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The key takeaways are that objects rotate about their center of mass and the center of mass can be calculated as the weighted average of the positions of the object's constituent particles based on their masses. The kinematic equations for constant angular acceleration and the meaning of instantaneous velocity and acceleration during rotation are also discussed.

The center of mass is the point about which an object rotates. It is located using a weighted average, taking into account the positions and masses of the object's constituent particles. Specifically, the x- and y-coordinates of the center of mass are calculated using Equations 12.4.

The kinematic equations for constant angular acceleration discussed are: final angular velocity (vf) = initial angular velocity (vi) + angular acceleration (a) * change in time (Δt); final angular position (uf) = initial angular position (ui) + initial angular velocity (vi) * change in time (Δt) + 1/2 * angular acceleration (a) * (change in time (Δt))^2; and final angular velocity squared (vf^2) = initial angular velocity squared (vi^2) + 2 * angular acceleration (a) * change in position (Δθ). These equations are summarized in Table 12.1.

296 CHAPTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body

TABLE 12.1 Rotational kinematics for linear velocity v changes. TABLE 12.1 summarizes the kinematic equations for rotation

constant angular acceleration with constant angular acceleration.
vf = vi + a ∆t FIGURE 12.3 reminds you of the sign conventions for angular velocity and acceleration.

uf = ui + vi ∆t + 12 a1∆t22
They will be especially important in the present chapter. Be careful with the sign of a.
Just as with linear acceleration, positive and negative values of a can’t be interpreted as
vf2 = vi2 + 2a ∆u simply “speeding up” and “slowing down.”

FIGURE 12.3 The signs of angular velocity and angular acceleration.

Initial angular velocity

v70 v60 v60 v70

a70 a60 a70 a60

Speeding up ccw Speeding up cw Slowing down cw Slowing down ccw

The rotation is speeding up if v and a have the same sign, slowing down if they have opposite signs.

A point at distance r from the rotation axis has instantaneous velocity and acceler­
ation, shown in Figure 12.2, given by
vr = 0 ar = = v2r
r (12.3)

vt = rv at = ra

The sign convention for v implies that vt and at are positive if they point in the counter­
clockwise (ccw) direction, negative if they point in the clockwise (cw) direction.

12.2 Rotation About the Center of Mass

FIGURE 12.4 Rotation about the center Imagine yourself floating in a space capsule deep in space. Suppose you take an

of mass. object like that shown in FIGURE 12.4a and spin it so that it simply rotates but has no
(a) The object rotates about translational motion as it floats beside you. About what point does it rotate? That is
this point, which is the the question we need to answer.
center of mass.
An unconstrained object (i.e., one not on an axle or a pivot) on which there is no net
force rotates about a point called the center of mass. The center of mass remains
motionless while every other point in the object undergoes circular motion around it.
You need not go deep into space to demonstrate rotation about the center of mass. If you
⊗ have an air table, a flat object rotating on the air table rotates about its center of mass.
To locate the center of mass, FIGURE 12.4b models the object as a set of particles
numbered i = 1, 2, 3, c. Particle i has mass mi and is located at position 1xi, yi2.
We’ll prove later in this section that the center of mass is located at position

(b) y 1 m 1x 1 + m 2 x 2 + m 3 x 3 + g
xcm = mi xi =
M i m1 + m2 + m3 + g


Center of mass 1 m1 y1 + m2 y2 + m3 y3 + g
ycm = mi yi =
M i m1 + m2 + m3 + g

Particle i with
ycm mass mi
⊗ where M = m1 + m2 + m3 + g is the object’s total mass.
Let’s see if Equations 12.4 make sense. Suppose you have an object consisting of N
0 x particles, all with the same mass m. That is, m1 = m2 = g = mN = m. We can factor
0 xcm xi the m out of the numerator, and the denominator becomes simply Nm. The m cancels,
and the x coordinate of the center of mass is
x1 + x2 + g + xN
xcm = = xaverage

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12.2 Rotation bout the enter of Mass 297


In this case, xcm is simply the average x-coordinate of all the particles. Likewise, ycm
will be the average of all the y-coordinates.
This does make sense! If the particle masses are all the same, the center of mass
should be at the center of the object. And the “center of the object” is the average
position of all the particles. To allow for unequal masses, Equations 12.4 are called
weighted averages. Particles of higher mass count more than particles of lower mass,
but the basic idea remains the same. The center of mass is the mass-weighted center
of the object.

Ex l 12.1 | The center of mass of a barbell


A barbell consists of a 500 g ball and a 2.0 kg ball connected by a Figure 12.5 Finding the center of mass.

massless 50-cm-long rod.
a. Where is the center of mass?

b. What is the speed of each ball if they rotate about the center of

mass at 40 rpm?
Mod l Model the barbell as a rigid body.

V u l z Figure 12.5 shows the two masses. We’ve chosen a b. Each ball rotates about the center of mass. The radii of the circles are

coordinate system in which the masses are on the x-axis with the r1 = 0.10 m and r2 = 0.40 m. The tangential velocities are 1vi2t = ri v,
2.0 kg mass at the origin. but this equation requires v to be in rad/s. The conversion is
Sol a. We can use Equations 12.4 to calculate that the center rev 1 min 2p rad
v = 40 * * = 4.19 rad/s

of mass is min 60 s 1 rev
m 1x 1 + m 2 x 2
xcm = 1v12t = r1v = 10.10 m214.19 rad/s2 = 0.42 m/s
m1 + m2
1v22t = r2v = 10.40 m214.19 rad/s2 = 1.68 m/s
12.0 kg210.0 m2 + 10.50 kg210.50 m2
= = 0.10 m A The center of mass is closer to the heavier ball than to
2.0 kg + 0.50 kg

the lighter ball. We expected this because xcm is a mass-weighted
ycm = 0 because all the masses are on the x-axis. The center of mass average of the positions. But the lighter mass moves faster because
is 20% of the way from the 2.0 kg ball to the 0.50 kg ball. it is farther from the rotation axis.

Finding the Center of Mass by Integration

For any realistic object, carrying out the summations of Equations 12.4 over all the Figure 12.6 Calculating the center of

atoms in the object is not practical. Instead, as Figure 12.6 shows, we can divide an mass of an extended object.
extended object into many small cells or boxes, each with the same very small mass y Divide the extended object into
many small cells of mass ∆m.
∆m. We will number the cells 1, 2, 3, … , just as we did the particles. Cell i has coor-
dinates 1xi, yi2 and mass mi = ∆m. The center-of-mass coordinates are then

M a M a
1 1
xcm = xi ∆m and ycm = yi ∆m
i i yi

Now, as you might expect, we’ll let the cells become smaller and smaller, with the v1
total number increasing. As each cell becomes infinitesimally small, we can replace Cell i
∆m with dm and the sum by an integral. Then

M3 M3
1 1
xcm = x dm and ycm = y dm (12.5)

Equations 12.5 are a formal definition of the center of mass, but they are not
ready to integrate in this form. First, integrals are carried out over coordinates, not
over masses. Before we can integrate, we must replace dm by an equivalent expression
involving a coordinate differential such as dx or dy. Second, no limits of integration
have been specified. The procedure for using Equations 12.5 is best shown with an

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298 H PTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid ody


Ex amp
l 12.2 | The center of mass of a rod

Find the center of mass of a thin, uniform rod of length L and mass Consequently, we can express dm in terms of the coordinate
M. Use this result to find the tangential acceleration of one tip of differential dx as
a 1.60-m-long rod that rotates about its center of mass with an M
angular acceleration of 6.0 rad/s 2. dm = dx
V u l z Figure 12.7 shows the rod. We’ve chosen a coordinate
No The change of variables from dm to the differential of a
system such that the rod lies along the x-axis from 0 to L. Because

the rod is “thin,” we’ll assume that ycm = 0. coordinate is the key step in calculating the center of mass.
With this expression for dm, Equation 12.5 for xcm becomes
Figure 12.7 Finding the center of mass of a long, thin rod.

M L 3
1 x dx = 3 x dx

y 1 M 1
A small cell of width dx at position xcm =
x has mass dm = (M/L)dx. L 0
where in the last step we’ve noted that summing “all the mass in
the rod” means integrating from x = 0 to x = L. This is a straight-
0 dx L
forward integral to carry out, giving
1 x 2 L 1 L2
Sol Our first task is to find xcm, which lies somewhere on the xcm = c d = c - 0 d = 12 L
L 2 0 L 2
x-axis. To do this, we divide the rod into many small cells of mass
dm. One such cell, at position x, is shown. The cell’s width is dx. The center of mass is at the center of the rod, as you probably
Because the rod is uniform, the mass of this little cell is the same guessed. For a 1.60-m-long rod, each tip of the rod rotates in a
fraction of the total mass M that dx is of the total length L. That is, circle with r = 12 L = 0.80 m. The tangential acceleration, the rate
at which the tip is speeding up, is
dm dx
M L at = ra = 10.80 m216.0 rad/s 22 = 4.8 m/s 2

No For any symmetrical object of uniform density, the center of mass is at the
physical center of the object.

Figure 12.8 Finding the center of mass. To see where the center-of-mass equations come from, Figure 12.8 shows an object

Force causing Center of mass. rotating about its center of mass. Particle i is moving in a circle, so it must have a
the centripetal The object centripetal acceleration. Acceleration requires a force, and
this force is due to tension in
acceleration of rotates around the molecular bonds that hold the object together. Force Ti on particle i has magnitude
y particle i this point.
Ti = mi 1ai2r = mi ri v2 (12.6)

ycm ⊗
where we used Equation 12.3 for ar. All points in a rigid rotating object have the same
angular velocity, so v doesn’t need a subscript.
At every instant of time, the internal tension forces are all paired as action/reaction

must be zero. That is, g Ti = 0. The x-component of this sum is

Ti forces, equal in magnitude
butuopposite in direction, so the sum of all the tension forces

a 1Ti 2x = a Ti cos ui = a 1mi ri v 2 cos ui = 0

Particle i 2

v i i i
xi xcm You can see from Figure 12.8 that cos ui = 1xcm - xi 2/ri. Thus

a 1Ti 2x = a 1mi ri v 2 = a mi xcm - a mi xi v2 = 0

1 2
xcm - xi

i i i i

This equation will be true if the term in parentheses is zero. xcm is a constant, so we can
bring it outside the summation to write

a mi xcm - a mi xi = a mi xcm - a mi xi = Mxcm - a mi xi = 0

1 2 (12.9)

where we used the fact that g mi is simply the object’s total mass M. Solving for xcm,

i i i i i

we find the x-coordinate of the object’s center of mass to be

M a
1 m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3 + g
xcm = mi xi = (12.10)
m1 + m2 + m3 + g


This was Equation 12.4. The y-equation is found similarly.

