Microscopic Examination of Urine Part 1
Microscopic Examination of Urine Part 1
Microscopic Examination of Urine Part 1
PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPY Enhances low refractive index -Dysmorphic RBC causes: glomerular bleeding
sediments (Hyaline cast,mucous -WBC causes: Pyuria, Inflammation (suffix "is")
-Clue cell causes: Gardnerella vaginalis
threads,trichomonas) -High Urothelium another term: synctia
-RTE causes: tissue destruction,drugs,hepaB, salicylate
POLARIZING MICROSCOPY For identification of lipid Poisoning,,acute transplant rejection,myoglobin
containing sediments toxicity
-Oval fat bodies-tubular necrosis,DM,trauma
-Bacteria causes: UTI either staph or E.coli
DARK-FIELD MICROSCOPY Identification of treponema -Yeast causes:Candida , diabetes, vaginal monaliasis
pallidium -Parasites: Trichomonas,Schistosoma haematobium
-Mucus is a protein produced by glands and
FLOURESCENCE MICROSCOPY Identification of labeled antigens Epithelial cells in lower genitourinary tract and RTE
and antibodies cells
Yeast cells