A Project Report On Event Management

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(FACULTY,MAIMS ) Roll No-0331471808

BBA(B&I) 6th SEM

Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector 22, Rohini Delhi 110086)

Page no.

Student declaration………………………….………………………….…..4

Certificate from Company/Organization …….……………………………5

Certificate from Guide……….…………………………………………….6



Executive Summary………………………………………………………..9

Chapter Scheme………………………………………………..…………10


1.1 Purpose of the study……………………………………………..……11

1.2 Research Objectives of the study…………………………..…………11

1.3 Research Methodology of the study………………………..…………12

1.3.1 Research Design………………………………..…………………12

1.3.2 Data Collection ……………………………...……………………12

1.3.3 Research design……………………………………………………12 Population………………………………………………………….13 Sample size……………………………………………………......13 Sampling technique…………………………………….……….….13

1.3.4 Method of data collection………………………………………….13 Instrument for data collection…………..……………………..…...13


About the Organization Profile………………….……………………17

Company Profile……………………………………………………….34


Findings and Analysis……………………………….…………………44




Conclusion and Limitation……….……………………………………57




Evaluation Attendance Sheet

Schedule for Project Completion.


This is to certify that I have completed the Final Project Report titled “CONSUMER
of Ms. Priyanka in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management
Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work & I have not submitted it earlier


This is to certify that the project titled “CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS

EVENT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES IN DELHI” is an academic work done by
HASHEEN ARORA submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of Bachelor Of Business Administration from Maharaja Agrasen Institute
of Management Studies,Delhi, under my guidance & direction. To the best of my
knowledge and belief the data & information presented by him/her in the project has not
been submitted earlier.

Ms. Priyanka

My project would be incomplete if at this juncture, I did not Acknowledge those
who steered my project work in the right direction.
First of all I would like to thanks Ms. Priyanka (faculty, MAIMS) as she proved to
be constant source of inspiration and provided timely support at crucial stages of
this project work despite the time and work constraints.
The feeling of gratitude when expressed in words is only a fraction of
acknowledgement. I feel overwhelmed to express my gratitude to all those who
extended their consistent support, guidance and encouragement to complete this
Last but not the least I would like to thanks Dr. N.K. Kakkar (Director General,
MAIMS), for providing me with all the help and advice to me in completing my

BBA (B&I), 6rd Semester
Enrollment No. – 0331471808

Executive Summary
As per clause (34), “Event Management” means any service provided in relation to
planning, promotion, organizing or presentation of any arts, entertainment, business,
sports or any other event and includes any consultation provided in this regard.

The current condition of the event management companies in the city is not very well
they are waiting for the response of the people so that in future they can encash it. In fact
right now the role of event management companies is being played by either the hotels or
the amusement parks or the community centers. In many cases newspapers work in
collaboration with private parties to organize some event.

The findings of the project clearly states that the future of event management is very
bright in the city although presently its in nascent stage but the people of Delhi have
started accepting such events in the main line. Some such events are like theme based
marriages and “Ladies Sangeet” in the marriages. Along with this the growing gathering
in the fashion shows and musical concerts is also remarkable.

Right now the condition of event management in Delhi is not very good. The response of
people has not been that good that it can attract any event management company here as a
full fledged service provider, it will take some time to pick up nicely. Currently the main
target segment of these partial or complete service providers are the defense class people
or the high class people have accepted these concepts much widely then any other

It is expected that event management industry will gear up in Delhi in near future. The
concept needs to be popularized, by proper media coverage. The existing companies
should mould their service according to the taste and preference of the people.

The scope of event management companies in Delhi is not very good. As per our findings
and the calculations the results are not very encouraging at present. But the projections
help us to draw a conclusion that there is a scope for event management companies in
near future.

I hereby accept the opportunity to study and work on Event Management and
its consumer perception in Delhi.

This research will also help to learn and execute more effective researches in
the near future. For the purpose of analyzing the data collected for this
project, the report has been divided into the following parts:-

Chapter 1 which covers the overview of textile and apparel industry India and the major
players in this industry.

Chapter 2 which covers brief introduction of the Raymond group,i.e, the company profile
followed by the group companies of Raymond, joint ventures, different leading brands,
manufacturing process and the financial report of the company.

Chapter 3 dealing with the research methodology and the research objective

Chapter 4 which includes the swot analysis and findings and suggestions.

Chapter 5 which covers conclusion of topics discussed, recommendations and


This is how the following project research has been executed.

“We GENERATE Quality Business Leads

We ENHANCE Your Profile

We CREATE New Business Opportunities

Everyone Knows Us as EVENTS”

Event management is growing at a rate of three times that of traditional advertising.

Though relatively small compared to the major components of the marketing
communications mix-advertising, sales promotions and P-O-P communications-
expenditures on event sponsorship are increasing. Corporate sponsorships in India in
2001 were estimated at $3.9 billion-with 65% of this total going to sports events and most
of the remainder spent on sponsoring entertainment tours or festival and fairs. Thousands
of companies invest in some form of event sponsorship.

Event marketing is a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic,
entertainment, cultural, social or other type of high-interest public activity. Event
marketing is distinct from advertising, sales promotion, point-of-purchase merchandising,
or public relations, but it generally incorporates elements from all of these promotional

Event promotions have an opportunity to achieve success because, unlike other forms of
marketing communications, events reach people when they are receptive to marketing
messages and capture people in a relaxed atmosphere.

Event mangement is growing rapidly because it provides companies alternatives to the

cluttered mass media, an ability to segment on a local or regional basis, and opportunities
for reaching narrow lifestyle groups whose consumption behavior can be linked with the
local event. MasterCard invested an estimated $25 million in sponsoring the nine-city
World Cup soccer championship in the United States in 1994 and will likely sponsor
other big events in many countries as well.

Event marketing is a lucrative game of “what’s in a name”, as consumers purchase tickets

and expose themselves to everything. The world of event marketing is a fast growing,
high profile industry worth over $20 billion annually, and one of the most successful
marketing strategies.

