Make Free Money Writing Articles On HUBPAGES PDF

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Writing articles on
Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
About this Book....................................................................................................................................... 4
What is Hubpages ................................................................................................................................... 5
Where to go from here ........................................................................................................................... 6
Part 1 – Getting started with Hubpages ................................................................................................. 7
Part 2 – Getting Organised to Write 1st Hub ......................................................................................... 15
Part 3 – Setting up Affiliate accounts (Monetize your Hubs) ............................................................... 19
Part 4 – Planning Worksheets ............................................................................................................... 22
Part 5 – About the Author..................................................................................................................... 23

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline


Just about everyone is looking for ways and means to make some money online using the
internet – with good reason given the economic situation around the globe, it makes sense
that we increase or income base. It’s now much easier than ever to make money on the
Internet thanks to a number of very useful and popular article directories. That is, if you
know what to market, how to write articles and how to do it well so that you have
continuous flow of traffic to your well targeted web pages.

While many people would like nothing better than to begin an online business or passive
income source and start reaping the rewards of making money online, there still exists a
basic lack of knowledge regarding the Internet and the products that will really, truly sell as
well as the unique marketing techniques that must be undertaken in order to succeed in
your make money online venture.

The numbers of ways in which you can use the internet to make money online are almost as
varied and infinite as the Internet itself. In this document I will teach you one of those ways
you can take content and turn it into a money making enterprise that will set you up with a
passive income source, and if you dedicate enough time and effort you will be able to earn
quite a lot of money using this method, do remember though, that this method is not a
overnight get rich scheme and if that is what you are looking for then stop reading. If you
are looking for a method that will give a steady income flow that grows with time and effort
then read on and you will be earning a passive income which will grow over time.

In the next few pages, I will present a way you can begin to use immediately to create an
online income source using content, but remember that possibilities of earning online are
certainly not limited to the manner listed in this book.


"Whoever follows patience, success will follow him"

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

About this Book
This book teaches you all the basics to get you up and running in making money with
content (articles) online and it will not cost you a penny. This is more than enough for you to
discover the value of what I will teach you in this book.

The books starts with explaining the method of making money online using content on a
specific article directory going by the name “HUBPAGES”, quite recently I came across this
particular article directory, investigated what it offered and I am now in love with it. So this
book is the expression of that love that I have, I personally think that it is one of the most
convenient, easy and interesting ways of making free money online without any investment
other than your time and effort required to produce the content.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

What is Hubpages

Hubpages is an online article directory that offers advertising revenue share in return for
excellent content. The content is simply called a "Hub" therefore the name, Hubpages! A
Hub is created by a user on a topic chosen by the user that is YOU, the content can be on
any topic you chose except those that are on the Hubpages not allowed list, you can chose a
topic like the gift you brought your daughter for being a good girl or on her birthday, click
here to view an example.

The content that you put onto Hubpages is called a Hub, a one-page Web article you write
that are filled with useful, unique, advice and information that others may find interesting
to read. You can create a hub with images but it must contain a minimum set of words
otherwise it may not score so highly on Hubpages or with affiliate programs, I will discuss
this topic in more detail later on in this book.

There are many other methods to create a presence on the Internet with the aim of earning
a passive income, it is difficult to find a medium that you could quickly adopt, learn and use
to your advantage. In my opinion there are three things that you should concentrate on
when you look at earning money with content online the easy way, these are – Produce,
Reach and Earn, using Hubpages you can quickly tap into a system that allows you to do just
that without any technical skills what so ever:

• Produce professional-looking Web pages with easy-to-use tools. The non-techie tools will
allow you to easily load your Hub with the text, pictures, links, videos, maps, polls, and
quizzes that make it look complete and impressive. This task alone is what puts many
people of creating a web page.
• Reach a large online audience that shares your interests. The technology behind Hubpages
gives you the power to reach thousands of people interested in your favourite topic, for
years after you publish your Hubs, this means that you could create and publish a well
targeted hub today, this very hub could be earning you money while you sleep in your
comfy bed at night years after you first published it online.
• Earn HubPage rewards. In addition to social and community feedback and praise, Hubpages
provides you with easy access to the Internet's top income generating tools: Google
Adsense, eBay, Kontera and Amazon Associate. The opportunity to earn more and more
money over time simply by writing about your favourite topics is the icing on the cake!

