F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
The symptoms, signs and the patient’s history by using the four diagnostic methods of
observation – hearing and smelling, enquiry and palpation
Sudden onset, sore throat, fever, chilliness, headache, nasal discharge and/or slight cough
Tongue: thin, yellow
Pulse: floating
Disease location: lung and superficial area Five parenchymatous viscera: lung
Six stages of the disease: Taiyang
wind heat impairs lung descending function
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
‘Selection of treatment 2000 years ago TCM had been codified into
based on the differential a system; the major classic medical
manuscripts and drug books were completed
diagnosis’ and the at this time, and these are still used today.
‘formulation corresponding In the sixth century AD Japan imported
to Sho’ the culture of Chinese medicine, mainly via
In TCM, after having recognized the the Korean Peninsula. During the period
particular Zheng, the Chinese practitioner between the seventh century and the Edo
then confirms the ‘treatment principle’. Period (1603 – 1867), the latest medicine
According to this principle, it is possible to from China was always taken up eagerly in
choose formulae for treatment and adjust Japan; it was accepted immediately and
the herbs used in the formula, or make a used virtually without modification.8 This
new formulation adapted to the patient’s imported Chinese medicine was modified to
particular condition. This step is called the meet local needs and became known as
‘selection of treatment’ in TCM. The process Kampo. In the Meiji period (1868 – 1912) the
from diagnosis to treatment in TCM is called government adopted Western medicine, and
the ‘selection of treatment based on the during this period of repression Kampo
differential diagnosis’ (Fig. 1). medicine became divided into three parts:
In Kampo medicine, the process of herbal medicine; acupuncture and
diagnosis and treatment is called ‘formulation acupressure. Today ‘Kampo’ refers only to
corresponding to Sho’. When treating a herbal medicine.8
patient, Japanese practitioners recognize the TCM has never stopped developing.
Kampo diagnosis (Sho) and choose the most However, the new theory of TCM that
suitable formula. The relationship between developed after the Meiji period was not
these steps is regarded as similar to that of accepted in Japan because of the policies of
lock and key. Each pathological condition is the Meiji government. The idea of activating
thus related to its prescription.6,7 Japanese the circulation of the blood and clearing
practitioners generally tend to check the away static blood was promoted by Wang
symptoms and name of the disease, and Qing-ren (1768 – 1831) in the Qing dynasty
choose Kampo drugs (Fig. 1).8 (1644 – 1911). The theory of Wen Bing Xue
We will now explain the development of (meaning ‘Warm Disease’ [febrile disease]),
the different methods of diagnosis and the most modern of the four areas of
treatment in TCM and Kampo. classical study, is regarded as the most
important development in TCM since the
Origin and development of theory described in the book Shang Han Za
Bing Lun (AD 190).
traditional Chinese After World War II, Kampo medicine
medicine and Kampo ushered in a new age in Japan. In 1967, the
During the development of TCM, ancient health insurance authorities began reim-
authorities, well-known doctors, researchers bursement for four Kampo drug formulae
and philosophers inherited their predecessor’s prescribed by doctors. Reimbursement was
writings, tested their techniques, and in turn available for 147 formulae in 19878 and
added their own experience and knowledge, about 200 formulae in 2000. Thereafter,
which they handed on to posterity.8 By about Kampo spread steadily and rapidly.
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
focus their attention on about 200 formulae. and safety of TCM using the RCT method are
Most of the modern formulae are of the increasing in number in China.
ready-to-use type produced in factories. In the 1970s, departments of oriental
medicine were established in teaching
Education hospitals for the training of physicians. In
According to the Chinese State Administration these institutions, clinical research was
of TCM, there were 34 universities or colleges undertaken on how to use traditional Kampo
for TCM and pharmacology in 2003. These formulae for the treatment of various health
universities or colleges provide 14 professional problems.10 The research models used in
programmes for undergraduates. Twenty- Japan for studying Kampo are all Western,
three of the schools provide programmes for and the approach is based on conventional
master’s degrees and 13 provide doctorate Western disease nosology and on
programmes. In China, every Western medical conventional immunology. The results of
school contains a department of TCM. various clinical and laboratory studies have
On the other hand, in Japan there is no led to expansion of the use of traditional
systematic programme exclusively teaching formulae in doctors’ offices and hospitals in
Kampo medicine and no special license the mainstream of Japanese medicine.10
course for Kampo physicians. Under the laws
governing medical practitioners, only Discussion
allopathic (conventional) physicians may Some ideas have penetrated deeply during
practise medicine, including Kampo the formation and development of TCM. The
medicine.1 However, there are no restrictions first is the idea of the ‘whole’, which focuses
on the types of medical procedure allopathic on the integrity of the human body and the
physicians may use in their practice.1 A close relationship between the human body
national survey in 1998 reported that 18 and its social and natural environment. The
medical schools had either an elective or a second is the idea of ‘dynamic balance’,
required class on complementary and which emphasizes movement in the integrity
alternative medicine – mainly Kampo and changeability of the Zheng.9 The third,
medicine and/or acupuncture.11 Recently, and most important, idea is the ‘selection of
more medical universities have begun to treatment based on the differential diagnosis’.
provide education in Kampo medicine along Kampo medicine accepts the ‘whole’ idea
with Western medicine. taken from TCM, and emphasizes the
relationship between the human body and
Evidence-based medicine its social and natural environment. It
The clinical efficacies of Western medicine regards the disease state as an imbalanced
and TCM have been assessed in widely state, and the process of Kampo treatment is
different ways in the past.3 Evidence-based intended to correct this imbalance or to help
medicine is the integration of the best the individual patient return to the
research evidence with clinical expertise and equilibrium state. The Zheng is changeable
patient values. Large randomized, controlled during the disease process.6,7 These ideas are
trials (RCTs) are generally accepted as the similar to those of TCM. The symptom–
gold standard. Although it is difficult to formula correspondence is regarded as
carry out RCTs because of the changeability another characteristic in which Kampo
of Zheng, scientific studies on the efficacy medicine12 differs from TCM (Table 1).
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
As drugs covered by the National Health and laboratory studies. However, all the
Insurance System (NHIS) in Japan can only clinical and laboratory studies are carried
be prescribed by medical doctors trained in out on the basis of the disease alone.
Western medicine, there is a tendency for Whereas the Zheng is changeable and the
them to use Kampo formulae without same disease may have different Zheng, it is
paying much attention to the TCM impossible to reveal the entire Zheng from
interpretations of the symptoms of the the results of the clinical and laboratory
patient.12 Therefore, the mainstream of studies. Sometimes the doctor cannot find a
Kampo relies not so much on the rigorous suitable key to the particular lock because of
interpretation of the disease state in terms of the limited number of formulae covered by
the basic TCM concepts as on the direct the NHIS.
practical effects of the formula itself.12 In the West, the practice of Chinese
Terasawa pointed out that ‘In Japan, it is herbal medicine has been strongly
not possible for a physician to use TCM’s influenced by Kampo. One reason is that
system of three elements/eight categories in Kampo was introduced before the licensing
order for his or her Kampo formulae to be of acupuncture was established, and a
covered by NHIS’.12 Kampo medicine places second reason is the convenience of the
more emphasis on the results of clinical ready-to-use formulae. A third reason may
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
F Yu, T Takahashi, J Moriya et al.
Traditional Chinese medicine and Kampo
• Received for publication 13 December 2005 • Accepted subject to revision 6 January 2006
• Revised accepted 24 January 2006
Copyright 2006 Cambridge Medical Publications