Event management integrates the corporate sponsorship of an event with a whole range
of marketing elements such as advertising, sales promotion, and public relations.
Corporations both large and small have grown this industry at a rate of 17 percent per
year, and they have achieved a high level of success.


Primary Objective
The main purpose of this project is to study the Consumer perception towards Event
Management in Delhi.

This includes :-

• Identify the scope in terms of the service provided by them to consumers.

• Size of the industry in Delhi.
• Study the problems faced by the event management companies.
• Study the type of events which are taking place.

Secondary Objective

The secondary objective of the research is to find the image of the event companies in
minds of consumer & how the company is working for entertainment source among the

Research Methodology
The methodology followed for the research:

Primary research detailed discussions with event management firms and customers
attending corporate events. Subsequent additions were made to the interview schedule to
suit the specific events under study.

The secondary information was gathered from various marketing journals and books on
event management, sales promotions and publicity.

The information gathered was studied and analyzed. It reveled certain issues in event
management which need further attention and some suggestions have been given to make
this industry more effective in order to utilize its full potential and be mutually beneficial
for the Event Management agency, the Corporate and the customer

Primary Sources

The methodology followed for the research:

Primary data is a data that is collected for the first time in the processing of the analysis.

We have adopted the contact questionnaire for the purpose of collecting Primary data.
Apart from this, information gathered was by personal interactions for the purpose of
analyzing the awareness of Event Management Companies in Delhi.

Secondary Sources
The Secondary data are those, which have already been collected and being processed
through the statistical process.

The secondary information was gathered from various marketing journals and books on

event marketing, sales promotions and publicity. Along with it, Website material

on :

Official website of companies




Other sites such as Search engine of Google




& other sites

Search engine of Google

Magazines such as Events in India, Advertising & Marketing.

Reports in newspaper etc ,

was of great help.


A Research design is purely and simply the framework of plan for a study
that guides the collection and analysis of data. The study is intended to find
the investors preference towards various investment avenues. The study
design is descriptive in nature.


Descriptive study is a fact-finding investigation with adequate

interpretation. It is the simplest type of research and is more specific. Mainly
designed to gather descriptive information and provides information for
formulating more sophisticated studies.


Selection of study area: The study area is in New Delhi

Selection of the sample size: 100


Convenience method of sampling is used to collect the data from the

respondents. Researchers or field workers have the freedom to choose
whomever they find, thus the name “convenience”. About 100 samples
were collected from New Delhi city and most of the respondents were
customers coming in to corporate and personal events.
Event Management
“Events are occurrence designed for marketing interests.”

Philip Kotler
Event management generally means conceptualizing, meticulous planning, organizing
and finally executing an event.

It is a set plan involving networking of a multimedia package, thereby achieving the

clients objectives and justifying their needs for associating with events.

Events can bring community together for purpose of fundraising, change a town or city’s
image, expand its trade, stimulate its economy, help companies to market and introduce
its product and also for the entertainment of society.

Not only do events enhance the quality of our life, they can provide significant economic
benefits. Events require a high degree of planning, a range of skills, a lot of energy and

Keys to successful events: Organization & Co-operation

Event Management in India is in nascent condition till date it has achieved only a stature
of sector. Still it’s treated as a part of entertainment industry. The size of this sector was
mere Rs. 1400 Cr in financial year 2010. The future of this sector is very bright and its
expected that it will grow with a growth rate of 15% to 25% and will touch the turnover
of Rs. 2000 Cr in year 2012.

The industry is highly concentrated, the top four players occupies as much as 95% of
market share. The top four players are big MNCs, any Indian player has not achieved
such size and proficiency.

The top three players are: -

 YS Events & Promos

 UX Events & Media

 R2S Events & Solutions

Corporate Events

 Conferences

 Corporate Celebrations

Glamour Events

 Celebrity Appearance

 Fashion Shows

 Music Concerts and entertainment shows

Brand Events

 Promotion and management of Brands

Televised Events

 Events specially created for television channels

Sports Events

 Focused around a sporting event

Concept Events (Theme Based Events)

 Concept conceived by Event Management Company

Hybrid Events

 Mixture of two or more of the above


 Talent Banks

 High Profile Weddings, Dance Parties

Activities in Event Management

Pre-Event Activities
Events typically have a team based environment and a project type of organization
structure. Thus, responsibilities are assigned to the relevant staff members in the team for
the Event. Coordination of arrangements required is divided among the team members.
Once the preliminary discussions are over, and the final concept sold to the client, the
very first step creative conceptualizes works on the designing. Then the Project manager
prepares a thorough schedule after understanding the critical steps ad issues involved in
that particular event. External agencies such as architects and engineering contractors
may be consulted at this stage to understand feasibility of planned concepts. Most event
management companies have experienced production managers who understand the
feasibility of planned concepts. Then the project manager draws up a cash flow
statement, a budget statement and arranges budget allocation for the event.

Based upon the project requirements critical dates or deadlines are drawn up and the best
possible solution among alternatives to achieve these deadlines is chosen. The overall
coordinator along with the sales and marketing team should ensure the completion of
overall design, models of stages, visuals, etc. with graphics included by the creative team
within the prescribed deadlines and make a researched concept presentation to the clients.

At this stage, the legalities of drawing up the contract, agreements and finalization by
signing of contracts between the event managers and clients becomes a necessity.
Keeping the feasibility in mind physical design are finalized and contractors begin work.
Here fire, safety and insurance issues need to be taken care of. The coordinator, sales and
marketing team then think about production of advertising promotions, brochures,
posters, etc.

Logistics is another important area that needs to be given priority attention by event
coordinators. Logistics in events essentially involves booking of hotels, air, road, and rail
transport for the participants and event managers, arranging transportations of material.

