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To; Dated:- 28-12-2017

Smt. A. Chennamma W/o Sathaiah, age 57 years,

Occupation: Anganwadi Teacher, R/o Bodajanampet Vge,
Balanagar Mandal, Mahabubnagr District.


1] Under the instructions & authorization of my client Sri M. Radhakrishna S/o

Chennaiah, age 26 years, Occupation: Pvt. Service, R/o Raikal Village; Faruqnagar Mandal,
Rangareddy District, I address this notice to you as under.

2] Take notice of facts that, you and my client are well known to each other. There is
friendly relation between you both since long time. Basing on such friendly relation, on
21-06-2015 you barrowed / availed a hand loan of Rs. 1,00,000/- [ Rs. One Lakh only]
from my client for your urgent family needs. In token of said sum, on the spot you have
executed Demand Promissory Note in favour of my client in presence of attesting
witnesses and promised to repay the said sum on demand of my client along with interest
within one month there from.

3] My client further states that, even after lapse of your promised period and even
after repeated demands made by my client, you failed in repayment of the said amount
to my client. Hence finding no other alternative remedy, my client decided to initiate
necessary legal proceedings against you in the competent court of law for recovery of said
sum from you.

In view of the above facts and circumstances, I hereby call upon and advise you to
repay the above said hand loan amount to my client along with agreed interest within a
week from receipt of this notice. Failing which my client shall be constrained to initiate
necessary legal proceedings against you in the competent court of law. In such event you
both will be held responsible for costs consequences thereof. Hence this notice.

[ C. Srinivasa Murthy ]



O.S. NO. OF 2018.

B e t w e e n :-

Katike Bandulal ……….. Plaintiff.


Chowdamoni Mallaiah & another …………. Defendants.

Claim :- Suit for recovery of hand loan arrears of Rs.1,30,000/- from defendants.

Description of the Plaintiff :-

KATIKE BANDULAL S/o Chinna Balaji, age 60 years, Occupation: Business, R/o
Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District.

The address of the Plaintiff for service of all notices and process is the same and
that of his counsel Sri B. Anjaiah, Advocate, Shadnagar – 509 216.

Description of the Defendants :-

1] Chowdamoni Mallaiah S/o Ramaiah, aged years, Occun: Agriculture,

R/o Mothighanapur Village; Balanagar Mandal, Mahabubnagar Dt

2] K. Dhanraj S/o Mohanlal, age years, Occupation: Business,

R/o H.No. Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy Dist

The address of the defendants for service of all notices, summons, etc is the same
as mentioned above.


1] That the Plaintiff and Defendants are well known to each other. There is friendly
relation between the plaintiff and defendants. Basing upon such friendly relation, on 05-
12-2015 the defendant No.1 barrowed a sum of Rs. 1,30,000/- (Rs. One lakh thirty
thousand only ) from the Plaintiff as hand loan to meet his urgent family needs. In token
of said sum, in presence of attesting witnesses on the spot the Defendant No.1 executed
the Demand Promissory Note towards principle barrower and the defendant No.2 signed
as the Guarantor of the said sum. Further the brother of defendant No.1 deposited his
original title deed No,. W-438268 with the plaintiff in security of the said loan amount.
Further the defendants promised the Plaintiff to repay the said sum along with interest on
demand of the plaintiff within six months there from along with interest.

:: 2 ::
2] That the Defendants failed in repayment of the above hand loan amount within the
promised period of six months. Therefore the Plaintiff several times demanded the
defendants for repayment of above loan amount. But the Defendants evaded the
repayment under one pretext or the other on one or other flimsy grounds from time to

3] That vexed with postponement of the defendants, the plaintiff caused a registered
legal notice to the defendants on 12-03-2018 calling upon the defendants for repayment
of above hand loan amount. The defendants received the notice under acknowledged.
But the defendants neither paid the suit loan amount nor preferred any reply to the notice.
Therefore the Plaintiff have no other alternative effective remedy, except to knock the
doors of this Honorable Court for recovery of the above loan amount along with interest
from the defendants. Therefore the Plaintiff is entitled to sue and the defendants are liable
to be sued upon.

4] That the CAUSE OF ACTION for institution of this suit arose at the residence of
Plaintiff at Shadnagar on 05-12-2015 when the Defendants borrowed the suit loan amount
and on the same day when executed the suit promissory note. Subsequently on various
dates whenever the plaintiff made demands on Defendants for repayment of suit loan
amount. Further on 12-03-2018 when the plaintiff caused notice to the defendant and
also on -03-2018 when the defendants received the notice and when failed in
repayment of the suit loan amount.

5] That for the purpose of COURT FEE, the present suit is for the recovery of Rs.
1,30,000/- from the defendant. Hence a court fee of Rs. ______/- is paid by the Plaintiff
towards court fee Under Section 20 of the A.P.C.F & S.V. Act 1956 which is just and

6] That for the purpose of JURISDICTION; the suit loan transaction taken place at the
residence of Plaintiff at Shadnagar. The defendants executed the suit Promissory Note in
the residence of plaintiff on 05-12-2015 for the suit loan amount of Rs. 1,30,000/-. Thus
this Honorable Court got both territorial & pecuniary jurisdiction to try and entertain the
:: 3 ::

7] LIMITATION:- The suit loan transaction taken place on 05-12-2015 when the
defendants barrowed the suit loan amount and when executed the suit promissory note.
The defendants failed in repayment of the suit loan amount within the promised period.
Therefore this suit is filed within the time limit from the date of execution of suit promissory

8] DECLARATION :- The plaintiff declares that except the present suit, no similar suit
is neither filed nor pending before any other court of law with regard to suit loan

9] The Plaintiff therefore prays that this Honorable Court may be pleased to pass a
decree and judgment in faovur of the Plaintiff directing the defendants;

a) To pay the plaintiff a sum of Rs. 1,30, 000/- (Rs. One lakh thirty thousand only)
towards principle loan amount and also the interest thereon @ 24% per annum
from the date of loan.

b) To pay costs of the suit to the Plaintiff;

c) And pass such further or other orders as this Honorable Court may deems fit and
proper in the circumstances of the case.


I, Katike Bandulal S/o Chinna Balaji, the plaintiff in this suit declare that the entire
averments of the plaint are read over and explained to me in Telugu. I admit the same to
be true and correct and regarding the legal matters involved therein I believe and declare
to be true and correct on advise of my counsel. Hence verified and signed on
______________at Shadnagar.



O.S. NO. OF 2018.
B e t w e e n :-

Katike Bandulal ……….. Plaintiff.


Chowdamoni Mallaiah & another …………. Defendants.


Sl.No. Date of Parties to Description of the Document.

Document Document
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
01. 05-12-2015 Plaintiff & Original Promissory Note duly executed by
Defendant the Defendants in favour of Plaintiff for suit
loan amount.
02. 12-03-2018 -do- Office copy of legal notice
03 12-03-2018 -do- Original postal receipt
04. -do- Original postal acknowledgement of
Defendant No.1
05. -do- Original Title deed No.W-438268 of the
brother of defendant No.1.



O.S. NO. OF 2018

B e t w e e n :-

Katike Bandulal ……….. Plaintiff.


Chowdamoni Mallaiah & another …………. Defendants.


1) I, Katike Bandulal S/o Chinna Balaji, aged 60 years, Occupation: Business, R/o
Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District, do hereby solemnly affirm and
sincerely states on oath as under:-

2) It is submitted that, I am the deponent herein & sole Plaintiff in the above suit as
such well conversant with facts of the case & competent to depose as follows

3) It is to submit that, the plaintiff have filed the above Original Suit against the
defendants for recovery of suit loan amount of Rs. 1,30,000/-. The Plaintiff crave the leave
of this Honorable Court to read the entire averments of plaint as part and parcel of this
affidavit to avoid reiteration of the same facts herein.

4) It is pertinent to submit here that, the entire averments of the plaint are read over
and explained to the Plaintiff in Telugu. The Plaintiff having understood and admit/ratify
the same to be true and correct with best of own knowledge and belief, regarding legal
matters involved therein the plaintiff believe and declare to be true and correct on advise
of my Counsel. The plaintiff assures the Honorable Court that he neither concealed nor
misrepresented any facts of the case facts and further declare that, except the present suit
no such any other similar suit is neither filed nor going to file before any other court of
law for the same relief with respect of suit schedule properties in future except the present
suit. Hence the affidavit.


The contents of this affidavit are read over and explained to the deponent in Telugu.
The deponent admitted the facts to be true and correct. Sworn and signed before me on
_______________ at Shadnagar. Hence verified.




O.S. NO. OF 2018.

B e t w e e n :-

Katike Bandulal

… Plaintiff.

Chowdamoni Mallaiah & another

… Defendants


RULE 1 & 2; R/W SEC. 26 CPC

Filed on :-

Filed by :-

Counsel for the Plaintiff.

B. Anjaiah,


O. S.NO. 2148 OF 2011
B e t w e e n :-

Smt. K. Kamakshamma … Plaintiff.


V. Shivaji & another. … Defendants



1) It is submitted that, at the outset of the reply to the entire averments made in the
entire plaint, this Defendant craves the leave of this Honorable Court to take the entire
averments of the plaint as categorically & specifically denied in toto except which are
not specifically admitted herewith. The Plaintiff is not entitled for any sort of relief against
this Defendant basing upon the suit promissory note. The Plaintiff did not approached
this Honorable Court with clean hands. The entire suit averments are purely self created,
imaginary and make believe of the Plaintiff with active collusion of the defendant No.1.
The suit promissory note is purely created one and the signature in the name of this
defendant containing by the suit promissory note are forged by the Plaintiff with malafide
intention for wrongful gain. The Plaintiff wantonly and intentionally misrepresented the
facts before this Honorable Court for wrongful gain. The Plaintiff have filed the present
suit to extract money from this Defendant under the guise of this suit. The suit is not
maintainable either on facts or on law. The suit is void-ab-initio and liable to be dismissed
in limini.

2) The averments made in para 3 to 7 of the plaint under reply are totally false and
incorrect. Hence denied the same in toto by word to word. This defendant never stood
as Guarantor for the loan transaction of the defendant No.1 and never deposited the
alleged registered sale deed with respect of the suit schedule property. This defendant
never executed such any promissory note nor stood as Guarantor on behalf of the
defendant No.1. The signature in the name of this defendant on the suit promissory note
is not belongs to this defendant. Hence it seems that, the plaintiff and defendant No.1
with active collusion might have forged the said signature in the name of this defendant.
Hence denied the same in toto.

3) The true facts are that, the defendant No.1 is one of the relative of this defendant
No.2. The defendant No.1 used to visit the residence of the defendant No.2. During such
period, the defendant No.1 have committed theft of the original registered sale deed of
this defendant bearing document No. 4115/2004, Dat.15-04-2004 with respect of the
open plot No.468, admeasuring 244 square yards in Sy.Nos. 127 to 133, situated at
Adishakthi nagar, Guntapally Village; Hayatnagar Mandal, Rangareddy district. Further
the defendant No.1 misused the said original document and deposited the same with
the plaintiff in security of the suit loan amount by forging the signature of this defendant.
Immediately upon knowing about the above theft and its misuse, this defendant have
lodged a written complaint before the Station House Officer, Police Station House,
Saroornagar, on 19-10-2008. But the Police did not registered any case into the matter
against the defendant No.1 under the influence of the defendant No.1. Further upon
knowing about misuse of the above document by the defendant No.1, this defendant
have got issued a registered legal notice to the plaintiff and her husband on 20-09-2008
calling upon the plaintiff and her husband to return the said original document. But under
the influence of the husband of plaintiff, the notice is returned unserved.

4) The alleged legal notice dated. 01-08-2011 of the plaintiff never served on this
defendant. The signature containing on the acknowledgement card of the notice is
not belonging to this defendant. There is no cause of action to the plaintiff against this
defendant. The dates of cause of action shown in the plaint are totally self created by
the plaintiff for the purpose of present suit. Hence denied the same in toto.

