than normal at the
youngest ages in autism, such as the cerebellar vermis lobules ∗ ∗ ∗
1 ∗
∗ ∗ ∗
VI–VII, there is an age-related change whereby they become
near normal in size by adulthood (Stanfield, McIntosh, et al., 0.5
2008) (see further discussion below). 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
In sum, a major discovery in autism comes out of these 0
Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital
cross-sectional, longitudinal, and meta-analysis studies of age-
related changes in brain structure in autism: The landscape of Figure 35–7. Summary of observed gray matter abnormalities
neuroanatomic abnormality in autism changes significantly (standard deviations from normal) from studies of children
with age from birth through early childhood to adulthood. and adolescents with autism. Included data from: (1) Carper
Effects should be expected to vary somewhat from study to et al., 2002; (2) Bloss & Courchesne, 2007; (3) Kates et al., 2004;
study so that negative findings need to be considered in the (4) Palmen et al., 2005; (5) Hazlett et al., 2005; (6) Schumann,
larger frame of reference of the literature rather than as Bloss et al., 2010. Note the general gradient of abnormality, with
“contradictory” evidence, small sample sizes may not be as frontal and temporal regions most profoundly enlarged. Adapted
desirable as very large ones, and age is a major factor that must from Courchesne, E., Pierce, K., et al. (2007). Mapping early brain
development in autism. Neuron, 56(2), 399–413. (See Color Plate
always be taken into account.
Section for a color version of this figure.)

Specific Regions Showing Early Overgrowth

These effects vary somewhat with gender. First, as com-
The Frontal and Temporal Lobes pared to 2- to 5-year-old boys with autism, 2- to 5-year-old
girls with autism show somewhat more severe enlargement in
Signature abnormalities of autism in the first years of life are frontal and temporal cortices (Bloss & Courchesne, 2007;
deficits in higher-order social, language, communication, and Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010). Second, in 2- to 5-year-old
emotion functions, each one heavily dependent on frontal and girls with autism, the temporal cortex is much more abnormal
temporal lobes. Conversely, relatively spared in autism are vis- than frontal cortex, while in young boys, abnormality may be
ual-spatial abilities mediated by posterior cortical areas, espe- slightly greater in frontal (Bloss & Courchesne, 2007;
cially occipital cortex. To test the hypothesis that frontal and Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010). In the first longitudinal MRI
temporal lobes are indeed developmentally abnormal at the study of cerebral cortex during early development, 2- to
time of clinical onset, Carper et al. (Carper, Moses, et al., 2002) 5-year-old boys and girls with autism had abnormal growth
conducted the first autism MRI study to separately measure rates in multiple cortical regions (overall cerebral gray, frontal
frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. They found gray, temporal gray, cingulate gray, and parietal gray) except
overgrowth of frontal and temporal, but not parietal and occip- occipital gray, but the girls with autism had a more pro-
ital, gray matter in autistic 2- to 4-year-olds as compared to nounced abnormal growth profile in more cerebral regions
typically developing children (Figure 35-7). Since then a than did boys with autism.
number of MRI studies have also separately measured each of White matter also shows striking regional differences, with
these lobes in autistic subjects. In the youngest age group stud- both volumetric (Carper, Moses, et al., 2002) and DTI (Ben
ied to date, 2-year-olds with autism had enlargement of frontal, Bashat, Kronfeld-Duenias, et al., 2007) measures being most
temporal, and cingulate cortices (Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010). deviant in frontal regions and least in occipital lobe in 2- to
As seen in Figure 35-7, across multiple studies (Carper, Moses, 5-year-old children with autism. Roughly parallel to these
et al., 2002; Kates, Burnette, et al., 2004; Hazlett, Poe, et al., regional differences, Herbert et al. (2003) report that the
2005; Palmen, Hulshoff Pol, et al., 2005; Bloss & Courchesne, greatest deviation in their 7- to 11-year-old subjects with
2007; Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010) frontal and temporal gray autism was in short-distance white matter immediately under-
matter volumes are most abnormally enlarged while occipital is lying frontal cortices and the least deviation in long-distance
the least. Within frontal cortex, dorsolateral and mesial pre- pathways and in occipital white matter.
frontal gray matter volumes (Carper & Courchesne, 2005) and Missing are studies of cortical folding patterns, surface
cingulate gray matter volume (Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010) area, and thickness in specific frontal and temporal regions at
are most enlarged in very young autistic children, while orbital very young ages in autism. Such studies would provide invalu-
gray matter is little affected. Thus, frontal areas that mediate able clues to the neural and connectivity defects that underlie
social, language, communication, and higher-order cognitive the early abnormal overgrowth. One study of sulcal patterns
functions are most developmentally abnormal in autism. in 10-year-olds with autism (Levitt, Blanton, et al., 2003)
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 619

found a tendency for some frontal and temporal sulci to be made interesting speculations, virtually no evidence has been
more posterior-superiorly positioned than normal—which found to support any current conjecture. In brief, no cellular
could be consistent with frontal and temporal overgrowth. or molecular study of the young autistic postmortem brain
Another study (Nordahl, Dierker, et al., 2007) found signifi- has been published, with the exception of rare individual
cant cortical shape differences between autistic and control cases (e.g., Buxhoeveden, Semendeferi, et al., 2006; Kennedy,
7- to 12-year-olds, primarily in the inferior lateral frontal Semendeferi, et al., 2007). When one or two young autism cases
cortex. Because segmentation and surface reconstruction in have been included, statistical analyses have not examined age-
the infant and toddler pose special challenges to most effects. For instance, some have speculated that overgrowth is
commonly used MRI analysis programs, studies of cortical due to an excess number of minicolumns. However, the number
thickness and surface area are susceptible to mismeasurement. of minicolumns in frontal or temporal regions has never been
Unfortunately, many such programs were originally developed quantified. Further, while adult autism cases have been repeat-
to process adult gray, white, and CSF voxel signals that differ edly shown to have abnormally narrow minicolumn widths,
in important ways from the young developing brain, and they two recent studies do not find this abnormality in very young
can make substantial errors when applied to young populations. autism cases (Buxhoeveden, Semendeferi, et al., 2006; Morgan,
Further, surface rendering algorithms that operate best in the Buxhoevede, et al., submitted), but instead find evidence of
mature brain whose sulci have much more CSF than the young neuropil increases at young ages. A popular explanation for
developing brain, can make even more substantial errors in autism and overgrowth is abnormal, perhaps excess, synaptogen-
correctly finding the entire surface of deep sulci in young esis or failure of synaptic pruning and connections. However,
brains. Nonetheless, advances in this area will be crucial to synapse numbers and morphology have never been examined in
discovery of the underlying neural and connectivity defects the young autistic brain. Excess local connectivity and dispro-
present in the abnormally enlarged frontal and temporal portionately reduced long-distance functional connectivity have
cortex in autistic babies and toddlers. been speculated in numerous papers (Belmonte, Cook, et al.,
Arrested or abnormally slowed growth in frontal and 2004; Courchesne & Pierce, 2005; Just, Cherkassky, et al., 2007;
temporal lobes occurs sometime during early to middle child- Geschwind & Levitt, 2007), but this has never been verified by
hood, but there is too little information to be certain of the postmortem analyses, and no one has addressed how disconnec-
timing of this and how it might vary across autistic individuals tion could produce excess growth in early life in autism.
and with clinical variables. To date, only two cross-sectional There is a simple reason for this lack of key knowledge:
MRI studies provide information (Carper, Moses, et al., 2002; Almost all of the more than 40 postmortem publications have
Carper & Courchesne, 2005). Carper, Moses, et al. (2002) show examined the autistic brain at older ages, and so their observa-
that between 2 and 4 years of age and later childhood, frontal tions may well reflect the long-term outcome pathological proc-
and temporal lobes undergo robust increases in gray and white ess rather than the original pathology that causes overgrowth
matter in typical children but little or no growth in children with and autism in the first place. Studying early defects is possible.
autism. By late childhood, the autistic frontal and temporal lobe For instance, Morgan et al. (submitted, personal communica-
is marginally different in size compared to typical children. tion), in frontal cortex minicolumns, has examined neural and
If verified, this would mean that studies of the clinical and glial spatial organization and microglial activation in autistic
biological correlates of frontal and temporal anatomical abnor- cases ages 3 to 50 and analyzed for age-related effects. In one of
mality should target infants and toddlers when the abnormality these studies, for instance, at the youngest ages, there was an
is most quantitatively evident. Since overgrowth effect sizes are increase in neuropil space, but with age there is a failure of
small to medium for many of the measures reported for frontal further growth and eventually minicolumns become reduced.
and temporal lobes, it will be necessary to image large samples In another, at the youngest ages microglial density and size was
of both typically developing and autistic infants and toddlers in already abnormally greater in autism than controls.
order to detect replicable anatomico-clinical and anatomico- With the exception of Piven and colleagues (Wassink, Losh,
biological correlations. The recent work by Piven and colleagues et al., 2007; Davis, Hazlett, et al., 2008), there have been no
is currently the best example of a successful design aimed studies aimed at identifying genes associated with early brain,
at testing specific brain overgrowth–genetic relationships. including frontal and temporal lobe, white and gray matter
In a large sample of very young autistic children, they (Wassink, overgrowth. Across genomewide association studies, CNV
Losh, et al., 2007) found cerebral and frontal gray matter over- studies, specific gene association, and gene expression studies
growth related to a functional promoter polymorphism of a of autism, more than 400 genes have been implicated at one
gene that modulates serotonin reuptake, SLC6A4. During early time or another in the disorder. A large number of these have
stages of development, serotonin plays an important role in to do with synaptic structure and function, neurite growth,
neurite outgrowth and possibly synaptic stabilization, and so apoptosis, and many other developmental and brain organiza-
change in its availability for release at synapses could impact tion functions and would thus serve as a good beginning point
neurite growth and connectivity. for targeted brain-gene analyses, provided the brain data came
A major gap in knowledge in autism is the absence of data from very young autism subjects and not only from adoles-
that explain the frontal and temporal overgrowth in the first cents or adults with autism whose brain measurements would
years of life. While every paper reviewing the literature has not be a good index of early growth pathology.
620 Autism Spectrum Disorders

The importance of establishing the genetic, molecular, and Age of participants Autistic amygdala volume
cellular bases of early frontal and temporal lobe maldevelop-
ment in autism is very high because functional imaging stud- 18-35 mo....... Mosconi et al., 2009 (n=77)

ies (e.g., fMRI, EEG, and ERP) and core clinical symptoms all 20-60 mo....... Schumann et al., 2009 (n=89)
point to deficits in these regions, the amygdala (see below),
and cerebellum (see below) as fundamental to autism. Enlarged 3-5 years....... Sparks et al., 2002 (n=68)

2-7 years....... Zeegers et al., 2008 (n=47)

The Amygdala
7-12 years....... Schumann et al., 2004 (n=41)
The amygdala has long been a site of intense interest in the
search for neuropathology in the brains of people, given its 13-19 years....... Schumann et al., 2004 (n=44)
well-established role in the production and recognition of
7-25 years....... Palmen et al., 2005 (n=84)
emotions and modulatory role in social behavior (Adolphs,
2001). However, the heterogeneity and unknown etiologies of 8-25 years....... Nacewicz et al., 2006 (n=54)
autism, variability of methods employed between laboratories,
11-37 years....... Aylward et al., 1999 (n=28)
and different age groups studied have limited the consistency
of results across structural MRI studies of amygdala volume 16-40 years....... Howard et al., 2000 (n=20)
(Schumann & Amaral, 2009). It was only when the age of the
subject was considered to be a critical factor did an interesting 17-39 years....... Haznedar et al., 2000 (n=34)
pattern of amygdala development in children with autism
21-41 years....... Pierce et al., 2001 (n=15)
emerge (Schumann, Hamstra, et al., 2004). Four studies of
toddlers and young children with autism have found the amy- Figure 35–8. Summary of findings on amygdala volume in autism
gdala to be enlarged by ~15% relative to age-matched controls from 11 MRI studies showing age-related changes in differences
(Sparks, Friedman, et al., 2002; Schumann, Hamstra, et al., from normal size. Upward arrows indicate studies that found
2004; Mosconi, Cody-Hazlett, et al., 2009; Schumann, Barnes, greater amygdala volumes in autism compared to normal average;
et al., 2009). However, studies of older adolescents, adults, or short horizontal lines indicates studies finding no amygdala volume
a wide age range of subjects, have found either no difference in differences between autism and normal; and downward arrows
(Schumann, Hamstra, et al., 2004; Palmen, Durston, et al., indicate studies findings smaller amygdala volumes in autism
compared to normal average.
2006) or even smaller (Aylward, Minshew, et al., 1999; Pierce,
2001; Nacewicz, Dalton, et al., 2006) amygdala volumes in
individuals with autism. In addition, the amygdala continues
to grow in size throughout adolescence in typically developing Schumann and colleagues (Schumann, Barnes, et al., 2009)
male children (Giedd, 1997), but this growth pattern does not recently carried out a prospective study to measure amygdala
seem to take place in male children with autism (Schumann, volume in toddlers at risk for autism at the age of first clinical
Hamstra, et al., 2004). Therefore, the amygdala appears to be detection compared to age-matched typically developing chil-
initially larger than normal in children with autism, but does dren; the children underwent an MRI around 3 years of age
not undergo the same age-related increase in volume that and returned later at 5 years of age for clinical diagnosis and
takes place in typical children (Figure 35-8). This hypothesis testing. They found further evidence that the amygdala is
parallels the general theory of early brain overgrowth, as dis- enlarged in young children with autism and that the over-
cussed above (Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001; Courchesne, growth must begin before 3 years of age, at about the time
Pierce, et al., 2007), although the aberrant growth trajectory of symptoms become clinically evident (Figure 35-9). As found
the amygdala may extend to a later age of development rela- in the Sparks (Sparks, Friedman, et al., 2002) and Mosconi
tive to cortical regions (Schumann, Hamstra, et al., 2004). (Mosconi, Cody-Hazlett, et al., 2009) studies, the amygdala
Sparks and colleagues were the first to suggest that the was disproportionately enlarged relative to total cerebral
amygdala may be enlarged in young children with autism at volume at 3 years of age. This study differed from previous
36–56 months of age (Sparks, Friedman, et al., 2002). In this studies on amygdala volume in that one of the primary goals
same cohort of children, Munson et al. (Munson, Dawson, was to characterize the neuropathological and behavioral
et al., 2006) found that the amygdala enlargement in the chil- profiles of males and females with autism independently.
dren with autism was associated with more severe social and Strikingly, amygdala enlargement in females with autism was
communication impairments on the ADI and Vineland found to be more severe, compared to age- and gender-
Adaptive Scales and poorer outcome at 6 years of age. In a matched typically developing counterparts, than in males with
recent longitudinal study of children at 2 and 4 years of age, autism (Figure 35-9). This significant difference was present
bilateral amygdala enlargement was also observed in children despite a group size of only 9 females with autism in their
with autism compared to a control group that consisted of cohort. In male, but not female, toddlers who later received a
typical and developmentally delayed children (Mosconi, diagnosis of autism, the degree of amygdala enlargement at 3
Cody-Hazlett, et al., 2009). years of age was associated with the severity of the child’s social
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 621


Right amygdala volume (cm3)

1.8 ∗


1.4 ∗∗

Coronal 1.2

A B Control Autism PDD-NOS



Right amygdala volume (cm3)




C D 5 10 15 20 25
ADI-R social score

Figure 35–9. Amygdala enlargement in toddlers and young children with autism. (A) Three-dimensional reconstruction of MRI scan;
(B) Right amygdala volume (in cm3) for children at about 3 years of age by diagnostic group (*p < .05; **P < .01 significantly different from
sex-matched control); (C) Amygdala (A) and Hippocampus (H) in the coronal plane; (D) Linear regression scatter plot showing a positive
correlation for right (r = 0.52, p = .001) amygdala volume (in cm3) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) social score in males with
autism spectrum disorder. Adapted from Schumann, C. M., Barnes, C. C., et al. (2009). Amygdala enlargement in toddlers with autism related to
severity of social and communication impairments. Biol Psychiatry, 66, 942–949. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

and communication impairments at final clinical evaluation children with autism appears to be limited to early develop-
at ∼5 years of age (Figure 35-9). This finding is similar to reports ment, due to the continued growth of the amygdala in typi-
of other brain regions, in which enlargement at 3–5 years of cally developing males which increases in size by 40% from
age is associated with the severity of symptoms at 5–8 years of 5 to 18 years of age (Giedd, Snell, et al., 1996; Giedd, 1997).
age (Munson, Dawson, et al., 2006). Previous studies (Bloss & Therefore, by adolescence, amygdala size in the typically
Courchesne, 2007), including our own longitudinal studies of developing child has caught up with, and likely surpassed,
this cohort (Schumann, Bloss, et al., 2010), have also found amygdala size in the child with autism (Schumann, Hamstra,
more robust differences in cortical volumes in females than et al., 2004). Studies of older populations have found that
males. Although speculative at present, the Schumann et al. amygdala volume is actually smaller in adolescents and adults
(Schumann, Barnes, et al., 2009) study suggests that autistic with autism relative to age-matched typical controls (Aylward,
males may be a more heterogeneous group in amygdala Minshew, et al., 1999; Pierce, 2001; Nacewicz, Dalton, et al.,
volume, which varies with the degree of clinical impairment, 2006). In one study by Nacewicz and colleagues (Nacewicz,
compared to autistic females, who may have a more homoge- Dalton, et al., 2006), a smaller amygdala volume was associ-
neous neuropathological profile of an enlarged amygdala ated with gaze avoidance and more severe behavioral impair-
regardless of the degree of their behavioral impairment. ments as measured with the ADI-R. This relation is the
Collectively, studies suggest that the amygdala is enlarged opposite pattern of that observed in younger children in both
in young children with autism (Sparks, Friedman, et al., 2002; the Munson et al. (Munson, Dawson, et al., 2006) and
Schumann, Hamstra, et al., 2004; Mosconi, Cody-Hazlett, Schumann et al. (Schumann, Barnes, et al., 2009) studies. It
et al., 2009; Schumann, Barnes, et al., 2009). However, remains unknown if autism subjects that demonstrate early
Schumann, Amaral, and colleagues (Schumann, Hamstra, overgrowth and more severe behavioral impairments also
et al., 2004) found that the period of amygdala enlargement in demonstrate reduced amygdala size later in adulthood,
622 Autism Spectrum Disorders

as preliminarily suggested by these findings; this awaits con- correlation analyses carried out are exploratory, and it would
firmation from a longitudinal study on brain growth through- be inappropriate to make inferences on the effect of amygdala
out development in people with autism. pathology on any specific behavior. There is also considerable
How might pathology in the amygdala relate to specific overlap of the behaviors observed for the social and nonverbal
behavioral abnormalities? Pierce and colleagues (Pierce, Haist, communication scores on both algorithms. For example, both
et al., 2004; Pierce & Redcay, 2008) found that the amygdala in scores include observing social smiling, gaze direction, facial
young autistic children as well as autistic adults can be respon- expressions, imaginative and imitative social play, and seeking
sive in the presence of stimuli that represent high reward value, to share enjoyment with others. Many of these behaviors are
such as mother’s face or the face of children. Conversely, associated with amygdala function, and therefore it is not sur-
reduced activation to adult stranger faces may reflect reduced prising that amygdala pathology might be associated with the
attention and interest. Diminished attention to faces early in severity of these impairments in people with autism. From
development may be part of a developmentally early cascade human and nonhuman primate studies, a pathological amy-
of impairments that lead to later emotional and social deficits gdala can be associated with increased anxiety, unusual fear,
(Osterling & Dawson, 1994; Pierce & Redcay, 2008). An emerg- gaze avoidance, social avoidance, and inappropriate modula-
ing hypothesis is that the amygdala may play a role in mediat- tion of social behavior (see Osterling & Dawson, 1994; for
ing or directing attention to the eye region of the face to detect review Adolphs, 2010; Amaral, Bauman, & Schumann, 2003).
emotion or danger (Adolphs, 2001). Indeed, autistic subjects
show abnormal visual scan paths during eye-tracking studies
when viewing faces, typically displaying less time attending to Á
core social features such as the eyes (Klin, Jones, et al., 2002; Age-Related Changes in Other Brain
Pelphrey, Sasson, et al., 2002). Dalton and colleagues (Dalton, Regions in Autism
Nacewicz, et al., 2005) utilized functional imaging and eye-
tracking technology simultaneously while showing subjects The Cerebellar Hemispheres and Vermis
familiar and unfamiliar faces; the amount of time persons
with autism spent looking at the eye region of the face was The first hypothesis that cerebellar abnormality might play a
strongly positively correlated with amygdala activation. Thus, part in autism was based on the recognition of its complex and
more attention-getting, interesting, and perhaps socially important involvement in numerous functions known to be
rewarding stimuli may engender greater amygdala activation deficit in autism (Courchesne, Yeung-Courchesne, et al., 1988).
in autism, with uninteresting adult stranger faces triggering As with anatomical studies of the cerebrum in autism, studies
less activation than normal. Recently, Kleinhans and colleagues of the cerebellum and its subregions and output pathways
(Kleinhans, Johnson, et al., 2009) found evidence of reduced highlight a major topic in MRI studies of autism: the potential
activation in the amygdala to neutral faces in autistic as com- for different patterns of growth across development in differ-
pared to control subjects, but also less habituation to the faces; ent regions within a larger structure. As mentioned above and
interestingly, more socially impaired autistic subjects showed highlighted by Courchesne et al. (Courchesne, Karns, et al.,
less habituation. 2001), overall brain and cerebral volumes in individuals with
No study to date has evaluated younger postmortem cases autism peak early in development, potentially suggestive of
with autism to determine what cellular properties account for aberrant excessive early growth with later slowing of growth
the early overgrowth in volume, but there is some evidence during middle childhood and adolescence. Yet, within the cer-
that a decreased number of neurons may be contributing to ebrum, some regions display this early overgrowth, while
the reduction in volume later in adulthood. Schumann and others do not (see Figure 35-7). Similarly, studies of the
Amaral (2006) carried out a stereological study to count the cerebellum also may be extremely sensitive to age-related
number of neurons in postmortem amygdala tissue from 9 factors, with potentially differing patterns of growth within
male autism and 10 male control cases. In their cases ranging the cerebellar hemispheres and the cerebellar vermis.
from 10 to 44 years of age, they found a reduction in the Overall cerebellar enlargement has been reported in
number of neurons in the autism cases relative to controls in autistic toddlers and young children (Courchesne, Karns,
the amygdala as a whole and in its lateral nucleus. Younger et al., 2001; Webb, Sparks, et al., 2009), but this enlargement
autism cases need to be evaluated with postmortem stereolog- may be related to cerebellar white matter, as 2- to 3-year-olds
ical techniques to determine at what stage of development the with ASD show volumes much larger than controls. Suggestive
decrease of neurons occurs in relation to the overall abnormal of atypical later growth, in one study (Courchesne, Karns,
growth trajectory. et al., 2001), increases in cerebellar white matter from 2–3
How might pathology in the amygdala generate specific years to 12–16 years was only 7% in the ASD group as com-
behavioral abnormalities? We and others have found that the pared to 50% in typically developing children. Cross-sectional
volume of the amygdala in individuals with autism is associ- samples in older children are also supportive of this pattern of
ated with the severity of their social and nonverbal impair- slowed later development resulting in volumes becoming
ments as measured on the ADI and Vineland Adaptive Scales. more in-line with those seen in controls. Herbert et al.
Given that each score is comprised of several domains, the (Herbert, Ziegler, et al., 2004) found increased absolute
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 623

volume but in proportion to overall increased head size in size in autism (Kates, Mostofsky, et al., 1998; Carper &
7- to 11-year-olds (also see Kates, Burnette, et al., 2004 for Courchesne, 2000; Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001; Sparks,
5- to 13-year-olds); in contrast, in slightly older samples, Friedman, et al., 2002; Kaufmann, Cooper, et al., 2003; Webb,
McAlonan et al. (McAlonan, Cheung, et al., 2005) found Sparks, et al., 2009; Scott, Schumann, et al., 2009) for meta-
reduced white matter bilaterally in the cerebellum in children analysis and review see (Stanfield, McIntosh, et al., 2008).
aged 8–14 years (also see Boddaert, Chabane, et al., 2004 for Specifically addressing early autism, Webb et al. (Webb, Sparks,
children 7–15 years) (see Figure 35-10). et al., 2009) found that total vermal areas were disproportion-
In contrast to the development of the cerebellar hemi- ately smaller in children aged 3–4 years with ASD; when chil-
spheres, analyses of the vermis suggest that some of its subre- dren with ASD were compared to children with developmental
gions are disproportionately smaller in young children with delays (age- and mental age–matched), the groups demon-
autism and remain so throughout the lifespan (e.g., Figure strated similar smaller total vermal areas compared to chrono-
35-10). One of the first quantitative MRI studies of autism tar- logical age–matched controls. Examining the development of
geted the superior posterior vermis (i.e., neocerebellar vermis the vermal areas, (Hashimoto, Tayama, et al., 1995), with a
lobules VI–VII) for quantitative analyses and found hypopla- sample of 102 individuals with ASD from 6 months to 20 years,
sia of this cerebellar subregion in a subset of autistic patients found that total vermal area was smaller in autism than con-
(Courchesne, Yeung-Courchesne, et al., 1988). Because MRI trols but increased with age in a manner similar to controls.
methodology and analytic approaches at the time were under- One region within the vermis, however, has not shown the
developed, several studies that attempted to replicate the dis- same consistency. Specifically, the anterior vermis (i.e., paleocer-
covery failed due to methodological and statistical errors. In ebellar vermis lobules I–V) in children with ASD has been found
more recent years, however, newer studies with higher quality to be normal in 3- to 16-year-olds (Courchesne, Karns, et al.,
methodologies, stronger analytic approaches, and larger 2001), increased in 1.9- to 5.2-year-olds (Akshoomoff et al., 2004),
sample sizes have reported that the vermis is indeed reduced in and decreased in 3- to 4-year-olds (Webb, Sparks, et al., 2009).
Hashimoto et al. (Hashimoto, Tayama, et al., 1995) also found
Cerebellum and vermis size from that the anterior vermis was generally smaller during infancy
20 infancy to adulthood in ASD and early childhood in ASD, but the regression slope was signifi-
cantly steeper in early life in the ASD group than in the control
10 3 group, suggesting that the size of this region “catches up” to
34 1 10 14 typically developing individuals.
1 12 1 More consistently, the superior posterior midsagittal
from normal mean
Percent difference

0 vermis (lobules VI–VII) has been found to be about 12%

1 18
213 1 smaller in autistic as compared to typical subjects (Figure
13 5 2 1 1
12 1 1 16 16
−10 4
1 2 13 1516 35-10; Courchesne, Yeung-Courchesne, et al., 1988;
11,1 1
7 9 12 1 Courchesne, Saitoh, et al., 1994; Hashimoto, Tayama, et al.,
2 2
* 1995; Kates, Mostofsky, et al., 1998; Carper & Courchesne,
2000; Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001; Kaufmann, Cooper,
1 6 et al., 2003; Akshoomoff, Lord, et al., 2004; Webb, Sparks,
−30 Cerebellum volume et al., 2009). This pattern of decreased superior posterior
Vermis VI-VII size vermis area may be a general anatomical finding associated
−40 with ASD, consistent with the results of older meta-analyses,
0 10 20 30 40 which noted that between 84% and 92% of individuals with
Age (yrs) ASD exhibited vermal hypoplasia (Courchesne,1997), and
Figure 35–10. Changes in cerebellar volume and vermis lobules with a more recent meta-analysis of all MRI studies of this
VI-VII size from infancy to adulthood in ASD. Percent differences vermis subregion in autism (Stanfield, McIntosh, et al., 2008).
from normal average in each study for autistic subjects are plotted Hashimoto (Hashimoto, Tayama, et al., 1995) found that the
for cerebellar volume (bold numbers) and vermis lobules VI–VII regression slope was significantly steeper especially during
cross-sectional area (grey numbers) against age. Regression lines are infancy and toddler years in the ASD group than the control
shown for cerebellar volume (dotted line) and vermis lobules group, again suggesting that the size of this subregion “caught
VI–VII area (dash line). The solid line represents normal average. up” to typically developing individuals (also see Stanfield,
Data originated from: (1) Hashimoto et al., 1995; (2) Courchesne McIntosh, et al., 2008). In contrast, Courchesne et al.
et al., 2001; (3) Akshoomoff et al., 2004; (4) Webb et al., 2009;
(Courchesne, Karns, et al., 2001) did not find age-related
(5) Carper et al., 2000; (6) Kleiman et al., 1992; (7) Kaufmann et al.,
changes in autism in this vermis subregion across ages 2–16
2003; (8) Kates et al., 2004; (9) Mitchell et al., 2009; (10) Herbert
et al., 2003; (11) Elia et al., 2000; (12) Cleavinger et al., 2008; years. Hashimoto, Tayama, et al. (1995) was the first quantita-
(13) Ciesielski et al., 1997; (14) Hardan et al., 2001; (15) Piven et al., tive MRI study to examine a substantial number of ASD infant
1992; (16) Hallahan et al., 2009. Asterisk is from the first report of and toddler patients as well as young children, preadolescents,
hypoplasia of vermis lobules VI–VII In autism (Courchesne, Yeung- and adolescents, potentially suggesting that the inclusion of
Courchesne, et al., 1988). data from the early period of autism onset may change our
624 Autism Spectrum Disorders

understanding of the slope of neuroanatomic growth in this memory/self-reflection. They argue that the largest portions of
disorder. It will be important in future work to include sample the neocerebellum take part in the executive control network
sizes that will allow more sophisticated modeling of the growth implicated in higher cognitive functions such as working
associated with this vermis subregion. memory. Especially germane to autism is a new fMRI study
Lastly, the inferior posterior vermis (vermis lobules VIII–X, that shows cerebellar involvement in the early stages of devel-
which includes both paleocerebellum and vestibulocerebel- opment of language perception in typically developing 1- to
lum) has been found to be both decreased (Hashimoto, 3-year-olds (Redcay, Haist, et al., 2008).
Tayama, et al., 1995; Levitt, Blanton, et al., 1999) and normal While the theoretical implications of abnormalities of the
(Webb, Sparks, et al., 2009). Hashimoto et al. (Hashimoto, cerebellar hemispheres and vermis are clear, the functional
Tayama, et al., 1995) found this region to remain smaller relation of abnormal anatomy to behavior in ASD has been
across development, thus suggestive of little catch-up growth. less precise, although likely due to both age-related effects and
Why might there be differences in age-related growth in the functional specialization of different regions of the cere-
different vermis subregions? The enormity and diversity of bellum. Specifically focusing on motor behaviors that are
afferent and efferent tracts, which connect neocerebellar, pale- known to involve the cerebellum, during sequential finger tap-
ocerebellar, and vestibulocerebellar regions of both cerebellar ping, 8- to 12-year-old children with ASD showed decreased
hemispheres and vermis to brainstem, limbic, and neocortex cerebellar activation (ipsilateral anterior cerebellum and con-
regions likely results in multiple critical periods of circuitry tralateral cerebellum lobes IV–V), increased supplemental
formation (also see Hashimoto, Tayama, et al., 1995). This is motor activation, and decreased functional connectivity
supported by results from diffusion tensor imaging of the cer- within the motor network (Mostofsky, Powell, et al., 2009). In
ebellum in autism that indicates impairment in white matter contrast, adults with ASD during a repetitive single finger-
microstructure in the cerebellar peduncles and intracerebellar tapping task showed decreased premotor (Muller, Pierce, et al.,
fibers (Catani, Jones, et al., 2008; Brito, Vasconcelos, et al., 2001) and increased ipsilateral cerebellar activation (Allen,
2009) resulting in alterations in intracerebellar circuitry. Muller, et al., 2004). In relation to eye movements, regions
Abnormal functional connectivity between the cerebellum VI–VII (occulomotor vermis) were found to be related to sac-
and frontal cortex in autism was also suggested by Carper and cade and smooth pursuit function in adults with autism
Courchesne (2000) based on evidence of an inverse relation- (Takarae, Minshew, et al., 2004). Deficits in rapidly orienting
ship between frontal lobe size and cerebellar vermis measures. visual spatial attention are associated with smaller vermal
Cerebellar abnormalities in autism have important impli- lobes VI–VII in ASD adults (Townsend, Courchesne, et al.,
cations for understanding many behavioral deficits in this dis- 1999) and are predictive of later orienting deficits in ASD chil-
order because the cerebellum plays a role in a wide range of dren (Harris, Courchesne, et al., 1999). Cerebellar volume has
functions including timing and coordination of movement, been related to performance IQ in 8- to 26-year-olds with ASD
learning of complex motor skills, evaluation of the match (Cleavinger, Bigler, et al., 2008). Pierce and Courchesne (2001)
between intention and action, providing feedback information found that reduced vermal lobe VI–VII area in 3- to 7-year-
to adjust the operations of the cortex and brain stem, motor old children was associated with less active exploration and
learning, predictive learning, exploration of the environment more repetitive movements. Webb et al. (2009) did not find
and objects, behavioral inhibition, attention, and visual ori- any relation between more general indices of symptom sever-
enting. More specifically, the cerebellar vermis has been associ- ity, IQ, or adaptive functioning and vermal area or cerebellum
ated with modulation of limbic functions including emotion volume in 3- to 4-year-olds with autism (also see Harris,
and sensory reactivity and salience detection, while the Courchesne, et al., 1999). In children aged 6–14 years, white
cerebellar hemispheres have been linked to numerous higher- matter abnormalities (as measured by fractional anisotropy
order cerebral functions including language, working memory, using DTI) were found to be associated with repetitive behav-
planning, and behavioral sequencing (e.g., Courchesne & iors assessed via the ADI (Cheung, Chua, et al., 2009); in
Allen, 1997; Steinlin, 2008; Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009a, adults, fractional anisotropy in the superior cerebellar pedun-
2009b). It has been argued that the cerebellum is one of the cles was associated with social behaviors via the ADI (Catani,
single busiest neural intersections in the brain, receiving sig- Jones, et al., 2008). Kates et al. (Kates, Burnette, et al., 2004)
nals from and sending signals back to nearly every major also found that cerebellar white matter, specifically the dis-
neural system (Courchesne & Allen, 1997). In neurologically crepancy in volume between twins, was associated with dis-
typical individuals, larger cerebellum size is correlated with crepancies in the twins’ ADOS scores. Adults with ASD and
better neurophysiological functioning, including memory, fine psychosis compared to adults with ASD (without psychosis)
motor dexterity, and IQ (Andreasen, Cizadlo, et al., 1993; also showed a reduction in grey and white matter volume in
Paradiso, Andreasen, et al., 1997). In a recent functional con- the cerebellum (Toal, Bloemen, et al., 2009).
nectivity study using fMRI methodology (“rs-fcMRI”) in What is the underlying neuropathology of cerebellar struc-
normal adults, Greicius et al. (Greicius, Supekar, et al., 2009) tural and functional abnormalities in autism? Postmortem
demonstrated that the neocerebellum participates in several studies have consistently reported reduction in the number of
higher-order functional networks via corticocerebellar loops a vital type of cerebellar neuron, the Purkinje neuron, in
involved in executive control, salience detection, and episodic the hemispheres and vermis in the majority of autism cases
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 625

(Bailey, Luthert, et al., 1998; Kemper & Bauman, 1998; for as in mice (e.g., Millonig, Graziadei, et al., 2004); human EN2
review Allen et al., 2005). Reduction in Purkinje numbers in maps to a region of chromosome 7 that has been linked to ASD
autism is strikingly evident because these cells normally form a (e.g., Gharani, Benayed, et al., 2004); and the EN2 mouse
very distinctive monolayer (layer 2) within the 3-layer cerebel- mutants display cerebellar anatomical abnormalities that are
lar cortex. In addition to being reduced in number, Purkinje similar to those seen in autism, such as reduced number of
neurons that do remain have, in some cases, abnormal mor- Purkinje cells (Millen, Wurst, et al., 1994; Kuemerle, Gulden,
phological features. Degenerating Purkinje neurons have also et al., 2007) and mild behavioral problems such as reduced
been reported (Vargas et al., 2005), and new evidence shows exploratory behaviors (Cheh, Millonig, et al., 2006) similar to
that the reduction in number is not due to reduction in Purkinje the findings of Pierce and Courchesne (2001). In addition, like
genesis or abnormal migration during development, but the autistic cerebellar cortex, the cortex in the EN2 mouse
instead is due to later loss of previously present Purkinje cells model retains its basic 3-layer form despite the Purkinje neuron
(Whitney et al., 2009). The amount of Purkinje cell loss varies loss. The loss in the EN2 mouse occurs after Purkinje neuro-
widely across postmortem autism cases from extreme to little genesis and early stages of cerebellar corticogenesis. In fact, in
or none (Whitney, Kemper, et al., 2008). With the exception of the EN2 mouse, Purkinje loss occurs after the first week of
very small focal sites of cerebellar cortical malformation in one postnatal life. Such observations in various developmental cer-
postmortem autistic case (Lee, Martin-Ruiz, et al., 2002), gross ebellar mouse models raise the question of whether Purkinje
cerebellar malformation does not appear to occur in autistic neuron loss in autism also occurs during the first years of life.
postmortem cases, unlike many other neurodevelopmental While the Whitney et al. (2009) study indicates that reduction
disorders of the cerebellum (Bolduc and Limperopolus, 2009). in Purkinje numbers in autism is due to secondary loss (and
Because Purkinje neurons are the only output from the not to reduced developmental neurogenesis), the youngest
cerebellar cortex (which when unfolded is about three quar- case in that study was 19 years. However, except for a single
ters the size of the cerebral cortex), massive loss of Purkinje case report of a 4-year-old autistic boy with no loss of Purkinje
neurons effectively disconnects this huge and important mul- cells (Bailey, Luthert, et al., 1998), there is a lack of information
tifunction processing structure from the rest of the brain. about whether Purkinje loss is occurs in the very young autistic
Purkinje neurons exert inhibitory control over deep cerebellar brain. Thus, the age when Purkinje loss begins in autism is
nuclei, and so their loss could cause unregulated and excessive unknown and, so, there is a need for quantitative stereological
excitatory signaling from the deep nuclei to brain stem, limbic, studies of Purkinje neuron numbers in the youngest autistic
and cerebral structures. Interestingly, there has been one cases. Since MRI abnormalities in autism vary with cerebellar
report observing what appear to be hypertrophied neurons in subregion and age, stereological studies would need to quan-
the deep nuclei in younger autism cases but then abnormally tify Purkinje numbers separately in each of the vermis and
small deep neurons in older autism cases (Kemper & Bauman, hemisphere subregions and statistically test for age effects.
1998). This has raised the hypothesis that initially loss of A second genetic link may be MET (transmembrane recep-
Purkinje neuron inhibitory signals allows deep nuclei to be tor tyrosine kinase of the hepotocyte growth factor/scatter
abnormally excitable stimulating abnormal growth but con- factor), which is suppressed in the developing nervous system
tinued unregulated and aberrant activity eventually triggers and implicated in neuronal development in the cerebellum
synapse and process elimination in these same cells (Ieraci, Forni, et al., 2002) and has been implicated in genetic
(Courchesne, Townsend, et al., 1994; Carper & Courchesne, analyses of 7q in autism families (IMGSAC, 1998; Sousa,
2000; Allen, McColl, et al., 2005). The combination of loss of Clark, et al., 2009). Another possibility is that Purkinje neuron
this important processing system plus the injection of loss in the cerebellum may result from neuroinflammatory
disruptive excitatory signals likely contributes to the abnor- reactions (i.e., neuroglial activation) associated with activation
mal functioning of limbic and cerebral systems (Allen, Buxton, of the CNS immune system in the cerebellum (Vargas,
et al., 1997; Courchesne & Allen, 1997). Nascimbene, et al., 2005). In mouse models, prenatal viral
The difficulty in establishing precise cerebellar-behavior infections result in dysregulation of myelin associated genes in
and cerebellar-autism symptom correlations is due to the the cerebellum (Mytl1, MAG, MAL, MBP, MobP, MOG),
absence of studies mapping the distribution of Purkinje neuron which leads to alterations in fractional anisotropy in the white
loss in autistic cerebellar cortex. Like the cerebrum, the cerebel- matter of the cerebellum (Fatemi, Reutiman, et al., 2008;
lum has a complex functional representational map. Therefore, Fatemi, Folsom, et al., 2009).
in the absence of quantitative and statistical information about
precisely which functional locales have Purkinje loss, cerebel- Regions Less Studied During the Early Years
lar-behavior and cerebellar-symptom correlations in autism of Development: Hippocampus, Thalamus,
will remain a challenge to establish. Brain Stem, Basal Ganglia
The etiology of cerebellar abnormality in autism, including
the age when Purkinje neuron loss begins, is largely unknown, The investigation of other subcortical regions beyond the
although important clues have emerged recently. Of note, amygdala that may be affected in autism is limited. There is
work has implicated engrailed 1 and 2 (EN1 and EN2) as evidence of abnormalities in the hippocampus (though some-
potential candidates for cerebellar pathology in humans as well what inconsistent), including increased volume in young
626 Autism Spectrum Disorders

autistic children 3–5 years of age (Sparks et al., 2002) and older Hardan et al. (Hardan, Pabalan, et al., 2009) provide a com-
children and adolescents (Schumann, et al., 2004), decreased prehensive overview and meta-analysis of the corpus callosum
cross-sectional area of the dentate gyrus (Saitoh et al., 2001) in in autism. Their analyses examined ten studies representing
autism subjects from 2 to 42 years of age, and more recently in 253 autistic and 250 control subjects with mean ages across
atypical shape (Nicolson, DeVito, et al., 2006; Dager, Wang, studies ranging from 10 to 27 years (except for the Boger-
et al., 2007). There is little evidence for abnormalities in the Megiddo, Shaw, et al., 2006). Results showed overall reduction
thalamus (Tsatsanis, Rourke, et al., 2003; Hardan, Girgis, et al., in callosal size in autism across those ages. Callosal subregions
2006; Hardan, Girgis, et al., 2008; Hardan, Minshew, et al., that convey frontal and temporal axons, according to lesion-
2008) and inconsistent findings of either no difference or based (Moses, Egaas, et al., 2000) and DTI-based (Hofer &
decreased brain stem gray matter volume in adults with autism Frahm, 2006) studies, had the most reduction; callosal subre-
(Hsu, Yeung-Courchesne, et al., 1991; Jou, Minshew, et al., gions that primarily convey occipital and parietal axons had
2009). There are currently no studies of thalamic or brain stem the least. This pattern of greater anterior and lesser posterior
volume in very young children with autism. callosal pathology parallels the distribution of early cortical
The most interesting findings of these regions come from gray matter overgrowth pathology in autism, with frontal and
studies of the basal ganglia (Sears, Vest, et al., 1999; Hardan, temporal cortices being most abnormal in this disorder.
Kilpatrick, et al., 2003; Hollander, Anagnostou, et al., 2005; Ideally, future autism studies would analyze data on the size
Rojas, Peterson, et al., 2006; Langen, Durston, et al., 2007; of callosal subregions, DTI values in those same subregions and
Hazlett, Poe, et al., 2009) which have consistently found an gray matter in specific cortical subregions all in the same autis-
increased caudate nucleus volume in adolescents and young tic subjects during the first years of life when callosal growth,
adults with autism. These studies also suggest that an enlarge- axon pruning and change is at a peak in normal children.
ment of the caudate nucleus may be correlated with the pres-
ence of repetitive and ritualistic behaviors (Sears, Vest, et al.,
1999; Hollander, Anagnostou, et al., 2005; Rojas, Peterson, Á
et al., 2006), although this has yet to be explored in young Functional Implications of Early Brain
children with autism. Overgrowth

The Corpus Callosum Because of the extensive connectivity of the brain, disruption
of the rate of growth in frontal, temporal, and amygdala struc-
In the only MRI study of the corpus callosum in very young tures has wide implications for connectivity in other regions.
autistic children, no difference from normal was seen (Boger- Abnormalities in brain growth in autism may be best charac-
Megiddo, Shaw, et al., 2006). The 3- to 4-year-old autistic chil- terized by an aberrant gradient of growth, with early atypical
dren in this callosal study were from the same sample for whom (broad based) acceleration of growth represented generally by
abnormal enlargement of the cerebrum had been previously increased brain, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, and amygdala
reported (Sparks, Friedman, et al., 2002). Not surprisingly, volumes, and then a plateau or slowing of continual growth
then, the ratio of the callosum to cerebrum in those autistic represented generally by volumes in abnormal regions
children was less than typical children, raising the question of normalizing in later childhood or adolescence. Thus, the slope
whether cerebral enlargement was at the expense of a normal of growth may be of critical importance in this disorder.
callosal connectivity or due to defects not directly related to If development is represented by a pattern of change
callosal development. Clearly, additional studies of corpus from variability to consolidation, this might be reflected in a
callosum development during the first years of life in autism are more diverse neural response (anatomically and temporally)
needed. Because abnormal left-right asymmetry in fMRI and that becomes localized and efficient (or even automated).
EEG activation patterns in very young as well as older autism Development and learning result from a more consistent neural
subjects is commonly reported especially in studies of language response with a greater signal relative to noise. Infants and tod-
processing (e.g., Redcay & Courchesne, 2008), it is possible that dlers at risk for autism may fail to show this pattern both ana-
this abnormality of hemispheric specialization emerges from tomically and behaviorally. For example, the early phase of brain
abnormal organization, size, or functioning of callosal axons. overgrowth occurs at a time when language should be both con-
In contrast, since the first MRI report of callosal reduction solidating and expanding, represented by increased expertise for
in autism (Egaas, Courchesne, et al., 1995), the great majority the child’s own language, loss of the ability to distinguish nonna-
of subsequent studies of the callosum in older autistic chil- tive language sounds, and concurrent with expression moving
dren, adolescents, and adults have also found reductions in from babbling to functional single word production. Language
overall callosum size or in the size of specific callosal subre- may be critically disrupted by the early phase of overgrowth such
gions (Piven, Bailey, et al., 1997; Manes, Piven, et al., 1999; that stable, functional circuits do not arise from the noise. That is,
Hardan, Minshew, et al., 2000; Chung, Dalton, et al., 2004; regions that should be engaged in ongoing pruning and stabiliza-
Vidal, Nicolson, et al., 2006; Alexander, Lee, et al., 2007). A few tion of functional circuits may be overwhelmed with the growth
have found no abnormality (e.g., Rice, Bigler, et al., 2005). of novel circuitry resulting in greater noise relative to signal.
Nonetheless, the callosum may be one of the more consistent This period of overgrowth seems to “end” in early
sites of anatomic abnormality in the autism literature. childhood for children with autism, although specific timing
From Toddlers to Adults: The Changing Landscape of the Brain in Autism 627

is unknown and may differ by region, and is followed by rela- its maximum expression. Even studies of the genetics of autism
tively slowed growth over childhood and adolescents. This may benefit from this change in approach. That is, even though
may also result in less opportunity for plasticity and respon- autism is understood to be a highly heritable disorder, the
sive cortical tuning. That is, later in development, stable cir- genes and genetic pathways involved have been elusive and a
cuits are available, but these may be less functional circuits, deeper guiding principle of the genetics underlying autism has
represent earlier learning patterns, provide less flexibility in yet to emerge. Instead, it sometimes appears that each new
learning, and result in greater rigidity in the system. Potentially, and larger genetic study of autism has challenged previous
differences in symptom trajectory, such as during childhood reports and introduced new candidate genes, genetic func-
when many children make positive intellectual growth or tions, and/or loci. Perhaps a different and more powerful
adolescence where symptoms seem to worsen, may reflect the approach to the genetic study of autism would employ early
influence of this slowed growth period on short-term and biological as well as behavioral phenotypic profiles.
long-term outcome.

