Artigo Gineco
Artigo Gineco
Artigo Gineco
Avoiding re-excision for a close but negative lumpectomy margin for invasive cancer
Knowledge Scientific ‘‘The meta-analysis suggests that there’s no additional benefit for re-excision for patients with no tumor
rationale on ink for invasive cancer…There’s no additional benefit to re-excision’’
Skills ‘‘I can’t say that I’ve ever had anyone ask me for a re-excision…I justify it by saying we have research
that shows your surgery was sufficient as far as local surgical therapy …patients are typically happy
Interperso to hear that’’
nal skills ‘‘People have a lot of confidence in our initial discussions’’
Beliefs about Outcome ‘‘The one scenario we sometimes worry about is when it’s multiple, like six out of six [margins]’’
consequences expectancies
‘‘[In] a younger patient, you might want to be a little more aggressive in terms of trying to get a better
Social influence Power ‘‘I will offer the patient the choice to re excise versus not, but I will tell them that the guidelines and the
clinical setting do or don’t suggest them to do the second operation’’
‘‘I will offer it to the patient, because it’s your decision making really…I still offer them the
option’’ Goals Goal priority ‘‘I would tell them there was no benefit. But, if the patient really wanted it, and it was very important to
her, I would do it. Because I feel like most cancer you know there is so much negative on the patient,
if there is one little thing that can help them, that would be fine’’
Avoiding completion ALND in women meeting ACOSOG z0011 criteria
Knowledge Scientific ‘‘I believe the data for this particular population is very clear, there’s minimal benefit to axillary
rationale treatment’’
‘‘Most of these candidates will fit in some way or the other into Z011, which is old now, almost
10 years. I can’t think of a time that I’ve, in the last decade, taken a patient back for [cALND] for
micro-metastatic disease’’
Social influence Group norms ‘‘When I started practicing, everybody got axillary node dissection for staging. And now almost nobody
does. We as a group are losing our enthusiasm for this procedure’’
‘‘appeared healthy’’ and they anticipated that the patient Consequences—Outcome Expectancies; Beliefs about
would live for at least five additional years then they would Capabilities—Professional Confidence).
offer, and often recommend, a SLNB on patients older than Even in clinical scenarios where the results of a SLNB
age 70. would not inform or alter treatment, nearly all surgeons
Unique to this particular Choosing Wisely® recom- agreed they would perform a SLNB if it was requested by
mendation, the influence of other collaborating the patient. If a patient could tolerate general anesthesia,
multidisciplinary medical providers significantly impacted the majority of surgeons stated they would perform a
decision-making. Specifically, surgeons believed informa- SLNB to satisfy patients’ preferences and autonomy, even
tion obtained from SLNB impacted adjuvant therapy, and if they acknowledged this was of low-value to the patient
not pursuing this procedure was disadvantageous for (Social Influence—Power; Goals—Goal Priority)
patients in terms of their subsequent adjuvant therapy (Table 2).
