Revised Code
Revised Code
Revised Code
SEC 2. Corporation Defined otherwise provided in the articles of - may be issued only with a stated par
“A corporation is an artificial being created by incorporation and in the certificate of stock. value.
operation of law, having the right of Voting Rights
succession, powers, attributes and properties - NO share may be deprived of voting Terms and Conditions
expressly authorized by law or incidental to its rights except those classified and issued as - the BOD where authorized in the
existence “ “preferred” or “redeemable” shares articles of incorporation may fix the terms and
CLASSES OF CORPORATION Holders of Nonvoting shares conditions of preferred stocks
1. Stock Corporation - shall nevertheless be entitled on the
- capital stock is divided into shares matters as provided except for voting to Effectivity of terms and conditions
and are authorized to distribute APPROVE A PARTICULAR CORPORATE ACT - upon filing of a certificate with the
Dividends Par and No- Par Value Shares of Stocks SEC, hereinafter referred to as the
Allotments -shares or series of shares may or may “Commission”
on the Surplus profits on the basis of the not have par value
number of shares held. EXCEPT for NO-PAR VALUE SHARES
2. Nonstock Corporation 1. Banks shall be deemed fully paid and
- all other corporations are nonstock. 2. Trust nonassessable
Definition of Terms 3. Insurance and the holder of such shares shall not
Corporators- those who compose a corporation 4. Preneed companies be liable to the corporation or to its
Stock corp.- shareholders/stockholders 5. Public utilities creditors in respect therto
Nonstock corp.- members 6. Building and Loan associations Provided
Incorporators- are those stockholders or 7. other corporations authorized to obtain or - no-par value shares must be issued
members mentioned in the articles of access funds from the public (WHETHER for a consideration of at least P5.00 per share
incorporation as originally forming and publicly listed or not) - the entire consideration received for
composing the corporation and who are this shares shall be treated as capital and shall
signatories - these companies are not permitted to not be available for distribution as dividends
SHARES issue no-par value shares of stock
“The classification of shares, their FOUNDERS’ SHARE
corresponding rights, privileges or restrictions Preference Shares - may be given certain rights and
and their stated par value, if any, must be Given preference in dividends and privileges not enjoyed by other shareholders
indicated in the Articles of Incorporation” distribution of corporate assets in case
Equality of liquidation Provided
- each share shall be equal in all When the exclusive right to vote and
respect to every other share EXCEPT as Provided be voted for in the election of directors
is granted, it must be for a limited 2. Jointly (2-15) - NO extension be made earlier than 3
number of period years prior to the original or subsequent expiry
- not to exceed 5 years from Provided date(s)
incorporation - natural persons, partnerships or APPLICATION FOR REVIVAL
associations licensed for the purpose of - may apply for a revival of its
exclusive right shall not be allowed if practicing a profession shall not be allowed to corporate existence, together with all the
its exercise will violate organize a corporation UNLESS otherwise rights and privileges under its certificate of
1. Commonwealth Act No. 108 “Anti- stated incorporation (subject to all its duties, debts
Dummy Law” and liabilities prior to its revival)
2. RA No. 7042 “Foreign Investments AGE Certificate of Revival – shall be issued
Act of 1991” - of legal age
3. other pertinent laws No application of Revival shall be approved
*Pertinent- relevant OWNERSHIP OF STOCKS from the ff UNLESS accompanied by a
REDEEMABLE SHARES - each incorporator must own or be a favorable recommendation of the appropriate
- may be issued by the corporation subscriber to at least 1 share of capital stock gov’t agency:
when expressly provided in the articles of 1. Banks
incorporation ONE PERSON CORPORATION 2. Banking and quasi-banking institutions
TREASURY SHARES - one stockholder 3. Preneed
- shares which have been issued and CORPORATE TERM 4. Insurance
fully paid, but subsequently reacquired by the - perpetual existence unless its articles 5. Trust companies
issuing corporation through: of incorporation provides otherwise 6. Non-stock savings and loan associations
1. Purchase Corporations with certificate of (NSSLAs)
2. Redemption incorporation issued prior to the effectivity of 7. Pawnshops
3. Donation or; this Code 8. Corporations engaged in money service
4. Some other lawful means - shall have perpetual existence business
- UNLESS the corporation, upon a vote 9. Other financial intermediaries
INCORPORATION AND ORGANIZATION of its stockholders representing a majority
OF PRIVATE CORPORATIONS notifies SEC that it elects to retain its specific MINIMUM CAPITAL STOCK NOT REQUIRED OF
2. Partnership - may be extended or shortened by CONTAINED IN THE ARTICLES OF
3. Corporation amending the articles of incorporation INCORPORATION
NUMBER NEEDED 1. Name of the Corporation
1. Singly (1) Provided
- amendments may be filed in this form