Á Challenges And Future Directions
A Sea Change In Biological Research
On Autism Future challenges include the following:

The above evidence shows three major discoveries in the past • establishing the underlying cellular, molecular, and
decade from autism MRI research: (1) early brain overgrowth genetic bases of early brain overgrowth and functional
occurs in autism in the first postnatal years and is most pro- abnormalities in autism;
nounced in frontal and temporal lobes and the amygdala, • defining the timing of aberrant growth and its specificity
(2) the age of maximum MRI anatomic abnormality in autism to autism outcomes; and
is at this early age, and (3) MRI anatomic effects change with • characterizing the relationship between regional malde-
age requiring findings on autism to be organized and inter- velopment and formation of abnormal functional con-
preted according to age. Given that overgrowth clearly begins nectivity.
before 2 years of age, future longitudinal studies would benefit
from inclusion of infants and toddlers at-risk for autism.
This suggests that studies of autism at the youngest ages Á SUGGESTED READINGS
have the best chance of revealing the original biological bases
of autism. Clearly, early biomarkers of risk for autism, diagno- Amaral, Schumann & Nordahl, 2008Amaral, D. G., Schumann, C. M.,
sis, prognosis, and treatment outcome will most likely come & Nordahl, C. W. (2008). Neuroanatomy of autism. Trends in
from studies of the youngest ages and not from studies of Neurosciences, 31, 137–145.
older subjects. Discovery of effective interventions addressing Courchesne, E., Pierce, K., et al. (2007). Mapping early brain devel-
original neural and functional defects are also most likely to opment in autism. Neuron, 56, 399–413.
emerge from studies of autism during these early years of Schumann, C. M., Barnes, C. C., et al. (2009). Amygdala enlargement
initial brain growth pathology. in toddlers with autism related to severity of social and commu-
nication impairments. Biological Psychiatry. 66, 942–949.
The discovery of arrest of growth and possible premature
Webb, S. J., Sparks, B. F., et al. (2009). Cerebellar vermal volumes and
decline is vital for all types of biological studies, especially those
behavioral correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder.
involving older autistic children and adults, to consider. This Psychiatry Research, 172(1), 61–67.
new phenomenon signals significant changes in underlying
genetic and nongenetic factors and molecular mechanisms as
well as changes in the pattern of neural circuits and their func-
tioning. It could be an indication of changes in survival of neu-
rons, connections, and synapses. This second stage of pathology
The writing of this chapter was supported by the UCSD-NIH Autism
in autism may reflect reactive changes in response to the origi- Center of Excellence (E. Courchesne, 1-P50-MH081755, 2-R01-
nal upstream defects that produce autism. As such, studies of MH036840), the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute (C. Schumann), the NIH
older children and adults with autism are forewarned that University of Washington Autism Center of Excellence (S.J. Webb;
abnormalities detected at that age could reflect this second P50-HD055782), and the NIH Shared Neurobiology of Autism and
stage of pathology. Therefore, theories of the possible causes Fragile X (S.J. Webb; R03-HD057321). We send many thanks to all of
and brain and behavioral bases of autism derived from older the children and parents who participate in autism research.
subjects should be considered with considerable caution.
The striking early brain growth changes in autism signal
the need for a sea change in autism biological research. Autism Á REFERENCES
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36 Á Nancy J. Minshew, K. Suzanne Scherf, Marlene Behrmann, Katherine Humphreys

Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological

Disorder: New Insights from Functional

Á These alterations have a profound impact on how the

Points of Interest brain in autism processes information and, in turn, how
individuals with autism “see” the world differently.
• A paradigm shift in autism research, involving With the first evidence of neurologic dysfunction in autism
conceptualizing the syndrome as a developmental neuro- spectrum disorders (ASDs) in the 1950s and 1960s, there have
biological disorder rather than a behavioral disorder, is been “neurobehavioral” theories were proposed to explain
critical to reconcile a gulf between behaviorally oriented autism. These early theories typically focused on a behavioral
researchers, clinicians, geneticists, and developmental feature of the syndrome and then inferred its relation to a
neurobiologists and to address the most pressing localized region of the brain. These behavioral symptoms, or
questions about the etiology, brain bases, and effective neurobehavioral deficits, were posited to be causally related to
treatments for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). all other manifestations for the entire syndrome. These kind
• A developmental neurobiological approach emphasizes a of localized region and single primary deficit theories for the
search for the underlying brain mechanisms when exam- cause of autism dominated the field for nearly 70 years, despite
ining the manifestations of a disorder, which includes both the recent structural and functional imaging evidence impli-
the pattern of deficits as well as intact, or even enhanced, cating widespread involvement of the cerebral cortex and
abilities and “associated signs and symptoms.” associated white matter, and disruptions to functional neural
• An emerging body of genetic, functional and structural systems. Importantly, this historical approach was not
neuroimaging, and behavioral work suggests that defects informed by an understanding of developmental neurobio-
in early neuronal organizational events during brain logic events, particularly neuronal organizational events, in
development disrupt the connectivity of neural systems. the developing brain, nor of knowledge about how disease
• There appears to be a trade-off such that there is enhanced processes affect the developing brain. As a result, there exists a
local neural connectivity, leading to preserved and conceptual and pragmatic gulf in autism research between
potentially enhanced elementary information processing 1) behaviorally oriented researchers and clinicians, who
abilities, and disrupted connectivity among more distrib- attempt to identify a causative feature of the syndrome that is
uted and integrative regions of the brain at the systems anchored to impaired behavior, and 2) geneticists and devel-
level, which leads to a deficit in complex information opmental neurobiologists, who study genetic risk factors
processing across multiple domains of functioning. linked to disruption in neuronal organizational events.
• Our investigations into the psychological mechanisms of In this chapter, we argue that a paradigm shift is critical
visual processing in autism reveal relative preservation to the study of autism in order to reconcile this gulf and
(and perhaps even enhancement, on some accounts) in address the most pressing questions about how genetic and
more elemental, simple, or featural processing, whereas developmental neurobiological findings can be integrated
information processing that requires the integration of with findings about the characterization of the behavioral syn-
the simple elements is disproportionately affected. The drome, which has become increasingly well defined in the last
imaging data yield a similar profile: relative preservation few decades. We propose that this paradigm shift involves
of earlier parts of the visual system and more pro- conceptualizing autism as a developmental neurobiological
nounced atypical activation in higher-order regions. disorder rather than a behavioral disorder when considering its

Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 633

cause(s). The benefit of this approach is that it is informed by our program of research in the domain of visual processing
an understanding of basic principles of neurological disorders, that illustrates the strength of this interdisciplinary approach
including the notions that such disorders do not result in to uncover novel relations between the behavioral and brain
single primary deficits, that they typically have a genetic basis, bases of autism and that supports our claim that disruptions
and that, when they are nontraumatic or arise de novo, as in to neural connectivity are a fundamental contributing factor
the case of ASDs, they are multiorgan system disorders. This to the etiology of autism.
approach also emphasizes a search for the underlying brain
mechanisms when examining the manifestations, which
includes both the pattern of deficits as well as intact, or even Á
enhanced, abilities and “associated signs and symptoms.” “Neurobehavioral” Theories of Autism
An emerging body of genetic, functional and structural neu- and Challenges to Such Theories
roimaging, and behavioral work suggests that a potential
underlying brain mechanism in autism is a disruption in the The predominant single deficit models at present are the social
connectivity of neural systems. More specifically, due to defects primacy theories (e.g., Schultz, 2005; Klin et al., 2002; Dawson,
in early neuronal organizational events, there may be a sys- 2008), and their alternative, the dimensional approaches
tematic trade-off between enhanced local neural connectivity (Happe & Ronald, 2008). The social primacy theories postu-
within posterior and perhaps frontal regions of the brain, late that a social impairment comes first in time and is of suf-
leading to preserved and potentially enhanced elementary ficient severity to be viewed as causative of subsequent deficits,
information processing abilities, and disrupted neural con- which are thus viewed as secondary to the social impairment.
nectivity among more distributed regions of the brain at the According to this model, autism is primarily, if not solely,
systems level, which may lead to a deficit in complex informa- a social-communication disorder both in terms of early
tion processing across multiple domains of functioning. We etiological events and in terms of later presentation.
review the evidence suggesting that a disruption in neural The dimensional hypotheses were proposed after investiga-
connectivity is fundamental in autism. Also, we highlight our tors failed to find satisfactory evidence of a single or even a
own findings, particularly in the domain of visual processing, triad of primary deficits to account for the clinical syndrome,
to illustrate the strength of our interdisciplinary approach that and hypothesized a cluster of independent core symptoms/
seeks to integrate and correlate genetic, neurobiological, and signs that co-occur in autism but that are independently
behavioral findings to understand the etiology, brain bases, inherited (e.g., central coherence, theory of mind, executive
and effective treatments for the complex disorder of ASD. function, repetitive behavior; Happe et al., 2006). These
The chapter is organized as follows. First, we provide a investigators tested their hypotheses by assessing typical pop-
brief review of the current “neurobehavioral” theories of ulations for evidence of autism traits to ascertain their occur-
autism. Second, we challenge these theories by reviewing cur- rence independently or in association with each other (Happe
rent evidence, particularly from longitudinal studies of infants & Ronald, 2008; but see also Constantino et al., 2004).
at high risk for developing autism, which challenges the notion Notice that both of these classes of “neurobehavioral”
of a single causative behavioral or cognitive feature of the syn- theories primarily focus on a functional analysis of problematic
drome or even a cluster of core causative behavioral or cogni- behavior. In other words, the central goal of these theories is to
tive features. Third, we propose that research on ASDs would examine behavior to understand the cause of the disorder.
benefit enormously from taking the perspective that autism is A significant drawback of this approach is that focusing on
a developmental neurobiological disorder, rather than a describing an underlying mechanism is based on the behavio-
behavioral or single systems disorder. In this section, we ral impairments that present most severely, which may actually
describe the principles of neurologic disorders, the neuropsy- overestimate their significance in the etiology of the disorder.
chological profile of autism, potential neural mechanisms of Furthermore, this approach does not emphasize an under-
ASDs, including disruptions to neuronal events that funda- standing of the abilities that are selectively preserved and even
mentally organize cortical systems during brain development, enhanced in the disorder. Our early work hinted that there are
and the genetic factors that predispose individuals who go on significant challenges to this approach and that the search for
to develop autism and are linked to disruptions in these early underlying brain mechanism(s) in autism must include an
neuronal events. The key concept of this section is to demon- investigation of the profile of impaired and intact abilities.
strate how this neurological approach to the study of autism
leads directly to the search for underlying brain mechanisms, Neuropsychological Studies Challenging Single
as opposed to behavioral phenotypes, that result in both the Deficit and Dimensional Theories of Autism
pattern of deficits and the intact abilities that are observed in
ASD as well as the associated signs and symptoms of “comor- Our initial approach to the investigation of autism was to
bid disorders.” Third, we review the evidence that a disrup- pursue a comprehensive definition of the profile of functioning
tion in the connectivity of neural systems resulting from a across all major neuropsychological domains, not just those
disturbance early in neuronal organization is a likely candidate that present with impairments in ASDs (Minshew et al., 1992;
for such an underlying brain mechanism. Finally, we describe Minshew et al., 1997). We studied 33 individually matched pairs
634 Autism Spectrum Disorders

of adolescents and adults with and without high-functioning the deficits were not in the acquisition of information as
autism (HFA), and assessed a broad range of abilities within reflected in intact performance on multiple measures of atten-
each domain from the most basic to higher-order skills. Our tion, elementary sensory perception, and associative memory.
original hypothesis was that the brain dysfunction causing In fact, we found that more elementary skills in each of these
autism diffusely and symmetrically involved altered develop- domains were intact or enhanced. Instead, the deficits selec-
ment of connections with association cortex. We therefore tively involved the most demanding aspects of information
proposed that higher-order abilities across multiple domains processing within each domain. Because the subjects were
would be selectively affected. For this reason, elementary and matched on gender, age, and IQ scores, this pattern of results
higher-order abilities in all domains were assessed. At the indicated that the individuals with autism were unable to per-
time, there were some proposals of primary deficits in basic form the more challenging tasks that might have been predicted
skills like elementary sensory perception, various aspects of based on their age and IQ scores and on their enhanced per-
attention, and basic associative memory abilities (see Minshew formance on the simpler tasks. We argued that this pattern of
et al., 1997, for review of early theories). Assessments of non- impairments and preserved abilities could be summed up as
verbal language and social abilities were not included in this follows. First, the abilities that placed the highest demands on
study, since tests of these abilities in verbal individuals were information processing or integration within the affected
not widely available at that time. domains were most likely to be impaired, and the domains
We found deficits across a number of domains, which with the most prominent symptoms (concept formation, the-
enabled us to describe a broader pattern of deficits than had matic and idiomatic language) were those that had the highest
been previously reported in autism. The results revealed defi- information processing demands. Hence, we proposed that the
cits in: skilled motor movements, higher cortical sensory per- common denominator of the impaired abilities was the higher-
ception, memory for material that required use of an order or “complex” information processing demands. Second,
organizing strategy or identification of an organizing strategy, the abilities that were most likely to be preserved required ele-
higher-order language meaning, and concept formation. mentary information processing demands (see Minshew,
Notice that we identified deficits in several affected domains Webb, Williams, & Dawson, 2006, for detailed explanation).
that were not previously considered to be integral parts of the In sum, our early work challenged the “neurobehavioral” theo-
autism syndrome, including aspects of the sensory-perceptual, ries of autism primarily on the basis that they could not account
motor, and memory domains. Hence, the evidence suggested for the comprehensive pattern of both deficits and intact aspects
that autism affected the brain far more generally than the of the disorder both within and across multiple domains.
single deficit and dimensional theories indicated. We also
reported evidence of intact and sometimes enhanced abilities Beyond the Neuropsychological Profile
across multiple domains, including attention, elementary of Autism
motor abilities, elementary sensory abilities, basic associative
memory abilities, formal language skills (vocabulary, spelling, Our characterization of autism, based on all the neuropsycho-
fluency, decoding), and the rule-learning aspects of abstrac- logical testing, was that its manifestations reflected a disorder
tion. Again, unlike any previously reported findings, we of information processing that disproportionately impacted
observed enhanced skills and impaired abilities within the complex information processing while preserving, or even
same domains (e.g., language). We have since completed an enhancing, elementary information processing skills. This led
additional study with a younger sample of 56 children with to a novel hypothesis that we should observe an inverse rela-
autism and 56 controls that replicated this pattern of results tion between the impairments and the intact abilities at a neu-
with appropriate developmental modifications in the abstract robiological level as well (Kuschner, Bodner, & Minshew,
reasoning domain (Williams, Goldstein, & Minshew, 2006). 2009; Damarla et al., 2011).
Finally, we also evaluated single deficit theories about the We then began to investigate difficulties in information
role of cerebellar dysfunction in autism. We performed a study processing as a general construct. We pursued two lines of
of postural control in 79 individuals with autism and 61 typical research. Because concept formation appeared common to
controls between 5 and 52 years. We observed delayed matura- impairments in conceptual understanding, cognitive memory,
tion of postural control and failure to achieve adult levels story theme creation and detection, and face recognition
(Minshew, Sung, Jones, & Furman, 2004). The impairments (in the sense of the requirement to integrate information for
were related to inadequate multimodal sensory integration configural processing), we explored concept formation exten-
across vestibular, visual, and position senses by the brain. There sively. This line of research led to forays into the development
was no evidence of a cerebellar or motor contribution to pos- and maturation of object categorization, the development of
tural instability in autism. These findings reinforced the notion face identity and emotion recognition, and later the study of
that autism impacts neural connectivity and information inte- the emergence of these abilities in infants at high risk for autism
gration very broadly and provided further evidence for the need (e.g., Best et al., 2010; Gastgeb et al., 2009; Gastgeb et al., 2006;
to reconceptualize autism to accommodate these findings. Gastgeb et al., 2011; Humphreys et al., 2007; Iverson & Goldin-
We were able to draw several conclusions from this Meadow, 2005; Iverson & Wozniak, 2007; Newell et al., in
constellation of findings. First, in all domains that we tested, press; Rump et al., 2009; Scherf, Behrmann, Minshew, & Luna,
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 635

2008). The second line of research focused on the area of visual emerge later between 12 and 24 months. Furthermore, in some
information processing and used microgenetic techniques and children, the diagnosis of autism could not be made until 2 to
fMRI studies to carefully investigate information processing in 3 years of age, when the classic symptoms and signs were
children, adolescents, and adults with autism (e.g., Behrmann obviously observable, and “it was particularly notable that dis-
et al., 2006; Hasson et al., 2009; Humphreys et al., 2008; Scherf, turbances in temperament, self-regulation, and hyperactivity
Luna, Kimchi, Minshew, & Behrmann, 2008; Scherf, Luna, emerged along side of these core symptoms,” (Rogers, 2009).
Minshew, & Behrmann, 2010). Throughout this research pro- These findings provide direct and clear evidence that there
gram, we have considered how the profile of results implicates is no single primary deficit, brain region, or neural system
neurobiological mechanisms of brain development that could causing autism, but also that a causative set of “core” symp-
lead to atypical cortical specialization and a proclivity to use toms is equally unlikely. Rather, Roger finds that autism
local rather than distributed representations for information broadly affects many abilities at the same time and systemati-
processing. This approach was novel in the way we extended cally from its earliest presentation and continuing throughout
the definition of the syndrome to the neurologic realm and life. This is exactly the view that we proposed previously based
framed the issue in terms of information processing and inte- on our work with children, adolescents, and adults with autism
gration, which was readily translatable to mechanisms within (Minshew et al., 1992; Minshew et al., 1997; Williams,
the brain and neural systems. Goldstein, & Minshew, 2007). Additionally, the concept of
However, our findings were somewhat limited in the sense associated and comorbid symptoms as representing the co-
that they were conducted in children, adolescents, and adults, occurrence of other conditions is also clearly not supported by
in whom a significant amount of brain and behavioral devel- these data. This integrated perspective was particularly evident
opment had occurred. Given that ASDs are a developmental in the early observation of presentation of mental retardation
disorder first manifest in the first two years of life, it was criti- and various regulatory disturbances in these infants and tod-
cal to obtain earlier developmental data to truly and fully eval- dlers later diagnosed with autism. Rather, the evidence suggests
uate the explanatory power of the early “neurobehavioral” that these conditions are part and parcel of the same disorder,
theories of autism. resulting from atypical developmental brain processes (i.e.,
neuronal organizational events) that cause all the signs and
High Risk Infant Studies Challenge Single symptoms of ASDs. Rogers concluded, “autism is not a disor-
Deficit and Dimensional Theories of Autism der that profoundly affects social development from the earliest
months of life. Rather, it is a disorder involving symptoms
Very recently, longitudinal studies of infants at high risk for across multiple domains with a gradual onset” (p. 135).
developing autism (because they have an older sibling who has Rogers made two more comments directly relevant to the
already been diagnosed with autism) have provided this critical present discussion. She noted that the high rate of autism and
early developmental data. These studies have been able to docu- related manifestations in the infant siblings was striking, which
ment the earliest identifiable signs of autism as emerging between supporting the importance of genetic contributions to its etio-
9 and 12 months of age (Rogers, 2009). Interestingly, the earliest pathophysiology. To this she added that the absence of dis-
identifiable manifestations of autism are not in the form of a cernable behavioral manifestations at or before 6 months was
primary social impairment, as the social motivation theories had likely a reflection of the limitation of behavioral measures in
long predicted, but instead in the form of unusual responses to infants and the need for biologic measures in these early
sensory stimuli, unusual but subtle odd motor movements, and months.
unusual visual regard for objects (Rogers, 2009). These findings
were also inconsistent with the predictions of the dimensional
theories. For example, Rogers (2009) explained: Á
Autism as a Neurological Disorder Rather
not only the core symptoms like joint attention deficits, Than a Behavioral Disorder
repetitive behaviors, and language delays appear at 12
months and grow more severe over time, but even what Given that there is significant evidence to discredit the notion
were previously considered secondary symptoms—irri- that a single behavioral deficit, or even a core set of deficits,
tability, sensory responsivity, activity level, and poor gross cause autism, we argue that a paradigm shift is critical to the
motor development, are on board, and in some cases study of autism. We propose that this paradigm shift involves
appear well before the social problems! These findings do conceptualizing autism as a neurological and developmental
not support the view that autism is [etiopathophysiologi- neurobiological disorder rather than as a behavioral disorder.
cally] primarily a social-communicative disorder and There are several benefits of this approach, including that it
instead suggest that autism disrupts multiple aspects of is guided by an understanding of basic principles of neuro-
development rather simultaneously. (p. 133) logical disorders, brain development, and how disease processes
affect brain development. In this section, we briefly review
These longitudinal studies indicate that social and language principles of neurological disorders, the neuropsychological
impairments, long considered the causative features of autism, profile of autism, potential neural mechanisms leading to
636 Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASDs, and the genetic contributions that may affect these children and decreased brain weight in adults (Bauman &
neural mechanisms. Kemper, 1998), and premature acceleration in head growth at
9 months followed by a plateau in growth (Dawson et al., 2007).
Principles of Neurological Disorders In particular, it is likely that a developmental neurobiological
mechanism that guides or regulating neuronal organizational
Neurological disorders tend to conform to a common set of event is strongly implicated in the etiology of autism.
well known principles. First, such disorders produce a pattern Neuronal organizational events are described in clinical
or constellation of deficits and intact abilities that reflects the neurology texts as “the sequence of organizational events that
underlying disease mechanism. In other words, neurological result in the intricate circuitry characteristic of the human
disorders do not result in single primary deficits. The search brain” (Volpe 2008, p. 51). In fact, autism is now described as a
for a single primary causal deficit of a neurologic disorder at clinical example of a neuronal organizational disorder (Volpe,
the behavioral or cognitive level is not compatible with mech- 2008). Neuronal organizational events occur between 5 months
anisms of neurologic disease or dysfunction. Second, neuro- gestation and many years if not decades after birth. The neuro-
logic disorders that develop de novo (i.e., absent trauma or nal laminar pattern is established by 3 years of age, and the bulk
other injury) typically have a genetic basis. Hence, idiopathic of the cortical axonal density is present by 12 years of age. “The
autism is likely to have its origins in complex genetics (super- major developmental features of neuronal organization events
imposed on the background of individual familial inheritance), include the following: 1) the establishment and differentiation
as do innumerable other childhood neurological disorders of subplate neurons; 2) attainment of proper alignment, orien-
that appear to have a sudden onset (e.g. see neuronal ceroid tation and layering of cortical neurons, 3) the elaboration of
lipofucsinosis, which has three forms expressed at very differ- dendritic and axonal ramifications, 4) establishment of synap-
ent developmental time points from the first month to adoles- tic contacts, 5) cell death and selective elimination of processes
cence). Thus the work investigating genetic vulnerabilities and 6) proliferation and differentiation of glia” (Volpe, 2008,
for autism is critical for understanding the etiology of the p. 82). When reviewing histologic displays of cortical neurons
disorder. Third, most nontraumatic neurologic disorders are and images of the whole brain and cortex undergoing matura-
multiorgan system disorders because they result from genetic tional events from 22 weeks gestation through several years
errors that are present in all tissues in the body though not postnatal age, it becomes apparent that organizational events
necessarily functionally expressed (Campbell et al., 2009). have a widespread impact throughout the cerebral cortex, and
To this set of core principles, we also add the concept that are more symmetric than not. The cerebral cortex goes from a
symptoms of a pediatric neurological disorder are expressed nearly smooth surface to a highly folded surface in the last tri-
at a developmentally appropriate time window (i.e., when the mester; organizational changes in the cortex and brain continue
affected skills are developing). Our characterization of the long after birth. These events are responsible for the amazing
syndrome of autism is consistent with an emerging body of capacity of cortical neurons to send and receive innumerable
work that suggests that autism is largely a disorder of what connections within and between hemispheres and to ultimately
neurologists call “higher cortical functions.” Based on this form the systems level organization responsible for the many
characterization, it is to be expected that disruption in these specialized functions of the human forebrain.
higher-order functions becomes much more apparent in the The aspects of brain development that have been most
second year of life when complex information processing clearly implicated in autism are neuronal organizational
abilities and their underlying neural systems are emerging. events, though some cases have also implicated neuronal
We argue that research investigating the etiology of autism migration events (Strauss et al., 2006; Volpe, 2008). In addi-
must focus on identifying aspects of the disorder that are con- tion, ASD has been identified in 20–30% of young children
sistent with tenets of neurological disorders. Furthermore, with cerebral palsy who were extremely premature (born at or
based on the existing work, we suggest that the focus of such before 28 weeks gestational age) at birth (Moster et al., 2008),
an approach should be on discerning known neurological and a time in brain development when neurons destined for the
neurobiological mechanisms for disruption to the development cerebral cortex are in the periventricular region. The periven-
of higher cortical brain functions. tricular region is also the premature infant’s the watershed
zone, or vulnerable region during compromised vascular
Developmental Neurobiologic Mechanisms perfusion of the brain in extreme premature infants. This
and the Clinical Syndrome of Autism pathophysiology raises the possibility that a stroke induced
disturbance in neuronal number and/or in early neuronal
ASDs are becoming increasingly recognized as developmen- migrational events during which neurons travel from the
tal neurobiological disorders (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; periventricular region to cortex might be the basis of the
Minshew, Williams, & McFadden, 2008; Volpe, 2008). The autism syndrome in association with cerebral palsy (Kuban
notion that a disturbance in a developmental neurobiological et al., 2009; Minshew, 2010 in press, 2011; Volpe, 2008).
mechanism could cause autism is consistent with early reports Though research studies have demonstrated widespread dis-
of truncated dendritic tree development in hippocampal neu- turbances in cortical functioning in ASD, the disturbances are
rons (Bauman & Kemper, 1994), increased brain weight in also somewhat selective. The cellular basis for this selectivity is
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 637

not yet known other than that the disturbance involves cerebral The identification of genes in autism has led to a number of
cortical neurons that are involved in forming distributed sys- major advances. The first is the development of a molecular
tems. The developmental neurobiological events that produce pathophysiology for syndromic autism (e.g., tuberous sclerosis
the development of this circuitry are highly genetically regu- and TSC1 TSC2 genes, 22q deletion and SHANK3 gene, Rett
lated. It is reasonable to expect that the process of identifying syndrome and MECP2 gene, Fragile X syndrome and FMR1
genetic causes of ASD (and carrier status) will unfold the same gene, Timothy syndrome and CACNA1C gene), and some
way as did the causes in other child neurological disorders. That instances of nonsyndromic autism, (e.g., NRXN1, MET, and
is, ASDs will be found to result from numerous related errors in NLGN3; Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008). The development of
the genetic code for a selected aspect of neuronal organization, animal models of these genes (primarily gene-neuroanatomi-
just as many other childhood neurological disorders that cal relationships with limited cognitive-behavioral correlates
develop de novo have been found to be the result of groups of of autism) is enabling the development and study of neuro-
abnormal genes. An error in the genetic code for a fundamental biological interventions (for example: Dolen et al., 2007;
aspect of neuronal organization could potentially produce a Ehninger & Silva, 2011; Silva & Ehninger, 2009), which con-
broad profile of similar deficits (e.g. autism versus William’s firm a connection between gene-to-brain development and
syndrome; Minshew, 2010; see also Volpe, 2008, pp. 82–102). autism-ASD phenotypes. This line of research has led directly
to clinical trials with Rapamycin, an mTor inhibitor, for pre-
Genetic Foundations of ASDs vention of seizures, mental retardation, and ASD in infants
and toddlers with genetically diagnosed tuberous sclerosis
Developmental neurobiological events are extraordinarily com- (Ess, 2009; Nie et al., 2010), providing clear proof of concept
plex, require precise guidance, and are known to be under strict of the merits of uncovering molecular mechanisms for brain
genetic control (see Chapter 30 by J. Rubenstein, in this volume). dysfunction in ASD. Animal models also provide opportuni-
Currently, approximately 20 or so mostly rare genes (and an ties for investigating potential molecular and cellular mecha-
occasional common gene or gene sequence) have been discov- nisms of cortical dysfunction, such as the hypothesized role of
ered that contribute to the cause up to 15–20% of cases of an excitatory-inhibitory imbalance as a mechanism of cortical
autism and ASD (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008; Bolton, 2009; dysfunction and seizures in autism (Gogolla et al., 2009).
see also Commentary by Geschwind in this volume). Though Another line of research supporting a developmental neuro-
“heterogeneous,” these genes have in common a role in the biological model and connection between gene abnormality,
development of connectivity among neurons and share common cortical development, and manifestations of ASD has been the
molecular signaling pathways (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; MET receptor research. This work was initiated as a result of
Minshew, 2010a; Minshew, Williams, & McFadden, 2008). reports of an increased association of the MET receptor CC allele
The identification of these genes followed two decades of with autism (Campbell, Sutcliffe, Ebert, et al., 2006; Campbell,
neuroimaging research establishing premature acceleration in Sutcliffe, Persico, & Levitt, 2008). Subsequently, researchers dis-
brain growth as measured by total brain volume, including covered increased MET mRNA expression levels in ASD brains
cerebral gray and white matter, followed by growth decelera- (Campbell, D’Oronzio, Garbett et al., 2007), correspondence
tion (reviewed in Levy et al., 2009; Mosconi, Zwaigenbaum, & between MET mRNA levels in temporal lobe in ASD and lan-
Piven, 2006; and Chapter 35 in this volume). These are classic guage status (Campbell, Warren, Sutcliffe, et al., 2009), and cor-
signs of disturbances in developmental neurobiological events. respondence between the presence of the MET gene and presence
Furthermore, this research has also indicated disruptions in of gastrointestinal difficulties in ASD individuals (Campbell,
connectivity of cortical systems as a major etiopathophysio- Buie, Winter, et al., 2009) all provided additional support for a
logic mechanism in autism and ASD (summarized in Minshew critical role of the MET receptor gene in autism. The MET recep-
& Williams, 2007; and Chapter 54 in this volume). The con- tor gene codes for cortical and cerebellar development, gastroin-
vergence of genetic and neuroanatomical evidence for neuro- testinal repair, and immune competence (Campbell et al., 2006;
nal connectivity disturbances provides strong support for the Campbell et al., 2007), thus providing an example of a single
notion of a developmental neurobiologically based model of genetic explanation for multiple organ involvement in ASD.
autism and the ASDs. Imaging genetics, a comparison of geno- Together, this body of imaging and genetic findings in ASD over
type variability with imaging and behavioral phenotype vari- the past decade has established a firm foundation for autism as a
ability, holds promise for additional insight into genetic developmental neurobiological disorder and has identified a
contributions to the heterogeneity of the behavioral expres- number of genetic abnormalities and mutations likely to be
sion of the syndrome (see, for example, Raznahan et al., 2009; causative, which, though “heterogeneous,” share signaling
Wassink et al., 2007). In the discussion above, autism and ASD pathways at a molecular level involved in the development of
were referred to separately to indicate that the gene mutations neuronal connectivity (Levitt & Campbell, 2009).
were often found to be associated with both autism and ASD, The rapid growth in gene technology makes it highly likely
often in the same families, supporting common underlying that the list of ASD causative and associated genes will expand
neurobiological and genetic mechanisms rather than separate quickly and, with it, the delineation of a highly complex and
etiologies for autism, Asperger’s disorder, and Pervasive heterogeneous molecular pathophysiology for autism. It is
Developmental Disorders Not-Otherwise-Specified. also likely that the growing number of gene variants and
638 Autism Spectrum Disorders

mutations discovered in ASD will nonetheless be found to autism entails a lower degree of information integration and
contri-bute to a select number of common neuronal signaling synchronization across the large-scale cortical network for
pathways involved in developmental neurobiological events language processing. This was the first of many subsequent
that result in the connectivity disturbances and growth studies showing a reduced collaboration among a network of
dysregulation that is now well documented in autism cortical regions that support higher order function. It was a
(Minshew, 2010a). It is also likely that increasing knowledge critical first step in support of our theory that connectivity
about the variation in implicated genes will account for the within and between cortical systems is fundamentally under-
variability in brain growth trajectories that has been observed developed and may be a central pathophysiologic mechanism
in autism and ASD (Lainhart et al., 2006), as well as the vari- for autism (see Chapter 54 in this volume).
ability in symptom severity. Greater genetic and developmen-
tal neurobiological diversity can be expected in very low Alterations in Connectivity More Broadly
functioning individuals with ASD, since there is less specifica- in the Brain
tion or restriction of events that can result in the absence of
functional cortical connectivity compared to genes that are Subsequent studies also demonstrated reduced connectivity
very selective in their impact on cortical connectivity. between posterior cortical regions and frontal cortex, and
With all of this in mind, the next question is how to con- more bilateral activation within posterior visual and visuospa-
nect the genetic and developmental neurobiological findings tial cortex than occurs in typically developing individuals
with the behavioral syndrome, which has been defined in (Kana, Keller, Cherkassky, et al., 2009; Koshino, Kana, Keller,
growing detail over the past seven decades. Thus far, the et al., 2008; Sahyoun, Belliveau, Soulieres, et al., 2010). We
answer has been found in altered development of cortical have proposed that these findings reflect underdevelopment
systems connectivity in autism. of systems-level connectivity between cortical regions and
frontal cortex, as well as enhanced local connectivity within
visual cortex (see next sections on visual processing in autism).
Á Other investigators have documented underdevelopment of
Disruptions in Cortical Connectivity cortical connectivity with amygdala and related circuits to
as the Brain Basis for Autism account for the fundamental disturbances in affective contact
in autism, and alterations in frontal-amygdala and striatal
Given 1) our previous findings of a simple-complex dissocia- connections to account for difficulty in comprehending and
tion in the neuropsychological profile of autism with deficits regulating emotions (Gaigg & Bowler, 2007, 2008; Kleinhans
in higher-order abilities across multiple domains and 2) the et al., 2008). Analogous disturbances have been demonstrated
work implicating a disruption in neural organization events in motor systems connectivity (Mostofsky et al., 2009).
related to particular genes; we launched a program of research Underconnectivity of cortical systems is now a widely
to investigate the role of disruptions in cortical connectivity as accepted characterization of the structural and functional
the brain basis of autism. brain abnormality in autism. The initial index of functional
underconnectivity was reduced synchronization between
Language Domain fMRI-measured activation in coactivating cortical areas during
a sentence comprehension task (Just et al., 2004), which was
One of the simple-complex dissociations that we and many subsequently demonstrated across a wide range of tasks to
others have observed in autism in the language domain is that broadly involve cerebral association cortex (Just et al., 2007;
many individuals are superb spellers but have trouble under- Schipul et al., 2011). Over the course of many studies, frontal-
standing sentence meaning. Understanding this dissociation posterior underconnectivity emerged as a common finding
became the basis for our first functional neuroimaging study (Kana et al., 2009). The second characteristic of the altered
that resulted in a theory proposing cortical functional under- task-related cortical connectivity in autism was enhanced acti-
connectivity in autism (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, & Minshew, vation of occipitoparietal areas. This activation pattern was
2004). We used fMRI to measure brain activation in adults hypothesized to result from increased local connectivity in pos-
with high-functioning autism and typically developing, verbal, terior regions and to account for the unusual strengths also
IQ-matched controls as they read sentences. The autism group typical of autism. The dissociation between impaired higher
exhibited increased activation in Wernicke’s area, but reduced order skills and intact basic skills was commonly characterized
activation in Broca’s area compared to controls. These find- in the past in terms of a distinction between verbal and visu-
ings map onto the behavioral profile of increased word knowl- ospatial abilities, rather than in terms of reduced frontal and
edge and reduced sentence knowledge in the participants with enhanced posterior neural connectivity.
autism. Furthermore, the functional connectivity (i.e., the A recent fMRI study of the neural networks underlying visu-
degree of synchronization or correlation of the time series of ospatial and linguistic reasoning has provided direct evidence
the activation) between these cortical areas was consistently that verbal individuals with average IQ scores and HFA have
lower for the autism than the control participants. These find- increased activation and connectivity of occipitoparietal and
ings suggested that the neural basis of disordered language in ventral temporal circuits, greater reliance on visuospatial
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 639

skills for solving both visual and verbal problems, and reduced association cortex and in particular with frontal cortex, neces-
activation and connectivity of frontotemporal language areas sary for integration at the neural and information processing
(Sahyoun, Beliveasu, Soulieres, et al., 2010). The study con- level, is compromised.
cluded that the HFA group’s engagement of posterior regions
along with its weak connections to frontal language areas resulted Visual Processing: Behavioral Studies
in reliance on visual mediation even for higher order cognitive
tasks. This study recapitulates the findings of the connectivity One of the most essential visuoperceptual skills for humans is
studies and adds some of the clearest evidence yet to support the face processing. Interestingly, impairments in face processing
neural basis of the visuospatial processing strengths in autism. are a widely accepted aspect of the behavioral profile of autism.
One outstanding and perhaps puzzling issue concerns the The impairment involves difficulty remembering faces
underconnectivity (defined here as reduced correlation in (Boucher & Lewis, 1992), processing facial expressions
activation profile between two areas of cortex) between corti- (Ashwin, Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, O’Riordan, & Bullmore,
cal regions and the concurrent evidence for increased white 2007), and knowing which components of faces convey espe-
matter connectivity between disparate cortical regions in ASD. cially important communicative information (Joseph &
For example, in one of our recent studies with high function- Tanaka, 2003). One of the key behavioral processes considered
ing autistic adults, we observed an increase in white matter critical for intact face perception is the ability to perceptually
connectivity in long intrahemispheric fibers such as the infe- organize, or integrate, disparate components of the input rap-
rior longitudinal fasciculus and the inferior fronto-occipital idly and efficiently. Moreover, the failure to do so impacts both
fasciculus, but not in the homotopic callosal fibers (Thomas facial identity and emotional expression recognition. Both face
et al., 2010). One might have predicted that an overprolifera- perception and perceptual organization have been shown to be
tion or overabundance of white matters fibers would be asso- compromised in autism, and the studies we describe below
ciated with an increase in cross-areal correlation and yet the document the atypicalities in both domains and suggest an
studies, such as Kana et al. (2009), suggest otherwise. A possi- association between the difficulties in these processes in
ble resolution to this apparent discrepancy between the individuals with autism. We start off by examining the local
reduced correlations and the increased white matter tracts is processing bias, or enhancement, in individuals with autism
that the signal propagated across the increased tracts may not and then discuss the difficulties in face perception.
have sufficient fidelity with the consequence that the correla- In contrast with the documented difficulties in higher-order
tion across regions will be substantially impeded. perceptual abilities, such as those engaged for face processing
(Gastgeb et al., 2011; Klin et al., 2002; Joseph & Tanaka, 2003;
Humphreys et al., 2008; Lahaie et al., 2006; Pellicano et al.,
Á 2007; Scherf, Behrmann, et al., 2008), individuals with autism
Understanding the Neurobiological have been shown to exhibit hyper- or enhanced sensitivity to
Substrates of Autism Through Studies the more simple local elements of the input (Mottron et al.,
of Visual Information Processing 2009; Soulières et al., 2009). For example, compared to age-
matched, typically developing individuals, those with autism
Many of our studies conducted over the last few years have exhibit superior abilities to detect local targets in visual search
focused on the cortical visual system of individuals with ASD tasks (Plaisted et al., 1999), ignore the influence of increasing
and have provided converging evidence for the claim that sen- numbers of distracters during visual search (O’Riordan et al.,
sory-perceptual function evinces the same simple-complex dis- 2001), and identify fine stimulus features in spatial tasks like
sociation, as described in other more abstract domains such as the Wechsler block design and Embedded Figures Task (Shah
language. Because the same dissociation between simpler versus & Frith, 1993; Jolliffe & Baron-Cohen, 1997), to name but a few
more complex information processing is evident in the visual such observations. At the same time, individuals with autism
system in ASD, we think the same underlying neurobiological appear to be limited in their ability to derive organized wholes
process is likely implicated. Thus, whereas more elementary from perceptual parts, which has been linked to their limited use
visuoperceptual skills are preserved, or possibly even enhanced of gestalt grouping heuristics (Brosnan et al., 2004), the failure
(Ashwin et al., 2009; Mottron et al., 2006; Mottron et al., 2009; to process inter-element relationships (Behrmann et al., 2006),
Soulières et al., 2009) relative to typical controls, more complex and/or the failure to consider the entire visual context (Happé,
information processing requiring the synthesis of disparate bits 1996). Several studies have argued that this focus on local fea-
of information is disproportionately impacted. We begin this tures is specifically detrimental to face recognition processes
section by reporting data from visuoperceptual processing in (Hobson et al., 1988; Boucher & Lewis, 1992; Davies et al.,
adults and in children with autism and then turn to describe a 1994; Klin et al., 2002; Joseph & Tanaka, 2003; Lahaie et al.,
series of recent imaging investigations conducted with the same 2006), and we consider this further below.
populations. The associated imaging investigations, which we Although there is general consensus that the perceptual
describe, also offer supportive evidence for a biological system abilities of individuals with ASD are atypical (for review see
in which local or short-range connectivity is better preserved Behrmann et al., 2006; Dakin & Frith, 2005), there still remains
but longer-range connectivity especially with multi-modal some controversy both about the nature of the atypicality as
640 Autism Spectrum Disorders

well as the source of this atypicality. Some researchers have sug- by key press (is an H or S present) to indicate letter identity.
gested that children with autism exhibit limited abilities to inte- Identification of the global or local letter was required in differ-
grate local elements into a coherent global shape (Plaisted et al., ent blocks of trials. As expected and as predicted from well-es-
1999; Rinehart et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2007), whereas others tablished findings, the typically developing (TD) adults were
have reported typical processing of both the global and local faster to identify letters at the global level (for example, a global
information in hierarchical visual stimuli (Ozonoff et al., 1994; ‘H’ made of small ‘s’s) than at the local letter (for example, the
Mottron et al., 2003; Iarocci et al., 2006; Plaisted et al., 2006). small ‘s’s in the global ‘H’), reflecting the so-called forest
To explore both the difficulty in global organization before the trees finding and indicating a bias to perceptually
and perhaps the undue focus on local elements, in a recent organize the disparate local elements to perceive the global
study (Scherf, Luna et al., 2008b), we conducted two related letter. Importantly, this bias to perceptually organize the local
investigations in children, adolescents, and adults with high- elements increased linearly with age in the TD group. This
functioning autism (HFA) and age- and IQ-matched typically pattern of results was not true for the HFA group, who was
developing (TD) controls, using a well-known task of global/ faster to identify letters at the local level, clearly revealing the
local processing with compound letter stimuli as well as a more bias to perceive the local (trees) rather than global (forest)
novel, fine-grained microgenetic priming paradigm with hier- arrangement of the letters. These findings are consistent with
archical shapes including both few and many local elements. the idea that the emergence of the local processing bias in
In the first investigation, we employed the well-known autism becomes prominent in adolescence and never transi-
hierarchical compound stimuli (Navon, 1977), which included tions into a global bias in adulthood as in the TD individuals.
global letters composed of smaller local letters that were either To confirm these findings, we conducted a second study in
consistent or inconsistent with the global letter in identity (see the same participants and, in this investigation, we assessed
Figure 36-1A). This design allows for performance measures, the temporal evolution of the organized visual percept, instead
such as the speed of identification and asymmetric interference of simply measuring reaction time to identify a global or local
during inconsistent trials (for example, a global ‘H’ made of letter as we had done in the first investigation reported above.
small ‘s’s), to be used to infer the advantage of one level over the To do so, we adopted a paradigm developed by Kimchi (1998,
other (Navon, 1977, 1983). Participants were required to respond Expt 1) to test perceptual organization processes in typical
adults. In this paradigm, participants view (but ignore) an
ambiguous prime (for example, a diamond made of four cir-
A Consistent Inconsistent cles in the “few” element condition or a diamond made of
H H SS SS S S many circles in the “many” element condition) followed
H H S S S H immediately by a pair of test figures (probes). Participants are
HHHH S S SS S S S S H H HH required to judge whether the two probe images are the same
H H S S S H or different and to indicate their response by key press. As evi-
dent from Figure 36-1B, both the prime and probe stimuli
include patterns (i.e., global diamonds composed of smaller
B Similar Similar
circles) with few large elements or with many small elements.
FEW configuration elements (ES) Each test stimulus includes two probes from one of two condi-
(CS) tions, defined by their similarity to the prime stimulus (see
Prime Same Figure 36-1B). In the element-similarity (ES) condition, probes
are similar to the prime in their local elements (circles), but
differ in their global configuration (global square instead of
Different global diamond). In the configuration-similarity (CS) condi-
tion, probes are similar to the prime in their global configura-
tion (diamond), but differ in their local elements (local squares
Similar Similar
configuration elements (ES) instead of local circles).
(CS) The (ignored) prime is presented at several durations,
Prime Same
providing multiple temporal windows over which the repre-
sentation evolves prior to the onset of the probe, and behavio-
ral responses are compared across the prime durations. The
expectation is that, at short prime durations, only the most
dominant characteristic of the percept of the priming stimulus
is represented (e.g., for the few element stimuli, only the local
Figure 36–1. A) The compound letter stimuli used in the global/
information may be represented this early). When the test fig-
local task to evaluate developmental differences in sensitivity to ures share these entry-level or early characteristics with the
global (big letter) and local (small letters) information. B) The prime stimulus, responses will be facilitated. At longer prime
hierarchical shape stimuli used in the microgenetic priming task durations, it is possible that both local and global characteris-
(few- and many-element). tics are represented, in which case the prime would enhance
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 641

both of these dimensions in responses to the test figures. to adulthood in HFA as it does in TD individuals, as was appar-
Because we know that grouping into a whole is easier when ent in the results from the many-element condition.
there are many local elements, we expect there to be an advan- In sum, the findings from both the few- and many-element
tage for the configuration-similarity probes for the many displays indicate that local information dominates the forma-
versus few elements and this advantage may even manifest at tion of a percept in children, adolescents, and adults with autism
early prime durations, reflecting the rapid organization into a regardless of whether the local items are few and large or small
gestalt in the typical visual process. and many. The local information is encoded in the entry-level
Unsurprisingly, we replicated the original Kimchi (1998) units of the percept (results from short prime durations) and
data, and showed that it takes longer (at longer prime dura- organizes the final percept (results from long prime durations).
tions) for the TD adults to evince an advantage for the “few” We only found evidence for superior processing of local infor-
configuration-similarity (CS) condition both because the mation in the many-elements task, which is present by child-
local elements are few and prominent in their own right, but hood. TD children, adolescents, and adults encode more global
also because they are somewhat spatially distant and have to shape information from the many-element displays (as evi-
be integrated to form a global whole and this is perceptually denced by their weaker ES advantage), while those with autism
demanding. Of particular importance to us here, and again exhibit enhanced perception of the local elements. The atypical
like the Kimchi data, these TD adults encode global shape development of these perceptual organizational processes in
information in the entry-level units (at very brief prime ASD may contribute directly to disruptions in the processing of
durations) of the representation for the “many” element dis- visually presented objects, which may, in turn, fundamentally
plays, indicating the rapid and efficient integration of local influence the development of major aspects of the social and
information and access to global shape information. The emotional deficits characteristic of autism (see New et al., 2010,
question then is how individuals with ASD fare under these for recent discussion of social deficit and complexity of this
experimental conditions. deficit). We go on now to explore the relationship between the
We found that HFA adults are faster to make similarity obvious local bias and higher order pattern recognition in ASD.
judgments about test figures that share local elements (ES These atypical perceptual organizational processes, we have
trials) rather than global shape information (CS trials) with argued, may contribute to the difficulties in more complex
the prime, regardless of the prime duration or the number and visual processing, such as face perception, in ASD. In particu-
size of the elements (Behrmann et al., 2006; also reported in lar, ASD individuals may be more focused on local elements of
Scherf, Luna et al., 2008). These results indicate that, in the faces and less able to integrate the elements into a whole. This
HFA adults, both the entry-level units and the final percept of process of integration is thought to become even more critical
hierarchical visual stimuli are dominated by information about when faces are similar and the featural differences themselves
the local elements, regardless of whether the elements are few do not suffice for differentiation. The focus on local aspects of
and large or small and many. This result is consistent with the faces is well captured in this comment by Temple Grandin:
data from the first investigation using compound stimuli in
which the local bias dominated performance in the HFA indi- I often get into embarrassing situations because I do not
viduals, even in the adults with HFA. The same investigation remember faces unless I have seen the people many
with CS and ES test trials conducted with HFA adolescents times or they have a very distinct facial feature such as a
and children revealed a similar finding to that of the HFA big beard, thick glasses or a strange hairstyle. (Thinking
adults: they are faster to say “same” to the element-similarity in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life with Autism
(ES) probes across nearly all exposure durations. Thus, not by Temple Grandin)
only do they not glean the advantage for the configuration at
early prime durations, but, interestingly, they show a much To evaluate whether the same HFA individuals who
greater advantage for the element similarity probes than do showed an undue local bias in the compound letter task and
their matched controls, perhaps reflecting the hypersensitivity micro-genetic task described above also show a difficulty in
to the local elements (even though they are many and small). face recognition, especially as faces become more similar to
In the few-element displays, children, adolescents, and one another, the same adults with HFA who participated in
adults in both groups were biased to encode the local elements, the studies above, made same/different judgments to two faces
regardless of the prime duration, indicating that the ability to presented alongside each other, for unlimited duration, in the
individuate elements presented in hierarchical displays with center of a computer screen. On “different” trials, the faces
few, large items matures quite early in both TD and HFA could be either two faces from different genders or, in the
populations. These results suggest that, beginning in child- more perceptually taxing case, two different faces of the same
hood, local information dominates the formation of a percept gender (see Figure 36-2a). It is in this latter condition that the
in autism from the entry-level units to the longer-term visual reliance not only on featural information but also on the sec-
representation, regardless of the stimulus characteristics of the ond-order relational information among the features becomes
local elements. Furthermore, the ability to group local elements even more necessary. As shown in Figure 36-2b, not only were
perceptually in order to perceive a global shape does not appear the ASD adults slow at making the similarity judgments, but
to mature during the developmental transition from adolescence they were disproportionately slower for judging the more
642 Autism Spectrum Disorders

(a) in individuals with HFA across the age span but also the
association between the local bias and the difficulty making
fine-grained discrimination between faces. The view we have
taken here is that the slowing in face processing in autism, a
higher-order visual task that requires the integration of many
local elements, might arise from a more fundamental visual
(and possibly even sensory-independent) bias toward the local
elements and perhaps simultaneous or resultant difficulty in
integrating local components of a stimulus into a whole. We
have also argued that this fundamental perceptual form of
Same processing is likely not restricted to faces but may impact visual
processing of other, nonface objects, too, when the demands for
discrimination and recognition are high, as is true in the case of
faces (Behrmann et al., 2006; Scherf, Behrmann, et al., 2008).
These findings are not easily accounted for by views that
argue for a primary social, rather than perceptual, deficit in
(b) 3500 autism. The perceptual deficit that we and others have
autism documented may exist independently of a social deficit.
3000 Alternatively, perceptual and social deficits may work in
tandem: the lack of experience and the inadequate attention to
2500 faces may limit the acquisition of the normal configural per-
ceptual skill and/or the perceptual deficit may constrain the
RT (msec)

2000 ability to acquire typical face representations (see also Grelotti

et al., 2005). Either way, there appears to be some fundamen-
1500 tal dissociation between the ability to process local elements
and the ability to integrate these elements efficiently for higher
1000 order pattern perception.

500 Visual Processing: Imaging Investigations

gender individual
In our pursuit to understand the relation between the neuro-
Figure 36–2. a. Examples of stimuli for face discrimination experiment, biological and behavioral manifestations of autism, we have
including one trial where faces differ on the basis of gender and one also undertaken several functional neuroimaging studies of
trial where faces differ on the basis of individual identity. b. Mean visuoperceptual processing in adults and adolescents with
of median RT (and 1 SE) for correct different trials as a function of autism.
conditions of discrimination for autistic and control groups.
Activation of Earlier Versus Later Visual Cortex.
similar faces (albeit a “different” judgment). Taken together,
these behavioral findings not only reveal the slow responses in One prediction that arises from the behavioral studies is
face perception in the HFA adults, but also the disproportion- that individuals with ASD should show reduced or minimal
ate difficulty in the more demanding face task that requires activation of those regions of visual cortex that support
perceptual binding of the elemental features. higher-order visual perception, while earlier parts of the visual
We have shown atypical perceptual processing in tasks system should remain intact. Our own experiments have
requiring holistic grouping or binding of elements and we focused on the former point, although there are good data to
have shown disproportionate slowing in face discrimination suggest that there is preservation (even if not totally normal
in the same individuals. To establish whether there is any asso- activation) of the earlier parts of the visual system (Hadjikhani
ciation between performances on these two tasks, we took the et al., 2004). We also note that some recent investigations have
median RT for each HFA individual on the “individually dif- suggested enhancement of activation in earlier parts of the
ferent/same gender” and correlated them with the local advan- cortical system (Mottron et al., 2006), and a recent study
tage from the compound hierarchical letter task. This analysis reports an increase in grey matter in auditory and visual pri-
yielded a significant r2 value of .61 (p = 0.03). Although cor- mary and associative perceptual areas. These last results dem-
relation is not causation, the relationship between RT in face onstrating potential structural brain correlates of atypical
processing and the local bias is clear in the autistic adult indi- auditory and visual perception in autism provides possible
viduals and is highly suggestive of some common atypicality. support for the enhanced perceptual functioning model
In sum, the behavioral data we have reported here docu- (Mottron, Dawson, Soulières, Hubert, & Burack, 2006;
ment not only the advantage for processing local elements Mottron, Dawson, & Soulières, 2009).
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 643

Consistent with the claim that higher-order regions of visual these (see Figure 36-3a), have been shown to induce stronger
cortex (such as the fusiform gyrus or “fusiform face area”; activation in ventral cortex than do static, black and white
FFA) are engaged in face processing, and that individuals with images, and so we used them to increase our chances of uncov-
autism do not respond preferentially to faces, many studies ering robust cortical response profiles in the HFA group. We
(Corbett et al., 2009; Critchley et al., 2000; Schultz et al., 2000; also note that this task has been used successfully to map cate-
Pierce et al., 2001; Hall et al., 2003; Hubl et al., 2003; Humphreys gory-selective activation in the ventral visual cortex in other
et al., 2008; Ogai et al., 2003; Piggot et al., 2004; Wang et al., populations (Hasson et al., 2004; Avidan et al., 2005; Scherf
2004; Dalton et al., 2005; Grelotti et al., 2005; Deeley et al., et al., 2007). There are no specific task demands in this
2007) have found reduced BOLD activation in the fusiform investigation, and so performance differences between the
face area (FFA, Kanwisher et al., 1997). However, other studies autism and comparison groups cannot account for any differ-
have failed to replicate this finding (Hadjikhani et al., 2004; ent levels of functional activation.
Hadjikhani et al., 2007; Pierce et al., 2004; Bird et al., 2006), Figure 36-3b shows the average activation maps for the
and so there remains some controversy surrounding the brain- autism and typical adults in this experiment projected into a
behavior correspondences in FFA and ASD. single inflated brain with both lateral and ventral projections.
To explore the integrity of higher-order visual cortex and Note that we group together the building and scene related
to map out cortical activation for faces in a broader network activation, as both typically activate the parahippocampal
that extends beyond the FFA to include the occipital face area place area (PPA) in the collateral sulcus (Scherf et al., 2007).
(OFA) and superior temporal sulcus (STS), but also for other The findings from the typical group largely replicate the stand-
images such as places and objects, ASD and TD adult partici- ard findings with extensive activation for faces (red) and
pants viewed naturalistic, real-time movies of unfamiliar faces, objects (blue). The building/scene-related activation (green)
buildings, navigation through open fields, and objects in a in PPA appears somewhat reduced, especially in the left hemi-
blocked fMRI paradigm (Figure 36-3a; Humphreys et al., sphere but this has been noticed in other studies as well
2008). Rich, moving stimuli from multiple categories, such as (Avidan et al., 2005). The most marked feature is the clear



Figure 36–3. Functional MRI study using moving pictures of faces, buildings, scenes, and objects: (a) examples of the stimuli; (b) group
averaged cortical maps from the typical and autism groups showing activation in response to faces, buildings, landscapes, and objects.
The first map shows the average activation map for typical individuals and the second for individuals with autism. (See Color Plate
Section for a color version of this figure.)
644 Autism Spectrum Disorders

reduction in face-related activity in the ASD group and the watching a common, popular movie. We mapped the whole-
only face-related activity at this threshold for the autism group brain activation profile by comparing the evoked fMRI response
is in the right OFA. In contrast, object-related activity in time courses across different subjects (inter-subject correlation,
object-related lateral occipital cortex (LO) appears more inter-SC; Hasson et al., 2004). Computing the inter-SC within
extensive for the ASD than comparison group, this time in the typical individuals (typical-typical), on a voxel-by-voxel
both hemispheres. Ventral visual cortex appears to be organ- basis, quantifies the reliability of the response time-courses in
ized differently in high-functioning adults with autism, at least each brain area across members of the typical group. Recently,
for face-selective regions, although subtle differences may also using this technique, Hasson et al. (2009) demonstrated that,
exist for other categories such as objects. These findings are across typical observers, approximately 30–65% of the cere-
compatible with the other studies that have demonstrated brum evinces similar shared reliable response time-courses
atypical activation in FFA and other face-related regions in under free-viewing of complex naturalistic stimuli, and this
ASD and are also compatible with those studies showing provides a benchmark against which to assess the inter-SC in
enhancement in object related activation (Baily et al., 2005). ASD. Computing the inter-SC between the typical and the
Recently, we also evaluated whether functional organiza- autism groups (typical-autism) provides a measure of similar-
tion in the ventral visual pathway is fundamentally disrupted ity in the functional response in each brain areas across the two
in individuals with HFA during adolescence, the important groups. Low inter-SC between the typical-autism group in con-
period of visuoperceptual development when HFA individuals junction with high inter-SC within the typical group would
fail to develop mature perceptual organizational abilities indicate that the response time course in a given brain area is
(Scherf, Luna, Minshew, & Behrmann, 2010). We used the markedly different in individuals with autism from that of the
same fMRI paradigm described above to map face-, object-, typical individuals. Moreover, computing the inter-SC within
and place-related activation in 10 high-functioning (FSIQ > the autism group (autism-autism) alone can identify reliable
80) adolescents with autism (ages 11–14) and 10 age- and response time courses, which are unique to the ASD group and
IQ-matched controls. Although the HFA adolescents exhib- are not observed in the typical subjects.
ited typical organization in object- and place-related cortex, as All participants watched a 10-minute excerpt from the
a group they failed to show consistent face-selective activation popular movie, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, directed by
in classical face regions (FFA, OFA, STS). These results suggest Sergio Leone, and answered questions posed afterward to
that the functional topography of face-related cortex is selec- probe their comprehension of the plot and sequence of events.
tively disrupted in autism and that this alteration is present in After normalizing all brains to the Talairach coordinate
early adolescence, an important stage of cortical specialization system, we calculated the inter-SC across the entire movie
for TD adolescents. Furthermore, for those adolescents with sequence within the typical group on a voxel-by-voxel basis
autism who do exhibit face-selective activation, face-selective (see Hasson et al., 2004; Hasson et al., 2009, for more details).
cortex tends to be located in traditionally object-related This was done separately for every voxel. Figure 36-4A shows
regions, which supports the hypothesis that perceptual the activation profile sampled from the vicinity of the calcarine
processing of faces in autism may be more akin to the percep- sulcus, which includes the primary visual cortex and nearby
tual processing of common objects in typically developing early visual areas (termed in the paper as area V1+) for each
individuals. Such alterations could result from direct pathol- individual in each group, plotted across the entire movie
ogy to regions within the face-processing network, like the sequence (600s). We also show the correlation among the
fusiform gyrus (van Kooten et al., 2008), and/or to the struc- typical individuals (0.32), reflecting strong similarity in the
tural and functional connections between such regions. Also, individual time courses, and among the ASD individuals
alterations in the visual experiences that individuals with (0.14), reflecting rather different time courses in each indi-
autism have with faces as a result of social aversion and/or vidual. This area was chosen as a clear illustrative example of
excessive focus on features may configure these regions in the the findings, but similar results were obtained in the other
face-processing network atypically (Grelotti et al., 2005). regions of cortex (see Figure 36-4D). In sum, the response
time-courses in area V1+ were highly reliable across all typical
Cortical Response Profile Under subjects whereas the time-courses from the same area in the
Naturalistic Conditions individuals with autism, although highly fluctuating, were
poorly correlated across individuals.
The fMRI studies conducted with ASD individuals, to date, The reduction in the correlation of the response time
focus predominantly on documenting the cortical response courses in individuals with autism held across large regions of
profile of an area or subset of areas of cortex. To examine the posterior cortex. Figure 36-4D presents the average inter-SC
claim that multiple higher-order areas, engaged more in inte- values for the within- and between-group comparisons across
gration of information, are more atypical than lower order the preselected ROIs. The high correlation values within
areas, we have also explored whole brain activation in a group the group of control subjects (typical-typical: red) replicate
of ASD adults. In perhaps the most naturalistic imaging study previous findings (Hasson et al., 2004). In all ROIs (including
we have run to date, we compared the functional connectivity early and higher-order regions), the autism-autism analysis
between disparate regions of cortex from data obtained while (dark green) and the autism-control analysis (light green)
adults with autism and typical controls lay in a MRI scanner showed a substantially reduced correlation of about 40–50%,
Autism as a Developmental Neurobiological Disorder: New Insights from Functional Neuroimaging 645

A Typical individuals Correlation within the typical group : 0.32

(% change image intensity)

fMRI response
0 CO4
−1 CO7
−2 150 300 450

B Autistic individuals Correlation within the autism group: 0.14

(% change image intensity)

fMRI response

0 AU4
−1 AU7
−2 150 300 450

C Average signal Correlation between groups (average responses) : 0.67

(% change image intensity)
fMRI response



−2 150 300 450

Time (sec)

Inter-SC Inter-SC
D between subjects E between average data sets
0.6 1
Within controls
Correlation coefficient

Within controls
Between groups 0.8 Between groups
Within autistics



0 0

Figure 36–4. Signal fluctuations within ROIs. Visual cortex (V11) response time courses for (A) each typical subject and (B) each participant
with autism. (C) The average signal for the typical group (red line) and autism (blue line) group. (D) The mean inter-SC values for the
within-typical group (typical–typical, red bars), within-autism group (autism–autism, light green bars), and between the two groups
(autism–typical, green bars) for selected ROIs. ROI abbreviations: A11, primary and secondary auditory cortices; V11, primary and secondary
visual cortices; LOFA, lateral occipital cortex responsive to pictures of faces; Obj-ITS, object-related area in the inferior temporal sulcus; PPA,
parahippocampal place area; FFA, fusiform face area; PCS, posterior central sulcus responsive to pictures of objects; TOS, transverse occipital
sulcus responsive to pictures of places; STS-Face, area in superior temporal sulcus responsive to pictures of faces. (E) The inter-SC between the
average autism–typical time courses (green bars) and the typical–typical time courses (red bars) in each ROI (same abbreviations as in D). Note
the extent of variability in signal fluctuation in the autism individuals relative to the typical subjects. Moreover, note that by averaging the time
courses within a group the responses become highly correlated across groups. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

relative to the typical subjects’ inter-SC values. An important Visual Processing: Conclusions
observation, however, is that the overall inter-SC values are
higher in primary sensory cortices than in higher-order asso- Taken together, our investigations into the psychological and
ciation cortex, consistent with the hypothesis that more pri- neural mechanisms of visual processing in high-functioning
mary regions of cortex, whose responsibility it is to mediate individuals with ASD reveal a similar pattern: there is relative
more simple forms of processing, might be better preserved in preservation (and perhaps even enhancement, on some
ASD than those regions whose role it is to integrate the higher- accounts) in more elemental, simple, or featural processing,
order statistics of the more complex input. whereas information processing that requires the integration
646 Autism Spectrum Disorders

of the simple elements is disproportionately affected. The to diminish the gaps and increase the specificity of detail
imaging data yield a similar profile: relative preservation of essential to designing treatments for autism.
earlier parts of the visual system and more pronounced atypical • The focus on future work should strive to explain autism
activation in higher-order regions. These alterations, while as a developmental neurobiological disorder with dis-
appearing subtle, nonetheless have a profound impact on how turbances in cortical circuitry to create an integrated,
the brain in autism processes information, and, in turn, how multidimensional definition of the cause of autism from
individuals with autism “see” the world differently (Behrmann, gene to behavioral variability.
Thomas, & Humphreys, 2006). • Interdisciplinary research that seeks to integrate and
These findings exemplify some of the major advances that correlate genetic, neurobiological, neurological, and
have occurred in delineating the neurobiological basis of behavioral findings will be crucial for making progress
neuropsychological functioning in autism in the past decade in understanding the etiology, brain basis, and effective
in large part due to the impact of numerous, carefully executed treatments for the complex disorder of ASD.
functional MRI studies in conjunction with equally meticu-
lous cognitive studies. These findings have created a conver-
gent and consistent picture of distinctive alterations in cortical Á SUGGESTED READINGS
functional connectivity in ASD characterized by intact and or
Minshew, N. J., Goldstein, G., & Siegel, D. J. (1997). Neuropsychologic
increased local connectivity in posterior or occipital parietal
functioning in autism: Profile of a complex information pro-
regions (and probably other primary cortical regions too) and
cessing disorder. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
decreased systems connectivity that particularly impacts con- Society, 3, 303–316.
nectivity with frontal cortex. This distinctive alteration in cir- Behrmann, M., Thomas, C., & Humphreys, K. (2006). Seeing it differ-
cuitry has been shown to alter how the brain processes a broad ently: visual processing in autism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,
range of social and nonsocial information, how the person 10(6), 258–264.
with ASD perceives the world, and how the person with ASD Geschwind, D. H., & Levitt, P. (2007). Autism spectrum disorders:
thinks and feels. developmental disconnection syndromes. Current Opinion in
Neurobiology, 17(1), 103–111.