A joint team of the concept creator and the main contractors then need to check out the
special-effects equipments and arrangements. At this time day-by-day tracking of timing
and finance with a feedback on possible changes i.e. increase or decrease in expenditure
on various items.
Finalization of cleaning, security, furniture (tables, seating, barricading etc.), décor
(flowers), communication (telephone), and other service hire contracts (couriers) also
take up the production manager’s time at this stage. The project manager handles the
progress report and gets contingency plans drawn up. The overall coordinator has to
continue in touch with the client with reference to the PR, publicity, press releases, and
promotion on TV, and radio along with the public relations team. Arranging for a press
conference for the clients, and artists, giving out invitations, passes and tickets to the
event, organizing the reception for the press with uniforms for the hospitality
hostesses/hosts or staff at the reception is also a major responsibility for the PR team in
the preparatory stages leading up to the event. Damage control due to artists’ tantrums is
yet another aspect typical of this field that the PR team needs to contend with. These have
to be tolerated and controlled to avoid any adverse fallout.

Final visit for quality checks and control need to be made to the networking components
to ensure and confirm understanding. These typically include inspection of dimensions of
stage and other critical near finished models for accuracy by the production manager.

The overall coordinator along with the other team members needs to then arrange for a
briefing of site supervising staff depending on category and type of event. It is essential
that the entire briefing and interaction take place before the event begins. Once the event
gets started the clients and the contractors’ staff need to be kept away from interfering
with the execution by the production manager and the event coordinators. Controlling the
panic reactions due to invariable last minute troubles and final tying up of all loose ends
is a very important penultimate task.

The last stage in the first section involves resolution of on-site wrangles of delivery,
permission, missing orders or items, close attention to construction of sets--asking
whether it was done correctly, supervision of installation of special effects, objects.

During-Event Activities

During the event, softer aspects come into the focus. For overall coordinator, it is
important to pass on all credit to supervisors. Event managers should look humble and be
available to the clients to call on. The conceptualisers’ efforts should be appreciated at
least during the event. At the same time, there should be a constant surveillances of the
specially effects, display objects and the food and beverages. Thus monitoring is the gist
of the during-event execution activity that is involved. Photographs and other multimedia
recording arrangements if so desired also need to be taken from strategic locations.

Post-Event Activities

Beginning with the physical task of dismantling of the sets, post-event activity
also run into accounting and other such works. Final accounts setting (bills to be paid on
receipt) is accompanied by explanations for overspends. The team needs to carry out a
postmortem analysis on the event and conduct an event evaluation. Recording the
photographs taken of the event in the form of a photo-documentary helps a lot.
Performance evaluation of the coordinators during the event should be carried out
immediately so that weak points after the event can be used for learning. Finally, the
overall coordinator should do the formality of thanking all involved for the wholehearted
and extra efforts provided. Letters should go out to clients thanking them and these
should include a post-event questionnaire seeking to measure client satisfaction. Based on
this feedback, improvements and adjustments required should be worked upon.

This theory states that the function of management can be classified into planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

Finally, the most important part of Event Management is the execution of the Event as
planned. We term this activity as Carrying-out the Event. Therefore, when we use Event
Management, it is to denote the production of an Event.

Staging an event takes more than a wish or dream. Preparation is the key to a successful
Event Planning
The first and foremost thing to do while planning an event is to know about the client's
expectations. When a client first approaches you for assigning a task, sit with him and
find out what he wants and how he wants it. Keep in mind the fact that the client has a
very hazy idea of what he wants. He expects you to change that hazy idea into a reality.
So you first need to strike a good rapport with him. Once you know his expectations you
can start giving your inputs. Since you are a professional event planner he is bound to
believe that you have a better knowledge about these things and will respect your

Key Factors in Planning an Event

 Check the feasibility

 Is the event a good idea

 Are we in the right community

 Who would be the spectators

 About the venue

 About the media of advertising

 Fund stream


Full time should be devoted to implementation of plans. Make sure your event does not
clash with other events.

The Organizing Committee

It should comprise of experts in the following streams:


 Determine the sources of revenue

 Expected level of expenditure

 Time gap of expenditure and revenue

 Establish a system of financial accounting and control


 To attract best possible audiences

 Get sponsorship and best support possible


 Guide overall operation of event

 Managing the technologies require


 Make appropriate contracts involved in managing an event

 Handle lawsuits that may arise

Public Relations Teams

 To handle the celebrities, if invited in the event.

 To host press conferences.

This team is required to take decisions from conceptualization to completion of the event.

Facilities offered

 Programs

 Awards

 Transport

 Catering

 Safety and Security

 Entertainment

 Anchoring and announcement

 Music and Sound system

 Licensing

 Publicity

 Promotion


From its origins in event planning, the event marketing industry has seen great growth in
the last five years and has consistently been one of the most effective tools that marketing
professionals have at their disposal in terms of making a tangible connection to current
and potential customers. The increasing competitive pressures brought on by
globalization are forcing business professionals to find new ways to engage customers.
Not surprisingly, savvy event marketing professionals are therefore focusing the majority
of their efforts and budgetary spend on lead generation tactics such as trade shows. While
it is important to garner leads, marketing and specifically event marketing professionals
cannot lose sight of the fact that the sales cycle only begins at lead generation and that
current and prospective customers must also be nurtured even beyond purchase.
Companies can benefit tremendously from the deeper event marketing touch points that
promote nurturing such as proprietary conferences that provide a controlled environment
for delivering messages and closing business. The nurturing process will allow the
customers to more effectively be funneled into the subsequent stages of the sales cycle
thus creating greater opportunities to develop into repeat customers.

An event is a live multimedia package with a preconceived concept, customized or
modified to achieve the clients objective of reaching out and suitably influencing the
sharply defined, specially gathered target audience by providing a complete sensual
experience and an avenue for two-way interaction.



Live Desired
Communication WITH CREATES
Audience Impact
from the client

Fig: Events Definition In-Short

This is a diagrammatic representation of the above definition. From the model it is

evident that an event is a package so organized has to provide, reach and live interaction
between the target audience and the client to achieve the desired impact.

Event marketing involves canvassing for clients and arranging feedback for the creative
concepts during and after the concept initiation so as to arrive at a customized package
for the client, keeping the brand values and target audience in mind. Marketing plays an
important role in pricing and negotiations as well as identifying opportunities to define
and retain event properties by gathering marketing intelligence with regard to pricing,
timing etc.

