Using Accounts Payable 9.01

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CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial:

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook


CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial

May 26, 2017
Course code: 11_0010901_IEN3358_SYT
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Table of contents
About this workbook ............................................................................................................................. 1
Course overview .................................................................................................................................. 2
Course description and agenda ............................................................................................................ 3
Lesson 1: Accounts payable setup .................................................................................................... 11
Setting up accounts payable accounts in the Chart of Accounts.......................................................... 12
Setting accounts payable parameters................................................................................................. 14
Setting up bank codes........................................................................................................................ 20
Setting up billing terms ....................................................................................................................... 22
Setting up shipping codes .................................................................................................................. 30
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 31
Lesson 2: Setting up vendors ............................................................................................................. 32
Entering vendor data .......................................................................................................................... 33
Entering vendor document profile data ............................................................................................... 41
Documenting vendor interactions ....................................................................................................... 42
Querying vendors............................................................................................................................... 45
Specifying accounts payable data for salespersons ............................................................................ 46
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 47
Lesson 3: Defining accounts payable accounts ................................................................................ 48
Defining standard accounts ................................................................................................................ 49
Enabling voucher authorization .......................................................................................................... 50
Setting up inventory adjustment and variance accounts...................................................................... 51
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 52
Lesson 4: Generating vouchers.......................................................................................................... 53
Previewing the Vouchers Payable report ............................................................................................ 54
Generating vouchers from purchase orders ........................................................................................ 55
Viewing vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form ........................................................... 58
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 59
Lesson 5: Using the auto voucher feature ......................................................................................... 60
Generating vouchers with the auto voucher feature ............................................................................ 61
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 64
Lesson 6: Manually creating vouchers............................................................................................... 65
Manually creating vouchers ................................................................................................................ 66
Voucher distribution ........................................................................................................................... 68
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 70
Lesson 7: Creating and generating recurring vouchers .................................................................... 71
Creating recurring vouchers ............................................................................................................... 72
Generating recurring vouchers ........................................................................................................... 73
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 76
Lesson 8: Posting vouchers and adjustments................................................................................... 77
Posting vouchers and adjustments ..................................................................................................... 78
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 82
Lesson 9: Generating payments ......................................................................................................... 83
Payments overview ............................................................................................................................ 84
Generating payments ......................................................................................................................... 85
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 88
Lesson 10: Manually entering payments ............................................................................................ 89
Manually entering payments............................................................................................................... 90
Distributing payments......................................................................................................................... 91
Using quick payment application ........................................................................................................ 93
Check your understanding.................................................................................................................. 95
Lesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks ............................................................................. 96
Printing and posting checks................................................................................................................ 97
Voiding posted payments ................................................................................................................... 99
Viewing posted transaction detail and summary data........................................................................ 100
Using a positive pay file.................................................................................................................... 103
Check your understanding................................................................................................................ 105
Lesson 12: Vendor 360 form ............................................................................................................. 106
Vendor 360 form .............................................................................................................................. 107
Course summary ............................................................................................................................... 108
Course review .................................................................................................................................. 109
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ 113
Appendix A: Accounts payable reports and utilities ........................................................................... 114
Appendix B: Goods and services taxes (GST) for landed costs......................................................... 116
Appendix C: Letters of credit (LCR) .................................................................................................. 119
Appendix D: EFT bank statement import .......................................................................................... 120
Appendix E: Updates made to this version of the workbook .............................................................. 121
About this workbook
Welcome to this Infor Education course! We hope you will find this learning experience enjoyable and
instructive. This Training Workbook is designed to support the following forms of learning:
• Classroom instructor-led training
• Virtual instructor-led training
• Self-directed learning
This Training Workbook is not intended for self-study or as a product user guide.

Self-directed learning (SDL)

If this course is eligible for self-directed learning, demos and exercises throughout this Training Workbook
will be hyperlinked to Demonstration/Let Me Try simulations. In these instances, clicking the hyperlinked
title launches simulations that allow you to view and practice the execution of the demo or exercise in a
simulated training environment.

Activity data
You will be asked to complete some practice exercises during this course. Step-by-step instructions are
provided in this guide to assist you with completing the exercises. Where necessary, data columns are
included for your reference.
Your instructor will provide more information on systems used in class, including server addresses, login
IDs and passwords.

Symbols used in this workbook

Hands-on exercise
For your reference

Instructor demonstration
Your notes

Can be used for either

“Scenario” or “Discussion”

Note Answer

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 1

© 2017 Infor Education
Course overview
Reference materials
Reference materials are available from the following locations:
• CloudSuite Help menu
• Infor Xtreme®

Course duration
8 hours

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe how to set up accounts payable accounts in the Chart of Accounts.
• Describe how to set up bank codes, shipping codes, and billing terms.
• Describe how to set up a vendor, document a vendor’s profile, and log vendor interactions.
• Explain how to define standard accounts and set up inventory adjustment and variance accounts.
• Describe how to generate a voucher from a purchase order.
• Describe how to use the auto voucher feature to generate vouchers.
• Describe how to manually create and distribute vouchers.
• Describe how to create and generate recurring vouchers.
• Describe how to post vouchers and adjustments.
• Describe how to automatically generate payments.
• Describe how to manually enter and distribute payments.
• Explain the process for printing and posting checks.

• Customer User
• Pre-Sales Consultant
• Business Consultant
• Support

System requirements
• CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial® Training Environment

2 Course introduction
© 2017 Infor Education
Course description and agenda
This course covers basic accounts payable processes, including setting up accounts payable accounts
and specifying accounts payable parameters, setting up vendors, creating and posting vouchers,
generating and distributing payments, and printing, posting, and voiding checks.
This course is designed for version 9.01.00 of the software, but the vast majority of the lesson material
applies to other versions as well.

Prerequisite courses
• CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial: Navigating the User Interface (9.01.00)

Prerequisite knowledge
To optimize your learning experience, Infor recommends that you have the following knowledge prior to
attending this course:
• Knowledge of how data is structured and organized
• Ability to navigate the user interface.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

Course overview • Review course expectations. 1

1 Accounts payable • Describe how to set up accounts 1

set up payable accounts in the Chart of
• Explain how to specify a vendor prefix
and set up aging parameters.
• Describe how to set up bank codes.
• Describe how to set up shipping codes.
• Describe how to set up billing terms.

2 Setting up • Describe how to set up a vendor. 1

vendors • List reasons for holding a payment.
• Describe how to document a vendor’s
• Describe how to log vendor
• Describe how to query vendors.
• Describe how to enter data for

3 Defining accounts • Explain how to define standard 1

payable accounts accounts.
• Describe how to enable voucher
• Describe how to set up inventory
adjustment and variance accounts.

4 Generating • Describe how to preview the Vouchers 1

vouchers Payable Report.
• Describe how to generate a voucher
from a purchase order.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 3

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

• Identify the purpose of the A/P

Vouchers and Adjustments form.

5 Using the auto • Identify the auto voucher process flow. 1

voucher feature • Describe how to use the auto voucher
feature to generate vouchers.

6 Manually creating • Describe how to manually create 1

vouchers vouchers.
• Describe how to distribute vouchers.

7 Creating and • Explain the purpose of recurring 1

generating vouchers.
recurring • Describe how to create and generate
vouchers recurring vouchers.

8 Posting vouchers • Describe how to post vouchers and 1

and adjustments adjustments.

9 Generating • List the types of payments and the 1

payments parts of a payment.
• Describe how to automatically generate

10 Manually entering • Describe how to manually enter 1

payments payments.
• Describe how to distribute payments.
• Describe how to make prepayments.
• Describe how to use quick payment

11 Printing, posting, • Explain the process for printing and 1

and voiding posting checks.
checks • Describe how to void posted payments.
• Describe how to view posted
transaction detail and summary data.
• Describe how to query transaction
• Describe how to create a positive pay
file format, define fields for the file, and
generate the file.

Course summary • Review course objectives. 1

There are appendices at the end of this Training Workbook that you may find useful. They contain
information that is not part of the instructional content of this course, but provide additional related
reference information.

4 Course introduction
© 2017 Infor Education
Appendix Appendix title Content description

Appendix A Reports and List of reports and utilities used with accounts payable.

Appendix B Goods and • Define landed cost.

services taxes • Identify the forms used with landed cost.
(GST) for landed

Appendix C Letters of credit • Describe how to issue vendor LCRs.


Appendix D EFT bank • Overview of bank statement import

statement import

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 5

© 2017 Infor Education
User interface
Standard user interface elements include the navigation pane menus and the main toolbar.

Navigation pane menus and main toolbar

Navigation pane menus

You can browse all available folders through the navigation pane menus and submenus. Click the down
arrow for each of the navigation pane menus, this allows you to explore the submenus contained

Navigation pane menus and submenus

For information on how to pin submenus to the navigation pane, please refer to the Creating Form
Personalizations workbook or ILT. For example, if you know that you will be using the Customer Service
submenus frequently, you can display the menus at the top level, by pinning them to the navigation pane.

Main toolbar
The main toolbar contains icons that allow you to quickly complete commonly used tasks, such as saving
data or closing a form. You can position your mouse pointer over an icon on the toolbar to reveal its
description and functionality.
To view a list of all toolbar icons and for steps on how to add/remove icons from the default toolbar, See
Appendix B. Note: Availability to make hiding buttons visible is not available for Web users.

6 Course introduction
© 2017 Infor Education
Keyboard shortcuts
Some navigation pane submenus display available keyboard shortcuts that can be used to save multiple
steps when completing certain tasks.

The following tables display the available shortcut keys and their actions.

Navigating forms
Action Menu Path Smart Web Icon Button
Client Client Default
Shortcut Shortcut
Close current form Form > Close Ctrl + F4 N/A Hidden
and Cancel
Open Select Form Form > Open Ctrl + O Ctrl + O Visible

Open workspaces Form > Ctrl + W N/A

Switch view to next open Ctrl + Tab N/A

Navigating records
Action Menu Path Smart Web Icon Button
Client Client Default
Shortcut Shortcut
Move to first editable field View > Home Ctrl + Ctrl +
of form Cursor Home Home
Move to the next field Tab Tab
Move to the previous field Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Move to the next record Actions > Next F8 F8 Hidden

Move to the previous Actions > F7 F7 Hidden

record Previous
Switch the next collection View > Activate Ctrl + F8 N/A Visible
on the form to become the Next Collection
current collection in a form
that contains multiple
Hide/Show 1st Splitter View > Ctrl + 1 N/A
Pane. Toggles back and Hide/Show 1st
forth between form and Splitter Pane
dual view.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 7

© 2017 Infor Education
Action Menu Path Smart Web Icon Button
Client Client Default
Shortcut Shortcut
Hide/Show 2nd Splitter View > Ctrl + 2 N/A
Pane. Toggles back and Hide/Show 2nd
forth between grid and Splitter Pane
dual view.

Editing records
Action Menu Path Smart Web Client Icon Button
Client Shortcut Default
Activate the drop-down list F2 F2
with an implied asterisk
(i.e. wildcard) after the
entered text in the field to
then populate the list with
data entries that begin
with the entered text.
Add a new record Actions > New Ctrl + N N/A Visible
Note: The Actions menu is
only available when a form
is open.
Add value for current field Edit > Add Ctrl + A N/A Hidden

Copy (only works to copy Actions > Copy Ctrl + C Ctrl + C

a record with web client)
Cut Ctrl + X Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V N/A
Undo Edit > Undo Ctrl + Z N/A
Delete record Actions > Delete Ctrl + D Ctrl + D Visible

Find value for current field Edit > Find Ctrl + F N/A Hidden
(only available for certain Value for Current
drop-down fields) Field
Display details for current Edit > Details for Ctrl + L N/A Hidden
field drill-down (only Current Field
available for certain drop-
down fields)
Save changes (only Actions > Save Ctrl + S Ctrl + S Visible
available when a form is

8 Course introduction
© 2017 Infor Education
Filtering records
Action Menu Path Smart Web Icon Button
Client Client Default
Shortcut Shortcut
In Filter Place mode, Actions > Filter > F3 F3
cancel the filter in place Cancel in Place
and return to the collection
previously displayed
In Refresh/Run mode, Actions >Filter > F4 F4 Visible
begin filter in place (i.e. Begin in Place
clear the collection and go
back to Filter In Place
Actions > Filter >
Execute in Place
In Filter In Place Mode,
execute in place (i.e. run
the filter)
In Refresh/Run mode, Actions > F5 F5 Visible
refresh the current Refresh
collection. Actions > Filter >
In Filter In Place Mode, Clear in Place
clear the filter in place.
In Refresh/Run mode, Actions > Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + F5 Visible
refresh the current record. Refresh current
In Refresh/Run mode, Edit > Repeat Ctrl + F2 Ctrl + F2
repeat Find Value in Find
In Refresh/Run or New Actions > Filter > Ctrl + Q N/A
mode, open associated By Query
query form to specify filter
Open field level help topic Help > Current F1 N/A
Toggle design mode on Edit > Design Ctrl + E N/A Visible
and off. Mode
Print Print Ctrl + P N/A

Field types
The following tables display the field types available with a brief description:

Field type Description

Required, system-generated, and read-only fields

• Any field that is required will have a red star

• A system-generated field will have a green star
• A field with no border around the data is read-only

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 9

© 2017 Infor Education
Field type Description

Standard GUI fields

Check box indicating Yes or No

Radio button to select one option from multiple choices

Drop-down list to select one option from multiple choices

Icon name differences

Here are the names of the different icons in the smart client and web client.

Smart Client Web Client

Open a form Open
Save Save
Create a new object in the current collection New
Delete an object in the current collection Delete
Refresh the current collection Refresh
Filter in Place Filter in Place
Get more rows in the current collection Get more rows
Display notes for the current object Notes
Display documents for the current object Documents
Send email for the current object Send email for the current object
Export the data in the current collection to excel Export to excel
Enter or exit design mode on this form Open designer in a new window
Translate Translate
Get help on the current form Help Current Form

10 Course introduction
© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 1: Accounts payable setup
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to set up accounts payable accounts in the Chart of Accounts.
• Explain how to specify a vendor prefix and set up aging parameters.
• Describe how to set up bank codes.
• Describe how to set up billing terms.
• Describe how to set up shipping codes.

• Setting up accounts payable accounts in the Chart of Accounts
• Setting accounts payable parameters
• Setting up bank codes
• Setting up billing terms
• Setting up shipping codes

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 11

© 2017 Infor Education
Setting up accounts payable accounts in the Chart
of Accounts
An account tracks the money spent or earned by business activities, such as:
• Paying bills
• Receiving payments
• Generating payroll checks
• Purchasing supplies
• Paying rent
Account numbers are needed for all vouchers, adjustments, and payments made via accounts payable.
You use the Chart of Accounts form to set up account numbers to use throughout the system to record,
track, and report costs. The Chart of Accounts must contain all accounts payable-related account
numbers before transaction distributions and postings can occur. The general ledger is tied to other parts
of the system through the Chart of Accounts and the journals.
The following table displays fields on the Chart of Accounts form and provides a brief description of

Field Description

Account The account number. The account number has a maximum length of 12
alphanumeric characters and cannot include leading spaces

Description A description to identify the account number. This description can be up to forty
(this field is characters of text and will display on several accounts payable reports and in the
not labeled) general ledger. For example, Supplies Expense Allocation or Petty Cash.

