Understanding Cracks
Understanding Cracks
Understanding Cracks
Most buildings crack, but when should you become concerned? Most houses in South
Africa will sooner or later develop wall cracks. Most of these cracks are not serious and
can be ascribed to slight settlement of the foundations, mortar shrinkage, or slight roof
movement. However, some cracks can be potentially serious and are the result of
significant foundation displacement, water penetration, or excessive roof movement.
The most common reasons for cracking of brick walls are settlement, thermal
expansion, moisture penetration and roof movement. The National Home Builders
Registration Council (NHBRC) classifies cracks as follows;
Settlement cracks
Settlement occurs as the house “settles” onto its foundation, often leaves “stair step”
cracks and diagonal cracks extending upwards from window and door lintels in its wake.
Cosmetic repairs such as new paint or crack repair will not permanently fix problems
caused by expansive soil.
Thermal cracks
Temperature changes, the sun warming and expanding the brick, often leaves the
bricks exerting more pressure on one another than previously applied and can result in
vertical or stair step cracks.
Plaster cracks
Cracks in plastered walls are common, especially in older houses. Plaster cracks may
result from stresses caused by movement (see discussion above). Crazing cracks of
plaster can be caused by incorrect plastering techniques or plaster which has been
allowed to dry too fast. One of the biggest reasons that plaster may crack is caused by
changes in ambient moisture levels and different expansion coefficients between mortar
plaster, bricks, concrete and steel.
Repairing cracks
• The basics of crack repair are to remove all debris and excavate the crack down to
firm material. • After that a suitable, flexible, crack filler or mortar mix can be used to fill
the crack.
• If it is thought that the crack has resulted from movement which is likely to continue
then an attempt can be made to reinforce the wall across the cracked area. This can be
done by strengthening the plastered area with a plaster lathe (metal or plastic mesh) or
by a technique known as “metal stitching”. Here lengths of metal rod (rebar) are fixed
across the crack with epoxy before the crack is filled and the area plastered.
The reason why foundations crack is usually soil movement compounded by inferior
construction. Foundation footings carry the weight of the walls and roof and so cracks in
foundations will almost always result in wall cracks also.
Expansive soils
Most populated areas of South Africa have expansive soils. These soils contain a high
percentage of clay which absorbs a lot of water. This can cause the soil to expand by a
tenth or more as moisture enters it during the rainy season. The expanding soil then
causes huge pressure on foundations and slabs. This soil also contracts during the dry
months causing big differences in the pressure being generated on the foundation or
slab. Some indications that you are dealing with expansive soils are:
• Cracked foundations.
• Ruptured pipes.
Soil movement can also result from soil collapse if the soil is sandy or more commonly if
the foundations are eroded and undermined by badly managed rain water. For instance
downpipes discharging at the base of walls can result in foundation subsidence over
time. Tree roots growing underneath foundations and slabs in areas of expansive soils
can also cause problems as the roots can cause the surrounding soil to become
excessively dry.
Slab cracks
Slab cracks are usually either the results of inferior materials and construction
techniques or the result of incorrect placement and compaction of the fill beneath the
concrete slab. If the concrete floor slab is insufficiently strong it is likely to crack
especially if the ground beneath the slab is unsuitable and insufficiently compacted
before the slab was cast.