@GK Tornado For Bank Exams - pdf-86

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GK Tornado for Bank Exams
Dear readers,
This GK Digest is a complete docket of important news and events that occurred in last 4 months (1th January - 30th April 2017). The GK
Digest is important and relevant for all competitive exams like – SBI (PO), NIACL, BOB, Dena Bank, NICL and UPSC Exams.

Banking/Financial/Economy News
1. RBI alters interest rates - On April 07, 2017, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its first bi-monthly monetary policy review, altered
some of the policy rates.
Current Policy & Reserve Rates
Repo Rate 6.25%
Reverse Repo Rate 6.00%
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) 4.00%
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) 20.50%
Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) 6.50%
Bank Rate 6.50%

Below are the basic definitions of the Policy Rates -

(i) Repo Rate – It is the rate at which RBI lends money to (v) Bank Rate – It is the rate at which the Reserve Bank is
commercial banks. ready to buy or rediscount bills of exchange or other com-
mercial papers for long term.
(ii) Reverse Repo rate – It is the rate at which RBI borrows
(vi) Marginal Standing Facility Rate (MSF) – The rate
money from commercial banks.
at which the scheduled banks can borrow funds from
(iii) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) – The share of net demand the RBI overnight, against the approved government
and time liabilities (deposits) that banks must maintain as securities is termed as MSF.
cash balance with the Reserve Bank.
Note: Basis points – ‘one’ Basis Point is a unit equivalent to
(iv) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) – The share of net de- 0.01% i.e. 1/100th of a percent.
mand and time liabilities (deposits) that banks must main-
tain in safe and liquid assets, such as, government securi-
ties, cash, and gold.
2. The World Economic Forum has released its 12th edition of will help them to get online and use internet so as to grow
the -- Global Risks Report 2017. their business.

Note: This year’s report has provided an outlook on the 5. A chatbot service “HDFC OnChat” to allow users to make
threats facing the world in 2017. payments through Facebook Messenger -- HDFC Bank.
3. The government's online payments app has become the Note: The chatbot will allow users to recharge their
most popular Android app in the country -- Bharat Inter- phones, pay electricity, water, gas and landline and DTH
face for Mobile (BHIM). bills and even a cab from Ola or Uber from the app itself.
The service is available to non-HDFC bank users as well.
Note: The app is topping the charts on Google's Play Store
6. As per 2016 HSBC Expat Explorer Survey India’s rank in of-
in India and downloaded in 3 million times.
fering highest salaries to expats -- 3rd.
4. ‘Digital Unlocked’ the training program for Indian small
businesses -- Google. 7. A month-long campaign to promote a group personal acci-
dent insurance scheme for savings bank account-holders
Note: The purpose of the program is to empower upcoming
launched by-- Karnataka Bank.
and existing Indian SMBs with essential digital skills which

Note: KBL Suraksha provides coverage against all types of Note: India has been ranked 60th out of 79 developing
accidental deaths. economies in the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Inclusive
8. NRIs can deposit old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 banknotes till -- Development Index (IDI) for the year 2017.
30th June 2017. 20. Rank of Indian passport in the latest passport Index -- 78th.

9. India’s first international stock exchange has been launched Note: The Indian passport has been ranked 78th with a
in Gandhinagar (Gujrat) -- India International Exchange visa-free score of 46 in a list of the world’s strongest
Note: The new stock exchange will trade in all the products
21. As per updated “World Economic Outlook (WEO)” report of
like the other exchanges in the world such as Singapore,
Hong Kong, London, New York in currency, equities, International Monetary Fund (IMF) India’s GDP growth
commodities derivatives. forecast rate for FY 17 -- 6.6%.
10. The 2017 World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting 22. The Reserve Bank of India has imposed Rs. 75 lakh penalty
was held in -- Davos (Switzerland). on -- Bombay Mercantile Cooperative Bank.
Note: The theme for the 2017 WEF Annual Meeting is Note: Penalty imposed due to violations of norms related
"Responsive and Responsible Leadership". to KYC and anti-money laundering
11. e-wallet “Tokapoisa.in” has been launched for cashless 23. The first warship to be equipped with its own dedicated
transaction in local language -- Assam. ATM -- INS Vikramditya.
Note: The e-wallet is developed by the Assam Electronics Note: The ATM has been provided by India’s largest public
Development Corp. Ltd and is powered by Amrton and ICICI sector bank State Bank of India (SBI) and services will be on
Bank. the satellite link and will cater to over two thousand naval
12. India’s GDP growth rate in FY 2016-17, as per the latest re- personnel deployed on the aircraft carrier.
port of World Bank (WB) -- 7%. 24. Contactless card ‘Wave N Pay’ has been launched by the
13. Interest rate will be offer by Airtel Payments Bank on sav- banks -- Punjab National Bank (PNB).
ings accounts deposits -- 7.25%. Note: This contactless credit card has been launched on
Note:It is the India’s first payments bank and is a fully- Visa Platinum platform and no need to enter any PIN for
digital and paper-free bank. transactions up to Rs. 2,000.

14. "Fly For Sure" scheme has been launched by -- Air India. 25. The ‘Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) – 2017’ will be
implemented through – Life Insurance Corporation of India
Note: customer should pay extra Rs. 2,000 while booking (LIC).
the ticket and get to board any Air India flight on the same
day and same sector. 26. The Union Government has approved 26% strategic stake
15. According Central Statistics Office data, the country's indus- sale in this public-sector undertaking - Bharat Earth Movers
trial production grew in Nov 2016 by -- 5.7%. Limited

16. As per, the January 2017 Global Economic Prospects report 27. As per the Economic Survey, the agriculture sector is set to
of World Bank in 2017 the global economy will accelerate grow at this per cent during 2016-17 -- 4.1%.
moderately to -- 2.7%. 28. The Gross Domestic Products (GDP) to be in fiscal year 2018
17. The loan amount has been sanctioned by World Bank (WB) -- 6.75% to 7.5%.
for Nagaland Health Project -- 48 million. 29. Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd (FGIL) has an-
Note: This will directly benefit about 6 lacks people and the nounced an agency tie-up for its products with -- Bank of
purpose of the project is to improve health services in Maharashtra.
Nagaland. Note: Customers of BOM's will be able to avail of motor,
18. India’s rank in the 2017 Global Talent Competitiveness In- home, shopkeeper and rural insurance products at any of
dex (GTCI) -- 92nd. the 1,896 branches of the bank.

Note: India has been ranked 92nd out of 118 nations in the 30. India’s rank in the 2016 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) --
2017 Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI). 79th.
19. India’s rank in the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Inclusive
Development Index (IDI) for 2017 -- 60th.

Note: The list is topped by two nations “Denmark and New Note: The scheme will help create modern infrastructure
Zealand” and is followed by Finland, Sweden and like last mile connectivity to ports, testing labs and
Switzerland. certification centres.
31. India’s first cashless island -- Karang (Manipur). 41. An agreement with the Karnataka government to set up a
manufacturing plant in Bengaluru -- Apple.
Note: Karang Island is located at the middle of Loktak
Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the North-Eastern part Note: Apple is reportedly expected to start production for
of India. the Indian market by June. India will be only the third
country globally to assemble iPhones.
32. Bank has launched of mobile wallet "Oriental Batuaa" on
42. The fund allocated for the National Security Council Secre-
the occasion of its 75th Foundation Day-- Oriental Bank of
Commerce (OBC). tariat (NSCS) for fiscal year 2017-18 -- Rs. 333 crore.
Note: The bank has also launched two new cards RuPay Note: The NSCS works as an advisory group, consists of
based Platinum international debit card and Oriental various experts on security-related matters and is headed
Prepaid Card a RuPay card for individuals and corporates. by deputy NSA Arvind Gupta.
33. The state to host 3rd edition of LIC-Gateway LitFest -- Ma- 43. People has won prizes under Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi
harashtra. dhan Vyapar Yojana till 30th January 2017-- Over 6.26 lakh.
Note: The 3rd edition of the annual LIC Gateway LitFest Note:
will be held in Mumbai, Maharashtra on February 25 and ✓ These two schemes are part of NITI Aayog’s digital pay-
26, 2017. ment promotion schemes and covered cities from 21
34. India has sanctioned amount of soft loan to Nepal for infra States and 4 Union Territories.
projects -- $340 million. ✓ Over 100 Digi-Dhan Melas are planned across the
Note: Mahalaki bridge and 15 roads will be constructed in country to inculcate digital payment among the people.
various parts of Nepal.
✓ Lucky Grahak Yojana (Daily scheme): 5.55 lakh con-
35. The business of Telenor India will be acquired in all seven
sumers have won the prize.
circles in India -- Bharti Airtel.
✓ Lucky Grahak Yojana (Weekly scheme): over 26 thou-
Note: Telenor India (formerly known as Uninor) was an sand consumers.
Indian mobile network operator based in Gurgaon, ✓ Digi dhan Vyapar Yojana (weekly scheme): over 35
Haryana, India. thousand merchants.
36. Dish TV has joined hands with private lender for digital pay-
44. India’s GDP growth rate in FY 18, as per the latest report by
ments -- ICICI bank.
the HSBC -- 7.1%.
Note: This alliance with ICICI Bank through UPI will drive Note: India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is
higher customer adoption and allow them to be a part of expected to be 7.1% in the FY 18.
the digital economy. 45. As per Global rating agency Fitch, India’s GDP forecast for
37. The bank has launched a railway ticket booking facility by FY 17 -- 7.1%.
having a direct tie-up with IRCTC-- United Bank of India.
Note: Fitch Ratings Inc. is one of the three nationally
recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSRO)
38. IFFCO has tied up with the bank to provide co-branded
designated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
debit cards with inbuilt overdraft facilities to the farmers --
in 1975.
Bank of Baroda.
46. India’s bank has tied up with a cross-border payment net-
Note: Two lakh cards will be issued to the farmers work Earth port Plc. to enable faster outbound cross-border
beginning with the state of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan,
payments for its customers -- Axis bank.
and Madhya Pradesh.
39. The Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund Note: Earth port Plc has a state-of-the-art global payments
network, which spans over 60 countries. Now, Axis bank
will be set up by the organization -- NABARD.
has become the first bank in India, who connects with
Note: The Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund will Earthport.
boost financing of milk processing capacities. 47. The technology giant will launch its mobile payment wallet
40. A scheme will be launched by the Union Government to “Samsung Pay” in India -- Samsung.
fund export infrastructure to create infrastructure for ex-
Note: The launch is expected to happen in the first half of
ports -- Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES). 2017.

48. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced its Sixth Bi- 59. The Union Government has launched an app to enable digi-
monthly Monetary Policy Rates for 2016-17 -- 6.25%. tal payments without card swiping machines -- Bharat QR
Note: The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to
keep the policy repo rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Note: Bharat QR code has been developed jointly by
Facility unchanged at 6.25%. National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), MasterCard
Visa, and American Express under instructions from
49. India’s rank in the USCC Intellectual Property Index (IPI)-
Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
2017-- 43rd.
60. India’s GDP forecast for FY 17, as per latest report by the In-
Note: India has been ranked 43rd out of 45 global ternational Monetary Fund (IMF) -- 6.6%.
economies in the 5th edition of Intellectual Property Index 61. India’s GDP growth forecast for FY 17, as per latest survey
(IPI)-2017. by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Devel-
50. Bank has been partnered with Fin-tech start up India Lends opment (OECD) -- 7%.
to enable the first-time borrowers with no credit history to Note: The OECD is a global policy forum that promotes
take loans -- IDFC Bank. policies to improve the economic and social well-being of
51. The regulatory agency announced plans to set up a sepa- people around the world.
rate department to develop a sound framework and pro- 62. The bank has introduced Radio Frequency Identification
cess for enforcement action -- Reserve Bank of India. Card, (RFID) enabled banking cards -- Dena Bank
Note: With the help of this card a branch/relationship
52. The regulatory agency decided to set up a Standing Com-
manager can identify a valued client entering a branch with
mittee on Cyber Security -- Reserve Bank of India. the
53. The bank has awarded with ISO 27001: 2013 certification 63. The online marketplace arm of One97 Communications Pvt.
for its Information Security Management System (ISMS) -- Ltd 'Paytm E-Commerce' has launched a mobile app and
South Indian Bank (SIB). online shopping portal -- Paytm Mall.
Note: Paytm Mall will allow customers to shop from 68
Note: Earlier, SIB has received ISO 9001 Quality million products across categories such as fashion,
Management certification for its Credit Department, electronics, consumer durables and home furnishings, from
Personnel Department and Data Centre. about 140,000 sellers.
54. India’s rank in the 2017 Economic Freedom Index (EFI) -- 64. The loan amount by the World Bank (WB) for the ‘Tejaswini
143rd. project’— USD 63 million.
Note: Annual index has been released by a conservative US Note: The Tejaswini project will be delivered in 17 districts
political think tank “the Heritage Foundation”. It measures of Jharkhand.
the degree of economic freedom in the countries of the 65. Bajaj Auto Ltd. has presented a cheque as a donation to the
world. Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) -- One Crore.
55. RBI has increased the gold loan limit for RRBs (Regional Ru- Note: This Financial assistance is provided to needy Ex-
ral Banks) from the current Rs. 1 lakh to help the farmers servicemen, widow and their dependents out of AFFDF for
and artisans -- Rs. 2 lakh. healthcare, disability, children education, penury, house
Note: RBI has directed that the gold loans should not repair, ESM funeral, daughter’s marriage etc.
exceed 75% of the value of the gold pledged for taking the
66. The Reliance General Insurance (part of Reliance Capital)
56. A traditional life insurance plan “Pragati” has been specifi- has tied up with a Bank to expand its distribution network --
cally designed to empower low income families -- HDFC life. Catholic Syrian Bank.
Note: Pragati makes life insurance easily accessible to Note: RGI will offer its general insurance products to
every person who wishes to financially secure his family. Catholic Syrian Bank's 1.5 million customer base spread
HDFC Life will offer the dual benefit of systematic savings across its 430 branches in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and
(with guaranteed premium returns) and wholesome life Maharashtra.
protection. 67. The World Bank has announced an assistance programme
57. The bank has signed MoU with the Ministry of Human Re- of over USD 1 billion in the areas of urban transport and cli-
source Development (MHRD) to start higher education fi-
mate resilient agriculture over the next 2-3 years -- Maha-
nancing agency -- Canara Bank.
58. The public-sector bank has won the National MSME Excel-
lence Award 2017 -- Corporation Bank. 68. The Trade Mark Rules, 2017 have come into effect which
replaced the erstwhile Trade Mark Rules -- 2002.
Note: The award is instituted by the Federation of Industry
Trade and Services (FITS).

Note: The fees for Individuals, Start-ups and Small Note: This app will allow them to access banking services as
Enterprises have been reduced to 4,500 rupees for e-filing well as information on agriculture services. The Mera
of the trade mark applications. iMobile app provides around 135 services, available in
69. A global leader in payment solutions has launched an elec- English and 11 Indian languages (Assamese, Bengali,
tronic payment platform linked to corporate card, Buyer In- Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia,
Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu).
itiated Payments (BIP) to eliminate payment through
78. Bandhan Bank Ltd. has signed an agreement with a pay-
cheques or drafts -- American Express.
ment solution provider in Kolkata -- India Avenues India
70. An artificial intelligence based chatbot, EVA (electronic vir-
Pvt Ltd.
tual assistant) for customer services in India -- HDFC Bank.
Note:The agreement has been signed to provide the
Note: Eva is India's first AI-based banking chatbot and can merchants with seamless access to the point- of- sale (POS)
answer millions of customer queries across multiple and the payment gateway products.
channels instantly.
79. The Union cabinet clears how many GST supplementary
71. The first bank in the country to launch Aadhaar Pay -- IDFC
legislations for introduction to parliament -- four.
Note: The four supporting legislations, the Compensation
Note: The Aadhar Pay service is for merchants which will Law, the Central-GST (C-GST), Integrated-GST (I-GST) and
enable them to receive Aadhaar-enabled payments by Union Territory-GST (UT-GST) would be introduced as
passing credit and debit cards, pin and password. Money Bill. Now, the states would start taking their State-
72. The Deputy Governor in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) -- BP GST (S-GST) bill for discussion and passage in the respective
Kanungo. state assemblies.
Note: He has been appointed the new Deputy Governor in 80. The loan amount has been approved by the World Bank
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for a period of 3 years and (WB) for the National Hydrology Project of India -- USD175
will succeed R. Gandhi. million.
73. According to the RBI, the Non-Banking Finance Companies 81. India’s rank in the 2017 Human Development Index (HDI) --
(NBFCs) cannot lend more than Rs. 250000 Rs. cash against 131.
-- Gold.
Note: India has ranked 131 out of 188 countries in the 2016
Note: The earlier provision for NBFC was that high-value Human Development Report (HDR) in the latest released
loans against the gold of Rs. 1 lakh and above must only be report of the United Nations Development Progamme
disbursed by cheque. (UNDP).
74. The new team sponsor of the Indian cricket team from 1st 82. The World Bank has signed an agreement with Uttarakhand
April 2017 for five years __ Oppo Mobiles India Pvt Ltd. to improve quality of health care services -- USD 100 mil-
Note: The Minimum reserve price was set by the BCCI at lion.
Rs. 538 crores, OPPO Mobiles will pay Rs. 1079 crore for 83. India’s rank in the global Energy Architecture Performance
the duration of their contract. Index (EAPI) 2017 -- 87th
75. Who topped in the list of banks that witnessed the most 84. Who has acquired 4G business of Tikona Networks includ-
number of frauds during April to December period of 2016 - ing the Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) business -- Bharti
- ICICI Bank. Airtel.
Note: During the first nine months of the current fiscal, as Note: Tikona has 20 MHz spectrum in the 2300 MHz band
many as 455 fraud cases, involving 1 lakh rupees and in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh (East), Uttar Pradesh (West),
above, were detected in ICICI Bank, closely followed by SBI Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh circles. After the deal,
with 429, Standard Chartered with 244 and HDFC Bank with Airtel will have 30 MHz in the 2300 MHz band in 13 circles.
85. The Union Government has imposed import duty on wheat
76. The bank has launched an instant digital Loan Against Secu- and tur dal to protect farmers’ interest amid projection of a
rities (LAS) facility -- HDFC Bank. record crop this year -- 10%.
Note: The HDFC bank has launched an instant digital Loan 86. Digitally inaugurated 40 ‘Ananya’ transformed branches to
Against Securities (LAS) facility in collaboration with the enhance customer experience, improve sales focus, and im-
National Securities Depository (NSDL), which allows prove digital transactions through a dedicated digit zone --
customers to avail loans in less than 3 minutes. Syndicate Bank.
77. A mobile banking app “Mera iMobile” has been launched 87. Who has adjudged the ‘Best Small Bank for 2016’ -- Karur
for rural customers -- ICICI Bank. Vysya Bank.

Note: Karur Vysya Bank is an Indian private-sector bank, officers to assist CGST and SGST officers under the GST
headquartered in Karur in Tamil Nadu. It was set up in 1916 regime.
by M. A. Venkatarama Chettiar and Athi Krishna Chettiar. 97. The Executive Director (ED) of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) --
88. ‘Money Plant Rupay International Platinium Debit Card’ Smt. Malvika Sinha.
has been launched to provide more privileges to its pre- Note: Earlier, B. P. Kanungo was Executive Director of the
mium & HNI customers -- Karnataka Bank. Reserve Bank before being elevated to the post of Deputy
89. The first Indian state to carry financial inclusion and extend Governor.
banking services to un-banked areas through Self Help 98. Withdrawal of service charge on online booking of train
Groups (SHGs) -- Odisha. tickets has been extended upto -- 30th June 2017.
90. True caller has paired with the bank to launch its UPI-based Note: Service charges on booking train tickets online
mobile payment service, ‘Truecaller Pay’ -- ICICI Bank through IRCTC ticketing site ranges from Rs. 20 to Rs. 40
Note: Truecaller was developed by True Software per ticket.
Scandinavia AB, a privately held company in Stockholm, 99. The seventh entity to receive a final license from the Re-
Sweden founded by Alan Mamedi and Nami Zarringhalam serve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a payments bank -- Ad-
in 2009.
itya Birla Idea Payments Bank Ltd.
91. The USA based e-commerce giant made its entry in UAE by
Note: The group's outfit Aditya Birla Idea Payments Bank is
acquiring the Middle East’s largest online retailer Souq.com
a 51:49 joint venture (JV) between Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd
-- Amazon.
(ABNL) and telecom major Idea Cellular.
Note: The website (Souq.com) was founded by ‘Ronaldo 100. Who has officially recognized Bitcoin and digital curren-
Mouchawar’ in 2005 as an auction site linked to internet
cies as legal money with effect from 1st April,2017 -- Ja-
portal Maktoob.
92. The first e-commerce company to take membership of the
Note: The recognition comes after implementation of a
Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) -- Paytm.
new law amending Banking Act in Japan for legalizing
93. A separate enforcement department to monitor banks in these currencies.
case they violate regulations -- The Reserve Bank of India 101. TRAI has advised to stop complimentary three-month ser-
vice offer as it was not in accordance with the regulatory
Note: The Enforcement Department has started operation framework -- Reliance Jio.
from 1st April,2017. The department will develop a broad
Note: The authority has examined it and found that it was
policy for enforcement and initiate action against the
not in accordance with regulatory framework, so the
regulated entities for violation consistent with such policy.
department has advised them to stop it.
94. India has signed a loan agreement with for USD 350 million
102. Japan will provide Official Development Assistance (ODA)
funding for a project involving development and up grada- loan for infrastructure projects in India for FY 17 -- Yen 371
tion of major district roads in Madhya Pradesh -- New De- billion.
velopment Bank (NDB). 103. India and the United Kingdom (UK) have decided to set up
Note: This is the first loan agreement for the New how many Pound fund to finance clean energy projects --
Development Bank assisted project in India. 240 million Pound.
95. Co-branded credit cards ‘Karnataka Bank Platinum SBI Card’ Note: The Green Growth Equity Fund will be a sub-fund of
and ‘Karnataka Bank SimplySAVE SBI Card’ for the custom- NIIF.
ers -- Karnataka Bank. 104. India's Trade deficit with China in April-February -- USD
Note: ‘Karnataka Bank SimplySAVE SBI Card’ is aimed at 46.7 billion.
value-conscious consumers and offers rewards and features
Note: Overall trade with China during the 11-month period
that enable customers to maximise their savings on their decreased marginally by 0.87 % to 64.57 billion US dollars.
regular spends.
105. According to the latest report of the World Travel and
96. A tax evasion of over how many crore rupees under the
Tourism Council (WTTC) India’s rank in the world’s largest
Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime would be non-bailable
offense -- five crores. tourism economy in terms of GDP -- 7th.
Note: The Central GST (CGST) and State GST (SGST) Act Note: Travel and tourism sector recorded growth of Rs.
have empowered the officers from Police, Railways, 14.1 trillion (USD 208.9 billion) in 2016.
Customs, village officers, and any other government 106. India’s rank in the WEF’s Global Travel and Tourism Com-
petitive Index (GTTCI)- 2017-- 40th.

Note: As per WEF’s Travel and Tourism Competitiveness 116. The first wealth management product ‘Digital Gold’ on its
Report 2017.India has been ranked 40th out of 136 platform to allow customers to buy and sell gold through
countries in the 2017 World Economic Forum’s (WEF) electronic platform -- Paytm.
Global Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (GTTCI).
Note: ‘Digital Gold’ has been launched in partnership with
107. A web portal 'isnp.irda.gov.in' for insurers that will allow gold refiner MMTC-PAMP. Consumers can purchase 24K
them to register and sell policies online -- IRDAI (Insurance 999.9 purity gold online and store it in MMTC—PAMP’s
Regulatory and Development Authority of India). secure vaults free of charge.
Note: The Insurance Regulatory and Development 117. State Bank of India has signed a memorandum of under-
Authority of India (IRDAI) is an autonomous, statutory standing (MoU) to jointly conduct various initiatives to-
agency tasked with regulating and promoting the wards development of the realty sector -- CREDAI.
insurance and re-insurance industries in India. Note: CREDAI is the largest real estate association in the
108. Website having several user-friendly features and compati- country with over 11,500 members. The MoU will be in
ble for desktop and mobile devices -- The ‘Securities and force for a period of 3 years.
Exchange Board of India’ (SEBI). 118. A non-banking finance company (NBFC) has converted it-
Note: The new website is compliant with Web Content self into a small finance bank by the name AU Small Fi-
Accessibility Guidelines for making web content more nance Bank -- AU Financiers India.
accessible to differently abled people and also conforms to Note: AU had a network of 300 branches spread across 10
the guidelines for Indian government websites. States namely Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya
109. The Reserve Bank of India has set up two new Offices of Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,
the Banking Ombudsman in -- Jammu and Raipur. Chhattisgarh, and Goa.
Note: Now, the banking ombudsman offices have now 119. The state govt has revised the BPL & DPL income -- Har-
increased to 20 across the country. yana.
110. A set of four rare stamps featuring the portrait of ‘Ma- Note: The limit of annual income of BPL families has been
hatma Gandhi’ has been sold for record 5 lakh pounds at raised to Rs 49,000 from Rs. 40,500 (living in rural) and Rs.
an auction in the -- United Kingdom (UK). 60,000 from Rs. 51,500 (living in urban areas). The limit of
Note: The stamp was sold to an Australian collector for the annual income for the families living below DPL would Rs
highest ever price for Indian stamps. 98,000 (rural areas) and Rs 1.2 lakh (urban areas).
111. The Finance Ministry has approved interest rate on EPF for 120. The Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) – It is a digital
payment app, rolled out by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
2016-17 -- 8.65%
in an initiative to enable fast, secure, and reliable cashless
Note: Earlier, the Employees' Provident Fund Organization payments through mobile phones. The app was named
trustees had approved 8.65% rate on EPF in December last after Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar.
year. Key features: BHIM is a digital payments solution app based on
112. Flipkart-owned online fashion retailer has announced that the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) developed by the Na-
it has acquired ‘InLogg’ -- Myntra. tional Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the umbrella or-
Note: 'InLogg' is a city-based technology platform that ganisation for all retail payments systems in India.
provides end-to-end logistics solutions for the e-commerce ✓ Transaction Limit: In a 24-hour cycle, a maximum
sector. transaction not exceeding Rs 10,000 is allowed as well as
113. India’s rank at the 2017 A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Invest- an upper limit of Rs 20,000 worth of transactions.
ment (FDI) Confidence Index -- 8th.
✓ The payments through the new system (BHIM App) can be
114. The World Bank has approved a loan for the ambitious in- made by just a thumb impression after the bank account is
land waterways project between Haldia (West Bengal) and linked with Aadhaar gateway.
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) -- around Rs. 2,421 crores.
✓ Indeed, the technology through BHIM will empower
Note: The approved loan amount is about 45% of the poorest of the poor, small business and the marginalised
estimated project cost of Rs. 5,369 crore for capacity section.
augmentation of National Waterway-1.
115. Alliance with 'Paisabazaar.com' to offer conditionally ap- 124. South Indian Bank partnered with SBI Card to launch co-
proved loans to the latter’s existing customers -- Yes Bank. branded credit card. With this partnership both South Indian
Note: The bank will help ‘Paisabazaar.com’ through its Bank and SBI Card will launch two variants of credit card on
advanced analytics and data mining capabilities to offer VISA platform, namely South Indian Bank Platinum SBI Card and
customers of the financial marketplace with customized South Indian Bank SimplySAVE SBI Card.
and conditionally approved offers across retail lending


SBI Bank in News

1. The bank has merged his five subsidiary banks with the 4. The public-sector bank has launched “Work from Home” fa-
‘Bharatiya Mahila Bank’-- State Bank of India (SBI). cility for employees -- State Bank of India (SBI).
Note: SBI has acquired State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur Note: SBI will use mobile computing technologies and shall
(SBBJ), State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH), State Bank of My have continuous control over all the enabled devices
sore (SBM), State Bank of Patiala (SBP) and State Bank of centrally to manage and secure the data and applications on
Travancore (SBT) and Bharatiya Mahila Bank. the mobile devices.
2. India's most valued Public Sector Company (PSU) in terms of 5. SBI has launched a unique credit card to spread credit inclu-
market capitalization (m-cap) in intra-day trade-- The State sion -- Unnati.
Bank of India (SBI). Note: ‘SBI Unnati card’ is a credit card offered those SBI
Note: SBI has surpassed oil exploration major Oil & Natural customers who have a minimum account balance of Rs.
Gas Corporation (ONGC). SBI is at the fifth position, while 25,000 in their accounts. The annual fee of Rs.499 is waived
ONGC is seventh in the top-10 most valued companies list. off for the first four years.
3. The State Bank of India (SBI) has decided to reintroduce pen- 6. The State Bank of India (SBI) has reduced its benchmark
alty on non-maintenance of minimum balance in accounts lending rate by -- 0.15 %.
from -- 1st of April 2017. Note: The minimum lending rate (Base rate) of the bank has
Note: The bank will now permit savings bank account been reduced from 9.25% to 9.1 %.
holders to free of charge cash deposit only three times a 7. The state govt. has signed a MoU with State Bank of India
month and levy Rs. 50 plus service tax on every transaction (SBI) to provide Housing and Educational loan at subsidized
beyond that. interest rates to the employees of the state -- The Assam
✓ In metropolitan branches (100 plus service tax), if the govt.
balance falls below 75 % of the minimum account bal- Note: The state Government will provide interest subsidy at
ance of 5,000 rupees), the rate of 3.50% for the housing loan and education loan at
✓ In rural branches (Rs. 50 plus service tax), if balance falls 4%.
below Rs. 1000.
✓ Withdrawal of cash from ATMs will also attract a charge
up to 20 rupees if the number of transactions exceeds
three from other bank's ATMs in a month and 10 rupees
for more than five withdrawals from SBI ATMs.