In fact, ideally event marketing involves simultaneous canvassing and studying the brand
prints; understanding what the brand stands for, its positioning and values, identifying the
target audience and liaison with the creative conceptualizes to create an event for a
prefect mesh with the brand’s personality.


If one knows how to organize an event he should also know how to market it. If there is
something very peculiar or special about the event then that main point has to be
highlighted. A product launch for example requires a sales promotion campaign either
before or after the launch. In that case the product is advertised through banners and
media and even door to door canvassing. Effort is taken to ensure that people sit up and
take notice of the event. Sometimes it could be an event like an award ceremony, which
is to be shown on television and different companies make a beeline for sponsoring their
respective products in the due course of the programme. This is the way publicity and
promotions work.

Match the Event to Your Market

Choose the kind of event that appeals to your target market suits your product’s image
and fits your marketing objectives.

If, for example, you are looking for reach and you are selling a low cost product with
wide general appeal, sports sponsorship may be the avenue for you. If your product is an
up market one, artistic events could suit you better. If your have a technical product,
science-type sponsorships would be possibilities and if your main aim is to be seen as a
good corporate citizen, put your sponsorship money into good causes. The Children’s
Hospital, the Red Cross or the environment, to name three, AIDS research is another one.
The meteoric history of event marketing is based in sports marketing. In fact, music and
arts represents a combined 35 percent of event spending as compared 45 percent for
sports-related events. Event marketing also continues to thrive as traditional advertising
rate skyrocket and, really, fail to provide any guarantee of reaching a targeted audience.
Event marketing provides a cost-effective approach to making a more hard-hitting,
emotional, and tangible pitch to consumers. It also gives companies the opportunity to
cross-promote (promote with other companies that have related products or services),
offer sample products (give-always), and build strong relationship with various channels
of distribution, such as retail outlets.

Charities go out of their way to meet both their own fund-raising needs and the profit
requirements of the firms they team up with. It is a commercial relationship and the entire
better for it. Charities need funds, and the businesses need promotions, which show their
worth in extra profit.

1. Brand Building

 Creating awareness about the launch of new products/brand

Enormous nos. of brand/product are launched every month. Similarly innumerable new
music albums, films, etc get released periodically. This tends to create clutter of product
launches. The large no. of launches also leads to need to overcome the “ooh-yet-another-
product” syndrome. The need to therefore catch the attention of the target audience at the
time of launch becomes very important. Meticulously planned events for the launch of a
product/brand seldom fail to catch the attention of the target audience.

 Presentation of brand description to highlight the added features of


Sometimes technological changes pave the way for manufactures or service providers to
augment their products. To convey this via traditional modes of communication to the
existing and potential customer base may sometimes be futile. Special service camps of
exhibitions are the perfect events that provide the opportunity for a two way interaction
and error free communication. For Example, IMTEX, the Industrial Machine Tools
Exhibition, is an event used by most machine tool manufactures to explain and highlight
the new and improved features of their product.

 Helping in rejuvenating brands during the different stages of product life


The massive amount of money that is spent during the introduction stage of products gets
drastically reduced over time. By the time the product reaches its maturity/decline stage,
the need for cutting down the budgets associated with the media campaigns, while at the
same time maintaining the customer base is felt. And events offer the best medium for
such a focused approach. It helps in generating feelings of brand loyalty in the products’
end user by treating them as royally as possible.

 Helping in communicating the repositioning of brands/products

Events help in repositioning exercises to be carried out successfully. In other words,

events can be designed to assist in changing beliefs about firms/products/services.

 Associating the brand personality of clients with the personality of target


Citibank is an elite bank where people do banking with pride. Hence, other premium
brands would like to associate themselves with the same audience so as to benefit from
the rub-off effect. An exhibition-cum-sale event organized exclusively for Citibank credit
card holders, small merchandisers get to do business with the Citibank customers, as well
as build and maintain a premium image for themselves. Here Citibank acts as the event
organizer and small merchandiser’s acts as participants so that they can associate the
personality of their products with the personality of Citibank customers.

 Creating and maintaining brand identity

Australia-based Foster’s Brewing Group’s Asian subsidiary in its plan to launch its bear
brand Foster’s Lager in India choose the game of cricket – in which the Aussies are
known as the best team in the world. By becoming the official sponsors of Australian
cricket team on its India tour, Foster’s hoped to achieve its goal of brand identity building
and positioning itself at the premium end of the market.

Rennie Solomito, Marketing Manager for Coors Light (Beer Company) explains that in
order to increase awareness and personality of the brand, Coors Light tries to find the
distinguishing “look of the leader” in each market. Coors Light select events that are fast
paced and young minded, for example, Coors Light Silver Bullet Concert Series featuring
artists like Bryan Adams and Celin Dion.

2. Image Building
Over and above the brand identity that a company encourages, events such as The Great
Escape conceived by Mahindra and Mahindra, exclusively for the owners of their four
wheelers, the Armada, are an attempt to build a specific image of not only the corporate,
but also the product, to let owners experience the thrill of four wheel driving, M&M
charts out an off beat route that emphasizes the difference between normal and four
wheel driving, and lets the participant experience the high, one feels when steering and
navigating an Armada.

Coke is associated with Olympics since 1928, the rationale behind this is similar values
and ideologies: International peace, brotherhood, standard of excellence and fun.
Fig : Constructing the Brand Value Chain

3. Focusing the Target Market

 Helping in avoidance of clutter

Even though some events do get congested with too many advertisements, events still
provide and effective means of being spotted. For example, Title sponsorship of a major
event provides the sponsor immense benefit since the sponsors name is mentioned along
with the event like Hero Cup, Femina Miss India, Lux Zee Cine Awards.

 Enabling interactive mode of communication

Events generally provide an opportunity for buyers and sellers to interact. They also
provide a foundation for exchange and sharing of knowledge between professionals.
Example: Bang!Linux2000, Auto Expo.

