Factors of Alcohol Consumption Thesis

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Presented to

The Faculty of STI College-General Santos City


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Strand

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics



Barde, Jeyzel
Brilliantes, John Luwyll
De Leon, Rhapuncel
Gomez, Princess Kathrina
Lumang, Sean Mark
Orillo, Lowie Jay
Pontino, Richielle May
Provida, Princess Mae

March 2020

Title Page i

Table of Content ii

Chapter Page


Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Limitation 4

Definition of Terms 4




Research Design 24

Research Locale 24

Research Respondents 25

Research Instrument 25

Data Gathering Procedure 25



Background of the Study

This research aimed to determine the factors of alcohol consumption among

Senior High students. Alcoholism is also known and called as "Alcohol Dependence"

and is considered a disease with symptoms such as craving or feeling a strong urge to

drink; loss of control or not being able to stop once started; physical dependence such

as sweating, shakiness, and anxiety; and tolerance which means drinking more

significant amounts of alcohol to "get high" (National Institution on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism` 2006). Based on the book of Harold E. Doweiko, "Chemical Dependency,"

Alcoholism takes time to develop, but once it established, it does not go away.

According to (DOC) The effect of Alcoholism toward Academic Performance, aside from

health risk, those students who consume too much of alcohol may also be affecting their

academic performances, it may lead them to some illness, and also it will result in failing

grades. According to the statement of the (How to teach Alcohol awareness) explained

it clear that alcohol in itself isn't bad; it's overconsumption that causes problems.

Many individuals with psychological illnesses turn to alcohol as a method of

coping with their problems, but in reality, it would not fix anything. For example, those

persons who are has a problem with their families, friends, or in their relationships drink

alcohol to ease the pain and claimed that alcohol elevates their mood. Here are some

known specific risk factors experiencing peer pressure to drink, especially as a young
adult, experiencing high levels of stress, and a lot more than make an individual getting

engage with alcohol.

When a person engaged in alcohol, especially students, it will be hard for them to

get rid of alcohol into their lifestyle. Some individuals claimed that they would get sick

and weak if they stop drinking alcohol. Some high school seniors encourage to drink

liquor because they were curious and want to do some experiment with alcohol.

Based on Alcoholism and Alcohol and Alcohol abuse, In South East Asia,

Filipinos are the second-highest consumers of alcohol, and we Filipinos are also the

number one in terms of wine drinking. In our country, the legal drinking age is 18 years

old and above, but it estimated that 60% of young people in our country have been in to

or at least have tried to drink alcohol before then.

These are the three (3) most common causes of Alcoholism. (1) "drinking at

younger age," they said those individuals who started to drink liquor and alcoholic drink

at a young age will undoubtedly have an alcohol problem, and it is not easy to get rid,

(2) "mental health issues" this means mental health problem can lead to Alcoholism, as

you observed individuals who had an anxiety, depression and other issues that are

related to mental health, whenever a person is feeling this they turn to alcohol and when

this feeling continuous that person will drink more and more leading to alcohol addiction,

(3) "family history" for example, if one of your parents is alcoholic or some of your

relatives are alcoholic then there is a high possibility that you can also be an alcoholic,

and also it's not just about the genetics and heredity, but your environment has a part
too it means if you spend time a lot around with people who are binge drinker, it can

influence you and you to do the same thing.

Because of the growing number of students who drink, it is necessary to

study the factors why students consumed alcohol so that we can somehow help them in

a way that they will not get offended but felt care. There's a lot of factors that we have to

know to determine and find the reasons why students nowadays consumed alcohol.


This study will determine the factors of alcohol consumption among Senior High

School Students in STI College General Santos City.

This study pursues to answer these following questions:

1. What encourages Senior High students to engage with alcohol?

2. How can a person stop or minimize consuming alcohol?

3. What is the common reason why students drinking alcohol?


The findings of the study would be beneficial to the following.

To the Parents- it would be beneficial for parents for their awareness of the

issues involving students engaging in drinking alcohol or liquors. With this, parents may

have thought and time to check their student's activity in school and whereabouts.

Furthermore, parents may take swift action as parents on these issues.