In view of the above facts and circumstances, it is therefore prayed that the
Honorable Court may be pleased to dismiss the suit against the defendant No.2 with costs
in the larger interest of justice.

Dated :- 03-07-2014 DEFENDANT. No.2


I, J. Ramulu S/o Balaji, the above named defendant No.2 in the above suit, do
hereby declare that, the entire averments of the above written statement are read over
& explained to me in Telugu. I understood and admit the same to be true & correct.
Hence verified and singed on ___________ at Hyderabad.

D E F E N D A N T. No.2


O.S. NO. 2148 OF 2011

Between : -

Smt. K. Kamakshamma

… Plaintiff.

V. Shivaji & another

… Defendants


Filed on :- 03-07-2014

Filed by :-

Counsel for the Defendant.No.2

P. Krishna Reddy,
G. Vidyasagar,
G. Sumathi,

To; Dated:- -12-2019
Smt. B. Archana @ Shireesha W/o B. Jeevan Reddy,
Age 30 years, occupation: House wife,
R/o H.No. 3-277 Padmavathi colony,
Shadnagar town, Ragnareddy District.

Under the instructions & authorization of my client Sri B. Jeevan Reddy S/o Late
Ram Reddy, age 35 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o Ramakrishnapuram Village;
Keshampet Mandal. Rangareddy District, I address this notice to you as under.

My client states that, you and my client are legally wedded wife and husband to
each other. The marriage of you couple taken place on 12-05-2013 as per the rites and
customs prevailing in your community. You couple enjoyed marital life and out of
wedlock you couple blessed with a male child who is named as Ram Reddy.

My client crucially disclosed that, since from the date of marriage you are disliking
my client with an allegation that my client is not according to your expectations and your
parents performed the marriage with my client by force. Hence you use to insult my client
both in relation and society. More over due to above reasons you subjected my client
for mental agony. My client tolerated your harassment and behavior with a great hope
that you will change your behavior and attitude towards my client on lapse of time. But
the results are in vain.

My client further states that, since from joining with society of my client you started
demanding my client to leave his mother Smt. Mahalaxmi in old age home, but my client
refused to do so. Hence you bore grudge against my client and his mother and use to
quarrel with my client and his mother. My client with intention to avoid complications
and to lead happy marital life have leave his mother at Veda Bhaskara Yoga Ashramam at
Srisailam. Even as per your demand my client sold five acres of his land to meet the
expenses of your luxury & lavish life. Even you could not satisfied and continued with
your misbehavior with my client. You use to make false allegations against my client and
use to quarrel with my client as a result of which my client suffered a lot with mental

My client states that finally in the year 2017 you deserted my client and without
any permission or information of my client you along with the son of my client are
withdrawn from society of my client and started living with your parents. My client with
the help of relatives and well wishers tried their level best to bring back you to the society
of my client. But you are bluntly refused to rejoin with society of my client and more over
threatened my client to implicate him in domestic violence and dowry harassment cases if
he may force you to rejoin with his society. Several conciliation meetings were also taken
place in this regard, but even though the results are in vain. Hence vexed with your
behavior and attitude, my client decided either to secure your presence or to get dissolve
the marriage by obtaining the decree of divorce. Finally in the year 2018 you lodged a
DVC case against my client and his mother on the file of Addl. Judl. First Class Magistrate
at Shadnagar and the same is registered vide DVC No: 7/2018 and the same is pending for
trial. Subsequent to the above DVC case, you also implicated my client in crime No:
741/2019 U/Sec. 498-A, 506 IPC & Sec, 3 & 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act. Even at this
stage and even after all these above occurrence also my client is having love and affection
towards you and your son. Hence my client is intending to get back you both to his
conjugal society. My client several times came to you and requested to rejoin with my
client, but you bluntly refused to rejoin.

In view of the above facts and circumstances I hereby call upon and advise you to
rejoin with my client with immediate effect on receipt of this notice without playing any
further delayed tactics against my client. Otherwise my client shall be constrained to
initiate necessary legal proceedings into the matter in the competent court of law and in
such event you all will be held responsible for consequences thereof. Hence this notice.

( P. Surender Reddy )

O.P. NO. OF 2018

B e t w e e n :-

Kakloor Karthi Goud …. Petitioner


Smt. Kakloor Laxmi @ Baswa Girija … Respondent

Description of the Petitioner :-

KAKLOOR KARTHIK GOUD S/o Vittalaiah, age 30 years,

Occupation: Business, R/o H.No. 1-221, Padmavathi colony,
Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District.

The description and address of the Petitioner for service of notice, process etc is
the same as mentioned here above and that of his counsel M/s Kotte Gangadhar and C.
Shanker, Advocates, Shadnagar – 509 216. Rangareddy District.

Description of the Respondent.

Smt. KAKLOOR LAXMI @ Baswa Girija W/o Kakloor Karthik Goud,

D/o Late Baswa Balraj Goud, age 30 years, Occupation: House wife,
R/o H.No. 2-41 Pudur Village; Pudur Mandal, Rangareddy District.

The description and address of the Respondent for service of notice, process etc is
the same as mentioned here above.



1] It is submitted that, the Petitioner and Respondent are the legally wedded Husband

and wife to each other. The marriage in between the Petitioner and Respondent was taken

place on 20-02-2014 as per the rites and customs prevailing in their community. The

marriage is arranged one. The marriage of the couple taken place as per the Hindu rites.

Hence the parties are Hindus by religion Governed by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.

2] It is further submitted that, after the marriage, the Respondent joined with

matrimonial society of the Petitioner. The couple enjoyed the marital life and out of their

wedlock, the couple blessed with a son on 19-12-2014 who is named as Kanishk Dutt Goud.

in the month of October 2014 when she was pregnant, the Respondent went to her

parents residence for delivery. Subsequently the respondent blessed with a son o 19-12-

2014. But for the reasons best known to her the Respondent not yet rejoined with

conjugal society of the Petitioner. Hence the Petitioner brought the issue to the knowledge

of relatives and well wishers. The relatives and well wishers conducted several

conciliation meetings and advised the Respondent to rejoin with conjugal society of the

Petitioner. But the results are in vain. As a result of which the Petitioner is suffering a lot
both mentally and physically. Recently in the month of October 2017 the Petitioner along

with his relatives and well wishers went to the Respondent, conducted a Panchayat at the

residence of her parents. Srinivas Reddy, resident of Manchanpally village was represented

on behalf of the Respondent in the said conciliation meeting. The relatives and well wishers

discussed the matter in detail and finally advised the Respondent to rejoin with conjugal

society of the Petitioner. But the Respondent bluntly refused to rejoin with society of the

Petitioner. Hence the elders advised the Respondent either to rejoin with society of the

Petitioner or to give divorce to the Petitioner. But the Respondent with malafide intention

to harass the Petitioner in multiple ways refused to do so and more threatened the

Petitioner to lodge complaint against the Petitioner if he may force the Respondent to

rejoin with his society. Hence finding no other alternative remedy, the Petitioner along

with his well wishers returned with empty hands. But the Petitioner is still having love and

affection towards the Respondent and his son and ready to allow them into his society.

But due to blunt refusal of the Respondent, the Petitioner remained with no other

alternative remedy to file this case.

5] It is further submitted that, the Cause of action for the present petition arose on 20-

02-2014 when the marriage took place in between the couple. There-after on many

occasions when ever the elders tried to reunion the couple. Finally in the month of

October 2017 when the respondent refused to rejoin with society of the Petitioner.

6] It is submitted that for the purpose of jurisdiction, the couple were lastly resided at

the residence of the petitioner at Shadnagar village within the territorial jurisdiction of this

Honorable Court. Hence this Honorable Court got jurisdiction to register the case and to

try the same as per law.

7] It is submitted that, a court fee of Rs. ____/- is paid under Article 11 (1) (ii), Schedule

II of the Andhra Pradesh Court Fee and Suit Valuation Act 1956, which is just and sufficient

for the relief sought by the petitioner.

8] It is submitted that, the present petition is filed within the time limit prescribed by

the law from the date of cause of action. There are no other such petitions pending before

any court of law in this regard.


The Petitioner, therefore prays that the Honorable Court may be pleased to pass a
decree in favour of the petitioner;

(a) directing the respondent to rejoin with conjugal society of the Petitioner and to
rejoin with conjugal society of the petitioner and to continue her future life with
society of the Petitioner by discharging her conjugal obligations;

(b) grant such further or other reliefs as this Honorable Court deems fit and proper in
the circumstances of the case.

Dated:- [ Petitioner ]


I, Kakloor Karthik Gloud S/o Vittalaiah, the petitioner in the above case, do hereby
declare that, the entire averments of the above petition are read over and explained to
me in Telugu. I having understood and admit the averments to be true and correct with
best of my own knowledge. The legal matters involved therein, I believe and declare to
be true and correct on advise of my counsel. Hence verified and signed on ___________ at

Dated:- [ Petitioner ]


O.P. NO. OF 2018

B e t w e e n :-

Kakloor Karthik Goud … … Petitioner.


Smt. Kakloor Laxmi @ Baswa Girija … … Respondent.


S.No. Date of Parties to Description of the document.

document document
[1] [2] [3] [4]
01 20-02-2014 Petitioner Wedding invitation card

02 20-02-2014 Petitioner Wedding photographs of the couple [3 Nos]

03 Petitioner Copy of Adhar Card of the Petitioner

04 -do- Copy of Adhar Card of the Respondent

05 -do-

06 -do-

07 -do-

08 -do-

09 -do-

Dated:- [ Petitioner ]



O.P.NO. OF 2018

B e t w e e n :-

Kakloor Karthik Goud

… Petitioner.

Smt. Kakloor Laxmi @ Baswa Girija

… Respondent.

Filed on:-

Filed by:-

Counsel for the Petitioner.

Kotte Gangadhar,
C. Shanker,



M.C. NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-
Bangari Shivaleela @ Pavitra ………. Petitioner


Mallapuram Venkatesh ……….. Respondent

Subject :- The Petitioners is claiming separate monthly maintenance from the

Respondent @ Rs. 30,000/- per month from the date of petition.

Description of the Petitioner :-

Smt. BANGARI SHIVALEELA @ PAVITRA W/o Mllapuram Venkatesh, age 28 years,

Occupation: House wife, R/o H.No. 2-29 Tummalapally Village; Jilled- Chowderigudem
Mandal. Rangareddy District.

The address of the Petitioner for service of notices, process etc is the same as
mentioned here above and that of their counsel Sri Kotte Gangadhar, Chetla Shanker,
Advocates; Shadnagar.

Description of the Respondent :-

MALLAPURAM VENKATESH S/o Sathaiah, age 32 years, Occupation: Private

Teacher, R/o Nakkalapally Village; Moinabad Mandal, Rangareddy District.

The address of the Respondent for service of summons, notices, process etc is the
same as mentioned here above.


1] It is respectfully submitted that, the Petitioner and the Respondent are legally
wedded wife and husband to each other. The marriage of the Petitioner and Respondent
was taken place on 15-02-2015 as per the rites and customs prevailing in their community.
The marriage is arranged one by the elders and relatives. At the time of marriage, as per
the demand of Respondent and his family members the parents of the Petitioner gave Rs.
2.55 Lakhs net cash, (09) tolas Gold ornaments, Rs. 1,00,000/- worth of House hold
Utensils etc to the Respondent towards dowry. The couple are hailing from Hindu religion.
Hence the marriage of the parties is Governed by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.