1. The 44th Chief Justice of India (CJI) -- Justice Jagdish Singh Note: 1982-batch Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
Khehar. Officer, Lianzuala will be the First person from the North-
Note: He will remain on the post till 27th August,2017. Eastern Region to hold this position.
2. The new chairman of the Union Public Service Commis- 6. An Adviser (policy & planning) in the National Disaster Man-
sion(UPSC) -- Prof. David R. Syiemlieh. agement Authority (NDMA) -- V Thiruppugazh.
Note: He will take over from Alka Sirohi (IAS officer) of the 7. DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam) has elected party
Madhya Pradesh cadre. treasurer as its Working President -- M K Stalin.
3. New Secretary in the Ministry of Tribal Affairs -- Anoop Ku- 8. The President of the Rockefeller Foundation -- Rajiv J Shah.
mar Srivastava. 9. The Vice Chief of Army Staff who recently took over as the
Note: Earlier, he was the Officer on Special Duty in the 27th Army Chief of India -- Lieutenant General Bipin
same Ministry. Rawat.
4. The New Controller General of Accounts (CGA) -- Mr. An- 10. The Indian-origin Saudi-based entrepreneur who has been
thony Lianzuala. appointed as the Major General of Kyrgyzstan -- Shaikh
5. The Controller General of Accounts -- Mr. Anthony Lian- Rafik Mohammed.
zuala 11. Who has been appointed as the new Vice Chief of Army
Staff ____ Lieutenant General Sarath Chand.

12. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tata Consultancy Note: He succeeds N Bhaskar Rao who resigned the post in
Services(TCS) -- Rajesh Gopinathan. 2015 following his alleged involvement in his son's corrup-
13. The chief executive officer of Flipkart -- Kalyan Krishna- tion case that involved using the Lokayukta office and resi-
murthy. dence for extortion.
14. New chairman of Tata Sons -- Natarajan Chandrasekaran. 25. New Police chief of Karnataka -- Rupak Kumar Dutta.
Note: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Note: He succeeded Om Prakash, who retiring from
Director (MD) of TCS Chandrasekaran has been appointed service on superannuation.
as the new chairman of Tata Sons. 26. The Managing Director (MD) of BAE Systems’ India --Nik
15. The Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) president -- Khanna.
Ashish Shelar Note: BAE Systems is a British multinational defense,
Note: He takes over from the former ICC president Sharad security, and aerospace company and its headquarters are
Pawar. located in London in the United Kingdom.
16. The new interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Prasar 27. CEO & MD of NSE National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Bharti -- Rajeev Singh. -- Vikram Limaye.
Note: He has become the new interim Chief Executive Note: The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) is
Officer (CEO) of Prasar Bharti after S C Panda retires on the leading stock exchange of India, located in Mumbai.NSE
February 2017. was established in 1992 as the first demutualized electronic
17. New chief of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) -- Alok exchange in the country.
Kumar. 28. Bollywood actress as the new female ambassador of the
Note: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the ‘Swachh Bharat Campaign’ -- Anushka Sharma.
domestic intelligence and security service of India, which Note: She will highlight the women-centric aspects of open
simultaneously serves as the nation's prime federal law defecation in the rural and semi-rural area.Anushka will join
enforcement agency. the campaign with Amitabh Bachchan, who is also the
18. The MD & CEO of Bharti AXA General -- Sanjeev Srinivasan. brand ambassador of this campaign.
Note: Bharti AXA General is the joint venture between 30. Director (Commercial) of National Thermal Power Corpo-
Bharti Enterprises and AXA. ration Limited (NTPC) -- Anand Kumar Gupta.
➢ Srinivasan joined Bharti AXA General Insurance in Au- Note: He will be responsible for the activities relating to
gust 2016 as Chief Commercial and Principal Officer. Commercial, International and Domestic Business
19. The new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Khadi & Village In- development and Consultancy business of NTPC.
dustries Commission (KVIC)-- Anshu Sinha.
31. The chairman of the National Commission for Protection of
Note: KVIC is a statutory body established by the Khadi
Child Rights (NCPCR) -- Stuti Narain Kacker.
and Village Industries Commission Act, 1995 under the
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. Presently, Note: NCPCR is an Indian governmental commission, under
Arun Kumar Jha is the CEO of KVIC. the administrative control of the Ministry of Women &
20. The United Nations(UN) in India Goodwill Ambassador for Child Development.
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- Ashok Am- 32. Principal economic adviser in the department of economic
ritraj. affairs in the Union Finance Ministry -- Sanjeev Sanyal.
Note: Amritraj is the Chairman and CEO of the Hyde Park 33. President of Associated Chambers of Commerce of India
Entertainment Group. (ASSOCHAM)-- Sandeep Jajodia.
21. Interim head of India Post Payments Bank -- A P Singh.
Note: He succeeded Sunil Kanoria co-founder and Vice
Note: IPPB has launched in Ranchi and Raipur with the Chairman of Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited.
objective of being present in all corners of India by the end
of the year. 34. President of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India
(ICAI) -- Nilesh Vikamsey.
22. Online cab Ola has appointed former PepsiCo executive as
the new chief operating officer (COO)-- Vishal Kaul. Note: Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey has become the new
Note: He succeeds Ola's first employee Pranay Jivrajka. President of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India(ICAI)
23. The Meghalaya Governor has resigned after a controversy ICAI is the national professional accounting body of
was triggered by reports in local media accused him of sex- India.
ual misconduct -- V Shanmuganathan. 35. President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
24. New Lokayukta of Karnataka -- Justice Vishwanath Shetty. (ICAI) for the year 2017-18 -- Nilesh Shivji Vikamsey.
Note: Gupta has been a chartered accountant for more
than 20 years.

10 | P a g e
36. High Commissioner of India to Canada -- Vikas Swarup. WTO is a global international organization dealing with the
Note: He will replace Arun Kumar Sahu who is currently rules of trade between nations.
working as acting Indian envoy in Canada. 48. Chairman of the country’s largest commercial enterprise
37. Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu -- Edappadi K Palaniswamy. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) -- Sanjiv Singh.

Note: He is a senior leader of the All India Anna Dravida Note: The Appointments Committee of Cabinet has
Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK). approved his appointment for a period of five years.He will
be assuming the charge on or after 1st June 2017.
39. Russia's ambassador to the United Nation who died after
falling ill in his office in New York -- Vitaly Churkin. 49. The head coach of the Indian Under-17 team for the FIFA
Under-17 World Cup -- Luis Norton de Matos(Portugal).
40. Nagaland People's Front president has been sworn-in as the
11th Chief Minister of Nagaland -- Shurhozelie Liezitsu. 50. The Chairman and Managing Director of MTNL -- P K Pur-
Note: He succeeded TR Zeliang, who resigned as the Chief
Minister following widespread protests over reservation to Note: Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) is a
women in local body elections. state-owned telecommunications service provider in the
metro cities of Mumbai & New Delhi in India and in the
41. The chairman of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal -- island nation of Mauritius in Africa.
Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre.
51. 76th Mayor of Mumbai, with the support of the BJP --
Note: The post was vacant since Justice Balbir Singh Vishwanath Mahadeshwar.
Chauhan resigned from the post. Cauvery Water Disputes
Tribunal was established with an aim to speed up water Note: He defeated Congress nominee ‘Vitthal Lokare’ by
sharing disputes among states. the 171-31 margin.The election result of Bombay Municipal
Corporation had thrown up a hung verdict with the Shiv
42. Vice Chairman of Asian Hockey Federation -- Abhijit Sarkar. Sena winning 84 seats and the Bharatiya Janata Party
Note: He was also appointed the Chairman of the AHF winning 82 seats out of 227.
Commercial and TV Committee with immediate effect. 52. The chief Financial Officer of Adidas -- Harm Ohlmeyer.
43. New spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Note: Ohlmeyer will replace Robin Stalker, who served the
-- Gopal Baglay. organisation for 16 years. Earlier, Kasper Rorsted was
44. The Chairperson of the National Commission for Sched-uled appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Adidas.
Tribes Chairperson (NCST) -- Sri Nand Kumar Sai. 53. The Regional Director of Ford Foundation for India, Nepal
Note: Sai succeeds Rameshwar Oraon, whose tenure had and Sri Lanka -- Pradeep Nair.
ended on 31st October 2016. NCST investigates and moni- Note: He will replace David Hulse. Nair will guide Ford
tors all matters related to safeguards provided for Sched- foundation’s operations in New Delhi.
uled Tribes under the constitution or under law or under
any order of the Government. 54. Indian cricketer has been appointed UNICEF and Cricket for
Good Ambassador for the ICC Women’s World Cup 2017 --
45. Secretary-General of South Asian Association for Regional Sachin Tendulkar.
Cooperation (SAARC) -- Amjad Hussain B Sial (Pakistan).
55. Additional charge of Defence Ministry -- Arun Jaitley.
Note: Earlier, Outgoing Secretary General Arjun Bahadur
Thapa (Nepal) had completed his term on Feb 2017.Sial Note: The union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has given the
served at SAARC Secretariat as director in Kathmandu. additional charge of the Defence Ministry after Manohar
Parrikar resigned to take on the new role of Goa Chief
46. The 9th Chairman of markets regulator Securities and Ex- Minister.
change Board of India (SEBI) -- Ajay Tyagi.
56. New Ambassador of India to Nepal -- Manjeev Singh Puri.
Note: Ajay Tyagi (1984 batch IAS officer) of the Himachal
Pradesh cadre succeeded U K Sinha. The chairman of SEBI Note: He will succeed Ranjit Rae.
receives a consolidated pay package of Rs. 4.5 lakh per 57. The Chairman of Central Water Commission -- Narendra
month. Kumar.
47. India’s permanent representative to World Trade Organiza- Note: Narendra Kumar is a Central Water Engineering
tion (WTO) -- J S Deepak. Service Officer of 1979 batch and he became a member of
Note: Telecom Secretary J S Deepak (IAS officer -1982 CWC (River Management) in October 2014.He took over G.
batch Uttar Pradesh) was named India's next Ambassador S. Jha, upon his superannuation.
to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) from June 2017.The 58. The Chairman of National Commission for Safai
Karamcharis -- Manhar Valji Bhai Zala.

11 | P a g e
Note: The purpose of the Commission is to study, evaluate 30th November, 2015 as a coalition of the solar resource
and monitor the implementation of various schemes for rich countries on the first day of the Paris Climate
Safai Karamcharis as an autonomous organisation and also Conference(CoP21).
to provide redressal of their grievances. 69. The new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of International
60. The new Chief Minister of Punjab -- Captain Amarinder Cricket Council (ICC) -- Ankur Khanna.
Singh. Note: He will join the ICC headquarters in Dubai at the end
Note: Congress secured 77 out of the 117 assembly seats of March 2017. Presently, he is serving Air Asia India as the
thus leading to a comfortable victory. Chief Financial Officer.
61. The new Chief Minister of Manipur -- Nongthombam Biren 70. The sports entrepreneur and philanthropist has been ap-
Singh. pointed the new member of Sports Authority of India (SAI) -
Note: National People's Party’s Y. Joykumar was sworn in - Siddhartha Upadhyay.
as the Deputy Chief Minister. This is the first time when BJP 71. Who has been appointed as the new Whole-Time Member
has formed government in Manipur. (WTM) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
62. The Vice-President (VP) of the Local Organising Committee -- Madhabi Puri Buch.
(LoC) of the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 -- Babul Supriyo. Note: Currently, she is working at the BRICS Development
Note: For the first time, India to host FIFA U-17 World from Bank in Shanghai, China.
6 to 28 October, 2017. 72. Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
63. The Chief Secretary of Punjab -- Karan Avtar Singh. (AIIMS) Delhi -- Randeep Guleria.

Note: He succeeded Shri Sarvesh Kaushal who was posted Note: He succeeds Dr. M C Misra who retired in, January
as Special Chief Secretary-cum-Director General of the 2017. Guleria is the head of the Department of
Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration. Pulmonology and Sleep Disorders at the All India Institute
of Medical Sciences (India's first center) New Delhi.
64. The new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand -- Trivendra Rawat.
73. The first woman to head ‘The Leadership Conference on
Note : Former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Civil and Human Rights’ -- Vanita Gupta.
pracharak and MLA of Doiwala ‘Trivendra Singh Rawat’
sworn in as a new Uttarakhand Chief Minister (9th) in the 74. Speaker of Punjab Assembly -- Rana Kanwar Pal Singh.
state capital Dehradun. Note: Former Punjab Youth Congress PresidentRana K P
65. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh -- Yogi Adityanath. Singh is elected from the Anandpur Sahib constituency for
the third time.
Note: Yogi Adityanath took oath as the chief minister (21st)
of Uttar Pradesh along with Keshav Prasad Maurya (State 75. The Border Security Force (BSF) has received its first
BJP-chief) and Dinesh Sharma (Lucknow Mayor) as deputy woman field officer after 51 years -- Tanushree Pareek.
chief ministers of the state. Adityanath is the five-time Note: She started training in the year 2016 in a 52-week
Member of Parliament (MP) from Gorakhpur and also the Assistant Commandant training programme with the 40th
'Mahant' of a Hindu temple 'Gorakhnath Math' in batch of the BSF Academy.
Gorakhpur. 76. The chairman of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) -
66. Chief Justice of Kerala High Court -- Justice Navniti Prasad - Sharad Singh Negi.
Singh. 77. Speaker of UP legislative assembly -- Hriday Narayan Dik-
Note: Justice Singh is the former judge in the Patna High shit.
Court. Note: Dixit has been the party's spokesperson in the state
67. The Snapdeal has appointed 'Jason Kothari' as the Chief for several years and was minister for parliamentary affairs
Executive Officer of -- FreeCharge. and Panchayati raj in the previous BJP government in UP.
Note: He will continue his key leadership role as Chief 78. Vice-chancellor of Nalanda University (NU) -- Sunaina
Strategy & Investment Officer at Snapdeal. FreeCharge was Singh.
started in August, 2010 by Kunal Shah and Sandeep Note: At present, Sunaina Singh is the vice chancellor of the
Tandon. English and Foreign Language University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
68. full-time Interim Director General (IDG) of the International 79. The Chairman of Central Board of Excise and Customs
Solar Alliance (ISA) -- Upendra Tripathy. (CBEC) -- Vanaja N. Sarna.
Note: He served the Ministry of New and Renewable Note: The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) is a
Energy as its secretary from 1st April 2014 to 31st October part of the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of
2016. The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched on

12 | P a g e
Finance, Government of India. CBIC is the nodal national Note: Mukta Dutta Tomar (Indian Foreign Service: 1984-
agency responsible for administering Customs, Central batch) has been appointed as the new ambassador of India
Excise, Service Tax & Narcotics in India headed by to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Chairperson and consist of six Members. 88. The union government has appointed retired Supreme
80. Chief Justice of the Madras High Court -- Justice Indira Court judge as the next chairman of the Telecom Disputes
Banerjee. Settle-ment & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) for a period of
three years -- Justice Shiva Kirti Singh.
Note: Justice Banerjee has become the second woman to Note: He replaced Justice ‘Aftab Alam’.
head the Madras High Court. 89. First non-white judge at the Old Bailey Court of London --
81. Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India to the Anuja Ravindra Dhir.
United Nations Offices in Geneva -- Rajiv Kumar Chander. Note: She is also the youngest circuit judge to sit at the
Note: He is currently the consul general of India in
90. The new administrator of the United Nations Development
Vancouver. Earlier, he was deputy permanent
Programme (UNDP) -- Achim Steiner.
representative with the Permanent Mission of India to the
Note: He succeeds Helen Clark (former New Zealand Prime
United Nations, Geneva, between 2006 and 2009.
Minister) who has steered the UNDP since 2009.
82. The Chairman of Amateur Circle Kabaddi Federation of 91. The Chairman of Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) -
India (ACKFI) for the next four years -- Ram Bilas Sharma. - Devendra Kumar Sharma.
Note:The Amateur Circle Kabaddi Federation of India Note: BBMB manages the release of water in Punjab,
(ACKFI) was formed in 1978.The Federation is Affiliated Haryana, and Rajasthan as it controls Bhakra, Pong, and
with Asian Amateur Circle Kabaddi Federation and World other dams.
Kabaddi Federation. 92. Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Director of LIC
Housing Finance Limited -- Vinay Shah.
83. new Director General of Police (DGP) of Gujarat -- Geeta Note: He has replaced 'Smt. Sunita Sharma' after
Johari. Government had elevated her to Managing Director (MD)
Note: She will replace Mr. P.P. Pandey who had resigned of LIC.
from the post. 93. Re-elected as the president of Telangana Rashtra Samiti
84. Nasscom has appointed industry veteran as its chairman for (TRS) -- Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao.
2017-18 -- Raman Roy. Note: Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) is an Indian regional
political party based in Telangana State.
Note: Raman Roy is one of the pioneers of the Business 94. The new Financial Commissioner (FC) of Indian Railways-- B
Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in India and CEO of his N Mohapatra.
VC funded BPO company ‘Quatrro’. The National Note: Earlier, he has served as Additional Member
Association of Software and Services Companies (Finance) since November 2016.
(NASSCOM) is a trade association of Indian Information 95. New Director General of Police (DGP) of Haryana -- BS
Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sandhu.
industry. Note: Earlier, Mr. Sandhu was the Chairman and Managing
85. India’s first-ever transgender police Sub-Inspector -- Prithi- Director(MD) of Haryana Police Housing Corporation.
ka Yashini. 96. New Director-General of the Central Reserve Police Force
(CRPF)-- Rajiv Rai Bhatnagar.
86. Director of IIM Trichy -- Bhimaraya Metri.
Note: The Central Armed Police Force was headless for
Note: Metri will take over the office from Prafulla Agnihotri,
nearly two months after the retirement of ‘K. Durga Prasad’
who is also the founding director of IIM Trichy.
97. New Director General of Indo-Tibetan Border Police force
87. The new Ambassador of India to the Federal Republic of
(ITBP) -- R.K. Pachnanda.
Germany -- Mukta Dutta Tomar.


1. A member of Haitian Tet Kale Party (HTKP) has won the 3. The British diplomat appointed as the United Kingdom’s
2016 Presidential election of Haiti -- Jovenel Moise. ambassador to the European Union is ____Sir Tim Barrow.
2. The new President of Ghana -- Nana Akufo-Addo. 4. The former chairman and chief executive of Exxon Mobil
Note: Earlier he served as attorney general and then as has been sworn in as Secretary of State of US President
foreign minister in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Donald Trump-- Rex Tillerson.
government, which held power in 2001.

13 | P a g e
Note: Tillerson was cleared for full Senate approval in a Note: A total of 2,300 delegates to the National Congress,
56-43 vote. The vote came after Senate Republicans slated for the second half of 2017, are being elected by 40
changed the rules in order to approve Mr Trump's electoral units across the country.
nominees for health and treasury, despite a Democratic 16. Somalia's Parliament has elected former Prime Minister as
the country's new president -- Mohamed Abdullahi
5. The former Prime Minister of Portugal who recently took Farmajo.
over as the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations is
Note: He beat incumbent President ‘Hassan Sheikh
-- Antonio Guterres.
Mohamud’. The Federal Republic of Somalia is a country
6. The new President of Nicaragua -- Daniel Ortega. located in the Horn of Africa and estimated population of
around 3 million.
Note: He has been sworn-in for a 3rd term as President of
Nicaragua with his wife Rosario Murillo as the new Vice 17. Republican Senator as the next Attorney General of the
President. United States -- Jeff Sessions.

7. Pakistan's former Chief of Army Staff has been appointed as Note:The Alabama senator is known for his tough stance
on immigration enforcement and his early support of
the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Military Alliance --
President Donald Trump who nominated him for the job.
Raheel Sharif.
18. Pakistani’s first woman Foreign Secretary -- Tehmina
8. New President of European Parliament -- Antonio Tajani. Janjua.
Note: He defeated his centre-left compatriot Gianni Note: She has replaced incumbent Foreign Secretary Aizaz
Pittella by 351 votes to 282. Mr. Tajani is a former Ahmad Chaudhry.Chaudhry will be taking charge as
spokesman for Italy's Silvio Berlusconi and an ex-European Pakistan's new ambassador to the US.
19. Under-Secretary-General for the United Nations’ Peace-
9. New President of Gambia -- Adama Barrow.
keeping Operations for the period of one year (from 1st
10. The African Union has elected Chad’s foreign minister as April 2017) -- Jean-Pierre Lacroix.
the new African Union (AU) commission chairman --Moussa
Note: Lacroix currently serves as the director for the
Faki Mahamat.
United Nations at the French Foreign Ministry.
Note: He has replaced South Africa’s Nkosazana Dlamini- 20. England’s Test captain replacing Alastair Cook -- Joe Root.
Zuma, who was elected to the post in 2012.
Note: He will become England’s 80th Test skipper with his
11. The Senate of USA has confirmed South Carolina Governor
first game in charge set to be against South Africa at Lord’s
as the next Ambassador to the United Nations -- Nikki Ha- on 6th July 2017. Rott has scored 4,594 Test runs since he
ley. made his debut in 2012 and has been vice-captain since
Note: Haley was approved by the Senate on a 96-4 vote. May 2015.
She will replace Samantha Power at the UN, 21. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has appointed his wife
12. The Prime Minister of Mauritius-- Pravind Jugnauth. as the First Vice President of the country -- Mehriban Ali-
Note: He is the leader of the Mouvement Socialiste
Militant (MSM), which is the largest party in the National Note: The Vice President position was created after a
Assembly since December 2014. constitutional referendum in September,2016.
13. Executive director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) 22. Former aid worker and oil executive, has been appointed
-- David Beasley. the new Prime Minister of Federal Republic of Somalia --
Note: The WFP is the world largest humanitarian Hassan Ali Khayre.
organization that provides food assistance to an average of 23. Newly appointed Prime Minister of Republic of the Sudan --
80 million people in 75 countries each year. Bakri Hassan Saleh.
14. The first woman Chief Executive (CE) of the Hong Kong
Note: It is the first-time Sudan has a prime minister since
Special Administrative Region-- Carrie Lam. Bashir came to power in a 1989 Islamist and military-
15. Who has been unanimously elected as a delegate to the backed coup. He is a retired army general and former
National Congress of the ruling Communist Party of China defense, interior and presidential affairs minister.
(CPC) at the Guizhou provincial party unit -- Xi Jinping. 24. re-elected European Council’s President -- Donald Tusk.

14 | P a g e
Note: Tusk has been re-elected for a term of two and a the European Union (EU) that charged with defining the
half year by 27 to one votes. He’ll take over the office from EU’s overall political direction and priorities.
1st June 2017.The European Council is the institution of
Important Committees

1. B N Srikrishna Committee - to review institutionalization of 11. Pradeep Kumar Sinha committee - to develop the pan-India
arbitration mechanism in India. road map for trade facilitation
2. Ajit Mohan committee - to fight against the menace of online 12. Ratan P Watal committee - to suggest steps to promote card
piracy. payments
3. Nripendra Mishra Committee - on Indus Water Treaty. 13. Amitabh Kant committee (CEO of NITI Aayog) - to look at eas-
4. Committee of chief ministers on demonetisation - Andhra ing the policy regime for e-commerce players, including the
Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu. rules for foreign direct investment (FDI).
Note: Chief Ministers of five states to suggest measures to 14. Arvind Panagariya committee - to prepare a road map for
normalise the situation in the wake of demonetisation of Rs elimination of poverty. It has suggested setting up a commit-
500 and Rs 1,000 denomination notes. tee to identify people Below Poverty Line (BPL). It also sug-
5. Munialappa committee - to monitor the bird flu situation and gested participation from states in defining the BPL popula-
help state governments take steps to contain the disease. tion.
6. K.S. Valdiya committee - The Saraswati river, so far consid- 15. TVSN Prasad committee - to look into the alternatives to pel-
ered mythical, did exist, a Governmentconstituted expert let guns. It suggests that the pellet guns should be used in rar-
committee has found. est of rare cases. It suggests for use of other non-lethal weap-
ons, like chilli grenade shells, for crowd control.
7. Injeti Srinivas committee -- A committee to suggest improve-
ments in the National Sports Development Code (NSDC) and 16. Ak Sinha committee - to study slit in river Ganga in Bihar.
functioning of Indian Sports Federation 17. Justice R.M. Lodha committee - to oversee the functioning of
Note: The committee will suggest improvements in the pre- Medical Council of India (MCI)
sent NSDC on the basis of suggestions and feedback given in 18. NK Singh committee - to review and give recommendations
these meetings and submit a report within a month so that on Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM)
Sports Bodies work as per the public expectations for the pro- roadmap for the future.
motion of sports in India. 19. Sanjay Mitra committee - to prepare a policy framework for
8. Hem Pande committee - to sell subsidised pulses to ensure taxi and other transport operators in view of the ban on diesel
that there is no shortage of the item during this festival sea- taxis in the National Capital Region (NCR).
son. 20. DB Shekatkar Committee - on defence spending.
9. Mata Prasad committee - suggested an overhaul in transmis- 21. T S R Subramanian committee - New Education Policy.
sion planning to facilitate transfer of power on economic prin- 22. Akhilesh Ranjan committee - recommendations on Taxation
ciples. of e-commerce
10. Justice L Narasimha Reddy committee - to consider the
anomalies, if any, arising out of implementation of OROP.
23. s
Current Affairs – International

1. ‘Aoba Velox-III’ satellite belongs to the country -- Singa- 3. As per The American Interest magazine India’s rank in
pore. the list of ‘Eight Great Powers of 2017’-- 6th.
Note: Aoba Velox-III is a joint project between 4. India has signed a Protocol to amend the Double Taxa-
Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and tion Avoidance Convention in January this year -- Ka-
Japan’s Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech). zakhstan.
2. The world’s largest solar park -- Longyangxia Dam Solar
5. The first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citi-
Park (China).
zens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros
Note: The Longyangxia Dam Solar Park occupies 27 sq (USD 587) --Finland.
km and built at a cost of about 6bn yuan. The solar park
can produce about 850 MW of power in Qinghai 6. NASA is sending first African-American space station
province. crew member to space station in 2018 --Jeanette Epps.

