Recovery of Copper
Recovery of Copper
Recovery of Copper
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Article history: High temperature pyrolysis investigations were carried out on waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) in the
Received 23 October 2016 temperature range 800–1000 °C under inert conditions, with an aim to determine optimal operating con-
Revised 2 January 2017 ditions for the recovery of copper. Pyrolysis residues were characterized using ICP-OES analysis, SEM/EDS
Accepted 2 January 2017
and XRD investigations. Copper foils were successfully recovered after pyrolysis at 800 °C for 10–20 min;
Available online xxxx
the levels of Pb and Sn present were found to be quite low and these were generally present near the foil
edges. The relative proportions of Pb and Sn became progressively higher at longer heating times due to
enhanced diffusion of these molten metals in solid copper. While a similar behaviour was observed at
900 °C, the pyrolysis at 1000 °C resulted in copper forming Cu-Sn-Pb alloys; copper foils could no longer
Pyrolysis be recovered. Optimal conditions were identified for the direct recovery of copper from waste PCBs with
Copper recovery minimal processing. This approach is expected to make significant contributions towards enhancing
Pollution material recovery, process efficiency and the environmental sustainability of recycling e-waste.
Energy efficiency Pyrolysis at lower temperatures, short heating times, coupled with reductions in process steps are
expected to significantly reduce energy consumption and pollution associated with the handling and pro-
cessing of waste PCBs.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction to a materials resource. While the rates for recycling are still quite
low, there is an urgent need to take a critical look at the current e-
High consumption of electronic and electrical equipment (EEE), waste recycling techniques and to optimise the recovery of metals
their short life-spans and subsequent obsolescence has resulted in and other valuable products.
the accumulation of large volumes of electronic waste (e-waste) This article is focussed primarily on optimising the recovery of
worldwide. Rapid technological advancements followed by regular copper from e-waste, one of the main metallic constituents (up to
upgrades of electronic items such as mobile phones, computers, 20 wt%) of waste PCBs. Along with the key aspects of material
TVs, laptops, notebooks etc. are playing a significant role in the recovery, associated waste management perspectives including
generation of such waste. With e-waste volumes increasing at the volumes of wastes processed, energy consumption, secondary
the rate of 4–5% per year, it is one of the fastest growing solid waste generation, and the environmental impact of PCB recycling
waste streams in the world. Nearly 41.8 million tons of e-waste will be discussed. The recovery of copper from e-waste has been
was generated globally in 2014; and the global generation of e- investigated extensively using hydrometallurgical and pyro-
waste in 2018 is expected to be 49.8 Mt (Baldé et al., 2015). metallurgical techniques (Cui and Zhang, 2008; Schluep et al.,
The central components of EEE are printed circuit boards (PCBs), 2009). We first present a brief overview of the current status of
which contain a mixture of polymers, ceramics and metals as part research in the field including techniques/approaches used along
of the boards, circuitry, components, solders, and connectors with details such as the nature/form of copper recovered, the num-
(Lister et al., 2014). With increasing demands for metals, declining ber of process steps, and process efficiency.
mineral resources, costs and environmental impacts associated
with mining and the exploitation of natural resources, there is 1.1. Commercial approaches
immense potential in transforming e-waste from a waste product
Commercial recycling of e-waste is currently carried out in two
⇑ Corresponding author. industrial operations, namely Noranda and Rönnskar as a part of
E-mail address: (R. Khanna). primary copper processing (Veldhuizen and Sippel, 1994). Up to
0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
2 R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3
et al., 2009; Yamane et al., 2011), and required an additional pre- lic droplets. The use of inert atmosphere prevented the re-
cipitation step to recover copper from the solution (Chenglong oxidation of metals and the burning of carbons. This single step
et al., 2010). process did not produce any secondary waste, as the carbonaceous
While a number of techniques have been successful in recover- slag phase produced as a side product, was transformed into
ing most of the copper present in waste PCBs, these are still limited value–added carbon foams and fibres (Khanna et al., 2015).
