OWN Project Details Wise For Support Regarding Fico
OWN Project Details Wise For Support Regarding Fico
OWN Project Details Wise For Support Regarding Fico
How you tracking the ticket in service now – we have created a groups as per FI groups &
user groups , whenever we get any ticket we get some automated email from service now
group & in service now our TL is available there & priority based they assign the ticket on
that onwards within SLA we complete the task.
Only you working on support based ticket any other work doing – we are working on
support project as well as change request.
When a change request created – suppose we got a ticket, as per analysis we got that there
is some configuration changes & need some configuration in system then we definitely
know it’s a change request.
What is your process/ do you have/following any change management process – yes we are
following change management process in our project.
How you work on change management process/what is methodology – whenever we got
ticket we do our analysis & we impact to the customer. (master data no change). Suppose
we need to found system missing configuration or parameter or any customisation then first
off all we send our all analysis & we add all the relevant email & ticket no. what link that &
reference no & screen shot everything we attached that then we send it for approval to the
domain lead ,there is a domain lead or process lead from the client side , with our team lead
analysis that what is the reason for error & what are change in details needed to be done.
Once he gives an approval then in service now we created a change request.
Once CR is approved its assign to the technical consultant as well as functional consultant.
And coordinate with technical consultant like ABAP people if any requirement then prepares
FSD document which is called development report in that as per requirement we give
details about logic & give condition in share point. After ABAP people developed & design
the requirement for CR after its send to for unit testing purpose then if it is fine its send to
quality client there UAT done by core user, once it approved after its release to production
client/go live
Also weekly cap meeting (change request approval) means every Friday conducted cap
meeting. We don’t attend the cap meeting our senior & team lead & senior process attend
the cap meeting & pm they weekly decided with priority of the solution & released the CR &
decided release the CR, because once a CR is created & approved once it is approved then
released. Every quarterly one CR is released
Is there anything else doing in support project – whenever any change/release happening
from development client to production we gives some hyper care support 24/7 because it
should not hamper the business.
How much daily you getting ticket – daily I was getting 10 to 12 ticket.
Do you have any meeting or inter act with client – yes every Friday we have a FI meeting
with client & all the team member with my team lead & every Monday we have a internal
meeting all over proceeding work or any stock able point we discussed & how it proceed we
discussed. But its doesn’t mean we discuss in only Friday or Monday if in client side getting
critical tickets I have interact with user & share my screening to the client & we try to
resolved the issue.
How resolved the issue – immediate shared link & call to the user also ISD call facility are
there then resolved the issue.
Low priority tickets
2. At the time of New Gl configuration one error from Document splitting - there is no item
category assigned to account. Here simple go to path & configured what are account
maintained in GL account group Balance sheet wise & Pl accounts wise maintain like
account from to account & which category only maintain.
3. One error when customized Accounts payable the entry of missing table T043G which is
belongs to tolerance group for vendor then help of OBA3 transaction code solve this
4. No special GL account defined for account type K/D special indicator A – first of all special
GL account means reconciliation account we link to Vendor help of OBYR/OBXR transaction
5. At time of MM integration posting through MIGO many low error like to clear the entry it
asked field text, business area, cost centre are required entry then go to OBC4 we solve it.
6. Also no. ranges not assigned for WE – goods receipt (50), WA – goods issue (49), RE –
gross invoice receipt (51)
7. in MM Account xxxxxx requires an assigned to a cost object – means its requires cost
element then go to FS00 select respective GL account & double click then select edit cost
element. This way solve the issues.
8. At the time of report purpose one GL account showing line item not display so go to
transaction code FS00 in there select check box line item display then it s balance showing.
9. When MIGO configuration doing then system says account*******require an assign to a
cost object, business area, and profit canter.
11. From accounts payable, could not determined year for TDS certificate number range?
(withholding tax)
1. Best issue in life from asset accounting that it showing Dump issue at that time we
checked all the configuration first to last. This is the very big configuration its taken lengthy
time. In last we know this is ABAP error. After completed as per blue print again we
2. In BRS When we do they need G report, if already prepared INR report, in same BRS we
prepared in US currency this is the best/critical issue I was facing. Putting logic that is also a
change request. Interact with my cooleuge we do the issue resolved.
3. In APP run in status its showing check generated cancelled at that time we checked all the
configuration in FBZP, it is also best issue in my project. At last we find that we configured in
3rd step of FBZP we define document type ZP, ZV we don’t assign for No. ranges 20. & this
way we did this issue.