Account Type The account type determines how an account is categorized. You can select
from the following options:
• Asset
• Expense
• Liability
• Owner's Equity
• Revenue
• Statistical
• Analytical
• Allocation
The type will used in reports and processing throughout the general ledger. For
example, the net income amount on financial statements is calculated using the
domestic currency amounts for revenue and expense accounts.

Account Class The account class assigned to the account. Account classes are not required,
but they can be used by financial reporting tools, if desired.

Effective Date The date you want the account to become active.

Obsolete Date The date you want the account to become inactive.

12 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

© 2017 Infor Education
Field Description

Allocations Defines accounts with percentages via a sub-file.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 13

© 2017 Infor Education
Setting accounts payable parameters
Use the General tab of the Accounts Payable Parameters form to specify a vendor prefix and to set
aging parameters.

Specifying vendor prefixes

The vendor prefix is used for alphanumeric numbering of vendors. The prefix is automatically added to
the beginning of default vendor numbers for new vendors. If you override the default value, the prefix is
not applied.
For example, if you enter a prefix of VE in the Vendor Prefix field, the default vendor numbers will be
generated as VE00001, VE00002, VE00003, and so on.
Note: If you use a prefix, when incrementing vendor numbers, the system will look for the last vendor
number that begins with the prefix and ends with a numeric digit and will add a one to it.
The system ignores vendor numbers containing alphabetic characters after the prefix. If you do not use a
prefix, the system will look for the largest numeric vendor number and add a one to it.

Setting aging parameters

You set aging parameters to be used as the default day range and titles on the A/P Aging Report.
Negative numbers represent days until due (the voucher will be due in the future). Positive numbers
represent days past due. The selection from the Aging Basis drop-down list on the Accounts tab of the
Accounts Payable form determines what the A/P Aging Report is based on; either the due date, the
invoice date, or the discount date.
Note: Only the AP Aging Report uses these aging report parameters. You should enter parameters on
this form to ensure consistency.

Allow Exchange Rate Update check box

Select the Allow Exchange Rate Update field to allow users to update the Exchange Rate field on the
Generate A/P Transactions form.
This will default to unchecked and will be used to enable and disable the Exchange Rate field on the
Generate A/P Transactions form.
During generation of the A/P Voucher, the “Exchange Rate” is posted to A/P Voucher and Distribution
records. The exchange rate will follow the standard exchange rate rules. The value entered must be
greater than zero.
Update debit or credit record will be created to adjust the cost of the PO Receipt transactions. The
difference between the new cost and the old cost will but entered. This will make the total cost match the
Voucher cost.
The created Voucher and distribution records will use the new exchange rate.




14 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

© 2017 Infor Education
Setting default accounts for system-generated distributions
The system uses default accounts for specific types of transactions. Account numbers are often
automatically assigned from code and parameters forms. The Accounts tab of the Accounts Payable
Parameters form allows you to specify the default accounts to use for system-generated distributions.
Note: You can update an account on an accounts payable form even when a parameter is set.
The following table displays the fields on the Accounts tab of the Accounts Payable Parameters form
and provides a brief description of each:

Field Description

Accounts The general ledger account number designated as the default account for
Payable accounts payable.
Note: The Draft Payable account is for the European Community. Within the
system, drafts are treated as a payment type.

Purchases The general ledger account number designated as the default account for
purchases. This is primarily used for purchasing items that do not have records
maintained in the Items form, such as supplies. Valid account numbers are
maintained in the Chart of Accounts form.
Note: The system uses the purchases account you specify on the Vendors form
as the purchases default account. If the Purchases field on the form is blank, the
system uses the account number you enter on this form as the purchases default

Misc. Charges The general ledger account number designated as the default account for
miscellaneous expenses.

Sales Tax The general ledger account number designated as the default account for sales
Expense tax expenses.

Discount The general ledger account number designated as the default account for
purchase discounts.

External The general ledger account number designated as the default account used for
Purchases purchase order requisitions generated by an external system.
On the Purchase Order Requisition Lines form, this account number displays
for non-inventory items on the imported purchase order requisition.

Specifying Bank File Format

The following table displays the fields on the Bank File Format form and provides a brief description of

Field Description

Format Select the format to use when creating Electronic Funds Transfer files for
submission to a third-party EFT transmission system:

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 15

© 2017 Infor Education
Field Description

• CPA - Canadian Payment Association
• CNAB - National Center for Banking Automation - Brazil, fixed record length
of 240
• ABAFILE - Australian Bankers Association. There are several versions of
this format: ANZ,NAB,WBC
• NACHA PPD - National Automated Clearing House Association
Prearranged Payment and Deposit - Used to pay or collect from personal
(consumer) accounts.
• NACHA CCD - National Automated Clearing House Association Corporate
Credit or Debit - Used to pay or collect from other corporate (business)
• SEPA - European Union
• ZENGIN File (JBA) - This format is available only if the SyteLineJP module
is licensed. If you select this format, you must provide an account in the EFT
Bank Fee field.
Note: You can select only one EFT format per site.
On the Vendors and Multi-Site Vendors form, this field is enabled only if the
Payment Type field is set to EFT.

Directory Specify the network path, or the drive and directory, to which EFT output files
will be written. For example: C:\Program Files\Infor\application\EFTOutput
or \\myserver\Infor\EFTOutput

Last File This field contains the last EFT file number that was created in the EFT
Directory. For NACHA EFT format, this field contains the last EFT batch

Last File Date This field contains the date the last EFT file was created.

Specifying Bank Code Bank File Format

The following table displays the fields on the Bank Code Bank File Format form and provides a brief
description of each:

Field Description

Format Select the format to use when creating Electronic Funds Transfer files for
submission to a third-party EFT transmission system:
• CPA - Canadian Payment Association
• CNAB - National Center for Banking Automation - Brazil, fixed record length
of 240
• ABAFILE - Australian Bankers Association. There are several versions of
this format: ANZ,NAB,WBC

16 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

© 2017 Infor Education
Field Description

• NACHA PPD - National Automated Clearing House Association
Prearranged Payment and Deposit - Used to pay or collect from personal
(consumer) accounts.
• NACHA CCD - National Automated Clearing House Association Corporate
Credit or Debit - Used to pay or collect from other corporate (business)
• SEPA - European Union
• ZENGIN File (JBA) - This format is available only if the SyteLineJP module
is licensed. If you select this format, you must provide an account in the EFT
Bank Fee field.
Note: You can select only one EFT format per site.
On the Vendors and Multi-Site Vendors form, this field is enabled only if the
Payment Type field is set to EFT.

Bank Code Select the bank you will use to make EFT payments. These bank codes are
defined on the Bank Reconciliations form.

User Name Specify the name of the EFT user. This field is enabled only when the EFT
Format is set to ABAFILE.

User Number Specify the number of the EFT user. This field is enabled only when the EFT
Format is set to ABAFILE.

Destination ID Specify the ACH identification number of the destination data center or bank.
Enter up to nine digits. If you enter less than nine digits, those digits are
preceded with zeros (0) to create a nine-digit number. For example, if you
enter "123", the result is "000000123".
On the Bank Code Bank File Format form, this field is enabled only if the
EFT format is set to CPA or one of the NACHA formats.

Origination ID Specify the eight-digit number that is either the processing Bank
Routing/Transit number or the originating DFI Identification.
On the Bank Code Bank File Format form, this field is enabled only if the
EFT format is set to CNAB, CPA, or one of the NACHA formats.

Company ID Enter your ACH identification number. This is usually the tax identification
number, or an agreed-upon control number.
In the Accounts Payable Parameters form, this field is enabled only if EFT
Format is set to NACHA.

Bank Fee This field is enabled only if the SyteLineJP module is licensed. The field is
required if Zengin File (JBA) is selected in the Format field.
Select the EFT Bank Fee. This account is defined on the Chart of Accounts
form. Bank fees for processing draft payments are recorded to this account
when the vendor banking account EFT Bank Fee specifies that the fee is
borne by the Payer.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 17

© 2017 Infor Education
Field Description

Use Default This field is enabled only when the EFT format is CPA.
Account check Select this field to use your default EFT account for the deposit of returned
box funds if the transaction fails or is rejected. This default account was set up by
your bank when you signed up for EFT.
If you do not want to use the default EFT account for returned funds, clear this
field. The system then uses the bank account number on the Bank
Reconciliations form, along with the Branch (Transit) specified on the Bank
Addresses form, for the bank code specified on the Accounts Payable
Parameters form.

EFT Registration This field is enabled only when the EFT format is CNAB.
Number Specify the company registration number (Tax ID) supplied by the

Specifying EFT settings

The following table displays the fields on the EFT tab of the Accounts Payable Parameters form and
provides a brief description of each:

Field Description

Format The format to use when creating EFT files for submission to a third party EFT
transmission system, including:
Select the format to use when creating Electronic Funds Transfer files for
submission to a third party EFT transmission system:
• CPA - Canadian Payment Association
• CNAB - National Center for Banking Automation - Brazil, fixed record length
of 240
• ABAFILE - Australian Bankers Association. There are several versions of
this format:
• NACHA PPD - National Automated Clearing House Association
Prearranged Payment and Deposit - Used to pay or collect from personal
(consumer) accounts.
• NACHA CCD - National Automated Clearing House Association Corporate
Credit or Debit - Used to pay or collect from other corporate (business)
• SEPA - European Union
Note: You can select only one EFT format per site.

Bank Code The bank to whom you are making these types of disbursements.

18 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Specifying Report Templates
Specify Laser, Moore ANZ, STD-006, or 3-Part Laser as the default check form type value for the A/P
Check Printing/Posting activity.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 19

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Setting up bank codes
The system maintains a transaction history of all activity against the bank checking accounts your
company uses. You can view this information on the Bank Reconciliations form, and prepare bank
reconciliations by tracking what has been recorded by the bank.
Checks printed through payroll and accounts payable are automatically recorded, along with checks that
have been voided due to a reprint, enabling you to view and reconcile each check. You can manually
reconcile transactions to the bank statement or use the Bank Reconciliation Change Utility found in the
general ledger module.
Each vendor requires a bank code. Bank codes are defined for each bank you do business with. You use
the Bank Reconciliations form to set up bank codes.
Note: Each bank code requires a general ledger account number. Several bank codes may use the same
general ledger cash account.
The following table displays various fields on the Bank Reconciliations form and provides a brief
description of each:

Field Description

Bank Code The bank code of the bank account.

Bank Name The name of the bank or a description of the bank code.

Bank Account The bank account number associated with this bank code. This is for
reference only.

Cash Account The number of the general ledger cash account that is used by this bank

BIC The ISO business identifier code assigned by SWIFT that identifies the
financial institution to use for financial transactions for this vendor.
On the Vendors form, this field is enabled when:
• The EFT Format is set to SEPA on the Accounts Payable Parameters
• The payment type is set to EFT for this vendor.

IBAN The International Bank Account Number for the vendor's account. IBAN is an
expanded version of the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). It is used
internationally to uniquely identify an account at a financial institution.
On the Vendors form, this field is enabled when:
• The EFT Format is set to SEPA on the Accounts Payable Parameters
• The payment type is set to EFT for this vendor.

You must add one Check Type record for each bank code that checks are to be printed from.
The check number should be one number lower than the first check number to be printed. The
system then assigns check numbers for computer-printed checks based on the last check

20 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Bank codes are defined for each bank your company does business with. Each bank code requires a
general ledger account number. Several bank codes may use the same general ledger cash account.
Each vendor is required to reference a bank code.
The bank code determines which cash account will be credited when a vendor payment is posted.
To add a new bank code:
1. Type a three-letter identifier for the bank in the Bank Code field.
2. Type the name of the bank in the Bank Name field.
3. Type the bank account number to be associated with the bank code in the Bank Account field.
4. Select the number of the general ledger cash account that is to be used by the bank code from
the Cash Account drop-down list.
5. Select the unit code to be associated with the cash account from the drop-down list in the field to
the right of the Cash Account field.
6. Select the currency that is used for this account from the Currency drop-down list.
7. Type the Business Identifier Code (BIC) and the International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
if known. These are used internationally to identify accounts at financial institutions.
8. Save the record.
9. Click Bank Addresses to display the Bank Addresses form.
10. Type in address information for the bank in the appropriate fields at the top part of the form.
11. Type the routing number of the bank in the Bank Number field.
12. Type the branch code of the bank associated with the bank code.
13. Type in contact information for the bank in the appropriate fields.
14. Select the number of the general ledger account to be used for the draft discounted account and
draft remitted account if applicable.
15. Save the record.
16. Close the Bank Addresses form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 21

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Setting up billing terms
Use the Billing Terms form to identify and maintain billing terms to be applied to customers and vendors.
The billing terms code displays on the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors form and identifies the default
billing terms. Billing terms calculate the following when you provide an invoice date:
• Due Date - The date an invoice is due to be paid by the customer or vendor.
• Discount Date - The number of days a customer or vendor should receive a discount.
• Discount Percent (if applicable) - The amount of discount the customer or vendor is to receive.

Determining due days

The following methods can be used to set the invoice due date:
• Due days
• Prox due day
• Multiple due dates (using Due Days or Prox Days)
o The Use Multiple Due Dates check box must be selected to use this option
• Advanced terms (using a combination of Due Days and Prox Days)
o The Advanced Terms check box must be selected to use this option

Unless you are using advanced terms, you cannot use the Due Days and Prox Due Day
fields at the same time. If you are not using advanced terms and the values in the Due Days
and Prox Due Day fields are greater than zero, the system will ignore due days.

The following table displays the fields used to determine due days on the Billing Terms form and
provides a brief description of each:

Field Description

Due Days The number of calendar days that can pass before an invoice becomes due.
• Due date = invoice date + due days

Prox Due The day of the month following the invoice date on which the invoice becomes due.
Day If the Advanced Terms check box is cleared, options are 0-30. For example, if an
invoice has a date of 2/15 and the Prox Due Day is set to 20, the due date for that
invoice will be 3/20.
If the value in the Prox Due Day is greater than the number of days in the next
month, the last day of the next month will be used. For example, if an invoice has a
date of 1/15 and the Prox Due Day is set to 30, the due date for that invoice will be
Note: Prox refers to Proximo, which means occurring in the next month.

Prox The number of months to add to the value in the Prox Due Day field. For example,
Months if an invoice has a date of 2/15, the Prox Due Day is set to 20, and the Prox Months
Forward Forward is set to 1, the system will calculate the prox due date of 3/20 and then add
a month, resulting in a due date of 4/20.

Cutoff Day This field is only used with advanced terms.

22 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Field Description

Holiday This selection indicates how you want the system to adjust the due date if the
Offset original calculation falls on a holiday as defined in the Holidays form. Selections
Method include:
• No Offset: Do not make any adjustment to the due date.
• Bring Forward: Adjust the due date to the first non-holiday date before the
• Postpone: Adjust the due date to the first non-holiday date after the holiday
Note: The holiday offset is only used when determining the due date. The discount
date is calculated without regard for the holiday offset method.