options (Beliefs about Consequences—Outcome
Expectancies). Additionally, if medical or radiation Choosing Wisely Guideline #4. Don’t Routinely Perform
oncologists indicated they might use information from a a Double Mastectomy in Women with Unilateral Breast
SLNB to guide adjuvant treatment (i.e., would administer Cancer After a diagnosis of breast cancer in a single
chemotherapy to a patient aged 70 or older), then nearly all breast, some women desire removal of the uninvolved,
surgeons reported they would perform the procedure (So- normal other breast (contralateral prophylactic
cial Influences—Social Pressures). Many subjects justified mastectomy, CPM), believing their cancer cure rate will
performing SLNB in patients aged 70 or older with hor- be improved with double mastectomy. Multiple meta-
mone receptor-positive tumors by emphasizing their belief analyses confirm CPM does not improve survival and is
that a SLNB is a very low-risk procedure that adds unnecessary in women with unilateral mastectomy and no
minimal additional time to an operation hereditary breast cancer syndrome.44–47
(Beliefs about
TABLE 2 Summary of theoretical domains and specific constructs for avoiding sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in women older than age
70 years with hormone receptor positive tumors
Domain Construct Sample quote
Avoiding SLNB in women over age 70 with hormone receptor positive tumors
Knowledge Scientific ‘‘I don’t think that there is so much compelling data, specifically regarding the age, to support
rationale foregoing a sentinel node biopsy’’
‘‘I use overall health status because, as you know, not all 70-year-olds are created equal. If they have a
reasonable expectation of good quality of life, I think that doing a sentinel lymph node biopsy is a
good idea’’
Beliefs about Outcome ‘‘Our radiation oncologists are pretty aggressive, so if a negative SLNB would minimize their
consequences expectancies likelihood of recommending radiation, then that’s something that would push me..because we could
probably save [the patient] radiation’’
‘‘I see a lot of healthy 70-year-olds who are motivated to live to 95. It’s long enough for the patient to
have a recurrence if you didn’t do a sentinel node and therefore didn’t do some sort of therapy’’
‘‘I don’t think that a sentinel [lymph node biopsy] adds a lot of morbidity’’
Social influence Social pressures ‘‘If you talk to medical oncologists, they’ll say a 72-year-old with node-positive disease still benefits
from the addition of systemic chemotherapy, so I would still [perform a SLNB] in that setting.
‘‘Because they (i.e. medical oncology, radiation oncology) would utilize the information, I still assume
that the sentinel node biopsy should be performed’’
Power I believe a patient should have a choice as long as they’re well educated in what we do know about
that choice’’
Beliefs about Professional ‘‘It would probably add four minutes to the surgery. So, I kind of [think] it is reasonable’’
capabilities confidence
Goals Goal priority ‘‘If somebody really said, I’m gonna lose sleep by not knowing this information…then yeah [I would
perform [a SLNB]’’
Nearly all surgeons reported frequently performing trust in their abilities. Most surgeons expressed the belief
CPM in women without hereditary breast cancer syn- that patients had unequivocal autonomy in this decision
dromes. A minority of subjects expressed outright (Social Influences—Power). In contrast to the three other
disagreement with the guideline, often emphasizing their procedures where surgeons communicated clear recom-
belief that CPM offers significant psychological benefits mendations to the patient, when discussing CPM, many
and that patients have complete autonomy over their surgeons described that their role was to offer all possible
breasts. Conversely, the majority of surgeons agreed that treatment options and follow the patient preferences,
CPM offered no survival benefit and that surgeons should regardless of their own knowledge or beliefs (Professional
be offering and performing this operation substantially less Role and Identity—Professional Role).
often (Knowledge—Scientific Rationale). Nearly all sub- A significant barrier to decreasing utilization of CPM
jects intentionally avoided initiating conversations about was the influence of external sources and patients’
CPM with patients; however, the surgeons repeatedly fol- misunderstanding of their personal risk. Surgeons routinely
lowed this by mentioning that often patients initiated the indicated that patients presented with strongly held mis-
conversation, leading to frustration for the surgeons conceptions and overestimations of their risk of developing
(Emotion—Stress). a second malignancy. Patients’ feared the ‘‘cancer
Despite the majority of subjects’ preference to avoid spreading to the other breast’’ with often limited under-
CPM in patients without a hereditary breast cancer syn- standing of the difference between an ipsilateral or distant
drome, all but one surgeon stated that they would perform recurrence and a second primary malignancy (Emotion—
CPM at the patient’s request. Possible psychological ben- Fear). Additionally, surgeons stated that friends’ and
efits for patients and avoidance of patient regret often were family members’ personal stories and recommendations
used as justification for continuing to perform this opera- strongly influenced patients’ preferences. Coupled with the
tion (Beliefs about Consequences—Outcome notoriety of celebrities’ treatment decisions (e.g., the
Expectancies; Anticipated Regret). Some surgeons Angelina Jolie effect), the influence of information from
expressed a belief that if they did not agree to perform a nonmedical sources resulted in patients having strong
CPM, they would face consequences, such as patients treatment preferences, requesting a CPM, and providers
seeking care elsewhere, decreased referrals, or diminished simply accommodating these preferences (Social
Influences—Social Support, Modeling). No surgeons SLNB in women aged 70 years and older and the influence
mentioned plastic surgeons as an external source of infor- of other collaborating multidisciplinary providers emerged
mation that influenced patients to request a CPM (Table 3). as key factors driving surgeons continued use of SLNB in
this population. Regarding CPM, while surgeons agreed
DISCUSSION that the procedure often is unnecessary and confers no
survival benefit, patient autonomy and preference emerged
In this qualitative study of breast surgeons, we
as key barriers to de-implementation. Understanding the
identified barriers and facilitators influencing de-
key determinants driving this this differential de-imple-
implementation of low-value, unnecessary breast cancer
mentation can help to inform the development of future
surgical practices targeted by the Choosing Wisely ®
interventions targeting the specific deficits in provider
campaign. For the two procedures that most data suggest
capability, opportunity, and motivation.