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12.5 Torque 303

The Parallel-Axis Theorem
The moment of inertia depends on the rotation axis. Suppose you need to know the FIGURE 12.15 An off-center axis.

moment of inertia for rotation about the off-center axis in FIGURE 12.15. You can find An off-center
this quite easily if you know the moment of inertia for rotation around a parallel axis rotation axis
Mass M
through the center of mass. d

If the axis of interest is distance d from a parallel axis through the center of mass,
the moment of inertia is
Axis through the
I = Icm + Md 2 (12.18) center of mass

The moment of inertia about
Equation 12.18 is called the parallel-axis theorem. We’ll give a proof for the this axis is I = Icm + Md 2.
one-dimensional object shown in FIGURE 12.16.
The x-axis has its origin at the rotation axis, and the x′@axis has its origin at the
center of mass. You can see that the coordinates of dm along these two axes are related
by x = x′ + d. By definition, the moment of inertia about the rotation axis is FIGURE 12.16 Proving the parallel-axis

I = 3 x 2 dm = 3 1x′ + d 22 dm = 3 1x′22 dm + 2d 3 x′ dm + d 2 3 dm (12.19) Use this axis for calculating I about the pivot.

The first of the three integrals on the right, by definition, is the moment of inertia Icm 0
about the center of mass. The third is simply Md 2 because adding up (integrating) all Pivot x = x′ + d
the dm gives the total mass M. ⊗ cm
If you refer back to Equations 12.5, the definition of the center of mass, you’ll see that
= = d x′
the middle integral on the right is equal to Mx cm . But x cm = 0 because we specifically x′
chose the x′-axis to have its origin at the center of mass. Thus the second integral is 0
zero and we end up with Equation 12.18. The proof in two dimensions is similar. Use this axis for calculating Icm.

EXAMPLE 12.7 | The moment of inertia of a thin rod

Find the moment of inertia of a thin rod with mass M and length L rod. An axis 13 L from one end is d = 16 L from the center of mass.
about an axis one-third of the length from one end. Using the parallel-axis theorem, we have
SOLVE From Table 12.2 we know the moment of inertia about the
+ M 1 16 L2 2 = 19 ML2

center of mass is 12 ML2. The center of mass is at the center of the I = Icm + Md 2 = 12 ML

STOP TO THINK 12.3 Four Ts are made from two identical rods of equal mass and

length. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the moments of inertia Ia to Id for
rotation about the dashed line.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

12.5 Torque FIGURE 12.17 The four forces have

different effects on the swinging door.
Consider the common experience of pushing open a door. FIGURE 12.17 is a top view of
a door hinged on the left. Four pushing forces are shown, all of equal strength. Which Top view of door F2
of these will
be most effective at opening theudoor?
Force F1 willuopen the door, but force F2, which pushes ustraight at the hinge, Hinge u
F4 F3 F1
will not. Force F3 will open the door, but not as easily as uF1. What about F4? It
is perpendicular to the door, it has the same magnitude as F1, but you know from

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304 H PTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid ody


experience that pushing close to the hinge is not as effective as pushing at the
outer edge of the door.
The ability of a force to cause a rotation depends on three factors:
1. The magnitude F of the force.

2. The distance r from the point of application to the pivot.

3. The angle at which the force is applied.

Figure 12.18 Force F exerts a torque We can incorporate these three factors into a single quantity called the torque.

about the pivot point. Figure 12.18shows a force F trying to rotate the wrench and nut about a pivot point—

F exerts a torque Angle f is measured the axis about which the nut will rotate. We say that this force exerts a torque t
about the pivot point. ccw from the radial line. (Greek tau), which we define as
y u
F f
t K rF sin f (12.20)

Point where
Torque depends on the three properties we just listed: the magnitude of the force, its
force is applied distance from the pivot, and its angle. Loosely speaking, t measures the “effectiveness”

u of the force at causing an object to rotate about a pivot. Torque is the rotational
x equivalent of force.
Pivot Rigid body
point r is measured from the pivot to the No Angle f is measured counterclockwise from the dashed line that extends
point where the force is applied.
outward along the radial line. This is consistent with our sign convention for the
angular position u.

The SI units of torque are newton-meters, abbreviated N m. Although we defined

1 N m = 1 J during our study of energy, torque is not an energy-related quantity and so
we do not use joules as a measure of torque.
Torque, like force, has a sign. A torque that tries to rotate the object in a ccw direction
is positive while a negative torque gives a cw rotation. Figure 12.19 summarizes the
signs. Notice that a force pushing straight toward the pivot or pulling straight out from
the pivot exerts no torque.

Figure 12.19 Signs and strengths of the torque.

Maximum positive torque for a force A positive torque tries to rotate the
perpendicular to the radial line object ccw about the pivot.

Pulling straight out from the pivot

exerts zero torque.
Pushing straight at the pivot exerts
zero torque.
A negative torque tries to rotate
the object cw about the pivot.
Point where
Maximum negative torque for a force
Pivot point force is applied
perpendicular to the radial line
Radial line

No Torque differs from force in a very important way. Torque is calculated

or measured about a pivot point. To say that a torque is 20 N m is meaningless.
You need to say that the torque is 20 N m about a particular point. Torque can be
calculated about any pivot point, but its value depends on the point chosen because
this choice determines r and f.
Returning to the door ofu Figure 12.17, you can see that F1 is most effective u
opening the door because F1 exerts the largest torque about the pivot point. F3 has
magnitude, but it is applied at an angle less than 90° and thus exerts less
Your foot exerts a torque that rotates F2, pushing straight at the hinge with f = u0°, exerts no torque at all. And F4, with a
the crank. smaller value for r, exerts less torque than F1.

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12.5 Torque 305

Interpreting Torque
Torque can be interpreted from two perspectives, as shown in Figure 12.20. First, the Figure 12.20 Two useful interpretations

quantity F sin f is the tangential force component Ft. Consequently, the torque is of the torque.
1. Torque is due to the tangential
t = rFt (12.21) component of force: t = rFt.

In other words, torque is the product of r with the force component Ft that is tangent Ft = F sin f
to the circular path followed by this point on the wrench. This interpretation makes y u
u F f
sense because the radial component of F points straight at the pivot point and cannot
exert a torque. arm d Line of
A second perspective, widely used in applications, is based on the idea of a moment r action

arm. Figure 12.20 shows the line of action, the line along which the force acts.
The minimum distance between the pivot point and the line of action—the length of x
a line drawn perpendicular to the line of action—is called the moment arm (or
2. Torque is the force multiplied
the lever arm) d. Because sin1180° - f2 = sin f, it is easy to see that d = r sin f. by the moment arm: 0 t 0 = dF.
Thus the torque rF sin f can also be written
0 t 0 = dF (12.22)

No Equation 12.22 gives only 0 t 0 , the magnitude of the torque; the sign has to be
supplied by observing the direction in which the torque acts.

Ex l 12.8 | Applying a torque


Luis uses a 20-cm-long wrench to turn a nut. The wrench handle is According to our sign convention, Ft is negative because it points
tilted 30° above the horizontal, and Luis pulls straight down on the end in a cw direction. The torque, from Equation 12.21, is
with a force of 100 N. How much torque does Luis exert on the nut?
t = rFt = 10.20 m21-86.6 N2 = -17 N m
V u l z shows the situation. The angle is a nega
Figure 12.21
Alternatively, Figure 12.21 has drawn the line of action by
tive f = -120° because it is clockwise from the radial line.
extending the force vector forward and backward. The moment arm,
A wrench being used to turn a nut.
Figure 12.21
the distance between the pivot point and the line of action, is

d = r sin160°2 = 0.17 m
r = 20 cm
f = -120° Inserting the moment arm in Equation 12.22 gives
0 t 0 = dF = 10.17 m21100 N2 = 17 N m
The torque acts to give a cw rotation, so we insert a minus sign to
30° Luis’s pull (100 N) end up with
Line of action t = - 17 N m

Moment arm d A The largest possible torque, if Luis pulled perpendicular

to the 20-cm-long wrench, would have a magnitude of 20 N m.
Sol The tangential component of the force is Pulling at an angle will reduce this, so 17 N m is a reasonable
Ft = F sin f = - 86.6 N answer.