General Conclusions
The work reported in this chapter was conducted under the auspices
Across all domains impacted by autism, the common thread of research awards granted to NJM from NICHD #HD055748, an
is the preservation of elementary skills and greatest impair- NIH Autism Center of Excellence, and to MB, KSS, and KH from
ments in those abilities that require on-line integration of Cure Autism Now and from the Pennsylvania Department of Health,
information. In previous decades, this dissociation was char- State of Pennsylvania #4100047862.
acterized as a contrast between intact visuospatial abilities
and impaired verbal abilities, which was considered nearly
pathognomonic of autism. With technologic advances, this
pattern is now understood in terms of selective disturbances
Abrahams, B. S., & Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Advances in autism
in cortical connectivity. Recent genetic advances have identi-
genetics: on the threshold of a new neurobiology. Nature Reviews
fied a multitude of abnormal and mutated genes for ASD that Genetics, 9(5), 341–355.
all share a role in the development of neuronal connections Ashwin, C., Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., O’Riordan, M., &
and share common molecular signaling pathways. A little is Bullmore, E. T. (2007). Differential activation of the amygdala
known about the molecular pathophysiology of ASD but far and the “social brain” during fearful face-processing in Asperger
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37 Á Sara Jane Webb, Raphael Bernier, Karen Burner, Michael Murias

Electrophysiological Research on Autism

Á brain networks can be inferred from statistical relations

Points of Interest between neurophysiological signals measured over spatially
separated neuronal regions.
• EEG activity is exquisitely sensitive to neural timing, on The benefits of this methodology are easy to identify. EEG
a resolution that is not matched by other methodologies, is noninvasive, only requiring the participant to wear an elec-
providing the ability to scrutinize physiological changes trode hat for the length of the experiment. In contrast to other
at a unique level of analysis. neuroimaging methodologies, EEG generally does not neces-
• EEG/ERP paradigms can be designed for use both across sitate adherence to strict behavioral requirements. Participant
the age continuum and across variable cognitive func- movement and compliance can be evaluated in real time and
tioning. can be tolerated to a greater extent than in other imaging
• ERP components enable one to disentangle and differ- methods. EEG also has exquisite temporal resolution, with
entiate sensory processing from integration and higher recordings reflecting electrical activity changes on the scale of
order cognitive abilities, which may be important in milliseconds. Limitations have also been recognized including:
understanding autism. poorer spatial resolution than other imaging modalities,
• A failure or delay in activating neural structures that are increased sensitivity to generators that are closer to the surface,
normally specialized for a given process could result in a and insensitivity to sources that are located tangential to
failure to integrate social information. the skull, located in sulci, or located in deep structures
(e.g., hippocampus).
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electri-
cal activity produced by the brain. More specifically, scalp Why Utilize Electrophysiology Measures
recorded EEG is a noninvasive method of measuring postsyn- for the Study of Autism?
aptic activity that is rhythmic and continuous, transient and
episodic. While scalp EEG is not a direct measurement of EEG has been used to study both typical and atypical brain
brain activation, the recordings reflect the propagation of processes since its first recording in humans by Hans Berger
electrical activity to the scalp arising from the synchronous in the 1920s; the first (published) reports focusing on autism
activation of a population of neurons that have a similar spa- emerged in the 1960s. The usefulness of EEG measurements
tial organization. These generators or sources of scalp recorded in autism arises from both theoretical and methodological
activity are located parallel to each other and oriented radially considerations. Theoretically, EEG allows the evaluation of
to the scalp. hypotheses with respect to the timing of brain functioning,
EEG can be examined in many different ways, providing alterations in resting and active brain states, and the poten-
valuable information about the functioning of the brain tial under- and overfunctional connectivity of the brain in
including: (1) EEG oscillatory activity, which is the frequency individuals with autism. Methodologically, EEG paradigms
and amplitude of synchronized neural activity and character- can be created that reduce demands for behavioral compli-
izes the “state” of the brain; (2) evoked potentials (EPs) or ance or manual/vocal responses. The implementation of pas-
event-related potentials (ERPs), which reflect measurements sive paradigms, such as passive viewing of faces or listening
that are time-locked to the presentation of an external stimu- to phonemes, allows the same paradigm to be used both
lus; and (3) coherence, in which functional connectivity in across the age continuum and across variable cognitive

652 Autism Spectrum Disorders

functioning. This approach provides useful information authors concluded that the faster neural response was
about the whole of the autism spectrum. As well, some EEG consistent with the behavioral findings of faster visual detec-
technologies allow for the application of the scalp electrodes tion in individuals with PDD and suggested that this behav-
quickly and for recordings to be conducted over short time ior may be due to varying mechanisms of perception rather
periods, accommodating limited attention or behavioral than attention.
compliance. In another simple visual paradigm using gratings,
Electrophysiology is a broad topic; we have chosen to focus Boeschoten, Kenemnas, van Engeland, and Kemner (2007)
on EEG and ERPs in response to visual stimuli during percep- found increased N80 responses to high spatial frequencies in
tual and attention processes, social processes, and background children with PDD compared to controls but a failure to show
neural processes. differential sources of activity for high and low spatial fre-
quencies (also see Milne et al., 2006). The P1, thought to be
generated by the extrastriate cortex V2 (e.g., Mangun,
Á Buonocore, Girelli, & Jha, 1998; Di Russo, Martinez, Sereno,
Event Related Potentials to Perceptual Pitzalis, & Hillyard, 2002), was smaller in children with PDD
and Attention Processes than in controls, and the inferior medial sources were weaker
with increased supplementary source activity in the superior
Theory and Methods lateral area. The authors concluded that this represented a fail-
ure of anatomical separation for the N80, decreased special-
ERPs in response to visual stimulation can be recorded within ized processing of frequencies, and decreased extrastriate
a short time of stimulus onset. Basic level processing to black activity.
and white checkerboards can be characterized within millisec- Visual boundary detection mechanisms, but not surface
onds of stimulus onset over occipital electrodes and likely segregation, have been found to be abnormal in adults with
reflects the activity of the extrastriate visual cortex. More com- ASD compared to typical controls. ERP results in adults with
plex stimuli, which evoke more complicated “higher-level” ASD suggested reduced perception of boundary detection start-
perceptual and cognitive processes, likely reflect the activity ing 121 ms after stimulus presentation consistent with impaired
and contributions of many different neural systems that over- (behavioral) identification of boundaries (Vandenbroucke,
lap in time and spatial distribution. The resulting waveform is Scholte, van Engeland, Lamme, & Kemner, 2008). This was
composed of multiple potentials, each with a characteristic hypothesized to reflect a deficit in horizontal connections
latency range and spatial distribution. within visual areas; intact surface segregation was interpreted as
A careful analysis of ERPs enables one to disentangle and associated with normal recurrent or feedback processes from
differentiate sensory processing from integration and higher- higher-level areas.
order cognitive abilities, which may be important in under- While the number of early visual processing reports is
standing autism. If a sensory system is limited in its ability to relatively small, there are some general conclusions that can
perceive the environment, this would be represented in abnor- be made. First, activity within the primary visual cortex seems
mal sensory ERPs such as brain stem evoked potentials or to be intact or potentially enhanced. Second, ERPs located
early visual evoked potentials. If autism, however, is better originating from the extrastriate cortex demonstrate a pat-
represented by a failure of integration or a limitation in overall tern suggestive of perceptual impairment. Area V2 receives
capacity for information processing, this would be represented direct projections from V1 and shares many similar proper-
in abnormal endogenous, later cognitive components of the ties but is also modulated by more complex properties includ-
signal, or decreased coherence. ing figure/ground separation. Bertone et al. (2005) have
suggested that individuals with autism have reduced efficiency
Visual Processing of neurointegrative mechanisms within the perceptual sys-
tems, which would invariably impact the relatively more inte-
While not specifically captured in the diagnostic criteria for grative processes of the extrastriate cortex. Both Milne et al.
autism, the existence of altered perceptual processing has (2009) and Vandenbroucke et al. (2008) are consistent with
been proposed as an important phenotype of the disorder. this interpretation.
The early visual component C1 peaks approximately 60–100
ms after stimulus onset and is thought to be generated by the Attention
primary visual cortex (V1, area 17) (e.g., Clark et al., 1995;
di Russo et al., 2001). During perception of Gabor patches, Central Attention: Target Processing
sinusoidal luminance patterns, children with pervasive
developmental disorder (PDD) demonstrated shorter latency ERPs can be collected during selective attention paradigms in
to the peak of C1 compared to matched typical controls. which a rare, novel, infrequent, or unattended stimulus is
Higher Childhood Autism Rating Scale scores were corre- compared to a standard, frequent, or attended stimulus. This
lated with faster latency (Milne, Scope, Pascalis, Buckley, type of experiment results in a N1, P2, N2, and P3 complex
& Makeig, 2009). Given the simplicity of the stimuli, the (or LPC). The P3 is thought to reflect neural generators in the
Electrophysiological Research on Autism 653

temporal, parietal, and frontal areas, and amplitude of the P3 is when attending to targets in the periphery, demonstrate
thought to be related to the amount of attention and processing reduced LPC amplitude and smaller P3b amplitudes
capacity. Smaller P3 amplitudes are thought to reflect decreased accompanied by high variability in performance (Verbaten,
processing capacity or allocation of resources, abnormal exec- Roelofs, van Engeland, Kenemans, & Slangen, 1991). Similarly,
utive functions (e.g., Halgren, Marinkovic, & Chauvel, 1998), Townsend et al. (2001) found reduced accuracy to targets in
working memory (e.g., Donchin & Coles, 1988), or comple- the visual periphery, delayed or missing early LPC during
tion of perceptional processes and associated release of neural attention to peripheral visual fields, and smaller amplitudes
inhibition that follows task resolution (e.g., Kutas, McCarthy, over the parietal cortex during conditions when context
& Donchin, 1977; Verleger, 1988). Of note, individuals with a updating was of paramount importance. The authors inter-
wide range of conditions demonstrate abnormal P3 responses, preted this as a disruption of spatial attention networks and
including but not limited to schizophrenia, depression, ADD, consistent with abnormalities in the cerebellar-frontal/parietal
dyslexia, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, and normal aging spatial attention systems. When the central stimulus over-
(Picton, 1992; Polich & Criado, 2006). lapped with the peripheral target, Kawakubo et al. (2007)
During auditory/visual divided attention tasks, for example, found increased amplitude activity during the presaccade
when the participant is required to attend to a stimulus in a period in adults with ASD as compared to neurotypical adults,
primary modality (e.g., tone) and ignore the presence of irrel- which was interpreted as a difficulty in disengagement during
evant (unattended) probe a in a second modality (e.g., square), visuospatial attention.
reduced P3 amplitude to the attended stimuli is thought to
reflect attention trade-offs. Several studies suggest that indi- Summary
viduals with autism fail to reduce activation to the attended
stimulus (Ciesielski et al., 1990; Hoeksma, Kemner, Verbaten, & The studies reviewed here suggest that individuals with ASD
van Engeland, 2004). For example, Hoeksma et al. (2004) may have subtle impairments in the integrative stages of visual
found that when the task load was increased, children and processing and attention allocation. Abnormalities in these
adolescents with PDD showed increased early responses to early stages of information processing have the potential to
unattended (visual) probes and failed to show normal reduc- disrupt integrative cognitive processes that require complex
tion of processing to attended (auditory) probes. The authors information. For example, if visual stimuli are being encoded
suggested this represented abnormal allocation of attention without correct figure-ground information or the correct bal-
but not necessarily a decreased processing capacity. This pat- ance of high/low spatial frequency information, then systems
tern of results was clearly found in the children but was less that must utilize this to identify and respond accordingly
characteristic of the adolescents. It is unclear if this represents would organize around incorrect or degraded information.
delayed development of the attention system or potentially This might result in reduced attention to and differentiation
subtle differences in subgroups of individuals with ASD. of social stimuli.

Central Attention: Novelty Detection

Some findings suggest that late visual evoked parietal P3b to Electrophysiology and Social Processes
novel stimuli is abnormal in individuals with ASD (Novick
et al., 1979; Verbaten, Roelofs, van Engeland, Kenemans, & Theory and Methods
Slangen, 1991), but that these responses to visual stimuli may
be less impaired than responses to auditory stimuli (Courchesne Much of what we think of as social represents a dynamic
et al., 1989; Courchesne, Lincoln, et al., 1985). Lincoln, interaction between two or more people. One of the con-
Courchesne, Harms, and Allen (1993) propose that the straints of ERP methodology is that social processes must be
decreased P3b amplitudes noted in ASD may reflect difficulty decomposed into time locked segments. These simple compo-
in changing expectancies in response to contextually relevant nent parts can be presented as static images and contrasted to
information. Furthermore, the authors suggest that a basic nonsocial categories or perceptual matches. However, EEG
disturbance in the habituation process results in difficulties in recordings in general do not have this temporal constraint,
discriminating novel information. An alternative hypothesis is and more recent work has focused on changes in the state of
that a failure to extract relevant information in order to create brain activity during dynamic protocols.
a “standard” category results in impairments in differentiating
novel stimuli to the same degree as controls (Gastgeb, Strauss, & Face Processing
Minshew, 2006).
A sizable amount of literature exists regarding the exploration
Shifting Attention from Central to Peripheral Stimuli of the neural circuitry of face processing via ERPs and other
neuroimaging methods of individuals with typical develop-
Behaviorally, individuals with autism demonstrate a ment. One ERP component, called the N170, has been
number of impairments in orienting. Children with ASD, identified as a face sensitive component because it is greater in
654 Autism Spectrum Disorders

amplitude and shorter in latency to face stimuli relative to differences. Within the parent group, atypical hemispheric
other types of stimuli (e.g., Bentin et al., 1996). Recorded over activation was associated with poorer performance on the
the posterior temporal region and peaking between 130 and Reading the Mind in the Eyes task (Dawson et al., 2008). These
170 ms in response to faces, the N170 is larger in amplitude to ERP findings parallel ERP responses to emotional faces in
eyes than inverted faces and upright faces. Likewise, these young children with autism (Dawson et al., 2004).
stimuli result in a larger N170 amplitude than the presentation
of noses or mouths (e.g., Bentin et al., 1996). Face Memory
In individuals with ASD, reports suggest abnormalities in
the precursor N170 in 3- to 4-year-old children with ASD, and Several studies with infants and children have evaluated face
the N170 in adolescents and adults with ASD, as well as in and object memory processes using ERPs (e.g., Carver et al.,
parents of children with ASD (Dawson et al., 2005; McPartland, 2003; de Haan & Nelson, 1997, 1999; Webb, Long & Nelson,
Dawson, Webb, Panagiotides, & Carver, 2004; Webb, Dawson, 2005). In these studies a highly familiar stimulus, such as a
Bernier, & Panagiotides, 2006). Three- to 4-year-old children picture of the child’s mother or favorite object, is compared to
with autism showed a faster response to objects than faces a picture of an unfamiliar face or an unfamiliar object,
(Webb et al., 2006). In contrast, children with typical develop- respectively. In this paradigm, both image categories, familiar
ment demonstrated a faster precursor N170 to faces than and unfamiliar, are presented in the same manner within the
objects in the right hemisphere, while children with develop- experimental setting, but differ in the child’s a priori experience
mental delay (chronologic and mental age controls) failed to with them. By 45 to 54 months, typical children show a faster
demonstrate any differential responses. latency and increased amplitude response to unfamiliar faces
Adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) also show than to familiar faces. In contrast, responses to familiar and
disruptions in face processing measured via ERPs. McPartland unfamiliar objects are similar (Carver et al., 2003).
et al. (2004) found that 9 adolescents and adults with ASD had In 3- to 4-year-old children with ASD, the Nc does not
slower N170 responses to faces than objects (also O’Connor differ in response to the mother’s face versus an unfamiliar
et al., 2007). O’Connor et al. (2005) found that the group with face, but does differ between a favorite toy as compared to an
Asperger’s (ASP) had slower P1 and N170 responses to facial unfamiliar toy (Dawson et al., 2002). Chronologically age-
expressions of emotions compared to controls Additionally, matched typical children, demonstrated a greater Nc amplitude
the ASP group had reduced amplitude at the N170 compared response to both the unfamiliar face compared to the familiar
to the typical group. O’Connor et al. (2005, 2007) interpreted face and the unfamiliar object compared to the familiar object.
these results as reflecting impaired holistic and configural By 6 years of age, both children with ASD and chronologically
processing of faces, potentially due to decreased attention to and mentally age matched children show differential temporal
internal features or a failure of expertise processing. In con- processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces at the Nc as well as
trast, in a recent report that explicitly directed the subject’s the pr-N170. As seen in Figure 37-1, children with ASD
attention toward the eye region of the face, Webb et al. (2009) continue to show delays in latency when processing face
found that 32 high-functioning adults with ASD demonstrated stimuli compared to control children—both children with
P1 and N170 responses to faces that were greater in amplitude developmental delay and neurotypical development (Webb,
and faster in latency than to houses. This pattern is similar to Dawson, Bernier, & Panagiotides, 2008).
that found in neurotypical adults. Adults with ASD, however,
failed to show any inversion differences. Namely, they failed to
differentiate upright and inverted faces at the ERP component
level. This failure to differentiate upright and inverted faces in 260 260
Face Familiar face
the temporal domain was related to self-reported social skills. Object Novel face
Specifically, a faster response to upright vs. inverted faces, was
240 240
correlated to less social anxiety and distress, greater social
competence, and fewer autism social symptoms. Similar to
Jemel et al. (2006), we concluded that if face processing was a
220 220
pervasive and encompassing deficit in ASD, we would expect
the results to be similar across reports.
It has been hypothesized that altered face processing ability 200 200
might be an endophenotypic trait associated with autism. ASD Control ASD Control
Parents of children with ASD failed to show a differential
Figure 37–1. Latency (in milliseconds) of pr-N170 response to faces
latency of the N170 to faces versus nonface stimuli and failed
and objects (left) and familiar and novel face (right) in 6-year-old
to show a right-lateralized N170 distribution (Dawson et al., children with ASD or controls. Both groups demonstrate a faster
2005). During a task involving the processing of a facial response to faces than objects, and a faster response to familiar
emotion, again, parents of children with ASD failed to than novel face. However, the ASD group’s responses remain
demonstrate differential latency of the N170 to neutral and significantly slower to all categories compared to those by the
happy faces versus fear faces and N170 (amplitude) hemispheric control group.
Electrophysiological Research on Autism 655

Emotion Charman et al., 1997; Osterling, Dawson, & Munson, 2002),

atypical gaze fixation patterns (Klin, Jones, Schultz,
Many researchers have suggested that the ability to use or Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002), and eye gaze processing impair-
understand information from faces is a core deficit in autism ments (Mundy et al., 1986; Dawson et al., 1998) that may
(e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1994; Dawson et al., 2002; Frith, 1989). contribute to their social cognitive deficits. These behavioral
Given that emotion is often displayed in the face, differentiat- observations of eye gaze behavior have led to the examination
ing a deficit in face processing from impairments in under- of the neural basis of eye gaze processing in individuals with
standing and recognizing facial expressions is difficult. autism, which has produced inconsistent results. A few stud-
However, studies have shown intact recognition of facial ies have found a larger response (measured by the N2, a face
expressions despite significant deficits in facial recognition in specific occipitotemporal component) to direct gaze than to
patients with prosopagnosia (Shuttleworth et al., 1982). On averted gaze in children with ASD (Grice et al., 2005;
the other hand, patients who underwent an amygdalectomy Kylliainen, Braeutigam, Hietanen, Swithenby, & Bailey, 2006)
demonstrate the reverse pattern, i.e., exhibiting a deficit in while others have failed to find a difference in the N2 between
expression recognition but retaining facial recognition proc- direct and averted gaze in individuals with ASD (Senju,
esses (Adolphs et al., 1994). These findings suggest that the Hasegawa, & Tojo, 2005). In addition, response to eye gaze in
two abilities can be separated at the neural and theoretical the N2 was bilaterally distributed in children with ASD,
level (Bruce & Young, 1986). whereas the response was lateralized on the right side in typi-
Differential ERPs to distinct facial expressions of emotion cally developing children (Senju et al., 2005).
have also been shown in infants (Nelson & de Haan, 1996) and Developmental and contextual factors may account for
young children (Batty & Taylor, 2003), suggesting that some these different results since the Senju et al. (2005) study
discrimination of facial expressions may occur at early process- included older children and required attention to be paid to
ing stages. In preschoolers aged 3 to 4 years, with ASD or typi- the direction of the gaze. Another possible interpretation of
cal development, only the typical group displayed a faster and these contrasting findings comes from a recent behavioral
larger early (300 ms) ERP response and a larger slow wave examination of eye gaze detection. The study found that simi-
amplitude ERP response to the fear face than the neutral face. larly to typically developing children, children with autism
In contrast, children with ASD did not differentiate the fear detect direct gaze faster and more efficiently than averted gaze.
face at either stage of processing. These findings suggest that However, children with ASD tended to use featural informa-
ASD is associated with abnormal processing of facial expres- tion to detect direct gaze whereas typically developing chil-
sions of emotion and that these abnormalities originate during dren relied on configural information (Senju, Kikuchi,
early stages of processing. Given that the processing of facial Hasegawa, Tojo, & Osanai, 2008). The authors interpreted
expression requires facial processing, it is likely that any these findings in the context of previous neuropsychological
abnormalities in the initial stages of face processing would dis- research showing that direct gaze elicits a larger ERP response
rupt further processing of the emotion displayed on the face. than averted gaze in children with autism, but not typically
Conflicting evidence exists for impairment in processing developing children (Grice et al., 2005; Kyllianinen et al.,
emotional expressions in children with ASD. In older chil- 2006). This is possibly because the children with autism are
dren, differential processing of emotions via ERPs has not using a featural strategy that may rely on low-level psycho-
shown pervasive impairments in ASD. Wong et al. (2008) physiological features in eye gaze detection.
found normal patterns of ERP and behavioral responses to
emotional expressions. However, using source localization, Imitation
the children with autism displayed slower and weaker
responses to emotional expressions in regions responsible for In the 30-year history of imitation research in autism, imita-
face perception and emotion processing (Wong, Fung, Chua, tive deficits in individuals with ASD have consistently been
& McAlonan, 2008). Supporting this finding, another ERP observed, and several researchers have suggested that imita-
study failed to find a difference in emotional face processing tion deficits are one of the core impairments of autism (e.g.,
between high-functioning, 9-year-old children with ASD Rogers & Pennington, 1991; Williams, Whiten, Suddendorf &
compared with mental-aged-matched typically developing Perrett, 2001). Despite the variability in imitation testing
children (Burner, Webb, & Dawson, 2008). In summary, these methodologies, sample characteristics, and control groups
results suggest that further examination of factors such as age employed, 19 of 21 well-designed studies have found imitative
and verbal abilities in individuals with ASD is warranted in the deficits in autism. This imitation impairment is most marked
area of facial emotion processing. by deficits in imitation of nonmeaningful gestures and reversal
errors (Williams et al., 2004).
Eye Gaze The EEG mu rhythm, first observed by Gastaut and Bert in
1954, is believed to reflect activity of an execution/observation
Eye contact and eye gaze serve as important functions in matching system—the mirror neuron system (Pineda, 2005;
social interaction and communication. Individuals with Muthukumaraswamy & Johnson, 2004). The EEG mu rhythm
autism often display atypical eye contact (Baranek, 1999; band falls between 8 and 13 Hz (generally the alpha frequency
656 Autism Spectrum Disorders

band) but is recorded from central electrodes. Underlying within the social symptom domain in individuals with ASD,
neurons fire synchronously when an individual is at rest, but addressing this source of variability will be important.
during the execution and observation of an action, the under-
lying neurons activate, and this results in the attenuation of
the mu rhythm amplitude. This attenuation pattern of the mu Á
wave has been consistently observed in adults and children Background Neural Processes
(e.g., recent papers include Babiloni et al., 2003; Cochin et al.,
2001; Lepage & Theoret, 2006; Martineau & Cochin, 2003; Theory and Methods
Muthukumaraswamy, Johnson, & McNair, 2004).
Recent work analyzing the EEG mu rhythm in individuals Most EEG research in ASD focuses on scalp recordings in
with ASD suggests differential activation of mu related to awake human subjects. Cortical neural populations that
action execution and observation (Bernier et al., 2007; exhibit a high degree of oscillatory synchrony over relatively
Oberman et al., 2005; Oberman, Ramachandran, & Pineda, large areas (on the order of at least 100–1000 mm2) can gener-
2008). Oberman and colleagues reported on 10 males with ate electrical potentials that are measurable with electrodes
ASD ranging from 6 to 47 years of age and 10 age- and gen- placed on the scalp (Lopes da Silva & Pfurtsceller, 1999; Nunez
der-matched controls. Participants executed a simple hand & Srinivasan, 2006). This neuronal activity is spatially low-
movement or watched videos of a moving hand, two bounc- pass filtered by the poorly conducting skull, limiting the spa-
ing balls, or television static (Oberman et al., 2005). In the tial resolution of scalp recorded EEG. Estimates of spatial
typical group, as expected, the authors found characteristic resolution are dependant on the density of the electrode
mu attenuation during the execution and observation of the array employed, ranging from 20 cc^3 or more in low density
hand movements but not during the two control conditions. (19 electrode arrays) to 6–8 cm cc^3 in higher density
However, the ASD group failed to show attenuation of the (128 channel) arrays (Ferree et al., 2001).
mu rhythm during the observation condition. In a second
study of adults with ASD utilizing the EEG mu rhythm, Epilepsy
Bernier and colleagues replicated Oberman’s findings, using a
paradigm in which participants executed a grasp of a wooden A striking feature of ASD is the increased but variable risk of
block and observed the experimenter grasping the block epilepsies among affected individuals. Seizure occurrence is
(Bernier et al., 2007). In this study of adults with ASD com- common, with prevalence estimates ranging from 5% to 39%
pared to age and cognitive ability matched adults with typical (Tuchman et al., 2002). These EEG instabilities are proposed
development, the typical adults showed attenuation of the to result from atypical cellular, molecular, and local excitato-
mu rhythm during both the conditions of execution and ry-inhibitory neuronal circuits (Rubenstein & Merzenich,
observation. The adults with ASD showed mu attenuation 2003) that result in imbalanced cortical function due either to
only during the execution of the simple hand action. increased excitatory glutamatergic signaling, or reduced
Additionally, the adults with ASD showed significant impair- inhibitory GABAergic activity. Proposed disruptions in
ments in imitative ability behaviorally. However, imitation
ability was also significantly correlated with degree of mu
wave attenuation. As imitative ability increased so did the
degree of mu rhythm attenuation when observing movement.
This correlation was strongest for mu attenuation and the
Total score for facial imitation

ability to imitate facial expressions (Figure 37-2).
Impairments in multiple aspects of face processing and imita-
tion have been documented in individuals with ASD using both 45
behavioral and EEG methods. Recent results examining the
N170 suggest that early stages of face processing may be rela- 40 ASD group
tively more impaired in young children with autism, with vari- Control group
able impairments in adults. This pattern would suggest that 35 Fit line for total

performance of the face processing system may be influenced by −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

associated processing related to the type of task (e.g., attention) Difference in Mu power
and ultimately more amenable to developmental mechanisms (Mu suppression)
or intervention. Similarly, our recent finding that mu attenua- Figure 37–2. Mu suppression (difference in mu power between
tion during observation of action is correlated with behavioral observe and baseline) and face summary score for the behavioral
performance suggests that there may be important neural vari- imitation measure. Greater mu suppression is correlated with
ability within the autism phenotype. Given the heterogeneity higher (better) face imitation scores.
Electrophysiological Research on Autism 657

interneuron development (Levitt, 2005) that contribute to Higher Frequency Rhythms

seizure activity may reduce neural synchrony, as coupling
among interneurons underlies the generation of oscillatory The higher frequency EEG bands beta 1, beta 2 and gamma
and synchronous activity in the cerebral cortex (Buzsáki & span 12–80 Hz and are thought to be generated in neuronal
Chrobak, 1995). At a larger scale, cortical minicolumns appear networks that include excitatory pyramidal cells and inhibi-
narrower and more numerous in ASD, with constituent neu- tory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic interneurons
rons more dispersed, and a suspected coincident deficit of (Whittington et al., 2000). Murias et al. (2007) discerned that
GABAergic inhibition (Casanova et al., 2002), which may a lower beta range (13–17 Hz) relative power increase existed
serve to diminish local connectivity. Brain stem abnormalities at posterior scalp locations in adults with ASD. Orekhova et al.
may also play a role in atypical electrical activity. Welsh et al. (2007) demonstrated a pathological increase of gamma (24.4–
(2005) suggested ASD may be associated with disruptions in 44.0 Hz) in two separate populations of boys with ASD.
synchronization among neural networks in the inferior olive, Consistent with the theory of imbalanced excitatory/inhibi-
in which rhythmical oscillation in membrane potentials, tory mechanisms in ASD (Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003),
mediated by altered connexin36 receptors, could contribute the abnormally high levels of spontaneous gamma activity in
to reduced neural synchrony in ASD. autism suggests high levels of excitability, reflecting noisy cor-
tical networks.

Spontaneous EEG Rhythms in ASD

Spontaneous EEG generally refers to recordings made with- In participants with ASD, Dawson et al. (1982) found atypical
out time locking to an external stimulus, often in an awake patterns of cerebral lateralization, involving right-hemisphere
but resting subject (similar to “default mode”) (e.g., Raichle, dominance for both verbal and spatial functions, suggesting
2001). Spontaneous activity is typically interpreted across selective impairment of the left cerebral hemisphere.
predefined frequency bands that represent the speed of neural Stroganova et al. (2007) found abnormal lateralization in chil-
oscillations: delta (< 4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), dren with ASD, especially in the right temporal cortex. Resting
beta 1 (12–20 Hz), beta 2 (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–80 anterior EEG asymmetry in high-functioning children with
Hz). These wide frequency bands are functionally defined in ASD who displayed right frontal asymmetry displayed more
adults. Understanding the development of these rhythms symptoms of social impairments and better visual analytic
poses a significant challenge for pediatric research, as func- skills than did children who displayed left frontal asymmetry
tional reactivity in any particular frequency range can differ (Sutton et al., 2005).
according to age. Spontaneous EEG is generally reported in
terms of absolute or relative power. Relative power measures,
which express amplitudes in a particular frequency band as a
percentage of the wider power spectrum, serve to normalize Theoretical conceptions of ASD have postulated abnormalities
the EEG and facilitate comparisons between subjects without in connections among distributed neural systems (Belmonte
bias from individual amplitude differences. However, relative et al., 2004; Rippon et al., 2007; Courchesne & Pierce, 2005;
power creates interdependencies across frequency bands. Just et al., 2004). Anatomical support for disordered cortical
Optimally, both relative and absolute measurements should connectivity includes the observation of increased white matter
be analyzed. in ASD, with frontal lobe white matter showing the greatest
increase (Herbert et al., 2004). Decreased volumes of the
Delta, Theta, and Alpha Range EEG in ASD corpus callosum have been observed in adults (Hardan et al.,
2000) and children (Boger-Megiddo et al., 2006; Manes et al.,
Accumulating evidence suggests elevated power in the theta 1999; Vidal et al., 2006) with ASD. This suggests that the symp-
range is frequently associated with ASD. Murias et al. (2007) toms of ASD may be related to impaired interactions within
found significantly increased relativez power in ASD adults brain networks, rather than impaired function of specialized
compared to controls at theta range (3–6 Hz) frequencies. cortical regions. Other factors beside white matter contribute
This appears consistent with Daoust et al.’s (2004) observa- to connectivity, for example, reduced cortical inhibition in
tions of elevated absolute frontal theta power among ASD ASD would tend to decrease the degree of synchrony of widely
subjects during sleep and waking states. Similarly, Coben et al. distributed regions (Courchesne & Pierce, 2005).
(2008) found relative, but not absolute, theta was greater and The levels of synchronization between neural populations
reduced relative delta amplitudes in the ASD group. Murias can be estimated from EEG recordings via coherence meas-
et al. (2007) found decreased relative power in the alpha urements. The coherence statistic is a squared correlation
(9–10 Hz) range, consistent with pediatric findings of Cantor coefficient that provides a measure of the linearity of the rela-
et al. (1986) and Dawson et al. (1995), both of which noted tion between two EEG electrodes at one particular frequency.
decreased absolute alpha power in frontal regions among High coherence between two EEG signals indicates the con-
children with ASD. tribution of synchronized neuronal oscillations to each
658 Autism Spectrum Disorders

electrode, suggesting functional integration between neural Á

populations, while low coherence suggests functional segre- Challenges
gation. EEG coherence is primarily a measure of phase cor-
relation and with a sufficient density of recording electrodes Methodology
is believed to reflect functional cortical connectivity on a cen-
timeter scale (Nunez & Srinivasan, 2006; Srinivasan et al., Similar to other scientific domains, differences in analytical
1998) either directly via corticocortical fiber systems or indi- methods employed by different investigators make comparisons
rectly through networks that include other cortical or subcor- across EEG and ERP studies difficult. For EEG, of particular
tical structures. The dynamics of EEG coherence may be more importance is the definition of frequency bands. Reports of
sensitive to changes in the developing brains than power EEG spectra averaged over broad frequency bands provide
measures. Srinivasan et al. (1999) differentiated genuine spa- only coarse frequency resolution and allow for the possibility
tial correlations from volume conduction and reference elec- that frequency-specific effects within bands cancel out or go
trode effects, and found cortical areas contributing to the otherwise undetected.
alpha rhythm to be far more weakly correlated with each Any choice of reference electrode placement distributes
other in preadolescent children than in adults. the signal at the reference site throughout the array of elec-
In adults with ASD with the eyes closed in a resting state, trodes. For example, the use of either one ear potential or the
Murias et al. (2007) reported globally reduced EEG coher- average of two ear potentials as a reference confounds coher-
ence in the 8–10 Hz frequency range (Figure 37-3). Coherence ence estimates by redistributing the potentials at the reference
was markedly diminished within frontal electrode sites, and site (Srinivasan et al., 1998; Nunez & Srinivasan, 2006).
between frontal and temporal, parietal, and occipital sites. In Historically, many ERP studies have shifted from low-density
contrast to the globally reduced alpha rhythm, this study arrays using ear, nose, or vertex references to high-density
found local ASD increases in theta range (3–6 Hz) coherence average reference arrays. Specifically, recordings made from
in temporal regions that were independent of frontal lobe sparse electrode arrays with a linked-ears reference strategy
power findings. The nature of these findings suggests that the limit interpretation of prior literature in developmental psy-
frontal lobe has weak functional connections with the rest of chopathology. Depending on the nature of the (unknown)
the cortex in the alpha frequency range and appears consist- signals at “recording” and “reference” sites, changes in power
ent with metabolic studies showing reduced correlated blood or phase at the reference location can easily be reflected as
flow between frontal and other regions (Horwitz et al., 1988; changes in coherence or amplitude between two other record-
Villalobos et al., 2005). Coben et al. (2008) reported decreased ing electrodes. With a sufficiently large number of recording
coherences in children with ASD in delta, theta, and alpha electrodes the average reference approximates reference
ranges. independence.

9 1

8 0.9

7 0.8

Coherence γ 2
Power (μV2)

Typical 0.5 Typical
4 Autism Autism

1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Figure 37–3. Eyes closed, resting EEG averages from 18 high functioning adults with autism, and 18 age- and IQ-matched controls.
The power spectrum of frontal electrode Fz, shown at left, shows that groups do not differ in peak frequency of the alpha rhythm (10 Hz),
but peak alpha amplitude is significant reduced in the ASD group. The coherence spectra between two frontal electrodes is shown at right,
showing reduced coherence in the ASD group.
Electrophysiological Research on Autism 659

Volume conduction (the passive flow of current across the With any methodology, risks are also present in the
scalp, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid) also strongly influences development, analysis, and interpretation of research findings.
scalp potential EEG coherence (Srinivasan et al., 1998; Nunez Primarily, behavioral compliance and resulting noise/error
& Srinivasan, 2006), and has been shown in electrical models within EEG recordings is a significant issue. Second, known
of the head to introduce artificial coherence between elec- (and unknown) differences in anatomical architecture will
trodes separated by less than 10–12 centimeters. Thus, EEG impact and contribute to signal propagation and the scalp
potential coherence measurements are only meaningful with recording of EEG activity. These differences may reflect within
regard to widely spaced electrode pairs. Coherence between and between group variability, as well as natural variability in
closely spaced EEG electrodes is elevated even when the the developmental trajectory of neural architecture. The spatial
underlying brain sources are entirely uncorrelated, such that resolution of EEG may be improved with source localization
increases in the strength of one cortical source region will methods, specifically when used in combination with MRI
increase coherence between two electrodes located within 10 images. Third, similar to behavioral paradigms, researchers
cm of the source region, confounding source strength with often assume that two individuals or two groups are “partici-
coherence. Spatial enhancement methodologies such as the pating” in the same manner; that is, similar external behaviors
Laplacian derivation (Nunez & Srinivasan, 2006) and finite reflect a similar internal strategy. Even under directed states,
element deblurring (Gevins & Illes, 1991) avoid spatial filtering such as counting or resting with eyes closed, participants may
by volume conduction, but may be insensitive to low spatial have different strategies for completing the same task. Lastly,
frequency source dynamics, especially those generated in facility with EEG analysis can be varied and often the detection
broadly distributed cortical or subcortical regions. of noise, eye blinks or eye movements, and other noise signals
is subjective or poorly defined across reports.
Functioning of Subjects

Individuals with ASD have substantial adaptive functioning dif- Á

ficulties, including variable cognitive performance and sensory Conclusion
abnormalities. Behaviors related to verbal understanding, tac-
tile hypersensitivity, hyperactivity, and inattention will impact In the study of autism, EEG/ERP findings have demonstrated
compliance, which in turn can impede recording of quality data slowed neural speed, lack of stimulus or condition differentia-
and lead to subject selection bias that can reduce the representa- tion, both reduced and increased activation, and altered topo-
tiveness of the findings. Appropriate methodological and graphical distribution. Each of these results has independently
behavioral strategies in the EEG lab can mitigate these issues contributed to our understanding of autism and has been used
(Foote, 2004). Training in methods for desensitizing individu- to redefine our understanding of the processes that contribute
als with ASD to the EEG lab and methods for monitoring atten- to autism behaviors. For example, a failure or delay in activat-
tion and compliance is essential. However, practical problems ing neural structures that are normally specialized for a given
such as motion artifact and short recording times contribute process such as the fusiform gyrus for faces, could result in a
substantially to difficulties in interpreting across studies. failure to interconnect information such as linking a facial
movement to vocalization. Temporal asynchrony in process-
Benefits and Risks of EEG/ERP ing has consequences for both the formation of neural circuits
and the behaviors that directly result from the utilization of
To a large degree, the risks and benefits of utilizing EEG/ERP that circuitry (Dawson, Webb, & McPartland, 2005; Brock,
methodologies to elucidate autism profiles are similar to Brown, Boucher, & Rippon, 2002). As well, alterations
other methodological domains. As stated previously, EEG in coherence across the frequency spectrum may signal
(and MEG) activity is exquisitely sensitive to neural timing, distinct patterns of over- and underconnectivity supporting
on a resolution that is not matched by other methodologies, neuroanatomical models of autism (Horwitz et al., 1988; Just
providing the ability to scrutinize physiological changes at a et al., 2004) that may be directly assessed as risk factors,
unique level of analysis. Benefits also include the ability to predictors, and measures of response to treatment.
develop and utilize passive paradigms that are not reliant on Our current understanding of autism has benefited greatly
the insight of participants, not under explicit control (i.e., from the integration of information across multiple levels of
most participants can not purposely alter brain activity), and analysis. The EEG methodology provides information that
may be less subjective to experimenter bias during data col- allows us to get closer to neural functioning, to divide the
lection. Given the variability in the autism phenotype and behaviors of autism into meaningful endophenotypes that can
the necessary focus on development, data can be collected be investigated across the spectrum of the disorder, and to
under (relatively) similar paradigms across functioning levels characterize stages of cognitive and affective processing. This
and across the lifespan. Similarly, EEG can be utilized in methodology is also well suited for developmental studies as it
other species, increasing our ability to model and evaluate can be utilized with individuals from infancy through late
similar neural processes under more tightly constrained adulthood. EEG has promise as an endophenotype or biologi-
circumstances. cal marker of variability, which will allow for more refined
660 Autism Spectrum Disorders

measurements and may yield greater precision in investigating Belmonte, M. K., Allen, G., Beckel-Mitchener, A., Boulanger, L. M.,
the systems that contribute to risk and outcome in individuals Carper, R. A., & Webb, S. J. (2004). Autism and abnormal
affected by autism. development of brain connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience,
24, 9228–9231.
Bentin, S, Allison, T, Puce, A., Perez, E., & McCarthy, G. (1996).
Electrophysiological studies of face perception in humans.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8(6), 551–565.
Challenges and Future Directions
Bernier, R., Dawson, G., Webb, S., & Murias, M. (2007). EEG mu
rhythm and imitation impairments in individuals with autism
• The risks of utilizing EEG/ERP methodologies to eluci- spectrum disorder. Brain and Cognition, 64, 288–237.
date autism profiles are similar to other methodologi- Bertone, A., Mottron, L., Jelenic, P., & Faubert, J. (2005). Enhanced
cal domains and include within- and between-group and diminished visuo-spatial information processing in autism
variability, verbal understanding, tactile hypersensitivity, depends on stimulus complexity. Brain: American Journal of
hyperactivity, and inattention. Neurology, 128, 2430–2441.
Boeschoten, M. A., Kenemnas, J. L., van Engeland, H., & Kemner,
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ticipated in the research reported in this chapter. autism. Journal of Child Neurology, 17, 692–695.
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Commentary Á Pat Levitt

Toward a Neurobiology of Autism

Careful examination of the major sections of Autism Spectrum disorder remains the most deficient in a working knowledge
Disorders epitomizes well the current understanding of the base for the scientific field. However, the growth curve for
autisms (plural noun used here to emphasize the heterogeneous accumulating data is rapidly accelerating, and that bodes well.
nature of the spectrum; see Geschwind & Levitt, 2007)—long It is important to emphasize that development in its simplest
on clinical description and characterization of the breadth of form can be defined by “change over time.” Inherent to this
associated phenotypic features in fine detail and in cataloging equation, therefore, is a moving target of a genetic blueprint
the plethora of strategies used in diagnosis and treatment; short that lays out fundamental brain architecture prenatally, which
on neurobiological characterization and mechanisms that is then acted on by experience to sculpt a homeostatically
actually generate the spectrum disorders. The latter is chal- balanced set of circuits that perform sensory, motor, cogni-
lenged by the very nature of the disorder—targeting perhaps tive, and regulatory functions (Thompson & Levitt, 2010).
the most complex of human cognitive skill sets that are built Rubenstein, in Chapter 30, provides a brief summary of our
developmentally through a hierarchical process in which ele- state of knowledge in this area, and in fact, we know quite a lot
mentary circuitry that mediates basic skills (homeostatic con- about the progression of neurodevelopment, particularly in
trol, attention, motivation, and reward) are integrated with nonprimate species. He raises an interesting point that there
more complex networks that ultimately mediate the abilities are dramatic changes in scale in the developing primate brain,
and desire of an individual to interact with the outside world and perhaps this feature has created a stress on assembling a
through social engagement and communication (Hammock & far more complex set of circuits. If this is the case, then we
Levitt, 2006). For the neurobiologists among us, I highly rec- need to understand a great deal more about the intimate
ommend further examination of the other major sections of details of normal primate brain development, which to date
the book, because the chapters are illustrative of the high degree has focused mostly on prenatal histogenic events (Rakic,
of clinical complexity beyond the three core domains used to 2006). Moreover, we recognize that risk for the autisms are
diagnose a child on the spectrum. Co-occurring medical, psy- highly heritable, as noted in great detail in the section on
chiatric, sensory, and motor conditions are the norm, not the genetics and genomics in this book. Thus, there is a clear
exception for children, adolescents, and adults on the spectrum role for genetic mechanisms (though not to the exclusion of
(Geschwind, 2009). Thus, attempts to model the clinically currently ill-defined environmental factors), and there are
defined autism spectrum disorders in biological systems more replicated findings of common polymorphisms, de novo copy
tractable than humans may not be the best use of time. Rather, number variations, and rare mutations that implicate genes
a dimensional approach to examine specific neurobiological involved in developmental processes (Abrahams & Geschwind,
processes that one believes are disrupted developmentally (see 2008; Geschwind, 2008; Levitt & Campbell, 2009). But most of
Modi & Young, Chapter 34), with each being examined in great the genome is expressed in the developing brain at some point
detail and with precision in experimental systems may be a in time, which means that most genes can be implicated when
more fruitful strategy as the field continues to move forward. a variation is defined. Moreover, we have a very limited
knowledge base from which to draw basic information
regarding when and where risk genes even are expressed in the
Á brain (and other organ systems) during development. It is
Challenges First likely to be insufficient to extrapolate from rodent datasets
with regard to this issue, because of the fundamental differ-
Of all the dimensions of the autisms covered in this book, ences in the time period over which neurogenesis, cell migra-
understanding neurobiological mechanisms that cause the tion, synaptogenesis, and myelination occur in the primate

Toward a Neurobiology of Autism 665

(Levitt, 2003), and the evolutionary advances in establishing details are important to learn, of course, because strategies for
primate-specific circuitry. intervention will vary depending on the therapeutic targets.
Is atypical brain wiring at the heart of the clinical phenomena?
Neuropathological and structure imaging is consistent with this,
Á with the very best neurobiological evidence to date coming from
Current Thinking the use of modern imaging and psychophysiological tools in
humans. Chugani, Webb et al., Minshew et al., and Dager et al.,
So where are we with understanding the neurobiological basis (in this volume, Chapters 32, 33, 36, and 37, respectively) suggest
of autism spectrum disorders? Our starting point is that the that indeed this is a core neurodevelopmental deficiency. Each
autisms collectively can be viewed as an alteration in the chapter emphasizes different components of neural and neuro-
trajectory of neurodevelopment, and thus the current gene X chemical pathways that clearly are not functioning in individu-
environment puzzle is somehow impacting the change over time als with autism spectrum disorders as they do in neurotypical
computation There is clear evidence for this, as recent accumu- individuals. The concept of the autisms likened to neurological
lation of multiple structural imaging studies (highlighted by disconnection syndromes (Geschwind & Levitt, 2007; Minshew,
Courchesne et al., Chapter 35) is consistent with early changes Goldstein, & Siegel, 1997) has face validity in the variety of com-
in the events that contribute to brain growth. It is important to bined neuropsychological, neuroimaging, and ERP studies that
emphasize as with many other childhood or adult onset neu- suggest long-range connections that are relevant for integrating
rodevelopmental disorders, the impact on structural integrity is information across sensory and cognitive domains are dysfunc-
subtle (5–10% difference range), but it may be that the absolute tional, whereas local connectivity in some neocortical regions,
values of increases in frontal, parietal and temporal gray and including frontal, temporal, and polysensory association regions
white matter, and reduced corpus callosum are less important may be enhanced (discussed by Minshew et al., Chapter 36). The
than the kinetics of how the growth occurred. Thus, the slope of imaging and ERP studies (Webb et al., Chapter 33) are consist-
change over time becomes essential to monitor, as Giedd and ent—there are local regions of greater responsiveness, coher-
colleagues have done for neurotypical populations in relation ence across domains that may be decreased or increased, and a
to IQ (Shaw et al., 2006). A very recent longitudinal structural disturbed topography. The latter is particularly important,
imaging study emphasizes the issue regarding developmental because the current evidence suggests that the fundamental
trajectory (Schumann et al., 2010), an approach that is far more neurobiological substrate for dysfunction may be both quanti-
tractable in model systems, but rarely performed. It also is evi- tative (under- or overconnectivity of otherwise normally organ-
dent from neuropathological studies reviewed by Schumann ized circuits) and qualitative (miswiring in cortico-cortical and
et al. (Chapter 31, this volume), as challenging as these are to do cortico-subcortical circuits). Consistent as these findings may
because of small sample sizes and the spread of subject age be, the situation grows more complex as an ever-increasing
(child to adult), that there are likely a multitude of very modest array of information is gathered. The Magnetic Resonance
changes that occur (e.g., reduced cell number in the amygdala, Spectroscopy findings to date (Dager et al., Chapter 33) suggest
altered cell packing density in neocortex) through primary and that there may be fundamental metabolic changes that are wide-
secondary adaptive processes. The latter is a hallmark of typical spread in individuals on the spectrum. This could establish dif-
brain development, so the challenge will be to understand ferential challenges for the maturation of specific circuits that
whether the plasticity and adaptation exhibited by children are more sensitive than others to metabolic challenges. Thus,
with autism spectrum disorders is qualitatively different from not all neural processes will be at great risk. Because dysfunction
typically developing individuals. Compared to adult-onset of information processing is a fundamental feature of the
neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., schizophrenia) or neuro- autisms, and the brain uses neurotransmitters to distribute and
degenerative disorders, the fine details of neuropathological process information, it comes as no surprise that even cursory
changes in the autisms are missing—even taking into account measures of specific neurochemicals are demonstrating changes
our knowledge of syndromic disorders such as Fragile X syn- (Chugani, Chapter 32). As with analyses of metabolic disrup-
drome or tuberous sclerosis with a high prevalence of autism tion, assigning specificity and functional relevance is problem-
codiagnosis. Reported changes overall are sufficiently variable atic thus far, because neurotransmitter systems are so highly
and very modest in scope across autistic disorders. For exam- adaptive under normal and pathophysiological conditions. As
ple, cortical excitation: inhibition imbalance has been suggested attractive as the hypotheses may be, a specific neurobiological
as a common neurobiological feature (P. Levitt, Eagleson, & understanding of neurotransmitter dysfunction in the clinical
Powell, 2004; Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003), but this is based syndrome remains distant. Finally, we are gaining steam in cer-
almost entirely on clinical data reporting high prevalence of sei- tain areas with regard to a developmentally relevant, molecular
zure disorder in the autisms (estimates range from 10–60%) understanding of signaling pathways that may, more often than
and syndromic disorders with known genetic etiology. We not, be direct targets in the autisms. This is discussed in other
remain in the dark regarding the site(s) of action—altered sections of Autism Spectrum Disorders, and is mentioned by
interneuron number, GABA receptor subunit changes, gluta- Rubenstein in Chapter 30. It has relevance here because certain
mate receptor trafficking or expression changes, local circuit cell signaling pathways ultimately control the building of early
connectivity—all could be at risk in the autisms. The specific brain architecture and guiding later growth through gene X
666 Autism Spectrum Disorders

environment mechanisms. Thus, syndromic disorders such as more complex. As ill-defined as the neuropathology and
tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, Angelman syndrome, structure/function disruptions are in the cerebral cortex,
rare mutations in the genes encoding pTEN and Akt, and a con- there is far less known regarding nonneocortical circuits.
vergence of genetic findings indicate that the PI3 Kinase/ERK Renewed efforts here will pay dividends for neurobiolo-
pathways are common neurobiological targets in the autisms gists who may have sensitive assays to probe functions
(Levitt & Campbell, 2009). More complex network analyses are that are at the beginning of the functional hierarchy of
beginning to bear fruit in identifying key elements of these path- social behavior and communication.
ways and others that we know are intimately involved in the
control of cellular growth (Bill & Geschwind, 2009). From any
view, the disruption of growth control, broadly defined neuro- Á REFERENCES
biologically (e.g., early regionalization of the neocortex, synapse
formation, dendritic and spine growth, axon branching, myeli- Abrahams, B. S., & Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Advances in autism
nation, and cell migration are all biological growth phenomena) genetics: On the threshold of a new neurobiology. Nature
is a primary defect in the autisms. Reviews Genetics, 9(5), 341–355.
Akil, H., Brenner, S., Kandel, E., Kendler, K. S., King, M.-C., Scolnick,
E., et al. (2010). Medicine: The future of psychiatric research;
Á Genomes and neural circuits. Science, 327(5973), 1580–1581.
The Future of Neurobiological Discoveries Bill, B. R., & Geschwind, D. H. (2009). Genetic advances in autism:
Heterogeneity and convergence on shared pathways. Current
A recent Policy/Forum commentary by Akil et al. (2010) Opinion in Genetics and Development, 19(3), 271–278.
Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Autism: many genes, common pathways?
served as a call to arms for genomics and the neural sciences to
Cell, 135(3), 391–395.
integrate in a far more refined way, because the solutions to
Geschwind, D. H. (2009). Advances in autism. Annual Review of
understanding brain disorders lie in defining the circuits that Medicine, 60, 367–380.
are at greatest risk for disruption, which we understand can Geschwind, D. H., & Levitt, P. (2007). Autism spectrum disorders:
likely occur through a variety of mechanisms. For develop- Developmental disconnection syndromes. Current Opinion in
mental neurobiologists, this bodes well with regard to an Neurobiology, 17(1), 103–111.
increasing appreciation for careful studies in developing Hammock, E. A. D., & Levitt, P. (2006). The discipline of neurobe-
clinical populations and a more discerning and restricted set havioral development: The emerging interface that builds pro-
of strategies for developing a better biological understanding cesses and skills. Human Development, 49, 294–309.
in animal models of dimensions that are targeting in the Levitt, P. (2003). Structural and functional maturation of the developing
autisms. Here are a few suggestions for looking forward: primate brain. Journal of Pediatrics, 143(4 Suppl), S35–45.
Levitt, P., & Campbell, D. B. (2009). The genetic and neurobio-
• define disrupted circuitry longitudinally (e.g., Schumann logic compass points toward common signaling dysfunctions
et al., 2010). in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Clinical Investigation,
• clinical probes of function through ever-improving 119(4), 747–754.
methods can provide greater insight when done in com- Levitt, P., Eagleson, K. L., & Powell, E. M. (2004). Regulation of
bination with approaches that define genetic risk (that neocortical interneuron development and the implications for
make sense biologically) in the same study populations. neurodevelopmental disorders. Trends in Neurosciences, 27(7),
• moratorium on developing animal models of the 400–406.
autisms—replaced by an expanding effort to define far Minshew, N. J., Goldstein, G., & Siegel, D. J. (1997). Neuropsychologic
functioning in autism: Profile of a complex information pro-
better the core mechanisms that underlie the develop-
cessing disorder. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
ment of specific behaviors and skills that are targeted
Society, 3(4), 303–316.
in the autisms. For example, social behavior, of which Rakic, P. (2006). A century of progress in corticoneurogenesis: From
we know little regarding ontogeny, can be examined silver impregnation to genetic engineering. Cerebral Cortex,
across models in ethologically relevant contexts that will 16(Suppl 1), i3–i17.
provide a new appreciation of developmental trajec- Rubenstein, J. L. R., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Model of autism:
tory and how it can be disrupted (see Modi & Young, Increased ratio of excitation/inhibition in key neural systems.
Chapter 34)–and ultimately improved through best Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 2(5), 255–267.
intervention practices. Schumann, C. M., Bloss, C. S., Barnes, C. C., Wideman, G. M.,
• The initial neuropathological studies in the field, with Carper, R. A., Akshoomoff, N., et al. (2010). Longitudinal
limited resolution and power, can be replaced by larger Magnetic Resonance Imaging study of cortical development
through early childhood in autism. Journal of Neuroscience,
analyses with sufficient statistical power and appropriate
30(12), 4419–4427.
specificity and sensitivity of the assays. To date, the
Shaw, P., Greenstein, D., Lerch, J., Clasen, L., Lenroot, R., Gogtay, N.,
replicable changes that have been discovered are small et al. (2006). Intellectual ability and cortical development in
in size—thus assay quality control is essential to discern children and adolescents. Nature, 440(7084), 676–679.
these subtle, yet functionally relevant alterations. Thompson, B. L., & Levitt, P. (2010). Now you see it, now you don’t—
• this section of the book Autism Spectrum Disorders has Closing in on allostasis and developmental basis of psychiatric
a “cortical-centric” focus. The clinical picture is far disorders. Neuron, 65(4), 437–439.
Section VI