15 | P a g e
7. The Union Government has imposed an anti-dumping Note: The CERN operates the largest particle physics
duty ranging from USD 6.30 to USD 351. 72 per tonne on laboratory in the world and the headquarters is located
imports of jute and its products from -- Bangladesh and at Geneva, Switzerland.
Nepal. 20. The India Innovation Index (III) will be developed by the
international organization to measure innovation perfor-
8. The Union Cabinet has agreed to sign an agreement for
mance of Indian states -- World Intellectual Property Or-
cooperation in field of agriculture and allied sectors --
ganization (WIPO).
Note: The index will be based on key pillars of innovation
9. The company who has launched the training program,
and sub-indices that together will assist in tailoring
named Digital Unlocked, for Indian small and medium policies that promote inclusive growth.
businesses is -- Google.
21. The International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic
10. India has approved to sign a MoU with this country in plants of India was held in the city -- New Delhi.
the field of agriculture and allied sectors -- Kenya.
Note: The 2-day International Symposium on Medicinal
11. Three-year ban on import of some vegetables (bitter and Aromatic plants of India was held in New Delhi.
gourd, snake gourd and aubergines) from India-- Euro- 22. An appeal for 3 billion US Dollar to help 48 million chil-
pean Union (EU). dren caught up in crises worldwide amid fears of a fund-
12. ISRO has signed pact with the country’s space agency on ing cut from top donor the United States -- UNICEF.
satellite launch technology -- France. Note: The United States is the top donor to UNICEF,
Note: The space programmes of both countries are com- followed by Germany, Britain and the European.
plementary in terms of comparable size and sharing sim- 23. The programming committee meeting of South Asian As-
ilar objectives. ISRO is the second partner of CNES, in sociation for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was held at -
terms of volume, after NASA. - Kathmandu (Nepal).
13. The world’s first country to shut-down the Frequency Note: Indian delegation leads by Joint Secretary (SAARC)
Modulation (FM) radio broadcasting network and Shri Prashant Agarwal and issues including budget of
started its’ switching to Digital Audio Broadcasting SAARC secretariat and its 5 regional centers and regular
activities of the association has been discussed.
(DAB)-- Norway.
24. Who hosted the 4th BIMSTEC Summit-2017 -- Nepal.
14. India and Sri Lanka have signed MoU to construct rain
water harvesting system at a cost of 30 crore Sri Lankan Note: The BIMSTEC was founded in 1997 and is an
international organization involving a group of countries
Rupees in northern Jaffna District -- 3000.
in South Asia and South East Asia.
15. The International conference for peace talks between Is-
25. The world’s first country to completely divest from fossil
rael and Palestinians will be held in -- Paris (France).
fuels -- Ireland.
Note: Around 70 nations delegates are expected to re-
affirm support for a two-state solution to the decades- 26. Who has successfully tested a new version Dongfeng-5C
old conflict. missile -- China.
16. The first country in the world to officially recognize 27. The country hosted the Mobile World Congress 2017 --
parkour as a sport -- The United Kingdom. Spain.
17. National order of knighthood honour on former Union Note: The 2017 Mobile World Congress was held in Bar-
Minister of State for External Affairs Eduardo Faleiro -- celona, Spain from 27th February to 2nd March. The
Portugal. MWC is the world’s largest gathering for the mobile in-
18. The Country has test-fired the first submarine-launched dustry.
Cruise Missile Babur-3 -- Pakistan. 28. The Airways has launched the world's longest scheduled
19. The country has become an associate member of Euro- commercial airline route with the arrival of its flight from
pean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) -- India. Doha to Auckland, New Zealand -- Qatar Airways.

16 | P a g e
Note: The airliner 777-200LR is 259-seat Boeing crossed Note: The stunning discovery of seven Earth-like planets
10 time zones before landing in Auckland after taking off orbiting a small star in the galaxy open up the most
from Doha covering distance of 7848 nautical miles. promising hunting ground so far for life beyond the Solar
29. Japan's Scientists have announced the development of System.
transmitter which can transmit digital data at a rate ex- 36. The world's first robot table tennis tutor in Japan has set
ceeding 100 gigabits per second over a single channel us- a new Guinness World Record for its uncanny ability of
ing the 300-gigahertz band -- Terahertz (THz). being able to play the game better than most humans --
Note: It is a next generation system which can transmit
digital data over 10 times faster than 5G mobile Note: FORPHEUS (Future Omron Robotics Technology
networks expected to appear around 2020 for Exploring Possibility of Harmonised Automation with
Sinic Theoretics) has officially been given the Guinness
30. The International Conference on NexGen Technologies title for its unique technological intelligence and
for Mining and Fuel Industries at -- Vigyan Bhawan in educational capabilities.
New Delhi.
37. The country to host the 9th edition of BRICS Summit-
Note: The conference has covered areas like Innovative 2017--China.
mining technology for sustainable development and
advances in mine design mine planning recent Note: The theme of this year’s event is ‘BRICS: Stronger
advancement in drilling and blasting. Partnership for a Brighter Future’.

31. International organization has opened the South Asia Re- 38. India has signed MoU with the neighbour country for
development of Sylhet city -- Bangladesh.
gional Training and Technical Assistance Center
(SARTTAC) in India -- International Monetary Fund(IMF). 39. The country to build its’ first national under water obser-
vatory in disputed South China Sea -- China.
Note: The center is a collaborative venture between the
IMF, the member countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, 40. The country has decided to cancel visa-free entry for
Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) and development North Koreans due to National security reasons from 6th
partners. March 2017 -- Malaysia.
Note: North Koreans will be required to obtain a visa
32. The Minister of State for Communications (Independent
before entering Malaysia for national security reasons.
Charge) Manoj Sinha has inaugurated the two-day
ASEAN India Digital connectivity summit in -- New Delhi. 41. The country hosted the 10th International Conference
Note: Around 30 countries delegates explore areas of on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance -- India.
cooperation in the area of telecommunication and net- Note: Three-day ICEGOV conference was organized by
work technology. the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
in collaboration with United Nations University and
33. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has suc-
cessfully ground tested its indigenously developed Cryo-
genic Upper Stage engine for -- GSLV Mark III. 42. The country has won the 'Most Popular Tourism Destina-
Note: The test was last in the series before going for an tion Award' at the Guangzhou International Travel Fair
actual rocket launch and the engine will be put into use (GITF) in China -- Sri Lanka.
in April. Note: Sri Lanka won the award is the testament to the
country's growing popularity among Chinese travel
34. The Pakistan army has launched nationwide military op-
enthusiasts for the second consecutive year.
eration to eliminate terrorists and consolidate gains of
its counter-terrorism operations -- Radd-ul-Fasaad. 43. The two-week long joint military exercise between India
Note: The operation aims include the elimination of the and Nepal has begun in Pithoragarh area of Uttarakhand
residual and latent threat of terrorism, consolidating -- SURYA KIRAN-XI.
gains of operations made so far and ensuring the Note: The Surya Kiran series of exercises are being
security of Pakistan's borders. conducted biannually, alternatively in India and Nepal.
35. Astronomers have discovered for the first-time new 44. Indian and Royal Oman armies joint exercise “Al Nagah-
Earth-sized exoplanets that may be able to sustain life -- two” in Bakloh area -- Chamba district,HP.

17 | P a g e
Note: Total sixty contingents from both sides are taking 54. Four -day mega Conference of world parliamentarians in
part in the exercise. The exercise would be mainly -- Dhaka.
focused on counter-terrorism and forest warfare. Note: Around 687 members of 131 national parliaments
45. The Permanent Indus Commission (PIC) meeting was around the world are participated in the conference. The
held in the city -- Lahore. conference promising to focus on ways and means to
Note: The PIC is a bilateral commission of officials from end political & economic inequality and uphold
India-Pakistan, created to implement and manage goals democracy and human rights.
of Indus Waters Treaty (IWT). 55. 7th member of South Asia sub-regional Economic Coop-
46. The Constitutional court has removed South Korean eration (SASEC) program of the Asian Development Bank
President from the office -- Park Geun-Hye. (ADB) -- Myanmar.

Note: The impeachment was carried out over allegations Note: It was officially made member at the SASEC
of corruption and cronyism on Park. Finance Ministers’ meeting in New Delhi.

47. The cultural festival ‘India by the Nile’ has started in the 56. An initiative a virtual training programme "Amazon
country -- Egypt. Classroom" to help teach them the nuances of online
selling -- Amazon India.
Note: The event is a special moment as this year India
celebrates 70 years of independence and also 70 years Note: The program focusses on areas such as order
of its diplomatic relations with Egypt. processing, adding products and managing returns that
are required to operate a successful online business.
48. Two-day 12th CII-EXIM Bank Conclave on India-Africa
Project Partnership in New Delhi inaugurated by -- Presi- 57. India-UAE cultural celebrations festival launched at --
dent Pranab Mukherjee. Abu Dhabi.

Note: The CII-Exim bank conclave was organized by the Note: India-UAE Cultural Celebrations is a cultural
CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) in partnership with partnership for a positive future is a cultural engagement
the EXIM Bank of India with the support of the Ministry programme.
of External Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce & 58. The World's oldest and most experienced spacewoman
Industry, Government of India. is getting three extra months in orbit -- Peggy Whitson.
49. The country who has successfully test fired naval strike Note: The two men she flew up with in November
ballistic missile ‘Hormuz 2’-- Iran. Thomas Pesquet (France) and Oleg Novitskiy (Russia) will
return in June without her.
50. The 23rd Conference of Auditors General of Common-
59. Thailand King has signed a new constitution in Bangkok -
wealth Countries and British Overseas Territories -- New
- Maha Vajiralongkorn.
Note: This is Thailand’s 20th constitution since 1932. The
51. The country has launched a new Peace Education and new constitution is expected to pave way for Democracy
Reconciliation Unit (PERU) to create awareness on rec- while also giving the army a substantial role in politics.
onciliation among hundreds of thousands of students-- 60. The first country in the world to fully allow the produc-
The Sri Lankan. tion, sale, and consumption of marijuana when its phar-
52. The country hosted the 3rd edition of World Conference macies will be allowed to sell marijuana in July 2017 --
on Environment -- India.
Note: Under the law, users also have the option to grow
Note: The conference has been organized by the their own pot at home, or join cannabis clubs that grow
National Green Tribunal (NGT) in New Delhi. it in cooperatives. 8.
53. CEA (Central Electricity Authority) report, India has ex- 61. The G-7 Foreign Ministers meeting was held in the coun-
ported electricity to Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar try- Italy.
during the current FY 2016-17-- around 5,798 million Note: The Group of 7 (G7) consists of Canada, France,
units. Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom (UK) and the
Note: The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) is the United States (USA).
designated authority of the government for cross-border 62. The International Convention on World Homoeopathy
trade of electricity. Day (WHD) in the city -- New Delhi.

18 | P a g e
Note: The 2-day International Convention has started Note: Sri Lanka will host ‘Vesak -2017’ under the theme
with the theme ‘Enhancing Quality of Research in ‘Buddhist Teachings for Social Justice and Sustainable
Homoeopathy’ through scientific evidence and rich World Peace’.
clinical experiences’ at Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra (PBK) in 71. The world’s first airline to adopt new satellite-based air-
New Delhi. plane tracking system -- Malaysia Airlines.
63. The first NIMCARE World Health Day Summit 2017 has Note: Malaysia Airlines will track its flights with the help
started in city -- New Delhi. of satellites by 2018.
Note: The slogan of the summit is ‘Unite for a Healthy 72. The first World Ocean Festival (WOF) will be hosted by
Mind’.The NIMCARE is a registered Charitable Trust the country -- United States.
under the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Note: The first WOF will be organized by the Global Brian
64. Amnesty International (Global death penalty-2016) has Foundation (GBF).
topped on executions in 2016 -- China.
73. The BRICS Film Festival 2017 will be held in -- China.
Note: China executed thousands each year, Iran
executed (567 people), Saudi Arabia (154 people) and Note: Around 30 films from BRICS countries will be
Pakistan (87 peoples) in 2016. screened during the festival, including an anthology by
five directors from the mentioned countries from 23 to
65. The centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's has been cele- 27 June,2017.
brated in London with the screening of a documentary
to re-tell Gandhi's story -- Sabarmati Ashram. 74. India and the East Asian nation have signed an Inter-
Governmental MoU for Defence Industry cooperation
Note: The documentary 'Sabarmati Ashram- The Home between their shipbuilding yards in New Delhi -- South
of Gandhi's Experiments with Truth was screened at the Korea.
Nehru Centre.
Note: India has nominated Hindustan Shipyard at
66. The first Nepal-China joint army exercise ‘Sagarmatha Vishakhapatnam whereas South Korea is yet to
Friendship-2017 -- Kathmandu. nominate its shipyard.
Note: The 'Sagarmatha Friendship-2017’ drill is aimed to 75. The first satellite Mongol Sat-I part of its efforts to make
exchange experience, skills and professional knowledge use of new technology to diversify its resource-depend-
between the armies of Nepal and China. ent economy -- Mongolia.
67. Internet giant Google has launched an app that will ag- Note: The satellite was launched in partnership with Asia
gregate all hyperlocal services and food delivery apps in Broadcast Satellite (ABS). It is 1227 Megahertz satellite.
the country -- Areo.
76. The first Indian-Indonesia Energy Forum in -- Jakarta, In-
Note: This is the first time that Google is entering the donesia.
business of food delivery and home services in India.
Google- Areo is an accreditor that provides services Note: Major Indian companies in oil and gas sector, like
through other startups in the domain. ONCG Videsh Limited, Petronet LNG Limited, Gas are
participating in this forum.
68. India’s first conceptualized, designed and manufactured
articulated industrial robot called -- ‘BRABO’ (Bravo Ro- 77. India has signed three with the country on peaceful uses
bot). of outer space -- Armenia.
Note: It has been developed indigenously for micro, Note: The two countries are celebrating the 25th
small and medium enterprises (MSME) in India. anniversary of their diplomatic ties.
69. The agreements with three Singapore universities to pro- 78. The first country in the world to ban the mining of met-
vide training opportunities to students at the ASEAN-In- als for environmental protection -- El Salvador.
dia Business Forum in Singapore -- The Confederation of Note: The new law entered into force after being signed
Indian Industry (CII). by President Salvador ‘Sanchez Ceren’.
Note: CII is an association of Indian businesses which 79. India and Cyprus have signed agreements after delega-
works to create an environment conducive to the growth tion-level talks in New Delhi -- four.
of industry in the country.
Note: The MoUs have been exchanged are Air Services,
70. The country to host the 14th edition of United Nations Agriculture, Merchant Shipping and Culture Education.
International Day of Vesak – 2017-- Sri Lanka.

19 | P a g e
80. The first code for its new feature ‘Copy less Paste’ in its 84. The city who is hosting the 2017 Mobile World Con-
Chrome app running on Android OS -- Google. gress(MWC) -- Barcelona (Spain).
Note: The Copy less Paste feature will take data from Note: The 2017 Mobile World Congress (MWC) has
Chrome usage and use that to improve the experience in started in Barcelona, Spain from 27th February and will
other apps. continue till March. The MWC is the world’s biggest and
81. A stadium-sized, heavy-lift Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) best mobile industry event comprising of a massive
from Wanaka, a scenic spot on New Zealand's South Is- exhibition, an award-winning conference, outstanding
land has been launched by -- NASA. networking opportunities, partner programmes, the
Glomo Awards and much more.
Note: The balloon will float for more than 100 days at 85. Who has given its final approval for the
110000 feet across the globe in the Southern withdrawal of Britain from the European Union -- UK
Hemisphere's mid-latitude band. House of Lords.
82. The founder of Wikipedia ‘Jimmy Wales’ is going to Note: A royal assent is now a waited for the legislation,
launch a news site to tackle the spread of false infor- post which Prime Minister Theresa May would be free to
withdraw the country from the world’s largest economic
mation -- Wikitribune.
union and begin a 2- year negotiation period as
Note: The site will be jointly run by journalists and a mentioned in the Article 50 of European Union’s Lisbon
community of volunteers who will verify the stories Treaty.
before publishing them. 86. The city has topped the list in the Mercer’s 2017
83. The city has been designated UNESCO World Book Capi- Quality of Living index -- Vienna.
Note: Zurich is in second place, followed by Munich,
tal 2018 -- Athens.
Auckland, Vancouver, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Geneva

Current Affairs – National

1. The first-ever Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Inter- Note: The 3-day conference was inaugurated by Shripad
national Dance festival was held in the city -- Hyderabad. Yesso Naik, the minister of State for AYUSH (Independent
Note: Around 100 performers from 9 countries show cased
7. The birth anniversary of 10th and last Sikh Guru, Guru Go-
their traditional and contemporary dance nuances.
bind Singh being celebrated - 350th.
2. The 104th Indian Science Congress (ISC) has started in the
Note: The main function was held at "Takht Harmandir
state - Andhra Pradesh. Sahib" in Patna.
Note: The focal theme of 5-day annual ISC is “Science and 8. Pan-India expansion of this programme to benefit pregnant
Technology for National Development”. and lactating mothers across the country - Maternity Bene-
3. India’s first laser technology-based advanced Automatic Ve- fit Programme (MBP).
hicle Monitoring System (AVMS) RTO check post has set up
9. The city is going to play host to the ninth edition of Jaipur
at- Gujarat.
International Film Festival (JIFF)- Jaipur.
Note: It will provide transparent, sensitive, decisive and
10. The 20th Edition of the National Conference for e-Govern-
progressive government to the people.
ance 2016-17 - Visakhapatnam, (Andhra Pradesh).
4. The 25th New Delhi World Book Fair (NDWBF) was held at -
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Note: The theme of conference is ‘Internet of Things and e-
Note: The 2017 theme is Manushi – Books Written on and
11. The 3rd edition of 2017 National conference ‘Jal Manthan-
by Women.
III’ was held in the city- New Delhi.
5. The 2017 Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) hosted by the city-
Note: The focus of the conference was to on refining
Bengaluru. policies of the Ministry to make them more people friendly
6. The International Conference on “Yoga for diabetes” has and responsive to the needs of the states.
been held in the city- New Delhi.

20 | P a g e
12. The world’s largest street light replacement programme of 21. The mega-cultural event "Bharat Parv" from 26th January at
India- Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP). - Red Fort.
Note: The SLNP is the world’s largest street light Note: Bharat Parv has organized from 26th to 31st January
replacement programme, implemented by the Energy at Red Fort.
Efficiency Services Limited (EESL). 22. The 2nd edition of Ministry of External Affairs’ annual con-
13. The 8th Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit 2017 at ference “Raisina Dialogue” was held at - Taj Palace (New
Mahatma Mandir in - Gandhinagar. Delhi).
Note: The purpose of the summit is to provide a platform Note: The theme “The New Normal: Multilateralism in a
to debate global economic and social issues on the lines of multipolar world”.
the World Economic Forum in Davos. 23. “Mission 41K” has been launched by the union ministry to
14. India’s second Kalvari-class Scorpene stealth submarine save energy- Ministry of Railways.
“INS Khanderi” has been launched in -- Mumbai, Maha- 24. The portal by the Union Government for Sarva Shiksha Ab-
rashtra. hiyan (SSA) -- Shagun portal.
Note: Khanderi is named after the Island fort of Maratha Note: The purpose of the portal is to capture and
forces, which played a vital role in ensuring their supremacy showcase innovations and progress in Elementary
at sea in the late 17th century. Education sector of India by continuous monitoring of the
15. India’s first-ever solar powered boat “Aditya” has been scheme.
launched in -- Kerala. 25. The most dynamic city out of 137 cities as per the 4th an-
Note: The 'Aditya' is the 75-seater boat fitted with 78 nual edition of JLL City Momentum Index (CMI) 2017- Ben-
rooftop solar panels. It will ferry along a 2.5 kilometre route galuru.
between Vaikom and Thavanakkadavu 22 times a day. Note: There are six Indian cities Bangaluru-1, Hyderabad-
16. ‘SEZ India’ mobile app has been launched by the union min- 5th, Pune-13th, Chennai-17th, Delhi-23rd and Mumbai-
istry for special economic zones- Ministry of Commerce 25th in the list of 30.
and Industry. 26. The Chief Guest for the 2017 Republic Day of India -- Mo-
Note: The app would help the SEZ units and developers to hamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
find information easily and track their transactions on SEZ 27. Indian personality has become judge in the 2017 Miss Uni-
Online System. verse pageant -- Sushmita Sen.
17. The Chinese Mobile handset brand 'Gionee' has signed as
28. The first flight is likely to take off next month under the
the brand ambassador- Virat Kohli.
government's ambitious regional connectivity scheme --
Note: He will be joining Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt. UDAN (Ude Desh Ke Aam Naagrik).
18. Android-based mobile application named app to promote Note: Under the scheme, the fare for a one hour journey of
ease of ticketing through digital transactions - IRCTC Rail approximately 500 km on a fixed wing aircraft or for the 30-
Connect app. minute journey on a helicopter will be capped at Rs. 2500.
Note: Rail Connect has been developed to bring the power 29. The Petroleum ministry has inaugurated a month-long
of next generation e-ticketing system like high performance awareness drive on fuel conservation in New Delhi --
and enhanced security. Saksham 2017.
19. The Tamil Nadu tourism department has launched a mobile Note: The drive aimed to create awareness amongst
app- Pinakin. masses towards judicious utilization and conservation of
Note: User can listen to interesting stories, facts and trivia petroleum products along with the use of energy efficient
about the sites in two languages Tamil and English. appliances.

20. The 58th edition of India International Garment Fair (IIGF) 30. The Indian Railways has launched of Aastha Circuit Tourist
was held in - New Delhi. Train from Guwahati (Assam) -- North-East Frontier (NF).

Note: The fair was organized by Apparel Export Promotion Note: The train would take the tourists to various famous
Council (AEPC) India and around 312 participants from 14 religious destinations like Gangasagar, Sri Swamy Narayan
states of India has participated in the Fair. Temple, Kalighat, Birla Temple in Kolkata, Sri Jagannath

21 | P a g e
Temple and Konark Temple in Puri and Bhubaneswar - 52. The 19th edition Bharat Rang Mahotsav has begun with the
Lingaraj Temple. special focus on the different genres of Indian theatre--
41. The first Indian state to opt for electronic transmission of New Delhi.
postal ballot to service voters in the upcoming elections -- Note: It is the annual theatre festival of India's premier
Goa. theatre training institute of Govt. of India National School
42. “e-health project” has launched by the state government of Drama (NSD), New Delhi.
with support of World Bank (WB)- Kerala. 53. Who is planning to remeasure the height the world’s tallest
peak Mount Everest -- The Survey of India.
Note: The project is already running in 12 healthcare
institutions in Thiruvananthapuram district that will be Note: The Survey of India would be sending an expedition
scaled up across the state. to Nepal in two months to conduct the exercise. The Mount
43. Who has launched “Khelegi toh Khileg” in India -- Nurturing Everest currently stands at a height of 8,848 metres (29,028
feet) above the sea level.
Excellence in Sports Trust (NEST).
54. The 9th edition of Bengaluru International Film Festival --
Note: It is the pan-India initiative for girl football between
Bengaluru (Karnataka)
the age of 10 to 15 years along with the National Yuva
Cooperative Society (NYCS). Note: Form 55 countries,200 films will be screened in
44. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has decided to Bengaluru and Mysuru during this film festival.
set up weather stations in 660 districts of the country by -- 55. The three non-stop flights a week from New Delhi to Dulles
2019. International Airport in the suburb of Washington DC (USA)
this summer -- Air India (AI).
Note: Initially, 130 districts have shortlisted in the first
phase and gradually increase it to 660 by 2019. Note: The move will bring 30,000 people from India to
45. Who has launched two-wheeler aggregation service America every year for economic, commercial and family
UberMOTO in Hyderabad-- Uber. purposes.

Note: UberMOTO can hire two-wheelers for short- 56. The “Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccination campaign” has been
distance commute at cheaper rates to provide the last-mile launched in the state -- Karnataka.
connectivity from and to the upcoming Metro railway Note: The campaign against these two diseases will start
stations. Fares at Rs. 25 for (first 3 km) and Rs. 5 per km from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Goa and
thereafter. Lakshadweep and will cover nearly 3.6 crore children.
46. India’s first social luxury travel magazine “Luxury Travel 57. The Union HRD Ministry will set up a department to con-
Times” has launched by -- MakeMyTrip. duct examinations for higher and secondary education --
Note: The mobile-only magazine is targeted at luxury National Testing Agency (NTA).
travellers and is released through innovative ad platforms
58. The country's first centre of excellence for differently abled
like Facebook Canvas & Instagram-Stories.
sportsmen at -- Gandhinagar(Gujarat).
47. A memorandum of understanding with the AYUSH ministry
to regulate the misleading advertisements in this AYUSH Note: The center is proposed with an estimate of 50 crores
rupees and will provide World class facilities such as indoor
sector -- Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI).
halls, dedicated tracks, and 100 bedded hostel.
48. The union govt. will invest how many crore rupees in North 59. The first North-eastern state government has implemented
East in telecom infrastructure in the next two years -- 5,500 e-Cabinet solution for the state cabinet members--- Aruna-
crore rupees chal Pradesh.
49. The Farmer’s Martyrs day to pay homage to the martyrs of Note: The ‘e-Cabinet’ system uses a web-based software
1894 farmers’ rising in the state -- Assam. by which ministers can prepare for cabinet meetings,
50. The world's tallest building has lit up in the color of the In- conduct them and review minutes, entirely without paper.
dian to celebrate India's 68th Republic Day -- Burj Khalifa 60. India’s first a-political three days National Women’s Parlia-
tower (Dubai). ment (NWP) was held in -- Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh).

51. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully Note: Three-day conference has been organized by the
ground tested the Cryogenic Upper Stage engine meant for Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly with the theme of
“Empowering Women-Strengthening Democracy”.
the rocket -- GSLV-Mark-III.

22 | P a g e
61. India’s first inter-disciplinary school on Quality and Reliabil- 70. The city is hosting the 2017 Indian Panorama Film Festival--
ity (Q&R) will be set up by the -- IIT Kharagpur. Port Blair.
Note: The purpose for establishing the school is to improve Note: The Film Festival is being organized after a gap of five
the quality of life for the people of India as well as develop years in the Island. The film Bahubali (Telugu) directed by
quality conscious global citizens. SS. Rajamauli has screened on the occasion.
62. The world’s first Braille Atlas for visually impaired persons 71. The portal has been launched by the union government to
has been launched by -- Dr. Harsh Vardhan. ensure transparency in mining operations --Tamra.
Note: The special edition of the “Atlas for Visually Impaired Note: TAMRA stands for “Transparency, Auction
(India)” in English Braille has been prepared by National Monitoring and Resource Augmentation”.
Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO) under 72. The theme of the second edition of Hunar Haat-2017--
the Department of S&T.
Craft aur cuisine ka sangam.
63. The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) has consti-
Note: ‘Hunar Haat’ is to encourage, promote and provide
tuted a sub-committee to boost girls’ education-- Kadiyam
national and international market to master artisans and
Srihari committee. craftsmen belonging to minority communities.
Note: He is the Deputy Chief Minister and Education 73. Mega event of Global investor summit "Momentum Jhar-
Minister of Telangana. khand" has been augurated at -- Ranchi (Jharkhand).
64. The first floating elementary school of India has been inau-
Note: The Global Investor Summit is being organised for the
gurated at Langolsabi Leikai of Champu Khangpok floating first time in Jharkhand since its creation and more than one
village on Loktak Lake in Manipur-- Loktak Elementary thousand delegates of Indian & other countries are taking
Floating School. part in this event. M S Dhoni is Brand Ambassador for the
65. The Union Minister has launched the National Career Ser-
vice (NCS) and Jeevan Praman facility to the EPFO pension- 74. The state hosted the 2017 South Asian Speaker’s summit --
ers through Post Offices in Hyderabad -- Bandaru Datta- Madhya Pradesh.
treya. Note: Two-day South Asian Speaker’s summit has been
Note: The post offices will work as employment registration inaugurated by the Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan at
centres for unemployed youth through the NCS portal as Indore in Madhya Pradesh.
India Post has a large network of more than one and half 75. The Indian Seed Congress-2017 has been inaugurated in--
lakh post offices. Kolkata.
66. The first Indian airport to enter the list of top 15 airports in
Note: The theme of Seed Congress is “Seed of Joy”. The
the World - Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
theme is in line with vision to bring happiness and prosper-
67. The union Govt. has decided to open the Post Office Pass-
port Seva Kendras (POPSK) at different locations in many ity in the lives of farmers by doubling their farm income by
states for delivering passport related services to the public-- 2022.
56 Post Office Passport Seva Kendras. 76. The new communication radio for the Indian armed forces
68. A record 104 satellites in a single flight in one go on board a (STARS-V Mk III) at the Aero India 2017 show -- Bharat Elec-
single rocket PSLV-C37 -- ISRO.
tronics Ltd (BEL).
Note: All the satellites were successfully put into a 505-km
polar Sun Synchronous Orbit. 96 belong to USA and 5 from Note: The radio is completely designed, developed and
International customers of ISRO - Israel, Kazakhstan, made in BEL.
Netherlands, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates. 77. A signed pact with which technological giant for connected
69. Sachin Tendulkar adopted another village for transfor- vehicle technology -- Tata Motors.
mation under the ‘Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna’-- ‘Donja’ in
Osmanabad (Maharashtra). Note: The purpose of the pact is to provide an enriched
mobile experience for its consumers.
Note: The amount will be spent on development of a new
school building, a water supply scheme that would provide 78. The India Vetiver Network (INVN) has been launched in the
potable water to each household, concrete roads and a state -- Tamil Nadu.
sewage line.
Note: The INVN is a not-for-profit scientific network to
➢ Earlier, he was transforming the lives of villagers in
promote vetiver in India.
‘Puttamraju Kandriga’ in Andhra Pradesh.