To the Students- this study would be beneficial to students like me and for us to

be conscious of the effects of alcohol on us. Engaging in drinking while studying will be

a massive hindrance for us to achieve and succeed to fulfill our research. Joining

alcohol at a very young age also could be a possibility of alcohol addiction and

dependency on it.

To the Department of Education- this study, the agency will put precautions on

these issues and their action to help the student and parents. Making the student

achieve and succeed the student life is also an achievement to the educators.

To the Future Researcher- They may use this research or this study in further

research similar to this study and serves as a basis and guide if ever they decide to

pursue research related to underage drinking.


This research focused only on the senior high students who consumed alcohol

aged 16 to 20 years old here in STI College General Santos. This study conducted on

February 30, 2020.


To give a clearer understanding of the concepts of this paper. The following term

is defined operationally:

 Alcoholic Beverages- An alcoholic drink is a drink that contains ethanol, a type of

alcohol produced by fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar.

 Alcoholism- is also known as an alcoholic disorder, which means the alcohol

abuse or psychological impact of the person to drink alcohol.

 Alcohol consumption- is alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol and -mostly

consumed for psychological effects.

 Physical Dependence- is a condition by taking the drug, and it causes unpleasant

physical symptoms.

 Psychological Illness- is the disease/behavior of the person that influences the

person's mind and what the person feels or relates to his or her surroundings.
Chapter II


This chapter includes relevant sources of information from the finished thesis,

ideas, local studies, local literature, overseas studies, overseas literature, and others

that tackle the alcohol consumption of senior high school students. These will be a

guide to the researchers about the said topic presented.

According to Carol Galbicsek (2019) Millions of students every year, especially

college, are some of the most popular times to experiment with alcohol. The estimated

was 50 percent of those students engage in binge drinking, which involves drinking too

much alcohol in too little time that the dangers of college alcoholism and, roughly 80

percent of college students, four out of every five consume alcohol to some degree.

College Students and Binge drinking were defined as the person consume an excessive

amount of alcohol in a short timeframe. The student of all men involved drinking five or

more alcoholic beverages in two hours; on the other hand, binge drinking for all women

is considered four or more drinks within two hours. The consequences of heavy drinking

in college nearly every college student has been impacted by alcohol use during their

academic career, even if they have never drunk themselves. Performing poorly in

Classes has excessive alcohol consumption can take a toll on a student's academics,

becoming a priority over attending classes, even drinking, completing homework, and

studying for the exams. One estimated every four college students admit to having poor

grades or other academic problems because of their drinking alcohol.

On the other hand, A risking injury a person can be increase drinking, ranging

from minor cuts to concussions or broken bones. A becoming a victim of an assault that

makes them more vulnerable to physical or sexual assault is known to lower a person's

inhibitions. Lastly, Committing Criminal Activities involved committing a crime, no matter

how minor it may be that the person wouldn't have determined if they were sober.

According to Dr. Hylton K. (2016), when the summer and party season starts,

teenagers will surely be tempted to experiment or try with alcohol. Consumption of

alcohol can have dangerous consequences, particularly for teenagers and secondary

level students, given its negative effect on our brain health and cause of having a poor

academic performance. We should have to take note that even though the law says that

the legal age is 18 years old, but still our brain continues to develop up to the mid-

twenties, and the researcher has shown that alcohol can slow down the growth of our

brain system and the function. So, the teenagers and secondary level students stay

away from drinking alcoholic beverages.

According to Timothy J Legg (2017), Alcoholism occurs when you drink too much

that your body becomes dependent on or addicted to alcohol. Alcohol becomes the

most critical thing in our life. The causes of alcohol use disorder are still unknown. The

alcohol use disorder develops when you drink so much that chemical changes in the

brain occur; these changes can increase the pleasurable feelings you get when you

drink alcohol. The factors risk are defined that may increase your risk of developing this

disease. These include risk factors that are having more than 15 drinks per week if

you're male and more than 12 drinks per week if you are female, a parent with alcohol

use disorder, mental health problems such as depression and anxiety and also the
higher risk for alcohol use disorder for you are a young adult, to having low

shallowness, expertise a high level of stress, board a family or culture and having close

relatives with alcohol use disorder. The symptoms of alcohol disorders on the behaviors

and physical outcomes that occur as a result of alcohol addiction is a sign of

professional diagnosis, the healthcare provider or doctor can diagnose alcohol use

disorder. They'll do a physical exam and risk your questions about your drinking habits.