Unparalleled footwear company NIKE ensures that it sponsors those events which will
give it a chance to create an emotional tie with the participants through onsite brand
usage and product presentation.
4. Implementation of Marketing Plan

 Enabling authentic test marketing

Events bring the target audience together, thereby creating opportunity for test marketing
of products for authentic feedback. The seller can identify exactly the traits and other
characteristics that are desired. For example, marketing events that the Frito-Lay
Company used before it launched its WOW! brand of potato chips.

 Enabling focused sales and communication to a captive audience

In an event the audience is more or less bound to witnessing one particular event. In such
a situation it is very favorable for sellers to put forth their presentations without any
diversions. Such a situation is very valuable given the ineffectiveness of traditional
modes of communication in holding on to the attention of the audience.

For example, Burger King wanted to reach a young demographic in the New York area,
EMG (Event Marketing Company) helped them to create a 30-concert series at the New
York Palladium. Burger King received onsite signage and distribution of bounce back

 Increasing customer traffic in stores

Events can be conceptualized to increase customer traffic. They can be customized to

make available, concepts ranging from retail store specific events to mega events like one
day international cricket tournament. For example, Nescafe 3-in-1 treasure hunt, co-
sponsored by McDonald’s is a combined effect in increasing the customer traffic as well
as increasing the awareness among the upper class of the existence of new McD’s outlets.

 Enabling sales promotion

Weekly events conducted by Crossword Bookstore helps in generating more revenue
during the weekends as compared to the revenue generated in the weekdays.

 Help in relation building and PR activities

Practitioners of this marketing function believe that event marketing campaigns have the
ability to create long lasting relationships with closely targeted market segments.
Relationship building is not restricted to end user customers but also targeted at
enhancing new distributors and sales representative relations.

For example: Moksh organized by Ys Events & UX Events, is an annual technological

festival held by NSCIT (Dwarka) has helped the sponsors in establishing their
relationship with the Institute and ensuring that an image of being interested is created
and nurtured.

Coke is sponsoring the Olympic since 1928. As coke does business in over 200 countries,
the Olympics give the company the opportunity to identify its product with the foremost
special event in the world.

 Motivating the sales team

The need for interaction is not restricted to external customers only and end consumers
are not always the focus of live media exercises. This is especially popular amongst
pharmaceutical and other FMCG companies. For Example, during the cricket world cup
held in England HSBC introduced a unique pattern of motivating the sales force by
awarding them runs instead of the traditional points system. This resulted in conversion
of almost all of its employees into sales person.

 Generate immediate sales

Most events let firms install and exclusive boot and give the permission to exploit the
opportunity to merchandise. Events such as the annual limited period discount sales from
Wrangler and Van Heusen are authentic stock clearance and seconds sales aimed at
generating immediate sales.
 Generating instant publicity

An event can be designed to generate instant publicity upon the implementation of

marketing strategy. The e-commerce start up Half.com, which wanted to sell products
such as CDs, Books, Movies and Games over the internet was up against major and
strong competition. The result of this publicity stunt started the ball rolling towards
getting this company purchased by eBay for more than $300 million.

 Enabling market database assimilation, maintenance and updating

By keeping track of the reach and its effectiveness as well as interacting with the
audience that actually turns up for the event, event sponsors can assimilate and authentic
database. The database can be used to track various marketing trends. Events can then
help in maintaining and updating the database.


As is clear from the preceding section, use of events as a marketing communication tool
not only take care of the problems associated with traditional media but also offer certain
advantages because of which events are gaining importance over them. Some of the
advantages are detailed below:

1. Events have the ability to bring together sharply defined participants since the
capacity for a particular event is usually limited. A specific no. of the target
audience could be invited of enticed to buy tickets for a show especially created
for a particular profile of the target audience.

2. Since the audience is actively targeted, the option of control reach can be
exercised and ideal audience for narrow-casting of information can be gathered.
This leads to lowering of the media networking budgets and focused
communication with the specially gathered audience. The audience that has been
specially invited invariably is an ideal audience.

3. An event carried out professionally and cleanly is invariably a memorable

experience. The word-of-mouth publicity that this generates is an advantage that
lingers on a long time after the event is actually been carried out. This provides an
advantage of higher brand recall to the client.

4. The involvement of all the senses in experiencing the event is one of the greatest
advantages that events can offer. Events can be designed such that the audience is
actively involved in every part of the event and made to feel good. Thus, events as
a live media offer a certain amount of immediacy to the experience – of being
there while it‘s happening. For the audience, it is undoubtedly a thrilling situation.

5. Live media also enables interactive communication. Live media scores over
conventional advertising in terms of reach, impact and tangible immediacy of
measurement. Live media communication is a complete sensual experience as
compared to a press advertisement or TV/Radio commercial. This is so because of
press ad is basically a flat piece of paper and a commercial is just an audiovisual
experience. The high recall value of live media communication is also a major

6. No other media can boast of the ability to provide such massive collection of feed
back instantly as events. Being a live media, it is possible to feel and deduce the
reactions of the audience to the aim or objective that the event was conceived for.

7. Easily customizable nature of events, mean that specific traits of the local
inhabitants can be incorporated in the big picture to ensure that the event is
socially and culturally in tune with the local culture. Thus, the localization of
events is very easy.

8. The advantage in terms of post-event publicity that events can offer over and
above the paid or bartered media is the benefit associated with reports of the event
in the newspaper and news on the electronic media. For such reports there is no
extra cost to be borne – neither by the sponsor nor by the event organizer. This is
a double edged sword because, in case the event is not up to the mark or is dogged
y controversies, then the same is also reported impartially.

9. The conversion of good events into television software for future use either by the
sponsors for their commercials or by media house for programming is also a
unique benefit that events offer. Such software become products by themselves
and can be used profitability in the future.


