Icici PDF
Icici PDF
Icici PDF
Admit Card
(To be handed over to the invigilator at the test center)
1. Take two print outs of the Admit card on A4 size paper only
2. Admit card is provisional subject to fulfillment of all the eligibility condi ons
3. Candidates are required to go through the Online Entrance Test guidelines
4. Candidates must not mu late the Admit card or change any entry.
5. The Admit card is not transferable to any other person. Impersona on is legally punishable offence.
6. Ensure you carry your Admit card and Photo Iden fica on (drivers license, passport, Elec on card, etc)
7. No Applicant will be allowed entry at the Test Centre without the Admit Card.
icici-app1.centralindia.cloudapp.azure.com/ICICIOTBS/Users/HallTicketTemplates/HallTicketTemplate1.aspx?StatusCode=1&pt=t 1/1