7000 European Standard Channels UPN

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tf u tf

European standard channels

Dimensions: in accordance with EN 10365
r2 r1 r2 Tolerances: EN 10279: 2000

h d h d hi Europäische U-Stahl-Normalprofile
Abmessungen: gemäß EN 10365
Toleranzen: EN 10279: 2000
tw tw

Fers U normaux européens

Dimensions: conformes à la norme EN 10365
Tolérances: EN 10279: 2000
b b

General properties / Generelle Eigenschaften / Valeurs generaux

Designation Dimensions Dimensions for detailing

Bezeichnung Abmessungen Konstruktionsmaße
Désignation Dimensions Dimensions de construction

G h b tw tf r1 r2 A hi d u
kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 2
mm mm ∡ = 8%

UPN 20 x 10 x 3 0.89 20 10 3 3.5 3.5 2.5 1.11 - 6.28 5.0

UPN 30 x 15 x 4 1.78 30 15 4 4.5 4.5 2.5 2.23 - 12.10 7.5

UPN 30 x 15 x 4* 1.76 30 15 4 4.5 1 <1 2.19 21.00 19.00
UPN 30 x 33 x 5 4.37 30 33 5 7 7 3 5.46 - 2.00 16.5

UPN 40 x 20 x 3 1.83 40 20 3 3.3 3.5 3 2.29 - 26.80 10.0

UPN 40 x 20 x 3* 1.92 40 20 3 3.5 1 <1 2.39 33.00 31.00
UPN 40 x 20 x 4 2.43 40 20 4 4.5 4.5 3 3.04 - 22.00 10.0
UPN 40 x 20 x 4* 2.44 40 20 4 4.5 1 <1 3.04 31.00 29.00
UPN 40 x 35 x 5 4.98 40 35 5 7 7 3 6.23 - 12.00 17.5
UPN 40 x 35 x 5* 4.96 40 35 5 7 1 <1 6.20 26.00 24.00

UPN 50 x 25 x 5 3.90 50 25 5 6 5 3.5 4.87 - 25.70 12.5

UPN 50 x 25 x 5* 3.92 50 25 5 6 1 <1 4.90 38.00 36.00
UPN 50 5.60 50 38 5 7 7 3.5 7.00 - 21.00 19.0
UPN 50* 5.70 50 38 5 7 1 <1 7.12 36.00 34.00

UPN 60 x 30 x 6 5.16 60 30 6 6 6 4 6.45 - 35.50 15.0

UPN 60 x 30 x 6* 5.19 60 30 6 6 1 <1 6.48 48.00 46.00
UPN 65 7.11 65 42 5.5 7.5 7.5 4 8.88 - 34.00 21.0
UPN 65* 7.24 65 42 5.5 7.5 1 <1 9.05 50.00 48.00

UPN 80 8.68 80 45 6 8 8 4 10.85 - 47.00 22.5

UPN 80* 8.74 80 45 6 8 2 <1 11.06 64.00 60.00

UPN 100 10.61 100 50 6 8.5 8.5 4.5 13.26 - 64.00 25.0
UPN 100* 10.66 100 50 6 8.5 2 <1 13.50 83.00 79.00

Profiles are × also available or + only available as laser welded with full penetration, non tapered, equivalent to hot rolled (r = laser seam).
Profile sind × auch bzw. + nur Lasergeschweisst mit Vollanbindung erhältilich, ohne Konizität, gleichwertig zu warm gewalzt (r = Laser Naht).
Profiles sont disponibles × aussi ou + seulement soudé laser avec pénétration complète, non conique, équivalent au laminé à chaud (r = cordon laser).
ss ss
45° 45°
Stainless steel
Grade according to EN 10088-3: 1D
Surface condition: blasted and pickled

