Bells Palsy
Bells Palsy
Bells Palsy
They do
BELL’S not become more severe after
that.Symptomsare almost always on one side
Definition: Bell's palsy is a form of
only. They may range from mild to
temporary facial paralysis resulting from
severe.The face will feel stiff or pulled to
damage or trauma to one of the facial
one side, and may look different.
nerves.Damage to this nerve causes
weakness or paralysis of these muscles.
Paralysis means that you cannot use the Ri
muscles at all.Known as Facial palsy, ght side Bell’s palsy
Idiopathic peripheral facial palsy, Cranial
mononeuropathy. The incidence of Bell's
palsy increases between the ages of 10 and
30 years. Bell's palsy is least common in
Cause: Bell's palsy involves damage to the
persons younger than 10 years and most
seventh cranial (facial) nerve.Bell's palsy is Other symptoms that may occur:
common in those older than 70 years.
thought to be due to swelling (inflammation) * Dry eye or mouth
of this nerve in the area where it travels
through the bones of the skull.The cause is * Headache
often not clear.You are most likely to get * Loss of sense of taste
Bell's palsy if you are pregnant, diabetic or
* Sound that is louder in one ear
sick with a cold or flu.
* Twitching in face
Treatment: Recent studies have shown that Exams and test: Often, Bell's palsy can be When to Contact a Medical Professional?
steroids such as prednisone -- used to reduce diagnosed just by taking a health history and
Call your health care provider right away if
inflammation and swelling -- are an doing a complete physicalexam. Sometimes,
your face droops or you have other
effective treatment for Bell's palsy. Other you will need tests below to check the
symptoms of Bell's palsy. Your health care
drugs such as acyclovir -- used to fight viral nerves that supply the muscles of your face:
provider can rule out other, more serious
herpes infections -- may also have some
* Electromyography (EMG). conditions, such as stroke.
benefit in shortening the course of the
disease. Analgesics such as aspirin, * Nerve conduction test.
acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may relieve
pain. Because of possible drug interactions, Outlook (Prognosis): Most cases go away
completely within a few weeks to months.If