The positive and negative effect of alcohol use, according to Moelker (2019) you

have to use/drink alcohol moderate only. Consuming alcohol has a positive impact on

our bodies. It makes your body more energetic, more comfortable, and also, it makes

you feel relaxed. Moelker said that, according to some researchers, drinking alcohol

moderately protects against cardiovascular diseases, its means for men's the maximum

amount of wine/ beer or any alcoholic beverages is 2-3 glasses only while on the

women's only 1-2 glasses of alcoholic drinks. Over consuming of alcohol increases the

risk of some diseases like having a fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, sleeping disorder, infection

of esophagus, varying from a reduction of memory to the severe syndrome of Korsakoff,

infection of stomach, sexual problem, disease of pancreas, premature dementia; cancer

of the throat, larynx, mouth, breasts, and intestine; hypertension and heart problems.

Alcohol is also one of the causes of damaging during pregnancy.

According to Steven Martino. (2018) Youths exposed to an average of three

alcohol ads per day, these studies found that on average, the teenagers in the study

witnessed three alcohol ads per day exposure to ads varied by race, ethnicity, and

gender. African American and Hispanic youths exposed to more an average of 4.1 and

3.4 ads per day, respectively, substantially more than non-Hispanic white teenagers,
who revealed to two ads per day a participants encountered the most ads 38 percent in

outdoor, such as billboards and signs outside stored and bars, the girls were exposed to

30 percent more ads than boys were. Second, Youth Beliefs About Drinking Shifted at

Moments of Exposure that youths registered an immediate shift in perceptions of

drinking when they encountered alcohol, that follows an exposure to child reported more

favorite beliefs about the typical person on their age who drinks alcohol than when they

responded to the random prompts also the white youth perceived drinking to be more

common among their peers, and the effect that a single exposure to had youths beliefs

was evident for up two days after which is perceptions of drinking returned to what they

were during times of non-exposure. Third, youth Interpretations Influenced Ads' Youth

Interpretations Influenced Ads' Impact this one other factor influenced youth reactions to

exposure: how they interpreted the ads. Youths asked to log brief assessments of each

advertisement to which they were exposed, noting whether they were skeptical toward

the ad, liked each announcement, and whether they identified with people shown in the

ad. A following exposure to ads judged positively, youths viewed drinking more

positively than they did when responding to the queries at random moments through

only a small share of considered overall, children returned to most ads with at least one

form of favorable judgment that they liked it identified with the people it is or saw it

without skepticism.

Melanie Haiken, M.J (2020) When it comes to teen drinking, the parent would be

wise not to look the other way—the consequences of driving while drunk may result in

accidents to date rape and violent crime. Ideally, no parent wants his/her teen to drink.

First, according to the United States Department of Justice, it's illegal, over 131,800 kids
arrested for violating liquor law in 2008 alone. Second, it can be dangerous, especially

when your child has a duplicate of your car keys. According to Marin Institute, about

5,000 youth under age 21 die each year as a result of alcohol-related injuries, and over

38% of that death involved a car accident. The parent should set their kids on the right

path; parents must maintain the relationship of their kids active; he or she feels free to

talk openly. Set clear rules; make sure your teen knows the consequences if they will

break the family rule. The NIAAA suggests your family rules could include: your kids

should not drink alcohol until they are 21 years old, older siblings should not give or

encourage younger members of the family to drink alcohol, kids should not stay at

parties where alcohol served, and kids should now be passenger in a car if the driver

has been drunk.