Determining discount days

The following methods can be used to set discounts:
• Discount days
• Prox discount days
Note: You cannot use discounts when you use multiple due dates.
The following table displays the fields used to determine discount days on the Billing Terms form and
provides a brief description of each:

Field Description

Discount The number of days to take advantage of an early payment. If the payment is
Days within the number of days specified, the percentage of discount can be taken.
• Discount date = the invoice date + the discount days.

Prox If the invoice date is less than the prox discount day, the discount date will be set
Discount to the prox discount day of the current month. If the invoice date is less than the
Day prox discount day, the discount date will be set to the prox discount day of the next
month. For example:
• If the invoice date is 10/25 and the Prox Discount Day is set to 20, then the
discount date will be 11/20.
• If the invoice date is 10/10 and the Prox Discount Day is set to 20, then the
discount date will be 10/20.
Note: If the values in the Discount Days and Prox Discount Day fields are both
greater than zero, the system ignores the Prox Discount Day.

Prox The number of months to add to the Prox Discount Day. For example:
Discount • If the invoice date is 10/25, the Prox Discount day is set to 20, and the Prox
Months Discount Months Forward is set to 1, the discount date will be 12/20.
Forward • If the invoice date is 10/10 and the Prox Discount day = 20 and Prox Discount
Months Forward = 1, then the discount date will be 11/20.

Discount The percentage of the sales amount of an invoice that is deducted from the
Percent amount owed if payment is made on or before the discount date. For example, to
allow a 2% discount for payments made on or before the discount date, enter a 2
in this field.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 23

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You cannot use discounts and multiple due dates. When you select the Use Multiple Due
Dates check box, all discount fields will be set to zero and deactivated.

The following table displays examples of discount dates.

Invoice Discount Prox Prox Disc Discount Date

Date Days Discount Months
Day Fwd.
10/25/2014 10 0 0 11/4/2014
Add Discount Days to invoice date

10/25/2014 0 27 0 10/27/2014
Invoice date is < the Prox Discount day

10/25/2014 0 10 0 11/10/2014
Invoice date is > the Prox Discount Day

10/25/2014 0 27 1 11/27/2014
Prox Discount Months
Forward is 1

Using multiple due dates

Select the Use Multiple Due Dates check box to activate the use of multiple due dates for a billing terms

You cannot use discounts and multiple due dates. When you select Use Multiple Due Dates,
all discount fields are set to 0 and deactivated.

When using multiple due dates, you must enter the number of days to offset the invoice date from the
previous sequence in the Due Days Offset column. The offset day in the first sequence is always equal to
If the value in the Due Days field is greater than zero, the due date of the first sequence will equal the
invoice date plus due days. The due dates of the subsequent sequences are the invoice date plus due
days plus the cumulative offset days.
If the value in the Prox Due Day field is greater than zero, the due date of the first sequence will be the
Prox due date for the invoice date. The due dates of the subsequent sequences are the prox due date for
the date of the invoice date plus the cumulative offsets.
For the designated sequence, you must also enter the percentage of the order total that you want to bill in
the Percent column.

The total percentage for the multiple due date billing terms must equal 100 percent.

24 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Viewing multiple due dates
You can view the list of due dates for an invoice by clicking Multiple Due Dates on the following forms:
• Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos
• A/R Posted Transaction Detail
• A/R Quick Payment Application
The following table displays examples of using multiple due dates when the invoice date is 5/5 and the
Due Days field is set to 30.

Sequence Due Days Offset Final Due Date

10 0 6/5 (5/5 plus 30 days)
20 30 7/5 (5/5 plus 60 days)
30 30 8/3 (5/5 plus 90 days)
40 30 9/1 (5/5 plus 120 days)
The following table displays examples of using multiple due dates when the invoice date is 5/5 and the
Prox Days field is set to 15.

Sequence Due Days Offset Final Due Date

10 0 6/15 (Prox Due Date for 5/5, i.e. 5/5 plus 0 days)
20 30 7/15 (Prox Due Date for 6/4, i.e. 5/5 plus 30 days)
30 30 8/15 (Prox Due Date for 7/4, i.e. 5/5 plus 60 days)
40 30 9/15 (Prox Due Date for 8/1, i.e. 5/5 plus 90 days)

Using advanced terms

The following table displays the fields used with advanced terms.

Field Description

Advanced Select this check box to enable the advanced terms calculation. If this check box is
Terms cleared, the Prox Code field will be disabled. You can use advanced terms with
due days, prox due day, or multiple due dates.

Prox Due When you select the Advanced Terms check box, your options are 0-30 or 99.
Day Entering 99 instructs the system to set the due date to the last day of the month.

Cutoff Day Used with Prox Codes 1 and 3.

Prox Code The system uses the invoice date and then calculates a due date using the
algorithm for the code entered. You can enter 0, 1, 2, or 3. The algorithm is as
Start with the invoice date.
Add Prox Months Forward to the invoice date.
Adjust the date of step 2 based on the Prox Code.
Prox Code = 0
• Add Due Days to the result of step 2
Prox Code = 1

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 25

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Field Description

• If the day of the month from step 2 >= the Cutoff Day, adjust the
date to first day of next month
• Add Due Days
Prox Code = 2
• Adjust the date from step 2 to the end of the month.
• Add Due Days
Prox Code = 3
• If the day of the month from step 2 >= the Cutoff Day, adjust the
date to the first day of next month
• Adjust the date to the end of the month
• Add Due Days
Using Prox Due Day, calculate the Prox due date for the result of step 3.
Adjust the Prox due date for the Holiday Offset Method.

Advanced Terms Examples

The following table displays examples of using advanced terms.

Invoice Prox Due Prox Prox Cutoff Holida Due Date

Date Code Days Due Months Day y
Day Fwd. Offset
M th d
10/25/2014 0 30 0 0 25 No 11/24/2014
Offset Add Due Days to invoice
10/25/2014 1 30 0 0 25 No 12/1/2014
Offset Invoice day >= Cutoff, Due
Date is Start of Next
Month plus Due Days

10/25/2014 2 30 0 0 25 No 11/30/2014
Offset Due Date is End of Invoice
Month plus Due Days
10/25/2014 3 30 0 0 25 No 12/30/2014
Offset Invoice Date >= Cutoff, Due
Date is End of Next Month
plus Due Days
10/25/2014 0 0 5 0 25 Bring 11/5/2014
Fwd. Invoice day falls on or after
Cutoff Day, move to next
10/25/2014 1 0 5 0 25 Bring 11/5/2014
Fwd. Invoice day falls on or after
Cutoff Day, move to next

26 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Invoice Prox Due Prox Prox Cutoff Holida Due Date
Date Code Days Due Months Day y
Day Fwd. Offset
M th d
10/25/2014 2 0 5 0 25 Bring 11/5/2014
Fwd. Invoice day falls on or after
Cutoff Day, move to next
10/25/2014 3 0 5 0 25 Bring 12/5/2014
Fwd. Invoice Day falls on or after
Cutoff Day, move to next
month, and then push to end
of next month before
adjusting to Prox Due Day.
10/25/2014 0 0 24 0 30 Bring 11/23/2014
Fwd. Holiday falls on 11/24/2014,
Holiday Offset
Method is Bring

10/25/2014 1 0 24 0 30 Postpo 11/25/2014

ne Holiday falls on
11/24/2014, Holiday Offset
Method is Postpone

10/25/2014 2 0 24 0 30 No 11/24/2014
Offset Holiday falls on
11/24/2014, Holiday Offset
Method is No Offset

10/25/2014 3 0 24 0 30 No 11/24/2014
Offset Holiday falls on
11/24/2014, Holiday Offset
Method is No Offset

10/25/2014 0 0 5 1 25 No 12/5/2014
Offset Prox Month
Forward is 1
10/25/2014 1 0 5 1 25 No 12/5/2014
Offset Prox Month
Forward is 1.

10/25/2014 2 0 5 1 25 No 12/5/2014
Offset Prox Month
Forward is 1.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 27

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Invoice Prox Due Prox Prox Cutoff Holida Due Date
Date Code Days Due Months Day y
Day Fwd. Offset
M th d
10/25/2014 3 0 5 1 25 No 1/5/2015
Offset Prox Month
Forward is 1.

The Cash Only field

The Cash Only check box must be selected when a value greater than zero has been entered in the
Cash Rounding Factor field on the Tax Parameters form.
Select this check box for cash sale only billing terms. When selected, the final invoice is rounded up or
down to the nearest cash rounding factor amount. The special rounding calculation is only performed as
regular, credit memo, or adjustment invoices are printed and posted. This rounding is not made anywhere
else in the system. It does not apply to progressive billing Invoices, nor is it completed when computing
the order total price or the to be invoiced report.
Note: By default, this check box is not selected.

Demo: Set up accounts payable files

Your instructor will demonstrate how to add a bank code and define billing terms.





Exercise 1.1: Set up accounts payable files

In this exercise, you will set up a bank code for the Bank of Ohio and specify that check
numbers should start printing with check 100. You will then add a new billing term with a
due date of 30 days and a 6% discount for payments received within 10 days.

Exercise 1.1 steps

Part 1: Create a Bank Code
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > General Ledger > Bank Reconciliations. The
Bank Reconciliations (Filter In Place) form opens.

28 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Financial Controller >
General Ledger > Bank Reconciliations

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Type BO in the Bank Code field.
Type Bank of Ohio in the Bank Name field.
Type 676295279 in the Bank Account field.
Select 10000-Cash – Universal Checking from the Cash Account drop-down list.
Verify USD displays in the Currency field.
Select Check in the first row of the Type column.
Type 99 in the first row of the Transaction column, to replace 1.
Save the record.
Close the Bank Reconciliations form.

Part 2: Create a Billing Term

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Codes > Billing Terms. The Billing Terms (Filter In
Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > System
Administration > Codes > Billing Terms

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Type 6% in the Code field.
Type 6% 10/30 in the blank field next to the Code field.
Type 30 in the Due Days field.
Type 10 in the Discount Days field.
Type 6.000 in the Discount Percent field.
Save the record.
Close the Billing Terms form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 29

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Setting up shipping codes
Use the Ship Via Codes form to set up shipping codes. Ship Via Codes are required for vendors and are
used to reference a method of shipment on a purchase order.





30 0BLesson 1: Accounts payable setup

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Check your understanding
If you enter a prefix of VE in the Vendor Prefix field on the General tab of the Accounts
Payable Parameters form, how will the default vendor numbers be generated?

a) 00001VE, 00002VE, 00003VE, and so on

b) VE00001, VE00002, VE00003, and so on
c) 0000VE1, 0000VE2, 0000VE3, and so on
d) VE1, VE2, VE3, and so on

You use the Billing Terms form to identify and maintain billing terms to be applied to
customers and vendors. List the three items billing terms are used to calculate.

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 31

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Lesson 2: Setting up vendors
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to set up a vendor.
• Describe how to document a vendor’s profile.
• Describe how to log vendor interactions.
• Describe how to query vendors.
• Describe how to enter data for salespersons.

• Entering vendor data
• Entering vendor document profile data
• Documenting vendor interactions
• Querying vendors
• Specifying accounts payable data for salespersons

32 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

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Entering vendor data
All accounts payable transactions (vouchers and payments) with a vendor require that a vendor be set
up. You enter data for a vendor on the Vendors form. This form allows you to maintain a record for each
vendor with whom your company does business.
The following table displays the fields in the header area of the Vendors form that are required and
provides a brief description of each:

Field Description

Terms The code of terms for the vendor. This code specifies discount rates and due
dates for invoice processing.

Bank Code The bank code for the vendor. This code specifies the default bank account
against which checks payable to this vendor are drawn.
Note: Bank codes are defined on the Bank Reconciliations form. If the
Payment Type is EFT, this code defaults from the Accounts Payable
Parameters form.

Remit To tab
The Remit To tab allows you to select a different vendor to send an accounts payable check to if your
vendor has different ship-from and remit-to locations. A remit-to vendor must be set up as a separate
Note: All other information, except bank reconciliation information, will use the main vendor’s data, not
the remit-to vendor.

Currency Codes tab

The Currency Codes tab allows you to define multiple currencies for the vendor. These currencies can
be assigned to transactions that permit a currency other than the vendor default currency, and all
outward-facing vendor documents contain the transaction currencies.
Vendor balances and totals are displayed in the vendor default currency, which is specified on the Main
tab of the Vendors form. Also, the vendor default currency is used internally when vendor total amounts
are needed, and for transactions that are not included in the specified transactions that support other

All Accounts Payable functions are affected by this feature, including Vendors, Purchase
Orders, Goods Receiving Notes, Vouchers/Adjustments, Recurring Vouchers/Adjustments,
and A/P Payments.

General tab
The General tab allows you to enter general information about a vendor, including purchase account
information and payment type data.
The following table displays fields on the General tab relevant to accounts payable and provides a brief
description of each:

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 33

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Field Description

Purchases The general ledger account number that should be used on a purchase
order as the default expense account for non-inventory items. If left
blank, the system will default to the account specified on the Accounts
tab of the Purchasing Parameters form.

Ship Via The means of shipment to be used by this vendor.

FOB The free on board location. This is the location at which title for the
goods purchased passes from the vendor to the buyer. The vendor is
liable for transportation charges up to this point. This field is for
reference purposes and appears on the purchase order.

Payment Type The type of payment to be used as the default value for the vendor's
accounts payable payments. Selections include:
• Standard Check - a computer-generated (system-printed) check
• Manual Check - a handwritten or typed check
• Wire Transfer - an electronic transfer
• Standard Draft - a computer-generated (system-printed) draft
• Incoming Draft - a draft received from the vendor
• EFT Payment - an electronic funds transfer
• Cash – a cash payment

EFT Format Select the format to use when creating Electronic Funds Transfer files
for submission to a third-party EFT transmission system:
• CPA - Canadian Payment Association
• CNAB - National Center for Banking Automation - Brazil, fixed record
length of 240
• ABAFILE - Australian Bankers Association. There are several
versions of this format: ANZ,NAB,WBC
• NACHA PPD - National Automated Clearing House Association
Prearranged Payment and Deposit - Used to pay or collect from
personal (consumer) accounts.
• NACHA CCD - National Automated Clearing House Association
Corporate Credit or Debit - Used to pay or collect from other corporate
(business) accounts.
• SEPA - European Union
• ZENGIN File (JBA) - This format is available only if the SyteLineJP
module is licensed. If you select this format, you must provide an
account in the EFT Bank Fee field.
Note: You can select only one EFT format per site.
On the Vendors and Multi-Site Vendors form, this field is enabled only
if the Payment Type field is set to EFT.

34 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

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Field Description

Voucher Tolerance If voucher authorization is turned on via the General tab of the
Over/Voucher Purchasing Parameters form and percentages are specified in the
Tolerance Under Voucher Tolerance Over and Voucher Tolerance Under fields, these
fields will be activated on this form and a voucher will receive a status
of failed if it exceeds the parameter settings.

LCR Required Selecting this check box indicates that the vendor requires a letter of
Note: For more information, refer to Appendix C: Letters of credit

Banking tab
The following table displays fields on the Banking tab relevant to accounts payable and provides a brief
description of each.

Field Description

Vendor Bank Specify the vendor bank.

Bank Name The name of the vendor's bank that will be receiving the EFT funds from
your company. This field is only enabled when the EFT format on the
Accounts Payable Parameters form is set to NACHA.