Customer Perception is an important component of an organization’s relationship with

their customers. Customer satisfaction is a mental state which results from the customers
comparison of expectations prior to a purchase with performance perception after a
purchase. Strong customer service helps an organization to reach upto customers

Customer Perception on Service: Customer Service is the service provided in support of a

company’s core products. Customer Service most often includes answering questions,
taking orders, dealing with billing issues, handling complaints, and perhaps scheduling
maintenance or repairs. Customer Service can occur on site, or it can occur over the
phone or via the internet. Many companies operate customer service call centers, often
staffed around the clock. Typically there is no charge for customer service. Quality
customer service is essential to building customer relationships. It should not, however,
be confused with the services provided for sale by a company. Services tend to be more
intangible than manufactured products. There is a growing market for services and
increasing dominance of services in economies worldwide. There are generally two types
of customer expectations. The highest can be termed as desired service: the level of
service the customer hopes to receive. The threshold level of acceptable service which the
customers will accept is adequate service. Yet there is hard evidence that consumers
perceive lower quality of service overall and are less satisfied. Possible reasons may be:

• With more companies offering tiered service based on the calculated profitability of
different market segments, many customers are in fact getting less service than they have
in past.

• Increasing use by companies of self-service and technology-based service is perceived

as less service because no human interaction or human personalization is provided.

• Customer expectations are higher because of the excellent service they receive from
some companies. Thus they expect the same from all and are frequently disappointed.

• Organizations have cut costs to the extent that they are too lean and are too understaffed
to provide quality service.

• The intensely competitive job market results in less skilled people working in frontline
service jobs; talented workers soon get promoted or leave for better opportunities.

• Many companies give lip service to customer focus and service quality; but they fail to
provide the training , compensation, and support needed to actually deliver quality

• Delivering consistent, high-quality service is not easy, yet many companies promise it.

The gaps model positions the key concepts, strategies, and decisions in services
marketing in a manner that begins with the customer and builds the organization’s tasks
around what is needed to close the gap between customer expectations and perceptions.

The central focus of the gaps model is the customer gap, the difference between customer
expectations and perceptions. Firms need to close this gap- between what customers
expect and receive – in order to satisfy their customers and build long term relationships
with them. To close this all important customer gap, the model suggests that four gaps-
the provider gaps- need to be closed.

The following four provider gaps, shown below are the underlying causes behind the
customer gap:

Gap 1: Not knowing what customers expect.

Gap 2: Not selecting the right service designs and standards.

Gap 3: Not delivering to service standards.

Gap 4: Not matching performance to promises.

Event Management in Delhi
Event Management in Delhi is not so old concept. As such very few recognized event
management companies exists here. The high profile events organized in city are
basically managed by companies working in Delhi, Pune and Mumbai.

The most common events organized here are:

 Utasav

 Décor India

 Handicrafts

 Mela

 Different Corporate Meetings

 Fashion Shows

 Musical Concerts

 Dandiya Raas

 Nightlife parties

 Concerts & shows

 Fest & live shows

Event Management can be classified on the basis of service provided, into two categories:
Complete: It covers all the aspects from conceptualization to execution till client
satisfaction feedback.

Partial: They provide partial services like a combination of few for example lights and
catering or music, venue and celebrities.

Event Management is still at a personal level. There is no full- fledged event

Management Company working in the city, but below mentioned organizations are acting
as partial or complete service providers.

Event Management Companies

 YS EVENTS & Promos

 UX Events & Media

 R2S EVENTS & Solutions

They organize birthday parties, marriages and fashion shows which are mainly for
entertainment or fun purpose. They deal at both micro and macro level there parties are
starting from few thousands to as high as 35 lakhs. The biggest event which they have
managed was a show worth 25 lakhs in 2009 year. If required they can call celebrities
also, but then the budget will touch 12-15 lakhs figure. The events that they normally
organize are:

 Dandiya Nights.

 Dance Parties.

 Wedding Parties.

 Club Parties.

 Farm Parties.

 New Year Parties.

 Concerts & Shows.

Company’s Profile


YS Events & Promotions, the name behind many successful open air events, gala
weddings, conferences, Parties, Massive Productions, Club Events, Artist's Performances,
YS Events & Promotions has a substantial reputation built over the period of Five years
in serving the national and international clients with quality of work and total
commitment to satisfy each and every client.
The Company was formed to become a one stop solution for Events, Hospitality &
Media. It is there constant endeavour to serve better through path breaking concepts and
better ideas. The management skills are much appreciated by the Industry and make
them even more focused for newer challenges. Past accolades have pushed them to move
further expanding horizons towards higher goals.


The Y.S entertainment is India's leading events and artist Management Company
with a syndicate of more than 145 Artists, DJs, Performers, Models, Actors and
Singers. They are the finest of there kinds with an impressive list of over 116
artist night per year. Have alliances with practically all performing and non-
performing artists .

There partnerships with night clubs and super clubs have put them in the frontline
of event promoters and organizers of our order and have done numerous shows,
gigs and events all over India.Of the past year, there hospitality division has
successfully launched a night club cum restro bar “Club 7” and another European
Cuisine restaurant “ Grapes”.

They also have an impressive list of Clubs, where they regularly host parties at.
These include clubs like Club Elevate- New Delhi, Capitol- New Delhi, Blue
Frog- Mumbai, Dublin- New Delhi, Enigma- Mumbai, Poison- Mumbai, Urban
Edge- Bangalore, Spinn- Bangalore to name a few.

They have now ventured into television and are successfully producing television
for Channels like NDTV, Live Media..

This management company has interest in following areas :-

** Events (Club/Open air)

** Promotions
** Road Shows
** Van Promotions
** Canopies Display
** Fun Games
** Music
** Films
** Entertainment
** Club Openings
** Theme parties
** Innovative Ideas
** Trade Shows
** Exhibitions
** Product Launches
** Conferences
** Dealers Meet
** Business Meets
** Corporate Events
** Press Conferences
** Showroom Opening
** Ramp Show
** Fashion Shows
** Fairs & Carnivals
** Public Events & Sponsorships
** Birthday Celebrations
** Decorations
** Workshops

They properly deal in Artist Management & they have recently done few fest of

UX Events & Media

UX Events is famous and known for complete solution.

