Unit 5 - Advertising PDF
Unit 5 - Advertising PDF
Unit 5 - Advertising PDF
STARTING U P Discuss the advertisements above. Which do you like best? Why?
VOCABULARY m Newspapers are one example of an advertising medium. Can you think of
Advertising others?
media and
methods III Look at these words. Label each word 1 for 'advertising media', 2 for
'methods of advertising' or 3 for 'verbs to do with advertising'.
advertorials 2 endorse point-of-sale sponsor
banner ads exhibitions pop-ups sponsorship
billboards (AmE)/ free samples posters target
hoardings (BrE) Internet press television
cinema leaflets/flyers product placement viral advertising
commercials outdoor advertising radio
communicate place run
scanned for Paul Jennings
IlJ Which of the verbs you identified i n Exercise B combine with these nouns?
1 a campaign 3 an advertisement 5 a consumer
2 a product 4 an event 6 a message
4 If news about a product comes to you by word of mouth I the press I the Internet,
someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.
5 Many companies use post and electronic slogans I mailshots I posters because they
can target a particular group of consumers all at the same time.
m What makes a good TV advertisement? Think about ones you have seen_
Use some of these words_
clever interesting funny inspiring eye-catching original
powerful strange shocking informative sexy controversial
III Do you think that these advertising practices are acceptable? Are any other
types of advertisement offensive?
1 Using children in advertisements
2 Using actors who pretend to be 'experts'
3 Using nudity in advertisements
4 Using 'shock tactics' in advertisements
5 Promoting alcohol on TV
6 Comparing your products to your competitors' products
7 An image nashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without
noticing it (subliminal advertising)
8 Exploiting people's fears and worries
scanned for Paul Jennings
by Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson
In a new definition of a publicity the broadcaster's Sales Director. A poster campaign, a series of
stunt, Channel 4 and Honda have 'This concept breaks the boundaries television 'teaser' advertisements and a
tumcd to a learn of skydivers to tackle of TV advcl1ising: he added. 55 website have been backed up by digital
the problem of viewers tuning out of 30 highlighting a Channel 4 campaign advertising and press coverage. AJI are
traditional tclevision advertising. called 'innovating the break ' . building up to a traditional 3D-second
On Thursday night, the broadcaster The campaign fol lows initiatives advertising campaign, staning
was due to devote an entire 3 minute such as LG's 'Scarlet' campaign, in on June I. said Ian Armstrong,
20 second break in the middle of which the television manufacturer 60 Marketing Manager of Honda U K .
Come Dine With Me. its dinner 35 ran advertisements appearing to trail
'The 3D-second a d is alive and
10 party programme. to a live skydiving a glamorous new television show.
well.' Mr Barnes said. pointing to
jum p in which 1 9 stuntmcn which turned out to be a promotion
data released this week which showed
spelt oul the carmaker's brand for the design features of its 'hot Ilew
that commercial television had
name. Described as the first live series' of screens.
65 enjoyed its best April in five years.
advertisement in modem times, the oW Thursday night's live advertisemcnt.
For Honda. however. the elements
15 campaign is the latest attempt by while designed to demonstrate the
surrounding the core 3D-second
advertisers and broadcasters to find power of television advertising, was
campaign are designed to generate the
alternatives to the 30-second spot. backed up by a complex multimedia
The development of digital video and public-relat ions campaign. intangible buzz of word-of-mouth
recorders such as Sky+ and Tivo, 45 The campaign's developcrs 70 advert ising, Mr Barnes added.
20 which allow ads to be skipped, has including Channel 4's in-house Thursday night's skydive would
forced advertising agencies and creative teaIn. Wieden + Kcnncdy. almost cenainly go on YouTube, Mr
channels' sales teams to collaborate Starcom. Collective and Hicklin Amlslrong predicted. 'Commercially,
on more innovative attempts Slade & Partners - spent more that's a fantastic result. as it means our
to keep the viewer's attention . 50 than a month pushing the Honda 75 marketing investment becomes more
25 'We wanted to create something slog<ll1 of 'dirficult is worth doing' efficient because consumers are doing
unmissable.' said Andy Barnes. before Thursday night's slot. our marketing for us.'
scanned for Paul Jennings
II Find all the word pairs in the text using the words advertisement or
m Match the words in bold in the word pairs (1-5) to their meaning (a-e) .
1 pUblicity stunt a) newspapers and magazines
2 design features b) a short phrase that is easy to remember
D Complete the text with some of the word pairs from Exercises C and D.
III �)>> (01.31 Listen again. What reasons are there for advertising, apart from
selling a product?
II �)>> CD1.32 Listen to the second part. What are the four stages of a typical
Marco Rimini advertising campaign?
m �)>> (01.33 Listen to the final part and answer the questions.
1 What are viral campaigns?
2 Regarding the Ronaldinho viral, what did people argue about?
Watch the
interview on
In groups, tell each other about a viral campaign or advertisement that
the DVD·ROM.
you have discussed with your friends.
scanned for Paul Jennings
a/an • We use a or an before singular countable nouns.
a pUblicity stunt
• We use a o r an to introduce new information.
They are building up to a traditional 30·second advertising campaign
• We often use a or an to refer to people's jobs.
She's an accountant
• We use a before consonants and an before vowel sounds
a commercial, an advert
the • We use the when we think our listener will know what we are talking about.
the Internet
• We use the when it is clear from the context what particular person,
thing or place is meant because it has been mentioned before.
The campaign is the latest attempt to ...
B look back at the article on page 46. In paragraphs 1 and 2, why are a or on
used instead of the before these words?
1 publicity stunt 3 entire 3 minute 20 second break
2 team of skydivers 4 live skydiving jump
III In the first two paragraphs of the article, which specific examples of the
following are referred to?
1 a problem 3 a brand name S a campaign
2 a broadcaster 4 a live advertisement
II Tick the correct sentences. Add the where necessary in the other sentences.
You may need to add the more than once.
1 Knowledge of advertising code of practice is vital to those wishing to work in
advertising industry.
2 We want to film a TV commercial in Russia.
3 The 'Think small' Volkswagen Beetle advert was one of most successful advertising
campaigns of 20th century.
4 Four major brands AOL, Yahoo!, Freeserve and BT - all achieve awareness of over
iii This text is about a television advertisement. Some of the articles are
missing. Write in the missing articles 0, on or the where appropriate.
- -
Ahnost as soon as the 'gorilla' So whm role did the distribution of il� adveltising on
television commercial for Dairy extraordimu), take-up of gorilla Intcmet as consllmcrs c-mail,
Milk chocolate was first shown ad on Inlcmcl play ill Dairy post and create spoof versions of
on 3 1 August, people staned Milk's success? gorilla campaign.
posting it all YouTube. People And was success of the Gorilla commercial is most
also started asking questions. adven a lucky break? For like viewed advertisemcnt so far this
like did it feature real gorilla Unilcvcr and Diageo, Cadbury year on YouTube, the content
playing drums? has benefited from lhe free 'viral' sharing website.
scanned for Paul Jennings