23 | P a g e
79. Hospitals has been asked to display revised price list of car- Note: The Flag post measuring 110 metres (360-foot) in
diac stents -- National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority length and 24 metres in width with 55-ton weight and built
(NPPA). at an approximate cost of 3.50 crore.
88. “Swachh Shakti Saptah” to raise awareness on sanitation
Note: NPPA has warned stent manufacturers and importers
against shortage and said the companies were under legal and cleanliness in Gurugram, Haryana -- Mr. Narendra
obligation to maintain smooth production and supply of Singh Tomar.
coronary stents. Note: The union govt. has decided to observe 'Swachh
80. Indian scientists have discovered new miniature frog spe- Shakti Saptah' from 1st to 8th March 2017 across the
cies which can comfortably sit even on a child’s thumbnail country.
in the Western Ghats-- Seven. 89. Shri Parshottam Rupala has launched NDDB’s cattle feed
Note: These frogs were overlooked earlier because of their knowledge portal in -- Anand, Gujarat.
insect-like calls and secretive habitats. Out of seven new Note: The portal will have information on least cost formula
species, five are facing considerable anthropogenic threats for feeds, suppliers of feed ingredients, raw material
and require immediate conservation prioritisation. specifications as well as a discussion forum to share
81. Two-day high-level workshop on advancing passenger mo- information.
bility and transportation has been organized by the -- NITI 90. The city hosted the 4th India-CLMV Business Conclave -
Aayog. 2017 ---Jaipur.
Note: The workshop in association with an international Note: The Conclave was inaugurated by the Union Minister
non-profit organization Rocky Mountain Institute to explore of Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman and
technologies and business models to help India leapfrog organised by the Department of Commerce and
traditional approaches to passenger mobility and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
91. The International Yoga festival 2017 has started in the state
82. The latest report by Stockholm International Peace Re- -- Uttarakhand.
search Institute (SIPRI), the world’s largest arms importer
Note: The 29th edition of the International Yoga festival
country during 2012-16 -- India.
has started in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand from March 1, 2017.
Note: 92. The union govt. has approved over 4,000 Post Graduate
83. The city to host the first edition of Gramin Khel Mahotsav seats in medical colleges and hospitals across the country
(GKM) -- New Delhi. for the academic session -- 2017-18.
Note: The first edition of Gramin Khel Mahotsav (GKM) will Note: Now, the total number of PG seats available in the
be held from 25th to 31st March 2017 in New Delhi. country will go up to over 35 thousand. This will boost
84. The Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapati Raju has inaugu- nation's resolve to strengthen tertiary care and improve the
medical education in the country.
rated the first ever dedicated heliport at -- Rohini(Delhi).
93. The Defense Research and Development Organisation
Note: The heliport is built by state-owned Pawan Hans Ltd.
(DRDO) handed over how many product for induction into
85. The union Railways minister Suresh Prabhu has flagged off the Indian Army in New Delhi -- three products.
new 'Humsafar Express' between --Sriganganagar and Tiru-
The three new products are:
➢ Weapon Locating Radar (WLR), SWATHI: The radar
Note: The new train is fully air-conditioned third AC service provides fast, automatic, and accurate location of all
with an optional service for meals.
enemy weapons like mortars, shells and rockets firing
86. The International conference on ‘Bharat Bodh’ was held in - within in its effective zone of coverage.
- New Delhi.
➢ NBC Recce vehicle MK-I: It was developed by the Vehi-
Note: Three- day conference is organized by the Indira cles Research and Development Establishment (VRDE).
Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and Bhartiya
Shikshan Mandal (BSM). ➢ NBC Drugs: The drugs were developed by the DRDO’s
institute of Nuclear medicine and allied sciences (IN-
87. The largest flag Inaugurated on India's tallest post at -- At-
tari Border.

24 | P a g e
94. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released commem- Note: If a woman adopts a child below 3 months of age,
orative Postage Stamp on 100th Anniversary of the-- she will be entitled to 12 weeks leave from the date the
Yogoda Satsang Society of India. child is handed over to her. This entitlement will be
applicable for the first two children. For the 3rd child, any
Note: Yogoda Satsanga Society is a non-profit religious women will be granted 12 weeks of maternity leave.
organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1917.
104. The union ministry has instituted ‘Kamaladevi Chatto-
95. The nationwide “Swachh Shakti Saptah” has been launched
padhya National Awards’ for women handloom weavers
from the city -- Gurugram.
and women handicraft artisans -- Ministry of Textiles.
96. The nation a Petrochemical Complex of ONGC Petro Addi-
105. A mobile app and website ‘MeraHunar HP’or ‘My Talent’
tions Limited at Dahej -- Narendra Modi.
to help skilled and semi-skilled workers find jobs --
97. The week-long ‘Bhagoria Haat’ festival has begun at differ- Virbhadra Singh.
ent Bhagoria haats (local markets) in -- western Madhya
Note: The mobile app will connect prospective employers
with job aspirants as the latter’s resume will contain
Note: The festival has been celebrated by the tribal people addresses and contact numbers.
of the western Madhya Pradesh. Young tribal men and 106. The first Indian power utility to successfully deploy tele-
women, attired in colorful dresses, turn up at the haats
protection service using Line-Differential Relay (LDR) over
with their traditional musical instruments to sing and dance
as a part of the festival. an IP/MPLS network -- The Tata Power Delhi Distribution
98. The two-day International Yoga fest at Talkatora stadium in
New Delhi -- Venkaiah Naidu. 107. The 6th edition of the International Engineering Sourcing
Show (IESS) has started in the city -- Chennai.
Note: More than 3,500 participants including yoga gurus,
yoga masters, scholars, policy makers and representatives Note: It is the largest Engineering sourcing show in India
from 15- 18 countries has participated in this event. for International visitors, which is organized under the
aegis of Union Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
99. A mobile application 'Exam Locator' to help students ap-
pearing for class 10th and 12th examinations locate their 108. International Buddhist conference has been inaugurated at
exam centres -- The Central Board of Secondary Examina- -- Rajgir (Bihar).
tion (CBSE). Note: More than 1000 delegates from 35 countries
including Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Singapore is
Note: The App will help students to quickly know the exam
participating in the event. Last year, it was held in
centre (address, images, and geolocation) on the basis of
Kathmandu, Nepal.
their roll number.
109. The 5th foundation day function of BIRAC has been inaugu-
100. The last date of submission of digital life certificate
rated by -- Harsh Vardhan.
through Jeevan Pramaan Patra by 31st March under Em-
ployees' Pension Scheme (EPS) -- Employees' Provident Note: More than 300 Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Industry
Fund Organisation(EPFO). Experts, and Policy Makers including,large number of
stakeholders both national and international is taking part
101. The two-day, 11th edition of North-East Business Summit
in the event.
(NEBS) has started in the city -- New Delhi.
110. The Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal has inaugurated a
Note: The North-East Business Summit is an annual
flagship event to promote investment and business passport seva kendra at a post office in -- Bikaner (Raja-
opportunities in the North-Eastern part of India. sthan).
102. The web portal for obtaining Coastal Regulation Zone Note: Similar kendra will be inaugurated in Jhunjhunu,
clearances in New Delhi -- Anil Madhav Dave. Kota, Jhalawar (RPT Jhalawar) and Jaisalmer by 31st
Note: The Portal enables submission of applications for
CRZ clearance in a single-window interface. 111. The Court accorded the status of ‘living human entities’ to
the India's most sacred Ganga and Yamuna rivers --- Utta-
103. Under the recommendations of the bill 2016, working
rakhand High Court.
women in all establishments (either public or private) will
be entitled to weeks of paid maternity leave -- 26 weeks. Note: According to a division bench of Justices Rajeev
Sharma and Alok Singh of Nainital High Court "Holy rivers

25 | P a g e
Ganga and Yamuna have been declared to be treated as Note: LCU 51 is the first of the eight ships of the Landing
living human entities”. Craft Utility (LCU) Mk IV Class. The ship is also equipped
112. The city is hosting the 15th edition of ‘All India Meet of with Integrated Platform Management System and
Integrated Bridge System for automated controls and
State Legal Services Authorities’-- New Delhi.
quick functioning.
Note: The two-day event is organized by the National Legal 121. The city to host the 105th edition of the 2018- Indian Sci-
Services Authority (NALSA) in collaboration with Delhi ence Congress (ISC) -- Hyderabad.
State Legal Services (DSLS).
Note: The theme of the conference will be ‘Science and
113. The first fully India-made 12-coach train has flagged off be- Technology – Reaching the Unreached’.
tween Dadar to Borivali at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in
122. Who has become the first Indian state to carry financial in-
Mumbai, Maharashtra -- Medha.
clusion and extend banking services to unbanked areas
114. The country is hosting the International Diamond Confer- through Self Help Groups(SHGs) -- Odisha.
ence ‘Mines to Market 2017 -- India. Note: The state government has signed an agreement with
Note: The theme of the conference is “Mines to Market State Bank of India (SBI)to provide banking facilities to
2017” and is organized by the Gem and Jewellery Export people in unbanked areas.
Promotion Council of India (GJEPC). 123. Who has become the first tiger reserve in India to officially
115. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has un- introduce a mascot “Bhoorsingh the Barasingha" to create
veiled new exam format for -- Class VI to IX. a better connection with its visitors -- Kanha tiger reserve.

Note: The board has replaced Continuous and Note:

Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) which was in place since ➢ The aims of mascot to present the hard ground swamp
2009 with a uniform system of assessment and deer ‘Barasingha’ as the spirit of the reserve and spread
examination to be followed by its affiliated schools.
awareness to save it from possible extinction
116. The world’s third largest hypersonic wind tunnel at Thiru-
124. The union Information & Broadcasting Ministery has
vananthapuram’s Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in
launched the online film certification system with an aim
Kerala -- ISRO Chairman A S Kiran Kumar.
to the elimination of middlemen and promote clean cin-
Note: He commissioned two facilities at the center, one- ema -- 'e-CinePramaan'.
metre Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, and one-metre Shock
Tunnel. The facilities comprise 500 valves, 2 km long 125. India’s first International Centre for Foot and Mouth Dis-
pipelines, 41 electric motors, 35 pumps, 320 instruments ease (ICFMD) has set up at Argul in the state -- Odisha.
and 10 km of cables.
Note: The research center has been constructed in joint
117. Indian cities were included in the Tentative List of UNESCO collaboration of UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization &
World Heritage Sites -- Five. Indian Council of Agricultural Research to conduct research
on the viral disease of cattle and buffaloes.
Note: The five Indian cities included in the list are
Ahmedabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai. 126. India has decided to liberalize e-visa regime by increasing
118. An integrated grievances redressal platform for Petroleum the time limit for seeking the entry permit from existing 30
and Gas related queries -- MoPNG e Seva. days to a maximum of -- four months.

Note: Note: The duration of stay for foreigners, coming into the
country through select categories of e-visa, has also been
➢ MoPNG e-Seva is a dedicated grievances redressal plat-
extended to two months.
form on Social Media for all queries and grievances re-
lating to Oil and Gas Sector. 127. The North-Western Railway has declared rail routes as
Green Corridors -- Barmer-Munawab & Pipad Road-Bilara.
➢ The grievances will be dealt on real-time basis.
Note: The trains in the section have been equipped with
119. India’s first vertical garden has set up in the state-- Karna-
bio-toilets to ensure zero discharge of human waste on the
taka. rail tracks under the ‘Swachh Rail-Swachh Bharat’
Note: The garden will help to control the pollution level of initiative.
the city and also act as a sound proofing barrier.
120. The surveillance ship was commissioned into the Indian
Navy at Port Blair -- INLCU L51.

26 | P a g e
128. The union government has launched two mobile apps to 136. A mobile app as well as a web portal to help in contribu-
provide access to various services and information to ena- tions towards the families of soldiers who lost their lives
ble citizens to report any traffic violation -- ‘echallan’ and while on duty -- Bharat ke Veer.
‘mParivahan’. Note: The donors can also help the soldiers they wish to
Note: 'eChallan' is an integrated enforcement solution to support or donate to ‘Bharat ke Veer’ corpus through this
manage traffic violations through a mobile app. app/ portal.
'mParivahan' is an empowering app for the citizen which 137. The special digital exhibition, ‘Swachhagraha – Bapu Ko
provides access to various services, information, and Karyanjali’ to celebrate the centenary of Champaran --
utilities related to the transport sector. Narendra Modi.
129. The 5-day conference at Forest Research Institute (FRI) in
Note: The exhibition aims to connect the essential
Dehradun, Uttarakhand is being organized on the theme --
principles of Satyagraha with Swachhagraha. The
‘Forests for Prosperity and Posterity’.
exhibition will be launched at National Archives in New
Note: The international conference is being organized in Delhi.
association with the Ministry of Environment, Forests and
138. The 12th joint military exercise of India and Mongolia ‘No-
Climate Change and Commonwealth Forestry Association
madic Elephant’ has started in -- Vairengte, Mizoram.
of UK.
130. The beneficiaries of Prime Minister’s 'Yojana’ has reached 139. The Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu has released a book by
more than 2 crores in less than a year -- Ujjwala Yojana. DG Tendulkar printed by Publications Division -- Gandhi in
Note: ‘Ujjwala Yojana’ is serving as a novel means of
women empowerment and achieving the goals of Note: The book aims at relieving, recounting & retelling
providing clean fuel and a better life to the people. the experiences that have had a deep impact on Gandhi
and how it had shaped the course of our nation’s history.
131. A comprehensive scheme for power loom sector develop-
140. The ministry of Rural Development has released nearly
ment ‘PowerTex India’ in Bhiwandi, Thane district, Maha-
23,500 crores to the states as the first tranche for this Fi-
rashtra -- Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani.
nancial Year, under the -- MGNREGS.
Note: The scheme will especially benefit small power
loom weavers. Note: The Government is laying considerable emphasis on
Water Conservation and Water Management works under
132. India’s rank in the WADA’s Anti-Doping Rule Violations
MGNREGS and a list of 2264 water-stressed Blocks in 324
(ADRVs) report for year 2015 -- 3rd.
districts of 21 states has been prepared.
Note: The list is topped by Russia (176), followed by Italy
(129), India (117), France (84) and Belgium (67). 141. India’s first-ever micro-drama festival ‘Thespis’ has started
in -- New Delhi.
133. A three-day National Children’s Film Festival in --Vishakha-
patnam (Andhra Pradesh) Note: The micro drama festival has presented the series of
25 micro drama tales composed with the duration of 10
Note: The aim of the film festival is to expose children to minutes and is named after Thespis of Icaria.
quality cinema and to introduce novel elements beyond
films. 142. A new web portal called ‘nakshe’ to celebrate Survey of In-
dia’s 250 Anniversary in New Delhi -- Harsh Vardhan.
More than 40,000 children from the state are expected to
attend a screening of 24 films during the festival. Note: The portal ‘nakshe’ will offer Topographic maps for
134. The two days national TB summit has begun with the slo- free download in a pdf format through ‘Aaadhar’ enabled
user authentication process.
gan in Dharamshala, Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh --
TB Harga, Desh Jeetega. 143. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released a book au-
thored by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan in New
Note: Several MP’s from different political parties,
Delhi -- Matoshree.
renowned experts, doctors, and celebrities is taking part in
the deliberations. Tuberculosis (TB) is the potentially Note: The book 'Matoshree' covers the life and times of
serious infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the legendary ‘Devi Ahilyabai Holker’ who ruled the Holkar
lungs. Empire spread over the Malwa region from 1767 to 1795.
135. The first Indian city to offer 1Gbps wired broadband inter- 144. Two-day workshop on the review of the National Disaster
net service -- Hyderabad. Management Plan (NDMP) in New Delhi -- Kiren Rijiju.

27 | P a g e
Note: The workshop has been organized by the National 153. The three-day International Conference and Exhibition on
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Steel Industry 'India Steel 2017'at -- Mumbai Exhibition
145. The Union Power ministry has launched app for empower- center in Mumbai.
ing citizens by real-time information sharing on the power Note: The exhibition-cum-conference was organized by
supply -- URJA MITRA. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(FICCO) along with Union Ministry of Steel.
Note: The app is a first of its kind which provides a central
platform, web-portal “urjamitra.com” as well as a mobile 154. The IIT institute will start ‘Vastu Shastra’ classes for archi-
app for state power Distribution utilities to disseminate tecture students -- IIT Kharagpur.
power outage information to rural/ urban power Note: IIT Kharagpur will start ‘Vastu Shastra’ classes for
consumers through SMS/ push/email notifications across architecture students from August 2017.
the country.
155. The Indian Space Research Organisation has tied up with
146. Railway Minister ‘Suresh Prabhu’ has flagged-off first-ever the PSU company to develop low-cost lithium ion batteries
train with glass roof coaches on -- Visakhapatnam-Araku for electric vehicles -- Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL).
156. The state government will set up “Book Banks” in schools
Note: Vistadome coach launched with an aim to provide a to provide old books to the students -- Punjab.
delightful traveling experience of the picturesque Araku
Note: These book banks will request students to deposit
their old books so that the needy students in the next
147. The union Human Resource and Development Ministery batch can use them free of cost.
has launched its own portal and mobile app -- Rashtriya 157. The country is hosting the 3rd Edition of Global Exhibition
Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA). on Services 2017 -- India.
Note: The portal will act as a one-stop for States’ Higher Note: The GES-2017 will highlight India’s potential to boost
Education Plans, the decision of the States’ Higher its services exports.
Education Councils and details of the resources under this 158. The bungalow is being readied as the retirement home of
President ‘Pranab Mukherjee’-- 10 Rajaji Marg, New Delhi.
148. The thermal power plants at Koradi, Chandrapur, and Parli
Note: The 10 Rajaji Marg house is spread over an area of
of Maharashtra -- PM Narendra Modi. 11,776 sq. feet with the ground floor housing a library and
Note: These include three super-critical units 660 MW an attached reading space.
each at Koradi, two of 500 MW each at Chandrapur and 159. The three-day Centenary Celebrations of the ‘Osmania
one of 250 MW at Parli. Koradi Thermal Power Station University’ and also take part in the first convocation of
(KTPS) is located at Koradi near Nagpur, Maharashtra. the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU) in --
149. First time in Indian Railway history Indian Railway station Hyderabad
has been handed over to the private firm to be operated Note: The Osmania University is the largest institute in
by it -- Habibganj. Asia with the maximum number of affiliated colleges of
Note: The station building will be developed in line with over 1000.
airport terminals. 160. The "Jal Sanrakshan Karyakram - Bundelkhand " at Baandri
150. The first mock drill exercise on forest fire in Uttarakhand -- in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh -- Uma Bharti.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Note: The work of development of water bodies to
Note: The fire officials from all the districts and other improve socio-economic situation in drought prone areas
departments of the state will participate in the exercise. has been undertaken through Jal Sanrakshan Karyakram in
the country.
151. A two-day 11th civil services day function in ___New Delhi.
161. An android App has been developed by Space Applications
Note: Singh has asked civil servants to interpret and
implement rules and regulations with an open and Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad for the computation of so-
progressive mindset. lar energy potential -- Solar Calculator.
152. The global e-commerce major has launched the 'Amazon Note: It is a very useful tool for installation of PV solar
Fire TV Stick' with Voice Remote in India -- Amazon. panels for tapping solar energy.
Note: Fire TV Stick is the powerful streaming media device
that plugs into an HD Television and lets customers access
thousands of movies, TV shows, apps, and games.

28 | P a g e
162. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Department of 170. The world’s number 2 airport handling over 40 million
Post have signed a tripartite MoU for providing of a broad- passengers per annum category, as per the Montreal
band connectivity to Post Offices in rural areas -- Bha- (Canada)-based Airports Council International 2016
rankings -- Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA).
Note: The ranking is based on the Airport Service Quality
Note: About 1.3 lakh post offices in rural areas and 25 (ASQ) survey report 2016.
thousand sub-post offices will be connected through 171. The city hosted the 2017 National Children’s Film Festival
broadband for high-speed Internet connectivity in rural (NCFF) --Visakhapatnam.
masses. Note: It is the largest film festival for children in India
163. The sacred portals of the famous Himalayan shrine ‘Gan- giving the audience quality and wholesome entertainment
gotri’ and ‘Yamunotri’ have been opened for the pilgrims organized by the Children’s Film Society, India (CFSI).
after six-month winter break in -- Uttarakhand. 172. A month-long awareness drive on fuel conservation in New
Delhi -- Saksham 2017.
164. The council of IITs (51st meeting) has decided to increase Note: The drive aimed to create awareness amongst
female representation in IITs from eight to -- 20%. masses towards judicious utilization and conservation of
Note: An amount of Rs. 75,000 will be released per month petroleum products along with the use of energy efficient
from Prime Minister’s Scholarship scheme to promote appliances.
research and innovation in IITs. 173. PM Modi has inaugurated flights under the Regional Con-
165. ‘the Test and Treat policy’ for providing treatment to pa- nectivity Scheme by flagging off the Alliance Airlines flight
tients suffering from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) on Shimla-Delhi sector from Jubbar Hatti airport near
-- JP Nadda. Shimla -- Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik (UDAN).
166. The Water Resources Minister has inaugurated the day- Note: Over 45 unserved and under-served airports would
long national conference in New Delhi -- Jal Kranti Abhi- be connected under the scheme the UDAN.
yan. 174. The union minister ‘M Venkaiah Naidu’ has launched an
Note: The objectives of the Abhiyan is strengthening grass app and website portal of MSME facilitation council in New
root involvement of all stakeholders including panchayati Delhi -- MyMSME app.
raj institutions and local bodies for participatory irrigation Note: My MSME mobile application is for all Micro, Small
management. & Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India and other
167. A high-level committee to look in to the grievances of stakeholders. This application acts as a source of all
women players in New Delhi -- Vijay Goel. information related to MSME’s Policies, Registration,
Note: The five- member (two- woman player and one Services, Schemes, etc.
sports journalist) committee will be headed by Joint 175. India's first public hospital for eye tumors -- AIIMS.
Secretary of Sports Ministry.
Note: AIIMS is India's first public hospital to start plaque
168. An app named “MP e-NagarPalika” to provide various mu-
brachytherapy facility for the treatment of eye tumors.
nicipal services online in the state -- Shivraj Singh
176. The 18th World Road Meeting on November this year in --
Note: The primary goal of the project is to provide India.
municipal services to citizens through multiple service Note: Around 4000 delegates across the world will discuss
delivery channels and ensure accessible, convenient, important issues facing in mobility sector. The theme of
transparent, and timely delivery of services. World Road Meeting 2017 is ‘Safe Roads and Smart
169. The state government has imposed ban on the use of poly- Mobility: The Engines of Economic Growth’.
thene bags manufactured below fifty microns in the state -
- Jammu & Kashmir state.

Current Affairs - States

1. The state governments have signed MoU to prepare State 3. The Bargarh Dhanua Jatra festival has started in the state --
Resident Data Base (SRDB) -- Haryana and Andhra Odisha.
Pradesh. Note: The 11-day gala event will set the stage for all myth-
2. New health scheme 'NTR Arogya Raksha' has been ological places related to Lord Krishna based in the ancient
launched by the state -- Andhra Pradesh. city itself. It is considered to be the world’s largest open-
Note: It will offer medical insurance to those who were air theatrical festival.
not covered under any of the existing health schemes of
the state government.