According to Robyn Burton. ( 2018) The analysis from the Global Burden of

Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study of 2016 for 195 countries and territories, is

the most comprehensive estimate of the global burden of alcohol use to date. This study

considers the extent to which moderate levels of consumption is protective of some

health conditions. The rising literature will account for a few of those problems,

sanctionative additional reliable estimates of the illness burden because of alcohol by

implementing a unique technique to ascertain a contrary to fact level of exposure across

varied relative risks that do not need to assume zero exposure, the author's present

tangible evidence for low-risk drinking recommendations. Furthermore, the harmful

impacts of alcohol extend beyond health into families, crime and disorder, and the

workplace. The evidence demonstrating the range of the harm of alcohol to those other

than the drinker is increasingly emerging. His new array of injuries is a necessary
thought at each national and native level once going to perceive the complete vary of

alcohol-related hurt and guaranteeing the adequate provision of public health policy with

a broader impact than on health alone. These diseases of unhealthy behaviors,

expedited by unhealthy environments and fuelled by business interests swing

stockholder worth before the tragic human consequences, area unit the dominant health

issue of the twenty-first century. According to MD Dowshen, S. (2016), the reason why

does teens drinks is that experimentation with alcohol during teen years is common.

Some of the reasons that teens drink alcohol are because of: curiosity; to feel good in

their bodies, reduce stress, and relax; to fit in; to feel older. From a very young age, kids

see an advertisement showing beautiful people enjoying life and alcohol. And because

many parents and other adults drink alcoholic beverages socially- having beer or wine

at dinner.

According to Marye Margaret Boggs (2017). The effect of consuming alcohol on

individual health and society at massive create alcohol consumption a public health

concern. Alcohol Frequent promotion contributes to alcohol generation acceptance

society despite known health disadvantages of heavy use. The long term consequences

of alcohol consumption during human development appeared not to been

communicated, as well as the benefits of drinking alcohol as approximately 1-4% of

infants are born with fetal alcohol syndrome and adolescents binge drinking more than

previous generations. The alcohol abuse disorders among individuals are 40% who first

consumed at the age of 12 years old where, 16% of the prevalence among individuals

who first consume at the age of 18-year old. A large number of people report heavy

drinking compared to adults ranging from 50% of 12-14 years olds and 79% of 17-18-
year-old. A cross-sectional study 13 years old students in six European countries

determined twenty-seventh reportable overwhelming five or a lot of alcoholic beverages

a minimum of once in their lives. Alcohol consumption in particularly binge drinking in

kids. It is a health risk for each child and others, as alcohol consumption increases risky

behavior. Children do not understand marketing techniques designed to persuade and

manipulate viewers into becoming consumers. Early adolescence is a critical period

where the majority of individuals initiate alcohol consumption for a variety of reasons:

primarily social. The health risks square measure overshadowed and underestimated by

kids thanks to the high flow of positive representations of alcohol consumption

compared to realistic portrayals in advertisements and also the effects of alcohol

exposure on the developing fetal brain documented underneath the spectrum of fetal

alcohol syndromes. For some high schools or even college students, drinking and

partying can be a way of life, according to Owen R. Smith (2017). Many might me think

that these activities represent pure fun with a dew drawback, but this type of bad habit

can have a severe negative impact on a student's life, especially in student's health and

education. Drinking alcohol occasionally might be fine, but excessive alcohol use can

result in several undesired consequences like binge drinking, falling grades, bodily

harm, or even having poor relationships. Overconsumption of alcohol can also affect

how you relate to people around you like your family members and even friends. These

can include experiencing guilt, shame, anger, and other negative emotion. If you have a

severe problem, you might not also be aware of your frayed relationships until it is too

According to Scot Thomas, MD (2019). Sixteen million citizens in the United

States. have what is known as an alcohol use disorder which is a chronic, lapsing

condition characterized by compulsive, uncontrollable, and debilitating alcohol use, the

meaning of a standard drink can be beneficial in determining whether a person may

already be a problematically drinking, which should increase the risk of developing AUD

in addition to a myriad of other significant health issues. On the amount consumed and

effects that alcohol's intoxicating effects will be experienced differently as consumption

increases in as a person drinks more alcohol of their blood concentration BAC

increases, the impact on different body systems that can have on a person to a change

in behavior were frequently one of the first things that come to mind. The alcohol

consumption and Testosterone production alcohol appeared to inhibit testosterone and

other hormonal secretion as alcohol that can be directly toxic to the hypothalamic-

pituitary-gonadal system. A weight gain was light, and moderate alcohol use hasn't

associated with significant weight gain and obesity, but the study of current obesity

reports that found in the heavy drinking is consistent with related weight gain. And the

significance of alcohol's effects on the body is apparent that alcohol has incredibly

drastic effects on the various systems of the human body.

