DLP Bermundo Jakeson R1 Finished Final

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Week 1

Subject: MATHEMATICS Grade Level: 9

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
Content Standard
parallelograms and triangle similarity.
The learner is able to investigate, analyze, and solve problems
Performance Standard involving parallelograms and triangle similarity through
appropriate and accurate representation.
Competency 2:Determines the conditions that make a quadrilateral
Learning Competency
a parallelogram.(M9GE-IIIa-2)
At the end of one-hour discussion, 100% of the students will attain 85% mastery on how
Cognitive:  identify the properties and kinds of the special
Psychomotor:  draw creatively their own kinds of examples in special
parallelogram; and
Affective:  show appreciation in relating real life objects in special
kinds of quadrilaterals.


A. TOPIC Geometry
Teacher’s Materials:
 3-dimensional special quadrilaterals , pictures of
parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, kite

PowerPoint presentation
B. MATERIALS Projector

Students’ Materials:
 Activity sheets
 Ball pen

 Knowledge in identifying and remembering the special

C. PRE-REQUISITE parallelograms and quadrilaterals.
SKILLS  Illustrate teamwork and willingness to participate and learn
 Differentiating a three dimensional figures
 Develop logical thinking in determining all the properties
of the special kinds of parallelograms and quadrilateral.
D. SKILLS  Identify the 3-dimensional figures and being able to
differentiate it to other figures.

 Cite real life examples that represent different special

parallelograms and quadrilaterals.
 Show teamwork, mental alertness, and accuracy in
identifying and comparing the 3-dimensional figures.

Open Discussion, Cooperative Learning, Guided Discovery, and

Graphic Organizers

1. Additional Materials  DLM 3 – Module 2: Properties of Quadrilateral
2. Learning Resources  BEAM Third Year Module 12 (TG), Geometry Chapter 4
(LR) Quadrilaterals 4.2. Conditions which guarantee that a
portal quadrilateral is a parallelogram p.132 (LM)
 EASE Module Third Year Properties of Quadrilaterals
Module 1 (LM)
3. Others  https://www.teachhub.com/top-5-teaching-strategies
 https://il01904869.schoolwires.net/cms/lib010/IL01904869

A.1. Greetings
“Good morning class.” “Good morning Sir.”

A.2. Prayer
“Let us pray first. Noel, “Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this day… Amen.”
kindly lead the prayer.”

A.3. Setting the classroom

“Before taking your seats, (The students will arrange their chairs and pick up the pieces of
kindly arrange your chairs paper and candy wrappers from the floor.)
and pick-up the trashes and
wastes under your chair.”

A.4. Checking of (the secretary will check the attendance)

“You may now take your “Sir, I am happy to tell the class that we do not have any absentee
seat. Secretary, is there any today.”


“Before we start the lesson, (The students will murmur with their seatmate and will build up a
may I ask you a question? noise.)
How are you?

Okay class, before we start “Sir, we discuss about the quadrilaterals and parallelogram wherein
a new lesson, let us first quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and parallelogram is a
have a short recall on what quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and congruent.”
did we discuss yesterday?
Yes, Lorenzo?

Very good, Lorenzo. You

may now take your seat.
Now, can anyone give me
the theorems that a “Sir, if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram then its opposite angles
quadrilateral is a are congruent.”
parallelogram? Yes, Jamie?

“That’s one, thank you

Marj. Give me another “Sir, if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its consecutive
property, yes Klinton? angles are supplementary.”
Very good, Mark. And for
the last property? Yes, “Sir, if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its diagonals bisect
Cassie? each other.”

“Okay class, given all the

properties you have stated
and presented. What are
then the conditions of a “Sir, one condition for a quadrilateral to be called parallelogram is
quadrilateral to be a that, both pairs of opposite sides are parallel by definition.”
parallelogram? Yes,

Thank you, Patricia. “Sir, even one pair of opposite sides is parallel and congruent.”
Another? Yes, Mira?

Very good, Mira. Other “Sir, both pairs of opposite sides are congruent.”
hands? Yes, Jane?

Indeed, others hand, please? “Sir, both pairs of opposite sides of quadrilateral are congruent.”
Yes, Lucy?

Very good, Lucy. And for “Sir, one angle of quadrilateral is supplementary to both of its
the last two conditions? consecutive angles.”
Yes, Natsu?

Thank you, Natsu, and for “Sir, according to our last lesson, a quadrilateral is parallelogram if
the last but not the least the diagonals bisect each other.”
condition? Yes, Lisanna?

