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The April,2018

No.11′ 270‐ UTFI(4)‐ 2018ノ

!n supersession of the Chandigarh Administration, Finance Department

No1lcalon bea‖ ng No l1/2770‐ UTFl(4)-2018/3587 dated 14th March,2018 and in

exercise ofthe powers conferred under secJon 5(2)and SeCtiOn 22(1)ofthe captal of

Punlab(Development and Regulalon )Act 1952 as adopted by the Puniab

Re‐ OrganisaJon(Chandigarh Adap10n of Laws on State and Concurrent SublectS)

Orders,1968,the Administrator,Union Ter"tory,Chandigarh is pleased to make the

fo‖ owing rules further to amend the Chandigarh Building Rules(Urban)2017,notried

vide No l1/2/70‐ (UTF!(4)-2017/6994A,dated 25 July,2017:

1. Short Title and Commencement:-

i. These rules may be called the Chandigarh Building (Amendment) Rules


ii. These shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official


2 ln rule 3 of the Chandigarh Building Rules (Urban) 2017, lhe existing clause (74)

may be read as under:

" Self Certification means the building plan which may be duly prepared,
certified and submitted by the Architect registered with the Council of
Architecture, in accordance with the provision as laid down in the
Architectural Control Sheet / zoning and as per the parameters/policies
issued by the competent Authority from time to time. The building plans
shall strictly adhere with the provisions of the Chandigarh Building Rules
(Urban) 2017, notified vide No. 1112170-(tJTFl(4)-201716994A, dated 25
July, 2017 under the Capital of Punjab (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1952, as amended from time to time. "

3 ln the Chandigarh Building Rules (Urban) 2017,lhe existing Rule 11.1.2' in

respect of commercial, Residential and lndustrial Buildings, shall be substituted

as under:

iJ/,r1',ltq '"Self-Certification of Building plans in respect of Commercial Buildings

(SCFs, SCOs, Booths, Service Shops, Bay Shops and similar buildings),
3il(Dtl) '
Residential and lndustrial Buildings upto 2 kanal category governed by

Architectural I Frame Control Sheets/ zoning shall henceforth be mandatory by

Registered Architects holding valid registration with the council of Architecture,

New Delhi. This provision will empower Registered Architects to sanctlon

building plans, perlaining to commercial, residential and industrial buildings on

behalf of plot owners, as per the Architectural / Frame Control Sheets/ zoning,
which can be obtained from the Department of Urban Planning, UT, Chandigarh
or can be downtoaded from the official website of the Chandigarh

Any Architect having valid registration with Council of Architecture, New Delhi
shall be eligible to submit the Building Plans under Self Certification Scheme in
respect of the Commercial (SCFs, SCOs, Booths, Service Shops, Bay Shops
and similar buildings), Residential and lndustrial buildings upto 2 kanal category
governed by Architectural Control Sheetsi Frame Control Sheets/ zoning where
applicable and separate registration/empanelment of Private Architects will not
be done by the Chandigarh Administration.



a) Application Form of Self Certification will be available from the Red

Cross Society, Chandigarh on Payment of Rs 100l '

b) Registered Architect with Council of Architecture, New Delhi shall

submit Building plans in triplicate (cloth mounted) along with Application
Form for self certification, Form J ( certificate for structural safety),
with these
Form K ( Sanction Letter through Self Certification) annexed
date of
rules. The construction can be started after fifteen days from the
submission of building plans, in case no objection is conveyed
to the
in case'
applicant within the period prescribed herein above' However'
violations are noticed at any stage during or after completion of
in the rules shall
construction of the building, penal action as prescribed
be taken.

c) Fee & Other Charqes :

paid in
L security & Scrutiny Fee: Security & Scrutiny fee shall be
the form of a Demand Draft favouring 'Estate Officer' U T '
Chandigarh, as per following details:-
Security Fee (Refundable after completion)

Sr.No Description Fee ln rupees

Commercial 5000.00
2. Service shop & 10000.00
Bay Shops, SCO/
SCF & similar
Residential and
lndustrial Buildings
upto 2 kanal

Scrutiny Fee ( Non Refundable)

Sr.No Description Fee ln rupees

All above category Rs 2.50 per sq,ft.

of buildings
for Fresh plans.