Several students come to school with established drinking habits, according to

the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. There are seven (7) reasons

why Students Turn to Alcohol. (1) It makes it easier to socialize: Consuming alcohol

affects our brain; it can make people feel more confident. (2) Depression: Several

students struggle with the transition to college and develop anxiety, and according to

Mental Health Africa, people battling depression experience other health or mental
problem. (3) Peer Pressure: Being around with friends while drinking alcohol makes

people more likely to participate. It does not have to be direct pressure and coercion to

drink. (4) Stress: Sometimes, the load of homework, studying, work-life drives students

to drink, and to balance social, students are facing more fear as of now than their

parents did. (5) Enjoy the taste: some of the students do not drink to get drunk. Believe

it or not, consumers like the taste of alcohol-it isn't just a means to an end.

According to Jennifer E. Samson (2015), Excessive drinking among college and

university students was associate with a range of health, and social problems included

injuries from the car crashes, drink driving arrests, assault, sexual abuse, and the

development of alcohol use disorder The featured effectiveness of a single session brief

intervention for substantial drinking college students by combining outcomes from

students comparing their effects with a comparison group of their no intervention, a

waiting list, or habitual response. The most effective intervention specifically for massive

drinking students is demonstrably essential, and the featured study investigated the

effectiveness of single-session brief alcohol intervention among college students. Brief

interventions were found the consistently more effective than alternative or no

intervention among the most significant effects were associated with personalized,

interactive, and motivational approached.

According to Robby Joy D. Salveron (2017) in his article "Survey says Davao

Youth starts drinking, smoking as early as 12 years old ". Davao City, Philippines –

Recently, the Institute of Vox Populi (IPO) of the University of Mindanao disclosed that

the youth here started smoking and drinking once they were twelve years recent, six

years sooner than the typical age. A complete of 264 youth aged sixteen to twenty-four
years current surveyed from Empire day to thirty. Dr. Adrian Tamayo of U.M.'s initial

public offering aforementioned that the results of the survey showed that four in ten

(Dabawenyo) youth began to smoke cigarettes whereas five in ten youth drink as early

as twelve years recent.

The survey disclosed that their friends influenced ninety-seven p.c of the

Dabawenyo youth smokers, whereas their relatives influenced three p.c. Cardinal p.c of

the youth U.N. agency square measure into drinking were conjointly powerfully

influenced by friends whereas seventy-one p.c of them drink once every week. Tamayo

identified that loose family engagement, an excessive amount of exposure within the

web and social media, and the powerful influence of friends square measure the factors

why the youth square measure into consuming cigarettes and alcohol.

"Although they pay most of their time with their family, nonetheless the family

management and family values appear to be reducing," Tamayo aforementioned. The

study notes a discount of values and virtues among the youth.


This chapter includes the finished thesis, ideas, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies, et al. those who enclosed during this chapter helps in orientating info

that square measure relevant and the same as the current study.

According to Joyce Annor (2016), in "Alcohol use among senior high school

students in the G.A. central municipality." Drinking alcohol can cause harm to us, so it

is not suitable for people to consume it very daily, like it is something addicting,

especially to young people. It can't only cause harm to our health because it can also

cause us injuries because of losing control or being out of our minds. It can also create

something for our mental behavior, like not knowing what we're acting or doing while

we're drunk. So, to see the alcohol's prevalence and the things that are influencing the

students of senior year in Ga Central Municipality is the study's goal. According to the

respondents, their preferred drinks were wine and beer, and thirty-five percent is the

alcohol's use prevalence because it has a shallow effect of alcohol. One of the

respondent's reason is also because of curiosity or the desire to know what it is. Alcohol

intake's one of the problems of teenagers and adults. It is also revealed by two different

schools that there's no noteworthy reference that may recommend a contrast in the

effects, prevalence, and influence of alcohol intakes among those schools.

