This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the Maxima reference card:
The Maxima reference card outlines commands, functions and operators for the Maxima computer algebra system, including commands for basic arithmetic, algebra, calculus, matrices, plotting, programming, lists and more. It provides syntax and examples for built-in functions that allow the user to work with expressions, polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, differential equations, linear algebra, series and more. The card also covers input/output functions, constants, plotting, floating point operations and lists to help users perform various symbolic and numerical computations in Maxima.
This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the Maxima reference card:
The Maxima reference card outlines commands, functions and operators for the Maxima computer algebra system, including commands for basic arithmetic, algebra, calculus, matrices, plotting, programming, lists and more. It provides syntax and examples for built-in functions that allow the user to work with expressions, polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, differential equations, linear algebra, series and more. The card also covers input/output functions, constants, plotting, floating point operations and lists to help users perform various symbolic and numerical computations in Maxima.
This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the Maxima reference card:
The Maxima reference card outlines commands, functions and operators for the Maxima computer algebra system, including commands for basic arithmetic, algebra, calculus, matrices, plotting, programming, lists and more. It provides syntax and examples for built-in functions that allow the user to work with expressions, polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, differential equations, linear algebra, series and more. The card also covers input/output functions, constants, plotting, floating point operations and lists to help users perform various symbolic and numerical computations in Maxima.
This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the Maxima reference card:
The Maxima reference card outlines commands, functions and operators for the Maxima computer algebra system, including commands for basic arithmetic, algebra, calculus, matrices, plotting, programming, lists and more. It provides syntax and examples for built-in functions that allow the user to work with expressions, polynomials, logarithms, trigonometry, differential equations, linear algebra, series and more. The card also covers input/output functions, constants, plotting, floating point operations and lists to help users perform various symbolic and numerical computations in Maxima.
numerator of a fraction num(<expr>) end of a command ; denominator of a fraction denom(<expr>) end without output $ real part of a complex number realpart(<expr>) exit Maxima quit() imaginary part of a complex number imagpart(<expr>) describe command ? <string> Qup Pk=low f (k) product(f,k,low,up) get an example example(<command>) up previous computation % k=low f (k) sum(f,k,low,up) sums a function over a list lsum(<expr>,<index>,<list>) i-th previous computation %th(i) Working with expressions don’t evaluate ’<expr> sorting a list sort(<list>), sort(<list>,<pred>) Operators substitute x for y in z subst(x,y,z) basic operations +, -, *, /, ^ combining all terms of an expression over factorial ! a common denominator xthru(<expr>) assignment : sublist of a list, for which a boolean function definition := function returns true sublist(<list>,<boolfun>) equality = expanding expressions expand(<expr>) not equal # Constants inequality <, >, >=, <= π %pi matrix multiplication . euler’s number %e logical operators and, or, not imaginary unit %i Basic functions boolean constants true, false absolute value abs(<expr>) Plotting bxc fix(<num>) plotting an expression as a function checks, if even / odd evenp(<expr>), oddp(<expr>) of one variable plot2d(<expr>,[<var>,<min>,<max>]) checks, if a predicate holds is(<pred>) (e.g. is(x<y)) plotting an expression as a function square root sqrt(<expr>) of two variables (specify range as above) plot3d(<expr>,range1,range2) integer square root isqrt(<expr>) Input and Output maximum, minimum max(<expr1>,<expr2>,...), min(..) loading a file load("<fullpath>") division remainder mod(<dd>,<ds>) printing an expression print(<expr>) random integer r ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1} random(n) saving expressions to a file save("<fullpath>",expr1,...) signum sign(<expr>), signum(<expr>) loading a file (saved by maxima) loadfile("<fullpath>") exponential function exp(<expr>) TEX output tex(<expr>), tex(<expr>,<file>) greatest common divider gcd(<expr1>,<expr2>) executing a system command system("<command>") factors an expression factor(<expr>)
Maxima Reference Card by mf, version: 01.05.2005
Maxima is distributed under the GNU General Public License, visit to get information about Maxima. Maxima Reference Card (2) Floating point operations converting into float/ bigfloat float(<expr>), bfloat(<expr>) computes the determinant determinant(<matrix>) set floating point precision fpprec:<value> computes the eigenvalues eigenvalues(<matrix>) set digits to print fpprintprec:<value> computes eigenvectors eigenvectors<matrix>) rounding a float to an integer ?round(<expr>) creates an n × n identity matrix ident(n) truncating a floats decimal places ?truncate(<expr>) finds an inverse matrix invert(<matrix>) Polynomials maps a func. onto each matrix-elem. matrixmap(<fun>,<matrix>) gives quotient and remainder divide(<poly1>,<poly2>) computes the rank of a matrix rank(<matrix>) converts into horner’s scheme horner(<poly>,<var>) transposes a matrix transpose(<matrix>) Logarithms and Trigonometry computes an upper triangular form triangularize(<matrix>) natural logarithm log(<expr>) Series principal branch of complex logarithm plog(<expr>) expands into a powerseries powerseries(<expr>,<var>,<point>) sinus, arcus sinus sin(<expr>), asin(<expr) expands into a truncated taylor series taylor(<fun>,<var>,<point>,<pot>) cosinus, arcus cosinus cos(<expr>), acos(<expr) Number theory tangent, arcus tangent tan(<expr>), atan(<expr>) binomial coefficient binomial(<expr>,<expr>) Differential and Integral calculus converts into a continued fraction cf(<expr>) infinity, negative infinity inf, minf nth Fibonacci number fib(n) limx→k f (x) limit(f,x,k) checks, if an expression is prime primep(<expr>) limx&k f (x), limx%k limit(f,x,k,PLUS), ..(..,MINUS) Euler’s ϕ-function totient(<expr>) differentiate an expression diff(<expr>,<var>,<ntimes>) Lists antiderivative R up of an expression integrate(<expr>,<var>) creates a list [<expr1>,..] x=low f (x) dx integrate(f(x),x,<low>,<up>) creates a copy of a list copylist(<list>) Equations gets the ith element <list>[i] find all roots of a real polynomial allroot(<poly>) concatenates two lists append(<list1>,<list2>) solve a system of equations solve([<eq1>,..],[<var1>,...]) Programming solve an ordinary differential equation ode2(<equ>,<y-var>,<x-var>) program block block(<epxr1>,..) finds the zero of f (x) in [a, b] interpolate(f,x,a,b) for-loop for <decl> thru <num> step <num> do <block> Matrices and Linear Algebra while-loop for <decl> while <cond> do <block> creates a matrix (where row is a list) matrix(<row1>,<row2>,..) if-then-else construct if <cond> then <block> else <block> enter a m × n matrix value by value entermatrix(m,n) returns a value return(<value>) computes the adjoint of a matrix adjoint(<matrix>) function definition with block f(x):=block(<expr1>,..,return(<value>)) gets column / row of a matrix col(<matr>,<num>), row(<m>,<n>) Miscellaneous gets element (i,j) from a matrix <matrix>[i,j] random number from normal distrib. creates a copy of a matrix copymatrix(<matrix>) with mean and standard deviation gauss(<mean>,<dev>) computes the charact. polynomial charpoly(<matrix>,<var>)