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Where to go from here

I know what you are thinking right now...”common get to the point – I want to be registered
yesterday, my affiliate accounts like Google Adsense, eBay, Amazon and Kontera already
open and earning me money”

Earning money on Hubpages is simple and very possible (remember I said SIMPLE), it is not a
get rich quick scheme, as in life there is no such thing as a free lunch online. It will require
(a) Effort and (b) Patience. What it will not require from you is investment of money – you
can smile now!

No one wants to spend money especially on schemes that promise you the world and
deliver nothing but an empty pocket. If you follow what I have written in this book you will
make some money, the amount you make is entirely dependent on your effort your
capacity to learn, adopt and implement new and interesting areas of online content
creation, publishing and marketing methods.

What I have done is divided this book into small sections with step-by-step instructions with
the aim of getting you online soon as possible, so that you can start to play with the system
and begin your online money making journey .

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Part 1 – Getting started with Hubpages

In this section of the book I will detail the procedure of getting started, creating your online
HubPage profile, basically everything you need to do or read to be an effective “Hubber”. I
will provide links to pages on the HubPage site for information which I feel is important for
you to read and learn. I will not waste your time by reiterating concepts and material which
is adequately covered on the site.

So let’s get started... “Good Luck and all the best – remember if during your journey into
Hubbing you need any help or guidance do contact me, my details are in the About the
Author section of the book”

Establish a Profile
To register and create your own profile on Hubpages click on the image below, it will take
you to the account registration page, you need to register and create an online profile
before you can create your very first hub on Hubpages. So go ahead and click your
very own sign-up ticket below:

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

You will need to have the following information ready for the registration page, so go ahead
and fill in the table below:


Table 1 Create a new Hubpages Account

Make sure to choose a suitable username, many people tend to use silly words, I feel if you
are serious about setting-up passive income source online then you need to create a profile
that you can use for other purposes, that way you are continuously marketing your
presence on the net. Go ahead and look at my online profile for Hubpages, what I have
done is kept it separate so that I can nurture it and grow it as a standalone entity.

My Hubpages profile - click on the image below:

Figure 1 My Hubpages Profile

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Discovering What You Can Do on Hubpages
Once you have created your Hubpages profile, visit the following pages first to learn about
what you can and cannot do, I can’t stress enough the importance of making sure that you
understand the rules before going in and creating your hub. Trust me it will help you in the
long run, if you spend some time to briefly review the sections I highlight below:

Figure 2 Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the image and it will take you directly to the FAQ page, don’t spend allot of time on
it, just briefly review each item on the list. It will help you to comprehend the different
terminology used on the site. So when you start to create your first hub, I will explain the
process in the next section, terms used on the site will start to make more sense and you
will also know where to get additional information from when required.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Find your way around in Hubpages
Once you have registered a profile you can then login to your account by going in through
the following web page:

Figure 3 HubPages Sign-in page

When you have been authenticated and logged in then the following screen is shown:

Figure 4 HubPages Welcome page

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

You can now start to create your own hub by clicking on the link shown below:

Figure 5 HubPages Start a new Hub

Click on this link

to start creating
your new Hub.

Finding & Following other Hubbers

Now that you have logged in and hopefully have created your first hub, you now need to
make some friends. Making friends on Hubpages is called following someone. You decide
to follow someone because:

(b) You already

(a) You like one of
know them from
their hubs

Your Hubs

(c) You think by (d) They have a

following them they subject in common
will follow you back with you

Figure 6 Following on HubPages

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Reasons for following other Hubbers
As stated already there are many reasons why you may chose to follow someone on
HubPages. But one of the main benefits of following someone is that they will reciprocate
and follow you back.

