Ucsp & PPG Quiz
Ucsp & PPG Quiz
Ucsp & PPG Quiz
______________1.It is the idea that one's own culture ______________1.It is the idea that one's own culture
is the main standard by which other cultures may be is the main standard by which other cultures may be
measured. measured.
______________2.It is the belief that the culture of ______________2.It is the belief that the culture of
people serves particular needs and must be looked at people serves particular needs and must be looked at
in terms of the world the people inhabit. in terms of the world the people inhabit.
_____________3. It refers to a process through which _____________3. It refers to a process through which
people inherit the norms and ideologies of the social people inherit the norms and ideologies of the social
order in which they live. order in which they live.
_____________4. It is the development of culture _____________4. It is the development of culture
through time. through time.
_____________5. . It is a scientific study of the _____________5. . It is a scientific study of the
origins of humans, how we have changed over the origins of humans, how we have changed over the
years and how we relate to each other, both within years and how we relate to each other, both within
our own culture and with people from other cultures. our own culture and with people from other cultures.
_____________6. He believes that culture...is that a _____________6. He believes that culture...is that a
complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs,
arts, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities arts, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by (a human) as a member of and habits acquired by (a human) as a member of
society. society.
_____________7. . It is a social science which deals _____________7. . It is a social science which deals
with the system of government, and the analysis of with the system of government, and the analysis of
political activities, political thoughts and political political activities, political thoughts and political
behaviour. behaviour.
_____________8. The traditions and beliefs of a _____________8. The traditions and beliefs of a
group of people. group of people.
_____________9. It happens when societies develop _____________9. It happens when societies develop
new forms of economic subsistence, acquire new new forms of economic subsistence, acquire new
knowledge, and apply new technology, develop knowledge, and apply new technology, develop
different levels of innovation and apply new forms of different levels of innovation and apply new forms of
technology as a response to the challenged posed by technology as a response to the challenged posed by
the environment. the environment.
_____________10. They were called as “the people _____________10. They were called as “the people
frequently move and do not have permanent frequently move and do not have permanent
settlements”. settlements”.
II. List down at least five agent of socialization and II. List down at least five agent of socialization and
their influences for your growth and development their influences for your growth and development
III. Create a ladder web tracing the socio-political III. Create a ladder web tracing the socio-political
evolution of man. evolution of man.
V. What is your main goal in our society? How will you V. What is your main goal in our society? How will you
pursue it? pursue it?
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Long Test Long Test
1. _____________ is the ability to exercise control 6. _____________ is the ability to exercise control
over the subordinates. over the subordinates.
2. A leader has _____________ power which is the 7. A leader has _____________ power which is the
same as authority used to control and utilize same as authority used to control and utilize
organizational resources. organizational resources.
3. He has _________ power to grant rewards, pay 8. He has _________ power to grant rewards, pay
raise, promotions and bonus etc. raise, promotions and bonus etc.
4. _______________ power is meant to sue force or 9. _______________ power is meant to sue force or
threats to make somebody to do something against threats to make somebody to do something against
his will. his will.
5. A good leader has ______________ power to 10. A good leader has ______________ power to
influence his followers. It is personal magnetism influence his followers. It is personal magnetism
that attracts the subordinates, inspires enthusiasm that attracts the subordinates, inspires enthusiasm
and interest towards zest for working. and interest towards zest for working.
III. Fill in the diagram below. III. Fill in the diagram below.
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