S op To Think 12.4 Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the five torques ta to te. The rods all have

the same length and are pivoted at the dot.
2N 2N

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

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306 CHAPTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body

FIGURE 12.22 The forces exert a net Net Torque

torque about the pivot point.
The axle exertsu a force
on the FIGURE 12.22 shows the forces acting on the crankset of a bicycle. The crankset is free
crank to keep Fnet = 0. This u to rotate about the axle, but the axle prevents it from having
any translational motion
force does not exert a torque. Faxle
relative to the bike frame. uIt doesuso by exerting force Faxle on the crankset to balance
u the other forces
u u
andu keep Fnet = 0. u
F3 u Forces F1, F2, F3, c exert torques t1, t2, t3, c on the crankset, but Faxle does

not exert a torque because it is applied at the pivot point and has zero moment
arm. Thus the net torque about the axle is the sum of the torques due to the applied

tnet = t1 + t2 + t3 + g = a ti

u u
F4 i

Gravitational Torque
Gravity exerts a torque on many objects. If the object in FIGURE 12.23 is released, a
torque due to gravity will cause it to rotate around the axle. To calculate the torque
about the axle, we start with the fact that gravity acts on every particle in the object,
FIGURE 12.23 Gravitational torque. exerting a downward force of magnitude Fi = mi g on particle i. The magnitude of the
gravitational torque on particle i is 0 ti 0 = di mi g, where di is the moment arm. But we

(a) Gravity exerts a
negative torque
need to be careful with signs.
Moment arms
on particle 2. A moment arm must be a positive number because it’s a distance. If we establish
d1 d2 a coordinate system with the origin at the axle, then you can see from Figure 12.23a
Gravity exerts a that the moment arm di of particle i is 0 xi 0 . A particle to the right of the axle
positive torque (positive xi ) experiences a negative torque because gravity tries to rotate this particle
on particle 1. ⊗ cm
m 2g in a clockwise direction. Similarly, a particle to the left of the axle (negative xi)
has a positive torque. The torque is opposite in sign to xi, so we can get the sign
m1g right by writing
x1 0 xcm x2
ti = -xi mi g = -1mi xi 2g (12.24)

(b) Moment arm
The net torque due to gravity is found by summing Equation 12.24 over all particles:

⊗ cm
tgrav = a ti = a 1-mi xi g2 = - a mi xi g
1 2 (12.25)

But according to the definition of center of mass, Equations 12.4, g mi xi = Mxcm. Thus
i i i
0 xcm the torque due to gravity is
The net torque due to gravity is
found by pretending the object’s tgrav = -Mgxcm (12.26)
entire mass is at the center of mass.

where xcm is the position of the center of mass relative to the axis of rotation.
Equation 12.26 has the simple interpretation shown in Figure 12.23b. Mg is the
net gravitational force on the entire object, and xcm is the moment arm between the
rotation axis and the center of mass. The gravitational torqueuon an extended object of
mass M is equivalent to the torque of a single force vector FG = -Mg jn acting at the
object’s center of mass.
FIGURE 12.24 An object balances on a In other words, the gravitational torque is found by treating the object as if all its
mass were concentrated at the center of mass. This is the basis for the well-known

pivot that is directly under the center
of mass. technique of finding an object’s center of mass by balancing it. An object will balance
The line of action passes
on a pivot, as shown in FIGURE 12.24 , only if the center of mass is directly above the
through the pivot. pivot point. If the pivot is not under the center of mass, the gravitational torque will
cause the object to rotate.

NOTE The point at which gravity acts is also called the center of gravity. As long

as gravity is uniform over the object—always true for earthbound objects—there’s
Mg no difference between center of mass and center of gravity.

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12.8 Static Equilibrium 311

FIGURE 12.30 The falling bucket turns the cylinder. ay = -aR

(a) (b) Using a from the cylinder’s equation in the constraint, we find
2T 2T
ay = -aR = - R=-
Thus the tension is T = - 12 May. If we use this value of the tension
in the bucket’s equation, we can solve for the acceleration:

may = - 12 May - mg
ay = - = -7.84 m/s 2
11 + M/2m2
The time to fall through ∆y = - 1.0 m is found from kinematics:
∆y = 12 ay 1∆t22
2 ∆y 21-1.0 m2
∆t = = = 0.50 s
B ay B - 7.84 m/s 2

The moment of inertia of a cylinder rotating about a center axis was ASSESS The expression for the acceleration gives ay = - g if

taken from Table 12.2. M = 0. This makes sense because the bucket would be in free fall if
The last piece of information we need is the constraint due to there were no cylinder. When the cylinder has mass, the downward
the fact that the string doesn’t slip. Equation 12.33 relates only the force of gravity on the bucket has to accelerate the bucket and spin
absolute values, but in this problem a is positive (ccw acceleration) the cylinder. Consequently, the acceleration is reduced and the
while ay is negative (downward acceleration). Hence bucket takes longer to fall.

12.8 Static Equilibrium

An extended object thatuis completely stationary is in static equilibrium. It has no
linear acceleration 1a = 02 and no angular acceleration 1a = 02. Thus, from Newton’s
laws, the conditions for static equilibrium are no net force and no net torque. These two
rules are the basis for a branch of engineering, called statics, that analyzes buildings,
dams, bridges, and other structures in static equilibrium.
Section 6.1 introduced the model of mechanical equilibrium for objects that can be
represented as particles. For extended objects, we have the static equilibrium model.

MODEL 12 . 3
Structures such as bridges are analyzed in
Static equilibrium engineering statics.
For extended objects at rest.
■■ Model the object as a rigid body with no acceleration.

• No net force: Fnet = a Fi = 0 , and

■■ Mathematically:
u u u

• No net torque: tnet = a ti = 0

■■ The torque is zero about every point, so use any u
point that is convenient for the pivot point. a=0 a=0
■■ Limitations: Model fails if either the forces or the The object is at rest.
torques aren’t balanced.

For any point you choose, an object that is not rotating is not rotating about that point.
This seems to be a trivial statement, but it has an important implication: For a rigid body
in static equilibrium, the net torque is zero about any point. You can use any point you
wish as the pivot point for calculating torque. Even so, some choices are better than
others for problem solving. As the examples will show, it’s often best to choose a point at
which several forces act because the torques exerted by those forces will be zero.

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312 CHAPTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body

EXAMPLE 12.13  
| Lifting weights
Weightlifting can exert extremely large forces on the body’s joints FIGURE 12.32   A pictorial representation of the forces involved.
and tendons. In the strict curl event, a standing athlete uses both Known
arms to lift a barbell by moving only his forearms, which pivot u dtendon = 4.0 cm
at the elbows. The record weight lifted in the strict curl is over Ftendon darm = 35 cm
200 pounds (about 900 N). FIGURE 12.31 shows the arm bones Fbarbell = 450 N
and the biceps, the main lifting muscle when the forearm is Find
horizontal. What is the tension in the tendon connecting the Ftendon
biceps muscle to the bone while a 900 N barbell is held stationary
in this position?
Felbow darm u
FIGURE 12.31 An arm holding a barbell. Fbarbell
These forces cause

torques about the elbow.

Lifting muscle Because each arm supports half the weight of the barbell, Fbarbell =
(biceps) 450 N. We don’t know either Ftendon or Felbow, nor does the force
equation give us enough information to find them. But the fact that
the net torque also must be zero gives us that extra information.
The torque is zero about every point, so we can choose any point
we wish to calculateu the torque. The elbow joint is a convenient
4.0 cm point because force Felbow exerts no torque about this point; its mo-
35 cm ment arm is zero. Thus the torque equation is
tnet = dtendon Ftendon - darm Fbarbell = 0
MODEL Model the arm as two rigid rods connected by a hinge.
The tension in the tendon tries to rotate the arm ccw, so it produces

We’ll ignore the arm’s weight because it is so much less than that
a positive torque. Similarly, the torque due to the barbell is negative.
of the barbell. Although the tendon pulls at a slight angle, it is close
We can solve the torque equation for Ftendon to find
enough to vertical that we’ll treat it as such.
darm 35 cm
VISUALIZE FIGURE 12.32 shows the forces acting on our simplified Ftendon = Fbarbell = 1450 N2 = 3900 N
dtendon 4.0 cm

model of the forearm. The biceps pullsuthe forearm up against the

upper arm at the elbow, so the force Felbow on the forearm at the ASSESS The short distance dtendon from the tendon to the elbow

elbow—a force due to the upper arm—is a downward force. joint means that the force supplied by the biceps has to be very
SOLVE Static equilibrium requires both the net force and the net

large to counter the torque generated by a force applied at the
torque on the forearm to be zero. Only the y-component of force is opposite end of the forearm. Although we ended up not needing

relevant, and setting it to zero gives a first equation: the force equation in this problem, we could now use it to calculate

a Fy = Ftendon - Felbow - Fbarbell = 0

that the force exerted at the elbow is Felbow = 3450 N. These large
forces can easily damage the tendon or the elbow.

EXAMPLE 12.14 | Walking the plank

Adrienne (50 kg) and Bo (90 kg) are playing on a 100 kg rigid plank VISUALIZE FIGURE 12.34 shows the forces acting on the plank.

u u
resting on the supports seen in FIGURE 12.33. If Adrienne stands on the Both supports exert upward forces. nA and nB are the normal forces
left end, can Bo walk all the way to the right end without the plank of Adrienne’s and Bo’s feet pushing down on the board.
tipping over? If not, how far can he get past the support on the right? SOLVE Because the plank is resting on the supports, not held down,

u u
FIGURE 12.33   Adrienne and Bo on the plank. forces n1 and n2 must point upward. (The supports could pull down
if the plank were nailed to them, but that’s not the case here.) Force
n1 will decrease as Bo moves to the right, and the tipping point
occurs when n1 = 0. The plank remains in static equilibrium right
up to the tipping point, so both the net force and the net torque on it
are zero. The force equation is
a Fy = n1 + n2 - nA - nB - Mg
= n1 + n2 - mA g - mB g - Mg = 0
2.0 m 3.0 m 4.0 m
Adrienne is at rest, with zero net force, so her downward force on
MODEL Model the plank as a uniform rigid body with its center of the board, an action/reaction pair with the upward normal force

mass at the center. of the board on her, equals her weight: nA = mA g. Bo’s center of

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 312 25/09/15 4:36 PM

12.8 Static Equilibrium 313

Figure 12.34 A pictorial representation of the forces on the plank. We can again choose any point we wish for calculating torque.

Let’s use the support on the left. Adrienne and the support on the
right exert positive torques about this point; the other forces exert
Calculate torques u
negative torques. Force n1 exerts no torque because it acts at the
about this point.
pivot point. Thus the torque equation is

tnet = dA mA g - dB mB g - dM Mg + d2 n2 = 0

At the tipping point, where n1 = 0, the force equation gives n2 =

1mA + mB + M2g. Substituting this into the torque equation and
then solving for Bo’s position give

dA mA - dM M + d2 1mA + mB + M2
dB = = 6.3 m

Bo doesn’t quite make it to the end. The plank tips when he’s
6.3 m past the left support, our pivot point, and thus 3.3 m past the
support on the right.
A We could have solved this problem somewhat more simply

mass oscillates up and down as he walks, so he’s not in equilibrium had we chosen the support on the right for calculating the torques.
and, strictly speaking, nB ∙ mB g. But we’ll assume that he edges However, you might not recognize the “best” point for calculating
out onto the board slowly, with minimal bouncing, in which case the torques in a problem. The point of this example is that it doesn’t
nB = mB g is a reasonable approximation. matter which point you choose.

Ex l 12.15 | Will the ladder slip?