2] It is further submitted that with immediate effect of the marriage, the Petitioner
joined with conjugal society of the Respondent. The marriage has been consummated. The
couple enjoyed marital life and out of their wedlock, the couple could not blessed with
any children.
3] It is to submit here that, since from joining in to her matrimonial society, the
Petitioner experienced that the Respondent and his family members are disliking the
petitioner for various reasons for more specifically less dowry given by the parents of
petitioner. The respondent and his family members demanded the petitioner to bring Rs.
2.00 lakhs from her parents towards additional dowry. The petitioner transmitted the
demand of respondent to her parents but the parents of petitioner shown their inability to
fulfill the demands of the respondent. In result the respondent and his family members
subjected the petitioner for domestic violence. Even though the petitioner tolerated their
violence with a great hope that the respondent will understand her and will look after in
good manner on lapse of time, but the results are in vain. The parents of petitioner with
the help of relative and elders conducted several conciliation meetings and advised the
respondent to avoid such harassment towards the petitioner with such demands. But there
is no change in behavior of the respondent and his family members. Finally in the month
of March 2017 when the parents of petitioner were conducted conciliation meeting in
presence of relatives and elders, the respondent and his family members drew out the
petitioner from their residence in presence of elders itself and warned the petitioner to see
her ends if she may re-enter into their residence without fulfilling their demand. Since then
the petitioner is residing with her parents and all the efforts of the petitioner and her
parents to reunion the couple are became unfruitful. But the parents of Petitioner are
being poor and living under poverty line are unable to maintain the petitioner forever.
Hence the petitioner is intending to reside separately from her parents.

5] That the Respondent is working as a teacher in a private school and earning Rs.
25,000/- per month towards monthly salary. Further the respondent and his family
members are having agricultural landed property and cultivating the same personally and
are earning more than Rs. 2.00 lakhs per crop season. More over the respondent is doing
real estate business and earning more than Rs. 1.00 lakh per month. But even though liable
to maintain the petitioner and even though having sufficient means of income, the
Respondent is neither allowing the petitioner into his society nor providing the separate
monthly maintenance. As a result of which the petitioner is suffering a lot apart from

6] It is pertinent to submit here that, the Petitioner No.1 is in need of at least Rs.
30,000/- per month to maintain herself and to meet monthly expenses for food grains,
rent, cloths, medical expenses etc.

7] It is submitted that, this Honorable Court got wide powers to award separate
monthly maintenance to the Petitioner from the Respondent and to order the Respondent
for payment of such awarded amount to the Petitioner .


It is therefore prayed that this Honorable Court may be pleased to allow the
petition with costs and award separate monthly maintenance to the Petitioners @ Rs.
30,000/- per month to the Petitioner from the date of petition and order the Respondent
to remit the same to the account of the Petitioner regularly in the larger interest of justice.

I, Smt. Bangari Shivaleela @ Pavitra the Petitioner in this case, do hereby declare
that, the entire averments of the above petition are read over and explained to me. I
having understood and admit the averments to be true & correct. Hence verified and put
my signature over it on _______________ at Shadnagar.



Sl. Date of Parties to Description of the document

No. Document document
1 15-02-2015 Petitioner Wedding invitation card

2 Petitioner Photograph of the couple

3 Petitioner Copy of Adhar card of the petitioner

4 Petitioner




NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-

Bangari Shivaleela @ Pavitra

… Petitioner

Mallapuram Venkatesh

… Respondent.

Filed on :-

Filed by :-

Counsel for the Petitioner

Kotte Gangadhar,
Chetla Shanker,

C. SRINIVASA MURTHY, House No. 18-537,

M.A., LL.B., Rythu colony,
A d v o c a t e. Shadnagar – 509 216.
Mobile No. 9705048489 Rangareddy District.
To; Dated:- -10-2019

Smt. Sudheera Mullapudi

R/o SLNVCK Enterprises & Builders,
2nd floor, Paturi Satyanarayana complex,
Opposite to Sri Krishna Restaurant,
Shadnagar – 509 216.
Faruqnagar Mandal. Rangareddy District.

Subject :- Statutory Legal Notice issued Under Section 138 (b) of Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881 with regard to Dishonor of your cheque –
Demand for payment of the dishonoured cheque – Reg.


Under the instructions & authorization of my client Mr. KETHAVATH SURESH S/o
Balaiah, age 25 years, occupation: Pvt.. Service, R/o Ramnagar colony, Chattanpally
village, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District, I address this notice to you both as under.

My client states that, you and my client are well know to each other and there is
friendly relation between you both since long time. Basing on such friendly relation, in
the month of June 2019 you barrowed the sum of Rs. 5,00,000/- from my client towards
hand loan promising my client to repay the said sum on demand of my client within two

My client further states that, in repayment of said hand loan amount you issued
cheque No. 0168810, Dt. 30-08-2019 for Rs.5,00,000/- drawn on The Palamoor Co-
Operative Urban Bank Ltd., Shadnagar Branch towards repayment of above hand loan
amount promising my client to keep ready the required amount in concerned account to
honour the cheque.

My client states that on 30-07-2019 my client presented the said cheque with State
Bank of India, Railway Station road, Shadnagar Branch for realization of the cheque
amount. But the said cheque has been dishonoured by your bank due to “ FUNDS
INSUFFICIENT” in concerned account. Hence the returned the dishonoured cheque along
with a Cheque Return Memo Dt. 31-08-2019. My client received the dishonoured cheque
from his bank on 07-09-2019.

Immediately my client informed you about dishonor of your cheque by your

banker. In reply you assured my client to make payment of the dishonored cheque
amount, but in vain. Thus it is crystal clear that, you issued the above cheque to my client
in discharge of legal liability with dishonest intention knowingly without sufficient funds in
concerned account.

I intimate you that, as per the provisions laid down Under Section 138 of
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, issuance of a cheque in discharge of legal liability with
dishonest intention is an offence punishable with imprisonment apart from recovery of the
cheque amount.

Therefore, I hereby call upon and advise you to make payment of above
dishonored cheque amount to my client within (15) days from receipt of this notice.
Failing which my client shall be constrained to initiate appropriate legal proceedings
against you in the competent court of law both in civil and criminal procedures and in
such event you will be held liable for all costs and consequences thereof. Hence this




C.C. NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-

Vadde Lingam …… Complainant.


Burra Chennaiah ……. Accused.

Subject :- COMPLAINT with regard to issuance of cheque in discharge of
Legal liability with dishonest intention without sufficient funds.

Description of the Complainant :-

VADDE LINGAM S/o Ramchandraiah, age 39 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o

Hajipally Village, Faruqnagar Mandal, Ranga Reddy District.

The address of the Complainant for service of notices, process etc is the same as
mentioned here above and that of his Counsel T. SRINIVASULU, Advocate; Shadnagar –
509 216. Rangareddy District.

Description of the Accused :-

BURRA CHENNAIAH S/o Buchaiah, age 32 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o

Hajipally Village; Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District.

The address of the Accused for service of summons, notices, process etc is the same
as mentioned here above.

Offence under section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 Read

with Amended Act 66 of 1988& Act 55 of
Date & time of offence 05-07-2019
Place of offence Shadnagar
Police Station Limits P.S., Shadnagar
List of witnesses 1 The Complainant herein
2 The Manager, APGVB, Shadnagar Branch


1] It is submitted that, the complainant and accused are belongs to one native village
and are well known to each other and also having friendly relation between themselves
since long time. Basing on such friendly relation on 10-05-2019 the accused barrowed a
hand loan of Rs. 80,000/- from the complainant for his urgent family needs promising the
complainant to repay the said sum on demand of the complainant within one month there
2] That on demand of the complainant for repayment of above hand loan amount,
the accused issued a cheque bearing Cheque No. 747385, Dated. 05-07-2019 for Rs.
80,000/- drawn on Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank, Shadnagar Branch towards
repayment of above hand loan amount assuring the complainant to keep ready the
required amount in concerned account to honor the cheque.

3] That, on 07-08-2019 the complainant presented the said cheque in his account with
State Bank of India, Shadnagar Branch for realization of the cheque amount. But the said
cheque is dishonored by the accused banker for the reason “ACCOUNT CLOSED” by the
accused. Hence returned the dishonored cheque along with a cheque return Memo
Dated. 13-07-2019. Immediately the complainant informed the accused about dishonor
of the cheque. In turn the accused assured and promised the complainant to make payment
of the cheque amount and to take back the cheque from complainant. But failed.

4] That finding no other alternative remedy, on 06-08-2019 the complainant

addressed a registered legal notice to the accused. The accused received the notice under
acknowledgement on 09-08-2019. But the accused neither paid the cheque amount nor
preferred any reply to the notice. The said negligence of the Accused proves the dishonest
intention of the Accused.

5] It is submitted that, the dishonest intention/attitude of the accused constitutes the

offence punishable Under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 as amended by
the Act 66 of 1988 and Act 55 of 2002. Thus the accused intentionally, knowingly
committed the offences punishable Under Section 138 of N.I Act 1881 as amended by the
Act 66 of 1988 & Act 55 of 2002.

6] CAUSE OF ACTION :- It is submitted that, on 05-07-2019 when the accused issued

the cheque to the complainant in discharge of legal liability. Further on 08-07-2019 when
the complainant presented the cheque in bank and on 13-07-2019 when the cheque
dishonored by the accused banker.

7] LIMITATION :- It is submitted that the cheque issued by the accused on 05-07-

2019. The cheque presented in bank on 08-07-2019. The cheque dishonored by the
accused banker on 13-07-2019. The complainant addressed the notice to the accused on
06-08-2019 within [30] days from dishonor of the cheque. The accused received the notice
on 09-08-2019. The grace time of the notice ends on 23-08-2019. Hence the present
complaint is well within the time limit prescribed by law.

8] JURISDICTION:- The cheque of the accused dishonored at APGVB., Shadnagar

Branch within the territorial jurisdiction of this Honorable Court. Hence the Honorable
Court got ample & wide powers to register the complaint, conduct trial of the case and
also to punish the accused.

9] Therefore it is prayed that the Honorable Court may be pleased to register the
complaint, secure the presence of accused, try him according to law for issuance of cheque
with dishonest intention in discharge of legal liability and thereby committing the offences
and punish him with maximum sentence as per law.

10] It is further prayed that the Honorable Court may be pleased to award the
compensation equivalent to the amount of the cheque to the complainant under section
357 of Cr.P.C. in the interests of justice, equity and fair play.
Dated :- ( Signature of the Complainant )

I, Vadde Lingam S/o Ramchandraiah the complainant herein, do hereby declare

that, the entire averments of the above complaint are read over and explained to me in
Telugu. I having understood and admit the facts to be true and correct with best of my
own knowledge and belief. Regarding legal matters involved therein, I believe and declare
to be true and correct on advise of my counsel. Hence verified and signed on __________

Dated:- ( Signature of the Complainant )

N O T E.

The Original Cheque bearing No. 747385 Dated. 05-07-2019 drawn on APGVB,
Shadnagar Branch is in custody of the complainant. The scanned color copy of the cheque
is filed along with the complaint. The complainant assures and undertakes to produce the
above original cheque on demand of the Honorable Court.

Dated:- ( Signature of the Complainant. )



C.C. NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-

Vadde Lingam …… Complainant.


Burra Chennaiah ……. Accused.


S.No Date of the Parties to the Description of the document.

document document
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
01. 05-07-2019 Complainant Scanned color cheque No.747385
& Accused drawn on the APGVB., Shadnagar
02. 13-07-2019 -do- Original cheque return memo

03. 06-08-2019 -do- Office copy of legal notice

04. 06-08-2019 -do- Original postal receipt

05. 09-08-2019 -do- Original postal acknowledgement




Dated:- ( Signature of the Complainant. )


S H A D N A G A R.

C.C. NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-

Vadde Lingam

… Complainant.

Burra Chennaiah

… Accused.

Offence U/sec. 138 N.I.Act 1881




Counsel for the Complainant.

T. Srinivasulu


Cr.M.P. No of 2020
C.C. No: 111 of 2015

B e t w e e n :-

T. Narsaiah S/o Pentaiah, age 50 years, Occupation: Agriculture

R/o Shadnagar, Faruqnagar Mandal. Ragnareddy District.