Very good, Lisanna. It

seems that everyone really
understand and remember
our last topic about
quadrilaterals and
parallelograms. To sum it
up, even if only one of the
conditions provided, we
could identify that a
quadrilateral is a

Are you guys, ready for our “Yes sir.”

next topic?
Okay, but before that, let’s
first have an activity. Okay?


“We are going to call this one

AM I?”

“Is everyone ready?” “Yes po Sir!”

“But before we start, you

must first listen and follow “Okay po, Sir!”
my instructions, okay?”

“First, each group will be

given a copy of an image
that needs to be assembled.
Arrange the image into its (The students will count up to 6 until they form 6 groups with 5
original form. Each group members each group.
will discuss and brainstorm
ideas to complete the
puzzle. Give a brief
description about the image
this activity. Second, you
must group yourselves into
6 groups and 5 members
each group.”

You will be given 5 minutes “Yes po Sir!”

to do this activity. Okay
class, are you ready?

Your time starts, NOW! (The students will brainstorm and the room will be filled with
healthy noise to arrange the pattern.)

Please finalize your

answers and post it on the “Okay po, Sir!”
board; we will try to
understand and tackle your
(The students are still murmuring.)
(After 5 minutes)

“Okay class, seems like

every group have solve the
given puzzles. Now, can
you please go now to your
proper seats?

(The students are still


Can I get your attention “Yes sir.”

now, Grade 9?”

Now, can I ask you a What is it, Sir?

question? Did you enjoy our
activity today? Can anyone Yes, sir.
share its own feelings and
experience with our activity
today? Yes, Laine? Sir, I feel happy and didn’t find it boring. I enjoyed playing and at
the same time learning in the class activity.
Thank you, Laine. Now,
what did you notice about
the activity? Anyone? Yes, Sir, I notice that in every figures, there is a word included and form
Marco? in a certain figure.

That’s right, Marco. What Sir, I guess, those words are the names of figures. Example, the
do you think is that word figure that we need to fix is a square, and for others is also
for? Yes, Kz? different.

Very good, Kz. Class, those

figures that you have just
solved few minutes ago are
like this.

(Presentation of a 3D figure
of special quadrilaterals.)

After answering and “I think sir; our topic for today is connected with the previous one.
experiencing the activity, It is about the properties of the special parallelograms which are
what did you feel or the rectangle, rhombus and square.”
realized about our topic
today? Or any idea about
the activity? Yes, Erza?
Very well said, Erza!
Indeed, our topic for today
is all about the special types
of parallelogram and
continuation of the different
kinds of quadrilaterals.

(using a manipulative three

dimensional shapes, the
teacher will ask the students to
name the different kinds of

“Just like the other 3D- figures

we know, these shapes are also
being governed by several
properties. And we are going
to identify them one by one.”
“Can anyone name this kind of
special parallelogram?
Anyone? Yes, Gray? “Sir that is a rectangle.”

Very good, Gray. A rectangle is a special quadrilateral that is under the

Okay, class. Is a rectangle a parallelogram which means a rectangle must be identify first as a
parallelogram? parallelogram. In short, a rectangle must also be parallelogram.

Exactly. Very good, Wendy. It Sir, because a rectangle is a type of a special parallelogram.
is true that a rectangle must
also be a parallelogram to be
called rectangle. But why?
Yes, Hilda?

Very good, Hilda. Any “Sir, if a rectangle must be a parallelogram, then it also inherits the
questions? Yes, mira? properties and conditions we tackle last time?”

Yes, Mira. Rectangle consists

of different theorems and
properties. As you can see,
there are diagonals in the
rectangle, remember, the
diagonals of a rectangle are
congruent. It also consists of
four right angles. And again,
by its definition, if a
parallelogram is a rectangle,
then it has to be a quadrilateral.

Can anyone give me some “Sir, our blackboard because it is the same with the figure you
examples of a rectangle and show us. If that’s the case sir, then the blackboard is also a
tell me why did you say so? parallelogram.”
Yes, Cana?

That’s right, Cana. Good

reasoning. Can anyone give me
another example? Yes, “Sir, the door. I guess so.”

Very good, Romeo. The door

is also a rectangle even though
it is presented to you
vertically. Also, remember; do “Yes sir.”
not be deceive by what you
see. Okay class?

Let us now proceed to another “Sir, a rhombus is a small one like a parallelogram.”
type of special parallelogram,
which is the rhombus.
Anyone, who have an idea
about rhombi or a rhombus?
Yes, Marga?

Okay, very well said, Marga.

Is a rhombus a parallelogram? Yes sir.
Raise your hands if you say (The students are raising their hands.)
yes and no if not. Okay?
Who says yes?
Who says no?

