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OPTI M I S E PRACTICE TEST | Audioscript B1+

PART 1 sadly, it didn’t work out that way. Question 6

At university, I just couldn’t get You hear two friends talking about
You will hear people talking in eight interested in my subjects. I’m still exams.
different situations. For questions not sure why. Anyway, I dropped Girl: Your exams are over at last!
1–8, choose the best answer (A, B out for a year and went travelling, You must be so relieved.
or C). mainly to make up my mind what Boy: I thought I would be, too, but
Question 1 I really wanted to do. Thankfully, although the pressure is off, I’ve
You hear a boy talking to a friend I found my direction. When I still got to wait for the results.
about a smartphone. returned, I changed courses
Girl: Well, don’t get upset about it –
Boy: What is wrong with this and began studying history. I
what’s done is done.
phone? It’s stopped working again! realised that I wanted to share my
Boy: I know I can’t change
Look! A blank screen. Do you know, knowledge with young people and
anything, but unless I get high
it’s been nothing but trouble since help them to see the important
enough marks, I won’t be able to
the day I got it. But all the reviews I lessons to be learnt from past
get into the course I want to do at
read said it was the best. events.
university. If that happens, I’ll have
Girl: Well, until you sort out what Question 4
wasted two years of my life!
the problem is, why don’t you You hear a customer talking to a
Girl: Oh, come on. It’s not that
use your old smartphone? It’s a shop manager.
bad. You can apply for a different
perfectly good phone and there Man: Imagine my disappointment course.
was nothing wrong with it when when I opened the box and found
Boy: Thanks for the advice, but I
you replaced it. that the item was broken. And,
just don’t see it that way.
Boy: I wish I could, but I gave what’s worse, when I rang your
Question 7
it to my cousin when my phone shop, your sales assistant enquired
company offered me a better whether perhaps I had dropped You hear two people talking about
model. the box and caused the damage jobs.
Girl: Oh, you shouldn’t have done myself. I can assure you that didn’t Boy: There are two jobs here
that. happen. online that I can apply for. A
Woman: I’m terribly sorry about supermarket wants a worker just
Question 2
that. It’s not the kind of customer for the afternoons, Monday to
You hear two people talking about
service we pride ourselves on. Of Friday, but if I take that, I probably
sports videos.
course we will replace the item for won’t be able to go to football
Girl: Are you watching another training.
you, or give you a full refund if you
sports video? How many is that?
prefer. Girl: It would be hard, yes. What’s
20? 30?
Man: Thank you. Because it’s very the other one?
Boy: Maybe. I’m not counting.
difficult for me to come back, I’d Boy: It’s in a café, eight hours on
They’re really exciting, especially
like a replacement if you have one Saturday. That would be ideal, but
this one.
in stock right now. Otherwise, I I’m not sure I’d earn enough money
Girl: I don’t doubt that, but aren’t from it. If I took the other one, my
would like my money back.
you sick of them? I know I would wages would be higher.
Question 5
be by now.
You overhear a boy talking on the Girl: That’s true, but look where
Boy: Not at all. I don’t watch the the supermarket is. It’s on the other
phone about a concert.
whole game, just videos of the side of the city. It would take you
highlights. Boy: I went online and found out
ages to get there and back!
that they’re going to play a lot of
Girl: Yes, but you know the final Question 8
their old hits. I know you’re a great
score before you watch. Isn’t it
fan of the band, but not really into You hear a news report about an
boring when it’s predictable?
their new album … and neither am achievement.
Boy: Maybe to you, but I don’t mind
I to be honest. If you want to check Man: 15-year-old Becky Short
at all. I can watch my favourite
it out, you can go to the band’s has successfully swum across the
highlights again and again. This
website. It’s got all of the details English Channel. Becky undertook
one is the championship game
about the concerts they’ve already the swim from England to France
that we won with a goal in the last
played in the USA, and the songs to raise money for the Children’s
second of the match!
they’ve performed. So how about Hospital. Her younger brother
Question 3 we buy tickets before they sell out? Fred is currently a patient there
You hear a teacher talking about her We don’t need to get the expensive and the swim was Becky’s way
studies. ones for the best seats. I mean, I of showing her appreciation for
Woman: I had dreams of making don’t mind standing if you don’t. the excellent care he is receiving.
an important scientific discovery Becky, who hopes to become an
that would change the world. But, Olympic swimmer, was coached