have been successfully de-implemented (re-excision after
While the science and behavioral theories of imple-
close but negative mar- gins and completion ALND),
menting new practices are fairly extensive, the best
providers’ high level of confidence in the strength of the
evidence facilitated rapid de-implementation. In contrast, strategies to promote de-implementation of entrenched
provider’s lack of famil- iarity and skepticism with practices are limited.48–53 Successful de-implementation
evidence supporting avoiding efforts in health care often target practices that are subject
TABLE 3 Summary of theoretical domains and specific constructs for avoiding contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) in women
without hereditary breast cancer syndromes
Domain Construct Sample quote
Avoiding contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in women without hereditary breast cancer syndromes
Knowledge Scientific ‘‘I think the data is very clear on this, that those patients do not have a demonstrated genetic
rationale abnormality, or a markedly strong family history of breast cancer do not benefit from the removal of
a normal breast’’
‘‘I generally don’t bring it up, truthfully…Removing the other breast is not recommended, and it’s not
Emotion Stress ‘‘100% of [patients] bring it up, the bane of my existence’’
‘‘Nobody cares about the data. Zero percent of people, lawmakers included. They do not care. …And
if you come out and you speak against something that even remotely is perceived as anti-pink
ribbon or anti-breast cancer, people want to stone you’’
Fear ‘‘Women don’t understand there is a difference between getting another cancer in the other breast and
having a recurrence. So they think that having a cancer come back in the other breast is the same
breast cancer… that it’s stage four disease’’
Beliefs about Outcome ‘‘If it makes you sleep better at night, there’s not a lot I can do about it. Psychologically, this [may] be
consequences expectancies a significant benefit’’
‘‘We’ll do [a CPM] as long as you know that it’s for anxiety, for peace of mind, and not for a
recurrence or survival benefit’’
Anticipated ‘‘It’s not necessarily the choice I would make, or would recommend for my loved ones, but that’s their
regret decision. And we make sure that they don’t regret any of the decisions that they make’’
Social influences Power ‘‘I tell patients that it is their decision and that I don’t recommend it, but ultimately it’s their decision if
they’d like to do it’’
‘‘But people value their autonomy above anything else, even fear. That’s just something you have to
Social support ‘‘Friends have told them that [CPM] is the right thing. They confuse a lot of times their situation with
another person’s situation’’
‘‘Friends have a lot of impact. And that’s the first thing they hear, and of course from people they love,
so it’s very hard to convince [patients] that their friends are not correct’’
Modeling ‘‘The Angelina Jolie effect. I’ve definitely had patients literally say to me, ‘‘Well, Angelina Jolie had
this done. Why shouldn’t I?’’ Even though they don’t have a hereditary syndrome’’
Professional role and Professional ‘‘I am there as their coach and counselor and to educate them and if they decide a different route, I will
identity role still follow them’’
‘‘I can’t determine what is a value procedure for a patient. I can’t do that. So, it’s the patient’s choice’’
to ordering restrictions or replacement, and attempts to de- specialty self-preservation and viewed through a very
implement unnecessary practices through purely educa- narrow lens of maximizing clinical benefit without con-
tional efforts and guideline dissemination have had sidering spending, access, and fixed resources. Ultimately,
variable success.54–60 The role of the Choosing Wisely ® while organizational and behavioral theory-based strategies
guidelines and identification of unnecessary surgical prac- targeting specific determinants for each practice may
tices in the care of patients with breast cancer is improve de-implementation, the surgical community may
particularly unclear as our results demonstrate that sur- benefit from first establishing agreement regarding how to
geons inconsistently prioritize evidence, patient autonomy, define low-value breast cancer care.