According to Eze, Ngozi M. Ph.D. (2017) et al. This is a study about students or

minors who consumes alcohol and make it their habit these days and the negative

effect of consuming alcohol. Some people aren't aware and thinking of the possible

things that might happen to them because of drinking alcohol daily. Almost all of the
youths and people are ignoring because of curiosity, not minding that ignorance

excuses no one from the law. Not caring that drinking alcohol might lead us to our own


According to Justina Slavinskienė et al., in "Importance of alcohol-related

expectations and emotional expressivity for prediction of motivation to refuse alcohol in

alcohol-dependent patients." One of the biggest and hottest issue across the world now

is the intakes of alcohol in high school, and this research study can give knowledge for

the high school students to stop them from what they're doing and to make them avoid it

by informing them about the harmful effects and factors of drinking alcohol. The goal is

to make them understand because it can cause many bad things to us, and maybe

almost all of them don't know about it. That's why they're drinking alcohol like it is water

that makes them hydrated and feels satisfied. Parents must guide their children too

about the negative effect of alcohol intake on our lives as early as possible. Alcohol is

one of the biggest problems of addiction, and the essence of alcohol intake to people's

emotional expressivity is the study. Medical institutions accounted for a total of three-

point six thousand individuals with severe alcoholic psychosis and fifty-one point seven

thousand for chronic Alcoholism at the end of 2012. Alcoholic psychosis incident rate

has increased by 19.9%, as well as chronic Alcoholism with 19%, compared with the

year 2011, closely connected to psychological and physical health-related issues with

many adverse effects not only to a person but to everyone living in a society. And

people are still finding ways of alcohol dependency's mechanism on how to work with

alcohol for the emotional behavior to change effectively.

According to E. Jane Marshall (2014) in" Adolescent Alcohol Use: Risks and

Consequences. "In the adolescent study, developing young people to adults, most

teenagers started drinking at the age of 14 or 15 these days. That's the reason why

teenagers are having bad lives because alcohol intakes are one of the youth's problems

these days. Alcohol contributes 4% of global burden diseases, and it is also one of the

most significant risks in the world. There are two million and five hundred thousand

deaths every year caused by alcohol intakes, that's why they suggested focusing their

attention on their child and their adolescent age because the time they reach the age of

17 to 18, they will be more influence to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes and tobacco,

that's why it's better to guide and focus on them. And the youth of 13 to 18 were

interviewed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, and comparing the

races by alcohol intakes, black and other race or ethnic group's rate of use was lowest

compared to white or Hispanic people.

According to Guo, Lan MD (2016) at "Alcohol use and alcohol-related problems

among adolescents in China." Alcohol intake is a standard-issue among young people

across the world. It is also a relevant issue in China. The goal of this study is to know

the alcohol's prevalence of alcohol-related problems among Chinese youths.

Consuming alcohol and alcohol-related issue among Chinese children is one in all the

leading public health issues, and effective preventive programs would force full thought

of the individual, social, and environmental factors that facilitate and stop alcohol use.

Adolescence might be associate with quantity filled with vital activity, psychological, and

social changes and challenges.

Previous studies have incontestable that adolescents may exhibit an Associate in

the individual nursing pattern of reactivity to alcohol that which may that may expose

them to a higher risk of use, which alcohol use in adolescence might result in alcohol

abuse/dependence in adulthood. Based on these results that increased our

understanding of the chance factors for alcohol use and alcohol-related issues among

adolescents, we propose that useful bar and intervention programs ought to establish

and, therefore, the role of the government and social settings.

According to Donnapa Hongthong & Chitlada Areesantichai (2013), in their

research. They used a cross-sectional study in which 317 grade 11 senior high school

students participated in a survey during June 2012. Face-to-face interviews collected

data. Peer drinking is the common reason why students who are in the adolescence

stage engage or intake alcohol, whereas alcohol information had correlational statistics

with alcohol consumption. Hence, peer influence and applicable alcohol information as

critical areas in attempts to scale back alcohol consumption among faculty|high|

highschool|high school|secondary school|lyceum|lycee|Gymnasium|middle school}

school students.