Go and visit other hubs, leave nice comments and suggestions. Tell the author of the hub
that you are now following them and they will most likely do the same for you. When they
read your hubs you traffic will increase, you will get comments made on your hubs and
gradually you will see that these small steps lead to bigger traffic gains – more traffic –
increases the potential of you monetized hub to generate more passive income for you.

This is how you follow someone:

Figure 7 Follow me on HubPages

You can follow me on Hubpages by clicking on the “Follow Zubair Ahmed” icon or text in the
above image. In a similar way you can start to follow other authors of your choice,
remember though that, just because you decided to follow them does not necessarily mean
that they would follow you too.

One important thing to remember is never be rude or offensive to any other Hubber, even
if they are with you. If you dislike something so much that you feel like it needs to be
removed then contact HubPages directly but do not get into a confrontation with other
authors of Hubs.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Take part in HubPage activities
Hubpages provides you with many ways to stay in touch and interact with others on the
same platform.

The common methods are:

Figure 8 HubPage Forums

Go in and view the topics on the forum if you like them join in and make a positive
contribution. If you want to then create your own and invite others to join in. As I have
already stated remember to be courteous and friendly with other Hubbers.

The second most used is the Questions section, it allows you to raise questions or respond
by answering other questions. It is a quick way to get more readers to your Hubs.

The image in figure 9 shows you an example of what the question section looks like. Once
you have registered you are free to go in and start asking as many questions as you like.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Figure 9 HubPage Questions

Good thing about it is that you will get accolades for answering questions, it looks rather
good to have one or two of those appearing on you profile page.

The benefit of taking part in Q&A section is that it develops you interaction with other
Hubbers, it allows you to quickly find subjects that you can write about and it increases your
presence on HubPages. I can hear you asking “Okay so how does answering someone’s
questions help me generate passive income”. Although one of our main aims maybe to
generate a healthy passive online income, to get to that position you need to follow some
norms. These norms require you to build up a following and presence online.

The quickest way to do that on HubPages is to interact on all levels with other Hubbers.
That means answering questions, raising questions yourself and most importantly writing
original good quality content.

To see an example of a Hub that has got me some really good traffic, click on the hub title

Figure 10 Example Hub

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Part 2 – Getting Organised to Write 1st Hub

Hopefully by now you have read the above sections and have registered your profile on
HubPages, you are ready to create your first hub – “Oooohps what do I write about”.

I know the feeling, I went through the same feeling, so don’t worry and continue with this
momentum. There is actually allot to consider when writing an article or Hub, but I am not
going to fill your mind apprehension, because that’s a sure way to stop you from continuing
on this journey. Trust me when I say all the techniques and knowledge will come to you
gradually as you start writing and learning over a period of time.

Some people just go in and start to write anything and everything, I guess that’s okay when
you’re new to it. But sooner or later you will find that your Hubs aren’t getting many
visitors and as that downward trend continues you lose hope and just give up – many have
done that, which is I would recommend that you do some planning, nothing major just
enough preparation so that you can have a good hub published and with some luck will get
some readers.

Planning a Hub
I have already done a hub on this subject and rather than boring you with all the ins-n-outs
of planning a hub I will ask you to visit my hub by clicking the image below figure 11, read it
and use the method, if you have any questions or need help then contact me, and I will be
happy to help you through the issues of planning a hub.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Figure 11 Planning a Hub

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Hub Keywords & Tags
Now that you have most probably published your first hub or are in the process of creating
it, you are definitely wondering what are “Keywords” and “Tags”. Well, having gone
through this myself when I started, I have already tackled and have published a hub on this
topic. Rather than reprinting it all in this book, it is better for you to click on the image in
figure 12 below and go over to my hub.

Remember don’t just read it, but take note of how I have laid it out, how I have used images
and Amazon products on the Hub. It will certainly help you when you start creating your

Figure 12 What is Keyword and Tags?