… Petitioner / Accused

The State of Telangana, through the Police,

Shadnagar. …. Res./Complainant.


May it please your Honour;

1] It is respectfully submitted that this case is adjourned for today for evidence of the
RW-1. But the Petitioner/ Accused is suffering from ill health and he is bed ridden and also
unable to move from the bed. Hence the Petitioner/ accused is unable to attend the
Honorable Court to adduce his evidence into the case. Therefore it is became just and
essential to the Petitioner/ Accused to get dispense with his attendance in the case till his
recovery from his ill health.

2] That the Honorable Court ample discretionary powers to dispense with personal
attendance of the Petitioner/ Accused by adjudicating the case for any future convenient

It is therefore prayed that the Honorable Court may be pleased to dispense with
personal attendance of the Petitioner/Accused by adjudicating the case for any future
convenient date, in the interest of justice.

Date:- 11-10-2020 Counsel for the Petitioner/ Accused


S H A D N A G A R.

Cr.M.P. No> of 2020

C.C. NO. OF 2019

B e t w e e n :-

Vadde Lingam
… Complainant.

Burra Chennaiah

… Accused.

Offence U/sec. 138 N.I.Act 1881




Counsel for the Complainant.

T. Srinivasulu

THIS DEED OF GIFT is made and executed on this the ____ day of February 2020 by

Smt. MEKALA ANASUYA W/o Late Mekala Balakistaiah, age 80 years, Occupation: House
hold, R/o H.No. 13-358 Christian colony, SHADNAGAR town, Shadnagar Municipality,
Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District. Telangana state. Adhar No. 3832-4102-6158.

Herein after called as the “DONOR” which terms and expressions shall mean and include
all his heirs, successors in interest, assigns etc of the one part.

Smt. BAVANDLA BHARGAVI W/o Bavandla Ravikumar, D/o Late Mekala Pandu, age 32
years, Occupation: House wife, R/o H.No. 13-358 Christian colony, SHADNAGAR town,
Shadnagar Municipality, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District. Telangana state. Adhar
No: 3753-2830-3205. Phone No:

Herein after called as the “DONEE” which terms and expressions shall mean and include
all her heirs, successors in interest, assigns etc of the other part.

Whereas the Donor herein is the paternal grandmother of the Donee. The deceased
father of the Donee is the only son of the Donor.

WHEREAS the Donor is the absolute, owner and exclusive physical possessor of the
collapsed residential house bearing House No. 21-82 measuring 400 square yards ( 80’-0”
x 45’-0”) situated at FARUQNAGAR Village; Shadnagar Municipality, Faruqnagar Mandal,
Ragnareddy District bounded by East :- House of Buran Sab. West:- Open place & Way
North:- Lane and House of Mekala Srinivasulu and South:- Lane & House of Suguna chary
& others. The above said house property is already collapsed and appearing as open plot.
The above said property is the subject matter of this Gift Deed. Hence the same is herein
after referred to as the SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY for sake of brevity and more vividly
described in the schedule here below and also shown in the plan annexed hereto.

Whereas the Donor succeeded the schedule of property from her deceased husband
by way of succession. The donor specifically discloses that, she blessed with four daughters
and also a son namely (1) Smt. Bavandla Mallamma W/o late Pandari, (2) Smt. Bejjelli
Swarupa W/o Srisailam, (3) Smt. Nanna Jayarani W/o Anjaneyulu (4) Smt. Koukuntla
Balamani W/o Narsing Rao and one son by name Pandu. But unfortunately the son of
the Donor died intestate leaving behind his two daughters. The donee herein is the elder
daughter of the deceased Mekala Pandu.

Whereas during the family partition between the above persons, the schedule of
property herein fallen to the exclusive share of the Donee herein. Further the above named
daughters and granddaughter of the Donor are demanded net cash towards their respective
shares over the schedule of property. in consideration of their request, the Donor herein
have paid the amount to her daughters and younger granddaughter as per their individual
demand towards their respective shares over the above schedule of property. in token of
said amount, the daughters and younger granddaughter of the donor have relinquished
and bequeathed their every ancestral rights over the schedule of property in favour of the
Donee and permitted the Donor for execution of this Gift Deed in favour of the Donee
with respect of the schedule of property. Hence the Donor declares that hereafter her
daughters and younger grand-daughter have no sort of ancestral right, title, interest, claim,
whatsoever over the schedule of property.

WHEREAS the Donor is the natural paternal grandmother of the Donee. Out of
her love and affection on the Donee and for more specifically for the future needs and
security of the Donee and with intention to provide some property in the name of the
Donee, the Donor out of her own will, consent and without any undue influence, coercion
etc decided to Gift the Schedule of property herein to the Donee on free of cost.
NOW THIS DEED OF GIFT WITNESSES that in pursuance of the above said
intention and in consideration of natural love and affection towards the Donee, the Donor
out of her own free will, consent, without fraud, coercion or undue influence from
anybody whom-so-ever, and in full possession of her senses does hereby Donate, Gift,
convey, grant, transfer and confirm the Schedule of property herein in favour of the Donee
unto the said Donee TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the schedule of property and to the use
of the said Donee forever and absolutely. This Gift is irrevocable under any manner.

The Donor declares that, she have delivered the actual, exclusive, physical
possession of the schedule of property to the Donee and the Donor further declares that
here after she never remained any sort of right, title, interest, claim, whatsoever over the
schedule of property Gifted to the Donee hereunder.

AND THAT THE SAID DONEE shall and may from time to time and at all times
here after peacefully and quietly enter upon, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the
property hereby gifted, and receive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof and of
every part thereof, without any hindrance whatsoever from or by the said Donor or by
any person or persons claiming from under or in trust of him.


The collapsed residential house bearing House No. 21-82 measuring 400 square
yards ( 80’-0” East-West and 45’-0” North-South) situated at FARUQNAGAR Village;
Shadnagar Municipality, Faruqnagar Mandal, Ragnareddy District ( the house property is
already collapsed and appearing as open plot) bounded by

East :- House of Buran Sab. West :- Open place & Way

North :- Lane and House of Mekala Srinivasulu South :- Lane & House of
Suguna chary &

Name of the House No. Extent Market value Total value

Village. per Square yards
(i) (ii) (iv) (v) (viii)
Faruqnagar 21-32 400-00 Rs. /- per Rs.
Sq. Yards square yard.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Donor has here unto set and subscribe his signature and
delivered in the presence of the witnesses as present the day , month and years first above

Witnesses :- Smt. Mekala Anasuya Smt. Bavandla Bhargavi



[ Document No. 9591/2012 ]

This Deed of Cancellation of Gift deed is made and executed on this the _____ day of
June 2018 by:-

1] Mr. THUMMALA SRIRAM REDDY S/o Late Ramchandra Reddy, age 48 years,
Occupation: Agriculture, R/o Flat No. 504, Fifth Floor, Megha Residency, Sai Ram Nagar,
R.T.C. colony, Karmanghat, Hyderabad.

2] Mrs. THUMMALA VANITHA W/o Sriram Reddy, age 44 years, Occupation:

Agriculture, R/o Flat No. 504, Fifth Floor, Megha Residency, Sai Ram Nagar, R.T.C.
colony, Karmanghat, Hyderabad.

Hereinafter called as the First Part which terms shall mean and includes all his/their Legal
heirs, Executors, Administrators, successors-in-interests, and assigns, etc. of the one part.

A. MANJULA REDDY W/o A. Mallikarjun Reddy, age 50 years, Occupation: Medical

Practitioner, R/o 3-14-116/104, Chithraseema colony, Sahara Road, Vanasthalipuram,
Hyderabad – 500 070.

Herein after called as the Second Part which terms shall mean and include all his Legal
heirs, Legal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, successor’s in interest, assigns etc
of the other part.

Whereas on 08-11-2012 the first party was sold the land in Sy.No. 615 admeasuring Ac.
08-35 Guntas situated in the limits of Chinchode Revenue Village; Ayyawaripally
Grampanchayat, Farooqnagar Mandal, Mahabubnagar District to the Second party
through a Registered Gift deed No. 9591/2012 which registered in this office.

Whereas the first party for her personal reasons have changed her intention and decided
to cancel the above said registered Gift Deeds. Further the physical possession of the
schedule of property is still remained with the first party as there is a understanding
between the parties to deliver the physical possession on realization of the sale
consideration through the above cheques. Even the entries in concerned records are also
continued in favour of the first party till today.


For the reasons stated here above, the parties to this document out of their own
will, consent and without any undue influence, coercion, duress, etc have voluntarily got
cancelled the Gift deed No. 9591/2012, Dated. 08-11-2012 registered in the office of the
Sub Registrar of Assurances, Shadnagar.


All that the land in Sy.No. 615 admeasuring Ac. 08-35 Guntas situated in the limits
of Chinchode Revenue Village; Ayyawaripally Grampanchayat, Farooqnagar Mandal,
Mahabubnagar District bounded by

East :- Road ( Upparigadda to Depally road)

West :- Land belongs to Rangampally Chandraiah
North :- Land belongs to Earla Ramulu
South :- Land belongs to Srikanth Reddy

In witness whereof the parties entered into this deed of Cancellation of registered Gift
deed on the day, month and year afore mentioned in presence of attesting witnesses and
after understanding in the contents in Telugu, with their free will, consent, without any
undue influence, coercion, etc.

First Party
Witnesses :-



This Deed of Exchange is made and executed on this the 2nd day of June 2011 at
Shadnagar by and between :-

Smt. Velagala Krishnaveni W/o Velagala Venkateshwara Reddy, aged. 39 years, Occupation.
House Wife, R/o Kothur Village & Mandal, Mahabubnagar District. Herein after referred as
the 1st Party.

Nenavath Gopal S/o Hariya, aged. 39 years, Occupation. Agriculture, R/o Chakalidanigutta
tanda H/o Rangapur Village, Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar District. Herein after referred as
the 2nd Party.
Whereas the first party is the absolute lawful registered Pattadar and exclusive physical
possessor of the land in Sy.No. 82 measuring 00-20 acres situated at Nandigaon Village; Kothur
Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of East:- Land of Nenavath Gopal and
others, West:- Land of Smt. Velagala Krishnaveni in Sy.No.82, North:- Land of Gabru and South:-
Land of Nenavath Gopal and others. The said property of the first party is herein after referred
as Schedule –A property for sake of brevity and also shown in Green colour in annexed sketch.

Whereas the Second party is the absolute lawful Pattadar and exclusive physical
possessor of the agricultural landed property in Survey Number 82 measuring 00-20 Guntas
situated at Nandigaon Village; Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of
East:- Land of Nenavath Gopal, Govind & Shakru; West:- Land of Gopal, North:- Land of Neji
and South:- Land of Krishnaveni. The said property of the second party is herein after referred
as the Schedule-B property for sake of brevity and shown in Red colour in annexed sketch.
Whereas the first party have deduced and perfected her title over the Schedule-A
property by way of purchase through a registered sale deed 6936/2009, Dated. 21-10-2009 and
2231/2010, Dated. 29-04-2010. The predecessor in title of the above land have acquired the
property through a registered Gift settlement Deed No. 2778/1988, Dated. 28-07-1988 and
Regd. Sale deed No. 5397/2005, Dated. 20-06-2005.

Whereas the Second party have deduced and perfected his title over the Schedule-B
property by way of purchase through a registered sale deed document no. 5397/2005, Dated.
20-06-2005. The predecessor in title of the said property got acquired the property through a
Regd. Gift settlement Deed no. 2778/1988, Dated. 28-07-1988.
Whereas the parties to this instrument for their convenience out of their own will,
consent and without any undue influence, coercion etc have amicably decided to exchange
possession of their respective property described here above and for the purpose they have
entered into this deed of exchange of their possession.