and personal preferences. We found that surgeons’ confi- This study has several limitations. First, our sample
dence in the strength of evidence driving the guidelines to included surgeons performing a high volume of breast
avoid re-excision and completion ALND facilitated rapid cancer surgery; it is possible that lower volume surgeons
de-implementation and was the primary justification for may face other barriers to de-implementation. For
this practice change. Conversely, despite robust and well- example, in a survey of breast surgeons regarding adequate
accepted data supporting the recommendation to avoid margins after a lumpectomy, low-volume surgeons were
CPM, providers disregarded their confidence in this evi- less likely to report a close margin as adequate (85%
dence in favor of patient autonomy.44–46 This highlights the
vs. 55%, p \ 0.001).21 Second, the surgeons interviewed
inconsistent impact of data, confirming that for some
frequently described patient factors and patient beliefs that
practices disseminated evidence is not enough to alter
influenced surgical management decisions. We did not
provider behavior.
include patients in this analysis, and additional
For surgical procedures where the impact of evidence
determinants may be identified by inclusion of patients.
was minimal, patient autonomy often was emphasized.
Third, surgeons’ responses were based on beliefs regarding
However, for other unnecessary and low-value practices,
their clinical practice and previous patients, leading to
patient preference is not prioritized. For example,
possible recall bias. Future studies comparing subjects’
providers consistently make decisions that directly
responses to their objective practice patterns may identify
challenge patients’ requests when they refuse to prescribe
additional factors influence decision-making. Finally,
antibiotics for viral upper respiratory infections or order an
identification of themes does not confirm a true influence
MRI for back pain without red-flag symptoms. However,
on practice patterns. However, qualitative methods are
when considering CPM, providers frequently described
well-suited to explore barriers and facilitators of providers’
deferring to patient preference and specifically avoiding
practice and given near-uniform identification of barriers
making strong recommendations. This suggests that
to de-implementa- tion, it is unlikely that these factors are
surgeons identify some inherent value in CPM that is not
unrelated to de- implementation.
reflected in the guidelines and highlights that guidelines
are likely ineffective at changing behavior when value is
differen- tially defined between stakeholders.
Given that the weight of the determinants varied sub- Overtreatment and use of low-value, unnecessary pro-
stantially across surgical practices and providers, the cedures results in patient harm without a survival benefit.
question of how to define unnecessary or low-value prac- Surgical societies participating in the Choosing Wisely ®
tices arises. Many practice recommendations are grounded campaign identified four low-value practices, and these
primarily on clinical outcomes, such as recurrence rates procedures have had varying rates of de-implementation.
and overall survival, but overlook psychological outcomes We identified several factors that influence both successful
and patient preferences. In health policy, value is com- and incomplete de-implementation. These determinants
monly defined as ‘‘outcomes divided by cost’’.61 However, and associated behaviors may be modified by developing
none of the surgeons interviewed mentioned cost as a behavioral interventions targeting the essential drivers.