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

When you start to create your Hub, you will be given the opportunity to define some TAGS;
these tags will appear on the right hand side of you Hub as shown below.

Figure 13 Tags in Hubpages

By using the ‘Suggested tags’ you can add more specific tags to your hub, when search
engines or HubPages carries out a search your Hub will appear in the results of any search
that has a similar tag or keyword to that used on your Hub and identified by you as a tag.

This is a big subject area keywords and tags, in this book I will not to be discussing this in
detail. The material is quite intensive and requires in-depth discussion.

You may wish to visit my article: Good Web Design leads to SEO Success

It briefly covers SEO – which is a very important part of increasing traffic to your web sites
or Hubs.

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Part 3 – Setting up Affiliate accounts (Monetize your Hubs)

Okay now that you have created your first hub and you have almost mastered Hubpages
you now need to monetize your Hub. Basically add the capability for it to generate you
money when someone clicks on Google Adsense or buys a product you have listed on your
HubPage from Amazon or someone clicks on a contextual text link placed on your Hub by

I have only used these three on all my Hubs, although Hubpages allows eBay, I have not yet
signed-up for it, you may wish to do that but remember that their policy on new affiliates is
quite restrictive and I would recommend that you first establish yourself online and build up
your HubPage traffic, then go and join eBay.

When you are ready and have published your first few Hubs, you are now ready to sign-up
and monetize your hubs; Hubpages has the following instructions which will guide you to
setting up with Adsense, Amazon, Kontera and eBay.

Click on each of the affiliates below and sign-up.




Use the worksheet in Part 6 – Planning Worksheets section to record the necessary details
so that you have a handy copy of important login details and passwords (make sure you
keep it safe).

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

The image below shows the screen that you will be presented with when you start linking
your profile with affiliate programs. You will need to fir register with the programs listed
below by clicking on the links above. Once you have been accepted onto the program you
will be sent what is referred to as an ‘Affiliate Code’ this is a unique code which identifies
you to the affiliate program.

When you have you code go into the section below and insert your affiliate code, when
Hubpages has been able to link to the program with that code the status will change to
active as shown in the image.

Figure 14 Earning on Hubpages

Remember that once you have joined the affiliate programs you must abide by and adhere

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

HubPages has a dedicated section which deals with making money with Hubpages, rather
than me writing about it all here, I am going to link to that section so you can read it at your
leisure, click on the image below and it will take you directly to that section.

Figure 15 Affiliates & Setting up on Hubpages

MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Part 4 – Planning Worksheets

Create a new Hubpages Account

Username Your username is what you'll be

known as everywhere on
HubPages. Choose it carefully!


Create a new Google Adsense Account

Username Your username is what you'll be

using to access your Google
Adsense Account and other
Google Services. Choose it


Create a new Kontera Account

Username Your username is what you'll be

using to access Kontera account.
Choose it carefully!


Create a new Amazon Associate Account

Username Your username is what you'll use

to access Amazon Associate
Program. Choose it carefully!


MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline

Part 5 – About the Author

Zubair Ahmed
Is my online identity or profile for HubPages, having recently come
across Hubpages I am now fascinated with it. Especially how easy it is
to create very professional looking web pages that can be monetized
for passive income, let’s face it we’re not all Millionaires so every extra
penny that we can generate the better we are financially.

HubPages allows you to quite easily and quickly start on that journey
of making money online. Just be patient and dedicate some time to
this activity and soon enough you will see some positive results.

As I said at the start of this book if you need help on getting started with Hubpages or at any
point once you’ve signed-up then drop me an email and I will try to respond. Better still
once you have created your online HubPage Profile then follow me and I shall follow you

1. To follow me on HubPages Click here

2. To follow me on Facebook Click here
3. To follow me on Twitter Click here

Visit some of my Hubs Click on the image below:

Good Luck and All the best with making Money FREE online!


MAKE FREE MONEY Writing articles on HUBPAGES By ZubairOnline


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