Transit Reference This field is enabled only when the EFT format on the Accounts
Payable Parameters form is set to is NACHA, CPA, or CNAB.
Specify the depository financial institution (DFI) identification qualifier for
the vendor's bank that will be receiving the EFT funds from your
company. Values include:
• 01: National Clearing System, to be used with United States ABA
routing and transit numbers
• 02: BIC or SWIFT code, to be used with Canadian transactions
• 03: IBAN, which is not used now

Bank Account Enter the vendor's bank account number associated with this bank code,
to use in electronic funds transfers.
If a vendor has a blank Remit To Vendor, enter the bank account
number on the vendor's record. If a vendor has a non-blank Remit To
Vendor, enter the bank account number on the Remit To Vendor's
This field is enabled only when Payment Type is EFT.

Account Type This field allows you to either credit or debit the vendor's savings or
checking account. Select either Checking or Savings from the list in this

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 35

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Field Description

IBAN The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the vendor's account.
IBAN is an expanded version of the Basic Bank Account Number
(BBAN). It is used internationally to uniquely identify an account at a
financial institution.
On the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors forms, this field is enabled when:
• The EFT Format is set to SEPA on the Accounts Payable
Parameters form.
Payment Type is set to EFT for this vendor.

Bank Authority Party This is used in countries where a banking authority controls a central
ID repository of identifiers for identification of businesses. (Ex. Europe and

Bank Transit Number On the Bank Reconciliations form, enter the transit routing number of
the vendor's bank, to use in Electronic Funds Transfer. This number
consists of a four-digit transit number, four-digit ABA number, and a
check digit. Enter the 8 digits without separators, for example 98548876.
The system will add the check digit at the end.
On the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors forms this field is read-only, and
it is populated from the Bank Reconciliations form.
If a vendor has a blank Remit To Vendor, enter the transit routing
number on the vendor's record. If a vendor has a non-blank Remit To
Vendor, enter the transit routing number in the Remit To Vendor's
This field is enabled only when the Payment Type is EFT and the EFT
Format for this site (set on Accounts Payable Parameters) is NACHA,

Bank Number The EFT bank number (sort code) associated with this bank code. This
field is enabled only when Payment Type is EFT.
If the EFT Format on the Accounts Payable Parameters form is:
• ALLEFT or BBMEFT - The Bank Number field uses the mask format
• ABAFILE - The Bank Number field uses the mask format ###-###.
Character positions 2 and 3 must equal a valid financial institution
number, and character position 4 must be a valid state number.
• NACHA - The Bank Number field is disabled.
Note: If you open Vendors Query and use Bank Number as one of the
additional criteria to search on, you must enter the bank number without
a mask (for example: 332456).

Account Name Enter the vendor's Electronic Funds Transfer bank account name. This
field is enabled only when Payment Type is EFT, and it is required only if
the EFT Format on the Accounts Payable Parameters form is
This field is disabled if the EFT Format is NACHA.

36 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

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Field Description

Business Identifier The ISO code, assigned by SWIFT, that identifies the financial institution
Code (BIC) to use for financial transactions for this vendor.
On the Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors forms, this field is enabled when:
• The EFT Format is set to SEPA on the Accounts Payable
Parameters form.
• Payment Type is set to EFT for this vendor.

Contacts tab
The Contacts tab allows you to enter and view information about contacts for the vendor. Selecting the
Minority Owned check box allows you to indicate if a vendor is minority owned.

Minority types can be managed on the Minority Types form.

Taxes tab
The taxes tab allows you to enter a vendor’s Federal Identification (ID) number. If the vendor has a
Federal ID and payments exceed the federal minimum, a 1099 form will be printed for this vendor.

Payment Hold tab

The Payment Hold tab allows you to flag a vendor and place them on hold, limiting transaction activity.
When a vendor is on a payment hold, payment distribution and check printing activity are prohibited, but
there are no restrictions on purchase order entry.
The following table displays fields on the Payment Hold tab relevant to accounts payable and provides a
brief description of each:

Field Description

Payment Hold When selected, this indicates the vendor is currently on a payment hold.

Payment Hold The reason code explaining why the vendor is on a payment hold. Text
Reason describing the reason displays to the right of the code. When the Payment
Hold check box is selected, this field is required.
Note: Reason codes can be managed on the Payment Hold Reasons
form by clicking Vendor > General > Files > Payment Hold Reasons.
You can also display this form by right-clicking the Payment Hold Reason
field and selecting Add.

Payment Hold User The initials of the user who last specified the payment hold automatically
display in this field. User initials are set on the Users form.

Payment Hold Date The date on which payment hold was specified automatically displays in
this field.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 37

© 2017 Infor Education
Payment Hist tab
The Payment Hist tab allows you to maintain a payment history record for a vendor.
The following table displays the fields on the Payment Hist tab relevant to accounts payable and
provides a brief description of each.

Field Description
Payments Last The total domestic currency amount of all payments made to
Calendar Year the vendor in the last calendar year. The field is
automatically updated during year-end closing from the
Payments Calendar YTD field.
Note: The accounts payable year-end procedure will reset
the value in the Last Yr. field to zero and move the value in
the YTD field to the Last Yr. field.
1099 Payments YTD The total amount of all 1099 payments made to the vendor
so far this year. The system updates this field during the
posting of vouchers.
Payments Last Fiscal The total domestic currency amount of all payments made to
Year the vendor in the last fiscal year. The field is automatically
updated during year-end closing from the Payments Fiscal
YTD field.
1099 Payments Last The total amount of all 1099 payments made to the vendor
Year last year. The field is automatically updated during year-end
Purchases YTD The total amount of all purchases from the vendor so far this
year. This field is automatically updated when vouchers are
Last Purchase Date The last date an item was purchased from this vendor. This
field is automatically updated when vouchers are posted.

These values on the Payment Hist tab also display on the Payment Hold tab.

Portal tab
The Portal tab allows vendors the ability to firm planned orders (PLNs) and convert them to CloudSuite
Industrial purchase orders or purchase order requisitions using the Vendor Portal Planned Orders page.

On Time Delivery tab

The On Time Delivery tab displays on-time delivery percentages for a selected vendor, to help you
determine which vendor to use for future purchases. On-time delivery percentages are calculated for a
given month range by comparing the total number of purchase order lines due in that month to the
number of those lines received in full by the due date (or partially received lines with a status of

Fiscal Reporting tab

This Fiscal Reporting tab is used to set up the vendor for DAS2 reporting.

38 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

© 2017 Infor Education
User Defined tab
The User Defined tab allows you to track additional vendor-related information. The user-defined fields
and labels can be set up in design mode.
Note: This tab is disabled by default. In some previous versions, the User Defined tabs on various forms
were enabled, but the fields were hidden. Now, the fields are no longer hidden, but the tab is disabled.
Your system administrator can enable the tab and then change field labels or hide the fields, as

Demo: Set up a vendor

Your instructor will demonstrate how to set up a vendor.





Exercise 2.1: Set up a vendor

In this exercise, you will enter information for a new vendor, the Ferret Bicycle Company.
You will also enter information for the remit-to vendor you want to use for the Ferret Bicycle

Exercise 2.1 steps

Part 1: Create a new vendor

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > General > Vendors. The Vendors (Filter In
Place) form opens displaying the Remit To tab.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement > Vendor
> Vendors.

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Type 35 in the Vendor field. Note: Vendor numbers can be alphanumeric and will use any prefix
you have specified in the Vendor Prefix field on the General tab of the Accounts Payable
Parameters form. Leaving this field blank allows the system to automatically generate and assign
a number to the vendor.
Type Ferret Bicycle Company in the blank field to the right of the Vendor field.
Type 206 East Fifth Street in the Address [1] field.
Type Davenport in the City field.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 39

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Select IA-Iowa from the Prov/ST drop-down list.
Type 52801 in the Postal/ZIP field.
Select USA from the Country drop-down list.
Select 2%-2/10 Net 30 from the Terms drop-down list.
Select BK1-Universal Savings from the Bank Code drop-down list.
Type N (for new credit) in the Status field.
Click the General tab.
Select UPS-UPS Silver Label from the Ship Via drop-down list.
Click the Contacts tab.
Type Sharon Neff in the Contact field.
Type 319-555-1190 in the Phone field.
Type Mark Martin 319-555-8611 in the Other field.
Save the record.

Part 2: Create a remit-to vendor

Add a new record.
Type R35 in the Vendor field.
Type Ferret Bicycle Company in the blank field to the right of the Vendor field.
Type PO Box 723 in the Address [1] field.
Type Orville in the City field.
Select OH-Ohio from the Prov/ST drop-down list.
Type 44667 in the Postal/ZIP field.
Select USA from the Country drop-down list.
Select 2%-2/10 Net 30 from the Terms drop-down list.
Select BK1-Universal Savings from the Bank Code drop-down list.
Save the record.
Select 35 Ferret Bicycle Company in the left pane.
Click the Remit To tab.
Select R000035-Ferret Bicycle Company from the Remit to Vendor drop-down list. The fields
below are automatically populated with information you just entered for the remit-to vendor.
Save the record.




40 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

© 2017 Infor Education
Entering vendor document profile data
Use the Vendor Document Profile form to define how to send report output to vendors. When
generating a report for a range of vendors, the system refers to each vendor's document profile, if one
exists and is active, to determine how to distribute the report output.

The Customer and Vendor Document Profiles forms are subject to record collection
caps. For example, if your collection cap is set at 100, and you attempt to send a report to
150 customers, only the first 100 will be processed.

The following table displays fields on the Vendor Document Profile form and provides a brief description
of each:

Field Description

Vendor The vendor for whom you want to create a document profile.

Method The method used to deliver the report. Selections include:

• Printer
• Fax
• Email

Destination The destination where the report will be delivered. Depending on the selection from
the Method drop-down list, this field displays the fax number, email address (or
addresses), or printer.

Task Name The task name. Selections include:

• A/P Check Printing/Posting - Remittance Advice
• A/P Draft Printing/Posting - Remittance Advice
• A/P EFT Posting - Remittance Advice
• A/P Wire Posting - Remittance Advice
• Builder Purchase Order Report
• Change Order Report
• Purchase Order Report
• Statement of Account Report
• Vendor Voucher/Debit Memo Report

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 41

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Documenting vendor interactions
Use the Vendor Interactions form to record, track, and manage communication between you and your
vendors. This form allows you to log all communication with a vendor, such as payment information,
materials received, and any vendor delivery/due date issues. For example, if a vendor promised delivery
of an item on a specific date, you would enter this information on this form.
You can sort vendor interactions by:
• Contact date
• Follow-up date
• Entry name
• Topic
The following table displays fields on the Vendor Document Profile form and provides a brief description
of each:

Field Description

Interaction The interaction number. Select an existing interaction number from the drop-
down list or leave this field blank to have the system automatically assign an
interaction number.

Topic The topic for the interaction, such as accounts payable issues or purchasing
issues. These topics can act as an issues database for all purchasing or
accounts payable personnel, since there can be 9999 lines of user-defined
text for each vendor communication record.

Vendor The vendor for whom you want to create the interaction.

Status The status of the interaction, such as complete.

Interaction Date The date of the interaction. This field is automatically populated with the
current system date and time by default, but can be changed as necessary.

Follow-up Date The date to follow up with the contact person. You can run the Vendor
Interactions Report each day to determine the vendors that need to be

Permissions can be set in a user’s file to prevent or allow access to this file.

Demo: Log a vendor interaction

Your instructor will demonstrate how to log a vendor interaction on the Vendor Interactions
form and then run the Vendor Interactions Report for all current log files.

42 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

© 2017 Infor Education




Exercise 2.2: Log a vendor interaction

In this exercise, you will log the details from a conversation that took place between you
and the quality assurance manager, Helen Wait, for vendor 24. This vendor has a bad
track record with your company due to their shipments consistently being late and their
parts continuously being broken. You will then run the Vendor Interactions Report to view
the logged interaction.

Exercise 2.2 steps

Part 1: Create a vendor interaction

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > General > Vendor Interactions. The Vendor
Interactions (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement > Vendor
> Vendor Interactions

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Type Late shipments and broken parts in the description field to the right of the Interaction
Select Follow up from the Topic drop-down list.
Select 24-Quadra Bicycle Parts from the Vendor drop-down list.
Click the calendar icon in the Follow-Up Date field. A calendar opens.
Select <the date seven days from the current date> in the calendar.
Select Phone from the Type drop-down list.
Type the following in the blank notes field: Spoke to Helen Wait about late shipments and broken
Save the record.
Close the form.

Part 2: Run the vendor interactions report

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > General > Reports > Vendor Interactions
Report. The Vendor Interactions Report form opens.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 43

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For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement > Vendor
> Reports > Vendor Interactions Report.

Select 24-Quadra Bicycle Parts from the Vendor drop-down list.

Click Preview. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you want to open or save …?”.
Click Open. A preview of the report displays.
Close all forms.

44 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

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Querying vendors
The Vendors Query form allows you to create a filter to search for specific vendors. You enter the
specific criteria on this form and then click OK or Refresh to display the vendors that match the criteria.
On the Primary Criteria tab, you select the vendor and name to search by and on the Additional
Criteria tab; you search by additional criteria, such as bank and contact names.
The filter can be temporary (existing if the query form is open), or it can be saved, to be used again.
Note: To print the query results, select Export to File on the toolbar. You can send the results to a
comma-separated or a tab-separated file.






Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 45

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Specifying accounts payable data for salespersons
If a salesperson is an outside salesperson, the salesperson must be paid through accounts payable. Any
salesperson paid through accounts payable must also be set up as a vendor.
On the Salespersons form, the Outside check box must be selected if the salesperson is not an
employee and should be paid through accounts payable. Clearing this check box indicates the
salesperson is an employee of the company and should be paid through payroll.






46 1BLesson 2: Setting up vendors

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
Match each of the following tabs on the Vendors form with its corresponding description.
The possible output fields are: Taxes, Banking, General, and Payment Hist.

Description Vendors form tab

Displays a vendor’s Federal ID number

Displays a vendor’s default payment type

Displays a vendor’s year-to-date purchases

Displays a vendor’s transit number

List three methods that can be used to distribute report output to vendors.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________

You use the __________________ form to create a filter to search for specific vendors.

a) Vendor Document Profile

b) Vendors
c) Vendor Interactions
d) Vendors Query

Any salesperson paid through accounts payable must also be set up as a vendor. On the
Salespersons form, what check box must be selected if the salesperson should be paid
through accounts payable?
a) Portal Reseller
b) Outside
c) Vendor
d) Employee

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 47

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Lesson 3: Defining accounts payable
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Explain how to define standard accounts.
• Describe how to enable voucher authorization.
• Describe how to set up inventory adjustment and variance accounts.

• Defining standard accounts
• Enabling voucher authorization
• Setting up inventory adjustment and variance accounts

48 2BLesson 3: Defining accounts payable accounts

© 2017 Infor Education
Defining standard accounts
Use the Accounts tab on the Purchasing Parameters form to define standard accounts for vouchers
payable, freight payable, duty payable, brokerage payable, and other accounts.
The Vouchers Payable account is a temporary liability account used to track amounts received, but not
yet vouchered. The account is credited for the material cost when goods are received, and debited for the
material cost when the vendor's invoice is vouchered and posted in accounts payable.
Note: You select a valid account number from the Chart of Accounts in this field to perform any
purchasing functions.
The Freight Payable, Duty Payable, and Brokerage Payable accounts are temporary liability accounts to
use when duties, freight, and brokerage fees are incurred. The accounts are credited when goods are
received and debited when the vendor's invoice is vouchered and posted in accounts payable.

CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial: Costing Foundation

The CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial: Costing Foundation course provides
further information about defining accounts.






Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 49

© 2017 Infor Education
Enabling voucher authorization
Use the General tab on the Purchasing Parameters form to enable the voucher authorization feature.
The following table displays fields used to enable voucher authorization on the General tab of the
Purchasing Parameters form and provides a brief description of each.

Field Description

Voucher Selecting this check box turns on the voucher authorization functionality and
Authorization mandates that someone approve failed vouchers. When you select this check
box, the system automatically attaches a status to each voucher as it is
created as follows:
• Matched
• Authorized
• Failed
This adds visibility when there is a discrepancy between received cost and
invoice cost.

Voucher This field allows you to specify a percentage of which the voucher amount can
Tolerance Over be over the unit price and still be considered matched. The tolerance factor is
used during the Generate A/P Transactions activity when voucher
authorization is activated.

Voucher This field allows you to specify a percentage of which the voucher amount can
Tolerance Under be under the purchase order amount and still be considered matched. The
tolerance factor is used during the Generate A/P Transactions activity when
voucher authorization is activated.

50 2BLesson 3: Defining accounts payable accounts

© 2017 Infor Education
Setting up inventory adjustment and variance
Product codes allow you to group similar types of items and assign each group an identifying code. Use
the Product Codes form to set up inventory adjustment and variance accounts for accounts payable.
The system uses the inventory adjustment account number for purchase order receiving transactions.
The variance accounts are the accounts to which you want to assign variance expenses for a group of
items identified by a product code.

Setting up the inventory adjustment account

Use the Miscellaneous tab on the Product Codes form to set the general ledger account for which you
want to assign costs for inventory adjustments for a group of items identified by a product code. When
there is a difference in the cost of the items received into inventory and the invoice/voucher cost, the
difference is accounted for when the total quantity of the line item has been vouchered. When voucher
authorization is activated, the voucher that is created will have a status of failed.
The following is an example entries used with actual costing.

Actual costing: Inventory Adjustment account

Receipt: INV 12
V/P 12
Voucher: V/P 10
A/P 10
Difference: V/P 2

Setting up the variance account

Use the Variance tab on the Product Codes form to set the general ledger account for which you want
to assign variance expenses for a group of items identified by a product code. When voucher
authorization is activated, the voucher that is created will have a status of failed. If there is a cost
difference for a non-inventory item, the difference goes back to the expense account on the purchase
The following is an example entries used with standard costing.

Standard costing: Purchase Price variance account

Receipt: INV 12
V/P 12
Voucher: V/P 10
A/P 10
Difference: V/P 2

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 51

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Check your understanding
Which of the following temporary liability accounts is used to track amounts received, but
not yet vouchered?

a) Freight Payable
b) Duty Payable
c) Vouchers Payable
d) Brokerage Payable

On which form do you enable the voucher authorization feature?

a) Product Codes
b) Vendors
c) Purchasing Parameters
d) Accounts Payable Parameters

When the following check box is selected on the General tab of the Purchasing
Parameters form, the system automatically attaches a status of Matched, Authorized, or
Failed to each voucher as it is created.

a) Vendor Required on PO
b) Voucher Tolerance Over
c) Voucher Tolerance Under
d) Voucher Authorization

52 2BLesson 3: Defining accounts payable accounts

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Lesson 4: Generating vouchers
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to preview the Vouchers Payable Report.
• Describe how to generate a voucher from a purchase order.
• Identify the purpose of the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

• Previewing the Vouchers Payable report
• Generating vouchers from purchase orders
• Viewing vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 53

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Previewing the Vouchers Payable report
The Vouchers Payable report displays purchase orders that have been received, but not yet vouchered.
This report displays data for each date a purchase order line item is received. After a purchase order is
vouchered in full, it will no longer display on the report. This report can be useful in determining the
invoices that are expected from each vendor.

Demo: Preview the Vouchers Payable report

Your instructor will demonstrate how to preview the Vouchers Payable report.





Demo steps
1. Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Reports > Vouchers
Payable. The Vouchers Payable report opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Financial Controller >
Accounts Payable > Reports > Vouchers Payable.

2. Leave all default selections on the form.

3. Click Preview. The data displays in the Data View Results.
4. Close all forms.

54 3BLesson 4: Generating vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Generating vouchers from purchase orders
You can generate vouchers using the following methods:
• Automatically, using the Generate A/P Transactions form or the auto voucher feature
• Manually, using the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form
• Recurring, using the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation activity
When generating vouchers from purchase orders, you can automatically generate them using the
Generate A/P Transactions form. This form is used to record information from a vendor’s invoice for
material received through purchasing. The records you work with on this form are received purchase
order lines that have been processed via the Purchase Order Receiving form.
The value in the Material field on the top portion of the form must be equal to the value in the Total field
before a voucher can be generated.
When material has been received, or returned through purchasing, you can create vouchers and
adjustments on this form. After the voucher is created, it will be in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
batch holding file until posted.

General tab
On the General tab, you can enter the vendor's invoice number in the Vendor Invoice field. This number
will print on the remittance of the check. The date that displays in the Invoice Date field defaults to the
current date and the terms that display in the Terms field are pulled from the vendor data that has been
set up.

PO Selection tab
The PO Selection tab allows you to select the purchase orders that you want vouchered for this vendor.
You can select a purchase order from the Filter by PO drop-down list and click Select to display only
those purchase order lines for the selected purchase order.

The grid on the PO Selection tab contains all possible records for a vendor, including non-
inventory items. In the system, the expense account entered on the PO line for a non-
inventory item will now display here. Because it was expensed at the time of receipt, it
cannot be updated.

If an item has a vendor contract set up, it will display in the Vendor Item field on this tab.

Additional Material Selection tab

The Additional Material Selection tab allows you to choose between generating vouchers from
purchase orders, from goods receiving notes (GRNs), or from Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) invoices.
When you select the Generate from PO option, you should enter the range of purchase orders in the
Starting PO and Ending PO fields and the starting and ending purchase order lines/releases in the
Starting Line/Release and Ending Line/Release fields. The selected purchased orders display on the
bottom of the tab.

Taxes tab
The Taxes tab is enabled only when the field Active for Purchasing is selected in the Tax Systems
form for at least one tax system.
Many Asian countries use a specific exchange rate when calculating taxes. The vendors supply the
exchange rate which the system uses when creating vouchers.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 55

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Demo: Generate vouchers
Your instructor will demonstrate how to receive purchase order lines and generate a
voucher using the Generate A/P Transactions activity.





Exercise 4.1: Generate vouchers

In this exercise, you will receive all lines for purchase orders DP00000325 and
DP00000340. You will then use the Generate A/P Transactions form to generate

Exercise 4.1 steps

Part 1: Perform purchase order receiving

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > Purchase Orders > Activities > Purchase
Order Receiving. The Purchase Order Receiving form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement >
Purchase Orders > Activities > Purchase Order Receiving.

5. Select DP00000325 from the PO Number drop-down list.

6. Select the check box for line 1.
7. Click Receive. A dialog box opens with the message, “X Pending PO Receiving Transaction(s)
were posted.”
8. Click OK.
9. Select DP00000340 from the PO Number drop-down list.
10. Select the check box for line 1.
11. Click Receive. A dialog box opens with the message, “lot that has [Item: FA-10000 and [Lot: FA-
170314-00001 does not exist. [Add] will be performed for Lot.”
12. Click OK.
13. A dialog box opens with the message, “X Pending PO Receiving Transaction(s) were posted.”
14. Click OK.
15. Close the Purchase Order Receiving form.

56 3BLesson 4: Generating vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Part 2: Generate A/P transactions
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Activities > Generate A/P
Transactions. The Generate A/P Transactions (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Activities > Generate A/P Transactions.

Select vendor 1-Bicycle Parts Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
Run Filter In Place.
Verify the Voucher option is selected.
Type 147582 in the Vendor Invoice field.
Click the PO Selection tab.
Select the check box for line 2.
Type 209.00 in the Material field. Note: The Total and Material fields must be equal before a
voucher can be generated.
Click Generate. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Generate] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Generate] was successful. Voucher is XXX.”.
Click OK again. The voucher is moved to the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments file, where
updates can be made if necessary.
Click the General tab.
Type 99756 in the Vendor Invoice field.
Click the PO Selection tab.
Select the check box for line 2.
Type 10390.51 in the Material field.
Click Generate. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Generate] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Generate] was successful. Voucher is XXX.”
Click OK again.
Close the Generate A/P Transactions form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 57

© 2017 Infor Education
Viewing vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments form
The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments file is a batch holding file, where vouchers and adjustments can be
updated, to a limited extent, before they are posted to the journal. Vouchers and adjustments can also be
deleted from this file, if they were not generated from a purchase order.

Demo: Display vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form

Your instructor will demonstrate how to display vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments form.





Exercise 4.2: Display vouchers on the A/P Vouchers and

Adjustments form
In this exercise, you will display the vouchers you created for Rough Riders Bike Supply
and Quadra Bicycle Parts on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

Exercise 4.2 steps

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments.

Click Filter In Place.

Select invoice 147582 in the left pane. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form is populated
with the voucher information.
Select invoice 99756 in the left pane. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form is populated
with the voucher information.
Close the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

58 3BLesson 4: Generating vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
After a purchase order is vouchered in full, it will no longer display on the Vouchers
Payable Report.

a) True
b) False

Which of the following methods can be used to generate vouchers? Select all that apply.

a) Automatic generation using the Generate A/P Transactions form

b) Automatic generation using the auto voucher feature
c) Manual generation using the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form
d) Recurring generation using the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation activity

On which of the following forms can vouchers and adjustments be updated before they are
posted to the journal?

a) The Generate A/P Transactions form

b) The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form
c) The A/P Recurring Voucher Generation form
d) The Purchase Order Receiving

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 59

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 5: Using the auto voucher
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Identify the auto voucher process flow.
• Describe how to use the auto voucher feature to generate vouchers.

• Generating vouchers with the auto voucher feature

60 4BLesson 5: Using the auto voucher feature

© 2017 Infor Education
Generating vouchers with the auto voucher feature
In addition to automatically generating vouchers using the Generate A/P Transactions form, you can
also automatically generate vouchers using the systems auto voucher feature.
The following diagram displays the auto voucher flow:

Auto voucher flow

After the voucher is created, it will be in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form until posted.

Vendors form
The auto voucher feature is first defined at the vendor level. On the General tab of the Vendors form, the
following fields are used to specify auto vouchering settings for a vendor:
• Auto Voucher – Select this check box to indicate that the selected record is vouchered
automatically upon receiving the order. This field is used in conjunction with the Auto Voucher
Method field.
• Auto Voucher Method – The method to use for auto vouchering.
o Prompt – Selecting this method displays a Purchase Order Receiving Auto Voucher form
upon receiving the order. You then can enter a vendor invoice number, freight amount, and
other information about the voucher.
o Automatic – Selecting this method indicates the system should automatically create a
voucher upon receiving an order. With this selection, you will not have an opportunity to enter
a vendor invoice number, freight amount, and other information about the voucher.
Note: When the Auto Voucher check box is selected, you must select an option from the Auto Voucher
Method drop-down list.

Purchase Orders
You have an opportunity to override the option for using the auto voucher feature at the purchase order
level. On the Purchase Orders form and the Purchase Orders Quick Entry form, you can accept the
auto voucher settings that default from the Vendors form or change it.

Purchase Order Receiving

At the Purchase Order Receiving form, the voucher is either automatically generated or you are
prompted to generate the voucher. This depends on your selection from the Auto Voucher Method drop-
down list on the Vendors form.
• If you selected the automatic auto voucher method for a vendor, the voucher is automatically
generated from the Purchase Order Receiving form.
• If you selected the prompt auto voucher method for a vendor, the Purchase Order Receiving
Auto Voucher form opens when receiving purchase orders for that vendor and allows you to add
the vendor invoice number, freight, and miscellaneous charges.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 61

© 2017 Infor Education
Vouchers and adjustments
On the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form, a read-only Auto Vouchered field indicates whether the
order was automatically vouchered during purchase order receipt.

Demo: Use the auto voucher feature

Your instructor will demonstrate how to use the auto voucher feature to create a voucher.





Exercise 5.1: Use the auto voucher feature

In this exercise, you will turn on the prompt auto voucher method for Cromax Metals. You
will then receive a purchase order for Cromax Metals in order to use the prompt auto
voucher feature.

Exercise 5.1 steps

Part 1: Verify Auto Voucher and Prompt methods
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > General > Vendors. The Vendors (Filter In
Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement > Vendor
> Vendors.

Run Filter In Place.

Select 6-Cromax Metals in the left pane. The data for the Cromax Metals vendor displays on the
Click the General tab.
Verify the Auto Voucher check box is selected.
Verify Prompt displays in the Auto Voucher Method field.
Close the Vendors form.

62 4BLesson 5: Using the auto voucher feature

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Part 2: Receive a purchase order using Auto Voucher
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > Purchase Orders > Activities > Purchase
Order Receiving. The Purchase Order Receiving form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Procurement >
Purchase Orders > Activities > Purchase Order Receiving.

Select DP00000335 from the PO Number drop-down list.

Select the check box for line 1.
Click Receive. A dialog box opens with the message, “Lot that has [Item: AL-10000 and

[Lot:170314-00000001] does not exist. [Add] will be performed for Lot.”

Click OK.
The Purchase Order Receiving Auto Voucher (Modal) form opens.
Type 556749 in the Vendor Invoice field.
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “Voucher [Voucher XXX] has been created. X
Pending PO Receiving Transaction(s) were posted.”
Click OK again.
Close the Purchase Order Receiving form.

Part 3: Verify created vouchers display in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments.

Click Filter In Place.

Verify the voucher you just created for Cromax Metals displays in the left pane.
Close the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.





Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 63

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
Which of the following forms can be used to specify auto voucher settings? Select all that

a) Vendors form
b) Purchase Orders form
c) Purchase Order Receiving form
d) A/P Voucher and Adjustments form

Use numbers 1-4 to label the steps below and place them in the proper order to generate a
voucher using the auto voucher feature.

View the voucher on the A/P Voucher and Adjustments form.

Accept the auto voucher settings on the Purchase Orders form.
Enable the Auto Voucher feature on the Vendors form.
Allow the system to automatically generate the voucher or generate the voucher when
prompted on the Purchase Order Receiving form.

64 4BLesson 5: Using the auto voucher feature

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 6: Manually creating vouchers
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to manually create vouchers.
• Describe how to distribute vouchers.

• Manually creating vouchers
• Voucher distribution

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 65

© 2017 Infor Education
Manually creating vouchers
If a purchase order was not generated for items/services received from a vendor, the voucher can be
manually entered on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form. Entering the voucher on this form is, in
effect, setting up a credit to accounts payable.
The following table displays various fields relevant to manually creating vouchers on the A/P Vouchers
and Adjustments form and provides a brief description of each.