determinant in defining procedural value. The Choosing However, as incomplete de-implementation often appeared
Wisely® breast cancer surgical practices were established to be driven by differences in how value was determined,
by prominent surgical societies including the American efforts to create common definitions of value may be most
College of Surgeons, Society of Surgical Oncologists and effective. As health care continues to focus on improving
the American Society of Breast Surgeons. We found that the value of care and recommending de-implementation of
the surgeons in the study, many of whom are members of previously well-established practices, it is necessary that
these societies, are not in agreement with all of the the characterization of value is commonly endorsed among
guidelines, questioning the buy-in of practicing surgeons. stakeholders and that determinants of de-implementation
Additionally, the position of societies to identify low-value are understood to develop future interventions.
care is muddled as these judgements may be influenced by
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Dr. Dossett is supported by a grant
from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ; 5 K08 pathology reveals invasive cancer with a close but negative
HS026030-02). The authors have no conflicts of interest. Dr. Jagsi margin.
stock options as compensation for her advisory board role in Equity • What is your strategy for managing this patient?
Quotient, a company that evaluates culture in health care companies; • How do you decide whether the patient undergoes a re-
she has received personal fees from Amgen, Vizient and Sherinian
and Hasso and grants for unrelated work from the National Institutes
of Health, the Doris Duke Foundation, the Greenwall Foundation, the • What kind of information or evidence are you aware of
Koman Foundation and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for the about how to manage patients with this pathology?
Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium. • Have you had a patient where you performed a re-
excision after a close but negative margin?
INTERVIEW GUIDE • Please explain the details and clinical factors of this
patient that impacted your decision.
Introduction and Verbal Consent
• How do you reconcile the current data/evidence
regarding and decisions for individual patients?
We are performing a qualitative study to evaluate sur-
• How do you discuss the topic of re-excision with
geons’ knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding
treatment decisions for breast cancer patients. This inter-
• How do patient preferences factor into your decision?
view will be audio recorded for future analysis. The
interview recordings will then be transcribed and de-iden- • Are the specific barriers you have faced when decided
not to perform this operation?
tified. There will be no reference to individual
interviewees, institutions, or geographic region. Partici- • If you had a patient who requested a re-excision for a
pating in this study is voluntary. You are under no close but negative margin, how would you approach
obligation to answer questions. If you decide to con- this patient? How would you come to a final decision?
Would you consider performing this operation, and
tinue, you may change your mind and stop at any
time. You may choose not to answer any questions for any
reason. To keep your information confidential, your
responses will be completely anonymous. The results of Choosing Wisely Guideline #2. Don’t Routinely Excise all
this study could be published, but would not any identi- the Lymph Nodes Beneath the Arm (Axillary Lymph Node
fying information. No one, with the exception of the Dissection) in Women with Only a Few Involved Lymph
interviewer, will know which subjects gave which answers. Nodes I’d like to transition to the second case which
Do you have any questions about the project/consent? involves a patient with limited metastatic disease in the
Do you consent to participate in this study? axilla.
• What is your strategy for managing this patient?
Current Practice and Training History • How do you decide whether the patient undergoes a
• On average, how many breast cancer operations do you completion axillary lymph node dissection?
perform annually? • Has your practice changed over time?
• How would you describe the type of setting you • What kind of information or evidence are you aware of
operate in? about how to manage patients with this pathology?
• How long have you been in practice? • Have you had a patient where you performed a com-
• What formal or informal training have you received in pletion axillary lymph node dissection for limited
breast cancer treatment? metastatic disease in the axilla?
• Did you complete a surgical fellowship? If yes, what • Please explain the details and clinical factors of this
specialty? patient that impacted your decision.
I’d like to ask you about four different practices that • How do you reconcile the current data/evidence
have been the focus of current guidelines in order to regarding and decisions for individual patients?
further understand how providers (and ultimately patients) • How do you discuss the topic of completion ALND
make decisions. with patients?
• What in your mind would make you deem this a
Choosing Wisely Guideline #1. Don’t Routinely Re- valuable procedure for a patient?