1) The first party is the absolute lawful registered Pattadar and exclusive physical
possessor of the Schedule-A property in Sy.No. 82 measuring 00-20 acres situated at Nandigaon
Village; Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of East:- Land of Nenavath
Gopal and others, West:- Land of Smt. Velagala Krishnaveni in Sy.No.82, North:- Land of Gabru
and South:- Land of Nenavath Gopal and others.
2) The Second party is the absolute lawful Pattadar and exclusive physical possessor of
the Schedule-B property in Survey Number 82 measuring 00-20 Guntas situated at Nandigaon
Village; Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of East:- Land of Nenavath
Gopal, Govind & Shakru; West:- Land of Gopal, North:- Land of Neji and South:- Land of

3) The Parties to this instrument out of their own will, consent and without any undue
influence, coercion etc declare that, today they have exchanged their respective above shown
exclusive physical possession of Schedule-A and Schedule-B property in Survey Number 82 of
Nandigaon Village, Kothur Mandal; Mahabubnagar District. The possession of their respective
property which is clearly shown in the plan annexed to the deed are exchanged herewith.
4) By way of above exchange, now the first party is became absolute lawful pattadar and
possessor of the Schedule –B property and the second party is became absolute lawful pattadar
and possessor of Schedule-A property.

5) Here after the parties to this instrument neither themselves, nor their legal heirs, family
members, claimants etc no party have no sort of rights, title, interest, claims, whatsoever over
the property exchanged through this instrument and each party have acquired their own rights
over the property exchanged here under.

6) This deed shall be executed and presented for registration in Original and Duplicate.
The original Deed of Exchange will be with the first party and the Duplicate shall be with the
second party and the original deed shall be produced to the second party when ever required
by the second party.

7) The parties to this instrument do hereby release the properties described in Schedule A
& B are not assigned lands within the meaning of A.P. Assigned Lands (Prohibition of transfers)
Act 9 of 1977 and they do not belong to or under Mortgage to Government agencies /

8) The parties to this instrument agreed to co-operate with ach other for getting the
properties mutated in their respective names in all concerned records from time to time.


The agricultural landed property in Survey Number 82 measuring 00-20 Guntas situated
at Nandigaon Village; Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of East:- Land
of Nenavath Gopal, Govind & Shakru; West:- Land of Gopal, North:- Land of Neji and South:-
Land of Krishnaveni as clearly shown in RED colour in annexed sketch.


Name of the Survey No. Extent Market value Total Market

village per acre value.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Nandigaon 82 Ac.00-20 Gts Rs.5,00,000/- Rs.2,50,000/-


The land in Sy.No. 82 measuring 00-20 acres situated at Nandigaon Village; Kothur
Mandal, Mahabubnagar district under the boundaries of East:- Land of Nenavath Gopal and
others, West:- Land of Smt. Velagala Krishnaveni in Sy.No.82, North:- Land of Gabru and South:-
Land of Nenavath Gopal and others as clearly shown in GREEN colour in the annexed sketch.


Name of the Survey No. Extent Market value Total Market

village per acre value.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Nandigaon 82 Ac.00-20 Gts Rs.5,00,000/- Rs.2,50,000/-

In witness whereof the parties entered into this instrument in presence of attesting
witnesses on the date, month and year above mentioned.

Witnesses :- Smt. V. Krishnaveni. Nenavath Gopal

(1st Party) ( 2nd Party )


This Agreement of sale is made and executed on this the 27TH day of February 2020 by

m/s VIDYUT INSULATION PRIVATE LIMITED, Represented by its Director Mr. rohit kumar
kauntia s/O Naresh Kumar Kauntia, age 38 years, Occupation: Business, R/o # 3-2, Hill
Paradise-2, Plot No.93, Nandagiri Hills, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033.

Herein after called as the VENDOR which terms shall mean and include all his/her/their
Legal heirs, Legal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, successor’s in interest, assigns
etc of the other part.


1] YAMSANI ARUN BHARGAV S/o Narsimlu, age 26 years, Occupation: Business, R/o
H.No: 1-97/11, Vijayanagar colony, Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy

2] POTHIREDDY PURUSHOTHAM REDDY S/o P. Pedda Venkat Reddy, age 45 years,

Occupation: Business, R/o H.No: 4-93/6/A Babanagar colony, Shadnagar town,
Faruqnagar Mandal. Rangareddy District.

Herein after called as the VENDEE which terms shall mean and include all his/her/their
Legal heirs, Legal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, successor’s in interest, assigns
etc of the other part.

Whereas the Vendor herein is the absolute registered owner/pattadar and exclusive
physical possessor of the land in Sy.No: 182 and 183 admeasuring Ac. 02-19 Guntas
situated in the limits of CHILKAMARRY Village; Faruqnagar Mandal. Rangareddy District
bounded by East:- Road. West:- Land in Sy.NO. 184. North:- Road and South:- Land in
Sy.No: 182/Part. The above said property is the subject matter of this agreement. The
Vendor purchased the above property from its previous pattadars for valid consideration
through registered sale deed vide document No: 6720/2013, Dt. 22-04-2013. Hence the
same is herein after referred to as the schedule of property for sake of brevity.

Whereas the Vendor approached the Vendee and offered to sell the schedule of
property for his business needs and handed over the copies of concerned documents,
revenue records etc to the Vendee for verification of title.

Whereas the parties have discussed the matter in detail. After due course of
discussions, the Vendee satisfied with title and possession of the Vendor over the schedule
of property and agreed to purchased the schedule of property from the Vendors.

Whereas the Vendor demanded the sale consideration of the schedule of property
@ Rs. 1,05,000/- (Rs. One Crore and five lakhs only ) per acre totaling to the sum of Rs.
2,59,87,500/- (Rs. Two Crores, Fifty nine Lakhs, Eighty seven thousand and five hundred
only). The Vendee agreed with demand of the Vendor. Hence in confirmation of the
above facts, the parties are entered into this agreement of sale on the following terms and


1] The VENDOR out of his own will, consent and without any undue influence,
coercion etc offered and agreed to sell the schedule of property free from all
encumbrances, charges, liens, etc to the Vendee @ Rs. 1,05,000/- (Rs. One Crore and five
lakhs only ) per acre totaling to the sum of Rs. 2,59,87,500/- (Rs. Two Crores, Fifty nine
Lakhs, Eighty seven thousand and five hundred only).

2] Today on execution of this agreement of sale by the Vendor, the Vendee have
paid the sum of Rs. 5,11,000/- [Rs. Five Lakhs and eleven thousand only] to the Vendor
in the shape of net cash in presence of attesting witnesses towards earnest money of the
agreement of sale.

3] The Vendor admit, acknowledge and confirm the said receipt of earnest money
herewith. No separate receipt is passed in this regard.

4] The Vendee assured and promised the Vendor to pay the balance sale
consideration to the Vendor at the time of execution of registered sale deed with respect
of the schedule of property within [90] days from the date of agreement.

5] The Vendor assured and promised the Vendee to hand over all original, certified
copies, link documents with respect of the schedule of property to the Vendee prior to
execution of registered sale deed enable the Vendee to take legal opinion with regard to
title and possession of the Vendor over the schedule of property.

6] The Vendor agreed and assured the Vendee to get surveyed the schedule of
property through concerned authority to fix up boundaries to the schedule of property
and to find out actual physical extent prior to execution of registered sale deed and to
hand over the official survey panchanama to the Vendee. If any discrepancy may found
with regard to actual extent of the property with his title, in such event the Vendors agreed
to receive the balance sale consideration for the actual extent at the above rate and to
execute the registered sale deed for total extent as per record.

7] The Vendor specifically admitted that, here after if any disputes may arisen with
regard to the physical possession or title of the Vendor over the schedule of property, in
such event, the Vendor undertaken to get pacify/rectify the same at his own risk and costs
within the time limit of the agreement of sale.

8] The parties specifically admit that if any party may failed in fulfilling their respective
part of duty in this regard, in such event the other-side party is entitled to initiate necessary
legal proceedings into the matter by serving prior notice. In such event the time is not
essence of the contract.

In witness whereof the parties entered into this agreement of sale with their free
will, consent and without any undue influence, coercion etc and signed this agreement in
presence of attesting witnesses on the date, month and year afore mentioned after
understanding the contents in their respective mother language.


S A L E - D E E D.
This Deed of Sale is made and executed on this the ____ day of February 2019 by :-

Sri. GUNNALA VIJAYENDER REDDY S/o Malla Reddy, age 58 years, Occupation:
Business, R/o H.No. 28-56/1 Nagulapally Road, Shadnagar town, Shadnagar Municipality,
Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District. Telangana State – 509 216. Adhar Card No.
6516-3012-2751. ( PAN No. AHVPG4525A). Mobile Phone No. 9177294111.

Hereinafter called as the VENDOR which the term shall mean and includes all his/ her/
their Legal heirs, Executors, Administrators, successors-in-interests, and assigns, etc. of the
one part.


Sri. ADDULA CHANDRAHASA REDDY S/o Addula Rajavardhana Reddy, age 29 years,
Occupation: Private service, R/o H.No. 23-61/75, Kothakota Village, Kothakota Mandal,
Wanaparthy District. Telangana State. Adhar Card No. 3873-1075-6683. PAN No.
AZDPC3810C. Mobile Phone No. 9908155333.
Herein after called as the VENDEE which terms shall mean and include all her Legal heirs,
Legal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, successor’s in interest, assigns etc of the
other part.

a] Whereas the Vendor herein is the absolute, registered owner and exclusive physical
possessor of the land admeasuring Ac. 01-12 Guntas in Sy.No. 42 situated in the limits of
Faruqnagar Village; Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District. The Vendor got purchased
the above property from its previous pattadar for valid consideration through Regd. Sale
Deed No. 4779/2010, Dt. 30-08-2010, 2312/2011, Dt. 24-05-2011 and 7430/2013, Dt. 10-

b] Whereas the Vendor have got converted an extent of Ac. 00-25 Guntas vide
Proceedings No. K/5074/2010, Dt. 27-11-2010 and also constructed a building in an extent
of 2843.5 square yards with 9038 sft plinth area. Further the concerned authority have
allotted a number to the said house property vide House No. 28-56/1.

c] Whereas out of the above said total land, now the Vendor offered to alienate the
building bearing House No. 28-56/1 constructed in an extent of 9038 sft plinth area
equivalent to 2843.5 square yards in Sy.No. 42 situated in the limits of Faruqnagar Village,
Shadnagar Municipality area, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District. The above said
property is the subject matter of this Deed of sale. Hence the same is herein after referred
to as the schedule of property for sake of brevity and more vividly described in the
Schedule here below.

d] Whereas the Vendor approached the VENDEE and offered to sell the schedule of
property for his family and business needs. Further the Vendor handed over copies of all
concerned documents to the Vendee in proof of his title and possession over the schedule
of property. The Vendee perused the said documents, visited the schedule of property
and satisfied with title and possession of the Vendor over the schedule of property. Hence
the Vendee shown his willingness to purchase the schedule of property from the Vendor.

e] Whereas the Vendor have demanded the total sale consideration of the schedule
of property for the sum of Rs. 1,42,000/- . The VENDEE agreed to purchase the schedule
of property from the Vendor for the said sale consideration. In confirmation of the above
facts, the Vendor and Vendee entered into this Deed of Sale on the following terms and


1] That in pursuance of the above said offer and acceptance, the Vendor sold the
schedule of property to the Vendee free from all encumbrances, charges, lines, prior sales,
mortgages, etc for the total sale consideration of Rs. 1, 42,000/- ( Rs. One Lakh, forty two
thousand only)

2] The Vendor declares that in pursuance of the said offer, acceptance, demand and
consideration, the VENDEE herein have paid the total sum of Rs. 1,42,000/- [Rs. One
Lakh, forty two thousand only ] to the Vendor towards total sale consideration of the
schedule of property sold hereunder to the fullest satisfaction of the Vendor through a
cheque bearing No. 0000038, Dt.28-02-2019 for Rs. 1,42,000/- drawn on HDFC BANK,
Shadnagar Branch.

