Is 7332 1 1991 PDF
Is 7332 1 1991 PDF
Is 7332 1 1991 PDF
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Indian Standard
( First Revision )
0 UI S 1991
8 l l R E A U 0 F I N l> I ,\ N S T A N D A R D S
NEW l>ELHI 110001
( Pag~ I, clauu S.J ) - Substitute the following for the existing text:
'The body of the valve should be designed for various loading conditions given
in IS 11639 (Parr I).IS 11639 (Part 2) and IS 11639 (Part 3).'
( Page 4, clause 6.4.1, para 2) - Delete.
( Pase 5, Anna A ) - Delete 'IS 226 : 1975 Specification for structural
steel {stand'ard quality) (fifth revision)' .
( Pag~ 5, Annex A) - Substitute 'IS 1030 : 1998 Specification for carbon
steel castings for general engineering purposes (fifth revision)' for 'IS 1030:
1982 Specificatio n for steel castings for general engineering purposes (fourth
revision)' .
( Page 5, Annex A) - Substitute 'IS 2002 : 1992 Specification for steel
plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high temperature service
including boilers (suond revision)' for 'IS 2002 : 1982 Specification for steel
plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and higb temperature service
including boilc:fS (first revision)' .
( Page 5. Annex A)- Substitute 'IS 2004 : 1991 Specification for carbon
steel forgings for general engineering purposes (third revision)' for 'IS 2004 :
1978 Specification for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes
( su ond revision )'.
( Page 5. Anna A ) -Substitute 'IS 2062 : 1999 Specification for steel for
general structural purposes (fifth revision)' for 'IS 2062 : 1984 Specification for
weldable structural steel (third r~vi.rion)'.
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute 'IS 2708 : 1993 Specification for 1.5
percent manganese steel castings for genenl engineering purposes (third
revision)' for 'IS 210g : 1984 Specification for l.S percent manganese steel
castings for general engineering purposes (second revision)'.
Amend No. I to IS 7332 (Part 1): 1991
Rept01r1plly Uni~ BIS, Ntw 0.11>1. India
Hydra ul ic Gates and V;dves Sectional Com mittee, RVO 12
T hi< Indian Swnda rd \\:IS adopted l>y the Bureau of Indian Sta ndards. aflerthedraft finalit ed by the
ll ydraulie 0:otc' autl V;olvcs Sccti•>na l Ctunmittce had t>ec n a[lprt>\'ed by the River Valley Division
Sphe rical valve ''a shut·oll Jcvice most common ly u sed in HyJro·pnwer stations fur a head 200 111
and a hove. These valves may be used a t lower heads also if desired by th: de<igner. lis use is
favoured at high hc;His as there is ow hydrau lic loss d ue to valve itself whc u valve is npcn und
provided a better tight seatings when valve is closed.
llasic;olly spherical valve consi~ts uf spherica l shaped hoJy air \'alve and w;otcr{oil pressure ~ystcm nr
any other con trol ')'>tcm are required I'M opera tion of spheric:ol valves.
This standard cm·e •·s unly the guideline< (criteria) for structu ra l and hydra ulic design of va lves su
as tu 1>e11nit necc,sary llexibility on their deta iled de>il!n ns per requirement s of the designer.
The'e j! Uidelincs are based on th e available expertise ;ond the pract ices prevaling in th i, field ut
present Sfl that the same cou ld be uti A s :111d when .,ome more information is available the
same wi ll he incorporated in the >tandard. Therefore these arc expected to he U>cd by those
designers who have sufficient k nowlcd~tc in t his licld .
This standard is bcont; published in part>. Part 1 deals with 'tructural ;ond hydra ulic aspects of
desi~tn . Part 2 deals with the guide lines for design and selc~:tinn o f the contml equipment used in
spherical valves. Pnn 3 dent~ with the operatin n and maintenance of spherical valve~.