2. All above category of Rs,1.25 Persq.ft

buildings Revised
Building plan

ll. Labour Cess: tn case the cost of construction of the proposed building
is more than Rs 1O,O0,OO0/-, the owner shall be liable to pay Labour
Cess tevied under the Building & Other Construction workers Welfare
Cess Act 1996, in favour of Chandigarh Building and Construction

Workers Welfare Fund.

r o


Labour Cess

Booth t of construtton
1000/― per sq.ft.

2 Service shoP & i cost of construction

Bay Shops, SCO/ SCF & 1500/… per sq.ft.
similar buildings,
Residential and lndustrial
Buildings upto 2 kanal

Iil. Additional Area Fee and compounding Fee shall be deposited in

the form of a Demand Draft favouring Estate Officer, U'T', Chandigarh,

the rates, as applicable and as notified from time to time.

e} Structurai Stabi:ity Certincate rForm J)

The owner shall submit structural stabili$ certificate issued by the Registered
structural Engineer as prescribed in the form "J" annexed with these rules
certifying that the structural design including safety from natural hazards based
on soil conditions has been duly incorporated in the design of the building and
these provisions shall be strictly adhered to during course of construction.

fl Fire Safetv Certificate

The building must be constructed in accordance with the Fire safety norms as
mentioned in National Building code of lndia, 2016 and further amendments
thereof. The owner shall submit Fire safety certificate in respect of commercial,
Residential and lndustrial Buildings duly certified from the Registered Architect.
The owner/ Registered Architecu Registered Structural Engineer, shall be held
responsible if any accident is caused at the site, during the course of

g) intimaJon with regard to PrOCeedino rVi。 :ationノ Misuse)or anV

Litioation Dendinq in anv COurt

The owner through Architect shall intimate in writing about any Proceeding
(Violation/ Misuse) or any Litigation pending in any Court or authority
Bay Shops and
regald to the Commercial (SCFs, SCOs, Booths, Service Shops'
similar buildings), Residential and lndustrial Buildings upto
2 kanal category
zoning' at the
governed by Architectural Control Sheets/ Frame Control Sheets/
time of submission of building plans.

6. Validitv of Self Certification:



The Registered ArchiteCt Sha‖ Subnlit a CertifiCate that the conStruCtiOn of buildlng has

been COmpleted uptO DPC level as per the SanctiOned plan under Self Certification
Scheme The Estate OffCer Shall Venfy the certrica10n and shall iSSue cOnSent/
comrnents within 15 days of receiVing such CertifiCate The DPC Certificate sha‖
deemed tO be aCCepted,「 l iS in conirmity wth the rules
After submitting the application or during the construction of building if the owner/
the Estate Ofticer in writing that he/ she is no longer responsible for the project from the
date of actual dispatch of this letter. The information must be sent within seven days of
occurrence of the change to the Estate Officer by the respective Owner/ Architecu
Structural Engineer. The construction work shall have to be suspended until the new
owner / as the case may be, undertakes the full
Architecustruclural Engineer,
responsibility of the project with forms and documents submitted for erection/
re-erection of the building within seven days of such change The Owner's intimation
regarding change of name of professionals or any other person authorized by him shall
be considered to be final by the Estate Officer.

e. A9!&!-@I9!s.E&rma!.e!:
lf the Owner/ Architecu Structural Engineer submits a
wrong information while
submitting application under the Chandigarh Building Rules (Urban) 20'17
or it any

additional construction or violation is reported to exist at site till completion

or has
concealed any material fact or has misrepresented regarding completion
of building
along with its eligibility for seeking occupation certificate or before
the Completion of

such report, he/ she shall be jointly and severely held responsible
for the same

Further, complaint against such Architect for suspension/cancellation of his

The owner shall also be
registration shall be forwarded to the Council of Architecture'
giving an opportunity of
liable to pay penalty as decided by the Estate Officer' after
hearing. Further, if it is emerged that the information is concealed by the Architecv
initiated along with debarring
Structural Engineer, necessary penal action will be
Architecu Structural Engineer from practice in Chandigarh'

lo Decision ofthe Competent Autho“

The Estate Ofrcer,uT,Chandigarh reserves the rightto CheCk the bunding plans, and
lations are fOund,Sha‖ have to be rectned
construction at any stage and the if any vi。
ons,the Estate OfFcer may
by the owner ln case the oWner faiS tO rectify the V Ola‖

take necessary steps to remove the vi。 lations Further, action shan alsO be taken
ing his Case to the COunc‖ of Arch tecture for
against the defaulting Arch tect by refer「