A 3.0-m-long ladder leans against a frictionless wall at an angle The net torque is zero about any point, so which should we choose?
of 60°. What is the minimum value of ms , the coefficient of static The bottom corner of the ladder is a good choice because two
friction with the ground, that prevents the ladder from slipping? forces pass through this point and have no torque about it. The
Mod l The ladder is a rigid rod of length L. To not slip, it must torque about the bottom corner is
u u

be in both translational equilibrium 1Fnet = 0 2 and rotational equi- tnet = d1 FG - d2 n2 = 12 1L cos 60°2Mg - 1L sin 60°2n2 = 0
librium 1tnet = 02. u
The signs are based on the observation that FG would cause the
V u l z Figure 12.35 shows the ladder and the forces acting on it. u
ladder to rotate ccw while n2 would cause it to rotate cw. All
Figure 12.35 A ladder in total equilibrium. together, we have three equations in the three unknowns n1, n2, and

fs. If we solve the third for n2,
n2 2 1L cos 60°2Mg Mg
n2 = =
L sin 60° 2 tan 60°
we can then substitute this into the first to find
L = 3.0 m Mg
fs =
d2 Center ⊗
2 tan 60°
of mass Our model of friction is fs … fs max = ms n1. We can find n1 from the
n1 second equation: n1 = Mg. Using this, the model of static friction
FG tells us that
fs … ms Mg
60° tnet = 0 about Comparing these two expressions for fs, we see that ms must
this point.
fs 1
Gravity acts at Static friction ms Ú = 0.29
d1 2 tan 60°
the center of mass. prevents slipping.
Thus the minimum value of the coefficient of static friction is 0.29.
u u
Sol The x- and y-components of Fnet = 0 are A You know from experience that you can lean a ladder or

a Fx = n2 - fs = 0
other object against a wall if the ground is “rough,” but it slips if the

a Fy = n1 - Mg = 0
surface is too smooth. 0.29 is a “medium” value for the coefficient
of static friction, which is reasonable.

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 313 03/08/15 4:16 pm

314 H PTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid ody


Balance and Stability
If you tilt a box up on one edge by a small amount and let go, it falls back down. If you
tilt it too much, it falls over. And if you tilt “just right,” you can get the box to balance
on its edge. What determines these three possible outcomes?
Figure 12.36 illustrates the idea with a car, but the results are general and apply
in many situations. As long as the object’s center of mass remains over the base of
support, torque due to gravity will rotate the object back to its equilibrium position.
Figure 12.36 Stability depends on the position of the center of mass.

(a) The torque due to gravity (b) The vehicle is at the critical (c) Now the center of mass is
will bring the car back down angle uc when its center of outside the base of support.
as long as the center of mass mass is exactly over the pivot. Torque due to gravity will
is above the base of support. cause the car to roll over.

⊗ ⊗
⊗ h
Base of Pivot Base of
support support

A critical angle uc is reached when the center of mass is directly over the pivot

point. This is the point of balance, with no net torque. For vehicles, the distance
between the tires is called the track width t. If the height of the center of mass is h, you
can see from Figure 12.36b that the critical angle is

uc = tan-1 1 2
For passenger cars with h ≈ 0.33t, the critical angle is uc ≈ 57°. But for a sport
utility vehicle (SUV) with h ≈ 0.47t, a higher center of mass, the critical angle is
only uc ≈ 47°. Various automobile safety groups have determined that a vehicle with
uc 7 50° is unlikely to roll over in an accident. A rollover becomes increasingly likely
when uc is reduced below 50°. The general rule is that a wider base of support and/or
This dancer balances en pointe by having a lower center of mass improve stability.
her center of mass directly over her toes,
her base of support.
S op To Think 12.6 What does the scale read?

Massless rod
a. 500 N

b. 1000 N

c. 2000 N Scale
1000 N

d. 4000 N

12.9 Rolling Motion

Figure 12.37 The trajectories of the Rolling is a combination motion in which an object rotates about an axis that is moving

center of a wheel and of a point on along a straight-line trajectory. For example, Figure 12.37 is a time-exposure photo of a
the rim are seen in a time-exposure
rolling wheel with one lightbulb on the axis and a second lightbulb at the edge. The axis
light moves straight ahead, but the edge light moves along a curve. Let’s see if we can
Path of wheel rim understand this interesting motion. We’ll consider only objects that roll without slipping.
Figure 12.38 shows a round object—a wheel or a sphere—that rolls forward exactly
one revolution. The point that had been on the bottom follows the curve you saw in
Figure 12.37 to the top and back to the bottom. Because the object doesn’t slip, the
center of mass moves forward exactly one circumference: ∆xcm = 2pR.
Path of center of wheel We can also write the distance traveled in terms of the velocity of the center
of mass: ∆xcm = vcm ∆t. But ∆t, the time it takes the object to make one complete
revolution, is nothing other than the rotation period T. In other words, ∆xcm = vcm T.

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 314 03/08/15 4:16 pm

330 H PTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid ody


Ex dP o l

11. The three 200 g masses in Figure
Problems labeled integrate material from earlier chapters.

are connected by massless,

Exercises rigid rods.
a. What is the triangle’s moment of 40 cm 40 cm
Section 12.1 Rotational Motion

inertia about the axis through the Axis
1. A high-speed drill reaches 2000 rpm in 0.50 s.
|| center?
60° 60°

a. What is the drill’s angular acceleration? b. What is the triangle’s kinetic
40 cm

b. Through how many revolutions does it turn during this first energy if it rotates about the axis


at 5.0 rev/s? Figure X12.11
0.50 s?


2. || A skater holds her arms outstretched as she spins at 180 rpm. 12. || A drum major twirls a 96-cm-long, 400 g baton about its cen-

What is the speed of her hands if they are 140 cm apart? ter of mass at 100 rpm. What is the baton’s rotational kinetic
3. || A ceiling fan with 80-cm-diameter blades is turning at 60 rpm. energy?

Suppose the fan coasts to a stop 25 s after being turned off.
a. What is the speed of the tip of a blade 10 s after the fan is Section 12.4 Calculating Moment of Inertia

turned off?
13. || The four masses shown in y
b. Through how many revolutions does the fan turn while

200 g 300 g
Figure X12.13 are connected


by massless, rigid rods.
10 cm
4. ||| An 18-cm-long bicycle crank arm, with a pedal at one end, is
a. Find the coordinates of the

attached to a 20-cm-diameter sprocket, the toothed disk around

center of mass. 8 cm
which the chain moves. A cyclist riding this bike increases her
b. Find the moment of inertia
pedaling rate from 60 rpm to 90 rpm in 10 s.

about an axis that passes D
a. What is the tangential acceleration of the pedal? A x
through mass A and is per-

b. What length of chain passes over the top of the sprocket 100 g 200 g
pendicular to the page.

during this interval? Figure X12.13


Section 12.2 Rotation About the Center of Mass 14. || The four masses shown in Figure X12.13 are connected by

massless, rigid rods.
5. How far from the center of the earth is the center of mass of
a. Find the coordinates of the center of mass.

the earth + moon system? Data for the earth and moon can be

b. Find the moment of inertia about a diagonal axis that passes
found inside the back cover of the book.

through masses B and D.
6. | The three masses shown in Figure X12.6 are connected by
15. | The three masses shown in y

massless, rigid rods. What are the coordinates of the center of mass?

Figure X12.15 are connected 200 g
by massless, rigid rods. A
y B a. Find the coordinates of the

200 g 10 cm 10 cm
B 300 g center of mass.
b. Find the moment of inertia

about an axis that passes B C
10 cm 10 cm through mass A and is per- 12 cm
100 g 100 g
pendicular to the page.
10 cm C Figure X12.15
12 cm C c. Find the moment of inertia

A x A x

300 g 100 g 200 g 100 g about an axis that passes
Figure X12.6 Figure X12.7
through masses B and C.
16. || A 12-cm-diameter CD has a mass of 21 g. What is the CD’s


moment of inertia for rotation about a perpendicular axis (a)
7. | The three masses shown in Figure X12.7 are connected by
through its center and (b) through the edge of the disk?

massless, rigid rods. What are the coordinates of the center of mass? 17. || A 25 kg solid door is 220 cm tall, 91 cm wide. What is the door’s
8. || A 100 g ball and a 200 g ball are connected by a 30-cm-long,

moment of inertia for (a) rotation on its hinges and (b) rotation about

massless, rigid rod. The balls rotate about their center of mass at a vertical axis inside the door, 15 cm from one edge?
120 rpm. What is the speed of the 100 g ball?
Section 12.5 Torque
Section 12.3 Rotational Energy
18. || In Figure X12.18 , what
30 N
9. A thin, 100 g disk with a diameter of 8.0 cm rotates about an

is the net torque about the

4.0 cm
axis through its center with 0.15 J of kinetic energy. What is the axle?
speed of a point on the rim?
10. || What is the rotational kinetic energy of the earth? Assume the

earth is a uniform sphere. Data for the earth can be found inside
Figure X12.18 20 N
the back cover of the book.

Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4e
Benjamin Cummings
Pearson Education
M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 330 9426512115 03/08/15 4:17 pm
Exercises and Problems 331

19. || In Figure X12.19, what magni- 10 cm 28. || A 4.0 kg, 36-cm-diameter metal disk, initially at rest, can


tude force provides 5.0 N m net torque rotate on an axle along its axis. A steady 5.0 N tangential force
about the axle? u
-F is applied to the edge of the disk. What is the disk’s angular
10 cm
velocity, in rpm, 4.0 s later?
Figure X12.19


Section 12.8 Static Equilibrium
29. |The two objects in Figure X12.29 are balanced on the pivot.
20. || The 20-cm-diameter disk in Figure X12.20 can rotate on an

What is distance d?

axle through its center. What is the net torque about the axle?

y F1
2.0 m
30 N 30 N 1.0 m 2.0 m 1.0 m
5.0 kg 4.0 kg

45° 40 N Massless u
x F2
30 cm 1.0 kg
5.0 5.0 d
cm cm Figure X12.29 Figure X12.30



15 kg
20 N
u 10 kgu
|| The object shown in Figure X12.30 is in equilibrium. What

20 N are the magnitudes of F1 and F2?
Figure X12.20 Figure X12.21 31. || The 3.0-m-long, 100 kg rigid beam of Figure X12.31 is


supported at each end. An 80 kg student stands 2.0 m from
21. || The axle in Figure X12.21 is half thePhysics forfrom
distance Scientists and Engineers 4e support 1. How much upward force does each support exert on
the center

to the rim. What is the net torque about Knight
the axle? the beam?
Benjamin Cummings
22. || A 4.0-m-long, 500 kg steel beam extendsPearsonhorizontally
Education from

the point where it has been bolted to the framework of a new
building under construction. A 70 kg construction
Fig EX12_21worker stands
at the far end of the beam. What is the Pickup: New of the torque
magnitude 2.0 m
Rolin Graphics
about the bolt due to the worker and the weight of the beam?
bj 3/20/15 7p0 x 7p3
23. || An athlete at the gym holds a 3.0 kg steel ball in his hand. His 3.0 m

arm is 70 cm long and has a mass of 3.8 kg, with the center of mass Figure X12.31 Support 1 Support 2 E

at 40% of the arm length. What is the magnitude of the torque
about his shoulder due to the ball and the weight of his arm if he 32. || A 5.0 kg cat and a 2.0 kg bowl of tuna fish are at opposite ends

holds his arm of the 4.0-m-long seesaw of Figure X12.32 . How far to the left

a. Straight out to his side, parallel to the floor? of the pivot must a 4.0 kg cat stand to keep the seesaw balanced?

b. Straight, but 45° below horizontal?

Section 12.6 Rotational Dynamics d

Section 12.7 Rotation About a Fixed Axis 2.0 m 2.0 m

24. | An object’s moment of inertia is 2.0 kg m2. Its angular veloci- Figure X12.32

ty is increasing at the rate of 4.0 rad/s per second. What is the net
torque on the object? Section 12.9 Rolling Motion
25. || An object whose moment of t ( N m)
33. A car tire is 60 cm in diameter. The car is traveling at a speed

inertia is 4.0 kg m2 experiences the

of 20 m/s.
torque shown in Figure X12.25.
a. What is the tire’s angular velocity, in rpm?
What is the object’s angular veloc- 1

b. What is the speed of a point at the top edge of the tire?
ity at t = 3.0 s? Assume it starts

0 t (s) c. What is the speed of a point at the bottom edge of the tire?
from rest.

0 1 2 3
34. || A 500 g, 8.0-cm-diameter can is filled with uniform, dense

Figure X12.25 food. It rolls across the floor at 1.0 m/s. What is the can’s kinetic

26. ||| A 1.0 kg ball and a 2.0 kg ball are connected by a 1.0-m-long 35. || An 8.0-cm-diameter, 400 g solid sphere is released from rest

rigid, massless rod. The rod is rotating cw about its center of at the top of a 2.1-m-long, 25° incline. It rolls, without slipping,
mass at 20 rpm. What net torque will bring the balls to a halt to the bottom.
in 5.0 s? a. What is the sphere’s angular velocity at the bottom of the

27. || Starting from rest, a 12-cm-diameter compact disk takes 3.0 s incline?

to reach its operating angular velocity of 2000 rpm. Assume that b. What fraction of its kinetic energy is rotational?

the angular acceleration is constant. The disk’s moment of inertia 36. || A solid sphere of radius R is placed at a height of 30 cm on a 15°

is 2.5 * 10-5 kg m2. slope. It is released and rolls, without slipping, to the bottom. From
a. How much net torque is applied to the disk? what height should a circular hoop of radius R be released on the

b. How many revolutions does it make before reaching full speed? same slope in order to equal the sphere’s speed at the bottom?

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 331 03/08/15 4:17 pm
332 CHAPTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body

Section 12.10 The Vector Description of Rotational Motion Section 12.12 Precession of a Gyroscope
u u u u
37. | Evaluate the cross products A * B and C * D. 47. A 75 g, 6.0-cm-diameter solid spherical top is spun at 1200

rpm on an axle that extends 1.0 cm past the edge of the sphere.
(a) u
B (b) The tip of the axle is placed on a support. What is the top’s
u precession frequency in rpm?
A 45° 6 u
C 48. || A toy gyroscope has a ring of mass M and radius R attached

4 to the axle by lightweight spokes. The end of the axle is distance
R from the center of the ring. The gyroscope is spun at angular

u u u u
38. | Evaluate the cross products A * B and C * D. velocity v, then the end of the axle is placed on a support that

allows the gyroscope to precess.
(a) u
A (b) u
D a. Find an expression for the precession frequency Ω in terms

u 4 of M, R, v, and g.
B b. A 120 g, 8.0-cm-diameter gyroscope is spun at 1000 rpm and

allowed to precess. What is the precession period?
45° 5 6

u u
39. | Vector A = 3 inu + jnu and vector B = 3 in - 2 jn + 2 kn. What is 49. A 300 g ball and a 600 g ball are connected by a 40-cm-long

the cross product
A * B? massless, rigid rod. The structure rotates about its center of mass
40. || Force F = - 10 jn N is exerted on a particle at r = 15 in + 5 jn2 m.
at 100 rpm. What is its rotational kinetic energy?

What is the torque on the particle about the origin? 50. || An 800 g steel plate has the shape of the isosceles triangle

41. || A 1.3 kg ball on the end of a lightweight rod is located at shown in FIGURE P12.50. What are the x- and y-coordinates of the

1x, y2 = 13.0 m, 2.0 m2, where the y-axis is vertical. The other center of mass?
end of the rod is attached to a pivot at 1x, y2 = 10 m, 3.0 m2. Hint: Divide the triangle into vertical strips of width dx, then
What is the torque about the pivot? Write your answer using unit relate the mass dm of a strip at position x to the values of x and dx.
Section 12.11 Angular Momentum
y 20 cm
42. || What are the magnitude and
x 1 1 1

direction of the angular momentum 2L 4L 4L
2.0 m 200 g
relative to the origin of the 200 g Rod of m2
particle in FIGURE EX12.42? 3.0 m/s 30 cm
m1 mass M
Rotation axis


x 51. Determine the moment of inertia about the axis of the object
FIGURE EX12.42 1.0 m

shown in FIGURE P12.51.

43. || What is the angular momentum vector of the 2.0 kg, 4.0-cm- 52. || What is the moment of inertia of a 2.0 kg, 20-cm-diameter


diameter rotating disk in FIGURE EX12.43? disk for rotation about an axis (a) through the center, and
(b) through the edge of the disk?
z y 53. || Calculate by direct integration the moment of inertia for a thin

120 rpm rod of mass M and length L about an axis located distance d from
one end. Confirm that your answer agrees with Table 12.2 when
d = 0 and when d = L /2.
2.0 m 54. || Calculate the moment Rotation axis
y x

of inertia of the rectangular
600 rpm plate in FIGURE P12.54 for ro- L
x tation about a perpendicular
axis through the center.

44. What is the angular momentum vector of the 500 g rotating
|| 55. || a. A disk of mass M and radius R has a hole of radius r centered


bar in FIGURE EX12.44? on the axis. Calculate the moment of inertia of the disk.
45. || How fast, in rpm, would a 5.0 kg, 22-cm-diameter bowling b. Confirm that your answer agrees with Table 12.2 when

ball have to spin to have an angular momentum of 0.23 kg m2/s? r = 0 and when r = R.
46. || A 2.0 kg, 20-cm-diameter turntable rotates at 100 rpm on c. A 4.0-cm-diameter disk with a 3.0-cm-diameter hole rolls

frictionless bearings. Two 500 g blocks fall from above, hit the down a 50-cm-long, 20° ramp. What is its speed at the
turntable simultaneously at opposite ends of a diameter, and stick. bottom? What percent is this of the speed of a particle
What is the turntable’s angular velocity, in rpm, just after this event? sliding down a frictionless ramp?

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 332 25/09/15 4:39 PM

Exercises and Problems 333

56. ||| Consider a solid cone of radius R, height H, and mass M. The 63. A piece of modern sculpture consists of an 8.0-m-long, 150 kg

volume of a cone is 13 pHR 2. stainless steel bar passing diametrically through a 50 kg copper
a. What is the distance from the apex (the point) to the center sphere. The center of the sphere is 2.0 m from one end of the bar.

of mass? To be mounted for display, the bar is oriented vertically, with the
b. What is the moment of inertia for rotation about the axis of copper sphere at the lower end, then tilted 35° from vertical and

the cone? held in place by one horizontal steel cable attached to the bar
Hint: The moment of inertia can be calculated as the sum of the 2.0 m from the top end. What is the tension in the cable?
moments of inertia of lots of small pieces. 64. ||| Flywheels are large, massive wheels used to store ener-

57. || A person’s center of mass is easily found by having the per- gy. They can be spun up slowly, then the wheel’s energy can

son lie on a reaction board. A horizontal, 2.5-m-long, 6.1 kg be released quickly to accomplish a task that demands high

reaction board is supported only at the ends, with one end rest- power. An industrial flywheel has a 1.5 m diameter and a mass of
ing on a scale and the other on a pivot. A 60 kg woman lies on 250 kg. Its maximum angular velocity is 1200 rpm.
the reaction board with her feet over the pivot. The scale reads a. A motor spins up the flywheel with a constant torque of 50 N m.

25 kg. What is the distance from the woman’s feet to her center How long does it take the flywheel to reach top speed?
of mass? b. How much energy is stored in the flywheel?