Thos standard (!'art I) was first published 1n 1974. ·1 his revision is beong d one on the basos Clf
experience ga111cd during the use of this s tandard for the last 16 years as well as the e xperience
pained during th i< p eriod in the o peration of these valves at the various power stations. The
principal modifications made in this revision are as below:
,l) In the C<lnstruction provision <•I' conical shape hody 1~<1> also been made:
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement o f t his sta ndard is complied with the
lin a I va lue. observed or calcu lated, e~pressong the result of a te't or a na lysis. sha ll be rounded oil'
in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ' Rules for round ong off numerical va lue~ ( r<••·i.ved )'. Th e number
of signi fican t places retained in the rounded off valtie should be the same as thst of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 7J32 ( P art I ) : 1991
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1.1 This standard (Pun I ) lays down the guide- 6.1 Valve Body
lines (criteria) for the structural and hydraulic
design of spherica l va lves for hydropower stations. 6.1. 1 The valve body may be cast or fabricated
or cast fabricated from materials recommended in
2 REFERENCF.S Annex B. The body should have two ho les for
T he Indian Standards listed in Annex A a re trunnion bearing housings a nd suitable bosses for
n ecessary adjuncts t<> thts standard . by-pass connection, drainage, air release and for
mechanical locks if necessary. Flanges for con-
3 STAN DARD SIZ ES necting to penstock shou ld be at right angle to
the axis of the bore and concentric with the bore
3.1 As far as possible, the valves s hould he and the faces should be parallel. The Oanges
tlesigncd in any of the following siLes (in mm ): should have tapped or through holes. In case
500, 600, 700, 800, 900. 1 000. I 100, 1 ~Otl. repair seul has been provided, it should have a
1 300, 1 400. I 500, I 600, 1 800. 2 000. boss on upstream side for connect ion of a pipe
2 200, 2 400, 2 600. 2 800, 3 OliO. 3 200. for pressure nnd on inlet side a
3 400, 3 600, 3 800. 4 000 and 4 200. cyl indrical surface lined with stainless s teel should
be p rovided where movable ring of repair seal
3.2 Size t>f the valve should nnrmally be the same slides. This may be provided only in case valve
a~ that of inlet dia of the spira l case/distributor. has got repair seal arrangemont. On the out let
However reduction in the size if any can be side it should have a cylindrical surface for
considered by use r taking into consideration tbe filling the service seal.
extra head IMS in the reducer and expander.
6.1.2 The body should be made in two parts from
4 TYPE O F VALVES AND T HEin USE assembly point of view. The join t m:ty be vertical,
horizontal or diagonal according to the suitability
4.1 Normally two types o f valves nrc designed: of assembly and transport. For large valves t he
body may be made in more than two parts having
:\) Valve with service seal only. and joint in vertical as well <as in the horizontal plane.
b) Valve with service and repair seals. The joint in horizontal plane gives possibility t•f
assembling the valve d irectly at the place of
Typacal detaals of \'alves with disc type aod piston installation. Two halves should hnv¢ necessary
type seals (for se rvice and repair seals) arc shown spigots and sockets, seal provision, locati ng
in Fig. I and 2. arrangement and should be held together by
4 .1. 1 For a station having long penstock or re- means of sufficient n umber of bolts and studs.
quiring u nit i5olation it is recommended to use 6.1.3 The fasteners of parting flanges and two
the va lve with both the seals, that is service as end Rartges sh ould be tightened with specified
well as repair seals. Re pair seal a ives possibility initial tighte ning by heating or sloggi ng or by
of c hanging the service seal without draining the hydrau lic bolt tensioncr to have controlled tot;al
long penstock wh ich may take more time or may strenes d eveloped in the fasteners.
require closing of gates.
5 H ydraulic Conditions for DesiJln 6.1.4 T he body should be designed, such as "'
sustain ma~imum pressure including water
S. J The body of the valve should be designed for hamme r. Supporti ng feet for installing the vul v~
the condition of dynamic head, which ia the head on found a tion should be provided. These feet, or
altai ned after closure or the t urbine. part thereof, are to be integral with the valve
D ynamic hcad = Mt1x Static head I Pressure rise body, and may oot extend beyond the flange faces
head of the valve. These supporting feet shou ld have
holes bigger t han the diameter of foundatiun
5.2 The rotor and t ru nnions of the valve should bolts to allow for altial movement of valve thus
be d esigned for the condition of head being avoid ing axial load on foundation.
attained after its closure or for the head which is
1'10 times the maximum static head whiche ver is 6.1.5 Suitable rne.ons of adequate strength for
more. lifting tbe valve should be provided.