29 | P a g e
4. The 10-day Island Tourism Festival 2017 in Andaman & 14. First Indian state to launch ‘Aanandam programme’ to help
Nicobar Islands --Port Blair. the needy persons -- Madhya Pradesh.
5. The city hosted the International Conference on Yoga for Note: The places have been fixed in each district where
Diabetes -- New Delhi. the economically sound citizens can donate items for the
needy persons under the programme.
6. ‘Good Samaritan Policy’ has been launched by the state /
15. The second capital of Himachal Pradesh -- Dharamsala.
union territory -- Delhi government.
Note: Dharamsala was already marked prominently not
Note: Rs 2,000 and appreciation certificate will be given to
only in the map of India but of the world due to its
people who help road accident victims in the national
significance owing to many reasons, including the Dalai
Lama's abode.
7. India’s largest public WiFi service has been launched by the
16. The state government has decided to allow the sale of
state government -- Maharashtra.
white kerosene in open market -- Karnataka.
Note: The facility will provide 500 Wifi hotspots across
17. The govt. has approved the installation of solar energy de-
various locations like Kalanagar in Bandra, Vidhan Bhawan,
Bombay High Court and Mumbai Police Commissioner’s vices at a cost of Rs 44 crore in all 25,962 Anganwadi cen-
office. ters in the State -- Haryana.
8. The three-day International Kite Festival (fourth) has be- Note: LED lights and fans in these centers would be run
gun in -- New Delhi. with solar power. This scheme would reduce electricity
bills of 'Anganwadi centers' by Rs. 12 crore annually.
Note: Professional kite flying experts from across India like
18. The Bihar state government has launched a campaign to
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Jaipur, Chennai, Kerala, Punjab,
make state addiction-free -- Nasha Mukt campaign.
Delhi and the globe are taking part in the festival.
Note: human chain covered all panchayats of the state
9. The 21st edition of National Youth Festival was held in --
and over two crore people participated in this human
Rohtak (Haryana). chain.
Note: The 2017 theme of festival is “Youth for Digital 19. The 10th edition of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF)-2017
India”. was held in the state -- Rajasthan.
10. The world’s first ‘Gender literature festival’ was held in the
Note: It is a five-day festival, appox. 250 authors, thinkers,
state -- Bihar. politicians, journalist, and popular culture icons
Note: The purpose of this initiative is to create a platform, participated and the theme was “Freedom to dream: India
to exchange ideas, and to share and learn experiences of at 70”.
renowned people in the field of gender-based or focused 20. The state government has launched e-health program
literature. “Jeevan Rekha” to provide a centralized database of
11. The first-ever Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Inter- healthcare information --- Pinarayi Vijayan.
national Dance festival has been held in the -- Hyderabad.
Note: The new system would help in creating a good
Note: Around 100 performers from 9 countries show cased hospital management system and patient-friendly
their traditional and contemporary dance nuances. atmosphere in hospitals.
12. Digital Dakiya scheme has been launched by the state gov- 21. The state govt. has launched a scheme “Dulari Kanya” to
ernment to encourage cashless transactions -- Madhya check infant mortality in the state -- Arunachal Pradesh.
Pradesh. Note: In Dulari Kanya scheme, govt. will deposit Rs 20,000
Note: Digital Postman will visit different places of state to in the bank account of a girl child, born in any government
teach and encourage people about cashless transactions hospital. It would be paid along with the accrued interest
and its benefits. after she attains 18 years of her age.
13. The 2017 Dantan Gramin Mela has started in the states --
22. The “Beat Marshall Monitoring Mobile App” on experi-
West Bengal.
mental basis has been launched -- The Pune City Police.
Note: 28th edition of Dantan Gramin mela has displayed
23. The 2017 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Partner-
the rural handicraft skills of the people of the region.
ship Summit has started in -- Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pra-

30 | P a g e
Note: Around 2,000 delegates from 51 countries has taking 33. A sub-committee of Council of Ministers to prepare a blue
part in the deliberations. print of Integrated Dairy Complexes in all cities of the State
24. The 31st Surajkund International Crafts Mela was held at -- -- Haryana Govt.
Faridabad (Haryana). Note: The committee will submit its report within a
Note: The Mela is located near the Surajkund village in month.
Faridabad, Haryana and Jharkhand is the theme state. 34. The state government has launched “Aardram” a public
25. The state government has introduced third gender cate- health initiative-- Kerala.
gory in school exams_____ Bihar. 35. The world famous 43rd edition of Khajuraho Dance Festival
Note: Now, under the third-gender category the Board begins at Khajuraho in -- Chhatrapur, Madhya Pradesh.
exams will be conducted by the Bihar School Examination
Note: It is a cultural festival that highlights the richness of
Board (BSEB).
the various Indian classical dance styles.
26. The state government has launched “Chief Minister Sama-
36. 'Mil Banche’ program was held in all the primary and mid-
gra Gramya Unnayan Yojana” _____ Assam.
dle government schools in -- Madhya Pradesh.
Note: The purpose of the mission is to bring revolutionary
Note: Under the program, public representatives, other
changes by doubling the farm income in the State.
dignitaries have gone to schools to motivate children and
27. The first Indian State to establish cashless system for distri- read out a portion of Hindi book of their choice.
bution of food grains-- Gujarat. 37. The Director General of Police Jammu has launched a web-
Note: The beneficiaries under National Food Security Act site -- suvidhajkpolice.in
(NFSA) will need to carry only Aadhaar cards for getting
Note: This mobile application will provide updates to the
their food grain in the state.
people about various policing related activities, advisories,
28. The state who has hosted the 17th International Seminar and National Highway status.
on Counter Terrorism-2017-- Haryana. 38. New service conduct rules for judicial officers and
Note: The Minister also unveiled the NSG annual magazine amended existing rules for state government officials to
‘The Bombshell’, which contains details of various IED ensure strict adherence to the provisions of total prohibi-
explosions that occurred in various parts of the world in tion -- Bihar.
Note: As per the new norms, no judicial officers or state
29. The 2017 UNESCO Natural Heritage festival was held in the government official is allowed to be under the influence of
state-- Himachal Pradesh. any intoxicating drink or drugs wherever they are.
Note: The festival feature a media workshop on 39. The state government has approved cloud seeding pro-
environmental journalism, discussions on natural and gram to produce adequate rain -- Maharashtra.
cultural heritage of the Himalayan region and a heritage
walk. Note: The programme would be coordinated by the Indian
Institute of Tropical Meteorology.
30. The cities to host the 11th International Aerospace and De-
fence Exhibition ‘Aero India 2017’ -- Bengaluru. 40. The “Cyber Swachhta Kendra” for Botnet cleaning and Mal-
ware analysis launched by -- Ravi Shankar Prasad.
31. The state is hosting the 2nd edition of International Spice
Conference -- Kerala. Note: The Cyber Swachhta Kendra (CSK) is a part of
Government’s digital India initiative to create a secure
Note: The central theme of the conference is “21st century cyber space by detecting botnet infections.
spice industry: Disrupt or be disrupted”.
41. Bhim awards to 42 sports persons of the state -- Haryana
32. Andhra Pradesh government has allocated lands for the govt.
construction of nine thematic cities in the new capital --
Note: Spotting them for their outstanding performance at
the national and international fronts between the years
Note: Three Internal roads with 60-meter width would be 2013 and 2017.
constructed connecting the nine thematic cities and 97.5 42. Anti-corruption induction training mandatory for govern-
km six-lane Inner Ring Roads, 186 km 8 lanes Outer Ring
ment officials - Kerala.
Road would be constructed around the Capital city.

31 | P a g e
43. The state government has made mandatory for all private Note: The Andhra Pradesh State Cabinet has accepted the
schools to install solar systems -- Haryana. naming of "Gannavaram Airport" as "NTR Amaravati
Airport" and "Tirupati Airport" as "Sri Venkateswara
Note: A special grant at the rate of Rs 20,000 per kilowatt Airport".
will be given to the schools for installing solar power
plants. 55. The state govt. has signed an agreement to fast-track the
completion of 206 megawatt 2,285-crore rupees Shahpur
44. The first Indian state to have a public registry of sex of- Kandi dam project on the Ravi river in Chandigarh -- Pun-
fenders -- Kerala. jab and Jammu & Kashmir.
Note: This has been stated by the Kerala Governor Justice Note: Shapur Kandi project will be constructed on the
(Retd) P Sathasivam in the budget session. canal from Shahpurkandi Barrage to Madhopur
45. The Andhra Pradesh government has signed MoU with the headworks, downstream of the existing Ranjit Sagar Dam.
payment network company to transform Vishakhapatnam 56. The concept of smart classes in government-run schools to
into India’s first ‘less cash’ city -- Visa. see use of information and communications technology
(ICT) to impart education -- Arunachal Pradesh.
46. India’s first hill station bicycle path was inaugurated in --
Note: In the smart classrooms, the blackboards would give
Darjeeling (West Bengal).
way to digital screens, and pens would be replaced with
Note: The path was opened in response to growing keyboards.
interest from both national and foreign tourists. 57. The state government has given official language status to
47. The state government has launched “RAHAT” project for endangered tribal language ‘Kurukh’ -- West Bengal.
treatment of heart disease in remote and rural areas -- Ra- 58. Three-day long 'Destination North East' 2017 inaugurated
jasthan. in --Chandigarh.
48. The state government has launched pilot project “Sex Ra- Note: The event show casing North East as a potential
tio Monitoring Dashboard” for the state -- Haryana. destination for investment and organised by the Ministry
of Development of North Eastern Region and an industry
49. The state govt. has decided to appoint a teacher in all high- body PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
schools to monitor cleanliness -- Assam government.
59. The state govt. has informed that the girl child ratio has in-
Note: The teachers will be appointed in high-schools creased to 938 per 1000 male children in February in the
under Swachh Bharat Mission and responsible to maintain state -- Haryana.
Note: In January 2017, the registered girl child ratio was
50. The state government has signed MoU with Invest India to 922.
encourage startups -- Odisha.
60. The state government organize the first-of-its-kind Tulip
Note: The Odisha government has signed an agreement festival -- Jammu and Kashmir.
with “Invest India” the National Investment Promotion and
Note: The mega tulip festival will be part of Bahaar-e-
Facilitation Agency of the Union ministry of commerce and
Kashmir (Spring in Kashmir) event to showcase Asia’s
largest tulip garden “Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip
51. The state government has made Sanskrit compulsory up to Garden”.
class eight in all classes -- Assam.
61. The state government has launched “Tirtha Darshan”
52. The state govt has extended midday meal scheme for girls scheme for senior citizens -- Haryana.
up to class 12-- Delhi Govt.
Note: The senior citizens would be selected for the
Note : Earlier, the scheme covers all primary classes of pilgrimage on the basis of draw of lots.
MCD and government schools and upper primary classes
62. The state govt. has launched web-based platform ‘Prati-
till Class 8th with 16 lakh students.
bimba’ to project government achievements -- Karnataka.
53. A portal 'ammakalviyagam.in' as a part of 69th birth anni-
versary celebrations of late chief minister Jayalalithaa 63. The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK)
Jayaram (known as Amma) -- O Panneerselvam. IT Wing has launched the women safety application in
Tamil Nadu -- Ammavin Aran.
Note: The portal is a hub of learning, interaction,
opportunity, and connection. Note: The app will give the user details about the nearest
police station and hospital along with map details and
54. Andhra Pradesh Cabinet accepts naming of Tirupati Airport
phone number.
as -- Sri Venkateswara Airport.

32 | P a g e
64. A new scheme 'Adarsh Gram Yojana' to reach the poor 73. The state govt. has reserved 93 hectares of land in Lohara
people in rural areas of the state to serve them better -- MIDC of the district for setting up a “Textile Park -- The
Arunachal Pradesh. Maharashtra govt.
Note: Under the scheme, 123 villages will be developed as Note: The Park would ensure large scale employment to
“Model Villages” during the FY 17-18. the youths of the region besides providing better avenues
65. The state government has launched a 24X7 toll free help- for the farmers to garner maximum benefit.
line number “181” for distressed women -- Odisha. 74. The first-ever Haryana Sahitya Sangam has started in the
Note: The helpline will facilitate quick response of various city -- Panchkula.
services including lodging police complaint to provide 75. India’s first carbon neutral district and as a biodiversity
medical, legal and counselling to women victims. heritage -- Majuli.
66. The state govt. has launched an Idea2POC fund for women 76. The state govt. has made Aadhaar mandatory to farmers
entrepreneurs --Karnataka. for availing crop insurance schemes from the next Kharif
Note: The Karnataka government has launched a Rs. 10- season -- Maharashtra.
crore Idea2POC (Idea to Proof of Concept) fund for women Note: Now, the farmers of the state will have to link it
entrepreneurs. with the Aadhaar number before June this year to avail
67. India’s largest floating solar Photo-Voltaic (PV) plant has crop insurance schemes. The scheme is applicable to food
been installed in the state -- Kerala. grain and horticulture sectors

Note: The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited 77. The 5th edition of ‘2017 Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav
(NTPC) has recently installed India’s largest floating solar (RSM) has started at -- Tawang (Arunachal Pradesh).
Photo-Voltaic (PV) plant at Rajiv Gandhi Combined Cycle Note: It is organized by the Union Ministry of Culture.
Power Plant (RGCCPP) in Kerala’s Kayamkulam district. 78. The state Assembly has passed bills for the establishment
68. The state government will launch Namma Canteens to of four private and two government-run universities in the
serve cheap food -- Karnataka. state -- Gujarat state.
Note: The Karnataka government has allocated Rs.100 Note: Two new private universities are Birsa Munda Tribal
crore for setting up of government subsidized chain of University at Rajpipla in Narmada district and the Gujarat
food centres “Namma Canteens” across the state. Organic Agricultural University.
69. The first police station in India to be linked with Crime and 79. The National Commission for Schedule Tribes has ap-
Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) -- Shimla. proved the proposal for additional seats for tribal in the
Note: Under this system, over 200 police posts across the Sikkim Assembly -- five.
state will be linked. Note: The proposal of increasing reserve seats for Sched-
70. The 2017 National Theatre Festival (NTF) has started in the ule Tribes from 12 to 17 in 32 members in Sikkim Assembly
state -- Kerala. and now it would be increased to 40.

Note: The 2017 National Theatre Festival (NTF) has started 80. The state government has launched a program to provide
at Tagore Theatre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. free WiFi facilities in educational institutions -- Bihar.

71. The state govt. has decided to provide 33% reservation for Note: The purpose of the program is to provide free Wi-Fi
women in all government jobs -- Punjab govt. facility to help youths to move ahead in life and to become
digital smart.
Note: The cabinet has also decided to increase
representation of women in the Panchayati Raj Institutions 81. The Kerala transport minister has announced his resigna-
and Urban Local Bodies from the present 33% to 50%. tion after allegations of misconduct were raised against
him - A. K. Saseendran.
72. The state govt has notified Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopa-
thy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy Medicine Procure- Note: The minister made the decision following an audio
ment Policy, 2016 -- Haryana Govt. clip hinting at alleged misconduct with a woman was aired
by a TV channel.
Note: The objective of ensuring uninterrupted supply of
good quality AYUSH medicines free of cost to the people 82. President Pranab Mukherjee has inaugurated India's larg-
through Government Hospitals, Prathmik Swasthay est river festival in Assam -- Namami Brahmputra.
Kendras, Government Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and Unani Note: A festival to be organized across 21 districts in
Dispensaries, Panchkarma Centres and National Health Assam from 31st March to 4th April,2017.
Mission (NHM) Institutions in the State. 83. The popular tribal festival of nature worshipping ‘Sarhul’
has started in the state -- Jharkhand

33 | P a g e
Note: The festival marks the beginning of New Year by 93. The state Government has decided to increase the number
worshiping trees. of ‘Science Clubs’ being operated in ‘Sanskriti Schools’
84. India’s longest highway tunnel ‘Chenani-Nashri’ in Jammu from 20 to 200 to scale up the interest of youth in science
& Kashmir inaugurated by the PM Narendra Modi -- 9.28 and technology -- Haryana.
km long Note: The financial assistance to these Clubs will be
Note: This road tunnel will cut the distance between the enhanced from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 50,000.
two state capitals Jammu and Srinagar to around 250 km 94. The state government will electrify all villages in the state
from the current 350 km and reduce the travel time by ap- by 30th June this year -- Assam.
proximately two hours. Note: The deadline to connect un-electrified villages in
85. The ‘Gunotsav program’ has been launched in 8 districts of Assam under ‘Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana’.
the state to improve elementary education -- Assam. 95. The state Government has promulgated an Ordinance to
Note: Over 9 lakh students in 2,000 schools will be covered make the teaching of ‘Malayalam language’ mandatory in
under the programme in the next 3 days in the first phase. all schools in the State -- Kerala Government.
86. e-governance project for Himachal Pradesh (HP) under Note: The usage of the official language ‘Malayalam’ has
good governance and best practices in India -- Rs. 5.24 been made compulsory in all government offices from 1st
crore. May.
Note: The project approved by the department of 96. The state government to launch cheap food canteen ‘An-
electronics and information technology (DEIT), Union napurna Bhojnalayas’-- Uttar Pradesh.
ministry of communications and IT. Note: The Uttar Pradesh will launch cheap food canteen
87. The state govt. will provide Rs 21,000 to all those families “Annapurna Bhojnalayas” across all 14 municipal
whose third girl child was born under the 'Aapki Beti, Ha- corporations in the state.
mari Beti' scheme (after August 24, 2015) -- The Haryana 97. The city has ranked the top-paying city for professionals in
government. India, according to the 2017 Salary Trends Study by Rand-
Note: The scheme is aimed to combat the problem of stad -- Bengaluru.
declining child sex ratio and promote girls’ education in the 98. The state has selected for the ‘Krishi Karman Award 2015-
state. 16’ for the commendable increase in food grains produc-
88. The Chief Minister of West Bengal 'Mamata Banerjee' has tion -- Himachal Pradesh.
declared the 22nd district of the state -- Jhargram. Note: The total food grains production has increased from
Note: Jhargram has been formed by bifurcating West 14.94 lakh ton to 16.34 lakh ton in last five years.
Midnapore district. 99. The state govt. has launched ‘Operation Durga’ to ensure
89. The state government will start a one-year diploma course women safety in the state - Haryana government.
on Hindu Purohityam -- Madhya Pradesh. Note: ‘Operation Durga’ has been launched so that ‘flying
90. The state government has launched 'Deendayal Rasoi Yoja- squads patrol those areas where such anti-social elements
na' to provide food at subsidized rate -- Madhya Pradesh. committed crimes against women.

Note: Under this scheme, people would be provided 100. The state govt. has signed a reworked MoU with Hindustan
wholesome meal through canteens that would offer Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) for the Rs. 43,129
subsidized prices (wholesome meal below Rs. 5/-). crore Barmer refinery -- Rajasthan government.

91. The state government has imposed a 10% cow cess as sur- Note: The Barmer refinery will be the first in the country to
charge on stamp duty for protection and propagation of produce BS-6 standard fuel.
cows -- Rajasthan. 101. The state Govt. will provide pension to former circus artists
Note: The Rajasthan government has imposed a 10% cow in the state -- Kerala.
cess as surcharge on stamp duty for protection and Note: The state govt. has allocated 1.13 crore rupees.
propagation of cows. Thalassery in Kannur district considered to be the cradle of
92. The city police have launched ‘Pink Hoyslas’ police Petrol Indian circus.
vehicles for women safety -- Bengaluru. 102. The state Govt. will provide accidental insurance cover to
Note: Pink Hoysalas will be stationed at 51 hot spots’ that all residents of the State having Aadhaar seeded saving
have been identified on the basis of the crime pattern in bank accounts -- Haryana Government.
various city areas, especially those related to safety of
women and children.

34 | P a g e
Note: The premium would be reimbursed by the state 111. The Telangana Chief General Manager of BSNL has
government of the age group of 18 to 70 years under the launched the 5 G Plus WiFi services at four spots in -- Hy-
‘Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana’ (PMSBY). derabad.
103. The state Government has introduced the ‘Social Security Note: The 4.5 G services will provide higher speeds of
Yojana’ by converging five separate beneficiary schemes Data than any other service provider to its existing
for workers in the unorganized sectors and for self-em- customers.
ployed people -- West Bengal Govt. 112. The Haryana govt. launched a mobile-based application to
104. The UP government has changed the name of Airports -- create awareness among pregnant women, parents, and
Gorakhpur and Agra. health workers -- Kilkari.
Note: The Gorakhpur Airforce Station has been renamed Note: The app ‘Kilkari’ was launched during the concluding
as ‘Mahayogi Goraknath Airport’ and the Agra Airport will day of the 'State-level Orientation Workshop'. The
be ‘Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay’ application 'Kilkari' will deliver 72 times appropriate audio
105. The state government has decided to change its ‘sugar- messages to registered mobile numbers on pregnancy,
cane price fixation policy’ from next crushing season -- Ut- child, and childbirth care every week from the second
tar Pradesh Govt. trimester of pregnancy till the child is one-year-old.

106. The state government has launched ‘unemployment allow- 113. The ‘Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation’
ance scheme’ -- Himachal Pradesh. (MTDC) has signed an agreement with the two Airways to
attract visitors to the state -- Etihad and Jet Airways.
Note: The state government will provide an
unemployment allowance of Rs 1,000 per month to youth Note: Etihad and Jet Airways will provide information to its
having intermediate or above qualification. Unemployed users on less-explored but high potential destinations in
youth with disability would be given Rs 1,500 per month. Maharashtra.

107. The state government has decided to set up 40 Yoga well- 114. The Northeast India's largest Information Technology (IT)
ness centers in 40 districts during current financial year -- hub to boost employment and e-governance besides to ex-
Uttar Pradesh. port software technology – Agartala.

Note: There are 23 Ayurvedic hospitals 12 homeopathic Note: This IT hub would help to create employment
and 7 Unani hospitals and colleges will be set up. opportunities for the IT educated youth and to further
extend the e-governance to the doorstep of people. The
108. The state govt. has signed a Memorandum of Understand- Hub was set up at a cost of Rs. 50 crore.
ing (MoU) with the Indian Railways to expand the green
cover -- Maharashtra. 115. The farmers of UT (Union Territory) will get free power
supply from this month for pump sets used for irrigation
Note: Trees will be planted on the land adjacent to the purpose -- Pondicherry.
railway tracks in the state.
Note: The move has been adopted in the current fiscal
109. The union Government will set up a Central university for year 2017-18.
Divyangs -- Uttar Pradesh.
116. The state will provide skill development training to 5 lakh
Note: Under the Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan, HRD ministry youths in the current financial year -- Assam govt.
has instructed to make ramps and install lifts to facilitate
‘Divyangas’ at all educational institutions. Note: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been
signed with a Singapore institute to set up skill
110. The state govt. of Haryana has announced to change the development center in the state.
name of Ballabhgarh to -- Balramgarh.
117. The state govt. has signed a MoU with the Bill and Melinda
Note: Ballabhgarh is a town and a tehsil (sub-district) in Gates Foundation with the objectives of improving the
Faridabad District of Haryana and is part of the National lives of smallholder farmers and promoting inclusive agri-
Capital Region (NCR). cultural transformation -- Odisha.

Honors & Award

1. Indian personality has been honored by US Embassy for Tu- 2. Indian-origin British professor has been honored with the
berculosis (TB) awareness -- Amitabh Bachchan. Queen Elizabeth II Knighthood -- Prof. Shankar Balasubra-
Note: The award has been presented by US Ambassador to manian.
India Richard R Verma to Amitabh Bachchan.

35 | P a g e
Note: He has been honored with the Queen Elizabeth II Note: The prize was created by the president of Venezuela
Knighthood for his work as a co-inventor of Next Nicolas Maduro in honour of the late socialist leader Hugo
Generation DNA sequencing, described as the most Chavez.
transformational advance in biology and medicine for 12. The highest peace time gallantry decoration ‘Ashok Chakra’
decades. -- Hangpan Dada.
3. The Government of India has been awarded 'Scroll of Note: He was killed at Naugam sector in Jammu and
Honor' to promote cashless transactions -- Gaurav Goyal. Kashmir in May 2016 while fighting terrorists and the award
Note: The district collector of Ajmer "Gaurav Goyal" has was received by his wife Chasen Lowang Dada.
been awarded ‘Scroll of Honor’ by Prime Minister Narendra 13. A special stamp cover featuring Olympic medalists PV
Modi in New Delhi for encouraging cashless transactions in Sindhu, Sakshi Malik, and Dipa Karmakar -- The Indian
the district. postal department.
4. The Social reformer who has been honoured by Google
14. NTPC award 2015-16 from the Union Power Minister, Shri
Doodle on her 186th birth anniversary -- Savitribai Phule.
Piyush Gayal -- Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)
5. Indian film has won the best motion picture award at the
Note: DVC Chairman Andrew W.K. Langestieh has received
2017 Golden Globes awards -- Moonlight. the prize amongst the power sectors for implementation of
Note: The Golden Globe Awards is a major part of the film the official language.
industry’s awards season, which culminates each year with 15. Recipients of the year 2017 Padma awards, Padma Vibhu-
the Academy Awards or Oscars. shan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri -- 89 persons.
6. The prestigious Young Travel Photographer of The Year
Note: Padma Vibhushan (7), Padma Bhushan (7) and Padma
(TPOTY) 2016 -- Darpan Basak. Shri (75).
Note: The TPOTY is the premier annual international travel 16. A scientist at the National Geophysical Research Institute
photography awards for amateur, professional, and young (NGRI) has been selected for the National Geoscience
Award – 2016 -- Keshav Krishna.
7. Indian cricketer has been inducted into Legends Club ‘Hall
17. 2017 Ophthalmology Hall of Fame instituted by the Ameri-
of Fame’ -- Kapil Dev.
can Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery -- Dr. Gulla-
Note: He has been inducted into Legends Club "Hall of
Fame" in presence of former India captains Ajit Wadekar, palli N. Rao.
Sunil Gavaskar and Nari Contractor at the Cricket Club of Note: He will be honored at the ceremony in Los Angeles at
India in Mumbai.The ICC Cricket Hall of Fame recognizes the annual meeting of the ASCRS on 6th May 2017. The L V
the achievements of the legends of the game from cricket's Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) was established in 1987 at
long and illustrious history. Hyderabad as a not-for-profit, non-government eye care
8. Indian village has been conferred the UNWTO Award for In- institution.
novation in the category of Non-Governmental Organisa- 18. The states emerged Winners of Excellence under the state
category -- Rajasthan and Telangana.
tions (NGO) -- Govardhan Ecovillage.
Note: eGov awards instituted by the Computer Society of
Note: This is for the first-time India has won such India’s (CSI) Special Interest Group with sponsorship from
recognition from the UN in the NGO sector. Nihilent Technologies. The award help to recognize the
9. The prestigious award ‘The Hindu Prize 2016’ -- Kiran efforts of e Governance practitioner from across central
Doshi. and state departments, projects and in district
Note: The novel is set against the political turmoil of the administrative units.
subcontinent from the early part of the 20th century, 19. An IT risk assessment and digital security services provider
ending with the Partition and Independence. The award startup company Lucideus has bagged the government’s
carries a citation and a cash prize of Rs.5 lakh. ‘Best IT Startup of India -- Lucideus.
10. The 2016 Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Re- Note: Lucideus is behind the security for BHIM app.
sponsibility (CSR) in the transportation sector under the Lucideus has been co-founded by its CEO Saket Modi and
Aviation category-- Delhi International Airport Limited. was incubated out of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Note: The Delhi Airport has also been adjudged the world’s
20. The first Indian Versatile female singer to collaborate with
number one airport in ACI ASQ survey in 25- 40 Million
United Nations for women empowerment -- Neeti Mohan.
Passengers Per Annum (MPPA) category for two
21. The prestigious Dr. B C Roy National award-2016 for out-
consecutive last years. The Golden Peacock Awards
standing service in the field of socio-medical relief -- Dr. P
instituted by the Institute of Directors (IOD), India in 1991.
Raghu Ram.
11. The Venezuela’s first-ever Hugo Chavez Prize for Peace and
Sovereignty for his fight for peace-- Vladimir Putin.

36 | P a g e
Note: This is the highest award that is bestowed upon a Note: A second-grade student from Hill Spring
Medical person practicing in India & would be conferred by International School has been awarded the title of
Hon’ble President of India on 1st July, 2017 on Doctors’ Day. Candidate Master (CM) by World Chess Federation body.
22. The Indian-origin sculptor has awarded Israel’s Genesis 30. Indian-origin personality has been awarded the 2017
prize -- Anish Kapoor. United Kingdom’s (UK) Outstanding Bravery of the Year
Note: He honored with the prestigious $1 million Genesis Award -- Shand Panesar.
Prize by Israel for his utmost contribution for Jewish Note: Panesar and Craig Nicholson were jointly awarded
community. after the public voted for them in the Total Excellence in
➢ He was chosen by the prize committee headed by Policing Awards.
Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky. 31. The 4th National Yash Chopra Memorial Award-2017 --
23. The NGO has bagged the IMC Ram Krishna Bajaj National Shah Rukh Khan.
Quota award in the NGO category -- Annamrita. Note: The award commemorates the director-producer by
Note: The allocation for the mid-day meal scheme in the honouring excellence in various spheres of cinema like
Union Budget 2017 has been increased from Rs 9,700 crore acting, music etc.
to Rs 10,000 crore by the government and this will support 32. The 2017 Brand Laureate Legendary Award -- Lata
Annamrita to reach out to serve more and more children Mangeshkar.
from government-aided and municipal schools. Note: The Brand Laureate Awards recognize world-class
24. The Director Damien Chazelle's musical "La La Land" has achievement in branding amongst individuals and
taken trophies at the 70th British Academy Film Awards companies.
(BAFTA) ceremony at Royal Albert Hall, London -- 5. 33. Hindi litterateur and playwright has been selected for ‘Vyas
List of winners: Samman-2016’ -- Surendra Verma.
➢ Outstanding British film: I, Daniel Blake Note: Vyas Samman was instituted in 1991 by the KK Birla
➢ Best film: La La Land Foundation and carries a cash award of Rs 3.50 lakh, a
➢ Best director: Damien Chazelle -La La Land citation and a logo.
➢ Best actor: Casey Affleck - Manchester by the Sea ➢ Surendra Verma has been selected for his novel
➢ Best actress: Emma Stone -La La Land “Kaatna Shami Ka Vriksha Padma Pankhuri Ki Dhar Se”.
25. Indian tabla player has won the Grammy in the World Mu- 34. Indian professional hockey player has been honored with
sic category that also included sitarist Anoushka Shankar's an Honorary Doctorate Degree by Desh Bhagat University --
‘Land of Gold’ -- Sandeep Das. Sandeep Singh.
Note: He was part of Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble "Sing 35. Two Indian films have bagged tophonorss at the annual
Me Home". Adele won in all the five categories that she 67th Berlin International Film Festival -- Newton and Aaba
was nominated for including Best Pop Solo Performance (Short film).
and Best Pop Vocal Album, triumphing over Beyonce, who Note: Newton has won the CICAE Art Cinema Award and
was the front-runner in the race. Short film Aaba has won Special Prize of Generation KPlus
26. Veteran agriculture scientist M S Swaminathan has received International Jury for Best Short Film.
an honorary medallion from this country for his contribu- 36. Indian institute has won the International Mercury Awards
tion towards development of agricultural practices -- Can- for the year 2016-17 -- Entrepreneurship Development In-
stitute of India (EDII).
27. The 2016 TS Eliot Prize for poetry -- Jacob Polley.
37. The movie won the Best Picture award at 89th Oscar Acad-
Note: The award ceremony was organized at the Wallace
emy Awards -- Moonlight.
Collection Gallery in London(UK). Jackself is a sequence of
Note: An American drama ‘Moonlight’ directed by Barry
narrative poems partly inspired by his childhood in
Jenkins has won the Best Picture award at the 89th edition
Cumbria, England.
of Oscar Academy Awards at the Dolby Theater in Los
28. Indian health institute has won first prize for sanitation &
Angeles, California.
hygiene under the Kayakalp awards 2017 -- All India Insti-
38. The Best Foreign Language Film at 89th Oscar Academy
tute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Awards -- The Salesman.
Note: AIIMS has won the first prize and a cash reward of
39. The 2017 Harvard Humanitarian of the Year award -- Robyn
Rs. 5 crore for maintaining high standards of sanitation and
hygiene under the Government of India (GoI)’s Kayakalp Rihanna Fenty.
awards 2016-17. 40. The 2017 Polly Umrigar Award for International Cricketer of
29. Indian chess master has been honored with the title of Can- the Year -- Virat Kohli.
didate Master (CM) by World Chess Federation -- Kush Bha- Note: Earlier, Kohli had won Polly Umrigar Award in 2011-
gat. 12 and 2014-15 and becomes the first Indian cricketer to be
bestowed the honor on three occasions.