It's a team of young, creative, enthusiastic and dynamic

professionals with a sparkling stream of ideas having vast

experience in the field of Events & Entertainments. Our goal is to give each & every
event a different Meaning, Identity and a Vision with true professionalism to chart the
roads of informative & entertaining events.

The UX Events team combines a mix of creative, technical, commercial and management
expertise with a passion for delivering creative and innovative event solutions.

This is a Delhi based Event Management Company. It was established two years back
by Mr.Satish Singh. Till now they use to provide complete service but now on they are
planning to provide partial services. The size of their events depends upon the customer
needs and requirement. This is a five member team. The events they organize are:

Concerts & Shows

 Annual Dance Competition

 Fashion Shows
 Annual Functions and Cultural Evenings of Schools and Colleges

 Celebrity Show

 Football Battlefield

 Club Promotions

 Exhibitions

 Night life parties

 Many more

Recently they have done few events

 Atif Aslam at Pragati Maidan

 Baisakhi Carnival In D-Mall at Pitampura

 Aqu Regia in Farm no-2 at Gittorni

 Many other events

The biggest problems which they are facing are security system in Delhi and
entrance of the daily newspapers in the event management arena. Because of the
lack of awareness Delhi people are not looking at the event management
companies as a facilitator they think its waste of money.

R2S Events & Solutions

Launched in 2000, the goal is to provide Top of the

line Weddings / Destination weddings / Corporate Events /

Private Extravanganza in India and Abroad. In a span of

10 years, with 100 + people working with them, R2S Events

has added many feathers in the cap – from high end destination wedding of Rakheja’s in
Jaipur to Khetan’s in Udaipur to Agarwals in Jodhpur, we have done it all with lot of
love, care, affection and sincerity and has come out with flying colors.

Based out of New Delhi, India, R2S Events is well known for its unusually beautiful
décor and themes. With In-house designers and fabrication unit, R2S Events prides itself
for being a leader to the industry and being able to offer something most other companies
forget about – “Compassion, Personal touch and Creativity” for creating Weddings /
Events of your dreams.

R2S Events is well known for “People’s” company. Its passion lies in providing Quality
service and care to its Clients and filling their planning stage with just as much joy and
excitement as the big day itself.

What they offer:

• Event management services

• Wedding planning and management

• Theme concept, design, fabrication and execution

• Entertainment Management Services for all events requiring Artist management

and DJ management

• Technical requirements like sound, lights, laser and Projection systems

• Other allied services

They are specialized in club & nightlife parties.


Now the event attendees can ask questions to the speaker via tweets or Facebook
comments real time during an event. With the world tweeting away night and day, there
is no doubt that technology has changed our life completely. And this change is not
limited to the World Wide Web either; it is fast percolating to the other activities and
business spheres as well. As the gadgetry world over goes through a makeshift each day,
so do the businesses associated. Here we have a look at some of the technological trends
and innovations that are changing the way we think about events and event management.

An event application speaks volumes about the planner’s commitment to the event and
excites the attendees equally.

The Stage Show

The drastic improvements in the Audio-Video equipments, staging and lighting

instruments have made sure that you need to make your event stand out. No more can
you pass off an event with just a great speaker. Even with the best of the content and
ingredients, you need to upgrade the stage show to make sure that the attendees are left
wonder struck. The advancements though, have made sure that this does not become a
Herculean task. So, the next time you are planning an event, make sure that you ‘light’
out the event.

Live Meetings

The barriers have been stomped down and the walls have fallen. Technology has made
sure that geographical impediments no more stop you from attending an event half way
round the world. The webinars and live meetings are the newest venues for events the
world over. Planners and event managers are going all out to accommodate their eager
attendees, wherever they may be.

The Social Explosion

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have completely altered the way we
think about event promotion. Letters are antiquated and emails outdated. Nowadays, you
‘tweet’ and ‘poke’ your way around the events. From creating a fan page to a social
group, there are numerous ways to announce your event to the world. And more
importantly, like everything else, you get to reach out to your target audience around the
world in real time. Discuss the event, highlights and all that excites you even before the
event takes place.

Mobiles Applications

With the advent of the iPhones, Androids and Blackberrys, smart phone applications have
become the next-gen platform for event management. From charting an event to locating
it on the map, you can do it all on your mobile. Mobile Apps nowadays have become
advanced enough to take care of almost all your needs and it was time you acknowledged
this. The sooner we realize the future role of smart phone apps, the better it will be for
our business.

Online Event Registration Apps – Just for you!!

Recently – online registration for events has taken the center stage with a lot of small
players like Eventzilla. It is simple to setup custom registration forms, promote on
Facebook, send email invitations and manage cancellations in one place. Event attendees
can register online and make secure online payments.
Analysis & Interpretation
Q1. Age group of people interested in event management.

Age group No. of results

25-35 14
36-45 46
46-55 23
Above 55 17

No. of results

17% 14%

Above 55


Figure 1: Age group of consumers


We may conclude that people interested in event management are of age group 36-45 yrs.
Q2. Which of these do you prefer while organizing an event?

Preferences No. of results

Personal Arrangement 31
Hiring Management Company 12
Outsourcing 57

No. of results


57% Company

Figure 2: Organising an event

People in Delhi prefer outsourcing the events to local and hotel organisers than personal
arrangement or hiring a event company .
Q3. What are your feelings about a company that creates or sponsors events?

Preferences No. of Results

They are willing to let people try them out 11
They understand people’s interests and needs 26
They are reliable and can organize events better 42
They are a waste of time and money 21

No. of Results They are willing

to let people try
them out

11% They understand

21% people’s
interests and
26% They are reliable
and can
organize events
They are a
waste of time
and money

Figure 3: Consumer Perception about Event sponsers

We may conclude that most of the people rely on event management companies and think
that they can organize better.
Q4. Have you ever been to events organized by event or theme planner ?

Preferences No. of Results

Yes 37
No 63

50 37
No. of Results

Figure 4: Customers been to events organised by Event Planner


We can conclude that only 37% of people have been to event organized by event or theme
Q5. If yes, how satisfied were you with the event?