Etiology: Genetics
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38 Á Janine A. Lamb

Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses

Á which is considerably higher than the general population

Points of Interest prevalence (Baird et al., 2006; Fombonne, 2005). Similarly,
there is an increased risk for the Broader Autism Phenotype in
• Autism is a behaviorally defined lifelong neurodevel- relatives of individuals with autism (Bailey et al., 1998).
opmental disorder, with strong evidence for a complex However, despite this evidence for a genetic susceptibility to
genetic predisposition. autism, only in approximately 10% of cases are the ASDs asso-
• Many linkage and candidate gene association studies ciated with a recognized cause (“syndromic” autism); in the
have been carried out over the last decade to identify remaining 90% of cases the cause is unknown (“idiopathic”
genetic variants increasing risk of autism spectrum dis- autism). Increasingly intensive research has been carried out
orders, and have yielded ambiguous results. since the initial reports of a genetic basis with the aim of iden-
• Recent advances in genomic technology now provide tifying the genetic variants predisposing to idiopathic autism.
greater ability to assay genetic variation, enabling genom- It is hoped that discovery of the etiological mechanisms will
ewide association and copy number variation studies. lead to an increased understanding of the disorder, offer
• The results from these genomewide studies, together with improved diagnosis and the possibility of better intervention
other recent genetic findings, implicate both common and treatment. It is now over a decade since the first whole
and rare variants in genes involved in the postsynaptic genome screen for linkage in ASD was reported (International
density, synaptogenesis, and neuronal cell-adhesion in Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium [IMGSAC],
susceptibility to autism. 1998). This chapter gives an overview of the linkage, associa-
• These genetic variants often show incomplete penetrance tion, and copy number variation studies that have been pub-
and imperfect segregation and may also influence risk lished during this period, and reflects on what has been learned
of mental retardation and other neurodevelopmental about the probable genetic architecture of autism and how
and psychiatric disorders, suggesting that considerable this theory impacts on the likely success of different strategies
genetic and clinical heterogeneity is likely to underlie for variant discovery. It also considers the ways in which
autism spectrum disorders. experimental technology and practice have evolved to meet
these challenges.
• These results underscore the complex genetic architecture
of autism, suggesting that interdisciplinary, convergent
approaches, large sample sizes, and in-depth phenotyp-
ing may be required to further elucidate the risk variants
Linkage and Association Analyses
and biological pathways involved.
are Strategies for Identification
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of behaviorally of Genetic Risk Variants
defined lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders. Several twin
and family studies have indicated a high heritability for autism, In recent years typically the first strategy to identify suscep-
with evidence for a strong genetic basis first reported from tibility genes for common complex disease has been to con-
twin studies published 20–30 years ago (Folstein & Rutter, duct a whole-genome linkage scan using several hundred
1977; Steffenburg et al., 1989). The risk of autism in siblings of polymorphic genetic markers in families with more than one
autistic individuals is reported as approximately 15–20%, affected individual. Linkage aims to identify regions of the

670 Autism Spectrum Disorders

genome containing genetic marker alleles that are shared Hence, linkage and association approaches have both
between affected relative pairs more often than expected by potential advantages and disadvantages for identifying genetic
chance, or less often in the case of relative pairs discordant for variants underlying disease risk, with the relative strength and
the disease. This is based on the expectation that these regions likely success of each approach depending on the unknown
have a higher probability of harboring genetic variants increas- underlying genetic architecture.
ing susceptibility to the disorder, as the genetic markers map
close to (are linked to) the disease locus. The likelihood of the
observed sharing data is compared to the likelihood of the Á
observed data due to chance alone, and the result expressed Whole Genome Linkage Analyses
most commonly as the logarithm of the odds (LOD) score.
This results in a genomewide LOD score profile, with a LOD The first whole genome screen for linkage in autism was
score ≥ 2.2 accepted as suggestive evidence of linkage and a reported over a decade ago (IMGSAC, 1998). Since this initial
LOD score ≥ 3.6 giving genomewide significant evidence for publication, many genomewide linkage and follow-up studies
linkage (Lander & Kruglyak, 1995). This method may enable have been carried out, and regions of nearly every chromo-
mapping of the disease risk variant to a relatively small chro- some have been linked with susceptibility to ASD (Auranen
mosomal interval, although considerable additional work is et al., 2002; Barrett et al., 1999; Buxbaum et al., 2001; Lamb
required after the genome screen to refine the linked region et al., 2005; McCauley et al., 2005; Philippe et al., 1999;
and to identify and confirm the risk alleles in affected indi- Risch et al., 1999; Schellenberg et al., 2006; Shao et al., 2002b;
viduals. Linkage is a powerful approach to detect rare, highly Yonan et al., 2003; and reviewed by Abrahams & Geschwind,
penetrant disease alleles, and has been used with great success 2008; and Gupta & State, 2007). These studies have generally
in mapping monogenic disorders segregating in large families. used 350–400 microsatellite markers and tens to hundreds of
Although this approach can be used successfully in the pres- largely Caucasian families. In studies of autism, the most
ence of allelic heterogeneity where there are many different widely used approach has been the affected sib pair approach,
disease causing alleles at the same locus, linkage rapidly loses which looks at the sharing of markers between two or more
power in the presence of locus heterogeneity when the same affected siblings, although some studies have included more
phenotype is caused by risk alleles at multiple different loci. distantly related relative pairs such as cousins or avuncular
pairs. Although several studies have been published reaching
criteria for genomewide suggestive or significant evidence for
Monogenic: caused by a single gene.
linkage (for example, see Auranen et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2001;
IMGSAC, 2001; Yonan et al., 2003; Barrett et al., 1999; and
Recently, due to rapid technological advances in high- Auranen et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2001; IMGSAC, 2001; respec-
throughput genotyping, association studies have become the tively), a unifying theme from these data is the lack of consist-
method of choice to identify risk alleles for common complex ency in the linked regions between studies, and even within
diseases. In a case-control association study, the frequency of extended studies from the same group (IMGSAC, 2001; Lamb
alleles or genotypes of polymorphic genetic markers—usually et al., 2005; Yonan et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2001). Several reasons
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—are compared have been posited for this lack of reproducibility, including
between affected individuals and unaffected controls to detect the limited size of sample cohorts, sample heterogeneity result-
those that differ significantly between the two groups. This ing from differing diagnostic and inclusion criteria for sub-
method assumes that a significant proportion of “unrelated” jects and cohort ascertainment between research groups, use
affected individuals carry one of a few, or the same, common of different genetic markers and statistical analyses, and the
ancestral mutations. Hence, marker alleles that differ in fre- presence of false positives.
quency between the affected and unaffected groups are pre- In an effort to identify rare founder mutations segregating
sumed to be directly causative, or located close to the disease in families, a small number of reports have focused on large,
risk variant. Family-based association studies test for linkage extended multiple-generation pedigrees from genetically iso-
in the presence of association by evaluating the number of lated populations, for instance, from an isolated region of cen-
alleles that are transmitted versus nontransmitted from par- tral Finland, in an approach resembling that of traditional
ents to affected offspring. Association studies have more linkage studies for monogenic disorders (Auranen et al., 2002;
power than linkage to detect common variants of small effect Auranen et al., 2003; Allen-Brady et al., 2008; see also Chapters
that confer only a very modest disease risk. However, associa- by Rehnstöm & Peltonen, and Morrow & Walsh in this volume).
tion is less powerful in the presence of extensive allelic hetero- A recent linkage analysis of a 6-generation pedigree from Utah
geneity where multiple variants at the same locus contribute with seven affected males using the Affymetrix 10k SNP array
to disease risk. identified two regions on chromosome 3q and a region on
chromosome 20q meeting criteria for genomewide significance,
while regions on 7p and 9p met suggestive criteria for signifi-
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): a DNA sequence
cance (Allen-Brady et al., 2008). Analysis of haplotype sharing
variation involving a single base pair.
within these five chromosomal regions showed that five of the
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 671

seven affected cases shared multiple chromosome regions with the absence of more significant results from this large study
other affected subjects. However, no single haplotype was and the fact that the genomewide linkage profile did not
shared between all seven affected individuals, suggesting genetic appear significantly different from those previously published
heterogeneity even within this single large pedigree. by the smaller constituent groups suggests that extensive
genetic heterogeneity underlies ASD, and only a small effect
Haplotype: a set of DNA sequence variations that are close size may be attributable to any given variant contributing to
together on the same chromosome and tend to be inherited ASD at the population level.
as a unit.
Autism Subphenotypes Offer Hope
Larger Sample Sizes May Increase Power of Increased Sample Homogeneity
to Detect Linkage Signals
The lack of reproducibility of the linkage results and the
In an effort to garner statistical power, two partial meta-analyses suggestion of underlying genetic heterogeneity have led to
of the published linkage data have been carried out. The first sample cohort subdivision in an effort to identify more genet-
study analyzed data from four studies and identified genom- ically informative phenotypes and illuminate biological path-
ewide suggestive evidence for linkage to chromosomes 7q and ways. Autism-related subphenotypes, or endophenotypes,
13q (Badner & Gershon, 2002). The second study applied a have been used on the premise that they are more directly
heterogeneity-based genome search meta-analysis approach related to the underlying susceptibility variants than the psy-
to six of the published genome scans (including some of those chiatric diagnosis and are therefore more tractable to genetic
in the previous meta-analysis) and identified significant evi- dissection than the disease state itself (Flint & Munafo, 2007).
dence for linkage to chromosome 7q22-32, and suggestive evi- Anatomical, physiological, or developmental endophenotypes,
dence for linkage to the neighboring region 7q32-qter such as head circumference, whole-blood serotonin levels, or
(Trikalinos et al., 2006). language impairment, have been investigated in autism.
Linkage analysis in a subset of families with more severe obses-
Meta-analysis: a combined statistical analysis of several sive-compulsive behaviors resulted in stronger evidence for
separate but related studies to test the pooled data for linkage to chromosome 1 than in the whole sample (Buxbaum
statistical significance. et al., 2004). Studies incorporating diagnostic measures of lan-
guage, for example, subsets of families containing probands
However, the most definitive combined linkage analysis meeting criteria for “delayed onset of phrase speech” have also
carried out to date is the study recently published by the demonstrated increased evidence for linkage to chromosomes
Autism Genome Project (AGP) Consortium (Szatmari et al., 2q (Buxbaum et al., 2001; Shao, Raiford, et al., 2002) and 11p
2007). This collaboration involved greater than 20 research (Liu et al., 2008), and a study incorporating information on
institutions across the United States, Canada, and Europe, proband and parental language phenotypes showed increased
with a joint sample size of approximately 1500 families con- linkage to chromosomes 7q and 13q (Bradford et al., 2001).
taining at least two individuals with ASD, thus creating a Other classifications, for example using measures of IQ (Liu
sample three times larger than any autism linkage study car- et al., 2008) and “strictness” of diagnostic criteria (Szatmari
ried out previously. For the first phase of this project, 1181 et al., 2007; IMGSAC, 2001; Yonan et al., 2003) have also been
families were genotyped using two sets of genomewide mark- investigated. It has been suggested that the subclassification of
ers on two different genotyping platforms; the Affymetrix affected sibling pairs according to their sex may index genetic
GeneChip® Human Mapping 10K SNP Array (Szatmari et al., heterogeneity, as one of the characteristics of autism is a
2007) and a panel of approximately 450 microsatellite mark- gender bias of 4 times as many affected males as females and a
ers. Using the Affymetrix 10k SNP Array, this study identified higher reported recurrence risk for siblings of female versus
suggestive linkage to chromosome 11p12-p13 (Szatmari et al., male probands (Ritvo et al., 1989). Consistent with this, sev-
2007), a region not identified previously as significant by other eral studies have indicated increased evidence for linkage to
genomewide scans. However, as none of the linkage results specific genomic regions in male-only or female-containing
could be interpreted as statistically significant, this study dem- affected sibling pairs (Lamb et al., 2005; Stone et al., 2004;
onstrates that despite the large increase in size of the sample Szatmari et al., 2007; Cantor et al., 2005; Ma et al., 2007),
cohort the significance of the linkage findings did not increase including a male-specific locus identified on chromosome
in parallel. In the AGP study, use of the same genetic markers 17q11q21 in families from the Autism Genetics Resource
and methods for statistical analysis argues against these rea- Exchange (Stone et al., 2004), which was subsequently repli-
sons for the lack of consistency in the previously published cated in an independent family sample (Cantor et al., 2005).
linkage findings from the constituent groups making up the
AGP. However, there are theoretical reasons why increasing
the sample size in the presence of locus heterogeneity may Endophenotype: a heritable simpler intermediate trait of a
actually decrease the LOD score at a true susceptibility locus complex psychiatric disorder than the disease syndrome
(Vieland et al., 2001; Bartlett & Vieland, 2007). Nonetheless, itself.
672 Autism Spectrum Disorders

So, has categorizing samples using subphenotypes really

increased cohort homogeneity, or is increased statistical sig- Box 38–1
nificance in the linkage signals solely due to stochastic varia- Mutations in PTEN are identified in individuals
tion? Several studies that have examined subgroups have with autism and macrocephaly
resulted in very small numbers of cases in each group, raising
Mutations in the PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue)
doubts about the robustness of the findings. Therefore, it is
tumour suppressor gene have been identified in individuals
probable that, as with other linkage findings, the results reflect with autism and macrocephaly (Buxbaum et al., 2007; Butler
both true and false positives. The success of the use of sub- et al., 2005; Herman et al., 2007; Varga et al., 2009). Previous
groups or endophenotypes will depend on whether the dis- research has shown that individuals with hamartoma disorders
tinct aspects of ASD are under independent genetic control or such as Cowden Syndrome, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba
due to shared risk factors. A principal components factor syndrome and Proteus syndrome, which are characterised by
analysis of data from the Social Responsiveness Scale in chil- germline PTEN mutations, may have autistic behaviours as
dren with and without pervasive developmental disorders well as overgrowth and macrocephaly. Progressive
suggested the existence of a single, continuously distributed macrocephaly is one of the most consistent findings in autism
underlying factor contributing to multiple distinct aspects of (reviewed in (Lainhart, 2006)). This overgrowth is usually not
the phenotype (Constantino et al., 2004). Conversely, a recent present at birth but develops during the first year of life, and is
found in approximately 20% of individuals. Four studies of
population-based study of 3000 twin pairs aged 7–9 from the
subsets of individuals with autism and macrocephaly (defined
Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) found high heritabil- as head circumference ≥2 standard deviations above the mean)
ity for each of the three areas of the “triad of impairments” of were carried out by mutation analysis and sequencing of the
autism; the social, communication, and repetitive and/or coding and putative regulatory regions of the PTEN gene.
restrictive domains, both for children across the distribution These studies identified germline mutations of the PTEN gene
and at the extremes of the distribution. However, there was in 1.1-16.7% of individuals with autism, which were not found
only modest to low correlation between the three core areas of in control individuals (Buxbaum et al., 2007; Butler et al.,
the triad, and individuals with extreme scores in one domain 2005; Herman et al., 2007). These data suggest that there is an
did not necessarily have extreme scores in the other domains important role for PTEN in brain development. This is
(Ronald et al., 2006). This suggests that the majority of genes supported by the observation that conditional knockout mice
which lack Pten in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus
contributing to ASD have symptom specific action, and indi-
exhibit macrocephaly, neuronal hypertrophy and abnormal
cates that the use of cohorts of individuals showing extreme
dendritic spine morphology (Kwon et al., 2006), and further
scores in one area of the triad of impairments may be more research showing that PTEN is involved in mechanisms
effective than looking for genes for autism as a whole (Happe controlling synaptic function and myelination abnormalities
et al., 2006). This view is supported by the observation that (Fraser et al., 2008). Taken together, these data suggest that
“unaffected” relatives of individuals with autism show only individuals with autism and pronounced macrocephaly should
isolated traits of the Broader Autism Phenotype. Moreover, be screened for PTEN gene mutations.
the relative ease of phenotyping subphenotypes may make
them more amenable for collecting the large samples required
for statistically reliable analysis of complex genetic traits using
large population-based or epidemiological approaches. It as “unaffected.” In contrast to the development of diagnostic
seems likely that use of anatomical or physiological subpheno- instruments, the refinement of measures and application of
types such as head circumference or presence/absence of sei- quantitative traits to ASD are still in their infancy, despite the
zures might provide a less subjective biomarker than measures, use of both univariate and multivariate (simultaneous analysis
for example, of repetitive behavior or language ability. Indeed, of several traits) quantitative trait approaches in other neu-
examination of subgroups of individuals with autism and rodevelopmental disorders, for example dyslexia (Fisher et al.,
macrocephaly has led to identification of mutations in the 2002; Marlow et al., 2003) and specific language impairment
PTEN gene (Butler et al., 2005; Buxbaum et al., 2007; Herman (Specific Language Impairment Consortium (SLIC), 2004;
et al., 2007; Varga et al., 2009) (see Box 38-1). Monaco, 2007).
In autism, quantitative approaches have most often been
Quantitative Linkage Analyses May Increase limited to “affected” individuals, for example, the Autism
Power to Identify Autism Loci Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) Consortium found that
use of “age at first word” as a quantitative trait in their genome
Linkage studies to date have generally used a discrete binary scan analysis generated the strongest evidence for linkage on
trait approach for phenotype classification and subsequent chromosomes 3q and 17q, with a subset of families linked to
analysis in cohorts of individuals with autism. However, the chromosome 7q (Alarcon et al., 2005). Analysis of five quanti-
analysis of quantitative traits should offer improved power for tative traits related to autism from the Broader Phenotype
linkage through added dimensionality of the phenotype lead- Autism Symptom Scale (BPASS) using multivariate models
ing to measurement of more subtle differences over a contin- showed that social motivation and range of interest/flexibility
uum, and the ability to include relatives previously classified had the highest heritabilities, as well as the highest genetic
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 673

correlation (Sung et al., 2005). A further study using a measure ensure publication of robust scientific data, both positive and
of autistic-like behavior from the Social Responsiveness negative, using well-designed studies.
Scale evaluated in both affected and “unaffected” individuals
identified a locus on chromosome 11 that reached the level of
suggestive linkage (Duvall et al., 2007). The IMGSAC has Á
recently developed and refined Family History Interview Genetic Association Studies
(FHI; Bolton et al., 1994; Folstein et al., 1999) based instru-
ments using informant (FHI-I) and subject (FHI-S) inter- The general inability of several research groups to refine linked
views and an observational measure of autism related broader intervals using extended sample sizes or subphenotypes over
behavioral phenotypes (Bailey et al., 1998). However, a quan- the last decade has led to follow-up genetic association studies
titative genome screen for the broader phenotype carried out targeting these linked regions using a positional candidate
using these measures yielded no significant evidence for link- gene approach. The hypothesis that common complex dis-
age at a genomewide level (Falcaro, Lamb, & Pickles, unpub- eases are likely to be caused by a combination of both common
lished data). The largest quantitative genomewide linkage and rare variants has also led to an increase in the number of
analysis using total scores of the reciprocal social interaction candidate gene association studies, as association offers more
and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behav- power than linkage to detect common variants of small effect
ior domains from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised that confer only a very modest disease risk.
also failed to identify significant evidence for linkage in 976 Furthermore, as technologies for higher throughput SNP
multiplex families from the Autism Genome Project genotyping have evolved from the ability to genotype a single
Consortium (Liu et al., 2008) (see also Chapter by Cantor in variant, to tens, hundreds, thousands, and currently over a
this volume). million variants in a single experiment, so too have the regions
targeted expanded from isolated genetic variants, to whole
How Much Faith Should We Place genes, genomic loci, and now even the whole genome can be
in Published Linkage Results? investigated in a single experiment.

Does the inability of numerous research groups to identify Candidate Gene Association Studies
consistent and statistically robust linkage signals over the last
decade suggest a lack of utility of this approach to identify risk To date, the majority of published association studies have
variants for ASD? Are most of the published linkage findings been limited to the investigation of a relatively small number
really just noise? The relative value of this approach will be of candidate genes using a similarly small number of genetic
determined by the successful identification of disease risk alle- variants. These genetic variants have typically been single
les underlying the linked loci, and the subsequent elucidation nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the most common form
of biological pathways. While the absence of more convincing of variation in the human genome, but also microsatellites or
linkage results from the large AGP study (Szatmari et al., 2007) insertion/deletions. Collectively, many candidate genes have
suggests that only a small effect size may be attributable to any been investigated using this approach. These studies have gen-
given variant contributing to ASD at the population level, erally examined a combination of known genetic variants and
there have been some successes using a linkage approach; novel variants identified through screening the coding and
methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) was identified as the putative regulatory regions of candidate genes in a small subset
gene mutated in Rett syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder of the sample cohort. These genes have been selected as they
(Amir et al., 1999), and more recently, variants in Contactin- map to a region of linkage, or because they are plausible bio-
Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2) have been implicated logical candidates for involvement in autism etiology based on
in autism by linkage and subsequent association analysis putative gene function, or patterns of expression (see
(Alarcon et al., 2008; see below). Similarly, linkage and asso- Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008, for review). A tacit assumption
ciation mapping led to the identification of a risk haplotype in of the former approach is that both linkage and association are
the KIAA0319 gene associated with dyslexia (Fisher et al., powered to detect the same genetic risk variants. Moreover,
1999; Francks et al., 2004), which has subsequently been repli- the candidate gene approach is reliant on an ability to select
cated in several independent studies (Cope et al., 2005; Harold good functional candidates, based on imperfect knowledge of
et al., 2006; Paracchini et al., 2008). This risk haplotype was biological function.
shown to reduce expression of the gene leading to impaired A common limitation arising from these association
neuronal migration in the developing cerebral neocortex studies, as with the linkage analyses, is a lack of replication
(Paracchini et al., 2006), and the putative causal regulatory between studies. Again, many reasons have been posited for
variant has subsequently been identified (Dennis et al., 2009). this lack of reproducibility, including genetic and phenotypic
The likely success of a linkage approach will depend on the heterogeneity between samples due to ascertainment differ-
unknown genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to ences and suboptimal sampling, heterogeneity in subject
autism (covered in further detail below). In the meantime, it is exposure to environmental influences, data overinterpreta-
the responsibility of authors and scientific journals to try to tion, and disparity in sample sizes between research groups
674 Autism Spectrum Disorders

leading to false-positive or false-negative results because of controls (Campbell et al., 2007). However, despite the robust
differing power to detect real effects (Zondervan & Cardon, initial finding and replication in an independent cohort, a
2004). A further challenge in genetic association studies is the second group failed to replicate association of the common
need to appropriately match cases and controls in order to promoter variant in their independent sample of 325 multi-
avoid spurious results arising from population stratification. plex families and 10 trio families, instead demonstrating asso-
In retrospect, it is increasingly clear that the sample sizes ciation to a different SNP in intron 1 (P < 0.004; Sousa et al.,
used in early candidate gene studies were an order of magni- 2008). These conflicting results between the two studies epito-
tude too small to detect the moderate risks associated with mize the challenges facing autism genetics researchers, and
common variants underlying complex disease. Furthermore, may indicate false negative or false positive results, the pres-
the first published study likely represents an overestimate ence of allelic heterogeneity and the influence of different
of the true effect size due to a phenomena known as the regulatory variants on MET expression, or differing ancestral
“winner’s curse,” suggesting that replication of both associa- histories between the two study samples.
tion and linkage studies will require larger sample sizes than
the initial detection study (Trikalinos et al., 2004; Zollner & Association Studies of Implicated
Pritchard, 2007). Genomic Regions

Population stratification: systematic differences in allele Several groups have adopted a high-density SNP genotyping
frequencies between subgroups of a population (in this con- association approach to follow up regions identified by
text, cases and controls) that arise due to different ancestral genomewide linkage studies. Three such examples are investi-
and demographic histories between the two groups. gation of the linked regions on chromosomes 2q and 7q in the
IMGSAC sample (Maestrini et al., 2009), and investigation of
Nevertheless, as understanding of the pitfalls and limita- the chromosome 17 male-specific linked locus (Stone et al.,
tions of association studies has improved, there has been a 2004; Yonan et al., 2003; Cantor et al., 2005) and 7q35 lan-
trend toward more methodologically robust experiments, guage delay QTL (Alarcon et al., 2002; Alarcon et al., 2005) in
using larger and better powered samples, more rigorous statis- the AGRE sample. In the first study, 3000 SNPs were geno-
tical thresholds and analytical methods, and with an increas- typed in each ~40Mb genomic region targeting ~170 and 270
ing requirement for independent replication before publication known genes and additional highly conserved noncoding
and functional evidence to support the results. One such sequences on chromosomes 2 and 7 respectively. Association
example of this is an investigation of the MET (proto-oncogene analysis revealed association to several genes, including inner-
hepatocyte growth factor receptor) gene. mitochondrial membrane protease-like (IMMP2L) and dedi-
cator of cytokinesis 4 (DOCK4), a guanine nucleotide exchange
A Common Promoter Variant in the MET Gene factor gene involved in dendritic morphogenesis, on chromo-
is Associated with Autism some 7. Evidence for a role of DOCK4 in autism susceptibility
was supported by replication of the results in an independent
The MET gene is a proto-oncogene, but MET signaling also European sample and the finding of a submicroscopic dele-
participates in cerebral cortex and cerebellar growth and mat- tion (copy number variant; see section on structural variation
uration, immune system regulation, and peripheral organ below) segregating to both affected siblings in one family.
development and repair (such as gastrointestinal), consistent In the second study, a dense panel of 2053 SNPs with an aver-
with medical complications reported in some children with age intermarker distance of 6.1kb was genotyped across the
autism. MET maps to a region linked to autism on chromosome 13.7Mb chromosome 17 linkage interval, which contains
7q31.2 (Lamb et al., 2005; Trikalinos et al., 2006; Badner & ~180 known genes. These SNPs were analyzed in 219
Gershon, 2002), and thus represents a good positional and independent families containing only affected male siblings
functional candidate for involvement in autism susceptibility. using a parent-child trio based study design, but no single
In an initial study, association of the common allele of an SNP SNP or haplotype association survived correction for multiple
in the promoter region of the MET gene was identified in 204 comparisons or was sufficient to account for the initial linkage
families with autism (P = 0.0005; Campbell et al., 2006). This signal (Stone et al., 2007).
association was confirmed in a replication sample of 539 fam-
ilies with autism (P = 0.001) and in the combined sample A Regional Association Approach Identifies Contactin-
(P = 5 x 10-6), with multiplex families exhibiting the strongest Associated Protein-Like 2 as a Susceptibility
association. The authors subsequently carried out functional Gene for Autism Spectrum Disorders
assays which showed that the associated allele resulted in a
2-fold decrease in MET promoter activity and altered binding A two-stage approach was used to test 2758 SNPs across the
of specific transcription factor complexes. In a follow-up 15Mb 7q34-q36 region encompassing the language-related
study, the authors showed altered expression of MET, and autism QTL (average intermarker distance of 5.6Kb) and
three other genes that regulate MET signaling activity, in post- containing approximately 200 known genes (Alarcon et al.,
mortem cerebral cortex from ASD cases compared to matched 2008). In the first stage, 172 parent-child trios were tested for
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 675

association to the quantitative trait “age at first word.” These Furthermore, a complex cytogenetic abnormality disrupting
analyses identified association to four genes including CNTNAP2 was also identified in an affected father and his
Contactin-Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2), primarily two affected children with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and
driven by the male-only affected sibling pair containing fami- obsessive compulsive disorder (Verkerk et al., 2003), and dele-
lies, and this association to CNTNAP2 was subsequently con- tions of varying size have been observed in individuals with
firmed in 304 independent parent-child trios. A relatively epilepsy and schizophrenia (Friedman et al., 2008). However,
large microdeletion within CNTNAP2 was also identified in a balanced translocation disrupting CNTNAP2 has also been
this study in a proband and his father, but not in his affected described in phenotypically normal individuals (Belloso et al.,
sibling or in 1000 control chromosomes. Regional gene expres- 2007), again highlighting the complexity of inferring causality
sion analyses in eight human fetal brains demonstrated that of genetic variants in ASD.
CNTNAP2 is enriched in regions of the brain that may be
important for language development. These findings led the Genomewide Association Studies
authors to suggest that common variation within CNTNAP2
contributes to ASD and related conditions, and increases risk The pursuit of genomewide association studies (GWAS) has
of language delay (Alarcon et al., 2008). CNTNAP2 is one of been facilitated largely by two major advances in molecular
the largest known genes in the genome and encodes a member genetics: the rapid improvement in genotyping platforms, and
of the neurexin family of neuronal cell adhesion molecules
that are known to mediate cell-cell interactions in the nervous
system, and may play a role in axon differentiation. As such, it
is a good functional candidate for autism susceptibility. Two Box 38–2
concurrent studies published in the same journal also reported Gene expression profiling in individuals with
a possible role for CNTNAP2 in susceptibility to ASD (Arking autism implicates biological pathways
et al., 2008; Bakkaloglu et al., 2008). The first study reported
association of a common noncoding variant at the 5’ end of Several recent studies have profiled gene expression in
the CNTNAP2 gene in 72 families with a strict qualitative def- peripheral blood or lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from
inition of autism (overlapping with the AGRE families individuals with autism (Gregg et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2006;
reported above), which was supported in an independent Nishimura et al., 2007), and it has been shown that
differentially expressed genes are able to distinguish
sample of 1295 parent-child trios, albeit with a broader defini-
individuals with autism from controls, and to distinguish
tion of autism than in the initial sample. This study also iden-
individuals with autism based on their genetic etiology due to
tified a parent-of-origin and gender effect for association of a fragile X mutation or a 15q11-q13 duplication (Nishimura
this common variant (Arking et al., 2008). The second study et al., 2007). Although these data require independent
investigated the possible involvement of rare CNTNAP2 confirmation and there appears to be little overlap between
variants in individuals with ASD, again from the AGRE the results emerging from separate studies, developing
Consortium (Bakkaloglu et al., 2008). In this study, a de novo bioinformatic resources of gene and protein interactions and
chromosomal inversion that disrupted CNTNAP2 in a child pathways enable researchers to make inferences about the
with cognitive and social delay led the authors to sequence the underlying molecular and physiological mechanisms. These
24 coding exons of the gene in a large cohort of 635 ASD cases results suggest that several genes within the 15q11-q13 interval
and 942 unselected controls, and those changes that were and genes from Gene Ontology pathways including ubiquitin
conjugation, SH3 domain containing proteins, GTPase
identified only in the case or the control group were geno-
regulator activity, and alpha–protocadherin genes are
typed in an additional control sample of 1073 unrelated
over-represented within the differentially expressed genes in
Caucasian subjects. This identified 13 rare (defined as allele autism (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008). These findings are
frequency less than 1 in 4000 in the combined control sample) supported by the results of a recent genomewide CNV study
and unique variants in the case group, eight of which were and the identification of neuronal cell-adhesion molecules as
predicted to be deleterious to protein function by bioinfor- genes involved in ASD susceptibility. Nonetheless, these
matic approaches and/or altered conserved residues across all bioinformatic resources are currently far from complete, and
species examined, and 11 rare or unique variants in the con- time will determine whether the complex genetics of autism
trol group, of which six were predicted to be deleterious or converges on a single genetic pathway, or multiple distinct
conserved. However, despite this increase in mutation burden pathways. The different developmental trajectories of ASD
in the cases, this did not reach statistical significance. The pos- also emphasise the need for temporally and spatially restricted
gene expression studies. The integration of gene expression
sible involvement of rare CNTNAP2 mutations in susceptibil-
data with high density SNP genotype data enables an
ity to ASD is supported by the prior identification of a rare
expression QTL (eQTL) approach, whereby SNPs are
homozygous mutation in CNTNAP2 in an extended Old investigated for association using gene transcript levels as the
Order Amish family with cortical dysplasia-focal epilepsy, in quantitative trait (Stranger et al., 2007; Dixon et al., 2007).
which affected individuals had seizures, relative macroceph- This may provide a more direct correlate of risk than the
aly, language regression, and 67% of affected individuals had neurobehavioural phenotype.
pervasive developmental delay or autism (Strauss et al., 2006).
676 Autism Spectrum Disorders

the advent of the International HapMap Consortium (2003). Over the last 2 to 3 years, there has been a dramatic increase
The innovation in genotyping platforms has been driven by the in the number of GWAS of common complex diseases pub-
emergence of commercially available high density microarrays lished, facilitated by the development of large collaborative
(chips) that can simultaneously characterize DNA sequence networks with access to thousands of samples (Wellcome
variation at hundreds of thousands of genetic variants at ever Trust Case Control Consortium, 2007; Manolio et al., 2007).
declining costs. Phases I and II of The HapMap Project have These studies have resulted in the identification of common
identified and genotyped over 3.1 million SNPs spread genetic variants associated with disorders such as asthma
throughout the genome in 269 samples from four different (Moffatt et al., 2007; Himes et al., 2009), Type 2 diabetes
ethnic populations (International HapMap Consortium, 2005; (Sladek et al., 2007; Takeuchi et al., 2009; Wellcome Trust
Frazer et al., 2007). This information has been made publically Case Control Consortium, 2007; Zeggini et al., 2007), coro-
available through the HapMap website ( nary artery disease (Erdmann et al., 2009; Helgadottir et al.,
These advances have made it possible to attempt to survey all 2007; Samani et al., 2007; Wellcome Trust Case Control
the variation in the human genome, including noncoding Consortium, 2007), breast cancer (Easton et al., 2007; Stacey
sequence, in a single experiment. However, even with current et al., 2007; Stacey et al., 2008), and traits such as height
array density, it is still not feasible to directly genotype all (Weedon et al., 2008; Sanna et al., 2008; Lettre et al., 2008)
known variants in the human genome, as this would be pro- and obesity (Frayling et al., 2007; Loos et al., 2008). Many of
hibitively expensive. This has led to the use of an “indirect” these associations have been convincingly replicated in inde-
approach, which takes advantage of linkage disequilibrium pendent sample cohorts. These studies are providing valuable
(LD), whereby the genotypes of variants in strong LD are cor- insights into the genetic architecture of complex disease,
related, therefore creating redundancy between SNPs. Two and are uncovering potential new mechanistic connections
general strategies for indirect GWAS have been taken: the first between diseases, for example, the association of PTPN22
using a random set of SNPs spread across the genome; the and IL2RA with both type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis,
second taking advantage of the LD data from the HapMap and JAZF1 with aggressive prostate cancer and type II diabe-
Project to select subsets of highly informative “tagging” SNPs tes. These studies have been reviewed by Iles (2008) and
based on the LD between them, which can then be used as a McCarthy et al. (2008) and cataloged online at the National
proxy to effectively capture the entire set of ungenotyped Human Genome Research Institute (http://www.genome.
common SNPs throughout the genome. This latter tagging gov/26525384).
approach has been shown to provide greater coverage of ung-
enotyped common (minor allele frequency > 5%) variants Genomewide SNP Association Studies
throughout the genome (Barrett & Cardon, 2006; Pe’er et al., of Autism Spectrum Disorders
2006). However, the development of imputation approaches
to infer genotypes at ungenotyped loci (Burdick et al., 2006; Two SNP GWAS of autism spectrum disorders have been
Marchini et al., 2007) has reduced the drive to develop arrays very recently published, and further GWAS are currently
of ever-increasing density. underway by large collaborative groups such as the AGP.
Wang et al., (2009) investigated a cohort of 780 families with
International HapMap Project: aims to determine the 1299 affected children from AGRE, and a second cohort of
common patterns of DNA sequence variation and common 1204 affected individuals and 6491 control subjects, all of
haplotypes in the human genome, as a resource for genetic European ancestry. A meta-analysis of the two combined dis-
association studies. This project initially investigated samples covery cohorts identified six SNPs in a 100kb intergenic region
of African, Asian, and European ancestry, and is now being between the cadherin 10 (CDH10) and cadherin 9 (CDH9)
expanded to seven additional populations. genes on chromosome 5p14.1 with strong association signals,
the most significant result being a P value of 3.4 x 10–8. These
Linkage Disequilibrium (LD): the nonrandom association signals were replicated in two independent cohorts, and
of alleles at two or more genetic loci. generated combined discovery and replication P values of
7.4 x 10–8 to 2.1 x 10–10. These intergenic SNPs may have a
These genomewide approaches are unbiased with regard to regulatory effect on the expression of CDH10 and CDH9.
the likely biological candidacy of the genomic region tested, These genes encode neuronal cell-adhesion molecules, which
and rely less on the ability of the researcher to identify “good” are involved in cell adhesion and generation of synaptic com-
biological candidates a priori. The parallel development of plexity in the developing brain. Two pathway-based associa-
gene-based discovery projects such as the Seattle SNPs tion approaches applied to the genotype data again suggested
Variation Discovery Resource ( that cadherin genes are significantly associated with ASD, thus
and Innate Immunity Programs (, implicating these genes in the pathogenesis of ASD. Weiss
which aim to identify all variation in candidate genes and et al. (2009) carried out a genomewide linkage and association
pathways that underlie inflammatory responses and innate study of 1553 affected offspring from 1031 multiplex families
immunity respectively, enables a combination of gene-based using more than 500,000 SNPs on Affymetrix arrays, with
and indirect genomewide association approaches. subsequent examination of the most significantly associated
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 677

regions in additional families. Initial analysis of the discovery A major challenge in GWAS is interpretation of the results
sample did not reveal any SNPs showing association with and identification of variants that survive a stringent correc-
genomewide significance. However, a SNP on chromosome tion for multiple tests, due to the large number of genotype-
5p15 between the semaphorin 5A (SEMA5A) and taste recep- phenotype associations investigated. Given that there are
tor type 2 (TAS2R1) genes was significantly associated with estimated to be in excess of ten million SNPs genomewide
autism in the combined discovery and replication cohorts and few true associations for which GWAS are adequately
(P = 2 x 10−7). SEMA5A has been implicated in axon guidance powered, the prior probability of detecting a true association
during neuronal development, and expression of SEMA5A is low, and spurious associations will substantially out-
was subsequently shown to be reduced in brain tissue from number true ones. Stringent P-value cut-offs, for example,
individuals with autism compared to controls, hence impli- P < 5 x 10−7, have therefore been applied (Wellcome Trust
cating this gene in susceptibility to autism. Case Control Consortium, 2007) in order to avoid an abun-
dance of false positive associations. However, the confidence
What Can We Learn from the Candidate Gene that can be attributed to any given significance level is a func-
and Genomewide Association Studies of tion of sample size, and Bayesian approaches, which incor-
Complex Disease Published So Far? porate prior information on the likely number of true
associations, are increasingly being used. Typically, the most
A recent evaluation of GWAS and published linkage studies compelling signals identified have shown very modest effects
for Type II diabetes suggests that there is little concordance in the disease samples investigated, with heterozygote odds
in the genomic location of the significantly associated vari- ratios generally less than 1.5. However, due to imperfect LD,
ants and linked loci, again indicating that these approaches a modest GWAS finding might ultimately lead to identifica-
are powered to detect different variants (E. Zeggini, personal tion of variants with larger effect sizes. Furthermore, the bio-
communication). Hence, with some exceptions such as logical insight into disease pathogenesis provided by
CNTNAP2 (Alarcon et al., 2008) and KIAA0319 (Paracchini identification of associated loci is not necessarily correlated
et al., 2006), linkage followed by association may have lim- with the effect size of the variants identified.
ited success to detect susceptibility variants for common
complex disease. The extent to which variants identified by Bayesian: statistical approaches, based on Bayes’ theorem,
GWAS support those implicated by candidate gene associa- that assess the probability of a hypothesis being correct by
tion studies has yet to be formally investigated, but many incorporating prior probabilities, which are then revised
GWAS suggest previously unsuspected biological pathways. after obtaining experimental data.
Furthermore, in many cases the most strongly associated
SNPs map to genes of unknown function or to intergenic The extent of reproducibility of GWAS for some disorders,
regions far from the nearest coding sequence, again suggest- especially psychiatric disorders, is still unknown, and limited
ing a limited ability to select good functional candidates for statistical power is demonstrated by the tendency of different
complex disease a priori. Given that known coding regions GWAS of the same phenotype to find partially overlapping
make up less than half of the evolutionarily conserved association results. It has been suggested that the effect size of
sequence in the human genome (Birney et al., 2007), this common variants underlying psychiatric disorders may be
finding should not be surprising. Moreover, finding an asso- smaller than those detected for other complex diseases due to
ciation with an intragenic SNP does not mean that this SNP an adverse influence on reproductive fitness and subsequent
or gene is necessarily involved in disease pathogenesis, as it elimination of variants conferring a high degree of risk from
may be indirectly associated with the true functional variant the population (Craddock et al., 2008). This suggestion is sup-
outside the transcription unit. ported by the existing genomewide association data from
As genotyping technologies have evolved, study designs studies of autism and other psychiatric disorders, and it is pos-
and statistical methodologies have also become more sible that ongoing and future GWAS of psychiatric disorders
robust—both by necessity and by design—with studies may yield a raft of nonreproducible associations, akin to those
including larger samples with better power, more rigorous resulting from candidate gene association studies. However,
quality control and statistical thresholds, and analytical meth- some loci may be missed even by well-powered GWAS due to
ods built on a combination of population and statistical insufficient coverage of the causal variants by SNPs on the
genetics and epidemiology (Altshuler & Daly, 2007). The genotyping array. Therefore, the absence of an association
GWAS carried out to date have generally used a case-control signal does not necessarily mean that a gene or region can be
design, as these samples are cheaper and easier to collect than excluded.
those using a family-based approach due to the thousands of Recently, guidelines for the design, conduct, analysis,
samples required. In addition, family-based association meth- and publication of GWAS and replication studies have
ods generally have reduced power, and several statistical been suggested (Chanock et al., 2007), including those of a
methods to detect and adjust for population stratification working group convened on replication in association studies
between cases and controls have been developed, with mini- (Chanock et al., 2007). This group suggested that claims
mal loss of power (Price et al., 2006; Devlin & Roeder, 1999). of replication should be reserved for effects of a similar
678 Autism Spectrum Disorders

magnitude, with the same allele or haplotype (or those in per- the many, likely more common, intergenic associated variants
fect LD), analyzed for the same phenotype and population identified is a reflection of statistical power, rather than true
and using the same genetic model, and that equal preference underlying disease biology. Although population theory
for publication should be given to well-conducted negative models indicate that the allelic spectrum of variants contribut-
studies. ing to common complex disease is likely to be small (the
“common disease-common variant” hypothesis; Reich &
Genetic model: model of how a genetic locus affects Lander, 2001), several studies have suggested that multiple
susceptibility to a disease or trait. rare variants with an intermediate penetrance at a number of
loci may have a considerable influence on disease susceptibil-
To date, most GWAS have reported single SNP analyses, ity (Pritchard & Cox, 2002). These low-frequency variants
and association of haplotypes or 2-locus or higher-order may explain a significant proportion of the missing genetic
interaction between SNPs has not been explored. However, risk identified by genomewide association studies. The involve-
for N biallelic markers there are 2N possible haplotypes, so the ment of rare variants in susceptibility to ASD has long been
greater information offered by haplotypes or tests for epista- known from the presence of cytogenetic anomalies, and rare
sis is offset by the cost of multiple testing. Incorporation of copy number variants and coding mutations have been
longitudinal data on environmental exposures would enable recently identified (see structural variation below). The impor-
assessment of modifying environmental variables. The large tance of rare variants is supported by empirical data identify-
majority of GWAS also have been carried out in Caucasian ing many rare variants in two candidate genes for
samples, and there is a need to extend these studies to other neuropsychiatric phenotypes in an ethnically diverse reference
populations. HapMap Phase 3 is carrying out genomewide sample (Glatt et al., 2001), in genes contributing to variation
SNP genotyping and targeted sequencing in 1,301 DNA sam- of triglyceride levels in a population-based cohort (Romeo
ples from 11 human populations (including the 270 samples et al., 2007) and in three renal salt handling genes contributing
from the four populations originally genotyped in Phases I to blood pressure variation (Ji et al., 2008). Thus, common
and II of the project), which should aid this endeavor. The complex diseases are more likely to be caused by a combination
large collaborative networks and expanding sample sizes pro- of both common and rare variants.
vide investigators with the ability to study a range of pheno- These rare variants are not sufficiently high risk to be
types simultaneously using the rich sets of data available, and detected by linkage, and association approaches are unable to
including information on peripheral traits such as height. detect them due to poor coverage of rare variation by com-
New public data archives, such as the Database of Genotypes mercially available genotyping arrays, and the fact that even
and Phenotypes (dbGaP; Mailman et al., 2007), have been very large sample sizes do not provide the statistical power
introduced to facilitate analysis of existing datasets employ- necessary to establish an association due to rare variant fre-
ing new hypotheses and methods by investigators carrying quency (Zeggini et al., 2005). Hence, the definition and detec-
out approved research according to study principles. This tion of common versus rare variation is largely determined by
presents the additional challenge, in common with candidate the study power, and a more extensive set of loci influencing
gene and regional association studies, of a retrospective and common complex disease may be found by GWAS of greater
prospective need to correct for an unknown number of statis- power, or by meta-analysis of existing GWAS data, as has been
tical tests when a successive series of analyses are published demonstrated for several disorders including type 2 diabetes
independently. Again, it is the responsibility of authors and (Zeggini et al., 2007; Zeggini et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2007;
journals to present a balanced and thoughtful interpretation Saxena et al., 2007).
of research data, both positive and negative. Recent years have seen a proliferation of novel large-scale
sequencing approaches, with dramatically increased through-
Epistasis: a circumstance where the expression of one gene is put and reduced costs (Margulies et al., 2005; Service, 2006),
affected by the expression of one or more other genes at a enabling the detection of rare sequence variants. However,
different locus. genome sequencing strategies are still considerably more
expensive than those to detect common variation. The diffi-
Association Studies are Underpowered culty of establishing statistical significance for overrepresenta-
to Detect Rare Variation tion of a rare variant in cases versus controls has led to the use
of mutation burden analysis, in which the collective rare vari-
A recent review of 54 genomewide association studies for 22 ant frequency is compared in cases versus controls, as discussed
different diseases published to February 2008 suggests that the for CNTNAP2 above (Bakkaloglu et al., 2008). However,
frequency distribution and effect size of alleles associated with proving the relevance of rare variants may still take some time,
common disease are more reflective of study power than of and other methods are required to demonstrate causality, for
the true underlying disease allele frequency distribution; even example, evidence of a functional effect, demonstrating bio-
when the causative genetic variants are mostly rare, the sig- logical relevance in a model system, or finding additional rare
nificantly associated alleles are expected to be common, as variants in other genes in the same biological pathway or in the
they are the easiest to detect (Iles, 2008). This may imply that same gene in related phenotypes.
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 679

Á Syndromic autism: autism secondary to another known

Structural Variation May Underlie disorder.
Susceptibility to Common Complex Disease
The first genomewide array–CGH investigation of chro-
Although estimates of the number of genes in the human mosomal rearrangements in autism was carried out in 29
genome have decreased as our knowledge of genome struc- karyotypically normal individuals presenting with syndromic
ture has evolved (International Human Genome Sequencing forms of ASD using arrays at 1Mb resolution. In this study,
Consortium, 2004), our knowledge of the extraordinary vari- unique rearrangements of 1.4–16Mb in size were observed in
ability and apparent structural complexity among human 27.5% of cases (Jacquemont et al., 2006). Since this publica-
genomes is rapidly increasing. The recent technological tion, several genomewide studies of CNVs in autism using
advances in array-based genotyping and comparative genomic increasingly high resolution arrays have been carried out. An
hybridization (array-CGH) now allow investigation of the investigation of individuals with idiopathic autism from 118
genome for chromosomal imbalances at a resolution that is singleton, 47 multiplex, and 99 control families, including
considerably higher than that offered by conventional karyo- families from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE),
typing. Recent research has highlighted that structural varia- found that the cumulative frequency of de novo CNVs was
tion is ubiquitous and common throughout the human higher in individuals with ASD than in unaffected individuals
genome (Eichler et al., 2007; Wong et al., 2007; Korbel et al., (P = 0.0005), and more common among female and sporadic
2007; Conrad et al., 2009; Redon et al., 2006). These variants cases than in multiplex families, with most of the CNVs
include deletions, insertions, inversions, and duplications, detected being deletions (Sebat et al., 2007). This led the
and encompass copy number variants (CNVs) as well as more authors to suggest a causal role of de novo mutation in autism.
complex variation, ranging from kilobases to megabases in This paper demonstrated for the first time that chromo-
size (see Feuk et al., 2006, for review). This structural varia- somal anomalies are present in idiopathic individuals with
tion comprises millions of nucleotides of sequence heteroge- ASD, rather than solely in those with mental retardation or
neity and is an important contributor to phenotypic diversity, syndromic forms of autism, a finding subsequently replicated
evolution, and disease susceptibility. To date, over 8000 dis- by several other groups. The Autism Genome Project ana-
tinct regions of the reference human genome assembly have lyzed their Affymetrix 10k SNP data for linkage (see above)
been annotated to harbor nearly 30,000 CNVs in healthy and CNVs in 1181 multiplex families (Szatmari et al., 2007).
control individuals (see the Database of Genomic Variants This revealed several recurrent or overlapping CNVs in mul-
(dGV) at, version hg18, tiple unrelated affected individuals and CNVs coincident
August 05, 2009). These CNVs may affect gene expression with published autism rearrangements, suggesting that these
directly by disrupting genes and altering dosage or indirectly CNVs may be involved in susceptibility to ASDs. A hemizygous
through a position effect or unmasking of recessive muta- deletion of coding exons of neurexin 1 (NRXN1), a neuronal
tions or functional variants on the remaining allele in the case cell-adhesion gene on chromosome 2p16.3, was also identi-
of a deletion. fied in two affected siblings. An array-CGH study using a 19K
whole genome tiling path bacterial artificial chromosome
(BAC) array with ~200kb resolution was carried out on 397
Copy number variant: a submicroscopic structural variation unrelated individuals with ASD from AGRE and 372 controls
that results in gain or loss of genomic material. (Christian et al., 2008). This study identified 51 autism-specific
CNVs in 46 ASD subjects (11.6%), of which 9 were de novo
Copy Number Variants are Associated with and 42 were inherited. Recurrent CNVs were identified at 3
Autism Spectrum Disorders loci: maternal duplications of 15q11-q13, duplications of
22q11, and de novo microdeletions of 16p11.2 (see below).
Much research published over the last 2 decades has shown The CNVs were present at a relatively higher frequency in the
that there is a high rate of microscopic chromosomal anoma- female subjects (M:F ratio of 0.84 in individuals with CNVs
lies in individuals with autism spectrum disorders, which may compared to 1.4 in the study population). A study using the
contribute to autism in approximately 7% of cases (for an Affymetrix 500k SNP array identified CNVs in 44% of 427
online catalog see The major- ASD families that were not present in 500 controls, or in a
ity of these abnormalities arise de novo in simplex rather than further 1152 controls subsequently examined (Marshall et al.,
multiplex families, with the majority found in syndromic 2008). Although most of these CNVs were inherited, de novo
forms of ASD. However, several recent studies have suggested CNVs were again observed at a higher frequency in families
that the proportion of cases of ASD attributable to rare submi- having one child compared to those with two or more affected
croscopic structural variation may be even higher than the 7% children (7.1% vs. 2% respectively), and recurrent or over-
identified by standard cytogenetic approaches. Thus, rapid lapping autism-specific CNVs were observed at 13 loci in
advances in array technology coupled with an increase in unrelated cases. The most recent study of genomewide copy
knowledge of genetic structural variation have led to the search number variation examined a cohort of 859 ASD cases
for copy number variants increasing risk of autism. and 1409 healthy children of European ancestry using the
680 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Illumina HumanHap550 SNP array (Glessner et al., 2009). 2008). Screening an additional 532 probands and 465 controls
A replication cohort of 1336 ASD cases from AGRE were sub- for this CNV identified two more cases but no controls with
sequently investigated. In addition to the identification of the microdeletion, indicating a combined frequency of 0.6%
CNVs in previously reported autism susceptibility genes in autism (4/712 autism versus 0/837 controls). The reciprocal
such as NRXN1 and contactin 4 (CNTN4), several new CNVs duplication of this region was observed in one individual with
in neuronal cell-adhesion molecules including Neuroligin 1 autism and in two controls. Bioinformatic analysis of the CNV
(NLGN1) and astrotactin 2 (ASTN2) were enriched in ASD region localized 12 of the 25 known genes to a single interac-
cases compared to controls (P = 9.5 x 10–3), again implicating tion network that included genes involved in cell-to-cell
these genes in susceptibility to ASD. CNVs in genes involved signaling and interaction, whereas pathways for 3 of the 25
in ubiquitin pathways were also identified in cases, but not genes included postsynaptic density genes (Kumar et al.,
in controls. 2008). A second higher-resolution study used the Affymetrix
In an innovative homozygosity linkage mapping and CNV SNP array 5.0, which contains probes for ~500,000 SNPs and
approach, the Homozygosity Mapping Collaborative for a similar number of nonpolymorphic probes for detection of
Autism recently investigated 88 consanguineous families in copy number variation (Weiss et al., 2008). This study identi-
which the parents were first cousins, to detect autosomal fied five individuals from 4/751 multiplex families, again from
recessive alleles underlying susceptibility to ASD (Morrow AGRE, with the same de novo deletion. This finding was fol-
et al., 2008). This approach has previously proved to be highly lowed up and observed in 5/512 children referred for develop-
successful in mapping disease genes for autosomal recessive mental delay, mental retardation, or suspected ASD, as well as
disorders, including autosomal recessive mental retardation in 3/299 individuals with autism from the Icelandic popula-
(Noor et al., 2008; Alders et al., 2009). Using the Affymetrix tion. Using three different control groups, the deletion was
500k SNP array, Morrow et al. mapped several loci contain- also observed in 3/2814 control samples, which included indi-
ing large, rare, inherited homozygous deletions within linked viduals with bipolar disorder but unscreened for ASD, and in
regions. These deletions were present in 5/88 (6.4%) of 2/18,834 unscreened Icelandic control subjects, but not in 434
consanguineous pedigrees, ranging in size from 18kb to clinical samples from children where ASD, developmental
>800kb, and mapped to chromosomes 2q24, 3p12, 3q24, delay, or mental retardation was not indicated. The 16p11.2
4q28, and 6p12. Notably, this limited overlap of the linked duplication occurred in 7 affected individuals from the AGRE
regions between pedigrees suggests considerable genetic het- families, in 4 of the 512 follow-up children and in 7 of the
erogeneity. Furthermore, the majority of these deletions did control individuals. Apart from the known maternal duplica-
not contain known genes, suggesting that effects may be tion of chromosome 15q11-q13, no other recurrent de novo
mediated through defective regulation of expression of nearby events > 20kb were identified that were not present in control
genes; these included solute carrier family 9 (SLC9A9/NHE9) subjects. In total, deletion and duplication events at 16p11.2
protocadherin 10 (PCDH10), contactin 3 (CNTN3), and were observed in nearly 1% of multiplex families with autism,
sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VII, alpha (SCN7A). in 1% of individuals with autism from a general population
Potential mutations of SLC9A9 were also identified in cases sample, and in more than 1.5% of clinical samples from indi-
with unrelated parents, with the finding of a nonsense muta- viduals with a developmental or language delay, but at less than
tion in two male siblings with autism that was not identified 0.1% in the general population. The Affymetrix 500k SNP
in greater than 3800 control chromosomes. Rare, noncon- array study by Marshall et al., (2008) also identified this 16p11.2
servative coding changes identified by resequencing were also CNV at a frequency of ~1% in individuals with autism. Thus,
more common in individuals with autism and epilepsy than the 16p11.2 deletion and reciprocal duplication appears to
in controls (5.95% versus 0.63%, Fisher’s exact test P = 0.005), contribute to up to 1% of cases with autism, and suggests that
further implicating this gene in autism susceptibility. one or more genes in the region may be dosage sensitive.
The CNVs and sequence variants observed in SHANK3
Recurrent Copy Number Variants of SHANK3 and also showed a combined frequency of ~1% in ASD cases and
Chromosome 16p11.2 are Identified in Autism were observed in individuals with autism and Asperger’s syn-
drome (Durand et al., 2007; Marshall et al., 2008; Moessner
Two of the most notable recent genetic findings in ASD are the et al., 2007). Similarly, the deletion of 16p11.2 was also
identification of a recurrent 16p11.2 copy number variable observed at a markedly increased rate in subjects with a psy-
region spanning ~500kb and a copy number variant of chro- chiatric or language disorder, including schizophrenia, bipo-
mosome 22q13 including the SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat lar disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
domains 3 (SHANK3) gene; a synaptic scaffolding protein dyslexia, and panic disorder, anxiety, depression, or addiction
involved in structural organization of the postsynaptic density (Weiss et al., 2008). This 16p11.2 CNV is flanked by segmental
(Sebat et al., 2007; Kumar et al., 2008; Weiss et al., 2008; duplications with >99% sequence identity, a characteristic
Christian et al., 2008). common of genomic disorders. Although the 16p11.2 deletion
The recurrent microdeletion at 16p11.2 was first observed appears to have more severe phenotypic consequences than
in 2/180 probands from the Autism Genetic Resource the duplication, the finding of asymptomatic carriers and
Exchange (AGRE), and was not present in 372 control variable penetrance for both the 16p11.2 and SHANK3 CNVs
subjects using a 19k whole genome tiling array (Kumar et al., suggests that interpretation of their significance is complex.
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 681