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OPTI M I S E PRACTICE TEST | Audioscript B1+

by her father Bob – a former because I know that they could do together to organise their work so
swimming champion. Becky says well. that it flowed and was finished on
it was exhausting, but plans to do Oh, and don’t believe what you see time. I think that’s what created
it again next year, with her brother on TV shows like The Big Bang such a nice atmosphere there.
Fred joining her. She was met in Theory which portrays scientists as I was very happy with how much
France by a cheering crowd, and a socially awkward people who just I learned, even in such a short
medal was presented to her by the don’t know how to interact with period of time. The best thing of all,
local mayor. other humans! though, is that it led to a permanent
Now, let me tell you about my position. They offered me a job
PART 2 work experience at an engineering and I accepted. I’ll be starting next
company where, by the way, month after I graduate. So overall,
You will hear a student called
everyone was perfectly normal and my work experience was really
Charlotte Young talking about
not a nerd in sight! As you probably positive.
her work experience placement.
know, when you study certain So, to finish off, let me just say that
For questions 9−18, complete the
courses, you have the opportunity engineering is a great career for
sentences with a word or short
to do a work experience placement boys AND girls, more and more of
so that you can see in practice whom are now getting into science,
Hi, everyone. My name’s Charlotte
what you’re learning in theory at technology, engineering and
Young and I’m an engineering
university. It’s also really valuable maths-related fields. And that work
student at university. I’m here to
for when you graduate and start placements are great opportunities
talk to you about work experience
looking for a job because you have for you to learn in the real world
placements and why they’re
some experience already. and, hopefully, get your first job.
important. But first, a bit about me.
Well, I was pretty nervous on my
As I said, I’m an engineering
first day, as you can imagine. After PART 3
student; now, you probably think
being introduced to everyone, I
that’s really boring, maybe even You’ll hear five short extracts in
was given a project to work on. I
a bit geeky. Actually, it’s neither which people are talking about
had to make recommendations
of those. What it is, however, is leisure activities. For questions 19-
to improve the project, as well as
male dominated. There’s a lack 23, choose from the list (A−H) what
give my opinions on the project.
of female engineers in the UK. I each speaker says about them. Use
They were very happy for me to
went from an all-girls high school the letters only once. There are three
contribute as much as I wanted to,
to what is basically a university extra letters which you do not need
and were open to any suggestions
course for boys. In my engineering to use.
and ideas. This instantly made me
class of 120, there are 10 girls and Speaker 1
feel comfortable and definitely
hardly any female lecturers in my These days, everyone takes selfies
made me feel as though I was part
department. and posts them on their social
of the team.
Why is that? Well, a lot of people media. I do too, but I’ve started
During the first week on the
think if you become an engineer, taking photos with a real camera.
project, I was overwhelmed by the
you’re going to be fixing cars It’s a challenge learning how to use
work and the responsibilities that
or machines, which isn’t true. all the different features, but I love
were given to me, but with the help
The term ‘engineering’ is often it. I’m passionate about wildlife
of my supervisors, who have had
misunderstood. In fact we create photography, so my free time is
years of experience, I felt more
new products that everyone uses spent taking photographs outdoors.
confident because I knew my work
in their everyday lives. We make By taking up digital photography
would be double checked and any
everything - from bridges to I’ve got a project I can really dive
difficulties explained. By observing
engines and IT systems to beauty into. If I get good at it, I’ll be able
and learning from them, I managed
products. Engineers use science to use my new skill for extra cash
to pick up tips and learned
and maths to find solutions to all on the side and, who knows, maybe
different kinds of skills, from
sorts of technical problems. I’ll even become a photographer. It
learning to communicate and deal
There’s another myth that puts with other companies, to reading would be incredible to work for a
girls off studying engineering at and understanding many different nature magazine and photograph
university – it’s that they aren’t types of plans. animals, different landscapes and
as good as boys at maths and environments.
The workplace was great. There
science. Again, that’s just not true! Speaker 2
were project managers, engineers
A lot of the girls from my school I wouldn’t have listened to my
and administrative staff all working
were really good at those subjects, first podcast if a friend hadn’t
in the one office. This range of
but not one of them is studying recommended it. But since then,
people had different strengths and
engineering, and it’s such a shame I’ve become addicted and listen to
qualifications, and they worked