58. || A 3.0-m-long ladder, as shown in Figure 12.35, leans against c. The flywheel is disconnected from the motor and connected

a frictionless wall. The coefficient of static friction between the to a machine to which it will deliver energy. Half the energy

ladder and the floor is 0.40. What is the minimum angle the stored in the flywheel is delivered in 2.0 s. What is the average

ladder can make with the floor without slipping? power delivered to the machine?
59. || In Figure 12.59, an 80 kg d. How much torque does the flywheel exert on the machine?

construction worker sits down 65. || Blocks of mass m1 and m2 are connected by a massless string

2.0 m from the end of a 1450 kg Cable that passes over the pulley in Figure 12.65. The pulley turns on

steel beam to eat his lunch. frictionless bearings. Mass m1 slides on a horizontal, frictionless
What is the tension in the cable? surface. Mass m2 is released while the blocks are at rest.
30° a. Assume the pulley is massless. Find the acceleration of m1 and

the tension in the string. This is a Chapter 7 review problem.
Figure 12.59 6.0 m b. Suppose the pulley has mass mp and radius R. Find the

acceleration of m1 and the tensions in the upper and lower
60. || A 40 kg, 5.0-m-long beam is supported by, but not attached portions of the string. Verify that your answers agree with part

to, the two posts in Figure 12.60. A 20 kg boy starts walking a if you set mp = 0.
along the beam. How close can he get to the right end of the beam
without it falling over? m1


Figure 12.65 Figure 12.66



3.0 m
66. The 2.0 kg, 30-cm-diameter disk in Figure 12.66 is spinning

Figure 12.60 Figure 12.61 at 300 rpm. How much friction force must the brake apply to the


rim to bring the disk to a halt in 3.0 s?
67. || A 30-cm-diameter, 1.2 kg solid turntable rotates on a

1.2-cm-diameter, 450 g shaft at a constant 33 rpm. When you hit
61. Your task in a science contest is to stack four identical uni-
the stop switch, a brake pad presses against the shaft and brings

form bricks, each of length L, so that the top brick is as far to the
the turntable to a halt in 15 seconds. How much friction force
right as possible without the stack falling over. Is it possible, as
does the brake pad apply to the shaft?
Figure 12.61 shows, to stack the bricks such that no part of the
68. || Your engineering team has been assigned the task of measur-
top brick is over the table? Answer this question by determining

ing the properties of a new jet-engine turbine. You’ve previously
the maximum possible value of d.
determined that the turbine’s moment of inertia is 2.6 kg m2. The
62. || A 120-cm-wide sign hangs from a
next job is to measure the frictional torque of the bearings. Your

5.0 kg, 200-cm-long pole. A cable of
plan is to run the turbine up to a predetermined rotation speed,
negligible mass supports the end of the
Cable cut the power, and time how long it
rod as shown in Figure 12.62 . What
takes the turbine to reduce its rota- Rotation (rpm) Time (s)
is the maximum mass of the sign if the 250 cm tion speed by 50,. Your data are 1500 19
maximum tension in the cable without
given in the table. Draw an appro- 1800 22
breaking is 300 N?
priate graph of the data and, from
200 cm 2100 25
the slope of the best-fit line, deter-
mine the frictional torque. 2400 30
80 cm
Figure 12.62 2700 34

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 333 03/08/15 4:17 pm
334 CHAPTER 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body

|| A hollow sphere is rolling along a horizontal floor at 5.0 m/s

when it comes to a 30° incline. How far up the incline does it roll u
va c
before reversing direction?
70. || A 750 g disk and a 760 g ring, both 15 cm in diameter, are
b 24,000 km

rolling along a horizontal surface at 1.5 m/s when they encounter
9000 km
a 15° slope. How far up the slope does each travel before rolling
back down?
71. ||| A cylinder of radius R, length L, and mass M is released from rest FIGURE P12.77 30,000 km

on a slope inclined at angle u. It is oriented to roll straight down the
slope. If the slope were frictionless, the cylinder would slide down 78. ||| A 10 g bullet traveling at 400 m/s strikes a 10 kg, 1.0-m-wide
the slope without rotating. What minimum coefficient of static

door at the edge opposite the hinge. The bullet embeds itself in
friction is needed for the cylinder to roll down without slipping? the door, causing the door to swing open. What is the angular
72. || The 5.0 kg, 60-cm-diameter disk in
velocity of the door just after impact?

FIGURE P12.72 rotates on an axle passing 79. || A 200 g, 40-cm-diameter turntable rotates on frictionless bear-
through one edge. The axle is parallel to

60 cm ings at 60 rpm. A 20 g block sits at the center of the turntable. A
the floor. The cylinder is held with the ⊗ compressed spring shoots the block radially outward along a fric-
center of mass at the same height as the tionless groove in the surface of the turntable. What is the turntable’s
axle, then released. Axle
rotation angular velocity when the block reaches the outer edge?
a. What is the cylinder’s initial angular 80. || Luc, who is 1.80 m tall and weighs 950 N, is standing at the


center of a playground merry-go-round with his arms extended,
b. What is the cylinder’s angular velocity when it is directly holding a 4.0 kg dumbbell in each hand. The merry-go-round can

below the axle? be modeled as a 4.0-m-diameter disk with a weight of 1500 N.
73. || A thin, uniform rod of length L and mass M is placed vertically
Luc’s body can be modeled as a uniform 40-cm-diameter

on a horizontal table. If tilted ever so slightly, the rod will fall over. cylinder with massless arms extending to hands that are 85 cm
a. What is the speed of the center of mass just as the rod hits the
from his center. The merry-go-round is coasting at a steady

table if there’s so much friction that the bottom tip of the rod 35 rpm when Luc brings his hands in to his chest. Afterward,
does not slide? what is the angular velocity, in rpm, of the merry-go-round?
b. What is the speed of the center of mass just as the rod hits the 81. ||| A merry-go-round is a common piece of playground equip-

table if the table is frictionless?

ment. A 3.0-m-diameter merry-go-round with a mass of 250 kg
74. || A long, thin rod of mass M and length L is standing straight
is spinning at 20 rpm. John runs tangent to the merry-go-round

up on a table. Its lower end rotates on a frictionless pivot. A very at 5.0 m/s, in the same direction that it is turning, and jumps
slight push causes the rod to fall over. As it hits the table, what onto the outer edge. John’s mass is 30 kg. What is the merry-go-
are (a) the angular velocity and (b) the speed of the tip of the rod? round’s angular velocity, in rpm, after John jumps on?
75. ||| The marble rolls down the track shown in FIGURE P12.75 and
82. ||| A 45 kg figure skater is spinning on the toes of her skates

around a loop-the-loop of radius R. The marble has mass m and

at 1.0 rev/s. Her arms are outstretched as far as they will go. In
radius r. What minimum height h must the track have for the this orientation, the skater can be modeled as a cylindrical torso
marble to make it around the loop-the-loop without falling off? (40 kg, 20 cm average diameter, 160 cm tall) plus two rod-like
arms (2.5 kg each, 66 cm long) attached to the outside of the
torso. The skater then raises her arms straight above her head,
where she appears to be a 45 kg, 20-cm-diameter, 200-cm-tall
Mass m, radius r cylinder. What is her new angular velocity, in rev/s?
2R 83. ||| During most of its lifetime, a star maintains an equilibrium size

in which the inward force of gravity on each atom is balanced by an
outward pressure force due to the heat of the nuclear reactions in the
h core. But after all the hydrogen “fuel” is consumed by nuclear fusion,
Radius r the pressure force drops and the star undergoes a gravitational col-
R u
T lapse until it becomes a neutron star. In a neutron star, the electrons
and protons of the atoms are squeezed together by gravity until they
FIGURE P12.75 FIGURE P12.76 fuse into neutrons. Neutron stars spin very rapidly and emit intense

pulses of radio and light waves, one pulse per rotation. These “puls-
76. || The sphere of mass M and radius R in FIGURE P12.76 is rigidly ing stars” were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars.

attached to a thin rod of radius r that passes through the sphere a. A star with the mass 1M = 2.0 * 1030 kg2 and size 1R =

at distance 12 R from the center. A string wrapped around the rod 7.0 * 108 m2 of our sun rotates once every 30 days. After
pulls with tension T. Find an expression for the sphere’s angular undergoing gravitational collapse, the star forms a pulsar that
acceleration. The rod’s moment of inertia is negligible. is observed by astronomers to emit radio pulses every 0.10 s.
77. || A satellite follows the elliptical orbit shown in FIGURE P12.77. By treating the neutron star as a solid sphere, deduce its radius.

The only force on the satellite is the gravitational attraction of the b. What is the speed of a point on the equator of the neutron star?

planet. The satellite’s speed at point a is 8000 m/s. Your answers will be somewhat too large because a star cannot
a. Does the satellite experience any torque about the center of be accurately modeled as a solid sphere. Even so, you will

the planet? Explain. be able to show that a star, whose mass is 106 larger than the
b. What is the satellite’s speed at point b? earth’s, can be compressed by gravitational forces to a size

c. What is the satellite’s speed at point c? smaller than a typical state in the United States!

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 334 25/09/15 4:39 PM
Exercises and Problems 335

84. || The earth’s rotation axis, which is tilted 23.5° from the plane 86. ||| The two blocks in FIGURE CP12.86

of the earth’s orbit, today points to Polaris, the north star. But are connected by a massless rope that
Polaris has not always been the north star because the earth, passes over a pulley. The pulley is 12
like a spinning gyroscope, precesses. That is, a line extending cm in diameter and has a mass of 2.0
along the earth’s rotation axis traces out a 23.5° cone as the earth kg. As the pulley turns, friction at
precesses with a period of 26,000 years. This occurs because the the axle exerts a torque of magnitude
4.0 kg
earth is not a perfect sphere. It has an equatorial bulge, which 0.50 N m. If the blocks are released
allows both the moon and the sun to exert a gravitational torque from rest, how long does it take the
on the earth. Our expression for the precession frequency of a 4.0 kg block to reach the floor? 1.0 m
gyroscope can be written Ω = t/Iv. Although we derived this 2.0 kg
equation for a specific situation, it’s a valid result, differing by FIGURE CP12.86

at most a constant close to 1, for the precession of any rotating
object. What is the average gravitational torque on the earth due 87. A rod of length L and mass M has a nonuniform mass distribu-

to the moon and the sun? tion. The linear mass density (mass per length) is l = cx 2, where
x is measured from the center of the rod and c is a constant.
a. What are the units of c?

b. Find an expression for c in terms of L and M.