Notably, some large, well-powered studies have failed to iden- diagnostic instruments, and 4 met criteria for milder forms of
tify the 16p11.2 CNV at elevated frequency in cases compared ASD (Bishop et al., 2008).
to controls (Glessner et al., 2009). Nonetheless, the frequency The suggestion that the same genetic variants arising on a
of CNVs of SHANK3 and 16p11.2 suggests that these variants different genetic background may give rise to a different phe-
should be given careful consideration in a clinical diagnostic notype is illustrated by the SHANK3 and 16p11.2 microdele-
setting. tions described above. A rare 15q13.3 microdeletion between
the distal breakpoints of the Prader-Willi/Angelman locus
Considerations for CNV findings in identified in approximately 0.3% of individuals with mental
Autism Spectrum Disorders retardation (Sharp et al., 2008) was also observed in two stud-
ies of copy number variation in schizophrenia in 0.17% cases
The frequency of CNVs reported in the studies above probably versus 0.02% population controls, and in nine cases and no
represents an underestimate, as balanced rearrangements controls (Stefansson et al., 2008; Stone et al., 2008). This
cannot be identified, and syndromic cases of autism were microdeletion also segregates with autism in a family with
excluded from the majority of these studies. Although rare three affected male siblings (Pagnamenta et al., 2009). Very
copy number variants can be detected by genomewide SNP rare nonsense and missense mutations have also been identi-
arrays in contrast to rare SNPs, which are not well represented fied in individuals with nonsyndromic autism in the neuroli-
(see above), the resolution of detection is limited by current gin genes NLGN4 and NLGN3 (Jamain et al., 2003), and in a
technology, and the semiquantitative methods for CNV pedigree with MR and ASD (Laumonnier et al., 2004), and a
detection may be more error prone than those for SNP familial deletion of NLGN4 was also observed in a family with
genotyping. Furthermore, while common CNV associations autism, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, depression, and anxiety
can be identified as described above for SNPs, the same prin- (Lawson-Yuen et al., 2008). Hence, the same copy number
ciples for demonstration of statistically significant association variants and rare variants may lead to an array of abnormal
with disease apply for rare CNVs as for rare SNPs, leading neurobehavioral phenotypes, and clinical presentation may be
several groups to adopt a cumulative CNV frequency or modulated by additional interacting factors such as common
mutation burden approach. Moreover, it is not yet known genetic variation. This suggests that combining data from
whether CNVs are effectively a monogenic cause of ASD, or multiple studies may enable researchers to leverage this genetic
contribute only as risk factors in the presence of other heterogeneity to identify phenotypic signatures related to the
susceptibility variants. Notably, several of these studies again underlying genetics. The possible utility of this approach is
report findings from overlapping patient cohorts, therefore hinted at by the identification of mutations and CNVs of chro-
further studies in independent samples are required. Hence, mosome 22q13 including SHANK3, where an individual with
differentiating pathogenic from nonpathogenic CNVs will be the deletion presented with autism and severe language delay,
challenging, and empirical evidence to demonstrate how a whereas her brother with the duplication had Asperger’s syn-
CNV affects gene function or expression will be required in drome and precocious language development (Durand et al.,
order to identify CNVs that are causally related to disease. 2007). This necessitates a “bottom-up” approach to genetic
homogeneity, rather than the “top-down” phenotypic approach
suggested using autism subphenotypes above, and indicates
Á that individuals within the grey areas of phenotypic overlap
Genetic Risk Variants Do Not Obey between disorders and mixed clinical samples may be required
Diagnostic Boundaries to identify genetic boundaries and commonalities. This latter
approach is being explored by the Psychiatric Genomewide
Autism spectrum disorders are a group of behaviorally Association Study Consortium, which aims to carry out cross-
defined heterogeneous disorders with diverse symptoms. A disorder meta-analysis of genomewide association data of
growing body of genetic research supports the concept of an 59,000 individuals from studies of autism, bipolar disorder,
ASD continuum, or “the autisms,” with an increasingly ADHD, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia to iden-
blurred distinction of the relationship between ASDs, mental tify convincing genotype-phenotype associations common to
retardation (MR), and other psychiatric and neurodevelop- two or more disorders, and associated comorbidities (The
mental disorders. This is supported by the observation of Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Steering Committee, 2009).
many individuals with isolated difficulties in one aspect of the
triad of autistic impairments of a severity comparable to Should We Have Paid More Attention
autism (Ronald et al., 2006). The current edition of the to Penetrant Monogenic Causes of
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders?
(DSM-IV) identifies nearly 300 subcategories of psychiatric
disorder (Abbott, 2008), and the boundaries between these There is a significant body of published research showing
subcategories evolve with time. Indeed, a recent study of that autism is observed at a higher than expected frequency in
adults with a history of developmental language disorder disorders due to single genetic abnormalities, for example,
supports evidence for diagnostic substitution in autism, as 8 in Fragile X syndrome or tuberous sclerosis (reviewed
of 38 individuals met criteria for autism using contemporary in Zafeiriou et al., 2007). Moreover, methyl-CpG-binding
682 Autism Spectrum Disorders

protein 2 (MECP2) was identified as the gene mutated in Rett The finding of increased de novo CNV rates in simplex
syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder (Amir et al., 1999). compared to multiplex families (Sebat et al., 2007; Marshall
The growing list of genetic abnormalities that appear to be et al., 2008) suggests that different genetic mechanisms may
sufficient to result in an ASD phenotype further supports the contribute to ASD risk in these families, namely spontaneous
concept of a continuum of autisms, and fractionation of the mutation and inherited variation, although the presence of
ASD phenotype. This is similar to mental retardation, where identical de novo CNVs in multiple affected siblings suggests
the collective phenotype is attributable to many relatively rare that paternal or maternal germline mosaicism may contrib-
penetrant mutations, each accounting for a small percentage ute to autism pathogenesis. This also raises the intriguing
of cases (Chelly et al., 2006). In the case of MR, array-CGH possibility of somatic mosaicism and the suggestion that
has a successful history of identification of de novo submicro- CNVs may be differentially expressed in different tissue types.
scopic chromosome aberrations, and particularly in those The relatively high incidence of de novo CNVs in autism
individuals with dysmorphic features. This suggests that (Sebat et al., 2007; Marshall et al., 2008) and schizophrenia
Mendelian disorders could contribute significantly to our (Stefansson et al., 2008; Stone et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2008), but
understanding of genetic susceptibility to phenotypically relatively low population frequency again suggests the action
related common complex disorders. Does this mean that of negative selection. A recent formal analysis of recurrence
most published genetic studies of ASD have minimized our risk in multiplex families with autism suggested that the data
chances of identifying risk variants by excluding those indi- is consistent with a significant contribution from two major
viduals, for example, with dysmorphology? The answer to risk categories: a majority of low-risk families in which autism
this question depends on the unknown underlying genetic is caused by de novo mutations with high penetrance in males
architecture, in which increased power from sample homoge- and relatively poor penetrance in females, where there is little
neity is balanced against biological insight into disease patho- genetic risk for autism in other family members; and a minor-
genesis offered by identification of more rare variants. ity of high-risk families in which there is dominant inherit-
ance in males transmitted from these unaffected carrier
females (Zhao et al., 2007).
Á It seems likely that the majority of nonsyndromic autism is
What Can Linkage, Association, and Copy caused by a combination of common and rare variants, with
Number Variation Studies Tell Us About common variants exerting a subtle effect on the ASD pheno-
the Genetic Architecture of Autism type and rare mutations exerting a more major effect. It is not
Spectrum Disorders? yet known whether rare de novo events represent effectively
monogenic forms of ASD, cause specific ASD endopheno-
As discussed previously, the unknown genetic architecture of types, or interact as modifiers of common variant effects, as
ASDs impacts on the likely success of different approaches to suggested by the variable phenotypic presentation. Similarly,
identify risk variants. The question of how many variants it is not known whether the complex genetics of autism con-
contribute to ASD susceptibility within an individual, within a verges on a single genetic pathway, or multiple distinct path-
population, and between populations, and the relative fre- ways. Increased knowledge of two-locus or higher order
quency of these variants, is still largely unknown. The high interactions between variants will lead to better understanding
heritability of the distinct core domains of ASD and the occur- of the mechanisms underlying autism pathogenesis. Studies of
rence of related autistic traits and rapidly decreasing recur- large multigenerational families are needed in order to assess
rence rates of autism in relatives with decreasing genetic the segregation and penetrance of putative risk variants and
relatedness supports the influence of several common genetic how distinct variants interact. The effects of gender and mod-
variants. However, the influence of a small number of genes ifying variables such as environmental exposures or the influ-
should have been identified by linkage or association studies, ence of epigenetics, together with stochastic effects, also need
even allowing for the presence of multiple disease alleles at to be incorporated into genetic models.
each locus (allelic heterogeneity) in the case of linkage. In con-
trast, the difference in monozygotic to dizygotic twin con- Epigenetic: heritable genetic variation that is not due to
cordance rates in autism (Bailey et al., 1995; Folstein & Rutter, changes in DNA sequence.
1977; Steffenburg et al., 1989) is consistent with the contribu-
tion of multiple rare variants (Risch, 1990). It has been sug-
gested that the reduced fecundity associated with severe
psychiatric disorders negatively selects against risk alleles, and Á
this may explain why common variants that increase risk in Increasing Sample Sizes and the Challenge
disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, and mental retarda- of Data Interpretation
tion have not been consistently identified (Stefansson et al.,
2008). This suggests that rare variants may account for a larger In recent years, genetic research in autism has moved from the
fraction of disease risk than previously assumed, and is sup- challenge of overinterpretation of too little data to the chal-
ported by the identification of possible etiological CNVs at lenge of mining the wealth of data generated by increasingly
relatively low frequency. high-throughput genomic technologies and expanding
Whole Genome Linkage and Association Analyses 683

sample cohorts. This data must be collated, stored, and are also implicated in mental retardation and other neurode-
analyzed, posing a computational and statistical hurdle. velopmental and psychiatric disorders. These findings have
While the absence of more significant linkage results from led to a clear shift in thinking about the genetic basis of autism,
the Autism Genome Project study (Szatmari et al., 2007) sug- indicating extensive genetic heterogeneity with the likely con-
gests that future increases in sample size may not lead to more tribution of both common and rare variation in multiple genes
significant linkage findings, genomewide association and CNV with diverse functions. As technologies emerge for genetic
studies of common complex disease generally have illustrated research into complex neurodevelopmental disorders, theo-
that the more samples the better for detection of common ries of causality also evolve, and the technologies and theories
variants of moderate effect and rare risk alleles. These studies regarded as state of the art and complex today will probably be
are facilitated by large consortia and publically available regarded as routine and simplistic tomorrow. In spite of this,
resources such as the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange significant progress in understanding the genetic variation
(AGRE). The drive by funding bodies and scientists toward a underlying ASD has been made in the last 2 to 3 years. This
more holistic, interdisciplinary approach, the implementation suggests that despite major challenges, there is cause for opti-
of infrastructures to support data sharing between investiga- mism for continued discovery of autism risk variants and
tors, and the impetus to make biomaterials and genotype data illumination of the etiological biological mechanisms.
available to the scientific community has both a positive and
negative impact on scientific research. While publically avail-
able resources lead to a wealth of informative analyses using Á
different approaches, this also leads to multiple reporting and Challenges and Future Directions
nonindependence of results, so that repeated publication of
the same or partially overlapping data becomes accepted “fact” • The identification of multiple rare mutations and CNVs
in the autism literature. This is exacerbated by individuals that are involved in ASD susceptibility suggests that large
with autism and their families who are motivated to partici- consortia and convergent interdisciplinary approaches
pate in multiple studies, leading to resampling of the same will be required to further elucidate the risk variants and
individuals. The pressing need for sample sizes considerably biological pathways involved. This need for large sample
larger than those currently available is supported by online sizes conflicts with the need for improved phenotypic
resources such as the Interactive Autism Network (IAN: http:// resolution. Population-based samples such as these • The real translational benefit from this genetic research
and epidemiological cohorts allow exploration of the bounda- is likely to come from an improved understanding of dis-
ries and overlap between genetic and clinical presentation, but ease mechanisms and risk in the population.
lead to a conflict between broad-brush phenotyping and large • Considerable in vitro and in vivo functional evidence
samples via Web-based resources, versus the need for detailed will be required to demonstrate causality of putative risk
diagnoses and phenotyping. variants, and to understand how they influence clinical
• The likely etiological overlap with other neurodevelop-
Á mental and psychiatric disorders suggests that epidemio-
Conclusions logical and longitudinal studies will be required to identify
additional genetic, epigenetic, environmental, and sto-
The last decade of research into the genetics of autism spec- chastic risk factors and to understand how these differ-
trum disorders has been notable for the general lack of repro- ent risk factors interact functionally. This complicates
ducibility of results from whole genome linkage and candidate potential therapeutic translation and hinders progress to
gene association studies. However, recent advances in genomic effective generic or personalized clinical intervention.
technology now provide greater ability to assay genetic varia- • The rapid development of next generation sequencing
tion, enabling genomewide association and copy number var- technologies means that in the near future the genomes
iation studies. It remains to be seen whether the findings of of individuals with autism will likely be investigated at
published and ongoing genomewide association studies will nucleotide resolution, bringing with it the challenge
prove to be more consistent than those from previous candi- of managing and interpreting this wealth of biological
date gene association studies. Nonetheless, several copy data.
number variants and rare mutations that appear to increase
risk of autism have been recently discovered by multiple
groups. The identification of associated variants, structural
variation, and rare sequence mutations in genes such as
O’Roak, B. J., & State, M. W. (2008). Autism genetics: Strategies,
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39 Á Rita M. Cantor

Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci

Á 50 percent for dominant traits and 25 percent for recessive

Points of Interest traits, yield linkage signals that are usually unambiguously
significant at one locus, allowing the responsible genes and
• Twin, linkage, and association studies indicate that ASD their predisposing alleles to be localized and then identified
is genetically complex, and may be the result of different by positional cloning techniques. As an example, the single
subsets of multiple risk genes interacting to produce this gene for cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive Mendelian
phenotype. disorder, was one of the first to be discovered using linkage
• Analytic strategies to reduce the complexity of ASD are studies followed by positional cloning. Even though fol-
needed to reveal its genetic etiology. low-up studies in patients from around the world indicate
• Identification of ASD-related quantitative endopheno- that there are over 1000 causal mutations in this gene (Farrell
types that are heritable and have sufficient variation is an et al., 2008), linkage analysis was successful in localizing it as
important first step. well as those for other Mendelian disorders.
• Ascertaining study samples with ASD, measuring related
endophenotypes in family members, genotyping, and 1.1 Linkage Analysis for Mendelian Disorders
conducting linkage analyses to detect quantitative trait
loci (QTL) is an effective approach to reduce complexity. Linkage studies are designed to find the chromosome regions
• For ASD, QTL studies have been conducted and loci harboring the genes that contribute to phenotypic differences
have been replicated. In one case quantitative association among individuals. The statistical algorithms to test for link-
studies reveal the predisposing gene. age have evolved over time to accommodate changes in the
nature and complexity of the phenotypes and the numbers of
markers available for mapping. However, all linkage studies
Á require the ascertainment of pedigrees with members that
1.0 ASD: Genetic But Not Mendelian show variation in the phenotype and have genotypes at
informative markers. The statistical algorithms and computer
During the 6 decades since ASD was defined there has been a programs for linkage analysis identify where the cosegregation
growing recognition of the importance of genes in its etiol- of trait values and marker alleles within pedigrees is greater
ogy. This was first revealed by twin studies; the ASD concord- than what one would expect by chance alone. Linkage results
ance rate in monozygotic (MZ) twins who share all of their at each locus reflect the statistical information that has been
genes has been estimated at 90%, while that rate in dizygotic combined across all pedigrees in the analysis (Cantor, 2006;
(DZ) twins, who share on average 50 percent of their genes, Ott, 1999).
is much lower, at 10% (Bailey et al., 1995). Despite this sub- Initially the traits in linkage studies were binary, such as
stantive support for genetics, efforts to identify ASD genes the presence or absence of disease, and the models of inherit-
exhibit inconsistent linkage results and weak association ance used in the analyses were Mendelian dominant or reces-
effects (Lamb, Parr, Bailey, & Monaco, 2002). These are likely sive. Using model based or classical linkage analysis, the
to reflect its genetic complexity (Veenstra-Vanderweele, statistical evidence for linkage is evaluated by LOD scores.
Christian, & Cook, 2004). In contrast, single-gene Mendelian The LOD score is the log of the odds of linkage compared to
disorders that exhibit clear family segregation ratios of the null hypothesis of no linkage at a marker. The LOD is

Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 691

calculated by comparing the statistical likelihood of the to as model free methods, and some approaches used in QTL
observed cosegregation of trait values and marker alleles in mapping are based on them. While no model of inheritance is
the study pedigrees to the statistical likelihood of the cosegre- put forth, the principle on which the methods are based is that
gation in the same pedigrees at the same marker that is if a chromosome region contains a disease gene, siblings or
expected by chance alone when there is no linkage. other relative pairs who both have the disease will share marker
Traditionally, a LOD greater than 3 (odds of 1000 to 1) has genotypes in the region containing a disease gene more often
been taken as evidence supporting linkage to the region con- than one would expect by chance alone. Thus, chromosomal
taining the genetic marker. Significant linkage implies that the loci exhibiting excess marker allele sharing identical by descent
disease gene is in the chromosome region containing the (IBD) (or the same allele inherited from common ancestors)
marker. Following a successful linkage analysis, positional by affected sibling pairs are linked to the disorder. Marker allele
cloning, association analyses, or sequencing studies designed sharing IBD is illustrated in Figure 39-1.
to detect predisposing genes and causal alleles are conducted In this pedigree with a mother, a father, and their two
in the linked regions. children, the parents have genotypes A1A2 and A3A4 respec-
tively. The mother passes A1 and the father passes A3 to their
1.2 ASD is Genetically Complex daughter. If the son gets A2 from the mother and A4 from the
father, these two siblings share 0 alleles IBD, which is expected
In addition to inconsistent linkage and association results, the to occur 25% of the time. If the son gets A1 and A4, the sib-
genetic complexity of ASD is revealed by the large discrepancy lings share one allele IBD. Sharing one allele could also occur
between the MZ and DZ twin concordance rates. That is, when if the son gets A2 and A3, so sharing one allele IBD is expected
there is a multigene model with no allelic or gene interactions, to occur 50% of the time. If, like the daughter, the son also gets
the DZ twin concordance rate is expected to be about one half A1 and A3 from their parents, the siblings share 2 alleles IBD,
that seen in MZ twins. The large difference estimated for ASD which is expected to happen 25% of the time. The null hypoth-
(90% vs. 10%) is explained by a model of inheritance that esis of no linkage or no excess allele sharing has a probability
includes numerous interacting genes and alleles (Ijichi et al., distribution of 25%, 50%, and 25% for sharing 0, 1, or 2 alleles
2008; Risch et al., 1999), with each making a small contribu- IBD. If, for example, in a panel of sibling pairs ascertained for
tion to the ASD phenotype. The complex genetics of ASD is ASD, an observed distribution of 15%, 40%, and 45% for a
also likely to include significant genetic heterogeneity (Happe, marker provides evidence of ASD linkage to the chromosome
Ronald, & Plomin, 2006; Ronald et al., 2006). Thus, a realistic region containing the marker indicating the presence of an
model of inheritance might include 20 or more predisposing ASD gene at that locus.
ASD genes, with each having numerous risk alleles. One indi- Model free linkage analysis tests for deviations of the
vidual with ASD might have a particular subset of those genes observed IBD distributions from the expected IBD sharing dis-
and alleles, while another with ASD could have a different but tribution under the null hypothesis of 25%, 50%, and 25%.
overlapping or completely different subset. In addition, the Various statistics have been used to assess the significance of
environment is likely to play an important role, and its effects the deviations, and some methods provide a LOD score
may be unequal among the affected individuals. (Cantor, 2006; Ott, 1999). A threshold for significance should
In summary, there are a very large number of genetic be set to declare linkage. Setting this threshold is not straight-
models that could each be invoked to explain the genetic risk forward, but researchers often use a LOD score of 3 (or a
for ASD, with none being correct. Linkage analyses of ASD p-value equivalent to it), which is the same as the one used for
cannot employ simple models of inheritance such as the dom- parametric linkage analysis. Replication in an independent
inant and recessive ones used for Mendelian disorders, as the sample is a hallmark of success in mapping complex traits.
true model is very complex and remains unknown. Given this
genetic complexity, designing an appropriate gene identifica-
tion study remains a challenge. However investigators con- A1A2 A3A4
tinue to feel a pressing need to use the current molecular and
analytic tools to tackle gene identification for ASD and other
common complex disorders that are clearly genetic, but not
Mendelian. The trajectory of this endeavor has been acceler-
ated by the molecular and bioinformatics tools developed and
refined in conjunction with the Human Genome (Roberts,
Davenport, Pennisi, & Marshall, 2001) and HapMap (Manolio,
Brooks, & Collins, 2008) projects.
IBD Prob
A1A3 A2 A4 0 1/4
1.2.1 Model Free Linkage for Complex Traits
A1A3 A1 A4 1 1/2
A1A3 A1 A3 2 1/4
Linkage methods that do not require a genetic model have been
developed to address the genetic complexity. They are referred Figure 39–1. Illustration of allele-sharing identical by descent.
692 Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASD, like many other genetically complex disorders, shows contribute to genetic heterogeneity. For example, one could
evidence of linkage to numerous chromosome loci, but only a know or assume that those with ASD who are nonverbal have
few replications have been observed (Cantor et al., 2005). Thus, a different set of predisposing genes than those who are
even model free linkage methods may not be adequate for a affected and verbal. Depending on the analysis conducted, the
phenotype with this degree of genetic complexity. This suggests members of the ASD study sample are stratified by a feature of
that ASD is appropriate for well-designed QTL studies. ASD and separate gene finding analyses are conducted in the
two samples.
1.3 Genomewide Association Studies A second strategy is to analyze a quantitative trait or endo-
phenotype that is associated with ASD and known or assumed
Currently, studies are employing an alternative to linkage to capture a single or reduced number of genetic dimensions
analysis as the first step in gene detection. That is, preliminary of the disorder. It is anticipated that the endophenotype is
linkage analyses are not conducted to localize genes, but the likely to result from fewer genes and alleles acting with less
whole genome is tested for association with ASD or other com- complexity. This approach can be successful if there are
plex disorders using 500,000 to one million single nucleotide common genetic variants serving as the basis of the endophe-
polymorphisms (SNPs) to identify the predisposing genes and notype (Wijsman, 2007). Using this strategy, genes predispos-
alleles (Simon-Sanchez & Singleton, 2008). The rationale is ing to features of ASD are mapped through QTL analyses, an
that linkage studies have some drawbacks, and the tools to approach that is addressed here. To clarify, the goal is to iden-
identify risk genes through association analysis are now avail- tify heritable traits that have substantial variance and are
able (Frazer et al., 2007). One drawback is that linkage studies known to be associated with or can contribute to a diagnosis
require the collection of families, which can be difficult to find of ASD. A common example illustrates this point. The genes
and expensive to ascertain. Also, linkage analysis is not sensitive that contribute to triglyceride levels, a continuous and herita-
enough to detect the alleles that confer small risks. ble trait, are also likely to contribute to the risk for coronary
Genomewide association studies (GWAS) conducted on artery disease (CAD), as high triglycerides are seen in those
large samples of cases and well-matched controls can identify with CAD. Therefore triglyceride levels provide a good CAD
alleles with small effects. They capitalize on the likely linkage endophenotype for QTL mapping. Identifying appropriate
disequilibrium between genetic risk variants and the nearby quantitative traits associated with ASD poses a greater chal-
SNPs that have traveled with them on the same chromosome lenge, because our understanding of its biology is not as well
throughout the history of the population. It is thought that developed as that for CAD.
there are 10 million SNPs in humans, and that a large fraction
of the genetic variants that contribute to the risk of disease will 2.1 Quantitative Endophenotypes
be captured by the commercial panels of 500,000 to 1,000,000
SNPs available for these studies. The mechanism by which The goal is to distill the genetically complex phenotype into
fewer genotyped SNPs capture the variation of others is more specific heritable features. That is, for many complex
referred to as “tagging.” GWAS has met with success in a disorders including ASD, the diagnosis of being affected results
number of complex disorders, but in many of those cases the from positive responses on a checklist of observed features or
associated variants explain very little of the genetic risk for the behaviors. For example, a genetically complex autoimmune
trait (Willer et al., 2009). ASD GWAS studies are currently disease like systemic lupus erythematosus is diagnosed if any of
being conducted. In preliminary findings, significant associa- four out of eleven criteria are met (Hochberg, 1997); metabolic
tions with common variants have not been observed, and the syndrome, which is also complex, is associated with diabetes
focus has been mainly on rare copy number variants. Although and coronary artery disease and diagnosed when several crite-
genetic models are not needed for GWAS studies, strategies to ria involving disturbances in metabolism and lipids are met
reduce genetic complexity will be important. As with linkage, (Qiao et al., 2009). Most relevant to ASD, neurobiological
methods are available to test quantitative endophenotypes for disorders are diagnosed when an individual exhibits a pattern
association with SNP panels. of behaviors consistent with criteria listed in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
Focusing on single traits from these checklists may reveal enti-
Á ties that derive from the major effects of fewer genes with a
2.0 ASD: Reducing Genetic Complexity simpler genetic model. Also, since the analysis of quantitative
traits is more statistically powerful than the analysis of discrete
Identifying the genetic contributions to complex disorders traits, identifying quantitative features of the ASD phenotype
such as ASD has not been straightforward. Study designs and can provide a robust approach to gene identification.
analytic methods that have been suggested (Almasy &
Blangero, 2001), indicate that a more successful path to gene 2.1.1 A Quantitative Trait Model
identification would include the identification and analysis of
traits with simpler genetic models. There are two straightfor- The genetic contribution to a quantitative trait or endophe-
ward strategies to reducing complexity. The first is to stratify notype can be illustrated by a simple arbitrary model with
the members of the study sample by a factor thought to 3 genes. While the genetics of any “real” quantitative trait
Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 693

will be more complex, the principles illustrated by this model Since there is no simple approach that can be used in every
can be applied. In this hypothetical model, there are 3 genes situation, it is important to evaluate the distribution of the
each with 2 alleles contributing to Trait1 in an additive quantitative trait in the choice of analytic method and
fashion. The alleles are “A” and “a” for gene1, “B” and “b” for interpretation of results.
gene2, and “C” and “c” for gene 3, and each capital letter allele The second criterion for effective QTL mapping is that the
contributes 3 to the trait value, while each lower case letter endophenotype should be associated with the binary defini-
allele contributes 1. Thus, a person with genotype AA, Bb, and tion of the disorder. That is, one should be able to subdivide
cc would have a trait value of 12. The maximum and mini- the values of the trait so that it correlates with binary defini-
mum trait values are 18 and 6, respectively. Complexities tion of the disorder. Figure 39-2 illustrates this point. Here, in
might include gene-gene or gene-environment interactions Figure 39-2a, the horizontal axis reflects the observed values
that would alter the trait values. If the alleles with capital let- of the trait, and the vertical axis reflects the percent or prob-
ters exhibit dominance at each locus, someone with genotype ability of each of those values. Hypothetically, the vertical line
AA, Bb, and cc would have a trait value of 14. Interactions that is drawn divides those who are affected from those who
among loci would produce a wider number of possible trait are not. This indicates there is a perfect relationship between
values. Ascertainment of an informative study sample is criti- the endophenotype and the binary disorder. In reality, the
cal, and gene finding efforts are enhanced if the sample is relationship will not be that strong. This is illustrated in
drawn from families exhibiting the entire range of the trait. Figure 39-2b, where, as in 39-2a, the white color reflects the
These related individuals are expected to be correlated in their trait values of those who are affected and the grey color reflects
trait values because they share common genes. Identifying the the trait values of those who are not affected, but a clean ver-
genes by QTL analyses capitalizes on the expected relation- tical line cannot be drawn. Since the quantitative trait is not
ships of trait values and marker allele sharing by the relative used to diagnose the disorder directly, there are no strict rules
pairs in the pedigrees. regarding this expected relationship between quantitative
values and diagnosis, and the judgment of the investigator as
2.1.2 Three Criteria for Good QTL Endophenotypes to the acceptability of this correlation is important.
The third critical criterion is that the endophenotype have
QTL mapping, like linkage analysis, is directed toward finding a significant heritability. The heritability of a quantitative trait
the chromosomal loci that harbor genes contributing to a is the fraction of the trait variance that can be attributed to
trait, however here the trait is a quantitative endophenotype. genes. Narrow heritability is operating if the genes act in an
Specific criteria must be met for an endophenotype to be additive fashion, as illustrated by the example in section 2.1.1.
appropriate for QTL mapping. The first is that the endophe- Broad heritability is the estimate that includes the interactive
notype exhibit substantial variation in the study sample under effects of genes, also discussed in that section. Because these
analysis. Achieving this can sometimes be difficult. A powerful interactions are difficult to identify or predict, investigators
study design consists of genotyped individuals in pedigrees usually make the simplifying assumption that all gene effects
ascertained for those with the complex disorder, where both are additive, and they estimate the narrow heritability. The
the affected and unaffected are measured. The contrast of closer the genetic model is to one that is additive, the easier it
these individuals provides good power to detect the correla- is to map the QTL.
tion of trait value differences and allele sharing that is used to
map the genes. Thus, pedigrees with a large number of affected Estimating Heritability
individuals are more powerful.
Sometimes the trait can only be measured in those who are The heritability of a trait in a given population can be esti-
affected. An example is the age of onset of the disorder. A mated by calculating the observed trait correlations in classes
common design consists of multiplex nuclear families with at of relative pairs, such as siblings, and adjusting them for their
lease two affected members measured for the endophenotype. degrees of relationship. The most informative pairs are MZ
This design will provide less power than one including unaf- twins, as they share all of their genes and their correlation
fected individuals from the families, but it may be necessary without an adjustment is a direct estimate of trait heritability.
for the proposed endophenotype. For other disorders, the DZ twins share on average half of their genes and doubling
endophenotype can only be assessed effectively in unaffected their correlation provides an estimate of heritability. Their
individuals. This will reduce the statistical power to identify contrast, twice the difference in these correlations, provides a
the predisposing genes, as it leads to an enrichment of alleles better estimate of heritability because it accounts for the sam-
that have very small effects on the trait value, since the bigger pling error and environmental correlations in these estimates.
effects are likely to occur in the affected who have the dis- There are more complex methods to estimate heritability that
turbed trait values. Trait variation can be continuous, such as involve analyses of trait variance (Rice, 2008).
IQ, or ordinal, such as the degree of dysfunction (mild, mod- Sometimes only sibling pairs are available for a heritability
erate, or severe). A statistical power calculation taking the estimate. While the trait correlation for these pairs can be
nature of the study sample, level of significance, and distribu- doubled for a rough estimate of trait heritability, it includes
tion of the trait can be conducted. It will allow the investigator the effects of common family environment. Thus, it provides
to estimate the detectable effect size of the predisposing alleles. an upper bound for the heritability of the trait, which can be
694 Autism Spectrum Disorders

25 1a




25 2a




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 39–2. Relationships of a quantitative endophenotype and a binary diagnosis.

much smaller. Using multiple types of relative pairs provides a exhibit aspects of the trait, when this is feasible. The guidelines
more refined estimate, but the “gold standard” is derived from acknowledge that often the traits can only be assessed in those
data on MZ and DZ twin pairs. For most study designs, the who are affected, limiting the range of variability. Suggested
heritability estimate has a standard error that can be used to classes of traits include dimensions of mental skills that can
test the null hypothesis that it is zero. explain features of ASD (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner,
The heritability of a quantitative trait provides an upper Martin, & Clubley, 2001). For example, employing an instru-
bound for the heritability contributed by any one locus, ment to assess and measure the degree of central coherence
referred to as the locus specific heritability. For example, if could allow investigators to capture and quantify the skill that
three genes contribute to the trait, the heritability will be permits savant behavior, because it is thought to be explained
divided among the three loci, although not necessarily evenly, by weak central coherence (Viding & Blakemore, 2007).
giving some of the loci with bigger effects a better chance of
detection by QTL analysis. If many genes contribute to the 3.1 Behavioral Questionnaire Endophenotypes
trait value, the heritability can be high and the locus specific
heritabilities can all be low. Thus, a high heritability for a Appropriate endophenotypes can come from instruments
trait that is polygenic does not guarantee that a QTL will be devised to assess the features of (Hoekstra, Bartels, Verweij, &
identified. A well-defined study for a highly heritable trait, a Boomsma, 2007; Skuse, Mandy, & Scourfield, 2005) and
sufficient sample size, and luck will all be important. diagnose ASD (Piven, Palmer, Landa et al., 1997). The
Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (QCHAT), a
25-item checklist with a score of 0–4 on each item provides a
Á number of possible traits for analysis. These items are corre-
3.0 ASD: Quantitative Endophenotypes lated with ASD, as the mean scores for those with ASD are
significantly higher than for those who are unaffected (Allison
The identification of quantitative endophenotypes for ASD is et al., 2008). Additional analyses of the heritability or famili-
at an early stage of development, and QTL studies may be pre- ality of the scores would be important for further work. The
mature for many quantitative traits. However, several authors broad autism phenotype (BAP) is described by features of
have addressed the value of identifying endophenotypes for language and personality, ranging from mild to severe. It is
general psychiatric disorders (Gottesman & Gould, 2003; correlated with, but does not lead to autism, and can be quan-
Szatmari et al., 2007; Walters & Owen, 2007), and others pro- tified as a potential endophenotype (Losh & Piven, 2007;
vided general guidance for their definition in ASD (Allison Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, Childress, & Arndt, 1997). The Broader
et al., 2008; Chiu et al., 2008; Pickles et al., 2000; Viding & Phenotype Autism Symptom Scale (BPASS) is a good source
Blakemore, 2007; Wijsman, 2007). Their general guidelines of endophenotypes. A trained clinician measures social moti-
for ASD suggest quantifying the features of a particular vation, social expressiveness, conversational skills, and flexi-
symptom and including normally functioning adults who also bility in ASD-affected individuals and their family members
Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 695

along a quantitative continuum (Dawson et al., 2007; Dawson developmental delay, or Asperger’s syndrome. Since it involves
et al., 2002). Developers of this instrument anticipated the direct observation of a person’s behavior by an examiner who
possibilities of QTL studies, as they identified BPASS traits is taking careful note of traits and behaviors central to the
that are familial (Sung et al., 2005) and correlated with ASD. diagnosis of autism, it is difficult to convert this instrument
The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) (Constantino et al., into a tool with quantitative traits. Thus, the ADOS is much
2006; Constantino & Todd, 2003) provides a quantitative less adaptable to QTL analyses than the ADI-R and the other
score measuring the deficit in this defining feature of ASD. instruments discussed in this chapter. These differences indi-
The SRS score is highly correlated with ASD and provides a cate that one must recognize that it is not only the quality of
measure of a single dimension of social skills. It has been vali- the traits that must be considered for QTL studies, but the
dated, and found to be heritable in normal individuals, as nature of their measurement as well. An interactive tool for
assessed by twin studies. It can be administered to pedigree diagnosis may not adapt well to providing a consistent and
members and provides an excellent trait for QTL mapping. A well-defined phenotype.
small QTL study was conducted in nuclear families with ASD,
which is discussed more extensively in section 5.0. 3.4 Biological Endophenotypes

3.2 Behavioral Traits: Autism Diagnostic Although knowledge of the biology of ASD is currently
Instrument Revised (ADIR) limited, investigations suggest a number of ASD-correlated,
heritable, and variable biological endophenotypes appropriate
The ADIR, which has been used extensively to diagnose ASD for QTL analyses. For example, an increased number of those
(Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994), provides a wealth of with ASD exhibit a large head circumference for their age and
potential endophenotypes for QTL analyses. It assesses deficits sex (Fombonne, Roge, Claverie, Courty, & Fremolle, 1999;
in the domains of language and social skills and identifies the Lainhart et al., 2006; Sacco et al., 2007). Significant familial
presence of stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. Quantification correlations in head circumference have been observed in
of these deficits and their specific features provides candidate family members of those with ASD, indicating this is a good
endophenotypes for QTL analyses. These capture the global ASD endophenotype for QTL analysis (Spence, Black,
degree of deficit in language or social skills or focus on the Miyamoto, & Geschwind, 2005). The sizes of certain struc-
quantitative assessment of a single dimension of language or tures of the brain have been implicated as causing the large
social skills, such as the degree of delay in speech. head (Courchesne et al., 2007), and if the sizes are familial they
The ADIR is an assessment of approximately 100 ASD may also be appropriate endophenotypes for QTL analysis.
features by trained clinicians interrogating caregivers. Many This endophenotype has already been associated with a genetic
questions address the levels at which the child exhibits partic- polymorphism (Conciatori et al., 2004). Increased blood sero-
ular deficits. The value for each item varies from 0 to 3, with a tonin levels have been reported in those with ASD (Cross
higher score reflecting a greater deficit. Thus, scores are ele- et al., 2008; Weiss et al., 2006). The trait is familial, making it
vated in those with ASD. A single item provides an ordinal a good candidate for QTL analysis in pedigrees ascertained for
score and combinations of items provide a more continuous individuals with ASD.
range of values. Scores for item combinations can be achieved
by direct addition or derived from multivariate statistical
methods like factor analysis (Afifi, Clark, & May, 2004), which Á
is applied to find a linear combination of the scores on indi- 4.0 QTL Analyses
vidual items reflecting language deficits that are most corre-
lated with each other in those with ASD. More sophisticated QTL analyses are conducted to localize genes that contribute
analytic methods are also available to find multivariate to quantitative traits or endophenotypes. They were origi-
quantitative traits appropriate for QTL analysis (Kutner, nally designed to localize genes in model organisms (Mackay,
Nachtsheim, & Neter, 2004). 2004) and in particular inbred strains of mice (Flint, Valdar,
Shifman, & Mott, 2005). Inbred mouse strains are derived by
3.3 Autism Diagnostic Observation breeding siblings for 20 generations until they are homozygous
Schedule (ADOS) at almost every locus. Mating mice from two different inbred
strains that differ significantly in their trait mean provides a
The ADOS is a semistructured assessment with diagnostic straightforward approach to localizing genes contributing
modules that are customized for both nonverbal and verbal to that trait. Using this design, a significant test statistic iden-
patients and tailored for individuals that range in age from tifies marker loci where mice differing in their genotypes
toddlerhood to adulthood. The assessment is open-ended, also differ in their mean trait values. The differences are
and an examiner uses a series of situations and interview assessed by t-tests or Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) (Ott &
questions to elicit behavior and verbal responses from the Longnecker, 2000), and the loci with markers exhibiting sig-
individual tested. An overall assessment is used to discrimi- nificantly different trait means reveal the QTL. In inbred
nate among forms of ASD, such as autism itself, pervasive mice, gene identification at a QTL is a significant challenge,
696 Autism Spectrum Disorders

because they exhibit reduced genetic variability, making their trait heritability. Genetic markers are incorporated into the
QTL very broad, and thus encompassing many genes. Very analysis to estimate marker allele sharing IBD among the rela-
large numbers of mice are needed to narrow the QTL by tive pairs in the pedigrees and these IBD estimates are ana-
breeding, and complex study designs have been proposed to lyzed in relation to the covariances among the trait values. The
address this problem (Rockman & Kruglyak, 2008). After a QTL analysis tests whether including the effects of a gene con-
QTL or gene is identified in mice, the human orthologs can tributing to the trait at that marker locus better explains the
be found using mouse/human comparative maps available at data. This is accomplished by a likelihood ratio test, which is
the Jackson Laboratories Web site ( similar to what is used by the LOD score linkage analysis. The
test statistic compares the likelihood of the data with a trait
4.1 Methods of QTL Analyses in Humans influencing gene in the chromosome region included com-
pared to the likelihood of the data without this gene. The loci
This method of QTL analysis for inbred mice has been with LOD scores exceeding a predetermined threshold are
extended to address gene localization in outbred humans. considered to be QTL, and the analysis allows for an estimate
Multiple analytic approaches are available, and factors that of the locus specific heritability at each QTL.
influence the choice are the degree of distributional normality If the pedigrees under analysis have a large number of
of the trait and the configuration of the study sample. QTL affected individuals, and the distribution of their trait values is
analyses differ when the trait is continuous with a normal dis- bimodal, thus violating the normality assumption of this sta-
tribution and studied in several large pedigrees compared to tistical method, transformation of the trait values to fit a
when it is ordinal with a few categories and studied in a large normal distribution would satisfy the assumptions of the
number of nuclear families. Table 39-1 outlines some of the method. Alternatively, a nonparametric mapping method,
options in QTL analysis. such as those in given Table 39-1 may be more appropriate.
Algorithms to conduct variance component QTL analyses can
4.1.1 Variance Components Analyses use a great deal of computer time, particularly if the analysis is
multipoint, which incorporates the information from many
If large pedigrees with most members measured for a normally markers to estimate the allele sharing IBD, rather than single
distributed endophenotype are available, a variance compo- point, where each marker is analyzed individually. Multipoint
nent analysis is the most appropriate and statistically powerful analyses consider more information simultaneously, and are
approach. Computer programs that implement this method thus more powerful statistically.
include SOLAR (Blangero & Almasy, 1996) (Almasy et al.,
1999), MENDEL (Lange et al., 2001), and MERLIN (Abecasis, 4.1.2 QTL Mapping for ASD Traits
Cherny, Cookson, & Cardon, 2002; Heath, 1997). In each case,
the trait variance is partitioned into components attributable Since individuals with ASD rarely have offspring, and their
to genes, the environment, and when appropriate, their inter- parents may respond to the burden of caring for a child with
actions. The partition is achieved by comparing the degrees of this disorder with stoppage (Slager, Foroud, Haghighi,
the genetic relationships among the pedigree members and Spence, & Hodge, 2001), ceasing to have children, it is diffi-
the covariances in their trait values, resulting in an estimate of cult to identify large pedigrees with substantial numbers of

Table 39–1.
QTL mapping approaches

Study Sample Genetic Markers Analytic Method Software Comments

Large Pedigrees Multiallelic Markers or Analysis of Variance SOLAR The trait variance is
SNPs Components MENDEL partitioned into genetic
MERLIN and environmental
Nuclear Families Multiallelic Markers or Haseman-Elston Sibpal in SAGE Identity-by-descent allele
SNPs Kruskal Wallis test Nonparametric in sharing in siblings is
GENEHUNTER correlated with their trait
Parent/Child Trios SNPs Family Based Association FBAT Preferential Transmission
Test of alleles to those with
higher trait values
Cases and/or Controls SNPs Quantitative Association Any General Statistical Analysis of Variance or
Measured Genotype Package t-test
Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 697

ASD-affected individuals for variance components QTL 4.2 Interpreting QTL Results
studies. In this case, sibpair analyses are appropriate and fam-
ilies with affected sibling pairs are most often available for QTL are identified by setting a threshold for the test statistic
QTL studies. Here, the analysis finds QTL contributing to that reflects the strength of the evidence at that locus. The test
trait variation in those with ASD (Spiker, Lotspeich, Dimiceli, statistic follows a normal or t-distribution statistic or is reported
Myers, & Risch, 2002). A more powerful QTL analysis can be as a LOD score, depending on the algorithm. Figure 39-3
derived from panels of ASD parent/affected child trio sam- illustrates the genomewide results of a QTL analysis in graphic
ples that are being collected for genomewide association form. The genome is represented across the horizontal axis,
studies. Including an unaffected sibling measured for the with the chromosomes listed from one to 22. The vertical axis
endophenotype in the study sample provides a powerful con- is a value from the normal distribution. The test is one-sided,
trast to the affected sibling. QTL mapping in these nuclear so that all the probability is in a single tail. The best result
families can also employ a variance components approach occurs on chromosome 1, with a z-score being a little greater
when the trait is normally distributed. than 3.5. The probability of observing this score or one that is
For traits that are not normally distributed, several larger when there is no endophenotype gene is approximately
algorithms are available for sibpair QTL analyses. All are based .000001, making this a likely QTL. If a z-score threshold is set
on IBD sharing in sibpairs. The algorithms compare trait differ- at 3.0, QTL are also found on chromosomes 4 and 16.
ences and IBD allele sharing, combining the results over the Figure 39-4 illustrates the results of this QTL analysis on
sibling pairs. It is expected that IBD sharing and trait differences chromosome 1 in greater detail. The horizontal axis reflects
will be negatively correlated at a QTL, because for each pair, the the distance from the telomere of the chromosome in centi-
greater their allele sharing, the closer their trait values should morgans (cM) and the vertical axis reflects the z-score at each
be. This approach was originally proposed by Haseman and point along the chromosome. As with all statistical tests, set-
Elston (1972), and it is still in use today. The Statistical Analysis ting a less stringent p-value will provide more power to detect
of Genetic Epidemiodogy (SAGE) software conducts these anal- true signals, but will also permit more false signals to be
yses ( Variations on this method included. Here we illustrate that QTL are usually wide and
include a nonparametric analysis in the GENEHUNTER soft- encompass many genes. Additional markers interspersed
ware (Kruglyak, Daly, Reeve-Daly, & Lander, 1996). Using that among those that are already in the analysis can often narrow
algorithm, the trait differences are ranked over the complete the QTL. While it is more likely that the predisposing alleles
sample of sibpairs and the differences are categorized by the are in genes under the peak of the QTL, stochastic variation in
observed IBD values in the pairs. The Kruskal Wallis test, a non- genotypes and trait values in the study sample may cause some
parametric ANOVA, is conducted (Ott & Longnecker, 2000). variation in location of this peak. As with most linkage
Consistent with other nonparametric statistical methods, findings, replication is important. This principle is illustrated
using ranks as is done here prevents the undue influence of by the inclusion of a curve representing the QTL results on
trait value outliers on the analysis. this chromosome in an independent sample.















ch 3
ch 4
ch 5

ch 17
ch 8
ch 19
ch 20

















Figure 39–3. QTL along the genome.

698 Autism Spectrum Disorders

4 The Family Based Association Test (FBAT) (Horvath, Xu, &

Replication Laird, 2001) tests if the transmitted SNP alleles associate
with high or low values of the endophenotype more than one
would expect by chance alone, while taking into account the

alleles that could have been transmitted. If additional mem-

2 bers of a sibship are included with the trio, their associations
1.5 will not be independent, and the level of significance of the
1 association can be a false positive result. Corrections for non-
independence of the siblings in a sibship can be achieved by
using an empiric p-value or by adjusting the variance of the
0 100 200 300 test, as is programmed in the FBAT software (Horvath et al.,
cM 2001). The last line of Table 39-1 refers to the simple design
where parents and siblings of affected individuals are not stud-
Figure 39–4. QTL in original and replication samples.
ied. The association test for the quantitative trait is referred to
as a measured genotype analysis, which is conducted using an
one way ANOVA (Ott & Longnecker, 2000).
4.3 Association Studies at QTL Figure 39-5 illustrates the results of association analyses at
a QTL. The horizontal axis is the number of base pairs along
Once QTL have been identified, SNPs in the QTL can be the chromosome, from 80,000,000 to 220,000,000 and the ver-
genotyped for association analyses that can lead to gene iden- tical axis represents the p-values of the test statistics for each
tification. Table 39-1 gives information on two types of study SNP. The plot uses the negative of the log of this p-value,
designs for association analysis of quantitative traits. The first where the log of a small p-value becomes a positive number
is to ascertain parent/child trios where the child is assessed for that increases as the result get more significant. In this figure,
the endophenotype. The genotypes of both parents and the four SNPs are associated with the endophenotype when the
child are included to provide information on the alleles that criterion is set at the Bonferroni corrected value of p < .0001,
are transmitted to the child and those that are not transmitted. for 500 SNPs. These SNPs do not necessarily contribute to
The untransmitted alleles act as “controls” that are matched variation in the endophenotype directly, but are more likely to
within each trio for ethnicity and other important factors. be in linkage disequilibrium with SNPs that do. Follow-up


80000000 100000000 120000000 140000000 160000000 180000000 200000000 220000000
Base Pairs

Figure 39–5. Association analysis of SNPs in the QTL.

Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 699

studies might include replication in an independent sample measurements of head circumference, all discussed as poten-
and sequencing of a sample of those who have the associated tial endophenotypes in section 3. Multiallelic genotypes and
variant to potentially identify the causal variants. SNP data are available for QTL analyses. Densely spaced SNPs
genotyped on the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms are
available for quantitative association analyses (http://www.
5.0 ASD QTL Analyses
5.1 QTL Analyses: “Age at First Word”
Investigators are just beginning to develop sufficient study
samples and identify appropriate endophenotypes for effec- QTL analyses on data from the AGRE sample began in 2002
tive QTL analyses in ASD. As these evolve, substantial findings with the analysis of the ADIR caregiver report of “age at first
may begin to emerge. Currently, there are a number of pub- word,” which is provided for each child who has been verbal
lished manuscripts and abstracts reporting QTL results, and at some time in their childhood. Delayed speech is associated
they are summarized in Table 39-2. with ASD, and this endophenotype is measured in months,
Most of the QTL analyses reported in Table 39-2 have been providing a correlated trait with sufficient variability. The
conducted on samples of nuclear families drawn from the sibling correlation is .33, which is significantly different from
Autism Genetics Research Exchange (AGRE, 0, making this endophenotype a good candidate for QTL
resource, from which trait and genotype data are freely avail- analyses. The QTL analysis was conducted using the nonpar-
able to interested investigators (Geschwind et al., 2001). The ametric option of the GENEHUNTER software, and the
AGRE study sample currently has about 1400 multiplex fami- strongest evidence for a QTL was found on chromosome
lies ascertained for two children affected with ASD. The chil- band 7q34-36 (Alarcon, Cantor, Liu, Gilliam, & Geschwind,
dren in this sample have been diagnosed with ASD by trained 2002). This sample was expanded, and the same analysis was
staff using the ADIR. The data have been developed over the conducted in the larger sample in 2005. While there was no
last 10 years, and thus the QTL findings given in Table 39-2 formal replication, evidence supporting this QTL was attenu-
report AGRE samples of differing sizes, depending on when ated but remained significant (Alarcon, Yonan, Gilliam,
they were conducted and when the quantitative measure were Cantor, & Geschwind, 2005).
included in the protocol. More complete samples are in the A QTL analysis of “age at first word” was subsequently
process of being collected. conducted in a different collection of multiplex families, also
In addition to providing data on the individual items from reported in Table 39-2. Schellenberg and colleagues conducted
the ADIR (Lord et al., 1994), the AGRE data set includes indi- their study on a sample of 222 ASD multiplex United States
vidual responses on the ADOS (Lord et al., 2000), parent and families from the NIH Collaborative Programs of Excellence
teacher scores on the SRS (Constantino & Todd, 2003), and in Autism (CPEA) collection (Schellenberg et al., 2006). Using

Table 39–2.
QTL and quantitative association results in ASD family panels

Trait Reference Design
(Location and p-Value)

ADIR Alarcon et al., 2002 152 ASD AGRE Families QTL 7q34-36 (p<.001)
Age at First Word Alarcon et al., 2005
ADIR Schellenberg et al., 2006 222 CPEA Families QTL 9q33-34 (p<.0008)
Age at First Word
ADIR Alarcon et al., 2008 172 and 304 AGRE Parent/ CNTNAP2 gene 7q35
Age at First Word Child Trios Association (p<.002)
Replication (p<.005)
Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) Duvall et al., 2007 99 AGRE Families QTL 11p12-13 (p<.0007)
ADIR Nonverbal Communication (NVC) Chen et al., 2005 228 AGRE Families QTL 1p13-q12
ADIR Nonverbal Communication (NVC) Yoon et al., 2008 219 AGRE Families QTL 1p13-q12
Replication (p<.0001)
ADIR Social Interaction Domain (SOC) Liu et al., 2008 976 AGP Families QTL 12q13 (p<.002)
Behavioral Domain QTL 14q22 (p<.001)
700 Autism Spectrum Disorders

the ADIR and the ADOS for diagnosis, the families each had evidence of and NVC QTL in this region. This QTL is very
two children meeting the criteria for autism, pervasive devel- broad, and targeted SNP association studies and follow-up
opmental disorder, or ASD, which makes the CPEA selection sequencing studies are revealing the genes in the region that
criteria somewhat different from the AGRE selection criteria. contribute to this endophenotype.
The QTL analyses were also conducted using a different ana-
lytic algorithm, as the CPEA sample was analyzed using a var- 5.4 QTL Analyses: Autism Genome Project
iance components approach, while the AGRE sample was
analyzed using the nonparametric approach. This CPEA study Large-scale studies of multiple ASD samples are an important
did not replicate the QTL on 7q34-36, but found one at focus for the Autism Genome Project (AGP). The AGP con-
9q33-34. The lack of replication for this particular trait while ducted a QTL study on its combined sample of ASD multiplex
disappointing, can be attributed to a reduced sample size, families ascertained at 10 coordinating sites in the United
differing clinical ascertainment criteria, and a different ana- States and Europe over a 30-year period. This sample includes
lytic method. Using the same diagnostic criteria and analytic the CPEA and AGRE samples. While genotyping was con-
methods would be important for a replication study. ducted on all AGP families, the QTL analyses were done on a
subset of 976 for whom the quantitative data could be made
5.2 QTL Analyses: The Social compatible among the sites (Liu, Paterson, & Szatmari, 2008).
Responsiveness Scale In preliminary analyses, the data from the different sites with
varying ascertainment and diagnostic criteria were combined
The SRS is an ASD endophenotype that covers a wide range of to reflect the same phenotypes. Fortunately, the genotype plat-
values and discriminates well among those who are socially form and analytic method was the same for all of the families.
adept and those who are not. Twin studies indicate that scores Two ADIR derived endophenotypes were analyzed in this
on the SRS are heritable in normal individuals (Constantino & sample. They are the ADIR total scores on the reciprocal social
Todd, 2003). A small study was conducted on 99 AGRE fami- interaction domain total (SOC), with a heritability estimate of
lies, and a QTL was identified on 11p12-13. The locus was also .35 and the restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of
found to also be linked to the binary trait of ASD in that behavior domain (BEH), with a heritability estimate of .52.
sample, and the SRS provided greater power (Duvall et al., Since the data were only collected in sibling pairs, these esti-
2007). The AGRE sample is continuing to expand and include mates reflect the effects of common family environment,
the SRS assessment in the protocol. Future studies in much which are likely to be nontrivial. The QTL analyses were con-
larger samples may reveal important ASD loci through the ducted using the variance components approach as pro-
analysis of this quantitative endophenotype. Quantitative grammed in the Merlin software (Abecasis et al., 2002). The
association studies will be an important component. best QTL signals for these endophenotypes were on chromo-
somes 12q13.11 (p = .002) for SOC and 14q22.1 (p = .001) for
5.3 QTL Analyses: BEH. These results, which exhibit marginal significance in the
“Nonverbal Communication” largest sample analyzed for an ASD QTL, can be explained in a
few ways. First the heritability estimates derived from the sib-
The ADIR subscore assessing deficits in nonverbal communi- ling pairs in this sample include common family environment
cation (NVC) provides an appropriate endophenotype for indicating the true trait heritabilities may be considerably
ASD QTL analyses. The NVC score is composed of the indi- lower than .33 and .52. In addition, there may be many genes
vidual scores on seven items from the ADIR, where the deficits contributing to these endophenotypes, each with small locus
are categorized in an ordinal fashion from 0 to 3. NVC skills specific heritabilities that cannot be detected, even with a study
would allow the child to engage with others by doing such sample of this size. It is anticipated that other endophenotype
things as pointing to share information. Deficits would reflect studies in this large sample will result in stronger QTL.
a lack in the ability to communicate with others that may be
considered independent of language skills. This endopheno- 5.4.1 Association of “Age at First Word”
type is best measured in those who have ASD, and it exhibits
the full range of values in that sample. The NVC correlation in An association study in a sample of the AGRE families was
ASD affected siblings is .21, indicating it is familial as well as conducted within the 7q34-36 QTL to find the gene influenc-
correlated with ASD and variable in the sample under analysis. ing “age at first word” in children with ASD. The density of the
A nonparametric QTL analysis of 228 AGRE families identi- SNPs was substantial, providing more information than what
fied a QTL on 1p13-q12 (Chen, Kono, Geschwind, & Cantor, would be seen in microarray SNP panel. The SNPs were tested
2006), which has been replicated in an independent sample of for association individually, and haplotypes in a moving
213 AGRE families, using the same multiallelic genotyping, window were also tested. While several associations were
ascertainment scheme, and analytic approach (Yoon, Alarcon, observed, replication studies in an independent sample of
Geschwind, & Cantor, 2008). The result of p < .0001 in the AGRE families implicated only one haplotype that was located
first sample and p < .0001 in the second provide consistent in the CNTNAP2 gene (Alarcon et al., 2008). Remarkably, the
Autism Endophenotypes and Quantitative Trait Loci 701

same gene showed association with the binary ASD phenotype substantial increase in our understanding of the genetic
in the AGRE families (Arking et al., 2008). etiology of ASD.
These QTL studies followed by association analysis and
replication for “age at first word” provides strong support for
the QTL approach proposed herein. QTL studies with larger Á
samples and more refined endophenotype are likely to reveal Challenges and Future Directions
other ASD genes.
The identification of the best quantitative endophenotypes
for QTL mapping remains a challenge. New study samples of
5.4.2 A Roadmap for QTL Discovery
ASD affected children and their unaffected offspring provide
From a statistical genetics perspective, the analytic tools for opportunities to pursue this approach. Synergy among
QTL studies are in place. These tools await the application of experts on the ASD phenotypes, ASD epidemiology, and QTL
suitable ASD phenotypes that are variable within the popula- mapping could energize the field. Once QTL are identified, it
tion under analysis, correlated with ASD, and exhibit evi- will be an interesting challenge to integrate GWAS, copy
dence of a reasonable nonzero heritability. The nature of the number variation, and sequence data into studies of these
study sample and distribution of the trait will limit the feasi- endophenotypes.
ble analytic approaches.
These same design principles have been successfully
applied to the study of coronary artery disease (CAD) through
QTL analyses of heritable quantitative traits such as serum Alarcon, M., Abrahams, B. S., Stone, J. L., Duvall, J. A., Perederiy, J.
cholesterol and triglycerides levels. An important advantage V., Bomar, J. M., et al. (2008). Linkage, association, and gene-ex-
for CAD studies, however, is that long-term epidemiology pression analyses identify CNTNAP2 as an autism-susceptibility
studies revealed important quantitative risk factors before gene. American Journal of Human Genetics, 82(1), 150–159.
genomewide studies became feasible. Abrahams, B. S., & Geschwind, D. H. (2008). Advances in autism
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is to create an environment where experts in the clinical and tive traits. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
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40 Á Judith H. Miles

Autism Subgroups from a Medical

Genetics Perspective

Points of Interest Strategies for Defining Autism Subgroups

• A first step in the quest for etiologically discrete autism Historically, interest in subclassifying autism was focused on
subgroups is the identification of “phenotypic fea- assessing validity of the classical autism diagnoses by seeing
tures” that are present in some but not all individuals which clinical symptoms, adaptive behaviors, and cognitive
with autism, are relatively discrete, quantifiable, and skills occurred together (reviewed in Gillberg, 1992; Fein et al.,
pathophysiologically relevant. 1999; Prior et al., 1998). To determine whether there were true
• Phenotypes may be physical (e.g., dysmorphology), diagnostic differences between putative subgroups, analyses
medical (e.g., seizures), laboratory based (e.g., EEG considered all symptoms and their variations and used cluster
abnormalities, pupillary light reflex parameters), clini- analyses and other taxonomic techniques to see if and what
cal course elements (e.g., age of onset, regression, tra- groups of symptoms co-occurred. Many of these studies dem-
jectory), and genetic indicators (e.g., gender, recurrence onstrated real associations—such as Asperger’s subjects were
risk, family history of autism and related disorders). more likely to be male and autism-like subjects compared with
• The terms “phenotype,” “endophenotype,” and “bio- autism subjects were more likely to be female—but did not
marker” are comparable. actually identify discrete autism subgroups. And most of the
• The core autism behavioral symptoms are less likely to differences identified related more to the level of cognitive and
separate out etiologically discrete subgroups because by adaptive functioning, rather than distinctive diagnostic behav-
definition they occur in all diagnosed individuals. ior patterns. More importantly, the behavioral profiles that
• A phenotype is presumed valuable when subgroups were generated were not correlated with biological mecha-
defined on that basis differ in clinical course, outcome, nisms or etiologies.
response to therapy, and/or genetic indicators. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in more refined
• Subgroups of families with strong family histories of taxometric methods to look at the heritability of autism’s core
autism plus another neurologic disorder may allow us to symptoms (Beglinger & Smith, 2001; Constantino, Chapter 29
identify shared biochemical pathways and genes. in this book; Happé & Ronald, 2008; Ingram, Takahashi, &
Miles, 2007). The premise underlying all subtyping paradigms
To unravel the clinical and etiologic heterogeneity within autism is that there is a phenotypic marker that has a taxonomic, i.e.,
or what is best termed the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is categorical structure, which can identify discrete subgroups
an ambitious but compulsory goal. Because autism is a behavio- with different etiologies, outcomes, or therapeutic responses.
ral disorder with few physical and laboratory features, this has In their 2008 review, Happé and Ronald presented evidence
proven much more difficult than for the prototypic single gene that alterations in the separate defining domains of social relat-
disorders (reviewed in Fein et al., 1999; Spence, 2001). Reports edness, language/communication, and restricted interest/
of sibs discordant for their autism spectrum disorders led to the repetitive behavior are separable and that approaches that con-
disheartening expectation that we would not be able to under- sider autism as an entity may be ineffective. Ingram et al. (2007)
stand the heterogeneity until we found specific autism genes used taxometric methods to look at both behavioral and phys-
and we could not find the autism genes until we understand the ical phenotypes to see which varied categorically rather than
heterogeneity (DeLong & Dwyer, 1988; Silverman, 2002). only by degree. Their analyses support subgrouping subjects

706 Autism Spectrum Disorders

based on variation in social interaction/communication, removal from the pool will leave a more homogeneous
intelligence, and the essential/complex phenotype; in contrast, remainder. The standard approach to identifying homogene-
subjects varied continuously in repetitive sensory and motor ous subsets of patients with any medical condition is to iden-
actions, language acquisition, and insistence on sameness. tify phenotypic features that occur in some but not all of the
These studies not only highlight the importance of phenotypic population. To be useful, the phenotypic features should be
clarity but indicate that continuous markers are less useful or consistently present in most if not all autism populations,
at least more complicated to study. relatively discrete, quantifiable, and most importantly
The goal of a medical geneticist is to define subgroups that pathophysiologically relevant. Features that remain constant
are etiologically discrete and do not overlap, such that a over time are particularly useful, while those that describe
defined subgroup will not only be homogeneous, but its continuous variables are less helpful. Table 40-1 lists

Table 40–1.
Phenotypic variables that may define discrete autism (ASD) subgroups

Consistently Present
May Suggest
in a Proportion of Continuous or Constant Pathophysiologically
Phenotypic Variables Discrete Measurable a Genetic
ASD Populations Categorical Over Time Relevant
(% of ASD)

Core Autism Symptoms

Social functioning No, 100% Yes Yes No Yes Maybe

Communication No, 100% Yes Categorical Yes No Probably Maybe
Repetitive, stereotypic Yes, but must be Yes Continuous Yes No Probably Maybe
behaviors and/or scored separately
Functionally Defined Variables

IQ Yes No Categorical Yes Yes/No Yes Maybe

Adaptive behaviors Maybe No uk Yes No Probably No
Outcome measures Poorly defined No uk Yes, but No Probably No
takes years
Response to therapy Yes Yes uk Yes Yes Probably Maybe
Clinical Course

Age of onset Yes Yes ? Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes

Regressive onset Yes, ∼ 30% Yes ? Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adolescent/adult Yes, ∼17% Yes ? Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
catatonic regression

Seizures Yes, ∼ 25% No Categorical Yes No Yes Yes

EEG abn Yes, ∼ 50% No ? Categorical Yes No Yes Yes
Sleep disorder Yes, ∼ 65% No Categorical Yes No Yes Yes
Savant skills Yes, ∼ 5% ? Categorical Yes Yes Probably Maybe
Morphology & Growth

Generalized Yes, 15%–20% Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes

Macrocephaly Yes, ∼ 30% Yes Continuous Yes Yes Yes Yes
Head growth trajectory Probably uk uk Yes No Yes Yes
Microcephaly Yes, ∼ 5% Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Brain malformations Yes, ∼ 20% Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics Perspective 707

Table 40–1. (Contd.)

Consistently Present
May Suggest
in a Proportion of Continuous or Constant Pathophysiologically
Phenotypic Variables Discrete Measurable a Genetic
ASD Populations Categorical Over Time Relevant
(% of ASD)

Significant Family History of Related Disorders

ASD Yes, 25% Yes uk Yes Yes Yes Yes

Affective Disorders Probably Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alcoholism Yes, 30% Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADHD Probably Yes Categorical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bipolar/Major Affective Yes Yes Categorical Yes No Yes Yes

phenotypic variables that have been suggested or used to this list is incomplete and is constantly expanded as new phe-
dissect out autism subgroups. The list is not inclusive, and the notypic variables are recognized as useful vehicles with which
assessment of the usefulness of each phenotype is my gener- to separate ASD into discrete etiologic subgroups.
alization, since most have not been tested and rarely does a
yes or no answer explain the complexity of the answer.
From this table we see that the core autism symptoms are Á
less likely to easily separate out subtypes because by definition Relationship Between Clinical Phenotypes
they occur in all of the diagnosed individuals, though recent and Endophenotypes
taxometric analyses (Ingram et al., 2007) support the opinion
that combined impairments in social interaction and com- This is probably a good place to discuss the relationship
munication into one domain may be a valuable phenotypic between phenotypes as used by medical geneticists to sub-
variable. A characteristic of the clinical course of autism, group populations and endophenotypes. Gottesman and
regression provides an a priori excellent candidate, though it Gould (2003) proposed that phenotypic features that would be
is often difficult to categorize mild symptoms of regression. most helpful be termed “endophenotypes”—i.e., phenotypes
Regression is a relatively common phenomenon in many that were more biological and thus more proximally related to
pediatric neurologic disorders and has been linked to genetic the underlying etiologic processes—and that endophenotypes
diagnoses, including Rett syndrome, mitochondrial disease, in autism may provide an avenue for homing in on specific
and metabolic enzyme deficiency and storage disorders neuropsychological mechanisms of biological and genetic sig-
(Clarke, 2005; Weissman et al., 2008). Family histories of nificance to autism. Piven, Palmer, Jacobi, Childress, and
autism and alcoholism are attractive candidates because of Arndt (1997) suggested that these endophenotypes might also
their clear association with known genetic markers, though be traceable in unaffected relatives of individuals with autism.
phenotypic reliability can be imprecise when obtained Conceptually, there is no real difference between phenotypes
through family history alone. Based on this analysis, it is the and endophenotypes. From a medical perspective phenotypes
abnormalities of morphology and growth that emerge as may be thought of as clinical, observable symptoms of a disor-
highly likely candidates for subgrouping. der and endophenotypes as the results of laboratory tests that
This identification of potentially informative phenotypic measure specific biological actions. Both are used to further
variables is only a first step; ultimately each potential variable describe the disorder in question, in our case autism. A review
must be carefully studied to determine its usefulness. This of the literature illustrates that many autism researchers use
includes investigating the mechanistic basis of the variable to these terms interchangeably and consider any circumscribed
substantiate its biologic relevance. Once that is done, the pop- symptom, such as insistence on sameness or savant skills, as an
ulation can be divided into two or more subgroups based on endophenotype (Spence et al., 2006). The introduction of the
the study phenotype. Finally, the subgroups are analyzed to term “biomarkers” affords an excellent compromise that
look for differences in outcome measures (language, cogni- envelops the essence of both phenotype and endophenotype.
tive, adaptive), physical phenotypes (growth, head size, gen- A few examples of phenotypes and endophenotypes are
eral dysmorphology), clinical course measures (age of onset, provided in Table 40-2. As we learn more, there will undoubt-
type of onset with or without regression, developmental tra- edly be many examples of phenotypes being described on a
jectory), medical/neurologic features (seizures, EEG abnor- biological level, which can then be used in genetic studies
malities), and genetic features (male to female ratio, sib (James et al., 2006). In all cases, the geneticist will try to link
recurrence risk, family history of autism, alcoholism, affective clinical phenotypes and endophenotypes with etiologies,
disorders, cognitive and language impairments). Obviously, outcomes, and responses to therapies.
708 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 40–2.
Phenotypes, endophenotypes, and etiologies

Laboratory Tests & Measures as Genes/

Autism Related Phenotypes
Endophenotypes Teratogens/Toxins

Aloof personality (Social-cognition). (This subset Eyes Test1 ?

of ASD children are aloof, have poorer pragmatic The Eyes Test is an
language and poorer friendships) endophenotype associated with
aloof personality.
Seizures, sleep, hearing loss, vision loss, facial EEG, sMRI, SPEC Scan, PET ?
asymmetry scan, Evoked response, ERG,
Pupillary light responses etc.
Regressive onset Oxidative stress measures ?
Craniofacial dysmorphology Facial anthropomorphic Developmental genes
measures, Shape analysis of
midline brain areas

1 Losh & Piven, 2007; Baron-Cohen & Hammer, 1997.

Á Full understanding of these studies was, however, hindered by

Autism Subgroups: Proposed the prevailing dogma that autism was homogeneous, and the
and/or Analyzed authors did not speculate that there could be etiologically dis-
tinct groups within the autism behavioral diagnosis.
Most of these categories are based on a phenotypic variable We hypothesized that physical dysmorphology would be a
that may or may not turn out to identify a distinct and bio- useful phenotypic feature which would allow us to divide
logically relevant ASD subgroup. Given current uncertainty autism into subgroups (Miles & Hillman, 2000). The premise
over which phenotypes will be the most informative, it is was that individuals for whom there is evidence for some
appropriate that each phenotypic variable in Table 40-1 be insult to early morphogenesis will be etiologically different.
assessed as part of any autism study. They would have developed their autistic behavioral disorder
on a different basis than the individuals whose early morpho-
Morphologically Defined Subgroups genesis proceeded normally. The group with evidence of
abnormal morphogenesis was described as having complex
In the 1970s and early 1980s a number of studies documented autism, the remainder essential autism.
that, taken as a group, autistic children had physical features Generalized dysmorphology fits our criteria for a poten-
outside the norm (Mnukhin & Isaev, 1975; Campbell, Geller, tially useful phenotype. It occurs in a consistent proportion of
Small, Petti, & Ferris, 1978; Walker, 1977; Links, 1980; Links, ASD individuals, is constant over time and most importantly
Stockwell, Abichandani, & Simeon, 1980; Steg & Rapoport, is biologically relevant. Though dysmorphic features used to
1975; Gualtieri, Adams, Shen, & Loiselle, 1982). Walker, using characterize generalized dysmorphology are usually obvious
the Waldrop weighted scoring scale (Waldrop & Halverson, to the geneticist, they can be subtle and are usually missed by
1971) for sixteen anomalies, studied 74 autistic and nonautis- therapists and clinicians not trained to look for them. However,
tic children matched for age, sex, socioeconomic group, and we have been able to demonstrate that generalized dysmor-
geographic domicile, and found that the mean minor anomaly phology is measurable, with good reliability (Miles, Takahashi,
score of 5.76 for the autistic children was significantly higher Hillman, & Martin, 2004, Miles et al., 2008). Most important,
than the control group score of 3.53. He concluded that this physical dysmorphology is a biologically based phenotype that
shift to a greater number of anomalies in the autistic subjects suggests a developmental etiology.
proved organicity in autism. Links et al. (1980) recognized that The third step was to determine whether autistic indi-
autistic children had more anomalies than their sibs, and that viduals with generalized dysmorphology differ from those in
the autistic children with the higher anomaly scores had lower whom there is no evidence of abnormal physical develop-
IQs, spent more time in the hospital, had less frequent family ment. For all functional and outcome measures, the individu-
histories of psychotic illness, or drug or alcohol abuse. They als with complex autism did less well. They are twice as likely
concluded that the anomalies were the result of some unknown to have IQ scores less than 55 (52% vs. 25%) and less than
organic factor that played a role in the etiology of autism. half as likely to have IQ scores in the normal range (22% vs.
Smalley, Asarnow, and Spence (1988) declared that minor 46%). They are twice as likely to develop seizures (39% vs.
physical anomalies (MPAs) result from insults, either genetic or 17%), and twice as likely to have abnormal brain structure
environmental, that occur in the first trimester, and represent (28% vs. 13%). Our outcome analyses, based on both the
an indirect measure of an abnormality in fetal development. acquisition of functional language and IQ scores, show that
Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics Perspective 709

though many features correlate with poor outcomes, the the essential autism group, a regressive onset and macrocephaly
diagnosis of complex designation is the most sensitive test, have both emerged as stronger predictors of poorer outcomes.
yielding an 86% positive predictive value of poor outcome A history of regression in language at the onset of the autistic
(Miles et al., 2005). This cross-sectional outcome data is con- symptoms predicts a poor outcome with 46% sensitivity, 73%
sistent with our study of 19 children with autism who com- specificity, and a positive predictive value of 84%. An associa-
pleted 1 year of one-on-one early intensive (22 hrs/wk) tion between cognitive level and macrocephaly is consistent
behavioral intervention (Stoelb et al., 2004). The most sig- with a recent report that children with macrocephaly have
nificant predictor of change in performance scores over the greater discrepancies between verbal and nonverbal IQ scores
year of therapy was dysmorphic physical features (p = .0009). (Tager-Flusberg & Joseph, 2003). Tager-Flusberg and Joseph
And the presence or absence of dysmorphic features predicted hypothesize that macrocephaly indicates a more severe
language acquisition for 90% of the nonverbal participants. disturbance of neurocognitive development and organization.
Step four is to determine whether the complex and essen- Though essential autism remains heterogeneous, with more
tial subgroups are genetically different. This can be addressed children having poor than good outcomes, we find that
in two ways. First, genetic consequences, including the sex limiting studies to the group of individuals with essential
ratio, recurrence risks, and family histories, are compared. autism has allowed us to begin to identify outcome predictors
Our data (Miles et al., 2005) found that individuals in the that we couldn’t see before we removed the complex group.
essential autism subgroup were twice as likely to be male (6.5:1 Recognizing these outcome predictors is a first step toward
vs. 3.2:1), were more than twice as likely to have a family his- designing treatments to improve outcomes. Furthermore,
tory of autism (20% vs. 9%), and had a sib recurrence risk of since essential autism is the more heritable subgroup, removing
4–6% compared with no recurrences in the 46 families of chil- complex autism probands from analyses should improve the
dren with complex autism. The occurrence of lesser autistic power of linkage and sib pair analyses.
traits in sibs of children with essential autism was twice that The distinction between complex and essential autism
for complex autism families (12% vs. 6%). The small number represents the first pass at dissecting the etiologic heterogene-
of sibs limits the power of the calculations; however, the very ity within the autism diagnosis. The distinction fits our criteria
similar magnitude of differences for all sibs, latter born sibs, for a phenotype we would predict as useful in the delineation
and for classical autism and milder autistic traits illustrates a of autism subgroups. Though each group remains heteroge-
consistent pattern. The fact we did not observe any recurrence neous, the functional and genetic differences indicate that
in sibs in these 46 children with complex autism is certainly a essential and complex autism are inherently different
statistical aberration. We know that the risk of recurrence is not subgroups with different etiologies. The distinction between
zero, since children with complex autism may have disorders essential and complex autism also illustrates the overlap
such as Fragile X syndrome and familial chromosome disor- between the terms “clinical phenotypes” and “endophenotypes.”
ders that confer explicit recurrence risks. Notwithstanding, we Complex autism captures the subgroup of children whose
feel that parents of children with complex autism, once chro- physical phenotype indicates a different embryological proc-
mosome disorders, Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and ess. Analysis of specific morphologic abnormalities is expected
other discrete genetic syndromes have been ruled out, may be to point our studies toward specific developmental pathways.
counseled that their recurrence risk is lower than the 4–6%
observed with essential autism. A number of observations by Brain-Size Defined Subgroups
other laboratories are consistent with this model. Szatmari
et al. (1996) noted that relatives of probands with higher IQs In addition to generalized dysmorphology, specific malforma-
were at greater risk than those of probands with lower IQ. tions, especially those related to the brain, are important for
An additional genetic and clinically practical consequence delineating ASD subgroups. Macrocephaly, which occurs in
of the separation is that all of the individuals with recognizable 20–30% of ASD children and 37–45% of their nonautistic par-
syndromes fall in the complex autism diagnosis, or in the case ents, is the best example (Miles, Hadden, Takahashi, &
of tuberous sclerosis can almost always be recognized by the Hillman, 2000; Fombonne, Bolton, Prior, Jordan, & Rutter,
dysmorphology examination (Miles et al., 2005). We have not 1999; Lainhart et al., 1997; Lainhart et al., 2006, Sacco et al.,
identified any children with chromosome disorders, including 2007, Vaccarino, Grigorenko, Smith, & Stevens, 2009). Its
the 15q duplications, who have not declared themselves on the importance was underscored by Bolton’s (1999) report, that
dysmorphology examination. It is, however, expected that infantile macrocephaly was a significant predictor (OR = 5.44)
genome wide chromosomal array technology will discover for the development of autism. However, the timing and
copy number variants (CNVs) in children with both complex mechanism responsible for increased head size is not well
and essential autism, with specific CNVs associated with dys- understood. Macrocephaly is generally a reflection of increased
morphology. brain size in ASD (Stanfield et al., 2007; reviewed in Casanova,
Major ramifications of this distinction come from studying 2007), though Aylward, Minshew, Field, Sparks, and Singh
the essential and complex autism subgroups independently. (2002) found head circumference was only an accurate index
One example is studies attempting to understand the autism of brain volume in young ASD children, and not in adoles-
4:1 male to female ratio. Analyzing essential autism has allowed cents or adults. Tate, Bigler, McMahon, and Lainhart (2007)
us to make a number of significant observations. First, within found that the relationship between head circumference and
710 Autism Spectrum Disorders

brain volume was not as highly correlated in ASD individuals to 17% (Butler et al., 2005). Both de novo and familial PTEN
as in typically developing individuals. Recent analyses of mutations have been identified in this population. It may be
patterns of brain growth are refining our understanding of significant that more of the children studied by Buxbaum
macrocephaly in autism. At birth, head circumference in et al. (2007) were from multiplex families, whereas in the
infants later diagnosed with ASD has been found to be either Butler et al. (2005) study all children were from simplex fam-
similar to typically developing individuals or even reduced ilies. Children with ASD found to have a PTEN mutation
(McCaffery & Deutsch, 2005; Courchesne & Pierce, 2005; generally have extreme macrocephaly ranging from +3.7 SD
Pardo & Eberhart, 2007). Our studies indicate that the pres- to +9.6 SD (average: +5.4 SD) (Buxbaum et al., 2007). In
ence and number of surges in head size occurring throughout addition, mutation of PTEN is not specific for autism: Varga
childhood in autism is more informative than ultimate head et al. (2009) found children with macrocephaly and mental
size, which may explain why macrocephaly itself is not an retardation but not autism had a similar chance of having a
independent predictor of phenotypic or genetic traits or out- PTEN mutation. Sotos syndrome, which is characterized by
come measures (Miles, Hadden, Takahashi, & Hillman, 2000; overgrowth (head circumference and height ≥ 2 SD), typical
Keegan, Takahashi, & Miles, 2007). This literature is still facial features, cognitive and behavioral problems including
complicated by conflicting reports, which are likely due to the difficulty with peer group relationships and a lack of aware-
inherent heterogeneity within ASD, the scarcity of longitudinal ness of social cues, though not a significant cause of classic
data, and perhaps lack of correlation between head circumfer- autism—it is caused by a mutation or deletion of NSD1 gene
ence and brain volume in some children. in 80–90% of cases—provides an additional avenue of inves-
Macrocephaly, in addition to being a common physical tigation of the genesis of autistic behaviors. Conciatori et al.
phenotype of idiopathic autism, is a key feature in a number (2004) presented evidence that the HOXA1 G allele correlates
of genetically well characterized syndromes that can cause with larger head circumferences, explaining approximately
autism, including Fragile X syndrome, PTEN syndromes, 5% of the variance in head circumference in their population.
Sotos syndrome, and HOXA1 G alleles. Fragile X syndrome, Each of these disorders that overlap clinically and physically
which is due to expansion of the CGG trinucleotide repeat in with autism has a known etiology. And, as the Fragile X stud-
the FMR1 gene, causes many autistic behaviors, including ies of neurotransmission indicate, study of these related dis-
avoidance of eye contact, language delays, repetitive behav- orders is apt to provide insight into mechanisms underlying
iors, sleep disturbances, tantrums, self-injurious behaviors, idiopathic autism. Other genes involved in brain overgrowth
hyperactivity, impulsiveness, inattention, and sound sensi- have recently been reviewed by McCaffery & Deutsch
tivities. In one study of 63 males with Fragile X syndrome (2005).
30% met criteria for autistic disorder and 30% criteria for Microcephaly, defined as head circumference at or below 2
PDD-NOS (Harris et al., 2008). Molecular studies indicate standard deviations is also an informative phenotype. It occurs
the FMR1 gene may cause the autism phenotype via two in 5–15% of children with autism and is highly predictive of
mechanisms, RNA toxicity to the neurons and gene silencing, poor outcome (Fombonne et al., 1999; Miles, Hadden, et al.,
which impacts neuronal connectivity (Schenck et al., 2003; 2000; Miles et al., 2005). Similar to generalized dysmorphology,
Handa et al., 2005; Hagerman, Rivera, & Hagerman, 2008). microcephaly almost always indicates a neurodevelopmental
Though these mechanisms are not the primary cause of etiology, especially chromosomal disorders. Though it is likely
autism, they can offer insight into its pathogenesis. For exam- that some microcephaly/ASD syndromes will be identified, at
ple, evidence suggests that some molecular defects in autism this time the main use of microcephaly in subgrouping is to
may interfere with synaptic protein synthesis, as in Fragile X, identify the complex autism subtype.
suggesting that this is one possible pathway leading to autistic
phenotypes (Kelleher & Bear, 2008) The PTEN (phosphatase Brain-Malformation Defined Subgroups
and tensin homolog) gene is a tumor suppressor gene associ-
ated with a broad group of disorders referred to as PTEN Numerous lines of evidence suggest abnormalities in brain
hamartoma tumor syndromes, which include Cowden syn- structure are closely related to the etiology of autism. In
drome, Bannayan-Riley-Ruvlacaba syndrome, Proteus syn- addition to brain volume studies (Courchesne et al., 2001;
drome, and Lhermitte-Duclos disease. Recently, PTEN gene Courchesne, Carper, & Akshoomoff, 2003; Hazlett et al.,
mutations have been associated with autism and macroceph- 2005), there are numerous reports of structural malforma-
aly (Zori, Marsh, Graham, Marliss, & Eng, 1998; Parisi et al., tions. Levitt et al. (2003) showed that cortical sulcal patterns
2001; Delatycki, Danks, Churchyard, Zhou, & Eng, 2003; were significantly different in control children and children
Butler et al., 2005; Buxbaum et al., 2007). Correspondingly, with autism, and that these differences were mainly in the
PTEN is recognized to play an important role in brain frontal and temporal sulci. Using a direct measurement of
development, including neuronal survival and synaptic cortical thickness to examine the gray matter integrity,
plasticity. The frequency of PTEN mutations as a cause of Hadjikhani et al. (2004) found local decreases of gray matter
ASD is unclear; results from studies of children with autism thickness in the ASD group in the inferior frontal gyrus, infe-
and macrocephaly range from 1% (Buxbaum et al., 2007) rior parietal lobule, and the superior temporal sulcus (STS).
to 8.3% (Varga, Pastore, Prior, Herman, & McBride, 2009) In addition, cortical thinning in these regions correlated with
Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics Perspective 711

ASD symptom severity. Barnea-Goraly et al. (2004) found a epigenetic patterns. Family ASD studies have revealed
significant disruption of white matter structures between significant clustering of neuropsychiatric disorders including
brain regions implicated in social functioning that might depression, manic depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
contribute to impaired social cognition in autism, and pro- social phobia, anxiety disorders, alcoholism and substance
vide an example of the abnormal brain connectivity theory in abuse, and motor tics, in addition to ASD phenotypes in rela-
autism (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, & Minshew, 2004; Geschwind tives of autism probands. This genetic overlap between autism
& Levitt, 2007). Other brain structures such as the brain stem and other neuropsychiatric disorders suggests that at least for
(Hashimoto et al., 1993), thalamus (Tsatsanis, 2003), corpus certain types of autism there are common biochemical and
callosum (Boger-Megiddo et al., 2006; Egaas, Courchesne, & genetic aberrations. Lobascher, Kingerlee, and Gubbay (1970)
Saitoh, 1995; Piven, Bailey, Ranson, & Arndt, 1997, Vidal compared the family histories of 23 autistic children with
et al., 2006), amygdala (Nacewicz et al., 2006), and hippoc- normal controls and found a greater incidence of alcoholism
ampus (Dager et al., 2007; Nicolson et al., 2006) have also (35%), psychiatric illness (35%), and mental retardation
been reported as abnormal in autism. Results have often (26%) in the parents of autistic children. DeLong and Dwyer
ranged from inconclusive to contradictory. For example, (1988) reported that 55% of their 51 autism families had a
Boddaert and colleagues (2004) investigated 21 autistic chil- first- or second-degree relative with alcoholism, though the
dren and 12 children of normal intelligence and found a overall incidence rate of alcoholism among all 929 first- and
bilateral decrease in gray matter concentration in the supe- second-degree relatives was only 6.5%. Piven et al. (1991)
rior temporal sulcus (STS) and a white matter concentration reported that 12.3% of 81 parents of autistic children were
decrease in the right temporal pole and left cerebellar hemi- alcoholic compared with 0% of 34 Down syndrome parents;
sphere in autistic children compared to control children. But the difference was not statistically significant. In a study of 36
Waiter et al. (2004) investigated 16 autistic children and 16 autism families, Smalley, McCracken, and Tanguay (1995)
controls, finding total gray matter to be increased in the compared the lifetime rates of psychopathology based on
autism group, with local volume increases in the right fusi- direct SADS-LA interviews of parents and adult siblings of
form gyrus, the right temporo-occipital region, and the left autism probands versus controls who had either tuberous
frontal pole. Limbic structures, specifically the amygdala and sclerosis or an unspecified seizure disorder. They found that
hippocampus have also been implicated with contradicting 47% (17/36) of the autism families had a first-degree relative
findings. Increased (Abell et al., 1999; Howard et al., 2000; with substance abuse, including alcoholism, versus none in
Sparks et al., 2002; Juranek et al., 2006; Munson et al., 2006; the 21 control families. And 22% of first-degree relatives
Schumann et al., 2004), decreased (Aylward et al., 1999; reported substance abuse compared to none in the controls
Herbert et al., 2003; Pierce & Courchesne, 2001; Nacewicz (p = 0.002). They also found increased rates of depression
et al., 2006), and “normal” amygdala volumes (Haznedar (32.3% vs. 11.1%; p = 0.013) and social phobia (20.2% vs.
et al., 2000) have been reported. As in the amygdala studies, 2.4%; p = 0.016). Not all family studies have reported increased
no consistent abnormalities have been reported in hippoc- rates of alcoholism. Bolton, Pickles, Murphy, and Rutter
ampus. Increased (Sparks et al., 2002; Rojas et al., 2004; (1998), using direct SADS-L interviews to assess the lifetime
Schumann et al., 2004; Geuze, Vermetten, & Bremmer, 2005), prevalence rates of psychopathology found a significant
decreased (Aylward et al., 1999; Herbert et al., 2003; Saitoh, increase in major depression, but not alcoholism in first-de-
Karns, & Courchesne, 2001; Nicolson et al., 2006), or gree relatives of an individual with autism.
“normal” (Haznedar et al., 2000; Howard et al., 2000; Piven, In 2003 we reported family history analyses of 167 autism
Bailey, Ranson, & Arndt,1998; Saitoh, Courchesne, Egaas, families (Miles, Takahashi, Haber, & Hadden, 2003). Families
Lincoln, & Schreibman, 1995) hippocampal volumes have were ascertained through a child with autism and queried
been reported in autism. These results call to mind the appar- using the family history method (Andreasen, Rice, Endicott,
ent disparities of the dysmorphology studies of the 1970s Reich, & Coryell, 1986; Orvaschel, Thompson, Belanger,
and early 1980s. It was not until individuals with and without Prusoff, & Kidd, 1982; Yuan, Marazita, & Hill, 1996;
dysmorphology and microcephaly were analyzed separately, Thompson, Orvaschel, Prusoff, & Kidd, 1982; Rice et al., 1995;
that the inherent structural heterogeneity with ASD was appre- Davies, Sham, Gilvarry, Jones, & Murray, 1997) to determine
ciated. Based on these lessons from the past, it is suggested the prevalence and pedigree configuration of alcoholism and
that efforts be launched to identify discrete brain morphology related neuropsychiatric disorders. Looking at the population
subgroups. as a whole, 13.5% of first-degree relatives and 13.6% of sec-
ond-degree adults were reported to have alcoholism, includ-
Family-History Defined Subgroups ing 6.6% of mothers, 20.4% of fathers, 8.4% of grandmothers,
and 27.5% of grandfathers. Alcoholism rates in the autism
The family pedigree, which consists of documenting the ascertained families were compared to a control population
history for at least three generations, is an indispensible part of ascertained through a child with Down syndrome and to life-
the clinical genetics evaluation. Data on multiple generations time alcohol prevalence data reported by three large United
is essential for analysis of modes of transmission including States alcoholism epidemiological studies, including a Missouri
autosomal versus X-linked, recessive versus dominant, and rural and suburban cohort (Eaton, Kramer, & Drywall, 1989;
712 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Robins et al., 1984; Kessler et al., 1994; Grant, 1997). family history categories (cognitive, language, dyslexia,
The Down syndrome families reported significantly less ADHD, or seizures).
alcoholism in all family members (p < 0.0001). Compared to Evaluation of the autism probands from the high and low
the 15.2% lifetime prevalence of alcoholism reported for alcoholism groups differed in two important autism pheno-
suburban, small town, and rural Missouri (Robins et al., 1984), types: macrocephaly and type of autism onset. Children from
the overall 13.7% rate of alcoholism reported by the autism the high alcoholism families were 2.8 times less likely to
families was similar (p = 0.19). Women in our population, be macrocephalic (14.7% vs. 40.6%) (p = 0.0006). The very
however, were significantly more likely to report alcoholism significant inverse relationship between high alcoholism family
than all women in Missouri (6.6% vs. 4.3%) (p = 0.008). histories and macrocephaly suggests that whatever the genes
Since alcoholism, like autism, is a heterogeneous disorder are that predispose to both autism and macrocephaly are dif-
(Johnson et al., 2000; Cloninger, 1987; Brown, Seraganian, & ferent and operate independently from gene(s) that predispose
Tremblay, 1994; Litt, Babor, DelBoca, Kadden, & Cooney, to alcoholism and autism. The second difference between the
1992; Hesselbrock & Hesselbrock, 2006; Edenberg & Faroud, autism probands from high versus low alcohol families was
2006; Zucker, Ellis, Bingham, & Fitzgerald, 1996), we wanted the clinical course of their autistic disorder. Children from
to distinguish families with strongly genetic alcoholism from high alcoholism families were 1.5 times more apt to present
those with only sporadic or occasional cases that might be with a regressive onset (52.5% vs. 35.8%) (p = 0.04). This was
more environmentally induced. Using strict criteria to pick found predominately in families where the mother was alco-
out the families with clusters of alcoholism, we classified 39% holic (80% vs. 40%) (p = 0.05). There was no correlation with
(65/167) of the families as having probable genetic alcoholism. paternal alcoholism. This raised the question of a direct tera-
A family history was rated as significant or “probably genetic” togenic effect of alcohol on the developing fetus. However,
if the proband had (1) a first-degree relative with alcoholism only one mother with a history of alcoholism reported drink-
(manifesting prior to concerns about the health of the ing during the pregnancy. And in all of the children, fetal alco-
proband), (2) a second-degree relative plus at least two addi- hol syndrome was ruled out by careful physical examinations.
tional individuals in the same family branch in a pattern sug- We believe that the connection between autism and familial
gesting Mendelian inheritance, or (3) alcoholism in at least alcoholism is consistent with the idea that there is an alcohol-
four individuals all in the same branch of the family. The high ism subtype that is genetically mediated, highly penetrant, and
alcoholism families had an elevated percentage of affected predisposes to the development of autism.
relatives in all categories, with 17% of mothers, 52% of fathers, The next step is to look for evidence of some shared bio-
14% of maternal grandmothers, 41% of maternal grandfa- chemical pathways or genes. Theoretically, a maternal factor is
thers, 21% of paternal grandmothers, and 45% of paternal of interest since recent studies have reported that autism is
grandfathers reported as alcoholic. The remaining 102 fami- associated with the maternal dopamine β-hydroxylase alleles
lies reported scattered individuals with alcoholism in unre- and that there is sib concordance for maternal, but not pater-
lated branches of the family (less than 1% of females and less nal, alleles linked to dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine
than 10% males). transmitters (Robinson, Schutz, Macciardi, White, & Holden,
Families and children whose pedigrees revealed an appar- 2001). Clarification of our association between regressive
ent genetic distribution of alcoholism (designated high alco- autism and maternal alcoholism will depend on replication of
holism families) were compared with those that didn’t (low the studies in a larger sample of families. Nevertheless, it does
alcoholism families). The family histories differed in two ways. recommend that for autism, like other complex disorders
First, the high alcoholism families had a significantly higher parental genotypes should be considered as possible risk fac-
proportion of affected (alcoholic) females. In the high alco- tors (Labuda, Krajinovic, Sabbagh, Infante-Rivard, & Sinnett,
holism families, the number of female alcoholics was 18 times 2002; DeLong, 2007).
the number in the low alcoholism families, whereas males Though the majority of autism candidate genes and regions
were only 4 times more likely to be alcoholic (15.9% vs. 0.9% do not overlap with biochemical pathways or genes implicated
females; 38.2% vs. 8.7% males). The ratio of female to male in alcoholism, there are common areas. Dysregulation of the
alcoholics was significantly higher in the high alcoholism fam- major neurotransmitter systems for GABA and serotonin
ilies compared to the low (0.46 vs. 0.052, p = 0.0001). And occur in autism and in alcoholism. And recently genes that
compared with unselected Missouri families (126), the females encode structural cell adhesion molecule subfamilies which
in our high alcohol families were 3.7 times more apt to be specify brain connectivity during development and in adult-
alcoholic. Second, high alcoholism families had more relatives hood have been linked to both disorders (Geschwind & Levitt,
with affective disorders, also distributed in a familial pattern 2007; Garber, 2007; Persico & Bourgeron, 2006; Uhl et al.,
(50.8% vs. 24%) (p = 0.0006). This is consistent with previous 2008). Uhl et al. (2008) analyzed convergence data from
studies of alcoholism, which report an association between genomewide association studies identifying 27 candidate genes
alcoholism and affective disorders in families (Kendler, Heath, that link addiction and co-occurring brain disorders ranging
Neale, Kessler, & Eaves, 1993; Bierut et al., 1998; Tsuang et al., from smoking to Alzheimer’s disease; three cell adhesion
1998; Nurnberger et al., 2004). A significant family history of genes (Neurexin 1, Contactin-associated protein-like 2, and
alcoholism did not associate preferentially with any other Contactin 4) previously linked to autism were identified
Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics Perspective 713

in addictive disorder populations. Moreover, addiction and quality of their social interaction; “Socially aloof,” “Passive
autism share associations with a number of cell adhesion gene interaction,” or “Active-but-odd interaction.” Aloof children
subfamilies including nicotine dependence and autism with reject most social contact and have atypical attachment to
Neurexin 1 (Nussbaum et al., 2008), and alcoholism with caregivers, lack pretend play and joint attention, have little
Neurexin 3 (Hishimoto et al., 2007). These data support the eye contact, engage in inappropriate behaviors such as tan-
concept that the same genetic variants can have overlapping or trums and are usually nonverbal. Passive children also do not
pleiotropic influences on more than one brain-based disorder. initiate social interaction spontaneously, but accept other’s
approaches. Their play typically consists of imitative rather
Clinical Course Phenotypes than imaginative activities, and their communication tends
to be repetitive. Active-but-odd children seek interactions
As with other medical and developmental disorders, the age with others but these interactions are one-sided and peculiar.
of onset and clinical course are generally helpful in separating They use language communicatively but may have poor eye
diseases that have similar symptomatology but different contact, speak in a monotone, lack conventional gestures,
causes. For ASD the most intriguing separation is between and have difficulty comprehending idiomatic statements.
children whose autism symptoms are noted from early infancy Based on the Wing Subgroups Questionnaire (Castelloe &
and those who regress from normal or near normal social and Dawson, 1993), the literature supports the validity of the sub-
communicative development into autistic disorder, usually types with most children falling into the aloof group, which
accompanied by the development of motor and other stere- correlates with lower IQs, and less change in IQ with early
otypies (Lord, Schulman, & DiLavore, 2004; Stefanatos, 2008; intensive behavioral intervention (Beglinger & Smith, 2001).
Ozonoff, Williams, & Landa, 2005; Wilson, Djukic, Shinnar, Though Wing subgroups do correlate with some biological
Dharmani, & Rapin, 2003). Simultaneous cognitive declines variables (Dawson, Klinger, Panagiotides, Lewy, & Castelloe,
have been documented (Bryson et al., 2007). Longitudinal 1995), the classification is not always stable over time, with
studies, typically of the infant siblings of children with ASD, some children in the aloof group maturing into a passive
are poised to answer questions about the timing and patterns social type. Some authors have questioned whether the Wing
of early symptom developments (Baird et al., 2008; Rogers subtypes simply reflect IQ; however Volkmar, Cohen,
et al., 2008). Of equal interest will be results from extended Bregman, Hooks, and Stevenson (1989) found that only 53%
longitudinal studies that permit us to identify which children of the variance in their study was accounted for by IQ, indi-
drop into a prolonged developmental nadir, which undergo cating the validity of this subgrouping paradigm. I am not
multiple periods of cognitive and communicative regression aware of any association with etiology.
and which groups gradually improve in all areas, often irre- Other groups have focused on language variability to
spective of the intensity of developmental intervention. Once create more homogeneous subgroups. Language competence,
these developmental groups are better defined, they can be like cognitive ability, is under significant genetic control,
defined in terms of biologically and etiologically linked demonstrated by the robust language correlations reported
phenotypes which in turn should lead to the discovery of within sibships, twins, and/or extended family members
biological markers. (Fombonne, Bolton, Prior, Jordan, & Ruter, 1997; Bailey
et al., 1998; Piven & Palmer, 1997; Hughes, Plumet, & Leboyer,
Core Autism Behavior Based Subgroups 1999; MacLean et al., 1999; Pickles et al., 2000; Spiker,
Lotspeich, Dimiceli, Myers, & Risch, 2002; Silverman et al.,
Autism, like most if not all medical disorders, can be described 2002). Silverman et al. (2002) found reduced variance within
on a variety of levels. Initially described as a psychiatric sibships for speech delays and age at phrase speech. Likewise,
disorder of childhood, autism was defined by its behavioral in a study of 171 autism sibships Spiker et al. (2002) found a
variances in social interaction, language, and stereotypic highly significant association within autism sib pairs for lan-
interests and behaviors (Kanner, 1943). A number of behav- guage delay and absence of phrase speech. Buxbaum et al.
iorally based autism subgroups were subsequently identified (2001) showed that concordance for delayed speech substan-
and cataloged by the American Psychiatric Association in the tially increased the modestly positive evidence for linkage at
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- loci on chromosomes 2 and 7. Hutcheson et al. (2003) found
IV-TR) manual as Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, when presence or absence of language acquisition was used to
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett syndrome, and segregate populations for linkage analysis, higher LOD scores
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not-Otherwise-Specified for linkage to the AUT1 region on chromosome 7q region
(PDD-NOS) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). This occurred in the more language impaired group. These were
remains the standard for definition of the behavioral autism the first functional phenotypes to be successfully correlated
diagnoses. Important research continues to refine diagnostic with genetic linkage. Nevertheless, language development
criteria for each clinical subtype, their boundaries, and treat- does not appear to be the primary autism genetic determi-
ment responses. nant, since many nonverbal autistic children have parents
The most widely referenced clinical subgroups, proposed and/or siblings with high functioning autism or Asperger’s
by Wing and Gould (1979), classify children based on the (Eisenmajer et al., 1996; Gillberg, 1999; Gillberg & Wing,
714 Autism Spectrum Disorders

1999; Volkmar, Klin, & Pauls, 1998). Miller and Ozonoff garnered the most attention, since between half and three
(2000) compared individuals with high-functioning autism quarters of autistic children have IQ scores below 70 (Lotter,
with impaired language to individuals with Asperger’s, with 1966; Rutter & Garmezy, 1983; Steffenburg & Gillberg, 1986;
IQ differences controlled, and found no significant group dif- Cohen, Paul, & Volkmar, 1987; Chakrabarti & Fombonne,
ferences in motor, visual spatial, or executive functions, sug- 2001; Lincoln, Allen, & Kilman, 1995) and because cognitive
gesting language development is primarily IQ dependent. levels measured in early childhood have been a strong predic-
tor of outcome (Cohen et al., 1987; Lord & Schopler, 1989a,
Repetitive Behaviors 1989b; Kobayashi, Murata, & Yoshinaga, 1992; Venter,
Lord, & Schopler, 1992; Volkmar, 1992; Fein et al., 1999).
The presence of motor stereotypies together with preoccupa- However, it is clear that IQ is not a primary genetic variable in
tions, rigidity, and restricted interests count as one criteria for autism. Le Couteur et al. (1996) found that IQ scores can vary
a diagnosis of an ASD and thus are almost always reported in widely in identical twins. Jorde et al. (1990) found that divid-
diagnosed children. However, the type, frequency, and inten- ing the Utah cohort by IQ revealed no significant differences
sity of repetitive behaviors, including stereotypic movements, in recurrence risks and gave no indications of inheritance pat-
inflexible routines, repetitive play, and perseverative speech in terns. Moreover, in the young child with autism, IQ assess-
ASD vary widely. Stereotypies positively correlate with ASD ment is difficult (reviewed in Bailey, Phillips, & Rutter, 1996),
severity and with cognitive deficiency (Bodfish, Symons, and IQ and DQ scores measured in early childhood may
Parker, & Lewis, 2000; Bishop, Maybery, Wong, Maley, & change over time and with therapy. Lord and Schopler (1989a)
Hallmayer, 2006; Goldman et al., 2009). And taken together reported mean differences greater than 23 points comparing
they are the strongest predictor that an early ASD diagnosis test scores prior to age 4 with those at age 8 and older, findings
will endure (Richler, Bishop, Kleinker, & Lord, 2007). Recent which have been replicated in other populations (Sigman
evidence, however, suggests that repetitive behaviors and et al., 1999). Even without special treatment, children first
interests are complex and probably stem from a number of assessed in early preschool years are likely to show marked
sources (Beglinger & Smith, 2001; Happé & Ronald, 2008; increases in IQ score by school age (Lord & Schopler, 1989b).
Ingram et al., 2007). Whereas social and communication There is however a correlation between IQ and genetics. In
symptoms are closely associated and may even stem from the multiplex sibships, nonverbal IQ scores correlate positively
same biologic mechanism, repetitive behaviors, preoccupa- (Spiker et al., 2002; Szatmari et al., 1996), indicating that cog-
tions, and restricted interests are not inextricably bound to nitive abilities in autism, as in typically developing popula-
those core symptoms (Happé & Ronald, 2008; Mandy & Skuse, tions, were largely genetically determined. In addition, IQ
2008). Moreover, there is evidence that repetitive behaviors levels have appeared to correlate with a fundamental genetic
are etiologically distinct from restricted interests or obsessions variable, the male to female ratio; the more severely retarded
(Goldman et al., 2009; Miles, Takahashi, & Mudrick, 2000b). the population, the lower the male to female ratio (Wing,
In our study of 153 children with autistic disorder, those with 1981; Gillberg, 1989; Szatmari, Bartolucci, Bremner, Bond, &
no prominent motor repetitive behaviors had a lower sex ratio Rich, 1989). The greatest male predominance occurs in
and less family history of ASD, but a greater family history of Asperger’s syndrome, as do the highest IQ scores. These exam-
obsessive-compulsive behavior diagnoses. Recently Wiggins, ples illustrate the difficulty in determining which variables are
Robins, Bakeman, and Adamson (2009) reported that tactile, primary when defining subgroups. Our studies indicate that it
auditory filtering and taste/smell hypersensitivity impairments is the essential/complex autism distinction that provides the
in children with ASD correlate strongly with measures of ster- primary subgroup separation. Individuals with complex
eotypic interests and behaviors. Lam, Bodfish, and Piven autism as a group have lower IQ scores than those with essen-
(2008), using exploratory factor analysis identified three dis- tial autism. When controlled for this distinction IQ scores do
tinct repetitive factors—repetitive motor behaviors, insistence not correlate with sex ratios, recurrence risks, family histories
on sameness, and circumscribed interests—each with distinct of autism, or type of onset (Miles, unpublished data). This, of
associations with subject characteristics such as IQ, age, social/ course, is not surprising since the complex/essential autism is
communication impairments, presence of regression, and sib based on the premise that dysmorphology and microcephaly
pair correlations. Based on these findings, it appears that are indicators of disruptions of early embryogenesis and thus
repetitive behaviors could become a rich phenotypic trait for more closely related to etiology.
defining ASD subgroups. However, much more study is
needed to separate this complex collection of symptoms into Neurologically and Medically
biologically homogeneous traits. Defined Subgroups

Cognitively and Functionally Neurologic and medical symptoms are important variables
Defined Subgroups affecting outcome and quality of life for children with autism.
Seizures develop in approximately 25% of children with
A number of approaches for separating autism into subgroups autism and the rate of electroencephalographic abnormali-
based on function have been proposed. Variance in IQ has ties is increased even when there is no history of seizures
Autism Subgroups from a Medical Genetics Perspective 715

(Kim, Donnelly, Tournay, Book, & Filipek, 2006; Spence & sign, symptom, or oddball phenotype that occurs in children
Schneider, 2009). And though individuals with autism plus with ASDs must be noted and reported, so researchers can
seizures are more apt to have moderate to severe mental retar- assemble putative, etiologically discrete subgroups for fresh
dation, motor deficits, and poorer adaptive, behavioral, and and innovative investigations.
social outcomes (Tuchman & Rapin, 2002; Hara, 2007), sei-
zures by themselves are not a sensitive outcome predictor.
Seizures and EEG abnormalities, though they fit many of the Á
criteria for a promising subgroup defining phenotypic variable Challenges and Future Directions
(Table 40-1), have not been successful phenotypic subgroup
indicators. This is not surprising since, like autism, seizures • Discover the neurologic, biologic, and molecular bases
are etiologically heterogeneous and are symptomatic of many behind the phenotypes that define discrete autism
underlying neurologic mechanisms. subgroups.
Similar to seizures, sleep disorders and gastrointestinal • Develop large autism research populations that are studied
symptoms are not pathophysiologically discrete entities and jointly by behavioralists, clinical geneticists, neuroanato-
thus are too vague to define discrete autism subgroups. That mists, molecular biologists, and other neuroscientists.
is not to say, however, that future definition of discrete types • Pursue longitudinal studies of these same populations
of seizures, sleep disorders, or GI disorders, with clear link- to answer the practical translational question “Which
ages to biological mechanisms may not become useful in phenotypic features or biomarkers are most closely
defining etiologic autism subgroups. linked to recovery?”