Field Description

Vendor The vendor for whom the voucher is being generated.

Voucher The voucher number. This field is automatically populated upon saving the

Invoice The invoice number.

Invoice Date The invoice date. Invoices age from the vendor's invoice date.

Cancellation Select this check box to indicate that cancellation posting applies to the current
adjustment entry.
Note: The Cancellation check box can be used only when Enable Cancellation
Posting is selected on the General Parameters form.
On other forms, this check box is display-only. When selected, it indicates that
cancellation posting applies to the current transaction.
CloudSuite Business / CloudSuite Industrial shall indicate when cancellation
treatment has been applied to a given posted transaction record and shall use
negative signed debit and credit amounts for entries.
Accounting practice in certain countries requires the identification of cancellation
or reversal adjustment entries that shall be expressed using a negative sign;
whereby a negative debit entry is recorded to adjust an original transaction that
had been recorded as a debit, rather than recording an offsetting credit entry. This
practice is related to the use of single entry accounting practiced in France and
other countries.

Distribution The general ledger date.


PO The purchase order number that authorized this purchase.

Posted from When selected, this option indicates a voucher was posted from a purchase
PO order. When cleared, this option indicates a voucher was entered manually.

Auto This field is read-only and indicates whether the order was automatically
Vouchered vouchered during purchase order receipt.

Invoice Amt The total amount to be paid to the vendor.

66 5BLesson 6: Manually creating vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Field Description

Non-Disc Amt Of the total invoice amount, the portion of which a discount is not available. When
the voucher is entered through the Generate A/P Transactions form, it defaults
to the total of the miscellaneous charges, freight charges, and sales tax.

If the voucher authorization feature is turned on, the vouchers that are manually added on
this form will default to a status of failed, but can be overridden.

The Voucher Transaction Report is a useful report that displays a list of all unposted

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 67

© 2017 Infor Education
Voucher distribution
Use the Voucher Adjustment Distribution form to specify how to distribute transactions to multiple
general ledger accounts. You can distribute to general ledger accounts using the following methods:
• By manually entering the distributions. To do this, click Distribution on the A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments form.
• By automatically generating the distribution records. This option uses the general ledger accounts
that are set up on the Accounts Payable Parameters form and in the tax files. To do this, click
Distribution Generation on the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.
• By posting the vouchers to accounts payable. To do this, click A/P Voucher Posting on the A/P
Vouchers and Adjustments form.

Demo: Manually create and distribute a voucher

Your instructor will demonstrate how to manually create and distribute a voucher.





Exercise 6.1: Manually create and distribute a voucher

In this exercise, the Columbus Power Company laid new power lines for your company
and sent a bill for the full amount of $1,115.00 for this one time only job. You will
manually create a voucher for the full amount and then manually add the distribution to
the Utilities Expense account.

Exercise 6.1 steps

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments.

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Select 20-Columbus Power Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
Type 498012 in the Invoice field.
Type 1115 in the Purch Amt field.

68 5BLesson 6: Manually creating vouchers

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Save the record. A voucher number is generated and displays in the Voucher field.
Click Distribution. The Voucher Adjustment Distribution (Linked) form opens. Note: You can
also select Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Voucher
Adjustment Distribution to access this form.
Type 1115 in the Amount field.
Select 50050-Utilities Expense from the Account drop-down list. Notice Utilities Expense
displays in the Account Description field.
Save the record.
Close all forms.





Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 69

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Check your understanding
If a voucher was entered manually, which of the following options will be cleared on the
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form? Select all that apply.

a) Auth Status
b) Posted from PO
c) Auto Vouchered
d) Voucher

70 5BLesson 6: Manually creating vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 7: Creating and generating
recurring vouchers
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Explain the purpose of recurring vouchers.
• Describe how to create and generate recurring vouchers.

• Creating recurring vouchers
• Generating recurring vouchers

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 71

© 2017 Infor Education
Creating recurring vouchers
You can create recurring vouchers for payments you make for the same amount to the same vendor each
month. These recurring vouchers can be for payments such as rent, lease payments, and insurance bills.
Instead of entering the same voucher each month, you can create the voucher one time on the Recurring
Vouchers form and then just generate the vouchers monthly using the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation





72 6BLesson 7: Creating and generating recurring vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Generating recurring vouchers
Use the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation activity to generate vouchers by vendor number, or by a
range of vendors, for the current payment cycle. These vouchers are then copied to the A/P Vouchers
and Adjustments file to be posted with the rest of the vouchers.

Demo: Generate recurring vouchers

Your instructor will demonstrate how to generate recurring vouchers using the A/P
Recurring Voucher Generation activity.





Exercise 7.1: Generate recurring vouchers

In this exercise, you will update 2 recurring vouchers terms to due upon receipt and
change the Invoice, Distribution and Due Dates to reflect the first day of the current
period and year, then you will generate recurring vouchers using the A/P Recurring
Voucher Generation activity.

Exercise 7.1 steps

Part 1: Update recurring vouchers for vendor 11 and 13
Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Recurring Vouchers from
the menu bar. The Recurring Vouchers (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Recurring Vouchers.

Run Filter In Place.

Select <the first day of the current month> from the Invoice Date drop-down list.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Distribution Date drop-down list.
Type 0 in the Disc Pct field.
Type 0 in the Disc Days field.
Type 0 in the Due Days field.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Due Date drop-down list.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 73

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Save the record.
Select 13-Marshland Realty Company in the left pane.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Invoice Date drop-down list.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Distribution Date drop-down list.
Type 0 in the Prox Day field.
Type 0 in the Disc Pct field.
Type 0 in the Disc Days field.
Type 0 in the Due Days field.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Due Date drop-down list.
Save the record.
Close the Recurring Vouchers form.

Part 2: Recurring voucher generation

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Activities > A/P
Recurring Voucher Generation. The A/P Recurring Voucher Generation form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Activities > A/P Recurring Voucher Generation.

Type <the current month> in the New Voucher Month field. This month will display in the
Invoice Date field of the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.
Verify that the current year displays in the New Voucher Year field. This year will display in the
Invoice Date field of the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.
Select <the first day of the current month> from the Distribution Date calendar drop-down.
Note: The current system date will be used as the distribution date by default, but you can
change it to the date you want to assign to the generated voucher.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “X A/P Recurring Transaction(s) were
Click OK.
Close the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation form.

Part 3: Verify vouchers display in the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments.

Run Filter In Place.

Verify the voucher information for State Garden Insurance Co. and Marshland Realty Company

74 6BLesson 7: Creating and generating recurring vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Close the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.






Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 75

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
You can create recurring vouchers for payments you make for the same amount to the
same vendor each month. These recurring vouchers can be for payments such as rent,
lease payments, and insurance bills.
a) True
b) False

76 6BLesson 7: Creating and generating recurring vouchers

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 8: Posting vouchers and
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to post vouchers and adjustments.

• Posting vouchers and adjustments

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 77

© 2017 Infor Education
Posting vouchers and adjustments
You post vouchers and adjustments using the A/P Voucher Posting form. From this form, you can post
vouchers and adjustments for a range of vendors or for all vendors.
Prior to posting, you must select the Print option on the form. This allows you to print and review the A/P
Voucher Posting report, which lists all vouchers and adjustments that will be posted. This report should
be reviewed for correct dates, account numbers, and other details, before posting to the journal. After
printing the report, you can then select the Commit option to begin the posting process.

Selecting Edit Process from the Voucher Posting form automatically opens the Voucher
Transaction Report. The Voucher Transaction Report should be reviewed prior to
posting and kept as a hard copy audit-trail. You can also click Finance > Accounts
Payable > Reports > Voucher Transaction Report to access this report.

When voucher authorization is enabled, the default is to post both matched and authorized vouchers. A
voucher will have a status of matched when there is no discrepancy between received cost and invoice
cost. A voucher with a status of authorized should be the result of a voucher that was once failed, but has
had its status changed after authorization. Failed vouchers cannot be posted. There is a utility to change
a range of vouchers from failed to authorized.

Demo: Create, post, and adjust a voucher

Your instructor will demonstrate how to create, post, and adjust a voucher.





Exercise 8.1: Create, post, and adjust a voucher

In this exercise, you will create a voucher for Ferret Bicycle Company for miscellaneous
bicycle magazines. You will then post all vouchers. After posting the voucher, you
realize the freight should be $3.57, not $35.70; therefore, you will create and post an
adjustment to correct this error. After both transactions have been posted, you will view
the Posted Transactions File for this vendor.

Exercise 8.1 steps

Part 1: Create a voucher

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Vouchers and
Adjustments. The A/P Vouchers and Adjustments (Filter In Place) form opens.

78 7BLesson 8: Posting vouchers and adjustments

© 2017 Infor Education
For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Vouchers and Adjustments.

Run Filter In Place.

Add a new record.
Select 35-Ferret Bicycle Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
Confirm Voucher displays in the Type field.
Type 43201 in the Invoice field.
Type 100.00 in the Purch Amt field. This is the cost for the magazines.
Type 35.70 in the Freight field
Type 25.00 in the Misc Charges field.
Press <Tab>.
Confirm 160.70 displays in the Invoice Amt field.
Save the record. A voucher number is automatically generated and displays in the Voucher field.
Note: Write down this voucher number.

Part 2: Post all vouchers

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Activities > A/P Voucher
Posting. The A/P Voucher Posting form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Activities > A/P Voucher Posting.

Verify the Print option is selected.

Click Process to generate a payment transaction report. A dialog box opens with the message,
“[A/P Voucher Posting] will be printed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you want to open or save …?”.
Click Cancel.
Close the Report Viewer.
A dialog box opens with the message, “Report Submitted”.
Click OK.
Select the Commit option. Note: This option will not become enabled until you have processed
the payment.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Post] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “X A/P Transaction(s) were posted.”
Click OK.
Close the A/P Voucher Posting form.
You are returned to the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 79

© 2017 Infor Education
Part 3: Create a voucher adjustment
Refresh the current collection. Note: All records are now cleared as they have been posted.
Add a new record.
Select 35-Ferret Bicycle Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
Select Adjustment from the Type drop-down list.
Select the <voucher number for the voucher you just created> from the Voucher drop-down
Verify 43201 displays in the Invoice field.
Type -32.13 in the Freight field. This is the difference between $35.70 and $3.57.
Press <Tab>.
Verify -32.13 displays in the Invoice Amt field.
Save the record.
Click the A/P Voucher Posting button.
Verify 35-Ferret Bicycle Company from the Starting Vendor drop-down list.
Verify 35-Ferret Bicycle Company displays in the Ending Vendor field.
Verify the Print option is selected.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “[A/P Voucher Posting] will be printed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you want to open or save …?”.
Click Cancel.
Close the Report Viewer.
A dialog box opens with the message, “Report Submitted”.
Click OK.
Select Commit.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Post] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “X A/P Transaction(s) were posted.”
Click OK again.
Close all forms.

Part 4: View the A/P posted transaction detail

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Posted Transactions
Detail. The A/P Posted Transactions Detail (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Posted Transactions Detail.

Select 35-Ferret Bicycle Company from the Vendor drop-down list.

Run Filter In Place.
Review the original transaction data for the Ferret Bicycle Company.

80 7BLesson 8: Posting vouchers and adjustments

© 2017 Infor Education
Select line 2 in the pane on the left.
Review the adjustment data for Ferret Bicycle Company.
Close the A/P Posted Transactions Detail form.






Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 81

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
What form do you use to post vouchers and adjustments?





Prior to posting a voucher, you must select the Print option on the form. This allows you to
print and review the A/P Voucher Posting report, which lists all vouchers and adjustments
that will be posted.

a) True
b) False

82 7BLesson 8: Posting vouchers and adjustments

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 9: Generating payments
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• List the types of payments and the parts of a payment.
• Describe how to automatically generate payments.

• Payments overview
• Generating payments

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 83

© 2017 Infor Education
Payments overview
The following payment types are available in:
• STD Check (standard system-printed checks)
• Manual Check (handwritten or typed checks)
• Wire (electronic transfers)
• STD Draft (standard European)
• Incoming Draft (European)
• EFT (electronic funds transfer)
• Cash (cash payment)
There are two parts to a payment:
• Payment header – The header displays information, such as vendor name and number, bank
code, and payment type. It is sometimes referred to as the check or credit to cash.
• Payment distribution – The distribution displays what a check is being written for; vouchers,
commissions, or non-accounts payable payments. This is sometimes referred to as the check
stub or the debit to accounts payable or expenses (if non-accounts payable).
There are two ways to create a payment:
• Using the payment generation activity: The system will create payments based on the criteria
entered on the A/P Payment Generation form. The header and distribution data are both created
through this process.
• Manually: You can manually add the payment headers and distributions. You can use the Quick
Voucher Payment activity to add multiple distributions, rather than manually adding each
distribution one at a time. Only those vouchers with a balance due will display and can then be
selected to be paid.





84 8BLesson 9: Generating payments

© 2017 Infor Education
Generating payments
Use the A/P Payment Generation form to enter criteria for generating payment transactions. Using this
form, the system automatically generates payment transactions and payment distributions. After
generating payments using the A/P Payment Generation form, the payments will display on the A/P
Payments form.
The following table displays the fields on the A/P Payment Generation form used to generate payments
and includes a brief description of each.

Field Description

Payment Type The type of payments to generate. Payments will be generated for those
vendors who have the same payment type selected in their vendor record.
Selections include:
• STD Check
• Manual Check
• Wire
• STD Draft
• Incoming Draft
• Cash

Aging Basis The method to age the payments. Selections include:

• Invoice
• Due Date
• Disc Date

Discount Method The discount method to use. Selections include:

• All (Take all discounts regardless of the date)
• Early Pay (Paid by due date)
• None (Take no discounts)

Payment Date The date vouchers will be paid. This date is also the date used to age

Starting and Ending The range of bank codes for which to produce payments.
Bank Code

Starting and Ending The range of vendors for which to produce payments.

Starting Age Date / The first and last aging dates of the transactions you want to consider for
Ending Age Date payment. Note: The age ending date is the due date of transactions you
want to include.

Include Commissions Select this check box to process commissions for outside salespersons
Due whose reference numbers are also valid vendor numbers. The system
summarizes the total commission due amount into the check total for each
vendor. To exclude commissions, clear this check box.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 85

© 2017 Infor Education
Demo: Generate payments
Your instructor will demonstrate how to generate payments using the A/P Payment
Generation form.





Exercise 9.1: Generate payments

In this exercise, you will generate payments using the A/P Payment Generation form
and view the automatic payment generation of Marshland Realty Company using the
Quick button.

Exercise 9.1 steps

Part 1: Perform A/P payment generation

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Activities > A/P Payment
Generation. The A/P Payment Generation form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Activities > A/P Payment Generation.

Type <the end of the month date> in the Age Date Ending field. Note: You will leave the default
selections on the rest of the form.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “XX A/P Payment Distribution(s) were
created. X A/P Payment(s) were created.” Note: the system has generated a message regarding
Vendor 8 being on payment hold.
Click OK.
Close the A/P Payment Generation form.

Part 2: Use the Quick button to view an automatic payment generation

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > A/P Payments. The A/P
Payments (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
A/P Payments.

