Briefs - Downhole Oil Water Separation
Briefs - Downhole Oil Water Separation
Briefs - Downhole Oil Water Separation
Downhole Oil/Water Separation
The Application.............................................................................. 2
Fluid Compositions – Oil Phase................................................. 2
Fluid Composition – Brine Phase............................................... 2
Application 1: No DOWS Installed................................................... 3
Application 2: DOWS Installed........................................................ 4
A Concern…................................................................................... 5
Conclusions ................................................................................... 6
2282 SCF/Day
To Gas Processing
112 BPD
Produced Water
Well Head / Separator
BaSO4 11.3 lb/Day
CaCO3 2.8 lb/Day
250 C
300 PSIA 250 C
200 PSIA
Formation Fluid
To Well Bore
The predicted phase flows from the separator are listed in Table 3 below:
2087 SCF/Day
To Gas Processing
112 BPD
Produced Water
Well Head / Separator
BaSO4 1.3 lb/Day
CaCO3 0.1 lb/Day
Entrained Water
250 C
200 PSIA
pH 6.8
Water Reinjected
Fluid to DOWS To formation
1000 BPD
250 C No Scales
300 PSIA 250 C
200 PSIA
Formation Fluid
To Well Bore
The conditions at the well bore and at the well head/separator are the same as in
the first application.
The phase flow results for this simulation are listed in Table 4 below:
The predicted water/oil ratio is 1.1. Some solid formation is expected. However,
this simulation can’t predict where in the well the scale will form. The reduced
produced water flow is very desirable since we have approximately a 10 fold
decrease in volume. Also, note that there is a reduction in the amount of scales that
can be formed.
A Concern…
There is a concern that since there is 14 times more scale in the non-DOWS
configuration that excess scaling species are present in the reinjectate. These solids
may scale out and plug the formation. For this reason, the reinjectate is injected
well below the production zone or very far away from the well bore in the production
A final simulation mixes the formation fluid (see Table 1 and Table 2) with the
predicted reinjectate fluid from the non-DOWS simulation (see Table 3). The
reinjectate fluid has the following composition:
Of particular note is that the carbon dioxide and carbonate ions seem to be missing
from this analysis. These species are soluble in oil and went up the well with the oil.
The fluid that flows to the well bore at 1290 bpd is mixed with the reinjected brine
flowing at 1000 bpd. The streams are mixed at 250 oF and 300 psia. The results of
the mix are:
Table 6 shows that for the most part, injecting the brine back into the production
zone decreases the concentrations of the ions slightly. The production of barite
(BaSO4) solid is predicted to be 3.1 mg/L per day. This may be of concern for
formation damage. Unfortunately, this model can’t tell us where the damage will
These ESP simulations demonstrate the following:
A more complete description of the production zone chemistry and the injection zone
chemistry would allow for more accurate simulations. Also, a more complete
description of the DOWS configuration under consideration would allow for a more
accurate assessment of the technology.