Edelstahl Rostfrei y y
Güte nach EN 10088-3: 1D
Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: gestrahlt und gebeizt ym ym

ys ys
Acier inoxydable
Nuance selon EN 10088-3: 1D
Etat de surface: sablé et décapé

z z

Structural properties / Statische Kennwerte / Valeurs statiques

Designation Strong axis y-y Weak axis z-z

Bezeichnung Starke Achse y-y Schwache Achse z-z
Désignation Axe fort y-y Axe faible z-z
Iy Wel.y Wpl.y iy Avz Iz Wel.z Wpl.z iz Ss It Iw ys ym
mm 4
mm 3
mm 3
mm mm 2
mm 4
mm 3
mm 3
mm mm mm 4
mm 6
mm mm
x104 x103 x103 x10 x102 x104 x103 x103 x10 x104 x109 x10 x10

UPN 20 x 10 x 3 0.56 0.56 0.76 0.70 0.67 0.10 0.15 0.26 0.29 5.57 0.08 0.00 0.37 0.52

UPN 30 x 15 x 4 2.62 1.74 2.33 1.07 1.31 0.43 0.45 0.75 0.44 7.16 0.27 0.00 0.54 0.79
UPN 30 x 15 x 4* 2.53 1.69 2.17 1.07 1.07 0.42 0.44 0.59 0.44 5.09 0.15 0.00 0.54 0.82
UPN 30 x 33 x 5 6.62 4.41 5.90 1.08 1.85 5.68 3.01 4.56 1.00 11.14 1.29 0.00 1.41 2.38

UPN 40 x 20 x 3 5.51 2.76 3.41 1.53 1.26 0.86 0.63 1.13 0.60 5.25 0.12 0.00 0.63 1.15
UPN 40 x 20 x 3* 5.59 2.79 3.39 1.53 1.13 0.89 0.66 0.78 0.61 4.09 0.09 0.00 0.65 1.21
UPN 40 x 20 x 4 6.89 3.44 4.41 1.48 1.71 1.10 0.83 1.47 0.59 7.16 0.32 0.00 0.67 1.12
UPN 40 x 20 x 4* 6.70 3.35 4.17 1.48 1.47 1.09 0.82 1.03 0.60 5.09 0.21 0.00 0.67 1.15
UPN 40 x 35 x 5 14.61 7.31 9.41 1.51 2.35 7.47 3.57 5.55 1.08 11.14 1.38 0.01 1.41 2.48
UPN 40 x 35 x 5* 14.28 7.14 8.94 1.52 1.72 7.34 3.56 4.45 1.09 7.59 0.92 0.01 1.43 2.56

UPN 50 x 25 x 5 16.80 6.73 8.52 1.85 2.52 2.49 1.48 2.79 0.71 14.60 0.59 0.01 0.81 1.34
UPN 50 x 25 x 5* 16.91 6.76 8.42 1.86 2.26 2.77 1.69 2.11 0.75 6.59 0.55 0.01 0.86 1.47
UPN 50 26.40 10.60 13.10 1.92 2.77 9.12 3.75 6.89 1.13 16.70 1.12 0.03 1.37 2.47
UPN 50* 26.77 10.71 13.07 1.94 2.22 10.10 4.36 5.28 1.19 7.59 1.03 0.03 1.48 2.73

UPN 60 x 30 x 6 31.60 10.50 13.30 2.21 3.54 4.51 2.16 4.13 0.84 15.80 0.89 0.02 0.91 1.50
UPN 60 x 30 x 6* 31.91 10.64 13.20 2.22 3.30 5.09 2.50 3.13 0.89 6.59 0.86 0.02 0.97 1.66
UPN 65 57.50 17.70 21.70 2.52 3.68 14.10 5.07 9.48 1.25 18.00 1.61 0.08 1.42 2.60
UPN 65* 58.12 17.88 21.57 2.53 3.24 15.71 5.92 7.00 1.32 8.09 1.48 0.08 1.54 2.90