So, majority of you says it is a A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides since any
also a parallelogram. Why? quadrilateral with four congruent sides is a parallelogram.
Yes, Abby?

That’s right, Daniela. The That means sir; a rhombus has also its own properties?
diagonals of a rhombus are
perpendicular. Also, the
diagonals of the rhombus
bisect its angles.

Another special kind of

parallelogram is a square. Sir, a square is a quadrilateral with four right angles and four
Anyone, who has an idea about congruent sides.
square,? Yes, Laxus?

Very good, Laxus. What does This means sir, that a square is a combination of rectangle and
it mean, class? Yes, Darna? rhombus because of the definition of rectangle and square.

Very good, Darna. Is it also a We can say sir that a square is also a parallelogram because it
parallelogram? Yes, romina? inherits the characteristics of both rectangle and rhombus wherein
the first two special kinds of parallelogram is also a parallelogram.

Very good, Romina. Okay,

Can anyone give me an
example of a square? Yes,

Very good, Gajeel. Sir, the chalk box. It is a type of 3D square wherein its sides are
congruent or the same and its angles are also the same.

Is there any questions about None po sir.

our topic?

“Let’s have a short recap of

what we’ve tackled in today’s
session by identifying its
definition and its theorem.”

Sir, it is parallelograms because it’s opposite sides are parallel.


Sir, it is a trapezoid because its bases are parallel.

3. What is a special kind

of a parallelogram that Sir, it is a square. According to its property, its sides are congruent
is congruent at the and it consist 4 right angles.
same time consists of
right angles?

Sir, it is a rhombus, because it has 4 congruent sides.


Sir, it’s a kite because its diagonals are perpendicular.

Anymore questions?

“Since you have no more

questions and as what you
have shown in our discussion
today, I can say that you have
really understood our lesson.
You are now ready to answer
this activity.”


“But before I dismiss you,

please answers the activity
sheet. This will serve as your
exit ticket so that you are be
able to go home, okay? ” Okay sir.

Class, listen, please, bring out

your art materials and activate
your imagination as we SAMPLE OF STUDENTS WORK
explore the beauty of the

Cite at least one real life

examples of special kinds of This pink eraser is
parallelogram around you and a parallelogram because it has
draw it on the activity sheet two sets of parallel sides and I
and give reasons or proof why chose it because it is something
it is a special kind of you would find in your pencil case.
parallelogram or

Okay, get one and pass.

Seatwork: Class, please prepare a one piece of 1 whole sheets of paper and write your
answers in the space before the number. You will be given 5 minutes to answer the
following correctly.

Complete the following statements with always, sometimes, or never.

1) A rectangle ______________ has perpendicular diagonals.

2) A square is ______________ a rhombus.

3) A rectangle ______________ has consecutive sides congruent.

4) The diagonals of a quadrilateral ______________ bisect each other.

5) If one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral is congruent and parallel, then the
quadrilateral is ______________ a parallelogram.

Answer Key:
1. Never 4. Sometimes
2. Always 5. Always
3. Always


“Before you go, kindly copy your assignment on the board. Put your answer and your
solution on a one-whole sheet of paper. We are going to check your assignment next

Direction: Create or design a Quadrilateral Family Tree Flow Chart/Concept Map that
shows the relationship of different kinds of Quadrilaterals and Parallelograms.

“Before I dismiss you, class, I want you to “Good day and Thank you Sir.”
give our today’s mantra, always remember
class, what you do today will reflect on
what you do tomorrow. That’s all for
today class. Class, dismiss. Have a good
day a head everyone!”


1. 3.

2. 4.
Quadrilaterals: Who am I?!
Parallelogram Who am I?
I am a quadrilateral
Both pairs of my opposite sides are parallel
Both pairs of my opposite sides are congruent
Both pairs of my opposite angles are congruent
My consecutive angles are supplementary
My diagonals bisect each other but my diagonals are not congruent
Rectangle Who am I?
I am a parallelogram
My diagonals are congruent
I have all right angles
Rhombus Who am I?
I am a parallelogram
My diagonals are perpendicular
All my sides are congruent
My diagonals bisect my angles
Square Who am I?
I am a parallelogram
I am a rectangle
I am a rhombus
I have four congruent sides
My diagonals are perpendicular and congruent
Trapezoid Who am I?
I am a quadrilateral
I have exactly one pair of parallel sides.
The angles that connect my bases are supplementary
Kite Who am I?
I am a quadrilateral
I have two pairs of consecutive sides that are congruent

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