Challenge Problems c. Find an expression in terms of L and M for the moment of

inertia of the rod for rotation about an axis through the center.
85. ||| The bunchberry flower has the fastest-moving parts ever
88. ||| In FIGURE CP12.88 , a 200 g toy car is placed on a narrow

observed in a plant. Initially, the stamens are held by the petals in

60-cm-diameter track with wheel grooves that keep the car going
a bent position, storing elastic energy like a coiled spring. When in a circle. The 1.0 kg track is free to turn on a frictionless, vertical
the petals release, the tips of the stamen act like medieval axis. The spokes have negligible mass. After the car’s switch is
catapults, flipping through a 60° angle in just 0.30 ms to launch turned on, it soon reaches a steady speed of 0.75 m/s relative to the
pollen from anther sacs at their ends. The human eye just sees a track. What then is the track’s angular velocity, in rpm?
burst of pollen; only high-speed photography reveals the details.
As FIGURE CP12.85 shows, we can model the stamen tip as a M
1.0@mm@long, 10 mg rigid rod with a 10 mg anther sac at the end.
Although oversimplifying, we’ll assume a constant angular
a. How large is the “straightening torque”?

m v0
b. What is the speed of the anther sac as it releases its pollen?


Pollen Pollen 89. ||| FIGURE CP12.89 shows a cube of mass m sliding without fric-

tion at speed v0. It undergoes a perfectly elastic collision with
the bottom tip of a rod of length d and mass M = 2m. The rod is
Anther sac
1.0 mm 60° pivoted about a frictionless axle through its center, and initially it
hangs straight down and is at rest. What is the cube’s velocity—
both speed and direction—after the collision?
90. ||| A 75 g, 30-cm-long rod hangs vertically on a frictionless,

Stamen horizontal axle passing through its center. A 10 g ball of clay
traveling horizontally at 2.5 m/s hits and sticks to the very
Initial configuration Final configuration bottom tip of the rod. To what maximum angle, measured from
FIGURE CP12.85 vertical, does the rod (with the attached ball of clay) rotate?

M15_KNIG2651_04_SE_C12.indd 335 25/09/15 4:39 PM
378 H PTER 14 Fluids and Elasticity


Figure 14.31 Airflow over a wing As a final example, we can use Bernoulli’s equation to understand, at least

generates lift by creating unequal qualitatively, how airplane wings generate lift. Figure 14.31 shows the cross section of
pressures above and below.
an airplane wing. This shape is called an airfoil.
1. The streamlines in the flow Although you usually think of an airplane moving through the air, in the airplane’s
tube are compressed,
indicating that the air speeds reference frame it is the air that flows across a stationary wing. As it does, the stream-
up as it flows over the top of lines must separate. The bottom of the wing does not significantly alter the streamlines
the wing. This lowers the going under the wing. But the streamlines going over the top of the wing get bunched
pressure to p 6 patmos.
2. The pressure together. As we’ve seen, with the equation of continuity, the flow speed has to increase
Flift difference exerts when streamlines get closer together. Consequently, the air speed increases as it flows
an upward force
on the wing. across the top of the wing.
If the air speed increases, then, from Bernoulli’s equation, the air pressure must
decrease. And if the air pressure above the wing is less than the air pressure below,
the air will exert a net upward force on the wing. The upward force of the air due to
the pressure difference across the wing is called lift. A full understanding of lift in
p ≈ patmos beneath wing aerodynamics involves other, more complicated factors, such as the creation of vortices
on the trailing edge of the wing, but our introduction to fluid dynamics has given you
enough tools to at least begin to understand how airplanes stay aloft.

S op To Think 14.6 Rank in order, from highest to lowest, the liquid heights ha to

hd. The airflow is from left to right.
Direction of airflow

Air pump

ha hb hc hd

Figure 14.32 Stretching a solid rod.


(a) 14.6

The pulling force The final subject to explore in this chapter is elasticity. Although elasticity applies
stretches the primarily to solids rather than fluids, you will see that similar ideas come into play.
molecular bonds.
The rod Tensile Stress and Young’s Modulus
this far. Suppose you clamp uone end of a solid rod while using a strong machine to pull on
Clamp Area A
the other with force F. Figure 14.32a shows the experimental arrangement. We usually
F think of solids as being, well, solid. But any material, be it plastic, concrete, or steel,
L ∆L will stretch as the spring-like molecular bonds expand.
Solid rod Figure 14.32b shows graphically the amount of force needed to stretch the rod by the
amount ∆L. This graph contains several regions of interest. First is the elastic region,
ending at the elastic limit. As long as ∆L is less than the elastic limit, the rod will
F return to its initial length L when the force is removed. Just such a reversible stretch is
Elastic region
Breaking what we mean when we say a material is elastic. A stretch beyond the elastic limit will
Slope = k permanently deform the object; it will not return to its initial length when the force is
Elastic point
limit removed. And, not surprisingly, there comes a point when the rod breaks.
F is directly proportional For most materials, the graph begins with a linear region, which is where we will focus
to ∆L in this region. our attention. If ∆L is within the linear region, the force needed to stretch the rod is
Linear region F = k ∆L (14.33)

M17_KNIG2651_04_SE_C14.indd 378 06/08/15 2:40 pm
14.6 Elasticity 379

where k is the slope of the graph. You’ll recognize Equation 14.33 as none other than
Hooke’s law.
The difficulty with Equation 14.33 is that the proportionality constant k depends
both on the composition of the rod—whether it is, say, steel or aluminum—and on
the rod’s length and cross-section area. It would be useful to characterize the elastic
properties of steel in general, or aluminum in general, without needing to know the
dimensions of a specific rod.
We can meet this goal by thinking about Hooke’s law at the atomic scale. The Figure 14.33 A material’s elasticity is

elasticity of a material is directly related to the spring constant of the molecular bonds directly related to the spring constant of
the molecular bonds.
between neighboring atoms. As Figure 14.33 shows, the force pulling each bond is
proportional to the quantity F/A. This force causes each bond to stretch by an amount The number of bonds is proportional
to area A. If the rod is pulled with
proportional to ∆L/L. We don’t know what the proportionality constants are, but we force F, the force pulling on each bond
don’t need to. Hooke’s law applied to a molecular bond tells us that the force pulling is proportional to F/A.
on a bond is proportional to the amount that the bond stretches. Thus F/A must be Area A
proportional to ∆L/L. We can write their proportionality as

F ∆L Length L
=Y (14.34)

The proportionality constant Y is called Young’s modulus. It is directly related to
the spring constant of the molecular bonds, so it depends on the material from which
the object is made but not on the object’s geometry. The number of bonds along the rod
is proportional to length L. If the
A comparison of Equations 14.33 and 14.34 shows that Young’s modulus can be rod stretches by ∆L, the stretch of
written as Y = k L/A. This is not a definition of Young’s modulus but simply an expres- each bond is proportional to ∆L /L.
sion for making an experimental determination of the value of Young’s modulus. This
k is the spring constant of the rod seen in Figure 14.32. It is a quantity easily measured
in the laboratory.
The quantity F/A, where A is the cross-section area, is called tensile stress.
Notice that it is essentially the same definition as pressure. Even so, tensile stress
differs in that the stress is applied in a particular direction whereas pressure forces
are exerted in all directions. Another difference is that stress is measured in N/m2
rather than pascals. The quantity ∆L/L, the fractional increase in the length, is
called strain. Strain is dimensionless. The numerical values of strain are always
very small because solids cannot be stretched very much before reaching the
breaking point.
With these definitions, Equation 14.34 can be written

stress = Y * strain (14.35)

Because strain is dimensionless, Young’s modulus Y has the same dimensions as
stress, namely N/m2. Table 14.3 gives values of Young’s modulus for several common
materials. Large values of Y characterize materials that are stiff and rigid. “Softer”
materials, at least relatively speaking, have smaller values of Y. You can see that steel
has a larger Young’s modulus than aluminum.

Table 14.3 Elastic properties of various materials

Young’s modulus Bulk modulus
Substance (N/m2) (N/m2)
Steel 20 * 1010 16 * 1010
Copper 11 * 1010 14 * 1010
Aluminum 7 * 1010 7 * 1010
Concrete 3 * 1010 –
Wood (Douglas fir) 1 * 1010 –
Plastic (polystyrene) 0.3 * 1010 – Concrete is a widely used building material
Mercury – 3 * 1010 because it is relatively inexpensive and,
Water – 0.2 * 1010 with its large Young’s modulus, it has
tremendous compressional strength.

M17_KNIG2651_04_SE_C14.indd 379 06/08/15 2:40 pm

380 H PTER 14 Fluids and Elasticity


We introduced Young’s modulus by considering how materials stretch. But Equation
14.35 and Young’s modulus also apply to the compression of materials. Compression is

particularly important in engineering applications, where beams, columns, and support
foundations are compressed by the load they bear. Concrete is often compressed, as in

columns that support highway overpasses, but rarely stretched.

No Whether the rod is stretched or compressed, Equation 14.35 is valid only

in the linear region of the graph in Figure 14.32b. The breaking point is usually
well outside the linear region, so you can’t use Young’s modulus to compute the
maximum possible stretch or compression.

Ex l 14.13 | Stretching a wire

A 2.0-m-long, 1.0-mm-diameter wire is suspended from the ceiling. The resulting stretch of 1.0 mm is a strain of ∆L/L =
Hanging a 4.5 kg mass from the wire stretches the wire’s length by 11.0 mm2/12000 mm2 = 5.0 * 10-4. Thus Young’s modulus for the
1.0 mm. What is Young’s modulus for this wire? Can you identify wire is
the material?
Mod l The hanging mass creates tensile stress in the wire. F/A
Y= = 11 * 1010 N/m2

Sol The force pulling on the wire, which is simply the weight ∆L/L
of the hanging mass, produces tensile stress
Referring to Table 14.3, we see that the wire is made of copper.
F mg 14.5 kg219.80 m/s 2
= 2
= 2
= 5.6 * 107 N/m2
A pr p10.0005 m2

Volume Stress and the Bulk Modulus

Figure 14.34 An object is compressed Young’s modulus characterizes the response of an object to being pulled in one

by pressure forces pushing equally on all direction. Figure 14.34 shows an object being squeezed in all directions. For example,
objects under water are squeezed from all sides by the water pressure. The force per
unit area F/A applied to all surfaces of an object is called the volume stress. Because
the force pushes equally on all sides, the volume stress (unlike the tensile stress) really
F is the same as pressure p.
u u
No material is perfectly rigid. A volume stress applied to an object compresses
F F its volume slightly. The volume strain is defined as ∆V/V. The volume strain is a
negative number because the volume stress decreases the volume.
F Volume stress, or pressure, is linearly proportional to the volume strain, much as
Cube with
u cross-section the tensile stress is linearly proportional to the strain in a rod. That is,
F area A
F ∆V
= p = -B (14.36)

where B is called the bulk modulus. The negative sign in Equation 14.36 ensures
that the pressure is a positive number. Table 14.3 gives values of the bulk modulus for
several materials. Smaller values of B correspond to materials that are more easily
compressed. Both solids and liquids can be compressed and thus have a bulk modulus,
whereas Young’s modulus applies only to solids.