UPN 80 106.00 26.50 32.30 3.10 4.90 19.40 6.36 12.08 1.33 19.40 2.20 0.17 1.45 2.67
UPN 80* 106.97 26.74 32.17 3.11 4.50 21.80 7.44 13.28 1.40 15.18 2.09 0.20 1.57 2.97

UPN 100 206.00 41.20 49.00 3.91 6.46 29.30 8.49 16.20 1.47 20.30 2.81 0.41 1.55 2.93
UPN 100* 207.30 41.46 49.36 3.92 5.68 33.07 9.98 17.93 1.57 15.68 2.71 0.48 1.69 3.27

Via Gerrette 4 FON: +41 (0)91 641 68 00 info@montanstahl.com
CH - 6855 Stabio FAX: +41 (0)91 641 68 01 www.montanstahl.com
tf u tf
European standard channels
Dimensions: in accordance with EN 10365
r2 r1 r2 Tolerances: EN 10279: 2000

h d h d hi Europäische U-Stahl-Normalprofile
Abmessungen: gemäß EN 10365
Toleranzen: EN 10279: 2000
tw tw

Fers U normaux européens

Dimensions: conformes à la norme EN 10365
Tolérances: EN 10279: 2000
b b

General properties / Generelle Eigenschaften / Valeurs generaux

Designation Dimensions Dimensions for detailing

Bezeichnung Abmessungen Konstruktionsmaße
Désignation Dimensions Dimensions de construction

G h b tw tf r1 r2 A hi d u
kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 2
mm mm ∡ = 8%

UPN 120 13.40 120 55 7 9 9 4.5 16.75 - 82.00 27.5

UPN 120* 13.48 120 55 7 9 2 <1 17.06 102.00 98.00

UPN 140 16.08 140 60 7 10 10 5 20.10 - 98.00 30.0

UPN 140* 16.13 140 60 7 10 2 <1 20.42 120.00 116.00

UPN 160 18.96 160 65 7.5 10.5 10.5 5.5 23.70 - 115.00 32.5
UPN 160* 19.03 160 65 7.5 10.5 2 <1 24.09 139.00 135.00

UPN 180 22.09 180 70 8 11 11 5.5 27.61 - 133.00 35.0

UPN 180* 22.17 180 70 8 11 2 <1 28.06 158.00 154.00

UPN 200+ 25.53 200 75 8.5 11.5 2 <1 32.31 177.00 173.00
UPN 220 +
29.68 220 80 9 12.5 2 <1 37.57 195.00 191.00
UPN 240+ 33.53 240 85 9.5 13 2 <1 42.45 214.00 210.00
UPN 260 +
38.25 260 90 10 14 2 <1 48.42 232.00 228.00
UPN 280+ 42.28 280 95 10 15 2 <1 53.52 250.00 246.00
UPN 300+ 46.47 300 100 10 16 2 <1 58.82 268.00 264.00
UPN 320 +
59.18 320 100 14 17.5 2 <1 74.92 285.00 281.00
UPN 350+ 60.46 350 100 14 16 2 <1 76.54 318.00 314.00
UPN 380 +
62.91 380 102 13.5 16 2 <1 79.64 348.00 344.00
UPN 400+ 71.56 400 110 14 18 2 <1 90.58 364.00 360.00

Profiles are × also available or + only available as laser welded with full penetration, non tapered, equivalent to hot rolled (r = laser seam).
Profile sind × auch bzw. + nur Lasergeschweisst mit Vollanbindung erhältilich, ohne Konizität, gleichwertig zu warm gewalzt (r = Laser Naht).
Profiles sont disponibles × aussi ou + seulement soudé laser avec pénétration complète, non conique, équivalent au laminé à chaud (r = cordon laser).
ss ss
45° 45°
Stainless steel
Grade according to EN 10088-3: 1D
Surface condition: blasted and pickled