taking suitable action under the Architecls Act, 1972 and the ruleS framed thereunder
be debarred frOm praCliCe in Chandigarh A‖
for the miscOnduct and further, he sha‖
rectficatlons sha‖ be done at the risk and cost Of the owner and no plea ofthe o、

sha‖ be entertained fOr any wiOng act on commitled by the Arch tect engaged by him ln
ding Plans sha‖ deemed tO be cance‖
a‖ suCh Cases,the selicertification of Bu‖
be revoked by Estate OffiCer
and the deemed Sancton ofthe bulding plans sha‖
At any stage during const「 uction, f the ArchiteCt notices that the violat ons a「

taking place, he sha‖ intimate to the Estate Ofrcer abOut Such violat ons along with
photographs with regard tO the ViOlat Ons and stOp fulther superv siOn He Sha‖
intimate the owner about the violations and advise him to stop further construction.
complete details along with photographs shall be submitted to the Estate Officer. The
Estate Officer shall immediately issue a notice to the owner on the basis of intimation
received from the Registered Architect to suspend further work. ln such cases the
owner shall be held responsible for further additions and violations. Such a situation
shall automatically annul the process of Self Certification.


Chief Administrator,

Endst.No.l 1 /2/70-UTFI(4)-201 8/ Dated:

A copy, alongwith its enclosures, is forwarded to the Controller, Printing and

Stationery, Union Territory, Chandigarh, for publishing the notification in the Extra-
ordinary Gazette of Chandigarh Administration and after publication supply 20 copies
thereof for official use.

Addlional Secretary Estate,
For Secretary(Estates)― cum‐
Chief Administrator,

Endst.No.11ノ 2′ 70‐ UTF:(4)‐ 2018ノ Dated:

A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-

1.Chairman, Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarh.

2. Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh.
3. Chief Architect, Union Territory, Chandigarh.
4. Chief Engineer, Union Territory, Chandigarh.
5. Estate Officer, Union Territory, Chandigarh.
6. Superintending Engineer, Electricity Operation Circle, U.T., Chandigarh.
7. Director Environment, Chandigarh Administration.
8. Member Secretary, Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee, Chandigarh.
9. Director Public Relations, Chandigarh Administration.
10. Additional Director, lnformation Technology, P.E.C., Sector 12, Chandigarh.

Add忙 iona:Secretary Estate,

For Secretary(Estates)― cum‐
Chief Administrator,

1 lr2′ 70‐ UTF【 4)‐ 2018ノ

,9。 3 Dated: 鍋 t、 │′

` lnformatics officer,
A copy, along with its enclosures, is forwarded to the state
NlC, Chandilarh. liis requested to upload the above said notification on the portal of
the official website of the Chandigarh Administration

Additional Seiretary Estate,
For Secretary(Estates)― cum―
Chief Administrator,
\AAAAN.chandigarh, gov. i n

Application Form for Setf Certification of Building Plans


The Estate Officer,

Chandigarh AdmlnistraJon,
UT, Chandigarh.

Subject: For sanction of Certiflcation by an Architect

registered Delhi, for commercial/
ハrea一 ,

Sirノ Madam
│ ノ
Shops/ Boothsi
l mё ntioned
the Councll

蜀 ns

■ ■ヽ―
・‐■■ ″

tl,さ erあ
seC.o「 Buittmo甲 a,Sd 9d by regiStered Architect a10ngwlth
letter as in Form K

■‐ │ ││ ││
fё 91曇 Secllltyifeё
10ttё r betweё n the

岬 Chandigarh

Form J

Certificate: to be submitted alongwith the building plans/drawings

1. Certified that the bu‖ ding under Self Certification lor approval
SaIS″ the safety e f2.4 of C力 andiga肋
Rυ ′

Building Rules is factually correct

to the best

for a‖ situations

and earthquake has


●1́11 111

SignOlぃ re 9fthe
Owner with
・ N雛 羊 脚1昴 計
」 l古

and and aOdres→ │ │:

l Chandigarh gov ln

(SanCuon Letterthrough Self― Certlfica‖
Rule ll.1.2

The Estate Officer,

UT, Chandigarh.

SubieCt Sanction Letter of Building Plan of Plot No.-, Sector/ lndustrial

ハrea under

that l am
Va〃 d Registra‖ on


of the
tirne to

tO your

from todaY, if
offlce. F
all the terms and


tr.rZme a nOO rdtil nrchitect)
tN"rr"[noo**-rto*ner/(s) Phone No. with stamP &
Phone No.
Council of Architecture
Registration No.


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