Ashura - Lest We Forget
Ashura - Lest We Forget
Ashura - Lest We Forget
The tenth day of the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar marks
a significant day in the Muslim calendar.
The valiant Prophet Moses did not fight Pharaoh to become king,
neither did the righteous Imam Husayn take on the army of the
corrupt Yazid merely to become caliph. Their effort was in fulfillment
of moral obligation which serves as a universal message which has
left a lasting legacy of struggle and resistance against corruption
and injustice. The lesson is not only in that they were prepared to
fight for what is right, but were also willing to die for it; selflessness
not selfishness, humility not ego, principle not power.
Tragic Event
So cowardly and gruesome was the killing of Imam Husayn that the
renowned Arab historian Al-Fakhri wrote: "This is a catastrophe,
whereof I care not to speak at length, deeming it a like too grievous
and too horrible. For it was indeed a catastrophe so odious that a
more shameful incident has not occurred in Muslim history. There
occurred such a foul massacre as to cause any person’s flesh to
creep with horror. Again I have dispensed with my long description
of this horrific incident because of its notoriety, for it is the most
lamented of all catastrophes. " Western historian, Dr Edward Browne
in his ‘a Literary History of Persia’ writes: "as a reminder, the blood-
stained field of Karbala where the grandson of the apostle of God fell
at length, tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of his
murdered family; has been at any time since then been sufficient to
evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest
emotion, the most frantic grief and the exaltation of spirit before
which pain, danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles."
Professor E. Gibbon writes , "Ina distant age and clime the tragic
scene of the death of Husayn will awaken the sympathy of the
coldest reader." [Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]
Tragedy Compounded
Husayn of whom the Prophet said,
"Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn. Allah loves
whoever loves Husayn." [Sunanal-Tirmidhi]
(O Allah, Bless Our Master Muhammad and the family of our Master
Muhammad as You blessed our forefather Ibrahim and the family of
our forefather Ibrahim.) The Makkan struggle for the manifesting
and upholding the values of Islam was founded with love and
veracity by the family of Ibrahim and continued with loveand
patience through the family of Muhammad (pbuh), as ‘allama Iqbal
Sidq-e Khalil bhi hay ishq, sabr-e Husayn bhi hay ishq
Ma’rika-e-wujud mayn Badr-o-Hunayn bhi hay ishq
Perhaps the most fitting of all epithets regarding Imam Husayn was
by one of the greatest spiritual luminaries the world has ever known,
Khwajah Mo’inuddin Chisti (may Allah sanctify his status), who said
Call of ‘Ashura
Then, this beloved grandson of the Prophet and the apple of his eye,
raised a call: "Is there anyone who will come to assist us? Is there
anyone who will respond to our call for help?" He turned directions
and repeated the call several times. Who was he calling out to?
Surely he was not expecting anyone there to come to his aid since
those who he had relied upon had already betrayed him? Perhaps it
was a call to people of conscience of every period, every generation
in every land. It was a call for help against corruption which
everywhere in every age rears its ugly head to oppress justice and
undermine the truth.
How many are there even today who shy away; not only from
mentioning the struggleat Karbala, but from the very memory of
Husayn. God forbid that we ever become of those who forget.
Kind regard,