37 | P a g e
41. The university who has won the annual Visitor’s Award for 49. Indian institute has won the 2017 IEEE Spectrum Technol-
the ‘Best University 2017’ -- Jawaharlal Nehru University ogy in the Service of Society Award -- IIT Madras.
(JNU). 50. The new Miss International Queen 2016 -- Jiratchaya Siri-
Note: The Visitor’s Award for ‘Research’ is jointly won by mongkolnawin.
Shyam Sunder (Banaras Hindu University) and Professor Note: This 12th edition of beauty pageant was held in Pat-
Niranjan Karak (Tezpur University). The 'Best University' taya City, Thailand on March 10, 2017.
will receive a Citation and Trophy while winners of Visitor's 51. 2017 Regeneron Science Talent Search award -- Indrani
Award for 'Innovation' and 'Research' will receive a Citation Das.
and cash award of Rs. one lakh. Note: Indrani Das is a 17- year old Indian American student
42. The Harvard foundation 'Artist of the Year-2017 award" in from New Jersey. This is the oldest US Science Competition
Cambridge -- Viola Davis. for the students and has been given the name of ‘Junior
Nobel Prize’.
Note: Harvard foundation award aims to honour the
52. The World's Best Airport by air travellers at the 2017 World
America’s most acclaimed artists and scientists each year.
43. The first Indian educational institution to make it to the top Airport Awards for the fifth consecutive year -- The Changi
10 of a global ranking for universities -- The Indian Institute Airport (Singapore).
of Science(IISc), Bangalore. Note: The 2017 World Airport Awards are based on 13.82
million customer nominations across 105 nationalities of air
Note: The IISc has been ranked eighth in the Times Higher
travellers, with 550 airports worldwide.
Education Rankings, 2017 in the best small universities
53. Indian personality has been selected to newly formed
IISc, a public university for scientific research and higher United Nations (UN) group on antimicrobial resistance --
education, was established in 1909 with active support Soumya Swaminathan.
from Jamsetji Tata and Sir Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV, the 54. The institution has topped the Times Higher Education
Maharaja of Mysore. (THE)’s Asia University ranking 2017 -- National University
44. The best actress award for her performance in Sarbjit at the of Singapore (NUS).
International Film Festival and Awards of Australia (IFFAA) - 55. A Canadian teacher has been named the winner of the an-
- Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. nual Global Teacher Prize at the Global Education and Skills
Note: The film “Sarabjit” is based on the story of an Indian Forum in Dubai -- Maggie MacDonnell.
national Sarbjit Singh (Randeep Hooda) who was punished
Note: She received the cash prize of US $1m from the Vice
by Pakistan’s Supreme Court on the charges of spying.
President & Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and
Sarbjit’s sister Dalbir Kaur (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan) fought
the Emir of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-
for him for years to get him back to the country.
45. The women were honoured by the Prime Minister for their
56. Who has won the Abel Prize 2017 -- Yves Meyer.
outstanding work in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan --10
Note: Meyer won the prestigious 2017 Abel Prize for his
women. pivotal role in the development of the mathematical theory
46. Who has been bestowed with the 2016 Moorti Devi Award of wavelets.
-- M P Veerendra Kumar. 57. The Lifetime Achievement Award at the 6th National Pho-
Note: Kumar is Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of tography Awards organized by the photo division of the I&B
the Malayalam daily Mathrubhumi and a Rajya Sabha MP. ministry in New Delhi -- Raghu Rai.
47. Noted Konkani writer, has been honoured with the 2017 Note: Rai has also served on the jury of World Press Photo
Saraswati Samman for his novel ‘Hawthan’-- Mahaba- and UNESCO’s International Photo Contest.
leshwar Sail. 58. Who has been honoured with the Kuldip Nayar journalism
Note: Mahabaleshwar is best known for his work, award 2017 -- Ravish Kumar.
‘Paltadcho Munis’, which inspired a film by the same name. Note: Eminent TV journalist Ravish Kumar has been
48. Honorary degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) by the city- awarded inaugural ‘Kuldip Nayar journalism award’ for his
based Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University - contribution to the field of journalism at the India
-Mohan Bhagwat. International Centre, New Delhi. He conferred with an
Note: Maharashtra Governor Vidyasagar Rao awarded the award plaque along with a cash amount of Rs. 1 lakh.
honorary degree to Bhagwat at the convocation of the 59. Indian-origin filmmaker has been honoured with the Sikh
varsity. Bhagwat was honored with the degree for his Jewel Award for 2017-- Gurinder Chadha.
contribution in the field of veterinary sciences and social Note: She received the award from UK Defence Secretary
work. Michael Fallon at the Vaisakhi Dinner organized by the
British Sikh Association.

38 | P a g e
60. ‘Kala Ratan Award’ received from Vice President of India -- Note: Colson Whitehead's novel ‘The Underground
Anupam Kher. Railroad’ has won the ‘Pulitzer Prize’ for fiction. The novel is
Note: Earlier, The Government of India honored him with about an escaped slave that combined liberating
the Padma Shri in 2004 and the Padma Bhushan in 2016 for imagination and brutal reality.
his contribution in the field of cinema and arts. 72. Indian-origin educationist in the UK has been named the
61. The best educational institution by HRD Ministry -- IISc Ban- 'Asian Businesswoman of the Year' -- Asha Khemka.
galuru. Note: Khemka is the Principal and CEO of West
Note: Top University - Indian Institute of Science Nottinghamshire College. She was honored for her efforts
(Bengaluru) and Top College- Miranda House (Delhi) have in the field of education and skills at the Asian Business
made it to the top of respective categories. Awards ceremony.
62. Indian Chief Minister has been selected for the US-India 73. Posthumously conferred the 2016 Kirti Chakra award by
Business Council Award (US IBC) -- N. Chandrababu Naidu. President Pranab Mukherjee -- Lance Havildar Prem Baha-
Note: The USIBC has selected Mr. Naidu for the award of dur Resmi Magar.
‘Transformative Chief Minister. The Electronics and IT Note: The Kirti Chakra is the second highest peacetime
Secretary Aruna Sundararajan would also receive gallantry award i.e. awarded for valour, courageous action
Transformative Leadership Award at the Summit. or self-sacrifice away from the field of battle.
63. An imprisoned Eritrean-Swedish journalist will receive the 74. The most followed world leader on Instagram -- PM Naren-
2017 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize - dra Modi.
- Dawit Isaakhas. Note:The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as
Note: Isaak was chosen for the prestigious award in the most followed ‘world leader’ on photo-sharing app
recognition of his courage, resistance, and commitment to ‘Instagram’ with a whopping 6.9 million followers. He
freedom of expression. surpassed US President Donald Trump (6.3 million
64. Wisden's Leading Cricketer in the World for 2016 -- Virat followers) and Pope Francis (3.7 million followers).
75. The first Naga cop to receive Shaurya Chakra award since
Nagaland attained statehood -- Atu Zumvu.
Note: Kohli becomes the third Indian to be bestowed with
the honor, with Virender Sehwag (2008 and 2009) and 76. Gurudwara in Dubai has broken the world record for serv-
Sachin Tendulkar (2010). ing free breakfast to the maximum number of people from
65. The Best Children’s Film in the 64th National Awards -2017 diverse nationalities on 'Baisakhi' -- Guru Nanak Darbar.
-- Dhanak. Note: Around People 101 nationalities people and over 600
Note: The award carries a ‘Golden Lotus Award’, a people have participated in the 'Breakfast for Diversity' an
certificate and cash prize of Rs. 1.5 Lakh. hour-long event to create the new record.
66. 64th National Awards - the Best actor for his movie, ‘Rus- 77. The 2017 Cartier Women’s Initiative Award winner -- Trupti
tom’ -- Akshay Kumar. Jain.
Note: Director, Priyadarshan was the head of the jury for Note: Trupti Jain’ has won 2017 'Cartier Women's Initiative
the 64th National Awards.National Film Awards were Awards' for providing women working on farms with water
constituted in 1954 and are awarded yearly by Directorate management solutions and protecting small farmers
of Film Festivals. against droughts and flash floods. She receives a USD
67. The Best Hindi Movie of 2016 -- Neeraja. 100,000 prize money as well as a year of mentoring.
68. The United Nations (UN)’s youngest-ever Messenger of 78. Philippine President has won Time magazine's readers' poll
Peace -- Malala Yousafzai. of the 100 most influential people in the world -- Rodrigo
Note: As a peace messenger, Malala will help to promote Duterte.
education of girls across the globe. She is also the youngest Note: Duterte received 5% of “yes” votes in the online poll
recipient of Nobel Peace Prize. that started in the last week of March and closed on
69. The ‘Best Movie on Social Issues’ -- Pink. Monday.US Sen. Bernie Sanders and Russian President
70. MIT Professor and inventor of World Wide Web has been Vladimir Putin won the reader poll in 2016 and 2015,
awarded Computer Science’s most prestigious award A. M.
79. 'Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar-2017 -- Bhalkhi
Turing Award -- Tim Berners Lee.
Gram Panchayat.
Note: The award is provided by Association for Computing
Note: These awards are being given to panchayats of
Machinery (ACM) and carries cash prize of $ 1 million which
various states for best performance during the year 2015-
is provided by Google.
16. The awards would be given on the occasion of National
71. The Pulitzer Prize for 'Underground Railroad' -- Colson
Panchayati Raj Day (24th April) in Lucknow.

39 | P a g e
80. The sixth ‘Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Award’ -- Rayappa has won an Arjuna Award in 1991 and then went on to win
Ramappa Hanchinal. the Indian Open again in 1993.
Note: He is the Chairperson of the Protection of Plant 90. The prestigious ‘Krishi Karman Award 2015-16’ for the fifth
Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority, New Delhi. The consecutive year -- Madhya Pradesh.
award is instituted and given under the aegis of Retired Note: The award instituted by the Agriculture Ministry
ICAR Employees Association (RICAREA) in association with carries a trophy, citation & cash prize of Rs. 2 crores and
the Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd (NSL). cash reward of Rs 2 lakh rupees will be handed over to a
81. The prestigious Raj Kapoor ‘Lifetime achievement award’ woman and a male farmer as 'best wheat producer'. MP
of the Maharashtra -- Saira Banu. wheat production in 2015-16 stood at 184.10 lakh tons as
82. Veteran Actor has been selected for the Raj Kapoor ‘Special against 171.03 lakh tons in 2014-15(rise of 7.64 %).
91. “Golden Peacock Award 2017” in the category of Innovative
contribution award’ -- Jackie Shroff.
Product/Service for pioneering a cashless township trans-
Note: The lifetime achievement awards carry a citation and
cash of five lakh rupees each, while both the special formation model -- The Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers
contribution awards carry a citation and three lakhs rupee & Chemicals Ltd (GNFC).
in cash. Note: The GNFC has won from among 313 applicants for
83. The lifetime achievement award at the 80th Bengal Film Golden Peacock Global Award for Innovative
Journalists’ Association (BFJA) awards -- Moushumi Chat- Product/Service. Golden Peacock Awards has been
terjee. instituted by the Institute of Directors (IOD), India in 1991,
are now regarded as a benchmark of Corporate Excellence
84. Italian mayor has won the UNESCO Peace Prize -- Giusep-
pina Nicolini. 92. Bollywood film has won the Jury Prize for best film at the
Note: The UNESCO has awarded the ‘Peace Prize’ to the Hong Kong International Film Festival -- Newton.
mayor of the Italian island of Lampedusa ‘Giuseppina
Note: ‘Newton’ is Amit Masurkar's second film after
Nicolini’ for her commitment to saving the lives of migrants
‘Sulemani Keeda’ in 2014. Newton is a 2017 Indian Hindi-
and refugees.
language black comedy film directed by Amit V Masurkar
85. Two Indians to feature on the list of 100 most influential
and produced by Manish Mundra of Drishyam Films.
people of 2017 -- PM 'Narendra Modi' and 'Vijay Shekhar 93. Nobel laureate has been awarded the ‘P C Chandra Pu-
Sharma'. raskar 2017’ for his global crusade against child slavery and
Note: PM Narendra Modi is described as a maestro of the exploitative child labour in Kolkata -- Kailash Satyarthi.
art of political seduction, playing on the existential fears
Note: He was handed over a citation, a trophy and a
and cultural insecurities of people facing downward. Paytm
cheque of Rs 10 lakh. Satyarthi has founded the 'Bachpan
founder ‘Vijay Shekhar Sharma’ venture Paytm witnessed a
Bachao Andolan' in 1980.
huge growth by the end of 2016 with 177 million users.
94. The honorary life membership to the former captain of the
86. Writer novel Mathorubhagan (One Part Woman) has won
Indian women's Test team ‘Sandhya Agarwal’ -- Maryle-
the Sahitya Akademi award -2016 for translation in English -
bone Cricket Club(MCC).
- Perumal Murugan.
Note: Agarwal is being honoured in recognition of her
Note: The prize in the form of a casket containing an
distinguished service to the game.
engraved copper plaque and a cash component of Rs
95. The 'Dadasaheb Phalke award' for the year 2016 for his out-
50,000. The book “One Part Woman” is a novel based on a
possible ancient cultural practice among people living standing contribution to the film industry -- Kasinadhuni
around Tiruchengode. Viswanath.
87. The historian and archaeologist has won the prestigious Dr. Note: The award consists of a golden lotus, a cash prize of
Paduru Gururaja Bhat Memorial Award- 2017 -- Prof. A.V. Rs. 10 lakh and a shawl. The ‘Dadasaheb Phalke Award’ is
Narasimha Murthy. India's highest award in cinema. It is presented annually at
the National Film Awards ceremony by the Directorate of
Note: The award carries a citation and a purse of fifty
Film Festivals, an organization set up by the Ministry of
thousand rupees.
Information and Broadcasting.
88. The 75th Master Dinanath Mangeshkar award for his out-
96. The lifetime achievement award at the 80th Bengal Film
standing contribution to Indian Cricket -- Kapil Dev.
Journalists' Association (BFJA) awards -- Moushumi Chat-
89. The second edition of the Golf Industry Association (GIA)
Awards 2017 -- Aditi Ashok, S.S.P Chawrasia and Ali Sher.
Note: Bengali film actor Prosenjit Chatterjee has given the
Note: Recently, Aditi finished second in the Ladies best actor award for his role in ‘Sankhachil’. BFJA Awards is
European Tour (LET) order of merit in 2016. SSP Chawrasia given by the Bengal Film Journalists' Association.
has won the Men's Player of the Year (2016). Golfer Ali Sher

40 | P a g e
97. ‘Goldman Environmental Prize’ from Asia region for cham- Note: The smart city ‘Bhubaneswar’ has received this award
pioning the cause of State’s Dongria Kondh tribals and safe- for good and advanced town planning and engaging its
guarding their land & culture -- Prafulla Samantara. residents in the planning process.
100. The first Indian actor to deliver Ted Talk in Canada --
Note: The prize also known as Green Nobel prize and
Samantara is the sixth Indian to win the prize.Green Nobel Shah Rukh Khan.
prize has been Instituted by the Goldman Environmental Note: Mr. Khan has become the first Indian actor to deliver
Foundation, headquartered in San Francisco, TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) speech in
98. Who has honored with the 75th Master Dinanath Vancouver, Canada. He also collaborated with TED to host
Mangeshkar Award for his outstanding performance in film the Hindi version of the famous talk show.
101. ‘Miss Teen Universe 2017’ in the event held at the Ru-
‘Dangal’ -- Aamir Khan.
ben Dario National Theatre in Nicaragua’s capital Managua
Note: Cricket legend Kapil Dev and veteran actor
Vyjayanthimala Bali were also honored in the function. -- Srishti Kaur.
99. Indian city has won Pierre L’enfant Planning Excellence and Note: Samantha Pierre (Canada) and Ary Trava (Mexico)
Achievement Awards-2017-- Bhubaneswar. were the runners-up in the event.The Miss Teen Universe
beauty pageant for teens aged 15 to 19 is held by the Miss
Universe Organisation.

Important Dates

1. The World Braille Day (WBD) is observed on - 4th January. Note: The programme will cover around 17 crore children
Note: The Day marks importance of braille for those who are aged under five years in an effort to maintain the country’s
blind and to commemorate the birth anniversary of Louis polio-free status.
Braille. 9. World Leprosy Eradication Day is celebrated on 31st January.
2. The United Nations has designated the year 2017 as - The Note: The World Leprosy Day is observed internationally on
International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Develop- January 30 or its nearest Sunday to increase the public
ment. awareness of the Leprosy or Hansen's Disease.
3. The World Hindi Day (WHD) is observed every year on - 10th 10. The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) has celebrated its 40th raising
January. day on 1st Feb.
Note: The day will promote Hindi across the world and to Note: The ICG came into existence on 1st Feb 1977 with an
mark the anniversary of first World Hindi Conference enactment of Coast Guard Act 1978, as a full-fledged
(WHD)which was held in 1975. independent Armed Force of the Union under the Ministry
4. National Youth Day is celebrated in India on -12th January. of Defence (MoD).
Note: The theme of this year’s Festival is ‘Youth for Digital 11. The Basant Panchami festival is celebrated every year in the
India’. month of 'Magha' on Fifth day.
5. The National Girl Child Day is celebrated on- 24th January.
Note: The day marks the beginning of the spring season.
Note: In 2008, it was announced that 24th January every
Basant means spring and Panchami means "the fifth day".
year would be celebrated as National Girl Child Day with
12. The World Cancer day (WCD) is observed every year on - 4th
the objective of raising the consciousness of the society
towards the girl child so that she can be valued and
respected. Note: The theme of 2017 World Cancer day “We can I can”.
6. The National Tourism Day is celebrated in India on 25th Jan- 13. The National Deworming Day (NDD) is celebrated on 10th
uary. February.
Note: The day is celebrated to raise awareness of im- Note: It is the world’s largest deworming programme that
portance of tourism for the country’s economy. covers 340 million children under-19 years of age across 36
7. The Republic Day is celebrated in India on 26th January. states/ UTs.
Note: Republic Day honours the date on which the 14. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is ob-
Constitution of India came into effect (26 January 1950) served on 11th February.
replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the Note: The day aims to promote gender equality and
governing document of India. encourage girls and women to get involved in science and
8. The 2017 National Immunization Day (NID) celebrated on- research.
29th January. 15. The World Radio Day (WRD) is observed every year on -13th

41 | P a g e
Note: The 2017 theme is “Radio is You!” a call for greater Note: The annual event is symbolized by a logo created by
participation of audiences and communities in the policy Reporters Without Borders consisting of a computer mouse
and planning of radio broadcasting. breaking free from a chain.
16. Chhattisgarh government observed “Parents’ Worship Day” 27. The World Kidney Day (WKD) is observed every year on the-
on - 14th February. 2nd Thursday in March
Note: The ‘Parents’ Worship Day’ is celebrated every year by Note: It is a global health awareness campaign to raise
the Chhattisgarh government on 14th Feb at all schools in awareness about impact of kidney disease and its associated
the state to teach ‘Bharatiya sanskriti’ to students. health problems worldwide.
17. The National Productivity Week (NPW) is observed every 28. The 2017 Commonwealth Day is celebrated on - 13th
year from - 12th-18th February. March.
Note: The 2017 theme is “From Waste to Profits-through Note: The theme of this year is “A Peace-building
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse”. Commonwealth”.
18. The United Nations' (UN) World Day of Social Justice is annu- 29. The World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) is observed every
ally observed on - 20th February. year on - 15th March.
Note: The theme for 2017 is "Preventing conflict and Note: Theme for World Consumer Rights Day this year is
sustaining peace through decent work”. ‘Building a digital world consumers can trust’.
19. International Mother Language Day (IMLD) is a worldwide 30. The 'International Day of Happiness' is celebrated through-
annual observance held on - 21st February. out the world on - 20th March.
Note: The theme of 2017:"Towards Sustainable Futures Note: The day was founded by United Nations adviser Jayme
through Multilingual Education". Illien on 28th June, 2012.
20. The Central Excise Day (CED) is celebrated in India on 24th 31. International Day of Forests observed every year on - 21st
February. March.
Note: The 32 Officers of Central Board of Excise and Note: The theme of 2017 is ‘Forests and energy'.
Customs (CBEC) and its formations from all over India to 32. The World Poetry Day observed every year on- 21st March.
receive ‘Commendation Certificate’ on the occasion. Note: The World Poetry Day is on 21st March and was
21. The National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year in declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational,
India on - 28th February. Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999.
Note: The basic objective of observation of National science 33. The World water day is celebrated annually on - 22nd March.
day is to spread the message of the importance of science Note: The theme of 2017 for World Water Day is 'Why
and its application among the people. Wastewater?'.
22. The Zero Discrimination Day (ZDD) is observed every year 34. The foundation day of Bihar (Bihar Diwas) is celebrated
on- 1st March. every year on- 22nd March.
Note: The 2017 theme is “Make Some Noise for Zero Note: It was on this day when the British carved out the
Discrimination”. state from Bengal Presidency in 1912.
23. The World Hearing Day (WHD) is observed every year on- 35. The United Nations' (UN) World Meteorological Day is an-
3rd March. nually held on - 23rd March.
Note: The 2017 theme “Action for hearing loss: make a Note: The theme of WMD 2017 is 'Understanding Clouds' to
sound investment” draws attention to the economic impact highlight the enormous importance of clouds for weather
of hearing loss and the cost effectiveness of interventions to climate and water.
address it. 36. The "World Tuberculosis Day" observed every year on - 24th
24. The World Wildlife Day (WWD) is observed every year on - March.
3rd March. Note: The theme for World Tuberculosis Day 2017 is ‘Unite
Note: The theme of 2017 World Wildlife Day (WWD) is to End TB’
Listen to the young voices. 37. The “International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of
25. The International Women’s Day (IWD) is observed every Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade” - 25th March.
year on - 8th March. Note: The 2017 theme “Remember Slavery: Recognizing the
Note: The 2017 theme of IWD is “Women in the Changing Legacy and Contributions of People of African Descent”
World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030” and its’ campaign 38. The World Theatre Day (WTD) is observed on - 27th March.
theme is “#BeBoldForChange”. Note: The day was initiated in 1961 by the International
26. The World Day Against Cyber Censorship (WDACC) is ob- Theatre Institute (ITI), the world organization for performing
served on - 12th March. arts.

42 | P a g e
39. The state was formed on 30th March 1949 when ‘Rajputana’ 49. The ‘World Book and Copyright Day’ (WBCD) is being ob-
was merged into the Dominion of India- Rajasthan. served every year on - 23rd April.
40. The ‘World Autism Awareness Day’ has been observed Note: The focus, this year is on the visually impaired to have
across the world on - 2nd April. easy access to printed materials.
Note: The 2017 theme for the day is "Toward Autonomy and 50. The United Nations English Language Day being observed
Self-Determination". annually on - 23rd April.
41. The International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Note: English has official or special status in at least 75
Mine Action - 4th April. countries that have a total population of over two billion.
Note: The 2017 theme is “Needs driven. People Centred”. 51. The ‘National Panchayati Raj Diwas’ being observed every
42. The National Maritime Day is being observed every year in year across India- 24th April.
India on - 5th April. Note: Twenty ‘best Panchayats’ from all over the country
Note: The National Maritime Day was first celebrated on 5th have been awarded, the Kuther Gram Panchayat in Nagrota
April,1964. India has about 7516 km (Mainland: 5422.6 km Surian Development Block of Kangra district (Himachal
and Island Territories: 2094 km) of coastline serviced by a Pradesh) was the first to become open defecation free (ODF)
total of 182 ports. and was awarded sum of five lakh Rupees.
43. The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Sport for De- 52. The ‘World Malaria Day being observed every year across
velopment and Peace (IDSDP) is observed across the world the world on - 25th April.
on - 6th April.
53. The 'World Intellectual Property Day' is observed annually
Note: The day recognize the power of sport in promoting on- 26th April.
peace and erasing cultural barriers worldwide.
Note: This year's theme of the day is: ‘Innovation –
44. The 'World Health Day’ is a global health awareness day cel- Improving Lives’.
ebrated every year on - 7th April.
54. The World Day for Safety and Health at Work to promote
Note: The theme of this year is “Depression: Let's Talk”, the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases glob-
aims to mobilize action on depression. ally observed on -28th April.
45. The 'World Heritage Day' is being observed across the globe Note: The theme of this year is ‘Optimize the collection and
on - 18th April. use of OSH data.
Note: The theme of 2017 is “Cultural Heritage & Sustainable 55. International Labour Day observed is observed annually on -
Tourism”. - 1st May.
46. The ‘UN Chinese Language Day’ is observed every year on- Note : 1st May is also celebrated as ‘Maharashtra Day’ and
20th April ‘Gujarat Day’ to mark the date in 1960, when the two
47. The Civil Services Day (CSD) has been celebrated in India - western states attained statehood after the erstwhile
21st April. Bombay State was divided on linguistic lines.
Note: The Civil Services Day (CSD) is organized every year on 56. The ‘World Press Freedom Day’ is observed every year on --
21st April in India by civil servants to rededicate and 3rd May.
recommit themselves to the cause of the people. Note: The theme of 2017 year is ‘Critical Minds for Critical
48. The International Mother Earth Day has been celebrated Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive
every year around the world on - 22nd April. societies’.
Note: The theme for 2017 is "Environmental & Climate 57. The ‘World Red Cross Day’ is observed annually on -- 8th
Literacy". May.
Note: The theme for 2017 is ‘Less Known Red Cross Stories’.


1. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has suc- 3. China has successfully launched Fengyun-4 satellite, first of
cessfully launched remote sensing satellite Resourcesat- its new generation weather satellites into geostationary or-
2A into its dedicated orbit. It was launched onboard of bit.
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)-C36 from first 4. India successfully test fired its home-grown long range inter-
launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. continental surface-to-surface nuclear capable ballistic mis-
2. Indian Navy’s eight landing craft utility (LCU) L-58 was sile Agni-5.
launched by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd 5. The first-ever joint military exercise “Pratikar-I” will be held
(GRSE) in Kolkata, West Bengal. between Nepal and China on 10th February 2017.The focus

43 | P a g e
of the military exercise will be on training Nepali forces in 19. China launches Long March 5 Rocket.
dealing with hostage scenarios involving international terror 20. Zumwalt - US Navy has commissioned its largest, most expen-
groups. sive and technologically advanced destroyer, Zumwalt. The
6. The first country in the world to use drones for national mail 610-foot The 610-foot-long ship, commissioned in Baltimore
service France. also has an advanced power plant and weapon systems.
7. The Google India will launch “Digitally Safe Consumer” cam- 21. Barak-8 - surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM) - India and Israel
paign with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in 2017 to raise jointly developed most advanced long range surface-to-air
awareness and protect consumer interest on the internet. missile (LR-SAM) Barak-8 was successfully test fired off the
Odisha coast. The missile was test fired from a mobile
8. China has launched a global carbon dioxide monitoring sat-
launcher at the Integrated Test Range in Chandipur in Bal-
ellite to understand climate change TanSat.
asore district in Odisha.
9. China has successfully tested the newest version of the J- 22. Akula II - India has signed agreement with Russia to lease
31stealth fighter “FC-31 Gyrfalcon”. second Akula-II class nuclear attack submarine (SSN). The
10. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is deal is believed to be worth about $2 billion.
sending first African-American space station crew member 23. S-400 ‘Triumf’ air defence systems - India has signed a de-
to space station in 2018 Jeanette Epps. fence deal worth nearly Rs 39,000 crore with Russia to pur-
11. India’s second Kalvari-class Scorpene stealth submarine “INS chase five state of art S-400 ‘Triumf’ air defence systems.
Khanderi” has been launched in Mumbai. Note:
12. The union railway minister Suresh Prabhu has released an An- ✓ The S-400 Triumf- NATO names it Growler- is an anti-
droid-based mobile application named “IRCTC Rail Connect’’ aircraft weapon system. It has been developed by
app to promote ease of ticketing through digital transactions. Russia’s Almaz Central Design Bureau.
13. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has signed ✓ The system uses long range and medium range missiles.
pact with the French Space agency (CNES) satellite launch ✓ The S 400 is the latest of a long range of highly successful
technology. air defence systems that have been the biggest threat to
14. Pakistan Army has test-fired the first submarine-launched western aircraft across the world.
Cruise Missile Babur-3. 24. INS Tihayu - Indian Navy has commissioned INS Tihayu, a Car
Nicobar Class water jet fast attack craft (WJFAC). INS Tahiyu
15. India and Vietnam have signed a civil nuclear cooperation
is the sixth WJFAC Car Nicobar Class vessel to be
agreement. With this, Vietnam became 14th country with
commissioned and allotted to the Eastern Fleet of the Indian
which India has signed the civil nuclear deal.
Navy. It has been built by Kolkata-based shipyard Garden
16. China has successfully launched a navigation satellite XPNAV- Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE).
1 25. Communication satellite GSAT-18 successfully launched -
17. India has become the first non-NPT country with which India successfully launched the communication satellite
Japan has signed a Civil Nuclear Agreement. GSAT-18. The satellite was launched by a heavy-duty rocket
18. NASA’s most powerful space telescope completed. The of Arianespace from the spaceport of Kourou in French
James Webb Space Telescope will be the successor to Guiana.
NASA’s 26-year-old Hubble Space Telescope. It will be 100 26. Sarathi - The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) has commissioned
times more powerful than the Hubble probe and may find well-equipped offshore patrolling (OPV) vessel named
the first galaxies that formed in the early universe. ‘Sarathi’.


1. Tyrus Wong was the legendary Disney artist of the country -- Note: He featured in Pakistan's first Test played in Delhi
United States. against India in October 1952 and went on to play 41
Note: He was best known for his sketches for the Walt matches as a wicket keeper-batsman.
Disney animated feature 'Bambi'. 3. John Berger was the renowned author of the country --
2. Imtiaz Ahmed was the former cricketer of -- Pakistan. United Kingdom.
Note: His best-known work was Ways of Seeing, a criticism
of western cultural aesthetics. He also won the Booker Prize

44 | P a g e
for his novel G and donated half the prize money to the Note: Earlier, Sir John won four Bafta Awards, including a
radical African-American movement. lifetime achievement recognition for his outstanding
4. Abdul Halim Jaffer Khan, was the famous musician of musi- contribution to British cinema in 2012.
cal instrument -- Sitar. 16. Russian Ambassador to India passed away due to the heart
Note: He was regarded as one of the ‘Sitar Trinity’ of India attack in New Delhi -- Alexander Kadakin.
along with Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Vilayat Khan. 17. US Emmy award-winning actress passes away -- Mary Tyler
5. Former President of Iran has passed away in Tehran, Iran -- Moore.
Note: She was best known for her television roles The Dick
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Van Dyke Show (in the 1960s) and the eponymous The Mary
Note: He served as president from 1989 to 1997 but lost to Tyler Moore Show (in the 1970s).
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he ran again in 2005. 18. Former Union Minister has passed away in the wee hours of
6. The former President and prime-minister of Portugal has after suffering from heart attack -- E Ahmad.
passed away in Lisbon, Portugal -- Mario Soares. Note: Ahmad represented the Malappuram Lok Sabha
Note: He played a central role in the re-establishment of constituency of Kerala.
diplomatic relations between Portugal and India in 1974. 19. Eminent theater personality who closely associated with the
7. The renowned sociologist of Poland has passed away at art and culture scene of Odishahas passed away -- Asim
Leeds, England -- Zygmunt Bauman. Basu.
Note: He was one of the world’s most prominent and Note: He was closely associated with the art and culture
prolific European sociologists writing on issues as diverse as scene of Odisha for over five decades and directed over 200
modernity and the Holocaust, postmodern consumerism plays. Basu has received the state Sangeet Natak Akademi
and liquid modernity. Award in 1998.
8. English singer-songwriter has passed away in Sussex, Eng- 20. Former Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) chief has
land -- Peter Sarstedt. passed away -- Joginder Singh.
Note:He is the 1961 batch IPS officer of Karnataka cadre was
9. Former Tourism Minister of Maharashtra has passed away in
chosen to head the premier investigative agency CBI on July
Pune--Chandrakant Chhajed. 31, 1996.
Note: He became Pune mayor in 1987. 21. The Renowned Pakistani Urdu novelist and playwright has
10. The former President of Germany passed away recently -- passed away in Lahore -- Bano Qudsia.
Roman Herzog. Note: She born in November 1928 in Ferozepur(India) and
Note: Herzog served as President under Chancellor Helmut migrated to Pakistan after partition.
Kohl and later under Gerhard Schroder between 1994 and 22. Recently passed freedom fighter, Racharla Samrajyam from
1999. the state -- Andhra Pradesh.
11. National award-winning filmmaker has passed away, who Note: Samrajyam was born on April 26, 1919 at
won the award for his movie “Limit to Freedom” -- Deepak Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. She was the younger sister
Roy. of the social reformer Gora.
Note: He started his career as a film critic in 1974 and 23. The winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medi-
ventured into the direction in 1982. cine who passed away recently -- Sir Peter Mansfield.
12. The Veteran film and stage actor who had acted in several
Note: He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or
films including "Kolkata 71" and "Akaler Sandhane" passed
Medicine in 2003, along with late US chemist Paul
away -- Gita Sen.
Lauterbur, for discovering Magnetic Resonance Imaging
13. Pioneer in the discovery of black hole in India -- CV Vish-
(MIR), a technique used by medical specialists to generate
images of the human body’s anatomy.
14. The renowned Urdu poet and lyricist passed away in Mum-
bai, Maharashtra -- Jaswant Rai Sharma. 24. A legendary comic manga artist of Japan, has passed away in
Note: He was born in the town of Lyallpur in Punjab (now in Tokyo, Japan -- Jiro Taniguchi.
Pakistan) and known to the world by his pen name “Naqsh Note: Taniguchi achieved an international following with
Lyallpuri”. Some of his best songs include: “Main to har works such as The Walking Man, The Summit of the Gods
modh par”, “Na Jane kya hua, jo tune chhu liya” and “Ulfat and The Magic Mountain, hailed for exquisite line drawing
me zamane ki har rasm ko thukroa”. and intricately-constructed landscapes.
15. Legendary British actor who starred in ‘The Elephant Man’
25. Legendary American jazz singer nicknamed as ‘crobat of
and ‘Harry Potter’ passes away at his residence in Norfolk
Scat’ passed away in Los Angeles -- Al Jarreau.
(London)-- Sir John Hurt.

45 | P a g e
Note: He was best known for his 1981 album Breakin’ Away Note: He won the European Cup three times with Real
and singing the theme song to the popular 1980’s TV show Madrid in the 1950s. Kopa was also the central part of the
Moonlighting. French side beaten by Pele's Brazil in a classic World Cup
26. T V Parasuram, who passed away recently, was related to -- semi-final in 1958.
Journalism. 38. Veteran politician and former Member of Parliament, has
Note: He served as the correspondent for The Indian passed away in Imphal, Manipur -- Yumnam Yaima Singh.
Express for two decades till his retirement at age 58. 39. The man who performed the world's first liver transplant
27. Former Chief Justice of India (CJI) passed away after the pro- passed away at home in United States -- US Thomas Starzl.
40. Noted socialist leader and former Lok Sabha speaker passed
longed illness in Kolkata, West Bengal -- Altamas Kabir.
away in Cuttack -- Rabi Ray.
Note: Kabir served as the 39th Chief Justice of India from Note: He was the union minister of health and family
September 2012 to July 2013. welfare in the Morarji Desai ministry and the speaker of
28. Former MP who known for his demands of a separate state ninth Lok Sabha from 1989-1991.
for ‘Vidarbha’ passed away -- Jambuvantrao Dhote 41. Kalika Prasad Bhattacharya was the noted folk singer of
Note: Mr. Dhote won his first election to Lok Sabha in 1971 which language -- Bengali.
from Nagpur as a Forward Bloc nominee. Note: He was also part of a folk band called “Dohar”, which
29. Jiro Taniguchi, who passed away recently, was the legendary had as its objective the popularisation of the rustic songs of
comic manga artist of -- Japan. Bangal and North East India.
30. Hindi novelist famous for novels with unique titles like Dahej 42. Former Puducherry Minister has passed away in Chennai,
Mein Revolver has passed away -- Ved Prakash Sharma
Tamil Nadu -- M Chandrakasu.
Note: His novel "Vardi Wala Gunda" published in 1993, gave Note: Chandrakasu. represented Nedungad constituency in
him the big break and sold more than eight crore copies. the outlying enclave of Karaikal for six terms.
31. Recently, Bengali singer has passed away in Kolkata due to 43. Malayalam film director passed away in a private hospital at
illness -- Banasree Sengupta.
Kochi -- Diphan.
Note: She had recorded large number of romantic songs Note: He is survived by his wife and two children. Diphan is
since 1966. West Bengal government had bestowed Sangeet known for his films namely Puthiya Mukham, Hero and SIM.
Samman (2012) and the Mahasangeet Samman (2013) for 44. The prolific American author of both adult and children’s
her contribution to music.
books, has recently passed away in Chicago, United States --
32. Nobel-winning economist, mathematician has passed away
in USA -- Kenneth J Arrow. Amy Krouse Rosenthal.
Note: She is best known for her memoir “Encyclopedia of an
Note: He received the Nobel memorial prize in economic
Ordinary Life”.
science for their pioneering mathematical work on general
45. Noted Gujarati poet and ghazal writer, has passed away in
equilibrium theory in 1972.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat -- Chinu Modi.
33. The noted bureaucrat, columnist and director of the Insti-
Note: He has made a great contribution to the Gujarati
tute of Economic Studies (IES), has recently passed away in
literature with his poetry, plays, novels and stories. Chinu
Hyderabad -- V. K. Srinivasan.
Modi had received Sahitya Academy award in 2014.
34. An Indian politician who served as the Minister of External
46. Former national racing champion and his wife Niveditha
Affairs (MEA), Law and Petroleum passed away in Hydera-
died in a mishap at MRC Nagar, Chennai -- Ashwin Sundar.
bad -- Punjala Shiva Shankar.
Note: Sundar had won the national title in car racing and
35. The popular Gujarati writer and noted play writer, has re- two-wheeler events on several occasions and his wife was a
cently passed away in Ahmedabad, Gujarat -- Tarak Mehta. doctor in a private hospital in Chennai.
Note: The popular series 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah 47. A Nobel-prize winning poet, playwright, and painter has
Chashmah' is TV adaptation of Padma Shri Taarak Mehta's passed away at his home in Cap Estate, Saint Lucia -- Derek
column 'Duniya Ne Undha Chasma. Alton Walcott.
36. Senior Congress leader and the first Manipuri Muslim to be
Note: Walcott known for capturing the essence of his native
a member of Rajya Sabha from Manipur passed away -- Haji
Caribbean. The prolific and versatile poet received the Nobel
Abdul Salam
Prize in literature in 1992 after being shortlisted for the
Note: Salam represented the Upper House (Rajya Sabha)
honor for many years.
since 2014 and served as Minister.
48. Former Rajya Sabha member and founder of the Odisha Jan
37. The French football legend, has passed away in Paris, France
-- Raymond Kopa. Morcha passed away at a hospital in Mumbai -- Pyari Mo-
han Mohapatra.

46 | P a g e
Note: Mohapatra is widely credited with Biju Janata Dal’ 60. Renowned Literary critic breathed his last in Kochi -- M.
unstoppable growth from until 2012 and political advisor of Achuthan.
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. Note: He served as the President of Samastha Kerala
49. Former director of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorol- Sahithya Parishad as well as Sahithya Pravarthaka
ogy (IITM) passed away at Pune -- Dev Raj Sikka. Sahakarana Sangham.
Note: He was the first to propose a link between the El Nino 61. Former Union Minister and Prominent Educationist passed
phenomenon and the Indian monsoon. Sikka was honored away in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) -- Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta.
with the lifetime achievement award by the Indian Note: He was the son of former Chief Minister of Uttar
Meteorological Society (IMD) in recognition of his Pradesh ‘Late Shri Babu Banarasi Das’.
contribution to Indian meteorology. 62. Former Governor of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) passed away
50. The well-known Tamil novelist and essayist has recently in new Delhi -- Girish Chandra Saxena.
passed away in Chennai, Tamil Nadu -- Thiagarajan. Note: Saxena was an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer of the
51. Noted Tamil writer passed away in Chennai after a brief ill- 1950-batch from the Uttar Pradesh cadre.
ness -- Ashokamitran. 63. The world’s oldest woman passed away at her home in Ver-
Note: He was given the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1996 for bania, Italy -- Emma Morano.
his work 'Appavin Snegidhar'(collection of short stories). Note: She held the Guinness World Record titles for the
52. Eminent Solicitor General of India (from 1996 to 1998) oldest living person and oldest living woman (117-year).
passed away due to illness -- Tehmtan R Andhyarujina 64. Pioneer of Modern Computing and the Internet has passed
Note: Andhyarujina was known for his expertise in a branch
away at his home in Woodside, California, USA -- Robert
of constitutional law relating to parliamentary privileges.
53. Noted playwright & Sahitya Akademi Award winner passed Taylor.
away after a brief illness -- Arun Sarma. Note: Rob Taylor was instrumental in creating the internet
Note: He had written more than 50 plays and books. Sarma and the modern personal computer.
has also won Padma Shri, and Assam Valley Literary. 65. British Progressive rock and jazz fusion guitar pioneer has
54. Veteran South African’s Indian-origin anti-apartheid activist passed away in California, U.S -- Allan Holdsworth.
passed away -- Ahmed Kathrada. Note: He released twelve studio albums as a solo artist and
Note: Kathrada was among eight African National Congress played a variety of musical styles spanning a period of more
activists sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964. He was one than four decades, but is best known for his work in jazz
of Nelson Mandela’s closest aides in his struggle to end the fusion. Holdsworth first appeared on a record in 1969 with
white minority the group ‘Igginbottom’.
55. Former Punjab minister and senior Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) 66. Former Andhra Pradesh minister passed away in Hyderabad
leader passed away at Ludhiana -- Gurdev Singh Badal. -- Devineni Rajashekhar.
Note: He was a five-time Member of Punjab Legislative Note: He was elected to Andhra Pradesh (AP) assembly from
Assembly, representing the Panjgrain constituency in Kankipadu in 1983 and retained the seat in 1985, 1989, and
Jalandhar district Punjab. 1994.
56. Renowned Hindustani classical vocalist passed away in 67. Veteran Tamil actor and scriptwriter passed away in Chennai
Mumbai after a brief illness -- Kishori Amonkar.
-- Vinu Chakravarthy.
Note: Amonka was considered one of the pre-eminent
representatives of Hindustani tradition and as an innovative Note: Chakravarthy has acted in over 1,000 Tamil, Telugu,
exponent of the ‘Jaipur Gharana’. Kannada, Badaga and Malayalam languages films playing
57. Britain’s one of the most prominent black activists of his villain, comic roles and supporting characters.
generation passed away due to cancer -- Darcus Howe. 68. The Oscar-winning American film director-producer and
Note: Howe was a leader of the UK’s little-chronicled black screenwriter passed away in New York -- Jonathan Demme.
power movement. Note: He became best known for directing The Silence of
58. Noted filmmaker and scriptwriter passed away in a private the Lambs (1991), for which he won the Academy Award for
hospital -- Ajey Jhankar. Best Director.
Note: Hollywood movie ‘Singularity’ by filmmakar, Roland 69. Veteran actor and sitting BJP MP of Gurdaspur passed away
Joffe was based on Jhankar’s novel ‘Drohparv'. He was the in Mumbai -- Vinod Khanna.
writer of well-known Marathi novel 'Sarkarnama'. Note: Mr. Khanna had won numerous awards, including the
59. Gandhian who headed an organization ‘the Karnataka Gan- Film fare award for best supporting actor for 'Haath ki
dhi Smaraka Nidhi’ for nearly four decades passed away -- Safaai' (1975) and the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award
Ho. Srinivasaiah. (1999). He was last seen in Shah Rukh Khan-starrer 2015 film

47 | P a g e

Schemes/ Policy Govt. of India

1. NITI Aayog announces launch of the schemes - Lucky exam.It will fecilaitate to get an interest free loan of Rs four
Grahak Yojana and Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana - for lakh for pursuing higher studies.
incentivising digital payments. 6. Jharkhand became the first state in the country to
The primary aim of these schemes is to incentivize digital implement Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) in Kerosene. The
transactions so that electronic payments are adopted by all scheme would be implemented in four identified districts of
sections of the society, especially the poor and the middle the state from 1st of October 2017. These districts are
class. Chatra, Hazaribagh, Khunti and Jamtara.
The scheme became operational with the first draw on 25th
December, 2016, leading up to a Mega Draw on Babasaheb 7. The 'Farm Tourism' scheme launched by Haryana Tourism
Ambedkar Jayanti on 14th April 2017. Minister Rambilas Sharma to attract people to villages.
a) Lucky Grahak Yojana [Consumers]: Daily reward of Rs Note: Under this scheme, farm owners can host tourists
1000 to be given to 15,000 lucky Consumers for a period of under holiday packages.
100 days, Weekly prizes worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10,000 and Rs.
8. Maharashtra government launched ‘Kaushalya Setu’, its skill
5000 for Consumers who use the alternate modes of digital
development programme for students.
b) Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana [Merchants]: Prizes for Note: The state will play a leading role in fulfilling PM
Merchants for all digital transactions conducted at Merchant Narendra Modi’s Skill India Mission-2020.
establishments. Weekly prizes worth Rs. 50,000, Rs 5,000 9. PM launched several schemes including ‘Urja Ganga’ gas
and Rs. 2,500 pipeline project in Varanasi.
c) Mega Draw on 14th of April (Ambedkar Jayanti) - 3 Mega
Prizes for consumers worth Rs 1 cr, 50 lakh, 25 lakh & 3 Note: Urja Ganga”, 1500 km long gas pipeline project which
Mega Prizes for merchants worth Rs 50 lakhs, 25 lakh, 12 costing Rs 51,000 crore to provide piped cooking gas to
lakh for digital transactions between 8th November, 2016 to residents of Varanasi within two years.
13th April, 2017 to be announced on 14th April, 2017. 10. The Ministry of Science and Technology has started two new
2. The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY) notified initiatives namely Biotech-KISAN (Krishi Innovation Science
along with other provisions of Taxation Laws (Second Application Network) and Cattle Genomics.
Amendment) Act, 2016 came into effect from 17 December Note: Under the scheme, fellowship will be given to women
2016. It will remain open until March 31, 2017. PMGKY is farmers for training and education in the farm practice.
Union Government’s second income disclosure scheme (IDS) 11. The Union Cabinet chaired by PM Narendra Modi has given
to allow tax evaders to come clean with unaccounted its approval to New Productivity Linked Reward(PLR)
wealth. It provides for 50 per cent tax and surcharge on Scheme for all Major Port Trusts and Dock Labour Board
declarations of unaccounted cash deposited in banks. employees/workers for the years 2015-16 to 2017-18.
3. Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan (VISAKA) was launched by the 12. Smart Ganga City Scheme in 10 cities – The scheme was
Union Ministry for Human Resource Development (HRD) to launched by Union Minister for Water Resources, River
make people aware about cashless economic system. It was Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Uma Bharti and
launched by Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar in New Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu.
Delhi. It is campaign by Higher Educational institutions for Key points: The scheme was launched in 10 ten important
digital economy. cities through video conference. These cities are – 1.
4. Rajasthan Government has launched Annapurna Rasoi Haridwar, 2. Rishikesh, 3. Mathura-Vrindavan, 4. Varanasi, 5.
Scheme to provide quality meal at cheap price to poor and Kanpur, 6. Allahabad, 7. Lucknow, 8. Patna, 9. Sahibgunj, 10.
needy on lines with Tamil Nadu Government’s Amma Barrackpore. These cities were chosen as part of the Phase-I
canteens. The tagline for the scheme is: “Sabke liye bhojan, of the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) for
sabke liye sammaan (Food for all, respect for all)”. infrastructure development for sewage treatment.
5. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has launched Student 13. Odisha government has launched Madhubabu Aain
credit card scheme for the students passing Class 12th Sahayata Sibir’ (MASS) scheme to provide legal assistance to
deprived sections of the society at the grassroots level. The

48 | P a g e
scheme has been named after great Odia lawyer Madhu was jointly launched by Union Ministers Ravi Shankar
Babu, who is considered as the first lawyer of Odisha. Key Prasad, Prakash Javadekar and Thawar Chand Gehlot at a
Features of Scheme State government will provide free fucntion in New Delhi.
legal consultations to deprived sections of the society by Key points: Sugamya Pustakalaya is an online library for
setting up legal assistance cells in all 6,812 gram panchayats Divyang and houses publications across diverse subjects and
across the state. Legal assistance will be given in shape of languages and multiple accessible formats. In this online
free legal aid in order to ensure that opportunities for library books will available in accessible formats for people
securing justice are not denied to any citizen for economic with visual impairment and other print disabilities. It will
and other reasons. house over 2 lakhs books in diverse languages. It will also
14. Swadesh Darshan scheme – The scheme was launched by integrate libraries across India and the Globe, including the
Union Tourism Ministry with an aim to develop theme based largest international library Bookshare.
tourist circuits in the country. Key points: The Union 19. Mission Bhagiratha, safe drinking water scheme launched in
Government has approved 450 crore for the scheme. The Telangana – The scheme was launched by Prime Minsiter
scheme was launched in 5 states for the development of Narendra Modi. It was launched by state Government at
Heritage circuit in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand, Komatibanda Village, Gajwel in Medak District of Telangana.
Ramayana Circuit in Uttar Pradesh, North East Circuit in Key points : Mission Bhagiratha is a water grid project that
Sikkim and Coastal Circuit of Tamil Nadu. aims to provide safe drinking water to all even to remotest
15. Biju Kanya Ratna Yojana (BKRY) - The scheme was launched places in Telangana. The objective of the scheme is to
by the Odisha Government for the development of girls in provide 100 litres of clean drinking water per person in rural
three districts of the state which are - Ganjam, Dhenkanal households and 150 litres per person in urban households.
and Angul. The objective the scheme is to improve Sex Ratio Under it safe drinking water will be provided to about 25000
at Birth (SRB) and Child Sex Ratio (CSR) in the three districts. rural habitations and 67 urban habitations.

16. National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) – The 20. Baristha Bunakar Sahayata Yojana launched in Odisha
scheme was announced by the union government which Note: A special assistance scheme for elderly weavers. The
aims to providing apprenticeship training to over 50 lakh scheme was launched by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on
youngsters in order to create more jobs. Key points – The the occasion of the second National Handlooms Day
Scheme has an outlay of 10,000 crore rupees with a target (observed on 7th August). The scheme aims at improving the
of 50 Lakh apprentices to be trained by 2019-20. Central financial condition of over 8,000 weavers in the state.
Government will also directly share 25% of the total stipend 21. DISHA scheme launched by govt. - The Union Government
(maximum of 1,500 rupees per month per apprentice) has constituted the District Development Coordination and
payable to an apprentice with employers. Monitoring Committee (DDCMC) for effective development
17. Indian Railway launched Insurance scheme for passengers and coordination of Central Government’s programme. It
travelling on e- ticket will be known as DISHA.
Note: The scheme was launched by Union Railway Minister Key Points - It will monitor the implementation of 28
Suresh Prabhu in New Delhi. schemes and programmes of Union Ministry of Rural
Key points – Person booking a train ticket through the Development and other Ministries to promote synergy and
IRCTC website will be eligible for the travel insurance and it convergence for greater impact. The main purpose of the
is optional. To avail the facility, train passengers have to pay DISHA is to coordinate with Central and State and local
92 paisa premium. The insurance cover will not be Panchayat Governments. It has been created for effective
applicable for children upto 5 years of age and foreign coordination and development of Central Government’s
citizens. The facility will be available only for confirmed and programme for infrastructure development or Social and
RAC ticket passengers. The scheme offers travellers or human resource development.
nominees a compensation of 10 lakh Rupees in the event of 22. ‘Himayat’ programme launched in J & K – The scheme was
death or total disabilty, 7.5 lakh Rupees for partial launched in Jammu & Kashmir.
disability. Besides it will pay upto 2 lakh Rupees for Note: The govt. had approved nearly 1,600 crore rupees for
hospitalisation expenses and 10,000 rupees for the implementation of the ‘Hinayat Programme’ in the state.
transportation of mortal remains from the place of a train
accident. 23. Prime Minister launched Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana at
18. E-Library ‘Sugamya Pustakalaya’ - The Union Government
has launched Accessible E-Library ‘Sugamya Pustakalaya’ for Note: It will provide 5 crore LPG connections to BPL Families.
Divyang under Prime Minister’s Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan. It

49 | P a g e
24. Interest Subvention Scheme for farmers - The scheme will 29. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY): It is a
help farmers getting short term crop loan payable within low premium insurance scheme which will link with the
one year up to 3 lakhs Rupees at only 4% per annum. Pradhan Mantri Jhan Dhan Yojna.
25. Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) - The Union Key points of the scheme:
Cabinet has approved proposal of extending the deadline for Eligibility: Minimum 18 years and maximum 50 years and
implementing the Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) have bank account are eligible for the scheme. If the
by a year to March 31, 2017. The UDAY scheme aims at account is opened before attaining the age of 50 years, the
bringing ailing power discoms to a state of operational life cover would remain intact up to the age of 55 years, if
efficiency, with state governments taking over up to 75% of premium is paid regularly. Premium - Rs.330 per year i.e.
their respective debt and issuing sovereign bonds to pay less than Rs.1 per day. Risk coverage - Rs.2 Lakh in case of
back the lenders. death for any reason. The premium paid will be tax-free
26. Union Government launches UJALA Scheme - Unnat Jyoti under section 80C and also the proceeds amount will get
by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) will help people of tax-exemption u/s 10(10D).
Madhya Pradesh get subsidised 9W energy efficient LED 30. Atal Pension Yojana (APY): It is a scheme mainly for workers
bulbs by paying just 85 rupees per LED bulb. in unorganised sector. The scheme will be administered by
27. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: It is a small deposit scheme for the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
the girl child. (PFRDA) and replace the previous government's
Key points of the scheme – Swavalamban Yojana NPS Lite.
In one family, a maximum of two accounts can be opened Key points of the scheme:
for two girl children. The account can be transferred The subscribers who will joined the scheme would receive
anywhere in India from one Post office/Bank to another. the fixed pension of Rs. 1000 per month, Rs. 2000 per
Age Limit: The upper age limit of the girl child for opening month, Rs. 3000 per month, Rs. 4000 per month, Rs. 5000
this account is 10 years. The govt. has given a relaxation of per month, at the age of 60 years, depending on their
one year in the upper age limit for those opening accounts contributions.
till December 1, 2015. Age limit: minimum 18 years and maximum age is 40 years.
Documents required - 1. Birth Certificate of the girl child. 2. A subscriber can contribute for minimum period of 20 years
Address proof. 3. Identity proof. or more and pension payment will start at the age of 60
Minimum & Maximum deposit: The minimum deposit years.
under the scheme is Rs. 1000/-. The maximum deposit is Rs. The government of India has decided to co-contribute 50%
1.5 lakhs. There is no limit on the number of investments of the subscriber's contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum,
one can make in an account either in a month or in a year. whichever is lower, to each eligible subscriber account, for a
Interest rate: The revised rate is 8.6%. period of 5 years, i.e., from 2015-16 to 2019-20, who join
Maturity period: The maturity period of the scheme is 21 the NPS before 31st December, 2015 and who are not
years from the date of account opening, though deposits income taxpayers.
need to be made only for the first 14 years. The minimum 31. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY): It is an
lock-in in period under the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is 11 insurance scheme which covers death or disablement of the
years. policyholder caused due to accident or accidental injuries.
28. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY): The scheme Key points of the scheme: Age limit: Minimum 18 yrs and
aims to impart skill training to youth with focus on first time maximum 70 years. The scheme will be a one year cover,
entrants to the labour market and class 10 and class 12 drop renewable from year to year and would be administered
outs. The scheme will be implemented by the Union through the Public Sector General Insurance Companies in
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship through collaboration with Banks.
the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). It will Risk coverage: Rs. 2 Lakh and for partial disability cover of
cover 24 lakh persons and skill training would be based on Rs. 1 Lakh.
the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) and Premium: Rs.12 per annum. The premium will be directly
industry led standards. auto-debited by the bank from the subscribers' account.