4. At the time of withholding tax post entries in FB60 it’s not calculating tax for particular
vendor at that time we checked all tax code which define & also checked all configuration of
withholding tax both payment & invoice posting.
WRICEF - WRICEF means Workflow (W), Reports (R), Interface (I), Conversion (C),
Enhancements (E), Forms (F)
Workflow: Workflow, as the name suggests, means of flow of work, may be from one
person to another person. It is an activities resulting in exchange of information…
Report - A SAP report is an executable program that reads data from the database and
generates output based on criteria selected by the end user.
When the standard SAP report does not meet the client or business requirement we have to
develop custom reports with the help of ABAP team.
Conversion: A Conversion means data that is converted from one format to another format
and from one system to another system.
So when you first implement SAP, you are actually replacing some of your legacy systems,
but you are not completely trashing the data. You still need some of that data from the
systems that are being replaced.
So during go live, you want to transfer the Production orders from your legacy system to
SAP. Now a Production order in your legacy system may not have the same fields as a
Production Order in SAP. So you convert the data.
Functional consultant needs to co-ordinate between business team and ABAP team for this,
he has to prepare upload file format for this, based on the tool or program developed by the
ABAP team then they have to collect the data from business team which is filled in to the
files then later on upload the data in to SAP system
Enhancements: Enhancements are the means by which we add our own/ modify existing
functionality to SAP’s standard business applications. Some requirements from the client
cannot be met with Standard SAP. That time we need to go for enhancements.
Enhancement means to add extra functionalities. Ex- like adding GST functionalities
in an existing SAP system.
In other word enhancement are used to expand the standard functionality within
Enhancement – it means we modify or validations add in Standard of SAP. But we
can’t remove, if remove, then SAP cancel the licence. GST, any tax code change.
First we know through ABAP people enhancement spot.
Forms: Forms are nothing but printouts taken from SAP. Like Process order print, Inspection
lot Certificate of analysis (COA). Standard SAP comes with pre configured layout and design
of the forms. But these standard forms will not meet customer requirements. During this
time we need to develop custom forms in coordination with ABAP team…
IDOC – In SAP IDOC technology is used in ALE, EDI & third party systems integration
scenarios. The term IDOC stands for Intermediate Document. It is simple a data container
used to exchange information between any two process legacy to SAP or Vice Versa.
What are transaction code used – in WE05 we see the inbond IDOC & if there is any error
we need to find then it reprocess it t. code -
EDI – Electronic Data Interchange. It is a tool which helps to transfer the document from one
system to another system. Generally used EDI if you want to transfer the data to
government organaisation.
ALE – Application Link Enabling. It is very common technology used in SAP to transfer master
& transaction data between different logical system.
BDC: Is not a standard program, program will change base requirement. ABAPER will write
the program. It is used to upload
- Small data
- Error data
- Delta data
- Missing data
- Transactional data from source file (XLS etc.) to SAP
Log: day to day work details what we did, how did collect the information etc., we
need to update every day morning or evening.
*FS document – it’s mainly prepare developed the new report when SAP report not achieve
the client process. Through ABAP people we complete the requirement of client. We give to
details about the tables, fields & logic how to pick up value to get report.
There are 3 types of training in SAP implementation project L1, L2, L3. L1 – at the time of
project preparation give training that what is SAP, How it works & which server you work,
what is business process, L2 – in realisation phase give training like more specific towards
client business what is (technical) L3 – after UAT complete in final preparation phase
training to all the transactional process, how to post & also told every T.code.
Process change, to solve the error you have to change the configuration after
approval from senior consultant.
If getting the issue from end user like change request then after authorisation from
PM or any senior authority & also told/discussion about ticket that this the
customer changes/adding requirement, after we have old document relating to this
document in that mention document create by ***** in 2016, then document
update by ***** or mail to client about the current status 2019, we are doing in
development server
We preparing change request document like issue description, expected solution.
After preparing change request document we need to send this document to superior for
review, after review we send this document to core user for approval, after approval we
start working on this issues.
1. When changes requirement from client side then discuss with issue & work about it &
also approved from senior & told about the issue. Debtor raising report but in there they are
displaying full value of TDS, they want all vendor what are deduct TDS all are display.
2. If they want credit limit show in all customer
3. if they want in all report showing profit centre wise like GL account. (First we need to
table run FAGLFLEXT, BSID then field wise profit centre PRCTR check the value & where
profit centre required then it sum out.
