Ill Effects of Fireworks-1
Ill Effects of Fireworks-1
Ill Effects of Fireworks-1
Fireworks fascinate and entertain many people. A large fireworks show creates an exuberant
mood and adds extra glow to any anniversary. A modest family fireworks mark the beginning
of a new year. At the same time, one could wonder about what impact fireworks has on the
environment. All human activity affects the environment, and there should always be a
balance between the positive and negative effects of any given activity. In this paper we’ve
gathered facts about the substances that can be found in fireworks, what function they have
and what kind of impact they have on the environment.
The propellant in firework is usually black powder, in pure form or in combination with other
substances. Black powder consists of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur. The white smoke
formed by firing fireworks consists largely of water vapor. The smoke occurs because
combustion of black powder generates large amounts of very small particles that serve as
condensation nuclei for any water vapor present in the air. These particles include potassium
sulfate and pure sulfur.
To create the different colors associated with fireworks, various metals and metal salts are
combusted into corresponding metal oxides. Different metals give different colors. Celebrate
Going Green and Contribute to Saving the Planet
By pointing out the major impacts that fireworks have on our environment, this article will
hopefully inspire/encourage people to celebrate going green, thus resulting in a healthier
environment and cleaner air. Listed below are the major environmental impacts that
fireworks have on our environment.
For most people lighting of firecrackers is the highlight of any celebration (New Year, Fourth
of July, Diwali, Guy Fawkes, weddings, sports ceremonies, and other joyous celebrations).
The brighter the sparkles and louder the noise, the greater the thrill. However, in our
increasingly populated and polluted cities, the temporary joy of watching fireworks is soon
replaced by the intense air pollution caused by their toxins. The poisonous substances used in
the firecrackers release toxic gases that are harmful to the health of all living beings. The high
level of noise generated by the crackers also causes immense trauma to the ailing, the very
young, the very old, birds, animals, and the environment as a whole. Another relevant factor
which few realise is that the firecrackers are mostly made by very young children. Since the
substances being handled are extremely toxic the mortality rate among these child-labourers
is extremely high.
Harmful effects of Chemicals used in crackers
An analysis of crackers and the harmful effects that each of its chemicals contributes to are
The Chemical and its Impact
Copper - Irritation of respiratory tract
Cadmium - Anemia and damage to kidney
Lead - Affects the nervous system
Magnesium - Its dust and fumes cause metal fume fever
Sodium - Reacts violently with moisture and can attack the skin
Zinc - Leads to vomiting
Nitrate - Could lead to mental impairment
Nitrite - Could lead to a coma Noise
The law bans crackers that make a noise of more than 125 decibels at four metres distance
from the point of bursting. Listed below are the hazards posed by excessive noise pollution
caused by crackers:
• Hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attack and sleeping disturbances.
• Sudden exposure to loud noise could cause temporary deafness or permanent relative
Excessive Consumerism
An indirect but equally significant impact of fireworks on nature is due to the increased
consumption. Advertisements and hoardings scream out to people offerings sales
extravaganzas, bargains, and discounts thereby encouraging consumers to buy more and
more! How does this increased consumption affect Nature? A point to realize is that all man-
made items are made from materials that are sourced from nature. Whether it plastic, metal,
paper, or cloth - all these raw materials come directly from nature.
Sources that cannot regenerate - such as fossil fuels and metal ores – are being depleted day
by day and will eventually run out. Depletion of non-renewable natural resources is one of
the most significant impacts of consumerism. For example, the gold you buy is coming from
a gold mine that is not only depleting the gold resources of the earth, but in the process of
mining is probably ruining several ecosystems.
Something that most people do not factor in is where do all the things we throw away go
finally? Solid waste created by human beings, which is non-biodegradable (does not easily
decompose), has to be filled into holes dug up in the ground. These 'landfills' as they are
called may exist for centuries without completely getting integrated into the soil. The plastic
toys that are thrown away now, may exist in a landfill for several generations.
i) The SPM (suspended particulate matter) levels rise to a large extent during Diwali.
It can cause throat, nose & eye related problems which can later develop into adverse health
It can lead to headaches & reduced mental acuity when it reaches the level of 100 ppm.
It has much more severe effects in people with heart, respiratory or nervous system
It can aggravate problem for people suffering from cold, allergies or coughs and can also
cause congestion of throat & chest.
ii) Increase amount of noise has harmful effects on animals as well as humans. Standard
decibel level for humans is 60 dB.
Increase in the decibel level can lead to:
Temporary or Permanent Hearing Loss
High Blood Pressure
Heart Attack
Sleep Disturbance
Can lead to withdrawal behaviour or hyperactivity in pregnant women, children & those
suffering from respiratory problems.
v) Use of "rockets" near houses gives rise to many injuries each year. There is no law
pertaining to the same.