50 | P a g e

1. The 2016 Mubadala World Tennis Championship -- Rafael 14. The 2017 Men’s singles Australian Open tennis
Nadal. tournament winner -- Roger Federer.
Note: The winner received a purse of $ 250,000. Note: He defeated Rafael Nadal of Spain by 6-4, 3-6, 6-1,
2. Gold Medal in the 2016 World Blitz Chess Championship 3-6, 6-3. It was Federer’s first major title win after the
in Doha, Qatar -- Sergey Karjakin. 2012 Wimbledon.
15. Australian cricketer has decided to retire from all formats
Note: This was Karjakin’s first world title in blitz chess.
of international cricket -- Adam Voges.
3. The Australian opening batsman who was recently in- Note: He has played 20 Tests for Australia after debuting
ducted into ICC Hall of Fame posthumously is -- Arthur at the age of 35-year in 2015 and became the oldest
Morris. debut centurion when he scored not out 130 runs against
Note: He has become the 82nd player to be inducted into West Indies in Dominica.
the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame. 16. The 2017 Laureus World Sports Awards for Sportswoman
4. First batsman of Pakistan to score test hundreds in 11
of the Year --Simone Biles.
countries-- Younis Khan.
Note: She is the first woman to win four gymnastics gold
5. The 2017 Qatar Open Men’s singles tennis tournament
medals in a single Olympic Games.
winner-- Novak Djokovic.
17. The first Indian ever to be promoted by the International
Note: He won the match at Doha by defeating World No.
1 Andy Murray by 6-3, 5-7, 6-4 Basketball Federation (FIBA) as Technical Delegate (TD)--
6. A new world record for cycling the furthest distance in Norman Isaac.
one hour for riders aged 105 or older -- Robert 18. The 2017 Laureus World Sports Awards for Sport man of
Marchand. the Year -- Usain Bolt.
Note: Robert rode more than 22.5 kilometers at an Note: Bolt was conferred with the top honour for the
indoor venue on the outskirts of Paris. fourth time (2009, 2010 and 2013) and equal the record
7. The Best FIFA Men’s player award at the 2016 Best FIFA set by tennis legends Roger Federer and Serena Williams
Football Awards in Zurich-- Cristiano Ronaldo. and surfer Kelly Slater, who are all four-time Laureus
Note: He beat Barcelona's Lionel Messi and Atletico winners.
Madrid's Antoine Griezmann to the prize. 19. The Legendary Pakistan all-rounder has announced his re-
8. The 2017 Qatar Open Men’s Singles title winner -- Novak tirement from international cricket -- Shahid Afridi.
Djokovic. 20. Who has claimed ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament
9. New Director of West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) -- in Rotterdam -- Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
Jimmy Adams. Note: He defeated third seeded David Goffin of Belgium
Note: Adams is the former head coach of the Kent County 4-6, 6-4, 6-1.
Cricket Club (England county) will officially take over the 21. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) Male Player of
position for a three-year contract. the Year 2016 -- John-John Dohmen.
10. The 2017 Scottish Junior Open Squash championship win- 22. The country to host 2017 ICC Women’s Cricket World
ner -- Shreyas Mehta. Cup-- England.
11. The 2017 Delhi International Open chess tournament Note: The 11th edition of ICC Women’s Cricket World
winner -- Farrukh Amonatov Cup 2017 will be hosted by England from 24 June to 23
Note: He has won the 15th edition of Delhi International July 2017.
Open chess tournament-2017 and received Rs. 4 lakh in 23. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) female Player
prize money. of the Year 2016 -- Naomi van.
12. All-rounder of Australia has been adjusted Cricket Aus- 24. Teenage spinner of Bangladesh has won the Debutant of
tralia's T20 International Player of the Year -- Shane Wat- the Year Award for his 19 wickets in the 2 match Test se-
ries against England -- Mehedi Hasan Miraj.
25. The ‘Test Batting Performance of the Year 2016 -- Ben
Note: Watson retired from international cricket just after
Stokes (England).
the World T20 in India last year.
26. The new brand ambassador for 2018 ODI Blind Cricket
13. The 2017 Australian Open Women's Singles title winner --
World Cup -- Shahid Afridi.
-Serena Jameka Williams. Note: The Pakistan Blind Cricket Council (PBCC) has
Note: She defeated her sister Venus Williams (36-years) announced that former Pakistan all-rounder Shahid Afridi
in the final, 6–4, 6–4.

51 | P a g e
has been appointed as the ambassador for the fifth 34. Who won the 2017 Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix tourna-
edition of the Blind Cricket World Cup next year. ment -- Lewis Hamilton.
27. The ATP Mexico Open hard court tennis tournament at Note: British Formula One racing driver from England has
Acapulco in Mexico -- Sam Querrey won the 2017 Formula One Chinese Grand Prix at the
Note: He defeated Rafael Nadal (second-seeded) in Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai, China.
straight sets 6-3, 7-6. 35. The Miami open 2017 at Crandon Park in Key Biscayne,
28. The third consecutive Brazil Open title by beating Albert Florida, United States winner -- Roger Federer.
Ramos-Vinolas -- Pablo Cuevas (Uruguay). Note: It was the 32nd edition of the Miami Open and of
Note: It was Cuevas' sixth career ATP singles title. the Premier Mandatory category on the 2017 WTA Tour.
29. The country is hosting the 2017 Special Olympics World 36. The 2017 Bahrain Grand Prix winner -- Sebastian Vettel.
Winter Games --Austria. Note: The 2017 Bahrain Grand Prix was a Formula One
Note: The Special Olympics World Games are an motor race that took place at the Bahrain International
international sporting competition for athletes with Circuit in Sakhir, Bahrain.
intellectual disabilities, organized by Special Olympics. 37. FIFA has banned Guatemala's former football chief for life
30. The ATP Indian wells Masters title in California, USA win- from all football-related activities at national and interna-
ner -- Roger Federer. tional level -- Brayan Jimenez.
Note: He defeated Stan Wawrinka (Switzerland) 6-4, 7-5. Note: He was banned for accepting bribes worth several
31. The Men's Singles crown at the All England Open badmin- hundred thousand dollars in exchange for media and
ton championships -- Lee Chong Wei(Malaysia). marketing rights for key matches.
Note: He defeated Shi Yuqi (China) in straight games 21- 38. Men's Singles title of Monte Carlo Masters Tennis tourna-
12, 21-10. The All England Open Badminton ment -2017 winner-- Rafael Nadal.
Championships is the world's oldest badminton Note: The Monte-Carlo Masters is an annual tennis
tournament, held annually in England. tournament for male professional players held in
32. The season-opening Australian Formula One Grand Prix Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France, a commune that
borders on Monaco.
for Ferrari winner -- Sebastian Vettel (Germany).
39. Pakistani legendary cricketer has become the first Paki-
Note: Lewis Hamilton finished second and the Briton’s stan player and 13th ever batsmen to complete 10,000
Mercedes team-mate Valtteri Bottas into third. Test runs -- Younis Khan.
33. The Australian fast bowler retires from all forms of cricket Note: He became the oldest and sixth fastest batsmen to
-- Shaun Tait. reach 10,000 runs milestone with respect to innings
Note: Tait represented his country in 3 Tests, 35 One-Day played.
Internationals (ODI) and 21 Twenty20 Internationals
during which he picked up 95 wickets.

1. The women football team has won the 2016 SAFF 6. The 38th All India Railways Woman's Hockey champion-
Women’s Championship -- India. ship winner -- South Eastern Railway (SER).
Note: This is India’s 4th consecutive SAFF Women’s Note: South Eastern Railway (SER) has defeated Western
Championship title. Railway 2-1 in the final of the 38th All India Railways
2. The 2017 National Ice Skating Championship was held -- Women's Hockey Championship.
Gurugram (Haryana). 7. The 2017 Aircel Chenni Open men’s doubles tournament
Note: Approx 300 ice skaters across the country will winner -- Rohan Bopanna and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan.
participate in the 2-day event Note: They defeated compatriots Purav Raja and Divij
3. India's tennis singles player has announced his retirement Sharan in the final by 6-3, 6-4 at the SDAT Tennis Stadium
from professional tennis -- Somdev Devvarman. in Chennai (Tamil Nadu).
Note: He has two runners-up finishes on the ATP World 8. The Federation Internationale de Football Association
Tour as his best performances on the Tour. (FIFA) Council has decided to expand the FIFA World Cup
4. Indian cricketer has announced to step down as captain to a 48-team competition as of -- 2026 edition.
of Team India's limited over cricket matches --Mahindra Note: An initial stage of 16 groups of three teams will
Singh Dhoni precede a knockout stage for the remaining 32 when the
5. All three gold medals on offer in the 1st Western Asia change is made for the 2026 tournament.
Youth Chess Championships -- Kush Bhagat. 9. Under-19 British Junior Open Squash 2017 tournament
winner -- Velavan Senthilkumar.

52 | P a g e
10. Indian hockey player has become a member of Interna- 37. Who won the Gold at Malaysia Masters Grand Prix -2017
tional Hockey Federation (FIH) Athletes’ Committee --PR title -- Saina Nehwal.
Note: The 2017 Malaysia Masters Grand Prix Gold was
Note: The committee consists of a total of 8 current and the first grand prix's badminton tournament of the 2017
former hockey players who have the responsibility to act BWF Grand Prix Gold and Grand Prix.
as a liaison between the FIH and the athletes to make
21. The 18th Asian Junior Team Squash Championship-2017
sure the players have voice in the FIH decision making
winner-- India.
Note: Indian team has won gold medal in the boys’ team
11. The 2017 Chennai Open Men’s Singles title winner -- Rob-
event at the 18th Asian Junior Team Squash
erto Bautista Agut.
Championship-2017 by defeating Malaysia by 2-0 in the
12. The 3rd edition of Kolkata Open National Invitation
final in Hong Kong.
Snooker Championship 2017 winner -- Pankaj Advani.
22. Olympic and Paralympic medals for the Tokyo 2020
Note: He has defeated Aditya Mehta by 5-1 and wins the
Games will be made from recycled -- mobile phones.
3rd Kolkata open National Invitation Snooker
Note: The Japanese public will be asked to donate old
Championship 2017 at the Bengal Rowing Club in West
phones and small appliances to gather two tonnes of
gold, silver, and bronze for the 5,000 medals.
13. The Ranji Trophy tournament 2016-17 winner -- Gujarat.
23. The World No. 1 Junior Badminton player in the latest
Note: The Gujarat cricket team has won their first-ever
rankings of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) --
Ranji Trophy title in the 2016–17 season after defeating
Lakshya Sen.
Mumbai by 5 wickets in the final in Indore (Madhya
Note: He moved Chia-Hao Lee of Chinese Taipei to attain
the top spot.
14. The National Level Competitions for various sports for
24. The former Football player of England and Chelsea has
Under-14 and Under-17 children “Khelo India” has inau-
announced to retire -- Frank Lampard.
gurated in the city -- New Delhi.
Note: He scored 211 times for Chelsea and won every
15. The 2017 Vodafone Premier Badminton League (PBL)
major club honour, netting the goals which in 2005
tournament winner -- Chennai Smashers.
secured the club's first championship title in 50 years.
Note: He defeated Mumbai Rockets in the final by 4-3 at
25. Who has won the Indian National Snooker Championship
the Siri Fort Complex in New Delhi.
-- Pankaj Advani.
16. The 2017 Pro Wrestling League (PWL) winner -- Punjab
Note: He has become the only Indian men's cueist to be
Royals. the holder of all national billiards and snooker titles at
Note: He defeated Haryana Hammers in the final by 5-4 the same time - Billiards, 6-red Snooker and 15-red
in New Delhi. Snooker.
17. The Under-19 Cooch Behar Trophy 2016-17 season win- 26. The gold medal in the boy's team event at the Asian Jun-
ner -- Bengal. ior Squash championship in Hong Kong -- India.
18. The first Indian stadium to have stands named after war Note: Indian boys had won the title for the second time,
heroes -- Eden Gardens stadium(Kolkata). Earlier, in 2011 they defeated arch-rivals Pakistan in
Note: Eden Gardens stadium at Kolkata will become the Colombo.
first Indian stadium to have stands named after the war 27. An emphatic 4-1 victory over New Zealand in the Davis
heroes. Cup Asia/Oceania Group I tie, in Pune -- India.
19. The T20 Blind Cricket World Cup -2017 hosted by -- India. Note: India now play second round tie at home in April
against Uzbekistan.
Note: T20 Blind Cricket World Cup will be hosted by India
from January 29 to February 12, 2017. 28. The Women's Singles title of the 81st Senior National
20. The fastest captain of the country who scored 1000 runs - Badminton Championships tournament -- Rituparna Das.
Note: She defeated Reshma Karthik of Air India in
- Virat Kohli.
straight sets 21-12, 21-14.
Note: He took just 17 innings as captain to get the
29. The country will host 2017 FIBA women’s Asia Cup bas-
milestone.Kohli has overtaken the previous record of AB
de Villiers (South Africa)-18 innings, Kane Williamson ketball tournament -- India.
(New Zealand)-20 innings, Alastair Nathan Cook (English Note: This tournament will be the qualifying tournament
cricketer)-21 innings and Sourav Ganguly (former India for FIBA Asia at the 2018 FIBA World Championship for
captain)-22 innings. Women in Spain.
36. The 2017 Men’s singles Syed Modi Grand Prix Gold bad- 30. The Billiards and Snooker Federation of India (BSFI) has
announced that India will host the World Billiards Cham-
minton tournament winner-- Sameer Verma.
pionship for the next -- four years.

53 | P a g e
Note This will be the only World Championship Note: The challenge requires participants to complete a
recognized by all as the earlier one being held by the 10-kilometre open water swim, a 423-kilometre-long bike
World Billiards Limited will not take place now. The ride and an 84-kilometre ultra-marathon run.
World Billiards Limited will only have ranking events. 42. Former Asian champion has won the bronze in the
31. The Men’s singles title of the 81st senior national Bad- women’s 10 metre air rifle event in the 2017 Interna-
minton Championships tournament winner -- Sourabh tional Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup --
Verma. Pooja Ghatkar (India).
Note: He defeated Lakshya Sen in straight sets 21-13, 21- Note: Ghatkar shot 228.8 score in the final to finish third.
12. 43. The country to host the 2019 Combined World Cup for
32. Selected for 2017 All-Star Basketball without Borders shooting -- India.
(BWB) Global Camp -- Aashay Verma and Priyanka Prab- Note: India will host the 2019 Combined World Cup for
hakara. shooting, a qualifying event for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
33. The country to host the 2017 IAAF World Athletics Cham- 44. The men's title in the second edition of the IDBI Federal
pionship -- United Kingdom. Life Insurance New Delhi Marathon -- Thanackal Gopi.
Note: The 16th edition of the IAAF World Championships Note: In Men's full marathon Gopi clocked 2 hours, 15
will be held in August 2017 in London, United Kingdom minutes, and 37 seconds to win the race in his first
(UK). appearance in the event.
34. The first Indian cricketer to sign for a foreign T20 league-- 45. The hockey team has won the 5th edition of Coal India
Yusuf Pathan. Hockey India League (HIL) 2017 tournament -- Kalinga
35. The Official mascot of FIFA U-17 World Cup _____Khe- Lancers.
Note: Kalinga Lancers have lifted the fifth edition Hockey
Note: The clouded leopard is an endangered wild cat
India League Title in Chandigarh.
whose habitat extends from the Himalayan foothills to
46. The silver in men’s double trap at the International
mainland Southeast Asia.
Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup 2017-- Ankur
36. The sports outreach programme has been launched by
the Union Government to promote football among school Mittal.
children -- Mission-XI-Million. 47. Indian shooter has clinched a silver medal in 50-metre air
Note: A “Mission-Eleven-Million” sports outreach pistol event of ISSF World Cup in New Delhi -- Amanpreet
programme to promote football among school children. Singh.
37. The city to host India’s first sport theme literary festival 48. Indian shooter has clinched a gold medal in 50-metre air
‘SporTale’ -- Pune. pistol event of ISSF World Cup in New Delhi -- Jitu Rai.
Note: The 2-day event will feature approx 38 luminaries 49. The 'Captain of the Year' at the 10th annual ESPNcricinfo
from the field of sports, media, cinema, books and Awards -- Virat Kohli.
photography. 50. Indian grandmaster has won bronze at 2017 Women’s
38. The Indian Women's team has won a medal at the Asian World Chess Championship -- Harika Dronavalli.
women’s Rugby Sevens Trophy tournament at Vientiane, Note: She has won a bronze medal at the 2017 Women’s
Laos -- Silver medal. World Chess Championship in Tehran.
39. Legendary cricketer has been removed from captaincy of 51. Indian shuttler duo has won the Men’s Double title at the
IPL franchise Rising Pune Super giants -- Mahendra Singh 2017 Uganda International Series at MTN Arena Lugogo,
Dhoni. Kampala -- Tarun Kona and Alwin Francis.
Note: The Rising Pune Super giants (RPS) are a cricket Note: They defeated Aatish Lubah and Georges Julien
team based in Pune, Maharashtra, India that plays in the Paul of Mauritius, 21-8, 21-14.
Indian Premier League starting 2016. 52. The first set of spinners to be jointly ranked number one
40. The gruelling men's 50-kilometre event of the National in the “ICC Test rankings” for bowlers -- Ravichandran
Race Walking Championships in New Delhi -- Sandeep Ku- Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja.
mar. Note: Jadeja reached the top position for the first time in
Note: Sandeep clocked three hours 55 minutes and his career.
59.05 seconds in a brilliant performance to win the race 53. The second Indian golfer to successfully defend the Hero
and qualify for the London World Championships in Indian Open title -- SSP Chawrasia.
August. Note: He clinched a seven-stroke win at the redesigned
41. National level swimmer-turned-model has completed an DLF golf and country club in Gurgaon(Haryana).
extremely high endurance event called ‘Ultraman’ a 54. Indian sportsperson has won silver at 2017 Eden World
517.5 km race on in Florida -- Milind Soman. Women Snooker Championship -- Vidya Pillai.

54 | P a g e
55. The bronze in Asian 20km Race Walk Championships -- K 63. Indian pair have won the USD 20,000 ‘Vietnam Open In-
T Irfan. ternational Challenger badminton title’ in Hanoi, Vietnam
Note: National record holder K T Irfan clocked an -- Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty
impressive timing to win a bronze in the 20 kilometer
Note: They defeated the fifth-seeded Thai duo of Trawut
men's event in the Asian Race Walk Championships at
Potieng and Nanthakam Yordphaisong in 17-21, 21-9, 21-
Nomi in Japan.
56. The team has won Vijay Hazare Trophy 2017 -- Tamil 64. Indian forward has been named the ‘Asian Player of the
Year 2016’ by the Asian Hockey Federation (AHF) -- V
Note: The Vijay Hazare Trophy (known as the Ranji One-
Day Trophy) was started in 2002–03 as a limited-overs Sunil.
cricket domestic competition involving state teams from Note: The nominations for the awards were made by
the Ranji Trophy plates. It is named after the famous coaches across the national teams in Asia.
Indian cricketer Vijay Hazare. 65. In the junior Hockey men's category, drag flicker has been
57. The union govt. has designated National Observers in named the Asian Promising Player of the Year 2016 --
their respective disciplines to assist the Govt, Sports Au- Harmanpreet Singh.
thority of India, and National Sports Federations (NSFs) -- 66. Who won the Deodhar Trophy at Visakhapatnam -- Tamil
12 Olympians. Nadu.
Note: These National Observers will be playing a key role
Note: Tamil Nadu beat India ‘B’ by 42 runs in the final to
in the implementation of action plans for Mission
clinch the ‘Deodhar Trophy’ at Visakhapatnam. The
Olympics 2020, 2024 and 2028.
Deodhar Trophy is a List A cricket competition in Indian
58. Indian Badminton player has been appointed a new
domestic cricket.
member of the governing body of Sports Authority of In-
67. Who has won the India Open badminton title 2017 -- P.V.
dia (SAI) -- Jwala Gutta.
59. The ‘Garfield Sobers Trophy’ for the ‘ICC Cricketer of the
Note: She has defeated top seed Carolina Marin (Spain)
Year 2016’ as well as the ‘ICC Test Cricketer of the Year in straight sets 21-19, 21-16 at the India Open badminton
2016’ -- Ravichandran Ashwin. championship 2017 at the Siri Fort Sports Complex in
Note: The ‘Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy’ is a cricket trophy New Delhi.
awarded annually by the International Cricket Council 68. The first title of the season Leon Challenger Tour tennis
(ICC) to its chosen world player of the year. tournament's men's doubles trophy in Mexico -- Leander
60. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has dou- Paes & Adil Shamasdin.
bled the Annual Retainer ship fee of India's centrally con- Note:They defeated Luca Margaroli (Switzerland) and
tracted cricketers -- 32 players. Caro Zampieri (Brazil) 6-1, 6-4 in the title clash. With this
➢ Grade-A cricketers (Seven) are skipper Virat Kohli, win, Paes clinched his 20th ATP Challenger title.
former captain MS Dhoni, Ravichandran Ashwin, 69. Who will not take part in the ‘2018 Pyeongchang Winter
Olympics’ -- The National Hockey League (NHL).
Ajinkya Rahane, Cheteshwar Pujara, Ravindra Jadeja
Note: The NHL had participated in every Winter Olympics
and Murali Vijay, will be paid two crore rupees annu- since the 1998 Nagano Winter Games.
ally. 70. The Indian Premier League has begun with defending
➢ Grade-B players (Nine) including Rohit Sharma, Yu- champions Sunrisers Hyderabad taking on Royal Challeng-
vraj Singh, Lokesh Rahul and Wriddhiman Saha will ers Bangalore in the season opener in the city -- Hydera-
be paid Rs. one crore per annum. bad.
➢ Grade-C players (Sixteen) including Shikhar Dhawan, Note: The IPL matches this time will be played over the
course of 47 days at 10 different venues, with a total of
Amit Mishra, and Ashish Nehra, will be paid Rs. 50
60 matches to be played between April 6 and May 21.
lakh annually. 71. India’s first NBA Basketball School has started in the city -
61. Indian Para-athletes bagged medals in the 9th Fazaa In- - Mumbai.
ternational IPC Athletics Grand Prix in Dubai -- Eight. Note: The school is a part of a multi-year agreement with
Note: 3 gold, 1 silver, and 4 bronze. India On Track (IOT), open to male and female players
62. The 71st edition of premier domestic football tourna- between ages 6-18.
ment ‘Santosh Trophy’ by defeating Goa at Bambolim -- 72. The company has been named the official Innovation
Partner for the ICC Champions Trophy 2017 -- Intel.
West Bengal.
Note: The ICC has collaborated with Intel to transform
Note: Santosh Trophy is an annual Indian football
the cricket experience for fans and help coaches and
tournament started in 1941.
players improve performance.

55 | P a g e
73. The ace cueist has won his sixth Asian Billiards title and 79. Indian shot putter has clinched a gold in the first leg of
seventh overall Asian championship -- Pankaj Advani. the Asian Grand Prix Athletics Meet in Jinhua, China
Note: He defeated compatriot Sourav Kothari 6-3 to __Manpreet Kaur.
clinch the Asian Billiards Championship title in Note: Manpreet came up with the best throw of 18.86
Chandigarh. metre and Bian Song (China) finished second with
74. The 2017 Men’s singles Singapore Open Badminton tour- 17.96m.
nament winner -- B Sai Praneeth. 80. India's top goalkeeper has been provisionally suspended
Note: Indian badminton player ‘B Sai Praneeth’ has won after failing a dope test -- Subrata Paul.
men’s single title, beating ‘Kidambi Srikanth’ 17-21, 21- Note: Paul will go for the 'B' sample test and claimed that
17, 21-12 in the 2017 Singapore Open Badminton he will prove his innocence.
tournament. 81. The oldest person to sky walk around Auckland’s famous
75. Both the singles and doubles crown at the Pembangunan landmark Sky Tower and set a new world record on the
Jaya Raya Junior Grand Prix in Jakarta -- Gayatri Pullela. field -- Athlete Mann Kaur.
Note: Gayatri defeated (21-11, 18-21, 21-16) her doubles Note: Kaur stepped out 192 meters above 'Auckland city'
partner Samiya Farooqui to win the girls U-15 singles to achieve the feat.
title. Note: He could not become the first player to win both
76. Two International captains are a part of a stellar line-up Asian titles in Billiards and Snooker in same calendar
of commentators named by the ICC for the upcoming year.
Champions Trophy -- Sourav Ganguly (India) and Ricky 82. The Sultan of Azlan Shah Cup Men's Hockey tournament
Ponting (Australia). has begun in -- Ipoh, Malaysia.
Note: Some of the other former captains in the line-up Note: Six nations (India, Malaysia, Australia, Great Britain,
include Brendon McCullum (New Zealand), Kumar Japan, and New Zealand) are taking part in the 8-day
Sangakkara (Sri Lanka) and Graeme Smith (South Africa). tournament which will be held in a round-robin format.
77. India’s first visually impaired runner to compete the his- 83. The world’s biggest cricket stadium will come up at --
toric Boston Marathon -- Sagar Baheti. Motera area (Ahmedabad).
Note: He covered the 42.195 km distance in 4 hours, 14
minutes and 7 seconds and finished the race at the 18th Note: The stadium will be constructed at a cost of Rs 700
spot in the visually impaired category. crore, spread across a 63-acres land and seating capacity
78. The men's doubles Monte Carlo Masters-2017 winner -- of 1.10 lakh people Designed by architect firm M/s.
Rohan Bopanna and Cuevas. Populous and the construction has been given to Larsen
Note: India's Rohan Bopanna and his Uruguayan partner and Turbo (L&T).
Pablo Cuevas win over Spain's Feliciano Lopez and Marc
Lopez (6-3, 3-6, 10-4) at the Monte Carlo Country Club.

Best wishes for your exams!

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