by too much initial handling/mechanical processing, number of However, these pyrolysis temperatures were higher than the
process steps involved, quality/form of copper recovered, sec- melting points of both lead (327.5 °C) and tin (231.9 °C), other
ondary waste generation, emissions as well as environmental con- two key metals present in waste PCBs; these molten metals tended
tamination. Waste PCBs being a valuable/extensive copper to diffuse into molten copper and form Cu-Pb-Sn alloys. As the
resource, there is an urgent need for developing optimal process/ kinetics of diffusion of Pb and Sn is likely to be much slower in
s for efficient copper recovery with minimal side effects or local solid copper, we carried out in-depth investigations on waste PCBs
area contamination. In an previous study by our group (Cayumil at temperatures below the melting point of copper. In this article,
et al., 2014), waste PCB pieces (1 cm2) were heat treated at high we report on the high temperature pyrolysis of waste PCBs in the
temperatures (P1150 °C) for 10–20 min in argon atmosphere. As temperature range 800–1000 °C for 10–60 min in argon atmo-
these temperatures were above the melting point of copper sphere. These temperatures are also high enough to either destroy
(1085 °C), this study was an attempt to melt copper out of the or stop the formation of hazardous emissions such as poly-
PCB matrix. While most of the copper could indeed be extracted, halogenated dioxins (PCDDs/PBDDs) and furans (McKay, 2002;
it was recovered in the form of copper rich and tin-lead rich metal- Striebich et al., 1991). Detailed characterization of pyrolysis resi-
Fig. 2. Representative examples of copper rich products generated after 10, 20, 30 and 60 min of heat treatment of waste PCBs at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C.
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
4 R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Fig. 3. Relative concentrations of Cu, Pb and Sn in: (A) Copper rich metallic fraction,
(B) Tin/lead rich metallic residue (C) Carbonaceous/slag residue after 10 min of heat
Fig. 4B. Influence of heating times on lead and tin concentrations in the copper rich
fractions generated at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C.
2. Experimental
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5
was held in the cold zone for 10 min to avoid thermal shock, and 3. Results
was then inserted into the hot zone of the furnace preventing any
reactions occurring at lower temperatures. The temperatures in the Solid residues recovered after pyrolysis were in the form of red
cold zone were below typical polymer degradation temperatures; and white metallic fractions and a dark carbonaceous slag residue.
the direct insertion of PCB specimens into the hot zone (800– A full characterization of the carbonaceous/slag residue has been
1000 °C) therefore prevented emissions associated with low tem- reported previously (Sahajwalla et al., 2015). Representative exam-
perature polymer degradation as well as the diffusion of Pb and ples of copper rich metallic phases recovered after various heat
Sn into copper during the heating process. The assembly was treatments are shown in Fig. 2. While most of the foils recovered
quenched after fixed periods of reaction time (10–60 min) by with- at 800 °C were coppery red in colour, fractions recovered at higher
drawing the tray into the cold zone of the furnace. Studies were temperatures and longer times had additional dark coloured
carried out at a range of temperatures/time for sake of optimiza- deposits on the foil surfaces. The relative concentration of these
tion. Experiments were repeated at least three times at each tem- deposits was highest after pyrolysis at 1000 °C for 30 and 60 min.
perature/time to enhance the reproducibility of results, and to Further results are given below.
compensate for the initial variability in raw waste specimens.
The deviation on the results could be up to ±5%. Solid products
3.1. Chemical composition of pyrolysis residues
obtained after various heat treatments had phase separated into
a metallic fractions: copper rich red foils/wires/droplets, lead &
Detailed elemental analysis of various fractions was carried out
tin rich white droplets/wires and a dark carbonaceous slag phase.