According to Graziano, F. et al. (2012), in their research of "Drinking Motives and

alcohol preferences among Italian adolescents," Alcohol use during adolescent age has

a public health problem and their life sequences. It is essential to identify what are the

common problem and reasons why to drink alcohol among adolescents. In this study,

1100 population of secondary education from junior to senior high school and private to

public schools in Athens. In the age, 12 to 19, 573 males and 527 females are the

answer in the survey. Based on their study in alcohol consumptions, half of the students
reported (57.3%) was currency among 15 years old adolescents (67.3%) and males

(59.3%). Beer is the most well known alcoholic beverage among adolescents and at a

young age. On this average, both males and females are drinking at the age of 12, but

the males were drunker than females (25.7% versus 14.99%), and females are drunk at

once to thrice a year (27.1% versus 17.6%). In the vast majority of males and females,

there is a possible addiction to alcohol and a negative impact.

According to Adewoyin, A. A, et al. (2019), a cross-sectional study of "alcohol

use among secondary school in Nigeria: a worrisome trend" Alcoholism is the most

global issue among students, and there are biological factors of abusing drinking in

alcohol. A while ago, there are vast numbers of drinking alcohol among students, and

there are exposed to drink alcohol. Some of the adolescents are abuse to drink alcohol

because of influences in their people around them. The most common problem why

drinking alcohol among students is a problem with their family. These are the main

reason for students to drink alcohol to enjoy and forget the issues. Other students are

influences by their friends, relatives, and social media. Many students are confused

about drinking alcohol and what are the effects of drinking alcohol. Relatives, families,

social media influencer, friends and others need to prevent this issue of Alcoholism to

avoid negative consequences

According to Chongo, C.W(2019), a cross-sectional study of "Factors associated

with alcohol consumptions among students in High-Cost school in Lusaka, Zambia"

there are negative of drinking alcohol on adolescents, and it is high of prevalence in

alcohol consumption. The student has a right attitude is more like to drink alcohol, and

they have 3.15 times to drink alcohol than bad mood, 31% of students with strict parents
are more similar to drink than the students have a not strict parents, student's parents

have a drink of alcohol are 76% more interested to drink than the student's parent did

not drink. In this situation, the students are influences by their friends to drink, and there

are encouraging others to drink, and it is high in the prevalence of alcohol


According to Kwaku, O.A & Nuworza, K.(2019), the prevalence of drinking

alcohol among adolescents have a behavioral problem, full of loneliness and suicidal.

Those are the reasons why adolescents are drinking alcohol. At our age, we have a lot

of difficulties sometimes we don't know how to avoid our problems, similarly to those

behavioral problems just like smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and fulltime of


Family and Alcohol consumption According to Matthew J. Cook (2012) Families

do play critical parts always within the genuine advancement of liquor and other

medicate related issues among youth. The parental impact could be an essential

calculate in youthful drinking. In a consider conducted in Wisconsin, among high school

understudies, detailed recommended that 53.3% of the understudies detailed that

parental influence was instrumental in their admissions or no-intake of liquor. Within the

awesome Joined together States alone, 7 million of the children more youthful than 18 a

long time are children born of alcoholic guardians.

Neighborhood and Alcohol Consumption, consider by Crum and Metthew J.

Cook (2012), for occurrence, appeared that dwelling in an impeded neighborhood

increments the likelihood that youths were advertised different sorts of substances
(liquor comprehensive) and create overwhelming drinking designs. The sort of drink,

sum and put, rate of admissions, time, sex, age, and related customs might be following

to socio-cultural settings. Social standards respect liquor utilized as having fun,

assembly ancient and new friends: no ponder liquor utilization among youths may be a

genuine reflection of the more significant societal standards, states of mind, and hones.