Preferences No of results
Very satisfied 35
Somewhat satisfied 22
Neutral 17
Somewhat dissatisfied 16
Very dissatisfied 11



25 22 Very satisfied

20 Somewhat satisfied
15 Neutral
11 Somewhat dissatisfied
10 Very dissatisfied

No of results

Figure 5: Graph showing Satisfaction level of costumers

The above graph shows that if hiring an event management company, people are satisfied
with its theme planning, coordination and services.

Q6. Which of these events did you attend?

Preferences No. of Result

Wedding 25

Trade Fair 18

Corporate event 11

Live Shows 18

Sports Events 14

Product Launch 5

Club 9

No. of Result

9% Wedding
5% 25%
Trade Fair
14% Corporate event
Live Shows
Sports Events
18% Product Launch
11% Club

Figure 6: Events consumers attended


From above diagram we conclude that every event has its own segment & wedding is the
biggest segment people do attend this event time to time since marriages are on regular
basis. Other events have their own taste & preferred by peoples.

Q7. What are the specific highlights of the event that impressed you the most?

Preferences No. of results

Decoration 19
Catering 12

Venue 11

Staging of the program 19

Theme 21

Security measures 6

Customer support 8

Others 4

No. of results Decoration


4% Venue
8% 19%
6% Staging of the
12% Theme
Security measures
19% Customer support


Figure 7:Elements that impressed a customer the most in an event


From the above pie chart we may conclude that consumers notice the decoration and
theme the most. Even catering is considered as an important highlight for the wedding
event apart from decoration and theme.

Q8. Do you think event management as a profession/business will be a success in your

Preferences No. of results
Yes 87
No 13

No. of results

50 87 No. of results
10 13
Yes No

Figure 8: Success rate of event management as a profession/business in


Most of people said event management as a business/profession will be a success in the

city. Since it has potential.

Q9. Preferred marketing medium? (as a consumer)*

Preferences No. of Results

Through print media 20

Roadside banners 10

Television / visual media 21

Radio 9

Website 17

Social networking sites 23

17 Through print media
Roadside banners
Television / visual media
10 Radio
10 9
Social networking sites

No. of Results

Figure 9: Preferred marketing medium


According to the above graph, consumers prefer social networking sites and
television to attract them and and as a marketing medium.

Q10. Why would you NOT use an event management company?

Prefernces No. of results

Expensive 28
Availability 18
Reliability 11
Quality of work 13
Limited choice 16
Less choice 14
30 28

20 18
16 Availability
14 Reliability
15 13
11 Quality of work
10 Limited choice
Less choice

No. of results

Figure 10: Reasons for not hiring an event management company


From the above graph, we may conclude that hiring an event management company is a
costly affair and that is why people do not prefer using an event management company.

Key Problems

 Low awareness among the people.

 Conservative mentality doesn’t allow people to accept major changes.

 Lack of proper marketing and advertising by existing companies.

 Proper security measures not available.

 Performance of existing companies is doubtful, that is the reason, localities that
organize events, hire event management companies from Delhi, Mumbai and

 Cost factor influences people to take partial services from event management

 Due to poor response and lack of cooperation from public the companies are not
interested in expansion.

 Economies of scale not available to companies, therefore big players are not
interested to enter this city.

 Service Portfolio of companies is very wide for the city.


 Companies need to focus on some particular kind of events that they will
organize, this will help them gain proficiency in their field, ultimately leading
to cost saving.

 People should be made aware about the concept through proper media
coverage telling them about the successful events and the benefits.
 People should be made aware about the fact that hiring an event management
company would help them save time, efforts and cost.

 Rather then looking at the press people as their competitor they must join
hand with them to share the cost and benefits also. Press people can get better
exposure and provide the companies advertisements on a lesser cost.

 Due to innovative marketing tools the traditional marketing tools are

redundant so Delhi‘s business class must also know that its time to switch
over to the new tools like trade fares and road shows rather then press

 The charges for complete services should be reduced. As an example for

catering services the general market price is around Rs.75 per plate, but
generally companies are charging around Rs.140 per plate. Similarly the other
services’ charges must also be reduced up to a viable extent.


I will be thankful to the respondents, if you will spare 4-5 minutes from your valuable time to
answer this questionnaire
Name : ………………………………………………

1. Age:

25-35 yrs 36-45 yrs 46-55 yrs Above 55yrs

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Educational Qualification:

School UG PG

4. Occupation:

Student Service Business

Pensioner House-wife

5. Income Level:

Rs. 5000 – Rs.15000 Rs. 15001- Rs 25000

Rs. 25001- Rs. 35000 Above Rs. 35000


Q1. Which of these do you prefer while organizing an event?

 Personal arrangement

 Hiring event management companies

 Outsourcing

Q2. What are your feelings about a company that creates or sponsors events?

 They are willing to let people try them out

 They understand people’s interests and needs

 They are reliable and can organize events better

 They are a waste of time and money

Q3. Have you ever been to events organized by event or theme planner ?

 Yes

 No

Q4. If yes, how satisfied were you with the event?

 Very satisfied

 Somewhat satisfied

 Neutral
 Somewhat dissatisfi ed

 Very dissatisfied

Q5. Which of the following events do you attend?

 Wedding

 Trade fare

 Corporate events

 Live shows

 Sports events

 Product launch

 Club

Q6. What are the specific highlights of the event that impressed you the most?

 Decoration

 Catering

 Venue

 Staging of the program

 Theme

 Security measures

 Customer Support

 Other, Please Specify

Q7. Do you think event management as a profession/business will be a success in your


 Yes
 No

Q8. Preferred marketing medium? (as a consumer)*

 Through print media

 Roadside banners

 Television / Visual media

 Radio

 Website

 Social networking sites ( facebook, My Space, etc )

Q9. Why would you NOT use an event management company?

 Expensive

 Availability

 Reliability

 Quality of work

 Limited choice

 Less flexible

Q10. Please provide comments on your overall experience with Event Management

including ideas to improve service


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