Letter of Intent Template
Letter of Intent Template
Letter of Intent Template
PandaTip: A letter of intent is a legal document outlining the major terms of an agreement between two parties, in
advance of actually entering into the final agreement. It establishes the intent of the parties, and while it is often non-
binding, it can be. As such, care should be taken in drafting any letter of intent.
PandaTip: This letter of intent establishes the intent of one company to buy another, by way of a “stock purchase”. An
alternative to this would be an “asset purchase”, and each carries certain legal and tax implications.
This letter confirms your and our mutual intent with respect to the
potential transactions described herein between [ACQUIRER] (“Buyer”,
“us”, “our”) and [COMPANY] (“Seller”, “you”, or “your”), including its
shareholders. This document, in and of itself, does not represent an
enforceable legal contract.
PandaTip: The below clause is one that acquirers will most certainly want in a letter of intent. It ensures they are the only
ones “at the table”, which excludes competition and increases their leverage in the negotiation. On the other hand,
business sellers most certainly want to keep their options open (or the appearance that they have other interested
acquirers), which increases their leverage. The clause below is one example of a clause that does impose a legal