using ICP-OES. Relative proportions of three main metals, i.e, Cu, Sn
Detailed investigations carried out on metallic phases using tech-
and Pb in the copper rich, lead/tin and carbonaceous residues are
niques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)/Energy Dis-
presented in Fig. 3 for a range of pyrolysis temperatures after
persive Spectroscopy (EDS) on model Hitachi 3400X SEM;
10 min of heat treatment. Corresponding results from pyrolysis
elemental analysis using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emis-
at 1250 °C, typical temperature used during commercial recycling
sion Spectrometry (ICP-OES) using model Perkin Elmer Optima
of e-waste, have also been included for sake of comparison. The
7300DV; X-ray diffraction (XRD) on PANanalytical Xpert Multipur-
copper rich fraction (Cu: 87.5%) contained low levels of Pb (0.3%)
pose X-ray Diffraction System. Detailed results on metallic prod-
and Sn (3.1%) after pyrolysis at 800 °C (Fig. 3A). While the corre-
ucts recovered from waste PCBs heat treated at 800–1000 °C for
sponding concentrations of Pb and Sn had increased somewhat at
10–60 min, are presented in the following section.
900 °C and 1000 °C, significantly higher levels of Pb (6.4%) and Sn
Fig. 5. SEM-EDS analysis of copper-rich foils after 20 min of heat treatment at 800 °C.
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
6 R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
(9.9%) were observed after pyrolysis at 1250 °C. While the pyroly- 3.2. Electron microscopy investigations
sis temperature did not have much influence on the loss of copper
in the white Pb/Sn rich metal fraction (Fig. 3B), the presence of cop- In-depth SEM-EDS investigations were carried out on the cop-
per in the carbonaceous residue had reduced significantly at lower per rich fractions recovered after various heat treatments. Fig. 5
temperatures: 0.2% at 800 °C as compared to 1.5% at 1250 °C shows a microscopic analysis of a copper rich foil recovered after
(Fig. 3C). Fig. 4A shows the influence of pyrolysis time on the cop- 20 min of heat treatment at 800 °C. Fig. 5a shows a relatively pla-
per recovery in the temperature range 800–1000 °C. These results nar but somewhat granular sheet composed mainly of copper
point towards two specific features. There was a marginal influ- (Fig. 5a; ‘A’) along with trace amounts of Sn and Zn. The regions
ence of heating time on the extent of copper recovered; variations near the edge of the foil showed a lamellar structure; the elemental
observed were typically within statistical errors. It is quite likely composition of this region was very similar to the bulk copper foil.
that most of the copper had already precipitated out of waste PCBs However, a few bright deposits containing small amounts of Pb, Zn,
within the first 10 ten minutes; additional heating for up to 60 min Cu, C and O could also be seen in these areas (Fig. 5b; ‘B’). In addi-
did not serve much purpose. Extended heating at 800 °C was actu- tion, a small number of bright droplets (Fig. 5c; ‘C’), representing
ally detrimental to the quality of copper recovered due to increased molten Cu-Sb alloys were also detected as well; their sizes were
levels of Pb and Sn in the copper foils. Corresponding levels of Pb found to typically range between 1 and 2 lm. The SEM-EDS analy-
and Sn present in copper rich fractions are shown in Fig. 4B. At ses of copper rich fractions obtained after 20 min of heat treatment
800 °C, the concentration/diffusion of lead and tin into copper were at 900 °C are presented in Fig. 6. Instead of the lamellar structure
found to increase with time. While the extent of such an increase observed at 800 °C, the copper foil (Fig. 6a; ‘A’) was overlaid with
was quite small at 900 °C, the corresponding results at 1000 °C a number of metallic droplets (Fig. 6b; ‘B’) and locally melted
showed an increase till 20 min followed by a rapid decrease at regions (Fig. 6c; ‘C’). While the region ‘A’ was almost pure copper,
longer times. This behaviour was attributed to the enhanced the EDS analysis of the region ‘B’ showed Sb-Sn droplets embedded
volatility of both lead and tin at high temperatures, and their loss on the surface of the copper foil. Partially molten and lamellar
in the vapour phase. In addition to these two metals, other metals region ‘C’ was predominantly composed of Pb with trace amounts
such as Ni, Zn, Fe, Al, Mg and precious metals Ag, Au, Pt, Pd were of C and O. In addition, several carbonaceous deposits were also
also present in trace quantities. A detailed report on the behaviour recorded near the edge of copper foils (see top left region in
of precious metals under these operating conditions has been pre- Fig. 6a). These regions represent some of the carbonaceous residue
sented elsewhere (Cayumil et al., 2015). adhering to the copper foils after pyrolysis. A closer look at these
Fig. 6. SEM-EDS analysis of copper-rich foils after 20 min of heat treatment at 900 °C.
