Gender: ________
The questionnaire is a part of the study at “LSSTI” Grade 11 BPP- Block-A Students.
Please tick (check) inside the box.
1 2 3 4 5
1.Teachers treat
students respect
4.Teachers require
students to work hard
to get grades
5.Teachers expect
students to do their
best all the time
6.Teachers listen to
students when they
have problems
7.The school rules are
8.The consequences of
breaking school rules
are fair
9.Students treat each
other with respect
11.Students friendly
with each other
14.Adults in this
school treat students
15.Students know how
they expected to act
18.I am happy to be
this school
19.Continuing cutting
classes of students can
lead them to poor
20.poor attendance
leads to poor
performance in class
Target population is all the students of G-11 BPP-A of LSSTI KAPATAGAN Campus. This
chapter includes the research design ,population , sampling technique ,data collection
procedure and data analysis procedure .
1. The researcher coordinates with the administration office to educate them with the
2. The researcher then collect data needed with the permission from the subject teacher and
4. The questionnaire were filled out in the classroom with instruction needed with the
Appropriate time of 20-30 minutes to finished .Further instructions was given by the researchers.
5. The questionnaire is then collected by the researchers to be tallied in order to get the result
Data analysis:
Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and weighted mean. Because this
Study is a descriptive study, the above said procedures in handling and solving data is the most
Statistical Analysis:
The procedure in getting the average is the result when the researchers divide the data and
The total sample size multiplied by the respondents we choose.
The average weighted mean is the total when you divide the data collected with the total
Sample size and multiplied with the corresponding weight. The table below shows the relative