RL 32
RL 32
RL 32
Revision Date: 03/06/2015
Product name: RL 32H (GAL) LE32H1 475393
Additional identification
Chemical name: Carboxylic ester
2. Hazard(s) identification
Hazard Classification
Not classified
Label Elements:
3. Composition/information on ingredients
General information: The components are not hazardous or are below required disclosure limits.
4. First-aid measures
Inhalation: Remove exposed person to fresh air if adverse effects are observed.
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, get medical attention.
Eye contact: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with
water. If easy to do, remove contact lenses.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.
Specific hazards arising from A solid stream of water will spread the burning material. Material creates a
the chemical: special hazard because it floats on water. See section 10 for additional
Personal precautions, Personal Protective Equipment must be worn, see Personal Protection
protective equipment and Section for PPE recommendations.
emergency procedures:
Methods and material for Dike far ahead of larger spill for later recovery and disposal. Pick up free
containment and cleaning up: liquid for recycle and/or disposal. Residual liquid can be absorbed on inert
Environmental Precautions: Avoid release to the environment. Do not contaminate water sources or
sewer. Environmental manager must be informed of all major spillages.
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Precautions for safe handling: Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Provide adequate ventilation.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
Conditions for safe storage, Store away from incompatible materials. See section 10 for incompatible
including any materials.
Control Parameters:
Occupational Exposure Limits
None of the components have assigned exposure limits.
Appropriate engineering No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with
controls: adequate ventilation.
Eye/face protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended.
Skin Protection
Hand Protection: Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier.
Respiratory Protection: Consult with an industrial hygienist to determine the appropriate respiratory
protection for your specific use of this material. A respiratory protection
program compliant with all applicable regulations must be followed
whenever workplace conditions require the use of a respirator.
Hygiene measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after
handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely
wash work clothing to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated
footwear that cannot be cleaned.
Physical state: liquid
Form: liquid
Color: Colorless to yellow
Odor: Mild
Odor threshold: No data available.
pH: No data available.
Freezing point: No data available.
Boiling Point: No data available.
Flash Point: 518 °F (270 °C) (Tagliabue Open Cup)
Evaporation rate: No data available.
Flammability (solid, gas): No data available.
Other information
Pour Point Temperature: Approximate -51 °F (-46 °C)
Conditions to Avoid: Do not expose to excessive heat, ignition sources, or oxidizing materials.
Product: Not classified for acute toxicity based on available data.
Skin Corrosion/Irritation:
Product: Not classified as a primary skin irritant.
Remarks: Prolonged or repeated skin contact as from clothing wet
with material may cause dermatitis. Symptoms may include
redness, edema, drying, and cracking of the skin.
Respiratory sensitization:
No data available
Skin sensitization:
No data available
Aspiration Hazard:
No data available
Chronic Effects
No data available
Reproductive toxicity:
No data available
Product: LC 50 (Fathead Minnow, 4 d): > 10,000 mg/l
Aquatic Invertebrates
Product: EC 50 (Water flea (Daphnia magna), 2 d): > 1,000 mg/l
Sediment Toxicity
No data available
Toxicity to microorganisms
Product: EC 50 (Sludge, 0.1 d): > 10,000 mg/l
Bioaccumulative Potential
Bioconcentration Factor (BCF)
No data available
No data available
Not regulated.
Not regulated.
Not regulated.
Shipping descriptions may vary based on mode of transport, quantities ,temperature of the material, package size, and/or origin and
destination It is the responsibility of the transporting organization to follow all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the
transportation of the material. Review classification requirements before shipping materials at elevated temperatures.
US Federal Regulations
TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)
None present or none present in regulated quantities.
US State Regulations
US. California Proposition 65
No ingredient regulated by CA Prop 65 present.
Inventory Status
Australia (AICS)
All components are in compliance with chemical notification requirements in Australia.
Canada (DSL/NDSL)
All components are in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and are present on the
Domestic Substances List.
China (IECSC)
All components of this product are listed on the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China.
European Union (REACh)
To obtain information on the REACH compliance status of this product, please visit Lubrizol.com/REACH, or
e-mail us at REACH_MSDS_INQUIRIES@Lubrizol.com
Japan (ENCS)
All components are in compliance with the Chemical Substances Control Law of Japan.
Korea (ECL)
All components are in compliance in Korea.
New Zealand (NZIoC)
All components are in compliance with chemical notification requirements in New Zealand.
Philippines (PICCS)
All components are in compliance with the Philippines Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act of 1990 (R.A. 6969).
Switzerland (SWISS)
All components are in compliance with the Environmentally Hazardous Substances Ordinance in
Taiwan (TCSCA)
All components of this product are listed on the Taiwan inventory.
United States (TSCA)
All components of this material are on the US TSCA Inventory.
The information that was used to confirm the compliance status of this product may deviate from the chemical
information shown in Section 3.
HMIS Hazard ID
Health 1
Flammability 1
Physical Hazards 0
Hazard rating: 0 - Minimal; 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Serious; 4 - Severe; RNP - Rating not
possible; *Chronic health effect
NFPA Hazard ID
1 Flammability
1 0 Health
Special hazard.
Hazard rating: 0 - Minimal; 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Serious; 4 - Severe; RNP - Rating not possible