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them on my way to and from school make it a big, messy, daylong event sense like the sports you just
every day. There are loads to choose while I listen to music. You can’t mentioned. But, you know, there
from. You can learn a foreign believe how relaxing it is! is a Tug of War International
language, sit in on interviews with Federation – TWIF – with yearly
your favourite comedians, listen PART 4 indoor and outdoor world
to radio shows, and basically championships and they want it
anything else you’re interested in You will hear an interview with a to be included in the Olympics
hearing more about. I download teenager called Jake Holly, who’s again. It raises the question of what
the podcasts directly to my phone talking about Olympic sports. For makes a sport a sport.
so I don’t need wi-fi or data while questions 24–30, choose the best
Interviewer: So what does make a
I’m listening. Right now, I’m using answer (A, B or C).
sport a sport? And who decides if it
a podcast to learn Spanish and I’m Interviewer: My guest is a national is or isn’t?
following the episodes of a crime junior athletics champion, Jake
Jake: That’s the job of the
mystery on another. Holly. Jake, welcome. Today you’re
International Olympic Committee
Speaker 3 not going to talk about athletics, but
– the IOC. But first, I have to
Olympic sports, is that right?
Have you ever played chess? Most explain that what you and I call a
people are put off because they Jake: Yes, that’s correct. I’ve got sport, like swimming, for example,
think it’s super difficult. Well, some great information about the is called something else by the
compared to playing a video game Olympics that I think everyone IOC. The IOC uses the terms
or playing cards, it probably is, but will find really interesting. It’s not ‘event’, ‘discipline’ and ‘sport’ to
that’s no reason not to give it a try. about world records, incredible organise their competitions. An
It takes a lot of concentration and performances or the most medals event is any competition in which
forward thinking. You have to be won by an individual athlete. It’s medals are awarded, such as the
able to move your pieces around about choosing the sports for the men’s 100-metre backstroke or
the board in a way that keeps Olympics and those sports that the women’s 400-metre freestyle.
them safe, but at the same time have come and gone from the These are events in the discipline
makes traps for your opponent. Olympic programme. Oh, and those of swimming, which includes other
Professional chess players are my that have come and gone and have events like the butterfly and the
heroes and I hope to be as good as then returned. But let’s start with breaststroke.
they are one day. But for now, I’ll one that will probably remain a
Interviewer: So, let me get this
keep playing with my friends. part of Olympic nostalgia – the tug
straight. An event is part of a
of war.
Speaker 4 discipline.
Interviewer: The tug of war? Do
Being outdoors is what I enjoy the Jake: That’s right. And a discipline
you mean the activity kids do at
most, especially if it’s a physical is a branch of a sport. For example,
summer camp?
activity like hiking. I prefer to swimming is a discipline in the
tackle local parks that have hiking Jake: Exactly. Two teams pull sport known as aquatics, along with
trails with different levels of against each other at the opposite diving, synchronized swimming
difficulty. I started off on the less ends of a rope, and each team tries and water polo. Most people
challenging trails and slowly built to pull the other over a line on consider these as four separate
up. Now that I’m doing some more the ground. Well, that was a sport sports, but in the eyes of the IOC,
difficult paths, I make a day of it for six Olympic Games between they are disciplines. But a sport
with my friends. It’s more fun with 1900 and 1920. It was part of the and a discipline can be the same
company and we get to spend some track and field events, along with in some cases, like basketball,
quality time together, away from running, the high jump, the discus because there’s only one form of
the cafes, shops and cinemas we throw, etc. The first ever tug of basketball – one discipline, one
usually go to. We have a good laugh, war gold medal − in the Paris 1900 sport. The same is true for football
and we keep fit at the same time. Olympics − was actually won by a and handball.
combined team made up of athletes
Speaker 5 Interviewer: And who defines a
from Sweden and Denmark, and
My mum’s an artist and I think sport?
the last winner was Great Britain.
she’s passed her creativity on Jake: A sport is governed by an
Interviewer: It’s hard to think
to me. I can play a couple of International Federation that is
of it as a serious sport alongside
instruments and I’ve even written responsible for each individual
all of those we associate with the
some poems, but what I like best discipline within the sport.
Olympics, like archery and diving
is painting. I’m happy to paint on Interviewer: Does a sport have to
and weightlifting.
anything, not just on a traditional be represented by an International
canvas. When I get going, I find it Jake: Maybe that’s why it was
Federation to be included in the
hard to put the paint brush down! discontinued. Perhaps it wasn’t
Olympic Games? After all, the tug
The best part about painting? I can seen as a ‘sport’ in the traditional

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of war has a federation, but it’s not competition in the city streets and
included. squares. I can’t wait!
Jake: A sport has to have a Interviewer: That’s very exciting
federation to be in the Olympics, indeed! I wonder if young
and there are lots of sports with competitors will …
their own federations. But there’s
also the question of popularity.
A sport has to be popular with
men and women in various parts
of the world. To be more specific,
men from at least 75 countries and
women from at least 50 countries
should play the sport on four
continents, so that means four from
Asia, Africa, North America, South
America, Europe and Australia.
The country hosting the games
used to make the decision about
the events to offer, which led to
some rather unusual competitions,
and an unfair advantage too if the
sport was specific to that particular
country, but the IOC is now fully
Interviewer: Apart from the tug of
war, what other sports have come
and gone?
Jake: Cricket, polo and lacrosse
were all dropped because they
weren’t popular internationally
but golf, which was last an Olympic
sport in 1904, reappeared at the
2016 Rio Olympics, and baseball
will be back in 2020. There was
talk of dropping wrestling, but a
lot of people – and not all of them
were wrestling fans – objected to
that because not only was it one
of the nine original sports at the
first modern games in Athens, it
was also one of the sports from
the ancient games held at Olympia
thousands of years ago.
Interviewer: And what about
adding new sports that haven’t
appeared at the Olympics before?
Jake: There’s really exciting news
about that. The IOC wants to
make the Games more interesting
to young people. BMX cycling
and mountain biking are already
summer Olympic events, and
snowboarding is a winter event.
But at the next games there’ll be
surfing and skateboarding. The
skateboard events won’t be in
stadiums though, but in urban
settings. Imagine that − an Olympic

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