School-Learning-Resource-Plan BALANACAN
School-Learning-Resource-Plan BALANACAN
School-Learning-Resource-Plan BALANACAN
Department of Education
Curriculum, Develop Using the Organize teachers into development Organization and LRMDS committee- Training: Local LR Committee evaluates the
Instruction. & LR, teaching and development teams (2/competency/subject training- 1st grading training, review of government quality of the school-
TR Support learning templates in the area/grade level). period – SY 2020- draft LR's developed resources using
materials for LRMDS, develop 2 2021 the LRMDS A & E guidelines
least learned materials Production of and templates.
skills (based on Train 1 teacher per subject area on Subject area heads materials-
/identified least- the use of the LR development Development of LR's- (if any) to coordinate School MOOE
national, learned
regional (if any template. 2nd grading period SY organization of LR committee evaluates
competency for 2020-2021: English; 3rd teachers into through classroom
and periodical Science,
tests) grading – Math; 4th working teams observation the trial of
Mathematics and grading - Science English resources with
English for grades Gather resources from the LRMDS teachers and students.
9-10 catalogue, including, those found in Subject area/grade
the recommended links for the Trial of English LR's- 2nd level teachers,
identified competency grading- development of
materials based on
LRMDS template
Assign tasks among group members Review by LRMDS and resources
committee- 3rd grading
Learning Develop learning Using the learning Create a group that identifies the Organization and Subject area heads Production of LR Committee evaluates the
Support materials based materials in subject learning materials needed. training- 1st grading (if any) to coordinate materials- quality of the school-
on competencies areas that needs to period – SY 2016- organization of School MOOE developed resources using
per subject area be improved 2017 teachers into the LRMDS A & E guidelines
that is on par Supervise the usage working teams and templates.
with 21st century (frequency/efficiency) of learning
level materials
LR committee evaluates
ICT Coordinator through classroom
(2 per subject area) observation the trial of
English resources with
teachers and students.
LR committee evaluates
through classroom
observation the trial of
English resources with
teachers and students.
Mgt of Learning. Develop a tool Identifies and Create a group that is in-charged of Organization and Subject area heads Production of LR Committee evaluates the
Performance that identifies the supervise growth of supervising and analysis of growth of training- 1st grading (if any) to coordinate materials- quality of the school-
growth of learning learning performance period – SY 2016- organization of School MOOE developed resources using
learning performance based 2017 teachers into the LRMDS A & E guidelines
performance on the usage of the working teams and templates.
based on the developed learning (2 per subject area)
usage of the and teaching
developed materials per LR committee evaluates
learning and subject area ICT Coordinator through classroom
teaching observation the trial of
materials English resources with
teachers and students.
Equipment Develop a tool Identifies the Create a group that supervise for the Organization and Subject area heads Production of LR Committee evaluates the
support that identifies equipment needed maintenance of the equipment support training- 1st grading (if any) to coordinate materials- quality of the school-
equipment to be purchased, period – SY 2016- organization of School MOOE developed resources using
needed, equipment needed 2017 teachers into the LRMDS A & E guidelines
equipment to be repaired, and working teams and templates.