86 8BLesson 9: Generating payments

© 2017 Infor Education
Run Filter In Place.
Select Vendor 13-Marshland Realty Company in the left pane. The payment information for that
vendor displays.
Click the Quick button. The A/P Quick Payment Application (Linked) form opens. This form
shows how the payment was automatically generated.
Close the A/P Quick Payment Application (Linked) form and return to the A/P Payments form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 87

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
Which of the following payment types are available? Select all that apply.

a) STD Check
b) Manual Check
c) Wire
d) STD Draft
e) Incoming Draft
f) EFT

The distribution portion of a payment displays what a check is being written for; vouchers,
commissions, or non-accounts payable payments. This is sometimes referred to as which
of the following?
a) The check stub
b) The payment header
c) The check
d) The credit to cash

88 8BLesson 9: Generating payments

© 2017 Infor Education
Lesson 10: Manually entering payments
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Describe how to manually enter payments.
• Describe how to distribute payments.
• Describe how to make prepayments.
• Describe how to use quick payment application.

• Manually entering payments
• Distributing payments
• Using quick payment application

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 89

© 2017 Infor Education
Manually entering payments
After generating payments using the A/P Payment Generation form, the payments display on the A/P
Payments form, where they can be updated or deleted, as necessary. Payments can also be manually
entered on this form for both manual and standard checks.
Note: If a payment is deleted on this form, a check will not print.






90 9BLesson 10: Manually entering payments

© 2017 Infor Education
Distributing payments
Use the A/P Payment Distributions form to enter vouchers, non-accounts payable payments,
commission payments, and prepayments.
On this form, the Type field displays the type of payment distribution, which can be any of the following:
• Voucher (Payment of a posted voucher)
• Non-A/P (A check written for transactions not affecting accounts payable.
• Commission (Payment of sales commission records)
• Open (A prepayment to a vendor, also referred to as a deposit)
There is also a 1099 Reportable check box on this form. This check box indicates if a vendor payment
distribution is taxable and should be included on the vendor's 1099 form. This check box is selected by
default when a distribution is created if the vendor has a federal tax identification number. You can clear
this option for payments that should not be reported on the 1099 form.

The amount that displays in the Amount field can be changed before printing checks.

The amount in the Applied field must equal the check amount or the check will not be

Demo: Create a Type Open deposit payment and apply to a Purchase

Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an Open deposit payment and apply to a
purchase order.





Exercise 10.1: Create a Type Open deposit payment and apply to a

Purchase Order
In this exercise, you will create an Open deposit payment and apply to a purchase

Exercise 10.1 steps

Return to the A/P Payments form.
Add a new record.
Select 6-Cromax Metals from the Vendor drop-down list.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 91

© 2017 Infor Education
Confirm Standard Check displays in the Payment Type drop-down list.
Confirm the current date displays in the Date field.
Save the record.
Click the Distributions button. The A/P Payment Distributions (Linked) form opens.
Select Open from the Type drop-down list.
Select DP00000335 from the PO drop-down list.
Click the Accounts tab.
Type 42400 in the Amount Paid field. Note: The GL account is 11600-AP Deposit.
Save the record.
Close the A/P Payment Distributions form and return to the A/P Payments form.






Making prepayments
To make a prepayment (deposit) to a vendor, enter the payment header information on the A/P Payment
Distributions form first and then select Open from the Type drop-down list. The payment can be
associated with a purchase order and assigned a deposit account to which it will be posted. The payment
will update the Prepaid field on the purchase order.
When the prepayment is ready to be applied to a posted voucher, do the following:
1. Select the Reapplication check box on the A/P Payments form.
2. Add the payment record using the original check number. (This number can be found in the A/P
Posted Transaction file.)
3. Distribute the payment.
4. Post the reapplication by proceeding with the normal check printing/posting process.

92 9BLesson 10: Manually entering payments

© 2017 Infor Education
Using quick payment application
Use the A/P Quick Payment Application form to quickly enter and distribute payments to vendors. You
can enter a new payment on this form, or select an existing one.
The form displays all vouchers and any existing payment distributions for the selected vendor. From here,
you can select individual vouchers, select all vouchers, deselect vouchers, and update the amount paid
on this form. Using this form facilitates entering payment distributions when there are several vouchers to
be paid with one payment.
The 1099 Reportable check box indicates if a vendor payment distribution is taxable and should be
included on the vendor's 1099 form. The option is selected by default when a distribution is created if the
vendor has a Federal Tax ID number. You can clear this option for payments that should not be reported
on the 1099 form.

Demo: Manually create and distribute a payment

Your instructor will demonstrate how to manually create and distribute a payment.





Exercise 10.2: Manually create and distribute a payment

In this exercise, you will add a payment to the vendor payment file for vendor 20 and
distribute the payment by utilizing the quick voucher payment.

Exercise 10.2 steps

Add a new record.
Select 20-Columbus Power Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
Confirm Standard Check displays in the Payment Type drop-down list.
Confirm the current date displays in the Check Date field.
Save the record.
Click the Quick button. The A/P Quick Payment Application (Linked) form opens.
Select the check box for line 1.
Confirm 1,115.00 displays in the Amount field and Applied fields.
Confirm 0.00 displays in the Remaining field.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 93

© 2017 Infor Education
Click Apply. A dialog box opens with the message, “X A/P Payment Distributions(s) were
changed. X A/P Payment Distributions(s) were created. X A/P Payment Distributions(s) were
Click OK.
Close the A/P Quick Payment Application (Linked) form and the A/P Payments form.






94 9BLesson 10: Manually entering payments

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Check your understanding
If a payment is deleted on the A/P Payments form, a check will still print.

a) True
b) False

To make a prepayment (deposit) to a vendor, what option should be selected from the
Type drop-down list on the Payment Distributions form?

a) Voucher
b) Non-A/P
c) Commission
d) Open

Which button do you click on the A/P Payment Distributions form to open the A/P Quick
Payment Application form?

a) Distributions
b) Payments
c) Quick
d) Apply

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 95

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Lesson 11: Printing, posting, and
voiding checks
Estimated time
30 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Explain the process for printing and posting checks.
• Describe how to void posted payments.
• Describe how to view posted transaction detail and summary data.
• Describe how to query transaction details.
• Describe how to create a positive pay file format, define fields for the file, and generate the file.

• Printing and posting checks
• Voiding posted payments
• Viewing posted transaction detail and summary data
• Using a positive pay file

96 10BLesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks

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Printing and posting checks
Use the A/P Check Printing/Posting form to:
• Print a preliminary check register
• Print accounts payable checks
• Void checks
• Print accounts payable check stubs
• Print a final register and post checks
• Print remittance advice
Checks may be printed and sorted for a range of vendors by name or number. The starting check number
can be changed and the system prompts you to void any skipped checks in a sequence of numbers.

Manual checks will not be printed; however, you must still print the final register and
complete the posting process.

Printing the Preliminary Check Register

The first step in the check printing/posting process is to select the Preliminary Check Register option on
the A/P Check Printing/Posting form to set up a preliminary check register. When you select this option,
the system validates the check information, prints the register, and then returns you to the A/P Check
Printing/Posting form.

Printing accounts payable checks

The next step in the check printing/posting process is to select the Print A/P Checks option on the A/P
Check Printing/Posting form to print the accounts payable checks from the preliminary register.

After the preliminary check register is printed, you have the option to update vendor
payments before printing checks. However, if you return to the payment file to update or
delete a vender payment, the preliminary check register will need to be printed again
before the checks can be printed.

Voiding checks
After checks have been printed and before the checks have been posted, you have the option to void
checks. Selecting the Void Checks option on the A/P Check Printing/Posting form activates the options
in the To Void area so that you can void checks and then post them. Use this option if your checks
printed incorrectly or were damaged. When you select this option, the To Void area is updated with
information about the checks you will be voiding.

Printing accounts payable check stubs

After you print or void checks, you can optionally print copies of the check stubs by selecting the Print
A/P Check Stubs option on the A/P Check Printing/Posting form. This option can only be selected after
you have printed or voided checks by selecting the Print A/P Checks or Void Checks options on the A/P
Check Printing/Posting form.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 97

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After the final register and post has been performed, check stubs can no longer be printed.

Printing a final register and posting checks

Next, the final register must be printed for the checks to be posted. Selecting the Final Register and
Post option on the A/P Check Printing/Posting form is a one-step process that prints the check register,
posts the checks to the accounts payable distribution journal, creates posted transactions, and updates
the vendor records. General ledger journal records are created for the payment records and the posted
transaction vouchers are created for the amount paid and discount taken. You will not be able to leave
the A/P Check Printing/Posting form until the printed checks are posted.

Printing remittance advice

Finally, you must select the Print Remittance Advice option on the A/P Check Printing/Posting form to
print remittance advice. If the Manual option for Remittance Advice is selected on the Accounts Payable
Parameters form, you must also select this option. If you select this option and no manual checks exist in
the check batch, the remittance advice will be blank.

To have the remittance advice statement processed for print, fax, or e-mail on a vendor-by-
vendor basis, you must also select the Use Profile check box.






98 10BLesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks

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Voiding posted payments
Use the Void A/P Posted Payments utility to void previously posted checks, wire, or EFT payments. This
utility also reverses bank reconciliations and writes reversing accounts payable journal entries for all
currency gains and loss distributions that were created when the payment you are voiding was originally
posted. A report is generated from this utility.






Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 99

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Viewing posted transaction detail and summary data
Use the A/P Posted Transactions Detail form to view detailed information about vendors posted
transactions. This information is obtained from the posted vouchers and payments. All unpaid vouchers
are displayed in respective aging buckets by clicking Actions > List Aging Buckets.
The 1099 Reportable check box indicates if a vendor payment distribution is taxable and should be
included on the vendor's 1099 form. The option is selected by default when a distribution is created if the
vendor has a Federal Tax ID number. You can clear this option for payments that should not be reported
on the 1099 form.
Use the A/P Posted Transactions Summary form to view summary information about a particular
vendor's posted transactions, including vouchers, adjustments, and payments.

Querying posted transaction details

Use the b form to search for posted vouchers, adjustments, and payments based on specified criteria. On
the Primary Criteria tab, you select the vendor to search by and on the Additional Criteria tab; you
search by additional criteria, such as bank and contact names.

Demo: Print, void, and post checks

Your instructor will demonstrate how to print, void, and post checks.





Exercise 11.1: Print, void, and post checks

In this exercise, you will use the A/P Check Printing/Posting form to print, void, and post
checks for vouchers that are due.

Exercise 11.1 steps

Part 1: Perform A/P Check printing/posting

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable > Activities > A/P Check
Printing/Posting. The A/P Check Printing/Posting form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Accounts Payable >
Activities > A/P Check Printing/Posting.

100 10BLesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks

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Confirm the Preliminary Check Register option is selected. Note: you will leave all defaults as
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “X A/P Payment(s) were processed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Preliminary Check Register Report] will be
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you want to open or save …?”.
Click Cancel and close the Report Viewer.
Select the Print A/P Checks option.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “X Check(s) were processed. 0
Continuation(s) were processed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you want to open or save …?”.
Click Open. The pdf opens and displays all the printed checks.
Close the pdf and the Report Viewer.
Select the Void Check(s) option.
Type 1211 in the Starting and Ending Check Number fields in the To Void area. This voids the
check for vendor 1.
Press Tab.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Void] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “1 Payment(s) were processed.”
Click OK again.
Select the Final Register and Post option.
Click Process. A dialog box opens with the message, “[Post] will be performed.”
Click OK. A dialog box opens with the message, “[A/P Payment] was successful. X A/P
Payment(s) were posted.”
Click OK again.
Close the A/P Check Printing/Posting form. A dialog box opens with the message, “Do you
want to open or save …?”.
Click Cancel and close the Report Viewer.
Close the A/P Check Printing/Posting form.

Part 2: View payment and void transactions on Bank Reconciliations form

Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > General Ledger > Bank Reconciliations. The
Bank Reconciliations (Filter In Place) form opens.

For CloudSuite Business, click Master Explorer > Roles > Financial Controller >
General Ledger > Bank Reconciliations.

Type BK1 in the left pane.

Run Filter In Place.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 101

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View the payments and verify the Voided check box is selected for check 1211.
Close the Bank Reconciliations form.

102 10BLesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks

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Using a positive pay file
A positive pay file is a file you send to your bank that provides a list of checks issued, their dollar amount,
and your bank account number in a text file. Creating and generating this file involves using the following
three forms:
• Positive Pay Format Sections
• Positive Pay Format Fields
• Positive Pay File Generator

Creating the positive pay file format

The Positive Pay Format Sections form allows you to add and save different positive pay file sections.
There can be a maximum of three sections per format. You should obtain the information necessary to
complete this form from your bank.

Defining the positive pay file fields

Use the Positive Pay Format Fields form to define how to generate the positive pay file.
The following table displays fields on the Positive Pay Format Fields form and provides a brief
description of each:

Field Description

Section The section to use for the field. Selections include:

1 - for the Header section
2 - for the Detail section
3 - for the Trailer section
The sections you create on the Positive Pay Format Sections form display in this
drop-down list.

Type The type of field. Selections include Constant, Database, or Function. The option
you select from this drop-down list affects other fields on this form.
• If you select Constant, the Constant field becomes active.
• If you select Database, the Column field becomes active.
• If you select Function, the Function field becomes active.

Length The numeric value representing the length of the current sequence.

Constant The alphanumeric value for the constant. This field is only active when Constant is
selected from the Type drop-down list. The value you enter in this field
automatically populates the Column and Function fields.

Column The database column for the field. This field is only active when Database is
selected from the Type drop-down list. The value you select automatically
populates the Constant and Function fields.

Function The function for the field. Selections include:

• Functions

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 103

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Field Description

• Date of Today
• Date of Last Check
• Count of Check
• Count of Check: Non-Void
• Count of Check: Void Amount Total
• Amount Total: Non-Void
• Amount Total: Void
This field is only active when Function is selected from the Type drop-down list.
The value you select automatically populates the Constant and Column fields.

Indicator The indicator that identifies either a valid (usually 320) or a voided (usually 340)
Note: This field is only active when Database is selected from the Type drop-
down list and Voided is selected in the Column field. If you provide an indicator,
you must also set the Space Filler field to either Space or Zero, whichever value
is required.

Justification. The justification of the field, either right or left.

Space Filler This field determines whether extra spaces are filled with zeroes or spaces.

Generating the positive pay file

The Positive Pay File Generator form generates the positive pay file. Select the bank and format name
and then generate the file within a specified date range.