Edelstahl Rostfrei y y
Güte nach EN 10088-3: 1D
Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: gestrahlt und gebeizt ym ym

ys ys
Acier inoxydable
Nuance selon EN 10088-3: 1D
Etat de surface: sablé et décapé

z z

Structural properties / Statische Kennwerte / Valeurs statiques

Designation Strong axis y-y Weak axis z-z

Bezeichnung Starke Achse y-y Schwache Achse z-z
Désignation Axe fort y-y Axe faible z-z
Iy Wel.y Wpl.y iy Avz Iz Wel.z Wpl.z iz Ss It Iw ys ym
mm 4
mm 3
mm 3
mm mm 2
mm 4
mm 3
mm 3
mm mm mm 4
mm 6
mm mm
x104 x103 x103 x10 x102 x104 x103 x103 x10 x104 x109 x10 x10

UPN 120 364.00 60.70 72.60 4.62 8.80 43.20 11.10 21.26 1.59 22.20 4.15 0.90 1.60 3.03
UPN 120* 367.96 61.33 73.33 4.64 7.97 49.15 13.08 23.67 1.70 17.18 3.99 1.04 1.74 3.38

UPN 140 605.00 86.40 103.00 5.45 10.40 62.70 14.80 28.31 1.75 23.90 5.68 1.80 1.75 3.37
UPN 140* 609.41 87.06 103.40 5.46 9.32 71.05 17.36 31.44 1.87 18.18 5.46 2.08 1.91 3.76

UPN 160 925.00 116.00 138.00 6.21 12.60 85.30 18.30 35.15 1.89 25.30 7.39 3.26 1.84 3.56
UPN 160* 932.63 116.58 138.50 6.22 11.44 97.42 21.67 39.21 2.01 19.18 7.09 3.76 2.00 3.98

UPN 180 1350.00 150.00 179.00 6.95 15.10 114.00 22.40 43.05 2.02 26.70 9.55 5.57 1.92 3.75
UPN 180* 1365.17 151.69 180.33 6.98 13.76 130.28 26.60 48.04 2.15 20.18 9.06 6.44 2.10 4.20

UPN 200+ 1928.35 192.83 229.46 7.73 16.27 170.62 32.20 58.04 2.30 21.18 11.42 10.50 2.20 4.42
UPN 220 +
2713.15 246.65 293.39 8.50 18.94 225.67 39.87 71.87 2.45 22.68 15.32 16.83 2.34 4.71
UPN 240+ 3627.90 302.32 359.97 9.24 21.84 285.51 47.12 84.83 2.59 23.68 18.78 25.51 2.44 4.93
UPN 260 +
4859.51 373.81 444.92 10.02 24.90 365.32 56.92 102.48 2.75 25.18 24.36 38.35 2.58 5.22
UPN 280+ 6313.62 450.97 534.30 10.86 26.82 457.00 67.84 122.32 2.92 26.18 29.60 55.66 2.76 5.63
UPN 300+ 8066.44 537.76 634.42 11.71 28.74 564.28 80.02 144.59 3.10 27.18 35.77 78.95 2.95 6.05
UPN 320 +
10719.93 670.00 814.15 11.96 42.72 642.94 88.18 159.10 2.93 32.68 62.98 102.40 2.71 5.23
UPN 350+ 12687.32 724.99 888.88 12.88 47.10 618.19 82.40 149.34 2.84 31.18 58.09 121.50 2.50 4.83
UPN 380 +
15565.03 819.21 1003.37 13.98 49.48 667.24 86.53 156.47 2.89 30.68 57.75 156.40 2.49 4.90
UPN 400+ 20089.49 1004.47 1220.72 14.89 53.86 921.06 112.31 202.22 3.19 33.18 77.02 236.10 2.80 5.56

Via Gerrette 4 FON: +41 (0)91 641 68 00 info@montanstahl.com
CH - 6855 Stabio FAX: +41 (0)91 641 68 01 www.montanstahl.com

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