Operate on Women with Invasive Breast Cancer • How do patients’ expectations and knowledge impact
if the Cancer is Close to the Edge of the Excised your decision about this operation?
Lumpectomy Tissue The first case involves a 50-year- • What are barriers you faced with when deciding not to
old female patient who underwent a lumpectomy and perform this operation with patients?
• If you had a patient who requested a completion ALND
for limited metastatic disease, how would you approach
this patient? How would you come to a final decision? Choosing Wisely Guideline #3. Don’t Routinely Use
Would you consider performing this operation, and Sentinel Node Biopsy in Women C 70 Years of Age with
Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Now I’d
like to talk your decisions regarding sampling the • How do you initiate a conversation on this topic?
axilla. • How do you discuss this with your patient?
• Are there patients or circumstances where you would
• How do you decide when to do a sentinel lymph node
not discuss CPM?
• What in your mind deems CPM to be of reasonable
• How does patient age impact your decision?
value for a patient?
• How does tumor hormone receptor status impact our
• Think of a recent patient where you have performed a
CPM on a patient w/o a hereditary syndrome? How did
• How do you discuss performing a SLNB with older
you come to the final decision to perform this
• How do you discuss performing a SLNB in patients
• What were the key factors that influenced your
with hormone receptor-positive cancer? decision?
• What kind of information or evidence are you aware of • Recent recommendations discourage use of CPM in
regarding sampling the axilla in older patients and women without a heredity breast cancer syndrome–
patients with hormone receptor-positive cancer? How do these impact your interactions and treatment
• How does this impact your practice and treatment decisions with patients?
• What are common barriers you encounter when making
• Has your practice changed over time? decisions around CPM? What are common barriers you
• Have you had a patient over 70 with a hormone encounter when following the recommendation to
receptor-positive cancer where you performed a sen- avoid CPM?
tinel lymph node biopsy? • How does patient knowledge and preference contribute
• Please explain the details and clinical factors of this to your decision on performing CPM?
patient that impacted your decision. • Are there particular patient characteristics or traits that
• How do you discuss the topic of SLNB with patients? persuade you to perform this procedure?
• What in your mind would make you deem this a
valuable procedure for a patient?
• How do patients’ expectations and knowledge impact Choosing Wisely Guideline for Breast Cancer You may
your decision about this operation? have realized that we are talking about the Choosing
• What are barriers you faced with when deciding not to Wisely Guidelines. We are interested in trying to
perform this operation with patients? understand the impact of guidelines/recommendations and
• If you had a patient who requested a completion SLNB, de-implementation of these ‘‘low-value’’ practices.
how would you approach this patient? How would you • Are you familiar with the Choosing Wisely guidelines?
come to a final decision? Would you consider per- • What is your understating of the purpose of the
forming this operation, and why? Choosing Wisely guidelines?
• What is your understating of the breast cancer proce-
Choosing Wisely Guideline #4. Don’t Routinely Perform dures targeted by the Choosing Wisely guidelines?
a Double Mastectomy in Women with Unilateral Breast • Do you agree with the focus of de-implementing these
Cancer Now, I’d like to transition to the fourth case particular practices? Do you agree these are low-value?
which involves a patient without a hereditary breast cancer • Are there components of these recommendations that
syndrome who is undergoing a mastectomy on the cancer should be altered?
side. • How have these recommendations changed your
• How do you decide about whether to offer a con-
• How do you use this tool in conversations with your
tralateral prophylactic mastectomy?
• What about a patient makes you believe they are
informed enough about potential benefits and risk to
make decisions that go against these recommendations?
• How do you assess what is a valuable practice for
individual patients with breast cancer?
• How do you reconcile differences between your
determination of value and a patient’s preference for
practice patterns and decision-making around ‘‘low-value’’
• Are there any differences in how you determine the breast cancer practices?
value or a procedure versus how it is evaluated for
recommendations? REFERENCES
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