104 10BLesson 11: Printing, posting, and voiding checks

© 2017 Infor Education
Check your understanding
Which of the following are optional steps in the check printing/posting process? Select all
that apply.

a) Printing the preliminary check register

b) Printing accounts payable checks
c) Voiding checks
d) Printing accounts payable check stubs
e) Printing a final check register and post checks

You use the Void A/P Posted Payments utility to void previously posted checks. This utility
also reverses bank reconciliations and writes reversing accounts payable journal entries.

a) True
b) False

Which of the following forms can be used to view summary and detailed information about
vendors posted transactions? Select all that apply.

a) A/P Voucher and Adjustments form

b) A/P Posted Transactions Detail
c) A/P Posted Transactions Summary
d) A/P Check Printing/Posting

Use the Primary Criteria and Additional Criteria tabs on the _________________ form to
search for posted vouchers, adjustments, and payments based on specified criteria.

a) A/P Posted Transactions Detail

b) A/P Posted Transactions Summary
c) A/P Posted Transactions Detail Query
d) Vendors Query

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 105

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Lesson 12: Vendor 360 form
Estimated time
15 minutes

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Identify the key features of the Vendor 360 form

• Vendor 360 form

106 11BLesson 12: Vendor 360 form

© 2017 Infor Education
Vendor 360 form
The Vendor 360 form shows key information about vendors. This information is consolidated from various
forms in the Vendor module and is read only. The three main areas of the form are Company, Financials,
and Purchases.

Heading Additional Information

Remit To
Financials Payment Information
A/P Posted Transaction Summary
Purchase Orders
PO Requisition Lines
On Time Delivery

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 107

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Course summary
Estimated time
30 minutes

Course objectives
Now that you have completed this course, you should be able to:
• Describe how to set up accounts payable accounts in the Chart of Accounts.
• Describe how to set up bank codes, shipping codes, and billing terms.
• Describe how to set up a vendor, document a vendor’s profile, and log vendor interactions.
• Explain how to define standard accounts and set up inventory adjustment and variance accounts.
• Describe how to generate a voucher from a purchase order.
• Describe how to use the auto voucher feature to generate vouchers.
• Describe how to manually create and distribute vouchers.
• Describe how to create and generate recurring vouchers.
• Describe how to post vouchers and adjustments.
• Describe how to automatically generate payments.
• Describe how to manually enter and distribute payments.
• Explain the process for printing and posting checks.

• Course review

108 12BCourse summary

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Course review
The _____________ must contain all accounts payable-related account numbers before
transaction distributions and postings can occur.

a) Accounts payable parameters

b) Chart of Accounts
c) Billing terms
d) Bank codes

What form do you use to set up bank codes?





You use the Ship Via Codes form to set up shipping codes. Ship Via Codes are required
for vendors and are used to reference a method of shipment on an order.

a) True
b) False

Unless you are using _____________, you cannot use the Due Days and Prox Due Day
fields at the same time?

a) The holiday offset method

b) Multiple due dates
c) Advanced terms
d) A cutoff date

When a vendor is on a payment hold, payment distribution and check printing activity are
prohibited, but there are no restrictions on purchase order entry.

a) True
b) False

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 109

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Use the __________________ form to define how to send report output to a vendor.

a) Vendor Document Profile

b) Vendors
c) Vendor Interactions
d) Vendors Query

Which of the following forms is used to track and manage communication between you and
your vendors?

a) Vendor Document Profile

b) Vendors
c) Vendor Interactions
d) Vendors Query

Use the Accounts tab on the _____________ form to define standard accounts for
vouchers payable, freight payable, duty payable, and brokerage payable accounts.

a) Accounts Payable Parameters

b) Purchasing Parameters
c) Vendors
d) Product Codes

Use the ______________ form to set up inventory adjustment and variance accounts for
accounts payable.

a) Accounts Payable Parameters

b) Purchasing Parameters
c) Vendors
d) Product Codes

The __________________ tab on the Generate A/P Transactions form allows you to
choose between generating vouchers from purchase orders, from GRNs, or from EDI
a) General
b) Additional Material Selection
c) PO Selection
d) Taxes

110 12BCourse summary

© 2017 Infor Education
Selecting the Automatic option as an auto voucher method displays a Purchase Order
Receiving Auto Voucher form upon receipt of an order. You then can enter a vendor
invoice number, freight amount, and other information about the voucher.

a) True
b) False

If a purchase order was not generated for items/services received from a vendor, the
voucher can be manually entered on which of the following forms?

a) A/P Vouchers and Adjustments

b) Generate A/P Transactions
c) Voucher Adjustment Distribution
d) Recurring Vouchers

To manually enter distributions to general ledger accounts, click the _________ button on
the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

a) Distribution Generation
b) Distribution
c) A/P Voucher Posting
d) A/P Posted Transaction Detail

When generating recurring vouchers, the month entered in the New Voucher Month field of
the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation form will display in which field of the A/P Vouchers
and Adjustments form?
a) Invoice Date
b) Distribution Date
c) Due Date
d) Starting Date

The A/P Payment Generation form is used to enter criteria for automatically generating
payment transactions. On this form, which of the following are methods to age the
payments? Select all that apply.

a) Invoice
b) Due Date
c) Disc Date
d) Payment Date

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 111

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After generating payments, you can use the ____________ form to update or delete the
payments, as necessary. Payments can also be manually entered on this form.

a) A/P Payment Generation

b) A/P Payments
c) A/P Check Printing/Posting
d) A/P Posted Transaction Detail

Payment distributions can consist of which of the following? Select all that apply.

a) Payment of a posted voucher

b) A check to pay transactions not affecting accounts payable
c) Payment of sales commission records
d) A pre-payment to a vendor (a deposit)

Which of the following is the first step in the check printing/posting process?

a) Voiding checks
b) Printing accounts payable checks
c) Printing accounts payable check stubs
d) Printing the preliminary check register
e) Printing a final check register and post check
f) Printing remittance advice

112 12BCourse summary

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The following are included in this section:
• Appendix A: Accounts payable reports and utilities
• Appendix B: Goods and services taxes (GST) for landed costs
• Appendix C: Letters of credit (LCR)
• Appendix D: EFT bank statement import
• Appendix E: Updates made to this version of the workbook

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 113

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Appendix A: Accounts payable reports and utilities
The following table displays the accounts payable reports and provides a brief description of each.

Report Description

A/P Aging Report Displays a list of outstanding vouchers in their respective aging
buckets. Aging buckets are user-defined.

Cash Requirements Displays a list of vouchers by due date giving a running net cash
requirements for a given date range. May also be subtotaled by

Voucher Register/Voucher Displays vouchers created from purchasing with the voucher's
Register by Account respective distribution.

Bank Reconciliation Displays a list of all transactions in a bank reconciliation file. This
report is useful for reconciling to a bank statement, as it lists
outstanding items only.

Voucher Transaction Displays a list of all unposted vouchers. This is the same report as
the edit list.

Payment Transaction Displays a list of all unprinted/posted checks. This report is similar
to the preliminary check register.

Journal Transaction/Journal Displays a list of all transactions posted to the distribution journal.
Transaction by Account

Vendor Interactions Lists all communications logs existing in communication log file.
This report can be sorted by vendor, contact and/or follow-up date,
entry name, topic, status, or contact.

Payment Hold Displays a list of vendors on payment hold.

Voucher Authorization Prints unposted vouchers in order by authorizer. You can sort it by
purchase order, voucher, or name. This report is useful for following
up on outstanding vouchers. You can also select to print a blank
page between each authorize.

Letters of Credit by Vendor Prints all outstanding letters of credit for one vendor or a group of

114 13BAppendices
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The following table displays the accounts payable utilities and provides a brief description of each.

Utility Description

Delete A/P Posted Deletes all transactions in the posted transaction file where the voucher's
Transactions value = 0 (adding all vouchers, payments and adjustments) through the
date specified.

Year End Procedure Zeroes all YTD values in the Vendor form, moving the value to last year’s
fields. This must be done before starting a new year. It has no effect on
the ledger.

Purge Voucher Removes vouchers for the given range from the voucher history file. This
History will affect the voucher register.

Void A/P Posted Provides the ability to void checks by check number and records the
Payments reversals in the general ledger, bank reconciliation, and all appropriate

Void Posted Draft Use the Void A/P Posted Draft Payments utility to void previously posted
Payment drafts. Reconciled drafts and remitted drafts cannot be voided.

Activate/Deactivate Allows the user to deactivate posted transactions so that users have the
Posted Trx option to hide fully paid transactions when viewing the Posted Transaction

Voucher Use the Voucher Authorization utility to control which vouchers you post
Authorization to A/P. You turn on this feature by selecting a toggle box on the
Purchasing Parameters form. After you activate it, A/P does not post a
voucher from purchasing to A/P until certain criteria are met.

Rebalance Vendor The Rebalance Vendor Letters of Credit utility corrects the accumulated
Letters of Credit PO values tied to letters of credit. It also corrects the accumulated
received value of LCRs tied to purchase orders. Only LCRs with a status
of Planned or Open are processed. Also, LCRs with an expiration date
prior to today's date have their status changed to Expired.

Move Local Multi-divisional users only. Use this utility to move vendors to Global
Vendors/Delete Vendor Maintenance or delete vendors from Global Database.
Global Vendors

Currency Revaluation Multi-currency users only. Use the Currency Revaluation utility to
generate realized or unrealized currency gains and losses (due to
currency rate changes) for open payable, vouchers payable, and

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 115

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Appendix B: Goods and services taxes (GST) for
landed costs
Including taxes on brokerage fees in landed cost vouchers
Landed cost allows you to voucher duty, freight, and brokerage separately from material costs on
purchase orders. You can also charge tax on brokerage costs with the option to generate and modify
these tax distributions prior to voucher generation.
The following table displays the steps required to include brokerage fees in tax charge calculations for
landed cost vouchers. Following these steps will ensure you do not omit a required process.

Step Form Procedures

1 Tax Codes Click Master Explorer > Modules > Codes > Tax Codes and select
the Include Brokerage check box.
Note: This check box will only be enabled if the tax code is part of an
area-based tax system and the Tax Code Type is set to Rate. The
check box isdisabled for exempt type tax codes.

2 Tax Systems Click Master Explorer > Modules > Codes > Tax System and select
the Active for Purchasing check box on the Tax Systems form.
When creating accounts payable vouchers, you will then have the
option to allocate landed cost fees and calculate tax on brokerage fees.
After selecting this check box, a tax code is available on the following
• Vendor –Tax tab
• Purchase Order – Tax tab
• Generate AP Transactions – Tax tab
• Generate Landed Cost Vouchers – Tax tab

3 Vendors Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > General > Vendors and
select the Taxes tab. Verify the correct tax code is entered in the Fed
ID field.
Note: The tax code specified in the Fed ID field will be the default for all
purchase orders created for that vendor. However, the tax code can be
updated on the Purchase Order form if necessary. The vendor’s tax
code used on the purchased order will be the one used when
calculating taxes on brokerage fees for landed cost vouchers.

4 Purchase Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > Purchase Orders >
Orders Purchase Orders and create a purchase order using the correct tax
code (used for calculating brokerage fee taxes).
Note: You must first create a purchase order before adding landed

5 Purchase Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > Purchase Orders >
Order Landed Purchase Orders Landed Cost and select the Brokerage tab.

116 13BAppendices
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Step Form Procedures

• Select one of the following options from the Brokerage Alloc Type
drop-down list:
o Amount: A flat amount being charged by the broker. This selection
requires an estimated value be entered.
o Percent: Calculates a percentage of brokerage fees per line item.
For example, if you have a quantity of 100 on a line item and the
brokerage fee is 200, you would pay $20 per quantity for brokerage
• Select the brokerage vendor from the Brokerage Vendor drop-down
list. Note: You must create a vendor record for the broker you will be
using to generate vouchers for landed cost fees.
Note: After the purchase order and line items are entered, you can also
click Landed Cost on the Purchase Orders form to open the Purchase
Order Landed Costs form and assign the brokerage vendor.

6 Purchase Click Master Explorer > Modules > Vendor > Purchase Orders >
Order Activities > Purchase Order Receiving and receive the purchase
Receiving order.
At the time of purchase order receiving, two purchase order receipt
records are created, one for the material costs and one for the landed

7 Generate A/P • Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable >
Transactions Activities > Generate A/P Transactions and select the Taxes tab.
• Click Generate Tax to calculate the tax on the brokerage fees.
• Click Generate to generate the voucher.
Note: The Generate AP Transactions function only creates vouchers
for material costs. To create vouchers for landed cost receipts, refer to
the next step.

8 Generate • Click Master Explorer > Modules > Financial > Accounts Payable
Landed Cost > Activities > Generate Landed Cost Vouchers to create a landed
Vouchers cost voucher and calculate tax on the brokerage fees.
o Select the correct order and brokerage landed cost fee to calculate
tax against.
o Generate the tax
o Calculate the tax on brokerage fees
o Allocate costs. Note: If you have more than one purchase order
selected, click the Cost Allocation button to allocate the total landed
costs entered (from the newly created voucher) across all purchase
order records. After you allocate costs, you still have the option to
update landed costs on individual landed cost purchase order
receipt lines before generating the voucher.
o Generate the landed cost voucher

A/P Vouchers • Click Master Explorer > Modules > Finance > Accounts Payable >
and AP Vouchers & Adjustments.
Adjustments • Verify the voucher now displays sales tax in the appropriate field and
the tax is applied to the total cost.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 117

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Step Form Procedures

• The brokerage voucher is created specifically for brokerage fees with

appropriate tax charges.
• Post the voucher to accounts payable.

118 13BAppendices
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Appendix C: Letters of credit (LCR)
Issuing vendor LCRs
Selecting the LCR Required check box on the General tab of the Vendors form indicates that the vendor
requires an LCR.

You can still enter an LCR for a vendor who does not require one.

The first step in issuing a vendor LCR is to enter the LCR into the Vendor Letters of Credit file. Then,
when you begin entering orders for that vendor, you can associate the orders with an LCR by selecting
the appropriate LCR from the LCR drop-down list on the Amounts tab of the Purchase Order form.
LCRs have the following impact on purchasing:
• Orders are tied to LCR records.
• Accumulated order values and accumulated shipped values are tracked.
• LCRs can be in the vendor's currency or the base currency.
The system issues a warning when a user enters or changes an order if any of the following occur:
• A line item on an order causes the accumulated order amount for the LCR to exceed the original
• An LCR is required and one has not been entered
• The LCR entered has an expiration date before the line item due date
The system issues a warning at the receiving stage if any of the following occur:
• The order LCR has passed its expiration date as compared to the line receipt date
• The value of the receipt added to the previous value received against the LCR is greater than the
LCR original amount
• There is no LCR tied to the order
The system issues a warning at the receiving stage for a vendor who does not require an LCR, but
optionally uses them, if:
• The line item due date is after the LCR expiration date.
• The value of the receipt added to the previous value received against the LCR is greater than the
LCR original amount.

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 119

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Appendix D: EFT bank statement import
EFT bank statement import overview
The electronic bank statement import allows the user to import a file from a bank of transactions
that update the MAPICS Extended Systems database. The transactions that are supported are:
• Reconcile checks.
• Reconcile BACS transactions.
• Create cash receipts for checks that were deposited directly to the bank (lock box).
• Create cash disbursements for direct debits.
The user enters the path to the bank’s file. The application determines the nature and parameters
of the transaction based upon the data in the flat file. Batches are created for the transactions
supplied by the bank. The transactions can then be reviewed and posted by clicking on the
appropriate “Process” button.

120 13BAppendices
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Appendix E: Updates made to this version of the
Summary of Updates
We updated the versioning of the document and made the following content changes.

Updates to the training experience

• Updated the section on User interface to add navigation changes
• Added an appendix on EFT bank statement import

Updates for new features

• Updated the section on User interface to add navigation changes

Using Accounts Payable Training Workbook 121

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pFad v3 Proxy

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