3] The Vendor with free will, consent and without any undue influence, coercion etc
admits, acknowledge, confirms, and declare the receipt of above total sale consideration
of the schedule of property from the Vendee and declares that there are no further liability
due from the VENDEE towards sale consideration of schedule of property.

4] Thus, in view of above absolute sale and also in receipt of above total sale
consideration, the Vendor hereby grant, convey and transfer all his rights title, interest,
claim, whatsoever over the schedule of property sold here under in favour of the Vendee
by way of absolute sale free from all encumbrances, charges, prior sales, tenancy claims,
mortgages, exchanges, illegal encroachments, Gifts, court litigation’s and minor interests,
coparcener claims etc whatsoever nature and declare that he have not remained or
retained any part thereof over the schedule of property.

5] The Vendor further covenant, declare and assures that, the physical possession of
the schedule of property is herewith delivered to the Vendee and put the VENDEE in
actual and complete vacant peaceful exclusive undisputed physical possession of schedule
of property hereby sold. Hence here after the VENDEE shall be entitled to enjoy the title
and possession of the schedule of property in the capacity of its absolute registered owner
without any interruption or claims under and through the Vendor.

6] The Vendor hereby declares, covenant and agrees with the VENDEE that, he is
the absolute lawful, registered owner of the schedule of property hereby sold as detailed
here above and has every right, title, interest, authority, competency to sell, transfer,
alienate and dispose-off the schedule of property absolutely in favour of VENDEE herein.

7] The Vendor covenant and declares that he never done any such act where by
the schedule of property is either encumbered or the Vendor herein in any manner
debarred or prevented from selling and transferring the schedule of property absolutely in
favor of the VENDEE herein. The Vendor declares that there is neither any legal embargo
nor any legal impediment in the sale of the schedule of property to the VENDEES herein.

8] The Vendor further pertinently covenant, declares, assures and agrees and also
indemnify and keep indemnified that if any defect in his title, coparcener claims, or any
tenancy claims are found or discovered in the title of Vendor with regard to the schedule
of property hereby sold or due to such defects in his title if the VENDEE may deprived of
the whole or any part of the property hereby sold, then the Vendor and his successors
shall duly reimburse and compensate the VENDEE to the extent of the loss and expenses,
damages caused to the VENDEE as per the prevailing market value of schedule of property.

9] The Vendor hereby covenant, agrees, declares and assure the Vendee to support
all the lawful applications before concerned authority for transfer of ownership rights and
mutation of the schedule of property in favour of the Vendee here from at any time as per
the requirement of the Vendee.

10] The Vendor further declares that, he handed over all original and link documents
to the Vendee whatsoever in possession with respect of the schedule of property and
further undertakes that at all times hereinafter and upon request and at the cost of the
Vendee to do, execute or cause to be done or executed all such acts for further and more
perfectly conveying and assuring the said lands to the VENDEE.

11] The VENDOR hereby declare that there is no valuable quarries, mines, stones, fish
ponds, etc and further there are no any kind of tress such as Mango, Coconut, Betel leaf
Garden, Orange Groves in the schedule of property sold here under.

12] The Vendor further covenant and declares that the schedule of property is free
from the Provisions of A.P. LANDS REFORMS (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings)Act 1973
and also the schedule of property is not the assigned lands as defined under the A.P.
ASSIGNED LANDS (Prohibition of Transfers) Act 1977.

All that the agricultural dry land to an extent of Ac. 00-22.5 Guntas in Sy.No. 42
situated in the limits of Faruqnagar Village, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District
bounded by :-
EAST :- Open plots in Sy.No. 42/Part,
WEST :- H.No. 28-56/1.
NORTH :- Land of Chetla Papamma & 20’-0” wide road.
SOUTH :- Open plots in Sy.No. 42/Part.


Sy. Extent Situated at Market value Total value

Ac – Gt
42 Ac. 00-22.5 Gts Faruqnagar Village, Rs. 2,50,000/- Rs. 1,42,000/-
Faruqnagar Mandal, per acre
Ragnareddy District.

IN WITNESS whereof this Sale deed is made, executed and signed by the Vendor
in favour of VENDEE on this the day, month and year aforementioned with his free will,
consent and good conscience, without any coercion , fraud, undue influence,
misrepresentation and duress etc after having fully under stood the contents of the same
in presence of the below mentioned witnesses.


Witnesses :-



This Deed of Development is made and executed on this the 16 th day of July 2009 at
Shadnagar by and between:-

1) kanchi Rajagopal S/o Srinivasan, aged. 39 years, occupation. Legal Practitioner. R/o
House.No. 13-153 Christian colony; Shadnagar, Mahabubnagar district.
2) A.Vidyasagar S/o Late Chandrappa, aged. 36 years, Occupation. Business. R/o
Gandhinagar colony; Shadnagar, Mahabubnagar district.

Herein after called the 1st Party which terms and conditions shall mean and include all their
Legal Heirs, Legal Representatives, assigns, etc of the one part.


MOHD. ADIL MUSTHAFA S/o Jahangir, aged. 32 years, Occupation. Business, R/o Christian
colony; Shadnagar, Mahabubnagar Distict
Herein after called the 2nd party which terms and conditions shall mean and include all his Legal
Heirs, Legal Representatives, assigns etc of the other part.

Whereas the 1st person of the 1st Party is the owner and possessor of the landed property in
Survey Number 143 (00-15), 144 (00-02), 145 (01-25), 146 (00-18) totally admeasuring 02 acres
20 guntas respectively situated in the limits of Faruqnagar Village, Faruqnagar Mandal,
Mahabubnagar district. The 1st person of the 1st Party deduced and perfected his title over the
above land by way of absolute purchase from its previous owner through a registered sale deed
document No. 1100/07, 2569/08, 6550/08.

Whereas the 2nd Person of the 1st Party is the owner and possessor of the landed property in
Survey Number 143, 146, 147 totally admeasuring 02 acres 04 guntas situated in the limits of
Faruqnagar Village, Faruqnagar Mandal, Mahabubnagar district. The 2nd Person of the 1st Party
deduced and perfected his title over the above land by way of purchase through a registered
sale deed document No. ___________ .

Whereas both the lands of the 1st party are totally admeasuring Ac. 04-24 guntas are situated
at one place and appearing as one piece of land under the boundaries of East. Other’s land,
West. Road. North:- Other’s land and South:- Land of Ramchandraiah and others. The said
landed property of the 1 st party is the subject matter of this instrument, hence the same is
herein after referred as the schedule property for sake of brevity.

Whereas the 1st Party invited the interested persons/parties to give the schedule of property
for its development, conversion into house plots and also to sell the same.

Whereas the upon hearing the offer of the 1st party, the 2nd party approached the 1st party and
shown their readiness to obtain the schedule property from the 1 st party for its development,
conversion into house plots, to obtain layout permission from the concerned authority and also
to sell the same as per the rate fixed by the parties.

Whereas the parties amicably discussed the subject matter of this instrument for development,
conversion of the land into house plots and to sell it. The 1st Party demanded the sale
consideration of the schedule property at the rate of Rs. 830/- (Rupees Eight Hundred and thirty
only) per square yard. The developed area per acre is approximately calculated in minimum
for 2800 square yard. After development if the extent per acre may remained in excess for
more than 2800 square yards, the 2nd party have to pay the sale consideration as per the
measurements at the rate fixed here above.

Whereas the 1st Party demanded for payment of advance amount for a sum of Rs. 10,00,000/-
(Rupees Ten lakhs only). The balance sale consideration will be paid to the 1 st party by the 2nd
party on every two months gap with equal installments out of the balance sale consideration.
The time of contract is fixed for (7) months from the date of execution of this instrument. The
registrations of the developed plots will be executed by the 1 st party from back side onwards.
The 1st party agreed to sign on all required papers for obtaining the layout permission from the
concerned authority at the costs of the 2nd party. The 2nd Party agreed with the all above
said demands of the 1st party. Therefore the parties entered into this instrument on the
following terms and conditions.

The 1st Party given the schedule property to the 2nd party for its development, conversion
into house plots, to obtain lay out permission and to sell the developed house plots to the
intending purchasers.

The 2nd Party agreed develop the schedule property and to convert it into house plots,
to obtain layout permission from the concerned authority and also to sell the developed plots
at their own costs and risk.

The sale consideration of the schedule property is fixed at the rate of Rs. 830/- (Rupees
Eight Hundred and Thirty only) per square yard for minimum 2800 square yards per acre. After
development of the plots, if the extent per acre may comes to excess, the payment will be
made according to the developed measurements.

The time limit for payment of sale consideration is strictly fixed for (7) months from
the date of execution of this deed.

The 2nd Party today on execution of this document has paid a sum of Rs. 10,00,000/-
(Rupees Ten Lakhs only) to the 1st party towards earnest money. The 1st admit, acknowledge,
confirm receipt of above earnest money from the 2nd party.

The remaining sale consideration of the schedule property is to be paid by the 2 nd party
to the 1st party within seven months here from on every two months by way of equal
installments. The time is essence of contract.

The developed plots should be sold from the back side of the venture and accordingly
the 1st party agreed to execute required sale deeds.

In witness whereof the parties entered into this Deed of Development on the date,
month and year here above mentioned in presence of witnesses.

Kanchi Rajgopal. A. Vidyasagar. Mohd. Adil Musthafa.

(1st Party) (1st Party) (2nd Party)


This Rental Agreement is made and executed on this the 1st day of December 2019
by :-

EAGA SRINIVAS REDDY S/o Narsimha Reddy, age 40 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o
Ummenthyala Village; Kondurg Mandal. Rangareddy District.

Hereinafter called as the Fist Party /OWNER which terms shall mean and includes all
his/her/their Legal heirs, Executors, Administrators, successors-in-interests, and assigns,
etc. of the one part.
PALKONDA RAGHAVENDER GOUD S/o Narsimlu Goud, age 30 years, Occn: Business,
R/o Ummenthyala Village; Kondurg Mandal. Rangareddy District.

Herein after called as the Second Party / TENANT which terms shall -mean and include
all his/her/their Legal heirs, Legal Representatives, Executors, Administrators, successor’s in
interest, assigns etc of the other part.

:: 2 ::

Whereas the first party herein is the absolute owner and possessor of the residential
house bearing House No: situated at Ummenthyala Village; Kondurg Mandal.
Ranregddy District. The above said property is the subject matter of this agreement. Hence
the same is herein after referred to as the schedule of property for sake of brevity.

Whereas the tenant herein approached the owner and requested to let the schedule
of property for running fair price shop in it. After due course of discussions and
negotiations, the owner agreed to let the schedule of property to the tenant on month
rent basis on the following terms and conditions. Hence in confirmation of the above
issues, the parties entered into this deed of rental agreement on the following terms and


1] The owner/first party have herewith provided/Leased and handed over the
schedule of property herein to the tenant on monthly rent basis.

2] The period of tenancy is strictly restricted for the period of (Three years ) from the
date of agreement.

3] The tenant agreed to pay the sum of Rs. 600/- (Rs. Six Hundred only) per month.

4] The tenant agreed to pay the rent to the Owner/First party towards monthly rent
on or before 5thday of every succeeding calendar month apart from payment of electricity
consumption charges from time to time.

4] The tenant is the sole responsible for any unlawful or accidental activities or
accidents if occurred in the schedule of property during the tenancy period and the owner
is not at all responsible for such any unlawful activities, accidents etc and its consequences
during the tenancy period.

5] The tenant is sole responsible to maintain the premises in neat and hygienic
condition at own costs. Further the tenant is the sole responsible for any sort of loss caused
to the permanent structure of the premises due any reason such as fire accidents, electrical
accidents etc including the act of god.
:: 3 ::

6] That if any party may desirous either to vacate or evict during the tenancy period,
such intending party have to intimate the other side party with three months prior written

7] That on lapse of agreed period, if the parties are intend to continue the tenancy, in
such event the parties are at liberty to enter into fresh agreement with fresh terms and
conditions. But the decision of the first party is final in this regard.