Advertising and Alcohol Consumption, according to Matthew J. Cook

(20212)There's an affiliation between presentation to the depiction of liquor utilize on the

media and positive drinking hopes by young people. An investigation conducted among

more seasoned youths between the ages of 14 and 18 a long time with liquor utilize

disarranges, appeared significantly prevalent brain actuation to liquor refreshment

pictures that control young people, transcendently in brain regions connected to reward,

want and positive effect. Those youthful individuals, having more positive nostalgic

reactions to a substance called liquor, hold more favorable drinking hopes, they see a

more prominent social endorsement for drinking, believe drinking is more common

among peers and grown-ups proposed to drink more like grown-ups. Most times, paying

consideration to publicize presupposes that the watcher is getting a few remunerated or

benefits from it, most essential that they are doing seen right thing by expending the

advertised item.

According to Arria et al. from The Rationale Behind Underage Drinking of The

Grade 12 Students of Notre Dame Of Dadiangas University, without accessibility, there

can be no use of liquor and its related results. By and large, talking, when a substance

such as liquor is helpful, effectively open, and cheap, individuals are more likely to

utilize it. There are three sorts of alcohol get to control laws: local accessibility laws,
social accessibility l Arriaet al., (2018) Given the beat eight reasons why young people

drink alcoholic refreshments. The primary goal is since other people's impact when

youngsters see other individuals expending different substances, and they tend to lock

in into it as a portion of the finding organizes. Peers encourage people to have a drink

or smoke; they think about moreover legitimizes that it is typical for young people since

of its availability, and their companions appear to appreciate it. In youngsters' intellect,

sedate utilize a portion of the ordinary adolescent involvement. The moment reason is

since of prevalent media, music and motion pictures make smoking and drinking

alcoholic refreshments appear average and agreeable to devour. The third reason is

eluding and self-medication, when high schoolers are troubled and are not able to

discover a sound outlet for their disappointment or a trusted confidant, individuals tend

to turn to chemicals for comfort. Liquor makes the person joyfully neglectful, brilliantly

cheerful, energized, and satisfied. Other reasons were according to the said laws and

financial accessibility laws.

Chapter III


This chapter represents the Research Design, Research Locale, Research

Respondents, Research Instrument, and Data Gathering Procedure.

Research Design

This study about Factors of alcohol consumption among Senior High School

Students of STI College researchers uses a qualitative approach adopted a survey in

essay form and purposive in the gathering of participants. We will be using a survey

form to gather information from the participants, and we will be conducting our study on

a specific day, time, and place to conduct the survey. In this study, one (1) or two (2)

researchers will interview the participants using two (2) section questionnaire, this two

(2) section questionnaire contains different parts. The A section contains the information

of the respondents; on the other hand, B Section contains structured questions to obtain

formation on "why, how, and what." In this, we will be able to get the reason/s why they

intake alcohol. This study is a purposive study, which means we will be selecting a

comprised of 20 participants who are consuming alcohol from age 15-20 years old.

Research Locale

The researcher will conduct the study at STI College-General Santos City, a

privately owned and non- sectarian educational institution located at Jose Catholic

Senior Avenue, General Santos City, during the academic year 2020.
Research Respondents

The participants of the study comprised of 20 students from the Senior High

School Students of STI College, General Santos City. Thus it isn't exposed to test size

counts. These studies need to be carefully selected rather than randomize so that

variability in a specific case or situation can be analyzed. Therefore, a purposive sample

of SHS students, from STI College will be going to be our participants for this study.

Senior high school students in this study defined as teenagers to young adults aged 15-

20 years old who are currently studying at STI College.

Research Instrument

The researcher designed the instrument used for the collection of data in this

study. The tools consisted of two (2) sections questionnaire. Section A intended to get

the necessary information on the respondents, while Section B contained structured

questions design to obtain information on why, how, and what is the common reason/s

why they consume alcohol.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher purposively selected 20 students from STI College Senior high

school students to participate in the study. First, we will be giving consent paper to our

participants chosen for them to know what the research all about and along with our

survey forms. Next, we will make a schedule on when we will go to meet the

participants and give them the specific day, time, and place to start our survey. We will

also go to ask a few follow up questions to our participants for us to be able to gather

some critical or useful information that can help us answer the items from our statement
of the problem. In this, we are also able to know there common grounds about the

specific study.

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The Rationale Behind Underage Drinking of The Grade 12 Students of Notre Dame of

Dadiangas University.

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