RAATI Reviewer For LSU MCD
RAATI Reviewer For LSU MCD
RAATI Reviewer For LSU MCD
Military Leadership – is the process of influencing III. COURTESY WHEN DEALING WITH OFFICERS
others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction,
and motivation.
Military courtesy shows respect and reflects self-discipline.
Commanding General, Philippine Army?
Consistent and proper military courtesy is an indicator of unit
discipline, as well. Soldiers demonstrate courtesy in the way we
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the
address officers or NCOs of superior rank. Some other simple but
visible signs of respect and self discipline are as follows:
1. When talking to an officer of superior rank, stand at
Secretary of National Defense?
attention until ordered otherwise.
2. When you are dismissed, or when the officer departs, entering, he marches up to within about three (3) paces of the
come to attention and salute. officer’s desk, halts, salutes and reports.
3. When speaking to or being addressed a 11. Courtesies exchanged when an officer addresses a
noncommissioned officer of superior rank, stand at parade rest soldier -During conversations, salutes are exchanged, conversation
until ordered otherwise. is completed, salutes are again exchanged.
4. When an officer of superior rank enters a room, the first
soldier to recognize the officer calls personnel in the room to MILITARY TABOOS
attention but does not salute. A salute indoors is rendered only
when reporting. 1. Uniform must not be defamed
5. When an NCO of superior rank enters the room, the first 2. Never slink under cover to avoid retreat
soldier to recognize the NCO calls the room to “At ease.” 3. Offer no excuses
6. Walk on the left of an officer or NCO of superior rank. 4. Use of third person by an officer is of poor taste
7. Entering automobiles and small boats - The senior enters 5. Servility is scorned
a boat of automobile first and leaves last. 6. Avoid praising your commander to his face
8. When outdoors and approached by an NCO, you greet 7. Old man to be spoken with care
the NCO by saying, “Good morning, Sergeant,”. 8. Avoid going over the officer’s head
9. Procedure when an officer enters a squadron of tent - In a 9. Harsh remarks are to be avoided
squadron of tent, uncover and stand at attention when an officer 10. Avoid vulgarity and profanity
enters. 11. Excessive indebtedness to be avoided
The first person that sees an officer enter a dining facility gives the
order “At ease,” unless a more senior officer is already present.
Many units extend this courtesy to senior NCOs, also when you
hear the command “At ease” in a dining facility, remain seated,
silent and continue eating unless directed otherwise.