IS 7331 (Part 1): 1991
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IS 7331 ( Put 1 ) : 1991
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6.2.3 The angular travel of rotor shou ld be 90" 6.4.4 Seal should be made from material
from open tel ch,sc position. recommended in Annex H.
6.3.1 Valve should have hush beanng made from Tbc vall'c foundations should be designed to
material given in Annex B. Self·ccntering bearings cater for complete tensile and compressive forces
may be used in case of va lve where dcftcction of produced by operating gear occurring during
trunnions is considerable. It should be designed worst conditi<>ns of its operations. No hydraulic
for the maximum load imposed by the rotor. thrust will be taken on the foundat ions o f the
valve in closed position. The purchaser should
6.3.2 Suitable provision should be made for provide a suitable means to sustain thrust in the
lubricating the bearings unless bearings arc of penstock design or on the downstream of the
self lubricating tYI>e. valve (by providing a thrust collar or brackets)
as agreed by the purchaser and the supplier.
6.3.3 There should be provided f(lr limiting the
movement of rotor along its axis of rotation. 6.7 Bypass Valve
6.3.4 Bearing should be provided with suitable The si1.e of the by·pass valve should be suflicient
seal for stopping the leakage of water and grease. to balance the downstream pressure at least by
60 percent of the upstream pre.s surc, considering
6.4 Stal the maximum lealc~ges through the guide vanes.
IS 7JJ2 ( Pnrt I ) : 1'1\11
( Clause 2. I )
( Clauses 6 I I, 6 2 I, 6 2 2, 6 1 l, 6 4 I and 6 4 4 )
( Clause 9 I )
Sta ndard Mar~
The use ,~r lhc: Standard !\lark. t!" ~·ncrii<..'J hy tile ru lH'ISH.lll~ l''of the Ourrcw of InJinn
Stundrml.< Act. !9Sr• and the Rules an<l Rcl_!u lations made thercmhler. The :-;ta nd:ml Mark on
prod ucts covered b)' an lmlinn Standard conveys the ~ssurancc th~t the)' h;l\'C been produced
to comply with the r~quiremen ts o( tha t st:tmbrd under a well deli ned S)'Stcm o( inspccti<Hl,
testing anJ quality ~<>ntn>l wh ich <S <leviscd and supervised by Ill~ .tnJ opera ted by the
producer. Standard marke<l p rodu,·ts are als!l cont in uOn>ly checked by OIS for conform it y
10 tha t Sl:tndnrd a< a furr her saleguHr<l. Details of C<'Odllions under whicl1 a licence (o r rhc
usc o( the Srano.lan.l Mark may be ~ranted to m:~nufacturcrs or producers may be obtamcd
from the Uurcau o f Indian ~tandards.
Bureau or Indian Standard•
BIS is a statutory inslilulion eslablished under the Bur~au (J/ Indian SwmJardJ Act, 1986 co promote
harmnniou~ developmenl of the accivicies of slandardi1.ation, marking and qualify cercificacion of l!<>Oda
and attending to connecl ed mailers in the country.
HIS Ita~ the copyright of ~II its publicattons. No pare of lhrsc pubh~altons may he reproduced in
any form wichon l che prior permission in writing of HIS. This does not preclude the free use. in the
course of implemencing lite srandard, of necessary dera ils. such as symbol~ and si'les. eyre or grade
dcsignalions. Enquiries relatins to copyright be addressed t•> the Dirrch>r ( Publications ). IllS.
1\lanak flhavan, 9 Uah auu r Shah Za far M:trg, New l>elhi 110002
Tekr>h<>nrs: 33101 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manakaanstha
( Commnu to nil Ollices)