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 7. SEM-EDS images of carbonaceous regions on copper-rich foils after heat treatment at 900 °C.
dark deposits is presented in Fig. 7. These regions contained a large addition, several lead rich partially melted deposits (Fig. 9b; ‘B’)
concentration of Cu-Sb metallic droplets (Fig. 7b; ‘B’), with sizes were also observed on the droplet surface. The composition of
ranging from 2 to 16 lm; these sizes are much larger than corre- the copper recovered was found to evolve with pyrolysis
sponding droplets observed after 800 °C pyrolysis. There were temperature.
additional bright deposits (Fig. 7c; ‘C’) on the surfaces of these dro-
plets; these were primarily composed of Pb, C and O.
3.3. X-ray diffraction investigations
While the copper rich foils were the main product after heat
treatment at 1000 °C, a few copper rich droplets were also pro-
X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on copper foils recov-
duced indicating the molten state of these alloys at this tempera-
ered after heat treatments at 800 °C and 900 °C for 20 min. The
ture. The SEM-EDS analyses of copper-rich foils and droplets
focus here was on identifying any loss of structural order and pre-
have been presented in Figs. 8 and 9 respectively. The SEM-EDS
ferred orientation, if any, in the copper foils recovered after pyrol-
images of copper foils recovered after pyrolysis at 1000 °C are
ysis. Detailed X-ray diffraction patterns are presented in Fig. 10.
shown in Fig. 8; the results in Fig. 8a–c are shown with increasing
These results show the well-known diffraction pattern for FCC cop-
levels of magnification. Fig. 8a clearly shows the presence of mol-
per; the peak positions and relative intensities of different peaks
ten lead in the grain boundaries on the top surface of the copper
were as per the standard pattern. Except for the presence of a small
foil. Several other deposits could also be seen across the surface;
peak corresponding to PbSb2O6, these results identify the copper
three distinct regions ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ could clearly be identified.
foils recovered from waste PCBs as being crystalline copper. No
The top surface of the foil (Fig. 8a; ‘A’) was a predominantly Cu-
preferred orientation was observed, thereby indicating the absence
Pb alloy; this result is a significant variation from the pure copper
of localised melting and subsequent solidification of partially
foils recovered at 800 °C and 900 °C. The droplets ‘B’ (Fig. 8b) seen
melted copper in these foils. These X-ray diffraction results are in
on the surface were much depleted in copper and were determined
good agreement, and consistent with ICP and SEM-EDS results on
to be a mixed alloy of Pb and Sn. Deposits of Pb (Fig. 8c; ‘C’) on the
these copper foils, and are indicative of the high quality of copper
top of these droplets appear to represent the precipitation of lead
vapour upon quenching. The SEM-EDS images of the copper rich
droplets recovered after 1000 °C pyrolysis are shown in Fig. 9.
The surface region of these primarily Cu-Sn droplets (Fig. 9a; ‘A’) 4. Discussion
was not smooth and appeared to contain several bulges, channels
that appeared to be partially melted regions. A very large number The temperature range (800–1000 °C) used in this investigation
of small droplets were also recorded on the droplet surface. In resulted in the phase separation of pyrolysis products from waste
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
8 R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
Fig. 8. SEM-EDS analysis of copper-rich foils after 20 min of heat treatment at 1000 °C.
Fig. 9. SEM-EDS images for copper-rich droplets after 20 min of heat treatment at 1000 °C.
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boards. Waste Management (2017),
R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 9
Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
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10 R. Cayumil et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
5. Conclusions Cayumil, R., Khanna, R., Ikram-Ul-Haq, M., Rajarao, R., Hill, A., Sahajwalla, V., 2014.
Generation of copper rich metallic phases from waste printed circuit boards.
Waste Manage. (Oxford) 34 (10), 1783–1792.
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Please cite this article in press as: Cayumil, R., et al. High temperature investigations on optimising the recovery of copper from waste printed circuit
boards. Waste Management (2017),
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