7 Steps Brand
7 Steps Brand
7 Steps Brand
a successful brand.
What is a brand?
A brand isn’t just a logo. Alone, a logo is just a picture – nothing more. A brand’s a
promise your customers believe in. It’s a promise about who you are and what benefits
you deliver, that gets reinforced every single time people come in contact with any part
of your business.
A brand is a promise that your customers believe in. And branding is the packaging and
presentation of your promise.
3. Keep it short.
If possible, your market research survey or questionnaire should all fit on one page. Long forms
intimidate some people; others see multiple page forms as just too much of an imposition on their time.
If this sounds like a daunting task and you’ve yet to venture forth with a clipboard and a forced smile, don’t
worry – we can carry out the research on your behalf.
Step 3: Define your offering
Once you understand your customers – their wants, needs, desires and expectations – you should revisit
your offering and start to lay the foundation for a brand that accurately reflects the essence of what your
business stands for, how you operate, what you promise and who you serve.
Our ‘Putting your brand into words’ workshop will help focus and structure your thinking by taking you
through the following exercises:
• Creating your vision
Think of your vision as the picture of where you ultimately want to be.
- Define your long-term aspirations
- Explain why you’re doing what you’re doing
- And the ultimate good you want to achieve through your success
• Establishing your mission
Think of your mission as the route you’ll follow to achieve your vision.
- Define the purpose of your company
- State what effect you intend to have on the world around you
- State what you do for others
- And the approach you follow in order to achieve your aspirations
• Identifying your values
You need a set of principles and values that guide how you operate.
- What you are and aren’t willing to do to achieve success
- They’re fundamental to what your business is and stands for
- They’re essential to the brand image that’s reflected to the public
• Writing your business promise
Your business promise is the pledge upon which you build your brand and stake your reputation.
- What do you assure those who come into contact with your business
- The expectation that you live up to every time people experience your brand
- Your promise is the essence of your brand
- Your promise is essential to your brand strategy
- Don’t make promises that you can’t deliver on consistently
- Delivering your promise is essential to building business trust and loyalty
- It’s something translated into and presented as a motto or tagline
• Understanding your character
Your brand character is the personality of your brand.
- It’s an accurate reflection of your vision, mission, values, and promise
- Is it serious or sombre, fun or playful
- Is it youthful or very grown up
• Defining your brand
Your brand definition shrinks all your thoughts about your business mission, values, and promise into
a concise statement.
- It defines what you do and how you differ from all other solutions
- It defines your promise to your customers
- It’s the face of your brand
- It serves as the steering wheel for your branding strategy
- It influences every turn you make in presenting your brand
• Inventing or confirming your name
If you already have a brand name, you can use this exercise to check if it truly reflects the attributes
of your brand. If you don’t have a brand name, it’ll help you list the attributes that you want to reflect
in your name.
- It identifies the terms out of your brand identity statement that you most want your name to convey,
reflect, or support
- It identifies the aspects of your brand promise that you would like your name to advance
- It will help you identify words that define the character you want your name to convey
Unless you have a marketing degree or the inclination to absorb a library of strategy books, we recommend
that you get us to create your strategy for you.
But if money’s tight and you have no alternative but to do it yourself, here’s what your strategy
should include:
• Introduction
• Your vision, mission and business promise
• Strengths and weaknesses
• Opportunities and threats
• Competitor analysis
• Target market analysis – primary and secondary
• Ideal customer profile
• Customer needs, desires and expectations
• Key objectives
• Core strategy
• Key messages
• Potential channels to market
• Media plan and costs
• Tactics
• Implementation action plan
• Summary
Step 5: Create the right impression
The average consumer faces an average of 3000 promotional messages every day. They only tune into
messages that appeal to their wants and needs. They ignore messages for offerings they already buy from
a trusted supplier. Unless, the offering being presented is unique, attractive, different and better.
To grab their attention – and win their custom – you need to be all of these things. To keep their custom you
need to deliver on your promise. Your promise needs to match their desire and expectations.
Create a face and voice for your brand that’s unique, simple and strong representation of your business.
It should reflect your brand character and embody your promise to your customers. It must be consistent
in image and tone across all your marketing communications. It must be targeted in message and powerful
enough to grab your customer’s attention – and win their custom.