Hence in such event it is the duty of the second party to vacate the premises and hand
over the possession of the premises to the first party as it is as received on this day without
playing any delayed tactics.

8] The first party/owner is always entitled to inspect the premises as per his desire at
any point of time during the tenancy period.

9] The tenant is not entitled to sub lease the premises to anybody without written
consent of the owner. Further the owner is responsible for payment of Property Tax and
the tenant is sole responsible for payment of all other concerned taxes.

10 The tenant agreed to get modify the schedule of property as per his need with his
own funds for more than Rs. 10,000/-. If the owner may intend to evict the tenant during
the tenancy period, in such event the owner is liable to repay the above amount to the

In witness whereof the parties entered into this rental agreement out of their will,
consent and without any undue influence, coercion etc on the date, month and year afore

W i t n e s s e s :- [Owner]

2] [ Tenant ]


This General Power of Attorney is made and executed on this the _____ day of
March 2020 by :-


I, Smt. SHYAMALA ANTHONAMMA W/o Late Shyamala Thomas Reddy, age

90 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o H.No: 4-21/A Patigadda Village; Keshampet
Mandal. Rangareddy District – 509 408. Telangana State. Adhar card No: 6254-3266-
4274 out of my own will, consent and without any undue influence, coercion, duress etc,


SHYAMALA DHANRAJ REDDY S/o Late Shyamala Thomas Reddy, age 90 years,
Occupation: Agriculture, R/o H.No: 5-23 Patigadda Village; Keshampet Mandal.
Rangareddy District – 509 408. Telangana State. Adhar card No: 3731-8082-2228
AS MY LAWFUL ATTORNEY for me in my name and on my behalf for the following
purposes because I am attained with old age and unable to maintain/look-after my
personal issues and properties.

Whereas I am the pattadar and possessor of the agricultural lands in Sy.No: 330/Lu
(01-00), 330/Lu-1 (00-07), 333/EE (01-04), 333/1/Voo (00-04), 342/A (01-10) totally
admeasuring Ac. 04-25 Guntas situated in the limits of ALWALA Village; Keshampet
Mandal, Rangareddy District. The above said lands are inherited by me by way of
succession from my deceased husband. I have got mutated the said property in my name
and also obtained the Title deed vide No> T05120070735 with Khata No: 1410.

Whereas the above said property is being ancestral and on the other I am being old
aged, the above said lands are cultivating on my behalf by my son Shyamala Dhanraj
Reddy even from the life time of my deceased husband to till today irrespective of patta
rights standing in my name. The above said property is the subject matter of this Deed.
Hence the same is herein after referred to as the schedule of property for sake of brevity.

Whereas I came to know that some un-concerned persons are interfering with my
possession over the above property and obstructing my son from cultivating the above
property. Hence I decided to seek necessary perpetual injunction decree from the
concerned court of law. But being old aged I am unable either to cultivate the above
property or to look-after the court proceedings personally. Hence I am desirous to execute
this General Power of Attorney in favour of my son Shyamala Dhanraj Reddy authorizing
and appointing him as my lawful Attorney on my behalf to do all the following acts.

NOW THEREFORE BY THESE PRESENTS, I the Executant herein do hereby appoint,

authorize and empower my son Mr. SHYAMALA DHANRAJ REDDY S/o Late Shyamala
Thomas Reddy, age 90 years, Occupation: Agriculture, R/o H.No: 5-23 Patigadda Village;
Keshampet Mandal. Rangareddy District – 509 408. Telangana State. Adhar card No:
3731-8082-2228 as my lawful attorney, for me and on my behalf to do the following
acts, deeds, and things, that is to say;

1] To cultivate, look after, maintain, safe guard the schedule of property and to
receive the profits, benefits, rents and to pass receipts etc.

2] To file any case, to prosecute anybody in any court of law to protect my rights,
title, interest, possession over the schedule of property.

3] To sign and verify plaints, written statements, objection

statements, applications etc in connection with any of the legal
proceedings pertaining to the schedule of property herein.

4] To file suits, appeal, review petitions, writ petitions and any

other legal proceedings etc against any order that may be
passed in the afore mentioned legal proceedings.

5] To lead evidence in the above legal proceedings, to file

documents into court and to take return of the same and to
enter into compromise if need.

6] To appoint lawyers and to sign Vakalathnama in connection therewith.

7] To accept service of any summons, notices issued to me by any

competent court of law, company or authority in relation to the
schedule of property.

8] To make, sign, file declaration forms, returns or papers on my

behalf before any authority in relation to the schedule of

9] To sell, alienate, dispose off, lease, mortgage, or in any manner encumber the
schedule of property on my behalf.

10] To enter into and execute and register agreement of sale, sale
deed, mortgage deed, or other documents with respect of the
schedule of property on my behalf and in my name.

11] To sign and execute all required documents other instruments

and assurances which she shall consider necessary and to enter
into and / or agree to such covenants and conditions as may be
required for fully and effectually carrying out the purposes
mentioned here above.

12] To receive advance, earnest money, deposit, sale consideration,

mortgage money or other consideration and to give valid receipt
therefore and render the account to me.

13] Receipts issued on realization of funds shall be considered as a

valid discharge of liability in relation to schedule of property.

14] To obtain the absolute sale deed in respect of the schedule of

property and observe all formalities required for execution of
the sale deed.

15] To represent me before the concerned Sub Registrar, Income

Tax authorities, or any other concerned authority of State
Government or Central Government in connection with any of
the transactions pertaining to the schedule or property including
registration of the same.

16] To obtain necessary permissions and sanctions for completion of

the sale transaction, lease, mortgage or any other transactions
pertaining to the schedule of property from the Income Tax
authorities, Appellate authority constituted under the Income
Tax Act, State Government or Central Government or other
authorities or persons.

17] To deliver the physical possession of the schedule of property to

the purchasers on my behalf.

18] To demand, sue for, enforce payment of recovery, receive and

give proper receipts and discharge for all monies, goods, effects,
securities for money in schedule of property.

19] To commence, carry on or defend all acts or other proceedings

connecting to the schedule of property.

20] To invest any of my monies emanating from the schedule of

property in such manner at such rate of interest and upon such
securities as our said attorney shall in its absolute discretion
think fit and from time to time to alter and vary the said
investments or any of them.

21] To do all other lawful acts and things in connection with respect of the schedule of
property as effectually as I could do the same if I am personally present; and all and
whatever my said attorney shall lawfully do, we do hereby agree to ratify and
22] I hereby agree, confirm and ratify that all the acts, deeds and things lawfully done
by my said attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me and I
undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever that our said attorney shall
lawfully do or cause to be done for me by virtue of the power of attorney hereby

23] General to do all other acts, deeds and things that may be
necessary effectively carry out all or any of the powers conferred
upon my attorney under these presents including the right to
appoint agents or sub-agents in relation to schedule of property.


ALL that the lands in Sy.No: 330/Lu (01-00), 330/Lu-1 (00-07), 333/EE (01-04),
333/1/Voo (00-04), 342/A (01-10) totally admeasuring Ac. 04-25 Guntas situated in the
limits of ALWALA Village; Keshampet Mandal, Rangareddy District.

In witness whereof I have signed this deed on this the ___ day of March 2020 with
my free will and consent and without any undue influence; coercion etc after under-
standing the contents in presence of attesting witnesses.


( EXECUTANT ) (Accepted the Power of Attorney)

Witnesses :-


This Special Power of Attorney is made and executed on this the ____ day of
November 2017 by and between :-

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that, KADERI ESHWAR S/o Puvvappa, aged 78
years, Occupation: Business, R/o H.No. 15-16, Shadnagar town – 509 216, Faruqnagar
Mandal, Rangareddy District, out of my own will, consent and without any undue
influence, coercion etc do hereby constitute and appoint my younger son Sri KADERI
RAVI S/o Eshwar, aged 48 years, Occupation: Business, R/o H.No. 15-25 Shadnagar town
– 509 216, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District, towards lawful SPECIAL POWER OF
ATTORENY on my behalf to execute and register the lease deed with respect of my
exclusive / own property under mentioned powers hereby conferred on my behalf.

I am the absolute registered owner and possessor of the premises bearing House
No.15-25 situated at National Highway Road No.44, Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar
Mandal, Rangareddy District. The said premises is consisting with Ground and First
Floor. I have maintained a hotel business in the Ground floor of the said premises for
all of these days in the name and style of HOTEL DEVI PRASAD. But due to old age
health problems, I am unable to continue with my above said hotel business. Hence I
decided to lease the Ground floor of the above said premises to Sri Bojja Dayakar Reddy
S/o Srinivas Reddy, aged 42 years, Occupation: Business, R/o H.No. 18-403/4/1, New
City colony, Pargi road, Shadnagar town.

Whereas as per the terms and conditions set out between me and the above said
prospective lessee, I have to execute registered lease deed with respect of the Ground
floor of my above said premises in his favour. But due to my old age health problems, I
am unable to move to the office of the Sub Registrar, Shadnagar to execute the said
lease deed because now I am residing at my native. Hence I voluntarily decided to
appoint my younger son Kaderi Rajesh towards my Special Power of Attorney Holder
permitting him to execute the registered lease deed with respect of my above property
in favour of the above named prospective lessee.

Therefore I hereby appoint and authorize my elder son Kaderi Rajesh towards my
Special Power of Attorney permitting him to execute and register the lease deed with
respect of the Ground Floor of House No.15-25 situated at National Highway Road
No.44, Shadnagar town, Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District in favour of the above
said lessee and to collect the rents, pass receipts etc.

In witness whereof the parties out of my own will, consent and without any undue
influence, coercion etc signed this Special Power of Attorney in presence of attesting
witnesses on the date, month and year above mentioned.

W i t n e s s e s :- [ K. ESHWAR ]


This Deed of Partnership is made and executed on this the _____ day of JANUARY
2017 between :-

1] N. VENKATESHWARLU S/o Suraia, age 36 years, Occupation: Business,

R/o Raghavendra colony, Shadnagar. Rangareddy District.

2] L.V. SHIVA REDDY S/o Narayan Reddy, age 40 years, occupation: Agriculture,
R/o 6-91 Raghavendra colony, Shadnagar, Rangareddy District.

3] Ch. RAMANA RAO S/o Ch. Subba Rao, age 38 years, Occupation: Business,
R/o Kukatpally, Hyderabad.

4] K.L. SUBBA RAO S/o Nancharaiah, age 39 years, Occupation: Business,

R/o Nagole, Hyderabad.

Whereas the parties herein are formed together as partners and decided to start
Batter led factory at Chilkamarry Village; Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District on
partnership basis in the name and style of M/s. Sri Laxmi Balaji Metals.

Whereas the Party No.1 to 5 are incurred Rs. 5,00,000/- each towards capital and
the Party No.2 incurred Rs. 2,00,000/- towards his share of capital. All the partners are
decided to open an account in bank in the name of firm and to deposit the said capital
as details here above.

Whereas the party No.1 N. Venkateshwarlu is authorized by the remaining partners

to maintain the account of the first and he is authorized signature to operate the said
account of the firm.
Whereas the Party No.1 is the sole responsible to maintain the profit and loss
account of the firm.

Whereas the Party No.2 to 4 are to be continued as working partners of the firm.

Whereas the parties are entitle to share the profit and loss as per the ratio of capital
deposited by them.

Whereas the parties are amicably and unanimously decided to get enter into a
Deed of Partnership with respect of the above business on the following terms and


The parties are entered into this Deed of Partnership and decided to start the
Batter led factory at Chilkamarry Village; Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District on
partnership basis in the name and style of M/s. Sri Laxmi Balaji Metals.

The process of the factory will use to purchase the scrap batteries from market
and to burn it in the factory to get led from the batteries. The said led will be sold in

The parties decided to get the required permission to the said business will be in
the name and style as detailed here above.