4. if client want PL Account or Balance sheet report then only table use FAGALFLEXT only
5. customer raising report then we need asing, menas they than day wise report 30, 60, 90
then use BSID, BSAD table in that we check baseline date & terms payment calculation do.
Whenever the organization get new support project, management will conduct kick-off
meeting. They invite all consultants who are going to involve in support project.
After kick-off meeting all the consultants will move to client place for knowledge transfer
which is called KT.
26* KT process: - When all the consultants go to client place for KT process. Core users will
hand over the configuration document to consultant. Consultant has to go through the
configuration document and simultaneously does the system study (development server).
After system study consultant has to prepare understanding document, After
understanding document consultant has to give reverse KT to core users. The
tenure for KT process is 15-20 days.
After reverse KT all the consultants will come back to their office and start supporting the
27* Ticket cycle process:-
In day to day business transactions End users will get the errors. Whenever he get the error,
he will send the mail to help desk where core users will be available. Core user will try to
solve the errors if it is configuration issues then he will log the ticket into ticket tool along
with priority of issues. After placing tickets in ticketing tool mail will be send to support
partner co-ordinator. Co-coordinator will open the ticketing tool and analyze the ticket and
allocate the tickets to relevant consultant then the mail will send to consultant.
The basic responsibility of a consultant once he receive the ticket, send acknowledgement
to core user and end user.
After acknowledgement we will go to pre-production server and try to do the same what
end user is trying to do in production server then we should also get the same error in pre-
production. Because pre-production server is mirror image of production server. After
getting error we analyze it and we go to development server and do the necessary
configuration and transfer the request from development to quality server and ask the core
user to test it and confirm, after confirmation we transfer the configuration from quality to
production server.
Basically we received ticket trough mail or any ticketing tool.
1st we get tickets through mail based on priority. Then we analyse about the tickets
& resolve with our best, if we don’t understand then ask to client for KT (knowledge
transfer) .Then we resolve the issue.
When we receive the ticket the status is open, after acknowledgement will change the
status from open to being process. If We send a mail to user requesting for some more
information then we change status to waiting for information .once we receive the required
information then again we change the status to being process. After Completion we send a
mail to user to test it and confirm, then we change status to waiting for confirmation, after
user confirmation we change the status to close.
Escalation in support: - IF the issue is not properly solved or addressed by the consultant
then core user will send escalation mail to superior. (Proceed to one)
After upload any master data through LSWM, what we will do?
Day to day activity – mail check. When we enter in support project they give report, new
report & issues list we work this 3 only. Part of that daily basis error if comes then solve it.
Like not maintained exchange rate, currency added. OBBS, OB08
If any error facing end user then through help desk they send ticket & in there delivery
manager or TL send the error as per priority based also client directly send to the consultant
any urgent case. After solving send error to delivery manager after work complete or not
they discus about that your work is over now.
Foreign currency valuation – daily maintained the currency in OBB8 & OBBS its update that
which date to is affected & its automatic SAP linked that. It is only use for import & expert. If
SAP needs update we can change daily basis.
FSV – Financial Statement version has seven basic nodes by default, listed below
In support basically SAP related maintenance or errors activities come under support
project. Here consultants just receive the tickets solve them & send them back to
Ticketing tool - it means ticket solving procedure nothing else. If ticket solving is
urgent requirement then as per company SLA solve the problem. Tool is not using in
Critical ticket Chang request – I was working in vendor & customer report & value
pickup from table like vendor & customer BSID, BSIA,BSIK, BSAK & condition applied
for customer, fiscal year, posting period & document type, posting key (ABAP FIELDS)
& we find enhancement point then ask to ABAPER we need these condition & they
adding our requirement wise enhancement.
Transaction – invoice
t.code – F-43
Vendor/customer, document no, date, fiscal year, company code in that fetch the data as
per s & h calculation means debit- s or credit - h balance (shkzg) then after calculation
display the balance amout. (customer outstanding report).
What are fields are diplay – profit center display – give input – vendor , profit center, date
then data fetch, if company code more then we put specific company code.
BSID (customer open item)/BSAS customer cleared item) if profit center not found – then go
to table FAGALFLEXA – Give vendor name after we know the all details.
FSD – How it is done – first of all the customised report saw in excel sheet as per excel sheet
we prepare FSD in that FSD I given the logic like from the tables how one table to another
table pass the data & used primary key say 2 3 table name & technically details. once its
prepare FS then give to ABAPER then ABAPER prepare technical specification then we got
review by the technical lead & after tested it once its successful we taken UAT on that then
it moves to production. Some technical name are
Vendor – LIFNR
Posting period -