Ex l 14.14 | Compressing a sphere


A 1.00-m-diameter solid steel sphere is lowered to a depth of 10,000 where we used the density of seawater. The bulk modulus of
m in a deep ocean trench. By how much does its diameter shrink? steel, taken from Table 14.3, is 16 * 1010 N/m2. Thus the volume
Mod l The water pressure applies a volume stress to the sphere. strain is

Sol The water pressure at d = 10,000 m is ∆V p 1.01 * 108 Pa
= - 6.3 * 10-4
8 =- =-
p = p0 + rgd = 1.01 * 10 Pa V B 16 * 1010 Pa

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Challenge Example 381

The volume of a sphere is V = 43 pr 3. If the radius changes by ∆V 4pr 2 ∆r 3 ∆r
= 4 3 = = - 6.3 * 10-4
the infinitesimal amount dr, we can use calculus to find that the V 3 pr r
volume changes by
Solving for ∆r gives ∆r = - 1.05 * 10-4 m = -0.105 mm. The
dV = 4 3
3 pd 1r 2 = 4
2 2
* 3r dr = 4 pr dr diameter changes by twice this, decreasing 0.21 mm.
2 ASSESS The immense pressure of the deep ocean causes only
Thus ∆V = 4pr ∆r is a quite good approximation for very small

a tiny change in the sphere’s diameter. You can see that treating
changes in the sphere’s radius and volume. Using this, the volume
solids and liquids as incompressible is an excellent approximation
strain is
under nearly all circumstances.

CHALLENGE EXAMPLE 14.15 | Draining a cone

A conical tank of radius R and height H, pointed end down, is full of Taking the time derivative, we find
water. A small hole of radius r is opened at the bottom of the tank, dVwater d pR 2 3 pR 2 dy
with r V R so that the tank drains slowly. Find an expression for = c 2
y d = 2 y2
dt dt 3H H dt
the time T it takes to drain the tank completely.
This relates the rate at which the volume changes to the rate at
MODEL Model the water as an ideal fluid. We can use Bernoulli’s
which the height changes.

equation to relate the flow speed from the hole to the height of the We can next relate v2 to the water height y by using Bernoulli’s
water in the cone. equation to connect the conditions at the surface (point 1) to condi-
VISUALIZE FIGURE 14.35 is a pictorial representation. Because the tions at the exit (point 2):

tank drains slowly, we’ve assumed that the water velocity at the
p1 + 12 rv12 + rgy1 = p2 + 12 rv22 + rgy2
top surface is always very close to zero: v1 = 0. The pressure at
the surface is p1 = patmos. The water discharges into air, so we also With p1 = p2, v1 = 0, y1 = y, and y2 = 0 at the bottom, Bernoulli’s
have p2 = patmos at the exit. equation simplifies to rgy = 12 rv22. Thus the exit speed of the water is

FIGURE 14.35 Pictorial representation of water draining from a tank. v2 = 12gy

The exit speed decreases as the water height drops because the
pressure at the bottom is less.
With this information, our equation for the rate at which the
volume is changing becomes
dVwater pR 2 dy
= 2 y2 = -pr 2 v2 = -pr 2 22gy
dt H dt
In preparation for integration, we need to get all the y’s on one side
of the equation and dt on the other. Rearranging gives
dt = - y 3/2 dy
r 2H 2 22g
We need to integrate this from the beginning, with y = H at t = 0,
to the moment the tank is empty, with y = 0 at t = T:
SOLVE As the tank drains, the water height y decreases from H

3 dt = T = - 3 y dy = 3 y dy
T 0 H
R2 R2

to 0. If we can find an expression for dy/dt, the rate at which the 3/2 3/2
water height changes, we’ll be able to find T by integrating from 0 r 2H 2 22g H r 2H 2 22g 0
“full tank” at t = 0 to “empty tank” at t = T. Our starting point is
the rate at which water flows out of the hole at the bottom—the The minus sign was eliminated by reversing the integration limits.
volume flow rate Q = v2 A 2 = pr 2v2, where v2 is the exit speed. Performing the integration gives us the desired result for the time
The volume of water inside the tank is changing at the rate to drain the tank:

3 y dy =
dVwater R2 3/2 R2 2
= -Q = - pr 2 v2 T= c y 5/2 d
dt r 2H 2 22g 0 r H 22g 5
2 2
where the minus sign shows that the volume is decreasing with time. 2
2R H
We need to relate both Vwater and v2 to the height y of the =
water surface. The volume of a cone is V = 13 * base * height, so 5 r 2 B 2g
the cone of water has volume Vwater = 13 pr12 y. Based on the similar ASSESS Making the tank larger by increasing R or H increases
triangles in Figure 14.35, r1/R = y/H. Thus r1 = 1R/H2y and

the time needed to drain. Making the hole at the bottom larger—a
pR 2 3 larger value of r—decreases the time. These are as we would have
Vwater = y
3H 2 expected, giving us confidence in our result.

M17_KNIG2651_04_SE_C14.indd 381 26/09/15 5:36 PM

Exercises and Problems 385

31. ||| A 2.0 mL syringe has an inner diameter of 6.0 mm, a needle 40. Postural hypotension is the occurrence of low systolic blood

inner diameter of 0.25 mm, and a plunger pad diameter (where pressure when a person stands up too quickly from a reclining
you place your finger) of 1.2 cm. A nurse uses the syringe position. A brain blood pressure lower than 90 mm of Hg can
to inject medicine into a patient whose blood pressure is 140/100. cause fainting or lightheadedness. In a healthy adult, the
a. What is the minimum force the nurse needs to apply to the automatic constriction and expansion of blood vessels keep the

syringe? brain blood pressure constant while posture is changing, but
b. The nurse empties the syringe in 2.0 s. What is the flow speed disease or aging can weaken this response. If the blood pressure

of the medicine through the needle? in your brain is 118 mm of Hg while lying down, what would it
be when you stand up if this automatic response failed? Assume
your brain is 40 cm from your heart and the density of blood is
Section 14.6 Elasticity 1060 kg/m3.
32. | A 70 kg mountain climber dangling in a crevasse stretches 41. || A friend asks you how much pressure is in your car tires.

a 50-m-long, 1.0-cm-diameter rope by 8.0 cm. What is Young’s You know that the tire manufacturer recommends 30 psi,
modulus for the rope? but it’s been a while since you’ve checked. You can’t find
33. || An 80-cm-long, 1.0-mm-diameter steel guitar string must be a tire gauge in the car, but you do find the owner’s manual

tightened to a tension of 2000 N by turning the tuning screws. By and a ruler. Fortunately, you’ve just finished taking physics, so
how much is the string stretched? you tell your friend, “I don’t know, but I can figure it out.” From
34. || A 3.0-m-tall, 50-cm-diameter concrete column supports a the owner’s manual you find that the car’s mass is 1500 kg. It

200,000 kg load. By how much is the column compressed? seems reasonable to assume that each tire supports one-fourth of
35. || a. What is the pressure at a depth of 5000 m in the ocean? the weight. With the ruler you find that the tires are 15 cm wide

b. What is the fractional volume change ∆V/V of seawater at and the flattened segment of the tire in contact with the road is

this pressure? 13 cm long. What answer—in psi—will you give your friend?
c. What is the density of seawater at this pressure? 42. || a. The 70 kg student in FIGURE P14.42 balances a 1200 kg

36. || A large 10,000 L aquarium is supported by four wood elephant on a hydraulic lift. What is the diameter of the


posts (Douglas fir) at the corners. Each post has a square piston the student is standing on?
4.0 cm * 4.0 cm cross section and is 80 cm tall. By how much is b. When a second student joins the first, the piston sinks

each post compressed by the weight of the aquarium? 35 cm. What is the second student’s mass?
37. || A 5.0-m-diameter solid aluminum sphere is launched into space.

By how much does its diameter increase? Give your answer in mm.
1200 kg
70 kg

38. || a. In FIGURE P14.38, how much force does the fluid exert on

the end of the cylinder at A? 2.0 m
b. How much force does the fluid exert on the end of the Oil

cylinder at B?

10 kg floating piston 43. ||| A 55 kg cheerleader uses an oil-filled hydraulic lift to hold four

4.0 cm 110 kg football players at a height of 1.0 m. If her piston is 16 cm in
diameter, what is the diameter of the football players’ piston?
44. || A U-shaped tube, open to the air on both ends, contains

60 cm mercury. Water is poured into the left arm until the water column
is 10.0 cm deep. How far upward from its initial position does
100 cm the mercury in the right arm rise?
20 cm 45. || Geologists place tiltmeters on the sides of volcanoes to

A measure the displacement of the surface as magma moves inside
the volcano. Although most tiltmeters today are electronic, the
traditional tiltmeter, used for decades, consisted of two or more
Oil 60 cm water-filled metal cans placed some distance apart and connected
by a hose. FIGURE P14.45 shows two such cans, each having a window
to measure the water height. Suppose the cans are placed so that
B the water level in both is initially at the 5.0 cm mark. A week later,
the water level in can 2 is at the 6.5 cm mark.
a. Did can 2 move up or down relative to can 1? By what distance?

39. | The two 60-cm-diameter cylinders in FIGURE P14.39, closed at b. Where is the water level now in can 1?

one end, open at the other, are joined to form a single cylinder,
then the air inside is removed.
a. How much force does the atmosphere exert on the flat end of

each cylinder?
b. Suppose one cylinder is bolted to a sturdy ceiling. How many

100 kg football players would need to hang from the lower
cylinder to pull the two cylinders apart? FIGURE P14.45 100 m

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