Conclusions: The Nosology of Autism
as a Biologically Based Disorder Gottesman, I. I., & Gould, T. D. (2003). The endophenotype concept
in psychiatry: Etymology and strategic intentions. American
The transition of autism from a diagnostically inclusive Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 636–645.
behaviorally defined disorder to an etiological based nosology Miles, J. H., Takahashi, T. N., Bagby, S., Sahota, P. K., Vaslow, D. F.,
mirrors the history of mental retardation in the 1960s and Wang, C. H., et al. (2005). Essential versus complex autism:
cerebral palsy in the 1970s, as well as many less common dis- Definition of fundamental prognostic subtypes. American
orders like X-linked muscular dystrophy (Darras, Korf, & Journal of Medical Genetics A, 135, 171–180.
Urion, 2009) and lissencephaly (Barkovich, Koch, & Carrol, Szatmari, H., Maziade, M., Zwaigenbaum, L., Merette, C., Roy, M.,
1991; Norman, McGillivray, Kalousek, Hill, & Poskitt, 1995; Ridham, J., et al. (2007). Informative phenotypes for genetic
studies of psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Medical
Dobyns & Das, 2009). In each case, a disorder that had origi-
Genetics B, 144B, 581–588.
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tification of hundreds of etiology specific diagnoses. manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR).
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41 Á Hande Kaymakçalan, Matthew W. State

Rare Genetic Variants

and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Á The latter findings, if replicated, will fundamentally

Points of Interest challenge the current psychiatric diagnostic nosology.

• The study of rare variation offers important avenues to The evidence for a genetic contribution to ASDs is incontro-
expand the understanding of autism and related condi- vertible. However, the underlying composition or architecture
tions. The investigation of rare genetic syndromes may of the genetic variation contributing to social disability as well
generalize and shed light on the pathophysiology of as the identity of specific changes in DNA sequence or struc-
autism spectrum disorders (ASDs); the study of unusual ture accounting for the lion’s share of risk remains largely a
families or individuals with ASD may reveal basic bio- mystery (O’Roak & State, 2008; State, 2010). This is not to
logical mechanisms and molecular pathways, resulting in suggest that there has not been dramatic and important
novel conceptual approaches to treating ASD; and new progress in elucidating the biological underpinnings of these
genomic technologies will soon reveal whether individu- devastating syndromes (Abrahams & Geschwind, 2008;
ally rare variations may account for a significant propor- O’Roak & State, 2008; Toro et al., 2010). Indeed, engendered
tion of the population risk for social disability. in part by rapidly advancing genomic technologies, there have
• Highly productive studies of rare variation have been been equally remarkable strides in developmental neurobiol-
ongoing for decades with regard to developmental syn- ogy and a highly effective collaboration among advocacy
dromes and ASDs, with key early findings emerging from groups, researchers, and the federal government. In fact there
the study of chromosomal abnormalities. are few areas in psychiatric genetics where the pace of progress
• Recent advances in technology in the area of copy has been as rapid as it has been with regard to ASD over the
number variation has offered high-resolution detection past several years.
of rare variation at a genome-wide scale and has been the Over this period of time, interest in the potential contribu-
basis of a series of key advances in the past several years; tion of rare variation (or alleles), defined as having a frequency
• Next generation sequencing is currently being applied to of 1% to 5%, and very rare alleles (minor allele frequency
studies of ASDs and the increasing resolution of genome- <1%) has taken center stage. This transition has been moti-
wide detection of rare variation will dramatically expand vated by converging factors: (1) the increasing appreciation of
the possibilities for gene discovery in ASDs. the relevance of the phenotypic overlap observed between
• A key distinction must be drawn between rare variation ASD and rare single-gene developmental disorders such as
and “simple” inheritance. Recent CNV analyses and rese- Fragile X and tuberous sclerosis complex (Abrahams &
quencing studies have challenged previous assumptions Geschwind, 2008; Johnson & Myers, 2007; O’Roak & State,
regarding the manner in which individually rare muta- 2008); (2) the development of technologies that enable the
tions might contribute to complex common syndromes detection of a new class of variation involving submicroscopic
such as ASDs. changes in chromosomal structure, known as CNVs (Iafrate
• Recent findings point to a strong likelihood that specific et al., 2004; Redon et al., 2006; Sebat et al., 2004), an advance
genes associated with ASDs may also be involved with that has made affordable high-resolution genome-wide
risks not only for mental retardation, specific language discovery of rare variation; (3) the recognition that common
impairment, and seizure but potentially a wide array variation is likely to account for a smaller fraction of
of neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia. inter-individual variability in common complex disorders

Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 723

than previously anticipated (Altshuler & Daly, 2007); and code from variation are robust, both environmental factors
(4) the rapid pace of advance in the development of and intrinsic imperfections in the process of DNA replica-
next-generation sequencing technology, which will soon allow tion and maintenance also lead to a slow but steady accumu-
for genome-wide detection of rare sequence variation to a lation of variations over time.
degree that would have been difficult to conceive of as recently Sequence variation is a change at a specific position within
as the end of the past century. the genetic code of the constituent parts of the DNA molecule,
This chapter will elaborate on these developments and known as bases or nucleotides. These are: A (adenosine),
focus on the issue of the contribution of rare and very rare T (thymidine), G (guanine), and C (cytosine). Thus a sequence
genetic variation to ASD. In addition to dividing the discussion variation commonly involves either a substitution of one base
broadly based on a dichotomy between common and low- for another, the loss or gain of a single or small number of
frequency alleles, it is also useful to distinguish three overlap- bases (referred to as “in-dels” for “insertion-deletion”), or a
ping but distinct areas of investigation in this latter area: variation in the number of repeats of a particular sequence
(1) the study of known rare genetic syndromes that show motif. In addition, there can be rearrangements of genetic
overlap with ASD; (2) the investigation of unusual, or outlier, material in the human genome, such as inversions and trans-
individuals and families in search of rare variation that may locations, which disrupt the expected order of the DNA
shed light on the pathophysiology of ASD; and (3) research sequence without leading to a net gain or loss of genetic mate-
into the hypothesis that ASD writ large is the result of the rial. If any of these changes occur in sperm or egg cells, they
accumulation, within the population, of multiple individu- have the potential to be passed from generation to generation.
ally rare genetic variations. As other chapters in this volume In addition, if there is a germline mosaicism (i.e., the genetic
address issues related to ASD and established genetic syn- mutation is present in only the germline of the parent but not
dromes, the ensuing discussion will restrict its focus to the in the parental somatic cells), an apparently new, or de novo,
latter two topics. mutations may be found in more than one of the offspring.
This discussion will be divided into five sections: the first This possibility is one reason that de novo disease-causing
will provide a basic background into the nature of genetic mutations may be found in multiple affected individuals in
variation and distinctions between common and rare alleles; one generation within a family as well as in pedigrees with
the second will describe two competing, but not necessarily only a single affected child.
mutually exclusive, hypotheses about the genomic underpin- The “life cycle” of germline variation—that is, what hap-
nings of ASD, the common-variant: common-disease hypoth- pens to an allele once it is introduced into the human genome
esis and the rare-variant: common-disease hypothesis; the in a manner that can be passed from generation to generation—
third will address the so-called “outlier strategy” of gene is dictated by the interplay of natural selection, time, the
discovery, in which the focus is on rare and very rare alleles mechanics of DNA transmission from generation to genera-
irrespective of their overall contribution to population risk tion, and the history of human migration and population
(see Table 41-1); and the fourth will address the emerging evi- growth. Although all of these factors are important, this brief
dence regarding the cumulative contribution of rare variation introduction will focus largely on the first—namely, natural
to ASD, including a consideration of opportunities and chal- selection—as recent evidence has underscored the relevance
lenges facing current efforts to tackle this question. Finally, the of this process for understanding the dynamics of human
chapter will close with a consideration of recent rare variant disease genetics.
discoveries that have raised the prospect that a given specific Recall that the Darwinian notion is that in general, sequence
genetic mutation may contribute to a broad spectrum of neu- variation that either has no biological consequence or is
ropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcomes (Eichler & advantageous to the species will, over time and given reason-
Zimmerman, 2008; McCarthy et al., 2009; Mefford et al., 2008; able opportunity, rise in frequency within a population and
Stefansson et al., 2008; Weiss et al., 2008) ranging from ASD to become common. At present, geneticists define this threshold
mental retardation, seizure, and schizophrenia. as a minor (meaning the lesser of the two sequence options)
frequency of greater than 5%. Alternatively, any variation that
finds its way into an individual’s germline and is deleterious
Á will be subject, over time, to purifying selection, which will
Genetic Variation and Allelic Architecture either eliminate the change from the population or drive it to
of Autism Spectrum Disorder low frequencies. For the sake of this discussion, the notion of
good (neutral or advantageous) versus bad (deleterious)
Sequence Variation variation is very narrowly defined, referring only to the impact
on reproductive fitness—that is, the ability of the organism to
The vast majority of the sequence of DNA is identical procreate and thus to pass the DNA from one generation to
between any two people. Nonetheless, it is the variation the next.
among and between individuals that is most interesting to Although this dichotomy is a significant oversimplifica-
those studying the relationship of genes to disease risk. tion, the relationship between the impact of a genetic varia-
Although the biological processes that protect the genetic tion on reproductive fitness and its likely frequency within the
724 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 41–1.
Genes disrupted by rare variation via several different mechanisms (rare deletions, inversions, point mutations,
duplications, translocations, de novo and transmitted CNVs) that are implicated in autism spectrum disorders and
discussed in detail in the chapter

Gene Symbol Chromosome Location Gene Function Study Type Reference

GRPR Xp22.2 Regulates gastrointestinal and Molecular cytogenetics Brush et al. (Seidita et al.)
central nervous system function
AUTS2 7q11.22 Unknown Molecular cytogenetics, Sultana et al.,
CNV analysis Kalscheuer et al.,
Bakkaloglu et al.,
Redon et al.
NLGN4X, NLGN3 Xp22.3, Xq13 Members of neuroligin family Molecular cytogenetics, Jamain et al.,
of proteins. linkage analysis Thomas et al.,
Involved in formation of Laumonnier et al.
functional synapses
SHANK3 22q13.3 Synaptic scaffolding protein Molecular cytogenetics Meyer et al.,
Moessner et al.
NRXN1 2p16 Neurotransmitter release Molecular cytogenetics, Szatmari et al.,
linkage analysis, CNV Feng et al.,
analysis Kim et al.,
Glessner et al.
CNTN4 3p14 Neuronal cell adhesion Molecular cytogenetics, Fernandez et al.,
molecule CNV analysis Roohi et al.,
Glessner et al.
CNTNAP2 7q36.1 Neuronal cell adhesion Molecular cytogenetics, Bakkaloglu et al.,
molecule linkage analysis Strauss et al.,
Alarcon et al.,
Arking et al.
DIA1,NHE9 22q13.2, 3q24, Involved in cell migration, Linkage analysis Morrow et al.
PCDH10,CNTN3 4q28.3, 3p12.3 sodium/proton exchanger,
neuronal cell adhesion
A2BP1 16p13.2 Neuronal splicing enhancer CNV analysis, molecular Martin et al.,
cytogenetics Bhalla et al.
DPP6, DPP10, 7q36.2, 2q14.1, Modulation of calcium and CNV analysis Marshall et al.
PCDH9, 13q21.32, 16q24.3, potassium channels, cell
ANKRD11, DPYD, 1p21.3, Xp22.11 adhesion molecule,
PTCHD1 transcriptional initiator,
pyrimidine metabolism,
participates in cell interaction
NLGN1, ASTN2, 3q26.31, 9q33.1, Neuronal cell adhesion CNV analysis Glessner et al.,
UBE3A, 15q11.2, 6q26, molecule, makes enzyme Vrijenhoek et al.,
PARK2, RFWD2, 1q25.1-q25.2, 3q13.33 ubiquitin protein ligase 3A, Kahler et al.
FBXO40 ubiquitin protein ligase Parkin,
degradation of proteins,
protein interaction

population is an important touchstone for understanding Before launching into a discussion of the major competing
contemporary arguments regarding the allelic architecture of hypotheses with regard to the allelic contributions to ASD,
childhood developmental disorders. For example, if a pheno- several related points deserve mention. First, “rare” variation
type is subject to strong purifying selection, alleles of large and “deleterious” variation are not synonymous. As suggested
effect are likely to be rare. Conversely, common alleles are above, time, the mechanics of DNA transmission, and the
likely to carry smaller effects compared to very low frequency dynamics of human migration and population history
variations influencing the same phenotype. influence allele frequencies. For example, any mutation that
Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 725

has occurred recently is likely to be rare, having not had the different environmental context, lead to disease. Several
time to flourish within a population. Consequently, a highly additional related ideas support a role for common variation
deleterious mutation is likely to be rare, but a rare variation is even for a disorder that prima face would appear to reduce
not necessarily highly deleterious. Moreover, even if a muta- reproductive fitness: the first involves so-called “balancing
tion is deleterious, it may be able to become common by selection” in which genetic changes might enhance fitness in
“hitchhiking” through the generations due to its residing very one manner while reducing it in another. Another is that a del-
near to an allele that provides survival advantages. Another eterious variation might be present in sufficiently close prox-
important caveat is that it can be quite difficult to anticipate imity to a fitness-enhancing genetic variation that the two
what types of phenotypic characteristics will or will not be alleles would often be passed together from generation to gen-
subject to negative or purifying selection, particularly with eration, yielding a so-called “hitchhiking allele.” Finally, it is
regard to common disease. For example, although it is not dif- worth noting that the overall hypothesis of common variants
ficult to predict that a mutation that inalterably leads to fetal underlying common disease fits nicely with the Out-of-Africa
demise will be found at low frequency, the manner in which theory of human history: one can construct a strong theoreti-
natural selection will act on alleles contributing to adult-onset cal case that in a situation in which there was a very small ini-
disorders or childhood syndromes that are not life-threatening tial population followed by very rapid growth, it would be
may be impossible to anticipate. It is important to recall that likely that at the current stage in human evolution, most
such arguments must presuppose the interplay between a phe- common diseases would be accounted for by the same varia-
notypic trait and environmental factors that may have changed tions that were present in the initial population.
over evolutionary time. Third, rare variation is not rare. A detailed history of methods to test for the contribution of
Although geneticists classify variation based on allele common variation to common disease is beyond the scope of
frequency, these categories are not a comment on the overall this chapter. However, it is useful to keep in mind that in
prevalence of a class of variation within an individual or a general, such studies have involved some variation on a case–
population. For example, in any given person, a very large control design, performing comparisons of allele frequencies
percentage of sequence changes will be found to consist of in these groups. Until the last few years, it was only technically
alleles with frequency of less than 5% (Kidd, Pakstis, Speed, & feasible to test the relative abundance of alleles by focusing on
Kidd, 2004; Meigs et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2008). a small amount of variation at time—for example, investigat-
ing one or several common variants located in or near a single
Common-Variant: Common-Disease or small numbers of candidate genes.
However, with the advent of high-density micro-arrays, it
For most of the past decade, gene discovery in ASD has largely has recently become possible to test many alleles simultaneously.
focused on common genetic variation. The presumption that The technology has rapidly advanced from assaying tens to
common alleles will carry most of the genetic load for a common hundreds of thousands and now typically more than a million
disorder is known as the “common-variant: common-disease” known alleles in a single rapid and inexpensive experiment.
hypothesis. It is based on the notion that a conspiracy of genetic This technology has led to a remarkable proliferation of
variations of relatively subtle effect, in combination with genome-wide association studies (GWAS), in which variations
environmental factors, is likely to carry the majority of risk for in and near every gene in the genome are tested simultaneously
prevalent clinical conditions (including ASD). for association with a phenotype.
This hypothesis emerged in part as a result of the failure This shift, which eliminated the need to specify a gene of
of early single-gene models to account for the genetics of interest a priori, has had a striking effect, leading to the defini-
common disorders. The earliest successes in gene discovery tive discovery of many common alleles contributing to common
were the result of mapping rare alleles carrying very large medical conditions, including diabetes (Meigs et al., 2007),
effects for clearly defined (often relatively homogenous) inflammatory bowel disease (Weersma et al., 2009), asthma
clinical entities, mutations for which there is essentially a (Moffatt et al., 2007), and intracranial aneurysm (Bilguvar
one-to-one relationship between possessing the variation and et al., 2008). The rapid maturation of methods for common
demonstrating a disease phenotype. As genetic tools became variant studies has allowed an empirical reappraisal of the
increasingly powerful, it was quickly apparent that this model common variant common disease hypothesis, leading to the
did not hold for neuropsychiatric disorders writ large or for following observations: first, the majority of disorders that have
most common medical conditions. so far yielded to GWAS have shown genotype-relative risks that
Alternative hypotheses shifted the focus from Mendelian fall within the range of a 10% to 40% increase in cases versus
mutations carrying very large effects to common variations controls for a given allele, far short of the two- to threefold
carrying more subtle risks. It was posited that individual alleles change that was generally thought to represent a reasonable
might carry such small risks as to be able to escape purifying lower bound for powering common variant studies (Manolio,
selection because only a conspiracy of alleles would result in a Brooks, & Collins, 2008). Moreover, this appears to hold true
phenotype that would impair fitness. Moreover, variation that for adult-onset conditions, even when the manner in which the
might have enhanced fitness at one time in history, and thus disorder might impair fitness is not clear (e.g., intracranial
gained a foothold in terms of allele frequency, could, in a aneurysm). This observation does not prove, but is consistent
726 Autism Spectrum Disorders

with, the notion that natural selection is a powerful factor in variations in multiple different genes or multiple variations in
human disease genetics. The fact that only alleles carrying very the same gene could lead to similar clinical outcomes, over
small risks are found at high frequency in affected populations time, an accumulation of rare variation could accrue, account-
suggests that alleles carrying larger risks must have been driven ing for a significant proportion of a commonly occurring dis-
down in frequency in the population and have been either order. Moreover, for conditions in which de novo mutation
eliminated or become rare. A second key observation emerging played a significant role, this would obtain—and one would
from the recent rash of GWAS successes is that the total amount expect to see—a considerable number of apparently sporadic
of genetic risk that is explained by common alleles has so far cases (in which only the proband in the family was affected)
also been quite small. Now that studies of some disorders (such and a very high rate of monozygotic concordance versus
as diabetes) have been completed on very large samples (large dizygotic (DZ) concordance.
enough to detect effects in the range of 10%–15%) and multi- Until very recently, for practical reasons, it has been diffi-
ple risk alleles have been confirmed, it is notable that less than cult to test this hypothesis. Evaluating individuals for sequence
10% of interindividual variability has been accounted for, com- variation that has previously been discovered, as is typically
pared to the 40%–60% thought to be relevant in most common the case with common variation, is relatively inexpensive and
conditions (Altshuler, Daly, & Lander, 2008; Zeggini et al., is now both economically and technically feasible to carry out
2008). These results suggests several alternatives: (1) genetic on a genome-wide scale. In brief, once a variation is known,
risks have been vastly overestimated across all of medicine; binary assays can be developed that are quite inexpensive,
(2) studies of hundreds of thousands of patients will be needed investigating the presence or absence of a given base without
to identify the hundreds of additional alleles that will ultimately having to sequence the corresponding DNA. Conversely, the
be found to carry fleetingly small individual risks; (3) new identification of rare variation often requires some degree of
methodologies and approaches will need to be developed to direct DNA sequencing to identify which of the four possible
better detect the interactive contributions of multiple genes bases is present at each position in the genetic code. This is an
and environmental factors; and/or (4) rare variation accounts order of magnitude more expensive than most binary common
for a more substantial population burden of common disease variant detection schemes. Consequently, studies at a genome-
than expected based on the common variant common disease wide scale have not been yet conducted, and it is only recently,
hypothesis. with the advent of “massively parallel” “next generation”
sequencing technologies, that such studies are emerging as
within reach of the typical genetics laboratories.
Á Nonetheless, for some time, both the outlier approach as
Rare-Variant: Common-Disease well as the question of the overall contribution of rare varia-
tion to common disease risk has been of great interest among
The early failure of Mendelian genetics to account for a a group of investigators (Abelson et al., 2005; Jamain et al.,
significant proportion of the risk for common conditions did 2003; Marshall et al., 2008; McClellan, Susser, & King, 2007)
not lead the entire genetics field to abandon the study of rare and has recently become a major area of preoccupation in psy-
variation. Indeed, many of the most important advances in chiatry, particularly with regard to autism and schizophrenia,
human genetics in the contemporary era have come from the as discussed below.
search for rare examples of common disorders, including in
breast cancer (Miki et al., 1994), Alzheimer’s disease (Bertram
et al., 2000), and hypertension (Simon et al., 1996). Á
One of the driving rationales for these studies was that Rare Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder
some proportion of the genetic architecture of a common
condition would be accounted for by rare, highly penetrant Presently, there is evidence supporting both common and rare
mutations. And, moreover, these variations would be more variation contributing to ASDs. The former is discussed in
amenable to mapping using traditional methods and more considerable detail elsewhere in this volume. In fact there
tractable to study in vitro and in vivo given the relative large are multiple lines of evidence to support the contribution
effect sizes. Most importantly, the studies shared the hypothesis of rare variants to ASDs, both with regard to the relevance
that the insights into molecular mechanisms and disease of outliers as well as supporting the rare-variant: common-
pathophysiology could be transformative regardless of whether disease hypothesis. For example: (1) over the past two
the specific genes discovered accounted for significant popula- decades, microscopic chromosomal abnormalities have been
tion genetic risk. In fact, for many complex disorders, this has identified at a far greater rate in ASDs than in the typically
turned out to be the case. developing population (Vorstman et al., 2006); (2) several
A second rational motivating such studies has been the recurrent contiguous-gene microscopic chromosomal rear-
recognition that rare variation could, in addition to account- rangements are either known or suspected to increase the risk
ing for disease in outliers, accumulate in the population to for ASDs, including maternally-inherited duplications of
account for an appreciable proportion of common disease 15q11-13 and deletions of 22q11; (3) rare monogenic syndromes
(Cohen et al., 2006; Ji et al., 2008). One could imagine that if show phenotypic overlap with ASDs, and, not infrequently,
Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 727

the ASD diagnosis precedes recognition and molecular in a 27-year-old female with multiple exostoses, autism, MR,
confirmation of the syndrome (Schaefer & Mendelsohn, 2008); and epilepsy that disrupted the gene gastrin-releasing peptide
(4) recent studies have demonstrated that, as is the case with receptor (GRPR) on the X-chromosome and mapped
microscopic cytogenetic abnormalities, large submicroscopic approximately 30 kilobases from the gene Syndecan-2 gene
copy number variations are also more commonly identified in (SDC2 on chromosome 8). The authors were particularly
individuals with autism than in controls (Sebat et al., 2007) interested in GRPR given its position on the X chromosome
and that such CNVs may either be individually rare or and disruption by the rearrangement. Moreover, subsequent
recurrent (Kumar et al., 2008; Weiss et al., 2008); and finally, studies have demonstrated that the receptor is present on
(5) individually rare variations in both chromosome structure GABAergic interneurons of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala
and DNA sequence have been either associated with or found (Shumyatsky et al., 2002). So far, additional functional muta-
to be linked to so-called “idiopathic ASD.” tions have not been found in either gene clearly associated
Recent evidence supporting both the utility of outlier with developmental delay or autism (Seidita et al., 2008).
approaches as well as evidence supporting the overall contri- Using a similar strategy, Sultana et al. (2002) reported on
bution of rare variation to the prevalence of ASDs is discussed a chromosomal breakpoint in a pair of twins with ASDs,
below. mapping this to a previously uncharacterized transcript they
dubbed AUTS2. Interestingly, several subsequent investiga-
tions have found CNVs at this locus in individuals with MR
Á and ASDs (Kalscheuer et al., 2007; Sultana et al., 2002)
Rare Variants and Outlier Approaches (Bakkaloglu et al., 2007) as well as in normal controls (Redon
et al., 2006).
Historically, outlier approaches have relied on the characteri- However, the most notable early discovery based on
zation of chromosomal abnormalities or the use of traditional cytogenetic findings was the result of work by Jamain and col-
multigenerational (parametric) linkage analyses to identify leagues in the laboratory of Thomas Buergeron. They were
highly penetrant mutations in rare individuals or families. motivated to study transcripts mapping to chromosome
These two approaches are discussed in turn. In addition, over Xp22.3 because of the prior finding of deletions of this inter-
the past several years, the analysis of CNV has become an val in three females with autism (Thomas et al., 1999). Within
important means both to expand the search for outliers this region, they identified the transcript KIAA1260, corre-
(discussed here) as well as to assess the overall contribution of sponding to NLGN4X, a member of the neuroligin family of
rare variation to ASDs (discussed in the subsequent section). proteins, later found to be essential for the formation of func-
In recent years, it has become commonplace to follow on tional synapses (Lisé & El-Husseini, 2006). They sequenced
the characterization of a candidate transcript identified the gene, as well as the related transcripts NLGN3 and
through any of these approaches by re-sequencing the gene or NLGN4Y, in 36 pairs of affected siblings and 122 trios with
genes of interest in a larger group of individuals. Such an autism or AS. Within NLGN4X, they identified a nonsense
approach is intuitively attractive, but presents some methodo- mutation that segregated with both autism and AS in a single
logical and conceptual challenges that are highlighted below. family, marking the first observation of a clearly deleterious
In addition as suggested above, new sequencing technologies point mutation identified in individuals with apparently idi-
have rapidly emerged as a means to identify most or all rare opathic or nonsyndromic ASDs. In addition, in the transcript
variation in an individual, a topic which will be addressed in NLGN3, they identified a missense substitution at a highly
the penultimate section of the chapter. conserved residue in a second family. Although subsequent
mutation screening studies of relatively small numbers of
Molecular Cytogenetics patients have not identified additional clearly functional
mutations in either of these transcripts (confirming their
The earliest studies addressing the question of rare structural status as outlier findings), the NLGN4X finding was con-
variation used the light microscope and converged on an firmed shortly after initial publication by an independent lab
estimated consensus of approximately 3% to 7% burden of investigating a multigenerational family affected with both
balanced translocations, inversions, and aneuploidies in cases MR and ASDs using parametric linkage analysis (discussed
of autism that had passed screening for “known” etiologies, a below) (Laumonnier et al., 2004).
rate that is estimated to be 50- to 100-fold higher than for As the technology for mapping chromosomal abnormali-
developmentally typical children (Nielsen & Sillesen, 1975; ties has improved and the identification of genes at chromo-
Nielsen et al., 1982). somal breakpoint become routine, multiple examples of de
More than a decade ago, the first reports describing fine novo abnormalities or chromosomal rearrangements have
mapping of chromosomal abnormalities in individuals with been found disrupting or mapping near brain expressed tran-
autism emerged, coincident with the development of molecu- scripts in individuals and families with social disability (Borg
lar cytogenetic techniques (Speicher, Gwyn Ballard, & Ward, et al., 2002; Collins et al., 2006; Roohi et al., 2009; Savelyeva
1996). In 1997, Ishikawa-Brush and colleagues (Ishikawa- et al., 2006; Vincent et al., 2000). The challenges that accom-
Brush et al., 1997) reported a chromosome X;8 translocation pany determining which of these are incidental findings and
728 Autism Spectrum Disorders

which are truly involved in disease risk are considered in sub- In a similar vein, Bakkaloglu et al. (2007) mapped a de
sequent sections of this chapter. novo chromosomal abnormality in the only affected member
Interestingly, in the wake of the NGLN4X findings, several of a pedigree and found the rearrangement disrupted both the
recent studies have provided support for the involvement of neuronal adhesion molecule contactin-associated protein
synaptic and/or neuronal adhesion molecules in ASDs. For 2 (CNTNAP2; a.k.a. Caspr2 in the mouse) and the previously
example, in families with ASDs, the Buergeron lab identified identified transcript AUTS2 (Sultana et al., 2002). Based on
rare de novo and transmitted structural and sequence varia- prior evidence implicating contactin molecules in ASDs and a
tions in the gene SHANK3, a protein present in the postsynap- previous study demonstrating that rare recessive mutations in
tic density that interacts with a binding partner of NLGN4 this gene lead to seizures, developmental delay and autism
(Meyer et al., 2004). Moreover, in a second study of SHANK3, (Strauss et al., 2006), the authors chose to prioritize the evalu-
four de novo abnormities and nine inherited missense variants ation of CNTNAP2 and comprehensively resequenced this
were identified among 400 families (Moessner et al., 2007). molecule in 635 patients and 942 controls. Among patients,
Three of the de novo events were large-scale deletions, encom- they identified 13 very rare variants, 8 of which mapped to
passing 277 kb, 3.2 Mb, 4.36 Mb, whereas the fourth was a highly conserved sites and/or were predicted to be deleterious
missense variant. The high rate of de novo mutations involving by bioinformatics approaches. However, they also identified
coding segments of SHANK3 in individuals with ideopathic 11 rare variants, 6 of which were presumed deleterious among
ASDs identified in independent studies, the finding of devel- the larger group of controls. Among the affected individuals,
opmental delay and autistic features in patients with the 22q13 the majority of very rare variants showed partial penetrance
deletion syndrome (the region in which SHANK3 resides), and (i.e., as expected for complex disease, some individuals who
the shared molecular pathway with NLGN4X provide strong had the mutation did not appear to be affected), but most of
convergent evidence for the importance of rare mutations in the identified variants did segregate among the affected indi-
this transcript for ASDs. In addition, two very recent publica- viduals within a family (i.e., all presumed affected individuals
tions found evidence for the association of the gene SHANK2, in a nuclear family carried the same putative mutation). One
a closely related scaffolding molecule, with ASD (Pinto et al. variant at a highly conserved position, 1869T, was inherited by
Nature. 2010 Jul 15;466(7304):368-72.; Berkel et al Nat Genet. 4 affected children in 3 unrelated families and was not present
2010 Jun;42(6):489-91). in 4010 control chromosomes (p = 0.014), although the
Several recent papers have also suggested that variations in authors were not able to rule out the confound of occult ances-
Neurexin 1 (NRXN1) a trans-synaptic binding partner for tral differences between cases and controls given the data
neuroligins (Lisé & El-Husseini, 2006) carries risks for ASDs. available at that time.
The Autism Genome Project Consortium (2007; Szatmari & Overall, this large-scale resequencing effort demonstrated a
Consortium, 2007) reported a combined linkage and copy twofold increase in the burden of rare variants in cases versus
number analysis involving 1168 subjects. This early investiga- controls, which did not reach statistical significance. Subsequent
tion was one of the first to address the issue of CNVs in autism deep sequencing studies have highlighted the importance of
but was confined to an analysis of only large-scale variations differentiating rare variation that is deleterious to protein
because of the use of a first generation array with 10,000 function versus that which is neutral (Ji et al. Nat Genet. 2008
probes. Nonetheless, one family was identified in which two May;40(5):592-9), an effort that is currently underway with
affected siblings had the same 300-kb deletion, encompassing regard to CNTNAP2. Nonetheless, as noted below and in
the coding region of NRXN1. This was not present in the other chapters of this volume, work from other groups of
parents, again highlighting the phenomena of germline investigators has implicated both common and rare variation
mosaicism. Subsequently, rare missense variants, balanced in CNTNAP2 with ASDs and language development. In this
chromosomal abnormities disrupting NRXN1 and an over- light, the cytogenetic and resequencing screening data pre-
representation of micro-deletions in cases versus control have sented in Bakkaloglu et al. (2007) suggest that individually,
all been reported (Feng et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2008; Glessner very rare variants in this transcript may also contribute to the
et al., 2009; Bucan et al., 2009). pathophysiology of idiopathic ASDs.
Cytogenetic approaches have also highlighted a role for
contactin and contactin-associated neuronal adhesion mole- Parametric Linkage Analyses
cules in ASDs (as have common variant studies discussed in
detail elsewhere in this volume). Fernandez and colleagues If the mode of inheritance of a gene is known or suspected, as
(T. Fernandez et al., 2004; T. V. Fernandez et al., 2008) iden- is often the case for Mendelian conditions, genome-wide par-
tified a child with features of a rare deletion syndrome on the ametric linkage analysis is a highly effective approach to gene
short arm of chromosome 3 who also presented with social discovery. Genetic data are analyzed in multiple generations
disability. They identified and mapped a balanced transloca- within a family or group of families searching for chromo-
tion that disrupted the coding segment of the gene Contactin somal segments that contain (or are linked to) a disease locus
4. Several subsequent studies of CNVs have supported a role and that fit a proposed model (the parameters) of inherit-
for this molecule in ideopathic ASDs (Glessner et al., 2009; ance. The likelihood of observing the data based on the pro-
Roohi et al., 2009). posed model is compared to likelihood of the same set of
Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 729

observations being made by chance. This method has been neural activity and/or were the targets of activity-induced
used infrequently in studies of autism, as the mode of inherit- transcription factors, suggesting that activity-regulated gene
ance is typically not straightforward. However, when such a expression during early brain development may be a common
strategy has been employed in unusual outlier families or spe- mechanism contributing to ASDs.
cial populations, the results have been striking.
For example, shortly after the publication by Jamain et al.
(2003), which reported a truncating NLGN4X mutation in Á
ASDs, Laumonnier et al. (2004) described a parametric link- Rare-Variants: Common-Disease?
age analysis performed on a single large family with probands
affected either with mental retardation, ASDs, or both. They Copy Number Variants
observed segregation in this family consistent with an X-linked
mode of inheritance and identified a statistically significant Copy number variants refer to variations in chromosome
region on the X-chromosome yielding evidence for genome- structure that generally fall below the resolution of the light
wide linkage. Within this interval, fine mapping revealed a microscope. This type of cytogenetic variability was identified
nonsense substitution in NLGN4X that was quite similar, but as a potential cause of developmental disorders in the mid-
not identical, to the previous reported mutation (Jamain et al., 1990s (Folstein, 1996; Lipska & Weinberger, 1995), but it was
2003). This result provided a critical confirmation of the not until 2004 that several groups (Lucito et al., 2003; Sebat
earlier observation. et al., 2004; Iafrate et al., 2004) first identified CNVs as being
More recently, a particular type of parametric linkage widespread in apparently unaffected individuals. These dis-
known as homozygosity mapping has been undertaken in Old coveries both marked the development of technology
Order Amish families displaying a syndrome of intractable that could identify previously cryptic rare chromosomal rear-
epilepsy, MR, and autism. This approach relies on intermar- rangements as the cause of disease, but also suggested that
ried families to increase the statistical power available to iden- assumptions regarding the biological requirement for an
tify rare recessive mutations. In this case, the analysis led to the “intact” genome for normal development would need to be
discovery of a truncating mutation in the transcript CNTNAP2 re-evaluated.
(Strauss et al., 2006). As mentioned above, a role for this gene In the wake of these influential papers, the technology to
in idiopathic autism and language development was subse- detect CNVs with increasing resolution quickly followed.
quently identified by four independent groups of investigators Moreover, given the longstanding appreciation of the potential
(Alarcon et al., 2008; Arking et al., 2008; Bakkaloglu et al., role of gross chromosomal abnormalities to ASDs, there
2007; Vernes et al., 2008). seemed to be a real possibility that this increasing resolution
Finally, a recent intensive search for rare recessive muta- would dramatically expand the understanding of the genetic
tions based on homozygosity mapping was reported by underpinnings of autism.
Morrow and colleagues (2008; see also Chapter 44). The In 2007, Both the Autism Genome Project (AGP; as dis-
authors recruited and carefully phenotyped 88 consanguine- cussed previously) (Szatmari & Consortium, 2007) and Sebat
ous families. They identified multiple, mostly nonoverlapping et al. (2007) reported the first genome-wide detection of CNVs
regions of homozygosity (i.e., regions of the genome in which, in patients with autism (Sebat et al., 2007). Findings from both
as a result of the fact that parents share a common ancestor, a papers were notable: first, as suggested above, several of the
single identical chromosomal segment is inherited from both single observations reported in these papers have turned out
mother and father). Although the resulting statistical scores to map to genomic intervals that have later been found to
did not quite achieve genome-wide significance, several rare, harbor recurrent rare abnormalities showing evidence for
large (18 kbp to >880 kbp), inherited homozygous deletions association with disease (Eichler & Zimmerman, 2008; Kumar
were found disrupting either the coding or potential regula- et al., 2008; Miller et al., 2009; Morrow et al., 2008; Rujescu
tory regions of brain-expressed transcripts, including deleted in et al., 2009; Weiss et al., 2008; Glessner et al., 2009; Bucan et al.,
autism-1 (DIA1) (c3orf58), sodium/proton exhanger 9 (NHE9), 2009; Pinto et al., 2010); second, the Sebat paper highlighted a
protocadherin 10 (PCDH10), and contactin 3 (CNTN3). The distinction between so-called “simplex families” (those with
authors then found additional strong evidence supporting a only a single affected child), in which approximately 11% were
role for the gene NHE9, the (Na+, K+)/H+ exchanger, in ASDs found to carry large de novo CNVs, versus “multiplex fami-
through the identification of a rare nonsense mutation in two lies” (with more than one affected child), in which only 2%
male siblings with autism, one of whom had epilepsy and the were found to carry similar events and controls, which had a
other with probable seizures, in a non-consanguineous family. rate of 1%. Subsequent studies have consistently replicated
Overall, they identified rare amino acid changes in NHE9 in this finding and placed this burden in simplex families at
almost 6% of patients with both autism and epilepsy versus between 3.4 and 11 percent (Itsara et al., 2010; Marshall et al.,
only 0.63% of controls. Interestingly, based on an independ- 2008; Pinto et al., 2010).
ent series of studies reported in the same publication, three of Notably, the precise results of different CNV studies
the genes located within or closest to the two largest deletions may be difficult to compare. The number of CNVs identified
(DIA1, NHE9, PCDH10) were found to either be regulated by in any investigation will depend in part on the number and
730 Autism Spectrum Disorders

distribution of probes on the array, which contribute to the cell-adhesion molecules, including neuroglin 1 (NLGN1) and
resolution of the detection platform, on whether the authors astrotactin 2 (ASTN2). These genes harbored recurrent CNVs
rely on predictions versus confirmations using a “gold stand- that were not observed in controls. Other recurrent CNVs
ard” method, and on the manner in which authors categorize were found within or nearby genes involved in the ubiquitin
CNVs (e.g., studies may use different methods for defining pathway, including UBE3A, PARK2, RFWD2, and FBXO40
“rare,” “large,” or even “de novo” CNVs). Any or all of these that also were not observed in controls.
variables may lead to somewhat different results from groups The authors noted the biological plausibility of involve-
studying identical samples. ment of this latter pathway in ASDs and other developmental
The contribution of recurrent rare CNVs as risk factors for neurogenetic disorders based on several lines of evidence
autism were further highlighted in reports by Marshall et al. including that known mutations in ubiquitin protein ligase 3A
(2008); Kumar et al. (2008) and Weiss and colleagues (2008). (UBE3A) are seen in 5% to 10% of Angelman Syndrome cases,
in which these groups nearly simultaneously identified astrotactin 2 (ASTN2) deletions have recently been associated
deletions and/or duplications in the region 16p11.2 in families with schizophrenia (Vrijenhoek et al., 2008; Kahler et al., 2008),
with autism.These and subsequent findings underscored the and PARK2 (Mefford et al., 2008) mutations lead to autosomal
contribution of this region to disease and, at the same time, recessive juvenile Parkinson’s disease. Ring finger and W repeat
highlighted the issue of complex inheritance in ASDs, even in domain 2 (RFWD2) and F box protein 40 (FBXO40) have not
the context of searching for rare variation. As expected, many previously associated with disease-causing mutations.
of the CNVs that were transmitted showed incomplete Similarly, Bucan et al. (2009) performed CNV analyses
penetrance, which is a well-accepted phenomenon even for using arrays with approximately 550,000 probes in 912
monogenetic traits. However, in addition, neither the de novo multiplex families from the AGRE collection and 1488 healthy
mutations nor the inherited duplications initially identified controls. They identified hundreds of loci harboring rare dele-
were found consistently in all affected members of a individual tions and/or duplications in unrelated probands that were not
nuclear families (Bucan et al., 2009). For a rare Mendelian seen in the unaffected group. Moreover, they tested their find-
trait, this observation would be taken as evidence against a ings in an additional independent cohort of 859 cases and
causal relationship for the variant. However, in complex 1051 controls. This rigorous two-step study identified previ-
disorders, the finding is consistent with the hypothesis that ously implicated loci including the genes NRXN1 and UBE3A,
multiple risk alleles are present within these families. and pathway analysis provided further support for the involve-
A final note with regard to this very interesting region of ment of neuronal adhesion molecules in ASDs. In addition,
the genome: a subsequent large-scale study of CNVs in autism the study identified evidence for the involvement of several
(Glessner et al., 2009) did not replicate the 16p11.2 most likely interesting novel transcripts, including the benzodiazapine
due to a comparatively high rate of CNVs in this region among receptor (peripheral) associated protein 1 (BZRAP1) and MAM
their control groups. The result highlights several potentially domain-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor 2M
important methodological issues, including the inherent (MDGA2), which, as the authors note, shows a strikingly high
difficulties in assessing the precise frequencies of CNV from similarity to Contactin 4.
multiple array platforms using predictions alone; the impact More recently, Pinto et al. (2010) reported on a sample of
of false-negative prediction rates; and the possible confound 996 ASD individuals of European ancestry to 1,287 matched
of population stratification (cryptic differences in the ethnic controls and found evidence for the involvement of SYNGAP1,
make-up of cases and controls leading to varying allele DLGAP2, SHANK2, and the X-linked DDX53-PTCHD1 locus.
frequencies). Of note, very recent data from a large simplex The findings with regard to SHANK2 emerged nearly simulta-
autism cohort, which controlled for these confounds, strongly neously with a description of rare de novo mutations in this
replicate the association of both duplications and deletions at gene among individuals with ASD (Berkel et al., 2010) and a
16p11.2 for autism spectrum disorders. second subsequent report identified multiple rare protein
CNV analyses are currently the most practical high-resolution altering sequence variants in PTCHD1 that were transmitted
approach to identifying rare variation across the genome and, from mothers to affected sons and were not found in controls
consequently, are both the most practical approach to testing (Noor et al., 2010).
the rare-variant: common-disease hypothesis as well as to gen-
erating leads for outlier studies. Several large scale studies have
identified a variety of interesting candidate genes and molecu- Á
lar pathways of interest. For example, Glessner et al. (2009) Cause and Effect: Association Strategies
reported a whole-genome CNV study of 859 ASD cases and and Rare Variants
1409 healthy children of European ancestry and a replication
sample consisting of 1336 ASD cases and 1110 controls from The extremely interesting data emerging from both resequenc-
the AGRE sample, which consisted largely of multiplex fami- ing and CNV studies have also underscored important chal-
lies. They reported positive associations in previously identi- lenges in confirming cause-and-effect relationships between
fied candidate genes, including NRXN1 and CNTN4, as well as rare variants and developmental syndromes. These issues are
several new putative susceptibility genes encoding neuronal likely to become even more pressing in the next epoch of rare
Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 731

variant analyses, which will undoubtedly include a compre- a case or control, the allele is not be likely to ever be seen again
hensive assessment of rare variation through the simultaneous in samples of the size typically employed in such studies.
sequencing of all, or a large portion, of the human genome. Therefore, the identification of individually very rare muta-
As many of the aforementioned studies have demonstrated tions in a case group followed by the search for those same
both rare structural and sequence variation is plentiful in variants in a control group does not provide strong evidence
unaffected as well as affected individuals. This observation for association. Instead, studies focusing on variants with allele
reinforces a point made at the outset: although highly frequencies far below 5% will likely need to be pursued by
deleterious variations are likely to be rare, rare variations are investigating the totality of rare functional sequence variants
not necessarily deleterious. Clearly, in the early stages of gene in cases versus controls, examining each group in an identical
discovery in Mendelian disorders, a tendency to assign patho- fashion—an approach commonly referred to as a mutation
genecity to rare deleterious variation in a single or small burden study.
number of cases was well-justified. However, as gene discovery The foregoing arguments point to the high value of identify-
efforts involving rare variation have been applied to complex ing recurrent risk alleles in the 1%- to 5%-frequency range:
common disorders, this conventional wisdom is being sup- they are of sufficiently low frequency to suggest that they may
planted by the recognition that no class of variation is uni- carry large effects, but they are also sufficiently common that
formly disease-related and that rare variation may contribute standard allelic association strategies may be employed in
to ASDs in a non-Mendelian fashion. attainable sample sizes. When mutation burden approaches are
Indeed, to date, the vast majority of findings with regard employed, a central challenge is presented by the sheer volume
to rare recurrent CNVs and autism have been based on popu- of normal rare variation throughout the genome, which may
lation association, an approach that is suited to characterizing then obscure true associations. As noted above, recent studies
complex patterns of inheritance. As noted above, even with have underscored the limitations of current bioinformatics
regard to chromosome 16p11.2 CNVs, which are presently approaches to determining the consequences of amino acid
among the most replicated finding in this area, these varia- substitutions and have highlighted the value, in these analyses,
tions do not exhibit the type of one-to-one relationship with of being able to truly distinguish between those rare alleles that
affected status within pedigrees that is expected for single- alter protein function and those that do not (Ji et al., 2008).
gene disorders. The issue of statistical thresholds is also an important one
Given the longstanding tendency to equate rare mutation for rare variant studies that has not yet been resolved. For
with Mendelian inheritance and common variation with GWAS common variant studies, it has been possible over time
complex inheritance, it is worthwhile to reflect on the increas- to arrive at commonly accepted levels for genome-wide signifi-
ing likelihood that rare and very rare alleles for ASDs will be cance. This has played an important part in transforming allelic
found carrying risks exceeding those of common variants but association from a strikingly unreliable approach to one that is
falling short of those previously attributed to simple genetic now leading to highly reproducible findings across all fields in
diseases. To the extent that this is the case, it will be essential medicine. With regard to rare variants, a similar consensus has
for researchers to confirm association of rare variation by con- not been reached. Not surprisingly, some early studies relied
tending with the same types of issues now recognized as critical on nominal p-values. However, as the number of published
for successful studies of common variants. These include studies grows, the resolution of array platforms increases and
acknowledging the superiority of genome-wide compared to the numbers of CNVs found in individuals proliferate, it is
candidate gene studies for initial efforts at gene discovery; increasingly important to address the issue to avoid a flood of
establishing appropriate statistical thresholds for these types nonverifiable findings of the type that plagued early efforts at
of investigations; avoiding a deluge of underpowered analyses candidate gene single nucleotide polymorphism association.
resulting from overestimation of effect sizes; controlling for Given the focus on rare and very rare variation and the expected
the confound of occult ethnic stratification; and ensuring that small number of observations likely at any given locus, it may
the technical quality and consistency of CNV typing, as non- turn out be quite challenging for any study (even those with
random technical errors have clearly been a significant issue in very large samples) to correct for the total number of genome-
common variant studies. wide comparisons and still reach statistical significance. A
Some of these issues will be easier to address than others. For combination of statistical analyses of the likelihood of recur-
example, in some cases very large samples sizes, similar to those rence of de novo events, simulation studies, and two-stage
currently estimated to be required for common variant studies designs are likely play a role in addressing this issue.
will be sufficient to ensure adequate power for CNV analyses, Finally, whether one is studying rare or very rare variants, it
particularly for those recurrent CNVs that fall close to the thresh- is clear that one must consider the issue of ethnic mismatch or
old of 5% minor allele frequency. However, for some extremely population stratification. There is ample evidence that recur-
rare variants, it simply may not be practical to ascertain a sample rent CNVs show differences in frequency based on the ethnic
size that is sufficiently large to support allelic association analy- composition of the population under study in a manner simi-
ses, unless one is focussed on recurrent de novo events. lar to that seen for common variants (Redon et al., 2006). The
Moreover, it is important to recall that for very rare early history of common variant analysis was plagued
sequence variants, once a single observation is made either in by case–control mismatch leading to false-positive results.
732 Autism Spectrum Disorders

There is every reason to expect that CNV studies involving Chromosome 15q11-13 duplications of the maternal
transmitted recurrent variants are liable to the same difficul- chromosome are the most common microscopic abnormali-
ties. Fortunately, the tools are now available to derive genomic ties reported among individuals with ASDs. Recently,
profiles of ethnic origin that can be used to match individuals Stefansson et al. (2008) showed statistical evidence for
and minimize the liability for this confound. This will likely be 15q11.2 and 15q13.3 deletions associated with schizophrenia
recognized in the future as an essential component of meth- in their large sample of 1433 schizophrenia patients and
odologically sound studies of rare sequence and structural 33,250 controls.
variation, as it is now for common variant studies. The chromosome 22q11.2 region is the best-known region
for CNVs that predispose to psychosis. Deletions in this region
show variable phenotypes, including velo-cardiofacial syn-
Á drome and DiGeorge syndrome, and there are hundreds of
Copy Number Variants: Rethinking reports documenting new findings from polymicrogyria to
Genotype/Phenotype Relationships juvenile rheumatoid arthritis related to variations in this
region. The list of associated findings has grown to more than
One of the most interesting results of investigations of CNVs 180 (Robin & Shprintzen, 2005). Individuals with chromo-
has been the degree to which recent findings have challenged some 22q11.2 deletion syndrome have consistently been noted
the traditional diagnostic boundaries in psychiatry. For exam- to be at elevated risk to develop psychiatric difficulties, espe-
ple, as noted, 16p11.2 CNVs have been associated with autism cially psychosis (Murphy, Jones, & Owen, 1999). In the study
but have also been observed in individuals with schizophrenia, by Stefansson et al., 22q11.2 deletions were present in 8 of
mental retardation, and seizure disorder (Marshall et al., 3838 cases of schizophrenia, but absent in 39,299 controls
2008). Recent studies have found CNVs at 1q21.1, 15q11.2, (p = 4.2 x 10–5). Similarly, a number of case series have pointed
and 15q13.3 that are strongly associated with schizophrenia, to elevated rates of ASD among individuals carrying the 22q11
and these too have been encountered in individuals with deletion (Fine et al., 2005; Vorstman et al., 2006).
autism and mental retardation (Burbach & van der Zwaag, Finally, a recent large-scale study of the 16p11.2 region
2009; Mefford et al., 2008). In addition, both the region demonstrated an association of duplications but not dele-
22q11.2 and 16p11.2 have been associated with both psychosis tions in the region with schizophrenia (McCarthy et al.,
and ASDs (Weiss et al., 2008; McCarthy et al., 2009). 2009), whereas a meta-analysis of several recently published
The chromosome 1q21.1 region has been associated with studies, reported in the same manuscript, continued to sup-
a particularly wide range of phenotypic manifestations. An port an association between both duplications and deletions
initial study by the International Schizophrenia Consortium in this interval and ASDs. As noted, the frequency of both
reported deletions in this region among 0.26% of patients duplications and deletions in controls has varied in recent
with schizophrenia versus 0.002% in controls. Subsequent investigations. However, as additional large-scale studies
studies have identified both deletions and duplication in this confirm these results, it will have a significant impact on our
region in a range of phenotypes including congenital heart conceptualization of the current diagnostic nosology.
defects (Christiansen et al., 2004), developmental delay Although these studies are not an exhaustive listing of
(Shaffer, 2006), mild-to-moderate mental retardation, findings in which mutations in a region or gene has led to
learning difficulties, and ASDs. For example, Brunetti-Pierri widely varying neuropsychiatric and developmental disorders,
et al. (2008) performed array based comparative genomic they clearly point to the possibility that a single genetic
hybridization on 16,577 patients with mental retardation, variation may result in multiple development outcomes. This,
autism, and congenital anomalies. They identified 27 sub- of course, has been observed for decades with regard to the
jects with 1q21.1 deletions (0.16%) and 17 with duplications overlap of mental retardation and autism. However, the range
(0.1%). The deletions were compared to the rate observed in of phenotypic variability suggested in the current literature is
the aforementioned International Schizophrenia Consortium far more extensive, including diagnostic categories, such as
Study and were found to be increased. It is important to schizophrenia, that were previously thought to be entirely dis-
note, however, that CNV detection platforms differed tinct from developmental delay. These findings may be
between the two studies, and there was no control for accounted for by a variety of factors, ranging from epigenetic
population stratification. or environmental mechanisms, to ascertainment bias, to plei-
However, a second study of this region by Mefford et al. tropic effects of CNVs. Collectively, these recent findings
(2008) came to similar conclusions: their sample consisted of underscore the limitations in our understanding of the link
5218 patients referred for genetic testing, predominantly for between biology and diagnostic nosology and suggest that our
evaluation of mental retardation (95%). Both de novo and notions of “clear” categorical boundaries will continue to be
inherited deletions and duplications were identified at similar challenged. In addition to raising very interesting questions
rates to those described above. Moreover, deletions were not regarding the possible convergence of biological mechanisms
present among 4737 controls (p = 1.1 x 10–7). The reciprocal involved in multiple disorders, these overlaps begin to raise
duplication was found among nine children with mental important practical questions regarding how one assigns
retardation or an ASD, which again was noted to be higher affected (or unaffected status) to individuals in genetic
than the rate observed in unaffected individuals (p = 0.02). studies.
Rare Genetic Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorders 733

Á of appropriate genome-wide analytic methodologies,

Summary and Conclusions an appreciation of the central importance of ethnic-
ity in genomic variation, and a continuing and realistic
Overall, it is evident that findings from rare variant studies appraisal of effect sizes. Fortunately, all or nearly all of
have played a leading role in elaborating the genetics of these issues have been solved with regard to genome-wide
ASDs. From the early observations of increased rates of common variant studies, boding well for the future
chromosomal abnormalities in children with these disorders of investigations aimed at clarifying and elaborating
to the identification of CNVs and the application of deep the contribution of rare variants to autism and related
sequencing approaches, the study of outliers has provided conditions.
the first extremely important and illuminating insights into • The rapid pace of technological development in genomics
the biology of these complex devastating syndromes. provides a glimpse of where the field is headed in the
Although the elegant and paradigm-challenging studies of future. Next-generation sequencing has already made
rare genetic syndromes are discussed in other chapters, it is none- practical the interrogation of a large percentage of the
theless interesting to note that “nonsyndromic” rare variant coding regions of the genome in groups of individuals.
findings have begun to converge in some senses. As previously • Sequencing of complete genomes applied to large
noted, early data suggests that some ASDs are likely the result of samples of cases, family members, and controls is clearly
synaptic pathology (Zoghbi, 2003) and/or the consequence of just over the horizon. This transition will not only fuel
variations in neuronal adhesion molecules including Cadherins, gene discovery in ASDs but will undoubtedly presage a
Contactins, Neuroligins, and Neurexins. However, it is also a far better understanding of the formerly “dark,” non-
near certainty that these findings are just the tip of iceberg, and coding regions of the genome.
a variety of processes important for establishing the basic archi- • It is likely that there will be substantial contribution of
tecture and maintaining the function of the human CNS will rare variation to ASDs via its influence on gene regulation
also be implicated in the etiology of ASDs (Page et al., 2009). and expression, topics that have so far been difficult to
It is not at all surprising that the first biological insights broach using previous generation technologies.
into ASDs have emerged from studies of Mendelian syndromes. • The convergence of large patient collections, the increas-
Given the relatively early discovery of genes underlying syn- ing ability to detect rare variation both in the form of
dromes that overlap with ASDs, these have provided the best CNVs and at single base resolution, and the concomitant
opportunity so far to move from gene identification to an advances in the study of developmental neurobiology
understanding of protein function, to establishing protein– described elsewhere in this text suggest that the next few
protein interactions and their roles in brain development and years will be a remarkable era of discovery.
function, to the identification of novel therapeutic targets.
Clearly, the current challenge for the field, which is already
being undertaken in earnest, is to move this process of trans- Á REFERENCES
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42 Á Richard Person, Xinna Zhang, Soeun Kim, Marwan Shinawi, Arthur L. Beaudet

Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism

Á (Feinberg, 2007; Wickner et al., 2008), RNA-mediated

Points of Interest inheritance (Rassoulzadegan et al., 2006), and stochastic,
potentially heritable effects on gene expression. Stochastic
• Research into the role of epigenetics in the etiology of contributions to etiology refers to the role of noise, or variation,
autism has been neglected compared to the extensive in the process of gene expression in contributing to phenotypic
genetic studies. variability, with transcriptional infidelity being one source of
• For the most part, neither de novo mutations nor epige- such noise (Raser & O’Shea, 2005; Gordon et al., 2009). The
netic abnormalities are detectable by linkage and associa- second definition is narrower in terms of mechanism but more
tion studies. open regarding the possibility of epigenetic changes occurring
• Epigenetic mechanisms could contribute modestly to in nondividing, long-lived cells such as neurons. Both defini-
any missing causality or missing heritability of autism. tions involve a stable change in gene expression in the absence
• Epigenetic analysis using chromatin-immunoprecipita- of a change in nucleotide sequence.
tion (ChIP) and analysis of DNA methylation can be used
Epigenetic change: alterations in chromosome structure
to assess the importance of epigenetics in the etiology of
that cause a stable change in gene expression in the absence
forms of autism that remain idiopathic—especially in
of a change in nucleotide sequence.
milder forms of autism.
• Analysis of postmortem brain may be required to detect
Epimutation: a stable change in the epigenotype or in gene
some epigenetic abnormalities, whereas others may be
expression that does not involve a change in DNA sequence.
detectable in leukocytes.
The objective of this chapter is to review the known and As an example of epigenetic changes of short duration, the
hypothetical roles of epigenetics in the etiology of autism. role of epigenetics in regulation across the various stages of the
Epigenetics in this medical context is commonly defined as the cell cycle has been reviewed (Probst, Dunleavy, & Almouzni,
regulatory changes in gene function that are stable and herit- 2009). The terms epigenotype and epigenome are now often
able (or potentially heritable as in terminally differentiated used to describe the epigenetic state (chromatin in all its com-
neurons) and do not entail a change in DNA sequence. Bird plexities) of part or all of the genome. Although each of us has
(2007) provides an up-to-date discussion of how the term essentially one genome identical in all of our cells apart from
epigenetics has been used very differently within biology, and somatic mutations, there are hundreds of eipgenomes/epig-
he proposes what he believes “could be a unifying definition of enotypes in the various cell types in our tissues (Fig. 42-1A).
epigenetic events: the structural adaptation of chromosomal Numerous reviews regarding epigenetics generally (Jaenisch &
regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate altered activity Bird, 2003; Bird, 2007; Suzuki & Bird, 2008) and as it relates to
states.” This definition is intended to apply whether the effect disease states are available (Jiang, Bressler, & Beaudet, 2004;
is of long or short duration and whether inherited or not. The Jirtle & Skinner, 2007; Kaminsky, Wang, & Petronis, 2006;
first definition emphasizes stability and heritability, and the van, Oates, & Whitelaw, 2007; Feinberg, 2007; Hatchwell &
heritability might be either somatic or germ-line. Although Greally, 2007). An excellent book entitled Epigenetics (Allis,
epigenetics usually involves transcriptional regulation, the Jenuwein, & Reinberg, 2007)—authored by experts in the
first definition would include protein-based heritability field—is available, with many chapters on different aspects of

738 Autism Spectrum Disorders

1 genome
A DNA information B

mod remodeler M M
Chromatin Me GpC GpCM
information M
ncRNAs Methylated GpCM M

Epigenomes CpG CpG

cell A
Unmethylated GpC
??? CpG CpG
>25,000 genes
identical stem committed cell B
cell cell
DNA sequence ? ??
??? DNA Maintenance
cell C replication methylase

Figure 42–1. (A) (left). DNA versus Chromatin. The genome: Invariant DNA sequence (double helix) of an individual. The epigenome: The
overall chromatin composition, which indexes the entire genome in any given cell. It varies according to cell type, and response to internal and
external signals it receives. (Lower panel) Epigenome diversification occurs during development in multicellular organisms as differentiation
proceeds from a single stem cell (the fertilized embryo) to more committed cells. Reversal of differentiation or transdifferentiation (bottom
lines) requires the reprogramming of the cell’s epigenome. Modified with permission from Chapter 3 in Allis, C. D., Jenuwein, T., &
Reinberg, D. (2007). Epigenetics. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. (B) (Right). DNA methylation. The
maintenance methylase system preserves methylation status of CpG dinucleotides through mitosis. The parental strand of DNA is in black
with the daughter strand highlighted in gray. M = methyl group on C nucleotide. Reproduced with permission from Jiang, Y., Bressler, J., &
Beaudet, A. L. (2004). Epigenetics and Human Disease. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 5, 479–510.

epigenetics, including a thorough review of the biochemistry clarity. Thus, one would state that a gene is imprinted with
and molecular biology of epigenetics (Chapter 3) and a discus- maternal repression rather than that a gene is maternally
sion of the role of epigenetics in human disease (Chapter 23). imprinted. Numerous reviews of genomic imprinting in its
role in human disease are available (Reik & Walter, 2001;
Genomic imprinting: a form of epigenetic regulation by
Morgan et al., 2005; Hore, Rapkins, & Graves, 2007; Ubeda &
which the activity of a gene is reversibly modified, depending
Wilkins, 2008; Bartolomei, 2009; Butler, 2009).
on the sex of the parent that transmits it.
Genomic imprinting leads to unequal expression from the
maternal and paternal alleles for a diploid locus. Genomic Á
imprinting is well-described in plants and mammals, but it Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
appears to be less frequent, if not absent, in egg-laying verte- of Epigenetic Regulation
brates. Perhaps the most striking evidence for a role of epige-
netics in autism involves genomic imprinting as described The best characterized and most straightforward aspect of
below for interstitial duplications of chromosome 15q11-q13. molecular epigenetics is the role of DNA methylation. DNA
In its simplest form, genomic imprinting involves one paren- methylation is often associated with transcriptional silencing
tal allele with high gene expression, whereas the other parental as on the inactive X chromosome and in regions of repetitive
allele has low or absent expression. Imprinted genes typically sequence. DNA within CpG islands located at promoters of
occur in clusters with oppositely imprinted genes within the genes is typically unmethylated whether or not the gene is
imprinted domain. Imprinted domains characteristically expressed in a given cell type. Increasing attention is being
include an imprinting center with differential DNA methyla- given to differential DNA methylation within and near genes
tion and differential histone modifications; regulation of but outside of CpG islands (Meissner et al., 2008; De et al.,
imprinting usually spreads over hundreds of kilobases (kb) 2009). There is also a suggestion that differential DNA meth-
from the imprinting center. The terminology stating that a ylation at “shores” of CpG islands may be important (Doi
gene is maternally imprinted or paternally imprinted is some- et al., 2009). A novel conversion of 5-methylcytosine to
times used to imply maternal or paternal repression, respec- 5-hydroxymethylcytosine was described recently (Tahiliani
tively, but it seems preferable to refer to a gene as imprinted et al., 2009), but its biological significance is unknown at
with maternal repression or paternal repression for greater present.
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 739

modifications, including lysine acetylation, lysine methyla-

Box 42–1 tion, arginine methylation, and serine phosphorylation
(Figure 42-2B), which are collectively referred to as the
The great majority of DNA methylation in mammalian
histone code (Jenuwein & Allis, 2001).
genomes involves methylation of cytosine residues in CpG
dinucleotides, although there is some methylation of non-CpG
Histone code: covalent modifications of histones, including
sequences, especially in embryonic stem (ES) cells (Lister,
et al., 2009). A large proportion of CpG dinucleotides occur in acetylation, methylation or phosphorylation that modify
repetitive DNA sequences where they are usually methylated, histone binding to DNA and alter chromatin structure and
and the regions are transcriptionally silent. Another substan- function.
tial proportion of CpGs occur in so-called “CpG islands,”
which are DNA segments with increased CpG sequence con- Covalent modification of lysine is particularly complex
tent. The CpG islands are often associated with promoters of with mono-methyl, di-methyl, and tri-methyl forms. This
genes and are usually in the unmethylated state, although complex modification of lysine-4 in histone H3 is often
exceptions occur as seen below for regions of genomic imprint- denoted as H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3. These histone
ing. A clear mechanism is available to preserve the methylated modifications, also referred to as histone marks, are typically
or unmethylated status of a CpG dinucleotide across DNA associated with chromatin regions having a particular function.
replication and mitosis (Fig. 42-1B). DNA replication leads to
For example, H3K4me3 and lysine acetylation are commonly
the production of two, hemi-methylated copies of the daugh-
ter DNA strands, and there exists a maintenance methylation
associated with active promoters, whereas H3K9me3 and
mechanism, which will methylate the diagonally opposite C in H3K27me3 are commonly associated with repressed promot-
a hemi-methylated substrate. Thus a methylated CpG can give ers. Histone modifications are particularly relevant to studies
rise to two methylated daughter strands of DNA. When an of disease, because techniques are available to interrogate
unmethylated CpG dinucleotide is replicated, the two daugh- histone marks across the entire genome to compare disease
ter strands are both unmethylated and not recognized by the samples to normal controls. This typically depends on the
maintenance methylase system, thus leading to two daughter availability of antibodies that uniquely recognize a particular
strands both unmethylated. chromatin mark, such as H3K4me3. The histones are very
tightly associated with DNA in the form of nucleosomes, and
A second well-defined aspect of epigenetic biochemistry it is feasible to carry out ChIP and analyze the DNA that is
involves the covalent modification of histone proteins. The precipitated by the antibody. The relationships between
DNA is, to a large extent, wrapped around nucleosomes histone marks and chromatin functionality are quite complex
comprised of a histone core (Fig. 42-2A). Various histones— and are reviewed in Chapter 10 of Epigenetics (Allis et al., 2007)
particularly H3 and H4—are subject to many such covalent and elsewhere (Ruthenburg et al., 2007).




Figure 42–2. A (left). Nucleosome structure. A schematic representation of histone organization within the octamer core around which the
DNA (black line) is wrapped. Nucleosome formation occurs first through the deposition of an H3/H4 tetramer on the DNA, followed by
two sets of H2A/H2B dimers. Unstructured animo-terminal histone tails extrude from the DNA-nucleosome core, and the core consists of
structured globular domains of the eight histone proteins. Modified with permission from Chapter 3 in Allis, C. D., Jenuwein, T., & Reinberg, D.
(2007). Epigenetics. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. B (Right). Sites of Histone Tail Modifications.
The amino-terminal tails of histones host the vast majority of known covalent modification sites as illustrated. Modifications do occur in the
globular domain (boxed), some of which are indicated. In general, active marks include acetylation (turquoise Ac flag), arginine methylation
(yellow Me flag), and some lysine methylation such as H3K4 and H3K36 (green Me flag). H3K79 in globular domain has anti-silencing
function. Repressive marks include H3K9, H3K27, and H4K20 (red Me flags). Green = active mark, red = repressive mark. Reproduced with
permission from Chapter 3 in Allis, C. D., Jenuwein, T., & Reinberg, D. (2007). Epigenetics. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
740 Autism Spectrum Disorders

There are also many non-histone proteins that become same genomic sequence. In contrast, the epigenotypes of cells
stably or transiently associated with chromatin. These include across tissues and across development differ dramatically.
various transcription factors, repressors, and large complexes There is evidence that the epigenotype changes with age
of proteins that mediate replication and transcription. There (Gravina & Vijg, 2009). Indeed, it is the epigenetic informa-
are also large complexes of proteins referred to as histone tion that causes a hepatocyte to be stably different than a
remodeling complexes that play a major role in placing and neuron. Reviews of the role of epigenetics in development are
removing various histone marks, as discussed in Chapters 11 available (Reik, 2007). Epigenetic errors in brain development
and 12 of Epigenetics (Allis et al., 2007) (Fig. 42-3). As an could theoretically contribute to the etiology of autism. Given
example, these include various histone methylases, histone the tens of millions of sites for potential differences in DNA
demethylases, and histone deacetylases (HDACs) (Aalfs & methylation and histone modification and the diploid nature
Kingston, 2000). The biochemistry of these histone remode- of the genome, one could reasonably argue that no two cells in
ling complexes is the subject of rapidly progressing research. the body have precisely the same detailed epigenotype at any
given moment in time, although functionally equivalent geno-
types are probably relatively common within a single cell type.
Á There certainly are millions of epigenetic differences between
Biology and Heritability of Epigenetics a hepatocyte and a neuron. Although the term epigenome has
been used loosely to describe epigenetic variation, it seems
The heterogeneity of the epigenotype in different cell types likely that there are as many functional epigenotypes or epig-
within a single individual is enormous compared to the lack of enomes as there are cell types in the body.
heterogeneity of the genomic sequence in a single individual. The heritability of genetic and epigenetic information
Except for somatic mutation, every cell in the body has the also differs dramatically. The vast majority of mutations are


H2BK123ub H3K9ac H3K9me

HP1 H3S10ph

H3K4me H3K9me
H4K16ac H4K20me
HP1 H3K9ac
DNA methylation
H4K16ac H4K20me

Figure 42–3. Coordinated Modification of Chromatin. The transition of a naive chromatin template to active euchromatin (left) or the
establishment of repressive heterochromatin (right), involving a series of coordinated chromatin modifications. In the case of transcriptional
activation, this is accompanied by the action of nucleosome remodeling complexes and the replacement of core histones with histone variants
(yellow—namely, H3.3). Reproduced with permission from Chapter 3 in Allis, C. D., Jenuwein, T., & Reinberg, D. (2007). Epigenetics. Cold
Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 741

inherited, but germline de novo point mutations have been

appreciated for decades, although de novo copy number vari-
ations (CNVs) have only been appreciated more recently.
Despite these de novo germline mutations, the genomic
sequence is highly heritable in transmission from parent to
offspring. In contrast, epigenetic information has the poten-
tial to be entirely heritable or entirely nonheritable. There is
compelling evidence that certain epigenetic marks can be
transmitted from a parent to offspring both in plants
(Chandler & Stam, 2004) and in mammals (Morgan et al.,
1999; Rassoulzadegan et al., 2006). In contrast, other epige-
netic marks can be completely erased and reset in the course
of transmission from parent to offspring, as occurs at every
generation for sites of genomic imprinting. In fact, within
genomic imprinting, both extremes are simultaneously
present. In the mother, the state of all maternally derived alle- Figure 42–4. Large mutations, small mutations, and epimutations.
les will be entirely heritable and all paternally derived alleles Large mutations (copy number variants; CNVs) typically delete
will be erased and reset. The reciprocal is true for paternal or duplicate a complete copy of a gene resulting in under- or
inheritance. Thus, one might say that epigenetic information overexpression, although position effects on regulatory elements
or the epigenotype is semi-heritable or variably heritable. can have unpredictable outcomes. Point mutations can inactivate
Although genomic imprinting displays the ability for the epi- a gene (nonsense or frameshift), increase or decrease or otherwise
alter (e.g., dominant negative) the function of a transcribed RNA
genotype at a locus to be relatively completely heritable on
or the resulting protein. Epimutations can up- or down-regulate
one parental allele while at the same time being nonheritable
expression, most often at a transcriptional level.
on the other allele, presumably intermediate states of herita-
bility can occur as well, such as partial erasure and resetting of
the epigenotype in the course of germline transmission. This
relatively unpredictable behavior of the epigenotype as Á
regards heritability creates significant challenges for the inter- Epimutations and Transgenerational
pretation of complex data from human control and disease Inheritance
Does epigenetics contribute to any missing heritability in Any known genetic mutation has the potential to provide a
autism? The puzzle of missing heritability (McCarthy & precedent for a similarly acting epimutation (Fig. 42-4). We
Hirschhorn, 2008; Maher, 2008; Manolio et al., 2009) is exem- know large deletions and duplications can cause decreases or
plified by the evidence that the heritability of height is very increases, respectively, in the abundance of a protein, and we
high, yet the putative loci identified by genome-wide associa- know of point mutations that can cause loss of function or
tion studies (GWAS) account for only a tiny fraction of this gain of function. Analogous epimutations are possible. Figure
heritability. In the case of autism, one puzzle is that concord- 42-4 depicts a circumstance for dominant mutations and epi-
ance is very high in monozygous twins (MZ) but low in mutations. One can imagine recessive epimutations analogous
dizygous (DZ) twins. This seeming contradiction is likely to recessive mutations and perhaps speculatively even an indi-
explained primarily by the role of de novo mutations, which vidual with a recessive mutation on one chromosome and a
will cause concordance in MZ but not DZ twins, although de recessive epimutation on the other chromosome. This might
novo epimutations could contribute as well. Recent mutations be considered as a compound heterozygous mixed genetic and
occurring in the last few generations in a family with reduced epigenetic genotype/epigenotype.
penetrance can also contribute to heritability in siblings that The potential for inheritance of epigenetic states has been
will not be detected efficiently by GWAS (Shinawi et al., 2009). referred to as transgenerational inheritance (Pembrey, 1996).
There are multiple possible sources for “missing heritability” Sex-specific, male-line transgenerational effects in humans
(Maher, 2008), but epigenetics is certainly among them. Purely and transgenerational effects related to nutrition, early life cir-
epigenetic effects will generally not be detected by GWAS, cumstances, and longevity have been discussed (Pembrey
although they might be detected if they were heritable over et al., 2006; Kaati et al., 2007). Nadeau (2009) has reviewed
many generations, but this is unlikely given the semi-heritable how “many studies showed that a remarkable variety of fac-
nature of epigenotypes. Epigenetic contributions might be tors including environmental agents, parental behaviors,
abrupt and precise, as in a de novo epimutation that silences a maternal physiology, xenobiotics, nutritional supplements
single gene. Alternatively, they might be incremental and affect and others lead to epigenetic changes that can be transmitted
the genome more broadly if, for example, cumulative nutri- to subsequent generations without continued exposure.”
tional changes over decades and centuries altered DNA or A proposed distinction between heritable germ-line
histone methylation. epimutation and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance has
742 Autism Spectrum Disorders

been suggested (Chong, Youngson, & Whitelaw, 2007),

whereby the first is envisioned as an “atypical” (perhaps dis- Box 42–2
ease-causing) epigenetic state and the second represents more
Here, chromatin is isolated from cells or tissue usually with
of a continuum of common epigenetic states.
formaldehyde cross-linking and is fragmented to yield mate-
The Barker hypothesis focuses on how the in utero
rial with a DNA length of 150–500 bp; ∼150 bp of DNA wraps
environment—specifically reduced fetal growth—is associ- around one nucleosome. ChIP can be performed with formal-
ated with a number of chronic conditions later in life. The dehyde cross-linking (X-ChIP) or without cross-linking (native
Barker hypothesis does not necessarily invoke transgenera- ChIP, N-ChIP) for tightly associated proteins such as histones.
tional heritability of epigenetic effects, but it is commonly For more loosely associated non-histone chromatin proteins,
believed to imply an epigenetic mechanism (Waterland & X-ChIP is ordinarily required. An antibody is used to precipi-
Michels, 2007). Numerous reports have emphasized the tate the chromatin fragments with a particular epitope. Initially,
potential for harmful, epigenetically mediated effects such as ChIP was performed using PCR amplification of target regions
adverse environmental effects (Franklin & Mansuy, 2009), a to identify DNA segments which were immunopreciptated by a
metabolic ghetto effect (Wells, 2009), and the potential epige- particular antibody. Subsequently, analysis of precipitates was
performed on microarrays for quantification of large num-
netic impact of abuse and neglect (Neigh, Gillespie, &
bers of sites in the genome (ChIP-chip). More recently, DNA
Nemeroff, 2009). Meaney and colleagues have published mul-
precipitates are commonly analyzed by high throughput par-
tiple studies suggesting that maternal licking behaviors in rats allel DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq). In 2008, the U.S. National
alters hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene expression in Institutes of Health funded a series of Reference Epigenome
the pups by altering the acetylation of H3K9 and the DNA Mapping Centers; see NIH Roadmap for Medical Research,
methylation at the promoter (Fish et al., 2004). These data Roadmap Initiatives, Epigenomics (http://nihroadmap.nih.
argue that maternal postnatal behavior can alter the epigeno- gov/epigenomics/). The pros and cons of the Roadmap ini-
type of offspring. More recently, these investigators have pre- tiative are debated (Madhani et al., 2008; Henikoff, Strahl,
sented data suggesting epigenetic differences in postmortem & Warburton, 2008).The mapping centers have all adopted
brain from suicide victims with a history of childhood abuse ChIP-seq as the standard methodology for analysis of histone
compared to brain from either suicide victims with no child- modifications. Although new covalent modifications are still
being defined, and better antibodies are sorely needed, it can be
hood abuse or controls (McGowan et al., 2009).
anticipated that ChIP-seq will be applied widely in the studies
of control compared to disease samples. In September 2009,
the NIH Roadmap Initiative funded as series of grants focused
Á on the epigenomics of human health and disease.
Methods for Epigenetic Analysis

One approach to the study of epigenetic differences in disease

compared to control tissues is to analyze gene expression at
the transcript or protein level, which reflects the combined elsewhere (Xi & Li, 2009), this method uses a chemical
genetic and epigenetic effects, and then try to deduce whether modification of DNA such that in subsequent sequencing
any differences are of genetic or epigenetic origin. Alternatively, methyl-C will be retained as C and unmethylated-C residues
one can attempt to study the epigenotype directly. The meth- will be converted to T in the sequence. One foreseeable optimal
ods for analysis of covalent histone modifications are well- bisulfite strategy will be to perform genome-wide bisulfite
developed and quite satisfactory, although they are by no shotgun sequencing (BS-seq) (Lister et al., 2009), but this is
means mature (see Box 42-2). currently cost-prohibitive for large-scale, high-throughput
The methodology for genome-wide analysis of DNA studies. Meanwhile, alternative strategies, such as reduced rep-
methylation is much more problematic than that for analysis resentation BS-seq (RRBS) (Smith et al., 2009), comprehensive
of histone modifications. There are numerous restriction high-throughput arrays for relative methylation (Irizarry et al.,
enzymes that will digest DNA differentially depending on its 2008), and other restriction enzymes methodologies are being
state of methylation. Many procedures have been developed used to compare control and disease samples. The methodol-
using these methylation-dependent restriction enzymes to ogy to be employed to analyze DNA methylation in disease
deduce the DNA methylation status at specific CpG dinucle- research projects is likely to continue to evolve rapidly. If the
otides. A variety of methods utilize these restriction enzymes cost of genome-wide BS-Seq were to drop by two orders of
to enrich for methylated or unmethylated DNA, and these magnitude, as some experts predict, it might become feasible
selected DNAs are then quantified often using array technol- to use this strategy for disease studies. Another very useful
ogy. Methods based on the use of restriction enzymes detect method is array-based analysis of the percent methylation at
polymorphisms in recognition sites, which may appear as individual CpG positions (Bibikova et al., 2006), and a recent
false-positive evidence of methylation differences. Another improvement with the ability to analyze 450,000 CpG sites in
powerful technique is the use of bisulfite sequencing to distin- a single array analysis (HumanMethylation450 DNA Analysis
guish methyl C residues from C residues in DNA. Although BeadChip; Illumina Inc. San Diego, CA) makes this a very
the molecular details are relatively complex as explained attractive option for disease projects at present.
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 743

The computational methods necessary for genome-wide dramatically differential in glia and somatic cell types (Yamasaki
epigenetic analysis are extremely challenging and in a rela- et al., 2003). In genetic studies, one can safely assume that the
tively early stage of development. The ability to compare the genomic sequence is similar in leukocytes to that in other parts
genome-wide epigenotype between cell types and between of the body, and even DNA from cultured lymphoblasts is
individuals is being refined. In addition, various analyses of quite useful for large studies because of the unlimited amounts
DNA methylation and ChIP are being performed on mixed of DNA available, although cell culture artifacts—particularly
cell populations, such as mixed leukocytes isolated from blood involving aneuploidy—are found in lymphoblast cultures
or mixtures of neuronal and non-neuronal cells in brain tissue, (Redon et al., 2006). Thus, utilization of blood leukocytes,
and there is no method, at present, to assign the data to cultured skin fibroblasts, and cultured lymphoblasts all have a
individual cell types within the populations other than prior very substantial risk that epigenetic abnormalities present in
fractionation of cell populations. brain may not be reflected in these cell types.
Although ChIP for the analysis of histone modifications is One additional option has emerged with the emphasis on
widely performed, ChIP analysis for proteins more loosely stem cell research. It is now possible to develop induced
associated with chromatin is less well-standardized, but there pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from cultured skin fibroblasts
are numerous demonstrations of the feasibility for such (Byrne, Nguyen, & Reijo Pera, 2009), and this offers the
analysis—for example, using antibodies to methyl-CpG bind- possibility that such cells can be induced to differentiate
ing proteins. ChIP can be used to distinguish transcription toward a neural pathway. These differentiated iPSCs might
initiation from transcription elongation using antibodies provide an opportunity to study neural-specific properties of
against RNA polymerase II (Gilchrist, Fargo, & Adelman, cells from living patients. For example, there is a report of
2009). ChIP-seq using antibodies against CCCTC-binding attempts to model the pathogenesis and treatment of familial
factor has been used to characterize chromatin barriers and dysautonomia using patient-specific iPSCs (Lee et al., 2009).
their tissue specificity (Cuddapah et al., 2009). ChIP-seq using This strategy has some potential to greatly facilitate studies of
an antibody against enhancer-associated protein p300 is useful epigenetics in autism.
in localizing enhancers and defining their tissue specificity If one resorts to epigenetic analysis of postmortem brain
(Visel et al., 2009; Heintzman et al., 2009). This analysis has tissue, there are still numerous obstacles, including the lim-
the potential to discover both genetic and epigenetic abnor- ited number of samples available and the potential for agonal
malities affecting enhancers. ChIP was used to study the poly- and postmortem artifacts. Although disease-specific brain
comb group (PcG) and trithorax group (trxG) proteins in banks exist, there are important limitations and cautions in
Drosophila (Schuettengruber et al., 2009), and similar studies their utilization particularly as regards heterogeneous preser-
will be important in mice and humans. vation of specific RNAs and proteins (Ferrer et al., 2008).
Agonal effects on gene expression profiles occur (Tomita
et al., 2004), although the levels of miRNAs may be less sus-
Á ceptible to artifact (Zhang et al., 2008). The pH of the post-
Difficulties Encountered in Epigenetic mortem tissue is a helpful index of agonal effects (Vawter
Studies of Human Disease et al., 2006). Studies of histone modifications using ChIP
(Huang et al., 2006) and studies of DNA methylation (Ernst
The major obstacle in epigenetic studies of human disease lies et al., 2008; Byun et al., 2009) in postmortem tissues are
in the fact that all cell types can differ from each other and that believed to be relatively resistant to artifact. Premortem effects
only a limited number of cell types are easily accessible from of medications, diet, age, smoking, and other factors, such as
living patients and controls. In the context of autism, one epilepsy, also could lead to secondary changes not related to
could hypothesize that there might be epigenetic changes in the causative factors for autism. In the case of point muta-
specific neural cell types, such as Purkinje cells, various classes tions and CNVs causing autism, it is feasible to collect blood
of hippocampal neurons, and so forth. The epigenetic differ- samples from hundreds and even thousands of affected
ences of disease importance may be present in all cells of the patients for comparison to appropriate controls. This is
body or they may be unique to individual cell types. Examples important because of the presence of extreme heterogeneity
of epigenetic differences detectable in all cell types and epige- in autism such that mutations in any one locus will likely
netic differences restricted to selected populations are both account for less than 1% of all cases. In comparison, brain
available from disorders of genomic imprinting, such as tissue is available for perhaps a few hundred cases or less, and
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), Angelman syndrome, the ability to obtain strong statistical evidence that a particu-
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), and others. For lar epigenetic abnormality found in brain is associated with
example, the differential DNA methylation at the imprinting autism will be extremely difficult. In addition, it usually is not
center for the PWS/Angelman syndrome domain is detectable feasible to study the heritability of any brain-specific epimu-
in all cell types that have been studied, and it is stable in cul- tations. If one finds an epigenetic abnormality in neurons
tured cells. In contrast, the imprinted expression of the from postmortem brain in a case of autism, then there is usu-
Angelman syndrome gene (UBE3A) is prominent in many ally no ability to obtain similar data from living or deceased
neurons, but expression is not imprinted or at least not as parents. The presence of cellular heterogeneity within most
744 Autism Spectrum Disorders

brain regions provides another important challenge. For van der Maarel, 2003; Urdinguio, Sanchez-Mut, & Esteller,
example, epigenetic abnormalities restricted to Purkinje cells 2009). Another example that could provide a precedent for
and not affecting cells in the granular or molecular layer cells autism is a report of homozygous mutation in NLRP2 in a
are likely to be difficult to detect in a fragment of cerebellum mother resulting in multiple offspring with BWS (Meyer et al.,
containing all cell types. 2009). Given the numerous genes involved in chromatin
modification, many more such disorders will certainly be
Á In contrast to genome-wide effects, primary genetic
Epigenetics and Disease States mutations may be cis-acting—that is, they may have secondary
epigenetic effects only on the chromosome on which the
Epigenetic abnormalities may occur through a variety of abnormality occurs, as is the case for Fragile X syndrome and
mechanisms that include both primary and secondary effects, deletions of imprinting centers. There are also numerous
as enumerated in Table 42-1. There are many examples of examples of combined co-primary genetic and epigenetic
primary genetic mutations causing secondary epigenetic effects giving rise to phenotypes. This is particularly well-
abnormalities associated with intellectual disability and/or demonstrated by disorders involving genomic imprinting.
autism. Most of these involve trans-acting effects on all the Deletions of the paternal copy of chromosome 15q11-q13
chromosomes in the genome as is the case for Rett syndrome cause PWS, whereas the same deletion on the maternal
and other disorders as listed in Table 42-1 (see reviews for chromosome causes Angelman syndrome (Fig. 42-5). The
disease-specific information; Ausio et al., 2003; Bickmore & available data regarding PWS and Angelman syndrome are
particularly instructive regarding the potential for epigenetic
abnormalities causing human disease, because duplication of
Table 42–1. this same region is one of the more common genetic/epige-
Secondary and primary epigenetic abnormalities netic abnormalities causing autism. The data from PWS and
associated with human disease Angelman syndrome provide numerous lessons. The most
A. Primary Genetic with Secondary Trans-Acting Epigenetic Effects common cause of these disorders is a 5- to 6-Mb deletion
whose phenotype depends on the chromosomal parent of
1. Rett syndrome, MECP2 duplication, immunodeficiency– origin. Thus, the primary abnormality is entirely genetic,
centromeric instability–facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome, although the expression of the phenotype entirely depends on
alpha-thalassemia/intellectual disability syndrome X-linked
the epigenetic state of the chromosome. In contrast, the PWS
(ATRX), Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome, Coffin–Lowry
can be caused by maternal uniparental disomy (UPD), and
syndrome, and mutations in JARID1C, EHMT1, NRLP2,
NRLP7, ZFP57 Angelman syndrome can be caused by paternal UPD. In these
cases, there is usually an initial genetic abnormality, such as
B. Primary Genetic with Cis-Acting Secondary Genetic Effects
1. Fragile X syndrome, deletions of imprinting centers, PWS,
Angelman Syndrome
C. Combined Co-Primary Genetic and Epigenetic Interaction
1. Parent-of-origin dependent PWS or Angelman Syndrome
Prader-Willi Angelman
for the same deletion 15q11-q13
2. Parent-of-origin-dependent autism with duplication of
Deletion UPD Deletion UPD
chromosome 15q11-q13
Genetic Epigenetic Genetic Epigenetic
3. Uniparental disomy where genetic trisomy or monosomy is
rescued to result in UPD.
D. Pure Epigenetic Mechanism Spontaneous or Environment-
1. Imprinting defect causing PWS, Angelman Syndrome, or
BWS with no imprinting center deletion or mutation with
or without assisted reproductive technology. 70% 30% 70% rare
2. Epimutation of HNPCC Paternal deficiency Maternal deficiency
3. Possible epimutation of UBE3A, hypothetical epimutation 15q11-q13 15q11-q13
silencing of known autism genes such as NRXN1, SHANK3, All deletions and UPD are de novo events
4. Hypothetical similar to licking behavior induced epigenetic Figure 42–5. Genetic deletion or epigenetic uniparental disomy
changes in rat (UPD) give rise to indistinguishable phenotypes. UPD = uniparental
5. Hypothetical similar to folic acid effects on Agouti locus in disomy. Modified with permission from Jiang, Y., Bressler, J., &
mouse and SYBL1 in human Beaudet, A. L. (2004). Epigenetics and Human Disease. Annual
Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 5, 479–510.
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 745

monosomy or trisomy conception, followed by genetic rescue one may see a parent with the mutation and a normal pheno-
to disomy status but with both chromosomes coming from a type, whereas the child has the mutation with an autism phe-
single parent. In this case, the genetic abnormalities result in a notype. For those genes where a loss-of-function mutation
final product that is entirely epigenetic in that there is no with the resulting haploinsufficiency causes an autism phe-
abnormality of nucleotide sequence. Another important notype, it is always theoretically possible that an epimutation
lesson is that both of these forms of genetic and epigenetic silencing one allele of the gene would also cause autism.
PWS/Angelman syndrome are of de novo origin. For the most There is one report of what may be an epimutation causing
part, neither genetic nor epigenetic de novo events will be autism involving methylation of the CpG island at the pro-
detected by linkage or association studies, unless the genotyping moter for UBE3A (Jiang et al., 2004), but no similar cases
detects the mutation itself, as can occur when arrays used to have been found. There is evidence of epimutations causing
analyze single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detect large mismatch repair defects, leading to hereditary nonpolyposis
deletions or duplications. There are also two forms of imprint- colon cancer (see below). For the severe portion of the autism
ing defects causing PWS and Angelman syndrome. There are spectrum associated with intellectual disability and dysmor-
genetic forms involving small deletions of the imprinting phic features, it now seems that de novo and recent deleteri-
center with secondary epigenetic effects. There are also ous mutations account for the majority of cases. Presumably,
imprinting defects with no evidence of any genetic mutation, many loss-of-function point mutations will be discovered in
and these are believed to be strictly epigenetic imprinting similar patients without CNV mutations. It is possible that a
defects. There is some evidence that assisted reproductive smaller fraction of cases could be caused by epigenetic abnor-
technologies may increase the risk of epigenetic imprinting malities of individual genes, but this has yet to be clearly
defects, causing Angelman syndrome and BWS (Owen & documented.
Segars, Jr., 2009). Thus, the experience from PWS and For the milder end of the autism spectrum, typically
Angelman syndrome demonstrates that there can be extremely associated with more normal cognitive function and absence
complex mixtures of genetic and epigenetic abnormalities of dysmorphic features, the etiology remains much less clear.
causing a single phenotype and that many of the events may be For this population, the dividing line between affected versus
of de novo, rather than inherited, origin. We have suggested unaffected status is more difficult to define. To the extent that
that this fits a mixed epigenetic and genetic and mixed de novo genetic abnormalities are involved, we might speculate that
and inherited (MEGDI) model for the etiology of a pheno- these abnormalities could be more subtle, involving lesser
type, and we have suggested that de novo and epigenetic degrees of dysregulation; if a single mutation or epimutation
abnormalities might explain the relative lack of success in confers a major risk, then this may be associated with relatively
using linkage and association studies to identify autism genes low penetrance and variable expression. Factors with low
(Jiang et al., 2004). penetrance may be difficult to detect in linkage and associa-
Finally, there is the possibility of a pure epigenetic abnor- tion studies. The large body of data from studies of linkage
mality, such as the silencing of a single gene. Figure 42-4 and association suggests that no one individual gene with
depicts the potential for de novo point mutations to cause highly penetrant mutations has a particularly large role in this
loss-of-function or gain-of-function for a gene. Similarly, population. One widely tested hypothesis to explain this
a CNV may delete or duplicate a gene with corresponding milder portion of the autism spectrum is a multilocus epistatic
reduced or increased expression, respectively. Finally, a model (Bonora et al., 2006). In this model, multiple loci would
strictly epigenetic abnormality might cause silencing of a contribute to the autism risk in a single individual. This
gene, which ordinarily should be active, or activation of hypothesis generally would assume that the genotypes involved
expression of a gene, which ordinarily should be silenced. All are ancient and might be detected by linkage disequilibrium,
of these mechanisms can lead to increased or decreased func- as in genome-wide association studies. The multilocus epistatic
tion for a particular gene product. It now appears relatively model remains a viable possibility for the milder portion of
clear that a very large fraction of autism associated with intel- the autism spectrum, but many other etiological mechanisms
lectual disability and dysmorphic features is caused by recent also are possible. One can hypothesize that epigenetic abnor-
or de novo CNVs or point mutations (Jacquemont et al., malities might be important, and these might be heritable,
2006; Sebat et al., 2007; Marshall et al., 2008). These muta- partially heritable, or not at all heritable. One can hypothesize
tions are typically deleterious in terms of reproductive fit- environmental effects, and it is attractive to consider the
ness, and the mutations ordinarily persist for only one or a possibility of environmental effects being mediated through
few generations in the family. If a genotype is incompatible epigenetic mechanisms.
with reproduction, all cases will be of de novo origin (e.g.,
SHANK3 deletion). If a mutation is highly penetrant but
compatible with reproduction, one may see a parent-to-child Á
transmission of a phenotype such as intellectual disability Epimutations That Cause Disease
and/or autism affecting both parent and child. This is
common for deletion of chromosome 15q13.3 (Shinawi Errors in erasing and resetting the genomic imprint during
et al., 2009). If a mutation is incompletely penetrant, then gameteogenesis could cause epimutations.
746 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Gametogenesis: process by which diploid precursor cells opposite and/or overlapping biochemical or physiological
undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature components to their etiology has been discussed (Crespi,
haploid gametes (egg and sperm). Stead, & Elliot, 2009), and these could involve a complex
mixture of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.
It has been suggested that epigenetic abnormalities may be
Maternal mutations in NLRP7 that cause recurrent important in the etiology of schizophrenia (Oh & Petronis,
biparental complete hydatidiform molar pregnancies 2008). This might be compatible with suggestions that epige-
(Murdoch et al., 2006) and maternal mutations in NLRP2 netic mechanisms may play a role in memory formation and
that cause recurrent BWS (Meyer et al., 2009) represent that DNA methylation and histone acetylation may work
genetic mutations that cause secondary epimutations. in concert to regulate memory formation and synaptic plas-
Imprinting defects associated with BWS can be either germ- ticity (Levenson & Sweatt, 2005; Miller, Campbell, & Sweatt,
line or de novo, and UPD is often mosaic (Riccio et al., 2009; 2008).
Weksberg, Shuman, & Beckwith, 2010) Epimutations of There are some intriguing data suggesting that in utero
chromosome 11p15 that affect the H19 and/or IGF2 genes are exposure to famine during the Dutch Hunger Winter at the end
the most common cause of Silver-Russell syndrome (Bartholdi of World War II increased the risk of schizophrenia and schizo-
et al., 2009). Mutations in ZFP57 are associated with transient phrenia spectrum personality disorders (Hoek, Brown, &
neonatal diabetes and a global imprinting disorder compati- Susser, 1998). Similar data from a Chinese famine support the
ble with life (Mackay et al., 2008). notion that in utero exposure to famine increases the risk of
Primary epimutations with no apparent genetic precursor schizophrenia (St. Clair et al., 2005). Epigenetic studies of the
that affect the mismatch repair genes MLH1 or MSH2, result- Dutch cohort performed six decades after the famine found less
ing in hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer and other cancers DNA methylation of the imprinted IGF2 gene compared with
(Suter, Martin, & Ward, 2004; Chan et al., 2006), represent their unexposed, same-sex siblings (Heijmans et al., 2008) and
convincing and compelling examples of how epimutations found that the differences depended on the sex of the exposed
could theoretically be occurring in autism. Initial and subse- individual and the gestational timing of the exposure (Tobi
quent reports (Cropley, Martin, & Suter, 2008) demonstrate et al., 2009). Given the increasing examples where the same
how these epimutations may be inherited or de novo and CNV is associated with both autism and schizophrenia (Sebat
affect a single locus. De novo epimutations may be mosaic or et al., 2009), and the sex ratio in autism relative to the differen-
may be present in all cells tested, with the latter implying a tial effect of famine dependent on fetal sex, the possibility of a
germline origin. One can easily hypothesize that epimutations link between in utero nutrition and autism is intriguing.
silencing genes such as NRXN1, NLGN4X/Y, SHANK3, The famine connection is easily linked to the possible role
CNTNAP2, or others (Sutcliffe, 2008) could cause autism and of folic acid deficiency, because the famine increased the risk
that these epimutations might be brain- or neuron-specific of neural tube defects as well as schizophrenia (Hoek et al.,
and quite difficult to detect. 1998). It is known that folic acid and intake of related metabo-
lites can influence one-carbon metabolism and DNA methyla-
tion in vivo. Methylation of DNA and methylation of histones
Á both play important roles in epigenetic regulation. There is
Epigenetics and Autism, Schizophrenia, evidence that folic acid and metabolite intake can influence
and Related Phenotypes gene expression in mice and humans. In mice, the widely cited
example of the effect of diet on expression of the agouti viable
The etiology of autism and schizophrenia are increasingly yellow allele has been studied extensively (Wolff et al., 1998;
viewed as intertwined. Deletions of single regions can cause a Waterland & Jirtle, 2003). There is limited analogous evidence
wide spectrum of phenotypic abnormalities, as exemplified by in humans that folic acid and metabolite intake can affect gene
the ability of deletions of 15q13.3 and CHRNA7 to cause intel- expression (Ingrosso et al., 2003). From the possibility of
lectual disability, autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and bipolar opposite biochemical mechanisms for autism and schizophre-
disorder with incomplete penetrance (Shinawi et al., 2009). nia, one can speculate that folate deficiency might increase the
Data of this type has led to the suggestion that schizophrenia, risk of schizophrenia and that folate excess might increase the
and by inference autism, might be described as: “one disorder, risk of autism. The apparent increase in the diagnosis of autism
multiple mutations; one mutation, multiple disorders” (Sebat, has occurred over an interval when folic acid intake in many
Levy, & McCarthy, 2009). For other CNVs involving chromo- countries started increasing in the mid-1970s and increased
some 16p11.2, there is the suggestion that deletions cause progressively to include fortification in the late 1990s. This has
autism and intellectual disability (Weiss et al., 2008), whereas led to discussion of the relevance of folic acid intake to autism
duplications cause schizophrenia (McCarthy et al., 2009b). (Jiang, Bressler, & Beaudet, 2004) and to speculation that
Crespi and colleagues have suggested that imprinted genes increased folic acid intake may increase the risk of autism
may play an important role in both autism and schizophrenia (Leeming & Lucock, 2009). In contrast, data from Schmidt et al.
(Crespi, 2008; Badcock & Crespi, 2008). The possibility that (Abstract 2009 IMFAR Meeting
schizophrenia and autism might have some diametrically imfar/2009/webprogram/Paper4182.html) suggest the increased
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 747

folic acid intake may reduce the risk of autism. There is some the COMT promoter in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
evidence that autism is associated with impaired methylation brain (Abdolmaleky et al., 2006).
capacity and increased oxidative stress (James et al., 2004) and We have performed genome-wide analyses of postmortem
that treatment with methylcobalamin and folic acid might brains from PWS, Angelman syndrome, and controls to dem-
improve glutathione redox status (James et al., 2009). onstrate the feasibility of detecting known epigenetic abnor-
malities using genome-wide methods. Using methyated DNA
immunoprecipitation, we found the expected absence of
Á methylated DNA at the PWS imprinting center (PWS-IC) in
Examples of Studies of PostMortem Angelman syndrome brains, but PWS brains were not detect-
Brain in Autism ably different from controls (Fig. 42-6). Using restriction
enzyme methods that detect enrichment of unmethylated
The LaSalle laboratory has published numerous studies of DNA, we found the expected absence of the unmethylated
autism brain including evidence that MeCP2 expression is DNA at the PWS-IC in PWS brains, but Angelman syndrome
reduced in autism brain in association with aberrant MECP2 brains appeared normal (unpublished and not shown). These
promoter methylation (Nagarajan et al., 2008; Hogart et al., results demonstrate that two methods—one each to detect
2009). There is a report that reduced expression of the oxy- methylated and unmethylated DNA—may be required to
tocin receptor is associated with significant increases in the detect all abnormalities. Bisulfite sequencing has the potential
DNA methylation in the peripheral blood cells and temporal to quantify methylated and unmethylated sites in a single
cortex in autism (Gregory et al., 2009). Detailed genome-wide analysis.
analyses of the epigenotype in postmortem brain are just We have performed similar studies using ChIP-chip and
beginning to appear. In a first-of-its-kind study, DNA meth- ChIP-seq to compare PWS and Angelman syndrome brains to
ylation changes were described in the frontal cortex and in the controls. ChIP analysis using an antibody to H3K4me3 detects
germline associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder the difference in the active promoter for SNRPN, which is
(Mill et al., 2008). The results suggested that systemic epige- present in controls but absent in PWS brains (Fig. 42-7), but
netic dysfunction may be associated with major psychosis. Angelman syndrome brains are not distinguished from con-
The authors also found that DNA methylation of the BDNF trols. ChIP-chip using an antibody to H3K9me3 detects the
gene in frontal cortex was correlated with genotype at a nearby absence of this mark in Angelman syndrome brains compared
nonsynonymous SNP previously associated with major psy- to controls but does not detect any difference between PWS
chosis. Two earlier reports of gene-specific analyses found brains and controls (unpublished and not shown). Thus, ChIP
increased methylation of the reelin promoter in schizophrenia must use multiple antibodies to different histone marks to
brain (Abdolmaleky et al., 2005) and decreased methylation of detect all abnormalities.

Figure 42–6. Analysis of DNA methylation using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP). Genomic DNA from control, PWS
deletion, and Angelman deletion were first digested with MseI restriction enzyme and then immunoprecipitated using an antibody against
5-methyl-cytosine (Weber et al., 2005). Precipitated DNA was co-hybridized with its respective input on the Nimblegen CpG island arrays.
At the PWS-IC on chromosome 15, a peak of methylated DNA on the maternal chromosome is detected in control and PWS DNA but not
Angelman DNA. Right panel is an expanded view of the region with the red arrows. X. Z., unpublished. (See Color Plate Section for a color
version of this figure.)
748 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Figure 42–7. Native chromatin immunoprecipitation with microarray analysis (N-ChIP-chip). N-ChIP-chip was performed using an
antibody against H3K4me3, in both a PWS-UPD and control cerebellum samples. H3K4me3, a mark indicative of transcription, is known
to be absent at the SNRPN-DMR in PWS deletion and UPD samples. Immunoprecipitates were individually hybridized to an Agilent whole
genome promoter array and plots of enrichment for two chromosomes superimposed (top two panels, green = control and pink = PWS).
The largest difference of H3K4me3 enrichment genome-wide was detected at the SNRPN promoter evident by the presence of a single green
peak on chromosome 15 (red arrow in middle panel). This finding was additionally confirmed by individually hybridizing samples to custom
Agilent tiling arrays of 15q11-q13 (bottom panel). R.P., unpublished. (See Color Plate Section for a color version of this figure.)

Á inhibitors, and there are animal studies exploring effects on

Epimutations: Genetic, Epigenetic, gene expression in brain. The most widely studied HDAC
Environment, and Stochastic Interactions inhibitors are trichostatin A and suberoylanilide hydroxamic
acid (Fig. 42-8B). Data are also available for histone methyl-
The epigenotype is intrinsically more variable and more plas- transferase inhibitors and DNA demethylating agents such as
tic compared to the sequence of the genome (Fig. 42-8A). The 5-aza-cytidine and zebularine. There is a report of long-term
epigenotype can dramatically alter gene expression. Thus there oral administration of zebularine to mice with minimal side
is abundant potential for the genotype, the environment, and effects and prevention of intestinal tumors (Yoo et al., 2008).
stochastic factors to alter the epigenotype. There must be a
specific epigenotype for the egg and the sperm at the moment
of fertilization, but there is evidence that the epigenotype is Á
changing even in the fertilized oocyte (Reik, 2007), and Changing Incidence?
epimutations could occur prior to and immediately after
fertilization. Errors in erasing and resetting the genomic There has been extensive debate as to whether the incidence of
imprint during gameteogenesis could cause epimutations as autism has increased over the last 20 years as is discussed in
discussed above. other chapters in this book. Although there is definitely an
increase in the diagnosis of autism, the apparent increase may
be partially or completely explained by diagnostic substitu-
Á tion, diagnosis of milder phenotypes, and/or increased aware-
Potential for Epigenetic Therapy ness (King & Bearman, 2009; Fombonne, 2009). If there is a
true increase, this is of enormous importance, as this would
The fact that the epigenotype is potentially alterable during suggest that some change in the environment is affecting the
life opens the possibility at least for epigenetic pharmacotherapy incidence of autism and that reversal of this environmental
(Szyf, 2009). There are numerous histone deacetylase effect should lower the incidence of autism. Understanding
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 749

Genetic inheritance Epigenetic inheritance

Environment and stochastic events

Diet Development





inhibitors inhibitors

Repression Expression

Figure 42–8. A (Upper panel). Interaction between genetics, epigenetics, and environment to give rise to phenotype. B (Lower panel)
Potential for pharmacologic modification of the epigenome. Exposure to Dnmt inhibitors such as 5-aza-cytidine (5-aza) or zebularine can
result in a loss of DNA methylation, and exposure to HDAC inhibitors such as suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) can result in the
acquisition of histone acetyl marks and subsequent downstream modifications, including active histone methyl marks and the incorporation
of histone variants. The cumulative chromatin changes can lead to gene expression. Modified with permission from Chapter 3 in Allis, C. D.,
Jenuwein, T., & Reinberg, D. (2007). Epigenetics. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. (See Color Plate Section for
a color version of this figure.)

the basis for a true increase in incidence, if it exists, would also preceding few generations but excludes ancient mutations.
likely have benefits in terms of both treatment and prevention This model is in sharp contrast to a multilocus epistatic model
of autism generally. The possibility of a true increase in in which the causative factors are hypothesized to be ancient
incidence is interesting from a general perspective, as some mutations that would be discoverable through linkage and
environmental effect would be implied, and environmental association studies including GWAS. The MEGDI model
factors such as maternal diet at the time of pregnancy, prenatal would predict that GWAS would not, for the most part, detect
ultrasound, prenatal or postnatal exposure to chemical toxins, de novo or epigenetic abnormalities, although some might be
and many other factors changing over the decades can be detected if the mutation or epimutation were inherited for a
hypothesized to affect the risk of autism. Vaccines and mer- few generations. The MEGDI model was proposed at a time
cury exposure have been widely debated (Baker, 2008) and when chromosome abnormalities were known to cause a small
like most other environmental factors can be hypothesized to fraction of cases of autism (Vorstman et al., 2006), but the role
act through epigenetic mechanisms. From an epigenetic per- of CNVs was yet to be recognized (Sebat et al., 2007). Deletions
spective, the fact that folic acid intake increased substantially with modest reductions in fitness may yield virtually any ratio
in many countries from the late 1970s through the 1990s is of de novo to inherited cases among probands. Numerous
interesting, because it can affect DNA methylation and gene reciprocal duplications of well-known deletion syndromes are
expression as discussed above. commonly associated with autism with reduced penetrance
(e.g., duplications of the regions deleted in DiGeorge, Willams,
and Smith-Magenis syndromes). The recognition of the role
Á of CNVs in the etiology of autism and the implications for
An Overall Synthesis point mutations in genes within the CNVs is the most dramatic
advance in understanding the cause of autism over the last few
In 2004, we proposed a mixed epigenetic and genetic and years, and the data fit well within the MEGDI model but not
MEGDI model (Fig. 42-9) that might apply to autism (Jiang with the multilocus epistatic model. For severe autism
et al., 2004). In this context, de novo includes mutations or phenotypes associated with intellectual disability, birth defects,
epimutations arising in the affected individual or in the and dysmorphic features, CNVs may be found in as much as a
750 Autism Spectrum Disorders

Primary Mixed
Primary genetic, primary Genetic Primary
genetic, secondary genetic & digenic epigenetic
secondary epigenetic cis epigenetic
trans Mixed
epigenetic &
Genetic I-dup ? Del environment
recent 15q11-q13 15q11.2
UPD 15
Genetic Fragile X UBE3A Environment
de novo


Del 22qter

Severe Mild
autism autism

MEGDI + Environment model

Figure 42–9. A mixed epigenetic and genetic and mixed de novo and inherited (MEGDI) plus environment model for autism. SHANK3 and
MECP2 refer to mutations in these genes and UBE3A refers to possible epimutation. I-dup 15q11-q13 is interstitial duplications which cause
autism when maternal but usually not when paternal.

one-fourth of patients (Jacquemont et al., 2006). The general with ancient mutations, recent mutations, epimutations, and
experience in diagnostic laboratories is that disease-causing environmental factors all remaining very feasible. The sex ratio
CNVs are found in very few higher functioning, nondysmorphic could be explained by changes in genes mapping to the X or Y
patients or in those diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. chromosome (sex-linked effects) or to sex-limited effects on
Do the studies of the role of CNVs in severe autism leave autosomal genes. Sex-limited effects are mediated by the genes
any role for epigenetics in this population? Presumably, epi- that directly cause sex determination, primarily SRY that cause
mutations will not account for a large fraction of cases in this maleness in humans. For severe autism, mutations in X-linked
cohort of patients, although a few may yet be discovered, and genes may be sufficient to explain the modest increase in
a significant contribution is still possible. The CNVs and small male:female ratio. A good example of a sex-limited effect is
mutations in the causative genes therein are generally expected provided by mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 that cause breast
to account for the majority of cases of severe autism, and cancer with a much higher penetrance in females than in
whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing is widely expected males. A proposal for a unified genetic theory for sporadic and
to identify many additional mutations in this population. The inherited autism (Zhao et al., 2007) is equivalent to a sex-lim-
association of advanced paternal age with autism (Reichenberg ited effect on autosomal genes. A recent review of sex-limited
et al., 2006) could be compatible with a role of de novo point gene expression (Williams & Carroll, 2009) is thought-pro-
mutations, although the effects are small, and maternal age voking regarding the sex bias in milder forms of autism. The
may be important as well (Durkin et al., 2008; King et al., authors concluded, “A common theme emerging from these
2009), perhaps through nondisjunction contributing to con- studies is that the integration of sex determination and other
fined placental mosaicism (Leschot et al., 1996) or uniparental transcriptional inputs by cis-regulatory elements is central to
disomy. There are no data regarding the possibility of a paren- the development and evolution of sexually dimorphic traits.”
tal age effect on the risk of epimutations. This is consistent with the precedent for a sex-dependent
How might the MEGDI model fit for the etiology of the mutation in an enhancer associated with Hirschsprung disease
higher functioning, nondysmorphic autism population? This (Emison et al., 2005) and is of interest regarding the sex bias in
population has a much higher male:female ratio compared to mild autism. The epigenetics of sex differences in the brain
the lower functioning dysmorphic population. Certainly was reviewed recently (McCarthy et al., 2009a). There is no
mutations contributing to this group are likely to be less pen- obvious basis to hypothesize that the prominent sex effect in
etrant and be associated with significant reproductive fitness, mild autism is primarily genetic or epigenetic or primarily of
although such mutations need not be ancient. In general, the de novo or inherited origin. A moderately or highly penetrant
etiology of high-functioning autism is much less understood, inherited genetic effect involving a single X-linked, Y-linked,
Known and Possible Roles of Epigenetics in Autism 751

or autosomal locus in a large fraction of cases is essentially Feinberg, A. P. (2007). Phenotypic plasticity and the epigenetics of
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43 Á Karola Rehnström, Leena Peltonen†

Isolated Populations and Common Variants

Á Examples include identification mutations in the connexin 26

Points of Interest gene in nonsyndromic deafness in the Bedouin population
and genes for 35 Mendelian disorders in the Finns (Guilford
• Isolated populations are characterized by a decrease in et al., 1994;

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