The parties are entitled and responsible for the profit and loss of the business as per
the ratio of their individual capital as detailed here above.

The partners decided to open an account with any bank in the name of the firm
and Party No.1 will be authorized signatory to operate the said account and also to
maintain the profit and loss accounts of the partnership business.

The party No.2 to 4 will be the working partners. The party No.2 to 4 are responsible
to collect the scrap batteries from the market, process the scrap batteries and to sell the
led in market and also to deposit of such sale proceeds to the account of the partnership

The Partners are decided to take an account of the business i.e., credits and
liabilities of the partnership immediately on each and every quaterly. Such accounts and
valuations shall after mutual examination be drawn up in as many copies as there are
partners and shall be signed by all the partners in token of their acceptance as final and
binding. All the partners shall sign the copies and each partner shall retain a copy
such signed copy.

The parties are entitled to withdraw the profits of their respective share on every
succeeding quarter after excluding the expenses of the business.

For any reasons, if any partner may decided to retire from his partnership or
majority of partners may decided to evict any partner from the partnership, such
intending party should issue written notice showing his intention to other partners
providing three months time. The payment of such outgoing party is entitled to withdraw
his share of profit on competition of the succession academic year.

If any disputes may arisen between the partners for any reason, in such event the
matter will be decided with the help of the arbitrator.

In witness whereof the parties have entered into this deed of partnership in
presence of attesting witnesses on the date, month and year above mentioned.


Witnesses :-


This Deed of Rectification is made and executed on this the ___ day of
January 2016 in between :-

JANGA RAJANIKANTH S/o Balaiah, age 31 years, Occupation: Press Reporter, R/o
Jangoniguda H/o Nandigama Village, Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar District

Here in after referred to as the 1st Party, which expressions, terms unless repugnant
to the text shall mean and include not only the 1st Party herein but also his legal
heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators & assigns etc., of the one

1] B. Rambabu S/o Sitaramaiah, age 54 years, Occupation: Business,

R/o Mulguntapadu, Singarayakonda, Prakasham District.
2] I. Sudhakar Rao S/o Venkateshwarlu, age 53 years, Occ: Business,
R/o Pamaru road, Kandukur, Prakasham District.
3] Smt. T. Jhansilaxmi W/o Srinivas Rao, age 43 years, Occ: House wife
R/o Engineers colony, Yellareddiguda, Ameerpet, Hyderabad.
4] G. Venkata Srinivasulu S/o Venkata Subbaiah, age 56 years,
R/o 8/151, Narayanamma street, Gudur, Nellore District.
5] G. Muenaiah S/o G. Muneyya, age 69 years, Occupation: Business,
R/o 3-7-30/1, Rajagopalapuram, Nayudupeta, Nellore District.
6] G. Sriramulu S/o G. Muneyya, age 65 years, Occupation: Business,
R/o 3-7-30/2, Rajagopalapuram, Nayudupeta, Nellore District.
7] V. Venkata Narasimha Rao S/o Thiruvalu Chetty, age 54 years
R/o 9-261, Bazar street, Gudur, Nellore District.

Herein after referred to as the 2nd Party which expressions, terms unless repugnant
to the text shall mean and include not only the 2nd Party herein but also his legal
heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators and assigns etc., of the other

WHEREAS the lands in Sy.No. 1844/Aa measuring Ac. 01-07 Guntas, 1844/Lu,
measuring Ac. 00-34 Guntas, 1825 measuring Ac. 01-39 Guntas, 1844 measuring
Ac. 00-20 Guntas, totally admeasuring Ac. 10-14 Guntas, respectively situated in
the limits of Jangoniguda H/o Nandigama Village; Kothur Mandal, Mahabubnagar
District are the ancestral and undivided Hindu joint family property of the first party
and his joint family members. The first party is having his own share over the said

Whereas earlier the sale transactions are taken place with respect of the
above lands through Regd. Sale deed No. 6485/2008, 6486/2008, 6487/2008,
Dated.23-06-2008 and also subsequent sale transaction through Regd. Sale deed
No. 6063/2014, Dated. 6.9.2014 by suppressing the facts with regard to exclusive
share of the first party. Later the second party have converted the property into
non agriculture and even obtained the lay out from concerned authority in file No.
LP. No. 27/LO/Plg/HMDA/2014, dated. 5.8.2014 in the name and style of Manasa

Whereas at the time of execution of the above registered sale deed, the first
party was not present to make him as necessary party to the said documents.
Hence the second party have decided to get ratification of the above sale
transaction through the first party with intention to avoid future complication from
the end of the first party and also with intention to provide better title to the
subsequent purchasers of the plots in the said venture. After due course of
discussions, the first party also out of his own will, consent and without any undue
influence, coercion etc have came farward to execute this deed in ratification of
the above sale transactions. Hence there is no money transaction in this regard.
Therefore, the parties to the said document are voluntarily came forward and
decided to rectify the said mistakes through this Deed of Rectification.


That the first party herewith ratify the sale transactions taken place through
the registered sale deed No. 6485/2008, 6486/2008, 6487/2008, Dated.23-06-2008
and also subsequent sale transaction through Regd. Sale deed No. 6063/2014,
Dated. 6.9.2014 with respect of the lands in Sy.No. 1844/Aa measuring Ac. 01-07
Guntas, 1844/Lu, measuring Ac. 00-34 Guntas, 1825 measuring Ac. 01-39 Guntas,
1844 measuring Ac. 00-20 Guntas, totally admeasuring Ac. 10-14 Guntas,
respectively situated in the limits of Jangoniguda H/o Nandigama Village; Kothur
Mandal, Mahabubnagar District.
In ratification of the above, the first herewith relinquished and surrendered
all his ancestral rights over the above said property in favour of the second party.
Hence the first party declare that, here after neither himself nor his legal heirs have
no sort of right, title, interest, claim, whatsoever over the above said property.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have signed this Deed of

Rectification on the date first herein before mentioned.

[ Janga Rajanikanth ]
(1st party)

(2nd Party )

Witnesses :-

THIS DEED OF MORTGAGE is made and executed on this the ___ day of July 2018 by

Sri DADE NARAYANA S/o Veerappa, age 69 years, Occupation: Retired Teacher cum Agriculture,
R/o H.No. 4-12/1, Sardarnagar Village; Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District. Telangana State.
Adhar Card No.9046-1938-9174.

(Hereinafter called the “MORTGAGOR” which expression shall mean and include all his heirs,
legal representatives, administrators and assignees etc. of the ONE PART).


Sri MUNAGAPATI NARSIMLU S/o Chandraiah, age 48 years, Occupation: Business, R/o H.No. 1-
7, Sardarnagar Village; Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District. Telangana State. Adhar Card

(Hereinafter called the “MORTGAGEE” which expression shall mean and include all his heirs, legal
representatives, administrators and assignees etc. of the OTHER PART).

WHEREAS the Mortgagor herein is the sole and absolute registered owner/Pattadar and
peaceful possessor of the agricultural dry land in Sy. No.395/E measuring Ac. 03-00 Guntas situated
in the limits of Kakkulur Village; Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District, which acquired by the
Mortgagor from its previous pattadar through Regd. Sale deed No. 1455/93, Dated. 14-12-1993
and got mutated the same in concerned revenue records and also obtained the Pattadar Pass book
cum Title deed vide No.T05220220300 with Patta No. 667.

AND WHEREAS the Mortgagor is being in badly need of money to the sum of Rs. 12.00
lakhs for his family necessities, approached the Mortgagee, and requested to adjust the said amount
on the security of the part of said property i.e., an extent of Ac. 01-00 Guntas of land in Sy.No.
395/E of Kakkulur Village; Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District for which the Mortgagee also
agreed to provide loan to the Mortgagor subject to the following terms and conditions herein
below mentioned.


1. The Mortgagee have paid the sum of Rs. 11,80,000/- ( Rs. Eleven Lakhs and Eighty thousand
only) to the Mortgagor in presence of attesting witnesses through the cheque No. 667966, Dt. -
07-2018 for Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten Lakhs only) and the remaining amount of Rs. 1,80,000/- (Rs.
One Lakh and eighty thousand only) is paid in the shape of net cash towards loan to the Mortgagor.

2. The Mortgagor admit, acknowledge and confirm receipt of the above said amount from
the Mortgagee towards hand loan.

3. The Mortgagor Promised and assure the Mortgagee to repay the said loan amount to the
Mortgagee along with permissible interest within ONE YEAR from the date of this document.

4. The Mortgagor declares that, out of his above said total land, today he have mortgaged
his agricultural land to an extent of Ac. 01-00 Guntas in Sy. No. 395/E situated at Kakkuluru village;
Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District, bounded by East”- Land of Dade Narayana, West:- Land of
Dade Narayana, North:- Land of Dade Anjaiah and South:- Land of Palamakula Narayana and
others, in security of the above said loan amount.

5. The Mortgagor assure and promise the Mortgagee to execute registered Sale deed with
respect of above mortgaged property in the name of Mortgagee without demanding any further
sale consideration in the event of his failure in repayment of the above loan amount along with
agreed interest within ONE YEAR here from.

6. The possession of the said property shall be with the Mortgagee and he is entitled to enjoy
the same in lien of interest. The Mortgagor has delivered the physical possession to the Mortgagee
today itself in presence of attesting witnesses.

7. That the Mortgagee assure and promise the Mortgagor to execute registered release deed
with respect of the above said mortgaged property on receipt of such repayment and to hand over
the physical possession of the property without any delayed tactics for any reason.

8. That the Mortgagee is the sole responsible to maintain the property as it is, pay the
electricity consumption charges, departmental expenses etc during the mortgage period. Further
the mortgagee is the sole responsible for all unlawful activities in the premises of said property
during the mortgage period.

9. That the Mortgagor hereby declare that the said property hereby stands as security is free
from all encumbrances, prior sales, agreements, gifts, mortgages, liens and court attachments of

10. That the Mortgagor shall pay the relevant taxes in respect of the scheduled property at his
own expenses.

11. That in case if either of the party commits any breach or default, the other party is at liberty
to take appropriate legal action against such defaulting party.

12. The Mortgagor hereby declares that the mortgaged property is not an assigned land within
the meaning of AP Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act 9 of 1977 and that it does not
belong to or under mortgage to Govt. Agencies / Undertakings.

13. The said Property is situated outside the Urban Agglomeration, hence the provisions of
Urban Land Ceiling Act is not applicable.


All that the piece and parcel of the agricultural land to an extent of Ac. 01-00 Guntas in Sy.
No. 395/E situated at Kakkuluru village; Shabad Mandal, Rangareddy District, bounded by East”-
Land of Dade Narayana, West:- Land of Dade Narayana, North:- Land of Dade Anjaiah and South:-
Land of Palamakula Narayana and others,

EAST : Land of Dade Narayana

WEST : Land of Dade Narayana
NORTH : Land of Dade Anjaiah
SOUTH : Land of Palamakula Narayana & others
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, Mortgagee hereunto have signed and executed this simple
mortgage with free will and consent on this the day, month and year aforementioned.





I, MANCHIKANTI BHASKER S/o Bakkaiah, age 50 years, Occupation: Business,

R/o H.No. 3-45 Kothapet Village; Faruqnagar Mandal. Rangareddy District, in a sound

mind, do hereby admit, acknowledge, confirm and declare that in presence of attesting

witnesses I have barrowed the sum of Rs. 60,000/- (Rs. Sixty thousand only) from my

friend Sri. CHERUKUPALLY BHIKSHAPATHI S/o Vittalaiah, age 45 years, Occupation:

Business, R/o Faruqangar Village; Faruqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District for my urgent

family and business needs. I PROMISE and assure to repay the above said amount n

demand of Sri. Cherukupally Bhikshapathi along with agreed interest within SIX MONTHS

from the date of loan. Hence the Promissory note cum cash receipt.


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